aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Infotainment Media Now Betting the Summer Box Office on SequelsThe Summer of Sequels. I don't mean sequels in movies -- I mean sequels in news stories. Right now the alleged news media is churning out sequel after sequel about Rand Paul's alleged testiness to female reporters. Today he is allegedly testy with a male reporter, which should put an end to claims that he's testy with female reporters. After all, if he's testy with both, he's not singling out women. But it won't be the end of it. Today, they just say he's testy with a reporter, sex unspecified; the next time it's a woman -- and there's about a 50% chance of that -- they'll forget the male reporter they claimed he was testy with, and once again claim he's testy with female reporters. The same things impel movie sequels and Fake News Sequels. Sequels are a proven commodity. If this story delighted the leftwing blogs a week ago, it will likely delight them this week. This formula is already proven to work. Furthermore, sequels are the easiest sorts of Narratives to produce by mediocrities and incompetents. The original might have taken a bit of ingenuity or luck, but scripting a sequel is an easy job for hacks. You just write the same story you did before -- even if the facts don't fit. It's the Narrative that sells, after all. One more thing that makes sequels so attractive: The all-important Audience Awareness of the property in question is high. You don't have to work at building up audience awareness, as is the case in the original (mostly) story about Hillary Clinton changing her position on human rights violations in Colombia after a very, very deep pocketed miner paid $130 million into the Clinton Foundation. That could be a sleeper hit, but no one's expecting gonzo box office out of it. The audience isn't there yet. (And, given the media's distaste for that kind of story, don't count on the media to advertise it much.) So today, the left churns out the newest sequel to its ongoing franchise, Rand Paul Is Rude Especially To Women, Of Which Hillary Clinton Is One. It will be rubbing elbows at the multiplexes with Chris Christie Did Something With a Bridge and Is Also Too Gruff, Especially In the Eyes of Women, Of Which Hillary Clinton Is One, and competing especially with Ted Cruz is a Woman-Hating Maniac Who Hates Women, Of Which Hillary Clinton Is One. On the other side, you'll have a smattering of counter-programming sequels, such as Hillary Clinton is a Grandmother Who Loves Babies (and By the Way, Grandmothers Tend to be Women) and Hillary Will Be the First Female President Who Is a Woman. Meanwhile, Jezebel will be producing its indie reboot: Vagina, A Love Story. FROM: The MediaTO: America Re: the Dumb Shit We've Got In Store For You Pretty much it's going to be Binders Full of Women ever day for the next 500 days. Hope ur cool with that, America. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Nice review.
Posted by: Piercello at April 10, 2015 02:41 PM (QJCCx) 2
I hear "The Devil with the Blue Dress 2" is coming out soon.
Posted by: Roy at April 10, 2015 02:42 PM (VndSC) 3
Hillary Clinton is a Grandmother Who Loves Babies (and By the Way, Grandmothers Are Women and Hillary prefers to eat one, not the other)
Posted by: Inspector Cussword at April 10, 2015 02:43 PM (S8V5R) 4
Hey! I'm a woman too! Want me to prove it?
Posted by: Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson at April 10, 2015 02:43 PM (XlHZs) 5
Women in Binders - Part Deux
Posted by: Roy at April 10, 2015 02:43 PM (VndSC) Posted by: Inspector Cussword at April 10, 2015 02:44 PM (S8V5R) 7
Ace is neither a woman or a grandma but he could change a diaper. Posted by: Bruce J. at April 10, 2015 02:44 PM (iQIUe) 8
I hope that Rand keeps this up. I think the Conventional Inside the Beltway GOP Wisdom is that sticking it to the press is a bad idea. They are wrong. Keep it up Rand. Posted by: dan-O at April 10, 2015 02:45 PM (D0bIN) 9
I just don't want to see a sequel to Nagasaki.
Posted by: HH at April 10, 2015 02:45 PM (Ce4DF) 10
"Hillary Will Be the First Female President Who Is a Woman."
As opposed to the First Female President Who was.....a Man. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 10, 2015 02:45 PM (LA7Cm) 11
That male reporter may identify as a woman tomorrow.
Posted by: Roy at April 10, 2015 02:45 PM (VndSC) 12
I welcome Hillary, but my First Ungendered President Who Is A Woman title will outrank her.
Posted by: Barack Hussein at April 10, 2015 02:46 PM (ADTF7) 13
Bring on the Sharks!
Posted by: toby928(C) whom we shall call 'Toby' for purposes of publication at April 10, 2015 02:46 PM (rwI+c) 14
Testy is shorthand for Testicles. AmIright?
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 02:46 PM (oDCMR) 15
oh yeah, it's gonna be like Scent Of A Woman II this year Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. -- The King Unwilling est. 2005 at April 10, 2015 02:46 PM (gm6N1) 16
Congrats media, you're actually raising my opinion of Rand.
Posted by: Kenway at April 10, 2015 02:47 PM (Uj7u1) 17
Mecha-Hillary ceased being a woman three upgrades ago.
Posted by: toby928(C) whom we shall call 'Toby' for purposes of publication at April 10, 2015 02:47 PM (rwI+c) 18
That sniper tried to kill me because I was a woman. That makes me a gender hero.
Posted by: Sir Hillary Edmund Rodham Clinton at April 10, 2015 02:47 PM (8ZskC) Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. -- The King Unwilling est. 2005 at April 10, 2015 02:47 PM (gm6N1) 20
Every blockbuster movie is geared to 17 year old boys. Since I'm about 20 years older than that. very few movies interest me.
Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 02:47 PM (0LHZx) 21
"What Kind of Gaffes Can We Expect From Rand Paul" will be a headline in 5, 4, 3, 2...
Posted by: Dang at April 10, 2015 02:47 PM (FRkJH) 22
Shouldn't the Headline be Rand Dicks with News Chicks?
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 02:48 PM (oDCMR) 23
You keep using Hillary Clinton and "woman" together in the same sentence.
Personally, I'm not convinced - do you have proof? Posted by: shredded chi at April 10, 2015 02:48 PM (z65A/) 24
I am woman, hear me snore, in volume too big to ignore.
Posted by: Sir Hillary Edmund Rodham Clinton at April 10, 2015 02:49 PM (8ZskC) 25
Isn't that the plot of Madam Secretary? (Except for the volcano bits, of course.)
Posted by: andycanuck at April 10, 2015 02:49 PM (kivUY) 26
You know what's rude?
Opening up you cabinet-level email chain to foreign governments, marijuana fans, and random nerds via pride, criminal obfuscation, and technical dumbassery. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 02:49 PM (659DL) 27
Ace is neither a woman or a grandma but he could change a diaper.
Well, what's taking him so long? Posted by: Hairy Reid at April 10, 2015 02:49 PM (ADTF7) 28
22 Shouldn't the Headline be Rand Dicks with News Chicks?
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 02:48 PM (oDCMR) Oh, for a thumbs up button on the blog. Posted by: Austin in TX at April 10, 2015 02:49 PM (lKVc4) 29
Unlike movie sequels, news story sequels often rely on debunked "facts" that were quietly corrected out of the original story long after it's publication and after the general public has taken it as indisputable fact.
