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The Morning Rant: Minimalist Edition


The United Kingdom is rapidly descending into a post-modern dystopian nightmare, as their "conservative" movement collapses and a horrid labor movement fills the void. Britain has speech police, a rapidly growing Islamist population driving rabid Jew-hate, a porous border, a government rushing headlong to confiscatory taxes, and its all buttressed by an insane Woke culture among its elites.

And yet even they aren't as insane as America is when it comes to mutilating their children!

Puberty Blockers Ban Upheld By British Court

A British high court on Monday upheld Britain’s ban on puberty blockers, hormonal drugs frequently given to pubescent children who express discomfort with their biological gender.

The judge noted puberty blockers were found to have “very substantial risks and very narrow benefits” by the Cass review, the landmark report commissioned by England’s National Health Service (NHS).

Transgender medical interventions on children are based on “remarkably weak evidence,” and young people have been caught up in a “stormy social discourse,” Justice Beverley Lang said in her ruling.

Don't worry though; Health Secretary Wes Streeting has ordered a clinical trial to establish the "evidence on puberty blockers." Even in the face of a ban supported by their courts, the psychos still want to destroy the lives of vulnerable children on the alter of gender insanity.

But it is still a wonderful and powerful repudiation of the deeply disturbed idea that Man can change what is elemental about himself. Marx got it wrong 150 years ago, but the heirs to his world-view keep trying. They chip away at religion, at traditional social structures, at the culture of family, and they arrive at the most basic fact...that we are created in God's image. If they can change that...they can change anything!

[Crossposted at CutJibNewsletter]

Posted by: CBD at 11:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 1st?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:00 AM (v6JzV)

2 st?

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead...Wearing Pants and Working at July 30, 2024 11:00 AM (DIB8X)

3 Yesss!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:00 AM (v6JzV)

4 Oh! Missed it by that > < much!

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead...Wearing Pants and Working at July 30, 2024 11:01 AM (DIB8X)

5 Boop.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:01 AM (iFMeW)

6 yay

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 11:01 AM (NGHTx)

7 It's a sick World

Posted by: It's me donna at July 30, 2024 11:01 AM (IyPmt)

8 Commenting present

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 11:01 AM (2eGdj)

9 I culled the otters.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:01 AM (v6JzV)

10 If by “chip”, you mean “smashing with a sledge hammer”, then yes, that is what’s happening.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at July 30, 2024 11:02 AM (9mfKN)

11 Top 10?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 30, 2024 11:03 AM (J2vNu)

12 "Old Blighty"....always reminds me of A Clockwork Orange.

Posted by: BignJames at July 30, 2024 11:03 AM (AwYPR)

13 Just wow

Barbra Butch wants their 15 minutes to continue. Butch is threatening to sue and jail anyone who is making fun of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony Bacchanal.

I thought you wanted to be edgy you vile piece of oversized human excrement.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:03 AM (5ZNPK)

14 11 Top 10?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 30, 2024 11:03 AM (J2vNu)

Missed it by that much…

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at July 30, 2024 11:03 AM (9mfKN)


Well, I'd suck their brains out with a straw, sell the widows and orphans and go into South American zinc...

Posted by: City Gent at July 30, 2024 11:04 AM (hbK29)

16 Elon has done us all a great service explaining this story. I really hope that "raising awareness" won't be an issue in a couple years.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 30, 2024 11:04 AM (cf/0E)

17 Sitting here, watching the collapse of western civilization in real time is a drag.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2024 11:04 AM (Q4IgG)

18 >>...a rapidly growing Islamist population driving rape, rabid Jew-hate, and rape...

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at July 30, 2024 11:05 AM (0QFnr)

Don't worry though; Health Secretary Wes Streeting has ordered a clinical trial to establish the "evidence on puberty blockers"

And like most studies, they will find a very narrow application where they can torture the data to suggest a trend towards significance. Then that narrow application will be extrapolated to the entire population.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 30, 2024 11:05 AM (d9LQi)

20 Labor movement LOL. Great Britain has a fully financialized economy. There are a handful of people who've gotten stupendously wealthy on the globalist paper chase, a handful of Oriental potentates laundering money through London real estate, some number of people in the laptop classes, and a throng of underclass people on the dole.

There might be nine laborers left on the whole island.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:05 AM (0FoWg)

21 Sad to see it to me as lived there for 2 years

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 11:05 AM (2eGdj)

22 >>Don't worry though; Health Secretary Wes Streeting has ordered a clinical trial to establish the "evidence on puberty blockers."

Depending on how evil they are, they could have an open ended clinical trial and use that to get around the ban.

Bottom line is we are up against actual lunatics and monsters who literally do anything to further the destruction of The West and Anglosphere.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 30, 2024 11:06 AM (XV/Pl)

23 Then there is the Italian legal system.

DC-9 mysteriously crashed in 1980 killing all aboard. After two inconclusive investigations, the third lead by a veteran of Lockerbie determined a bomb had been planted in the aft bathroom.

But the Italian legal system disagreed. And later ruled the plane was downed by a missile from an unknown plane. So awarded compensation to the families.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:06 AM (5ZNPK)

24 Wanna hear a funny story?

"British Court"

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 30, 2024 11:06 AM (IG4Id)

25 Mental Illness as cash crop doesn't end well.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at July 30, 2024 11:06 AM (pIfcn)

26 In WA State, a child cannot be charged with a crime before the age of 8. Theft, arson, assault, etc.

But they can decide what gender they are and choose to forever destroy their ability to have a normal sex life or bear children.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (/di7g)

27 They chip away at religion, at traditional social structures, at the culture of family, and they arrive at the most basic fact...that we are created in God's image. If they can change that...they can change anything!


Hence, the "transhumanist" movement being championed by Klaus Schwab and his evil band of butt-boys.

As I was wont to say some time ago: Transgenderism is the Tip of the Transhumanist Spear.

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (WlJra)

28 Exactly what is Barbra Butch?

Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (FfSAJ)

29 The psalmist wrote (in Psalm 139):

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Mere humans trying to alter God’s creation is the height of foolishness and arrogant hubris.

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (xT8gx)

30 Sitting here, watching the collapse of western civilization in real time is a drag.
Posted by: Martini Farmer

Someone should read a story about it, lasting an hour.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (v6JzV)

31 Don't worry though; Health Secretary Wes Streeting has ordered a clinical trial to establish the "evidence on puberty blockers."

Wes Streeting is gay, literally. I have no reason to believe that he cares, even a little, about the health of children.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (IUd0M)

32 I think the Muslims will take over in a few years to a decade

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (2eGdj)

33 When Western governments have no respect for their countries' culture, why should immigrants--legal or non--have any respect either?

They know they're moving to a country that "hates" itself (or so they see in the Media), so why not join in? Especially if the culture they are coming from enshrines hatred as a major tenet.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 30, 2024 11:08 AM (WPL6O)

34 @31

>>Wes Streeting is gay, literally. I have no reason to believe that he cares, even a little, about the health of children.

We're being run by homosexuals, pedophiles and women.

Not a good combination.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (XV/Pl)

35 UK has been about 10 years ahead of us on the progressive/woke trail to H#ll.

It would be nice to think we can eventually ban this ghoulish tinkering called "gender affirming" care for children.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (Pijte)

36 I don't get why anyone believes in Karl Marx. The guy has been literally wrong on everything for over a century and a half.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (aD39U)

37 Barbra Butch was the morbidly obese person with the tin foil crown and tats as the centerpiece of the Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (5ZNPK)

38 Might be a simple add NHS running the numbers and saying, "Blimey! These loons will be the end of us!"

Posted by: 2009Refugee at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (8AONa)

39 "Butch is threatening to sue and jail anyone who is making fun of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony Bacchanal."

Bring it, you oversized bundle of sticks.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (B0mGw)

40 We're being run by homosexuals, pedophiles and childless women.

Not a good combination.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (XV/Pl)

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (aD39U)

41 I don't get why anyone believes in Karl Marx. The guy has been literally wrong on everything for over a century and a half.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) a

he had a big beard tho

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (CIS44)

42 Barbra Butch was the morbidly obese person with the tin foil crown and tats as the centerpiece of the Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (5ZNPK)
How dare you mock her mockery!!!

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (3Fz6p)

43 >>...a rapidly growing Islamist population driving rape, rabid Jew-hate, and rape...

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at July 30, 2024 11:05 AM (0QFnr)


"As long as it's not rape-rape."

/Obligatory Whoopie

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (WlJra)

44 I used to laugh at the Western Europeans. I stopped laughing so much when I realized that whatever insanity they were into was just what we'd be doing in ten years.

Then, starting about ten years ago, we slammed the gearshift, hammered the pedal down, and surpassed their madness.

We have zero room to ridicule them anymore. The filthy fuckin' animals on the Acela Corridor are now the gold standard of lunacy in the modern West.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (0FoWg)

45 37 Barbra Butch was the morbidly obese person with the tin foil crown and tats as the centerpiece of the Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (5ZNPK)

Persyn? Persxn? Orca?

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (9mfKN)

46 "I don't get why anyone believes in Karl Marx. The guy has been literally wrong on everything for over a century and a half."

He was also pretty much the crappiest human being of his era.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (B0mGw)

47 What I want to see is a counter study. Boy thinks he's a girl? Put him on testosterone. Girl thinks she's a boy? Put her on estrogen. I'm betting the problem will go away pretty quickly.

Posted by: NR Pax at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (OPGS/)

48 he had a big beard tho
Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (CIS44)

Righteous facial hair should only carry you so far.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (aD39U)

49 Like looking dashing in a beret.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:11 AM (aD39U)

50 Exactly what is Barbra Butch?
Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (FfSAJ)

ugly and fat

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at July 30, 2024 11:11 AM (rnt58)

51 Persyn? Persxn? Orca?
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at

Hey, leave me out of this!

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:11 AM (CIS44)

52 Looks like Harris's takeover bump has ended, per RealClearPolitics.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:11 AM (B0mGw)

53 he had a big beard tho
Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (CIS44)

Righteous facial hair should only carry you so far.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at

Me hardest it

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:11 AM (CIS44)

54 >>Bottom line is we are up against actual lunatics and monsters who literally do anything to further the destruction of The West and Anglosphere.

There are no scarier monsters than normal people who have been pushed beyond their limits. Fighting for a cause is fun, fighting for your life is something different.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024 11:12 AM (LkLld)

55 "Butch is threatening to sue and jail anyone who is making fun of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony Bacchanal."


Just to be clear, what she is saying is that she can make fun of the largest religion on earth, but woe to anyone that makes fun of her.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 30, 2024 11:12 AM (lTGtQ)

56 Wanna hear another one?

Supreme Court of the UK.

No, seriously. It was created out of nothing in 2010. Funny, right?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 30, 2024 11:12 AM (IG4Id)

57 "Butch is threatening to sue and jail anyone who is making fun of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony Bacchanal."

Shut up, fattie.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:12 AM (B0mGw)

Barbra Butch was the morbidly obese person with the tin foil crown and tats as the centerpiece of the Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies.

Third cousin, twice removed, of Jabba the Hut, she is.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 30, 2024 11:13 AM (xG4kz)

59 Exactly what is Barbra Butch?
Posted by: Northernlurker , wondering where his phone is at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (FfSAJ)

RPG target?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 30, 2024 11:13 AM (1RL9h)

60 I think the Muslims will take over in a few years to a decade

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 11:07 AM (2eGdj)


"A caliphate, if you can keep it."

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 30, 2024 11:13 AM (WlJra)

61 I don't get why anyone believes in Karl Marx. The guy has been literally wrong on everything for over a century and a half.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) a
he had a big beard tho
Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024

All the better to hide jellybeans in

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 30, 2024 11:13 AM (J2vNu)

62 Barbara Butch’s lawyer said in a letter posted to the DJ’s Instagram that Butch “has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults.”

Maybe she should stop sending them to herself then. And what in the world is "grossophobic"?

Posted by: NR Pax at July 30, 2024 11:13 AM (OPGS/)

63 Begun the ad wars have

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at July 30, 2024 11:14 AM (Y8lzz)

64 Using C.P. Snow's Two Culture theory, the proponents of gender changing are One Culture, unlearned deviants. They know no proven biology, genetics, or cellular development.

As Lenin said: "What to do? What to do?"

Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 30, 2024 11:14 AM (u82oZ)

65 Righteous facial hair should only carry you so far.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (aD39U)

Look what it’s done for JD Vance!

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at July 30, 2024 11:14 AM (xT8gx)

66 "And what in the world is grossophobic?"

And how do you differentiate between grossophobic and grossophilic?

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:14 AM (B0mGw)

67 Bottom line is we are up against actual lunatics and monsters who literally do anything to further the destruction of The West and Anglosphere.

It's Invasion of the Body Snatchers. They look like real people but they're not.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Covfefe Today, Covfefe Tomorrow, Covfefe Forever! at July 30, 2024 11:15 AM (L/fGl)

68 >>Mere humans trying to alter God’s creation is the height of foolishness and arrogant hubris.

Gird yourself for the transhumanist movement!

Posted by: Lizzy at July 30, 2024 11:15 AM (Pijte)

69 >>Barbara Butch’s lawyer said in a letter posted to the DJ’s Instagram that Butch “has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults.”

Rape seems unlikely.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024 11:15 AM (LkLld)

70 "Rape seems unlikely."

At least without a large quantity of flour.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:16 AM (B0mGw)

71 I think the Muslims will take over in a few years to a decade


Of course. The empty materialism of the West is different from the Communist variety, but no less vacuous.

Someone with an actual belief system will steamroll this thing. The only people in the West who have that are the Muslims. They will romp through our hollowed out civilization like a bull in a china shop.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:16 AM (0FoWg)

72 Righteous facial hair should only carry you so far.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (aD39U)

Hey, it got me that hottie Elisabeth of Bavaria.

Posted by: Franz Josef at July 30, 2024 11:16 AM (v6JzV)

73 Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:11 AM (CIS44)

Did you see the Ketchum phone book listings for Adam West a few nights ago on the ONT? It was pretty funny.

Posted by: pookysgirl is not Batmaaaaaan at July 30, 2024 11:16 AM (dtlDP)

74 Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:11 AM (CIS44)

Did you see the Ketchum phone book listings for Adam West a few nights ago on the ONT? It was pretty funny.
Posted by: pookysgirl is not Batmaaaaaan

Ha I did, I chuckled.

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:17 AM (CIS44)

75 @54

>>There are no scarier monsters than normal people who have been pushed beyond their limits. Fighting for a cause is fun, fighting for your life is something different.

The normalcy bias is real and people just want to live their lives and not be bothered, which is why the left has been able to push us to the precipice.

The problem with letting yourself be pushed to the precipice is that there isn't always the space or opportunity to turn around.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 30, 2024 11:17 AM (XV/Pl)

76 Barbara Butch’s lawyer said in a letter posted to the DJ’s Instagram that Butch “has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults.”
Rape seems unlikely.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024

Even more unlikely: Approaching her without being imprisoned forever in a gravity well.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (J2vNu)

77 We're being run by homosexuals, pedophiles and women.

Not a good combination.

emotion and victimhood is in, logic and self-reliance is out

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (NGHTx)

78 Best thing about a Karl Marx beard is that you can see what you had for breakfast all day.

Posted by: Over Easy at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (CV8a5)

79 Too bad we can't codify Separation of Mental Illness and State into law.

But God forbid someone tries to teach kids the Bible in a library.

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (8QYZy)

80 Barbara Butch = person of blubber

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Covfefe Today, Covfefe Tomorrow, Covfefe Forever! at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (L/fGl)

81 Off, Hapsburg Sock.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (v6JzV)

82 As Lenin said: "What to do? What to do?"
Posted by: NaCly Dog

Stalin: "I got this. Also, order me a train."

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (IG4Id)

83 Testosterone treatments for homosexuals supposedly resulted in even more .... enthusiasm.

Posted by: Common Tater at July 30, 2024 11:19 AM (uYYhf)

84 In 2019, the term “grossophobia” entered the French dictionary. The Larousse definition states that this is an “attitude of stigmatization, discrimination towards obese or overweight people”. While it is true that grossophobia refers to the discriminatory phenomenon in the broad sense (including insults, harassment, bullying, etc.), it is nevertheless important to stress that the recognition of discrimination experienced by fat people is quite recent.

Probably missing the translation, but using "gross" in English is not a great way to defend yourself?

Posted by: Lizzy at July 30, 2024 11:19 AM (Pijte)

85 pookysgirl is not Batmaaaaaan

Yes. He paid extra to put smiles on faces. And the phone company gave him his privacy.

Wish we could do that today.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at July 30, 2024 11:19 AM (u82oZ)

86 Wait

The French are using a word of German descent.

Gross = large.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:20 AM (5ZNPK)

87 What I want to see is a counter study. Boy thinks he's a girl? Put him on testosterone. Girl thinks she's a boy? Put her on estrogen. I'm betting the problem will go away pretty quickly.
Posted by: NR Pax at July 30, 2024 11:10 AM (OPGS/)

ah, the group B solution...

i like it

Posted by: SturmToddler at July 30, 2024 11:20 AM (nXhwP)

88 All the other fags didn't want to be in the scene with Barbara Butch, they were just drawn in and started orbiting around "her'.

Posted by: C-Moon at July 30, 2024 11:20 AM (CV8a5)

89 Barbra Butch was the morbidly obese person with the tin foil crown and tats as the centerpiece of the Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (5ZNPK)

The one that needed an apple in its mouth to properly complete the tableau?

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado-Tempus belli) at July 30, 2024 11:20 AM (l7Kbv)

90 Good Rant, CBD. Thanks.

Barbara Butch was already known as a French DJ & lesbian activist, and also made the short film "Extra Large."

Public figure, her choice.

Get bent.

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at July 30, 2024 11:20 AM (NFX2v)

91 34 @31

>>Wes Streeting is gay, literally. I have no reason to believe that he cares, even a little, about the health of children.

We're being run by homosexuals, pedophiles and women.

Not a good combination.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 30, 2024 11:09 AM (XV/Pl)

Stop being weird.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:21 AM (KbCG3)

92 Phobia?


Scared of people I can instantly foil with a staircase?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:21 AM (0FoWg)

93 So, "grossophobic" is now another label to pin on people. Neat-o.

Do they have teams of people coming up with these stupid things?

Kind of surprised vegi-sexual never caught on.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Misunderstanding Comments for Humorous Effect at July 30, 2024 11:21 AM (xPJvm)

94 What I want to see is a counter study. Boy thinks he's a girl? Put him on testosterone. Girl thinks she's a boy? Put her on estrogen. I'm betting the problem will go away pretty quickly.

yes -- the global drop is testosterone levels causes all kinds of issues

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 11:21 AM (NGHTx)

95 Barbra Butch was the morbidly obese person with the tin foil crown and tats as the centerpiece of the Paris 2024 Olympic opening ceremonies.

Third cousin, twice removed, of Jabba the Hut, she is.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 30, 2024 11:13 AM (xG4kz)


it looks like nothing has ever been removed from barbra, except empty plates....

Posted by: SturmToddler at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (nXhwP)

96 "the most basic fact...that we are created in God's image. If they can change that...they can change anything!"

Transhumanists will achieve that sometime this century. The tech is unstoppable. Glad I won't be around to witness it.

Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (zrjnj)

97 Begun the ad wars have

Damn, that Harris ad at the bottom is enough to induce epileptic fits. I mean, I get that she MUST have the black woman vote, but that hysterical gospelizing is just awful.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (xCA6C)

98 92 Phobia?


Scared of people I can instantly foil with a staircase?
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:21 AM (0FoWg)

Not my stairs, not my problem.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (KbCG3)

99 YD

Well there is the well founded fear of those like Butch tripping and crushing mere mortals

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (5ZNPK)

100 "I don't get why anyone believes in Karl Marx. The guy has been literally wrong on everything for over a century and a half."

Real Marxism has never been tried.

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (8QYZy)

101 > We're being run by homosexuals, pedophiles and women.
The infuriating part? We allowed it.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (Q4IgG)

102 >>Barbara Butch’s lawyer said in a letter posted to the DJ’s Instagram that Butch “has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults.”

I'm glad we figured out who the true victim is in all of this. /s

I don't endorse threats against any of the performers. However, this shtick of intentionally insulting large groups of people (in this case, Christians) and then squealing about victimhood when you get the response to the insult you wanted - shock, anger - is beyond tiresome. Stale. Predictable. Lame.

Like toddlers, these people are!

Posted by: Lizzy at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (Pijte)

103 Gross = large.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:20 AM (5ZNPK)

Also a word in French: "gros seins".

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 30, 2024 11:23 AM (1RL9h)

104 The Island of Dr. Moreau was supposed to be a cautionary tale.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:23 AM (5ZNPK)

105 I think even “normal” democrats (if such a thing actually exists) have a problem with the tranny insanity. IIRC Glen Youngkin won in VA primarily by emphasizing parental rights WRT education and at the same time some boy pretending to be a girl raped a real girl in a school bathroom and officials tried to cover it up.

I’d venture to say 80% of people know this is insanity and want the freaks to stay away from their kids…. For some reason many are hesitant to be loud and out in public with their opinion

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at July 30, 2024 11:23 AM (xT8gx)

106 Rape seems unlikely.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024 11:15 AM (LkLld)

There are some weird fetishes' out there.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at July 30, 2024 11:23 AM (ZtyUu)

107 they love being victims -- it's the quickest way to get points on social media

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 11:23 AM (NGHTx)

108 Lol "grossophobia". Literally "fear of gross things". Might want to rethink that one, Babs

Posted by: azjaeger at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (gEXI/)

109 Babs. Think?

I see your problem

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (5ZNPK)

110 Even more unlikely: Approaching her without being imprisoned forever in a gravity well.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 30, 2024 11:18 AM (J2vNu)

Lesser artists are orbiting her.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (aD39U)

111 Trump obviously decided the border is the number one issue to pin on Democrats - and to voters - and it's a strength he has been known for from jump. It's a good contrast.

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (8QYZy)

There are some weird fetishes' out there.
Posted by: IC - #FJB at July 30, 2024 11:23 AM (ZtyUu)
I like them big! BIG!!!

Posted by: Professor Peach at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (3Fz6p)

113 The judge noted puberty blockers were found to have “very substantial risks and very narrow benefits”


Seems like in an effort to be seen as reasonable and even-handed the judge has gotten caught in the trap of debating the merits (risks vs benefits) of a premise that is, at its very core, anti-factual and downright delusional. There is nothing to be gained for children by suggesting there is a net benefit to reinforcing a delusion.

Yet here we always seem to wind up, ceding the moral terrain and arguing the nuances of a black and white issue.

Posted by: muldoon at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (uCfKO)

114 The difference between USA and UK in terms of child mutilation is do solely to one thing: money.

The UK hasn't figured out how to make a ton of money off it yet. I assume that's due to their shitbag national health system. So the UK medical cartels are lukewarm to it.

Here in America, each mutilated child is a big KA-CHING to the medical cartels. So of course the cartels are clinging to their gravy train. That makes this evil much harder to destroy.

But have no fear: the UK will finally figure out it. Once the bucks start rolling in, they will suddenly decide that a live son is better than a dead daughter.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:25 AM (iFTx/)

115 Transhumanists will achieve that sometime this century. The tech is unstoppable. Glad I won't be around to witness it.
Posted by: El gp De Los Vientos at July 30, 2024 11:22 AM (zrjnj)

No. Regardless of what technology might accomplish it won’t alter the fundamentals of God’s creation nor the human soul.

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at July 30, 2024 11:25 AM (xT8gx)

116 Sir Mix-a-Lot upon seeing Butch, "Dayum girl. I like'm big. But not THAT big."

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (5ZNPK)

117 >Best thing about a Karl Marx beard is that you can see what you had for breakfast all day.

flavor saver

Posted by: Don Black at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (/7KEl)

118 There are no scarier monsters than normal people who have been pushed beyond their limits. Fighting for a cause is fun, fighting for your life is something different.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024 11:12 AM (LkLld)

Eventually, someone will *snap* and it ain't gonna be pretty.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (7fElN)

119 --------------
I like them big! BIG!!!

