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This Unhinged Attack Piece By a Bitter Media Loser on a Science Fiction Writer For Being a Mormon Illustrates Why People Hate the Filthy Degenerates of "Journalism"

Do you know who Brandon Sanderson is?

He is currently the best-selling fantasy author on the face of the earth. He's alarmingly prolific; he writes like three novels per year, all over 130,000 words. I think I read that during the pandemic, when people really needed stuff to read, he made $55 million in one year, as far as gross revenues. (Which is not the same as personal income to himself.)

I'm neither a fan nor a critic; I've never read him. My only encounter with Sanderson is that this past week, while out for a run/walk, I listened to him give a class about worldbuilding in fantasy/sci-fi fiction.

I guess listening to that prompted YouTube to think I was a super-fan, because it then recommended a video about an absolutely toxic, hateful hit-piece that Wired just ran on Sanderson.

The hit-piece attacks him over the pettiest of things: He's boring when he speaks, and doesn't leave the nasty article-scribbler any good quotes. He doesn't dress well. His wife is boring. He's an observant Mormon, which is something the hateful pillowbiter keeps coming back to

And he complains bitterly that Sanderson is making so, so much money.

A friend of mine is very #Based, but he frequently hangs out with old friend I've lost touch with. They're neoliberals -- shitlibs. And my friend complains to me: "They all say they're good little socialists and want to do nothing but to improve the lot of the Poor Black Man in America, but all they ever talk about is money, unceasingly, and how it's a cosmic injustice they're not making more of it and how it's even worse that everyone who is stupider than they are -- and according to them, everyone in the world is stupider than they are -- is making more money than them.

Keep my friend's observation about shitlibs in mind if you read this hit-piece. The writer claims to be a "poet" of some low stature; I can only imagine how little money he makes, and how much it burns his soul that this boring, unfashionable God-fearing Mormon is making so much of it.

All shitlibs do, as Ethan Van Sciver termed it, is to "count other people's money."

Here's the headline and subhed:

Brandon Sanderson Is Your God

He's the biggest fantasy writer in the world. He's also very Mormon. These things are profoundly related.


Most years, Brandon Sanderson makes about $10 million. Last year, he made $55 million. This is obviously a lot of money for anyone. For a writer of young-adult-ish, never-ending, speed-written fantasy books, it's huge. By Sanderson's estimation, he's the highest-selling author of epic fantasy in the world. On the day of his record-breaking Kickstarter campaign--$42 million of that $55 million--I came to the WIRED offices ready to gossip. How'd he do it? Why now? Is Brandon Sanderson even a good writer?

Nobody had the first clue who or what I was talking about.

On the one hand, who cares. Sanderson has millions upon millions of fans all over the planet; it doesn't matter that some losers at a single magazine (even if it is one of the nerdier ones) had never heard of him. On the other, the ignorance goes far beyond WIRED. As far as I can tell, Sanderson, who has been topping bestseller lists for the better part of the 21st century, has not been written about in any depth by any major publication ever. I called his publicist to confirm this. "Well, we have a piece coming up in LDS Living," he told me. That's LDS as in Latter-day Saints. It's a magazine for Mormons.

Which makes sense: Sanderson is extremely Mormon. What makes less sense is why there's a hole the size of Utah where the man's literary reputation should be. Is it because he mostly writes fantasy, a -- so the snobs sneer -- "subliterary" genre? But then, so do J. K. Rowling, Margaret Atwood, and George R. R. Martin, and they're household names. Is it because none of Sanderson's work has been adapted for the screen? Well, he wrote three of the Wheel of Time books, and an adaptation of that series came out on Amazon Prime in 2021. Could it be, finally, because he's a weirdo Mormon? But so are Orson Scott Card (Ender's Game), Glen A. Larson (the original Battlestar Galactica), and Stephenie Meyer (Twilight). Mormon, I mean. Only Orson Scott Card is also a weirdo.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm learning so much about tolerance for diversity from embittered hate-filled loser shitlibs!

Sanderson, when I eventually meet him in person, makes versions of these excuses, plus others, for his writerly obscurity. It's kind of fun to talk about, until it isn't, and that's when I realize, in a panic, that I now have a problem. Sanderson is excited to talk about his reputation. He's excited, really, to talk about anything. But none of his self-analysis is, for my purposes, exciting. In fact, at that first dinner, over flopsy Utah Chinese--this being days before I'd meet his extended family, and attend his fan convention, and take his son to a theme park, and cry in his basement -- I find Sanderson depressingly, story-killingly lame.

