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NY Times: Undecided Voters Aren't Sure Who Won the Debate

The Bee:


This is just one poll, and, as I'm always told, polls are made for strippers.

Actually it's not even a poll -- it's just five reporters asking random undecided voters what they thought.

But if undecided voters really did think that Trump's bad, low-prep debate performance was good enough for a draw, I will certainly take that with a big smile.

Pundits Said Harris Won the Debate. Undecided Voters Weren't So Sure.

Voters said the vice president talked about a sweeping vision to fix the country's most stubborn problems. But they wanted the fine print.

The reporters interviewed voters in five states and asked them whether the debate changed their views on the presidential race.

For weeks, undecided voters have been asking for more substance.

So it was perhaps no accident that Vice President Kamala Harris's first words during the presidential debate on Tuesday were, "I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan."

Some Americans might need more convincing.

Bob and Sharon Reed, both 77-year-old retired teachers who live on a farm in central Pennsylvania, had high hopes for the debate between Ms. Harris and former President Donald Trump. They thought that they would come away with a candidate to support in November.

But, Ms. Reed said, "It was all disappointing."

The couple ended the night wondering how the costly programs each candidate supported -- Mr. Trump's tariffs and Ms. Harris's aid to young families and small businesses -- would help a couple like them, living on a fixed income that has not kept pace with inflation. They said they didn't hear detailed answers on immigration or foreign policy, either.


[N]ot all voters, especially those undecided few who could sway the election, were effusive about the vice president's performance.

In interviews, these undecided voters acknowledged that Ms. Harris seemed more presidential than Mr. Trump. And they said she laid out a sweeping vision to fix some of the country's most stubborn problems.

But they also said she did not seem much different from Mr. Biden, and they wanted change.

And most of all, what they wanted to hear -- and didn't -- was the fine print.

Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan. But they want to know how it will become law when Washington is so polarized. They know she wants to give assistance to first-time home buyers, but doubted that it was realistic.

"She tried a couple times to say, 'I want to do this and I want to do that,' and that's nice promises," Ms. Reed said. "I hope she can get them through Congress."

This is helpful: Almost all voters already know Trump, including all of his weaknesses, so Trump showing his weaknesses last night isn't any kind of Late Breaking News to them.


A vast majority -- 90 percent -- of likely voters nationwide said they pretty much know all they need to about him, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll released this week before the debate.

And the debate seemed to contain few surprises for them.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 This Trafalgar poll corroborates this.

The debate didn't change anything.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 02:10 PM (GZYu7)

2 I'm undecided about who won the debate too.

Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:12 PM (vFG9F)

3 1 This Trafalgar poll corroborates this.

The debate didn't change anything.
Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 02:10 PM (GZYu7)


The only reason the Biden debate changed things is because the Democrats used it to take out one of their own, and they had institutional support.

Biden didn't get the institutional support. Kamala did.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 11, 2024 02:12 PM (GBKbO)

4 Depending on how this winds up playing out, it may be an interesting question as to who walked into whose trap...

Posted by: Brother Tim learned to stop quibbling and love the Protestant Reformation at September 11, 2024 02:13 PM (OUMaO)

5 Sponge!

Posted by: Dad of Six at September 11, 2024 02:13 PM (VpZau)

6 What "Sweeping Vision"?

Posted by: XTC at September 11, 2024 02:13 PM (UnA8+)

7 "Bob and Sharon Reed, both 77-year-old retired teachers who live on a farm in central Pennsylvania, had high hopes for the debate between Ms. Harris and former President Donald Trump. They thought that they would come away with a candidate to support in November."

If you are 77 years old and you don't know yet who you are voting for, then you should just stay home.

Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:13 PM (vFG9F)

8 Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan.

I suppose bankrupting everyone and destroying this country does count as a plan.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 11, 2024 02:14 PM (lXoJ5)

9 Heh, she suppressed her cackling well enough that now they're stuck with her.

Posted by: t-bird at September 11, 2024 02:14 PM (Lh/d2)

10 "I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan."


I suppose that means the moderators were in the orchestra pit.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 11, 2024 02:14 PM (wzAuc)

11 Depending on how this winds up playing out, it may be an interesting question as to who walked into whose trap...

Perhaps they both walked into their opponent's trap. I suggest they each gnaw off a leg and go again.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:14 PM (xCA6C)

12 This bitch basically wants to set the idea of a federal property tax and Americans are like, "UM WELP WAAT DOES THAT MEAN OMERGERD TAY TAY!" so fuck this country let it burn.

Posted by: Kevin Feige's Hat Sweat at September 11, 2024 02:14 PM (N/oGZ)

13 NYT = Fake News.

Propaganda arm of demorat cabal.

They came up with this narrative to force another debate to get Trump to argue with another CIA op, I mean Legacy News media bot.

Posted by: kallisto at September 11, 2024 02:15 PM (dCxaZ)

14 Her plan is to give tax breaks to small businesses, money to people with kids, and what else?

Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:15 PM (vFG9F)

15 >>the Biden debate changed things is because the Democrats used it to take out one of their own
That was the sole and exclusive purpose of the Biden debate. It explains the behavior of the so-called moderators at that time.

Posted by: electronic means at September 11, 2024 02:15 PM (yAL3Q)

16 Willowed:

Hey BruceWayne,
How is She Hobbit doing?
Posted by: I need a drink

She's hanging in there, she hasnt had her full breakdown yet. The fam was together this morning finalizing all the plans. They are a tough lot.
Posted by: BruceWayne

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (CIS44)

17 I couldn't sit through the whole thing. Trump did seem tireder than before - understandable, as he has been through so much the last few years.

I really do wish that he had held off on debating Biden until after the DNC convention, but it is what it is.

I just hate that Harris is the nominee without having a single vote cast for her in the primaries.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade plucky comic relief at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (yh31E)

18 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (Zz0t1)

19 OOh, look how SERIOUS David and Linsey look
Journalists role-playing.
What hacks.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (Rbu5d)

20 15 That was the sole and exclusive purpose of the Biden debate. It explains the behavior of the so-called moderators at that time.
Posted by: electronic means at September 11, 2024 02:15 PM (yAL3Q)


Not being partisan assholes?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (GBKbO)

21 out one of their own
That was the sole and exclusive purpose of the Biden debate. It explains the behavior of the so-called moderators at that time.

Yup, it's pretty obvious in hindsight.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (xCA6C)

22 I've been saying this so many times Im turning orange myself

We know Trump

We've known him for 9 fucking years, good and bad

We know what he'll do, and that boils down to affordable groceries

We know fuck all about the Coconut

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Esteemed Trump Ho And Yearner for Zooey Deschanel's Bosom at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (M7vhK)

23 This is just one poll, and, as I'm always told, polls are made for strippers.

I feel vindicated.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (Zz0t1)

24 also: try to imagine this

1) slavery was outlawed at the founding of the nation, all African slaves were repatriated.
2) women never given the right to vote

try to convince yourself it's not a paradise.

Posted by: Kevin Feige's Hat Sweat at September 11, 2024 02:16 PM (N/oGZ)

25 Good afternoon all!

Update on my sister: Blood work has come back and looks good. Thank you sweet Hordians for your prayers in the tech thread this morning. And I count Ace as a sweet Hordian, too.

Posted by: jmel at September 11, 2024 02:17 PM (RWHIh)

26 Her plan is to give tax breaks to small businesses, money to people with kids, and what else?
Posted by: fd

Raise home costs by at least 26K$

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:17 PM (CIS44)

27 Hamas and Zelensky won the debate. (as if there is much difference between their supporters)

Posted by: henry at September 11, 2024 02:17 PM (JMDly)

28 I’m looking forward to a thorough and detailed explanation of The Drunk’s unrealized cap gains tax proposal. So is Wall Street.

We may be waiting a long time.

Posted by: electronic means at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (yAL3Q)

The president did not lose the debate, in my learned opinion.

The one and only blunder by Trump was him falling for the rally-size bait. Stupid.

Posted by: Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (iI7+d)

30 "Pundits Said Harris Won the Debate. Undecided Voters Weren't So Sure."

Sounds like Rotten Tomatoes: critics vs fans.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (Rbu5d)

31 Kumswala didn't win. Trump wasn't part of a debate.

That was a straight up attempted lynching. Anyone watching that and coming out with anyone benefitting from it, please share your drug of choice.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (Zz0t1)

32 I figured as much.
I was waiting for Trump to storm out of that clearly rigged occasion, and make the conversation about how to negotiate with bad-faith actors. But he just stayed up there like the moderators' punching bag.
I did however object to the one-name first-time visitors like 'Terry' and 'Baugh', who were in the thread just to gloat at us. One "tell" is how they claimed that Biden beat Trump when we all saw Biden sharting himself onstage.

Posted by: gKWVE at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (gKWVE)

33 I have to remember that I'm probably in the 0.01% of the most engaged followers of politics out there; in fact, pretty much all of us who are on this site fall into that category. I don't even understand the concept of 'undecided' in this age, so that just about says it all.

That said, to have these Undecideds break for a candidate that many were thinking last night pooped the bed says a lot.

I always have to remind myself that people decide with their emotions and justify with their heads. Trump is definitely polarizing, but in a polarized time the Undecideds may subliminally want passion instead of pablum. It may turn out that they see the ABC moderators helping out Kamala as a terrible look, in that context.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (xB0uo)

34 OOh, look how SERIOUS David and Linsey look
Journalists role-playing.
What hacks.

David has such a big chin, he makes Brian Williams look like Himmler. It seems that that's the main qualification for their jobs. Well, other than reading what's put in front of them with a serious mien.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (xCA6C)

35 Newsweek: Kamala Harris Trounced Donald Trump in Debate: Flash Poll. CNN conducted an instant poll following Tuesday night's presidential debate that suggested Harris won the discussion, with 63 percent pointing toward her success.

Harris was trailing Trump in favorability 39 percent to 41 percent prior to the debate, according to CNN. After tonight's discussions, CNN now shows her at 45 percent favorability and Trump at 39 percent.

Independent voters net favorability rating of Harris:
Before the debate: -17%
After the debate: +9%

That debate was a thing of beauty, Madam President knocked it out of the park! Now, hopefully, I can quit fretting over the polling numbers not being good enough to overcome the right leaning bias of the electoral college.

37% Believe TFG won. His deplorable base. He'll always get 30 some percent of some issue.

I was hoping this debate would reach Independents. And it did! We Dems were always going to vote for her.

On election day I'd love to see the polls at 67 to 33 in her favor. On election night it'll be a lot harder for him to rally his MAGAts to go out and stop the steal with
numbers like that.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (JCZqz)

36 Her plan is to give tax breaks to small businesses, money to people with kids, and what else?
Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:15 PM (vFG9F)

Take everything from everyone else.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (nR2nR)

37 "Her plan is to give tax breaks to small businesses, money to people with kids, and what else?
Posted by: fd

Raise home costs by at least 26K$
Posted by: BruceWayne "

Oh yeah, I knew there was a third thing. That was pretty much it though.

Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (vFG9F)

38 Can I extinguish myself now?

Posted by: Hair on Fire at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (KF2Wj)

39 7 If you are 77 years old and you don't know yet who you are voting for, then you should just stay home.
Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:13 PM (vFG9F)

If you're 77 and don't know who you're voting for, you should disembowel yourself with a samurai sword.

Posted by: XTC at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (UnA8+)

40 Bob and Sharon Reed, both 77-year-old retired teachers who live on a farm in central Pennsylvania, had high hopes for the debate between Ms. Harris and former President Donald Trump. They thought that they would come away with a candidate to support in November.

But, Ms. Reed said, "It was all disappointing."

What are the odds of BLaMtifa showing up on their doorstep in the near future?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (Zz0t1)

41 Trump probably should have made a mockery of the entire thing by answering every question with a simple "Are you better off now than you were under my term as president? I yield the rest of my time back to the propagandist communists."

They would have run out of gotcha questions in 20 minutes.

Posted by: ShainS at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (doCw0)

btw, no one else is saying this but denouncing hamas probably cost her a lot of votes in Detroit and Minneapolis.

Posted by: Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (iI7+d)

43 4 Depending on how this winds up playing out, it may be an interesting question as to who walked into whose trap...
Posted by: Brother Tim learned to stop quibbling and love the Protestant Reformation at September 11, 2024 02:13 PM (OUMaO)

Where's Gen Ackbar when you need him.

Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (Rbu5d)

44 The bee: ABC moderators to replace Kamala on the ballot

Well they clearly wanted it more, that's for sure.

Can we make earpiece gate a thing? She had to have an earpiece. That or she memories her lines ok.

Posted by: LizLem at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (Mj+sX)

45 "I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan."

Yet no one knows what that plan is........And she brought NOTHING to light during the debate.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (Zz0t1)

46 35 That debate was a thing of beauty, Madam President knocked it out of the park! Now, hopefully, I can quit fretting over the polling numbers not being good enough to overcome the right leaning bias of the electoral college.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (JCZqz)


The same poll showed Trump gaining on the issue of the economy. So, he lost the debate...but more people wanted him in charge of the economy.

That's weird.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (GBKbO)

47 "Pundits Said Harris Won the Debate".

putin applauds

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 11, 2024 02:20 PM (CWTWj)

48 >>Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan.

I suppose bankrupting everyone and destroying this country does count as a plan.

Posted by: NR Pax at September 11, 2024 02:14 PM

It worked for me.

Posted by: Barry Obama at September 11, 2024 02:20 PM (VGOMa)

49 On election night it'll be a lot harder for him to rally his MAGAts to go out and stop the steal with
numbers like that.
Posted by: Intercepted DU

What's this now?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:20 PM (CIS44)

LOL: On election day I'd love to see the polls at 67 to 33 in her favor. On election night it'll be a lot harder for him to rally his MAGAts to go out and stop the steal with
numbers like that.


Posted by: Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now at September 11, 2024 02:20 PM (iI7+d)

51 Trump unleashed now. He will go after her in every rally and very interview. He will win.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at September 11, 2024 02:20 PM (221aU)

52 Debate prep is for fags. Modern debates are a joke. Voting for Harris is embarrassing.

Call me Mr. Positive.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 11, 2024 02:20 PM (Z8Yh2)

53 First we had the Lightbringer, now we have the Drinkslinger. I’m going long on teleprompter stock.

Posted by: electronic means at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (yAL3Q)

54 "Pundits Said Harris Won the Debate".
I suspect we may see a difference of opinion between the pundit class and the casual observer class.

Kind of like a movie reviewed on Rotten Tomatoes where the critics give a movie "95% Fresh" and the rest of the world gives it a big thumbs down.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (7fElN)

55 2016:

A CNN/ORC flash poll conducted immediately after the debate found that Clinton was seen as the winner by a wide margin of 62% to 27%.

So Coconut did 1% better


Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Esteemed Trump Ho And Yearner for Zooey Deschanel's Bosom at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (M7vhK)

56 Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan.

