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Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous

Endless gay and especially trans propaganda from every fucking corporation and government.

Endless. Endless.

Canada is warning LGBTQ travelers visiting the U.S. that they may face discrimination and possible harassment because of dozens of recently passed state laws that target LGBTQ people.

The Canadian government in an update posted Tuesday said LGBTQ Canadians considering a trip to the U.S. should "check relevant state and local laws" before visiting, warning that "some states have enacted laws and policies that may affect 2SLGBTQI+ persons."

The updated travel advisory does not specify which states LGBTQ travelers should avoid, and the risk associated with travel to the U.S. is still the lowest possible. Visitors are advised to "take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada" when traveling to the U.S.

Canada's warning comes amid a historic year for anti-LGBTQ state legislation in the U.S., with nearly 500 bills introduced by lawmakers in 46 states, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. At least 83 have become law, more than doubling last year's total.

You know what else keeps doubling, The Hill? The number of troubled teen girls getting their tits sawn off due to viral contagion.

Below, a video warning to any Americans thinking about traveling to Canada. In 2020 or so, the "Indigenous" leaders and the left ginned up what appears to be a completely-fraudulent scare-campaign, alleging that mass graves containing thousands of murdered indigenous children were discovered at Catholic schools and churches. During the 1970s. Not the 1870s, but the 1970s. That's when the left claims a Secret Genocide was being conducted by the Catholic Church against indian kids.

There is no evidence for this. Not a single body has been found. They based this on "anomalies" found by ground-penetrating radar. The anomalies are not necessarily graves of any kind. They may simply be... signals from a buried pipe in the ground.

But for years, the left has pushed and pushed this hoax. As they've done so, Catholic and other Christian churches have suffered vandalism and arson.

Meanwhile, Fidel Castro's rotten bastard get Justin "Trudeau" says he "understands" the frustrations behind this state-tolerated campaign of terrorism against Christians.

So, either Canada has a recent history of widespread genocide against children of indigenous people, or Canada is currently tolerating and (im)moral support to a campaign of violence and arson against Christians.

Take your pick.

Either way: Don't go there, and do not give them one American dime.

Posted by: Ace at 03:33 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Oh brother

Posted by: Skip at August 30, 2023 03:33 PM (MOY79)

2 I have rainbow fatigue.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan at August 30, 2023 03:33 PM (C/x7Y)

3 You know. The more they beat the drums, the less likely people are to give a shit.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan at August 30, 2023 03:33 PM (C/x7Y)

4 yeah

Posted by: John Fetterman at August 30, 2023 03:34 PM (X4yCj)


Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:34 PM (t0OGg)

6 Good. Stay up there queer eskimo fuckers.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 30, 2023 03:34 PM (CIS44)

7 They're throwing numbers in there now?

Posted by: bluebell at August 30, 2023 03:34 PM (pTb/Z)

8 You know what else keeps doubling, The Hill? The number of troubled teen girls getting their tits sawn off due to viral contagion.
Your comment about this, Ace, is representative of the anti-trans sentiment that makes this country so dangerous for Candian trans and gay persons!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:35 PM (t0OGg)

9 If you're a two-spirit, only pack one of them when traveling to the US.

Posted by: Canada at August 30, 2023 03:35 PM (1VEQ0)

10 It's so dangerous for the imaginary gender crowd that anyone that speaks out against it is driven out of their job or worse. So dangerous for them that Gov't thugs arrest grannies and autistic children for speaking out of turn about it ("Hey, you look like my gay Nana!").
Yeah, sure, dangerous. FOR US.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:35 PM (ynpvh)

11 Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous

I doubt that's the big problem the Canadians seem to think it will be. Come, don't come, who cares?

Posted by: Archimedes at August 30, 2023 03:35 PM (I/Qkd)

12 This is nothing. Wait until the next thing they want to beat into us.

Posted by: ... at August 30, 2023 03:35 PM (lX8VI)

13 Canada is going full Marxist

Posted by: Skip at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (MOY79)

14 9 If you're a two-spirit, only pack one of them when traveling to the US.

Posted by: Canada at August 30, 2023 03:35 PM (1VEQ0)

Is this about Charley McCarthy?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (ynpvh)

Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous


What's the downside?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (lCaJd)

16 North Korea convinces their "citizens" that the rest of the world is far worse off and poverty stricken than the DPRK.
Which is why all outside media is banned.

Posted by: The Federal Government at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (xhaym)

17 'Upsetting': Trend-setting SF Mexican vegan restaurant abruptly closes, blames city

One of San Francisco’s most famous vegan restaurants is no more. Gracias Madre, the 14-year-old Mexican restaurant at 2211 Mission Street, abruptly closed its doors on Sunday, as first reported by Mission Local.
"this is with great sadness that we announce the closing of our doors, after 16 years of serving some of the best plant based Mexican food ever. Our mission was always to honor the mothers who give so much to serve, care for and live in hope for their families, especially those of Mexico. It has been an honor to work on behalf of their generosity and sacrifice all these years. The condition of life in San Francisco has deteriorated and made running a small business nearly impossible. We thank all of those who worked beside us from the beginning until the end, your devotion will never be forgotten. Gracias Madre in West Hollywood and Newport Beach are still open and offer you the same quality of service and love. Come see us there. Thank you all, Love, Matthew and Terces"

Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (vCXKu)

18 hiya

Posted by: JT at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (T4tVD)

19 This is true. States, especially Southern States, are hotbeds for all kinds of phobes; trans, homo, transhomo, homotrans. It's not safe down there. Those redneck Christians will kill you for giving their Pork Rinds the Stinkeye.

Stay away. Stay away!!

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (PiwSw)

20 Oh Canada

Posted by: Martini Farmer at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (Q4IgG)

21 12 This is nothing. Wait until the next thing they want to beat into us.

Posted by: ... at August 30, 2023 03:35 PM (lX8VI)

That is the most BOHICA statement I think I've ever read...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (ynpvh)

22 Instead of coming to the USA for serious medical issues, they can now choose to go to Mexico or Guatemala. Cuba has free healthcare, so it's also an option.

Posted by: Hour of the Wolf at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (mNmNo)

23 Good. Don't want no faggot icebacks around me.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (BdMk6)

24 Good. Stay up there queer eskimo f***ers.

Really, Canada? We were kind of hoping for a break from those perverts.

Posted by: Walrii at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (I/Qkd)

25 stupid sock

Posted by: Kindltot at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (xhaym)

26 isn't there a club for Canadian lickers ??

Posted by: REDACTED at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (us2H3)

27 Stay in Canada and off yourselves.

We'll survive.

Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (c4O5y)

28 16 North Korea convinces their "citizens" that the rest of the world is far worse off and poverty stricken than the DPRK.
Which is why all outside media is banned.

Posted by: The Federal Government at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (xhaym)

Can food be catapulted into the Hermit Kingdom? I'm thinking cans of spam.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (ynpvh)

29 We should warn depressed people that traveling to Canada may be dangerous.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (fKIdX)

30 That indian genocide bullshit sounds like the Satanic Panic we had down here.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (CIS44)

31 There was a story out of England or Ireland or one of those shithole Brit places, an orphanage that supposedly had lots of dead orphan children buried.

I think there was some truth to it, though the government refuses to acknowledge anything, in part because they were responsible for sending many of the kids there in the first place.

Not all of them were orphans. But what's dead and buried is supposed to stay dead and buried, even though some of the parents of children sent to this place have asked for answers, decades after the fact, without getting any.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (dGCAG)

32 26 isn't there a club for Canadian lickers ??

Posted by: REDACTED at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (us2H3)

Just don't be a carpet muncher; you might get infected by that parasitic work.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (ynpvh)

33 Where oh where are we gonna get our next generation of pop singers?

Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (v0R5T)

34 They eat the Poo-Poo.

Posted by: African Leader at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (c4O5y)

35 Seriously? The blowback from the first time wasn't enough to get his staff to tell him to knock it off? Or, perhaps more likely, Biden is so addled that it doesn't matter, he can't remember.
Posted by: Virginia SoCon

It is on purpose. Joe is a Dog King. We have installed a fool to lead you, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now, bow to your king.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (4tMaj)

36 Below, a video warning to any Americans thinking about traveling to Canada. In 2020 or so, the "Indigenous" leaders and the left ginned up what appears to be a completely-fraudulent scare-campaign, alleging that mass graves containing thousands of murdered indigenous children were discovered at Catholic schools and churches. During the 1970s. Not the 1870s, but the 1970s. That's when the left claims a Secret Genocide was being conducted by the Catholic Church against indian kids.

There is no evidence for this. Not a single body has been found. They based this on "anomalies" found by ground-penetrating radar. The anomalies are not necessarily graves of any kind. They may simply be... signals from a buried pipe in the ground.

See Also: the "Satanic Panic" where there were claims of ritual child sacrifice in the nation's pre-schools.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (t0OGg)

37 Good. Let Canada keep its pervs. We have enough of our own.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (xTRSc)

38 All the more, if Trump wins, we should make a trade.

Canada can take all our LMNOP+÷

I mean we're two very similar nations, it would be a great study in one country that decides to fully embrace freedom and capitalism, and one who wants a complete totalitarian nanny state.

Just to help Canada we can also offer them Washington State and Oregon.

Posted by: Rbastid at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (jdUof)

39 Lol....I posted this back in the Morning Report thread. Let's see if DU has added any new pearls of bitchdom...nope. Dead discussion since this morning.

I guess DU doesn't care about queer genocide, or something.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (JCZqz)

40 Well it is dangerous to travel to America even if you don't chug cock or troon. Try Chicago especially after dark. It's only safe for gunned up thugs in armored SUV's.

Posted by: torabora at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (hFPXl)

41 Either way: Don't go there, and do not give them one American dime.

Why would anyone go there anyway? Like Minnesotans, Canadians are generally only nice in theory. Their theory. My experience with them has not produced experimental data confirming their theory.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (ppBhU)

42 33 Where oh where are we gonna get our next generation of pop singers?

Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (v0R5T)

They have quite explosive acts coming out of the Middle East...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (ynpvh)

43 Trudeau is a bundle of hockey sticks.

Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (c4O5y)

44 The Canadian government in an update posted Tuesday said LGBTQ Canadians considering a trip to the U.S. should "check relevant state and local laws" before visiting, warning that "some states have enacted laws and policies that may affect 2SLGBTQI+ persons."

What states? What laws? What policies? What effects?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (4tMaj)

The Canucks are fvcked. In the head. Trudeau is serving his THIRD TERM as Prime Minister.

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (lCaJd)

46 Meanwhile, Fidel Castro's rotten bastard get Justin "Trudeau" says he "understands" the frustrations behind this state-tolerated campaign of terrorism against Christians.
I should hope so. He's the one heading it up (on paper anyway - I dunno if Canada is actually run by competing factions behind the curtain like we are), so his understanding of it should be expected.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (t0OGg)

47 See Also: the "Satanic Panic" where there were claims of ritual child sacrifice in the nation's pre-schools.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (t0OGg)

hah Joe I said that at 30. horde mind.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (CIS44)

48 Sorry, USA's full. The moose up north shoulda' told ya'.

Posted by: InZona at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (P/us6)

49 troubled teen girls getting their tits sawn off

Oh, Canada!

Posted by: Commissar of Plenty and Lysenko stuff at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (2D7Cy)

50 39 Lol....I posted this back in the Morning Report thread. Let's see if DU has added any new pearls of bitchdom...nope. Dead discussion since this morning.

I guess DU doesn't care about queer genocide, or something.

Posted by: Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison at August 30, 2023 03:38 PM (JCZqz)

That's rather queer...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (ynpvh)

51 "tate laws that target LGBTQ people."

That's like saying, "Beware! -- there are laws targeting Christians!" because if a Christian diddles a kid in a McDonald's restroom, they'll be hauled off to jail.

Posted by: red speck at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (0Id0S)

52 Hard to believe it's the same country that brought us Second City TV.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (hAL05)

53 @44 That reminds me that the Film Actors Guild is still on strike in La-la Land.

