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Veterans Day [WeirdDave]

Food for thought this Veterans Day, courtesy of WeirdDave.
- Y-not


A young boy, maybe 8 or 9 years old. Standing tall, in his best suit, trying oh so hard to be a man at that particular moment. A Marine, in full ceremonial garb, presenting that boy with the flag that had recently draped the boy's father's casket.

The boy is devastated. His whole world has crumpled around him. The man he called "dad" is gone. The man who hugged him, who lifted him up to the sky, laughing, as the boy cried in delight "Daddy!" is no more, and he is far too young to fully understand why this must be so.

The Marine is devastated. He is presenting a memento to a child who can not possibly understand why life as he knows it has been demolished, never to return. The Marine is holding on to his self control with every fiber of his being, when all he wants to do is hug the boy tight and tell him that it's OK to grieve, he doesn't have to be a man at this particular moment, he is free to be a little boy. The Marine has seen combat, he has seen horrible, terrible things. He's held comrades as they bled out on a dusty Afghanistan road, directed fire into hostile locations that he knew held women and children, but he had, reluctantly (dear God how reluctantly) to do it to ensure the safety of his men. He is a hero in every sense of the word, but nothing has prepared him for this.

We (you and I) are devastated. We observe this tableau from a distance. We (or at least I) are horrified at the reality this picture forces us to confront. The picture hits us like a mule kick to the heart. How many of us are willing to hazard our loved ones for freedom?

Make no mistake, what this little boy's father died for was our freedom. The boy is being presented with that flag "On behalf of a grateful nation". Much as his father did, that little boy is paying the price of that freedom. My not so little anymore boy wants to go into the armed forces where he might very well die. He's willing to chance that for an ideal. I'm willing to let him go in the service of that same ideal. Every signer of the Declaration of Independence was willing to pledge "our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." for this country. Most of them did indeed pay with their fortunes and some with their lives. Can we in the 21st century expect to do less, or are our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor now worthless?

Today of all days, my heartfelt thanks goes out to all of those men, women and their families whose answer to that question has always been "Hell no!". They are the rock upon which this nation rests.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 02:00 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Yep.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 11, 2014 01:58 PM (wtvvX)

2 Amen.

Posted by: Anna Puma (+SmuD) at November 11, 2014 01:58 PM (/lUb7)

3 Touching. Semper Fi and never forget your Dad. Been through this several times. Its very hard.

Posted by: Super Creepy Rob Lowe at November 11, 2014 01:58 PM (oDCMR)

4 Many of these young soldiers and Marines are dying because of f'd up restraint policies that both the Bush and the Obama administration have foisted on them.

God Bless our Armed Forces, who serve even the unworthy, for the sake of our Nation.

Posted by: Brendan at November 11, 2014 01:58 PM (8YVZT)

5 Lots of tears. And gratitude.

Posted by: IC at November 11, 2014 01:59 PM (0gm5y)

6 That is one brave little boy and I just want to give him a huge hug.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 11, 2014 01:59 PM (39g3+)

7 Freedom isn't free.

And the price paid for it is not always equitably distributed.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at November 11, 2014 02:00 PM (wtvvX)

8 Oh man. That picture gets me every damn time.

Posted by: Insomniac at November 11, 2014 02:00 PM (DrWcr)

9 May God bless everyone who has served, hold tight those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and watch over those left behind when our heroes passed.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at November 11, 2014 02:01 PM (2ePOO)

10 Thanks to all our vets, past and present.

Posted by: EC at November 11, 2014 02:01 PM (GQ8sn)

11 Best of luck to the whelp, Weirddave, and thanks for raising him well.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at November 11, 2014 02:01 PM (JtwS4)

12 Damn. It just got dusty in here.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:01 PM (kff5f)

13 Well said, WeirdDave.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 11, 2014 02:02 PM (oKE6c)

14 12 Damn. It just got dusty in here.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:01 PM (kff5f)

*wipes away tears*


Posted by: Insomniac at November 11, 2014 02:02 PM (DrWcr)

15 Thanks for posting.

Posted by: KT at November 11, 2014 02:02 PM (qahv/)

16 Barack Obama really *is* a stuttering clusterf*ck of a malignant traitor.

He's not worthy of those men and women who are obligated to salute him as Commander-in-Chief.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:02 PM (kff5f)

17 He's not worthy of those men and women who are obligated to salute him as Commander-in-Chief.

But they do it anyway, because they are heroes.

Posted by: Roy at November 11, 2014 02:03 PM (VndSC)

18 "There is no greater love than a man lay down his life for his friends."

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Proud Curmudgeon at November 11, 2014 02:03 PM (0HooB)

Christ, I was only able to look at that picture for about .7 seconds before I lost it.
Thank you. Thank each and every one of you. And God bless the kith and kin who made your service possible and who suffered the most when you gave all.

