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RFK Jr. Argues That Biden Is a Worse Threat to Democracy Than Trump

CNN's AWFL Anchor Erin Burnett doesn't know what to say when confronted with the truth.

Robert Kennedy Jr. skewers Biden as "a much worse threat to democracy" than former President Trump


Robert F Kennedy Jr is currently polling better than any independent candidate since Ross Perot in 1992.

Kennedy's comments were made in relation to the Supreme Court case Murthy vs. Missouri, which examines the extent to which the government can pressure social media companies to remove content.

When asked whether Biden was a supposed "equal" threat to democracy when compared to Trump, Kennedy Jr. responded: "Biden is a much worse threat to democracy...Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used federal agencies to censor political speech."

The clip stops just as Erin Burnett begins responding, but of course what she's saying is the NPC Robot Propaganda Point, "Donald Trump tried to overturn an election..."

In more bad news for Biden, the Cornpone Cajun gollum-gulps at Biden losing 19% of the minority vote.

"Horrifying," he says.

Democrat James Carville warns Democrats are losing support of young minority voters

James Carville, a prominent Democratic strategist, has expressed grave concern over the "horrifying" poll numbers indicating a significant loss of support among young minority voters for the Democratic Party. This comes as a major blow ahead of the upcoming presidential election in November.


A Gallup survey in 2021 showed a 19-point dip in the advantage Democrats held among Black adults compared to 2020, and a decrease in Hispanic identification with the Democrats from 57% to 47%.

President Biden has also been losing support from both Black and Hispanic demographics, key Democratic voting blocs, as he prepares for the November election.

Carville's comments come in the wake of a series of polls showing a significant decline in Democratic support among young minority voters. A Gallup survey last year found that the Democratic Party's advantage among Black adults had dipped by 19 points compared to 2020. The poll also revealed a decrease in Hispanic identification with the Democrats, from 57% in 2021 to 47%.


A USA Today/Suffolk University poll published in January found Biden's support among Black voters at 63%, a 24-point drop from the 87% he had in 2020. The poll also found that Trump had an advantage over Biden among Hispanic voters by a margin of 39% to 34% and voters under the age of 35 by a margin of 37% to 33%.

Carville... has also recently criticized the Democratic Party for being too "preachy" and "feminine" in its messaging, suggesting this could be contributing to the loss of support among young minority voters.

The media and the liberal establishment have tried to make the white working class and traditionalist religious people toxic, but the public, including the minorities the Democrat Party relies on, finds the media and the liberal establishment to be the toxic ones.

AWFLs are toxic. If you pursue their madwoman's-vengeance politics, you will alienate more and more normal, non-mentally-ill people.

Meanwhile, Biden has given up on Florida completely.

Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried told reporters earlier this week that the state party had "complete confirmation that the Biden campaign, as well as national surrogates and national partners, will be investing dollars here."

Fried, Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff, and Miami Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava introduced their Hispanic voter outreach plan at a party this week.

However, Miami Herald reporter Fabiola Santiago pointed out that there were no local media or big-name Hispanic celebrities in attendance-- which he suggested means that the Democrat Party has accepted the fact that Republicans have the state in the bag.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:40 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)


Posted by: AltonJackson at April 02, 2024 02:42 PM (bEb2S)

2 He's not wrong... about this.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 02, 2024 02:42 PM (nR2nR)

3 FJB...

Posted by: Hawkpilot at April 02, 2024 02:44 PM (k6uu5)

4 hmm ... maybe Alex Jones was onto something here.

Posted by: BlackOrchid at April 02, 2024 02:44 PM (AcWfM)

5 I can't believe Gollum is being asked for comment.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 02, 2024 02:44 PM (fB38l)

6 What is this 'democracy' they value and which specific parts are being threatened?

Posted by: The Constitutional Republic at April 02, 2024 02:44 PM (qfLjt)

7 Carville... has also recently criticized the Democratic Party for being too "preachy" and "feminine" in its messaging

Ya think? You're a genius, lizard.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 02, 2024 02:44 PM (V8he0)

8 If you have to explicitly announce an outreach program for a group defined solely by race.... you're fucked.

"Hey, beaners! Why ain't you voting for us no more!?!?! Come onnnnnn!!!"

Fucking hacks.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (GkFGh)

9 Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used federal agencies to censor political speech."
RK jr is wrong about a lot of things; but, he's not wrong about Brandon.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (fB38l)

10 When asked whether Biden was a supposed "equal" threat to democracy when compared to Trump, Kennedy Jr. responded: "Biden is a much worse threat to democracy...Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used federal agencies to censor political speech."
Ehhhh, that last point isn't true. There was plenty of censorship during the War Between the States and WWII, at least. Biden is the first to do it in peacetime and for nakedly political (as opposed to clandestinely political) reasons.

But he isn't generally wrong.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (HnUIn)

11 19th look at JFK Jr?

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (4+s9S)

12 I'm old enough to remember when Erin was hot.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (1bNHn)

13 The kids (anyone under 35) are pissed about groceries and not being able to buy a house.

But mostly groceries. I literally wrapped and put Costco chicken back in the freezer because my oldest rants about chicken every day.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (U8kCF)

14 I'm using the chicken to measure it.

Posted by: James Carville at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (vFG9F)

15 >>12 I'm old enough to remember when Erin was hot.

yup. She used to wear the tightest, clingiest cocktail dresses.

Posted by: ace at April 02, 2024 02:46 PM (KRtlO)

16 Donde esta Señor Chuy?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at April 02, 2024 02:46 PM (txPj3)

17 We're right here, you know.

Posted by: Mail In Ballot Fraud at April 02, 2024 02:46 PM (tpWrw)

18 I’ve seen the movie “minorities are abandoning Democrats” many times before. Right until the election when Dems get 92% of the black vote and 75% of the Hispanic vote.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:46 PM (4+s9S)

19 Carville's comments come in the wake of a series of polls showing a significant decline in Democratic support among young minority voters. A Gallup survey last year found that the Democratic Party's advantage among Black adults had dipped by 19 points compared to 2020. The poll also revealed a decrease in Hispanic identification with the Democrats, from 57% in 2021 to 47%.
This is a cause for concern for the Party *only* if both of two conditions are met:
1. The surveys are accurate
2. "Loss of support" correlates strongly with "voting for the other guy"

Unless both are true, it doesn't matter to the Party, because a voter who "doesn't support" you but also doesn't vote for the other guy produces a clean ballot the Party can fill out on his behalf.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (HnUIn)

20 Willowed:

Um, that's already the case, kind of. Any centenary year divisible by 400 (e.g., 2000) is not a leap year.

Any year divisible by 400 would also be divisible by 4000.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 02:42 PM (9yWhg)

its the other way around in Gregorian. Century years divisible by 400 are leap years...the others are NOT. This makes some of the div400s also NOT leapers.
Posted by: Oldcat

You're right, Oldcat, I got it backwards. It's been a while since I read up on it. Thanks for the correction.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (9yWhg)

21 I hate being willowed.

Posted by: polynikes at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (MNhXM)

22 Carville? That guy hasn't won Jack or Shit since 1992? Booted by the Clintonistas in '96.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (W3T6M)

23 That's a really weird thing for a third-party candidate to say, just on a practical level.

If I'm a third party candidate I can't think of a good reason to say that one of the major candidates is better than the other. The statement itself is vastly more likely to appeal to the supporters of the candidate that I am stating that I prefer, and therefore to draw votes *from* the one that I'm saying is better.

If you actually think that one is better than the other, it seems like the "correct" way to play the game is to try to syphon votes off of the other side. Unless you're delusional and actually think you have a shot at winning the whole thing.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (fKIdX)

24 Carville... has also recently criticized the Democratic Party for being too "preachy" and "feminine" in its messaging, suggesting this could be contributing to the loss of support among young minority voters.
:: fires up translator ::

"Quit being a bunch of haranguing, nagging pussies. Nobody likes a nagging pussy."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (HnUIn)

25 LOL

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (ufFY8)

26 What was her basis for that view? 7th-Day Adventist?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

A 7DA splinter group, yeah. Both my sisters are 7DA but I've never heard such from them.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 02, 2024 02:47 PM (FVME7)

27 >>>Donde esta Señor Chuy?

Estoy en la biblioteca, miriando "el porno."

Posted by: Senor Chuy at April 02, 2024 02:48 PM (KRtlO)

28 I had this guy totally wrong. Keeps me honest I guess.

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 02:48 PM (7RYS8)

29 If you elect Trump and he does WAY better then expected we'd at best get a return to...1999 in terms of government policy. Oh noes!

You put the Biden junta back in though and just like in the rest of the west we'll descend ever further into tyranny like Scotland or now Poland.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 02, 2024 02:48 PM (ibTVg)

30 RFK Jr. still doesn't have Secret Service protection, and what polling there is suggests he takes more votes away from Biden than from Trump.

How much that'll *matter*, who knows-- the polls are garbage, he'd have to pull a bunch in certain states, but...



Posted by: Lance McCormick at April 02, 2024 02:48 PM (l8gTz)

31 RFK Jr. may be a drug addict, a sex addict and has a voice like Katharine Hepburn when she was getting plugged in the ass by Jimmy Stewart, but he is right on about this.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 02, 2024 02:48 PM (9KyZG)

32 AWFLs are toxic. If you pursue their madwoman's-vengeance politics, you will alienate more and more normal, non-mentally-ill people.
Perhaps. We'll see, maybe, as time goes on.

But there are a *lot* of AWFLs, and their numbers are growing. Young women aren't suddenly getting married and having kids and going to church and stuff. They're boarding the train to AWFL town in droves, and recruitment is way up.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (HnUIn)

33 RFK Jr sounds he recovering for something or is that the norm, b/c if that's the norm, I worry for him staying in the race through November...

Posted by: Nova Local at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (exHjb)

34 Carville? That guy hasn't won Jack or Shit since 1992? Booted by the Clintonistas in '96.
Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Extermina

Hey now LSU has won 3 Football National Titles since then.

Posted by: BruceWayne at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (CIS44)

35 Carville on the Dems being too "preachy" and "feminine" - yet the alleged conservatives keep screeching that if abortion is on the ballot the Republicans will lose.

Posted by: Jake Speed at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (Vu1jV)

36 1999 was peak US.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (4+s9S)

37 Erin Burnett is still a One.
But, a crazy libtard.

In other news, there was a Big Tit Donna sighting, so it is a good day.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (ufFY8)

38 CNN. That's cute.

Posted by: What's cable? at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (dg+HA)

39 @10 Ehhhh, that last point isn't true. There was plenty of censorship during the War Between the States and WWII, at least.


Instapundit noted the Alien and Sedition Act, which was signed by president Adams in 1798.

The Federal government has been trying to pull this crap almost as long as it existed.

Posted by: junior at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (BD4Vj)

40 Carville... has also recently criticized the Democratic Party for being too "preachy" and "feminine" in its messaging

Ya think? You're a genius, lizard.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 02, 2024 02:44 PM (V8he0)

Drag a piece of meat through a reptile park ……

Posted by: polynikes at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (MNhXM)

41 >>>RFK Jr. may be a drug addict, a sex addict and has a voice like Katharine Hepburn when she was getting plugged in the ass by Jimmy Stewart,

well you're nothing but a spider, a slimy spider!

Posted by: Jimmy Stewart nine deep in Katherine Hepburn's fartclam at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (KRtlO)

42 However, Miami Herald reporter Fabiola Santiago pointed out that there were no local media or big-name Hispanic celebrities in attendance-- which he suggested means that the Democrat Party has accepted the fact that Republicans have the state in the bag.
Y'know, there's a lesson in this for anyone who cares to pay attention.

