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Mid-Morning Art Thread [Kris]

Ingres Oedipus1.jpg

Oedipus and the Sphynx
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

Far from me is the crime and shame of cowardice, and my valour knows not dastard fears…. The Sphinx, weaving her words in darkling measures, I fled not; I faced the bloody jaws of the fell prophetess and the ground white with scattered bones. And when from a lofty cliff, already hovering over her prey, she prepared her pinions and, lashing her tail like a savage lion, stirred up her threatening wrath, I asked her riddle.
-- Seneca the Younger, Oedipus (c. AD 55)

For the most part, the story of Oedipus is tragic. He was abandoned by his father, the King of Thebes, because of a prophecy that his son would kill him. The boy is raised by poor farmers but leaves them because of a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother. He soon meets his real father unknowingly but kills him after an argument. Oedipus then marries his real mother who later kills herself after finding out the truth. In some versions of the story, Oedipus then blinds himself and goes into a self-imposed exile to atone for his crimes. Tucked away in this sad tale is the story of the Riddle of the Sphinx.

The city of Thebes was haunted by a sphinx that challenged passers-by to solve its riddle. If they couldn’t, it killed them. When Oedipus succeeded, the monster killed itself. He became an instant hero and was given the now-vacant throne of Thebes and married the recently widowed queen – his mother. The story of the Riddle presents Oedipus as fearless, intelligent, and clever, important aspects for any classical hero. In this painting, Ingres presents an ideal male specimen, classically perfect in every way.

Oedipus dominates the painting, positioned front and center, framed by the dark cliffs. This provides contrast to his light skin tone and makes me focus on him more. He is fully nude. The bright sunlight adds more highlights to his idealized form. His muscles are tense as he bends over and concentrates on the riddle. He crouches over with a foot raised on a boulder and an elbow resting on his knee. He locks his gaze on the sphinx in the shadows and gestures as he explains the riddle’s solution. In my opinion, Oedipus’s entire body language communicates intelligence and youthful confidence. He looks the monster in the eye and meets its challenge head-on.

The Sphinx is the complete opposite. It hides in a crag in the shadows. According to the story, this beast can kill and devour a grown man, but in Ingres’ interpretation, it is small, about half the size of Oedipus. Ingres shoves it into the corner of the painting. Only its talons and breasts are highlighted. Enlarge the painting and look at its eyes. It looks stunned to me. Its foot is raised in shock and maybe fear.

To me, it seems like Ingres stripped this monster of its power. He robbed it of its terrifying legend and reduced it symbolically and literally. At the same time, he is emphasizing the beautiful male form. Oedipus embodies many of the classical ideals, from intelligence, to courage, to youthful drive, to physical perfection. These are the traits that destroy monsters.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 09:30 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 1st

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:31 AM (Bbq1O)

2 *hic*

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at July 10, 2024 09:32 AM (5hfjS)

3 Who was his mom?...Electra?

Posted by: BignJames at July 10, 2024 09:32 AM (AwYPR)

4 Naked but with capes. Weird but would hang

Posted by: Smell the Glove at July 10, 2024 09:32 AM (oSruC)


Posted by: the Sphynx at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (oZhjI)

6 What’s up with the gratuitous male nudity? Fags.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (Bbq1O)

7 What was the riddle he solved?

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (xCA6C)

8 Eyes up here, pal...

Posted by: The Sphynx at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (CbdM6)

9 3 Jocasta, I think.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:34 AM (Bbq1O)

10 Would paint on the side of my Free Candy van.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at July 10, 2024 09:34 AM (aD39U)

11 Dude looks like... "what is it exactly you do around here anyway?"

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 10, 2024 09:34 AM (Q4IgG)

12 You have to enlarge it to see that her eyes are *shifty*. She is uncomfortable. Clearly, Oedipus has just asked her "you're a Biden supporter, aren't you".

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:34 AM (xCA6C)

13 Posted by: the Sphynx at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (oZhjI)

Damn, missed it by seconds....

Posted by: reason at July 10, 2024 09:35 AM (CbdM6)

14 Dude looks like Elon in the face.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:35 AM (Bbq1O)

15 The Sphynx looks stunned because Oedipus gave the right answer!

I've never seen the Sphynx depicted at this size, or with huge tracks of land a la (some) human women. Startling.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 09:35 AM (J2vNu)

16 7 What was the riddle he solved?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (xCA6C)

"What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening?"

Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 09:35 AM (EwaUh)

17 shall we talk about the riddle ...? ..."which is the creature that has one voice, but has four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night? "

Posted by: runner at July 10, 2024 09:35 AM (V13WU)

18 Almost all of my Johnson would be visible!

Posted by: The Paolo at July 10, 2024 09:36 AM (5fDan)

19 Thanks for the context back story!
Beautiful painting!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ This year in Corsicana - again! ~ at July 10, 2024 09:36 AM (hOUT3)

20 Then the tragedy of Oedipus led to the tragedy of Antigone. Those Greeks were a gloomy bunch.

Posted by: Jmel at July 10, 2024 09:36 AM (bVhJi)

21 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:36 AM (Zz0t1)

Posted by: the Sphynx at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (oZhjI)

Sorry, you remind me of my... of someone I think I used to know.

Posted by: Oedipus at July 10, 2024 09:36 AM (gKWVE)

Posted by: Oedipus at July 10, 2024 09:37 AM (gKWVE)

24 Not a fan of nekkid dudes in general, but at least this doesn't require application of a gallon of eye bleach like the last couple of days.

Posted by: PabloD at July 10, 2024 09:37 AM (iFWPe)

25 Caption:

Sphynx: Hey! My eyes are up here!

Oedipus: Huh? What?



For some reason, you remind me of my mother..

Posted by: naturalfake at July 10, 2024 09:37 AM (eDfFs)

26 Did nobody wear pants?

Posted by: JackStraw at July 10, 2024 09:37 AM (LkLld)

27 They're sweet tits...but they're on an animal. But, boobs. Animal.

Posted by: The Birth of Furries (alternate title) at July 10, 2024 09:37 AM (JCZqz)

28 "'ll f*ck me if I put down my weapons and trust you for a moment?"

"DUDE!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:37 AM (Zz0t1)

29 What was the riddle he solved?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (xCA6C)
"What have I got in my pocket?"

Posted by: Bilbo Baggins at July 10, 2024 09:37 AM (BpYfr)

30 Alternate title: Teen Bums Cigarette Off Of... Whoa! That Thing's Got Titties!

Posted by: red speck at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (0Id0S)

31 The chick cat has some nice tits.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (n17eQ)

32 Quite a divergence from the previous days offerings. Wonderful painting and a great, insightful commentary both on the painting itself and the story/symbolism behind it. Thank you for your post.

Posted by: Rufus T. Firefly at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (L4dmZ)

33 Then the tragedy of Oedipus led to the tragedy of Antigone. Those Greeks were a gloomy bunch.

Consider the Iliad - the Greeks put together a powerful alliance to defeat the Trojans and in the Iliad or the Odyssey almost all of them die in bad ways...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (oZhjI)

34 Yes, Oedipus's mother was Jocasta. I'd have to look it up to see who his real father was (he who received the prophecy and got rid of the infant Oedipus so, he thought, the prophecy would never come true).

The riddle, I believe, was:
"What goes on four legs in the morning, two at noon, and three in the afternoon [or evening]?"

Answer: "Man. He crawls on four legs in the morning of his life, walks on two during the middle of life, and walks with a cane in the late part of his life."

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (J2vNu)

35 Not a fan of nekkid dudes in general, but at least this doesn't require application of a gallon of eye bleach like the last couple of days.

It is possible to admire an expert rendering of an athletic male figure without being gay, but it doesn't help.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (xCA6C)

36 Kris, who's the guy in the background?

Posted by: dantesed at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (Oy/m2)

Damn you, Oedipus! (22)

You beat me to the punch.

Go poke out your dang eyes or sumthin"!

Posted by: naturalfake at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (eDfFs)

38 Kris! I like Ingres. Not for his technique exactly, but for how he is very representative of his era. All grand, stylized and heavy on Mythology. He is very recognizable.

Posted by: runner at July 10, 2024 09:39 AM (V13WU)

39 Those boobs are pretty small.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:39 AM (Bbq1O)

40 36 Kris, who's the guy in the background?
That is Testicles yelling 'never fuck crazy' to Oedipus.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (n17eQ)

41 "What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening?"
Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 09:35 AM (EwaUh)

I got three legs right now, babe... Dayum.

Posted by: Oedipus, still using his eyes at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (CbdM6)

42 He's pretty ripped. I'm surprised he settled for marrying an older lady!

Getting to be king probably had something to do with it...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (HnUIn)

43 I've never seen the Sphynx depicted at this size, or with huge tracks of land a la (some) human women. Startling.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 09:35 AM (J2vNu)
The Sphinx Gate in the movie The Neverending Story featured two giant sphinxes, each with huge tracts of land.

Unusual for a children's movie.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (BpYfr)

44 The sphinx has clearly gotten implants. They are gravity-defying and unnaturally spherical. Not my COT.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (xCA6C)

45 After his paintings stopped selling, Ingres founded a software company specializing in databases.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (J2vNu)

46 If this guy wrapped that scarf around his waist to be a stylish skirt he'd be a very fine looking woman.

Just saying.

Posted by: David French at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (oZhjI)

47 "makes me focus on him more. He is fully nude."

Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:40 AM (B0mGw)

48 The story of the Riddle presents Oedipus as fearless, intelligent, and clever, important aspects for any classical hero.

It's a good thing our modern heroes have different, more important aspects, Jack! Like decency! Honor! Uh, you know...uhmwha howba....decency!

Posted by: Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:41 AM (JCZqz)

What was the riddle he solved?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (xCA6C)

I pretty sure it was:

"What do you say when your girlfriend asks you if this new dress makes her butt look big?"

Posted by: naturalfake at July 10, 2024 09:41 AM (eDfFs)

50 42 He's pretty ripped. I'm surprised he settled for marrying an older lady!

Getting to be king probably had something to do with it...
Macron did to be the Teachers Pet.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 09:41 AM (n17eQ)

51 Was hoping Kris would come along and save us from the dreck CBD has been foisting on us lately. Wonderful that she has, even though this painting is disturbing to say the least. You are not supposed to marry your mother.

Posted by: Greeks and Freaks at July 10, 2024 09:41 AM (V5BDR)

52 Alternate Title: MILF Hunter

Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:41 AM (B0mGw)

53 Those boobs are pretty small.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:39 AM (Bbq1O)

Bigger aint always better

Posted by: Doof at July 10, 2024 09:42 AM (RhGG0)

54 Oedipus is nice looking, the painting is well done
and I really appreciate your thoughtful commentary, Kris.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 10, 2024 09:42 AM (8sd0e)

55 I likely this

Posted by: Skip at July 10, 2024 09:42 AM (aYdt9)

56 Would hang!

Posted by: Oedipus at July 10, 2024 09:42 AM (Z6vKV)

57 Getting to be king probably had something to do with it...

An elite Greek male would have girls or boys on the side for fun but yes the chance at being consort/King and maybe have your kid inherit would have been prime motivation.

The marrying your mother thing though likely would make her too old to have a kid later with Oedipus but...sometimes you can get lucky.

Posted by: 18-1 at July 10, 2024 09:42 AM (oZhjI)

58 In the lower left corner, there's a foot, presumably belonging to a recent kill.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:42 AM (xCA6C)

59 36 Kris, who's the guy in the background?
Posted by: dantesed at July 10, 2024 09:38 AM (Oy/m2)

Some dude frightened by the sphinx. He might provide a contrast to Oedipus' courage, especially since the sphinx is so small.

Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 09:43 AM (EwaUh)

60 > who's the guy in the background?
Football ref, making a call.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 10, 2024 09:43 AM (Q4IgG)

61 A skull and ribcage of one of the Sphynx's victims lies below the boulder Oedipus is standing on; and the foot of another victim (more recent, I presume) is sticking up too.

The stench around the Sphynx's abode must have been horrific. Which might have helped travelers avoid it/her.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 09:43 AM (J2vNu)

62 What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow??

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (Jh5b+)

63 The Sphinx Gate in the movie The Neverending Story featured two giant sphinxes, each with huge tracts of land.

Unusual for a children's movie.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel

Eh. It was a European production. They put boobs in everything. This smaller sphinx doesn't really fit the story so well....that thing slaughtered all the warriors that couldn't answer its riddle? I guess they were distracted by her hooters...which is why the owl became the symbol of wisdom.