Posted by: KGB at November 11, 2014 02:03 PM (4fVw4)

20 I love this picture as it so clearly illustrates the pain of those left behind and those that gave their all, and those with the scars of battle.

This little boy has a warrior in heaven.

Posted by: Cheri at November 11, 2014 02:04 PM (ZFPMM)

21 But they do it anyway, because they are heroes.

Posted by: Roy at November 11, 2014 02:03 PM (VndSC)

Better men than me. Every one of them.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:04 PM (kff5f)

22 People say Freedom Isn't Free like its slogan or a jingle from an ad, but the fact is, that's absolutely true. Freedom is an aberration, it is a distortion from the normal state of affairs in history and human existence. Freedom can only be maintained by constant, vigorous effort to fight off tyranny and oppression that comes at us in all directions and in all sorts of ways. Sometimes that price is blood, sometimes that price is social derision, sometimes that price is judicial punishment. Sometimes the price is just the weariness of fighting every day. But there is always a price.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 11, 2014 02:05 PM (39g3+)

23 I vaguely remember that series of pictures--it happened recently. The others in the series are more difficult to see.

But WD has it right. That boy had more courage than any 'writer' at Salon can muster in 'his' lifetime.

Posted by: CUS at November 11, 2014 02:05 PM (wcLJG)

24 Ive got to say that I cant hold too close to theemotionalism that surrounds this day, and I say that as the proud son of a WWII vet, the grandson of a WWI vet, and the great-gtreat grandson of a man shot through the hips at Shiloh. On my mother's side I can go back to a company commander in the Revolution and a certain navy captain who lost his ship..

Honor is good. Emoting is for pussies. Lets stop deifying, please

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 11, 2014 02:05 PM (HLoFF)

25 Bravo Dave.

Posted by: Gene Kelly at November 11, 2014 02:05 PM (eedLh)

26 Damn. It's dusty in here.

Oh, and Thanks Dad.

/2nd Marine

Posted by: anon a mouse at November 11, 2014 02:06 PM (gXRIG)

27 I never signed anything or recieved any word that my oath to this nation and it's Consitution had expired. I am still bound by it.

Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:06 PM (zi2gL)

28 I am not a soldier, I don't have the health or the strength to fight in arms. Everything I enjoy in terms of this world's liberty and riches, I owe to someone else. Sometimes, those someones I owe paid a very dear price to make it so, from Thermopylae to the war on terror. I owe them so much and all I can do to try to repay is help others realize this and thank them when I see them. Not just them, but their families. Because the wife and kids back home sacrificed to make me free, too.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 11, 2014 02:07 PM (39g3+)

29 I guess his dad died cause he was too stupid to find a job and had to join the military.

Another stupid red state guy.

Posted by: The KOS Kids at November 11, 2014 02:07 PM (0FSuD)

30 One of my theories on why liberals are so vehemently anti-military are that somewhere deep in their shriveled, black hearts - they know that they would never have what it takes to take on something bigger than themselves and to serve with dignity and honor.

God bless all of the children and families that lost their loved ones.

Posted by: Cheri at November 11, 2014 02:08 PM (ZFPMM)

31 That picture isn't easy to look at.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Proud Curmudgeon at November 11, 2014 02:08 PM (0HooB)

32 God Bless the USA and God please watch over our Service Men and Women. Amen.

Posted by: ALH at November 11, 2014 02:09 PM (yAPdC)

33 32
That picture isn't easy to look at.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Proud Curmudgeon at November 11, 2014 02:08 PM (0HooB)

True Dat.

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 11, 2014 02:10 PM (0FSuD)

34 I have been blessed that I only have one classmate who was killed in combat, though we have spent more than half the time since graduation in a state of war.

Posted by: blaster at November 11, 2014 02:10 PM (Rx8ML)

35 "That picture isn't easy to look at."

No, it isn't. It's difficult. It cuts to the quick of so much, and should be on the front pages today.

Do hope the young man is well today.

Posted by: anon a mouse at November 11, 2014 02:11 PM (gXRIG)

36 Herr Morgenholz - If emoting makes me a pussy than so be it as I also happen to be the proud owner of one. I am also a vet.

Some people, like myself, need to "emote" and get their feelings out. I am the daughter of a fighter pilot father (WWII and Korea) and have had many relatives that fought in every war including the Revolutionary War.

Posted by: Cheri at November 11, 2014 02:13 PM (ZFPMM)

37 *sniff* lovely words WeirdDave. And thanks Y-Not.

Some give all, all give some, and we all cannot appreciate it enough.