This allows for bullshit claims to live on, buried in sequel stories without being questioned. Posted by: Heralder at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (/Mxso) 30
Binders full of Testes
Posted by: wooga at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (WeshN) 31
The Beast ain't gonna be President. She has the charisma of a vicious rodent and 8 years of incompetence and stupidity is long enough.
Posted by: maddogg at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (xWW96) 32
Lincoln Chaffee announced his candidacy via Twitter and a video, too.
It's apparently an old person thing. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (659DL) 33
HEY, remember that TIME that LAZIO asked Hillary a QUESTION in a DEBATE and she PRETENDED that she felt THREATENED???
Some THINGS never CHANGE!!! Posted by: Phinnwing Plover at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (DLUnW) 34
Based on some of the recent stories I've read, Hillary is just as rude to women, moreso even, and especially if they happen to work for the Secret Service.
Posted by: @JohnTant at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (tVWQB) 35
The Media IS the Enemy.... we all know it..
So what the hell is wrong with being Testy, to your enemies??? Posted by: BB Wolf at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (qh617) 36
Senator Paul!!! Whaddabout your Gaffes???
Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (7uCyt) 37
Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at April 10, 2015 02:50 PM (kff5f) Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at April 10, 2015 02:51 PM (kff5f) 39
I hope that Rand keeps this up. I think the Conventional Inside the Beltway GOP Wisdom is that sticking it to the press is a bad idea. My problem is that he's admitting to having a short temper with both male and female reporters. Don't say that, say "I question the way you people conduct your business and I'm calling you on it". Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 02:51 PM (JtwS4) 40
POLITOCO Headline today:
Lindsey Graham's strategy: Take down Rand Paul Raise your hands if you are surprised in any way. Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 02:51 PM (0LHZx) 41
And did I mention that she's uglier'n the south end of a north bound hog with prolapsed asshole?
Posted by: maddogg at April 10, 2015 02:51 PM (xWW96) 42
Is there a bigger collection of sycophantic douchebags today than the cockgobbling progressive media?
No, there is not. Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 02:52 PM (wtvvX) Posted by: MSM at April 10, 2015 02:52 PM (qh617) 44
How can you lose pimp slapping the barking crabs of the press? I don't think this is possible.
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 02:52 PM (oDCMR) 45
Come Back TIME????
Posted by: Aqua Buhda at April 10, 2015 02:52 PM (qh617) Posted by: Prolapsed Asshole at April 10, 2015 02:53 PM (LA7Cm) 47
There's news about to break that I listed "Female" as my gender on my voter registration form.
Posted by: Jeb Bush at April 10, 2015 02:53 PM (UlJ3l) 48
Were Rand Paul and Ted Cruz actually the Bosnian snipers firing on Hillary Clinton? Tonight on Hardball...
Posted by: tu3031 at April 10, 2015 02:53 PM (YFFpo) 49
44 How can you lose pimp slapping the barking crabs of the press? I don't think this is possible.
Sit on a couch with Nancy Pelosi? Posted by: wooga at April 10, 2015 02:53 PM (WeshN) 50
Any moron help me out -- off the top of the head -- ratio of female heads of state -- conservative vs liberal. I remember the conservatives like Marge Thatcher but forget the libs.
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 10, 2015 02:54 PM (xQX/f) 51
There's news about to break that I listed "Female" as my gender on my voter registration form. Posted by: Jeb Bush at April 10, 2015 02:53 PM (UlJ3l) So what? Hillary did too. Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 02:54 PM (wtvvX) 52
Prolapsed Asshole gave the Keynote speech at the 2004 DNC
Posted by: Roy at April 10, 2015 02:54 PM (VndSC) 53
47 Jeb Bush First Latina President.
Posted by: @votermom at April 10, 2015 02:54 PM (cbfNE) 54
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 10, 2015 02:54 PM (xQX/f)
The long-time boss of India, right? Something Gandhi (no relation to Mohandas). Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (kff5f) 55
In more new news, sharks are attacking humans at a rate consistent with past years, red dye #2 is being used in food, they use alar on our apples and DDT must be banned. For the children. That will die by the millions without it.
Posted by: manufactured news at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (ChY2Q) 56
50 Any moron help me out -- off the top of the head -- ratio of female heads of state -- conservative vs liberal. I remember the conservatives like Marge Thatcher but forget the libs.
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 10, 2015 02:54 PM (xQX/f) _________ Norway just elected a pretty conservative PM. Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (0LHZx) 57
So spreading their cheeks for Hillary, pretty much.
(And Rand can be as testy with the media as he likes. Maybe he'll be the Newt of this election cycle.) Posted by: joncelli at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (RD7QR) 58
Woman PM that is, for Norway.
Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (0LHZx) 59
New MFM lie about Paul 'storming out of interview' hotlinked in my sock.
Posted by: andycanuck at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (kivUY) 60
I just saw the IG is investigating Huma's position with Hillary. How hard is that to figure out?
Posted by: teh Wind at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (B3WUC) 61
So he's got two testes? I hope they're big and brass, for all our sakes.
Posted by: Kate58 at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (MvtKs) 62
Well, the media has to build the narrative, or at least the subterfuge, that anybody opposing Hillary is a misogynist.
If the last two presidential elections tell us anything it is that past is prologue. They need to make this about demographics, hopey stuff and the evil opposition who is really secretly, racist, anti-homosexual, anti-women and anti anything liberals and the easily persuaded find sacred. Hillary can't win without this because she is an old, scandal ridden, subpar, old-school Washington politician. She is a proven liar, malcontent, person of little talent and has shown she can't even manage the affairs of our DoS. So you see, any opposition is "misogynist" because otherwise she would need to run on her "record" which is horrendous and shows an arrogant disrespect for the American people. Just like the person she helped destroy our country for the last 7 years, only even less talented and thoughful. Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (GGCsk) 63
Lindsey Graham's strategy: Take down Rand Paul
I've got that guy slotted between Mr. Greenjeans and Rich Kotite on the list of strategic thinkers. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (659DL) 64
Pretty sure Golda Meir and Indira Ghandi were conservative.
Liberals? The PM for Australia before Abbott, and I assume any Scandinavian wench-in-chief. Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (wtvvX) 65
60 I just saw the IG is investigating Huma's position with Hillary. How hard is that to figure out?
----------- Strap-on or Strap-off, right? Posted by: Roy at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (VndSC) 66
"conservative vs liberal"
Lib: Kirchner Chick Prez of Brazil Danish PM Flaming gash that was PM in Oz Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (LA7Cm) 67
HEY, remember that TIME that LAZIO asked Hillary a QUESTION in a DEBATE and she PRETENDED that she felt THREATENED??? I also remember that time Al Gore was hovering around Bush in the debates like a Ghost of Excess Past. At one point, he actually crossed over to Bush's podium. Bush looked at him with amusement, nodded his head, and continued. I believe that won him the election. Posted by: pep at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (YXmuI) 68
Every single Republican candidate should be just as confrontational with the press as Paul, perhaps with more aplomb, but don't back down from the dirty dogs at all. Get MRC to compile dossiers on the reporters covering you - all of them have histories of bias and bad reporting which can be thrown in their faces at appropriate moments.
