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Tuesday Morning Open Thread

Caught up with work, sorry.

Posted by: BenK at 09:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Good morning!

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:01 AM (2TN4k)

2 How about that?

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:01 AM (2TN4k)

3 hmm

Posted by: phoenixgirl at May 12, 2015 09:02 AM (0O7c5)

4 OK....?

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:02 AM (2TN4k)

5 Morning! I went back to bed and just got up for the second time. Now I gotta skeedaddle to work. Have a great day y'all!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at May 12, 2015 09:03 AM (UpGcq)

6 So this is a new thread?


Posted by: Lea at May 12, 2015 09:03 AM (lIU4e)

7 Over at American Thinker (dot) com: Islam has had a reformation - ISIS.
Not a good thought to start the morning...Searching for better news than that.

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:04 AM (2TN4k)

8 Got an email from U Chicago that O's presidrntial library will be in the South Side.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at May 12, 2015 09:04 AM (RWGcK)

Gonna go read the content

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at May 12, 2015 09:04 AM (VPLuQ)

10 Greetings Horde. Hopefully some cob can get to the previous thread and give Hector a good hammering.

Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at May 12, 2015 09:05 AM (RD7QR)

11 They can't, they're all caught up

Posted by: disgusting oratory at May 12, 2015 09:07 AM (WhfU/)

12 Dump is a little constipated this morning.

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at May 12, 2015 09:08 AM (nqiq9)

13 A new study of blacks and their voting patterns finds that nothing the Republican Party does, even nominating African-American GOP candidates, works to win them over.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at May 12, 2015 09:08 AM (fWAjv)

14 Do they know if it was the same fault in Nepal? Or, was it a different one?

Posted by: Bruce J. at May 12, 2015 09:09 AM (iQIUe)

15 'Do they know if it was the same fault in Nepal? Or, was it a different one?'

Its always Bush's fault

Posted by: McCool at May 12, 2015 09:10 AM (nCSwS)

16 "7
Over at American Thinker (dot) com: Islam has had a reformation - ISIS.
Not a good thought to start the morning...Searching for better news than that.

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:04 AM (2TN4k)"

That is one of the things that greatly irks me about the jejune notion that Islam needs a Reformation. Islam had a Reformation. Taqi ibn Taymiyyah was their Martin Luther and Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahab was their John Calvin. Perhaps you have heard of the religious movement that he started, Wahabism.

Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at May 12, 2015 09:12 AM (KDbAT)

17 I always thought "being caught up" was a good thing. WTH am I missing?

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at May 12, 2015 09:12 AM (nqiq9)

18 OK...who here is excited for the Fast and Furious ride at Universal theme park!?!

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:13 AM (2TN4k)

Got an email from U Chicago that O's presidrntial library will be in the South Side.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at May 12, 2015 09:04 AM

That's the baddest part of town.

Posted by: bad, bad Leroy Brown at May 12, 2015 09:13 AM (bynk/)

20 I'm making a huge mess today. Tearing out the front door, door frame, threshold, etc. down to the studs and header. I made a 2" thick solid black walnut door and it's time to build a new, vastly stronger door frame to hold that rascal in place. Solid walnut door frame too, 2" thick. This is a start to finish project in that I cut down the tree, milled the planks, made the door and am hanging it. It's all pioneer looking, as fits this house. There is a 3" X 5" X 48" long black walnut slab that will bar the door, if Katie can lift it to do her proverbial emergency response.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at May 12, 2015 09:13 AM (PKCL4)

21 My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

Posted by: Michelle Obama at May 12, 2015 09:14 AM (9FaY6)

22 >>...Perhaps you have heard of the religious movement that he started, Wahabism.

Sadly, yes.

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:14 AM (2TN4k)

23 Stories about the homeless track well with Part in Office.

Same for grim milestones.

This is one of the reasons I despise the useless right-side pundits on TV; they are part of the problem.

Posted by: eman at May 12, 2015 09:14 AM (MQEz6)

24 Posted by: bad, bad Leroy Brown at May 12, 2015 09:13 AM (bynk/)

Heya, big fella.