Posted by: LizLem at November 11, 2014 02:13 PM (yRwC8)

38 Do hope the young man is well today.

Both of them. Though I wonder if either counts as "young" anymore.

A soldier may be young of body, but the touch of war tends to age the spirit.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at November 11, 2014 02:14 PM (naUcP)

39 Do hope the young man is well today.
Posted by: anon a mouse at November 11, 2014 02:11 PM (gXRIG)


He'll be fine. Just like many of the other kids his age throughout our country's history have been after losing a father/other family member to combat. And when it becomes his time to take responsibility for the defense of freedom, he'll be standing there ready.

Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:16 PM (zi2gL)

40 Do hope the young man is well today.

Me too. Hopefully, he's surrounded by other men who'll help him deal with his loss.

I humbly beseech God to bless us once more and forgive us our sins. Please let us return to greatness as a country even as we vanquish our enemies. Let us once again represent Your Truth, that honesty, peace and good will toward men spread across Your Earth and that Your Loving Will be done.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy, Proud Curmudgeon at November 11, 2014 02:17 PM (0HooB)

41 That damn dust is everywhere it seems.

Posted by: Diogenes at November 11, 2014 02:19 PM (08Znv)

Do hope the young man is well today.
Posted by: anon a mouse


Over time, the pain will fade, but the memories will remain, and in the future, he will recall with pride the man and the hero that was his father.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at November 11, 2014 02:21 PM (2ePOO)

I can't imagine how the woman in black standing at the boy's right is feeling. How she will find the strength to raise that boy to be the man his father wanted him to become ... I just can't imagine.

And to my sons, who served in "the Sandbox": Thank you.

Posted by: Brown Line at November 11, 2014 02:21 PM (xgyfF)

I have my uncle's flag and a bullet-riddled Bible. I never met him as he was KIA 16 years before I was born. But my heart understands what that boy is feeling.

G-d bless our veterans.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 11, 2014 02:22 PM (CMkNk)

45 I am in debt to them all and they have my eternal gratitude for their service.

Posted by: Gmac- Pondering...something involving rope and a tree at November 11, 2014 02:24 PM (baiNQ)

46 96 years ago, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns fell silent.

Posted by: The Political Hat at November 11, 2014 02:25 PM (lN8KC)

47 More of a Memorial Day sentiment, and as such, tear jerky, of course.

Worked for me...

Posted by: 1C1 nee 272, now 2152 at November 11, 2014 02:27 PM (4DCSq)

48 Damn. It just got dusty in here.
Posted by: AllenG

Like a West Texas dust storm.

Posted by: rickb223 at November 11, 2014 02:27 PM (4Ofi/)

49 There is a covenant we in the Military make, with civilians....

We will go, and lay our lives on the line to protect YOUR Freedoms...

But we expect YOU to protect our Freedoms at home.

This country is less Free than when my Father served in WW2 and Korea.

This country is less free than when I joined the US Navy in 1979.

Hell.... this country is less free than when my Son joined 4 short years ago.

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 11, 2014 02:28 PM (f0pWu)

50 "Many of these young soldiers and Marines are dying because of f'd up
restraint policies that both the Bush and the Obama administration have
foisted on them."

Veterans' Day has become more and more a panoply of severely mixed emotions for me, and this is one of the reasons why.

Burning hot anger is becoming more and more predominant in my response, as I watch the continued toll of lost and shattered lives among some of America's finest people.

For what?

Previous generations really did fight for freedom.

Those who have served and who have been crippled and killed in recent years have done that terribly hard service not for freedom, but for utterly ridiculous shibboleths such as the one that "Islam is a religion of peace".

Which is, by the way, another thing which both the Bush and Obama administrations have had in common, and which both have allowed to shape the (mis)use of the military.

Posted by: torquewrench at November 11, 2014 02:29 PM (noWW6)

51 I come from a line of Marines dating back to the beginning. I am a former USMC grunt. When my oldest son asked me if it would be OK to break tradition and join the Navy, I told him that was just fine. To my mind, with the way the military is being misused, this is not the time to be the tip of the spear. I am very proud of him and by the time he gets to his first ship we'll be very close to having a new CinC.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at November 11, 2014 02:32 PM (KFdZd)

52 Wow, wow, wow.......damn

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 11, 2014 02:32 PM (LA7Cm)

53 I'm here to tell you now
Each and every mother's son
You better learn it fast
You better learn it young
'Cause someday never comes

Posted by: A pot of message at November 11, 2014 02:32 PM (Ft3+l)

54 Every Veterans Day, I think back to watching the funeral for Mike Spann, CIA, killed in Afghanistan during a prison uprising. I remember sobbing with my coworkers as we gathered around a television at lunchtime and watched Shannon Spann, Mike's wife carrying their infant child while walking beside their two youngsters. She sat down in front of his casket and began to run her hand back and forth on it, all the while talking to him.
Here is his story from Arlington Cemetery.

