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US Says Iran Talks Will Continue Past the Deadline Through Tomorrow; French, German Delegations Say They're Leaving at 6am

Six am, I guess, would be 12:00 midnight on the east coast USA, so I guess we'll soon know if this is a complete rupture in the P5+1, or, maybe, merely a bargaining strategy by France and Germany to get Iran to concede something.

If it were the latter, wouldn't the US have joined them as well? Why signal a split in the parties? And why are we leaving it to France to be the hawkish party here?

But I think AllahPundit's hunch of a mere bargaining strategy may be right, for one reason: because Life Is Terrible.

If he's wrong: then I cannot think of a greater foreign policy humiliation to our Choom King than for our allies France and Germany to walk away, implicitly condemning him as too soft and too leftwing.

Posted by: Ace at 07:17 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Who'd of thunk it...France?

Posted by: itchytriggerfinger at March 31, 2015 07:18 PM (7csuM)

2 1st! It is my lucky day.

Posted by: itchytriggerfinger at March 31, 2015 07:19 PM (7csuM)

3 Obama will sign for them.

Posted by: jwb7605 at March 31, 2015 07:19 PM (ZALPg)

4 John Kerry will ride to the rescue.

Posted by: An Observation at March 31, 2015 07:19 PM (Azj5O)

5 If he's wrong: then I cannot think of a greater foreign policy humiliation to our Choom King

The first US city to go all glowy.

The rest of them won't seem like a big deal after that.

Posted by: alexthechick -Totes existing and whatnot at March 31, 2015 07:21 PM (IrByp)

6 They did sign of for the Chinese run Asian bank thing with real money.

Posted by: Alan at March 31, 2015 07:21 PM (ZkOKz)

7 Obvious desperation to reach a deal at any cost is usually a poor negotiating strategy. Not that Jugears or Horseface would ever understand that.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 31, 2015 07:22 PM (8ZskC)

The way Iran is so reluctant to making a single concession you'd think they were Jews!

Posted by: Trevor Noah, the unfunny unjewish comic at March 31, 2015 07:23 PM (iv3H6)

9 Kerry and Obama negotiate almost as well as the Republicans do.

Posted by: DangerGirl and her 1.21 gigawatt Sanity Prod (tm) at March 31, 2015 07:23 PM (KuU4f)

10 John Kerry will ride to the rescue.

Posted by: An Observation


He'll get ridden hard and put away wet.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 31, 2015 07:23 PM (JBzwC)

11 Merde, what a feckless incompetent waste of protoplasm.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 07:23 PM (rSBBR)

12 Please please please please please throw is a crumb, Mr. Mullah. Allah wills it!

Posted by: Jean F. LeKerry, Secretaire d'Etat at March 31, 2015 07:24 PM (8ZskC)

13 The fact that we are even negotiating with this country just reeks of his weakness. He wants a legacy. He wont listen to anyone because he wants to be able to say "See, I told you so"

Posted by: itchytriggerfinger at March 31, 2015 07:24 PM (7csuM)

14 Were the secret executions for being secretly ghey?

Posted by: SpongeBobSaget at March 31, 2015 07:24 PM (zauWW)

15 Don't call my boss's bluff.

Posted by: Jean F. LeKerry, Secretaire d'Etat at March 31, 2015 07:24 PM (8ZskC)

16 Jean Francois Cary when DC glows will exclaim with a Botox face, "Someone set us up the bomb!"

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 07:25 PM (rSBBR)


Posted by: Trevor Noah, the unfunny unjewish comic at March 31, 2015 07:25 PM (iv3H6)

18 Please, dear Iran, please don't walk away from negotiations. What if we built the nukes for you and paid you in cash for the honor? Now would you be interested? Don't leave me, baby. Please don't go!

Posted by: SCoaMF and JF'nKerry at March 31, 2015 07:25 PM (1CroS)

19 We can trust Iran. They are civilized and open minded, unlike those medieval H8rz in Indiana!

Posted by: Tim Cook at March 31, 2015 07:25 PM (0Ew3K)


No nood.

I repeat, NO NOOD.

Posted by: Trevor Noah, the unfunny unjewish comic at March 31, 2015 07:25 PM (iv3H6)

21 All I can figure is, getting publicly ass-raped by a bunch of Iranian mullahs must be more fun than it sounds.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 31, 2015 07:25 PM (8ZskC)

22 Fuck you Obama, Kerry, and your henchmen. I think it's time to pray. This is a really scary film.

Posted by: ParisParamus at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (0BpLZ)

23 Not that it got a whole lot of coverage but the Russians left the talks yesterday. And Russia is closer to Iran than any other member of the P5+1.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (g1DWB)

24 Jean Francois Cary when DC glows will exclaim with a Botox face, "Someone set us up the bomb!"

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 07:25 PM (rSBBR)

All Your Centrifuges Are Belong To Us

Posted by: Iran at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (0Ew3K)

False nood. Mea culpa.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. "The King Unwilling" at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (iv3H6)

26 All I can figure is, getting publicly ass-raped by a bunch of Iranian mullahs must be more fun than it sounds.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero)


Posted by: Jackie Coakley at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (GuwT9)

27 Looks like another conservative news/opinion site is on the way.

Mark Krikorian @MarkSKrikorian 11m11 minutes ago
.@NeilMunroDC leaves @DailyCaller, may run new news site of Laura @IngrahamAngle

Posted by: Costanza Defense at March 31, 2015 07:27 PM (ZPrif)

28 Face it, the President is an Iran loving Commie. Totally despicable, and the shame of all Americans who voted for him.

Posted by: great big Banana Republic at March 31, 2015 07:27 PM (+kznc)

29 What is this deadline business anyway? What happens at the deadline?

Posted by: toby928(C) at March 31, 2015 07:28 PM (rwI+c)

30 Obama: Bringing France and Germany together.

Posted by: Caliban at March 31, 2015 07:28 PM (3GFMN)

31 I have not yet begun to cave!

Posted by: Secretariat of State John Paul Kerry at March 31, 2015 07:28 PM (DC3uV)

32 Over at NeoNeocon she has post post about America's lead negotiator, Wendy Sherman. Let's just say she's not that impressive...she's a typical Dem with experience in running things like Emily's List and an offshoot of Fannie Mae. meet-wendy-sherman-obamas-chief-iran-negotiator/

Posted by: Lizzy at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (TLTHv)

33 Obama and Kerry will be roasting in hell for encouraging these animals.

Posted by: Seems Legit at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (A98Xu)

34 Meanwhile Pastor Saeed remains imprisoned.

Guess he isn't as important as the traitor who got 14 men killed.

Posted by: Lauren at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (MYCIw)

35 What is this deadline business anyway? What happens at the deadline?

Posted by: toby928(C) at March 31, 2015 07:28 PM (rwI+c)


Posted by: DangerGirl and her 1.21 gigawatt Sanity Prod (tm) at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (KuU4f)

36 What is this deadline business anyway? What happens at the deadline?

Kerry turns back into a horse.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (8ZskC)

37 So what. INDIANA !!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (W5DcG)

38 I hope they all fuck off home, and jam a spiked dildo sideways up the bony motherfucking scumbag's ass

Posted by: KenH at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (67f1X)

Posted by: DangerGirl and her 1.21 gigawatt Sanity Prod (tm) at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (KuU4f)

Could be interesting.

Could be.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (V+kmg)

40 to Iran saying that destroying Israel is nonnegotiable - what, exactly, are we still doing at the table? Discussing whether to relocate the Israeli Jewish and, I assume, Christian populations; or just to let them drift in the wind as ash?

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (AVEe1)

41 We can trust Iran. They are civilized and open minded, unlike those medieval H8rz in Indiana!

Yeah, before they execute the gays in Iran, they bake them really nice cakes!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 31, 2015 07:30 PM (lmdHn)

42 Humiliation? What, you think having to do videos of sexual acts with horses for $300 a week to feed your family is humiliation?

Is it really as bad as being a citizen in a country where (where I live) six out of ten of your friends, neighbors, and (alas) even relatives voted for this piece of filth in the White House.


Almost an excuse in 2008. None at all in 2012.

Sometimes I think I could be a regular Pol Pot if I found myself with the authority. I really do.

Posted by: JEM at March 31, 2015 07:30 PM (o+SC1)

43 "she's a typical Dem with experience in running things like Emily's List"

Well, in a way it's perfect. Who better to send to negotiate with a country that funds murder across the world than a woman whose job was to fund murder.

It's really a match made in hell.

Posted by: Lauren at March 31, 2015 07:30 PM (MYCIw)

44 John Paul Obama: I have not yet begun to sell out America

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (3UGBQ)

45 What is this deadline business anyway? What happens at the deadline?

Kerry turns back into a horse.

How will we be able to tell?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (lmdHn)

And what's supposed to happen on September 25, 2015?

That's the day when 'climate chaos' is supposed to occur. Should I buy an umbrella and a slicker?

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (iv3H6)

47 Ace, dude, stop harshing my buzz.

Posted by: Dr Spank AKA Chip Van Nostrom at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (i55o+)

48 Iran doesn't need a deal, do they? Dragging things on without resolution keeps their program going.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (MMC8r)

49 Two words: Climate Chaos

Posted by: toby928(C) at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (rwI+c)

50 Wendy Sherman. Let's just say she's not that impressive...she's a typical Dem with experience in running things like Emily's List

When she's finished in Iran she can go to Angie's List.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (W5DcG)

51 That's the day when 'climate chaos' is supposed to occur. Should I buy an umbrella and a slicker?

Have lots of dollar bills. Cuz all the women will be hookers.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (8ZskC)

52 Picture caption

Dan Savage's door knob licking campaign goes wrong.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (gm0oZ)

53 dammit

Posted by: toby928(C) at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (rwI+c)

54 I went to college and got stuck in Iraq Iran. And the worst part? I went to college on my path to get here. I could've saved some money.

Posted by: HorseFace at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (1CroS)

55 So what. INDIANA !!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (W5DcG)

And no matter what happens at these "talks" Indiana is all we're going to hear about

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (3UGBQ)

56 And in other news out of Persia, the 12th Iman has still not seen his shadow. Though there are reports he wants to move to a more comfortable abode - the AoSHQ Barrel.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (rSBBR)

57 I cannot think of a greater foreign policy humiliation to our Choom King
than for our allies France and Germany to walk away, implicitly
condemning him as too soft and too leftwing.

I don't know; I think Ear Leader might consider that a compliment.

Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (/kI1Q)

58 WHOA does that guy need a dentist.


...Or I guess, judging by his position in that picture... its probably just purely academic at this point

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (AkOaV)

59 I'd hashtag the shit out of them. They'd come around if they know what's good for them...

Posted by: tu3031 at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (S0A/C)

60 I guess we'll soon know if this is a complete rupture>>>

Or rapture.

Posted by: Robinson at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (W2Cji)

61 >>Iran doesn't need a deal, do they? Dragging things on without resolution keeps their program going.

Ya think? Every day this farce goes on is a win for Iran.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (g1DWB)

178 days until 'climate chaos'

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (iv3H6)

63 Must go faster!

Posted by: toby928(C) at March 31, 2015 07:32 PM (rwI+c)

64 Yeah, before they execute the gays in Iran, they bake them really nice cakes!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at March 31, 2015 07:30 PM (lmdHn)

That's just due to the legacy of White Christian colonialism!

After all, before THE CRUSADES, didn't they have gay orgies in Mecca?

Posted by: An Orgy of Hats at March 31, 2015 07:33 PM (0Ew3K)

65 >>>Obvious desperation to reach a deal at any cost is
usually a poor negotiating strategy.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 31, 2015 07:22 PM (8ZskC)<<<

The deuce you say?!

