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Before that: Happy Friday!

The word "Friday" come's from Freya or Frey (or, um, Frigga or Frig), who was Thor's mom. The Romans equated her with Venus.

Old English Frīgedæg 'day of Frigga', named after the Germanic goddess Frigga, wife of the supreme god Odin and goddess of married love; translation of late Latin Veneris dies 'day of Venus', Frigga being equated with the Roman goddess of love, Venus. Compare with Dutch vrijdag and German Freitag .

Italian Venerdi, French vendredi. In Spanish it's viern-Olé!, from which we get the term "Fri-Yay!"

On to the Mainstream-Media Level News Product.


Wow. This has to be the worst 24 hours for the Democrats since Appomattox

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

The Supreme Court announced three big decisions.

The Court overruled the Ninth Circuit's incredibly destructive ruling that cities could not forbid homeless people from camping out in public places until they did the impossible, which was to provide for good housing for every homeless drug addict everywhere. No one can do that, so the real meaning of the ruling was that public spaces -- parks, sidewalks -- belong the the homeless.

But this ruling only affected the states of the Ninth Circuit, the west coast states, so the damage of this was limited to Oregon, Washington, and California. Now, there are other states in the Ninth Circuit -- in addition to the three coastal states, it includes Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam-- but it's in the progressive coast states where the homeless really made their presence felt in public spaces in the cities.

That ruling is now overturned, and the states and cities of the Ninth Circuit may now clear out the homeless encampments and arrest people for squatting on public land.

The justices overturned the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals' decision upholding a 2020 lower court ruling in Grants Pass v. Johnson that invalidated a southern Oregon city's anti-camping ordinances. Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for the majority, concluded that the power to decide how to address homelessness largely rests with local officials.

"A handful of federal judges cannot begin to 'match' the collective wisdom the American people possess in deciding 'how best to handle' a pressing social question like homelessness," Gorsuch wrote.

Friday's ruling centered on a determination that fining or arresting people for violating local camping bans did not constitute "cruel and unusual punishment" prohibited by the Eighth Amendment. The court's three liberal justices dissented.

The Supreme Court also overturned the extremely tendentious twisting of federal law to overcharge the January 6th protesters. They applied the Sarbane-Oxley law, which is all about transparency in corporate governance, and criminalizes burning business records and shredding documents in a federal prosecution.

They twisted the law to claim it applies when protesters challenge an election, because they're trying to "destroy" electoral college ballots, or something.

The law had never, ever been even suspected of applying to protesters -- it's about burning business records while being sued or prosecuted, that kind of thing -- but the lawless criminal gang at the DOJ has removed all guardrails so that they could hunt down the opponents of the Regime.

Legal Insurrection:

In a big decision today, the Supreme Court, in a split that saw KBJ siding with the Roberts majority and ACB writing the dissent joined by Sotomayor and Kagan, rejected the use of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 against a J6 defendant, ruling the statute only applied to interference with records or evidence, not interference with an official proceeding. This has implications not only for other J6 defendants, but also the DC court charges against Trump.

From the Majority Opinion:

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 imposes criminal liability on anyone who corruptly "alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding." 18 U. S. C. s. 1512(c)(1). The next subsection extends that prohibition to anyone who "otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so." s. 1512(c)(2). We consider whether this "otherwise" clause should be read in light of the limited reach of the specific provision that precedes it.

In other words, you cannot use a vague catchall term like "otherwise" to mean "We can use this law to jail anyone you want." The meaning of "otherwise" must be read in the context of the other things specified. It's not an all-purpose endlessly-mutable grant of unlimited authority to jail anyone you feel like jailing.

Note that Trump is charged with this in his DC case.

Does this mean the J6 protesters will be released? Mostly no. The DOJ prosecutors really explored the studio space in dreaming up ways to jail the protesters, and overcharged them with a lot of crimes. This only directly affects those charged only with this particular nonsense non-crime.

And a lot of J6ers pled guilty when threatened with this crap charge. The law usually doesn't allow plea deals to be undone when the law used to obtain them changes. We'll see if there's any wiggle room on that.

Full opinion here.

If you can believe it, those aren't even the biggest decisions handed down.

In the modern administrative state, the Executive branch largely writes the laws, contrary to the intent of the Constitution, by calling these laws "rules" and granting the Executive bureaucracy the power to write "rules."

Furthermore, the Supreme Court decided (dreadfully) in 1984 that courts were obligated to defer to the "experts" in the bureaucracy. If the "expert" paper-pushers decided that, in their collective civil servant wisdom, that bump stocks should be illegal, well, the courts would have to grant "Chevron deference" to this ruling.

Despite this bureaucrat-made "rule" being created by the branch of government the Constitution says cannot make law.

The Supreme Court has overturned this pernicious, anti-constitutional doctrine of Chevron deference, and all the bureaucrats and Deep Staters are seething at the loss of their unconstitutional authority.

What it means for the Supreme Court to throw out Chevron decision, undercutting federal regulators

Executive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues under a far-reaching decision by the Supreme Court.

Oh dear!

The court's 6-3 ruling on Friday overturned a 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron that has instructed lower courts to defer to federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are not crystal clear.

In other words, federal regulators were not only illegally writing the law -- in the guise of "rules" -- but courts were required to take their interpretation of the law as authoritative. They didn't just write the laws, but also were empowered to act as courts in construing what the law supposedly means.

The 40-year-old decision has been the basis for upholding thousands of regulations by dozens of federal agencies, but has long been a target of conservatives and business groups who argue that it grants too much power to the executive branch, or what some critics call the administrative state.

The Biden administration has defended the law, warning that overturning so-called Chevron deference would be destabilizing and could bring a "convulsive shock" to the nation's legal system.

Oh no, not a convulsive shock to the nation's legal system and the petty tyrannies of the bureaucracy. Anything but that.

Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said federal judges "must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority."

The ruling does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron doctrine, Roberts wrote.

As earlier stated, "thousands" and thousands of cases have been disposed of by courts just saying "defer to the bureaucrats."

Now all those thousands and thousands of cases are re-opened.


With a closely divided Congress, presidential administrations have increasingly turned to federal regulation to implement policy changes. Federal rules impact virtually every aspect of everyday life, from the food we eat and the cars we drive to the air we breathe and homes we live in.

So this lawmaking-by-rulemaking regime allows the Executive to make up its own laws when Congress cannot agree on the law.

If Congress cannot agree to pass a law, that should be the end of the matter.

But no, there's a workaround, the bureaucracy can just write "rules" "supplementing" the existing law.

This ruling does not stop that, but it at least tells courts to stop deferring to federal bureaucrats about their interpretation of federal law. Courts must decide this independently, and not defer to an unelected bureaucrat.

President Joe Biden's administration, for example, has issued a host of new regulations on the environment and other priorities, including restrictions on emissions from power plants and vehicle tailpipes, and rules on student loan forgiveness, overtime pay and affordable housing.

Those actions and others could be opened up to legal challenges if judges are allowed to discount or disregard the expertise of the executive-branch agencies that put them into place.

With billions of dollars potentially at stake, groups representing the gun industry and other businesses such as tobacco, agriculture, timber and homebuilding, were among those pressing the justices to overturn the Chevron doctrine and weaken government regulation.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed an amicus brief last year on behalf of business groups arguing that modern application of Chevron has "fostered aggrandizement'' of the executive branch at the expense of Congress and the courts.

David Doniger, a lawyer and longtime Natural Resources Defense Council official who argued the original Chevron case in 1984, said he feared that a ruling to overturn the doctrine could "free judges to be radical activists" who could "effectively rewrite our laws and block the protections they are supposed to provide."

"The net effect will be to weaken our government's ability to meet the real problems the world is throwing at us -- big things like COVID and climate change,″ Doniger said.

Oh no, not that.

Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine. Won't anyone think of these high-paid lawyers' precious careers?!


Again, this ruling does not end the unconstitutional practice of the Executive writing the "rules" that will "fill in the details" of actual laws.

But at least it tells judges they must interpret the actual laws as Congress wrote them, not as a bureaucrat has decided the law really means.

Sorry this is late -- lot to cover in one post.

The Biden Panic post is coming next.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 12:25 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 last and red

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:24 PM (GBKbO)

2 st

Posted by: RUReadingthis at June 28, 2024 12:25 PM (aQ25I)

3 Hi Ace
What a glorious day.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:25 PM (t/2Uw)

4 Again, this ruling does not end the unconstitutional practice of the Executive writing the "rules" that will "fill in the details" of actual laws.

But at least it tells judges they must interpret the actual laws as Congress wrote them, not as a bureaucrat has decided the law really means.


I think it means that courts should side with the text of the law, not administrative interpretation, when cases come before them.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:25 PM (GBKbO)

5 That's great news.

Posted by: Just reporting at June 28, 2024 12:25 PM (scll+)

6 So the immunity case won't come out till Monday ?

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (IyPmt)

7 The Supreme Court just murdered me AGAIN!


Posted by: Alexandria Occasional-Cortex at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (llON8)

8 Yesterday was V-M Day (Victory over Medicare). Today is V-C Day (Victory over Chevron). Fabulous.

Posted by: Kevin in ABQ at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (gPsAl)

9 I'm starting to feel a little better. It's not optimism though. I will not allow it.

Posted by: fd at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (vFG9F)

10 It's been a hell of a twelve hours.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (2UnvF)

11 6 So the immunity case won't come out till Monday ?
Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (IyPmt)


Apparently. Roberts said that they would be there on Monday.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (GBKbO)

12 FYI, clicking on the AoS banner to go to the home page right now takes you to the Washington Post.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (hCzfy)

13 Red Letter Day, here.

Posted by: Pilgrim State Hospital Bldg. 23 at June 28, 2024 12:27 PM (V5BDR)

14 And now it doesn't. Order restored.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 12:27 PM (hCzfy)

15 On the J 6th case did Jumanji brown Jackson vote with the Conservatives ?

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:27 PM (IyPmt)

16 "A handful of federal judges cannot begin to 'match' the collective wisdom the American people possess in deciding 'how best to handle' a pressing social question like homelessness," Gorsuch wrote.

Gauntlet - THROWN!!!

Posted by: Archimedes at June 28, 2024 12:27 PM (xCA6C)

17 Goddess of married love: "Go frig yourself."

Posted by: Troll at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (elO/o)

Kurt Schlichter
Wow. This has to be the worst 24 hours for the Democrats since Appomattox

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (t/2Uw)

19 11 6 So the immunity case won't come out till Monday ?
Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (IyPmt)


Apparently. Roberts said that they would be there on Monday.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM (GBKbO)

Roberts wanted his decisions to get their glory today. It probably means he's not writing Monday's decision (so it might be a 5-4)...

Posted by: Nova Local at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (exHjb)

20 Garland will be crying in his ice cream

Posted by: Skip at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (sZvD6)

21 The word "Friday" come's from Freya or Frey (or, um, Frigga or Frig), who was Thor's mom. The Romans equated her with Venus.

I've always considered Friggas to be some of my best supporters. Hell, I was VP with one for 8 years. Clean, articulate guy. Would have been getting me coffee just a few years prior.

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (JCZqz)

22 >>>15 On the J 6th case did Jumanji brown Jackson vote with the Conservatives ?

yes 'm

Posted by: ace at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (KRtlO)

23 The death of Chevron truly is good news.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (xcxpd)

24 Regime lies by the MSM:

Yesterday - "FJB is sharp as a tack!"
Today - "We never knew FJB was so senile before!"

Both are blatant lies. Both lies were ordered by TPTB.
The establishment media, across the board, complied with the new marching orders within mere minutes! Powerful message coordination.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (98J/K)

25 Good afternoon Ace

Posted by: Skip at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (sZvD6)

26 @KurtSchlichter
Wow. This has to be the worst 24 hours for the Democrats since Appomattox
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (L/fGl)

27 20 Garland will be crying in his ice cream
Posted by: Skip at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (sZvD6)

I'd rather he were crying behind bars

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (IyPmt)

28 23 The death of Chevron truly is good news.
Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Vote but also buy ammo at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (xcxpd)



Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (GBKbO)

29 afternoon Skip!

Posted by: ace at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (KRtlO)

30 Way back in the mid nineties, when I was newly divorced and drank my therapy, I knew it was unconstitutional for government agencies to write rules which were then enforced as if they were law.

This court does some maddening things, but, they seem to come down on the side of freedom more often than not.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (tT6L1)

31 It's not optimism though. I will not allow it.
Posted by: fd at June 28, 2024 12:26 PM

You are too young to be so cynical.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (elO/o)

32 I thought that 'Friday' came from The German for 'Whales Vagina'?

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (ZV+pB)

33 On the J 6th case did Jumanji brown Jackson vote with the Conservatives ?
Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:27 PM (IyPmt)

Yes, and Barrett with the wise Latina. Trying to make certain that the protests in January 2025 are well protected constitutionally.

Posted by: Kevin in ABQ at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (gPsAl)

34 32 I thought that 'Friday' came from The German for 'Whales Vagina'?
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (ZV+pB)


You're thinking of San Diego.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (GBKbO)

35 Will Laurence Tribe cry over H&R Block employees if the US tax code is ever drastically simplified?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (llON8)

36 Awesome day of SCOTUS rulings. Add in Biden performance and I might just have a beer tonight.

Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (G0vdT)

37 15 On the J 6th case did Jumanji brown Jackson vote with the Conservatives ?
Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:27 PM (IyPmt)

Yes, black people are not usually fans of criminal laws being wildly expanded by the legal system to make sure certain folks can be convicted of them. Might be some history behind that one...and since Barrett's dissent and the appeals court centered on that exact logic, she went with Roberts...

Posted by: Nova Local at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (exHjb)

38 So . . . we like the Supreme Court today? All is good heading into the weekend?

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (iFTx/)

39 Cut off one head, two more shall take its place!!!!

Posted by: The Deep State at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (jGGMD)

40 hahahah get fucked moonbats

I mean, it's not like they're going to follow the law anyways but it's nice to know they're mad about something.

Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (wOFGo)

41 Both are blatant lies. Both lies were ordered by TPTB.
The establishment media, across the board, complied with the new marching orders within mere minutes! Powerful message coordination.
Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (98J/K)
It's pretty easy when you are part of a hive-mind mentality.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (BpYfr)

42 Regime lies by the MSM:

Yesterday - "FJB is sharp as a tack!"
Today - "We never knew FJB was so senile before!"

