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Our Petty, Girlish President Plans, Get This, on Ostracizing and Mean-Girling Israel Because He's a Weakling Who Always Processes Losing The Exact Same Way

So this is another proud moment in American history: our weakling, coward president once again making foreign policy by the She Think She All That tiffs.

American Jews have half-doomed Israel. I don't know what Israel's future is, but I know that most American Jews are sympathetic towards the Israeli state, and yet vote, almost fanatically, for the politically party that finds it to be inconvenient at best and morally repulsive at worst.

At some point, this habit of voting is going to produce terrible fruit.

For now, Obama's merely thinking about putting Palestinians on the International Criminal Court, so they can routinely deem pretty much All the Israelis war criminals.

Keep voting Democratic, American Jews. Very smart.

In the wake of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decisive reelection, the Obama administration is revisiting longtime assumptions about America’s role as a shield for Israel against international pressure.

Angered by...

It's all about Emotion with these Squeaking Schoolgirls.

All the claims that Obama is "cool" and "above it all" are lies. The detachment felt there is just his indifference to America and his contempt for Americans.

But when it comes to something these Mean Girls care about -- their egos, their power, their standing -- they're nothing but emotion.

Angered by Netanyahu's hard-line platform toward the Palestinians, top Obama officials would not rule out the possibility of a change in American posture at the United Nations, where the U.S. has historically fended off resolutions hostile to Israel.

And despite signals from Israel suggesting that Netanyahu might walk back his rejection, late in the campaign, of a Palestinian state under his watch, Obama officials say they are taking him at his word.

"The positions taken by the prime minister in the last days of the campaign have raised very significant substantive questions that go far beyond just optics," said a senior administration official, adding that recent Israeli government actions were in keeping with Netanyahu's rhetoric.


"We are signaling that if the Israeli government’s position is no longer to pursue a Palestinian state, we're going to have to broaden the spectrum of options we pursue going forward," the official said.

What they're referring to is Netanyahu's eleventh hour campaign declaration that he won't seek a two state solution with the terrorist regime that routinely runs over Israeli babies in cars and lobs missiles at them.

Among the options the Mean Girls are considering:

More provocative to Israel would be any softening of Obama's opposition to Palestinian efforts to join the International Criminal Court, which the Palestinian Authority will formally join on April 1.

You know, in Captain America, there was a nice moment when the doctor said he wanted to give the Super Serum formula to a weakling, because a weakling, having been weak, would have an appreciation for strength, and its proper limits.

That's not true though. That is true of some weaklings -- ethical, moral ones.

But some weaklings -- maybe many -- are actually the worst people to give power to, because all they think of is vengeance for past slights. Having never known power, they are all too willing to use it to punish their enemies, real and imagined.

Obama is such a weakling, obviously, and so are most of his high ranking Ladyboy advisers. You just look at them and you know they've never played sports. And that is important, because sports does teach you something about honor, and what is required of both winner and loser after a contest.

What is required is a semi-formalized ritual of graciousness which exists chiefly to forestall actual violence following a contest, because the loser has just been humiliated and the winner may be riding a bit too high and may provoke the loser into a violent response. Following a tough physical contest, when blood is hot and adrenaline is streaming, there is a raw moment of emotion where it does not take much to provoke violence.

Hence, a formalized dance of gracious acceptance and complimenting each other's honor has evolved.

But that sort of code is known chiefly by boys who have been in contests and scrapes.

It isn't known to weaklings, or man-boys who wish to pretend to be athletes, but who demonstrate at every turn they never really were much but scrubs. (Mean Girl-like political campaigning against designated Objects of Ostracism doesn't really happen as much among boys because disputes result in open violence more quickly and more frequently.)

I see the Obama administration doing this every day, but mostly the Weakling in Chief himself. A culture flows down from the king. And Obama's culture is one of bitterness and ugliness in his (constant) defeat.

Every single Obama failure -- and we have quite a large sample here to draw conclusions from (N=1325) -- is followed by a Prolonged Snit.

This is seriously the first man I've ever observed for any length of time who always wants you to know he's Ragging.

What's next, Captain Passive-Aggressive? The silent treatment?

Posted by: Ace at 05:12 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Keep voting for dems.

Posted by: NCKate at March 19, 2015 05:15 PM (O+Ad2)

2 Hello....?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 19, 2015 05:16 PM (LA7Cm)

3 Yep. Can't be said enough, Ace.

Posted by: wheatie at March 19, 2015 05:16 PM (ckH+e)

4 Yeah, Barry's a child. He's been a child since High School, through college and all through his 'adult' life.

Regarding the Jews and democrats, Ben Shapiro has a really good video about it that matches up with my ancecdotal experiences: Most Jews aren't actually Jewish, not religiously though. Observant Jews actually vote Republican by a wide margin. Most Democrat Jews don't even pay lip service to their religion. So they're more accurately described as your typical Urbanized Leftists who like Seinfeld.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at March 19, 2015 05:17 PM (M4qmU)

5 *Sticks out tongue at Israel*

Posted by: Preezy Hissy Fit at March 19, 2015 05:17 PM (LA7Cm)

6 "But some weaklings -- maybe many -- are actually the worst people to give power to, because all they think of is vengeance for past slights. Having never known power, they are all too willing to use it to punish their enemies, real and imagined. Obama is such a weakling, obviously, and so are most of his high ranking Ladyboy advisers."

Quite. Also, and central to any discussion of Obama's specific behavior, is his extreme and not at all well concealed case of clinical narcissism.

Narcissists can't handle personal failure AT ALL. When failure occurs on their watch, it must always be because someone else failed them or betrayed them.

And the narcissist will always seek revenge upon those others.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2015 05:17 PM (noWW6)

7 "....most American Jews are sympathetic towards the Israeli state..."

Posted by: Ace at 05:12 PM

You know this how?

By their actions they are not sympathetic. By their membership in and support for dozens of anti-Zionist, anti-Semitic and anti-American organizations they demonstrate that they do not support the state of Israel.

Sorry Ace, you are wrong.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 19, 2015 05:18 PM (Zu3d9)

8 The Churlish Child in Chief strikes again

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 19, 2015 05:18 PM (CWIQ2)

9 Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (kff5f)

10 My friends who are Jewish are religious yet they vote dem. They send their kids to Hebrew school and on trips to Israel. No clue what they're thinking.

Posted by: NCKate at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (O+Ad2)

11 It's time for Obama the Petulant to enroll in Adult Preschool. He can bring his surrogate mother, ValJar, as a security blanket.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (1CroS)

12 Burn it down.
Scatter the stones.
Salt the earth where it stood.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (kff5f)

13 Or maybe the Churlish Child in Chief Pantywaist.


Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (CWIQ2)

14 Obama approval RCP average is at 45 today. Last time it was that high was October 2013.

Le Sigh.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (0LHZx)


Does this load of Palastenian cum make my ass look fat?

Posted by: President Choad-Load at March 19, 2015 05:20 PM (maLc1)

16 I note that this post is check-full of dog whistles.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 19, 2015 05:20 PM (8ZskC)

17 So when do we get that taxpayer money Queen Barry spent to defeat Bibi back?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Indestructible at March 19, 2015 05:20 PM (GuwT9)

18 What's this Adult Pre School I've been hearing about? Do they have waffles?

Posted by: Emperor Clusterfuck I at March 19, 2015 05:21 PM (S0A/C)

19 >>>16 I note that this post is check-full of dog whistles.

so my work was not in vain!

Posted by: ace at March 19, 2015 05:21 PM (PA7DS)

20 high ranking Ladyboy advisers

I saw this and imagined Chao from The Hangover.

Posted by: FDR's Television at March 19, 2015 05:21 PM (ne2fm)

21 Yes, but has bench-warmer Barry filled out his bracket?

Posted by: huerfano at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (bAGA/)

22 There is speculation on Drudge that Obama finally bought a house in Hawaii. That means the end is near...

The idiots in the area think obama will fit right in. Don't count on it. He wont be inviting you over and you wont be allowed to come within 500 ft of him or his beach or his house. You will be inconvenience 24/7 and the obamas wont give a fk.

Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (iQIUe)

23 Angered by Netanyahu's hard-line platform toward the Palestinians

Yeah, that whole not wanting to be Holocausted again is going too far.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (XUKZU)

24 So when Netenyahu takes a hard line stance during the campaign, US officials decide to take him at his word. However, when Jihadists and their state sponsers routinely declare their intention to wipe Israel off the map, raise the flag of Islam over the White House, and burn Rome to the ground... well that's just flowery language designed to appeal to their supporters. They don't really believe all that stuff that they're saying. We're sure that they're open to negotiations.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (OiH3z)

25 Posted by: NCKate at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (O+Ad2)

Religious Jews tend to be more conservative that the majority of American Jews, who are thoroughly assimilated and consider themselves Democrat/Progressive/Feminist before Jewish. And even then, their Jewishness is a pale reflection of cultural Judaism.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (Zu3d9)

26 10 My friends who are Jewish are religious yet they vote dem. They send their kids to Hebrew school and on trips to Israel. No clue what they're thinking.
Posted by: NCKate at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (O+Ad2)


Lots of people do that. They have a certain set of beliefs and yet vote for the party that is against all those beliefs. I have a friend who is a "gun nut". Post Newtown he spent a shit ton of money on an AR-15, back when when they were impossible to get. He got it since he was convinced Obama would ban the guns.

I'll give you one guess what party he votes for every single election....

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (0LHZx)

27 Obama wanted Bibi to lose. Obama played a game and lost, and he's reacting to his loss the way a 3 or 4 year does. The man is a whiny crybaby.

I think this goes past Obama's hatred for Israel. I suspect he hates Bibi even more than he hates Israel. Bibi doesn't give Obama unearned adoration, and for that Obama wants him punished. For a narcissist like Obama that's a tough thing to take.

Obama should sign up for that adult pre-school.

Posted by: nerdygirl at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (KzWjU)

28 Butthurt cream. Obama needs to get some.

Posted by: Sphynx at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (OZmbA)

29 Obama is such a weakling, obviously, and so are most of his high ranking Ladyboy advisers.

You mean like Cock-Psaki?

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (XUKZU)

30 Our AOS Joos on the morning thread refer to most American Joos as JINOs. Jewish in name only. They vote liberal and "will be willing for the last Israeli Joo to die for Israel". Or something like that.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (wlDny)

31 Ace, how come everybody beats this doofus but Republicans? It's almost as if they try to lose...but that's be right...right?

Posted by: FDR's Television at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (ne2fm)

32 "American Jews have half-doomed Israel. I don't know what Israel's future is, but I know that most American Jews are sympathetic towards the Israeli state, and yet vote, almost fanatically, for the politically party that finds it to be inconvenient at best and morally repulsive at worst."

There are two camps in American Jewry - the Orthodox, who fortunately have most of the Jewish kids, and the Conservative/Reform types, who are torn between Leftism and their fading sympathies for Israel. Due to intermarriage, the ranks of the Conservative/Reform are dwindling, and ultimately most of them will choose Leftism over Israel, when they have to choose. They'll blame Bibi and the irrational desire of Israelis to defend themselves.

A number of people have already noticed that you get much higher status in the Leftist pantheon if you denounce Israel, and you have an appropriately Hebraic name.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (Mrl1e)

33 So when do we get that taxpayer money Queen Barry spent to defeat Bibi back?

Speaking of...