Posted by: Agent Orange and McTurtle at March 31, 2015 07:33 PM (DC3uV)

66 >>> French, German Delegations Say They're Leaving at 6am

Treaty rape!

Posted by: Obama, totes mad at March 31, 2015 07:33 PM (yRwC8)

Choom King: Don't get on your high horse Germany and France. Remember the Crusades and Jim Crow?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (3UGBQ)

68 Evacuate the Israelis, then nuke the middle east until it glows.

Posted by: CanaDave at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (hWL7i)

69 Times of Israel had an article today where an Iranian minister of something or other said that the "destruction of Israel is non negotiable".

Well, OK then.

Posted by: Thor's feather duster at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (JgC5a)

70 178 days until 'climate chaos'

Don't forget to wear your rubbers.

Posted by: 1950's mother at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (W5DcG)

71 What's the difference between winning and losing the negotiations, anyway? What are we negotiating? If the Iranians want to build a nuke they're gonna build a nuke and there's nothing we can do about it short of a ground invasion of the country, which won't ever happen, and this admin couldn't credibly bluff military action anyway.

Posted by: kartoffel at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (sGRH7)

72 I've remained mystified why this administration believes ;
1. Iran even if agreed would stick to an agreement.
2. Why they say , Irans saying kill the americans or kill the israelis is only for their followers and not meant to be a srs threat to anyone because that's how SANE leaders speak.
and of course they are Sane
. coughing.
3. we all know they have supported killing our soldiers , sponsored terrorists hamas and , hezbollah among other terrorists groups .
4. why they think turning our backs on long term allies to 'make Obama look like he won something/(really)nothing at all' is good for Him or america or our allies.
5. That they don't believe Iran would make the bomb secretly , and not threaten the mid east in general to be top dog and control the area?
6. that they don't understand the M.E won't stand for an Iranian hegemony and will instead bring more war and an arms race in the M.E. for control.

Posted by: comrade willow at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (nqBYe)

73 Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (g1DWB)

Probably because the Russians have better shit to do then sit around watching Iranians yell at John Kerry all day.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (AkOaV)

Soothsayer always says it first.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (iv3H6)

75 National Review goes nonprofit via @POLITICO

Posted by: Costanza Defense at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (ZPrif)

76 More good news - Nigeria has elected a Muslim Chavez to lead them.

Expect many concessions to Boko's base, and suppression of the local Christians.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (AVEe1)

77 Could be interesting.

Could be.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at March 31, 2015 07:29 PM (V+kmg)

I keel you too, Bannion.

Posted by: DangerGirl and her 1.21 gigawatt Sanity Prod (tm) at March 31, 2015 07:35 PM (KuU4f)

78 anyway i wonder just how close they are to the bomb.

so will this be dragged out until an iranian bomb goes off somewhere?

Posted by: comrade willow at March 31, 2015 07:35 PM (nqBYe)

79 >>Times of Israel had an article today where an Iranian minister of something or other said that the "destruction of Israel is non negotiable".

Minister of Defense I believe.

So nothing to be concerned over.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 07:35 PM (g1DWB)

80 >>Expect many concessions to Boko's base, and suppression of the local Christians.

Suppression = extermination, right?

Posted by: Lizzy at March 31, 2015 07:35 PM (TLTHv)

81 We in the strongest terms possible that you accept every concession we are willing to give you!

Posted by: J. F. Kerry at March 31, 2015 07:36 PM (MMC8r)

82 And the UN just said that Israel is the worst human rights violator in the world.

Posted by: Lauren at March 31, 2015 07:36 PM (MYCIw)

83 They don't want a deal and will do and say anything to delay as long as possible. The imbeciles at the State Dept apparently do not realize this.

Posted by: freaked at March 31, 2015 07:36 PM (JdEZJ)

84 After all, before THE CRUSADES, didn't they have gay orgies in Mecca?

Posted by: An Orgy of Hats at March 31, 2015 07:33 PM (0Ew3K)

Grand Pooftah Barry: We had a gay old time!!!

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 31, 2015 07:36 PM (3UGBQ)

85 Minister of Defense I believe.

So nothing to be concerned over.

Pshaw. Hitler said crazy shit all the time. He was only doing it for internal political reasons. We're sure he'll be a responsible leader once he has power.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 31, 2015 07:37 PM (8ZskC)

Danger! Danger!

/slinky arms flailing about

Posted by: Robot at March 31, 2015 07:37 PM (iv3H6)

87 68 Evacuate the Israelis, then nuke the middle east until it glows.
Posted by: CanaDave at March 31, 2015 07:34 PM (hWL7i)

Then give them Mexico and watch it blossom.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at March 31, 2015 07:37 PM (gm0oZ)

88 You know, the Enola GAY has been restored to flightworthy condition.

I just think that it'd be so cool, if the Iranian nuke facilities were bombed by the Enola GAY.

Insult to Injury. How wars are won.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at March 31, 2015 07:37 PM (RzZOc)

89 Nothing *changed* (looking at the hotair article). This was always about the Iranians buying time. They don't really need a deal because they know no one at these talks is going to do shit about them.

Posted by: Methos at March 31, 2015 07:37 PM (ZbV+0)

90 But the Crusades...

Posted by: The bare, white neck of a "progressive" at March 31, 2015 07:38 PM (Dwehj)

91 And in other news out of Persia, the 12th Iman has still not seen his
shadow. Though there are reports he wants to move to a more comfortable
abode - the AoSHQ Barrel.>>>

Is it gay if you suck a dick presented through a bung hole of a barrel? Just wondering. If they throw the 12th Imam off a building does the caliphate still happen.

Posted by: Robinson at March 31, 2015 07:38 PM (W2Cji)

92 It feels more like 1979 every day...all we need is another Iran hostage crisis.

Posted by: CanaDave at March 31, 2015 07:38 PM (hWL7i)

93 And the UN just said that Israel is the worst human rights violator in the world.

Posted by: Lauren

They're monsters, those Israelis.

Posted by: UN Human Rights Committee Chair, North Korea at March 31, 2015 07:38 PM (GuwT9)

94 *shakes sanity prod*

Dammit, it isn't working!

Posted by: DangerGirl and her 1.21 gigawatt Sanity Prod (tm) at March 31, 2015 07:38 PM (KuU4f)

95 freaked: "...The imbeciles at the State Dept apparently do not realize this."

Yes. They do.

This is a Manchurian Candidacy we're talking about.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at March 31, 2015 07:38 PM (1CroS)

96 Yeah... SecState Vichy and president vichyssous

Posted by: A.G. at March 31, 2015 07:39 PM (7qxcn)

12 prisoners secretly executed in a day #IranTalks

Photo taken with my #iphone. Tweet sent from my #iPad.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 31, 2015 07:39 PM (kdS6q)

anyway i wonder just how close they are to the bomb.

Don't worry, says joke biden; Iran has nothing to put the bomb in.

Posted by: Robot at March 31, 2015 07:39 PM (iv3H6)

99 Please walk away, France and Germany, and humiliate this POS president. It's in the interest of the civilized part of the world.

Posted by: Blor Utar at March 31, 2015 07:40 PM (BdNT1)

100 France and Germany are racist. That is the only possible reason anyone would disagree with President Obama.

Posted by: The White House at March 31, 2015 07:40 PM (53CCM)

101 ck straw i believe he is one of the heads of the republican guard
Militia chief Mohammad Reza Naqdi

Posted by: comrade willow at March 31, 2015 07:40 PM (nqBYe)

102 Suppression = extermination, right?

Something about Boko Haram and gay wedding cakes.

Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at March 31, 2015 07:40 PM (/kI1Q)

/dryer-vent arms flailing about?

Posted by: Robot at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (iv3H6)

104 *shakes sanity prod* Dammit, it isn't working!

It's dead, Jim.

Posted by: Zombie Doc McCoy at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (Dwehj)

105 In 2007 I wrote to everybody in my family and e-mail list outlining Obama's future. I claimed then that he was an agent of Iran, a commie Muslim who if elected would do his best to destroy our country. They collectively locked me in the basement as a nut.. Now, I'm not coming out as the basement will make a decent bomb shelter.

Posted by: jfalcon, playen pokeronlineinVegas at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (ofYSY)

106 I once showed up to a car dealership on a bike. Not my best negotiating strategy.

Posted by: Dr. McCoy at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (/EkKm)

107 If I had a son, he would look like the guy with the hood.

Posted by: Leonero at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (zSLqp)


Rush: "I hope he fails. (circa, whenever)


Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (IXrOn)

109 This is really depressing. We should go back to arguing about letter jackets.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (KB6If)

110 The B-2 Spirits are flown by the 509th, the same unit which nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Just rename one Enola Gay II - The Tehran Express.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 07:41 PM (rSBBR)

111 Iran will continue to develop a nuclear weapon whether an agreement is reached or not. It's so obvious I feel embarrassed for the negotiators. I say that Iran will not walk away from an agreement because they need it as a cover for their continued work.

Posted by: Cruzinator at March 31, 2015 07:42 PM (sIhFA)

112 Iran's regime look down on minorities and women.

So who do we send to negotiate ?

They want total submission, not an agreement.

Posted by: seamrog at March 31, 2015 07:42 PM (UOaUg)

113 That photo sends tingles up my pant leg

Posted by: Bill Ayers at March 31, 2015 07:42 PM (Z9spM)

"Vas te faire encule, Sean Kerreee!"

Posted by: le Frenchies at March 31, 2015 07:42 PM (wAQA5)


Obama is the Trojan Horse Jackass

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 31, 2015 07:43 PM (IXrOn)

116 That man in the photo with the rope just needs a job.

Posted by: Marie Hork at March 31, 2015 07:43 PM (Dwehj)

117 The entire premise of these negotiations is a joke. We know Iran wants a bomb not peaceful energy so supposedly we want to stop them. Iran knows we know they want the bomb and they have no intention of turning back. And they also know that we won't do shit to enforce any deal.

If we "win" and get a deal it will be weak and we won't do shit to enforce it. If we lose and there is no deal then Iran has bought months of lighter sanctions and keeps on keeping on.

There is no way we can win and no way Iran can lose. Smart Power.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 07:44 PM (g1DWB)

118 Americans! Take a good look at that picture! Soon.

Posted by: Ayatollah Khameini at March 31, 2015 07:44 PM (Z9spM)

119 Have to leave the red flannel in the closet tonight.

Posted by: DaveA at March 31, 2015 07:44 PM (DL2i+)

You know, the Enola GAY has been restored to flightworthy condition.

I just think that it'd be so cool, if the Iranian nuke facilities were bombed by the Enola GAY.
That's great news, we should have cake.

Posted by: wth at March 31, 2015 07:44 PM (wAQA5)

121 Setting a deadline implies something will happen if the line is passed. Nothing will happen and the Iranians know this so will play along and get another deadline.

Kerry is a fool and I don't give him credit for possessing enough intelligence to formulate a strategy to win tic tac toe against a chicken.

Posted by: freaked at March 31, 2015 07:44 PM (JdEZJ)


Time for some hot cocoa and moar soccer...

have a good night

Obama keeps scoring Own Goals.

Obama is the Own Goal King

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 31, 2015 07:45 PM (IXrOn)

123 Just like Obama tries to rope in the GOP for absurd "bipartisan" acts to spread blame when his policy collapses, Obama's trying to rope in the Europeans WRT Iranian nukes.

They'd be wise to abandon ship and save themselves. An alliance with Obama isn't worth the "peaces" of parchment.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at March 31, 2015 07:45 PM (1CroS)

124 The appeasement continues...

You know, for Sunni, Lord O sure seems intent on bringing in the Mahdi.

Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at March 31, 2015 07:45 PM (IGUyO)

Here is what we are going to do - launch a missile at Tehran, but instead of a nuclear bomb, it will be filled with presents and such. Won't they be surprised! Then they will realize that were are truly their best friends, and maybe launch a missile at us full of toys! Wouldn't that be just awesome!

Posted by: Obama the Pres at March 31, 2015 07:45 PM (/EkKm)

126 Americans! Take a good look at that picture! Soon.

That's U.S. Americans to you, sir!

Posted by: Miss Teen U.S. America at March 31, 2015 07:45 PM (Dwehj)

So, how many of those executed were because they were gay? Committed adultery? Were rape victims?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 31, 2015 07:45 PM (iQIUe)

128 Obama is the Trojan Horse Jackass>>>

Or the used Trojan that Community Service workers pick up in an alley.

Posted by: Robinson at March 31, 2015 07:45 PM (W2Cji)

129 Obama is the Trojan Horse Jackass

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 31, 2015 07:43 PM (IXrOn)

Barry: When you use trojan and ass in the same sentence, it brings back sooooo many happy memories for me

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 31, 2015 07:46 PM (3UGBQ)

130 Happy (Iranian) New Year!

Posted by: RioBravo at March 31, 2015 07:46 PM (NUqwG)

131 WTF is it with DC idjits and getting beat by rug-merchants anyways?

And I'm still wondering what deadline?

Posted by: DaveA at March 31, 2015 07:46 PM (DL2i+)

132 If only it were Ayers, Bergdahl, etc. in that photo ...

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 31, 2015 07:46 PM (oKE6c)

133 Some African guy should have used a Trojan, jackass.

Posted by: RioBravo at March 31, 2015 07:47 PM (NUqwG)

134 Does nobody want this farm? Anyone? Hellooo?

Posted by: John Kerry at March 31, 2015 07:48 PM (wAQA5)

135 That's great news, we should have cake.

Posted by: wth at March 31, 2015 07:44 PM


Bullshit. I'll make brisket & cornbread

& the CheeseDip.

mustn't forget the CheeseDip

Posted by: Haven Monahan at March 31, 2015 07:48 PM (KCxzN)

136 If only it were Ayers, Bergdahl, etc. in that photo ...

Your only hope is in the hereafter, I'm afraid.

Posted by: Beelzebub at March 31, 2015 07:48 PM (Dwehj)

137 Some African guy should have used a Trojan, jackass.

Posted by: RioBravo at March 31, 2015 07:47 PM (NUqwG)

Barry: Papa was a rolling stone...

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 31, 2015 07:49 PM (3UGBQ)

138 does that guy need a dentist

He's being murdered idiot, possibly for blogging.

Posted by: DaveA at March 31, 2015 07:50 PM (DL2i+)

139 AnnaPuma. What's the most effective deep ground / hardened bunker penetrating delivery unit?

Is it an aircraft delivered device, or ICBM?

I'd imagine a dozen such at the right spots would shut their program right down. Even if not direct hits, the seismic effects ought to knock everything off of it's mounts, at least.

Certainly, too, the defense boffins have run the maths on the geographic separation and delivery intervals on these, so as to generate the greatest harmonic resonance in the strata.... use the multiplied harmonics to wreak even greater havoc on the targeted sites?

Because I really don't want there to be any nuke program in Iran, period.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at March 31, 2015 07:50 PM (RzZOc)

140 Danger! Danger!

/slinky arms flailing about
Posted by: Robot at March 31, 2015 07:37 PM (iv3H6)

Silence ninny!

Posted by: Dr. Zachary Smith at March 31, 2015 07:50 PM (W5DcG)

141 Isn't this a bullshit deadline anyways. Its supposed to be an agreement in principal, with the actual deadline for a deal being sometime in September?

Posted by: buzzion at March 31, 2015 07:51 PM (z/Ubi)

142 I dont know what you guys worry about. BOMBS ARE FUN!

Posted by: Ayatollah Harley Quinn at March 31, 2015 07:51 PM (3dgHv)

143 Why signal a split in the parties? And why are we leaving it to France to be the hawkish party here?

Well, because we don't 'ave the "ow you say", sand in our manginas.

Posted by: France at March 31, 2015 07:51 PM (LAe3v)

144 A mere mortal mind is incapable of comprehending nth dimensional chess.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 31, 2015 07:52 PM (LImiJ)

145 Ma plume de veto est rouge.

Posted by: The French at March 31, 2015 07:52 PM (MMC8r)

146 What if Jackie were to accuse Khamenei of rape? Then either he'd be punished without a trial, or she'd be horor-killed. Win-win situation.

Posted by: Bruce Jenner at March 31, 2015 07:52 PM (cIoI4)

147 Yes, it was the Militia Chief. See the sock link.

Posted by: andycanuck at March 31, 2015 07:52 PM (kivUY)

148 28
Face it, the President is an Iran loving Commie. Totally despicable, and the shame of all Americans who voted for him.

Posted by: great big Banana Republic

And the amazing thing is that they view him with utter contempt.

Posted by: pep at March 31, 2015 07:52 PM (LAe3v)

149 As long as someone else is doing it, what's the big deal with bombs?

Posted by: Bill Ayers at March 31, 2015 07:53 PM (KCxzN)

150 My negotiating plan:

1. Full diplomatic and economic ties
2. Build all the bombs you want

1. You must renounce Islam as your state religion. The religious ruling council must be disbanded, and half of all mosques set aside for Christians and other religions.
2. Recognize Israel with it's 67 boundaries.
3. Stop all terrorist funding.

Iran would never accept it but it would cause a split back home.

I always thought the US should have played up the Persian side of Iran's culture to drive a wedge between it and the Islamic world. Islam has been a disaster for that country.

Posted by: Not Loved Time to be Feared at March 31, 2015 07:54 PM (nRvEn)

151 Most of the libs live in big cities. Hmmm. They are supporting their own death by light.

Somehow it will be Bush's fault. Just the way it is. Then the second flash.

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 07:54 PM (WNERA)


And the amazing thing is that they view him with utter contempt.

No one respects a traitor.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 07:54 PM (MMC8r)

153 48 Iran doesn't need a deal, do they? Dragging things on without resolution keeps their program going.
Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 07:31 PM (MMC8r)


Bingo, the whole point of this farce.

John Kerry you're an ass.

Posted by: Seems Legit at March 31, 2015 07:54 PM (A98Xu)

154 How long did the North Vietnamese stall the Paris Peace talks over the shape of the bargaining table? Five months? In the end there were two tables, one circular for the Northern and Southern governments and one rectangular for all the other parties. Peace in our time!

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 31, 2015 07:55 PM (JO9+V)

155 MediaResearchCenter @theMRC 6h6 hours ago
Pls RT --> @ABC & @Disney are promoting hateful @FakeDanSavage in a new tv sitcom #CancelSavage

Posted by: Costanza Defense at March 31, 2015 07:55 PM (ZPrif)

>>> French, German Delegations Say They're Leaving at 6am
I'm leaving. On a jet plane. Don't know when I'll be back again.
That's fucking John Denver, Mr. Kerry. You know what you can do with James Taylor.

Posted by: the Frenchies at March 31, 2015 07:55 PM (wAQA5)

157 P5+1...

Might as well be Maroon 5 representing us. At least there'd be bigger balls at the table

Posted by: Dr Gorgonzola at March 31, 2015 07:56 PM (e0JlW)

158 Ear Leader really is a pathetic, reprehensible, nasty human being. His hatred of Israel is on full display. The Ayatollah keeps mocking the US President and all it does is make that asshole try harder to please Iran.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 31, 2015 07:57 PM (2x3L+)

>>> French, German Delegations Say They're Leaving at 6am
Vould you like us to sing you some Hasselhoff, Mr. John Kerry?

Posted by: the Germans at March 31, 2015 07:57 PM (wAQA5)

160 I though "P5+1" was a .22LR Walther variant...

Posted by: AltonJackson at March 31, 2015 07:59 PM (KCxzN)

161 How long before Iran can deploy nukes inside gay wedding cakes?

Posted by: wth at March 31, 2015 08:00 PM (wAQA5)

162 Iran doesn't want a deal. They just want to make Obama look like an idiot.

Luckily for them, he's happy to comply.

Posted by: Lauren at March 31, 2015 08:00 PM (MYCIw)


We're playing strip poker with Iran, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism, and Kerry is left with one sock.

-Kimberly Guilfoyle, The Five, March 31, 2015

Posted by: Doctor Fish at March 31, 2015 08:02 PM (P330y)

164 @150
4. Ayatollah Khamenei must undergo gender reassignment surgery and hormone therapy. T
If that doesn't domesticate him, nothing will

Posted by: Bruce Jenner at March 31, 2015 08:03 PM (3F6F8)

165 The best solution to these negotiations is we move the White house to Israel.

Posted by: Robinson at March 31, 2015 08:04 PM (W2Cji)

We're playing strip poker with Iran, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism, and Kerry is left with one sock.


Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:04 PM (MMC8r)

167 I guess Mr. Kerry couldn't negotiate a fair price for their hotel rooms for an extra night.

Posted by: wth - doing my best Shatner impression at March 31, 2015 08:04 PM (wAQA5)

168 >>We're playing strip poker with Iran, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism, and Kerry is left with one sock.

Which he has over his face like a feed bag.

Posted by: Aviator at March 31, 2015 08:05 PM (sQzB6)


John Kerry is a sick man who worships public notoriety, and when it suits his purpose, the throbbing cock.

Posted by: The French at March 31, 2015 08:05 PM (P330y)

170 We're playing strip poker with Iran, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism, and Kerry is left with one sock.

We don't see a problem here.

Posted by: Red Hot Chili Peppers at March 31, 2015 08:06 PM (JO9+V)

171 >>I guess Mr. Kerry couldn't negotiate a fair price for their hotel rooms for an extra night.

I told horse face to use Priceline.

Posted by: William Shatner at March 31, 2015 08:06 PM (sQzB6)

172 All the sirens are going off in my small (but tiny) 'burb just outside the wire of the People's Republik of AnnArbor...

I'd go arm myself, but that would be redundant...

Posted by: AltonJackson at March 31, 2015 08:07 PM (KCxzN)

173 "If it were the latter, wouldn't the US have joined them as well?"

Seriously, when you have an Iranian defector who was a direct party to the ongoing negotiations who stated explicitly that the US was negotiating on the side of Iran? Yeah, I hope the French and Germans throw King Putt and John F'in Kerry's asses under the bus to show just what pussies they really are and how they negotiated in bad faith for the US.

Nothing good will come of this, nothing will change other than some restrictions might get lifted. Iran will continue down the path of nuclear armament and not one damn thing will have been done to slow them down or stop it.

Posted by: Gmac- Pulling in feelers in preperation... at March 31, 2015 08:07 PM (74McK)

174 You people talk about him like he's a dog, talk about the clothes he wears, -- but Barry Obama is like the Jimi Hendrix of fucking foreign policy, folks. Dig.

Posted by: Fritz at March 31, 2015 08:08 PM (ty633)

175 We're playing strip poker with Iran, the biggest state sponsor of terrorism, and Kerry is left with one sock.

Is he wearing it on his penis?

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:08 PM (MMC8r)

176 All I read was "strip poker Kimberley Guilfoyle".

Posted by: one track mind at March 31, 2015 08:09 PM (zXTMS)

177 We have secretly replaced Jean Francois Cary with Flea.

Will anyone notice?

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:09 PM (rSBBR)

Mr. President, start up the disinformation campaign because the French and Germans are trying to fuck us up the ass by leaving the negotiations early.

