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America Is Enjoying High Bidenflation Right Now, and It's Not Enjoying It Much

The headline is a play on what I remember as a quote from George H. W. Bush in his 1992 re-election campaign, facing a recession. He said, if my memory is correct, something like "We're enjoying a recession right now, and we're not enjoying it much."

I can't seem to find the quote, though. So you'll just have to be like a Democrat Voter and Trust Everything I Say Without Complaint or Question.

Via Real Clear Investigations, Sanjai Bhagat & Marlo Oaks write that Bidenomics is just Bidenflation.

During the Trump presidency, the average price increase for goods and services was a modest 7.6% over four years. That is less than 2% increase in prices for each of those four years. Contrast that with the more than 5% increase in prices for each of the last three years. This amounts to a staggering 17.6% increase in costs under President Biden's watch, with one year remaining. This isn't just a blip on the economic radar. It's a troubling trend that spells disaster for household budgets across the nation.

These price increases are a direct result of the Biden Administration's spending bills. Ironically, one of these bills was named the Inflation Reduction Act.

It wasn't irony. It was an Orwellian lie.

For blue-collar workers--particularly, women workers--the impact has been devastating. Under the Trump Administration, real (inflation-adjusted) median weekly earnings saw a $63.10 increase for all workers and an impressive $78.80 increase for women workers. Fast forward to the Biden era, and real median weekly earnings have plummeted by $13.20 for all workers and a staggering $23.70 for women workers.

Black workers and Hispanic workers have also fared significantly worse in the Biden era. Black workers experienced $65.70 increase in real weekly earnings in the Trump era compared to $28.80 in the Biden era. Hispanic workers experienced $47.20 increase in real weekly earnings in the Trump era compared to $7.80 in the Biden era.

Middle-class families find themselves grappling not only with skyrocketing inflation but also with the specter of unaffordable housing. Mortgage interest rates have surged by a jaw-dropping 70% in just three years. During the Trump presidency, a 30-year fixed rate mortgage average in the U.S. was 3.89%. It is now 6.60%. Monthly mortgage payments for a median-priced home have ballooned by over $1,000 compared to the Trump era, making the dream of homeownership feel more like a distant fantasy than a tangible goal.

So, is Bidenomics working? For the millions of struggling Americans grappling with inflation, stagnant wages, and unattainable housing, the answer is a resounding no.

The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

From the New York Post:

"The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

"If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that's going to be much more affordable," he added.

What am I, Seinfeld in the 90s? Who am I, Joey Carb-onato?

Below: a video from a couple of years back about shopping in a Bidenflation economy.

Posted by: Disinformation Expert Ace at 02:21 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Those darn corporations!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:20 PM (GBKbO)

2 I played my role!

Posted by: caroline ellison at February 29, 2024 02:22 PM (2yu8s)

3 Kaboom for supper?

Get ready for violence, boss.

Posted by: Nuh-uh, Nur-ur at February 29, 2024 02:22 PM (aEpvq)

4 Too late!

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at February 29, 2024 02:22 PM (N1tpc)

5 Almost first with an old-timey, now anyway, sock.

Otters called.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:23 PM (2yu8s)

6 Enjoyed by economic masochists.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:23 PM (ynpvh)

7 The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

A prelude to grass and leaves? I mean, the Norks eat that...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:24 PM (ynpvh)

8 Ford temporarily stops shipping 2024 F-150 Lightning to country from Metro Detroit. Nobody wants them.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 02:24 PM (eYF7X)

9 Ahh the Inflation Reduction Act.

Basically it printed trillions of dollars by granting tax credits (tax deferrment) for investors who merely build renewable projects. Amazon gets to fund and get 90% of the money they "invested" that would have gone to tax, the developer gets a carry for a basically free renewable asset that would never pay out, the consumer gets the tax bill and higher electricity prices. Its like printing trillions out of thin air

Posted by: Jollyroger at February 29, 2024 02:24 PM (s2dbP)

10 The galling thing about the cereal comment--okay, one of the galling things is that cereal is grossly overpriced.

Posted by: moviegique (buy my book!) at February 29, 2024 02:24 PM (asXVI)

11 Did they ever find out who made that video and jail him?

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:25 PM (qe8hL)

12 This isn't just a blip on the economic radar. It's a troubling trend that spells disaster for household budgets across the nation.
No, regular Fed-defined "price stability" of 2% annual inflation is a disaster.

This has been a catastrophe.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:25 PM (HnUIn)

13 BTW, cereal prices are becoming insane too. Costco big box of honey-nut Cheerios: about $10. Add the cost of milk to that, not quite the balanced nutritious breakfast, but who knows for dinner!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:25 PM (ynpvh)

14 I like cereal. Eat it every day. What Kelloggs, General Mills and others are doing is shrinkflation.

Seems like every box of cereal I buy is smaller, thinner and has less cereal in it.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at February 29, 2024 02:25 PM (N39Ws)

15 For blue-collar workers--particularly, women workers--the impact has been devastating.[i/]
Of course. Women and minorities hardest hit. It can't just be a plain-old disaster. Need those identity politics points to make a *real* disaster.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:26 PM (HnUIn)

16 Actually I'm kind of tired of defending corporations.

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:26 PM (qe8hL)

17 Inflation just absolutely sucks.

Not only does it hurt your wallet generally, it hurts your ability to comparison shop.

Is this a good price!?? Last year it wasn't. But I have no idea if it is now.

So even people who live frugally are getting hit by our evil overlords folly.

HOPEFULLY the anger is enough that even the blatant fraud the Democrats committed in 2020 won't be enough to steal the election.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (N1tpc)

18 Cheerios three years ago: $2.29 a 16 oz box

Cheerios today: $4.89 a 12 oz box


Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (W/lyH)

19 > The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

Ironically, poor people in America already eat cereal for dinner. Even more ironically, cereal is a VERY cost inefficient food. A $6 box of cereal will only feed an adult around four meals. Red beans and brown rice are far more nutritious for less money.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (6OrcJ)

20 If you think that cereal idea is bad, there was an article about 6 mos ago suggesting a great way to save on your food bill was to - get this - skip breakfast.

Posted by: Lizzy at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (Hkcdp)

21 9 Ahh the Inflation Reduction Act.

Basically it printed trillions of dollars by granting tax credits (tax deferrment) for investors who merely build renewable projects. Amazon gets to fund and get 90% of the money they "invested" that would have gone to tax, the developer gets a carry for a basically free renewable asset that would never pay out, the consumer gets the tax bill and higher electricity prices. Its like printing trillions out of thin air

Posted by: Jollyroger at February 29, 2024 02:24 PM (s2dbP)

And Unexpectedly, caused inflation to get worse. Hey guys, that graph you're using is backwards...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (ynpvh)

22 >>14 I like cereal. Eat it every day. What Kelloggs, General Mills and others are doing is shrinkflation.

Seems like every box of cereal I buy is smaller, thinner and has less cereal in it.
Posted by: Our Country is Screwed

Costco has two huge boxes taped together of Cheerios for $8. The boxes are twice as big as the ones you can get a a supermarket.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (eYF7X)

23 Mortgage interest rates have surged by a jaw-dropping 70% in just three years. During the Trump presidency, a 30-year fixed rate mortgage average in the U.S. was 3.89%. It is now 6.60%.
And both are too low.

Price will come down as a result, but the finance industry hates that.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (HnUIn)

24 I don't get cereal. With a lot of them, it seems like you could just eat a donut and actually enjoy your carb and sugar delivery vehicle.

Posted by: I'd rather have oatmeal at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (aEpvq)

25 The buck stops over there.
,..... Senile Joe

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (xcrUy)

26 I miss food...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (GBKbO)

27 But Notable Prize Winner Paul Krugman tells us that Biden's polices are the Very Best Ever. We have never had it so good.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (1bNHn)

28 16 Actually I'm kind of tired of defending corporations.

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:26 PM (qe8hL)

IF they can make a profit and enrich politicians in doing so, they're all for it, even it is worse for everybody else.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (ynpvh)

29 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.
"If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that's going to be much more affordable," he added.

And grain-heavy, protein-light dinners are the key to improved health!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (HnUIn)

30 @21

Well, my old take is that if a bill has a name, assume its really doing the opposite.

Posted by: Jollyroger at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (s2dbP)

31 17 Inflation just absolutely sucks.

Not only does it hurt your wallet generally, it hurts your ability to comparison shop.

Is this a good price!?? Last year it wasn't. But I have no idea if it is now.

So even people who live frugally are getting hit by our evil overlords folly.

HOPEFULLY the anger is enough that even the blatant fraud the Democrats committed in 2020 won't be enough to steal the election.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (N1tpc)

Who said that inflation was Gov't theft?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (ynpvh)

32 Box cereal has never been the cheap food alternative.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (4eVRO)

33 Anything processed is going to be way more expensive than buying the raw ingredients and making it yourself. This was true even before the Bidenflation.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 29, 2024 02:28 PM (MeG8a)

34 I can believe two things at once:

1. Corporations are assholes.
2. Corporations don't drive inflation.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:29 PM (GBKbO)

35 It's doing wonders with my grocery bill

Posted by: Skip at February 29, 2024 02:29 PM (fwDg9)


Anal-Eze has more than doubled! Good thing I walked away from CNN with 24.5 million $!

Posted by: Don Lemonparty at February 29, 2024 02:29 PM (dInyF)

37 My last cashier complained to me about the cost of TV dinners and sliced deli meat that she bought alot of like me as I was paying a couple of weeks ago. And, yes, I tried the Tap but it was too high at something like $120 so I had to Insert too.

With the lockdowns ended, I think the banks here went back to the $100 or less standard of pre-plandemic days.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:29 PM (2yu8s)

38 I am assured that, were it not for the Inflation Reduction Act, Trump's inflation would be twice as much.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (1bNHn)

39 JP Morgan Chase should put mini-branches in grocery stores offering home equity lines to grocery shoppers.

Posted by: The Frumious Follywood at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (uUxLK)

40 Well, if I were the CEO of Kelloggs, I'd of said the same thing. They will probably see a 10-15% bump in sales.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (W/lyH)

41 ace, this is our elites planning for our arduous march


Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (D7oie)

42 The White House diaper budget is exploding.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (xcrUy)

43 The item I've seen inflation hit hard is ketchup.

Don't know why.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (MNhXM)

44 I don't get cereal. With a lot of them, it seems like you could just eat a donut and actually enjoy your carb and sugar delivery vehicle.
Posted by: I'd rather have oatmeal at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (aEpvq)

Depends on the cereal. Raisin Bran and Shredded Wheat are pretty good fiber sources. (And others, but those are the cheap ones.)

But the sugar bombs and puffed corn and things? Those exist because children eat them without complaint.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (N1tpc)

45 There's some real truth to that little comedy video.

When the inflation first hit like a tsunami, my sister-in-law literally wept when she got back to the car after grocery shopping.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (HnUIn)

46 Okay, the video made me laugh...and then made me cry...

Posted by: Nova Local at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (exHjb)

47 Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Fruity Pebbles, man.

Not at the same time...


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (GBKbO)

48 fucking olive oil


still I must use it!

maybe I'll plant some trees

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (AcWfM)


Hubby and I got back to Hellumbia SC in late December. Our power bill was $675 and we we were not here during the time period of the huge bill. The HVAC was set on 58 degrees and the only thing running was the pool pump.

Posted by: four seasons at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (PisyI)

50 Inflation's a white-ring conspiracy -- NOT HAPPENING H8R -- and it's damn good that it is and should be celebrated with a National Holiday every February 31st called Leapteenth!"

Posted by: ShainS -- Laken Riley (Business is business, and it's a murder most foul) at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (zkqkL)

51 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said."

A dick behind the 7-11 should be quite affordable to you, asshole.

Posted by: Truthbomb at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (bxCZE)

52 1 Those darn corporations!
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
They have dried the well of compassion for them and their management even here.

Conservatives hated labor unions for being lefty bastions so they became pro corporation instead.

Now both labor unions and corporations are run by lefties and conservatives are split among the remaining bidness conservatives and the rising anti establishment type.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (hKOIV)

53 We went grocery shopping this morning. Came to over 200.00, for just us two old people. Which is ridiculous.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (1bNHn)

54 45 There's some real truth to that little comedy video.

I get really stressed over shopping. it's painful

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (AcWfM)

55 Yeah, about the cereal … turns out a chemical they spray on oats for a better harvest is getting into people’s bloodstream and causing infertility and other stuff.

So yeah, normies, eat more chemical-dense cheerios and Quaker oatmeal!!

Posted by: Lizzy at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (Hkcdp)

56 Let them eat Kaboom!

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (2yu8s)

57 52 Now both labor unions and corporations are run by lefties and conservatives are split among the remaining bidness conservatives and the rising anti establishment type.
Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (hKOIV)


"It's too bad that you got yourself into this situation. Good luck."
-Tom Cotton, slightly paraphrased

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (GBKbO)

58 38 I am assured that, were it not for the Inflation Reduction Act, Trump's inflation would be twice as much.

Posted by: Eeyore at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (1bNHn)

If inflation lasts more than 4 hours, contact your doctor economist.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (ynpvh)

59 “Biden flatiron is fine, I just reduce my work by 20% to compensate.” Average NPO woker.

Posted by: Corona exile-back_in_exile at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (7rzgu)

60 Yeah, with all the processed sugar they put into cereal? What the hell, its not like diabetes and weight are like... a problem or anything...

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (xaFKb)

61 Hillary said for every $1 that government puts into economy, the economy grows by $1.50 (forget exact number).

That Might be true at very early stages, where inputs build critical infrastructure and industry. But giving those dollars to lay-abouts and criminal illegals quickly begins to have a negative return, along with the damage to America via the crime and lowered wages for the "underclass". Not to mention the inflationary catastrophe they are setting up.

Posted by: illiniwek at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (Cus5s)

62 Perfect time to eat less and work on your gainzz

Posted by: nckate at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (eVFg2)

63 I am fortunate my boys are both self sufficient, well, mostly.

I have been working very hard at eating leftovers and not wasting food. I seem to be spending the same amount of money on groceries now as I did five years ago when I had both my boys at home and fed them and their friends.

Posted by: nurse ratched at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (FSWTk)

64 41 ace, this is our elites planning for our arduous march


Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (D7oie)

::: nods sagaciously :::

Posted by: Zombie Kim Il Sung at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (ynpvh)

65 Depends on the cereal. Raisin Bran and Shredded Wheat are pretty good fiber sources. (And others, but those are the cheap ones.)

But the sugar bombs and puffed corn and things? Those exist because children eat them without complaint.
Posted by: Formerly Virginian at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (N1tpc)

I eat Raisin Bran now every morning - I need the fiber...and the extra iron from the raisins.

Cereal is a fine breakfast - if you can measure out and stick to one serving size. I use small-size coffee cups and tea cups (the one's you get in fake china sets) for my breakfast vs a bowl.

Posted by: Nova Local at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (exHjb)

66 The item I've seen inflation hit hard is ketchup.

Don't know why.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (MNhXM)

Around here the worst in cereal has been Grape Nut Flakes. Now $6.99 for a 12 oz box. Sadly one of my favs.
Eggs ironically have held steady...anywhere from $1.98 to $2.29 a doz.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (W/lyH)

67 OT:
TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law permitting the public disclosure of grand jury testimony, paving the way for officials to release documents from the secretive 2006 Jeffrey Epstein case.

Two victims of the disgraced billionaire joined DeSantis at the Palm Beach Police Department on Thursday.
The horrible sounds you are hearing outside are squeakholes of congress contracting.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (eYF7X)

68 If a television network wanted to engage in the production of subtly subversive material, it would bring back "Supermarket Sweep" in the exact same form.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (HnUIn)

69 Credit card defaults are at all-time highs.

As are auto loan defaults.