Election reform and containing some of the most egregious electoral misbehavior took Florida from a "purple state" to a "light red state." An effective and aggressive anticommunist governor took it from a "light red state" to a "dark red state."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (HnUIn)

43 33 RFK Jr sounds he recovering for something or is that the norm, b/c if that's the norm, I worry for him staying in the race through November...
Posted by: Nova Local at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (exHjb)

He has a condition which makes him talk like that. He’s had it for decades.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (4+s9S)

44 Donde esta Señor Chuy?
In biblioteca??

Posted by: andycanuck (5OvHh) at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (5OvHh)

45 By actually coming out and saying this, RFKJ is lending credence to the notion that he is merely a stalking horse for Trump, to siphon away Biden's support. Not a smart move on his part.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (tkR6S)

46 The kids (anyone under 35) are pissed about groceries and not being able to buy a house.

But mostly groceries. I literally wrapped and put Costco chicken back in the freezer because my oldest rants about chicken every day.
Posted by: dagny, first of her name

A LOT of younger people are attracted to RFK Jr's message, and his willingness to be on various podcasts with other people and engage them in debate.
They are turned of by Biden, and see Trump as (also) too old and divisive (the success of the Media propaganda).
It will be an interesting election, to be sure.
RFK Jr has a LOT of positions that I cannot stomach, if he were to be elected, but he would be better than the loathsome lying toad Biden.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (73fCm)

47 Best Possible Presidential Debate Question:

1) Define "democracy"

Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (RHGPo)

48 RFK Jr sounds he recovering for something or is that the norm, b/c if that's the norm, I worry for him staying in the race through November...
Posted by: Nova Local at April 02, 2024 02:49 PM (exHjb)

He always sounds that way. He's got some sort of condition which affects his vocal chords. Don't remember what it is and too lazy to look it up.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (tT6L1)

49 "Hey, beaners! Why ain't you voting for us no more!?!?! Come onnnnnn!!!"

I love me some hot sauce. Carry it in my purse.

Posted by: Hillary! at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (FVME7)

50 So young voters are just ignorant but not stupid?

Good to know.

Gives me hope.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (I8uyj)

51 Posted by: Senor Chuy

Still laughing.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (fB38l)

52 "Donald Trump tried to overturn an election..."

Perhaps the funniest thing about this is the Left not only tried but succeeded in overturning an election.

Anyone ever wonder why it is Trump supporters have been so well behaved and quiet after their leader failed to overturn the election?

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (7RYS8)

53 Erin used to be hotter (as every woman was 20 years ago). She’s still hot now..

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (4+s9S)

54 Young people ain’t going for Trump necessarily, but the good news is they all think the system is rigged.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (2fIO4)

55 I love me some hot sauce. Carry it in my purse.
Posted by: Hillary! at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (FVME7)
Two words:

Breakfast. Tacos.

Posted by: Jill Biden at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (HnUIn)

56 He always sounds that way. He's got some sort of condition which affects his vocal chords. Don't remember what it is and too lazy to look it up.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (tT6L1)

Shit's all retarded?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (GkFGh)

57 RFK Jr. Says He Will Pardon Whistleblower Edward Snowden If Elected President

Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (RHGPo)

58 The kids (anyone under 35) are pissed about groceries and not being able to buy a house.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (U8kCF)

I assume that some of them, at least, are freaking out about getting their various prescriptions sent to them during the 45 seconds they'll be alive between arriving at the front lines in THE Ukraine and being killed.

Certainly the lefty sites I trolled during the Trump Administration were constantly hyperventilating about WW3, 4, and 5.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (nR2nR)

59 Can't they do anything about his voice?

Posted by: It would help. at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (dg+HA)

60 > 19th look at JFK Jr?

Absolutely not. He's right on a few things, but he's an absolute nut who is no friend to Conservatism.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (Odg76)

61 Donald Trump tried to overturn an election..."

Perhaps the funniest thing about this is the Left not only tried but succeeded in overturning an election.

Anyone ever wonder why it is Trump supporters have been so well behaved and quiet after their leader failed to overturn the election?
Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (7RYS

They say the most ridiculous lies all the time. We just had a thread on Biden denying he signed the proclamation he signed.

Posted by: polynikes at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (MNhXM)

62 I want to be optimistic but ...

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (L13ne)

63 16 Donde esta Señor Chuy?
Cerebro de la Horda!

Posted by: andycanuck (5OvHh) at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (5OvHh)

64 The kids (anyone under 35) are pissed about groceries and not being able to buy a house.

If there was an opposition party they'd be constantly making the point that groceries and housing have become unaffordable because Biden is printing a shit ton of money to give his clients and bringing 10s of millions of illegals.

So a vote for Biden is a vote for paying more and its really that simple.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (ibTVg)

65 A LOT of younger people are attracted to RFK Jr's message, and his willingness to be on various podcasts with other people and engage them in debate.
They are turned of by Biden, and see Trump as (also) too old and divisive (the success of the Media propaganda).
It will be an interesting election, to be sure.
RFK Jr has a LOT of positions that I cannot stomach, if he were to be elected, but he would be better than the loathsome lying toad Biden.
Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (73fCm)

My kids are all Trump, and they blame Biden for the groceries but I can see how others who bought into the trump-hate would look at rfk.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (U8kCF)

66 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?

Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)

67 I want to be optimistic but ...
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (L13ne)
Ah, the voice of experience.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (HnUIn)

68 He’s running!

Oh wait…

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (9mfKN)

69 Most kids under 35 live with mom and dad still. So they’re not really feeling the effects of inflation.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (4+s9S)

70 > 19th look at JFK Jr?

Absolutely not. He's right on a few things, but he's an absolute nut who is no friend to Conservatism.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (Odg76)

JFK Jr is a tool, not an ally.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (L13ne)

71 Anyone ever wonder why it is Trump supporters have been so well behaved and quiet after their leader failed to overturn the election?

= =

But... but... but... INSURRECTIONSSSSSS!!!!!!!
- Stammering Leftists

= =

I'm old enough to remember when Trump was mercilessly pilloried for HESITATING when asked if he would accept Hillary Clinton's victory.

Good times. Good times.

Posted by: Darth Chipmunk at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (AD14M)

72 Megyn Kelly had a pollster on to talk about the tight polls recently and he made a great point: In the 2016 election, in all the key toss-up states PDJT won, his margin of victory was less than the Jill Stein vote n those states. In that sense, Stein got Trump elected.

So maybe we should hope Kennedy stays in the race until the end and gets on as many state ballots as possible. After the incredible disaster Biden has been for America and the world, it should be a cakewalk, but it won't be, since PDJT is so unfairly hated.

Kennedy might be key.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (reLiW)

66 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)


Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (4+s9S)

74 Best Possible Presidential Debate Question:

1) Define "democracy"
Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (RHGPo)

Define "classified"

Define "showering with your daughter"

Define "using your son as a cutout/bag man for millions in shady business dealings with sworn enemies of the United States?"

Define "go fuck yourself you mushbrained faggot"

Sorry got a little carried away

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (7RYS8)

75 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)


Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (9KyZG)

76 RFK Jr sounds he recovering for something or is that the norm, b/c if that's the norm
Posted by: Nova Local

He's a Kennedy ergo unequivocally sick.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (fB38l)

77 The clip stops just as Erin Burnett

Style Guide says "Pie Disposal Unit Erin Burnett".

I guess I was the only guy who liked that throwaway joke.

Posted by: spindrift at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (OguvZ)

78 I'm seeing some weird goings on YouTube.

Make It Make Sense is a channel that covers rap and related; especially the scandals.
He's been all over the Diddy stuff.

1) they are getting close, maybe without knowing it, to figuring out he was protected by a political party and that is how it went on so long
2) they have to speak in code for certain terms ( sexual assault, rape, pedos, etc.) because of the censorship. And they know which party that is that did that
3) they have mentioned Trump ( also indirectly to avoid censors) ... and it was positive

A smart politician will be pointing out #1.
And related to the prior post, a smart politician will be making a whole bunch of Spanish ads showing all the trannies and pedos in the DNC

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (7gBKv)

79 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)

Carville by a mile.

Posted by: polynikes at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (MNhXM)

"Jill", Doctor of Colours, Shapes, and Numbers no doubt despondent that her marvelous and celebrated "breakfast tacos" have wandered beyond the DNC compound's barbed wire fences.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (xG4kz)

81 Kennedy might be key.
Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (reLiW)

Buick is the key.

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (7RYS8)

82 I would say 100% Marxist for Sundowner
I still think he won't be running in 2024

Posted by: Skip at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (fwDg9)

83 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)
At a certain scale, relative size is irrelevant because the absolute size is so stupendous that the relative difference is meaningless even if it might be significant in real terms.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (HnUIn)

84 19th look at JFK Jr?

Absolutely not. He's right on a few things, but he's an absolute nut who is no friend to Conservatism.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (Odg76)

Hence the 19th look. We’ve done this a lot with him. He says something good everyone gets excited then remembers the other stuff.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (4+s9S)

85 Sounds bad but the cheat will beat all comers and deliver a win for Joey Spongebrains Shitspants.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (17s+e)

86 A LOT of younger people are attracted to RFK Jr's message, and his willingness to be on various podcasts with other people and engage them in debate.

The Democrat with the big nose that ran against Biden in the primary was similiar - I saw him going outside of just the normal FNM approved shows...and he won NH no less.

Until they stole it from him.

Biden only got about 60M real votes in 2020. I wonder if he'll get three quarters of that in 2024 as the numbers posted top 90M or more...

Posted by: 18-1 at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (ibTVg)

87 44 Donde esta Señor Chuy?
In biblioteca??
Posted by: andycanuck (5OvHh) at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (5OvHh)
I guess Spanish ALM was the same as French. Best lines:

"Mais, il y a deux jeunes filles a cette table."

"Tant mieux."

Don't remember much else.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (1bNHn)

88 The censorship under Woodrow Wilson was even worse than what we're suffering, now.

A simple verbal statement of "disagreement" of Wilson's policies, was reportable, prosecutable, and prisonable.

This was known as the "Progressive Era.", when it rightfully ought to have been called the "Suppresive Era."

Which name, I do now humbly submit as the Title for our modern, Surveillance State.

Meanwhile, Biden looks back at Wilsonian times, in every. Of both the Oppression and Wilson's superior mental state, there, at the end.

*..... hey, what is that black car doing out front, and who are those guys wearing Ray Bans n' carrying handcuffs?*

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (e6UQI)

89 Best Possible Presidential Debate Question:

1) Define "democracy"
Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:50 PM (RHGPo)

Good question.
The one who says we are a constitutional republic wins.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (ufFY8)

90 what if they throw a debate and only Trump and Kennedy come?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (pVWRI)

91 19th look at JFK Jr?

Absolutely not. He's right on a few things, but he's an absolute nut who is no friend to Conservatism.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (Odg76)

I think you'd need a shovel if you wanted to look at JFK, Jr.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (tkR6S)

92 Joel Kotkin is one of my favorite pundits, and he wrote a very good piece on the fact that EVERYONE hates the self-anointed elites.

Virtually every ideology that’s undermining the West has its patrons in these ruling cognitive elites. This includes everything from the purveyors of critical race theory and Black Lives Matter to transgender activists and, perhaps most egregiously, campaigners for the climate jihad....Like French aristocrats before the revolution, the oligarchs talk largely among themselves. They seem unaware that they may be financing fashionable causes that may threaten ‘their own rights and even their existence’, as Alexis de Tocqueville said of the Ancien Régime. In pre-revolutionary times, French aristocrats and top clerics preached Christian charity and celebrated the rights of man while indulging in gluttony, sexual adventurism and lavish spending, as well as exercising their historic privileges. Just like the revolutionaries of 1789, many in today’s third estate are disgusted by the hauteur and hypocrisy of the upper classes.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (CsUN+)

93 So maybe we should hope Kennedy stays in the race until the end and gets on as many state ballots as possible. After the incredible disaster Biden has been for America and the world, it should be a cakewalk, but it won't be, since PDJT is so unfairly hated.

Kennedy might be key.
Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (reLiW)

This assumes Stein voters would have voted Hillary had Stein not been on the ballot. I suggest had there not been an alternative, those voters would have stayed home.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (tT6L1)

94 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz

His appearance tips the scale to Ole Snakehead.

Posted by: Hillary! at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (FVME7)

95 JFK Jr is a tool, not an ally.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (L13ne).

You can insert almost any elected Republican here and still be right.

