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Charles Schumer: Passing Obamacare Instead of Dealing With the Recession Was a Mistake


This is surprising. Schumer is a safe senator from deep blue New York and doesn't have -- unless he's insane -- any delusions about one day being president.

He's not actually denouncing Obamacare but this is kind of close to that.

"After passing the stimulus, Democrats should have continued to propose middle-class-oriented programs and built on the partial success of the stimulus, but unfortunately Democrats blew the opportunity the American people gave them," Schumer said. "We took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem—health care reform."

The third-ranking Senate Democrat noted that just about 5 percent of registered voters in the United States lacked health insurance before the implementation of the law, arguing that to focus on a problem affecting such "a small percentage of the electoral made no political sense."

The larger problem, affecting most Americans, he said, was a poor economy resulting from the recession. "When Democrats focused on health care, the average middle-class person thought, 'The Democrats aren't paying enough attention to me,' " Schumer said.

The health care law should have come later, Schumer argued, after Democrats had passed legislation to help the middle class weather the recession. Had Democrats pushed economic legislation, he said, "the middle class would have been more receptive to the idea that President Obama wanted to help them" and, in turn, they would have been more receptive to the health care law.

Schumer said he told fellow Democrats in the lead-up to the passage of the Affordable Care Act that it was the wrong time to pass the law.

"People thought—and I understand this—lots of people thought this was the only time to do this, it's very important to do. And we should have done it. We just shouldn't have done it first," he said. "We were in the middle of a recession. People were hurting and saying, 'What about me? I'm losing my job. It's not health care that bothers me. What about me?' … About 85 percent of all Americans were fine with their health care in 2009, mainly because it was paid for by either the government or their employer, private sector. So they weren't clamoring. The average middle-class voter, they weren't opposed to doing health care when it started out, but it wasn't at the top of the agenda."

The Democrat Party can't "help" the middle class, because the middle class is where it gets all that money to redistribute from.

Via @comradearthur.

Posted by: Ace at 01:12 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 st

Posted by: Buzzsaw at November 25, 2014 01:14 PM (Mxs5H)

2 who is up for a skinny dip?

Posted by: Joe Biden, War Chief at November 25, 2014 01:14 PM (q+zA9)

3 I don't trust that rat puke Schumer. He's up to something dishonest, in other words - being a Democrat

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 25, 2014 01:14 PM (7RXcs)

4 Brilliant you jackasses.

Posted by: The Jackhole at November 25, 2014 01:14 PM (6/J77)

5 Is he positioning for VP 2016?

Posted by: Chris_Balsz at November 25, 2014 01:15 PM (pYEaj)

Duh. It was pretty much one of things they could have done. It made businesses put off hiring until they could figure out how much it would cost. It made companies reduce hours. All of these things were obvious and predictable.

In other news (accordingto a report)abody was found near the ferguson shooting site this morning. So that's not good.

Posted by: Lea at November 25, 2014 01:15 PM (lIU4e)

What difference does it make?

Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Keeper of the Guards, returned from 1080 exile at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (fwARV)

That's it. I'm going to challenge Schumer in the Democrat primary.

(I am still registered D)

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (CMkNk)

9 I see Schumer has crawled from under his post election rock once again. NY deserves that asshole.

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (XzRw1)

Schumer is a piece of work, that gun grabbing, lying Schmuck.
Schmuck Chumer

Posted by: The Jackhole at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (6/J77)

11 Schumer would rather pall around with communists.

Dick Durban literally does so:

Posted by: The Political Beret at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (lN8KC)

12 How do you help the economy by only helping the "middle class?"

Another ruse by the Ds.

Posted by: Iasonas at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (D+yP5)

13 Passing Obamacare instead of dealing with the recession was a mistake?

Posted by: Al Sharpton at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (V70Ne)

14 9 I see Schumer has crawled from under his post election rock once again. NY deserves that asshole.

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (XzRw1)

Gee. Thanks.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (CMkNk)

15 Schumer: Our priorities should have been

1. Keynesian stimulus
2. Socialized medicine
3. Ban 4loko.


Posted by: Chris_Balsz at November 25, 2014 01:17 PM (pYEaj)

16 Unspoken: "We let this asshole in the Oval Office jam this shit sandwich down our throats."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:17 PM (F2IAQ)

17 The Democrat Party can't "help" the middle class, because the middle class is where it gets all that money to redistribute from.

In a sane world, that would be the first thing out of every GOP candidates mouth for the rest of our natural lives.

Posted by: Methos at November 25, 2014 01:17 PM (A6vWB)

Should've decked him when I had the chance all those years ago.

Oh well.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:17 PM (CMkNk)

19 No.... the Democrats LIED to the middle class...

Saying this healthcare bill WAS an economic bill, as it would LOWER health care costs...

They SOLD it as helping the economy, when it has had the exact OPPOSITE effect.

Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf at November 25, 2014 01:17 PM (f0pWu)

20 Sounds like Schumer wants to run for president.

Posted by: Soona at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (NXjgq)

"When Democrats focused on health care, the average middle-class person thought, 'The Democrats aren't paying enough attention to me,' " Schumer said.
No, they were thinking stay the fuck away from my health insurance.

Posted by: wth at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (wAQA5)

22 how odd

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (N///B)

23 TwitchyTeam @TwitchyTeam 12m
Update: @attorneycrump calls statement from Brown stepfather "Burn this bitch down" "Not appropriate at all."

Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (zwdxl)

24 Obamacare - along with pretty much everything else the Left does - is designed to slit the throats of the middle class in the US.

So fcuk him sideways.

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (7RXcs)

Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (CMkNk)

Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (CMkNk)

27 bout 85 percent of all Americans were fine with their health care in
2009, mainly because it was paid for by either the government or their
employer, private sector.

Here, in a nutshell, is our problem: this idiot thinks that "the government" or "employers" pay for health care. Does he think that bank tellers "pay" you when you cash a check?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (oKE6c)

28 They SOLD it as helping the economy, when it has had the exact OPPOSITE effect.
Posted by: The Big Bad

It will *reduce* the deficit. - HuffPo

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (F2IAQ)

29 They tanked the economy rather than helping it.

The whole eff'n thing shut down waiting to figure out how Obamacare would affect them.

I have made this argument to libtards, but it falls on deaf ears... they respond:

"But.. but.. Obamacare is a success!@ Lookit.. 4 million people helped!"

1% of the population it has helped. But fucked the rest.,.. eff'n idiots.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (4+IgA)

30 The Democrat Party can't "help" the middle class, because the middle class is where it gets all that money to redistribute from.

Threadwinner! (seriously)

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (1o80Z)

31 And yet you voted for this POS bill, didn't you Chuck?

Go f_ck yourself.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (wtvvX)

32 And so, last set of elections done with, begins the setting up of the Democrat challenger to run against Obama's legacy in 2016. It will be someone who can promise to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, close down Gitmo, legalize marijuana, and have an open and accountable government without an imperial presidency. They'll even repeal Obamacare, if they must. Just give them the reins, and a supermajority in Congress, and they'll do it, they swear.

Posted by: Wolfwood at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (mtaK5)

33 "The Democrat Party can't "help" the middle class, because the middle class is where it gets all that money to redistribute from."

That says it. The next president could be elected building off that platform.

Might need to make it a catchy phrase,
like "hope and unchange",
or "change it back"

Posted by: Illiniwek at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (QJ7KL)

34 This thread needs more butthole.

Posted by: Your Dog at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (MNq6o)

35 When it comes to eruptions of pure nonsense, Schumer is the Mauna Kea of politics.

Posted by: 1bulwetweft at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (CzJOg)

36 26 Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (CMkNk)

Sure. The bourgeoisie, so hated by those who in America bleat about the plight of the middle class.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (oKE6c)

37 Is he positioning for VP 2016?

Not unless he is thinking Hillary won't be the nominee.

I think this is battlespace prep for Hillary,

Posted by: blaster at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (Rx8ML)

38 "Burn this bitch down" "Not appropriate at all."

Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (zwdxl)

Uh... also... not protected free speech, as he is inciting others to break the law.

Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (f0pWu)

39 IIRC, at the time they wouldn't shut up about how Obamacare would improve the economy, what with people now being free to quit their wage-slave jobs and take up making shitty art they can't sell for a living income.

Posted by: HR needs donuts at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (ZKzrr)

40 People were hurting and saying, 'What about me? I'm losing my job. It's not health care that bothers me. What about me?

See, this is a big difference between conservatives and liberals. Chuck says people were saying what about me? I was saying, what about my country?

Posted by: huerfano at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (bAGA/)

41 34 This thread needs more butthole.
Posted by: Your Dog at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (MNq6o)

It's already got Schumer. You want Pelosi too?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (oKE6c)

42 Obamacare?

Burn that bitch down....

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (wtvvX)

43 just about 5 percent of registered voters in the United States lacked health insurance before the implementation of the law
wow. moral urgency. not.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (N///B)

44 just about 5 percent of registered voters in the United States lacked health insurance before the implementation of the law
wow. moral urgency. not.

Posted by: joe-impeachin44 at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (N///B)

45 Why did you vote for it then Chucky?

Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (XzRw1)

46 Sodium pentathol is a hell of a drug.

Posted by: fluffy at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (Ua6T/)

47 Just reading this POS name gives me the skeeves.

What a waste of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.

Posted by: MikeH at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (84oau)

48 If I was in Ferguson I'd get out my shotgun

Posted by: Joe Biden, War Chief at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (q+zA9)

49 Saying this healthcare bill WAS an economic bill, as it would LOWER health care costs
Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf at November 25, 2014 01:17 PM

The truth is in the wording. They never said it would lower insurance costs, they determined how much doctors could charge which lowers that cost. Of course they don't mention the insanely high deductibles.