Oh, and Herr Morgenholz, I notice you recite your pedigree, but don't mention any service yourself.

Go to hell.

Posted by: Jen at November 11, 2014 02:34 PM (hjTr7)

55 Those who have served and who have been crippled and killed in recent years have done that terribly hard service not for freedom, but for utterly ridiculous shibboleths such as the one that "Islam is a religion of peace".Which is, by the way, another thing which both the Bush and Obama administrations have had in common, and which both have allowed to shape the (mis)use of the military.
Posted by: torquewrench at November 11, 2014 02:29 PM (noWW6)


I share those same feelings.

Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:35 PM (zi2gL)

56 Klytus: Bring me... the bore worms.

Princess Aura: No! Not the bore worms!

Posted by: Ready for Croak at November 11, 2014 02:36 PM (nlQae)

57 Honor is good. Emoting is for pussies. Lets stop deifying, please
Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 11, 2014 02:05 PM (HLoFF)




Posted by: Sean Bannion at November 11, 2014 02:39 PM (V+kmg)

58 Someone explain to me why TCM is running "The Pride of the Yankees" Lou Gherigs story on Veterans Day

Does Turner know WTF veterans day

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 11, 2014 02:39 PM (0FSuD)

59 A soldier may be young of body, but the touch of war tends to age the spirit.
Posted by: Brother Cavil at November 11, 2014 02:14 PM (naUcP)


But still not as quickly as withholding the botox to San Fran Nan's face.

Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:40 PM (zi2gL)

Does Turner know WTF veterans day

Posted by: Nip Sip at November 11, 2014 02:39 PM (0FSuD)

You mean the same Ted Turner who married Hanoi Jane?

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 11, 2014 02:41 PM (f0pWu)

61 But still not as quickly as withholding the botox to San Fran Nan's face.

The Dark Side of the Force has its price...

Posted by: Brother Cavil at November 11, 2014 02:42 PM (naUcP)

62 Thank you.
Well said, nothing more needed.

Posted by: RUReadingthis at November 11, 2014 02:42 PM (1xtIS)

63 Posted by: Nip Sip at November 11, 2014 02:39 PM (0FSuD)

Which reminds me that I'm missing a John Wayne marathon.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:42 PM (kff5f)

64 But still not as quickly as withholding the botox to San Fran Nan's face.
Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:40 PM (zi2gL)


I'm meltingggggggg!!!!

Posted by: SanFran Nan at November 11, 2014 02:42 PM (V+kmg)

65 Does Turner know WTF veterans day
Posted by: Nip Sip at November 11, 2014 02:39 PM (0FSuD)


It's Ted Turner. You know, the guy that was married to Jane "The Bitch" Fonda for so many years.

Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:42 PM (zi2gL)

66 Oh... and Google wins the "landing page theme" contest over Bing today.

*Why* is Bing showing the Tower of London?

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:44 PM (kff5f)

67 I heard a minor Biden gaffe today as he addressed the crowd at Arlington National Cemetery. He noted that the 9/11 generation followed Bin Laden to the gates of hell. Now I had a few superiors in my day that I would have followed to the gates of hell but I'm pretty sure no Americans followed Bin Laden there. They may have chased him to hell but they sure as heck didn't follow him.

Posted by: Bill R. at November 11, 2014 02:44 PM (jKUeC)

68 Someone explain to me why TCM is running "The Pride of the Yankees" Lou Gherigs story on Veterans Day

Commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has been linked to military service.

U.S. military veterans are more likely to develop the debilitating disease than those with no military service, according to the ALS Association.

Posted by: blaster at November 11, 2014 02:45 PM (Rx8ML)

69 It pains me that John McCain is a veteran.

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at November 11, 2014 02:45 PM (XzRw1)

70 I heard a minor Biden gaffe today as he addressed the crowd at Arlington National Cemetery. He noted that the 9/11 generation followed Bin Laden to the gates of hell.

He also said he would follow Obama to the gates of Hell.

Posted by: blaster at November 11, 2014 02:46 PM (Rx8ML)

71 I considered military service, but I would have been in while the Clenis was CIC. Ugh.

Posted by: Insomniac at November 11, 2014 02:46 PM (DrWcr)

72 69
It pains me that John McCain is a veteran.

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at November 11, 2014 02:45 PM (XzRw1)

John McCain was a POW. He suffered much for his country. Show some respect.

