aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | What If They Threw a Fall Premier Season and No One Showed Up?I feel so hopeless about the political situation I've begun looking for Hail Mary solutions. When a problem seems impossible so solve, Donald Rumsfeld said, expand it. We all know what the expanded version of the problem is: The problem is that we live in, as Andrew Breitbart called it, a "Matrix" of leftist assumptions and propaganda, all being delivered to us 24/7 by a wireless intravenous drip system called television. I've been thinking a lot about this. I've been thinking it's time to actually do something. Just an idea, but I would like to start thinking seriously about delivering a truly grievous wound to the Political-Entertainment Complex. I'm thinking about, firstly, stopping watching almost TV entirely and shedding cable stations. (Some cut the cable entirely.) I say "almost entirely" because people are so addicted to TV at this point that I think it seems as hard to quit TV as it is to quit smoking. (By the way: It's easy to quit smoking.) So let's throw in the "almost" caveat there and think about it like this: If I write down all the shows I watch, I think I'll be embarrassed and sad to see how many hours I sit as a voluntary, unmoving, passive spectator, watching other people perform Shows and other people perform in Sports and other people doing things. Now, in this list, I happen to know that a lot of shows I don't particularly love. I either stopped enjoying them some time ago, or I never really enjoyed them. Now there will probably be some shows I will want to watch. Okay, I'll make this deal with myself: I'll let myself watch 2-3 hours a tv a week if I get rid of all that very marginal shit I'm watching and use the time for something more constructive. Like reading, or spending actual human time with family and friends, or anything. Literally doing anything is more worthy than sitting in front of the Idiot Box to be anaesthetized and hypnotized by stupefying beams of leftism. * There is a reason this country is in terrible shape. It's because it's people have become slack in their thinking. Lazy. Stupid. And right in front of me is a big 47" rectangular pill that makes people complacent, fat, unhealthy, dumb, disconnected from humanity, and disinterested in their own futures, nevermind their country's. It seems to me the best solutions are the ones that solve multiple problems simultaneously. One problem -- for me; maybe your own mileage varies -- is that TV makes it very easy to waste your life. It's a kind of death-before-death. We dream seven hours a night; do we have to also sit before a dreaming box and watch other people's dreams another three hours a day? The other problem, of course, is that the Media is, as Andrew Breitbart always says, the Matrix, poisoning our minds with stupid, lazy, obese thinking, and they do so via the most effective means of transmitting stupidity, venality, and moral emptiness: The television. And we will live in the Matrix until we destroy the Matrix. So my idea is to start, as a movement, boycotting tv almost entirely, picking up, get this, new skills and hobbies and interests to fill the time we would otherwise be spending in front of the Radioactive Drug of the television screen. Joining book clubs. Going on walks with our (get this) spouses and kids. Even doing "nerdy" stuff like bird watching, which, quite frankly, seems a whole lot more vital and vigorous than watching the shit they've thrown together to assassinate our brains tonight. And we get used to watching ever less tv as we count down to next Fall, which is when we will really get serious about this, and watch virtually nothing, almost nothing at all, and not a single of the Terrific New Timewasting Shows they've made for us, for about three months. And maybe this would be the moment to Cut All The Cables. The pain we can inflict on Them (and yes, I'm comfortable calling them Them) is considerable. But even more important than that, I think: We will not just be liberating the nation -- maybe -- but definitely liberating ourselves. We all know what the problem is, but we're not actually doing anything about. I think our nation has become very, very complacent and lazy. I cannot imagine people living a hundred years ago putting up with this bullshit so willingly. We have become very Manageable. I do not think Americans were made to be so Manageable. And I think we're making ourselves Manageable by living the life of a Do-Nothing for so many of our free hours. TV makes it easy to Do Nothing. It makes it easy to be bored. TV is not horrible-- don't get me wrong. It's occasionally funny or interesting. It could not draw so many of us to be voluntary prisoners to it every night if it were horrible. But it is always a suboptimal choice. Whenever the TV is the main focus, that is a suboptimal choice made as to how to spend that hour. Oh, I don't mean when the TV is on in background as one folds clothes. In that case, sure, one needs a distraction from the mindless work. But most times, we could be spending those hours mindfully, and instead we're sitting glassy eyed and slack-jawed looking at glowing box of moving pictures. Virtually any moment spent in front of the TV is a defeat. When we were kids, not a one of us thought about the lives we would live when we were adults and thought, "Some nights, I swear, I'm gonna just come home from work and then watch five hours of TV straight!! Whoopee!!" TV is compromise, TV is defeat, TV is acceptance, TV is mediocrity. And it's an industry held almost entirely in Enemy Hands, by the idiot descendants of carnival-barkers and pornographers who just happened to realize that every new technology which permits people to live less life will be a financial winner. We can free ourselves and maybe, even, free this country. We can Kill The Messenger.* Except Andy Levy. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: mallfly at February 24, 2015 04:27 PM (bJm7W) 2
Cut off cable TV two years ago. The only thing I've missed is College Football.
Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at February 24, 2015 04:29 PM (4YKBD) 3
Most of the Sheit on TV isn't worth watching anyhow.
But, Ace, it almost sounds as if you are ready to go militant on us. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at February 24, 2015 04:29 PM (YrXgo) 4
hey, maybe "Mythbusters" can look into this:
Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss told radio talk show host Don Imus in November of 2008. Posted by: mallfly at February 24, 2015 04:30 PM (bJm7W) 5
Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 24, 2015 04:30 PM (M1uf/) 6
Cutting the cable in a few more weeks would be totally justified.
Posted by: Art Mullen's Marshal stiffy at February 24, 2015 04:30 PM (OVx7B) 7
As a favor, or as of interest, can you please share how you quit smoking and what the best way you thinkto do it is. A lot of us would really appreciate that. And maybe a distraction from all the political BS and SJWs. Thanks much. Posted by: prescient11 at February 24, 2015 04:31 PM (q5APL) Posted by: Bigby's Fisticuffs at February 24, 2015 04:31 PM (3ZtZW) 9
I would watch a TV show where Jerry Rivers opens an envelope, and reveals Obama's College transcripts
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at February 24, 2015 04:31 PM (YrXgo) 10
and I'd miss the fat guy who visits places like the soy sauce factory.
Posted by: mallfly at February 24, 2015 04:31 PM (bJm7W) 11
But how can I watch Gold Rush and GOTs?
Posted by: wrg500 at February 24, 2015 04:31 PM (S+el1) 12
"A problem that has no solution is not a problem but a fact that must be coped with over time." Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:31 PM (Z92n0) 13
And I've got to run, so i'll be out until late tonight, but so many of us who smoke would really appreciate your insight and help on this, so I'm definitely checking back in. Thanks.
Posted by: prescient11 at February 24, 2015 04:32 PM (q5APL) 14
You know when I realised television was poison? When I caught myself dumbly & happily watching "Designing Women" because that was what was on after the Cheers reruns.
Though I still kinda think Annie Potts circa 1990 was pretty stinkin hot. Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (MbqmP) 15
Yeah... I'm getting ready to re-cut the cable.
Have to get the wife on board first... (sad but true). Though, for me, simply stopping watching most TV would work. Writing, blogging (which is like writing), and so forth could really fill those hours pretty full. But if you're going to do this (ace and Morons alike) you need to have specific plans. You can't just say "I'm going to watch less TV." It has to be something like "I'm going to stop watching TV show X, and instead do Y during that hour." Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (M1uf/) 16
I will say this: if the cable carrier stopped carrying FOX news and business, I probably would cancel. No Anna Kooiman, no pay.
Posted by: mallfly at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (bJm7W) 17
What if we turned off the TV and started LARPing? Would that help?
Posted by: blaster at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (Rx8ML) 18
What If They Threw a Fall Premier Season and No One Showed Up?
Posted by: Al Sharpton at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (i55o+) 19
I'm gonna watch "The Last Ship" this year because they invited me to the 2nd Season Preview party and gave me free food and drink- I sell out cheap- and Adam Baldwin
Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (rDqRv) 20
I watch the history channel, Discovery channel, and the learning channel with an occasional Nova. There is one good sit-com on Fridays with Tim Allen called Last Man standing....
Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (Bn6aD) 21
I would actually love to cut the cable, but can't seem to get the wife to go along.
Posted by: SH at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (gmeXX) 22
I spend all my free time on the AoSHQ. I know SICK right?
Posted by: dogfish at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (1vYi0) 23
And to your main point, I don't think it will ever reach critical mass is the problem.
I still think an alternative media empire like the one Beck proposed is the best way to go, but without goofy nerds like him as the front man. Think about David Mamet as the face/brains behind a media empire. Coffee is for closers, motherfuckers. Posted by: prescient11 at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (q5APL) 24
Breakfast corgis called.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (LVXFh) 25
I spend entirely too much time here, but it helps my sanity...
Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (Bn6aD) Posted by: P at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (evdj2) 27
As a favor, or as of interest, can you please share how you quit smoking and what the best way you thinkto do it is. sure. I wrote a post about it. The book the Easy Way to Quit Smoking is really good. That's how I quit-- well that, and realizing I was sick all the time. I was motivated to quit, so that is important. That's key. But add the book to that and you've got something. The book recommends going cold turkey; part of the book's insistence is that nicotine is not really that strong a physical addiction, and that by thinkign we need all these nicotine substitutes to get us through makes us buy into, psychologically, this idea that you CAN'T GO WITHOUT NICOTINE, and thus pumps up this dubious reputation. However, I did in fact use nicotine substiutes, both the patch and nicorette gum, and would cut the patches in half every three days or so (so three days full patch, then half patch, then quarter patch). I also reduced the strenght and frequency of the gum. After ten days I was on very light gum-chewing and only had one eighth of a ptch on so my nicotine levels were pretty low and i just stopped. Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (E+pqw) Posted by: eleven at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (ykfyK) 29
I feel so hopeless about the political situation I've begun looking for Hail Mary solutions.
Let. It. Burn. Posted by: rickb223 at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (LVXFh) 30
I would love for a large chunk of the population to say goodbye to TV. However I can't believe it likely.
Posted by: irright at February 24, 2015 04:34 PM (8GKDa) 31
If this post were on a prog web site I might be encouraged.
I think most conservatives already don't watch a lot of crap on tv. Posted by: Dang at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (MNq6o) 32
Writing, blogging (which is like writing), and so forth could really fill those hours pretty full. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 24, 2015 04:33 PM (M1uf/) Well, if one actually had a blog..... Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (TIIx5) 33
I only watch stuff on Hulu these days. And not even all that much of that.
Cable? Don't have it. I wouldn't mind a Hi-Def TV, but only because the video games I play on my consoles would look better. Of course, I do play a lot of video games - among other things. Which reminds me... Against my better judgement, I started playing Eve Online again. iirc, there's a Horde chat channel. Does anyone happen to know what it is? Posted by: junior at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (UWFpX) 34
As a favor, or as of interest, can you please share how you quit smoking and what the best way you thinkto do it is.
He already did. It's a book. I believe the title is something like: "It's easy to stop smoking." Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (M1uf/) 35
I wish more politicians watched more TV then. When did it become a waste of time to not bother other people. Live and let live already.
Posted by: despiseer at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (4ZDLm) 36
I cut the cable and still watch some TV but they can't count me because I do it with an antenna.
Posted by: Buzzsaw at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (tf9Ne) Posted by: RWC - he who likes guns and boobehs and has a goatee at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (A6rIN) 38
Now that I have seen "the wire" I can easily quit TV. Nothing else seems to match up . May be that's the way to do it Ace? Ask every one to binge watch that show and then poof! End of TV.
Posted by: immigrant in ca at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (MFZRd) 39
I think they've been premiering new shows and new seasons around the calendar for about ten years now, but I stopped watching live TV (except select sports) in 2006 so maybe they changed back, I don't know.
But most times, we could be spending those hours mindfully, and instead we're sitting glassy eyed and slack-jawed looking at glowing box of moving pictures. So you're saying we should stop hitting F5 like crack-addicted lab hamsters? Posted by: HR needs cheeseburgers at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (/kI1Q) 40
Someone has to kill the babysitter.
Posted by: Cable Guy at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (ZKGnj) 41
Just checked in so I suppose You already know obama vetoed Keystone...
Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 04:35 PM (Bn6aD) 42
I cut cable years ago and I don't miss it. I did NOT cut tv though, lol! I have an antenna and hulu and netflix. And if I really want something else I just buy it on amazon prime. FWIW, I don't miss cable at all except during football season, when I have to go to my parents or a bar to watch the razorbacks. But you know what? That's more social anyway. So whatever. As for doing other things, reading leisure time, tv leisure time, internet playing leisure time...I don't see much difference I guess. I did pick up the guitar last year and am trying to learn. Posted by: Lea at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (lIU4e) 43
It sounds like Ace is saying we need to stop feeding The Monster. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (Z92n0) 44
So bringing up Breitbart in a post about turning away from pop culture......okay
Posted by: The Dude at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (SyKbw) 45
I would actually love to cut the cable, but can't seem to get the wife to go along.
Posted by: SH This too is the dilemma in our house. I pretty much gave it up years ago. Posted by: dogfish at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (1vYi0) 46
We cut the cable (dish) just this month. Saving a bundle. Went with the Firestick and a $12 clear as the bell mini-HD antenna. I was worried mostly about the kids, but they have been loving picking and choosing and most apps have no commercials. But sports. yes I have been addicted since childhood and will still watch. but otherwise I am putting it to THE MAN (err...get your mind out of the gutter 'rons). Posted by: Guy Mohawk at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (ODxAs) 47
I need to get an antenna for over the air broadcasts. That tells you how long I've had cable and satellite.
Posted by: Q at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (evdj2) 48
I watch series on Showtime & other series that I didn't watch
when they were on. I spent last month or two watching Boardwalk Empire. Before that I watched Band of Brothers. Sunday I watched Patton on TCM on demand. Next thing I plan to watch is The Pacific. HBO used to have very good series, now they're trash. Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (sj3Ax) 49
You need some way that folks can get an immediate reward. If you could add this to a fitbit-type of device for a reminder, or get your phone to recognize reward/penalize you based on TV watching, you would be amazed how many more folks would join. Bonus points if there is a way to brag about it on social media. Posted by: ZBBMcFate at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (Hj9yW) 50
Oddly, I'm actually watching some TV, for the first time in years.
Agent Carter Archer Big bang Theory Posted by: Blue Hen at February 24, 2015 04:37 PM (Spluw) 51
Every episode of every TV show is available online a few minutes after it airs. Same with every movie
You can easily cut your cable and watch everything online for free. That still gives the Left cultural power, of course. I watch the Walking Dead and they introduced some new gay hero characters so got to watch dudes making out cause, of course, the zombie apocalypse TV show has to mainstream acceptance of gay marriage and gay dude make-out scenes. I don't give a shit about gay marriage, but it was obvious what the writers and producers were doing - they have this power of a popular show and want to use it for something Good and Noble, not just zombie gore. I'm sure next season will have a noble tranny join the group. Not watching ProgTV is probably best. But you can easily stop paying for it and still watch all you want. Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 04:37 PM (ZPrif) 52
I just realized I forgot what I meant to say about 'marginal' tv - cutting cable means I never watch nonsense reality shows. That's the major change. I only watch things I actually want to watch, because I'm on my schedule not theirs.
Posted by: Lea at February 24, 2015 04:37 PM (lIU4e) 53
The only show I watch is Megyn Kelly
Posted by: big mick at February 24, 2015 04:37 PM (q+zA9) 54
It's not like you're giving up porn or anything important, so carry on.
Posted by: Fritz at February 24, 2015 04:37 PM (UzPAd) 55
There were several Star Trek episodes in the franchise that had hostile aliens that would literally feed on negative emotions. I'm gonna pretend Ace is saying we're being fed on and the Left is literally stealing our life force. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:37 PM (Z92n0) 56
How do we persuade less deliberate people away from the boob tube?
Posted by: Michael Rittenhouse at February 24, 2015 04:38 PM (Rm2m2) 57
This too is the dilemma in our house. I pretty much gave it up years ago.
---- I'm going to make another push here soon. I may have to offer her something though. Posted by: SH at February 24, 2015 04:38 PM (gmeXX) 58
>>>So my idea is to start, as a movement, boycotting tv almost entirely, picking up, get this, new skills and hobbies and interests to fill the time we would otherwise be spending in front of the Radioactive Drug of the television screen. OK not being a Dick. This is old. Maybe "joining the movement to" instead of starting one - I mean, why reinvent it? Originally, it was Kill Your Television and that was early on stuff probly late-80s, now its more to be found within the Makers movement than anywhere, at least as a neo-urban thing. The Crunchy Cons had a sort of equivalent IIRC but I probly don't. Posted by: Bigby's Fisticuffs at February 24, 2015 04:38 PM (3ZtZW) 59
I believe the title is something like: "It's easy to stop smoking, I've done it a hundred times."
Posted by: R at February 24, 2015 04:38 PM (evdj2) 60
I keptsaying and writing, here and elsewhere,'The only way we can beat these guys is to figure out a way to get through or around the MSM.'
