aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Failure Theater: Republicans, Having Already Approved Obama's Iran Sell-Out, Now Hope to Capitalize Electorally at Next Year's ElectionsVia Hot Air, noting Obama is due to welcome Iran into the nuclear club at a presser scheduled for 1pm, also notes they are, as usual, plotting to "win the issue" at the ballot box after deliberately losing the issue in the Congressional roll call:
[R]epublicans believe they will win the public relations battle on the deal, which largely unites the GOP and threatens to divide the Democratic Party. Oh I see -- after voting in favor of letting Obama do this, and making it US law, you're now going to run on a campaign of "isn't it horrible what Obama and the Democrats have done here." Go fuck yourselves to hell. You will pass from the earth, and no one will mourn your passing.
Former IAEA Official: "The Fix Is In." John Sexton:
The nuclear agreement announced Tuesday says Iran must resolve outstanding questions about its past nuclear weapons research before sanctions are dropped. However, a former IAEA official says of the agreement, "The fix is in."
Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
I will never vote again.
Posted by: Hellfire at July 15, 2015 01:17 PM (VcOqI) 2
PP or ISIS? You decide.
Posted by: Hellfire at July 15, 2015 01:17 PM (VcOqI) 3
With the sole exception of Tom Cotton, the GOP put the nail in the coffin of separation of powers by abrogating their powers in Article 2, Section 2. You are right, Ace. Fuck the GOP to Hell. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:18 PM (St6BJ) 4
Posted by: BumperStickerist at July 15, 2015 01:18 PM (0MJOU) 5
Fuck these guys, especially.
Posted by: Garrett at July 15, 2015 01:18 PM (ObBZL) 6
also literally sickening
Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 01:19 PM (zOTsN) 7
There's battle lines being drawn.
Posted by: Buffalo Springfield at July 15, 2015 01:19 PM (VcOqI) 8
Amen, Ace.
Posted by: pj at July 15, 2015 01:19 PM (cHuNI) Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at July 15, 2015 01:20 PM (DlmoZ) Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 01:20 PM (UJWg7) 11
What? We can't fool the idiots anymore?
Posted by: Mitch McConnell at July 15, 2015 01:20 PM (VcOqI) 12
In before the Scorpion and the Republican Toadys!
Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 15, 2015 01:20 PM (rwI+c) Posted by: Moloch at July 15, 2015 01:21 PM (/Ho8c) 14
A lot of people will fall for this.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 15, 2015 01:21 PM (oVJmc) 15
If Planned Parenthood can't draw and quarter you in utero, Iran can melt you ex utero. And not with their charm. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:21 PM (St6BJ) 16
Our leaders serve only themselves.
Posted by: Garrett at July 15, 2015 01:21 PM (ObBZL) Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 01:21 PM (UJWg7) Posted by: tbodie at July 15, 2015 01:21 PM (ek7rN) 19
I hate these people.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 15, 2015 01:21 PM (kGrdk) 20
I just blocked the "Republican Trust" from my email. Never knew who the hell they were anyway.
Posted by: F**k Thad Cochran at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (VcOqI) 21
We risked hanging for this? What chumps we were.
Posted by: Founding Fathers at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (/Ho8c) 22
About "Inspections"
Reminder, folks: IAEA Inspectors needed to have 70,000 US Troops in Kuwait before Saddam let them do "inspections" It was the proximic threat of force that enabled the inspectors to move around. Prior to 70,000 troops being sent over, Iraq blew off the IAEA entirely. Posted by: BumperStickerist at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (0MJOU) Posted by: Lizzy at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (NOIQH) 24
This nation has become a big pile of corrupt puddle wumps.
Who would fight for this? I would fight to restore it. But, this? This? Posted by: Thor's feather duster at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (JgC5a) 25
Stocking up on pineapple futures.
Posted by: Gay Satan in Southpark at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (J0IP0) 26
Didn't I read on some smart military blog that this would happen months ago?
If only you guys were smart enough to read that dude's stuff. Posted by: Chupacabras at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (5npD/) 27
Hey, they're enjoying the moron rage-stroke. In fact, they're probably celebrating their latest fuck you to anything remotely resembling conservatism.
Social Democrats. Call them what they are. Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (UJWg7) Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (mx5oN) 29
Yeah, about that Election Theater... I'm done buying tickets. Your show sucks, GOP, and has just pulled into pathetic.
You really can't scare me with your Lesser of Evil Horrorshow. I notice you accomplish more "conservatism" when you're the minority in Congress. I think it's probably time to return there. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (1CroS) 30
But serious you guys, look how far we've come since we slaughtered them in the midterms!!
Posted by: pj at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (cHuNI) 31
I think this is the perfect response the House and Senate GOP:
"This is what Cromwell said to the Long Parliament when he thought it was no longer fit to conduct the affairs of the nation: "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!" Leo Amery in the debate that led to Neville Chamberlain's resignation and Winston Churchill replacing him as prime minister. Posted by: Exeter at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (JOdbP) 32
This is why Trump destruction is the best policy. We must destroy the party to save it.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (eZ1Ky) 33
Wait - why do I bother voting?
Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (Mtb58) Posted by: Garrett at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (ObBZL) 35
Any GOP Presidential candidates have the spine to speak out against the Senate Republicans?
Posted by: The Political Hat at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (7YlUk) 36
30 But serious you guys, look how far we've come since we slaughtered them in the midterms!!
Posted by: pj at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (cHuNI) With landslide victories like that, we don't need defeats. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (St6BJ) 37
Getting elected is like winning the lottery.
Was not supposed to be like that........ Of the government, by the government, for the government. Posted by: Roland THTG at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (QM5S2) 38
I'm sure this will help them sleep at night after Iran unleashes its nukes on Israel, America, and/or some other target of their hatred.
Kinda like how retired Congressman Bart Stupek must feel today w/the news that the Little Sisters of the Poor are forced to pay for bc and abortions. yeah, you tried so hard to stop this, buddy! Posted by: Lizzy at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (NOIQH) 39
Wait - why do I bother voting?
Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus We have been wondering the same thing. Posted by: Founding Fathers at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (/Ho8c) Posted by: ed gibbon at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (LQhMs) 41
34 >>Go fuck yourselves to hell.
Pure fucking poetry. Posted by: Garrett at July 15, 2015 01:23 PM (ObBZL) From the Richard Trumka book of prose. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (St6BJ) 42
"All options are on the table," said a Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations panel who requested anonymity. "I wouldn't take anything off."
Except an affirmative vote, Treaty supermajority and the filibuster. Other than that everything is on the table: whining, lying, begging ... Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 15, 2015 01:24 PM (rwI+c) 43
And to refresh everyone's memory, these are the suckers of cock who sponsored the Corker Bill
Sen. Menendez, Robert [D-NJ]* Sen. Graham, Lindsey [R-SC]* Sen. Kaine, Tim [D-VA]* Sen. McCain, John [R-AZ]* Sen. Donnelly, Joe [D-IN]* Sen. Rubio, Marco [R-FL]* Sen. Heitkamp, Heidi [D-ND]* Sen. Ayotte, Kelly [R-NH]* Sen. Nelson, Bill [D-FL]* Sen. Risch, James E. [R-ID]* Sen. King, Angus S., Jr. [I-ME]* Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] Sen. Collins, Susan M. [R-ME] Sen. Bennet, Michael F. [D-CO] Sen. Rounds, Mike [R-SD] Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT] Sen. Alexander, Lamar [R-TN] Sen. Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK] Sen. Heller, Dean [R-NV] Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] Sen. Sasse, Ben [R-NE] Sen. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ] Sen. Cardin, Benjamin L. [D-MD] Sen. Capito, Shelley Moore [R-WV] Sen. Coons, Christopher A. [D-DE] Sen. Portman, Rob [R-OH] Sen. Casey, Robert P., Jr. [D-PA] Sen. Roberts, Pat [R-KS] Sen. Booker, Cory A. [D-NJ] Sen. Wicker, Roger F. [R-MS] Sen. Warner, Mark R. [D-VA] Sen. Boozman, John [R-AR] Sen. Cruz, Ted [R-TX] Sen. Cornyn, John [R-TX] Sen. Gardner, Cory [R-CO] Sen. Lee, Mike [R-UT] Sen. Ernst, Joni [R-IA] Sen. Crapo, Mike [R-ID] Sen. Blunt, Roy [R-MO] Sen. Sessions, Jeff [R-AL] Sen. Toomey, Pat [R-PA] Sen. Grassley, Chuck [R-IA] Sen. Thune, John [R-SD] Sen. Lankford, James [R-OK] Sen. Sullivan, Dan [R-AK] Sen. Perdue, David [R-GA] Sen. Fischer, Deb [R-NE] Sen. Daines, Steve [R-MT] Sen. Inhofe, James M. [R-OK] Sen. Isakson, Johnny [R-GA] Sen. Wyden, Ron [D-OR] Sen. Peters, Gary C. [D-MI] Sen. Cochran, Thad [R-MS] Sen. Cassidy, Bill [R-LA] Sen. Coats, Daniel [R-IN] Sen. Hoeven, John [R-ND] Sen. Vitter, David [R-LA] Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [R-WY] Sen. Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] Sen. Stabenow, Debbie [D-MI] Sen. Moran, Jerry [R-KS] Sen. Scott, Tim [R-SC] Sen. Murray, Patty [D-WA] Sen. Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] Sen. Hatch, Orrin G. [R-UT] Sen. Schatz, Brian [D-HI] Posted by: Al Sweargen's clone at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (DlmoZ) 44
I remain unimpressed by any of our political leaders.
Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (52QgN) 45
We've reached the point at which the problems of this country cannot be fixed by voting.
Posted by: OregonMuse at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (X1y52) 46
George Bush: Hey, y'all, if you know of any good maimed veterans charity groups, I'll be happy to come ridin' in to speak for just 100K!
Posted by: Aghast at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (VcOqI) 47
They really believe people are stupid. It's actually insulting.
So they dive into legislative process thinking people don't understand it. But when the result is that you change their constitutional duties form providing a two-thirds majority to approve into a two-thirds majority to override a veto even the biggest simpleton gets it. In particular, the senate including all the candidates like Cruz, Rubio, and Paul voted for this crap. Yet they have the balls to tell us now what a horrible deal it is? F those guys. Posted by: Marcus T at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (GGCsk) 48
And this makes Trump look good/better in comparison. Four of the Pack of S (POS) are republican senators that are part of this charade.
Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (Spluw) 49
My country is falling daily before my eyes, and I feel there is nothing I can do about it. I have three children.
Posted by: MostlyRight at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (YgcLB) 50
Oh I see -- after voting in favor of letting Obama do this, and making it US law, you're now going to run on a campaign of "isn't it horrible what Obama and the Democrats have done here." I know you made this clear earlier, but it was one of those "no, that can't possibly be what that means" things for me. Then this morning I'm listening to the talking heads wonder if it's possible that Obama can't get 34 senators to support his veto override. The most momentous foreign policy initiative of his administration, clearly opposed by majorities in both houses, will come into force with 34% support. It's enough to give cynicism a bad name. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (JtwS4) 51
Any GOP Presidential candidates have the spine to speak out against the Senate Republicans?
A good chunk of them *are* Senate Republicans. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (rwI+c) 52
In response, let me say: Selma Hayek topless. Now. What was the topic? Oh yeah - GOP: "Go fuck yourselves to hell". The sooner those turds are flushed to the fetid septic tank of historical dumbfuckery, the better. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (nqiq9) 53
35 Any GOP Presidential candidates have the spine to speak out against the Senate Republicans?
Cruz, Rubio, and Rand all voted for it. They can't speak out. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (eZ1Ky) 54
Can you imagine FDR, piece of shit that he was, making a deal like this with Nazi Germany?
Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (mx5oN) 55
"You say that like you know what it means..."
What I've taken to saying to Lib friends who tell me that "Iran has agreed to inspections." _ Posted by: BumperStickerist at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (0MJOU) 56
We'll run an ad with a mushroom cloud rising over Tel Aviv and have Obama's face right next to it. The ad practically writes itself!
Posted by: Republican K Street Consultant at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (ZgUuK) 57
Maybe Iran getting the bomb isn't such a bad thing. Especially if D.C. is their first target.
Posted by: Iblis at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (9221z) 58
I just finished reading Natan Sharansky's The Case for Democracy last week. He wrote it in 2004, and talks about how our hard line in the Middle East was empowering Iranian dissidents. And how, when he was in jail in the Soviet Union, every time there was a new arms or economic deal for them it mainly empowered the Soviets to become more brutal against internal dissent.
It was very disheartening reading it after eleven years had passed and knowing what President Obama would do to the reform movement, and how he would go out of his way to empower the tyrants in Iran. Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (J0IP0) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (St6BJ) 60
#42 They meant all banquet items.
Posted by: Aghast at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (VcOqI) 61
If and when the first nuke goes off in the US, every one of those invertebrate, feckless parasites that survives needs to swing from a rope.
Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (i0ykY) 62
They really believe people are stupid. It's actually insulting.
Unfortunately, apparently you guys turned out that way. So much for an informed electorate. Posted by: Founding Fathers at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (/Ho8c) 63
remember when people got shit on for wanting to vote out McConnell and Boehner? Good times
Posted by: The Dude at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (SyKbw) 64
The woman in for Kilmeade had a guest on pointing out that it's all a done deal, and 12 Democrats now get to make pyrrhic votes against this deal and it won't mean shit.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (oVJmc) 65
Can you imagine FDR, piece of shit that he was, making a deal like this with Nazi Germany?
Posted by: Insomniac Yeah. Can't imagine the citizenry sitting for it, though. Posted by: Founding Fathers at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (/Ho8c) 66
Sounds like now's the time to write to Schumer.
Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (UJWg7) Posted by: Buzzsaw at July 15, 2015 01:28 PM (81UWZ) 68
The Political Hat: "Any GOP Presidential candidates have the spine to speak out against the Senate Republicans?"
Hi. I'm Rand Paul and, as a primary rebel leader in the new movement to clean up Congress, I endorsed Mitch McConnell in the primary and helped him into leadership. Together, we will speak out. Vote Rand! Posted by: Rand Paul at July 15, 2015 01:28 PM (1CroS) 69
And yet American Jews continue to vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.
Posted by: Marcus T at July 15, 2015 01:28 PM (GGCsk) 70
58 It was very disheartening reading it after eleven years had passed and knowing what President Obama would do to the reform movement, and how he would go out of his way to empower the tyrants in Iran.
Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (J0IP0) In 2009, when the Green Revolution started, he went out of his way to help the mullahs crush the people. I think he was kind of projecting what he wants to do here. He is a piece of shit. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:28 PM (St6BJ) 71
Social Democrats. Call them what they are.
Posted by: Feh Democrats. There's no apparant difference, and this other title confers some kinda Euro vibe. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 01:28 PM (Spluw) 72
I see both my Senators voted for this shit. Fuck both of them.
Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (mx5oN) 73
@ 67 - "Sen.
Crapo, Mike [R-ID] Or did you just throw it in to see if we read it?" Yes, he's real. His stance isn't quite as wide as some of the others, but he's real. Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (Mtb58) 74
Wait till these bastards get a taste of the turnout next time around.
Posted by: No Voting Machine at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (VcOqI) 75
When the disastrous Iran agreement was passed, a lot of us bitched about the GOP's complicity. We were roundly criticized: "How can you blame the GOP for Obama's shit?! I'M DONE WITH YOU!!""
Stupid GOP ass kissers gotta ass kiss. Posted by: physics geek at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (MT22W) 76
69 And yet American Jews continue to vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.
Posted by: Marcus T at July 15, 2015 01:28 PM (GGCsk) Not all. But too too many. Insane. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (St6BJ) 77
As a Jew, I wouldn't piss on Boehner if his face was on fire if they don't kill this shit.
