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The Left's Rhetoric Has Incited Another Assassin: Alaska Man Arrested for Threatening to Murder and Torture Six Conservative Supreme Court Justices

The Democrat Party is the party of low-impulse-control, mentally-ill morons who have messiah complexes despite being complete loser basket-cases.

If you tell this petri dish of bad chemicals and bad genetics that their lives are literally in danger if Bad Man Wins Election, some will do the unthinkable: They'll believe the Democrat-Media Complex. Some are too stupid to know any better.

Alaska man charged with threats to torture, murder conservative Supreme Court justices

An Alaska man has been arrested and charged with threatening to torture and murder six Supreme Court justices -- including two of the high court's best-known conservatives -- as well as their relatives, the Justice Department revealed Thursday.

Panos Anastasiou, 76, was nabbed Wednesday in Anchorage and is facing 22 federal charges stemming from 465 alarming messages he sent via the Supreme Court's website between March 10 and July 16, prosecutors say.

The justices are not identified in the indictment, but details about Anastasiou's messages indicate he targeted Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas.

In one alleged message, sent May 17, Anastasiou said he wanted to drive by a justice's house with fellow Vietnam War veterans and spray the property with AR-15 gunfire.

"Hopefully N---- [Supreme Court Justice 1] and his white trailer trash n---- loving wife insurrectionist wife are visiting," he wrote, according to the indictment.
The video player is currently playing an ad.

I'm so glad that the Democrat-Media Party is so free of racists.

The "N----" word there means N*gger. That's what this Mostly Peaceful Protester is calling Clarence Thomas.

Thomas' wife Ginni, who is white, has come under criticism for her support of Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him via voter fraud.

A day earlier, Anastasiou appeared to reference a New York Times report about an upside-down US flag being flown outside Alito's northern Virginia home following the 2020 vote, writing: "I would have had NO reservations about walking up to [Supreme Court Justice 2] and not asking him to take it down but to put a BULLET in this mother f---s [sic] head."

Another message, dated July 5, allegedly said, "We should make [Supreme Court Justices 1-6] be AFRAID very AFRAID to leave their home and fear for their lives everyday," court records reveal.

The Supreme Court is generally thought to have six conservative justices and three liberal justices, with the former roster consisting of Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh in addition to Thomas and Alito.

Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee, dozens of times, most recently in July.

"We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with," Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

The Democrat-Media Party insists that no matter what happens, no matter how many assassins' rifles ring out, they will never stop inciting their crazies to commit murder.

Posted by: Ace at 02:23 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 last

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:23 PM (GBKbO)

2 Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee, dozens of times, most recently in July.


"This is proof positive that this guy voted for Trump."
-DU, 87.46% probability

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:24 PM (GBKbO)

3 Howdy!

Posted by: Moonbeam at September 19, 2024 02:24 PM (rbKZ6)

4 Well, as the very smart and clear-headed Chuck Schumer said: "You will reap the whirlwind!"

I'm assured he meant nothing threatening by it, though.

Posted by: red speck at September 19, 2024 02:24 PM (0Id0S)

5 This is what the left wants.

If you cross them, you better fear for your life.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (N1DT3)

6 There have never been consequences for things we do.

There never will be consequences for things we do.


Posted by: leftists at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (FnneF)

7 Hmmm. Must be Thursday.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (PDf99)

8 LMAO, you just KNEW it was an unhinged lefty.

And, boobs.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (i24o9)

9 Contributing to ActBlue should be viewed as a terrorism marker.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (uxCna)

10 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (k26Nt)

11 ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee


Acting Blue seems to be synonymous with violence.

Posted by: TexasDan at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (z/ifB)

12 Trump's fault.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (k26Nt)

13 The guy seems nice.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (PDf99)

14 Paging DU, please come to the white courtesy phone.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (CIS44)

15 Panos Anastasiou

It's Greek to me.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (v6JzV)

16 I wonder which six...Not

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (IyPmt)

17 Will no one rid me of this turbulent Presidential candidate?

Posted by: The DNC! at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (uxCna)

18 "We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with," Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement.

See? Look how good I am at doing my job!

NO it has nothing to do with this being an election year.

Posted by: Merrick Garland at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (FnneF)

19 I bet the Marxists can't wait to take over and start killing opponents

Posted by: Skip at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (fwDg9)

20 The left wants ALL of us dead.

They have urgency towards those who may stop their power grabs like DJT and 5 Supreme Court Justices. (Roberts will bend with a small amount of pressure, so they don't have to actually kill him.)

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (N1DT3)

21 "Yea, but did this fine gentleman say 'nigger' or 'nigga'?"

-- DU

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (iFTx/)

22 Leftism is a mental disorder.

That's not a joke or hyperbole. They are nuts.

That fat, white woman with kinky hair driving a car (slowly in the fast lane) with a Harris-Walz sticker is nuts.

Posted by: Seems Legit at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (JeYYB)

23 Contributing to ActBlue should be viewed as a terrorism marker.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 19, 2024 02:26 PM (uxCna)

Project 2025: Trump will charge all ActBlue donors with financing a terror organization.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (i24o9)

24 Who knew commie leftists were dangerous.


Posted by: Archer at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (IDphi)

I think there is a pattern emerging.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (+oR7L)

26 "Yea, but did this fine gentleman say 'nigger' or 'nigga'?"

-- DU
Posted by: Doctor

Oh you just KNOW it had the hard R.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (CIS44)

27 Another message, dated July 5, allegedly said, "We should make [Supreme Court Justices 1-6] be AFRAID very AFRAID to leave their home and fear for their lives everyday," court records reveal.

Didn't some Dem congress-cretin say the same thing?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (oZhjI)

28 An earlier thread today had some discussion of an Oct surprise (the passing of a Biden) happening on Oct 26th. No one mentioned that that is an extremely significant date.

It is the birthday of one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Yes, that is when the entire earth was gifted with her magnificent presence.

BTW, there has been some question why she had to write four memoirs. Simple. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are gone, so she has to do it herself.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (1bNHn)

29 "Hopefully N---- [Supreme Court Justice 1] and his white trailer trash n---- loving wife insurrectionist wife are visiting," he wrote, according to the indictment.

The video player is currently playing an ad.

Timing is everything.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (k26Nt)

30 Project 2025: Trump will charge all ActBlue donors with financing a terror organization.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (i24o9)

I'm already voting for Trump, you don't have to sell me!

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (N1DT3)

31 Panos Anastasiou - is this guy a Greek Homo?

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (W3T6M)

32 Are we sure that ActBlue isn’t one of the ID theft stuff they do?

BTW, the second assassination attempt on Trump got more conspiratorial. A whistleblower told Senator Hawley that there are typically SS agents stationed at the golf course vulnerable areas.

So there was supposed to be someone where the shooter was.

This is the exact same problem with the J13 assassination. There should’ve been someone on the roof but not and the shooter exploited that vulnerability.

In both cases there is no way the shooter should’ve known the vulnerability existed.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (CgVac)

33 Didn't some Dem congress-cretin say the same thing?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (oZhjI)


Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (IyPmt)

34 Never fear, my liberal friends. I'm coming back!

I was just resting.

Posted by: RBG at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (liaTF)

35 Contributing to ActBlue should be viewed as a terrorism marker.

In fairness most of the people on the ActBlue donation list have no idea what ActBlue is.

Kinda like all those people voting by mail that have no idea they've cast a ballot

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (oZhjI)

36 That man is a hero.

Posted by: DU Braintrust at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (aD39U)

37 Getting to the point where I'm just happy the left can still turn out normal nutters.

No pink hair. No missing genitalia. Just good old fashioned hate.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (KbCG3)

38 They say "Thomas wants to ban interracial marriage!"

To provoke a response from us to announce that Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman.

Why? Because they don't want to announce it themselves, but they want all their racist supporters to know just the same. So they make *us* tell them by leveling made up bs.

Yes, this is what we are up against.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (LCr8f)

39 36 That man is a hero.
You meant Gyro, rite?

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (W3T6M)

40 Panos Anastasiou, 76, was nabbed Wednesday in Anchorage and is facing 22 federal charges stemming from 465 alarming messages he sent via the Supreme Court's website between March 10 and July 16, prosecutors say.

Today is September 19th. What forced Garland's DOJ to come out of hiding?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (k26Nt)

41 Didn't some Dem congress-cretin say the same thing?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (oZhjI)


I'm thinking Mad Max Waters?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (oZhjI)

42 2 Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee, dozens of times, most recently in July.

to be fair, he probably didn't

lol some foreign billionaire did

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (s3qiR)

43 "Anastasiou donated to ActBlue"

Isn't that the outfit that O'Keefe outed? The money laundering racket that takes thousands of small donations from donors unaware?

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (7d3jo)

44 There are two types of men in Alaska, Mentally disturbed alcoholics and Mentally disturbed alcoholics looking for their next moose kill.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (/U5Yz)

45 Didn't some Dem congress-cretin say the same thing?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (oZhjI)



You will reap the whirlwind Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (CIS44)

46 Happy Birthday to this Future President.


Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (LCr8f)

47 The US Marshall Service provides security for the SCOTUS as well as other Fed judges and courthouses. As far as I know, they haven't been politicized like other fed LE agencies. Hope they're on their game.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (2UnvF)

48 I wonder if some of these "mentally disturbed individuals" only truthfully donated to ActBlue 1-2 times, and ActBlue's "operations" are using their names repeatedly to illegally bypass FEC rules.

Then the disturbed person does something like this and gets tarred with "multiple" donations to "" and gets labeled as a crazy"democratic" obsessive. But the truth's much different.

Oh well for them I guess, "lay down with dogs and wake up with fleas," and all that.

Posted by: Scott_T at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (w9Wax)

49 38 They say "Thomas wants to ban interracial marriage!"

To provoke a response from us to announce that Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman.

Jumanji Jackson Brown is married to a white man

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (IyPmt)

50 465? That is quite a few.

But did he stay in Alaska?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (PDf99)

51 "Yea, but did this fine gentleman say 'nigger' or 'nigga'?"

-- DU
Posted by: Doctor

Oh you just KNOW it had the hard R.
Posted by: BruceWayne

Well, it is Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (v6JzV)

52 An earlier thread today had some discussion of an Oct surprise (the passing of a Biden) happening on Oct 26th. No one mentioned that that is an extremely significant date.

It is the birthday of one Hillary Rodham Clinton. Yes, that is when the entire earth was gifted with her magnificent presence. . . .

Posted by: Eeyore at September 19, 2024

I suspect it was more like the birth of Anthony the "monster" in Jerome Bixby's "It's a Good Life": The doctor slapped her and she flipped her surroundings into an alternate reality. . . .