That came up at work, and someone wanted a link to the story. Anyone here have a link to a source on that?

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (kff5f)

34 Obama really is an interesting case as far as politicians go. I am trying to think of a leader who was elected to as high of a position who seems so... immature... almost childlike.

There are tons of cases of there being rulers like this in history when considering hereditary rulership. However, the voting process usually has done a good job of screening them out from being elected to the highest offices.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (wt/Oq)

35 The Ladyboy-in-Chief's angst comes from smoking too much choom and riding the JV pine in high school, but mostly riding the JV pine in high school.

Posted by: Fritz at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (ty633)

36 Link to Truth Revolt:

Conclusion: most American Jews are not Jewish - their real religion is Progressivism.

Posted by: T at March 19, 2015 05:24 PM (sK9Mj)

37 As for OBama selling Israel out at the UN it is only more evidence that he prefers muzzie terrorists over real Democracy. He can do anything he wants, we have no opposition Party to stop him. The GOP is "off the table".

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 19, 2015 05:25 PM (wlDny)

You know who else is a chronic smoker of tobacky and choom? Robert Durst. Maybe, we shd be looking at Obama's movements where girls have disappeared...

Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:25 PM (iQIUe)

Of course, if obama kills mooch, he gets a pass...

Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:25 PM (iQIUe)

40 foreign policy by the She Think She All That tiffs

If he forgets the rapid, lateral head bobbing, the plan will never work.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at March 19, 2015 05:26 PM (h4vJk)

41 American Jews have half-doomed Israel.

Remember those assimilated German Jews who initially welcomed the Nazi program because they agreed that "our" German character was being corrupted by the influx of uncivilized Jews from the East?

American Jews who support Obama are even bigger chumps.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 19, 2015 05:26 PM (8ZskC)

42 Ace,
Please write about how much money they funneled through State to fund Bibi opponent. It was $98,000 but I'm sure there's more that's hidden.
That's our $$.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:26 PM (sj3Ax)

43 My Cock Magic is strong...

Posted by: President Choad-Load at March 19, 2015 05:27 PM (maLc1)

44 Netanyahu, when his back was to the wall, and all of the polls were against him, responded in several ways which demonstrably resonated with Israeli voters.

Probably the most significant of which was this: Bibi pointed to the crowd of sleazy campaign operatives, and the mountain of cold cash, which Obama had shoveled into Israel in the closing weeks of the campaign.

And what Netanyahu said about this to his voters was, paraphrased,

"Foreign interests and foreign money are openly attempting to influence Israel's domestic politics. They're trying to bully and buy this election for their own purposes. Are you, the Israeli electorate, comfortable with that happening in your country?"

And guess what? Israeli voters turned out not to like that at all.

Shining a spotlight on the outside interference and calling attention to it garnered a strong response by voters. Against that interference.

In retrospect, one wonders what might have happened among American voters, if the far more extensive foreign string-pulling and foreign funding of Obama's campaigns in 2008 and 2012 had been as forcefully called out by his Republican opponents.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2015 05:27 PM (noWW6)

45 Also: How come everybody's campaign promises are Ironclad Promises of Truth & Action that must be held to account, except for Barrack's harmless verbal shenanigans?

Posted by: FDR's Television at March 19, 2015 05:27 PM (ne2fm)

46 'But some weaklings -- maybe many -- are actually the worst people to give power to, because all they think of is vengeance for past slights. Having never known power, they are all too willing to use it to punish their enemies, real and imagined."

This is rampant in management positions in government service, even law enforcement. Chestless she men lick enough boots to get promoted, then they can order around all those alpha dogs that never took them seriously before. It's pathetic, and these are the types of men that would have been tossed down a well in Sparta.

Posted by: UGAdawg at March 19, 2015 05:27 PM (c+vBe)

47 The President is really surrounded by some Mean Girls

Samantha Powers
Susan Rice
Valerie Jarret

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 19, 2015 05:27 PM (CWIQ2)

48 My friends who are Jewish are religious yet they vote dem. They send their kids to Hebrew school and on trips to Israel.

My guess is that the one thing they know is that Rethugs are evil and they can't vote for evil. Actually it's Donks that are evil and Rethugs that are stupid but what are you gonna do?

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:28 PM (XUKZU)

49 "Following a tough physical contest, when blood is hot and adrenaline is
streaming, there is a raw moment of emotion where it does not take much
to provoke violence."

Back in Ohio we used to call that the "Woody Hayes moment".

Posted by: docweasel at March 19, 2015 05:28 PM (0r/VP)

50 President fem and his mean girl impersonation is really improving our standing in the world.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at March 19, 2015 05:28 PM (40li+)

51 Samantha Powers is just dying to invade Israel and make those nasty joos behave.

Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:29 PM (iQIUe)

52 Fundamentally transforming allies into enemies and enemies into allies.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at March 19, 2015 05:29 PM (MMC8r)

53 In retrospect, one wonders what might have happened among American voters, if the far more extensive foreign string-pulling and foreign funding of Obama's campaigns in 2008 and 2012 had been as forcefully called out by his Republican opponents.
Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2015 05:27 PM (noWW6)


His Republican opponents would have been called racists and would have apologized within 3 hours.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 19, 2015 05:29 PM (0LHZx)

54 Anna Puma,
He chose those Mean Girls.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:30 PM (sj3Ax)

obama's greatest foreign policy achievement will be accidentally getting SA, Israel, Jordan and Egypt to form a strong military alliance

Posted by: kj at March 19, 2015 05:30 PM (lKyWE)

56 Lulz. Is Obama going "take Iran" at its word when it talks about destroying the great satan? What a fucking imbecile.

Posted by: gm at March 19, 2015 05:30 PM (/kBoL)

57 Ace,

"Keep voting Democratic, American Jews."

Ace, no offense, but - what would you have us do? Vote Republican? I thought you'd had it with the Republicans, won't be back.

(Don't get me wrong. I do vote Republican, and I'm almost as disgusted with the party as you are.)

Posted by: JPS at March 19, 2015 05:30 PM (hoBpN)

58 I agree with the above post. That is all.

Posted by: Netanyahu at March 19, 2015 05:30 PM (o2yvE)

59 By George, I believe old Ace has a handle on da Zero.

Posted by: maddogg at March 19, 2015 05:30 PM (xWW96)

60 Ace, no offense, but - what would you have us do? Vote Republican? I thought you'd had it with the Republicans, won't be back.


There's a difference between not voting Republican and voting Democrat.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at March 19, 2015 05:31 PM (0LHZx)

61 Posted by: JPS at March 19, 2015 05:30 PM (hoBpN)

You don't have to vote Republican to *not* vote Democrat.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at March 19, 2015 05:31 PM (kff5f)

62 "Obama really is an interesting case as far as politicians go. I am trying to think of a leader who was elected to as high of a position who seems so... immature... almost childlike."

He's had everything given to him in live (I'd still love to see who recommended him to Harvard Law School), and he's used to being praised extravagantly just for showing up.

I still have a soft spot for Bobby Rush, who may be a leftist and a former Black Panther, but gleefully kicked Obama's Ivy League, half-white ass, when Barack tried to run for Rush's congressional seat on the South Side of Chicago.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:31 PM (Mrl1e)

63 "Obama really is an interesting case as far as politicians go. I am trying to think of a leader who was elected to as high of a position who seems so... immature... almost childlike."

He's had everything given to him in live (I'd still love to see who recommended him to Harvard Law School), and he's used to being praised extravagantly just for showing up.

I still have a soft spot for Bobby Rush, who may be a leftist and a former Black Panther, but gleefully kicked Obama's Ivy League, half-white ass, when Barack tried to run for Rush's congressional seat on the South Side of Chicago.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:31 PM (Mrl1e)

Obama is such a weakling, obviously, and so are most of his high ranking Ladyboy advisers. You just look at them and you know they've never played sports. And that is important, because sports does teach you something about honor, and what is required of both winner and loser after a contest.
What is required is a semi-formalized ritual of graciousness which exists chiefly to forestall actual violence following a contest, because the loser has just been humiliated and the winner may be riding a bit too high and may provoke the loser into a violent response. Following a tough physical contest, when blood is hot and adrenaline is streaming, there is a raw moment of emotion where it does not take much to provoke violence.
Hence, a formalized dance of gracious acceptance and complimenting each other's honor has evolved.
But that sort of code is known chiefly by boys who have been in contests and scrapes.

Most of these assholes grew up playing first person shooters were trash talking and "tea-bagging" and other forms of rubbing in your victory are not only accepted but expected.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (OiH3z)


Pitch perfect.

This should be an ad campaign in the NY Times.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (IXrOn)

66 All these people have been scheming since HS on how they are going to Make.Us.Pay.

Posted by: toby928(C) has a list at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (evdj2)

67 I do get sick of defending Israel only to watch Jews vote the same as African-Americans in this country.

I think 2008, Obama got around 80% of the Jewish vote.

I guess they are worried about the alleged anti-semitism of conservative WASPs, nevermind the actual liberal Democrat that actively wants to see the Jewish homeland destroyed.

Posted by: Gash at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (Aow3m)

If obama and his mean girls have their way, Revolutionary Tribunals are next.

Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (iQIUe)

69 KJ,
I thought that might happen too. That would really piss of zero.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (sj3Ax)

70 According to twitchy, Obama finally called and congratulated Netanyahu. I bet there were enough "ummmms" and "ahhhs" in that conversation that you would think from listening in he was at Baskin Robbins trying to decide on which flavors to go with for the triple scoop cone Valerie Jarrett was buying him.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 19, 2015 05:33 PM (wt/Oq)

71 Jews don't make golf clubs, so fuck 'em.

Posted by: President Choad-Load at March 19, 2015 05:33 PM (maLc1)

72 I congratulate the stupid Israeli people on their stupid election results.

There. Happy?

Posted by: Barky I Numbnuts at March 19, 2015 05:33 PM (8ZskC)

73 Most of these assholes grew up playing first person shooters were trash talking and "tea-bagging" and other forms of rubbing in your victory are not only accepted but expected.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (OiH3z

You just hit on why I hate FPS games over the intarwebz. When I played sports (mostly soccer, as a kid), at the end of the game you lined up, gave the other team 5, and said, "Good game."


These punks know neither how to be gracious in victory nor defeat.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at March 19, 2015 05:33 PM (kff5f)

74 Amazing that he will take Bibi at his word on the two state thing...

Yet when Iran chants Death to America, and lets nuke Israel...

And ISIS says they are beheading in the name of Islam...

That's just rhetoric... they don't really mean it..

Posted by: BB Wolf at March 19, 2015 05:33 PM (qh617)

75 The idiots in the area think obama will fit right in. Don't count on it. He wont be inviting you over and you wont be allowed to come within 500 ft of him or his beach or his house. You will be inconvenience 24/7 and the obamas wont give a fk.
Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (iQIUe)

Regardless about how you feel about a particular ex president. No one with half a brain in their head would want one living in their area. Too much inconvenience with security. And the way the secret service has been behaving lately, the community will have to put up with a lot of drunken, whoring around.