She has a plan to force them to realize unrealized gains so they can pay an outrageous tax on them. Wonder if they know that.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (wzAuc)

57 Trump gets 60 million votes, Kamala get 130 million. That's how their precious democracy works.

Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (vFG9F)

58 The weirdest moment for me was Harris attacking Trump for not having a plan to replace Obamacare. WTF?

They will say anything. all of it lies.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (UdPQQ)

59 "I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan."

You know who else had a plan?

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (xCA6C)

60 MSM is going to have to stop doing man in the street interviews, because they're not getting the answers they want.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (tT6L1)

61 Trump probably should have made a mockery of the entire thing by answering every question with a simple "Are you better off now than you were under my term as president? I yield the rest of my time back to the propagandist communists."

They would have run out of gotcha questions in 20 minutes.
Posted by: ShainS

Said the exact same thing this morning "She's in charge now. Thing's are worse now. I yield my time"

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (CIS44)

62 Retired teachers are undecided?
Give me a fucking break. They voted Democrat their entire lives.

Posted by: Reality at September 11, 2024 02:22 PM (KF2Wj)

63 40 What are the odds of BLaMtifa showing up on their doorstep in the near future?
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:19 PM (Zz0t1)

Next to Zero.

They don't f*** with South Central PA Farm Country.

Posted by: XTC at September 11, 2024 02:22 PM (UnA8+)

Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan

She SAID she has a plan. What's her plan? Her plan is: "I'm from a middle-class family," apparently.

Posted by: Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now at September 11, 2024 02:22 PM (iI7+d)

65 I don't think it was Trump's best performance. He looked a bit too amped and angry for my liking. But I don't think he was unprepared. The difference between Trump and someone like Harris is Trump doesn't need to study to figure out his positions, he knows them and lives them and has for years. Harris is being reinvented on the fly.

I also think the whole thing is much ado about nada. It wasn't a debate, it was 90 minutes of the "moderators" telling Trump they didn't like him and then inviting Harris to weigh in on why she doesn't like him.

They didn't fact check her a single time yet she lied continuously. Meanwhile, they fact checked Trump constantly and they were consistently wrong. Biggest thing I'm taking from the polls today is the rest of the country thought the whole thing was a clown show as well and anything that further degrades the media's standing is ok by me.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 11, 2024 02:22 PM (LkLld)

66 It's all theater. Without a knockout punch, the debate changed nothing. Trump went into a rigged debate and took it. It's over, anything Harris might gain or might have gained will be long gone by vote time. And, yes I know early voting is starting, but when I say will be long gone, I mean pretty much tomorrow morning.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 02:22 PM (GZYu7)

67 And they said she laid out a sweeping vision to fix some of the country's most stubborn problems.

She's had 1330 days to fix shit. How many more does she need????

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:22 PM (eHh36)

68 The more people find out about shifty Harris, the less there is to like.

Illegal alien crime is real.

EVs are too expensive and not any kind of solution for average people.

Debt and inflation go hand in hand as BigGov keeps tossing money on the fire.

Everything was better under Trump, worse under Biden/Harris. I don't think Google Archipelago has enough power to do the 2+2=5 thing, but they are sure trying .

Posted by: illiniwek at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (Cus5s)

69 60 MSM is going to have to stop doing man in the street interviews, because they're not getting the answers they want.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (tT6L1)

Oh, we can work around that.

Posted by: PBS, we'll just interview a "man on the street" expert at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (PiwSw)

70 52 Debate prep is for fags. Modern debates are a joke. Voting for Harris is embarrassing.

Call me Mr. Positive.
Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 11, 2024 02:20 PM (Z8Yh2)

I can't control what millions of retards do with their vote.

I can control not being a retard. (Most of the time)

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (KbCG3)

71 That debate was Michigan's football team last year.

Kumswala had all the questions and answers weeks ago.

Trump was hit from all sides because his gameplan was dead before he entered the building.

It was PAINFULLY obvious.

My view is, millions saw it for what it was. A lynching of Trump and bullying by the media and Harris campaign.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (Zz0t1)

72 She had everything memorized but it was just the title of the talking points. She gave no substance or explanation for any of them. Also, I want to kniw what kind of gun she has. Trump should have asked her to describe her gun or guns. I would bet my dog that she has never touched a gun.

Posted by: Megthered at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (VihIQ)

I checked out of listening to the debate around the thirty minute mark when Harris mentioned that Trump's rallies' attendees left the venues early and, thus goaded, Trump just had to go chugging down the side track of "Not True!" because ... oh, who knows what?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (xG4kz)

74 62 Retired teachers are undecided?
Give me a fucking break. They voted Democrat their entire lives.

Posted by: Reality at September 11, 2024 02:22

I don't believe them either. I've never met an undecided voter.

Posted by: CaliGirl at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (zFMBg)

75 The interesting thing is that they had Taylor Swift endorse Kamala thirty minutes after the debate was over, which immediately took the media's attention away from the debate.

Almost as if they were not terribly optimistic about how the debate would be perceived.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (uxCna)

76 I frequently give updates in people I know in Facebook and what they post. They are all focusing to be the cat eating and basically saying "yay queen". Others are still rock solid for Trump . However I live in NY so my vote means zip

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (tKS+g)

77 Do you renounce the uniparty?
Yes, I renounce It.
Do you renounce all Its works?
Yes, I renounce them.
Do you renounce all Its ways?
Yes, I renounce them.

Posted by: uniparty, Raping and Mutilating the Children They Do Not Kill at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (gxokI)

78 Lee Ermey was only a consultant on Full Metal Jacket until he made his own video to convince Kubrick that he had the chops to do his act on screen under pressure.

So he did his whole act while someone pelted him in the face with oranges without missing a psychotic beat. Stanley was impressed.

Reminded me of Trump last night.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (nFx0I)

79 Harris didn't win the debate last night. The moderators did. And this should end any debate on ever using mouthpieces from the MSM as debate moderators. Or, lets give someone a mute button to silence the moderators when they stray from their proper role.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (N39Ws)

80 Bob and Sharon Reed, both 77-year-old retired teachers who live on a farm in central Pennsylvania, had high hopes for the debate between Ms. Harris and former President Donald Trump. They thought that they would come away with a candidate to support in November.

But, Ms. Reed said, "It was all disappointing."

I'm blackpilling, but I don't doubt for whom they will ultimately vote. They're trying to sound reasonable, but a) teachers, and b) if at this point, you don't understand how full of excrement Harris is, you're beyond reason.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (xCA6C)

81 Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan

Tax the shit out of everyone not a supporting billionaire or big business and destroy the economy once and for all, and you're GLAD to see that?

DIAF. All of you.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (Zz0t1)

82 "You know who else had a plan?
Posted by: Archimedes"


Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (vFG9F)

83 EVERY four years I have to post this comedy bit about undecided voters and I hope one day it will be unimportant

Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (D7oie)

84 You know who else had a plan?
Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM

Hannibal Smith?

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at September 11, 2024 02:25 PM (ZANHd)

85 73
I checked out of listening to the debate around the thirty minute mark when Harris mentioned that Trump's rallies' attendees left the venues early and, thus goaded, Trump just had to go chugging down the side track of "Not True!" because ... oh, who knows what?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at September 11, 2024 02:23 PM (xG4kz)

I knew what she was doing but Trump also got to call out her having to pay and bus people to her rallies.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:25 PM (KbCG3)

86 Papillion?
Posted by: fd at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM (vFG9F)

You know he liked women yet had room for two plans?

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 11, 2024 02:25 PM (tT6L1)

87 My hatred of the media continues to burn with the heat of a thousand suns.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 11, 2024 02:25 PM (W/lyH)

88 Sara A. Carter @SaraCarterDC 5h
Kamala’s performance was so over-rehearsed and the moderators were so absolutely anti-Trump that it was obvious to everyone watching that doesn’t have #TDS

Reuters interviewed 10 people who were still unsure how they were going to vote in the Nov. 5 election before they watched the debate. Six said afterward they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning toward backing him. Three said they would now back Harris and one was still unsure how he would vote.
Reuters link at the tweet.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (CEzQx)

89 Sure Trump took too much of the bait, but she also came off as a troll. It's a two edged sword that doesn't make either look good.

Posted by: the dandy at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (KNS37)

90 I do wish that Trump would KO her with numbers - especially on abortion. Let her justify 60 million abortions in this country - 20 million of them black babies - since Roe was deemed into "settled" law.

The price of gas, groceries, etc in 2020 vs now.

The fact that as many as 10% of the people in the country are here illegally, and many Dem politicians want them to be able to vote in elections.

How illegal aliens have more "rights", goods, and services given to them than any American citizen, ESPECIALLY those who naturalized the LEGAL way. People HATE it when someone cuts in line - I have NEVER heard any political candidate put it in those terms, but I bet it would resonate with voters.

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade plucky comic relief at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (yh31E)

91 Oilfield Rando @Oilfield_Rando 3h
A lifelong Democrat said something interesting to me.

“Kamala is just doing what Biden did, pretending to be moderate so they can win and go back far left”

He ain’t voting for her. Anecdotal, I know, but I wonder how many of them there are that finally realized this.

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (CEzQx)

Meanwhile, back in reality, away from the Fake News Social Media Theater...

inflation rose "higher than expected" in August.

But, yeah, "Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan."

okay, NYT

Posted by: Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (iI7+d)

93 Don Lemon did a man on the street interview where he asked someone about their thoughts on the economy.

"It's shit." - paraphrased by me

"Your wrong. It's actually awesome."

"Why the f*ck did you ask my opinion if you were just going to tell me I'm wrong and lie to my face."

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (Zz0t1)

94 She has a plan to force them to realize unrealized gains so they can pay an outrageous tax on them. Wonder if they know that.
Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (wzAuc)

Most of them wouldn't care. Watched a retirement video last night and, according to government statistics (so take it with a grain of salt), 49% of households hit their mid-60s with less than $10K net worth.

Stealing even more from others to pay for their handouts isn't a bad thing in their minds.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (nR2nR)

95 59 "I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan."

You know who else had a plan?
Posted by: Archimedes


That was pure Obama. I even think he used that exact line in a debate. It was total lie, and that is how they do it -- tell lies with confidence and tie up the opponent in having to explain why it is a lie.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (UdPQQ)

96 I'm not buying the retired teachers ain't voting Dem. I know several and they'd go into septic shock if they voted Republican.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (tKS+g)

97 Harris had to show she was the "change" candidate she's been pretending to be.

Instead, she showed she's Biden in a dress.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (Qlpv5)

98 I have to remember that I'm probably in the 0.01% of the most engaged followers of politics out there; in fact, pretty much all of us who are on this site fall into that category. I don't even understand the concept of 'undecided' in this age, so that just about says it all.


"The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crises, maintain their neutrality."

--:Stuff Dante Said, Vol. II

Posted by: ShainS at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (Kr7sj)

99 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 2h
It doesn’t matter who media thinks won the debate

This is the only metric that matters - “who would better handle the economy”

And Trump improved by 2pts

Kamala may have landed insults, but she failed to do what mattered most

Like a famous Dem once said, “it’s economy stupid”

[PDT 53% up to 55%; Kamala 35% down from 37%' CNN Instant Poll, or similar.]

Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (CEzQx)

100 Meanwhile, back in reality, away from the Fake News Social Media Theater...

inflation rose "higher than expected" in August.


Posted by: Minnfidel at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (4p0Xq)

101 Said the exact same thing this morning "She's in charge now. Thing's are worse now. I yield my time"
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:21 PM (CIS44)

Of course she's in charge. A VP who is given a hand salute by US Armed Service men and women and returns her own hand salute must be in charge, right?

Posted by: mrp at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (rj6Yv)

102 >On election night it'll be a lot harder for him to rally his MAGAts to go out and stop the steal with
numbers like that.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (JCZqz)


Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (sff4P)

103 Harris didn't win the debate last night. The moderators did. And this should end any debate on ever using mouthpieces from the MSM as debate moderators.

That was true before this debate was ever scheduled. I don't understand why we keep accepting these clowns as "moderators".

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (xCA6C)

104 Ace, it really was not as bad as you seem to think. It was in fact, hold his own quite well.

Posted by: Redbanzai at September 11, 2024 02:28 PM (VJhzl)

105 Hello

Hi this is CNN we’re looking to speak to u decided voters.

Do I get to be on TV?

Yes you certainly do,

Then uhm yeah I’m like totally undecided. Yeah like I have no idea man. So When will the cameras get here?

Posted by: How undecided voters are selected for these things at September 11, 2024 02:28 PM (KF2Wj)

106 I think that we're back to the status quo, which shows Trump and Kamala running neck and neck in the popular vote, but with Trump having a history of doing considerably better than the polls indicate.

I still think Trump wins big, as Kamala runs back to her bunker.

Guess who took questions after the debate from reporters and guess who didn't?

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 11, 2024 02:28 PM (uxCna)

107 So he did his whole act while someone pelted him in the face with oranges ... Stanley was impressed.
Posted by: Ignoramus at September 11, 2024 02:24 PM


Didn't work for me.

Posted by: Shelley Duvall at September 11, 2024 02:28 PM (wzAuc)

108 103 Harris didn't win the debate last night. The moderators did. And this should end any debate on ever using mouthpieces from the MSM as debate moderators.

That was true before this debate was ever scheduled. I don't understand why we keep accepting these clowns as "moderators".
Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (xCA6C)

Look, I'm not one of those 19D chess guys. I think Trump is just a bull moving on a straight line.

That said, possible they calculated that the optics of these moderators acting in such a biased way would backfire on them?

Can't rule it out.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:29 PM (KbCG3)

109 That is good news for DJT, since he crapped the bed last night.

When Harris answered the first question by ignoring it (are people better off than years ago), it was a perfect opportunity for him to say "of course people are worse off, that's why she ignored your question." Instead, he rambled about tariffs (and he doesn't understand how they work).

When she brought up his rallies, everyone knew she was just baiting him. I told my wife, "he should just ignore that but I guaranty he'll go off on how great his rallies are." He could have at least said, the people stayed at my rally, even when shots rang out". But no, they're big and beautiful and no one leaves early. Every time she baited him, he responded instead of hammering her record.

Everyone on this thread could have done better than he did last night.

But, he is blessed by his opponents, including the media.

Posted by: Duke at September 11, 2024 02:29 PM (7SkhK)

110 I'm not buying the retired teachers ain't voting Dem. I know several and they'd go into septic shock if they voted Republican.


Posted by: MAC V SOG at September 11, 2024 02:29 PM (P4Pk9)

Didn't Mickey try to coach Rocky from the corner, but Rock kept ignoring Mickey and taking strike after strike to the head by Apollo and Mickey just said fuckit?

Posted by: Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now at September 11, 2024 02:29 PM (iI7+d)

112 You know who else had a plan?

George Floyd?

Posted by: dantesed at September 11, 2024 02:29 PM (Oy/m2)

113 It wasn’t a draw, I saw it.

Trump just isn’t very good at politics. He gets beat at debates, he gets out fund raised, He gives long rambling incoherent speeches. And he can’t hire good people around him .

I hope he pulls it off, but I woke up this morning with the realization. It’s probably going to be President Harris.

Posted by: Wolf at September 11, 2024 02:30 PM (bgnVj)

114 If you like the last 4 years of trannies killing school children, illegals eating wildlife, hyperinflation, and out of control crime you should vote for Harris.