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (J2vNu)

53 He also threatened trump.

Posted by: Not trying to be mean but... at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (HBmuE)

54 44 There are two types of men in Alaska, Mentally disturbed alcoholics and Mentally disturbed alcoholics looking for their next moose kill.
Commercial fishermen and miners come to mind.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (W3T6M)

55 There are two types of men in Alaska, Mentally disturbed alcoholics and Mentally disturbed alcoholics looking for their next moose kill.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

3. Men flying puddle jumpers to get aircraft hours.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (CIS44)

56 19 I bet the Marxists can't wait to take over and start killing opponents
Posted by: Skip at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (fwDg9

That's exactly what the phrase, "What can be, unburdened by what has been." Means - the liquidation of all of us who believe in America and the Constitution.

Posted by: Archer at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (IDphi)

57 NO it has nothing to do with this being an election year.
Posted by: Merrick Garland at September 19, 2024 02:27 PM (FnneF)

In fairness to Garland, it probably had more to do with the fact that the guy is a 76 year old idiot in Alaska and, therefore, wildly unlikely to follow through on his threats.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (ExV1e)

58 Paging Mr Anastaiou... paging Mr Anastaiou....
Ba-Boom. Your table in Hell is ready.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (wBaIH)

59 Getting to the point where I'm just happy the left can still turn out normal nutters.

No pink hair. No missing genitalia. Just good old fashioned hate.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (KbCG3)

Getting to the point where all leftist with overt indicators (signs, bumperstickers, hair, etc.) are presumed unstable and potentially violent when confronted with the slightest of agitation.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (i24o9)

60 What evidence ca you oresent that porn is not toxic? Thats what I thought.

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (QSrLX)

61 465 alarming messages he sent via the Supreme Court's website between March 10 and July 16, prosecutors say.

So these weren't random messages posted on some social media platform. They were sent directly to the SC website. Yet he's not arrested until now?

*tightens tin foil hat *

Makes me wonder what else is out there?

Posted by: Sock Monkey * considering the imponderables at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (f+zED)

62 Can we give Alaska back to Russia?

Seems like more trouble than it's worth.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (dGCAG)

63 There are two types of men in Alaska, Mentally disturbed alcoholics and Mentally disturbed alcoholics looking for their next moose kill.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

3. Men flying puddle jumpers to get aircraft hours.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (CIS44)

4. People who fish.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (i24o9)

64 The crazies all seem to lean one way, politically...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (BpYfr)

65 "'We allege that the defendant made repeated, heinous threats to murder and torture Supreme Court Justices and their families to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with,' Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement."

Odd wording. This smacks more of a threat from this Garland shiteater than it does law enforcement action to prosecute a dangerous lunatic. Reading between the lines, it sounds to me like: "Attention all rightwing Nazis on the Supreme Court! You are so evil that there are good citizens who want to kill you. Keep that in mind the next time you vote, or you might end up dead."

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (iFTx/)

66 Dude has obviously never read a Roberts or ACB opinion.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (5IFb9)

67 "Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee, dozens of times, most recently in July."

or he donated once and someone else donated using his info. someone should check bank records

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (CWTWj)

68 Smart as well.

Posted by: Plainoldtoast at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (ytSiK)

69 Never fear, my liberal friends. I'm coming back!

I was just resting.
Posted by: RBG at September 19, 2024 02:29 PM (liaTF)

Next time we will find and destroy your phylacteries, lich.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (D7oie)

70 4. People who fish.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder,

I lumped them into group 2.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (CIS44)

71 Can we give Alaska back to Russia?

Seems like more trouble than it's worth.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (dGCAG)

Hell no. It's one of earth's last mostly untouched wildernesses.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (i24o9)

72 This is actually the fourth known potential act of violence. People forget the Pakistani a-hole they arrested in Texas. He was conspiring with the Iranians to assassinate Trump.

So for those keeping score at home it’s, Trump 3, Democrat Deep State Douchebags 0.

Posted by: Vengeance at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (O/0Np)

73 And yes they want their black supporters to know especially, in case they get any ideas on finding out what a treasure and American Story he really is.

But they can't just say outright "He's married to a white woman".

So they say "He wants to ban interracial marriage!!"

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (LCr8f)

74 Lol...already evolved from what I reported a couple hours ago, when they all assumed he was MAGA. Can't wait to see the further evolution:

I hope he realizes if Trump doesn't win, he doesn't get pardoned.

Pardoned? He is a DEMOCRAT spurred to kill by DEMOCRAT hate rhetoric 24/7. Why would Trump pardon a DEMORAT? (sarcasm)

Fox will, as they do for all killings or threats, be out front claiming it is, and actually call it “DEMOCRAT” terrorism.
I would venture to say he is MAGA to the coar.

WaPo is trying to paint this nutcase as a liberal but this sentence tells us who the guy really is: sent 465 messages through the Supreme Court’s public website — many of them violent, racist and homophobic...

Liaison- I'll wait a bit, and then hopefully post some revised crazy later in the thread.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (JCZqz)

75 Looked up Panos Anastasiou's donations.

Yes, all to ActBlue, all for less than $100.

His name isn't being used to funnel illegal cash to the Democrat Party. He's just donating $50 a time himself.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (GBKbO)

76 Undoubtedly this dude was a whack job leftist.

With that said, and on a separate but related topic, can we really trust reports of people donating "x many times to ActBlue", in light of all the work James O'keefe did to expose how many contributors were shocked to find out that their name appeared on an ActBlue supporter list dozens to hundreds of times, even though they'd given only once.

Posted by: Conservatard at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (/TehT)

77 Panos is a Greek name that comes from the word Panagia, which means "All Holy" or "Virgin Mary". It's often used as a given name to honor the Virgin Mary in Greek Orthodox Christianity. Panos is also a pet form of the name Panagiotis, and may be a shortened form of other derivatives of the name, such as Panopoulos.
Armenian name
We really need to tighten up on who we allow to live with us.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (W3T6M)

78 @1 the last shall be first.

Posted by: Plainoldtoast at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (ytSiK)

79 I lumped them into group 2.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (CIS44)

Thought about doing the same, but there are those who don't drink but should go to fisherman's anonymous. And not just for the puns.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (i24o9)

80 The projection from the left couldn't be clearer.
Ever since Jan 20 2017, they have gone over cliff and are willing to take as many as they can.

I see no difference between them and say Hamas

Posted by: melodicmetal1 at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (61TgR)

81 BTW, the second assassination attempt on Trump got more conspiratorial. A whistleblower told Senator Hawley that there are typically SS agents stationed at the golf course vulnerable areas.

So there was supposed to be someone where the shooter was...
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (CgVac)

But they's jess so taaaard. That Trump has so many engagements that the poor agents just can't catch their breath.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (ExV1e)

82 "Project 2025"

I downloaded it a few months ago. I looked at the TOC, contemplated reading the remaining 700 pages, and I was like nah bro. tl;dr

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (7d3jo)

83 The perp sounds Greek. I wonder if he makes a good souvlaki.

Posted by: Vengeance at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (O/0Np)

Fox will, as they do for all killings or threats, be out front claiming it is, and actually call it “DEMOCRAT” terrorism.
I would venture to say he is MAGA to the coar.

Sure to the "coar"

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (IyPmt)

85 74 Liaison- I'll wait a bit, and then hopefully post some revised crazy later in the thread.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (JCZqz)


"He's been donating to ActBlue to cover his tracks. He actually took orders directly from Hannity."
-DU, 79.43% probability

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (GBKbO)

86 People who fish.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder

Women who love mentally-disturbed alcoholic men.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (KAi1n)

87 3. Men flying puddle jumpers to get aircraft hours.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:31 PM (CIS44)

Last time I was there, all the bush pilots were teenagers.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (DlVGn)

88 DOJ seems loathe to mention what would happen after they were killed. Which is the Democrat in office would appoint every replacement.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (LCr8f)

"Actblue" again.

I'd like to see "Actblue's" literature and emails they're sending out to these violent Democrats -- I'll bet my house they are chock-full of "dangerous" and "violent" rhetoric.

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (fZ7Yz)

90 Nag nag nag

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 19, 2024 02:36 PM (63Dwl)

91 Now if they hadn't overturned Roe, would this have happened? The Supreme Court needs to watch their rhetoric if they want to remain alive.

Posted by: Anna Navarro at September 19, 2024 02:36 PM (ssz2a)

92 The Democrat-Media Party insists that no matter what happens, no matter how many assassins' rifles ring out, they will never stop inciting their crazies to commit murder.

Its all they have. If you were running a dunce like Montel's side piece for president, what would you have to work with?

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 19, 2024 02:36 PM (Da7Vv)

93 Who's the party of hate again ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:36 PM (IyPmt)

94 "The Democrat Party is the party of low-impulse-control, mentally-ill morons who have messiah complexes despite being complete loser basket-cases."

And those are their good qualities.
Wait until you take a deep dive beneath the surface.
Can you say The Obamas with Diddy.
Arrrrrr, I think you can...

Posted by: Mister Ghost at September 19, 2024 02:36 PM (TGPs7)

95 There are two types of men in Alaska, Mentally disturbed alcoholics and Mentally disturbed alcoholics looking for their next moose kill.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (/U5Yz)

Hey, now, I used to watch Discovery. Some of them are mentally disturbed alcoholics panning for gold.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:36 PM (ExV1e)

96 It's projection. Projection all the way down.

This is what the Donks believe Constitutionalists will do when Trump takes potus again.

So they (the Donks) are gonna do unto us before they think we can do unto them.

Buncha room temperatureIQ, non-critical thinking, window licking, short bus riding assholes.

Posted by: BifBewalski at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (MsrgL)

97 Last time I was there, all the bush pilots were teenagers.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher

Yup knew a guy who moved there right out of HS with his private pilot to start banking hours.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (CIS44)

98 "two types of men in Alaska"

Doesn't Alaska have a male-lopsided gender demographic? That would result in some level of fracas.

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (7d3jo)

99 All this heated rhetoric from the other side of the aisle... I just can't anymore....

- Typical GOPer with their panties in a bunch -

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (Q4IgG)

100 Coexistence status:

Very troubled.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (u82oZ)

101 So is the deepstate just doing an all call for every sleeper they got?

Posted by: Kestrel.987 at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (wyl5F)

102 83 The perp sounds Greek. I wonder if he makes a good souvlaki.
It's hard to get good Pita in the Federal Correctional System.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (ssz2a)

103 There is no way I would sully my device by going to ActBlue's website, but I sure do wonder what it says on there that's compelling these lunatics to violent action.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (OX9vb)

104 It's just a matter of time until one of these leftist nuts succeeds. There are too many of them, and very little is done about it. They already almost have multiple times in recent years (Trump, Scalise). And that's not even counting the lowbrow antifa and trantifa types who target nobodies and children. A merciless crackdown is in order.