To stop watching simply never occurred to me. Kudos, Ace. Posted by: troyriser at February 24, 2015 04:38 PM (CAJL/) 61
I have a digital antennae so I'm pretty much off the grid as it is. Ditto. HDTV antenna in the attic plus Netflix. Works for us. We haven't paid a cable company since the mid 90's. Posted by: parteagirl at February 24, 2015 04:38 PM (Plx/u) Posted by: wrg500 at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (S+el1) Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (TIIx5) 64
Cable? Only ever had it when it was free with an apartment. I have one of those antenna thingies, and I use it to watch the occasional cooking show. The rest of the time the TV is a monitor for the odd movie here and there.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (h4vJk) 65
I haven't watched TV since Russell Wilson threw that interception to effectively end the Super Bowl.
Okay, that's not entirely true. Every time my little 7-year-old daughter comes over for my visitation, we watch SpongeBob, Teen Titans Go!, and Henry Danger, quite happily avoiding the liberal cesspool that is TV, and having quite a lot of yucks while we are at it. YMMV. Posted by: Sharkman at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (72D6h) 66
There were several Star Trek episodes in the franchise that had hostile aliens that would literally feed on negative emotions.
So we won't watch today. Posted by: James T Kirk at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (evdj2) 67
I think the most important thing is building up alt-media with money and attention. Especially money. Hit the tip jars of sites you like. Buy the books of right-wing authors.
I never knew Brad Thor before Twitter. But he's on there a lot fighting the Left and he never backs down. So I've bought a dozen of his books as gifts the last few years. Andrew Klavan fights the fight, he's got a new book coming out. ProgMedia can never be shamed into reforming, but we can build up alt-Right competitors. Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (ZPrif) 68
"There is a reason this country is in terrible shape. It's because it's people have become slack in their thinking. Lazy. Stupid."
I think the American polity has always been relatively disengaged. But the last few generations of politicians have become so addicted to the ever-increasing amounts of money available to them from the lobby industry that THEY have become slack in their thinking. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (Zu3d9) 69
It sounds like Ace is saying we need to stop feeding The Monster.
Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (Z92n0) Actually, not how I read it. And if it were just that, I'd have to go find AtC's "Stop Politicizing All The Things!" rant. This, while the effect is very similar, seems different at it's core. Don't stop watching TV because "Liberal." Stop watching TV because you're going to do something else with that hour. Don't stop watching L&O:SVU because it's liberal clap-trap. Stop watching it because you're going to learn wood working. Don't stop watching Girls because it's destroying society. Stop watching it because instead you're going to Finally Write That Book. One is purely negative: "I don't like this." The other is positive "I *do* like this." Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (M1uf/) 70
I find myself disengaging more and more from TV. I don't even turn it on during the day anymore. If it weren't for sporting events, I would get rid of cable. My husband would keel over if he couldn't find ESPN.
Posted by: no good deed at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (ZKGnj) Posted by: some guy at February 24, 2015 04:39 PM (q177U) 72
Eh, I usually have the news on in the background while I'm working at home. When I'm on the road, I don't watch the tube.
And my watching is limited to news, sports and movies with the occasional show like Game of Thrones or Deadwood, I couldn't tell you what's on network TV cause I never watch it. I'm ok with how much I am giving the man. Posted by: JackStraw at February 24, 2015 04:40 PM (g1DWB) 73
After watching Patton the other night, last night I bought & downloaded book about him.
My father served under him in WWII. Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 04:40 PM (sj3Ax) 74
I'm so sick of the Republican ball less cock suckers in the Senate I am ready to spit blood
Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 24, 2015 04:40 PM (rDqRv) Posted by: Bigby's Fisticuffs at February 24, 2015 04:40 PM (3ZtZW) 76
I watch the Walking Dead and they introduced some new gay hero characters so got to watch dudes making out cause, of course, the zombie apocalypse TV show has to mainstream acceptance of gay marriage and gay dude make-out scenes.
Posted by: Costanza Defense Next episode, a zombie is going to refuse to attack their wedding reception, and it's going to be sued. naturally, lawyers are thriving. Posted by: Blue Hen at February 24, 2015 04:40 PM (Spluw) 77
I have almost 0 use for the big networks. I watch exactly 2 network serials: CBS' Person of Interest, which is getting more absurd by the episode. And ABC's new serial Forever, which is okay. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:40 PM (Z92n0) Posted by: The Kardashian Sisters at February 24, 2015 04:41 PM (q+zA9) 79
74 I'm so sick of the Republican ball less cock suckers in the Senate I am ready to spit blood
Yeah, that's why I didn't mention that they waved the white flag so to speak... Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 04:41 PM (Bn6aD) 80
However, I did in fact use nicotine substiutes, both the patch and nicorette gum, and would cut the patches in half every three days or so (so three days full patch, then half patch, then quarter patch). I also reduced the strenght and frequency of the gum.
--------------------- Others have said the patches are notoriously hard to keep lit, any tips? Posted by: Jdub at February 24, 2015 04:41 PM (WDySP) 81
We cut cable, but have hulu, amazon, netflix ect so it's really not much of a difference.
At least I feel better about not paying TWC. Posted by: Lauren at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (MYCIw) 82
@71 I watch one show:
The Flash ---------------------- Same here. They're juggling so many balls in the air that I keep waiting for them to screw the series up. But amazingly, they haven't done that. Yet. Posted by: junior at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (UWFpX) 83
I would have been on board with this had I not seen Joanne Nosuchinsky on Red Eye. I can not get enough of her.
Posted by: scofflaw at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (y9ZJX) 84
I watch about 4 or 5 other tv shows that are on HBO or FX or whatever, which I collect from online sources. That's it. The rest of the TV I watch is classic television episodes I collect from the internet. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (Z92n0) 85
I watch most TV online, though I still pay my month cable bill.
Only thing live I watch is sports and the news. I'm moving away from watching the news live. FoxNews uploads most of their shows as clips. Usually available an hour or two after it airs. It's the FoxNews Insider twitter and rss feeds, I think. Increasingly I'll just check out the segments I like there. Still like the 6:40-7 pm Special Report panel though. Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (ZPrif) 86
My daddy invented Cable TV
Posted by: Al Gore Jr. at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (q+zA9) 87
Vikings Posted by: RWC - he who likes guns and boobehs and has a goatee at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (A6rIN) 88
" The problem is that we live in, as Andrew Breitbart called it, a "Matrix" of leftist assumptions and propaganda, all being delivered to us 24/7 by a wireless intravenous drip system called television."
I believe it was Pius XII who said the devil would be in every livingroom in America some day. Posted by: Mike H at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (LllJT) Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (Z92n0) 90
Rush has been saying this same thing for years...Just turn it off! There's no reason to let their crap make your own life crappy. He says he's so much happier and optimistic without cable news. I NEVER listen to it, I'm internet and AM radio ONLY. When I get a even a glimpse of FOX News at my parents house, it makes me want to pull my hair out.
Cut the cable. You know you want to. It feels great. Posted by: parteagirl at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (Plx/u) 91
Does Ace have any setup for recurring payments? I try to remember to hit the tip jar occasionally, but would love to be able to set it up to send a couple bucks every month like I do on some other sites.
Posted by: irright at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (8GKDa) 92
I've gone to pirating shows on Sickbeard. That means I actually see what new shows I'm actually subscribed to in my Coming Soon window. I pretty much just use my TiVo for Jeopardy now, and all I watch live is news. So what do I still watch?
Last Man Standing (overtly conservative) Archer Always Sunny (at least fair to conservatives -- see both the gun control shows) Game of Thrones (hardcore K-selection, in the Anonymous Conservative Theory of Everything) Doctor Who Big Bang Theory (the wife likes it because the heroes aren't heroes for being stupid like 99% of shows) Bob's Burgers (possibly the best show on TV) That's it. Once I had to affirmatively say, "yes, this show is worth downloading" I learned that virtually all of what is on television now is crap. Posted by: Phelps at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (LFNh5) 93
Yes! Ball less McConnell shouldn't be majority leader because he caved to Reid!!! Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (sj3Ax) 94
re: The Matrix
Stumbled on an Amazon Prime documentary "Linotype: The Movie" About ten minutes in I went "Holy shit, this is where the Wachowskis got the idea for the matrix visual." The machine uses descending type in vertical columns. The arrangement of the letters for a page is called ... the matrix. Good documentary. Features some great engineering explanations. Posted by: BumperStickerist at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (IDj42) 95
Regarding cutting the cable, don't forget that, if you are a Comcast customer, the fortune you are paying for cable each month is funding one of the most left wing corporations in the country.
When calculating what you are spending on cable, don't forget to include all the monthly tack-on fees like "HD Technology Fee" ($10), "DVR service" ($10), Additional outlets ($3-10), "Broadcast TV Fee" ($3), "Regional Sports Fee ($1), etc. Even fairly basic cable service can be $50-75 per month after all the tack-ons. There is no way that any of cable packages looks like a good value to me. Posted by: cool breeze at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (A+/8k) 96
Cut cable. You'll get used to it. Saves money and time. Only thing I bother with is football, and I can go out to watch that or find a stream online.
Posted by: brak at February 24, 2015 04:44 PM (Tj+s6) 97
OK gotta go
Posted by: Bigby's Fisticuffs at February 24, 2015 04:44 PM (3ZtZW) 98
I've entertained the thought, and then I always admit I'd just end up at Buffalo Wild Wings every night drinking way to much so I could watch sports. Posted by: Dave at February 24, 2015 04:44 PM (Q39AM) 99
_ _ _ "stupefying beams of leftism"
SBL They show those buttfuckers kissing one more time and I'm done. That was more direct sex than the whole series combined. Posted by: Ralph at February 24, 2015 04:44 PM (TiOn5) 100
Ace and his "Television, the Drug of the Nation" moment. I love you Ace but this is neither original (Turn off TV week, anyone?) nor comprehensive.
Posted by: JJStone at February 24, 2015 04:44 PM (nbgPm) 101
My daddy invented Cable TV
Posted by: Al Gore Jr. at February 24, 2015 04:42 PM (q+zA9) No he didn't....I did. Posted by: Brian Williams at February 24, 2015 04:44 PM (Zu3d9) 102
I'm looking to ditch verizon cable. I'd still need an internet provider.
Posted by: Blue Hen at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (Spluw) 103
I was addicted to TV in Jr high and high school. Watched 4-5 hours a weekday night, 10-12 hours a day on the weekends. AT the end of that time, I realized I had not only destroyed my academics, enabled low self esteem and a physical blob.
I went cold turkey and never went back. No cable, no TV ever again. No I don't live in my parents basement. I'm married (23 yrs) and have four well adjusted, optimistic, and life embracing children. Do I watch movies and TV series on DVD? Yes, but no direct access to TV at all. I've never regretted that decision. Also, I got here without a TV Posted by: President of Libya at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (TVrd6) 104
And for all the sports fans that would miss games if they cut the cable- that's what sports bars are for.
Posted by: parteagirl at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (Plx/u) 105
Shows I currently watch
Archer Always Sunny in Philadelphia Walking Dead Better Call Saul Episodes (showtime?) I don't watch any network TV. I actually prefer to binge watch anyway. That's what I do with Always Sunny. Couple times a year I'll just burn through the latest season or half-season or whatever. Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (ZPrif) 106
"So my idea is to start, as a movement, boycotting tv almost entirely, picking up, get this, new skills and hobbies and interests to fill the time we would otherwise be spending in front of the Radioactive Drug of the television screen."
Way ahead of you, Ace. Posted by: Anthony Weiner at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (R1Htd) 107
Agent Carter Archer Big bang Theory **** I just want to say yet again how much I freaking love Agent Carter. Shame tonights the last episode, because I don't like AoS. At least the Vikings is back. Posted by: Lea at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (lIU4e) 108
i don't want to give away the book, but the Easy Way to Quit Smoking is very good about the psychological game of quitting smoking, which is the main game.
Smokers are addicts. Period. We are junkies. We have all this Junkie Logic telling us why we can't stop, etc. The way junkies do. Junkie Logic is nonsense that your addiction tells you is true, in order to continue the addiction. So the Easy Way just dispenses with this Junkie Logic. You need it to control stress? Really? Is any smoker REALLY a low-stress person? Isn't it really true that smokers are *very* stressed, because they're always amped up from nicotine AND and/or are having a nic-fit and nicotine withdrawal? So his idea is that physically, nicotine is not a powerful addicting substance, but psychologically, all this Junkie Logic has grown up around the drug to defend and continue the additction, and he just goes through all the Junkie Logic saying "bullshit." And it's true. And the first thing to think is: Yes, you are a junkie. Your thinking is compromised, like any junkie's, and you spend far too many hours on your drug and thinking of when the next time you can indulge your drug is. (Like, all the planning that goes into cigarette breaks.) and once you accept that, you start to get angry about the Junkie Logic you've come to accept, and you can put that anger into motivation to quit. Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (E+pqw) 109
This post made me think of this speech: But seriously, I have been a part of this movement for a few years now. Just to let you know: it is a pretty hopeless battle. Posted by: dan-O at February 24, 2015 04:45 PM (D0bIN) 110
How can cutting off TV be anything like what the British did in Malaya in the 1950's?
Posted by: Marie Harf at February 24, 2015 04:46 PM (q+zA9) 111
Internet is the "new" TV. (I say new, as it is taking market share from TV... But that's been happening for some time, and the Internet is not really "new". But for millenials and Generation IPad, it is their new news/entertainment source.)
So TV as we know it is already dying, just not yet into that obvious death spiral. But definitely swirling around the bowl... Posted by: Uncle Jefe at February 24, 2015 04:46 PM (3a+CI) 112
I think I'll be embarrassed and sad to see how many hours I sit as a
voluntary, unmoving, passive spectator, watching other people perform Shows and other people perform... He's talking about porn, right? Posted by: Paladin at February 24, 2015 04:46 PM (+Wvn3) 113
By the way: It's easy to quit smoking.
Does this mean the e-Cigs helped you quit? Or is this a laugh line? Posted by: bonhomme at February 24, 2015 04:46 PM (jhqr1) 114
Ace, I "quit" TV around September 13, 2001.
I had in fact semi-quit it prior to that, then spent two solid days watching the 9/11 horror show -- and the moment the "truther" counter-narrative started to make its first appearance on TV about 36 hours after the fact, I said "I'm done" and turned it off forever. In truth, I still own a TV set, and very occasionally will watch when some major news event breaks or there's some super-special thing on that I become aware of, but 98% of the time, I simply use the TV as a monitor screen to watch movies I put in to my connected DVD player. I have never had cable. Not for one day. Never even SEEN cable. Never seen CNN, never seen Fox News, never seen HBO, and whatever other channels there are. And you know what? I still keep abreast of the situation via the Internet just fine and dandy. There are enough people out there keeping track of what's on TV that I don't feel it's my responsibility to keep watch over its bias. And the TVlessness gives me lots of extra time and lots of extra mind freedom. Smash the idiot box today! You will not regret it. Posted by: zombie at February 24, 2015 04:46 PM (K4YiS) 115
could someone give me a quick summartion of Bob's Burgers. I had some aversion to it when it premiered - I think maybe I included Bob's Burgers among the general knock-off series like American Dad and The Cleveland Show. So I didn't watch it out of principle.
Is it binge-watchable? Posted by: BumperStickerist at February 24, 2015 04:46 PM (IDj42) 116
I'll tell you how you could solve this. Require cable providers to offer a la carte channels. You wouldn't be forced to support all Jazeera or MSKGB. They would have to make shows people actually want to watch. You'd see a rapid decline in the fabulous world of ghey and an increase in badass goes badass on punks.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (j6e8f) 117
ace, TV is as you describe it, but not *inevitably* so. Also, *potentially*, a good medium to provide knowledge and stimulus and brain-food. But not, generally, gonna happen. I wasa fairly big TV watcher as a yute (while also being extremely active - living in perfect weather year-round and loving all kinds of sports and the outdoors helped). But now that I think about it, even by the 90s, pre-internet, I was consuming far less TV (didn't even watch first two years or so of Seinfeld). Now - an occasional movie, even more occasional sporting event, and only "series" I've watched (and not religiously) in last 5 years have been the AMC biggies (Mad Men, Breaking Bad - partially, Walking Dead, and now the BB spinoff Better Call Saul). Oh - and the occasional mini-series, but only historical/war: Band of Brothers, Pacific. There are tons of other things to do with your time. There are also, now - or so I hear - ways to filter what you get, and get just good stuff you already know about. Looking to cut the cable myself - mostly because it has become absurdly expensive, esp. for 2 hours a week! Will be seeking horde-sourced advice when I get to that point on options. Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (afQnV) 118
So bringing up Breitbart in a post about turning away from pop culture......okay
Posted by: The Dude at February 24, 2015 04:36 PM (SyKbw) Because Andrew just sat around watching TV like a slack-jawed ijit. Whee! Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (MbqmP) 119
Does Ace have any setup for recurring payments? I try to remember to hit the tip jar occasionally, but would love to be able to set it up to send a couple bucks every month like I do on some other sites. Posted by: irright at February 24, 2015 04:43 PM (8GKDa) I think you can set this up in PayPal. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (TIIx5) 120
I don't watch that much TV, but I am a movie fiend.
Posted by: Insomniac at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (2Ojst) 121
@ #7 As a favor, or as of interest, can you please share how you quit smoking and what the best way you thinkto do it is.
A lot of us would really appreciate that. And maybe a distraction from all the political BS and SJWs. Thanks much. --- I smoked 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day for 33 years. I tried the meds, the nicotine patches and gum. Nothing worked. I puffed on NJoy Red e-cigs for three weeks and easily quit. That was 3 years ago. Posted by: jrg at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (7M30H) 122
I havent had a TV for years. No actual TV device is in my house. I get series or movies that seem interesting on itunes or disc. Oh, and I read. Yes, reading is what they did in the olden time, before the television was taken over by leftist pap. It's quite easy. You just open and book and go.
