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Michael Benz Warns: The Regime and the "Foreign Policy Blob" Have Coordinated with Monster Tech to Wage War on "Wrongthink"

They are aggressively assaultive on the public.

The public must start fighting back.

The foreign policy establishment that once thrived under the control of both political parties has used Big Tech and the Biden administration to codify a "war on wrongthink" that stifles dissent from the elites' narrative, a journalist and an online censorship analyst warned.

"What we're up against here are not pink-haired, ambi-gendered LGBT-BLM-maximizing identitarian politics when we're talking about censorship on the internet," Michael Benz, a former State Department official under President Donald Trump and founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online, said Tuesday at an Oversight Project event at The Heritage Foundation.

It's not "partisan politics" driving censorship, said Benz, but "the foreign policy establishment." Conservatives and populists "don't think about the American empire, they don't think about the managers of the American empire, which is the foreign policy establishment, our State Department, our Pentagon, our intelligence services."

"When you go upstream on internet censorship and what's driving it, you will find that foreign policy establishment," Benz argued.

I don't know if I'd say that foreign policy is driving tech censorship. Transgenderism is a stronger component than foreign policy.

But everytime you lift a censorship rock, you find the British intelligence services underneath it.

Benjamin Weingarten, editor-at-large at RealClearInvestigations, also attributed "the leading edge of all the attacks on Donald Trump as an avatar for tens of millions of dissenting Americans" to the administrative state and the "deep state" within it. (The "deep state" refers to bureaucrats who oppose the agenda of the duly-elected president.) These entrenched bureaucrats "felt most threatened that [Trump] would upend the uniparty foreign policy blob," he said.

"You also had the tech companies identify that what happened in 2016 could never happen again," Weingarten said, referring to both the Brexit referendum and Trump's election victory.

"They kind of used the pretext of Russian mis-, dis-, and malinformation, grafting a Cold War paradigm" to define a new enemy--Americans who disagree with their agenda, he said. "We are the enemy that's engaging in wrongthink that threatens to undermine their power."

Lee Fang published a similary story in the Intercept: The US foreign policy/intelligence community is funding NGOs to smear critics of the war in Ukraine.

U.S. Funds Ukraine Groups Censoring Critics, Smearing Pro-Peace Voices

American taxpayers are footing the bill for Ukrainian NGOs focused on smearing proponents of a diplomatic solution as "Russian disinformation" agents.

Ukraine's American-backed fight against Russia is taking place not only in the blood-soaked trenches of the Donbas region but also on what military planners call the cognitive battlefield -- to win hearts and minds.

A sprawling constellation of media outlets organized with substantial funding and direction from the U.S. government has not just sought to counter Russian propaganda but has supported strong censorship laws and shutdowns of dissident outlets, disseminated disinformation of its own, and sought to silence critics of the war, including many American citizens.

Economist Jeffrey Sachs, commentator Tucker Carlson, journalist Glenn Greenwald, and University of Chicago Professor John Mearsheimer are among the critics on both the left and the right who have been cast as part of a "network of Russian propaganda."


There's no evidence of Kremlin influence over their viewpoints, but their comments alone are enough for a network of U.S.-backed Ukrainian media groups to tarnish these experts as Russian propagandists.

U.S. taxpayer dollars are flowing to outlets such as the New Voice of Ukraine, VoxUkraine, Detector Media, the Institute of Mass Information, the Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine and many others. Some of this money has come from the $44.1 billion in civilian-needs foreign aid committed to Ukraine.
While the funding is officially billed as an ambitious program to develop high-quality independent news programs; counter malign Russian influence; and modernize Ukraine's archaic media laws, the new sites in many cases have promoted aggressive messages that stray from traditional journalistic practices to promote the Ukrainian government's official positions and delegitimize its critics.

VoxUkraine has released highly produced videos attacking the credibility of American opposition voices, including Sachs, Mearsheimer, and Greenwald. Detector Media, one of the most influential media watchdog groups, similarly produces a flow of social media and posts branding American critics of the war as part of a Russian disinformation operation. The outlets are also devoted to domestic disputes. Detector Media's broadcasts have lampooned critics of Ukrainian government moves to shut down opposition media outlets.

It's not only dissident voices targeted by the USAID-funded groups.

Detector Media went after the New York Times in February over a news report about hundreds of Ukrainians in the battle for Avdiivka who were captured or missing. The Ukrainian fact-check site offered little in terms of a rebuttal. Detector Media only cited a spokesperson for the Ukrainian Defense Forces disputing the Times' story, which it labeled "disinformation." The New Voice of Ukraine quoted a Ukrainian official describing the Times story as a "Russian Psyop," a term for psychological warfare.

Unlike similar media development programs that the International Agency for International Development (USAID) has led throughout the Middle East, Ukrainian outlets tend to produce a great deal of English content that trickles back into the domestic American audience and explicitly targets American foreign policy discourse.

The New Voice of Ukraine syndicates with Yahoo News. VoxUkraine is a fact-checking partner with Meta, which assists in removing content deemed "Russian disinformation" from Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Detector Media has similarly led a consortium of nonprofit groups pressuring social media platforms to aggressively remove content critical of Ukraine.

More at the link.

The US used to have a law against the government running propaganda operations against its own populace.

Barack Hussein Obama repealed that law.

For decades, a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts. So what just happened?

Until this month, a vast ocean of U.S. programming produced by the Broadcasting Board of Governors such as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks could only be viewed or listened to at broadcast quality in foreign countries. The programming varies in tone and quality, but its breadth is vast: It's viewed in more than 100 countries in 61 languages. The topics covered include human rights abuses in Iran, self-immolation in Tibet, human trafficking across Asia, and on-the-ground reporting in Egypt and Iraq.

The restriction of these broadcasts was due to the Smith-Mundt Act, a long-standing piece of legislation that has been amended numerous times over the years, perhaps most consequentially by Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. In the 1970s, Fulbright was no friend of VOA and Radio Free Europe, and moved to restrict them from domestic distribution, saying they "should be given the opportunity to take their rightful place in the graveyard of Cold War relics." Fulbright's amendment to Smith-Mundt was bolstered in 1985 by Nebraska Senator Edward Zorinsky, who argued that such "propaganda" should be kept out of America as to distinguish the U.S. "from the Soviet Union where domestic propaganda is a principal government activity."

Zorinsky and Fulbright sold their amendments on sensible rhetoric: American taxpayers shouldn't be funding propaganda for American audiences. So did Congress just tear down the American public's last defense against domestic propaganda?

BBG spokeswoman Lynne Weil insists BBG is not a propaganda outlet, and its flagship services such as VOA "present fair and accurate news."

The Deep Staters demanding that this be repealed claimed that VOA broadcast baseball games to Cuba. And you wouldn't want to ban VOA from sending those baseball game broadcasts to Florida, would you? It's baseball -- as American as apple pie.

Well, the US government is now paying foreign governments to defame and harass anyone critical of its policies.

We're a long way from "this isn't propaganda, it's just baseball!" now, aren't we?

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 03:50 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Hi!

Posted by: Auspex at April 12, 2024 03:50 PM (j4U/Z)

2 hello

Posted by: kactus at April 12, 2024 03:50 PM (kA/Ee)

3 last

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 03:50 PM (GBKbO)

4 I'm not getting the otters.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 12, 2024 03:51 PM (PiwSw)

5 Bold statements

Posted by: She Hobbit at April 12, 2024 03:51 PM (ftFVW)

6 Free speech will be gone in 4 years if the Marxists win

Posted by: Skip at April 12, 2024 03:52 PM (fwDg9)

7 I'm not getting the otters.
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 12, 2024 03:51 PM (PiwSw)


Well that's just rude.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 12, 2024 03:52 PM (DRSnL)

8 Is it a Pauly Shore thread yet?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (KbCG3)


Posted by: Archimedes at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (CsUN+)

10 Test

Posted by: Archimedes at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (CsUN+)

Posted by: Archimedes at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (CsUN+)

12 Test 2

Posted by: Archimedes at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (CsUN+)

13 How many RINOs voted for beisbol in Florida? I’ma guess at least 8.

Posted by: Montec at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (Y6Wgg)

14 Check. Check. Chick. Mastercard. Visa

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (PiwSw)

15 I blame Mike Johnson.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (CsUN+)

16 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (Zz0t1)

17 Lamont, you big dummy.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (Zz0t1)

18 Archimedes, you tried.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (PiwSw)

19 Is it a Pauly Shore thread yet?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (KbCG3)

F*CK no.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (Zz0t1)

20 So we got the Benz opinion. What about Audi?

Posted by: Montec at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (Y6Wgg)

21 “Oy Vey,” she said in a sad voice.