Posted by: Movie Moron at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (JCZqz)

Bigger aint always better
Posted by: Doof at July 10, 2024 09:42 AM (RhGG0)

It's called "Future Lower Back Problems" for a reason.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (Zz0t1)

65 43
The Neverending Story scared the crap out of me when I was younger. I don’t think my parents cared what I watched, but then again, I am Gen Z. They didn’t know where I WAS a lot of the time. 😂🤷‍♀️

Posted by: Jmel at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (bVhJi)

66 What was the riddle he solved?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:33 AM (xCA6C)

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Posted by: The Mad Hatter at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (BpYfr)

67 One wonders what percentage of the population had even the smallest clue about the story behind this painting. Even back then, this probably would only make sense to the elites who had the time and money to know the story and develop an appreciation for the style.

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (xCA6C)

68 Oedipus looks kind of like the young Eric Bogosian (of Law and Order fame). I caught him in an early starring role on a New Twilight Zone this weekend, and he had more in common with John Travolta than I suspected.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (J2vNu)

69 Alternate Title: MILF Hunter
Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:41 AM (B0mGw)

If ya gotta hunt for them, you're not doing it correctly

Posted by: Doof at July 10, 2024 09:45 AM (RhGG0)

70 The previous guy lost by a foot.

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 09:45 AM (Jh5b+)

71 Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:45 AM (Bbq1O)

72 What was the riddle he solved?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?"
Posted by: The Mad Hatter at July 10, 2024

"The higher the fewer, of course! Have some more tea!"

Posted by: Mad Hatter at July 10, 2024 09:45 AM (J2vNu)

73 Eh. It was a European production. They put boobs in everything. This smaller sphinx doesn't really fit the story so well....that thing slaughtered all the warriors that couldn't answer its riddle? I guess they were distracted by her hooters...which is why the owl became the symbol of wisdom.
Posted by: Movie Moron at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM (JCZqz)
A little rabbit slaughtered most of the Knights of the Round Table...

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch was required to take it out...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 10, 2024 09:46 AM (BpYfr)

74 69 Just go to the nearest pickleball court.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:46 AM (Bbq1O)

75 >>Bigger aint always better

I see you've been to Rhode Island.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 10, 2024 09:46 AM (LkLld)

76 "You ugly. I'm more into older women."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 09:47 AM (GBKbO)

77 If ya gotta hunt for them, you're not doing it correctly
Posted by: Doof at July 10, 2024 09:45 AM (RhGG0)

The Paolo agrees.

Posted by: The Paolo at July 10, 2024 09:47 AM (CbdM6)

78 Feet are painted well.

Posted by: Toejam Tommy at July 10, 2024 09:47 AM (V5BDR)

Yo Mama! - a limerick

It's a tale full of intrigue and sex
With murderous and incestuous aspects
A troubled picture emerges
Of vile and despicable urges
But when it comes crashing down...Oedipus wrecks!!

Posted by: muldoon at July 10, 2024 09:47 AM (uCfKO)

80 This smaller sphinx doesn't really fit the story so well....that thing slaughtered all the warriors that couldn't answer its riddle? I guess they were distracted by her hooters...which is why the owl became the symbol of wisdom.
Posted by: Movie Moron at July 10, 2024

One throat-slash with that claw-laden lion paw, and that would have been all the Sphynx wrote.

Posted by: Mad Hatter at July 10, 2024 09:47 AM (J2vNu)

81 Consider the Iliad - the Greeks put together a powerful alliance to defeat the Trojans and in the Iliad or the Odyssey almost all of them die in bad ways...

Posted by: 18-1


* fist bump *

Posted by: Everybody in Les Miserables at July 10, 2024 09:48 AM (Zbn3V)

82 I re-use a lot of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres for my roleplaying game.

I used this image for a half-joke about a summoned race that’s also a player character class, the Golden Servant.

Golden Servants are often very good at riddle contests, because they lack the psychological baggage that block most humans from seeing past the riddle’s deliberately confusing imagery.

Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair at July 10, 2024 09:48 AM (EXyHK)

83 What's Keith Richard's secret to longevity, and how can I get some?

Posted by: Sphinx's Riddle at July 10, 2024 09:48 AM (JCZqz)

84 80 One throat-slash with that claw-laden lion paw, and that would have been all the Sphynx wrote.
Posted by: Mad Hatter at July 10, 2024 09:47 AM (J2vNu)


A six-inch retractable claw, like a razor, on the the middle toe. He doesn't bother to bite your jugular like a lion, say... no no. He slashes at you here, or here...Or maybe across the belly, spilling your intestines. The point is, you are alive when they start to eat you. So you know, try to show a little respect.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 09:48 AM (GBKbO)

85 OY! A midget with big boob's and wings?!

He painted this in the asylum right?

Posted by: Rothko at July 10, 2024 09:48 AM (T9Sod)

86 ... Oedipus embodies many of the classical ideals, from intelligence, to courage, to youthful drive, to physical perfection. These are the traits that destroy monsters.
This assessment perfectly describes what is a fairly serious problem with the traditional approach to art history and interpretation and the traditional assumption that "more is better" when it comes to exposure to the arts.

This description is black-letter toxic masculinity, albeit in a form that is glorified and elevated rather than critiqued and deconstructed. Art is always reflective of the milieu of those who can afford to sponsor it. Since the twin evils of capital and power historically conspired to gatekeep art and restrict the market for it, only art pleasing to the rich and powerful got produced. As a result, toxic traits are glorified and progressive notions are suppressed.

Study of - and thus exposure to - legacy artworks requires a working knowledge of the environment that produced those legacy artworks. Without familiarity with the dynamics of oppression in that environment, unsophisticated study of art risks glorifying the deplorable as "great" due purely to historical structural power.

Posted by: Your Kid's Art History Professor at July 10, 2024 09:49 AM (HnUIn)

87 Ingres is one of those French names I don't like to pronounce, but he's got chops.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at July 10, 2024 09:49 AM (a/BTH)

88 "It's called "Future Lower Back Problems" for a reason."


Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:50 AM (B0mGw)

89 Caption:


"Soooo...have you got a human caboose and hoo-hah back there or what?"

Posted by: naturalfake at July 10, 2024 09:50 AM (eDfFs)

90 I tried to find a list of the rulers of Thebes and there is a "mythical list" of kings that includes Oedipus and ends around the Trojan war but I can't find info on real leaders before Epaminondas who lived in 400ish BC

Posted by: 18-1 at July 10, 2024 09:50 AM (oZhjI)

The marrying your mother thing though likely would make her too old to have a kid later with Oedipus but...sometimes you can get lucky.
Posted by: 18-1 at July 10, 2024

They married and bred young in those days. If Jocasta was, say, 16 when she bore Oedipus, and he was between 16 and 20 when he came back, well . . .

Posted by: Mad Hatter at July 10, 2024 09:50 AM (J2vNu)

92 71 Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Both Mr. and Mrs. Grant are interred there, but not really buried since they are above ground.

Posted by: Final Expenses at July 10, 2024 09:50 AM (V5BDR)

93 This description is black-letter toxic masculinity, albeit in a form that is glorified and elevated rather than critiqued and deconstructed.

---Your Kid's Art History Professor

You're gay, right?

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:50 AM (xCA6C)

94 Nobody is "buried" there, it is a mausoleum technically speaking? Also, simply stating "Grant" would be incorrect since his wife is also interred there.

What do I win?

Posted by: Common Tater at July 10, 2024 09:50 AM (B1ASM)

95 I imagine Hunter really identifies with old Oedi.

Posted by: She Hobbit (out and about in Middle Earth) at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (2yUcp)

96 Greek mythology never interested me, I think in high school we had it in a class, English I guess

Posted by: Skip at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (aYdt9)

97 38 Kris! I like Ingres. Not for his technique exactly, but for how he is very representative of his era. All grand, stylized and heavy on Mythology. He is very recognizable.
Posted by: runner at July 10, 2024 09:39 AM (V13WU)

He was a student of Jacques-Louis David and carried on David's strict classicism. During Ingres career, Romanticism was really taking off. He became one of the champions of a fading aesthetic.

Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (EwaUh)

98 Alternate Title: MILF Hunter
If ya gotta hunt for them, you're not doing it correctly
Grocery stores are full of beef, pork, and chicken, but every November....

Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (B0mGw)

99 Jocasta so fat, when she sit around the temple, she really sits around the temple!

Posted by: black spartan at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (Jh5b+)

100 83 What's Keith Richard's secret to longevity, and how can I get some?
Medical grade heroin.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (n17eQ)

101 Good news everyone!

The spawn of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck know what's best for EVERYONE!

“To confront the long COVID crisis, I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC lights in government facilities, including jails and detention centers, and mask mandates in county medical facilities,” the teen added.

“We must expand the availability of free tests and treatment and, most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason.”

“They do not keep us safer, they make vulnerable members of our community less safe and make everyone less able to participate in Los Angeles together. Thank you.”

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (Zz0t1)

102 No Sphinx Dogs playing poker - no hangy...

Posted by: Mister Ghost at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (TGPs7)

103 [...]the dreck CBD has been foisting on us lately.

Posted by: Greeks and Freaks at July 10, 2024 09:41 AM (V5BDR)

Glad to be a disappointment to you.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2024 09:52 AM (d9fT1)

104 96 Greek mythology never interested me, I think in high school we had it in a class, English I guess
Posted by: Skip at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (aYdt9)


One of the funniest moments from college was an English literature survey class.

One of the students was a bit incensed at the list of writers, and he demanded to know why the professor hadn't included some of the real greats, like Dante.

"Well, Dante was Italian," the professor says drily.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 09:52 AM (GBKbO)

105 94 Nobody is "buried" there, it is a mausoleum technically speaking? Also, simply stating "Grant" would be incorrect since his wife is also interred there.

What do I win?
Last I heard it was a drug den full of hoboes.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 09:53 AM (n17eQ)

106 93 This description is black-letter toxic masculinity, albeit in a form that is glorified and elevated rather than critiqued and deconstructed.
---Your Kid's Art History Professor

You're gay, right?
Posted by: Archimedes boring! No, I'm a gender fluid demi-boy otherkin puppy play twink two-spirit!

Posted by: Art History Professor at July 10, 2024 09:53 AM (JCZqz)

107 "Greek mythology never interested me"

I found the greek mythology section in my school library and fell in love in about fourth grade. Then I figured out the norse stuff was right next to it. That Dewey was a mad genius.

Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:53 AM (B0mGw)

108 ... “To confront the long COVID crisis, I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC lights in government facilities, including jails and detention centers, and mask mandates in county medical facilities,” the teen added.

“We must expand the availability of free tests and treatment and, most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason.” ...
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (Zz0t1)
You're rich. Make an in-kind donation to LA County Corrections so they can install this equipment.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:53 AM (HnUIn)

109 “... I demand...” the teen added.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (Zz0t1)

Nothing says I wasn't beaten enough as a child so much as this.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 10, 2024 09:54 AM (IUd0M)

110 That Oedipus guy has a pretty good workout routine! I'd do some squats with him if you know what I mean...

Posted by: Paul Ryan at July 10, 2024 09:54 AM (oZhjI)

111 Beautiful analysis, OB, thanks!

Posted by: massideas at July 10, 2024 09:54 AM (31+wr)

112 "The spawn of Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck know what's best for EVERYONE!"

Allow me to sing the song of my people, the annoying trust fund kids: REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:54 AM (B0mGw)

113 I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC lights...

Such statements are usually accompanied by a list of dire consequences in the event your demands aren't met. What are yours?

Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (xCA6C)

114 ++++
You're rich. Make an in-kind donation to LA County Corrections so they can install this equipment.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:53 AM (HnUIn)

She's worn a mask, it seems, for years, yet she's incredibly sick and can't figure out why.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (Zz0t1)

115 Norse mythology is way cooler than Greek mythology.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (Bbq1O)

116 He became one of the champions of a fading aesthetic.

Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 09:51 AM (EwaUh)

Judging by the number of portraits he did, I'll bet that's where he made his money.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (d9fT1)

117 I found the greek mythology section in my school library and fell in love in about fourth grade. Then I figured out the norse stuff was right next to it. That Dewey was a mad genius.
Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:53 AM (B0mGw)
If I had a time machine, I'd smother Dewey in his cradle. That man is single-handedly responsible for the destruction of American public education, and his legacy surrounds us in every school district in the land.