The key is not to empty the whole magazine at the first question. Wait until a guy gets unreasonably pushy and acting like a jerk, then pull out their sordid past as a shock punch and watch them stutter. Folks, it would be worth a dollar a quart. Posted by: Adjoran at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (QIQ6j) 69
I'm ready for my interview!
Posted by: Aqua Buddha at April 10, 2015 02:57 PM (0Ew3K) 70
Norway just elected a pretty conservative PM.
Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (0LHZx) Pretty conservative in Scandinavian terms is far left in our terms. Posted by: Heralder at April 10, 2015 02:57 PM (/Mxso) 71
34 Based on some of the recent stories I've read, Hillary is just as rude to women, moreso even, and especially if they happen to work for the Secret Service.
Posted by: @JohnTant ------------------------- Sometimes, I'll tune in to Morning Joke on MSNBC (so you guys don't have to!) - This morning, Joe was talking about what a sweet wonderful person Shrillary is, and she just doesn't come across as herself when in campaign mode. After I vomited, I turned off the TV & went back to sleep. Posted by: shredded chi at April 10, 2015 02:57 PM (z65A/) 72
Lindsey Graham's strategy: Go down on Rand Paul
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 10, 2015 02:57 PM (LA7Cm) 73
Scankles should not count on the MFM to help her too much. The Iranian Rat Face is after her and she has accumulated a lot of baggage. As soon as the MFM can get behind a new commie to drag around they will drop her in the garbage like a three day old catfish that already stinks.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 10, 2015 02:57 PM (wlDny) 74
Oh, and I think Corazon Aquino was pro-American, so probably at least leaned conservative.
Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 02:58 PM (wtvvX) Posted by: toby928(C) whom we shall call 'Toby' for purposes of publication at April 10, 2015 02:58 PM (rwI+c) 76
The media will start setting up Rand and send him ONLY female reporters.
This is their Set-up Season, so expect abortion questions and War on Wimmin, race, class and any other false controversies they can come up with to set the smears. Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at April 10, 2015 02:58 PM (oVJmc) 77
66 "conservative vs liberal"
Lib: Kirchner Chick Prez of Brazil Danish PM Flaming gash that was PM in Oz Posted by: Ricardo Kill __________________ You forgot Obama. Posted by: Furious George at April 10, 2015 02:58 PM (UlJ3l) 78
Pretty sure Golda Meir and Indira Ghandi were conservative.
Meir was Labor, but a hawk. Indira Gandhi was a Congress Party crime boss. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (659DL) 79
Hell, hillary should apologize to all children for scaring them with that giant puffy pair of asscheeks she calls a face.
Posted by: maddogg at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (xWW96) 80
72 Lindsey Graham's strategy: Go down on Rand Paul
Posted by: Ricardo Kill ------------- That's good, because Jeb Bush's strategy is also to have Lindsey Graham go down on Rand Paul. Posted by: Roy at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (VndSC) Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (xQX/f) 82
Bush looked at him with amusement, nodded his head, and continued.
I was hoping for a vicious Texas headbutt. Posted by: toby928(C) whom we shall call 'Toby' for purposes of publication at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (rwI+c) 83
I hope that Rand keeps this up. I think the Conventional Inside the Beltway GOP Wisdom is that sticking it to the press is a bad idea. They are wrong. Keep it up Rand.
Posted by: dan-O at April 10, 2015 02:45 PM (D0bIN) ---------------------------------------------- I hope most of the candidates do this. Let the MFM squeal. Americans that are paying even a little bit of attention to what's going on hate the MFM. The polls show it. The more the MFM squeals about their hurt widdle feelings, the more people will hate them. Posted by: Soona at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (/HX7u) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at April 10, 2015 03:00 PM (LA7Cm) 85
Any moron help me out -- off the top of the head -- ratio of female heads of state -- conservative vs liberal. I remember the conservatives like Marge Thatcher but forget the libs.
Posted by: SE Pa Moron at April 10, 2015 02:54 PM (xQX/f) --- Indira Ghandi, Golda Meir, the dyke who ran Iceland, the chick who runs Denmark (she took that selfie with Obama at Mandelas memorial service) and some more... all in leftist parties. Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 10, 2015 03:00 PM (7uCyt) Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 03:00 PM (wtvvX) Posted by: Roy at April 10, 2015 03:00 PM (VndSC) 88
Merkel is CDU...vicious rightwingers for Europe.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 03:01 PM (659DL) 89
Every reporter is going to try their best to piss off Rand Paul from now on...
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 10, 2015 03:01 PM (so+oy) 90
Evita (and Juan) was a straight-up fascist but the outcome was the same.
Posted by: joncelli at April 10, 2015 03:01 PM (RD7QR) 91
Indira Ghandi, Golda Meir, the dyke who ran Iceland, the chick who runs Denmark (she took that selfie with Obama at Mandelas memorial service) and some more... all in leftist parties.
Posted by: Harley Quinn .......... And that one in Australia for a couple of terms.. Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (so+oy) 92
Pretty much it's going to be Binders Full of Women ever day for the next 500 days.
Hope ur cool with that, America. So. Yeah. If some completely and totally random person were to decide fuck this shit and heave all of her objections to drugs out the window, should she start slow with say Nyquil in a coffee cup or should she just go for the gusto and start with meth with a heroin in the eyeball chaser? Asking for a friend. (The friend is me) By the by, I do plan to start responding to but but but babies! Grandma! For the children! with "I hate children." That's a fantastic way to stop that mode of attack. Don't you care about the children! No. No, I do not. That tends to shut up the other side right quick. Posted by: alexthechick - From the corner of Chocolate and Peanut Butter at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (mf5HN) 93
Isn't Kirchner in Argentina liberal?.
Let us not confuse corrution with party affiliation. The motivations matter. She's about as ideological as a cinder block. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (659DL) 94
Every single Republican candidate should be just as confrontational with the press as Paul, perhaps with more aplomb, but don't back down from the dirty dogs at all. Get MRC to compile dossiers on the reporters covering you - all of them have histories of bias and bad reporting which can be thrown in their faces at appropriate moments.
The key is not to empty the whole magazine at the first question. Wait until a guy gets unreasonably pushy and acting like a jerk, then pull out their sordid past as a shock punch and watch them stutter. Folks, it would be worth a dollar a quart. Posted by: Adjoran at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (QIQ6j) I'd pay 2 bucks for that!! Posted by: Big Freakin Al at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (iWo0u) 95
Is there a bigger collection of sycophantic douchebags today than the cockgobbling progressive media?