Posted by: Canada at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (1VEQ0)

54 Does this mean we'll have to import our gays from somewhere else?

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (guGkK)

55 So, either Canada has a recent history of widespread genocide against children of indigenous people, or Canada is currently tolerating and (im)moral support to a campaign of violence and arson against Christians.
I think you mean that they have a verified history of indigenous genocide and a verified contemporary status of pursuing universal justice...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (t0OGg)

56 >>That indian genocide bullshit sounds like the Satanic Panic we had down here.

It is not dissimilar, but it is also a lot more insidious imo.

Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (c4O5y)

57 Wasn't there just something posted here within the past few weeks where somebody dug up one of those alleged Canadian "mass graves" and found exactly bupkis?

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (N3zMI)

58 30 That indian genocide bullshit sounds like the Satanic Panic we had down here.
Posted by: BruceWayne at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM

While false, it is accurate. Raising awareness of the oppression and discrimination faced by the Indigenous community.

Posted by: Dan Rather at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (JCZqz)

59 n an honor to work on behalf of their generosity and sacrifice all these years. The condition of life in San Francisco has deteriorated and made running a small business nearly impossible. We thank all of those who worked beside us from the beginning until the end, your devotion will never be forgotten. Gracias Madre in West Hollywood and Newport Beach are still open and offer you the same quality of service and love. Come see us there. Thank you all, Love, Matthew and Terces"
Posted by: BetaCuck4Lyfe at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (vCXKu)

It's a shame that Republican Trump-voting business owners are being boycotted like that in CA.

Oh, wait...

Posted by: Darrell Harris at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (/iWhV)

60 I used to really enjoy visiting Canada land. I do enjoy the diversity of culture and language and food and the shopping. Canadians are funny and friendly. The skiing in western BC is fantastic. Northern Vancouver Island is stunning.

Too bad.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (vgY+0)

61 Oh the sheer unbelievableness of the progs...the only remotely possible reason for such extremely unlikely mass graves would be...covering up for gay pedo clergy. No brains, not a one

Posted by: Azjaeger at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (HvkpG)

62 I was just saying to my wife last night that, while things are pretty good for us right now, the one thing I wish we had more of in our lives is a passel of mincing Canadian faggots. The only thing better than the lovely Canadian accent with a heavy lisp is the drug-fueled hammer attacks, and the sanctimony.

This is just terrible news for me and my family.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (0FoWg)

63 huh... secret strikethrough ability unlocked.

Posted by: red speck at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (0Id0S)

64 Wait... what is 2S and why does that get tagged on the front?

Is there an international convention that decides these things?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (4tMaj)

65 Either way: Don't go there, and do not give them one American dime.
I have to soon. It will likely be my only trip to that country.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (t0OGg)

66 If the Canucks mean that Alphabet discrimination is various states prohibiting the mutilation of children and the curtailment of child indoctrination in schools… then yes, there is some “ discrimination”. other than that…

Posted by: tubal at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (PCK5/)

67 Do they mean things like, "Hey, be careful going to California because those wacky bastards made it legal for someone to knowingly give you AIDs?"

That's probably what they mean, right?

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (KbCG3)

68 dang it /sockoff

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (1VEQ0)

69 They have quite explosive acts coming out of the Middle East...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (ynpvh)

They're usually one-hit wonders, though.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (PiwSw)

70 I guess Canada needs shovels.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (guGkK)

71 Hard to believe it's the same country that brought us Second City TV.

And were total badasses in the World Wars.

Posted by: Archimedes at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (I/Qkd)

72 53 @44 That reminds me that the Film Actors Guild is still on strike in La-la Land.

Posted by: Canada at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (1VEQ0)

Until you just wrote that it had been completely out of my mind for at least a week.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:42 PM (ynpvh)

73 .


Posted by: Mitch McConnell at August 30, 2023 03:42 PM (v0R5T)

74 re:52 - It isn't that country anymore.

We aren't the same here either, anymore. Shame about both, but that's where we're at.

Posted by: Gaff at August 30, 2023 03:42 PM (jPS2y)

75 . The anomalies are not necessarily graves of any kind. They may simply be... signals from a buried pipe in the ground.


Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at August 30, 2023 03:42 PM (7qCt3)

76 Right from ther start of ther "dead indigenous children" hoax, it was called out for being BS, as at the time they were willing to excavate the graves and give them a proper burial, but then suddenly the Indians and leftist didn't want it, because they were told it was almost 100% likely that it was just old tree roots.

But being proven wrong wouldn't have allowed them to reach their ultimate goal, persecuting Christians and burning down their houses of worship. If this was done to any other group, anywhere in the world, Fidel Trudeau would be on tv crying and condemning it, but here he actively stoked the flames. If a conservative becomes president their next UN ambassador needs to start shit with Canada and bring this before their east crimes tribunal. Let them deal with the shit they usual spring on others.

Posted by: Rbastid at August 30, 2023 03:43 PM (jdUof)


They really want us to believe pizzagate wasn't a thing huh.


Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at August 30, 2023 03:43 PM (UCNv1)

78 We have clubs down here for you queer eskimo fuckers. C'mon down, since we aren't allowed to use them on baby seals any longer.

Posted by: Roy at August 30, 2023 03:43 PM (BxSYL)

79 hah Joe I said that at 30. horde mind.
Posted by: BruceWayne at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (CIS44)

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Is ritual child sacrifice in nursery schools impossible? No. Do you have to prove it? Yes. Same thing with "recent indigenous slaughter."

And "recovered memories" and radar patterns are *not* evidence. Bodies are evidence. Go excavate and find them. Dig up those "suspicious" radar hits and see what's there.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:43 PM (t0OGg)

80 Canada's warning comes amid a historic year for anti-LGBTQ state legislation in the U.S., with nearly 500 bills introduced by lawmakers in 46 states, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. At least 83 have become law, more than doubling last year's total.
Fer or agin' that's all legislation can be. Fer or agin' People of Queerity.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (krQz2)

81 69 They have quite explosive acts coming out of the Middle East...
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (ynpvh)

They're usually one-hit wonders, though.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (PiwSw)

But they can have quite the impact.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (ynpvh)

+1, ace, for the proper use of "get" in describing Trudeau.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (MoZTd)

83 Does this mean we'll have to import our gays from somewhere else?
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 30, 2023 03:40 PM (guGkK)

There's always the UK.

Posted by: Mitch McConnell at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (v0R5T)

84 Speaking of Canuckian trannies, I see the shop teacher with the massive fake bobs has a new job, teaching at a different school.

He's been spotted out and about in his man outfit. He really does look like Eddie Izzard, although I saw Eddie performing NOT in drag recently. Unfortunately, he's not funny anymore.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (dGCAG)

Wait... what is 2S and why does that get tagged on the front?

Is there an international convention that decides these things?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

"Two Spirit". Foolishness more closely associated with indigenous peoples or some such horseshit.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (xG4kz)

86 Sometimes you need to gin up false allegations of things that never happened in order to raise awareness of things that never happened. Otherwise, how do you get people to donate money to your cause to fight things that don't exist?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (4tMaj)

87 Fine by me. Keep your Canucks in Canada. Your leader is a douche and your hockey teams suck.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (d2bW3)

88 Good. Keep them in Canada. Lie to them if you must.

Posted by: NC Ref at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (uhqfn)

89 64 Wait... what is 2S and why does that get tagged on the front?

Is there an international convention that decides these things?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM

Two-spirit. A Native American term (I guess all of them?) for someone who is sorta trans? Lives life as the opposite sex, but without the surgery and hormone blockers. Like most things, it's a minor footnote (if mentioned at all) in the Native American community that AWFLs latched on to and promoted to seem more diverse and virtuous.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (JCZqz)

90 oops.
Vapor lock sock off.

Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (v0R5T)

91 "That's when the left claims a Secret Genocide was being conducted by the Catholic Church against indian kids."

Hey, you know a couple of places where there probably ARE mass graves? Any place that certain Indian tribes didn't like someone. I'll bet anywhere the Comanche roamed the ground is still bloodstained.

Posted by: UGAdawg at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (tRd71)

92 Well his "ex" wife figured it out.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (uQPen)

93 Faggotry. Faggotry as far as the eye can see accoss Canada, eh?

From New Brunswick to Prince Rupert, eh?

Posted by: Buzz Light in the Loafers Year at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (LaNzR)

94 Fine by me. Keep your Canucks in Canada. Your leader is a douche and your hockey teams suck.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp

And your shit is all weird and fucked up.

Posted by: BruceWayne at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (CIS44)

95 I do feel for our Canadian horde,

Posted by: Skip at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (3Vkwq)

96 Build a wall!! We must keep these tyrannical, depraved, lunatic, Canadians out!! They'll take the jobs of our own tyrannical, depraved, lunatic, Americans!!

Posted by: Puddleglum, cheer up for the worst is yet to come at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (sAmhv)

97 The bizarre genocide claim is especially odd given the Church's long history of *converting* the Indians wherever possible. Slaughtering them defeats the purpose a bit.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (t0OGg)

98 Hey, remember when Canadian Ellen/Elliot Page had a teal show for lgbt travelers?

So what’s the point of this scare tactic?
Is this meant to harm the travel revenue of, say, Florida? Because I recall all sorts of DeSantis/Florida critics managing to overcome this hatred to vacation (AOC) and buy property there (Pelosi) in recent years. Guess only the little people are to make a stand here, EH?

Posted by: Lizzy at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (Hkcdp)

99 I saw Mounds of Dead Indians open for Big Head Todd and the Monsters at the Whiskey in '86.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (guGkK)

100 Today I declared an emergancy for the South Eastern States impacted by the hurricane. As a result I have committed to send $10B to Ukraine to help these states.

Posted by: Joe Biden at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (0vFtj)

101 And, speaking of Canada land, Small Dead Animals is a fantastic blog. Go check it out. I found it via a moron, can't remember who, during the Great Trucker Rebellion of 2022.

Kate is awesome.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (3XMoj)

102 I have this theory..Poutine causes brain damage.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (hAL05)

103 Har Har - the WAPO reports today that a judege, wacky liberal Judge Beryl Howell has now ruled that Mayor Guliani and Trump defamed Ga election workers and sanction them!!!! - welp, except nope. If you read the purposely ignorant article by some lefty buffoon named Rachel Weiner (no pun intended) - you see at the end that poor Rachel has to semi-admit that Judge Beryl, being fearful of making a complete Weiner out of herself, just requested that Guliani (and not Trump) provide more evidence to the court of his case - that's the "sanction" and not a ruling that he defamed the folks named in the case. This is the low that the WAPO is down to. It can't even report court rulings they disagree with, with any honesty. Jeebus.

Posted by: Boswell at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (K+UlC)

104 I think they are fucked in the head.

Two spirit?


Mental illness.

Posted by: Clark Griswold at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (ufFY8)

105 I don't go to Canada because Canadian doctors might decide to mercifully kill you.

Posted by: Joe Biden, confused and demented, but happy! at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (2k/G/)

106 2SLGBTQI can stay up in Canuckistan. Then they can freeze their tits off if they want.

Posted by: Garrick Marland at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (PwmxG)

107 That's like saying, "Beware! -- there are laws targeting Christians!" because if a Christian diddles a kid in a McDonald's restroom, they'll be hauled off to jail.

That’s close to the way the law is enforced now. Our betters are twisting themselves into pretzels to avoid prosecuting anyone in the alphabet conspiracy for child molestation, especially in schools and locker rooms.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (EXyHK)

108 78 We have clubs down here for you queer eskimo fuckers. C'mon down, since we aren't allowed to use them on baby seals any longer.

Posted by: Roy at August 30, 2023 03:43 PM (BxSYL)

I hear the queer eskimos blow baby seals instead of clubbing them.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (ynpvh)

109 97 The bizarre genocide claim is especially odd given the Church's long history of *converting* the Indians wherever possible. Slaughtering them defeats the purpose a bit.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (t0OGg)


"What's the difference?"
-The left, trying to convert the right's children by cutting off their dicks

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (LvTSG)

110 Can food be catapulted into the Hermit Kingdom? I'm thinking cans of spam.

We should have carpet bombed them with Sears catalogues when we had the chance. Missed opportunities.

