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Rudy Is Right

Kevin Williamson:

Something's really got a hold on this guy, and it is not an excessive fervor for the American order. Questions about patriotism and love of country are, according to our self-appointed referees, out of bounds, declasse, boob bait for bubbas, etc. Those are questions that we are not allowed to ask in polite society. Why? Because polite society does not want to hear the answers.

Jim Geraghty isn't as emphatic, but he also notices that Obama's "love," such that it may be, tends to the "tough love" variety:

Every Obama speech has a villain, and that villain is often other Americans who disagree with the president. He doesn’t hesitate to paint a very dark picture of the country he leads: citizens who are xenophobic and paranoid about Muslims, abusive police forces unfairly focusing on Muslim communities, a public eager to forcibly deport good Americans who just want to serve their country, and lawmakers determined to deny good education to children.

Maybe Giuliani's language is a bit overwrought or hyperbolic, but is it really that much overwrought or hyperbolic than Obama's description of Americans who disagree with his policies? And if Obama consistently describes so many Americans as so prejudiced and mean-spirited... is Guiliani's conclusion really that outlandish?

No he's right.

The progressives have a lot of problems with America. That is the entire point of their politics: They don't like what America is, and wish to change it.

This is what it means to be "progressive" -- you want to move away from what actually exists.

Conservatives, by and large, defend the current order, because they like it, and do not wish to "fundamentally transform" America.

This is what it means to be "conservative" -- one conserves, or keeps, what already exists.

Progressives play this game where they launch nothing but nasty Marxist Critiques upon America, agitating for the country to remake itself entirely, but want to claim simultaneously: We love America as much as anybody.

Oh you most certainly do not! Definitionally, you do not: One who "loves" with a long list of caveats and criticisms does not love as much as someone who loves completely (or with a much shorter list of caveats and criticisms).

Furthermore, progressives take patriotism itself to be a the sanctimony of the unsophisticated. Or, as Oscar Wilde called it, "the virtue of the vicious."

Progressives, when they're speaking honestly (that is, when they're not speaking in front of TV cameras), love to lampoon their fellow countrymen's unsophisticated, stupid, and obese love of country.

They have in fact defined themselves as being Those who are too smart to buy into this "patriotism" nonsense.

Want proof? When a progressive wants to show off to other progressives and collect acclaim, he let's it rip precisely how stupid he thinks people are who love their country.

Remember this? This is the clip Aaron Sorkin used to sell his show to progressives as Must See entertainment.

I assume Aaron Sorkin knows something about what attracts progressives to a TV show.

Did you guys see Anchorman 2? Not very good at all. What was the major target skewered by that film? Well, according to nasty progressive Adam McKay, they sought to skewer the "phony patriotism" on Fox News and such.

He includes the word "phony," but is are there any expressions of patriotism he'd credit as not phony?

I don't think so. I think he'd say that Marxist critiques of America are the "real patriotism," because real patriotism consists of hating your fellow countrymen's guts and thinking them barely advanced above the Morlocks.

So we keep playing this insipid game, wherein people who actively, loudly loathe the nation mock patriotism when the cameras aren't on them but then when they're speaking publicly want to be credited as "loving America as much as anyone."

And then, of course, establishment sell-out Republicans who are, get this, progressives in all meaningful ways (such as class affinity and class allegiance), swear that their progressive friends/employees/sex partners/side pieces are totally patriotic and that any Republican questioning this is himself Totally Unpatriotic.

Enough of the game. Your entire politics is based upon resentment towards the existing American order and a hatred of current American mores. Get the fuck out of here with your insistence that I credit you as "loving America."

And Obama is the absolute worst. He is explicitly -- he has told interviewers this, and David Axelrod writes about it in his book -- pursuing a "Bulworth" agenda by which he will Tell Americans how wrong they are about virtually everything, and yet the media needs the fainting couch when you point out that one is generally not said to be "in love with" people for whom one has nothing but complaints and critiques.

Fuck 'em all.

Posted by: Ace at 03:51 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Hey

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 03:52 PM (l1zOH)

2 Wow, now I have to read.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 03:52 PM (l1zOH)

3 The ubama hates America. Rudy is strong in the ways of the force.

Posted by: Eromero at February 20, 2015 03:53 PM (go5uR)

4 Rudy is right.

Posted by: Carol at February 20, 2015 03:53 PM (sj3Ax)

5 Corgis called.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 03:54 PM (x4N9x)


Succinctly put.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at February 20, 2015 03:54 PM (XmOA9)

7 Sorkin is a crack head.

Posted by: NCKate at February 20, 2015 03:55 PM (RNq50)

8 I remember when people had bumper stickers that said America Love it Or Leave It.

It was not shameful to have it on your car.

Posted by: blaster at February 20, 2015 03:55 PM (wyL+Z)

9 B-I-N-G-O

Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 20, 2015 03:55 PM (wtvvX)

10 10/10 would read again.

Posted by: LibertarianJim at February 20, 2015 03:55 PM (WDCYi)

11 Get the fuck out of here with your insistence that I credit you as "loving America."-Ace

I know it's early, but I nominate that particular sentence as Thread Winnah. Loving America? Sure Harry Reid, "this war is lost". The childish outbursts of Albert Gore Jr who never worked a day in his life. The hanging effigies of GW Bush with Hitler mustaches painted on his face.

Don't talk to me about Love. You wouldn't know love of country if it slapped you upside the pie hole.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 03:55 PM (l1zOH)

12 The Emperor with no clothes hates America.

The courtiers can not allow that dangerous thought take hold. So they will try to kill the messenger.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 03:56 PM (OEWRk)

13 It's Fcking Festivus and I have a bone to pick with these lefty buttsniffers.

Posted by: toby928(C) at February 20, 2015 03:56 PM (evdj2)

14 Simple test. How many of your progressive friends put out a flag on July 4? Anyone? Anyone? How many OWN a flag? Anyone? Bueller?

Posted by: Just Some Guy at February 20, 2015 03:56 PM (vgIRn)

15 Baby, I love you. Baby, I want you. Baby, you're exactly what I've been looking for my whole life.

Now let me change everything about you. Because I love you just that much.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (IrByp)

16 I love you, honey. I just want to totally transform you so that you are completely different from everything you were prior to 2009. New hair color. Get some facial reconstruction. Forget your history before I meet you. If you could change genders and speak with a European accent that would be swell too.

Posted by: Branco Bama at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (DXzRD)

17 I put Cavuto on & DHS report is Right Wing Terror Threat worse than ISIS!!!!'

That's bull because they're under orders (my guess) not to use Islamist terrorist.

I should have kept watching TCM on demand.

Sorry, but that really got my rage meter going.

Posted by: Carol at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (sj3Ax)

18 12 The Emperor with no clothes hates America.

The courtiers can not allow that dangerous thought take hold. So they will try to kill the messenger.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at

Great. That probably means the Empress (no, not AtC) has no clothes either. Yuck.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (l1zOH)

19 I saw Boob Bait for Bubbas open for the Butthole Surfers in Mencenido, 2001

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (3ZtZW)

20 Ace, the Morning Joe crew were apoplectic over Rudy's remarks.

Remember how they defended W from the name-calling and insults?

Neither do I.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (FsuaD)

21 AlextheChick, the Ike Turner of Presidents?

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (OEWRk)

They love America in the same way that an abusive spouse loves their partner.
Remember, they only hit us because we frustrate them so much.
How hard is it to have dinner ready when the progressives come home?
Why won't we keep in shape for them?
Why do we embaress them at parties with all their fancy European friends?

Posted by: Colorado Alex at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (OiH3z)

23 Damn it, beaten to the punch by AlextheChick.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at February 20, 2015 03:58 PM (OiH3z)

24 Conservatives, by and large, defend the current order, because they like
it, and do not wish to "fundamentally transform" America.

I don't like the way America IS right now. We should have started "conserving" what is back in 1850, or at least in 1950. We have gone to shit. This is NOT the America I grew up in. I can remember when we would go for a Sunday drive and leave the front door open.

Right now you can not safely walk down the street I grew up on, even during the daylight hours.

Posted by: Vic at February 20, 2015 03:58 PM (wlDny)

25 Obama hits us because he loves us.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 03:58 PM (FsuaD)

26 That probably means the Empress (no, not AtC) has no clothes either"

Ok, for that I'm coming after you.


After I have my eyes gouged out and memory wiped, that is...

Posted by: anon a mouse at February 20, 2015 03:58 PM (/jpU8)

27 Rudy caught flak because he was directly over the target, and they know it.

Posted by: brevity at February 20, 2015 03:59 PM (jmN7w)

28 A pimp's love is very different from that of a square.

Posted by: toby928(C) at February 20, 2015 03:59 PM (evdj2)

29 >>> Get the fck out of here with your insistence that I credit you as "loving America."

That last line. Pure poetry. Ace. This is why keep coming back here.

Posted by: L, Elle at February 20, 2015 03:59 PM (2x3L+)

30 I tweeted this, but why not repeat it:

Obama really and truly does love America.

He just forgot to give us the safe word.

Posted by: AmishDude at February 20, 2015 03:59 PM (L2xDv)

31 "Now let me change everything about you. Because I love you just that much. "

"look, babe, I know that it hurt your feelings when I called you fat in front of your mother, but I am just concerned about your health. You've gained like 10 pounds lately, and I just want you to be healthy. Also, don't look at my phone ok?"

Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:00 PM (MYCIw)

32 Rudy caught flak because he was directly over the target, and they know it.

They doth protest too much.

Posted by: AmishDude at February 20, 2015 04:00 PM (L2xDv)

33 My lib bil's and sil's really do dislike America. They all travel a good deal, and every. single. country they visit is always "more civilized" and more wonderful than the U.S. I really, really wish they'd move to Cuba or Venezuela.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:00 PM (FsuaD)

34 Like Ike loved Tina, and as AtC mentioned this a.m. - that jerk you/your friend/your sister dated who treated you/them like crap. We've all seen this in action.

Yeah, no. We all deserve better than *that*, President (Abusive) Boyfriend!

Posted by: Lizzy at February 20, 2015 04:00 PM (lHHyw)

35 Love it or leave it, pilgrim.

Posted by: The Duke at February 20, 2015 04:00 PM (JO9+V)

36 As for "Fox News" the average talking head on there is a Democrat and just as liberal and any of the other alphabets.

Posted by: Vic at February 20, 2015 04:01 PM (wlDny)

37 Remember oh so long ago...

Repubs who try to block his policies = terrorists, hostage takers

But the Hussein Clown Posse struggles to use as harsh language to describe IS.

He/They hate America/Americans.

Posted by: The Way Back Machine at February 20, 2015 04:01 PM (u9UUM)

38 I have a theory of why, other than the obvious sympathizing and elite liberal thinking of "poverty" or "fairness."

it is simple: fear. Total fear. I am not sure of what type of threats if he says the three words: radical islamic terrorism," but it is flat-out unadulterated poopy pants fear. Of the country. Of personal safety. Who knows? His arrogance is him being Baroque...but it is also fear.

Why, however, he thinks all stompy-like that HE says this or that and makes it true, is like me telling you over and over that I am an aging super model. Now you don't know if that is true or not, but I am going to continue to say it. It could be, as well, his Berlin wall unicorn farhts of rising seas of utter madness. But I am pretty sure fear is a factor in this. Does not excuse it, as I am many things, but he does not look like a man of confidence nor leadership in crisis. He looks, well, afraid and petulantly blaming others vs facing reality (which is also a sign of narcissism says Dame Christy Freud). And we know who is running this show and it ain't him.

I am rarely wrong my flying monkeys. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyB now looks like Duchess of Alba at February 20, 2015 04:01 PM (dMEBN)

39 If Obama's words and actions are his expression of love for America then I just wish he would love America less...

Posted by: Curmudg at February 20, 2015 04:01 PM (rnULx)

40 Oh, yeah.

I don't want you to see any of those friends you were friendly with before we met and I want you to see less of your family too. I'm all you need, baby. I love you THAT much.

Posted by: Branco Bama at February 20, 2015 04:02 PM (DXzRD)

41 As our friend Garrett would say, "Affirmative action has consequences"

I don't think there is enough Bondo at all the car repair facilities to repair this guys chip on his shoulder.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 04:02 PM (vPh3W)

42 That "transforming America" thingy Hussein promised us. The progs cheered because they hate the U.S.

We all shuddered because we wondered what he'd do.

I never in a million years dreamed he'd be worse that I believed he would be.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:02 PM (FsuaD)

43 that last sentence, get this, says it all

Posted by: grandmalcaesar at February 20, 2015 04:02 PM (yrohn)

44 23. 23 Damn it, beaten to the punch by AlextheChick.

That's because you had to reach down to get to the shin
She just has to jump

****runs away****

Posted by: Navycopjoe (thugging through the doghouse) at February 20, 2015 04:02 PM (vpE+b)

45 AlextheChick, the Ike Turner of Presidents?
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (OEWRk)

Gah. I've been listening to this horseshit since Reagan.

America is the most colonialist*, racist, evil, terror sponsoring country on the planet and, God, how dare anyone think it is a decent place, let alone a great place. But don't you dare question my patriotism and love of this country! Even though I just said I hated this country! How dare you!