If you vote for Harris thinking she'll change these things after being elected...again. You are a damned idiot.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 11, 2024 02:30 PM (oZhjI)

115 2 "You know who else had a plan?
Dutch van der Linde

Posted by: Megthered at September 11, 2024 02:30 PM (VihIQ)

116 I really despise these LIVs that are keeping Kamala viable, mom being one of them. She knows me and the mrs support DJT.

Mom: Kamala's not so bad. She is offering $50k to small businesses, that will help your wife's new solo practice, right? Would you consider voting for her?

Me: You realize they are also looking at taxing your retirement gains and your home equity to pay for these programs, right?

Mom: Uhhh

Posted by: anon at September 11, 2024 02:30 PM (7BGok)

117 Basically, last night was a job interview where the public has settled on hiring Trump.

But, Harris was promised an interview.

No one is going to change their mind at this point but they're pretending "we're still reviewing applications."

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (Qlpv5)

118 15 That was the sole and exclusive purpose of the Biden debate. It explains the behavior of the so-called moderators at that time.
Posted by: electronic means at September 11, 2024 02:15 PM (yAL3Q)

Exactly. I remember watching at the time and thinking "Whoa. Dana Bash is being fair????"

Made all kinds of sense later.

Posted by: Splunge at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (hmKaK)

119 "Errybody has a plan till dey git punched in da mouf."

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (Zz0t1)

Undecided retired school teachers can't begin to tell you how disappointed they are in you.

Posted by: Auspex at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (j4U/Z)

121 isn't this all like the woman who says harry the short order cook gave her better sex one time but she'd rather marry the investment banker with the fat wallet?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (CWTWj)

122 This circus show joke of a "debate" wasn't a debate in any sense. Tell me the percentage of Americans that actually got answers to anything they remotely care about. The modern media is abysmal. It's a Jerry Springer freakshow that in no way helps anyone know anything. I think they did themselves even more damage last night. There was no light shed on what people already don't know about Donald Trump, and there was no light shed on what Harris actually stands for, believes and wants. The needle will not move, so in that sense, the big loser was the media. As usual. JMO...

Posted by: Lady in Black at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (N2zvp)

123 Posted by: Wolf at September 11, 2024 02:30 PM (bgnVj)

*points excitedly*

Look everyone another lifelong two time Trump voting concerned Republican!

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (eZwyX)

124 Lots of articles I read thought it was a Democrat fix,

Posted by: Skip at September 11, 2024 02:32 PM (pTp+q)

125 I've mentioned to my cow-workers that there are various plans now being considered to tax unrealized gains. Since we get stock it is likely to be a big problem for them.

None of them were aware the plans existed let alone that one candidate is pushing them.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 11, 2024 02:32 PM (oZhjI)

126 On election night it'll be a lot harder for him to rally his MAGAts to go out and stop the steal with
numbers like that.

Somebody said The Quiet Part out loud...

Posted by: Oedipus at September 11, 2024 02:32 PM (Z6vKV)

127 “ Voters said they were glad she has a tax and economic plan. But they want to know how it will become law when Washington is so polarized.”

These people are grossly misinformed if all they are wondering about are the process. Her actual “plan” if you can call it that, has substantial tax increases that will hit across all economic demographics. Before something becomes “law” you should worry about the details,, and what “details” are available have been condemned by just about every non partisan analysis.

Posted by: Marcus T at September 11, 2024 02:32 PM (yzoWD)

128 My hatred of the media continues to burn with the heat of a thousand suns.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 11, 2024 02:25 PM (W/lyH)


And you still don't hate them enough.

Posted by: ShainS at September 11, 2024 02:32 PM (Kr7sj)

129 65 don't think it was Trump's best performance. He looked a bit too amped and angry for my liking.

If they told me the rules were changed re: muted mics to accommodate my opponent minutes before the debate, I’d be angry, too.

Posted by: EveR at September 11, 2024 02:33 PM (MUpk6)

130 ...please share your drug of choice.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (Zz0t1)

"Well, what have you got?"
- Zombie Layne Staley

Posted by: Doof at September 11, 2024 02:33 PM (RhGG0)

131 Look everyone another lifelong two time Trump voting concerned Republican!

I'm concerned!

Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:33 PM (uxCna)

He gives long rambling incoherent speeches.

Posted by: Wolf

Good concern-trolling except for this sentence. That was your "tell."

Posted by: Soothsayer is Axiosoothsayer now at September 11, 2024 02:33 PM (iI7+d)

"Well, what have you got?"
- Zombie Layne Staley
Posted by: Doof at September 11, 2024 02:33 PM (RhGG0)

I knew I could count on you.

Well done, sir.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (Zz0t1)

134 Recall the trajectory of the race prior to the debate was not good for Harris.

They needed more than a good debate; they needed the knock-out blow more than Trump.

And what are we talking about?
The Haitian immigrants Harris bragged about letting in are eating cats and dogs in Ohio.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (Qlpv5)

135 wasn’t a draw, I saw it.

Trump just isn’t very good at politics. He gets beat at debates, he gets out fund raised, He gives long rambling incoherent speeches. And he can’t hire good people around him .

I hope he pulls it off, but I woke up this morning with the realization. It’s probably going to be President Harris.

Posted by: Wolf at September 11, 2024 02:30 PM (bgnVj)

Boo hook hoo. Go cry in your cheerios f$%#ing troll.

Posted by: Megthered at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (VihIQ)

136 I'm going to follow up my own question.

How long have members of the US military services given US vice presidents a hand salute?

Posted by: mrp at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (rj6Yv)

137 Oilfield Rando @Oilfield_Rando 3h
A lifelong Democrat said something interesting to me.

“Kamala is just doing what Biden did, pretending to be moderate so they can win and go back far left”

He ain’t voting for her. Anecdotal, I know, but I wonder how many of them there are that finally realized this.
Posted by: andycanuck (CEzQx) at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (CEzQx)

I wonder how many will realize it ain't just Harris. Then we just need GOP voters to realize they're almost all frauds.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (nR2nR)

138 Trump is a bad candidate? Oy vey.

2016 - Trump comes out of nowhere to beat a field of established political names including one dynasty. Then defeats one of the most well-oiled machines in political history to win the presidency.

2020 - He earns something like 10 million more votes versus his 2016 total.

2024 - He renders the primaries moot and knocked the incumbent president out of the race.

He's still polling ahead and predicted to win while running against a ghost and the media.

But yeah, what's wrong with that guy?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (KbCG3)

139 It's like I said when Trump steamrolled Brandon... Don't get too fired up about it. People notice unfilled pothole or a pair of dogs fucking more than an American political debate, and remember it for longer.

These events are relics. Cargo cult democracy.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at September 11, 2024 02:35 PM (0FoWg)

140 Rich Barris says Trump won 2:1 in the early polls he's seen.

If they told me the rules were changed re: muted mics to accommodate my opponent minutes before the debate, I’d be angry, too.

That and her annoying Karen scowling and putting her hand against her chin like a retarded Dr. Evil. I hated it on TV, I can't imagine being in the room.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 11, 2024 02:35 PM (2ocoG)

Oh well. No sense in even voting.

Maybe Tulsi/Vivek in 2028, though!

Posted by: Bill at September 11, 2024 02:35 PM (iI7+d)

142 But... my comments are always full of rhetorical flourishes and factual liberty, so I must be taken seriously.

Seriously you guys.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 11, 2024 02:35 PM (Q4IgG)

143 I knew I could count on you.

Well done, sir.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (Zz0t1)

That was a center-cut fastball you gave me! Had to knock that one over the wall!

Posted by: Doof at September 11, 2024 02:35 PM (RhGG0)

But yeah, what's wrong with that guy?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (KbCG3)

He's an old doodyhead who said pussy and is stupid.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (Zz0t1)

145 ...please share your drug of choice.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:18 PM (Zz0t1)

Amyl nitrite.

Posted by: Lindsey Graham at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (/U5Yz)

146 Trump should have gone in with a strategy to make people tune in or notice the moderators' unfair fact checks. After the first fact check, turn to the camera, and say I want the audience to notice how many times they correct me but don't correct my oppponent. Then write "H _ _ _ _" on a piece of note paper, hold it up and say, I bet we can get to HORSE before they do any fact check on my opponent. After each fact check, fill in a letter and hold it up for the camera. Or do it with hangman instead of horse; does't really matter but it would make the fact checks really noticeable. Why not have fun with it?

Posted by: Future at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (hid5L)

I've given up on 2024.

We'll have better candidates in 2028!

Posted by: Melinda at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (iI7+d)

That was a center-cut fastball you gave me! Had to knock that one over the wall!
Posted by: Doof at September 11, 2024 02:35 PM (RhGG0)

And you pulled a Cal Ripken Jr. and called your shot in the All-Star Game.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (Zz0t1)

149 >> Cargo cult democracy.
Never was there a more apt phrase to describe the politics of early 21st century America.

Posted by: electronic means at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (yAL3Q)

150 Pennsylvania was historically considered a political buffer state -- the sensible middle -- between effete New England and the conservative South.

However immigration and their unions corrupted the Dutch/Quaker center, and by the 1950s, the sensible middle began fleeing the state and its once vaunted industrial base collapsed.

Leaving Zombieville in its wake, where everyone is bought and nothing is on the level.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (wBaIH)

151 >>Trump just isn’t very good at politics.

Comments like this make me laugh. Ha! There, I laughed.

The guy came out of nowhere in 2016, took down the Bush dynasty along with 16 professional Republican candidates and then schlonged the inevitable Hillary and the Clinton dynasty.

He took over the Republican Party and changed it from a big business, establishment party into a working class America First Party. Then he took out Biden and he's currently leading the race to his 2nd term after being given up for dead and despite fighting the media, the uniparty and the DOJ and the intel community. And he's done it largely on his own.

Imagine if he was actually good at this?

Posted by: JackStraw at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (LkLld)

152 144
But yeah, what's wrong with that guy?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (KbCG3)

He's an old doodyhead who said pussy and is stupid.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (Zz0t1)

Tough, but fair.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (KbCG3)

153 So many first name concerned republicans here!

Does nobody who hates trump ever have a last name?

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Esteemed Trump Ho And Yearner for Zooey Deschanel's Bosom at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (M7vhK)

Amyl nitrite.
Posted by: Lindsey Graham at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (/U5Yz)

Here and I thought yours was Anal Lastnite.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

155 Didn't work for me.
Posted by: Shelley Duvall at September 11, 2024 02:28 PM (wzAuc)

I think you meant Anjelica Huston.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (D7oie)

156 I said about the same thing last night on the threads, we all wanted Harris to look like a bumbling fool. She survived that test, but as more of these things come out that require people to think about what went on, its clear that last night was a "nothingburger" and since Harris didn't score any real points, it helps Trump. NYT's, Reuters, Trafalgar, Economy Question, etc. Harris is still fading.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (GZYu7)

157 Insty:
QUESTIONS NOBODY IS ASKING: Is it offensive to call someone ‘middle-aged?’

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:38 PM (xCA6C)

158 Amyl nitrite.
Posted by: Lindsey Graham at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (/U5Yz)

Here and I thought yours was Anal Lastnite.
Posted by: Sponge -

I think they go hand in hand.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:38 PM (CIS44)

159 "I'm a 55-year old Republican, my lord and master Sauron bids thee welcome."

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 11, 2024 02:38 PM (cf/0E)

160 I listened to the debate on Alexa and had no visual of the two of them. I thought Trump did well, except the moments when he took the personal attack bait. My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once. Interesting in how different our opinions are based on the medium we used.

Posted by: Scarlett O'Hara at September 11, 2024 02:38 PM (efuu+)

161 Insty:
QUESTIONS NOBODY IS ASKING: Is it offensive to call someone ‘middle-aged?’
Posted by: Archimedes

Is 60 middle aged? I think not.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (CIS44)

162 Basically, last night was a job interview where the public has settled on hiring Trump.

But, Harris was promised an interview.

No one is going to change their mind at this point but they're pretending "we're still reviewing applications."

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 11, 2024 02:31 PM (Qlpv5)


Dominion HR is going with the DEI hire at this time.

/only half-joking

Posted by: ShainS at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (sSAzY)

163 Harris didn't win the debate last night. The moderators did.

Was he calm? Then he let them expose the system. He also gave them no reason to switch "Que mala" out.

Posted by: t-bird at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (FrKFd)

164 Oh when yer smilin when your smilin the whole world smiles with you.

- Big Louie Armstrong

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (bgLkq)

165 Robby Starbuck

I think it’s time we stop the charade of there being unbiased moderators. It’s clear both of the "moderators" tonight are Kamala voters. That’s the story now from tonight.

Both sides should choose one moderator and then those 2 have to agree on questions.

Not perfect but fair.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (NpAcC)

166 QUESTIONS NOBODY IS ASKING: Is it offensive to call someone ‘middle-aged?’
Posted by: Archimedes

Depends who is doing the calling.
-- MSM

Posted by: Tonypete at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (WXNFJ)

167 This is probably unpopular and I am sure to get blasted for it but my take is at this point, if you call yourself an undecided voted, you are either an attention whore or woefully ignorant.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (YiKO5)

168 156 I said about the same thing last night on the threads, we all wanted Harris to look like a bumbling fool. She survived that test, but as more of these things come out that require people to think about what went on, its clear that last night was a "nothingburger" and since Harris didn't score any real points, it helps Trump. NYT's, Reuters, Trafalgar, Economy Question, etc. Harris is still fading.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 02:37 PM (GZYu7)

Gotta admit, the fact that I was a little concerned simply for the fact that she was stringing together coherent sentences isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for the future of this country.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (KbCG3)

169 I think the "win or lose" binary doesn't apply here because each side has different objectives and is appealing to different demographics.

I think Trump improved his position by not making any big mistakes that can be used against him, by highlighting several issues that are terrible for Kumswala and the Democraps, and generally looking more presidential and likeable than her.

Case in point: everyone is talking today about the "eating pets" angle, which is disastrous for Dumocraps.

Kumswala did well by not cackling like a hyena. She formed complete sentences. She did not commit suicide like Biden did. But she was bitchy and bossy, duckspoke lame talking points, and made some potentially fatal gaffes (to her base) re 9-month abortion, Israel/Hamas, 2A, and fracking.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (iFTx/)

170 I listened to the debate on Alexa and had no visual of the two of them. I thought Trump did well, except the moments when he took the personal attack bait. My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once. Interesting in how different our opinions are based on the medium we used.
Posted by: Scarlett O'Hara

*Kennedy v Nixon has entered the chat*

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (CIS44)

171 F'n Harris is five feet two inches tall....

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 11, 2024 02:40 PM (bgLkq)

172 That was a center-cut fastball you gave me! Had to knock that one over the wall!
Posted by: Doof at September 11, 2024 02:35 PM (RhGG0)

And you pulled a Cal Ripken Jr. and called your shot in the All-Star Game.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:36 PM (Zz0t1)

I'm currently more akin to Kirk Gibson in the '88 Series, barely able to home-run trot around the bases

Posted by: Doof at September 11, 2024 02:40 PM (RhGG0)

173 Frankly, and I say this as a life-long conservative Republican, we're doomed and should pack it in now, and acknowledge that Kamala is going to be our next dictator.