Posted by: Oddbob at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (nfrXX)

111 >The Canucks are fvcked. In the head. Trudeau is serving his THIRD TERM as Prime Minister.
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 30, 2023 03:39 PM (lCaJd)

But he's so dreamy! And now he's back on the market again, girls!!!

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (uFzkb)

112 >>Two spirit?


AWFLs wearing indigenous skin-suits.

Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (c4O5y)

113 I also have two spirits. One says "fuck off, queermo." The other says "get out of my face, Nancy." They live in a beautiful symbiosis of spiritual diversity.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (0FoWg)

114 'Where did they go?': No human remains found on Charles Camsell Hospital grounds
Another site survey found no human remains at the former Charles Camsell Hospital grounds.
Second survey of former Camsell Hospital begins
Sean Amato; CTV News Edmonton
Updated Oct. 22, 2021 9:46 p.m. EDT

EDMONTON - Nothing has been found after two more days of searching for unmarked graves at the site of a former “Indian hospital” in central Edmonton.
Crews completed the last of 34 excavations on the Charles Camsell Hospital grounds Friday - after ground-penetrating radar pointed to “anomalies” under the soil.

“We’re happy that nothing has been found here to date,” Papaschase Elder Fernie Marty said.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (krqg6)

115 The rain never even got to Atlanta. Kind of a piss poor performance.

Posted by: fd at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (vFG9F)

116 Why let the victims come here if the racism is so.
What would Billy Jack do?

Posted by: humphreyrobot at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (gFxR7)

117 2SLGBTQI+ persons


What the ever-lovin' cockamamie BS is that? What does that even mean? It's so far beyond the absurd, it can't even be laughed at anymore.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (mupln)

118 Why stop at 2 spirits? Can I have, say, 17 spirits?

On second thought I'll just drink some spirits.

Posted by: screaming in digital at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (aBJcM)

119 102 I have this theory..Poutine causes brain damage.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (hAL05)

But Elsinore beer is beauty. *clinks bottles*

Posted by: Bob and Doug McKenzie at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (PiwSw)

120 Danger! Canadian Citizens!

If you want your grade school child to view cartoon depictions of a school age kid sucking an adult's dick, you may be sadly dismayed at the lack of kiddie cartoon porn in America.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (krQz2)

121 Hard to believe it's the same country that brought us Second City TV.
And were total badasses in the World Wars.
Posted by: Archimedes at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (I/Qkd)
It isn't. Neither are we.

Canada has always been a small country (not geographically), but it was a strong country full of real men and women, and the strongest ally and best friend the United States has ever had (1812 notwithstanding). We've long been joined at the hip and have more or less worked in common purpose for much of our history.

Sadly, that continues today.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (t0OGg)

122 The Afternoon Arterton is testing out denim as a potential camouflage in the upcoming urban wars:

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (LvTSG)

123 15 Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous


What's the downside?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (lCaJd)


Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (aWeTk)

124 You mean Brattleboro is not safe for these LGQVTRYDFOUIYEVVDDNJUJK+ Canadian freaks ????

How Shocking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (0vFtj)

125 85
Wait... what is 2S and why does that get tagged on the front?

Is there an international convention that decides these things?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy

"Two Spirit". Foolishness more closely associated with indigenous peoples or some such horseshit.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (xG4kz)

Twice the pronouns! Yeah!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (ynpvh)

126 We have clubs down here for you queer eskimo fuckers. C'mon down, since we aren't allowed to use them on baby seals any longer. Posted by: Roy at August 30, 2023 03:43 PM (BxSYL)

Reminds me of Norm MacDonald's "little coffin" story.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (TOj4P)

127 What the ever-lovin' cockamamie BS is that? What does that even mean? It's so far beyond the absurd, it can't even be laughed at anymore.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (mupln)
Lezbos have been demoted.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (krQz2)


Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (aWeTk)

129 Residential schools: How half-truths (at best) morph into outright lies
Examining the exaggerated death rate of Canadian Indian Residential Schools
Why retrieving former residential school records has proved so difficult | CBC News
Archive photo of an Indian Residential School
By Pim Wiebel (an anonymous researcher and former Indian Residential School teacher)

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (krqg6)

130 So the rain in Florida is about over??

Posted by: tubal at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (PCK5/)

131 “ At least 83 have become law”

At least? So it could be 84 or it could be 100,000. Just say 83 ffs.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (HbYZK)

“We’re happy that nothing has been found here to date,” Papaschase Elder Fernie Marty said.


"Dig harder, damn you! They're around here somewhere!"

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (MoZTd)

133 Joe Biden knows the pain FL is going through. Once there was a strong onshore wind that blew down a section of the security fence around his Rehoboth beach house.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (4tMaj)

134 You are Canadian 2SLBTRMQPS, not you are?

Posted by: Le Morpione, AKA Buster the Body Crab at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (LaNzR)

135 I'd hate to be the 2 Spirited native on the 3rd night of a hunting party.

Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (c4O5y)

136 OT: This guy is having fun (in a totally non-homo way).

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (FVME7)

137 The Afternoon Arterton is testing out denim as a potential camouflage in the upcoming urban wars:
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (LvTSG)
Is that a camera in her hat?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (t0OGg)

138 Frontenac Chateau baby
I cross the frontier at ten
Got a whip
In my hand, baby
And a girl, or husky
At leather's end.

Posted by: Blue Oyster Cult at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (ufFY8)

139 A tweet link:

True North @TrueNorthCentre
Aerial photography and historical documents show that the site where the graves were alleged to have been discovered has been subject to decades of archeological digs and other excavation activity which did not turn up any human remains. #cdnpoli

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (krqg6)

140 We have a couple of canucks who are regular commenters on AoSHq. Maybe they can hurry up and move south.

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (aWeTk)

141 And, speaking of Canada land, Small Dead Animals is a fantastic blog. Go check it out. I found it via a moron, can't remember who, during the Great Trucker Rebellion of 2022."


Posted by: pawn at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (wsHtO)

142 137 The Afternoon Arterton is testing out denim as a potential camouflage in the upcoming urban wars:
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (LvTSG)
Is that a camera in her hat?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:49 PM (t0OGg)


Or is she just happy to see you?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (LvTSG)

143 You can still send us your Canadian bacon.

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (Dj5M2)

144 MentallyIll+ That sums it up neatly and everyone knows what it means.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (mupln)

145 Sometimes you need to gin up false allegations of things that never happened in order to raise awareness of things that never happened. Otherwise, how do you get people to donate money to your cause to fight things that don't exist?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (4tMaj)


And more importantly, to get billions of your taxpayer dollars appropriated to fight things that don't exist as well.

Posted by: ShainS -- Deplorable AND Listless Vessel AND Overimaginative Scamp at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (7qCt3)

146 I thought that American Indians were supposed to avoid spirits because they are not genetically equipped to effectively process alcohol...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (t0OGg)

147 I like to consider "why" thse warnings are given. Because this one is bogus.
What, exactly, are they up to?
Maybe the junta prodded them to announce this, so that there is "yet another" piece of evidence corroborating the claim that NORMAL Americans are [everything]-phobic. For more shut-downs, dontchaknow.

Posted by: Question authority bumper sticker at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (Rbu5d)

148 118 Why stop at 2 spirits? Can I have, say, 17 spirits?

On second thought I'll just drink some spirits.

Posted by: screaming in digital at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM (aBJcM)

I'm always willing and ready.

Posted by: Legion at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (ynpvh)

149 Law Not allowing 10 year olds to have a sex change = antiLGBTQ law.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (HbYZK)

150 Tucker Carlson Shocks: 'We Are Speeding Towards Assassination [of President Trump] Obviously'

The in jail, off camera, no security kind.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (uQPen)

151 99 I saw Mounds of Dead Indians open for Big Head Todd and the Monsters at the Whiskey in '86.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero43) at August 30, 2023 03:45 PM (guGkK)


Posted by: Union Carbide at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (z+89e)

152 Was that your EEG readout, Mitch?

Posted by: Notorious BFD at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (V8he0)

153 My mother was born in Canada; Alberta, to be exact, and lived there until she was about eleven. I don't think she'd be fond of what the country has become. She never expressed a desire to go back and see any part of it. No doubt she preferred her adopted land, the USA. (She became a naturalized citizen a few years before I was born.)

When CA, AU, NZ, and the UK all went full tyrant over the Coof, I lost any interest I had to visiting any of them.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (J2vNu)

154 We’re happy that nothing has been found here to date,” Papaschase Elder Fernie Marty said.

Somehow, I don't think you are.

Posted by: Archimedes at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (I/Qkd)

You can still send us your Canadian bacon.
Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (Dj5M2)


They can keep it. That stuff is nasty.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (MoZTd)

156 I'm of two spirits about this.

But the strongest one is that we don't need Canadian faggots in the US.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (krQz2)

157 Looks like Biden he is deterioting each day. Looks like the Grim Reaper may be lurking around 1600 PA Avenue and Delaware. The guy looks like a fosselized corpse that is bearly functioning

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (0vFtj)

158 One time, Consuela, the stupid wetback, left the garage door open and an errant trash can rolled into the bumper of my 67 corvette! I sent that bitch back to mexico. I know exactly how FL feels right now.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (4tMaj)

159 We're truly cursed to live in a time period where so many define themselves in such unique and narrow ways. All of which place them at the center of the universe.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (KbCG3)

160 So how many faggot canucks do we need? Castro's broken rubber baby is doing us a service.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (pohLc)

161 143 You can still send us your Canadian bacon.
Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (Dj5M2)

They could set up shop and make it in the USA.

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (aWeTk)

162 Golly the coast of Maine will miss all those Quebecois in their baby banana hammocks.

Posted by: Regular joe at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (nnp+f)

163 Sometimes you need to gin up false allegations of things that never happened in order to raise awareness of things that never happened.

We know.
- global warming industry

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (HbYZK)

164 154 We’re happy that nothing has been found here to date,” Papaschase Elder Fernie Marty said.

Somehow, I don't think you are.
Posted by: Archimedes at August 30, 2023 03:51 PM (I/Qkd)


"The lack of evidence makes the Catholic Church's guilt all the more clear. They hid it very well."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (LvTSG)

165 To be fair, there are plenty of places in Dem run cities I would advise anyone from going to. But I guess since Canada isn't warning it's 2SLGBTLMAO citizens from going to these places, you can assume they really don't care about them and this is really just empty virtue-signalling

Posted by: Chuck Martel at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (PwmxG)

So what's an example of a "dangerous" law? Can't diddle 13-year-olds?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (MoZTd)

167 I hear the queer eskimos blow baby seals instead of clubbing them.
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:46 PM (ynpvh)

When the baby seals go clubbing, the queer Eskimos blow them.


Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (ufFY8)

168 ...

Posted by: Mitch McConnell at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (Edo3/)

169 They've also refused help from an Ecuadoran mass-graves investigation unit.

Advisers on unmarked graves won't work with Hague-based organization Ottawa hired
Story by The Canadian Press • 3mo

OTTAWA — A panel of Indigenous experts says it will not participate in an engagement campaign hosted by an international organization Ottawa hired to provide advice on identifying possible human remains in unmarked graves.

The National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools Missing Children and Unmarked Burials released a statement Monday saying that after giving the matter careful thought, it has decided against involvement in the process.

"While the (committee) is appreciative of a number of changes that have since been made to this agreement, we remain deeply concerned that such an important and sensitive process has been entrusted to a non-Indigenous organization with no prior history of working with residential school survivors," the statement read.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (krqg6)

170 Q: What did the 2-Spirt Native say to xher father?

A: Get off us dad, you're crushing our smokes.

Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (c4O5y)

171 Maybe we can send our Canadian-like Americans to Canada! Have a big population exchange!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (aWeTk)

172 So what's an example of a "dangerous" law? Can't diddle 13-year-olds?
Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (MoZTd)
No gay porn in grade school.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (krQz2)

173 143 You can still send us your Canadian bacon.

Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (Dj5M2)

What's the cost in Loonies? I'd like to send as many Loonies from here to there as possible.