I only have one question: What are your pronouns?!?!

Here's another cringily self-revealing passage:

He sits across from me in an empty restaurant, kind of lordly and sure of his insights, in a graphic T-shirt and ill-fitting blazer, which he says he wears because it makes him look professorial. It doesn't. He isn't. Unless the word means only: believing everything you say is worth saying. Sanderson talks a lot, but almost none of it is usable, quotable. I begin to think, This is what I drove all the way from San Francisco to the suburbs of Salt Lake City in the freezing-cold dead of winter for? For previously frozen dim sum and freeze-dried conversation? This must be why nobody writes about Brandon Sanderson.

So, recklessly, I say what's on my mind. I have to. His wife is there, his biggest fan, always his first reader, making polite comments. I don't care. Maybe nobody writes about you, I say to Sanderson, because you don't write very well.

I think this passage explain the hatred:

It's not that Brandon Sanderson can't write. It's more that he can't not write. Graphomania is the name of the condition: the constant compulsion to get words out, down, as much and as quickly as possible. The concept of a vacation confuses Sanderson, he once said, because for him the perfect vacation is more time to write -- vocation as vacation. His schedule is budgeted down to the minute, months out, to maximize the time he spends, rather counter-ergonomically, on the couch, typing away. Most days, he wakes up at 1 pm, exercises, and writes for four hours. Break for the wife and kids. Then he writes for four more. After that he plays video games or whatever until 5 am. A powerful sleeping pill is all that works, finally, to get him, and the voices in his head, to shut up.

In the five months or so it has taken me to sit down and write this magazine story, which is 4,000 words long, Sanderson has published two books. During the Covid lockdowns, he wrote and/or edited seven: two for his regular publisher, a graphic novel, and four more in secret, telling no one but his wife until he surprise-announced a Kickstarter in March 2022 to crowdfund their publication. (Hence the $42 mil, raised in a month, by far the most successful Kickstarter ever.) Since his debut, Elantris, in 2005, Sanderson has published 30-plus books, the biggest ones in excess of 400,000 words; there are far more if you count the novellas and graphic novels and stuff for kids.

This jerkoff complains that it took him five months to write this high-school-girl slambook of an article, and complains that while he was procrastinating and not working for five months, Sanderson published not one but two new novels.

So I think you can see the reason for the unjustified hatred. You probably won't be surprised to hear that Jason Kehe has no works listed on Amazon.

Below, a video from what I imagine is a nonpolitical normie who is probably "liberal" in the normal unexamined-life sort of way, reacting to this "unhinged" hit-piece.

I say he must be a "nonopolitical normie" because he's shocked to see this level of unreasoning hatred issuing from a "real media" outlet like Wired.


So I don't think he knows that this is all the shitlib media does -- attack people, throw around slanders, and bitterly count other people's money.

He keeps saying "this article can't be real" and "when I read this article, I was sure it was some kind of joke."

Welcome to the real world, buddy.

This is all the media is. It's all it ever has been. Like the Democrat Party itself, the media is just cheap vengeance for measly souls. The media is just a weapon of revenge of the weak upon the strong, the stupid upon the wise, the ugly upon the beautiful, the bitter upon the contented, and the deservedly-poor upon the deservedly-well-off.

Here's another reaction, this one by someone who is hipper to what the "mainstream media" really is. He thinks the hatred is about Kickstarter -- Sanderson made a mint by pre-selling his books on Kickstarter -- and how talented people are now able to re-route around the traditional cultural gatekeepers and make tons of money even if the untalented shitlibs occupying positions of power in legacy cultural institutions would prefer to reject you.

Try writing more than one article in five months, "poet." Perhaps you'll give yourself something to do besides bitterly counting other people's money.

Sanderson responded... graciously.

But then again, the victor can afford to treat the bitter losers with grace.

Not sure how, or if, I should respond to the Wired article. I get that Jason, in writing it, felt incredibly conflicted about the fact that he finds me lame and boring. I'm baffled how he seemed to find every single person on his trip -- my friends, my family, my fans -- to be worthy of derision.

Bear in mind, Sanderson welcome this dickhole into his home and his life for an extended period of time. He introduced him to his family, took him to a convention with him, etc.

But he also feels sincere in his attempt to try to understand. While he legitimately seems to dislike me and my writing, I don't think that's why he came to see me. He wasn't looking for a hit piece -- he was looking to explore the world through his writing. In that, he and I are the same, and I respect him for it, even if much of his tone seems quite dismissive of many people and ideas I care deeply about.

