aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Sunday Morning Book Thread 11-11-2012: Progressive Revolutionary Progress [OregonMuse]Translation: "Omelettes! I got your omelettes right here!" OregonMuse Joins the Communist Party Yes, it's true. After Tuesday's shocking and disappointing results, I decided I'd had enough. Enough of the crappy leadership, enough of the faux conservative, sub-optimal (heh) candidates, and above all, enough of the continual losing, where every defeat is costly and every victory inconsequential. Away with all that! I now say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. So I did. I'm now a out-and-proud (heh) member of the progressive left, and I fart in your general direction, you slack-jawed yokels. So, what do I read now? Well, first, I want my free stuff from the government. This is what being on the progressive left is all about, that is, government getting progressively more and more expansionistic and aggressive with tax dollars, and all that plunder has to get spent somewhere, so why not on me? I've found this guy, Matthew Lesko, who has written a large number of books on how you can play the 'gimme' game, notably Getting Yours: The Complete Guide to Government Money, so I think I'm going to just help myself. After all, it's not your money, it's the government's. They're just letting you hold on to it for a little while until they figure out what they need it for. So gimme my free stuff, bitches! And speaking of the government spending metric buttloads of money, I need to bow before the master himself, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. This dense book forms the premise of Obama's wildly successful stimulus package, and is endorsed by economic genius Paul Krugman But before all this, I guess I should start off with some foundational texts, like Das Kapital. Get back to basics, and all that. But I hear the book is a long, slow slog of tedium, so I can probably make do with just The Communist Manifesto. I can have fun determining how much of this Progress! (Image courtesy of Recommendations From Morons None this week. And next week, this thread is going to look a lot different. In keeping with my new-found embrace of my inner commie thug, the Sunday morning book thread will be called 'The Little Red Thread', we will all address one another as 'comrade', and an ideologically pure party line will be rigidly enforced. The ban-hammer will be swinging wide and free. I'm going to make Cahlrse Jhnosno look like Pee-Wee Herman.So that about wraps it up for this eventful week. As always, book thread tips and denouncing of enemies of the people may be sent to So what have you all been reading this past week, comrades? Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 11:10 AM (BAS5M) 2
Parade has been walked. Wreath resting. Flag flying. Settling in to lunch on the patio and curling up with Guests of the Ayatollah. Thanks to the Moron for the recommendation.
Posted by: NCKate at November 11, 2012 11:12 AM (MsQkt) 3
John Campbell, "Piracy Preferred", which I got for free on the Kindle (alongside some other short stories). Written in 1930; set in 2159 I think.
What it gets wrong about technology even as of 1999 is nothing short of hilarious. The major plot point is that someone is transferring bonds in paper, from point to point in a zeppelin. The zeppelin gets robbed in mid-flight by an aircraft. It has no concept that money can be sent over the wires. Also the book goes into raptures about air flight - this part is fun and interesting to read, I admit - except that actual humans living in this day and age take that shit for granted. Maybe if those descriptions were written by people who weren't seven years old on their first trip from des Moines to Orlando. Posted by: boulder hobo at November 11, 2012 11:13 AM (QTHTd) 4
Comrade--how could you forget Rules for Radicals?
Posted by: Saul Alinsky's burning soul at November 11, 2012 11:14 AM (r6wtL) 5
meh... the list is incomplete without the prison diaries of Antonio Gramsci.
(beloved by libtard academic everywhere.) Posted by: RondinellaMamma at November 11, 2012 11:17 AM (53riN) 6
Bigger cages! Longer chains!
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 11:18 AM (BAS5M) 7
Posted by: packsoldier at November 11, 2012 11:20 AM (Yzoi4) 8
Still reading "The Lost Heir" and just started HA Moron Wyatt Earp's mystery "Only Son". Also started reading a Kindle reprint of an old book of different games to play. I'm thinking of dropping Netflix and need an alternative for the kids.
Posted by: Polliwogette, disappointed hobbit at November 11, 2012 11:20 AM (NYki8) 9
the Main Problem with reading that stuff is that it's all Shite, as the Irish say
Marx scribbled in an attic while two of his children died... Posted by: Will Folks, esq ( hiding out in Costa Rica ) at November 11, 2012 11:20 AM (Dll6b) 10
Mao's "Little Red Book" ( which turd-dongs like Bill Ayers were waving around in the 60s ) is gibberish.
Inchoate blatherings of Nothing Posted by: Will Folks, esq ( hiding out in Costa Rica ) at November 11, 2012 11:23 AM (Dll6b) 11
Is there anything which explains how many 5year plans it takes before we tax ourselves into prosperity, comrade?
Posted by: Comrade Trainer on his iphone at November 11, 2012 11:23 AM (L8M3D) 12
Why benefit evil capitalists by purchasing your Communist Manifesto, comrades? Read it free from Gutenberg. Posted by: HeatherRadish™, Crankypants Extraordinaire at November 11, 2012 11:23 AM (hO8IJ) 13
Read your books now bitches, cause as soon a Justice Kenndey dies and we replace him, we'll be coming for them.
Your internet too! Posted by: Team Obama at November 11, 2012 11:25 AM (wR+pz) 14
The bread lines seemed extra long this morning. No time to read.
Posted by: MostlyRight at November 11, 2012 11:27 AM (ZG8Ti) 15
"Lenin Lived, Lenin Lives, Lenin Will Live"
If The State puts out a poster like that, he must have just died. Posted by: t-bird at November 11, 2012 11:27 AM (FcR7P) 16
Read your books now bitches, cause as soon a Justice Kenndey dies and we replace him, we'll be coming for them. Your internet too! Oh, AND your guns. Posted by: Team Obama at November 11, 2012 11:29 AM (wR+pz) 17
I see your bread lines and raise you gas lines courtesy of Mayor Bloomberg.
Posted by: Penfold at November 11, 2012 11:30 AM (7jGlJ) 18
Marx scribbled in an attic while two of his children died...