Posted by: hickory shampoo at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (SSEhk)

105 It's not "torture" torture he threatened, mor like an angry phone call. And don't you believe in Americans right to make phone calls? What kind of horrific person are you?!?!

Posted by: Whoopie Goldberg at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (Gtiu0)

106 Actually, I believe the word the gentleman used was "n*grant."

Not a slur, nothing to be concerned about.

Posted by: Rich Lowry at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (liaTF)

107 People who fish.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder

Is Deadliest Catch still on? That was must-see TV for me back in the day.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (v6JzV)

108 So is the deepstate just doing an all call for every sleeper they got?
Posted by: Kestrel.987 at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (wyl5F)

Kinda looks like it

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (n3NJW)

Is Deadliest Catch still on? That was must-see TV for me back in the day.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (v6JzV)

Yes.. 20th season

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (IyPmt)

110 Is Deadliest Catch still on? That was must-see TV for me back in the day.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (v6JzV)

Don't know. Having fish up there, I can't wait to get back.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (i24o9)

111 I think they know Harris is going to lose, and bigly, and they are trying to make sure they can show they didn't let these things go unchecked.

Because Garland is certainly on the list to have to answer some questions. And Blumenthal (D - RI?) seems real interested that Homeland Security/FBI is dragging its feet.

Why all the sudden interest?

Rasmussen dropped another Trump +2 today. Hinting they see the race in a +2 to +4 rump range. NYT only moved to tie. None of this Harris +4 or 5 bs.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (GZYu7)

112 Is Deadliest Catch still on? That was must-see TV for me back in the day.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Randomly meet a guy at the bar like a month ago that worked one of those boats like maybe 10-12 years ago. Fun ass stories.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (CIS44)

113 I guess he was afraid they were going to take away his abortion “rights”.

Posted by: Vengeance at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (O/0Np)

114 Didn't Chuck (you) Schumer do the same thing out loud?

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (RhGG0)

115 102 83 The perp sounds Greek. I wonder if he makes a good souvlaki.
It's hard to get good Pita in the Federal Correctional System.
Posted by: Alec Leamas at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (ssz2a)

He's kinda old, but being Greek, I think he could get PITA in prison, if he wants to.

Posted by: hickory shampoo at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (SSEhk)

116 willowed:

SiD are yall still talking bout a SCMoMe?
Posted by: BruceWayne
sorry, I had a zoom meeting. Yes, we are. Probably in April.
Posted by: screaming in digital

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (iZbyp)

The Pro Slavery Party has never abandoned its roots and core beliefs.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (xG4kz)

118 But they can't just say outright "He's married to a white woman".

If PornHub is anything to go off, black men don't have a problem with white women.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (ExV1e)

119 The crazies all seem to lean one way, politically...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 19, 2024

They should lean over so far that they fall into padded cells.

(What you say is true at least in part because the Left is *not* in contact with reality, whereas the Right tends to be. If you're already unmoored, so to speak, it is easy to drift away from the dock.)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (J2vNu)

120 Dude is fire. Schools a CNN reporter while shirtless and drinking a beer:

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (iFTx/)

121 Fun ass stories.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (CIS44)

Those are the BEST!

Posted by: Mayor Pete at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (RhGG0)

122 There is no way I would sully my device by going to ActBlue's website, but I sure do wonder what it says on there that's compelling these lunatics to violent action.

ActBlue is really more of the aggregation site for funneling the money.

About every other leftist NGO, if you follow the trail long enough, eventually winds up funneling to ActBlue.

Posted by: Conservatard at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (/TehT)

123 Hey, now, I used to watch Discovery. Some of them are mentally disturbed alcoholics panning for gold.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:36 PM (ExV1e)

And some have crabs.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (VGRuw)

124 sorry, I had a zoom meeting. Yes, we are. Probably in April.
Posted by: screaming in digital
Posted by: screaming in digital at

Awesome, keeps us up to date I havent been to SC in forever and would like to make a trip if it works out.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:41 PM (CIS44)

125 The fact Democrats are still trying to kill Trump tells you all you need to know about the polls. This is only getting worse by the day for Democrats and it’s spreading down ticket.

Posted by: Vengeance at September 19, 2024 02:41 PM (O/0Np)

126 Is Deadliest Catch still on? That was must-see TV for me back in the day.
My wife still watches that show. Me, Imma Oak Island and Ancient Alien guy.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 19, 2024 02:41 PM (W3T6M)

127 121 Ha!

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:41 PM (7d3jo)

128 Advertisement
Donate to ActBlue and we'll start a GoFundMe page to bail you out

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:41 PM (pkaD9)

129 the left, for 50+ years, has been used to having the SC as the tool to enact their agenda for them -- especially on issues where they know they can't get their way through the legislative process

they're not dealing with losing that, even on just a few cases, very well

Posted by: brak at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (NGHTx)

130 If PornHub is anything to go off, black men don't have a problem with white women.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic

I know, right?
-- Zombie OJ Simpson

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (v6JzV)

131 SiD are yall still talking bout a SCMoMe?
Posted by: BruceWayne
sorry, I had a zoom meeting. Yes, we are. Probably in April.
Posted by: screaming in digital

This is some damn good news!

Posted by: Doof at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (RhGG0)

132 Last time I was there, all the bush pilots were teenagers.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (DlVGn)

Pshaw... most teens only wish they could pilot around some bush.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (ExV1e)

Black JEM

Blumenthal is D-Connecticut.

He was in the Nam shit at the Battle for Toys-4-Tots Hill.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (xG4kz)

134 Doesn't Alaska have a male-lopsided gender demographic? That would result in some level of fracas.

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (7d3jo)

>>>population of Alaska is estimated at 736,732 people with 387,296 male and 349,436 female. There are 37,860 more men than women in the state, which is 5.14% of the total population.

>>>The Alaska Gender Ratio is 111 men to 100 women (111:100) or 1.11. Alaska's gender ratio is higher than the national average of 97 men to 100 women (97:100) or 0.97.

Not enough for a fracas. And even if higher, there is a lot of land to spread out.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (i24o9)

135 Can we call them something besides "conservative"?

Maybe "Non-commie, or maybe just slightly commie in the case of Roberts."

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (t6L5k)

136 Is this the classy gentleman those on D U claimed as a republican? I honestly wonder how you turn your brain off like that.

Posted by: Piper at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (p4NUW)

137 We will never know his true motivation.

Posted by: Just Lily at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (oOBOC)

138 "Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee, dozens of times, most recently in July."

OK. I believe that dozens of donations via ActBlue were made in Anastasiou's name. I don't believe that Anastasiou initiated those donations - not for one second. I doubt that even diehards for either candidate make more than one donation a month. This is the second instance we've seen of prominent people making multiple donations via ActBlue - most recently Mr. Routh. I don't believe he had the means or the ability to do that, either.

I think that if the MSM puts this out often enough right now, they hope that it will normalize the many, many fraudulent donations that have been made this year with thousands of cutouts like these two jokers. The MSM absolutely does not want to investigate how large money donations are washed through these cutouts on the Dem side.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (0CU3H)

139 A merciless crackdown is in order.
Posted by: hickory shampoo at September 19, 202

Take all the foreign aid we give to countries that hate us, and all the funds we're wasting on various useless federal departments. Establish one or two insane asylums in each state, maybe three if the population warrants it. People like this Alaska nut get committed and receive treatment -- but they don't get out until they are cured. Problem solved.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (J2vNu)

140 137 We will never know his true motivation.

Posted by: Just Lily at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (oOBOC)

LOL... This time he made it pretty clear

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (IyPmt)

141 136 Is this the classy gentleman those on D U claimed as a republican? I honestly wonder how you turn your brain off like that.
Posted by: Piper at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (p4NUW)


"There are 6 Republican appointed SCOTUS jurists. This guy threatened to murder and torture 6 SCOTUS jurists. Obviously, he's a Republican because no one on the left is racist."
-It's a leap

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (GBKbO)

142 120 Dude is fire. Schools a CNN reporter while shirtless and drinking a beer:
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (iFTx/)

Holy fuck. Does that twat even realize what she's saying?

"Hey, you're doing okay. Why are you so worried about people worse off than you?"

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (KbCG3)

143 Is Deadliest Catch still on? That was must-see TV for me back in the day.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (v6JzV)

Yes.. 20th season
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:39 PM (IyPmt)

How many of them have died?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (ExV1e)

144 I would like the ratio of Alaskan women that have face tats and smoke Marlboro's to the ones who don't.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (/U5Yz)

145 The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization.

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 19, 2024 02:45 PM (J4DET)

146 138 OK. I believe that dozens of donations via ActBlue were made in Anastasiou's name. I don't believe that Anastasiou initiated those donations - not for one second. I doubt that even diehards for either candidate make more than one donation a month. This is the second instance we've seen of prominent people making multiple donations via ActBlue - most recently Mr. Routh. I don't believe he had the means or the ability to do that, either.

I think that if the MSM puts this out often enough right now, they hope that it will normalize the many, many fraudulent donations that have been made this year with thousands of cutouts like these two jokers. The MSM absolutely does not want to investigate how large money donations are washed through these cutouts on the Dem side.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 02:43 PM (0CU3H)


I looked 'em up. I'd guess that they're genuine.

Here are the results from the FEC website:

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:45 PM (GBKbO)

147 People like this Alaska nut get committed and receive treatment -- but they don't get out until they are cured. Problem solved.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

They act like they're cured, get released, and then start their shit-stirring all over again.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:45 PM (v6JzV)

148 LOL... This time he made it pretty clear
Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (IyPmt)

That's what they want us to think.

Posted by: Just Lily at September 19, 2024 02:45 PM (oOBOC)

149 I would like the ratio of Alaskan women that have face tats and smoke Marlboro's to the ones who don't.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

Make Cowboy Killers Great Again

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:45 PM (CIS44)

150 Doctor Elric the Blade: "Schools a CNN reporter..."

Notice she's not actually reporting; she's debating. She's advocating a contrary position. The old "some say" not "I say" tactic.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 19, 2024 02:46 PM (aXxgO)

151 It's hard to get good Pita in the Federal Correctional System.
Posted by: Alec Leamas

But you get lots of bad pita....

Posted by: SFGoth at September 19, 2024 02:46 PM (KAi1n)

152 Remember when a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask got him fired and banned for life?

Because of the mere implication of threatening violence against Obama?
Oh how the media howled at that!

Now, actual assassination attempts against Republicans are excused by the same media "cause that bitch deserves it."

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 19, 2024 02:46 PM (w10cF)

153 Doesn't Alaska have a male-lopsided gender demographic? That would result in some level of fracas.

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (7d3jo)

>>>population of Alaska is estimated at 736,732 people with 387,296 male and 349,436 female. There are 37,860 more men than women in the state, which is 5.14% of the total population.