Posted by: Adriane the Oy Vey Critic. . . at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (4Winp)

22 I'm not getting the otters.
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 12, 2024 03:51 PM (PiwSw)


Well that's just rude.
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 12, 2024 03:52 PM (DRSnL)

Well, saying nood on the last thread seemed kinda icky.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (W/lyH)

23 Archimedes, you tried.

Indeed. It must be in the original post. I'm not naming names.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (CsUN+)

24 Hey, it's not centered anymore!

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (lTGtQ)

25 A bold move.

Posted by: Kerrigan at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (OguvZ)

26 19 Is it a Pauly Shore thread yet?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (KbCG3)

F*CK no.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (Zz0t1)


Joke's on you. Every thread is secretly a Pauly Shore thread. It just needs to be activated.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (GBKbO)


Joke's on you. Every thread is secretly a Pauly Shore thread. It just needs to be activated.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (GBKbO)


Guess I'll be leaving, then.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 12, 2024 03:56 PM (Zz0t1)

28 OT (for later discussion): has anyone watched the new Fallout TV series? I'm been looking for reviews on youtube and not finding anything yet from channels I trust. Maybe the boss or one of the cobs will offer a hot take in a future post.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO, Bird Law Expert at April 12, 2024 03:56 PM (snyZJ)

29 Check. Check. Chick. Mastercard. Visa
Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper

Check, check, che-eck, check, check, check, check
Check, check, check out my melody

Posted by: Limp Bizkit at April 12, 2024 03:56 PM (ftFVW)

30 Do you know what nobody in the world needs, ever? Fact checkers.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 12, 2024 03:56 PM (lTGtQ)

31 Is it a Pauly Shore thread yet?

Dude is 56 and looks like Pat Paulsen. Pauly, it might be time to reevaluate your life.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 12, 2024 03:56 PM (CsUN+)

32 Most of the "Ukraine" funds Cuck Deluxe Mike Johnson will prayerfully get will flow directly to State Department-funded NGO's to spy on and harass Americans. Bank it. Those pictures of Mikey getting his ass railed by his "black son" must be lit.

I'm seriously thinking the British right has it right: NO SEATS. Let it burn and fan the flames.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (KSNKu)

33 28 OT (for later discussion): has anyone watched the new Fallout TV series? I'm been looking for reviews on youtube and not finding anything yet from channels I trust. Maybe the boss or one of the cobs will offer a hot take in a future post.
Posted by: Chairman LMAO, Bird Law Expert at April 12, 2024 03:56 PM (snyZJ)


First episode was pretty good. Watching 2 now.

The one thing I like best is the blackly comedic tone. It's amusing.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (GBKbO)

34 Hey, TJM fixed it! He's magic.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (DRSnL)

35 This reminds me of that movie...

Posted by: Max Power at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (q177U)

36 *turns on mic*

Stop Bold Text now.

did I do this right?

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Come Sail Away with me, You guys at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (MvA9C)

37 34 Hey, TJM fixed it! He's magic.
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (DRSnL)


Three bold close tags managed it, it seems.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (GBKbO)

38 Didn't you get suspicious when comments sections across the news world were all mysteriously and "independently" shuttered during the same roughly six month period in 2018? Leaving 90% of "news" pages with a single editorial voice and absolutely nothing to counteract or check what is being said?

Other than search engines of course, which were simultaneously being pared and massaged to only provide results that were slanted a certain way?

What use is landing on a slanted page from a search engine if counter information is provided in the comments below what you want believed?

And coincidentally this all happened while COVID was being manufactured at the behest of various agencies...?

Didnt you get suspicious then? I did.

Posted by: ... at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (yGFFs)

39 F'n dog eatin SOB of course he did

Posted by: Milquetoast Mortgage-Paying Neighbor in Flyover Country at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (5C4od)

40 It worked. I rock!

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Come Sail Away with me, You guys at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (MvA9C)

41 Is it a tv show thread now?

Ripley on Netflix is pretty good. 98% un-woke too which is kinda miraculous these days.

Posted by: Montec at April 12, 2024 03:58 PM (Y6Wgg)

42 But everytime you lift a censorship rock, you find the British intelligence services underneath it.

Sorry, Newspeak dictionary has updated reference to Britian as Airstrip One.

Posted by: 1984 was supposed to be a warning at April 12, 2024 03:58 PM (KSkEK)

43 But everytime you lift a censorship rock, you find the British intelligence services underneath it.

I'll defy you to find another supposed ally whose spent more time and treasure acting against American's best interests than the British Empire. The modern UK.

We make a mistake here of assuming those countries who share the English language are all somewhat linked in goals and priorities. That's not the UK.

And the mentality many have of "But WW II" ignores all the shit the UK tried to pull on us, sometimes successfully, during WW II. At times, Churchill worked harder against us than he did the Germans.

Posted by: Chicken Soup for the Blackened Soul at April 12, 2024 03:59 PM (wVJoi)

44 36 *turns on mic*

Stop Bold Text now.

did I do this right?
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Come Sail Away with me, You guys at April 12, 2024 03:57 PM (MvA9C)

Only if you hit Reply To All.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 12, 2024 03:59 PM (PiwSw)

45 Too bold.

Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at April 12, 2024 03:59 PM (w6EFb)

46 "American taxpayers are footing the bill for Ukrainian NGOs focused on smearing proponents of a diplomatic solution as "Russian disinformation" agents."

I understand that the federal government wants to keep the war in Ukraine going so they can get kick backs and bribes from US defense contractors for new munitions contracts, but this is a bit much. Tens of thousands of people are literally dying just to keep the graft flowing.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 12, 2024 03:59 PM (QNSds)

47 but vote harder, plebes

Posted by: Big Star at April 12, 2024 03:59 PM (Modkf)

48 26 19 Is it a Pauly Shore thread yet?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 12, 2024 03:53 PM (KbCG3)

F*CK no.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at April 12, 2024 03:54 PM (Zz0t1)


Joke's on you. Every thread is secretly a Pauly Shore thread. It just needs to be activated.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 03:55 PM (GBKbO)

Thanks, buhhhh----deee.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 12, 2024 04:00 PM (KbCG3)

49 First episode was pretty good. Watching 2 now.

The one thing I like best is the blackly comedic tone. It's amusing.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda

Oo, ooo, I really hope it stays good. *dancing from foot to foot*

Posted by: She Hobbit at April 12, 2024 04:00 PM (ftFVW)

50 We make a mistake here of assuming those countries who share the English language are all somewhat linked in goals and priorities. That's not the UK.

London is no longer for the English.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 12, 2024 04:01 PM (KSkEK)

51 It's not no one needs fact checkers, it's they are all Propaganda Ministry members

Posted by: Skip at April 12, 2024 04:01 PM (fwDg9)

52 I think the harassment goes beyond censorship. It's the lawfare that follows after someone's been targeted for saying something the junta doesn't like. That is ramping up bigly as the FBI is now harassing private citizens for mems on X or a video on Instagram that's critical of the junta or a protected member/species.

And they are facing prison and/or huge fines.

Nobody seems willing to confront this. Certainly not our elected officials.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 12, 2024 04:01 PM (Q4IgG)

53 Fuck the worthless as dog shit Republican's.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:02 PM (eYF7X)

54 Nothing makes me proud to be an American citizen anymore. I don't feel the term "citizen" is even appropriate.
But it feels somewhat liberating.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at April 12, 2024 04:02 PM (YIxO9)

55 If you want a more complete description from Benz on the power our foreign policy establishment is wielding against Americans to shape narrative and rig elections this is a very good interview. Benz is also doing videos on X to do deep dives on topic related to this issue.

Basically, our foreign policy establishment that has been running color revolutions abroad for years found a way to turn those same tactics against Trump and his supporters, everything from censorship to election rigging.

About 40 minutes but worth a listen.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:03 PM (LkLld)

56 Nobody seems willing to confront this. Certainly not our elected officials.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 12, 2024 04:01 PM (Q4IgG)

Most of "our" elected officials are fully onbord with the United States becoming a totalitarian shithole, a mentally retarded USSR. Many of the rest are bribed or blackmailed.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 12, 2024 04:03 PM (KSNKu)

57 No more Planet Stiffness ?

I have been hearing government funded commercials with a child's voice telling you to drink water !

Thanks for that

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at April 12, 2024 04:04 PM (NtVYv)

58 honestly following Benz on twitter and I don't know

he's a weird dude

not sure how sane he is

sorry just my take

Tucker has lost it also. which amuses me b/c he went and convinced PDJT to panic and lock us down PERSONALLY and BRAGGED about doing so and I'm still waiting for the apology, Elite Twit.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 12, 2024 04:04 PM (AcWfM)

59 I understand that the federal government wants to keep the war in Ukraine going so they can get kick backs and bribes from US defense contractors for new munitions contracts, but this is a bit much. Tens of thousands of people are literally dying just to keep the graft flowing.
Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 12, 2024 03:59 PM (QNSds)

They don't give a shit.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 12, 2024 04:04 PM (R4t5M)

60 We've always been at war with Eastasia...and Oceania...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 12, 2024 04:04 PM (7fElN)

61 Michael Benz seems to have his finger on the pulse of what our rulers are up to. The fact that he hasn't been silenced yet though does make me wonder if he is somehow part of the op. But maybe they are trying.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 12, 2024 04:05 PM (KSkEK)

62 "When you go upstream on internet censorship and what's driving it, you will find that foreign policy establishment," Benz argued.
Forgive me for not being will to place blame at the feet of the foreign policy goons while ignoring the IC goons and various other goons.

Is one set of the goons the prime mover? Maybe, yeah. Is that prime mover, if it exists, the FP establishment? Maybe, yeah.

But it needn't be. They're *all* in on it, and it's an all-of-government - that is, an all-of-Party - effort. Everyone is involved and nobody is against it. What do I care if some particular goblin is marginally or even significantly worse than some other goblin in some other warren?

The entire government - top to bottom, back to front, inside to out and all around - is corrupt to every last man. It wants to destroy liberty to every last man. It wants to spy on everyone, manipulate everyone, control everyone and this is true to every last man.

Relative responsibility and guilt matters only in meting out punishments as a part of an effort at reform or at least containment. It's beyond reform. It's beyond containment. Relative responsibility and guilt don't matter.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:05 PM (HnUIn)

63 Nothing makes me proud to be an American citizen anymore.

A thing I've always wondered about. Everybody is born somewhere. Nobody gets to choose.