Posted by: ALH at November 11, 2014 02:48 PM (yAPdC)

73 I heard a minor Biden gaffe today as he addressed the crowd at Arlington National Cemetery. He noted that the 9/11 generation followed Bin Laden to the gates of hell. Now I had a few superiors in my day that I would have followed to the gates of hell but I'm pretty sure no Americans followed Bin Laden there. They may have chased him to hell but they sure as heck didn't follow him.
Posted by: Bill R. at November 11, 2014 02:44 PM (jKUeC)


For that matter, we didn't chase him either. He was holed up in his upscale "mansion" in Pokeestahn for most of the time.

And the shitty part about it was, two WH administrations knew where he was.

Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:48 PM (zi2gL)

74 My Daddy died in August 2004, 80 years old. Made it through D-Day without a wound, then damn near killed at St. Lo 2 weeks later. I had him for 55 of my yeas and I miss him a lot. I think I know what he would do if he was still here to fight. And he would recognize the enemy when he saw them, unlike our 'leaders'. Our 'leaders' don't deserve the sacrifices being made by our military today.

Posted by: Erowmero at November 11, 2014 02:49 PM (go5uR)

Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at November 11, 2014 02:45 PM (XzRw1)

I have nothing but respect and awe for John McCain the Navy POW but I sure wish he would retire from politics.

Posted by: Bill R. at November 11, 2014 02:49 PM (jKUeC)

76 " Someone explain to me why TCM is running "The Pride of the Yankees" Lou Gherigs story on Veterans Day"

Can't. I was expecting to see a day full of war pics and remembrance when I switched it over this morning. Nope.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 11, 2014 02:50 PM (LA7Cm)

77 Heartfelt thanks to all of you who have served or will serve, and to your family. Words are not enough for your sacrifices.

And that photo gets me every time. May God bless, comfort, and strengthen this brave son of a hero.

I was stoic during my father's funeral (WWII Marine, Pacific Theater) until my mother was presented his flag by Marines. The world became very blurry at that moment for me. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky at November 11, 2014 02:50 PM (dMEBN)

78 AllenG- the dry moat of the Tower is filled with 800-and-some poppies for Remembrance Day.

Daily Mail:

Posted by: DJ_sock_rat_eez at November 11, 2014 02:51 PM (T+Chm)

79 75
Posted by: Thin veneer of civility at November 11, 2014 02:45 PM (XzRw1)

I have nothing but respect and awe for John McCain the Navy POW but I sure wish he would retire from politics.

Posted by: Bill R. at November 11, 2014 02:49 PM (jKUeC)

John McCain? IMO he was a much better POW, than Senator.

Just because you are heroic at one point, does not mean you have a clue at others...

Posted by: Romeo13 at November 11, 2014 02:51 PM (f0pWu)

80 The Tower of London holds ceramic poppies commemorating WWI.

Posted by: eman at November 11, 2014 02:52 PM (mR7Es)

81 nood

Posted by: Vic at November 11, 2014 02:52 PM (u9gzs)

82 I have nothing but respect and awe for John McCain the Navy POW but I sure wish he would retire from politics.
Posted by: Bill R. at November 11, 2014 02:49 PM (jKUeC)


Decent in the military, really shitty as a politician.

Posted by: Soona at November 11, 2014 02:52 PM (zi2gL)

83 Has Obama figured out the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day yet?

Posted by: Ready for Croak at November 11, 2014 02:52 PM (nlQae)

84 800-and-some thousand poppies

Posted by: DJ_sock_rat_eez at November 11, 2014 02:52 PM (T+Chm)

85 "*Why* is Bing showing the Tower of London?"

I made the same mistake this morning. Those are poppies being grown at the Tower of London. Better known as "Remembrance Poppies" for many Commonwealth nations. Veterans wear them on special days.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at November 11, 2014 02:52 PM (LA7Cm)

86 the dry moat of the Tower is filled with 800-and-some poppies for Remembrance Day.

Well... okay.

Still would rather they had shown an American symbol (at least for the American version, I'm sure they *also* have which could show the British version).

But I can accept that.

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:53 PM (kff5f)

87 RIP Cpl. Richard Patillo, USMC. Uncle Richard signed on for another tour in Korea "so some guy with a family" wouldn't have to go. Took a sniper bullet leading a machine gun crew. He was twenty years old and I am his spitting image.

Posted by: Mr. Dave at November 11, 2014 02:54 PM (tUBqu)

88 >>I was stoic during my father's funeral (WWII Marine, Pacific Theater) until my mother was presented his flag by Marines.

The Army sent a bugler and a couple other soldiers to act as an honor guard for my dad. The flag presentation was moving but the bugler really got to me.

Posted by: JackStraw at November 11, 2014 02:56 PM (g1DWB)

89 @72 John McCain was a POW. He suffered much for his country. Show some respect.

Agreed. You might not agree with the politics of someone like McCain or the late Daniel Inouye, but don't do anything to disrespect their service. They've earned that much.