Posted by: nerdygirl at March 19, 2015 05:34 PM (KzWjU)

76 Yeah? How'd you like to be us? Anybody ever wonder why we're always shitfaced and chasing hookers?

Posted by: Mr. X, Presidential Secret Service Detail at March 19, 2015 05:34 PM (S0A/C)

77 Narcissists are people who never grew up; their development is frozen at the "its all about me" age of childhood. Beta males are emotionally castrated Alphas. A Beta male who is a narcissist is the worst possible person on the planet: add an emotional eunuch's rage to somebody who doesn't care who they hurt, or how much they hurt them, and you have somebody who has zero business being in any position of power, let alone the POTUS.

Posted by: An Observation - I use Silver Bullet gun oil at March 19, 2015 05:34 PM (KK2fU)

78 I can't wait for Israel to drop a couple fun bombs on Iranian facilities like they've done elsewhere. Don't fuck with the Star of David!

Posted by: Bruce Jenner's Plastic Vag at March 19, 2015 05:34 PM (qG5kf)

79 There's a difference in voting Democrat because you want to elect the Democrat and have him implement his policies than voting Democrat because you want to kill the Republican party as quickly as possible so it can be replaced by a genuine opposition.

Posted by: gm at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (/kBoL)


These punks know neither how to be gracious in victory nor defeat.Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at March 19, 2015 05:33 PM (kff5f)
Unfortunately it's not just video games anymore. It seems like you see it more and more in sports as well.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (OiH3z)

81 >>>The President is really surrounded by some Mean Girls
Samantha Powers
Susan Rice
Valerie Jarret
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at March 19, 2015 05:27 PM (CWIQ2)<<<

Not to mention me, for a while.

Posted by: the Hilldabeast at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (c+Y7q)

82 I know Obama doesn't care about this or know about it, but the Old Testament is full of references to God's promises (repeated multiple times) to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. Obama's petulant snit may do more than just spit in Bibi's face - it may permanently remove God's blessing from us as a people and as a nation. Guess he doesn't know or care about that either.

Tell me again how this worthless choom-smoking clown got elected and re-elected? It makes no sense.

Posted by: jclittlep at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (FmAIy)

83 Most of these assholes grew up playing first person shooters were trash talking and "tea-bagging" and other forms of rubbing in your victory are not only accepted but expected.

Posted by: Colorado Alex

I got a feeling that the only shooting and tea-bagging Berry's crew does in is bath houses.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Indestructible at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (GuwT9)

84 Excellent post. Seriously.

And I'm seriously not kissing your ass, ace.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (FsuaD)

85 Bravo

So let's have this fight American jews. Where do you stand. Why have you made that choice.

I think this splits the Dems. And I'd rather they be honest with jews

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (zOTsN)

86 The White House said that Bibi's election "undermines democratic ideals." Does Barky mean he bought that election fair and square with just a certain amount of illegality and he deserved to have Bibi lose?

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (XUKZU)

87 Obama is a petulant child who has a hard on for Islam. Great combination.

Posted by: Lauren at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (kKKEV)

88 You just hit on why I hate FPS games over the
intarwebz. When I played sports (mostly soccer, as a kid), at the end
of the game you lined up, gave the other team 5, and said, "Good game."


These punks know neither how to be gracious in victory nor defeat.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon

I do this on FPS games on the intarwebz, b/c that's how I was taught.

But, then again, Southern. Thank God.

Posted by: Moderate Salami at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (/Ho8c)

89 The problem with Israeli democracy is that Israeli Arabs aren't forced to vote.

Posted by: Barky I Numbnuts at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (8ZskC)

90 da Zero reminds me of "peaked in high school Rob Lowe". I have actually known some of those. They are pathetic. 40 year old men talking about their high school exploits. Jebus.

Posted by: maddogg at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (xWW96)

Please don't dismiss this political terrorism as passive-aggressive acting-out by obama.

Posted by: Soothsayer's imaginary twitter feed at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (ZxjRZ)

92 All of us down at the Brattleboro Women's Reproductive Health Choice Clinic think President Obama is correct and should go to the UN to stop that warmonger netenyahoo. He obviously hates persons of color in leadership positions and would return persons of colot o the plantation. That Netenyahoo guy is a liar just like Bush and he should be taught a lesson.

Posted by: Mary Clogginstein from Brattleboro, VT at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (Sd++4)

93 I got a feeling that the only shooting and tea-bagging Berry's crew does in is bath houses.Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Indestructible at March 19, 2015 05:35 PM (GuwT9)All his little minions in their twenties and thirties are likely video gamers and "geeks" (quotes for a reason).

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (OiH3z)

Most of these assholes grew up playing first person shooters were trash talking and "tea-bagging" and other forms of rubbing in your victory are not only accepted but expected.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:32 PM (OiH3z)

Sorry... don't see it...

Val Jar playing Call of Duty???

Obama playing... ANYTHING? except Golf?

Posted by: BB Wolf at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (qh617)

95 I also thinks that deep in his heart of hearts, Obama hates Jews - Obama divides everyone into colonizers and the colonized, and not only are the Jews colonizers over the noble Palestinians, but I'm sure he views Jewish small businessmen in black neighborhoods as evil colonizers as well, by taking away the business opportunities that should have gone to black people.

Obama may have had a lot of Jewish advisers, but I bet he laughs at them behind their backs.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (Mrl1e)

96 My friends who are Jewish are religious yet they vote dem. They send their kids to Hebrew school and on trips to Israel. No clue what they're thinking.

Posted by: NCKate at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (O+Ad2)

When Israel disappears into a few Iranian mushroom clouds-

they'll be sure to let you know that they meant well.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (0cMkb)

97 10 My friends who are Jewish are religious yet they vote dem. They send their kids to Hebrew school and on trips to Israel. No clue what they're thinking.
Posted by: NCKate at March 19, 2015 05:19 PM (O+Ad2)

Kinda like anti-abortion Catholics voting for democrats.
And as far as the gun thing, a good share of democrats and liberals in Michigan are pro second amendment rights. Yet, in 2008 they bought Obama's bullshit about not wanting gun control.

Posted by: nerdygirl at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (KzWjU)

98 Everything is Fine,
I read somewhere that TFG & Mooch almost got divorced after that loss because she was against it & he was so depressed he was suicidal.

In addition to all his other issues, he's mentally unstable.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (sj3Ax)

99 22
There is speculation on Drudge that Obama finally bought a house in Hawaii. That means the end is near...

The idiots in the area think obama will fit right in. Don't count on
it. He wont be inviting you over and you wont be allowed to come within
500 ft of him or his beach or his house. You will be inconvenience 24/7
and the obamas wont give a fk.

Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (iQIUe)

Interestingly, all beaches in Hawaii are Public Property.

Posted by: Brah at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (t2aeH)

100 It would be nice if the JEF would just up and quit.

Posted by: torabora at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (aYY6q)

The White House said that Bibi's election "undermines democratic ideals."


That Democratic needs to be capitalized. Small d democratic means fair, big d democratic means cheating to get your way.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (40li+)

102 Narcissists are people who never grew up; their development is frozen at the "its all about me" age of childhood. Beta males are emotionally castrated Alphas. A Beta male who is a narcissist is the worst possible person on the planet: add an emotional eunuch's rage to somebody who doesn't care who they hurt, or how much they hurt them, and you have somebody who has zero business being in any position of power, let alone the POTUS.
But he's historic first!

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (XUKZU)

103 Let's do this. Let's rip off the masks

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 05:38 PM (zOTsN)

104 da Zero reminds me of "peaked in high school Rob Lowe". I have actually known some of those. They are pathetic. 40 year old men talking about their high school exploits. Jebus.
Posted by: maddogg

Now I'm NOT going to tell you how I scored 4 touchdowns in a single game.

Posted by: Al Bundy at March 19, 2015 05:38 PM (GuwT9)

105 Participation in organized sports is plummeting across the board except for lacrosse and bowling. (Bowling?!!!).

Pop Warner football is dropping at a rate of 5% per year.

So, I guess we have more faggy ladyboys in our society to look forward to. *

*No, not every single boy has to play sports. Boys shouldn't be defined by their athletic ability. But collectively, I don't think this is a positive trend.

Posted by: Warden at March 19, 2015 05:38 PM (wHAYQ)

Val Jar playing Call of Duty???

Obama playing... ANYTHING? except Golf?Posted by: BB Wolf at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (qh617)
Actually, I can imagine TFG sprawled out on a couch playing CoD and thinking how awesome he is at it, even if he sucked.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:38 PM (OiH3z)

107 The Petulant Narcissist has sucked throughout his life at everything he's done. Yet he's been patted on the head and told how special he is.

Thanks, 52%ers. A pants load.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 05:39 PM (FsuaD)

108 91
Please don't dismiss this political terrorism as passive-aggressive acting-out by obama.

Posted by: Soothsayer's imaginary twitter feed at March 19, 2015 05:36 PM (ZxjRZ)

Yeah, but that is what motivates him. He is a petulant man-child who unfortunately has the power to do real damage when he thinks someone else's block fort is nicer than his.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 19, 2015 05:39 PM (wt/Oq)

109 The entire state of Israel has to suffer now because they picked their own leader without bowing before Obama? Just because he doesn't like the leader personally, the whole country is going to suffer. Nice. The guy has issues. Maybe if his mother-in-law moved out he'd be nicer to Israel.

Posted by: no good deed at March 19, 2015 05:39 PM (ZKGnj)

110 da Zero reminds me of "peaked in high school Rob Lowe". I have actually known some of those. They are pathetic. 40 year old men talking about their high school exploits.
Some people never get over high school and some people never outgrow it.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:39 PM (XUKZU)

111 I think that Obama is realizing now that Bibi being reelected is perfect for his plans. He has wanted forever, to have the freedom to put Israel in a precarious position and to be able to withhold support at all levels. Bibi being reelected basically gives him just the opportunity he was looking for.

He plans to screw Israel, big time. And it will start with all kinds of propaganda about Bibi's (read Israel's) resistance to a two state solution. Clearly, the MSM will give him cover and he'll get extremely little international resistance, especially from Europe.

He already declined to renew the 40 year old emergency energy agreement and that's just the start. Israel is fixing to have a new enemy in the UN, as well. That's my bet.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 19, 2015 05:39 PM (BZAd3)

112 Also, fewer than half of today's kids are being raised in traditional households.

No daddies = more "men" like Obama.

Posted by: Warden at March 19, 2015 05:39 PM (wHAYQ)

113 7 CBD

What he said.

Posted by: speedster1 on the (new) ipad at March 19, 2015 05:39 PM (1brdf)

114 Maybe Michelle can have a talk with Fredo about being a man and not a pussy? Stranger things have happened.

Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at March 19, 2015 05:40 PM (oDCMR)

115 Oh.... and as far as Obama is concerned....

Bibi's greatest sin???

Les Majeste...

Posted by: BB Wolf at March 19, 2015 05:40 PM (qh617)

116 meangirls makes so much sense! now we know why obama is hiding his certificate his sex is not "M"

hillary is gonna be big time pissed when she finds out she is too late to be the first non-male pres.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 19, 2015 05:40 PM (gsfK5)

117 "Interestingly, all beaches in Hawaii are Public Property."

Good luck trying that argument when the Secret Service goons close off Obama's private beach. (And he gets the Secret Service guards for life, remember.)