Posted by: TexasJew at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (YRSZ3) Posted by: Donald Trump, in his press conference right after SCOAMF at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (KwTdE) 79
Crapo, Mike [R-ID]
Or did you just throw it in to see if we read it?" Yes, he's real. His stance isn't quite as wide as some of the others, but he's real. Yeah, he's in the tank. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (nqiq9) Posted by: @votermom at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (cbfNE) 81
Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (mx5oN)
Only one senator didn't vote for this. Even insane bloodthirster of Khorne John McCain, who never met a war he didn't want, voted for it. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (eZ1Ky) 82
But but but but but but but but if we don't vote for the Republican, we'll have Hillary do this to us instead of Jeb!
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (oVJmc) Posted by: Garrett at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (ObBZL) 84
Hurry, run those pathos ad's and talking point saying how bad a deal this is.
In their emotional fits, maybe they won't notice Republicans upended the Constitution to make it pass. Posted by: Reince Priebus at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (GGCsk) 85
OT: The blonde chick in the bikini in the bowflex admakes me want to exercise.
Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (Spluw) 86
45 We've reached the point at which the problems of this country cannot be fixed by voting.
Posted by: OregonMuse at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (X1y52) I fear you're right. Correction: I know you're right, and it scares the shit out of me. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (mx5oN) 87
66 Sounds like now's the time to write to Schumer.
Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 01:27 PM (UJWg7) He has the power to kill it. He'll vote no, but in secret it's kabuki for the NY Joo vote (I'm one, so don't take offense). Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:30 PM (St6BJ) 88
Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 15, 2015 01:31 PM (kff5f) Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 15, 2015 01:31 PM (kff5f) 90
I've blamed the GOP for every single piece of horrible legislation and capitulation that has transpired since last November. As a lot, cowards who are selling us and the country for personal gain.
GOP: Harvesting the organs of baby Columbia for fun and profit. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 01:31 PM (/Ho8c) 91
I'm going to watch some body parts: Women's Pro Beach Volleyball. In super slo-mo.
Posted by: Shallow HAL 9000 at July 15, 2015 01:31 PM (VcOqI) 92
OT: The blonde chick in the bikini in the bowflex admakes me want to exercise.
It'll pass. Always does. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 15, 2015 01:31 PM (oVJmc) 93
This is like that old saying " with friends like this, who needs friends" but changed to ". With republicans like this, who needs republicans".
As I have said, if the Iran deal was fair, Iran would never have accepted it. You don't even need to see Iranians celebrating in the streets. If Iran did not get more than they wanted, there would have been no deal. Posted by: Chilling the most at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (zW5rQ) 94
I understand there is an Easter egg in the agreement to the effect that the US will train the Iranians how to defend their nukes against Israel. Some years ago, shortly after Obola was deified, somebody I respected said that we had switch3d sides in the war on terror. I was disappointed that a guy like that would stoop to hyperbole. It's hard to deny now, though. Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (XUKZU) 95
OT: The blonde chick in the bikini in the bowflex admakes me want to exercise.
Posted by: Blue Hen Me too, but maybe not the way you meant. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (/Ho8c) 96
I really want someone to drop into this forum and try to defend voting for Republicans.
Really, I do. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (O7MnT) 97
GOP: Aborting Hope and selling her organs for profit.
Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (nqiq9) 98
SCOAMF has only vetoed 4 bills in 6 years. That tells you everything you need to know about the GOP-e. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (St6BJ) 99
So, Moron third party time?
Posted by: Penfold at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (Fbt5B) 100
>>Not all. But too too many. Insane.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (St6BJ) << I talked to some in my family. It's like talking to a wall. I think there's a Vulcan mind meld or something going on. Plus we've got a big community of Hasidim near us the Dem's keep pumping with free shit. They don;'t even want to hear the argument...that is until there is no Israel to travel to... Posted by: Reince Priebus at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (GGCsk) 101
Wasn't it DrewM who said them doing this was actually good because "Obama was going to do this anyways because its not a 'treaty', but at least Congress has a say now."
Yeah what a load of bullshit. This is not having any input at all. Posted by: buzzion at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (zt+N6) 102
GOP: Harvesting the organs of baby Columbia for fun and profit.
The GOP congress funds planned parenthood. If it continues doing so, it does support baby harvesting. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (eZ1Ky) 103
97 GOP: Aborting Hope and selling her organs for profit.
Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:32 PM (nqiq9) "Can we have your liver then?" Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (St6BJ) 104
to hyperbole.
Posted by: The Great White Snark So many similar comments made at the time were neither racism nor hyperbole, but have turned out to be prescient. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (/Ho8c) 105
NOW is the time for Everyone to consider their Beliefs of their Life and Afterlife.
Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life. No One come to the Father EXCEPT BY HIM. Minimal research on search engines confirm he is not a myth or whatever else is thrown out their. The bible proves it beyond doubt. Who and/or what are you willing to bet forever on! Posted by: OTB at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (ShdUd) 106
The democrats don't have a lock on LIV. Republicans don't think we will remember what they have done here. And mostly they won't. Build the dern fence McCain returns home to pretend he is conservative to get elected and damned if he doesn't get elected. Orin Hatch of Utah does the same thing. Why? Because it works. Mia Love the tea party darling forgot her conservative roots by the 2nd day in Washington.
It seems if we vote we legitimize our out of control government. If we don't vote we won't get the occasional person like Cotton. Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (wkuqO) 107
94 I understand there is an Easter egg in the agreement to the effect that the US will train the Iranians how to defend their nukes against Israel. Holy fuck. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (mx5oN) 108
Bandersnatch: "The most momentous foreign policy initiative of his administration, clearly opposed by majorities in both houses, will come into force with 34% support."
No, both houses APPROVED of this. Unequivocal, bipartisan support. What they did was kabuki. There is no walking away from what they supported. BOTH parties. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (1CroS) 109
"All options are on the table," said a Republican member of the Senate Foreign Relations panel who requested anonymity. "I wouldn't take anything off."
So when am I going to hear about the the Articles of Impeachment being drawn up? F*ck you, GOP. You supported this- you gelded yourselves. And now you're trying to waive your impotence around like a battle flag to garner support. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (kff5f) 110
Anyone still think we're voting our way out of this?
Posted by: Weasel at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (6xtq3) 111
To the GOPe, its all about having the right fundraising lever.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (8ZskC) 112
This Corker bill is really a huge en-fukcining: They can unanimously vote to disapprove the sanctions. Obumbles vetos. No super majority means veto stands. Then every dickhead can look at the camera and say: "But I voted AGAINST the Iran deal."
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (5buP8) Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (1CroS) Posted by: Luddites and Know-Nothings at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (J0IP0) 115
#107 You are absolutely correct. It is a fact and should be shouted to the rooftops.
Posted by: Shallow HAL 9000 at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (VcOqI) 116
The Republican Party, LOL. It was doing pretty well from 1994 - 2000 and then when it had both houses of Congress and the Prez, it shat the bed.
Posted by: SFGoth at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (V/CPC) 117
Prezzy is now gloating and lecturing. He knows he has no opposition.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (493sH) 118
The GOPe continues its "We're SO fightin' for YOU, Citizen!" song & dance, while the DemoKKKrats are making $$$ from Fried Baby Livers and BBQ'd Babies' Legs.........
I am so STOKED about 'Merica's future, ain't y'all? Yummy! Posted by: Mickey Shwarma at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (2mJMN) 119
Welp, with his vote on Obamatrade and his vote on this Clusterfuck, I'm officially done with Cruz.
He was really the last one I was willing to consider. Looks like I won't have to even bother watching any debates or registering to vote. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (xSCb6) 120
so it's the obamacare, irs, benghazi of the next election donation cycle.
but i finally 'get it'. Posted by: willow at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (nqBYe) 121
Anyone still think we're voting our way out of this?
Posted by: Weasel I don't think there is any getting out of this. Sorry. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (/Ho8c) Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (5buP8) 123
SCOAMF has only vetoed 4 bills in 6 years. That tells you everything you need to know about the GOP-e.
In our defense, we've been fighting quite vigourously....against the tea party, hobbits, conservatives, math, our primary voters, some of our candidates...... Posted by: The Stupid Party at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (Spluw) 124
100 Posted by: Reince Priebus at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (GGCsk)
Liberals, especially Jews, are more insular, clannish, inflexible and bigoted in their views than every Archie Bunker stereotype of flyover country you've ever heard. Projection ain't just a river in Egypt. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (St6BJ) 125
>>95 OT: The blonde chick in the bikini in the bowflex admakes me want to exercise.
She reminds me of my love for Pie. Posted by: Garrett at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (ObBZL) 126
Not a "deal" but an Islamic Hudna
Its why its always 10 years, not even 10 years and a day, but 10 years exact that they can break at will but hold you to. With the intent to go back to war with you the instant those 10 years expire if they haven't already. Posted by: Bigby's Typing Fingers at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (3ZtZW) 127
The talk about appeasement the last few days has shown me the establishment GOP pols are all appeasers. No, not of Iran per sen, but they have conducted appeasement policies against Obama and have little to show for it but a string of reversals. Even with the political upper hand, the GOP appeases Obama and then gets pantsed for it anyway. The resentful energy at "I won" that was put to use in 2010 is absent now.
This Iran deal is all part of it. They gave Obummer the treaty up front, ands are now (somehow) all amazed that Kerry could give away the farm on his boss's command. Can the GOP pols not see that Obummer cares for nothing save his face on the news and his golfing time, and otherwise wishes our Republic to fail at home and abroad? Posted by: exdem13 at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (ry4ab) 128
We will defend Iran against Israel. It is a fact.
Posted by: Shallow HAL 9000 at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (VcOqI) 129
I'm gonna have to sue Ace for sexual harassment because the blonde bombshell golfer on the sidebar gave me a boner.
Posted by: NotCoach at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (rsudF) 130
why did the do the Corker bill?
so they would lose and have a symbolic vote against it were they goining to lose the vote on this anyway? but it looks like they wanted it to go through why? because they think sanctions were failing anyway ot because business interests want to do business with Iran is everything for sale Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (zOTsN) 131
Obama was going to do this anyways because its not a 'treaty', but at least Congress has a say now
Yeah, I don't understand that. If Obama went it alone, it isn't law, and future presidents could just ignore it. My understanding is that it is now a treaty just like any other, and binding on future presidents and congresses. Is that wrong? I would love to be wrong on this. Posted by: Stephen Know-Nothing Blair at July 15, 2015 01:36 PM (J0IP0) 132
53 35 Any GOP Presidential candidates have the spine to speak out against the Senate Republicans?
Cruz, Rubio, and Rand all voted for it. They can't speak out. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (eZ1Ky) ___________________________________ But apparently the goal behind voting for this super smart plan was so that they could. They better hammer it. Gave up a lot to get such an awesome "talking point". I guess we're going to see if it was worth giving Iran nuclear capability and $100 BILLION. Aww, fuck it, I'm out. Done. They obviously mistook me for someone who gives a crap. Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 01:36 PM (52QgN) 133
119 Welp, with his vote on Obamatrade and his vote on this Clusterfuck, I'm officially done with Cruz.
He was really the last one I was willing to consider. Looks like I won't have to even bother watching any debates or registering to vote. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 01:34 PM (xSCb6) Vote for me. I'm planning to put a cabaret show in the Lincoln Bedroom. Posted by: Donald Trump at July 15, 2015 01:36 PM (eZ1Ky) 134
Over the last couple of weeks, I've heard Marco Rubio fundraising ads sounding the alarm over Obama's impending capitulation. Failure theatre at its finest.
Posted by: MattinIdaho at July 15, 2015 01:36 PM (SgYQy) 135
I understand there is an Easter egg in the
agreement to the effect that the US will train the Iranians how to defend their nukes against Israel. Holy fuck. Posted by: Insomniac For me, it's hard to feel really good about teaming up against God's Chosen People. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (/Ho8c) 136
The whole thing really makes zero sense. They had a 60 vote majority threshold and they traded it for a 67 vote veto override. For. Absolutely. No. Reason. At. All. This is not stupidity. It has to be collusion. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (St6BJ) 137
The deal with Iran was never about stopping Iran from getting nukes.
It was about preventing military action against Iran. When you realize that, it makes total sense. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (O7MnT) 138
In this particular treaty with Iran, we also pay to help them build reactors if reports are true. I have no reason to doubt it after Obama returned Iran's locked up money. Another reason to think it is true, Obama is doing it.
Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (wkuqO) 139
"Can we have your liver then?"
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (St6BJ) At the bulk price or retail price? Ghouls. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (nqiq9) 140
No, both houses APPROVED of this. Unequivocal, bipartisan support. What they did was kabuki. There is no walking away from what they supported. BOTH parties. I know you're technically correct but this hurts my brain too much. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (JtwS4) 141
QUESTION: Obama could have done this deal and gone straight to UN Security Counsel to get it approved. If so, would it have been binding on the US even if not approved by the Senate as a treaty?
QUESTION 2: Under the Corker Bill if the deal is disapproved, but the disapproval is vetoed, as is expected, does the deal become US law with the effect of a treaty, or just another executive agreement (as oppose to a binding treaty) that could be undone by the next administration? FINAL QUESTION: I understand it is impossible to get the sanctions genies back into the bottle regardless, but if the end result of the failure theater of the Corker Bill is just a non-binding executive agreement, what other options did the GOP have? At least now they get a chance to voice their displeasure and maybe a wedge issue. However, if the vetoed disapproval results in a binding treaty, I agree Corker is a traitor. I am unclear on these issues and have not seen it discussed anywhere. Posted by: tommylotto at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (A3a8d) 142
its already in the deal that WE will HELP Iran protect its nuke program from attack we are going to help them protect their program even as they get to purchase ICBMS to use against us he is the Tehranian President Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (zOTsN) 143
I'm trying to seriously figure our what the Republican party is all about.
Ahh screw it. Fuck them all to Hell!! Posted by: Drider at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (DNFK1) 144
I have to go now. I am going to assist my Middle East friends in developing their nuclear weapons programs.
Posted by: Shallow HAL 9000 at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (VcOqI) 145
Sure, we'll take a little heat for this in the short run, but not 10,000 degree heat like Tel Aviv and maybe Tulsa.
Posted by: Sen. Bob Corker (R) at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (8ZskC) 146
Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (zOTsN)
The GOP does not want to obstruct Obama. They don't want to be seen as racist. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (eZ1Ky) 147
GOP: Harvesting the organs of baby Columbia for fun and profit. The GOP congress funds planned parenthood. If it continues doing so, it does support baby harvesting.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk Countdown until the MFM points this out. If both hands are on the knife, then neither can rat out the other. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (Spluw) 148
In response, let me say: Selma Hayek topless.
Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (nqiq9) -------------------------------------------------------- I'd rather see F. A. Hayek topless. Or this Maryland state lawmaker: Posted by: John Maynard Keynes at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (xkSSa) 149
***"I really want someone to drop into this forum and try to defend voting for Republicans."***
The little weasels usually steer clear of the more egregious GOP bed shittings and rear their little pinheads in threads where the GOP is only gently fvcking everyone over. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (xSCb6) 150
Kudos to whichever Moron posted this link earlier. It bears re-posting. Calvin (as Obama) & Hobbes (as Iran) negotiating the 'deal'. Click on the cartoon to enlarge: Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (9mTYi) 151
Can you imagine FDR, piece of shit that he was, making a deal like this with Nazi Germany?
Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (mx5oN) FDR did make a deal like this with Stalin. And Stalin made a deal like this with Hitler. And Obama is closer to Stalin and Hitler than he is to FDR... Posted by: Churchill's Hat at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (7YlUk) 152
121 Agreed. And that's not a defeatist attitude, either. It's a realistic evaluation of the speed with which we're headed down the drain.
Posted by: Weasel at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (6xtq3) 153
And this makes Trump look good/better in comparison. Four of the Pack of S (POS) are republican senators that are part of this charade.
Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 01:25 PM (Spluw) -------------------- And this is why few senators are ever elected prez. They are too bounded up by the arrogance and pomposity of senate decorum and collegiality. Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (P25Hh) 154
"Obama was going to do this anyways because its not a 'treaty', but at least Congress has a say now"
-------------------------------------------------------------- I'll bet a dollar to a licked doughnut they say: Let me suck you shit covered penis Mr. IslamObama. Posted by: OTB at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (ShdUd) 155
"Where have you gone Augusto Pinochet, our nation turns its blackened eyes to you. Woo-woo-woo . . ." Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (St6BJ) 156
NOW is the time for Everyone to consider their Beliefs of their Life and Afterlife. Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life. No One come to the Father EXCEPT BY HIM. Minimal research on search engines confirm he is not a myth or whatever else is thrown out their. The bible proves it beyond doubt. Who and/or what are you willing to bet forever on! ------------ My heart and soul belong to Jesus. My ass however belongs to the appeasement Congress and the blasphemer president. Posted by: exdem13 at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (ry4ab) 157
>>This is not stupidity. It has to be collusion.
Pulling one over on the rubes while Obama gets his legacy and the Chamber of Commerce gets access to the Iranian market? Most probably. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (O7MnT) 158
I understand there is an Easter egg in the agreement to the effect that the US will train the Iranians how to defend their nukes against Israel. Israel must have dirt on Bath House Barry. I don't know why they haven't revealed it. Take a page from Michael Coreleone's book in tarnishing a dirty cop Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (493sH) 159
>>> It was about preventing military action against Iran.
Exactly what a Hudna is intended to do. A break in hostilities. Posted by: Bigby's Typing Fingers at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (3ZtZW) 160
So, Moron third party time?
Heck, I should run. I could get lots of votes: my wife, my mother, my sister and her husband, my sister-in-law who lives in O's old district...scratch that last one. I might even be able cajole some of the Horde at the next MoMee to write me in. Let's be clear: you could, and probably will, do a lot worse. Posted by: physics geek at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (MT22W) 161
Oh I see -- after voting in favor of letting Obama do this, and making it US law, you're now going to run on a campaign of "isn't it horrible what Obama and the Democrats have done here."
Go fuck yourselves to hell. You will pass from the earth, and no one will mourn your passing. All of that. Also, I cannot not be the only one who assumes what the Saudis mean is buy a turnkey program from Pakistan. Posted by: alexthechick - Oh please intervene SMOD at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (mf5HN) 162
ot because business interests want to do business with Iran
is everything for sale Cuba, immigration, abortion, etc., etc., etc. We've been sold out to the Chamber of Commerce, by both parties. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (oVJmc) 163
I really want someone to drop into this forum and try to defend voting for Republicans.
I'm sure Adjoran will drop in about comment 742 to let us know what fools we are. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (rwI+c) 164
157 >>This is not stupidity. It has to be collusion.
Pulling one over on the rubes while Obama gets his legacy and the Chamber of Commerce gets access to the Iranian market? Most probably. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (O7MnT) If you look around the room and wonder who the mark is, it's you. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (mx5oN) 165
Kudos to whichever Moron posted this link earlier. It bears re-posting. Calvin (as Obama) & Hobbes (as Iran) negotiating the 'deal'. Click on the cartoon to enlarge: Crap. Link fail. Here; Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 15, 2015 01:39 PM (9mTYi) 166
Fuck Fuck and Fuckidy Fuck those Fuckers to Fucking Hell...I don't know what's worse: Sellout America Obama or Sellout Constituents GOP!
Posted by: ph2ll at July 15, 2015 01:40 PM (F3MyW) 167
Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:26 PM (nqiq9)
Since you just HAD to bring up Selma Hayek. Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 01:40 PM (C278+) 168
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Posted by: E.T. at July 15, 2015 01:40 PM (yq4gk) 169
You 1%ers and your Bowflex girl ads. For the rest of us, thank god, there's a new pretty golfing girl in the sidebar. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 15, 2015 01:40 PM (JtwS4) 170
Don't you dare criticize the Dear Leader or Candy "the cow" Crawley will scream:
Check the transcript!! Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 01:40 PM (q5APL) 171
139 "Can we have your liver then?"
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (St6BJ) At the bulk price or retail price? Ghouls. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (nqiq9) I was quoting a Python bit from "Meaning of Life" but in a billion years I never in my wildest nightmare imagined it would be prescient. And pretty tame in comparison. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (St6BJ) 172
The GOP, after taking it up the ass from Obama, is going to "win the issue" by carrying a dorm mattress everywhere.
Posted by: wooga at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (CoAVi) 173
I'd rather see F. A. Hayek topless. Or this Maryland state lawmaker:
Posted by: John Maynard Keynes at July 15, 2015 01:38 PM (xkSSa) -----Well, so much for lunch. Posted by: Penfold at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (Fbt5B) 174
94 I understand there is an Easter egg in the agreement to the effect that the US will train the Iranians how to defend their nukes against Israel. Holy fuck. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 01:33 PM (mx5oN) Yep. Can we please send the 1st Tranny Company to train them....please Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (fWAjv) 175
President Trump.
Sounds better every day. Before its over alot of you will come around. The ones that wont are in a word, WEAK Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (kf36l) 176
And this makes Trump look good/better in comparison. Four of the Pack of S (POS) are republican senators that are part of this charade. -------------- Yeah Ace, do you finally get the momentum for Trump yet? Good, bad, or in between, at least he is not part of the appeasement parade. Posted by: exdem13 at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (ry4ab) 177
This is a great deal as long as the Iranians keep their promises!
Posted by: Shep Smith at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (tHBZ7) 178
It's okay, I've decided I'm voting for Trump or Bernie unless either one gets knocked out for nominee.
I figure that will be enough to show my anger and contempt for the Republican party. They really believe they'll get away with this. That's reason enough to stop them cold. I want to give J. Boehner a REAL reason to cry. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 01:41 PM (x3GpS) 179
we have abandoned Israel we have chosen a side in the Islamic civil war we have ceded the region to Iran we have kicked off a nuclear arms race pray Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (zOTsN) Posted by: Obummer at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (4WhSY) 181
>>> 76 69 And yet American Jews continue to vote overwhelmingly for Democrats.
Posted by: Marcus T at July 15, 2015 01:28 PM (GGCsk) Not all. But too too many. Insane. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (St6BJ) >>> 77 As a Jew, I wouldn't piss on Boehner if his face was on fire if they don't kill this shit. Posted by: TexasJew at July 15, 2015 01:29 PM (YRSZ3) I look forward to the many passionate pleas for help I will receive in the near future from my fellow Jews (who vote DemoKKKrat and support, even now, the holy god-king Barry), as they get literally ripped to shreds by mobs of "Sons of 0Bama" and (justifiably angry) white christian folks. Xinh-Loi, dumbasses.......... Posted by: Mickey Shwarma, soon from an undisclosed non-US locstion at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (2mJMN) 182
I just hope they and their families reap this whirlwind before mine.... fuckers all.
Posted by: E.T. at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (yq4gk) 183
Wasn't there a version of the Iran agreement available for viewing when the Senate was voting away its ability to stop this treaty
IIRC is was in a locked room and senators could only visit it to read it, but not take a copy. So, if my recollection is correct, they REALLY have no excuse for this situation. Posted by: Lizzy at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (NOIQH) 184
The best headliner I read today went something like this.
"EU shot the Greek hostage and now Spain is nervous". Why can't we come up with some nifty one liners for our end of times? Posted by: Drider at July 15, 2015 01:43 PM (DNFK1) 185
Posted by: tommylotto at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (A3a8d)
-------------- Good questions. And I don't know. Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 01:43 PM (P25Hh) 186
I do say though, we must distinguish this and say Cotton is not the only "no" vote. Many others tried to fix this and put some real heat on Iran, but they were shut down by the establishment.
Cruz, et al. Cruz's point was that he voted for this simply because it was THE ONLY way that Congress would even get to look at the deal per what was going down. We must remember that the good, principled conservatives we have in the Senate can't run the whole show and that the monkey pulling the levers and the whole GOPe sellouts are just as dangerous as the democrats. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 01:43 PM (q5APL) 187
If we spend the entirety of the intervening break building enough arms and tech in their immediate surroundings such that, in the event of them lighting up a missle, a dead hand tripwire is set off that demolishes them utterly, well OK. But thats not the plan.
Posted by: Bigby's Typing Fingers at July 15, 2015 01:43 PM (3ZtZW) 188
181 Posted by: Mickey Shwarma, soon from an undisclosed non-US locstion at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (2mJMN)
I get letters all the time from the Wiesenthal Center begging for money, raising the alarm bells about world anti-semitism. Yet they NEVER criticize SCOAMF or the Dems. I'm done with them too. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:44 PM (St6BJ) 189
Can we harvest the organs of Democrats, you know, since they like this stuff.
We can leave the brains to science. Or throw them out for fish food. Posted by: Reince Priebus at July 15, 2015 01:44 PM (GGCsk) 190
I don't think there is any getting out of this. Sorry.
Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 01:35 PM (/Ho8c) I agree. Maybe we'll be able to muster a last stand like Masada or Thermopylae, but I fear we WILL be trampled under and eaten by the mindless zombie ghouls of Progressivism. Molon Labe, motherfukcers. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:44 PM (nqiq9) 191
Israel will have to act on this at some point. Before the russian anti aircraft is fully operational, which would be now. Or, after Obama leaves. You can bet Israel's ass Obama will punish Israel and badly.
Not a god damn thing we can do here if he does. Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 01:44 PM (wkuqO) 192
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 15, 2015 01:45 PM (0O7c5) 193
189 Can we harvest the organs of Democrats, you know, since they like this stuff.
We can leave the brains to science. Or throw them out for fish food. Posted by: Reince Priebus at July 15, 2015 01:44 PM (GGCsk) David Crosby livers and Michael S'more hearts? Nope. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 01:45 PM (St6BJ) 194
As I have said, if the Iran deal was fair, Iran would never have accepted it. You don't even need to see Iranians celebrating in the streets. If Iran did not get more than they wanted, there would have been no deal. ---------- You got it Chilling, unlike Arafat at Oslo Iran played it smart. They got the best deal possible, then signed it and took it home. Posted by: exdem13 at July 15, 2015 01:45 PM (ry4ab) 195
You damn wingnuts, if Akin (who was YOUR fault) and O'Donnell had been skinned and burned alive like we wanted, Mitt Romney would have gotten good weather and taken Winterfell, and he'd be president and we would be in a golden age of conservatism.
But because of YOU IRRATIONAL WINGNUTS, we lost, and only have a mere majorities in two houses. We HAD to give away the treaty approval to get a veto override. You goddamn purists don't understand that. Posted by: GOP defender at July 15, 2015 01:45 PM (eZ1Ky) 196
I want to give J. Boehner a REAL reason to cry.
Keep the Republicans in power, then. It's a lot easier to look like you need to give in to the Democrats when you're the minority party. His current charade is hard work. And you know he didn't get into politics because he enjoys hard work. The real way to make Boehner cry is to defoleyate him. Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 15, 2015 01:46 PM (J0IP0) 197
"183 Wasn't there a version of the Iran agreement available for viewing when the Senate was voting away its ability to stop this treaty
IIRC is was in a locked room and senators could only visit it to read it, but not take a copy. So, if my recollection is correct, they REALLY have no excuse for this situation. Posted by: Lizzy at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (NOIQH)" You mean a version full of red lines, and ultimatums that Iran must agree to? Yeah, not worth the paper it would have been printed on. No, Congress surrender on this issue bye preemptively approving the deal. An honest and competent congress would have voted for approval after a deal was inked. Posted by: NotCoach at July 15, 2015 01:46 PM (rsudF) 198
See this on Twitchy? Ben Rhodes tells Erin Dimwit "hey, we never sought anytime/anywhere inspections" in Iran Liar. Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 01:46 PM (UJWg7) 199
The Euro sold out to get access to Iran trade again.
The USCoC gets to sell the Saudis bright, shiny new toys (planes and big, long missiles to put them on) that will NEVER be used by the Saudis. Relax y'all, it's good for business. Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 01:46 PM (52QgN) 200
OT, to distract from the depressing news:
Guess the race of this genius on Twitter. "Worse thing @Amazon could have done is get white people excited for cheap electronics and have it be a fail. #PrimeDay #PrimeDayFail" Posted by: LizLem at July 15, 2015 01:46 PM (hvf9s) 201
I remember the days back in 1996 when so many of my fellow S.F. Jews were all smiles about peace with the Palestinians and I was the only sourpuss among them. One of those fellow Jews remains a friend of mine and he conceded that I had been 100% correct on what was actually going on. Jews can be some of the dumbest people on the planet.
Posted by: SFGoth at July 15, 2015 01:46 PM (V/CPC) 202
Bandersnatch: "I know you're technically correct but this hurts my brain too much."
Yeah, could be all the shouting. It's not at you; it's at DC. If Iran hits anywhere, I hope it's there. From orbit. The only way to be sure. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at July 15, 2015 01:47 PM (1CroS) 203
"I really want someone to drop into this forum and try to defend voting for Republicans.
___________________________________________ When you hear a midget cry out "the plane, the plane" and a man in a white suite say "smiles, everyone, smiles" pull the lever with the R on it. "Dooh" Posted by: OTB at July 15, 2015 01:47 PM (ShdUd) 204
It makes sense in that:
there were many compelling reasons to not do the right thing, including the need for multiple strikes and possible ground operationsto kill off the sites. Obama and the MFM can be counted upon to lie. the republicans have rolled over on everything else; why not this? And anyone who questions it will be portrayed as questioning the guys with the awesome trac record in gaining House seats and the Senate. never mind that they're doing nothing with it except enriching themselves and are likely to lose the Senate again. And some are probably counting on Iran to stabilize and quieten things down in Iraq and perhaps Syria (and not by Kurds). Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 01:47 PM (Spluw) 205
QUESTION: Obama could have done this deal and gone straight to UN Security Counsel to get it approved. If so, would it have been binding on the US even if not approved by the Senate as a treaty?
No. The UN Security Council cannot make decisions which are binding on the US. That's a sovereignty issue, and SCOTUS has repeatedly upheld that. QUESTION 2: Under the Corker Bill if the deal is disapproved, but the disapproval is vetoed, as is expected, does the deal become US law with the effect of a treaty, or just another executive agreement (as oppose to a binding treaty) that could be undone by the next administration? That's a good question. Constitutionally, any treaty requires ratification by 2/3 of the Senate. All the Corker Bill does is make the provisions of the Treaty go into effect. The next administration couldn't undo them, because they'd be enacted with force of law, but all it would take is a repeal bill. So less effort than revoking a treaty. FINAL QUESTION: I understand it is impossible to get the sanctions genies back into the bottle regardless, but if the end result of the failure theater of the Corker Bill is just a non-binding executive agreement, what other options did the GOP have? At least now they get a chance to voice their displeasure and maybe a wedge issue. However, if the vetoed disapproval results in a binding treaty, I agree Corker is a traitor. No. Because what would have been required normally would be full Senate Ratification. This is an agreement with another sovereign nation: AKA "A Treaty." TFG could have done some things around the sanctions themselves, sort of, but not any of the rest of it. So without the Corker Bill, Obama is out all on his lonesome, defending revoking some or all of the sanctions without getting anything at all in return. With the Corker Bill, he has the fig-leaf of Congressional approval (so not "out all on his own") and also has the fig-leaf of whatever "protections" the treaty claims to include (the faux inspections and whatever else). Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 15, 2015 01:47 PM (kff5f) 206
FWIW Cruz is meeting Trump.