Posted by: Will Folks, esq ( hiding out in Costa Rica ) at November 11, 2012 11:20 AM (Dll6b) Pretty much explains the whole thing. Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 11:30 AM (LK+JZ) 19
Comrades. I'm reading michener's The Source. I read his other stuff years ago, but missed this one.
Posted by: bigred at November 11, 2012 11:30 AM (mIcI8) 20
"Lenin Lived, Lenin Lives, Lenin Will Live"
That sounds very much like an echo of the old Christian memorial acclamation that goes: "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." I'll bet you many rubles that that isn't a coincidence. Posted by: OregonMuse at November 11, 2012 11:35 AM (ggDD6) 21
To quote you: "After all, it's not your money, it's the government's. They're just
letting you hold on to it for a little while until they figure out what they need it for." That's all you need to know; your education is complete. Now go away. Posted by: Lessons from the Ceramic Throne at November 11, 2012 11:35 AM (Qb7IZ) 22
Someone who obviously reads AoSHQ recommended "The Last Policeman" by Ben Winters in a thread over at NRO. It's apparently a detective story set in a pre-apocalyptic America that has discovered that the world is about to be destroyed by the SMOD in six months.
Has anyone read it. Would you recommend it? Also, any other books to recommend while I try to decide between going Galt, expatriating, let it burn and burn it down? Posted by: cool breeze at November 11, 2012 11:36 AM (A+/8k) 23
Duh. Rules for Radicals. I also understand Ayer's Prairie Fire is very good too. Posted by: The Poster Formerly Known as Mr. Barky at November 11, 2012 11:36 AM (o8Rxb) 24
Dropped Time Warner cable- told both them and the kids because of Barack Obama. What have you done today to connect Obama with pain in the minds of your children? Sent six charity donation forms back stating no donations because of Barack Obama. I'm not giving to the homeless Tday drive when Obama minions were out last week driving them to the polls. It's all me and my family all the time from here on in. Surely none of you are going to movies anytime soon? Starve the Hollywood beast.
I just finished "Lost in Shangri-La" by Mitchell Zuckoff- true story of Army WWII plane crash in remote area of New Guinea and the extraordinary measures needed to rescue the survivors. Posted by: Timwi at November 11, 2012 11:36 AM (pdhxN) 25
Fuck all Commies!
Lenin took it up the ass twice a week from Uncle Joe, who had Beria do him with a hammer-and-sickle shaped dildo. Castro used to go down on Kruchev and Breszhnev while Mao had his party hacks use the "great wall" dildo on him every Tuesday while Dungxia Ping watched. Communists, Socialists and Democrats. Three words that describe the same thing. Posted by: Churchill, W. at November 11, 2012 11:36 AM (RXQ2T) 26
How did I end up with"HA"? I have no idea if Wyatt comments at Hot Air. That was obviously supposed to be *HQ* .
Posted by: Polliwogette, disappointed hobbit at November 11, 2012 11:37 AM (NYki8) 27
Comrades! I also recommend Paulo Friere Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
Posted by: The Poster Formerly Known as Mr. Barky at November 11, 2012 11:38 AM (o8Rxb) 28
I have on several occasions attempted to read Trotsky's masterpiece: But I only make it as far as his observation that poor countries can leapfrog rich ones by stealing their technology before my eyes glaze over. Guess I'm just not cut out to be a communist. I denounce myself. Posted by: Citizen Anachronda at November 11, 2012 11:38 AM (1c58W) 29
Actually, I've gone back to basics. And by basics, I mean it. Reading the Bible, cover to cover. Right now I'm at Joshua. Also reading the Orestia by Aeschyles (sp?). Had started before the election, but looking at it now, seems fotuitous that I reading the building blocks of Western Civ, religious and secular, just as the cracks may be getting to big to patch. Posted by: Lee (in KY) at November 11, 2012 11:38 AM (jgXna) 30
Kind of OT here comrades, but for those of you who were fans of "Firefly", the 10yr reunion episode is showing tonight on the Science Channel.
Posted by: HH at November 11, 2012 11:38 AM (v+ExF) 31
Comrades! The Republic of Plato cannot be considered reactionary.
Posted by: The Poster Formerly Known as Mr. Barky at November 11, 2012 11:39 AM (o8Rxb) 32
Before John Calvin Batchelor went insane and now requires several years in the Obamacare Mental Health Camp- he wrote a glorious utopian/how to book called: "The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica" You running dog conservative wing nuts should study it's wisdom for the future course of your lives. Posted by: naturalfake at November 11, 2012 11:39 AM (G9qZk) 33
I'll bet you many rubles that that isn't a coincidence. ------------ So, like a quarter? Or are we talking the *official* exchange rate? Posted by: Citizen Anachronda at November 11, 2012 11:40 AM (1c58W) 34
Oregon Muse,
No Bullshit if you can stomach it I'd go all in. Sydney Reilley had papers and an ID in iron Felix's secret police when he was plotting to kill Lenin. I'd try to out comrade the comrades but I'd die of stroke I'm simply not flexible enough to pull it off. Posted by: sven10077 at November 11, 2012 11:41 AM (LRFds) 35
How did I end up with"HA"? I have no idea if Wyatt comments at Hot Air. That was obviously supposed to be *HQ* . ---------- Just blame it on autocorrect, also known as Zombie Steve Jobs. Everyone else does. Posted by: Citizen Anachronda at November 11, 2012 11:42 AM (1c58W) 36
Picked up Yeager by General Chuck Yeager at a garage sale last week. Am starting it today.
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 11:42 AM (BAS5M) 37
12 Comrade radish,
Da it is why Comrade Kalishnikov's happy toy is being chased for patent payments by original comrade prime. Forward. Posted by: sven10077 at November 11, 2012 11:43 AM (LRFds) 38
Oh, and pain related to Obama votes? My brother works security for Churchill Downs. All the fulltimers, including some guys 12 or 13 years experience, were placed on part-time status. With practically no chance now of ObamaCare being repealled post election, they decided this was the best way to handle the new regs coming up. Real life consequences, hitting my younger brother.