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (7RYS8)

96 I coulda been a contendah.

Posted by: John Anderson at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (woPEM)

97 66 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)

Only Lindsey Graham knows.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (9mfKN)

98 I think you'd need a shovel if you wanted to look at JFK, Jr.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (tkR6S)

For some pieces you might need scuba gear

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 02, 2024 02:57 PM (pVWRI)

99 Roads are quite flooded in se Pa,

Posted by: Skip at April 02, 2024 02:57 PM (fwDg9)

100 >>>Style Guide says "Pie Disposal Unit Erin Burnett".
I guess I was the only guy who liked that throwaway joke.

lol, i Like it it. I should use that.

Posted by: ace at April 02, 2024 02:57 PM (KRtlO)

101 He’s pro Israel. Which fucked him with young voters and most leftists. Had he gone all in on Hamas he’d probably be polling at 15% right now.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:57 PM (4+s9S)

102 >>>92 Joel Kotkin is one of my favorite pundits, and he wrote a very good piece on the fact that EVERYONE hates the self-anointed elites.

i was just reading that.

Posted by: ace at April 02, 2024 02:58 PM (KRtlO)

103 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Bigger queer? Carville or Rove?

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 02, 2024 02:58 PM (woPEM)

104 Most kids under 35 live with mom and dad still. So they’re not really feeling the effects of inflation.

You're 21 and still your mother makes your bed...and that's too long.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 02:58 PM (CsUN+)

105 >>>Style Guide says "Pie Disposal Unit Erin Burnett".
I guess I was the only guy who liked that throwaway joke.

lol, i Like it it. I should use that.
Posted by: ace at April 02, 2024 02:57 PM (KRtlO)

Mein Fuhrer ... das joke ...

Posted by: G'rump928(c) tugs collar at April 02, 2024 02:58 PM (L13ne)

106 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)

That'd be a question for Mayor Pete.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 02, 2024 02:58 PM (nR2nR)

107 A 7DA splinter group, yeah. Both my sisters are 7DA but I've never heard such from them.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks

There was a 7DA University not too far from the small town I grew up in. The organist in our church was 7DA, and she would find choir directors for us from the music school of that university.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (9yWhg)

108 During the last week, Biden's numbers have been improving in the Daily Rasmussen Presidential Approval poll. His JA has gone from 39-40 to 42-43. Only Rasmussen measures this daily, so this poll is useful in detecting recent movement.

I believe Biden's JA has improved because voters' perception of the economy is improving slightly too. The jobs #s have been pretty strong (including today's), & while inflation is still terrible, it's also a little better than it had been during most of the first quarter.

On a somewhat different topic, I've been pointing out for a long time here that RFK, Jr. on the ballot in the swing states is a necessary precondition for Trump to win.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (NLIak)

109 State Of Emergency Declared In Niagara Falls Over Total Solar Eclipse

The city is in the path of totality, which will receive no solar rays for a few minutes on April 8 as the moon blocks the sun.

... what do they do at night ? seppuku ?

Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (RHGPo)

110 EVERYONE hates the self-anointed elites.

Make Tumbrels Great Again!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (FVME7)

111 Carville looks like a literal zombie.

Posted by: Darth Chipmunk at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (AD14M)

You're 21 and still your mother makes your bed...and that's too long.
Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 02:58 PM (CsUN+)

That type of thinking is from then before times. Today a 30 year old sleeping in the same bedroom in which he was a teenager is perfectly acceptable by society. Even encouraged.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (4+s9S)

113 In Russia Mass Deportations Of Muslim Migrants Surge After Moscow Terror Attack

There have been widespread reports of mass deportations of Muslim migrants from Russia in the wake of the March 22 terror attack on the Crocus City Hall venue in a Moscow suburb which killed at least 140 people and left hundreds more wounded and injured.

This trend is said to be the result of a significant uptick in raids by authorities on apartments and dorm complexes known to house Central Asian migrants, amid concerns that Islamic radicals could carry out more attacks.

Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (RHGPo)

114 Carville is a Reptilian. Rove is a Crab Person.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (L13ne)

115 JFK Jr is a tool, not an ally.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 02:54 PM (L13ne)

Admittedly, the dead vote Dem but I don't know how valuable he is for them.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (nR2nR)

Just remember that RFK Jr is right on 5% of the things you like and 95% wrong on the things that make your life better.

But stick a fork in Biden, he's done.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 02, 2024 03:00 PM (RKVpM)

117 RFK Jr. is positioning himself for 2028. He's doing retail politics and learning the lessons of a national campaign.

My bet: Disantis versus RFK in 2028, providing, of course, we're still allowed to vote by then.,

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at April 02, 2024 03:00 PM (tT6L1)

118 Carville is crazier - happy to go scorched earth as often is needed.

Rove is…a turd. Like gelatinous RINO turd.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 02, 2024 03:00 PM (Hkcdp)

119 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)

Carville by a mile.

I view Carville as a sort of ersatz Bill Maher, or is it the other way around? His credentials are impeccable, so when he occasionally speaks the truth, nobody is willing to condemn him, because they know he's speaking truth and trying to save the party.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:00 PM (CsUN+)

120 The number of voters registering without a photo ID is SKYROCKETING in 3 key swing states:

Arizona, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

~2,000,000 since the start of 2024.

They are getting their money's worth from the illegal invasion.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (Odg76)

121 During the last week, Biden's numbers have been improving in the Daily Rasmussen Presidential Approval poll. His JA has gone from 39-40 to 42-43. Only Rasmussen measures this daily, so this poll is useful in detecting recent movement.

The juicing of the polls starting in September will be epic. Have to explain the 98M ballots cast for Joe and Kamala.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (L13ne)

122 That type of thinking is from then before times. Today a 30 year old sleeping in the same bedroom in which he was a teenager is perfectly acceptable by society. Even encouraged.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (4+s9S)
More viewed as inescapable reality rather than a good thing.

With the cost of housing and the employment conditions in many parts of the country, it's rough out there. I strongly suspect that full-blown multi-generational households are going to make a comeback.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (HnUIn)

123 bet: Disantis versus RFK in 2028, providing, of course, we're still allowed to vote by then.,
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at April 02, 2024 03:00 PM (tT6L1)

RFK is loathed by Democrats. There’s no way he wins a nomination in 2028.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (4+s9S)

124 113 In Russia Mass Deportations Of Muslim Migrants Surge After Moscow Terror Attack

There have been widespread reports of mass deportations of Muslim migrants from Russia in the wake of the March 22 terror attack on the Crocus City Hall venue in a Moscow suburb which killed at least 140 people and left hundreds more wounded and injured.

This trend is said to be the result of a significant uptick in raids by authorities on apartments and dorm complexes known to house Central Asian migrants, amid concerns that Islamic radicals could carry out more attacks.
Posted by: SMOD at April

Here I find myself again agreeing with the Russians. Ugh.

Posted by: Piper at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (ZdaMQ)

125 Carville is such a tool.

He should be unceremoniously stripped of his LSU togs.

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (w9Wax)

126 Is Carville still married to Mary Matalin?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (9yWhg)

127 RFK Jr. deserves props for his book on Fauci.

Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (rJ48h)

128 12 I'm old enough to remember when Erin was hot.
Posted by: Eeyore at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (1bNHn)

You too?

I saw her in front of the Alamo on 10 Feb 10. Even better looking in person. Then.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (8sMut)

129 DNC should sink some money into Arkansas. It would come in time for the annual Running of the Democrats/Rodeo.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (0EOe9)

130 lol, i Like it it. I should use that.
You will, Ace. You will.

Posted by: zombie James McNeill Whistler at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (5OvHh)

131 A person in Canada wants taxpayers to fund surgery to make them a vagina while also keeping a functional penis, in a first-of-its-kind case.

.. simple answer .. Go **** yourself. Literally.

Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 03:03 PM (RHGPo)

132 Certainly the lefty sites I trolled during the Trump Administration were constantly hyperventilating about WW3, 4, and 5.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (nR2nR)

Most of those are off the reservation now. The Globalists have the official party line as "War all the time, and the more unwinnable the better". Like they want to beat Russia so they can mix it up with Red China.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:03 PM (eoQWY)

133 RFK is loathed by Democrats. There’s no way he wins a nomination in 2028.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (4+s9S)
I wouldn't even be a third-party candidate this year if they had given me the same level of respect - and given me the same level of compensation - as they did to Bernie Sanders.

Posted by: RFK, Jr at April 02, 2024 03:03 PM (HnUIn)

134 >RFK Jr. Argues That Biden Is a Worse Threat to Democracy Than Trump

he might be onto something

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:04 PM (oCjPU)

135 Girl928 will probably vote for RFKjr since Bernie isn't on the ballot.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:04 PM (L13ne)

136 With the cost of housing and the employment conditions in many parts of the country, it's rough out there. I strongly suspect that full-blown multi-generational households are going to make a comeback.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (HnUIn)

I don’t buy into this. I know plenty of 20-something’s so are doing just fine. Do they have it maybe a bit tougher than I had it when I was in my 20s? Maybe. But it’s not that much different. Hell McDonald’s is paying close to $20 an hour. Get a roommate and you can afford to live on your own.

Living at home is just a crutch and laziness.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:04 PM (4+s9S)

137 Another difference between the parties.

Republicans are trying to get votes, Democrats are trying to get ballots.

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 03:04 PM (7RYS8)

138 131 So people wanna become freakin' hermaphrodites now????

What a stupid time to be alive.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (9yWhg)

139 With the cost of housing and the employment conditions in many parts of the country, it's rough out there. I strongly suspect that full-blown multi-generational households are going to make a comeback.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (HnUIn)

According to Zillow, my house is now worth 42.5% more than what I paid for it 6 years ago.

Coupled with current mortgage rates at 2x-3x what they were 6 years ago, getting into the housing market is a fool’s errand.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (9mfKN)

140 What I remember about the Jill Stein vote was the recount she demanded in a handful of states.
The started in Detroit where again and again they would open a sealed box that had been certified as having 350, 500, whatever votes for Hillary but inside were finding 50 or so ballots.
They got that Jill Stein recount shutdown ASAP.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (Hkcdp)

141 Carville really does look like Gollum. But more rancid.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (pohLc)

142 36 1999 was peak US.


Don’t you just marvel at its beauty?

Posted by: Agent Smith at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (9XOIU)

143 I don’t buy into this. I know plenty of 20-something’s so are doing just fine. Do they have it maybe a bit tougher than I had it when I was in my 20s? Maybe. But it’s not that much different. Hell McDonald’s is paying close to $20 an hour. Get a roommate and you can afford to live on your own.

Living at home is just a crutch and laziness.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:04 PM (4+s9S)
Why get a roommate if I can live at home and contribute to the household expenses and chores? If I have to live with people anyway, and pay through the nose to boot, then I'd rather work something out with my parents to pay less and save my money.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (HnUIn)

144 RFKjr has been an absolute crank for 20+ years. He used to enjoy a certain prestige here among our antivax contingent, but I’m pleased to see that DU has largely recognized him as the purveyor of bullshit that he is.

He has some giant chip on his shoulder. The fact that anyone can sit and listen to RFK Jr. for five minutes, and then think this guy is qualified to be President of the United States is a testimony to the blithering ignorance of some Americans. This guy couldn't manage an ant farm.

He's a psychopath and his whole family knows it. At this point, ANYONE advocating for Trump clearly doesn't give a flying fuck about America or Democracy.

He'll take more votes away from Trump than Biden. His own huge family isn’t voting for him. That’s very telling to a lot of people.

His name will take votes from President Biden, but his mouth will take votes from Trump. In the end, I'm betting the mouth wins. Why would a 2020 Biden voter choose RFK, Jr.?

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (JCZqz)

145 If Kennedy keeps getting this much airtime and attracting support , random disgruntled failed federal office seekers are going to be "problematic"

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 02, 2024 03:06 PM (Fol4f)

146 66 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)

Rove, by a mile. …

Posted by: browndog sees a man who knows at April 02, 2024 03:06 PM (TTAGa)

147 20 The number of voters registering without a photo ID is SKYROCKETING in 3 key swing states:

Arizona, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

~2,000,000 since the start of 2024.