Mortgages are next.
If you're trapped in a mortgage, you can't sell and downsize because you can't afford the new rate.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (4eVRO)

70 I remember when this was Putin's fault

Posted by: Taggart at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (og5mY)

71 Hubby and I got back to Hellumbia SC in late December. Our power bill was $675 and we we were not here during the time period of the huge bill. The HVAC was set on 58 degrees and the only thing running was the pool pump.

Posted by: four seasons at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (PisyI)


Look for wires tapped into yours and leading to the nearest overpass encampment.

/Seriously, that's crazy ...

Posted by: ShainS -- Laken Riley (Business is business, and it's a murder most foul) at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (zkqkL)

72 The Pravda Media keeps repeating "the economy is roaring" in rote repetition.


You are poorer (and more likely a victim of violent crime) as to compared to when Biden was sworn in.

Posted by: Jay in PA at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (i7Q7S)

73 Remember Biden (or rather, his handlers) used COVID which had by that time abated as the excuse to spend gobs of money under the influence of the "respected" Television Historians Brinkley and Meacham in order for Biden to be a consequential President in the mold of FDR. It all had literally nothing to do with COVID or the needs of the U.S. at the time, and everything to do with a cabal of clever sillies with no background in macroeconomics thinking that FDR was a great President because he threw money around. That's it - that's the real justification why everything sucks so bad and nothing is affordable for middle class earners anymore.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (mFFmd)

74 The cereal with the most sugar per gram is, unsurprisingly, Cap'n Crunch. Corn Pops and Raisin Bran Crunch are second and third.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (Dm8we)

75 Ironically, it *did* get the hose again.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (VoAdT)

76 These price increases are a direct result of the Biden Administration's spending bills. Ironically, one of these bills was named the Inflation Reduction Act.

Because shoveling trillions of dollars at friendly NGOs, non-profits and foreign states who can be relied on to shovel a certain portion of it back into Dem coffers has ALWAYS been known to reduce inflation.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (Gsmsg)

77 It's good that food prices are going thru the roof.

Lot of fat asses won't eat so much.

Drink a lot of water like Benito Juarez did when he was wandering around Mexico as a youth.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (2ijlT)

78 I have been working very hard at eating leftovers and not wasting food. I seem to be spending the same amount of money on groceries now as I did five years ago when I had both my boys at home and fed them and their friends.
Posted by: nurse ratched at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (FSWTk)
So food is about 4x as expensive as it was, all other things being equal.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (HnUIn)

79 55 Yeah, about the cereal … turns out a chemical they spray on oats for a better harvest is getting into people’s bloodstream and causing infertility and other stuff.

So yeah, normies, eat more chemical-dense cheerios and Quaker oatmeal!!
Posted by: Lizzy
That chemical is illegal to apply in the US but the EPA gave a waiver for imported grains to use it.

The chemical literally stunts the growth of stalks of grain plants so that more plant resources are channelled into grain production and short stalks are more resistant to wind damage.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (hKOIV)

80 I expect revived coupon clipper shows where contestants vie for prizes based upon how much money they save using coupons. Of course the coupons are digital now and the prizes are 4 year old Chevy Bolts.

Posted by: Beartooth at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (LjgPm)

81 They have dried the well of compassion for them and their management even here.
I know my attitude toward big business has certainly changed. Now when I see a Ford losing its ass, for example, I celebrate.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (woPEM)

82 I'm in my 50's and my husband just turned 60. Our 24-year-old daughter is in her second year of teaching, 22-year-old son is still at college. We're both working to pay for ourselves, our son (he makes enough at Lowe's to cover for his "fun" money and gas) and generally have to gift our daughter from time to time to keep her afloat (just paid $1000 to get her brakes fixed). We're both getting old and tired but at this rate don't see how we can ever retire and stop subsidizing our kids - not with luxuries, but literally with food and car repairs. Don't see how either of them will ever afford their own homes.

Posted by: Syracuse1989 at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (exm8+)

83 Take a look at pictures or videos of people 50 or 60 years ago. Almost no one is fat.
Now fat people have their own political lobbies to pressure airlines to make seats bigger.

Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (MeG8a)

84 Biden Administration rule could shut down Butler plant

More than 1000 jobs would be lost.

The rule would require transformers to contain amorphous metal cores instead of the grain-oriented steel cores Cleveland-Cliffs makes in Butler.

UAW Local 3303 President Jamie Sychak told KDKA Radio's Rick Dayton the rule compromises national security.

“We’ve become solely reliant on foreign entities to keep the lights on,” said Sychak. “We have hurricanes, wildfires, cyber-attacks, physical attacks, anything that shuts the power out for any length of time, people’s lives are at stake.”

The Butler facility is the only source of transformers with grain-oriented steel cores in the country.

Posted by: Jay in PA at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (i7Q7S)

85 Let them eat Kaboom!
Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM

Threadwinner, right there.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (Wnv9h)

86 Now, lets look at eggs. Egg prices did seem to return to normal, but now are up over $1.50/dozen around NH.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (N39Ws)

87 Kellogg can go fuck their dead mothers dicks

Anything that has to be "fortified" is about as healthy as Fani Willis's malignant face

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Esteemed Trump-Ho and Searcher of Wagshambas at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (VTu1l)

88 48 fucking olive oil


still I must use it!

maybe I'll plant some trees

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (AcWfM)

Hint: Olives need to be processed first, otherwise taste like sh*t.

Posted by: Zombie Kim Il Sung at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (ynpvh)

89 I know my attitude toward big business has certainly changed. Now when I see a Ford losing its ass, for example, I celebrate.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (woPEM)

I know i'm starting to sound downright bolshie lately about Corporations.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (VoAdT)

90 Is this what transitory inflation looks like? Because I was told by the biggest brains that this was transitory inflation.. maybe that word doesn't mean what they think it does..

Posted by: Joe Kidd at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (88IMd)

91 83 Take a look at pictures or videos of people 50 or 60 years ago. Almost no one is fat.
Now fat people have their own political lobbies to pressure airlines to make seats bigger.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (MeG8a)


"Look at those silly people in the early 60s advocating for diets high in protein and low in carbs."
-Joe Dante's Matinee

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (GBKbO)

92 The chemical literally stunts the growth of stalks of grain plants so that more plant resources are channelled into grain production and short stalks are more resistant to wind damage.

That explains a lot.

*looks down at short stalk*

Posted by: Jonah Goldberg at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (Gsmsg)

93 51 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said."

A dick behind the 7-11 should be quite affordable to you, asshole.

Posted by: Truthbomb at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM (bxCZE)

He be slurpin' them chili-dogs!

Posted by: John Cougar Melloncamp at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (ynpvh)

94 I still lean toward the people who start or run the businesses. They are the people who have to make payroll and answer to shareholders. Of course now your only choices are Union thugs, millennial /Gen z self entitled workers or Crony Capitalists.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (MNhXM)

95 Biden finally goes to the border. Trump decided to steal some of Biden's thunder by going to the border too.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (6OrcJ)

96 lol inflation was low but remember Trumps 10% unemployment rate? and after he told us that covid was under control over 1 million Americans died? more than killed in all wars up until 1992?
Ace don't you think that you should also mention that wages have also gone up over 9% in the last 2 years and are now going up FASTER than inflation? Or that the US is doing better than every other G7 nation?

Posted by: paul at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (hgDJr)

97 "So, is Bidenomics working?"

Is it shrinking and destroying the middle class? Then I'd say it is working. Oligarchs and peasants have been the norm for all of humanity. These tiny-brained administrators have yet to evolve from the slime of tyranny.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (aXxgO)

I don't know if anyone's noticed anyway, but cold cereal, which I used to dine on when I was in college, is also fvcking expensive. And a healthy college boy can get through an entire box for dinner.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia's office at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (T3es0)

99 did you guys see the thing where the Phillies are taking away dollar-dog night?

the lines were insane apparently

people spending most of the game in line for dollar hot dogs

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (AcWfM)

100 The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

Just the thing for the next White House dinner. And most certainly for the White House Steno Pool Correspondents' Dinner.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (ULISU)

101 No new taxes...Let me be clear: before Bush Wall, after Bush no Wall.... Thousand points of light out there in America.

Posted by: George Bush at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (wGerL)

102 I'm lucky that I only have to shop for/feed myself. And as luck would have it, my doctors (they're all in it together) are exhorting me to give up certain foods for health reasons. So for example, no more bacon or sausage, which are delicious but expensive. Got to cut down on red meat, too, which again is delicious but expensive.

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (geLO8)

103 Posted by: paul at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (hgDJr)


It's amazing how high unemployment can go when governors of places like New York outlaw employment outside the home.

Do you blame Cuomo for the unemployment rate of New York at that time?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (GBKbO)

104 >>> "We're enjoying a recession right now, and we're not enjoying it much."

The better quote, "Read my lips... But I have no lips."

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (pUIaK)

105 "and after he told us that covid was under control over 1 million Americans died?"


Paul, more Americans died in the first year of Biden's presidency from COVID than under Trump.

Biden was handed a vaccine.

You're welcome.

Posted by: Jay in PA at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (i7Q7S)

106 95 Biden finally goes to the border. Trump decided to steal some of Biden's thunder by going to the border too.

trump's trip was planned first, altho I think he changed the itinerary after Biden announced his

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (AcWfM)

107 I'm super cereal

Posted by: Al Gore at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (og5mY)

108 99 did you guys see the thing where the Phillies are taking away dollar-dog night?

the lines were insane apparently

people spending most of the game in line for dollar hot dogs
Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (AcWfM)

I'm amazed they didn't just say they were losing a bundle on the deal...

And that they didn't make it $3/dog night...probably still get a ton of fans for that...

Posted by: Nova Local at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (exHjb)

109 >>I don't know if anyone's noticed anyway, but cold cereal, which I used to dine on when I was in college, is also fvcking expensive.

store brand oatmeal is your friend

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (geLO8)

110 105 Paul, more Americans died in the first year of Biden's presidency from COVID than under Trump.

Biden was handed a vaccine.

You're welcome.
Posted by: Jay in PA at February 29, 2024 02:38 PM (i7Q7S)


Also, the NYT joined the right wing anti-vaxx conspiracy theory by admitting that covid deaths were overstated by 2/3.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (GBKbO)

111 These price increases are a direct result of the Biden Administration's spending bills. Ironically, one of these bills was named the Inflation Reduction Act.
True, but there's an asterisk on that.

This has been building up since the second Bush 43 administration, accelerating radically under the first Obama administration. We've been printing money and spending *way* outside our means for a long time now, and the piper is starting to very gently inform us that he'd like to be paid.

It is wrong to lay this at Biden's feet. He has been *no* help at all and has made the problem meaningfully worse, but so did every prior administration for at least the past 15 years. Trump *tried* to improve things just a tiny little bit, and lost a shutdown battle over it (before the orgy of COVID spending).

All the tricks have run out There is no more ability to sanitize the inflation in overseas trade flows, no way to inject liquidity without cratering the dollar, no way to pretend that deficits don't matter. The bill is due. They government knocks off the deficit spending and interest rates continue to climb, or there will be no relief.

That means a recession, and a huge one.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (HnUIn)

112 Take a look at pictures or videos of people 50 or 60 years ago. Almost no one is fat.
Now fat people have their own political lobbies to pressure airlines to make seats bigger.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (MeG8a)

fifty years ago sugar was expensive, soda pop was not what you drank if you were thirsty, it was cheaper to eat protein instead of carbs, the entire food industry wasn't pushing processed food with sugar and soy lecithin in it, and people weren't on Metformin.

Oh, and adults smoked.

Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (D7oie)

113 Take a look at pictures or videos of people 50 or 60 years ago. Almost no one is fat.
Now fat people have their own political lobbies to pressure airlines to make seats bigger.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (MeG8a)

Put the porkers in the cargo hold.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (ULISU)

114 Biden hits the UK too!

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper 3h
JUST IN - Supermarket giant Sainsbury's to cut 1,500 jobs in cost-cutting plan

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (2yu8s)

115 "lol inflation was low but remember Trumps 10% unemployment rate?"


Yes, let's pretend nothing happened here.

PS, remember Trump's 3.2% unemployment rate?

Posted by: Jay in PA at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (i7Q7S)

116 107 I'm super cereal
Posted by: Al Gore at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (og5mY)

You're a fucking Froot Loop.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (VoAdT)

117 I like how Pepsi responded about the levels of the pesticide Chlormequat in Quaker Oats with some canned PR garbage like "we comply with all regulations". Sure, that did a lot to alleviate people's anxiety and inform them. Now you know it's not good for you. Meanwhile it appears you can't use it in the US, which means Quaker Oats is sourcing from another country. I would never eat that again.

Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (b82nJ)

118 Speaking of the inflation reduction act, how is Biden's American Rescue Plan Act working out Americans? For one person, pretty darn good:

"DUBUQUE COUNTY, Iowa (KCRG/Gray News) - Authorities say it could take months to figure out who hacked into a city employee’s email address to steal more than $500,000 from Dubuque County, Iowa.

On Thursday, the Dubuque County Sheriff’s Department was notified that there had been an issue with funds transferring from the county’s auditor’s office to Dyersville, Iowa. The funds were approved by the American Rescue Plan Act and had been granted to the city to be used for projects."

“Once that money goes overseas, if that’s the case,’s gone,” Kennedy said."

Posted by: Turn 2 at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (JfxgE)

119 I feel like the women in the video when I buy a bag of fresh grapes. Yikes!

Posted by: WisRich at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (G0vdT)

120 If you don't count food and energy...

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (63Dwl)

121 At teeter behind a guy buying smokes this morning. One pack of Marlboros was ten bucks and change. Maybe stop smoking and use that money for cereal instead.

Posted by: nckate at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (eVFg2)

122 fifty years ago sugar was expensive, soda pop was not what you drank if you were thirsty, it was cheaper to eat protein instead of carbs, the entire food industry wasn't pushing processed food with sugar and soy lecithin in it, and people weren't on Metformin.

Oh, and adults smoked.
Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (D7oie)

And the big reason: people were much more active.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (ULISU)

123 It's all the government grabbing and spending some of the money, pocketing all they can get from it. Billions to foreign countries and giving away to illegals.

Posted by: Skip at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (fwDg9)

124 111 Trump *tried* to improve things just a tiny little bit, and lost a shutdown battle over it (before the orgy of COVID spending).

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (HnUIn)


Trump, the only Republican president to shut down the government to try and slow spending.

And Trump never even campaigned as a small government conservative.

It's weird.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (GBKbO)

125 Let them eat Kaboom!
Posted by: andycanuck

For me, the Kaboom post is one of the funniest I've ever read from Ace. Laugh out loud funny.

Posted by: Cheri at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (oiNtH)

126 Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:29 PM (GBKbO)

Show me a picture of a corporation and one of the government and all I see is Pam.

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (qe8hL)

127 The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.


Uh we did that last night.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at February 29, 2024 02:41 PM (++4z6)

128 126 Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:29 PM (GBKbO)

Show me a picture of a corporation and one of the government and all I see is Pam.
Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (qe8hL)


Cocaine Pam?!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:41 PM (GBKbO)

129 119 I feel like the women in the video when I buy a bag of fresh grapes. Yikes!

Posted by: WisRich at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (G0vdT)

You forgot to drop the silent "G".

Posted by: John Cougar Melloncamp at February 29, 2024 02:41 PM (ynpvh)

130 Depends on the cereal. Raisin Bran and Shredded Wheat are pretty good fiber sources. (And others, but those are the cheap ones.)