>>>The Alaska Gender Ratio is 111 men to 100 women (111:100) or 1.11. Alaska's gender ratio is higher than the national average of 97 men to 100 women (97:100) or 0.97.

Not enough for a fracas. And even if higher, there is a lot of land to spread out.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (i24o9)

I think that is statewide. In some of the big labor-heavy oil and gas towns, it's almost all men because they're the only one doing that kind of work.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:46 PM (iFTx/)

154 The Curse of Oak Island new episodes will start in November. This year they'll find a hinge, a coin and the English guy will say "oooh , look at that"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:46 PM (pkaD9)

155 But you get lots of bad pita....
Posted by: SFGoth


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:47 PM (CIS44)

156 Awesome, keeps us up to date I havent been to SC in forever and would like to make a trip if it works out.
Posted by: BruceWayne
yep, I hope we can make this happen!

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 02:47 PM (iZbyp)

157 They should put this jackass on the bow of a ship sailing in the Bering Sea in December with his pecker hanging out.

Problem solved.

Posted by: Vengeance at September 19, 2024 02:47 PM (O/0Np)

158 So we now have three assassins that have donated to the terror-supporting organization ActBlue.

ActBlue is a terrorist funding organization.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 19, 2024 02:47 PM (w10cF)

159 If you tell this petri dish of bad chemicals and bad genetics that their lives are literally in danger if Bad Man Wins Election, some will do the unthinkable: They'll believe the Democrat-Media Complex. Some are too stupid to know any better.


Who wouldn't assassinate "literally Hitler / literally Stalin / literally Mussolini?"

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 19, 2024 02:47 PM (J4DET)

160 154 The Curse of Oak Island new episodes will start in November. This year they'll find a hinge, a coin and the English guy will say "oooh , look at that"
Beats watching CNN or WNBA.

Posted by: Pudinhead at September 19, 2024 02:48 PM (W3T6M)

161 Not enough for a fracas. And even if higher, there is a lot of land to spread out.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder

And a lot of wildlife for those mentally-disturbed alcoholics so inclined.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (KAi1n)

162 If only we had better candidates and judges. They wouldn't have to teach us a lesson.

Posted by: Just Lily at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (oOBOC)

163 Who wouldn't assassinate "literally Hitler / literally Stalin / literally Mussolini?"
Posted by: ShainS

Why isn't anybody ever literally me?
*kicks dirt*
-- Zombie Tojo

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (v6JzV)

164 People like this Alaska nut get committed and receive treatment -- but they don't get out until they are cured. Problem solved.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius
They act like they're cured, get released, and then start their shit-stirring all over again.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024

Then back they go, and again if need be. Three-time losers, like we used to do with habitual felons, stay for life.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (J2vNu)

165 What has 18 legs and 5 pussies?

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (t6L5k)

166 100% left-on-every-issue and objectively socialist money-ginning organization is "left-leaning."

Anyone associated with or uttering a single conservative position is "right-wing."

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (gdmjx)

167 This is some damn good news!
Posted by: Doof
If I'm in charge, keep your expectations low!

Posted by: screaming in digital at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (iZbyp)

168 "There are 6 Republican appointed SCOTUS jurists. This guy threatened to murder and torture 6 SCOTUS jurists. Obviously, he's a Republican because no one on the left is racist."
-It's a leap
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (GBKbO)

They still claim a Trump Supporter shot Trump.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (LCr8f)

Why isn't anybody ever literally me?
*kicks dirt*
-- Zombie Tojo

you sang "Africa" right? I love that song!

Posted by: History majors at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (NGHTx)

170 @160 yes, yes it does. Not a high bar though

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (pkaD9)

171 I looked 'em up. I'd guess that they're genuine.

Here are the results from the FEC website:
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:45 PM (GBKbO)

Thanks for checking. I should remember to always go to primary sources if I can before I post. Still, I have a small doubt that he made these himself (probably 5%, rather than 100% at this point).

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (0CU3H)

172 62 Can we give Alaska back to Russia?

Seems like more trouble than it's worth.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (dGCAG)

Just give them keys to the shed in Palin's back yard.

Posted by: Roy at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (z+ik4)

It kinda looks like cocksucker jerome powell lowered interest rates to benefit Wall Street.

Doesn't it?

I mean, that's what it looks like.

Who else did the rate cut help??

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (fZ7Yz)

174 Not enough for a fracas. And even if higher, there is a lot of land to spread out.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder

And a lot of wildlife for those mentally-disturbed alcoholics so inclined.

Posted by: SFGoth at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (KAi1n)

A lot of time spent on subsistence activities, too. Hunting, fishing, crabbing, shrimping, making money. Not a lot of time or energy for tribal hate, honestly.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (i24o9)

175 Holy fuck. Does that twat even realize what she's saying?

"Hey, you're doing okay. Why are you so worried about people worse off than you?"

There has gotten be a term for this - when you revel what you are really thinking by the questions you ask. Its not a Freudian slip but similar.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (oZhjI)

176 143 Is Deadliest Catch still on?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:38 PM (v6JzV)

I think Discovery needs to merge "Dirty Jobs" and "Deadliest Catch" into "Dirtiest Catch" where they are going after mudskippers.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (VGRuw)

177 I read that Alaskan men owe more on their snow machines then their cars? The are also are by far the largest demo that purchases jerk socks.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (/U5Yz)

178 Can we give Alaska back to Russia?

Seems like more trouble than it's worth.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:32 PM (dGCAG)

Hell no. It's one of earth's last mostly untouched wildernesses.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (i24o9)

So then what the hell do we need it for?

Maybe we should build a wall there too. You, Eskimos and assorted ne'er do wells. Stay there. Border's closed, moose out front shoulda told ya.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (dGCAG)

179 What has 18 legs and 5 pussies?

Why are my ears and my mangina ringing?

Posted by: Justice Roberts at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (oZhjI)

The Curse of Oak Island new episodes will start in November. This year they'll find a hinge, a coin and the English guy will say "oooh , look at that"
Posted by: Smell the Glove

There will be dead enders working the digs at Oak Island when the last of the rest of the planet takes off for Mars.

"Don't go hurting yourselves, fellers! You're on your own, now!"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (xG4kz)

181 Dude is fire. Schools a CNN reporter while shirtless and drinking a beer:
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (iFTx/)

Holy fuck. Does that twat even realize what she's saying?

"Hey, you're doing okay. Why are you so worried about people worse off than you?"
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (KbCG3)

I think she was deliberately trying to marginalize him by insinuating he's rich and thus can't speak for the normal people that Democraps are fighting so hard for. In a way, she does have a point and it's one I've made here before: inflation is not as much of a problem the higher you go up the income and asset scale. But his response is a good one: So what? Everyone is entitled to have their money go as far as it can.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (iFTx/)

Cuck Powell's rate cut accomplished nothing positive for the average person. But Wall Street hit a "record" high!!

Woo hooo!

Posted by: Soothsayer: at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (fZ7Yz)

183 168 They still claim a Trump Supporter shot Trump.
Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 02:49 PM (LCr8f)


Well, Cooke's parents had Trump signs in their yard, which was debunked.

And Routh said he voted for Trump, but no one can find records of him voting at all in 2016 and 2020.

I mean, it's an ironclad belief.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:52 PM (GBKbO)

184 What has 18 legs and 5 pussies?

Not funny!

Posted by: Michelle Fields at September 19, 2024 02:52 PM (LCr8f)

185 There's actually an aberrant dialect of Russian that is still spoken in Alaska. It's called Ninilchik.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:52 PM (v6JzV)

186 It almost seems that we are in the midst of some sort of Marxist revolution stoked and supported by the ultra-rich.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at September 19, 2024 02:52 PM (zvnUC)

187 With all this talk of attempted assassinations "to save the country" floating around . . . I wonder if Stephen King will come out and disavow his tragic novel The Dead Zone? That one, if you recall (and it's one of his best), features his hero Johnny Smith having visions of a politician starting WWIII, and wondering if he, Johnny, should do something to stop the guy.

Ah, hell, I should just go and re-read my copy.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 02:53 PM (J2vNu)

188 Who do you think lives longer . Jimmy Carter or Donald Trump?

Posted by: Biggest Alfredo at September 19, 2024 02:53 PM (KAhj1)

189 171 Thanks for checking. I should remember to always go to primary sources if I can before I post. Still, I have a small doubt that he made these himself (probably 5%, rather than 100% at this point).
Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (0CU3H)


The biggest donation is $50, and that was only once.

If they're laundering money this way with these amounts, it's a weirdly slow process that flies far below the radar.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 02:53 PM (GBKbO)

190 And Routh said he voted for Trump, but no one can find records of him voting at all in 2016 and 2020.

Ignore the fact he wrote a book where he told Iran to go ahead and assassinate Trump

Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (IyPmt)

191 I think that is statewide. In some of the big labor-heavy oil and gas towns, it's almost all men because they're the only one doing that kind of work.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:46 PM (iFTx/)

I'm sure there's no brokeback oil rigs up there...


Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (dGCAG)

192 Cuck Powell's rate cut accomplished nothing positive for the average person. But Wall Street hit a "record" high!!

I've mentioned that I've been following the ETF that tracks the stock purchases of Democrat congressman. And I see it did very, very well today.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (oZhjI)

... the largest demo that purchases jerk socks.

There's a company in the gallows' manufacturing tra ...?

Oh, jerk "socks"; I thought that you said jerk "stocks".

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (xG4kz)

194 >>> It's called Ninilchik.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:52 PM (v6JzV)



Posted by: Turn 2 at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (ZHnRd)

195 I'm sure that they will provide more protection for 3 of the SCOTUS justices.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (eIHXY)

196 184 A Haitian family of nine sitting down to dinner?

Posted by: Erik In Texas at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (zvnUC)

197 Most of the Deadliest Catch skippers live in Seattle. I've seen a couple of their boats docked there. They're not stupid enough to actually live in Alaska, they just exploit the resources and then beat feet for the season.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM (/U5Yz)

198 133
Black JEM

Blumenthal is D-Connecticut.

He was in the Nam shit at the Battle for Toys-4-Tots Hill.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (xG4kz)
Connecticut, RI, Massachusetts - Why don't we just make them one state so we can eliminate 4 D senators

Posted by: Black JEM at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM (GZYu7)

199 I think she was deliberately trying to marginalize him by insinuating he's rich and thus can't speak for the normal people that Democraps are fighting so hard for. In a way, she does have a point and it's one I've made here before: inflation is not as much of a problem the higher you go up the income and asset scale. But his response is a good one: So what? Everyone is entitled to have their money go as far as it can.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (iFTx/)

Naturally people with more will be impacted less.

