aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Fundamental Concepts - Expediency vs Principle[Weirddave]This week on social media, THE big topic has been Kim Davis and her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. The Left has been outraged, OUTRAGED I tell you, that someone would so flout the decision of the SCOTUS. Typical of the Left there have been calls for violence, death threats and much social justice wanker posturing. This is all the more strange because what Kim Davis is doing is completely and totally a product of the Left, and I don't mean that Davis is a Democrat(which she is). Davis' refusal to issue same sex marriage licenses is the inevitable result of several generations of left wing political activism aimed at ignoring the rule of law when they find it advantageous to do so. Think about the basic social contract that is the United States of America. What idea was the cornerstone of the ideological wall that the Founding Fathers used to construct this nation? What single, simple concept embodied everything that they hoped to create, and would serve as a yardstick for future generations to measure their path? “This shall be a nation of laws, not men” This was the idea that galvanized a group of Englishmen to revolt against an overreaching crown. This was their solution to prevent future totalitarian regimes from subjecting their progeny to depravities that they themselves were suffering. It was not only to be the framework of the new nation, but also the mortar holding it together, binding both citizen and official into a web of interconnecting loyalties and obligations. Rule by man could, no, inevitably would, be capricious. Rule of law was as constant as the northern star, providing the only model where justice could be guaranteed with tyranny excluded. Naturally, the Left hates the entire concept with every fiber of their being.The idea of rule of law is that the law is immutable. It says what it says, and all men are required to respect it. It can be changed, of course, but until it is, it binds the righteous and unrighteous alike. Kevin Costner, portraying Elliott Ness in The Untouchables, spends the entire movie fighting Al Capone's bootleggers. At the end of the movie, a reporter tells him that they are going to repeal the Volstead Act, what will he do then? “I think I'll have a drink” he replies. To the Left, however, the law is simply a convenient cudgel to beat their foes with until it isn't, at which point it can be ignored. Case in point, contrast to the Kim Davis situation. In 2004 Gavin Newsom, then mayor of San Francisco, ordered that the city clerks issue marriage licenses to same sex couples in spite of the fact that same sex marriage was against the law in California. The Left just got so excited and jumped around like lovesick puppies celebrating Newsom for “doing what was right” and “following his moral convictions in spite of the law”. In 2015 when Davis does the exact same thing, she is roundly condemned. In Newsom's case, the rule of law was inconvenient to the desired outcome so it was ignored. In Davis' it supported the desired outcome, so it was invoked. And how did the Right react? In both cases, the overwhelming reaction has been the same. In 2004 the Right maintained that the licenses should not have been issued, because rule of law. In 2015, the Right has maintained that the licenses should be issued, because rule of law. Most acknowledge that the law in question is nothing more than an arbitrary edict issued by Justice Kennedy's fiat, but, still, law of the land and all of that. This perfectly demonstrates one of the fundamental differences between Right and Left. The Left believes that the ends justify the means, while the Right maintains that the ends are meaningless, even dangerous, if the means are not just. However, this time around there is an interesting twist. A growing number of people on the Right have started to point out that the rule of law is pretty darn arbitrary as far as the Left is concerned. Kim Davis MUST follow the rule of law and issue the marriage licenses. Absolutely must.But Washington DC isn't issuing gun permits despite being directly ordered by the SCOTUS to do so. But immigration laws are not just being ignored, they are being flouted with impunity by the Obama Administration and Democrat sanctuary cities. But the IRS refused to issue permits to conservative non-profits, holding them in limbo for years and possibly influencing the outcome of the 2012 election. There are a lot more examples, and conservatives are starting to realize that they find themselves on the horns of a rather nasty dilemma. Conservative philosophy is all about adhering to proven principles, but when fighting an enemy that only demands of us that we honor our own standards while having none of their own, this rather puts us at a disadvantage. However, if we abandon our principles for political gain, by doing so are we destroying our philosophy as surely as the Left wants to? In The Untouchables, Elliott Ness wrestles with the same question: I have foresworn myself. I have broken every law I have sworn to uphold, I have become what I beheld and I am content that I have done right!Well, it worked out for him. Would it work out for us? Are conservatives doomed to abandon principle for expediency and push whatever policies we want, regardless of what the law says, when we are in power? Could a SoCon President require the Department of Education to require prayer in schools or a FiCon President stop funding for welfare unilaterally? Would we even be conservatives then, or simply nothing more than another gang in power for a brief period of time? That right there is a reallllly interesting question, in which lies the death of the Republic. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Get me a MUG!
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at September 04, 2015 04:30 PM (W5DcG) 2
veni vidi vici
Posted by: Sambo at September 04, 2015 04:31 PM (9UV3C) 3
yeah!!!! Dave!!!
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 04, 2015 04:32 PM (0O7c5) 4
"Wanker posturing" is an apt description.
Outrage onanists. Posted by: wooga at September 04, 2015 04:32 PM (t5sHJ) 5
Kim Davis is the mayor of Traditional Marriage sanctuary city.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at September 04, 2015 04:32 PM (W5DcG) 6
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Posted by: dananjcon at September 04, 2015 04:33 PM (NpXoL) 7
That's a lot of words for a Friday afternoon.
Posted by: scroll wheel at September 04, 2015 04:33 PM (ZtFr+) 8
Posted by: m at September 04, 2015 04:33 PM (ELEPX) 9
Hey, um, we like listening and recording your podcast for, um, metadata, which we totally won't save with your IRS file. So, um, if you could post the podcast, um, someone might like that. That's all.
Posted by: NSA at September 04, 2015 04:34 PM (7wyDO) 10
Step up to the window and place your bets on the longevity of the WeirdDave post! Step right up and place your bets!
Posted by: Country Singer at September 04, 2015 04:35 PM (nL0sw) 11
The Left just wants to win. Period.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 04, 2015 04:35 PM (oVJmc) 12
>>> Kim Davis MUST follow the rule of law and issue the marriage licenses. Absolutely must.
Not really. Posted by: Bigby's Typing Hands at September 04, 2015 04:35 PM (3ZtZW) 13
In before know...
Posted by: ManWithNoParty at September 04, 2015 04:35 PM (MPPdo) 14
how long before this post disappears into the land of lost socks and missing Obama school records?
Posted by: bob in houston at September 04, 2015 04:36 PM (XRxxn) 15
The county in Kentucky where Kim Davis works has only 23,000 residents. Just how many homosexual couples are there in that county who are being inconvenienced by Davis' refusal?
Or are they coming in from other counties and states, looking to make trouble? Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:36 PM (iIzG7) 16
some laws are more equal than others because some people are more special than others......
all men were created equal until they weren't.... liberty and justice only for the special people..... don't have a race card? don't have a ghey card? don't have a trans card? go to the back of the line.... this is what happens when there are no hills.... Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 04, 2015 04:36 PM (0O7c5) 17
Sorry to suddenly go OT, but Ace might want to read this.
Ace talked about Larry McMurtry yesterday and Waco. Guess who is going to receive from the President a National Humanities Medal? Larry McMurtry: Posted by: Anna Puma at September 04, 2015 04:36 PM (4nG/u) 18
Excellent post, weirddave!
"Under a government which imprisons unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison. " - Thoreau Posted by: Lizzy at September 04, 2015 04:37 PM (NOIQH) 19
Kinda funny that there's a man hole cover add in espanol at the top of the page...
Posted by: scottythrust at September 04, 2015 04:37 PM (E3dap) 20
In before the Disappearance!
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:37 PM (evdj2) 21
This will teach Kim Davis to vote Democrat...or will it?? Jeeze! Its like the whole country votes against their best interest. Jews, Blacks, Born Again, Union and Obamacare advisers. When will this madness cease to exist??
Posted by: dananjcon at September 04, 2015 04:38 PM (NpXoL) Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:38 PM (evdj2) Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 04, 2015 04:39 PM (0O7c5) 24
The worst part of all this is it's all a Left Wing scam to gain power and to weaken the USA. Men having husbands... Posted by: Soothsayer at September 04, 2015 04:39 PM (e0gbP) 25
Consistency, intellectual or otherwise, isn't what the Left is known for. Their immature, rebellious nature won't allow it...
Dad! Posted by: BackwardsBoy at September 04, 2015 04:39 PM (LUgeY) 26
The Left just wants to win. Period.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel ------------- The degradation of civil society is secondary...or perhaps tertiary. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 04:39 PM (9mTYi) 27
I will note that if she were in Alabama, Ms Davis could run for, and win, the District Attorney position next November.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:39 PM (evdj2) 28
Speaking Truth to Power!!