My hopeful side is GOP hoping this is Cruz is trying to find a way to break away from the CoC via Trump. Posted by: @votermom at July 15, 2015 01:47 PM (cbfNE) 207
Hey, come on guys, I just announced an investigation of Planned Parenthood. Doesn't that count for anything with you wingnuts?
*hic* Posted by: John Boehner at July 15, 2015 01:48 PM (8ZskC) 208
Yeah, good update, Ace.
Lord Obama never demanded that Iran come clean about its past nuclear programs. Therefore, THERE IS NO BASELINE by which to measure anything now, or in the future. Complete capitulation. Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 01:48 PM (UJWg7) 209
We must remember that the good, principled
conservatives we have in the Senate can't run the whole show and that the monkey pulling the levers and the whole GOPe sellouts are just as dangerous as the democrats. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 01:43 PM Sorry, but this excuse is no longer anywhere close to valid. From the moment the GOPe and its Internet PR gang declared Choom Boy Too Big To Impeach, they settled down into a life of quiet, useless subservience. Cruz is one of them. Give the enemy your ammunition and no one will give a shit when you whimper "I couldn't shoot back!" Posted by: MrScribbler at July 15, 2015 01:48 PM (JaVx+) 210
Barack Obottom
Posted by: Mr Wizard at July 15, 2015 01:49 PM (eOpVe) 211
We can prevent the coming Maunder Minimum by heating cities, one at a time! Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 15, 2015 01:49 PM (av9Vm) 212
The ones that wont are in a word, WEAK
I find your assertions unconvincing, but you knew that already. Posted by: Grump928(C) at July 15, 2015 01:50 PM (rwI+c) 213
Obama says covert programs are hard...
So, we've learned nothing from the North Korean experience. Posted by: Uriah Heep at July 15, 2015 01:50 PM (ZMZ2g) 214
Well ThunderB, it is prophesied in the bible that all nations will eventually abandon support for Israel Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 01:50 PM (C278+) 215
Please refer to Iran's weapon program as the 'Obomb' in your conversations...
Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 15, 2015 01:50 PM (av9Vm) 216
"Hey, come on guys, I just announced an investigation of Planned Parenthood. Doesn't that count for anything with you wingnuts?"
-------------------------------------------------------------- Go back to licking Nancy's face. Don't want to ask and don't tell what you lick of hers when the camera is off. Posted by: OTB at July 15, 2015 01:51 PM (ShdUd) 217
Just ask yourself what Harry Reid would do if he we the Majority Leader and didn't much like the deal ...
He would say screw the Corker Amendment and just put it through the normal treaty approval process. Posted by: Ken Starr at July 15, 2015 01:51 PM (e8kgV) 218
So, the NAACP, which has no credibility anymore save for flacking for the Democratic party, wants the world's largest bass relief blasted off of Stone Mountain. Good luck with that shit you fucking taliban wannabees.
Posted by: maddogg at July 15, 2015 01:52 PM (xWW96) 219
EU shot the Greek hostage and now Spain is nervous".
Why can't we come up with some nifty one liners for our end of times? Posted by: Drider at July 15, 2015 01:43 PM (DNFK1) I liked the one where Europe put Greece on EBay Posted by: Velvet Ambition at July 15, 2015 01:52 PM (R8hU8) 220
Cruz, et al. Cruz's point was that he voted for this simply because it was THE ONLY way that Congress would even get to look at the deal per what was going down. We must remember that the good, principled conservatives we have in the Senate can't run the whole show and that the monkey pulling the levers and the whole GOPe sellouts are just as dangerous as the democrats.
Posted by: prescient11 Then don't vote or don't vote yes. One question: would dems stand for this for even a minute if they held the Senate and a filthy rethuglickkkkkkkkan was President? If the answer is no, then don't fucking do it. He didn't merely vote so as to be able to 'see it'. He voted for a blank check. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 01:52 PM (Spluw) 221
214 179
Well ThunderB, it is prophesied in the bible that all nations will eventually abandon support for Israel Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 01:50 PM (C278+) Just 10 years ago I thought that would never be possible for the USA. Then the democrats denied God 3 times at their convention, then we elected an anti Semite in Obama. The direction is clear. IMHO Obama isn't done with Isreal or us for that matter. Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 01:53 PM (wkuqO) 222
The GOPe bears 100% of the responsibility for this agreement and 100% of the culpability if a nuclear incident or exchange occurs.
They will have blood on their hands. Posted by: Kreplach at July 15, 2015 01:53 PM (bywZ6) 223
>>> it is prophesied in the bible that all nations will eventually abandon support for Israel
"Nations" in the sense of Iroquois tribes, not Belgium and etc. Posted by: Bigby's Typing Fingers at July 15, 2015 01:53 PM (3ZtZW) 224
Well ThunderB, it is prophesied in the bible that all nations will eventually abandon support for Israel
Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 01:50 PM (C278+) Israel is where I would want to be when the SHTF Posted by: Velvet Ambition at July 15, 2015 01:54 PM (R8hU8) 225
July 15, 2015 mark it well as the beginning of the march to Armageddon has begun.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 01:54 PM (x3GpS) 226
IMHO Obama isn't done with Isreal or us for that matter.
Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 01:53 PM (wkuqO) I'll say it again, I don't know why Israel doesn't retaliate against him. He is not their ally and is working against them. Time for Israel to take the gloves off Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 15, 2015 01:55 PM (OE2ur) 227
Weather Forecast for NYC and the I95 Corridor for Sept 11 2020...
Clear with a morning low of 61 and a high of 1,000,000 Posted by: Mr Wizard at July 15, 2015 01:55 PM (eOpVe) 228
Here's a breakdown of the Jewish organizations (most of which I cut off my Spare $$s list some time ago) and their feelings about the Great Iran Sellout of 2015: Someone should compare how the actions/inactions taken by the respective groups accords with what they stated publicly. I'm thinking much more inaction than action. Posted by: Mickey Shwarma, soon from an undisclosed non-US location at July 15, 2015 01:55 PM (2mJMN) 229
I refuse to put Cruz in the GOPe camp. No way, no how. His entire campaign is about bucking leadership and he has paid for it big time.
Kinda say that about Rand Paul. Not sure about Walker. Honestly, those are the only guys going right now. This entire process is pretty alarming I must say. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 01:56 PM (q5APL) 230
I believe that was the Super Secret Trade Bill that was locked in Secret Room & notes, iPhones, etc weren't allowed in or out! I heard two, Boston's Howie Carr & Tom Marr subbing for Levin on July 3, say that McConnell said he "had an out of body experience" delivering that Trade Bill to zero. I listened a second time but neither said where he said that. Does anyone know? Posted by: Carol at July 15, 2015 01:56 PM (sj3Ax) 231
Imagine the dismay of all those soldiers who were mangled and nearly killed by Hezbollah soldiers and Iranian IEDs in Iraq. The dead ones aren't available for comment.
Thanks for signing a treaty that lifts sanctions and allows nukes to be developed, Barack. Thanks for helping a nation that tried to kill our soldiers and spreads terror through the world. Thanks for the clause that mentions "helping to prevent sabotage." Imagine what that means. People laughed at President Bush the younger for his Axis of Terror comment, which has been proven 100% right over, and over, and over again. And now we're setting up treaties with one of the members. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 01:56 PM (39g3+) 232
And Americans are still rotting in Iranian prison.
Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 01:57 PM (P25Hh) 233
we have abandoned Israel we have chosen a side in the Islamic civil war we have ceded the region to Iran we have kicked off a nuclear arms race pray ----------- And people were complaining at me yesterday for saying God will punish us for this "deal". But truly we now must pray like our lives depend on it, because they do. But I dread that the Lord will not hear our prayers, because we had the means to prevent this disaster and did not do so. Posted by: exdem13 at July 15, 2015 01:57 PM (ry4ab) 234
This entire process is pretty alarming I must say. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 01:56 PM (q5APL) If i have my facts correct Cotton was the senator who voted against this 'Treaty'. Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 01:57 PM (wkuqO) 235
Well ThunderB, it is prophesied in the bible that all nations will eventually abandon support for Israel
Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 01:50 PM (C278+) Yeah, and no entity that could be the USA is mentioned anywhere when talking about the primary players in the end times. Just 10 yrs ago, I was wondering how the Lord could have missed that one .... ![]() Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 01:57 PM (nqiq9) 236
Chamberlain was shown to be completely wrong not to soon after Munich. I only hope that Barry is shown up as well and this all gets shoved back into his arrogant face
Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 15, 2015 01:57 PM (OE2ur) 237
"July 15, 2015 mark it well as the beginning of the march to Armageddon has begun."
--------------------------------------------------------------- You just woke up form a deep sleep? You might want to get a cup of coffee and type in September 2015 in you search engine. Spoiler alert. Don't look towards the screen as you sip the coffee :^) Posted by: OTB at July 15, 2015 01:58 PM (ShdUd) 238
Though I believe this deal is terrible and the only negotiations that should have taken place is an unconditional stop to terrorism including to produce nuclear weapons or we will turn your country to rumble, I'm not going to be like the Left and hope the Iranians won't comply just so I can be proven right. I think It will fail without me actively wishing for it to do so. Though the chance is minuscule , I'll gladly eat my words and be truly happy if this deal stops the Iranians from producing a nuke. But it won't.
Posted by: Cruzinater at July 15, 2015 01:58 PM (4SgJh) 239
Weather Forecast for NYC and the I95 Corridor for Sept 11 2020...
Clear with a morning low of 61 and a high of 1,000,000 2016. And there is no Jack Bauer. Posted by: rickb223 at July 15, 2015 01:58 PM (DKgtk) Posted by: Drider at July 15, 2015 01:58 PM (DNFK1) 241
I saw a brief flash...and then it was gone...
Posted by: Mr Wizard at July 15, 2015 01:59 PM (eOpVe) 242
If it mattered at all, if who was president could possibly turn this train around, if elections to federal positions were going to fix anything... I'd point out that Cruz has flaws, but is one of the best of the bad lot. But... this ship is on the way to the bottom, folks. Who's in charge at the wheel really doesn't matter.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 01:59 PM (39g3+) 243
I'm convinced that if Israel bombs Iran Obama will absolutely lose it. We would see some stuff we've never seen before. Not outright war against Israel but everything short of it.
Posted by: rrpjr at July 15, 2015 01:59 PM (s/yC1) 244
***"Cruz, et al. Cruz's point was that he voted for this simply because it
was THE ONLY way that Congress would even get to look at the deal per what was going down. We must remember that the good, principled conservatives we have in the Senate can't run the whole show and that the monkey pulling the levers and the whole GOPe sellouts are just as dangerous as the democrats."*** No. Just no. A good, principled conservative - especially one like Cruz who bills himself as a strict constitutionalist - does not upend the constitutional order of the system of checks and balances just so they can get a look at a bill. they continue the fight against the lawless Executive branch who continues to usurp authority. Otherwise, he's just bullshitting you and you are buying it. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 01:59 PM (xSCb6) 245
>>> I liked the one where Europe put Greece on EBay
Posted by: Velvet Ambition at July 15, 2015 01:52 PM (R8hU ![]() Say hello to my Plan B, in case that POTUS thingie falls through!! Got it for a cool 5 million Euro! Oh, and I'd like to introduce my new TV show, coming this Fall! We're taking contestants for "Who wants to be a Mayor of a Greek City?", RIGHT NOW. Posted by: The Donald Trump at July 15, 2015 02:00 PM (2mJMN) 246
242 If it mattered at all, if who was president could possibly turn this train around, if elections to federal positions were going to fix anything... I'd point out that Cruz has flaws, but is one of the best of the bad lot. But... this ship is on the way to the bottom, folks. Who's in charge at the wheel really doesn't matter.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 01:59 PM (39g3+) Hey straighten up the deck chairs, no need in being sloppy. Move them to the high side. Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 02:00 PM (wkuqO) 247
This thread needs more JeffB.
Posted by: some random meathead at July 15, 2015 02:00 PM (XaTzU) 248
The turmoil in the Middle East and the anger against Israel are signs that an invasion of Israel will take place in the foreseeable future. In less than 100 years Israel has gone from insignificance to the vortex of the world.
Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 02:00 PM (C278+) 249
GOP, not that I really need to point it our but you had one job, to write one sentence and you botched it.
Posted by: Drider at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (DNFK1) 250
Obola is comparing himself to Reagan for entering into this deal. See WZ.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (XUKZU) 251
I liked the one where Europe put Greece on EBay
Posted by: Velvet Ambition at July 15, 2015 01:52 PM (R8hU ![]() Greek islands for sale! Check out our lightning deals! Posted by: PrimeDay in 2016 at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (hvf9s) 252
Thanks for signing a treaty that lifts sanctions and allows nukes to be developed, Barack. Thanks for helping a nation that tried to kill our soldiers and spreads terror through the world. Thanks for the clause that mentions "helping to prevent sabotage." Imagine what that means.
================ Imma add all that to my Thanksgiving prayers and RUIN evvybotty's T-Day! I'll end it with "Amen - pass the gravy boat, b1tchez" Posted by: Bigby's Typing Fingers at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (3ZtZW) 253
Not outright war against Israel but everything short of it.
Might be outright war. At the very least tons of airstrikes and "kinetic actions." And the GOP will line up right with him, regretfully supporting it. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (39g3+) 254
43 And to refresh everyone's memory, these are the suckers of cock who sponsored the Corker Bill
Miss Lindsay and Juan McLame are to be expected. But what gets me are all those "tea party favorites." I'm glaring at you: Rubio, Ayotte and Ernst. Posted by: Citizen X at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (7ObY1) 255
Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 01:42 PM (zOTsN)
Not 'we,' the federal government, which pretty much does its own thing. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (eZ1Ky) 256
Just saying:
You are correct. It was Cotton. But that guy has voted for all kinds of non-conservative shit. And I pimped him as an eventual VP candidate. For Rubio, I know the shame Ace and I share. C. Taylor: You might be right, but that's why the meeting between Trump and Cruz in NYC is really really interesting. Read Jeffrey Lord's piece about all those mealy mouth fucks who said Reagan could never win. Lord has a buddy in PA running for state office who is knocking on doors. Those folks are VOLUNTEERING that they stand behind Trump. The time is ripe folks. Trump/Cruz would give the dems fucking nightmares. Tough to play that Hispanic card eh? Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (q5APL) 257
In a way, it's actually what we've been asking for.
As the only way to return to a more moral and ethical and traditional way of life is for our current modern civilization to be destroyed or radically reduced in size and influence. There won't be any sjw's after the shtf because only those who are productive will survive or be allowed to live. Those who cannot provide for themselves will have to subordinate themselves to the tribes benefit with what ever abilities/talents/energy they have to give. Those that will not will be rejected and ousted from the tribe to fend for themselves as best they can. Can you imagine many liberals being able to support themselves or willing labor for the tribe? And I'm talking as someone who's old enough that if I survive the immediate cataclysms and warfare am unable to do much physical work. I may be able to provide some knowledge depending on the technical level of the tribe and the resulting civilization left. The Bible says only 144,000 will survive the end times. Somehow that doesn't seem realistic and there must be a unit disparity there. I'm hope for rapture. SOON. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (x3GpS) 258
This is payback for the Iraq war. No Iraq war, no Obama, no Iran deal. Hopefully this will put the nail in the neocons coffin.