Posted by: erwin at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (hqA++) Posted by: John P. Squibob at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (3Axea) 124
Don't stop watching TV because "Liberal." Stop watching TV because you're going to do something else with that hour.
And it turned into a discussion about what shows we watch. Heh. Lately I've been trying to watch more films on Netflix (films, mind you *snob*) because that's actually less "stupid and lazy" than other things, so I get the idea, I'm just doing it backwards. Posted by: HR needs cheeseburgers at February 24, 2015 04:48 PM (/kI1Q) 125
Just to let you know: it is a pretty hopeless battle.
Depends on your objective. Getting the rest of America- even American Conservatives- to stop watching TV? Hopeless. Bettering yourself by acquiring new skills and knowledge and/or deepening relationships with friends and family? Not hopeless. And, we're right about the hopelessness of the first, then we need the hope of the second even more. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 24, 2015 04:48 PM (M1uf/) 126
I did it 3-4 years ago. The first week was hard, the 2nd week something seemed to be missing, and by the end of the 3rd week I didn't even miss it.
And, I gained an unbelievable number of hours left over to actually live my life. Also, the media may still be a bunch of rich pricks that loves to tell me to my face how much they hate me, but at least I am no longer paying them to treat me that way. Posted by: jc at February 24, 2015 04:48 PM (i8c5b) 127
Oh, and I read. Yes, reading is what they did in the olden time, before the television was taken over by leftist pap. It's quite easy. You just open and book and go.
Posted by: erwin Go where? Posted by: Some Moron was gonna say it; it might as well be this Moron at February 24, 2015 04:49 PM (Spluw) 128
"I'm thinking about, firstly, stopping watching almost TV entirely and shedding cable stations."
Actual TV is even worse. Posted by: despair at February 24, 2015 04:49 PM (J6suc) Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:49 PM (Z92n0) Posted by: big mick at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (q+zA9) Posted by: toby928(C) at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (evdj2) 132
We can also really stick it to the big oil companies if we just refuse to buy gas on the same day. Or something.
Cool idea. Good luck. Posted by: major major major major at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (nM3da) 133
>>>o bringing up Breitbart in a post about turning away from pop culture......okay
uh, yeah. Shortly before his death, Breitbart was making a prediction which sadly will not come true: that within five years, "all this" (all the media) would be "gone, GONE, destroyed." Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (E+pqw) 134
I watch stuff on Netflix, otherwise don't watch any.
I spend way more time doing other stuff. Lately I just finished the Coursera Cryptography course. Really great stuff. Doing follow-up reading on some modern methods. Posted by: HoboJerk, Completely Unreasonable at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (oRc1K) Posted by: rickb223 at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (LVXFh) 136
I think you can set this up in PayPal.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM I think Ace has to set something up on his end. Other sites paypal page that I've done this on had an option for this. I couldn't find it on Ace's. Posted by: irright at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (8GKDa) 137
I stopped watching entertainment TV when Cheers was still on the air. I stopped watching news TV after watching the CNN coverage of the Katrina event. I am still addicted to reading (and writing) books and Ace of Spades HQ where I am a non-recovering lurker.
Posted by: Ruthless at February 24, 2015 04:50 PM (qPr1r) 138
Quit NFL at the strike in early 80s. Pro sports in general for that matter. Telly in the 90s. Netflix and Amazon prime (everyone has their weakness) for our choice. Read. A lot. Some Gibbonesque will write of our decline. Sad to watch. More so given the offsprings future. Statesmanship is dead.
Posted by: Mark at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (bUED5) 139
Sheesh, talk about a 1980s response to the media. The Internet makes it possible to NEVER get the media's commercial messages--or political ones. I haven't actually watched the TV news in years.
Just do what I do. Cherry-pick the best TV shows from all over the world and watch them at your leisure. TV is a great art form; it's utterly replaced Hollywood in terms of character development and provocative ideas, and not every show promotes the Brave the New World mentality of the US media. Some even rebel against it. Posted by: Kierkegaard at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (lvsl8) 140
"Is it binge-watchable? "
Very much so. It has nothing at all to do with American Dad or The Cleveland Show. Do you remember the show Home Movies? The guy who played Coach McGurk plays Bob, owner of a barely kept afloat burger shop run by his family. His ad libs are really what make the show, but all the characters are pretty interesting and funny. Posted by: Lauren at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (MYCIw) 141
Go where?
Posted by: Some Moron was gonna say it; it might as well be this Moron at February 24, 2015 04:49 PM (Spluw) Take a look, it's in a book! Posted by: Famous Quotes by Kunta Kinte at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (MbqmP) 142
>>>By the way: It's easy to quit smoking.
Does this mean the e-Cigs helped you quit? Or is this a laugh line? ... no and no. Scan up to see my comment about it. Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (E+pqw) 143
Ace, not sure if you were joking or not, but that quote about enlarging problems is from Eisenhower, not Rummy.
Posted by: Grimaldi at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (BRILQ) 144
TV raised me, as I've mentioned before. Today I watch a lot of the old shows I grew up with just for the nostalgia. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (Z92n0) 145
I can't believe nobody has said they were going to give up wasting time watching tv so they'd have more time to play video games.
Posted by: JackStraw at February 24, 2015 04:51 PM (g1DWB) 146
The Professor has been suggesting that some people buy ladies's magazines for < $10M and slowly make them "fair and balanced" to reach the ultimate in LIV people.
Posted by: AmitR at February 24, 2015 04:52 PM (5BpR/) 147
Nice dream. They have Managed very well and absent telling the body politic through their TV screens to stop, message will be smothered. As with boycotts of their particular advertisers. That said, I'm in (have been for 2+ years) and the more the merrier.
Posted by: JohnDonut@AflutterQuietly at February 24, 2015 04:52 PM (g1MTt) 148
Never, ever hire someone from the Religion of Piece work on your goat farm !!
I'm talking about you Abdi and Mustaffa worst decision ever Posted by: Mary Clogenstien from a goat farm/dairy in Vermont at February 24, 2015 04:52 PM (q+zA9) 149
Require cable providers to offer a la carte
channels. Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 24, 2015 04:47 PM (j6e8f) Right....because we conservatives are all about mandating specific business plans to corporations. And yes, I am aware that many cable companies are treated as utilities and have monopolistic privileges, but that doesn't mean more regulation is better. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 24, 2015 04:52 PM (Zu3d9) 150
and quirky
I like that they hired Dan Mintz to voice Dan Belcher, and they just decided it was funny as a girl character Tina Belcher, but left Mintz as the voice. Posted by: toby928(C) at February 24, 2015 04:52 PM (evdj2) 151
Also, *potentially*, a good medium to provide knowledge and stimulus and brain-food.
Oh yeah. I have an app on my tablet that streams German TV channels. I have no idea what the flocc they're saying but the stuff they're cooking looks good. Posted by: HR needs cheeseburgers at February 24, 2015 04:52 PM (/kI1Q) 152
Uptwinkles, Ace. You are so very right about getting up and doing, rather than just sitting and watching. I have been doing this for some time now, although not rigorously, and when I am doing things I am in a much better frame of mind.
Not cutting the cable, though, because baseball. Posted by: Otis Criblecoblis at February 24, 2015 04:52 PM (IAe6t) 153
I never did get cable, rabbit ears baby. There are 6 or so movie channels that show old movies so I'm content with 40s era black and whites and reruns of Rawhide and Combat.
Posted by: dartist at February 24, 2015 04:53 PM (ahBY0) 154
(Like, all the planning that goes into cigarette breaks.) Feature, not bug. I need a substitute for cigarette breaks. I was off cigs for 5 years. Still do Snus, so still an addict. But a way healthier addict not doing lung damage. Started smoking due to stress last fall. Now I look forward to getting up from the desk and going somewhere and having five minutes of self-destruction. So it would be nice if I could make carrot breaks a thing or something. Posted by: Bandersnatch, let all the children boogie at February 24, 2015 04:53 PM (JtwS4) Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:53 PM (Z92n0) 156
All of us down at the Brattleboro Women's Reproductive Health Choice Clinic think if they have a program about Presdent Obama and Michelle's life everyone would watch here and probably the whole country. Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro,VT at February 24, 2015 04:54 PM (Sd++4) 157
Trying to watch an NFL game make me wonder how I ever watched regular tv. The commercials...ugh
Posted by: brak at February 24, 2015 04:54 PM (Tj+s6) 158
157 Trying to watch an NFL game make me wonder how I ever watched regular tv. The commercials...ugh
That's what mutes for... Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 04:54 PM (Bn6aD) 159
I cut the cable last February. I only watch TV about 4 hours per week tops. For that handful of things you can't stop watching there is this. Posted by: Boss Moss at February 24, 2015 04:54 PM (hlbmD) 160
(* commercial break *)
Great post, Ace. Kind of long; intend to read the who-- (* commercial's over *) Posted by: FireHorse at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (r+LOT) 161
His ad libs are really what make the show, but all the characters are pretty interesting and funny.
The producer was a producer of King of the Hill, so I gave it a chance. It's pretty good. Posted by: HR needs cheeseburgers at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (/kI1Q) 162
It's really easy to get pop-culture memes even if you never watched the show.
Most shows get condensed to just a few memes anyway. I never watched CSI:Miami, which was hugely popular. But I know about the sunglasses+yaaaaaaaoooooww! meme Lost=random, arbitrary shock twists + they were all dead but not really. Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (ZPrif) 163
I've been without cable (still keep a TV with a DVD player for the odd movie) for almost a year. Watching sports is a bit tricky on the laptop, but other than that, can't say I miss it.
Posted by: Pave Low John at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (b5yHT) 164
I give copies of Postman's Amusing Ourselves to Death to the friends who'd benefit from it. I think Ace mentioned the book once or twice before.
Posted by: Phinn at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (DLUnW) 165
Yes, reading is what they did in the olden time, before the television was taken over by leftist pap. It's quite easy. You just open and book and go.
I have a different process. I find books I like, then I go to goodreads or other sites to suggest similar books. I then go to the type of sites that get shut down regularly to get a torrent magnet link. I then download the ebook and read it on my tablet. If I like the book I buy the next one from the author. If it has leftist suckerpunches I delete the ebook file and move on. Posted by: bonhomme at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (jhqr1) 166
>>Bob's Burgers is about a kooky family of losers. The wife is voiced by a man.
So, like the White House then. Posted by: Aviator at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (3rrMW) 167
MY TV reception went kaput after Hurricane Sandy and I didnt have the funds or any particular interest in fixing it. I can watch DVD or CDs from the library. I read a lot. I spend too much time on the internet. I see some movies I have a particular interest in ,but that happens rarely. I'm still alive despite these privations. ;^)
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (DXzRD) 168
Good Idea Ace, we should have follow up posts where peoples can comment on whether they've cut down on TV and whether they ever did finish restoring that old boat in the backyard.
Posted by: BuckIV at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (CLfqv) 169
Lately I just finished the Coursera Cryptography course. Really great stuff. Doing follow-up reading on some modern methods. hm, what's this? Nvmd i'll search. sounds interesting. I dont' know what 'coursera" is but i'm guessing a mooc? Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 04:56 PM (E+pqw) 170
And I never ever had cable to begin with.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 24, 2015 04:56 PM (DXzRD) 171
166 >>Bob's Burgers is about a kooky family of losers. The wife is voiced by a man.
So, like the White House then. Posted by: Aviator at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (3rrMW) I nominate for thread-winner. Posted by: Insomniac at February 24, 2015 04:56 PM (2Ojst) 172
Outside of the NFL, there is nothing on television that I watch with any regularity. I go weeks at a time without ever turning the thing on.
Internet + DVDs FTW Posted by: Just A Guy at February 24, 2015 04:56 PM (CGzAz) Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 04:56 PM (ZPrif) 174
What I actually watch on the TV (over-the-air, as I have never had cable):
Some local news Big Bang Theory The Middle Fresh off the Boat Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy Some pro/college football and basketball (not nearly as much as I used to) Weather Nation occasionally some old shows or a movie on MeTV or Grit occasionally some cooking shows and This Old House on PBS What I watch on the computer (mostly through "pirate" streaming, and my kids Netflix account): Some NBA (Spurs!) Archer Venture Bros. Bobs Burgers Red vs. Blue some anime a little random youtube stuff And that's about it. I average maybe 3 to 4 hard hours a week watching tv over the air, and a hell of a lot of that is as "background" noise while folding laundry or cooking dinner. Maybe 1 to 3 on the streaming stuff. Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 24, 2015 04:56 PM (wtvvX) 175
It's actually not that hard.
I've almost completely stopped watching television save baseball and some select sporting events. The key is to fill up the time. I've chosen to learn how to play the piano and get back into electronics tinkering and gadget making. Posted by: Kreplach at February 24, 2015 04:56 PM (LB3pO) 176
Do you know what I don't like about Rippetoe's 5x5?
Your first 3 sets are useless. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:53 PM (Z92n0) rippetoe's program is sets across (same weight for your work sets) Posted by: big mick at February 24, 2015 04:57 PM (q+zA9) 177
I love to sing-a
About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a, I love to sing-a, About a sky of blue-a, or a tea for two-a, Anything-a with a swing-a to an "I love you-a," I love to, I love to sing! Give me a song-a About a son-a gun that went and done her wrong-a. But keep it clean-a, With a cottage small-a by a waterfall-a, Any sob-a that will throb-a to a bluebird's call-a, I love, I love to sing! I was born a singin' fool-a, Lah-de-dah! Ol' Major Bowes is gonna spot me, Got through Yale with boula-boula, Lah-de-dah! Old microphone's got me! I love to sing-a, I love to wake up with the south-a in my mouth-a, And wave a flag-a, With a cheer for Uncle Sammy and another for my mammy, I love to sing! Posted by: Owl Jolson at February 24, 2015 04:57 PM (sH832) 178
What Ace suggests is, essentially, "Let It Burn" by another name.
I don't think it will work. There are too many willing consumers of the swill offered by the media companies. The "Long March" approach or the "Tear The MF'ers Down" approach are the only two effective options I can think of. Neither are easy, pretty, or sure things. Posted by: filbert at February 24, 2015 04:57 PM (h6Mpm) 179
Maybe then they will finally get off my lawn.
Posted by: Gentlemen, This is democracy manifest at February 24, 2015 04:57 PM (LWu6U) 180
My favorite show is free with my HD antenna. It's SHARK TANK. As pro-capitalism/entrepreneur as it gets. Won't miss it.
Posted by: parteagirl at February 24, 2015 04:57 PM (Plx/u) Posted by: Boss Moss at February 24, 2015 04:57 PM (hlbmD) 182
Ace: "I do not think Americans were made to be so Manageable."
People, not just Americans, are Manageable. That's why so much money and capital is spent studying innate human behavior in order to manipulate it. But you are absolutely right: the 24/7/365 media streaming is now a ceaseless tap into our minds to form a "Matrix". And we've been Cass Sunstein Nudged into thinking we're doing and partaking of our own volition. I cut out Over-Air media over a decade ago. I thought broadband might improve the content and bias. It hasn't. Now I'm moving to selective streaming just to escape the mind-numbing elixirs of mass- and even narrow- media. And even that is getting downsized. I hate being controlled. I especially hate being controlled when I don't know about it, a condition in which the Matrix has become especially expert. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at February 24, 2015 04:58 PM (1CroS) 183
Currently, I'm watching Bronco (195 and The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955). Wyatt Earp is an excellent serial. The background music is, get this, a group of men humming. It's surreal. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 04:58 PM (Z92n0) 184
Like many of you, I fired cable around two years ago. What finally brought me to that point was that my favorite show was Doctor Who and my local provider didn't have the BBC. So I wasflipping through the channels one day and noticed all the programming that I not only don't watch, but actively hate (MTV being the worst offender) and wondered why I was paying for it all while not getting to watch what I really wanted to watch. I never looked back. What's funny is that my kids get confused when they watch tv at a neighbor's house and see commercials. That never happens at home! Amazon Prime is totally worth it, btw, especially if you're a Kindle user/frequent online shopper like me. Posted by: Thrill at February 24, 2015 04:58 PM (/V5lp) 185
I hereby take the pledge. Will reconsider in a year.
Posted by: xanderphife at February 24, 2015 04:58 PM (H3WNZ) 186
You can pry my 70" out of my cold dead hand.
I'm not going to quit reading books either just because most publishers are liberal. Posted by: Bob Belcher at February 24, 2015 04:59 PM (glJL/) 187
What Ace suggests is, essentially, "Let It Burn" by another name.
It's more like Deal-A-Meal. Instead of gorging on the snack food nonstop, you get a reduced set of real food portions, then fill up the rest of the plate with green leafy veg. Posted by: HR needs cheeseburgers at February 24, 2015 04:59 PM (/kI1Q) 188
If we cut off TV, can I have Sasha Alexander? She'll need a job, I have a job for her to do.
Posted by: blaster at February 24, 2015 04:59 PM (Rx8ML) 189
My favorite show is free with my HD antenna. It's SHARK TANK. Excellent TV show for the exact reasons you mentioned. I've been asking for ages for us to watch it here as a group and comment on it. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 05:00 PM (Z92n0) 190
I think they are starting to feel this.