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:40 PM (Mrl1e)

118 Shit it's the house from Magnum, P.I.

This fucker is now destroying fond memories.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at March 19, 2015 05:40 PM (oFCZn)

119 *No, not every single boy has to play sports. Boys shouldn't be defined by their athletic ability. But collectively, I don't think this is a positive trend.Posted by: Warden at March 19, 2015 05:38 PM (wHAYQ)Sports just happen to be the most common competitive activity. Chess club, spelling bee, heck even competing as a mathlete or science decathalon are fine. The point is that kids need to learn how to work hard, do their best, and then winor lose graciously.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (OiH3z)

120 *No, not every single boy has to play sports. Boys shouldn't be defined by their athletic ability. But collectively, I don't think this is a positive trend.Posted by: Warden at March 19, 2015 05:38 PM (wHAYQ)Sports just happen to be the most common competitive activity. Chess club, spelling bee, heck even competing as a mathlete or science decathalon are fine. The point is that kids need to learn how to work hard, do their best, and then winor lose graciously.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (OiH3z)

121 >>>95 I also thinks that deep in his heart of hearts, Obama hates Jews - Obama divides everyone into colonizers and the colonized, ,,,

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (Mrl1e)>>>

I think it is more likely a result of his Indonesian madrassa indoctrination.

Posted by: gm at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (/kBoL)

Also, fewer than half of today's kids are being raised in traditional households.


Are you suggesting that the state is not a superior father than an icky man?

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (40li+)

123 For some reason, I may not have the experience, but I have the temperament to be President keeps ringing in my ears.

Posted by: no good deed at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (ZKGnj)

124 They'll regret this. I'm gonna tweet them so hard...

Posted by: Baraka #H Obama at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (FcR7P)

125 A number of people have already noticed that you get much higher status in the Leftist pantheon if you denounce Israel, and you have an appropriately Hebraic name.
Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:23 PM (Mrl1e)

You have a point there. Leftists and liberals care way too much about what people think of them. They're terrified of being called racist, bigot, sexist, Islamaphobic, or homophobic. This prevents them from dealing with issues based on reality, rather than political correctness.

Posted by: nerdygirl at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (KzWjU)

126 Bibi's greatest sin???

Les Majeste...
Posted by: BB Wolf

You mean Obama's angry because Bibi didn't sleep with him after his wedding?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 19, 2015 05:41 PM (JBzwC)

127 >>>Obama may have had a lot of Jewish advisers, but I bet he laughs at them behind their backs.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:37 PM (Mrl1e)>>>

Well, we certainly know that he thinks that he's smarter than them and could do their jobs better.

Posted by: gm at March 19, 2015 05:42 PM (/kBoL)

128 >>>He wont be inviting you over and you wont be allowed to come within 500 ft of him or his beach or his house<<<

Unless your name is Reggie Love and your codename is "Higgins."

Posted by: Fritz at March 19, 2015 05:42 PM (ty633)

129 Like King Richard II

Posted by: Andy in FL at March 19, 2015 05:42 PM (nf/Xx)

130 He ignores the will of the Israeli people just like the American people.

Posted by: andybird at March 19, 2015 05:42 PM (lw+ok)

What motivates obama is the hateful left wing ideology.

Posted by: Soothsayer's imaginary twitter feed at March 19, 2015 05:42 PM (ZxjRZ)

132 You know, in Captain America, there was a nice moment when the doctor said he wanted to give the Super Serum formula to a weakling, because a weakling, having been weak, would have an appreciation for strength, and its proper limits.

That's not true though. That is true of some weaklings -- ethical, moral ones.

Too true. Though Dr. Erskine also makes it clear that the formula enhances what's already inside the person. It's not necessary to state in the movie that weak or not, Steve wouldn't have been picked if he hadn't been a decent, moral, guy.

Posted by: junior at March 19, 2015 05:42 PM (UWFpX)

133 So, Barack Obama is like Lena Dunham, but with a smaller clit?

Posted by: The Alpha Hat at March 19, 2015 05:42 PM (0Ew3K)

134 118
Shit it's the house from Magnum, P.I.

This fucker is now destroying fond memories.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at March 19, 2015 05:40 PM (oFCZn)

Another dig at whitey.

Posted by: Brah at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (t2aeH)

135 If he means to destroy Israel he will go BDS, boycott, divest sanctions

He WILL do it. Matter of time. That would be a disaster

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (zOTsN)

136 So is the JEF gonna fatwa Bibi?

Posted by: torabora at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (aYY6q)

137 Following a tough physical contest, when blood is hot and adrenaline is
streaming, there is a raw moment of emotion where it does not take much
to provoke violence.

I know, right? Like when someone else shows up at the dance in the same shoes you made it very clear you were going to wear.

Posted by: Barry O'Bama at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (4nR9/)

138 and another thing, if I were Bibi I would have been calling the white mosque all day and all night leaving messages saying "hey, I won the election! give me a call. holla!"

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (gsfK5)

139 OT: The good news: Gloria Steinem is going to North Korea.

The bad news: I think she plans on coming back.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (XUKZU)

140 Allen G.
Try looking at Mark Levin Show website & look under daily recap.
He might have one Monday or Tuesday.

I don't remember where I read $98,000.
I'll check TWS website& if it was there I'll email it to you.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (sj3Ax)

141 So far it would seem the High Temple of American Jewry is all onboard with torpedoing Israel. Has anyone seen any move by the NYTs to spank Fredo? Hell, it would seem the Trotskyites are all in on a Final Solution.

Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at March 19, 2015 05:44 PM (oDCMR)

142 Also, to think that this has nothing to do with his sympathy toward Muslims in general and Islam, in particular, is about a brain dead as believing that Obama really loves this country.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 19, 2015 05:44 PM (BZAd3)

143 Possible Obama Hawaii house:

The home was built in 1933 on three acres. It features a tennis court -- and a separate bath house and boat house.


Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 05:44 PM (FsuaD)

144 Well I certainly hope that God doesn't go after all of us here in America for Obama's sins.

Posted by: jmel at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (cfFqn)

What obama did today, in league with the media, was especially bizarre and evil.

obama's people took Netanyahu's words about a Palestinian state and twisted them into something far from the truth. obama's media has been running with the "flip flop" all day.

Posted by: Soothsayer's imaginary twitter feed at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (ZxjRZ)

146 Interestingly, all beaches in Hawaii are Public Property.
Posted by: Brah

So are IRS, State Department emails..., theoretically.

Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (l1zOH)

147 hillary is gonna be big time pissed when she finds out she is too late to be the first non-male pres.

True, but the first Manatee-American president is still available.

Posted by: pep at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (4nR9/)

148 So is the JEF gonna fatwa Bibi?

Speaking of which, Horseface said fatwas were a big deal but apparently winning an election is not.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (XUKZU)

149 OT: The good news: Gloria Steinem is going to North Korea.

The bad news: I think she plans on coming back.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:43 PM (XUKZU)


Posted by: Zombie John G. Schmitz at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (0Ew3K)

150 said a senior administration official

Said a cowardly spittle-flecked jew-hater who would like nothing better then have Israel disappear in a mushroom cloud of islamic extremism.


Seriously why does the press encourage such cowardice? I'd like a name damnit.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (xQX/f)

151 AIPAC was a very dem leaning organization. Very. They claim to be bi partisan but they are more naturally democratic.

But this thing with the speech really really opened some eyes

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 05:46 PM (zOTsN)

152 Bibi is everything Obama is not - masculine, brave, personally accomplished.

Of course Obama hates him.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:46 PM (Mrl1e)

153 **thud**

I'm just going to leave this here.

Posted by: Dick Cheney at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (4nR9/)

154 "He already declined to renew the 40 year old emergency energy agreement and that's just the start."

Except that the Israelis have just discovered massive new offshore natural gas reserves. Build a gas-to-liquids plant and suddenly they're completely fuel-independent.

"Israel is fixing to have a new enemy in the UN, as well."

For 22 months, at least. Clocks ain't slowing down for Obama. Tick tick.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (noWW6)

155 and another thing, if I were Bibi I would have been calling the white mosque all day and all night leaving messages saying "hey, I won the election! give me a call. holla!" "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?"

Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (l1zOH)

156 Any bets that Israel won't exist before the end of the Obama Presidency?

Posted by: Zombie John G. Schmitz at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (0Ew3K)

157 Need moar Cheney.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (FsuaD)

158 Has anyone seen any move by the NYTs to spank Fredo?

No but Thomas "The Idiot" Friedman writes a column asking whether it is time for us to arm ISIS.

See WZ.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:48 PM (XUKZU)

159 GAH! The Five running the vid of Hillary! talking Fun Camps!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 05:48 PM (FsuaD)

160 Obama sat the bench on a prep school basketball team full of Hawaiians.


I SUCK at basketball, but I bet I could beat that homo.

Posted by: Warden at March 19, 2015 05:48 PM (wHAYQ)

161 Obama sat the bench on a prep school basketball team full of Hawaiians.


I SUCK at basketball, but I bet I could beat that homo.

Posted by: Warden at March 19, 2015 05:48 PM (wHAYQ)

162 Good:

and another thing, if I were Bibi I would have been calling the white mosque all day and all night leaving messages saying "hey, I won the election! give me a call. holla!" "Do you have Prince Albert in a can?"

Posted by: Some guy in NC

Better: Is your refrigerator running? I'm not, because I WON, bitch.

Posted by: pep at March 19, 2015 05:48 PM (4nR9/)

163 Posted by: Zombie John G. Schmitz at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (0Ew3K)

I think they will survive, but our alliance will be badly damaged.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 19, 2015 05:48 PM (AkOaV)

164 Chi-Town Mooch ain't gonna like living in Waimanalo.

Posted by: Brah at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (t2aeH)

165 Israel will exist, not so sure about this country

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (40li+)

166 "Any bets that Israel won't exist before the end of the Obama Presidency?"

LOL. Israel is the most Russified country outside the former Soviet Union (Russian Jews are the most right-wing Jews in Israel), and Israel has stayed very quiet on Russia's annexation of the Crimea and Russia's proxy war in the Ukraine.

Methinks Israel is keeping its options open.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (Mrl1e)

167 Dana Perino snark: "Nothing says 'let's have fun' like Hillary Clinton."

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (FsuaD)

Obama sat the bench on a prep school basketball team full of Hawaiians.

and he was the only black kid on the team,that had to be damaging to his ego

Posted by: kj at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (lKyWE)

169 156 Any bets that Israel won't exist before the end of the Obama Presidency?

Posted by: Zombie John G. Schmitz at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (0Ew3K)

This made me think of a quote about the American Civil War something like: "And old men who were young enough to see it born, will live to be old enough to see it fall."

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (wt/Oq)

170 If the dems want to make 2016 about the "rebounding" economy and not national security

This is not the way to do it. This is a big mistake

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (zOTsN)

171 Well, if you don't know what you did wrong, Year 2000 America, I'm not going to tell you.

You'll never live it down regardless.

Posted by: A missive from Huffistan at March 19, 2015 05:49 PM (jT+gh)

172 Allen G.
I found link. In Tuesday Levin recap & emailed to you.
It's from Free Beacon.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:50 PM (sj3Ax)

173 Israel will be there. Bibi's term is now longer than obamas

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 05:50 PM (zOTsN)

174 144Well I certainly hope that God doesn't go after all of us here in America for Obama's sins.Posted by: jmel at March 19, 2015 05:45 PM (cfFqn) I believe God holds the children responsible for the sins of the father through 2 generations, so I expect we are toast.