No, there is not. Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 02:52 PM (wtvvX) Yeah, there is. We call it the gopE. Posted by: Luap Nor's last brain cell at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (Vyg9x) 96
Rand Paul isn't my candidate. But frankly, I am kinda digging the role he is playing right now. Whether he is successful or not, he's not the only one who looks bad in these exchanges. Even in the first interview, he was correct in pointing out the reporter was building a false narrative on a predetermined premise.
Ditto asking them the get an answer from DWS on the abortion issues. Nobody has ever challenged the media in that way. I believe that is very useful in pointing out the bias which people already know exists. Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (GGCsk) 97
Meir was Labor, but a hawk.
Indira Gandhi was a Congress Party crime boss. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (659DL) Yeah, I just remember Meir wasn't one to let the Arabs push her around. Ghandi I don't remember as well, except for gettin' shot up real good... Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 03:03 PM (wtvvX) 98
What Rand has to worry about are dog crates on top of his station wagon and elevators for his cars and the IRS. But mostly dog crates.
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:04 PM (oDCMR) 99
Jurassic World II is already set to go.
It's the story of a bunch of creepy dinosaurs terrorizing an island of underage girls. Posted by: Bill Clinton at April 10, 2015 03:04 PM (/JOra) 100
Lindsey Graham is a mental midget. He like the frat boy who can spout milk out of his nose. Nobody takes him serious. They just laugh at him and pat him on the head like a dog.
Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 03:04 PM (GGCsk) 101
Liewatha,also a woman.So they are covered unless another black guy jumps in.
Posted by: steevy at April 10, 2015 03:04 PM (KETbL) 102
I believe that won him the election.
Posted by: pep at April 10, 2015 02:56 PM (YXmuI) Well that and those hanging chads/ Posted by: Velvet Ambition at April 10, 2015 03:04 PM (R8hU8) 103
In my prime, I would just crush their skulls like walnuts between my massive thighs! And I had plenty of practice!
Posted by: Hillary! at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (YFFpo) 104
Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (GGCsk)
Yeah, like I said in the previous thread, the libs I know werent offended that he took on the media. They said (essentially) "he's a right wing nut job, but I like that he's honest, and that he wasnt afraid to tell the media to shut the fuck up and let him answer, but I'd never vote for him because he's a republican" Which may mean nothing, but... I dont know... I just feel like most people in this country hate the media more than they hate the opposition party. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (AkOaV) 105
Indira Gandhi was a Congress Party crime boss. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 02:59 PM (659DL) And she forgot an important rule: don't piss off the Sikhs. Posted by: joncelli at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (RD7QR) Posted by: Paladin at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (ycm4Q) 107
Argentinian politics is confusing. The Peronists who were commies wanted Peron to return b/c they believed the old fascist was a socialist. His airplane lands and the first thing that happens is that the fascists start shooting into the crowd. It went downhill from there.... Posted by: Bruce J. at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (iQIUe) 108
Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 03:04 PM (GGCsk)
I would love to see him spout milk out of his nose. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (AkOaV) 109
Yeah, there is. We call it the gopE.
Posted by: Luap Nor's last brain cell at April 10, 2015 03:02 PM (Vyg9x) The F . . . B . . . I Posted by: Hans Gruber at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (mf5HN) 110
Hillary has been around forevah. Nobody under 30 doesn't know her and hasn't already made up their minds on her. Obama was a blank slate so the msm could invent a bio for him but we know everything about Hillary.
The msm can put as much lipstick on that pig as the want but nobody is changing their minds. Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:05 PM (g1DWB) 111
94 Every single Republican candidate should be just as confrontational with the press as Paul, perhaps with more aplomb, but don't back down from the dirty dogs at all. Get MRC to compile dossiers on the reporters covering you - all of them have histories of bias and bad reporting which can be thrown in their faces at appropriate moments.
---------------------------- Chris Christy and Jeb Bush. Need I say moar? Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:06 PM (oDCMR) 112
Merkel is conservativeish.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:06 PM (JtwS4) Posted by: i like anchors at April 10, 2015 03:06 PM (6E2VN) 114
In my prime, I would just crush their skulls like walnuts between my massive
FIFY. Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 10, 2015 03:06 PM (wtvvX) 115
Reporter to Hillary: "Tell us how it feels to be a Grandmother."
Reporter to Rand Paul" "In 2004 you went on record against the Iraq war, then in 2006 you said.. and then in 2007 you said.. please tell our viewers why you have flipped on so many important issues of our time.. and before you answer, please also tell us about your flip-flop on foreign trade, and... and.. and.." Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 10, 2015 03:07 PM (so+oy) 116
What passes for "conservative" in Europe is being slightly less socialist.Actually,that's the Republican Party now too.
Posted by: steevy at April 10, 2015 03:07 PM (KETbL) 117
This is why we need to pass a law that only females can be reporters. Then it would show that Rand Paul is only testy with female reporters.
Posted by: Valerie Solaris at April 10, 2015 03:07 PM (xkSSa) 118
If Rand Paul can make a Feminist News Chick cry - then he has my vote.
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:08 PM (oDCMR) 119
I'm Enzo the baker, I come to help your father
Posted by: enzo the baker at April 10, 2015 03:08 PM (kprEY) 120
If I want entertainment, I watch C-span or the local political channel. Better than an iconic Italian Opera.
Posted by: Old A2 at April 10, 2015 03:08 PM (/WmRg) 121
If you don't elect me America I'm suing.
Just letting you know in advance, so you can lawyer up just in case. The truth is I've never loved you and I'm kind of looking forward to telling you that every day for the next eighteen months. Posted by: President Hillary Clinton at April 10, 2015 03:08 PM (ZT/+/) 122
I'm thinking a movie about SMOD's candidacy would be a BIG hit.
Posted by: dogfish at April 10, 2015 03:09 PM (1vYi0) 123
120 If I want entertainment, I watch C-span or the local political channel. Better than an iconic Italian Opera.
Posted by: Old A2 at April 10, 2015 03:08 PM (/WmRg) Some of the local-level candidates can be hilarious. (And some can be cringe-inducing.) Posted by: joncelli at April 10, 2015 03:09 PM (RD7QR) 124
112 Merkel is conservativeish.
-------------------- Not really - she was a commie like Hillary when in her teens and twenties. Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:09 PM (oDCMR) 125
If Rand Paul can make a Feminist News Chick cry - then he has my vote.
Pretty sure I feel a South Park episode in the making... Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 03:09 PM (659DL) 126
Hillary is almost a septuagenarian. Her team knows the worst thing she can be pegged as is an old Washington politician. That's the kiss of death.