Posted by: John F'n Kerry at March 31, 2015 08:09 PM (P330y)

179 Read that nuke doomsday book 'On the Beach' yesterday...yeesh. Just change a country names....wheeeeeee!

Posted by: A dude in MI at March 31, 2015 08:10 PM (Dth0i)

180 Is he wearing it on his penis?

baby sock?

Posted by: AltonJackson at March 31, 2015 08:10 PM (KCxzN)

181 Hey guess what the Governor of Arkansas is gonna cave on the religious freedom bill just passed by the legislature.

I think the GOP would have difficulty explaining why blowjobs were a good thing let alone a religious freedom bill.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 31, 2015 08:10 PM (vDp2x)

182 ace, "Zazie dans le Metro" is on TMC if you wanna practice yo French

Paris in 1959, before they pressure-washed nearly every building in the city

Posted by: John of Salisbury at March 31, 2015 08:10 PM (8CdUx)

183 Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:09 PM (rSBBR)

Which Flea would that be? The only one I know of is the one from the Luche Libre cartoon.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 31, 2015 08:11 PM (GDulk)

184 On The Beach the movie gave Jack Ryan nightmares in Sum of All Fears.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:11 PM (rSBBR)

185 And the amazing thing is that they view him with utter contempt.

Posted by: pep

One of the most difficult things for those on the Left in the US to understand is the fact that if you don't have any kind of pride in your own country, you are seen as untrustworthy and dishonorable by foreigners.

Classic move of dipshit Americans who travel overseas and then start slandering the US in hopes of ingratiating themselves with the wonderful locals. 8 times out of 10, those wonderful locals are now fully convinced said American is an contemptible idiot.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 31, 2015 08:11 PM (JBzwC)

186 Halp me, jahn cary, stuck in nagoshiashuns wif iran

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:12 PM (MMC8r)

187 What me worry? Heck no, I'm married to a ketchup queen. No consequences for me.

Posted by: John F Kerredy at March 31, 2015 08:12 PM (XrHO0)

188 Flea, as in the gap-toothed funny looking Aussie in the band Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:13 PM (rSBBR)

189 an administration of degenerates

Posted by: Feh at March 31, 2015 08:13 PM (g/zj9)

190 hey, so has any caught the MSM spin on the germans and french going home?

I haven't yet...

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:14 PM (AkOaV)

191 184
On The Beach the movie gave Jack Ryan nightmares in Sum of All Fears.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:11 PM (rSBBR)

Not exactly a book(or movie) to put a pep in your step.

Posted by: A dude in MI at March 31, 2015 08:14 PM (Dth0i)

192 Hey guess what the Governor of Arkansas is gonna cave on the religious freedom bill just passed by the legislature.

Is he running for President?

Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at March 31, 2015 08:14 PM (/kI1Q)

193 If we don't reach a deal the sock is coming off!

Posted by: John Kerry's sock at March 31, 2015 08:15 PM (JdEZJ)

194 John Paul Obama: I have not yet begun to sell out America

Posted by: TheQuietMan

Actually, about that...

Posted by: Moderate Salami at March 31, 2015 08:15 PM (/Ho8c)

195 Time to break out the reset button, Horseface.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:15 PM (MMC8r)

196 Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at March 31, 2015 08:14 PM (/kI1Q)

Ha, don't be crazy. No one would elect a wingnut hater from ARKANSAS of all places to be president!

Posted by: Bill Clinton at March 31, 2015 08:15 PM (AkOaV)

As a Russian agent deported from New York, I will join the others in Geneva and set Secretary Kerry up in a honey pot sting. He probably hasn't been serviced by his wife Taraysa is quiet some time, and he will be very susceptible to my wily charms.

After all, I performed these same services for the fatherland in New York very successfully on many occasions. Kerry would be in all probability as the American's say, a piece of cake.

Posted by: Anna Chapman at March 31, 2015 08:16 PM (P330y)

198 Is that serious about the Arkansas Gov? Didnt they just pass it today? F that guy

Posted by: A dude in MI at March 31, 2015 08:16 PM (Dth0i)

199 "If he's wrong: then I cannot think of a greater foreign policy humiliation to our Choom King than for our allies France and Germany to walk away, implicitly condemning him as too soft and too leftwing."


If this crew of lunatics were capable of embarassment, the groveling & delusional public tossing of Iran's salad would never have happened. President Jarrett will become enraged at France and Germany, and contrive a moronic mean girl revenge of some sort, but she'll be angry, not embarrassed

Posted by: Edgar Allan Schmoe at March 31, 2015 08:17 PM (yF1IM)

200 Mes Amis, a quick report from the talks diplomatique. Hollande, he makes the request that I am there because I have the experience (numerous surrenders, both personal and collective, and also the Convention du Fromage in Brussels, where I insert the important Edam grandfather clause) et aussi because I have the patch due to the having of the one eye (le droit) and he feels this makes me look the fierce.

I am not permitted at the table, but stare fixedly at the Persians and utter a frequent low-pitched growl. This I think unnerves them, except when they make the sudden move and I flinch in a manner most befitting one of my station. I take some pride that this influences the course of the discussion, and indeed there has been much muttering of the Middle-Eastern types when I let fly with the "Grrrrrrrr," with the occasional barking noise interspersed.

This, you witness, is strategy, a weaponized disdain that is part of the Gallic soul. Even the Ketchup prince from Etats-Unis is not immune, and his greyhound face is more wrinkled than even the botox would normally permit. He once halted his advocacy of the interests of Tehran for cinq seconds while he stare at me and I gaze back with the biting of the thumb that I have learned from the paisans.

Alas, though, the catering, she is not of an acceptable order, and for this reason we must depart tomorrow until things are remedied at a future date. Also, because the Allemagnes told us to do this, and we felt compelled to comply with their wishes. Hopefully we have complied quickly enough, as I fear gazing from the chateau and witnessing Frau Merkel staring back with the look Teutonic.

We did succeed, however, in persuading the Persians to agree to onsite inspection of their detonation of l'armes atomiques while in use, which is, of course, a triumph. It was agreed unanimously that Kerry would supervise this himself, which we assured him he could carry off in a manner not unlike that of the Genghis Khan.

Vive le France, I, um, think.

Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard Henri de Pascal du Levitee at March 31, 2015 08:17 PM (wJliR)

201 Can those slanty-eyed bastards put something like this on the table? **unzip**

Posted by: President Johnson at March 31, 2015 08:18 PM (JO9+V)

202 If Iran wants the Bomb so bad, lets just give them the bomb.

Like in:

You want the bomb?

Ok then, HERE'S the BOMB!

Posted by: MADD at March 31, 2015 08:18 PM (TBp4e)

France and Germany are not really leaving the negotiations, but simply returning home for a much deserved vacation.

Posted by: Jen Psaki at March 31, 2015 08:18 PM (P330y)

204 "What's the most effective deep ground / hardened bunker penetrating delivery unit? Is it an aircraft delivered device, or ICBM?"

At the present time, aircraft delivered, because that's what is faster and cheaper to engineer and test.

That said, if you want to mission-kill a facility that's been dug deep under a solid hard rock mountain, which has blast mitigation systems on the ingresses, even the best available *nuclear* bunker busters are going to have trouble doing that.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 31, 2015 08:18 PM (noWW6)

205 shit off MADD,

Posted by: The Full Monty at March 31, 2015 08:19 PM (TBp4e)

206 ace, eezat you

Posted by: Feh at March 31, 2015 08:19 PM (g/zj9)

207 That said, if you want to mission-kill a facility
that's been dug deep under a solid hard rock mountain, which has blast
mitigation systems on the ingresses, even the best available *nuclear*
bunker busters are going to have trouble doing that.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 31, 2015 08:18 PM (noWW6)

We got this...

Posted by: Mossad at March 31, 2015 08:19 PM (Dth0i)

208 Lovey... Lovey! These mean ol' Iranians are yelling at me again. I need you to buy me another $8million boat with your late husbands money to make me feel better about myself!

Posted by: John Lurch Thurston Howell Kerry III at March 31, 2015 08:20 PM (DC3uV)

209 Emergency call goes out to seasoned diplomat, James Taylor.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 31, 2015 08:20 PM (vPh3W)

210 207
That said, if you want to mission-kill a facility

that's been dug deep under a solid hard rock mountain, which has blast

mitigation systems on the ingresses, even the best available *nuclear*

bunker busters are going to have trouble doing that.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 31, 2015 08:18 PM (noWW6)

Piece o' cake. I'll just ride it I myself.

Posted by: Brian Williams at March 31, 2015 08:21 PM (TBp4e)

211 #200 well played!

Posted by: OregonMuse at March 31, 2015 08:21 PM (I8YZX)

212 Does Iran have a bio-weapons program?

It would be a real shame if there was an accident with anthrax that then contaminated all their nuclear research facilities. And someone in Tehran plugged a Sybian in which crashed the whole country's electrical grid.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:22 PM (rSBBR)

213 Fifty bucks says Lurch invites Cat Stevens to the signing ceremony.

Posted by: Feh at March 31, 2015 08:22 PM (g/zj9)

214 Lets face it, Fredo is not an American. At least not as we have always thoughtof Amiercans. He hates America, hates our role..well out old role in the world, hates western culture, hates democracy. He is the ultimate moral equivalency asshole. All cultures are the same. We are so fucked. I am not sure we can last the next 2 years when he is essentially unrestrained by any politic considerations. And that's the optimstic outlook

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 31, 2015 08:22 PM (rDqRv)

With all of my years in the diplomatic corp for the Bush families, I can truthfully attest that John Kerry negotiates like a teenage boy in Matamoros, Mexico shopping for his first piece of ass.

Posted by: James Baker at March 31, 2015 08:23 PM (P330y)

216 You wan to take out a hardened underground facility without a nuclear bunker buster- the only way is send in boots on the ground

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 31, 2015 08:23 PM (rDqRv)

217 209
Emergency call goes out to seasoned diplomat, James Taylor.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 31, 2015 08:20 PM (vPh3W)

I'm thinking for this he may need to double team with Bono.

Posted by: The Full Monty at March 31, 2015 08:24 PM (TBp4e)

218 214 Lets face it, Fredo is not an American. At least not as we have always thoughtof Amiercans. He hates America, hates our role..well out old role in the world, hates western culture, hates democracy. He is the ultimate moral equivalency asshole. All cultures are the same. We are so fucked. I am not sure we can last the next 2 years when he is essentially unrestrained by any politic considerations. And that's the optimstic outlook
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 31, 2015 08:22 PM (rDqRv)

Hate america indeed, but mostly us.

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:24 PM (WNERA)

219 Hate america indeed, but mostly us.
Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:24 PM (WNERA)

"WE" are America

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 31, 2015 08:24 PM (rDqRv)

220 There are at least 2 Americas

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:25 PM (WNERA)

221 Obama is desperate and has nothing to lose

the real problem is the supine GOPe

"power, not principle" is the DC motto

Posted by: Feh at March 31, 2015 08:26 PM (g/zj9)

222 Merci, M. Oregon Muse. The apologies profuse if I have mistaken and it is Mme. Oregon Muse, as I have but the one eye, and it both challenges the depth perception and makes seeing the other commenters tres diffcile.

Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard Henri de Pascal du Levitee at March 31, 2015 08:26 PM (wJliR)

223 I will wear my Herman Munster costume to let the Ayatollah know I don't take myself too seriously.

Posted by: John F Kerredy at March 31, 2015 08:27 PM (cIoI4)

224 I guess Mr. Kerry couldn't negotiate a fair price for their hotel rooms for an extra night.
Posted by: wth

We DO. NOT. negotiate with hotels. We just pay whatever they ask. Why should we care?