Posted by: maddogg at March 19, 2015 05:51 PM (xWW96)

What is required is a semi-formalized ritual of graciousness which exists chiefly to forestall actual violence following a contest, because the loser has just been humiliated and the winner may be riding a bit too high and may provoke the loser into a violent response. Following a tough physical contest, when blood is hot and adrenaline is streaming, there is a raw moment of emotion where it does not take much to provoke violence.

Hence, a formalized dance of gracious acceptance and complimenting each other's honor has evolved.

Whoa. Look at the big brain on Teh Ewok.

That's actually a pretty good point. That's also one of the reasons that modern pro sports are horribly cheapened today. The complacent and permissive attitude towards trash-talking, cheating, and generally shitty, uncivilized behavior.

Personally, I put a big part of the blame for that on the rise of Cassius Clay. Great boxer. Shitty human being.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 19, 2015 05:51 PM (ynQIy)

176 @73 You just hit on why I hate FPS games over the intarwebz. When I played sports (mostly soccer, as a kid), at the end of the game you lined up, gave the other team 5, and said, "Good game."


These punks know neither how to be gracious in victory nor defeat.


I've been playing World of Tanks lately, and everyone is fairly polite. I don't see taunting or similar nonsense in the shared chat. You'll even often see "gg" (i.e. "good game") after a match.

Posted by: junior at March 19, 2015 05:51 PM (UWFpX)


Here is link to Free Beacon.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:52 PM (sj3Ax)

178 Personally, I put a big part of the blame for that on the rise of Cassius Clay.

Eh, he cashed the checks his mouth wrote. I admire that guy's guts a lot.

Posted by: Warden at March 19, 2015 05:52 PM (wHAYQ)

179 "Obama sat the bench on a prep school basketball team full of Hawaiians.

and he was the only black kid on the team,that had to be damaging to his ego"

It was always fun seeing MSM journalists periodically assume that Obama is a great basketball player.

They never explain ***why*** they think Obama is a great basketball player, however...

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 05:52 PM (Mrl1e)

180 163 Posted by: Zombie John G. Schmitz at March 19, 2015 05:47 PM (0Ew3K)

I think they will survive, but our alliance will be badly damaged.

Posted by: mynewhandle at March 19, 2015 05:48 PM (AkOaV)

And this is what is truly so damaging from a foreign policy position about Obama. He has shown how radically the diplomatic relations with the US can swing between elections. If repubs win, then this bunch of guys are our friends. If the dems win, then we hate those guys and those guys over there are our true allies.

It should make everyone the world over a bit shaky with respect to us.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 19, 2015 05:52 PM (wt/Oq)

181 as much as I am sad he is ruining a perfectly good show by affiliating himself with the house it is kinda funny he is having to come down from the house he was looking at earlier, it was some $40mm place on great real estate.

magnum house is not as great as sow makes it seem. it is a very poor choice if you are interested in security.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 19, 2015 05:53 PM (gsfK5)

I like this: The White Mosque. LOL

Posted by: Sparky at March 19, 2015 05:53 PM (iQIUe)

183 Ben Shapiro nails it:

Posted by: ep at March 19, 2015 05:53 PM (bSWzX)

184 Ben Shapiro nails it:

Posted by: ep at March 19, 2015 05:53 PM (bSWzX)

185 Is there any likely way Obama pays for his treason, corruption, and general inhumanity in this life? Or are we reduced to the knowledge that he pays in the next? Because as bad a person as it makes me, I want his legacy to be a pile of shit. I want Obama's name to go down in history like a Benedict Arnold, or Ozymandius, just something alternatively horrible and mocking.

I want him to SEE it, and realize what a useless piece of skin he is.

Any chance, or am I just wasting my hopes and dreams?

Posted by: acethepug at March 19, 2015 05:53 PM (WK825)

186 You all know nothing about my good sportsmanship.

I'm always eager to slap a firm masculine ass.

Posted by: Obama at March 19, 2015 05:54 PM (jT+gh)

187 "You just look at them and you know they've never played sports. And that is important, because sports does teach you something about honor, and what is required of both winner and loser after a contest."

You are on to something with that thought. His understanding of Honor is nonexistant. But, Obama has always struck me as most dangerous when he loses, and particularly when his opponents are celebrating they won. It brings out the vicioûs child in him. And sociopathic children burn down their homes while the parents sleep.

Posted by: I'd rather be surfin at March 19, 2015 05:54 PM (ZPA3o)

188 AIPAC was a very dem leaning organization. Very. They claim to be bi partisan but they are more naturally democratic.

I think it's hilarious when a word becomes a whole argument. Like CHOICE is shorthand for "I support a person's decision to kill a human before it escapes her womb".

AIPAC is short for "I don't like Joooooos".

Posted by: bonhomme at March 19, 2015 05:55 PM (jhqr1)

189 What's next, Captain Passive-Aggressive? The silent treatment?

It's the Big Ig, man, accompanied by beaucoup icy stares and exaggerated eye rolls. Snarky hashtag to follow.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at March 19, 2015 05:55 PM (8ZskC)

190 He will go hard left. Full BDS. It's his strategy to go as hard left all the time now, because he has nothing to lose. None of that helps hillary.

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 05:55 PM (zOTsN)

191 @147 True, but the first Manatee-American president is still available.

So has Wendell decided whether he wants to run?

Posted by: junior at March 19, 2015 05:55 PM (UWFpX)

192 Just on the silent treatment real quick. Actually it was more manly than its current incarnation.
Honestly, if you were really angry at someone else, then it was better to be silent than to speak to them and say something that would causea fistfightor a duel. It was simply a way of saying I have nothing to say to you that is not ill, and I will neither provoke nor disgrace either of us by saying it. And if youmock me for it,I will bear it in silence and let your own low tongue drag you down.
Sort of like the ignore scripthere in the comments.

Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Plush Porcupine at March 19, 2015 05:56 PM (k8xvx)

193 They never explain ***why*** they think Obama is a great basketball player, however...

...and there you have the Secret of My Success.

Posted by: Emperor Clusterfuck I at March 19, 2015 05:56 PM (S0A/C)

194 They never explain ***why*** they think Obama is a great basketball player, however...

Umm, DUH!

Posted by: The MSM, Now With 20% More Objectivity at March 19, 2015 05:56 PM (8ZskC)

195 Give a weak person power and they inevitably become a tyrant. I've watched beta males in offices all my life. Any smidgeon of power turns their behavior toward their coworkers from that of trembling chihuahuas to vicious dobermans. Every. Single. Time.

Posted by: kathysaysso at March 19, 2015 05:56 PM (fMQoG)

196 Dana Perino snark: "Nothing says 'let's have fun' like Hillary Clinton."

Yeah, some Oleo and a little nude Twister with Hillary! would be anybody's idea of fun.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 19, 2015 05:56 PM (XUKZU)

197 he was the only black kid on the team,that had to be damaging to his ego

He may have been an Indonesian prince back then. Actually playing would have been beneath him.

Posted by: t-bird at March 19, 2015 05:57 PM (FcR7P)

198 ugh. spacing. Of course, nowadays when a modern, normal, non-Obama man gives you the silent treatment, it's a warning sign that you've pissed him off beyond an explosion of rage, and that you have made a real enemy.

Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Plush Porcupine at March 19, 2015 05:57 PM (k8xvx)

199 I think the President needs a lap penguin!

Everyone needs a lap penguin so we can all have peace with each other!

Leeeeets Siiiiing!!!!!

Posted by: Fat chick with crab hat from last thread at March 19, 2015 05:57 PM (o2yvE)

Interestingly, all beaches in Hawaii are Public Property.
Posted by: Brah

So are the beaches in Malibu, but the Hollywood types who live there will close off the public access easements on their property, send security to harass people on the beach in front of their houses and lie through their teeth threatening beachgoers with trespassing charges.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 19, 2015 05:58 PM (ynQIy)

There is already a palestinian state called Jordan.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 19, 2015 05:58 PM (ODxAs)

202 So if you are Jew who stays in line you're okay with Dem leadership, but watch out if you get out of line. They will sic Harry Reid on you and maybe Al Sharpton. Two guys I would love to run into in a dark alley.

Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at March 19, 2015 05:58 PM (oDCMR)

203 When are the American people going to wake and realize Obama and his minions are TRAITORS? Probably when it's too late. Let's all put a "M" over our hearts as we head to the camps so that we can recognize each other.

Posted by: Zoltan at March 19, 2015 05:58 PM (eLZwy)

204 Zero is a wimp & wears Mom jeans. He isn't masculine at all.

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 05:59 PM (sj3Ax)

As rotten as it is to accept you must realize by now that obama will not allow anything to derail his radical agenda. Not elections; not the courts; not the laws; and not the Constitution.

obama will not stop until he gets everything he wants.

Posted by: Soothsayer's imaginary twitter feed at March 19, 2015 05:59 PM (ZxjRZ)

my grandfather was sicilian they don't call it the silent treatment it was the you're dead to me treatment

Posted by: kj at March 19, 2015 05:59 PM (lKyWE)

207 Lets paint each others bodies that will help us all get along.

Posted by: Fat chick with crab hat from last thread at March 19, 2015 06:00 PM (o2yvE)

208 Remember when the JEF threw out his first opening pitch (wearing mom jeans) and it was absolutely awful and embarrassing?

The idiot did a fist pump, like it was the Best. Pitch. Ever.

He's not even aware he sucks at everything. He really believes he's awesome.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:01 PM (FsuaD)

209 obama will not stop until he gets everything he wants.

Posted by: Soothsayer's imaginary twitter feed at March 19, 2015 05:59 PM (ZxjRZ)

He will get it - and then it will be snatched away or it will crumble before his eyes. He won't be able to cope. I predict full on insanity for the guy before he hits 60.

Posted by: kathysaysso at March 19, 2015 06:01 PM (fMQoG)

210 hillary is less of an oleo lady and mor of a flour lady, bill always kept a sack of flour by the bed in case he was gonna sex hillary.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 19, 2015 06:01 PM (gsfK5)

211 @201 There is already a palestinian state called Jordan.

It's Hashemite.

And the PLO's original name came from when the Palestinian's tried to change that via violent means.

Posted by: junior at March 19, 2015 06:01 PM (UWFpX)

obama is not semi-retired. obama is not counting the days until he leaves office. obama does not hate being the acting president of the United States of America.

obama loves what he's doing and he's living the dream -- his and his father's dream, to be exact.

Posted by: Soothsayer's imaginary twitter feed at March 19, 2015 06:01 PM (ZxjRZ)

213 206 my grandfather was sicilian they don't call it the silent treatment it was the you're dead to me treatment

Posted by: kj at March 19, 2015 05:59 PM (lKyWE)

...and sometimes you were actually dead.

Posted by: Badda Bing at March 19, 2015 06:01 PM (o2yvE)

I didn't lose.

I have never lost.

On rare occasions I have won in another direction, however that simply resulted in even more awesome WINNING!

Posted by: President Choad-Load at March 19, 2015 06:02 PM (maLc1)

215 Yes, but has bench-warmer Barry filled out his bracket? Posted by: huerfano at March 19, 2015 05:22 PM (bAGA/)

He has. I went to a pub quiz night and one of the questions was which school was his #1 bracket pick. I SO wish I was making that up.