But if he said he didn't care about inflation because it didn't impact him, she'd go after him about that. Can't have it both ways, and she's trying to.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM (KbCG3)

200 All--and I mean ALL--of the plots of violence against Democrat politicians have one major element:
Undercover FBI agents instigating and encouraging the violent acts.

None, and this is glaring, none of the plots of violence against Republicans have an undercover FBI agent in sight.

Why isn't that dog barking?

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM (w10cF)

201 175 Holy fuck. Does that twat even realize what she's saying?

"Hey, you're doing okay. Why are you so worried about people worse off than you?"

There has gotten be a term for this - when you revel what you are really thinking by the questions you ask. Its not a Freudian slip but similar.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:50 PM (oZhjI)

I believe the term is called a "Kinsley Gaffe".

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM (0CU3H)

202 179 What has 18 legs and 5 pussies?

Why are my ears and my mangina ringing?
Posted by: Justice Roberts


Thank you for noticing Mr. 17

I just made up that joke and was proud. Wan't sure anyone would get it, but didn't want to ruin the format.

When I was a kid and that first bint got confirmed, the joke was "what has 18 legs and a c-nt?" and I figured anyone who knew that old joke would get it.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM (t6L5k)

203 The Congress people who voted against the CR, please pick up your “Kick Me” sign at the concierge desk.

The 12 separate funding bills are being stalled by Schumer and the Senate Democrats. Keep that in mind because there is nothing the House can do until he moves them. Democrats know that. So do idiots like Massie and whoever else voted against it. You punt the CR until after the election, right before the mandatory deadline that, if you pass it, results in an automatic 1% cut across the board. If you win big in November and get the senate, you coordinate the 12 bills and put them on Trump’s desk. Got it? Or should I write it in crayon?

Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (A6EBn)

204 Oh, look...a Greek leftist. How...original.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (kgE5c)

205 Most of the Deadliest Catch skippers live in Seattle. I've seen a couple of their boats docked there. They're not stupid enough to actually live in Alaska, they just exploit the resources and then beat feet for the season.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

Is Sig Hanssen still on there?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (v6JzV)

The Dark Night of Fascism is always descending from The Right and yet lands only from The Left.

[h/t Tom Wolfe]

Posted by: ShainS -- The Democrat Party is a Domestic Terrorist Organization at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (J4DET)

207 Connecticut, RI, Massachusetts - Why don't we just make them one state so we can eliminate 4 D senators
Posted by: Black JEM

Because RI isnt a real place so the other 2 would be sucked into a black void. oh, wait, good idea.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (CIS44)

208 Who do you think lives longer . Jimmy Carter or Donald Trump?
Posted by: Biggest Alfredo at September 19, 2024 02:53 PM (KAhj1)

Carter's been dead, at least since his wife's funeral.

That was a corpse they wheeled in there. Must be keeping it on a ventilator for some reason. October funeral?

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (dGCAG)

209 RE: CNN "reporter"

Her question is, "You're the crab that keeps trying to escape the bucket. Why don't you just guilt yourself into falling in and dying like the rest of us?"

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (aXxgO)

210 But his response is a good one: So what? Everyone is entitled to have their money go as far as it can.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:51 PM (iFTx/)

Yeah, going further, taxation is theft. Inflation is effectively theft either through incompetence or deliberate mismanagement. Both of which universally affect all people trying to make a better life for themselves, not the government leeches.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (i24o9)

211 I think that is statewide. In some of the big labor-heavy oil and gas towns, it's almost all men because they're the only one doing that kind of work.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:46 PM (iFTx/)

I'm sure there's no brokeback oil rigs up there...

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 02:54 PM (dGCAG)

I don't even want to go there! But a lot of these guys are there in shifts. Two weeks on, one week off seems to be the norm. So they travel there, work for two weeks, then return home for a week. I met a number of these guys on the ski slopes in Alaska. Mostly single, younger guys from the "work hard, play hard" school of life.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM (iFTx/)

212 Breaking news: These goofy Democrat Bastards are fucking with my American Dream. .....

Please wait for download while upgrading life account.....
Installing please wait.............................
Would you like a desktop icon....

clicks icon
Dream Realization...... unattainable at this time
Remaining life expectancy 10.2 yrs...
Giva a fuck O meter...... Zero
Life sentence...... procure federal institution
Death Sentence........ MEH...

Trouble shooting ..... Run virus scan...... Click on Too Many Turds in the Punchbowl

Recommended ..... Zero Tolerance Mode Activated

Slap the dog shit out of all these goofy motherfuckers back into 1962

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 19, 2024 02:57 PM (mGdQO)

213 I believe the term is called a "Kinsley Gaffe".
Posted by: Darrell Harris

THATS IT! I could not think of the name to save my life. I could say my opponent here kicks dogs and babies, but I'm not going to do that.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:57 PM (CIS44)

214 ‘The Democrat party is the party of low-impulse control, mentally-ill morons who have messiah complexes despite being complete loser basket cases.
- Ace
Further proof here and it is pretty wild. Dr. Jay Varma, DeBlasio's former COVID Czar was recently caught on tape by Crowder's crowd crowing about how he and his wife were having wild group sex parties with plenty of drugs during the height of COVID while he was locking down everyone else and threatening people if they didn't obey.
This is really bad but entertaining I guess.

Posted by: Cheri at September 19, 2024 02:57 PM (oiNtH)

215 "Actblue" again.

I'd like to see "Actblue's" literature and emails they're sending out to these violent Democrats -- I'll bet my house they are chock-full of "dangerous" and "violent" rhetoric.

Posted by: Soothsayer

I remember, after the first Trump assassination attempt, DU heavily downplayed Act Blue. "Oh, it's one of those spammy/scammy fund raising umbrella groups. People actually donate to it all the time without realizing it, or what it represents".

I wanted to note the PINNED COMMENT at the top of the General Disucssion forum titled: Current DU Act Blue Fundraisers for President, Congress, and more, but thought that might be too on the nose and get me banned (again).

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 19, 2024 02:57 PM (JCZqz)

216 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 19, 2024 02:57 PM (FfSAJ)

217 If he had only sent 464 he'd have been fine. 465, however, is a bit excessive.

Posted by: JasonG at September 19, 2024 02:58 PM (3+0We)

218 So what is the difference between a Kinsley gaffe and a Freudian slip?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 02:58 PM (v6JzV)

219 I accept the support and endorsement of Iran. They have studied and approve my views on Gays and Transgenders.

Posted by: Kamal Harris at September 19, 2024 02:58 PM (Qfk4E)

220 Is Sig Hanssen still on there?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

I'm not sure but, one of the boats I saw being refitted was the Northwestern which I believe is his boat.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (/U5Yz)

221 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.
Posted by: Northernlurker

So never been a lynching Whoopi?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (CIS44)

222 That’s how leftists speak. Well, you can afford the egregious wrecking of the economy Democrats have foisted upon us, so why complain? Who doesn’t like to spend more money than they have to. Why do you give a shit that you’ll have to come out of retirement to afford the wreckage? I mean, why do you care if you collect Social Security, you’ve got a boat? I would have throat punched her.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (A6EBn)

223 Mentally disturbed alcoholic ice road truckers.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (2lYIQ)

224 220 Is Sig Hanssen still on there?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus


Posted by: It's me donna at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (IyPmt)

225 Act Blue is probably just a funnel to Marxists underground groups, with public operations to cover.

Posted by: Skip at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (fwDg9)

226 So what is the difference between a Kinsley gaffe and a Freudian slip?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Kinsley Gaffe is a purposeful statement, Freudian Slip is when you mean to say one thing and say another.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (CIS44)

227 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.
Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 19, 202

She's old enough to remember Lee harvey Oswald.

Hell, she looks old enough to remember Garfield and Guiteau.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM (J2vNu)

228 I'm not sure but, one of the boats I saw being refitted was the Northwestern which I believe is his boat.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

Yes, that Hanssen's boat, unless he sold it.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:00 PM (v6JzV)

229 I accept the support and endorsement of Iran. They have studied and approve my views on Gays and Transgenders.

Remember when Nutjob Dinnerjacket was claiming that there were no homosexuals in Iran?

Its because at the time they gave forced tranny surgeries to gay guys if caught

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 03:00 PM (oZhjI)

>>>The Alaska Gender Ratio

First read that as The Alaska Gender Rodeo.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at September 19, 2024 03:00 PM (63Dwl)

231 Looked to me like the CNN reporter was high as a kite.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 03:01 PM (oZhjI)

232 Connecticut, RI, Massachusetts - Why don't we just make them one state so we can eliminate 4 D senators
Posted by: Black JEM

Because RI isnt a real place so the other 2 would be sucked into a black void. oh, wait, good idea.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:56 PM

Can y'all wait until I move to NH before we go consigning MA to a black void? I'm working on it...I promise.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 03:01 PM (kgE5c)

233 Our party is built on emotion, not facts.
We reject capitalism, because Marxism feels like it should work.
We wear pussy hats, because they make us feel morally superior.
We cut off the healthy genitals of children, because it makes the children feel better, right up until they kill themselves and others.
We support Hamas, because they feel like underdogs. Heavily funded underdogs who outnumber Jews, but still...underdogs.
We kill unborn children, because we feel like our careers and social life are more important than the lives of others.
And now you're telling me we should ignore our feelings when we want to shoot Trump or 2/3 the Supreme Court?

Posted by: The Democratic Party at September 19, 2024 03:01 PM (NXYp1)

234 >>What has 18 legs and 5 pussies?

This is about us, isn't it?

Posted by: The Chicago White Sox starting lineup at September 19, 2024 03:01 PM (Y1sOo)

235 Kinsley Gaffe is a purposeful statement, Freudian Slip is when you mean to say one thing and say another.
Posted by: BruceWayne

If it's a "gaffe," how can it be purposeful? I've seen the term "gaffe" as referring to an accidental misspeaking.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:01 PM (v6JzV)

236 1 Looked to me like the CNN reporter was high as a kite.
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024

To be charitable, maybe it was incipient sunstroke.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:01 PM (J2vNu)

237 If he had only sent 464 he'd have been fine. 465, however, is a bit excessive.
Posted by: JasonG at September 19, 2024 02:58 PM (3+0We)

One text over the line.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 19, 2024 03:02 PM (Aqu9a)

238 “ Its because at the time they gave forced tranny surgeries to gay guys if caught”

Somebody should have asked about the eunuch population.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 03:02 PM (A6EBn)

239 If it's a "gaffe," how can it be purposeful? I've seen the term "gaffe" as referring to an accidental misspeaking.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus a

That's why it's a Kinsley gaffe. because its not a gaffe. I could say that you lick tires and beat your wife. But I'm not going to do that. Puts the statement out there, but you didnt "say" it.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:02 PM (CIS44)

240 And now you're telling me we should ignore our feelings when we want to shoot Trump or 2/3 the Supreme Court?
Posted by: The Democratic Party at September 19,

Your brain-dead ex-leader said it out loud: "We choose truth over facts!"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:03 PM (J2vNu)

241 the crazy is going to ramp up in October I reckon. Especially of the polls seem to favor Trump.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 19, 2024 03:03 PM (ZtyUu)

242 It's just a matter of time until one of these leftist nuts succeeds.

What I am worried about is the Antifa sniper team I encountered at the gun range. She was a one M.O.A. shooter, and he could call wind. That is a deadly combination. They both had that hard core Communist tinge to them. The Soviets had very good snipers in WWII. I don't know if the Democrats would want to expend one of their actual assets like this team to do the job for them, or if they are satisfied one of their "loan" loons can get it done.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at September 19, 2024 03:03 PM (Da7Vv)

243 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.
Posted by: Northernlurker

So never been a lynching Whoopi?
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 02:59 PM

Those were right wingers!!! The parties switched!!!! REEEEEEE!!!!!!