Posted by: Legion at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (ynpvh)

174 To be fair, there are plenty of places in Dem run cities I would advise anyone from going to. But I guess since Canada isn't warning it's 2SLGBTLMAO citizens from going to these places, you can assume they really don't care about them and this is really just empty virtue-signalling
Posted by: Chuck Martel at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (PwmxG)
Why would anyone go to America *other* than to visit one of its hyper-violent major cities full of marauding brigands, cutpurses and various other villains?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (t0OGg)

175 off demonic sock

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (ynpvh)

176 Mario, my friend and a conductor on the ferry from Tobermory across Georgian Bay, tells me I have traveled three million miles and more than any other American in the history of the ferry service.

Posted by: Joe Biden, confused and demented, but happy! at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (2k/G/)

177 118 Why stop at 2 spirits? Can I have, say, 17 spirits?

On second thought I'll just drink some spirits.
Posted by: screaming in digital at August 30, 2023 03:47 PM

Me big like'um fire water! Trade much wampum and squaw.

Posted by: Chief Runny Bull at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (JCZqz)

178 What is the hierarchy anymore?

I think gay beats black. Contemplating for 30 more seconds just proves how stupid it all is.

Bring back test scores!

Posted by: DOYLE at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (Z8Yh2)

179 Canadians don't visit the USA it is as dangerous as Canada!
Instead why don't you avail yourselves of our euthanasia programs. You won't feel like a victim after choosing to off yourselves!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (Wqoo2)

Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous.


Don't take your pervs to us, son, leave your pervs at home.

Posted by: Johnny Cash at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (dtlw7)

181 They had to work the residential school shit into the "1923" TV series. That show was a real mixed bag. The 'A' plot of the prodigal son WW1 vet having adventures in Africa and getting the girl was pretty good, but the subplot of the Indian girl in the Catholic school, holy shit. I mean, I'm sure there was some bad things that went down, but their caricature of the Roman Catholics was one of the most unsubtle, over-the-top things I'd ever seen. Like even Goebbels would probably be "hey, take it down a notch".

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (uFzkb)

182 So all Canadian alphabet people can stay home and then we can send all ours there. Ontario and Quebec can be renamed Gayistan and the prairie provinces can become US states. It's a plan I can support

Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (YePpv)

183 I an nursing a healthy dislike for our northern neighbors.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (pohLc)

184 ... "While the (committee) is appreciative of a number of changes that have since been made to this agreement, we remain deeply concerned that such an important and sensitive process has been entrusted to a non-Indigenous organization with no prior history of working with residential school survivors," the statement read.
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (krqg6)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (t0OGg)

185 137 The Afternoon Arterton is testing out denim as a potential camouflage in the upcoming urban wars:
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:48 PM (LvTSG)
Is that a camera in her hat?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

She might as well be wearing a denim burka! Heresy!

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at August 30, 2023 03:55 PM (1VEQ0)

Why would anyone go to America *other* than to visit one of its hyper-violent major cities full of marauding brigands, cutpurses and various other villains?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (t0OGg)


What, no highwaymen or coshers?

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:55 PM (MoZTd)

187 Yeah, but St. Louis, Baltimore and Chicago are totes queer friendly!

Watch out that you travel to any place without a huge homicide record that bans porn from grade schools!

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 03:55 PM (krQz2)

188 Chief Says Excavation Of Manitoba Church Basement Found No Evidence Of Human Remains

No evidence of human remains has been found during the excavation of a Catholic church basement on the site of a former Manitoba residential school.

Chief Derek Nepinak of Minegoziibe Anishinabe shared the results of the four-week excavation in a social media video Friday. He said the outcome takes “nothing away from the difficult truths experienced by our families who attended the residential school in Pine Creek.”

Fourteen anomalies were detected using ground-penetrating radar in the basement of the church on the site of the former Pine Creek Residential School last year. Survivors had spoken about “horror stories” in the basement.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 03:55 PM (krqg6)

189 Why would anyone go to America *other* than to visit one of its hyper-violent major cities full of marauding brigands, cutpurses and various other villains?
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:53 PM (t0OGg)
The shit-streets of San Francisco are something else!

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 03:56 PM (krQz2)

190 ... Chief Derek Nepinak of Minegoziibe Anishinabe shared the results of the four-week excavation in a social media video Friday. He said the outcome takes “nothing away from the difficult truths experienced by our families who attended the residential school in Pine Creek.” ...
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 03:55 PM (krqg6)
So this is one of those "truth over facts" situations?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:56 PM (t0OGg)

191 I suppose I will have to go look up who a “ Gemma Arterton” is…

Posted by: tubal at August 30, 2023 03:56 PM (PCK5/)

192 If Gemma needs a place to sit, my face is available.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at August 30, 2023 03:56 PM (pohLc)

193 Canadians are cheap, boring, pasty bastards who used to visit South Florida back when the canadian dollar was worth more and they developed a reputation as cheap pricks who would not tip. Hated by the locals back in the day. Plus, they can't drive.

Oh Spam For Lunch!, a comedy version of their national anthem, is on Youtube somewhere.

Fuck them.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 30, 2023 03:56 PM (iw4IE)

He said the outcome takes “nothing away from the difficult truths experienced by our families who attended the residential school in Pine Creek.”


Please leave us with our delusions.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (MoZTd)

195 My brain still processes this "acronym" as "two-slog-butt-chee."

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (YIVH2)

196 This bikini blonde has a high degree of confidence that it's all bullshit:

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (t0OGg)

197 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (Zz0t1)

198 >>Chief Says Excavation Of Manitoba Church Basement Found No Evidence Of Human Remains

Bright side.

They are a shoe in for this year's Geraldo Rivera Excellence in Broadcasting Award.

Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (c4O5y)

199 Fourteen anomalies were detected using ground-penetrating radar in the basement of the church on the site of the former Pine Creek Residential School last year. Survivors had spoken about “horror stories” in the basement.

Survivors? Of what? Way to remain objective.

Posted by: Archimedes at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (I/Qkd)

200 Reality is not a single gay in Canada believes this shit and not a single trip will be cancelled. This is like everything else, a lie and an op.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (HbYZK)

201 Can we start blaming Canada again?

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (aWeTk)

202 "...takes nothing away..."

Except for the getting murdered part.

Posted by: DOYLE at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (Z8Yh2)

203 Either way: Don't go there, and do not give them one American dime.

Posted by: Ace at 03:33 PM


Shit. NOW you tell me.

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (DRSnL)

204 Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous


What's the downside?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 30, 2023 03:36 PM (lCaJd)

No more Famous Homosexuals frrom Canada?

Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (v0R5T)

205 64 Wait... what is 2S and why does that get tagged on the front?

Is there an international convention that decides these things?
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at August 30, 2023 03:41 PM (4tMaj)

Can't wait for their new fag,,,erm, FLAG.

Posted by: Question authority bumper sticker at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (Rbu5d)

206 There is no violence against the broken crowd unless they do it to themselves.

No one beats them. No one attacks their homes. No one kills them.

But themselves.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (Zz0t1)

207 196 This bikini blonde has a high degree of confidence that it's all bullshit:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (t0OGg)

The Summoning…

Posted by: tubal at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (PCK5/)

208 196 This bikini blonde has a high degree of confidence that it's all bullshit:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (t0OGg)


What the hell is going on with her ring finger overlaying her pinky like that? Damaged goods, obviously.


Would not bang.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (LvTSG)

209 "Canada's warning comes amid a historic year for anti-LGBTQ state legislation in the U.S., with nearly 500 bills introduced by lawmakers in 46 states, according to the American Civil Liberties Union"


All of which, if I had to place my bets, center around not allowing children to cut off their breasts and penises, or pump themselves full of permanent, life-altering drugs before age 18.

Posted by: Lady in Black at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (mupln)

210 My brain still processes this "acronym" as "two-slog-butt-chee."
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel
I rate this fake but accurate.

Posted by: screaming in digital at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (aBJcM)

At least Florida and Arizona will be spared the hordes of toque-wearing catamites stinking of Tim Horton's donuts.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (MoZTd)

212 Stop the world. I want to get off. I've had just about enough of this insane ride.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (V8he0)

213 Canada--soulmates of Marxists everywhere.

Marxism Commandment:It's the seriousness of the charge (not the substance ) that matters most.

Posted by: Voter theater. at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (uxAXv)

214 Canada. NYC. California.

All off my list.

There's others, but those are the big 3 for now.

I'll only go to Chicago when I have to for family reasons.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (Zz0t1)

215 All of which, if I had to place my bets, center around not allowing children to cut off their breasts and penises, or pump themselves full of permanent, life-altering drugs before age 18.
Posted by: Lady in Black at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (mupln)
Nailed it.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (t0OGg)

216 The Canadian government in an update posted Tuesday said LGBTQ Canadians considering a trip to the U.S. should "check relevant state and local laws" before visiting, warning that "some states have enacted laws and policies that may affect 2SLGBTQI+ persons."

Good. Hope they all stay out. South Florida will become tolerable again.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (N39Ws)

217 This bikini blonde has a high degree of confidence that it's all bullshit:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (t0OGg)

She's drunk.

Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (v0R5T)

218 195 My brain still processes this "acronym" as "two-slog-butt-chee."
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (YIVH2)

And, now, so will mine. Thanks?

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (OX9vb)

219 139 A tweet link:

True North @TrueNorthCentre
Aerial photography and historical documents show that the site where the graves were alleged to have been discovered has been subject to decades of archeological digs and other excavation activity which did not turn up any human remains. #cdnpoli

i blame time team. baldrick, in particular.

Posted by: anachronda at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (oY6Yp)

220 I can't believe that Canada is insulting a Biden-led America like that.

Biden should bomb Toronto.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (LvTSG)

221 I was up in Alaska recently on a cruise. One of the stops we made had a museum at which I saw pictures of Tlingit kids who were semi-forced into indoctrination schools.

I say semi forced because the museum claimed they were forced, but then afterward talked about how many parents chose to keep their kid out of the schools, so I have no idea how "forced" they were.

Anyhoo, there were some pictures of these kids. Holy crap they were weird looking kiddos. Several of them looked like their heads were twice as big as their adult teachers' heads. Huuuge round pumpkin heads.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (0N1h0)

222 ........

She's drunk.
Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (v0R5T)


Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (Zz0t1)

223 Fuck the Skittle People.

Embrace the rainbow my ass.

good news front: Oral surgeon removes tooth tomorrow!
finally get this under control.

Thanks for all the well wishes.

Posted by: mpfs at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (G5ty7)

224 196 This bikini blonde has a high degree of confidence that it's all bullshit:
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (t0OGg)
That's a fine looking AILF (AWFL I'd like to friend).

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (1VEQ0)

225 Ontario and Quebec can be renamed Gayistan and the prairie provinces can become US states. It's a plan I can support
Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 30, 2023

Alberta can become North Montana

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (J2vNu)

226 What aboot moose f’kers? Will they face discrimination?

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (JTwsP)

227 Does anyone think really besides the LGBQXYZ would pay attention to the Marxists?

Posted by: Skip at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (MOY79)

228 Can we warn the fagz and trannies to evacuate to Canada for their safety?

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (uia9V)

229 This Canuck chick is very adept at hiding her extreme displeasure towards her completely fudged up government, and is definitely not of the LGBTQWERTY+ train, except for that one time in college when she had too much to drink and was checking out the L.

Posted by: Channeling my inner Mannix at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (ufFY8)

230 She's drunk.
Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 03:59 PM (v0R5T)
Doesn't stop her from being right about this one.

Even a drunk chick at the pool can tell that it's bullshit.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (t0OGg)

231 212 Stop the world. I want to get off. I've had just about enough of this insane ride.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at August 30, 2023 03:58 PM (V8he0)

That's what they want!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (aWeTk)

And give us more money!!!

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (krqg6)

233 So this is one of those "truth over facts" situations?

Yes. It could have happened, and that’s just as bad as if it really had. It just makes sense.

Posted by: Common Tater at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (aDAOz)

234 Chief Derek Nepinak of Minegoziibe Anishinabe shared the results of the four-week excavation in a social media video Friday. He said the outcome takes “nothing away from the difficult truths experienced by our families who attended the residential school in Pine Creek.”