Dissent is the Highest Form of Patriotism!! Right? Right???? Oh, right...not since 2008. Posted by: Lizzy at September 04, 2015 04:40 PM (NOIQH) 29
Or are they coming in from other counties and states, looking to make trouble?
Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:36 PM (iIzG7) * The Flannel Leather Tour 2016. Posted by: dananjcon at September 04, 2015 04:40 PM (NpXoL) 30
The Lord only knows how many marriage licenses this Ohio couple had to buy before they found someone to sue.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:41 PM (evdj2) 31
In before the Disappearance!
Posted by: Grump ------------------- Soon to be sucked into the trackless cosmos. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 04:41 PM (9mTYi) Posted by: Hillary! at September 04, 2015 04:41 PM (0cMkb) 33
The Lord only knows how many marriage licenses this Ohio couple had to buy before they found someone to sue.
Posted by: Grump --------------------- Grievance collectors, on the hunt. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 04:42 PM (9mTYi) 34
>>>while the Right maintains that the ends are meaningless, even dangerous, if the means are not just.
'The Right' in this context means the Author. He might be right, but he's stretching his terms a bit far. >>>Could a SoCon President require the Department of Education to require prayer in schools or a FiCon President stop funding for welfare unilaterally? Probably not. That only works for the left. He'd get his ass impeached post haste. You'd have to win a civil war for that. >>>Would we even be conservatives then No, because you'd be effective in getting what you want, so you'd have to call it something else. Posted by: Not Mitt Romney at September 04, 2015 04:42 PM (TULs6) 35
Were I a lesser man, I'd be making a bunch of "squeal like a pig" jokes right about now, and inserting them into wedding vows...
Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:43 PM (iIzG7) 36
I'm the only one who should be called "Untouchable."
Posted by: MC Hammer at September 04, 2015 04:44 PM (VAsIq) 37
Conservatives are doomed to two options:
1- Enforce the rule of law. The underlying law of the land is the Constitution. This supersedes any technicalities like the repukes' trick in giving a nuclear arms deal to the ayatollahs, for example. There are many people who have sworn to do so, who have arrest power, and have legitimate use of force, Constitutionally. Because the Feds only have the power invested in them by the Constitution, the illegal actions such as arresting Davis or allowing illegal invader criminals to go free ARE NOT SANCTIONED BY LAW. Conservatives are not playing word games or resorting to expediency if those actions are prevented...for example if Gov. Abbott in Texas were to send the Rangers to arrest EPA officials issuing fines for regulations. 2- The second is to become slaves. Sell out now and who cares what happens to your grandkids. Posted by: Grad School Fool at September 04, 2015 04:44 PM (A9KzJ) 38
Or are they coming in from other counties and states, looking to make trouble?
Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:36 PM (iIzG7) Um, duh? Stupid Breeders. We win. Posted by: If I'd have known you were coming I'd have baked you a cake at September 04, 2015 04:44 PM (yMVjf) 39
Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Fire-hooks and Rock Salt for sale at September 04, 2015 04:45 PM (kff5f) Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Fire-hooks and Rock Salt for sale at September 04, 2015 04:45 PM (kff5f) 41
I will note that if she were in Alabama, Ms Davis could run for, and win, the District Attorney position next November.
Posted by: Grump928 Sure, but wouldn't I have to, like, marry my cousin or something? Posted by: Kim Davis at September 04, 2015 04:45 PM (VAsIq) 42
I think Alabama still has 7 counties that aren't issuing any marriage licenses at all.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:46 PM (evdj2) 43
So does this mean no content over the Labour Day Weekend?
Posted by: logprof at September 04, 2015 04:47 PM (vsbNu) 44
It was 9 last month, but a couple have pussed out.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:47 PM (evdj2) 45
She's got Bette Davis eyes.
Posted by: Turd Ferguson at September 04, 2015 04:47 PM (VAsIq) 46
Posted by: Turd Ferguson at September 04, 2015 04:48 PM (VAsIq) 47
And the Governor is too preoccupied with being dumped by his wife to get involved anymore.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:48 PM (evdj2) 48
Sure, but wouldn't I have to, like, marry my cousin or something?
Posted by: Kim Davis at September 04, 2015 04:45 PM (VAsIq) ****** Come on, it's your brother... Posted by: ManWithNoParty at September 04, 2015 04:48 PM (MPPdo) 49
If the left had jobs they wouldn't have time for this shit. I wonder what percentage of protesters and activist actually have paying jobs not related to their cause.
Posted by: dananjcon at September 04, 2015 04:48 PM (NpXoL) Posted by: daninmaryland at September 04, 2015 04:48 PM (nxZzo) 51
I'm just hoping the wife gets this half of the state in the divorce.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:48 PM (evdj2) 52
Seems like the counties or states could reduce some of the activism by requiring that one party in the marriage be a resident of the county in which the license is being issued.
Posted by: Country Singer at September 04, 2015 04:48 PM (nL0sw) 53
The degradation of civil society is secondary...or perhaps tertiary.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 04:39 PM (9mTYi) Stupid Breeders. It doesn't matter. We'll just blame you, our indoctrinated ghey masses will believe it completely and you'll be off to Happy Fun Camp. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha................ Posted by: If I'd have known you were coming I'd have baked you a cake at September 04, 2015 04:49 PM (yMVjf) 54
we didn't do a podcast this week...
we mentioned that on the last podcast. DOES NO ONE LISTEN TO THE PODCASTS, TOO?!?!! Posted by: ace at September 04, 2015 04:49 PM (dciA+) 55
As the rule of law crumbles, one of the first things to go will be the integrity of the ballot box. Given the weakness of Hillary's candidacy, I'm guessing the whole country will be 2012 Philadelphia in the next general election. In the nightmare scenario I envision, not a single GOP nominee stands a chance.
Imagine you're a cadre of hardcore, old-school Leftists who have been striving for the Cause with every fiber of your being for decades. Now that you have power and havesavored the rush of thatmost powerful drug, are you really going to give it up as the result of a free and fair election? Hard times coming. Posted by: troyriser at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (XHR9b) 56
No, it's 'Bette.'
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (oVJmc) 57
Reminder: AoSHQ Moron Football draft in two days!
Posted by: logprof at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (vsbNu) Posted by: Turd Ferguson at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (VAsIq) 59
35 Were I a lesser man, I'd be making a bunch of "squeal like a pig" jokes right about now, and inserting them into wedding vows...
Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:43 PM (iIzG7) I'd issue the marriage license, but utterly insist that one of fruits be designated as the husband, and the other as the wife. Because rules. Posted by: Hillary Clinton at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (oKE6c) 60
Good essay, Dave. I hope that it doesn't disappear into the ether.
"The Federalist" also had some interesting thoughts on the Kim Davis refusal with a devastating final paragraph, but when I tried o post it earlier I got the error message. And of course the left is freezing and polarizing her-She was married four times, She's such a hypocrite about gay marriage. first all she recently became a Christian after all her divorces and what's the point anyway, Saul persecuted Christians before he became one. I think she probably should have resigned but the Judge handled it in a way that was just really bad and yes, the leftist cheering this on gives no confidence in their benign motives as Ace noted yesterday. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (OSs/l) 61
In sport as in life, if one team ignores the rules, there are no rules.
Posted by: USA at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (tfM+W) 62
I think you posit a false dilemma. It is not "must we abandon our principles," it is "what was the root of that principle?"
As you say: "The idea of rule of law is that the law is immutable. It says what it says, and all men are required to respect it." Yet if one set of men (in this case, the Left) refuses to respect it, then we are *not* currently a nation of laws. We are expressly a nation of men. There were plenty of laws in 1760s England. The problem was not that there were not laws, or that the aristocracy/crown were not at least ostensibly bound by them; the problem was that the aristocracy and crown were not *in fact* bound by them. And to the end of correcting that, the colonists rose up in armed insurrection (surely against "the law") and threw off tyranny. Sic semper tyrannis. Well, today we have plenty of laws, and all people are (ostensibly) bound by them; but *in fact* approximately half of people are not- the Left. The only way to correct that imbalance is to call a spade a spade - to admit that we are no longer a nation of laws, to demonstrate it by ignoring laws ourselves, and (hopefully) throwing off tyranny (if, preferably, without bloodshed - however unlikely that may appear). Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Fire-hooks and Rock Salt for sale at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (kff5f) 63
The Republic is not dead. It is in shock. It requires emergency treatment and harsh antibiotics for the leftist and corruptocrat infections it suffer from.
Posted by: Grad School Fool at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (A9KzJ) 64
Did she really break the law? The law of Kentucky says that homosexuals cannot marry. I fail to see how a SCOTUS ruling about some issue in another state has any bearing on the law of Kentucky. Or am I all wet here?