Posted by: Boss Moss at February 24, 2015 05:00 PM (hlbmD) 191
If we cut off TV, can I have Sasha Alexander? She'll need a job, I have a job for her to do.
Posted by: blaster at February 24, 2015 04:59 PM (Rx8ML) I'm sure its the exact same job Navin Johnson's girlfriend had for him. Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 24, 2015 05:01 PM (V+kmg) 192
The Democratic party is dead and just doesn't know it yet. The Republican party will split in two with the establishment taking the place of the Democrats. This will happen when the free shit quits flowing. The Baltic Dry Index says that moment is near. The illegals will all go home because it is more fun to be poor in a warm climate. All the people with student loans will follow them. (This winter is God's way of dividing the sheep from the goats.)
Posted by: theTruth at February 24, 2015 05:01 PM (PGh+Q) 193
TV is a two edged sword. It's the best medium to absorb knowledge but some of that knowledge is inaccurate propaganda. I can discern between the two.
Posted by: Bob Belcher at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (glJL/) 194
Haven't had TV in years (5 at least, maybe more). I'll sometimes hook up the rabbit-ears for NFL on Sundays, but that's about it.
Don't miss it, at all. (And especially don't miss the wife watching HGTV and complaining about all the cool (read: expensive) stuff we don't have!) Posted by: Jabari at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (tO352) 195
I find books I like, then I go to goodreads or other sites to suggest similar books. I then go to the type of sites that get shut down regularly to get a torrent magnet link. I then download the ebook and read it on my tablet. ***** If I don't want to pay for a book, I go to the library. Posted by: Lea at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (lIU4e) 196
166 >>Bob's Burgers is about a kooky family of losers. The wife is voiced by a man. So, like the White House then. Posted by: Aviator at February 24, 2015 04:55 PM (3rrMW) Wow. Well done, bro. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (Z92n0) 197
Good luck. I've been addicted most of my life. I stopped several times but always went back. Right now I'm struggling with the idea of getting cable again after several years without. I download certain shows and catch up in marathon days off. The problem is certain shows like RedEye that I like a lot or special report are not available. I also have about 4 shows i've beenfollowing for a year or more and if I get cable again i will start watching crap just because. I find that when I watch a lot of tv I become a bit depressed. My eyes are poor and it is getting harder to read but Dammnit I need something to entertain me because as I get older a lot of shows are very easy to turn off but it is harder than ever to read a book or build a shelf.
Posted by: New Phone at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (VXDrb) 198
>>>I watch the Walking Dead and they introduced some new gay hero characters so got to watch dudes making out cause, of course, the zombie apocalypse TV show has to mainstream acceptance of gay marriage and gay dude make-out scenes.
I don't give a shit about gay marriage, but it was obvious what the writers and producers were doing - they have this power of a popular show and want to use it for something Good and Noble, not just zombie gore. ---- The character is in the comics. And he is gay in the comics. The lesbian Tara that has been on for several seasons now is a character that does not exist in the comics. Posted by: Buzzion at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (z/Ubi) 199
I'm way ahead of you. I haven't watched TV in years. But I can't cut the cable, because I need my internet... Which may be even worse than television... Oh well.
Posted by: Shakes at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (fsTl5) 200
I realized a while back that I'd quit TV entirely by accident. There was no conscious decision and I have actual THOUSANDS of hours of video content on hard drives on my network but I never seem to get around to watching any of it. So far, all I've seen of recent TV is some Archers from the current series I downloaded. I watched the Venture Bros special that came out a few weeks ago but still haven't gotten around to watching the last season, despite it being one of my all-time favorites series.
Holding still for most stuff these days just seems torturous. When I read I can set the pace as fast as I like. Perhaps if I were a slower reader I wouldn't become so impatient with video. Posted by: Epobirs at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (IdCqF) 201
You can pry my 70" out of my cold dead hand.
Exaggerations should at least be somewhat believable. Posted by: Insomniac at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (2Ojst) 202
A bottle of vodka and an etch-a-sketch.
When the bitch on the etch-a-sketch starts on her fucking talking points and won't stay on topic I turn it upside down and shake it. Posted by: Clutch Cargo at February 24, 2015 05:02 PM (sH832) 203
I'm celebrating 5 years cable free this year. Granted, I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Digital Antenna, HBO GO, Roku, and Slingbox (for sports). Sports being the only time I see commercials (they are infuriating). I pay about $8/mo for netflix, $8/mo for Prime, $150 fixed for the slingbox which is hooked up in my sisters house to a box she rarely uses, and $50 fixed for the antenna which I rarely use. I win?
Posted by: ep at February 24, 2015 05:03 PM (bSWzX) Posted by: eleven at February 24, 2015 05:03 PM (ykfyK) Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at February 24, 2015 05:03 PM (/4AZU) 206
159 For that handful of things you can't stop watching there is this. Thanks for the tip! Posted by: cool breeze at February 24, 2015 05:03 PM (A+/8k) 207
That's why I prefer video and computer games. More agency. As for TV, any show worth watching (like Archer)
can be found on the internet with enough digging. And no, I don't care that using streaming sites from servers outside the US is piracy. If I have to sit through a Mr. Clean ad in Russian before the show starts, I've already done my part to make sure somebody is making money. Posted by: Naes at February 24, 2015 05:03 PM (YhayY) 208
Hmph! Johnny-come-latelys. Haven't owned a TV since 1977. I have had no basis for conversation with 90% of the American electorate. Like I care..
Posted by: The Old Coach at February 24, 2015 05:03 PM (FFIoe) 209
yeah, about that Walking Dead ghey stuff, it's pretty amusing, and a perfect example of the problem. Like most people, I give not one f**k about the issue of the ghey - actually, it's not an issue to me. (marriage redefinition, further trashing the judicial system and republic and now even state constitutions, and playing fascist mob-enforcer are all BIG issues to me - but that is a different subject, and the inability to make this kinda huge obvious distinction is yet another disappointing performance by so many Americans - incl. many, ahemm, in these parts) But what, we're five seasons in to this? (OK, the series has sort of atrophied for a long time, now mostly just a constant replay of decreasingly plausible or interesting soap opera dramatics and horror flick/thriller set-piece plots) In that whole time, I can recall exactly three sex scenes - and one of them was actually material to the central story and central character for a whole season (Lori and Shane when Rick was missing). Two other very brief animal grunting things. But we've had two - count 'em, two - ghey interludes? Lessee - hmm, 2% of the populace, carry the 300,000,000, divide by the global average temperature, subtract the debt of Greece - there it is! Um, the ghey thing is comically over-represented (and also, in context, just taped-on thinggies, not integral to the characters or story). And don't forget the single solitary political reference, way back, by Merle - guess which party was (baselessly, natch) slandered? Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 05:04 PM (afQnV) 210
I'll say again: the rise of Netflix, Amazon, etc, should be a great opportunity for conservatives to fight for the culture. They allow you to bypass the traditional gatekeepers in the media. When you don't have to worry about movie screens or time slots, when you can put together a coherent storyline over 10-12 episodes and not worry about filling 22 for syndication, that gives you freedom. We should be encouraging conservatives in Hollywood and outside of Hollywood to step up. Posted by: Colorado Alex at February 24, 2015 05:04 PM (OiH3z) 211
Is Mike Hammer banned? Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:04 PM (sj3Ax) 212
I've taken up learning piano/keyboard. At my advanced age (please to be noticing green substance below your feet), I've already noticed some changes in my ability to cogitate.
Of course I spend a fair amount of time online watching videos about how to play, but at least there's no brainwashing involved. YMMV. Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at February 24, 2015 05:04 PM (0HooB) Posted by: Net Neutrality at February 24, 2015 05:05 PM (q+zA9) Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 05:05 PM (E+pqw) 215
I watch about two hours of tv a week voluntarily. Husband loves tv and will never give it up.
It's this computer that keeps me from doing useful things. Posted by: Comrade Moron April at February 24, 2015 05:06 PM (Qgmhc) 216
"I say "almost entirely" because people are so addicted to TV at this
point that I think it seems as hard to quit TV as it is to quit smoking. (By the way: It's easy to quit smoking." I quit smoking, it wasn't easy but in the end I did it cold turkey. It took me years to reach that point because it was a social habit. Beer in one hand, smoke in the other. Both were not doing me any good. I quit drinking like a fish, it seems like I'm no longer watching anything except for college football on TV along with small doses of what used to be the Weather channel. I no longer watch any of the Sunday political spew programs, all of them promote the DNC and GOPe lies. I never really watched and 'series' so it's easy for me to make the cut, my entertainment comes from RL - real life, there's precious few hours we are granted on the planet, I don't intend to follow anyone's fictional life by watching them on TV. My son looks at me and asks why I have a 55" on the wall when I don't use it, I explain that it does get used, just not for what the propaganda artists want. Posted by: Gmac- Pulling in feelers in preperation... at February 24, 2015 05:06 PM (74McK) 217
I dont watch TV but Im downloading Better Call Saul right now
Posted by: drain bamage at February 24, 2015 05:06 PM (sME5z) 218
Is Rubber band?
Posted by: Clutch Cargo at February 24, 2015 05:06 PM (sH832) 219
Ace, if you're still hanging around the comments, I think you need to set up " PayPal Preapproved Payments" on your paypal account so we can set up reoccurring payments.
Posted by: irright at February 24, 2015 05:06 PM (pMGkg) 220
I do wonder, though, if this isn't what most people are meant to do. In the old days, I doubt everyone spent as much time as we think reading good books and having stimulating discussions. They bowled, or got drunk with their lodge mates, molested the livestock, or just sat on the front porch watching the flies buzz around.
TV mostly sucks, yes, but I'm not sure the average human is capable of the kind of prolonged stimulation you envision. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:07 PM (4nR9/) 221
The main thing is TV has already written off our demographic...
I fully expect the Big three to start primary Spanish broadcasting within the next ten years. Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at February 24, 2015 05:07 PM (/4AZU) 222
Except during football season. I watch a lot of college ball.
Posted by: Comrade Moron April at February 24, 2015 05:07 PM (Qgmhc) 223
Only watch TV after six and no alphabet channels...
Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 05:07 PM (Bn6aD) 224
But TV is a dead medium anyway. You shouldn't do anything passively (other than sex with your spouse, because it gets all weird & they think you've been doggin around if you start participating), even reading. Keep a dictionary at hand when you read. If you don't need a dictionary, drop that book & pick up one that challenges you. If you've learned all the English words & read all the books, try German, or Spanish, or Polish, or Russian. Or, hell, even French.
Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (MbqmP) 225
Every television network, TV show, and movie is out there for streaming FREE. It is illegal to download, but perfectly legal to stream content.
The cable was cut here years ago, and I never watch a commercial unless streaming live. I watched American Sniper in HD before its release because some liberal Academy member could not wait to upload their screener. Posted by: Valiant at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (4rlxS) Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (E+pqw) 227
I do wonder, though, if this isn't what most people are meant to do. In the old days, I doubt everyone spent as much time as we think reading good books and having stimulating discussions. They bowled, or got drunk with their lodge mates, molested the livestock, or just sat on the front porch watching the flies buzz around. TV mostly sucks, yes, but I'm not sure the average human is capable of the kind of prolonged stimulation you envision. I don't include myself in this category, naturellement. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (4nR9/) 228
Has anyone seen Game of Thrones? It's pure trash.Boring trash. I'm not
squeamish so my reaction to the violence and sex and rape is to roll my eyes rather than be offended. They have an odd definition of "mature." It's like a 15 year old male wrote it. Posted by: Naes at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (YhayY) 229
I quit cable almost 2 years ago now. I do subscribe to Netflix and Amazon though. Oh, and I have an aerial for a few local stations, but haven't used it since last fall.
Posted by: Eric at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (8QuKx) 230
Ace, if you're still hanging around the comments, I think you need to set up " PayPal Preapproved Payments" on your paypal account so we can set up reoccurring payments. Posted by: irright at February 24, 2015 05:06 PM (pMGkg) /two weeks Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 24, 2015 05:09 PM (TIIx5) 231
I don't know why the buttfuck sodomite mafia had to fruck up the Walking Dead. Queerer than a three dollar bill. Rarer than a three dollar bill. This mental illness exists mostly on the movies and TV. Most other mental illnesses are much more common.
I quit NCIS and SVU due to propaganda. Posted by: Boss Moss at February 24, 2015 05:09 PM (hlbmD) 232
214 >>>Is Mike Hammer banned? not that i know Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 05:05 PM (E+pqw) Him and a few others have been captured and taken to camp ban hammer. But they have utilized crude string and plastic cups to create a proxy to allow them to communicate to the outside world. He tried getting it resolved sometime ago but no success so he just goes through the proxies. Posted by: Buzzion at February 24, 2015 05:09 PM (z/Ubi) 233
Ace, if you're still hanging around the comments, I think you need to
set up " PayPal Preapproved Payments" on your paypal account so we can set up reoccurring payments. Just email your credit card number, CSC and expiration. He'll take care of the rest. Posted by: Clutch Cargo at February 24, 2015 05:09 PM (sH832) Posted by: The Elks Lodge at February 24, 2015 05:09 PM (q+zA9) 235
>>>I've taken up learning piano/keyboard. At my advanced age (please to be noticing green substance below your feet), I've already noticed some changes in my ability to cogitate. Learning an instrument is good for you in so many ways. I played in band in high school and a little piano as a kid, but I am really enjoying the guitar because I enjoy singing along! Also, the guitar is much more complex than I had realized. Posted by: Lea at February 24, 2015 05:10 PM (lIU4e) 236
231 Posted by: Boss Moss at February 24, 2015 05:09 PM (hlbmD)
The Glee Gang will not let you let them alone... their pecadillo has evolved from "the name which shall not be spoken of" to "the love that won't shut the fuck up" Posted by: Sven S Blade a.k.a. El Assassin@sven10077 at February 24, 2015 05:10 PM (/4AZU) 237
But TV is a dead medium anyway. That's what they say. Millenials don't watch TV. I don't know that I believe it, but it's at least plausible. OTOH, that means they're all playing video games and Facebooking. When really good VR is finally available, I predict that a majority of the human race will simply drop out of reality. Here comes the Matrix. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:10 PM (4nR9/) 238
I can spend hours watching stuff on YouTube. Funny stuff, practical stuff, cats.
Posted by: toby928(C) at February 24, 2015 05:10 PM (evdj2) 239
Boss Moss,
Thank you for link. I don't like watching on computer. I didn't know that there were that many shows on, which explains why I don't know who most of celebrities are. Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:11 PM (sj3Ax) 240
Does watching re-runs of football games count as watching TeeVee?
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 24, 2015 05:11 PM (oDCMR) 241
L'homme who played the Coach McGurk est aussi l'homme who plays the Archer.
Which show I do not give up. Non. Jamais! Unless there is a threatening involved, in which case I do so with much haste, in a manner suiting to one of my dignity and station. Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard du Pascal de Levitee at February 24, 2015 05:11 PM (wJliR) 242
It's like a 15 year old male wrote it. I concur; Game of Thrones is garbage. But it's well-produced garbage that keeps me interested just enough to keep watching. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 05:11 PM (Z92n0) 243
Ace, if you're still hanging around the comments, I think you need to set up " PayPal Preapproved Payments" on your paypal account so we can set up reoccurring payments. Just email your credit card number, CSC and expiration. He'll take care of the rest. Posted by: Clutch Cargo at February 24, 2015 05:09 PM (sH832) Just don't be surprised to find subscriptions to AdultFurryFinders and EndorVixens hitting your account every month. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 24, 2015 05:11 PM (TIIx5) 244
I disagree, and here is why. You are ceding the battlefield to the left.That is exactly how we got in this fucking mess. We ceded the culture, the universities, the media, and the TV to the hard left. It is like ceding the Rhineland to Hitler. They need to be fought everywhere, all the time. That is how they won - they fought us to exhaustion. I say we return the favor. trust me, they are relentless, but also arrogant and stupid. We can beat them. Watch TV, but only conservative TV with conservative messages.Mike Rowe. Justified. NCIS. The Americans. there are good shows out there. Reward those shows. reward those messages. Posted by: Dr. McCoy at February 24, 2015 05:12 PM (F192H) 245
228 Has anyone seen Game of Thrones? It's pure trash.Boring trash. I'm not
squeamish so my reaction to the violence and sex and rape is to roll my eyes rather than be offended. They have an odd definition of "mature." It's like a 15 year old male wrote it. Posted by: Naes at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (YhayY) I watched a couple of episodes of the first season. Couldn't get into it. Headchopping, sister-fucking and child murder just aren't my thing. Posted by: Insomniac at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (2Ojst) 246
>>>. It's the best medium to absorb knowledge
???!?!!! Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (E+pqw) Retention of conveyed information is much higher with TV &/or movies than with any other single medium. You absorb the message that TV gives you, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. Text? Radio? Not so much. Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (MbqmP) 247
>>OTOH, that means they're all playing video games and Facebooking.
Which is exactly what is happening. I was joking about video games up above but if TV is a mind numbing waste of time how exactly is binging on video games or telling the world you just had a grilled cheese on Facebook a stimulating activity? Don't even get me started on the complete waste of time that is twitter. Posted by: JackStraw at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (g1DWB) 248
When I was your age, television was called books.