They are getting their money's worth from the illegal invasion.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 03:01 PM (Odg76)

In TX you show a photo ID to vote. Here you just drop an application the size of a postcard in the mail. Who can stop someone from doing that? You can pick one up at any local library. Or various other places. (and they will always ask if you are a registered voter at DPS offices when you are getting your license.) But to actually vote, you show ID. When I last went to vote, the first thing I saw was the list of acceptable IDs you can use.

AZ and PA I cannot speak for of course.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:06 PM (8sMut)

148 Is Carville still married to Mary Matalin?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:02 PM (9yWhg)

She hasn't heard otherwise

Posted by: Doof at April 02, 2024 03:06 PM (JunzL)

149 Living at home is just a crutch and laziness.

Agreed. I lived in some pretty crappy places in my 20s, but far better the ghetto than living with my parents. The only exception is if you're saving for a down payment, in which case you better not be buying coffee at Starbucks and have nicer cell phone than me.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:06 PM (CsUN+)

150 According to Zillow, my house is now worth 42.5% more than what I paid for it 6 years ago.

Coupled with current mortgage rates at 2x-3x what they were 6 years ago, getting into the housing market is a fool’s errand.
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (9mfKN)
The values will come down because they have to with the price of money being much higher. That will be an on-balance good thing when it happens.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:06 PM (HnUIn)

151 So people wanna become freakin' hermaphrodites now????

What a stupid time to be alive.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (9yWhg)

They likely always did but lacked the opportunity to do it and the means to tell you.

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (7RYS8)

152 DU had an antivax contingent? Who woulda thunk it?

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (9yWhg)

153 Donald Trump is gonna put y'all back in chains!!!

Black support 100%.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (7AyCR)

Why get a roommate if I can live at home and contribute to the household expenses and chores? If I have to live with people anyway, and pay through the nose to boot, then I'd rather work something out with my parents to pay less and save my money.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:05 PM (HnUIn)

Right that’s my point. They’re not doing it because they have to, it’s a choice. So let’s not blame housing costs for this.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (4+s9S)

155 >131 So people wanna become freakin' hermaphrodites now????

and then monetize it, yes
lotta money in being a traveling freak show
no matter how freaky you are, there is somebody out there who shares your kink and will throw money at you

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (oCjPU)

156 When I was 23 I was married and a father and the sole supporter of my family. I am hard pressed to see that kids have it worse today.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (L13ne)

157 They say the most ridiculous lies all the time. We just had a thread on Biden denying he signed the proclamation he signed.
Posted by: polynikes at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (MNhXM)

The one time Biden didn't lie.

99 percent of the business goes out without him seeing it. This is a government of factions and pressure groups Biden is the figurehead.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (eoQWY)

158 Mrs. Wrecks told me that the Rock used to be married to the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle. At first my.opinion of him cratered but then I thought, "Well, at least he was smart enough to dump her."

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (FVME7)

159 109 State Of Emergency Declared In Niagara Falls Over Total Solar Eclipse

The city is in the path of totality, which will receive no solar rays for a few minutes on April 8 as the moon blocks the sun.

... what do they do at night ? seppuku ?

Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (RHGPo)

Heh. Any 100% solar-powered communities in the path of totality? Could probably make bank on selling batteries there...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (wtvvX)

160 His voice is like gravel injected into my brain.

Posted by: wth at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (v0R5T)

161 Donald Trump is going to deport all hispanics!

Hispanic support 100%.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (7AyCR)

162 My kids went to college, did a nest egg year at home, moved out, got married, paid off their cars and are pissed about chicken. All still under 32. They're conservatives, so I guess that's the difference.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (U8kCF)

163 DU had an antivax contingent? Who woulda thunk it?
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

ya those are the actual "antivax" lib moms that said that proven vaccines give kids autism. antivax only became a slur on the left when it came to the clot shot.

Posted by: BruceWayne at April 02, 2024 03:08 PM (CIS44)

164 Most of those are off the reservation now. The Globalists have the official party line as "War all the time, and the more unwinnable the better". Like they want to beat Russia so they can mix it up with Red China.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:03 PM (eoQWY)

I don't, and I am a globalist. In my closet in a steel box is my globalist membership "certificate" - a passport. And worse, it has visas.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:08 PM (8sMut)

165 @131 once the Canadian guy adds a vagina to go with his functional penis he'll never leave the house again

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 02, 2024 03:08 PM (Fol4f)

166 When I was 23 I was married and a father and the sole supporter of my family. I am hard pressed to see that kids have it worse today.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (L13ne)

They are not married, nor a father, nor the supporter of anything. That is how it is worse.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:08 PM (eoQWY)

167 Bigger asshole? Carville or Rove?
Posted by: mr tmz at April 02, 2024 02:53 PM (rJ48h)

Rove, by a mile. …
Posted by: browndog sees a man who knows

Agreed. At least Carville was loyal to his party. Rove was a traitor to his.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:08 PM (9yWhg)

168 Not that it matters, but what TF kind of question is “who’s a threat to democracy?”

Why not who’s a bigger threat to our individual rights, the economy, peace here and abroad…?
Burnett doesn’t want to talk real issues, only straw boogeyman they’ve invented to distract and divide us.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 02, 2024 03:09 PM (Hkcdp)

169 Makes me believe in the lizard people folk lore.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at April 02, 2024 03:09 PM (J8LnB)

170 and are pissed about chicken


Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:09 PM (CsUN+)

Four years ago a couple of people with combined income of ~$60,000 could buy an average home. It now is over $100,000.

Two people with $20.00 an hour jobs are not going to be buying a home unless their parental units are fronting a shitload of money.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 02, 2024 03:09 PM (RKVpM)

172 Why would a 2020 Biden voter choose RFK, Jr.?
Because the economy is doing so well!

The DUmmies are like a dose of clap.

All is sweet pleasure before their arrival but a pain in the dong after they've come!

Posted by: zombie James McNeill Whistler at April 02, 2024 03:09 PM (5OvHh)

173 Robert F Kennedy Jr is currently polling better than any independent candidate since Ross Perot in 1992.

Since he'll pull out Donk votes and split Bribem's votes...this makes me happy.

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 02, 2024 03:10 PM (MsrgL)

174 Oh, I think Rove is very loyal to the Bushes.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 02, 2024 03:10 PM (Hkcdp)

175 > According to Zillow, my house is now worth 42.5% more than what I paid for it 6 years ago.

Zillow's own documentation says their estimates are off by a median value of 7.5% if your home is not currently on the market. Zillow estimates are fine as a general rule of thumb, but don't take them too seriously.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 03:10 PM (Odg76)

Biden tranny proclamation:



Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:11 PM (oCjPU)

177 170 and are pissed about chicken

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:09 PM (CsUN+)

LOL, no. They think chicken prices are outrageous. IDK why most of their ire is reserved for chicken, but it is.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 02, 2024 03:11 PM (U8kCF)

178 My sister graduated from college. Then went to Australia and Japan for a while to fuck around. Came home lived with my parents for a year working Starbucks type jobs claiming it’s tough to find a real job. Then my dad was like look enough is enough to start your life and made her move out.

And then miraculously she found a job making nearly 6 figures and turned out she didn’t need to mooch off my parents after all. Weird how that works huh?

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:12 PM (4+s9S)

179 135 Girl928 will probably vote for RFKjr since Bernie isn't on the ballot.
Posted by: G'rump928

In as our children turn, my oldest has rounded the corner and will vote Trump. She is engaged to a LEO and has a new lens. My middle communist probably won’t vote. She has learned to hate Biden. Her boyfriend is a legal immigrant from Venezuela. He will vote Trump because he knows first hand how the story ends if we don’t do something. He gets very frustrated with my middle daughter in this space. But she is stunning, so I guess he looks past this silly part of her! 😂. My 12 year old would vote Trump if 12 year olds could vote. Being autistic, she sees the trans movement as ridiculous and can’t comprehend how anyone could not see that you are either male or female.

Posted by: Piper at April 02, 2024 03:12 PM (ZdaMQ)

180 177 The chickens smile.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at April 02, 2024 03:12 PM (0EOe9)

181 Serpent Head is correct about the Dems being preachy feminist hags. Given Hillary was and is the peak of that he oughta know.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:12 PM (2ocoG)

182 This assumes Stein voters would have voted Hillary had Stein not been on the ballot. I suggest had there not been an alternative, those voters would have stayed home.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing (tT6L1) at April 02, 2024 02:56 PM (tT6L1)

Certainly possible, but also possible Stein helped

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at April 02, 2024 03:12 PM (JcF8R)

183 It is true that kids that grew up in this town can't afford to buy and live here. We are an insanely hot housing market over the last five years with all the Yankees fleeing here.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:12 PM (L13ne)

184 Chicken is the one item at my grocer which hasn't seen wild price fluctuations

In fact, last week Perdue chicken breasts were BOGO

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (oCjPU)

185 BOOM!!!

Got to hand it to RFK Jr. for speaking some real "Truth to Power," especially to statist media like CNN. Although I won't vote for him, I'll give him credit for having the grapes to say what we all know to be correct. Hey GOPe cowards, this is how you deal with the Fake News.

Suck it, Erin!

Posted by: Tracy at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (PsOHP)

186 LOL, no. They think chicken prices are outrageous. IDK why most of their ire is reserved for chicken, but it is.
Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 02, 2024 03:11 PM (U8kCF)

Which were they pissed about first - egg or chicken?

Posted by: Doof at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (JunzL)

187 Right that’s my point. They’re not doing it because they have to, it’s a choice. So let’s not blame housing costs for this.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:07 PM (4+s9S)
It isn't mutually exclusive. Housing costs are insane. Some are living at home out of necessity, some because it's a better deal and the downsides are worth it, but housing costs in a lot of the country are a brutal problem.

When the median 1-bedroom apartment is $1,800 like it is in Denver, that's a tough pill to swallow. Close to $22k a year in rent alone. To get that at anything approaching safe margins (say, 50% of your income), it implies an annual pretax income of $55k. Even if you push it to 70% of your take-home - dangerous territory - it implies a pretax income of $40k.

That's out of whack.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (HnUIn)

188 120

TX is not a swing state. Neither is NC, which is often mischaracterized as such. Trump won both in 2020 & will likely win both by even bigger margins this year.

Here are the swing states: PA; MI; WI; GA; NV; & AZ. THESE are states Biden carried last time, which Trump needs to flip. Of these, MI is the whole ballgame, imo, given the current state of the polls. If Trump wins MI, he can get to 270 without PA & WI.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (NLIak)

189 The values will come down because they have to with the price of money being much higher. That will be an on-balance good thing when it happens.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:06 PM (HnUIn)

Prices can’t come down as there’s not much inventory (at least where I am).

Also, what makes you think that TPTB want the prices to come down? Wouldn’t it be better if everyone was renting and 4 different companies managed all the property?

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (9mfKN)

190 Biden has the penis adjacent vagina installation vote all sewn up.

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (7RYS8)

191 Which were they pissed about first - egg or chicken?
Posted by: Doof a

Pickleball or Granny Panties?

Posted by: BruceWayne at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (CIS44)

192 His name will take votes from President Biden, but his mouth will take votes from Trump. In the end, I'm betting the mouth wins. Why would a 2020 Biden voter choose RFK, Jr.?
Because his VP pick is young, a huge Democrat donor and is far left.

Posted by: redridinghood at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (NpAcC)

193 Has Carville ever looked like anything other than a decomposing praying mantis?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (KbCG3)

194 53 Erin used to be hotter (as every woman was 20 years ago). She’s still hot now..
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:51 PM (4+s9S)

When she was on CNBC I had a huge thing for her. When she went over to CNN I think she got a forntal lobotomy and became a real dummy. Women who are stupid are a turnoff.

A similar fate befell Kiran Chetry. Remember her? She was very hot, but when she went from Fox to CNN, same thing.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (8sMut)

195 It is true that kids that grew up in this town can't afford to buy and live here. We are an insanely hot housing market over the last five years with all the Yankees fleeing here.