Posted by: Lee (in KY) at November 11, 2012 11:44 AM (jgXna) 39
Comrades! Monkeywrenching.
Posted by: The Poster Formerly Known as Mr. Barky at November 11, 2012 11:45 AM (o8Rxb) 40
What's the big deal? All of my college Liberal Arts professors were communist-- And proud of it.
Posted by: burt at November 11, 2012 11:46 AM (8kEad) 41
36 Count, read that as ateenager because my dad had it. I remember it being pretty interesting, especially since I was young enough not to know about his WW2 service and capture.
Posted by: Polliwogette, disappointed hobbit at November 11, 2012 11:47 AM (NYki8) 42
"One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" is the delightful tale of a man who finds satisfaction in the little things in life- eating his meals, finishing his day's work, while in the service of our glorious state! I give it our highest recommendation- 5 hammers and sickles! Posted by: naturalfake at November 11, 2012 11:47 AM (G9qZk) 43
I am listening to "The Little Red Guard" by Wenguang Huang in the car, appropriately enough. It's been interesting enough although it all takes place after the 10s of millions have been killed, so it's a bit of a let-down in that respect. And from the first half of the first disc, I like the Grandma a whole, whole lot: she immediately announces that she sees right through the Commie bullshit.
And I just started "Dangerous Instincts: How Gut Feelings Betray Us" about keeping oneself safe from making stupid decisions. Unfortunately, it's not about politics and required reading for leftists. And on my Kindle I am reading "Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited" about Henri Pirenne's theory that it was the Muslims who caused the dark ages, just like they want to cause it again. Very interesting stuff. I was going to emphasize learning more about the Muslim Brotherhood, but now I'm thinking maybe I should go commie too, at least read "The Communist Manifesto" so I'm prepared to fake it when necessary so I can destroy from within or something. Such a dilemma. Posted by: Tonestaple at November 11, 2012 11:49 AM (gvVlx) 44
If you'll be so kind, would you running dog lackey imperialists put in your reservations for the extermination camps now?
Thanks. We thought it would be poetic justice to use old abandoned WWII imperialist airfields to send you all to your nonexistent sky God and it keeps the whole thing out of sight for our Comrades in the media. Cellphones for Industry! Toodles! Posted by: Little Billy Ayers at November 11, 2012 11:49 AM (LK+JZ) 45
36 Picked up Yeager by General Chuck Yeager at a garage sale last week. Am starting it today.
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 11:42 AM (BAS5M) Boy, would I love to sit down with Yeager, for about 4 hours, and talk right now. I'll bring the beer Chuck. Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 11:51 AM (LK+JZ) 46
Could there be a more confusing Veteran's Day? I would denounce myself, but will not presume to usurp The State. Posted by: t-bird at November 11, 2012 11:52 AM (FcR7P) 47
"an ideologically pure party line will be rigidly enforced."
Well, conservatives already have that part down pat. Posted by: Warren Bonesteel at November 11, 2012 11:53 AM (WwR1j) 48
I think The Selfish Gene put Dawkins on the map.
Posted by: slick at November 11, 2012 11:53 AM (HS2H/) 49
No Bullshit if you can stomach it I'd go all in.
Sydney Reilley had papers and an ID in iron Felix's secret police when he was plotting to kill Lenin. I'd try to out comrade the comrades but I'd die of stroke I'm simply not flexible enough to pull it off. Posted by: sven10077 at November 11, 2012 11:41 AM (LRFds) I think the constant eye-rolling would give any of us away. Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 11:54 AM (LK+JZ) 50
Allow me to recommend for all your dvd descrambling/ripping needs.
Posted by: Darth Randall at November 11, 2012 11:56 AM (mV8sg) 51
yes, let's all just start joining the demicratic party, and letting the children have all the candy they want. let's let the whole thing collapse and go to shit. why not? it's going to anyway. i suspect that we will have a totalitarian regime in control at some point in my life time, so i guess we have to get used to it. as a democratic operative recently told me, "do yourself and your family a favor and shhhh." Another one also told me, "there is a world wide socialist one world government coming. if you do not like it, get off the planet." he also added, " right wingers won't put up a will fall into line." I guess we have no choice now, no? let me know when the executions and deportations to the american gulags start.
Posted by: Mistress Overdone at November 11, 2012 11:59 AM (2/oBD) 52
Democratic Party new slogan proposal: We Do Communist Right!
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 12:00 PM (BAS5M) 53
i suspect that we will have a totalitarian regime in control at some point in my life time
We already do. Posted by: HeatherRadish™, Crankypants Extraordinaire at November 11, 2012 12:02 PM (hO8IJ) 54
50 Allow me to recommend for all your dvd descrambling/ripping needs.
Posted by: Darth Randall at November 11, 2012 11:56 AM (mV8sg) Duly bookmarked, Comrade. Thank you. Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 12:03 PM (LK+JZ) 55
OT (sorry), but has anyone read the unfortunately titled bio of Patreus, "All In" ?
Posted by: Sinalco at November 11, 2012 12:03 PM (igG6C) 56
52 Democratic Party new slogan proposal: We Do Communist Right!
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 12:00 PM (BAS5M) It'll come across better with a catchy jingle. We're working on it, Comrade. Posted by: Ministry of Catchy Jingles at November 11, 2012 12:04 PM (LK+JZ) 57
I think the constant eye-rolling would give any of us away. ------------ Perhaps that's why the cool leftists always wore those little round dark sunglasses? Posted by: Citizen Anachronda at November 11, 2012 12:05 PM (1c58W) 58
Yeah, "Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited" is good. I've read it twice. I keep putting off reviewing it, since it's one of those things you have to study hard and cross-check.