Since when do we acknowledge SCOTUS making laws? Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (+YMhA) 65
Weirddave, Bring me some iced tea. Posted by: Hillary! at September 04, 2015 04:41 PM (0cMkb) ............ Make it a Long Island. Posted by: Hillary!s liver at September 04, 2015 04:51 PM (wAQA5) 66
Posted by: ace at September 04, 2015 04:49 PM (dciA+) We just listen to the podcast comments. Posted by: Country Singer at September 04, 2015 04:51 PM (nL0sw) Posted by: Every Planned Parenthood Office In The Country at September 04, 2015 04:51 PM (rHXGG) 68
>>Seems like the counties or states could reduce some of the activism by requiring that one party in the marriage be a resident of the county in which the license is being issued.
Not really feasible since this would exclude people from getting married in their home town after they've moved out of state. Posted by: Lizzy at September 04, 2015 04:51 PM (NOIQH) 69
we didn't do a podcast this week...
we mentioned that on the last podcast. DOES NO ONE LISTEN TO THE PODCASTS, TOO?!?!! Posted by: ace at September 04, 2015 04:49 PM (dciA+) ***** Threadwinner! Take the rest of the week off. You deserve it. Posted by: ManWithNoParty at September 04, 2015 04:51 PM (MPPdo) 70, soulless butchers sock.
Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at September 04, 2015 04:51 PM (rHXGG) 71
Back on topic, it's kinda ironic how much we on the right talk up nullification when it's really the leftoids who are putting into practice, especially with regard to sanctuary cities.
Why don't more conservative jurisdictions just fuckin' jump into the Nullification Pool and dare the Feds to respond? Posted by: logprof at September 04, 2015 04:51 PM (vsbNu) 72
"I'd issue the marriage license, but utterly insist that one of fruits be
designated as the husband, and the other as the wife. Because rules." I suppose that's kinder than referring to them as "Butch" and "Bitch." Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (iIzG7) 73
Posted by: ace at September 04, 2015 04:49 PM (dciA+) Wait. There's a podcast? Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Fire-hooks and Rock Salt for sale at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (kff5f) 74
i've listened to two podcasts....mostly....i like is better imho.....taped is like reading yesterdays newspaper.....i'm sorry....that's just how i feel....
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (0O7c5) 75
FenelonSpoke, I left you an attaboy on the last thread at 284. Just want you to know what I thought.
Posted by: Sambo at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (9UV3C) Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (oVJmc) Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (evdj2) Posted by: Hillary(!) at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (VAsIq) 79
15 The county in Kentucky where Kim Davis works has only 23,000 residents. Just how many homosexual couples are there in that county who are being inconvenienced by Davis' refusal?
Or are they coming in from other counties and states, looking to make trouble? Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:36 PM (iIzG7) Probably looking to make trouble. I believe her attorney has pointed out that there is a simple solution, to this in removing her name from the licenses. Of course that's not what they want. They want to force her to accept it. They tried to make a big deal about a County Judge in Ohio not signing gay marriage licenses back in July. And that of course was the big the headline. The truth though was that he objected as a Catholic and another judge was signing the licenses. All 2 of them. Posted by: buzzion at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (zt+N6) 80
So Ace, what are you doing for the holiday? Something fun I hope.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (evdj2) 81
"In sport as in life, if one team ignores the rules, there are no rules. "
Walter Sobchak called to tell me he agrees with you. Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:53 PM (iIzG7) 82
So Ace, what are you doing for the holiday? Some
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (evdj2) FIFY. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Fire-hooks and Rock Salt for sale at September 04, 2015 04:53 PM (kff5f) 83
Even if I were not a conservative, I would gravitate towards conservative sites because conservatives are thoughtful in their discourse. Sites like this one and the Federalist make me proud.
Compare with the circle-jerking going on in the lefty articles and comboxes. Posted by: Ty Angur at September 04, 2015 04:53 PM (ClZZa) 84
This is not so difficult.
When in battle with those who hold to your laws, hold yourself and them to those laws. When in battle with those who hold to other laws, hold to your laws, but understand the enemy's laws as well. When in battle with those who hold to no laws, no quarter. Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 04:53 PM (9krrF) 85
...And of course the left is freezing and polarizing her-She was married four times, She's such a hypocrite about gay marriage. first all she recently became a Christian after all her divorces and what's the point anyway, Saul persecuted Christians before he became one....
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (OSs/l) That is because the left only considers her a hypocrite because they have no understanding of what a Christian truly is. This is not Christianity, but a characterization of it. As Fulton Sheen said, Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it hasn't been tried at all. Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 04:53 PM (+YMhA) 86
63 The Republic is not dead. It is in shock. It requires emergency treatment and harsh antibiotics for the leftist and corruptocrat infections it suffer from.
Posted by: Grad School Fool at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (A9KzJ) I'm staggering against the ropes, stammering in Espanol and being bullied by everyone, but I'm READY! Posted by: El Heb-ay! Yo hablo Espanol at September 04, 2015 04:54 PM (yMVjf) 87
Probably looking to make trouble. I believe her attorney has pointed out that there is a simple solution, to this in removing her name from the licenses. Of course that's not what they want. They want to force her to accept it. A fundamental technique of brainwashing is to require the victim to testify to something they know to be false. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 04, 2015 04:54 PM (oVJmc) 88
I know I am!
Posted by: Hillary(!) at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (VAsIq) No, you are just a scrunt. Trust me on this one, honey. Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 04:54 PM (+YMhA) 89
The Left just wants to win. Period.
You misspelled subjugate. They're like little children who start ordering their younger siblings around. Winning for them is the destruction of Western Civilization and tearing down the structure of American society. There's been a dramatic shift in what I call the Psychology of the World, not for the better. As the left has risen, it's become more immature and childlike. Where once someone was unhappy where they lived, they'd take it upon themselves to move away to a place that better suited them. These days, the same mindset starts bitching and crying to be accommodated, everyone else be damned. Effeminate "leaders" allow their every whim to be realized, resulting in the cultural mess we see around us today. Someone should stand up and say, loudly and unequivocally, "We have a longstanding, successful country here that has been working quite well for a couple of centuries now. In fact, America has done more to raise the standard of living for the world than any society in history. Now, you want to come along and change it to suit you. That's not the way it works. We will not change. Far too many people have died for us to do that. While you seek to disrespect us and our culture, we will not disrespect their lives. If there's anything you don't like about our country, then feel free to find somewhere else to live. You owe it to yourself and to us to make yourself happy. It's a big, wide world out there and there is a wealth of cultural diversity. Out there somewhere is a place where you'll be happy. Avail yourself of it." Posted by: BackwardsBoy at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (LUgeY) 90
Every normal man must be tempted at times to grab a pencil, hoist up the black calculator and cheat on his taxes. Really, at your own risk, but you probably should. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (ODxAs) 91
54 we didn't do a podcast this week...
we mentioned that on the last podcast. DOES NO ONE LISTEN TO THE PODCASTS, TOO?!?!! Posted by: ace at September 04, 2015 04:49 PM (dciA+) They were all just too overwhelmed by the star power of your last guest BenK ace. Posted by: buzzion at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (zt+N6) 92
I'm looking forward to a long weekend of grandma stuff. Like crapping my pants and yelling at the lamp.
Posted by: Hillary!s liver at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (wAQA5) 93
>>Seems like the counties or states could reduce some of the
activism by requiring that one party in the marriage be a resident of the county in which the license is being issued. Dunno if Iowa still does this, but when my brother wanted to get gay-married there (because the state where he resided did not have gay marriage) (to a guy he'd known for three months, ho-hum), he had to have an Iowa resident come sign some sort of affidavit when he applied for the license (hilarity ensued when the only person who answered the phone that afternoon was our mother, who was not in a mood to drive two hours to the county where he was applying). (...and then five months later, since his state of residence did not recognize the marriage he had to move to Iowa to get divorced. No one ever listens to their big sister. Harrumph.) Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (rHXGG) 94
As Fulton Sheen said, Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it hasn't been tried at all.
Posted by: tcn in AK I'm pretty sure I tried Christianity... Posted by: Pontius Pilate at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (VAsIq) 95
I can haz podcasts?
Posted by: dananjcon at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (NpXoL) 96
Democratic Party Platform of 1996 Today's Democratic Party also believes we must remain a nation of laws. We cannot tolerate illegal immigration and we must stop it. For years before Bill Clinton became President, Washington talked tough but failed to act. In 1992, our borders might as well not have existed. The border was under-patrolled, and what patrols there were, were under-equipped. Drugs flowed freely. Illegal immigration was rampant. Criminal immigrants, deported after committing crimes in America, returned the very next day to commit crimes again. Posted by: St Thomas More at September 04, 2015 04:57 PM (e8kgV) 97
I'm pretty sure I tried Christianity...