There were plenty of places I wanted to live when I was young, but I couldn't afford them. There still are. You find a home where your means are adequate.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (CsUN+)

196 Because his VP pick is young, a huge Democrat donor and is far left.
Posted by: redridinghood

She's kinda cute, too.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:15 PM (9yWhg)

197 This brunette in her underwear doesn't like madman pinkos like RFK, Jr. and also thinks that "failure to launch" is in many or perhaps most cases a self-fulfilling and self-caused problem but she doesn't disregard economic factors as a contributor to people living with their parents:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:15 PM (HnUIn)

198 That's out of whack.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (HnUIn)

An expression that has always baffled me. Is that the opposite of being "in whack"??

Posted by: Doof at April 02, 2024 03:15 PM (JunzL)

199 If I ask him the same question over and over maybe he will answer the way I want.

Posted by: Erin Burnett at April 02, 2024 03:16 PM (v0R5T)

200 LOL, no. They think chicken prices are outrageous. IDK why most of their ire is reserved for chicken, but it is.

in my somewhat on the younger side household with two small children we switched to doing the bulk of our grocery shopping at Walmart in large part because of crazy swings in meat prices at the normal grocery store (including chicken breast)

Posted by: brak at April 02, 2024 03:16 PM (AR07F)

201 "Investing." Democrats have such inventive ways with that word.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at April 02, 2024 03:16 PM (e/Vbj)

Living at home is just a crutch and laziness.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:04 PM (4+s9S)

I think most of these people are at home because the parents have coddled them into dependancy because to he parents have been helicoptering them their whole lives and convinced them they can't function on their own.

I COULDN'T wait to leave home. My kids couldn't wait to leave home. Not because home was so bad but because we wanted to be on our own and do things our own way.

Sure it was a struggle to be young and on your own, but struggle is how you learn. My parents knew that. Hubby and I knew that. You have to dump them out of the nest if they don't go on their own.

Posted by: Just Lily at April 02, 2024 03:16 PM (I8uyj)

203 >>> 188 120

TX is not a swing state. Neither is NC, which is often mischaracterized as such. Trump won both in 2020 & will likely win both by even bigger margins this year.

Here are the swing states: PA; MI; WI; GA; NV; & AZ. THESE are states Biden carried last time, which Trump needs to flip. Of these, MI is the whole ballgame, imo, given the current state of the polls. If Trump wins MI, he can get to 270 without PA & WI.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (NLIak)

What's the overlap of your set of swing states with the set of states that totally didn't stop counting all at the same fcking time in November 2020?

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at April 02, 2024 03:16 PM (llON8)

204 Here are the swing states: PA; MI; WI; GA; NV; & AZ. THESE are states Biden carried last time, which Trump needs to flip.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (NLIak)

By flip do you mean win a third time? Or a second in the case of NV?

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 03:16 PM (7RYS8)

205 Didn’t RFK Jr’s wife hang herself recently?

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 02, 2024 03:16 PM (BjRQH)

206 TX is not a swing state. Neither is NC, which is often mischaracterized as such. Trump won both in 2020 & will likely win both by even bigger margins this year.

TX is not a swing state, true. I think people argue NC is a swing state because it did got for His Majesty The Shahinshah in 2008. (TX, in contrast, voted for Peanut Jimmuh in 1976.)

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (8sMut)

When the median 1-bedroom apartment is $1,800 like it is in Denver, that's a tough pill to swallow. Close to $22k a year in rent alone. To get that at anything approaching safe margins (say, 50% of your income), it implies an annual pretax income of $55k. Even if you push it to 70% of your take-home - dangerous territory - it implies a pretax income of $40k.

That's out of whack.

My first job was in NYC. First apartment was $2800 split with a roommate, a friend from college who was a year older than me and already had the place. Which was fortunate for me. Other friends of mine had a hard time finding something, renting in Ny was a fucked up process.

$1400, 20+ years ago for rent. Sorry not seeing the big deal with $1800 today.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (4+s9S)

208 When the median 1-bedroom apartment is $1,800 like it is in Denver, that's a tough pill to swallow. Close to $22k a year in rent alone. To get that at anything approaching safe margins (say, 50% of your income), it implies an annual pretax income of $55k. Even if you push it to 70% of your take-home - dangerous territory - it implies a pretax income of $40k.

That's out of whack.

If government stays out of it, the market will self-correct. If prices are so high that few people can afford them, then eventually either prices will stagnate while salaries rise, or else prices will fall. An empty house sitting on the market indefinitely does nobody any good.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (CsUN+)

Kiran Chetry today:

She is an infomercial presenter for Nutribullet.

Used to do network news, now hawks blenders on TV

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (oCjPU)

210 CNN: Speaking Bullshit To the Gullible

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (FVME7)


Young voters are leaving the Democrat Party in droves.

I guess most of them are not fags.

Posted by: wth at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (v0R5T)

212 Has Carville ever looked like anything other than a decomposing praying mantis?
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer

The love child of Nosferatu and a Sleestack.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (9yWhg)

213 19th look at JFK Jr?

Absolutely not. He's right on a few things, but he's an absolute nut who is no friend to Conservatism.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 02:52 PM (Odg76)

Hence the 19th look. We’ve done this a lot with him. He says something good everyone gets excited then remembers the other stuff.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM (4+s9S)

Plenty of room for anyone attacking Biden and the Deep State giving disaffected old style Dems a place to go if they can't abide the GOP.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (eoQWY)

214 Which were they pissed about first - egg or chicken?
Posted by: Doof a

Pickleball or Granny Panties?
Posted by: BruceWayne at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (CIS44)

Never heard of them

Posted by: Doof at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (JunzL)

215 > Four years ago a couple of people with combined income of ~$60,000 could buy an average home. It now is over $100,000.

Home Depot is selling "tiny home" kits. Some are as low as $19K. Of course, one has to have property, utilities for it if that is the route they want to take.

Some suggest this is the route many will end up taking in order to "own a home."

However many towns, cities and municipalities have codes that prohibit the "tiny home" from being setup in most areas.... likely for property values.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (Q4IgG)

216 >TX is not a swing state.

You've heard of Bob Wills & The Texas Playboys? They are swing AF

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (oCjPU)

217 To me Carville is as loathsome as they come

Posted by: Skip at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (fwDg9)

218 Prices can’t come down as there’s not much inventory (at least where I am).

Also, what makes you think that TPTB want the prices to come down? Wouldn’t it be better if everyone was renting and 4 different companies managed all the property?
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 03:14 PM (9mfKN)
Inventory is low because people are stuck. That's a general condition. Can't afford to move (not with today's prices and the price of money), so they stay put. Once forced selling starts - a layoff wave, for example - look out below. The inventory that *could* be listed but isn't will pour onto the market as the owners want to grab higher prices before the declines get worse, pushing prices further. A lot of real estate markets are damn near locked up right now, and they'll stay that way and provide inventory support to prices until there's an event that forces sales.

And the powers that be desperately do *not* want that to happen, to be sure. It isn't even a renter-dependency thing, it's a wall street/big finance thing. Declining prices will be rough as hell on those guys and I'd expect even more chicanery when declines set in. But the market is just too big to pull it off.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (HnUIn)

219 Trump won NC by a really narrow margin both times. In 2020 only by 1%. It’s swing state-adjacent.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (4+s9S)

220 Kiran Chetry today:

She is an infomercial presenter for Nutribullet.

Used to do network news, now hawks blenders on TV
Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (oCjPU)

So moving up in the world. Mike Rowe started on the blender market.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (eoQWY)

Most kids under 35 live with mom and dad still. So they’re not really feeling the effects of inflation.

You're 21 and still your mother makes your bed...and that's too long.
Posted by: Archimedes

If the Junta were not in charge, I'd say that a drill sergeant can teach onw how to make the bed.

*wonders whether Smash, orJunior-ette would knife me for enforcing pushups when the alarm sounds in the morning*

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (MsrgL)

222 An expression that has always baffled me. Is that the opposite of being "in whack"??
Posted by: Doof

That's a whacky question!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (9yWhg)

223 This brunette in her underwear doesn't like madman pinkos like RFK, Jr.

Now you're talking.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (CsUN+)

224 20. The number of voters registering without a photo ID is SKYROCKETING in 3 key swing states:
Arizona, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

The Dems are using NGOs to sign up illegals onto ballots. Want free housing, food, cash money? These NGOs stationed in AZ, TX and Penn will get that for the illegal immigrant, but first as a condition, they have to sign a ballot. Those signed fake ballots are then stored in warehouses and/or staged freight inventory transfer stations until they are needed. Everyone knows this, including the RNC. It's basically an open secret.

The key to winning in 2024? Stop the freight transfer of those signed ballots by illegals before they get to dem controlled election stations and get folded into real ballots - by any means necessary. If they get there first, then they will be counted - and there is nothing the RNC will be able to do about it.

Posted by: Boswell at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (K+UlC)

225 196

Her money is probably indispensable to RFK, Jr.'s chances to get on the ballot in all 50 states. So, picking her was a shrewd choice.

K himself has said he needs money to pay ballot petition circulators.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (NLIak)

Didn’t RFK Jr’s wife hang herself recently?
Posted by: Puddinhead


Ex wife.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia's phone at April 02, 2024 03:20 PM (3Fv3u)

227 Our town was 7K people when we moved here in 1989. Now it is north of 27K. I am lucky in that I live near the core of the town as it was, so except for people knocking down 3/1 cottages to build McMansions a few blocks away, not much has changed. Downtown was always trendy and boutiquey and had just become more so since the guy that owned half of downtown died and his heirs started cashing out.

The outskirts of town however are exploding with cul-de-sac developments.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:20 PM (L13ne)

228 Home Depot is selling "tiny home" kits. Some are as low as $19K. Of course, one has to have property, utilities for it if that is the route they want to take.

Some suggest this is the route many will end up taking in order to "own a home."

However many towns, cities and municipalities have codes that prohibit the "tiny home" from being setup in most areas.... likely for property values.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (Q4IgG)

Might be a way for a kid to have a place on parent's property like the old 'mother in law house'

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:20 PM (eoQWY)

229 That's a whacky question!

Wiggedy-wack, or normal-type?

Posted by: Lance McCormick at April 02, 2024 03:21 PM (l8gTz)

230 @205 she hung herself about ten years ago after she found a journal detailing his affairs. He's been married to that actress Hines since then

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 02, 2024 03:21 PM (Fol4f)

231 An expression that has always baffled me. Is that the opposite of being "in whack"??
Posted by: Doof at April 02, 2024 03:15 PM (JunzL)

"Fine whack" used to mean doing well

Posted by: ... at April 02, 2024 03:21 PM (7RYS8)

232 Biden-Harris HQ @BidenHQ 18h
Trump calls for mass detention camps and rounding up millions of Latinos

Bad Hombre @joma_gc 14h

Here’s the full UNEDITED segment on immigration policy from Trump’s interview with Dan O’Donnell where Trump clearly talks about deporting violent criminals and gang members.

Trump also states “they’re coming from all over the world not just South America”
2:19 minutes [the Dim outtake is only 10 seconds, BTW]

Posted by: andycanuck (5OvHh) at April 02, 2024 03:21 PM (5OvHh)

233 An expression that has always baffled me. Is that the opposite of being "in whack"??
Posted by: Doof

That's a whacky question!
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:19 PM (9yWhg)

Whickety whickety whack?

Posted by: Doof at April 02, 2024 03:21 PM (JunzL)

234 173 Robert F Kennedy Jr is currently polling better than any independent candidate since Ross Perot in 1992.

Since he'll pull out Donk votes and split Bribem's votes...this makes me happy.
Posted by: BifBewalski at April 02, 2024 03:10 PM (MsrgL

I have no clue how Clay Travis & Buck Sexton see RFKJr taking votes from Trump. When I heard that on the radio a week ago it was a big SMFH moment.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:21 PM (8sMut)

235 183 It is true that kids that grew up in this town can't afford to buy and live here. We are an insanely hot housing market over the last five years with all the Yankees fleeing here.
Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April

We couldn’t afford our house now and we just built it 3 years ago! We get real estate agent cold calls to see if we are interested in selling. I just had someone sign up at the studio this morning who said their whole family is moving here to flee Sacramento. One of my other clients blurted out “I hope you don’t bring your voting!” It was a very non-southern moment. It was incredibly hard not to laugh, honestly.

