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Sunday Overnight Open Thread (6/10/24)



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“Character is too important for me. [The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] doesn’t have.” Former Speaker of The House Paul Ryan (RINO-WI)

Quote II

“This is further proof that the Hamas terrorist organization uses the civilian population as a human shield,” IDF Statement

Quote III

‘Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet. They’re learning the ways of the white people.’ Tsainama Marubo

Quote IV

“This matters for two reasons. First, there is a large sum of money involved here that realistically may be transferred from the NFL teams to consumers. Second, in terms of the NFL’s business practices moving forward, the decision here will play a role in determining whether individual NFL teams must compete against each other in the sale of rights to broadcast their games.” Marc Edelman, a professor of sports and antitrust law at Baruch College’s business school

Quote V

“The government does not like what it cannot control or regulate. When we create our own independent food supply networks, this triggers the government,” Dr. Robert Malone


The Comments of The Week

Night in. Night out. Week after week. The ONT commenters are the best!

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The following video is tied to tonight's Quote II


The Climate alarmists have a new study to choke on.

The world of climate science is in shock following extraordinary findings from a team of high-powered NASA scientists that suggest most of the recent global temperature increases are due to the introduction of draconian fuel shipping regulations designed to help prevent global warming. The fantasy world of Net Zero is of course full of unintended consequences, but it is claimed that the abrupt 80% cut in sulphur dioxide emissions from international shipping in 2020 has accounted for 80% of global warming since the turn of the decade. Although the extra heat is described as “transient”, the warming is extraordinary and is expected to rise during the 2020s at a rate of 0.24°C a decade, 20% higher than the claimed warming trend since 1980.

The news is likely to cause considerable concern among the mainstream climate hoaxers in media, academia and politics. They have had a field day of late by pointing to rises in temperature as evidence for their evidence-free prediction that the climate is in danger of imminent collapse. But the NASA scientists, working out of the Goddard Space Flight Centre, predict a trend of rising temperatures due to the IMO2020 regulations going forward, and state, “the 2023 record warmth is within the ranges of our expected trajectory”.


Did someone forget to apply deodorant?

American Airlines Threatened with Travel Ban from NAACP After Passengers Removed for Body Odor

American Airlines is under fire from the NAACP after 8 black men were removed from a flight in May following a complaint about body odor.

Last month three of those passengers filed a lawsuit against American Airlines, after alleging that airline personnel removed them and the other black male passenger from a flight from California to New York. A flight attendant had complained about body odor, though none of the passengers removed were accused of being the source of that odor.


There's nothing like a river with rapids and waterfalls. What I meant was there is nothing like a real river with real rapids and real waterfalls.

FALL FROM GRACE China’s most iconic waterfall is found to be a FAKE after embarrassing discovery is made at 1,000ft-tall tourist hotspot
A visitor was shocked to discover the true source of the water


The USA was once the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Now our federal bureaucracy marches to the tune of Totalitarianism.

DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Exposed the Barbarism of “Gender-Affirming Care”
Eithan Haim blew the whistle on Texas Children’s Hospital’s illegal child sex-change program. Now he’s being prosecuted.


My Give-A-Shit Meter is broken. Also, stupidity should be hurtful and/or expensive.

Having to buy multiple new wardrobes for her changing body came as a shock too, and Thea has even gone down a shoe size since starting hormone therapy. Facial feminisation surgery is on the agenda next, but it may take some time to save up given she’s ‘easily’ spent roughly £25,000 to affirm her identity since her trans journey began.

‘This isn’t a choice,’ Thea adds. ‘This is literally what we need to do to be ourselves.’


The ONT Musical Interlude & Hooded Sweatshirt Emporium

Born Today In Music June 9th via

1947 - Mick Box
Mick Box, guitarist from English rock band Uriah Heep who had the 1975 UK No.7 album Return To Fantasy. Uriah Heep have sold over 40 million albums worldwide.


1934 - Jackie Wilson
American soul singer Jackie Wilson who scored 24 US Top 40 hits during late 50s & 60s. He had the 1986 UK No.1 single with the re-issued 'Reet Petite'. Van Morrison wrote 'Jackie Wilson Said' which was covered by Dexy's Midnight Runners. He suffered a heart attack on stage at a New Jersey Club in 1975 and was in a coma until he died on January 21st 1984.


Timmy shouted, "Save me Lassie and become Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Very Good Dog Runs 4 Miles for Help After Owner Crashes Truck in Ravine
If it wasn’t his best friend then, it surely is his best friend now.

Animals have an awareness that we humans might never understand. They've been known to act strange before an imminent natural disaster, sometimes even hours before. They flee or cause alarm while we're left dumbfounded. Until the earthquake or tsunami hits, then we're like, "Oooh," followed by "Oooh, s***."


Tonight's Genius Award Winner via video.........


Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Sous Vide Spaghetti.


Notice: Posted with permission by the Ace Media Empire & AceCorp, LLC. ONT Tips, loose change, drink tokens & burner phones to petmorons at g mail dot com. Anything else? The ONT is unsure and uncaring.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:02 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 2

Posted by: JohnFNotKerry at June 09, 2024 10:03 PM (ivrPA)

2 "Against boredom, even the gods themselves struggle in vain!"
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Next year in Corsicana - again! ~ at June 09, 2024 10:03 PM (hOUT3)

3 1

Posted by: JohnFNotKerry at June 09, 2024 10:03 PM (ivrPA)

4 Hello, my name is Braenyard. I came by to say - >
Good evening everyone.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:03 PM (gMabG)

5 Curses, foiled again!

Posted by: Commissar Hrothgar (hOUT3) ~ Next year in Corsicana - again! ~ at June 09, 2024 10:03 PM (hOUT3)

6 Doggy! 🐶

Posted by: lin-duh at June 09, 2024 10:04 PM (PZo5T)

7 3?

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:04 PM (gMabG)

8 Hey, MisHum!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 09, 2024 10:05 PM (v6JzV)

9 otter called

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 09, 2024 10:05 PM (ZdexC)

Like the top picture. Everything is better with a dog. Except your wallet.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:06 PM (MoZTd)

11 8 Hey, MisHum!
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 09, 2024 10:05 PM (v6JzV)


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:06 PM (QXQ4l)

12 Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Sous Vide Spaghetti.

She's really ramen it in there.

Posted by: mikeski at June 09, 2024 10:06 PM (DgGvY)

13 Until tonight I did not realize that Paul Ryan had such high standards of personal conduct.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 10:06 PM (bo7UB)

14 We have not had a decent Speaker of the House this century.
I shall not address any statements by them.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:06 PM (gMabG)

15 10
Like the top picture. Everything is better with a dog. Except your wallet.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:06 PM (MoZTd)

One dog you are ok.
More than one the wallet becomes much lighter.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:06 PM (QXQ4l)

16 Good evening horde. Have a good ONT. Thanks for the content MisHum.

Posted by: TRex at June 09, 2024 10:07 PM (IQ6Gq)

17 Howdy Mis Hum - hope your weekend has been far out and groovy!

Posted by: Doof at June 09, 2024 10:07 PM (uRZZ/)

18 “This is further proof that the Hamas terrorist organization uses the civilian population as a human shield,” IDF Statement

Shut Up and do it.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:07 PM (gMabG)

19 17 Howdy Mis Hum - hope your weekend has been far out and groovy!
Posted by: Doof at June 09, 2024 10:07 PM (uRZZ/)

Drinking time warp bourbon are we Doof?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:07 PM (QXQ4l)

20 Thanks for the Kinder and Gentler ONT, Mis Hum!

That photo up top of a boy and his dog is beyond precious.

F*ck Paul Ryan.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at June 09, 2024 10:08 PM (U3L4U)

21 Is that spaghetti going in or coming out?

Posted by: nurse ratched at June 09, 2024 10:08 PM (gYkRR)

22 Quote III goes to a different article.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 09, 2024 10:08 PM (63Dwl)

23 Ah. A boy and his dog.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:08 PM (0Htd1)

24 Good evening horde. Have a good ONT. Thanks for the content MisHum.
Posted by: TRex at June 09, 2024 10:07 PM (IQ6Gq)

Good to see you yesterday, brother! Style points to you and Grateful for adding a hash to your name tags. Next level behavior!!

Posted by: Doof at June 09, 2024 10:09 PM (uRZZ/)

25 22 Quote III goes to a different article.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 09, 2024 10:08 PM (63Dwl)


Wait. You're supposed to click?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 10:09 PM (bo7UB)

26 Here, MisHum. Although I'm not at home right now. I thought you wanted to know.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 09, 2024 10:09 PM (5kHBu)

One dog you are ok.


*looks at Val's vet bills so far*

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:10 PM (MoZTd)

28 We can't vote our way out this!

>>Far-right gains in the EU election deal stunning defeats to France’s Macron and Germany’s Scholz

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:10 PM (LkLld)

29 Drinking time warp bourbon are we Doof?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:07 PM (QXQ4l)

Just seeing if you're paying attention! 😁

Posted by: Doof at June 09, 2024 10:10 PM (uRZZ/)

30 “Character is too important for me. [The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] doesn’t have.”

- Former Speaker of The House Paul Ryan (RINO-WI)

Mrs. Wrecks watched a documentary on Taylor Swift. She avoided politics until a DJ grabbed her ass. Then she decided she couldn't let a sex assailant monster like Trump win so he publicly supported that shining knight of moral virtue, Joe Biden.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, The Outlaw Donald Trump 2024 at June 09, 2024 10:11 PM (L/fGl)

31 Good evening morons and thanks for the girth mh

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 09, 2024 10:12 PM (RIvkX)

32 “Character is too important for me. [The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] doesn’t have.” Former Speaker of The House Paul Ryan (RINO-WI)

A career politician babbling about character. Now get back to ass kissing the in crowd, Paul. Gotta say, he's almost as good at ass kissing the in crowd as McCain was. Oops, I mean "reaching across the aisle".

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:12 PM (0Htd1)

33 Mr Ryan seems to have some kind of mental disorder when he claims that a known classified document thieving, money laundering, daughter showering, plagiarizing, lying, senile pants shitter has a better character than the guy who got railroaded in a kangaroo court.

Posted by: Blanco Basura -Z28.310 at June 09, 2024 10:12 PM (HxasW)

34 “Character is too important for me. [The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] doesn’t have.”

That's why I'm going with the senile old pervert - character!