Posted by: Darla at May 12, 2015 09:14 AM (nqiq9)

25 Nepal again.

I guess the JOOOOOOOS need more children!

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at May 12, 2015 09:15 AM (fWAjv)

26 The neighbors of the guy who shot at Zimmerman say his behavior has been erratic for months. Sounds like the guy may be mentally ill.

Posted by: Bruce J. at May 12, 2015 09:15 AM (iQIUe)

27 That's the baddest part of town.

Posted by: bad, bad Leroy Brown at May 12, 2015 09:13 AM (bynk/)

Sounds about the right location for the worst president evah.

Posted by: Nip Sip at May 12, 2015 09:16 AM (0FSuD)

10 Greetings Horde. Hopefully some cob can get to the previous thread and give Hector a good hammering.
Posted by: joncelli, Boned like You at May 12, 2015 09:05 AM (RD7QR)

A morning co-blogger actually doing the bare minimum of thread maintenance? You're dreaming.

Posted by: buzzion at May 12, 2015 09:16 AM (zt+N6)

This is a start to finish project in that I cut down the tree, milled the planks, made the door and am hanging it.

That completely rocks.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at May 12, 2015 09:17 AM (JtwS4)

30 Don't tell Hector we left him at the old thread.

Posted by: Nip Sip at May 12, 2015 09:17 AM (0FSuD)

31 Speaking of Zimm, last nights television reporting of his being shot at was absolutely despicable.

Which I expected, but talk about victim shaming...

Posted by: Chupacabras at May 12, 2015 09:18 AM (CGjum)

Threads of morning openness.

The title of one of Merillee Rush's lesser known tunes.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at May 12, 2015 09:18 AM (St6BJ)

33 30 Don't tell Hector we left him at the old thread.

Posted by: Nip Sip at May 12, 2015 09:17 AM (0FSuD)

Anyone else get the creepy vibe from Hector that he's trying desperately to win someone's approval?

Posted by: Austin in TX at May 12, 2015 09:19 AM (lKVc4)

34 A criticism of "Reform Conservatism", like movements by Marco Rubio.
and the apparent attempt to make conservatism more electable by being more statist, more intrusive, but nice.

"The United States is effectively bankrupt. Economist Laurence Kotlikoff

figures the government faces unfunded liabilities in excess of $200
Making the programs run more efficiently would be helpful. But
transforming or eliminating such programs will save the republic.

Some reform [ideas] might make some conservatives appear more

presentable to the public, but this approach will win few converts
committed statists. But reform conservatism fails to provide
a coherent
answer to the most important problems facing America.

Government is not just inefficient: it is doing the wrong things."

Posted by: Kindltot at May 12, 2015 09:19 AM (t//F+)

35 If Ben is caught up with work, then he should have time for a dump.

Posted by: Insomniac at May 12, 2015 09:19 AM (2Ojst)

36 Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at May 12, 2015 09:13 AM (PKCL4)

Couple of yrs from now you won't even be able to pound a nail in that door - it'll be hard as steel.

Nice work - sounds like fun. Definitely envious.

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at May 12, 2015 09:20 AM (nqiq9)

37 Caught up with, as in dog catches car.
Caught up in, as in dog has more cars than he can chase.

Liberal Democrats don't like Obama's Free Trade bill that no one knows what is in it, so the GOP, friends of Free Trade at any cost, will approve enabling legislation so Obama will be enabled to do what he thinks is best for the country.

This freeing of imports to the US will help all those illegal immigrants find work not making those things Obama wants to import, whatever they might be.

Obama sure does know how to play the GOP, eh?

Posted by: Barlow Dondabiter at May 12, 2015 09:20 AM (sKvqk)

38 Anyone else get the creepy vibe from Hector that he's trying desperately to win someone's approval?

Posted by: Austin in TX at May 12, 2015 09:19 AM (lKVc4)

Yeah. Maybe we should have a Hector appreciation day. I think years ago ace did one for erg or Palin Steele.

Posted by: Nip Sip at May 12, 2015 09:20 AM (0FSuD)

39 I want to laugh that Obama's upcoming summit is already looking like so much fail with all of the Arab leaders declining, but it also means America's failure. I suppose it's better that it's happening while SCOAMF is still in office to underscore whose fault it is...