Posted by: Moochelle at March 31, 2015 08:27 PM (vPh3W)

225 >>>There are at least 2 Americas

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:25 PM (WNERA)<<<

I personally know of at least 3 Americas

Posted by: Ghost of Jay Carney at March 31, 2015 08:27 PM (DC3uV)

226 Barack Obama has been compared to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain , who concluded the ill fated Munich Pact with Hitler in 1938. But Chamberlain acted out of a sincere belief that he was avoiding a greater evil. Chamberlain was not thinking of his place in history. He was thinking only of the Britain that he loved, a Britain that was all but disarmed, exhausted, and vulnerable. He was dealing with a nation that had been decimated by the Great War, a nation whose best and brightest five years earlier had declared in the infamous Oxford Oath that they would not fight for king or country, and a nation that was as materially unprepared for war as Germany was prepared to fight. Chamberlain dealt from a position of weakness, one that Hitler continually exploited in the negotiations, even by changing the time and place to make it more inconvenient for the British leader to attend them.

In sharp contrast, Mr. Obama is acting out of personal aggrandizement.

Drudge top loft

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 31, 2015 08:28 PM (rDqRv)

227 "And why are we leaving it to France to be the hawkish party here?"
- because France is seriously one of the most colonialistic and hawkish countries on the planet.

Posted by: DocMerlin at March 31, 2015 08:28 PM (OvvRq)

228 >>>> I am not sure we can last the next 2 years when he is essentially unrestrained by any politic considerations. And that's the optimstic outlook
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 31, 2015 08:22 PM (rDqRv)

Yup. I'm really worried about what he will do in th next two years. Right now, he seems fixated on sticking it to Israel. At home, he and his administration are going to spend all their energy channeling money to leftist nonprofits and businesses. We don't seem to have anything working in our favor except God's mercy.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 31, 2015 08:29 PM (2x3L+)

229 Jon Francois Kerry: The boys of Angel Beach High, specifically Pee Wee, negotiating for some action

The Iranians: Porky, getting the trap door ready.

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 31, 2015 08:29 PM (JO9+V)

230 anyone know who the hippie wallace shawn looking guy is that is always flanking Kerry? i am thinking he's some institutional leftist appartchik but dang he looks slippery.

Posted by: s738226 at March 31, 2015 08:31 PM (dHI9m)

231 #227 because France is seriously one of the most colonialistic and hawkish countries on the planet.

This is the insult most grave and you must take this, actually, this is true. C'est beaucoup vrai.

Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard Henri de Pascal du Levitee at March 31, 2015 08:31 PM (wJliR)

232 During the Cold War, special ops teams on both sides trained with backpack nukes to go after extremely high value targets far behind the opposition's lines.

Often these targets were tough buried command and control centers in places not unlike where Iran have put their nuclear facilities.

The thinking was that the operators didn't have to get the weapon all the way into the heart of the facility -- and weren't likely to be able to shoot their way in that far -- and probably weren't going to be able to lug its enormous weight for any long distance -- in order to render the facility operationally useless.

They did have to get it past the first layer or so of physically hardened defenses (to keep the blast effects from being largely wasted on air). And, cheerily enough, this was regarded as a guaranteed suicide mission by both sides' spec ops communities.

Things probably haven't changed much.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 31, 2015 08:31 PM (noWW6)

In sharp contrast, Mr. Obama is acting out of personal aggrandizement.

I think he's acting out of Muslim faith.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:32 PM (MMC8r)

234 Chamberlain and his French counterpart operated from the bitter experience of WWI's carnage. They figured that anything was better than another war. In a sane world they would have been right, but Adolph read them for chumps and fleeced them. And tens of millions paid the price.

Gaylord Merkin Focker the Wurst operates under no such experience. He just sees this as yet another way to humiliate and weaken the United States. And the Mullahs are reading him and Kerry as chumps.

The results will be the same as Neville's 'peace in our times' but without any altruistic spin.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:32 PM (rSBBR)

235 The results will be the same as Neville's 'peace in our times' but without any altruistic spin.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:32 PM (rSBBR)

"Pieces in our time"

Posted by: MikeH at March 31, 2015 08:33 PM (/2E+M)

236 I think he's acting out of Muslim faith.
Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:32 PM (MMC8r)

Of course he is, he said as much in his book

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:34 PM (WNERA)

237 France has a billion+ in trade a year with Iran. If they are calling a halt on this deal , you can only imagine how bad it can possibly be.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:34 PM (IEwld)

238 Ok, ok, you infidels drive a hard bargain. We agree - the formal announcement will be written on 20lb Bone paper, not Ivory.

Posted by: Iran at March 31, 2015 08:34 PM (amQXf)

239 237 France has a billion+ in trade a year with Iran. If they are calling a halt on this deal , you can only imagine how bad it can possibly be.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:34 PM (IEwld)

We'll make it up by freezing the Kradashian's ass(ets)

Posted by: France at March 31, 2015 08:35 PM (/2E+M)

240 Judging by that picture, Anthony Weiner's asphyxiation fantasies are getting a little dark.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at March 31, 2015 08:35 PM (amQXf)

241 France is seriously one of the most colonialistic and hawkish countries on the planet

Yup. They sure don't have any problems starting shit. Winning shit, is a whole nother issue, though.

Posted by: Big Right Forearm at March 31, 2015 08:36 PM (Q819Q)

Why try to destroy an underground hardened facility?

Wouldn't denial of access/exit plus power supply achieve satisfactory results?

Couple that with a judicious EMP event (or two) and Iran would stall in it's tracks.

No refineries, no fuel for the military and very little in defense systems.

Posted by: irongrampa at March 31, 2015 08:36 PM (jeCnD)

243 Weaker than Europe. Smdh

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at March 31, 2015 08:36 PM (KZBSl)

244 237 France has a billion+ in trade a year with Iran. If they are calling a halt on this deal , you can only imagine how bad it can possibly be.
Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:34 PM (IEwld)



Everyone can smell the decay except for the Obama administration which was other motives.

Posted by: Seems Legit at March 31, 2015 08:36 PM (A98Xu)

245 Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:34 PM (WNERA)

He's probably an enlightened socialist atheist / new agey eastern medicine bullshit believer, like the rest of his social class.

But he certainly thinks America is the cause of most of the problems in the world.

I almost want him to collapse everything we've spent 70 years building foreign policy wise. I'd get a huge schadenboner watch the left demand we send troops all over the world when they saw what happened when we recklessly created THAT kind of power vacuum.

Unfortunately, a lot of people will die for the left to learn that lesson. Which they won't learn.

So I guess I don't hope it happens. But we'll see.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:37 PM (AkOaV)

246 Daddy, has Iran plugged your squeakhole yet?

Posted by: Malaria Obama at March 31, 2015 08:38 PM (DC3uV)

247 Everyone can smell the decay stench except for the Obama administration which was other motives.
Posted by: Seems Legit

Edited slightly, for emphasis.

Posted by: Moochelle at March 31, 2015 08:38 PM (vPh3W)

248 AoS lifestyle on display
Please fire me. I work at Victoria's Secret. Men keep coming in and sniffing the panties. Please make it stop.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at March 31, 2015 08:39 PM (F0Cog)

249 Everyone talks about it but does anyone really think an EMP is viable?

Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:39 PM (IEwld)

250 Andrew Getty got his head shot clean off.

Posted by: Corona at March 31, 2015 08:41 PM (fh2Y7)

251 Going the EMP route without somebody who already has nukes thinking you want to play Global Thermonuclear War could be dicey.

Posted by: kartoffel at March 31, 2015 08:41 PM (sGRH7)

252 209 Emergency call goes out to seasoned diplomat, James Taylor.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 31, 2015

What? Carly Simon unavailable?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 08:42 PM (3mTLw)

253 Everyone talks about it but does anyone really think an EMP is viable?
Posted by: Ben

It seems so.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 31, 2015 08:42 PM (vPh3W)

254 Posted by: Seems Legit at March 31, 2015 08:36 PM (A98Xu)

France (and the UK) like to play this game where they let us talk all of the arrows at the UN and internationally while publicly denouncing us but privately encouraging us.

I think it's because both the French and the Brits were somewhat relieved to let the US worry about all of the issues they'd been dealing with in their former colonies after WWII.

They said, "yeah, go for it america. its a thankless task."

But while they talk a big game, the Europeans know that we can't actually follow the bullshit advice of the liberal doves, because the entire world would collapse in to war, and that the only reason we've had (relative) peace since WWII is because of America and her "bellicose" attitude.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:42 PM (AkOaV)

255 take all of the arrows*

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:42 PM (AkOaV)

256 249 Everyone talks about it but does anyone really think an EMP is viable?
Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:39 PM (IEwld)

It is not. Long power lines couple up and will fuck up your computer but as to power transformers exploding not so much. They have large wire and can take a quick peak current. Computers on the other hand when on the power network can't. But your old computer in the corner will be just fine.

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:43 PM (WNERA)

257 Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:39 PM (IEwld)

Iranian EMP or just in general?

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:43 PM (AkOaV)

258 @30: "Obama: Bringing France and Germany together."

France and Germany have always been allies.

Posted by: Cooper from Eurotrip at March 31, 2015 08:43 PM (amQXf)

259 When you're down and troubled and you need a helping hand...

Posted by: Jon Carry what served in Vietnam at March 31, 2015 08:43 PM (Dwehj)

260 Hangman looks like your average American SWAT team member.

Posted by: nip at March 31, 2015 08:43 PM (jI23+)

251 Going the EMP route without somebody who already has nukes thinking you want to play Global Thermonuclear War could be dicey.
Posted by: kartoffel at March 31, 2015 08

Ah, the ultimate game of fuck-fuck. You wanna play fuck-fuck? I'll play fuck-fuck with you

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 08:44 PM (3mTLw)

262 It's going to be awfully interesting if there's a regional nuclear exchange in the Middle East, where a couple of buckets of sunshine get kicked over in big cities and a few tens of millions of people die.

Americans have tended to believe for a few years now that the U.S. military have the capability to Do Sumpin' on a Presidential command about incoming ballistic missiles. To shoot the things down.

And they're kinda sorta vaguely right, in that there is now a *very* limited antiballistic missile capability, grudgingly developed for bottom dollar, with partially tested prototypes having been declared as good to go, and shoved into silos. Without any attention being paid to their "wooden round" long term siloworthiness.

The odds of these hastily ginned up contraptions reliably intercepting inbound nuclear tipped ICBMs are honestly not all that good.

It's not that the engineering issues are insoluble, as asshats like MIT's Ted Postol have been arguing since the 1980s. It's just that those engineering issues haven't had enough engineering dollars put behind coming up with refined and tested solutions. And solutions can't be had overnight. They also require the cousin to money in the engineering process, namely, _time_.

Once this realization becomes widespread among Americans who have seen what can happen to cities in the new age of nuclear terror, and that their own cities can't be protected, the resulting popular panic among the citizenry and their disorderly flight away from likely target cities will be something to see. Some of the most expensive real estate in the country may evaporate in resale value overnight. Without a shot fired at the USA.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 31, 2015 08:44 PM (noWW6)

263 209 Emergency call goes out to seasoned diplomat, James Taylor.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 31, 2015


hahahahaha---I laugh but I'm crying inside.

Posted by: Seems Legit at March 31, 2015 08:44 PM (A98Xu)

We must be careful with France and Germany because our family drinks Franch wine and eat German brat's and we don't want to disturb our gifting arrangement with both governments.