That's why they hired a 30 something year old campaign manager an have been fighting against any narrative that paints her as old. Hillary's Twitter photo even has her in sunglasses to hide her age. That talk along with her actual record and scandal ridden life will be her undoing. Especially if someone younger and aggressive like Walker is the opposition. Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 03:10 PM (GGCsk) 127
Lindsey Graham is a mental midget. He like the frat boy who can spout milk out of his nose. Nobody takes him serious. They just laugh at him and pat him on the head like a dog. Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 03:04 PM (GGCsk) Lady Boy is not in this for winning. He is there acting for the RNCe to make sure no conservative makes it past Iowa, NH, and SC so they will drop out. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 10, 2015 03:10 PM (wlDny) 128
Ugh. Looked up dead Evita on youtube. I think they gave her a "rebalming" b/c she was falling apart. Apparently, the toes and nose just rots away. I was going to analogize this to Hillary but was gossed out.
Posted by: Bruce J. at April 10, 2015 03:10 PM (iQIUe) 129
The thing about the Germans is,despite the socialism they do tend to be fiscally responsible.
Posted by: steevy at April 10, 2015 03:10 PM (KETbL) 130
BITCH! Get me a Sammich!
Posted by: Rand Paul at April 10, 2015 03:10 PM (fLKzW) 131
Oh shit a REAL movie review!
Posted by: Nip Sip at April 10, 2015 03:10 PM (0FSuD) 132
Anyway we expect it from the MFM.From "our" side is what bothers me and I'm no fan of Rand Paul.
Posted by: steevy at April 10, 2015 03:11 PM (KETbL) 133
113 Anyone need a good laugh? Hope this does the trick: Posted by: i like anchors at April 10, 2015 03:06 PM (6E2VN) ************************ Sorry, feminists, this proves there are somethings men can do that women could never do. I'll bet there's a way to show some connection between this level of crass creativeness and Aristotle. Posted by: Bobbie Riggs at April 10, 2015 03:11 PM (xkSSa) 134
I need a good spanking
Posted by: President Hillary Clinton at April 10, 2015 03:11 PM (ZT/+/) 135
>>>Hillary's Twitter photo even has her in sunglasses to hide her age.
Posted by: Marcus T at April 10, 2015 03:10 PM (GGCsk)<<< Maybe she was working out? Posted by: Dingy Harry at April 10, 2015 03:12 PM (/JOra) 136
Not really - she was a commie like Hillary when in her teens and twenties. She lived in East Fucking Germany in her teens and twenties. She's the leader of the CDU, the "conservative" party in Germany, and she's governing in a no-nonsense, no we won't spend that, yes Greece you have to pay us back, manner. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:12 PM (JtwS4) 137
I should have bought this house when it went up for sale. It sold for more than initially listed. Posted by: jwest at April 10, 2015 03:12 PM (9ZZd+) 138
Germany's budget is in surplus. If that's liberal I'll take it.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:13 PM (JtwS4) 139
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:09 PM (oDCMR)
You would have been a commie too if you grew up in communist east germany where people were disappeared for not following the party line. Hardly fair to hold THAT against her, wouldnt you say? Posted by: mynewhandle at April 10, 2015 03:14 PM (AkOaV) 140
Germany's budget is in surplus. If that's liberal I'll take it.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:13 PM (JtwS4) ********** AND I bet that they can still make the trains run on time Posted by: Ron Paul at April 10, 2015 03:14 PM (fLKzW) 141
I can't wait until VOX explains to me that of all of the spry grandmothers in DC, Hillary is the GILFiest of them all!
Posted by: Fritz at April 10, 2015 03:14 PM (UzPAd) 142
Basically giving up defense spending helps with the budget.
Posted by: steevy at April 10, 2015 03:14 PM (KETbL) 143
137 I should have bought this house when it went up for sale. ------------------------------ Who buys a mansion and then decorates it with Pier 1? Well, other than Michelle. Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:15 PM (oDCMR) Posted by: Bill "Bubba" Cinton: 42nd President of the United States at April 10, 2015 03:15 PM (YFFpo) 145
I should have bought this house when it went up for sale.
Any male who needs a house with 17 bathrooms needs to call me. Posted by: 1 800 UROLOGIST at April 10, 2015 03:15 PM (xQX/f) 146
Posted by: steevy at April 10, 2015 03:11 PM (KETbL)
It's the backlash against the grass roots / tea party types who are / have "taken on the establishment." The establishment is trying to run us out of the party, or at the very least make us shut the fuck up so they can get back to the whole reason they went to DC -- power, money, influence, nice offices and "company cars" with drivers. Posted by: mynewhandle at April 10, 2015 03:15 PM (AkOaV) Posted by: Y-not on the phone at April 10, 2015 03:16 PM (/X7ln) 148
He was testy with me too, sniff! I'll show him!
Posted by: Meygun Kelly, Faux Newsreader at April 10, 2015 03:16 PM (hKyl0) 149
140 Germany's budget is in surplus. If that's liberal I'll take it.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:13 PM (JtwS4) ********** AND I bet that they can still make the trains run on time --------------------- Sadly they cannot make their defense force run at all. Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:16 PM (oDCMR) 150
I'll bet no one here hates TFG as much as I do. I tried to talk about it with him once, while we were walking on a nice spring day in Ft Marcy Park, but the Secret Service was like glue. I never got my chance, those pigs.
Posted by: President Hillary Clinton at April 10, 2015 03:17 PM (ZT/+/) 151
If you don't talk to the press they'll have no binders of women stories to run with.
Posted by: james at April 10, 2015 03:17 PM (rVEMe) 152
Kurchner, who swings left--neither she nor her husband joined the lefty terrorists in the 70s. It appears they made a wise and conscious choice. So, it could be done. Posted by: Bruce J. at April 10, 2015 03:18 PM (iQIUe) 153
"Any male who needs a house with 17 bathrooms needs to call me."
That is just the main house. There are an additional 3-1/2 baths in the carriage house over the garage. Posted by: jwest at April 10, 2015 03:18 PM (9ZZd+) 154
Just like Herman Cain should have been on the VP spot of the ticket in 2012 to counter act the DNC's "the GOP wants to put you back in chains' argument (which they LITERALLY said), Carly Fiorina needs to be on the VP spot of the 2016 to counteract "the GOP hates women" argument. Although she hasn't gotten much press, Fiorina has been dynamite attacking Hillary out of the gate.
Perry/Fiorina Cruz/Fiorina I'd be very happy with either of those tickets. I'd be OK with any other AS LONG as Fiorina is in the VP spot -- a woman there is a *must*. Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:18 PM (HY8rq) 155
Pres. of Brazil was a terrorist, robbed banks, and was involved in the shooting death of a police man.
Posted by: Bruce J. at April 10, 2015 03:18 PM (iQIUe) 156
For those in the sandbox, in Dubai at their World Trade Center is the Middle East Film and Comic Con.