I remember, as a kid, being glad I was born here - when reading about conditions elsewhere. But proud ? Not really. What was there to be proud of ? I simply slid out the birth canal here.

But the mentality you describe is also a holdover from certain generations that really don't like to be named. Or mocked.

Posted by: Chicken Soup for the Blackened Soul at April 12, 2024 04:05 PM (wVJoi)

64 But everytime you lift a censorship rock, you find the British intelligence services underneath it.
Yeah, which has little if anything to do with foreign policy and everything to do with the "get out of jail free" card used by the IC to blatantly ignore US law (that is, Five Eyes).

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:05 PM (HnUIn)

65 I know it's a sin to despair, but all is lost, isn't it?

Posted by: InZona at April 12, 2024 04:05 PM (VWGjN)

66 "I don't know if I'd say that foreign policy is driving tech censorship. Transgenderism is a stronger component than foreign policy."


I think what he means by foreign policy is globalist interests, not this nation's or any nation's self-interests.

Mike's a weird guy, I'd go so far as to say almost/possibly autistic. It would require him to have more human thought to realize "foreign" is not really the right word to use there, based on how it IS used, as opposed to it being a technically accurate descriptive.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:06 PM (dGCAG)

67 OT (for later discussion): has anyone watched the new Fallout TV series? I'm been looking for reviews on youtube and not finding anything yet from channels I trust. Maybe the boss or one of the cobs will offer a hot take in a future post.
Posted by: Chairman LMAO, Bird Law Expert at April 12, 2024 03:56 PM (snyZJ)

Shoot your TV. Just do it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 12, 2024 04:06 PM (tkR6S)

68 More funding Ukraine?

Looky here: Aljazeera News, Russia-Ukraine war
‘At war until you die’: Ukraine scraps service limit, angering tired troops. Facing manpower shortages, officials have scrapped a measure to pull servicemen from the front lines after extended periods.

"But President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has not announced a formal mobilisation fearing backlash and protests, and preferring to focus on the law."

“You don’t have to be at war until you die, you need to know when your service ends,” the wife of a soldier stationed in the eastern town of Kramatorsk told Al Jazeera.
IF the country is that precious, lower the draft to age 25, call up its men, and be willing to fight...

Zelenskyy & his Servant of the People party is a total garbage, grifting, POS operation being protected & funded by > 40 nations. imho.

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you too at April 12, 2024 04:07 PM (NFX2v)

69 U.S. taxpayer dollars are flowing to outlets such as the New Voice of Ukraine, VoxUkraine, Detector Media, the Institute of Mass Information, the Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine and many others. Some of this money has come from the $44.1 billion in civilian-needs foreign aid committed to Ukraine. While the funding is officially billed as an ambitious program to develop high-quality independent news programs; counter malign Russian influence; and modernize Ukraine's archaic media laws, the new sites in many cases have promoted aggressive messages that stray from traditional journalistic practices to promote the Ukrainian government's official positions and delegitimize its critics.
Doubly contradictory, which is kind of impressive.

"Government aid/subsidy" and "high-quality" are mutually contradictory.
"Government aid/subsidy" and "independence" are mutually contradictory.

Only government itself could pretend they're not.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:07 PM (HnUIn)

If you never engage in wrongthink then you have nothing to worry about from the person who is incessantly spying on you.

Stop being so paranoid.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 12, 2024 04:07 PM (RKVpM)

71 Ripley on Netflix is pretty good. 98% un-woke too which is kinda miraculous these days.
Posted by: Montec at April 12, 2024 03:58 PM (Y6Wgg)

Ice cream that is 2% dog shit is still dog shit.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 12, 2024 04:08 PM (tkR6S)

72 Fun Fact ... Five Eyes goes way, way back to before Obama. Add that to the list of stuff that the Dog Eater didn't "corrupt".

Posted by: Chicken Soup for the Blackened Soul at April 12, 2024 04:08 PM (wVJoi)

73 I remember, as a kid, being glad I was born here - when reading about conditions elsewhere. But proud ? Not really. What was there to be proud of ? I simply slid out the birth canal here.

But the mentality you describe is also a holdover from certain generations that really don't like to be named. Or mocked.
Posted by: Chicken Soup for the Blackened Soul at April 12, 2024 04:05 PM (wVJoi)

I'm proud of being a part of the American lineage, but that's just being proud of the people who came before.

So maybe I'm just proud of those people who just happen to have been Americans. Historical-Americans, as it were.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 12, 2024 04:08 PM (KbCG3)

74 >>Forgive me for not being will to place blame at the feet of the foreign policy goons while ignoring the IC goons and various other goons.

You should listen to the video I posted above. Benz is not saying the IC isn't involved, just the opposite, but he claims that the foreign policy establishment is driving the bus. If he's correct and I think he is there really isn't much of a line between State and the intel community anymore thus the term blob.

The State Dept and the IC worked hand in hand took overthrow the government of Ukraine in 2014 and they've been running it together ever since.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:09 PM (LkLld)

75 IF the country is that precious, lower the draft to age 25, call up its men, and be willing to fight...

Zelenskyy & his Servant of the People party is a total garbage, grifting, POS operation being protected & funded by > 40 nations. imho.
Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you too at April 12, 2024 04:07 PM (NFX2v)

Ukraine will fight to the last man. And then Nato will send all their draft age men in to replace them.

Enjoy storming the castle!

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:09 PM (dGCAG)

76 Zorinsky and Fulbright sold their amendments on sensible rhetoric: American taxpayers shouldn't be funding propaganda for American audiences. So did Congress just tear down the American public's last defense against domestic propaganda?
Yes. Well, the last *legal* defense.

The real defense was an attitude and belief system - the attitude of, "this is America, and we don't do that." That vanished long before, and only the legal fig-leaf kept it from going whole-hog. It was time for that fig leaf to go away.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:10 PM (HnUIn)

Out: Russian brides
In: Ukrainian AND Russian brides

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 12, 2024 04:11 PM (RKVpM)

78 if it's supposed to be funny but it's just stupid it's either a pauly shore thread or a paul commenting on trump thread

Posted by: gnats local 678 at April 12, 2024 04:11 PM (B1FKF)

79 VOA could always be heard here if you had a short wave radio.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 12, 2024 04:11 PM (63Dwl)

80 IF the country is that precious, lower the draft to age 25, call up its men, and be willing to fight...

If the country is that precious, and the people there can be the only ones to tell you if it is or is not, then "the call" is not only not necessary but a tell that it's not that precious at all.

Just like ours. Show me one time, including WW II, where compelling American boys to fight against their will turned out well in the long term.

Posted by: Chicken Soup for the Blackened Soul at April 12, 2024 04:11 PM (wVJoi)

81 he's a weird dude

not sure how sane he is

sorry just my take

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 12, 2024 04:04 PM (AcWfM)

Well, when everything in the world seems insane, it's hard to appear sane.

Posted by: InZona at April 12, 2024 04:11 PM (VWGjN)

82 First episode was pretty good. Watching 2 now.

The one thing I like best is the blackly comedic tone. It's amusing.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda

Oo, ooo, I really hope it stays good. *dancing from foot to foot*
Posted by: She Hobbit

Get ready for pregnant lesbians!!

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 12, 2024 04:12 PM (IG4Id)

83 Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:09 PM (LkLld)

The IC and State did the same here in 2020 and ran a Color Revolution then. I wouldn't discount they had a hand in intentionally starting the Covid outbreak, either.

It has been forgotten, but after the 2016 election Trump announced State would be cut to the bone. I never saw McConnell madder until that point, and that told me he is onboard with the police state apparatus.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 12, 2024 04:12 PM (KSNKu)

84 Ukraine will fight to the last man. And then Nato will send all their draft age men in to replace them.

Leaving the cultural enrichers, many who have claimed they are war refugees, ironically, back home with your women.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 12, 2024 04:12 PM (KSkEK)

85 "Ice cream that is 2% dog shit is still dog shit."

Ben and Benji's

Posted by: gnats local 678 at April 12, 2024 04:13 PM (B1FKF)

86 Fun Fact ... Five Eyes goes way, way back to before Obama. Add that to the list of stuff that the Dog Eater didn't "corrupt".

Posted by: Chicken Soup for the Blackened Soul at April 12, 2024 04:08 PM

Five Eyes got it's start during WWII with the OSS from the US and MI5 for the Brits. It's morphed a bit since then but is still as active as it was in the 1940s.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 12, 2024 04:13 PM (QNSds)

87 VOA could always be heard here if you had a short wave radio.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 12, 2024 04:11 PM (63Dwl)

And back in the day, what they broadcast was pretty much non-controversial feel-good sort of stuff.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 12, 2024 04:13 PM (tkR6S)

88 "Ice cream that is 2% dog shit is still dog shit."

Ben and Benji's
Posted by: gnats local 678

Scooby's Doo.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at April 12, 2024 04:13 PM (R4t5M)

89 I'm a conspiracy theory, ignore me.

Posted by: Operation Mockingbird at April 12, 2024 04:13 PM (llON8)

90 Out: Russian brides
In: Ukrainian AND Russian brides
Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 12, 2024 04:11 PM (RKVpM)

Is there a BOGO deal?

Posted by: InZona at April 12, 2024 04:13 PM (VWGjN)

91 I know that Biden is the blame for the Afghanistan debacle but I also believe that the IC and the State department played a role in it as well.