- Whoopi (100%)

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 03:03 PM (kgE5c)

244 That's why it's a Kinsley gaffe. because its not a gaffe. I could say that you lick tires and beat your wife. But I'm not going to do that. Puts the statement out there, but you didnt "say" it.
Posted by: BruceWayne at

It's a debate tactic.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:03 PM (CIS44)

245 I could say that you lick tires and beat your wife. But I'm not going to do that. Puts the statement out there, but you didnt "say" it.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024

The other way around, on the other hand . . .

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:04 PM (J2vNu)

246 Shirtless CNN guy doesn’t quite understand how it works. He says he wants inflation to go down and interest rates to go down. You can have one or the other not both.

Posted by: News Update at September 19, 2024 03:04 PM (1YajR)

247 If it's a "gaffe," how can it be purposeful? I've seen the term "gaffe" as referring to an accidental misspeaking.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:01 PM

Kinselyan Gaffe...when a politician accidentally tells the truth.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 19, 2024 03:04 PM (kgE5c)

248 Dude is fire. Schools a CNN reporter while shirtless and drinking a beer:
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM (iFTx/)

Holy fuck. Does that twat even realize what she's saying?

"Hey, you're doing okay. Why are you so worried about people worse off than you?"
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:44 PM (KbCG3)

Jane you ignorant slut.
See all those boats out there...big ones, small ones, all kinds? They all go up and down with the tide. Just like our money in the economy.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 19, 2024 03:05 PM (W/lyH)

249 Remember when Nutjob Dinnerjacket was claiming that there were no homosexuals in Iran?

Its because at the time they gave forced tranny surgeries to gay guys if caught
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024

I thought they tried to teach them to fly from the top of tall buildings.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:05 PM (J2vNu)

250 Yeah it is getting crazy BUT Keep Yer Powder Dry

-Zombie Fred Thompson

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 19, 2024 03:06 PM (mGdQO)

251 The other way around, on the other hand . . .
Posted by: Wolfus


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:06 PM (CIS44)

252 If Trump is able to reclaim the presidency he needs to put someone on the singular task of disassembling the Democrats sketchy funding machines...

.... like ActBlue.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 19, 2024 03:06 PM (Q4IgG)

253 “ Anastasiou said he wanted to drive by a justice's house with fellow Vietnam War veterans and spray the property with AR-15 gunfire.”

So, I’ll be charitable and say this guy is probably in his mid 70’s if he’s a Nam Vet. And I guess he has a posse of other vets the same age. So, Boomer and the gang were gonna fly down to DC and do what exactly?

Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 03:06 PM (A6EBn)

254 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.
Posted by: Northernlurker

FDR put people in cages. In. Cages.

Posted by: Stu Podaso at September 19, 2024 03:06 PM (2lYIQ)

255 Yeah it is getting crazy BUT Keep Yer Powder Dry

-Zombie Fred Thompson
Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 19, 2024

"This thing will get out of hand. It'll get out of hand and we'll be lucky to live through it."

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:07 PM (J2vNu)

256 Posted by: Marcus T


Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:07 PM (CIS44)

257 Zombie Fred Thompson
Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It!

Boy, what a disappointment that guy turned out to be.

Same with Giuliani.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:07 PM (v6JzV)

258 Panos Anastasiou, 76

Commie name. He's mellowed as he's aged I see.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 19, 2024 03:08 PM (Aqu9a)

259 So, I’ll be charitable and say this guy is probably in his mid 70’s if he’s a Nam Vet. And I guess he has a posse of other vets the same age. So, Boomer and the gang were gonna fly down to DC and do what exactly?
Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024

First they'll need to find a good supply of Hurry-Canes and those knee things you strap on to help with sciatica. . . .

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:08 PM (J2vNu)

260 257 Boy, what a disappointment that guy turned out to be.

Same with Giuliani.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:07 PM (v6JzV)


Has voted Democrat ever since he died!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:08 PM (GBKbO)

261 >>What has 18 legs and 5 pussies?

Chernobyl WNBA team.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 03:08 PM (i24o9)

262 First they'll need to find a good supply of Hurry-Canes and those knee things you strap on to help with sciatica. . . .
Posted by: Wolfus

Quick hide the tennis balls!

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:08 PM (CIS44)

263 Panos, the Rants of Hate

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:08 PM (v6JzV)

264 Dude has obviously never read a Roberts or ACB opinion.
Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at September 19, 2024 02:33 PM (5IFb9)

I don't think dude has ever read anything beyond "Fun With Dick and Jane"..

Posted by: Joe Kidd at September 19, 2024 03:09 PM (IY+he)

265 So, Boomer and the gang were gonna fly down to DC and do what exactly?

Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 03:06 PM (A6EBn)

J6ers took over the entire country without firing a shot.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 03:09 PM (i24o9)

266 Same with Giuliani.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Rudy is a gun grabber so, I hope he visits Riker's and gets one jammed up his squeakhole.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:10 PM (/U5Yz)

267 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.
Posted by: Northernlurker

WTAF, Whoopi?? Need to put your fingers in my added scars you rancid commie twat.

Posted by: Steve Scalise at September 19, 2024 03:10 PM (Aqu9a)

268 The "N----" word there means N*gger.

Posted by: Randy Marsh at September 19, 2024 03:10 PM (VdhcA)

269 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.
Posted by: Northernlurker

Right on sister!!

Posted by: Black Panthers at September 19, 2024 03:11 PM (1YajR)

270 267 The ugly and stupid Whoopi Goldberg says there has never been an instance of leftwing violence.
Posted by: Northernlurker


Not one time a person of left leaning views has committed a single act of violence.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:11 PM (GBKbO)

271 But if he said he didn't care about inflation because it didn't impact him, she'd go after him about that. Can't have it both ways, and she's trying to.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM


I hate their inhuman, reductive, tribal mindset.

I'm doing pretty well at this stage of my life. I have loved ones who aren't doing as well, and I help them as I can. I can't help the tens of millions of my countrymen who were OK five years ago but are getting squeezed now. They matter.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 19, 2024 03:11 PM (wzAuc)

272 Didn't some Dem congress-cretin say the same thing?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:28 PM (oZhjI)


I'm thinking Mad Max Waters?
Posted by: 18-1 at September 19, 2024 02:30 PM (oZhjI)

Schumer. I have the video saved as an MP4 video file. I have thrown in the faces of many libs.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at September 19, 2024 03:11 PM (iODuv)

273 Rudy is a gun grabber so, I hope he visits Riker's and gets one jammed up his squeakhole.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

I didn't know that. His candidacy didn't last long enough for me to find out what any of his positions were.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:12 PM (v6JzV)

274 I was in Virginia Beach once with a friend enjoying some time off at the beach. After a few beers and bourbons, so you know this doesn’t end well. Anyway, reporter comes up to him, he’s about 6-3 tall, she was maybe 5 foot tall. Jams the microphone in his face. He has no shirt on, and just a swimsuit, which, as the questions get more stupid, he keep hiking down, until, well, things were about to start popping. Reporter gets disgusted and starts walking away with her crew. He’s calling after her, “where you going?” lol.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 03:12 PM (A6EBn)

275 So, Boomer and the gang were gonna fly down to DC and do what exactly?
Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 03:06 PM (A6EBn)

I need an AI image of this. I bet it would be epic.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at September 19, 2024 03:12 PM (OX9vb)

276 That CNN reporter is not only dumb, but drunk. Embarrassing to be the same gender as her.

Posted by: Cheri at September 19, 2024 03:12 PM (oiNtH)

277 J6ers took over the entire country without firing a shot.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 03:09 PM (i24o9)

I was told one fire extinguisher, strategically tossed, came this close [ ] to bringing down the federal government of the United States of America.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:12 PM (dGCAG)

278 6 conservatives?
I'm just guessing that's not true.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at September 19, 2024 03:13 PM (60lHz)

Have they released a photo of this loser yet?

You've just got to know with all the bad genes, bad chemicals, Low IQ, and overflowing hate, he's got to be one ghastly little mutant troll*

*like most Democrats.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 19, 2024 03:13 PM (eDfFs)

280 I'm doing pretty well at this stage of my life. I have loved ones who aren't doing as well, and I help them as I can. I can't help the tens of millions of my countrymen who were OK five years ago but are getting squeezed now. They matter.
Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 19, 2024

I admit I'm lucky. If I were still on the salary I earned in 2017, and without SS, I'd be struggling too.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:13 PM (J2vNu)

Oh ok you can take our guns but .... Ahem

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 19, 2024 03:13 PM (mGdQO)

282 Diddy's dead girlfriend Kim Porter exposes his debauched life of threesomes, sex with young boys and unspeakable violence in explosive tell-all memoir.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:14 PM (/U5Yz)

283 Scotus is not 6-3 it’s 4-4-1 at best and 4-5 at worst.

Posted by: News Update at September 19, 2024 03:14 PM (1YajR)

284 271 But if he said he didn't care about inflation because it didn't impact him, she'd go after him about that. Can't have it both ways, and she's trying to.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 02:55 PM


I hate their inhuman, reductive, tribal mindset.

I'm doing pretty well at this stage of my life. I have loved ones who aren't doing as well, and I help them as I can. I can't help the tens of millions of my countrymen who were OK five years ago but are getting squeezed now. They matter.
Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 19, 2024 03:11 PM (wzAuc)

Maybe it was just because it was happening under a president I supported, but I loved those stories of companies giving their employees bonuses at Christmas during the Trump years.

Man, those went away real fast, didn't they?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 03:14 PM (KbCG3)

285 Doesn't Alaska have a male-lopsided gender demographic? That would result in some level of fracas.
Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at September 19, 2024 02:37 PM (7d3jo)

Not anymore. Some places are lopsided toward the female side.