It's so boring.

*Many years ago, whilst listening to some jackhole blather on about American colonialism and how the Founding Fathers unleashed a wave of imperialism across the globe, I interjected with "You do know that back when America was founded, the then British citizens were colonists? Right? I mean, you know that, right?"

That conversation ended rather quickly after that.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (IrByp)

46 14
Simple test. How many of your progressive friends put out a flag on July
4? Anyone? Anyone? How many OWN a flag? Anyone? Bueller?

Posted by: Just Some Guy at February 20, 2015 03:56 PM (vgIRn)

Its not just liberals who don't fly the flag. I walked down the block last July 4th. Only two houses were flying a flag, mine and one other.

Posted by: Vic at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (wlDny)

47 The Malaysian and Kenyan judges only give this a 2.

Posted by: Insomniac at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (2Ojst)

48 Baby, I love you. Baby, I want you. Baby, you're exactly what I've been looking for my whole life.

Now let me change everything about you. Because I love you just that much.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 03:57 PM (IrByp)

:::: heavy sigh ::::

::: dreamy eyes :::


Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (V+kmg)

49 Gaylord thinks by saying magic words he can alter reality. Magic missile... Ha!

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (OEWRk)

"Those are questions that we are not allowed to ask in polite society. Why? Because polite society does not want to hear the answers. "
Conservatives are the only polite part of society. It's time to stop being polite.
It's also time to define conservative as trying to 'conserve' our way of life, not necessarily the status quo.

Posted by: Speller at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (PsEVn)

:::: heavy sigh ::::

::: dreamy eyes :::


Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (V+kmg)

NO! Don't! It's a trap!

Posted by: Insomniac at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (2Ojst)

52 I would request you post the pic of Ayers standing on the Flag next to a pic of Obama without his flag pin and without his hand on his heart as others are doing . Two pictures in this case are worth a million words.

Posted by: Bob Belcher at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (iRZl4)

53 I agree to a certain extent....
I would argue that being progressive and wanting change (even fundamental change) doesn't mean you detest this country

Abolishing slavery was very 'progressive' and unpopular with a large segment of America. So much so that we had a civil war. But I would not question Lincolns love of our nation.

FDR was very progressive, the New Deal and all, but I sincerely believe he loved America.

KEnnedy - Johnson - also progressive - Civil Rights etc - same thing - patriotism not in doubt.

There's is something distinctly different about Obama and his fellow travelers. They are progressive but see themselves as citizens of the world who happen to be 'trapped' living here in America.

Posted by: McCool at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (g5Luu)

54 I've been saying this for years.

Posted by: Rush Limbaugh at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (cgxNI)

55 Don't go changin'

To try and please me

I hate you just the way you are

Posted by: JackStraw at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (g1DWB)

56 Remember when dissent was the highest form of patriotism? That was the big post 9-11 trope coming from the American Left. Don't hear it much now that they're the ones in power--although I have heard them say Rudy Guiliani's family is full of traitorous, draft-dodging rat bastards.

Posted by: troyriser at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (YcvbY)

57 Tinfoil hat alert/

Over the past two years, I've seen video's (yes, linked from infowars, hence the tinfoil) of US troops clearing suburban neighborhoods.
Training how to stand down militias.
I've seen bulletins stating BOLO, followed by a list of traits that would resemble SPLC's idea of a TeaPartier/sarc.

I put Cavuto on & DHS report is Right Wing Terror Threat worse than ISIS!!!!'

Fine, let how "some" in our government see us bubble up from Infowars to the rest of us.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (XmOA9)

58 Rudy Is Right
- Ace

Shouldn't that read "Ruy is Right since we're droppin' the d's here?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (DMJw2)

59 But baby, when we have kinky sex and do exactly what I want to do, you'll see how much you'll love it-really!

Posted by: Fifty Shades of O Grey. at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (DXzRD)

60 wow, yeah, you can just spend the next hour tweeting out every line from this post.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at February 20, 2015 04:05 PM (R4RZA)

61 "the media needs the fainting couch . . . ."

Mmmm hmmm. Go on.

Posted by: Couch Fucker at February 20, 2015 04:05 PM (FHh8u)

62 Yep AlextheChick, for an Imperialist country we sure give back a lot of the land we 'conquer.'

Cuba, Philippines, Japan, most of Europe...

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:05 PM (OEWRk)

63 According to Joe Biden, Americans who don't wish to pay higher taxes are not patriotic.

Think he would call "dreamers" who are here "doing the work Americans won't" but not paying the taxes that Americans must... unpatriotic???

Posted by: yeah, I doubt it at February 20, 2015 04:05 PM (u9UUM)

64 My lib bil's and sil's really do dislike America. They all travel a good deal, and every. single. country they visit is always "more civilized" and more wonderful than the U.S. I really, really wish they'd move to Cuba or Venezuela.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:00 PM (FsuaD)

The only response to that is a heavy sigh, and a more-in-sadness-than-anger look followed by, "If....if only you had the courage of your convictions"

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:05 PM (V+kmg)

65 The usual double standard is applied by progressives.

Let's take spousal behavior for one example. 2008, exhibit A.

Todd Palin had at one point before his wife got into national politics registered with the AIP, the Alaskan Independence Party. (Sarah came up with a completely lame-sounding rationalization for this that, gosh golly, Todd really didn't want to split off from the rest of America, he just wanted to register as an independent, and the big loveable dope messed up.)

The entire institutional left went hyperballistic. Why, the husband of the prospective VP _hates America so much_ that he doesn't want to even be part of it any longer! Eleventy!

The very same year, Michelle Obama said that she had never in her adult lifetime been proud of her country until her husband ran for president. Critics on the right then began to pointedly ask, um, there was _nothing at all_ in modern American history prior to the rise of al-Buraq that was meritorious? What does _that_ say?

The same institutional left that had pulled out the daggers over Todd Palin then locked arms and formed into ranks, shoulder to shoulder, and screamed hysterically that these rightist critics were DISRESPECTFULLY ATTACKING A FAMILY MEMBER and were RUDELY TRANSGRESSING BEYOND THE NORMAL DECENT BOUNDS OF POLITICAL QUESTIONING, eleventy!

Posted by: torquewrench at February 20, 2015 04:06 PM (noWW6)

66 I hope he fails.

Posted by: Rush Limbaugh at February 20, 2015 04:06 PM (cgxNI)

67 I watched about 20 minutes of The Newsroom & liked it about as much as Girls. Not at all worth wasting time on.

Posted by: Carol at February 20, 2015 04:06 PM (sj3Ax)

68 I was in the car this morning and had Beck on, which I rarely do anymore.

They were having a field day mocking Obama over all the "prominent Muslims" who helped found America.

David Barton was on and went down a list of actual accomplishments by Muslims during our founding.

It was hilarious.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:06 PM (FsuaD)

69 Obola slams GW Bush for being unpatriotic.
At Weasel Zippers.

Isn't this the same clown that didn't put his hand over his heart during the Pledge?

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 04:06 PM (x4N9x)

70 9

Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 20, 2015 03:55 PM (wtvvX)

Who's hungry?

Posted by: Barack Obama at February 20, 2015 04:06 PM (FHh8u)

71 Nailed it!

Posted by: gewa76 at February 20, 2015 04:07 PM (S9rS1)

72 Damn. Just damn. I have watched with concern as Jed Bush has lined up millions of dollars of contributions. But now he has garnered the endorsement of a key constituency - the black dude who runs a red light, gets pulled over by the police and explains the reason why he w
as driving so fast was that he could get home and have sex with the woman in the passenger seat vote.

Charles Barkely, the 'Joe Biden' of professional athletes.

It's over.

Posted by: se pa moron at February 20, 2015 04:07 PM (zxQ4h)

73 >>According to Joe Biden, Americans who don't wish to pay higher taxes are not patriotic.

Biden called Tea Party supporters terrorists.

But the patriotic kind.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 20, 2015 04:07 PM (g1DWB)

74 Ace esta en fuego!

Posted by: OregonMuse at February 20, 2015 04:07 PM (I8YZX)

Walker et al ought to 'revise and extend' Guiliani's comments instead of back-pedaling.

They should say, 'Obama is the Dem standard bear. As horrible as it is to contemplate, I don't think the Democrats love our country in the same way most of us were brought up to love it."

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:07 PM (3ZtZW)

76 I hope Guiliani doesn't bend under the pressure. Remember Palin introduced the "death panels" to us and didn't back down. See that, some people started to look around and found out it was true.

Guiliani is the person who is going to make some of these elitists at slow down and actually look at what he said a bit closer.

This is what it takes to get the message out. One prominent person who'll speak the obvious and not back down.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 04:07 PM (/HX7u)

77 I love America, but Im really more of a Bread fan...

Posted by: Barack O'Douche at February 20, 2015 04:08 PM (5Zpn2)

78 Tipeing skillz is shiit today.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 04:08 PM (/HX7u)

79 The same institutional left that had pulled out the daggers over
Todd Palin then locked arms and formed into ranks, shoulder to shoulder,
and screamed hysterically that these rightist critics were

And of course contrast the Bush twins' daily college exploits making national newspapers about twice a month with HOW DARE YOU REPORT ON SASHA AND MALIA?!

If it weren't for double standards, the Left wouldn't have any.

Posted by: Ian S. at February 20, 2015 04:09 PM (B/VB5)

80 I love America EXCEPT for the Progressives.

I.e., Marxists. Progressivism was designed as a marketing term Socialism, for use to sell it to Americans.

Even "Socialism" was just a marketing term for Communism, designed for appealing to Western Europeans.

Posted by: Phinn at February 20, 2015 04:09 PM (DLUnW)

81 >>This is what it takes to get the message out. One prominent person who'll speak the obvious and not back down.

Jonah Goldberg wrote about this in his book Moving the Overton Window.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 20, 2015 04:09 PM (g1DWB)

82 Colorado Alex,
You may have been beaten to the punch, but my understanding is AtC can't reach the ladle!

Posted by: TheThinMan at February 20, 2015 04:10 PM (+PEBZ)

83 >>I don't like the way America IS right now. We should have started "conserving" what is back in 1850, or at least in 1950. We have gone to shit. This is NOT the America I grew up in. I can remember when we would go for a Sunday drive and leave the front door open.

i hear ya.

Posted by: ace at February 20, 2015 04:10 PM (E+pqw)

84 Sideways with a pineapple wrapped in barbed wire.

That f'in guy in particular.

Oddly enough, those who actually have principles and reasoned beliefs don't have to back down. They know the truth and they speak it. It's the pantywaist liberal asshats who adopt somebody else's "truthiness" that re-examine those "beliefs" when challenged and then back down under pressure.

That is why the saints became saints. They held reasoned beliefs and so, when challenged, they could withstand it. Not so hard to understand once you actually use your God-given brain.

Posted by: tcn in AK at February 20, 2015 04:10 PM (+YMhA)

85 "Rudy caught flak because he was directly over the target, and they know it."

I think it's becoming glaringly obvious through Barry's words and (in)actions that he's just not that into the U.S. or western culture. And people, even lefties, are seeing it or finally admitting it. They're trying to keep the wheels on the cart with the Rudy attack but I don't know where it's going to get them.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (LA7Cm)

86 There's is something distinctly different about Obama and his fellow travelers. They are progressive but see themselves as citizens of the world who happen to be 'trapped' living here in America.
Posted by: McCool at February 20, 2015 04:04 PM (g5Luu)

President Obama and his ideological fellow travelers are doctrinaire neo-Marxists--'neo' in the sense that they don't want to be associated with mass murderers like Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot et al and view themselves more as Trotskyite social democrats in the European mold. But if we're naming names, I like the term Ace coined awhile back: Transnational Socialists. Seems to encompass everything they stand for and believe.

Posted by: troyriser at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (YcvbY)


Is it me or is Ace becoming more and more a victim of rage-stroking as each day passes.

NTTAWWT at all, as I concur.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (3SUKc)

88 Obama hates Indian trees.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (W5DcG)

89 As I would rather use fresh ebola droppings as an eyewash than watch Le Mooch Humper or read his blather, I learn from either a headline or a moron translation.

I saw a headline of some of Baroque Le Poopypants finer points of speechyfying yesterday...and old yarn of mooselems being in the fabric of the founding of this country. Oh, yeah. So much so that President Jefferson founded the Marines who went to Tripoli. Otherwise I got nothing (I also know PM Churchill was not fond of the peaceful religion). They can bite moi.

Posted by: ChristyB now looks like Duchess of Alba at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (dMEBN)

90 Jonah Goldberg wrote about this in his book Moving the Overton Window.
Posted by: JackStraw at February 20, 2015 04:09 PM (g1DWB)

A masterpiece, no doubt, but t pales in comparison to Sean Hannity's "See, I Told You So."

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (vgIRn)

91 "You know how to really show you love someone? Apologize for them. Constantly."

Iowahawk Twitter

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (DXzRD)

92 83 >>I don't like the way America IS right now. We should have started "conserving" what is back in 1850, or at least in 1950. We have gone to shit. This is NOT the America I grew up in. I can remember when we would go for a Sunday drive and leave the front door open.

i hear ya.