We can all learn from John Hinderaker from Powerline, who is currently denouncing Republican voters for being stupid enough to nominate Trump again.

Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:40 PM (uxCna)

174 Well, Harris offered no information at the debate. Nothing.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at September 11, 2024 02:40 PM (7PziG)

175 *Kennedy v Nixon has entered the chat*

By the standards of 2024 both those guys are NAZIs or something.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 11, 2024 02:40 PM (oZhjI)

176 but my take is at this point, if you call yourself an undecided voted, you are either an attention whore or woefully ignorant.
Posted by: IC - #FJB

Not necessarily. Perhaps those folks just don't want the hassle.

Posted by: Tonypete at September 11, 2024 02:41 PM (WXNFJ)

177 165 Robby Starbuck

I think it’s time we stop the charade of there being unbiased moderators. It’s clear both of the "moderators" tonight are Kamala voters. That’s the story now from tonight.

Both sides should choose one moderator and then those 2 have to agree on questions.

Not perfect but fair.
Posted by: redridinghood at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (NpAcC)

This is why I always hated testing. When in my life will I not have access to the resources I need to solve a problem?

The questions shouldn't be a surprise. The debaters should be prepared. Give them everything in advance and let them have at it.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:41 PM (KbCG3)

178 My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once.

Based on the admittedly brief time I watched the debate, your parents take on his body language was correct. He glowered and looked like he didn't want to be there.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:41 PM (xCA6C)

179 In a debate in 2012, Newt Gingrich was asked by John King about his ex-wife allegedly saying that he had asked her about having an open marriage when his affair was found out. Newt Gingrich scorched King and the audience loved it.

I was hoping last night that Trump would do something like this to Muir and Davis. The media's popularity hovers beneath that of grave robbers and herpes. I am pretty sure that JD Vance would have no problem doing this.

Posted by: Cheri at September 11, 2024 02:41 PM (oiNtH)

180 We can all learn from John Hinderaker from Powerline, who is currently denouncing Republican voters for being stupid enough to nominate Trump again.

So its been a long time since I read powerline maybe since...the 00s? They had one boring but not terrible guy, one squish and one leftist pretending to be a conservative right? Which one is Hinderaker ?

Posted by: 18-1 at September 11, 2024 02:42 PM (oZhjI)

181 Not necessarily. Perhaps those folks just don't want the hassle.


I think any true undecided knows what Trump would do to turn the country around and just wants to see how Coconut would potentially do better

They saw fuck all last night

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Esteemed Trump Ho And Yearner for Zooey Deschanel's Bosom at September 11, 2024 02:42 PM (M7vhK)

I'm a 58 year old gun owner and patriot. I didn't like Trump's answers on abortion.

Oh well, we should've nominated someone else. Better luck in 2028.

Posted by: Walter at September 11, 2024 02:42 PM (iI7+d)

183 Not necessarily. Perhaps those folks just don't want the hassle.
Posted by: Tonypete at September 11, 2024 02:41 PM (WXNFJ)

fair enough but then why are they volunteering to be on these panels knowing they will be asked this? if i was truly undecided and not wanting the hassle, I would lie and say yes, made up my mind and voting for Kamala.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:42 PM (YiKO5)

184 >> *Kennedy v Nixon has entered the chat*
By the standards of 2024 both those guys are NAZIs or something.
2024 makes Mondale look like Goldwater.

Posted by: electronic means at September 11, 2024 02:42 PM (yAL3Q)

185 I listened to the debate on Alexa and had no visual of the two of them. I thought Trump did well, except the moments when he took the personal attack bait. My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once. Interesting in how different our opinions are based on the medium we used.

Posted by: Scarlett O'Hara at September 11, 2024 02:38 PM (efuu+)


Kommie-la's body language and lack of emotional control were worse.

Posted by: ShainS at September 11, 2024 02:42 PM (sSAzY)

186 but my take is at this point, if you call yourself an undecided voted, you are either an attention whore or woefully ignorant.
Posted by: IC - #FJB

Not necessarily. Perhaps those folks just don't want the hassle.
Posted by: Tonypete

If anyone thinks four more years of this shitshow is a good thing, they don't deserve to vote.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:43 PM (eHh36)

187 ***The couple ended the night wondering how the costly programs each candidate supported -- Mr. Trump's tariffs and Ms. Harris's aid to young families and small businesses -- would help a couple like them, living on a fixed income that has not kept pace with inflation. They said they didn't hear detailed answers on immigration or foreign policy, either.

That's the problem with Boomers, they always nitpicky over details.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 02:43 PM (u7iQ0)

188 Turnout. Turnout. Turnout.

Last night won't increase Kamala's.

Last night has angered Trump supporters even more, if that was possible.

Even honest professional polls will miss this.

Developing ....

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 11, 2024 02:43 PM (nFx0I)

189 >NY Times: Undecided Voters Aren't Sure

well, yeah

Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 02:43 PM (/7KEl)

190 167 This is probably unpopular and I am sure to get blasted for it but my take is at this point, if you call yourself an undecided voted, you are either an attention whore or woefully ignorant.
Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (

It's nice to be courted.

Posted by: Emmie at September 11, 2024 02:43 PM (syXXq)

191 128 And you still don't hate them enough.

Posted by: ShainS at September 11, 2024 02:32 PM (Kr7sj)

You can't hate them enough.

It's impossible to reach infinity.

Posted by: XTC at September 11, 2024 02:43 PM (UnA8+)

192 Case in point: everyone is talking today about the "eating pets" angle, which is disastrous for Dumocraps.

Speaking as a lifelong conservative Republican, we need to immediately stop all the memes and jokes about Haitians eating family pets, and apologize.

This Is Not Who We Are.

Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:44 PM (uxCna)

193 In a debate in 2012, Newt Gingrich was asked by John King about his ex-wife allegedly saying that he had asked her about having an open marriage when his affair was found out. Newt Gingrich scorched King and the audience loved it.

As an amusing point to consider, Newt had his career ended because he had an affair while married. With an adult, willing woman.

Biden the kiddie-groper though? That's different I guess.

Posted by: 18-1 at September 11, 2024 02:44 PM (oZhjI)

194 This is why I always hated testing. When in my life will I not have access to the resources I need to solve a problem?

The questions shouldn't be a surprise. The debaters should be prepared. Give them everything in advance and let them have at it.

I really like this idea. Open book.

Based on the admittedly brief time I watched the debate, your parents take on his body language was correct. He glowered and looked like he didn't want to be there.

One of the things that makes JD Vance so appealing is that he looks happy and laughs a lot in the faces of the always biased "interviewers".

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:44 PM (xCA6C)

195 It took two mods out for blood and to help the shrill winemom fight to a meh draw with Trump. She was as awful as she always is, but rehearsed with the questions. I think he went in too confident after the Biden debate disaster and thought that ABC would behave like CNN did and be fair, though not impartial.

I think she's dumb enough to think she won, and believe the echo chamber, that she'll be willing to debate him again. I think he should.

Oh and I loved his "excuse me I'm speaking" line! They will memory hole that but it was great.

Posted by: LizLem at September 11, 2024 02:44 PM (IQscN)

196 182
I'm a 58 year old gun owner and patriot. I didn't like Trump's answers on abortion.

Oh well, we should've nominated someone else. Better luck in 2028.
Posted by: Walter at September 11, 2024 02:42 PM (iI7+d)

I'm a 64-year-old who has always voted republican straight down the ticket.

Trump looked too grumbly and talked about his rallies. I've had enough of the drama. I just want a better candidate.

Posted by: Jim at September 11, 2024 02:44 PM (KbCG3)

197 Jogging woman attacked by otters

See also the pun replies

Posted by: BourbonChicken at September 11, 2024 02:44 PM (cf/0E)

198 One of the things that makes JD Vance so appealing is that he looks happy and laughs a lot in the faces of the always biased "interviewers".
Posted by: Archimedes a

Smile while you slip the knife in.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (CIS44)

199 Imagine if he was actually good at this?
Posted by: JackStraw


Thanks for that,.

What he is not good at is explaining and justifying conservative ideas and proposals. This makes people like us (PLU) think he sucks at debates. Meanwhile, he tied her up in knots over Israel (win) he dodged the Ukraine question (win) he got the other half of the country talking about puppy BBQ (win) ....

The wins for Harris is that she was able to talk without going into one of her idiot dialogs about nothing. She was very rehearsed and it was like she had spent a month absorbing obama smarm.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (UdPQQ)

200 4 Depending on how this winds up playing out,

That's it, up and out we ain't fishin' for no trout.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (u7iQ0)

201 The 'debate' was a struggle session aimed at Trump. It had been rehearsed enough times to make it work. Harris had been given every talking point a week in advance and had been prepped by media hacks for weeks before that. The Democrats and their movers and shakers went all in on making sure Harris shined.

For all that time and effort, you got last night. That was an "A-Team" effort by the left. All players on deck. Nothing was left to chance and no expense too small.

*shrugs* I'm not impressed.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (Q4IgG)

202 Audience member not buying Kamala's b.s.
Dr. Phil
Did this debate under deliver? Let me know your thoughts.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (NpAcC)

203 Hmm, pretty good take: PDT fought to a draw against three opponents.

That's a win, no matter who one looks at it.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (tT6L1)

A new poll from St. Agatha/United Central shows Harris +10.

Posted by: Samantha at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (iI7+d)

205 NY Times: Undecided Voters Aren't Sure

well, yeah

What would we do without the media to guide us?

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (xCA6C)

206 Cannot speak for anyone else, the body politic, or the collective unconscious, but watching what I could of the debate hardened my heart and steeled my soul against those people. I wish every manner of ill upon them. May the streets run red with the blood of their children.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (YIxO9)

207 I guess we will know over the next few days with post debate polling.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:46 PM (YiKO5)

208 One of the things that makes JD Vance so appealing is that he looks happy and laughs a lot in the faces of the always biased "interviewers".

Vance will be interesting to watch...assuming our form of government survives of course.

Watching him handle FNM bimbos reminds me of Jordan Peterson...

Posted by: 18-1 at September 11, 2024 02:46 PM (oZhjI)

209 So, here's my thing with the trolls and the "Concerned Republicans".

Why, of all places, would any of you want to be here?

Posted by: XTC at September 11, 2024 02:46 PM (UnA8+)

210 203 Hmm, pretty good take: PDT fought to a draw against three opponents.

That's a win, no matter who one looks at it.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at September 11, 2024 02:45 PM (tT6L1)

If a viewer is turned off by the moderators, they stop listening to the candidates. It's immaterial once someone believes the game is rigged.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:46 PM (KbCG3)

211 Oh and I loved his "excuse me I'm speaking" line! They will memory hole that but it was great.

Did he really? Oh, I'd love to see that clip.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:47 PM (xCA6C)

212 It’s is possible to think Trump did a poor job and be a Trump supporter. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Posted by: Math at September 11, 2024 02:47 PM (KF2Wj)

213 Which one is Hinderaker ?

The squish who thinks that Trump is uncouth, and that the Republicans should have nominated a more respectable candidate.

The other two, Scott Johnson and Steven Hayward, are considerably better.

Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:47 PM (uxCna)

214 Kamala does need to work on her facial expressions - very off putting and lady, no one likes a bitch.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:47 PM (YiKO5)

215 Watching him handle FNM bimbos reminds me of Jordan Peterson...

Wow, you're right. He's exactly like that, only more humorous.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:47 PM (xCA6C)

216 The color of her suit is all wrong. Makes her look like a fish.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 11, 2024 02:47 PM (SfhV1)

217 Oh and I loved his "excuse me I'm speaking" line! They will memory hole that but it was great.

Did he really? Oh, I'd love to see that clip.
Posted by: Archimedes a

Her face and indignation at that was High Level

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (CIS44)

218 Case in point: everyone is talking today about the "eating pets" angle, which is disastrous for Dumocraps.

Speaking as a lifelong conservative Republican, we need to immediately stop all the memes and jokes about Haitians eating family pets, and apologize.

This Is Not Who We Are.
Posted by: Lifelong Republican!

That's who I am.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (eHh36)

219 Gotta admit, the fact that I was a little concerned simply for the fact that she was stringing together coherent sentences isn't exactly a ringing endorsement for the future of this country.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:39 PM (KbCG3)

Remember, she was locked in a room for over a WEEK preparing for this one debate.

Emergency on the world stage, we're all f*cked.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (Zz0t1)

220 Why, of all places, would any of you want to be here?

Because we're being paid to do so.

Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (uxCna)

221 Trafalgar? Why lash me to the mast!*

*huh, for some reason I thought Nelson had had himself lashed to the mast in a sea battle, but the search brought up a Ulysses Pact:

A Ulysses pact or Ulysses contract is a freely made decision that is designed and intended to bind oneself in the future. The term is used in medicine, especially in reference to advance directives (also known as living wills), where there is some controversy over whether a decision made by a person in one state of health should be considered binding upon that person when they are in a markedly different, usually worse, state of health.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (PDf99)

222 It’s is possible to think Trump did a poor job and be a Trump supporter. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Burn the heretic!

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (xCA6C)

223 Any R should push back on the media when they ask a question like last night's 'Voters are very concerned about climate change'. No they are not. Young protesters who block roads are but poll after poll show that the climate change hoax are way down on the list.

Good response would have been "I don't know where you are getting your information but actually voters are not concerned about climate change. They are very concerned about the economy, jobs, illegal immigration, and foreign wars turning into WWIII. Care to focus on those?"

Posted by: Cheri at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (oiNtH)

224 I'm a 76 year old retired construction worker from Oklahoma.
I've never voted for a Democrat before.
But Trump didn't answered how he's going to deport so many illegal aliens.
I'm going to have to vote for Kamala.

Posted by: Dan at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (Qlpv5)


Posted by: Question Authority bumper sticker at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (Rbu5d)

226 Most of them wouldn't care. Watched a retirement video last night and, according to government statistics (so take it with a grain of salt), 49% of households hit their mid-60s with less than $10K net worth.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:26 PM (nR2nR)

I think that number is pretty high. $10k liquid - I would absolutely agree with that.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (N39Ws)

It’s is possible to think Trump did a poor job and be a Trump supporter. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Posted by: Math at September 11, 2024 02:47 PM (KF2Wj)

Roger that.

Posted by: Roger at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (iI7+d)

228 >>> Case in point: everyone is talking today about the "eating pets" angle, which is disastrous for Dumocraps.

Lib friends of mine who are also Swifties think it's so clever she nodded to being a childless cat mom. In her endorsement. I wanted soooo bad to joke "Her candidate is importing people who want to eat Taylor's cats!", but I refrained.

Also her candidate is importing people who want to bomb them and Taylor at her concerts. Would love to see them all die. They've conveniently forgotten that...