Posted by: Dr Pork Chops & Bacons at September 19, 2024 03:15 PM (g8Ew8)

286 J6ers took over the entire country without firing a shot.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 03:09 PM (i24o9)

I was told one fire extinguisher, strategically tossed, came this close [ ] to bringing down the federal government of the United States of America.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:12 PM (dGCAG)

The Buffalo Hat instilled a paralysis of fear.

Posted by: Count de Monet at September 19, 2024 03:15 PM (Aqu9a)

287 261 >>What has 18 legs and 5 pussies?

Chernobyl WNBA team.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon

Probably about right. The regular WNBA teams have fewer pussies and more dicks. That's why Caitlin Clark gets so much hate...white, straight, cis, popular AND great?!?! It's just too much.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at September 19, 2024 03:15 PM (JCZqz)

288 Diddy's dead girlfriend Kim Porter exposes his debauched life of threesomes, sex with young boys and unspeakable violence in explosive tell-all memoir.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:14 PM (/U5Yz)

Lemme guess.... ghost writer?

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:15 PM (dGCAG)

289 We have a commenter in Alaska, right? "[Someone] in AK?"

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:16 PM (v6JzV)

290 Diddy's dead girlfriend Kim Porter exposes his debauched life of threesomes, sex with young boys and unspeakable violence in explosive tell-all memoir.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:14 PM (/U5Yz)

Lemme guess.... ghost writer?
Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:15 PM (dGCAG)
High speed Ouija board.

Posted by: Randy Marsh at September 19, 2024 03:16 PM (VdhcA)

291 Dead girlfriend wrote a book?

Posted by: News Update at September 19, 2024 03:16 PM (1YajR)

292 We have a commenter in Alaska, right? "[Someone] in AK?"
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:16 PM (v6JzV)

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:17 PM (VdhcA)

293 Dead girlfriend wrote a book?
Posted by: News Update at September 19, 2024

Dead girlfriend says what now?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:17 PM (J2vNu)

294 Dead girlfriend wrote a book?
Posted by: News Update at September 19, 2024 03:16 PM (1YajR)


Posted by: Herbert West at September 19, 2024 03:17 PM (OguvZ)

295 Thirteen minutes ago:

Reports from Hezbollah Channels suggest that several Baofeng Handheld Short-Range Radios and a Handful of Encrypted Cell Phones may have Exploded in the last hour, though some Lebanese and Israeli Sources are also Denying these Reports.

Posted by: The DNC! at September 19, 2024 03:17 PM (uxCna)

296 Dead bitch set me up!

Posted by: Sean P-Diddy Combs at September 19, 2024 03:17 PM (Aqu9a)

297 Dead girlfriend wrote a book?
Posted by: News Update

She dictated it to Mrs. Muir.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:17 PM (v6JzV)

298 The Buffalo Hat instilled a paralysis of fear.
Posted by: Count de Monet at September 19, 2024 03:15 PM (Aqu9a)

Let's be honest, Mr. Chansley was holding an American flag, and that scared them more than anything else.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:17 PM (dGCAG)

299 Lemme guess.... ghost writer?
Posted by: BurtTC

Pornstasche writer.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (+739Q)

300 Those who bet "story dies over at DU" collect your winnings. No new threads, and the only one mentioning the topic has been quiet...except for this:

A maga friend DM'd me the other day: "At least no one in my party is trying to kill presidential candidates."

She's still drinking the fox Flavor Aid. I psyched her out by responding with a simple "?". She apologized and expressed regret immediately. I think she knew any further argument she presented would not stand up to scrutiny.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (JCZqz)

301 What?
-Muderin Joe's Intern

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (CIS44)

302 tcn
Posted by: Captain Obviou

That's right. Thanks.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (v6JzV)

303 Reports from Hezbollah Channels suggest that several Baofeng Handheld Short-Range Radios and a Handful of Encrypted Cell Phones may have Exploded in the last hour,

Have three UV-5R's and no splodeys here....yet.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (/U5Yz)

304 Man come on Hezbolla can’t be idiotic enough to still be using their electronic devices. Then again their average IQ is in the 80s.

Posted by: News Update at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (1YajR)

305 300 Those who bet "story dies over at DU" collect your winnings. No new threads, and the only one mentioning the topic has been quiet...except for this:

A maga friend DM'd me the other day: "At least no one in my party is trying to kill presidential candidates."

She's still drinking the fox Flavor Aid. I psyched her out by responding with a simple "?". She apologized and expressed regret immediately. I think she knew any further argument she presented would not stand up to scrutiny.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (JCZqz)

"I'm sorry you're a retard and I regret our friendship," is an apology and expression of regret I suppose.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 03:19 PM (KbCG3)

306 8 LMAO, you just KNEW it was an unhinged lefty.

And, boobs.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 02:25 PM (i24o9)

I don't even want to think about unhinged boobs. (Sorry if this has already been said, I just got here and there are a lot of comments to read through.)

Posted by: tankdemon at September 19, 2024 03:19 PM (brcBg)

307 465 threatening messages before there was a response?
I'm sorry. They obviously were enjoying the attention.

Posted by: torabora at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (0Gnoc)

308 He's kinda old, but being Greek, I think he could get PITA in prison, if he wants to.
Posted by: hickory shampoo at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM


Or even if he doesn't

Posted by: Bigsmith at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (1Au9i)

309 several Baofeng Handheld Short-Range Radios and a Handful of Encrypted Cell Phones may have Exploded in the last hour,

I hope they kept their receipts.

Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (9SBJU)

310 283 Scotus is not 6-3 it’s 4-4-1 at best and 4-5 at worst.
Posted by: News Updat

Romney was Hitler to these people, so you have to take the TDS/Marxist Insanity grading curve into account.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (JCZqz)

311 Times of Israel:

Two IDF troops killed on northern border; warplanes launch wave of strikes on Hezbollah
Nine soldiers wounded by anti-tank missiles and drones fired at north;

Lebanese terror group says 37 members killed in communication device blasts, IDF strikes

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (l/cbt)

312 Huh. Turns out that their speech really is violence.

Posted by: Half Dozen at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (ppfCG)

313 He's kinda old, but being Greek, I think he could get PITA in prison, if he wants to.
Posted by: hickory shampoo at September 19, 2024 02:40 PM


Or even if he doesn't
Posted by: Bigsmith at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (1Au9i)
Pita bread? I love that stuff!

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (VdhcA)

314 I psyched her out by responding with a simple "?". She apologized and expressed regret immediately.

I'll take "Things that never happened for 2000, Alex."

Posted by: spindrift at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (OguvZ)

315 2 - solid conservatives
3 - moderates, which people confuse with conservative nowadays
1 - quisling pussy "institutionalist" (ie, deep stater)
2 - outright commies
1 - commie moron

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (t6L5k)

316 Stupid old man talks shit on the internet he can never follow through on, gets set on by the state.

I mean...the only lesson is don't be a dumbass on the internet.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (GBKbO)

317 She apologized and expressed regret immediately. I think she knew any further argument she presented would not stand up to scrutiny.


And then everyone gave me a standing ovation.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (2UnvF)

318 “ Have three UV-5R's and no splodeys here....yet.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (/U5Yz)”

The FCC would like to have a word with you. lol

Posted by: Marcus T at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (A6EBn)

Boy, what a disappointment that guy turned out to be.

Same with Giuliani.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:07 PM (v6JzV)

Really I cant believe I stooped at a Thompson rally in FL at the Villages when I was visiting. I researched old Fres. He was Harley Biker in his youth . Nothing but an actor if that...

Mayor Giuliani on the otherhand!!!!!! Rudy's speech yesterday.. Bad to the Bone!!!!

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 19, 2024 03:22 PM (mGdQO)

320 several Baofeng Handheld Short-Range Radios and a Handful of Encrypted Cell Phones may have Exploded in the last hour,

I hope they kept their receipts.
Posted by: t-bird

Glad my Baofeng is three + yearsold. Hopefully outside of Mossad's window.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 19, 2024 03:22 PM (l/cbt)

321 "Reports from Hezbollah Channels suggest that several Baofeng Handheld Short-Range Radios ... may have Exploded in the last hour"

Man, $15 just doesn't buy a quality radio anymore.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 19, 2024 03:22 PM (VGRuw)

322 several Baofeng Handheld Short-Range Radios and a Handful of Encrypted Cell Phones may have Exploded in the last hour,
I hope they kept their receipts.
Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (9SBJU)

All I know is, Verizon's going to use this as an excuse to raise my bill.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:22 PM (dGCAG)

323 246 Shirtless CNN guy doesn’t quite understand how it works. He says he wants inflation to go down and interest rates to go down. You can have one or the other not both.

Posted by: News Update


Jerome "half point" Powell

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 19, 2024 03:23 PM (FxH7T)

324 I mean...the only lesson is don't be a dumbass on the internet.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (GBKbO)

There goes my AoSHQ comment game.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 03:23 PM (i24o9)

325 Diddy's dead girlfriend Kim Porter exposes his debauched life of threesomes, sex with young boys and unspeakable violence in explosive tell-all memoir.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:14 PM

Sounds like a good Beyond Balderdash movie synopsis answer.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 19, 2024 03:23 PM (gdmjx)

326 Remember. He wants to kill them so they can have a 9-0 majority.

Posted by: ... at September 19, 2024 03:23 PM (LCr8f)

327 Mayor Rudy Guliani spoke at the Trump Rally in Long Island NY yesterday EPIC MUST SEE>>

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 19, 2024 03:24 PM (mGdQO)

328 Anyone who votes for Trump is Stewped !!!!

Posted by: Kamal Harris at September 19, 2024 03:24 PM (BSF0H)

329 Did he have Pears of Anguish?

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 03:24 PM (v0R5T)

330 246 Shirtless CNN guy doesn’t quite understand how it works. He says he wants inflation to go down and interest rates to go down. You can have one or the other not both.

Posted by: News Update


Jerome "half point" Powell
Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 19, 2024 03:23 PM (FxH7T)

He's right, you know.

Posted by: Janet Yellen at September 19, 2024 03:24 PM (Aqu9a)

331 Shirtless CNN guy doesn’t quite understand how it works. He says he wants inflation to go down and interest rates to go down.
And I want Karen Gillan wrapped in fruit tape, dude.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:25 PM (VdhcA)

332 It's now law in California that you can't election meme.

Posted by: torabora at September 19, 2024 03:25 PM (0Gnoc)

333 There goes my AoSHQ comment game.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder

Nah, just keep the boob comments and fish puns going, and you're good.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:25 PM (v6JzV)

I mean...the only lesson is don't be a dumbass on the internet.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (GBKbO)

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there, junior.

That's the whole raison d'etre for the internet to exist.

Without that the whole thing collapses.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM (eDfFs)

335 Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee,

We may never know the motivation behind this.