Yeah, I know. It would have been someone else. Evil monsters abound. But fuck that guy anyway. His grave should be dug up and he should be anonymously buried somewhere nobody can be find. Without a casket. Face down. A good 20 feet or deeper.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (HnUIn)

118 Greek mythology never interested me, I think in high school we had it in a class, English I guess
Posted by: Skip at July 10, 2024 0

My first school exposure to it was in eighth grade, a class called (get this) "Recreational Reading." But it turned out to be one of my all-time favorites. Our teacher read a young people's edition of The Iliad to us, we discussed it, we memorized names and events and were tested on them. Then we did the same for The Odyssey, and later some American folk tales like Paul Bunyan.

That class was why I knew the episode of The Time Tunnel where the heroes visited the Trojan War was way wrong. In the episode, the ancient Greeks used the *Roman* names of the gods!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (J2vNu)

119 100 83 What's Keith Richard's secret to longevity, and how can I get some?
Medical grade heroin.
Posted by: Pudinhead

Keith swore off heroin in 1978, when he could no longer get the pharma grade stuff. Give him some credit!

Posted by: Keith Don't Go! at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (V5BDR)

120 She's worn a mask, it seems, for years, yet she's incredibly sick and can't figure out why.......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (Zz0t1)
Nobody ever accused Hollywood types of being smart or observant.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:56 AM (HnUIn)

121 Norse mythology is way cooler than Greek mythology.

Says you

Posted by: Höðr at July 10, 2024 09:56 AM (oZhjI)

122 Sphynx: 'What's the difference between grey and gray?'

Posted by: dantesed at July 10, 2024 09:56 AM (Oy/m2)

123 Norse mythology is way cooler than Greek mythology.

Says you

Posted by: Hodr at July 10, 2024 09:56 AM (oZhjI)

124 Dude on the right is upset. He got a direct view of that guy's taint.

Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at July 10, 2024 09:57 AM (sJHOI)

125 Oedipus and the Sphynx

Oedious: yo, baby. 'sup?
Sphynx: my eyes are up here, dm,bass

Posted by: BifBewalski at July 10, 2024 09:57 AM (MsrgL)

126 Posted by: H��r at July 10, 2024 09:56 AM (oZhjI)

Posted by: Hodr at July 10, 2024 09:56 AM (oZhjI)


What'd you do the first time?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:57 AM (Zz0t1)

127 Thank you Kris.
I very much like looking at this male form.😉

Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at July 10, 2024 09:57 AM (t/2Uw)

128 The actual name is a bunch of non UTF-8 characters

Posted by: 18-1 at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (oZhjI)

129 "Listen here you little shit!"

Posted by: Blast Hardcheese at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (PWI4f)

130 Thank you Kris.
I very much like looking at this male form.😉
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at July 10, 2024 09:57 AM (t/2Uw)
We can never be liberated until we defeat the Female Gaze!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (HnUIn)

131 127 Thank you Kris.
I very much like looking at this male form.😉
Posted by: Sharon(willow's apprentice) at July 10, 2024 09:57 AM (t/2Uw)


We must destroy the female gaze. It is harmful to men everywhere, especially the fat uggos.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (GBKbO)

132 Best rendition of Odin I've seen is Gaiman's American Gods.

Of course he had about the worst rendition of Thor...

Posted by: 18-1 at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (oZhjI)

133 Nobody ever accused Hollywood types of being smart or observant.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:56 AM (HnUIn)

Rush Limbaugh said it YEARS ago, we're seeing an uptick of Legionnaire's Disease because of people wearing the same mask all day, every day........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (Zz0t1)

134 Jinx, Joe.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (GBKbO)

135 Joe Mannix seems to be suffering from Dewey body dementia.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (Bbq1O)

136 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 10, 2024 09:31 AM (3cjH1)

Thank you Fen. If you are there. I needed that today.

What do you make of the large percentage of Brits who call themselves "Christians" but don't believe in the Resurrection? It's a very large percentage. Something like half.

I'm not asking you to judge as such, I just think it's bizarre. I guess they think they like "the ideas" behind Christianity. But I find that almost worse than someone who doesn't believe. To me I think people need to find something that resonates fully with them.

"I believe in Christ and his teachings but I don't think he was the son of God or anything" is such a weird take.

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (V3MYN)

137 " were much larger when the queen described you."

"So were you..."

Posted by: Brother Tim sez at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (Nv+9A)

138 A very... complex painting.
Would not hang.

Posted by: Reforger at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (xcIvR)

139 Oedipus - clean-shaven brilliant, smart, monster killer

Guy in the background - bearded, scared, runs from monsters

Moral: Be nice and clean. Shave every day and you'll always be keen.

Posted by: mrp at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (rj6Yv)

140 Joe Mannix seems to be suffering from Dewey body dementia.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (Bbq1O)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (HnUIn)

141 She's worn a mask, it seems, for years, yet she's incredibly sick and can't figure out why.......
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden

The only proper Response to this brat is "shut up and sit down. No one cares what you think. And, despite what your nanny told you, you're not special."

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2024 10:00 AM (m+UV0)

142 I always find it strange to see paintings where everyone just walks around naked. Saves money on pigments, I guess.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 10, 2024 10:00 AM (mlQIE)

143 139 Oedipus - clean-shaven brilliant, smart, monster killer

Guy in the background - bearded, scared, runs from monsters

Moral: Be nice and clean. Shave every day and you'll always be keen.
Posted by: mrp at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (rj6Yv)


One of the amusing things about Shogun is both the Englishman and the Japanese constantly calling each other barbarians.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:00 AM (GBKbO)

144 Fun fact: When the prophecy and the manner in which it had been fulfilled were revealed, Jocasta hanged herself, and Oedipus took the pins from her dress and shoved them in his eyes, blinding himself.

Had the play been written today, it presumably would have ended with Oedipus running for president of France.

Posted by: Dr. T at July 10, 2024 10:00 AM (jGGMD)

145 Joe Mannix seems to be suffering from Dewey body dementia.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:58 AM (Bbq1O)

No way. He works out!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:00 AM (Zz0t1)

146 Such statements are usually accompanied by a list of dire consequences in the event your demands aren't met. What are yours?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (xCA6C)

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at July 10, 2024 10:00 AM (IUd0M)

147 I found the greek mythology section in my school library and fell in love in about fourth grade. Then I figured out the norse stuff was right next to it. That Dewey was a mad genius.
Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 09:53 AM (B0mGw)
If I had a time machine, I'd smother Dewey in his cradle. That man is single-handedly responsible for the destruction of American public education, and his legacy surrounds us in every school district in the land.

Yeah, I know. It would have been someone else. Evil monsters abound. But fuck that guy anyway. His grave should be dug up and he should be anonymously buried somewhere nobody can be find. Without a casket. Face down. A good 20 feet or deeper.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (HnUIn)
Uh...not to nit pick, but you may be thinking of a different Dewey...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 10, 2024 10:01 AM (BpYfr)

148 What'd you do the first time?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 09:57 AM (Zz0t1)

Take a look...I fixed it.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2024 10:01 AM (d9fT1)

149 Ingres vs. Delacroix

The great French rivalry.

Posted by: mrp at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (rj6Yv)

150 Take a look...I fixed it.

Did you just have to escape the characters?

Posted by: 18-1 at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (oZhjI)

151 What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?

That was the riddle . Probably somebody already said that

Answer:A person or a man

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (oxQ9u)

152 Politics UK @PolitlcsUK 1h
🚨 NEW: Parliament’s staff have been told to stop asking Nigel Farage for selfies
[h/t @GuidoFawkes]
Just like everyone wants a selfie with PDT.

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (Jh5b+)

153 Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 10, 2024 10:00 AM (mlQIE)

Always good to see you around, Beckoning.

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (V3MYN)

154 Keef thought it would be great fun to take a road trip in the South (when recording sessions were scheduled at Muscle Shoals)

They got pulled over, as fabulous limey poofters in Cadillacs are too easy in Alabama. Somehow, they missed searching Keef's voluminous briefcase full of illegal narcotics. Must be nice to be one of the protected class.

McCartney got busted with a pound of weed coming into Japan. The only reason they searched his stuff closely, was because they had found weed on previous visit. No jail time there either.

Posted by: Common Tater at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (B1ASM)

Take a look...I fixed it.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2024 10:01 AM (d9fT1)

Ah....stretching the limits of Minx 0.8 beta and Movable Type.........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (Zz0t1)

156 News report with ALL the buzzwords!

The DOJ just disrupted a Russian-run AI-enabled Twitter disinformation bot farm. For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs

Russia’s State-Run RT News Network Developed and Federal Security Service Operated the Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Bot Farm to Disseminate Disinformation to Sow Discord in the United States and Elsewhere.

“With these actions, the Justice Department has disrupted a Russian-government backed, AI-enabled propaganda campaign to use a bot farm to spread disinformation in the United States and abroad,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “As the Russian government continues to wage its brutal war in Ukraine and threatens democracies around the world, the Justice Department will continue to deploy all of our legal authorities to counter Russian aggression and protect the American people.”

This is news and should be the top news story! Garland might have just saved democracy by cutting off a major spigot of disinformation.

And of course Musk Ox is doing NOTHING to remove the russian bots & trolls off twitter. He loves Putin like Trump does.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at July 10, 2024 10:03 AM (JCZqz)

157 "I believe in Christ and his teachings but I don't think he was the son of God or anything" is such a weird take.
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (V3MYN)

My response to that is, Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, so if you don't think he was, you're saying you believe in the teachings of an egomaniacal liar?

Posted by: Dr. T at July 10, 2024 10:03 AM (jGGMD)

158 Judging by the number of portraits he did, I'll bet that's where he made his money.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (d9fT1)

What's interesting is that one of Ingres' more famous images is of an odalisque (a harem girl). He uses the images a lot and sometimes reuses the same image in a different setting. What's funny is that an odalisque is orientalism which is a Romanticist theme.

Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 10:03 AM (EwaUh)

159 119 100 83 What's Keith Richard's secret to longevity, and how can I get some?
Medical grade heroin.
Posted by: Pudinhead

Keith swore off heroin in 1978, when he could no longer get the pharma grade stuff. Give him some credit!
The smart move was using only medical grade heroin. The dosage was uniform. Most rockers died due to hot loads.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 10:04 AM (n17eQ)

160 said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland

Oh so it's bullshit then

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:04 AM (V3MYN)

161 Moral: Be nice and clean. Shave every day and you'll always be keen.
Posted by: mrp at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (rj6Yv)
Absolutely! But this doesn't mean you need to spend too much to get the clean-shaven appeal of heroes!

When your {boop-boop} razor wears out, switch to Personna! They last longer and you'll really feel difference - even 10 or even more shaves in!

Posted by: Personna at July 10, 2024 10:04 AM (HnUIn)

162 Sphinx keeps her knees locked like that for too long, she'll pass out.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:05 AM (Zz0t1)

163 Yeah, I know. It would have been someone else. Evil monsters abound. But fuck that guy anyway. His grave should be dug up and he should be anonymously buried somewhere nobody can be find. Without a casket. Face down. A good 20 feet or deeper.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (HnUIn)
Uh...not to nit pick, but you may be thinking of a different Dewey...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 10, 2024 10:01 AM (BpYfr)

*whistles nervously, shuffles away*

Posted by: Zombie Governor Thomas Dewey at July 10, 2024 10:05 AM (jGGMD)

164 This way to the Great Ingres!

Posted by: zombe P.T. Barnum's unsuccessful art gallery attempt at July 10, 2024 10:05 AM (Jh5b+)

165 My response to that is, Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, so if you don't think he was, you're saying you believe in the teachings of an egomaniacal liar?
Posted by: Dr. T at July 10, 2024 10:03 AM (jGGMD)

I hadn't really even thought that far into it but yeah.

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:05 AM (V3MYN)

166 Darn!

Posted by: zombie P.T. Barnum at July 10, 2024 10:05 AM (Jh5b+)

167 69 Just go to the nearest pickleball court.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 09:46 AM (Bbq1O)

You are not wrong! Last Wednesday I played in the morning. 12 people in the group. I was the only guy. Me and 11 ladies, age range of early 40s to mid 50s. All very fit. You all make fun of me for my obsession with pickleball -- but at least half of those ladies were quite easy on the eyes. And very friendly.

Posted by: Doof at July 10, 2024 10:06 AM (RhGG0)

168 Moral: Be nice and clean. Shave every day and you'll always be keen.
Posted by: mrp

Burma Shave

Posted by: Burma Shave at July 10, 2024 10:06 AM (JCZqz)

169 And what is this Merrick B. Garland stuff? Is he related to Wile E. Coyote?

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:06 AM (V3MYN)

170 ... at July 10, 2024 09:59 AM (

I think they regard Christ a great teacher whom we should learn and practice ethical
values from, but if they don't believe in Christ or God where is the power to do that from? Our own superior, rational brain?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 10, 2024 10:07 AM (oxQ9u)

171 “With these actions, the Justice Department has disrupted a Russian-government backed, AI-enabled propaganda campaign to use a bot farm to spread disinformation in the United States and abroad,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “ do MSM.

