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No!....They Are Perfectly Rational. Call Them Crazy At Our Peril [CBD]

The barbarity and depravity of militant Islam has been in the forefront for several days, driven by The brutal and shocking murder of Mu'ath l-Kassasbeh, the Jordanian pilot who was captured by IS. Those who have paid any attention at all over the last...oh....1,400 years are not surprised by this behavior. What is shocking is the ease with which some immediately declare that either this is not Islam, or more insidiously, that those who commit these acts are simply psychopaths.

That Islam is not Islam has been examined by the Right-leaning press, but the dismissal of these acts as those of the mentally ill is a dangerous precedent, and one that is part and parcel with the denial that Islam does in fact call for the killing of unbelievers. By calling them insane, or to use commenter tsrblke's technical term, "bugfuck crazy," is to minimize the perfectly coherent and consistent belief system that has convinced them that non-true believers are unworthy of life and may be killed; that women are on earth to please men, and their subjugation is noble.

This is not delusion or mental illness, though the barbarity demonstrated by many of Islam's adherents would be considered exactly that by Western thought. Calling it such is the same rationale that sees Islamic terrorism as a law enforcement issue, or IS expansionism as a regional problem.

tsrblke disagrees:

Irrational first principles is still a type of irrationality.

Sure their logic may be internally consistent, flawless even.

But its presuppositions are still bugfuck crazy.

And so does MWR (the commenter who has Beth chained up in her basement)

There's no reason a psychopathic, anti-social personality type can't be drawn to a particular religious ideology. Why do you think so many prisoners convert to Islam? It gives them permission to do what they like to do: rape, pillage, murder. It tells them that shit's RIGHT.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 12:33 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 What's this now?

Makes too much sense.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 07, 2015 12:25 PM (VT6UM)

2 And free Beth!

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 07, 2015 12:26 PM (VT6UM)

3 The sweetest sound in the world... the Muslim call to prayer.

Posted by: BH Soetoro/Obama at February 07, 2015 12:26 PM (gwG9s)

4 Jonah Goldberg @JonahNRO 11m
"How is it that the sins of Christianity are eternal but the sins of Muslim fanatics right now aren't even Muslim?"

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 12:26 PM (ZPrif)

5 Huh, I thought you were referencing comments in the thread?

Posted by: PaleRider at February 07, 2015 12:26 PM (7w/kf)

6 Every generation or so they read the manual and feel the need to make us submit.

Posted by: Bob from table9 at February 07, 2015 12:27 PM (WNERA)

7 I gotta check my Twitter timeline, but someone had a really good set of tweets and iirc a blog post about that. Be back in a bit.

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:27 PM (9BRsg)

8 I say again; islam is not a religion. It is a violent form of government that routinely treats people like the 6th century savages they are.

Posted by: Vic at February 07, 2015 12:28 PM (wlDny)

9 Yup, going with MWR and tsrblke on this one.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at February 07, 2015 12:29 PM (GEICT)

10 Free Beth ! Free Beth! Free Beth!......

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 07, 2015 12:30 PM (/GgDU)

11 The jihadis burned him alive cause Islamic teaching says to kill a man like that by the same method he killed.

So they burned him alive and buried him in rubble to simulate the effects of being killed in a missile strike. And there's a bunch of jihadi imams who agree with them that that is what the Koran teaches.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 12:30 PM (ZPrif)

12 There's no reason a psychopathic, anti-social personality type can't be drawn to a particular religious ideology. Why do you think so many prisoners convert to Islam? It gives them permission to do what they like to do: rape, pillage, murder. It tells them that shit's RIGHT.

I think prison converts to Islam - to a very good approximation, blacks - do so out of a sense of fashion and sticking it to The Man, as they see it. Frankly, I don't think they're intelligent enough to reason it through as the comment above suggests.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 12:30 PM (oKE6c)

13 Tom Kratman understands Islam.

Posted by: A Desert Called Peace at February 07, 2015 12:31 PM (9UbUz)

14 The only time Obama has blamed any barbaric act on religion was at that prayer breakfast, when he blamed Christianity for slavery and Jim Crow.

Fuck him back to Indonesia.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 12:31 PM (ZPrif)

15 Put me down in the disagreeing camp as well.

The reasons already given are sufficient. That the religion is a dogmatically evil and barbaric one which also attracts many psychopaths to it are not mutually exclusive positions. This is a feature, not a bug.

Posted by: Burn the Witch at February 07, 2015 12:31 PM (xSCb6)

16 Set Beth free now!
Set Beth free now!
We demand it now!

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 12:31 PM (A7LEa)

17 Islam is a death cult.

Posted by: Lauren at February 07, 2015 12:32 PM (MYCIw)

18 Nation Of Islam has a particular appeal to psychopathic black dudes because it teaches that white people are, literally, sub-human demonic creatures created by the evil black scientist Yacob 6,000 years ago and that violence against whites is good and noble and right.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 12:33 PM (ZPrif)

19 Found it!

Check out @verumserum (aka John Sexton) on Twitter from February 4th (onward). He analyses ISIS' actions in the context of "qisas".

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:33 PM (9BRsg)

20 18 Nation Of Islam has a particular appeal to psychopathic black dudes because it teaches that white people are, literally, sub-human demonic creatures created by the evil black scientist Yacob 6,000 years ago and that violence against whites is good and noble and right.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 12:33 PM (ZPrif)

Let's not get all scientific on us here. /sarc

See my comment above re intelligence. I rest my case.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 12:34 PM (oKE6c)

21 Also agree with MWR, people who embrace Islam of their own free will are likely to be drawn to the violence is good messages. And there is a reason that they have a death sentence for deciding to leave 'the faith.' Rational people who learn some truth would likely leave in droves.

Although most of the human population isn't terribly rational -witness reelection of EarLeader and the belief in CAGW.

Posted by: PaleRider at February 07, 2015 12:34 PM (7w/kf)

22 Today Strategic Patience

Tomorrow Strategic Indifference

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at February 07, 2015 12:34 PM (7RXcs)

23 He also has a post at Breitbart, but I found the tweets really helpful and succinct.

Link in nick to Breitbart column.

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:34 PM (9BRsg)

24 Islam is evil, born of Satan if you look at it like this it makes perfect sense. Destroy all other religions, remove their evidence of existence and force their adherents to convert or die.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 12:35 PM (A7LEa)

25 "if they want a war, let it begin here"

Posted by: something heard near Lexington at February 07, 2015 12:35 PM (WNERA)

26 It doesn't matter that a lion, or any other large carnivore that is trying to eat it, might be irrational.

What matters is the carnivore is trying to eat you. Large or small, rational or irrational. If you don't think of yourself as food for carnivores, you don't care what the animal thinks.

Posted by: Penti Momani at February 07, 2015 12:35 PM (eO7pQ)

27 It's simple, really. islam is a bogus religion, designed by a psychopath, to turn its adherents into psychopaths. That those who are already psychopaths find it appealing goes without saying. And not all muslims necessarily become psychopaths, but few speak out about the crazy, because they have grown fond of keeping their heads firmly attached to their necks. And even those sane ones, if they do go off the rails, tend to "fail muslim", because the crazy has been fed into their minds since birth. Hence, "sudden jihadi syndrome".

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 07, 2015 12:36 PM (upitO)

"I believe people of the Islamic faith do not have to subscribe to the idea of radical, violent jihadism."

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 07, 2015 12:36 PM (kdS6q)

29 In any event, I think they're behaving rationally insofar as they are using terror to control people. They're just evil.

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:36 PM (9BRsg)

30 As mainstream sunni Islam takes over in America, it will destroy Nation of Islam

I actually expect there to be some non-trivial violence as the sunnis deal with the heretical sect of NoI. NoI believes that Elijah Muhammad, an American black dude, was also a prophet.

Kind of a no-no to the 1.5B other muslims since it's kinda a core belief that Muhammad was the last and final prophet.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 12:36 PM (ZPrif)

31 So I guess if we're choosing "sides" I'm with CBD.

The rest of you are RINOs!!!!!

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:38 PM (9BRsg)

32 27 It's simple, really. islam is a bogus religion, designed by a psychopath, to turn its adherents into psychopaths.