Posted by: Cicero Skip at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (FIrEF)

50 Well..., I prefer the term 'Bourgeoisie'.

Posted by: Barky the Marxist at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (F2IAQ)

51 47
Just reading this POS name gives me the skeeves.

What a waste of oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.

Posted by: MikeH at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (84oau)

And feces. Don't forget feces....

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (wtvvX)

52 About 85 percent of all Americans were fine with their health care in 2009, mainly because it was paid for by either the government or their employer, private sector.

Gee, if there had only been some segment of the national political discourse that pointed this out at the time.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (659DL)

53 Shot: "Despite the midterms, everybody knows that Big Government is exactly what's best for America."

Chaser: "The crown jewel of Big Government is a mistake, from its passage to its effect on the economy."

Posted by: AmishDude at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (L2xDv)

54 Yo

Jeb in 2016

Posted by: Jeb Bush 2016 at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (q+zA9)

55 This thread needs more butthole.

I don't mind the sun sometimes; the images it shows.

Posted by: HR needs donuts at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (ZKzrr)

56 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (CMkNk)

It's whatever they want it to mean. Just like their definition of the rich seems to change depending on the circumstances as well.

Posted by: Iasonas at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (D+yP5)

57 Uh... also... not protected free speech, as he is inciting others to break the law.

Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf

Might be where the phrase, "inciting a riot" comes from. Maybe. Hell, I dunno.

Posted by: Dang at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (MNq6o)

58 Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

The middle class is that class which envies the upper class and is envied by the lower class.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (XUKZU)

59 Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

Someone who does not qualify for government programs, but has to continue to work, because they are not independently wealthy?

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (1o80Z)

60 Uh... also... not protected free speech, as he is inciting others to break the law.
Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (f0pWu)

Don't worry, I'll get the Justice Dept. to investigate this right away...

Posted by: The Chinless Wonder at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (84oau)

61 50 Well..., I prefer the term 'Bourgeoisie'.
Posted by: Barky the Marxist at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (F2IAQ)

Goddamnit, how many times have I told you to keep our ideology on the down low? This is definitely going to adversely affect your next performance appraisal.

Posted by: George Soros at November 25, 2014 01:23 PM (oKE6c)

62 The slow realization that Obama did not usher in a new Democrat majority is finally seeping in. The Obama coalition was just that - an Obama coalition the congealed due to an amazing confluence of events.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:23 PM (gmeXX)

63 I saw sunburned butth0le open up for the skanks at the Salt Palace in 79

Posted by: Jeb Bush 2016 at November 25, 2014 01:23 PM (q+zA9)

64 Chuckie is correct if a few minor corrections are made --

Democrats want to help [themselves to] the middle class ['s paychecks and savings].

Posted by: GnuBreed at November 25, 2014 01:23 PM (uojE1)

65 wrong wrong wrong. By having your health coverage guaranteed, you can lose your job and still be pushed into Medicaid. A middle class win all around.

Posted by: mallfly at November 25, 2014 01:24 PM (bJm7W)

66 Hey Chuck, you mad brah?

Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:24 PM (XzRw1)

67 That's it. I'm going to challenge Schumer in the Democrat primary.

Please do; I'll send you some money.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 25, 2014 01:24 PM (RZlSA)

68 >>>>and doesn't have -- unless he's insane -- any delusions about one day being president.

He's going for Dem Leadership

Posted by: Bigby's Full Hands at November 25, 2014 01:24 PM (3ZtZW)

69 >>> I don't mind the sun sometimes; the images it shows.

I can taste you on my lips & smell you in my clothes.

Radish, I had no eye deer.

Posted by: fluffy at November 25, 2014 01:24 PM (Ua6T/)

70 Before long, I think we're going to see a schism in the DNC similar to the current GOPe / Tea Party rift.

Schumer's many things ... but not a fool. I think he's detecting a change in the political winds.

Posted by: ScoggDog at November 25, 2014 01:24 PM (j8aRL)

And yet at Weasel Zippers and in the sidebar:

Chuck Schumer: Democrats Must Embrace Big Government To Win In 2016

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (CMkNk)

72 Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

Neither wealthy nor poor enough to be clients of the democrat party?

Posted by: Methos at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (A6vWB)

73 "This thread needs more butthole"

Umm, didn't think it was a music thread but:

Butthole Surfers Pepper.

Posted by: MikeH at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (84oau)

74 45
Why did you vote for it then Chucky?

Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (XzRw1)

Mistakes were made by those who voted for it. And I for one am incensed about it!

Posted by: Chuck Schumer at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (oKE6c)

75 I saw sunburned butth0le open up for the skanks at the Salt Palace in 79

Posted by: Jeb Bush 2016 at November 25, 2014 01:23 PM

The Skanks still had their original drummer in '79, not that limp wristed dude they toured with in '81

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (2Ayux)

76 Basically Ol Chuck You Schumer doesn't give a flying buffalo chip about the American voter--other than as pod of dolts and morons to manipulate to keep the Dems in power.

Well Chucky, let me return the favor--I can only count on Divine Providence to give you what's coming to you--but I'd suggest you pack some asbestos underwear when you go--you're going to need it.

Posted by: Comanche Voter at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (wdHk6)

77 Positioning himself to replace Reid. Yay. 'Cause America really needs to hear more from this guy.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (nFdGS)

78 ... And the middle class.

Posted by: wooga at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (s2jhz)

79 BTW, Al D'Amato was right.

What a putzhead.

Posted by: AmishDude at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (L2xDv)

80 72 Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"
Neither wealthy nor poor enough to be clients of the democrat party?
Posted by: Methos at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (A6vWB)

Close. An operational definition would be those preyed upon by the Democrat Party.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (oKE6c)

81 If he thinks Obamacare has brought the Democratic party down, wait until immigration finally sinks in.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (gmeXX)

82 36 Sure. The bourgeoisie, so hated by those who in America bleat about the plight of the middle class.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:19 PM (oKE6c)

I was asking it rhetorically because there is no such thing as a "middle class." It's a Marxist term. There are no classes in American society. People are constantly moving up and down the income ladder every day.

Yes, I know, not so much today.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (CMkNk)

83 But, J.J. Please don't expect me to bankroll your campaign. I'm no fabulously wealthy evil Koch brother-just a fed up registered Democrat too

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (RZlSA)

84 just about 5 percent of registered voters in the United States lacked health insurance before the implementation of the law

Which, interestingly, is right around the amount of voter fraud we've been able to identify.

Dems tell us that voter fraud isn't an issue at all. Why, then, is 5% of Americans not having insurance?

Posted by: Washington Nearsider, Keeper of the Guards, returned from 1080 exile at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (fwARV)

85 We have nothing to fear with Barack Obama in the white house

Posted by: John McCain at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (LoIJo)

86 This is surprising. Schumer is a safe senator from deep blue New York and doesn't have -- unless he's insane -- any delusions about one day being president.

Every Senator thinks he can be President.

Posted by: Jean at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (/ijpd)

87 I don't mind the sun sometimes; the images it shows.

Posted by: HR needs donuts at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM


Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (knoK7)

88 Well..., I prefer the term 'Bourgeoisie'.
Posted by: Barky the Marxist at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (F2IAQ)

When did "Kulak" go out of style?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (8ZskC)

89 I denounce myself for being represented by that crapweasle Schumer. I also denounce the Republicans for not even bothering to challenge this tool.

Posted by: Iblis at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (9221z)

90 I still find the President's comment last night that we are a nation of laws hugely ironic.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (F2IAQ)

91 >>>Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (f0pWu)

But you keep blowing houses down, ya hypocrite

Posted by: Bigby's Full Hands at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (3ZtZW)

92 71
And yet at Weasel Zippers and in the sidebar:

Chuck Schumer: Democrats Must Embrace To Win In 2016
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (CMkNk)

eww, get away Chuckie, I'll call Rape by Fraud, cause you're the biggest fraud there is...

Posted by: Big Government at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (84oau)

Schumer Lied. Cornrows died.

Sefton '16. Putting the "D" back in Democracy.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (CMkNk)

94 what recession?

i thought tsunami and global warming caused all that?
and since Obama was elected unemployment has hit new lows because oceans rise and hope prevails?

Posted by: willow at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (nqBYe)


Wow, interesting video:

George Stephenopolous actually asks Obama a tough question: could a future Republican president do what you did, but with regard to (for example) capital gains taxes? Say "I'm not going to prosecute those who don't pay them"?

Obama has an completely incoherent answer.

The first class intellect.

Posted by: dan-O at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (D0bIN)

96 Wait. Wait. This reads like TFG violated one of the primary rules of modern American politics. Never get between Chuck Schumer and a microphone.

Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (mf5HN)

97 Being an upstate resident, Schumer is the one person I almost despise more than El Jefe.


And you don't really have to be a NY resident now that I think more about it.

Posted by: Mrs. Ida Lowry at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (8N+Kq)

98 you know after 7 beers I'm pretty hot.

Not like those Palin skanks

Posted by: Carol Costello at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (q+zA9)

99 "Burn this bitch down" "Not appropriate at all."

Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (zwdxl)

Uh... also... not protected free speech, as he is inciting others to break the law.


Prosecutorial Discretion for the win, bitchez!

Posted by: Eric Holder at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (zwdxl)

100 A wee bit O/ anyone else seeing ads in Espanol? Every single ad I am getting is in Spanish.


Posted by: Gov. Kasich (R-OH) former talk show host on Fox News at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (0LHZx)

101 The Democrats have been trying to nationalize health care since FDR was dictator. And they finally got it and like FDR, they destroyed it.

And Chucky is dumber than a post. He could only be elected in NY which is not the same NY I knew in the early 70s. We used to say NYC is dragging the rest of the State down. Now I am sure the people in upstate where I used to live are saying the State is dragging us down. That is they haven't bailed out yet.

Posted by: Vic at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (u9gzs)

Schumer is helping Hillary! That's all this is about. It's not navel-gazing, or true heartfelt regret for duping the American public.