Posted by: Paul Ryan, A-Hole! at June 09, 2024 10:12 PM (uxCna)

35 The day my church cancelled me was a very sad day

~actual fucking headline by David French

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 09, 2024 10:12 PM (lhenN)

36 >>Far-right gains in the EU election deal stunning defeats to France’s Macron and Germany’s Scholz
Posted by: JackStraw

They've been bleating about the "far right " taking over for the 50 years I've been paying attention. Haven't seen a bit of change.

Posted by: Some Rat at June 09, 2024 10:13 PM (vJiyU)

37 It's fucking crazy to think we can win!

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:14 PM (LkLld)

"Far right": anyone more conservative than Mao.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:14 PM (MoZTd)

39 25 22 Quote III goes to a different article.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 09, 2024 10:08 PM (63Dwl)


Wait. You're supposed to click?
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 10:09 PM (bo7UB)

Its been repaired thanks for the heads up

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:14 PM (QXQ4l)

40 11 Hey

And my and the Horde’s regards to The Fabulous!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at June 09, 2024 10:15 PM (v6JzV)

41 The pic up top is art.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 09, 2024 10:15 PM (RIvkX)

42 BTW, Miss Lindsey was nice enough to explain today why we'll be going to war with Russia later this summer:

"Ukraine has trillions of dollars worth of critical minerals in their country.

Vladimir Putin cannot be allowed to access that money and those resources because he will share it with China."

Buck up, soldier - you'll be dying for the mineral resources of Donbass!

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 09, 2024 10:15 PM (uxCna)

43 Evening Horde, thx MisHum. Like Helena Handbasket's suggestion the Clark's team should get a tranny enforcer. Call Dennis Rodman, he's 3/4 of the way there. He may be 63 but he's six foot seven and would pound the snot out of any WNBA player

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 09, 2024 10:16 PM (FTjSO)

44 ‘Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet. They’re learning the ways of the white people.’ Tsainama Marubo

Have they gotten to the point yet where they can order anything they want on Amazon and have it delivered right to their huts?
By the way, did you know that you can order fudge made with whiskey from Amazon? It's pretty good.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:16 PM (0Htd1)

45 Hi wonderful Horde!
This has nothing to do with anything....just want to share...
Yesterday I attended a celebration of life for a friend who passed away last fall. Lovely day with many friends, laughing about memories and sharing love and good food and drinks...
Never take life or family or friends for's all so fleeting...
Back to content...😊

Posted by: COMountainMarie at June 09, 2024 10:16 PM (H0LYt)

46 The selection of Comments of the Week is exceptionally well-curated tonight. It's a perfect cross-section of the cruelty, vulgarity and theological insights that made the HQ a top smart milblog.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 10:16 PM (bo7UB)

47 *** the abrupt 80% cut in sulphur dioxide emissions from international shipping in 2020 has accounted for 80% of global warming since the turn of the decade.***

So, are they going to put the sulphur back in our diesel and quit forcing Blue Dep through the injectors??? NO!!

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:17 PM (gMabG)

48 The government does not like what it cannot control or regulate. When we create our own independent food supply networks, this triggers the government,” Dr. Robert Malone

In Washington State, if you collect rain water that falls on your property, you get taxed for it.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 09, 2024 10:17 PM (W/lyH)

"Ukraine has trillions of dollars worth of critical minerals in their country."


Then why is it such a bunghole country?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:17 PM (MoZTd)

50 Thanks Doof! Hope your relocation project goes well.

Posted by: TRex at June 09, 2024 10:18 PM (IQ6Gq)

51 Ryan doesn't have character, he is a character. A crooked character.

Posted by: davidt at June 09, 2024 10:18 PM (SYTee)

52 49
"Ukraine has trillions of dollars worth of critical minerals in their country."


Then why is it such a bunghole country?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:17 PM (MoZTd)

Good question!

Posted by: Africa at June 09, 2024 10:18 PM (+I6Y/)

53 The only redeeming quality about Paul Ryan is he has a cute wife. Trump may at times because jerk, but you know he loves the USA, while Ryan is worried about "muh principles"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at June 09, 2024 10:18 PM (FTjSO)

54 Nice Pauly tune up top and Uriah Heep is always good. Can't say I've ever met someone surnamed Box.

Posted by: Andre de Carton at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (V5BDR)

55 49
"Ukraine has trillions of dollars worth of critical minerals in their country."


Then why is it such a bunghole country?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:17 PM (MoZTd)


Hitler ruined it for everyone.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (bo7UB)

56 That little guy up top almost looks like Tom Hohman, former Acting Director of ICE under Trump...

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (U3L4U)


Baby, you smell like shit!

Posted by: Joey Bidet, Crack SBD Pilot at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (v1d6l)

58 Then why is it such a bunghole country?

Beats me!

Posted by: Venezuela! at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (uxCna)

59 >>They've been bleating about the "far right " taking over for the 50 years I've been paying attention. Haven't seen a bit of change.

The far right crap is just cope. They are voting their way out of it despite claims it couldn't happen.

Leftists got their asses kicked in Europe today and it will happen here too.

Payback is a bitch.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (LkLld)

60 Even though the EU elections may not yield any concrete results, I still enjoy seeing the Brussels elite getting publicly humiliated.

Let's hope Macron's snap elections end in a similar embarrassment.

Posted by: Dr. T at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (jGGMD)

61 >The government does not like what it cannot control or regulate.

That's why the government calls it the Black market.

Posted by: davidt at June 09, 2024 10:20 PM (SYTee)

62 BTW, Russia has opened a new front in Sumy province over the last couple of days.

Amazing that a country on the verge of complete collapse could do such a thing.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 09, 2024 10:21 PM (uxCna)

63 I nominate that film footage of the hostage rescue for an Academy Award. It's a lot better than most of the crap they give awards to.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:22 PM (0Htd1)

64 59 >>They've been bleating about the "far right " taking over for the 50 years I've been paying attention. Haven't seen a bit of change.

The far right crap is just cope. They are voting their way out of it despite claims it couldn't happen.

Leftists got their asses kicked in Europe today and it will happen here too.

Payback is a bitch.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (LkLld)

From your lips to God's ears.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:22 PM (QXQ4l)

65 Regarding ten in AK's comment of the week above, Satan has had a pretty good week.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, The Outlaw Donald Trump 2024 at June 09, 2024 10:25 PM (L/fGl)

66 Leftists got their asses kicked in Europe today and it will happen here too.

Payback is a bitch.
Posted by: JackStraw

I'm sometimes as unrealistic an optimist as the next person, but 2020 and this ginned up trial BS has eroded some of my confidence.
If President Trump loses this time, well, I don't think we'll be voting ourselves outa this.
Just my humble opinion.

Posted by: Some Rat at June 09, 2024 10:25 PM (vJiyU)

67 Uriah Heep absolutely reminds me of the good old college daz!

Posted by: Diogenes at June 09, 2024 10:25 PM (W/lyH)

From your lips to God's ears.

That's that they told Mike Tyson.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 09, 2024 10:26 PM (63Dwl)

69 'The government does not like what it cannot control or regulate. When we create our own independent food supply networks, this triggers the government,” Dr. Robert Malone'

Something that the likes of Bill 'big tits' Gates will never comprehend. 'Eat the crickets!!' he said, while eating wagyu beef...

Posted by: COMountainMarie at June 09, 2024 10:26 PM (H0LYt)

70 In vice presidential limbo, Kamala has scored a new low.

Melissa Nann Burke
In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, The Outlaw Donald Trump 2024 at June 09, 2024 10:27 PM (L/fGl)

71 I thought James Brown and Tina Turner put on energetically elegant shows but then cued from the preceding thread I followed some of Prince's shows which make the former appear modest. And now Paul McCartney's show. I guess coming on stage and performing songs is passe.

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:29 PM (gMabG)

72 Cute picture at the top. Cool ONT!
Thanks as always Mis Hum!

First. I'd love Putin to send all guys to the Olympics, call them trans and have Russia sweep all female trophies. If I wasn't banned from Twitter, I'd love to let him have that idea.

Lastly, watching 'Dead Ringers' as my 'horror movie' tonight. I grew up in a very small, rural Canadian town. The good movie theaters were 40 minutes away. I was taken to see 'ET', 'Star Wars' and 'Flashdance' with a cute big breasted classmate so I was good.

I've heard the name Jeremy Irons but always thought he was a black actor....because...racism...everything is racism...

And Genivieve Bujold is in this movie. She was supposed to be Captain Janeway in 'Star Trek Voyager' but the hours were too much for her. With a name like Genivieve, I expected hotter but she has a strinking resemblance to Mulgrew, who isn't that bad. Genivieve may have added an extra level of sexiness to the Janeway role which may have been interesting.

Posted by: Stateless at June 09, 2024 10:29 PM (jvJvP)

73 Ha, early into Season 2 of The Boys.

Some woke shit, but it seems to be satirized it more than espousing it. Can't tell

In spite of that, some nice chicks in it.

Especially Starlight's ass:

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at June 09, 2024 10:29 PM (ufFY8)

Nice Pauly tune up top and Uriah Heep is always good. Can't say I've ever met someone surnamed Box.
Posted by: Andre de Carton

Ever see Logan's Run?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 09, 2024 10:29 PM (63Dwl)

75 >>From your lips to God's ears.

Has nothing to do with me. This was inevitable.

Far right.


Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:30 PM (LkLld)

76 What was that thing that exploded in Weasel's truck?!

Posted by: All Hail Eris at June 09, 2024 10:30 PM (FkUwd)

77 In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, The Outlaw Donald Trump

One has to be regularly depriving themselves of oxygen to be that fricking stupid.

Posted by: Some Rat at June 09, 2024 10:30 PM (vJiyU)

78 Might need to change my nic.
Frost warnings here in the Thawed Out Tundra tonight.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:31 PM (QXQ4l)

79 All Bourbon is Time Warp Bourbon.

If you drink enough of it at a sufficeint rate.

Something like this:

*pours bourbon* ONT Greetings, Horde. CHEERS!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 09, 2024 10:31 PM (e6UQI)

80 Well now who among us has not eating cold spaghetti from a Zip-Lok? I mean really?

Posted by: Tonypete at June 09, 2024 10:31 PM (MJIed)

81 Seriously, someone should start an exclusive clothing line for trannies, with at least a 30% premium on their standard clothes. For best results, all the clothes should include some sort of emblem, like the Izod alligator.