Change "psychopath" to "charlatan" or "jokester," and "psychopaths" to "sheep to be shorn" and you have a trenchant comment on scientology.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 12:38 PM (oKE6c)

33 But... we're just a totally legit bakery. You must just hate black people, you blue-eyed devil.

Posted by: Your Black Muslim Bakery at February 07, 2015 12:38 PM (9UbUz)

34 That Islam is a religion of violence is no secret. Western political correctness, however, is a different enemy.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 07, 2015 12:38 PM (VT6UM)

35 Any talk of first principles being rational or irrational is wrong. Something is rational if it is arrived upon by valid reasoning. By definition, a first principle is not arrived upon via reasoning; that would require another, earlier basis and render the 'First Principle' something other than 'First.'

The 'First Principle' of Islam is that the Quran is the word of God and Muhammad was the (accurate) messenger of God. Period. It is the ultimate authority on everything it deigns to discuss, and Muhammad was penultimate.

Muslims argue about Hadith and exegesis and what fiqh is better than others and which Imam is worthwhile, and so on. But the Quran is the word of God, and it says to conquer the infidels and beat your disobedient women and lie about your faith where convenient and that innovation is heresy.

What they do is rationally based upon a perfectly reasonable (to them) First Principle.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 12:39 PM (d6Wn7)

36 Frankly, I don't think they're intelligent enough to reason it through as the comment above suggests.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 12:30 PM (oKE6c)

You don't think the recruiters selling them this shit aren't smart enough to use the rape-pillage-murder card as a sales incentive?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 07, 2015 12:40 PM (upitO)

37 Oh lord I hate to even post this but a guy I worked with was in Iraq. He told us some of the things he saw. Even the children would pick up concrete blocks from the rubble and murder other children over a disagreement. This so called religion owes itself to the liar of liars and that is Satan.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 12:40 PM (A7LEa)

38 What exactly are we arguing about? Whether Islam = insane, or whether specific Muslims = insane?

Is that the argument?

Posted by: BurtTC at February 07, 2015 12:41 PM (Dj0WE)

39 They're just evil.

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:36 PM (9BRsg)

No argument here. And some of them are undoubtedly psychotic....but not all of them.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 07, 2015 12:43 PM (Zu3d9)

40 "if they want a war, let it begin here"

Don't think for one second that they're not already hard at work at starting that war here. The joke's on ISIS though. TFG probably already has a speech ready to go condemning the Crusades and the British in Malaya in the 50's for their attack and will not fight back. So no war! Yay! Another peace prize for Dog Eater's mantle.

Posted by: Anonymous Scandi Hobo who doesn't want to be turned into jerky at February 07, 2015 12:43 PM (dhRvf)

41 Even the children would pick up concrete blocks from the rubble and murder other children over a disagreement.

We cannot get up on a high horse.
What about Cain and Abel?

Posted by: Barack O'Reilly at February 07, 2015 12:44 PM (W5DcG)

42 Barack Hussein Obama.

Rational. Evil. Muslim.

Posted by: Brown-eyed white devil at February 07, 2015 12:44 PM (9UbUz)

43 Change "psychopath" to "charlatan" or "jokester,"
and "psychopaths" to "sheep to be shorn" and you have a trenchant
comment on scientology.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 12:38 PM (oKE6c)

Indeed. In fact, I was thinking of adding such a comment about Scientology to my post, but figured I didn't want to ramble too much.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 07, 2015 12:45 PM (upitO)

44 You don't think the recruiters selling them this shit aren't smart enough to use the rape-pillage-murder card as a sales incentive?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 07, 2015 12:40 PM (upitO)

Frankly, I doubt it. I would guess that their pitch is to put the black man ahead of the white man to assuage their feelings of inferiority, and to explain their present dire state as the result of perfidy on the part of the white man. In essence, to employ the siren call to dull-witted losers so beloved of Kevin Trudeau and late night commercials, "It ain't your fault!"

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 12:45 PM (oKE6c)

45 From John Sexton:

ISIS's video was intended to signal an ancient form of Islamic punishment known as Qisas.

Qisas is basically the Islamic equivalent of "an eye for an eye." It allows relatives to demand an equivalent punishment

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:45 PM (9BRsg)

46 "Whether Islam = insane, or whether specific Muslims = insane?

Is that the argument?"

Meh. Yes.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at February 07, 2015 12:45 PM (VT6UM)

47 Indeed. In fact, I was thinking of adding such a
comment about Scientology to my post, but figured I didn't want to
ramble too much.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 07, 2015 12:45 PM (upitO)

Didn't stop me! Didn't even slow me down.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 12:46 PM (oKE6c)

48 Brian Williams never stared me down.

Posted by: Fee Waybill at February 07, 2015 12:46 PM (gwG9s)

49 @37: That's more of an Arab thing than a Muslim thing. Arab civilization is barbaric, which is why so many terrorists and vicious awful things come from there. But a lot of their dysfunction (and there is a TON of it) is cultural and has relatively little to do with religion.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 12:47 PM (d6Wn7)

50 Tut, tut- do recall that you Europeans slaughtered the Neanderthals.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a high horse to get under...

Posted by: Barack Obama at February 07, 2015 12:47 PM (FcR7P)

51 Obama thinks Christian atrocities of 500 years ago are just as important as Islamic atrocities tomorrow.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 07, 2015 12:48 PM (LImiJ)

52 Don't think for one second that they're not already
hard at work at starting that war here. The joke's on ISIS though. TFG
probably already has a speech ready to go condemning the Crusades and
the British in Malaya in the 50's for their attack and will not fight
back. So no war! Yay! Another peace prize for Dog Eater's mantle.

Posted by: Anonymous Scandi Hobo who doesn't want to be turned into jerky at February 07, 2015 12:43 PM (dhRvf)

I would pay good money to bribe somebody into saying to TFG, 'You were educated in a muslim school in Indonesia, and yet you claim to be a Christian. When did you convert and are you afraid devout muslims will consider you an apostate?' and secretly record his response.
You'd probably get a bogus answer, but it'd be interesting to see what he says. At this point, I don't think he practices any religion except narcissism, but I'd like some confirmation straight from the horse's mouth.

Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 12:49 PM (ThxKk)

53 Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 12:47 PM (d6Wn7) me the non-Islamic Arab cultures that are dysfunctional.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 07, 2015 12:49 PM (Zu3d9)

54 The CO movie killer?

Now a Mohammedan.

Posted by: Nip Sip at February 07, 2015 12:50 PM (0FSuD)

55 Obama thinks Christian atrocities of 500 years ago are just as important as Islamic atrocities tomorrow.
I never said anything about "Islamic atrocities".

But I agree the Christian atrocities are horrific and all Christians have to answer for their crimes.

Posted by: Barack Obama at February 07, 2015 12:50 PM (ZPrif)

56 Obama thinks Christian atrocities of 500 years ago are just as important as Islamic atrocities tomorrow.

It's one of the few things of mine with no expiration date! It absolves Islam forever.

Posted by: Barack Almighty at February 07, 2015 12:50 PM (FcR7P)

57 NY Slime does front page story on Boko and their kidnapping and murder.

Guess what was left out of the story? Boko's are Mohammedans killing Christians.

Wonder why?

Posted by: Nip Sip at February 07, 2015 12:51 PM (0FSuD)

58 But I agree the Christian atrocities are horrific and all Christians have to answer for their crimes.
Posted by: Barack Obama

Err, umm, including me! I'm Christian, of course. Jesus was an important literary figure.

Posted by: Barack ibn Franklin at February 07, 2015 12:52 PM (FcR7P)

That's more of an Arab thing than a Muslim thing.
Posted by: Df82

Muslims in Chechnya: *boom*
Muslims in Africa: *boom*
Muslims in the Philippines: *boom*
Muslims in Freaking China: *boom*

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at February 07, 2015 12:52 PM (kdS6q)

60 That's more of an Arab thing than a Muslim thing

So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are.

Posted by: T. E. Lawrence at February 07, 2015 12:53 PM (W5DcG)

61 I don't understand the mind that takes up this religion.
It brings misery and pain.

I've talked to muzzies here and they often say they came here for freedom of religion. Bwhahahaaaa. Bull shit.

There is a graph where the % of muzzies in a population correlates to the acts of terrorism in a country. It is all empirical but there is none so blind who refuse to see.

Posted by: something heard near Lexington at February 07, 2015 12:53 PM (WNERA)

62 @37: That's more of an Arab thing than a Muslim
thing. Arab civilization is barbaric, which is why so many terrorists
and vicious awful things come from there. But a lot of their dysfunction
(and there is a TON of it) is cultural and has relatively little to do
with religion.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 12:47 PM (d6Wn7)

And what did mohammed (or his scribes, at any rate) do? He took that Arab tribal clusterfuckery, and codified it into the koran as "the revealed word of allah". Thereby locking the entire islamic world into a tribal mode of thinking for ever and ever.

islam is fucked, because, Arabs. Arabs, and all who they have conquered, are fucked, because, islam. It has become a vicious circle.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (upitO)

63 We will trade this hostage puppy for Beth!

Posted by: Islamophrenic at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (Cq0oW)

64 Yeah, it's an Islamic thing, not an Arab thing.

I can't square the circle of people who seem nice enough but claim to be Muslims. I assume they aren't very observant.