Posted by: Bronco Bama the Magnificent at March 31, 2015 08:45 PM (P330y)

265 Interesting scenario= People scared shitless of Nuke war but have never really thought about the consequences of EMP. More damage no nuke fallout.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:45 PM (IEwld)

266 I'd get a huge schadenboner watch the left demand we send troops all over the world

Would they call for the draft?
I mean for real. Not like Charlie Rangel does every week.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 31, 2015 08:45 PM (W5DcG)

267 An EMP isn't viable unless someone other than the US can deliver it because Gaylord will never move against the Mad Mullahs.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:46 PM (MMC8r)

268 Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:43 PM (WNERA)

No, that's not accurate.

The US set off nukes in the middle of the Pacific back in the '50s, and it knocked out power and caused fires from the power lines in Hawaii, thousands of miles away.

Soviets made the same discovery in Ukraine.

Nothing in our electric infrastructure can handle a power surge of anywhere near that magnitude.

Not to mention the effects an electromagnetic pulse can have on pretty much every other electronic -- depending on your distance from ground zero, the computer in your car will most likely melt, leaving your car useless.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:46 PM (AkOaV)

269 The proper way to frame the religious freedom bill:

"Do you think a painter-for-hire who happens to be Islamic should be allowed to refuse to paint Mohammed?"

Or: Christian + piss Christ?

And then continue:
"Because if you don't, we're hiring Radiohead to do 'We love Reagan' songs."

Posted by: Alan at March 31, 2015 08:46 PM (uq4RW)

270 James asked me "why the long face?" and I told him that song made me so very sad.

Posted by: Jon Carry what served in Vietnam at March 31, 2015 08:47 PM (Dwehj)

271 Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 31, 2015 08:45 PM (W5DcG)

Yeah, if they needed to. They did in Vietnam, no? If I recall, democrat super star LBJ was president at the time.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:48 PM (AkOaV)

272 >The odds of these hastily ginned up contraptions reliably intercepting
inbound nuclear tipped ICBMs are honestly not all that good

As the Norks have demonstrated the odds are a lot better that the shoddily reverse-engineered or homegrown ICBM peters out somewhere in the middle of the flight path and becomes a very expensive and embarrassing model rocket.

Posted by: kartoffel at March 31, 2015 08:48 PM (sGRH7)

273 Obama will sign for them.

Even then he'll robo-sign it.

Posted by: t-bird at March 31, 2015 08:49 PM (FcR7P)

274 @99: "and humiliate this POS president."

Yeah, good plan. Because everyone knows that malignant narcissists always react totally rationally and never hyper-violently when that happens.

Posted by: Bad Idea Jeans at March 31, 2015 08:50 PM (amQXf)

275 EMP effects, for the US look up Starfish Prime. The power grid in Hawai'i flickered when the EMP bomb was detonated over Johnson Atoll.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:50 PM (rSBBR)

276 Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 08:45 PM (IEwld)

Well, I think the probability of either are very low. Probably lower now then they were during the height of the cold war.

But yes, always a possibility.

Especially an EMP. It would cause MUCH more damage now, in 2015, then it would have in 1955. We are WAY more reliant on electricity now then we were then.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:50 PM (AkOaV)

277 Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:46 PM (AkOaV)

with the exception of the car everything you mentioned was connected to long line power lines. solid state electronics have poor reverse voltage survival rates. Tubes on the other hand are pretty much ok.

Cars have pretty good Faraday cages. and all the wiring is short. I don't think there is an issue here and not many engineers do.

Push comes to shove we might find out.

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:51 PM (WNERA)

278 I'm so sick and tired of always being asked about the long face.

Posted by: Jon Carry what served in Vietnam at March 31, 2015 08:51 PM (Dwehj)

279 France (and the UK) like to play this game where they let us talk all of the arrows at the UN and internationally while publicly denouncing us but privately encouraging us.

I'd have positioned this "The UK (and France)". France has often privately undermined us as well - the Iraq War was a case in point, since Chirac was a big business buddy of ol' Saddam. Also their obstruction against Reagan when Reagan was trying to punish Qaddafi.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 08:51 PM (AVEe1)

280 We are WAY more reliant on electricity now then we were then.

Not to mention microelectronics.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:52 PM (MMC8r)

281 Posted by: kartoffel at March 31, 2015 08:48 PM (sGRH7)

Yes. But we always focus on our high tech, super expensive missiles.

Whats to stop Iran (or whomever) from sending a Somalia-flagged tramp freighter in to a US (or wherever) port and setting off the nuclear explosion that way?

Much easier, cheaper, AND with more plausible deniability. Especially if you have old Soviet nuclear material.

Plus, no early warning system for that.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:52 PM (AkOaV)

282 Because everyone knows that malignant narcissists always react totally rationally and never hyper-violently when that happens.

Well, we might manage to impeach him if he, say, nukes France.

Posted by: Alan at March 31, 2015 08:53 PM (uq4RW)

283 Six am, I guess, would be 12:00 midnight on the east coast USA, so I guess we'll soon know if this is a complete rupture in the P5+1 P4+2, or, maybe, merely a bargaining strategy by France and Germany to get Iran to concede something.

If it were the latter, wouldn't the US have joined them as well? Why signal a split in the parties? And why are we leaving it to France to be the hawkish party here?

Given the US ObamiNation is but an Iranian front group, I'll take door number one.

As for the Frogs being the "hawkish" party, that they're filling the role tells you everything you ever needed to know about this particular play in Worldwide Kabuki Theater.

Posted by: steveegg at March 31, 2015 08:53 PM (cL79m)

284 Cars have pretty good Faraday cages.

Older cars, sure, with their heavy solid iron exteriors, but I'm unsure about the newer lighter cars.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 08:53 PM (AVEe1)

285 And the Egg's in the barrel.

Posted by: The Barrel at March 31, 2015 08:53 PM (cL79m)

286 *stuffs steve in the barrel*

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 08:53 PM (AVEe1)

287 @148: "And the amazing thing is that they view him with utter contempt."

Why is it amazing? They view him as an apostate Muslim. Merely holding him in utter contempt is much better than he's supposed to get under sharia law.

Posted by: Fa Cube Itches at March 31, 2015 08:54 PM (amQXf)

288 Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:13 PM (rSBBR)

Ah. I think I'll keep the mental image I have as I'm feeling too lazy to do an image search for the correct Flea.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 31, 2015 08:55 PM (GDulk)

289 Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 08:53 PM (AVEe1)

a conductor as thin as tin foil is enough.

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:55 PM (WNERA)

290 Hey! Y'all need to jist ignorify all this here Ayerainin nonsense and pay attention to that there rfra thingamabob we Hoosiers are using to persecute all them ghey folks.

Posted by: madamemayhem at March 31, 2015 08:55 PM (WPm3x)

291 This situation may call for us to go full Joan Baez.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 31, 2015 08:55 PM (LImiJ)

292 Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:51 PM (WNERA)

Well, they've done tests on cars... Granted they drove right under an electro magnet, but every car died.

Cops have a mini device that they can deploy like spike strips that do the same thing.

Now the windows, electronics, and everything that runs off the battery will still function.

But obviously we have no idea what kind of range that would have.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 08:55 PM (AkOaV)

293 Kabuki theater & the barrell, most awesome

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 08:57 PM (3mTLw)

294 This situation may call for us to go full Joan Baez.

Janis Ian on standby.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:57 PM (MMC8r)

295 Yes I know that, it is not the same as emp mynewhandle

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 08:57 PM (WNERA)

296 This situation may call for us to go full Joan Baez.

The reason Mexico isn't a world power today? Morrissey. No-one can ever take a Morrissey fan seriously

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 08:57 PM (AVEe1)

297 "As the Norks have demonstrated the odds are a lot better that the shoddily reverse-engineered or homegrown ICBM peters out somewhere in the middle of the flight path and becomes a very expensive and embarrassing model rocket."

The Iranians successfully orbited another satellite not all that long ago. They're much further up the booster technology maturity curve than are the North Koreans.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 31, 2015 08:57 PM (noWW6)

298 Well, we might manage to impeach him if he, say, nukes France.

Oh yeah, right, like you've never had a bad day.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 31, 2015 08:59 PM (LImiJ)

299 Whats to stop Iran (or whomever) from sending a Somalia-flagged tramp freighter in to a US (or wherever) port and setting off the nuclear explosion that way?

Poor movie reviews. been there, done that. Anyone seen jack Ryan?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 31, 2015 08:59 PM (rDqRv)

300 @191

On The Beach the movie gave Jack Ryan nightmares in Sum of All Fears.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 08:11 PM (rSBBR)

Not exactly a book(or movie) to put a pep in your step.

Posted by: A dude in MI at March 31, 2015 08:14 PM (Dth0i)
I dunno about steps, but every time *I* watch it, there's a cock in my hand.

Posted by: Paul R. Ehrlich at March 31, 2015 08:59 PM (amQXf)

301 >Whats to stop Iran (or whomever) from sending a Somalia-flagged tramp
freighter in to a US (or wherever) port and setting off the nuclear
explosion that way?

Assuming a somewhat rational head making these decisions, the last thing they'd do is actually use their nuke on us. They'd be throwing away their only trump card to get one city. Much smarter to hold on to that nuke and be secure in the knowledge that they can do pretty much whatever they want without worrying about getting Ukraine'd.

Assuming a fanatical apocalypticist is making the decisions, the only downside to that plan is that they'd want to take credit afterward. No point in striking the great satan if he doesn't know who hit him.

Posted by: kartoffel at March 31, 2015 09:00 PM (sGRH7)

302 Even France won't go where this fucking guy wants to go.

Posted by: eleven at March 31, 2015 09:00 PM (MDgS8)

303 "More damage no nuke fallout."

No kidding. Everyone on any kind of life support mechanism (that's a lot of people BTW) are dead in a week if not a few hours.

No refrigeration. Food spoilage leads to famine.

No banking, no pumping gasoline.

Yep, it will get real interesting real quick.

As you were.

Posted by: Thor's feather duster at March 31, 2015 09:00 PM (JgC5a)

304 Just wanted to pop in to say Harry Reid is a fucking ethic-less piece of shit.

Posted by: thathalfrican at March 31, 2015 09:00 PM (R5HRU)

305 Megyn is bringing the high heat tonight.

Posted by: MTF, Vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 31, 2015 09:02 PM (GFYLz)

306 Yep, it will get real interesting real quick.

Forstchen, "One Second After". Works better than ex-lax

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 09:03 PM (AVEe1)

307 a conductor as thin as tin foil is enough.
Posted by: just bob at March 31

Leave my hat out of it

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:03 PM (3mTLw)

308 307 a conductor as thin as tin foil is enough.
Posted by: just bob at March 31

Leave my hat out of it
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:03 PM


Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 09:04 PM (WNERA)

309 Polliwogette yeah either the President or Jean Francois Cary or both in a Mexican wrestler mask... squaring off against the Mullahs in the ring.

Way funnier. And far more sad.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 09:04 PM (rSBBR)

310 LOL... AllahPundit... that great bastion of Testosterone....

There is a split in the bargaining positions... because there is a split in the bargaining positions.

Its been the US and Iran against the rest of them for quite some time.... and the rest know this.

Posted by: BB Wolf at March 31, 2015 09:04 PM (qh617)

311 You guys and your tin foil hats! I wrap mine around my balls.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 31, 2015 09:05 PM (LImiJ)

312 The power grid in Hawai'i flickered when the EMP bomb was detonated over Johnson Atoll.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD)

But thankfully the Atoll did not tip over.

Posted by: Rep. Hank Johnson at March 31, 2015 09:05 PM (JBzwC)

313 294 This situation may call for us to go full Joan Baez.

Janis Ian on standby.
Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 08:57 PM (MMC8r)

Now, can we get Joni Mitchell out of hiding?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:05 PM (3mTLw)

314 The real danger isn't Iran targeting us which is a stretch given their current capabilities or even them giving the nuke to one of their proxies. The danger is if Iran gets the bomb it will set off an unprecedented arms race in region on the verge of an all out religious war that has seen the use of WMD often.

