Historical Documents

Where have I heard those words before? Oh yeah...

If I hear those words one more time today, I'm going to scream. It's not bad enough that a great deal of Condi's "testimony" was redundant, but to suggest that memos are historical implies that they are presented with material relevant to the past. And those memos were NOT referring to the past.

Being someone who pays extreme attention to body language, I’d have to say that Condi was not at all comfortable. She was very shaky and she stumbled upon a few things that could be considered Freudian slips, if you want to read into them. For instance, when she was talking about the 100 NSC meetings actually being more like 33, she mouthed the number 34 at one point. Also, when she was talking about structural problems, she said, “There are str...,” self-corrects and goes on to say, “There WERE structural problems…” That’s curious.

I do think that more can be learned about what is not said, than what is said. I would love to view the testimony again.

I think this panel could have been more productive, and maybe they will be off camera. At least, that is my hope. Again, I believe in accountability to a certain extent, but I believe that using that information to ensure that another 9-11 never happens again is far more important.

If you missed the media version of the hearing, it is available HERE.

(Hat tip: Power Line)

Posted by: Auterrific at 01:31 PM


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