Posted by: Professor Peach at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (3Fz6p)

She made Lizzo look svelte by comparison

Posted by: IC - #FJB at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (ZtyUu)

120 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 3m
Wow - Acting Secret Service Director just lit up his own agency’s failures in a Senate hearing

He believes there is no excuse for this shooting to have happened

He angrily calls for answers the same way we are and I believe he thinks there was serious malfeasance that day by USSS

Is accountability finally coming for Kim Cheatle?

Posted by: lt. worf at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (wse2C)

121 I’d venture to say 80% of people know this is insanity and want the freaks to stay away from their kids…. For some reason many are hesitant to be loud and out in public with their opinion
Posted by: LinusVanPelt at

100% of the gay men I've talked to have a BIG problem with the tranny crap.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (NLjWT)

122 37
‘ Barbra Butch was the morbidly obese person with the tin foil crown and tats’

I don’t see how the hell she thinks she can sue or jail millions of people for criticizing her grotesque farce.
I’d be more scared if she threatened to sit on them.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (jbnUc)

123 >>Gross = large.

Yeah, thanks - that's what I figured.
"Grossaphobia" is not a good word to bring to English conversations. . .

Posted by: Lizzy at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (Pijte)

124 114 But have no fear: the UK will finally figure out it. Once the bucks start rolling in, they will suddenly decide that a live son is better than a dead daughter.
Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:25 AM (iFTx/)


"That JK Rowling doesn't buy into the cutting off of boy's dicks makes me sad."
-Daniel Radcliffe

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (GBKbO)

125 Boobs.
Katie Price, Samantha Fox, and I'm going to toss in Elizabeth Hurley - who isn't huge but she's so choice.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xcxpd)

126 Rape seems unlikely.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024 11:15 AM (LkLld)

From hell's heart I stab at thee.

Posted by: Captain Ahab at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (aD39U)

127 Now, what are we actually talking about?

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xcxpd)

128 I’d be more scared if she threatened to sit on them.
Posted by: Dr. Claw a

She'd have to catch them first, and that seems....unlikely

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (CIS44)

129 So 'White Dudes For Kamala' Had a Celebrity-Filled Zoom Call and the Cringe Was Epic

Choice extracts:
"The Lord of the Rings" supporting actor Sean Astin — most often seen these days on X — set the tone, explaining that the call was a chance to show "that men can gather to talk about how we feel."

Yes, if they're gay.

Here's the organizer of the call, explaining how he's been thinking a lot lately about men and how he wishes we didn't have to be so manly — not that he's at much risk of that....There's not one of my gay friends who couldn't beat up three of this guy. He is no dude.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xCA6C)

130 Look at the people who occupy the commanding heights of our society... it practically beggars belief. Elagabulus and his coterie of perverts were like a generation of Solons compared to the human debris who lord over us.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (0FoWg)

131 120 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 3m
Wow - Acting Secret Service Director just lit up his own agency’s failures in a Senate hearing

He believes there is no excuse for this shooting to have happened

He angrily calls for answers the same way we are and I believe he thinks there was serious malfeasance that day by USSS

Is accountability finally coming for Kim Cheatle?
Posted by: lt. worf at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (wse2C)


He's in charge. Fire people.

The government can fire people for gross negligence, right?

Genuine question. Civil service laws are a shitshow.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (GBKbO)

132 127 Now, what are we actually talking about?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xcxpd)


A trio of friends helping a small Mexican town.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (GBKbO)

133 The Island of Dr. Moreau was supposed to be a cautionary tale.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:23 AM (5ZNPK)
The production hell behind the making of that movie is a pretty good cautionary tale on its own.

Also, the book is a pretty darned excellent horror story about hubris.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (7fElN)

134 Is accountability finally coming for Kim Cheatle?
Posted by: lt. worf at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (wse2C)


Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (IUd0M)

135 Sean Astin

And that is why you will always be a supportig character.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (5ZNPK)

136 "Someone with an actual belief system will steamroll this thing. The only people in the West who have that are the Muslims. "

If you can't protect your wives and daughters from being raped and your infants from being stabbed, you probably don't deserve a country.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (B0mGw)

137 "puberty blockers were found to have 'very substantial risks and very narrow benefits' by the Cass review"

Gee, this surprises me. Who woulda thunk it?

Next you're gonna tell me a rich handsome dude cruising South Beach in a Lambo will have a better chance of getting a hot date than some fat incel playing CoD with his hands still slimy from his KY jerk-off juice.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (iFTx/)

138 Is accountability scapegoating finally coming for Kim Cheatle?

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at July 30, 2024 11:29 AM (Y8lzz)

139 124 114 But have no fear: the UK will finally figure out it. Once the bucks start rolling in, they will suddenly decide that a live son is better than a dead daughter.
Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:25 AM (iFTx/)


"That JK Rowling doesn't buy into the cutting off of boy's dicks makes me sad."
-Daniel Radcliffe
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (GBKbO)

Oh she's ok with that. But she's not going to let some penis-haver -current or past- get any status benefits British Feminisim has won for the Matriarchy that rules the UK.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:29 AM (xcxpd)

140 129Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xCA6C)

It was just as bad as the White Women for Harris zoom call.

Posted by: IC - #FJB at July 30, 2024 11:29 AM (ZtyUu)

141 Susan Crabtree @susancrabtree 1h
🚨🚨🚨 EXCLUSIVE: A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until "5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions." The counter sniper also said the agency "SHOULD expect another assassination attempt" before November and complained that he is no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13.

"This agency NEEDS to change," the sniper wrote in the email. "If not now, WHEN? "The NEXT assassination in 30 days?"

"Sadly we have fallen short for YEARS," the counter sniper lamented. "We just look good doing it. I have conveyed these thoughts to not only supervisors (to include the current Captain of CS, but those responsible for training us (SOTS/CS). Only to be brushed off as those with less experience somehow knew more than me."

Posted by: lt. worf at July 30, 2024 11:29 AM (wse2C)

142 Susan Crabtree @susancrabtree 1h
"The team I was once proud to be a part of, is something I have to somehow hide as I move into my next career," the counter sniper continued. "Who wants to hire a USSS CS guy who failed? That's the public perception I'm not faced with. The USSS CS team is a stain I will never be able to cleanse."

He concluded with these two lines: "The motto of the USSS...CYA. And every supervisor is doing it right now."

The agency quickly deleted the email, a knowledgeable source told RealClearPolitics.

Posted by: lt. worf at July 30, 2024 11:29 AM (wse2C)

143 DC_Draino @DC_Draino 32m
A Secret Service counter-sniper with 20+ years experience turned into a whistleblower & sent an agency-wide email calling out the corrupt leaders in charge of the USSS

He says he will not stop speaking out until 4 more specific leaders resign in addition to Kimberly Cheatle

THIS is the courage we need to see from good agents on the inside

We support you sir

Posted by: lt. worf at July 30, 2024 11:29 AM (wse2C)

144 "Exactly what is Barbra Butch?"


Posted by: Man who lives as a pig at July 30, 2024 11:30 AM (Nq+JI)

145 132 127 Now, what are we actually talking about?
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xcxpd)


A trio of friends helping a small Mexican town.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (GBKbO)

Ah, of Disney's best films...The Three Caballeros.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:30 AM (xcxpd)

146 Dear Barbara,
Yo! Barbie, come here hon. Look, sweetie, no one hates you because you're fat. No one hates you because you're a lesbian. No one hates you because you're ugly.
People, rightfully, hate you because you are a vile, disgusting, anti Christian, pile of fat ugly stains.
You deserve the hatred and the insults. It's what you wanted. That's why you mocked Christianity. You wanted to scream victim.
You got what you wanted! Enjoy being hated, you fat ugly carpet munching despicable cockroach!

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at July 30, 2024 11:30 AM (4XwPj)

147 116 Sir Mix-a-Lot upon seeing Butch, "Dayum girl. I like'm big. But not THAT big."
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:26 AM (5ZNPK)

Per the song, he likes them with a womanly figure, i.e. with a waist smaller than the hips.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at July 30, 2024 11:30 AM (9mfKN)

148 139
Oh she's ok with that. But she's not going to let some penis-haver -current or past- get any status benefits British Feminisim has won for the Matriarchy that rules the UK.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:29 AM (xcxpd)


"Men are violent rapists not women!"
-JK Rowling

-American conservatives, for some reason

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:31 AM (GBKbO)

149 Watched a long video on life of Marx over the weekend, as well as read The Devil and Karl Marx, he was a lay-out lover who was nothing but a leach on everyone who came across him. As well as a drunk and opium user to get through his personal hygiene deficit

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 11:31 AM (2eGdj)

150 Fuck

Off TNG sock

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 30, 2024 11:31 AM (wse2C)

151 The production hell behind the making of that movie is a pretty good cautionary tale on its own.
The Critical Drinker did a Production Hell segment on that film.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at July 30, 2024 11:31 AM (3Fz6p)

152 "Men are violent rapists not women!"
-JK Rowling

-American conservatives, for some reason
It's sexist to notice women accusing all men of being rapists.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:32 AM (B0mGw)

153 145 Ah, of Disney's best films...The Three Caballeros.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:30 AM (xcxpd)


They have a ride around it in Epcot.

But they're converting it to Coco themed, I think.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:32 AM (GBKbO)

154 Watched a long video on life of Marx over the weekend, as well as read The Devil and Karl Marx, he was a lay-out lover who was nothing but a leach on everyone who came across him. As well as a drunk and opium user to get through his personal hygiene deficit

Are you SURE it was about Marx, because it sounds like Bernie Sanders?

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:32 AM (xCA6C)

155 Karl Marx

Bernie Sanders

Is there a difference between them? Well besides the lack of a beard and the three houses.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:32 AM (5ZNPK)

156 He's in charge. Fire people.


They set up an assassination attempt on an opposition leader on behalf of the ruling junta.

Refer them for prosecution for treason. Death penalty charges.

Force the DoJ to publicly protect their death squad.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (0FoWg)

157 Even in the face of a ban supported by their courts, the psychos still want to destroy the lives of vulnerable children on the alter of gender insanity.

Waiting for open season to be declared.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (HJPAp)

158 I wonder what the response would be if the parties were reversed and it was the democrat nominee who was shot.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (TPLET)

159 And they're saying that Trump and Vance are "weird" (mindfuck buzzword of the month) for wearing makeup like drag queens.

The Left really has no idea what they think about anything. I guess when all you do is lie, you end up not knowing which way is up.

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (8QYZy)

160 USSS reports to Mayorkas at DHS, and we all know what an asshole that guy is

nobody's getting fired
that lady who resigned was the sacrifice

Posted by: Don Black at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (/7KEl)

161 "Refer them for prosecution for treason. Death penalty charges."

Jackboot thug Merrick Garland has sure gotten quiet lately.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (B0mGw)

162 #47 That would be actual "gender affirming care"...

Posted by: DanMa'am at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (8uzBS)

163 >>> 113

Seems like in an effort to be seen as reasonable and even-handed the judge has gotten caught in the trap of debating the merits (risks vs benefits) of a premise that is, at its very core, anti-factual and downright delusional. There is nothing to be gained for children by suggesting there is a net benefit to reinforcing a delusion.

Yet here we always seem to wind up, ceding the moral terrain and arguing the nuances of a black and white issue.
Posted by: muldoon at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (uCfKO)

There was never a benefit to *adults* to reinforcing their delusions, yet this butchery has been permitted in this country for what, 50-60 years?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (FnneF)

164 Disney should stop updating their rides until they get the Tiana Bayou ride fixed and stop the Bear Jamboree from catching fire.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:34 AM (5ZNPK)

165 Choice extracts:
"The Lord of the Rings" supporting actor Sean Astin — most often seen these days on X — set the tone, explaining that the call was a chance to show "that men can gather to talk about how we feel."

Yes, if they're gay.

Here's the organizer of the call, explaining how he's been thinking a lot lately about men and how he wishes we didn't have to be so manly — not that he's at much risk of that....There's not one of my gay friends who couldn't beat up three of this guy. He is no dude.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xCA6C)

Was watching an episode of Newhart last night where the town had a potluck but the men and women sat in different rooms. Joanna was aghast! All I could think was how essential spaces like that are.