Posted by: ace at February 20, 2015 04:10 PM (E+pqw)

And, get off our front porches.

We aren't so far from that time, but we are light years away from that morality. It is a lack of shared values that has damned us, and without some return to that, we are probably doomed as a society.

Posted by: tcn in AK at February 20, 2015 04:12 PM (+YMhA)

93 90 A masterpiece, no doubt, but t pales in comparison to Sean Hannity's "See, I Told You So."
Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 04:11 PM (vgIRn)

Look for "Suck My Ass, Bitch" by J.J. Sefton coming soon.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:12 PM (3SUKc)

94 I hope Guiliani doesn't bend under the pressure. Remember Palin
introduced the "death panels" to us and didn't back down. See that, some
people started to look around and found out it was true.

I think Rudy and, yes, Palin could be valuable in a role as people with no particular power/connections/ambitions (and therefore not able to be tied to the weenies at the RNC, and not able to be destroyed by the Left's usual means) who simply tell impolitic truths.

Posted by: Ian S. at February 20, 2015 04:12 PM (B/VB5)

95 Good God Ace I love you man!

Posted by: Frank Pisacane at February 20, 2015 04:12 PM (fAhKx)

96 : heavy sigh ::::

::: dreamy eyes :::


Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:03 PM (V+kmg)

Okay, so, after due consideration, I decided to go with navy for your new b l a z e r s because the purple in the crushed velvet didn't quite match the ostrich feather in your new hat.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:12 PM (IrByp)

97 "Cuba, Philippines, Japan, most of Europe..."

Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan....

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 04:12 PM (LA7Cm)

98 Trans-national Socialists aka Transis. But not to be confused with Trannys.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:13 PM (OEWRk)

This map is very telling as regarding politics, even though it does not involve politics.

Posted by: maddogg at February 20, 2015 04:13 PM (xWW96)

100 More evidence of Obama acting like high school girl with world politics:

Posted by: bergerbilder at February 20, 2015 04:13 PM (2o6Wj)

101 Well they find patriotism itself declasse.

But they'll always tell you they "love the America that could be" if only all the people they hate and the whole Constitution thing weren't in the way.

Posted by: brak at February 20, 2015 04:13 PM (Tj+s6)

102 Vic,

I have an anthology of stories from the 1950s. They were explicitly written to defend the American values that they saw slipping away.

I can't help but read that and think "Sorry guys, you tried."

Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:13 PM (MYCIw)

103 98 Trans-national Socialists aka Transis. But not to be confused with Trannys.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:13 PM (OEWRk)

My dad used to fix his own tranny back in the 70's.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:13 PM (3SUKc)

104 I'm more of a citizen of the world, got it?

Posted by: Marie Harf at February 20, 2015 04:14 PM (W6iIX)

105 Is it me or is Ace becoming more and more a victim of rage-stroking as each day passes.

I love "I Can't Take This Fucking Guy Anymore" Ace. Best, funniest Ace of all time.

Posted by: Ian S. at February 20, 2015 04:14 PM (B/VB5)

106 Libs only pretend to be patriotic during the Olympics and the World Cup.

Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:14 PM (MYCIw)

>>>Now let me change everything about you. Because I love you just that much.

I know where this is coming from but I can't see it applying the same way. I couldn't square Lincoln 'not loving the USA' with his efforts to transform it away from slavery. Quite the opposite, in fact. And, of course, Obama's fave Prez is supposed to be Abe.

Major difference, amongst many, is Abe's higher love was his faith while Obama's is unknown. And Abe had an obvious thing stated outright that he wanted to change while Obama has something unstated that he seems to be flailing and failing at.

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:14 PM (3ZtZW)

108 My husband, an intelligent, reasonable man, not prone to anger, is so fed up with Hussein he refuses to even talk about him.

He came home last night and said, "Nothing about that bastard surprises me anymore. I know he hates this country, and he hates us, and he hates our son. And when he's finally out of office, it wouldn't surprise me if, as a final 'fuck you,' he tossed his Kenyan birth certificate in our faces."

And husband's not a Birther.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:14 PM (FsuaD)

109 Now let me change everything about you. Because I love you just that much.

Back in the 90s, some impertinent reporter asked Hillary! if she loved America, and her response was that she loved "what American could become."

Suggested follow-ups:

1) "So, in other words, no, you don't."

2) "If Bill asked you if you loved him, how do you think he'd respond if that was your answer to him?"

Of course, nowadays Hillary is savvy enough to know how dreadful is the progressive answer to this question, so she'll do her best to answer like she believes a good ol' boy redneck would answer.

Posted by: OregonMuse at February 20, 2015 04:15 PM (I8YZX)

110 What about my tour de force, "Riding the Short Bus for Dummies?" You can get a free, signed copy if you Tweet something stupid.

Posted by: Brian Kilmeade at February 20, 2015 04:15 PM (vgIRn)

111 104 I'm more of a citizen of the world, got it?
Posted by: Marie Harf at February 20, 2015 04:14 PM (W6iIX)

Le Monde, C'est Nous.

Old skool Ameri-fucking-ca.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:15 PM (3SUKc)

112 The Left is all about creating utopia. To do so, they must eliminate the old.

They believe that humans are "rational" (in other words humans would naturally think the same thing Leftists thing). There reason we are not in a utopia now is because there is some boogie-man that is messing things up and denying the "people" their "right" to utopia.

In America, the "kyriarchy" is the boogie-man. The Proggressives really believe that straigh White cis-gendered male 1%ers created American society to oppress people and thus benefit from their unearned privilege.

Progressives see themselves as a force to destroy that evil. Once that evil is destroyed, then we'd have utopia... allegedly. When their utopia doesn't pop into existence, they just see that as a sign that there are still evil oppressors around that must be ferreted out and neutralized.

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 20, 2015 04:16 PM (0Ew3K)

113 Vic,
I like Cavuto & his show & Special Report are only ones I watch. Some I will have on, this morning it was Fox & Friends with Local Fox Boston, switching between the two.

I saw Geraldo on FNC & turned it off. After a while they just repeat the same news.

That was a DHS alert. I don't see it on Fox website.

Posted by: Carol at February 20, 2015 04:16 PM (sj3Ax)

114 >>The progressives have a lot of problems with America. That is the entire point of their politics: They don't like what America is, and wish to change it.

Seriously, this is absolutely correct and I don't know why more Republicans don't hammer this point.

The entire point of progressivism is to change the status quo. Not marginal changes around the edges but overturn the entire system. You see this every once in a while when the mask slips as it did with that idiot at the UN who said that the point of AGW was to get rid of capitalism and replace it with a system of international socialism.

We need to keep hammering this simple, basic point.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 20, 2015 04:16 PM (g1DWB)

115 I think Barry O'boobs has an adolescent fascination with all things foreign, and he is jealous of things like fascism and Marxism, because with those tools he could be in charge of everything. Not that he wants to work that hard, but he likes the idea of making everyone do exactly as he wants them to.

He is a petulant child, thinking that the whole world should bow to his whims. He throws temper tantrums when things don't go his way. And he is stuck in magical thinking, whereby if he says something is true, it is magically so. Most people move beyond that at about age five. Not so our enfant terrible.

Posted by: tcn in AK at February 20, 2015 04:16 PM (+YMhA)

116 I love you, baby even though you're a racist, bigoted bitter Bible clinger who can't stand poor people, is militaristic, hates the environment and doesn't totally embrace socialized medicine....but by my persuasive rhetorical powers and sheer charisma I'm going to make you see how wrong you are..and how right I am. You;ll love it!

Posted by: Branco Bama at February 20, 2015 04:17 PM (DXzRD)

117 Oh, and I will never forget the courage of the MAN of Mayor Giuliani on 9/11/01. Never. He has his faults, but he was a brave man who led the way after that terrorist attack by wealthy little hairy isloons. He stood up to terror...unlike many of his critics today. Thank you, Mayor. You helped the entire nation, as did President Bush.

I like courage much better than flop-sweat fear and bowing. Give me a leader I can respect, please. Not cowering and appeasing pablum. Give me a Churchill. Give me a Charles Martel. Heck, give me anyone but what we have now. This nation has never backed down, until now, to fear.

Posted by: ChristyB now looks like Duchess of Alba at February 20, 2015 04:17 PM (dMEBN)

118 115 Posted by: tcn in AK at February 20, 2015 04:16 PM (+YMhA)

Obama = Trelayne, minus the imagination and good parents.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:17 PM (3SUKc)

119 Did I get the ball rolling of whut?

That Obama feller is a college professor like me

Posted by: Woodrow Wilson at February 20, 2015 04:17 PM (W6iIX)

120 113 Posted by: Carol at February 20, 2015 04:16 PM (sj3Ax)

Fox and Friends has always been a liberal show. I quit watching it long before I dropped my cable as a waste of money.

Posted by: Vic at February 20, 2015 04:17 PM (wlDny)

121 BRAVO, ACE. This needs to be said to every stupid, lying progressive.

Posted by: tsj017 at February 20, 2015 04:18 PM (adK2U)

122 Ace is beginning to sound like one of us gun dick stroking nuts.

Posted by: maddogg at February 20, 2015 04:18 PM (xWW96)

123 Back in the 90s, some impertinent reporter asked Hillary! if she loved
America, and her response was that she loved "what America could

I still think that exact phrasing is a good candidate for What Progs Actually Think.

I know many of us here love what Hillary! could become: a bio-mechanical terror with an exoskeleton, razor-sharp knives that extend out of her knuckles, and a full 8 hours of operation on a charge (less if battle is involved).

Posted by: Ian S. at February 20, 2015 04:18 PM (B/VB5)

124 Obama is a big phony.

Posted by: Holden Caulfield at February 20, 2015 04:18 PM (JO9+V)

125 117 Posted by: ChristyB now looks like Duchess of Alba at February 20, 2015 04:17 PM (dMEBN)

Giuliani refused the blood money from Prince Alwaleed and it was all he could do to refrain from telling him to shove the check up his ass.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (3SUKc)

126 J.J. Sefton, Gaylord is more like Charlie X.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (OEWRk)

127 I just want to touch America's breasts.

Posted by: Choo Choo! at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (1vYi0)

128 Imagine telling your children that.

"Mommy, do you love me?"

"I love what you can become, sweetheart"


Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (MYCIw)

129 I simply can't take Fox and Friends on a regular basis. I don't need good ol' Stammerin' Steve and Barbie Foxsplainin' the news to me.

Turned them on this morning, and there was Geraldo, going on about all the dangerous battles he was in in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I really, really wish they'd knock off the cutesy stuff and give me more hard news. And get rid of Jerry Rivers.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (FsuaD)

130 No wire clothes hanger ever!

Posted by: Barry Obama at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (0Ew3K)

131 Don't question folks patriotism, m'kay?

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (W6iIX)

132 tcn

you are nailing it on all counts

Posted by: Feh at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (9IiwN)

133 Why do you provoke me like that, baby? You know I love you, but sometimes you just make me so mad. I wouldn't hit you if you would just do what I tell you. I only do this because I love you.

Posted by: Barack at February 20, 2015 04:20 PM (MqjGP)

134 Political cartoon from 1992

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:20 PM (OEWRk)

135 I'm more of a citizen of the world, got it?
Posted by: Marie Harf

Ok. Go stand over by Somalia for awhile.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 04:20 PM (x4N9x)

136 If this horrible man gives any kind of farewell speech before leaving office, it is going to be full of all kinds of Bullworthian shitheadedness, assholery, and dickbagedness.

He is incapable of displaying even an ounce of magnanimity.

Posted by: L, Elle at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (2x3L+)

137 ooh, that was a good one, Ace.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (ZPrif)

"I love what you can become, sweetheart"

/Jenner's mom

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (3ZtZW)

139 excellent rant

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (ZPrif)

140 The progressives have a lot of problems with America. That is the entire point of their politics: They don't like what America is, and wish to change it.


They don't want to change America. They want to replace it outright. They believe that America at its root core is evil incarnate. They wish to destroy that and replace it.

They are just doing it piecemeal and sub rosa.

Posted by: The Root Hat at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (0Ew3K)

141 Look for "Suck My Ass, Bitch" by J.J. Sefton coming soon.

Somebody called me?

Posted by: steve kroft at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (Od8DM)

142 Jesus the Newsroom is fucking stupid.

Posted by: Geraldine Ferraro at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (XpAxm)

143 I'll love you when you're up to my standards.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:21 PM (FsuaD)

144 >>>I was in the car this morning and had Beck on, which I rarely do anymore.
They were having a field day mocking Obama over all the "prominent Muslims" who helped found America.
David Barton was on and went down a list of actual accomplishments by Muslims during our founding.
It was hilarious.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:06 PM (FsuaD)<<<

Osama bin Franklin. George Wahabbist. Thomas Jafarian.