Posted by: LizLem at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (jxlma)

229 I'm concerned about immigration. And boiling water. But mostly boiling water.

Posted by: A. Goose at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (hqVaF)

230 I've been catching lefties posting the same meme about pets safe here. They seem to consider it a sick burn.

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (FfSAJ)

231 My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once.

Trump looked pretty much like he always does, including at his rallies. And one of Kamala's things going in was to catch him making faces at her. Ironically, she's the one who was caught doing that repeatedly.

I get the impression someone told her to act girlboss, but her frame of reference was Disney Star Wars.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (2ocoG)

232 Undecided Voters Aren't Sure Who Won the Debate


Reuters had something similar. and a few other places.

Trump has a few things going for him:
1) This is his second presidential debate this cycle. So , law of averages, amirite ?
2) he is a known quantity, as mentioned. on top of his constant media presence, and 8 years of coverage, primary debates too, he did what he always does - he met expectations!

Posted by: runner at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (V13WU)

233 When I listen to Harris and most Dems, it reminds me that the small pocket on my jeans will be for what's leftover from the paycheck.

Posted by: Diogenes at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (W/lyH)

234 I'm a 76 year old retired construction worker from Oklahoma.
I've never voted for a Democrat before.
But Trump didn't answered how he's going to deport so many illegal aliens.
I'm going to have to vote for Kamala.
Posted by: Dan

Dan, Iv'e met you a number of times. You ALWAYS vote democrat, you think Blue Dogs still exist.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (CIS44)

235 The wins for Harris is that she was able to talk without going into one of her idiot dialogs about nothing. She was very rehearsed and it was like she had spent a month absorbing obama smarm.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest

Harris was wearing an ear piece and was being coached from someone on what to say during the debate. She used several Obama euphemisms, such as "Let me be clear..."

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (vcOmj)

236 I guess we will know over the next few days with post debate polling.
Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:46 PM (YiKO5)

Yes and no. I expect the pollsters want the narrative to be that Kumswala won the debate, so they will juice the D+ to get to that result. I think you'd have to look at the internals and crosstabs to know if any bounce was legit or not.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (iFTx/)

237 I was hoping last night that Trump would do something like this to Muir and Davis. The media's popularity hovers beneath that of grave robbers and herpes. I am pretty sure that JD Vance would have no problem doing this.


Does Trump even have speech writers -- or does he pretty much write his own stuff?

He would benefit from some like those who worked for Reagan -- and helped prepare him for debates.

Posted by: ShainS at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (0hiNQ)

238 Okay, I have cried. I have prayed. I have been reminded life is short, it is precious and with this gift we have been given, we need to touch people’s lives in the most positive way possible.

I am pleasantly surprised at how many people saw last night for what is was- hostile. This doesn’t mean Trump couldn’t have done a better job, of course. He got flustered. He needs a darn speech coach. But it was his Biden moment. Onward and upward.

Who has Erik Trump’s phone number?

Posted by: Piper at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (p4NUW)

239 What's a 78 year old retiree doing in Oklahoma?

Posted by: dantesed at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (Oy/m2)

240 Lindsey's role was token female, Muir dominated the whole thing.
Did she get to ask more than two questions? How much air time vs Muir's? 15%?

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (u7iQ0)

241 Jogging woman attacked by otters

See also the pun replies
Posted by: BourbonChicken

Quick! We need Haitian Trail Wardens!

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (eHh36)

242 I get the impression someone told her to act girlboss, but her frame of reference was Disney Star Wars.
Posted by: Ian S. at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (2ocoG)

That is acting girlboss? WTF? I am in management and that is not how you conduct yourself professionally.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (YiKO5)

243 239 What's a 78 year old retiree doing in Oklahoma?
Posted by: dantesed at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (Oy/m2)

Giving the tornados something to hit?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (PDf99)

244 It wasn’t his Biden moment. Sheesh.

Posted by: Piper at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (p4NUW)

245 I'm a 76 year old retired construction worker from Oklahoma.
I've never voted for a Democrat before.
But Trump didn't answered how he's going to deport so many illegal aliens.
I'm going to have to vote for Kamala.
Posted by: Dan

Well, you sucked at your job. Between you and your drunk Indian counterparts, the roads in Oklahoma SUCK BALLS.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (Zz0t1)

246 I'm concerned about immigration. And boiling water. But mostly boiling water.

Posted by: A. Goose

And that Tiny Tim guy? Yeah, f*** him!

Posted by: Also A Goose at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (xCA6C)

247 Dan, Iv'e met you a number of times. You ALWAYS vote democrat, you think Blue Dogs still exist.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (CIS44)

The Haitians ate all the Blue Dogs.

Posted by: Ian S. at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (2ocoG)

248 The squish who thinks that Trump is uncouth, and that the Republicans should have nominated a more respectable candidate.
He's a Horizon Republican.

The Perfect Republican Candidate that he can support is always just over the horizon.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (Qlpv5)

249 The elephant in the room last night was Trump getting shot. Just a stray mention. But everyone watching last night knows he's a fighter, for us. [For different values of "us"]

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (nFx0I)

250 Dan, Iv'e met you a number of times. You ALWAYS vote democrat, you think Blue Dogs still exist.
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (CIS44)

"They used to." - Satiated Haitian

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (KbCG3)

I'm a 2-week old fetus and future Air Force veteran who voted R all my life. Trump couldn't answer a single question and told too many lies.

Posted by: Carl at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (iI7+d)

252 Yes and no. I expect the pollsters want the narrative to be that Kumswala won the debate, so they will juice the D+ to get to that result. I think you'd have to look at the internals and crosstabs to know if any bounce was legit or not.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade

I just let DiF handle that fr me.

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (CIS44)

253 >Remember, she was locked in a room for over a WEEK preparing for this one debate.

she will now return to avoiding the press like the plague, and the press will be cool with it, because she already expressed herself so eloquently in the debate and stuff

yeah she will avoid the press til Election Day and beyond ♾️

Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (/7KEl)

254 97 Harris had to show she was the "change" candidate she's been pretending to be.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 11, 2024 02:27 PM (Qlpv5)

It's hard to run on "change" when you're the incumbent.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (VGRuw)

255 246 I'm concerned about immigration. And boiling water. But mostly boiling water.

Posted by: A. Goose

And that Tiny Tim guy? Yeah, f*** him!
Posted by: Also A Goose at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (xCA6C)

Do we have Tom Thumb's read?

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (PDf99)

256 Which one is Hinderaker ?

He practiced law in Minneapolis for many years, in a culture where you savaged the opposing lawyer in court, and then went out for drinks afterwards.

"Nice guy" culture, in other words.

He hasn't emotionally internalized that his current political opponents intend to load him onto a cattle car eventually.

Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (uxCna)

257 I’m a black lesbian federal government worker who volunteers at Planned Parenthood on weekends.

Before the debate I was undecided. Now I am fully on Team Brat Harris!!

Posted by: CNN Undecided Voter at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (KF2Wj)

258 217 Oh and I loved his "excuse me I'm speaking" line! They will memory hole that but it was great.

Did he really? Oh, I'd love to see that clip.
Posted by: Archimedes a

Her face and indignation at that was High Level
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (CIS44)

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (N39Ws)


Shocking new polling data further cements the fact that our lord and savior, slay-kween kamala (pbuh), destroyed-DESTROYED!11!1! orange bad nazi-man in last nights' debate1!11!1!!

Poll question: Did our lord and savior, slay-kween kamala (pbuh), DESTROY!11!1! orange bad nazi-man in last nights' debate1!11!1!!?

Yes: 9191879190891999 buhzilliontrillionguhvillioninfinite%

No: 0.000%

Posted by: SEriOus poLlinG grOuP InC! at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (5hfjS)

260 Yes and no. I expect the pollsters want the narrative to be that Kumswala won the debate, so they will juice the D+ to get to that result. I think you'd have to look at the internals and crosstabs to know if any bounce was legit or not.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (iFTx/)

Would Nate Silver and Rasmussen juice up the D+ as well? So far, those two seem to be fairly consistent, surprisingly.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (YiKO5)

261 >>But if undecided voters really did think that Trump's bad, low-prep debate performance was good enough for a draw, I will certainly take that with a big smile.

Again, the only people who thought Trump got his clock cleaned were TDS Tards like John Podheretz et al. Ie, people who were already predisposed to detesting Trump.

Most people saw the debate for what it was, A three on one, preposterous star chamber.

I mean if Rich F**king Lowry thought the moderators were in the tank, then Normies got it too.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (XV/Pl)

262 NY Times: Undecided Voters Aren't Sure

I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

Posted by: spindrift at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (OguvZ)

263 Was Trump asked about his plans or just idiotic loaded pussy questions?

Posted by: ... at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (U/CEs)

264 251
I'm a 2-week old fetus and future Air Force veteran who voted R all my life. Trump couldn't answer a single question and told too many lies.
Posted by: Carl at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (iI7+d)

Don't see the name 'Carl' too often anymore.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (PDf99)

265 Fortunately most people voters included do not get their information from cable news outlets. We seek out the truth tellers.
I know who wouldn't want to see Brain Selter but you know some people can live with it...

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (bgLkq)

266 Do we have Tom Thumb's read?
Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (PDf99)

"The grocery prices are too damn high!!!!"

- - - - The Rent Is Too Damn High Guy

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

267 It's hard to run on "change" when you're the incumbent.
Posted by: Bacon Jeff at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (VGRuw)
Mebbe we should get us some of that ree-form.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (VdhcA)

268 "Biden moment"

Oh for fucks sake.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (Z8Yh2)

269 As a patriotic lover of khaki and tiki torches, the debate convinced me to vote Democrat and eat my own pets in solidarity with displaced migrants.

Posted by: Hungry Like The Wolf at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (KLpMn)

270 @197 yup she took a wupping from otters. At least it wasn't penguins

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 11, 2024 02:53 PM (tKS+g)

271 My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once.

Maybe his ear still hurt from, I don't know, an attempted assassination??

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (eHh36)

272 I'm a 76 year old retired construction worker from Oklahoma.
I've never voted for a Democrat before.
But Trump didn't answered how he's going to deport so many illegal aliens.
I'm going to have to vote for Kamala.
Posted by: Dan at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (Qlpv5)

I'm with you, Dan. I voted for Trump twice, and since people online are saying he didn't say enough about how he was going to bring down the inflation that has been plaguing us these past 3 1/2 years, I'm voting for the current Vice President.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (dGCAG)

273 Before the debate I was undecided. Now I am fully on Team Brat Harris!!

Posted by: CNN Undecided Voter at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (KF2Wj)

Ugh. Every now and then my father will discover a new slang term and start using it.

Sends me a text this weekend saying he was going to the SU football game and that it was, "Brat. Pretty brat."

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (KbCG3)

274 256 Which one is Hinderaker ?

He practiced law in Minneapolis for many years, in a culture where you savaged the opposing lawyer in court, and then went out for drinks afterwards.

"Nice guy" culture, in other words.

He hasn't emotionally internalized that his current political opponents intend to load him onto a cattle car eventually.
Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (uxCna)


No doubt he's a cocaine addict and plays with a "Balldo" like his fellow Minnesota lawyer Nick Rekeita, then.

Posted by: XTC at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (UnA8+)

275 But yeah, what's wrong with that guy?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (KbCG3)

Apparently, he gives long rambling incoherent speeches.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (nR2nR)

JUST IN - US election officials warn that widespread "performance issues" with USPS, "in nearly every state," will disrupt mail-in voting.

Posted by: redridinghood at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (NpAcC)

277 I'm an 8th month fetus. It's dark in here. I don't like it. I've never voted for a Democrat before, but Tampon Timmy has promised me a way out. That's how I'm voting.

Posted by: Wally at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (hqVaF)

278 If Kuntala wants another debate, and we will see about that, then she is behind.

They have proven they are absolutely fine with the coasting strategy when it benefits them. This is not high level Sherlock Holmes stuff.

Posted by: ... at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (U/CEs)

279 275 But yeah, what's wrong with that guy?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (KbCG3)

Apparently, he gives long rambling incoherent speeches.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (nR2nR)

That prick!

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (KbCG3)

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (N39Ws)

He said she went out and called for defund the police.

She was asked about that in an interview a while back and she said "I certainly think we need to look at that."

She said "that's not true" when Trump said it.

She is a MUTHAF*CKIN LIAR. Period.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (Zz0t1)

281 Did he really? Oh, I'd love to see that clip.
Posted by: Archimedes a

Her face and indignation at that was High Level
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (CIS44)

That was awesome. Thanks.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (xCA6C)

282 Minnesota Nice is just a synonym for dumb.

Posted by: Dumb Swedes at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (KLpMn)

283 Maybe his ear still hurt from, I don't know, an attempted assassination??
Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (eHh36)

Flying glass.

I still find it hilarious how much splitting of hairs there is about this almost immediately. He was not hit by a bullet, but by shattered glass!

Either way, an assassin took a fucking pot shot at him!

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (PDf99)

284 Harris was wearing an ear piece and was being coached from someone on what to say during the debate. She used several Obama euphemisms, such as "Let me be clear..."
Posted by: A face in the crowd

I don’t think she was wearing an ear piece. It’s incredibly difficult to have lines fed to you and you repeat them. There is a delay.

What I saw was canned speeches she memorized. She didn’t answer anything. She didn’t give clarity on anything. She was grandstanding. She knew the topics, she prepared speeches, not answers. What she couldn’t control was her face, and she looked like a nasty piece of work. She lies as easily as we tell the truth. Her pants should have combusted on that stage.

Posted by: Piper at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (p4NUW)

285 276
JUST IN - US election officials warn that widespread "performance issues" with USPS, "in nearly every state," will disrupt mail-in voting.
Posted by: redridinghood at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (NpAcC)

Guess we shouldn't take chances. Everyone get to your polling station or forfeit your vote.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (KbCG3)

286 My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once.

Maybe his ear still hurt from, I don't know, an attempted assassination??
Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (eHh36)

I don't know who posted that, but no offense to your parents, but it sounds like pablum they were fed by one of those, you know, teevee stations.

Brainwashed people vote too though, so I guess we have to account for that.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (dGCAG)

287 224 I'm a 76 year old retired construction worker from Oklahoma.

LOL! If you are a construction worker in OK, odds are high you were replaced w an illegal immigrant more than a decade ago.

Posted by: EveR at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (MUpk6)

288 Oh and I loved his "excuse me I'm speaking" line! They will memory hole that but it was great.

Did he really? Oh, I'd love to see that clip.
Posted by: Archimedes a

Her face and indignation at that was High Level
Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 02:48 PM (CIS44)
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (N39Ws)

Wow. Trump was great there and she was Al Gore from 2000, smirking and gasping and making stupid faces like an idiot. If this clip is any indication at all how the debate went, then the evidence showing undecides were swayed by Trump sounds correct to me.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (iFTx/)

289 276
JUST IN - US election officials warn that widespread "performance issues" with USPS, "in nearly every state," will disrupt mail-in voting.
Posted by: redridinghood at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (NpAcC)

I'm old enough to remember when such "performance issues" were blamed on Trump interfering with USPS operations so he would win the election.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (N39Ws)

290 Here's a quote from a CNN article:

Harris said in the June radio interview the movement “rightly” called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.