Ya know, if you're not gaying them up.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:34 AM (KbCG3)

166 Watched a long video on life of Marx over the weekend, as well as read The Devil and Karl Marx, he was a lay-out lover who was nothing but a leach on everyone who came across him. As well as a drunk and opium user to get through his personal hygiene deficit

Are you SURE it was about Marx, because it sounds like Bernie Sanders?
Posted by: Archimedes

That's because Bernie had a great teacher.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 11:34 AM (HJPAp)

167 '>>...a rapidly growing Islamist population driving rape, rabid Jew-hate, and rape..."

You said "rape" twice.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 30, 2024 11:34 AM (Z8Yh2)

168 Cheatle resigned so as to be able to take the Fifth.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:35 AM (aD39U)

169 A Fifth of hemlock?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:35 AM (5ZNPK)

170 157 Even in the face of a ban supported by their courts, the psychos still want to destroy the lives of vulnerable children on the alter of gender insanity.

Waiting for open season to be declared.
Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 11:33 AM (HJPAp)

My best case scenario is a mix of Sicaro and Frailty (to stay with the movie references)

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:35 AM (xcxpd)

171 The opposite of grossophobia is ...


Posted by: muldoon at July 30, 2024 11:36 AM (uCfKO)

172 What's freaky is the Left are pushing "freedom" with Harris as a conscious and cheap "slavery vs freedom" play, but anyone who is tuned in knows th Left's primary goal is to own and enslave humanity.

It was like when they sold "hope" with Obama but what they were really selling was despair.

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:36 AM (8QYZy)

173 "Exactly what is Barbra Butch?"

A gay, male whale.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 11:36 AM (HJPAp)

174 The opposite of grossophobia is ...

Posted by: muldoon at July 30, 2024 11:36 AM (uCfKO)
ICD-10 code?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar at July 30, 2024 11:36 AM (3Fz6p)

175 Cheatle resigned so as to be able to take the Fifth.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 30, 2024 11:35 AM (aD39U)

Killer Beavis wasn't the patsy in the government's murder conspiracy. Just a convenient rando with a gun. Cheatle's the patsy.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:36 AM (0FoWg)

176 Ewww-phoria

Shawn of the Sheep?

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:36 AM (5ZNPK)

177 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 30, 2024 11:37 AM (tjClK)

178 "the men and women sat in different rooms. Joanna was aghast! All I could think was how essential spaces like that are."

There seems to be an attitude, reinforced by men, that women need their own spaces, but men should never have their own gatherings. Which is pretty insidious if you consider it.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:37 AM (B0mGw)

179 >>There are no scarier monsters than normal people who have been pushed beyond their limits. Fighting for a cause is fun, fighting for your life is something different.

The normalcy bias is real and people just want to live their lives and not be bothered, which is why the left has been able to push us to the precipice.

The problem with letting yourself be pushed to the precipice is that there isn't always the space or opportunity to turn around.
Posted by: Thomas Bender
Most people have never been taught how to fight and have never considered the problem morally, legally, nor socially.

That is one of the reason too many people consider a firearm as a magic talisman and that waving it around will magically cause others to back down. Then bad things happen.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 11:37 AM (qdbNv)

180 Cheatle resigned so as to be able to take the Fifth.

This is why I don't think the attempt was planned by the SS. Imagine if Crooks had succeeded. The investigation would be very, very thorough, and if Cheatle had been involved, she'd be up on murder charges.

Negligence and incompetence are not criminal charges.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:37 AM (xCA6C)

181 I would be very interested in just how you went about changing one's sex without harm to the person. Doesn't seem to have worked too well so far.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 30, 2024 11:37 AM (hKoQL)

182 The Left: Everybody is a unique flower that should bloom in everyone else's face until they want to vomit

Also the Left: Hey, those guys are "weird"

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:38 AM (8QYZy)

183 "Resigned".

You mis-spelled full retirement and benefits

Posted by: Common Tater at July 30, 2024 11:38 AM (uYYhf)

184 So Nike is now selling shirts to "urban youth" with a giant lowercase "n" on the front.

The Fall continues apace.

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:39 AM (8QYZy)

185 This is why I don't think the attempt was planned by the SS.



They only planned to make the attempt inevitable.

The plan worked, but for a providential gesticulation in the nick of time.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:39 AM (0FoWg)

186 There are no scarier monsters than normal people who have been pushed beyond their limits.

"Don't stare into the abyss, or the abyss will stare into you".

I am the abyss.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 11:39 AM (HJPAp)

187 At the doctors office and the Fast Car is playing and I would like to strangle the speaker with its wire.

Posted by: Man who lives as a pig at July 30, 2024 11:39 AM (Nq+JI)

188 Reading now a large biography of Lenkn and should be running soon out of books on the Bolsheviks I need to read, though might try some of Lenin's writing if I can get through it

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 11:39 AM (2eGdj)

189 ...on the alter of gender insanity...


Some things just can't be changed...

Posted by: muldoon at July 30, 2024 11:39 AM (uCfKO)

190 There seems to be an attitude, reinforced by men, that women need their own spaces, but men should never have their own gatherings. Which is pretty insidious if you consider it.
Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:37 AM (B0mGw)

I suspect that comes from people focusing on the nudity aspect. Men, generally speaking, don't object to women seeing them unclothed. People fail to realize that we need separate spaces because we're different and we need the opportunity to be different.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 30, 2024 11:40 AM (IUd0M)

191 So Nike is now selling shirts to "urban youth" with a giant lowercase "n" on the front.

The Fall continues apace.

Sorry, just a weird white guy here. What does "n" mean?

Posted by: Oddbob at July 30, 2024 11:40 AM (/y8xj)

192 Co-ed classes are a disaster, I think, above the elementary grades, maybe. I'm sure such opinions put one on a "list" somewhere.

I've come to re-think lists, too. If you're not on a "list" by now. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Posted by: Common Tater at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (uYYhf)

193 193 So Nike is now selling shirts to "urban youth" with a giant lowercase "n" on the front.

The Fall continues apace.

Sorry, just a weird white guy here. What does "n" mean?
Posted by: Oddbob at July 30, 2024 11:40 AM (/y8xj)

The forbidden word. One we can't even say here on this blog.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (xcxpd)

194 131. He's in charge. Fire people.

The government can fire people for gross negligence, right?

Genuine question. Civil service laws are a shitshow.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis
What is Due Process in Federal Civil Service Employment? A Report to the President and the Congress of the United States by the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board May 2015

46 pages plus attachments

He just stepped into the position as a "temp." She's gone, back out of government service once again.

"Homeland Security" is the real culprit.

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (NFX2v)

195 "White Dudes For Kamala"

"They get it. He he he."

-- Willie Brown

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (iFTx/)

196 Sean Astin

And that is why you will always be a supportig character.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:28 AM (5ZNPK)

Well, that and the fact that he's having a race with Russell Crowe to see-

who's first to 1000 pounds.

Posted by: naturalfake at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (eDfFs)

197 >>> 180 Cheatle resigned so as to be able to take the Fifth.
This is why I don't think the attempt was planned by the SS. Imagine if Crooks had succeeded. The investigation would be very, very thorough, and if Cheatle had been involved, she'd be up on murder charges.

Negligence and incompetence are not criminal charges.
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:37 AM (xCA6C)

I agree that the USSS is unlikely to have planned the *attack* side of the attempt. However, they obviously were far, far off the usual standard for their protection. And while incompetence may not be chargeable, negligence is. /wiki /Negligent_homicide
No, I am not a lawyer, but if you fck up so badly that someone dies, that appears to be frowned upon.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (FnneF)

198 I am the abyss.

-- The Barrel

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (v6JzV)

199 "People fail to realize that we need separate spaces because we're different and we need the opportunity to be different."

I think it's more likely guerilla warfare by women as designed by feminists. You never allow men room to bond or create their own political impetus. Women force their way in as disrupters. If that fails, sow homosexual angst among men.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:42 AM (B0mGw)

200 This was not negligence. Nobody is that negligent.

And I will guarantee that this """"negligence""" has persisted at every single Trump appearance *at least* since the end of his spectacular backfire of a show trial.

Perhaps before it. But it wouldn't surprise me if the Party made the decision to go Full Serpico when that farce only made him more popular.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:42 AM (0FoWg)

201 Iron Grampa

It is impossible. Dr. John Money of Johns Hopkins tried it using twin Canandian boys. One boy at circumcision had his penis horribly mutilated. So Dr. Money convinced the parents to trust him and to raise that boy as a girl from infancy. Twin brother, perfect study group.

The 'girl' growing up kept wanting to play with boy specific toys.


Dr. Money destroyed both boys lives because he wanted to play god. Both boys committed suicide. Dr. Money himself is receiving his Eternal 'rewards.'

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:42 AM (5ZNPK)

202 Negligence, nor "intent" have anything to do with criminal charges. Just ask Mrs. Clinton. Or Director Comey. Or "reasonable" prosecutors.

Posted by: Common Tater at July 30, 2024 11:42 AM (uYYhf)

203 They're pretending it stands for "Nike"

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:42 AM (8QYZy)

204 Yet here we always seem to wind up, ceding the moral terrain and arguing the nuances of a black and white issue.
Posted by: muldoon at July 30, 2024 11:24 AM (uCfKO)

There was never a benefit to *adults* to reinforcing their delusions, yet this butchery has been permitted in this country for what, 50-60 years?
Posted by: Helena Handbasket
Trans might just be the result of the fetish that gay people have for straights. If you go back to the Nashville School Trans murderer notebooks, she really did have penis envy and wanted one in order to have sex with her desired female friend.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 11:43 AM (qdbNv)

205 SS guy said the SS drone on-site did not work that day, nor did the on-site SS counter-drone system. Top. Men. Top. Equipment.
No. Redundancy.

Posted by: Gref at July 30, 2024 11:43 AM (5fDan)

206 The forbidden word. One we can't even say here on this blog.
But B L A Z E R doesn't start with N??

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 30, 2024 11:43 AM (wse2C)

207 208 The forbidden word. One we can't even say here on this blog.
But B L A Z E R doesn't start with N??
Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 30, 2024 11:43 AM (wse2C)


Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:44 AM (xcxpd)

208 Negligence and incompetence are not criminal charges.

Political assassinations take place everywhere in the world by Leftists and their insatiable desire for power.

But surely, immediately after SCOTUS allegedly claimed that a president can do anything he wants (including assassinations of his political opponents) a hard-core Leftist regime would never, ever, after throwing their political opponents in prison and attempting to throw their greatest threat in Super Max, ever take a desperation shot at the one man preventing them from maintaining full control of an annual six trillion dollar international slush fund.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at July 30, 2024 11:44 AM (rP48S)

209 I just love how these tranny-lovers all seem to want to lower the age of consent to two minutes before birth.

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 11:45 AM (RHGPo)

210 Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 30, 2024 11:41 AM (FnneF)

Who decided to make the USSS protection weak. Those would be the planners, not the USSS. How much do we know about the dead assailant?

Posted by: ... at July 30, 2024 11:45 AM (8QYZy)

211 Jehovah begins with an 'I'!

Posted by: Random Movie Quotes That Fit at July 30, 2024 11:45 AM (Ectld)

212 Susan Crabtree @susancrabtree 2h
🚨🚨Scoop: Acting Secret Service Chief Ronald Rowe Played Key Role in Limiting Resources for Trump
Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe was directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counter snipers, to former...

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 30, 2024 11:45 AM (wse2C)

213 I sent my boys to a Catholic ALL BOYS prep school out here in Seattle.

They appreciated it then and even more now.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 11:45 AM (Bygx0)

Yes, if they're gay.

Here's the organizer of the call, explaining how he's been thinking a lot lately about men and how he wishes we didn't have to be so manly — not that he's at much risk of that....There's not one of my gay friends who couldn't beat up three of this guy. He is no dude.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:27 AM (xCA6C)

Was watching an episode of Newhart last night where the town had a potluck but the men and women sat in different rooms. Joanna was aghast! All I could think was how essential spaces like that are.

Ya know, if you're not gaying them up.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:34 AM (KbCG3)

I'm confused. Are we now supposed to listen to and credit the opinions of white men? Or are white men still stupid and evil and despiseful and the cause of all the world's problems?

I'm a white man. I'm just trying to determine if there's new NPC coding out there.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (iFTx/)

215 I like rape and the sheriff is near!

Posted by: Just the Punchline at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (/Rqse)

216 213 Jehovah begins with an 'I'!
Posted by: Random Movie Quotes That Fit at July 30, 2024 11:45 AM (Ectld)


*nods sagaciously*

22 Jump Street

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (GBKbO)

217 Gross = large.
Posted by: Anna Puma

A dozen is 12.