Posted by: Pontius Pilate at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (VAsIq) Yeah, but then you washed your hands of it. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Fire-hooks and Rock Salt for sale at September 04, 2015 04:57 PM (kff5f) 98
That is because the left only considers her a hypocrite because they have no understanding of what a Christian truly is.
They seem to think that Christians have never been jailed for their beliefs before. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 04, 2015 04:57 PM (oVJmc) 99
Heh, the way Hillary! treats her help is like the way Butters treated AWESOME-O, especially asking "it" to place a suppository.
Posted by: logprof at September 04, 2015 04:57 PM (vsbNu) 100
If you had a radio show, it would have the best listener call-in segment in all of broadcasting... Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 04:58 PM (9krrF) 101
I'm pretty sure I tried Christianity...
Posted by: Pontius Pilate at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (VAsIq) No, sweetie, you just tried Our Lord and Savior. And it was YOU who was found wanting.... You were just an ineffectual bureaucrat who was recalled to Rome in disgrace, so, pretty much a democrap. Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 04:58 PM (+YMhA) 102
HR, that sounds like a former co-worker of mine. Had three gay "weddings" in the course of about sixteen months, all to different guys. Each being "at last, the one he had been looking for." None of the "weddings" was legal, but they enjoyed having a ceremony somewhere with a reception at a gay bar afterwards.
Posted by: Country Singer at September 04, 2015 04:58 PM (nL0sw) 103
Please alert all homeless in your service areas that due to the long holiday weekend, an Ewok Threat Alert has been issued. Advise all homeless to seek shelters, and to not accept offers of alcohol from any fur-people.
Posted by: Public Service Announcement at September 04, 2015 04:58 PM (VAsIq) 104
If you had a radio show, it would have the best listener call-in segment in all of broadcasting...
Someone would keep calling in to shout EN FUEGO! Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 04:58 PM (evdj2) 105
"In sport as in life, if one team ignores the rules, there are no rules."
This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules. Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:59 PM (iIzG7) 106
>>>>That is because the left only considers her a hypocrite because they have no understanding of what a Christian truly is. This is not Christianity, but a characterization of it.
It is not a characterization of it. Not even. It is Alisnky tactics, plain and simple. "Make them play by their own rules". If you're not perfect you're not allowed to have any standards. Since no one is perfect, anyone who tries to have morals or standards is a hypocrite and torn down. Posted by: Not Mitt Romney at September 04, 2015 04:59 PM (TULs6) 107
Why does nobody ever ask me how I like being a grandpa? And why won't Chelsea ever let me babysit?
Posted by: Bubba Clintoon at September 04, 2015 04:59 PM (wAQA5) 108
>>first all she recently became a Christian after all her divorces ...
A man can become a woman by simply saying "Today, I self-identify as a woman" and they will go back and us "she" for all actions by that person since birth, yet they will lecture that she has no right to assert her Christianity because of things she did before she converted to Christianity. By design, of course, this is one of Alinsky's rules for radicals. Posted by: Lizzy at September 04, 2015 04:59 PM (NOIQH) 109
They seem to think that Christians have never been jailed for their beliefs before.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 04, 2015 04:57 PM (oVJmc) Pretty sure about 200 or so years of visiting the Coliseum by force puts that in the crapper. Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 04:59 PM (+YMhA) 110
"Are conservatives doomed to abandon principle for expediency and push
whatever policies we want, regardless of what the law says, when we are in power? Could a SoCon President require the Department of Education to require prayer in schools or a FiCon President stop funding for welfare unilaterally?" There's a difference in the underlying circumstances. When Republicans are in power, Democrats fight back aggressively with all available mechanisms. When Democrats are in power, Republicans either collaborate with them, or shrug in passive resignation. Hey, you can't fight City Hall. Posted by: torquewrench at September 04, 2015 05:00 PM (noWW6) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:00 PM (St6BJ) 112
"A fundamental technique of brainwashing is to require the victim to testify to something they know to be false."
I finally read 1984 this year, having read Animal Farm ages ago. It gave me the same depressing feeling I felt when I watched Office Space after working in IT for several years. Worse, actually, because Office Space had a happy ending. Posted by: Nutsy the Buzzard at September 04, 2015 05:00 PM (lJJaE) 113
"That is because the left only considers her a hypocrite because they have no understanding of what a Christian truly is."
I got into it with one of my relatives two days ago. It's pure Sowell. It's simply inconceivable that there could be another interpretation of the bible that would make her not a hypocrite (such as, of course, her having a recent religious awakening). Why? Because "I believe that she is a hypocrite... I don't feel that posting facts is attacking her..." And some of them really can't think. I changed the meme that's going around about Quakers and gun permits to be Quakers and deporting illegal aliens. (See link in nic). But, unhinged commenters say, what does deportation have to do with being nonviolent? So I decided to change the meme photo from a rainbow, like the original, to Elian Gonzales at gunpoint. Like Orwell said, so much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot. Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 04, 2015 05:01 PM (2lndx) 114
If you had a radio show, it would have the best listener call-in segment in all of broadcasting... Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 04:58 PM (9krrF) The joke "I love the show, I never listen" is one done by Bob Zany when he would do the Zany Report on the Bob and Tom Show Posted by: buzzion at September 04, 2015 05:01 PM (zt+N6) 115
Every normal man must be tempted at times to grab a pencil, hoist up the black calculator and cheat on his taxes. Really, at your own risk, but you probably should. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 04, 2015 04:55 PM (ODxAs) --I have not declared my interest income for over a decade. Fuck 'em, the amount is not worth the effort calculating to report and almost never had affected my tax anyway when I did report it. Posted by: logprof at September 04, 2015 05:01 PM (vsbNu) Posted by: The Burning Time at September 04, 2015 05:01 PM (evdj2) 117
None of the "weddings" was legal, but they enjoyed having a ceremony somewhere with a reception at a gay bar afterwards.
Well, at least they got lots of attention. Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at September 04, 2015 05:02 PM (rHXGG) 118
"A fundamental technique of brainwashing is to require the victim to testify to something they know to be false."
--- Read "A Thousand Deaths" by Orson Scott Card. A little dated (the villain is the Soviet Union), but spot-on. Posted by: Turd Ferguson at September 04, 2015 05:02 PM (VAsIq) 119
What single, simple concept embodied everything that they hoped to create, and would serve as a yardstick for future generations to measure their path?
That all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. FIFY Posted by: Methos at September 04, 2015 05:02 PM (ZbV+0) 120
This seems to be getting ignored, perhaps on purpose, by everyone.
Kim Davis did not issue ANY MARRIAGE LICENSES. She did not discriminate between SSM and standard marriage. She issued no licenses. I'm guessing her thought was that the Federal Government has no right in deciding something that to her is spelled out by God in the Bible. So as to be fair, she suspended issuing all marriage licenses in protest of the States interference. So how about we be fair about this and report the facts instead of repeating the Media's meme? Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at September 04, 2015 05:03 PM (x3GpS) 121
Like Orwell said, so much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot.
Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at September 04, 2015 05:01 PM (2lndx) So, mostly poo-flinging monkeys. Who don't even realize they are in a cage. Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 05:03 PM (+YMhA) 122
The laws have also been used to make issues fair and balanced. Handicapped people have laws that give them access and fair treatment. Why is this issue of gay marriage not treated in the same manner? Why was there not someone in place who could issue the marriage certificates, and therefore she didn't have to go against the law?
No sane social conservative wants to force anyone to pray. What we are sick and tired of is telling us the only place we can pray is church and sometimes in the privacy of our own homes. I cannot speak on behalf of the radical social conservatives but this family, while being pro-life, pro no NEA, pro no IRS, etc., we would and did vote for a Mormon, strongly dislike Huckabee, and are really tired of social conservatives being treated as if we marry our sisters, have never read a book outside of the Bible, and are just in general are too narrow minded to think taking on the mantle of fascism in order to get the nation back on track would still amount to fascism. We here will simply take the Constitution and Bill of Rights for a trillion Alex and let it begin and end with that. Sort of rule by what would the Founders do? Minus the obvious slavery, and no women voting deals. Posted by: freeus at September 04, 2015 05:03 PM (caDgg) 123
Ace says he favors the rule of law, and yet here it is Friday and no podcast. I'll leave it to you to draw the obvious conclusion.
Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at September 04, 2015 05:03 PM (IN7k+) 124
110 Posted by: torquewrench at September 04, 2015 05:00 PM (noWW6)
And herein you raise the $210 trillion dollar question: Is it acceptable to be lawless in order to reestablish the rule of law? We as conservatives have a very solid sense of right and wrong. I would think we do not ascribe to ends justifying the means. That's why we're on a 100 plus year losing streak in terms of preserving, nay "conserving" the republic as established. What say ye? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:03 PM (St6BJ) Posted by: Milton Waddams at September 04, 2015 05:04 PM (oVJmc) 126
This is not so difficult.
When in battle with those who hold to your laws, hold yourself and them to those laws. When in battle with those who hold to other laws, hold to your laws, but understand the enemy's laws as well. When in battle with those who hold to no laws, no quarter. Posted by: Brother Cavil ------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, exactly. Or as an analogy I like to give: It is usually forbidden to physically assault someone. But that principle goes out the window when you act in self defense, and then there's nothing immoral with using as much force as is necessary to defend yourself. Let's not fall into the fallacy of thinking that just because action X is immoral under certain circumstances, that it is immoral under *all* circumstances. Kant famously thought that lying was *alway* wrong, even if you hid someone that a killer was stalking and he knocked on your door and asked if you'd seen him. I think most people reject that. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at September 04, 2015 05:04 PM (E5UB0) 127
The cake was not evenly divided.
Posted by: The Burning Time at September 04, 2015 05:04 PM (evdj2) 128
Office Space had a happy ending.
We will have a similar ending. Posted by: The Burning Time Behold, the regalia of the Warlord of the Wastes! The Throne of Skulls; the No-Pants; the Red Swingline Stapler... Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 05:04 PM (9krrF) 129
What pod, and why do we want it to cast?
Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 05:04 PM (+YMhA) 130
Shorter version of the post The left when a rule impedes what they want/like- get rid of the rule!! When the rule protects what they want/like- It's the law, deal with it! Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at September 04, 2015 05:04 PM (0x/TW) 131
81 "In sport as in life, if one team ignores the rules, there are no rules. "
Walter Sobchak called to tell me he agrees with you. Posted by: Qoheleth at September 04, 2015 04:53 PM (iIzG7) And we don't roll on shabbos! Posted by: USA at September 04, 2015 05:05 PM (tfM+W) 132
117 None of the "weddings" was legal, but they enjoyed having a ceremony somewhere with a reception at a gay bar afterwards.
Well, at least they got lots of attention. Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at September 04, 2015 05:02 PM (rHXGG) Let me guess; the reception was catered by an Indiana pizzeria and photographed by someone from Oregon??? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:05 PM (St6BJ) 133
"This shall be a nation of laws, not men"
Actually, how about a nation of transwomen? That would be cool. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at September 04, 2015 05:05 PM (E5UB0) 134
Also, my dad is an accountant and does my U.S. taxes. This year I owed some piddly amount to another state, so small that the arrears was lower than the cost of purchasing the module to process for that state. My dad just told me "Fuck it, if they really want that $17 let them calculate it for you and ask for it."
Posted by: logprof at September 04, 2015 05:06 PM (vsbNu) 135
131 And we don't roll on shabbos!
Posted by: USA at September 04, 2015 05:05 PM (tfM+W) Emmes truth, bubbie. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:06 PM (St6BJ) 136
Do I need to screenshot this so I can read it?
Posted by: blaster at September 04, 2015 05:06 PM (2Ocf1) 137
I would tune in to a live AoSHQ podcast, or just a podcast where the crew picks a thread and reads 25 comments in funny voices. I'm weird like that. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at September 04, 2015 05:06 PM (ODxAs) 138
Is it acceptable to be lawless in order to reestablish the rule of law?
When a structure cannot be saved, do you continue to waste resources trying to prop it up as long as possible? Or do you salvage what you can, knock it down, and start fresh? Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 05:06 PM (9krrF) 139
The Five on Fox has lost its way. Today, Eric Bolling, Geraldo Riviera, Greg Gutfeld, Jedadiah Bila, and Meggy McCain. Meggy F'n McCain? Posted by: Doctor Fish at September 04, 2015 05:07 PM (OiFtZ) 140
We as conservatives have a very solid sense of right and wrong. I would think we do not ascribe to ends justifying the means. That's why we're on a 100 plus year losing streak in terms of preserving, nay "conserving" the republic as established.
This is true, and it is what we must never abandon. The moment we ascribe to "the ends justify the means" then we've lost something fundamental. But those "ends" and "means" are not necessarily "the law" and "law abiding." The "end" is a cohesive civil society which best protects everyone's liberty, and the means must be aligned with that as well as with that sense of right and wrong that you mention. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Fire-hooks and Rock Salt for sale at September 04, 2015 05:07 PM (M1uf/) 141
120 Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at September 04, 2015 05:03 PM (x3GpS)
Wow. I did not know that. This Kim Davis sounds like a pretty sharp and principled woman. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:07 PM (St6BJ) Posted by: Red light on NSA console at September 04, 2015 05:07 PM (9mTYi) 143
Most acknowledge that the law in question is nothing more than an arbitrary edict issued by Justice Kennedy's fiat, but, still, law of the land and all of that.
I'm sure that someone must have already pointed this out, but judges can't make law. They can invalidate laws but they can't make new ones. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 04, 2015 05:08 PM (zc3Db) 144
Let me guess; the reception was catered by an Indiana pizzeria and photographed by someone from Oregon???
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:05 PM (St6BJ) Nothing that fancy. Just bar food (fried cheese sticks and chicken tenders) and camera phones. Posted by: Country Singer at September 04, 2015 05:08 PM (nL0sw) 145
Could someone get someone in here to scratch my cooter. It is old and dry and needs moisture.
Posted by: Hillary at September 04, 2015 05:08 PM (xWW96) 146
As said previously, I download, save, and listen to them on long car trips. I'm as far as the BenK Guest podcast. Could be two more weeks till I listen to more, but I do listen to them. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 04, 2015 05:08 PM (VPLuQ) 147
139 Posted by: Doctor Fish at September 04, 2015 05:07 PM (OiFtZ)
I've only seen her pic at Breitbart but that Jedediah Bila appears to be smoking hot. But that name? I can't see myself dating a chick named Jed. But in her case I'd make the exception, if hotness is confirmed. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:09 PM (St6BJ) 148
Dammit, Tinyurl appears to be down
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (9mTYi) 149
But that name? I can't see myself dating a chick named Jed.
You'd prefer a boy named Sue? /runs for cover Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (9krrF) 150
They can invalidate laws but they can't make new ones.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 04, 2015 05:08 PM (zc3Db) So far as I can figure, they didn't invalidate KY law that says marriage is one man and one woman. So, why is she being locked up? Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (+YMhA) 151
Jedediah Bila appears to be smoking hot.... Posted by: J.J. Sefton Confirmed hotness coupled with a nice ass! Posted by: Doctor Fish at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (OiFtZ) 152
Yeah, Jed Bila is hotter than the 7th level of Hell.
Posted by: maddogg at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (xWW96) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (VPLuQ) 154
How long until THIS post disappears?
Posted by: Jeff Weimer at September 04, 2015 05:11 PM (Edob3) 155
149 But that name? I can't see myself dating a chick named Jed.
You'd prefer a boy named Sue? /runs for cover Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (9krrF) Don't put words - or penises in my mouth. Unless either or both are my own. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:11 PM (St6BJ) 156
We do need to change the system so that the entire nation is not being ruled, in effect, by the swing vote of one unelected official. Or just go ahead with a Caesar.
Either or. Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 05:12 PM (evdj2) 157
I've only seen her pic at Breitbart but that Jedediah Bila appears to be smoking hot.
But that name? I can't see myself dating a chick named Jed. But in her case I'd make the exception, if hotness is confirmed. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:09 PM (St6BJ) I agree. Posted by: Jedediah S. Smith at September 04, 2015 05:12 PM (vsbNu) 158
Tinyurl test Posted by: Village Idiot's ------------- That works, but when I try to connect, I get timeouts. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 05:12 PM (9mTYi) 159
Posted by: Sambo at September 04, 2015 04:52 PM (9UV3C)
Thanks, Sambo. I appreciate the thumbs up. I have mentioned that I pray for Hillary before but evidently not when you are I guess people who have seen it before are probably sick of it. :^) She doesn't seen like a very happy person despite all the money and power. I think like so many people who have a lot of power and money they become their own gods and I believe she would be so much happier if she really embraced Christ and felt embraced by him, and if she had the fruit of the spirit. I had an elderly congregation member once who was in a nursing home because she had gone blind and had no family. She was in a very simple room and was one of the most joyful people I know, She'd pray for everyone that came on by and she was very loved. She had no worldly possessions and yet she was very wealthy spiritually and emotionally. She was so much more of a fortunate person that i think Hillary is. I pray for all of the folks inpolitical office. I even pray for the conversion of George Soros Sometimes it's hard not to pray "Smite them, Lord" prayers because I feel angry. I guess that's why Christianity can be very hard-it's hard to pray for one's enemies. if we try to do it under our own power rather than relying on the HS. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 04, 2015 05:12 PM (OSs/l) 160
21 This will teach Kim Davis to vote Democrat...or will it?? Jeeze! Its like the whole country votes against their best interest. Jews, Blacks, Born Again, Union and Obamacare advisers. When will this madness cease to exist??