He came to write a hit-piece. Stop being such a pussy.

The strangest part for me is how Jason says he had trouble finding the real me. He says he wants something true or genuine. But he had the genuine me all that time. He really did. What I said, apparently, wasn't anything he found useful for writing an article. That doesn't make it not genuine or true.

Because he wanted to write a hit-piece and you didn't give him something juicy to attack you with, so he had to just keep calling you boring and your life unfashionable and attack your religion.

I am not offended that the true me bores him. Honestly, I'm a guy who enjoys his job, loves his family, and is a little obsessive about his stories.

The majority of writers are boring, relatively. They're not musicians. They're not even painters. It's the most stolidly middle-class of all the arts.

This "Jason" must not know many actual writers. Probably just a lot of very dramatic antifa couch-surfers who talk about writing.

There's no hidden trauma. No skeletons in my closet. Just a guy trying to understand the world through story. That IS kind of boring, from an outsider's perspective. I can see how it is difficult to write an article about me for that reason.

But at the same time, I'm worried about the way he treats our entire community. I understand that he didn't just talk about me, but about you. As has been happening to fantasy fans for years, the general attitude of anyone writing about us is that we should be ashamed for enjoying what we enjoy. In that, the tone feels like it was written during the 80s. "Look at these silly nerds, liking things! How dare they like things! Don't they know the thing they like is dumb?"

As a community, let's take a deep breath. It's all right. I appreciate you standing up for me, but please leave Jason alone. This might feel like an attack on us, on you, but it's not. Jason wrote what he felt he needed -- and as a writer, he is my colleague. Please show him respect. He should not be attacked for sharing his feelings. If we attack people for doing so, we make the world a worse place, because fewer people will be willing to be their authentic selves.

So Sanderson sounds a little thrown, but all in all, he's taking things in stride, which is on brand. He assures his fans that, to him, none of them are "boring or lame" and ends with one last plea for civility:

I do want to make it clear, again that I bear Jason no ill will. I like him. Please leave him alone. He seems to be a sincere man who tried very hard to find a story, discovered that there wasn't one that interested him, then floundered in trying to figure out what he could say to make deadline.

Uh, he said it took him five months to write this. I don't think he made his deadline.

I respect him for trying his best to write what he obviously found a difficult article.

He's a person, remember, just like each of us.

Not like me.

Posted by: Ace at 04:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Cool. New info.

Posted by: Catherine at April 14, 2023 04:11 PM (ZSsrh)

2 Called 'em. Walking with the rightward tilt does get exhausting tho. *wink*

Posted by: Catherine at April 14, 2023 04:12 PM (ZSsrh)

3 not only is he attacking, but he brought the Italicans with him...

Posted by: SturmToddler at April 14, 2023 04:12 PM (nXhwP)

4 I saw Extremely Mormon open for Simply Red at The Kentucky Center in '99

Posted by: Hands at April 14, 2023 04:12 PM (786Ro)

5 yes

Posted by: Ciampino --- do not pass GO at April 14, 2023 04:13 PM (qfLjt)

6 my God they're all such WOMEN

Posted by: BlackCisOrchid at April 14, 2023 04:13 PM (w0NJk)

7 Ha, ha. I watched Ender's Game on TV just a few weeks ago.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 14, 2023 04:13 PM (Vwz3I)

8 ah. another right-leaning post.

Posted by: stochastic kulak anachronda at April 14, 2023 04:14 PM (cFL1s)

9 "His wife is boring."

As opposed to, say, Johnny Depp's ex-wife?

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 14, 2023 04:14 PM (iFTx/)

10 I have never read him. I'm not into Fantasy but definitely into the SciFi genre so I'll look for some titles.

Posted by: Ciampino - GO at April 14, 2023 04:14 PM (qfLjt)

11 "extremely Mormon" wtf does that mean? Is it like Mittens being "extremely conservative". These gibbering soyboys are tiresome

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 14, 2023 04:14 PM (386ly)

12 Please show him respect. He should not be attacked for sharing his feelings. If we attack people for doing so, we make the world a worse place, because fewer people will be willing to be their authentic selves.


I do want to make it clear, again that I bear Jason no ill will. I like him. Please leave him alone.

This is why we keep losing.

Posted by: Hands at April 14, 2023 04:14 PM (786Ro)

13 ah. another right-leaning post.
Until a centrist commented.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 14, 2023 04:15 PM (Vwz3I)

14 Off topic:
Ciampino's Rescue kitties NOW LIVE Streaming!!!

There's also another photo link below

Take a look if interested. Make sure to click on
"See Older Updates" as well if it's your first time.