Guests on hand includes - William Shatner and Vic Mignonga who have both played Captain Kirk. And the President of Production I.G, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex, Ishikawa Mitsuhisa. Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at April 10, 2015 03:19 PM (E8rOv) 157
She lived in East Fucking Germany in her teens and twenties. She's the leader of the CDU, the "conservative" party in Germany, and she's governing in a no-nonsense, no we won't spend that, yes Greece you have to pay us back, manner.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:12 PM (JtwS4) ------------------------------------------ I don't think most people realize just how bleak East Germany was. Just like the Polish woman I worked with for awhile that lived in Poland during Russia's domination. She was one of the most conservative people I've known. And she had some unbelievable stories about how bad socialistic totalitarianism was like. Posted by: Soona at April 10, 2015 03:19 PM (/HX7u) 158
*except Jeb.
I'd be happy with any other ticket except one with Jeb -- I don't care if Jesus Christ is his running mate, I will vote 3rd party if Jeb is on the GOP ticket. Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:19 PM (HY8rq) 159
Just like Herman Cain should have been on the VP spot of the ticket in 2012
... ... ... Nope, it's Friday and the Church of THC Freedom have exhausted me. I'll pass. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 03:20 PM (659DL) 160
>>Sadly they cannot make their defense force run at all.
Which is why they have a budget surplus. They spend less than 2% of their budget on defense. They spend $48 billion, we spend $580 billion. Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:21 PM (g1DWB) 161
Don't forget "Marco Rubio Will Hate Women When He Gets Old Enough to Shave." It is the heart-warming tale of a lovable grandmother who is able to master a young, inexperienced featherweight politician and then still answer the phone at 2am.
Posted by: Jinx the Cat at April 10, 2015 03:21 PM (l3vZN) 162
They spend $48 billion, we spend $580 billion.
To be fair, we really don't want a Germany that spends two or three times that on defense. #ThirdTimeIsTheCharm Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 03:23 PM (659DL) 163
I'd be very happy with either of those tickets. I'd be OK with any other AS LONG as Fiorina is in the VP spot -- a woman there is a *must*. Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:18 PM (HY8rq)<<< My friendsh, you'd have nothing to fear with the failed HP CEO and one of my biggest supporters in 2008 in the White House. Posted by: Juan McCain at April 10, 2015 03:23 PM (/JOra) 164
and then still answer the phone at 2am.
Posted by: Jinx the Cat Not that hard when you go to bed at 7:30. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Indestructible at April 10, 2015 03:23 PM (GuwT9) 165
Sadly they cannot make their defense force run at all.
Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:16 PM (oDCMR) ----------------------------------------- But I'll bet you they have all the jigs and tools stored away in safe places to quickly establish a war posture if it would ever come to that. Posted by: Soona at April 10, 2015 03:23 PM (/HX7u) 166
160 >>Sadly they cannot make their defense force run at all.
Which is why they have a budget surplus. They spend less than 2% of their budget on defense. They spend $48 billion, we spend $580 billion. ---------------------------- You do know we pulled all of our Tanks out of Europe and then Putin took Crimea. The Germans, French, British, et al have no teeth. We subsequently put our tanks back in last year very quietly. Soft power sucks and Putin knows it. Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at April 10, 2015 03:23 PM (oDCMR) 167
If any man says he hates war more than I do, he better have a knife, that's all I have to say.
Posted by: Medea Benjamin at April 10, 2015 03:24 PM (6E2VN) 168
Posted by: Soona at April 10, 2015 03:19 PM (/HX7u)
I live in a very Russian neighborhood. Most of the Russian women in my neighborhood in their 60s and up are about 5' tall and about 3' wide and a little troll like. Somehow their daughters and granddaughters raised over here are 5'8" to 5'10" and gorgeous. I'm thinking the food they ate and didn't eat during the glory years of communism speaks to this generational difference. Posted by: Heralder at April 10, 2015 03:24 PM (/Mxso) 169
That is just the main house.
We have neighbors who are testing the waters at $300 per sq foot. At 35,000 sq foot that would be about $10,500,000. But Detroit, where you would be the sole taxpayer. Posted by: 1 800 UROLOGIST at April 10, 2015 03:24 PM (xQX/f) 170
We have neighbors who are testing the waters at $300 per sq foot. At 35,000 sq foot that would be about $10,500,000. But Detroit, where you would be the sole taxpayer. Posted by: 1 800 UROLOGIST at April 10, 2015 03:24 PM (xQX/f) In Detroit they run $300/house. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 10, 2015 03:26 PM (wlDny) 171
if Rand Paul is teste, what is Hillary Clinton?
Posted by: ace said don't use that word at April 10, 2015 03:27 PM (n5fTN) 172
Rand Paul allegedly has testes.
Posted by: wth at April 10, 2015 03:27 PM (wAQA5) 173
Mark Levin had an Ozzie on last night who said the exact same thing happened to them a few years back with Julia Gillard as PM. Non stop First! Female! shaming. Also said at 5 years later they are still trying to dig their way out of the mess she made.
If Hillary! were to be elected and there isn't an actual Civil War II already it will start in her first 90 days. She is insane. Not just amoral and power mad but really insane. Posted by: Hopped Up On Something at April 10, 2015 03:28 PM (agKOd) 174
I can't wait until VOX explains to me that of all of the spry grandmothers in DC, Hillary is the GILFiest of them all! Posted by: Fritz at April 10, 2015 03:14 PM (UzPAd) Yah, I would totallys dos her. Posted by: Skwisgaar Skwigelf at April 10, 2015 03:28 PM (l3LvV) 175
Posted by: 1 800 UROLOGIST
Hey doc, I was out with this girl (long story) but now it burns when I pee. Posted by: Haven Monahan at April 10, 2015 03:29 PM (GuwT9) 176
>>I don't think most people realize just how bleak East Germany was.
Lots of it still is. I was in Leipzig a few years ago for a week at a trade fair. Our hotel was about 60 kilometers from the fair because shit loads of people and eastern Germany so we stayed in a place in a nice old village. A nice old practically empty village. The village was beautiful, like something from a postcard but virtually all the youngins and a lot of the old folks had left because there is no work. The German government gave Porsche and MB huge tax breaks to move some of their production to the area but not a lot else going on. Parts of the city of Leipzig still feature the bleak, Soviet architecture you see in a lot of post Soviet satellite countries. Depressing as hell. Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:29 PM (g1DWB) 177
To be fair, we really don't want a Germany that spends two or three times that on defense.