Posted by: Piper at April 02, 2024 03:22 PM (ZdaMQ)

236 $1400, 20+ years ago for rent. Sorry not seeing the big deal with $1800 today.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (4+s9S)
In that same market - Denver - the median income is $60k. An in-whack housing market means that this should buy the median house, not the median one-bedroom apartment.

High cost of housing is by no means the only factor, but it is *a* (and I think an important) factor and, "kids these days are lazy shits who are unwilling to pay because they're entitled" disregards a real problem with housing prices in many places.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:22 PM (HnUIn)

237 Update on my wife:

She is admitted to the hospital overnight. She fractured 4 ribs. She is in a lot of treatable pain, but in good care and not in danger.

Thank you for the prayers.

I can testify to the power.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at April 02, 2024 03:22 PM (u82oZ)

I’ve seen the movie “minorities are abandoning Democrats” many times before. Right until the election when Dems get 92% of the black vote and 75% of the Hispanic vote.
Posted by: Montec


IIRC. it was a blockbuster in 2020.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia's phone at April 02, 2024 03:22 PM (3Fv3u)

239 Inventory is low because people are stuck. That's a general condition. Can't afford to move (not with today's prices and the price of money), so they stay put. Once forced selling starts - a layoff wave, for example - look out below. The inventory that *could* be listed but isn't will pour onto the market as the owners want to grab higher prices before the declines get worse, pushing prices further. A lot of real estate markets are damn near locked up right now, and they'll stay that way and provide inventory support to prices until there's an event that forces sales.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (HnUIn)

Where do you see the layoffs coming from? I haven’t seen any slowdown in engineering work, but I don’t see the whole of everything.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (9mfKN)

240 I notice Carville used the term "colored" . He must be Denounced

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (Fol4f)

241 I would argue that Woodrow Wilson was the first POTUS to use federal agencies to censor political speech, but I doubt many of the Lefties that watch CNN even know that bit of history.

RFK Jr is a collectivist, so it's fun watching him throw shade on Joe Biden. I suspect that RFK Jr now wants to harm Joe Biden because Joe made it personal by being a petty a$$hole and denying RFK Jr the Secret Service protection he deserves as a legitimate candidate for POTUS.

The more the Lefties and Donks squeal about "overturning an election !!!! reeeee!!!" the more apparent it is to anyone paying attention that the Donks (with GOPe collusion) stole the 2020 re-election from Pres. Trump.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (pJWtt)

242 196 Because his VP pick is young, a huge Democrat donor and is far left.
Posted by: redridinghood

She's kinda cute, too.
Posted by: Bulgaroctonus

Can we get an official ruling on this? I've heard all sides of the hotness spectrum used to rate her...

I mean, she's no Mannix girl, but I think most Morons would give her a "1" on the binary scale.

Posted by: Admiral Ackbar at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (JCZqz)

243 RFK Jr.'s book The Real Dr Fauci was very good, very detailed. A bit of a slog to get thru, but well worth it if you want to know the extent of government corruption.
His VP pick is a complete deal breaker, if he wasn't already.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (MeG8a)

244 That's out of whack.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:13 PM (HnUIn)

An expression that has always baffled me. Is that the opposite of being "in whack"??
Posted by: Doof at April 02, 2024 03:15 PM (JunzL)

It means the correction when you whacked it with a hammer the last time is used up and needs to be reapplied.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (eoQWY)

245 You've heard of Bob Wills & The Texas Playboys? They are swing AF
Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (oCjPU)

Damn skippy I have! Hit Turkey, TX sometime.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (8sMut)

246 Report: 4 major studies claiming diverse workforces earn more were bogus. These studies were used to push DEI everywhere, even the MILITARY. 🚨

I'm gobsmacked!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (FVME7)

247 Might be a way for a kid to have a place on parent's property like the old 'mother in law house'
Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:20 PM (eoQWY)
That was my thought when I saw them. Backyard houses for aged parents or adult kids in rough markets.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (HnUIn)

248 What's up with RFK Jr.'rs voice?

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (Ag7IE)

249 No shit, RFK, Jr.

Trump was the most law-abiding president we've ever had, and the least threat to our Sacred Fucking Democracy.

Posted by: Sharkman at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (B0ahs)

250 However many towns, cities and municipalities have codes that prohibit the "tiny home" from being setup in most areas.... likely for property values.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 02, 2024 03:18 PM (Q4IgG)

You could set up entire neighborhoods zoned for tiny homes. Just like trailer parks, only shittier.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (tkR6S)

251 We're seeing a huge building boom for apartments. Thousands of units going up. Allegedly for the Blue Oval EV battery plant(s) down the Interstate from here.

Truth is, they're for the illegals. The local governments don't want anyone to know... so they feed us this bullshit story that the apartments, literally 10's of thousands of individual units are for a couple hundred employees at Ford's battery factory.

Yet, on social media the adverts for them are suspiciously in both English and Spanish.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (Q4IgG)

252 136
Hell McDonald’s is paying close to $20 an hour. Get a roommate and you can afford to live on your own.

Living at home is just a crutch and laziness.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:04 PM (4+s9S)
If you have to share your accommodation then it's no better than your parents' home, in fact the latter may be cheaper even if you pay your parents 'rent' as food may be shared.

Posted by: Ciampino - The Constitutional Republic at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (qfLjt)

253 $60k is $5k a month, $3500 after taxes. $1800 rent is doable. And in Denver one can live without a car which makes it that much more doable.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (4+s9S)

254 Where do you see the layoffs coming from? I haven’t seen any slowdown in engineering work, but I don’t see the whole of everything.
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (9mfKN)
High tech is going to accelerate. Industry will, too, but that will be more regional and it might offset in the national statistics through growth in the south. Administrators and office jobs will probably start taking a beating as companies deal with margin compression.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (HnUIn)

255 I always wanted to see a presidential ticket with Al Franken and Jill Stein on it.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 02, 2024 03:25 PM (i9ffA)

256 Kiran Chetry today:

She is an infomercial presenter for Nutribullet.

Used to do network news, now hawks blenders on TV
Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (oCjPU)

She'll be 50 on August 26. Why that sticks in my head with other useless information, I have no idea.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:25 PM (8sMut)

257 $60k is $5k a month, $3500 after taxes. $1800 rent is doable. And in Denver one can live without a car which makes it that much more doable.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (4+s9S)
Denver's public transit isn't actually all that good. It's okay, not great. And being near those transit lines will cost you a lot more than $1800 a month.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:25 PM (HnUIn)

258 The RCP avg of all polls shows Trump ahead in NC by 4.4 points in a H2H race with Biden, & by more than that w/ K & the others included. Both those leads are outside the MOE, which is generally 2.5% to 3%, depending on the poll..

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:25 PM (NLIak)

259 I always wanted to see a presidential ticket with Al Franken and Jill Stein on it.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 02, 2024 03:25 PM (i9ffA)

I don't get it.

Posted by: The Wolfman at April 02, 2024 03:26 PM (7RYS8)

260 And $60k is the median, not entry level (which is where young people work).

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:26 PM (HnUIn)

261 >What's up with RFK Jr.'rs voice?

Posted by: Minnfidel

he has a neurological condition that causes his vocal cords to spasm

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:26 PM (oCjPU)

262 Will the Fulton County democrats steal Georgia again? They were pretty bold about it last time and nothing bad happened to them.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (L13ne)

Home Depot is selling "tiny home" kits. Some are as low as $19K. Of course, one has to have property, utilities for it if that is the route they want to take.

What a great 'pool house' for the price. Portable toilet, solar/battery storage for electricity, some sort of RV type electric shower (maybe a 'gray water' issue. I like my wife but damn if I had 500 to 1000 feet of 'me' space at that price I'm in.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (RKVpM)

264 >Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:25 PM (8sMut)

she was a cutie

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (oCjPU)

265 I mean, she's no Mannix girl, but I think most Morons would give her a "1" on the binary scale.
Posted by: Admiral Ackbar at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (JCZqz)
A -1. As in, "kills all sex drive entirely."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (HnUIn)


More humor, Old Man Joe not only fucks things up he is also a piece of shit big enough to get libtards to notice.


Posted by: Dr Huge Largemeat at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (U/2Yu)

267 Report: 4 major studies claiming diverse workforces earn more were bogus. These studies were used to push DEI everywhere, even the MILITARY. 🚨

That never made any sense. How does having someone that's some combination of black/female/paraplegic/a midget/gay make them any better at their job?

Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (2ocoG)

268 The layoffs happened last year. Especially in tech. That has slowed down for the most part. I don’t see a massive real estate crash any time soon. Prices have stayed pretty much flat even with 8% mortgages. As soon as the fed starts to loosen and rates come down to 5 or 6% there’s going to be a massive wave of people buying.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (4+s9S)

269 Where do you see the layoffs coming from? I haven’t seen any slowdown in engineering work, but I don’t see the whole of everything.

Civil engineering in Portland is starting to slow.

The rapidly growing area that I live in has gone from about 500 new houses a year to 250 new houses a year.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (YAtuc)

270 And $60k is the median, not entry level (which is where young people work).
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:26 PM

As I've said to young people. You know, there's this shocking new idea. It's called working two jobs! Queue the horror! I did it, many have. You work your way up. Bust your ass and it will pay off. Most Gen whatevers are aghast by that. So, fuck them.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (Ag7IE)

271 You could set up entire neighborhoods zoned for tiny homes. Just like trailer parks, only shittier.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 02, 2024 03:24 PM (tkR6S)

as long as they don't have wheels they won't attract tornados.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (eoQWY)

272 Report: 4 major studies claiming diverse workforces earn more were bogus. These studies were used to push DEI everywhere, even the MILITARY. 🚨 ...
Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (2ocoG)
They weren't bogus.

The DEI consultancies made a damn fortune.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (HnUIn)

273 $60k is $5k a month, $3500 after taxes. $1800 rent is doable. And in Denver one can live without a car which makes it that much more doable.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024

$1800 on $3500/month is insane; that's more than half your take-home pay. And where in Denver can you get by without a car? In LoDo, the hipster central? Prices would be even worse there.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (J2vNu)

274 I believe Biden's JA has improved because voters' perception of the economy is improving slightly too.


Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 02, 2024 03:29 PM (V8he0)

275 Report: 4 major studies claiming diverse workforces earn more were bogus. These studies were used to push DEI everywhere, even the MILITARY. 🚨

That never made any sense. How does having someone that's some combination of black/female/paraplegic/a midget/gay make them any better at their job?
Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (2oco

Not sure if you’re joking or not. That’s not what the studies said. A diverse workforce is a black, and a white and an Asian and a Hispanic worker, not 4 workers each a quarter black, white, Asian and Hispanic.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:29 PM (4+s9S)

276 That never made any sense. How does having someone that's some combination of black/female/paraplegic/a midget/gay make them any better at their job?
Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM

Look bub, whatever pron categories you bookmark aty pronhub are your own business.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 02, 2024 03:29 PM (Ag7IE)

277 That's pie eating champion Erin Burnett

Posted by: Wonkish Rogue at April 02, 2024 03:29 PM (Yg/ZT)

But stick a fork in Biden, he's done.

I've heard that too many times in the past. He always returns. Like some horror picture villian.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 02, 2024 03:29 PM (63Dwl)

279 How is a tornado like a white trash divorce? There is lots of screaming and shouting and someone is going to lose a trailer.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 02, 2024 03:30 PM (L13ne)

280 247 Might be a way for a kid to have a place on parent's property like the old 'mother in law house'
Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:20 PM (eoQWY)
That was my thought when I saw them. Backyard houses for aged parents or adult kids in rough markets.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (HnUIn)

They're growing up around here in Monroe as well.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Anti-Marxist, buy ammo at April 02, 2024 03:30 PM (xcxpd)

Where do you see the layoffs coming from? I haven’t seen any slowdown in engineering work, but I don’t see the whole of everything.
Posted by: DoublySymmetric

Lockheed laid off 6% of their work force this year already. The Silorski business area lost the Army FARA contract and that's oushing them to lay off additional heads. Watch the other big MIC beak wetters for similar actions.