Posted by: Ciampino - GO LOOK at April 14, 2023 04:15 PM (qfLjt)

15 Well, this is simple. The "New Yorkers" who dominate the New York publishing houses rely on blackmail as much as financial control to keep people in line, and are absolutely baffled by the fact observant Mormons like Sanderson and Myers don't seem to have hooks.

More, the idea that a Sanderson can become wildly popular simply by putting out book after book, as opposed to being a Rothfuss or Martin, has to terrify the publishers who think epic fantasy has to be measured in decades.

Posted by: trev006 at April 14, 2023 04:15 PM (DTm0P)

16 Iffn it was me I would have just ignored the child's temper tantrum.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at April 14, 2023 04:15 PM (ncXxy)

17 yeah I saw this a while back. Sanderson handled it pretty well (he should have shrugged it off and laughed instead of responding). But its clear this was just an excuse to attack Mormons for being "weird" and "too traditional" .

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:16 PM (0hOvj)

18 hiya

Posted by: JT at April 14, 2023 04:16 PM (T4tVD)

19 Extremely Mormon, I think you get your own planet or something. I could be wrong.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, a literal ray of sunshine at April 14, 2023 04:16 PM (jTmQV)

20 I am not offended that the true me bores him

you don't have to be offended
but could you at least have enough awareness to realize you're in the middle of a war?
Is that too much to ask?

Posted by: Hands at April 14, 2023 04:16 PM (786Ro)

21 This is what I drove all the way from San Francisco

Stop right there.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (YqDXo)

22 For $42 million the guy could start his own publishing house.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (QnIJ2)

23 This is what I drove all the way from San Francisco to the suburbs of Salt Lake City in the freezing-cold dead of winter for? For previously frozen dim sum and freeze-dried conversation? This must be why nobody writes about Brandon Sanderson.

I have no idea who Sanderson is but I already hate the attack-dog tried to write this hit piece.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (3RZw1)

24 A friend of mine is very #Based, but he frequently hangs out with old friend I've lost touch with. They're neoliberals -- shitlibs. And my friend complains to me: "They all say they're good little socialists and want to do nothing but to improve the lot of the Poor Black Man in America, but all they ever talk about is money, unceasingly, and how it's a cosmic injustice they're not making more of it and how it's even worse that everyone who is stupider than they are -- and according to them, everyone in the world is stupider than they are -- is making more money than them.


Hatred at other people for success?

I don't see how Marx could appeal to these people at all.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (UVZX7)

25 There's nothing wrong with being boring. You tend to avoid inspection. Inspection of things about yourself you'd rather not discuss openly... like *types.... deletes*

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (Q4IgG)

26 Sanderson is supposed to be good but he writes the kind of stuff I don't like to read: epic fantasy in 57-volume books, each big enough to crush a kitten.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (0hOvj)

27 High school girls around the US look at this piece and think, "Dude, grow up."

Posted by: Catherine at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (ZSsrh)

28 I say he must be a "nonopolitical normie" because he's shocked to see this level of unreasoning hatred issuing from a "real media" outlet like Wired.

Begs the question.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:18 PM (YqDXo)

29 They are just jealous of Sanderson and his money and popularity (I think it's more the latter). Ditto with JK Rowling and every other rich, popular writer who has at least one Unapproved Thought.

Pure leftwing twits like LeBron James can make hundreds of million of dollars playing a child's game and pimping shoe products made by slave labor, and that's OK because he's pure leftist.

But when one of these pissant, useless, nobody-knows-their-name "journalists" sees someone like Sanderson making tons of money selling tons of books, they get all jealous and hateful.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 14, 2023 04:18 PM (iFTx/)

30 I'll admit it. I'm a fan of Brandon Sanderson.

I enjoy his characters, his world-building, and his style.

Is it for everyone? Of course not.

There's plenty of room in the world for non-Sanderson fans. Go read what you like and leave us to do the same.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 14, 2023 04:18 PM (YIVH2)

31 Ciampino's Rescue kitties NOW LIVE Streaming!!!

Much like Dexter, asleep at the foot of my bed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:18 PM (0hOvj)

32 So I think you can see the reason for the unjustified hatred. You probably won't be surprised to hear that Jason Kehe has no works listed on Amazon.


Even I have stuff listed on Amazon.