#ThirdTimeIsTheCharm Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at April 10, 2015 03:23 PM (659DL) --- Meh, I actually do. It was a stupid mistake for us and the Brits to side with the French and the Russians in WWI. I mean whats the end result today? Germany dominates europe anyway through EU-institutions and sheer economic weight, but is too shy militarily to defend what its got. Posted by: Harley Quinn at April 10, 2015 03:29 PM (7uCyt) 178
154 Just like Herman Cain should have been on the VP spot of the ticket in 2012 to counter act the DNC's "the GOP wants to put you back in chains' argument (which they LITERALLY said), Carly Fiorina needs to be on the VP spot of the 2016 to counteract "the GOP hates women" argument. Although she hasn't gotten much press, Fiorina has been dynamite attacking Hillary out of the gate. Perry/Fiorina Cruz/Fiorina I'd be very happy with either of those tickets. I'd be OK with any other AS LONG as Fiorina is in the VP spot -- a woman there is a *must*. Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:18 PM (HY8rq) Yeah I know when I think of who I want in the VP spot I think of a woman that ran a company so horribly I still think of them as the shittiest computers manufacturers on the planet,was a campaign advisor for John McCainand a pathetic attempt for a Senate run in California. Posted by: buzzion at April 10, 2015 03:30 PM (zt+N6) 179
In Detroit they run $300/house. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 10, 2015 03:26 PM (wlDny) Detroit, where you could become a slumlord for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day! Posted by: Insomniac at April 10, 2015 03:31 PM (2Ojst) 180
Parts of the city of Leipzig still feature the bleak, Soviet architecture you see in a lot of post Soviet satellite countries. Depressing as hell.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:29 PM (g1DWB) -------------------------------------- Same thing I said about Kiev. Very Soviet. Posted by: Soona at April 10, 2015 03:31 PM (/HX7u) Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 10, 2015 03:32 PM (7G/wk) Posted by: Heralder at April 10, 2015 03:33 PM (/Mxso) 183
MFM reporters are thrilled that their kneepad budget is about to be cut in half, as they will now only have to spend part of their time noshing the HillClam and can spend the rest of it doing some RepubliHate invective.
Posted by: GnuBreed at April 10, 2015 03:33 PM (EwcYx) 184
My friendsh, you'd have nothing to fear with the failed HP CEO and one of my biggest supporters in 2008 in the White House.
Posted by: Juan McCain at April 10, 2015 03:23 PM (/JOra) ************** Whatever -- miss the point all you want but just like not having an AA in the VP spot allowed the MSM & the DNC (but I repeat myself) run wild with "the right is racist" smear job, having no woman on the ticket in 2016 will leave open the "the sexist right wants to take women back to the 1950s" smear job. Stay "ideologically pure" re: the gawddamnd fucking VP "no actual power IRL" spot and then bitch and moan about a Hillary presidency for the next 8 years. Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:33 PM (HY8rq) 185
>>Same thing I said about Kiev. Very Soviet.
Worst part is it seems to take a generation or so for those countries to even think about rebounding. People who grew up in a totalitarian regime have no idea how to run their own lives. Anyone who thinks socialism is a good thing should spend some time in Romania or any country that came out of the dark. The older people are just lost. Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:35 PM (g1DWB) 186
Whatever -- miss the point all you want but just like not having an AA in the VP spot allowed the MSM the DNC (but I repeat myself) run wild with "the right is racist" smear job, having no woman on the ticket in 2016 will leave open the "the sexist right wants to take women back to the 1950s" smear job. Stay "ideologically pure" re: the gawddamnd fucking VP "no actual power IRL" spot and then bitch and moan about a Hillary presidency for the next 8 years.
Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:33 PM (HY8rq) I have no problem with a woman as VP. How about someone better than the pathetically inept failed businesswoman. Posted by: buzzion at April 10, 2015 03:35 PM (zt+N6) 187
I don't think most people realize just how bleak East Germany was. Story time. In 1984 I was chaperoning a bunch of American exchange students on a visit to East Berlin. They were splitting up into groups to go different places around Alexanderplatz. I said, "I'm going to go in the subway, take a train at random and pop up somewhere. We'll see what it's like to meet real East Germans." In my mind it was going to be a we're all brothers under the skin experience. We'd find a pub and have conversations. Yes, I was idealistic when I was young. Shut up. So a handful of kids came with me. I should note that this is completely illegal because your visa restricts you to the core of East Berlin. The subway ticket dispenser was a joke, you pull on a ticket and a whole strip of cardboard tickets like the ones you use in raffles came out. I'm not even sure if there was a way to pay. We pop up at random and there is nothing. There are no shops, there are no Kneipes, there aren't people milling in a square. There's no one to meet. After a certain amount of aimless wandering we noticed men in long black leather jackets talking into walkie talkies and got back on the subway for Alexanderplatz. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:36 PM (JtwS4) 188
do you have proof?
Posted by: shredded chi at April 10, 2015 02:48 PM (z65A/) Really? REALLY? Be careful what you ask for...... Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 10, 2015 03:36 PM (7G/wk) 189
Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:33 PM (HY8rq)
Your concern is noted. I'm sure Ted Cruz will make a wise choice as to his VP pick. Posted by: GnuBreed at April 10, 2015 03:37 PM (EwcYx) 190
Sad Puppy Nood.
Posted by: ConservativeMonster at April 10, 2015 03:37 PM (0NdlF) 191
Oh, is noodcast, too.
Posted by: ConservativeMonster at April 10, 2015 03:38 PM (0NdlF) 192
podcast thread up
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at April 10, 2015 03:38 PM (wlDny) 193
Worst part is it seems to take a generation or so for those countries to even think about rebounding. People who grew up in a totalitarian regime have no idea how to run their own lives. Anyone who thinks socialism is a good thing should spend some time in Romania or any country that came out of the dark. The older people are just lost.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:35 PM (g1DWB) -------------------------------------------- One thing that made me kind of laugh about the Ukraine. They're a lot like the Germans. They love their cars. I think the first upgrade of freedom the Ukranians did was buy a new car. They were everywhere. And not the cheap east-block shit. We're talking Mercedes, Audi, Porche, Cadillac........ Posted by: Soona at April 10, 2015 03:39 PM (/HX7u) 194
>>>Whatever -- miss the point all you want but just
like not having an AA in the VP spot allowed the MSM the DNC (but I repeat myself) run wild with "the right is racist" smear job, having no woman on the ticket in 2016 will leave open the "the sexist right wants to take women back to the 1950s" smear job. Stay "ideologically pure" re: the gawddamnd fucking VP "no actual power IRL" spot and then bitch and moan about a Hillary presidency for the next 8 years. Posted by: Dancing Queen at April 10, 2015 03:33 PM (HY8rq) I have no problem with a woman as VP. How about someone better than the pathetically inept failed businesswoman. Posted by: buzzion at April 10, 2015 03:35 PM (zt+N6)<<< Exactly what buzzion says. Oh, and sure, no big deal if we have a "shitty VP" as the next in line... not like that's ever caused problems before *cough**GHWB**cough** Posted by: zombie Reagan at April 10, 2015 03:40 PM (/JOra) 195
Rand Paul is testy because he has testes. No more white cisgender male RethugliKKKan assholes.