But the sugar bombs and puffed corn and things? Those exist because children eat them without complaint.
Posted by: Formerly Virginian at February 29, 2024 02:30 PM (N1tpc)

I eat Raisin Bran now every morning - I need the fiber...and the extra iron from the raisins.

Cereal is a fine breakfast - if you can measure out and stick to one serving size. I use small-size coffee cups and tea cups (the one's you get in fake china sets) for my breakfast vs a bowl.

Posted by: Nova Local at February 29, 2024 02:33 PM (exHjb)
When I was in college I would skip breakfast in the morning and eat cereal for dinner as a choice.

My favorite was Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries.

Posted by: redridinghood at February 29, 2024 02:41 PM (NpAcC)

131 Leading Report @LeadingReport 35m
BREAKING: Georgia House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee has passed a bill to require every eligible police and sheriff’s department to help identify undocumented immigrants, arrest them, and detain them for deportation.

This comes after police arrested a Venezuelan man, Jose Ibarra, for allegedly beating a nursing student to death on the University of Georgia campus.

Mr. Ibarra is a Venezuelan citizen who, immigration authorities say, unlawfully crossed into the United States in 2022. It’s unclear whether he has applied for asylum.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (2yu8s)

132 Off Chili-dog slurpin' sock.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (ynpvh)

133 actual wall st journal headline feb 14 2023

To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast

[but gasoline prices have come down thanks to president biden, so maybe instead of coffee you can drink gasoline]

oh, first line:

Several breakfast staples saw sharp price increases due to a perfect storm of bad weather and disease outbreaks - and continued effects from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (B1FKF)

134 ...earnings saw a $63.10 increase for all workers and an impressive $78.80 increase for women workers. Fast forward to the Biden era, and real median weekly earnings have plummeted by $13.20 for all workers and a staggering $23.70 for women workers.

You are better off today after three years of Biden than when Trump was in office.
That is why you need to vote for Biden.


Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (pUIaK)

135 Everyone keeps comparing this economy with an earlier era. I don't think we've seen anything like this. For the 15 yrs after 2008 massive amounts of money was dumped into the economy with 0%interest. An equilibrium will be reached but the hardships getting there , ie bankruptcy, defaults , inflation , will be ugly

Posted by: Smell the Glove at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (RMPpE)

136 Posted by: paul at February 29, 2024 02:37 PM (hgDJr)

Who are you trying to convince that today is better than before Biden . Your lying eyes?

You socialists always cause the problems that capitalism has to solve . That's why the Left would never agree to split up the country.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (MNhXM)

137 >>Cocaine Pam?!

Cocaine Pam was Best Pam.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (MOkGO)

138 BREAKING: Georgia House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee has passed a bill to require every eligible police and sheriff’s department to help identify undocumented immigrants, arrest them, and detain them for deportation. ...
Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (2yu8s)
Dudes, the sanctuary cities already nullified federal law. What do you plan to do to them when they nullify state law this time?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:43 PM (HnUIn)

139 Paul, have you read Scott Peck's "People of the Lie" by any chance?

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 29, 2024 02:43 PM (woPEM)

140 I don't know if anyone's noticed anyway, but cold cereal, which I used to dine on when I was in college, is also fvcking expensive.

store brand oatmeal is your friend

Posted by: Don Black

Gravel satisfies my hunger. The stuff from the highway near the sewage treatment plant is particularly piquant.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 29, 2024 02:43 PM (CsUN+)

141 The economy is roaring if one only counts dollars spent.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at February 29, 2024 02:43 PM (tT6L1)

142 Is this what transitory inflation looks like? Because I was told by the biggest brains that this was transitory inflation.. maybe that word doesn't mean what they think it does..
Posted by: Joe Kidd at February 29, 2024 02:36 PM (88IMd)


Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (qe8hL)

143 For only 10 cents a day, you can support a divine migrant who can murder your children and reduce your grocery bills.

Posted by: Sally Struthers at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (Zz86T)

144 138 Dudes, the sanctuary cities already nullified federal law. What do you plan to do to them when they nullify state law this time?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:43 PM (HnUIn)


Fundraise and run for higher office.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (GBKbO)

145 139 Paul, have you read Scott Peck's "People of the Lie" by any chance?
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 29, 2024 02:43 PM (woPEM)

hahahHAHAHAH!! Paul! Read! BWAAAAAAhahahahahah

i'm dying over here man

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (VoAdT)

146 The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

Beans and rice, rice and beans! Get three more jobs! And if you work two remote jobs you're a stinking thief! You're stealing! Buy my book!

Posted by: Dave Ramsey, boomer meme incarnate at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (8kPE2)

147 The YouTube channel Thoughy2 had a great video on that crazy Kellog founder. It was bonkers.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (++4z6)

148 >>For the 15 yrs after 2008 massive amounts of money was dumped into the economy with 0%interest

But 16months of mild interest rate hikes fixed everything, Jack!

Posted by: Bidenomics at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (MOkGO)

149 You'll eat cereal and boiled cabbage and be grateful for it. Don't even think about having other options or opportunities.

Some may remember how Jimmy Carter's crowd was trying the same thing back in the late 70s. We were all supposed to just accept our shared misery because that's the way it and would henceforth always be.

Reagan blew that to pieces. Just like Trump will if he wins.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (ZERUl)

150 Cocaine Pam was Best Pam.
Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (MOkGO)

Without a doubt but no a different Pam

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (qe8hL)

151 The cereal boxes keep getting smaller and more expensive.

Posted by: redridinghood at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (NpAcC)

Hubby and I make a big something and eat it all week. No ordering carryout anymore.

Posted by: four seasons at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (PisyI)

153 Gov Shapiro is starting a voting misinformation/disinformation task force to ensure voters only get government approved disinformation.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (2ovLw)

154 Red beans and brown rice are far more nutritious for less money.
Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 02:27 PM (6OrcJ)

This message brought to you by Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (YwyqV)

155 Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:41 PM (GBKbO)

I still don't understand people who don't like that season. I don't even want to understand them.

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (qe8hL)

156 Remember when we all died because Donald Trump caused an Avocado Shortage?

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (MOkGO)

157 137 >>Cocaine Pam?!

Cocaine Pam was Best Pam.
Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (MOkGO)

Keeps food from sticking AND gets you high.

Posted by: Spray lightly on surface of pan and your gums at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (8kPE2)

158 The YouTube channel Thoughy2 had a great video on that crazy Kellog founder. It was bonkers.

IIRC, he was big on enemas.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (CsUN+)

159 "It's too bad that you got yourself into this situation. Good luck."
-Tom Cotton, slightly paraphrased
Posted by: TheJamesMadison
There is a reason why big churches, big corporations, big government, big anything, always go bad. The rot comes from the head and sociopaths target positions in society that are pinnacles of power and money.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (hKOIV)

160 the Pam in question in The Office's Pam

it's a meme you guys

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (AcWfM)

161 I get really stressed over shopping. it's painful
Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:32 PM

Make a list of only what you need before shopping, and then stick to it while shopping. Violá! No over-shopping!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (+A5KT)

162 I eat very little bread. I substitute low cal, low carb, high fiber wraps and they are getting up there, just over $4 for a pack of 8. Now, I buy a loaf of bread maybe every month or two just in case I want a grilled cheese or something that a wrap won't work. Getting a good quality high fiber multi grain loaf, 16oz, is around five bucks. I break it down and freeze it, four slices to a bag. It'll get grilled or go in the toaster anyway.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (0EOe9)

163 I like how Pepsi responded about the levels of the pesticide Chlormequat in Quaker Oats with some canned PR garbage like "we comply with all regulations".

In fairness, modern analytical chemistry can detect incredibly small amounts of compounds. I suspect that analytical chemists can detect the cargo of a truck passing by from doing gas liquid chromatography on the air. (Perhaps mildly exaggerating, but not much.)

Even 50 years ago salesmen demonstrating their liquid chromatography systems used to open a jar of peanut butter, take a sample, and use the LC to detect aflatoxin, a powerful hepatocarcinogen. It's present in every jar of peanut butter, but at such low levels as not to be concerning.

So to channel Paracelsus, "the dose makes the poison."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (ULISU)

164 Yes, these things are all true, and terrible, but we have to weigh that against equally compelling facts:

- Trump said "pussy."
- if I don't vote D, then random people on the internet who don't know me and whom I will never see in person might call me names.

It's hard to judge what is more important. I'll just do what Taylor Swift says. She knows best.

Posted by: Average Voter at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (2AUjo)

165 Maybe...This is what Junta mean when it say it want to "Hold America by nose and kick it in ass" ?

Posted by: MR. KIM at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (11kd9)

166 Everyone keeps comparing this economy with an earlier era. I don't think we've seen anything like this. For the 15 yrs after 2008 massive amounts of money was dumped into the economy with 0%interest. An equilibrium will be reached but the hardships getting there , ie bankruptcy, defaults , inflation , will be ugly
Posted by: Smell the Glove at February 29, 2024 02:42 PM (RMPpE)

Toss in there the race around the globe, to see how many nations can essentially ween themselves off the U.S. dollar, and the recipe for the future is not inflation/recession, but depression and destitution.

Maybe that's why the government wants nukular war, because that's easier to face than what is coming.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (dGCAG)

167 I'm still amazed that the Athens DA hasn't ever gotten a guilty verdict in her four years in office. She's not even trying to hide the fact it's on purpose. At least put forth a little effort to fool the rubes.

Posted by: nckate at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (eVFg2)

168 Biden has arrived in Brownsville.

Posted by: redridinghood at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (NpAcC)

169 I think Ramen Noodles and Macaroni and Cheese are about to make a big comeback.

Posted by: WisRich at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (G0vdT)

170 The economy is roaring

So is a house burning to the ground.

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenkoism in solidarity with the Struggle to maintain Moron standards at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (kt+Zf)

171 160 the Pam in question in The Office's Pam

it's a meme you guys
Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (AcWfM)


The problem is that Archer > The Office.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (GBKbO)

172 TDS Awareness

Wear an Orange Ribbon in support of the victims of Trump Derangement Syndrome

Posted by: SMOD at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (RHGPo)

173 The only thing Paul "reads" is the STD braille on his lover's pustule filled member.

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (qe8hL)

174 There is a reason why big churches, big corporations, big government, big anything, always go bad. The rot comes from the head and sociopaths target positions in society that are pinnacles of power and money.
Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM

Can attest to the sagacity of this statement.

Posted by: Big Penguin at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (+A5KT)

175 did you guys see the thing where the Phillies are taking away dollar-dog night?

the lines were insane apparently

people spending most of the game in line for dollar hot dogs

Santa Claus will be on a rotisserie at Eagles games come December.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (V8he0)

176 >>The problem is that Archer > The Office.

This is known.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (MOkGO)

177 Noted coffee is getting hard to find under about $8

Posted by: Skip at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (fwDg9)

178 169 I think Ramen Noodles and Macaroni and Cheese are about to make a big comeback.
Posted by: WisRich at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (G0vdT)

Even those have increased in price greatly. Mac and cheese more than doubled, ramen fivefold.

Posted by: Poverty food is becoming a luxury item at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (8kPE2)

179 121 At teeter behind a guy buying smokes this morning. One pack of Marlboros was ten bucks and change. Maybe stop smoking and use that money for cereal instead.
Posted by: nckate
Smoking depresses appetite so maybe he is on the smoking and drinking cheap vodka route to better health.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (hKOIV)

180 169 I think Ramen Noodles and Macaroni and Cheese are about to make a big comeback.
Posted by: WisRich at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (G0vdT)

The Midwest has a few large broods of cicadas popping out this June. It's an exportable cash "crop" to the less fortunate states.

Posted by: Roy at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (z+ik4)

181 I still don't understand people who don't like that season. I don't even want to understand them.
Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (qe8hL)


*fist bump*

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (DRSnL)

182 This message brought to you by Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (YwyqV)

right, he is an evangelical and we all hate him and his advice.

Hey! go get another credit card, you won't be able to get a 21% interest rate for much longer, and credit is wealth, right?

Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (D7oie)

183 You can buy your very own personalized box of Cheerios, according to their website. They helpfully ask:

"Whose name will you put on the box? Is it the one who makes your heart skip a beat?"

Really? Why would I want to send a box to Pfizer?

Posted by: callsign claymore at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (JcnCJ)

184 179 Smoking depresses appetite so maybe he is on the smoking and drinking cheap vodka route to better health.
Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (hKOIV)


Just getting used to being hungry also helps lose weight.

Le sigh...

I miss lunch.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (GBKbO)

185 I don't eat cereal much but when I do I like granola and price check. Usually granola is much more expensive than brand name sugar bombs.... last time I got some some it was about half the cost (per oz). So I got like eight packaged. Not like that shit ever really goes stale.

Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (pUIaK)

186 The problem is that Archer > The Office.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (GBKbO)

You know what's better than cocaine? MORE COCAINE!!!

Posted by: Pam Poovey at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (8kPE2)

187 >>Noted coffee is getting hard to find under about $8

For a 12 oz bag of beans, you are looking at $10 min.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (MOkGO)

188 Is this what transitory inflation looks like? Because I was told by the biggest brains that this was transitory inflation..

My reaction: life is transitory.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (ULISU)

189 177 Noted coffee is getting hard to find under about $8

I know Im thanking God for my hoard of frozen coffee beans right about now

it still tastes pretty great freshly ground!

I will just probably keep hoarding coffee from now on like a depression-era thing

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (AcWfM)

190 Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:48 PM (DRSnL)

Hello baby

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (qe8hL)

191 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (vf0Uk)

192 Remember when we all died because Donald Trump caused an Avocado Shortage?
Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (MOkGO)

If I understand correctly, on the first day of his Presidency, he's going to outlaw avocados.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (dGCAG)

193 Solvent Green clock.
As apose to Nuclear Clock.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (J8LnB)

194 The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

CEO of Purina: "HOLD MY BEER..."

Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (wtvvX)

195 That means a recession, and a huge one.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (HnUIn)

Bureau of Labor Statistics will redefine this as prosperity.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (ASVTS)

196 Just because
(for the 'ettes)


Posted by: Jimmy Carter at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (X4yCj)

197 It's ok. They know, much like fuel prices, you'll stop bitching about it eventually and they'll just raise them again in a few years.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (vf0Uk)

198 188 My reaction: life is transitory.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (ULISU)


"Life is change. Change is life."
-Yosujiro Ozu, very quietly, in a middle class house in Tokyo, while sitting on the floor

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (GBKbO)

199 I’m really glad Biden is getting the heat for this, but the Covid stimulus nonsense really was a bipartisan boondoggle.

Of course we have bad inflation when you throw trillions and trillions of dollars, with even Trump trying to throw even more at it with stimulus checks.

Posted by: Benchmark at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (rAGBB)

200 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

That asshole sounds just like that weird Bud Light CEO dude, and that horsefaced witch finding her inner happiness.

Destination. GTFO.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (et1vG)

201 ... Toss in there the race around the globe, to see how many nations can essentially ween themselves off the U.S. dollar, and the recipe for the future is not inflation/recession, but depression and destitution. ...
Posted by: BurtTC at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (dGCAG)
The loss of reserve status for the Dollar and the replacement of the Dollar as the primary mechanism of international settlements is going to be extraordinarily painful and presents a meaningful existential risk to the government itself.

And that one *can* be laid at the feet of Joe Biden and his merry band of retards. Kicking Russia out of the global financial system is not an action without consequences. It will not surprise me if, in retrospect, the Western monetary front of the Russia/Ukraine war is considered among the greatest blunders in the history of great powers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (HnUIn)

202 Maybe that's why the government wants nukular war, because that's easier to face than what is coming.
Posted by: BurtTC
That will destroy the power base of the left aka urbanites so I think they want a nuclear THREAT to cow the populace but not a nuclear WAR.