This line lets them "affirm" their delusion, while giving the rest of us notice.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 09, 2024 10:31 PM (VNX3d)

82 75 >>From your lips to God's ears.

Has nothing to do with me. This was inevitable.

Far right.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:30 PM (LkLld)

My comment was in regards to our upcoming elections.

I'm not convinced that there won't be several elections stolen from the GOP

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:33 PM (QXQ4l)

83 By the sci-fi show series finales since I brought up 'Star Trek Voyager'....

Stargate SG1..'Unending'
Star Trek Voyager
Stargate Universe

Posted by: Stateless at June 09, 2024 10:33 PM (jvJvP)

84 13
'Paul Ryan had such high standards of personal conduct'

These weak cucks roll over reflexively for the left but are incredibly persistent when it comes to thwarting their supposed own side. Persistent like the smell of dog poo that remains no matter how many times you scrape your heel on the ground.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at June 09, 2024 10:33 PM (roH4R)

85 Well now who among us has not eating cold spaghetti from a Zip-Lok? I mean really?

You get dagos in space, you'll be seeing spaghetti in Zip-Loka.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at June 09, 2024 10:33 PM (FkUwd)

86 In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump


Detroit is in Michigan...OK...sounds legit

Posted by: runner at June 09, 2024 10:34 PM (9pFgx)

87 Thanks Doof! Hope your relocation project goes well.
Posted by: TRex at June 09, 2024 10:18 PM (IQ6Gq)

Thanks -- more than10 hours today moving stuff out of my house and my son's apartment and into both of our respective new places. Lots of miles in a 12 foot box truck. Finishing up tomorrow morning. I'm glad to be relaxing now!!

Posted by: Doof at June 09, 2024 10:34 PM (uRZZ/)

88 MisHum, today's mystery link is an anthem of the times we're in.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 09, 2024 10:34 PM (VNX3d)

89 Sorry I'm late, the merry-go-round skipped my stop.

Posted by: tankdemon at June 09, 2024 10:35 PM (6NERZ)

90 All Bourbon is Time Warp Bourbon.

If you drink enough of it at a sufficeint rate.

Something like this:

*pours bourbon* ONT Greetings, Horde. CHEERS!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at June 09, 2024 10:31 PM (e6UQI)

That all makes sense to me!

Posted by: Doof at June 09, 2024 10:36 PM (uRZZ/)

91 In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump


Detroit is in Michigan...OK...sounds legit
Posted by: runner

Can we leave her in Detroit, without bodyguards or ID? She'll be fine; she can go back to her old profession. She might still be considered better than a goat.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 09, 2024 10:37 PM (VNX3d)

92 Facial feminisation surgery is on the agenda next,
Are they going to remove part of his/her chin/jawline? He/she should watch videos of plastic surgery procedures that turned out poorly.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:37 PM (0Htd1)

93 Thanks for a swell ONT MisHum!
That top picture is too darned cute!

Posted by: Appycay at June 09, 2024 10:37 PM (EdYR/)

94 The Chauffeur, Duran Duran

I discovered this song about a month ago, and I feel like it was the song he was born to write. Much better than Hungry Like a Wolf or Rio, which are great songs.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 09, 2024 10:38 PM (lhenN)

95 89 Sorry I'm late, the merry-go-round skipped my stop.

Posted by: tankdemon at June 09, 2024 10:35 PM (6NERZ)
I continue to be amused and impressed with your excuses.

Posted by: Epstein's Mother at June 09, 2024 10:39 PM (IQ6Gq)

96 92 Facial feminisation surgery is on the agenda next,
Are they going to remove part of his/her chin/jawline? He/she should watch videos of plastic surgery procedures that turned out poorly.
Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:37 PM (0Htd1)


A few more chopped-off body parts and life will be perfect.

That's the way God intended, right?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 10:39 PM (bo7UB)


Is a Ukraine like a Calzone? I've banged one of them, but damn if I can remember which...

Posted by: Joey Bidet, Crack SBD Pilot at June 09, 2024 10:39 PM (v1d6l)

98  by: anchorbabe fashion cop at June 09, 2024 10:29 PM (ufFY

Checkout to see how things go in the later episodes. Ace turned me onto the site.

I think conservatives should refuse to watch any show until they have finished their run. We can then determine if woke shit is there and not watch. Could you imagine the change if conservatives refused to watch new content until after it was done and was flagged or not. Movies too. We're kind of doing that now.

When we watch as it's produced, they keep slipping more and more woke shit in.

'Stargirl' was amazing. One of my favorite shows. But by season three. A little bit of gay shit slipped into one episode. So maybe it's best it was cancelled.

Posted by: Stateless at June 09, 2024 10:41 PM (jvJvP)

99 The Chauffeur, Duran Duran

I discovered this song about a month ago, and I feel like it was the song he was born to write. Much better than Hungry Like a Wolf or Rio, which are great songs.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 09, 2024 10:38 PM (lhenN)

Rio is an outstanding album start to finish. All instruments are played very well, Simon's vocals are incredible, and every song is well produced. If you've never heard the whole album, definitely check it out. 2 of my favorite tracks -- "New Religion" and " Hold Back The Rain". John Taylor plays some great bass on those songs especially.

Posted by: Doof at June 09, 2024 10:42 PM (uRZZ/)

100 Is a Ukraine like a Calzone? I've banged one of them, but damn if I can remember which...
Posted by: Joey Bidet, Crack SBD Pilot

I doubt it. You _might_ have banged a drum, maybe even a bass drum, at some point, but I think you tried and missed....

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 09, 2024 10:42 PM (VNX3d)

101 88 MisHum, today's mystery link is an anthem of the times we're in.
Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 09, 2024 10:34 PM (VNX3d)

It sure is.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian Who Lives In The Thawed Out Tundra at June 09, 2024 10:42 PM (QXQ4l)

102 Hundreds of Gazans killed during hostage rescue.

1. Not enough.
2. Civilians do not keep RPGs handy. The rescuers were shot at including by RPGs. Hence terrorists.

Posted by: Ciampino - Sun Update #03 at June 09, 2024 10:43 PM (qfLjt)

103 >>My comment was in regards to our upcoming elections.

>>I'm not convinced that there won't be several elections stolen from the GOP

I get it. We all know they the left will cheat. They always have since Tammany Hall and they have only gotten more bold.

I don't think there are that many here who are more aware of the corruption in our government than me and I am the opposite of a pollyanna. I know exactly what our intel community is capable of.

But election cheating relies on some semblance of reality and we are rocketing past that. What is happening in Europe is an earthquake and no serious person believes Biden is some moral breakwater.

Things never change until they do.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:43 PM (LkLld)

104 27
One dog you are ok.

*looks at Val's vet bills so far*
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

The cost of the heart meds adds up.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:44 PM (0Htd1)

105 After four years Arcane is getting a second season. I started watching S1 again today, and I think it is one of the best shows ever made.

Not surprised that it took so long. The first one was a labor of love that took five years to make. If you go to the credits, the same five people keep showing up in senior positions.

I have had a huge hate for 3D animation ... EG I watched Blue Eyed Samurai in spite of it. I watched Demon Slayer because it was completely convincing to seem like hand-drawn. The painted look of Arcane is beautiful. I'm sure it would have become a trend but requires too much work and talent.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 09, 2024 10:46 PM (lhenN)

106 Mrs. Wrecks watched a documentary on Taylor Swift. She avoided politics until a DJ grabbed her ass. Then she decided she couldn't let a sex assailant monster like Trump win so he publicly supported that shining knight of moral virtue, Joe Biden.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, The Outlaw Donald Trump 2024

I'm calling bullshit on that. The liberal world was pressuring her to come out against Trump. I'll believe the DJ grabbing her ass story when she gives his name.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:47 PM (0Htd1)

107 28 We can't vote our way out this!

>>Far-right gains in the EU election deal stunning defeats to France’s Macron and Germany’s Scholz

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:10 PM (LkLld)
I'm not the first to make this observation, but for te\he enemy it's always Far Right and never Far Left. I'm going to always label them Far Left or even Ultra Far Left from now on and I propose we all do that.

Posted by: Ciampino - Sun Update #04 at June 09, 2024 10:48 PM (qfLjt)

108 Oh well.

Posted by: COMountainMarie at June 09, 2024 10:48 PM (H0LYt)

109 The video of Mr Ryan must be truly horrific.

Posted by: 2009Refugee at June 09, 2024 10:49 PM (8AONa)

110 One upside to the "journalist " holding the hostages: when the burning times come, those asswipes with their MEDIA vests will make easy targets.

Posted by: Diogenes at June 09, 2024 10:49 PM (W/lyH)

111 If some DJ grabbed the butt of a star like Swift, she could get his ass fired.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:49 PM (0Htd1)

112 The media demonizes Israel no matter what they do. I for one support the rendering of Hamassholes room temperature.The more the better.

Posted by: steevy at June 09, 2024 10:49 PM (FQmDC)

113 103 >>My comment was in regards to our upcoming elections.

>>I'm not convinced that there won't be several elections stolen from the GOP

I get it. We all know they the left will cheat. They always have since Tammany Hall and they have only gotten more bold.

I don't think there are that many here who are more aware of the corruption in our government than me and I am the opposite of a pollyanna. I know exactly what our intel community is capable of.

But election cheating relies on some semblance of reality and we are rocketing past that. What is happening in Europe is an earthquake and no serious person believes Biden is some moral breakwater.

Things never change until they do.
Posted by: JackStraw

Here it is. We're not the first. Winning hard is proven possible.
Brought by Kindltot earlier the man proved it possible.

El Salvadoran President Bukele
Posted by: Kindltot

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:49 PM (gMabG)

114 Tough shit, Thea, you stunned front-hole.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 09, 2024 10:49 PM (IBwyu)

115 “Character is too important for me. [The presidency] is a job that requires the kind of character [Trump] doesn’t have.”

Notice how these Communists never define their words. I assume that, as always, is projection.

Ryan has the sort of character where he will smear a better man than himself, so I will just assume that he has absolutely no idea of what true character is. Clearly, Ryan has no work ethic, no love for country, no loyalty, no duty towards honesty, integrity nor humility, he has no guiding principles and is easily bought off. He will send your kids to get killed for the vanity of the MIC/Babylon DC elites, and whoever survives his neo-con Will To Power will come home to unpayable debts that he and his cronies have levied upon future generations.

Given that he doesn't know what character is, and that his own is contemptible, maybe he just shut up.