Posted by: BignJames at July 10, 2024 10:07 AM (AwYPR)

172 The smart move was using only medical grade heroin. The dosage was uniform. Most rockers died due to hot loads.
Posted by: Pudinhead

That's why Chasten and I only share hot loads with each other.

Posted by: Pete Buttigieg at July 10, 2024 10:07 AM (JCZqz)

173 It's a hot one in NYC today. I don't really understand why or how but construction is booming.

Outwardly, the city looks like it ever did, hustling, bustling and teaming with people.

Thank G-d I don't have to come here ever day.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 10, 2024 10:07 AM (r1w51)

174 Mmm. Puffies.

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:08 AM (Jh5b+)

175 It's a hot one in NYC today. I don't really understand why or how but construction is booming.

Outwardly, the city looks like it ever did, hustling, bustling and teaming with people.

Thank G-d I don't have to come here ever day.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 10, 2024 10:07 AM (r1w51)

Federal monies going to new illegal immigrant housing.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:08 AM (Zz0t1)

176 Russia caused Biden to become senile.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:08 AM (t56FM)

177 Uh...not to nit pick, but you may be thinking of a different Dewey...
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 10, 2024 10:01 AM (BpYfr)
Yeah. One was much older than the other. I made an oops.

Screw John Dewey and bury him face-down in an unknown grave. I see that name and then see red. Melvil Dewey is a different person.

Odd that they were alive at the same time and ran in some of the same circles, though. I wonder how many times poor Melvil had to say, "no relation" to avoid mistakes like mine...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:08 AM (HnUIn)

178 *slightly older. Oy vey. I give up.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:09 AM (HnUIn)

179 It's a hot one in NYC today. I don't really understand why or how but construction is booming.
"Free" migrant housing!

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:09 AM (Jh5b+)

Federal monies going to new illegal immigrant housing.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:08 AM (Zz0t1)

Almost as if the native population of NYC is being replaced by foreigners. No that can’t be, it’s a conspiracy theory.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (t56FM)

And of course Musk Ox is doing NOTHING to remove the russian bots & trolls off twitter. He loves Putin like Trump does.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at July 10, 2024 10:03 AM (JCZqz)

OH FFS.. Russia,Russia , Russia again ? Can't they come up with a new boogeyman ?

Posted by: It's me donna at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (IyPmt)

182 --------
"Free" migrant housing!
Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:09 AM (Jh5b+)

Horde Mind.

It's real and it's SPECTACULAR!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (Zz0t1)

183 McCartney got busted with a pound of weed coming into Japan. The only reason they searched his stuff closely, was because they had found weed on previous visit. No jail time there either.
Posted by: Common Tater at July 10, 2024 10:02 AM (B1ASM)

He did spend nine days in a narcotics detention center.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (Q0kLU)

184 Carville: If Biden Stays in the Race, Dems Are ‘Making an Idiotic Choice’

Well, it wouldn't be their first.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (L/fGl)

185 Was it Melvil or John who took Manila?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 10:11 AM (Bbq1O)

186 I heard a new term which is funny. Blue Anon, a spoof on QAnon. This is referring to people who still believe Biden is mentally competent and defending him.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:11 AM (t56FM)

NYC summers, always remind me of the Lovin' Spoonful "Summer in the City."

Oh youth.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (x0n13)

188 Was it Melvil or John who took Manila?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at July 10, 2024 10:11 AM (Bbq1O)

Trick question.

Posted by: mrp at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (rj6Yv)

189 OH FFS.. Russia,Russia , Russia again ? Can't they come up with a new boogeyman ?

Posted by: It's me donna at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (IyPmt)

Notice they never say anything about China?...$$

Posted by: BignJames at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (AwYPR)

190 Yeah. Every warrior goes into battle nekkid and barefoot with his tool hanging out. Some license taken.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (pohLc)

191 Mmm. Puffies.
Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:08 AM (Jh5b+)


*runs away*

Posted by: Ashley Judd at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (Zz0t1)

192 Painting: Oedipus picks a winner, offers it to sphinx.

Posted by: Can't Make gp's Shimmy Shake on Tea at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (CgbEA)

193 Just drove by a film shoot on 23rd street.

I'll tell ya, there is a lot of ruin in a city, apparently NYCs Ruin is bottomless.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (r1w51)

194 Beth Rigby @BethRigby 3h
I asked @Keir_Starmer about Saka’s goal in Eng v Sui on plane: “That was classic Bukayo cuts in from the right & that shot is absolutely classic – inside of the post – I’ve seen it so many times. And I’d remind you, England have not missed a penalty under a Labour govt in 2024”

Steven Edginton @StevenEdginton 2h
Asking the tough questions. Much like how the US media asked Biden about his favourite flavour of ice cream. These people are not serious.
MFM same way here to Justin although there's a Bidenesque movement afoot to remove him before Oct. 2025's mandatory election [if not earlier] as he and the Liberals are polling so massively badly.

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (Jh5b+)

195 Greek mythology never interested me


Just a Bit High and Outside - a limerick

When a legend's been around for a while
It will change. Both in substance and style
Add a touch of subtle snark
It will stray far from the mark
'Cause a myth is as good as a mile!

Posted by: muldoon at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (uCfKO)

196 Yeah. Every warrior goes into battle nekkid and barefoot with his tool hanging out. Some license taken.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (pohLc)
Not at all. This is extremely well documented. For more information, check us out - you may be surprised.

Posted by: PornHub Historical Productions at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (HnUIn)

197 If You Were Duped On Biden’s Cognitive Decline, You’re Too Dumb To Be A Journalist

There's no such thing!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (L/fGl)

198 Carville: If Biden Stays in the Race, Dems Are ‘Making an Idiotic Choice’

No, asshole. YOU built this. YOU rigged the 2020 election to get this braindead shittard in. YOU LIVE WITH IT NOW.

You don't GET takebacks........

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (Zz0t1)

199 NYC summers, always remind me of the Lovin' Spoonful "Summer in the City."

Oh youth.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (x0n13)

Good, funky tune.

Posted by: Doof at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (RhGG0)

200 Fun fact about Admiral Dewey - after the Spanish-American war, there was a little boomlet touting him for president. Originally, he declined, which made people all the more eager to draft him. Then he came out and said that he'd studied the duties of the office and decided that it wasn't so hard to be POTUS, so sure, he'd run.

And that torpedoed his chances. Voters didn't want someone who thought the job of president wasn't any more taxing that that of the local dog catcher.

And a hundred years later, here we are. . .

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (Q0kLU)

201 If You Were Duped On Biden’s Cognitive Decline, You’re Too Dumb To Be A Journalist
There's no such thing!
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (L/fGl)
Yup. A very stupid group, on average. For colleges that still have both, the J-school and the Ed-school trade places for the dumbest people on campus.

There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn)

202 Just a Bit High and Outside - a limerick

When a legend's been around for a while
It will change. Both in substance and style
Add a touch of subtle snark
It will stray far from the mark
'Cause a myth is as good as a mile!
Is this named Ode to Euripides?

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (n17eQ)

203 NYC has lost approximately 500k net residents since 2020. And that’s including all the illegals that have moved in. Which means somewhere around 1M have left NYC. Which is astonishing.

It’s why nobody in charge really mind the illegals. They’re a backstop to the population drain.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (t56FM)

204 No, asshole. YOU built this. YOU rigged the 2020 election to get this braindead shittard in. YOU LIVE WITH IT NOW.

You don't GET takebacks........
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:13 AM (Zz0t1)

Best thing about being a lefty -- never admitting bad decisions

Posted by: Doof at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (RhGG0)

205 Free Dewey! And Huey! And Louie!

Posted by: Kelly Bundy at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (Jh5b+)

Look, bitch...

Posted by: Oedipus at July 10, 2024 10:16 AM (XeU6L)

207 For me, NYC in the summer was a different stink on every block. Of course, that was back in the 70's, so you had to watch where you stepped, too, especially around Times Square.

Posted by: mrp at July 10, 2024 10:17 AM (rj6Yv)

208 Eusmelides? Euripides!

Posted by: zombie Homer at July 10, 2024 10:17 AM (Jh5b+)

209 McCartney got busted with a pound of weed coming into Japan.

Isn't that a lot of weed? I mean, it's dried plant matter. When I buy, say, a one pound bag of panko, it comes in a gallon-sized zip lock.

Posted by: Oddbob at July 10, 2024 10:17 AM (/y8xj)

210 Who's the yahoo in the cape in the background?

Posted by: Asking the Important Questions at July 10, 2024 10:17 AM (F/oxI)

211 203 NYC has lost approximately 500k net residents since 2020. And that’s including all the illegals that have moved in. Which means somewhere around 1M have left NYC. Which is astonishing.

It’s why nobody in charge really mind the illegals. They’re a backstop to the population drain.
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (t56FM)


A variation of The Curley Effect.

Impoverishing your own urban center by driving out the productive in order to more easily secure the votes of the less productive.

It's a way to cling to political power. They'd rather be Detroit and in charge than Geneva and not.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:17 AM (GBKbO)

212 “ In love a throne will be established; in faithfulness a man will sit on it— one from the house of David— one who in judging seeks justice and speeds the cause of righteousness.”

Isaiah 16:5

Posted by: Marcus T at July 10, 2024 10:17 AM (ATSTk)

213 Why don't Democrats want to preserve election integrity?

Boy, that's a head scratcher!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:17 AM (L/fGl)

214 205 Free Dewey! And Huey! And Louie!
I really loved Silent Running. Great movie.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 10:18 AM (n17eQ)

215 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2024 10:12 AM (x0n13)

Hope you are hanging in. High quality report as usual this morning. Thanks.

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:18 AM (V3MYN)

216 203 NYC has lost approximately 500k net residents since 2020. And that’s including all the illegals that have moved in. Which means somewhere around 1M have left NYC. Which is astonishing.

It’s why nobody in charge really mind the illegals. They’re a backstop to the population drain.
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (t56FM)
Except that these are extremely high-risk displacements, not just because of crime and culture and the like.

NYC, like many other cities, is *extremely* vulnerable because most of the city finances are carried by a frighteningly small number of people. This is also true of places like San Francisco. If the *wrong* people move out, the whole financial basis of the city implodes. A few thousand extremely affluent people keep those entire cities of millions afloat. If they leave, the fiscal structure collapses.

So far, they're also so rich that they can sequester themselves from the consequences and they stick around. If that keeps up, it's all well and good and what you're describing is true. If they blink, it ends immediately.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:19 AM (HnUIn)

217 Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, so if you don't think he was, you're saying you believe in the teachings of an egomaniacal liar?

C. S. Lewis wrote something similar in Mere Christianity:

A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.

Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair at July 10, 2024 10:19 AM (EXyHK)

218 Is this named Ode to Euripides?

A man walks into a Greek tailor shop holding a pair of pants. "Eumenedes?"

the tailor says. "Euripedes?"

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2024 10:19 AM (Q0kLU)

219 Candidate for Feel Good Story of the Day:

Matt Croyle, a constable in Oil City, PA, made a post on Twitter last week (some of you may have seen it), in which he wrote, "If you have friends and family members who support literally may have to kill them before they kill you."

Well, the post went viral, and now the good Mr. Croyle has resigned as constable, been let go from his local non-profit, and says he is considering leaving town because of all the backlash he's received.


Posted by: Dr. T at July 10, 2024 10:19 AM (jGGMD)

220 Had the play been written today, it presumably would have ended with Oedipus running for president of France.

Or a throuple with his daughter.

Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair at July 10, 2024 10:20 AM (EXyHK)

221 Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) on Tuesday became the first Democratic senator to publicly cast doubt on President Joe Biden's chances against Donald Trump in November.

"Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election, and maybe win it by a landslide, and take with him the Senate and the House," Bennett told CNN's Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday - after telling colleagues the same in private. "So for me, this isn’t a question about polling. It’s not a question about politics. It’s a moral question about the future of our country."

"The White House, in the time since that disastrous debate, I think, has done nothing to really demonstrate that they have a plan to win this election," he continued.

Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 10:21 AM (RHGPo)

222 I always enjoy Kris' commentary. Our very own art professor.

Posted by: Tuna at July 10, 2024 10:22 AM (oaGWv)

So far, they're also so rich that they can sequester themselves from the consequences and they stick around. If that keeps up, it's all well and good and what you're describing is true. If they blink, it ends immediately.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:19 AM (HnUIn)

Washington state introduced an income tax on dividends. Wa has no income tax but they still wanted to stick it to evil rich peollezJeff Bezos moved out of WA and to FL before that took effect. NY and or NYC will probably be dumb enough to do something similar and that’s when the ultra wealthy will say fuck it, I’m out.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:22 AM (t56FM)

224 There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn) you point out...teachers are in the main amazingly dumb.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2024 10:22 AM (d9fT1)

He did spend nine days in a narcotics detention center.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing


Maybe a fellow 29yo can confirm.

Didn't Paul do an interview with Father Guido Sarducci around that time?

Posted by: 2009Refugee at July 10, 2024 10:22 AM (Zbn3V)

226 There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn)


Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (V3MYN)

227 221 "Donald Trump is on track, I think, to win this election, and maybe win it by a landslide, and take with him the Senate and the House," Bennett told CNN's Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday - after telling colleagues the same in private. "So for me, this isn’t a question about polling. It’s not a question about politics. It’s a moral question about the future of our country."

"The White House, in the time since that disastrous debate, I think, has done nothing to really demonstrate that they have a plan to win this election," he continued.
Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 10:21 AM (RHGPo)


Have they decided to change course on regulatory overreach, illegal immigration, and government spending? Have they tried to lessen the mood of the country by refusing to advocate or progress issues that are hot button and purposefully inflammatory?

If not, why not?

Doing those things would, I believe, help Democrats win the coming election without needing to resort to cheating. At least as much.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (GBKbO)

228 There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn)

Posted by: ... at July 1

Hollywood “stars”.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (t56FM)

229 222 I always enjoy Kris' commentary. Our very own art professor.
Posted by: Tuna at July 10, 2024 10:22 AM (oaGWv)

Thank you.

Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (EwaUh)

230 Posted by: Dr. T at July 10, 2024 10:19 AM (jGGMD)

Even thinking that, you have to be incredibly stupid to say it out loud unless you are assured that everyone who hears it or reads it agrees with it. The man was surprised he'd get blowback?!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 10, 2024 10:24 AM (oxQ9u)

231 Yup. A very stupid group, on average. For colleges that still have both, the J-school and the Ed-school trade places for the dumbest people on campus.

There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

From the UNC School of Journalism, ranked, last I looked, No. 4 in the nation:

"Students majoring in media and journalism are no longer required to complete the following specific courses: HIST 128, ECON 101 and POLI 100"

The only undergrad History that is required pre 1865.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc at July 10, 2024 10:24 AM (XeU6L)

232 224 There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn) you point out...teachers are in the main amazingly dumb.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo
Our sainted classes of doctors, MBA's, lawyers, etc. don't look so smart either.

IQ is never the same as wisdom that comes from experience, character, and Judeo Christian religion.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:24 AM (mIs2x)

233 Pascal's wager

The wager uses the following logic (excerpts from Pensées, part III, §233):

- God is, or God is not. Reason cannot decide between the two alternatives
- A Game is being played... where heads or tails will turn up
- You must wager (it is not optional)
- Let us weigh the gain and the loss in wagering that God is. Let us estimate these two chances. If you gain, you gain all; if you lose, you lose nothing
- Wager, then, without hesitation that He is. (...) There is here an infinity of an infinitely happy life to gain, a chance of gain against a finite number of chances of loss, and what you stake is finite. And so our proposition is of infinite force when there is the finite to stake in a game where there are equal risks of gain and of loss, and the infinite to gain.
- But some cannot believe. They should then 'at least learn your inability to believe...' and 'Endeavour then to convince' themselves.

Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 10:25 AM (RHGPo)

234 I love how Democrats preach "morality" now after being the party of debauchery, sex with anything including kids, slavery, terror and general societal degradation. They started this play under Obama. It's clever but infuriating.

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:25 AM (V3MYN)

235 "There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn)

Posted by: ... at July 1

Hollywood “stars”."

White House SpokesPox.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 10, 2024 10:25 AM (a1415)

236 "The White House, in the time since that disastrous debate, I think, has done nothing to really demonstrate that they have a plan to win this election," he continued.
Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 10:21 AM (RHGPo)

Again - the problem isn't that Joe is a vegetable, nor that his policies are disastrous, but rather because he is going to lose to Trump.

All I have to say is candidate quality, bitches!

Posted by: blaster at July 10, 2024 10:25 AM (xhfG9)

237 186 I heard a new term which is funny. Blue Anon, a spoof on QAnon. This is referring to people who still believe Biden is mentally competent and defending him.
Posted by: Biden is Finished

The Young Turks and a few other Lefties also use the term "Blue MAGA" in a similar way.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at July 10, 2024 10:26 AM (JCZqz)

238 There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn)

Posted by: ... at July 1

Hollywood “stars”.
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (t56FM)

Climate scientists

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:26 AM (V3MYN)

239 Doing those things would, I believe, help Democrats win the coming election without needing to resort to cheating. At least as much.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (GBKbO)

the leopard will not change its spots.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2024 10:26 AM (x0n13)

240 234 I love how Democrats preach "morality" now after being the party of debauchery, sex with anything including kids, slavery, terror and general societal degradation. They started this play under Obama. It's clever but infuriating.
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:25 AM (V3MYN)


They're pushing very hard the anonymous accusations against Trump from 2016 that were all dropped the second he won election detailing that he and Epstein did a bunch of stuff together.

This is the same group who go, "MAP are people too."

But they're not very good at hiding that it's only about trying to spread a narrative to hurt conservative support of Trump.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (GBKbO)

241 Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, so if you don't think he was, you're saying you believe in the teachings of an egomaniacal liar?

Leave Biden alone!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (L/fGl)

242 Still 3+ months left. That’s a lot of time in politics. I’m not popping champagne bottles. I hope Trump’s team isn’t either.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (t56FM)

243 Being killed by a Sphinx for failing to answer a riddle correctly is horrifying, but the real world is no less so.
Since the introduction of the Roomba in 2002, world spider population has increased seven-fold!

Posted by: Keeping Score at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (V5BDR)

244 - But some cannot believe. They should then 'at least learn your inability to believe...' and 'Endeavour then to convince' themselves.
Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 10:25 AM (RHGPo)

Pascal was smart - I mean he wrote a whole computer language! - but I am pretty sure God could figure out if you were gaming the system.

Posted by: blaster at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (xhfG9)

245 you point out...teachers are in the main amazingly dumb.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 10, 2024 10:22 AM (d9fT1)

How about substitute teachers? Gawd, how we tormented them.

Posted by: BignJames at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (AwYPR)

246 Since the introduction of the Roomba in 2002, world spider population has increased seven-fold!
Posted by: Keeping Score at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (V5BDR)
It's why I will never let one of those demon bots in my home...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 10, 2024 10:28 AM (BpYfr)

247 Good morning everyone. Thank you Kris!

Posted by: Tonypete at July 10, 2024 10:28 AM (WXNFJ)

248 239 the leopard will not change its spots.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2024 10:26 AM (x0n13)


It's weird to me, though, because these people don't seem particularly ideological. They seem powermad.

So...why not do things to make things easier for them to win elections legitimately like making the country safer and wealthier?

Sure, their cuts will diminish, but they'll retain power.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:28 AM (GBKbO)

249 Have they decided to change course on regulatory overreach, illegal immigration, and government spending? Have they tried to lessen the mood of the country by refusing to advocate or progress issues that are hot button and purposefully inflammatory?

If not, why not?

Doing those things would, I believe, help Democrats win the coming election without needing to resort to cheating. At least as much.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
Ask Sunak, perhaps the last Tory PM ever.

Simply put, what we see in our political systems are NOT what is claimed for the system.

That means modern democracy is actually no such thing as described glowingly in PoliSci 1101. It is a facade for something else--most likely a corrupted aristocratic described misleadingly as a meritocratic republic.

These are ranked as among the worst forms of government by the classic Greeks because of the multitude of petty tyrants involved for power, money, and glory.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:29 AM (mIs2x)

250 Gawd, how we tormented them.
Posted by: BignJames at July 10, 2024 10:27 AM (AwYPR)

Unless you get the one substitute in the system that knows your parents.

Posted by: Kris at July 10, 2024 10:29 AM (EwaUh)

251 186 I heard a new term which is funny. Blue Anon, a spoof on QAnon. This is referring to people who still believe Biden is mentally competent and defending him.
Posted by: Biden is Finished

Blue Anon describes the Lefty conspiracy theorists. The ones who think the Russians beamed something into Biden's head during the debate to make him perform worse.

Posted by: blaster at July 10, 2024 10:29 AM (xhfG9)

252 Something happen in the last hour? Biden is tanking as nominee on the betting markets. Was up 61 - 30 on Harris at 9 am, now down to 47 - 39.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at July 10, 2024 10:29 AM (Dm8we)

253 As with Oak Island, Skinwalker Ranch shares the obtuseness of not just renting and excavator and do some serious digging. Jeebus.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 10:29 AM (n17eQ)

254 It's weird to me, though, because these people don't seem particularly ideological. They seem powermad.

So...why not do things to make things easier for them to win elections legitimately like making the country safer and wealthier?

Sure, their cuts will diminish, but they'll retain power.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:28 AM (GBKbO)
Will moderating their stance on certain positions bring enough moderates into the fold to offset the losses of the hardcore base that will reject them?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (BpYfr)

255 Journalists? Really bad, though "Education Majors" are in a league of their own.

Posted by: Common Tater at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (B1ASM)

256 I watched the clip linked in the sidebar where Pelosi is mumbling about *biden. She looks horrible and sounds worse. She's got dementia too. It's that and too much vodka before air time.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (Q4IgG)

257 Well, the post went viral, and now the good Mr. Croyle has resigned as constable, been let go from his local non-profit, and says he is considering leaving town because of all the backlash he's received.

Man, life is so unfair. Merely suggest mass murder of your own friends and family and everybody jumps to conclusions about you.

Posted by: Oddbob at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (/y8xj)

258 I am pretty sure God could figure out if you were gaming the system.

I’m pretty sure Jesus, or one of the apostles, addressed this at some point. Something about faith without works, and even the demons merely believe.

Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (EXyHK)

259 Have they decided to change course on regulatory overreach, illegal immigration, and government spending? Have they tried to lessen the mood of the country by refusing to advocate or progress issues that are hot button and purposefully inflammatory?

If not, why not?

Doing those things would, I believe, help Democrats win the coming election without needing to resort to cheating. At least as much.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

They would actually have to DO it, not just give lip service to it. And America doesn't believe them.

Morning all.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (6GRih)

260 Blue Anon describes the Lefty conspiracy theorists. The ones who think the Russians beamed something into Biden's head during the debate to make him perform worse.
Posted by: blaster at July 10, 2024 10:29 AM (xhfG9)

I heard it in the context of true believers of Biden. I guess it can be used in a few situations. They’re all lunatics in the end.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (t56FM)

261 So...why not do things to make things easier for them to win elections legitimately like making the country safer and wealthier?

Sure, their cuts will diminish, but they'll retain power.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:28 AM (GBKbO)

The point of power is to make people do what you want. Not doing what people want to get power.

Posted by: blaster at July 10, 2024 10:30 AM (xhfG9)

262 Late to the thread but can't add much, if anything, to Kris' superb analysis. The relatively soft colors and textures of the stones makes the hard realism of Oedipus' form stand out. The power in the painting is wonderful.

I never liked the idea that Oedipus thought he sinned and punished himself for it. He was completely admirable and was a victim of his father's fears and the Sphynx's (and fates') machinations. The injustice and denigration of humanity always bothered me.

Posted by: JTB at July 10, 2024 10:31 AM (zudum)

263 Something happen in the last hour? Biden is tanking as nominee on the betting markets. Was up 61 - 30 on Harris at 9 am, now down to 47 - 39.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at July 10, 2024 10:29 AM (Dm8we)

Hasn't caught up to the place I look at. He was 3.5 to 1 yesterday and now up to 3 to 1 and that is live.

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:31 AM (V3MYN)

264 Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt.

Where is Mike Hunt?

Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher at July 10, 2024 10:31 AM (Jh5b+)

265 264 Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt.