Posted by: boulder hobo at November 11, 2012 12:05 PM (QTHTd) 59
55 OT (sorry), but has anyone read the unfortunately titled bio of Patreus, "All In" ?
Posted by: Sinalco at November 11, 2012 12:03 PM (igG6C) Nyet. Posted by: Comrade 98ZJUSMC in Johnson County laughing at Cook County at November 11, 2012 12:05 PM (LK+JZ) 60
I haven't read "Beneath Me While I'm Clawing At His Nipples" yet, no.
Posted by: boulder hobo at November 11, 2012 12:06 PM (QTHTd) 61
57 49
I think the constant eye-rolling would give any of us away. ------------ Perhaps that's why the cool leftists always wore those little round dark sunglasses? Posted by: Citizen Anachronda at November 11, 2012 12:05 PM (1c58W) Heh.......... Comrade! Sorry, almost forgot. Posted by: Comrade 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 12:07 PM (LK+JZ) 62
Trust me on this; never get involved with a woman who reminds you of Alanis Morissette.
Posted by: D. Petraeus at November 11, 2012 12:08 PM (snsLN) 63
What's the conversion rate between a metric buttload and the standard U.S. buttload ?
Posted by: RoadRunner at November 11, 2012 12:09 PM (rIOWj) 64
Big Commie book (or satire): Cloud Atlas.
Another, The U.S. Tax Code. A third, The Grapes of Wrath. Posted by: eman at November 11, 2012 12:09 PM (sRus3) 65
No more GOP! Retire the GOP! This is the age of Aquarius.
Change your registration to another party. Become one with the people. Beets and Vodka in equal shares! Equal shares of misery for everyone! Be sure to check in with, Posted by: Gunsmoke at November 11, 2012 12:10 PM (0N+6v) Posted by: OregonMuse at November 11, 2012 12:11 PM (ggDD6) 67
"We're working on it, Comrade."
LSMFT. L et's S tart M oving F orward T oday Not a jingle Comrades, but perhaps a glimpse of our glorious future! Posted by: HH at November 11, 2012 12:11 PM (v+ExF) 68
I'm currently reading Michael Z. Willliamson's Better to Beg Forgiveness, which is free at Baen's site. Excellent, enthalling, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the author were one of us, because his protagonists (members of a contract EPD team) sure sound like a collection of us. Definitely politically incorrect, a science fiction political thriller with loads of guns, explosives, one big kidnapping attempt on the team's principal (so far), and extremely hard to put down.
Posted by: Empire1 at November 11, 2012 12:12 PM (vBdlH) 69
I'm doing opposition research: After America, Mark Steyn
Posted by: Andrew at November 11, 2012 12:13 PM (QRtGH) 70
Aren't any of the comrades actually reading books this week? I've hardly added anything to my fine Soviet list at the Peoples' Republic of
Damn, this commie shit is hard. It's been so long since we thought we won the cold war that I've forgotten how to do it. Where is Leonid Brezhnev when we need him? Posted by: Tonestaple at November 11, 2012 12:13 PM (gvVlx) 71
Chomsky (Like Madonna or GaGa, only one name needed), Eric Hobsbawm, Howard Zinn -- if you have to narrow it down to only three. If you want to know why your kids come from home from college without ever hearing of the gulags or the Khmer Rouge killing fields, but are pretty sure you should be reeducated.... Read those guys. Posted by: Beagle at November 11, 2012 12:13 PM (sOtz/) Posted by: eman at November 11, 2012 12:15 PM (sRus3) Posted by: Gunsmoke at November 11, 2012 12:16 PM (0N+6v) 74
67 "We're working on it, Comrade."
LSMFT. L et's S tart M oving F orward T oday Not a jingle Comrades, but perhaps a glimpse of our glorious future! Posted by: HH at November 11, 2012 12:11 PM (v+ExF) Your input is appreciated, Comrade! Please to be taking an extra helping of glorious government cheese. Cellphones, for Industry! Posted by: Ministry of Catchy Jingles at November 11, 2012 12:16 PM (LK+JZ) 75
Chomsky (Like Madonna or GaGa, only one name needed)... ------------ I thought GaGa's first name was Lady. Just like Mr. T's first name is Mr, his middle name is that little dot, and his last name is T. Posted by: Citizen Anachronda at November 11, 2012 12:17 PM (1c58W) 76
America 2014: Come See The Softer Side Of Communist!
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 12:17 PM (BAS5M) 77
"Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live on"
Second is an adjective, third - the progressive future (chills writing that, ooooh) #20, nice I have a headache suddenly. . . Posted by: Trotsky, with an ice-axe (unexpectedly!) in his head at November 11, 2012 12:17 PM (RsVYV) 78
I posted this a couple of days late in last week's Halloween thread. Cheers.