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at June 09, 2024 10:50 PM (KwHva)

Val had a good day. No bleeding and only the odd cough. I go outside with him and the minute he's done with his business he's whisked back inside. Time, rest and antibiotics.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at June 09, 2024 10:50 PM (MoZTd)

117 Odds on some Euro court overturning the will of the people?

Posted by: steevy at June 09, 2024 10:50 PM (FQmDC)

118 It's always the Republicans who sold out the voters for sweet financial gigs who lecture about "character."

Posted by: Victor Tango Kilo at June 09, 2024 10:52 PM (Obfv9)

119 The day my church cancelled me was a very sad day

~actual fucking headline by David French

Wait until he sees St Peter and gets "canceled".

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at June 09, 2024 10:52 PM (KwHva)

120 Val had a good day. No bleeding and only the odd cough. I go outside with him and the minute he's done with his business he's whisked back inside. Time, rest and antibiotics.
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh

So happy to hear the doggie is on the road to recovery.

Posted by: Tuna at June 09, 2024 10:52 PM (oaGWv)

121 I guess no one watched the bodycam pipe bomb video?

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at June 09, 2024 10:54 PM (iODuv)

122 Who can stay mad at me now after I gave Paul Ryan the🖕during a budget meeting?

Posted by: Barky O at June 09, 2024 10:54 PM (5h/8D)

123 BNO News @BNONews
BREAKING: Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders' plane crashes northwest of Seattle. Search and rescue underway

BNO News @BNONews
Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders, who is missing after his plane crashed near Seattle, took this famous photo, "Earthrise", in 1968

BNO News @BNONews
BREAKING: Former NASA astronaut William Anders confirmed dead in plane crash near Seattle

BNO News @BNONews
Astronaut William Anders, who took the 'Earthrise' photo during Apollo 8, died in a plane crash near Seattle. He was 90 years old.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 09, 2024 10:55 PM (ZdexC)

124 A couple year ago Marine Le Pen was vilified as a racist and an extremist POS. Her party got single digits in the national vote.

>>Macron dissolves the French parliament and calls a snap election after defeat in EU vote

Never stop fighting until the fight is won.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:56 PM (LkLld)

125 95 I continue to be amused and impressed with your excuses.
Posted by: Epstein's Mother at June 09, 2024 10:39 PM (IQ6Gq)

Thanks. Coming from you, that means a lot.

Posted by: tankdemon at June 09, 2024 10:57 PM (6NERZ)

126 96 92 Facial feminisation surgery is on the agenda next,
Are they going to remove part of his/her chin/jawline? He/she should watch videos of plastic surgery procedures that turned out poorly.
Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:37 PM (0Htd1)


A few more chopped-off body parts and life will be perfect.

That's the way God intended, right?
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43)

Unless the dehuman surgery results in the Sta-Puft Marshmellow Man look-alike.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 09, 2024 10:58 PM (VNX3d)

127 Did y'all know that Norm Macdonald went on The View??? That is something I got to see!!

Posted by: Beverly at June 09, 2024 10:59 PM (Epeb0)

128 I guess no one watched the bodycam pipe bomb video?
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy

Poor cop didn't have a chance.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at June 09, 2024 11:01 PM (PdFQi)

129 Pipe bomb clip was worth the 12 minutes. That old bastard seemed like a not so bad guy... at first.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at June 09, 2024 11:02 PM (klJTj)

130 Dang, sorry, we are in house renovations. It's been going on forever and I'm slowly going insane.

Duct cleaning. Screw it. There's been 40 grand put into the house so I want to get it done.

My brother read it's a scam. Was willing to vaccuum out the ducts. My talented friend and neighbour who is doing a ton of the renovations recommended it. My brother is currently probably on board after the rest of the house is done.

Duct cleaning...scam or worthwhile?

Posted by: Stateless at June 09, 2024 11:02 PM (jvJvP)

131 46 The selection of Comments of the Week is exceptionally well-curated tonight. It's a perfect cross-section of the cruelty, vulgarity and theological insights that made the HQ a top smart milblog.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 10:16 PM (bo7UB)

You, sir, took the words right out of my mouth.

*thanks MisHum!*

Posted by: Darrell Harris at June 09, 2024 11:05 PM (7++C1)

132 The far right crap is just cope. They are voting their way out of it despite claims it couldn't happen.

Leftists got their asses kicked in Europe today and it will happen here too.

Payback is a bitch.
Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:19 PM (LkLld)

They need a war to justify the coming ECB defaults. Everyone is in over their boot tops in debt, inflation and bad loans and it is about to come home to eat them unless they find a way out.
My suspicion is that when the realization that there is no one coming to save them, each national Central bank is going to try to print itself out of their hole with Euros, which will be the third favorite way to resolve it, since the ECB can force the national banks to haircut everyone. And then of course, they all go back to barter.

Posted by: Kindltot at June 09, 2024 11:05 PM (D7oie)

133 Signing off for the night. Lots of horde activity this weekend. Good stuff. Thanks y'all!

Posted by: TRex at June 09, 2024 11:06 PM (IQ6Gq)

134 86 In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump

Detroit is in Michigan...OK...sounds legit
Posted by: runner

By Detroit we mean Dearborn. May as well be in Baghdad. And most of the white liberals in Michigan are people who are terrified of being called racists, yet live in the whitest suburbs they can find. There's your blue state.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 11:06 PM (0Htd1)

135 Duct cleaning...scam or worthwhile?
Posted by: Stateless at June 09, 2024 11:02 PM (jvJvP)

Just spray porcupines with Krazy Glue, and herd them through the ducts.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 09, 2024 11:06 PM (IBwyu)

136 Europe Invasion @EuropeInvasionn
Anti-immigrant Malachy Steenson has been elected in Dublin!
BREAKING: A man has been arrested after he attempted to attack newly elected Councillor Malachy Steenson tonight
The Liberal has learned this evening that a man has been arrested by gardai outside Malachy Steenson’s campaign headquarters in Dublin after he allegedly claimed he was intent on causing harm to the newly elected Councillor.

We understand that the man was allegedly attempting to petrol bomb the property but thankfully was intercepted by gardai after a tip off.

Posted by: andycanuck (ZdexC) at June 09, 2024 11:07 PM (ZdexC)

137 Pipe bomb clip was worth the 12 minutes. That old bastard seemed like a not so bad guy... at first.
Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at June 09, 2024 11:02 PM (klJTj)

Yeah, we old farts have a nice way about us. But, then........

Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy at June 09, 2024 11:07 PM (iODuv)

138 I had duct cleaning done and noticed improvement

I'm getting some home renovations next month- kitchen and downstairs bathroom getting some upgrades

I ordered 2 faucets a sink and a toilet from Build dot com
they delivered in less than 24 hrs

Posted by: Don Black at June 09, 2024 11:08 PM (/7KEl)

Posted by: Braenyard at June 09, 2024 10:49 PM (gMabG

I predict insane amounts of cheating. But the country is turning into such a shithole, it probably won't be enough.

Also, I was here in 2020 election night. Ace posted one of my comments. I was up when they suddenly were all tired and were going to count votes tomorrow.

Those stations need to be surrounded by gun toting people next time around.

Posted by: Stateless at June 09, 2024 11:08 PM (jvJvP)

140 65 Regarding ten in AK's comment of the week above, Satan has had a pretty good week.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, The Outlaw Donald Trump 2024 at June 09, 2024 10:25 PM (L/fGl)
Thanks for the link, disgusting it be notwithstanding.
Someone in the comments called it "Is this the Cathedral of St. John the Diverse?"
Celebrating people whose only preoccupation is pleasuring their genitals in any obscene way as possible.

Posted by: Ciampino - Burning at the stake is too good at June 09, 2024 11:09 PM (qfLjt)

141 138 I had duct cleaning done and noticed improvement


How many times are you getting up per night now?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 11:11 PM (bo7UB)

142 Well, I'm back home now, MisHum. You don't have to worry anymore.

Posted by: OrangeEnt at June 09, 2024 11:12 PM (0eaVi)

143 Pipe bomb clip was worth the 12 minutes. That old bastard seemed like a not so bad guy... at first.
Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at June 09, 2024 11:02 PM (klJTj)

Proof that switching from moonshine to meth late in life is a bad idea.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at June 09, 2024 11:12 PM (B/O+Y)

I'm calling bullshit on that. The liberal world was pressuring her to come out against Trump. I'll believe the DJ grabbing her ass story when she gives his name.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 10:47 PM (0Htd1)

Taylor avoided politics until she turned 30 and needed a new way to win fans, other than sky high skirts. I enjoy some of her music but in no way is she the gift from Heaven her fans imagine.

Posted by: BarcelonaCarmen at June 09, 2024 11:13 PM (s6PBU)

145 By Detroit we mean Dearborn. May as well be in Baghdad. And most of the white liberals in Michigan are people who are terrified of being called racists, yet live in the whitest suburbs they can find. There's your blue state.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 11:06 PM (0Htd1)

I actually lived in Dearborn in 1999 for several months with my wonderful Aunt. I got my first job as a computer consultant in Farmington Hills and she took me in. We were each others favorites.

She had a very nice house by a donut shop on a main road.

If it weren't for the neighbours and all they stood for, it would have been great..

Posted by: Stateless at June 09, 2024 11:15 PM (jvJvP)

146 Is duct cleaning what they do for kidney stones?

Posted by: Tonypete at June 09, 2024 11:15 PM (MJIed)

147 not sure what that means

Posted by: Don Black at June 09, 2024 11:15 PM (/7KEl)

148 Good night good Horde.
This is the best place....

Posted by: COMountainMarie at June 09, 2024 11:17 PM (H0LYt)

149 >>My suspicion is that when the realization that there is no one coming to save them, each national Central bank is going to try to print itself out of their hole with Euros, which will be the third favorite way to resolve it, since the ECB can force the national banks to haircut everyone. And then of course, they all go back to barter.

I spent too many years traveling around the world doing business and the one thing impression I got from visiting so called allied countries in Europe was an overwhelming smugnesses. It's like history began yesterday. Let's see how that works.

Not for no reason my bug out spot is in South America.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 11:18 PM (LkLld)

150 77 In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, The Outlaw Donald Trump

One has to be regularly depriving themselves of oxygen to be that fricking stupid.

Posted by: Some Rat at June 09, 2024 10:30 PM (vJiyU)
When on your knees and choking == oxygen starvation.