The correct quiz question should have been, which team is Obama's top pick and thus has not a chance in Hades of winning the whole shebang?

Posted by: LizLem at March 19, 2015 06:03 PM (yRwC8)

216 We do not know the future. Events have a habit of intervening. Israel has some new friends in the neighborhood.

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 06:03 PM (zOTsN)

217 193 They never explain ***why*** they think Obama is a great basketball player, however...

...and there you have the Secret of My Success.

Posted by: Emperor Clusterfuck I at March 19, 2015 05:56 PM (S0A/C)

/starts to sing...

the Secret to my success
is I'm Lieing...
25 hours a dayyyyyyy

Posted by: Obama, Pop Star at March 19, 2015 06:03 PM (qh617)

218 "But some weaklings -- maybe many -- are actually the worst people to give power to, because all they think of is vengeance for past slights. Having never known power, they are all too willing to use it to punish their enemies, real and imagined. Obama is such a weakling, obviously, and so are most of his high ranking Ladyboy advisers."

As I said back in 2008, Losers will behave like Losers even when they win.

Posted by: baldilocks at March 19, 2015 06:03 PM (t2Kll)

219 Wow! Jackpot!

I've just received an email from a London 'lawyer' telling me that a distant relative has died, and left some property.

Woo hoo!. Oddly, however, he seems to have a gmail address.

* deletes *

Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (l1zOH)

220 Is anyone else sick of the word optics?

Posted by: FCF at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (kejii)

221 American Jews = Liberal Ideology First , then as an after thought their Culture and Heritage...
So they got that eh?

Posted by: V2 at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (/WmRg)

222 Really good stuff, Ace. Don't know where your wires got crossed and sparked that Captain America connection, but your contrast with the turd in chief is perfect.

Posted by: goon at March 19, 2015 06:05 PM (gNTQS)

223 220 Is anyone else sick of the word optics?

Posted by: FCF at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (kejii)

I am.

Posted by: Stevie Wonder at March 19, 2015 06:05 PM (o2yvE)

224 The correct quiz question should have been, which team is Obama's top pick and thus has not a chance in Hades of winning the whole shebang?

The Shit Midas effect.
Obama touches it..., it's doomed.

Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 06:05 PM (l1zOH)

225 @213
Especially if you kept pushing the issue with the person who'd declared you dead to them.

Posted by: lurkingestlurker-Giant Plush Porcupine at March 19, 2015 06:05 PM (k8xvx)

226 Not all american jews. I expect the next two years will be revealing

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 06:06 PM (zOTsN)

227 Is anyone else sick of the word optics?

Posted by: FCF at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (kejii)

I am.
Posted by: Stevie

* 'reaches out' to 'dialog' with FCF *

Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 06:06 PM (l1zOH)

228 He's not even aware he sucks at everything. He really believes he's awesome.

Posted by: Jane D'oh

This is one of the saddest things about Ear Leader.

Posted by: Moderate Salami at March 19, 2015 06:06 PM (/Ho8c)

229 223 220 Is anyone else sick of the word optics?

Posted by: FCF at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (kejii)

I am.

Posted by: Stevie Wonder at March 19, 2015 06:05 PM (o2yvE)

Braille.... Helloooooooo...

Posted by: Helen Keller at March 19, 2015 06:06 PM (qh617)

230 anyone have any interest in buying this clown out of his remaining time in office? I would even go in on a cool billion and have biden replace him if he goes before june.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 19, 2015 06:07 PM (gsfK5)

231 213 lol

Posted by: FCF at March 19, 2015 06:07 PM (kejii)

232 220 Is anyone else sick of the word optics? <<<<<<<<<<<

Spelled wrong.

Posted by: Coptics at March 19, 2015 06:07 PM (ODxAs)

233 Obama actually did play some sports, so I don't think you can pin that on him.

Posted by: Ernst Blofeld at March 19, 2015 06:07 PM (XZWie)

234 but Barack is all about the sports!

he plays ball, golf, skeet

that's what they told me!

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2015 06:08 PM (Cq0oW)

Is anyone else sick of the word optics?

Posted by: FCF
Not if it applies to magnifier or performance aids for firearms.

Posted by: Moderate Salami at March 19, 2015 06:08 PM (/Ho8c)

236 I can't stand the word impactful.

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 06:08 PM (zOTsN)

237 * 'reaches out' to 'dialog' with FCF *
Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 06:06 PM (l1zOH)

did you wash those hands????

Posted by: FCF at March 19, 2015 06:08 PM (kejii)

238 >>194 They never explain ***why*** they think Obama is a great basketball player, however...

They figure that 1/2 of him has to be awesome at basketball.

Posted by: Garrett at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (Tf11y)

239 If you think this petulant c*** is bad as president, just wait till the next petulant c*** gets in office: I'm looking at you Hilary.

Posted by: Sharkman at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (o3ff4)

240 I called PM Pee-Pee (hic) I mean Biblier (Hic) I mean Bi Bi (HIC) and told him I'd big Jew honker in my hot pocket (urp) and if he'd gimmie a nose job I'd let 'em nuke Iran (Urp) and go sharsies on slant drilling their oil. (URP). Hahahahaha I said 'slant' (hicurpyaaaaaaaaack).

Posted by: President Prolapse at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (maLc1)

241 I just don't get it. I don't believe American Jews aren't the 'demographic' that wants to be on the government dole.... and the Dems are not supporters of Israel....So what the hell is it that they get from voting Dem?

Posted by: Badda Bing at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (o2yvE)

do you think he ever tried surfing?

Posted by: kj at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (lKyWE)

243 i think Obama is the kind of opponent who is constantly talking smack while you tee up though

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (Cq0oW)

244 Yer right, that word "optics" jumped off of the page at me too, and I had to set my drink down before it shook out of my hand. Why don't they just go ahead and obfuscate and mumble like the ordinary information street corner whores that they are, instead of getting all uppity and trying act like call girls.

Posted by: goon at March 19, 2015 06:10 PM (gNTQS)

245 Is anyone else sick of the word optics?


Posted by: Ansel Adams at March 19, 2015 06:10 PM (sH832)

246 If you think this petulant c*** is bad as president, just wait till the next petulant c*** gets in office: I'm looking at you Hilary.
Posted by: Sharkman

I'm going to greatly improve our relationship with Israel by opening a series of Adult Fun Camps there too. Free train ride included.

Posted by: Hillary Rodham-Rodham at March 19, 2015 06:11 PM (GuwT9)

247 He's picked Kentucky (who are 34-0) to win the tournament. Can Kentucky survive President Merde-as?

Posted by: t-bird at March 19, 2015 06:11 PM (FcR7P)

248 242

do you think he ever tried surfing?

Posted by: kj at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (lKyWE)

If he hasn't, I wish he'd try.

*types* *deletes*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:11 PM (FsuaD)

249 Wow! Jackpot!

I've just received an email from a London 'lawyer' telling me that a distant relative has died, and left some property.

Woo hoo!. Oddly, however, he seems to have a gmail address.

* deletes *
Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (l1zOH)


Big mistake.

I got a letter from the same lawyer and now I'm next in line to be the King of England.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 19, 2015 06:11 PM (0cMkb)

250 242

do you think he ever tried surfing?

Posted by: kj at March 19, 2015 06:09 PM (lKyWE)

He body surfs. Because the clutz always falls off a board.

Posted by: Brah at March 19, 2015 06:12 PM (t2aeH)

251 The Shit Midas effect.
Obama touches it..., it's doomed.
Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 06:05 PM (l1zOH)

Yup. Oh, and the pub had TVs on ESPN, and I swear every 20 minutes they kept putting up Obama's mug and showed him writing out his pics on a big board. Because of course that is the most important sports news of the day. Really wanted to throw something at the TV.

Posted by: LizLem at March 19, 2015 06:12 PM (yRwC8)

252 Ugh.

I hear the Barrel calling.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 19, 2015 06:12 PM (0cMkb)

253 Hillary, move aside. We already have our first woman girl president.

Posted by: chique d'afrique (the artist formerly known as african chick) at March 19, 2015 06:12 PM (shFKH)

254 He body surfs. Because the clutz always falls off a board.

Even he can't fall off the ocean.

Posted by: t-bird at March 19, 2015 06:12 PM (FcR7P)

Obama hates Jews. It should be known to everybody by now.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (ODxAs)

256 "Chi-Town Mooch ain't gonna like living in Waimanalo."

I doubt the Obamas are going to have anything at all to do with Shitcargo after the White House, except for the occasional brief ceremonial visit.

It'll be time split between NYC and Kailua.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (noWW6)

257 I think calling him "Girlish" is the only exception to the superior nature of Ace's post. It is a complete disservice to American girls to wedge the wedgie-in-chief in there with them. (he "feels" like a bad wedgie, no?)

Posted by: goon at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (gNTQS)

258 Remember Obama repeatedly covertly giving the finger to his opponents during the 2008 presidential campaign?

What a small, small, man.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (Mrl1e)

259 It isn't known to weaklings, or man-boys who wish to pretend to be athletes,

It isn't always kept up or effective even when taught.

Posted by: DaveA at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (DL2i+)

Yup. Oh, and the pub had TVs on ESPN, and I
swear every 20 minutes they kept putting up Obama's mug and showed him
writing out his pics on a big board. Because of course that is the most
important sports news of the day. Really wanted to throw something at
the TV.

Posted by: LizLem at March 19, 2015 06:12 PM (yRwC

What was the reaction in the pub? Was it all, "Ooooh, ahhhh!" or was it, "Get the f*ck off the TV!"

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (FsuaD)

261 He's vile. If Obama could, he would exterminate his opponents. Not figuratively. He would have us kneeling blindfolded in a trench with a gun at out temples. The level of anger his policies towards Israel generate in me has to be unhealthy since I have no outlet. It makes me physically angry to think about.

Posted by: Naes at March 19, 2015 06:14 PM (YhayY)

262 Obama hates Jews. It should be known to everybody by now.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (ODxAs)

Not our money though!

Posted by: Hollywood and Silicon Valley Jews, happily clueless at March 19, 2015 06:14 PM (yRwC8)

263 Is anyone else sick of the word optics?
Posted by: FCF at March 19, 2015 06:04 PM (kejii)


Posted by: Sir Isaac Newton at March 19, 2015 06:14 PM (t//F+)

264 Optics rule the battlefield.

Posted by: Trijicon at March 19, 2015 06:15 PM (q3rj5)

265 Zero is giving Bibi the silent treatment!

Posted by: Carol at March 19, 2015 06:16 PM (sj3Ax)

266 Craig Robinson is to college sports what Barack Obama is to presidenting.

It's a family thing.

Posted by: Fritz at March 19, 2015 06:16 PM (ty633)

267 because sports does teach you something about honor,

And bleeding.

Posted by: DaveA at March 19, 2015 06:16 PM (DL2i+)

268 "Obama hates Jews. It should be known to everybody by now."

That's why the Los Angeles Times won't release the tape of Obama's remarks when Rashid Khalidi left the University of Chicago.

It would make things too obvious.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 06:16 PM (Mrl1e)

269 Ace, no offense, but - what would you have us do? Vote Republican? I thought you'd had it with the Republicans, won't be back.