Posted by: dantesed at April 12, 2024 04:14 PM (DHHFk)

92 "Ice cream that is 2% dog shit is still dog shit."

Ben and Benji's
Posted by: gnats local 678

Haagen Dogs.

Posted by: spindrift at April 12, 2024 04:15 PM (OguvZ)

93 I don't know if I'd say that foreign policy is driving tech censorship. Transgenderism is a stronger component than foreign policy.

Transgender is the tool... the foot in the door, to make law to censor people.

But public policy about War, and government power is the end goal of silencing dissent.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:16 PM (xaFKb)

94 91 I know that Biden is the blame for the Afghanistan debacle but I also believe that the IC and the State department played a role in it as well.
Posted by: dantesed at April 12, 2024 04:14 PM (DHHFk)


I would say that Biden bears no blame except that which a figurehead gets. He makes no decisions. No one in the administration listens to him.

We are run by a Politboro with each power center having conflicting interests with all of the others.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 04:16 PM (kRx5X)

95 End Wokeness

Extremely concerning update:

Since we published our exposé, the Social Security Administration stopped publicly releasing their weekly totals (re: voting registrations without a photo ID).

They've been doing it since January 2011.

Why did they suddenly stop now?

Posted by: redridinghood at April 12, 2024 04:16 PM (NpAcC)

96 Maybe I WANT some Russkie disinformation to counter the Murcan disinformation?

Posted by: Constitutionalist at April 12, 2024 04:16 PM (3Dlc5)

97 Leaving the cultural enrichers, many who have claimed they are war refugees, ironically, back home with your women.
Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 12, 2024 04:12 PM (KSkEK)

Hmmm, almost starts to sound like a thought out plan, not an accident.


Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:16 PM (dGCAG)

98 There's a reason passport bros.aren't going to UK to find brides.

Posted by: Field Marshal Zhukov at April 12, 2024 04:17 PM (wBaIH)

99 I know that Biden is the blame for the Afghanistan debacle but I also believe that the IC and the State department played a role in it as well.
Posted by: dantesed at April 12, 2024 04:14 PM (DHHFk)
I think it's mostly at the feet of the military.

Trump told them to get ready to depart. They refused. They assumed - likely with some amount of coordination with the Party - that Biden would cancel the order as they wanted him to. But popular politics and popular demands got in the way, and the Party changed its mind. It would proceed with the withdrawal, against expectations.

And the military, which had flatly and fully disobeyed the orders given to it by the Commander in Chief (that was, Trump), was completely unprepared to actually *do* it in the time left to them.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:17 PM (HnUIn)

100 75. Posted by: BurtTC

Job ready, war ready = why abortion is pushed through most 'reasonable' limits.

Military Times, Obama defends allowing women to serve in combat jobs, 09/2016

Visiting an Army base in Virginia, President Barack Obama offered a detailed rationale for his decision to allow women to serve in combat career fields, saying the new policy is making the military stronger despite concerns about the impact on individual combat units' readiness and performance

Today: CBS News, WORLD, Poland's parliament backs easing of abortion laws, among the strictest in Europe

...ashes, ashes we all go down.

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you too at April 12, 2024 04:18 PM (NFX2v)

101 >>The IC and State did the same here in 2020 and ran a Color Revolution then. I wouldn't discount they had a hand in intentionally starting the Covid outbreak, either.

Yes, they did run a color revolution here in 2020. That's exactly what Benz is saying by the foreign policy establishment turning their guns on us.

They couldn't do things directly because they are prohibited by law from operating domestically so they created a group to do in DHS, CISA. CISA was involved in everything because their charter was to safeguard "critical infrastructure" and they got to define what that included. Turned out included censoring Americans on social media, overseeing the elections including certifying electronic voting machines and a whole lot more.

CISA is staffed with a whole bunch of former State and IC people doing what they used to do to countries like Ukraine, now they are doing it to us. I don't think it was a big coincidence that Fauci had secret meetings at the CIA during the virus. They helped fund the virus and then managed the public fallout.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:18 PM (LkLld)

102 Haagen Dogs.
Posted by: spindrift at April 12, 2024 04:15 PM (OguvZ)


*golf clap*

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (DRSnL)

103 I wonder how much of this is driven by Chinese control, pushing the US IC to push the war.

As a way to deplete *US* munitions and cash?

- We are told we are defeating the Russians without spending a single American life, but in reality the Chinese are defeating the US.

Posted by: The astonishing Gentlemen TIJM at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (ETtpL)

104 I'm old enough to remember when the Soviets were doing this and it didn't turn out well for them. And it already is starting to turn bad for this crew. The iceberg has torn out the ships side and they will soon have to make some changes.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (eoQWY)

105 "Is there a BOGO deal?"

Shut up and take my money.

Posted by: Ribbed at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (CLmzh)

106 Is there a BOGO deal?
Posted by: InZona at April 12, 2024 04:13 PM (VWGjN)

Man, I don't think I have enough space. They couldn't be expected to share a room.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (dGCAG)

107 "There's a reason passport bros.aren't going to UK to find brides."


Posted by: Goats Not Horses at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (qUkBO)

108 Eskimo cowpie

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 12, 2024 04:20 PM (63Dwl)

109 Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:17 PM (HnUIn)

Our military used to be competent, but once they started the Social Experiment of 'Equal Opportunity'... ie promoting based on Sex or Race? Which started under Bush Senior?

We now have had an entire turnover of leadership that was promoted during that timeframe... from the tippy top down.

US Navy, all the new construction is suddenly YEARS behind their completion dates? Hell... if we were a WEEK late getting out of the yards, type Commanders (guys in charge of that class of ship) would be ballistic.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:21 PM (xaFKb)

110 I wonder how much of this is driven by Chinese control, pushing the US IC to push the war.

As a way to deplete *US* munitions and cash?

- We are told we are defeating the Russians without spending a single American life, but in reality the Chinese are defeating the US.
Posted by: The astonishing Gentlemen TIJM at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (ETtpL)

no, the Chinese couldn't have imagined we would be this stupid. This is all our 'elites' on their own dumb ideas. We were depleting our cash on self defeating schemes even before this unwinnable war.

And we are still playing the same game, "Checkmating" Russia by turning Moldova or having Armenia dismember itself just to "score" in the region.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (eoQWY)

111 Today: CBS News, WORLD, Poland's parliament backs easing of abortion laws, among the strictest in Europe

...ashes, ashes we all go down.
Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you too at April 12, 2024 04:18 PM (NFX2v)

No one talks much about Poland. Immediately after installing a left wing government, they started changing course on any number of matters, including individual freedoms.

Why, it's almost like all these other countries that replaced their right leaning governments, through questionable elections.


Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (dGCAG)

112 ... They couldn't do things directly because they are prohibited by law from operating domestically so they created a group to do in DHS, CISA. CISA was involved in everything because their charter was to safeguard "critical infrastructure" and they got to define what that included. Turned out included censoring Americans on social media, overseeing the elections including certifying electronic voting machines and a whole lot more. ...
Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:18 PM (LkLld)
We're well beyond piddly shit like "law" being a factor.

State couldn't do it itself (if it was in fact the Party sub-organization calling the shots, of which I am not at all convinced) not because of law, but because of capability. State doesn't have the infrastructure, and the infrastructure is jealously guarded by those who *do* have it - that is, primarily, the IC.

The turf wars within the IC are constant as every part of the spy complex tries to extend and expand its reach and mandate. CISA under DHS has been particularly aggressive in expanding its own mandate recently.

State didn't have the infrastructure. If it called the shots, the Party coordinated it with the IC.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (HnUIn)

113 Prolly gonna binge-watch Norm Macdonald this evening before bed. Friday night. I know how to party.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Come Sail Away with me, You guys at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (MvA9C)

114 US Navy, all the new construction is suddenly YEARS behind their completion dates? Hell... if we were a WEEK late getting out of the yards, type Commanders (guys in charge of that class of ship) would be ballistic.
Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:21 PM (xaFKb)

And if we do build them, they are crap. Littoral Combat Vessels, anyone? Who needs small boats on *enemy* shores, and ones that fall apart at that?

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:24 PM (eoQWY)

115 biden might go down in history as our worst president but he'd make a great act with charlie mccarthy.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at April 12, 2024 04:24 PM (B1FKF)

116 Didn't this Benz dude testify in a recent congressional hearing?

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 12, 2024 04:25 PM (Q4IgG)

117 Has Trump stated he wants to destroy the Five Eyes Alliance? Any mention of it at all?

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at April 12, 2024 04:25 PM (lML29)

118 I'm proud of being a part of the American lineage, but that's just being proud of the people who came before.

So maybe I'm just proud of those people who just happen to have been Americans. Historical-Americans, as it were.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 12, 2024 04:08 PM (KbCG3)

My dad's side is all German and easily traceable. My mom's dad's side was Freis (border Dutch that are basically German). And my mom's mom.... well, we put her down as "American" because her ancestry was a total mess. But every one of my ancestors came here legally. (Even the Native American one was legally recognized.)

Posted by: pookysgirl just puts "American" on the census at April 12, 2024 04:26 PM (dtlDP)

119 No one talks much about Poland. Immediately after installing a left wing government, they started changing course on any number of matters, including individual freedoms.

Why, it's almost like all these other countries that replaced their right leaning governments, through questionable elections.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (dGCAG)

Remember all the Redo Elections when nations voted against joining the EU? This all stopped when they voted in the EU of course. I remember.