RECOMMENDED KINDLE ZOMBIE BOOKS There is a lot of junk in the Kindle zombies section (even many of the "Best of" and "Top 10" lists are filled with (in my view) second-tier stuff). But there are some gems, too. All of the books in this list are at least good, and some are very good. They are listed in rough order of goodness. Flesh Eaters by Joe McKinney. A hurricane devastates Houston. From the flood waters emerge you-know-what. I re-read this as comfort food of sorts the day after the election. The action does not start on the first page, but stick with it. This is a good one. Also highly recommended is Joe McKinney's Dead City, a terrific, non-stop roller coaster ride of a book (where the action does start on the first page, and basically never lets up). Left with the Dead by Stephen Knight. A tough old soldier who is cut off from his company must survive in a zombie-infested NYC. This is a longish short story that builds to a powerful climax. It's a sequel to The Gathering Dead, which is also recommended (LWTD, the second book in this series, can easily be read as a stand-alone). Area 187 by Eric Lowther. Northern Virginia and environs have been quarantined to contain the zombie plague. Good yarn, good read. Mountain Man by Keith Blackmore. A moron-type hillbilly/redneck manages to survive the zombie apocalypse while staying (for the most part) massively drunk. Good yarn, good read. Wild Strawberry by T.A. Donnelly. Download the sample opening chapter of this book -- it's a great zombie set piece. The book features some action scenes that are absolutely *intense*. Trailer Park Zombies by Jason H. Jones. The first chapter or two, and the ending feel a bit off-key, but this book mostly kicks ass. A fun ride, with some great zombie action. [As I post this, TPZ is not currently being sold in Kindle format, only paperback; I suspect the Kindle version will reappear eventually.] Lou vs. the Zombies by Jason Tucker. When I stumbled across this, I thought the premise sounded a little too cute. But it's a fun short story that delivers the zombie goods. Dead of Night by Jonathan Maberry. The energy seems to fade a bit in the second half of this book, but the first half (maybe the first two-thirds) rocks. Monster Island by David Wellington. Has a couple of very cool, fresh zombie ideas (at least, I hadn't seen them before). At the end the story takes a turn that I didn't really like, but the book mostly rocks. The Enemy by Charlie Higson. This is a young adult novel. Zombie-like creatures take over London. The only survivors are children and adolescents, who form into groups to survive, with attendant power struggles. Enjoyable, satisfying story. Posted by: shoeless hunter at November 11, 2012 12:19 PM (9196u) 79
Chomsky (Like Madonna or GaGa, only one name needed), Eric Hobsbawm, Howard Zinn -- if you have to narrow it down to only three.
Those twos spot in hell is to wake up every morning and have Andrew Breitbart beat the living crap out of them. Slowly. Over and over. Posted by: Comrade 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 12:19 PM (LK+JZ) 80
I have a headache suddenly. . .Posted by: Trotsky, with an ice-axe (unexpectedly!) in his head -------- Recommended: The rest of their stuff is meh. Posted by: Citizen Anachronda at November 11, 2012 12:20 PM (1c58W) 81
76 America 2014: Come See The Softer Side Of Communist!
Posted by: Count de Monet at November 11, 2012 12:17 PM (BAS5M) a Volt! DA! I like, Comrade. I like. Posted by: Ministry of Catchy Jingles at November 11, 2012 12:22 PM (LK+JZ) 82
Chomsky (Like Madonna or GaGa, only one name needed), Eric Hobsbawm, Howard Zinn -- if you have to narrow it down to only three.
If you want to know why your kids come from home from college without ever hearing of the gulags or the Khmer Rouge killing fields, but are pretty sure you should be reeducated.... Read those guys. Posted by: Beagle at November 11, 2012 12:13 PM (sOtz/) I read their shit. True-blue Commies all. My daughters started out as Kos kids, now they are Republicans. The indoctrination is slowly draining out of them. A few years ago the younger one learned the truth about how South Vietnam fell. She learned it from me. I told her about the betrayals and abandonment. The Democrat Congress, President Ford, President Nixon, the Peace Treaty, etc. She sat there stunned and said, "They never told us any of that." I could see the shutters falling away. A year later she came to the Dark Side. Posted by: eman at November 11, 2012 12:22 PM (sRus3) 83
Time to change. I am on board for gay marriage. Welcome to Divorce Court. Be careful what you wish for. I am also on board for abortion. If you need WIC, welfare et al, to support the baby, you get a free, mandatory, tax funded abortion. It is not a choice, it is a requirement. Cheaper for me in all areas. Have fun!
Posted by: Spook at November 11, 2012 12:24 PM (lp/O4) 84
If I can get over my disgust, I am going to apply for food stamps. Free stuff! Cloward Piven!
In CA, the first page of the application on line is a redirect to Voter Registration. "Sign up, baby, and then you're mine. Love, The Democrat Party." Posted by: PJ at November 11, 2012 12:24 PM (ZWaLo) 85
43 Tonestaple: "And on my Kindle I am reading "Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited" about Henri Pirenne's theory that it was the Muslims who caused the dark ages, just like they want to cause it again. Very interesting stuff."
Sounds interesting. Thanks for the tip. Posted by: shoeless hunter at November 11, 2012 12:25 PM (9196u) 86
I just assumed the "Lady" was an honorific from her no doubt fabulous monarch.
Posted by: Beagle at November 11, 2012 12:26 PM (sOtz/) 87
Comrade OM, you forgot the Rape. Rape is now condoned because the State has sanctioned contraception and abortion.
Lay back and think of Obama, ladies. Posted by: Fritz at November 11, 2012 12:26 PM (0yCoM) 88
Posted by: shoeless hunter at November 11, 2012 12:19 PM (9196u)
An excellent list. I have read some of them and fully agree with your take. Try "The Remaining" and "Bound" and "No easy Hope and "Into the Badlands" Posted by: eman at November 11, 2012 12:27 PM (sRus3) 89
Anything and everything at at (all free pdf or e-books from the Ludwig von Mises Institute).
This election has put me over the edge, I want to go full Rothbard (and you never go full Rothbard). Posted by: WTF Do I Know at November 11, 2012 12:28 PM (HtUdo) 90
When I first saw that Barry Forward poster, I thought, that could be something he'd use
Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 11, 2012 12:28 PM (XxXUI) 91
Ya know, the actual Soviet propaganda billboards and posters, still prevalent when I spent time in the worker's paradise in the 70s and 80s, did frequently feature "Forward!" ("fpyer-YOAD!") as a slogan. Often with the image of Lenin pointing to the distance, looking stern and resolute. Many statues the same (minus the slogan, of course). Those without the Sovietologist background might not have fully appreciated - as in, not have been as devastated, and left in slack-jawed disgust and disbelief - when the idiot president's poster in 2008 used "socialist realism" style elements (the one with the pastel tones depicting The One's visage). Unbelievable. Of course my (politically) cretinous sister had this taped inside the back window of her car. And now, this time, "Forward!".I've been mostly speechless for years, but this one probably explains itself. Wow. Posted by: non-purist at November 11, 2012 12:30 PM (UViC2) 92
82 Chomsky (Like Madonna or GaGa, only one name needed), Eric Hobsbawm, Howard Zinn -- if you have to narrow it down to only three.