Where is Mike Hunt?
Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher at July 10, 2024 10:31 AM (Jh5b+)


Ask his friend Peter File.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:32 AM (GBKbO)

Where is Mike Hunt?
Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher at July 10, 2024 10:31 AM (Jh5b+)

He's outside playing with Jim Sweeney.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:32 AM (Zz0t1)

267 252 Something happen in the last hour? Biden is tanking as nominee on the betting markets. Was up 61 - 30 on Harris at 9 am, now down to 47 - 39.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba

Biden sounded really confident at the debate, when he challenged Trump to a game of golf...but now he's turning down Trump's offer of a time and location?!?! Maybe Biden's not as healthy as his team has been telling us!

Posted by: Retard betting the nominee market at July 10, 2024 10:32 AM (JCZqz)

268 It's weird to me, though, because these people don't seem particularly ideological. They seem powermad.

So...why not do things to make things easier for them to win elections legitimately like making the country safer and wealthier?

Sure, their cuts will diminish, but they'll retain power.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Answered your question above, but in addition, the problem with corrupt aristocracies is that it requires collective action to do what you suggest and enough of the pseudo aristos are in no mood to temper their expectations of power, glory, and money so the worst of the aristo class dictates the overall outcomes.

Saw that in the Mafia back in the Commission Days as well and we are seeing a similar criminal government by the cartels in Mexico (or Russia after the fall of Commies).

The looters are out to get what they can before the perceived roof falls in and the more restrained and sober of their criminal colleagues are unable to restrain the worst of their fraternity from doing what they do. Even if they perceive doom in the air.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:32 AM (mIs2x)

269 The rack on that sphinx.

Posted by: Tech Sgt. Chen at July 10, 2024 10:32 AM (Z8Yh2)

270 All the mid-morning art threads are welcome and informative breaks from unending news.

Like all great art this represents a story. And what a story.

Thanks for making my brain get engaged in the classics - both art and history, this morning!

Posted by: QuietOneInNYC at July 10, 2024 10:32 AM (3Aik5)

271 Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt.

Where is Mike Hunt?
Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher

He's with Dick Gazinya.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 10, 2024 10:33 AM (WXNFJ)

272 It's weird to me, though, because these people don't seem particularly ideological. They seem powermad.

So...why not do things to make things easier for them to win elections legitimately like making the country safer and wealthier?

Sure, their cuts will diminish, but they'll retain power.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges

Power mad means their way is the only way. Why moderate something when you are right???

Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2024 10:33 AM (6GRih)

273 I’m seeing Biden at 55% and Kumala at 29, updated every couple of minutes.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:33 AM (t56FM)

274 Wakes up
Looks around
Dang. Nice art today and a great explanation. Thanx Kris.
Goes looking for coffee.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 10, 2024 10:33 AM (W/lyH)

275 One wonders what percentage of the population had even the smallest clue about the story behind this painting. Even back then, this probably would only make sense to the elites who had the time and money to know the story and develop an appreciation for the style.
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:44 AM

It was considered essential to know classic mythology and the Bible. The children's versions by Paidrac Colum, the Irish playwright and poet, are still being sold along with Percy Jackson novels.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 10, 2024 10:33 AM (LWWI4)

276 One for the 'ettes.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 10, 2024 10:33 AM (cHB26)

277 "even the demons merely believe" would make a great name for a rock band.

Posted by: Pudinhead at July 10, 2024 10:34 AM (n17eQ)

278 268 The looters are out to get what they can before the perceived roof falls in and the more restrained and sober of their criminal colleagues are unable to restrain the worst of their fraternity from doing what they do. Even if they perceive doom in the air.
Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:32 AM (mIs2x)


Fair enough.

The bureaucracy is too big. The funding too diffuse. There is no monolith to give the one order, "Just do things well," and make it better.

More of a cultural problem where everyone in the culture is corrupt and has no direct, personal incentive to stop.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:34 AM (GBKbO)

279 The brief moment, which was captured from multiple angles, opens with [Mick] Jagger telling an enormous Vancouver crowd that he loves “your Mr. Trudeau.” The fans immediately replied with a low rumble of boos.

“I mean, his family’s always been such big fans of our band,” Jagger continued as the boos and jeers grew louder. This is when the 80-year-old British singer stops his commentary, giving his fans what appears to be a cheeky smile. Jagger clearly receives the message and quickly pivots the topic to the Canadian soccer team. This seems to recover things, and the clips cut-off.

Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 10:34 AM (RHGPo)

280 263 Something happen in the last hour? Biden is tanking as nominee on the betting markets. Was up 61 - 30 on Harris at 9 am, now down to 47 - 39.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba

Political betting markets are thinly traded and subject to manipulation by a relatively few actors. Interesting concept that has been contaminated by real world narrative building by Dem activists.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:34 AM (mIs2x)

281 It's that and too much vodka before air time.
Posted by: Martini Farmer

I don't think that's a position supported at AoS HQ...certainly not for Democrats about to go on air.

Posted by: Fake AoS Style Editor at July 10, 2024 10:34 AM (JCZqz)

282 {248} So...why not do things to make things easier for them to win elections legitimately like making the country safer and wealthier?

Sure, their cuts will diminish, but they'll retain power.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, laughing at the clowns with Preston Sturges at July 10, 2024 10:28 AM (GBKbO)

Because they get off on doing it the illegal, immoral, and offensive way. It's part of the kink. Think Caligula.

Sam Brinton, Rachel Levine, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, the Biden family, Probably a whole bunch of house-reps and Senators... These are not exceptions, these are their standard, and they intend to make you bow down and worship that standard.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 10, 2024 10:35 AM (O7YUW)

283 Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt.

Where is Mike Hunt?
Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher

He's with Dick Gazinya.
Posted by: Tonypete

Speaking of great names, haven't seen Harry Paratesties recently. Not even peaking out from Oedipus' left leg.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 10, 2024 10:35 AM (WXNFJ)

284 "Even thinking that, you have to be incredibly stupid to say it out loud unless you are assured that everyone who hears it or reads it agrees with it. The man was surprised he'd get blowback?!"

They live in a bubble, either online or in real life meatspace.

Also keep in mind, how many mood altering drugs and tranquilizers and wacky prescription "medications" the leftists have been marinating in for generations now.

From a purely technical perspective, it is illegal for them to drive a car or operate machinery. They are cognitively impaired by definition, both before and after "treatment".

Posted by: Common Tater at July 10, 2024 10:35 AM (B1ASM)

285 Posted by: Dr. T at July 10, 2024 10:19 AM (jGGMD)

Even thinking that, you have to be incredibly stupid to say it out loud unless you are assured that everyone who hears it or reads it agrees with it. The man was surprised he'd get blowback?!
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 10, 2024 10:24 AM (oxQ9u)

"But everybody I know hates Trump!"

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2024 10:36 AM (Q0kLU)

286 Seems like a good time to repost the Dr Floyd Ferris quote:

"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted -- and you create a nation of law-breakers -- and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with."

Posted by: blaster at July 10, 2024 10:36 AM (xhfG9)

287 There are many betting sites. Not all of them have the same odds. Sometimes there’s a yuuuge discrepancy and arbitrage opportunity between them.

PredictIt is usually the most favorable to Dems as well.

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:36 AM (t56FM)

288 Answered your question above, but in addition, the problem with corrupt aristocracies is that it requires collective action to do what you suggest and enough of the pseudo aristos are in no mood to temper their expectations of power, glory, and money so the worst of the aristo class dictates the overall outcomes.

Saw that in the Mafia back in the Commission Days as well and we are seeing a similar criminal government by the cartels in Mexico (or Russia after the fall of Commies).

The looters are out to get what they can before the perceived roof falls in and the more restrained and sober of their criminal colleagues are unable to restrain the worst of their fraternity from doing what they do. Even if they perceive doom in the air.

Summarized by the term "Overproduction of elites".

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 10, 2024 10:36 AM (cHB26)

289 I’m seeing Biden at 55% and Kumala at 29, updated every couple of minutes.
Posted by: Biden is Finished

Could have just been a big bet on predictit, although I believe the limit is $850. But he's now 52-39 there, and that's also live.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at July 10, 2024 10:37 AM (Dm8we)

290 Mr. Snuffleupagus remembers to apologize.

George Stephanopoulos apologizes after TMZ catches him telling the truth about Biden

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:37 AM (L/fGl)

291 Ferry just landed in downtown Seattle.

Have a lovely day, my grey box friends.

Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2024 10:38 AM (aEVyE)

292 Oedipus is a 1. IMHO there should be more artistic representations of beautiful heterosexual men.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 10, 2024 10:38 AM (LWWI4)

293 the 80-year-old British singer stops his commentary, giving his fans what appears to be a cheeky smile. Jagger clearly receives the message and quickly pivots the topic to the Canadian soccer team. This seems to recover things, and the clips cut-off.
Posted by: SMOD

Jagger is a Lefty, but he's an entertainer first. I saw him in concert in 2015 and was amazed how athletic he was...most people of ANY age couldn't keep up with him. And, while he'll float the occasional Lefty talking points, he'll read the crowd and shut up as needed, unlike many other performers.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at July 10, 2024 10:39 AM (JCZqz)

294 Thanks for the fascinating painting and wonderful context, Kris.

I get this: Oedipus represents two enduring themes of Greek myth and drama: the flawed nature of humanity and an individual's role in the course of destiny in a harsh universe. (Wikipedia)

But I couldn't/can't get this: Above all, Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was responsible for a revolutionary interpretation of Oedipus at the turn of the twentieth century. (Fictional 100, word press, Oedipus the King: The Riddle of Himself)

Wouldn't hang, but thank you.

(The second Oedipus touched, that finger would have be gone.)

Posted by: L - If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you, too at July 10, 2024 10:39 AM (NFX2v)

295 Something happen in the last hour? Biden is tanking as nominee on the betting markets. Was up 61 - 30 on Harris at 9 am, now down to 47 - 39.
Posted by: Biff Pocoroba

Sen Bennett from Colorado confirmed he said (basically) Joe is going to drag the house and senate down with him.

People will talk to Joe and explain this as his legacy. Nobody will remember him beating Trump the first time.

Just my guess.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at July 10, 2024 10:39 AM (JkCto)

296 Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2024 10:38 AM (aEVyE)


Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2024 10:39 AM (Q0kLU)

297 Oedipus embodies many of the classical ideals, from intelligence, to courage, to youthful drive, to physical perfection. These are the traits that destroy monsters.

Posted by Open Blogger at 09:30 AM Comments

I guess I'll not be slaying any monsters then.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at July 10, 2024 10:40 AM (FCbAQ)

298 292 Oedipus is a 1. IMHO there should be more artistic representations of beautiful heterosexual men.
Posted by: NaughtyPine

Why just heterosexual ones?

Posted by: David French at July 10, 2024 10:40 AM (JCZqz)

299 Even back then, this probably would only make sense to the elites who had the time and money to know the story and develop an appreciation for the style.

I’m not so sure about this. There are hints in old popular culture that authors could assume everyone knew some pretty arcane stuff—or at least that it was not unreasonable to assume that random people knew some pretty arcane stuff.

I’m thinking mainly of an old pulp SF story by, I think Leinster, involving a breakdown in time, and there being nothing out of the ordinary about some random NYC schoolkid knowing enough Latin to speak at least rudimentarily with them.

I’m currently going through a Latin textbook used in Texas schools in the fifties. It appears to be for the middle-grades, judging from what the book assumes for the student’s knowledge of English. And when I saw “currently going through”, I mean I started it in February of 2022 and I’m about 20% through.

Anyone going all the way through that book (it’s also filled with artwork from Roman times or depicting Roman times) would have a very good grounding in the Roman side of the Classical world.

Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair at July 10, 2024 10:40 AM (EXyHK)

300 Fair enough.

The bureaucracy is too big. The funding too diffuse. There is no monolith to give the one order, "Just do things well," and make it better.

More of a cultural problem where everyone in the culture is corrupt and has no direct, personal incentive to stop.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
Saw the same thing in a microcosm when I retired from academia. Faculty meetings were about rather stupid minutiae in order to address pointless initiatives by deans, provosts, etc. to pad their CV for future jobs.

The demographic cliff on college enrollments, unsustainable cost increases for students, and the quality of instruction given to undergraduates rated about as much as newspaper lining the bottom of a birdcage in those meetings. And most of the participants in the charade knowingly took a crap on concerns like that.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:41 AM (mIs2x)

301 Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt.