The problem with that is other societies don't peacock in the same way as the West does and might just decide to do it for kicks.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (hKOIV)

203 Wasn't this a major plot point in Mr. Mom?

Posted by: SH (no more socks) at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (sX1BW)

204 Hello baby
Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (qe8hL)


Hello, love.

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (DRSnL)

205 186 The problem is that Archer > The Office.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:47 PM (GBKbO)

You know what's better than cocaine? MORE COCAINE!!!

Posted by: Pam Poovey at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (8kPE2)


Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (wtvvX)

206 You can buy your very own personalized box of Cheerios, according to their website. They helpfully ask:

Wonder if I could get them to put Bruce Jenner on a box.

Posted by: Now that Bruce ostensibly has a box at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (aEpvq)

207 >>I know Im thanking God for my hoard of frozen coffee beans right about now

If you have a Cool Dry Place to store them and a way to make sure they off-gas, it works better than a Freezer.
Freezing can make them more bitter.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM (MOkGO)

208 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.
"If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that's going to be much more affordable," he added.

Eat shit. A box of cereal has risen in price, all while the weight of a box has decreased.

I can get MAYBE 4 bowls out of one standard box. 5 or 6 out of the "family size" container.


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM (vf0Uk)

209 182 This message brought to you by Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (YwyqV)

right, he is an evangelical and we all hate him and his advice.

Hey! go get another credit card, you won't be able to get a 21% interest rate for much longer, and credit is wealth, right?
Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (D7oie)

Fun fact: It was 2008 and I had just bought a brand new car. Later that week, I attended my first FPU session. WHOOPS!

I didn’t sell the car, though I did pay off the loan as fast as I could.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM (YwyqV)

210 185 I don't eat cereal much but when I do I like granola and price check. Usually granola is much more expensive than brand name sugar bombs....
Posted by: Itinerant Alley Butcher at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (pUIaK)

Most "granola" are now sugar bombs. I remember as a kid buying granola. Selection was minimal, each had about five ingredients, maybe honey, but never sugar. Now they have huge list of ingredients with multiple forms of sweeteners. Everything corrupts.

Posted by: Ordinary American at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM (ZERUl)

Hello baby
Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (qe8hL)


Hello, love.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (DRSnL)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM (vf0Uk)

212 >>>"The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

"If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that's going to be much more affordable," he added.

You enjoy old musical comedies more and it makes you sterile too.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM (jg5Rp)

213 Might be related to the doom/gloom post at DU regarding Biden losing all the battleground states in recent polls.

I fully expect Trump to win Arizona, especially with how high Lake is polling and the border being such a huge issue.

Bias in favor of Trump. It's everywhere. Even in the polls. Every poll for the Republican primaries has overstated Trump's lead, when compared to actual results. And that just is for the Republican nomination. If it is overstated for the Republican primaries, you know it is overstated for the general election.

The young are definitely horrified over Gaza. They are more into their phones than tv and the horrific images don’t stop. Many are voting for 3rd party candidates or are undecided.

We are all horrified over the carnage in Gaza as well as Ukraine.....however: This is a one issue election, and the One Issue is stopping Trump from getting into the White House. When I see people like Kennedy, Stein, and West getting votes, it tells me our education system in America has failed.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (JCZqz)

214 When I was in college I would skip breakfast in the morning and eat cereal for dinner as a choice.

My favorite was Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries.
Posted by: redridinghood at February 29, 2024 02:41 PM (NpAcC)


Used to love Capn' Crunch Crunch Berries, even if it did tear up the roof of my mouth.

Nowadays, I only eat Honey Nut Cheerios, and then only half a serving (and yes, I measure). A full serving doesn't play well with my blood sugar.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (F4bAW)

215 This message brought to you by Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (YwyqV)

right, he is an evangelical and we all hate him and his advice.

No, it's that he's become another out of touch rich guy with sociopathic tendencies. He has given some decent individual financial advice but overall he knows fuck all about what's going on outside his bubble. And his dickriding sycophant sidekick Ken or whatever his name is should go kiss the leading engine of a speeding passenger train.

Posted by: He guzzles his own Kool Aid at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (8kPE2)

216 167 I'm still amazed that the Athens DA hasn't ever gotten a guilty verdict in her four years in office. She's not even trying to hide the fact it's on purpose. At least put forth a little effort to fool the rubes.
Posted by: nckate at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (eVFg2)

It almost makes sense though. Pretty much everything gets pled down if there's a case to be made. And if they force the issue, the case falls apart and you get a not guilty verdict.

Nobody on any side of the process wants to go into actual litigation, it seems. The actual Justice System is apparently just a couple quintillion emails getting flung around until everyone involved says "OK, Fine, Whatever".

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (VoAdT)

217 Avocados are sexist. Please use avodadx instead.

Posted by: Big Penguin at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (+A5KT)

218 Grape Nuts for the win.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (jg5Rp)

219 We are all horrified over the carnage in Gaza as well as Ukraine.....however: This is a one issue election, and the One Issue is stopping Trump from getting into the White House. When I see people like Kennedy, Stein, and West getting votes, it tells me our education system in America has failed.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (JCZqz)
Uhhh, that's not an "issue." An "issue" is something like "the economy" or "abortion" or "war." "I hate Trump and he must be stopped at all costs" is not an "issue."

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (HnUIn)

220 Hey look

At the hooks

On your pants

Makes you wanna dance

Posted by: Do the Velcro Fly at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (vf0Uk)

221 I worked with some Kellogg fucks.
They were arrogant bastards back in the day when they had huge profit margins and spent on stupid projects because money was free.

Don't know about their business condition now.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (ufFY8)

222 it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure

A great destination? Who the hell talks like that?

Posted by: Archimedes at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (CsUN+)

223 95 Biden finally goes to the border. Trump decided to steal some of Biden's thunder by going to the border too.
I couldn't find the video of Joe eating ice cream while lying that he didn't know PDT was going to the border, made well before Joe announced his trip to the quietest zone he could find but...

Breaking911 @Breaking911 1m
BREAKING: Trump lands in Texas for visit to the US-Mexico border
25 seconds

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (2yu8s)

224 and after he told us that covid was under control over 1 million Americans died?

Numb nuts: how many Americans die per day? Seven to eight thousand, depending on season. Let me help you out: that's around 200,000 per month.

The operative question is the increment over the baseline mortality rate, not the absolute number of mortalities.

Sorry for using big words, and introducing facts.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (ULISU)

225 213 We are all horrified over the carnage in Gaza as well as Ukraine.....however: This is a one issue election, and the One Issue is stopping Trump from getting into the White House. When I see people like Kennedy, Stein, and West getting votes, it tells me our education system in America has failed.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (JCZqz)


So...they think that the Israel War is THE issue of the election?

They also regularly talk about the failing educations system that has been run by progressives chasing fads for 50 years?

One day, one of these people is going to wake up and realize that the calls are coming from inside the house, and the house is removed from the rest of society.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (GBKbO)

226 >>Grape Nuts for the win

Nice thing about Grape Nuts is that they are a Breakfast Cereal, a Tumbling Medium and a useful Aquarium Substrate.

All in one convenient box.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (MOkGO)

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM (vf0Uk)


You're so cute when you're jealous.

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (DRSnL)

228 A great destination? Who the hell talks like that?
Posted by: Archimedes at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (CsUN+)
Corporate executives.

Their language is closer to standard English than the language of academics, but it's still quite distinct.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (HnUIn)

229 99 did you guys see the thing where the Phillies are taking away dollar-dog night?
the lines were insane apparently
people spending most of the game in line for dollar hot dogs
Posted by: BlackOrchid

That brings back memories of when bars had free food for Happy Hour. Some had wingdings, some had tacos, some had pizza. You could go out for a couple of drinks after work and you got dinner.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (0Htd1)

230 America Is Enjoying High Bidenflation Right Now, and It's Not Enjoying It Much —Disinformation Expert Ace

All we need to cure Bidenflation is an equitable minimum wage that raises everybody up so they can live life with dignity. $75.00 per hour should do the trick.

Posted by: Lost in Space at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (5tVLs)

231 The only cereal I ever liked was Sugar Frosted Flakes.

At least they used to be truthful about what their primary ingredient was...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (wtvvX)

232 Walmart bran flakes (no raisins) are under $3 for an eleven serving (1 cup) box. Heavily vitamin enriched. 120 cal per serving. If you are on a Metamucil regimen you might want to cut back.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (0EOe9)


Last night my wife and I did the family grocery shopping and it topped $300! I told the cashier there must be some mistake but she just chalked it up to inflation. I whipped out my handy chart from Paul Krugman and explained that was a GOP lie and the manager took 20% off!

Posted by: Cave Johnson at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (UVo+L)

234 Hmm, did ace accidentally find something good to say about Trump presidency?

Don't ban me, I'm just asking for a friend

Posted by: anon at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (RqMDa)

235 If you think about the cost of cereal for a family versus what they might otherwise do, that's going to be much more affordable,


Sorry kids, no vacation this year. But I did buy those small boxes of cereal so it will be like you are on vacation.

Posted by: SH (no more socks) at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (sX1BW)

236 Just because
(for the 'ettes)

Posted by: Jimmy Carter at February 29, 2024 02:50 PM (X4yCj)


So you guys get cheerleaders in skimpy outfits and we get Bugs Bunny? What kind of shit is that?

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (DRSnL)

237 =====

You're so cute when you're jealous.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:55 PM (DRSnL)

What's your point?

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (vf0Uk)

238 At teeter behind a guy buying smokes this morning. One pack of Marlboros was ten bucks and change. Maybe stop smoking and use that money for cereal instead.
Posted by: nckate at February 29, 2024 02:40 PM (eVFg2)

Can buy three good cigars for that, or two very good cigars.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (W/lyH)

239 218 Grape Nuts for the win.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (jg5Rp)

Speaking of POTUS...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (wtvvX)

240 They also regularly talk about the failing educations system that has been run by progressives chasing fads for 50 years?

And for which there is only one solution: more money.

Posted by: Archimedes at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (CsUN+)

241 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

"Compared to steel, balsa wood and pressboard is quite affordable under times of duress," the wood pulp manufacturer CEO said.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (aXxgO)

242 Cereal. CEREAL!

I know, right? That's ridiculous.

Now we have something way better and way cheaper.


Posted by: Weyerhauser at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (ASVTS)

243 And that one *can* be laid at the feet of Joe Biden and his merry band of retards. Kicking Russia out of the global financial system is not an action without consequences. It will not surprise me if, in retrospect, the Western monetary front of the Russia/Ukraine war is considered among the greatest blunders in the history of great powers.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)
That is why any move to totalitarianism by the current regime is likely to fail. They cannot restrain the different factions from wanting it all now even though that imperils the leftist project in the future. Nuland, Blinken, State Dept and the CIA weenies still think the clock is 1999 and we can bully the Russians. Same thing with Israel and to some extent China.

We are writing checks that our waning national power cannot cash.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (hKOIV)

244 162 I eat very little bread. I substitute low cal, low carb, high fiber wraps and they are getting up there, just over $4 for a pack of 8. Now, I buy a loaf of bread maybe every month or two just in case I want a grilled cheese or something that a wrap won't work. Getting a good quality high fiber multi grain loaf, 16oz, is around five bucks. I break it down and freeze it, four slices to a bag. It'll get grilled or go in the toaster anyway.
Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at February 29, 2024 02:46 PM (0EOe9)


Don't worry next year you'll be able to buy the bread by the slice at $2 per slice.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (++4z6)

245 222 it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure

A great destination? Who the hell talks like that?
Posted by: Archimedes at February 29, 2024 02:54 PM (CsUN+)

The Kellogg's guy's asshole is a great destination for gay dicks.

Posted by: guy who talks like that at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (aEpvq)

246 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

Who the fuck talks like this? A "great destination when consumers are under pressure"?

I'm convinced that every high-level corporate executive is actually a space alien in a skinsuit who can't speak English and uses some alien-y language decoded to speak.

Posted by: Elric Blade at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (iFTx/)


So you guys get cheerleaders in skimpy outfits and we get Bugs Bunny? What kind of shit is that?

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (DRSnL)

Sexism at it's finest. Enjoy!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (vf0Uk)

248 139 "People of the Lie" is a worthwhile read. Especially these days. Evil, gaslighting, monsters who sacrifice other people aren't one offs ...

Posted by: callsign claymore at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (JcnCJ)

249 >>>Hello baby
Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 02:49 PM (qe8hL)


Hello, love.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (DRSnL)


Some people have watched "The Gentleman" once too often

Posted by: Turn 2 at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (JfxgE)

250 Maybe that's why the government wants nukular war, because that's easier to face than what is coming.
Posted by: BurtTC
That will destroy the power base of the left aka urbanites so I think they want a nuclear THREAT to cow the populace but not a nuclear WAR.

The problem with that is other societies don't peacock in the same way as the West does and might just decide to do it for kicks.
Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (hKOIV)

I think this is the fundamental problem of seeing the world through left/right lenses.

It's not the left. The left is the loud and obnoxious ninnies who are managing the day to day, but the oligarchs are not lefties. They're something else, with whatever name you want to give them, it's not on that spectrum.

And this again, is where the destruction of 90% of the human race is back on the table. Of course nukular war is a possibility. Otherwise, why would billionaires be building underground bunkers all over the planet.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (dGCAG)

251 >Noted coffee is getting hard to find under about $8

Posted by: Skip

I buy this Cuban-style coffee from Amazon

less that $4 for a 10oz brick of espresso grind

and King Sooper has Bustelo on sale a lot
right now a 10oz can is $4.29

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (geLO8)

252 "Compared to steel, balsa wood and pressboard is quite affordable under times of duress," the wood pulp manufacturer CEO said.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (aXxgO)

Roll it up. We have our thread winner.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (HnUIn)

253 240 They also regularly talk about the failing educations system that has been run by progressives chasing fads for 50 years?

And for which there is only one solution: more money.
Posted by: Archimedes at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (CsUN+)


They just need to realize that teachers' unions are only concerned with teachers and not students, and we may have something!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (GBKbO)

254 I'm still amazed that the Athens DA hasn't ever gotten a guilty verdict in her four years in office. She's not even trying to hide the fact it's on purpose.

"She." I think I see the problem.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (ULISU)

255 02 I'm lucky that I only have to shop for/feed myself. And as luck would have it, my doctors (they're all in it together) are exhorting me to give up certain foods for health reasons. So for example, no more bacon or sausage, which are delicious but expensive. Got to cut down on red meat, too, which again is delicious but expensive.
Posted by: Don Black

I'm due for my yearly physical and have put it off, because I'm pretty sure I'll get similar advice.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (0Htd1)

256 So you guys get cheerleaders in skimpy outfits and we get Bugs Bunny? What kind of shit is that?
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (DRSnL)

Pretty sure she’s saying the ‘ettes ALSO want to see cheerleaders in skimpy outfits.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (YwyqV)

257 "I'm convinced that every high-level corporate executive is actually a space alien in a skinsuit who can't speak English and uses some alien-y language decoded to speak."


They really are unbelievably unimpressive.

Posted by: Jay in PA at February 29, 2024 02:57 PM (i7Q7S)

Biden has arrived in Brownsville.
Posted by: redridinghood

He was lookin' for a soul to steal

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (63Dwl)

259 We are writing checks that our waning national power cannot cash.
Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (hKOIV)
When those kinds of checks bounce, it tends to be quite bad.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (HnUIn)

260 Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM (HnUIn)

I submit that anytime an economies inflation is greater than its growth in GDP, you are in a recession.