Warren in '16!!!! Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT at April 10, 2015 03:42 PM (tFWWx) 196
People who grew up in a totalitarian regime have no idea how to run their own lives. I had the most head scratchy conversation with a young East German in '91ish. He missed the old system already, because the government took care of things. I said, "but what about choice? Say you have the same amount of money, don't you want to choose between a better car and worse apartment vs. worse car and better apartment?" He said no, he liked it when the government just told him what to do. Posted by: Bandersnatch at April 10, 2015 03:43 PM (JtwS4) 197
>>One thing that made me kind of laugh about the Ukraine. They're a lot like the Germans. They love their cars. I think the first upgrade of freedom the Ukranians did was buy a new car. They were everywhere. And not the cheap east-block shit. We're talking Mercedes, Audi, Porche, Cadillac........
I think its a freedom thing. First chance a lot of them ever had to purchase a car that wasn't designed and built but the government. Hell, look at Cuba. They love them so old Detroit iron. Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:45 PM (g1DWB) 198
70 Norway just elected a pretty conservative PM.
Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 02:55 PM (0LHZx) Pretty conservative in Scandinavian terms is far left in our terms. Posted by: Heralder at April 10, 2015 02:57 PM (/Mxso) _________ Norway may be Europe's biggest oil exporter, but its prime minister is less concerned about tumbling energy prices than security issues around terrorism and Russia. "I think most governments are more concerned about terrorism, security issues. We can handle oil prices going up and down, but what we can't handle are the security issues," Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway, told CNBC on Friday. Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 03:45 PM (0LHZx) 199
The reporters and media outlets are weenies. Dear Lord in Heaven ,Lora Logan was gang raped while doing her job reporting, but Princess_____(fill in reporters name) must be hugged because Rand Paul was gruff and objected to her style of questioning. Why, big boo-boo.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 10, 2015 03:46 PM (DXzRD) 200
Make that "Lara: logan
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at April 10, 2015 03:46 PM (DXzRD) 201
One thing that made me kind of laugh about the Ukraine. They're a lot like the Germans. They love their cars. I think the first upgrade of freedom the Ukranians did was buy a new car. They were everywhere. And not the cheap east-block shit. We're talking Mercedes, Audi, Porche, Cadillac........ Posted by: Soona at April 10, 2015 03:39 PM (/HX7u) ___________ No different than 'murica where you have $50K cars parked in the driveways of $40K houses. Priorities! Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at April 10, 2015 03:47 PM (0LHZx) 202
>>He said no, he liked it when the government just told him what to do.
Yep. Had a similar experience in Romania but with the older set. There were literally miles and miles of what were government run grain fields lying dormant and I asked how come nobody was working them for the most part. The answer I usually got was they were waiting for someone to tell them what to do. And this was years after the fall. Posted by: JackStraw at April 10, 2015 03:48 PM (g1DWB) 203
It stinks of cats in here.
Posted by: toby928(C) whom we shall call 'Toby' for purposes of publication at April 10, 2015 03:48 PM (rwI+c) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 10, 2015 03:49 PM (ODxAs) 205
@195 Rand Paul is testy because he has testes. No more white cisgender male RethugliKKKan assholes. Warren in '16!!!! Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT at April 10, 2015 03:42 PM (tFWWx) ************************************** I hate my testes almost as much as I hate my trachea! They're next! DIE YOU DISGUSTING THINGS!!! Posted by: Bruce Jenner at April 10, 2015 03:57 PM (xkSSa) 206
Hey American MSM!
Enough f'n around with Rand Paul, you frantic bitches! We just stoned a gay dude to death. For being GAY! Homosexuality is a crime here! Are you 'offended' yet? sheesh. What's a 7th century homicidal terrorist group got to do to get some ink around here? Posted by: ISIS at April 10, 2015 03:57 PM (S8aM1) 207
We need a new superhero. Trans Person. Lasers would shoot out of zirs eyes that would cause people struck with them to change to the opposite gender. In the first movie installment, zie could fly to Iraq and turn all members of ISIS into females. It would be beautiful.
Posted by: Bruce Jenner at April 10, 2015 04:00 PM (xkSSa) 208
So Paul's responses are on level with Obama Whitehouse's treatment of Sheryl Attkisson? Posted by: Mike at April 10, 2015 04:00 PM (C6f7T) 209
Nothing says "tough, capable woman, the equal of any man out there." like complaining that a politician got a little snippy and it offended your delicate sensibilities.
Posted by: Darth Randall at April 10, 2015 04:04 PM (6n332) Posted by: tu3031 at April 10, 2015 04:19 PM (YFFpo) 211
Confucius say, man with hole in pocket feel teste all day.
Posted by: culturally inappropriate old joke at April 10, 2015 04:31 PM (9Z8lH) 212
Hey, when you can't count to one, you've got to do something to keep your phony baloney job.
Posted by: gekkobear at April 10, 2015 06:36 PM (v9FkB) 213
"They are wrong. Keep it up Rand. "
---- Indeed - except one thing, the finger to mouth shhh thing, that one I think he should know to contain moving forward, the rest...whatever. "Carly Fiorina needs to be on the VP spot of the 2016 to counteract "the GOP hates women" argument. Although she hasn't gotten much press, Fiorina has been dynamite attacking Hillary out of the gate. " --- I don't agree that she "needs" to be there (VP), but that's clearly the role for which she seems to be auditioning. Posted by: ThisBeingMilt at April 10, 2015 06:55 PM (MbrzC) 214
208 - That's what's so hilarious... Paul's testy... but Obama isn't? Wasn't? It's a joke, and it's on them.
Posted by: ThisBeingMilt at April 10, 2015 06:57 PM (MbrzC) 215
HILLARY! would also be the first female president with a penis, just throwing that out there.
Posted by: hurricane567 at April 11, 2015 12:12 AM (UufJb) 216
AH, sounds like the media has found their "narrative" for attacking Rand Paul. He's a macho dude, he's mean to women, see? see? Republicans ARE waging a war on women, and Rand Paul is the chief wager.
This is such utter crap, but it is to be expected. That being said, it will work. It always does! The Republican brand stinks to the high heavens, and it is a shame that Paul, who is a decent guy, will get smeared like this. I am sure they will interview people he knew back in 2nd grade to see if was mean to a girl one time. Megan Kelly can suck it. She is a complete idiot to play into this ridiculous b.s.. She should know better. Posted by: Mistress Overdone at April 11, 2015 12:14 AM (2/oBD) 217
...that being said... Republicans should never, ever, ever, talk to the press unless a) they know exactly what the questions will be ahead of time (dems do this), b) they have an expert press consultant on the payroll and work with them carefully to craft a message. There is a lot to be said for just going out and giving a statement - no interview.
Do not talk to the press. They are out to make you look as bad as possible. They are out to destroy you. Don't help them. Posted by: Mistress Overdone at April 11, 2015 12:17 AM (2/oBD) 218
Paul should just turn to the camera after one of these exchanges and say directly to the American people, "Another quaalude she gonna love me again."
Posted by: Mikey at April 11, 2015 08:49 AM (Uff7i) Processing 0.03, elapsed 0.0466 seconds. |
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