Yeah, if only Biden had been confused, stumbling, and rambling, staring vacantly, and getting agitated for no reason sometime in the last 3.5 years, they'd have known something wasn't right.

Posted by: Archimedes at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (xCA6C)

43 Laurence Tribe. The gay spelling of Lawrence.

Posted by: nckate at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (4bYb7)

44 I dislike the "words of Christ in red" Bibles. Every word, jot, and tittle is the Word of God.

Posted by: at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (V5BDR)

45 38 So . . . we like the Supreme Court today? All is good heading into the weekend?
Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (iFTx/)


Like is a strong term. Too strong.

I disdain all government. Perhaps slightly less today than yesterday.

But only slightly.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:31 PM (GBKbO)

46 where's all that footage? - my sock from the last thread
Difficult for anyone to claim that the rioters destroyed documents when, whoopsie, the Soviet government here somehow "lost" so much footage of people being let into the building by cops. And a lot more stuff.

Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 12:31 PM (gKWVE)

47 Bo Shek as Frig Ga.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:31 PM (98J/K)

48 By the way, I didn't catch the debate thread nor watch the debate,but, it had to have been bad if Tapper and Bash were unable to save Joe from himself.

I'd also note at least one news outlet is pretending what happened last night didn't happen. (news you can use is an email I receive daily. You can imagine how left it is)

I'm assuming it didn't happen will be a trend.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 28, 2024 12:31 PM (tT6L1)

49 I remember when the ACA Obamacare was going through Congress, and before it was even finalized the HHS had written 80,000 new medical care regulations.

I hope this case ends this terrible tyranny.

Posted by: PJU at June 28, 2024 12:31 PM (G1dq6)

50 >>> 27 20 Garland will be crying in his ice cream
Posted by: Skip at June 28, 2024 12:28 PM (sZvD6)

I'd rather he were crying behind bars
Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (IyPmt)

I'd rather he and all of his derp state, WEF-tard, commie and such buddies were all crying in a very very hot place.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:31 PM (llON8)

51 I hate bringing my own willowed comments, but it is on topic, so:

347 Not that Trump is batting a 1.000 on his SCOTUS picks, but he would probably get 2. Thomas might retire, and Sotomayor may bow out in a diabetic coma.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at June 28, 2024 12:23 PM (N39Ws)


And if a weakened Mitch can be browbeaten into better appointments for executive positions, you could have a Trump term where very, very large swaths of the federal register are torn out by the administration itself to align with Chevron.

That could have downstream effects on the size of the federal government workforce as well.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (GBKbO)

52 AI Gives 50/50 Odds Biden will be Replaced

Posted by: SMOD at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (RHGPo)

53 I think I read where the Chevron decision doesn't apply to past cases. i.e., they can't be reopened. At least how I understood it.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (FxH7T)

54 Wtf was Barrett thinking on the J6 decision? It was a slam-fucking-dunk. If she can't get that one right, then . . . jesus christ.

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (iFTx/)

55 @KurtSchlichter
Wow. This has to be the worst 24 hours for the Democrats since Appomattox
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice)
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 28, 2024 12:29 PM (L/fGl)

Worst for the Left since Stalin died.

Posted by: Dr. T at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (jGGMD)

56 Dobry den', Ace. (Good day, Ace.)

Slava Bogu, syevodnya pyatnitsa! (Thank God it's Friday!)

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (v6JzV)

57 Where so the J-6'ers go to get their good name back?

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (ZV+pB)

58 Dougie Kass

What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is cancelled.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (NpAcC)

59 Isn't Garland supposed to cough up the Biden tapes today or be marched off to Jail?

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (t/2Uw)

60 Scotus is still full of weasels but this will add a bit of spring into my step as I bust my ass all day packing to move.

Finally getting the fuck outta here.

Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (wOFGo)

61 *dick falls out of mouth*

Posted by: Kamala at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (HjUvk)

62 So this will make it easier for DJT to fire a crap ton of hostile bureaucrats right?


Posted by: Heavy Meta at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (GTqXr)

63 I guess the Sarbanes-oxley act doesn't apply to Hillary.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (6IAhu)

64 The Chevron ruling is a huge gut punch to the ATF.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (CecP5)

65 59 Isn't Garland supposed to cough up the Biden tapes today or be marched off to Jail?
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (t/2Uw)

If only they did arrest him.. My day would be complete

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (IyPmt)

66 >>> 51


And if a weakened Mitch can be browbeaten into better appointments for executive positions, you could have a Trump term where very, very large swaths of the federal register are torn out by the administration itself to align with Chevron.

That could have downstream effects on the size of the federal government workforce as well.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (GBKbO)

Torn out? Like with a flamethrower?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (llON8)

67 >>>53 I think I read where the Chevron decision doesn't apply to past cases. i.e., they can't be reopened. At least how I understood it.

okay i'll look out to see what the ruling says here

Posted by: ace at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (KRtlO)

68 By the way, I didn't catch the debate thread nor watch the debate,but, it had to have been bad if Tapper and Bash were unable to save Joe from himself.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

After hearing some replays this morning of Biden, I'm more the fifty percent certain the questions were given/received by the Biden camp ahead of time.

Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (G0vdT)

69 Has the entire left wing Progtard element in this country called a lid on the day? Wonder how many of the faceless cubicle warriors are frantically updating their LinkedIn profiles? Today is started to resemble the aftermath of Gettysburg.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * levitating above the madness at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (Tofm4)

70 What was the issue with Chevron in 1984? EPA made some rules about oil and gas, and everybody was supposed to defer to the EPA?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (J2vNu)

71 Norwegian "Freia" Chocolate is quite smooth, rich, and tasty.

Posted by: Nordisk Tidende at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (V5BDR)

72 >>>63 I guess the Sarbanes-oxley act doesn't apply to Hillary.

of course not! No "intent."

Posted by: ace at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (KRtlO)

73 Yeah, if only Biden had been confused, stumbling, and rambling, staring vacantly, and getting agitated for no reason sometime in the last 3.5 years, they'd have known something wasn't right.
Posted by: Archimedes at June 28, 2024 12:30 PM (xCA6C)

They're not upset he's senile, they're upset that everyone's seen it.

Posted by: Dr. T at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (jGGMD)

74 Honestly, what the Chevron ruling SHOULD have said was:

- All regulations must be written by Congress and enacted through normal legislative mechanisms. The Executive may not expand/interpret/imagine new rules.
- In any case where reasonable people could disagree with the meaning of a rule so written, that rule is void and the ignorant fucking lawyers who comprise Congress can try again.
- In any case where a law states that "the Secretary shall decide" or some-such crap, that law is void, any departments created are void, any employees of those departments are fired.
- Joe Biden is Donald Trump's bitch.

But SCOTUS lacks the balls to do what needs to be done.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (U7wke)

75 >>> 60 Scotus is still full of weasels but this will add a bit of spring into my step as I bust my ass all day packing to move.

Finally getting the fuck outta here.
Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (wOFGo)


If it's not an opsec thing, whereabouts are you going to?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (llON8)

76 SCOTUS is out of control.We really need to expand to 15. Another reason we have to fight like hell for Joe.

We don't have to wait for any more SC rulings. We know what they will do. They will subvert justice and rule the way they are paid to do.

This relates to a single statute. Other criminal charges still stand. This isn’t “political” and there’s nothing outrageous about it. The court just said you can’t use Sarbanes-Oxley, which was enacted in response to Enron and other similar scandals, to charge people who participated in January 6.

It is absolutely political. They know throwing it back to the lower court will cause an indefinite delay if not permanent until after the election. They are going to play the same wordsmithing with the immunity case and send that back to the district court, asking the lower court to determine which crimes merit immunity, and which don't.

I will be very surprised if either cases gets decided before the election. If trump wins, they all go away.

Do you think Justice Brown Jackson agreed with this decision on political grounds or because the court was correct on the law?

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (JCZqz)

77 China Mocks: 'Very Entertaining'...

Entertaining how? Like a clown? We're here to amuse you?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (L/fGl)

78 Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine.

If I were to get a Xitter account and reply, "lol learn to code lol", would I immediately get banned?

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (DTX3h)

79 There's also the ruling from last week that the agencies can't be judge, jury and prosecutor on when their rules are broken.

From what I'm seeing, it suggests it may be as big as today's ruling.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (jXwgk)

80 Those defendants who could benefit now have enhanced charges to include jaywalking during congression in session and administratively enhanced sentences of an additional one hundred years each.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (NMZN9)

81 After hearing some replays this morning of Biden, I'm more the fifty percent certain the questions were given/received by the Biden camp ahead of time.
Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (G0vdT)

I agree.. And sometimes it looked like he was listening to something.. Other than the voices in his head that is

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (IyPmt)

82 Isn't Garland supposed to cough up the Biden tapes today or be marched off to Jail?

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (t/2Uw)

Or he'll get another sternly-worded letter from Congress, which is much more terrifying!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (d9fT1)

83 After hearing some replays this morning of Biden, I'm more the fifty percent certain the questions were given/received by the Biden camp ahead of time.
Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:34 PM (G0vdT)

One of the commentators, when bemoaning Biden's performance, directly admitted as much...

Posted by: Nova Local at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (exHjb)

84 So this will make it easier for DJT to fire a crap ton of hostile bureaucrats right?

You don't have to fire them. Transfer them to Dead Horse Alaska , and most of them will take the hint and resign.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (CecP5)

85 ‘Damn lawyers.’
- something Jesus sorta said one time

Posted by: Eromero at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (o2ZRX)

86 warning that overturning so-called Chevron deference would be destabilizing and could bring a "convulsive shock" to the nation's legal system.


Is this potentially fatal? Because I am rooting for fatal.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (lTGtQ)

87 Not allowing the ATF to interpret the 2nd amendment or even the travesty of the 1934 Firearms Act is what I’m going to be now looking at closely. I don’t want Congress or lower courts to get involved almost just as much.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (SHMXB)

88 Barrett has been a disappointment.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (NpAcC)

89 58 Dougie Kass

What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is cancelled.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (NpAcC)

Just follow the money. That we tell you if Biden stays on the ticket.

Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (G0vdT)

90 Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine.


Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (JLq/1)

91 76 It is absolutely political. They know throwing it back to the lower court will cause an indefinite delay if not permanent until after the election. They are going to play the same wordsmithing with the immunity case and send that back to the district court, asking the lower court to determine which crimes merit immunity, and which don't.

I will be very surprised if either cases gets decided before the election. If trump wins, they all go away.

Do you think Justice Brown Jackson agreed with this decision on political grounds or because the court was correct on the law?
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (JCZqz)


1. Response to political workings is political and cannot be allowed!

2. Man, these people are really in love with argument by authority. What happens when their authority splits? Funny. That's what happens.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (GBKbO)

92 >>> 61 *dick falls out of mouth*
Posted by: Kamala at June 28, 2024 12:33 PM (HjUvk)

My turn!

Posted by: Mayor Pete at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (llON8)

93 89 Just follow the money. That we tell you if Biden stays on the ticket.
Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (G0vdT)


Obama told Biden not to run in 2020. Biden ran.

Biden doesn't listen to Obama.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:37 PM (GBKbO)

94 One of the commentators, when bemoaning Biden's performance, directly admitted as much...

Posted by: Nova Local

Yes, he was given the questions, and rehearsed the answers, for a week, and this was the best performance he could give.

A week spent not doing anything that he is paid to do.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 28, 2024 12:37 PM (lTGtQ)

95 Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow.

He lives next to Bernie Lomacs?

Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 12:37 PM (gKWVE)

96 Good Stuff !

There may be hope.

Can we have the court rule on Star Wars now ?

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 28, 2024 12:37 PM (NtVYv)

97 Or he'll get another sternly-worded letter from Congress, which is much more terrifying!

No, if Luna's Inherent Contempt citation passes, the House can directly imprison the bastard.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (CecP5)

98 >>> 78 Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine.
If I were to get a Xitter account and reply, "lol learn to code lol", would I immediately get banned?
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (DTX3h)

It would be funny no matter what.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (llON8)

99 Right now, the Junta could put together the paperwork for Joe to resign, tell Joe to sign it, and he would. There's no way Joe would understand what he just signed.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (tT6L1)

100 "Can we have the court rule on Star Wars now ?"

I'm just waiting for the anticrossbow laws to lighten up.

Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (gKWVE)

101 Not a surprise .because the criticism they got for being hyper-partisan , but Tapper and Bash didn’t overtly help Biden .

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (SHMXB)

102 It's incredible that even the Democraps are in panic mode with this goofy clown Joey Shitbrains as their presidential candidate. "He's too far gone to run against Trump," they say. "We need to replace him!"

Umm . . . BUT HE'S THE FUCKING PRESIDENT UNTIL AT LEAST JANUARY 2025. These fucknuggets are so concerned about him running for REELECTION, but they don't have any problem with him being the actual president now. Incredible.

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:39 PM (iFTx/)

103 Barrett has been a disappointment.
Posted by: redridinghood at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (NpAcC)

Bad Cones !

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 28, 2024 12:39 PM (NtVYv)

104 Barrett has been a disappointment.

Posted by: redridinghood at June

Understatement of the year

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:39 PM (t/2Uw)

105 Can we have the court rule on Star Wars now?
Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway

First, they've got to hear that case challenging the Prometheus Doctrine.

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (v6JzV)

106 104 Barrett has been a disappointment.

Posted by: redridinghood at June


Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (IyPmt)

107 but Tapper and Bash didn’t overtly help Biden .

Difficult to do. Let Biden ramble on incoherently; or shut him up which might induce Biden to throw a tantrum on live TV?

Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (gKWVE)

108 This whole time I thought Presidents could rule by decree, so long as they come from the right political party.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (8sMut)

109 I suspect that the Dem party is going to take a significant fundraising hit with all those administrative law professors and attorneys getting a major haircut.

Posted by: mrp at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (rj6Yv)

110 97 No, if Luna's Inherent Contempt citation passes, the House can directly imprison the bastard.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (CecP5)


*J. Jonah Jameson meme*
-At least 100 GOP congresscritters

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (GBKbO)

111 99 Right now, the Junta could put together the paperwork for Joe to resign, tell Joe to sign it, and he would. There's no way Joe would understand what he just signed.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (tT6L1)

Wouldn't that be something if he was ruled mentally incompetent to resign from the Presidency.

Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (G0vdT)

112 I think I read where the Chevron decision doesn't apply to past cases. i.e., they can't be reopened. At least how I understood it.

okay i'll look out to see what the ruling says here

Posted by: ace

My understanding is that it does not overturn them with this ruling, but that they can be challenged.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (lTGtQ)

113 The Dog Eater and Klain better make Jill an offer she can't refuse because she's not going to give up her (stolen) flotus title. Hell, she and her imbecile husband are so arrogant that they likely won't leave willingly.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (mupln)

114 Wow, that goofy clown retard Lawrence Tribe is really tone deaf, isn't he? Cry with me for the lawyers!

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (iFTx/)

115 102 So how does the 25th amendment process get rolling? Does Congress start it?

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (98J/K)

116 114 Wow, that goofy clown retard Lawrence Tribe is really tone deaf, isn't he? Cry with me for the lawyers!
Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (iFTx/)


"I think he makes great points!"
-Ann Althouse, 99.67% probability

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (GBKbO)

117 So, refresh my memory, was Chervon originally defended by the Reagan administration?

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (RJn7O)

118 DEFIANT: Joe vows to return for second debate...

What is this? The Comedy Channel?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 28, 2024 12:42 PM (L/fGl)

119 At least we're dropping all pretext that democrats get to vote for their presidential candidates.

It should've been obvious 8 years ago.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 12:42 PM (hCzfy)

120 101 Not a surprise .because the criticism they got for being hyper-partisan , but Tapper and Bash didn’t overtly help Biden .
Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM

It makes me suspicious how fair they were to Trump even with the premise of their questions having a leftist bias. I thought they would be much worse.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2024 12:42 PM (6IAhu)

121 If on Monday the Court rules The Donald has immunity as he claims, that plus last night's debate and today's rulings will likely drive many Leftists to violence. The six Republican-nominated Justices better begin riding in Abrams tanks and fortify their homes so they are stronger than the strongest Medieval castle ever built. Same for The Donald. Oh, and set-up a Patriot missile battery in their backyards.

Posted by: Gref at June 28, 2024 12:42 PM (5fDan)

122 "Rules"

If nice gentlemen in uniform with guns will potentially arrest you for non compliance, it ain't a "rule'. It's a law de facto. That's why Chevron was always bullshit.

I get it. Congress is "For Display Purposes Only" and it's nice to delegate difficult or re-election issues off on somebody else, but the feedback mechanism of stupid laws are supposed to fall directly on them. Not unelected unaccountable anonymous unknowns in the federal labyrinth.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 28, 2024 12:42 PM (HYyZn)

I agree.. And sometimes it looked like he was listening to something.. Other than the voices in his head that is
Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (IyPmt)

I swear there were moments toward the end of the debate when it sounded like the voice in his earpiece was loud enough to hear on camera.

Posted by: RondinellaMamma Donald J Trump is our duly elected president at June 28, 2024 12:42 PM (l0Cy4)

124 They overturned Chevron before Trump get's in to protect bureaucrats from his executive orders.

Or maybe not...this stuff is way above my pay grade.

Posted by: Max Power at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (q177U)

125 115 102 So how does the 25th amendment process get rolling? Does Congress start it?
Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (98J/K)

Kamala, cabinet members, and congress. But here's the kicker, Biden and overrule them.

It could get very messy.

Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (G0vdT)

126 The Dog Eater and Klain better make Jill an offer she can't refuse because she's not going to give up her (stolen) flotus title.

That's... a lot of lawn boys and pool boys.

Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (gKWVE)

127 100 "Can we have the court rule on Star Wars now ?"

I'm just waiting for the anticrossbow laws to lighten up.
Posted by: gKWVE

I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!

Posted by: Johnny Cochran at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (JCZqz)

128 Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024

If that's now the standard, worrying about changes to the law affecting lawyers who depended on that law, I shall set up a coal-oil factory and sue my local power & light company for interfering in my business.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (J2vNu)

129 115 102 So how does the 25th amendment process get rolling? Does Congress start it?

the cabinet

really dont see it happening but at this point who knows

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (s3qiR)

130 Meh. The law is what *I* say it is.

Posted by: Hawai'ian Judge Numero Siete at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (cHB26)

131 Mondale Syndrome

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (NtVYv)

132 Imma pretty good with acronyms but WFT is TPTB? Also, Frey is a guy god - he is the god of fertility. Freya is his sister. From Frey we get Fred or Frederick or Freddo. Hat tip, Frey's image is a very large erect cock that women would pour blood on to insure the crop. See, also, the Maypole and women wrapping red ribbons around Frey's cock for the Victorian Version of fertility rituals.

Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (n17eQ)

133 This has to be the worst 24 hours for Dems since Nov 2016.

What a great day for America.

Posted by: Jay in PA at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (i7Q7S)

134 I think I read where the Chevron decision doesn't apply to past cases. i.e., they can't be reopened. At least how I understood it.
Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (FxH7T)

Although I would make a snarky comment about past injustices being cast in stone, this makes a certain amount of sense. Otherwise SCOTUS would become even more political and the first thing the lefties would do upon gaining a majority would be to overrule a bunch of previous decisions and trigger cascading changes to everything.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (U7wke)

135 Wouldn't that be something if he was ruled mentally incompetent to resign from the Presidency.
Posted by: WisRich

I'll allow it!!!

Posted by: Hawaiian Judge at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (JCZqz)

136 I think I read where the Chevron decision doesn't apply to past cases. i.e., they can't be reopened. At least how I understood it.

okay i'll look out to see what the ruling says here

Posted by: ace

My understanding is that it does not overturn them with this ruling, but that they can be challenged.
Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (lTGtQ)

There is often a battle after a major decision like Loper over whether its effect is retroactive or not. Sometimes the court says it explicitly in the decision itself. Other times, there's years of litigation often ending up with the Supreme Court deciding whether its decision is retroactive or not.

I suspect Loper will not be considered retroactive. That would literally reopen every single of the tens of thousands of cases and agency decisions of the past 40 years. I don't see that happening. But I can hope.

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (iFTx/)

137 "But here's the kicker, Biden can overrule them."

Good! Get the process started and force FJB to overrule it! Right when all his support is gone.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (98J/K)

138 Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine.

Posted by: Northernlurker

He's not as mad as he was when the emancipation proclamation was released.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (lTGtQ)

139 Mark Hemingway reposted
Stephen Hayes
Just chatted with DNC chair @harrisonjaime at the ATL airport. He acknowledged the rough debate and that his his phone is ringing off the hook, but downplayed any changes. “It’s not going to happen.”
Last edited
9:10 AM · Jun 28, 2024
Replying to @stephenfhayes and @harrisonjaime
Heath Mayo
So selfish. Complete lack of urgency about the threat they supposedly agree we all face in Donald Trump.

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (9aVck)

140 "Joe, oh Joe, where are you. Things have been tough since last night. There you are, my dear, sitting in LBJ's little drinking room under the stairway. Now, lets go to bed and have a nice glass of warm milk and forget about the things of the day. Whaddya you mean you took up drinking, You fucking idiot, you can't form a sentence sober".


Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (V5eKu)

141 >>> 132 Imma pretty good with acronyms but WFT is TPTB? Also, Frey is a guy god - he is the god of fertility. Freya is his sister. From Frey we get Fred or Frederick or Freddo. Hat tip, Frey's image is a very large erect cock that women would pour blood on to insure the crop. See, also, the Maypole and women wrapping red ribbons around Frey's cock for the Victorian Version of fertility rituals.
Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM (n17eQ)


Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (llON8)

142 TPTB is The Powers That Be

started up on the Buffy TWoP boards I think lol

there's another acronym for u

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (s3qiR)

143 "ACB writing the dissent joined by Sotomayor and Kagan.."

This mousy little Karen is a real winner, huh?

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (b+7kE)

144 115 102 So how does the 25th amendment process get rolling? Does Congress start it?
Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (98J/K)

No, Congress only finishes it if there's disagreement between Joe and Kamala and his Cabinet.

The VP and the Cabinet must stab Joe in the back to start the process.

Posted by: Nova Local at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (exHjb)

145 The only convulsive shock is in Joe Biden's pants.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (3Fz6p)

146 >>> Sorry this is late -- lot to cover in one post.

One is not sincerely sorry until they get on their knees and 'apologize'.

Posted by: Willie Brown at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (NMZN9)

147 SCOTUS decisions during pride month?

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in Solidarity with the Struggle at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (9CtH8)

148 132 Imma pretty good with acronyms but WFT is TPTB?
Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM

I'm usually terrible at acronyms but it's The Powers That Be.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2024 12:45 PM (6IAhu)

149 So it's a Friggan Friday...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (ynpvh)

150 Does this mean the J6 protesters will be released? Mostly no. The DOJ prosecutors really explored the studio space in dreaming up ways to jail the protesters, and overcharged them with a lot of crimes. This only directly affects those charged only with this particular nonsense non-crime.

The left used to claim the justice system existed just to punish people the government didn't like.

Looks like all it took was giving them control of the government to make this statement true.

Posted by: 18-1 at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (oZhjI)

151 "ACB writing the dissent joined by Sotomayor and Kagan.."

This mousy little Karen is a real winner, huh?


I knew from the beginning she was a lousy pick and she is. A big disappointment. She gave me a bad feeling from the get-go.

Posted by: Lady in Black at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (mupln)

152 important comment by important person:

Barbra Streisand
Debates are not governing. They are about televised theatrics. Biden is accomplished at governing. He is experienced and has accomplished a great deal.

re 132: 'the powers that be'

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (CWTWj)

153 Imma pretty good with acronyms but WFT is TPTB?
Posted by: Pudinhead

"the powers that be"

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (v6JzV)

154 132 TPTB == the powers that be. I use it to denote the puppeteers that direct the FJB dance. I don't know who they are, so I say TPTB or Regime. A lot of you guys think it's Obama; I don't know one way or t'other.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (98J/K)

155 I was born after Chevron was decided, and I've resented the idea behind it probably my entire life. I was raised in an area where people make things, therefore making them a target for the unelected bureaucracy.

Posted by: pookysgirl has held a variety of jobs at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (dtlDP)

156 152 important comment by important person:

Barbra Streisand
Debates are not governing. They are about televised theatrics. Biden is accomplished at governing. He is experienced and has accomplished a great deal.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (CWTWj)


Gotta love the inflation of his governing skills!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (GBKbO)

157 Hi Ace:

The Supreme Court itself has invoked the framework to uphold agencies' interpretations of statutes at least 70 times, but not since 2016. Roberts wrote for the court that its decision reversing Chevron would not call those questions those prior cases.

That's how I read this.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (FxH7T)

158 Wtf was Barrett thinking on the J6 decision? It was a slam-fucking-dunk. If she can't get that one right, then . . . jesus christ.
Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (iFTx/)

I believe that I've read she, and Kavanaugh, are statists. Unless it's in-your-face obvious that the Constitution says one thing, they'll go with whatever enhances government power. May be unfair to them but sometimes I just can't understand where their minds are at.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (U7wke)

159 Wow, that goofy clown retard Lawrence Tribe is really tone deaf, isn't he? Cry with me for the lawyers!
Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (iFTx/)


"I think he makes great points!"
-Ann Althouse, 99.67% probability
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (GBKbO)

"In 2009, Althouse announced her engagement to Laurence Meade, a commenter she had met through the blog.

There some hope for the homos on this blog!!

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (iFTx/)

160 Imma pretty good with acronyms but WFT is TPTB?


TPTB = the powers that be

Now, WTF does WFT mean?

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (hCzfy)

161 I knew from the beginning she was a lousy pick and she is. A big disappointment. She gave me a bad feeling from the get-go.

me too but then again I'm pretty misogynistic or a woman

there were a lot of weird red flags going on there tho

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (s3qiR)

162 115 102 So how does the 25th amendment process get rolling? Does Congress start it?

the cabinet

really dont see it happening but at this point who knows
Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (s3qiR)

In practical political terms, Joe in the WH until Election Day is going to be an anchor chain around the ankle of the Dem presidential nominee and ALL Dems downballot.

Posted by: mrp at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (rj6Yv)

163 Imma pretty good with acronyms but WFT is TPTB?
Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 12:44 PM

The Powers That Be.

On the Enterprise, the senior officers. Around here, think Ace, the CoBs, and Pixy.

Posted by: Wesley Crusher at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (cHB26)

164 >>> 152 important comment by important person:

Barbra Streisand
Debates are not governing. They are about televised theatrics. Biden is accomplished at governing. He is experienced and has accomplished a great deal.
Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 28, 2024 12:46 PM (CWTWj)

Babs you ignorant slut, now do that cute little poem on the Statue of Liberty.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (llON8)

165 Oh, crap. Off, Brandon sock.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (v6JzV)

166 129 115 102 So how does the 25th amendment process get rolling? Does Congress start it?

the cabinet
really dont see it happening but at this point who knows
Posted by: BlackOrchid

It would be a threat for a bluff. "Joe, resign and free the delegates for the convention, or we'll 25th you and ruin your legacy". Of course, if the 25th him, he'll fight it, it'll take forever, and will hurt them in the polls even worse than if they support Joe and try to get him across the finish line.

Plus, they need Congress to support it. If I were the Republicans...I'd be very tempted to vote to keep him in office lol.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (JCZqz)

167 If that's now the standard, worrying about changes to the law affecting lawyers who depended on that law, I shall set up a coal-oil factory and sue my local power & light company for interfering in my business.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (J2vNu)
Two words: buggy whips.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (3Fz6p)

168 Who won the Iowa primary? Remember that?

They went TILT that night, and that was the last we heard about Iowa primaries.

I remember all the ladies at work excited to work on Mrs. Bill Clinton's campaign. They were shell-shocked when they got rick-rolled by busses rolling in from who knows where and taking over the caucus.

The "First in the Nation" New Hampshire and Iowa thing was started by Democrats, a kind of step by step obstacle course, because of the antics of the 1960s and smoke filled back rooms, more or less. The Republicans thought this a great idea, too, naturally. It doesn't matter they system, crooks will game the system eventually.

Bernie Sanders! That's who the Democrats wanted in Iowa right? Both in 2008 and 2012 and 2016 and 2020... Noticing a pattern here. This is Bernie's moment.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (HYyZn)

169 Taking Biden out now would keep the new candidate off the ballot in some states. But I remember Torricelli and the Dems will do whatever they have to do.
I still think they have conceded this election and think it better to live and fight another day.
They have not worked out yet what to do about the next six months with a senile Biden pretending to be President.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (t/2Uw)

170 152 important comment by important person:

Barbra Streisand
Debates are not governing. They are about televised theatrics. Biden is accomplished at governing. He is experienced and has accomplished a great deal.

re 132: 'the powers that be'
Jeebus, won't Bab's kids put her in a nursing home? This is embarassing.

Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (n17eQ)

171 Where so the J-6'ers go to get their good name back?
Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (ZV+pB)

The ones who were imprisoned never had a bad name with me. Where do they go to get the months they spent locked up back?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (U7wke)

172 They applied the Sarbane-Oxley law, which is all about transparency in corporate governance, and criminalizes burning business records and shredding documents in a federal prosecution.

But you can still wipe your computer(s) hard drive and phones if you are Hillary Clinton right? RIGHT?

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (17s+e)

Barbra Streisand
Debates are not governing. They are about televised theatrics. Biden is accomplished at governing. He is experienced and has accomplished a great deal.

Hahahahahahahaha.. Nice try Babs

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (IyPmt)

174 Good morning/ afternoon. I haven’t read all the comments, but I think this sheds light on why ACB has turned into such a bint- she drank the J6 kool aide and is scared.

Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (BgmlQ)

175 Tough day for the left and the administrative state. Good day for the country overall. Plus we got AtC's victory tits.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (N39Ws)

176 So when do the Democrats start with the mass sepukko?

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (JLq/1)

177 @102


Not if he resigns.

The Junta/Deep State/Uniparty are in a bind, if they force him to resign now, that would elevate Willie Brown's Cockholster to President, whereby she would name a VP and that would be the ticket, which would probably lose in a 40 state landslide.

If they wait until the convention and maneuver to dump both The Meat Puppet and Kamala, that would give their replacements little time to formulate a coherent campaign, and that slate would probably also lose in a 40 state landslide.

This all presupposes election are on the up and up, which they are not, so who knows, maybe they stick with Biden, pull his sorry ass over the finish line and them dump him after the election.

Who knows what's going to happen, but what we do know, is shit is going to happen that we have never as a nation seen.

So, strap in, the ride is going to get bumpy.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (XV/Pl)

178 re 134: "Otherwise SCOTUS would become even more political and the first thing the lefties would do upon gaining a majority would be to overrule a bunch of previous decisions and trigger cascading changes to everything."

you think they won't?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (CWTWj)

179 166 It would be a threat for a bluff. "Joe, resign and free the delegates for the convention, or we'll 25th you and ruin your legacy". Of course, if the 25th him, he'll fight it, it'll take forever, and will hurt them in the polls even worse than if they support Joe and try to get him across the finish line.

Plus, they need Congress to support it. If I were the Republicans...I'd be very tempted to vote to keep him in office lol.
Posted by: Moron Analyst at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (JCZqz)


Joe would fight. It would take forever. Republicans would help the process along because they are stupid. It would be massively damaging mostly to Biden's electoral chances. It's not even clear it would work.

Biden's not going anywhere.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (GBKbO)

180 Brandon about to shuffle onto the stage in NC.

Posted by: Frasier Crane at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (bNf8H)

181 So, refresh my memory, was Chervon originally defended by the Reagan administration?

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at June 28, 2024 12:41 PM (RJn7O)

What’s weird is that it started by the Reagan Administration’s EPA changing a word in the regulations that allowed less regulation .

Ruth Badger Ginsburg as a lower court judge overturned it thus leading to Chevron that allowed the agency to make the change RBG overturned.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (SHMXB)

182 So selfish. Complete lack of urgency about the threat they supposedly agree we all face in Donald Trump.

It will be fun watching the left's take on Biden go from

The heroic genius and kind hearted old man who is the only person that can protect us from evil


The senile, corrupt asshole who only cares about himself and getting his 10%

Posted by: 18-1 at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (oZhjI)

183 168 Bernie Sanders! That's who the Democrats wanted in Iowa right? Both in 2008 and 2012 and 2016 and 2020... Noticing a pattern here. This is Bernie's moment.
Posted by: Common Tater at June 28, 2024 12:48 PM (HYyZn)


Buttigieg won it in 2020.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (GBKbO)

184 Bernie's older than Biden!

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (t/2Uw)

185 So if Kamala starts the 25th rolling, is she staging an insurrection?

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (3hJhH)

186 Streisand is the only lefty I've heard defending FJB so far. She didn't check her email yet, I guess.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (98J/K)

187 What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). I


Yes, yes they are !

Posted by: runner at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (9pFgx)

188 I was born after Chevron was decided
Posted by: pookysgirl

In consideration of your present tender condition, I will refrain from ordering you off my lawn.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (v6JzV)

189 I believe that I've read she, and Kavanaugh, are statists. Unless it's in-your-face obvious that the Constitution says one thing, they'll go with whatever enhances government power. May be unfair to them but sometimes I just can't understand where their minds are at.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (U7wke)

I'm thinking the understanding will be apparent in her dissenting opinion, which I don't care to read.

Posted by: mrp at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (rj6Yv)

190 STUDY: People with schizotypy personality more likely to share disinfo...

Take the Democrat Party. Please!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (L/fGl)

191 Now, WTF does WFT mean?
Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (hCzfy)


What Fuck The. Duh.

Posted by: Yoda at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (2UnvF)

192 Gotta love the inflation of his governing skills!
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM

I can help with inflation of some other governing skills.

Posted by: The Bob Dole at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (cHB26)

193 Jill Macbeth.

Posted by: runner at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (9pFgx)

194 All those rules set under the Chevron Deference are still the rules, until they get challenged and overturned in court.

It's a start, at least.

Posted by: illiniwek at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (Cus5s)

195 I'd like to know who's idea was it to challenge Trump to a debate. Biden himself? His campaign manager?

Theirs's gross negligence somewhere.

Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (G0vdT)

196 Also, happy Friggateenth! Will we have a new candidate? Is Obama taking the keys to the corvette? Is Jill stomping her ugly boot clad feet?

Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (BgmlQ)

197 Afternoon ace. I practiced administrative law for 25+ yrs. Specifically NYS workers compensation. This decision won't necessarily impact state laws but overturning Chevron is an absolute necessity. The state administration takes the laws and bends an twists them so badly that they almost are in opposition to the intent

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (N+p0+)

198 There some hope for the homos on this blog!!
Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (iFTx/)
Dude. What is the first rule of holes?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (3Fz6p)

199 198 There some hope for the homos on this blog!!
Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (iFTx/)
Dude. What is the first rule of holes?
Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (3Fz6p)


It might be different for the guy who made such an impression in Vegas than it is for everyone else.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (GBKbO)

200 What’s weird is that it started by the Reagan Administration’s EPA changing a word in the regulations that allowed less regulation .

Ruth Badger Ginsburg as a lower court judge overturned it thus leading to Chevron that allowed the agency to make the change RBG overturned.

there's a lesson in there somewhere

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (s3qiR)

201 Where's Robert Smith?!?

Mecha-Barbara Streisand is on the loose again.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (3hJhH)

202 “The View’s” Alyssa Farah Griffin says after watching President Biden’s shaky debate against former President Trump, she feels deceived by the White House about his fitness for office. “I feel duped,” she said Friday on the ABC daytime talk show during a discussion about the CNN debate the night before in Atlanta. “I feel like I’ve been told this guy’s doing gymnastics.”

Posted by: SMOD at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (RHGPo)

203 If Brandon "resigns" presumably to Spend More Time With His Family, who would you bet Kamala and *her* handlers nominate as the new VP?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (llON8)

204 202 “The View’s” Alyssa Farah Griffin says after watching President Biden’s shaky debate against former President Trump, she feels deceived by the White House about his fitness for office. “I feel duped,” she said Friday on the ABC daytime talk show during a discussion about the CNN debate the night before in Atlanta. “I feel like I’ve been told this guy’s doing gymnastics.”
Posted by: SMOD at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (RHGPo)


But everything else they tell you about any other topic is 100% accurate.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (GBKbO)

205 When we were in the Philly suburbs on Tuesday and Wednesday, we actually saw a house with a "Let's Go Brandon" sign on it. LOL.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (v6JzV)

206 Remember this was the first time that Democrat voters have seen Dopey Zombie Joe, because the MSM has been gaslighting them about him. So he comes across as utterly unqualified when they see him in the debate. On X the Democrats are in full panic mode. Their problem is they CAN'T replace Biden. Who can they get? Newsom got beaten like a rented mule by DeSantis, and Newsom is the best lefty on the bench. REMEMBER BIDEN BEAT ALL OF THOSE GUYS, BIDEN IS THE BEST THE DEMS HAVE.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (CecP5)

207 Is set to star in a new woke version of Elsa She Wolf of the SS


Who is Gretchen Whitmer Alex?

Posted by: This is Jeopardy at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (oZhjI)

208 No one is coming for your stove.

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (/umSo)

209 "Now, WTF does WFT mean?"

A busted WiFi encryption protocol? There have been a few.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (98J/K)

210 203 If Brandon "resigns" presumably to Spend More Time With His Family, who would you bet Kamala and *her* handlers nominate as the new VP?
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (llON


Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (IyPmt)

211 Just shut up, Babs.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM (mH6SG)

212 Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine.

I see he still proudly displays his "I want the world to burn in the hellfire of eastern Europe" virtue signal icon.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:53 PM (U7wke)

213 John Podhoretz
These are literally the best 12 hours of Trump's political life aside from the night he was elected. The debate, followed by the end of Chevron, followed by the finding that the Biden DOJ stretched the January 6 obstruction charges beyond the law....Wow.
8:13 AM · Jun 28, 2024

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at June 28, 2024 12:53 PM (9aVck)

What I am hearing regarding Joe Biden. Ron Klain and Barack Obama are having a sit down with the President today. Jill Biden is insistent that Joe runs. Kamala is furious that she is not being considered as a replacement (Whitmer and Newsom are). Interestingly my neighbor in East Hampton is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. It will be an important tell if the fundraiser is cancelled.

Posted by: redridinghood at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM

Gretchen Whitmer is the Jussie Smollet of governors

Posted by: AltonJackson Contractual Obligation Comment at June 28, 2024 12:53 PM (bEb2S)

215 What's up with days, amirite?

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2024 12:53 PM (fV+MH)

216 Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (N+p0+)

I did a couple year stint as a WC hearing rep in NY.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (SHMXB)

217 False etymology alert: the name of the goddess Frig is also the root of the word frigid, which as everyone knows comes from Old English.

Posted by: PG at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (rCO8r)

218 If Brandon "resigns" presumably to Spend More Time With His Family, who would you bet Kamala and *her* handlers nominate as the new VP?


whitmer or warnock...depends which they think they need more - Michigan or Georgia

Posted by: runner at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (9pFgx)

219 I feel like I’ve been told this guy’s doing gymnastics.”
Posted by: SMOD at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (RHGPo)

Well, Alyssa, you are very stupid for one thing. Loser

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (NtVYv)

220 These are literally the best 12 hours of Trump's political life aside from the night he was elected. The debate, followed by the end of Chevron, followed by the finding that the Biden DOJ stretched the January 6 obstruction charges beyond the law....Wow.

so he's saying that PDJT is an analogue for the USA? because those things are all good for America and Americans, not just one man.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (s3qiR)

221 Jill Macbeth.
Posted by: runner at June 28, 2024

"Bring forth men-children only; for thy undaunted mettle shoud compose nothing but males."

Posted by: Macbeth, Admiringly at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (J2vNu)

222 @206

>>Who can they get?

Somebody mentioned, and I completely agree, that Wes Moore, the Governor of Maryland is the most likely replacement.

Ticks all of the leftist boxes, bright, shiny, with no discernible negro accent, in essence, Obama 2.0.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (XV/Pl)

223 We are sorry we were caught. We promise to not get caught again:
We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them. We have taken this feedback to heart," Tractor Supply wrote in a statement posted on X.

From now on, the retailer claims it will retire its woke activism by nuking its DEI objectives and, instead, focus on actual and legitimate causes such as "ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor..."

No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign.

Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking and supporting the business.

Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like Pride festivals and voting campaigns.

We will review and consider revising our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment.

Withdraw our data on emissions and focus on our land and water conservation efforts.
— Tractor Supply (@TractorSupply) June 27, 2024

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (rsqyi)

224 193 Jill Macbeth.


Posted by: Matt Drudge's intern at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (gKWVE)

225 By the way, I didn't catch the debate thread nor watch the debate,but, it had to have been bad if Tapper and Bash were unable to save Joe from himself.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing

The Trump War Room put out a post debate video. This is only a small snapshot. Trump's expressions crack me up.

Posted by: Cheri at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (oiNtH)

226 Man, these people are really in love with argument by authority. What happens when their authority splits? Funny. That's what happens.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (GBKbO)

Nah, when they're in power... authority rules. When they're out of power... resistance is patriotic. The only consistent philosophy they have is will to power.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (U7wke)

227 False etymology alert: the name of the goddess Frig is also the root of the word frigid, which as everyone knows comes from Old English.
Posted by: PG at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (rCO8r)

Hillary Frig Clinton

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (NtVYv)

228 >>> 214
Gretchen Whitmer is the Jussie Smollet of governors
Posted by: AltonJackson Contractual Obligation Comment at June 28, 2024 12:53 PM (bEb2S)

That kidnapping plot was for REAL, you guys!

Posted by: Gretchen Whitmer at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (llON8)

229 Wip Inflation Now! Gerald Ford
Where's The Beef? Walter Mondale
Make America Great Again! Donald Trump
It's Morning In America! Ronald Regan

We Beat Medicare! Joe Biden

Posted by: DAN at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (rn2/h)

230 John Podhoretz
These are literally the best 12 hours of Trump's political life aside from the night he was elected. The debate, followed by the end of Chevron, followed by the finding that the Biden DOJ stretched the January 6 obstruction charges beyond the law....Wow.
8:13 AM · Jun 28, 2024

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe

Uh, John, most of those are good for America, too.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (hCzfy)

231 "“I feel duped,” she said Friday on the ABC daytime talk show during a discussion about the CNN debate the night before in Atlanta. “I feel like I’ve been told this guy’s doing gymnastics.”


She could have just said "I'm a Biden voter and I'm stupid."

Posted by: Jay in PA at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (i7Q7S)

232 Last night Trump said he was only running because Biden is such a terrible President and he felt he had too He said he could be in one of his homes living a comfortable life.. I think that really humanized him

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (IyPmt)

233 186 Streisand is the only lefty I've heard defending FJB so far. She didn't check her email yet, I guess.
Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:49 PM (98J/K)

I recall during the Clinton years ol' babs had policy "experts" on her payroll keeping her apprised and up to date on foreign policy and a host of other matters.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (6IAhu)

234 Thought that was "Ilsa, she wolf of the SS."

Or did Disney make a sequel called "Elsa?"