Posted by: junior at November 11, 2014 02:56 PM (UWFpX)

90 I was stoic during my father's funeral (WWII
Marine, Pacific Theater) until my mother was presented his flag by
Marines. The world became very blurry at that moment for me. xoxo

Posted by: ChristyBlinky at November 11, 2014 02:50 PM (dMEBN)

Same here, on all counts.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at November 11, 2014 02:57 PM (oKE6c)

91 >>> Oh... and Google wins the "landing page theme" contest over Bing today.

Cold have knocked me over with a feather, usually Google trolls American holidays with an obscure celeb birthday in place of a patriotic theme. Of course the focus is a lady vet but I won't quibble; it is a very nice image, lady vets are equally as important as teh men, and we're lucky we got anything nicely patriotic at all.

We have two vets in new legislative positions; just a happy reminder for those still on the 2014 red wave...or as dems know it, the red wedding.

Posted by: LizLem at November 11, 2014 02:57 PM (yRwC8)

92 Dammit. Why is there always someone cutting onions when I read stories like these?

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at November 11, 2014 02:58 PM (4X5NS)

as a nation we are unworthy of these young men

Posted by: kj at November 11, 2014 02:58 PM (lKyWE)

94 I'm linking to an article about one particular veteran and Veteran's day. It's self-serving as hell because it's about my son. I hope some enjoy it.

Posted by: Irish Right at November 11, 2014 02:58 PM (nw1T6)

95 @73 And the shitty part about it was, two WH administrations knew where he was.


Are you talking about knowing his location pre-9/11?

Posted by: junior at November 11, 2014 02:59 PM (UWFpX)

96 I am a proud Army mom.. My son joined in 2007, wanted to go to Ranger school and to Iraq. The Army had other plans. He was chosen for the Old Guard immediately after basic. I was so proud of him and somewhat relieved. He wasn't. One of his missions was participating in the funerals at Arlington.

The first time he flew home, he didn't spend on dime of food or drink. So many people thanked him for his service. When we spoke about it, he was ashamed. He said he hadn't done anything to earn the thanks. He wasn't fighting, wasn't protecting anyone. He was safe at home while his friends were fighting and dying. I told him that the comfort he gave to those left behind was important. That honoring the memory of those who were lost was a service to his country. It made no difference at the time. I believe he reconciled himself to it. And he trained, every school he was allowed to go to, to be prepared, he went to. So he would be ready, just in case. I asked him, years later, how he got through the funerals, the grief. He said it was his duty.

Looking at that picture, I hope he realizes I was right, it was important and an honor.

God bless and keep all of our Veterans..

Posted by: allieooops at November 11, 2014 03:01 PM (WeQ0R)

97 "Every signer of the Declaration of Independence was willing to pledge 'our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor' for this country."


And one can't fully appreciate the Declaration of Independence ("In Congress, July 4, 1776") without understanding and appreciating this:

"In CONGRESS, SATURDAY, March 16, 1776"

Posted by: Red Pill at November 11, 2014 03:03 PM (FDHCK)

98 "I humbly beseech God to bless us once more and forgive us our sins. Please let us return to greatness as a country even as we vanquish our enemies. Let us once again represent Your Truth, that honesty, peace and good will toward men spread across Your Earth and that Your Loving Will be done"

I'm stealing this. Damn, it's beautiful.

Posted by: anon a mouse at November 11, 2014 03:06 PM (gXRIG)

99 And I still have the flag, presented to my mother, 56 years ago, when I was four.

Posted by: SouthTexas at November 11, 2014 03:09 PM (MlnZB)

100 O>>> Oh, and Herr Morgenholz, I notice you recite your pedigree, but don't mention any service yourself.

Go to hell.

Nope. Didnt serve myself. My dad was a Colonel and told me ti run from the offer given me. He was right, of course.

As for your offer to go to hell, Ill pass. Throughout our history, jingoism has sent enough young men there.

If you served, Jen, then thanks. If not, then grow the tf

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 11, 2014 03:09 PM (EQehN)

101 Every single one of you who answered the call of our nation, God Bless and Stay safe brothers. You are the pride and soul of our nation.

Oh and RLTW!

Posted by: Marcus T at November 11, 2014 03:31 PM (GGCsk)

102 98
"I humbly beseech God to bless us once more and forgive us our sins.
Please let us return to greatness as a country even as we vanquish our
enemies. Let us once again represent Your Truth, that honesty, peace and
good will toward men spread across Your Earth and that Your Loving Will
be done"

I'm stealing this. Damn, it's beautiful.

Posted by: anon a mouse at November 11, 2014 03:06 PM (gXRIG)

I agree. Thank you.