If you want to know why your kids come from home from college without ever hearing of the gulags or the Khmer Rouge killing fields, but are pretty sure you should be reeducated.... Read those guys. Posted by: Beagle at November 11, 2012 12:13 PM (sOtz/) I read their shit. True-blue Commies all. My daughters started out as Kos kids, now they are Republicans. The indoctrination is slowly draining out of them. A few years ago the younger one learned the truth about how South Vietnam fell. She learned it from me. I told her about the betrayals and abandonment. The Democrat Congress, President Ford, President Nixon, the Peace Treaty, etc. She sat there stunned and said, "They never told us any of that." I could see the shutters falling away. A year later she came to the Dark Side. Posted by: eman at November 11, 2012 12:22 PM (sRus3) Good man. I couldn't take the bullshit anymore, punched out of college after two and a half years and went back in the military, where I belonged. Too many pissing matches with Birkenstock-equipped Professors. Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 12:33 PM (LK+JZ) 93
89 Anything and everything at at (all free pdf or e-books from the Ludwig von Mises Institute).
This election has put me over the edge, I want to go full Rothbard (and you never go full Rothbard). Posted by: WTF Do I Know at November 11, 2012 12:28 PM (HtUdo) I want to subvert. I really do. I don't know how. Explosives, field-expedient killing devices, ambushes, mass firepower, tac-air strikes, reconnaisannce, problem. Don't know subversion and I don't think I would be very good at it. Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 12:39 PM (LK+JZ) 94
Currently reading "Denunciation for Fun and Profit: Surviving in Obama's Workers Paradise." Posted by: Comrade Zoltan at November 11, 2012 12:41 PM (sX1gH) 95
Richard Dawkins wants to take away tax breaks for American churches.
He was tweeting about how evil Romney was for being a Christian. When people pointed out the same thing about Obama, Dawkins said it was Ok because Obama was probably faking it. I really dislike the guy. Posted by: Shoot Me at November 11, 2012 12:48 PM (qiXMt) 96
Don't know subversion and I don't think I would be very good at it.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Waiting for the Sun at November 11, 2012 12:39 PM (LK+JZ) I wish I had an answer or knew wtf to do. Right now I'm even reading (this is how far over the edge I feel I've been pushed) about Agorism and counter economics. Posted by: WTF Do I Know at November 11, 2012 12:50 PM (HtUdo) 97
...When people pointed out the same thing about Obama, Dawkins said it was Ok because Obama was probably faking it
Well for once, Dawkins is probably right. Posted by: OregonMuse at November 11, 2012 12:52 PM (ggDD6) 98
I don't think our fellow Comrade O'Muse has gone far enough. Perhaps we need a thread about which books to ban!
I start with "Animal Farm". I think we are mocked in this... Posted by: Comrade HH at November 11, 2012 12:52 PM (v+ExF) 99
Arthur Koestler's "Darkness at Noon." The best book on communism ever written.
Posted by: Libra at November 11, 2012 12:54 PM (kd8U8) 100
Awesome flyover!! Go Panthers!!
Posted by: NCKate at November 11, 2012 12:58 PM (MsQkt) 101
thanks, eman.
Posted by: shoeless hunter at November 11, 2012 12:59 PM (9196u) 102
Just finished Spain Betrayed, by Ron Radosh, Mary Haybeck, and Grigory Sevostianov. I've avoided reading much about the Spanish Civil War because it has been so thoroughly romanticized and mythologized by the progs. This book is not so much a history of the war as it is a document dump, with analysis, of reports back to the Kremlin from Soviet operatives and agents in Spain.
It makes it clear that the USSR had infiltrated and dominated the Spanish Republican government, internal and military security services, and the military. It also makes clear that the Soviets intended for Spain to become the first Soviet satellite state, nearly a decade before they managed to grab Eastern Europe and subject them to their special brand of hell. I will never defend Franco and his brand of fascism, but this book confirms my suspicion that, if not the best side, the least worst side won that war. Posted by: Steve Skubinna at November 11, 2012 01:01 PM (ocxyf) 103
Thank shoeless hunter
Posted by: Nc at November 11, 2012 01:02 PM (LmX/s) 104
I mean "thanks"
Posted by: Nc at November 11, 2012 01:05 PM (LmX/s) 105
For research, I've been reading "The Opium Wars" (Hanes and Sanello) which has been unexpectedly hilarious. See, one author is a professor and the other is a journalist, and they obviously can't cope with the cognitive dissonance of the subject matter. Great Britain is Western and is therefore evil (and pushing opium, which I agree was morally shady). However the Quing empire of China is pretty much doing all of the War on Drugs stuff we're doing, verbatim, and their little liberal minds are straining mightily to still make the Chinese the good guys. Plus there is lots and lots of evidence that cheap drugs actually made things worse (hmm, maybe legalization won't help!) and as the British fight their way inland they keep finding dead Chinese soldiers with their opium pipes still stuck in their mouths.
Then for fun read Correia's Dead Six, and more Churchill. Need to get out the Ouija board and ask Winnie's advice on the current situation, which roughly approximates post-Dunkirk... Posted by: Sabrina Chase at November 11, 2012 01:05 PM (wfSF5) 106
cheers, Nc.
Posted by: shoeless hunter at November 11, 2012 01:06 PM (9196u) 107
Just had a "lol moment" with Wyatt's book "Only Son" when the main character obliquely referenced Monty Python. I love how the 'Ron and 'Ette authors work in inside jokes from the HQ. Sabrina Chase did as well with the male lead's commanding officer calling him a " 'Ron".