It's about making Hillary! look good by trashing Obama.

So while I enjoy reading stuff like this, I shiver because there's a long game that I don't like behind it.

Posted by: MacGruber at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (sgrzZ)

103 Iblis: I'll trade you our idiot Al Franken.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (R5UOB)

104 And so, last set of elections done with, begins the setting up of the Democrat challenger to run against Obama's legacy in 2016. It will be someone who can promise to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, close down Gitmo, legalize marijuana, and have an open and accountable government without an imperial presidency. They'll even repeal Obamacare, if they must. Just give them the reins, and a supermajority in Congress, and they'll do it, they swear.
Posted by: Wolfwood

1.Obama is probably not going to rebound in the polls.
2. The future of the dems isn't him anyway.
3. Jon Gruber victory laps came out before SCOTUS decides on the subsidies via the Federal governtment.
4. Chuckles will be in the minority by the time it is decided.
5. he'll need rethuglickkkkkkkans to "fix" it. Failing that, he's now on record when it falldowngoboooom!

So it's safe for him to pretend that he's having secod thoughts. I wouldn't trust him here.

Posted by: Sen mary landreiu (D-endangered species) at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (Spluw)

105 95 Posted by: dan-O at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (D0bIN)

Yes, but the midget Greek never followed up. He just let SCOAMF obfuscate.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (CMkNk)

106 "The Democrat Party can't "help" the middle class, because the middle class is where it gets all that money to redistribute from."

This really can't be said enough.

The "rich" - 3+ trillion in combined assets and rising.

The middle class - over 70 trillion in combined assets and falling.

Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (xSCb6)

107 That's it. I'm going to challenge Schumer in the Democrat primary.


I think he is starting to realize that immigration is not playing well - even in his district - and he is starting the process of trying to rebuild his support. He can't go after immigration directly (for now), so he does the next best thing to reach out to the middle class voters that he will need.

But I suspect in the end, he will turn against Obama's immigration action.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (gmeXX)

108 George Stephenopolous is only preparing the way for Hillary!

Posted by: willow at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (nqBYe)

109 The Obama coalition was just that - an Obama coalition the congealed due to an amazing confluence of events.

Congealed is the perfect word for that pond scum of limo libs, grievance mongers and professional victims.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (8ZskC)

<i>The whole eff'n thing shut down waiting to figure out how Obamacare would affect them.</i>

Pretty much exactly what I said to a coworker at the time (big dem). her husband owned a business and she just sort of shook her head in agreement. But she still voted dem.

Posted by: Lea at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (lIU4e)

111 This is pretty cool.

my undies smell like pooner, maybe should do a story on that

Posted by: Carol Costello at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (q+zA9)

112 91 >>>Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf at November 25, 2014 01:20 PM (f0pWu)

But you keep blowing houses down, ya hypocrite

Posted by: Bigby's Full Hands at November 25, 2014 01:27 PM (3ZtZW)

Yeah.... but the cops got me on premeditation.... shouldn't have ever TOLD them I was gonna huff, and puff...

Took it from Pig Slaughter, to Murder 1....

Posted by: The Big Bad Wolf (fomerly Romeo13) at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (f0pWu)

113 I was asking it rhetorically because there is no such thing as a "middle class." It's a Marxist term. There are no classes in American society. People are constantly moving up and down the income ladder every day.
Yes, I know, not so much today.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:26 PM (CMkNk)

I knew you were. I was just pointing out that the perennial bete noire of Marxists is the bourgeoisie, whereas American Marxists (e.g., Fauxcahontas) express their sympathy and support for the middle class. Some Red taqqiya right there.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (oKE6c)

114 98 you know after 7 beers I'm pretty hot.

Not like those Palin skanks
Posted by: Carol Costello at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (q+zA9)

Hey ABBOTT!!!!!!!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (CMkNk)

115 The "middle class" are those boring white people in the boring suburbs with their boring lives.

Sometimes their asian, too. But mostly it's icky white people

White people are the worst, right?

Posted by: Progressive Trash Ruling Class at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (zwdxl)

116 "The health care law should have come later, Schumer argued, after Democrats had passed legislation to help the middle class weather the recession."

No you fucking asshole, you can't pass legislation to help the middle class weather the recession. If you could, then there would never be any recessions. The business cycle NEEDS recessions. You can't have never ending growth. And part of the effects of the recession MUST BE middle class gets hurt.

And this isn't just Shumer. Every fucking politician talks like this.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (0LHZx)

117 This is surprising. Schumer is a safe senator from deep blue New York and doesn't have -- unless he's insane -- any delusions about one day being president.


I'm not sure he is as safe as CW leads us to believe.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (gmeXX)

118 100 A wee bit O/ anyone else seeing ads in Espanol? Every single ad I am getting is in Spanish.

Posted by: Gov. Kasich (R-OH) former talk show host on Fox News at November 25, 2014 01:28 PM (0LHZx)

Usted es un chinga tu madre.

Posted by: MikeH at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (84oau)

119 "Burn this bitch down" "Not appropriate at all."

Posted by: Costanza Defense

Civil action from owners of burned up shops?

A guy can dream, can't he?

Posted by: Dang at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (MNq6o)

120 >>>Being an upstate resident, Schumer is the one person I almost despise more than El Jefe.

I like it when Schumer comes up for St Pat's parades and we all kinda sneer at him. He's oblivious, just runs back and forth saying Hey how are ya? Happy St Pattys! He looks worse in person.

Posted by: Bigby's Full Hands at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (3ZtZW)

121 The Democrat Party can't "help" the middle class, because the middle class is where it gets all that money to redistribute from."

Except the way a Judas goat helps the other goats.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (XUKZU)

122 I can work with Chuck

Posted by: Arlen Specter at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (q+zA9)

Actually, it should be:

"Sefton for Senate. Putting the "D" back in New York.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (CMkNk)

124 Until they start making real efforts to dismantle and repeal very this bad law, screw every one of them.

Posted by: navybrat at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (JgC5a)

125 Fixing an non existent problems is what they do best just behind earmarks for money.
Now they do have a problem to fix. But because they made it they are incapable of fixing it.

They wrecked the medical field because a few per percent needed assistance. Not unlike PC where they wreck a society for the 2%. In the back ground of all this was the liberals insatiable totalitarian desire to control everything. They yield to that temptation.

Where are the life boats?

Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (WNERA)

126 59 Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

Someone who does not qualify for government programs, but has to continue to work, because they are not independently wealthy?

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:22 PM (1o80Z)

I don't know if this is a definition, but to me middle class people are gainfully employed or own a small business, and earn enough to be able to buy things they want rather than need. Contrast with a lower working class person who lives paycheck to paycheck and has a hard time getting ahead.

These people tend to be independent and favor small government. Therefore they must be crushed.

Posted by: rickl at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (zoehZ)

Hmmmmmmm,,, I kinda' like the way he's thinking....

Hillary!/Chuck 16'

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (HSmrB)

But JJ, nearly everyone considers himself middle class. That's why the gambit works. People you would think of as poor and people you would think of as rich think of themselves as middle class.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (JtwS4)

129 The "middle class" are those boring white people in the boring suburbs with their boring lives.

They all have SUVs. Never forget the SUVs.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (8ZskC)

130 And yet at Weasel Zippers and in the sidebar: Chuck Schumer: Democrats Must Embrace Big Government To Win In 2016
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:25 PM (CMkNk)


Democrats cannot be trusted with anything. They're all corrupted with the marxist mentality. Every. One. Of. Them.

Posted by: Soona at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (NXjgq)

131 122 I can work with Chuck
Posted by: Arlen Specter at November 25, 2014 01:31 PM (q+zA9)

I wish you would, Arlen. From exactly where you are now.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (CMkNk)

Schumer said he told fellow Democrats in the lead-up to the passage of the Affordable Care Act that it was the wrong time to pass the law.

Funny, I don't recall that slimy commie fucktard saying anything close to that during the debate for JEFCare.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (TIIx5)

133 so Mister Shumer, do you believe the couple thousand EO's (new regs ) coming down from Messiah on High will Help the economy?

Posted by: willow at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (nqBYe)

134 68 >>>>and doesn't have -- unless he's insane -- any delusions about one day being president.

He's going for Dem Leadership
Posted by: Bigby's Full Hands at November 25, 2014 01:24 PM (3ZtZW)

Then he's also insane because the Senate Dem leadership has always been a soft-spoken (alleged) pedophile. Seriously, Daschle and Reid were specifically chosen for their moderate tone, to mask the hardcore weirdos who really run the party.

Schumer is smarmy. And he looks like a vampire. He's also tried to ban almost everything in America -- he's got sleazy trial lawyer down to the bone. Dimwit Durbin ain't any better for them either. I think they're stuck with Reid.

No, what Schumer is doing is suing for compromise. Remember Ron Johnson saying, what yesterday?, that it was too late to repeal Obamacare?

Yep. They want a "bipartisan fix". They need it. Schumer's going to be fighting with Obamacare on his back for a couple of decades. Barack's going to be lounging in Hawaii or jetting to Europe.

Posted by: AmishDude at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (L2xDv)

135 "Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

You, your mom, your best friend, your siblings and children. Do you like your boss? Then him too.

Posted by: Chris_Balsz at November 25, 2014 01:33 PM (pYEaj)

136 Iblis: I'll trade you our idiot Al Franken.
Posted by: Foghorn

I'm pretty sure it is legal to shoot anyone named Schumer or Franken found crossing the border into NC. I may be mistaken...