Where is Mike Hunt?
Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher

He's with Dick Gazinya.
Posted by: Tonypete

Clint Torrez.Dick Hertz.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2024 10:41 AM (x0n13)

302 A four million dollar study!

After NYC's mayor taught residents how to use trash cans, people realized the city dropped $4 million to see if using trash cans is a good idea

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:41 AM (L/fGl)

303 I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC lights...

Such statements are usually accompanied by a list of dire consequences in the event your demands aren't met. What are yours?
Posted by: Archimedes at July 10, 2024 09:55 AM (xCA6C)

Twitter really needs a "Shut up, you stunned c***!" button.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 10, 2024 10:41 AM (KPk14)

304 For me, NYC in the summer was a different stink on every block. Of course, that was back in the 70's, so you had to watch where you stepped, too, especially around Times Square.
Posted by: mrp at July 10, 2024

The summer of '77 was the Summer of Sam, the second NYC Blackout, and the filming of the first Christopher Reeve Superman film. In fact I think they were there, filming on location, during the blackout.

To show the decline of our society, in 1965's blackout, people did not go around looting, or if they did it was small and localized. If you recall, H'wood even made a comedy about it called Where Were You When the Lights Went Out? w/ Doris Day.

In '77? Looting, no comedies. Twelve years made a horrifying difference.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 10:41 AM (J2vNu)

305 "even the demons merely believe" would make a great name for a rock band.

Or any work of art. Book, movie, painting, poem (paging Muldoon).

Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair at July 10, 2024 10:41 AM (EXyHK)

306 NYC had to teach people to use trash cans? 🤣

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:42 AM (t56FM)

307 Have a lovely day, my grey box friends.
Posted by: nurse ratched at July 10, 2024 10:38 AM (aEVyE)



*rubs butt*

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:42 AM (Zz0t1)

308 Summarized by the term "Overproduction of elites".
Posted by: Duncanthrax
Nicely summarized. I have always been longwinded in writing because I am thinking while writing. Normally have to do two to three revisions but then again, never suffered from writer's block either.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:42 AM (mIs2x)

309 Mike Hunt. Mike Hunt.

Where is Mike Hunt?
Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher

He's with Dick Gazinya.
Posted by: Tonypete

Clint Torrez.Dick Hertz.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton

An 'advertiser' on Bob and Tom - Pinkley Motors selling a Pinkley Taurus.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 10, 2024 10:43 AM (WXNFJ)

310 "even the demons merely believe" would make a great name for a rock band.

Or a flop Doobie Brothers song.

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2024 10:43 AM (Q0kLU)

311 306 NYC had to teach people to use trash cans? 🤣
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:42 AM (t56FM)

Ed Koch's Pooper Scooper Law for me was the spark that ignited the city's ultimate turnaround that led to the golden age of Giuliani.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 10, 2024 10:43 AM (x0n13)

312 lol. Hillary is at 3% to win the presidency. Man some people just hate money .

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:43 AM (t56FM)

313 291 Ferry just landed in downtown Seattle.
Posted by: nurse ratched

So early? I figured it would take another couple decades before the Islamists started launching them from buildings. You can't walk 2 blocks without passing a ferry of some sort in Seattle, so I guess that part makes sense, but I always figured it would start somewhere with more unassimilated Islamic migrants, like Dearborn or Minneapolis....

Posted by: Confused Moron at July 10, 2024 10:44 AM (JCZqz)

314 @279/SMOD: Vancouver, a left-wing fortress, is booing Trudeau. Well then... This I did not expect. I'd thought things were looking bad for the PM, but that little revelation is pretty amazing.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 10, 2024 10:44 AM (O7YUW)

315 My butt hurts........

Posted by: Things Overheard Outside Pete Buttigieg's Office at July 10, 2024 10:45 AM (Zz0t1)

316 I’m currently going through a Latin textbook used in Texas schools in the fifties. It appears to be for the middle-grades, judging from what the book assumes for the student’s knowledge of English. And when I saw “currently going through”, I mean I started it in February of 2022 and I’m about 20% through.

Anyone going all the way through that book (it’s also filled with artwork from Roman times or depicting Roman times) would have a very good grounding in the Roman side of the Classical world.
Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair
Knowing Latin also eases the way into other languages and erudite knowledge of the top tier of English words derived via the Normans and church. Helped a lot back in the day of the real SAT on verbal skills (and crossword puzzles).

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:45 AM (mIs2x)

317 Sphinx riddle: When is your brother your son?

Answer: When you schtup your mother!

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at July 10, 2024 10:45 AM (w9Wax)

318 And that torpedoed his chances. Voters didn't want someone who thought the job of president wasn't any more taxing that that of the local dog catcher.


Fast forward 70 years and we find Taylor Swift being touted as the Dem's savior in a presidential race they're otherwise nearly certain to lose.

Just shoot me now.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 10, 2024 10:45 AM (hY4dx)

319 And, while he'll float the occasional Lefty talking points, he'll read the crowd and shut up as needed, unlike many other performers.
Posted by: Moron Analyst

A lesson a lot of Hollywood "stars" should learn. Their movies might do better at the box office.

Posted by: Tuna at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (oaGWv)

320 Vancouver, a left-wing fortress, is booing Trudeau. Well then... This I did not expect. I'd thought things were looking bad for the PM, but that little revelation is pretty amazing.
Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 10, 2024 10:44 AM (O7YUW)

Yet, they reelected him.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (Zz0t1)

321 It's weird to me, though, because these people don't seem particularly ideological. They seem powermad.

So...why not do things to make things easier for them to win elections legitimately like making the country safer and wealthier?

Sure, their cuts will diminish, but they'll retain power.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

Because they want the power to destroy. There is a lot of profit in ruining a country.

Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (V3MYN)

322 314 @279/SMOD: Vancouver, a left-wing fortress, is booing Trudeau. Well then... This I did not expect. I'd thought things were looking bad for the PM, but that little revelation is pretty amazing.
Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant
Even kings in the days of yore had those days because it is easier for the public to blame one guy than the whole political structure that allowed such a creep to be in power in the first place.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (mIs2x)

323 Nicely summarized. I have always been longwinded in writing because I am thinking while writing. Normally have to do two to three revisions but then again, never suffered from writer's block either.
Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:42 AM

I, for one, find your posts well thought out, and I enjoy them. Thank you!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (cHB26)

324 Not the Bee: John Deere has gone full woke and is firing hundreds of Americans to move operations to Mexico

Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (B0mGw)

325 @313/Confused Moron:

Not good. Ferries bad. Go around.

Posted by: Necron 99 at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (O7YUW)

326 Vancouver, a left-wing fortress, is booing Trudeau. Well then... This I did not expect

Is it because he doesn’t hate Israel enough?

Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:47 AM (t56FM)

327 lol. Hillary is at 3% to win the presidency. Man some people just hate money .

Some of it could just be people throwing away a couple of bucks on a joke or it could be like buying a lotto ticket. You know the odds are long to say the least but the bet is cheap and the payoff would be large if it somehow should happen.

Posted by: Oddbob at July 10, 2024 10:47 AM (/y8xj)

328 Someone is going full-hog on David-French-types.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 10, 2024 10:47 AM (cf/0E)

329 306 NYC had to teach people to use trash cans? 🤣
Posted by: Biden is Finished

Maybe to shit in, although that sounds like more of a San Francisco issue. If you've spent any time in 3rd World Countries, you'll notice there's litter EVERYWHERE. Using trashcans just isn't part of normal just throw it on the ground and go about your business. When you import millions of people with this perception into your country, you're going to have litter problems.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at July 10, 2024 10:47 AM (JCZqz)

330 Not the Bee: John Deere has gone full woke and is firing hundreds of Americans to move operations to Mexico
Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (B0mGw)

And they will reap the benefits of their actions.

They've been overpriced ego driven bullshit for a few decades, so I've never really had anything for them anyway.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:47 AM (Zz0t1)

331 Using trashcans just isn't part of normal just throw it on the ground and go about your business. When you import millions of people with this perception into your country, you're going to have litter problems.
Posted by: Moron Analyst

To say nothing of rape and murder.

Posted by: Tonypete at July 10, 2024 10:48 AM (WXNFJ)

332 >>Fast forward 70 years and we find Taylor Swift being touted as the Dem's savior in a presidential race they're otherwise nearly certain to lose.


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (+oRno)

333 279 The brief moment, which was captured from multiple angles, opens with [Mick] Jagger telling an enormous Vancouver crowd that he loves “your Mr. Trudeau.” The fans immediately replied with a low rumble of boos.
Here it is:

Canada Proud @WeAreCanProud · Jul 8
Would you have booed too?

Brad Zubyk @Bzubyk
To be fair, the Rolling Stones were good friends with Trudeau's mom at one point.
25 seconds

Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (Jh5b+)

334 OH FFS.. Russia,Russia , Russia again ? Can't they come up with a new boogeyman ?
Posted by: It's me donna at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (IyPmt)

Didn't Putin endorse gropin' Joe?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (KPk14)

335 They've been overpriced ego driven bullshit for a few decades, so I've never really had anything for them anyway.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:47 AM

So you're not going to be painting "First!" on any water towers in John Deere green?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (cHB26)

336 Ferry Boat?....knew they were organized, didn't know they had a Navy.

Posted by: BignJames at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (AwYPR)

337 Off, substitute sock.

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (Jh5b+)

338 >John Deere has gone full woke and is firing hundreds of Americans to move operations to Mexico

Are people tracking how much correlation between these two actions?

Also tax every tractor 30% that was not made here. We didn't know how important mercantilism was until we lost it.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (cf/0E)

339 lol. Hillary is at 3% to win the presidency. Man some people just hate money .
Posted by: Biden is Finished

She just popped from 2 to 6 on predictit at the same time Biden was diving.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (Dm8we)

340 238 There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn)

Posted by: ... at July 1

Hollywood “stars”.
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (t56FM)

Climate scientists

tiktok influencers

Posted by: anachronda at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (oY6Yp)

341 I think most urban locations have issues with trash... even with plentiful cans to put it in. People are lazy. The parking lot at Kroger's is always litter strewn and it's not just grocery bags and receipts either.

It's more like someone decided to clean out their car and dumped a months worth of fast food containers, cups and whatever else was in the vehicle... right there on the ground.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (Q4IgG)

Been a rough morning. Still no power and I doubt we'll have any soon. We're better prepared than 90% of people and have less damage but it's still been exhausting.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (KKnQx)

343 Trump +4 over Harris, +3 over Biden. RV's.

Posted by: YouGov at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (Y8lzz)

344 Brad Zubyk @Bzubyk
To be fair, the Rolling Stones were good friends with Trudeau's mom at one point.
25 seconds
Posted by: BignJames's substitute teacher at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (Jh5b+)


That's hysterical......Quite the segue artist......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (Zz0t1)

345 tiktok influencers
Posted by: anachronda at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (oY6Yp)
There is no difference between a social media influencer and a journalist. They're the same people a lot of time.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (HnUIn)

346 >>Not the Bee: John Deere has gone full woke and is firing hundreds of Americans to move operations to Mexico


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (+oRno)

347 There is no group more intellectually unimpressive than journalists.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at July 10, 2024 10:15 AM (HnUIn)

Posted by: ... at July 1

Hollywood “stars”.
Posted by: Biden is Finished at July 10, 2024 10:23 AM (t56FM)

Climate scientists

tiktok influencers
Posted by: anachronda at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM

DU commenters.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (cHB26)

348 And when I saw “currently going through”, I mean I started it in February of 2022 and I’m about 20% through.

Latin is a dead language
As dead as it can be
It killed the ancient Romans
And now is killing me.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (L/fGl)

349 334 OH FFS.. Russia,Russia , Russia again ? Can't they come up with a new boogeyman ?
Posted by: It's me donna at July 10, 2024 10:10 AM (IyPmt)

Didn't Putin endorse gropin' Joe?

that's what he *wants* you to think

Posted by: anachronda at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (oY6Yp)

350 306 NYC had to teach people to use trash cans? 🤣
Posted by: Biden is Finished
People know how to do that--it is just the perpetual 10-20 percent of humanity that have to be coerced via law, fines, and social opprobrium no longer face those consequences becuz racism and the hierarchy of the oppressed.

Those 10-20 percent of humanity are why we can't have nice things without big gubmint. Which is of course the point---a society where the bad actors are forced to be nice and do right over a long period of time does not need the sheer size of the current administrative state.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:50 AM (mIs2x)

351 So you're not going to be painting "First!" on any water towers in John Deere green?
Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (cHB26)

I'm no homo.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:51 AM (Zz0t1)

352 234 I love how Democrats preach "morality" now after being the party of debauchery, sex with anything including kids, slavery, terror and general societal degradation. They started this play under Obama. It's clever but infuriating.
Posted by: ... at July 10, 2024 10:25 AM (V3MYN)

Preaching bullshit and hypocrisy to imbeciles does not qualify as clever.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 10, 2024 10:51 AM (pohLc)

353 338 >John Deere has gone full woke and is firing hundreds of Americans to move operations to Mexico

Are people tracking how much correlation between these two actions?