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (9BRsg)

65 I think a coherent argument could be made that western culture is pretty darned insane.

For example, one thing we are striving very hard to achieve is a universal respect for other people's cultures. We teach our children that everyone's opinion matters, and if something someone else believes disagrees with our own beliefs, well, we're going to show respect and tolerance for those other people's beliefs.

Unless your beliefs includes things like... oh, I don't know, homosexuality is sin, for example.

Now we have a problem. Your beliefs are wrong.

That's pretty insane right there, isn't it?

Or go more extreme: you believe white people are superior to other races. Out society tells you that's wrong. But if you believe being black is cause for celebration, and you should be proud of your skin color, that's not only acceptable, we dedicate a whole month of our calendar to promoting this point of view.

Would a sane, rational society behave like this?

Posted by: BurtTC at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (Dj0WE)

66 49: How do you draw the line between culture and religion. Religion is shaped by local culture and also shapes local culture.

Having sprung up out of arab barbaric culture Islam shapes any culture it invades to become more barbaric.

Posted by: PaleRider at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (7w/kf)

67 TFG probably already has a speech ready to go condemning the Crusades and the British in Malaya in the 50's for their attack and will not fight back.

Nor will.Barack lose any sleep over the loss of innocent Amedrican lives. Just ask Christopher Stevens.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (LImiJ)

68 You don't think the recruiters selling them this shit aren't smart enough to use the rape-pillage-murder card as a sales incentive?
Posted by: Alberta

Sure they are, if only indirectly. Islam serves as a highly-rationalized justification for the 'Holy' war against the 'Infidel'. There is no action that is condemned (lying, cheating, stealing, murder) so long as it is directed toward unbelievers. In fact, it is promoted, even obligatory.

Imagine how appealing this is to socio/psychopaths. The prisons are fertile ground.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (/GgDU)

69 Free Beth...., or we burn the puppy.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 07, 2015 12:56 PM (/GgDU)

70 I understand why frustrated men sign up for that death cult, but I will never understand why any woman would voluntarily go into that awful "religion."

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 12:56 PM (9BRsg)

71 I'm not the first to make this observation, but Christianity is held responsible for injustices that happened 1000 years ago, while we are told that we must not blame Islam for an atrocity that happened yesterday.

Posted by: rickl at February 07, 2015 12:56 PM (sdi6R)

72 [deleted for asshattery]

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 12:57 PM (scgac)

73 @53: I don't think there are any of note, now. Arab Christian communities in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine were or are being steadily overpowered and/or coerced into leaving.

Copts, Beirut Christians, and so on were (and are) less dysfunctional. Urban centers that valued security, predictability, and peace and were perfectly willing to work with western peoples. But blood feuds and tribal revenge, collectivist identities, a culture of deception and corruption, and other Arab ailments plague non-Muslim Arabs like they do Muslim Arabs.

See the Gemayels (sp; it's a transliteration) for a well-known example.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 12:57 PM (d6Wn7)

74 And so does MWR (the commenter who has Beth chained up in her basement)

OMG, they've got Beth!!!!

Posted by: EC at February 07, 2015 12:58 PM (doBIb)

Obama's upcoming International Summit on Terrorism will be focused on Evil White Christian Extremists Terrorist who invade and conquer innocent unsuspecting peaceful countries.

Because Obama is one sick, twisty puppy.

Posted by: Hansen Jensuin at February 07, 2015 12:58 PM (eO7pQ)

76 I understand why frustrated men sign up for that death cult, but I will never understand why any woman would voluntarily go into that awful "religion."
Posted by: Y-not

Of course you don't understand. If you did, then you would be irrational. That's the problem..., western culture can not accept the irrationality of the culture that we are dealing with. They just can not grasp it.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 07, 2015 12:58 PM (/GgDU)

77 We are currently working on an executive order to work within congressional law to bring in millions of our muslim friends who are oppressed in their countries.

It should happen by summer of this year.

Posted by: Barak Obama (signed with autopen) at February 07, 2015 01:00 PM (WNERA)

78 In his talk at the prayer breakfast Obama called ISIS actions barbaric but he gives no indication that he think it will continue. It's always one more event that has (to him) to connection to any other evident. Because each is an isolated incident it it has no connection to Islam, just some aberrant behavior of the part of people who aren't really Muslims.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:00 PM (DXzRD)

79 63
We will trade this hostage puppy for Beth!

Posted by: Islamophrenic at February 07, 2015 12:54 PM (Cq0oW)

Is that the one, or was it two, I rescued from the fire?

Posted by: Brian, smug MFer, Williams at February 07, 2015 01:00 PM (0FSuD)

80 The populace at large can not grasp the fact that Barky is actively working against the well-being of the Republic.

Typical LIV: "Why would he do that?..., it doesn't make sense"

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 07, 2015 01:01 PM (/GgDU)

81 I've always wondered if the chicken or the egg came first when talking about prison conversions. Or, maybe a better way to say it is, was the decision to convert a conscious one, or subconscious? Does the person think, hey, Islam sounds good. They let me lie, rape, and murder, and call it religion! Or does that person think, hmm, I want to lie, rape, and murder without consequences. Aha, Islam is right for me!

I suppose it doesn't really matter, since either way the person converts, but I'm curious.

Anybody know if there have been studies, etc, done on this sort of thing?

Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:02 PM (ThxKk)

82 It will end one of only two ways:

Islam will be purged from the earth, and civilization can attempt to rebuild and flourish.

Islam will triumph and the earth will die in fire and barbarism.

Posted by: Null at February 07, 2015 01:03 PM (xjpRj)

83 western culture can not accept the irrationality of the culture that we are dealing with. They just can not grasp it.

But what about these idiots like Mrs. Flat Bomber who convert? Presumably she was raised "western." Why in hell would she convert? And it's not just that she converted for one guy. She stayed converted even after all the shit went down and he became a pancake.

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 01:03 PM (9BRsg)

84 Copts, Beirut Christians, and so on were (and are)
less dysfunctional. Urban centers that valued security, predictability,
and peace and were perfectly willing to work with western peoples. But
blood feuds and tribal revenge, collectivist identities, a culture of
deception and corruption, and other Arab ailments plague non-Muslim
Arabs like they do Muslim Arabs.

See the Gemayels (sp; it's a transliteration) for a well-known example.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 12:57 PM (d6Wn7)

Yes, Copts and Maronite Christians have been noteworthy for hating Jews and Israel. The hatred is indeed a tribal thing. But some individuals have reasoned themselves out of that hatred, because it is not fundamental to their religious doctrine, as it is with the muslims.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 07, 2015 01:04 PM (upitO)

85 OMG, they've got Beth!!!!

You bastards!

Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 07, 2015 01:04 PM (LImiJ)

86 @59: Uh, yeah. Jihad is a Muslim thing. Obviously.

A little boy murdering another little boy because someone in his tribe insulted someone in your tribe? That's an Arab thing.

Not all violence is the same.

@62: Yes, but Arab Muslims differ in qualitative ways from Indonesian Muslims, Chinese Muslims, and Indian Muslims. Just like Phillipino Christians behave differently from Irish Christians behave differently from Lebanese Christians.

I had a perfectly friendly, mutually beneficial commercial transaction with an American Persian Muslim on Thursday. That would not have happened in, say, Saudi Arabia. Why? I'm a Jew.

Religion matters. But so does culture, and historically religions are bent to serve the dominant culture, not the other way around. Hence, cross-cultural sectarian divisions.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 01:04 PM (d6Wn7)

87 [redacted for asshattery]

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 12:57 PM (scgac)

I guess this is where I come down to as well. Once you reach the point where the blunt instruments of war are going to be used on your enemy, you use them. The time for the psychoanalysis comes later, with specific individuals, not complete swaths of people.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 07, 2015 01:04 PM (Dj0WE)

88 Yeah, Muslim population in a country -- higher it gets, the more violence you get. At about 10% you start getting no-go zones and gang rapes. At about 20%+ you run serious risk of civil war.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 01:05 PM (ZPrif)

89 Faith, dogma, and absolute certainty - all mashed together to produce a world-wide murder/slavery machine.

They toss in a free prayer rug to seal the deal.