Difficult truths about something that didn’t happen. Got it.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (HbYZK)

235 Prayer request. Waiting in emergency vet lobby. Doggeh been throwing up all day.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (HKabF)

236 Two of the charges against Jordan Peterson were for criticizing Justin Castro on twitter.

Canada is not a free country in any sense, and if America was we would be working on regime change in Toronto, not Moscow.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (lc5cP)

237 Anyhoo, there were some pictures of these kids. Holy crap they were weird looking kiddos. Several of them looked like their heads were twice as big as their adult teachers' heads. Huuuge round pumpkin heads.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (0N1h0)


- Mr. Mackenzie

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (N3zMI)

238 There is literally no law in the United States that would put any LGBTQI+XYZ%$PDS people in danger of running afoul of it unless they were exposing themselves or otherwise grooming minors.

In which case, they're welcome to stay in f***ing Canada.

Posted by: can of spam at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (7oNMO)

239 I can't believe that Canada is insulting a Biden-led America like that.

Biden should bomb Toronto.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (LvTSG)
Not a chance. If we bombed Toronto, what would bargain-hunting film producers use as a substitute for "New York City?"

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (t0OGg)

240 Anyhoo, there were some pictures of these kids. Holy crap they were weird looking kiddos. Several of them looked like their heads were twice as big as their adult teachers' heads. Huuuge round pumpkin heads.
Pumpkin Heads scare me.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (uia9V)

Prayer request. Waiting in emergency vet lobby. Doggeh been throwing up all day.
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (HKabF)


You got 'em.

Posted by: Hadrian the Seventh at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (MoZTd)

242 >>Stop the world. I want to get off. I've had just about enough of this insane ride.

Have you thought about assisted suicide?

Because we highly endorse assisted suicide.

We even have some Free samples you can take home with you.

Posted by: Canadian Healthcare System at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (c4O5y)

243 223 good news front: Oral surgeon removes tooth tomorrow!
finally get this under control.

Thanks for all the well wishes.
Posted by: mpfs at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (G5ty7)

Good luck!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (aWeTk)

244 How, as Americans do we know the difference between lgbtgfagtranny people and Canadians?

Asking for friend

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at August 30, 2023 04:03 PM (17s+e)

245 Canada. NYC. California.

All off my list.

There's others, but those are the big 3 for now.

I'll only go to Chicago when I have to for family reasons.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 30, 2023

I'm glad I got to see NYC in '98 and Southern CA in '14, before everything went to hell. Canada I've always been curious about. But as I said, since the Sniffle Scare? Forget it.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 04:03 PM (J2vNu)

246 Cuck Fanada.

Posted by: Cartman at August 30, 2023 04:03 PM (lZVy/)

247 Our government is run by Leftists, what crimes are against LGBQXYZ and seems many are by them

Posted by: Skip at August 30, 2023 04:03 PM (MOY79)

248 235 Prayer request. Waiting in emergency vet lobby. Doggeh been throwing up all day.
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (HKabF)

Prayers up!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (aWeTk)

249 At this rate there won't be any prime Canuck peen in the South Beach clubs.


Posted by: Pete Bootyjizz at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (lc5cP)

250 Is that fake news journalist that CNN had to take their award back from advising the Canadians? Claas Relotious was the guys name.

Posted by: Rex B at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (JWncN)

Biden should bomb Toronto.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 04:00


Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (HbYZK)

252 I can't believe that Canada is insulting a Biden-led America like that.

And so close to rump ranger and carpet muncher month.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (pohLc)

253 You know where they actually did find mass graves of orphaned children?


But they were white so who gives a shit.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (JTwsP)

254 The US needs to issue an alert to disabled American citizens to be careful in Canada because the government is just itching to kill them.

Posted by: 29Victor at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (M+gBW)

255 Prayers for your dog, vmom, and for you.

Posted by: Dash my lace wigs! at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (OX9vb)

256 I'm glad I got to see NYC in '98 and Southern CA in '14, before everything went to hell. Canada I've always been curious about. But as I said, since the Sniffle Scare? Forget it.
Seeing California in 1961 would have blown your mind. It was special then.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:04 PM (uia9V)

257 So this is one of those "truth over facts" situations?
Yes. Old students told us it was true! And older kids told us the nuns were killing kids and burying them secretly at night ype of stuff.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (krqg6)

258 Another site survey found no human remains at the former Charles Camsell Hospital grounds

Coming this Fall on The History Channel: "The Curse of the Former Charles Camsell Hospital", immediately following the season premiere of eleventh season of "The Curse of Oak Island"

Posted by: Chuck C at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (xttsV)

259 239 Not a chance. If we bombed Toronto, what would bargain-hunting film producers use as a substitute for "New York City?"
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:02 PM (t0OGg)



Bomb Ottawa.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (LvTSG)

260 Fun Fact: Were homosexuality still considered a mental illness, Canada would gladly find a doctor to kill gay people who were sad about being gay.

Posted by: 29Victor at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (M+gBW)

261 Biden should bomb Toronto.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 04:00


Posted by: Montec

Tonto Goldstein has entered the thread.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (17s+e)

262 Oh vmom,

Prayers up.

Posted by: mpfs at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (G5ty7)

263 The US needs to issue an alert to disabled American citizens to be careful in Canada because the government is just itching to kill them.

I'm reminded of one Canadian woman that had suicidal thoughts so she used her "free health care" to try to see a psych.

The response? She'd have to wait months to see one (so much for choosing your dr) BUT they had end of life counseling available right away.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (lc5cP)

264 > How, as Americans do we know the difference between lgbtgfagtranny people and Canadians?

Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (0N1h0)

265 Only 2% of L's, G's, B's, T's, Q's, or +'s have better lives than they did in Nazi Germany.

Posted by: John Cougar Melonhead at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (dNNCD)

266 Coming this Fall on The History Channel: "The Curse of the Former Charles Camsell Hospital", immediately following the season premiere of eleventh season of "The Curse of Oak Island"
We need to drill to see if we can find the Pumpkin Heads (aka Templars)!

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (uia9V)

267 I invite Prime Mister Mr. Dressup to take off you hoser !

Posted by: Next2Nothing at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (tA1/w)

268 Don't pee, or barf, in the pool.

Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (v0R5T)

269 Didn’t california do the same thing with Florida?

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (HbYZK)

270 Have you thought about assisted suicide?

Thanks but no thanks. I'll just wait for when my Maker decides my time is up. Can't be all that far off, at this stage of the game.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (V8he0)

Posted by: Channeling my inner Mannix at August 30, 2023

The redhead just below that one? Looks like Evangeline Lilly of Lost with enhanced boobs.

(Ain't complainin', nossir. Just reportin'.)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (J2vNu)

272 Don't pee, or barf, in the pool.
Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (v0R5T)

Embrace the power of and!!!!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (t0OGg)

273 "Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous"

True for everybody, not just wokes and gender-benders.

Posted by: gp Drinks Your Milkshake at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (MvF+J)

274 Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.
They couldn't afford a tree so they used a leaf.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (uia9V)

275 I have SexDaily!

I mean dyslexia.

Oh fcuk!

Posted by: Diogenes at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (hv9bm)

276 261 Biden should bomb Toronto.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 04:00


Posted by: Montec

Tonto Goldstein has entered the thread.

should've gotten myself a pronto pup for lunch

Posted by: anachronda at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (oY6Yp)

277 You know where they actually did find mass graves of orphaned children?


But they were white so who gives a shit.

See, the problem is you used "mass graves". There are much more complete methods available.

Posted by: Maui Realtors Association at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (xttsV)

278 Stay in Canada and off yourselves.

We'll survive.
Posted by: garrett at August 30, 2023 03:37 PM (c4O5y)

Not that I run into any cocks in a frock or their affiliates out our way but my stock in trade phrase is " cut up not across princess".

Posted by: NZFrank with an M2 at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (bgJ0E)

279 You know where they actually did find mass graves of orphaned children?


Yep. Mounds and mounds of infant bones, and lots of young women too.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (0N1h0)

280 Prayer request. Waiting in emergency vet lobby. Doggeh been throwing up all day.
Posted by: vmom
of course, vmom.

Posted by: screaming in digital at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (aBJcM)

281 They've round robined the same crazy garbage so often in both Canada and the US, even the most devout of their minions grow numb.

BTW, 2017, UK Guardian, and others: A mass grave containing the remains of babies and children has been discovered at a former Catholic care home in Ireland where it has been alleged up to 800 died, government-appointed investigators said on Friday.

Various White and/or Christian groups have taken their own heavy doses of discrimination too, including in HI many years ago. Some years ago, USA Today via ABC News: Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Durham, now 85 and living in Honolulu along with her granddaughter and Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, had two obstacles to overcome in Hawaii at the time — being a woman and being part of the state's white minority.

Yes, indeed.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (GshMh)

282 Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (0N1h0)

Only thing worse than those douchebags? Americans putting the flag on their bags to pretend they’re Canuckistanis. I met a few of them in Europe.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (HbYZK)

283 Seeing California in 1961 would have blown your mind. It was special then.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023

I'd bet it was great in the early Seventies too.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (J2vNu)

284 244 How, as Americans do we know the difference between lgbtgfagtranny people and Canadians?

Asking for friend

frisk 'em for maple syrup?

Posted by: anachronda at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (oY6Yp)

285 Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (0N1h0)
Do they do that here? I know a bunch of Canuckistanis do that when they travel to Europe, out of fear that they will be taken for a Dread American otherwise.

I also know a few people from America who did it, because they didn't want the Eurofags to dislike them when they were backpacking aroung Europe.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (t0OGg)

286 "Two Spirit". Foolishness more closely associated with indigenous peoples or some such horseshit.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at August 30, 2023 03:44 PM (xG4kz)



*single tear rolls down cheek*

Posted by: Iron Eyes Cody at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (guGkK)

287 Jeepers guys.

I like Canada land. They are not their government. Just like we are not ours.

Beware your gross overgeneralizations. It's unbecoming.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (2h2Wy)

288 Does Canada offer composting?

Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (MeG8a)

289 Someone needs to tell those canadian sodomites Uganda is very beautiful this time of year.

Great place to visit!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (iw4IE)

290 Tonto Goldstein has entered the thread.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (17s+e)

I first read that as Toronto Goldstein, which made me wonder, do Canadian gamblers and pool sharks use city names like they do in America?

Manitoba Jones
The Medicine Hat Kid
Moose Jaw Smith

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (KbCG3)

291 282 Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (0N1h0)

Only thing worse than those douchebags? Americans putting the flag on their bags to pretend they’re Canuckistanis. I met a few of them in Europe.

*whistles innocently*

Posted by: hostages sneaking out of iran at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (oY6Yp)

292 America's Hat is seriously askew. Maybe it needs a Gasden Flag patch sown onto it.

Posted by: The Guy Who Always Says It's Gonna Get Worse at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (PWI4f)

293 "Seeing California in 1961 would have blown your mind. It was special then."

Seeing America in 1961 would have blown your mind. It was special then.

Posted by: gp Drinks Your Milkshake at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (MvF+J)

294 > How, as Americans do we know the difference between lgbtgfagtranny people and Canadians?

Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (0N1h0)

and the top half of their heads bounce up and down when they talk.

Posted by: wth at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (v0R5T)

295 Seeing California in 1961 would have blown your mind. It was special then.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023

A LOT of things in America in 1961 were super-special compared to now.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (J2vNu)

296 Prayer request. Waiting in emergency vet lobby. Doggeh been throwing up all day.
Posted by: vmom
of course, vmom.
Posted by: screaming in digital at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (aBJcM)

Seconded !