Just like when Hitler was elected, or the Bolsheviks.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:26 PM (eoQWY)

120 I bet Obama and Biden use the cones of silence.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at April 12, 2024 04:27 PM (J8LnB)

121 Prolly gonna binge-watch Norm Macdonald this evening before bed. Friday night. I know how to party.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Come Sail Away with me, You guys at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (MvA9C)

I'm somewhat disappointed that you didn't choose Saturday night for this activity.

Posted by: pookysgirl just puts has some Norm memories at April 12, 2024 04:27 PM (dtlDP)

122 58 honestly following Benz on twitter and I don't know

he's a weird dude

not sure how sane he is

Tucker has lost it also.

Posted by: BlackOrchid


Benz seems to build these contrarian obsessions where he connects all the dots, even ones that don't exist.

Tucker was always low IQ. He is willing to talk about things outside the narrative, but he also isn't smart enough to know when he is talking to a scumbag or huckster.

Posted by: The astonishing Gentlemen TIJM at April 12, 2024 04:28 PM (ETtpL)

123 Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:21 PM (xaFKb)

And if we do build them, they are crap. Littoral Combat Vessels, anyone? Who needs small boats on *enemy* shores, and ones that fall apart at that?
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:24 PM (eoQWY)

All I know about naval ships is there are those in the know who claim there isn't any surface ship that couldn't be struck and sunk within a war theater.

I don't know if that's true or not, but among the countries that are said to have the capabilities are.... Iran, Turkey, of course Chi Nah. And Russia.

Be a shame if some of those folks teamed up.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:28 PM (dGCAG)

124 - We are told we are defeating the Russians without spending a single American life, but in reality the Chinese are defeating the US.
Posted by: The astonishing Gentlemen TIJM at April 12, 2024 04:19 PM (ETtpL)

We've probably lost quite a few American lives over there already. I've been noticing 'training accidents' where a few copters full die over these two years.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:28 PM (eoQWY)

125 I'll defy you to find another supposed ally whose spent more time and treasure acting against American's best interests than the British Empire. The modern UK.

We make a mistake here of assuming those countries who share the English language are all somewhat linked in goals and priorities. That's not the UK.

Another re-watch of Lawrence of Arabia is in order, methinks.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 12, 2024 04:29 PM (n+4am)

126 Support for Ukraine is as American as the COVID 19 epidemic and the George Floyd riots and the outcome of the 2020 election and the events of Jan 6, 2021.

Posted by: Minuteman at April 12, 2024 04:30 PM (LaNzR)

127 ‘ Barack Hussein Obama repealed that’

I’d like to see Obama at the end of his rope.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 12, 2024 04:30 PM (jbnUc)

128 “I would advocate for criminal penalties” for those who use social media and “misinformation” programs to censor Americans, he added. “There’s a censorship-to-criminalization pipeline and all we have is oversight? There needs to be something more than oversight.”

This is the last paragraph in the piece....and it is disturbingly naive. They OWN the Department of Justice, lock, stock and barrel. The only way to get it back is to install a wrecking ball Attorney General. No such person will get past the Senate. So, there is no way to put heads on spikes outside the castle gates as a deterrent. In short, there are no deterrents. Just strongly worded letters, ignored subpoenas, and spineless representatives afraid to call a spade a spade.

Posted by: Orson at April 12, 2024 04:31 PM (dIske)

And if we do build them, they are crap. Littoral Combat Vessels, anyone? Who needs small boats on *enemy* shores, and ones that fall apart at that?
Posted by: Oldcat

They have problems with LPDs as well.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 12, 2024 04:31 PM (63Dwl)

130 128 This is the last paragraph in the piece....and it is disturbingly naive. They OWN the Department of Justice, lock, stock and barrel. The only way to get it back is to install a wrecking ball Attorney General. No such person will get past the Senate. So, there is no way to put heads on spikes outside the castle gates as a deterrent. In short, there are no deterrents. Just strongly worded letters, ignored subpoenas, and spineless representatives afraid to call a spade a spade.
Posted by: Orson at April 12, 2024 04:31 PM (dIske)


There's also giving up on social media and using Irish Democracy in general.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 04:32 PM (kRx5X)

131 Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (eoQWY)

Reagan destroyed the USSR by forcing them to spend money on war toys they could not afford.

We are now doing the same damn thing, destroying our currency by overspending, on war toys for OTHER F'N Countries.

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:32 PM (xaFKb)

132 I was sympathetic to the people of Ukraine over the Russian invasion, and I still pity the people, but now I find their government totally corrupt. The reason I reached that decision was the news that president Zelensky bought the Highgrove Estate in England, sold to him by King Charles.

I would have thought nothing of it had he bought a house anywhere else in Europe, it's good to have plan b. What this sale says is that he is now considered European aristocracy and his people be damned.

Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 04:32 PM (unUNN)

133 State couldn't do it itself (if it was in fact the Party sub-organization calling the shots, of which I am not at all convinced) not because of law, but because of capability. State doesn't have the infrastructure, and the infrastructure is jealously guarded by those who *do* have it - that is, primarily, the IC.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (HnUIn)
Not only do I believe the IC has fewer turf wars than you do, but I also believe their close coordination with Five Eyes partners enables MI6 to be a participating partner in the whole mess, and maybe even a manager of much of it.

When uniparty needed to run the "Russian Collusion" op against Trump, who delivered the critical Steele Dossier (England and Australia). Who bolstered its credibility? McCain staffers and ex-WSJ reporters, working in concert.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:33 PM (o1zkF)

134 Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:23 PM (eoQWY)

Reagan destroyed the USSR by forcing them to spend money on war toys they could not afford.

We are now doing the same damn thing, destroying our currency by overspending, on war toys for OTHER F'N Countries.
Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:32 PM (xaFKb)

I saw a talk by Putin, of all people some year before the recent unpleasantness and he was saying the same thing about the US looking and acting like the USSR.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:33 PM (eoQWY)

135 129
And if we do build them, they are crap. Littoral Combat Vessels, anyone? Who needs small boats on *enemy* shores, and ones that fall apart at that?
Posted by: Oldcat

They have problems with LPDs as well.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 12, 2024 04:31 PM (63Dwl)

And the new boomer sub.... and the new Aircraft Carrier... and new Burke Class Destroyers... oh and the new Frigates... all are years behind now.,

Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:33 PM (xaFKb)

136 >>State didn't have the infrastructure. If it called the shots, the Party coordinated it with the IC.

Have you noticed who is running the CIA these days and where he spent virtually all his career before taking that job?

Again, the line between State and the IC and particularly the CIA is pretty much gone. USAID is under State but it is pretty much a CIA slush fund. During the Obama administration USAID money was used to set up a Twitter like system in Cuba so the CIA could spy on dissidents.

When William Burns was the Ambassador to Russia under Bush (uniparty) he famously wrote a report saying that Ukraine was the "brightest of all redlines" to Russia. They've known all along what would happen if we kept screwing around in Ukraine and invited them into NATO. They did it on purpose.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:34 PM (LkLld)

137 I saw a talk by Putin, of all people some year before the recent unpleasantness and he was saying the same thing about the US looking and acting like the USSR.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:33 PM (eoQWY)

The Mujahideen in Afghanistan say hello.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:35 PM (dGCAG)

138 I was sympathetic to the people of Ukraine over the Russian invasion, and I still pity the people, but now I find their government totally corrupt. The reason I reached that decision was the news that president Zelensky bought the Highgrove Estate in England, sold to him by King Charles.

I would have thought nothing of it had he bought a house anywhere else in Europe, it's good to have plan b. What this sale says is that he is now considered European aristocracy and his people be damned.
Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 04:32 PM (unUNN)

Z has already bought places all over Europe before this.. Switzerland, rumors of Florida.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:35 PM (eoQWY)

139 Camps are coming.

Posted by: I'll ruin the ending for you at April 12, 2024 04:36 PM (jQd42)

Have you noticed who is running the CIA these days and where he spent virtually all his career before taking that job?

Again, the line between State and the IC and particularly the CIA is pretty much gone. USAID is under State but it is pretty much a CIA slush fund. During the Obama administration USAID money was used to set up a Twitter like system in Cuba so the CIA could spy on dissidents.

When William Burns was the Ambassador to Russia under Bush (uniparty) he famously wrote a report saying that Ukraine was the "brightest of all redlines" to Russia. They've known all along what would happen if we kept screwing around in Ukraine and invited them into NATO. They did it on purpose.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:34 PM (LkLld)

I think the safe assumption is Burns was always CIA, and that the blurred line is essentially CIA being in charge of essentially every department in the government.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:36 PM (dGCAG)

141 And if we do build them, they are crap. Littoral Combat Vessels, anyone? Who needs small boats on *enemy* shores, and ones that fall apart at that?
Posted by: Oldcat

They have problems with LPDs as well.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 12, 2024 04:31 PM (63Dwl)

New submarines delayed three years.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:37 PM (o1zkF)

142 I bet Obama and Biden use the cones of silence.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at April 12, 2024 04:27 PM (J8LnB)


They both call it "The Cone of I-ness."

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 12, 2024 04:37 PM (bA0/n)

143 123 Posted by: Romeo13 at April 12, 2024 04:21 PM (xaFKb)

And if we do build them, they are crap. Littoral Combat Vessels, anyone? Who needs small boats on *enemy* shores, and ones that fall apart at that?
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:24 PM (eoQWY)

All I know about naval ships is there are those in the know who claim there isn't any surface ship that couldn't be struck and sunk within a war theater.

I don't know if that's true or not, but among the countries that are said to have the capabilities are.... Iran, Turkey, of course Chi Nah. And Russia.