Posted by: eman at February 07, 2015 01:05 PM (MQEz6)

90 I think the truly insane people are the Western leaders who keep insisting that Islam is a religion of peace, and that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Those same leaders also seem to be much more concerned by "anti-Muslim backlash" than they are by the terrorist acts themselves.

Forget Obama. I'm starting to wonder how many other members of the elite are secret converts. Maybe they think that in a post-Western world they will be able to live like sultans.

Posted by: rickl at February 07, 2015 01:06 PM (sdi6R)

91 Filipino Muslims are killing Filipino Catholics
Chinese Muslims are killing Chinese atheists
Indian Muslims are killing Indian Hindus.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 01:06 PM (ZPrif)

92 Islam translates into English as "Submission"

Submission to the father.
Submission to the husband.
Submission to clan leader.
Submission to the imam.
Submission to the ayatollah.
Submission to Mohammed.
Submission to Allah.

Submission to the master.

Nietzsche claimed Christianity was a religion for slaves.

Islam is a religion for slave owners.

Posted by: motionview at February 07, 2015 01:06 PM (hqjPT)

93 It will end one of only two ways:

Islam will be purged from the earth, and civilization can attempt to rebuild and flourish.

Islam will triumph and the earth will die in fire and barbarism.

^I'm afraid this is likely the truth.

Posted by: JeanQ Flyover at February 07, 2015 01:07 PM (rhjQp)

94 Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:02 PM (ThxKk)

As indicated above, I don't think it's doctrinal. I think it's a rather pathetic shot at increasing the self-esteem of society's losers, and as such is more closely related to why blacks join gangs in the first place, and to the appeal of Jim Jones' People's Temple back when.

I doubt very much that many prison converts to Islam have any grasp whatever of Muslim theology, scholarship not exactly being their long suit.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at February 07, 2015 01:07 PM (oKE6c)

95 But what about these idiots like Mrs. Flat Bomber
who convert? Presumably she was raised "western." Why in hell would she
convert? And it's not just that she converted for one guy. She stayed
converted even after all the shit went down and he became a pancake.

Posted by: Y-not
The reasoning I've heard is that women like that are searching for some kind of guidance, any will do, because they've lived their lives with no guidance at all. They want rules, they want security, and they're willing to give up their autonomy in exchange for that security.

Another consequence of the wussification of Western culture.

Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:07 PM (ThxKk)

96 Islam has bloody borders.

Russian Muslims are killing Russian Orthodox.
Filipino Muslims are killing Filipino Catholics
Chinese Muslims are killing Chinese atheists
Indian Muslims are killing Indian Hindus.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 01:07 PM (ZPrif)

97 This arguement is a non'starter because Islam rejects logic as a basis of reality and truth..

Posted by: Minuteman at February 07, 2015 01:08 PM (nUGJ1)

98 "Forget Obama. I'm starting to wonder how many other members of the
elite are secret converts. Maybe they think that in a post-Western
world they will be able to live like sultans."

Who goes Nazi? ===> Who goes Muslim?

My three kids are going to live in terrible times. 9/11 was just the beginning.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 01:08 PM (d6Wn7)

99 It is hard to argue that jihads are insane when there methods created the original caliphate out of nothing.

The Koran and Islam in general is a great blueprint for temporal power. It is immoral but by knows means irrational to seek power this way.

Posted by: 18-1 at February 07, 2015 01:08 PM (5DM9u)

100 But what about these idiots like Mrs. Flat Bomber who convert?

Once a philosophy is installed in one's head, it is damned difficult to exorcise it. *Everything* that one sees/hears gets passed through the shaping filters of that philosophy, and an interpretation is applied which conforms to the precepts of that philosophy.

Only a life-changing experience can alter that..., and sometimes, even that does not work.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 07, 2015 01:09 PM (/GgDU)

101 I worked with a Pakastani physician who said he could never go home to live that they would kill him as an apostate because he was not a practicing Muslim. Yet this same physician stood in our ER waiting room in front of the tv and cheered and clapped on 9/11/2001 as the planes crashed into the towers.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 01:09 PM (A7LEa)

102 Because you're part of a larger purpose; If you have no real connection to your religion, no particular practice of it, no others to share it with it then it becomes meaningless. But you find handsome Muslims and become part of the "in" young crowd that has passion. The White Widow was apparently involved in carrying about jihad. She had a purpose in a larger culture that gives women no purpose than to birth babies and be veiled and subjugated.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:10 PM (DXzRD)

103 [redacted for asshattery]

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 12:57 PM (scgac)

I agree with this to a degree, but since I'm not as brave as those Kurdish women who form their own military units, I'll stick to the philosophy. And sammich making.

Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:12 PM (ThxKk)

104 I worked in a county jail for x years. The bloods used the Muslim service to pass info on who to beat down. Until we made them wait a year to change religions (ask at intake what religion they were). Very few were into because of actual religion.

Posted by: prophet of SMOD at February 07, 2015 01:12 PM (OQ8CF)

105 Islam is submission to a pedophile warlord prophet.

Posted by: Garrett at February 07, 2015 01:12 PM (7o6GQ)

106 "stood in our ER waiting room in front of the tv and cheered and clapped on 9/11/2001 as the planes crashed into the towers."

A person like should have no business in practicing medicine. That's repellent.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:13 PM (DXzRD)

107 Islam is the 2nd most successful religion in human history. And it appears to be better able to resist modernity and secularism than Christianity, which has collapsed in Europe in the last 50 years and looks to be on the verge of collapsing in America.

It's remarkably effective and resistant to outside influences that could undermine it.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 01:13 PM (ZPrif)

108 >>>Yet this same physician stood in our ER waiting room in front of the tv and cheered and clapped on 9/11/2001 as the planes crashed into the towers.

In so many ways, this is the story of Obama.

Posted by: Garrett at February 07, 2015 01:14 PM (7o6GQ)

109 101
I worked with a Pakastani physician who said he could never go home to
live that they would kill him as an apostate because he was not a
practicing Muslim. Yet this same physician stood in our ER waiting room
in front of the tv and cheered and clapped on 9/11/2001 as the planes
crashed into the towers.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 01:09 PM (A7LEa)

Sounds like a good candidate for losing his hospital privileges.

Posted by: Nip Sip at February 07, 2015 01:14 PM (0FSuD)

110 I'm starting to wonder how many other members of the elite are secret
converts. Maybe they think that in a post-Western world they will be
able to live like sultans.

Why do you think I keep hanging around? Do you think I enjoy attending the grand openings of London Quickie Mart at 90-some odd years of age? Have you SEEN the mouth breathing paean to inbreeding that is my son?

Posted by: Queen Elizabeth at February 07, 2015 01:15 PM (4nR9/)

111 Hah. I make one call to Ace, and his post about me disappears. Suck it, proles.

Posted by: Prince Alwaleed bin Talal at February 07, 2015 01:15 PM (AFsCH)

112 101 I worked with a Pakastani physician who said he could never go home to live that they would kill him as an apostate because he was not a practicing Muslim. Yet this same physician stood in our ER waiting room in front of the tv and cheered and clapped on 9/11/2001 as the planes crashed into the towers.
Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 01:09 PM (A7LEa)

They accidentally showed the dancing in the street here (forget which city) on TV on 9-11. Saw it only once then they showed the dancing in the street and passing out candy by the palis in the sand box.

Tells me a lot.

Posted by: Barak Obama (signed with autopen) at February 07, 2015 01:15 PM (WNERA)

113 Fenelon,
It wasn't just one Muslim physician at our hospital it was all of them he was just the most Americanized of them. There are no moderate Muslims they only lie about it to further the religion.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 01:16 PM (A7LEa)

114 But I don't want to be a King.

I want to be a tampon!

Posted by: Prince Charles at February 07, 2015 01:16 PM (7o6GQ)

115 106 "stood in our ER waiting room in front of the tv and cheered and clapped on 9/11/2001 as the planes crashed into the towers."

A person like should have no business in practicing medicine. That's repellent.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:13 PM (DXzRD)

In a sane society his medical license would have been revoked on the spot.

But no. We can't do that. That's "discrimination".