A gross is a dozen dozen.

Grossophobia, then, is the fear of people who eat enough for 144 normal people?

Posted by: mikeski at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (TxOtL)

218 201 "People fail to realize that we need separate spaces because we're different and we need the opportunity to be different."

I think it's more likely guerilla warfare by women as designed by feminists. You never allow men room to bond or create their own political impetus. Women force their way in as disrupters. If that fails, sow homosexual angst among men.
Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:42 AM (B0mGw)

Women know men are more fun to be around. They want safe spaces for their things, but also want to join in on the things that give them a break from their safe spaces.

Men don't want that because men don't want to be doing the things women want to do.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (KbCG3)

219 I agree that the USSS is unlikely to have planned the *attack* side of the attempt. However, they obviously were far, far off the usual standard for their protection. And while incompetence may not be chargeable, negligence is. /wiki /Negligent_homicide
No, I am not a lawyer, but if you fck up so badly that someone dies, that appears to be frowned upon.

Yeah, I figured people would bring that up. I'm not a lawyer either, but it seems to me that it usually involves allowing an obviously dangerous situation to persist. While that's exactly what she did, I think it would be hard to convince a jury that that's chargeable. OTOH, WDIK?

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (xCA6C)

220 "I named the dog Indiana."

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (5ZNPK)

221 There might be nine laborers left on the whole island.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:05 AM (0FoWg)

And they're work-shy.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (YqDXo)

222 Sorry, just a weird white guy here. What does "n" mean?
Good question. Answer - Fuck Nike?

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (FmapG)

223 How much do we know about the dead assailant?
Posted by: ...

Damn little actually. As well as knowing little about his parents, friends, background, medical history, etc., etc.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (6WCwE)

224 The new leftist Labour Party government in Britain announced plans to slash winter energy benefits for around 10 million pensioners while preparing massive tax hikes to fund soaring spending driven largely by mass migration. ... Rachel Reeves — the head of the Treasury Department — claimed that she “did not want to have to do this” but asserted that the previous Conservative government of Rishi Sunak had left a £22 billion “black hole” in Britain’s finances... This deficit was exacerbated by illegal immigration and the asylum system, the overspend on which rose to £6.4 billion this year alone.

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (RHGPo)

225 I want to speak up in defense of co-ed middle and high school. Middle school and high school boys are natural thugs and the presence of girls is a vital leavening and softening force.

Also it let me fall in love for the first time with the girl who had the locker next to mine.

Naturally I fucked THAT up, but that's not on her or the school.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (xcxpd)

226 I'm confused. Are we now supposed to listen to and credit the opinions of white men? Or are white men still stupid and evil and despiseful and the cause of all the world's problems?

I'm a white man. I'm just trying to determine if there's new NPC coding out there.
Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (iFTx/)

Your value is linked to your willingness to be subservient to your social betters.

Those betters being the minorities who for some reason have always trailed you but now are superior to you.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (KbCG3)

227 I think we need to do a controlled test on humans for a few things: sarin, syphilis, fire- just to see if these things are actually bad for you.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (l/hRk)

228 Tommy Robinson is sitting in a British jail right now because he aired his documentary highlighting the facts about a Somali 'refugee' kid that was bullying boys and girls at his school, but a video went viral of the white kid that stood up to him and roughhoused him a bit.

The global media ran with the story on how the poor 'brown kid' was bullied. Meanwhile, the piece of shit tomahawked a girl in the spine with a hockey stick causing severe damage and told the white kid he was going to rape is two younger sisters.

Britain is dead and their own citizens are doing it to them. The courts are worse than ours and the police are marching lock step with their muslham overlords.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 30, 2024 11:48 AM (tjClK)

229 While that's exactly what she did, I think it would be hard to convince a jury that that's chargeable. OTOH, WDIK?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (xCA6C)

You'd be pleading the case before a jury in rural Pennsylvania, though.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 30, 2024 11:48 AM (1RL9h)

230 227 I want to speak up in defense of co-ed middle and high school. Middle school and high school boys are natural thugs and the presence of girls is a vital leavening and softening force.

Also it let me fall in love for the first time with the girl who had the locker next to mine.

Naturally I fucked THAT up, but that's not on her or the school.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (xcxpd)

With you on that. Right down to the girl with the locker next to mine. 6th grade. Jocelyn.

She ruined my year...

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:48 AM (KbCG3)

231 216 - “ Are we now supposed to listen to and credit the opinions of white men?”

Of course! As long as they support the idea that you absolutely should not do that.

Posted by: Kratwurst at July 30, 2024 11:48 AM (nIRE6)

232 Naturally I fucked THAT up, but that's not on her or the school.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (xcxpd)

*stubs out Galois in ashtray*

Ah, it is love.

We all fucking suck at it- until we don't.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at July 30, 2024 11:49 AM (l/hRk)

233 Labor movement LOL. Great Britain has a fully financialized economy. There are a handful of people who've gotten stupendously wealthy on the globalist paper chase, a handful of Oriental potentates laundering money through London real estate, some number of people in the laptop classes, and a throng of underclass people on the dole.

There might be nine laborers left on the whole island.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:05 AM (0FoWg)

Fake news. There are at least 100 hookers in the vicinity of Downing Street at all times.

Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:49 AM (iFTx/)

234 Britain is dead and their own citizens are doing it to them. The courts are worse than ours and the police are marching lock step with their muslham overlords.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 30, 2024 11:48 AM (tjClK)

We need to start running arms to Britain again. They just don't have an IRA of their own to receive them.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:49 AM (xcxpd)

235 SS guy said the SS drone on-site did not work that day, nor did the on-site SS counter-drone system. Top. Men. Top. Equipment.
No. Redundancy.

Posted by: Gref at July 30, 2024 11:43 AM (5fDan)

Now if he'd said the Secret Cervix droneS did not work that day, he'd also be correct.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (YqDXo)

236 John Money's waiting for Fauci to join him in his agony.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (v6JzV)

237 I want to speak up in defense of co-ed middle and high school. Middle school and high school boys are natural thugs and the presence of girls is a vital leavening and softening force.

Also it let me fall in love for the first time with the girl who had the locker next to mine.

Yup. Sally Campbell, I'll always remember you, wherever you are.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (xCA6C)

238 Fake news. There are at least 100 hookers in the vicinity of Downing Street at all times.
Posted by: Elric Blade at July 30, 2024 11:49 AM (iFTx/)

*perks up*

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (xcxpd)

239 "Women know men are more fun to be around. They want safe spaces for their things, but also want to join in on the things that give them a break from their safe spaces. Men don't want that because men don't want to be doing the things women want to do."

Consider that men have historically always associated in political and social groups. Where are those groups now? I suppose Lions and Masons and the Elk Lodge are still there, but how effective are they? Maybe you could blame some of it on the equality stuff, but again, that ignores that women are still doing those things. If men have an all male group, women very aggressively push their way in or wives activate to shut that stuff down quick. I think it's deliberate.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (Ectld)

240 >>> 221
Yeah, I figured people would bring that up. I'm not a lawyer either, but it seems to me that it usually involves allowing an obviously dangerous situation to persist. While that's exactly what she did, I think it would be hard to convince a jury that that's chargeable. OTOH, WDIK?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:46 AM (xCA6C)

Sorta like "no reasonable prosecutor"...? I asked a couple times not long after it happened, and didn't see a response, if someone in PA could charge her as that's where the crime was committed. Of course the problem with *that* is the possibility of the Eff.Bee.EYE or some such dropping in to discourage the notion.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (FnneF)

241 161
‘ Jackboot thug Merrick Garland has sure gotten quiet lately.’

You and YD Johnson are right. Treat the assassination attempt as the democrat conspiracy that it likely is,
I’m impatient as hell for someone to follow Garland around demanding that he prove their junta didn’t try to execute Trump.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (jbnUc)

242 The cover-up for the assassination plot by the feds on Trump is in full swing. I'm not entirely sure they'll succeed in it. Seems some people are a bit unnerved over it.


But they all need to hang anyway.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 30, 2024 11:51 AM (Q4IgG)

243 The contractor is here and they have power tools so I have earplugs in

you guys will have to post louder

Posted by: Don Black at July 30, 2024 11:51 AM (/7KEl)

244 237 SS guy said the SS drone on-site did not work that day, nor did the on-site SS counter-drone system. Top. Men. Top. Equipment.
No. Redundancy.

Posted by: Gref at July 30, 2024 11:43 AM (5fDan)
Bet both were not electrically charged.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 30, 2024 11:51 AM (FmapG)

245 189 Reading now a large biography of Lenkn and should be running soon out of books on the Bolsheviks I need to read, though might try some of Lenin's writing if I can get through it
Posted by: Skip

Some of the most boring filth you could ever read. Lenin basically cobbled together volume after volume of communist fantasy pron. Interestingly enough, when Lenin tried to implement it post Revolution, things fell apart so badly that Commie power over Russia was threatened. That is why the New Economic Program was announced to give breathing space for new Soviet Man and Woman to be created. Lenin died and after a brief power struggle, Stalin, the plodding consummate party bureaucrat won over Trotsky the general.

Stalin went for the administrative state solution with a passion and created his fake aristocracy (the nomenklatura) whose social position, money, etc. all relied on the party's good graces to keep them. Under such a system, kulaks or anyone else with any economic or social power outside the party had to be coopted, killed, or sent to the Gulags to work until death.

Stalin's solution worked better than Lenin's at power consolidation because he created a new elite.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 11:51 AM (qdbNv)

246 Also a word in French: "gros seins".
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 30, 2024 1p.i]

Which, I have found, does NOT mean "large rivers"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 30, 2024 11:51 AM (J2vNu)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 30, 2024 11:52 AM (J2vNu)

248 Maybe you could blame some of it on the equality stuff, but again, that ignores that women are still doing those things. If men have an all male group, women very aggressively push their way in or wives activate to shut that stuff down quick. I think it's deliberate.

Well, if you let your wife shut down your social activities, then you aren't much of a man. Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:52 AM (xCA6C)

249 Tommy Robinson is sitting in a British jail right now because he aired his documentary highlighting the facts about a Somali 'refugee' kid that was bullying boys and girls at his school, but a video went viral of the white kid that stood up to him and roughhoused him a bit.

The global media ran with the story on how the poor 'brown kid' was bullied. Meanwhile, the piece of shit tomahawked a girl in the spine with a hockey stick causing severe damage and told the white kid he was going to rape is two younger sisters.

And yet somehow, inexplicably, Somalia is a shithole. Go figure.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 11:52 AM (YqDXo)

250 USSS didnt set this up. But any LEO/security would see the gaps and limited resources.

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 30, 2024 11:52 AM (wImuK)

251 Kim Cheatle could have waddled up to Trump and latched onto his throat with her ample jowls, and nobody would file a single fucking charge.

This is America.

Training modules all around, my man! Let training modules roll down like waters!

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:53 AM (0FoWg)

252 >>> 245 The contractor is here and they have power tools so I have earplugs in

you guys will have to post louder
Posted by: Don Black at July 30, 2024 11:51 AM (/7KEl)


Posted by: BEN ROTHLESSBERGERER at July 30, 2024 11:53 AM (FnneF)

253 I once had a mock gunfight with my locker in middle school to make a girl laugh.

The locker won. I fell onto the floor.

She laughed.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 11:53 AM (v6JzV)

254 Stalin was also very, very good at both ferreting out potential seditious elements and choosing either synchophants or people deeply afraid of him.

Lenin was no angel, but he was not quite as single minded on the subject as Stalin.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at July 30, 2024 11:53 AM (l/hRk)

255 But any LEO/security would see the gaps and limited resources.
Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee

Untrained, civilian rally-goers even identified some of the gaps.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 30, 2024 11:53 AM (6WCwE)

256 "Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue."

Has not always been so for most men. They saw value in meeting and debating and making decisions and organizing.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 30, 2024 11:53 AM (Ectld)

257 Catastrophic JOLTS: Private Sector Job Openings Plunge To 6 Year Low As Both Hiring And Quits Crater

The deep state has gone full-tilt on rigging the data.