Posted by: ChristyBlinky at November 11, 2014 03:31 PM (dMEBN)

Thank you to all American veterans and their families.
Both my father and older brother died while serving as Navy pilots. I couldn't be more proud of my family, as you should be of yours.
Dad was commander of an air squadron on the U.S.S. Coral Sea. Brother flamed out an A4 a couple decades later.
Thanks again, vets.

Posted by: wth at November 11, 2014 03:33 PM (wAQA5)

104 Bah, lost my comment.

66 Oh... and Google wins the "landing page theme" contest over Bing today.

*Why* is Bing showing the Tower of London?

Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) with a new job at November 11, 2014 02:44 PM (kff5f)

Disagree. Click through on Bing to the article, and the bright red moat vividly illustrates the blood paid by British veterans in service to their country.

The Google doodle puts all the emphasis on the female veteran, which is flat out inappropriate given the proportions of who actually pays sweat and blood in service. But it is Google, so their PC attempt gets a participation award.

Posted by: CM at November 11, 2014 03:37 PM (0NdlF)

105 >>> Both my father and older brother died while serving as Navy pilots.

May God protect them

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 11, 2014 03:39 PM (OzLHa)

106 >>Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 11, 2014 02:05 PM (HLoFF)

Can we try to keep the comments on this thread, positive?

Seems to me if you find the country's observance of Veterans Day to be too emotive or pussified, there's no need for YOU to "observe" it by talking smack about those who DO feel emotionally connected to this holiday.

In any event, out of respect to WeirdDave and the overwhelming majority of morons who are emotionally connected to this day, can it.

Posted by: Y-not at November 11, 2014 03:39 PM (9BRsg)

107 >>Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 11, 2014 03:09 PM (EQehN <<

I think it's time to reel you neck in sparky. That's really not appropriate in this thread.

Posted by: Marcus T at November 11, 2014 03:41 PM (GGCsk)

108 That's a touching photo, of course, and we owe so much to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

But we also owe a lot to those who put themselves in harms way - and came home. Because that's what Veteran's Day is for. Memorial Day is to remember the fallen. Veteran's Day is to remember those who sacrificed and came home...

Sometimes to a hero's welcome.

Sometimes to an empty welcome.

Often broken - mentally, physically, emotionally.

Needing help, but too proud to ask.

Needing help but not knowing it.

Needing help and being told by the VA, "Get in line."

Did they make the *ultimate* sacrifice? Thankfully no - but they often put themselves in the very same situation as those who did. The Grace of God is a mystery in many ways, and it's the Veterans themselves who will often tell you that there is little rhyme or reason in combat.

But today we honor those who served. Combat Vets and non-Combat Vets. Those quasi-Combat Cold Warriors who still play cat and mouse under the sea with a re-awakened Soviet... I mean "Russian" navy. In the air with Chinese and Russian fighters and bombers. Looking over the Korean DMZ.

We remember those who served, and those who serve today - for they are Veterans in the making.

I take nothing away from those who gave all. By all means we remember them today, but we must acknowledge that the primary focus today is for the living. Those who came home, and need to hear "Thank you. What you did mattered. What you did was important, and we are a grateful nation."

Posted by: RobM1981 at November 11, 2014 03:42 PM (aEiUA)

109 Bless all veterans and their families.

Posted by: goatexchange at November 11, 2014 03:43 PM (sYUHT)

110 yeah, that picture. I had the devastated honor to do that, only to a mom, not a son. I guarantee that Marine practically begged for that job, purely because it needed to be done, and done right, and not to have that devastated honor fall to someone else. It's too important.

Posted by: goatexchange at November 11, 2014 03:47 PM (sYUHT)

111 My dad, while he was stationed in Milwaukee during a portion of the Vietnam War, was often a member of a Marine notification detail which worked the entire Great Lakes region.

Talk about tough on your soul.

Posted by: Bill H at November 11, 2014 03:48 PM (3sZO1)

112 Hardest thing I ever did, in all the hard things that happened in Iraq, was, the night before I left, after everyone was asleep, was write the death letters.
I had to write three.
One for my 10 year old son, one for my12 year old daughter, and one for my wonderful wife.
Took me about two hours. Finished up about 3 in the morning.
That changes a person.

Oh, and Dave: my article ran..

Posted by: MikeB at November 11, 2014 03:50 PM (nPuPQ)

113 Re: Bing versus Google, I think Google is better - even though I have a hard time writing that.

Today is, indeed, Armistice Day - a very big holiday in Britain, for sure. Poppies on the lapels, respect, etc. - all great.

But Ike made today Veteran's Day in the USA. It's to celebrate all US Veterans, from all wars (not just WWI). Plus, uhhhmmm... this is the USA. How does Microsoft miss that? Bing is American; it's an American holiday.

Is it that hard to show respect and appreciation to the US Military?