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:33 PM (F2IAQ)

137 The only 'D' in NY was played by the Bills last night.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:33 PM (R5UOB)

138 110 <i>The whole eff'n thing shut down waiting to figure out how Obamacare would affect them.</i>

Pretty much exactly what I said to a coworker at the time (big dem). her husband owned a business and she just sort of shook her head in agreement. But she still voted dem.
Posted by: Lea at November 25, 2014 01:30 PM (lIU4e)

Nothing, but nothing, makes businessmen hunker down quite like uncertainty. I explained to my older son: "Suppose you picked up an item at a store, but didn't know what it cost until you got to the checkout counter, but once there, you had to go through with the transaction regardless? Would you pick up the item, or hold that thought?"

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:33 PM (oKE6c)

139 Middle Class = you worry about money

Upper class doesn't worry about money because they have a lot of it.

Lower class doesn't worry about money because they get everything the need from Uncle Barrack

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:33 PM (0LHZx)

140 Iblis: I'll trade you our idiot Al Franken.
Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (R5UOB)

Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.

Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (mf5HN)

141 Schumer talking about having fcuked-up priorities is like the scorpion talking about venom.

Posted by: Roy at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (TA0uC)

142 I can work with Chuck

Posted by: Arlen Specter

I tried, and my sphincter still hasn't fully recovered.

Posted by: Marco Rubio at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (8ZskC)

143 that wasn't "health care reform" - that was health care insurance reform.

Posted by: Waldo at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (M1MpJ)

144 can you believe I could not find a free goat in Ferguson last night ?

Posted by: Abdi Husain Mohamad at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (q+zA9)

145 >>> 98 you know after 7 beers I'm pretty hot. wet
Posted by: Carol Costello


Posted by: fluffy at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (Ua6T/)

146 I'm a Republican, but I have a great deal of respect for Sen. Schumer and his efforts to help middle class families.

I'm sure the president wanted to end the Bush recession sooner in addition to providing relief for the uninsured, but it was difficult with the extremists opposing him at every turn.

Posted by: Susan Olivia Cuthbertson-Klein at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (Ks4nX)

147 Hillary would have to change her state of residence to run with Chuck.

Posted by: blaster at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (Rx8ML)

I'll give him credit for his thoughts, because IMO the Dems lost both the house and the senate because of obamacare. One of them recognizes that fact.

He is still a world class SOB however.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (NtzGn)

149 Iblis: I'll trade you our idiot Al Franken. Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (R5UOB) Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.
Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands

The nation got stuck with Delaware's own Joe Biden

I win.

Posted by: Blue Hen at November 25, 2014 01:35 PM (Spluw)

150 What can I get for a Dan Coats ? Indiana Senator, staunchly GOPe ... any takers ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at November 25, 2014 01:35 PM (j8aRL)

151 Middle Class = you worry about money

Upper class doesn't worry about money because they have a lot of it.

Lower class doesn't worry about money because they get everything the need from Uncle Barrack

That's a pretty damn good definition.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 25, 2014 01:35 PM (XUKZU)

152 The "middle class" are those boring white people in the boring suburbs with their boring lives.

Also own homes, have families, pay taxes. You know, the things that lend stability to society. They are inconvenient to Marxists.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:36 PM (F2IAQ)

153 147 Hillary would have to change her state of residence to run with Chuck.
Posted by: blaster at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (Rx8ML)


You'd be right if Democrats actually gave a fuck about pesky things like laws.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:36 PM (0LHZx)

154 Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.

Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (mf5HN)

I have a Cory Booker and Bob Menendez

Posted by: MikeH at November 25, 2014 01:36 PM (84oau)

155 143 that wasn't "health care reform" - that was health care insurance reform.
Posted by: Waldo at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (M1MpJ)


Bingo. and Income redistribution

Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 01:36 PM (WNERA)

156 Hillary would have to change her state of residence to run with Chuck.

And stop being a Yankees fan?

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 25, 2014 01:36 PM (XUKZU)

157 I was asking it rhetorically because there is no such thing as a "middle class." It's a Marxist term.

It's used a lot today by politicians who want people who self-classify as middle class to think the pol cares about them. I think the term actually does have meanings in other contexts. I mean you could just define it to be the middle third of income earners (I might argue that you have to discard the unemployed for that method to matter). As a general thing, I think it tends to mean small business owners, and those of similar means/responsibilities (so the manager of a McDonalds or a bank, but not the janitor or a teller, and for examples the unions pushed various positions up the pay scale at the expense of everyone else).

Though the definition earlier (Lower=live on government handouts, Upper=family money so you don't have to work/success to the point your children won't, Middle=everyone else) works, too.

Posted by: Methos at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (A6vWB)

158 I don't know if this is a definition, but to me middle class people are gainfully employed or own a small business, and earn enough to be able to buy things they want rather than need. Contrast with a lower working class person who lives paycheck to paycheck and has a hard time getting ahead. These people tend to be independent and favor small government. Therefore they must be crushed.
Posted by: rickl at November 25, 2014 01:32 PM (zoehZ)


Don't forget "upwardly mobile". Upward mobility threatens the elites. It's one of the reasons the GOPe hates the Tea Party. The Tea Party movement consists mostly of upwardly mobile people.

Elitist standards must be maintained. The ivy league privilege must be preserved.

Posted by: Soona at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (NXjgq)

159 >>>>Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"

Give Paul Fussell's Class a read. Its not a money thing but a type of work thing.

Briefly and badly: Upper class inherits at least part of their wealth, others earn it. Lower classes generally work more dangerous jobs, but can earn money that rivals or surpasses middle class income, example: a Civil Servant versus a Roughneck.

Posted by: Bigby's Full Hands at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (3ZtZW)

160 Well Schumer is a fool and four years late, but at least he's figuring it out. That's something many Democrat voters, politicians, and pundits seem unable to grok so far.

I'm STILL hearing the "well people were sick of obstruction" from the left. Its their favorite Jon Stewart-approved talking point, its all the rage on the lefty blogs, but its so stupidly wrong I am confused anyone could be that idiotic.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (39g3+)

161 I'll keep Cruz. Faced with Schumer or Biden I'll even keep cornyn

Posted by: ThunderB at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (oLknI)

162 Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.

Posted by: alex

Marion Barry is off the table...

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (F2IAQ)

163 One thing we know for sure, Chuck Schumer is a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

Posted by: Gristle Encased Head at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (+lsX1)

164 I'll give him credit for his thoughts, because IMO the Dems lost both the house and the senate because of obamacare. One of them recognizes that fact.


Schumer strikes me as an old school politician. He can sense when the electorate is pulling against him. He was more than willing to push it to the left (which is where he naturally wants it to go), but in the end he wants the senatorial power to. And he does not want to be a sacrificial lamb at the alter of Obama. The political winds have switch, and Schumer recognizes that. He has two years to get his ship oriented right so as to not get caught in the storm. I think this is his first move. He can probably hold on, but he will have to take positions that 2 years ago he wouldn't have taken.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:37 PM (gmeXX)

165 If Schumer were sincere he'd tell the enviro nuts to go fuck themselves and let America get back to work....

he's not serious he is just at the "pleading" stage of the grieving process.

Posted by: sven10077 at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (/4AZU)

147 Hillary would have to change her state of residence to run with Chuck.

Posted by: blaster at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (Rx8ML)


Not a problem,,

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (HSmrB)

167 Oh sure, it's safe now to say it's a POS because they have no intention of getting rid of it. One more turn of the screw.

Posted by: dogfish at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (1vYi0)

168 140 alexthechick

Is it any wonder Reid and Pelosi lead this bunch of misfits?

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (R5UOB)

169 Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.
Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (mf5HN)

I've got a royal flush, and I do mean flush: Feinstein and Boxer. One hopelessly corrupt, the other with the approximate IQ of a rutabaga. When we start trading, the rest of you will have to thrown in some future draft choices if you want to cut a deal with me.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (oKE6c)

170 Bingo. and Income redistribution
Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 01:36 PM (WNERA)



After all the bullshit the end result for me is I pay about $2500 more a year for the same insurance I had before. John Roberts was 100% correct. It is a tax. Thanks to Obamacare I pay an extra $2500 a year in taxes.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (0LHZx)

171 Electing Barry was the mistake. Everything after that was just part of his commie plan to tear the country down

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 25, 2014 01:39 PM (1Jaio)

172 So, mom beat grandma with a lead pipe and then told the mob last night to "burn the place down" which sent them off to do just that.

Posted by: The Progs at November 25, 2014 01:39 PM (iQIUe)

173 I had Ted Kennedy & John F'in Kerry.

Now I have Liarwatha & Ed Markey.

** drops mic **

Posted by: fluffy at November 25, 2014 01:39 PM (Ua6T/)

174 Brilliant analysis SH. Wish I would have thought of it.

Posted by: ScoggDog at November 25, 2014 01:39 PM (j8aRL)

175 162 Mike Hammer

.... and in the box

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:39 PM (R5UOB)

176 I have a Cory Booker and Bob Menendez

I have a rode-hard-put-up-wet, worn out Wendy Davis that needs work. Free!

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:39 PM (1o80Z)

177 Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians. Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (mf5HN)


I ain't swapping any of my OK politicians. They're mine, mine! MINE!

Posted by: Soona at November 25, 2014 01:39 PM (NXjgq)

178 The bottom line for someone like Schumer - Should have had more stimulus before pushing for single payer.

Sure these parasites have regrets. Regrets that they didn't latch on to a bigger tit.

I may also have trouble with metaphors.

Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (xSCb6)

179 This whole Ferguson shooting was covered in Chicago:

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun,
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun
for the gun.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (zwdxl)

180 I'll swap Hagan for Gowdy, throw in some UNC football players too.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (F2IAQ)

181 Schumer would rather pall around with communists.

Dick Durban literally does so:

Posted by: The Political Beret at November 25, 2014 01:16 PM (lN8KC)

There are a lot of vile scumbags in Congress but that rat bastard may be one of the worst

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (1Jaio)

Passing ObamaCare Instead of Dealing With the Recession Was a Mistake
For some reason I can't believe you would have done any better with the recession, Chuck.