I can tell you what I'm doing. When I receive emails from republican organizations soliciting money, I'm emailing them back listing all of the ways that they've caved to democrats in congress. If you've ever donated you get a lot of these emails. I'm taking a lot of time to do this. When I get anything by snail mail, I type a response on my computer, print it out and mail it back. These gutless, prissy republicans need to be confronted over and over again with what failures they are.

In the last couple of months my responses have started with a sentence about how we voters GAVE them majorities in the house and the senate, and they have done nothing with it. I've stopped short of accusing them of sucking Obama's member, but don't think I haven't been tempted.

I'm pissed off and I'm taking it out on any republican organization that asks me for money.

Posted by: nerdygirl at March 19, 2015 06:16 PM (KzWjU)

270 He was half black and went to a school made up of mostly Asians,yet he rode the pine for the basketball team.

Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2015 06:17 PM (KETbL)

Obama actually did play some sports, so I don't think you can pin that on him.

Posted by: Ernst Blofeld at March 19, 2015 06:07 PM (XZWie)

Does Pocket Pool count as a sport?

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 19, 2015 06:17 PM (ynQIy)

272 Slightly OT, Obastard called and commended Morsi hours after Egypt's election commission confirmed Morsi's win.

Posted by: fly gal at March 19, 2015 06:17 PM (8TdcF)

273 What was the reaction in the pub? Was it all, "Ooooh, ahhhh!" or was it, "Get the f*ck off the TV!"
Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:13 PM (FsuaD)

The sound wasn't on because quiz night, so everyone just ignored it. We joked about it at my table. And sadly the repeating news stories on his bracket pics didn't come up until after the question was asked! Tough questions last night, my team did terribly, could have used a freebie answer. Thanks Obama!

Posted by: Hollywood and Silicon Valley Jews, happily clueless at March 19, 2015 06:18 PM (yRwC8)

274 There have been other times when I have thought that Obama has gone so far over the line that even many of the leftist members of congress would be forced, if for nothing less than a remnant spark of love for this country, to cease supporting him.

I sincerely hope, that if Obama seriously threatens Israel, that this will finally be the last straw.

My bet though, is that it won't.

Posted by: LoneStarHeeb at March 19, 2015 06:18 PM (BZAd3)

275 266
Craig Robinson is to college sports what Barack Obama is to presidenting.

It's a family thing.

Posted by: Fritz at March 19, 2015 06:16 PM (ty633)

Thread Winner

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:19 PM (FsuaD)

276 270
He was half black and went to a school made up of mostly Asians,yet he rode the pine for the basketball team.

Posted by: steevy at March 19, 2015 06:17 PM (KETbL)

He's actually more Arab than African, according to official records in Kenya.

Posted by: Brah at March 19, 2015 06:19 PM (t2aeH)

277 76 Yeah? How'd you like to be us? Anybody ever wonder why we're always shitfaced and chasing hookers?
Posted by: Mr. X, Presidential Secret Service Detail at March 19, 2015 05:34 PM (S0A/C)

You've walked in on Obama and Reggie?

Posted by: nerdygirl at March 19, 2015 06:19 PM (KzWjU)

278 I remember leaving a bar mitzvah a few years back and seeing a pro-Obama bumper sticker on a car in the parking lot... written in Yiddish.

All I could do was to shake my head and keep walking.

Some people are just beyond help.

Posted by: Wiserbud at March 19, 2015 06:19 PM (XlHZs)

279 lol off sock.

Posted by: LizLem at March 19, 2015 06:20 PM (yRwC8)

280 Funny that the JEF's MIL wasn't too fond of his white half.

It's racism all the way down in that family.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:20 PM (FsuaD)

281 I'm sure it would have been really tough on Obama if the Hawaiians on the football team had shoved his head into one the commodes in the girl's bathroom back in high school. First of all it would have violated the zero tolerance open bathrooms policy, and secondarily, how do you yell racism when the perps aren't white? Probably the worst day of his life; I wouldn't be surprised if the thought of that haunts his every dream.

Posted by: An Observation - I use Silver Bullet gun oil at March 19, 2015 06:21 PM (KK2fU)

282 Let try not to blame all jews for obama. The Jewish vote didn't put him over the top here in the states.

The Jewish vote in Israel rejected him

Posted by: ThunderB, PinUpWhoreBabyMachine at March 19, 2015 06:21 PM (zOTsN)

283 bitchy thing is bitchy... #Unexpectedly

but what else can you expect from a closet moose slime but Jew Hate?

Posted by: redc1c4 at March 19, 2015 06:21 PM (RiMtm)

284 Obama is not exactly a weakling.
He's the social bully who get other people to do his physical bullying.

Oh, and he's a dick.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 19, 2015 06:22 PM (V+8gv)

285 It'll be time split between NYC and Kailua.
You know Obama's gonna end up on Epstein's pedo-island hoping like hell Bill Clinton mistakes him for a 14-year-old girl.

Posted by: Hibiscus Credit-Unions at March 19, 2015 06:22 PM (Q819Q)

286 He's actually more Arab than African, according to official records in Kenya.

Posted by: Brah at March 19, 2015 06:19 PM (t2aeH)

It's been suggested that his Kenyan ancestors were slavers. How ironic if they sold Mooch's ancestors to The Man.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:22 PM (FsuaD)

287 "It isn't known to weaklings, or man-boys..."

or Womyn-Women

Posted by: JarvisW at March 19, 2015 06:23 PM (E7Iyp)

288 >>You know Obama's gonna end up on Epstein's pedo-island hoping like hell Bill Clinton mistakes him for a 14-year-old girl.

Or in Thailand vacationing with some of the local fun boys.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 19, 2015 06:23 PM (V+8gv)


Posted by: Bruce Jenner's Plastic Vag at March 19, 2015 06:23 PM (qG5kf)

290 Well done.

Posted by: bour3 at March 19, 2015 06:24 PM (5x3+2)

291 A dear friend of ours is Jewish. Not religious, but conservative.

We did a Stand With Israel event here that I co-chaired, and he literally had to plead with the Jewish community to attend.

As he has explained to me, many Jews (like him) are non-religious, but their "religion" is Liberalism.

Tis a puzzlement.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:24 PM (FsuaD)

292 Look on the bright side - after his term is up, Obama isn't going to go to any "Orgy Islands" with underaged girls.

We can be quite sure of this.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 06:24 PM (Mrl1e)

293 We need a new cloggenstein sock. This one is getting worn out quick.

Posted by: Luap Nor's last brain cell at March 19, 2015 06:26 PM (QLqUE)

294 >>
Look on the bright side - after his term is up, Obama isn't going to go to any "Orgy Islands" with underaged girls.

He'll be Just like Bill in that he will never co-habitate with his wife again.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 19, 2015 06:27 PM (V+8gv)

295 "As he has explained to me, many Jews (like him) are non-religious, but their "religion" is Liberalism."

Even as the Left insists on racial quotas in universities. Besides Asians, who do you think loses out by "affirmative action" in admissions?

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 06:27 PM (Mrl1e)

296 It's been suggested that his Kenyan ancestors were slavers. How ironic if they sold Mooch's ancestors to The Man.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:22 PM (FsuaD)

I hope they kept their receipt.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 19, 2015 06:28 PM (oKE6c)

297 So what the hell is it that they get from voting Dem?

Follow this slowly, carefully. The report that American Jews vote for (D's) is based on exit polling. Okay so far? In psychology that is referred to as 'self report' -- also known as notorious for inaccuracy. People 'self report' that if they saw $10.00 lying on the ground they would turn it in at a 'Lost and Found' 50 feet away. But they don't. Still with me? Good.

Their was an obstetrician who bragged he had a 100% record of predicting the unborn child's gender. He did. Because what he did was simple...

He would look at the mother say, "Male'' then write down "Female" on the chart. Or vice versa. Doesn't matter. If he was correct he was not questioned. If wrong (verbally) he already had himself covered in writing.

So I don't know if this is the case -- that a couple thousand years of pretty awful stuff happening to Jews has caused them to be a tad deceitful as a way of staying alive. But it's my theory, and I'm sticking to it.

Posted by: SE Pa Moron at March 19, 2015 06:28 PM (xQX/f)

298 I've actually am amazed that after six years of Obama's foreign policy, things aren't worse.

I don't think that we will be so lucky for the next two years - our enemies know the window of opportunity is closing.

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 06:31 PM (Mrl1e)

299 I remember leaving a bar mitzvah a few years back
and seeing a pro-Obama bumper sticker on a car in the parking lot...
written in Yiddish.

All I could do was to shake my head and keep walking.

Some people are just beyond help.
Posted by: Wiserbud at March 19, 2015 06:19 PM (XlHZs)

I saw those too, and wondered what it would take to get a bunch printed up in the same style that said "Auslander raus" in Yiddish , or "Drive the Jews into the sea" in Hebrew script and mail them to the heavy dem/union supporters in the office with the note about how useful they are to the re-election and why it is important to put them on their car to show solidarity with our rock-ribbed Jewish brethren.

Not that anyone could read the damned things or care.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 19, 2015 06:31 PM (t//F+)

300 In the last couple of months my responses have started with a sentence about how we voters GAVE them majorities in the house and the senate, and they have done nothing with it. I've stopped short of accusing them of sucking Obama's member, but don't think I haven't been tempted.

Penned, and posted two weeks ago:

The Honorable Mark Meadows
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative Meadows:

Regarding Speaker John Boehner and the state of the Republican Party.

First, I offer my bona fides. I am a North Carolinian, born and bred. Generations of my family have been tarheels. I was born here, christened here, went to elementary school here, high school, UNC at Chapel Hill, entered the service at Raleigh, attended boot camp at Ft. Bragg, and served three years in the U.S. Army during Viet Nam. I have been a life-long state and federal taxpayer, and an investor in North Carolina businesses. So much for that.

Am I Republican? No. Tea Party? No. I am a conservative Independent who has voted Republican for decades.

I wonder if you appreciate fully the rapid fall in respect and growing contempt that the conservative base is feeling toward the Republican Party? Perhaps you do, and perhaps you have the same misgivings. The sad truth is that many very good people that I know are on the precipice of simply abandoning the Party. The post mid-term performance of the Republican Party has been contemptible.

I acknowledge that you may well have done your best to forward a conservative stance, however, Sen. McConnell and Rep. Boehner seem to have little genuine concern about the direction of the country, or it’s well-being. Sadly, their misdirection (in my humble, but studied perspective) has severely damaged the confidence that conservatives have in the system, and more particularly, in the party for which they voted.

More and more often I hear acquaintances say that it does not matter for whom one votes, because the Republicans are simply “go along to get along” in their attitude. The last several weeks seem to confirm that perspective. The actions of both Sen. McConnell and Rep. Boehner are bleeding the Republican Party (and the country, for that matter) of it’s base. I recognize that you may exercise little influence over Sens. Burr and Tillis in regard to McConnell, but to the extent that you do, I urge you to convey to them the extent to which McConnell is negatively impacting the attitude of the base.

Regarding Boehner…, I simply want him out as Speaker. He is doing irreparable damage to the party and the country.


Posted by: Some guy in NC at March 19, 2015 06:32 PM (l1zOH)

301 "I saw those too, and wondered what it would take to get a bunch printed up in the same style that said "Auslander raus" in Yiddish"

I liked the t-shirts in Israel that said "Israel Defense Forces" in Arabic.