Posted by: JT at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (T4tVD)

297 Given that we're now an evil empire, why don't we just annex the useful parts of Canada? The parts with oil and potash and lumber and whatnot?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (t0OGg)

298 161 143 You can still send us your Canadian bacon.
Posted by: stu-mick-o-sucks at August 30, 2023 03:50 PM (Dj5M2)

They could set up shop and make it in the USA.
Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 03:52 PM (aWeTk)

Unless it's made in Canada it's just Sparkling Pork.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (VGRuw)

299 I have a warning for anyone traveling to Canada. They're a bunch of fucking fairies and their bacon is a lie. Also, their whiskey sucks. Their accents are comical, but only for five minutes. And there are too many French people. I think that covers it. Warning over.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (0FoWg)

300 If I was younger and wanted to hike Europe, I would sew the stars 'n' bars on my backpack.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (pohLc)

301 274 Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.
They couldn't afford a tree so they used a leaf.
Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:07 PM (uia9V)


Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (aWeTk)

302 Thanks!

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (HKabF)

303 235 Prayer request. Waiting in emergency vet lobby. Doggeh been throwing up all day.
Posted by: vmom


Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM (GshMh)

304 Seeing America in 1961 would have blown your mind. It was special then.

Hell by the standards of Soviet America 2023, America of 1991 was "literal NAZIism"

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM (lc5cP)

305 Unless it's made in Canada it's just Sparkling Pork.
Posted by: Bacon Jeff at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (VGRuw)

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM (t0OGg)

306 Beware your gross overgeneralizations. It's unbecoming.
This is AOS. Its what we do. Lighten up Francis.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM (uia9V)

307 299 I have a warning for anyone traveling to Canada. They're a bunch of fucking fairies and their bacon is a lie. Also, their whiskey sucks. Their accents are comical, but only for five minutes. And there are too many French people. I think that covers it. Warning over.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (0FoWg)


Now, say it all again, but in French.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for more with John Huston at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM (LvTSG)

308 My goodness, what a massive fat ass on the Weather Channel right now.

Bring back cute Christina Abernathy, or goofy Stephanie Abrams.

Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM (ufFY8)

309 Does Canada offer composting?
Posted by: gourmand du jour at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (MeG8a)

It's their current healthcare plan.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 04:11 PM (krQz2)

310 244 How, as Americans do we know the difference between lgbtgfagtranny people and Canadians?

Asking for friend

ask them if they'd like some poutine?

Posted by: anachronda at August 30, 2023 04:12 PM (oY6Yp)

311 > Do they do that here? I know a bunch of Canuckistanis do that when they travel to Europe, out of fear that they will be taken for a Dread American otherwise.

They sure do. I see them regularly.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:12 PM (0N1h0)

312 299 and their bacon is a lie.



Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at August 30, 2023 04:12 PM (HKabF)

313 I went to Canuckistan once.

It was just like the US except poorer and colder.

But hey at the time their money was a joke so it was cheap...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:12 PM (lc5cP)

314 290 Tonto Goldstein has entered the thread.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable a Clear and Present Danger at August 30, 2023 04:05 PM (17s+e)

I first read that as Toronto Goldstein, which made me wonder, do Canadian gamblers and pool sharks use city names like they do in America?

Manitoba Jones
The Medicine Hat Kid
Moose Jaw Smith
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM (KbCG3)

No, no, they call her Moose Jaw Smith for a different reason.

Posted by: Bilwis Devourer of Innocent Souls, I'm starvin' over here at August 30, 2023 04:12 PM (z+89e)

315 Also, their whiskey sucks.
This is true but its not as bad as Greek Ouzo.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:12 PM (uia9V)

316 299 I have a warning for anyone traveling to Canada. They're a bunch of fucking fairies and their bacon is a lie. Also, their whiskey sucks. Their accents are comical, but only for five minutes. And there are too many French people. I think that covers it. Warning over.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (0FoWg)


90% of chicks in Montreal are hot. The remaining 10% are just OK.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (KbCG3)

317 My in laws are from Cali and they describe their childhood in the 1950s as heaven on earth. And they were just average middle class people, nothing special.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (HbYZK)

318 I have a warning for anyone traveling to Canada. They're a bunch of fucking fairies and their bacon is a lie. Also, their whiskey sucks. Their accents are comical, but only for five minutes. And there are too many French people. I think that covers it. Warning over.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (0FoWg)
Man, the French thing is a great way to needle Canadians. My company used to have a Canada-based team that did the same thing we did here in the States and in a couple of other countries (provided global coverage).

We once had a customer needing French-language help during a period that we didn't offer it. I called out a Canadian coworker and said, "Tommy's Canadian, so he can probably help." The immediate reply was, "NO! NOT ALL CANADIANS SPEAK FRENCH! THAT IS A LIE!"

I knew it would work, and I was not disappointed.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (t0OGg)

319 282 Canadians put their gay little flag on their backpacks.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:06 PM (0N1h0)

Only thing worse than those douchebags? Americans putting the flag on their bags to pretend they’re Canuckistanis. I met a few of them in Europe.
Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:08 PM (HbYZK)

I did that in Europe after 9/11.

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (aWeTk)

320 Tuam was a hoax too. As were the Magdalen Laundries. But I guess each bigot believes what he wants to believe.

Posted by: gallchobhair at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (6thaT)

321 I'm two spirits.

-12 year Highland single malt
-Highland blends

Posted by: Diogenes at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (hv9bm)

322 90% of chicks in Montreal are hot. The remaining 10% are just OK.

Well, French chicks that shower regularly. Its the best of both worlds.

Posted by: Obligatory at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (lc5cP)

323 Leaving the Matrix is dangerous.

Posted by: TexasDan at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (IQ1rX)

324 I went to Canuckistan once.

It was just like the US except poorer and colder.

But hey at the time their money was a joke so it was cheap...
Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:12 PM (lc5cP)
It's that way now. The price of my hotel stay later this year keeps crashing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (t0OGg)

325 Counterpoint:

90% of chicks in Montreal are hot. The remaining 10% are just OK.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (KbCG3)
True. French Canadian women have teh sexy.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (t0OGg)

326 You can doubt us, Ace, but there are literally jillions of Indigenous People in those graves.

Posted by: Canadian Officials at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (VEm33)

327 I have a warning for anyone traveling to Canada. They're a bunch of fucking fairies and their bacon is a lie. Also, their whiskey sucks. Their accents are comical, but only for five minutes. And there are too many French people. I think that covers it. Warning over.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 04:10 PM (0FoWg)


I was just there for the first time last week and was highly amused at how often they actually say "eh" and "beauty."

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (DRSnL)

328 there are 2 canadas-hockey fans/players, and Trudeau...

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (qMKc4)

329 Manitoba Jones
The Medicine Hat Kid
Moose Jaw Smith
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 04:09 PM

That's so sweet! I heard the kids at a Canadian school I visited whispering something about "Saskatchewan Sasquatch", but I didn't understand at the time they were just giving me a fun local nickname!

Posted by: Michelle Obama at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (JCZqz)

330 90% of chicks in Montreal are hot. The remaining 10% are just OK.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at August 30, 2023 04:13 PM (KbCG3)

My first trip to Vancouver was when I was 16.
It was a...difficult...time.

Posted by: Diogenes at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (hv9bm)

331 This all comes from the Irish.

Their biggest industry is whining. They seem to want to build an entire economy on bitching about the English.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (vK/Kb)

332 The Canadian Marxists should have just warned to stay out of Blue Cities

Posted by: Skip at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (MOY79)

333 Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous

Non-stop theater.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (krQz2)

334 Has anyone asked Justin Castro if he will open a massive ice cream factory like his father did?

I mean...Canada is much more amenable to dairy cows then Cuba is...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:15 PM (lc5cP)

335 Really enjoyed my stays in Canada back in the day. It's obviously no longer recognizable.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at August 30, 2023 04:15 PM (V8he0)

336 The idea of Pumpkin Heads haunts me like Babe - Pig in the City.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:15 PM (uia9V)

337 234 Difficult truths about something that didn’t happen. Got it.

well, *anybody* could tell the truth about something that *did* happen. that sort of truth is easy.

Posted by: anachronda at August 30, 2023 04:15 PM (oY6Yp)

338 Only like 20% of Canada is French. And 90% of that 20% is in Quebec. Outside of Quebec, French doesn’t really exist.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (HbYZK)

339 Brother speaks the truth:

Link to MTG tweet, video of a black dude going *off*.

Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (kjOVp)

340 I wonder what Canadians call actual bacon. Yankee strips, or something?

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (0FoWg)

341 Gee whiz, I never knew that an entire population was not actually like the caricatures that we toss about in our bantz!

Thanks for the After School Special, Karen.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (uFzkb)

342 > ask them if they'd like some poutine?

Poutine is freaking delicious and I am constantly amazed at all the people who make fun of it.

Do you like fries?
Of course.
Do you like gravy?
Who doesn't?
Do you like cheese?
Only weak people don't.

Throw some gravy on your fries and put some cheese curds on top and you've got a magical treat.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (0N1h0)

343 Canada is not a free country in any sense, and if America was we would be working on regime change in Toronto, not Moscow. Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:01 PM (lc5cP)

As I post from time to time, remember that Canada only exists because we allow it to.

Back in 1946, after Newfoundland and Labrador went bankrupt, they held a plebiscite whether to stay independent or join Canada, and they chose to join Canada. Had joining the US been an option that they were given, it would have won.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at August 30, 2023 04:17 PM (TOj4P)

344 I think the 2S folks are good. We don't have that here so no new laws "targeting" them.

Posted by: PJ at August 30, 2023 04:17 PM (G1dq6)

345 You know what else keeps doubling, The Hill? The number of troubled teen girls getting their tits sawn off due to viral contagion.

Isn't it wonderful that, with modern medicine and acceptance, we can finally help people live the lives they were meant to live? Who knew so many people had been suffering for so long before hand!?!?

Posted by: AWFLs across the world at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (JCZqz)

346 Throw some gravy on your fries and put some cheese curds on top and you've got a magical treat.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (0N1h0)
I'm sold.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (krQz2)

347 How many "2SLGBTQI" Citizens could Canada possibly have? 7?

Posted by: Muad'dib at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (sjdRT)

348 This all comes from the Irish.

Their biggest industry is whining. They seem to want to build an entire economy on bitching about the English.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (vK/Kb)
And there is a kind of Irish person who will make *anything* about the English.

I was there on a business trip once. Two weeks, plus a week of vacation. The first weekend, I drove through some countryside. At work the next week, I mentioned that many of the "L" roads (local roads) were pretty bad. One of my coworkers went on a tirade about it. Essentially, the rant was "That's because of the English! During the famine, when we Irish were starving, they did a bunch of public works projects like building roads that didn't need to be there and that we can't and don't need to maintain, and building grandstands in the middle of fields. We needed food and they made us build grandstands!"

That kind of Irishman has a hair trigger and literally *anything* will set him off.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (t0OGg)

349 Beware your gross overgeneralizations. It's unbecoming.
Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 8


Someone is Metric-curious.

Posted by: TexasDan at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (IQ1rX)

350 327 I was just there for the first time last week and was highly amused at how often they actually say "eh" and "beauty."
Posted by: Jordan61 at August 30, 2023 04:14 PM (DRSnL)

I don't know the "beauty" thing; how do they use it?

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (aWeTk)

351 Sthay sthafe!

Posted by: Zombie Gaetan Dugas at August 30, 2023 04:19 PM (JWncN)

352 Ottawa

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:19 PM (qMKc4)

353 > 90% of chicks in Montreal are hot. The remaining 10% are just OK.

They're skinny because they smoke like a vintage steam train from the age of 12.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:19 PM (0N1h0)

354 How many "2SLGBTQI" Citizens could Canada possibly have? 7?
Posted by: Muad'dib at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (sjdRT)
All those emigres from 2017.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 04:19 PM (krQz2)

355 "90% of chicks in Montreal are hot. The remaining 10% are just OK." Interesting.

'How Canadian is she?' Probably more than you think, say Kamala Harris' one-time Montreal classmates Selena Ross,
CTV News Montreal Digital Reporter @seleross, August 12, 2020

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at August 30, 2023 04:19 PM (GshMh)

356 Ontario and Quebec can be renamed Gayistan and the prairie provinces can become US states. It's a plan I can support
Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 30, 2023

Alberta can become North Montana
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 04:00 PM (J2vNu)


Manitoba would fit right in with the People's Republic of Minnesota.

Posted by: rd at August 30, 2023 04:20 PM (1jDkp)

357 "2SLGBTQI"

195 My brain still processes this "acronym" as "two-slog-butt-chee."
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at August 30, 2023 03:57 PM (YIVH2)


Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:20 PM (aWeTk)

358 353 > 90% of chicks in Montreal are hot. The remaining 10% are just OK.