It's not hard to do, at all. Hence, why I have some.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:18 PM (UVZX7)

33 Never heard of him

Posted by: Skip at April 14, 2023 04:19 PM (xhxe8)

34 I re-watched "Goon" last night. IMO, the best freaking sports movie to be made in the last 40 years.

All hail Goon.

Posted by: Archer at April 14, 2023 04:19 PM (gmo/4)

35 I never quite knew the difference between jealousy and avarice? and then covetousness, is that the same as one or both?

anyone know? I think Ace's fried displays covetousness ...

I dunno honestly people need to just get out of their own heads. so freaking neurotic

Posted by: BlackCisOrchid at April 14, 2023 04:19 PM (w0NJk)

36 Archer I love Goon!!!! so fun

Posted by: BlackCisOrchid at April 14, 2023 04:19 PM (w0NJk)

37 A Mormon who writes sci-fi .. of course it makes sense.

Just think ... Salamander.

These shitlibs just have no imagination.
Besides, when you personally are the "center of the universe", like all nasty little atheists/narcissists, why imagine anything.

Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 04:19 PM (RHGPo)

38 If Sanderson were Jewish, that article and the criticism of his religious affiliation and the money he makes would be a crime in many European countries.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 14, 2023 04:20 PM (bGeFc)

39 Even I have stuff listed on Amazon.

Heck I have the
#10,114,785 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#3,152 in Werewolf & Shifter Thrillers
#26,124 in Historical Thrillers (Books)

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:20 PM (0hOvj)

40 Read the whole article. It literally could be condensed to "Sanderson is a big poopy head."

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 14, 2023 04:20 PM (4sOtc)

41 I have never read him. I'm not into Fantasy but definitely into the SciFi genre so I'll look for some titles.
Posted by: Ciampino - GO at April 14, 2023 04:14 PM (qfLjt)
Might want to start with his Mistborn novels, then. The first three are decidedly fantasy, but the next four are very much steampunk, so there are elements of science fiction mixed with the magic system.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 14, 2023 04:20 PM (YIVH2)

42 I don't think Sanderson has written a Novel or Short Story I have not read. Other than the gaming world stuff.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:21 PM (qltEd)

43 This "Jason" must not know many actual writers. Probably just a lot of very dramatic antifa couch-surfers who talk about writing.

And are hard hit by Starbucks' decision to remove seating.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:21 PM (YqDXo)

44 Well, this is simple. The "New Yorkers" who dominate the New York publishing houses rely on blackmail as much as financial control to keep people in line

Right, they are baffled and enraged that books like this which are devoid of wokenitude, and stuff like Monster Hunter International series are selling so well. They are not following the rules!

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:21 PM (0hOvj)

45 The article's author says Sanderson is lame, in person. Well, Evelyn Waugh said that P G Wodehouse was boring in person, but as a writer, called him "the Master".

So what. I get the idea Trollope was personally dull. The Villon-Byron model isn't universal.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 14, 2023 04:21 PM (TgBWG)

46 It's not that Brandon Sanderson can't write. It's more that he can't not write. Graphomania is the name of the condition: the constant compulsion to get words out, down, as much and as quickly as possible. The concept of a vacation confuses Sanderson,

Tell me you are a lazy poofter without telling me.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (Y2tls)

47 Steven Pressfield would be extremely proud of a writer like Brandon Sanderson. He sits down in front of his computer in the morning, and gets to work writing. And writing. And writing. And when he's done writing, he goes off and lives his boring life. And Jason Kehe hates this.

Oh, by the way, there's another writer, just like Sanderson, who writes and writes and writes, and probably has a boring life as well. And makes tons of money to boot. That writer is Stephen King. And Jason Kehe probably loves him.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (/iWhV)

48 The Stormlight Archives are especially good.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (qltEd)

49 Heck I have the
#10,114,785 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#3,152 in Werewolf & Shifter Thrillers
#26,124 in Historical Thrillers (Books)
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:20 PM (0hOvj)
I thought Life Unworthy was an excellent blend of WWII Holocaust and werewolf mythology.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (YIVH2)

50 Mormons are kind of weird. Just sayin'.

Posted by: JmT at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (BR6SG)

51 32 So I think you can see the reason for the unjustified hatred. You probably won't be surprised to hear that Jason Kehe has no works listed on Amazon.


Even I have stuff listed on Amazon.

It's not hard to do, at all. Hence, why I have some.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:18 PM (UVZX7)

Me too. Oh wait, I thought we were talking about pornhub. Carry on . . . .