Posted by: BifBewalski at April 02, 2024 03:30 PM (MsrgL)

282 $1700 a month for living expenses for a single person is very doable. Well if you don’t live at Starbucks it is.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:30 PM (4+s9S)

283 Roads are quite flooded in se Pa,
Posted by: Skip

Can't imagine WHY !

Hiya Skip !

Posted by: JT at April 02, 2024 03:31 PM (T4tVD)

284 $1700 a month for living expenses for a single person is very doable. Well if you don’t live at Starbucks it is.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:30 PM

WHAT? That's just cruel man! That's like a human right dude!

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 02, 2024 03:31 PM (Ag7IE)

285 237 Update on my wife:

She is admitted to the hospital overnight. She fractured 4 ribs. She is in a lot of treatable pain, but in good care and not in danger.

Thank you for the prayers.

I can testify to the power.
Posted by: NaCly Dog at April 02, 2024

Oh no! I missed where something happened to your wife! I am so sorry. Any prayers and hugs, for both of you, light hugs for her, poor thing.

Posted by: Piper at April 02, 2024 03:31 PM (ZdaMQ)

286 248

I read that he has some kind of larynx (voicebox) irregularity which causes him to sound raspy.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:31 PM (NLIak)

287 OT but thanks Black Orchid for response to my question abut Hedgerow. I'm perpetually late with responses to 90% of the posts.

I like the Hedgerow also but haven't been there for years. I can hopefully find a play that is an older classic or something that isn't edgy, push the limits stuff.

Posted by: RM at April 02, 2024 03:31 PM (urbih)

288 The layoffs happened last year. Especially in tech. That has slowed down for the most part. I don’t see a massive real estate crash any time soon. Prices have stayed pretty much flat even with 8% mortgages. As soon as the fed starts to loosen and rates come down to 5 or 6% there’s going to be a massive wave of people buying.
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (4+s9S)
Tech is not finished. The bloodletting will continue, likely in fits and starts rather than headline-grabbing "Microsoft lays off 5,000 people" kind of events.

And prices are indeed flat or even still rising, but inventory is in the toilet, and it's in the toilet in part because prices are so high.

If interest rates fall down into the sub-5% range again (or ~5% range), then it will make prices even worse, that's for sure. But mortgages are tied to the 10-year treasury, and they're still in the mid-4s and not likely to drop significantly (the other direction is more likely).

And I didn't say that there'd be a crash. I don't think there will be, in general (some markets might crash). But a long, grinding decline is more likely than continued rising.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (HnUIn)

289 Where do you see the layoffs coming from? I haven’t seen any slowdown in engineering work, but I don’t see the whole of everything.
Posted by: DoublySymmetric


Stellentis, former Chrysler, just gave thousands of engineers the heave ho.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (2fIO4)

290 What's up with RFK Jr.'rs voice?
Posted by: Minnfidel at April 02, 2024 03:23 PM (Ag7IE)

Dunno about the voice, but his message is loud and clear.

The Dems are doing everything in their power to shut down RFK, Jr.. RFK, not Trump, is Enemy #1 until the DNC Convention. One thing about Kennedys ... if you pick a fight with them, they WILL fight back, hard. RFK is not running as a Dem, he's running as "reformer". A Left of center, reformer, to be sure, but not an insane one. The Dem plan is to make Biden so obnoxious that someone, someone like Michelle, will come in like oil on rough seas, and make a November a great success. Too Late for that now.

Posted by: mrp at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (rj6Yv)

291 Report: 4 major studies claiming diverse workforces earn more were bogus. These studies were used to push DEI everywhere, even the MILITARY. 🚨 ...
Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:27 PM (2ocoG)
They weren't bogus.

The DEI consultancies made a damn fortune.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (HnUIn)

plus the only ones who really implemented them were companies with more money than sense. They are failing now since the dead weight is too much.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (eoQWY)

292 10 When asked whether Biden was a supposed "equal" threat to democracy when compared to Trump, Kennedy Jr. responded: "Biden is a much worse threat to democracy...Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history that has used federal agencies to censor political speech."
Ehhhh, that last point isn't true. There was plenty of censorship during the War Between the States and WWII, at least. Biden is the first to do it in peacetime and for nakedly political (as opposed to clandestinely political) reasons.

But he isn't generally wrong.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 02:45 PM (HnUIn)

Yup. FDR's usage of Gov't agencies to go after his enemies is legendary.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (ynpvh)

293 I looked at some of these modular home kits on Amazon etc. They are surprisingly cheap. I mean, I wouldn't want to live in one, but some of them are way nicer than my first apartment.

Posted by: Minnfidel at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (Ag7IE)

But PredictIt has Biden up by 20%!!!!!!

*RIP Intrade*

Posted by: In before the troll at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (n+4am)

295 109 State Of Emergency Declared In Niagara Falls Over Total Solar Eclipse

The city is in the path of totality, which will receive no solar rays for a few minutes on April 8 as the moon blocks the sun.

... what do they do at night ? seppuku ?
Posted by: SMOD at April 02, 2024 02:59 PM (RHGPo)

Went to a website for the international bridges in the area. In big bold capital letters, words to this effect: APRIL 8 - NO LOITERING ON BRIDGES ALLOWED. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Gee, what's happening that day?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (8sMut)

296 A real estate friend of mine told me he’s had a lot of inquiries from people looking to buy, but waiting for rates to come down. I think also there’s a yuuuge lent up demand for buying. Everyone is just waiting. But once it starts it’s going to be a cascade as FOMO will kick in again.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (4+s9S)

297 he Dems are doing everything in their power to shut down RFK, Jr.. RFK, not Trump, is Enemy #1 until the DNC Convention. One thing about Kennedys ... if you pick a fight with them, they WILL fight back, hard. RFK is not running as a Dem, he's running as "reformer". A Left of center, reformer, to be sure, but not an insane one.
Posted by: mrp at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (rj6Yv)

Traitors are always the most dangerous enemy.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (eoQWY)

298 as long as they don't have wheels they won't attract tornados.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (eoQWY)


Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (tkR6S)

299 Not sure if you’re joking or not. That’s not what the studies said. A diverse workforce is a black, and a white and an Asian and a Hispanic worker, not 4 workers each a quarter black, white, Asian and Hispanic.

Yes, that's what I was saying. Having each worker be a different spin of the Wheel of Diversity allegedly makes all of them better at any job you can come up with, and that doesn't pass the sniff test.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (2ocoG)

She is admitted to the hospital overnight. She fractured 4 ribs. She is in a lot of treatable pain, but in good care and not in danger.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at April 02, 2024 03:22 PM

Darn. I broke a buncha ribs years ago and it took forever to get the pain to go away. Like six month, easy. Who knew they could hurt so much?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (RKVpM)

301 Salty

Prayers up for your wife AND you, old friend. I know that's got to be tough.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:34 PM (NLIak)

302 277 That's pie eating champion Erin Burnett
Posted by: Wonkish Rogue

Blueberry Pageant Princess and best blueberry packer in New Jersey Kellyanne Conway > pie eating champion Erin Burnett

Posted by: Moron Analyst at April 02, 2024 03:34 PM (JCZqz)

303 297 he Dems are doing everything in their power to shut down RFK, Jr.. RFK, not Trump, is Enemy #1 until the DNC Convention. One thing about Kennedys ... if you pick a fight with them, they WILL fight back, hard. RFK is not running as a Dem, he's running as "reformer". A Left of center, reformer, to be sure, but not an insane one.
Posted by: mrp at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (rj6Yv)

Traitors are always the most dangerous enemy.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (eoQWY)

IF the CIA took care of two Kennedys, what's a third?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at April 02, 2024 03:34 PM (ynpvh)

304 I believe Biden's JA has improved because voters' perception of the economy is improving slightly too.

Posted by: Notorious BFD

That's a lot of Media Propaganda. Sure, some tech stocks, etc on the NYSE and NASDAQ are hot now, but a lot of companies stock values are stagnant or falling.
Actual employment (full time) has gone DOWN recently, but part time jobs are going up.
Inflation is still pretty bad.
And the worst news is....

Our government is deficit spending about $1Trillion (!) dollars every hundred days. The service on the national debt is now the biggest item in the Federal budget.
What happens (and this is coming real soon) when the service on debt exceeds actual tax revenues?
We are literally facing an economic calamity.

Posted by: A face in the crowd..... at April 02, 2024 03:34 PM (73fCm)

305 > An expression that has always baffled me. Is that the opposite of being "in whack"??

It's old slang. Apparently a "whack" was a share or portion. If something was working well or all portions were fair, the slang saying was that it was in "fine whack." That was opposite to "out of whack." The last phrase survived, but the other two fell out of use.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 03:35 PM (Odg76)

306 300
She is admitted to the hospital overnight. She fractured 4 ribs. She is in a lot of treatable pain, but in good care and not in danger.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at April 02, 2024 03:22 PM

Darn. I broke a buncha ribs years ago and it took forever to get the pain to go away. Like six month, easy. Who knew they could hurt so much?

Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (RKVpM)

The thing about ribs is, even when healing, they need to flex while you breathe. Kinda works against healing, doesn't it? Then again, holding your breath is a dead-end solution too.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at April 02, 2024 03:35 PM (ynpvh)

307 A real estate friend of mine told me he’s had a lot of inquiries from people looking to buy, but waiting for rates to come down. I think also there’s a yuuuge lent up demand for buying. Everyone is just waiting. But once it starts it’s going to be a cascade as FOMO will kick in again.

You're better off buying as much house as you can now, because once rates start coming down, the market will go bananas. You can always refinance, even multiple times. Ask me how I know.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:35 PM (CsUN+)

Stellentis, former Chrysler, just gave thousands of engineers the heave ho.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (2fIO4)

Mostly outside the US though. Italy got hit hard with 3000 layoffs there. In the US it was an only a couple of hundred.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:35 PM (4+s9S)

309 They weren't bogus.

The DEI consultancies made a damn fortune.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:28 PM (HnUIn)


Since Jackson & Sharpton, the "racial grievance" industry appears to have grifted and redistributed more wealth in America than every other industry than government -- as well as having contributed the most harm to the society while doing so.

Posted by: ShainS -- Blood-Bath-and-Beyond angel investor at April 02, 2024 03:36 PM (FEZee)

310 A diverse workforce is a black, and a white and an Asian and a Hispanic worker

You forgot two Jews and a cripple.
-- Zombie James Watt

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:36 PM (9yWhg)

311 I'm sorry to hear your wife was injured, NaCly Dog. Best wishes to her and prayers up.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 03:36 PM (Odg76)

312 The fact that the DEMs are engaged in trench warfare to keep K off the ballot, challenging signatures individually, is the reason K needed a VP with MONEY.

Posted by: mnw at April 02, 2024 03:36 PM (NLIak)

313 Stellentis, former Chrysler, just gave thousands of engineers the heave ho.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 02, 2024 03:32 PM (2fIO4)

Replaced 'em with Mexican bridge mechanics.

Posted by: JT at April 02, 2024 03:36 PM (T4tVD)

314 My sons pay $2400 in rent, they just finished off paying for their cars, utilities run about $400, insurance $140, plus gas, and food. So that's about $3k/month. They also have small student loan payments, of about $180/month. But that's northern virginia. Ill be paying $750/month rent for 1/2 an apartment in state college PA next semester which is still better than the dorms.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 02, 2024 03:37 PM (U8kCF)

315 The "diversity improves profitability and outcomes" thing is based on a real concept called "idiosyncratic risk." If everyone working in a place is the same, they have no spectrum of differing experience or thought process and so will fail to see major risks or shifts in the market or in business operations. "We don't know what we don't know, and we can't see what we don't know, and all of us know the same thing." This is one of the reasons for pursuing "fresh blood" by recruiting from outside the organization for executive positions - get a new perspective from someone who can see what you literally cannot see.