Posted by: I remember those guys at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (u9UUM)

145 I got too many goats !!!

Posted by: Mary Clogenstien from a goat farm/dairy in Vermont at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (W6iIX)

146 Political cartoon from 1992

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:20 PM (OEWRk)

A little mood music:

Posted by: Van Hat at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (0Ew3K)

147 A while back a friend-couple visited me and stayed at my home for a while.

The wife is my friend; her husband I sort of tolerate. He is not just a progressive but a FLAMING PROGRESSIVE JERK.

So we were doing the tourist thing of going around San Francisco and the Bay Area looking at stuff.

Every now and then he's raise his camera (he always has a camera around his neck) and took a picture of -- well, nothing that seemed worth taking a picture of.

Every now and then, when doing this, he'd murmur to his wife, "There's one!" or "That was a good one!" and she'd chuckle or nod.

The only thing these photos seemingly had in common was that they were generally scenes that including some kind of American flag or image or the American flag. On a pole, on a sticker, in a window, or somewhere.

Eventually, after yet another one of these pictures, I got up the nerve to ask him what he was taking pictures of.

"Oh - - American flags."


"Well, I'm planning on eventually doing a photo exhibit about knee-jerk patriotism."

"Oh -- really?"

"Yes - - about how Americans just reflexively put the flag everywhere."

"And you find this...distasteful? Admirable? What will be the point of the exhibit?"

"To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance and xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be stupid and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't even know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

I already didn't like the guy before this day; but after this conversation, my hatred of him went off the charts.

(I should explain that everyone assumes I'm a liberal too.)

That's how they feel. Except for the faux fainting couch routine for the cameras, they loathe loathe loathe America and everything it stands for. Openly, furiously, aggressively. If they could press a button and destroy America, they would.

Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (K4YiS)

148 126 J.J. Sefton, Gaylord is more like Charlie X.
Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:19 PM (OEWRk)

Disagree. He's the spoiled bastard of aloof parents. Charlie X just was brain damaged.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (3SUKc)

149 124 Obama is a big phony.
Posted by: Holden Caulfield at February 20, 2015 04:18 PM (JO9+V)

Wow. Check you out, Little Shirley Beans. I didn't think anyone remembered that book.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (vgIRn)

150 I loved Tina. Just saying.

Posted by: Zombie Ike Turner at February 20, 2015 04:23 PM (FHh8u)

>>>I'll love you when you're up to my standards.

You have to guess at what those standards are, dear.

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:23 PM (3ZtZW)

152 The writers for the Flo commercials nailed it when she said "Sprinkles are for winners."

That is their idea of motivation... just hand me the wazikashi now.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:23 PM (OEWRk)

23 Damn it, beaten to the punch by AlextheChick.
Posted by: Colorado Alex at February 20, 2015 03:58 PM (OiH3z)

Yeah but she can only go for the shins. You can go for the face or gut.

Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:24 PM (zt+N6)

154 That's how they feel. Except for the faux fainting couch routine for the cameras, they loathe loathe loathe America and everything it stands for. Openly, furiously, aggressively. If they could press a button and destroy America, they would.
Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (K4YiS)

See, now, this just makes me regret that accidental overdose of gamma radiation....

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 04:24 PM (vgIRn)

155 Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:24 PM (kff5f)


Anybody think this might be a re-ification of Barry's upbringing?

"I'll love you when you're up to my standards."

"OK Mom. How bout now? Dad? No? aw man..."

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:24 PM (3ZtZW)

157 TPH, heh. Yeah Jump...

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:24 PM (OEWRk)

Disagree. He's the spoiled bastard of aloof parents. Charlie X just was brain damaged.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (3SUKc

Disagree. He's the spoiled bastard of worthless scum sucking parents.


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 04:24 PM (vPh3W)

"To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance
and xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be
stupid and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't
even know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings
that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

Wow, zombie. I don't even know the guy, and now I hate him.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:24 PM (FsuaD)

160 No.

Obama is Wesley.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (MMC8r)

161 Giuliani is often correct.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (kff5f)

162 I can't wait for the midnight pardons...

Posted by: Navybrat at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (JgC5a)

163 Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (K4YiS)

I can't believe he forgot to mention--- SLAVERY !!

Posted by: big mick at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (W6iIX)

164 My theme song for America -- (I Hate) Everything About You

Posted by: Ugly Kid O at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (u9UUM)

165 162 I can't wait for the midnight pardons...
Posted by: Navybrat at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (JgC5a

Midnight? Surely you jest!?!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (vPh3W)

166 ""To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance and xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be stupid and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't even know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

I hope you put miralax in his coffee.

Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (MYCIw)

167 "The writers for the Flo commercials nailed it when she said "Sprinkles are for winners."

That is a good commercial.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 04:26 PM (LA7Cm)

168 Amen Ace!!! Fuck em!

Posted by: ArmyMom at February 20, 2015 04:26 PM (a4GJD)

169 So, zombie. I assume your "friend" is a big supporter of the military, right?


Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:26 PM (FsuaD)

170 Right, Ace. Fuck em all.

Rush says this. Gimme all those clips showing Obama saying something that demonstrates his love for America. Then I might say Rudy boo booed.


Posted by: the littl shyning man at February 20, 2015 04:26 PM (U6f54)

171 I loved Tina. Just saying.
Posted by: Zombie Ike Turner at February 20, 2015 04:23 PM (FHh8u)

same here with Rihanna

Posted by: Chris Brown at February 20, 2015 04:26 PM (W6iIX)

172 "I can't wait for the midnight pardons..."

It will Bill Clinton's last days in office look like Sunday School roll call.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (LA7Cm)

173 This is the ace that keeps me coming back here.

The little Furry Fcuker knows how to use words to convey ideas.

And convey them in a manner that leaves little room for "Uh...wha did he mean by that"

Rock on, boss.

And zombie.....

You're another national treasure as well.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (SwjpS)

174 progs don't want to 'change the status quo'; they want a REVOLUTION

they want the world, and they want it NOW: drastic, immediate, profound and irreversible transformation--from one system based on hate greed to a New Awakening of Peace, Love, and Understanding ( with them in control of everyone and everything )

and they will destroy everyone and every institution standing in their way ( most of they won't pull a trigger, but will give the order without hesitation or regret ). Anyone who doesn't realize this Essential Truth of progs is putting himself on the 'endangered species list'

word up....

Posted by: John of Salisbury at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (8CdUx)

175 Get the fuck out of here

here let me add something


Posted by: DaveA at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (DL2i+)

176 Enough of the game. Your entire politics is based upon resentment towards the existing American order and a hatred of current American mores. Get the fuck out of here with your insistence that I credit you as "loving America."


Though I thought *I* was the one who was supposed to launch into Profanity Laced Rants.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (kff5f)

Lady Liberty TruthFreedom's(AKA America)breasts are way, way too big for your hands, Creepy McCreeppants.

Posted by: lurkingestlurker at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (k8xvx)

178 "OK Mom. How bout now? Dad? No? aw man...""

Good point. Obama has more daddy issues than a stripclub on Wednesday night.

Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (MYCIw)

179 His campaign theme song should have been "Fck You" by that Ceelo guy

Posted by: L, Elle at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (2x3L+)

180 Barack, you're good enough. You're smart enough. And gosh darn it, people like you!

Posted by: Stuart Smalley at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (JO9+V)

181 It is not pretty, but this is a discussion that America needs to have. (sounds pretty progressive, huh?)

Posted by: bergerbilder at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (2o6Wj)

160 No. Obama is Wesley.
Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 20, 2015 04:25 PM (MMC8r)

Cousin Oliver.

Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (zt+N6)

183 I love you.

Now change!

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (V70Uh)

184 President Mommy/Daddy issues is taking his anger out on us. Imagine what he can do in the next two years.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (FsuaD)

185 Can't I just eat my waffle, honkies?

Posted by: Emperor Clusterfuck I at February 20, 2015 04:28 PM (PXU5j)

186 "To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance and xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be stupid and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't even know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

It's funny when they're saying more about themselves than the people they think they're commenting on.

Posted by: Zap Rowsdower at February 20, 2015 04:28 PM (MMC8r)

187 Actually for Gaylord to equal Bill's pardon madness, it would mean Gaylord would have to exert himself.

I don't see that happening. Gaylord will be too busy thinking of Hawai'i while laughing at all the suckers who willingly went under the bus for him.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:28 PM (OEWRk)

Yeah but she can only go for the shins. You can go for the face or gut.

I think she would have a reasonably good shot at your junk.

Just sayin.

Posted by: eleven at February 20, 2015 04:28 PM (b4i3o)

189 Though I thought *I* was the one who was supposed to launch into Profanity Laced Rants.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:27 PM (kff5f)

I'd pay real cash money for another AllenG profanity laced rant.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:29 PM (V+kmg)

190 We really are a country filled with stoopid. The Obamas told us right up front who they were. I believe these were Michelle's exact words...

"...for the first time in my life I am proud of my country... "

Who says that other than someone who dislikes their country?

Posted by: dogfish at February 20, 2015 04:29 PM (1vYi0)

191 "To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance and
xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be stupid
and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't even
know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings that
sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

I would've kicked him repeatedly in the crotch at that point, but that's just me.

Posted by: Ian S. at February 20, 2015 04:29 PM (B/VB5)

192 They hate America because they love our enemies and our enemies hate America because it's not fair to them that we exist.

Our mere existence proves their f*cked up ideologies wrong.

Posted by: The Mega Independent at February 20, 2015 04:29 PM (QCo5R)

193 "To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance and xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be stupid and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't even know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

F*ck that guy in particular.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:29 PM (kff5f)

>>>Cousin Oliver.


Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (3ZtZW)

195 I think she would have a reasonably good shot at your junk.Just sayin.
Posted by: eleven at February 20, 2015 04:28 PM (b4i3o)

Possibly the kneecap. She'd have to break out the step stool for junk.

Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (zt+N6)

196 and, yeah, another impressively-written really-really good mini-essay.

when Sh*t needs saying, you say it about as well as anyone ever did.

Posted by: John of Salisbury at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (8CdUx)



Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (zt+N6)

198 I'd pay real cash money for another AllenG profanity laced rant.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:29 PM (V+kmg)

Did I mention a GoFundMe? 'Cause I've been trying to keep my calm about this whole thing, but I could be convinced to let rip.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (kff5f)

199 White Courtesy Phone for buzzion. Tis the Barrel calling.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:31 PM (OEWRk)

200 Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (zt+N6)

Hope you brought your MOPP4 gear.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:31 PM (kff5f)

201 Run !!

The italicians are here !!!!

Posted by: big mick at February 20, 2015 04:31 PM (W6iIX)

202 Let us all collectively think of the next time Preznit Putz prancercizes, in his famous pigeon-toed swish, from the cart to the greens....and spastically swings his club (ok, not go there), in his twee saddle shoes. Well, sir, loosening up the ole limp wrists he points his bony and pathetic knobby knees in The Most Spaz golf swing evah while he spasms into a sand pit. The ball goes, oh, three feet with this powerful motion. Sort of how things have gone since 2008.

Posted by: ChristyB now looks like Duchess of Alba at February 20, 2015 04:31 PM (dMEBN)

>>>>but I could be convinced to let rip.

**runs for Airwick**

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:31 PM (3ZtZW)

204 Buzzion to the barrel.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:32 PM (FsuaD)

205 MOPP gear starts to break down after oh 18 hours with blood agents. The Barrel is much much worse. Bring your spacesuit.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:32 PM (OEWRk)

206 Come to me, Buzzion.

Posted by: The Barrel at February 20, 2015 04:32 PM (FHh8u)

207 "...for the first time in my life I am proud of my country... "

Who says that other than someone who dislikes their country?

It was more telling than that. She said "adult life" as if to say either

A. It's childish to be proud of this country if its doing anything other than idolizing her husband


B. She used to like the country but learned to hate it in college and then all her anger and envy suddenly made sense

Posted by: The Mega Independent at February 20, 2015 04:32 PM (QCo5R)

208 *waves to buzzion* Remember, struggling only makes the tentacles tighten faster.

Did I mention a GoFundMe? 'Cause I've been trying to keep my calm about this whole thing, but I could be convinced to let rip.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (kff5f)


So you are getting waxed!

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:33 PM (IrByp)

209 Did I mention a GoFundMe? 'Cause I've been trying to keep my calm about this whole thing, but I could be convinced to let rip.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:30 PM (kff5f)

Give in to the dark side, Allen

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:33 PM (V+kmg)

210 >>Obama has more daddy issues than a stripclub on Wednesday night.


You owe me a new screen!

Posted by: Lizzy at February 20, 2015 04:33 PM (lHHyw)

211 AllenG's next novel - The Brazilian Job.

It will be a real screamer I bet.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:33 PM (OEWRk)

212 God dam America!

Posted by: the beaver pope at February 20, 2015 04:34 PM (2KB+E)

213 >>Let us all collectively think of the next time Preznit Putz
prancercizes, in his famous pigeon-toed swish, from the cart to the

Or the latte salute.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 20, 2015 04:34 PM (lHHyw)

214 208 *waves to buzzion* Remember, struggling only makes the tentacles tighten faster

I'll be like a woman on stage near Joe Biden. Just go limp and find a happy place to keep my mind separate from my body.

Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:34 PM (zt+N6)

Dang Zombie. I hope you move to more sane places before we read about you in the papers.
BTW, I wonder how long it would take to sand that stupid stamp off the end of a firing pin. I figure around 10 minutes.

Posted by: maddogg at February 20, 2015 04:34 PM (xWW96)

216 "I love America, but Im really more of a Bread fan..."

As long as it's not the Eagles. I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man.

Posted by: Keith Arnold at February 20, 2015 04:34 PM (iIzG7)

217 I came late to this thread but FINALLY this post something I've thought all along! Picture all those Libs singing "God Bless America". I thought it was fake all along and I still do.

Posted by: Rick554 at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (MlLzb)

218 America is a downright mean country.

Posted by: Other Stuff Michelle Obama Said at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (MYCIw)

219 I don't know about GoFundMe. But maybe you could consider starting a blog.

Posted by: se pa moron at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (zxQ4h)

220 "I am the Love that dare not speak his name."

- Things What Reggie Love Wrote, Vol. I, Ch. II

Posted by: Fritz at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (dVmLD)

221 That needed to be said, right down to "fuck em all."

We Tea Party crazies have been saying for some time that there's an often-too-fine-line between avoiding what Ace calls the "strong" version of one's politics and practicing euphemism. I'm getting the sense that Ace is reaching a tipping point.

That's not to say hyperbole is the better alternative to euphemism. It's best to not err either way but I think the line should be drawn at what's broadly accurate and defensible in honest debate rather than what the media will make of how you say something.

As an example, almost every piece I read on the immigration/defunding issue yesterday supported some kind of nuanced strategy because "Republicans will be blamed for a shutdown."

If that's the filter for all strategy, nothing of any consequence is ever going to get done on any issue we care about.

2/3 of America generally opposes Obama on amnesty. Strong majorities support us on many other issues. If that isn't enough political capital to take into a fight with the lying media, nothing ever will be.

It's one thing to go full Luap Nor. It's another to be so tepid and duplicitous that you dare not name your ideals and policy goals to either the general public or your own supporters. Either way, that's the politics of euphemism - selling out your base or soft-pedaling your own ideas as if they're somehow disreputable and require stealth implementation.

Posted by: SocietyIs2Blame at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (QKIQb)

222 I remember hearing in one of his stupid books, Hussein claimed that his commie daddy's coffin was draped in the American flag. In Kenya.

This guy lies about everything. Everything.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (FsuaD)

178 "OK Mom. How bout now? Dad? No? aw man..."" Good point. Obama has more daddy issues than a stripclub on Wednesday night.

Stealing my line. I usually use Saturday night though.

Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (zt+N6)

I'll be like a woman on stage near Joe Biden. Just go limp and find a happy place to keep my mind separate from my body.'s funny cause it's true.

Posted by: eleven at February 20, 2015 04:35 PM (b4i3o)

225 Obama has more daddy issues than a stripclub on Wednesday night.

That is really not fair you guys

Posted by: Candy, Donna and Mindy at February 20, 2015 04:36 PM (W6iIX)

226 This is about "bitter clingers" is it?

Just checking

Posted by: Nip Sip at February 20, 2015 04:36 PM (0FSuD)

227 just woke up from a nap. read this, typed a comment, reread it, deleted, retyped, reread and deleted again.

too many thoughts, so i'll just say thank you ace.

Posted by: dDan at February 20, 2015 04:36 PM (hwYmz)

228 imagine Nixon; make him the unwanted bastard-child of a mentally-disturbed teeney-bopper and ( pick one ) an African communist or an African-American communist, raised by hard left Old Whiteys and mom's Muslim boyfriend, a dope-smoking coke-snorting goofus who becomes the tool of Soros-ish ass clowns...

and, presto! Barack Hussein, in you face, bitches !!!!!!!!!!!!

Life imitates a surreal nightmare

Posted by: John of Salisbury at February 20, 2015 04:36 PM (8CdUx)

229 I'll be like a woman on stage near Joe Biden. Just go limp and find a happy place to keep my mind separate from my body.

Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:34 PM (zt+N6)

Try to stay out of the sticky places. If you can.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:37 PM (FsuaD)

230 Sigh - I am absolutely dreading my next visit to my wife's side of the family. And entire group of retired public-employees (teachers, mostly - of course) who are of the sort zombie described @147. Luckily it's not for another 2-months.

Posted by: DocJ at February 20, 2015 04:37 PM (zrsn3)

231 Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:33 PM (IrByp)

Yes. That's it *exactly*. And you should totally donate heavily to the cause.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:38 PM (kff5f)

232 Sigh - I am absolutely dreading my next visit to my wife's side of the family. And entire group of retired public-employees (teachers, mostly - of course) who are of the sort zombie described @147. Luckily it's not for another 2-months.
Posted by: DocJ at February 20, 2015 04:37 PM (zrsn3)

Life is too short to hang with toxic people.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:38 PM (V+kmg)

233 222 I remember hearing in one of his stupid books, Hussein claimed that his commie daddy's coffin was draped in the American flag. In Kenya.

This guy lies about everything. Everything.

No, no. It was. He's telling the truth for once. I was there.

Posted by: Brian Williams at February 20, 2015 04:38 PM (QCo5R)

234 Remember the speech soon-to-be prez zero gave in 2008 - "We are going to fundamentally transform America".

You transform your weed-infested yard, or an outdated leaky bathroom, or a bad relationship.

Posted by: Boots at February 20, 2015 04:38 PM (l9mF2)

235 230
Sigh - I am absolutely dreading my next visit to my wife's side of the
family. And entire group of retired public-employees (teachers, mostly -
of course) who are of the sort zombie described @147. Luckily it's not
for another 2-months.

Posted by: DocJ at February 20, 2015 04:37 PM (zrsn3)

I feel your pain. Do what I do. Sit in a corner, drink heavily, and smile benignly. It's the only way.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:38 PM (FsuaD)

236 AllenG's next novel - The Brazilian Job .

It will be a real screamer I bet.

Tain't nuttin'.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 04:38 PM (x4N9x)

237 Try to stay out of the sticky places. If you can.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:37 PM (FsuaD)

It's Friday so, by now, every place in there is sticky.

Jus sayin'

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:39 PM (V+kmg)

238 230
Sigh - I am absolutely dreading my next visit to my wife's side of the
family. And entire group of retired public-employees (teachers, mostly -
of course) who are of the sort zombie described @147. Luckily it's not
for another 2-months.

Posted by: DocJ at February 20, 2015 04:37 PM (zrsn3)

We'll write you a note stating that you are too well to attend.

Posted by: flounder at February 20, 2015 04:39 PM (FHh8u)

239 I would point out that Bulworth did it during an election. It may have started out with Bulworth having nothing to lose, but when the media decided to support him, he decided he wanted to be elected again after all...

I don't like where this is going.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 20, 2015 04:39 PM (J0IP0)

240 " I usually use Saturday night though."

Wednesday girls are sadder.

Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:40 PM (MYCIw)

241 "Our final goal is the destruction of imperialism, the seizure of power, and the creation of socialism. Our strategy for this stage of the struggle is to organize the oppressed people of the imperial nation itself to join with the colonies in the attack on imperialism. This process of attacking and weakening imperialism involves the defeat of all kinds of national chauvinism and arrogance; this is a precondition to our fight for socialism." ~ Bill Ayers, Prairie Fire, 1974

Substitute "America" for the word "imperialism."

Posted by: fly gal at February 20, 2015 04:40 PM (8TdcF)

242 imagine Nixon; make him the unwanted bastard-child of a mentally-disturbed teeney-bopper and ( pick one ) an African communist or an African-American communist, raised by hard left Old Whiteys and mom's Muslim boyfriend, a dope-smoking coke-snorting goofus who becomes the tool of Soros-ish ass clowns...

Even with all of his defects, Nixon was three times the man Obama could ever even hope to become.

Posted by: OregonMuse at February 20, 2015 04:40 PM (I8YZX)

243 Thank you Ace! you summed it up perfectly. I wish I could like/share this on Facebook. Most of my contacts there would love it and agree completely.

Posted by: madamemayhem at February 20, 2015 04:40 PM (WPm3x)

244 "Giuliani refused the blood money from Prince Alwaleed and it was all he could do to refrain from telling him to shove the check up his ass."

And at the time, Guiliani took a ton of flak over it, because Alwaleed is one of those supposedly "responsible, moderate, peaceful" Muslim figures. Except now it's starting to look like he's also tied into the international jihadi funding pipeline.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 20, 2015 04:40 PM (noWW6)

245 Media-ite, 4/10/14: "Obama Agrees GOP is 'Un-American' for Supporting Restrictions on Voting.", 8/10/09: "In a Tight Spot, Pelosi Calls Health Care Critics 'Un-American'." 3/18/09: "Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American."

Huffington Post, 09/10/09: "Pelosi, Hoyer: Disrupting Town Halls 'Un-American."

Washington Post, 2/27/14: "Reid: Koch Brothers are 'Un-American."

Posted by: Doggyodog at February 20, 2015 04:41 PM (O1+xy)

246 I remember hearing in one of his stupid books, Hussein claimed that his
commie daddy's coffin was draped in the American flag. In Kenya.

Well to be fair, that was Bill Ayers lying about TFG's alleged sperm donor.

Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 04:41 PM (ZKzrr)

247 Fucking A right, Ace. Fucking A right.

Posted by: No Mom-es at February 20, 2015 04:42 PM (Pmh/U)

248 We'll write you a note stating that you are too well to attend.

Signed, Juan Epstein's Mom

Posted by: Stuart Smalley at February 20, 2015 04:42 PM (JO9+V)

249 The Eternal Teenager(R)

Posted by: bergerbilder at February 20, 2015 04:42 PM (2o6Wj)

250 Wednesday girls are sadder.
Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:40 PM (MYCIw)



I'm assuming only the best here.



Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:42 PM (V+kmg)

251 "To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance

and xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be

stupid and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't

even know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings

that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."
Good for you for being the bigger person...I would have kicked them out of my car right then and there, and had their stuff waiting for them in the front yard to come get.

Posted by: caunotaucarius at February 20, 2015 04:42 PM (aruDZ)

252 Look at their "patriotic" reaction to Chris Kyle. They loathe him. Medea Benjamin, patriot. Chris Kyle, sociopathic murderer.

Posted by: ejo at February 20, 2015 04:42 PM (rsGj7)

253 So Ace is reviewing the movie 'Rudy'?

Posted by: Please Don't Make Me Read The Review at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (nbGZj)

254 Wimminz is fundamentally fucked up.

No, that part is going well, but today Boy and I ran into the neighbor lady down the street, she is Mom to one of Boy's friends. Anyway she gave me a hard time about never asking her out, even though she lived right down the street.

Well hell, I told her, our kids are friends, we see each other in passing at least once a day, Boy has invited you up here several times when I have the grill might have said something before now.

Fortune does favor the bold.

Anyhoo, gotta jump in the shower. She'll be here in an hour or so.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (6fyGz)

255 After years of observation I've noted that whenever leftprogs are forced to make a statement about "loving their country" what they mean is the actual real estate and all non-conservative residents.
As for its institutions and history, they revile and spit on it.

Posted by: LeBron Horowitz at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (2DVgX)

256 Okay do we have any Italian Morons? This is so NSFW.

Italian sex ed cartoon with Supper Pippa who is dressed as a Super Villain/Stripper. And its about Sandra Fluke's favourite anatomy part.

*thud* *twitch* -whimper-

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (OEWRk)

257 disgusting sock change

Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 04:44 PM (JO9+V)

258 I wish I could like/share this on Facebook.

If you're on a computer, you can copy the URL (highlight, then Ctrl-C) from the browser and paste (Ctrl-V) it into your FB status box and that should share it.

If you're on a phone or a tablet there may be a way but I don't know it.

Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 04:44 PM (ZKzrr)

259 Who's going to tap into the Silent Majority again when we need it? Actual America lovers greatly outnumber all these loudmouth lefty jagoffs we're inundated with. Real Americans love straight talk and do not have an unlimited bullshit tolerance. This guy and his JV henchmen team is going down hard once the corner is turned, and I think we're seeing the beginnings of that now.

Posted by: Leonard Pinth-Garnell at February 20, 2015 04:44 PM (Ilm6f)

"To show how the flag has become basically a shorthand for ignorance
and xenophobia. If you display it, you are declaring yourself to be
stupid and hateful. But the funny part is, they'e so stupid, they don't
even know it! So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings
that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

I would have asked, so where are you sleeping tonight? Because I hang a flag at my house and you just called me stupid and hateful, so i am assuming you are not staying.

Posted by: Penfold at February 20, 2015 04:44 PM (Fbt5B)

261 So I'm capturing images of the flag in ironic settings that sort of reveal the ugliness underneath."

Theoretically you can save brake disc wear by holding a persons head against the tire, practically it's a little difficult and my probation officer said no.

Posted by: DaveA at February 20, 2015 04:44 PM (DL2i+)

262 @38 ChristyB now looks like Duchess of Alba

"He looks, well, afraid and petulantly blaming others vs facing reality (which is also a sign of narcissism says Dame Christy Freud). And we know who is running this show and it ain't him."