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (3hJhH)

235 Tractor supply should know its customers don't support pride parades without "hearing from them".

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (rsqyi)

236 Now, WTF does WFT mean?
Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 12:47 PM (hCzfy)


What Fuck The. Duh.
Posted by: Yoda at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (2UnvF)
*after the fight with the Blanks in the men's room*
Oliver: (breathless W...TF, Gary? WTF?
Gary: What the fuck does WTF mean?!?
Peter: (bursting out of a stall) What the fuck?!?!
Gary: Oh, yeah.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (3Fz6p)

237 The Deep State is not only poking the Russian bear, they also decided it was a good idea to parade the brain dead pervert who supposedly runs the US on a world stage.

Unbelievably stupid and dangerous.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (tT6L1)

238 Obama told Biden not to run in 2020. Biden ran.

Biden doesn't listen to Obama.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:37 PM (GBKbO)

You are correct.

What blandishments could they use to convince him to step down? You'll hurt the party? Like he gives a shit.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (U7wke)

239 NYT reporter Kenneth Vogel:

I am hearing that some Democratic donors are backing out of Biden's fundraiser tonight at the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan with Elton John.

Posted by: Mark1971 at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (xPl2J)

240 The Era of Smoke Filled Rooms Is Over

DAVID AXELROD: It was actually Donald Trump that helped make Joe Biden the nominee because there was a feeling that if there were a primary, that that would weaken -- that Biden would probably win, but it would weaken him in a general election. And so there are people who could have run and didn't run because the history of that is bad.

The point is now he is the nominee of the Democratic Party. This isn't the 60s, okay. Voters choose the nominee. He is the nominee only he can decide whether he's going to continue, and as you point out, this is a guy with a lot of pride who believes in himself. The idea that he's going to say, "You know, I had a bad debate, I think I'm going to walk away from this." I find it hard to believe.

Posted by: SMOD at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (RHGPo)

241 203 If Brandon "resigns" presumably to Spend More Time With His Family, who would you bet Kamala and *her* handlers nominate as the new VP?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (llON

Not Willie Brown.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (ynpvh)


Head em off at the pass !

At least a voice of sanity jumped in

Posted by: Tractors We Lie at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (NtVYv)

243 Senile hard-left professor of law Lawrence Tribe cries out for the Real Victims here -- all of the lawyers who have built specialty practices around arguing about the Chevron deference doctrine.

Similar to all the lawyers have built specialty practices around the regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board, before the CAB was abolished.

Posted by: DOCTOR Jill Biden! at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (uxCna)

244 It is a great day for liberty.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (Je3ix)

245 It has been a great 12 hours. And Trump is directly or indirectly responsible for all of it. His SC picks haven’t been perfect. But they’ve been pretty good overall. Without Trump chevron doesn’t get tossed.

Posted by: Biden Is Finished at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (5zNge)

246 With the 25th, the replacement VP has to be approved by the Senate. Don't know if it is just a simple majority or super majority. But Kamala will not be available to break a tie.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (t/2Uw)

247 "Remember this was the first time that Democrat voters have seen Dopey Zombie Joe"

I don't buy it. His incapacity was evident when they voted for him four years ago, and ever since. The Dems voted tribally, and now that TPTB have green-lighted his removal, they can all lie and say "I never knew FJB was this bad!" Gives them an out, an excuse for switching.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (98J/K)

248 What about the immunity case?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (rsqyi)

249 @232

>>I think that really humanized him

That and I simply think the contrast between the two men was so striking, so visceral, so in your face, that only a true whacked out partisan Donk could possibly vote for four more years of that.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (XV/Pl)

250 Jill Macbeth.

Posted by: Matt Drudge's intern at June 28, 2024

Cruella de Jill

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (J2vNu)

251 That kidnapping plot was for REAL, you guys!
Posted by: Gretchen Whitmer

I'd beware of running against this.

Whitmer can spin a narrative and get Karen to believe it. Even that "both sides" lie gained traction; it only really died tonight on Biden's lips. That's a long time for a lie to live.

Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (gKWVE)

252 203 If Brandon "resigns" presumably to Spend More Time With His Family, who would you bet Kamala and *her* handlers nominate as the new VP?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:51 PM (llON

Hey, over here, it's me Jimmah !

Posted by: Jimmah Carter at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (NtVYv)

253 239 NYT reporter Kenneth Vogel:

I am hearing that some Democratic donors are backing out of Biden's fundraiser tonight at the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan with Elton John.
Posted by: Mark1971 at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (xPl2J)


Fund RFK Jr. instead.

He'll bring Camelot back.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (GBKbO)

254 But everything else they tell you about any other topic is 100% accurate.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:52 PM

D*mn straight right correct!

Posted by: Karine Jean-Pierre, Interlocutius for The Regime at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (cHB26)

255 Remember, last night was Joey Botts at his very best. His day to day average is way off of that.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (CecP5)

256 248 What about the immunity case?
Posted b

y: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (rsqyi


Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (IyPmt)

257 ACB writing the dissent joined by Sotomayor and Kagan
I see she's continuing to display her character.

Posted by: Methos at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (Dnobf)

258 248 What about the immunity case?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (rsqyi)



Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (GBKbO)

259 240 The Era of Smoke Filled Rooms Is Over

DAVID AXELROD: It was actually Donald Trump that helped make Joe Biden the nominee because there was a feeling that if there were a primary, that that would weaken -- that Biden would probably win, but it would weaken him in a general election. And so there are people who could have run and didn't run because the history of that is bad.

The point is now he is the nominee of the Democratic Party. This isn't the 60s, okay. Voters choose the nominee. He is the nominee only he can decide whether he's going to continue, and as you point out, this is a guy with a lot of pride who believes in himself. The idea that he's going to say, "You know, I had a bad debate, I think I'm going to walk away from this." I find it hard to believe.

Posted by: SMOD at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (RHGPo)

So Trump was using 11-D chess moves?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (ynpvh)

260 248 What about the immunity case?

they added a day Monday so it will be Monday

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (s3qiR)

261 Joetato is going to make his comeback in about 40 minutes, at a rally in NC, at which he will be fortified with enough juice to give Trump a good thrashing.

Aided by the teleprompter, of course.

He'll bellow Trump's a liar and it will go downhill from there. The crowd will scream for PDT's execution.

Did he say he wants a September debate? Trump ought to say this time he gets to set the venue and terms.

Posted by: Joe Biden's Double at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (ZtgZZ)

262 "The Trump War Room put out a post debate video. This is only a small snapshot. Trump's expressions crack me up."

I liked the old scalp weasel better.

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (fV+MH)

263 I'd like to know who's idea was it to challenge Trump to a debate. Biden himself? His campaign manager?

Theirs's gross negligence somewhere.

Posted by: WisRich at June 28, 2024 12:50 PM (G0vdT)

I was told Trump was a huge dummy and a bad negotiatior for accepting their terms. He must have got lucky again.

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (/umSo)

264 Last night Trump said he was only running because Biden is such a terrible President and he felt he had too He said he could be in one of his homes living a comfortable life.. I think that really humanized him
Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (IyPmt)

Megyn Kelly made a similar point to PDT in an interview last year. PDT's response was about the same as you mention.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (tT6L1)

265 LiB: likewise on ACB. I did my research and was sending emails out warning about her. I did a lot of research on those 20 or so names Trump released and concluded that the best candidate was Raymond Kethledge. A flinty, tested Constitutionalist with a stellar trial record, and young enough to remain for a while.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (b+7kE)

266 Or did Disney make a sequel called "Elsa?"
Posted by: Anna Puma

As free as the wind blows,
As free as the grass grows,
Born free to follow your heart.

(harkening back to today's Art Thread)

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024 12:59 PM (v6JzV)

267 Tractor Supply's capitulation was stunningly quick and thorough. Maybe woke is over now. Dunno.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 12:59 PM (98J/K)

268 226 Man, these people are really in love with argument by authority. What happens when their authority splits? Funny. That's what happens.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:36 PM (GBKbO)

Nah, when they're in power... authority rules. When they're out of power... resistance is patriotic. The only consistent philosophy they have is will to power.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:55 PM (U7wke)

You're so right, I was told dissent was the highest form of patriotism.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2024 12:59 PM (6IAhu)

269 Difficult to do. Let Biden ramble on incoherently; or shut him up which might induce Biden to throw a tantrum on live TV?
Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 12:40 PM (gKWVE)

Further, they're party operatives, they were never going to say "excuse me, Mr. President, but you sound a bit like a senile jackass right now. How about you let us talk to the orange man. We'll have someone bring you an ice cream."

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:59 PM (U7wke)

270 What Fuck The. Duh.
Posted by: Yoda

That buzzing sound you heard above your head was the joke.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 28, 2024 12:59 PM (IG4Id)

271 I am hearing that some Democratic donors are backing out of Biden's fundraiser tonight at the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan with Elton John.
Posted by: Mark1971 at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (xPl2J)

Don't let the sun go down on me !

Posted by: Joe Bitem master of the English langauge Master baiter and orater at June 28, 2024 12:59 PM (NtVYv)

272 >>> 246 With the 25th, the replacement VP has to be approved by the Senate. Don't know if it is just a simple majority or super majority. But Kamala will not be available to break a tie.
Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 12:57 PM (t/2Uw)

I bet I can, you know, "influence" some decision makers.

Posted by: Kamala Harris at June 28, 2024 01:00 PM (llON8)

273 The hyphenated Barrett sided with the minority. Jackson-Brown was in the majority.

We have another Sandra Day on our hands.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at June 28, 2024 01:00 PM (aFNOf)

274 That and I simply think the contrast between the two men was so striking, so visceral, so in your face, that only a true whacked out partisan Donk could possibly vote for four more years of that.

Reading left wing boards. The consensus is Biden looked awful. But I’m still voting for him to save muh democracy,

Posted by: Biden Is Finished at June 28, 2024 01:00 PM (5zNge)

275 Like he gives a shit.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM

Maybe. It Depends.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 28, 2024 01:00 PM (cHB26)

276 These are literally the best 12 hours of Trump's political life aside from the night he was elected. The debate, followed by the end of Chevron, followed by the finding that the Biden DOJ stretched the January 6 obstruction charges beyond the law....Wow.

I wish that there was more time in between these three things. All happening at once means their time effect will be less impactful. But I'll take what we can get.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at June 28, 2024 01:01 PM (17s+e)

277 Tractor Supply's capitulation was stunningly quick and thorough. Maybe woke is over now. Dunno.
Posted by: Preparing gp

Too quick. I think they carry on as usual hoping we are satisfied with the letter.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 01:01 PM (rsqyi)

278 Except for the cheat , Trump has been fortunate to have the two worse Democrat candidates ever to run for President. Biden makes Dukakis look like George Washington by comparison. Hillary makes Imelda Marcos look like Mother Theresa.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 01:01 PM (SHMXB)

279 I wonder if everyone who said Trump was using very obvious very basic strategy in accepting their debate terms is still a huge fucking cultist idiot. Or maybe nah bro. Guess we'll never find out.

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:01 PM (/umSo)

280 Save the dividends now, hope the controversy blows over.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (rsqyi)

281 Biden refuses to step down. LOL

This is going to get good.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (aFNOf)

282 The farther you get from the instruction manual the worse the machine runs.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (8JQRd)

283 If nice gentlemen in uniform with guns will potentially arrest you for non compliance, it ain't a "rule'. It's a law de facto. That's why Chevron was always bullshit.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 28, 2024 12:42 PM (HYyZn)

I always love the look on a lefties face when they say "it's only a fine" and I reply with "what if I don't pay".

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (U7wke)

284 @LeadingReport
BREAKING: Judges in DC are already reopening January 6 participant proceedings, just hours after the Supreme Court ruling.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (IG4Id)

285 Remember, moving forward, Joe Biden will never again be as good as he was last night.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (a1415)

286 Tinfoil hat on

This was done on purpose by team Harris/Newsom. It’s why the debate was in June. They knew Biden would self destruct. But it’s also early enough to get rid of him.

It was a soft coup by Democrats

Tin foil hat off.

Posted by: Biden Is Finished at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (5zNge)

287 275 Reading left wing boards. The consensus is Biden looked awful. But I’m still voting for him to save muh democracy,
Posted by: Biden Is Finished at June 28, 2024 01:00 PM (5zNge)


I'd never expect left-wing ideologues or Democrat partisans to say any less.

Yes, they will still vote for Joe. Of course they will. It's never a question of that.

In regular election talk, though, it's about the softer support. The ones who can be convinced to stay home because their identity isn't as completely wrapped up in leftism/DNC talking points. "It's not worth the trouble," thinking.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (GBKbO)

288 I wonder if Elton John will be reworking Candle In The Wind as a funeral dirge for Biden's campaign.

Posted by: Mark1971 at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (xPl2J)

289 Babs, I need a little help here.

Posted by: Sir Elton John at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (mH6SG)

290 Amy Bony Carrot Comey is a stupid POS

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:03 PM (/umSo)

291 ***
Cruella de Jill
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

I love this.

Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 01:03 PM (d2kuJ)

292 I think we have a new title holder for stuttering clusterfuck of failure.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 01:03 PM (rsqyi)

293 285 Remember, moving forward, Joe Biden will never again be as good as he was last night.

yeah and he's President for seven more months.

not good.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 01:03 PM (s3qiR)

294 Yooo. Good day so far.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at June 28, 2024 01:03 PM (eZwyX)

295 >>> 291 ***
Cruella de Jill
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

I love this.
Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 01:03 PM (d2kuJ)

That's DOCTOR Cruella de Jill to you!

Posted by: DOCTOR Cruella de Jill at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (llON8)

296 Meh. The law is what *I* say it is.
Posted by: Hawai'ian Judge Numero Siete at June 28, 2024 12:43 PM (cHB26)

Stay in your lane. -- Dredd

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (U7wke)

297 It really is strange that they send Raggedy Anne out to float the whole "cheap fake" nonsense right before this very predictable implosion.

If this was the opening they saw to force Biden out (and the media pouncing is very telling), then why be-clown themselves like this?