Be a shame if some of those folks teamed up.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:28 PM (dGCAG)

The two mighty super-battleships of His Imperial Majesty that we command cannot be sunk!

Posted by: Captains of the IJNS Musashi and IJNS Yamato, 23 October, 1945 at April 12, 2024 04:38 PM (5fDan)

144 "Barack Hussein Obama repealed that law."

Not really how our system of government works.

Posted by: Heresolong at April 12, 2024 04:38 PM (FSbq+)

145 State and CIA are the same thing, except one has an military component.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:39 PM (o1zkF)

146 Z has already bought places all over Europe before this.. Switzerland, rumors of Florida.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:35 PM (eoQWY)
He probably has a nice bunker all set up for him in New Zealand..

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 12, 2024 04:39 PM (7fElN)

147 Not really how our system of government works.
Posted by: Heresolong at April 12, 2024 04:38 PM (FSbq+)
I bet you think there are three co-equal branches of government.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:40 PM (o1zkF)

148 Hey I say we as citizens follow the lefty elite lead and just strong arm the law. Monkey See Monkey Do!!

The fucking commies have not complied with laws, subpoenas ect since 2008

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 04:40 PM (9wvmw)

149 117 Has Trump stated he wants to destroy the Five Eyes Alliance? Any mention of it at all?
Posted by: Dworkin Barimen

If you mean by sending Reaper drones to their offices of operations, no.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:40 PM (eYF7X)

150 I think the safe assumption is Burns was always CIA, and that the blurred line is essentially CIA being in charge of essentially every department in the government.
Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:36 PM (dGCAG)

There are still when one side promises F16s and Abrams tanks and then weeks later you find that somehow they are not coming for months, or never. Newland got 'retired' so I take that to men she and her buddies were behind the massacre in Moscow.

Problem is all the factions are batshit crazy in different ways and dumb as bricks in-between.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:41 PM (eoQWY)

151 Z has already bought places all over Europe before this.. Switzerland, rumors of Florida.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:35 PM (eoQWY)
He probably has a nice bunker all set up for him in New Zealand..
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 12, 2024 04:39 PM (7fElN)

All the cool kids are going underground.

Watch "Under the Silver Lake." It's part documentary.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:41 PM (dGCAG)

152 >>I think the safe assumption is Burns was always CIA, and that the blurred line is essentially CIA being in charge of essentially every department in the government.

Benz worked at State which is why he seems to know so much about how the agencies work and he claims that State is pretty much the top dog on policy and CIA is more operations. Before he concocted the idiotic Steele dossier for the IC, Steele was writing intel reports for the State Dept. Nuland was a big customer and a lot of the reports were about Ukraine.

But it seems kind of an insignificant distinction. They are partners and marching toward the same goal. One big, happy, corrupt family.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:41 PM (LkLld)

153 I love the new King Harv ad. Viking horns and a battle ax.

Go get ‘em, King Harv!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 12, 2024 04:42 PM (9yWhg)

154 Too bold.
Posted by: Miley, okravangelist

Sez you.

Posted by: Cotton, with a Strategy at April 12, 2024 04:43 PM (oGyF9)

155 >>> critics on both the left and the right who have been cast as part of a "network of Russian propaganda."

Wait, if I am against exposing children to degenerate perverts I might be the victim of "Russian propaganda"?

Umlimited deficit spending...
Draconian surveilance state...
Flooding the country with alien invaders...
Sending our (grandchildren's) wealth to shitholes overseas...
... the list is endless. I am getting interested in more of this "propaganda".

As Romans tired of abuse by their government said,
"Attila the Hun?! Tell me more!"

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at April 12, 2024 04:43 PM (cOq4q)

156 The reason I reached that decision was the news that president Zelensky bought the Highgrove Estate in England, sold to him by King Charles.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:35 PM (eoQWY)
Not that it really matters but this was debunked the other day.

Highgrove is owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, which is William (now, used to be Charles), and leased to Charles for $700K per year.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:43 PM (o1zkF)

157 There are still when one side promises F16s and Abrams tanks and then weeks later you find that somehow they are not coming for months, or never. Newland got 'retired' so I take that to men she and her buddies were behind the massacre in Moscow.

Problem is all the factions are batshit crazy in different ways and dumb as bricks in-between.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:41 PM (eoQWY)

The shame is, they hardly ever seem to take each other out.

I remember when Gina Haspel was rumored to have been assassinated, and that turned out to be false. Not sure where she is these days.

As you suggest "retired" for these people isn't exactly how others do retirement.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:44 PM (dGCAG)

158 Speaking of waging war, I see they have announced moving assets to the region and Ol Joe thinks Israel.will be attacked sooner rather than later.
I wonder if the attackers will be Iranian or US?

Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 04:45 PM (W/lyH)

159 OT: By watching the constant ads on youtube am I to believe all POC have odor issues? I mean every other ad has some fat sweatbeast showing me her armpits, pulling her underwear out so she can spray, lifting a boob to spray there too. I won't even mention the Febreeze commercials. Its every other ad.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (eYF7X)

160 I read a blurb the other day about one the dangers of AI which showed a woman I believe in Connecticut paying at a supermarket with a palm swipe over the card terminal.
Every bit of her info social. financial. social. medical is in her palm print... So it is here...

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (9wvmw)

161 I wonder if the attackers will be Iranian or US?

Embrace the power of and.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (eYF7X)

162 Benz worked at State which is why he seems to know so much about how the agencies work and he claims that State is pretty much the top dog on policy and CIA is more operations. Before he concocted the idiotic Steele dossier for the IC, Steele was writing intel reports for the State Dept. Nuland was a big customer and a lot of the reports were about Ukraine.

But it seems kind of an insignificant distinction. They are partners and marching toward the same goal. One big, happy, corrupt family.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:41 PM (LkLld)

I don't trust Benz. He just sorta appeared out of nowhere.

Like the UFO proponents. He might not have been hidden, but he sure wasn't as prominent as he got, all of a sudden.

In other words, is he an op? I don't know. He could be.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (dGCAG)

163 London is no longer for the English.
Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 12, 2024 04:01 PM (KSkEK)


It hasn't been for many decades. I travelled to London in early 90s and the taxi drove past Hyde Park on the way from the airport. It was Sunday afternoon and the Park was full of women in burqas with children.

Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (unUNN)

164 As you suggest "retired" for these people isn't exactly how others do retirement.
Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:44 PM (dGCAG)

Yeah but I bet prying Newland's claws off of power hurt her more than any bullet could have done. Even whatever consolation job she turns up in won't match what power used to do for her.

I bet she's super pissed that Putin took West Africa away from her and the French without any fuss in his spare time.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:47 PM (eoQWY)

165 OT: By watching the constant ads on youtube am I to believe all POC have odor issues? I mean every other ad has some fat sweatbeast showing me her armpits, pulling her underwear out so she can spray, lifting a boob to spray there too. I won't even mention the Febreeze commercials. Its every other ad.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (eYF7X)


I seriously think people aren't showering anymore.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 12, 2024 04:47 PM (DRSnL)

166 Not only do I believe the IC has fewer turf wars than you do, but I also believe their close coordination with Five Eyes partners enables MI6 to be a participating partner in the whole mess, and maybe even a manager of much of it.

When uniparty needed to run the "Russian Collusion" op against Trump, who delivered the critical Steele Dossier (England and Australia). Who bolstered its credibility? McCain staffers and ex-WSJ reporters, working in concert.
Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:33 PM (o1zkF)
This isn't mutually exclusive. The IC can be riddled with turf wars (and I think there are plenty of them, especially as DHS tries to grow, which muscles in on the FBI's territory) *and* still be cooperative with - or subject to, I'm not sure which - Party coordination.

And there is *zero* daylight between our opinions on Five Eyes. Five Eyes is central to the scheme, since it lets the IC remain hypothetically compliant with legal expectations while operating well outside the law, and do so in partnership with other organizations playing the same games.

As to the last point, so? There's only one Party. Which "side" of it originates something is irrelevant.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:48 PM (HnUIn)

167 @disclosetv Apr 11

MORE - About 200 abbreviations and numbers are now labeled by "Fashion against Fascism" as potential "right-wing extremist" codes, including "USA," "FAFO," and "Jogger."

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (DTX3h)

168 Feel good story of the day: Pooky downloaded a CarBot (cheesy animations) mod for StarCraft I, and Pookette is happily watching him play and laughing at the animations.

Posted by: pookysgirl says GO GO GO! at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (dtlDP)

169 OT: By watching the constant ads on youtube am I to believe all POC have odor issues? I mean every other ad has some fat sweatbeast showing me her armpits, pulling her underwear out so she can spray, lifting a boob to spray there too. I won't even mention the Febreeze commercials. Its every other ad.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (eYF7X)

Now that you mention fat neighbor is about to become a grandma. She showed me a 3D sonnagram picture. Amazing technology. But damn! That is one ugly kid! Imagine the face of a hockey player shoved up against the glass.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (W/lyH)

170 I seriously think people aren't showering anymore.
Posted by: Jordan61

Perhaps a reason for the decrease in subway riders?

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (eYF7X)

171 OT: By watching the constant ads on youtube am I to believe all POC have odor issues? I mean every other ad has some fat sweatbeast showing me her armpits, pulling her underwear out so she can spray, lifting a boob to spray there too. I won't even mention the Febreeze commercials. Its every other ad.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (eYF7X)


I seriously think people aren't showering anymore.
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 12, 2024 04:47 PM (DRSnL)

That's already California Law, isn't it? Or did that no water for proles provision fail to pass?