“This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said on a New York-based radio program “Ebro in the Morning” on June 9, 2020, adding that US cities were “militarizing police” but “defunding public schools.”

Kamala Harris said "defund the police" movement "rightly" questioned size of police budgets

Harris said in the June radio interview the movement “rightly” called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.

CNN.......she's a lying sack of shit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (Zz0t1)

291 appropos of nothing, Trump's odds are back to 2% ahead of girlboss on polymarket

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (YiKO5)

292 Pundits Said Harris Won the Debate. Undecided Voters Weren't So Sure.
To me, that means they were probably already leaning Trump. And we know that has been a thing. Both in 2016 and 2020 he ran ahead of the polls, in the actual voting.

For that matter, for as long as I can remember, Republicans have done that, albeit usually by a bit smaller margins. The two big exceptions were 2000 and 2022.

Posted by: Eeyore at September 11, 2024 02:57 PM (1bNHn)

293 273 Before the debate I was undecided. Now I am fully on Team Brat Harris!!

Posted by: CNN Undecided Voter at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (KF2Wj)

Ugh. Every now and then my father will discover a new slang term and start using it.

Sends me a text this weekend saying he was going to the SU football game and that it was, "Brat. Pretty brat."
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (KbCG3)

Skibidi. No cap.

Posted by: Gen Z Mongoloid at September 11, 2024 02:57 PM (KLpMn)

294 I'm a 4.2 billion year old demigod and in all my years Trump is the biggest poopyhead I've ever encountered. Even worse than Carrot top

Posted by: Smell the Glove at September 11, 2024 02:57 PM (tKS+g)

295 So the idiot vote is what we are going for ? Smh

Posted by: Plainoldtoast at September 11, 2024 02:57 PM (ytSiK)

296 Yes and no. I expect the pollsters want the narrative to be that Kumswala won the debate, so they will juice the D+ to get to that result. I think you'd have to look at the internals and crosstabs to know if any bounce was legit or not.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 02:50 PM (iFTx/)

Would Nate Silver and Rasmussen juice up the D+ as well? So far, those two seem to be fairly consistent, surprisingly.
Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM (YiKO5)

Yes. Not as dramatically as some pollsters, but yea. I think all these guys are paid hacks and corrupt.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 02:57 PM (iFTx/)

297 Both sides should choose one moderator and then those 2 have to agree on questions.

Better yet, at any point in time, one team's moderator my challenge the other team's moderator to a duel.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:57 PM (nR2nR)

298 When a labor union is endorsing a candidate and is also responsible for distributing and collecting ballots...

Posted by: gourmand du jour at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (MeG8a)

299 There is no need for any moderators. If the two people running for office cant sit there and debate, then they shouldnt run.

The entire idea of moderators being necessary is silly.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (7PziG)

300 Trump also forced her to say she's an ally of Israel. That won't play well with the Gaza supporting revolutionaries that want to hijack her rallies and her events to scream about Gaza.

Posted by: LizLem at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (wXM9b)

301 I served in Vietnam and lost my legs.
After Trump called my fellow soldiers "suckers and losers" I voted for Biden.
Now, after Harris got all our soldiers safely out of Afghanistan, I'm proudly voting for her.

Posted by: Lt. Dan at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (Qlpv5)

302 Posted by: Piper at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (p4NUW)



Posted by: washrivergal at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (UprOq)

303 But yeah, what's wrong with that guy?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:34 PM (KbCG3)

Apparently, he gives long rambling incoherent speeches.

Right. His speeches are marvels of concision.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (xCA6C)

304 Better yet, at any point in time, one team's moderator my challenge the other team's moderator to a duel.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 02:57 PM (nR2nR)

I'd watch that.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (YiKO5)

305 If Kuntala wants another debate, and we will see about that, then she is behind.

They have proven they are absolutely fine with the coasting strategy when it benefits them. This is not high level Sherlock Holmes stuff.
Posted by: ... at September 11, 2024 02:55 PM (U/CEs)

Good point. It's also true to say, as long as Trump keeps restating his same talking points, and continues to do rallies with his people, then they know they're ahead.

If he suddenly changes course, or starts going to "hostile" sites with crowds who aren't already going to vote for him, you know they know they're in trouble.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (dGCAG)

306 I'm an 8th month fetus. It's dark in here. I don't like it. I've never voted for a Democrat before,

but Tampon Timmy has promised me a way out. That's how I'm voting.
Posted by: Wally

Dyson is your friend, Wally.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 02:59 PM (eHh36)

307 He's a Horizon Republican.

The Perfect Republican Candidate that he can support is always just over the horizon.
Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at September 11, 2024 02:51 PM (Qlpv5)

He's still looking for the second coming of St. Ronnie Reagan. Ain't happening ever again.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at September 11, 2024 02:59 PM (C26rB)

Haitian: zoo? I thought it was a food bank!

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 11, 2024 02:59 PM (NKszP)

309 I’m just in preschool and my two mommies said the orange man couldn’t explain why neither of them could have abortions on demand or why he loves Putin. I was undecided but now I want my mommies to harvest a ballot for me so the nice lady who touches her face can win.

Posted by: Pat, age 4 at September 11, 2024 02:59 PM (yAL3Q)

I'm just an itty-bitty zygote and ultra conservative. I was comforted by Harris' views on guns and fracking. I didn't like Trump's demeanor and rambling.

I'll sit out this election and see how she does.

Posted by: Ellen at September 11, 2024 02:59 PM (iI7+d)

311 >>>He took over the Republican Party and changed it from a big business, establishment party into a working class America First Party. Then he took out Biden and he's currently leading the race to his 2nd term after being given up for dead and despite fighting the media, the uniparty and the DOJ and the intel community. And he's done it largely on his own.

Imagine if he was actually good at this?
Posted by: JackStraw

He's got the Dems so shook up that Harris is unwittingly shilling for him. Last night she challenged the audience to watch one of his rallies. Ha! that'll show 'em.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 02:59 PM (u7iQ0)

312 I'm a lifelong democrat that has always voted democrat. This year I'm voting for Kamala Harris, even though nobody wanted her, she has no real plan. She is a democrat and that is all that matters.

Posted by: Lifelong Democrat at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (+oR7L)

313 LOLOL seen on X:
Flavor Flav: Pet Shop Boys better stay inside and lock the doors. You too Snoop Dogg. And Pitbull.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (YiKO5)

314 I served in Vietnam and lost my legs.
After Trump called my fellow soldiers "suckers and losers" I voted for Biden.
Now, after Harris got all our soldiers safely out of Afghanistan, I'm proudly voting for her.
Posted by: Lt. Dan

Stand up and take a bow, Lt. Dan.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (eHh36)

315 He would benefit from some like those who worked for Reagan -- and helped prepare him for debates.
Posted by: ShainS


If I can be bold,
Trump's problem is he surrounds himself with people who are more like an entourage. I have seen it in many CEOs, they never have to defend their positions and be challenged, so when they are they get prickly. He gets defensive about bullshit like people leaving rallies -- a happy warrior would have just laughed it off ("What are you, in High School? People pack my rallies and I don't have to pay them! You should come to one I think you will learn a lot.")

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (UdPQQ)

316 I served in Vietnam and lost my legs.
After Trump called my fellow soldiers "suckers and losers" I voted for Biden.
Now, after Harris got all our soldiers safely out of Afghanistan, I'm proudly voting for her.
Posted by: Lt. Dan at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (Qlpv5)

Trump hasn't said enough about how he's going to keep the Russians from taking over Polish ports.

I'm voting for Cummala and the Stolen Valor guy.

Posted by: Dan Zig at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (dGCAG)

317 The further away we get from the actual debate and our handwringing over the terrible moderators (WHY WASN"T TRUMP READY FOR THAT BS!!!) and Harris not falling into incredible word salads (SHE SOUNDS COHERENT - WHY DOESN'T TRUMP JUST TRASH HER ON THAT!! GET HER OFF HER SCRIPTED TALKING POINTS!!)

WE get amped. The rest go, so what's new. That's what it is looking like.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (GZYu7)

Stand up and take a bow, Lt. Dan.
Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (eHh36)

God love ya!!!

Posted by: Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (Zz0t1)

319 Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:40 PM (uxCna)

It always amazes me that these people throw a hissy fit that the most POPULAR a Republican candidate EVER is somehow not good enough.

These are also the same people that think the 2020 election was on the up and up.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (eZwyX)

320 Frankly, and I say this as a life-long conservative Republican, we're doomed and should pack it in now, and acknowledge that Kamala is going to be our next dictator.

We can all learn from John Hinderaker from Powerline, who is currently denouncing Republican voters for being stupid enough to nominate Trump again.
Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:40 PM (uxCna)

C effort... acknowledge that Kamala is going to win and it won't be as bad as we fear. She is an accomplished politician and will provide a steady hand on the tiller.

Lifelong Republicans can't refer to Democrats as dictators. It's not what they do.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (nR2nR)

321 Sends me a text this weekend saying he was going to the SU football game and that it was, "Brat. Pretty brat."
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (KbCG3)
Whizzo, old bean!

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (VdhcA)

322 > The entire idea of moderators being necessary is silly.
They weren't there to 'moderate' anything. They were there to attack Trump and provide cover for Harris when she stumbled. And toss softball questions to her that she had been prepped to answer.

Theater. Of the absurd.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (Q4IgG)

323 These are also the same people that think the 2020 election was on the up and up.
Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (eZwyX)

Well, they're idiots... and people.

Posted by: Aetius451AD Work Laptop at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (PDf99)

324 @307

>>He's still looking for the second coming of St. Ronnie Reagan. Ain't happening ever again.

There are days I pine for the times I could legitimately say, you know, I'd like to that Jack Kemp fella to run, he'd make a great President.

Those days are long gone.

If people thought Trump was uncouth, on the path we're going, the next GOP standard bearer is going to make Lord Humongous seem reasonable.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (XV/Pl)

These are also the same people that think the 2020 election was on the up and up.
Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (eZwyX)

Brian in New Orleans hardest hit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (Zz0t1)

326 People pack my rallies and I don't have to pay them! You should come to one I think you will learn a lot."

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 11, 2024 03:00 PM (UdPQQ)

I mean, he basically did say that.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 03:02 PM (KbCG3)

327 Trump also forced her to say she's an ally of Israel. That won't play well with the Gaza supporting revolutionaries that want to hijack her rallies and her events to scream about Gaza.
Posted by: LizLem

I told my wife that that won't play well with her base.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:02 PM (eHh36)

328 I’m just in preschool and my two mommies said the orange man couldn’t explain why neither of them could have abortions on demand or why he loves Putin. I was undecided but now I want my mommies to harvest a ballot for me so the nice lady who touches her face can win.
Posted by: Pat, age 4 at September 11, 2024 02:59 PM (yAL3Q)

Hi Pat, do you have a younger brother?

Posted by: Tampon Timmy Walz at September 11, 2024 03:02 PM (dGCAG)

329 appropos of nothing, Trump's odds are back to 2% ahead of girlboss on polymarket

I've seen speculation that the Democrats juiced the political betting markets during the debate by betting on Kamala, just to create the talking point that Kamala "won" the debate, as evidenced by her improvement the political betting markets.

Seems plausible - it wouldn't be that expensive to do so.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 11, 2024 03:02 PM (uxCna)

330 I’m a 92 year old civil war veteran from Kentucky. I’m voting Kamala because she’s going to protect my pension!!’

Posted by: Jay in PA at September 11, 2024 03:02 PM (i7Q7S)

331 After I lost my legs in Vietnam, I got a job on my buddy's shrimp boat.
Kamala's Plan to give small businesses $50k sure would have helped us.
That's why Kamala is the only choice for veteran's like me.
I'm life-long, conservative Republican voting for Harris.

Posted by: Lt. Dan at September 11, 2024 03:02 PM (Qlpv5)

New poll from Amalgamated University shows Harris +9 in Texas.

Posted by: Kevin at September 11, 2024 03:03 PM (iI7+d)

333 Here's my idea for a Pres debate

Have it at a high school or middle school
teachers from the school are the moderators, and their ONLY FUNCTION is to enforce Robert's Rules Of Order.

The gym should be a big enough space

Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:03 PM (/7KEl)

334 LOLOL seen on X:
Flavor Flav: Pet Shop Boys better stay inside and lock the doors. You too Snoop Dogg. And Pitbull.
Posted by: IC

Haitians eating pets has legs. 😂😂😂

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:03 PM (eHh36)

335 New poll from Amalgamated University shows Harris +9 in Texas.
Posted by: Kevin at September 11, 2024 03:03 PM (iI7+d)

In Austin, on 6th street.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:03 PM (Zz0t1)

I'm a life long Republican who has voted Republican every cycle since Herbert Hoover. I'm voting Kamala this time because I want to pay a 50% death tax and lose our family farm. I also want to pay for sex changes for children and illegal immigrants.

Posted by: Real Republican. No really.I am. at September 11, 2024 03:04 PM (+oR7L)

337 You LIE Mr. Trump!
- Moderator holding Trump's mute button down.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at September 11, 2024 03:04 PM (XoGHf)

338 336
I'm a life long Republican who has voted Republican every cycle since Herbert Hoover. I'm voting Kamala this time because I want to pay a 50% death tax and lose our family farm. I also want to pay for sex changes for children and illegal immigrants.
Posted by: Real Republican. No really.I am. at September 11, 2024 03:04 PM (+oR7L)

I'd like to believe you but since you won't tell us your first name...

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 03:04 PM (KbCG3)

339 she was Al Gore from 2000, smirking and gasping and making stupid faces like an idiot. If this clip is any indication at all how the debate went, then the evidence showing undecides were swayed by Trump sounds correct to me.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 02:56 PM (iFTx/)

I had forgotten about that. Al Gore was smirking like Kamala and it really hurt him. It was so bad that they stopped showing the split-screen in the next debate.

Posted by: WillowViney at September 11, 2024 03:04 PM (gYAkw)

340 >>> 271 My parents, who watched it, said Trump did a terrible job. I was surprised, asked in what way, and they said his body language was awful. He was hunched over, angry, and didn't look at Kamala once.

He needs to study Reagan and speak like Reagan at debates. Rallies and town halls are a completely different animal. Conservatives are desperate for a Reagan 2.0, someone who was a well spoken and beloved former lib who wised up, can play the media's game back at them. He could be that if he really wanted.

The moments where he had looser body posture, was smiling and relaxed, were great. I kept wanting him to say "there you go again..." after each of her blatant lies. He has to call her out as a liar if the mods won't fact check her too.

Was the podium at the right height for him? Did they make his shorter for his height on purpose so he'd have to lean down to speak into the mike? That sounds stupid but they are all about optics.

Posted by: LizLem at September 11, 2024 03:04 PM (JQmnq)

341 Moderators were ridiculously biased 20 years ago, before the press fully committed to being blatant partisans. Republicans should not agree to media-moderated debates anymore. It's dumb.