Posted by: Ciampino - Burning at the stake for this gobbler at June 09, 2024 11:18 PM (qfLjt)

151 127 Did y'all know that Norm Macdonald went on The View??? That is something I got to see!!
Posted by: Beverly

How long ago? The View changed over the years, especially after Barbra Walters left. I never liked Walters and never watched the show, but Walters was at least willing to hear other views. There was that episode where they had Bill O'Reilly on and Whoopi ran off the set. I believe Walters went after her and told her to get her ass back out there.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 11:18 PM (0Htd1)

152 Is duct cleaning what they do for kidney stones?
Posted by: Tonypete at June 09, 2024 11:15 PM (MJIed)

No, it's when they vacuum the eyeballs to clean the lenses. Supposedly helps you see better, unless the eye gets sucked out. Then it's a bad day all around.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at June 09, 2024 11:20 PM (VNX3d)

153 >In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump


she's whoring for votes
the Handlers must be really worried about Michigan to debase themselves so

Posted by: Don Black at June 09, 2024 11:20 PM (/7KEl)

154 153 >In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump


Why wasn't America blessed with this kind of leadership when the Einsatzgruppen were machine-gunning Jews in front of pits during WWII?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at June 09, 2024 11:22 PM (bo7UB)

155 I guess no one watched the bodycam pipe bomb video?
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy

I was scrolling around looking for the obvious explosion and the perp running around minus a forearm. Took me a while to find it since it wasn't that.

Posted by: mikeski at June 09, 2024 11:24 PM (DgGvY)

156 85 Well now who among us has not eating cold spaghetti from a Zip-Lok? I mean really?

You get dagos in space, you'll be seeing spaghetti in Zip-Loka.

Posted by: All Hail Eris at June 09, 2024 10:33 PM (FkUwd)
I'll have you know that I've never eaten pasta out of a zip-loc bag. I always pour it out on a plate and heat it up. (I hate cold pasta.)

Posted by: Ciampino - Warmed-up Bolognese is better the next day, or two, or .... at June 09, 2024 11:25 PM (qfLjt)

157 Remember when the biggest problem the EU had was integrating the poorer countries' currencies into the euro, and the resulting economic problems? Good times, good times.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at June 09, 2024 11:25 PM (B/O+Y)

158 So, when Kamala did her speech in Dearborn, I mean Detroit, did the Secret Service bring in a lot of bomb sniffing dogs? Not to imply that there might be terrorists among that population.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 11:27 PM (0Htd1)

159 Information that you could do without (but I'm a sadist!)
Disgraced Team USA gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar is 'paying gangsters with sexual favors for prison protection'

Posted by: Ciampino - Warmed-up Bolognese is better the next day, or two, or ... at June 09, 2024 11:27 PM (qfLjt)

160 About that pipe bomb situation—is Weasel going to be okay?

Posted by: Acres of Trouble at June 09, 2024 11:27 PM (4FEGU)

161 Evening.

Just finished rewatching The Mummy ('99) for the first time in many years.

Racgel Weisz has a perfect pair of breasts. She wears this sheer black number that, on Blu-ray, is *way* more sheer than I remember. Holy shit. It was all I could do to keep from just pausing the movie and licking the screen.

And the movie was pretty good, too.

Posted by: Robert at June 09, 2024 11:27 PM (1Yy3c)

162 Information that you could do without (but I'm a sadist!)
Disgraced Team USA gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar is 'paying gangsters with sexual favors for prison protection'
Posted by: Ciampino - Warmed-up Bolognese is better the next day, or two, or ... at June 09, 2024 11:27 PM (qfLjt)

Oh no!


Posted by: Robert at June 09, 2024 11:29 PM (1Yy3c)

163 she's whoring for votes
the Handlers must be really worried about Michigan to debase themselves so
Posted by: Don Black at June 09, 2024 11:20 PM (/7KEl)

Whoring, whoring, whoring.
Keep Kamala whoring,
Head her up, move her out,

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 09, 2024 11:29 PM (IBwyu)

164 Did y'all know that Norm Macdonald went on The View??? That is something I got to see!!
Posted by: Beverly

It is worth seeing - Norm nearly caused some of them to stroke out. It's also worth googling around for his commentary on the episode - the View producers had a really odd idea to insert a comedic stunt into the interview, and it came off very weirdly.

If it's still on Youtube, Macdonald's "Moth Joke" on Conan is also priceless, especially because he had exhausted all his material and had to come up with something out of the blue when Conan decided to keep him on for another segment.

Posted by: John Drake Is In Sight Of The Caspian Sea at June 09, 2024 11:29 PM (u/Zei)

165 I'll have you know that I've never eaten pasta out of a zip-loc bag. I always pour it out on a plate and heat it up. (I hate cold pasta.)

Posted by: Ciampino - Warmed-up Bolognese is better the next day, or two, or .... at June 09, 2024 11:25 PM (qfLjt)

I'll see your "cold spaghetti" and raise you "eating cold C rations straight out of the can. In the dark. In the rain."

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at June 09, 2024 11:30 PM (B/O+Y)

166 155 I guess no one watched the bodycam pipe bomb video?
Posted by: thatcrazyjerseyguy now with twice the crazy

I was scrolling around looking for the obvious explosion and the perp running around minus a forearm. Took me a while to find it since it wasn't that.

Posted by: mikeski at June 09, 2024 11:24 PM (DgGvY)
I saw this video on uTube earlier in the week while viewing traffic stops of mainly sovereign citizens. It was a bit of a dud pipe bomb.

Posted by: Ciampino - Sun Update #05 at June 09, 2024 11:31 PM (qfLjt)

167 Proof that switching from moonshine to meth late in life is a bad idea.

Posted by: Idaho Spudboy at June 09, 2024 11:12 PM

Meth then liquor, never sicker.

Liquor then meth, certain death!

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at June 09, 2024 11:31 PM (HlyYF)

168 This is why I generally despise politicians- they will say anything to get that vote

It's like Hunter S Thompson wrote: 'How low do you have to stoop in this country to be President?'

Posted by: Don Black at June 09, 2024 11:31 PM (/7KEl)

169 Body found in search is Dr Michael Mosley, Greek police confirm - after Mail columnist went missing during holiday walk on island of Symi

Posted by: Ciampino - Sun Update #06 at June 09, 2024 11:32 PM (qfLjt)

170 So, when Kamala did her speech in Dearborn, I mean Detroit, did the Secret Service bring in a lot of bomb sniffing dogs? Not to imply that there might be terrorists among that population.

I have heard that the senior Hezbollah leadership deliberately sent family members of Dearborn, to make sure they had a base of operations there.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at June 09, 2024 11:32 PM (uxCna)

171 Given that he doesn't know what character is, and that his own is contemptible, maybe he just shut up.
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at June 09, 2024 10:50 PM (KwHva)

That would be fiscal HAWK Paul Ryan? The one whose ONLY claim to fame was saving the Feds Money?

By... oh... wait... Saving the Pentagon Billions in Military Retirement funds... ie lessening how much Military retirees get?

Posted by: Romeo13 at June 09, 2024 11:33 PM (xaFKb)

172 159 Information that you could do without (but I'm a sadist!)
Disgraced Team USA gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar is 'paying gangsters with sexual favors for prison protection'

Does this mean the gangsters are giving him gynecological exams up the ass? One can hope. The old saying is "Live by the sword, die by the sword."

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 11:34 PM (0Htd1)

173 Chaos? Really? I'm sure they have already planned for that scenario long ago. After all he's telegraphed that intention many times.
Israel's government is thrown into chaos as war cabinet member and Benjamin Netanyahu rival Benny Gantz QUITS

Posted by: Ciampino - No surprise the guy wants the job at June 09, 2024 11:35 PM (qfLjt)

174 Just finished rewatching The Mummy ('99) for the first time in many years.

Racgel Weisz has a perfect pair of breasts. She wears this sheer black number that, on Blu-ray, is *way* more sheer than I remember. Holy shit. It was all I could do to keep from just pausing the movie and licking the screen.

And the movie was pretty good, too.
Posted by: Robert

Interesting movie review there.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 11:35 PM (0Htd1)

175 NYC celebrity stylist arrested for attacking rabbi

A wrist slap and that's that?

Posted by: Ciampino - Another Far Left terrorist outs himself at June 09, 2024 11:37 PM (qfLjt)

176 Wonder what is or will...I'm stupefied by the current state as we lurch forward.

Maybe we never thought it would come to this.

Our blinders are now torn asunder from our eyes and we have decisions to make.

MAJOR decisions.

Posted by: Nightwatch at June 09, 2024 11:38 PM (TDvv2)

177 This I find obscene.
Top cancer charity apologizes for using word 'cervix' instead of trans-friendly 'front hole'

Don't give them any money.

Posted by: Ciampino - Another Far Left organization at June 09, 2024 11:39 PM (qfLjt)

178 Never underestimate a monkey.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 11:39 PM (LkLld)

179 Interesting movie review there.
Posted by: nerdygirl at June 09, 2024 11:35 PM (0Htd1)

I like to focus on the most important parts.

Posted by: Robert at June 09, 2024 11:40 PM (1Yy3c)

180 Ashley Biden's secret lover revealed: A 'barely educated' violent junkie who spent six years in Florida prisons and died from a three-drug overdose - but she thought he was 'calming' and 'a great kisser

Posted by: Ciampino - Another loon at June 09, 2024 11:43 PM (qfLjt)

181 Ashley Biden's secret lover revealed: A 'barely educated' violent junkie who spent six years in Florida prisons and died from a three-drug overdose - but she thought he was 'calming' and 'a great kisser
Posted by: Ciampino - Another loon at June 09, 2024 11:43 PM (qfLjt)

Ashley Biden puts out for anyone.

Posted by: Robert at June 09, 2024 11:45 PM (1Yy3c)

182 Atlanta prosecutor jailed for $15m Covid fraud donated to DA Fani Willis as she splurged on diamonds and a Rolls Royce

Posted by: Ciampino - Another Far Left thief, but I repeat myself at June 09, 2024 11:45 PM (qfLjt)

183 A quick read of the good dog story didn't seem to suggest that Rover led the rescuers to the accident. It was more like, Rover got back to the campsite alone.

"What happened, Rover? Where's your master?"

Rover: Feed me.

Hmmmm. I sometimes wonder how Daisy dog would act in similar circumstances.

Good even', y'all.