They're skinny because they smoke like a vintage steam train from the age of 12.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:19 PM (0N1h0)

Also the hills. Keeps legs toned and burns a lot of calories.

Posted by: Montec at August 30, 2023 04:20 PM (HbYZK)

359 After Clinton was Bushhitler. Now it's Trumphitler. They sport bumper stickers.

Posted by: torabora at August 30, 2023 04:20 PM (hFPXl)

360 Canada is warning LGBTQ travelers visiting the U.S. that they may face discrimination and possible harassment

Stay in Canada. Works for me.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 30, 2023 04:20 PM (kDgKe)

361 Someone is Metric-curious.
Posted by: TexasDan at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (IQ1rX)
Canada itself is only metric-curious. It's weird. For stuff to do with humans and the spaces they occupy, they use the proper measures. Ask a Canadian how tall he is or how much he weighs or how big his house is, and he'll answer you in feet, pounds and square feet.

But everything else is metric.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:20 PM (t0OGg)

362 334 Has anyone asked Justin Castro if he will open a massive ice cream factory like his father did?

I mean...Canada is much more amenable to dairy cows then Cuba is...
Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:15 PM

Or us!!! We're doing our part to save the planet (by implementing the WEF's diabolical depopulation schemes)!

Posted by: Denmark at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (JCZqz)

363 We kid because we love.

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (aWeTk)

364 I don't know the "beauty" thing; how do they use it?
Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (aWeTk)

It's an affirmative sort of like "Great!"

The old "Great White North" episodes on SCTV really were not far off at all.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (N3zMI)

365 Someone is Metric-curious.

It starts with talking about kilometers an hour and then the next thing you know you are picking out meters of curtains with your new lesbian wife...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (lc5cP)

366 I don't know the "beauty" thing; how do they use it?
Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (aWeTk)


My husband was golfing with a very nice father and son, and they kept saying his shots were beauty. Reminded me of this scene from Strange Brew.

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (DRSnL)

367 That dude (in the tXitter video) is en fuego.

Posted by: SFGoth at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (KAi1n)

368 360 Canada is warning LGBTQ travelers visiting the U.S. that they may face discrimination and possible harassment
I guess this won't work on the Mexicans.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (uia9V)

369 See us at #119, eh.

Posted by: Bob and Doug McKenzie at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (PiwSw)

370 182 Ontario and Quebec can be renamed Gayistan
Posted by: Smell the Glove at August 30, 2023 03:54 PM (YePpv)

; )

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (aWeTk)

371 I don't know the "beauty" thing; how do they use it?
Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (aWeTk)
"Nice" or "cool" or "excellent" or "well done."

Oh, nice shot! Beauty!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (t0OGg)

372 who's gonna hammer Paul Pelosi?

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (qMKc4)

373 who's gonna hammer Paul Pelosi?

Every guy at the Men's Only club?

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (lc5cP)

374 In Canada, if you're over 50, your excellent "free" health care is called assisted suicide, or less economical, hospice till you croak.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at August 30, 2023 04:23 PM (pohLc)

375 See us at #119, eh.
Posted by: Bob and Doug McKenzie at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (PiwSw)


LOL. All I thought of was Strange Brew pretty much the whole time we were there.

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 30, 2023 04:23 PM (DRSnL)

376 who's gonna hammer Paul Pelosi?
Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (qMKc4)
Another Canadian - except that this time, he'll have been duly warned.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:23 PM (t0OGg)

377 370 182 Ontario and Quebec can be renamed Gayistan


Posted by: Dr. Claw at August 30, 2023 04:23 PM (uFrU+)

378 Brother speaks the truth:

Link to MTG tweet, video of a black dude going *off*.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (kjOVp)
Dude's pretty pissed off. Good.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:24 PM (t0OGg)

379 Canada itself is only metric-curious. It's weird. For stuff to do with humans and the spaces they occupy, they use the proper measures. Ask a Canadian how tall he is or how much he weighs or how big his house is, and he'll answer you in feet, pounds and square feet.

But everything else is metric.

The English are even worse at mixing all the different weights and measure systems.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:24 PM (0N1h0)

380 I hear McConnell locked up again. We need to get McConnell and Biden to have a joint meeting. Add Fetterman to guide the conversation. Feinstein can be some sort of furniture as well.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:25 PM (uia9V)

381 The English are even worse at mixing all the different weights and measure systems.

Had an English friend. Asked him to convert quids into fags for me and you know what...he could without any hesitation.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:25 PM (lc5cP)

382 are the fires out yet?

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:25 PM (qMKc4)

383 366 I don't know the "beauty" thing; how do they use it?
Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (aWeTk)


My husband was golfing with a very nice father and son, and they kept saying his shots were beauty. Reminded me of this scene from Strange Brew.
Posted by: Jordan61 at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (DRSnL)


Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:25 PM (aWeTk)

384 Titssawnoff?

Sounds Ukrainian.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 30, 2023 04:25 PM (9UlRk)

385 I hear McConnell locked up again.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:25 PM (uia9V)


Ace should do a post about it!

Posted by: Jordan61 at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (DRSnL)

386 364 I don't know the "beauty" thing; how do they use it?
Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM (aWeTk)

It's an affirmative sort of like "Great!"

The old "Great White North" episodes on SCTV really were not far off at all.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (N3zMI)

Thank you!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (aWeTk)

387 I hate Canadians, especially Ted Cruz.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (cMXNt)

Ace should do a post about it!

Let's do the time warp again

Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (lc5cP)

Link to MTG tweet, video of a black dude going *off*.
Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (kjOVp)
Dude's pretty pissed off. Good.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:24 PM (t0OGg)

Where I am shocked a sitting member of congress posted that, it's good to see.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (Zz0t1)

390 380
'We need to get McConnell and Biden to have a joint meeting.'

Dueling Veg-Os.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (uFrU+)

391 369 See us at #119, eh.
Posted by: Bob and Doug McKenzie at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (PiwSw)

; )

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (aWeTk)

392 Ontario and Quebec can be renamed Gayistan

Posted by: Dr. Claw at August 30, 2023 04:23 PM (uFrU+)


Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 30, 2023 04:26 PM (9UlRk)

393 I'm thinking DC made sure that Mitch got the real shot.

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 04:27 PM (krQz2)

394 >>>Throw some gravy on your fries and put some cheese curds on top and you've got a magical treat.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM (0N1h0)


Someone will have to explain to me how we do not have this in flyover country. Culver's should be on this stat!

Posted by: Turn 2 at August 30, 2023 04:27 PM (JfxgE)

395 379 "Eh, Mackenzie, looking a bit fat, How much you weighen' nowadays?". "Oh, five stone, three pounds, two Molsons and an otter".

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at August 30, 2023 04:27 PM (0EOe9)

396 For my fellow Fabulous Canucks planning to visit our istaphobic southern neighbor, I recommend a variety of gaydar defeating mechanisms to keep you and your queer loved ones safe from Christofascist Republicans.

For example, with a little duct tape, aluminum foil and Moosehead, we can make a tinfoil skull cap to fit under your wig and shield your thoughts, and also line your undies to keep tranny scanners OUT.

Posted by: Queer Red Green at August 30, 2023 04:27 PM (JCZqz)

397 371"Nice" or "cool" or "excellent" or "well done."
Oh, nice shot! Beauty!
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:22 PM (t0OGg)

I know Canadians and I have never heard this!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:27 PM (aWeTk)

398 348. Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:18 PM

There is always a "That kind" with hair trigger and literally *anything* will set him (or her) off.

Here, too.

Posted by: L - Practice makes perfect. They know their enemies at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (GshMh)

399 I generally discount any official statements issued by dictatorships.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (4Zhu/)

Is that pronounced "slugbuttqueer"?

Posted by: GWB at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (yG3zr)

401 The old "Great White North" episodes on SCTV really were not far off at all.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (N3zMI)
Beauty, eh?!

Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (krQz2)

402 393 I'm thinking DC made sure that Mitch got the real shot.
Posted by: Axeman at August 30, 2023 04:27 PM

I'm more than okay with this Deep State betrayal.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (JCZqz)

403 Someone is Metric-curious.

It starts with talking about kilometers an hour and then the next thing you know you are picking out meters of curtains with your new lesbian wife...
Posted by: 18-1 at August 30, 2023 04:21 PM (lc5cP)

... you feel a sudden inexplicable urge to play soccer.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (kDgKe)

404 People at AoSHQ shit on my home state constantly, say everyone here deserves to fall in the ocean, get annexed by China, get overrun by antifa, etc. etc. etc. A lot of that derision at the population is deserved, even if I didn't personally vote for it. I'm sure most of them know that there are exceptions to every rule, and if they don't, then fuck 'em.

We come here to vent our spleens, because there aren't many places where we can do that. Whether these people literally mean it or not, whining about it like a little bitch just makes you look like a thin-skinned pussy.

Posted by: Dworkin Barimen at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (uFzkb)

405 Titssawnoff?

Sounds Ukrainian.
Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 30, 2023 04:25 PM (9UlRk)

Defenseman for the Kraken.

Posted by: Diogenes at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (hv9bm)

406 Posted by: vmom

Prayers up.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (Wqoo2)

407 What "New Laws" are there that "Target" homosexuals? Any/and ALL new laws only apply to THEM, and/or limit THEM from targeting children, and THEIR public displays of adult sexualized content/actions, lack of clothing, IE: "Obscenities".
All of which also apply to non-homosexual, IE:Normal people.
Basic Normal Standards of Behavior apply: "Don't startle the women or offend the Horses...and leave the KIDS alone"

Posted by: birddog at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (1E8/t)

408 what the hell are "cheese curds"?

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (qMKc4)

Jeepers guys.

I like Canada land. They are not their government.

Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841


How'd that Trudeau guy get elected three times?

Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (lCaJd)

410 People at AoSHQ shit on my home state constantly, say everyone here deserves to fall in the ocean, get annexed by China, get overrun by antifa, etc. etc.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM (krqg6)

411 They are our hat!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM (aWeTk)

412 "practice?"

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM (qMKc4)

413 400 2SLGBTQI
Is that pronounced "slugbuttqueer"?
Posted by: GWB at August 30, 2023 04:28 PM (yG3zr)
add a "F" to the end (for let's say, "French"), and then it could be pronounced "Slugbuttqueef!"

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM (1VEQ0)

414 How'd that Trudeau guy get elected three times?

Giving Canadian AWFLs gina tingles?

Posted by: Obligatory at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM (lc5cP)

415 This sounds serious, and is an embarrassment to the nation. Republican leadership has to do something! Maybe, with enough pressure, we can get McCarthy to appoint Crenshaw to go keep an eye on things.

Posted by: Conservative Troll at August 30, 2023 04:31 PM (JCZqz)

416 You know. The more they beat the drums, the less likely people are to give a shit.
Posted by: nurse ratched, otter 841 superfan at August 30, 2023 03:33 PM (C/x7Y)

The more they beat the drum, the more likely someone is to beat the d*** drummer.

Posted by: GWB at August 30, 2023 04:31 PM (yG3zr)

417 Do the Canadians still have Imperial Gallons?

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:31 PM (uia9V)

418 Yes, Canadians ARE their government. We are our government, as much as it pains me to say it. We suck.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at August 30, 2023 04:31 PM (pohLc)

419 413 400 2SLGBTQI
add a "F" to the end (for let's say, "French")
Posted by: Chairman LMAO at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM (1VEQ0)


Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:31 PM (aWeTk)

420 Canada is the second largest country on Erf.

Posted by: torabora at August 30, 2023 04:31 PM (hFPXl)

421 How'd that Trudeau guy get elected three times?
Posted by: Blonde Morticia at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (lCaJd)
He's dreamy, and the Canadian version of AWFLs *love* him. It's creepy and weird.

That's one possibility. I don't know Canada actually has fair elections, though. I know we don't.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:32 PM (t0OGg)

422 408 what the hell are "cheese curds"?
Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (qMKc4)
Sort of like cottage cheese?

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at August 30, 2023 04:32 PM (1VEQ0)

423 Throw some gravy on your fries and put some cheese curds on top and you've got a magical treat.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:16 PM

That sounds good, but it's more like canned gravy with bland cheese-like lump. It's Quebecois for "Satan's vomit."