Posted by: dananjcon at September 04, 2015 04:38 PM (NpXoL) Newsflash: Kim Davis IS a Democrat. Posted by: Jeff Weimer, Ret FCCS(SW/AW) at September 04, 2015 05:12 PM (Edob3) Posted by: fluffy at September 04, 2015 05:12 PM (2iV3X) 162
There is an inverse relationship between how much power the left holds, and how often they talk about concepts like tolerance and restraint.
Posted by: Dave S. at September 04, 2015 05:13 PM (leNBy) Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 04, 2015 05:13 PM (VPLuQ) 164
>>The Five on Fox has lost its way. Today, Eric Bolling, Geraldo Riviera, Greg Gutfeld, Jedadiah Bila, and Meggy McCain. Meggy F'n McCain?
Posted by: Doctor Fish First problem is that exceeds five. Posted by: Aviator at September 04, 2015 05:13 PM (c7vUv) 165
145 Could someone get someone in here to scratch my cooter. It is old and dry and needs moisture.
Posted by: Hillary at September 04, 2015 05:08 PM (xWW96) . . . like a longshoreman's calloused heel. (excerpt from Bob Saget from "The Aristocrats") Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:13 PM (St6BJ) 166
>>>> 61 In sport as in life, if one team ignores the rules, there are no rules. Posted by: USA at September 04, 2015 04:50 PM (tfM+W) ------- This. The problem conservatives have is still playing by rules long ago crapped on by the left. If a handful of ballsy judges starting fvcking with them in the same way, it will quickly devolve into civil unrest. Hence no spines to be found. Arrest the Mayors of SF and DC. Start somewhere. Posted by: GBruno at September 04, 2015 05:13 PM (u49WF) 167
When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.
Posted by: Paul Muad-dib at September 04, 2015 05:13 PM (0TXlm) 168
Jedediah Clampett. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:14 PM (St6BJ) 169
Is it acceptable to be lawless in order to reestablish the rule of law? How so? Actions taken by sworn men, those in the military and especially in LE, are inherently lawful if they are defending the Constitution. Actions taken by sworn men, including those politicians whose every kickback is an affront to the Constitution and whose every political act is a subversion of it, that are inherently unlawful have no legal protection. The pinkos hate this, and play semantics with any discussion of this concept to make it appear that it is revolution, treason, and disorder to suggest that law and defense of the nation is the prime responsibility of government. Posted by: Grad School Fool at September 04, 2015 05:14 PM (A9KzJ) Posted by: Jedediah Smith at September 04, 2015 05:14 PM (vsbNu) 171
She doesn't seen like a very happy person despite all the money and power. I think like so many people who have a lot of power and money they become their own gods and I believe she would be so much happier if she really embraced Christ and felt embraced by him, and if she had the fruit of the spirit.
I've seen it time and again. If you don't have Him, nothing else is ever enough. Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (9krrF) 172
"145 Could someone get someone in here to scratch my cooter. It is old and dry and needs moisture.
Posted by: Hillary at September 04, 2015 05:08 PM (xWW96) " Saddle soap scrub, followed by a good neatsfoot oil rub. Have those leathery piss flaps flexible in no time. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (VPLuQ) 173
So far as I can figure, they didn't invalidate KY law that says marriage is one man and one woman. So, why is she being locked up?
Posted by: tcn in AK at September 04, 2015 05:10 PM (+YMhA) I would assume that they instructed KY to change its laws and its Constitution. As to Davis, so far as I can tell she is being locked up because the judge decided to take over adminstrating KY and she defied his order for state work. My view is that he really should have to instruct KY to deal with her and they (a KY judge, say) would have to be the one to order to carry out some state function and then, if she defied that order, would be jailed ... or more appropriately, instruct KY to change their law and then she would be dealt with by the appropriate adminstrator in the state. But ... it seems that the judge prefers to play MacArthur to KY. I can see the fun in being a local dictator and knocking around low level employees. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (zc3Db) 174
Posted by: Granny at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (oVJmc) 175
What's the under/over on how long before this post gets "WeirdDaved" down the memory hole?
Posted by: The Betting Hat at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (0TXlm) 176
Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (9krrF)Posted by:
Good point. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 04, 2015 05:16 PM (OSs/l) 177
Or just go ahead with a Caesar.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 05:12 PM (evdj2) We already have a Sukarno ... which is pretty damn close. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 04, 2015 05:16 PM (zc3Db) 178
Flameth Threadth!
Posted by: Grump928(c) at September 04, 2015 05:17 PM (evdj2) 179
Next threads a free-for-all
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 04, 2015 05:17 PM (VPLuQ) 180
I was told there'd be cheese fries on the set lolololol
Posted by: Meghan McCheese at September 04, 2015 05:17 PM (vsbNu) 181
What's the under/over on how long before this post gets "WeirdDaved" down the memory hole?
Posted by: The Betting Hat at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (0TXlm) Under six parsecs. Posted by: George Lucas, not looking up what words mean at September 04, 2015 05:18 PM (M1uf/) 182
166 Posted by: GBruno at September 04, 2015 05:13 PM (u49WF)
The courts are now virtually all rigged at every level to give the veneer of legality to that which is utterly lawless. They may be a minority but they captured the fucking country. Or at least the levers of power and communication. Harvey Logan: "Rules?! In a knife fight?! No rules!" Butch kicks Harvey squarely in the nuts, causing him to fall to his knees. Butch: "Okay, somebody count 1,2,3 go!" Sundance: "1,2,3 go!" Butch then belts him right in the face and Logan collapses in a heap. Not to the American people. See above excerpt from "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" for appropriate course of action. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:18 PM (St6BJ) 183
179 Next threads a free-for-all
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at September 04, 2015 05:17 PM (VPLuQ) Nugent? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:18 PM (St6BJ) 184
Ace, the rule of law has been over for quite sometime. When the other side doesn't play fair, then you have to play unfair as well. The supreme court and the courts in general killed the Constitution over the last few years. The republic is over and it's not coming back. Once a political transition happens, you can't go back only forward.
You need to find a Ceasar before the left will kills millions as they did in Russia, China, and Cambodia. They're gearing up for it. White privilege propaganda is almost a word for word rerun of the Jewish or Kulak question. It's coming. Ceasar saved the Roman empire from it's destructive leftist elements that were ripping it apart from the inside. It's not a solution I liked, but I wouldn't mind seeing the American empire last another 400-1400 years. Posted by: Red at September 04, 2015 05:19 PM (7us0J) 185
This is the old "if we use the enemies methods, we become just like our enemies"
It is a total bullshit argument. Our Founders played by the Rule of Law until they became so oppressive that they had to use the exact same method the King used to enforce. Guns and Powder. Did our Founders become just as bad the King? Posted by: The Winged Hussars at September 04, 2015 05:21 PM (4vXIq) 186
175 What's the under/over on how long before this post gets "WeirdDaved" down the memory hole?
Posted by: The Betting Hat at September 04, 2015 05:15 PM (0TXlm) ++++ It won't. Ace commented in some thread that the reason Dave's stuff was getting 86'd was because he was posting controversial stuff on the weekend and site management doesn't want to get involved in parsing potentially controversial stuff on the weekend. The solution was for Dave to post during regular business hours when management had no problem taking the time to review and consider his posts. Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at September 04, 2015 05:21 PM (IN7k+) 187
"White privilege propaganda is almost a word for word rerun of the Jewish or Kulak question."
As an American, listening to oblahblah or one of his news puppets speak is like being Polish in 1938 and listening to Hitler shriek about lebensraum. Posted by: Grad School Fool at September 04, 2015 05:22 PM (A9KzJ) 188
"A fundamental technique of brainwashing is to require the victim to testify to something they know to be false."