His handlers must have filled him in that no one takes him seriously ... not even democrats. Or maybe one of his key backers is pulling the plug. Who knows.

Posted by: Buckeye Abroad at February 20, 2015 04:44 PM (O7UI7)

263 Anyhoo, gotta jump in the shower. She'll be here in an hour or so.
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (6fyGz)

Git r done.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 04:44 PM (vgIRn)

264 "I'm assuming only the best here. "

Ha. I have a cousin who manages a strip club. She has the best stories.

Posted by: Lauren at February 20, 2015 04:45 PM (MYCIw)

265 OK, Fox and Friends is not the best programming. But calling it a liberal show is a bit of a stretch. Friday's are the worst because they have on that ridiculous, preening egomaniac, Geraldo. Ack!

Posted by: grandmalcaesar at February 20, 2015 04:45 PM (yrohn)

Anyhoo, gotta jump in the shower. She'll be here in an hour or so.

Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (6fyGz)

Good for you!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:45 PM (FsuaD)

240 " I usually use Saturday night though." Wednesday girls are sadder.

But there would be more on Saturday. And they'd presumably be hotter. Thus the assumption Hot Stripper = Daddy issues. Or cokehead, which would probably apply to Obama too.

Posted by: buzzion at February 20, 2015 04:46 PM (zt+N6)

268 GGE, have fun storming the castle

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:46 PM (OEWRk)

Gots to go, yo

Have a weekend.

Good is up to you.

Posted by: Bigby's Kung Fu Grip at February 20, 2015 04:47 PM (3ZtZW)

270 Anyhoo, gotta jump in the shower. She'll be here in an hour or so.
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (6fyGz)

Okay, GGE, listen carefully. I'll type slowly.

I want you to think about each and every piece of advice that the Horde would give you about how to close the deal.

Think on those things.

Ponder them.

Then do exactly the opposite.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:47 PM (IrByp)

271 After years of observation I've noted that whenever leftprogs are forced
to make a statement about "loving their country" what they mean is the
actual real estate

Except all that icky stuff between Manhattan and Orange County. Eeew, agriculture.

Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 04:47 PM (ZKzrr)

272 GGE, have fun storming the castle

Vlad, The Impaler.

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 04:47 PM (x4N9x)

273 "I love my wife, but I want to change everything about her." *

*See how that doesn't really work? Same goes for "patriotic progressives".

Posted by: Dang at February 20, 2015 04:47 PM (MNq6o)

274 256
Okay do we have any Italian Morons? This is so NSFW.

Italian sex
ed cartoon with Supper Pippa who is dressed as a Super Villain/Stripper.
And its about Sandra Fluke's favourite anatomy part.

*thud* *twitch* -whimper-

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (OEWRk)

Heh. Love the asian vj with the squinty eyes. That one is ripe for a hitler-parody-like treatment.

Posted by: flounder at February 20, 2015 04:48 PM (FHh8u)

275 Progressives are evil tyrants who support anarchy or jihadism if they think it can be a tool to destroy middle class complacency.

In other words, don't put anything past somebody line Obama, or Pelosi/Reid. They'll destroy anything, kill people even, to see America discomfited.

Posted by: MTF, Fan of the Crusades at February 20, 2015 04:48 PM (FCsIb)

276 you know what I love about America?

I love that we invent shit
I love that we're entrepreneurs
I love that most of us speak more frankly than people do elsewhere
I love that we bleed creative juices
I love that we're friendlier than most people
I love that we're loud
I love that we don't care what our skin looks like
I love that we're practical and want to get it done
I love that we work our asses off and achieve things
I love our military: no better friend, no worse enemy
I love that our women can be free, smart, smoke, shoot, and ride horses
I love that our families once stood on their own feet
I love that my neighbors tear up during the National Anthem
I love that we're generous, often to a fault
I love that we were founded by religious people who loved freedom
I love that America came about by discovery, which gave our people drive
I love that we tamed a wilderness
I love that we landed on the moon
I love that we built cities with skyscrapers
I love that we saw war where we came from, and we went back and helped win it
I love that we saw war again, were wounded, and stomped our enemies into dust

I could go on, but I'll stop there

best people in the world

Posted by: Feh at February 20, 2015 04:48 PM (9IiwN)

277 GGE. When the panties fell.

Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 04:48 PM (JO9+V)

278 "one is generally not said to be 'in love with' people for whom one has nothing but complaints and critiques."

Not just complaints and critiques. I think the word you're looking for is "contempt".

Posted by: bofh at February 20, 2015 04:49 PM (ggyaL)

279 Give in to the dark side, Allen

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:33 PM (V+kmg)

Alright. Bunker warning, AtC.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:49 PM (kff5f)

280 Anyone read Leonard Pitt's hate rant about Fox News?
The guy is clearly obsessed.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 20, 2015 04:49 PM (vPh3W)

281 As Dennis Prager has pointed out, one wouldn't say "I love my wife ... and I want to fundamentally transform her."

Posted by: Dude at February 20, 2015 04:49 PM (5fylV)

282 Bunker warning, AtC.


Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (ZKzrr)

283 Somehow people must be free
I hope the day comes soon
Won't you please come to Chicago
And show your face?From the bottom of the ocean
To the mountains on the moon
Won't you please come to Chicago?
No one else can take your placeWe can change the world
Rearrange the world
It's dying

Posted by: Crosby Stills Nash Young at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (cgxNI)

284 Dear Motherfucking Media, Democrats, And Republicans,

I understand that Rudy Giuliani's statement that the President does not love America makes you uncomfortable, largely because you share the President's sentiment, and would rather the rest of America not be aware of that fact.

So let me make myself very clear.

Fuck. You.

You snivelling whiners have just about destroyed the country I love. My father and my brother literally put their lives on the line for this country, and you, Oh suckers of cock, think them and me to be untermunschen.

Fuck. You.

You hate America, you pathetic sacs of dog shit. You hate her exceptionalism. You hate that she is a super power. You hate that she is the greatest temporal hope this world has seen. You hate that she offers true freedom- freedom to live your own life and succeed or fail on your own merits, instead of the slavery you call "freedom."

Fuck. You.

When Americans who love our country brag on it, or state our pride, you snear down your noses. To you, you sad wastes of carbon, anyone who could love America must be some kind of idiot, or bigot, or both. Your idea of "loving America" is like an abusive husband "loves" his wife.

Fuck. You.

You are simpering cowards. You wouldn't know moral fiber if it kicked your fucking asses. Your definition of courage is to hide behind your TV cameras, polls, or your demographics to deflect any possible criticism.

Fuck. You.

Fuck you right up the fuck whole, you fucking fuckers.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (kff5f)

285 Anyhoo, gotta jump in the shower. She'll be here in an hour or so.
Posted by: GGE of the Moron Horde, NC Chapter at February 20, 2015 04:43 PM (6fyGz)

May I make a couple of suggestions?

Posted by: Steve Kroft at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (vgIRn)

286 GGE, no Downfall parodies on Monday.

Steiner, mein furher.
Steiner couldn't get the roofies!

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (x4N9x)

287 GGE is going to be putting up shelves tonight!

Posted by: EC at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (doBIb)

288 280
Anyone read Leonard Pitt's hate rant about Fox News?

The guy is clearly obsessed.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 20, 2015 04:49 PM (vPh3W)

Yes. If that idiot didn't have Fox News and white "racists" to write about, he wouldn't have a career.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:51 PM (FsuaD)


Bu -- bu -- but, he climbed steep stairs!

Posted by: Peggy Noonan

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 20, 2015 04:51 PM (kdS6q)

290 Why do we even call them progressive in the first place? As if non-libtards are against progress. And i just read a good article a few days ago (can't remember where) that argued that liberal policies are actually regressive.

Posted by: Titanium at February 20, 2015 04:51 PM (j/0FK)

291 they are pro-regressive

Posted by: Feh at February 20, 2015 04:52 PM (9IiwN)

292 And when he's finally out of office, it wouldn't surprise me if, as a final 'fuck you,' he tossed his Kenyan birth certificate in our faces."

And husband's not a Birther.

The thing about the birther crap was that it all started with Barry himself.

Barry is the one who told his publisher that he was born in Kenya. It was in their bio of him for decades -- and the publishers don't pull their authors' bio info out of their asses, they get it straight from the authors themselves. And it's probably also the reason why Barry's academic records are more closely guarded than the gold in Fort Knox -- because they too, like his publisher's bio, probably also show that Barry falsely claimed to have been born in Kenya.

I don't think Barry will throw his Kenyan birth certificate at us, because I don't believe Barry ever had a Kenyan birth certificate.

But I do believe that he spent decades lying that he did.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at February 20, 2015 04:52 PM (Fnyc2)

293 y'all know why that jack wagon always reads from me right?

Posted by: The Teleprompter at February 20, 2015 04:52 PM (W6iIX)

294 Then do exactly the opposite.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:47 PM (IrByp)

Even the hidden camera?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (Zu3d9)

295 Then do exactly the opposite.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:47 PM (IrByp)

Here you go. Be respectful and coy and thank her for a wonderful evening before sending her home for the night.

Now you're free to pillage that booty like an 18th century Barbary Pirate.

Posted by: flounder at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (FHh8u)

296 Fuck 'em all.


That was beautiful, man.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (0HooB)

297 Think I best be getting back to the writing.

This is becoming, again, a go to song -

And here is what the Italians did to Urusei Yatsura.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (OEWRk)

298 ...
Did I kill the thread?

Oh, no. It's just 5.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (kff5f)

299 If you love somebody, set them free

Posted by: Sting at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (cgxNI)



It's fuck hole. Fuck you right up the fuck *hole*, you fucking fuckers.

The East German judge and I are both deducting a point and a half due to your failure to stick the landing.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (IrByp)

301 Why do we even call them progressive in the first place?

People get the vapors when you use "ratfucking commie shitheads" at work.

Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (ZKzrr)

302 (I should explain that everyone assumes I'm a liberal too.)

Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (K4YiS)

I've had that experience all too many times, first because I am/was an academic in universities that are legendary for their liberalism, second because I have moved back to California, and third, because I lived in Europe for many years.

It's kind of a liberal trifecta, and so people are astonished to find out that I'm not a liberal (one guy blurted out "I just assumed you were an ueber-lib!). I was introduced in Europe on one occasion as "an American, but one of the good ones." Fooled 'em. If they'd only known ...

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 20, 2015 04:54 PM (oKE6c)

Fuck. You.

Fuck you right up the fuck whole, you fucking fuckers.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (kff5f)

*sniff* Pure poetry. And I'm so glad you were able to use the swear words I gave you.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:54 PM (FsuaD)

304 y'all know why that jack wagon always reads from me right?

Posted by: The Teleprompter at February 20, 2015 04:52 PM (W6iIX)

Because he's so fucking stupid he always has to be told what to say?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at February 20, 2015 04:54 PM (0HooB)

305 >>>Anyhoo, gotta jump in the shower. She'll be here in an hour or so.<<<

Lay that pipe, buddy. Think of this as a Keystone XL negotiation. It's for the greater good of a nation.

Posted by: Fritz at February 20, 2015 04:54 PM (dVmLD)

306 292 - Exactly right.

Posted by: Leonard Pinth-Garnell at February 20, 2015 04:54 PM (Ilm6f)

307 jay, you and I have to talk

Posted by: Feh at February 20, 2015 04:55 PM (9IiwN)

308 The East German judge and I are both deducting a point and a half due to your failure to stick the landing.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (IrByp)

Have I mentioned I have a very, very difficult time with homophones (don't do it, Horde. Do. Not. Do. It)?

So I'll concede the point.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:55 PM (kff5f)

309 Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:50 PM (kff5f)

Sorry amigo - had to re-read Ace's post after reading yours and then re-reading yours.

I have my poetry fix for the weekend now. Thanks to you both.

Posted by: DocJ at February 20, 2015 04:55 PM (zrsn3)

310 And zombie.....

You're another national treasure as well.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice

Having a friend who's married to a horrible leftist asshole makes me a treasure?

Or maybe: being able to viscerally convey just what an asshole he is -- that's what makes me a treasure.

OK -- I'll accept that. But if I'm a "national" treasure, then I'm a treasure of America - - which makes me EVIL!!!!!

Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (K4YiS)

311 Why do we even call them progressive in the first place?

They believe that they can progress humanity into a utopia. Originally by aborting and sterilizing all the lesser people.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (J0IP0)

312 Well said, Allen. I'm with you 100%.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (/HX7u)

The JEF never realized (or never cared) that he was the President responsible to all Americans, not just the ones in his party, or the ones who voted for him.

My city has a new mayor, and he's a young and rising star, but he seems to share the same downfall. He seems to think he represents only the people that voted for him, or gave him campaign contributions.

Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (1hM1d)

314 Even the hidden camera?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (Zu3d9)

Woah woah woah let's not go crazy here.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (IrByp)

315 Have I mentioned I have a very, very difficult time with homophones (don't do it, Horde. Do. Not. Do. It)?


Posted by: Al Sharpton at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (doBIb)

316 Juan Williams needs my fist in his throat.

He's having the vapors over his boyfriend being criticized.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (FsuaD)

317 The East German judge and I me

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:53 PM (IrByp)

Them's your rules!