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (iFTx/)

52 For a shiitlib the greatest horror is a member of the great unwashed making more than them. This is part of the learn to code thing. A coal miner making $100k is obscene to them. It’s unjust. Immoral. They have a PhD in bullshit and they make only $70k. How dare some hillbilly with a HS education out earn me????? Fuck that guy.

The coal miner livelihoods being destroyed is a good thing, it brings the universe back to balance.

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (OalnH)

53 The few observant Mormons I've know have been good folks. I don't want to join up, but they seem to make good neighbors. I assume that libs hate them for the same reason they despise all observant religious people other than the ones who are so observant they bomb, shoot, and stab the unbelievers.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (ppBhU)

He sits across from me in an empty restaurant, kind of lordly and sure of his insights, in a graphic T-shirt and ill-fitting bla$er, which he says he wears because it makes him look professorial. It doesn't.

Then that shitlib crotchstain commie cocksucker never went to college, because that describes the attire of at least a third of the male professors at most universities.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (n+4am)

55 The guy who needs a kick in the balls is Patrick Rothfuss.

Finish your fucking series!

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (qltEd)

56 I'm unapologetic. I really like much of what Sanderson has written. It's a shame to see him attacked by narrow-minded, bigoted leftist trash.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (Xrfse)

57 If Sanderson were Jewish, that article and the criticism of his religious affiliation and the money he makes would be a crime in many European countries.
Posted by: Bitter Clinger at April 14, 2023 04:20 PM (bGeFc)

Should've told this wanker that he was Muslim, and thinking about transitioning.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (YqDXo)

58 By the way, if you want some very serious "hit pieces" on actual staggering evil in science fiction, you could do worse than read The Last Closet, or follow Vox Day's considerable writing on the subject of intense and long standing gruesome preferences:

Posted by: trev006 at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (DTm0P)

59 I have cousins who are Mormons. Nice people. My hot, but extremely crazy 1st wife, was Mormon. She was actually a MINO Mormon in name only. So, I have a conflicted view on the religion.

I'll keep my opinions on the subject quiet.

Posted by: Archer at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (gmo/4)

60 If this guy is so good why haven’t I heard of him?

Huh, HUH?

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (QnIJ2)

61 Hire people with hooks.
For a good time call 606-4311;
Ask for "Ken."
Take heart amid the deepening gloom
That your dog is finally getting enough cheese.
And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot
It could only be worse in Milwaukee.

Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 04:24 PM (RHGPo)

62 Boy, that Sanderson used a lot of words to respond the guy when he could have just called him a dick. .....

Oh, now I get it!

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 14, 2023 04:24 PM (fs1hN)

63 He sits across from me in an empty restaurant, kind of lordly and sure of his insights, in a graphic T-shirt and ill-fitting bla$er, which he says he wears because it makes him look professorial. It doesn't.

Then that shitlib crotchstain commie cocksucker never went to college, because that describes the attire of at least a third of the male professors at most universities.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 14, 2023 04:23 PM (n+4am)


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:24 PM (YqDXo)

64 47 Steven Pressfield would be extremely proud of a writer like Brandon Sanderson. He sits down in front of his computer in the morning, and gets to work writing. And writing. And writing. And when he's done writing, he goes off and lives his boring life. And Jason Kehe hates this.

Oh, by the way, there's another writer, just like Sanderson, who writes and writes and writes, and probably has a boring life as well. And makes tons of money to boot. That writer is Stephen King. And Jason Kehe probably loves him.
Posted by: Darrell Harris at April 14, 2023 04:22 PM (/iWhV)

Stephen King doesn't have any Unapproved Thoughts. Just the opposite.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 14, 2023 04:24 PM (iFTx/)

65 Sanderson is big in the indie publishing scene because he works at his craft and his business. To put it into perspective:
*How many words can you type in 5 minutes? (Ex: 200)
*How many 5 minutes can you dedicate to writing per day? (12)
*Every day? (Yes)
Congratulations, you’ve written 876K words in a year, which is a little over 6 130K books. Lather, rinse, repeat. If you’re working more than 1 hour per day (12-5 minute sprints), you write more words. Max Brand wrote upwards of 6K words per day, every day. On a typewriter.

Writing is about discipline, and getting the butt in chair and the words on the screen. And after a while, with practice, those words get better and better the first time through.

Posted by: Shandiss at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (sI7+V)

66 I've never read Sanderson either. And I've never wanted to read him more than I do right now.

Guess he's about to make just a little bit more money.