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (hCzfy)

298 I was told Trump was a huge dummy and a bad negotiatior for accepting their terms. He must have got lucky again.
Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (/umSo)

As I posted before , getting away with doing a foolish thing does not make it not foolish.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (SHMXB)

299 "If it's not an opsec thing, whereabouts are you going to?
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (llON"

It is, but - somewhere up in that whole inland mountainous northwest area.
The hard part other than moving everything is keeping it secret from coworkers; if they knew where we were going, they'd stroke out.

Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (wOFGo)

300 WFT
well Fancy That
well fuck that
working from tablet

or just WTF typo

Posted by: illiniwek at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (Cus5s)

301 Biden is not dropping out of the presidential race, his campaign spokesperson, Seth Schuster.

Ironically, Dr.Jill Biden may have just saved our country from certain ruin.

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (j5p1a)

302 Reading left wing boards. The consensus is Biden looked awful. But I’m still voting for him to save muh democracy,
Posted by: Biden Is Finished at June 28, 2024 01:00 PM (5zNge)

Even lefties must concede that Biden isn't running things, so who is? How is voting for Biden so unknown unelected folks can continue running things democratic?

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (VGRuw)

303 274 The hyphenated Barrett sided with the minority. Jackson-Brown was in the majority.

We have another Sandra Day on our hands.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at June 28, 2024 01:00 PM (aFNOf)

Jackson Brown had some good music...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (ynpvh)

304 Raining again here. I guess I won't be walking back to my car to stretch my legs just yet.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (J2vNu)

305 I had to call my friend who is, supposedly, a Constitutional lawyer on a personal matter just now (he was SBF and G. Maxwells lawyer, ugh), but had a chance to ask him about the Fish Guys ruling (Chevron Deference)...

He says the ruling doesn't wipe away prior convictions or rulings/fines imposed under the prior doctrine, but it opens the way for every single one of those poor bastards to sue to have their convictions reversed...he was absolutely gleeful.

As Mark said: "you can't rule something was "unconstitutional, but its only unconstitutional this very second, before, hey, it was fine..." It's unconstitutional since the founding of the document...

Posted by: Boswell at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (K+UlC)

306 Remember, moving forward, Joe Biden will never again be as good as he was last night.

Except when they dose him up with the hard stuff and call him the Comeback Kid

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (/umSo)

307 More Tribe:

Laurence Tribe 🇺🇦 ⚖️
Chevron is now overruled. The administrative state just died. The imperial judiciary joins the imperial presidency, relegating Congress to a secondary role except when it legislates with unrealistic specificity and foresight.


So, Congress can be as powerful as the other two if they choose to be? And that's a bad thing?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (GBKbO)

308 Breaking, AF1 going back to the big stairs.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (rsqyi)

309 Remember, moving forward, Joe Biden will never again be as good as he was last night.

yeah and he's President for seven more months.

not good.
Posted by: BlackOrchid


Imagine if people knew about his first Executive Order signing party where he was caught on camera saying "I don't even know what I'm signing!" and the voice off-camera gruffly says "Just sign it."

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (8JQRd)

310 Just saw a tweet from Barbara Streisand about the debate. I'd forgotten all about that. Think I'll go search up some clips from last night. Thanks Babs!

Posted by: Low Info Voter at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (2UnvF)

311 Even lefties must concede that Biden isn't running things, so who is? How is voting for Biden so unknown unelected folks can continue running things democratic?

I'd bet his sister, brother, and Hunt

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (s3qiR)

312 Any Dem who truly aspires to be the President won't want to run this election if things are as bad for the Dems as claimed. They'll wait for 2028.

Posted by: davidt at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (SYTee)

313 We need SCOTUS to take on the Illinois so-called Assault Weapons and magazine ban case. I bet they punt again.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (aFNOf)

314 Does this stop elder abuse?
And rein in the puppeteers.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (J8LnB)

315 "BREAKING: Judges in DC are already reopening January 6 participant proceedings, just hours after the Supreme Court ruling.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 28, 2024 01:02 PM (IG4Id)"

I'm glad they didn't outright kill anyone up this way - they were STILL arresting people for J6 around here at a pace of about one raid every three weeks - but it's going to be interesting to see how they handle peoples' lives destroyed, businesses and homes lost, etc.

Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 01:06 PM (wOFGo)

316 >>> The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 against a J6 defendant, ruling the statute only applied to interference with records or evidence, not interference with an official proceeding.

I can see why the court split that way.

Even if they held that the statute applied to 'interference' with an official meeting
I that did not happen on J6. Not once.

Interference is an actual physical interaction. A mob walking up the Capitol steps through the door and down the corridor has not interfered with anything in any room they don't enter.
A bunch of pansies freaking out and fleeing at the thought of a bunch of old ladies wearing red hats approaching is not interference.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at June 28, 2024 01:06 PM (NMZN9)

317 300 WFT
well Fancy That
well fuck that
working from tablet

or just WTF typo

Posted by: illiniwek at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (Cus5s)

Wishing For That

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:06 PM (ynpvh)

318 As I posted before , getting away with doing a foolish thing does not make it not foolish.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (SHMXB)

Lord almighty. Ok.

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:06 PM (/umSo)

319 Cruella de Jill
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius
I love this.
Posted by: Piper at June 28,

Not only can I turn a phrase, I can baste it and broil it at 500 degrees!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 01:06 PM (J2vNu)

320 248 What about the immunity case?

they added a day Monday so it will be Monday
Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 12:58 PM (s3qiR)

I'm sure that all this talk about Joe quitting and the 25th Amendment discussions has a number of people thinking that maybe they should stop by the West Wing and get their immunity card before Joe's out of the picture.

Posted by: mrp at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (rj6Yv)

321 >So selfish. Complete lack of urgency about the threat they supposedly agree we all face in Donald Trump.

lol how the left see Trump as a threat and yet some on the right see him as a bumbling, rambling, egotistical blowhard and can't wait for his VP pick to start campaigning for 2028 on the first day in office.

Do both sides think the USA will sit and wait for 2028?

Posted by: old chick at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (F3Dlr)

322 Drudge also thought this was newsworthy: austin-wolf-arrested-child-pornography/5550436/
If you haven't heard of Austin Wolf, and at the Drudge Report they're just interested in his body of work for the purpose of fair reportage, he does the sort of thing the esteemed commenter 'curious' used to link at AOS.
Anyway we now know he only does that for the money. On Wolf's free time he's interested in... other things.
On PRIDE MONTH no less!

Posted by: gKWVE at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (gKWVE)

323 >>> 307 More Tribe:

Laurence Tribe

Chevron is now overruled. The administrative state just died. The imperial judiciary joins the imperial presidency, relegating Congress to a secondary role except when it legislates with unrealistic specificity and foresight.


So, Congress can be as powerful as the other two if they choose to be? And that's a bad thing?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (GBKbO)

Wow, Tribe is impressively retarded.

It's not fair to expect people who are *paid* to write laws, to make the laws specific enough for normal people to understand WTF is meant?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (llON8)

324 @307

>>So, Congress can be as powerful as the other two if they choose to be? And that's a bad thing?

And to think, TFG teaches future lawyers.

The f**ker clearly doesn't understand anything about the constitution, but then again, maybe that's the whole point.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (XV/Pl)

325 Tractor supply should know its customers don't support pride parades without "hearing from them".

Yeah that was an even bigger failure to know your customers than Anheiser's. Completely baffling. I don't know where their HQ is but dude, just stand outside one of your own stores for an hour and count the number of Teslas and face piercings you see.

Posted by: Oddbob at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (/y8xj)

326 Cruella de Jill
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius,

I love it! Also works well with the Biden's success with dogs.

Posted by: Cheri at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (oiNtH)

327 As I posted before , getting away with doing a foolish thing does not make it not foolish.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (SHMXB)

So people who defended Trump saying it was a smart decision are still cultist idiots. Good to know.

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (/umSo)

328 ACB turning out to be a real totalitarian.

Just the way dad loved them. And boy did he love himself some of them. Just ask my mom and my cuckDad. 🤣

Posted by: Justin Pinochet Castreau at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (l5yVc)

329 238 Obama told Biden not to run in 2020. Biden ran.

Biden doesn't listen to Obama.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:37 PM (GBKbO)

You are correct.

What blandishments could they use to convince him to step down? You'll hurt the party? Like he gives a shit.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (U7wke)

Accidents will happen

Posted by: Elvis Costello at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (5fDan)

330 Posted by: Humphreyrobot at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (J8LnB)

The piece of shit earned every bit of what’s happening to him.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (eZwyX)

331 but it's going to be interesting to see how they handle peoples' lives destroyed, businesses and homes lost, etc.

You are free to go.
What about my destroyed life?
I said you are free to go
But my....
Good day, sir!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (rsqyi)

332 Keep an eye on Wes Moore.

He's hungry for the Presidency, clean and articulate, with nary a Baltimore accent.

Spend a few moments and get to know him.

He really is Obama 2.0.

Without the Beard.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (a1415)

Dems will most likely run joe, lose, and regroup in '28. They won't have Trump to deal with, the Dem party will have shed the 80+ year older hierarchy (Schumer,Pelosi,Sanders, etc) and run younger candidates.

The dems are going to take the Loss.

Posted by: Frank Barone at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (+oR7L)

334 When will Biden have been humiliated enough?

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (JLq/1)

335 Posted by: Justin Pinochet Castreau at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (l5yVc)

She’s really turned out to be awful

Absolutely awful

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (eZwyX)

336 @329

>>Accidents will happen

Tell me about it.

Scalia's Wandering Pillow.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (XV/Pl)

337 313 We need SCOTUS to take on the Illinois so-called Assault Weapons and magazine ban case. I bet they punt again.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at June 28, 2024 01:05 PM (aFNOf)

Like this?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (ynpvh)

338 It feels like the third act has started in earnest. And to think that the debate meltdown and Chevron are just little morsels of what's to come.

Posted by: t-bird at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (9SBJU)

339 323 Wow, Tribe is impressively retarded.

It's not fair to expect people who are *paid* to write laws, to make the laws specific enough for normal people to understand WTF is meant?
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (llON


I think the underlying assumption is about the breadth and depth of what the federal government does. If Congress has to write the laws specifically, it can't do as far or as wide as the administrative does on its own.

The administrative state has to shrink after this.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (GBKbO)

340 Start spreading the news
DNC has the Atlanta debate blues

Posted by: MAC V SOG at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (P4Pk9)

341 324 And to think, TFG teaches future lawyers.

The f**ker clearly doesn't understand anything about the constitution, but then again, maybe that's the whole point.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (XV/Pl)


He read that thing once. And then he got into the penumbras and never looked back.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (GBKbO)

342 Remember, moving forward, Joe Biden will never again be as good as he was last night.

Except when they dose him up with the hard stuff and call him the Comeback Kid
Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024

I'm not as good as I once was . . . but I'm as good once as I ever was

Posted by: F. Joke Biden at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (J2vNu)

343 Tinfoil hat on

This was done on purpose by team Harris/Newsom. It’s why the debate was in June. They knew Biden would self destruct. But it’s also early enough to get rid of him.

It was a soft coup by Democrats

Tin foil hat off.

What's the deadline for Ohio. Isn't it pretty soon. If he doesn't voluntarily leave and get replaced by someone before then, the Dems won't have a candidate on the ballot in Ohio. Actually, aren't a BUNCH of states right around then? The Dems had to pull some shenanigans to get Biden on the ballot because their convention is after the deadline...

Posted by: Gman at June 28, 2024 01:10 PM (GfWuY)

344 329 238 Obama told Biden not to run in 2020. Biden ran.

Biden doesn't listen to Obama.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 12:37 PM (GBKbO)

You are correct.

What blandishments could they use to convince him to step down? You'll hurt the party? Like he gives a shit.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at June 28, 2024 12:56 PM (U7wke)

Accidents will happen

Posted by: Elvis Costello at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (5fDan)

the dems will give him a stair-stepper machine...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:10 PM (ynpvh)

345 Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (rsqyi)

They should be able to sue everyone involved, from the arrest to the incarceration

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at June 28, 2024 01:10 PM (eZwyX)

346 Holy shit!

The democrats are trotting out Joe today.

Or maybe it's just Jill. I bet bitch doesn't want to give up all the perks.

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:10 PM (jvJvP)

347 333
Dems will most likely run joe, lose, and regroup in '28. They won't have Trump to deal with, the Dem party will have shed the 80+ year older hierarchy (Schumer,Pelosi,Sanders, etc) and run younger candidates.

The dems are going to take the Loss.
Posted by: Frank Barone at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (+oR7L)


All while Trump gets to use Loper as an excuse to gut the administrative state and further push the judiciary rightward.

They're not going to let that happen.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:10 PM (GBKbO)

348 I'm not as good as I once was . . . but I'm as good once as I ever was
Posted by: F. Joke Biden at June 28, 2024 01:09 PM (J2vNu)

God bless Toby Kieth.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (SHMXB)


Posted by: Joe Bitem master of the English langauge Master baiter and orater at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (NtVYv)

350 302 Even lefties must concede that Biden isn't running things, so who is? How is voting for Biden so unknown unelected folks can continue running things democratic?
Posted by: Bacon Jeff at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (VGRuw)

Because when there's no one person at the top, you don't know how many heads you have to cut off of the Hydra.

Posted by: XTC at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (UnA8+)

351 Trump needs to pick a VP as assassination insurance JD Vance maybe

Posted by: It's me donna at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (IyPmt)

352 It's on FoxNews now.

Jill is doing all the

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (jvJvP)

353 Good Afternoon!

Let's smile & be happy & strike fear into the heart of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Because we are winning with reality, and the sanctimonious power grabbers and people that tell others to shut up need to scream louder with our wins.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (u82oZ)

354 @341

>>He read that thing once. And then he got into the penumbras and never looked back.

I once accidently walked in on a penumbra taking an emanation, it was not a pretty sight.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (XV/Pl)

355 C'mon, people. Joe answered all the questions!!

Posted by: Weasel at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (JwHpX)

356 261 Joetato is going to make his comeback in about 40 minutes, at a rally in NC, at which he will be fortified with enough juice to give Trump a good thrashing.

Rally? They got 20 people together?

Posted by: Auspex at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (j4U/Z)

357 When will Biden have been humiliated enough?
Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (JLq/1)


Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (/umSo)

358 the best candidate was Raymond Kethledge. A flinty, tested Constitutionalist with a stellar trial record, and young enough to remain for a while.
Posted by: Ordinary American

ACB was a DEI choice. She is the blemish on a good day.