Because you have more money, being spent on LESS actual product.

If long enough, you are in a depression. Add in negative foreign Trade Balances... and that the GDP growth has been artificial as a large portion of the 'new' spending is Government deficit spending (which leads to more inflation)...

And the US Economy has been in a depression, for years. We are not growing, and the government is cooking the books to make things look OK... which would land any of us, in Prison.

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (xaFKb)

261 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

It's truly astounding just how tone-deaf, ignorant, and out-of-touch corporate executives become. I wonder if it's because they are privileged wankers who went to Ivy B-school and never had to mix with the plebs, or that the reality bubble that seems to form around these sorts of people separates them so far from the rest of the world they forget how normies live.

Posted by: It's very weird at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (8kPE2)

262 83 Take a look at pictures or videos of people 50 or 60 years ago. Almost no one is fat.
Now fat people have their own political lobbies to pressure airlines to make seats bigger.
Posted by: gourmand du jour at February 29, 2024 02:35 PM (MeG8a)

Children are so fat these days. Isn’t there some way to make money off that.

Posted by: Agnes Skinner at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (bqnua)

263 146 The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

Beans and rice, rice and beans! Get three more jobs! And if you work two remote jobs you're a stinking thief! You're stealing! Buy my book!

Posted by: Dave Ramsey, boomer meme incarnate at February 29, 2024 02:44 PM (8kPE2)

Hey, I've been eating beans and rice! I'm half Messycan!
Now, stay back, I think another big one's gonna rip...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (ynpvh)

264 They just need to realize that teachers' unions are only concerned with teachers and not students, and we may have something!


I don't think the union cares too much for the teachers either.

Posted by: SH (no more socks) at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (sX1BW)

265 The Kellogg's guy's asshole is a great destination for gay dicks.

Posted by: guy who talks like that at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (aEpvq)

And his groin is a great destination for a mule's hind hooves...

Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (wtvvX)

266 Freezing can make them more bitter.
Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:52 PM

You know what else can make you more bitter?

Posted by: Cat ladies at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (+A5KT)

267 79
The chemical literally stunts the growth of stalks of grain plants so that more plant resources are channelled into grain production and short stalks are more resistant to wind damage.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:34 PM (hKOIV)
So what's this chemical? Link?

Posted by: Ciampino - Bastard Operator From Hell at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (qfLjt)

268 Jordan61

A buddy sent a picture from last night from Spokane and a bar called Purgatory. Ever been there?
Looks like a great place.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (W/lyH)

269 re 180: cats love eating cicadas. no lie, I've seen them go at it.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (B1FKF)

270 Who is holding the bag for Brandon? I bet they took their smart phones away.

Posted by: Deplorable Minion at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (as3uC)

271 264 They just need to realize that teachers' unions are only concerned with teachers and not students, and we may have something!


I don't think the union cares too much for the teachers either.
Posted by: SH (no more socks) at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (sX1BW)


It's a fair point, but at least, in negotiations with school systems, they are never arguing for better things for students, only teachers.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (GBKbO)

272 Of course. Women and minorities hardest hit. It can't just be a plain-old disaster. Need those identity politics points to make a *real* disaster.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:26 PM

A disaster that hits straight white men is a non-disaster. In fact, it's a desirable outcome.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (ULISU)

273 >>>Wonder if I could get them to put Bruce Jenner on a box.
Posted by: Now that Bruce ostensibly has a box at February 29, 2024 02:51 PM


They'd be delighted! The bio on the back of the box would note that "she" won the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (wzAuc)

274 156 Remember when we all died because Donald Trump caused an Avocado Shortage?

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM (MOkGO)

Been to the store lately? I haven't bought any in a long time now. They sell them by the each.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (ynpvh)

275 And the US Economy has been in a depression, for years. We are not growing, and the government is cooking the books to make things look OK... which would land any of us, in Prison.
Posted by: Romeo13 at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (xaFKb)
But "real GDP" - that is, GDP adjusted for current inflation - is still nominally positive if you believe the inflation numbers (I don't, but those are what go into the equation).

But extract the deficit spending from it - which is future inflation - and things start looking awfully bad.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (HnUIn)

276 This amounts to a staggering 17.6% increase in costs under President Biden's watch, with one year remaining[/bi]

Keep in mind that gov numbe5s for inflation are grossly under reported. Over half of the real bad numbers are from things not on the gov list. So say food prices are rocking up; well they are not counted.

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (A5THL)

277 This is a much better "for the 'ettes" video:

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (DRSnL)

278 If you have a Cool Dry Place to store them and a way to make sure they off-gas, it works better than a Freezer.
Freezing can make them more bitter.

thanks for this advice! it's not like the wine cellar is terribly full atm

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (AcWfM)

279 You know what else can make you more bitter?


Posted by: graduate of the internet's Hitler studies department at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (aEpvq)

280 All we need to cure Bidenflation is an equitable minimum wage that raises everybody up so they can live life with dignity.

Heh. The bitch of it all is, I don't know - even in theory - how to wind back inflation without deflationary tactics that are harmful as well, except for government running a surplus and then destroying the excess cash - which will happen roughly when Hell freezes over. Once the genie is out of the bottle, that's all she wrote.

At best, I know how to starve inflation to stop it, but I don't know how to reverse it. We're stuck with what we've got, and the theft from savers is permanent.

Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (9bfOU)

281 When I see people like Kennedy, Stein, and West getting votes, it tells me our education system in America has failed.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (JCZqz)

As always they think everyone else is dumb . The only reason socialism exists is its supporters do not have the ability to determine cause and effect and won't listen to people that can.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (MNhXM)

282 269 re 180: cats love eating cicadas. no lie, I've seen them go at it.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (B1FKF)

Friend had a dog engorge himself on cicadas...then out they came the same way they went in.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (ynpvh)

283 259 We are writing checks that our waning national power cannot cash.
Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 02:56 PM (hKOIV)
When those kinds of checks bounce, it tends to be quite bad.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (HnUIn)

We currently have 4000 US Troops, in Chad....

Just found that out yesterday... but... gotta say... that sticks in my craw... fucking... CHAD?

Posted by: Romeo13 at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (xaFKb)

284 When those kinds of checks bounce, it tends to be quite bad.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (HnUIn)

If those kinds of checks ever bounced it would have happened 50 years ago. These are magic checks. We're all in this together.

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (qe8hL)

285 Biden has arrived in Brownsville.

Every time he looks at his pants.

Posted by: Tex Lovera at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (wtvvX)

286 San Francisco is set to pass law that would force welfare recipients to pass a DRUG TEST, as famously progressive city battles crime and chaos

San Fran has solved their welfare problem.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (eYF7X)

287 "It's truly astounding just how tone-deaf, ignorant, and out-of-touch corporate executives become."


Many CEO's have no real connection to the company they run. The only interact with the board, consultants, and investors.

The days of the guy/gal who worked up through the ranks are pretty much over.

Posted by: Jay in PA at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (i7Q7S)

288 But "real GDP" - that is, GDP adjusted for current inflation - is still nominally positive if you believe the inflation numbers (I don't, but those are what go into the equation).

GDP is including govt spending rn. that is not GDP - without govt dollar printing and dollar tossing-around to each other, what would our GDP be?

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (AcWfM)

289 A buddy sent a picture from last night from Spokane and a bar called Purgatory. Ever been there?
Looks like a great place.
Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (W/lyH)


I have not. Honestly, I try to avoid going downtown.

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (DRSnL)

290 Here you guys are talking about how to get heap coffee and not a word for King Harv, who is working harder than anyone for the horde's business.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (ASVTS)

291 No room in my wine cellar for coffee. That's where I keep all my caviar.

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (qe8hL)

292 Corporate America is working under the government, grabbing what they can get

Posted by: Skip at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (fwDg9)

293 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

It's truly astounding just how tone-deaf, ignorant, and out-of-touch corporate executives become. I wonder if it's because they are privileged wankers who went to Ivy B-school and never had to mix with the plebs, or that the reality bubble that seems to form around these sorts of people separates them so far from the rest of the world they forget how normies live.
Posted by: It's very weird at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (8kPE2)

Maybe Kellogg hired Alissa Schicklgruber, and she can do for them what she did for Bud Light.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (ULISU)

294 I am surprised Kellogs isn't putting a free gender transition kit in every box of cereal.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (2ovLw)

295 291 No room in my wine cellar for coffee. That's where I keep all my caviar.

lol fair enough

it's not very big!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 03:02 PM (AcWfM)

296 Among the list of things a well respected nutritionist told me you should never eat were canned soup and boxed cereal. They talked a lot about the pure mystery of where the ingredients come from and the chemicals, pesticides, nitrates and a bunch of other things that were no bueno.

Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 03:02 PM (b82nJ)

297 So what's this chemical? Link?
Posted by: Ciampino

Goes to USA Today story but there are others using that search term.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (hKOIV)

298 231 The only cereal I ever liked was Sugar Frosted Flakes.

At least they used to be truthful about what their primary ingredient was...
Posted by: Tex Lovera

My favorite was Sugar Pops, but my mom almost never bought it. If she bought a box it was gone before breakfast the next morning.

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (0Htd1)

299 San Francisco is set to pass law that would force welfare recipients to pass a DRUG TEST, as famously progressive city battles crime and chaos

San Fran has solved their welfare problem.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (eYF7X)

Sounds like an outbreak of common sense.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (ULISU)

300 Sorry, you can't get away with eating sawdust; the FBI has commandeered all U.S. sawdust production for making phoney pipebombs.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (2yu8s)

301 Yeah, well, Kellogg, your cereals aren't very affordable either. $5.00 for a lightweight box of Corn Flakes or Sugar Frosted Flakes? Whaaaa?

And not even made with real sugar but with corn syrup, probably. Tony the Tiger would vomit.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (J2vNu)

302 I don't eat cereal, but husband frequently does. He buys those giant generic bags of them, that are usually towards the end of the aisle.

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (DRSnL)

303 >>> That brings back memories of when bars had free food for Happy Hour. Some had wingdings, some had tacos, some had pizza. You could go out for a couple of drinks after work and you got dinner.

Posted by: nerdygirl

Supper and drunk with the gang.
_Louie Armstrong singing Wonderful World

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (jg5Rp)

304 >>Remember when we all died because Donald Trump caused an Avocado Shortage?

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 02:45 PM


That would seal my vote for him if it weren't sealed already. My wife buys avocados every other week with the intention of making guac and forgets them every time. She may as well just toss the into the trashcan outside the Publix.

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (wzAuc)

305 All we need to cure Bidenflation is an equitable minimum wage that raises everybody up so they can live life with dignity.[b/]

The States on the West coast have3 tried that. Gee, I wonder why the businesses are closing and everybody is leaving?

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (A5THL)

306 Check the labels on things like frozen vegetables. A lot of stores selling under their house brand are getting produce like frozen onions from China. Let that sink in for a moment.

Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (b82nJ)

307 294 I am surprised Kellogs isn't putting a free gender transition kit in every box of cereal.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (2ovLw)

Rubber band, razor blade, miniature suture kit.

Posted by: Like that? at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (8kPE2)

308 Just found that out yesterday... but... gotta say... that sticks in my craw... fucking... CHAD?
Posted by: Romeo13
GWOT sent troops everywhere.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (hKOIV)

309 281 When I see people like Kennedy, Stein, and West getting votes, it tells me our education system in America has failed.
Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at February 29, 2024 02:53 PM (JCZqz)

As always they think everyone else is dumb . The only reason socialism exists is its supporters do not have the ability to determine cause and effect and won't listen to people that can.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (MNhXM)

They got terrible grades in History classes. And Logic. And Economics. And...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (ynpvh)

310 The cheapest food I eat is store brand popcorn that I pop at home. A tablespoon of kernels popped is enough snack as a full bag of potato chips. The price ends up being somewhere around 15 cents per serving.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (++4z6)

311 I have not. Honestly, I try to avoid going downtown.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (DRSnL)

Can't say as I blame you. My last trip to downtown was pre-covid and stayed at the Davenport, for old times sake. Not like I remember from college days.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (W/lyH)

312 As always they think everyone else is dumb . The only reason socialism exists is its supporters do not have the ability to determine cause and effect and won't listen to people that can.

Yet it has an appeal to the educated and ignorant alike. The rich and the poor. Sympathy for socialism and communism was a big problem among the scientists on the Manhattan Project - that wasn't just a work in Oppenheimer.

I don't think the appeal for socialism is necessarily because people are "dumb". If you truly believe in markets - as I do - it requires you to accept an awful truth. That there is no such thing as a free lunch. Most people don't like that.

Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (9bfOU)

313 Now the new wave is to charge more during rush hour.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (jg5Rp)

314 double shit


Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (A5THL)

315 At least cereal for now not a bowl of bugs....

Posted by: steevy at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (FQmDC)

316 I don't even look at prices anymore. I just pay. What can I do?

The only thing I do pay attention to is my bank account. I should stop that, too.

Posted by: Cool Runnings at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (KbCG3)

317 re 254: didn't kamala boast about sending people to jail way back when?

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 03:05 PM (B1FKF)

318 I did order up some of that Jam'n Bean Coffee using a promo code from the People's Pundit.

Comes out to just under $10 a bag (12 oz) when all the promos for subscription and subscriber factored in.

Very good coffee. Fresh and delivered to my door without me having to think about it.
Might keep that going for a bit and supplement with the occasional variety from my local roaster.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 03:05 PM (MOkGO)

319 Activists descend on Atlanta warning of 'serious consequences' if lawmakers don't back $80 BILLION reparations push, despite cash crunch in Georgia's hospital and prison systems

Posted by: Ciampino - How many people? at February 29, 2024 03:05 PM (qfLjt)

320 We currently have 4000 US Troops, in Chad....

Just found that out yesterday... but... gotta say... that sticks in my craw... fucking... CHAD?
Posted by: Romeo13 at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (xaFKb)

They were pulled out of Buffy.

Srsly, though, why do we bother trying to "help" sub-Saharan Africa? The whole place is a write-off. I laugh when I see the Chinese are trying to colonize the place. Good luck! (

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:05 PM (ULISU)

321 293 "The cereal category has always been quite affordable and it tends to be a great destination when consumers are under pressure," the cereal company's CEO said.

It's truly astounding just how tone-deaf, ignorant, and out-of-touch corporate executives become. I wonder if it's because they are privileged wankers who went to Ivy B-school and never had to mix with the plebs, or that the reality bubble that seems to form around these sorts of people separates them so far from the rest of the world they forget how normies live.
Posted by: It's very weird at February 29, 2024 02:58 PM (8kPE2)

Maybe Kellogg hired Alissa Schicklgruber, and she can do for them what she did for Bud Light.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:01 PM (ULISU)

Kinda like Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake", except cereal this time around.
Kinda like

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:05 PM (ynpvh)

322 Caviar? I think I'm underdressed for this thread.

Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (b82nJ)

323 167 I'm still amazed that the Athens DA hasn't ever gotten a guilty verdict in her four years in office. She's not even trying to hide the fact it's on purpose. At least put forth a little effort to fool the rubes.
Posted by: nckate

So, it's not because she's a diversity hire, and just plain incompetent?

Posted by: nerdygirl at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (0Htd1)

324 If those kinds of checks ever bounced it would have happened 50 years ago. These are magic checks. We're all in this together.
Posted by: ...
One can get by for a long time with a good reputation for credit until all the bills come due at once. Doesn't matter then what your wealth or power is if you don't have enough in the till to pay off the wolves at the door right now.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (hKOIV)

325 Activists descend on Atlanta warning of 'serious consequences' if lawmakers don't back $80 BILLION reparations push, despite cash crunch in Georgia's hospital and prison systems

Out: Dane geld
In: ________ geld

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (ULISU)

326 Been to the store lately? I haven't bought any in a long time now. They sell them by the each.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 02:59 PM (ynpvh)

I don't buy avocados anymore, because I don't see why I should pay, just to throw away the store's garbage.