Posted by: FBI "Special" Agent at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM (v0R5T)

336 Romney was Hitler to these people, so you have to take the TDS/Marxist Insanity grading curve into account.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at September 19, 2024 03:20 PM (JCZqz)

Crowder spent a significant amount of time on that yesterday, showing how every R candidate for prez since Goldwater was
literally Hitler.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM (dGCAG)

337 I mean...the only lesson is don't be a dumbass on the internet.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (GBKbO)



Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (2UnvF)

338 315

2 - solid conservatives
3 - moderates, which people confuse with conservative nowadays
1 - quisling pussy "institutionalist" (ie, deep stater)
2 - outright commies
1 - commie moron

Adding to this, remember "conservative" means "don't f-ck things up", or "f-ck things up slower," or maybe even "try to unf-ck some of the things that are destroying society"

The "moderates" go both ways, and the commies just want to f-ck up everything--- they are the radicals. they are the destroyers of worlds. They are the guys with the gasoline and matches burning down society and the conservative are just the firemen. This is a very one sided fight and acting as if conservatives are the flip side of the commies is insane.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (t6L5k)

339 Just like with the Iran hacked emails, the media will just say that this guy was just targeting both sides equally.

Posted by: sumatralime at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (BudYP)

Shirtless CNN guy doesn’t quite understand how it works.

He's too sexy for a shirt.

Posted by: Right Wing Fred at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (63Dwl)

341 Crowder spent a significant amount of time on that yesterday, showing how every R candidate for prez since Goldwater was
literally Hitler.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM (dGCAG)
Hell, they invoked that against Dewey in 1948.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (VdhcA)

342 283 Scotus is not 6-3 it’s 4-4-1 at best and 4-5 at worst.
Posted by: News Update at September 19, 2024 03:14 PM (1YajR)

Actually, I'd say that SCOTUS is 3-3-3, with Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh as the three swing voters.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (0CU3H)

343 It's now law in California that you can't election meme.
Posted by: torabora at September 19, 2024 03:25 PM (0Gnoc)v


Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (NtVYv)

344 "Oprima el ocho para BOOM!!"

Posted by: t-bird at September 19, 2024 03:28 PM (l5F6b)

345 334
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on there, junior.

That's the whole raison d'etre for the internet to exist.

Without that the whole thing collapses.
Posted by: naturalfake at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM (eDfFs)


There is this space between assholery and dumbassedness.

I lean much more towards the one side, or at least I hope.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:28 PM (GBKbO)

346 Wrong.

Jerome "half point" Powell
Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at September 19, 2024 03:23 PM (FxH7T)

He's right, you know.
Posted by: Janet Yellen at September 19, 2024 03:24 PM (Aqu9a)

Preach it, my brother and sister!

Posted by: Donald J. Harris at September 19, 2024 03:28 PM (dGCAG)

347 hey the cafe needs a bit about the "pandas" in the Chinese zoo

which barked

they were painted Chow Chows!

(which, btw, also very adorable)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 19, 2024 03:28 PM (s3qiR)

348 Crowder spent a significant amount of time on that yesterday, showing how every R candidate for prez since Goldwater was
literally Hitler.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM (dGCAG)

There was a time when folks understood that was hyperbole.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 19, 2024 03:29 PM (VGRuw)

349 There was a time when folks understood that was hyperbole.
Posted by: Bacon Jeff

That was when children were taught critical thinking skills.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:29 PM (CIS44)

350 hey were painted Chow Chows!

(which, btw, also very adorable)
Posted by: BlackOrchid

But kinda bad-tempered, though.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:29 PM (v6JzV)

351 Who were Republicans compared to prior to Hitler?

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 19, 2024 03:29 PM (FfSAJ)

352 Hillary's.birth was probably like something out of Lovecraft.

Posted by: tsj017 at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (xakWh)

353 351 Who were Republicans compared to prior to Hitler?
Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 19, 2024 03:29 PM (FfSAJ)



Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (GBKbO)

354 There is this space between assholery and dumbassedness.

I lean much more towards the one side, or at least I hope.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 19, 2024 03:28 PM (GBKbO)


Nonsense, you're not a dumbass!

Posted by: Duke Lowell at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (2UnvF)

355 they were painted Chow Chows!

(which, btw, also very adorable)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at September 19, 2024 03:28 PM (s3qiR)

That'll rip your face off, BTW.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (i24o9)

356 hey were painted Chow Chows!

(which, btw, also very adorable)
Posted by: BlackOrchid

But kinda bad-tempered, though.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:29 PM (v6JzV)
My friend who was a vet tech loathed Chow Chows.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (VdhcA)

357 318 “ Have three UV-5R's and no splodeys here....yet.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:18 PM (/U5Yz)”

The FCC would like to have a word with you. lol
Posted by: Marcus T a

I deny all knowledge of inferior audio and random spurious emissions. Got'em from a guy.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (/U5Yz)

358 351 Who were Republicans compared to prior to Hitler?
Posted by: Northernlurker

Jefferson Davis? King George? Judas?

Posted by: Moron Analyst at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (JCZqz)

359 Crowder spent a significant amount of time on that yesterday, showing how every R candidate for prez since Goldwater was
literally Hitler.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM (dGCAG)
Hell, they invoked that against Dewey in 1948.
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (VdhcA)

Probably, but they didn't even have newspapers back in those days, so nobody knows for sure.

Posted by: Donald J. Harris at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (dGCAG)

360 Hatari- Hillary could have told you that
Sticks and stone may break my bones but Memes can really hurt me

Posted by: Skip at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (fwDg9)

361 NOOD Diddy

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (CIS44)

362 Federal Election Commission records indicate that Anastasiou donated to ActBlue, a left-leaning political action committee

So he's really, really stupid.

Posted by: wth at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (v0R5T)

363 The "moderates" go both ways, and the commies just want to f-ck up everything--- they are the radicals. they are the destroyers of worlds. They are the guys with the gasoline and matches burning down society and the conservative are just the firemen. This is a very one sided fight and acting as if conservatives are the flip side of the commies is insane.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (t6L5k)

My 3-3-3 was simpler, but your SCOTUS split is more accurate.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (0CU3H)

364 Man, $15 just doesn't buy a quality radio anymore.
Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 19, 2024

My mom bought me a pocket transistor AM radio for Christmas 1963, and I was listening avidly at night to ourlocal Top 40 station when the Beatles first hit. According to various sites, depending on brand and the number of transistors, a nice little unit would have run anywhere from $6 to about $22 depending on extras.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (J2vNu)

365 Go away, commie sperm donor.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (dGCAG)

366 "Hey guys. I may have been Hitler yesterday, but today I am a god! Redemption is possible." - Dick Cheney, basking in liberal dick

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (KbCG3)

367 Probably, but they didn't even have newspapers back in those days, so nobody knows for sure.
Posted by: Donald J. Harris at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (dGCAG)

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (VdhcA)

368 Who were Republicans compared to prior to Hitler?
Posted by: Northernlurker

I've read that Napoleon I was the big baddie in the Western World until Schickelgruber came along.

But I can't really see Americans using that comparison.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (v6JzV)

369 Act blue is how they screen for possible free lance assassin. They see how often you donate. It crosses a threshold - x number of times in x number of months. You make the cut. Then they check your social media you make another cut. Then they check for firearms, history of violence another cut. Then they approach to agree amplify and eventually propose and support.

Posted by: Assassin farming is a thing at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (bfOpt)

370 It's now law in California that you can't election meme.
Posted by: torabora at September 19, 2024 03:25 PM (0Gnoc)v

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 19, 2024 03:27 PM (NtVYv)
Obviously, but some poor schmuck will have to mortgage his house to prove it.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 19, 2024 03:32 PM (OGZg/)

371 359 Crowder spent a significant amount of time on that yesterday, showing how every R candidate for prez since Goldwater was
literally Hitler.
Posted by: BurtTC at September 19, 2024 03:26 PM


Bob Dole got shot in the arm by a GI at Anzio. Bob Dole was never able to do a proper nazi salute after that.

Posted by: Bob Dole at September 19, 2024 03:32 PM (wzAuc)

372 My friend who was a vet tech loathed Chow Chows.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 19, 2024 03:30 PM (VdhcA)

Only victim of serious dog attack I know is from a Chow Chow.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at September 19, 2024 03:34 PM (i24o9)

373 I mean...the only lesson is don't be a dumbass on the internet.

You post here. Do you not read here?

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at September 19, 2024 03:34 PM (zdLoL)

374 We should air drop memes. High quality memes.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at September 19, 2024 03:35 PM (60lHz)

Last time I was there, all the bush pilots were teenagers.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at September 19, 2024 02:35 PM (DlVGn)

Pshaw... most teens only wish they could pilot around some bush.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 19, 2024 02:42 PM (ExV1e)

They're actually going to the Great Alaskan Bush Company in Anchorage.

At least, that's what I heard...

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at September 19, 2024 03:40 PM (y9nCu)

376 77...We really need to tighten up on who we allow to live with us.
Posted by: Pudinhead at September 19, 2024 02:34 PM (W3T6M)

Because his name is a traditionally greek orthodox name?
You have something against the Virgin Mary?

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 19, 2024 03:40 PM (Rbu5d)

377 My mom bought me a pocket transistor AM radio for Christmas 1963, and I was listening avidly at night to ourlocal Top 40 station when the Beatles first hit. According to various sites, depending on brand and the number of transistors, a nice little unit would have run anywhere from $6 to about $22 depending on extras.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Horrified by What he Sees at the Mall at September 19, 2024 03:31 PM (J2vNu)

My Zenith transistor radio I received for Christmas 1959 was 49.95. The radio was built to last, for sure. I still have it. Listened to 77 WABC back then (The All American Team) and WMCA, The Good Guys.

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy at September 19, 2024 03:48 PM (iODuv)

378 I psyched her out by responding with a simple "?". She apologized and expressed regret immediately.

I'll take "Things that never happened for 2000, Alex."
Posted by: spindrift at September 19, 2024 03:21 PM (OguvZ)

My four year old came to me this morning with tears in her eyes, "Why are the conservatives insisting that we are collectively liable for crimes that were most likely faked to falsely garner support to a political party" she implored, "why can't the MAGA cultists leave us alone to save Western society from their orgy of greed and intolerance?"

I cried, she cried, my poor baby. I have no answers.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 19, 2024 03:55 PM (D7oie)

379 Be kind of funny if this case leads to the justice(?) department finally having to admit all of Act Blues fake illegal donation.
"Yeh, this guy made two $20 donations to act blue, the other eighty five were automated distribution of illegal donations".

Posted by: From about That Time at September 19, 2024 04:18 PM (4780s)

380 These were mostly peaceful homicidal threats.


Posted by: mhb at September 19, 2024 09:51 PM (L1Yyg)

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