All of them will want nukes and all of them will have the means and if we can't stop Iran we can't stop them.

Anybody feel comfortable living in a world like that?

Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 09:05 PM (g1DWB)

315 314 The real danger isn't Iran targeting us which is a stretch given their current capabilities or even them giving the nuke to one of their proxies. The danger is if Iran gets the bomb it will set off an unprecedented arms race in region on the verge of an all out religious war that has seen the use of WMD often.

All of them will want nukes and all of them will have the means and if we can't stop Iran we can't stop them.

Anybody feel comfortable living in a world like that?
Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 09:05 PM (g1DWB)

They will probably kill the shit out of each other.

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 09:07 PM (WNERA)

316 We have three of the countries in these talks siding with Iran. Russia, China and Germany. France is trying to play both sides of the street. I honest to G-D know what we are trying to do.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 09:07 PM (IEwld)

317 We have three of the countries in these talks siding with Iran. Russia, China and Germany. France is trying to play both sides of the street. I honest to G-D know what we are trying to do.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 09:07 PM (IEwld)

318 Never heard of this black dude on Megyn right now. This guy right here exemplifies what is wrong with journalism, love the fact he basically says it's fine to fucking lie on the floor.

Posted by: thathalfrican at March 31, 2015 09:07 PM (R5HRU)

Joan Baez Joni Mitchell Janis Ian triumvirate........


Posted by: eleven at March 31, 2015 09:08 PM (MDgS8)

320 Tom Lehrer's still alive.

Maybe he can do an update to his Ode to Proliferation "Who's Next?"

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 09:08 PM (MMC8r)

321 Megyn Kelly interviews Dana Loesch. Some Grade A, hard core punditry ping-ponging there, from two outstanding babes. Now they bring some ghey guy on to defend Harry Reid? What the hell?

Posted by: MTF, Vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 31, 2015 09:08 PM (GFYLz)

They will probably kill the shit out of each other.

types deletes

Posted by: eleven at March 31, 2015 09:09 PM (MDgS8)

323 You guys and your tin foil hats! I wrap mine around my balls.

Jiffy Pop!

Posted by: John Kerry's sock at March 31, 2015 09:10 PM (JdEZJ)

324 Now they bring some ghey guy on to defend Harry Reid?

Yeah but somebody said Obama was born in Kenya !!

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 31, 2015 09:10 PM (W5DcG)

325 If Iran makes a bomb I think the temptation to wax Israel will be too much to withstand.

Never mind the Great Satan, the Jews are much too handy.

Posted by: irongrampa at March 31, 2015 09:11 PM (jeCnD)

326 Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 31, 2015 09:10 PM (W5DcG)

The irony is it started with Hilary! Clinton.

What a joke.

Posted by: thathalfrican at March 31, 2015 09:11 PM (R5HRU)

327 Do we know Germany's backing Iran?

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 31, 2015 09:12 PM (MMC8r)

328 Maybe [Lehrer] can do an update to his Ode to Proliferation "Who's Next?"

His nightmare scenario? That "Alabama would get the bomb". Which in his Yankee oh-so-precious mind probably actually happened during the Reagan Presidency.

Lehrer had his moments, mostly in the 1950s when he didn't give a shit. Also when he was doing funny stuff about the periodic-table. Otherwise meh.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 09:13 PM (AVEe1)

329 More on the killer trannies:

So, they made a wrong turn. But why not make a u-turn and get out of there? And why shoot at the cops?

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 31, 2015 09:13 PM (iQIUe)

330 Posted by: irongrampa at March 31, 2015 09:11 PM (jeCnD)

Yeah, who knows what they will do?

Strategically, holding the bomb and the implicit threat is probably their best move... especially if they can scare Israel and the US in to believing Hezballah is under their nuclear umbrella.

But, I mean, they have spent the last 40 years saying their goal is to kill all of the Jews and wipe Israel off the map, so... I wouldn't discount that possibility either.

But I think anything happening to us in the US is very unlikely.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 09:13 PM (AkOaV)

331 It was the Romney gang who walloped the Pederast on New Years Day in Vegas. I heard it from an anonymous source.

Posted by: MTF, Vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 31, 2015 09:13 PM (GFYLz)

332 I saw Starfish Prime open for Foreigner at Long Beach in 83.

I might have made some ill timed jokes about the band's name.

Posted by: Jukin, Former Republican at March 31, 2015 09:14 PM (WGm5T)

333 Posted by: Bruce J. at March 31, 2015 09:13 PM (iQIUe)

No, I don't think the trannies shot the cops. The cops were the ones shooting.

The trannies were just fleeing the scene of a grand theft auto, while in the possession of drugs, and while most likely driving on a suspended license, while probably also on parole.

I see exactly how this unfolded haha

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 09:16 PM (AkOaV)

334 331 It was the Romney gang who walloped the Pederast on New Years Day in Vegas. I heard it from an anonymous source.
Posted by: MTF, Vote for someone the GOP insiders

Mormon on Mormon violence. I see a TLC Nerwork show

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:16 PM (3mTLw)

335 @325- You are so on point.

Posted by: Ben Had at March 31, 2015 09:17 PM (IEwld)

336 I didn't realize how large a rack Dana Loesch's looks to have. I will need to investigate further.

Posted by: MTF, Vote for someone the GOP insiders hate! at March 31, 2015 09:18 PM (GFYLz)

337 Trust me.

Posted by: The AntiChrist at March 31, 2015 09:19 PM (TBp4e)

338 More on the killer trannies

Great name for a band.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 31, 2015 09:21 PM (oKE6c)

339 Now is Iran getting the bomb? Or are they getting the BOMB bomb?

You know cuz...

Posted by: Whoopi Goldberg at March 31, 2015 09:21 PM (WGm5T)

340 No, I don't think the trannies shot the cops. The cops were the ones shooting.

I see exactly how this unfolded haha
Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 09:16 PM (AkOaV)

Trannies is hateful. The prefer to be called:

Frauen mit speeren.

Posted by: The Hobo Wears Bob Crane's Porno Beret at March 31, 2015 09:21 PM (s/gWD)

341 So did the Killer Trannies of Venus open for Pussy Riot?

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 09:22 PM (rSBBR)

342 Dang......Dana is purty.

Posted by: eleven at March 31, 2015 09:22 PM (MDgS8)

343 Posted by: Cooper from Eurotrip at March 31, 2015 08:43 PM (amQXf)

Er, from 1914-1918, Germany and France weren't really too buddy- buddy - which is why France insisted on the absolute humiliation of Germany at Versailles.

And before that there was the little matter of the Franco-Prussian War....

Posted by: Donna &&&&&& V. (brandishing ampersands) at March 31, 2015 09:23 PM (+XMAD)

344 This is a cheery damn thread.

Anybody up for a screening of 'Threads'?

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at March 31, 2015 09:23 PM (l3vZN)

345 Forstchen, "One Second After". Works better than ex-lax
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 09:03 PM (AVEe1)
The worst part was the slow death of the main character's diabetic daughter. Is there a way now to store insulin without refrigerating it?

Posted by: All Hail Eris at March 31, 2015 09:24 PM (KH1sk)

346 >>>The Iranians successfully orbited another
satellite not all that long ago. They're much further up the booster
technology maturity curve than are the North Koreans.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 31, 2015 08:57 PM (noWW6)<<<

Thank us! Looks like our Muzzie outreach worked.

Posted by: NASA at March 31, 2015 09:24 PM (DC3uV)

347 Can't we all just get along and boycott Indiana?

Posted by: zombie rodney king at March 31, 2015 09:25 PM (WNERA)

348 And before that there was the little matter of the Franco-Prussian War....

Posted by: Donna V. (brandishing ampersands) at March 31, 2015 09:23 PM (+XMAD)

And before that there was that unpleasantness with the Corsican corporal, and before that ...

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 31, 2015 09:26 PM (oKE6c)

349 Khameini is on record saying when he gets the bomb he'll immediately launch a first strike.

Haha, says Obama, what a joker, just plying the locals with a bit of the old playa rhetoric, eh sheikh? wink wink

*Khameini scowls*

Posted by: Feh at March 31, 2015 09:26 PM (g/zj9)

350 Someone above has mentioned the Mormon Mafia, and this leaves me in the terror most profound, even more so than the Amish Mafia. The Camorra, the Carbonari, the Ndragheta - bah!

The Mormon Mafia is far more frightening, and without the aid of carbonated drinks. No wonder M. the Senator Reid retires - no doubt he wakes one day with an Osmond's head at the foot of his bed and he knows it is time to go. (There are many Osmonds and one may be spared, surely, especially the tres annoyant youngest one.)

Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard Henri de Pascal du Levitee at March 31, 2015 09:26 PM (wJliR)

351 More on the killer trannies

Great name for a band.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 31, 2015 09:21 PM (oKE6c)
We already have Gay Bikers on Acid and Lesbians on Ecstasy, so let's go really big tent. Killer Trannies on Heroin!

Posted by: All Hail Eris at March 31, 2015 09:27 PM (KH1sk)

352 Tim Cook and Apple does business with the country depicted in that photo. But Indiana...he is oh sooooooooooo disappointed.

Posted by: Dan at March 31, 2015 09:27 PM (COpZ4)

353 Nuclear blossoms.
Burst like cherry trees in spring.
Obama slices.

Posted by: Post-Apocalype Mayim Bailik at March 31, 2015 09:27 PM (Hkoml)

354 344 This is a cheery damn thread.

Anybody up for a screening of 'Threads'?

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at March 31, 2015 09:23 PM (l3vZN)

Threads winner.

Posted by: rickl at March 31, 2015 09:27 PM (sdi6R)

355 Can't prezzy pissy pants use Hairy Reed's excersise band? Muzzie prick.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at March 31, 2015 09:28 PM (ucDmr)

356 There should be an s in apocalypse dammit.

Posted by: Post-Apocalypse Mayim Bailik at March 31, 2015 09:29 PM (Hkoml)

357 Is there a way now to store insulin without refrigerating it?

I'd imagine that the local meth cook might be able to synthesise some insulin and other basic organic compounds, on demand, for the community's behalf, from the local chemicals. Fortschen was writing prior to "Breaking Bad".

Of course... the local meth cook would probably request some favours in return.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 09:30 PM (AVEe1)

358 France and Germany not only leave the talks, they take the emperor's fig leaf with them.

Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at March 31, 2015 09:31 PM (NeFrd)

359 Can't prezzy pissy pants use Hairy Reed's exercise band?

Great marketing idea: the Mike Tyson exercise band. Thugs Operators are standing by!

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 31, 2015 09:31 PM (oKE6c)

360 I'd imagine that the local meth cook might be able to synthesise some
insulin and other basic organic compounds, on demand, for the
community's behalf, from the local chemicals

Insulin is a protein, i.e., not a basic organic compound, and light years beyond the synthetic capabilities of some shithead meth cooker.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 31, 2015 09:33 PM (oKE6c)

361 Classic move of dipshit Americans who travel overseas and then start slandering the US in hopes of ingratiating themselves with the wonderful locals. 8 times out of 10, those wonderful locals are now fully convinced said American is an contemptible idiot.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 31, 2015 08:11 PM (JBzwC)

Yes, I remember a idiot girl from San Francisco who ripped the US to 2 Iranian guys she met in London in 1980 - this was while they were still holding our hostages. I was liberal then but not a US hater and I became so furious, I walked out of the restaurant we were in (we were both attending summer classes there). It was my first experience - but not my last - with a hard core lefty from the Bay area. I remember the Iranians looking at her with contemptuous little smiles on their faces. She was too dumb to notice.