Posted by: Pompous Grammar Pedant at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (Zu3d9)

318 OT, I'm just going to leave this here. (Warning: Slate)
Progressive activists are using Tea Party-style tactics to keep Democrats in line.


Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 04:57 PM (ZKzrr)

319 Dear Motherfucking Media, Democrats, And Republicans,

Another fine rant. I question if we're just feeding the troll re. DC nowadays.

Posted by: DaveA at February 20, 2015 04:57 PM (DL2i+)

320 >>Have I mentioned I have a very, very difficult time with homophones


Posted by: JackStraw at February 20, 2015 04:57 PM (g1DWB)

321 Excerpt from Leonard Pitts column, fevered rant about Fox News.:

"It's amazing, the things you can get used to, that can come to seem normal. In America, it has come to seem normal that a major news organization functions as the propaganda arm of an extremist political ideology, that it spews a constant stream of racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, paranoia and manufactured outrage, and that it does so with brazen disregard for what is factual, what is right, what is fair, what is balanced — virtues that are supposed to be the sine qua non of anything calling itself a newsroom."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 20, 2015 04:58 PM (vPh3W)

322 He seems to think he represents only the people that voted for him, or gave him campaign contributions.

Posted by: I R A Darth Aggie at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (1hM1d)

In fairness, if he ticks them off, he'll likely be a 1-term mayor.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:58 PM (kff5f)

323 OMG. Juan just said criticizing Hussein is "divisive" and gins up all kinds of "racial tension."

No, Juan. That would be your pal, Preezy Choom Boy.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:58 PM (FsuaD)

324 Amen, Ace.

One addendum, if I may: Between conservatives and progressives are (or were) liberals. Remember them? I don't think they exist any more. Using today's political spectrum, they're practically indistinguishable from conservatives. Probably why Ace didn't mention them.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan was one. He loved his country and wanted to improve it. R.I.P., Senator.

Posted by: FireHorse at February 20, 2015 04:58 PM (r+LOT)

325 People get the vapors when you use "ratfucking commie shitheads" at work.

But to do so is rectification of names.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 20, 2015 04:58 PM (4WhSY)

326 Zombie is an evil American treasure.

Posted by: eleven at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (b4i3o)

327 "Who's going to tap into the Silent Majority again when we need it?
Actual America lovers greatly outnumber all these loudmouth lefty
jagoffs we're inundated with. Real Americans love straight talk and do
not have an unlimited bullshit tolerance."

Nixon for all his policy blunders, especially domestic, was popular with the working class. Reagan Democrats existed because the SM were sick of Carter's New Left cronies and his glum pessimism about their country.

VDH wrote a great piece post Nov 2012 on right wing populism and how we could tap into that again.

Combine an assertive, confident patriotism with economic policies targeted at those making <100k - balanced budgets, spending cuts, deregulation, a national sales tax or flat tax instead of income tax. Turn the spotlight on the cost of higher education as the biggest threat to family savings next to health care. There are a ton of ideas and approaches that could be tried on this, just keep the focus on the forgotten middle class that's now being crushed between dependents and the uber rich donor class.

Posted by: SocietyIs2Blame at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (QKIQb)

328 OMG. Juan just said criticizing Hussein is "divisive" and gins up all kinds of "racial tension."


That might deserve its own rant, right there.

Unfortunately, I'm leaving in 5 minutes...

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (kff5f)

329 GGE. When the panties fell.

His arms wide.

Posted by: toby928(C) at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (evdj2)

330 Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 20, 2015 04:58 PM (vPh3W)

Leonard Pitts is Al Sharpton with spelling and speaking skilz.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (FsuaD)

331 Woah woah woah let's not go crazy here.
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 04:56 PM (IrByp)

I would just to inform that Horde that the Alextopia Croix de Moron with Goo Goo Cluster (First degree) is not actually a medal.

It's 60 minutes of access to the Queen's Boudoir Cam.

Now you can see why it's the highest honor which can be bestowed upon an Alextopian.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (V+kmg)

332 Then who was homophone???

Posted by: EC at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (doBIb)

333 The other four-letter Anglo-Saxon words called, and they're feeling a bit neglected. Maybe, you know, a text message or something? A card would be great.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 05:00 PM (vgIRn)

334 The other four-letter Anglo-Saxon words called, and they're feeling a bit neglected. Maybe, you know, a text message or something? A card would be great.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 05:00 PM (vgIRn)

335 it has come to seem normal that a major news organization functions as
the propaganda arm of an extremist political ideology, that it spews a
constant stream of racism, sexism, homophobia
heterophobia, Islamophobiaanti-Christian bigotry, paranoia
and manufactured outrage

Now it's true.

Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 05:00 PM (ZKzrr)

336 321 - Pitts' column today:
" Jon Stewart is why I’m not crazy"

This guy is the Keith Olbermann of print.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 20, 2015 05:00 PM (vPh3W)

337 Ah, glass of wine. Come to momma.

*sips away rage*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:01 PM (FsuaD)

338 *sips away rage*
Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:01 PM (FsuaD)

Crab puff?

Chicken satay?

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (V+kmg)

339 Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (V+kmg)

*points at nic*

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (kff5f)

340 whom one has nothing but complaints and critiques.

Fuck 'em all-Ace

I see Ace added to his original thread. I nominate this also for Thread Winnah...

Must run errands for the Baby MH. See you morons later have a nice Friday.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (vPh3W)

341 It's 60 minutes of access to the Queen's Boudoir Cam.
Now you can see why it's the highest honor which can be bestowed upon an Alextopian.
Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 04:59 PM (V+kmg)
Wow, 60 min...when 30 sec will suffice.

Posted by: fastfreefall at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (Pmh/U)

342 Why do we even call them progressive in the first place?

The USSR called them that, as in phrases such as "progressive forces," i.e., Communist forces. They morphed from "liberal" to "progressive" when the former became a dirty word, rather like "relief" became "welfare" became "AFDC" became "EBT."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (oKE6c)

343 Crab puff?

Chicken satay?
Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (V+kmg)

*sidles over*

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (IrByp)

344 Rudy caught flak because he was directly over the target, and they know it.Posted by: brevity Exactly. Remember when Rudy was America's Mayor? Not so much now that he had the audacity to criticize (rightfully) the boy king.

Posted by: Cheri at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (G+Wff)

345 Damn. I've got a fever. A new car fever. An obsession like this only has one ending.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:03 PM (/HX7u)

346 The Five is excellent today. Jesse Watters even brought up Sarah Palin being blamed for Gabby Gifford's shooting.

Poor Juan. His momma must have dropped him on his head.

Bless his heart.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:03 PM (FsuaD)

347 Ha,ha,ha the wailing, and gnashing of teeth by these idiots are a glorious sight to behold. The truth really hits them where it hurts and the fact the Guilianni said it matters remember his moniker of "Americas Mayor". Yeah they know it means something to livs out there.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 20, 2015 05:03 PM (A7LEa)

348 "I don't think Barry will throw his Kenyan birth certificate at us, because I don't believe Barry ever had a Kenyan birth certificate. But I do believe that he spent decades lying that he did."

I suspect also that there was some sort of hinky whiff around the Hawaiian birth cert, stuff that had to be cleaned up by helpful state authorities, and they found out about it a little too late to stage-manage a reveal in 2008.

Hence the extensive expensive lawyering-up that went on that year.

Barry being Barry, he probably never bothered to look until someone forcibly reminded him about the matter, and then shit-oh-dear, it turned out there was a problem.

My guess is that the Soetero adoption stuff was still officially on the books.

The way they ran that back in the day in Hawaii was that when a later adoption occurred, the state office went back to the original birth cert, and destroyed it, and issued a new one with the name of the adoptive father plugged in, and with the child's surname changed to that of the adoptive father. Totally effacing the original birth father from official history and records.

So that would have meant that Barack "Obama" really _was_ for all legal purposes Barry Soetero, and had been for decades. A bit of a sticky wicket, that.

Posted by: torquewrench at February 20, 2015 05:03 PM (noWW6)

349 An obsession like this only has one ending.

Ford F-150?

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 05:03 PM (kff5f)

350 Stacey Dash on Teh Five


Posted by: BackwardsBoy, who did not vote for this sh1t at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (0HooB)

351 Outstanding post, Ace.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (lG2E3)

352 What?!
The Emperor isn't wearing any clothes?

Posted by: MSM at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (vPh3W)

353 *sidles over*
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny now with MAGIC Jazz Hands at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (IrByp)

But of course, Empress.

Dinner will be served promptly at 6.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (V+kmg)

354 Wow, 60 min...when 30 sec will suffice.

Plenty of time for a bologna sandwich and return to starting position.

Posted by: toby928(C) at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (evdj2)

355 Wow, 60 min...when 30 sec will suffice.

Yes, after 5 minutes, it's like the morning after scene in Revenge of the Nerds when they've been watching the sorority video cams all night.

Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (JO9+V)

356 An obsession like this only has one ending.

84 months @ 21.9%

Posted by: EC at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (doBIb)

357 241 "Our final goal is the destruction of imperialism, the seizure of power, and the creation of socialism. Our strategy for this stage of the struggle is to organize the oppressed people of the imperial nation itself to join with the colonies in the attack on imperialism. This process of attacking and weakening imperialism involves the defeat of all kinds of national chauvinism and arrogance; this is a precondition to our fight for socialism." ~ Bill Ayers, Prairie Fire, 1974

Substitute "America" for the word "imperialism."
Posted by: fly gal

Thayt warms the cockles of my heart!

(Not the content of Ayers' thoughts but the fact that my trasncription o the contents of Prairie Fire is still making the rounds on the Internet and will be there forever!

The full manifesto here:

Needless to say, it will blow your mind.

Ayers' and Dohrn's plan came true, and it is happening right now. Right. Now.

Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 05:05 PM (K4YiS)

*sips away rage*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:01 PM (FsuaD)

Crab puff?

Chicken satay?

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:02 PM (V+kmg)

Oh, my. Yes, please.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:05 PM (FsuaD)

359 Remember when Obama said raising the debt ceiling was "unpatriotic?"

Pepperidge Farms remembers.

Posted by: Pepperidge Farms at February 20, 2015 05:05 PM (Tj+s6)

360 Oh, my. Yes, please.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:05 PM (FsuaD)

I'm not all bad.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:06 PM (V+kmg)

361 321 Excerpt from Leonard Pitts column, fevered rant about Fox News.:

"It's amazing, the things you can get used to, that can come to seem normal. In America, it has come to seem normal that a major news organization functions as the propaganda arm of an extremist political ideology, ... "

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 20, 2015 04:58 PM (vPh3W)

For a minute I thought he was talking about MSNBC, but then I realized that he did say "major" news organization.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 20, 2015 05:06 PM (oKE6c)

362 It's 60 minutes of access to the Queen's Boudoir Cam.

Now you can see why it's the highest honor which can be bestowed upon an Alextopian.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to go blind.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 20, 2015 05:06 PM (4WhSY)

363 Ford F-150?
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 05:03 PM (kff5f)


Or an Excursion. Pricey, but I do like 'em.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:06 PM (/HX7u)

"Why can't we hide behind the chainsaws."

Posted by: Marie Harf at February 20, 2015 05:06 PM (P330y)

365 AWagon Queen Family Truckster ?

Posted by: eleven at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (b4i3o)

366 >>>Poor Juan. His momma must have dropped him on his head.
Bless his heart.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:03 PM (FsuaD)<<<

I must be adopted.

Posted by: Juan's conservative son at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (u9UUM)

367 I'm not all bad.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:06 PM (V+kmg)

Who said "bad" is bad?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (FsuaD)

368 Alright. Bunker warning, AtC.

Oh f---, not more brownouts...

Posted by: Brother Cavil, Unrepresented Christian Objectivist at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (DT3rQ)

369 F-150 Texas Edition

Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (JO9+V)

370 Who said "bad" is bad?

First principles logic?

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (kff5f)

371 84 months @ 21.9%
Posted by: EC at February 20, 2015 05:04 PM (doBIb)


Nah. If I buy one, it'll be outright.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:08 PM (/HX7u)

372 Obama loves America just like pimps love their bitches.

Posted by: DaveA at February 20, 2015 05:08 PM (DL2i+)

373 Alright, Horde. Pray for me... my very *very* long weekend starts now.

Bannion- I did my part.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 05:08 PM (kff5f)

374 I just realized it's Crazy O'Clock and Captain Cray-Cray hasn't shown up.

Must have closed the library early.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:08 PM (FsuaD)

375 Good for you for being the bigger person...I would have kicked them out of my car right then and there, and had their stuff waiting for them in the front yard to come get.
Posted by: caunotaucarius

I did that internally, emotionally.

But she's my friend, so I couldn't do it physically in real life.

Even more upsetting than his assholism is the fact that she sort of passively concurs and encourages him rather than disagreeing with him.

Couples tend to converge, politically. She accepts nauseating anti-Americanism as natural and normal now.

Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 05:09 PM (K4YiS)

376 Who said "bad" is bad?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (FsuaD)

Uhhhhhhh. Ummmmmm.



Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:09 PM (V+kmg)

377 373
Alright, Horde. Pray for me... my very *very* long weekend starts now.

Bannion- I did my part.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 05:08 PM (kff5f)


Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:09 PM (FsuaD)

378 >>>F-150 Texas Edition

Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (JO9+V)<<<
You misspelled "Raptor"

Posted by: fixed for accuracy at February 20, 2015 05:09 PM (u9UUM)

379 Courage!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:09 PM (FsuaD)


Posted by: Liquid Courage at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (W6iIX)

380 Alright, Horde. Pray for me... my very *very* long weekend starts now.

Bannion- I did my part.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - TrueCon at February 20, 2015 05:08 PM (kff5f)

You did.

I just chased out your GoFundMe campaign.

I'll be sending you a check for .08 via FedEx

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (V+kmg)

381 I'm bad! Squeeee!!!

Posted by: Zombie Michael at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (JO9+V)

382 F-150 Texas Edition
Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (JO9+V)


Heh. We don't have "Texas Editions" in OK.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (/HX7u)

383 This morning early where I work, the exray film guy came through and looked up at the lobby TV. Damn thing is locked on FOX, and had just had a story about rosie o'donnell on. I wanted the damn sound turned off myself. But I digress. He looked up and said 'see you still have that propaganda on.' I said what propaganda?, and he said FOX. This from a pasty white thirty-ish guy. So I think 'eff you, ubama-voter'. A few minutes later he is talking to some of the staff about how 'anything that ubama says they argue with it'. Well, duh. Even FOX can see ubama is poison for America. This is going to come to hard times. Hard times.

Posted by: Eromero at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (go5uR)

384 Barack Asshole Obama .. remember asshole is his middle name

Posted by: Michelle O at February 20, 2015 05:11 PM (e8kgV)

385 DHS says US Citizens are the problem:

Link to CNN news story under name.

Posted by: rd at February 20, 2015 05:12 PM (k19Aq)

386 Who said "bad" is bad?

Huey Lewis?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at February 20, 2015 05:12 PM (W5DcG)

387 A few minutes later he is talking to some of the staff about how 'anything that ubama says they argue with it'. Well, duh. Even FOX can see ubama is poison for America. This is going to come to hard times. Hard times.
Posted by: Eromero at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (go5uR)

Prediction: when Obama doesn't run for a third time this tool will be saying it was because he couldn't take the racism anymore.

22d Amendment notwithstanding.

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:13 PM (V+kmg)

388 And we have all Fords except for 1 John Deere, 1 Plymouth Valiant, and 1 Jaguar (which has Ford guts).

Posted by: Eromero at February 20, 2015 05:13 PM (go5uR)

389 15 Baby, I love you. Baby, I want you. Baby, you're exactly what I've been looking for my whole life.

You had 1/2 the men here looking for the door.

Posted by: University of East Anglia at February 20, 2015 05:13 PM (WNERA)

390 Couples tend to converge, politically. She accepts nauseating anti-Americanism as natural and normal now.

Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 05:09 PM (K4YiS)

Yep, in general, but I have a buddy who is a patriotic American married to a sweet but very lefty chick.

Seriously, I don't know how he does it. Her gloating on Election Night would have ended with the cops leading me away in handcuffs.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 20, 2015 05:13 PM (oKE6c)

391 You misspelled "Raptor"

You misspelled "Radar Magnet"

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 05:13 PM (x4N9x)

392 Heh. We don't have "Texas Editions" in OK.
Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (/HX7u)

Pity. God Bless Texas

Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 05:14 PM (JO9+V)

393 "Heh. We don't have "Texas Editions" in OK."

Yes. I believe Oklahoma gets the Suck Edition.


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 05:14 PM (LA7Cm)

394 "boob bait for bubbas"

where do I but this Boob Bait? Cabelas?

Posted by: Badda Bing at February 20, 2015 05:15 PM (JgQLj)

395 buy..damn. whatev.

Posted by: Badda Bing at February 20, 2015 05:15 PM (JgQLj)

Yes. I believe Oklahoma gets the Suck Edition.


I loled

Posted by: eleven at February 20, 2015 05:15 PM (b4i3o)

397 Who said "bad" is bad?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at February 20, 2015 05:07 PM (FsuaD)

Fairly sure that was Huey Lewis and the News.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 05:15 PM (vgIRn)

398 I have to give Juan some credit, he is smacking the shit out of Hillary and her money grubbing from foreign governments.

Posted by: JackStraw at February 20, 2015 05:15 PM (g1DWB)

399 Yes. I believe Oklahoma gets the Suck Edition.

California emmisions package?

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 05:15 PM (x4N9x)

400 Heh. We don't have "Texas Editions" in OK. Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM (/HX7u)

Pity. God Bless Texas
Posted by: Count de Monet at February 20, 2015 05:14 PM (JO9+V)


I at least want a radio and a heater in my pick-up. Can't get that in the TX Edition.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:16 PM (/HX7u)

401 Heh. We don't have "Texas Editions" in OK.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:10 PM

So, it would be the North Texas edition?

Posted by: AltonJackson at February 20, 2015 05:16 PM (2Ayux)

402 where do I but this Boob Bait? Cabelas?

Posted by: Badda Bing at February 20, 2015 05:15 PM (JgQLj)

Maternity ward. Very pricey though.

Posted by: flounder at February 20, 2015 05:17 PM (FHh8u)

403 Curse you, Cabot, with your faster than my 80s trivia.

Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at February 20, 2015 05:17 PM (vgIRn)

404 Yes. I believe Oklahoma gets the Suck Edition. */s*
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 05:14 PM (LA7Cm)


How 'bout them Cowboys!

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:18 PM (/HX7u)

405 >>>You misspelled "Radar Magnet"

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 05:13 PM (x4N9x)<<<

Meh. Now if they still made the Lightning...

Posted by: Ford SVT Division at February 20, 2015 05:18 PM (u9UUM)

406 "How 'bout them Cowboys!"

Oh man. That was low.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 05:18 PM (LA7Cm)

407 Link to CNN news story under name.

From the link:
"The government says these are extremists who believe that they can
ignore laws and that their individual rights are under attack in routine
daily instances such as a traffic stop or being required to obey a
court order."

Call me a racist, but if you leave out "individuals rights are under attack" you've just described half the inner city and all the illegal aliens. Gun laws? Traffic laws? Driver's licensing laws? Visa requirements? Voter registration laws? Drug laws? Domestic violence laws? Pfeh! Those are for whitey, homes.

Posted by: Comrade Moron ZKzrr at February 20, 2015 05:19 PM (ZKzrr)

408 Oh man. That was low.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 20, 2015 05:18 PM (LA7Cm)


Anyway. I'll probably be looking at everything that isn't considered a car.

Posted by: Soona at February 20, 2015 05:20 PM (/HX7u)

409 Jesus, Ace; you are on fucking fire. Long posts like this seriously make me love this fuckin place.

Posted by: The Drizzle at February 20, 2015 05:20 PM (ysCLj)

410 Nood racism

Posted by: Sean Bannion at February 20, 2015 05:22 PM (V+kmg)

411 Anyway. I'll probably be looking at everything that isn't considered a car.

So, Prius? Leaf?

Posted by: rickb223 at February 20, 2015 05:22 PM (x4N9x)

412 I'm third partying this shit.

Progressives are not actually for progress...they are for "progress" as translated in their minds. They are truly regressives. And we need to start calling these assholes that.

Posted by: ICBMMan at February 20, 2015 05:23 PM (zCVYv)

413 RD,
That's what set my rage meter off so early in this thread.

Posted by: Carol at February 20, 2015 05:23 PM (sj3Ax)

414 @270 Then do exactly the opposite.


Posted by: junior at February 20, 2015 05:24 PM (UWFpX)

415 So that would have meant that Barack "Obama" really _was_ for all legal purposes Barry Soetero, and had been for decades. A bit of a sticky wicket, that.

Could be. Or it could be that Barry signed those school applications under oath (which is usually required), and if he falsely claimed to have been born in Kenya, then he committed perjury. Also, if he signed an application for some type of "foreign" student loan or scholarship under oath, then he also committed fraud.

He went to a lot of trouble to keep his school records secret. My guess is that's the reason. Obama was pretty much an unknown quantity to the American public in 2008. He was able to explain away all the Reverend Wright "G-d damn Amerikkka" stuff (with considerable help from the worshipful media). But would he have been able to explain away clear evidence that he was both a liar and a cheat?

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at February 20, 2015 05:25 PM (Fnyc2)

416 Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 05:05 PM (K4YiS)

Wow, zombie. Just wow. I heard Mark Levin give a hat tip to the manifesto just recently. When I read it, everything the Obama wrecking crew has been doing suddenly made sense to me. Thanks.

Posted by: fly gal at February 20, 2015 05:26 PM (8TdcF)

417 A low level Boston area mafia man, I can't remember his name, believed FBI put chip in his butt, this is at least 15 years ago, probably longer.

Posted by: Carol at February 20, 2015 05:29 PM (sj3Ax)

418 @342 The USSR called them that, as in phrases such as "progressive forces," i.e., Communist forces. They morphed from "liberal" to "progressive" when the former became a dirty word, rather like "relief" became "welfare" became "AFDC" became "EBT."

iirc, it would be more accurate to say that they morphed back into progressive when liberal became a dirty word.

They were known as progressives during the early part of the 20th Century. But that term fell into disuse along with some of the darker aspects of the political philosophy, such as euthanasia and forced sterilizations.

Posted by: junior at February 20, 2015 05:30 PM (UWFpX)

419 Oh, he loves America, all right. In a prison kind of way.

Posted by: bilco at February 20, 2015 05:44 PM (yJqX1)


Posted by: Tattoo De Plane at February 20, 2015 05:46 PM (Y92Nd)

421 Those Baja Oklahoma Editions "read Tejas Edition" leave much to be desired.

Posted by: Brainpimp at February 20, 2015 05:50 PM (zosQc)

422 Fuck 'em all.

Yeah, that's pretty much my view where the establishment Republicans (and most of the media) are concerned.

Posted by: Blacque Jacques Shellacque at February 20, 2015 06:07 PM (wLqT/)

423 Re: 276....well said, Sir, or Madam, well said.

Posted by: jasonj at February 20, 2015 06:22 PM (wAMyW)

424 Late to the party here. For eight years we listened to the leftists mock Bush, where it wasn't uncommon to see Bush effigies burning on Pennsylvania Ave. Videos were made on how to assassinate him. Cindy Sheehen and the media camped outside his Crawford ranch for months. Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't the Marxists questioning his patriotism?

Posted by: HugoStiglitz at February 20, 2015 06:33 PM (Moh0M)

425 Thank you ace.

Posted by: Buckeye Katie at February 20, 2015 06:36 PM (1M/xn)

426 "To show how the flag has become basically a
shorthand for ignorance and xenophobia. If you display it, you are
declaring yourself to be stupid and hateful. But the funny part is,
they'e so stupid, they don't even know it! So I'm capturing images of
the flag in ironic settings that sort of reveal the ugliness

I already didn't like the guy before this day; but after this conversation, my hatred of him went off the charts.

(I should explain that everyone assumes I'm a liberal too.)

That's how they feel. Except for the faux fainting couch routine for
the cameras, they loathe loathe loathe America and everything it stands
for. Openly, furiously, aggressively. If they could press a button and
destroy America, they would.

Posted by: zombie at February 20, 2015 04:22 PM (K4YiS)
I would have thrown him, his wife AND their fucking camera out on the street. At my age, 67, I no longer need nor require approval of assclowns such as those two. They would be walking back or in a taxi and they would have been told to go fuck themselves. I've told more fucktards off over the last 6 years than in the span of my entire adult life. I just. don't. care. My tolerance for anyone even exhibiting a trace of Libtardism gets crossed off my list. I no longer have any libtard acquaintances at all. And that includes some on my wife's side of the family. Fuck 'em all.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at February 20, 2015 06:55 PM (TPimP)

427 It's family. Barack Obama governs the way all the men his momma he never talks about treated her.

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at February 20, 2015 07:29 PM (6lijB)

428 The muslims are WELL AWARE, the more Obama attacks America and Americans as the problem, the more muslims can get away with jihad and a rainbow of crimes that are legal under sharia law, rape, murder, slavery, etc. but under our Constitution the Americans are protected from. That's why Obama is so hostile towards our Constitution.

Posted by: ron n. at February 21, 2015 01:09 AM (YVQn/)

429 147


Why do yu put u with this shit?

I have prog friends(Bay Area) but they tolerate me, and I tolerate them. They know exactly what I believe.

Sine I "came out" some years ago, I,ve lost exactly one "friend,"whom I don't miss.

Posted by: Patrick Strei at February 21, 2015 02:43 AM (7yEdg)

430 dammit Rudy. you've called my bluff.

Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at February 21, 2015 11:38 AM (UqJ2q)

431 Escort girls models in Moscow http://RegModels.Ru

Posted by: Tina at February 22, 2015 04:57 AM (LOSEH)

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