Posted by: mindful webworker - late night with at June 09, 2024 11:46 PM (f2FGt)

184 Now, Ansari has made good on those threats. Earlier this week, U.S. marshals appeared at Haim’s home and summoned him to court to face an indictment on four felony counts of violating HIPAA.

Remember revealing that our elites are mutilating children is a crime BUT...sharing your private heath records with literally anyone the government wants is...not a violating of HIPAA...

Posted by: 18-1 at June 09, 2024 11:46 PM (ibTVg)

185 Ashley Biden's secret lover revealed: A 'barely educated' violent junkie who spent six years in Florida prisons and died from a three-drug overdose - but she thought he was 'calming' and 'a great kisser
Posted by: Ciampino

Ashley Biden puts out for anyone.
Posted by: Robert

And yet, not as big of a whore as her Dad.

Posted by: Tonypete at June 09, 2024 11:47 PM (MJIed)

186 How Sweden became a 'haven' for mafia gangs and the EU's gun crime capital off the back of surging migration: As murders surge, police and politicians say the nation is at crisis point

Posted by: Ciampino - Another Far Left Government reaping at June 09, 2024 11:48 PM (qfLjt)


One time I thought I sat on my nads - They are the size of hedge apples, you know - at Annapolis during my Middy year. But it turned out I just sat on a package of Fig Newton's. Pretty squishy. Felt kinda good. Later, we smashed them up, put them in a pastry bag and squirted them up some Plebe behinds. My word as a Biden!

Posted by: Joey Bidet, Crack SBD Pilot at June 09, 2024 11:48 PM (v1d6l)

188 Watched the video, and I'm still not sure what exploded. Was it a pipe bomb of some sort, or some fail-safe mechanism elderly Meth Dude had for anyone attempting to steal the product he was moving? All I could make out was a brief white flash with no apparent sound and no smoke from the cab then or later.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 09, 2024 11:48 PM (u/Zei)

Top cancer charity apologizes for using word 'cervix' instead of trans-friendly 'front hole'

Mouth cancer?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at June 09, 2024 11:51 PM (63Dwl)

This I find obscene.
Top cancer charity apologizes for using word 'cervix' instead of trans-friendly 'front hole'

The cervix is a ways upstream from the "front hole" proper. To apologize for using its proper name is the hallmark of an obsequious and groveling organization -- put it on a zero contributions' diet from this point forward.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at June 09, 2024 11:52 PM (xG4kz)

But it turned out I just sat on a package of Fig Newton's.

Grandpa, did you sit on the pie?

Posted by: Marge Simpson at June 09, 2024 11:53 PM (63Dwl)

192 I believe the top pic is of a young Calvin Coolidge, who let his dog do the talking.

Posted by: Miklos, who thinks jasckie Wilson was the Real Deal because James Brown told me so at June 09, 2024 11:54 PM (wWqRd)

193 garrett was right about at least one thing.

Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 11:56 PM (LkLld)

194 This I find obscene.
Top cancer charity apologizes for using word 'cervix' instead of trans-friendly 'front hole'

The cervix is a ways upstream from the "front hole" proper. To apologize for using its proper name is the hallmark of an obsequious and groveling organization -- put it on a zero contributions' diet from this point forward.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot

That's why it was doubleplusungood. They named a body part that a pseudofemale doesn't even have a fake version of.

Posted by: mikeski at June 09, 2024 11:58 PM (DgGvY)

195 garrett was right about at least one thing.

Posted by: JackStraw

You two!

*offers soon to expire $100 Best Western Gift card*

Posted by: Miklos, unjudgemental at June 10, 2024 12:00 AM (wWqRd)

I like to focus on the most important parts.
Posted by: Robert

Which makes it more interesting than most movie reviews.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 10, 2024 12:01 AM (0Htd1)

197 Trump meant energy independence for the first time in 70 years, wages increasing for the first time in 40 years, and no new wars for the first time in 20 years.

Biden slammed the door on these things, and so would any democrat.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 10, 2024 12:01 AM (lhenN)

198 That's why it was doubleplusungood. They named a body part that a pseudofemale doesn't even have a fake version of.
Posted by: mikeski


Posted by: Miklos gets confused with terms of Germanic length at June 10, 2024 12:01 AM (wWqRd)

199 Half time

Posted by: Skip at June 10, 2024 12:03 AM (fwDg9)

200 Half time
Posted by: Skip

Retired, myself

Posted by: Miklos has gone Galt at June 10, 2024 12:04 AM (wWqRd)

201 Live and Let Die - Zocalo, MX 2012

I first heard Sir Paul play this at Safeco in 2013. Being my first in person Sir Paul extravaganza this came out of nowhere. And then we got explosions. I swooned and nearly toppled out of the 2nd deck.

For part of the encore Grohl came out and played guitar on Helter Skelter. We got explosion of a different variety - Grohl is a force of nature. I felt the urge to rip my seat out the concrete and eat it.

Sir Paul's something that must be witnessed to get how great he is as a musician. And then there is his band of 20 years or so - they will do, yes they do.

Posted by: Altaria Pilgram at June 10, 2024 12:05 AM (7Os14)


That one plebe, he liked those Newtons liked them a lot. Retired out as an admiral. Making movies now. I'm telling you, Navy boys sure do like movies about gladiators...


Posted by: Joey Bidet, Crack SBD Pilot at June 10, 2024 12:06 AM (v1d6l)

203 My home was destroyed in a police raid even though I'd done nothing wrong. But it's what happened after that should concern every homeowner

The city gov. works for the People so it needs to answer to the People.

So what happens if, say, a PIT maneuver damages a parked vehicle? Who pays?

Posted by: Ciampino - Can we burn cop cars in retaliation? at June 10, 2024 12:06 AM (qfLjt)

204 MisHum,
Quote 1 linky broken.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 10, 2024 12:07 AM (ynpvh)

205 Yo, Paul Ryan: Break a Leg another rib.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 10, 2024 12:08 AM (ynpvh)

206 205 Yo, Paul Ryan: Break a Leg another rib.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 10, 2024 12:08 AM (ynpvh)

How much ribbing should Paul Ryan be given?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 10, 2024 12:08 AM (ynpvh)


The city gov. works for the People so it needs to answer to the People.

So what happens if, say, a PIT maneuver damages a parked vehicle? Who pays?
Posted by: Ciampino

South Bend.

Mayor Pete will be right in it.

Posted by: Miklos so assumes at June 10, 2024 12:09 AM (wWqRd)

208 Be Clean...oh so be clean and healthy. I have slaved my life for a tough payday and raised a family of good boys and a daughter most clear...on what is relevant, to be a GOD Fearing, striving for their place in society, and abiding to this most excellent form of Govt. Cloaked forever in the CONSTITUTION and here we are now this day to my shock...

Here we are... I have further training for my offspring that needs to be done. As you should be also doing.

Posted by: Nightwatch at June 10, 2024 12:09 AM (TDvv2)

209 ‘Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet. They’re learning the ways of the white people.’ Tsainama Marubo

"Who's abusing the internet?"
"Some guy named Marubo."
"But they're ALL named Marubo!"

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 10, 2024 12:11 AM (ynpvh)

210 I am bitter for this...

Most Bitter.

Night Horde.

Posted by: Nightwatch at June 10, 2024 12:12 AM (TDvv2)

211 This idiot should get his balls busted.
Trans high schooler, 17, gets his jaw broken in boys' bathroom

Go forward 10 years. All this trans crap is passé. Can you visualise this guy in public "Hello fag" -- the Internet is forever.

Posted by: Ciampino - The Internet is forever at June 10, 2024 12:12 AM (qfLjt)

212 ‘This isn’t a choice,’ Thea adds. ‘This is literally what we need to do to be ourselves.’

"I need surgery to be who I am"

Prima facie evidence that they are insane.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 10, 2024 12:13 AM (XeU6L)

213 Saw Jim's comment of the week. Did Hanoi Jane finally earn her eternal reward? Hell, just lie to me if you have to.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at June 10, 2024 12:13 AM (gHDEq)

214 "But they're ALL named Marubo!"
Posted by: jim

In America, most criminals are named Clinton or Biden or Aspiring.

Posted by: Miklos Marubo, learning from White Man's Internet at June 10, 2024 12:15 AM (wWqRd)

215 I hope you have a very happy week Horde!

Posted by: Stateless at June 10, 2024 12:16 AM (jvJvP)

216 Oh my bad...

Thank you for the ONT MisHum.

Posted by: Nightwatch at June 10, 2024 12:22 AM (TDvv2)

217 This idiot should get his balls busted.
Trans high schooler, 17, gets his jaw broken in boys' bathroom

Go forward 10 years. All this trans crap is passé. Can you visualise this guy in public "Hello fag" -- the Internet is forever.
Posted by: Ciampino - The Internet is forever at June 10, 2024 12:12 AM (qfLjt)

The "tranny" in this case is a girl suffering from delusions of being a boy. "Cobalt Sovereign"? Sounds like the name of a Derby nag. The boy who punched her out should go for broke: claim her presence in the boys' shitter was "triggering". Go full Alinsky on it. Not that I condone punching out a girl, even a crazy one, but she should not have been in that space, period.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 12:22 AM (IBwyu)

218 Two naked guys in a room full of painting paraphernalia: cans, brushes, etc., and devoid of furniture. One says, "Wait, I think it says drop cloths!"

Posted by: Ciampino - Chinglish? at June 10, 2024 12:22 AM (qfLjt)

219 Was that a pipe bomb in the video, or did the LEO open something pressurized and get a face-full of the contents? All I saw was a brief white flash with no apparent sound, no smoke, and a very pissed-off cop who put Grand-Père Meth Overalls in cuffs.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 12:23 AM (u/Zei)

220 @nannburke
In Detroit, @VP Harris mourns Palestinians killed in Israeli hostage rescue, slams Trump
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

Wish that scrunt would get back to sucking cocks for advancement.

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at June 10, 2024 12:23 AM (2ZFhf)

221 ...Saw Jim's comment of the week. Did Hanoi Jane finally earn her eternal reward? Hell, just lie to me if you have to. Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at June 10, 2024 12:13 AM (gHDEq)

Alas, no. The comment was based on Mis Hum filling in for Weird Dave's ONT slot, last Thursday nite. The pic was a funnel serving as a urinal, leading out through a plywood wall.

Hence, my description of it as a "prototype", pending the Full Installation.

Fun Fact. Word is that Hanoi Jane has opted for cremation, specifically as to avoid having an actual gravesite despoiled by the likes of us.