Posted by: NaughtyPine at August 30, 2023 04:32 PM (/+bwe)

424 Canada is the second largest country on Erf.
Posted by: torabora at August 30, 2023 04:31 PM (hFPXl)
And if Russia keeps on shrinking, then soon it will be first!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:32 PM (t0OGg)

425 410 People at AoSHQ shit on my home state constantly, say everyone here deserves to fall in the ocean, get annexed by China, get overrun by antifa, etc. etc.
Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM

If you're in any of the Left coast states, shitting on your state is basically legal, so why wouldn't we?

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 30, 2023 04:32 PM (JCZqz)

426 @TheBabylonBee 17m
So Close: This Man Was About To Get Into Heaven But Then St. Peter Heard Him Call Soda 'Pop' And Down The Trapdoor He Goooooes

Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 30, 2023 04:33 PM (IG4Id)

427 What we know is that all of this is to socially normalize and then decriminalize pedophilia. It is truly the last crime the wealthy elite can get accused of and punished for.

Posted by: Roc Doc at August 30, 2023 04:33 PM (bkf/+)

428 You know who else is Canadian?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at August 30, 2023 04:33 PM (t0OGg)

429 "better than vegemite"-pretty low bar....

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:33 PM (qMKc4)

430 I believe, since it is Canadian, it is pronounced "slug - butt - KAY"

Posted by: reason at August 30, 2023 04:33 PM (tfY4F)

431 If you're in any of the Left coast states, shitting on your state is basically legal, so why wouldn't we?
Posted by: Moron Analyst


Posted by: Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus at August 30, 2023 04:34 PM (kjOVp)

432 Good,

The dance numbers were really clogging up passport control. And they weren't very good.

Posted by: Border Control Agent 3.14 at August 30, 2023 04:34 PM (FhXTo)

433 408 what the hell are "cheese curds"?
Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (qMKc4)


It’s a curd of cheese

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at August 30, 2023 04:34 PM (cMXNt)

434 Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous
Good. Stay in Canada. We've enough here already.

Posted by: Cosda at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (+bOx4)

435 Do the Canadians still have Imperial Gallons?

Oldsters like me will use Fahrenheit; and inches and feet are still used even by youngsters because they're useful concepts for distance. Probably not yards though it just struck me as a 39-inch metre is a similar length.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (krqg6)

436 How'd that Trudeau guy get elected three times?

Giving Canadian AWFLs gina tingles?
Posted by: Obligatory at August 30, 2023 04:30 PM (lc5cP)
Back around 1988 American press used to snark at Biden. He was a pathetic liar. Evening news ran clips of his various lies. He just kept getting elected.

Thanks for nothing, Delaware.

Posted by: torabora at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (hFPXl)

437 369 See us at #119, eh.
Posted by: Bob and Doug McKenzie at August 30, 2023

Go, hosers!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, Dreaming of Elsewhere at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (J2vNu)

438 Nobody ever shits on Pennsylvania....


I mean, i have shit *on* Pennsylvania. That one time.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (9UlRk)

439 we eat the garbage

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (qMKc4)

440 Ace. Come up here. We have gulags, I mean vacation spots for you that are lovely!

Posted by: Justin Castreau at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (V8yYW)

441 > what the hell are "cheese curds"?

Cheese curds are part of the cheese making process. The cheese you know and love was made by pressing a bunch of cheese curds together into a mold. Cheese curds are just cheese bits that never get pressed into a mold.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM (0N1h0)

442 426 @TheBabylonBee 17m
So Close: This Man Was About To Get Into Heaven But Then St. Peter Heard Him Call Soda 'Pop' And Down The Trapdoor He Goooooes
Posted by: weft cut-loop at August 30, 2023 04:33 PM (IG4Id)
Btw, I heard the same thing happens if you tell Peter your pronouns.

Posted by: Chairman LMAO at August 30, 2023 04:36 PM (1VEQ0)

443 from the Bee article:

"Recite the biblical genealogies by rote."

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 04:36 PM (aWeTk)

444 From now on all flights to Canada will have stopovers in Kabul and Mecca.

Posted by: with all possible dispatch at August 30, 2023 04:36 PM (nakGR)

445 The theme song to "Sergeant Preston of the Yukon" is the Donna Diana Overture by Emil Von Renicek. This concludes culture club. If you find a mouse in your bottle of Molsons, sue. The McKenzie Brothers would.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at August 30, 2023 04:36 PM (0EOe9)

446 434 Canada Warn Its "2SLGBTQI" Citizens That Traveling to the US May Be Dangerous
Good. Stay in Canada. We've enough here already.
Posted by: Cosda at August 30, 2023 04:35 PM

Maybe Canada could do us the queer community a solid and warn all of central and South America, too?

Posted by: Moron Analyst at August 30, 2023 04:36 PM (JCZqz)

447 Wisconsin cheese curds are delectable ambrosia. Canadian cheese curds squeak like fags and their shit's all retarded.

Boo Canada.

I mean wait no you're telling your nutjobs not to come here, so your cheese curds are also delectable. Sorry.

Yay, Canada!

Posted by: Warai-otoko at August 30, 2023 04:38 PM (9UlRk)

448 The idea of Pumpkin Heads haunts me like Babe - Pig in the City.

Posted by: Puddinhead at August 30, 2023 04:15 PM (uia9V)

Funny thing, George Miller directed Babe - Pig in the City. The same George Miller that directed Mad Max, The Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome.

Posted by: Wierzbowski formerly QID at August 30, 2023 04:38 PM (CjHGv)

449 I mean, I have shit *on* Pennsylvania. That one time.
If only Biden could make the same claim... for any of the 50 states.

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 04:38 PM (krqg6)

450 what the hell are "cheese curds"?
Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:29 PM (qMKc4)

Ay ... what's in the bowl, bitch?

Posted by: just the punchline at August 30, 2023 04:38 PM (y3wha)

451 Nood Marvel!

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at August 30, 2023 04:38 PM (Wqoo2)

452 Meter = 3.28084'

If you don't get that right your work is going to look retarded and your shit is going to be all fvcked up.

Posted by: torabora at August 30, 2023 04:38 PM (hFPXl)

453 That's one possibility. I don't know Canada actually has fair elections, though. I know we don't.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!)

I think Canadians strive to be "nice" and not involved in anything difficult. They vote for him because he seems harmless and not about to disrupt things.
They are living in lala land, not reality. His "nice" only makes the world a very difficult place for all.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at August 30, 2023 04:39 PM (vK/Kb)

454 > That sounds good, but it's more like canned gravy with bland cheese-like lump. It's Quebecois for "Satan's vomit."

You know how fries are dead simple to make, but a lot of places can't seem to make decent fries? Poutine has the same problem. It's really not that hard to make, but a lot of places screw it up. Sounds like you've had the bad kind.

Good poutine, like good fries, is really delicious.

Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:39 PM (0N1h0)

455 the cheese i know and love-is probably not even a "dairy" product....

Posted by: poconohound at August 30, 2023 04:39 PM (qMKc4)

456 I remember being from Colorado. When people here would wish ill on the place all I could say was "#MeToo."

If you don't like people here saying your fucked up Communist locale sucks - well, then move. Your locale sucks. It's not their fault. It's not your fault. But it does, in fact, suck.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at August 30, 2023 04:40 PM (0FoWg)

457 The only bad thing I can say about everyday Canadians are they over-sell their "diversity". It was really funny when my traveling companions and I discovered the black, filipino, and Spanish-speakers we ran into were tourists from New York state. There were lots of Canadians of Asian descent, though.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at August 30, 2023 04:43 PM (/+bwe)

458 We don't directly elect a PM; like your House of Reps, the party with the most seats runs things.

Justin has lost seats in all of his elections from a majority; to a bare majority; to a minority held up by the far-left New Democrat Party. Not that it matters, as in Presidential elections, but he's lost the popular votes to the Cons twice now too; Cons leading in polling 39% to Justin's 29% currently [NDP Dippers 18%].

Posted by: andycanuck (krqg6) at August 30, 2023 04:45 PM (krqg6)

459 How'd that Trudeau guy get elected three times?

Giving Canadian AWFLs gina tingles?

And now that he's single, he's guaranteed reelection for the same reason.

Posted by: Ian S. at August 30, 2023 04:46 PM (0A/JS)

460 In other news, continues their personal war against President Trump and any candidate that is a threat to their anointed one, Desantis. So spins and spins and spins.

Their latest spin is especially rich though. writer Jennifer Oliver O'Connell has a piece out today entitled Vivek Ramaswamy's Poll Number Crater Post-Debate. The poll she links is the Morning Consult Poll and from initial reading, it appears she brushed over a lot of data in said poll to only focus on the parts she thinks support her article narrative. She states he dropped 2 points and his unfavorables when to -7.
What she ignores is this part, straight from the first page of the link she gives to Morning Consult Poll:

"More than 7 in 10 potential primary voters who tuned into the Aug. 23 GOP debate broadcast said Ramaswamy performed “very” or “somewhat” well — higher than the 65% who said the same of DeSantis or the 64% who said the same of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley."

Keep on spinning and churning, You've got to get better. You're too easy to expose!

Posted by: Tracy at August 30, 2023 04:55 PM (8xTKQ)

461 Cheese curds are part of the cheese making process. The cheese you know and love was made by pressing a bunch of cheese curds together into a mold. Cheese curds are just cheese bits that never get pressed into a mold

No whey!

Posted by: Bill and or Ted at August 30, 2023 04:59 PM (xttsV)

462 You know how fries are dead simple to make, but a lot of places can't seem to make decent fries? Poutine has the same problem. It's really not that hard to make, but a lot of places screw it up. Sounds like you've had the bad kind.

Good poutine, like good fries, is really delicious.
Posted by: bonhomme at August 30, 2023 04:39 PM

I had the bad kind more than once. But I had really great potatoes and gravy with cheese sprinkled on top in a little diner not far from London ON. So I can sort of imagine.

Posted by: NaughtyPine at August 30, 2023 05:03 PM (/+bwe)

463 459 How'd that Trudeau guy get elected three times?

Giving Canadian AWFLs gina tingles?

And now that he's single, he's guaranteed reelection for the same reason.
Posted by: Ian S. at August 30, 2023 04:46 PM (0A/JS)

He's made of soy!

Posted by: m at August 30, 2023 05:21 PM (aWeTk)

464 Homophilic countries are a great danger to their own people.

Posted by: Drew in MO at August 30, 2023 05:29 PM (5dyi3)

465 "Targeting" the LGBTQ in the same way statutory rape laws "target" heterosexual child molesters.
Feck off eh?

Posted by: Sage Statesman And Rt. Honorable Mayor Adams at August 30, 2023 05:31 PM (5FPX4)

466 I ... should not have read this thread later in the day. Should have just given it a miss. Yup. Should have just given it a miss.

Posted by: Grumpy and Recalcitrant at August 30, 2023 08:32 PM (qPw5n)

467 I'm making $90 an hour working from home. I never imagined that it was honest to goodness yet my closest companion is earning 16,000 US dollars a month by working on the connection, that was truly astounding for me, she prescribed for me to attempt it simply. Everybody must try this job now by just using this website...

Posted by: at August 31, 2023 08:40 AM (oOu87)

468 Canukistan is Puerto Rico, only colder.

Posted by: WooFooDoggee at August 31, 2023 11:52 AM (WaaAj)

469 I'm extremely inspіred with your writing abilities as smartly as with the structure for
your blog. Is that this a paіd suЬject matter or ⅾiⅾ you customize it your ѕeⅼf?
Anyway stay up the eҳcellеnt high quaⅼity writing, it's uncommon to peer a nice
weblog like this one nowadays..

Posted by: legalized at September 15, 2023 02:50 AM (iybFK)

470 Such content is suitable for gamblers of all levels of

Posted by: pin up click deep at September 15, 2023 06:51 PM (siffd)

471 The exchange rate for Pincoins is different for each level of the VIP program.

Posted by: Roosevelt Matthias at September 15, 2023 06:52 PM (siffd)

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