Posted by: rickl at February 07, 2015 01:16 PM (sdi6R)

116 I think women as well as men may be attracted to Islam because what passes for western civilization these days is not very attractive, particularly for some. As the prophet Billy Joel said, "Haven't you heard about the new fashion, honey? All takes is looks and a whole lot of money." Feminism promised women they could have it all and instead gave them a whole lot of nothing. Islam is an existential threat to us but the bigger problem is the fifth column.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 07, 2015 01:17 PM (LImiJ)

117 And besides joining Islam because it has rules and definite boundaries it's similar to the intense feelings
that people have for their winning team. It's evidently exciting to part of the "JV team"^( that keeps scoring victory after victory

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:17 PM (DXzRD)

118 In a sane society his medical license would have been revoked on the spot.

In the America of 50 years ago, he wouldn't have made it out of the ER alive.

Posted by: pep at February 07, 2015 01:17 PM (4nR9/)

119 this same physician stood in our ER waiting room in front of the tv and
cheered and clapped on 9/11/2001 as the planes crashed into the towers.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 01:09 PM (A7LEa)

How does that guy square his faith, which says to kill unbelievers, with the Hippocratic Oath (first, do no harm)? I wouldn't trust a person like that to give me medical advice.

Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:18 PM (ThxKk)

120 >>In a sane society his medical license would have been revoked on the spot.

You spelled 'be-headed' wrong.

Posted by: mohammed at February 07, 2015 01:18 PM (7o6GQ)

121 @91: Yes. Jihad is a MUSLIM thing. And please compare the likes of MILF to the likes of the Islamic State. Even Kashmiri jihadis have never set out to *exterminate* religious minorities like the Yezidis.

Am I just talking to myself here? I didn't spend ten years learning these people's language, religion, getting two mf'ing degrees in language and area studies, and working against them in the IC to waste my time being dismissed as an apologist. I actually know WTF I'm talking about.

F it, I'm out. I have chemistry to do. But before I go, here's a handy summary I've developed. Islam is a barbaric religion. Islam barbarizes civilized cultures. Arabs are a barbaric culture. Arabs barbarize civilized religions. Muslim Arabs are barbarism squared.

Posted by: Df82 at February 07, 2015 01:18 PM (d6Wn7)

122 Hopefully Ace will pout up his post later.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:19 PM (DXzRD)

123 Make that "put up his post" later.

Ace, I wasn't accusing you of pouting. :^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:19 PM (DXzRD)

124 How does that guy square his faith, which says to kill unbelievers, with the Hippocratic Oath (first, do no harm)? I wouldn't trust a person like that to give me medical advice.
Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:18 PM (ThxKk)

SIL is a nurse and she relates how paki doctors don't treat women patients as well as the men.
I don't think for a second she would lie about that.

Posted by: Barak Obama (signed with autopen) at February 07, 2015 01:21 PM (WNERA)

125 I appreciated your posts, Df82 and I didn't read you as an apologist at all.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:21 PM (DXzRD)

126 For a laugh I'll tell you guys what one of our IT guys did. He had to service one of the computers in a Muslim physicians office, this physician was an asshole, his prayer rug was rolled out in the office and the IT guy wiped his shoes all over the rug. He said if he had only known he would have made sure to get some dog shit on his shoes before he went in.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 01:21 PM (A7LEa)

127 >>Hopefully Ace will pout up his post later.

Ewok don't pout. They seethe.

Posted by: mohammed at February 07, 2015 01:21 PM (7o6GQ)

128 Attaching a clinical term fancied by a westerner's ethos to Islam's barbarity doesn't make it any less Islamic.

Posted by: model_1066 at February 07, 2015 01:22 PM (2OyJ3)

129 Is this the line for free Beth?

Posted by: jwpaine at February 07, 2015 01:22 PM (a3NCX)

130 I still would love to hear the viewpoint of that Paris muslim hero that guided all those (mostly Jewish) people to safety in that grocery store -- Why doesn't he subscribe to the parts of the Koran that call for killing every Jew? Frankly, what makes him different?

And then I'm also struck by the very recent arrests of 6 immigrant Bosniaks (Bosnian muslims) in the US for aiding ISIS. Now, the US via NATO bombed the fcuk out of Bosnian Serbs to stop their assaults and ethnic/religious cleansing on Bosnian muzzies, then some of them move here, and then betray us. Where's the gratitude? Where's the loyalty to their new homeland?

It's almost as if their primary loyalty lies... elsewhere.

Posted by: GnuBreed at February 07, 2015 01:22 PM (7WLjl)

131 My amateur (and admittedly simplistic) analysis is that this issue goes all the way back to Isaac and Ishmael. The descendents of Abraham through Isaac were chosen as G-d's own people. Hence, shame and feelings of inferiority on the part of Ishmael's descendents. Mohammed sought to lay claim as a chosen people by being more fierce and zealous servants of G-d. Bad move on his and his followers' account as they have gotten nearly everything wrong. Any contributions to humanity came before the birth of Islam, and the Islamic tree has borne no worthwhile fruit ever since.

Posted by: wisenheimer at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (qnhj2)

132 Joining Islam is like joining the Mafia.

Plenty of perks, but you can never quit.

Sadly, the only way to rid the world of Islam is to terminate all the people infected with the virus and completely erase it from every source of information.

It's it or us.

Otherwise, you have to hope the virus will mutate over time and a mild, harmless strain will replace all the present nasty versions.

Posted by: eman at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (MQEz6)

133 Free Beth now! Supplies are limited!

Posted by: jwpaine at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (a3NCX)

134 83, Y-Not - grasping at straws here, but I think that some young women who are kind of outside of the dominant culture, who feel repelled by the hypersexuality of modern life, who want to believe in something that can never be the Christianity they have been taught to despise, may become attracted to Islam.

Or they're just nuts.

Posted by: Skookumchuk at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (9tzvc)

135 >>SIL is a nurse and she relates how paki doctors don't treat women patients as well as the men.

They operate on women with both hands.

- mo sockoff

Posted by: Garrett at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (7o6GQ)

136 112

They accidentally showed the dancing in the street here (forget which city) on TV on 9-11. Saw it only once then they showed the dancing in the street and passing out candy by the palis in the sand box.

Tells me a lot.

Posted by: Barak Obama (signed with autopen) at February 07, 2015 01:15 PM (WNERA)

It was upon seeing that video that I officially ran out of shits to give about the plight of the Palestinians.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (AFsCH)

137 78
In his talk at the prayer breakfast Obama called ISIS actions barbaric
but he gives no indication that he think it will continue. It's always
one more event that has (to him) to connection to any other evident.
Because each is an isolated incident it it has no connection to Islam,
just some aberrant behavior of the part of people who aren't really

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:00 PM (DXzRD)

We're all preaching to the choir here, but he'll never ever let go of this. It will not happen, and if anybody was on the fence for some reason January should have solidified it.

One of the things the Obama administration just doesn't pass up is any kind of way to show they care about an issue without having to do anything. We even call it "hashtag diplomacy". He loves to go to Berlin and give a campaign speech about us all being citizens of the world. Anything that requires him to speak nothings, or to make a superficial display, he is drawn to it like a magnet.

We all agree on this, right? Yet, he didn't show up for the Charlie Hebdo show of unity with all other western leaders. Pure symbolism. The kind of thing that gets his crew all kinds of hot and bothered. This is exactly the kind of high attention, little impact gesture TFG loves, but yet he has zero interest in it. Why?

Maybe partly that this is a long difficult slog to deal with, with no dramatic victory to achieve, and he'd never get credit for any of it anyway. It's more that he just doesn't like western values. He thinks our jingoism is part of what causes the worldwide strife, but the more important thing is that our national pride is also what keeps him from getting closer to his utopian vision of a progressive society. Why do us conservatives keep trying to conserve what makes us what we are, and why do we think it is so great? He thinks he's fighting the same things as the Islamists, just from a different and more enlightened perspective.

Posted by: Dave S. at February 07, 2015 01:24 PM (UvR6d)

138 SIL is a nurse and she relates how paki doctors don't treat women patients as well as the men.

I don't think for a second she would lie about that.

Posted by: Barak Obama (signed with autopen) at February 07, 2015 01:21 PM (WNERA)
That has GOT to be illegal.

I'm really surprised there hasn't been at least one class-action lawsuit against people who pull that kind of crap. Can't we find some ambulance-chasing attorney to take the case?

Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:24 PM (ThxKk)

139 133 Free Beth now! Supplies are limited!
Posted by: jwpaine at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (a3NCX)

Sittin' around the bonfire doin' crystal meth
Pokin' and proddin' at some girl named Beth

Posted by: the bikers at February 07, 2015 01:25 PM (2OyJ3)

140 Barak Obama (signed with autopen)

sock retired for day

Posted by: Bob from table9 at February 07, 2015 01:26 PM (WNERA)

141 Call in the next ten minutes and get a second Beth, absolutely free! Operators are standing by, so call now!

Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:26 PM (ThxKk)

142 >>It wasn't just one Muslim physician at our hospital it was all of them he was just the most Americanized of them.