Posted by: Sock Monkey * levitating above the madness at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (Tofm4)

359 Always remember: When you hear people who are paid by taxpayers saying things about "democracy" or "protecting our democracy", they're talking about the government.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (8JQRd)

360 >>> 299
It is, but - somewhere up in that [place].
The hard part other than moving everything is keeping it secret from coworkers; if they knew where we were going, they'd stroke out.
Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (wOFGo)

Heh, I think some of my cow orkers must have been appalled when they learned I had moved to TX. Funny thing is there was already another employee in our larger group who had been remote *before* woofloo down here.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (llON8)

361 Accidents will happen
Posted by: Elvis Costello at June 28, 2024 01:07 PM (5fDan
In the words of Franz Sanchez, "You're only President...for Life."

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (3Fz6p)

362 We have another Sandra Day on our hands.
Posted by: Maj. Healey

ACB is cute and all, but she's no Sandra Dee.

Oh wait...

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (v6JzV)

363 As I posted before , getting away with doing a foolish thing does not make it not foolish.

Posted by: polynikes at June 28, 2024 01:04 PM (SHMXB)
It's official everybody. Polynikes is Karl Rove.

Posted by: Everybody say Hi Karl at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (BM6k1)

364 It feels like the third act has started in earnest. And to think that the debate meltdown and Chevron are just little morsels of what's to come.
Posted by: t-bird at June 28, 2024

It's funny. All this good news makes me feel like spending some money.

Maybe I'll lie down until that feeling goes away.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (J2vNu)

365 Holy shit!

The democrats are trotting out Joe today.

Or maybe it's just Jill. I bet bitch doesn't want to give up all the perks.
Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:10 PM (jvJvP)

I hope his heart doesn't explode from the cocaine !

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (NtVYv)

366 352 It's on FoxNews now.

Jill is doing all the

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (jvJvP)

Joe looks zoned-out

Posted by: Gref at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (5fDan)

367 Jill in NC: what you saw last night was the real Joe Biden

No shit.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (Y8lzz)

368 It's an article of faith among the Marxists that dirty, aggressive hobos shitting in the street, stabbing people, and shooting dope in front of your kids is a Blessing of Liberty.

I'll wager that none of them take advantage of this decision to clean up their cities.

Sitting in your opulent penthouse suite isn't nearly as fun without a swarm of the wretched to look down upon in their squalor and misery.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (0FoWg)

369 Joetato is going to make his comeback in about 40 minutes, at a rally in NC, at which he will be fortified with enough juice to give Trump a good thrashing.

That could kill the old buggrr.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (JLq/1)

370 It isn't so much that the SCOTUS invalidated 18 U.S. Code § 1512(c)2
More to the point, it merely interpreted the style used for federal laws.

(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

The SCOTUS indicated that (c)2 draws context from (c)1

Posted by: SMOD at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (RHGPo)

371 328 ACB turning out to be a real totalitarian.
She just wants to mommy the country to death.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (b+7kE)

372 I'm glad they didn't outright kill anyone up this way - they were STILL arresting people for J6 around here at a pace of about one raid every three weeks - but it's going to be interesting to see how they handle peoples' lives destroyed, businesses and homes lost, etc.
Posted by: somedood

Well, not to be 'that guy,' but at least 2 of the accused self-deleted, and at least one died from cancer while incarcerated. So...

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (IG4Id)

373 "Trump needs to pick a VP as assassination insurance JD Vance maybe"

I think it's FJB who has to look over his shoulder now. Hire a new food taster. Rotate his security detail.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (98J/K)

374 The markets are all gonna start benefiting if it looks like Trump is going to win, and the Democrats will take credit for it.

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (/umSo)

375 We have another Sandra Day on our hands.
Posted by: Maj. Healey
ACB is cute and all, but she's no Sandra Dee.

Oh wait...
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024

She's not even Jill Clayburgh. Or Hawk Tuah Girl.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (J2vNu)

376 111 99 Right now, the Junta could put together the paperwork for Joe to resign, tell Joe to sign it, and he would. There's no way Joe would understand what he just signed.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (tT6L1)

Wouldn't that be something if he was ruled mentally incompetent to resign from the Presidency.
Posted by: WisRich

That alone would make it worth doing.
That alone would make it worth trying.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (NMZN9)

377 Biden's brain is a six on the handicap scale.

Posted by: torabora at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (6Jp0x)

378 Joe looks like crap.

Not talking yet.

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (jvJvP)

379 I don't buy it. His incapacity was evident when they voted for him four years ago, and ever since. The Dems voted tribally, and now that TPTB have green-lighted his removal, they can all lie and say "I never knew FJB was this bad!" Gives them an out, an excuse for switching.

Everybody here is very invested in politics, so we're more aware than the typical Low information voter, and that really describes most Democrat voters. They don't pay attention to political news, which is how Democrats are able to get away with all their destructive policies. There is a difference between ignorant and stupid. There is no cure for the latter, but very few people have IQs below 85, most LIVs are ignorant. So last night came as a shock to them. They assume the government, and particularly the Presidency, is staffed with competent people.

Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (CecP5)


Posted by: Joe Bitem master of the English langauge Master baiter and orater at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (NtVYv)

Fecal Incontinency,
Ureal Incontinency.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (ynpvh)

381 Is Jill running for POTUS?

Posted by: redridinghood at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (NpAcC)

382 Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM (8JQRd)

Great point.

Posted by: thathalfrican - The One at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (eZwyX)


I can't walk around the lectern without help and I am eligible to be a pro golfer if it weren't for Bo dying in Iraq and Charlotte, NC.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (8JQRd)

384 If you’re going to reopen all the old bureaucratic-deference cases dispensed under Chevron, and also institute a slew of challenges of newer bureaucratic rulings, it seems like you’re really looking out for the careers of litigators, so there’s that.

This ruling also blissfully reduces the stakes of the presidential election because no matter who wins the bureaucrats lose.

Posted by: Jack Squat Bupkis at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (QzaM/)

385 Second look at Smoke Filled Rooms?

It is kind of wacky, if you understand the history of primaries and how they came into being in the first place.

Can't help but think this was the plan, or at least planned for seriously. This is a lot of sturm and drang for the kabuki theater. Joe might even be in on it.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (HYyZn)

386 Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:01 PM (/umSo)

It will always be thus.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (Je3ix)

387 I'm getting kinda tired of Jill's hand as my roommate

Posted by: joe's prostate at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (gKWVE)

388 "Our Democracy" is when we vote to enshrine the things that have been decided by our superiors.

Posted by: Congress at June 28, 2024 01:14 PM (9SBJU)

389 >>370 It isn't so much that the SCOTUS invalidated 18 U.S. Code § 1512(c)2

i did say that in the post, but the headline was misleading. I changed the headline. Thank you.

Posted by: ace at June 28, 2024 01:14 PM (KRtlO)

390 Joe looks zoned-out

Posted by: Gref at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (5fDan)

He REALLY does!

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:14 PM (jvJvP)

391 "Joe looks zoned-out

Posted by: Gref at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (5fDan)

He REALLY does!"

He was up past his bedtime last night.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at June 28, 2024 01:15 PM (a1415)

392 They have enough time to pack the court.

Hey Schumer, you kosher cooking pig, ball is in your court.

Posted by: torabora at June 28, 2024 01:15 PM (6Jp0x)

393 Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at June 28, 2024 01:13 PM (Je3ix)

Flounder my boy. How are you???

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:15 PM (/umSo)

394 374 The markets are all gonna start benefiting if it looks like Trump is going to win, and the Democrats will take credit for it.

hmm not sure it's going to be that easy

things are still very shaky

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (s3qiR)

395 Y’all. I don’t know Joe is going to make it 7 months

Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (GMx4K)

396 "Joe Biden is a good man. He wakes up everyday..."

He should have ended the sentence there.

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (jvJvP)

397 When will Biden have been humiliated enough?
Posted by: Northernlurker

When you've lost it cognitively, you don't know you've lost it. Jill, on the other hand, is truly humiliated and pissed today.

Posted by: Cheri at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (oiNtH)

398 ACB has pretty much gone to the Dark Side, given she wrote the dissent in the J6 case, on top of her opinions yesterday.

So sad. Mollie Hemingway's head must be spinning.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (q5Sxq)

399 "The markets are all gonna start benefiting if it looks like Trump is going to win"

I don't think that's a given. Stocks do what they do. Look at the folks who sold on Obama's victory; they blew finance history's greatest buying opportunity.

Posted by: Preparing gp For Lazy Loading at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (98J/K)

400 396 "Joe Biden is a good man. He wakes up everyday..."

He should have ended the sentence there.

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (jvJvP)

"He answered all the questions!"--Jill Biden

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (ynpvh)

401 "The ruling does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron doctrine, Roberts wrote."

Ace: "Now all those thousands and thousands of cases are re-opened."

That would only follow if Roberts had said that it does call into question the prior cases.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (O7YUW)

402 The Associated Press
BREAKING: The U.S. will remove the aid pier in Gaza due to weather and may not put it back after groups stopped deliveries, officials say.
10:06 AM · Jun 28, 2024

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at June 28, 2024 01:17 PM (9aVck)

403 Potatohead is speaking now!

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:17 PM (jvJvP)

404 ace, did you see the clip of Trump and Biden leaving the stage?

Best observation at video link:

Trump was backstage before biden made it around the lectern.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:17 PM (8JQRd)

405 You wanna compare handicaps? Really?!

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 28, 2024 01:17 PM (9SBJU)

406 >>> 368 It's an article of faith among the Marxists that dirty, aggressive hobos shitting in the street, stabbing people, and shooting dope in front of your kids is a Blessing of Liberty.

I'll wager that none of them take advantage of this decision to clean up their cities.

Sitting in your opulent penthouse suite isn't nearly as fun without a swarm of the wretched to look down upon in their squalor and misery.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (0FoWg)

Can't remember where I saw it, but someone had posted a twatter vid from the Summer of Love and Mostly Peaceful But Sometimes Fiery Protests in which some white guy in an apartment a few stories up made supportive noises at the "protestors", one of whom promptly threw a brick at him which smashed one of his windows.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 01:17 PM (llON8)

407 He is hyped up for SC. They are going to kill him.

Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (GMx4K)

408 There’s like 2-300 people there.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (Y8lzz)

409 All while Trump gets to use Loper as an excuse to gut the administrative state and further push the judiciary rightward.

They're not going to let that happen.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024

I can imagine they are going to be setting up their "resistance" teams in all the agencies, set up their little Traps, lawfare like crazy and use the FBI/CIA as firewalls against Trump. Look how they hamstrung Trump during his first administration.

Posted by: Frank Barone at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (+oR7L)

410 ACB turning out to be a real totalitarian.
She just wants to mommy the country to death.
Posted by: Ordinary American

It is in her nature. As is having someone else pay for it.

/ I will denounce myself for being sexist later, much later.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (NMZN9)

411 BREAKING: The U.S. will remove the aid pier in Gaza due to weather and may not put it back after groups stopped deliveries, officials say.

oh wow least shocking news ever

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (s3qiR)

412 C'mon, people. Joe answered all the questions!!
Posted by: Weasel at June 28, 2024 01:11 PM

Did you survive cat pillage, or is this Weaselbot posting?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (cHB26)

413 Ace, nice summary of the SCOTUS rulings.

Posted by: Alteria Pilgram at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (ZVzln)

414 403 Potatohead is speaking now!

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:17 PM (jvJvP)

That's PRESIDENT Potatohead...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (ynpvh)

415 So what's the Left's reaction to the Tapper-Bash debate presentation? Crickets?

Posted by: mrp at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (rj6Yv)

416 You all just want to date ACB.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (v6JzV)

417 The Trump War Room put out a post debate video. This is only a small snapshot. Trump's expressions crack me up.

Posted by: Cheri


This is fantastic, thanks.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (8JQRd)

418 The SCOTUS indicated that (c)2 draws context from (c)1

And ACB said the writers of this law couldn't have forseen the absolute horror of Jan 6 and therefore the usual standard of reading the law in plain language doesn't apply in these special circumstances. (I'm paraphrasing)

Posted by: Chuck Martel at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (fs1hN)

419 308 Breaking, AF1 going back to the big stairs.
So that's how they plan to get rid of the Stanky Corpse? Genius.

Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (n17eQ)

420 You all just want to date ACB.


I'm going with 61.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (8JQRd)

421 I'd love to see the crowd size.

Joe seems alright so far.

Posted by: Stateless at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (jvJvP)

422 When will Biden have been humiliated enough?

Do you think he even knows? I bet Jill, er excuse me, DOCTOR Jill told him that he wiped the floor with Trump and he knows she wouldn't lie to him.

Posted by: Oddbob at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (/y8xj)

423 NC. Sorry.

Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (GMx4K)

424 If they really want to get rid of Biden, they should release the Hur tapes.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (t/2Uw)

425 When will Biden have been humiliated enough?
Posted by: Northernlurker

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (L/fGl)

426 In late. Almost entirely good news, especially Chevron case. ACB ugh.

Last one in the can: presidential immunity? Should drop today as well right?

Posted by: LinusVanPelt at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (xT8gx)



Says the guy who cannot descend three stairs by himself.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at June 28, 2024 01:19 PM (lTGtQ)

428 C'mon, people. Joe answered all the questions!!
Posted by: Weasel

Are they going to give him his participation trophy today?

Posted by: Sock Monkey * levitating above the madness at June 28, 2024 01:19 PM (Tofm4)

429 381 Is Jill running for POTUS?
Posted by: redridinghood

Ambition, madam, is a great man's madness
That is not kept in chains and close-pent rooms,
But in fair lightsome lodgings, and is girt
With the wild noise of prattling visitants,
Which makes it lunatic beyond all cure.

Posted by: Antonio at June 28, 2024 01:19 PM (gKWVE)

430 395 Y’all. I don’t know Joe is going to make it 7 months
Posted by: Piper at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (GMx4K)

I'm not sure he'll make it through the weekend.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2024 01:19 PM (CmlIW)

431 They're pissed at Tapper and Bash for being in the pocket of corporation and Big MAGA

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:19 PM (/umSo)

432 ACB turning out to be a real totalitarian.
She just wants to mommy the country to death.
Posted by: Ordinary American

It is in her nature. As is having someone else pay for it.