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (eoQWY)

172 Speaking of waging war, I see they have announced moving assets to the region and Ol Joe thinks Israel.will be attacked sooner rather than later.
I wonder if the attackers will be Iranian or US?
Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 04:45 PM (W/lyH)

Frankly, I don't think the U.S. of A. has ever done Israel any favors, and whatever nonsense they have going on now, I don't have any reason to believe they want Israel to do anything other than what they have been doing for 76 years.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (dGCAG)

173 I'm waiting for the Trump/Johnson news conference from Mara Lago. Its delayed I think Trump is slapping Johnson around in the Pro shop..

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (9wvmw)

174 ... But it seems kind of an insignificant distinction. They are partners and marching toward the same goal. One big, happy, corrupt family.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:41 PM (LkLld)
This is my point. It doesn't matter who is calling the shots and who is executing the orders, because they're all part of the same Complex, and that Complex is an all-of-government/all-of-Party/all-of-media/all-of-industry affair.

I seriously doubt there's a single non-rotten man anywhere in the Complex. Possibly Rand Paul, *maybe.* But I even more seriously doubt one could locate a dozen.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:50 PM (HnUIn)

175 Yeah, which has little if anything to do with foreign policy and everything to do with the "get out of jail free" card used by the IC to blatantly ignore US law (that is, Five Eyes).
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:05 PM (HnUIn)


The Five Eyes always was suspicious since you could do whatever you wanted in foreign countries but not against your own citizens. The other Four Eyes could do it for you and you could return the favor when they needed it.

Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 04:50 PM (unUNN)

176 Tucker has lost it also. which amuses me b/c he went and convinced PDJT to panic and lock us down PERSONALLY and BRAGGED about doing so and I'm still waiting for the apology, Elite Twit.
Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 12, 2024 04:04 PM (AcWfM)

Thank you for that. I haven't trusted him since then, and it seemed like no one even remembered that.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at April 12, 2024 04:50 PM (OX9vb)

177 The Five Eyes always was suspicious since you could do whatever you wanted in foreign countries but not against your own citizens. The other Four Eyes could do it for you and you could return the favor when they needed it.
Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 04:50 PM (unUNN)
Yes, that's the scheme.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:51 PM (HnUIn)

178 I don't trust Benz. He just sorta appeared out of nowhere.
In other words, is he an op? I don't know. He could be.
Posted by: BurtTC

It's a reasonable thing to question anyone that has a clear agenda like his, but haven't we all here been begging for the past decade for DotGov workers to start ratting out all of the malfeasance? Like those two FEEB guys ( steve friendly? ) who turned whistleblowers? They apparently have been wrecked for their efforts.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 12, 2024 04:51 PM (IG4Id)

179 Now that you mention fat neighbor is about to become a grandma. She showed me a 3D sonnagram picture. Amazing technology. But damn! That is one ugly kid! Imagine the face of a hockey player shoved up against the glass.
Posted by: Diogenes

The child is breathtaking - Elaine Benes

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:51 PM (eYF7X)

180 Yeah but I bet prying Newland's claws off of power hurt her more than any bullet could have done. Even whatever consolation job she turns up in won't match what power used to do for her.

I bet she's super pissed that Putin took West Africa away from her and the French without any fuss in his spare time.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:47 PM (eoQWY)

They say she wanted a Deputy or Assistant SoS job that went to someone else.

I don't know enough to know if that was the signal or the cause of her losing her standing.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:51 PM (dGCAG)

181 The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts. So what just happened?

An almost-unlimited opportunity for parody appeared!

Posted by: nrg_crisis at April 12, 2024 04:52 PM (Q5kPc)

182 177 The Five Eyes always was suspicious since you could do whatever you wanted in foreign countries but not against your own citizens. The other Four Eyes could do it for you and you could return the favor when they needed it.
Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 04:50 PM (unUNN)
Yes, that's the scheme.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:51 PM (HnUIn)


No one seems to remember that a Five Eyes-like organization is the central ploy by the antagonist in the James Bond movie Spectre.

It's called Nine Eyes in that one, and it's presented as an awful attack on the British people which is why Bond needs to blow up everything to stop it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, fighting kaiju with Ishiro Honda at April 12, 2024 04:52 PM (kRx5X)

183 @disclosetv Apr 11

MORE - About 200 abbreviations and numbers are now labeled by "Fashion against Fascism" as potential "right-wing extremist" codes, including "USA," "FAFO," and "Jogger."
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (DTX3h)

No idea who the eff Fashion against Fascism is. Never heard of them. Sounds gay.
Fu*k 'em.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 04:53 PM (W/lyH)

184 It's a reasonable thing to question anyone that has a clear agenda like his, but haven't we all here been begging for the past decade for DotGov workers to start ratting out all of the malfeasance? Like those two FEEB guys ( steve friendly? ) who turned whistleblowers? They apparently have been wrecked for their efforts.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at April 12, 2024 04:51 PM (IG4Id)

Sure, I want to believe.

But it's just like if a young lady starts making googley eyes at me. Sure feels nice, but is it real? Lord knows I've been burned by it before.

Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (dGCAG)

185 She showed me a 3D sonnagram picture. Amazing technology. But damn! That is one ugly kid!

All babies look like Winston Churchill for the first day or two of their lives. All of 'em.

Posted by: Oddbob at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (/y8xj)

186 OT: By watching the constant ads on youtube am I to believe all POC have odor issues? I mean every other ad has some fat sweatbeast showing me her armpits, pulling her underwear out so she can spray, lifting a boob to spray there too. I won't even mention the Febreeze commercials. Its every other ad.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:46 PM (eYF7X)


I seriously think people aren't showering anymore.
Posted by: Jordan61
No need to shower with "72 hours of protection. Even down there."

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (cOq4q)

187 I'm waiting for the Trump/Johnson news conference from Mara Lago. Its delayed I think Trump is slapping Johnson around in the Pro shop..

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (9wvmw)


LOL. I'd pay good money to see that.

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (4B3rR)

188 [i I think Trump is slapping Johnson around in the Pro shop..
Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! ]/i]

I've heard a wedge can leave a large divot. In someone's head.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (eYF7X)

189 183 No idea who the eff Fashion against Fascism is. Never heard of them. Sounds gay.
Fu*k 'em.
Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 04:53 PM (W/lyH)

Oh, yeah. A little bit of context: @disclosetv Apr 11

NEW - German retailer Zalando launches "Fashion against Fascism", an online database against alleged "Nazi codes" in fashion

Still gay, though.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at April 12, 2024 04:56 PM (DTX3h)

190 They say she wanted a Deputy or Assistant SoS job that went to someone else.

I don't know enough to know if that was the signal or the cause of her losing her standing.
Posted by: BurtTC at April 12, 2024 04:51 PM (dGCAG)

That's an effect, not the cause of retirement. She had fallen out of favor and now is all the way out.

She was basically Empress of Ukraine and parts east and had been for a long time. You don't quit over losing some get even instead. She's one of the ones that knew about blowing up Germany's pipeline. You don't quit that voluntarily to grow cabbages.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:57 PM (eoQWY)

191 It has been forgotten, but after the 2016 election Trump announced State would be cut to the bone. I never saw McConnell madder until that point, and that told me he is onboard with the police state apparatus.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 12, 2024 04:12 PM (KSNKu)


McConnell is the swampiest creature in Washington, there will be no progress until he is gone. It's one thing when the other party works against you but when your own does it makes it far too hard.

The only break the people got is the open border that has now angered everyone and hopefully the vote against it will be big enough to counter the cheating.

Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 04:57 PM (unUNN)

192 >>I seriously doubt there's a single non-rotten man anywhere in the Complex. Possibly Rand Paul, *maybe.* But I even more seriously doubt one could locate a dozen.

Another interesting piece from Benz is the connection to members of Congress. We tend to look at them by party registration for the most part but Benz says you can tell who is part of the Blob by how they vote as they did today on FISA.

Those who voted to extend powers to the IC are Blob and those who didn't will be targets of the Blob just like Trump.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 12, 2024 04:57 PM (LkLld)

193 @disclosetv
NEW - German retailer Zalando launches "Fashion against Fascism", an online database against alleged "Nazi codes" in fashion ...
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at April 12, 2024 04:56 PM (DTX3h)
MAGA hat manufacturer: fascist, must be destroyed.

Balenciaga's obvious pedo themes: non-fascist, all is well.

There. I saved y'all a bunch of time.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 12, 2024 04:57 PM (HnUIn)

194 She showed me a 3D sonnagram picture. Amazing technology. But damn! That is one ugly kid!

All babies look like Winston Churchill for the first day or two of their lives. All of 'em.
Posted by: Oddbob at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (/y8xj)

I usually go for Soviet leader. They are a bit cuter than Winston.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:58 PM (eoQWY)

195 Morons interested in naval warfare and the forecasted battle with Obama's buddies in Iran, apparently scheduled to kick-off this weekend, might be interested in this short RealClear report on Iranian naval tactics and capabilities. Basically, the author thinks Jake Sullivan is a Neville Chamberlain for our time...

The Sullivan doctrine, which appears to avoid taking decisive measures against Iranian aggression, heightens the possibility of a war that could lead to the first-ever use of a nuclear strike in the Middle East.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:59 PM (kTDIC)

196 @disclosetv Apr 11

MORE - About 200 abbreviations and numbers are now labeled by "Fashion against Fascism" as potential "right-wing extremist" codes, including "USA," "FAFO," and "Jogger."