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 11:54 AM (RHGPo)

258 250 Maybe you could blame some of it on the equality stuff, but again, that ignores that women are still doing those things. If men have an all male group, women very aggressively push their way in or wives activate to shut that stuff down quick. I think it's deliberate.

Well, if you let your wife shut down your social activities, then you aren't much of a man. Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue.
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:52 AM (xCA6C)

I play in a golf league. It's all dudes, sans the female bartender. We censor nothing, she gets the full gamut of comments and is cool about everything.

I'm not exactly a social butterfly but it's fun to have a space where you can say out loud the ridiculous BS that pops into your head all day long and know you won't be judged for it.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:54 AM (KbCG3)

259 >>> 253 Kim Cheatle could have waddled up to Trump and latched onto his throat with her ample jowls, and nobody would file a single fucking charge.

This is America.

Training modules all around, my man! Let training modules roll down like waters!
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at July 30, 2024 11:53 AM (0FoWg)

I'm ready!

Posted by: PowerPoint 2024 at July 30, 2024 11:54 AM (FnneF)

260 Reading now a large biography of Lenkn and should be running soon out of books on the Bolsheviks I need to read, though might try some of Lenin's writing if I can get through it

Posted by: Skip

Lenin's Brother by Phillip Pomper
Harvest of Sorrow by Robert Conquest

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 30, 2024 11:54 AM (lTGtQ)

261 Unburdened: Kamala Harris Suddenly Rejects All Of Her Radical Positions

"We will run out of time before we run out of video clips of Kamala Harris saying wacky California liberal things."

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 11:54 AM (RHGPo)

262 "Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue."

Has not always been so for most men.

Probably true to an extent, but I am at peace with my curmudgeonness.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:55 AM (xCA6C)

263 Hmmm, have we had a gainzzz thread lately?

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at July 30, 2024 11:55 AM (l/hRk)

264 Rocket Lab Launch out of New Zealand that was scheduled for today in a few minutes has been postponed due to an inclement weather front that moved in. Will be scheduled for a future date.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 30, 2024 11:56 AM (O7YUW)

265 $196 billion in new debt per month

$6.4 billion in new debt per day

$268 million in new debt per hour

$4.5 million in new debt per minute

$74,401 in new debt per second

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 11:56 AM (RHGPo)

266 >>> 260
I'm not exactly a social butterfly but it's fun to have a space where you can say out loud the ridiculous BS that pops into your head all day long and know you won't be judged for it.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:54 AM (KbCG3)

If you haven't been to a MoMee, you should go.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 30, 2024 11:56 AM (FnneF)

267 257. No doubt. Even my dumbass would have identified that roof as cause for concern

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 30, 2024 11:56 AM (wImuK)

268 Has not always been so for most men. They saw value in meeting and debating and making decisions and organizing.

society places little to no value on male friendships now

it's all belittling "bromance" BS

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 11:56 AM (NGHTx)

269 227 I want to speak up in defense of co-ed middle and high school. Middle school and high school boys are natural thugs and the presence of girls is a vital leavening and softening force.

Also it let me fall in love for the first time with the girl who had the locker next to mine.

Naturally I fucked THAT up, but that's not on her or the school.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:47 AM (xcxpd)

But. Boys need to learn how to fight with each other and disagree and figure shit out. They need to jostle each other in the hallway and sometimes stuff a loud mouth in the locker. They learn how to fight against a bully and how to recognize when THEY are being the bully and why that's not ok.

Plus, they need to be able to be BOYS. loud, hungry, stinky boys.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 11:56 AM (NOlOe)

270 Sorry, just a weird white guy here. What does "n" mean?

At a guess, it's the first two syllables of an adjective meaning "grudgingly mean about spending or granting"

Posted by: Chuck C at July 30, 2024 11:57 AM (yOPBE)

271 "White Gay Dudes For Kamala"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 11:57 AM (YqDXo)

272 The FDA has received reports of dosing errors involving compounded semaglutide injectable products dispensed in multiple-dose vials, resulting in patients seeking medical attention or requiring hospitalization, the agency stated.

Dosing errors came as a result of people measuring and self-administering incorrect amounts, and health care providers miscalculating doses of the cheaper, compounded versions of weight-loss drugs like Wegovy, the agency said Friday in an alert.

.. anybody with a bran knew that those without a brain would try this

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 11:57 AM (RHGPo)

273 HUSH guys, I think nurse has figured us out.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at July 30, 2024 11:58 AM (l/hRk)

274 268 >>> 260
I'm not exactly a social butterfly but it's fun to have a space where you can say out loud the ridiculous BS that pops into your head all day long and know you won't be judged for it.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:54 AM (KbCG3)

If you haven't been to a MoMee, you should go.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 30, 2024 11:56 AM (FnneF)

Would love to. This comment board is a direct reflection of myself. I cannot believe there are other people in the world like me!

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:58 AM (KbCG3)

275 All Bran.

Posted by: Aetius451AD work phone at July 30, 2024 11:58 AM (l/hRk)

276 So #WhiteDudesForKamala Had a Celebrity-Filled Zoom Call and the Cringe Was Epic.

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 11:58 AM (RHGPo)

277 *perks up*

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at July 30, 2024 11:50 AM (xcxpd)

What perks up?

Posted by: Never mind don't answer at July 30, 2024 11:59 AM (YQeEN)

278 264 "Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue."

Has not always been so for most men.

Probably true to an extent, but I am at peace with my curmudgeonness.
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 11:55 AM (xCA6C)

My boss still can't get over the fact that I don't give a rat's ass about the Olympics.

I told her that if she knew all of the things in this world that I hate that other people love, she'd never speak to me again.

We left it at that.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:59 AM (KbCG3)

279 Unburdened: Kamala Harris Suddenly Rejects All Of Her Radical Positions

Political positions or the other kind?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 11:59 AM (YqDXo)

280 The global media ran with the story on how the poor 'brown kid' was bullied. Meanwhile, the piece of shit tomahawked a girl in the spine with a hockey stick causing severe damage and told the white kid he was going to rape is two younger sisters.

AFAIK, the kid went back to Somalia.


Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 11:59 AM (HJPAp)

281 Secret Service Director to Rand Paul this morning: "What I would say, Senator, is that the roof should've had better coverage."

Gen. "Buck" Turgidson to President Merkin Muffley: "I don't want to jump to conclusions before all the facts are known, Mr. President, but it appears General Ripper may have exceeded his authority."

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2024 12:00 PM (NLIak)

Plus, they need to be able to be BOYS. loud, hungry, stinky boys.
Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 11

Boy moms are a gift from God. I have all girls - estrogen as far as the eye can see. The drama is real. But I don’t know that I had the fortitude to be a boy mom. My brother has 3 boys and 1 girl. Boy moms are saints.

Posted by: Piper at July 30, 2024 12:00 PM (pRpzT)

283 Kamala wants to take away all private health insurance. Go to 0:40.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:00 PM (xCA6C)

284 My boss still can't get over the fact that I don't give a rat's ass about the Olympics.

I told her that if she knew all of the things in this world that I hate that other people love, she'd never speak to me again.

We left it at that.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:59 AM (KbCG3)

Female Cow-orker: "Did you watch the Academy Awards last night?"

Me: "No. Did I win?"

Her: "No."

Me: "Then why would I care?"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:01 PM (YqDXo)

285 I need a DU thread on Kamala flip-flopping being the greatest thing because lying to the electorate to beat Literally Hitler is an unalloyed good.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 12:02 PM (GBKbO)

286 Boy moms are a gift from God. I have all girls - estrogen as far as the eye can see. The drama is real. But I don’t know that I had the fortitude to be a boy mom. My brother has 3 boys and 1 girl. Boy moms are saints.
Posted by: Piper

My Mom had five boys and one girl. She had been an army flight nurse in WWII. She knew how to handle boys.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 12:02 PM (v6JzV)

287 I'm not exactly a social butterfly but it's fun to have a space where you can say out loud the ridiculous BS that pops into your head all day long and know you won't be judged for it.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

People ask why I drive 81 miles each way to work.
Because I live on 100 acres and whennI get home, I am by myself. (With the wife, of course)

No real neighbors. No bull shit other than the physical kind.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:02 PM (HJPAp)

288 #WhiteDudesForKamala She is finally receiving after giving so many times.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (cf/0E)

289 Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 11:59 AM (KbCG3)

Female Cow-orker: "Did you watch the Academy Awards last night?"

Me: "No. Did I win?"

Her: "No."

Me: "Then why would I care?"
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:01 PM (YqDXo)

Her: You don't like the Olympics?

Me: No. It's a silly event with people who get all into sports they never watch rooting for athletes they don't care about.

Her: Okay then.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (KbCG3)

290 Secret Service Director to Rand Paul this morning: "What I would say, Senator, is that the roof should've had better coverage."

Better coverage?? Any coverage.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (YqDXo)

291 Plus, they need to be able to be BOYS. loud, hungry, stinky boys.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Well, I've got the stinky part down.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (UGWIV)

292 256 Lenin was no angel, but he was not quite as single minded on the subject as Stalin.
Posted by: Aetius451AD
Lenin probably would have been the monster that Stalin was in death toll, etc. but Lenin died before he could consolidate the Soviet state in his image so we will never really know.

Stalin began as a seminary student and then graduated to doing armed bank robberies to finance the Revolution. His rise to power was pretty much to shoulder the old Bolshies aside and put in his new organizational men into power in the party. Organizations like the Commie or the Schickelgruber bunch attract the weak, the thwarted, the snitches, those willing to rise by any means, etc.

It is their very nature to be subservient, backstabbing, and treacherous. Stalin just harnessed those natural tendencies from that sort of person and built his power base from it.

The Kims in Norkland have taken it to the extreme where the state itself is a withered shell and it is merely a front for the criminal gang of the state headed by the Kims. Mexico, under the cartels, is approaching that status where the state is a shell and the real control comes from the cartels.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (qdbNv)

293 They can try to locate and delete all the now embarrassing media clips and articles about Kamala Harris over the years, but...

The hyena, unable to stop laughing at the misery of others, is still a hyena.

Good luck fixing that.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (O7YUW)

294 Boy moms are a gift from God. I have all girls - estrogen as far as the eye can see. The drama is real. But I don’t know that I had the fortitude to be a boy mom. My brother has 3 boys and 1 girl. Boy moms are saints.
Posted by: Piper

I dunno about the saint part.

I do know if I'd had a girl, I would have killed her. Not literally. Well, maybe. I know the sort of crap that came out of my mouth towards my mother. I only got slapped across the face once though.

I helped raise my Goddaughter and my friend's two daughters. That was enough for me.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (NOlOe)

295 Boy moms are a gift from God. I have all girls - estrogen as far as the eye can see. The drama is real. But I don’t know that I had the fortitude to be a boy mom. My brother has 3 boys and 1 girl. Boy moms are saints.

I had 4 girls and no boys. My second daughter now has an 18 month-old boy. The difference between him and my daughters and granddaughters is amazing. He spends all his time exploring and banging on things. My wife often says "I'm so glad we had all girls. I'm not sure we could have done boys". We could have, of course, but they are very different, and no, it isn't a social construct.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (xCA6C)

296 People ask why I drive 81 miles each way to work.
Because I live on 100 acres and whennI get home, I am by myself. (With the wife, of course)

No real neighbors. No bull shit other than the physical kind.
Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:02 PM (HJPAp)

House is being built next door to us. Wife and I decided it's time to move to the country. We want acreage and space. Kind of property our kids can explore. I envy you, good sir.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 12:04 PM (KbCG3)

297 How much do we know about the dead assailant?

The media helpfully provided a photo of him. When he was 10

What more do we need

Posted by: Common Tater at July 30, 2024 12:04 PM (uYYhf)

298 Trump should kick this back to the commission on debates. Its a terrible org, but we need three debates at least

Posted by: Nick in Tallahassee at July 30, 2024 12:04 PM (wImuK)

299 House is being built next door to us. Wife and I decided it's time to move to the country. We want acreage and space. Kind of property our kids can explore. I envy you, good sir.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

I lucked in. It's been in the wife's family for 50 years.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:05 PM (HJPAp)

300 "Did you watch the Academy Awards last night?"
"No. Did I win?"