OK. There's only a couple of letters of the alphabet separating "URN" from "URINAL".

There's enough Angry Vets (and their families) out there to make her granite headstone turn soggy as a cake left out in the rain....

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 10, 2024 12:25 AM (e6UQI)

222 The pyrometric cones of the climate kiln are ... wait for it ... glaciers. "Live Science," tells the tale of collapsing glaciers which are young:

"The Inconvenient Skeptic," by John Kehr goes into detail about the youth of North American, South American, and European glaciers.

Question 1) How can glaciers exist if EACH of the recent years is the hottest in the history of history?

Question 2) If'n it's SO freaking hot, why are some of the glaciers still groin, uhhh, growing?

Posted by: Marooned at June 10, 2024 12:25 AM (kt8QE)

223 There's enough Angry Vets (and their families) out there to make her granite headstone turn soggy as a cake left out in the rain....
Sunk New Dawn

I'm neither vet nor family, just a red-blooded American, and I'd make the trek to piss on her grave...

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at June 10, 2024 12:29 AM (2ZFhf)

224 Aside from straight-up racial and sexual bigotry, the WNBA players hate Caitlyn Clark because she's actually good at basketball and is putting asses in seats like never before. She is putting their historic failure as a professional sports organization and as individual players "on blast," as the kids say. Their utter mediocrity has been laid bare, and everyone from the players to her teammates to the coaches to the referees hate her for it.

Posted by: Tallest nail always gets hammered down at June 10, 2024 12:30 AM (k3d8O)

225 We carry in our hearts the true country
And that cannot be stolen.
We Follow in the steps of our ancestry
And that cannot be broken.
Until we get our first look at Only Fans, and it all goes completely to shit.

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at June 10, 2024 12:33 AM (pzNZT)

226 217
So AOP, was that actually (1) a girl pretending to be a boy or (2) a boy pretending to be a girl? Explain .....
I thought it was (2). The article does not make it clear - usually the clue is birthname or the use of the term trans-woman, etc.

Posted by: Ciampino - Mental child needs iron at June 10, 2024 12:36 AM (qfLjt)

227 The city gov. works for the People so it needs to answer to the People.

Oh you sweet summer child...

Posted by: Government serves and protects itself, not us at June 10, 2024 12:39 AM (k3d8O)

228 Some actor? Ian McKellen says Donald Trump is 'one of the worst public speakers'

Posted by: Ciampino - Mentally deficient Hollywood also ran at June 10, 2024 12:40 AM (qfLjt)

229 So AOP, was that actually (1) a girl pretending to be a boy or (2) a boy pretending to be a girl? Explain .....
I thought it was (2). The article does not make it clear - usually the clue is birthname or the use of the term trans-woman, etc.
Posted by: Ciampino - Mental child needs iron at June 10, 2024 12:36 AM (qfLjt)

You know, I think you are right. A boy pretending to be a girl. The giveaway: it uses pronouns "she, they", and it is referred to as "transgender". If a tranny calls itself "she, they", then those pronouns are keyed to its make-believe sex.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 12:47 AM (IBwyu)

230 Some actor? Ian McKellen says Donald Trump is 'one of the worst public speakers'
Posted by: Ciampino - Mentally deficient Hollywood also ran at June 10, 2024 12:40 AM (qfLjt)

Isn't he a pole smoker?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 12:52 AM (IBwyu)

231 Isn't he a pole smoker?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Yep. Gandalf can go sit on his magic staff and spin.

Related: did any of the Hairy Pooter actors not turn out to be assholes?

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at June 10, 2024 01:02 AM (dgI8J)

232 Ian McKellen needs a little of the wisdom Brad Pitt had when he was doing the press junket for "Seven Years in Tibet." When the media started pressing him on the fact that the character he was playing was actually a Nazi, he said, "I'm just an actor."

He wasn't endorsing Nazis and may not even have known that the character belonged to the SS, but he was saying that he was literally just a performer, and political statements were not part of his job description, and that one really shouldn't go to actors to get their political views.

I don't know whether or not he's a decent person, but I was very impressed that he openly repudiated the idea that actors should give hot takes on the political question du jour.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 01:04 AM (u/Zei)

233 ...Related: did any of the Hairy Pooter actors not turn out to be assholes? Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at June 10, 2024 01:02 AM (dgI8J)

Alan Rickman? But, he turned out to be Dead Too Soon.

R.I.P. Asshole.

Nakatomi Tower, Salutes You.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 10, 2024 01:07 AM (e6UQI)

234 Related: did any of the Hairy Pooter actors not turn out to be assholes?
The actor who played Draco Malfoy apparently stuck by Rowling when the rest cancelled her.

Posted by: Methos at June 10, 2024 01:10 AM (Dnobf)

235 233
So what is Alan Rickman's claim to notoriety?

Posted by: Ciampino - A protected life? at June 10, 2024 01:11 AM (qfLjt)

236 "Gandalf" croaks: 'Trump is an absolute bewilderment. I haven't seen him live. But he's one of the worst public speakers there has ever been,' he actor told the outlet.

I suppose McKellen just means "live" vs vid, but it reads like he's never watched Trump speak.

Reminded me of our lost son, who, when I asked him if he'd heard Trump's speech at Mt. Rushmore, sneered, "I read about it." I thought when we home-schooled him, we covered original vs secondary sources. But he prefers his bubble.

On which merry note I shall retire.

G'nite, y'all.

Posted by: mindful webworker - rolls double fives at June 10, 2024 01:12 AM (X14Od)

237 ...So what is Alan Rickman's claim to notoriety?
Posted by: Ciampino - A protected life? at June 10, 2024 01:11 AM (qfLjt)

His entire stage and filmography.

TALENT, does not even begin to describe what he brought to a role.

Check him out as the Bad Guy, in the Tom Selleck classic: "Quigley Down Under".

Watching him in any role is like unwrapping a Christmas Present from your favorite wealthy aunt. You don't know what you're going to get, but you know it's not going to be a Cheap Performance.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 10, 2024 01:17 AM (e6UQI)

238 Weird! I was searching online for a hotel room near Victoria next month so I can go to my niece's wedding. So I find a Super motel in Duncan (about 27 miles away, no big deal), 79 dollars a night. Go to book it. Site says $110, for two nights, plus taxes. The sales tax is quoted at $270 USD! Total comes to over 500$ USD.

1. I am in Canada, and staying in Canada; the room should be quoted in $CDN.

2. The total sales and hotel taxes should run around 16% (which is fucking bad enough, but B.C. stands for "bring cash")

Two nights at 79$ CDN plus tax should be about $185 CDN, which is bad enough, but affordable.

I think's calculator is factoring ten times the tax. Fucktards.

I might wind up throwing a sleeping bag in the back of the Suburban, and sleep in a truck stop.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 01:25 AM (IBwyu)

239 ...I might wind up throwing a sleeping bag in the back of the Suburban, and sleep in a truck stop. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 01:25 AM (IBwyu)

The Lot Lizards knock on your breath-fogged windows, and say HI!

Kidding aside, FORGET about any B&B bookings. They advertise very attractive "nightly" rates. But by time you add in security deposit, cleaning fee, and gratuity?

You could stay at the Victoria Ritz Carlton, straight up.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 10, 2024 01:29 AM (e6UQI)

240 The Lot Lizards knock on your breath-fogged windows, and say HI!

Kidding aside, FORGET about any B&B bookings. They advertise very attractive "nightly" rates. But by time you add in security deposit, cleaning fee, and gratuity?

You could stay at the Victoria Ritz Carlton, straight up.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at June 10, 2024 01:29 AM (e6UQI)

Heh! Tomorrow is Monday. I will call some of the hotels/motels directly, and get rate quotes. If I get a halfway attractive rate, I will book right away. I can always snooze in the 'burb on the road trip. Might consider leaving the 'burb in long-term parking at the ferry terminal in Tswassen (mainland side), and boarding the boat as a foot passenger, if I can get a motel near the wedding venue in Saanich, which is not far from the ferry terminal on the island. Save big $$ not taking a car on the ferry.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 01:37 AM (IBwyu)

241 I love the bit Rickman did in Die Hard when he wants to show how much McClane is getting to him by losing the ability to pronounced the "th" sound properly. Up to that point his English was near-flawless, and he could even fake a convincing American accent, but he reverts to saying "Muzzer" for "Mother" and even stutters slightly. It's a subtle touch, but that's the kind of thinking that Rickman brought to his roles.

He was also awesome as Metatron, the Angelic proclaimer of the voice of God, in the movie Dogma. Just imagine a very kind-natured Professor Snape who gets a bit impatient at times when ordinary mortals don't comprehend the real marvels he shows them really establish that he is the means of communication between God and Mankind and they really need to harken to what he's been sent to tell them.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 01:39 AM (u/Zei)

242 AOP, you might just try calling the Super motel and straightening it out over the phone.

Posted by: Philip at June 10, 2024 01:39 AM (fwIBJ)

243 AOP.

As a last resort, holler at Miklos, and he might be able to get you the Darleen Rate at the NoTel Motel, right across from the Waffle House?

Be sure to tell her momma you said hi!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 10, 2024 01:44 AM (e6UQI)

244 AOP, you might just try calling the Super motel and straightening it out over the phone.
Posted by: Philip at June 10, 2024 01:39 AM (fwIBJ)

Exactly what I had in mind. Super 8 motel. I failed to type the "8".

Hotels in Saanich are either all booked up or outrageously priced.

And it's getting late here. I am off to bed. Night, Horde.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 01:49 AM (IBwyu)

245 All this homosexual + Tranny stuff is just unspeakably wicked, because it is a Project. It is not a grassroots organic phenomenon. Coordinated.

I am perplexed how adult humans are so willing to go along with everything. I guess if the nice man in the lab coat says to turn the voltage up into the danger zone, it’s OK.

Posted by: Common Tater at June 10, 2024 01:59 AM (jTQ4/)

246 by: anchorbabe fashion cop at June 09, 2024 10:29 PM (ufFY

Checkout to see how things go in the later episodes. Ace turned me onto the site.

Read the article.
Seems the show runner (who is apparently 'woke') says some people think Homelander is a Trump effigy, and he seemingly disputes that. I agree, Homelander, at least through S1 and early S2, is not a Trump, but IS the main villain, who wraps himself in the flag.