Richard Fernandez/Belmont Club:

n other words, nobody trusts Obama. Perhaps not even the Iranians,
certainly not the Saudis, possibly not even the Israelis.... Now some would argue that since
Obama is despised by people who merit despicion themselves his
unpopularity in Riyadh or Tehran is a badge of honor.

But that would be to misunderstand the problem. Trust is a quantity
distinct from affection. Trust is a measure of credibility. And Obama it
would seem, has no more credibility. The problem isn't that nobody
likes Obama any more. It's that nobody believes him or trusts him.
Like the man with with a reputation for writing bouncing checks; or the
guy where everybody leaves the room when he starts speaking, he's not
taken seriously.

And that's dangerous.

Posted by: Lizzy at May 12, 2015 09:20 AM (2TN4k)

40 @20 Buffalo Dave, if you don't already have a carved plaque of this in your shop, I predict by the end of the day you'll want one:

Posted by: Stringer Davis at May 12, 2015 09:21 AM (xq1UY)

41 Philosophical question: can you have an Arab summit with no Arabs?

Posted by: Citizen Cake at May 12, 2015 09:22 AM (PtTYB)

Reform Conservatism is like Reform Judaism. There's no reformation and there's no Judaism.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at May 12, 2015 09:22 AM (St6BJ)

43 I thought it was pretty well established that Hector was desperately striving for Drew's approval?

If he can't get positive attention, he goes for negative, and he's obviously got a dewey mangina for him.

Posted by: Chupacabras at May 12, 2015 09:22 AM (XiVKO)

44 41 Philosophical question: can you have an Arab summit with no Arabs?
Posted by: Citizen Cake at May 12, 2015 09:22 AM (PtTYB)

Zombie Alec Guinness and Zombie Anthony Quinn in costume. Done.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at May 12, 2015 09:23 AM (St6BJ)

45 Damn worst thing about the shit licker this morning is it has Bananarama's 'Cruel Summer' running through my head now.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at May 12, 2015 09:23 AM (fWAjv)

46 Zombie Alec Guinness and Zombie Anthony Quinn in costume. Done.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at May 12, 2015 09:23 AM (St6BJ)

Jamie Farr?

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at May 12, 2015 09:25 AM (fWAjv)

47 Thanks Stringer. I may romance the wife with that poem.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at May 12, 2015 09:25 AM (PKCL4)

48 The Sheikh

Go ahead Hollywood. Reboot time. F up another classic.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at May 12, 2015 09:26 AM (fWAjv)

49 @44 With our "luck," Zombie L of A, Zombie Sykes-Picot, and Zombie St John Philby would show up too.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at May 12, 2015 09:26 AM (xq1UY)

50 The GOP is helping Obama with his secret trade deal.

Turtle only licked the tip.

Does that count?

Posted by: eman at May 12, 2015 09:27 AM (MQEz6)

51 A new study of blacks and their voting patterns finds that nothing the Republican Party does, even nominating African-American GOP candidates, works to win them over.

Mark Halperin addressing Baltimore rioters:

Now, come on, boys! Where's your spirit? I don't hear no singin'.

When you was slaves, you sang like birds. Go on, how 'bout a good ol' n****r work song?

Baltimore Rioters:

Gonna wake-up in the morning


Gonna vote for me a Democrat


Democrat say my life be better


Gonna vote for me a Democrat


Won't vote for no Republican


Gonna vote for me a Democrat


Democrat in office


My life never gets no better


Democrat say we need more Democrats


Gonna vote for me a Democrat


My life never gets no better


Won't vote for no Republican!


Gonna vote for me a Democrat


My life never gets no better


Gonna vote for me a Democrat



Posted by: Blazing Saddles 2015 at May 12, 2015 09:27 AM (KUa85)

52 It's time to restore trust in American government! I think trusting me on the Pacific Trade Agreement is a perfect place to start.