Posted by: McLurkerson at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (wNDOJ)

67 This "Jason" must not know many actual writers. Probably just a lot of very dramatic antifa couch-surfers who talk about writing.

I took a couple of writing courses in college and community college. I highly, strongly recommend not doing so if you actually want to write books. Take literature and English classes. Learn grammar, learn sentence structure etc. Learn to analyze great literature and why it works, what was used.

But do not take creative writing classes. Even 30+ years ago it was just awful stuff. They are pretentious, they have weird cliques of "we all understand we are great artists and do not write popular fiction" types. They tell you nonsense, they use that overhyped super limited Hero's Journey Campbell monomyth stuff. Just no.

You want to learn to write? Write. Read. Study. But don't go to classes or read books about how to write.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (0hOvj)

68 I never quite knew the difference between jealousy and avarice? and then covetousness, is that the same as one or both?

Posted by: BlackCisOrchid at April 14, 2023 04:19 PM (w0NJk)

I thought jealousy was, well, jealously and avarice was greed.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (DRSnL)

69 One factor that I think speaks well of Sanderson is just how much he enjoys encouraging other writers to get started writing.

As Moron Authors know, writing is HARD. Cranking out a book takes A LOT of time and effort.

He makes it look easy, but only because he's done it for a while now. I think in one interview he said it took maybe ten years before he was able to make his first real sale.

He worked as a night clerk at a hotel or something and was able to get some writing done when everyone else was basically asleep.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (YIVH2)

70 Archer I love Goon!!!! so fun

Posted by: BlackCisOrchid at April 14, 2023 04:19 PM (w0NJk)

I knew there was a reason I liked you!!!

Posted by: Archer at April 14, 2023 04:26 PM (gmo/4)

71 So let's be fair here.

I don't think Brandon Sanderson is an "exciting" author, but his exposition and character building are far above the average DRECK you get from Hollywood these days.

Second, Brandon did a good job concluding Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series from the developmental notes left behind.

Third, if you don'e like his style, DON'T BUY HIS BOOKS! For the rest of us in the SciFi/Fantasy community, we'll choose our own forms of entertainment, f*ck you very much!


*And yes I have more than a "few" books by Sanderson.

Posted by: Shy Lurking Voter at April 14, 2023 04:26 PM (e/Osv)

72 "It was a dark and stormy night ..."

Jason Kehe: "Now THAT'S primo literature!"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:26 PM (YqDXo)

73 Right, they are baffled and enraged that books like this which are devoid of wokenitude, and stuff like Monster Hunter International series are selling so well. They are not following the rules!
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:21 PM (0hOvj)

It's not just a threat to their worldview, but to the entire controlled system that dominates modern Western culture. Honestly, between Sanderson and JKR's abrupt heresy, the centralized financiers have to be shitting themselves in panic.

Posted by: trev006 at April 14, 2023 04:27 PM (DTm0P)

74 I know some Mormons and the one common trait with them I’ve found is they seem happy and pretty content with their lives. Fucking monsters man.

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:27 PM (OalnH)

75 Love reading about losers so unsuccessful and sad in their own life criticizing people who are happy and successful in their own.

Posted by: Loser says what? at April 14, 2023 04:27 PM (VsUo2)

76 This is what I drove all the way from San Francisco to the suburbs of Salt Lake City in the freezing-cold dead of winter for? For previously frozen dim sum and freeze-dried conversation?

THIS tells me everything i need to know abut the hit piece author. I didn't know it was possible to get that much smug into 2 sentences...

Posted by: SturmToddler at April 14, 2023 04:27 PM (nXhwP)

77 It used to be that if you couldn't do a task, you taught it. Now, if you can't do a task, you bitch about it on the web.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 14, 2023 04:27 PM (lTGtQ)

78 Steven Pressfield would be extremely proud of a writer like Brandon Sanderson. He sits down in front of his computer in the morning, and gets to work writing. And writing. And writing. And when he's done writing, he goes off and lives his boring life.

Writing is a job. Treat it as a job. Its art, but don't sit around waiting for inspiration. Sit down, every day, on a schedule, and write. Then, STOP and do other stuff.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:27 PM (0hOvj)

79 Speaking of writers, any chance that George RR Martin finishes Game of Thrones before he keels over from obesity?

Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (fs1hN)

80 67 But do not take creative writing classes. Even 30+ years ago it was just awful stuff. They are pretentious, they have weird cliques of "we all understand we are great artists and do not write popular fiction" types. They tell you nonsense, they use that overhyped super limited Hero's Journey Campbell monomyth stuff. Just no.