Most of them, when you open them up, they're at least 50% necrotic tissue.

Posted by: BurtTC at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (dGCAG)

327 Srsly, though, why do we bother trying to "help" sub-Saharan Africa? The whole place is a write-off. I laugh when I see the Chinese are trying to colonize the place. Good luck! (
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:05 PM (ULISU)

The Chinese are going the EMPIRE route, not the LIGHT CASH ON FIRE route.

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (YwyqV)

328 Among the list of things a well respected nutritionist told me you should never eat were canned soup and boxed cereal. They talked a lot about the pure mystery of where the ingredients come from and the chemicals, pesticides, nitrates and a bunch of other things that were no bueno.
Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024

I'm not happy about it, but I have no time or energy to look into making my own soup. I don't eat very much canned soup at one time. When I do, I like to supercharge it and supplement the slivers of chicken that are in there with some grilled and seasoned canned chicken breast meat. Yeah, that's probably no bueno too, but at least there's some protein.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (J2vNu)

329 My breakfast when I was a kid of two working parents was to be given 50 cents to buy a donut and half pint of chocolate milk at the Donut King on my way walking to school.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (MNhXM)

330 Noted coffee is getting hard to find under about $8
Posted by: Skip

I've taken to buying a pack of an expensive brand like Peets 'on sale' & mixing it with a store brand.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (IG4Id)

331 Caviar? I think I'm underdressed for this thread.
Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (b82nJ)


Wait, we're supposed to be dressed?

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (DRSnL)

332 The best coffee I've ever had came from a roaster in Bisbee AZ. Sumatran dark roast. Man that was some good cuppa. Expensive but worth it. Every order ground fresh. If you ordered 2 lbs they would FedEx it to you free.

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (geLO8)

333 323 167 I'm still amazed that the Athens DA hasn't ever gotten a guilty verdict in her four years in office. She's not even trying to hide the fact it's on purpose. At least put forth a little effort to fool the rubes.
Posted by: nckate

So, it's not because she's a diversity hire, and just plain incompetent?
Posted by: nerdygirl at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (0Htd1)


99.9% probability that the DA got elected on a campaign message on not prosecuting crime.

Soros DA's do not lie about their aims.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (GBKbO)

334 301 Yeah, well, Kellogg, your cereals aren't very affordable either. $5.00 for a lightweight box of Corn Flakes or Sugar Frosted Flakes? Whaaaa?

And not even made with real sugar but with corn syrup, probably. Tony the Tiger would vomit.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (J2vNu)

From a chemical standpoint, fructose is sugar, even if it's from corn.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (ynpvh)

335 In the post script of the video:
As we zoom out on the lady with her groceries we see a man clad in black run out of the store behind her with a garbage bag.

Gavin Newsom is visible through the glass at the front of the store and gives the man a thumbs up as he rushes by.

Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (krQz2)

336 325 They going to burn down their neighborhoods again?

Posted by: steevy at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (FQmDC)

337 Activists descend on Atlanta warning of 'serious consequences' if lawmakers don't back $80 BILLION reparations push

Arrest them all and bury them in jail. Give them the jan 6 treatment

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (A5THL)

338 re 305: i see vic is getting hard of hearing.

and i hate when someone at work sends an email with the subject line all in capital letters.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (B1FKF)

339 Buddy can you spare $2.50. Bidenflation is Hoover's fault.

Posted by: Lost in Space at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (5tVLs)

340 All we need to cure Bidenflation is an equitable minimum wage that raises everybody up so they can live life with dignity.[b/]

The States on the West coast have3 tried that. Gee, I wonder why the businesses are closing and everybody is leaving?
Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (A5THL)

I still laugh when I recall a conversation with a former WA state governor. We were discussing business and government budgeting. He just did not understand the concept of profit. I was just gobsmacked. He was genuinely that stupid.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (W/lyH)

341 pi]299 San Francisco is set to pass law that would force welfare recipients to pass a DRUG TEST, as famously progressive city battles crime and chaos

San Fran has solved their welfare problem.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (eYF7X)

Sounds like an outbreak of common sense.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara
I predict riots. Please, eat the rich.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (eYF7X)

342 Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 03:02 PM (AcWfM)

I thought you'd like that

Posted by: ... at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (qe8hL)

343 The cheapest food I eat is store brand popcorn that I pop at home. A tablespoon of kernels popped is enough snack as a full bag of potato chips. The price ends up being somewhere around 15 cents per serving.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at February 29, 2024

The store-brand version of Orville Redenbacher? Microwave popcorn?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (J2vNu)

344 >>The best coffee I've ever had came from a roaster in Bisbee AZ. Sumatran dark roast. Man that was some good cuppa. Expensive but worth it. Every order ground fresh. If you ordered 2 lbs they would FedEx it to you free.

I hope you mean Roasted Fresh.

If you enjoy coffee the first step to great coffee is buying a burr grinder and grinding whole beans for each batch you brew, no matter the method.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (MOkGO)

345 315 At least cereal for now not a bowl of bugs....

Posted by: steevy at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (FQmDC)

Just wait long enough, like with the box of cereal I had as a kid. No sign they were in there until the milk started rippling...all by itself...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (ynpvh)

346 Among the list of things a well respected nutritionist told me you should never eat were canned soup and boxed cereal.

I don't care. Campbells Chunky Steak and Potato is delicious. Don't care if it's made from lips and assholes.

Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (9bfOU)

347 I still laugh when I recall a conversation with a former WA state governor. We were discussing business and government budgeting. He just did not understand the concept of profit. I was just gobsmacked. He was genuinely that stupid.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (W/lyH)

What, in particular, did he not understand?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (KbCG3)

348 Haven't eaten cereal in years.

I remember as a kid the small little boxes perforated to where you could pull open down the middle, bend back the sides and add milk directly to the box.

Well all be eating that size for dinner, soon. Or in the gulag.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (JkCto)

349 Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (J2vNu)

The worst thing about canned soup is that most contain almost the entire daily recommended amount of sodium.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (MNhXM)

Gas here in Oregon jumped 20 cents over night because the refineries are shutting down for spring cleaning and changing over the the spring blend of fuel mix.

A Grocery trip now averages $75 per bag of food.

My power bill went up $75- $100 per month more after their supposed 18% rate hike after January 1.

A quick fast food meal for a family of 4 is now $35-$40.

Home owners insurance rate went up$600 this year for no apparent reason.

Bidenomics is fun!

Posted by: Frank Barone at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (+oR7L)

351 From a chemical standpoint, fructose is sugar, even if it's from corn.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (ynpvh)

Sucrose and fructose are different things. That is why they are different words.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (ASVTS)

352 I had a hi-speed railway
Made it run on time
Now it's, buddy, can you spare a bribe

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (2yu8s)

353 hard of hearing??????

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (A5THL)

354 I predict riots. Please, eat the rich.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (eYF7X)

There’s only one thing they’re very good for!

~ Steven Tyler

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (YwyqV)

355 The cheapest food I eat is store brand popcorn that I pop at home. A tablespoon of kernels popped is enough snack as a full bag of potato chips. The price ends up being somewhere around 15 cents per serving.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at February 29, 2024 03:04 PM (++4z6)

I tell myself this, and ignore the vast quantity of melted butter I pour over it.

Posted by: spindrift at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (La/vm)

356 At best, I know how to starve inflation to stop it, but I don't know how to reverse it. We're stuck with what we've got, and the theft from savers is permanent.
Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (9bfOU)

Three ways, holding down printing and loans long enough for the economy to surpass the money supply (won't happen, never been done because it is too painfull)
increase interest on loans to make fewer loans, which will contract the money supply as well, and is basically my first point, and this is going to call for interest in the 30's I suspect

finally default and new currency, which will put us on even terms with Brazil and Argentina.

If you want fun, look up the first fiat money system, the paper currency of the Mongol (Yuan) empire in china from the 13th to the 14th century. The Yuan was based around the secondary market in warehouse receipts in the Song dynasty, and went into overdrive due to military spending and graft, and when everyone realized there was no silver to back it, it collapsed just as much as John Law's Mississippi company

We are hosed. The only question is "how hosed will we turn out to be?"

Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (D7oie)

357 302 I don't eat cereal, but husband frequently does. He buys those giant generic bags of them, that are usually towards the end of the aisle.
Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 03:03 PM (DRSnL)

Malt-O-Meal FTW. Cheaper and better, especially their version of cocoa krispies

Posted by: Cereal killer at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (8kPE2)

358 341 pi]299 San Francisco is set to pass law that would force welfare recipients to pass a DRUG TEST, as famously progressive city battles crime and chaos

San Fran has solved their welfare problem.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:00 PM (eYF7X)


These sorts of requirements have been thrown out of by courts regularly. The requirements usually stemmed from red states.

It'll be interesting to see if San Fran can make it work because Calvinball.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, raging against the bourgeois with Pasolini at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (GBKbO)

359 Well all be eating that size for dinner, soon. Or in the gulag.
Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (JkCto)

I call top bunk!

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (ASVTS)

360 In positive news, Hillsborough County Sheriffs found the five year old autistic girl who wandered off. She was in the middle of a swamp. She appears to be unharmed.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (6OrcJ)

361 Theyrrrrrrrreee adequate!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (S+llt)

362 Among the list of things a well respected nutritionist told me you should never eat were canned soup and boxed cereal.


(He gazes, troubled, at the remnants of the Can O' Chowder in his bowl, much like Peter Graves looked at the skeletal fish in "Airplane.")

Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (wzAuc)

363 If you enjoy coffee the first step to great coffee is buying a burr grinder and grinding whole beans for each batch you brew, no matter the method.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (MOkGO)
Agree. That's what I drink every morning. Fresh ground coffee, freshly brewed.

And I just have to give a shout out to Kirkland Peru Organic beans, which is what I enjoy on a daily basis, right now.

Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (krQz2)

364 Wholly Guacamole

319 Activists descend on Atlanta warning of 'serious consequences' if lawmakers don't back $80 BILLION reparations push, despite cash crunch in Georgia's hospital and prison systems

Posted by: Ciampino -

They need to push harder.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (jg5Rp)

365 351 From a chemical standpoint, fructose is sugar, even if it's from corn.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (ynpvh)

Sucrose and fructose are different things. That is why they are different words.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (ASVTS)

Sucrose and Fructose are Sugars.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (ynpvh)

366 Retarded and malignant dwarf Paul Krugman must be super disappointed in the American people.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (xcrUy)

367 345 I had that with a packet of gravy mix I guess I let sit around too long....

Posted by: steevy at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (FQmDC)

368 If our lives were a movie, we're at the scene in Goodfellas after Pesci is whacked and De Niro gets the call.

"And we couldn't do nothing about it."

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (KbCG3)

369 The best coffee I've ever had came from a roaster in Bisbee AZ. Sumatran dark roast. Man that was some good cuppa. Expensive but worth it. Every order ground fresh. If you ordered 2 lbs they would FedEx it to you free.
Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (geLO

When I was at Ft Huachuca in Sierra Vista, we used to do the annual Mule Mountain Marathon, starting in Bisbee. Good times!

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (W/lyH)

370 Old Bisbee Roasters

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (geLO8)

371 > The worst thing about canned soup is that most contain almost the entire daily recommended amount of sodium.


Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (6OrcJ)

372 Don't blame Biden, he is busy fighting White Supremacy.

Posted by: Pudinhead at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (FmapG)

373 Sucrose and Fructose are Sugars.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (ynpvh)

Ethanol and Methanol are alcohols.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (ASVTS)

374 Sucrose and fructose are different things. That is why they are different words.

fructose converts to sucrose basically immediately

they are essentially the same

avoid sucrose, especially added sugar. avoid chemical "sugar." avoid HCFS. and eat fruit but not as a juice.

and you're good. you really can't avoid intake of sucrose (unless you eat zero fruit and only limited veggies!)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (AcWfM)

375 We are all horrified over the carnage in Gaza as well as Ukraine

I'm pretty satisfied by the amount of carnage in Gaza, actually.

Posted by: Ian S. at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (2ocoG)

376 I predict riots. Please, eat the rich.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (eYF7X)
Bill Gates needs to be the hors d'oeuvre.

Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (krQz2)

377 The best coffee I've ever had came from a roaster in Bisbee AZ. Sumatran dark roast. Man that was some good cuppa. Expensive but worth it. Every order ground fresh. If you ordered 2 lbs they would FedEx it to you free.
Posted by: Don Black

I've sprung for a pound of Jamaican Blue Mountain beans a couple of times. Don't see what all the fuss is about. Way too mild.

Posted by: Biff Pocoroba at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (Dm8we)

378 "I'm not happy about it, but I have no time or energy to look into making my own soup. I don't eat very much canned soup at one time. When I do, I like to supercharge it and supplement the slivers of chicken that are in there with some grilled and seasoned canned chicken breast meat. Yeah, that's probably no bueno too, but at least there's some protein.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:06 PM (J2vNu)"

A basic chicken or vegetable soup is fast, cheap and easy to make. I like to make a big pot of minestrone that I usually eat over the course of a week. If I can do it, pretty much anybody can. Choosing the ingredients is just a real plus to me because I have to stay away from certain things.

Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (b82nJ)

379 Coffee is best when it's black, bitter, hot and inexpensive.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (jg5Rp)

380 i do a lot of shopping at what is still called dollar tree. five pack of ramen noodles when you can find them.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (B1FKF)

381 Sugars. Even if we can't digest them (like Lactulose).

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (ynpvh)

382 hard of hearing??????
Posted by: vic
Someone is wrongly getting confused with boldface being the same as ALL CAPS being like yelling in type.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (2yu8s)

383 Bisbee was a great little town back in the 90s. One of my favorite GFs of all time was a Bisbee girl.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (MOkGO)

384 From a chemical standpoint, fructose is sugar, even if it's from corn.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (ynpvh)

Fructose causes inflammation, and its mode of being metabolized tends to cause your body to store more of it as fat.

Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (D7oie)

A can of SPAM is over $6


Posted by: Frank Barone at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (+oR7L)

386 373 Sucrose and Fructose are Sugars.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (ynpvh)

Ethanol and Methanol are alcohols.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (ASVTS)

Indeed they are.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (ynpvh)

387 > Sucrose and fructose are different things. That is why they are different words.

Communists and Democrats are different words too. Still the same thing.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (6OrcJ)

388 finally default and new currency, which will put us on even terms with Brazil and Argentina.

I have been wondering if all this sabre-rattling might be aimed at the idea gaining a pretext to simply refute some foreign owned debt. Which wouldn't erase all of our debt, of course, or even most of it. But it would erase some.

Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (9bfOU)

389 garrett: "If you enjoy coffee the first step to great coffee is buying a burr grinder and grinding whole beans for each batch you brew, no matter the method."

So very this. One of the best cheap "investments" you'll ever make. Don't break the seal of the bean, so to speak, until you're ready. Flavor is lost soon after they're ground.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (aXxgO)

390 362 Among the list of things a well respected nutritionist told me you should never eat were canned soup and boxed cereal.


(He gazes, troubled, at the remnants of the Can O' Chowder in his bowl, much like Peter Graves looked at the skeletal fish in "Airplane.")
Posted by: SloPitch Whiffer at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (wzAuc)

My wife once accidentally bought one of those heart healthy cans of soup.