Posted by: Donna &&&&&& V. (brandishing ampersands) at March 31, 2015 09:34 PM (+XMAD)

362 I have viewed this "Threads," and I do not see the horreur. Les morts sont anglais, non?

Non, it is plus, plus noir - I chastise myself. In truth, we do not watch the cinema du horreur en France, as the rush to the surrendering crowds to the screen ruins the film-going experience.

Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard Henri de Pascal du Levitee at March 31, 2015 09:34 PM (wJliR)

363 If you want cheery, I am pretty sure the Horde can unearth some video of nekkiid dancing grrls. Without the blurred lines.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 09:34 PM (rSBBR)

364 Posted by: All Hail Eris at March 31, 2015 09:24 PM (KH1sk)

High level antibiotics require refrigeration as well. I believe (but am not positive) some actually become toxic. Figuring out away to make room-temp stable antibiotics and insulin would be *huge*.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 31, 2015 09:34 PM (GDulk)

Who else is watching Jessa's wedding?

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. "The King Unwilling" at March 31, 2015 09:36 PM (iv3H6)

366 I see sheriff Joe did a hell of a job withe the Ukraine. Vlad played him for the drooling skidmark he is. Fuckin idiot. He should stick to washing his Trans Am.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at March 31, 2015 09:36 PM (ucDmr)

367 "23
Not that it got a whole lot of coverage but the Russians left the talks
yesterday. And Russia is closer to Iran than any other member of the

Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (g1DWB)"

So that leaves Great Britain and China. The Iranian defector said that the negotiations consist of the United States representatives trying to get everybody else to accept the Iranian conditions. I can see how that would get kind of old and the diplomats from the other countries would want to head for the doorways at the first possible moment.

As for Britain and China, those places both have a reputation for excessive courtesy. Maybe the activities in Switzerland are like a scaled up episode of "Keeping Up Appearances" with President Obama playing the role of Hyacinth Bucket abusing the good will and courtesy of everyone.

Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 31, 2015 09:36 PM (KDbAT)

368 And before that there was that unpleasantness with the Corsican corporal, and before that ...
Posted by: Jay Guevara at March

And before that Cain & Abel

F*cking Joos


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:36 PM (3mTLw)

369 About the only 'natural' way to store perishables like antibiotics would be some deep well with cold water. At a wild guess.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 31, 2015 09:36 PM (rSBBR)

370 Lots of hypocritical H8 over at twitter with the #BoycottArkansas and #BoycottIndiana hashtags.

Posted by: The Political Hat (@ThePoliticalHat) at March 31, 2015 09:38 PM (0Ew3K)

Hatin the Haters, are they?

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 09:38 PM (iv3H6)

372 With the coming ice age storing insulin will not be an issue

Posted by: just bob at March 31, 2015 09:38 PM (WNERA)

373 Posted by: The Political Hat (@ThePoliticalHat) at March 31, 2015 09:38 PM (0Ew3K)

Well, I boycott those states as a matter of course.

It's actually pretty easy because what the fuck do I buy that comes from either Indiana or Arkansas?


Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 09:39 PM (AkOaV)

Nothing ruins a wedding ceremony like a smartass priest/minister.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 09:40 PM (iv3H6)

375 This is a cheery damn thread.

Anybody up for a screening of 'Threads'?

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at March 31, 2015 09:23 PM (l3vZN)

I'm old enough to remember when 'Threads' was a cautionary tale, not a fictionalized-by-location-alone blueprint of the future.

Posted by: steveegg at March 31, 2015 09:41 PM (cL79m)

Nothing ruins a wedding ceremony like a smartass priest/minister.
Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31

Or wedding cake.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:43 PM (3mTLw)

377 Think this came up in their negotiations?
"Iran is close to putting its forces on Israel's northeast border for the first
time, as its allies crush rebel groups in the Golan Heights area of Syria.

The prospect of Iranian troops being posted on a frontier that has been calm
for decades is causing alarm in Israel..."

They're doing things like this and the prisoner executions *during* the negotiations and still Obama continues to beg for their agreement.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 31, 2015 09:43 PM (TLTHv)

378 Or wedding cake.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

Shaped like a c*ck?

Posted by: Moderate Salami at March 31, 2015 09:43 PM (/Ho8c)

379 376: Baked by the gheys.

Posted by: Chavez the Hugo at March 31, 2015 09:43 PM (ucDmr)

380 I hope all the negotiators got a chance to shop at the Rolex outlet store.

Posted by: bergerbilder at March 31, 2015 09:44 PM (8Fqe6)

Jess and Ben didn't kiss on camera. That's nice and smart. No need to do everything on camera.

Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 09:44 PM (iv3H6)

382 Or wedding cake.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:43 PM (3mTLw)

As long as it's a gay wedding cake

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 09:44 PM (AkOaV)

383 Nah.

He'll get ridden hard and put away wet.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 31, 2015 07:23 PM (JBzwC)

The nick Bukkake Man comes to mind.

Posted by: Bill H at March 31, 2015 09:44 PM (3sZO1)

384 Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 09:44 PM (iv3H6)


Posted by: mynewhandle at March 31, 2015 09:45 PM (AkOaV)

385 >>>Insulin is a protein, i.e., not a basic organic
compound, and light years beyond the synthetic capabilities of some
shithead meth cooker.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 31, 2015 09:33 PM (oKE6c)<<<

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Disparaging meth cookers. Maybe you should tread lightly.

Posted by: Walter White at March 31, 2015 09:45 PM (DC3uV)

386 4
John Kerry will ride to the rescue.

Posted by: An Observation at March 31, 2015 07:19 PM (Azj5O)

France you will sign or I'll bring back James Taylor.

Got it?

Posted by: John Kerry at March 31, 2015 09:45 PM (0FSuD)

387 375
I'm old enough to remember when 'Threads' was a cautionary tale, not a fictionalized-by-location-alone blueprint of the future.

Posted by: steveegg at March 31, 2015 09:41 PM (cL79m)

Maybe it would be a good choice for the next Movie Night.

Posted by: rickl at March 31, 2015 09:45 PM (sdi6R)

388 386 4
John Kerry will ride to the rescue.

Posted by: An Observation at March 31, 2015 07:19 PM (Azj5O)

France you will sign or I'll bring back James Taylor.

Got it?
Posted by: John Kerry at March 31, 2015 09:45 PM (0FSuD)

I would have more confidence in Jerry Lewis

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 31, 2015 09:47 PM (3mTLw)

389 We can donate some yellow cake.

Posted by: Iran's Nuke Program at March 31, 2015 09:47 PM (DC3uV)


Posted by: Soothsayer, Inc. at March 31, 2015 09:48 PM (iv3H6)

391 Auto bailout cost raises to $25 billion:

I want my Obamacar

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 31, 2015 09:48 PM (BZAd3)

392 You people talk about him like he's a dog, talk
about the clothes he wears, -- but Barry Obama is like the Jimi Hendrix
of fucking foreign policy, folks. Dig.
Posted by: Fritz at March 31, 2015 08:08 PM (ty633)

OD'ng on barbiturates and suffocating on his own vomit after making a lot of noise?

OK then.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 31, 2015 09:53 PM (t//F+)

393 Oil heir Andrew Getty, 47, found dead in the bathroom of his $3.8m LA mansion with 'traumatic rectal injury' as police detain ex-girlfriend at the scene

Singer Joni Mitchell, 71, treated in intensive care after being found unconscious at her home

[they're dropping like flies! - hop joni recovers; rip, Mr. Getty]

Posted by: Bruce J. at March 31, 2015 09:54 PM (iQIUe)

394 "345
Forstchen, "One Second After". Works better than ex-lax

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 31, 2015 09:03 PM (AVEe1)


The worst part was the slow death of the main character's diabetic
daughter. Is there a way now to store insulin without refrigerating it?

Posted by: All Hail Eris at March 31, 2015 09:24 PM (KH1sk)"

The answer is no. If there is someone in your life who is dependent on insulin, it might be worthwhile to look into the possibility of buying a propane refrigerator or some other form of absorption refrigerator if you are making plans for dealing with an EMP type event. Those type of refrigerators are what is normally installed in RVs and campers. If you went to an RV dealer, they might be able to sell you a stand alone version. They work by applying heat to one part of the sealed pipes that contain distilled water, ammonia and hydrogen. Ordinarily the heat is applied by an electric resistance heater or propane flame. You could provide heat by burning wood or charcoal if you had a way to do it without killing yourself with carbon monoxide or setting your place on fire.

Currently, insulin is made by fermenting with genetically modified bacteria but back in the day, it was extracted from the pancreas of pigs. It might be possible to find a description of the process that was used to extract insulin.

And, of course, if you run out of pigs, you could use hobos.

Posted by: Obnoxious A-Hole at March 31, 2015 09:54 PM (KDbAT)

395 Not that it got a whole lot of coverage but the Russians left the talks yesterday. And Russia is closer to Iran than any other member of the P5+1.

Posted by: JackStraw at March 31, 2015 07:26 PM (g1DWB)

Considering that the Mad Mullah Nuclear Project has "Built by Russia" stamped all over it, the actors' roles in Islamokazi Nuclear Kabuki Theater are (or at least should be) crystal-clear:

Iran - The bad boy bully willing to do what Polite Post-Western Society can't quite screw up the "courage" to do

France and Germany - The engineers behind the nukes

Soviet Russia - The builders-of-record of the nukes

Red China - The target designator for the nukes (or so they think)

The United States ObamiNation - Late-arriving grifter wanting to take the credit for itself

The United Kingdom - A bitter hanger-oner has-been being politely shown the nuclear light

Posted by: steveegg at March 31, 2015 09:54 PM (cL79m)

396 Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 31, 2015 09:48 PM (BZAd3)

You're 2 1/2 years behind. The final gift to the UAW was approximately $21 billion. That does not cover any of the losses of the former GMAC (now Government Ally Bank), which at this point are another $20 or so billion.

Posted by: steveegg at March 31, 2015 09:57 PM (cL79m)

397 I want my Obamacar
Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 31, 2015 09:48 PM (BZAd3)

I'll settle for the replacement gas tank my wagon needs.

Posted by: Bill H at March 31, 2015 10:06 PM (3sZO1)

398 Oil heir Andrew Getty, 47, found dead in the bathroom of his $3.8m LA mansion with 'traumatic rectal injury' as police detain ex-girlfriend at the scene

Dude, really- when you're told to "shove it up your ass", that usually isn't meant literally.

Posted by: Bill H at March 31, 2015 10:08 PM (3sZO1)

399 Choomster doesn't give a jarret's ass about his "legacy."
He wants a trimmed back US, Israel gone or at the mercy of the "authentic" Pallies, and spheres of influence for Third World hegemons to assert their "rightful place" in running the world.
He wants the US Constitution neutered or tossed out completely in favor of "positive" Rights to Free Shit as enshrined in the EU Constitution, as managed by the all powerful, enlightened gubmint elite.
He wants the residual pockets of an electorate with traditional American values "balanced" by sizable blocs of racial voting and Third Worlders/socialists in waiting, to provide a permanent electoral majority to our new, Peronist style government.
The US, in Obama's vision, will continue as a sort of vast experiment in coercive Affirmative Action, income redistribution and a repository for the poorest of the poor worldwide to come and go freely, so long as they recite the pieties of leftist progressivism in the name of "tolerance."
The man is a rabid ideologue, raised from birth and nurtured every step in hard core leftism, which has remained his pole star and life's work.
If only it were the vanity of a "legacy" he were after, which could be satisfied by another Noble Piffle Prize here or there.
No, the man only wants the world, or his version of the world.

Posted by: Steely eyed and realist NYC Parent at April 01, 2015 10:19 AM (HEo6y)

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