Posted by: wth at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (wAQA5)

183 There are only a few folks I would be willing to serve time for the crime of endi g their consumption of oxygen.

Two are ex-wives.

One is Chuck E. Shumer.

Posted by: Sharkman at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (AaKMo)

184 I know a lot of "middle class" types. A lot of them are Dem. A lot of them will vote for big gov't and tax increases because school budgets or something. A lot of them work or have a loved one who works for the gov't so they vote for big gov't. Or they are LIVs/NIVs and vote for what their friends or the MSM tells them to vote for.

In a sane world, no "middle class" (i.e. someone who pays taxes, owns a home, runs a business, lives in the 'burbs, that sort of thing) person would ever, ever vote D.

But here we are.

Posted by: Iasonas at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (D+yP5)

185 Some good news, at least compar4d to all the other news, Natalie Dubose's Cake Store was vandalized and looted but not burned out. She's back in business. At least until tonight.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (XUKZU)

186 I have Menendez and Booker too. I wouldn't call them idiots. Booker is a self aggrandizing Obama clone with a higher level of charisma and Menendez is a straight out crook but slick. The "idiots" include that dreadful woman who yells at her aids and generally acts like a jack** Shelia Jackson Lee? I have to admit I;d rather have Booker than Lee.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (RZlSA)

187 Ferguson the Musical:

Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun,the gun
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun.

Posted by: Costanza Defense at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (zwdxl)

188 It's nice to hear Schumer lament his decisions, but to point out the obvious: it wouldn't have mattered.

Whether liberals "pivot" towards the economy, defense, healthcare, foreign policy - what difference does it make? The screw up whatever they touch. Chuck Schumer couldn't run a bodega. He knows more about particle physics than he does about economics.

Posted by: RobM1981 at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (zurJC)

189 169 Jay G

Oh yeah? My governor can out idiot your governor!

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (R5UOB)

190 Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians. Posted by: alexthechick

You can't have any of mine either.

Posted by: dogfish at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (1vYi0)

191 What can I get for a Dan Coats ? Indiana Senator, staunchly GOPe ... any takers ?

It's bad enough we have a Donnelly, I don't want to get stuck with a Mikulski too.

Posted by: HR needs donuts at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (ZKzrr)

192 .... and in the box
Posted by: Foghorn

Hey! Don't queer the deal.
Besides, that's a bonus.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (F2IAQ)

193 I've got a royal flush, and I do mean flush: Feinstein and Boxer. One hopelessly corrupt, the other with the approximate IQ of a rutabaga.

When we start trading, the rest of you will have to thrown in some future draft choices if you want to cut a deal with me.
Posted by: Jay Guevara

Or bypass you completely.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (1o80Z)

194 but he will have to take positions that 2 years ago he wouldn't have taken.
Posted by: SH

Not at all. he may very well espouse different positions. I doubt that he'd do anything to reverse anything. Remember what he said all throughout the "gang of 8" bullshit. he cares only about winning. This is the same asshole caught on a live mike telling fellow dems to lie ad play the race and class card during the run up to obamacare.

He doesn't HAVE to do anything. He's in a safe seat; he's the one best placed to speak one way and do another.

Posted by: Blue Hen at November 25, 2014 01:42 PM (Spluw)

195 Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.
Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM

Anyone can have our Lieawatha and Markey. No swap necessary. Hell, we'll pay you to come and remove them.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 25, 2014 01:42 PM (knoK7)

196 He knows more about particle physics than he does about economics. Posted by: RobM1981

Do you have a newsletter?

Posted by: dogfish at November 25, 2014 01:42 PM (1vYi0)

197 Levin & Stabenaw

(mic drop)

Posted by: AltonJackson at November 25, 2014 01:42 PM (2Ayux)

Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.
I'll trade my Boxer and Feinstein for...well, almost anything.

Posted by: wth at November 25, 2014 01:43 PM (wAQA5)

199 Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (F2IAQ)

No, No this is not fair, Mike. You're not allowed a much better politician. You have to pick one that is slightly less stupid or corrupt than ones you now have or stay with your lesser crook or dolt..

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 25, 2014 01:43 PM (RZlSA)

200 184 I know a lot of "middle class" types. A lot of them are Dem. A lot of them will vote for big gov't and tax increases because school budgets or something. A lot of them work or have a loved one who works for the gov't so they vote for big gov't. Or they are LIVs/NIVs and vote for what their friends or the MSM tells them to vote for.

Posted by: Iasonas at November 25, 2014 01:40 PM (D+yP5)


So in WA state we had a ballot initiative to raise taxes - by a LOT - in order guessed more schools to help the children.

So I know this couple through my kids. Their kids are friends with my kids and over the years we've become pretty good friends as well. We've had discussions on how fucked up it is that govt wastes so much money, taxes are too high, etc.

So I was literally jaw dropping shocked when I saw that the better 1/2 of this couple had all this shit on her Facebook page about how important it is to vote for this initiative.

Some people....I just don't get their thinking and never will.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:44 PM (0LHZx)

201 I've got a royal flush, and I do mean flush: Feinstein and Boxer. One hopelessly corrupt, the other with the approximate IQ of a rutabaga.

Trade ya Senator McCain and an idiot to be named later.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 01:44 PM (39g3+)

Iblis: I'll trade you our idiot Al Franken.
Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:29 PM (R5UOB)

Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians.

Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:34 PM (mf5HN)

No takers on Feinstein and Boxer? C'mon!

Hell, I'm an enthusiastic heterosexual and I might even consider throwing in a blowjob or two. But you'd have to put something big on the table.

Errrr, let me rephrase that.......

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 25, 2014 01:44 PM (TIIx5)

203 Not at all. he may very well espouse different positions. I doubt that he'd do anything to reverse anything. Remember what he said all throughout the "gang of 8" bullshit. he cares only about winning. This is the same asshole caught on a live mike telling fellow dems to lie ad play the race and class card during the run up to obamacare.

He doesn't HAVE to do anything. He's in a safe seat; he's the one best placed to speak one way and do another.


BH - When I said take different positions, I meant espouse. I'm not sure I agree with you he is in a completely safe seat. Safe in that yes he can probably hold on, but not safe enough to continue to support Obamacare and Obama's actions on immigration. He will probably have to deviate on one or both of those at least in his public statements to hold on.

I don't live in NY - but I cannot imagine that Obama's actions on immigration are very popular with that portion of the electorate who are probably equally ticked off about Obamacare. And right now that portion is 60%.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:45 PM (gmeXX)

204 No, No this is not fair, Mike. You're not allowed a much better politician. You have to pick one that is slightly less stupid or corrupt than ones you now have or stay with your lesser crook or dolt..
Posted by: Fenelon

Wait..., there are rules?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at November 25, 2014 01:45 PM (F2IAQ)

205 Second time today I've seen the "uninsured" problem tabbed at somewhere around 15 million people. Earlier it was Juan Williams extoling the virtues of Obamacare and saying that the 3 million newly covered is a 25% reduction.

So the REAL number is /was around 12-15 million people without insurance (which studies have shown does not affect health outcomes at all).

Which is really odd, because we were all screamed at about the horrific third world country the US was becoming with all those 46 million uninsured.

Don't believe me ? See politifact circa 2012:

Posted by: deadrody at November 25, 2014 01:45 PM (W15tP)

206 189 169 Jay G
Oh yeah? My governor can out idiot your governor!
Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (R5UOB)

Awright, I'll call you. I've got a half-unhinged heterosexual wannabe recycled lefty from the 70s. What have you got?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:45 PM (oKE6c)

207 Franken and Klobuchar. With Mark (Mumbles) Dayton and as Guv.

Between them there are 2 bra's, 1 penis, 65 prescription meds, and a total IQ of 85.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (R5UOB)

208 When you have your head up your ass like Schumer, hind sight is almost always 20-20.

Posted by: Fritz at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (UzPAd)

209 giving the stimulus to the least productive was obviously a mistake too. you get more of what you reward.

Posted by: X at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (KHo8t)

210 >>> Anyone can have our Lieawatha and Markey. No swap necessary. Hell, we'll pay you to come and remove them.

We could team up to get rid of Markey. You distract him by shaking his hand and telling how smart he is. I'll replace the note pinned to his collar so he won't find his way home.

Posted by: fluffy at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (Ua6T/)

211 I've got a royal flush, and I do mean flush: Feinstein and Boxer. One hopelessly corrupt, the other with the approximate IQ of a rutabaga. When we start trading, the rest of you will have to thrown in some future draft choices if you want to cut a deal with me.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (oKE6c)

Ohhhh that is a hand that's difficult to beat. Booker and Menendez is right up there though.

Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (mf5HN)

212 Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:44 PM (0LHZx)

A lot of people are still convinced that more $ = better schools.

Unfortunately, they don't read the stats of money spent per pupil compared to results.

It's like that old canard you hear from Dems and LIVs/NIVs, "I don't mind paying taxes because it keeps the roads paved."

They're too blind too look outside and see all the potholes. They're too LIV/NIV to conclude that the money isn't going to what it's supposed to go too.

Posted by: Iasonas at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (D+yP5)

213 Which is really odd, because we were all screamed at about the horrific third world country the US was becoming with all those 46 million uninsured.

Don't believe me ? See politifact circa 2012:
Posted by: deadrody at November 25, 2014 01:45 PM (W15tP)


Subtract 30 million illegals and you get the actual number of 15M.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (0LHZx)

214 Do I hear a bid for Boxer? We will throw in Feinstein for free. You just have to call her Senator because you know she 'earned' it.

I would say truthfully from my point of view she grubered her way to senator.

Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 01:47 PM (WNERA)

215 Regarding Juan Williams, do other people doubt the sincerity of his comments? I get the feeling he is playing a part to earn a Fox paycheck.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:47 PM (gmeXX)

216 No takers on Feinstein and Boxer? C'mon!

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 25, 2014 01:44 PM (TIIx5)

I didn't expect any. Now I know how a Love Canal realtor felt.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:47 PM (oKE6c)

217 So he'll vote to repeal then, huh? Uh-huh.

This of course has nothing to do with Chuckles having a change of heart, or a sudden conviction of what a moral, fiscal, and constitutional mess the whole Obamacare debacle is. It's more of a reptilian political calculation, as he realizes what a fiasco 404Care has become for his side, and is trying to maneuver his party out of the minefield.

I suspect that this presages him forming a "gang" with the likes of the Maverick and Miss Lindsey to "fix health care" or some such bullshit.

Posted by: Stu-22 at November 25, 2014 01:47 PM (vd4oB)

218 Tell y'all what, I'll trade Johnny Isakson and a Senator to be named later for your Dems. You get two RINOs and we (Georgia) replace the traded for Dems with two new RINOs in the next two elections.

Posted by: Country Singer at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (8hctH)

I've got a royal flush, and I do mean flush: Feinstein and Boxer. One hopelessly corrupt, the other with the approximate IQ of a rutabaga.

Trade ya Senator McCain and an idiot to be named later.
*makes quick calculations which might die first* Er... OK?

Posted by: wth at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (wAQA5)

220 Unless he's advocating for repeal of Obamacare this is meaningless.
You can't get off the hook for Obamacare that easily, Chuckie!!


Posted by: Lizzy at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (ABcz/)

221 Noted street fighter Ezra Klein finds DW's testimony about MB "unbelievable".

Posted by: B at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (rm2L3)

Whether liberals "pivot" towards the economy, defense, healthcare, foreign policy - what difference does it make? The screw up whatever they touch. Chuck Schumer couldn't run a bodega. He knows more about particle physics than he does about economics.

Posted by: RobM1981 at November 25, 2014 01:41 PM (zurJC)

Or as one of Teh Horde once snarked "leftist couldn't make a bowl of cold cereal without it bursting into flames"

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (TIIx5)

223 Tough to be DiFi and Boxer. Jeez ... if you live in Queen of the Flying Monkey's district as well - I'd say that's The Nuts.

Posted by: ScoggDog at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (j8aRL)

224 giving the stimulus to the least productive was obviously a mistake too. you get more of what you reward.
Posted by: X at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (KHo8t)


If I remember correctly, the stim money was given to the unions.


Posted by: Soona at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (NXjgq)

225 I'm willing to offer my corrupt, scumbag governor up for trade. He's been busted for having sex with underage girls, and his current main squeeze misused public funds for pot deals and setting up businesses. And he still got reelected. Because "D" on the ballot and the mail-only voting system.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (39g3+)

226 Schumer said he told fellow Democrats in the lead-up to the passage of the Affordable Care Act that it was the wrong time to pass the law.

So, Schumer's clout is much exaggerated then.

Posted by: toby928(C) at November 25, 2014 01:48 PM (rwI+c)

227 Ok, who wants Thad Cochran and Bennie Thompson?

Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 25, 2014 01:49 PM (xSCb6)

228 Yes, I have to say I would trade Mendendez for Schumer. He's not quite as slimy as Menendez and at least he stands up for Israel.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 25, 2014 01:49 PM (RZlSA)

229 I've got a royal flush, and I do mean flush: Feinstein & Boxer.
Posted by: Jay Guevara

Ohhhh that is a hand that's difficult to beat.
Posted by: alexthechick

The Great State of Texas calls with Wendy Davis and Shela Jackson Lee.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:49 PM (1o80Z)

230 215 Regarding Juan Williams, do other people doubt the sincerity of his comments? I get the feeling he is playing a part to earn a Fox paycheck.
Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:47 PM (gmeXX)


Juan is a package of mixed nuts. He lost his job because he had a center of the road thought and expressed it while working for National Public.

Don't confuse Fox with conservative news. It has its moments but on average it is left of center imho.

Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 01:49 PM (WNERA)

231 Perhaps Chuck can ally with Cruz and call for Obama's impeachment?


Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:50 PM (XzRw1)

232 Minnesota would take any RINO over Al Franken and Amy Klobuchar. Any RINO at all.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:50 PM (R5UOB)

I'll trade a Udall for a Gardner...

Wait... already been done...

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 25, 2014 01:50 PM (NtzGn)

234 bitchtits is start to shit himself over the next election.

Posted by: X at November 25, 2014 01:50 PM (KHo8t)

235 You all come to me in the end.

Posted by: The SideBar Muse at November 25, 2014 01:50 PM (rwI+c)

236 Don't confuse Fox with conservative news. It has its moments but on average it is left of center imho.


Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:50 PM (XzRw1)

237 211 I've got a royal flush, and I do mean flush: Feinstein and Boxer. One hopelessly corrupt, the other with the approximate IQ of a rutabaga. When we start trading, the rest of you will have to thrown in some future draft choices if you want to cut a deal with me.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:38 PM (oKE6c)
Ohhhh that is a hand that's difficult to beat. Booker and Menendez is right up there though.
Posted by: alexthechick - Told you about the power of Jazz Hands at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (mf5HN)

Nah, they're barely in AAA ball.

Boxer: "Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, 'Thank God, I'm still alive.' But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again."

Now that's how they roll in the big leagues.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:51 PM (oKE6c)

238 190 Ohhh there's a fun Horde game. Let's Swap Idiot Politicians. Posted by: alexthechick


I'd offer Martin O'Malley or Babs Mikulsky. But they aren't even worth giving away for free, much less in trade...

Posted by: Stu-22 at November 25, 2014 01:51 PM (vd4oB)

239 He will probably have to deviate on one or both of those at least in his public statements to hold on.
Posted by: SH

Why? Unless there's proof somewhere that multi term incumbent Senators in blue states are vulnerable, we're just making wild guesses.

Until I see something definitive, this is posturing. I realize that he's heading for life in the minority. I relaize that he'd like to see the filibuster fully restored (now). The only thnig this asshole fears is to sit, neutered, while a republican House and Senate pass "save puppies, baby bunnies and fuck over the TSA simultaneously" Act. Dozens of times. And watching JEF throw more tantrums.
It'll be fun if SCOTUS flushes obamacare down the toilet because these clowns deliberately acted to detroy priveate insurance and were caught doing it. Without a single rethuglickkkkkkkkan voting for it. Chuckie wouldn't like that.

Posted by: Blue Hen at November 25, 2014 01:51 PM (Spluw)

240 rickb:

Senators only. Although Sheila Jackson Lee would be a 'bottom 10' House offering

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:51 PM (R5UOB)

241 Don't confuse Fox with conservative news.

No conservative network would have Shemp and Jerry Rivers on it.

Posted by: toby928(C) at November 25, 2014 01:51 PM (rwI+c)

242 Interesting, I wonder what Schumer's internals look like.

Polls, not his charred innards.

Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 25, 2014 01:52 PM (xSCb6)

243 >>I'll trade a Udall for a Gardner...Wait... already been done...


Now if only there were a way to trade away Congresswoman Diana Degette...

Posted by: Lizzy at November 25, 2014 01:52 PM (ABcz/)

244 on the plus side chuck, you get free mammograms.

Posted by: glass half full at November 25, 2014 01:52 PM (KHo8t)

245 Senators only.

Crap. Cruz is off the table.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:52 PM (1o80Z)

246 I don't live in NY - but I cannot imagine that Obama's actions on immigration are very popular with that portion of the electorate who are probably equally ticked off about Obamacare. And right now that portion is 60%.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:45 PM (gmeXX)
Yes, but a recent poll showed that 78% of Mericans support Obamas immigration dictate and the same 78% hate the Repubs

Posted by: Velvet Ambition at November 25, 2014 01:52 PM (R8hU8)

247 207 Franken and Klobuchar. With Mark (Mumbles) Dayton and as Guv.

Between them there are 2 bra's, 1 penis, 65 prescription meds, and a total IQ of 85.
Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:46 PM (R5UOB)


Wait...which one has the penis? I don't buy it.

Posted by: Stu-22 at November 25, 2014 01:53 PM (vd4oB)

248 You all come to me in the end.
Posted by: The SideBar Muse

We can't quit you babe.

Posted by: cob loggers at November 25, 2014 01:53 PM (Spluw)

249 The Great State of Texas calls with Wendy Davis and Shela Jackson Lee.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 01:49 PM (1o80Z)

Nice try, but no cigar. OK, I'll give you Lee, she's every bit as stupid as Boxer, and God knows Davis is a mendacious bitch, but the nod has to go to Feinstein for corruption. Steering Federal megabucks to a company run by your spouse? That's special.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:53 PM (oKE6c)

250 Interesting, I wonder what Schumer's internals look like.

There's an enormous shit clot where his soul should be.

Posted by: toby928(C) at November 25, 2014 01:53 PM (rwI+c)

251 Wait --- Is Chucky now admitting that the Tea Party was right in its assessment of Obamaxcare???

Please feel free to apologize for deriding them, Chuck. In public.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 25, 2014 01:53 PM (ABcz/)

Gretchen looking pretty good in a tight red dress today.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at November 25, 2014 01:53 PM (NtzGn)

253 The uninsured breaks down to close to 12 million, roughly, of actual people without insurance who want it.

You have to factor out anyone who doesn't want it (very wealthy or young healthy people), because even if universal insurance were offered, they still would opt out. Then a sizable number of people are counted as being "uninsured" when they go a month or more without health insurance. And that happens if you change jobs; you lack coverage while the transfer takes place, and many jobs have a "probationary" period in which many benefits are on hold until you're locked in.

Discounting illegals and the above groups and you get roughly 12 million in a nation of over 300 million. I'd say one out of 25 ain't bad.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 01:54 PM (39g3+)

254 @ Stu-22 Amy Klobuchar

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:54 PM (R5UOB)

255 IndyMac bank could not be reached for comment.

Posted by: junior at November 25, 2014 01:54 PM (UWFpX)

256 I know nobody wants Brown. Any suckers want to make an offer on Gavin Newsome?

Posted by: wth at November 25, 2014 01:54 PM (wAQA5)

257 250 Interesting, I wonder what Schumer's internals look like.