Posted by: But Because It Is Dumb, The GOP Will Keep Doing It at September 11, 2024 03:05 PM (KLpMn)

342 The biggest Superbowl in history is coming up November 5th. It the Patriots vs the Stealers.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:05 PM (eHh36)

343 Also her candidate is importing people who want to bomb them and Taylor at her concerts. Would love to see them all die. They've conveniently forgotten that...
Posted by: LizLem at September 11, 2024 02:49 PM (jxlma)

Pride of being bought

Posted by: ... at September 11, 2024 03:05 PM (U/CEs)

344 She needed a support governor for her first interview. Then she needed two moderators to do well in a debate. Who will she get for her next appearance?

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 11, 2024 03:05 PM (MpVUb)

345 >>>If he suddenly changes course, or starts going to "hostile" sites with crowds who aren't already going to vote for him, you know they know they're in trouble.
Posted by: BurtTC

He's been going into Indian territory for months.
Over a month ago he spoke at the Libertarian convention to a not so receptive audience. He's been going to these tertiary podcasts that have millions of viewers. He went to the Union convention. How hostile territory do you want him to qualify?

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 03:06 PM (u7iQ0)

346 So, here's my thing with the trolls and the "Concerned Republicans".

Why, of all places, would any of you want to be here?
Posted by: XTC at September 11, 2024 02:46 PM (UnA8+)

The humiliation is part of the kink.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at September 11, 2024 03:06 PM (nR2nR)

347 >The biggest Superbowl in history is coming up November 5th. It the Patriots vs the Stealers.

Posted by: rickb223


Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:06 PM (/7KEl)

348 Trump also forced her to say she's an ally of Israel. That won't play well with the Gaza supporting revolutionaries that want to hijack her rallies and her events to scream about Gaza.
Posted by: LizLem

I told my wife that that won't play well with her base.
Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:02 PM (eHh36)

I think she made 3 deadly gaffes to her base: Israel/Hamas, she won't take away guns, and she supports fracking. Those positions are toxic poison to her lunatic base, and could cause her long-term problems.

That, plus her ghoulish response to 9-month abortion will scare off moderates.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 03:06 PM (iFTx/)

349 I mean, he basically did say that.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

Maybe I didn't explain it well. Yes, he said that, but he was very defensive.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (UdPQQ)

350 He's been going into Indian territory for months.
Over a month ago he spoke at the Libertarian convention to a not so receptive audience. He's been going to these tertiary podcasts that have millions of viewers. He went to the Union convention. How hostile territory do you want him to qualify?

Don't forget the black journalists convention.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (uxCna)

351 Kommie-la's body language and lack of emotional control were worse.
Posted by: ShainS

I'm just surprised that the audio versus visual was such a stark difference. I turned it off thinking that he did a pretty good job, considering the moderators were ganging up on him. It also heightened Kamala's sickening nasal voice. She had that cranked up to 11 and I think it could have been from nervousness.

Posted by: Scarlett O'Hara at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (efuu+)

352 The only thing that debate did was prove further that the media is the enemy of the people.


You don't hate them enough.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (Zz0t1)

353 Kamela couldn't take on Trump one on one, she had to have help from a white man. How is she ever going to go toe to toe with the likes of Putin or Wo Fat?

Posted by: ALH at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (xJEPL)

354 There is no need for any moderators. If the two people running for office cant sit there and debate, then they shouldnt run.

The entire idea of moderators being necessary is silly.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at September 11, 2024 02:58 PM (7PziG)

Someone to reset the egg-timer>>>>moderator

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (gdmjx)

355 >Who will she get for her next appearance?

Posted by: Notsothoreau

there won't be another
last night was it

Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (/7KEl)

356 Wow... anniversary of 9/11

Not a single thing about it on my news feed from MSN, or on my Facebook Page.

So much for 'Never Forget'.

Posted by: Romeo13 at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (xaFKb)

Best president in my lifetime was Ronald Reagan. I have two sons and 3 daughters in college and they're also in the National Guard. Trump has no plan for student loan debt, and he looked terrible and old in the debate.

I've always voted Republican but I just can't afford Republican policies, anymore.

Posted by: Larry at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (iI7+d)

358 I'd like to believe you but since you won't tell us your first name...
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 03:04 PM (KbCG3)

Pretty sure it's Dan. Today, we're all Dan.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (dGCAG)

359 I'm a life-long Republican but suddenly I have the urge to vote for Kamala ... and eat some nice tasty pets!

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (iFTx/)

360 I'm a single mom in Los Angeles. I've always voted for the Republican.
Until last night when Harris said she had a Plan to stop killer robots from the future.
Proud to support Harris!

Posted by: J. Conner at September 11, 2024 03:08 PM (Qlpv5)

361 Maybe I didn't explain it well. Yes, he said that, but he was very defensive.
Posted by: Gentlemen,

* (It sounds better when I read what I wrote in my head.)

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at September 11, 2024 03:08 PM (UdPQQ)

362 Wow... anniversary of 9/11

Not a single thing about it on my news feed from MSN, or on my Facebook Page.

So much for 'Never Forget'.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (xaFKb)

Nurse at the oncologist office today said "I was SHOCKED this morning when I saw NOTHING on TV commemorating 9/11."

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:08 PM (Zz0t1)

363 Sends me a text this weekend saying he was going to the SU football game and that it was, "Brat. Pretty brat."
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at September 11, 2024 02:54 PM (KbCG3)
Whizzo, old bean!
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at September 11, 2024 03:01 PM (VdhcA)

It was the brat of times it was the wurst of times

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at September 11, 2024 03:08 PM (NtVYv)

364 359 I'm a life-long Republican but suddenly I have the urge to vote for Kamala ... and eat some nice tasty pets!
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (iFTx/)

kitty stir fry with green beans?

Posted by: IC - #FJB at September 11, 2024 03:08 PM (YiKO5)

365 Haitian's are not like American blacks. Haiti was once a French colony. Haitians will boot strap the shit out of Ohio if left unabated:
Spain controlled the entire island of Hispaniola from the 1490s until the 17th century, when French pirates began establishing bases on the western side of the island. The official name was La Española, meaning "The Spanish (Island)". It was also called Santo Domingo, after Saint Dominic.

The western part of Hispaniola was neglected by the Spanish authorities, and French buccaneers began to settle first on the island of Tortuga, then on the northwest of Hispaniola. Spain later ceded the entire western coast of the island to France, retaining the rest of the island, including the Guava Valley, today known as the Central Plateau.[4]

The French called their portion of Hispaniola Saint-Domingue, the French equivalent of Santo Domingo. The Spanish colony on Hispaniola remained separate, and eventually became the Dominican Republic, the capital of which is still named Santo Domingo.[4]

The Haitian Revolution

Haitian Revolutionary flag (1803)
Napoleon dispatched troops in 1802 under the command of his brother-in-law, General Charles Emmanuel Lecle

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (bgLkq)

366 359 I'm a life-long Republican but suddenly I have the urge to vote for Kamala ... and eat some nice tasty pets!
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (iFTx/)


I'm a life-long Republican who voted for Trump twice, but his style has turned me off at last.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, going full throttle with Tony Scott at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (GBKbO)

367 Grwash Mickey, they shouldn’t do that !

Posted by: Your GOP at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (5QMT6)

368 I think she made 3 deadly gaffes to her base: Israel/Hamas, she won't take away guns, and she supports fracking. Those positions are toxic poison to her lunatic base, and could cause her long-term problems.

I'm not so sure. Because her voters know she's lying. It's like Barak being in favor of the traditional definition of marriage. Until he wasn't.

Posted by: Lying Liars at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (KLpMn)

369 > She needed a support governor for her first interview. Then she needed two moderators to do well in a debate. Who will she get for her next appearance?

Posted by: Martini Farmer at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (Q4IgG)

370 I'm a life-long Republican but suddenly I have the urge to vote for Kamala ... and eat some nice tasty pets!
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM (iFTx/)

kitty stir fry with green beans?
Posted by: IC

General Tso's Kitten.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (eHh36)

371 After I lost four limbs as a Navy SEAL in Iraq, I opened a plumber’s shop in Plano, Texas. I’ve never, ever voted for a commiecrat in my life, but I’d walk ten miles to vote for Harris, because her ban on fracking is sincere.

Posted by: Cpt. Dave at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (yAL3Q)

372 Price.


Posted by: ... at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM (U/CEs)

373 Some good socking going on to make the one-names feel like they're winning. Funny stuff.

Posted by: t-bird at September 11, 2024 03:10 PM (Lh/d2)

374 As a matter of reflexive disposition, I'm inclined to agree with ace et al. about Trump's debate performance being bad. But I suspect that that reaction is less informed by the actual debate itself than by the belief that we've got, at best, one more shot to turn things around in this country. Because the stakes are so high, anything that isn't a knockout in Trump's favor feels like a loss.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at September 11, 2024 03:10 PM (B9Prs)

375 How hostile territory do you want him to qualify?
Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 03:06 PM (u7iQ0)

I don't know, and I don't really care.

I'm just saying, if you want to look at objective data on what's happening, that's one thing to look for.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 03:10 PM (dGCAG)

376 =======

I'm a life-long Republican who voted for Trump twice, but his style has turned me off at last.


I 'm a life-long Republican who voted for Trump twice, but Kamala is so full of Joy that I have no choice but to vote for her.

Posted by: runner at September 11, 2024 03:11 PM (V13WU)

377 After Trump spent his entire life becoming who he is by being Donald Trump, amassing billions in personal wealth and becoming President of The United States still being Donald Trump, I'm not voting for him because he didn't become a different person in last night's debate.

I'm voting for the Whore /Stolen Valor ticket.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:11 PM (Zz0t1)

378 These trolls are hilarious.

Posted by: ALH at September 11, 2024 03:11 PM (xJEPL)

379 338 336
I'm a life long Republican who has voted Republican every cycle since Herbert Hoover. I'm voting Kamala this time because I want to pay a 50% death tax and lose our family farm. I also want to pay for sex changes for children and illegal immigrants.
Posted by: Real Republican. No really.I am.

Agreed. Also the Medicare for All will be good for us as well as more small business regulation. These runaway prices and faux knock-off products are putting us in jeopardy.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 03:11 PM (u7iQ0)

We need to start jumping out the windows AT ONCE!!

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 11, 2024 03:11 PM (ZG4KX)

381 How about this question, When are the last three times you have corrected someone you were supervising or within your sphere of influence for FAILURE to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at September 11, 2024 03:11 PM (QSrLX)

New poll from LTD Group shows Harris +7 with military veterans.

Posted by: Christina at September 11, 2024 03:11 PM (iI7+d)

Reagan was a Happy warrior, who cheered up a malaise worn nation. He was what our nation needed at the time. The US still had a lot of good, God fearing people. He was A good man.

Trump is William Wallace in war paint ready to annihilate the evil that has infected our government and society. The God fearing members of our society are a minority now. 50% of our nation are hedonistic dregs who have the attention span of 5 year old and want instant gratification.

This isn't 1980. Reagan couldn't get elected today. We have to run and win with who we got. And Trump is it.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 11, 2024 03:12 PM (+oR7L)

384 He practiced law in Minneapolis for many years, in a culture where you savaged the opposing lawyer in court, and then went out for drinks afterwards.

"Nice guy" culture, in other words.

He hasn't emotionally internalized that his current political opponents intend to load him onto a cattle car eventually.
Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 02:52 PM

Fuck Hindraker. Elitist McCain wannabe.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 11, 2024 03:13 PM (4p0Xq)

385 New poll from LTD Group shows Harris +7 with military veterans.

Why do I doubt that ?

Posted by: It's me donna at September 11, 2024 03:13 PM (IyPmt)

386 I don't know, and I don't really care.

I'm just saying, if you want to look at objective data on what's happening, that's one thing to look for.
Posted by: BurtTC

That's what I was axing. Considering all the hot spots he's been going to, define the criteria of 'objective data'.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (u7iQ0)

387 New poll from LTD Group shows Harris +7 with military veterans.

Why do I doubt that ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 11, 2024 03:13 PM (IyPmt)

I know a few vets. Ain't a one of them voting for Whorris.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (Zz0t1)

388 New poll from LTD Group shows Harris +7 with military veterans.
Posted by: Christina

I'll bet they were all in Bradley Fighting Vehicles just like Cumswallower said last night.

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (eHh36)

389 The God fearing members of our society are a minority now. 50% of our nation are hedonistic dregs who have the attention span of 5 year old and want instant gratification.

The tragedy of the first sentence leads directly to the tragedy of the second sentence.

Posted by: grammie winger - cheesehead at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (SfhV1)

390 Undecided voters (especially in this election) are the saddest most pathetic sad sacks ever to exist. This isn’t vanilla vs chocolate or Coke vs Pepsi…… the difference is so immense to not be able to choose is simply pathetic…. How did these people make it through 77 years of life???

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (6RwsA)

391 I'm a long-haul truck driver from California.
I was there when Harris stopped the Chinese gang Wing Kong and put David Lo Pan in prison for kidnapping my girlfriend.
I always vote Republican but now I'm voting for Harris!

Posted by: Jack Burton at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (Qlpv5)

392 >I think she made 3 deadly gaffes to her base: Israel/Hamas, she won't take away guns, and she supports fracking.


you don't actually thinks she believes that, do you?

Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (/7KEl)

393 Some want a Republican Bill Bradley but that dog won't hunt.

Trump tunes his schtick to reach regular people who don't have the polish of a college education.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (nFx0I)

394 The Cheat is the deciding factor… was last time, will be this time.. All of ..this.. goings on is just shit to talk about.

Posted by: tubal at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (PCK5/)

395 She looked and sounded Nasty.. That voice.. It doesn't help her

Posted by: It's me donna at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (IyPmt)

396 General Tso's Kitten.
Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:09 PM

Golf Clap.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (4p0Xq)

397 Wow... anniversary of 9/11

Not a single thing about it on my news feed from MSN, or on my Facebook Page.

So much for 'Never Forget'.
Posted by: Romeo13 at September 11, 2024 03:07 PM

I put the Flag out on the house this morning before heading out to work. I was the only one on my street to do so. I am in Portland, so I expect to be the only one, or maybe for my house to be burned down.

Posted by: Frank Barone at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (+oR7L)

I'm a lifelong Federalist and I'm voting for Kamala Harris for her espousal of Constituional governance.

Posted by: Charles Cotesworth Pinckney at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (ZG4KX)

399 Here's a video of Joe Biden putting on a Trump hat in PA today.

Trump was right. He does hate her.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (LkLld)

400 I flew B-58s against the Apaches in the Lichtenstein-Malaysian War, and dropped B57 nukes on the Mamelukes. I lost my eyesight and sense of smell, but I’m voting Democrat for the first time ever, because Harris has the right stuff on fluoridated water.

Posted by: Gen. Ripper at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (yAL3Q)

401 and her supporters KNOW she doesn't believe that

wink, nod, politics

Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (/7KEl)

you don't actually thinks she believes that, do you?
Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (/7KEl)

And they KNOW she doesn't.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (Zz0t1)

403 New poll from LTD Group shows Harris +7 with military veterans.

Why do I doubt that ?
Posted by: It's me donna at September 11, 2024 03:13 PM (IyPmt)
Because LTD means Little Tiny Dicks?