What Hayao Miyazaki said at breakfast the next day.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 30, 2024 12:05 PM (cf/0E)

301 It can be lunch time

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 12:05 PM (2eGdj)

302 I need a DU thread on Kamala flip-flopping being the greatest thing because lying to the electorate to beat Literally Hitler is an unalloyed good.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 12:02 PM (GBKbO)


Next you'll be telling me that they've already justified assassinating Literally Hitler.

Oh, wait ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 30, 2024 12:05 PM (WlJra)

303 I had 4 girls and no boys. My second daughter now has an 18 month-old boy. The difference between him and my daughters and granddaughters is amazing. He spends all his time exploring and banging on things. My wife often says "I'm so glad we had all girls. I'm not sure we could have done boys". We could have, of course, but they are very different, and no, it isn't a social construct.
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (xCA6C)

Have two kids, daughter (6) and son (4). Daughter loves baby dolls. Son is obsessed with trucks and construction vehicles.

Also far more into smashing things.

Daughter has a little more daredevil in her than him, though. She's also a sassy little shit whereas my son is a through and through momma's boy.

Gonna be interesting.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (KbCG3)

304 DESNZ Has Net Zero Competence

The rot does not stop in DESNZ. The department might turn to advisors like the National Grid Electricity System Operator, who have recently published their future energy pathways. Their Strategy and Policy Director, Claire Dykta, oversaw the work and wrote the foreword to the new document. Claire describes herself as a “leading influencer in the energy industry”, as though she was running a TikTok channel. Claire graduated from Aston with a degree in management, business and law, so no evidence of a STEM background either.


Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (RHGPo)

305 "What I would say, Senator, is that President Lincoln's theater box should've had better coverage."

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (UGWIV)

306 I'm not exactly a social butterfly but it's fun to have a space where you can say out loud the ridiculous BS that pops into your head all day long and know you won't be judged for it.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

The best part of an all-male group? Male humor. Priceless.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (YqDXo)

307 250
‘ Well, if you let your wife shut down your social activities, then you aren't much of a man. Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue.’

That’s what I let him think anyway.

Posted by: Mrs. Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (jbnUc)

308 Wife and I decided it's time to move to the country. We want acreage and space. Kind of property our kids can explore. I envy you, good sir.

I'm in the same spot. Hoping to figure it out while my kids are still little.

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (NGHTx)

309 I had 4 girls and no boys. My second daughter now has an 18 month-old boy. The difference between him and my daughters and granddaughters is amazing. He spends all his time exploring and banging on things. My wife often says "I'm so glad we had all girls. I'm not sure we could have done boys". We could have, of course, but they are very different, and no, it isn't a social construct.
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (xCA6C)

From Calvin and Hobbes:
Calvin's mom to Calvin's dad: "It's YOUR fault we didn't have a quiet little girl! YOUR stupid chromosome! Not mine!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 12:07 PM (v6JzV)

310 301 House is being built next door to us. Wife and I decided it's time to move to the country. We want acreage and space. Kind of property our kids can explore. I envy you, good sir.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

I lucked in. It's been in the wife's family for 50 years.
Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:05 PM (HJPAp)

One of my son's friends has a situation like that. Family owned a ton of property and it's everything a boy could want (river in back, woods, trails, piles of sand and dirt).

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 12:07 PM (KbCG3)

311 The Kims in Norkland have taken it to the extreme where the state itself is a withered shell and it is merely a front for the criminal gang of the state headed by the Kims. Mexico, under the cartels, is approaching that status where the state is a shell and the real control comes from the cartels.
Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (qdbNv)

Good call. Still, those are unstable system, especially the cartel run model. Mexico is just waiting for someone like a Bukele to start a nationalistic, militaristic movement and take it all over.

Posted by: Tom Servo at July 30, 2024 12:07 PM (wyMQY)

312 304 I need a DU thread on Kamala flip-flopping being the greatest thing because lying to the electorate to beat Literally Hitler is an unalloyed good.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, riding the anarchy train with John Landis at July 30, 2024 12:02 PM (GBKbO)


Next you'll be telling me that they've already justified assassinating Literally Hitler.

Oh, wait ...
Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 30, 2024 12:05 PM (WlJra
We are all Trump now. And this is weird?

Posted by: Eromero at July 30, 2024 12:07 PM (FuCE/)

313 This is the other half of the Great Replacement: make sure the natives can't have kids of their own in order to establish the "need" for mass immigration.

Posted by: Ian S. at July 30, 2024 12:07 PM (2ocoG)

314 The rot does not stop in DESNZ. The department might turn to advisors like the National Grid Electricity System Operator, who have recently published their future energy pathways. Their Strategy and Policy Director, Claire Dykta, oversaw the work and wrote the foreword to the new document. Claire describes herself as a “leading influencer in the energy industry”, as though she was running a TikTok channel. Claire graduated from Aston with a degree in management, business and law, so no evidence of a STEM background either.


Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (RHGPo)

God help me, but I'm getting allergic to having women run things.

I denounce myself, of course.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:08 PM (YqDXo)

315 The best part of an all-male group? Male humor. Priceless.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

AOSHQ approaches that Platonic ideal at times. The 'ettes are pretty good about it.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:08 PM (xCA6C)

316 Ohh Lenin was a monter, he wanted a violent revolution from the beginning and started murdering from the get go.

Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 12:08 PM (2eGdj)

317 The best part of an all-male group? Male humor. Priceless.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

Crop dusting for the win!

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 12:08 PM (CIS44)

318 310 Wife and I decided it's time to move to the country. We want acreage and space. Kind of property our kids can explore. I envy you, good sir.

I'm in the same spot. Hoping to figure it out while my kids are still little.
Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (NGHTx)

First time in my life I've been looking at properties and not specific areas. We have a general sense of where we want to be but a more determined sense of how we want to live.

Prices are...not ideal, however.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 12:09 PM (KbCG3)

319 Have two kids, daughter (34) and son (31).
Both have STEM Masters degrees.
My daughter sought out the most difficult degree, ChemEng

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 12:09 PM (RHGPo)

320 299

We know A LOT about Crooks.

When I tried to summarize what I thought were the most important points, I got accused of sympathizing with him!

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2024 12:09 PM (NLIak)

321 ‘ Well, if you let your wife shut down your social activities, then you aren't much of a man. Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue.’

That’s what I let him think anyway.

Heh. There is iron in your words of death.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:09 PM (xCA6C)

322 Re Lenin and the early Revolution. Here is a period piece written one year before Lenin's death about Lenin and his early government.

Mirrors of Moscow by Louise Stevens Bryant

Project Gutenberg has it for free download and reading.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 12:09 PM (qdbNv)

323 One of my son's friends has a situation like that. Family owned a ton of property and it's everything a boy could want (river in back, woods, trails, piles of sand and dirt).

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

Wife's son from previous marriage, his wife, two sons & 1 daughter, wife's mom & dad all live on the property. Can't wait for the grandkids to get older.
7, 4 & 1.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:09 PM (HJPAp)

324 318 Ohh Lenin was a monter, he wanted a violent revolution from the beginning and started murdering from the get go.
Hitler learned well from Lenin and Stalin. Stuff people don't recognize.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 30, 2024 12:10 PM (FmapG)

325 Go figure, the FBI is lying when it says Crooks' GAB account epicMicrowave posted anti immigrant and antisemitic content is a lie.

Andrew Torba confirms that that account was decidedly pro biden and open borders.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 30, 2024 12:10 PM (d9LQi)

326 Well, if you let your wife shut down your social activities, then you aren't much of a man. Personally, I detest social activities, so it's not much of an issue.’

That’s what I let him think anyway.

Heh. There is iron in your words of death.
Posted by: Archimedes


Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:10 PM (HJPAp)

327 The best part of an all-male group? Male humor. Priceless.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:06 PM (YqDXo)


Wifey didn't get the fat lady and flour reference made earlier, and looked a little shocked after I explained it to her.

High school male humor ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Trump 2024, Now #1 With a Bullet! at July 30, 2024 12:11 PM (WlJra)

328 325 One of my son's friends has a situation like that. Family owned a ton of property and it's everything a boy could want (river in back, woods, trails, piles of sand and dirt).

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

Wife's son from previous marriage, his wife, two sons & 1 daughter, wife's mom & dad all live on the property. Can't wait for the grandkids to get older.
7, 4 & 1.
Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:09 PM (HJPAp)

This is my wife's dream. My parents get a place on the land. Our kids can build houses on the land.

And I'm sitting here trying to explain to her the definition of defeating the purpose, haha.

Still, I'd be down for that.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 12:11 PM (KbCG3)

329 First time in my life I've been looking at properties and not specific areas. We have a general sense of where we want to be but a more determined sense of how we want to live.

Prices are...not ideal, however.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

No kidding. I bought some rural land 7 years ago. I couldn't afford it if I was looking today.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 30, 2024 12:11 PM (lTGtQ)

330 School I make no brief for, but I cannot credit the Service enough for taking a young one who was turning into an asshole regardless of his upbringing and straightening him out. Constant exposure to the wrong ones can be a bad, bad thing.

Posted by: IRONGRAMPA at July 30, 2024 12:11 PM (hKoQL)

331 SS story today: Welp, our op plan for sites like this never failed before! No we know that was bad. We guarantee this failure will not occur again! We've changes out ops so that multiple supervisors have to approve site op plans.
So, more management will fix it! Of course!

Posted by: Gref at July 30, 2024 12:11 PM (5fDan)

332 I had 4 girls and no boys. My second daughter now has an 18 month-old boy. The difference between him and my daughters and granddaughters is amazing. He spends all his time exploring and banging on things. My wife often says "I'm so glad we had all girls. I'm not sure we could have done boys". We could have, of course, but they are very different, and no, it isn't a social construct.
Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:03 PM (xCA6C)

We had our first son at the same time as a neighbor had a daughter. Our son, as soon as he could walk (sort of) and talk, use to push his stroller around and yell, "TRUCKS! BIG TRUCKS!"* Our neighbors' little girl at the same age used to play with dolls. Learned behavior, obviously.

*Now where he got the "big trucks" thing I don't know. I'm totally uninterested in motor vehicles generally speaking.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (YqDXo)

333 Boy moms are a gift from God. I have all girls - estrogen as far as the eye can see. The drama is real. But I don’t know that I had the fortitude to be a boy mom. My brother has 3 boys and 1 girl. Boy moms are saints.
Posted by: Piper

My Mom had five boys and one girl. She had been an army flight nurse in WWII. She knew how to handle boys.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 12:02 PM (v6JzV)

My mother wanted girls in the worst way, but she had me and my brother. After some time she was happy she had boys because she wouldn't need to worry about us like she would with girls. Mom knew how to handle boys. When she took us visiting people would always comment on well behaved we were. Thats because they didn't witness mom's pep talk while we were still in the car. "We're going into that woman's house, you touch anything I'll break your fucking fingers".

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (VwHCD)

334 I have 70 acres, and the kids are welcome to whatever parcel they choose.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (d9LQi)

335 First time in my life I've been looking at properties and not specific areas. We have a general sense of where we want to be but a more determined sense of how we want to live.

Prices are...not ideal, however.

Yeah definitely. I realize I'm not the only one that is working from home now post-covid and has that dream when I see the prices.

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (NGHTx)

336 *Now where he got the "big trucks" thing I don't know. I'm totally uninterested in motor vehicles generally speaking.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (YqDXo)

Same here. My son is obsessed, I couldn't have cared less. Hell, half the time he needs to tell me what type of construction vehicle it is.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (KbCG3)

337 SS story today: Welp, our op plan for sites like this never failed before! No we know that was bad. We guarantee this failure will not occur again! We've changes out ops so that multiple supervisors have to approve site op plans.
So, more management will fix it! Of course!

Posted by: Gref at July 30, 2024 12:11 PM (5fDan)

Only one thing will fix their failures: more diversity!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:13 PM (YqDXo)

338 First time in my life I've been looking at properties and not specific areas. We have a general sense of where we want to be but a more determined sense of how we want to live.