Satan only knows.

Posted by: Stu-22 at November 25, 2014 01:54 PM (vd4oB)

258 Gretchen looking pretty good in a tight red dress today.

Looks like she needs proper nourishment.

Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:55 PM (XzRw1)

259 So anyone want some Mike Brown T shirts? Only gots XXXL's

Posted by: Mike Brown's AWOL dad at November 25, 2014 01:55 PM (0FSuD)

260 250 Interesting, I wonder what Schumer's internals look like.


Been there, tasted it. And even I am repulsed.

Posted by: Satan at November 25, 2014 01:56 PM (R5UOB)

261 boy will they be surprised when mike brown returns from soon.

Hey guys I see you have been burning down the town, nice job.

Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 01:56 PM (WNERA)

262 I'd like to offer up Patty Murray as the dumbest person ever to be elected to the US Senate.

Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:56 PM (XzRw1)

263 259 So anyone want some Mike Brown T shirts? Only gots XXXL's
With or without bullet holes?

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 01:56 PM (R5UOB)

264 Why? Unless there's proof somewhere that multi term incumbent Senators in blue states are vulnerable, we're just making wild guesses.


Because I think there is a good chance that incumbent Dem senators could be vulnerable if they continue to support positions that 60% of this country do not. This is my speculation for why he made the statements he made. If he goes into 2016 in full support of Obamacare, I think he makes himself very vulnerable.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:56 PM (gmeXX)

265 G-D it's been a long day. Had a fight-verbal- with the Police Chief in the town my Office is in. I've known him for 35 years. I hate this fuckin town and I am also learning to hate many cops. But having said that I would never grab for a gun or bull rush one. And the argument was about parking enforcement in front of my Office. He was telling me it was raining while he was pissing on my head

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 25, 2014 01:57 PM (M0mf2)

266 OT: Thanksgiving feast guide for anhedonic killjoys.

Posted by: HR needs donuts at November 25, 2014 01:57 PM (ZKzrr)

267 I guess M. Brown's family can't accept the rule of law. So I guess nothing has changed. Stalemate.

Posted by: Soona at November 25, 2014 01:57 PM (NXjgq)

268 262 I'd like to offer up Patty Murray as the dumbest person ever to be elected to the US Senate.


I know...right?

Posted by: Joe Biden at November 25, 2014 01:57 PM (vd4oB)

269 215 Regarding Juan Williams, do other people doubt the sincerity of his comments? I get the feeling he is playing a part to earn a Fox paycheck.
Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:47 PM (gmeXX)


Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 01:58 PM (WNERA)

270 Chuck Schumer's fight against Obamacare:

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 25, 2014 01:58 PM (XUKZU)

271 Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:56 PM (XzRw1)

I've heard that, but can you please give an example. They're fun in an eye rolling way.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at November 25, 2014 01:58 PM (RZlSA)

272 262 I'd like to offer up Patty Murray as the dumbest person ever to be elected to the US Senate.
Excuse me?

Posted by: John McCain at November 25, 2014 01:58 PM (R5UOB)

273 256 I know nobody wants Brown. Any suckers want to make an offer on Gavin Newsome?
Posted by: wth at November 25, 2014 01:54 PM (wAQA5)

Please don't use the word "suckers" and Newsome in the same sentence, OK?


Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:58 PM (oKE6c)

274 So no takers on two MA senators, then? Crap.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 25, 2014 01:59 PM (knoK7)

275 Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:45 PM (gmeXX)
Yes, but a recent poll showed that 78% of Mericans support Obamas immigration dictate and the same 78% hate the Repubs


That may be true, and that may mean something in the long-term, but what do the majority of actual voters for 2016 believe. If 60% of NY voters are against Obamacare and Obama's immigration plan, then Schumer is vulnerable unless he puts some distance in there. He will likely survive, but he can make cheap rhetoric without having to take decisive action. Its smart politics.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 01:59 PM (gmeXX)

276 262 I'd like to offer up Patty Murray as the dumbest person ever to be elected to the US Senate.

OK, it's on. Murray vs. Boxer in a Dumb-Off that'll be the "stupid" equivalent of Ali-Frazier.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:59 PM (oKE6c)

The third-ranking Senate Democrat noted that just about 5 percent of registered voters in the United States lacked health insurance before the implementation of the law

We lost a political debate affecting just 5% of voters? (NOTE TO SELF: Next time a Democrat says, 'well what's YOUR alternative to Obamacare,' say F-ck You, that's what.)

Posted by: CJ at November 25, 2014 01:59 PM (9KqcB)

278 262
I'd like to offer up Patty Murray as the dumbest person ever to be elected to the US Senate.

Posted by: The Chattering Class at November 25, 2014 01:56 PM (XzRw1)

Well, she is a twofer. Dumbest AND Ugliest.

That is one homely bitch. It's hard to look at here without throwing up.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 25, 2014 02:00 PM (0FSuD)

279 Crap, I missed the Senators only part. Can I still give up my Rep?

Because I really really want someone else to have Bennie Thompson.

Posted by: Burn the Witch at November 25, 2014 02:00 PM (xSCb6)

280 I'd trade Rob Ford for DeBlasio or Schumer in a heartbeat. And the guy clearly doesn't have that many left.

Posted by: Oschisms at November 25, 2014 02:00 PM (uqV2n)

281 And you wonder why I'm not next in line for the Dem nomination?

Posted by: Hillary, US Senator at November 25, 2014 02:00 PM (R5UOB)

282 Michael Browns stepfather last night repeatedly urged protesters to Burn this bitch down after a prosecutor announced that no criminal charges would be filed against the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who killed the unarmed teenager.

Louis Head, an ex-con who is married to Browns mother

Weasel Zippers

Sweet family

and the Talking points is apparently out to all the talking maw-maw activists. The one I like is

1) "softball questions to Wilson"
2) "Inflection" in the voice of the question

Yeah they all came up with those 2 independently?????? My lilly white ass

Posted by: Nevergiveup at November 25, 2014 02:00 PM (M0mf2)

283 When you have your head up your ass like Schumer, hind sight is almost always 20-20.

Posted by: Fritz

I've got my head so far up my ass I can see Detroit!

Posted by: Chuck Schumer at November 25, 2014 02:01 PM (MNq6o)

284 Jay,

It is well known we are in a state going down the shitter.

Posted by: Bob from table9 at November 25, 2014 02:01 PM (WNERA)

285 Well, she is a twofer. Dumbest AND Ugliest.

That is one homely bitch. It's hard to look at here without throwing up.
Posted by: Nip Sip at November 25, 2014 02:00 PM (0FSuD)

I'd hit it 2x

Posted by: Abdi Husain Mohamad at November 25, 2014 02:01 PM (q+zA9)

286 I think there is a good chance that incumbent Dem senators could be vulnerable if they continue to support positions that 60% of this country do not.

Were that the case I agree there might be problems. But I'm not convinced the country is so much opposed to policy of Democrats as they are results. The Dems - particularly president Obama - keep crapping on their shoes and looking confused every time something major comes up, and after a while people lose confidence in your ability to do a job.

I'm not in any way convinced the nation shifted against Democrats in terms of policy or ideology in this nation. There's been no cultural transformation, no sudden increase in education. Just a loss of confidence and trust. So people are trying The Other Guys© to see if its better. They aren't anti-Democrat or pro-Republican.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 02:01 PM (39g3+)

287 Well 500 words closer to finish line. Now to do other things.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at November 25, 2014 02:01 PM (RvIUX)

288 >>>>He was telling me it was raining while he was pissing on my head

Here we see the violence inherent to The System!

Posted by: Bigby's Full Hands at November 25, 2014 02:02 PM (3ZtZW)

289 So I was literally jaw dropping shocked when I saw
that the better 1/2 of this couple had all this shit on her Facebook
page about how important it is to vote for this initiative.

Some people....I just don't get their thinking and never will.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 01:44 PM (0LHZx)

When I first moved here in 1977 our sales tax was 4% and my property taxes were $200/year. Our sales tax is not 10.5% and my property taxes are now over $600/year and every year it is the same. We need to raise taxes for the schools.

And the only reason we are not on the bottom of the barrel is Mississippi. All they do is hire more "administrators" and advisers because they still do not pay teachers worth a crap except at the college level. .

The last bond issue they did failed at the polls so they sneaked it in using a special election in which all the county workers were given the day off.

Posted by: Vic at November 25, 2014 02:02 PM (u9gzs)

290 OK, it's on. Murray vs. Boxer in a Dumb-Off that'll be the "stupid" equivalent of Ali-Frazier.

Put them in a round room and tell them to go to their respective corners.....

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 02:02 PM (1o80Z)

291 274 So no takers on two MA senators, then? Crap.
Posted by: RedMindBlueState at November 25, 2014 01:59 PM (knoK7)

What's a fake indian going for these days, $12 in beads?

Posted by: Iblis at November 25, 2014 02:02 PM (9221z)

292 We need more states down here with us! It's lonely at the bottom. We're the bluest of the blue states which is depressing.

Posted by: State of Minnesota at November 25, 2014 02:03 PM (R5UOB)

293 "Well, she is a twofer. Dumbest AND Ugliest."

I'd still take her over Helen Thomas.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 02:03 PM (39g3+)

294 Louis Head, an ex-con who is married to Browns mother

Married? Married?? Seriously?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 02:03 PM (oKE6c)

295 We're the bluest of the blue states which is depressing.
Posted by: State of Minnesota at November 25, 2014 02:03 PM (R5UOB)

I call that home. Almost as good as Somalia

Posted by: Abdi Husain Mohamad at November 25, 2014 02:04 PM (q+zA9)

296 Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 02:01 PM (39g3+)


I agree somewhat. But that is why it is smart politics for Schumer to make this kind of statement. He creates some separation between him and Obamacare without taking any real action to undo the action that his law caused.