The amount of salt I had to add to make that thing edible ending up attracting a lot of deer.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (KbCG3)

391 373 Sucrose and Fructose are Sugars.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (ynpvh)

Ethanol and Methanol are alcohols.

Posted by: blaster

Well said.

Posted by: Braenyard at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (jg5Rp)

392 Great. Reparations or we burn the city to the ground.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (R4t5M)

393 Thanks for that Don Black.

Will check out their coffee.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (MOkGO)

394 I still laugh when I recall a conversation with a former WA state governor. We were discussing business and government budgeting. He just did not understand the concept of profit. I was just gobsmacked. He was genuinely that stupid.

Posted by: Diogenes

Locke? Lowery? Nitwits to a fault.

Posted by: Lost in Space at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (5tVLs)

395 and you're good. you really can't avoid intake of sucrose (unless you eat zero fruit and only limited veggies!)
Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (AcWfM)

See! That's what I tell everyone! Not eating fruits and veggies is healthy!

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (ASVTS)

396 Cornflakes, now with crickets and mealworms. Join your fellow non workers tovarich and get good intestinal health

Posted by: Smell the Glove at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (RMPpE)

The CEO of Kellogg's has a great idea for beating inflation: just eat cereal for dinner.

Considering that the Kellogg brothers were rabid eugenicists and segregationists, sounds appropriate to me.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (n+4am)

398 385
A can of SPAM is over $6

We will never win WWIII at these prices.

Posted by: Pudinhead at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (FmapG)

399 Sucrose and fructose are different things. That is why they are different words.

fructose converts to sucrose basically immediately

they are essentially the same

avoid sucrose, especially added sugar. avoid chemical "sugar." avoid HCFS. and eat fruit but not as a juice.

and you're good. you really can't avoid intake of sucrose (unless you eat zero fruit and only limited veggies!)
Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (AcWfM)
As I heard it: Fructose is half glucose, so that part is available immediately. The other half has to pass through your liver to make another round of glucose.

Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (krQz2)

400 Some cereal I got in a care package is pure sugar--Fruit Pebbles or something like that. It's awful.

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (xcrUy)

401 Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (MOkGO)
Agree. That's what I drink every morning. Fresh ground coffee, freshly brewed.

And I just have to give a shout out to Kirkland Peru Organic beans, which is what I enjoy on a daily basis, right now.
Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:10 PM (krQz2)

Agree, too. For me, my go-to is Mayorga Cafe Cubano

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (T+Iwg)

402 396 Cornflakes, now with crickets and mealworms. Join your fellow non workers tovarich and get good intestinal health

Posted by: Smell the Glove at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (RMPpE)

Probably tastes NEARLY the same.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (ynpvh)

403 Sucrose is fructose and glucose.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (MNhXM)

404 also four 2nd rate bagels or six english muffins for a buck 25.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (B1FKF)

405 A can of SPAM is over $6

We will never win WWIII at these prices.
Cargo Cult coming to a town near you soon!

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (2yu8s)

406 >The worst thing about canned soup is that most contain almost the entire daily recommended amount of sodium.

Posted by: Burnt Umber

I know right
Campbell's Cream Of Mushroom will make me thirsty
WTF does everything they make have to be so salty?
I don't buy it anymore

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (geLO8)

407 >>392 Great. Reparations or we burn the city to the ground.
Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner

As long as they burn down the governors mansion I'm okay with it.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (eYF7X)

408 Properly prepared, sheetrock can taste like wild hickory nuts.

Posted by: Eull Gibbons at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (woPEM)

409 Sucrose and Fructose are Sugars.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (ynpvh)

Ethanol and Methanol are alcohols.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (ASVTS)

Indeed they are.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

And Noreen and Darlene are strippers. QED.

Posted by: Lost in Space at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (5tVLs)

410 Re Chad, normally I would say there are a lot of shitholes we should not be in. But we do have strategic interests in Africa and specifically things that would manifest into homeland threats if they are not tamped down. AFRICOM doesn't have a great footprint of bases from which to launch direct action or CSAR. Take a look at where Chad is. We have Group rotating through that "FOB" for a reason. And it's not just the terrorists, it's also the Chinese stirring the pot.

Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (b82nJ)

411 What, in particular, did he not understand?
Posted by: The C

I told him, as a government guy, you get a budget and you spend it.
As a business you needed to make a product for, say five dollars, and hope to have enough people willing to pay say eight dollars to own one.
Then tried to explain cost of doing business, sunk costs, etc. Got the thousand meter stare. Completely lost.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (W/lyH)

412 I saw the 2nd Rate Bagels open for Bread at the Aud in '78.

Posted by: good show at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (La/vm)

413 371 > The worst thing about canned soup is that most contain almost the entire daily recommended amount of sodium.


Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (6OrcJ)

Same thing as cholesterol; unless you are salt sensitive there is nothing wrong with salt unless you eat a ton of it.

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (A5THL)

414 Then: The plebes are living too well

Now: Let them eat cereal

Posted by: 18-1 at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (ibTVg)

415 I've taken to buying a pack of an expensive brand like Peets 'on sale' & mixing it with a store brand.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 29, 2024 03:07 PM (IG4Id)

I discovered Peets a year or so ago. Can't really find anything I like better. 2 local grocery stores run it on sale regularly. I stock up at 6.99 or 7.99 a bag.

Mix Peets medium roast (2 parts) with Cafe Du Monde coffee/chickory (1 part) -- tough to beat!!!

Posted by: Doof at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (JunzL)

416 > A can of SPAM is over $6


is that black market Spam? a 12oz can is $3.50 here

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (geLO8)

417 The store-brand version of Orville Redenbacher? Microwave popcorn?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:08 PM (J2vNu)


The store brand popcorn kernels. Put a tablespoon (more if you like) of kernels in a pot, a little bit of oil to cover the kernels, put a lid on it and turn the burner on slightly above medium. In 6 minutes you have a full pot of popcorn as a snack. Salt to taste. I do buy a big jug of buttered flavored oil from Amazon that almost lasts me half a year.

I eat it about 4 times a week.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (++4z6)

418 As long as they burn down the governors mansion I'm okay with it.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (eYF7X)

Hopefully, he or she is chained to the floor.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory, red heifer owner at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (R4t5M)

419 @409 lance and Bruce are, well you get the picture

Posted by: Smell the Glove at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (RMPpE)

420 I love sodium. Can't get enough of it. Nutritionist's be damned. To paraphrase Willie Nelson - there's more old salt eaters than their are old nutritionists, so let's all have another round.

Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (9bfOU)

421 See! That's what I tell everyone! Not eating fruits and veggies is healthy!

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (ASVTS)


* fistbump *

Posted by: ShainS -- Laken Riley (Business is business, and it's a murder most foul) at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (QohHq)

422 Fox showing live feed of Biden in Brownsville talking to border Pstrol. I think zMayorkas is with him. There are No migrants crossing there. They have moved on to Eagle Pass.

Posted by: Jen the original at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (Ar12j)

423 Agree, the sodium alone in soup in enough to cause issues. Even the so called "low" sodium ones have most of your DRV. That's before the other crap.

Posted by: Marcus T at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (b82nJ)

424 The worst thing about canned soup is that most contain almost the entire daily recommended amount of sodium.
I'm supposed to limit sodium to 1500mg per day. A single slice of American cheese contains 400mg.

This sucks.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (woPEM)

425 410 Was Chad named after some homo actor from the fifties?

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (0EOe9)

426 40 oz. bag of coffee beans at Sam's is $18. Up from $14. Good coffee, though. European Cafe brand. Roasted in Arizona I think.

Posted by: free tibet at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (8ck2O)

427 424 The worst thing about canned soup is that most contain almost the entire daily recommended amount of sodium.
I'm supposed to limit sodium to 1500mg per day. A single slice of American cheese contains 400mg.

This sucks.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (woPEM)

Drink more water. That'll flush the excess salt.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (ynpvh)

428 All we need to cure Bidenflation is an equitable minimum wage that raises everybody up so they can live life with dignity.

Undergraduate prescription for ending poverty: "double everyone's income!"

One of my colleagues used to say, "God, how I would like to deal with adults."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (ULISU)

429 I always keep a emergency can of soup in my desk drawer, for when I don't have time to pack lunch or if it's gone bad (I bring leftovers a lot).

Posted by: Jordan61 at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (DRSnL)

430 They won't go where any "migrants" are crossing

Posted by: steevy at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (FQmDC)

431 A can of SPAM is over $6


What's the price in Hawaii?

Posted by: Northernlurker at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (xcrUy)

432 I understand the paid media shills who constantly go on TV and say the economy is the greatest ever, but it's hilarious seeing normal everyday people saying it. Like do you think lying to yourself is going to get you a job as press secretary, or an award? Are you that broken and pathetic that you need to pretend all is well, to justify the horrible choices you've made?

Like if I got my balls caught in a bear trap I would then walk around saying getting your balls stuck in a bear trap was fun an amazing, because people would rightfully think im an imbecile, this is the same with how liberals act.

Posted by: Rbastid at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (fzujD)

433 Locke? Lowery? Nitwits to a fault.
Posted by: Lost in Space at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (5tVLs)

Nitwit indeed.
And with a three day growth of beard, looked like Yassar Arafat.

Posted by: Diogenes at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (W/lyH)

434 Sucrose and Fructose are Sugars.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:11 PM (ynpvh)

Ethanol and Methanol are alcohols.

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:12 PM (ASVTS)

Indeed they are.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia)

And Noreen and Darlene are strippers. QED.
Posted by: Lost in Space at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (5tVLs)

LOL! I was thinking Miklos > Sucrose and Fructose

Posted by: Doof at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (JunzL)

435 425 410 Was Chad named after some homo actor from the fifties?

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (0EOe9)

I heard he liked to hang around ballots.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (ynpvh)

436 See! That's what I tell everyone! Not eating fruits and veggies is healthy!

Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:14 PM (ASVTS)

It is, because you can detox or de-fat your liver that way. (Of course, you have to stay away from alcohol during that same time).

Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (krQz2)

437 As I heard it: Fructose is half glucose, so that part is available immediately. The other half has to pass through your liver to make another round of glucose.
Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (krQz2)

sucrose is half glucose and half fructose, and part of the metabolization is breaking the two apart,
HFC is both glucose and fructose, but they are not bound together so they are metabolized separately. I am told that glucose is burned immediately and fructose has to be converted to glucose, and in doing so creates a temporary energy deficit, which encourages it to be stored as fat instead of burned directly.

I don't have enough biochem to show the process, but that is what I have been told.
we can agree that HFC is cheaper than sugar so it gets put in all sorts of stuff to make it taste better, especially after all the fat is taken out to make it heart healthy, and that increases sugar intake without much notice?

Posted by: Kindltot at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (D7oie)

438 Founded in 1966 by Alfred Peet in Berkeley, California

that is dirty hippie summer of love coffee!

Posted by: Don Black at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (geLO8)

439 I prefer Lipton cup of soup to canned. Also high sodium ofc

Posted by: steevy at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (FQmDC)

440 428 All we need to cure Bidenflation is an equitable minimum wage that raises everybody up so they can live life with dignity.

Undergraduate prescription for ending poverty: "double everyone's income!"

One of my colleagues used to say, "God, how I would like to deal with adults."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:18 PM (ULISU)

Economic Imbeciles, if even that smart.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (ynpvh)

441 I buy 2 cans of SPAM a week and feed it to my bears.

They love the stuff.

Of course, they eat anything living or dead.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (2ijlT)

442 Fox showing live feed of Biden in Brownsville talking to border Pstrol. I think zMayorkas is with him. There are No migrants crossing there. They have moved on to Eagle Pass.
Posted by: Jen the original

Melugian commented on this the other day said Brownsville sees less than 200 crossings a day while AZ and San Diego are in the 3K+ range. They picked Brownville precisely because it ahs low crossings

Posted by: BruceWayne at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (CIS44)

443 unusual_whales @unusual_whales Feb 28, 2024
Serious delinquencies of credit cards, or those 90 days or more past due, have reached the highest level since 2009, per TransUnion.

unusual_whales @unusual_whales
With a total of $1.13 trillion in debt, credit card debt that moved into serious delinquency amounted to 6.6% in Q4 2023, while it had been around 4% at the end of 2022.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 03:19 PM (2yu8s)

444 Same thing as cholesterol; unless you are salt sensitive there is nothing wrong with salt unless you eat a ton of it.
Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:16 PM (A5THL)

Doesn't take a ton for it to have negative effects. Reducing sodium intake to the daily recommended can improve your blood pressure.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (MNhXM)

445 Willie Nelson - there's more old salt eaters than their are old nutritionists, so let's all have another round.
Willie and Keith have hardened systems. They will live forever.

Posted by: Pudinhead at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (FmapG)

446 Like if I got my balls caught in a bear trap I would then walk around saying getting your balls stuck in a bear trap was fun an amazing, because people would rightfully think im an imbecile, this is the same with how liberals act.

That would be one Hell of a low hanging nutsack.

Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (9bfOU)

447 February 29, 2024, The White House, Fact Sheet: Vice President Harris Announces Action to Lower Child Care Costs for More than 100,000 Families

Vice President Harris is announcing key steps to lower the cost of child care for working families and better support early educators, consistent with the President’s historic Executive Order on Care.
Note, "better support early educators."

However, Alliance for Early Success once wrote, "Popular on both sides of the aisle and given a record funding infusion in 2018 with bipartisan support from Congress and President Donald Trump, CCBDG is a key tool for states in supporting child development and improving families’ economic security." So nothing really nothing new or significant for the Biden-Harris administration, yet again.

Posted by: L - We're done for now. We just don't have the guts to turn off the lights on the show at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (GshMh)

448 387 Communists and Democrats are different words too. Still the same thing.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (6OrcJ)

LOL loud; good one

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (A5THL)

449 Sucrose and fructose are different things. That is why they are different words.
Posted by: blaster at February 29, 2024 03:09 PM (ASVTS)

Sucrose is glucose-fructose, i.e., a disaccharide comprising those two monosaccharides.

Sucrose in acidic solution - e.g., the stomach contents - hydrolyzes to an equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (ULISU)

450 So you guys get cheerleaders in skimpy outfits and we get Bugs Bunny? What kind of shit is that?
Posted by: Jordan61

This is border line elder abuse...

Posted by: Jimmy Carter at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (X4yCj)

451 I love sodium. Can't get enough of it. Nutritionist's be damned. To paraphrase Willie Nelson - there's more old salt eaters than their are old nutritionists, so let's all have another round.
Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:17 PM (9bfOU)
Unless your doctor warns you off salt, you should eat more salt not less.

The idea that less salt is generally healthy is crap--or that's what I'm going with.

Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (krQz2)

452 Communists and Democrats are different words too. Still the same thing.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (6OrcJ)

Yep. "Progressives" are just communists who are embarrassed to admit it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:21 PM (ULISU)

453 Inflation is actually good for you and your money , because it makes everything more valuable !

--- NYT Economist Paul Krugman

Posted by: runner at February 29, 2024 03:21 PM (V13WU)

454 441 Economize, buy the bears some Treet and see how quick they turn on you.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at February 29, 2024 03:21 PM (0EOe9)

455 Fox showing live feed of Biden in Brownsville talking to border Patrol. I think Mayorkas is with him. There are No migrants crossing there. They have moved on to Eagle Pass.
Posted by: Jen the original
They don't want to shit where they eat.

Posted by: andycanuck (2yu8s) at February 29, 2024 03:21 PM (2yu8s)

456 Melugian commented on this the other day said Brownsville sees less than 200 crossings a day while AZ and San Diego are in the 3K+ range. They picked Brownville precisely because it ahs low crossings.