Posted by: RobM1981 at November 11, 2014 03:50 PM (aEiUA)

114 Goatexchange:

Thank you.

Posted by: RobM1981 at November 11, 2014 03:51 PM (aEiUA)

115 Mike B: Thank you, too.

Thank all of you who are sharing personal stories.

This nation was built on the back of the military. No amount of economic pressure, treaties, etc. would have born this nation.

First we had to kick the British out. That was done by men like you.

Thank you all.

Posted by: RobM1981 at November 11, 2014 03:53 PM (aEiUA)

116 MikeB, Thanks for the link. It's still good.

Posted by: weirddave at November 11, 2014 04:01 PM (9422s)

117 My uncle was a Marine Truck driver at Pearl Harbor. He was pulled up alongside the Arizona on December 7th to take Catholic sailors to chapel when the Japanese struck. Had to drive off the pier.

My father did his Army time in Iceland/Greenland in the early 50's. All he would ever say was that he was a radio operator and show us faded photos of him in the permafrost with a PRC backpack radio and his carbine, and tell jokes about how the carbine he was issued was so clapped out that when he fired for qualification the slide would go flying downrange each time he fired, and he would have to go out, reinstall it in the carbine, and repeat the process until he finished qualification.

At his funeral we found out he'd been one of the men monitoring every single word the Soviet military transmitted east of the Urals.

Posted by: richard mcenroe at November 11, 2014 04:02 PM (XO6WW)

118 So true, so sad, and so proud of the Marine that died, the Marine that handed the flag, and for the poor fatherless child.

I am very somber now, as I should be.

Posted by: Merkan at November 11, 2014 04:18 PM (hm8tW)

119 The picture is from 2007 and the boy's name is Christian Golczynski. His dad was Staff Sergeant Marc Golczynski. Christian was 8 years old at the time.

Posted by: Elinor, who usually looks lurkily at November 11, 2014 04:29 PM (NqQAS)

120 Openblogger. God bless you. This should be posted on AOS every 11/11 from now on.

The only solace --- Having a father who loved you, who lived with honor, always beats not having a father at all.

When my father was called to the First Gulf War, I was 18 years old, and I suppose I should have been the one going. But I wasn't the one enlisted in the National Guard; I was college material you see --- An ever-fattening wannabee frat boy pounding Milwaukee's Best while soaking in selfish fear.

Still, I think about how lucky I was. My dad came home 100% intact. And his deployment was only 4 months. I remember thinking G.H.W.B. really gave a shit about us families. Even the ultimate RINO, our governor, Lowell Weicker really seemed to give a shit. And that mattered.

We can not count on our current SCOAMF to give one shit about anything honorable. And now I feel like a real dickwad for

Posted by: I cant even claim to possess the honor of a REMF at November 11, 2014 04:35 PM (cwyBD)

121 I expect young Christian knows he has about half a million aunts and uncles.
He has only to ask. I hope he has and does.

Posted by: Richard Aubrey at November 11, 2014 05:32 PM (Q/3mX)

122 Beautiful job, Open Blogger.

Posted by: Pavel at November 11, 2014 06:52 PM (lh0MV)

123 Were I in charge of USMC ROEs, it would be roughly' "If they shoot at you, take them out." Same for the other services as well, of course.

Posted by: Empire1 at November 11, 2014 07:07 PM (iThCd)

124 Thank you WierdDave for posting this. Fuck you for getting all this mess in my eyes and making them tear ducks go into self cleansing mode. All y'all vets and your families are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for your service.

Posted by: NC Ref at November 11, 2014 07:18 PM (Myqtp)

125 Here is a link to the young man in the photo.

Posted by: cowboyup at November 11, 2014 07:26 PM (wG6KW)

126 Raised by the toughest hardass the USMC ever knew. We just called him Dad. When he took to civilian life, I feared for the life of any man dumb enough to cross him or his family.

Married on Nov 10, passed on the same date 30 years later. That date is USMC day If you didnt know . It was in his blood, and passed down. Semper fi my friends.

Want to sleep well tonight? Thank our vets in your prayers and make a donation to That young boy made the ultimate sacrifice. A token of our appreciation is the least we can do.

Posted by: david duke at November 11, 2014 08:33 PM (LZokM)

127 I don't know if that picture ever won an award, but it should have.

Posted by: SAZMD at November 11, 2014 11:19 PM (+gpqc)

128 One of the finest posts I've ever seen on any site anywhere. God Bless that little boy. May he always remember the good times with his Dad and strive to grow up to emulate him. The same good wishes to the brave Marine who had to give the boy the flag. As tough an assignment as anyone is likely ever to have.

Posted by: Douglas C. Miller at November 12, 2014 12:58 PM (BbyIV)

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