They are the same ones who always walk into the Physician Lounge and switch the TV off of Fox and onto MSNBC or CNN.

Posted by: Aviator at February 07, 2015 01:28 PM (3rrMW)

143 Booooosh is a Jooooow...

Posted by: Short Bus Progressive at February 07, 2015 01:28 PM (5cgY6)

144 We have nothing to fear with Barack Obama in the White House.

Posted by: John McCain at February 07, 2015 01:28 PM (kFxpe)

145 141 Call in the next ten minutes and get a second Beth, absolutely free! Operators are standing by, so call now!
Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:26 PM (ThxKk)

Forgot the number to call in.

1-800-328-7448 the easy to remember 1-800 EAT SHIT

Posted by: Bob from table9 at February 07, 2015 01:29 PM (WNERA)

146 Posted by: wisenheimer at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (qnhj2

I don't think that was simplistic at all. It's an important part of the thinking and also that Christians and Jews didn't think much of Mohammed as a prophet did endear Muslims to him.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:30 PM (DXzRD)

147 Beth slices! Beth dices! Beth makes mountains of julienne fries! Made from a space-age polymer plastic for years of family fun!

Absolutely free! You pay only shipping & handling!

Posted by: jwpaine at February 07, 2015 01:31 PM (a3NCX)

148 144 We have nothing to fear with Barack Obama in the White House.
Posted by: John McCain at February 07, 2015 01:28 PM (kFxpe)

We have plenty to hate, however.

Posted by: the bikers at February 07, 2015 01:31 PM (2OyJ3)

149 They aren't bashful about their goals.
Either Obama is in on it or stupid and he isn't stupid.

Posted by: Bob from table9 at February 07, 2015 01:32 PM (WNERA)

150 Am I just talking to myself here? I didn't spend ten years learning these people's language, religion, getting two mf'ing degrees in language and area studies, and working against them in the IC to waste my time being dismissed as an apologist. I actually know WTF I'm talking about.
I have several fake degrees, too. Plus I'm an astronaut.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 01:35 PM (ZPrif)

151 Hello from Navy land. But while I am in Uniform and somewhat anonymous I wanted to sat: Fuck you Fredo and G-D ( our G-D, not allah) Bless America because Lord Knows we are going to need it the next 2 years

Posted by: Nevergiveup at February 07, 2015 01:35 PM (5et4d)

152 134 83, Y-Not - grasping at straws here, but I think that some young women who are kind of outside of the dominant culture, who feel repelled by the hypersexuality of modern life, who want to believe in something that can never be the Christianity they have been taught to despise, may become attracted to Islam.

Posted by: Skookumchuk at February 07, 2015 01:23 PM (9tzvc)

Strong horse > Weak horse.

I expect to see more young people of both sexes attracted to Islam as they discover the emptiness of their materialistic and hedonistic lives. They will seek some form of structure.

And converts are usually the most zealous, and hence dangerous.

Posted by: rickl at February 07, 2015 01:35 PM (sdi6R)

153 well if you're going to be oppressed by religion, you're better off picking one whose idea of oppression is shunning you at the County Fair potluck dinner rather than one thats ides of oppression is setting you on fire...

Posted by: Closet Athiest at February 07, 2015 01:36 PM (5cgY6)

154 OMG! Rupert Murdoch got to Ace!

Posted by: richard mcenroe at February 07, 2015 01:36 PM (XO6WW)

155 I read on another website that ISIS is actively recruiting Muslim and other disaffected teens.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:38 PM (DXzRD)

156 I've got a hooker named Beth tied up in my basement. She's definitely no Nadine.

Posted by: Harry S. Plinkett at February 07, 2015 01:40 PM (AFsCH)

157 So, POTUS Strategy is " Strategic Patience". "qui bono"?
Did POTUS and his strategy purposely cause our "Partner" in Yemen to be overrun?
Was Jordan next?
Afterall, we have heard ad nauseum that "we must have spotters on the ground for air campaign to work", even Beckel said this the other day on "The Five".
But, recent retaliatory Jordan air strikes seem pretty effective once removed from constraint of "DoD rules of engagement".
Apparently native pilots can find targets in familiar terrrain.

Posted by: bopidy at February 07, 2015 01:41 PM (9HJf4)

158 Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 01:35 PM (ZPrif)

I think that poster was probably legitimate.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 01:42 PM (DXzRD)

159 NOOD gardening thread

Posted by: Y-not at February 07, 2015 01:42 PM (9BRsg)

160 These savages are sane, but by our standards and mores they are totally bat shit crazy as proven by their barbarity.

I say if the fvckers want to live in the stone agaes we should provide them with the opportunity to do so.

Air burst a few nukes to take out all of their electronics, repeat the process every few months unannounced to trash the replacement equipment.

Do this for a few decades and the SOB's will die off due to illness, disease and starvation as they try to scratch a living out of the ground by hand.

Their choice, fvck them all.

Posted by: Gmac- Pulling in feelers in preperation... at February 07, 2015 01:42 PM (74McK)

161 I just joined for the fabulous rugs...

Posted by: Gays for Allah at February 07, 2015 01:42 PM (5cgY6)

162 Ace is over at Twitter and their chewing on Luap Nor and his boy. Aces new moniker is, The Classy Life,and his avatar is a picture of a Lamborghini, a model in a bikini. and a Lear jet its hilarious.

Posted by: Fourth Horseman looking for my saddle at February 07, 2015 01:43 PM (A7LEa)

163 In the Koran, "Allah Akbar" is being replaced by "Brian Williams!"

Posted by: fly gal at February 07, 2015 01:43 PM (pq76f)

164 152, rickl - Yup. There has to be some sort of Reformation - revitalization - on our side to compete with this.

Posted by: Skookumchuk at February 07, 2015 01:43 PM (9tzvc)

165 Free Beth!*

*With purchase of Beth of greater or equal value.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 07, 2015 01:43 PM (LImiJ)

166 I just joined for the fabulous rugs..

It really brought the room together, Dude.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 07, 2015 01:46 PM (LImiJ)

167 Obama thinks Christian atrocities of 500 years ago are just as important as justifications for Islamic atrocities tomorrow.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at February 07, 2015 12:48 PM (LImiJ)

ReWrite(TM) engaged for the Islamo-Communist's true belief.

Posted by: steveegg at February 07, 2015 01:46 PM (cL79m)

168 Romans 3:23

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Replace "God" with "Obama", and you have a pretty good summary of Obama's worldview

Posted by: Dave S. at February 07, 2015 01:49 PM (UvR6d)

169 167 steve,

A shallow mind is a terrible thing to witness.

Posted by: GnuBreed at February 07, 2015 01:51 PM (7WLjl)

170 Posted by: GnuBreed at February 07, 2015 01:51 PM (7WLjl)

You've never heard of the concept of "permanent justification"? It's something the post-Modern Left and their allies-of-covenience Islam share.

Posted by: steveegg at February 07, 2015 01:55 PM (cL79m)

171 BO is a sociopath raised and recruited by Mocow trained Communist true believers. He hates whites, Christians, Jews, the middle class, the military, and America. Everything he does at the behest of his owners and masters is done to degrade American influence abroad and destroy American strengths at home.

Posted by: Truth Hurts at February 07, 2015 01:59 PM (5cgY6)

172 170 I should have been clear, steve -- I was referring to TFG, and making a play on the words of that ad about a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Posted by: GnuBreed at February 07, 2015 02:00 PM (7WLjl)

173 Wow. I've never been censored before.

Guess that equating the blood priests of Aztec Empire to the blood clerics of Islam is now "asshattery"

Whose sensitivities did I offend?

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:00 PM (scgac)

174 Call in the next ten minutes and get a second Beth, absolutely free! Operators are standing by, so call now!
Posted by: right wing whippersnapper at February 07, 2015 01:26 PM

Yeah, but we know you're gonna screw us on the shipping and handling!

Posted by: Farmer at February 07, 2015 02:01 PM (3hlFs)

175 Posted by: GnuBreed at February 07, 2015 02:00 PM (7WLjl)

Well-noted. It's hard to tell inflection on the printed word.

Posted by: steveegg at February 07, 2015 02:01 PM (cL79m)

176 Wow, fourth horseman, what state is that where you have so many of these foreign doctors (so I can avoid it)? I guess we are going down the same road as England.