-------------- An element of Newspeak: "Blackwhite" Blackwhite has “two mutually contradictory meanings" depending on whether it is applied to an opponent — "impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts" — or to a Party member — "a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands". However, it is also an example of doublethink, because it represents an active rewriting of the past, which is a key aspect of the Party's control. Indeed, blackwhite is explained as "the ability to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary". This blind faith can stem from respect for authority, fear, indoctrination, critical laziness, or gullibility. Orwell's blackwhite refers only to that caused by fear, indoctrination, or repression of critical thinking, rather than that caused by laziness or gullibility. A true Party member could automatically and without thought expunge any "incorrect" information and neatly replace it with "true" information. Done properly, there would be no recollection of the "incorrect" information. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 05:23 PM (9mTYi) 189
I'm sure that someone must have already pointed this out, but judges can't make law. They can invalidate laws but they can't make new ones.
Yes, I know. But you do realize that we're the ones insisting "That's not how this works. that's not how any of this works", don't you? Unfortunately, a majority of people are taping pictures to their walls and calling themselves computer savvy. Posted by: Weirddave at September 04, 2015 05:24 PM (WvS3w) 190
This is the old "if we use the enemies methods, we become just like our enemies"
It is a total bullshit argument. Posted by: The Winged Hussars at September 04, 2015 05:21 PM (4vXIq) Exactly. Proper conduct is context-dependent. Biting someone's ear off is normally insane behavior, but if someone attacks me in the street and is looking to kill me then biting his ear off (if that will help) is the right thing to do. That doesn't mean that I'll run around biting people's ears off just for the fun of it. Leftists love to assume that just because someone does something in one context that means he'll do it in any context. In WWII, incinerating cities was the right and moral thing for us to do. That is proven by the fact that it was the most successful war in history and our actions ended up turning our most implacable and vicious enemies into our closest and most trustworthy allies for over half a century afterwards. Sadly, those lessons have been lost ... Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 04, 2015 05:28 PM (zc3Db) 191
Should I be buying machete futures? Yet another machete incident. Read the third paragraph carefully: Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 05:28 PM (9mTYi) 192
The left is always calling for political violence. But it is the right that actually does it
Posted by: Righter at September 04, 2015 05:30 PM (A9iPS) Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at September 04, 2015 05:30 PM (W5DcG) 194
---------------- That's my plan with Muslims! Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at September 04, 2015 05:31 PM (9mTYi) 195
Don't put words - or penises in my mouth. Unless either or both are my own.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:11 PM (St6BJ) Don't suck your own dick. That's just gross. Posted by: ConservativeMonster at September 04, 2015 05:33 PM (0NdlF) 196
The left is always calling for political violence. But it is the right that actually does it
I remember the rape tents at #OccupySkidRow morphing into targeted assassinations of activists during the #WhiteLivesChatter movement. Posted by: Weirddave at September 04, 2015 05:34 PM (WvS3w) 197
Yes, I know. But you do realize that we're the ones insisting "That's not how this works. that's not how any of this works", don't you?
I'm sorry. You lost me a bit, here. I was just making a semantic point. I know that judges have the power to force pretty much anything on anyone in their courtroom. The one place where no one has any rights, at all, is being in a court room and being anyone other than the defendant. Everyone else is stripped of all rights and can be forced by the judge to do anything at all, with threat of jail for not complying. As to the judge adminstering the state (as marriage is a state issue, not a federal one) ... the judge has the power to push anyone around and demand anything but someone really needs to impeach such a judge who is not going through, what I would consider to be, the proper procedures of instructing the state to take care of their business. Unfortunately, a majority of people are taping pictures to their walls and calling themselves computer savvy. Posted by: Weirddave at September 04, 2015 05:24 PM (WvS3w) Those were pretty funny commercials. My favorite was the disc tray coffee holder. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 04, 2015 05:35 PM (zc3Db) 198
The left is always calling for political violence. But it is the right that actually does it
I wish. Posted by: Grump928(c) Lord of the Dance at September 04, 2015 05:37 PM (evdj2) 199
Great post Weird Dave.
Posted by: ye olde zoilist gnashgab at September 04, 2015 05:38 PM (cbfNE) 200
Perhaps the problem here is that weirddave is assuming that SCOTUS is due deference when they make a legislative-type declaration.
I think it is reasonable on several grounds to argue that the gay marriage decision is unconstitutional. That it is the federal equivalent of an illegal order. And, just as a military man is duty bound to refuse to comply with an illegal order, the citizenry is duty bound to refuse this SCOTUS proclamation. Posted by: Been there; done that at September 04, 2015 05:39 PM (oDzWx) 201
The left is always calling for political violence. But it is the right that actually does it
That choom's been soaked in something _good_. Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at September 04, 2015 05:45 PM (rHXGG) 202
I usually like these think-pieces that WD posts, but on a Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend??
Posted by: I. Dindoo Nuffin at September 04, 2015 05:47 PM (5fSr7) 203
To the 'Left' the 1st Amendment freedom from government imposed religion is their excuse to impose their own bizarre belief systems and faith upon others.
If any object then the left claim the objection is because of christian religion. Which, to some people, subjectively, this is actually often the case. What people need to recognize is that the left is using government to impose its beliefs on others. Posted by: Burnt Toast at September 04, 2015 05:50 PM (NaeCR) 204
Larry McMurtry is about as 200% hippie as you can get having dropped acid. Back in the day with kenkesey and the meet pranksters
Hell he married Kelsey's wife He is a liberal frmocrat I am surprised ace. Can't taste that Posted by: Righter at September 04, 2015 05:50 PM (A9iPS) 205
This is essentially jury nullification.
I wrote my grad thesis in law school on the topic. Got the highest grade int he class, and won an award for it. It is summed up as "that Law is bullshit". Example: Let's say that a state passes a law that says that you putting a quarter into the parking meter that another driver is parked at is a criminal offense (misdemeanor) punishable by prison. This normally wouldn't be a misdemeanor (instead at summary at best) but we need a jury for the example. The state's goal of the parking meter is to have people pay a fair share (25 cents) for an hour of parking on public property. The ticket for an expired meter is, say, $50.00. That $50 is a FINE, punishment for NOT renting the space at 25 cents/hr. So the City wants you to pay the 25 cents. Drivers park their cars as usual. Time passes. One day, an old lady decides to be a Good Samaritan and puts quarters into others' meters so they remain compliant with the law. A cop sees her, and decides to charge her for violating the law, one count per meter. Each count (say, 10, carries 6 months in jail, max. She is taken to court, and tried before a jury. The DA proves each element of the statutory offense, the Judge instructs the jury on the law, and the jury realizes that, yes, she violated the law. But the jury (finder of fact) decides that, "that law is bullshit". Why? Because the state's interest is having the space rented at 25 cents per hour. She helped another person comply with that, COMPLY with the LAW. The state's STATED goal was met. But the state is pissed because the meter WOULD have expired, and they WOULD have had a $50 ticket. This law she violated undermines the state's stated motive/interest in collecting the 25 cents, because it indicates that the state's actual, hidden motive is that it WANTS the driver to miss the meter and get screwed for the $50. It shows it wanst people to not odey the law because it stands to profit more form that. So her "complying with one law" ends up causing her to "violate another". So they acquit her - not guilty. Why? Because the jury became not just the judge of facts, but also of the LAW. It makes the jury the last line of consequence to the legislature, executive and judiciary. People associate the OJ Simpson verdict to nullification. It wasn't - that was bias. Some jurors thought cops framed blacks, so they were biased against cops in favor of blacks. That wasn't an opinion on the law of murder that OJ was accused of. Imagine the "fun" that results from this. Judges HATE jury nullification, and will kick you out of the courthouse for even saying the two words in the same sentence. Yet there are solid legal arguments for it to exist - the issue is whether the court should instruct the jury on it. Posted by: Saltydonnie at September 04, 2015 06:06 PM (zBwYh) 206
Good grief, how does the number of comments get so long so fast.
At the risk of repeating others, this country was also founded, perhaps most importantly, on each sovereign individual being imbued with natural rights that come from somewhere (jury is out as to where) that are the premier point. that no law, nor any constitutional point (thus the bill of rights) can change those rights. Yes the courts have tinkered with the extent of how those rights can be exercised, most often in retarded and absurd ways that only a lawyer would countenance, but the rights are still held by the individual. One of which is the free exercise of religion. So the duly elected County Clerk is trying to exercise her religious beliefs. Impeach her, recall her, whatever, but she is exercising her religious beliefs. Being imprisoned for that is really, really scary. Posted by: RCCJr at September 04, 2015 06:09 PM (dVp8a) 207
Best hypothetical I heard today- Would her ass be in jail if she was a muslim? Congress has passed no law that make same sex marriage legal. When do Federal Judges write law? I will admit that I bought into to the deal but finally have read enough to know that this is utter bullshit.