Posted by: The Grandfather at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (h4vJk) 249
Buzzion & Ace,
He just sent an email that he can't post here. Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (sj3Ax) 250
My dad, aged 60, was just regaling us with the exact moment he decided to stop watching TV. Sometime in the 1970s (he gave the exact year), he was watching an obscure show and was incensed by the liberal propaganda is was spewing. So he stopped watching TV. As a result, we were usually not allowed to have the TV on when Dad was home. I don't think I missed out on much. He still only watches football occasionally, and that's it. For years, he would study chemistry in the evenings. More recently, he's into German, and he's become pretty literate. Loves to read der spiegel for news. I'm not quite the purist that he is when it comes to TV, but I try. It can be done, and I guarantee it will enrich your life.
Also bird watching is super cool. I love it, the thrill of what bird you might see on any outing is great. Spring migration is almost upon us!! Posted by: Kat at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (73/KV) 251
toby, have you watched any of Broscience's vids on youtube? They're really funny, but I don't know if you need to have extensive experience in the gym to appreciate it. Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (Z92n0) 252
We all know what the expanded version of the problem is: The problem is that we live in, as Andrew Breitbart called it, a "Matrix" of leftist assumptions and propaganda, all being delivered to us 24/7 by a wireless intravenous drip system called television.
I'm thinking about, firstly, stopping watching almost TV entirely and shedding cable stations. (Some cut the cable entirely.) We stopped watching TV years ago, for esthetic more than political reasons; TV now more than ever consists almost entirely of utter trash, and anything that's good can be accessed elsewhere. We'd cut the cable entirely, but for a) baseball and b) telephony. The landline provides a much more reliable connection, which I find useful for teleconferences. MLB.TV is a solution to a), except the ^%$#@! blackout playoffs and the World Series, as well as the All-Star game. But if ESPN jumps the cable ship, as it is about to do, I may just pull the plug entirely on cable, and take my chances with a dodgier cell phone connection for telecons. Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (oKE6c) 253
I do watch Jeopardy though,and when they do the TV category I rarely have heard of any of them unless they are "classic" TV shows AKA yesteryear's..
Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 05:13 PM (Bn6aD) 254
I have cut the cable. But right now I sit, legs up, with a Pat Metheny live performance streaming through my Fire Stick. I pick and choose what media I am subjected to. The politicians and cable companies have decided that folks who want 'a la carte' pricing are some sort of knuckle dragging Neaderthals who should be ignored. I flash one fantastic finger at them.
Something is happening but they don't know what it is. It's called freedom. Posted by: se pa moron at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (zxQ4h) 255
Ash Wednesday was last week. When I told my wife about my plan to abstain from all TV for Lent, she was all for it. First week has been harder forme than for her,but I'm getting back to working on my NaNoWriMo novels.
And have more sex with the aforementioned better half. Posted by: Asparagus tuteme ex infernis at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (u2TaQ) 256
I bullied my housemates to drop Comcast in favor of Verizon FiOS. We no longer help offset Comcast losses on MSNBC.
Only downside: BBC America is on an ultra-premium tier. So no Orphan Black or Doctor Who. I'm moving out after graduation (82 days!) and will go with over the air only. Plus UseNet for the occasional special event. Guy Mohawk, what antenna you using? Posted by: Little Miss Spellcheck at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (4pyhg) 257
@237 When really good VR is finally available, I predict that a majority of the human race will simply drop out of reality. Here comes the Matrix.
--------------------------- Not just VR. Instapundit likes to do a periodic update on how close we are to having sexbots become a reality. Posted by: junior at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (UWFpX) 258
I disagree, and here is why.
You are ceding the battlefield to the left.That is exactly how we got in this fucking mess. We ceded the culture, the universities, the media, and the TV to the hard left. It is like ceding the Rhineland to Hitler. You assume that the battlefield is static. They may find that they have conquered those institutions, only to find out that they're completely irrelevant. It's like ceding Patagonia to the Iroquois. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (4nR9/) 259
Has anyone seen Game of Thrones? It's pure trash.Boring trash.
The Ice Tunnel scene in the finale was worth suffering through all of last season. Poor guys facing an effin troll. I would have been that guy say, 'Let's bug out of here dudes!' Posted by: toby928(C) at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (evdj2) 260
Retention of conveyed information is much higher with TV /or movies than with any other single medium.
That's why Goebbels loved film. Imagine how much he'd love getting his films into your own home with TV. Posted by: HR needs cheeseburgers at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (/kI1Q) 261
Birdwatching is an excellent suggestion Ace. I have been a birder for over 30 years. It is a rewarding and stimulating hobby. One can go hiking through forests, marshes, and every other environment, and find and identify all kinds of birds. Plus the outdoors has lots of other hobbies one could pursue such as mushrooms, flowers insects, butterflies, etc. and during the night there is astronomy. There is always some fun to be had in the great outdoors. Plus all the hiking around makes you feel good.
Posted by: nanny hag at February 24, 2015 05:15 PM (Queum) 262
toby, also: Enterthedojoshow makes some amusing vids Rape Class, part 1: Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 05:15 PM (Z92n0) 263
That's what they say. Millenials don't watch TV. I don't know that I believe it, but it's at least plausible.
OTOH, that means they're all playing video games and Facebooking. When really good VR is finally available, I predict that a majority of the human race will simply drop out of reality. Here comes the Matrix. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:10 PM (4nR9/) As a caveat, AM radio was a dead medium until Rush came along. It's back to being mostly dead, but it's proof that things can change. Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:15 PM (MbqmP) 264
I continue to watch Walking Dead in the hopes that Daryl will finally lay the pipe to Carol. She's become quite the badass.
Posted by: jmel at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (cfFqn) 265
I watch NFL. Thats about it. We havent had cable/satellite since 2008.
Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (RubNX) 266
toby, have you watched any of Broscience's vids on youtube?
I think I have, on your previous recommendation. yeah, funny. Posted by: toby928(C) at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (evdj2) 267
Knowing that I don't have to watch a show NOW has been most the most freeing experience I have had with regards to television.
Back in the day, you saw a show or it was done and you might be lucky to catch it in re-runs. Then we had VCRs, now the internet, DVRs and box sets of your favorite shows you can get from the library. Whatever is on, I can choose to see it later. Just now, I'm starting to watch Doctor Who with the new Doctor. Right before sleep. Knowing that I can watch "Gotham", "The Flash" or "Agents of Shield" sometime down the road because it will ALWAYS be around makes it so much easier to just say not now. Posted by: Stateless Infidel at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (AC0lD) 268
" I can spend hours watching stuff on YouTube. Funny stuff, practical stuff, cats."
Oh man. speaking of youtube. You probably don't know anything about this person unless you have children, but there's this youtube chick named DC Toy Collector who unboxes toys, basically. Kids think it's crack, and she makes more money on youtube than anyone. Well, apparently she's a pornstar. Or she was a pornstar up until a few years ago. Posted by: Lauren at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (MYCIw) 269
My TV watching began declining once I discovered the internet. First to go were entertainment-type shows, then I quit watching TV news after the 2008 election.
By 2012 my TV watching had become so rare that I cancelled the cable altogether. The only thing I miss is postseason baseball, and I don't follow it as much as I used to anyway. Posted by: rickl at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (zoehZ) 270
I pulled the plug years ago.....but filled up a bunch of the "liberated" time with the internet.
Posted by: cthulhu at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (T1005) 271
Cable dropped in 1998, never looked back.
Posted by: Charlie Hargrave at February 24, 2015 05:17 PM (gEjVe) 272
Problem is, we pretty much killed the Movie industry (as in no one goes to see them anymore compared to what used to be) and they still keep saying and doing and making asinine liberal shit. We killed the music industry (as in no one buys it anymore compared to what it used to be) and they still keep saying and doing and making asinine liberal shit. TV is no different.
Posted by: Steven at February 24, 2015 05:17 PM (2Ug3k) 273
>>>toby, have you watched any of Broscience's vids on youtube?
you should subscribe to my channel and get $300 of merchandise for gainzzz !! Posted by: Dom Mazzetti -Broscientist at February 24, 2015 05:17 PM (q+zA9) 274
We dropped cable entirely several years, except for the internet connection. So we watch good stuff on Netflix.
Yes, freedom-minded people need to stop polluting themselves with nonstop cultural poison. Then we need to convince the rest of the culture to do the same. Probably a lot easier to persuade people to give up all the crap on TV than it is to change their minds politically. Posted by: Hurricane LaFawnduh at February 24, 2015 05:17 PM (HBAcW) 275
Haven't read the comments, but Ace - it's so pitifully easy to give up TV. And never miss it once. Great big world out there. I have a TV that's almost never on, a big wall of books in the living room, etc., etc. Easy-peasy.
Posted by: Skookumchuk at February 24, 2015 05:17 PM (/WPPJ) 276
FIOS is not available in my city. My brother had Verizon DSL & after they jerked him around for weeks he got POd & switched to Comcast.
Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:17 PM (sj3Ax) 277
I watched a couple of episodes of the first season. Couldn't get into it. Headchopping, sister-fucking and child murder just aren't my thing. But there's so much more! Such as... dragons. Kinda. And, um, ... Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 05:17 PM (Z92n0) 278
Ace you didn't expand the problem you avoided it. You disconnecting isn't going to save anyone else it will only mean you find out about the country's death later than most.
I actually want to got eh other direct and actually start making conservative programs. I literally want to buy a tv station or a few of them. I want to save the others that I can. *The fact it will make liberal heads explode while I'm at it is a just a bonus* Posted by: brainpimp at February 24, 2015 05:18 PM (zosQc) 279
I haven't looked at the TV more than an hour since the internet was invented.
Posted by: rc at February 24, 2015 05:18 PM (J4ZHs) 280
The days immediately following the debacle that was the election of 2012, Ace proved to me he was legit. He was very proactive in trying to keep a moron from committing suicide. He also had various threads committed to getting our minds right, like quitting smoking. I will never forget it. I personally checked out days later by cancelling TV and internet. I wonder what happened to that guy who was very despondent. Thanks Ace.
Posted by: HugoStiglitz at February 24, 2015 05:18 PM (Moh0M) 281
I'm really enjoying the final season of Justified so far. Better Call Saul has been pretty good so far, too. And even though it will be a completely different cast, I'm looking forward to the second season of Fargo.
There's lots of crap out there though. Shit like Madam Secretary obviously exists solely to try to boost Hillary's chances in 2016... I've seen the ads for it and it looks annoying as fuck. I used to watch Family Guy but I dropped it the moment it became Bush Derangement Syndrome: The Animated Series, and I never looked back. I've gotten so used to being disappointed by Saturday Night Live that I almost never watch anymore, or even bother to check the supposedly funny parts that people try to trick me into watching on YouTube the next day. Posted by: Crazy Bald Guy at February 24, 2015 05:18 PM (WRZIs) 282
Speaking of cryptography:
Several years ago I devised a way to encrypt information that is literally indecipherable by computers. (That is, unless you know the "secret," obviously, because it has to be decryptable by the recipient.) But this really is the most ingenious thing I've ever devised. I've only ever told one person about it in detail -- someone into cryptography at Cal -- and he literally fell out of his chair, saying it was unique in history and would be a rock-solid way of encrypting any transmission and would indeed be literally unbreakable, even if every computer in the world worked on it for a hundred years. Problem is, I have no idea what to do with my "invention." I have the idea, but it's useless! because I can't tell anyone! It wil probably die with me. Sad. Posted by: zombie at February 24, 2015 05:18 PM (K4YiS) 283
Ace. I bought the Easy Way book after you had mentioned it in a post a month or so ago.
I haven't had a cig in 3+ weeks and have never felt better. Thank you. Posted by: Bosk at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (n2K+4) 284
Wyatt Earp is an excellent serial. The background music is, get this, a group of men humming. It's surreal.
And at an hour long is like a short movie. Long live his name, long live his glory and long may his story be told.... Posted by: dartist at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (ahBY0) 285
I watch sports mostly, but have noticed that the age Obama has infiltrated the NFL. Why would any real footballer chose to wear pink?
Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (oDCMR) 286
I do wonder, though, if this isn't what most people are meant to do. In the old days, I doubt everyone spent as much time as we think reading good books and having stimulating discussions. They bowled, or got drunk with their lodge mates, molested the livestock, or just sat on the front porch watching the flies buzz around. TV mostly sucks, yes, but I'm not sure the average human is capable of the kind of prolonged stimulation you envision.
Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:07 PM (4nR9/) -------------------------------------------- Yup. I'd just think of other ways to be slothful in my idle hours without tv. My mind can only take so much activity during the day. It has to have a way of going off to lala land and relax. TV helps it do that. There are some good things to watch on tv. But I also have a life where I get out among people and do things, and indulge in my most favorite thing which is travel. I don't feel that I'm cheating myself by sitting down and watching episodes of Marco Polo or The Borgias on Netflix. They're good shows and good lessons in human nature. My mind loves chewing on that bubblegum. Posted by: Soona at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (/HX7u) 287
I have been a birder for over 30 years. It is a
rewarding and stimulating hobby. Posted by: nanny hag at February 24, 2015 05:15 PM (Queum) No matter what you call it, it still sucks for me. Posted by: The Chicken at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (Zu3d9) 288
Birdwatching is an excellent suggestion Ace. I have been a birder for over 30 years. It is a rewarding and stimulating hobby. One can go hiking through forests, marshes, and every other environment, and find and identify all kinds of birds. Plus the outdoors has lots of other hobbies one could pursue such as mushrooms, flowers insects, butterflies, etc. and during the night there is astronomy. There is always some fun to be had in the great outdoors. Plus all the hiking around makes you feel good. Shorter version: Getting up off your backside is good. I installed a bird feeder outside my family room, so I don't even have to get up to see them, but you've motivated me to head out this weekend. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (4nR9/) 289
Just got a beep from GasBuddy. Dallas area prices are going up to $2.29/gal from $2.09/gal.
Posted by: rickb223 at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (LVXFh) 290
Only downside: BBC America is on an ultra-premium tier. So no Orphan Black or Doctor Who.
I'm moving out after graduation (82 days!) and will go with over the air only. Plus UseNet for the occasional special event. Guy Mohawk, what antenna you using? Posted by: Little Miss Spellcheck at February 24, 2015 05:14 PM (4pyhg) You can probably stream those online somewhere if you looked around. There's also a program I've heard about called Vuze which can be used to download shows and movies. Posted by: Stateless Infidel at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (AC0lD) 291
You do not win the battle by leaving the territory to the enemy. You win a war by forcing them to retreat. The answer isn't abandoning TV entirely, it's becoming a loud enough voice that the tide turns.
You start with the smallest step first, and build your victories. So aim for the loudest most obnoxious shows, and make very loud noise to the sponsors of those shows. Let them know that you are no longer going to support those companies for sponsering the shows, and then stop watching those programs. The result will be two fold. 1. The advertisers become rattled, and debate pullign advertising. 2. The networks become rattled when there's a dip in the ratings. Start with the big shows, and organize on those shows first. THEN you can work on changing the landscape to help coerce more conservitive leaning programs to come out. You don't simply abandon the war effort, you simply focus on the winnable battles. Posted by: Dr. Mr. Badman at February 24, 2015 05:19 PM (NFDop) 292
I quit television long ago and don't miss it except for college football. I do have netflix, so I can watch old shows from years ago when there was quality television, and I don't have to watch any commericals.
Posted by: Vashta Nerada at February 24, 2015 05:20 PM (YgotP) 293
I could cut TV in a heartbeat.
I don't watch it already. To be 100 percent accurate, I do watch some Netflix. I will watch entire seasons when they are available, but the more honest answer is I don't watch TV. In the past week, for example, I watched way more than I usually do because of being snowed in, and even then I watched an old MSFT2000, Short Term 2000, and The Naked Gun. Two of those were pure time-killer repeats caused by the weather. I never watch news because I can get as much as I want of it at a much quicker rate on the Internet. I watch probably 10 hours of sports a year. And this has all been true for at least five years. But...I don't think the media cares about people like me, anyway. I have Internet service only, no cable, no land line. In terms of wasting time, though, the Internet can be just as bad. It's interactive, so in that respect it's not as deadening. Nevertheless, it will suck your ability to accomplish meaningful work because of the illusion that its potato-chip, instant gratification life substitutes for genuine achievement. Posted by: Nicholas Kronos at February 24, 2015 05:20 PM (zV1hP) 294
See 'The Cable Guy'.
Posted by: SGT York at February 24, 2015 05:20 PM (IQP/f) Posted by: toby928(C) at February 24, 2015 05:20 PM (evdj2) 296
CBD, actually I think most cable operations are regulated exactly like a utility (but with smaller footprints than power or water). Territories divided up. Haven't checked in a while, but not many locations have an actual choice of cable companies (most people too far from a telephone central office for ADSL have no choice at all). Anyway I don't think there actually would be almost any principle problems with "cable TV reform/comprehensive overhaul" (to use the most blood-boiling Soviet distortion language that is now applied to all unconstitutional, ill-advised, outrageous initiatives by the idiots in power). De-bundling damn well should happen. Would be a holocaust for the crappier content providers, who would disappear. That whole market thinggy. Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 05:20 PM (afQnV) 297
Loves to read der spiegel for news.