Posted by: PJ at February 07, 2015 02:02 PM (cHuNI)

177 I've wondered by the left and Islam - who are socially so disparate, seem to be politically in lock-step.

today I was listening to a Walid Shoebat talk on youtube - he discusses the idea of Maruna - which is the islamic belief that evil may be be put before what usually would be considered good if that advances a specific important agenda.

Oh! I get it now. Evil is ok for thee but not for me. Evil is justifiable because you are so very correct and your ideas must be advanced.

Like fake rape and fake police brutality claims. If it advances the agenda, even if it destroys the lives of innocent people, it's justifiable. Fake but correct. Got it!

The left = islam morally.

Same stuff.

Posted by: Jade Sea at February 07, 2015 02:03 PM (wPLWJ)

178 160
I say if the fvckers want to live in the stone agaes we should provide them with the opportunity to do so.

Air burst a few nukes to take out all of their electronics, repeat the process every few months unannounced to trash the replacement equipment.

Do this for a few decades and the SOB's will die off due to illness, disease and starvation as they try to scratch a living out of the ground by hand.

Their choice, fvck them all.

Posted by: Gmac- Pulling in feelers in preperation... at February 07, 2015 01:42 PM (74McK)

Nukes aren't even necessary. The solution is very simple, not that Western leaders would ever allow it.

They want a caliphate? Fine, let them have it. Outlaw Islam in the West, close down the mosques, and deport all Muslims to the caliphate.

Then put up an electrified fence around the perimeter, cut off all trade, and shoot anyone who tries to leave. They'll be back to a 7th century lifestyle in no time.

Posted by: rickl at February 07, 2015 02:03 PM (sdi6R)

179 I have several fake degrees, too. Plus I'm an astronaut.
Posted by: Costanza Defense at February 07, 2015 01:35 PM (ZPrif)

I think I saw you on the Moon.

Posted by: Brian Zelig Williams at February 07, 2015 02:04 PM (W5DcG)

180 oops "wondered WHY the left and islam"

Posted by: Jade Sea at February 07, 2015 02:04 PM (wPLWJ)

181 No, really, I'd love to know the reason and the censor to reduced my post to a [redacted for asshattery] bullshit censorious squib.

I'd love to discuss this shit with whatever moderator got overzealous.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:04 PM (scgac)

182 Beth I hear you calling

Posted by: Peter Criss at February 07, 2015 02:05 PM (kFxpe)

183 Nobody will see this, but who cares.

These fuckers ARE irrational--argue their conclusions are arrived at rationally all you wish.

The PREMISE IS ILLOGICAL--therefore any conclusions arrived at are also faulty.

Can't be any other way.

Posted by: irongrampa at February 07, 2015 02:07 PM (jeCnD)

184 Inspector, sometimes stuff just goes poof for no obvious reason. it may be the millennial old software.

Posted by: Truth Hurts at February 07, 2015 02:09 PM (5cgY6)

185 SIL is a nurse and she relates how paki doctors don't treat women patients as well as the men.
I don't think for a second she would lie about that.
Posted by: Barak Obama (signed with autopen) at February 07, 2015 01:21 PM (WNERA)

I'm in the medical profession and have clearly seen same. Not only the misogyny but a poor work ethic and poor understanding of the medical literature because they don't feel obligated to study very hard.

However I would caution that you don't always know who the offenders are. Some who are from India have outstanding education and outstanding work ethic including the way they treat women are patients as well as co-workers. If you ask staff at the hospital - they usually have figured out who to avoid.

Posted by: Jade Sea at February 07, 2015 02:13 PM (wPLWJ)

186 I'd love to discuss this shit with whatever moderator got overzealous.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:04 PM (scgac)

That was my edit.

It was over the line.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 07, 2015 02:13 PM (Zu3d9)

187 Actually, it was censored. With the reason noted "Asshattery", in 2 subsequent quoted posts as well. All it contained was a disagreement with the need for psychoanalyzing a group like them until - like Quetzalcoatl Blood Priests - they no longer exist. I stand by my equivalency - Islamic clerics are exactly as murderous as Aztec Blood Priests.

I guess that's "asshattery". I best watch my language I suppose.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:14 PM (scgac)

188 If you are looking for where Christianity is on the ascendancy, look to China.
Yes, that China.

Posted by: navybrat at February 07, 2015 02:15 PM (JgC5a)

189 CBD, thanks for owning up to your actions.

And no, it wasn't over the line. I disagree heartily. Islam is not unlike the Aztecs.

But I will not repeat myself so that you can scrub my oh-so-over-the-line bad thoughtcrimes from existence.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:16 PM (scgac)

190 2 for 1 special on thought crimes today only! And for a limited time will throw in a free Beth!

Posted by: Asshats R Us at February 07, 2015 02:18 PM (U1E9H)

191 Who would have guessed, different cultures are....different.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 07, 2015 02:22 PM (NaeCR)

192 I don't think it was over the line, either. It was no worse than the WWII admiral who said, "By the time we're finished, the Japanese language will only be spoken in Hell".

Posted by: rickl at February 07, 2015 02:22 PM (sdi6R)

193 There has been a pro-aztec bent to the blog for years, but this time it seems a little to "in your face".

Posted by: JDub at February 07, 2015 02:24 PM (X3xYu)

194 I'd love to discuss this shit with whatever moderator got overzealous.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:04 PM (scgac)

Here's the thing: this is Ace's blog, and he has given me the keys...with certain restrictions. One of them is to keep the overt suggestions for genocide to a minimum.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 07, 2015 02:24 PM (Zu3d9)

195 Aztecs were a lot less bloody than the Muslims are...

Posted by: Asshats R Us at February 07, 2015 02:24 PM (U1E9H)

196 Well, since that's over and the only active thread other than this is the gardening one - let's go on a tangent and talk about :
The Fucking Mayans.

They died out because of drought, but there was a discovery of a "water temple" with signs of massive activity just as the drought was in the worst phase 800 years ago or so.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:26 PM (scgac)

197 Toltecs vs.Olmecs: Which ones are better in bed?

Posted by: Cosmo at February 07, 2015 02:28 PM (U1E9H)

198 The Aztecs never bother us.

Also, we don't seem to be having any problems with the Thuggee, lately.

Posted by: India at February 07, 2015 02:28 PM (7o6GQ)

199 PS. Didn't intend to suggest genocide - merely total war & replacement. I understand now though, my apologies.

Back to the fuckin' Mayan Empire.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:28 PM (scgac)

200 It's ALWAYS Maya, Maya, Maya!

Posted by: Toltec at February 07, 2015 02:34 PM (7o6GQ)

201 Posted by: Inspector Cussword at February 07, 2015 02:28 PM (scgac)

And I apologize for the "asshattery" crack. I should have explained why I edited instead of just doing it.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 07, 2015 02:37 PM (Zu3d9)

202 the Mayans perfected the rollie pollie eating dog. And they died out. Coincidence? I think not...

Posted by: Cosmo at February 07, 2015 02:39 PM (U1E9H)

203 The medieval Aztec threat is under control.

Posted by: Bobby Jindal at February 07, 2015 02:46 PM (sdi6R)

204 I read a great analysis somewhere, probably here, that used Osama bin Ladin's description of the three options a person is faced with Islam: death, payment of jizha tax or conversion prove that Islam contains no spiritual or religious aspect but is merely a totalitarian political system. Islam is simply about earthly control. You either convert and submit, you die, or are allowed to live on earth and pay a tax. All the fuss about jihad and 72 raisins and all the other BS is just window dressing.

Posted by: Sharkman at February 07, 2015 02:50 PM (dHTqa)

205 Islam has been consistent for, well, ever. 1500 years of consistent behavior cannot be labeled "crazy". And as some of the other commenters noted; Islam acts the same wherever it is, in whatever culture it blooms. Don't forget the beheading of that lady in OK. Thats middle America, not the Middle East.
What's crazy is to deny that. To deny that consistent repeatable behavior irrespective of cultures over centuries is the opposite of logic. Christianity is the Global Warming of religions..It is the root cause of everything.

As to the "individual muslim" question, I have a theory. My son has a muslim friend, been over to our home many many times. Apparently, his father, an Iranian immigrant married a Christian American woman. Pretty good kid. I would be hard pressed to see him violent.
In America.
I knew a Jordanian military officer in USAF Mx Officer school. Drank, smoked, looked at dirty magazines, etc etc. Smart, and what most would call a pretty good dude.
We were talking one day, and somehow the subject turned to honor killings.
I said "yeah, but you wouldn't REALLY kill your sister if she did something wrong, would you?"
He never skipped a beat. He said, "Of course; if she dishonored our family, I would personally slit her throat. It would be my honor."
"Really? REALLY?"