Posted by: Ben Had at September 04, 2015 06:10 PM (Xke+m) 208
Excellent post, Weirddave. Heartily concur.
One thing to consider that I've not seen brought up yet (or perhaps I missed when it was) is that it's a good indication that leftists in general and gaytheists (people who are "atheists" because religion gets in the way of their sexytiems) in particular absolutely have no idea how people of faith think. They assume that, because they lack any kind of morality apart from their own self-gratification, that people of faith are essentially "faking it". Anyone who dies for his/her beliefs simply wasn't expecting to *really* die for them, since they themselves would never die for their "rights" to murder children and put whatever they want in their mouths. The most rabid Gaystapo footsoldier would recant in a heartbeat if some ISIS member was holding a sword over his neck. They project this "fluidity" of their own beliefs on a world which does not share it. Hence, they are only feeding into Davis's sense of martyrdom if you're a skeptic or her righteousness to step out for the Lord as Paul did when he was jailed if you aren't. Jailing her only makes her stronger in her own mind AT THE VERY BEST and inspires people at the very worst. Believing Christians are not so devoted to the Republican brand (which has been constantly betraying them anyway) that they'll give a thought to her being a Democrat. The secular among the Right may still be seeing her as The Enemy because of that (D) and because, LAW. But a lot of Christians typically won't. The Left screwed the pooch, they're just too stupid and narcissistic to realize it yet. Posted by: Saber Alter at September 04, 2015 06:12 PM (eawKK) 209
BTW, all of us that have, at one time or another sworn our oath to the Constitution of the United States have not only the responsibility but the duty to interpret the meaning of the Constitution as our understanding of it. Will we all come to the same conclusion...obviously not. But maybe that tempest in a teacup is a feature and not a bug. Especially if it ends up that the most people get to exercise the most freedom thereof.
Posted by: RCCJr at September 04, 2015 06:13 PM (dVp8a) 210
Quick thought: In theory, can't we just amend the Judiciary Act of 1789 to state that federal courts cannot "publish" any opinion made with less than a 2/3rds or 3/4ths majority?
('published' here meaning 'precedential', at least as I understand) Something like: 1. All district court opinions shall be unpublished. 2. Circuit courts can only publish opinions when hearing a case en-banc and then require a 2/3rds majority. 3. The Supreme Court needs a 3/4ths majority to publish an opinion. Marbury V. Madison dictates that the court has the power of judicial review, but as long as the congress doesn't mess with anything explicitly mentioned in the constitution (e.g., the original jurisdiction of the supreme court, the fact that members serve for life, etc.) then the congress should theoretically have the power to determine the operation of the court other than those aspects explicitly listed. It doesn't strip the court or limit the court's power of judicial review, and the Constitution never said and the court never ruled that it has to be able to overturn laws with a simple majority, to my knowledge. Posted by: Zack at September 04, 2015 06:59 PM (Qerbt) 211
I wonder since she is a democrat has she figured out who she has been voting for since she has been one.
Posted by: skip at September 04, 2015 07:07 PM (JghBF) 212
What a great post Weirddave. Pretty much summarizes DAILY the struggle we have as a conservatives...winning or doing the right thing. I promise you the liberals in my circle of family and friends do NOT have even close the understanding of our Constitution, history, the founding of this country and the principles on which it was formed and they indeed believe that the ends justify the means.
Posted by: Michael Hill at September 04, 2015 07:17 PM (vUmBG) 213
Is it acceptable to be lawless in order to reestablish the rule of law? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 04, 2015 05:03 PM (St6BJ) The American Revolution was considered lawless behavior by the British. Unfortunately, I think something similar will be necessary to re-establish the rule of law. Posted by: rickl at September 04, 2015 07:56 PM (sdi6R) 214
Great post Dave and here it is all these hours later and it's still here.
The exit question is the existential one, what are we when we reject the "law"? Of course this is sop of the left and we sit around wringing our hands, perhaps the time has come to embrace the rule book they use. Posted by: Anthony Weiners Ghost at September 04, 2015 08:14 PM (N1ljp) 215
OK, finally caught up with all the comments.
I linked this post by Karl Denninger yesterday. As he often does, he approaches the problem from a totally different angle, to wit: A "license" is the government's permission to engage in an activity that would otherwise be illegal. Why does anybody need permission from the government to get married? Posted by: rickl at September 04, 2015 08:31 PM (sdi6R) 216
Anyone else think the left is just a bunch of priggy monarchists? Really they just want someone to tell them what to do and think.
Posted by: Notorious George Orwell's Ghost at September 04, 2015 09:10 PM (dEwvU) Posted by: Gene Kelly at September 04, 2015 09:22 PM (l9UEg) 218
Sorry for the long post.
I work in a customer bitch centre. Guy calls in there are 11 ppv movies on his account. he didn't order them there is a dsbl blk on his account since 04/15/14 so it's a cable carrier error he's calling from virgina beach seems' he sighn'd up in 58 (4years marine) switched to army and retired in 85 ....but he switch'd to navy and spent the remaining years navy ...told me spent 5 years' under water. starded out on "boomers" ...transferred to attack subs(but those guy's are crazy!) switched back to booomers and retired cooking up a "lunch of bacon and home made tomatoes and potatoes(skillet) he is 73 somebody in his house hold ordered prom he knows who it is and will be delt with best part of the story while I credited the illegall pron he has no internet and just finished the Thresher book was finishing the scorpion book and is convinced we took out the K19 in retribution GOD I love this country after a quick recap he was in a hurry to get back to his lunch 5-6 nautical per miles we just floated through water ace you have no idea!......................... Posted by: acees minions at September 04, 2015 09:36 PM (0/7ih) 219
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and unto God that which is God's -- or something like that. I wish all religious observations -- no matter how devout you are -- to stay out of public displays. Private is good and should be protected.
Now. Since, unfortunately, same-sex marriage is "law of the land" until Supreme Crt decision is changed, Kim should have complied -- or recused herself. But, jail. Common. Got to be kidding. A reprimand is good enough. Get a life. Since everyone except reasonable Americans -- who are the majority -- are absolutely focused on destroying the middle-class family as the cornerstone of western industrial/post-industrial/developed world/ representative democracy with commitment to the scientific method and excellence in education (need good families for kids to develop minds that can learn), everyone needs to fight to return marriage to man/woman. At the same time everyone needs to fight so that those who want intimate coupling may with the same economic, financial, intimate rights and responsibilities (same laws if one commits to a couple). This step was not taken by majority of good Americans the last time and that is why "you" lost. Respect is essential. Otherwise: 1) Marxists will take over everything from birth to death -- no developed minds will exist except as cogs in elitist machines; 2) islamists will take over all females as the divine right of every male with some males more divine than others. I never understood why feminists did not recognize this first and foremost -- oh, right, they were blind Marxists! 3) And probably polygamists, incesters, and on and on, anything to destroy the "middle-class family". There will be no representative democracy, limited government, and equality of opportunity without the middle-class American family! Christians and Conservatives are important in protecting this -- but they are also destroyers. We need everyone -- Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, Classical Liberals, and anyone else who will join. Posted by: pyromancer76 at September 04, 2015 10:47 PM (sPfLU) 220
stewart I forgot.
Posted by: dave , bob & ...... at September 04, 2015 10:50 PM (0/7ih) 221
Wow, what an impressive post.
The thing is, a conservative needn't have the Department of Education insist on prayers in schools, rather, a conservative can cut their budget in half or eliminate the department altogether and turn all that over to states. A Republican begat that Department, and Republican can abort the activities and goals of that Department. I said abort. Stylistic choice. Republicans can cut the budget of Homeland Security in half while demanding twice the border patrol. Allocate resources however they wish to do it. That is, stop doing what we don't want you to be getting into and start doing the one thing that we want. Move everybody to the border if you have to. That's what a conservative can do but it cannot be expected from any Republican. Notice how dead that party is? It's like the biology frog that is dead from a pin to the brain but its leg is still jerking mechanically. Posted by: bour3 at September 04, 2015 11:15 PM (5x3+2) 222
I am afraid we have passed from a Republic into an Empire as Rome did.
Under the Republic, it was the rule of law. Under the Empire it was the rule of the Emperor. Obama was the first Emperor of the United States of America. But from now on that is how we are governed. I hope I'm wrong. But how do you go back once the precedent has been set? Posted by: petunia at September 05, 2015 02:12 AM (VoCyE) 223
The Republic's pretty much dead. We're just waiting for the shooting to start.
Posted by: Monty James at September 05, 2015 10:42 AM (7vVGO) Processing 0.04, elapsed 0.0467 seconds. |
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