Odd choice for someone who who claims they don't like "liberal propaganda." MLB.TV is a solution to a), except the ^%$#@! blackout playoffs and the World Series, as well as the All-Star game. More than half the Brewers games are blacked out of Indianapolis so it's a waste of money for me, but the radio feed is $20/yr and the game is better suited to radio anyway. Also, music/radio is better for "background noise" than TV because you'll never stop what you're doing with your hands to look up at it when it's interesting. Posted by: HR needs cheeseburgers at February 24, 2015 05:20 PM (/kI1Q) 298
It's the best medium to absorb knowledge
???!?!!! Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 05:08 PM (E+pqw) Check out Lots and lots of interesting stuff there. OK, I admit it, I'm a nerd, but I love that site (and Khan Academy). It provides a chance to learn lots of stuff I always wanted to learn, but never had time. Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 24, 2015 05:21 PM (oKE6c) 299
Correction: Short Term 2000 should be Short Term 12 above.
Posted by: Nicholas Kronos at February 24, 2015 05:21 PM (zV1hP) 300
First time I've read comments since 2012 when I decided I could no longer stomach politics, although I've been checking the postings regularly. Just realized how much I missed it all. I read lots in the winter, but keep the hum of the TV on in the background and have used the low hum of C-Span for years to get to sleep. Guess I could go to radio. Posted by: Dave at February 24, 2015 05:21 PM (Q39AM) 301
Oh crap..
Posted by: hello, it's Me Donna ....again at February 24, 2015 05:22 PM (Bn6aD) 302
" Dallas area prices are going up to $2.29/gal from $2.09/gal."
The Shell across the street went up but the QT caddy-cornered is still at $1.96/gal. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:22 PM (LA7Cm) 303
I can live without cable. My wife, on the other hand...
Posted by: Citizen Cake at February 24, 2015 05:22 PM (ppaKI) 304
Posted by: Mirror-Universe Mitt Romney at February 24, 2015 05:22 PM
Yes, yes, you're very smart. Now shut up. Posted by: The Grandfather at February 24, 2015 05:22 PM (h4vJk) 305
The Science channel is gone to shit, just like the History channel. Don't get the military channel. I have a metal turning lathe and a vertical mill along with power bandsaw and welder in the garage. I spend most of my time there, so I watch little TV anymore. Just finished a set of wheel weights for my 1955 Simplicity walking tractor. Know what that is? Posted by: maddogg at February 24, 2015 05:23 PM (xWW96) 306
Okay, back to bug-shit loony today.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:23 PM (LA7Cm) 307
I'm on board.
As long as I can skip the whole reconnecting with the other people part. People are the problem, not the solution. Posted by: Garrett at February 24, 2015 05:23 PM (bHra+) 308
With all apologies to AllenG and a light hearted attempt at topicalness-Barack Obama is a SCOAMTS (Stuttering Clusterfark of a Miserable Television Show). I sort of wish what I was seeing in our country was just bad television. Posted by: lurkingestlurker at February 24, 2015 05:23 PM (k8xvx) 309
Cut cable a few years ago. Haven't missed it once. Netflix alone has more interesting things to watch for me than cable ever did, and it's a lot cheaper.
Trust me, you won't miss cable when it's gone. Posted by: Craig Allen at February 24, 2015 05:23 PM (nqVsx) 310
I pulled the plug years ago.....but filled up a bunch of the "liberated" time with the internet.
Posted by: cthulhu at February 24, 2015 05:16 PM (T1005) My wife cranks on that refresh button in twitter like a damned rat with a cocaine button. I think Randall Munroe is a bit of a jackass, but his 20-minute timer idea for internet usage is probably not a bad idea. Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:24 PM (MbqmP) 311
De-bundling damn well should happen. Would be a
holocaust for the crappier content providers, who would disappear. That whole market thinggy. Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 05:20 PM (afQnV) My wife points out, I think correctly, that Repubs should jump de-bundling as a campaign issue. I think she's right that it would be enormously popular, and would also kick the leftists in the nuts. Adios, MSNBC! Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 24, 2015 05:24 PM (oKE6c) 312
Birdwatching is an excellent suggestion Ace.
I agree, and it doubles as a way to keep your rifle skills up when the tree rats go for the bird feed. Posted by: dartist at February 24, 2015 05:24 PM (ahBY0) 313
"Just finished a set of wheel weights for my 1955 Simplicity walking tractor. Know what that is?"
Basically a two-wheeled tractor. Sorta like a tiller that you hook implements to and walk behind, steering. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:24 PM (LA7Cm) 314
You know who else was obsessed about hedonism? Uncle Joe Stalin!
Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:25 PM (MbqmP) 315
I understand the idea of "support the shows that show respect for our worldview" and ignore the ones that don't, but I'm of the opinion that at the end of the day the only way to really hurt the people who see you as subhuman (and they do) is to to turn it off all together. Mike Rowe seems like a cool guy, but ultimately his success lines the pockets of people I hate.
Posted by: Naes at February 24, 2015 05:25 PM (YhayY) 316
Birdwatching is an excellent suggestion Ace. I have been a birder for over 30 years. It is a rewarding and stimulating hobby. One can go hiking through forests, marshes, and every other environment, and find and identify all kinds of birds. **** OK, so I don't birdwatch per se but I pay attention when i'm looking out the window and I see something i can't identify, or a weird looking duck at the lake, or whatever birds are at the river during my weekly walk. But I tried to look one up once and it was actually really difficult! The website was asking a lot of questions I didn't know the answers to. I gave up and just decided to enjoy the beauty of the bird and not worry about what it was. Posted by: Lea at February 24, 2015 05:25 PM (lIU4e) 317
he literally fell out of his chair, saying it was unique in history and
would be a rock-solid way of encrypting any transmission and would indeed be literally unbreakable, even if every computer in the world worked on it for a hundred years. Yeah, about that. Posted by: The Enigma Machine at February 24, 2015 05:25 PM (4nR9/) 318
As long as I can skip the whole reconnecting with the other people part.
People are the problem, not the solution. Posted by: Garrett at February 24, 2015 05:23 PM (bHra+) So, Sartre, Hobbes, & Garret walk into a bar... Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:26 PM (MbqmP) 319
We need an all conservative channel 247 to counteract their mindless mush. Not Fox News on the one hand on the other hand. Fair and balanced garbage
Also a conservative comedy show to ridicule these idiots relentlessly Politics occurs downstream from the culture. I believe this is attributed to Andrew Breitbart Posted by: BrianLordan at February 24, 2015 05:26 PM (NfOMi) 320
Truth is, I waste more time on the internet than on TV.
I almost never sit slack-jawed watching cause I can't still so I'm doing something else at the same time. Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 05:26 PM (ZPrif) 321
Basically a two-wheeled tractor. Sorta like a tiller that you hook implements to and walk behind, steering. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:24 PM (LA7Cm) Correct! This one is fully restored. Belonged to my Grandfather. I made many parts for it. It is plowing like a new one.
Posted by: maddogg at February 24, 2015 05:26 PM (xWW96) 322
FWIW, there has never been a better time to take up needlecrafts like knitting and crochet. There are tons of YouTube videos, very affordable online instruction platforms like, and the world's most functional and useful hobby website, Ravelry.
They're both totally addictive and hard to do while watching tv until you get pretty good at them. Posted by: Dora Suarez at February 24, 2015 05:26 PM (0/Svj) 323
Yeah, about that.
Posted by: The Enigma Machine at February 24, 2015 05:25 PM CVDR KSYU, UIWP ZLQM! Posted by: That One-Time Pad at February 24, 2015 05:27 PM (h4vJk) 324
ace/others, probably unknowable whether today's Americans are actually lazier and less thoughtful than earlier versions (though I, too, think that is the case). And if true, or regardless - there is little doubt that the electorate has been dumbed down, via the education process, and the general erosion of civic culture. That's not an inevitable result of TV, but partially at least, probably an actual one. Bob Belcher mentioned above needing the ability to screen for yourself. But that's based on actual knowlege, understanding, life experience. For the quite malleagle young'ins, I dunno. When I used to do my Penn/Teller-like fisking of a NYT article, impromptu, in front of college classes, the (few) smart ones would either ask at the end, or after class "gee, how DO we get the info and analysis we need?". And I really didn't have an answer. A lot of it is just individual variation/taste/interests, but my alienation from pop culture is quite extreme, and has surely been reinforced by the politicization of almost everything, and by that I mean the insertion of distorted, false, and/or slanderous content that relentlessly pushes the fascist, racist, statist, economically and scientifically and historically illiterate crap that animates the people now ruining the country. Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 05:27 PM (afQnV) 325
also for internet watchers: don't everyone go there at once, its a secret. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at February 24, 2015 05:28 PM (ODxAs) 326
Quitting the idiot box is not easy. The liberal news bias made me quit for the first time in 87. Fell off the wagon a couple of times. Been TV free for about 4 years now.
Posted by: SpongeBobSaget at February 24, 2015 05:28 PM (zauWW) 327
"This one is fully restored. Belonged to my Grandfather."
Congrats. People seem to talk highly of them. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:29 PM (LA7Cm) 328
Ace: "I cannot imagine people living a hundred years ago putting up with this bullshit so willingly."
You mean the people who allowed the 16th amendment to become the law of the land without a hitch? Posted by: FireHorse at February 24, 2015 05:29 PM (r+LOT) 329
Yeah, about that.
Posted by: The Enigma Machine No, seriously, the Enigma Machine is a total loser concept compared to my idea. The Enigma Machine encodes things in a digital manner that can thereby be unencrypted digitally. What makes my concept unbreakable is that it exits the digital realm and enters the analog/physical realm, so there's nothing for the computers to "work on." To translate the encrypted message back into the original message, you NECESSARILY must take physical actions in analog meatspace -- which computers cannot do. Posted by: zombie at February 24, 2015 05:29 PM (K4YiS) 330
Anyone here familiar with food vacuum sealers, particularly the Weston brand? Posted by: Soothsayer is MR. MICROPHONE at February 24, 2015 05:29 PM (Z92n0) 331
Well MUMR would be the authority on compulsion.
Posted by: maddogg at February 24, 2015 05:29 PM (xWW96) 332
I have three TV shows I "watch". I haven't been assed to actually dial them in for months because I found more interesting and engaging things to do online.
The King has no clothes; furthermore, he is dead, and the funeral is likely to be closed-casket and ill attended. Posted by: Brother Cavil, Unrepresented Christian Objectivist at February 24, 2015 05:30 PM (DT3rQ) 333
Most of your netflix monthly bill goes to ProgMedia, too, same as your cable bill.
Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 24, 2015 05:30 PM (ZPrif) 334
Ace, I understand the sentiment, but it will not work. You will still have the vast majority of folks watching TV as is. I believe that Netflix is the model to break the backs of the unholy alliance. They have excellent productions that manage to avoid the leftist crap. Although I get tired of all the homosexuality that seems to be all the rage. And I am equal opportunity: I am getting tired of watching adults put their tongues in each other's mouths and having banal sex. But I digress.
There has to be a new center of gravity for production outside of Hollywood. It needs to be countercultural, done well, with compelling stories. There is plenty of talent out there looking for a shot. I think the Kochs et al are wasting their money on politics now. They need to be pouring money into the acquisition of production properties and hiring talent. Put the content on Netflix, and if they won't do it, start another streaming service. Show folk want one thing, and they will do whatever they have to do to get it: They want to perform. That is in their DNA in much greater concentration than their liberalism. Give an entertain a chance to entertain, and their politics will follow. Posted by: ObjectionSustained at February 24, 2015 05:30 PM (XV4jC) 335
You mean the people who allowed the 16th amendment to become the law of the land without a hitch?
Posted by: FireHorse at February 24, 2015 05:29 PM (r+LOT) You mean the people who allowed the 17th, 18th, & 19th...? Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:30 PM (MbqmP) 336
We cut the cable about a year ago, with 6/8 year old kids. They missed it about 2 days, then never heard a peep. Of course, we have netflix, but they watch much less tv now. We now have to make sure they don't transfer addiction to video games . . .
Posted by: hmitchell3rd at February 24, 2015 05:30 PM (m5msJ) 337
Yeah, about that.
Posted by: The Enigma Machine You mean where they had to capture one to crack it? Not a primo example there. Posted by: Brother Cavil, Unrepresented Christian Objectivist at February 24, 2015 05:31 PM (DT3rQ) 338
I agree with every single word of the post, but -
" (By the way: It's easy to quit smoking.)" Quitting was the hardest damned thing. Cigarettes were contributing life-threatening asthma attacks, and complicating colds into killer bronchitis every single winter, and it still took me two bloody years to completely quit, and I STILL WANT A BLOODY SMOKE RIGHT NOW. Which really, really bothers me. So, please, what made it easy? How do you stay off them? Every time I pass someone smoking, I miss it so bad. Posted by: Dianna at February 24, 2015 05:31 PM (DV/Ik) 339
"Quitting the idiot box is not easy. "
Darn thing is that while I've got 2-300 channels I really only watch 10-12 shows on 6-7 channels. The rest I don't care for. TCM, AMC, Discovery, History, AHC, Science, FXX, etc. Shit ton to pay for but I like to watch what I want and not just what I can get. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:31 PM (LA7Cm) 340
M. Romney from the Universe of the Mirror reminds me of the time when mon ami Sartre decided that he would exist on a diet purely of Gauloises and ennui. Pour un semaine he persists in this, though both Camus and I warned him to attempt it not. Then he became hooked on "Friends," and that was the end of that. Because, of course, the compulsory conformity et hedonism. A tragedy - Simone was heartbroken.
Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard du Pascal de Levitee at February 24, 2015 05:31 PM (wJliR) 341
I don't think cutting the cable and then watching the same shows over the air or streamed or on dvd counts as not being fed the propaganda.
Posted by: X at February 24, 2015 05:32 PM (UqJ2q) 342
To translate the encrypted message back into the original message, you
NECESSARILY must take physical actions in analog meatspace -- which computers cannot do. Humans can. Sounds like you're talking about an inorganic / organic interface, but what do I know? Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:32 PM (4nR9/) 343
I do not watch "new" tv. I have purchased, downloaded, many , many old shows , movies etc... It is an easy, less painful way to cut the cord, as it were....But still punish the tv controllers.
Posted by: marine43 at February 24, 2015 05:32 PM (YYVwb) 344
Haven't watched the television in 3 or 4 years.
Movies? Internet. News? Internet. Does what I need. Posted by: Mr. Mxyzptlk at February 24, 2015 05:32 PM (9R4HJ) 345
Shhh... don't tell... KODI and a good usenet provider- kill the dish
( I am in the boonies - no cable) Posted by: catman at February 24, 2015 05:32 PM (mgGNA) 346
"I'll let myself watch 2-3 hours a tv a week"
WTF?? Surely you mean cut down to 2-3 hours a NIGHT, right? Right? What would I do with myself all those hours? Oh, yeah.. play HALO! Ok! Sounds good! Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at February 24, 2015 05:32 PM (4+IgA) 347
I can do without movies very nicely. And also television. And hey, this internet is on the way out too. Net Neutrality, eh what?
Posted by: Eromero at February 24, 2015 05:33 PM (go5uR) 348
Posted by: Mirror-Universe Mitt Romney at February 24, 2015 05:31 PM Oddly enough, that's more or less my reaction to the 'modern art' at the MFA.... Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 24, 2015 05:33 PM (h4vJk) 349
Jay, yep - add that to the list of shiny, easy, pre-packaged campaign issues where broad popular sentiment aligns perfectly with sound policy, all of them piling up on that big ol' silver platter in front of the GOP. Of course the GOP's "for rent" problem would be severe - I was on the Hill during the first big cable regulation wars and that s**t got more Beltway money flowing than anything else I can recall aside from "tax reform". Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 05:33 PM (afQnV) 350
I noticed when DVRs came into being I stopped watching all live television save cable news. That cut way down on my viewing time. Since I cut the cable completely three years ago (I have Netflix and Amazon Prime), I now watch only what I want for the length of time I want, which again meant my viewing was reduced drastically. I still watch about two hours a night, but growing up it was easily five or more and that's when we only had twelve stations with basic cable. Conversely, the quality of television has gotten better. My current watch list: Gotham Arrow The Flash Better Call Saul Mad Men Agent Carter Agents of SHIELD Archer House of Cards And the best part is most of these are 13 episode season shows. Thanks to technology and getting to watch only what i want, I watch a fraction of the TV I did 20 years ago. Posted by: SGT York at February 24, 2015 05:33 PM (IQP/f) 351
I was watching "Revolution" on Netflix. Anyone else watch that? Basically, the whole season with "The Patriots" was one screaming lib tirade of "this is what the Tea Party would do." - right down to their choice of actor to play the murderous and conniving "President" who suspiciously resembled Bush.
Maybe I just see politics in everything now, but that was really pissing me off. Posted by: Eisenhorn at February 24, 2015 05:33 PM (KvKOu) 352
"I want you to get up, go to the window..." Great post, Ace. I cut the cable about 5 years ago. $60/month to be increasingly sermonized by the leftists and PC scolds had become too much. Now, I pay about $29/month for a gym membership where I can work out and glance at the t.v. if I choose. Win-win.
Posted by: fly gal at February 24, 2015 05:33 PM (8TdcF) 353
The fear is the worst part of quitting smoking. If you have ever sat through a long movie without a cigarette, you've experienced the worst of it.
Plan for a 3 day illness and have a lot of snacks on hand. I gave up a 30 year habit a little over 3 years ago. Posted by: scott at February 24, 2015 05:33 PM (2JSDI) 354
Don't be silly. I wouldn't go to a bar with two other people. That's way too much company.
Posted by: Garrett at February 24, 2015 05:34 PM (bHra+) 355
>>Most of your netflix monthly bill goes to ProgMedia, too, same as your cable bill.