Prices are...not ideal, however.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

No kidding. I bought some rural land 7 years ago. I couldn't afford it if I was looking today.
Posted by: Thomas Paine

When you find a property you like, look 50 miles beyond that. Because it will grow up in no time.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:13 PM (HJPAp)

339 Lot of Kulak talk here at the HQ.., comrades..

Posted by: tubal at July 30, 2024 12:14 PM (pw8Ee)

340 My 7yo son is enthralled with the word "buttcheek".

But my daughters are the ones who get the biggest laugh out of farts.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 30, 2024 12:14 PM (d9LQi)

341 If you have a Kindle, I just checked, you can get a lot of his most quoted work via Amazon.

His self authored multivolume twaddle is what I came across in a library and read parts of that interested me. A long winded mish mash of economic history via Marxist lens and proposing how the new Soviet state should function. Interesting if you care for economic history and theory from a Marxist standpoint but Lenin had a lot to say but not much of it was of any use to actually consolidate and build up Russia as a functioning economy.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 12:14 PM (qdbNv)

342 I believe part of the push back is because of the Muslim take over.

Posted by: polynikes at July 30, 2024 12:14 PM (B1dzx)

343 *Now where he got the "big trucks" thing I don't know. I'm totally uninterested in motor vehicles generally speaking.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (YqDXo)

Same here. My son is obsessed, I couldn't have cared less. Hell, half the time he needs to tell me what type of construction vehicle it is.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

My son was really into the garbage truck. One morning we followed it in my car around the neighborhood so he could get his fill.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 12:15 PM (v6JzV)

344 Her: You don't like the Olympics?
Me: No. It's a silly event with people who get all into sports they never watch rooting for athletes they don't care about.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

.....and women's beach volleyball.

Posted by: mikeski at July 30, 2024 12:15 PM (TxOtL)

345 "We're going into that woman's house, you touch anything I'll break your fucking fingers".
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division
That would have put a crimp in your guitar picking.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 12:15 PM (qdbNv)

346 That normalcy bias seems to be taking a hit.


🚨BREAKING: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has fled from the Miraflores Palace.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024 12:15 PM (LkLld)

347 My son is obsessed, I couldn't have cared less. Hell, half the time he needs to tell me what type of construction vehicle it is.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

Let me tell you about large scale German made toy garbage trucks that had to be special ordered.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at July 30, 2024 12:16 PM (lTGtQ)

348 345 *Now where he got the "big trucks" thing I don't know. I'm totally uninterested in motor vehicles generally speaking.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:12 PM (YqDXo)

Same here. My son is obsessed, I couldn't have cared less. Hell, half the time he needs to tell me what type of construction vehicle it is.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

My son was really into the garbage truck. One morning we followed it in my car around the neighborhood so he could get his fill.
A sandbox is required for boys. It just is.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 30, 2024 12:16 PM (FmapG)

349 My 7yo son is enthralled with the word "buttcheek".
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

There was a time when every other word out of my kid's mouth was "butt."

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 12:16 PM (v6JzV)

350 We're going into that woman's house, you touch anything I'll break your fucking fingers".
Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division

If we ever got a little rambunctious in a restaurant "do you want to go out to the car?" no, no I do not want to go out to the car thank you.

Posted by: BruceWayne at July 30, 2024 12:16 PM (CIS44)

351 Fled, like an insurrection? Has the FBI arrested any grandmas in Caracas yet?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 30, 2024 12:17 PM (d9LQi)

352 SS and FBI guys promise to Senators they will have press briefings on progress from now on. Swearsies! But, no date of first one by each outfit nor a frequency of these promised press conferences.

Posted by: Gref at July 30, 2024 12:17 PM (5fDan)

353 Hitler learned well from Lenin and Stalin. Stuff people don't recognize.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 30, 2024 12:10 PM (FmapG)

The movie "Downfall" acknowledges this when Hitler rants he should have had his senior officers executed, "wie Stalin."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:17 PM (YqDXo)

354 The UK finance minister said this government will be the most pro business government ever. Which is kind of funny since they campaigned as communists.

Who knows maybe for once the reverse will happen. Instead of promising right wing and going left a politician will promise left wing and go right .

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 30, 2024 12:19 PM (S7Yv9)

355 @354

>>SS and FBI guys promise to Senators they will have press briefings on progress from now on. Swearsies! But, no date of first one by each outfit nor a frequency of these promised press conferences.

Again, this is not inherently a complex investigation, it should have pretty much been wrapped up by now, but apparently they are going to drag this sh*t out as long as possible.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 30, 2024 12:19 PM (XV/Pl)

356 Hitler learned well from Lenin and Stalin. Stuff people don't recognize.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 30, 2024 12:10 PM (FmapG)

When I was studying Russian at DLI, we went to hear Stalin's interpreter speak. I asked him what Stalin and Hitler really thought of each other, and he replied (in Russian), "They adored each other."

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 12:19 PM (v6JzV)

357 333

That's the opposite of what I'd like to see:

One on-site USSS commander, with absolute control of EVERY aspect. Just ONE. Make it crystal clear where the buck stops.

Having 3 more layers of supervisors sounds to me like putting the finest butter in the pocket watch.

Posted by: mnw at July 30, 2024 12:20 PM (NLIak)

358 Again, this is not inherently a complex investigation, it should have pretty much been wrapped up by now, but apparently they are going to drag this sh*t out as long as possible.
Posted by: Thomas Bender

They're busy tabletopping scenarios until something makes sense

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:20 PM (HJPAp)

359 If you have a Kindle, I just checked, you can get a lot of his most quoted work via Amazon.

Available free at Project Gutenberg.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:20 PM (YqDXo)

360 It can be lunch time
Posted by: Skip at July 30, 2024 12:05 PM (2eGdj)


At 9:20 am?

Posted by: Jordan61 at July 30, 2024 12:20 PM (DRSnL)

361 @348

>>That normalcy bias seems to be taking a hit.

Pray he meets the fate of Mussolini, barring that, Ceaușescu.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 30, 2024 12:21 PM (XV/Pl)

362 One on-site USSS commander, with absolute control of EVERY aspect. Just ONE. Make it crystal clear where the buck stops.

Having 3 more layers of supervisors sounds to me like putting the finest butter in the pocket watch.
Posted by: mnw

Everyone on the same frequency.

Posted by: rickb223 Buy Ammo & Shelf Stable Foods at July 30, 2024 12:21 PM (HJPAp)

363 Ewok sleeping in?

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at July 30, 2024 12:21 PM (rnt58)

364 The SS guy is being way too combative. Won't make anyone even think of trusting anything said by him or any other SS personnel.

Posted by: Gref at July 30, 2024 12:21 PM (5fDan)

365 @362/Jordan61: At 9:20 am?

It's always a good time to fry up some bacon.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (O7YUW)

366 The UK finance minister said this government will be the most pro business government ever.

Was he laughing when he said that?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (YqDXo)

367 >>> 348 That normalcy bias seems to be taking a hit.


🚨BREAKING: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has fled from the Miraflores Palace.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 30, 2024 12:15 PM (LkLld)

Fled, to where? There's still time for a Romanian Christmas in July.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (FnneF)

368 Ewok sleeping in?
Posted by: ghost of hallelujah

He was up late hunting hobos.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (v6JzV)

369 nood

Posted by: andycanuck (wse2C) at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (wse2C)

370 High Schools in the late 70's were less houses of education and more like prison yards...boys learned how to navigate around getting beaten in stairwells by well-formed gangs, or how to just get down the hallway to their next class without getting embroiled in some turf altercations by rival least that was the case in my high school in Memphis, TN at the time.

The administrators were prison wardens, not educators - and they knew it. The Vice Principal was 6' 6" with guns for arms - and he needed them.

Posted by: Boswell at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (K+UlC)

371 Who knows maybe for once the reverse will happen. Instead of promising right wing and going left a politician will promise left wing and go right .

I'm pretty sure that would violate the laws of thermodynamics.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (xCA6C)

372 Trannies stole gays' thunder. Gays will never forgive them.

Posted by: creeper at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (M6moH)

373 We spent so many hours at the beach throwing rocks in the water!!! And hitting rocks with driftwood stick bats. And sinking the driftwood boats. And skipping rocks. And distance contests.

Who knew you could do so many things with rocks and a body of water.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (LzLXY)

374 Was he laughing when he said that?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (YqDXo

It’s a she

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (S7Yv9)

375 Fled, to where? There's still time for a Romanian Christmas in July.

his own show on MSNBC

Posted by: brak at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (NGHTx)

376 NYPost:

Harris/Biden open borders policy...

Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua gives ‘green light’ to members to shoot US cops, Homeland Security memo warns

Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 12:23 PM (RHGPo)

377 318 Ohh Lenin was a monter, he wanted a violent revolution from the beginning and started murdering from the get go.
Posted by: Skip
Lenin certainly was not averse to killing but it took a vast bureaucracy to do the industrial style gulag system and killing on the massive scale that Stalin did. One can argue that Lenin ran out of time because he died shortly after winning the Revolution but we know for a fact that Stalin is the one that butchered the most people and turned those drab bureaucrats into a hideous machine turning out corpses and those that might as well be dead in teh Gulags.

Notably, Mao followed Stalin's footsteps in relying upon the Party to do the dirty work in killing the masses but Mao made one fatal mistake--later in his life he more or less let the Gang of Four run things. Mao never purged the old revolutionaries from the Army and they are the ones that demanded Mao reign in the Gang of Four and the party or they would kick his butt out of titular power. Stalin through regular purges and outright murder never allowed the Soviet Army to exercise much political power.

Posted by: whig at July 30, 2024 12:23 PM (qdbNv)

378 Yeah, I figured people would bring that up. I'm not a lawyer either, but it seems to me that it usually involves allowing an obviously dangerous situation to persist. While that's exactly what she did, I think it would be hard to convince a jury that that's chargeable. OTOH, WDIK?
Posted by: Archimedes

Being the "King", or his rival, is "an obviously dangerous situation" and has been known to be so for hundreds if not thousands of years. Thus the King's Guard.
USSS protection is highly effective and to withhold or knowingly withhold it does result in a knowingly dangerous situation and will highly likely result in successful assassination attempt.

As predictable as building in a flood plain.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at July 30, 2024 12:24 PM (m6NVp)

379 My 7yo son is enthralled with the word "buttcheek".

But my daughters are the ones who get the biggest laugh out of farts.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at July 30, 2024 12:14 PM (d9LQi)

As befits the progeny of a Horde member.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:24 PM (YqDXo)

380 326
‘ Hitler learned well from Lenin and Stalin. Stuff people don't recognize.’

Did you read Modern Times by Paul Johnson?
He goes into that same theme.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at July 30, 2024 12:25 PM (jbnUc)

381 Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua gives ‘green light’ to members to shoot US cops, Homeland Security memo warns
Posted by: SMOD at July 30, 2024 12:23 PM (RHGPo)

Okay. Vice Versa

Posted by: polynikes at July 30, 2024 12:25 PM (B1dzx)

382 Was he laughing when he said that?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (YqDXo

It’s a she

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (S7Yv9)

Great. See rant above.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:26 PM (YqDXo)

383 Was he laughing when he said that?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (YqDXo

It’s a she

Posted by: Kumala Word Salad at July 30, 2024 12:22 PM (S7Yv9)

Are you a biologist?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at July 30, 2024 12:27 PM (YqDXo)

384 ‘ Again, this is not inherently a complex investigation, it should have pretty much been wrapped up by now, but apparently they are going to drag this sh*t out as long as possible.’

And again, that’s why someone on our side should be saying “All right. You’ve had enough time and haven’t told us anything. This is damn cover up and we’re going to let the American people vote on that.”

Posted by: Dr. Claw at July 30, 2024 12:32 PM (jbnUc)

385 The United Kingdom is rapidly descending into a post-modern dystopian nightmare, as their "conservative" movement collapses and a horrid labor movement fills the void.

It was stated as fact the UK abandoned conservatism by Aldus Huxley in 1932s Brave New World.

Posted by: DanMan at July 30, 2024 12:37 PM (8uzBS)

386 Negligence and incompetence are not criminal charges.

You've never heard of "Criminally negligent Homicide"? It is a real crime, punishable by a prison sentence.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at July 30, 2024 12:44 PM (Da7Vv)

387 I keep pointing out the three primary doctrines of the Progressive church are anti-Christianity, hedonism, and transhumanism.

Posted by: GWB at July 30, 2024 03:56 PM (cWFf8)

388 Winston Churchill is spinning in his Grave

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at July 30, 2024 04:24 PM (wGqjj)

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