"Of course; it is my religion."

So, here is the theory.
The key to moderate Muslims is strong Christians.

In Iraq, the overwhelming force of a Christian presence enabled the guys that couldn't give two hoots about what religion I was, their neighbor was, or even the various sects, to proceed with building their nation.
Right up until we abandoned them.
Then, the most violent interpretations can thrive. And we get ISIS. At some point, islam will have to change, either through force, or through benign conversion.
The thing is, you can probably quote Bible verses to justify almost anything....
But the VAAAST majority of Christians have a similar set of core beliefs that are NOT violent. Evangelism with the heart, not the sword. If I cant convert you to my religion, I believe your soul is in peril, not your life. And I am certainly not going to hurt you for declining the proposition.

At least thats what Brian Williams told me.
As he came down with Ten Commandments.

Posted by: MikeB at February 07, 2015 02:50 PM (LzMdS)

206 I said "yeah, but you wouldn't REALLY kill your sister if she did something wrong, would you?"
He never skipped a beat. He said, "Of course; if she dishonored our family, I would personally slit her throat. It would be my honor."

Um, yeah. Notice this dirtbag can look at pornography, drink, act like an infidel.

But he gets "honor" if he murders his sister for stepping out of line.

Whoever mentioned above the islam is the religion of slave owners had it right on.

Posted by: Jade Sea at February 07, 2015 02:58 PM (wPLWJ)

207 147 Beth slices! Beth dices! Beth makes mountains of julienne fries! Made from a space-age polymer plastic for years of family fun!

How is she with sammiches?

Posted by: Insomniac at February 07, 2015 02:58 PM (mx5oN)

208 I think calling them crazy lets them off the hook. And it's also a dangerous package deal to consider strong religious belief a form of irrationality, if not outright craziness. In doing so, you risk conceding the secular leftists pretentions to the throne of "Science." Religious belief is better classified as "arational" rather than irrational. It's not opposed to reason, it exists independent of it. They can conflict, but not of necessity or by definition.

Posted by: SocietyIs2Blame at February 07, 2015 03:00 PM (QKIQb)

209 Thanks for the analysis, MikeB. Very helpful.

If I'm still around when Islam takes over in the US. Just FTR I'm not paying any tax. As St Thomas More says ( in the play "A Man For All Seasons") to the executioner, "Fear Not to Do Your office, man. You send me to God." I'll never be declared a Saint in the RC understanding of that term, but Ild rather die a martyr than live under the rules of Islam.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 03:03 PM (DXzRD)


Posted by: Tennessee Volunteer at February 07, 2015 03:07 PM (SmCFT)

211 I think calling them crazy lets them off the hook. And it's also a dangerous package deal to consider strong religious belief a form of irrationality, if not outright craziness. In doing so, you risk conceding the secular leftists pretentions to the throne of "Science."

It also concedes to leftists' commitment to political correctness. Such that if I refuse to recognize a queer "marriage" as an actual marriage, and do so on the basis of my religious faith (even in part), then the PC Nazis can declare me crazy. And with the courts in their pockets, a finding of non compos mentis becomes a slam-dunk.

The Soviets did this for a long time. Verrrry slippery slope ....

Posted by: Lord of the Fleas at February 07, 2015 03:21 PM (J+gc8)

212 Toltecs vs.Olmecs: Which ones are better in bed?

Probably the Toltecs. Their Nahuatl culture more-or-less survived when their various offshoots wandered into the Valley of Mexico.

The Olmecs were, what, Mixe-Zoque? Who still speaks that?

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at February 07, 2015 03:24 PM (AVEe1)

213 Wikipedia claims about 300,000 various Mixe / Zoque speakers. Huh. Much more than I thought.

Nahuatl scores almost 1,450,000.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at February 07, 2015 03:28 PM (AVEe1)

214 bth the depth and breadth of your knowledge has always impressed me. I hope we can lift a few cold ones sometime at a meet up.

Posted by: OG CELTIC-AMERICAN at February 07, 2015 03:31 PM (qJKb1)

215 I support no more genocide than is necessary. Less would be suicidal. More would be barbaric.

Posted by: phunctor at February 07, 2015 03:40 PM (alVBS)

216 all we need to do is get them hooked on daytime soaps and The Bachelor. That will be the end of them.

Posted by: OG CELTIC-AMERICAN at February 07, 2015 03:47 PM (qJKb1)

217 204 I read a great analysis somewhere, probably here, that used Osama bin Ladin's description of the three options a person is faced with Islam: death, payment of jizha tax or conversion

Could be a fee.

Posted by: John Roberts at February 07, 2015 03:48 PM (oKE6c)

218 I am NOT paying a jizz tax...

Posted by: OG CELTIC-AMERICAN at February 07, 2015 03:51 PM (qJKb1)

219 Why did I go on "The Daily Beast" In an article saying that there are not Muslim terrorists, just terrorists some idiot said this:

Many Xtians use the OT to oppose gay and women's rights. to keep women in a subordinate position to men. Sure, this is not as bad as ISIS, but it is still BAD.

Yeah, because churchesnot allowing gay people to marry is just a tiny tinier bit more bad than ISIS slaughtering babies and crucifying people. Yeah, and there are millions of evangelicals urging that women be veiled and not drive and be stoned if they /.. This dopes will never get it.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 04:07 PM (DXzRD)

220 Let me go on record as saying that the 5000 witches killed each year in Africa (many by burning, search live leak if you are into it) is not typical of what good Christians do

Posted by: Tighter at February 07, 2015 04:07 PM (hKmCD)

221 What;'s your point? America hasn't hung witches since the 1600s.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 04:12 PM (DXzRD)

222 And By the way,

T"he mob dragged them out of their houses and burned them individually and then set their homes alight, our correspondent says. Enoch Obiero, a Pentecostal minister, says the mob came to his door and dismembered his wife, a retired schoolteacher."

So evidently Christians are some of the victims

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 04:16 PM (DXzRD)

223 Christians are worse than that feeling you get from running out of fryer oil for your IV drip at 2:00 AM.

Posted by: Mike 'al Moor at February 07, 2015 04:16 PM (9UbUz)

224 But your well on your way to being a great apologist for ISIS. Some Christians are burning suspected witches in Kenya so we really can't complain about ISIS.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 04:21 PM (DXzRD)

225 A Christian once bit my sister.

No, realli!

Posted by: Mexican Whooping Muslim at February 07, 2015 04:22 PM (9UbUz)

226 And BTW, I guess you didn't know that Muslims burn suspected witches too, or it only Christians you complain about doing it?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 07, 2015 04:33 PM (DXzRD)

227 The barbarity exists. Nobody disputes this.

Thus it is either nature or nurture. Muslims are either born with a freakishly high predisposition to be psychopaths, or they are taught to be psychopaths.

Which one is it, libs? Are muslims scarred with some genetic flaw that makes them act like animals, or are they raised to be animals?

You tell me. I'm all ears.

Posted by: RobM1981 at February 07, 2015 04:43 PM (zurJC)

228 The disagreements are predicated on a cultural definition of sanity - the "herd" defines sanity.
It rests on the selection of the Western culture as the default with no basis given for that selection.

What if, in fact, the "herd" is defined by Arabs and Islam, and it is we Westerners who are "insane" for not getting with the program?
It is clear that our government is absurdly atypical compared to all others in history, why not our socialization in general?
Do we assume the Mongols were all insane?
What about the Huns?
Should we just discuss the Romans, for whom crucifixion was a standard punishment and whose economy crashed first because they took too many slaves then again because they ran out of people to enslave?
Clearly it is our cultural standard that is the atypical one there as well.

Sanity has nothing to do with the underlying ideology. Certainly it most benefits some particular types of sociopath, but even without such mental instability the simple truth is that the default human condition is pretty viciously savage all on its on, and rather than fight that Islam promotes it, garnering both converts and headlines.

Posted by: Sam at February 07, 2015 04:45 PM (mkv9z)

229 Very good point, Sam at 4:45 (22.

Posted by: adolfo_velasquez at February 07, 2015 05:38 PM (NBhge)

230 So if a certain "Islamic Center of _____" was to disappear, that would be bad how?

Posted by: Tortillapete at February 07, 2015 08:10 PM (EBKDc)

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