Not to mention Silicon Valley and the various internet companies are largely Dem funding machines. You aren't getting away from giving to liberal businesses just because you log off tv. Posted by: JackStraw at February 24, 2015 05:34 PM (g1DWB) 356
BTW.. I quit smoking more than ten years ago. I could go out right now and buy a pack of Camels and be a pack a day smoker. I have quit smoking, but it has not quit me. I basically quit every damn morning..
Posted by: catman at February 24, 2015 05:35 PM (6Xfzi) 357
Yeah, about that. Posted by: The Enigma Machine You mean where they had to capture one to crack it? Not a primo example there. Posted by: Brother Cavil, Unrepresented Christian Objectivist So you're saying that Turing's work was beside the point? IIRC, there were Enigmas in the hands of the Brits early on in the war, courtesy of the Poles. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:36 PM (4nR9/) 358
Oh - and about alternative time sinks. Reloading. With Levin raging on (low volume) in the background (or podcasts of GunTalk radio, or Soviet military music ....... goes with the Mosin Nagant thing, you see). . Firearm fondling, er, cleaning, repair, dry-fire practice (these are not options, most likely for ace, living where he does) Reading (um, right here, or other internet, or those bundles of paper with printing on them). Cooking. Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 05:36 PM (afQnV) 359
I cut cable years ago. I do have digital rabbit ears, rarely used, and all the supplementary non cable internet TV that is available... Including netflix and some specialty channels. I tens, youtbube, all that. I stream content from sweden, most of what I watch doesn't even require a VPN .
It did change my life, TV is no longer a time sink and news and entertainment are via internet , filtered by aggregators or favorite bloggers or suggested material from friends on twitter or other social media. The most "closed off" people, by far, are my lefty friends, who carefully wrap themselves in information cotton lest they be exposed to challenging notions. Posted by: Sarahw at February 24, 2015 05:36 PM (Lbv/k) 360
Been smoking 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day for 30 years. Have tried quitting several times, cold turkey, chantix, etc...Longest I ever quit was 11 months and I was ill-tempered and jonesing all day every day. I'll never forget when I started again and all was right with the world. I half joke that I've quit quitting, but I so need to...maybe I'll check out that book. Posted by: Dave at February 24, 2015 05:37 PM (Q39AM) 361
Quitting the idiot box is not easy. The liberal news bias made me quit for the first time in 87. Fell off the wagon a couple of times. Been TV free for about 4 years now.
Posted by: SpongeBobSaget at February 24, 2015 05:28 PM (zauWW) --------------------------------------------- I love cable tv and Netflix. The choices are limitless so that I don't have to watch biased news or pop culture sitcoms/drama. I can watch whatever I damn please when I damn well get ready to watch it. Restricting myself by cutting my access to something I enjoy when I indulge in it is the very thing the left wants me to do in the general scheme of things. Remember. There is no laughter in islam. There is no joy in leftism. I enjoy watching tv. Posted by: Soona at February 24, 2015 05:37 PM (/HX7u) Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:37 PM (sj3Ax) 363
You helped with the link-starvation and post PJTV sidelining of Jeff Goldstein for post 2008 "not being one of us-ism". Yet now, here is his schtick that you once called nonserious and nut, all dusted off and regifted to the blogosphere.
Posted by: Cackfinger at February 24, 2015 05:37 PM (53TqR) 364
"We all know what the problem is, but we're not actually doing anything about."
Posted by: Slow Fester at February 24, 2015 05:38 PM (BQmDe) 365
"Been smoking 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day for 30 years."
Been working my way down for a couple years. Used to do 2/day, then 1.5, then 1, then a half-pack. Kinda got stuck there at 12-15 smokes a day. Worked the e-cigs in and they help sometimes. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:39 PM (LA7Cm) 366
So you're saying that Turing's work was beside the point? IIRC, there were Enigmas in the hands of the Brits early on in the war, courtesy of the Poles.
Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:36 PM (4nR9/) AFIK, while we knew the basics of the machine from the captured sample (IIRC it wasn't identical to the ones in use by the time of the war) it would have still required the equivalent of centuries of man hours doing trial & error to crack the actual codes without Turing's work. Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:39 PM (MbqmP) 367
OK, so I don't birdwatch per se but I pay attention
when i'm looking out the window and I see something i can't identify, or a weird looking duck at the lake, or whatever birds are at the river during my weekly walk. But I tried to look one up once and it was actually really difficult! The website was asking a lot of questions I didn't know the answers to. I gave up and just decided to enjoy the beauty of the bird and not worry about what it was. Posted by: Lea Get a simple bird book. Birds of North America is a good one. Keep it by the window. It is a lot easier to use then the computer when you first start up. Posted by: Bruce at February 24, 2015 05:39 PM (8ikIW) 368
Several people have mentioned here that they watch little-to-no television, but spend a lot of time on the internet. Me too.
The benefit-to-harm ratio of internet surfing varies enormously (depending on what you're doing on the internet), much more than the benefit-to-harm ratio of television watching varies (depending on what shows you're watching). But still, even for those spending a lot of time reading smart military blogs, lots of internet time is probably a net negative to quality of life. The point being, Ace, I think you are advocating something that, if taken to its logical conclusion, will destroy your business model. Posted by: zincfinger at February 24, 2015 05:39 PM (Yw2f8) 369
"We all know what the problem is, but we're not actually doing anything about."
I Vent, therefore, I am. [nodding, nodding, nodding] Posted by: Bobble Head, nodding at February 24, 2015 05:40 PM (BQmDe) 370
I'm all-in with this program. I had a rude awakening last week. College roommate (1980-82, yikes) had a heart episode and went in for emergency surgery. He's pulling through ok. But I realized I hadn't spoken with him in about 3 years. I hadn't spoken with another roommate (who had alerted me to the news) in 4 or 5 years. These are not people I had lost contact with immediately after college, but people who I had stayed close to - got together when we were in the same town, went to weddings, etc.
We get caught up in the minutiae and lose track of the big picture. There is nothing I'm going to learn from Hannity; that hour would be better spent dropping notes, calls and emails to some old friends (or breathing the air outside as Ace suggests). I can get what's going on in the world by listening to the news on the way into work, following the Vic News Network and AoSHQ. So that's what I have been doing for the past week; catching up with friends. I aim to keep it up. Posted by: duke at February 24, 2015 05:41 PM (ChY2Q) 371
What station is Bob's Burgers on?
Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:41 PM (sj3Ax) 372
I think we cut basic cable right after the end of LOST.
Posted by: Sarahw at February 24, 2015 05:41 PM (Lbv/k) 373
Quit the ciggies in college when I figured out that if I quit I could afford a new Honda 750F model. I got the bike btw.
Posted by: maddogg at February 24, 2015 05:42 PM (xWW96) 374
BTW.. I quit smoking more than ten years ago. I could go out right now
and buy a pack of Camels and be a pack a day smoker. I have quit smoking, but it has not quit me. I basically quit every damn morning. Amen to that. I quit for 13 years and was so confidant that I would never smoke again that I had one with a buddy for the hell of it. That evil son-of-a-bitch grabbed me up again and I'm back to a pack a day again. I think it's harder this time and so far I can't do it. Don't be like me. Posted by: dartist at February 24, 2015 05:42 PM (ahBY0) 375
"The pain we can inflict on Them (and yes, I'm comfortable calling them Them) is considerable. But even more important than that, I think: We will not just be liberating the nation -- maybe -- but definitely liberating ourselves. We all know what the problem is, but we're not actually doing anything about." OK this isn't sarc -- WTF is this supposed to mean? Literally, what does Ace mean? What would he like to see us doing? Cause I'm pissed and watching things go down the drain on a daily basis. But I feel helpless about WTF to do about it. Full disclosure: I don't own a TV. And still the rage remains. I'm about to give up hope at how completely TFG has managed to F up this country in the last six years, two to go and the fundamental transformation promised is well on its way to being accomplished. And hardly anyone seems to care. Somebody answer me. What do you see as the solution? Posted by: I saw Aimless Rage open for Free-Ranging Apoplexy back in 82... at February 24, 2015 05:42 PM (whMsz) 376
I dropped cable TV eleven years ago when my eldest son was born. Kept the OTA digital for a while, but dropped that when we moved.
I understand the Amish approach, control your distractions. Posted by: Jean at February 24, 2015 05:42 PM (ztOda) 377
AFIK, while we knew the basics of the machine from
the captured sample (IIRC it wasn't identical to the ones in use by the time of the war) it would have still required the equivalent of centuries of man hours doing trial error to crack the actual codes without Turing's work. Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade I think that's the point. Possession of the machine wasn't enough. It required further input, which, at the beginning of the war, was thought to be impossibly arduous. Nonetheless, a way was found, because it had to be. Posted by: pep at February 24, 2015 05:43 PM (4nR9/) 378
So you're saying that Turing's work was beside the point? IIRC, there were Enigmas in the hands of the Brits early on in the war, courtesy of the Poles.
Ah yes, I was thinking of the later four-rotor version. And it was techniques for breaking it the Poles gave, quite early on. Posted by: Brother Cavil, Unrepresented Christian Objectivist at February 24, 2015 05:43 PM (DT3rQ) Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:44 PM (MbqmP) 380
Somebody answer me. What do you see as the solution?
Posted by: I saw Aimless Rage open for Free-Ranging Apoplexy back in 82... at February 24, 2015 05:42 PM (whMsz) --------------------------------------------- It's the solution that must not be mentioned. Posted by: Soona at February 24, 2015 05:44 PM (/HX7u) 381
Been smoking 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day for 30 years. Have tried quitting several times, cold turkey, chantix, etc...Longest I ever quit was 11 months and I was ill-tempered and jonesing all day every day. I'll never forget when I started again and all was right with the world. I half joke that I've quit quitting, but I so need to...
2 packs a day for 35 years. eCig, tobacco free for 2.5+ years. Not even one slip. Posted by: rickb223 at February 24, 2015 05:45 PM (LVXFh) 382
"Don't be like me."
If/when I ever do quit, I can't imagine starting back up again. But, that's easy to say. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 24, 2015 05:45 PM (LA7Cm) 383
ACE, maybe this will sound weird - I don't know. It probably is. But I've thought about this for 20 years. Seriously. Except your TV is my music. I get lost in it. But more, I want to appropriate it for myself, live my life through it. I actually picture myself singing the songs.
I know, so strange. Friends would look at me funny when I told them about it. So I stopped telling them. For 20 years (I'm not that old). But then I decided one day that I'd rather be the sort of person of whom songs are sung, rather than the singer of them. Get out there, kick ass or at least try to. It's a different fantasy by degree I suppose, to make your own song about your own life. But it feels right. So I think I catch your point: I'm not sure who said 'either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about'. But seems to me you've done both. And incidentally, I've been reading what you write for the last 10 years or so. I forget. Sometimes I got lost in the music. But keep doing what you're doing. Some do pay attention. Cheers. Posted by: Jamieq at February 24, 2015 05:45 PM (SMkdw) 384
JackStraw speaks truth. One that rankles. So I stick to my liliputian acts of futile defiance - don't use Google, or FacePlant, etc. But now the whole society is hemmed in by idiot true believers (tech tycoons) and cynical rent-seeking scum (GE, health insurers, most big banks) - so apart from going off the grid, it's hard not to give your business to entities that otherwise I'd completely boycott. Didn't follow the whole discussion re Enigma and codes above - but the whole code-breaking in the European theater depended on a combo of near-magical math and calculation work at Bletchley/elsewhere and ongoing snatch-missions (for monthly books, or new rotors, etc.). Those missions were among the most amazing ones of WWII - did those make it into the recent movie (which I haven't seen). Good example, that. In storage I have a library of books on codebreaking, Enigma, Purple, Magic, Spec. Ops. Executive, Bletchley Park, etc. Read about every book that came out in English for over a decade, when the stuff started getting goog, early 1980s. But so disgusted and alienated am I from any popular presentation of an important subject, so low is my regard for not just H'wood but the whole culture machine, that I haven't even seen this movie. In almost a completely different world than most people, esp. the current crop of malleable Americans. And my world is solidly based on history and facts and understanding. I don't see a bridge crossing this ever-widening gulf. Posted by: rhomboid at February 24, 2015 05:45 PM (afQnV) 385
I actually won a television a couple of weeks ago-42" and 3D capable. It's a sweet television but I still haven't take the plastic wrap off.
For one thing I need to buy a blue ray player to get full use of it. Then I need to decide if we need satellite. And I'm a little conflicted about it. If I'm gonna waste time it will be on AOSHQ. Posted by: Northernlurker at February 24, 2015 05:46 PM (xNkaN) 386
I've been propped up in front of a TV since I was a kid. We ate dinner on TV trays. I also read everyday or night as a kid as I do today. Hell I post on aos while watching TV.
Posted by: Bob Belcher at February 24, 2015 05:46 PM (glJL/) 387
If I had a TV right now, I'd hook it up to my lap-top & play 1980s amiga games under emulation on a giant screen.
Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 05:47 PM (MbqmP) 388
No cable here.
Digital rabbit ears and a Roku box. Posted by: navybrat at February 24, 2015 05:48 PM (JgC5a) 389
I found Bob's Burgers on demand.
Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:49 PM (sj3Ax) 390
I love on demand. Especially TCM on demand.
Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:51 PM (sj3Ax) 391
371 What station is Bob's Burgers on?
Posted by: Carol at February 24, 2015 05:41 PM (sj3Ax) Fox and Cartoon Channel(repeats) on Sundays. Posted by: Bob Belcher at February 24, 2015 05:52 PM (glJL/) 392
When I deployed into the funhouse in 2005, I didn't watch television for a year, other than news programs I had to watch. When I got back, I realized I didn't miss it and haven't hooked up my television to anything other than a dvd player since. Highly recommended.
Posted by: Graves at February 24, 2015 05:54 PM (3MEXB) 393
The only reason I haven't cut cable is because of The Walking Dead. That's it.
Posted by: Zakn at February 24, 2015 05:58 PM (Bvf82) 394
And it's an industry held almost entirely in Enemy Hands
Careful...most of those hands belong to "good people." Posted by: grabyj at February 24, 2015 05:59 PM (cdUfw) 395
Breitbart was wrong.
The mainstream culture is lost, and cannot be reclaimed. dissociate yourself from it as much as possible Posted by: Tom Servo at February 24, 2015 05:59 PM (Kpl3J) 396
cackfinger, Goldstein's issues weren't "not one of us" issues, they were Prima Donna/ competition issues and stretched slightly too tight and hostile issues. Bridge burning, pissing people off, entitlement and he got a little scary. He could have persuaded instead of attacked and despaired, and that's a shame as he was obviously always right about where country and Bammy were heading, one of those most able to show how.
In my view he's mellowed with wisdom about what matters in life, and if he hasn't learned every lesson possible or gained every possible insight as to what happened and why, he can have the satisfaction of having been right in his disinclination to be cooperative with the Mac truck coming up the hill to,run the country over. He is as smart as ever. He's still wickedly funny and insightful and brilliant even, I might add better looking than most of his peers. Posted by: Issues at February 24, 2015 06:00 PM (Lbv/k) 397
I watch a lot of sports. Probably not dropping cable anytime soon.
Posted by: puddleglum@work at February 24, 2015 06:02 PM (20X6f) 398
M. Romney of the Universe of the Mirror, I confess that I do not fully comprehend the idiom of the Americain English, but it seems to me that you are in the grip of Le Cafard.
Generalement, il est the malady of those in Le Legion Etrangere, and also of les autres condemned to labor in isolation, unappreciated and unnoticed, such as would be an Ethics Consultant for your Obama. The cure, however, is tres simplesse - you must gaze fervently through the windows of your maison, and await the coming of the Tony Danza. Once he appears and utters his "Angela!" in the manner most comically Italian, like an even more mentally-challenged Roberto Benini, then you are healed! Le Cafard it is gone! Away with you now, and await the coming of the Danza! Regardez-vous most carefully and scrupulously the scene exterior in minute detail, and return to make your rapport only when the Danza he has come. Quickly, before you have even more time! Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard du Pascal de Levitee at February 24, 2015 06:02 PM (wJliR) 399
Getting the wife off her cable TV addiction was difficult. I first bought an over-the-air antenna for about 50 bucks. Then a PVR (like a VCR only it records to digital media) for another 50 bucks. Then a huge flash drive to record her 'stuff' to for about 30 bucks. But that was too slow so I bought the biggest baddest fastest hard drive I could find for another 50 bucks.
So now in the 'sitting area' of our bedroom we have four remotes. She doesn't really 'get' what each one does. Switching between HDMI locations -- to switch from the OTA or PVR to the Fire Stick causes her stress. She's more comfortable with the two remote Apple tv/tv remotes in our bedroom. I laugh at her and know that women folk are just plain different then men. Posted by: SE Pa Moron at February 24, 2015 06:03 PM (zxQ4h) 400
I cut cable 10 years ago and relied on Netflix.
Then I moved to a rural area with poor TV reception 3 years ago. No way was I going to put up an antenna. No TV of any sort for the past 3 years. No sports, no news, no sitcoms. No Netflix or Hulu either. The TV set is unplugged. I visit relatives who have the TV on constantly and wonder how they put up with the noise. Because that's what it is - piped-in annoyance. Posted by: Looper at February 24, 2015 06:05 PM (7xvrP) 401
Haven't had a TV in over 20 years. I, too, was sick of wasting my time watching other people do things while I was sitting there on my ass doing nothing. Our young kids know what TV is only from visits to relatives, hotels, Walmart, etc. Our infotainment is obtained via the Internet/itunes, DVDs, etc., books, magazines, and frequent visits to the library. We notice that because our frame of reference isn't at all based on anything on TV, we have a seemingly remarkable ability to see through BS, think clearly, and think for ourselves. Sometimes we wonder if we are doing our kids a disservice by cultivating such Super Powers in them.