Posted by: bjk at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (x2rNW) 259
Did anyone else read the update? it already failed. KSA is openly starting a nuclear weapons program. And it will probably make a big show of getting some from Pakistan. It HAS to, so as to be seen as having deliverable weapons.
Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (Spluw) 260
Munich II, Nuclear Boogaloo!
Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (av9Vm) 261
And Americans are still rotting in Iranian prison. -------------- Yeah, that loser Berghdal got traded home but those victims of circumstance can rot. Obummer has no loyalty and no honor, but there he is in the Oval Office anyway.... Posted by: exdem13 at July 15, 2015 02:03 PM (ry4ab) 262
"Your gift of $35, $75, or $125..."
Posted by: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio at July 15, 2015 02:03 PM (eZ1Ky) 263
Republic of Texas
Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 02:03 PM (52QgN) 264
And people were complaining at me yesterday for saying God will punish us for this "deal". But truly we now must pray like our lives depend on it, because they do. But I dread that the Lord will not hear our prayers, because we had the means to prevent this disaster and did not do so.
God will hear our prayers. For the sake of ten just men he'd have spared Soddom. I'm hopin' we've got ten just men here. Posted by: Iblis at July 15, 2015 02:03 PM (9221z) 265
This is payback because..........a war that the left supported forced dems to nominate a third rate racist machine politician from Chicago.
Becuase of neoncons or something. Posted by: Blow Job King (BJK) at July 15, 2015 02:04 PM (Spluw) 266
Burn the witch:
Well, your name is apropos!! Come on guys, for fuck's sake if you can't back a guy who has been there pretty much on each and every fight then who in the fuck can we even talk about?? I mean Cruz literally just did a favor for Flynn, a dude who was never going to win just do to the circumstances, and what, we can't stand by him? I gotta say, if Cruz ain't conservative enough for you you are living in fucking la la land. Nobody's perfect, but he's one damn fighter on almost every crucial issue. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:04 PM (q5APL) 267
Posted by: bjk at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (x2rNW)
The only thing you failed to mention was FAUX NOISE! Get lost. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 02:05 PM (xSCb6) 268
Chamberlain was shown to be completely wrong not to soon after Munich. I only hope that Barry is shown up as well and this all gets shoved back into his arrogant face
Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 15, 2015 01:57 PM (OE2ur) Remember San Diego... Posted by: Captain John Sheridan at July 15, 2015 02:05 PM (7YlUk) 269
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (39g3+)
That will not happen for any number of reasons. Posted by: Cruzinater at July 15, 2015 02:05 PM (4SgJh) 270
Cruz, sadly, is a complete dissapointment on this issue. The president could have called it anything he wanted, the Senate could call it a treaty because that's what the level of the agreement and understanding the president was seeking. The President could have acted unilaterally and lawless but the Senate was under no obligation to put its imprimatur on this lawlessness and ceratnly the congress was under no obligation or duty to fund any of it. The GOP is an utter disgrace. There will be blood and it will be on the GOPs hands. Posted by: Kreplach at July 15, 2015 02:05 PM (bywZ6) 271
FWIW, has an interesting take on why the GOP went w/the Corker-Mendez thing. here's the 1st two reasons:
(1)] Why do you think the Iran deal is always referred to as a 'deal' rather than a treaty? Because Obama would never have called it a treaty and submitted it to Congress for approval, and in fact, as a multilateral arms agreement, there's actually precedent for his position (although not precedent for going against the basic interests of the US and the opinion of a majority in Congress). (2) Corker-Menendez actually introduced a way for Congress to vote on it and disapprove of it, particularly and especially the lifting of sanctions, which it delays. What's more, any ability Congress may have had to block it as a treaty still remains open to them, as far as I can tell. Posted by: Lizzy at July 15, 2015 02:05 PM (NOIQH) 272
Do you honestly think America deserves mercy? The good always suffer with the bad. Maybe we have it coming for letting it get this far. Can we really say we aren't at least partly to blame?
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (39g3+) Posted by: wooga at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (CoAVi) 274
This is payback for the Iraq war. No Iraq war, no Obama, no Iran deal. Hopefully this will put the nail in the neocons coffin. Posted by: bjk at July 15, 2015 02:02 PM (x2rNW)" You have a remarkably rich and interesting fantasy world that you inhabit. Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (QHgTq) 275
That wasnt obamas trade bill; it was the Republicans. Republicans wanted that trade bill. In return, they will give obama anything he wants. Republicans serve the Commerce Overlords, not You. Posted by: Soothsayer at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (Bz0KQ) Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (J0IP0) 277
And we hold 2 houses of Congress!
Just think what we could do if we had the Presidency too! wait a minute... Posted by: some random meathead at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (XaTzU) 278
***"I gotta say, if Cruz ain't conservative enough for
you you are living in fucking la la land. Nobody's perfect, but he's one damn fighter on almost every crucial issue. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:04 PM (q5APL) "*** You were the one who brought up "principles". Forgive me for expecting a self-professed constitutionalist to, you know, stick by the fvcking constitution. My bad. I guess you have The Chicken on speed dial. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 02:07 PM (xSCb6) 279
Zechariah 12:3 (KJV)
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 02:07 PM (C278+) 280
This is payback for the Iraq war. No Iraq war, no Obama, no Iran deal. Hopefully this will put the nail in the neocons coffin. Is that you, Rand, or your kook father? Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 15, 2015 02:07 PM (oVJmc) 281
To every politician in DC: ....................../��/) ....................,/�../ .................../..../ ............./��/'...'/���`�� ........../'/.../..../......./��\ ........('(...�...�.... �~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.�� ............\..............( ..............\.............\... Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (DlmoZ) 282
This is Obama one upping the 70's Dems.
They just lost Vietnam and Southeast Asia. He's trying to lose Iraq, Afghanistan, the entire middle east and destroy Israel. Which coincidentally most libs feel is the source of all evil in the world after us. Posted by: Iblis at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (9221z) 283
Taylor: You might be right, but that's why the meeting between Trump and Cruz in NYC is really really interesting.
------------------ This has got my attention also. Is it finally "third party" time? Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (P25Hh) 284
Boeing and GE are going to make out like bandits over this deal. This will compensate a bit if the Ex-im bank is finally killed.
Posted by: Concerned Citizen at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (jLStj) 285
In many ways I blame the Republicans more than the Dems for our state of affairs - we're supposed to know better.
Hey! What's Caitlyn Jenner been up to lately? Posted by: Weasel at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (6xtq3) 286
>>Chamberlain was shown to be completely wrong not to soon after Munich. I only hope that Barry is shown up as well and this all gets shoved back into his arrogant face
Will NEVER happen - just look what he's managed to not take the blame for so far, failures such as Benghazi, Fast and Furious, a wide open southern border for over a year/DHS releasing criminals resulting in dozens of Willie Hortons. Nope, they will all declare it "unexpected" and no one will be angrier than Obama when he hears about it on the news. Posted by: Lizzy at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (NOIQH) 287
276 I saw a brief flash...and then it was gone...
I cannot put my finger on it now... Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (J0IP0) The child has grown, the dream is gone. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (mx5oN) 288
272 Do you honestly think America deserves mercy? The good always suffer with the bad. Maybe we have it coming for letting it get this far. Can we really say we aren't at least partly to blame?
What the hell were we supposed to do, launch mortars at people? Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (eZ1Ky) 289
This is payback for the Iraq war. No Iraq war, no Obama, no Iran deal.
No Jimmy Carter, no Mullahs. Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (evdj2) 290
I'm glaring at you: Rubio, Ayotte and Ernst.
Posted by: Citizen X at July 15, 2015 02:01 PM (7ObY1) -- Dunno about Ernst, but Ayotte and Rubio are known sell outs. Posted by: @votermom at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (smwn1) 291
Even better -
_____ || || |\___/| | | | | | | | | | | | | _____|<--->|_____ / | | \ / | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | / \ / \ / | | | | Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (DlmoZ) 292
Not sure if this was mentioned already, but Trump and Cruz are parlaying today in Manhattan.
Hmm . . . Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (St6BJ) 293
>>And we hold 2 houses of Congress! Just think what we could do if we had the Presidency too!
Create the DHS and the TSA? Pass a massive health care entitlement expansion? Try twice to pass an Amnesty Bill? Massively expand domestic spending? Put a swing vote on the Supreme Court? You know, like last time. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (O7MnT) Posted by: OurCountryIsScrewed at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (DlmoZ) 295
Now that the Saudi's are going to get nukes, maybe *looks around*, maybe they could pass a couple of them to their ISIS kin and tell the Persians fucked they're goat.
Posted by: Drider at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (DNFK1) 296
I cannot put my finger on it now...
Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 15, 2015 02:06 PM (J0IP0) The child is grown The dream is gone.... Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 15, 2015 02:09 PM (nqiq9) 297
A big ugly crash is coming and you can only survive IF you BUY what I am selling.
Filthy JEW GOOOOOOOLLLLLLLDDDDD!!!! Posted by: Rawn POL! at July 15, 2015 02:10 PM (XaTzU) 298
278 ***"I gotta say, if Cruz ain't conservative enough for
you you are living in fucking la la land. Nobody's perfect, but he's one damn fighter on almost every crucial issue. Except the big ones. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:10 PM (eZ1Ky) 299
See,you all should have supported me. You get the same result anyway and I look better in tight jeans than McConnell.
Posted by: Alison Lundergren-Grimes at July 15, 2015 02:10 PM (OD2ni) 300
>>Trump and Cruz are parlaying today in Manhattan.
I would guess this time, they will not be having dinner with any gay millionaires. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:10 PM (O7MnT) 301
Appropriately, yesterday was Bastille Day. Where is Robespierre and his guillotine when you need them?
Posted by: Reince Priebus at July 15, 2015 02:10 PM (GGCsk) 302
288 272 Do you honestly think America deserves mercy? The good always suffer with the bad. Maybe we have it coming for letting it get this far. Can we really say we aren't at least partly to blame?
What the hell were we supposed to do, launch mortars at people? Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (eZ1Ky) Like I said yesterday, I didn't vote for the motherfucker. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:10 PM (mx5oN) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:11 PM (St6BJ) 304
See where D'souza's judge has required more psycho treatments weekly? And 4 more years of community service. It is a little off topic but proof the liberals want to silence us.
Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 02:11 PM (wkuqO) Posted by: rickb223 at July 15, 2015 02:11 PM (DKgtk) 306
279 Zechariah 12:3 (KJV)
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 02:07 PM (C278+) _________________________________ Zechariah was talking about that other Persian problem and it was about 2400 years ago. And, Zechariah was written AFTER it had already happened and the Jews were in Persian hands. Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 02:11 PM (52QgN) 307
>>Except the big ones.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:10 PM (eZ1Ky) << This^. He just folded again like a cheap suit. All because he wants to be president. He's becoming another guy who sold out for his personal ambition. Posted by: Reince Priebus at July 15, 2015 02:11 PM (GGCsk) 308
Diplomad has a provocative piece up He calls the deal The Great Con He predicted that Israel and Saudi would ally over this And now that we have picked a side in the Islamic civil war he predicts the Sunni powers will ally together with Israel too He even predicts they will ally with ISIS, because they believe Iran is a bigger threat. An existential threat Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:12 PM (h7g/D) 309
I wouldn't mind being comfortably numb right about now.
Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:12 PM (mx5oN) 310
***"I gotta say, if Cruz ain't conservative enough for
you you are living in fucking la la land. Nobody's perfect, but he's one damn fighter on almost every crucial issue."*** Oops, almost forgot. I'm a results-oriented kinda guy. I'm totally out of fvkcs to give about what these guys have to *say*. I care about how they vote. And on some damn huge issues, Mr. Principled Constitutional Conservative Ted Cruz doesn't seem to be putting his money where his mouth is. Obamatrade and this Iran fiasco are pretty crucial. Now you might like it when people tell you what you want to hear, but I'm personally done with that. It's time to expect some results instead of wishcasting. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 02:12 PM (xSCb6) 311
So many deals to be made, so little time.
Posted by: The Devil at July 15, 2015 02:12 PM (LPHFE) 312
By the way, the 70th anniversary of the first nuclear test in Alomogordo is tomorrow (or Friday?). How fucking ironic. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:12 PM (St6BJ) Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:12 PM (x3GpS) 314
Chamberlain was shown to be completely wrong not to soon after Munich. I only hope that Barry is shown up as well and this all gets shoved back into his arrogant face
There was still a shred of honor in the world then. There was still some semblance of men with chests. Back then, decency and morality had some hold still. People were not willing to sell out everything, including dignity and their very souls for political power. Obama will pay no price, on this earth for what he's done. He will die rich, praised, and honored. When he's dead they'll treat him like MLK, Abraham Lincoln, and Gandhi combined. What he'll face when he meets his maker, that's between him and God. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:12 PM (39g3+) 315
***"I gotta say, if Cruz ain't conservative enough for you you are living in fucking la la land. Nobody's perfect, but he's one damn fighter on almost every crucial issue.Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:04 PM (q5APL) "***You were the one who brought up "principles".Forgive me for expecting a self-professed constitutionalist to, you know, stick by the fvcking constitution.My bad.I guess you have The Chicken on speed dial.
Posted by: Burn the Witch His 'principles' are malleable at best. yesterday, he asserted thatTrump was a conservative (while provided jack shit for proof), and he was demanding that everyone else prove him wrong. And then pretended that no one answered him. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:13 PM (Spluw) 316
Do you honestly think America deserves mercy? The good always suffer with the bad. Maybe we have it coming for letting it get this far. Can we really say we aren't at least partly to blame? --------------- That's what I have been saying, to the discomfort of some Morons who probably live in the potential blast zones. it's not just Christian thought, it's the way the world works. Folly is inevitably punished, from the Trojans to the ministers of George II and Nicholas II. The Obummer years have been a parade of folly to an extent we all could not have imagined in 2001. Posted by: exdem13 at July 15, 2015 02:13 PM (ry4ab) 317
Except the big ones.
I do still believe that his forcing the Republicans to take a stand against Obamacare via a shutdown was probably the biggest factor in the 2014 win. Without that, the media's attempt to blame Obamacare on Republicans would have quelled the LIVs. But even the LIVs had heard of the shutdown and why Cruz was doing it. Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at July 15, 2015 02:13 PM (J0IP0) 318
I'm walking if Trump walks and some squish is nominated. For the purity freaks, here's my point. Romneycare - Mitt said that look, the fucking leftists had more than enough votes to overcome any veto I could have made, so instead of letting some complete commie bill go through, Mitt, as Governor of MA got involved and tried to get the best bill through. So, HE DID HIS FUCKING JOB, knowing that if he didn't intervene and participate, a much more horrible Romneycare was going to happen. Where Mittens fucked up and lost me is that he didn't say he wished Romneycare never happened, he was actually proud of it. What state has the highest per capita ratio of doctors? What state has the longest wait times to see a doctor? Trick questions, the answer to both is fucking Massachussets. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (q5APL) 319
I say we hold a vote and rename the republican party the democrat party and avoid all republican embarrassment and shame of their playing of democrat skin flute in the future.
I hate the democrats but...I despise a loser republican, and that is that. Posted by: obsidian at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (ARK2U) 320
Posted by: Andrajoso at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (fscqy) 321
Zechariah was written AFTER it had already happened and the Jews were in Persian hands.
After the Jews were restored to Israel, they were subsequently attacked and obliterated by Greeks and then Romans in sequence. That one was fulfilled, historically. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (39g3+) Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (h7g/D) 323
Trump is not conservative.