Posted by: Bitch McConnell with a Dick in His Mouth at May 12, 2015 09:29 AM (8W5zZ)

Reading about the RAF and the Red Brigade, if you want to murder someone, Europe is the place to do it. You can murder scores of people, including the ex-prime minister and get a mere handslap of a sentence.

Posted by: Bruce J. at May 12, 2015 09:29 AM (iQIUe)

54 Posted by: Blazing Saddles 2015 at May 12, 2015 09:27 AM

I'll give it an 85, but I can't swing a sledge hammer to it.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 12, 2015 09:29 AM (h4vJk)

55 Someone is asking for the banhammer...

Posted by: Bruce J. at May 12, 2015 09:30 AM (iQIUe)

56 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at May 12, 2015 09:22 AM (St6BJ)

But they are fanatical about their just doesn't have anything to do with God.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at May 12, 2015 09:31 AM (Zu3d9)

57 54 Posted by: Blazing Saddles 2015 at May 12, 2015 09:27 AM

I'll give it an 85, but I can't swing a sledge hammer to it.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at May 12, 2015 09:29 AM (h4vJk)

What in the Wide World of Sports is going on here? I hired you to get some track laid, not jump around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots!

Posted by: Taggart at May 12, 2015 09:31 AM (2Ojst)

The White House and Senate Republicans are scrambling to win enough support for a key procedural vote Tuesday to move forward with the President's trade agenda.

It's unclear if the White House and GOP leaders can get the necessary 60 votes to advance the legislation over Democratic opposition.

Well -- it's kinda like Romney won the White House.


Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at May 12, 2015 09:32 AM (kdS6q)

59 Considering how much the unions hate President Shit Midas's trade deals, you'd think he'd quit pushing them.

At least they've outed themselves on who has all the power in the Democrat/union relationship.

Posted by: Chupacabras at May 12, 2015 09:33 AM (CGjum)

60 What in the Wide World of Sports is going on here? I hired you to get some track laid, not jump around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots!
Posted by: Taggart at May 12, 2015 09:31 AM

Bitch, if we would ever dance to "De Camptown Races."

Posted by: The Kansas City Faggettes at May 12, 2015 09:34 AM (h4vJk)

61 Would make a good ONT topic, or, maybe it will be a slow day and we'll get reports back -- there's as much engineering (term used advisedly) in a door and frame as there is in a typical building. Planks in plies running both ways, various panels in grooved flexible fitments, cross-bucking, hidden tensioners -- you may as well call it Door Theory, there have been so many solutions to so many different problems. And you really, really want to get it right the first time.

Buffalo Roam has made a unique opportunity here, as he went big-dick ripping it all out. You can get into some real misery trying to shore up and shim a retrofit frame, and almost everybody tries it once since the way they get built in is so...daunting.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at May 12, 2015 09:35 AM (xq1UY)

62 Its not just that the Arab leaders don't trust Obama or the USA but that their attitudes towards us are hardening. Battlelines are being drawn ever more clearly.

Posted by: Bigby's Typing Hands at May 12, 2015 09:38 AM (3ZtZW)

63 Art thread up, corgis.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12 at May 12, 2015 09:39 AM (DT3rQ)

64 Did anyone get a good solution to doing a redneck sous-vide?

I spent good time yesterday thinking about immersion heaters, water heater thermostats, systolic pumps, bearing-less impellers and coffee percolators.

Posted by: Kindltot at May 12, 2015 09:40 AM (t//F+)

65 Posted by: Stringer Davis at May 12, 2015 09:35 AM (xq1UY)

I'm not sure that door frames are door frames anymore.

A few years ago when the kids were younger, I tried to put in one of those doorframe chin-up bars on our new home.

The frame couldn't hold any poundage at all.

It was essentially a hollow frame.

Mostly the walls are dry wall held up by metal struts.

Posted by: naturalfake at May 12, 2015 09:42 AM (KUa85)

66 Caught up with work, or caught up in work? How am I supposed to piss away the first hour of my day if I don't have your links to guide me?

Posted by: Barefoot boy with cheeks of tan at May 12, 2015 09:42 AM (PEgKF)

re: New York State Republicans

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at May 12, 2015 09:45 AM (kdS6q)

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