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at April 12, 2024 04:49 PM (DTX3h)


When everything is racist, nothing is racist.

And they're not gonna like how that ends for them ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 12, 2024 04:59 PM (4B3rR)

197 Oh, yeah. A little bit of context: @disclosetv Apr 11

NEW - German retailer Zalando launches "Fashion against Fascism", an online database against alleged "Nazi codes" in fashion

Still gay, though.
Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at April 12, 2024 04:56 PM (DTX3h)

So some gay grandson/daughter/thing of a goose-stepping nazi wants to tell me that USA is facist? They need to be reminded of who kicked their asses in '45.

Double down on the Fu*k 'em!

Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 05:00 PM (W/lyH)

198 Serious question. How influential do you believe the American media and radio is anymore? Who really believes them? What percentage of the public- and even within that percentage isn't it more of an echo chamber and confirmation bias for dumb people who can't think for themselves?

The gap in American beliefs and issue positions isn't driven by intelligence or factual, material arguments. Liberal Democrats have very few, if any materially derived truth or facts on their side. Nor are they more intelligent as they claim. In fact the more intelligent they claim to be it is disproven by the actual arguments and honest conclusive certainties. That is, the less "college educated" people are, the less biased and more honest their arguments are. Ergo the media is nothing more than their propaganda division and comfort dog for their fallacies.

Posted by: Vengeance at April 12, 2024 05:01 PM (hjF3F)

LOL. I'd pay good money to see that.
Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (4B3rR)

188 [i I think Trump is slapping Johnson around in the Pro shop..
Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! ]/i]

I've heard a wedge can leave a large divot. In someone's head.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 04:54 PM (eYF7X)

Proof in the pudin.. Lets see Johnsons new and improved attitude.... 100 bucks says Johnson had a come to Jesus moment!

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 05:02 PM (9wvmw)

200 Former Vice President Mike Pence has landed a new gig.

After a lackluster presidential run, Mike Pence has landed a new job at Grove City College.

Grove City College is a conservative Christian college in Grove City, Pennsylvania.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 05:02 PM (eYF7X)

201 Proof in the pudin.. Lets see Johnsons new and improved attitude.... 100 bucks says Johnson had a come to Jesus moment!
Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it!

Perhaps Johnson needed a tune up before he sold us out today.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 05:03 PM (eYF7X)

202 > After a lackluster presidential run, Mike Pence has landed a new job at Grove City College.

What'd he plagiarize to get that gig?

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 12, 2024 05:04 PM (Q4IgG)

203 The only job Mike Pence should have is cleaning toilets at a barium enema clinic. For eternity.

Posted by: Vengeance at April 12, 2024 05:05 PM (hjF3F)

204 USNI News: New Navy Budget Seeks 6 Battle Force Ships, Decommissions 19 Hulls in FY 2025, March 11, 2024 2:11 PM - UPDATED: March 13, 2024 12:02 PM

The Pentagon built this year’s budget under restrictions of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which limits the Biden administration’s spending on national defense to $895 billion. In adhering to the FRA, Raven said the Navy prioritized people and platforms currently in the fleet over modernization, meaning it delayed the development of some future programs.

“In terms of what comes at the top of the list it is readiness, it is people. It is the today issues that we have to get on top of,” Raven said. “Where our guidance directs us to take risk is in future modernization when there are tough choices to be made.”

Defense News dot com, March 21st, Defense spending bill has some Ukraine aid, multiyear munitions buys

"But even with the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative funds back in the bill, the $300 million is far less than the $60 billion in security and economic support for Kyiv provided in the Senate’s foreign aid bill. The Senate passed the aid bill for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan 70-29 in February...(but Trump happened)"

Posted by: L - If they do it with you, they'll do it to you too at April 12, 2024 05:05 PM (NFX2v)

205 Morons interested in naval warfare and the forecasted battle with Obama's buddies in Iran, apparently scheduled to kick-off this weekend, might be interested in this short RealClear report on Iranian naval tactics and capabilities. Basically, the author thinks Jake Sullivan is a Neville Chamberlain for our time...

The Sullivan doctrine, which appears to avoid taking decisive measures against Iranian aggression, heightens the possibility of a war that could lead to the first-ever use of a nuclear strike in the Middle East.
Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 12, 2024 04:59 PM (kTDIC)

Jeez. "Decisive action against Aggression" means war. How can not doing it heighten the possiblity of war?

The equation is simple. Can the US Navy sink Iran, a large mountainous nation. No. Can Iran sink US Navy ships? Possibly, given how badly we did against their buddies in Yemen with crap equipment. Can the US Sink Iran's Navy? Maybe. Would losing their Navy hurt Iran. Not in the least.

So while such a war might get people killed and crockery busted, it isn't going to change anything. I'll pass.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 05:05 PM (eoQWY)

206 > After a lackluster presidential run, Mike Pence has landed a new job at Grove City College.

What'd he plagiarize to get that gig?
Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 12, 2024 05:04 PM (Q4IgG)

Good lord what a comedown.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 05:06 PM (eoQWY)

207 I saw a talk by Putin, of all people some year before the recent unpleasantness and he was saying the same thing about the US looking and acting like the USSR.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 04:33 PM (eoQWY)


The gerontocracy in congress and the presidency reminds me of the Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov era. The world has really swapped sides.

Posted by: Decaf at April 12, 2024 05:07 PM (unUNN)

208 Perhaps Johnson needed a tune up before he sold us out today.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 05:03 PM (eYF7X)

Ya know Ive been thinking. People always ask why our Reps change the minute thet get to DC . What causes that? Is it because they have dirt on them? No its because they are getting paid off!!!

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 05:08 PM (9wvmw)

209 When everything is racist, nothing is racist.

And they're not gonna like how that ends for them ...
Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 12, 2024 04:59 PM (4B3rR)

I'll bet just as many college age liberals use jogger and FAFO as insurgent MAGA do.

See, these losers can't even make up a good enemies list. Be better.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 05:09 PM (eoQWY)

210 My wife just asked me "what is going on with our retirement accounts, it keeps going down"

I told her, Joe Biden is happening

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at April 12, 2024 05:10 PM (NtVYv)

211 This is a NOOD. Kinda empty up there

Posted by: Doof at April 12, 2024 05:11 PM (RFPHU)

212 Perhaps Johnson needed a tune up before he sold us out today.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 12, 2024 05:03 PM (eYF7X)

Ya know Ive been thinking. People always ask why our Reps change the minute thet get to DC . What causes that? Is it because they have dirt on them? No its because they are getting paid off!!!
Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 05:08 PM (9wvmw)

It starts.early.
Check out your town council and cross reference travel documents from when the last time they put out a major tender for a fire truck or ambulance.

Posted by: Diogenes at April 12, 2024 05:11 PM (W/lyH)

213 There is a heightened risk of attack on American soil. Biden has guaranteed that with his illegal immigration invasion. Democrats own it with their support of the lawlessness. Every federal agency with any terror intelligence capability is warning it's likely. With that in mind, would you really want to hand Democrats the FISA issue as an excuse and deflection? Think about it- why was the caucus so set on a two year renewal as their red line. It makes perfect sense.

Posted by: Vengeance at April 12, 2024 05:11 PM (hjF3F)

214 This is a NOOD. Kinda empty up there
Posted by: Doof at April 12, 2024 05:11 PM (RFPHU)

There (not this) is a NOOD

Posted by: Doof at April 12, 2024 05:11 PM (RFPHU)

215 Serious question. How influential do you believe the American media and radio is anymore? Who really believes them? What percentage of the public- and even within that percentage isn't it more of an echo chamber and confirmation bias for dumb people who can't think for themselves?

Posted by: Vengeance at April 12, 2024 05:01 PM (hjF3F)

Who is even doing the anchor job anymore? No idea.

Even the alternative media used to discuss CNN, MSNBC over they have other sources for a lot of it.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 12, 2024 05:12 PM (eoQWY)

216 "Even the alternative media used to discuss CNN, MSNBC over they have other sources for a lot of it."

I often wonder how influential even alternative or social media is. If someone gets on and pushes we should fund Ukraine, for example, how likely is that to change people's opinions, especially when they're trying to afford groceries or pay the rent? That's more a matter of people who have the luxury of not caring about those everyday things. So the guy who has more money and when to college is more likely to be the person who stands up and plants the Ukrainian flag on his lapel. While the average person who probably didn't go to college is wondering why his community has been invaded by illegal aliens or his grocery bill has tripled and nobody is doing anything about it, ergo who gives a fig about Ukraine.

Posted by: Vengeance at April 12, 2024 05:19 PM (hjF3F)

217 Trump news conference condensed version'

NYC pols
funding Ukraine
the border

Posted by: I'm Gumby Damn it! at April 12, 2024 05:29 PM (9wvmw)

218 Wrong Thinking like supporting the U.S. Constitution over UN Treaties supported by the UN/Globalists WEF, Gates and Soros Etc.

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at April 12, 2024 05:58 PM (wGqjj)

219 If a private citizen can be prosecuted for "structuring" withdrawals of your own money, or "money laundering" for using others as intermediaries in transactions, then govt spooks should be prosecuted for using "Five Eyes" partners to do their dirty spying on Americans that is (nominally) illegal.

Posted by: Zek at April 12, 2024 06:01 PM (5FPX4)

220 Hello there! Do you know if they make any plugins to safeguard
against hackers? I'm kinda paranoid about losing everything I've
worked hard on. Any suggestions?

Posted by: Movie premieres at April 20, 2024 10:46 PM (oXHyL)

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