I've been to Brownsville. I get it.

Posted by: Pimp Hand of Reality at February 29, 2024 03:21 PM (9bfOU)

457 Lowery.
Nitwit indeed.
And with a three day growth of beard, looked like Yassar Arafat.
Posted by: Diogenes

For the win! I forgot about that shitty beard. I always imagined him wearing pants a bit to long and the cuffs being filthy.

Posted by: Lost in Space at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (5tVLs)

458 Salt is one craving you should always heed.

Posted by: garrett at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (MOkGO)

459 Yeah, I'm underinformed, but I've never understood the case against salt (absent some health condition).

Posted by: graduate of the internet's Hitler studies department at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (fqXci)

460 Nood google search.

Er, phrasing

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (YwyqV)

461 444 Doesn't take a ton for it to have negative effects. Reducing sodium intake to the daily recommended can improve your blood pressure.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (MNhXM)

I tr4ied an experiment on this. I ate a large bag of salted potato chips. Then took my blood pressure for several hours. No change

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (A5THL)

462 Split screen showing Trump walking alongside Abbots wheelchair at Eagle Pass. They are in a temporary HQ for BP

Posted by: Jen the original at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (Ar12j)

463 One thing I don't understand... the people who say the virus was completely natural and agitate for the Federal Bureaucracy's right to dictate treatments are also the ones who say Trump's responsible for the deaths.

If the virus was completely natural, how is the virus Trump's fault? He wasn't making people eat bats.

And don't get me started on the Bureaucracy's dictated treatment.

Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (gHSfI)

464 We're all Breatharians now.

But at least it's not Kaboom! Breatharianism. Yet.

Posted by: eleven at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (iziT8)

465 > Same thing as cholesterol; unless you are salt sensitive there is nothing wrong with salt unless you eat a ton of it.

I don't think this is quite right. My understanding is 10% of the population is salt sensitive and their bodies don't send them the right signals that enables them to self-regulate salt intake properly.

The rest of the population are not salt sensitive and their bodies do send the right signals.

Either way, too much salt is bad for you. If you eat a can of soup in America, the rest of your foods for the day need to be low in sodium or you'll have too much salt that day.

Not a huge deal in the short term to have too much salt for the 90%. But it's still bad for you in the medium and long term. Canned soup shouldn't be part of anyone's regular diet because of this.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:22 PM (6OrcJ)

466 452 Communists and Democrats are different words too. Still the same thing.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:13 PM (6OrcJ)

Yep. "Progressives" are just communists who are embarrassed to admit it.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:21 PM (ULISU)

And commies and demorats "metabolize" the same way, once buried.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at February 29, 2024 03:23 PM (ynpvh)

467 Drink more water. That'll flush the excess salt.
That's what I used to do, but now I'm limited to 2 litres per day of liquid.

I'm screwed.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at February 29, 2024 03:23 PM (woPEM)

468 We are all horrified over the carnage in Gaza as well as Ukraine

I'm pretty satisfied by the amount of carnage in Gaza, actually.

More carnage is needed.

Posted by: free tibet at February 29, 2024 03:23 PM (8ck2O)

469 I lived in Brownsville for 2 years.

Can't say I recommend it.

Posted by: Not all of Texas is equally great at February 29, 2024 03:23 PM (fqXci)

470 As I heard it: Fructose is half glucose, so that part is available immediately. The other half has to pass through your liver to make another round of glucose.
Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:15 PM (krQz2)

sucrose is half glucose and half fructose, and part of the metabolization is breaking the two apart,
HFC is both glucose and fructose, but they are not bound together so they are metabolized separately. I am told that glucose is burned immediately and fructose has to be converted to glucose, and in doing so creates a temporary energy deficit, which encourages it to be stored as fat instead of burned directly.

The particulars of High-fructose corn syrup mess interfere with your ghrelin signals. So the more HFCS you consume the less often you will get a full signal.

But yeah, I think I got it wrong, it's sucrose that is half glucose. Fructose has to get in line for your liver.

Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:24 PM (krQz2)

471 one of the funniest things i ever saw here was an ad for 'pork roll' made out of fiberglass. wish i could find a link with a picture

Posted by: gnats local 678 at February 29, 2024 03:24 PM (B1FKF)

472 The idea that less salt is generally healthy is crap--or that's what I'm going with.
Posted by: Axeman at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (krQz2)

I've never understood that advice. Salt is water-soluble (unlike, say, most lipids that can get deposited in the vasculature), so if you have an excess of salt, you just pee out that excess.

A major theme in physiology is homestasis. One of the major functions of the kidneys is to maintain homeostasis of the osmolarity of the blood. Too much salt, you pee out a concentrated salt solution. Too much water, you pee out water.

Everyone of us has experienced this.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:25 PM (ULISU)

473 Soyent green will be real. And soon.

Posted by: Plainoldtoast at February 29, 2024 03:25 PM (ytSiK)

474 Abbott pointing out on N aerial photo a line of migrants coming across the river to avoid a point of entry faculty 1/4 mile downstream.

Posted by: Jen the original at February 29, 2024 03:25 PM (Ar12j)

475 We are hosed. The only question is "how hosed will we turn out to be?"
Posted by: Kindltot

Immediate crash in asset values, widespread unemployment, excess deaths, etc. for about one to two years then about a decade of hard slogging. Travelers and expats, I would expect that there will be currency controls on how much new dollars can be taken out of the country which is very likely in a current crunch.

If the Democrats are still around after the fall, then expect calls for socialism which will turn a decade long crisis into one of a lifespan.

Basically the current set of villains in the corporate, ngo, and political worlds have to be replaced en toto for a relatively fast recovery from a sovereign debt and currency crisis. Unlike other nations, there is no nation or group of nations that can afford to bail us out.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 03:25 PM (hKOIV)

476 Looks like Biden's flying monkeys are really upset with Adams and his anti-illegal immigration stance.

The FBI are raiding the home of Adams' aide.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:28 PM (6OrcJ)

477 Either way, too much salt is bad for you. If you eat a can of soup in America, the rest of your foods for the day need to be low in sodium or you'll have too much salt that day.

If you ingest too much salt, you'll be thirsty, drink a glass or two of water, and then pee out the salt. Simple, really.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:28 PM (ULISU)

478 I've never understood that advice. Salt is water-soluble (unlike, say, most lipids that can get deposited in the vasculature), so if you have an excess of salt, you just pee out that excess.

A major theme in physiology is homestasis. One of the major functions of the kidneys is to maintain homeostasis of the osmolarity of the blood. Too much salt, you pee out a concentrated salt solution. Too much water, you pee out water.

Everyone of us has experienced this.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

People with a certain genetic background retain the salt which causes a rise in blood pressure. That gene is predominately, but not wholly expressed in African Americans. So, the CDC came up with the Big Lie strategy and promulgated that idea that everyone has to reduce salt intake because it would be racist to limit the call to those susceptible to it genetically.

That advice, however, can kill some people because they actually do not retain enough salt in the system genetically or through the drugs they take and lack of electrolytes can wreak massive problems on a low salt diet including heart attacks.

The CDC should more or less butt out of giving medical advice for individuals.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 03:29 PM (hKOIV)

479 Looks like Google is disabling the accounts of people who use gmail to complain about tranny books in school libraries.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:29 PM (6OrcJ)

480 The days of the guy/gal who worked up through the ranks are pretty much over.

Mary Barra has an engineering degree from the institution formerly known as GMI, and has never worked for anyone but the general. You can't trust Company Men either.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at February 29, 2024 03:30 PM (FCs/J)

The worst thing about canned soup is that most contain almost the entire daily recommended amount of sodium.
Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 0

Yes, and canned chili is worse. But I don't eat the entire can at once. A Progresso can of chicken sausage gumbo can be part of three meals for me.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:30 PM (J2vNu)

482 The particulars of High-fructose corn syrup mess interfere with your ghrelin signals.

HFCS is 55% fructose, 45% glucose.

So it's pretty much the equivalent of ingesting sucrose then eating, say, an orange afterward.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:30 PM (ULISU)

483 Inflation is good for some individuals... If you have a high interest rate home loan and wage increases keep up with inflation (rare) then it helps you out.

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:30 PM (A5THL)

484 > If you ingest too much salt, you'll be thirsty, drink a glass or two of water, and then pee out the salt. Simple, really.

So nobody has any issues with too much salt? Ever? This doesn't seem right.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:30 PM (6OrcJ)

485 Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 03:25 PM (hKOIV)

I would have told Mexico long ago that if they continued to allow illegals to cross through their country the US would no allow personal remittances to be sent from the US to Mexico.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:30 PM (MNhXM)

486 It's working out for now for the luxury markets:

Macy’s will close about 150 department stores, but open new locations of better performing chains, Published & Updated Tue, Feb. 27, 2024

In part, "The changes reflect a focus on what’s working at Macy’s — higher-end department store Bloomingdale’s and beauty chain Bluemercury — and what’s not — its namesake stores, particularly the ones at struggling malls."

Options outside of Walmart and Target shopping are ever narrowing for many middle class.

Posted by: L - We're done for now. We just don't have the guts to turn off the lights on the show at February 29, 2024 03:31 PM (GshMh)

487 482 The particulars of High-fructose corn syrup mess interfere with your ghrelin signals.

The Ghrelin Signals was one of Robert Ludlum's worst books.

Posted by: Subliterate Pseudopod at February 29, 2024 03:32 PM (fqXci)

Sucrose is glucose-fructose, i.e., a disaccharide comprising those two monosaccharides.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (ULISU)

Tough little son of a bitch. We need to take it back to the company labs.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at February 29, 2024 03:33 PM (n+4am)

489 fucking olive oil


still I must use it!

maybe I'll plant some trees

Posted by: BlackOrchid at February 29, 2024 02:31 PM (AcWfM)
Yeah, it has gotten obscenely expensive - especially the Italian stuff, which my wife adores. Pushing 50% in the last 18 months for our brand. I realize it is a luxury item. But it is a healthy one.

Posted by: Black JEM at February 29, 2024 03:33 PM (GZYu7)

490 Doesn't take a ton for it to have negative effects. Reducing sodium intake to the daily recommended can improve your blood pressure.

Posted by: Burnt Umber at February 29, 2024 03:20 PM (MNhXM)
I tr4ied an experiment on this. I ate a large bag of salted potato chips. Then took my blood pressure for several hours. No change
Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 0

I tried reducing salt too before my dr. put me on the BP med. No real improvement. Now my BP is probably better than, and likely as good as it was in my thirties.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at February 29, 2024 03:33 PM (J2vNu)

491 LOL. The official Border Patrol Union twitter account says, "In an effort to invigorate him for his border visit, WH staff reportedly tells Biden that Brownsville is a new ice cream flavor."

I get the feeling they're not fans of Biden.

Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:35 PM (6OrcJ)

492 478 The CDC should more or less butt out of giving medical advice for individuals.

Posted by: whig at February 29, 2024 03:29 PM (hKOIV)

Now I agree with that whole hardheartedly. Except maybe I would go with defund the CDC and eliminate it.

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:36 PM (A5THL)

493 Can't have too much salt, you know?

Posted by: The Shape-shifting Salt Vampire From Star Trek at February 29, 2024 03:37 PM (J2vNu)

494 So nobody has any issues with too much salt? Ever? This doesn't seem right.
Posted by: bonhomme at February 29, 2024 03:30 PM (6OrcJ)

If the kidneys are functioning properly, no, I don't think so, unless someone is downing gobs of salt all day long, i.e., overloading excretion by the kidneys.

By way of comparison, the pH of the blood is very narrowly controlled at ~ 7.4. If the pH drops too low, you pants to exhale CO2, the killer pollutant, and conversely if the pH goes too high (not sure what that mechanism is).

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:38 PM (ULISU)

495 I posted, so nood

Posted by: vic at February 29, 2024 03:38 PM (A5THL)

496 "In healthy people, when osmolality in the blood becomes high, the body releases antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

This hormone causes the kidneys to reabsorb water. This results in more concentrated urine. The reabsorbed water dilutes the blood. This allows blood osmolality to fall back to normal.

Low blood osmolality suppresses ADH. This reduces how much water the kidneys reabsorb. Dilute urine is passed to get rid of the excess water, which increases blood osmolality back toward normal."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at February 29, 2024 03:39 PM (ULISU)

497 All the tricks have run out There is no more ability to sanitize the inflation in overseas trade flows, no way to inject liquidity without cratering the dollar, no way to pretend that deficits don't matter. The bill is due. They government knocks off the deficit spending and interest rates continue to climb, or there will be no relief.

That means a recession, and a huge one.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:39 PM (HnUIn)
I think it is important to note that the inflation acceleration happened very quickly after two distinct Biden policy changes - another round of covid relief, which the GOP senate of all people had told Trump they weren't going to do for him; and the deliberate reduction in fossil fuel energy development.

Have we been overspending for years? Yes. Was there some structural inflation baked in because we had yanked the supply chains around alot because of covid?

Are we running out of runway? Yes. AS we move to more bi-lateral trade arrangements the global trade empire we supported, which allowed us to ship our inflation away to allies across the world, is crumbling. The inflation will be stickier and more long lasting.

Posted by: Black JEM at February 29, 2024 03:43 PM (GZYu7)

498 You just need to accept a lesser life for you and your family so that the far left can stay in power.

Posted by: Drew in MO at February 29, 2024 03:51 PM (fkYQi)

499 Dudes, the sanctuary cities already nullified federal law. What do you plan to do to them when they nullify state law this time?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at February 29, 2024 02:43 PM (HnUIn)
The State has actual police powers the feds do not possess.

The State could - not saying the would, but could - throw the official in jail, issue the warrant and off you go. As you lead them off you go to the second in command and say, so am I arresting you too, or are going to get working on it?

Posted by: Black JEM at February 29, 2024 03:58 PM (GZYu7)

500 Just outlaw inflation. I did in my country. This is why Zimbabwe enjoys unparalleled prosperity.

Posted by: Robert Mugabe at February 29, 2024 03:59 PM (m6dV4)

501 I have yet to hear about anyone in the UniParty-Media Complex say they have to eat cereal for dinner to make ends meet, because they are spending a hell of a lot more for the same basket of groceries than they did two or three years ago.

What's the saying? Oh yeah, "A crisis for you is not necessarily a crisis for me."

Posted by: Gref at February 29, 2024 03:59 PM (5fDan)

502 Everyone ready for the push for $50.00?

Posted by: Lars at February 29, 2024 04:09 PM (kJH1Z)

503 The CDC should more or less butt out of giving medical advice for individuals.

Especially since the advice you get unseen online from total strangers is so well-researched, totes reliable and heartfelt.

You crazy bastards. Nobody watches sitcoms any more.

Posted by: Way, Way Downriver at February 29, 2024 04:15 PM (FCs/J)


There. Now I can go enjoy my afternoon coffee.

Posted by: FREDERICK BAUMANN at February 29, 2024 04:20 PM (3hiVI)

Now ve vill all eat ze Kaboom!

Soon ve vill all eat ze bugs!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at February 29, 2024 04:26 PM (xG4kz)

506 And what were we experiencing in 2020? Deflation based on hydrocarbon energy unleashment(that's a word). Bigly.

And just like HW, Clinton, W, and Lightbringer: No US energy unleashment(it's a word). Your beloved gummint is bending you over without KY.

Posted by: Danimal28 at March 01, 2024 12:38 AM (ryUqI)

507 I've learn a few excelⅼent stuff here. Certainly price
bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how a lot attempt
you put to make the sort of wonderfuⅼ informative website.

Posted by: millenia at March 02, 2024 01:24 AM (orzGv)

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