There are some typical libtardian tropes, the most offensive to me are the stereotypical slamming of evangelicals, and seemingly every main character being an atheist, nihilist, or newly minted one because of lost faith due to bad hypocrites. These tropes have been with us for decades.

The recent woke shit, at least so far, has been skewered in many scenes, to funny effect. Marketing, and how everything in media is a commercial, or an op, is also emphasized.

Not too much gay shit (yet). Just a couple scenes that indicate that Queen Maeve (who is a bit of a smoke show) plays for both teams, or used to.

Anyway, I am entertained so far.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at June 10, 2024 02:08 AM (ufFY8)

247 My favorite Alan Rickman role is when he played Anne of Green Gables. You could hardly tell he had a penis, even during the sex scenes.

Posted by: The Classics at June 10, 2024 02:21 AM (DY0n+)

248 Be going to bed soon.
Was looking up some old newspaper articles and came across a mention of "Tarantula Juice", so I had to look it up...

"Tarantula Juice" was made from strychnine, and yes, that's a literal poison. Historian C.W. Bayer says it got its name from what happens to a person when the whiskey and the strychnine started to wear off — it made you feel like you had tarantulas crawling over you, which isn't how you want a party to end. Oh — and you typically ordered two, one to start and one to help you deal with the symptoms of the first.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 10, 2024 02:26 AM (ynpvh)

249 Nitol.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at June 10, 2024 02:34 AM (ynpvh)

250 Be going to bed soon.
Was looking up some old newspaper articles and came across a mention of "Tarantula Juice", so I had to look it up...

Reminds me of Jamaican Ginger Extract, which was a rival to Vanilla Flavor Extract for people who wanted to get a little alcohol content in a Dry county. The problem was that Jamaican Ginger can attack the nervous system, leading to paralysis in the arms and/or legs, a condition we locals called "Jake Leg."

People who were afflicted with Jake Leg could sometimes walk, but the nerve signals to their muscles made their movement spasmodic. Imagine Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks playing out in real life. it used to be so commonplace in the South that a dance craze developed around it, where people would mimic the heel-first, toes-second steps taken by Jake Leg victims.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 02:37 AM (u/Zei)

251 Whoops, that should be toes-first, heels-second. On a solid surface you could hear the cadence as tap-click, tap-click.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 02:40 AM (u/Zei)

252 So, character is important to Paul Ryan…does he see Mr. Biden, noted serial plagiarist (and much else besides), to be a paragon of virtue?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 10, 2024 02:40 AM (9lTdR)

253 238 Weird! I was searching online for a hotel room near Victoria next month so I can go to my niece's wedding. So I find a Super motel in Duncan (about 27 miles away, no big deal), 79 dollars a night. Go to book it. Site says $110, for two nights, plus taxes. The sales tax is quoted at $270 USD! Total comes to over 500$ USD.

1. I am in Canada, and staying in Canada; the room should be quoted in $CDN.

2. The total sales and hotel taxes should run around 16% (which is fucking bad enough, but B.C. stands for "bring cash")

Two nights at 79$ CDN plus tax should be about $185 CDN, which is bad enough, but affordable.

I think's calculator is factoring ten times the tax. Fucktards.

I might wind up throwing a sleeping bag in the back of the Suburban, and sleep in a truck stop.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 10, 2024 01:25 AM (IBwyu)

This is about as weird as me hitting Air Canada’s website here in the States and it insisting that I need to see the site - in Spanish.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 10, 2024 02:43 AM (9lTdR)

254 28 We can't vote our way out this!

>>Far-right gains in the EU election deal stunning defeats to France’s Macron and Germany’s Scholz
Posted by: JackStraw at June 09, 2024 10:10 PM (LkLld)

Nope, you can’t. Do what we did: QUIT. It works! It’s how we got rid of Maduro!

Posted by: Venezuelan opposition at June 10, 2024 02:45 AM (9lTdR)

255 Morning, fellow insomaniacals! I woke up all of a sudden about fifteen minutes ago, feeling pretty good, actually. How about you? Yes, Monday, I know, but if we woke up on the right side of the ground, it being the start of a work week is pretty small kumquats, is it now?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 10, 2024 03:18 AM (omVj0)

256 Nightmare of the week: Apparently I was at my office, though it seemed to have more light, as if there were a window or a skylight I couldn't see. First someone showed up to see my boss, and I couldn't pronounce his name and just said, "Your two o'clock is here." Then I was telling someone sitting on a couch (my real office has no couch) a joke, but *I couldn't remember the punch line*, and was babbling along hoping I'd recall it. Suddenly he says, "Your class started ten minutes ago." (I seemed to be taking a graduate class.) Somehow I didn't know what room it was in. My computer was spawning browser windows and I couldn't look it up. Plus I couldn't find my notebook. And I knew I couldn't creep in unnoticed, but would have to walk in late before the entire class.

As I scrambled for the stairs I woke up.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 10, 2024 03:26 AM (omVj0)

257 Well, at least it wasn't the one where you forgot you were even taking the class and only realized it when someone told you that today was the final exam.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 03:35 AM (u/Zei)

258 Well, at least it wasn't the one where you forgot you were even taking the class and only realized it when someone told you that today was the final exam.
Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024

Leave it to my subconscious to come up with a new variant on the old chestnut. I had the feeling this incident was happening early in the semester. But I'd already skipped the last two class meetings and didn't dare miss another.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 10, 2024 03:38 AM (omVj0)

259 Although the two are very close, come to think of it.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 03:38 AM (u/Zei)

260 I had to order manila envelopes and have been using 'Jot' brand spiral notebooks, college ruled, 5.75 x 8.75 inches, 100 sheets; a size I find perfect to toss in a work bag. I do not recall where I got it. I checked the usual suspects only to find nobody seems to make the size any more and I had to order a package of notebooks close in size from one of Evil RomneyCorp's evil subsidiaries, Staples.
How hard is it to keep a certain size of spiral notebook in production?

Posted by: LenNeal at June 10, 2024 03:40 AM (43xH1)

261 There's also that thing in dream logic where you are definitely at one place, yet suddenly you are close to or actually in a separate location. Which somehow makes perfect sense in the dream.

Posted by: John Drake Now Thinks It Might Be A Heat Mirage at June 10, 2024 03:41 AM (u/Zei)

262 Where I work, Staples *is* the usual suspect -- the default to order supplies from. Though we can use Amazon Business as well.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 10, 2024 03:41 AM (omVj0)

263 Morning/evening horde from Lausanne Switzerland. Holy guacamole stuff is expensive here. Just paid $8 for black coffee. Have come to the realization that I’m too damn old to travel two days to get to a country where I don’t speak the native language and I may need to take out a small loan to pay for the food and beverages I’m consuming. Give me a day or two and I may find the joy of travel in a foreign land.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 10, 2024 03:43 AM (CTVqk)

264 Edit: I had to order manila envelopes, and thought I'd just throw on a few of my notebooks while getting usual office supplies only to find nobody makes them anymore.

Also trying to figure out a good way to clean the lead out of the forcing cone on a .22 revolver, and am relearning what a bitchy community Gun Guys are about cleaning supplies and techniques.
Worse than women about cleaning stuff by FAR.

Posted by: LenNeal at June 10, 2024 03:43 AM (43xH1)

265 The Mission: Impossible on MeTV right now is from their second or third season. I'm coming into it so late and have so little idea of the plot, the events on the screen have the same logic as a dream. MI was like that, whereas a Cannon or Barnaby Jones episode was much more predictable.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 10, 2024 03:45 AM (omVj0)

266 Morning/evening horde from Lausanne Switzerland. Holy guacamole stuff is expensive here. Just paid $8 for black coffee.
Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine

Switzerland is insanely expensive, I never hang around long. Western Europe in general is bankrupting-pricey, I hear Norway is the absolute worst.

Posted by: LenNeal at June 10, 2024 03:47 AM (43xH1)

267 Oh, jeez, I knew I shouldn't have looked at the local CBS outlet's website. It's 81 F. right now with a heat index of 89. I do not want to go work out in that.

Not that it will be much better from now until November. If then.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 10, 2024 03:48 AM (omVj0)

268 Another set of recommendations on my YouTube list has led to a bunch of mashups and so-called AI music, most of which suck but I did get sent my new All-Time Favorite country story-song:

'I Fought A Child', by Johnny Lee Tuppard.
One of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life.

Posted by: LenNeal at June 10, 2024 03:51 AM (43xH1)

269 Len. Here for 10 days. Already longing for home and just arrived. Too old for this shit!

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 10, 2024 03:51 AM (CTVqk)

270 Drive by post, off to be economically raped by my vacation. Bye, bye horde.

Posted by: neverenoughcaffeine at June 10, 2024 03:53 AM (CTVqk)

271 I don't want to get up

Posted by: Skip at June 10, 2024 03:58 AM (fwDg9)

272 Hanoi Jane is still breathing

Posted by: Skip at June 10, 2024 04:00 AM (fwDg9)

273 There are a few gun stores and at least one shooting range in and/or near Lausanne. Google it and there is at least one Reddit thread with directions and feedback. There might be a range with rental guns, I don't know Lausanne but I know some in Switzerland offer full auto.
Fun fact: Switzerland has a 'list' of prohibited nationalities, that are not allowed to even shoot a rental! I don't recall the full list and this guy doesn't either...

"...that there is a list of nationalities who categorically are banned from buying or using any firearms in Switzerland. I think a few ex-Yugoslavian ones, Turkey, Algeria and Sri Lanka... maybe I am forgetting one or two."

Posted by: LenNeal at June 10, 2024 04:03 AM (43xH1)

274 Noodus pixyana

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at June 10, 2024 04:03 AM (omVj0)

275 wonderful post, very informative. I wonder why the other
experts of this sector don't realize this. You must continue
your writing. I am sure, you've a huge readers' base already!

Posted by: slot gacor at June 10, 2024 05:31 AM (IzsTc)

276 I detect spam at #275.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at June 10, 2024 07:29 AM (9lTdR)

277 “ “This is further proof that the Hamas terrorist organization uses the civilian population as a human shield,” IDF Statement”

The IDF is being purposefully disingenuous. They know full well that the “civilian” population participates wholeheartedly in the Hamas atrocities. They are Hamas.

Posted by: RobertM at June 10, 2024 08:24 AM (IZxia)

278 heh, trans player as enforcer for Clark wouldn't go. It stands in the way of the WNBA race wars.

Posted by: JayInAmes at June 10, 2024 09:28 AM (OlOaW)

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