/ I will denounce myself for being sexist later, much later.
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher



Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:19 PM (8JQRd)

433 Last one in the can: presidential immunity? Should drop today as well right?

no sorry they added a day - Monday

Posted by: BlackOrchid at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (s3qiR)

434 98 If I were to get a Xitter account and reply, "lol learn to code lol", would I immediately get banned?
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (DTX3h)

It would be funny no matter what.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (llON

A couple of other people beat me to it and they've yet to be purged. Pre-Elon, they'd be gone for sure.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (DTX3h)

435 400 396 "Joe Biden is a good man. He wakes up everyday..."

Give some examples please.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (JLq/1)

436 Let's not be too quick on that "Joe Biden is a good man." thought.

Posted by: Ashley's Diary at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (cHB26)

437 419 308 Breaking, AF1 going back to the big stairs.
So that's how they plan to get rid of the Stanky Corpse? Genius.

Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (n17eQ)

is there a defenestration equivalent word for being thrown off stairs?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (ynpvh)

438 The DC judges had indicated that they may resentenced the J6 convicts using other convictions to longer terms. Vindictive little shits.

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (N+p0+)

439 Biden deserves every humiliation coming his way. He needs to be remembered as a malicious and corrupt calamity.

Posted by: Ordinary American at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (b+7kE)

440 >>> 400
"He answered all the questions!"--Jill Biden
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:16 PM (ynpvh)

This *so* needs to be a meme.

(Also that stupid-ass hair-cutting scene from The Acolyte.)

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (llON8)

441 TelePrompter of the United States is back on duty to make Joe appear stronk and sorta-well-spoken.

Posted by: Gref at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (5fDan)

442 Anyone heard from Liz(ard) Cheney or Adam Kinzinger today?

Posted by: Erik In Texas at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (7Ygbv)

443 Flounder my boy. How are you???

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:15 PM (/umSo)

Doing well, sir. Strong as ox.

Thank you for asking.

I hope you and yours doing well.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (Je3ix)

444 The reason they have to tell everyone Trump is a bad man is the exact same reason they need to tell everyone Biden is a good man.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (8JQRd)

445 Because "Groups" stopped deliveries.

You know how those "Groups" are. Can't never tell.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (HYyZn)

446 Thank heavens for the Chevron overturn. Now, we can hope Congress is forced to shoulder responsibility for Leviathan.

If future Congress' have to pass specific laws, instead of agencies writing rules, there will be lots less regulation.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (q5Sxq)

447 409 I can imagine they are going to be setting up their "resistance" teams in all the agencies, set up their little Traps, lawfare like crazy and use the FBI/CIA as firewalls against Trump. Look how they hamstrung Trump during his first administration.
Posted by: Frank Barone at June 28, 2024 01:18 PM (+oR7L)


Oh, they did, but Trump's deregulatory effort was one of the better things of his presidency, even when the resistance was in full swing. Biden was able to undo it essentially on day one of his presidency, but so is the result of the imperial presidency ruling by fiat.

Still, with Chevron gone, putting things back will be trickier. Also, it'll be interesting when leftists bring lawsuits against a Trump admin for taking down regulations that aren't rooted in statute, especially if those regulations are the source of government jobs.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (GBKbO)

448 Can’t yell without coughing and then taking a break.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (Y8lzz)

449 I'd suggest a Presidential Mobility Scooter but you know Biden would run over people with it.

Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (n17eQ)

450 There’s like 2-300 people there.
Posted by: Nigel West Dickens

Maybe it's like people going to car races hoping to see a crash.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Free the Trump 45! at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (L/fGl)

451 434 98 If I were to get a Xitter account and reply, "lol learn to code lol", would I immediately get banned?
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 28, 2024 12:35 PM (DTX3h)

It would be funny no matter what.
Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 12:38 PM (llON

A couple of other people beat me to it and they've yet to be purged. Pre-Elon, they'd be gone for sure.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (DTX3h)

X is often pronounced as SH in some languages...
I don't need a Shitter Account...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (ynpvh)

452 There’s like 2-300 people there.

I would be. It's not every day that you get the chance to see the President explode into flames in person.

Posted by: Oddbob at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (/y8xj)

453 The worst clip is Biden at the "After-Party". He says he wants to go home with them and then turns his back to the crowd and just stands there until someone walks over nad turns him around.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (t/2Uw)

454 is there a defenestration equivalent word for being thrown off stairs?
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (ynpvh)

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (3Fz6p)

455 Here is the comprehensive list of women who grew more conservative in American high office:

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (/umSo)

456 Nood.

Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (Je3ix)

457 "Joe Biden is a good man. He wakes up everyday..."

He gets up every morning
From the alarm clocks warning
Takes the 8:15 into the city

Posted by: JackStraw at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (LkLld)

458 431 They're pissed at Tapper and Bash for being in the pocket of corporation and Big MAGA
Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:19 PM (/umSo)


Not actively sucking Biden's dick on camera means that they're MAGA.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, obsessively pursuing evil with Friedkin at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (GBKbO)

459 What I love about Biden is he is stubbornly sticking to the race. He's looking forward to the next debate.

Posted by: blaster at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (cvZX6)

460 401 "The ruling does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron doctrine, Roberts wrote."

Ace: "Now all those thousands and thousands of cases are re-opened."

That would only follow if Roberts had said that it does call into question the prior cases.

You sow the wind, Roberts, you'll reap the whirlwind!
*read in thick NY accent, kind of like Chuck Schumer's accent*

Posted by: Chuck Martel at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (fs1hN)

461 The NC nitwits are chanting four more years for Joey. The stupidity is strong. ",morals of an alley cat " again

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (N+p0+)

462 no sorry they added a day - Monday
Posted by: BlackOrchid

Wait, don't we already have a day called "Monday?" I'm so confused.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (v6JzV)

463 I love that Trump outright stated on national TV to the sitting President of the United States that they attacking political enemies, and then the next day the SCOTUS confirmed it.

Midas ****ing touch.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (8JQRd)

464 Can’t yell without coughing and then taking a break.
Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (Y8lzz)

Candidate Hillary had the same problem, I believe.

Posted by: Northernlurker at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (JLq/1)

465 >>> 442 Anyone heard from Liz(ard) Cheney or Adam Kinzinger today?
Posted by: Erik In Texas at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (7Ygbv)

Kinzinger has already said he's still voting for BaiDen; iirc he was the 'tard who said because of Joey's character and respect for American's core values.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (llON8)

466 Donald Herber Hoover Trump. That’ll catch on.

Posted by: Nigel West Dickens at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (Y8lzz)

467 The Trump War Room put out a post debate video. This is only a small snapshot. Trump's expressions crack me up.

Posted by: Cheri
This is fantastic, thanks.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024

When you put the Old Mumbletonian's babbling noises together like that, it's very effective.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (J2vNu)

468 There’s like 2-300 people there.

I would be. It's not every day that you get the chance to see the President explode into flames in person.
Posted by: Oddbob


I bet they provide lunch and a band is performing.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - Men say we like these traits in women, women reply no, you are wrong at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (8JQRd)

469 X is often pronounced as SH in some languages...
I don't need a Shitter Account...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (ynpvh)
"X" represents the side-click sound in Zulu and Xhosa. How about that?

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (3Fz6p)

470 Amy Bony Carrot Comey is a stupid POS
Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:03 PM (/umSo)

Amy Bony Carrot

That's gold !

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (NtVYv)

471 I hope you and yours doing well.
Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at June 28, 2024 01:21 PM (Je3ix)

Good to hear. We are good. Might even be starting a vacation in 2 hours.......

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (/umSo)

472 If future Congress' have to pass specific laws, instead of agencies writing rules, there will be lots less regulation.
If Trump makes it the WH alive you know he will cancel every Administrative Rule masquerading as Law in his first month in office. The lamentations of the congress critters will be epic.

Posted by: Pudinhead at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (n17eQ)

473 Jill is like a reverse Yoko.

Total C bag trying to keep a shitty band together.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at June 28, 2024 01:24 PM (KbCG3)

474 So many levels of deceit. These deceptions have a weight to them. Dark energy and black holes.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at June 28, 2024 01:24 PM (J8LnB)

475 no sorry they added a day - Monday
Posted by: BlackOrchid
Wait, don't we already have a day called "Monday?" I'm so confused.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 28, 2024

We told you all about double Mondays

Posted by: The Mamas & the Papas at June 28, 2024 01:24 PM (J2vNu)

476 Good to hear. We are good. Might even be starting a vacation in 2 hours.......

Posted by: ... at June 28, 2024 01:23 PM (/umSo)


Posted by: Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon at June 28, 2024 01:24 PM (Je3ix)

477 There is a difference between ignorant and stupid. There is no cure for the latter, but very few people have IQs below 85, most LIVs are ignorant. So last night came as a shock to them. They assume the government, and particularly the Presidency, is staffed with competent people.
Posted by: An Observation sez China Joe not my president
I would say most LIV are just dumb, that is slow. No real shame in that. Everybody is dumb in many topics or skills.
Stupid are those that can learn but refuse to learn.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at June 28, 2024 01:25 PM (NMZN9)

478 Noodus landscape change

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 01:25 PM (J2vNu)

479 Average Dem, Herbert Hoover, is that the vacuum cleaner guy?

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 28, 2024 01:25 PM (N+p0+)

480 454 is there a defenestration equivalent word for being thrown off stairs?
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:20 PM (ynpvh)

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight at June 28, 2024 01:22 PM (3Fz6p)

Reddit had a post apparently. Some of their suggestions:

Fenestra = window
Scalaria = stairs
So, Descalariation

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:26 PM (ynpvh)

481 ACB's going to stick the knife in Trump at some point. Hers will be the final blow. 5-4 against, denying him the election. Sometime in December. Maybe January. The whole thing's Shakespearean.

Kavanaugh freak show wasn't about Kavanaugh. It was about getting Trump to nominate ACB. An easy one, for once. And she was what the other side wanted. Either a known quantity...not a true conservative judge...or pegged as easily influence-able. Either way, the hell that Kav went though was designed to deliver ACB next. Trump didn't see it. Plus, once he got a look at her he was probably smitten. Trump's an easy mark in that regard So, cutie who won't get too much pushback. Easy.

In January, she'll be the 5th vote...with Roberts and the install whoever the Democrat's candidate is.

Posted by: occam's brassiere at June 28, 2024 01:27 PM (Te7DI)

482 JFC, Joe is going nuts screaming lies about Trump right now.

Posted by: pawn at June 28, 2024 01:27 PM (QB+5g)

483 And
You could try "gemonize" after the Roman practice of pushing capital offenders down the Gemonian stairs.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:27 PM (ynpvh)

484 Just got back from an estate sale and read this post.

Damn, how sweet it is!!!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at June 28, 2024 01:28 PM (5eNyd)

485 482 JFC, Joe is going nuts screaming lies about Trump right now.

Posted by: pawn at June 28, 2024 01:27 PM (QB+5g)

Joe's Fried Chicken
Joe F**ks Children

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:28 PM (ynpvh)

486 NOOD

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024 01:29 PM (ynpvh)

487 Great news on Chevron. My pre-1984 law school education on administrative agency law (i.e., pre-Chevron) is good law again!

Posted by: pikkumatti at June 28, 2024 01:52 PM (LNiNn)

488 "333
Dems will most likely run joe, lose, and regroup in '28. They won't have Trump to deal with, the Dem party will have shed the 80+ year older hierarchy (Schumer,Pelosi,Sanders, etc) and run younger candidates.

The dems are going to take the Loss.
Posted by: Frank Barone at June 28, 2024 01:08 PM (+oR7L)"

I don't see how they can. There is no more road to kick the can down fiscally; if they intend to lose, it'll only be because they want the big final implosion to "not be on their watch"

Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 02:12 PM (wOFGo)

489 "Well, not to be 'that guy,' but at least 2 of the accused self-deleted, and at least one died from cancer while incarcerated. So...
Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 28, 2024 01:12 PM (IG4Id)"

I know, I'm specifically talking about just machinegunning them down in their front hallway in front of their family.

Or with their family, some of the raids have nabbed more than one person.

Posted by: somedood at June 28, 2024 02:13 PM (wOFGo)

490 You could try "gemonize" after the Roman practice of pushing capital offenders down the Gemonian stairs.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 28, 2024

Bring back the Tarpeian Rock!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 28, 2024 02:14 PM (J2vNu)

491 I now realize the damage Ive caused to Democracy for my whole caterr. In an efgort to make ammends before I die I will not drop out which leys Trump win. Hopefilly he can fix my fuck ups!

- Mumbles Biden

Posted by: Im Gumby Damn It! /George Carlins Pencil at June 28, 2024 02:30 PM (IhA9o)

492 a ruling to overturn the doctrine could "free judges to be radical activists" who could "effectively rewrite our laws and block the protections they are supposed to provide."

Yes the bureaucrats should be the "radical activists".

Posted by: Hal Dall at June 28, 2024 03:14 PM (uBxyf)

493 Wtf was Barrett thinking on the J6 decision? It was a slam-fucking-dunk. If she can't get that one right, then . . . jesus christ.

Posted by: Elric Blade at June 28, 2024 12:32 PM (iFTx/)
I'm way late, but yes, and she was on the wrong side of 1st Amendment case as well.

The default must become that any women placed on the Supreme Court will eventually believe that the grand sugar daddy must be protected at all costs.

No GOP president can nominate a women to the court. WE have 4, and it appears that it is not just 3 but 4 too many.

Posted by: Black JEM at June 28, 2024 04:36 PM (GZYu7)

494 If Brandon "resigns" presumably to Spend More Time With His Family, who would you bet Kamala and *her* handlers nominate as the new VP?


whitmer or warnock...depends which they think they need more - Michigan or Georgia

Posted by: runner at June 28, 2024 12:54 PM (9pFgx)
Georgia is already gone. Whitmer is the only real option.

Posted by: Black JEM at June 28, 2024 04:50 PM (GZYu7)

495 Thanks for Chevron, but I would have much preferred the Court announcing that although the agencies can write rules and regulations, none of those will have any force of law whatsoever until and unless enacted by Congress in their normal course of business and signed by the President.

How we ever got to the idea that Congressional law-making is a delegable power is truly breathtaking in its idiocy.

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at June 28, 2024 05:14 PM (TOe+Q)

496 Frīgedæg? Frigga please!

Posted by: Misanthropic Misanthrope at June 28, 2024 06:23 PM (e3CH4)

497 My ѕpousе ɑnd I stumbled over here coming from a different website and
thоugһt I should check things out. I like what
I see so i am just follоwing you. Look forᴡard to
checking out your web page yet again.

Posted by: durkin at June 29, 2024 09:21 PM (19Km/)

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