But the "diversity is our strength" crowd was wearing that very real thing as a skin suit, like they always do. Racial or religious diversity likely doesn't help reduce idiosyncratic risk, and likely actually amplifies it because the diversity boosters hire people only like themselves. No differing perspective or opinion permitted.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 02, 2024 03:37 PM (HnUIn)

316 305 > An expression that has always baffled me. Is that the opposite of being "in whack"??

It's old slang. Apparently a "whack" was a share or portion. If something was working well or all portions were fair, the slang saying was that it was in "fine whack." That was opposite to "out of whack." The last phrase survived, but the other two fell out of use.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 02, 2024 03:35 PM (Odg76)

"Whacks on, Whacks off...Damnit, Danielsan, not again!"

Posted by: Mr. Miyagi at April 02, 2024 03:37 PM (ynpvh)

317 Nood Trump video (but no Melania)

Posted by: Gouverneur Morris at April 02, 2024 03:37 PM (rOSoi)

318 Hope your wife gets well soon, Salty.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:37 PM (9yWhg)

319 I usually have a week's worth of whack on hand. But something always comes up that requires whacking, and I find myself out of whack. The it's off to WhackMart.

Posted by: Don Black at April 02, 2024 03:37 PM (oCjPU)

320 272 Report: 4 major studies claiming diverse workforces earn more...

Snap, the window just popped out
Crap, the dock just fell in
Pop, that door just fell off

Snap, Crap & Pop, DEI just for yoou

Posted by: Braenyard at April 02, 2024 03:38 PM (v55R6)

321 307 A real estate friend of mine told me he’s had a lot of inquiries from people looking to buy, but waiting for rates to come down. I think also there’s a yuuuge lent up demand for buying. Everyone is just waiting. But once it starts it’s going to be a cascade as FOMO will kick in again.

You're better off buying as much house as you can now, because once rates start coming down, the market will go bananas. You can always refinance, even multiple times. Ask me how I know.

Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:35 PM (CsUN+)

The bet is that rates will go DOWN before the election in order to boost Sniffy Joe's chances of having enough cheat built-in.

Posted by: Mr. Miyagi at April 02, 2024 03:38 PM (ynpvh)

322 Yup. FDR's usage of Gov't agencies to go after his enemies is legendary.

Lincoln was the first to outright censor critics, throwing them in jail along with threatening Supreme Court Justices.

And Lincoln wanted to kill lots of Americans in the name of "Unity".

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at April 02, 2024 03:38 PM (4HcMG)

323 108- 85 Sounds bad but the cheat will beat all comers and deliver a win for Joey Spongebrains Shitspants.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at April 02, 2024 02:55 PM

Won't it be harder to cheat when they have to cover any lead by Trump and votes for RFKJr.? I'm trying not to underestimate their powers but it seems like it might be harder for them to figure out the number of ballots they need to produce to cover Biden's deficit. Of course, their likely desire then would be to throw it to the House.

Posted by: Moonbeam at April 02, 2024 03:39 PM (rbKZ6)

324 310 A diverse workforce is a black, and a white and an Asian and a Hispanic worker

You forgot two Jews and a cripple.
-- Zombie James Watt

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at April 02, 2024 03:36 PM (9yWhg)

True. And do any have to be LGBTBBQWTF? You bet.

Posted by: Mr. Miyagi at April 02, 2024 03:39 PM (ynpvh)

325 If prices are so high that few people can afford them, then eventually either prices will stagnate while salaries rise, or else prices will fall. An empty house sitting on the market indefinitely does nobody any good.
Posted by: Archimedes at April 02, 2024 03:17 PM (CsUN+)

That's what we've been saying all along!

Posted by: Squatters living in an "empty" house at April 02, 2024 03:39 PM (FCbAQ)

326 The "diversity improves profitability and outcomes" thing is based on a real concept called "idiosyncratic risk." If everyone working in a place is the same, they have no spectrum of differing experience or thought process and so will fail to see major risks or shifts in the market or in business operations.

Right, and that kind of diversity doesn't correlate to any of the standard DEI parameters. A white guy and a black guy who both are Harvard MBAs will likely have very similar thought processes.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 02, 2024 03:40 PM (2ocoG)

327 Darn. I broke a buncha ribs years ago and it took forever to get the pain to go away. Like six month, easy. Who knew they could hurt so much?
Posted by: Divide by Zero at April 02, 2024 03:33 PM (RKVpM)

Back when I was passing kidney stones the process would start with a side effect of throwing up anything I ate or drank (including snot from the last vomit) for 24 hours. The rib soreness from that was considerable. I'd be watching or not watching serious shows on video cassette because laughing was super painful.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:40 PM (eoQWY)

328 Yep. Lincoln was the worst precedent Ever.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 02, 2024 03:40 PM (BjRQH)

329 Damn. Off Karate sock.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at April 02, 2024 03:40 PM (ynpvh)

330 And Lincoln wanted to kill lots of Americans in the name of "Unity".
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at April 02, 2024 03:38 PM (4HcMG)

just the ones that were shooting at him.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:41 PM (eoQWY)

331 Don’t forget Snakehead’s a liar, same as Rove. Where’s Lee Atwater when we need him?

Posted by: Eromero at April 02, 2024 03:41 PM (NxC5+)

332 The DEI shit assumes a black person and an Asian person will have different approaches to problems. But if both the black person and Asian went to the same school, and live in the same part of town and vote the same way, their approach to problems will be identical.

True diversity would be a white guy who grew up in Greenwich, CT, a white guy who grew up in coal country, an Asian born here, an Asian born in Taiwan, and so on. That’s diversity. Not checkbox of how you look.l

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:41 PM (4+s9S)

333 New Thread

Posted by: Gouverneur Morris at April 02, 2024 03:41 PM (rOSoi)

334 Waiting for rates to go down only works if you’re first to buy. Cuz as soon as rates go down prices start increasing as more demand comes online. And then you’re no better off than having bought now at cheaper prices with higher rates.

Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:42 PM (4+s9S)

335 322 Yup. FDR's usage of Gov't agencies to go after his enemies is legendary.

Lincoln was the first to outright censor critics, throwing them in jail along with threatening Supreme Court Justices.

And Lincoln wanted to kill lots of Americans in the name of "Unity".

Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at April 02, 2024 03:38 PM (4HcMG)

No matter what you think, it would have been better for the South had they NOT fired on Ft. Sumter. Slavery was a terrible institution that ran afoul of the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, and quite a few founders were more than bothered by it.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at April 02, 2024 03:43 PM (ynpvh)

336 322 Yup. FDR's usage of Gov't agencies to go after his enemies is legendary.

Lincoln was the first to outright censor critics, throwing them in jail along with threatening Supreme Court Justices.

And Lincoln wanted to kill lots of Americans in the name of "Unity".
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at April 02, 2024 03:38 PM (4HcMG)

The "Lincoln is an evil man because he didn't let this sick, disgusting country fall apart; I hate America and wanted America destroyed; why didn't Lincoln?" argument. Great.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:43 PM (8sMut)

337 True diversity would be a white guy who grew up in Greenwich, CT, a white guy who grew up in coal country, an Asian born here, an Asian born in Taiwan, and so on. That’s diversity. Not checkbox of how you look.l
Posted by: Montec at April 02, 2024 03:41 PM (4+s9S)

every noun a leftist uses to promote something is the exact opposite of what it really is. Diversity means non diversity.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:44 PM (eoQWY)

338 The thing I like about RFK is that he shows the democrats that there's more than one way to be a democrat. That has to be good.

Posted by: Wenda at April 02, 2024 03:45 PM (G1K9S)

339 330 And Lincoln wanted to kill lots of Americans in the name of "Unity".
Posted by: Unknown Drip Under Pressure at April 02, 2024 03:38 PM (4HcMG)

just the ones that were shooting at him.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:41 PM (eoQWY)

This country needed to FUCKING DIE. HOW DARE that ASSHOLE Lincoln try to keep the country together??

Posted by: Anti-Lincoln Confederacy apologists at April 02, 2024 03:47 PM (8sMut)

340 338 The thing I like about RFK is that he shows the democrats that there's more than one way to be a democrat. That has to be good.
Posted by: Wenda at April 02, 2024 03:45 PM (G1K9S)

He is still a very evil man who wants people imprisoned for wrong think and wants to pick and choose my hobbies and those of millions of others.

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 03:49 PM (8sMut)

341 We are willowed again aren't we?

Posted by: Skip at April 02, 2024 03:52 PM (fwDg9)

342 No matter what you think, it would have been better for the South had they NOT fired on Ft. Sumter. Slavery was a terrible institution that ran afoul of the ideals of the Declaration of Independence, and quite a few founders were more than bothered by it.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at April 02, 2024 03:43 PM (ynpvh)

The official plank of the Republican party on slavery was "Free Soil" - no extension of slavery to new states. Even in Kansas with the most dense slavery areas adjacent slave supporters were beaten in migration 10-1. Letting that go would have reduced the political tension tremendously. Problem is that the times had moved past practical thinking to emotion and ideology because slavery was more than economics.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:53 PM (eoQWY)

343 It will be amazing when Trump loses all 50 states, but totally believable.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 02, 2024 03:55 PM (lTGtQ)

344 Report: 4 major studies claiming diverse workforces earn more were bogus. These studies were used to push DEI everywhere, even the MILITARY. 🚨

My memory from at least one study was they took high earning companies that had been high earning both pre and post DIE and compared them to less profitable companies that did not embrace DIE

Posted by: 18-1 at April 02, 2024 03:55 PM (ibTVg)

345 This country needed to FUCKING DIE. HOW DARE that ASSHOLE Lincoln try to keep the country together??
Posted by: Anti-Lincoln Confederacy apologists at April 02, 2024 03:47 PM (8sMut)

It always amuses me that actual Confederates that fought and sometimes were maimed and wounded handled the ACW better than that crowd does today.

Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:55 PM (eoQWY)

346 the Democrat Party has accepted the fact that Republicans have the state in the bag.

Wow. The Dems have given up on the snowbird (usually Jewish) NY vote already.

Honest question: Which group do you think is bigger: NY Jews or Dearbornistan Muslims?

Posted by: pookysgirl really doesn't know at April 02, 2024 04:14 PM (dtlDP)

347 Robert F Kennedy Jr is currently polling better than any independent candidate since Ross Perot in 1992.


On the one hand, this is excellent news.

On the other, it's horrible.

It's good, because we need mass popular revolt against the regime. RFK is helping work toward that.

It's bad, because no right wing candidate is running outside the regime framework (I had vainly hoped Trump would seize this moment, but nope). The right risks completely losing the future to its infernal fucking addiction to the GOP.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 02, 2024 04:14 PM (0FoWg)

348 This is going to make Liberals the M.S. Media Globalists Democrats and the Eco-Freaks self destruct

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at April 02, 2024 04:36 PM (wGqjj)

349 On a side note, how is RFK Jr going to campaign all summer if he can't talk? Not trying to be mean, but communicating is kinda the essence of the job. And I can barely make out WTF he is saying

Posted by: Milquetoast Mortgage-Paying Neighbor in Flyover Country at April 02, 2024 04:41 PM (5C4od)

350 "... the state party had "complete confirmation that the Biden campaign, as well as national surrogates and national partners, will be investing dollars here."

Uhmmm..."investments" require a rational expectation of positive returns.
If there is no rational reason to hold any such expectation, the correct terminology would be "Spending".
It is near certainty that Biden, his surrogates, and national Partners will be "Throwing some money" at Florida...but not enough to make any real difference.

Just like LBJ taught them...

Posted by: birdog at April 02, 2024 04:59 PM (+Fkyb)

351 The official plank of the Republican party on slavery was "Free Soil" - no extension of slavery to new states. Even in Kansas with the most dense slavery areas adjacent slave supporters were beaten in migration 10-1. Letting that go would have reduced the political tension tremendously. Problem is that the times had moved past practical thinking to emotion and ideology because slavery was more than economics.
Posted by: Oldcat at April 02, 2024 03:53 PM (eoQWY)

Not at that point. This is just pure wishcasting.

"Bleeding Kansas"?

Posted by: Catch Thirty-Thr33 at April 02, 2024 05:53 PM (8sMut)

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Posted by: things to do miami at April 09, 2024 12:34 AM (Q+hSd)

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