Also tax every tractor 30% that was not made here. We didn't know how important mercantilism was until we lost it.
Posted by: BourbonChicken
Robby Starbucks reports that Bill Gates is a big shareholder of John Deere. Haven't bothered to check it out.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:52 AM (mIs2x)

354 299 I’m currently going through a Latin textbook used in Texas schools in the fifties. It appears to be for the middle-grades, judging from what the book assumes for the student’s knowledge of English. And when I saw “currently going through”, I mean I started it in February of 2022 and I’m about 20% through.

Anyone going all the way through that book (it’s also filled with artwork from Roman times or depicting Roman times) would have a very good grounding in the Roman side of the Classical world.

but you're not going to mention the title?

Posted by: anachronda at July 10, 2024 10:52 AM (oY6Yp)

355 Anonosaurus Rex, that’s an awesome bit of doggerel.

Posted by: Perpetually Pessimistic Stephen Price Blair at July 10, 2024 10:52 AM (EXyHK)

356 Preaching bullshit and hypocrisy to imbeciles does not qualify as clever.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 10, 2024 10:51 AM

But it does pay the bills.

Posted by: The Lincoln Project at July 10, 2024 10:52 AM (cHB26)

357 I think most urban locations have issues with trash... even with plentiful cans to put it in. People are lazy. The parking lot at Kroger's is always litter strewn and it's not just grocery bags and receipts either.

It's more like someone decided to clean out their car and dumped a months worth of fast food containers, cups and whatever else was in the vehicle... right there on the ground.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at July 10, 2024

You ought to see outside the back gate at my apartment complex-dump. When I lived there in the '90s, the place was nicely policed (in both senses of the word -- they offered rent discounts to police officers to live there), and there was no back fence or gate.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 10:53 AM (J2vNu)

358 Not the Bee: John Deere has gone full woke and is firing hundreds of Americans to move operations to Mexico
Posted by: Ribbed at July 10, 2024 10:46 AM (B0mGw)

And they will reap the benefits of their actions.

They've been overpriced ego driven bullshit for a few decades, so I've never really had anything for them anyway.
Posted by: Sponge

Especially since you can ONLY use JD products with JD tractors.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2024 10:53 AM (6GRih)

359 352 234 I love how Democrats preach "morality" now after being the party of debauchery, sex with anything including kids, slavery, terror and general societal degradation. They started this play under Obama. It's clever but infuriating.
Posted by: ...
The left controls the infotainment/academia/non profit/education industries. Inversion is a thing of Stan's and how you know pure evil when you see it.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:53 AM (mIs2x)

360 The difference between a fortified and unfortified election will be thrown into the yawning gap of dementia.

I have come around to the idea that voting is like bragging about gainzzz on social media, EI counterproductive.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 10, 2024 10:54 AM (cf/0E)

361 Don't think the dude in painting understood that the cloth draped over his shoulder can be worn as clothing.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO, AI Expert at July 10, 2024 10:54 AM (2xB3Z)

362 OH FFS.. Russia,Russia , Russia again ? Can't they come up with a new boogeyman ?
Posted by: It's me donna

Then they would have to actually think and reason.

Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2024 10:54 AM (6GRih)

363 In episode 8 of season 4 of The Chosen Pontius Pilate exclaims "Hades and Styx!" when he's upset about something. Kinda cool.

Posted by: Come and see at July 10, 2024 10:55 AM (tNgW5)

364 >>To be fair, the Rolling Stones were good friends with Trudeau's mom at one point.

Seems like she was good friends with a lot of VIPs, IYKWIM.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 10, 2024 10:55 AM (+oRno)

365 Ukraine will have F-16's before the end of summer. Take that Putin poopypants.

Posted by: Anthony Blinkin at July 10, 2024 10:55 AM (Y8lzz)

366 Even kings in the days of yore had those days because it is easier for the public to blame one guy than the whole political structure that allowed such a creep to be in power in the first place.


Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 10, 2024 10:55 AM (Q0kLU)

367 I, for one, find your posts well thought out, and I enjoy them. Thank you!
Posted by: Duncanthrax
Right back at you. But you have the hidden weapon of a deft hand at humor in your posts as well.

I probably would have been a Roundhead in the era of Cromwell.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:56 AM (mIs2x)

Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing
Heh. Exactly.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 10:56 AM (mIs2x)

369 John Deere is the Harley- Davidson of farming.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at July 10, 2024 10:56 AM (4XwPj)

370 John Deere has been moving out of the US for years. Most of their equipment is built over seas already. My Uncle, who was career Army was totally pro American made. Bought a JD 40 hp tractor with implements. When it arrived it had a data plate stating "made in India". I asked him how he liked his over priced green Mahindra.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at July 10, 2024 10:57 AM (pohLc)

371 Don't think the dude in painting understood that the cloth draped over his shoulder can be worn as clothing.
Posted by: Chairman LMAO, AI Expert at July 10, 2024

Maybe the Sphynx insisted that those who came to answer her riddle (or die trying) appear before her in the altogether. Easier to kill that way.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 10:57 AM (J2vNu)

372 tiktok influencers
Posted by: anachronda at July 10, 2024 10:49 AM (oY6Yp)
There is no difference between a social media influencer and a journalist. They're the same people a lot of time.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

Absolutely. "Influencers" also include the paid-to-protest jerks and the employees of various "green" non-profits. They live like they have no skin in the game, as long as they have cashflow in and can pick up a new scheme to push.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 10, 2024 10:57 AM (LWWI4)

373 that's cold, madammayhem. Fair, but cold.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 10, 2024 10:58 AM (tT6L1)

374 John Deere is getting enough blowback on that to give their CSRs talking points about it

Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 10, 2024 10:58 AM (xjTDL)

375 Seems like she was good friends with a lot of VIPs, IYKWIM.
Posted by: Lizzy at July 10, 2024 10:55 AM (+oRno)


Much like raimondo's mom.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 10, 2024 10:58 AM (hY4dx)

376 how come everybody in ancient Greece were naked

Posted by: Don Black at July 10, 2024 10:58 AM (/7KEl)

377 Technically this is art, cuz that dude is a dog!

Well, more like a wolf IYKWIMAITTYD

Posted by: haffhowershower at July 10, 2024 10:58 AM (TE16Z)

378 how come everybody in ancient Greece were naked
Posted by: Don Black at July 10, 2024 10:58 AM (/7KEl)

Global warming.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at July 10, 2024 10:59 AM (tT6L1)

Especially since you can ONLY use JD products with JD tractors.
Posted by: rickb223 at July 10, 2024 10:53 AM (6GRih)

And you're contracted to only allow qualified JD mechanics to work on anything related to the product at their inflated prices.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at July 10, 2024 10:59 AM (Zz0t1)

380 In episode 8 of season 4 of The Chosen Pontius Pilate exclaims "Hades and Styx!" when he's upset about something. Kinda cool.
Not "Rush and Led Zeppelin"??

I can't recall the novella/novel [maybe Ranks of Bronze??] but one Roman military character in it often swears, "by Osiris's dick". Going for a foreign god isn't as bad as going after a domestic one I' imagine.

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 10:59 AM (Jh5b+)

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 10, 2024 10:59 AM (O7YUW)

382 376 how come everybody in ancient Greece were naked
Posted by: Don Black at July 10, 2024 10:58 AM (/7KEl)


Historians say it was hot back then.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at July 10, 2024 10:59 AM (hY4dx)

383 there's a very famous photo of Margaret Trudeau out there on the innerneck

Posted by: Don Black at July 10, 2024 11:00 AM (/7KEl)

384 .


Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 10, 2024 11:00 AM (O7YUW)

385 381

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant
You don't say?

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 11:00 AM (Jh5b+)

386 The old Monster High cartoon had an Egyptian girl who, when freaking out, would say " Ra!!"

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at July 10, 2024 11:01 AM (4XwPj)

387 @385/andycanuck: I was channeling Cocaine Mitch for a moment apparently.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 10, 2024 11:01 AM (O7YUW)

388 Well he certainly won't be allowed at our Sunday Book Thread if he doesn't find some pants!

Posted by: Ciampino - Si Ispettore, ha bisogno dei pantaloni at July 10, 2024 11:02 AM (qfLjt)

389 387 @385/andycanuck: I was channeling Cocaine Mitch for a moment apparently.

Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+) at July 10, 2024 11:02 AM (Jh5b+)

390 374 John Deere is getting enough blowback on that to give their CSRs talking points about it
Posted by: Notsothoreau

Won't help them. John Deere already had the rep of being the most expensive farm tractors and implements and sky high parts and repair bills.

When my grandfather and later father (after military retirement) farmed, we used a mix of Case, IH, and John Deere and even had a Kubota for a few specialized tasks. The IH and Case were as good and dependable in big tractors and combines as John Deere but had much less cachet.

The John Deere small tractors though were superior in design to their competitors, at least in the 70's and early 80's.

FIL had good service from Ford and New Holland and I knew a guy that had a Massey Ferguson back in the day that liked it and it worked well enough.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 11:03 AM (mIs2x)

391 I can't recall the novella/novel [maybe Ranks of Bronze??] but one Roman military character in it often swears, "by Osiris's dick". Going for a foreign god isn't as bad as going after a domestic one I' imagine.
Posted by: andycanuck (Jh5b+)

In Starz' "Spartacus" series, Batiatus exclaims "Juno's cock!" several times, which I found endearing and have found myself using on occasion lol

Posted by: Oedipus at July 10, 2024 11:04 AM (Z6vKV)

392 383 there's a very famous photo of Margaret Trudeau out there on the innerneck
Posted by: Don Black
No need to upset my stomach before lunch by looking.

Posted by: whig at July 10, 2024 11:04 AM (mIs2x)

393 Okay, how about this one?

Lapse → Collapse - a limerick

There once was an architect named "Tex"
Who ignored almost all building specs
"Maintaining a castle
is really a hassle,
and eveentually the edifice wreecks!"

Posted by: muldoon at July 10, 2024 11:05 AM (uCfKO)

394 @390/whig:

That, and John Deere are the ones that are dead-set against any sort of "right to repair" for farmers, pulling a ton of shenanigans where even if you replace an old part with a new one, the computer requires a John Deere certified serviceman to log into the computer and approve the part.

They pushed it way too far:

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at July 10, 2024 11:09 AM (O7YUW)

395 You ought to see outside the back gate at my apartment complex-dump. When I lived there in the '90s, the place was nicely policed (in both senses of the word -- they offered rent discounts to police officers to live there), and there was no back fence or gate.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at July 10, 2024 10:53 AM

The neighbor who bought the rehabbed squalor house has to remove the top 2" of soil in his backyard. It's full of broken glass and rusty metal that the previous owner just tossed out the back door.

I imagine there are entire neighborhoods like his backyard.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at July 10, 2024 11:10 AM (LWWI4)

396 The Chinese are ahead of the US in Coal-Superiority creating a Coal-Gap

Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 11:11 AM (RHGPo)

397 Democrat Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) and Ron Wyden (OR) have asked the Department of Justice to launch a criminal investigation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas due to gifts he allegedly received.

The two senators announced on Tuesday that they “sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland last week requesting he appoint a special counsel to probe whether Thomas violated ethics, false statement and tax laws,”

Posted by: SMOD at July 10, 2024 11:24 AM (RHGPo)

398 Fun fact: Oedipus killed his father in one of the first road-rage incidents recorded.

Posted by: Anacleto Mitraglia at July 10, 2024 11:38 AM (3Nqi/)

399 Guessed the Spynx riddle spynx got upset threw herself off the cliff and Died What a Sore Loser

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at July 10, 2024 04:16 PM (wGqjj)

400 FIL had good service from Ford and New Holland and I knew a guy that had a Massey Ferguson

Rube, those were made in India, Italy and Canada. What a patriot. Bitching about JD leaving while everybody else left decades ago: the most MORON thing you will read all day.

God damn it to hell, people. Could you suck any harder?

Posted by: Way,Way Downriver at July 10, 2024 06:22 PM (zdLoL)

401 45 After his paintings stopped selling, Ingres founded a software company specializing in databases.

That is some 80s Bay Area tech insider knowledge there.
Relational databases.

Posted by: LibertyDefender at July 11, 2024 12:44 AM (zHohF)

402 Hi, I would like to subscribe for this website to obtain most up-to-date updates, so where can i do it please help.

Posted by: effects of coffee on weight loss at July 11, 2024 05:44 PM (ilt9r)

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