Ted Cruz is not conservative. Ronald Reagan is not conservative. You do realize that this is approaching the level of hysterics, right? You can disagree with certain things Cruz has done but to say he's not conservative is fucking ludicrous. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:15 PM (q5APL) 324
Oh I see -- after voting in favor of letting Obama do this, and making it US law, you're now going to run on a campaign of "isn't it horrible what Obama and the Democrats have done here."
Go fuck yourselves to hell. You will pass from the earth, and no one will mourn your passing. Ace is telepathic. He just read my mind. Every sentence, word and syllable. And even the space in between. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 15, 2015 02:16 PM (qCMvj) 325
That's what I have been saying, to the discomfort of some Morons who probably live in the potential blast zones. it's not just Christian thought, it's the way the world works. Folly is inevitably punished, from the Trojans to the ministers of George II and Nicholas II. The Obummer years have been a parade of folly to an extent we all could not have imagined in 2001.
So what did YOU do wrong to make this bill happen? Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:16 PM (eZ1Ky) 326
Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:17 PM (evdj2) 327
319 I say we hold a vote and rename the republican party the democrat party and avoid all republican embarrassment and shame of their playing of democrat skin flute in the future.
I hate the democrats but...I despise a loser republican, and that is that. Posted by: obsidian at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (ARK2U) The repubicans have shamed me by their constant caving and quisling actions. As a conservative how can you call yourself republican? I'm asking myself that now. Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 02:17 PM (wkuqO) 328
Diplomad has a provocative piece up He calls the deal The Great Con He predicted that Israel and Saudi would ally over this And now that we have picked a side in the Islamic civil war he predicts the Sunni powers will ally together with Israel too He even predicts they will ally with ISIS, because they believe Iran is a bigger threat. An existential threat
Posted by: ThunderB He's probably right. ISIS are mostly Sunni. and they are mostly arab, not persian.And they're fighting Iran in iraq. if you were part of this bizarre, new alliance, where would you rather fight? Iraq will remain a battleground, as will Yemen. And Russia and the West will sell to and buy oil from both sides. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:17 PM (Spluw) 329
Trump is the ultimate revenge candidate.
If he just built the wall Israel has on our southern border it would be worth it to elect him. I dont care about perfection, I care about trust. I trust Trump. Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:17 PM (kf36l) 330
To finish off my Mittens and Romneycare story, Cruz did not say I voted for this and HE'S FUCKING PROUD OF IT,
No he said that he voted for it BECAUSE IT WAS THE ONLY WAY THAT CONGRESS COULD EVEN LOOK AT THE FUCKING BILL AND TRY TO STOP IT. Translate this: the administration was going to do a fucking deal and tell congress to go fuck itself. GOPe wasn't going to do shit and neither were the dems. You do realize that's what's underneath the surface, right? Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:17 PM (q5APL) 331
My republican representative never answers my calls or letters. I guess I'm not too helpful.
Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 02:17 PM (wkuqO) 332
The great thing moving to and becoming a citizen of Cruziland is I don't give a crap about who is or isn't conservative enough according to people who post on the Internet. That's the United States problem. Though it is a question on the Citizenship test so the country can weed out the perpetual complainers.
Posted by: Cruzinater at July 15, 2015 02:18 PM (4SgJh) 333
I mean Cruz literally just did a favor for Flynn, a dude who was never going to win just do to the circumstances, and what, we can't stand by him? I gotta say, if Cruz ain't conservative enough for you you are living in fucking la la land. Nobody's perfect, but he's one damn fighter on almost every crucial issue. Posted by: prescient11 OK, Cruz may have given Iran the bomb, which will inevitably lead to the incineration of hundreds of millions of innocent people and the end of civilization. But, he also gave a literately last minute endorsement of a long shot candidate in an off year primary race. So, what say we call it a wash and send him a check. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 15, 2015 02:18 PM (kdS6q) Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:18 PM (evdj2) 335
You do realize that this is approaching the level of hysterics, right? You can disagree with certain things Cruz has done but to say he's not conservative is fucking ludicrous.
He supported Mitch McConnell as majority leader. He voted for TPP. He voted to give Iran nukes. He sucks, like the whole party, and neither he nor it are conservative. I'm sorry. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:18 PM (eZ1Ky) 336
Oh yay, another Romney defense.
Look, you're better off shouting "purity freaks" and accusing everyone else who can see what's plain as day of "being in lala land" than trying to defend the indefensible. At least with the former, you get to play with magic. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 02:18 PM (xSCb6) 337
It might be better to stop calling the ideology that we represent or desire is "conservative".
Perhaps Constitutional or Patriotic might be better and only those who appear to be thinking of the COUNTRY'S benefit more than their own can qualify as leaders of such. Time to do what the liberals do and relabel stuff to better identify and classify our political goals. (or to hide them) Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:18 PM (x3GpS) 338
Cruz having a summit with Trump today. No flies on those two. Posted by: rrpjr at July 15, 2015 02:19 PM (s/yC1) 339
But even the LIVs had heard of the shutdown and why Cruz was doing it.
And it appealed to them. One man taking a stand and grinding government to a halt because of principle: people like that. The left and the GOPe thought he was insane and ruining everything, but everyone else went "cool, an actual filibuster, good on him." Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:19 PM (39g3+) Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:19 PM (q5APL) 341
For the sake of ten just men he'd have spared Soddom. I'm hopin' we've got ten just men here.
Posted by: Iblis at July 15, 2015 02:03 PM (9221z) ------------------------------------------ Oops ... we have nine. Sorry. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at July 15, 2015 02:19 PM (xkSSa) 342
Translate this: the administration was going to do a fucking deal and tell congress to go fuck itself. GOPe wasn't going to do shit and neither were the dems.
But now they are complicit. Bipartisan agreement, as it were. Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:19 PM (evdj2) 343
If you build it, they can't come.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:20 PM (x3GpS) 344
The Old Testament was written, for the most part, in Persia.
All of the things the Prophets (or Judges) said would happen, were written down AFTER their "prophecies" had come true. Deuteronomy was "discovered" AFTER the Jews had returned to Israel. Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 02:20 PM (52QgN) 345
This probably has nothing to do with anything but Hillary once ate a Moose.
Posted by: freaked at July 15, 2015 02:20 PM (BO/km) 346
Looks like prescient just went plaid with projection.
Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 02:20 PM (xSCb6) 347
Burn the witch:
I'm not defending Romney. Read what I wrote. Romney did what any responsible politician would have done. It's as if you folks don't even fucking have any situational awareness at all. Where Romney went wrong is he kept boasting about Romneycare which has been a fair bit of disaster for MA. But his involvement in trying to make it as non-leftist as he could was a good thing. It was his fucking job. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:21 PM (q5APL) 348
The great thing moving to and becoming a citizen of Cruziland is I don't give a crap about who is or isn't conservative enough according to people who post on the Internet. That's the United States problem. Though it is a question on the Citizenship test so the country can weed out the perpetual complainers. Posted by: Cruzinater I love you too. Here, have a teddy bear. I've got a couple left over. Lookie *squeeeek* it's got a squeaky thing inside! Posted by: Ted LCF Cruz Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (kdS6q) 349
Trump is not conservative.
We know this one is true. He just isn't. The fact that recently he's started making noises which make conservatives happy doesn't make him one. It makes him a con man who'll say and do anything for more power and money, which he's always been. He's at best pro-business, which some mistake for conservatism because they don't understand the core philosophy. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (39g3+) 350
Republic of Texas
Posted by: CozMark *pantomimes hand phone thingy, puts to ear* *mouths "Call Me"* Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (/Ho8c) 351
Do they think this Islamic civil war us iran/Iraq part II. That they will be too busy fighting each other to fight anyone else?
And we sell to both and the oil flows? And they don't realize a nuke changes that? Do they really think Iran won't use a nuke? How many died in iraq/iran? Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (h7g/D) 352
All of the things the Prophets (or Judges) said would happen, were written down AFTER their "prophecies" had come true.
They said the same thing about Isaiah. Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (evdj2) 353
Actually they are more complicit. They inverted the treaty clause and pre-approved whatever the SCOAMF came up with. There will be blood and it will be on their hands. Posted by: Kreplach at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (bywZ6) 354
Did I miss Hector spiking the ball on Obama's sellout, or has he not been around?
Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (O7MnT) 355
You do realize that's what's underneath the surface, right?
Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:17 PM (q5APL) The ruling party seems hell-bent to lift the sanctions, is what I see. There must be money to be made for corruptocrats in both parties. Posted by: Hurricane LaFawnduh at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (laMCB) Posted by: Garrett at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM (ObBZL) 357
The thing I don't get is this:
Obama's a Sunni, but he's willingly giving the bomb to the Shi'ites. Why? Is he positioning himself as some sort of pan-Islamic unifier, willing to cross the aisle to help his side's ancestral foes, in the name of finally bringing together the two factions of Islam into a single religion at last? A sort of modern-day Muslim Jesus? With the goal of creating a force strong enough to finally defeat the West and implement the ultimate global caliphate? Otherwise, I just don't get his strategy here. Posted by: zombie at July 15, 2015 02:23 PM (jBuUi) 358
That's right. Make that shit sandwich as palatable as you can. And then later claim you were going to eat it anyway and you were just trying to hide the flavor.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:23 PM (x3GpS) 359
All of the things the Prophets (or Judges) said would happen, were written down AFTER their "prophecies" had come true.
And the prophecies of Jesus in the Old Testament? Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 02:23 PM (C278+) 360
I say we hold a vote and rename the republican party the democrat party and avoid all republican embarrassment and shame of their playing of democrat skin flute in the future.
I hate the democrats but...I despise a loser republican, and that is that. Posted by: obsidian at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (ARK2U) --------------------------------------------------- We've got ABC and NBC. In baseball we have an American League and a National League. I propose that we rename the Republicans as the American Party, and the Democrats as the National (socialist) Party. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at July 15, 2015 02:23 PM (xkSSa) 361
None of them are conservative. But will one build a fence? Will one frighten our enemies?
Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:23 PM (h7g/D) 362
Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:14 PM (q5APL)
Just as with your logic with the Corker vote, Romneycare was a system put forth to prevent a worse single payer system the Dems wanted to implement. It was the best deal Romney could put together. Posted by: Cruzinater at July 15, 2015 02:23 PM (4SgJh) 363
We are proud of Presdent Obama, so proud that he has solved this Nuclaer problem in the Middle East created by Bush. Bush gave Isreal tthese weapons so that then can do bad things to people of color. Once again Bush lies haunt us and a mon of color must solve them !!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Mary Clogginstein from Brattleboro, VT at July 15, 2015 02:24 PM (lNSdJ) 364
No, Christopher Taylor, let's not look at one man trying to stop Obamacare.
He's not a conservative. Never done anything conservative in his life. He voted for McConnell for majority leader. My stars, he would be so much more effective if he had a bullseye on a picture of McConnell on his Senate office door. That would reaaaaalllllllyyyyyy make him effective in the Senate. The internet fantasy world you people live in is astounding. He's not perfect, but he has taken on the GOPe time and time and time again in very unpopular ways among the establishment. If not for Senator Ted Cruz you fuckers would be looking at some moar gun control/grabbing right after Newtown. So think on that. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:24 PM (q5APL) 365
I trust Trump because he fighting the media and kicking their ass.
I trust him because I believe balls to bones hes loves America and isnt in this for money or status. When he held the press conference w/ the families of victims of illegal immigrant crime he won me over. That is a giant FU to the national media narrative. The man is legit. Hes as American as apple pie. Hes is anyone of us, only difference is he has FU money. Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:24 PM (kf36l) 366
Hey! What's Caitlyn Jenner been up to lately?
Posted by: Weasel at July 15, 2015 02:08 PM (6xtq3) ---------------------------------------------------- When you take as much estrogen and spironolactone as I do, it's impossible to get it "up" at all. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at July 15, 2015 02:24 PM (xkSSa) Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 15, 2015 02:24 PM (qCMvj) 368
All of the things the Prophets (or Judges) said would happen, were written down AFTER their "prophecies" had come true.
Yea, there are some historians who claim that. They get a lot of play in comparative religion classes. Other historians show evidence and textual proof that can't be so. Mostly the choice is between "wow these guys predicted the future, that is amazing" and "I don't want to believe that any of this is true." Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:24 PM (39g3+) Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM (evdj2) 370
Posted by: prescient11 34 votes. There's more than 34 dems. A dozen can fake a no vote and the POS passes. Every rethuglickkkkkkkkkkkan can vote no, and it still passes. There is no "try to stop it'. It passed when the corker thing passed. it failed when KSA openly announced a nuclear weapons program. And you're stupid enough to whine about purity the day after we learn that PP is harvesting aborted babies. We're about as unpure as it gets. And we're losing on national security, budgetary AND social issues. At least with obamacare, the stupid party sttod together and voted no. Now they're just phoning it in. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM (Spluw) 371
Ace, if everyone in this Country were as politically involved as you (and I) you would be 100% correct and I would be 100% on your side.
But they're not. We've got an election we MUST win or the American Experiment is over and done with. I don't mean harmed or hurt or damaged, I mean Fini, Kaput, deader than Toby's dick If Republicans Leadership thinks the way to do that is disappointing to you, Sorry 'bout that. R Posted by: Uncle Rick at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM (ZbB1q) 372
>>Romneycare was a system put forth to prevent a worse single payer system the Dems wanted to implement.
Wouldn't we have been better off if the Democrats had put single payer in place so we could watch it fail? Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM (O7MnT) 373
We risked hanging for this? What chumps we were.
Posted by: Founding Fathers at July 15, 2015 01:22 PM (/Ho8c) Just in case no one else responded, I think it's worth pointing out that as a result of your actions, you and everyone you knew lived and dies in a free country. That's really as good as you can expect. Posted by: Methos at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM (ZbV+0) 374
Posted by: zombie at July 15, 2015 02:23 PM (jBuUi)
Obama's a Marxist of the anti-colonial bent. I think he sees third world nations getting nukes as a good thing, because it tilts more power in their favor. The first world will be less likely to go in nuclear Iran's backyard. That's worth a few million people to him. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:26 PM (eZ1Ky) 375
The Iranian leadership will sacrifice the entire populationof Iran just to nuke some 'mericans. Why? Because Armageddon bitches...
Posted by: The Devil at July 15, 2015 02:26 PM (LPHFE) 376
365 I trust Trump because he fighting the media and kicking their ass.
I trust him because I believe balls to bones hes loves America and isnt in this for money or status. When he held the press conference w/ the families of victims of illegal immigrant crime he won me over. That is a giant FU to the national media narrative. The man is legit. Hes as American as apple pie. Hes is anyone of us, only difference is he has FU money. Posted by: Casual Indifference Man, you'd think that after all that funding and research, they could produce better moby narratives. This one is particularly weak. Posted by: zombie at July 15, 2015 02:26 PM (jBuUi) 377
The internet fantasy world you people live in is astounding. He's not perfect, but he has taken on the GOPe time and time and time again in very unpopular ways among the establishment. Posted by: prescient11 And one for you too. *squeeeek* Posted by: Ted LCF Cruz Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 15, 2015 02:26 PM (kdS6q) 378
318 So, HE DID HIS FUCKING JOB, knowing that if he didn't intervene and participate, a much more horrible Romneycare was going to happen.