Just the thing to give to your leftist friends - tell them that it says "Solidarity With Palestine".

Posted by: Everything Is Fine at March 19, 2015 06:34 PM (Mrl1e)

302 A great example of a bad weakling to give power to is Forest Whitaker's character in the movie "The Experiment." It's on Netflix, I believe.

His character is mercilessly belittled and emotionally abused by his mother. But in the experiment of the movie's title, he is given significant power over others and handles it very poorly.

Posted by: Joe at March 19, 2015 06:35 PM (whQHr)

303 So if you are Jew who stays in line you're okay with Dem leadership, but
watch out if you get out of line. They will sic Harry Reid on you and
maybe Al Sharpton. Two guys I would love to run into in a dark alley.

There are reasons that Politicians stay out of dark alleys - really good reasons.

Posted by: An Observation - I use Silver Bullet gun oil at March 19, 2015 06:44 PM (KK2fU)

304 >This is seriously the first man I've ever observed for any length of time who always wants you to know he's Ragging.

Good lord this is funny.

Posted by: fb at March 19, 2015 06:45 PM (JVEmw)

I'll defend any Jew for $99.95*

*Cash only

Posted by: President Prolapse at March 19, 2015 06:46 PM (maLc1)

306 That's not true though. That is true of some weaklings -- ethical, moral ones

This is a way to test your theory ace
Give me the keys to the banhammer

Posted by: Puppy loving NCJ (trust me) at March 19, 2015 06:46 PM (1VJMO)

307 185 Is there any likely way Obama pays for his treason, corruption, and general inhumanity in this life? Or are we reduced to the knowledge that he pays in the next? Because as bad a person as it makes me, I want his legacy to be a pile of shit. I want Obama's name to go down in history like a Benedict Arnold, or Ozymandius, just something alternatively horrible and mocking.

I want him to SEE it, and realize what a useless piece of skin he is.

Any chance, or am I just wasting my hopes and dreams?
Posted by: acethepug at March 19, 2015 05:53 PM (WK825)

If sanity ever again prevails in this country and Americans rediscover the values that made them great - they will curse his name and those who voted for him.

I hope with all my heart that happens - but I don't know if any of us will be alive to see it.

Posted by: Donna &&&&&& V. (brandishing ampersands) at March 19, 2015 06:49 PM (+XMAD)

308 What's next, Captain Passive-Aggressive? The silent treatment?

Considering that I cannot stand the sound of his voice, I'm all for it.

Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2015 06:50 PM (sdi6R)

309 Bibi to Obama, "I Won"

Posted by: comrade willow at March 19, 2015 06:50 PM (nqBYe)

310 10 My friends who are Jewish are religious yet they vote dem. They send their kids to Hebrew school and on trips to Israel. No clue what they're thinking.

That somebody should kill them. What else could it be?

As individuals they fight for life. As a culture and country they seem to be suicidal.

Posted by: Jack at March 19, 2015 06:57 PM (53CCM)

311 I am not speaking to that bitch! And I don't care what you say!!

Posted by: Barack Obama at March 19, 2015 06:58 PM (53CCM)

312 286 He's actually more Arab than African, according to official records in Kenya.

Posted by: Brah at March 19, 2015 06:19 PM (t2aeH)

It's been suggested that his Kenyan ancestors were slavers. How ironic if they sold Mooch's ancestors to The Man.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 19, 2015 06:22 PM (FsuaD)

And what about his mother's side of the family? Where did they come from? Is there any chance some of her ancestors owned slaves?

It would be supremely ironic if the "first black president", supported by 95% of American blacks, has more slave traders and slave owners than slaves in his ancestry.

Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2015 07:02 PM (sdi6R)

313 185: "I want Obama's name to go down in history like a Benedict Arnold, or Ozymandius, just something alternatively horrible and mocking."

I would, too - especially Benedict Arnold - which means Obama would have to do something analogous to what Arnold did at Ticonderoga or Saratoga. Still waiting, though.

Posted by: FireHorse at March 19, 2015 07:02 PM (wdXFj)

314 nerdygirl, #269:

"I can tell you what I'm doing. When I receive emails from republican organizations soliciting money, I'm emailing them back listing all of the ways that they've caved to democrats in congress."

I like that. I'd been ducking their calls, but the last time I took one, the poor woman - who seemed really nice and sincere - got an earful from me. The key exchange (pre-last-election):

"Sir, I understand but I don't want Obama and his allies to control the presidency and both houses of Congress."

"Let 'em. They make a better case against themselves than we've made against them."

(Which may be true, but they make it by doing a hell of a lot of damage, some of it long-lasting.)

Posted by: JPS at March 19, 2015 07:05 PM (9ziuC)

315 I nominate 284 as thread winner. Do I hear a second?

Posted by: FireHorse at March 19, 2015 07:05 PM (wdXFj)

316 Joe, #302:

That sounds interesting. I like Forest Whitaker, and am pleased to say I have no idea what his politics are.

Posted by: JPS at March 19, 2015 07:06 PM (9ziuC)

317 Arnold was a genuine war hero, for a while. Not much chance of that happening.

The name I'm thinking of--and have been since 2008--would put me in violation of Godwin's Law.

Posted by: rickl at March 19, 2015 07:07 PM (sdi6R)

318 Thinking about American Jews - I can understand, sort of, why the secular ones seem to be indifferent to Israel.

If Jews no longer believe in their religion, what reason, really, do they have for remaining Jewish or identifying with the Jewish state? (Obviously, that's not true of Israelis - just being an Israeli Jew is an affirmation of Jewishness, no matter how secular one might be.)

After all, the reason Jews went to their deaths through centuries of persecution was because they refused to convert. With the exception of the Spanish, who were the first Europeans to focus on "Jewish blood" in a racist way, up until the modern era, converting to Christianity was a way to escape the ghetto and enter the larger society - and yet most Jews refused because they firmly believed in the Torah and were willing to die defending it.

Take that belief away, put the Jews in an environment where they are not persecuted and well, when Jewishness has nothing to do with religious beliefs, then it becomes a matter of ethnicity only. One is of Jewish descent like others are of Irish or Italian or Polish descent. Passover becomes like St. Patrick's day or Christmas for nonbelievers- you get together with family, celebrate your heritage with certain traditional foods and rituals - .and that's it. It doesn't mean anything deeper or connect you with the God of your ancestors.

So if being Jewish is nothing more than ethnicity, then why not marry a non-Jew? Why send the kids to Hebrew school? Fifth generation German - Americans don't insist that their kids learn German. It seems to me that outside of Israel, Jewish identity is bound to disintegrate once it's unmoored from the reason there is a Jewish identity in the first place.

It also seems like Holocaust remembrance took the place of religious observance for many Jews - the thing which reminded them they were different. However, now that most of the survivors are dead and the horror of the camps has receded, it doesn't look like that, in and of itself, is enough to keep the Jewish people unified or determined to continue on.

But - these are just the musings of a gentile. So I could be full of it.

Posted by: Donna &&&&&& V. (brandishing ampersands) at March 19, 2015 07:15 PM (+XMAD)

I always think that a smart politician, who enjoyed golfing, would invite members of the opposition party out with him. Physical activity, a few beers, listen to their bitching, make your opinions known.It lessons the personal animosity between men, and increases the chances of compromise and trust. Bro time. You don't have to agree, or even like, the people you are with for this to work. It's actually fun.
Now, bitchy little girl presidents sulk off on their own. Golf is "me" time. Time is spent saying snarky things and gossiping about people you don't like.

Posted by: Doctor Lexus at March 19, 2015 07:21 PM (F192H)

320 Obama is going to get his good buddies the Iranians killed

Posted by: Benedict Arnold CEO at March 19, 2015 07:22 PM (n5fTN)

All of this is sadly typical of a manwho never had a father. Never sat around and listened to a group of men "shoot the shit" so to speak. He literally does not know how the world of men operates, and would not be very comfortable in it. He's lived a sheltered, cloistered life. His primary experience is private schools and faculty lounges. These are the bitchiest, mean girl places, you will ever find. The classic saying about faculty lounges is "the drama is high precisely because the stakes are so low."This is the faculty lounge presidency.

Its all very sad really - never has there been someone in the presidency so ill-equipped to deal with the world as it is. He literally has no idea what the problem is. He assumes it is racism, because he simply can't think of any other alternative.

Posted by: Doctor Lexus at March 19, 2015 07:27 PM (F192H)

322 Suuuure. We have to watch our language now but Ace can type, "Squeaking Schoolgirls"!

Posted by: andycanuck at March 19, 2015 07:39 PM (kivUY)

323 An oldie but a goody for King Choom of Fecal Touch, protector of great intelligence, and of highest maturity.

All hail the Corpse Men of all 57 states upon seeing them on Memorial Day.

Posted by: Jukin Former Republican at March 19, 2015 08:00 PM (WGm5T)

324 "Obama is such a weakling, obviously, and so are most of his high ranking Ladyboy advisers. You just look at them and you know they've never played sports"

Add to that all the Ezra Kleins of the world with their 38 short narrow lapelled fashion style.

Posted by: bobbymike at March 19, 2015 10:48 PM (8J355)

325 weakling, indeed! I keep seeing that sneaky stealth photo of obambi lifting weights at some hotel gym. he had little baby biceps, and he was lifting baby weights that looked all of about 3 pounds each. he was also making the "I make dirty diaper now" face as he strained to do a curl. contrast this image with that of a shirtless putin riding a horse, and, well, what more is there to say? we've got boehner weeping in public, and mcconnell cowering before the formidable stick-man of harry reid. we are in the best of hands, people!

Posted by: Mistress Overdone at March 19, 2015 11:11 PM (2/oBD)

326 You can see president man-child lifting weights here

Posted by: Mistress Overdone at March 19, 2015 11:15 PM (2/oBD)

327 Jeez, Ace, for a guy who just yesterday threw up his hands and said, "Screw this, I'm done," you sure are on a roll this afternoon. You're absolutely right about TFG and his pantywaist ways; he's the sissy kid who won the lottery and now has the wherewithal to make all those who were picked ahead of him on the playground really pay for it now. Of course, since we all were picked ahead of him, we all will now suffer.

Posted by: Cowboyneal at March 19, 2015 11:29 PM (0tqb2)

328 "Keep voting Democratic, American Jews. Very smart."

Wait, aren't you the guy who said yesterday that you were "done" with the Republican Party?

Why should Jews not be "done" with the Republican Party and continue to vote for Democrats?

Posted by: someguy at March 19, 2015 11:42 PM (3z91g)

329 Petulance! It is a tempting response when your will has been thwarted.
It beckons to me with its siren song in times of disappointment.
I don't recognize all of my flaws, but I do try to guard against this one.

I have been tempted to respond to my children like that, when they inevitably hurt me (and with them it is always unintentional), but I realize how cruel it would be to lash back. It is not an appropriate response with them and it never can be, even with those I despise. It's okay to feel be pissed off, but petulance is never the answer.

It is a grossly immature response, but that is the stuff Obama is made of.

Someguy #328 is right. We all need to be on guard and not slip into it.

Posted by: kraki at March 20, 2015 08:36 AM (krvsp)

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