Posted by: Cursed With a Logical Mind at February 24, 2015 06:12 PM (JwUOg) Posted by: Jacob's Step Stool at February 24, 2015 06:16 PM (VNgld) 403
Witness you now that the MUMR has departed to watch for the Danza! Le jeux interdit, non? This ruse she also worked once to rid me of the annoying presence of M. Chirac - him I tell, however, to watch for Herve Villechaise, whom I strongly imply has conceived a menace for him in some manner estoteric connected to his lack of tallness, and he flees in the terror. (Later in the week, I use the voice of one petite and squeaky to rail at Chirac that je connais he is after "me lucky charms," and I hear him screaming over the receiver. Sarkozy said that he had soiled himself, and we laugh because Chirac knows not to Google the IMDB listing.)
Posted by: Jean Jacques Bernard du Pascal de Levitee at February 24, 2015 06:16 PM (wJliR) 404
I listen to books on Audible while I make the stuff in my Easy store. I swear I'm getting smarter...
Posted by: Janetoo at February 24, 2015 06:19 PM (DVU82) 405
Ace, I gave up television years and years ago (I still have a television, and I own DVDs, but no broadcast or cable). And I can say this--you'll be smarter, you'll be less perceptible to the canny phrase or the well-turned image, and you will wonder daily how Leftists can be so intellectually shallow as the fall for the stuff they watch on TV.
But being aware won't make you happy. Or happier. It may make you more miserable, as you see the continued erosion of societal value from our culture, as ninnies and cretins shape the American view. You will be a better, more rounded person if you leave the Circus. But it won't make you happier. Only the Circus can do that. Posted by: Null at February 24, 2015 06:20 PM (xjpRj) 406
Northernlurker: "And I'm a little conflicted about it. If I'm gonna waste time it will be on AOSHQ."
You could always hook up your PC video output to the new 3DTV and read AoSHQ comments in large, Hi-Def type. Then, when AoSHQ ver 2.0 goes live (#twoweeks), you'll be living large. Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at February 24, 2015 06:22 PM (1CroS) 407
"And right in front of me is a big 47" rectangular pill that makes people complacent, fat, unhealthy, dumb, disconnected from humanity, and disinterested in their own futures, nevermind their country's."
See, there's your problem. Only 47 inches? What you need, son, is a bigger TV. Posted by: Mark Garbowski at February 24, 2015 06:23 PM (BPc8S) 408
Appreciate your zeal, but perhaps that Greek thing about moderation is a better model. And I can't help looking a bit askance at the many who hold out their elimination of television as some proof of superior living. Thanks, but I'll continue to enjoy Arrow and Flash with my daughters, Angel baseball with my old man, and Castle with my wife and though I doubtless could have spent the time improving myself in some vague fashion, I'll soldier on with nothing more tangible than the shared group enjoyment.
Posted by: uscswan at February 24, 2015 06:26 PM (eSwpr) 409
In USA, television watches you.
Posted by: Yakov Smirnov - Samsung/Sony Spokeeman at February 24, 2015 06:29 PM (4r3sd) 410
Finally cut the last cord and dropped cable TV last month. Hadnt watched it in a long long time but liked the security blanket of having it there....
Realized, every single thing you could want to watch is online, somewhere, eventually, usually for free. I have Netflix online service which as sated my significant other's needs for TV, but i rarely touch it. There is so much better entertainment than TV out there, and best of all you dont waste half your time watching commercials. Between reading, both online and physical books, online videos, Sirius/XM talk, music, and gaming, i have found myself MORE satisfied with my entertainment, and much more informed about many more subjects. TV is an outdated medium. I encourage everyone to turn it off. What started out, for me, as a way to avoid wacko leftists preaching at me, ended up opening a larger world of more gratifying entertainment. Lets throw a wrench into Hollywood's money machine. Posted by: AlecJ at February 24, 2015 06:29 PM (ckdjX) 411
Have done without TV in the past but my boyfriend loves it. He can waste hours on Facebook and You Tube. I think this is a bit backwards. If I can get him really into a new project, he won't have as much free time to fill.
Get people interested in new activities. Posted by: Notsothoreau at February 24, 2015 06:34 PM (Lqy/e) 412
Way ahead of you. Long since stopped watching TV except for the occasional movie or BBC series that sounds interesting. The wife has given it up except for classic movies and shows that help her with her craft hobbies.
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at February 24, 2015 06:34 PM (XO6WW) 413
The downside is that a 220V-20A (output is a nominal 25V-170A AC) welder eats a lot more power than one of these new-fangled LCD TeeVees. & I'd need something like 30 well-trained kids on bikes hooked up to old delco alternators to get what a need off-grid. The kids in this neighbourhood are jackasses, lazy, & stupid, not well-trained.
Posted by: Anderson Cooper's Rascal Scooter Brigade at February 24, 2015 06:39 PM (MbqmP) 414
I think conservatives should push a piracy movement and loosening restrictions on it.
That would really hit the media where it hurts, you're talking hundreds of billions of dollars. Posted by: McAdams at February 24, 2015 06:41 PM (JUFW8) 415
want to deliver a blow to the leftist media complex? out create them. an individual can not fight an organization. it takes an organization to fight an organization. but we are talking about a complex here, so it will take a complex to fight it. we need great conservative artists, thinkers, opinion leaders, and creaters. this is the only way to fight back. it's the only way to make a real difference in our culture.
Posted by: Mistress Overdone at February 24, 2015 06:42 PM (2/oBD) 416
I bought a Roku in August 2011 because DirecTV was going to increase my subscription. I realized that out of the roughly 200 channels at my disposal I really only watched 3 of them most of the time and 6 others off and on. I swore off the network shows in the early 90's because I started working evenings and it was utter crap anyway, did not miss it at all.
That came to ~$11 per channel after the increase. So that pissed me off. One problem: FOOTBALL. Gotta watch FOOTBALL, I'm weak and pitiful and I recognize that. But I did some research (actually I googled: WATCH FREE SPORTS ON INTERNET) and discovered that I could in fact watch football (and any other sport in the world) free and legal on the net. DONE DEAL! I do not regret this move. I don't have live FOX News (Red Eye is on a 2 week lag for some stupid reason) but I still have AOSHQ and Insty, The DC, Gateway Pundit and Hot Gas, so I'm good. My tolerance for any sort of commercial is now non-existent. Netflix, Amazon, SKY News (the British FOX News), Adam Carolla. I lack for nothing as far as entertainment. I don't do HULU because commercials. But my TV bill dropped from $1200 a year to $176 a year (and all commercial free of course). And, I read a lot more books. I've usually got 3 or 4 going at any given time. Posted by: CozMark at February 24, 2015 07:01 PM (6QN3y) Posted by: redc1c4 at February 24, 2015 07:05 PM (I8nxO) 418
Welcome to the club, Ace!
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 24, 2015 07:09 PM (tSNLH) 419
We have broadband via Comcast, and an antenna in the attic that gives us all the locals, or most all. The NBC affiliate is spotty.
If we spoke Spanish, we could choose from over 45 stations. And thass OK wit me. The feed gives us our Netflix and our Amazon Prime. Posted by: the littl shyning man at February 24, 2015 07:16 PM (U6f54) Posted by: HoundOfDoom at February 24, 2015 07:31 PM (vgXTT) 421
I've been boycotting the big three networks for over eight years and I still have a monthly cable bill of $179/mo. That's not the answer.
Hell, I just got BroKissed by the Walking Dead! Posted by: Great Reagan's Ghost at February 24, 2015 07:38 PM (kfoLf) 422
Gave up cable in 2002. Don't really miss it. All of those sophisticated cable shows look boring and overwrought. I don't know what the attraction people have with reality TV shows; very formulaic. What's with these MTV-like channels with overdressed plasticized women wearing too much jewelry sitting around big coffee tables yaking about their dooshie shirted by friends using 8th grade vocabulary? Do we need 3 ESPN channels discussing off-season trades of an also-ran cellar-dwelling team like a synod of Talmudic scholars? Per-game used to be just that: 15 minutes of just two broadcasters charting about the teams right before kickoff...not 5 days before like it's Operation Overlord. Ace is correct: stop seeing movies and watching TV and put Hollywood in a fucking Depression like the rest of California!!!
Posted by: Donovan Nuera at February 24, 2015 07:40 PM (52YyU) 423
Ace, I put up a big outdoor element antenna, and I get several TV stations -- including college and pro football -- for free. Ditched satellite and cable in 2008. Got no reason to go back.
C'mon, man! Posted by: Girl with that big antenna. at February 24, 2015 07:41 PM (H7Iqn) 424
So very late to the thread, but in response to AllenG's oint of needing a plan. I was one of those people Ace was talking about who was truly addicted to TV. I watchex stuff I had *no* interest in rather than getting up and doing things I really did want to do.
That led to cutting cable years ago but Hulu, YouTube, etc. readily filled the time instead. To make matters worse, my avocation is spinning and a variety of needlework which means I *need* something to focus on while working. So, finally getting to the plan part of this. I made a point at the beginning of the year to look for alternatives and have found one that looks like it will work long term. I purchased a fancy tropical fish screen saver, put it on a 1 minute timer and then listen either to my Amazon music list or to Librivox books being read. This gives just enough visual and auditory stimulation to stave of boredom but doesn't tie me in place like watching a show did. Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at February 24, 2015 07:59 PM (GDulk) 425
One of the best things Harlan "the Curmudgeon" Ellison ever wrote was not fiction, but an opinion piece on the effects of watching t.v. How it made you stupid because it was so passive an activity, you just sat and watched and hardly if ever engaged your brain at all. It just spoon fed you information. Unlike reading, or listening to radio serials, in which you did engage your brain, imagining all the people and places in those mediums. It's in the begining of his short story collection "Strange Wine".
Posted by: Darth Randall at February 24, 2015 07:59 PM (KlVdw) 426
Posted by: Tmitsss at February 24, 2015 08:03 PM (Pa9vP) 427
Ok ... tell me how to watch FOOTBALL on the interwebs without installing malware and ad-crap, and I am game. I don't watch but 2-3 shows anymore, and the only things I would miss are live sports (did I mention Football?) and.... well mostly just sports. I don't care if I am 2 weeks behind watching Justified or Walking Dead, I can't be 2 days behind watching football though!
More seriously though, this is a great post and one I have privately wrestled with for some time. Growing up my family always gave up TV for lent, and then a funny thing happened... one year, we just kept going. Didn't watch much of anything for a long time, and then picked up maybe 1/3 of our previous viewing level in the fall. Taking TV out of your life will make an immense difference... if you've never done it, try it. Cut back to just 2-3 shows a week, or just TV on a certain day or two... you might be surprised at what else you end up doing. Posted by: Ironmatt at February 24, 2015 08:15 PM (TTIhB) 428
"2 Cut off cable TV two years ago. The only thing I've missed is College Football.
Posted by: Gregory of Yardale at February 24, 2015 04:29 PM (4YKBD)" Perzactly. And I can still watch almost anything I really want to see using sites like StreamTV. There isn't much I really want to see. I enjoyed "Boardwalk Empire." I'm watching "Justified." That's it. Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at February 24, 2015 08:20 PM (lG2E3) 429
I take a nap and wake up to content. I got rid of cable 10 yrs ago. Because of the hills, I have no reception for any broadcasts without it. I now find myself watching even more television but the programs I choose and with a wider selection -- all from the internet. I watch a lot of British documentaries. Also, UK dramas before they are sold to PBS and cut up and edited to fit the US format. Posted by: Bruce J. at February 24, 2015 08:22 PM (iQIUe) 430
Ray Donovan, Homeland. Justified, GOT, TWD is about it. Otherwise, its the brits for me. HBOs 6 part documentary on Robert Durst is interesting. Posted by: Bruce J. at February 24, 2015 08:26 PM (iQIUe) 431
I watch movies without contributing a penny to Hollywood. That's a good feeling. Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at February 24, 2015 08:27 PM (lG2E3) 432
people are so addicted to TV at this point that I think it seems as hard to quit TV as it is to quit smoking.
That's what I thought, too. But it was easy. No withdrawal pains or anything. Oh, and... first? Posted by: t-bird at February 24, 2015 08:28 PM (FcR7P) 433
I went for age 18 to 36 without television b/c I didnt own one and was working and going to school full time. I prefer television. If you want to get rid of yours, so be it. But dont pretend your superior. Is television a bigger waste than the internet? What about people who have the tv on while they are on the internet? Posted by: Bruce J. at February 24, 2015 08:42 PM (iQIUe) 434
Costanza Defense @ 51- Agree on 'yay/ghey'.
Walking Dead was almost perfect and they had to throw that in. I said I was done with TWD Sunday night, but I will give them another shot. Because it's the only thing on television until besaboll. Posted by: Eromero at February 24, 2015 08:50 PM (go5uR) 435
Ok ... tell me how to watch FOOTBALL on the interwebs without installing malware and ad-crap, and I am game. Posted by: Ironmatt at February 24, 2015 08:15 PM ------------------------------------------ OK, here's how I do it. There are other ways but this is the least complicated and it works just as well as the more complicated options. Go to getcocoon *dot* com. This service is free (there's also a cheap pay version that does some stuff that's better than the free version) and it acts like a proxy server firewall type thing that I can't explain. It works great but does slow down the stream a bit. Also, it scans for malware and viruses and all that bad stuff so none of it gets to your computer. After that's installed, install adblocker plus as a backup. Seriously, don't ignore the adblocker plus. Cocoon will scan for malware but the ads still block the screen. Then, finally, go check out a site I use, and I've tried a lot of them, sportstream *dot* tv. They have the best streaming around, i.e. lag time isn't much of a problem like on other sites. Posted by: CozMark at February 24, 2015 08:55 PM (P0AbR) 436
A lot of very good series have recently ended. Would Ace be bashing television a few years ago? Personally, I find tv superior to movies.
Posted by: Bruce J. at February 24, 2015 08:55 PM (iQIUe) 437
TV is dead here. The only reason I own one is because 9/11. I never want to go thru another 9/11 without the access to live coverage. You can thank Barky for that.
Posted by: Corona at February 24, 2015 08:56 PM (fh2Y7) 438
The point being, Ace, I think you are advocating something that, if taken to its logical conclusion, will destroy your business model i am aware of that. but even tho yeah, most internet stuff is just a version of Television, i would still say you can do it a little. you can watch tv some, you can waste time on the internet some. you can have some sugar. but these probably should not be permitted to be major and regular parts of the diet. Posted by: ace at February 24, 2015 10:11 PM (E+pqw) 439
Tried it for years. People just think you are weird. Not gonna be a movement. Unless an EMP happens we are doomed. Should be the opposite, but it is not.
Posted by: Would take an EMP at February 24, 2015 10:19 PM (x8Wor) 440
47 inches, huh? So... can I have your TV?
Posted by: joeclark77 at February 24, 2015 10:33 PM (LdT2C) 441
I never watched much TV as an adult, but once I stopped drinking alcohol I found I literally could not sit still for it -- simultaneously too politically correct, too boring, too derivative (unimaginative) and too much a waste of time compared to reading, listening to music and wasting time on the Internet.
Posted by: Telynau at February 24, 2015 11:35 PM (Ke1cC) 442
I'm late to this, but we don't get cable at all. The wife uses Hulu and Netflix and I don't use the TV for anything but World of Tanks.
Posted by: NateDolan0369 at February 24, 2015 11:47 PM (hjRyn) 443
I stopped watching most TV a couple of years ago, it was not easy, at first you feel like there is absolutely nothing to do, but you will find things, and the feeling of being out of touch also fades with time.
the benefit? one of them is that now whenever I turn on the TV, I see all the propaganda, once you disengage for a long period you can't go back, you can't watch it anymore, I can watch a Netflix show, I can watch a DVD, but commercials and News blurb's are like sticking daggers in my eyes. the Internet has everything, why pay for anything else? Posted by: Shoey at February 25, 2015 01:29 AM (vA94g) 444
I read thur the comments and I'm a little shocked to see so many people saying and doing the same things I am - reading, listening to audiobooks or old time radio, using their computers to watch what little TV they do, and just generally ceasing to consume the poison.
thank god, maybe there is some hope for the future. Posted by: Shoey at February 25, 2015 02:35 AM (vA94g) 445
Shutting off the idiot box is easy to do.
1) Ditch the cable premium channels first. 2) Once withdrawals subsides revamp your triple play cable offering to internet only. You save some bucks. 3) Find something you like to do, or once did but said you never had the time. Well now you do. 4) You find yourself reaching for the remote put it down. Fire up YouTube and find something related to (3). 5) After about a year you might find you a putting a for sale ad in CraigsList for the old boob tube. I did and I don't miss it. All that transpired 5 years ago. Have not missed a bit of it since. People have 500 channels to pick from and most of it is junk. Posted by: JohnMc at February 25, 2015 07:29 AM (RHBWt) 446
Is anyone here using Comodo, firewall, virus blocker, etc.?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 26, 2015 10:15 PM (l1zOH) Processing 0.07, elapsed 0.0866 seconds. |
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