He could have taken a principled stand to stand up for the free market. Lesser of two evils is still evil. Massachusetts or not, Romney failed. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:26 PM (St6BJ) 379
***"I'm not defending Romney. Read what I wrote. Romney did what any
responsible politician would have done. It's as if you folks don't even fucking have any situational awareness at all. Where Romney went wrong is he kept boasting about Romneycare which has been a fair bit of disaster for MA. But his involvement in trying to make it as non-leftist as he could was a good thing."*** It's like you can't even comprehend your own argument. Seriously, read that a few times and then come up with something that isn't self-refuting. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 15, 2015 02:26 PM (xSCb6) 380
I think O is perfectly comfortable out on that limb, and how much of a fig leaf would he get if both houses of Congress pass disapproval bills and the deal only goes into effect because of his veto? However, I think you are right about the sanctions. They were installed by Congress and it should take another act of Congress to lift them, but that is according to my antiquated understanding of the Constitution. O probably would have signed some unconstitutional executive order and gotten away with it. Not much the GOP can do about a rouge executive when you take impeachment and purse strings off the table. In that sense, the GOP negotiates with O like O negotiates with Iran -- surrender first, concessions later. Posted by: tommyloto at July 15, 2015 02:27 PM (A3a8d) 381
Do they think this Islamic civil war us iran/Iraq part II. That they will be too busy fighting each other to fight anyone else?
That's my expectation. That nukes will fly in the middle east and destroy the place. My fear is that Europe, terrified of losing their primary oil supply, will rush in to help one side or the other, and Russia, wanting to be the world's big oil source, will fight against them. And that some retard in Washington will decide we must be involved like WWI. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:27 PM (39g3+) 382
To everyone who says hes a 'con man' you are wrong.
Trump isnt a con man, hes a businessman, the real con men are in the District of Coruption Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:27 PM (kf36l) 383
>>We've got an election we MUST win or the American Experiment is over and done with.
I was told that in 2012. Since that election went Tango Uniform, I can only conclude that it is too late to save the Republic. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:27 PM (O7MnT) 384
If not for Senator Ted Cruz you fuckers would be looking at some moar gun control/grabbing right after Newtown.
Odd, when you wrote 'the NRA' it came out as 'Ted Cruz.' Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 15, 2015 02:27 PM (eZ1Ky) Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:28 PM (evdj2) 386
Obama religion is anticolonialism. This offends all the right people. I am certain he sees the monarchs of the ME as colonial hangovers
This is about social justice in his mind. That is his lodestar. D'Souza has his number Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:28 PM (h7g/D) 387
Trump isnt a con man, hes a businessman, the real con men are in the District of Coruption
Oh, there's room for both of these groups to be con men. Obama's a Marxist of the anti-colonial bent. I think he sees third world nations getting nukes as a good thing, because it tilts more power in their favor. The first world will be less likely to go in nuclear Iran's backyard. Exactly. He views the universe as being divided cleanly between the oppressor and the victim. He views the Middle East as being victims and Israel the Oppressor. Victims getting power and weapons is a good thing in his eyes, even if you know, a few eggs get broken. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:29 PM (39g3+) 388
>> The first world will be less likely to go in nuclear Iran's backyard.
Seeing this rationale a lot from lefties. "If Iran gets nukes, it will keep the US from getting involved in Middle East wars, which is a good thing." Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:29 PM (O7MnT) 389
We've set ourselves up as de facto enemies of Israel now. The Good Lord frowns on that kind of thing.
I fear for us all now. Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at July 15, 2015 02:29 PM (X+nFp) 390
We know this one is true. He just isn't. The fact
that recently he's started making noises which make conservatives happy doesn't make him one. It makes him a con man who'll say and do anything for more power and money, which he's always been. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:22 PM Fine. For the sake of argument, let's say you're right. Now find me another candidate who is willing to tell the truth about the pathetic mess Congress and Preezy have gotten us into. Find me a candidate who isn't furiously licking the dust off Rinse Prius's boots. Find me a candidate who isn't busy posturing and making excuses for his dismal record. In short, find me another candidate who has the Dangling Courage Units to be honest. Then we'll talk. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 15, 2015 02:29 PM (JaVx+) 391
O'Cocksucker is having a presser. Volume -- off.
Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:29 PM (P25Hh) 392
We've got an election we MUST win or the American Experiment is over and done with
Posted by: Uncle Rick at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM If the Republicans in office were actually acting as if they were trying to save the American Experiment, I might go along with you. But how does electing Jeb! do that, or what they just pulled? Or what they've done for the past 3 years? I'll vote for someone trying to save America but these clowns aren't even trying. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:29 PM (x3GpS) 393
Voting for cuckolds like Graham, Perry, Bush, Pataki, Rubio is weak
Donald is alot of things weak aint one of them. Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (kf36l) 394
Just bend over for me one more time and I promise that I'll stop anytime you want me to....
The dynamic duo Boehner and McConnell and their cohorts have no problem with this deal. It is only fake fodder to rile up the rubes. Posted by: Cheri at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (oiNtH) 395
the real con men are in the District of Coruption
Posted by: Casual Indifference Seriously, do they think this works? Do they actually think they are "passing" here? On the other hand, it's a good waste of progressive resources, so yeah, keep paying these trolls' salaries, George! Good investment! Posted by: zombie at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (jBuUi) 396
We've got an election we MUST win or the American Experiment is over and done with.
That ship has sailed, son. Its already over with. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (39g3+) 397
Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM (O7MnT)
They've put a lot of systems in place that can be defined as failures and it's made not a bit of difference on how they are viewed. Posted by: Cruzinater at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (4SgJh) Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (/Ho8c) 399
Trump is not conservative. We know this one is true. He just isn't. The fact that recently he's started making noises which make conservatives happy doesn't make him one. It makes him a con man who'll say and do anything for more power and money, which he's always been. He's at best pro-business, which some mistake for conservatism because they don't understand the core philosophy
One frustration that I have is that I honestly don't KNOW what Trump is. He's certainly not any conservative by our definition(s) of the term. he certainly is hitting some issues very effectively, particularly since most have become squeamish on the subject of illegal immigration, largely from Central and South America. Is he a con man? A vanity candidate? Filling a painfully obvious void? More than one of the above? Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (Spluw) 400
If only AIPAC had defeated Walter Jones this wouldn't have happened.
Posted by: bjk at July 15, 2015 02:31 PM (x2rNW) 401
Wouldn't we have been better off if the Democrats had put single payer in place so we could watch it fail?
Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:25 PM (O7MnT) Indeed V the K. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves. And maybe of few of us but hey the price of failure. It needs to fail faster so I can watch it better. Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 02:31 PM (wkuqO) 402
Piss off, Joe.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:32 PM (evdj2) 403
393 Voting for cuckolds like Graham, Perry, Bush, Pataki, Rubio is weak
Donald is alot of things weak aint one of them. Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (kf36l) ____________________________________ I WILL NOT vote for Donald Trump. EVER. If my choice is Hillary or Trump, I don't see much of a difference. Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 02:32 PM (52QgN) 404
Listened to interview of Walker on Beck's show this morning. Guy is good and spoke on foreign policy issues like a pro IMO. He said first two things that he would do in office is repeal Oshitcare and reinstitute sanctions on Iran and end any deal that was made previously.
Posted by: Cheri at July 15, 2015 02:32 PM (oiNtH) 405
On the other hand, it's a good waste of progressive resources, so yeah, keep paying these trolls' salaries, George! Good investment!
Oh, I'm sure Donald has a few hundred thousand put into social media and internet trolling. Its worth it for him as publicity, under the advertising budget. Probably a tax write off, too. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:32 PM (39g3+) 406
You know, the neocons were right - the way to Tehran does go through Baghdad!
Posted by: bjk at July 15, 2015 02:32 PM (x2rNW) 407
JJ Sefton:
Sure, that's true as well. I liken it to this - look at the situation in IL. Dems have super majorities in both houses and can override Rauner. Rauner could sit back and say fuck you, my way or the highway and I'm not raising any taxes on anyone because I am the most principled conservative ever. Dems say, ok, fuck you and we'll do it our way. When asked why didn't they work with Rauner dems tell their dem media that Rauner refuses to even talk and they had no choice. People of Illinois get royally fucked and economic distress worsens. I'd prefer that Rauner roll up his sleeves and try to do his best with what he's got. Best result and people will think that it would be crazy not to even talk to the other side. Finally, showing compassion for little kids who cross the border, while yes it's a funny joke re the Teddy Bear shit, but come on, are we not all human? Jesus, we go nuts about the awful PP story but we're going to rip a guy a new ahole for giving some aid to actual living, breathing children?? I don't want to be a part of that movement. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:33 PM (q5APL) 408
Now Rand is up spinning his tale of horseshit.
Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:33 PM (P25Hh) 409
You know, the neocons were right - the way to Tehran does go through Baghdad!
If only, Joe. If only. Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:33 PM (evdj2) 410
Blue Hen - anyone coming out of NYC that calls themselves a Conservative is not. Simple as that. Trump loves big government despite the other views he may have that we agree with.
Posted by: Cheri at July 15, 2015 02:33 PM (oiNtH) 411
But even the LIVs had heard of the shutdown and why Cruz was doing it. And it appealed to them. One man taking a stand and grinding government to a halt because of principle: people like that. The left and the GOPe thought he was insane and ruining everything, but everyone else went "cool, an actual filibuster, good on him." Oh NO NO NO. I have it on excellent authority right here at the HQ that the shutdown was the WORST. THING. EVAR. and MADE. GOP. LOOK.BAD. Considering the House of Representatives was DOING IT'S ACTUAL CONSTITUTIONAL JOB of controlling the purse strings rather than trying to win a popularity contest, I would think that Constitutional conservatives would tend to support him. Didn't happen. Posted by: some random meathead at July 15, 2015 02:33 PM (XaTzU) 412
Whatever bro, Have fun bending over for Jeb!
Zombie take the GOP co*k out of your mouth, not a good look Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:33 PM (kf36l) 413
Just a reminder, things can always get worse
Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:34 PM (h7g/D) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 15, 2015 02:34 PM (JtwS4) 415
405 On the other hand, it's a good waste of progressive resources, so yeah, keep paying these trolls' salaries, George! Good investment!
Oh, I'm sure Donald has a few hundred thousand put into social media and internet trolling. Its worth it for him as publicity, under the advertising budget. Probably a tax write off, too. Posted by: Christopher Taylor Even if it is on the Trump payroll -- like I said, a good waste of progressive resources. Posted by: zombie at July 15, 2015 02:34 PM (jBuUi) 416
Now find me another candidate who is willing to tell the truth about the pathetic mess Congress and Preezy have gotten us into.
You seem to think who wins the presidency will fix anything at all. That we can turn this around if only we get the right guy in office. You need to open your eyes. I WILL NOT vote for Donald Trump. EVER. If my choice is Hillary or Trump, I don't see much of a difference. Two sides of the same coin. Both are in it for their personal advancement, riches, and power. They'd both just loot America in office. Trump would be more entertaining at it though, I admit. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:35 PM (39g3+) 417
No body is repealing obama care. No one.
Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:35 PM (h7g/D) 418
I'd vote Huckabee over Trump. Conversely, Trump over Jeb. I have multiple layers of confusion.
Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:35 PM (evdj2) 419
Now Rand is up spinning his tale of horseshit.
Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:33 PM (P25Hh) What is he saying? Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 15, 2015 02:36 PM (qCMvj) 420
Just a reminder, things can always get worse
Posted by: ThunderB I have no reason to think they won't. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 02:36 PM (/Ho8c) Posted by: Grump928(c) at July 15, 2015 02:36 PM (evdj2) 422
Considering the House of Representatives was DOING IT'S ACTUAL CONSTITUTIONAL JOB of controlling the purse strings rather than trying to win a popularity contest, I would think that Constitutional conservatives would tend to support him.
Didn't happen. Oh, only a few really vocal people opposed him. The rest were all on board and loved it. And hey look what happened the next year: a gigantic landslide for Republicans, completely opposite of what they claimed and feared. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:37 PM (39g3+) 423
That ship has sailed, son. Its already over with.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:30 PM (39g3+) ------------------------------------------ I agree. But it's the culture and not necessarily the politicians that are dictating this. Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:37 PM (P25Hh) Posted by: John Boehner at July 15, 2015 02:37 PM (LPHFE) 425
"And I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you"
- Jahweh - In reference to those who would be enemies of Israel. From Genesis. I've long felt that our abundance and wealth has come because of our (previous) God fearing ways and that we have been the protector of Israel since it's return. But with 60 million babies murdered, God driven from government and education, perversions taught as commonplace and now the arming of the sworn enemies of Israel, America's time has come. We have very little time to change course. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:37 PM (x3GpS) 426
Finally, showing compassion for little kids who cross the border, while yes it's a funny joke re the Teddy Bear shit, but come on, are we not all human? Jesus, we go nuts about the awful PP story but we're going to rip a guy a new ahole for giving some aid to actual living, breathing children??
Yeah, like all those poor illegal alien sixth graders with gray hair and wrinkles. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:38 PM (O7MnT) 427
GOP Strong!!!
Where has that nonsense gotten you?? You keep talking bout conservatism, Tell me what has the GOP "conserved" in the last 50 yrs??? Who put Kennedy and Roberts on the court. Who voted to confirm the wise latina, Kagen and Ginsburg?? How many more cons will sit home rather then vote for a cuckold? Someone here is a troll but it isnt me Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:39 PM (kf36l) 428
What is he saying?
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 15, 2015 02:36 PM (qCMvj) --------------------------------------------- I don't know. I've still got my tv muted. Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:39 PM (P25Hh) 429
In reference to those who would be enemies of Israel. From Genesis. And Paul defined Israel as the children of God, from all nations, saved by Christ. He pointed out that not everyone who was in Israel genetically was necessarily of Israel under God. It was only ever His children, a select remnant, from the nation. They were all in the covenant, as a national whole, but only some were ever saved. Galatians, very informative and important. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:39 PM (39g3+) 430
Hey GOP, here's a radical idea: Put the interest of the country ahead of your supposed political 'wins' because as far as us voters see you should all be ashamed of your damn selves. How about ONCE, just ONCE you take an issue and actually oppose it instead of worrying how fucking bi-partisan you APPEAR to be.
And yes, go fuck yourselves to hell. It's like the GOP lost last election or worse with these less than dismal results youve handed us. fuckin assholes Posted by: melodicmetal1 at July 15, 2015 02:39 PM (MV2jA) 431
Bevel, NRA did great, but if they had to rely on their own funded squish candidates - I'm looking at you Pat Toomey - it would have happened.
Cruz stepped in and shut that shit down, legislatively. NRA's PR was fantastic, admittedly. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:39 PM (q5APL) 432
Israel will have to act on this at some point
And if they have to bomb US collaborators who are training Iran to protect its nuclear program, so be it. Posted by: Methos at July 15, 2015 02:40 PM (ZbV+0) 433
Since before. George Washington wrote a letter to jewish colonials promising they would have religious freedom and safety
Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:40 PM (h7g/D) 434
the direction has been the same for a long time with a couple of exceptions since Wilson. The people voted Wilson into office and approved of his constitutional changes. We just have the misfortune to be in on the end of the story or close enough to the end. Will it get worse, of course it will and trying to stop it will just make you angry and tried.
Posted by: just saying at July 15, 2015 02:40 PM (wkuqO) 435
Posted by: GOPe at July 15, 2015 02:40 PM (oFCZn) 436
"Nice young kid" called me last night from Huckabee campaign.
Tried to talk to him but he wasn't listening. Gave me the sales pitch on Huckabee's latest windmill tilt / Constitutional marriage agreement. (GLWT) Ignored my questions , talked over me. Finally got tired of repeating myself and trying to be heard and hung up. Posted by: some random meathead at July 15, 2015 02:40 PM (XaTzU) Posted by: Toby the Beagle at July 15, 2015 02:40 PM (4WhSY) Posted by: ThunderB at July 15, 2015 02:41 PM (h7g/D) 439
Blue Hen - anyone coming out of NYC that calls themselves a Conservative is not. Simple as that. Trump loves big government despite the other views he may have that we agree with.