Posted by: Megthered at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (VihIQ)

404 I used to think inflation was caused by government policy, and quasi-governmental, fascist organizations like the fed, playing fast and loose with the currency.

But now that Cummala has taught me it's about businesses getting greedy these past 3 1/2 years, I'm voting for her!

And the pedo former non-paid coach.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (dGCAG)

405 He practiced law in Minneapolis for many years, in a culture where you savaged the opposing lawyer in court, and then went out for drinks afterwards

In other words, Uni-party.

Posted by: t-bird at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (Lh/d2)

406 @384

>>Fuck Hindraker. Elitist McCain wannabe.

Hinderaker is simpliy filling the TDS Tard seat that Paul Miringhoff used to fill before, like Felix Unger, was asked to leave and never return, that was the level of his TDS Retardation, that a bunch of milk toast anti-Trumpers by temperament and breeding told him to GTFO.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (XV/Pl)

407 Some want a Republican Bill Bradley but that dog won't hunt.

Got et by a Haitian.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (NKszP)

408 No shit about trolls! Trump is genuine and authentic. What you see is what you get. You want harlotry? Look elsewhere.

Posted by: Hokey Pokey at September 11, 2024 03:15 PM (QSrLX)

409 Fuck Hindraker. Elitist McCain wannabe.
Posted by: Minnfidel

Hinderaker is a life long chickenshit.

Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 03:16 PM (u7iQ0)

410 129 65 don't think it was Trump's best performance. He looked a bit too amped and angry for my liking.

If they told me the rules were changed re: muted mics to accommodate my opponent minutes before the debate, I’d be angry, too.
Posted by: EveR at September 11, 2024 02:33 PM (MUpk6)

Is that confirmed? Were the debate rules changed at the last minute?

Posted by: Darrell Harris at September 11, 2024 03:16 PM (xB0uo)

411 You can't win a debate unless you punch your opponent in the face and they fall unconscious to the floor.

Posted by: wth at September 11, 2024 03:16 PM (v0R5T)

412 I think she made 3 deadly gaffes to her base: Israel/Hamas, she won't take away guns, and she supports fracking.


you don't actually thinks she believes that, do you?
Posted by: Don Black

She doesn't. What about her DU base? Or fo they publicly admit she's lying?

Posted by: rickb223 Gold & Silver Spot Prices at September 11, 2024 03:16 PM (eHh36)

New poll from STD Group has Harris +67.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at September 11, 2024 03:16 PM (ZG4KX)

414 *checks list of 300+ pollsters @ 538, does not find LTD Group.....runs google search on LTD Group, finds why would that be ??

Posted by: runner at September 11, 2024 03:16 PM (V13WU)

415 New poll from LTD Group shows Harris +7 with military veterans.

It evens out. New poll has Trump +30 with planned parenthood workers and the View audience.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 11, 2024 03:16 PM (4p0Xq)

416 I think she made 3 deadly gaffes to her base: Israel/Hamas, she won't take away guns, and she supports fracking.


you don't actually thinks she believes that, do you?
Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (/7KEl)

No of course not. But she said it and to the left, you're not even supposed to say those things even if you don't believe them. Support Israel? Her base is so rabidly anti-Semitic that she couldn't chose the obviously strongest running mate because he's Jewish. She had to choose the pasty Pillsbury Doughboy instead.

Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (iFTx/)

417 I know a few vets. Ain't a one of them voting for Whorris.
Posted by: Sponge

I know one in particular who voted for the lightbringer twice has never voted for trump (sat out in 20) and she is voting for trump over kumala

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (CIS44)

Sources tell me they're hearing reports of big Republican mega donors abandoning Trump after poor debate performance

Posted by: Brian O'Leary at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (iI7+d)

419 I'm just saying, if you want to look at objective data on what's happening, that's one thing to look for.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 03:10 PM (dGCAG)
If he starts going more into hostile territory it means Harris is in a bunch of trouble.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (GZYu7)

420 Also William Wallace lost.

Posted by: Kindltot at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (D7oie)

421 You want harlotry?

I'm not sure those words have ever been spoken in that order before.

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (xCA6C)


Posted by: Ducks for Trump at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (v0R5T)

423 tellmeanything
Sources tell me they're hearing reports of big Republican mega donors abandoning Trump after poor debate performance

Posted by: Brian O'Leary at September 11, 2024 03:17 PM (iI7+d)

Sure, Jan

Posted by: LASue at September 11, 2024 03:18 PM (VPuca)

424 MEOW

Posted by: Cat's for Trump at September 11, 2024 03:18 PM (IyPmt)

425 No of course not. But she said it and to the left, you're not even supposed to say those things even if you don't believe them. Support Israel? Her base is so rabidly anti-Semitic that she couldn't chose the obviously strongest running mate because he's Jewish. She had to choose the pasty Pillsbury Doughboy instead.
Posted by: Doctor Elric the Blade

I was laughing out loud when she tried to pull the Charlottesville Hoax and was talking about rabid anti-semitism. Really? REALLY?

Posted by: BruceWayne at September 11, 2024 03:18 PM (CIS44)

426 Nood

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at September 11, 2024 03:18 PM (4XwPj)

427 Dick Cheney says that Trump is the biggest threat to American democracy in the history of the United States, and I stand with Dick!

Posted by: Lifelong Republican! at September 11, 2024 03:18 PM (uxCna)

428 New one: Biden migrants

Posted by: Archimedes at September 11, 2024 03:18 PM (xCA6C)

429 I mean, Kammie could say she's for tax cuts and smaller government, and her followers would 'follow' along

they know it's election-speak horseshit
once she's in office she can let her commie red freak flag fly

Posted by: Don Black at September 11, 2024 03:18 PM (/7KEl)

430 Trump should walk out at his next rally to the Meow Mix jingle.

Posted by: Minnfidel at September 11, 2024 03:19 PM (4p0Xq)

431 I'm a former high school football star from Calumet, CO.
I always voted for Republicans against the communists.
But when Harris explained what rape was and why I needed an abortion, I cried.
I'll be voting for Kamala.

Posted by: Jed at September 11, 2024 03:20 PM (Qlpv5)

432 "Also William Wallace lost."

Until the Scots won. You missed the last scene before the credits. Always stay through the credits. You never know what you'll see.

Posted by: Ignoramus at September 11, 2024 03:20 PM (nFx0I)

433 What about the undecided kitteh vote?

Posted by: wth at September 11, 2024 03:20 PM (v0R5T)

434 There are no Dems in OK. There are a few Bernie Bros that hate fracking. That's it.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at September 11, 2024 03:20 PM (MpVUb)


I guess everyone has an opinion i read several commentators who praised Trump's even temper but thought he was low energy

Posted by: LASue at September 11, 2024 03:21 PM (VPuca)

436 I herded water buffalo for years in most arid veldt, and orange bwana never gave me dime. I always voted for Elephant Party but now my vote is for Donkey Lady, she knows how life hard for man in Dark Continent. I vote many times this year.

Posted by: Nbasa Kwefumtse at September 11, 2024 03:21 PM (yAL3Q)

437 Telling ya, everyone saw how biased the debate was and I do mean everyone.

Posted by: JackStraw at September 11, 2024 03:21 PM (LkLld)

438 Howdy, folken,

I felt like a short nap, so I did just that. Despite the loud banging African-style music coming from the apartment next door, which is right up against my bedroom wall, I managed to fall asleep and even dream about instructing someone how to type a list of comma-delimited data. (Don't ask me why.) The said banging "music"? Ended two minutes after I got up just now.

The local media is still in hysterics mode about the approaching storm. As for me, I haven't seen any wind or any heavy rain yet. But both my laptops are charged, so are my phone and flashlights, I have food and water for me and the cats, and I've bookmarked a listing for a hotel in central MS (probably outside the range of storm). If the power goes out and stays out into tomorrow, I'm calling for a room and hitting the road.

There's not much more I can do.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at September 11, 2024 03:22 PM (omVj0)

439 I guess everyone has an opinion i read several commentators who praised Trump's even temper but thought he was low energy

Posted by: LASue at September 11, 2024 03:21 PM (VPuca)
He couldn't be accused of beating up on the girl. SO he didn't. It appears it his low energy was not a problem. The race is still on the same trajectory it has always been:

Harris is a terrible politician, who people naturally do not like.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 03:22 PM (GZYu7)

440 New poll from LTD Group shows Harris +7 with military veterans.
Posted by: Christina


Yeah, right.

Posted by: SMH at what's coming at September 11, 2024 03:22 PM (RU4sa)

Could Trump have done better?


But, even with a less than stellar, blow-out Trump performance, Coconut could not handle Trump by herself. She required the constant assistance of the "moderators".

QueMala proved without a doubt that she was neither smart enough nor strong enough to make it through a simple political debate with Trump.

How does that make her Presidential material?

It doesn't.

Kamala Harris doesn't have the intelligence, strength, or courage to be President.

I think this fact will show up more and more as a public opinion as people think about it.

And her weird smirking, not to mention her creepy laughing about abortion of 7-8 month babies in the womb, simply made her seem unlikable.

Trump did fine.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2024 03:23 PM (eDfFs)

442 they were all in Badly Fighting Vehicles

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at September 11, 2024 03:23 PM (NKszP)

443 I don't know, and I don't really care.

I'm just saying, if you want to look at objective data on what's happening, that's one thing to look for.
Posted by: BurtTC

That's what I was axing. Considering all the hot spots he's been going to, define the criteria of 'objective data'.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (u7iQ0)

The point is, he's been coasting, and lots of people have been freaking out because he's not "going after" the whore, or whatever else he's NOT doing, and the more it looks like Trump is just being Trump, is objective evidence they think he's winning.

If he changes, it means they think he's losing.

Defining what is or isn't that strategy, I don't know, and don't really think it matters what I think he "should" or should not be doing differently.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 03:23 PM (dGCAG)

444 Telling ya, everyone saw how biased the debate was and I do mean everyone.
Posted by: JackStraw

Whoa. Somebody wants to cut a bitch.

Posted by: wth at September 11, 2024 03:23 PM (v0R5T)

445 Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2024 03:23 PM (eDfFs)

Correct but you forgot reeeeeeeee

Posted by: ... at September 11, 2024 03:24 PM (U/CEs)

446 Don't forget to be pissed about Bengahzi. Four guys died, but our Gov let all those warriors hang out to dry.

Also lied about it. The GOP did have hearings. Spit.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at September 11, 2024 03:25 PM (Z8Yh2)

447 While watching most of it, till I took a break, the thong that really struck me was her constant expressions. Very irritating. Trump held himself together under a nasty ambush, but she was very unlikable. I guess I watched a different debate from pundits etc.

Posted by: Baldy at September 11, 2024 03:26 PM (Sef2H)

448 Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2024 03:23 PM (eDfFs)

Correct but you forgot reeeeeeeee
Posted by: ... at September 11, 2024 03:24 PM (U/CEs)

I don't get it.

Posted by: naturalfake at September 11, 2024 03:26 PM (eDfFs)

449 I worked on Cat Cay Bahamas in 1994 building a fiching camp for Chuck Davis. He rolled in a 45 ft Tiara that ran twin turbocharged CAT diesels. His full time captain would take Chuck free diving to spear fish also to catch spiney lobster.
Captain Paul tole me that around the island of Haiti there was zero marine life due to starving islanders having nothing to eat. All well and good BUT DO NOT PITY HATAINS.. Feed them and send them on their way because they will unify and form voting blocks. They are in and YOU ARE OUT!! Period...
I lived in South FL for 33 years.. Broward county has a huge Haitian business and government population of Haitians. The standard of living has dropped considerably!!!
Haitains making and eating DIRT COOKIES> BTW Hillary paid for Chelseas NYC wedding with money she stole from Haiti after a natural disaster. Clinton Initiative Bank Robbery Group!! DIRT COOKIES
Very Sad..

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 11, 2024 03:27 PM (bgLkq)

450 I don't know, and I don't really care.

I'm just saying, if you want to look at objective data on what's happening, that's one thing to look for.
Posted by: BurtTC

That's what I was axing. Considering all the hot spots he's been going to, define the criteria of 'objective data'.
Posted by: Braenyard at September 11, 2024 03:14 PM (u7iQ0)

The point is, he's been coasting, and lots of people have been freaking out because he's not "going after" the whore, or whatever else he's NOT doing, and the more it looks like Trump is just being Trump, is objective evidence they think he's winning.

If he changes, it means they think he's losing.

Defining what is or isn't that strategy, I don't know, and don't really think it matters what I think he "should" or should not be doing differently.

Posted by: BurtTC at September 11, 2024 03:23 PM (dGCAG)
Never punch down unless it is absolutely necessary. They know Harris is terrible. The country knows Harris is terrible. Keep pushing the line of her policies are ill defined , or not true, juxtaposed with clips of her saying the exact opposite.

Posted by: Black JEM at September 11, 2024 03:31 PM (GZYu7)

451 Firstly, he was actually President and has a record.
Second, as much as people (mainly the Right) are crapping on him, he actually talked policy and answered legitimate questions. All she did, with the moderator help, was personal attacks.
People could actually see this with their own eyes.
So fuck Trey Gowdy.

Posted by: Little Larry Sellers at September 11, 2024 03:31 PM (xaNfJ)

452 36 I herded water buffalo for years in most arid veldt, and orange bwana never gave me dime. I always voted for Elephant Party but now my vote is for Donkey Lady, she knows how life hard for man in Dark Continent. I vote many times this year.
Posted by: Nbasa Kwefumtse at September 11, 2024 03:21 PM (yAL3Q)

hahaha dear lord. you hit it on the head,

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn It! at September 11, 2024 03:32 PM (bgLkq)

453 I am sure others here have said this, but if you are still undecided, you should not be voting. You should be thankful that breathing is autonomous.

Posted by: butch at September 11, 2024 03:33 PM (0APJ3)

454 65 I don't think it was Trump's best performance. He looked a bit too amped and angry for my liking. But I don't think he was unprepared. The difference between Trump and someone like Harris is Trump doesn't need to study to figure out his positions,

Knowing your positions and being able to articulate them under pressure in a dynamic environment are two different things

Posted by: Masturbatin' Pete at September 11, 2024 04:09 PM (Bd2wh)

455 The New York Slimes is afraid of the truth and is part of this Invasion

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at September 11, 2024 04:33 PM (wGqjj)

456 Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew
of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates.
I've been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would
have some experience with something like this.
Please let me know if you run into anything.

I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

Posted by: Times of Netherland at September 11, 2024 08:38 PM (m6G00)

457 You гeally mɑke іt seem s᧐ easy with үoսr presentation bᥙt I find this topic to bе aсtually ѕomething that I think I ᴡould
nevеr understand. Ιt seеms t᧐о complicated аnd extremely
broad for mе. I'm lоoking forward f᧐r your next post, I wilⅼ try
to ɡet tһe hang of it!

Posted by: Online Betting at September 12, 2024 01:19 AM (m6G00)

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