I think the nation has shifted a little in terms of policy - that shift may be due to the results rather than a shift in ideology, but a lot of the country votes on results not ideology.

Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 02:04 PM (gmeXX)

297 I think there is a good chance that incumbent Dem senators could be vulnerable if they continue to support positions that 60% of this country do not.


In places like NYC, people could oppose everything Democrats do, but they would rather self castrate than ever vote for an evil Republican.

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 02:04 PM (0LHZx)

298 @ Vic
Try property taxes in the $5,000 - 10,000 range along with 6.5% sales tax.

Those government trains don't pay for themselves!

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 02:05 PM (R5UOB)

299 nood up.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 25, 2014 02:05 PM (1o80Z)

300 293 "Well, she is a twofer. Dumbest AND Ugliest."

I'd still take her over Helen Thomas.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2014 02:03 PM (39g3+)

Even the worms passed on Helen Thomas

Posted by: Iblis at November 25, 2014 02:05 PM (9221z)

301 >>Well, she is a twofer. Dumbest AND Ugliest.

And Rose DeLauro is the ugliest Congresswoman.

Posted by: Lizzy at November 25, 2014 02:05 PM (ABcz/)

302 @ Vic
and a 9.5% state income tax rate

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 02:05 PM (R5UOB)

303 I think the nation has shifted a little in terms of policy - that shift may be due to the results rather than a shift in ideology, but a lot of the country votes on results not ideology.
Posted by: SH at November 25, 2014 02:04 PM (gmeXX)


Maybe the thirty-somethings are getting tired of living with mommy and daddy.

Ah, hell. Who am kidding?

Posted by: Soona at November 25, 2014 02:06 PM (NXjgq)

304 301 Lizzy

Rose needs to turn in her Hobbit outfit.

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 02:06 PM (R5UOB)

305 File under:Easier to Ask Forgiveness than Permission.

Posted by: JeremiadBullfrog at November 25, 2014 02:07 PM (Y5I9o)

Seems we're not getting many offers for our Senators Boxer and Feinstein, which is why our Governor and Lt. Governor havebeen offered up, also not garnering much interest.
Can I interest you in a Sam Farr, a Maxine Waters,or maybe a Pelosi?

Posted by: wth at November 25, 2014 02:07 PM (wAQA5)

The last bond issue they did failed at the polls
so they sneaked it in using a special election in which all the county
workers were given the day off.

Posted by: Vic at November 25, 2014 02:02 PM (u9gzs)

Vic, the Republican NC legislature basically told the Teacher's unions, which opposed them in the elections, to get fucked.

So local Black county commissioners come up with a plan to raise the sales tax, "For the teachers". It amazed me that the liberals wanted you to vote for a regressive sales tax to "help" the teachers and their union.

It lost two to one.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 25, 2014 02:08 PM (0FSuD)

308 Chuckie from February:

WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats on Wednesday predicted that Obamacare would not be a problem for their Democratic colleagues facing re-election this year.

"Over the next several months, the ACA is going to become less important as a Republican campaign issue," said New York Sen. Chuck Schumer at a press conference, "because more and more Americans, from young adults all the way up through seniors, are realizing the benefits it has to offer."

"In addition," he added, "the parade of horrible stories trotted out by the haters of this bill have proved not to be true."

Posted by: The Great White Snark at November 25, 2014 02:08 PM (XUKZU)

309 Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 02:05 PM (R5UOB)

Where did you find such a cheap place to live? CA sales tax 7.5%, not counting local taxes. Top marginal income tax rate? 13.3%. Shitty government costs money, baby!

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 02:09 PM (oKE6c)

310 There's a new $2 Billion dollar bridge being built from Detroit to Windsor, Ontario. Wouldn't that qualify as infrastructure and stimulus?

Canada is paying for the whole damn thing and recouping costs through tolls.

And to top it off, the US hasn't even authorized money for their customs place on their side of the border which is about $250 million. Canada will probably pay that as well.

I don't really care because I like the fact that all of this makes Obama look incredibly stupid and incompetent to the socialist dogs up here who lap at his every word. So screw it...

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at November 25, 2014 02:10 PM (AC0lD)

311 So no takers on two MA senators, then?

I have an old toilet brush and a deck of cards missing the King of Hearts and the 6 of Clubs I'll offer.

Posted by: toby928(C) at November 25, 2014 02:10 PM (rwI+c)

312 We're the bluest of the blue states which is depressing.
Posted by: State of Minnesota at November 25, 2014 02:03 PM (R5UOB)


I think WA will give you a pretty good run for its money. We have exactly 1 statewide elected Republican. Obama won the state by 15%. Last time a Republican was governor was back when people were asking the question "Internet, yea I kinda heart about it, what is it again?".

Posted by: Mr. Moo Moo at November 25, 2014 02:11 PM (0LHZx)

313 298 Try property taxes in the $5,000 - 10,000 range along with 6.5% sales tax.

Those government trains don't pay for themselves!

Posted by: Foghorn Leghorn at November 25, 2014 02:05 PM (R5UOB)

The only reason mine are not at that level is the lower property values.

Posted by: Vic at November 25, 2014 02:16 PM (u9gzs)

314 Dude, it's the law of the land give it up already.

Posted by: Barack I at November 25, 2014 02:18 PM (H84UO)

315 36
26 Could someone give me an exact - EXACT - definition of "the middle class?"
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 25, 2014 01:18 PM (CMkNk)

In the Arkansas election, Senator Mark Pryor opined that the middle class -- in Arkansas -- was anyone making up to $200,000 per year. He lost.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 25, 2014 02:18 PM (5f5bM)

316 So it was their neglect of optics in dealing with that fickle, sort of retarded middle class, instead of their noble and laser-like focus on Helping.
Spare me.

Posted by: NYC Parent at November 25, 2014 02:19 PM (HEo6y)

317 Steering Federal megabucks to a company run by your spouse? That's special.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 25, 2014 01:53 PM (oKE6c)

Normal business practice for Kay Hagan.
Sheila Jackson Lee's predecessor, Craig Washington, rented space for his district office in a building his ex-wife got in their divorce.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at November 25, 2014 02:20 PM (5f5bM)

318 If there is no TV camera, does Shumer make a sound?

Posted by: Old Zen Koan at November 25, 2014 02:22 PM (HEo6y)

319 @315
Anyone not richer than you'd want to be 2 years from now.

Posted by: Old Zen Koan at November 25, 2014 02:24 PM (HEo6y)

Schumer's internals?

'Xcuse me, I feel a Technicolor yawn coming on and quickly at that...

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at November 25, 2014 02:26 PM (/dvmK)

Were it not for Chuck the Schmuck's failure to help the middle class further, we'd be wall-to-wall in high speed rail right now!

It'd be Freddie Silverman's wet dream - every train a SuperTrain!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at November 25, 2014 02:28 PM (/dvmK)

322 48 If I was in Ferguson I'd get out my shotgun

Posted by: Joe Biden, War Chief at November 25, 2014 01:21 PM (q+zA9)

I laughed hard at this. Thank you.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at November 25, 2014 02:29 PM (bHnlE)

323 "The Democrat Party can't "help" the middle class, because the middle class is where it gets all that money to redistribute from."

That isn't strictly correct. They put about 1/3 on the credit card, but the middle class will be the ones getting the bill. If the middle class actually had to pay for it then they wouldn't stand for it. They aren't being allowed to feel that negative feedback until it's way too late.

Posted by: DFCtomm at November 25, 2014 02:43 PM (N6+Qy)

324 Schumer is trying to make the same argument lefties often make when confronted with bad polls:

"our position isn't wrong, the process was just wrong".

Here he is not arguing that Obamacare is bad or wrong, but that it is unpopular because they pushed it through before "doing more to help the middle class".

In other words, they just got the process wrong.

In this retelling of history, if the Dems had just passed some innocuous middle=class bills (what, mind you, goes unsaid), the middle class would have been fine with Obamacare. But, because they didn't the middle class is mad that the dems didn't "help" the middle class, and therefore don't like Obamacare.

In this retelling of history, nobody has any objections to Obamacare, just objections to the process.

Posted by: Monkeytoe at November 25, 2014 03:01 PM (3ZtZW)

325 So is Chuckle against it before he was for it? Or is he against it now that he is not for it?

Posted by: Buffalobob at November 25, 2014 03:32 PM (w+5ie)

326 By the way, is there anyone other than me who hasn't been sexually assaulted by Bill Cosby?

I'm feeling left out.

Posted by: Minuteman at November 25, 2014 03:34 PM (nKLC2)

327 chuck u schumer is knocking on the door....the REASON Obola did health care in is to destabilize America. NOW look around at all the increased costs, uncertainty, and anxiety he caused. There are times when I smell sulfur. Smell it?

Posted by: torabora at November 25, 2014 03:43 PM (4t80w)

328 "This is surprising. Schumer is a safe senator from deep blue New York and doesn't have -- unless he's insane -- any delusions about one day being president.

He's not actually denouncing Obamacare but this is kind of close to that."

Maybe not that surprising. He may not have any delusions about being President, but he certainly would like to see himself as majority leader, or at least just be in the majority again....

Posted by: Captain Glenn Quagmire at November 25, 2014 03:44 PM (1o4B5)

329 Next up, IRS AUDITS of Ferguson players.

Posted by: torabora at November 25, 2014 03:44 PM (4t80w)

330 Schumer is a mistake.

Posted by: Vic at November 25, 2014 04:10 PM (u9gzs)

331 Hey, Rahm Emmanuel said the same thing in 2009.

Posted by: Brass Bancroft at November 25, 2014 04:12 PM (RHLfG)

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