Posted by: Cheri Oddly enough, There is, or was, a conservative party in New York State. But I agree that most of the rethuglickkkkans out of the NE corridor aren't conservatives. Trump is certainly not to the right of someone like Christie. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:41 PM (Spluw) 440
We have very little time to change course. Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:37 PM (x3GpS) Change course? The hell you say! We don't want to change course. We love this shit. Didn't you see we elected Barky McFuckstick twice! Have you seen the new phones? They're awesome! Full speed ahead. Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at July 15, 2015 02:41 PM (X+nFp) 441
I don't know. I've still got my tv muted.
Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:39 PM (P25Hh) heh. ok I won't even put my TV on during the day. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 15, 2015 02:42 PM (qCMvj) 442
I agree. But it's the culture and not necessarily the politicians that are dictating this.
Absolutely. And the vote in Washington is irrelevant to fixing that. It starts at home, it starts in your neighborhood. Change where you are, instead of delegating it to the government. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:42 PM (39g3+) 443
Huckabee is a clown, Another professional pol, One that like to let murderers back on the streets.
i'll pass Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:42 PM (kf36l) 444
Yes, the one man orchestrated shutdown was fucking devastating because of "optics" and "elections" and shit. Charles Cooke promised it would be so. Grump: The Huckster??!!! Groan! Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:42 PM (q5APL) 445
432 Israel will have to act on this at some point
And if they have to bomb US collaborators who are training Iran to protect its nuclear program, so be it. Posted by: Methos at July 15, 2015 02:40 PM (ZbV+0) Anyone ordered to help Iran should mutiny. If not, then whatever happens happens. Too bad. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:43 PM (St6BJ) 446
Trump would be more entertaining at it though, I admit.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:35 PM Look, I don't particularly like the analytical aspect of the Game of Politics any longer, but it has occurred to me -- and probably a number of those who are also what you might call "Trump intenders" -- that if he gets enough support to seem a serious threat to the spineless wack-a-mole heads who want to run, one or all of them might have to go public with their real beliefs instead of continuing to spew poll-tested pablum. Being forced to actually do something would be a novel surprise for the "Republican" welfare queens currently jockeying for the Top Spot. I won't say they'd enjoy it, but I'd sure as hell enjoy watching.... Posted by: MrScribbler at July 15, 2015 02:43 PM (JaVx+) 447
Trump is a wrecking ball.
Which is sorely needed right now. Posted by: @votermom at July 15, 2015 02:43 PM (Xv4zC) 448
Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 15, 2015 02:37 PM (x3GpS)
Somebody up thread said to look up Sept. 2015 Damn, lot of doom predictors are point fingers there. From the collapse of the dollar to the SMOD hitting. Posted by: wrg500 at July 15, 2015 02:43 PM (C278+) 449
For me, it's hard to feel really good about teaming up against God's Chosen People.
Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our dead Republic at July 15, 2015 01:37 PM (/Ho8c While simultaneously going to war against nuns. Way to cover ALL the bases! Posted by: Dr. Mabuse at July 15, 2015 02:44 PM (VBbCO) 450
Nominate Trump win 40+ states and a giant chunk of Black vote
Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (kf36l) 451
Funny thing is that people act like the GOP has always been a conservative party. Bullshit, it was the original progressive party.
The conservative revolution of the 20th century kinda started with Coolidge, and I would argue that Ike, Kennedy and Reagan were the only other 3 presidents that could qualify. Reagan made modern conservative thought (limited government, freedom) common and he made a joke out of the very word "liberal". Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (q5APL) 452
I imagine Israel may already be on the ground in Iran. And if they are, then they are ramping up their activities. Please G-d. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (St6BJ) Posted by: Mathematics at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (ZbV+0) 454
...and another thing.. you stupid fucking assholes
When the FUCK have you EVER 'won' ANY PR campaign? Are you fucked in the head? Have you SEEN what our media does even if you morons have a few good points? they either bury it, bury you, or just plain lie. Jesus fucking christ will you assholes wake the fuck up?! Posted by: melodicmetal1 at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (MV2jA) 455
Finally, showing compassion for little kids who cross the border, while yes it's a funny joke re the Teddy Bear shit, but come on, are we not all human? Jesus, we go nuts about the awful PP story but we're going to rip a guy a new ahole for giving some aid to actual living, breathing children?? I don't want to be a part of that movement. Posted by: prescient11 The illegal gang member that murdered Jamiel Shaw Jr. came here when he was three. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (kdS6q) 456
Being forced to actually do something would be a novel surprise for the "Republican" welfare queens currently jockeying for the Top Spot. I won't say they'd enjoy it, but I'd sure as hell enjoy watching....
Posted by: MrScribbler i concur. I had hoped that Palin could have done that, but between the MFM an our betters in the party, that was not to be. Trumps' vantage point and circumstances are different from hers. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (Spluw) Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:47 PM (kf36l) 458
Anyone ordered to help Iran should mutiny. If not, then whatever happens happens. Too bad.
Oh, they won't be military. They will be State Department black ops hacks, spies and sundry party apparatchiks. People who can be trusted to hold the right positions, not necessarily the right skills. Marie Harffs, not Jack Bauers. that if he gets enough support to seem a serious threat to the spineless wack-a-mole heads who want to run, one or all of them might have to go public with their real beliefs instead of continuing to spew poll-tested pablum. That would be nice, but unlikely. Not like it matters, it just would be good to hear strong, confident, unapologetic politicians, not guys with a finger in the wind and looking over their shoulder. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:47 PM (39g3+) 459
>>The illegal gang member that murdered Jamiel Shaw Jr. came here when he was three.
If Jamiel Shaw had been shot by a cop, Obama would have sent a delegation to the funeral and there would be a community center named after him. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (O7MnT) 460
Trump is a wrecking ball. Which is sorely needed right now.
Posted by: @votermom at July 15, 2015 02:43 PM (Xv4zC) ------------------------------------------ Agree. He's the only one I've seen so far with a torch and a pitchfork. Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (P25Hh) 461
Laurie David's Cervix:
Maybe if somebody had given him a teddy bear then he wouldn't have turned into a piece of shit. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (q5APL) 462
Texas Like That We need a lot more Texas in this country. Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (UJWg7) 463
"not guys with a finger in the wind and looking over their shoulder"
Or who are already bought and sold. Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (UJWg7) 464
I imagine Israel may already be on the ground in Iran. And if they are, then they are ramping up their activities. Please G-d. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:45 PM (St6BJ) If that place isn't already crawling with Mossad, it better be in short order. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (mx5oN) 465
459 >>The illegal gang member that murdered Jamiel Shaw Jr. came here when he was three.
If Jamiel Shaw had been shot by a cop, Obama would have sent a delegation to the funeral and there would be a community center named after him. Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (O7MnT) Not if he'd been white, though. Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:49 PM (mx5oN) 466
464 If that place isn't already crawling with Mossad, it better be in short order.
Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:48 PM (mx5oN) When its crawling with Sayeret Matkal, then the countdown has started. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 15, 2015 02:49 PM (St6BJ) 467
Never thought I would see this over at Breitbart: THE 10 MOST IMPORTANT REASONS TRUMP WOULD MAKE A GREAT PRESIDENT You can't argue with the list. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 15, 2015 02:49 PM (qCMvj) 468
You wouldnt even know his name were it not for Trump
Bullshit. Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at July 15, 2015 02:49 PM (ZKzrr) 469
There will be no Free State Texas. This has been decided.
Posted by: barak lincoln obama at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (wkuqO) 470
I will never criticize anyone for the good faith giving of aid or comfort to children who are hurting. Either in Canada, on the Mexican border or in Nigeria.
And that any of us would do so does nothing more than perpetuate the "conservatives are heartless monsters" lie that leftists use all the time. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (q5APL) 471
Yet when the GOP e loses POTUS and the senate in 16 they will blame the conservatives.
I'd now prefer the democrats at least they are more honest. Posted by: Jukin, Former Republican at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (TV9BR) 472
There's also the possibility that Obama's just a Twelfthist.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (oVJmc) Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (Spluw) 474
You want to see fear? Tell Trump to start going off on how Dems have kept them on the inner city plantation for decades. At least, when they're not chopping them up with Margaret Sangers.
Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (UJWg7) 475
not guys with a finger in the wind and looking over their shoulder.
I suppose it depends on where the "wind" is coming from.... Posted by: MrScribbler at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (JaVx+) 476
I had hoped that Palin could have done that, but between the MFM an our betters in the party, that was not to be.
And Steve Schmidt... Palin Hater Number 1... is on Rick Perry's team Posted by: V the K at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (O7MnT) 477
No not bullshit.
Trump is bringing his out of the comment section and onto the mainstream media. Stop being an asshole Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:51 PM (kf36l) 478
But have you read that fucked up piece about Pao and her marriage to a gay black dude who apparently is a minor Bernie Madoff?? I mean seriously, can someone unfuck that mess for the viewer?? Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:52 PM (q5APL) 479
New one.
Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:53 PM (mx5oN) 480
Trump may not be conservative in certain areas, but we won't be able to fix those areas in any case if our sovereignty is stolen from us. And that's why illegal immigration is the most pressing issue: it's not the *only* conservative issue, but it's the one, the failure of which will render it forever *impossible* to fix the other issues.
Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at July 15, 2015 02:53 PM (xkSSa) 481
Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at July 15, 2015 02:53 PM (xkSSa) 482
I will never criticize anyone for the good faith giving of aid or comfort to children who are hurting.
I would, depending on why and how they do it. Good intentions don't always mean you're doing the right thing. Most evils in the world come from well-meaning people. I am more concerned about objective truth and ethics than I am optics and how the press responds. The press would mock Jesus for not being able to swim when He walked on water, that's an idiot's battle. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:53 PM (39g3+) 483
Or maybe he would have shot the teddy bear. Posted by: Blue Hen Or see another kid with a teddy bear, shoot that kid, and take the bear. Come to think of it, substitute wallet or phone for teddy bear and that happens ever day. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 15, 2015 02:53 PM (kdS6q) 484
And that any of us would do so does nothing more than perpetuate the
"conservatives are heartless monsters" lie that leftists use all the time. If being a heartless monster is what is required of us to protect our own people, than it is what is required of us. Posted by: Methos at July 15, 2015 02:54 PM (ZbV+0) 485
This probably has nothing to do with anything but Hillary once ate a Moose.
---------------------------- Nothing to write home about let me tell you. Posted by: Girl Moose at July 15, 2015 02:54 PM (WiU5D) 486
Can someone in one sentence explain to me what in the hell Reddit is and why its CEO snafu is getting press?
Posted by: Feh at July 15, 2015 02:54 PM (UJWg7) 487
Come to think of it, substitute wallet or phone for teddy bear and that happens ever day. Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 15, 2015 02:53 PM (kdS6q) Wait, are we still talking about gangbangers or about cops? Posted by: Insomniac at July 15, 2015 02:54 PM (mx5oN) 488
You want to see fear? Tell Trump to start going off on how Dems have kept them on the inner city plantation for decades. At least, when they're not chopping them up with Margaret Sangers.
Posted by: Feh I keep hearing this. Would that be great? Yes. is it likely? No indication of it. Blacks vote in high numbers for dems and for other blacks. Most American jews vote blindly for dems. I agree with the message, because it's true. And if anyone can reach across, it may well be Trump. But right now, without solid polling we're just wishcasting. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 15, 2015 02:54 PM (Spluw) Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at July 15, 2015 02:55 PM (ZKzrr) 490
Anyone who believes that Donald Trump honestly and really is opposed to cheap labor to build his buildings, care for his landscaping, and maintain his real estate with illegals is a colossal fool.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 15, 2015 02:55 PM (39g3+) 491
Nominate Trump win 40+ states and a giant chunk of Black vote
Or suffer the first 50 state loss. Posted by: Grump928(c) can assert with the best of them at July 15, 2015 02:56 PM (evdj2) Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 02:56 PM (52QgN) 493
I will never criticize anyone for the good faith giving of aid or comfort to children who are hurting. Either in Canada, on the Mexican border or in Nigeria. And that any of us would do so does nothing more than perpetuate the "conservatives are heartless monsters" lie that leftists use all the time.
Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:50 PM (q5APL) -------------------------------------------- Here is where you and I disagree. What Cruz and Beck did was more damaging than it looks. What should have been done is nothing. I was hoping that the misery these people were experiencing would be the hard lesson taught about trying to come into the US illegally. You're miserable? You should be. You're criminals. A good lesson lost. Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 02:57 PM (P25Hh) 494
Can someone in one sentence explain to me what in the hell Reddit is
I think it's like Pinterest. Posted by: Grump928(c) can assert with the best of them at July 15, 2015 02:57 PM (evdj2) Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 15, 2015 02:58 PM (kdS6q) 496
That is a great point. But your perspective again has the wellbeing of children at heart, which is the right one. Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:58 PM (q5APL) 497
Popular Rap song "Up like Trump" No WAY Black men vote for hillary when Big D is on the ballot 27 million views to boot. Trump is a cultural Icon and has been since the 80's. That combined w/ RealTalk is a powerful agent Posted by: Casual Indifference at July 15, 2015 02:59 PM (kf36l) 498
blah, blah, blah, Trump, blah, blah, blah, Cruz, blah, blah, blah, Iran, etc, etc, etc, Pipe down Morons,,, I've got this..... Posted by: Hillary Clinton at July 15, 2015 02:59 PM (HSmrB) 499
Reddit is like AoSHQ with more topics all at once. And it has more fructose but less electrolytes.
Posted by: CozMark at July 15, 2015 03:00 PM (52QgN) 500
I don't want to be a part of that movement
----------- Careful: That's twice now. Once more and it's official. Really. A friend read it in the koran Posted by: Chico Escuela at July 15, 2015 03:00 PM (a7Dd7) 501
That is a great point. But your perspective again has the wellbeing of children at heart, which is the right one.
Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 02:58 PM (q5APL) ---------------------------------------- Oh really? So when YOUR children are caught stealing you're going to give them a teddy bear? Posted by: Soona at July 15, 2015 03:03 PM (P25Hh) 502
>>> I will never criticize anyone for the good faith giving of aid or comfort to children who are hurting.
They weren't hurting until the Obama administration told Central American parents to send their kids across the border, and that they could follow later. We can send them back to their parents where they belong. Don't be such a clueless dupe. Stop falling for the fake crises the left creates, and solve them the right way, not the Democrats' way, which will lead to *everybody* hurting, except Dem leadership. Posted by: Margaret Sanger at July 15, 2015 03:10 PM (xkSSa) Posted by: prescient11 at July 15, 2015 03:27 PM (q5APL) 504
Conservative Representatives and Senators keep Orange and Turtle in power.
They need to go home. The game is rigged. Tip the table over. Posted by: eman at July 15, 2015 03:48 PM (OINm5) 505
Who's the real Obozo? Lord, I think it's us........
Posted by: East Bay Jay at July 15, 2015 04:21 PM (7v8o1) 506
I, for one, welcome our new Islamic Overlords.
Posted by: Mullah Behner at July 15, 2015 04:23 PM (9KToF) 507
@3: "With the sole exception of Tom Cotton, the GOP put the nail in the
coffin of separation of powers by abrogating their powers in Article 2, Section 2." So, in essence, you're saying that our current "ethnic" president couldn't pick Cotton? Racist. Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at July 15, 2015 07:23 PM (amQXf) Processing 0.08, elapsed 0.1085 seconds. |
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