Posted by: Polliwogette, disappointed hobbit at November 11, 2012 01:10 PM (NYki8) 108
Actually, I've gone back to basics. And by basics, I mean it. Reading the Bible, cover to cover. Right now I'm at Joshua. Also reading the Orestia by Aeschyles (sp?). Had started before the election, but looking at it now, seems fotuitous that I reading the building blocks of Western Civ, religious and secular, just as the cracks may be getting to big to patch. Posted by: Lee (in KY) at November 11, 2012 11:38 AM (jgXna)
Yes, that's what I'm planning to do too - reading the Classics of Western Civ before it's decided that those old books written by Dead White Males are counterproductive in our Brave New World and might give people ideas. Since most contemporary authors are far left moonbats, I don't want to give them any more of my money or attention. Posted by: Donna V. at November 11, 2012 01:11 PM (7OHl8) Posted by: fire scoamf voters at November 11, 2012 01:13 PM (LpQbZ) 110
10 Mao's "Little Red Book" ( which turd-dongs like Bill Ayers were waving around in the 60s ) is gibberish.
Inchoate blatherings of Nothing But the Chinese people had to read it, if they knew what was good for them. It was a bestseller. When you're the dictator, you don't have to worry about literary critics. Posted by: rickl at November 11, 2012 01:30 PM (sdi6R) 111
We need to eliminate the 4 year presidential term. Presidents need to be able to see their 5 year plans to completion.
Posted by: @PurpAv at November 11, 2012 01:33 PM (gy+bf) 112
Oh, and a great guide to Western Civ is Jacques Barzun's "From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present, 500 Years of Western Cultural Life." Barzun died earlier this month at the age of 104. He came here from his native France to study when he was still in his teens and stayed. "Dawn to Decadence" was written when he was in his 90's. The last article he published, earlier this year, was an op-ed pieced for the WSJ praising the military and urging Columbia (where he taught for over 50 years) to reestablish ROTC on campus. (Barzun considered himself fully American, but I have noticed that the rare frog who gets it right really nails it - Barzun, Veronique de Rugy, Bastiat, de Tocqueville, and the authors of "The Black Book of Communism.")
Barzun was fully aware that we were headed down the toliet. The last chapters of "Dawn to Decadence" perfectly discribe the cultural sickness of the West. Barzun described himself as a "cheerful pessimist" - he thought he would crash and burn, but that the West would rediscover its' ideals. Was he right? We'll find out. Posted by: Donna V. at November 11, 2012 01:33 PM (7OHl8) 113
Forever Flowing by Vasily Grossman. About the delights of the GULAG and the Ukranian famine. Just a little preview of where a society without individual rights or the rule of law is heading.
Posted by: Emily at November 11, 2012 01:35 PM (FicFv) 114
Right on with the Barzun book Donna V.
Posted by: Libra at November 11, 2012 01:40 PM (kd8U8) Posted by: rickl at November 11, 2012 01:41 PM (sdi6R) 116
We need to eliminate the 4 year presidential term. Presidents need to be able to see their 5 year plans to completion. --------- We will fulfill the five year plan in the fourth year! (the gerbils hate long Russian words) Posted by: Citizen Anachronda finds your lack of faith disturbing at November 11, 2012 01:44 PM (1c58W) 117
Do bra Den Tovarisch! Don't worry, we'll have your new GM trabant available in 10 years or so.......
Posted by: DDaland at November 11, 2012 01:46 PM (hDPek) 118
Comrades! I heartily recommend Holdren's and Ehrlich's "Ecoscience" for its innovative ideas on delivering free contraceptives to the masses.
Posted by: Blackford Oakes at November 11, 2012 01:54 PM (nO18H) 119
Now come on, at least post information on good Commie books, I checked on Getting Yours and it only has 1.5 stars and is severly outdated, none of the Freebie phone numbers in the book are relevent. So please sendus 'Newbie Moron Commies' an updated relevent list. I would like to start applying to me free stuff before it all runs out.
Posted by: MarkyMark at November 11, 2012 02:00 PM (FKfnl) 120
Do bra Den Tovarisch! Don't worry, we'll have your new GM trabant available in 10 years or so....... Posted by: DDaland at November 11, 2012 01:46 PM (hDPek) Morning or afternoon? The plumber's gonna be here in the morning. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at November 11, 2012 02:01 PM (Rhie+) 121
Haven't read the comments, just the post. But did anyone mention... this seems like you're kind-of treading into The People's Cube shtick? I guess maybe we all ought to learn the language.
Somebody commented days ago, maybe on the election live blog, something like, I for one welcome our new Communist overlords and offer to act as translator for the Conservatives in the mines. What a great play on the meme. Keeps coming back to me. Posted by: That Mindful Guy's lookin fer no tribble here okay? at November 11, 2012 02:19 PM (lBpVP) 122
Washington gave the people the marijuana so they wouldn't notice when they took everything else.
Posted by: Lemmiwinks at November 11, 2012 02:23 PM (SkyIE) 123
Washington gave the people the marijuana so they wouldn't notice when they took everything else. -Lemmiwinks
Hey, Dude! Where's my... uh... everything, actually? [clic nic for hardly-related pot comic] Posted by: The Big Bong Theory at November 11, 2012 02:40 PM (lBpVP) Posted by: mpfs at November 11, 2012 02:42 PM (Mkhiu) Posted by: redclay at November 11, 2012 02:45 PM (+PlLU) Posted by: PJ at November 11, 2012 02:50 PM (ZWaLo) 127
Lurker uncloaking.
Just finished The Power Makers: Steam, Electricity, and the Men Who Invented Modern America, by Maury Klein. Now switching off between Albion's Seed: Four British Folkways in America, by David Hackett Fisher, and Black Rednecks and White Liberals, by Thomas Sowell. Fisher describes the cultures brought by the four great British migrations to America: Puritans (1629-1640), Southern planters (1642-1675), Quakers (1675-1725), and Scots-Irish (1718-1775). "[They had] four different conceptions of order, power, and freedom which ... has created an expansive pluralism which is more libertarian than any unitary culture alone could be. That is the central thesis of this book: the legacy of four British folkways in early America remains the most powerful determinant of a voluntary society in the United States today." Sowell says that modern American black people picked up some bad qualities from the Scots-Irish. I'd like to hear him and Sen. Jim Webb debate the point, Marine to Marine. Posted by: Whiggish Boffin at November 11, 2012 02:51 PM (DV9Ls) 128
"Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution" by Ruth Scurr (MacMillan, 2007), well written. Especially interesting are the parts about his attempts at changing popular culture and replacing traditional religion with revolutionary "religion" --- not called so by him, of course. The details of in-fighting among the winners and the resulting Terror are fun too. And let's not forget the Happy Ending: with his jaw half-shot off and tied onto his head with a rag, Ol' Robie was dragged off to meet La Belle Guillotine.
"Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968" by Hedda Margolius Kovaly (Plunkett Lake Press, Cambridge MA, 1986). A Jew who miraculously escaped from a death march from a concentration camp at the very end of the war, she and her husband bought the Kool-aid of Communism, him even taking a job in the government of Czechoslovakia. Watch their initial disbelief as their eyes open to the true state of affairs. No Happy Ending. Posted by: Trotsky, with an ice-axe (unexpectedly!) in his head at November 11, 2012 03:21 PM (RsVYV) 129
A few months ago I read one of those feel-good novels, good guys win, bad guy and gal get theirs. '1984' by George Orwell.
More recently read a mystery from 1860, 'The Woman In White' by Willie Collins. It was good though awfully long for the material, Arthur Conan Doyle could have told the same story in one fifth the pages. Read 'They Tell Me I'm The Bad Guy', a hilarious super power story by R. D. Harless in just a few days. Loved it, need more from this author. Re-reading Dickens' 'David Copperfield', really enjoying it so far. Posted by: waelse1 at November 11, 2012 03:29 PM (38UAE) 130
Prager's comment about.....Howard Zinn's People's History of the United States...
"Zinn's viewpoint of America is analogous to a proctologist's viewpoint on the human being" Posted by: doesky at November 11, 2012 03:34 PM (z778V) 131
Enjoying "Team of Rivals" by Doris Kearns Goodwin, looking forward to the movie.
Posted by: norrin radd at November 11, 2012 03:35 PM (JIjuv) 132
Reading Crusade, the second book of Taylor Anderson's Destroyermen series. Totally rocks.
Posted by: el gordo at November 11, 2012 04:18 PM (XPwi6) 133
I picked up at a library sale Daniel Boorstin's books The Creators and The Discoverers -- they were 25 cents each, and one had an endorsement by George Will. I'm making slow progress through the tomes. I don't really know enough on those time periods to know if he's right about things -- is he considered good, or out-dated, or wrong in his take on things?
I checked out from the library two books from Boorstin's series on America. I had to return them before finishing them, but I did have some minor quibbles about a few things that he said in those. I'm working on "The Historian as Detective" which is a series of essays published in the 1960's (some of the essays are much older), and also picked up at a yard sale. Posted by: SEM at November 11, 2012 04:30 PM (W35La) 134
Breitbart's "Righteous Indignation." Eye-opening as to my own college experience with the silver ponytails.
Posted by: Squirrel Does Code! at November 11, 2012 04:30 PM (gslhL) 135
Book sale, I meant!
Also, read some Helen Brooks this week (a Christian Brit writer who does Harlequin romances that usually don't have awful morals but no overt Christianity). I really like Doreen Tovey, who did Cats in the Belfry, which always makes me laugh, but I didn't read any of her books this week (might have cheered me up a little if I had). Posted by: SEM at November 11, 2012 04:36 PM (W35La) 136
I completely agree with the Moron who said Koestler's Darkness at Noon is the definitive book about Communism. Ghost in a Machine by him isn't too bad either. For a history of Marxism and Communism To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson is a good read. Starts with the origins of the philosophy in post-Revolution France and how it evolved. The Black Book of Communism is another good read. Posted by: Devil-Slayer at November 11, 2012 07:12 PM (/RXkS) 137
The Lesko Free money book is quite old. Does anybody know of a more current book or website that isn't a rip-off (which apparently Trudeau's book) so we can tap in to all that sweet, sweet cash?
My wife works 1 day a week for here dad's company and then volunteers for the poor the rest of the time. We've just figured out we're chumps so she's dropping the volunteering and wants to spend the time sucking as much as possible out of Uncle Sugar. Any suggestions? Posted by: Jaylord at November 11, 2012 07:42 PM (Y6qC4) 138
I'm chilling to some classical reading- Democrat approved, of course - Walt Whitman.....
The members who composed it were, seven-eighths of them, office-holders, office-seekers, pimps, malignants, conspirators, murderers, fancy-men, custom-house clerks, contractors, kept-editors, spaniels well-train’d to carry and fetch, jobbers, infidels, disunionists, terrorists, mail-riflers, slave-catchers, pushers of slavery, creatures of the President, creatures of would-be Presidents, spies, blowers, electioneerers, bawlers, bribers, compromisers, lobbyers, sponges, ruined sports, expell’d gamblers, policy-backers, monte-dealers, duelists, carriers of conceal’d weapons, deaf’ men, pimpled men, scarr’d inside with vile disease, gaudy outside with gold chains made from the people’s money and harlot’s money twisted together; crawling, serpentine men, the lousy combings and born freedom-sellers of the earth.” - On a 1850's Democratic Convention Posted by: DDaland at November 11, 2012 08:02 PM (hDPek) 139
68 Michael Z. Williamson is openly big-L Libertarian.
He's much less subtle in his novel Freehold. Posted by: BornLib at November 11, 2012 08:48 PM (zpNwC) 140
Reading some teen books about dragons because I can't take politics right now.
Posted by: hazchic at November 11, 2012 11:21 PM (56UlG) 141
Вперед, товарищи! Все рабочие мира соединяются!
Posted by: LCDR M(Ret) at November 12, 2012 09:54 AM (RivEu) Processing 0.03, elapsed 0.0383 seconds. |
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