You want to learn to write? Write. Read. Study. But don't go to classes or read books about how to write.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (0hOvj)


If I ever found myself teaching a creative writing class, I'd teach about the mechanics of storytelling. What is a plot and how is it different from story? How do you write a plot?

What is a character? What makes particular characters interesting. How do characters influence plot.

What is a theme? How do you write themes into stories without making them obvious.

It'd be a course designed to go from one element of narrative storytelling to the next, building up the blocks of a single story along the way. Essentially, teaching the actual craft instead of, "Just write something, and we'll sort of critique it in a few weeks."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (UVZX7)

81 It seems like an awful lot of the pathologies we're seeing recently track directly back to the deadly sin of envy.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (ZSK0i)

82 In fact, at that first dinner, over flopsy Utah Chinese--this being days before I'd meet his extended family, and attend his fan convention, and take his son to a theme park, and cry in his basement

Ok, first off what's flopsy Utah Chinese and two why are you crying in the basement???

Posted by: dantesed at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (193FS)

83 NYPost:
Anheuser-Busch’s top executive on Friday offered an apology flatter than a day-old Bud Light as the beer giant reels from the backlash over its sponsorship deal with controversial transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Brendan Whitworth said. “We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.” Whitworth’s statement made no mention of the sponsorship deal with Mulvaney — which has led to calls for a boycott of the nation’s largest beer company.

Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (RHGPo)

84 Nobody had the first clue who or what I was talking about.

Ironically, I had no idea WIRED even still existed.

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at April 14, 2023 04:29 PM (EXyHK)

85 The other thing about Sanderson that likely escapes this Journalist is that everything he has written occurs in a shared Universe.
As best I can tell, it is a matter of which world within the Universe and which timeline that delineates them. It will be a while before that becomes explicit in the Novels. But I am sure it is coming.

Also. Dude reaches down more than any other SciFi author going and helps out new / other writers.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:29 PM (qltEd)

86 79 Speaking of writers, any chance that George RR Martin finishes Game of Thrones before he keels over from obesity?
Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (fs1hN)



If he does, it will be the same ending that everyone hated because the show's ending was obviously his idea. The storyteller becomes king. Essentially, Martin makes it so that he himself wins the Game of Thrones.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:29 PM (UVZX7)

87 Sanderson was gracious.

Larry Fcukin' Correia will not be.

Posted by: He's gonna stomp him a new mud hole at April 14, 2023 04:29 PM (7wGBG)

88 I thought Life Unworthy was an excellent blend of WWII Holocaust and werewolf mythology.

Its the number 3152 werewolf book on Amazon! A triumph! LOL.

My highest rated book on Amazon too, the other two are even less popular. But its not hard to do, like James Madison says. Its very hard to write stuff as well has he does, but its not hard to publish these days.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:30 PM (0hOvj)

89 The few observant Mormons I've know have been good folks. I don't want to join up, but they seem to make good neighbors.

Ditto. And they place a high value on family and children. I saw a statistic somewhere that only Mormons and Muslims are actually increasing their population by birth in America. That'll be a hell of a war eventually.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 14, 2023 04:30 PM (ZGrMX)

90 You want to learn to write? Write. Read. Study. But don't go to classes or read books about how to write.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (0hOvj)

Solid advice there. Wish the youts could hear it.

Posted by: JmT at April 14, 2023 04:30 PM (BR6SG)

91 Sanderson was gracious.

Larry Fcukin' Correia will not be.
Posted by: He's gonna stomp him a new mud hole at April 14, 2023 04:29 PM (7wGBG)
Oh, that would be EPIC!

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 14, 2023 04:30 PM (YIVH2)

92 I saw Extremely Mormon open for The Smiths at the CNE!

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at April 14, 2023 04:31 PM (Vwz3I)

93 Sanctimonious cosstal douchebags always have to take a dig at food in the hinterlands. It’s a getush for them. Floppy Chinese? Lol.

Yeah dude I’ve been to SF more times than I can remember. And the Chinese food I ate was nothing to write home about. It’s kind of all the same wherever you go.

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:31 PM (OalnH)

94 Liz Cheney calls for Greene to lose security clearance: ‘She cannot be trusted’

.. obviously Liz has no sense of irony

Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 04:31 PM (RHGPo)

95 maybe if the 'journalist/poet' stopped complaining for 5 minutes and actually focused on work, they, too, could produce. Years before anyone could work-from-home, my cousin's fiancé ( now hubby) was just starting out in the business world of finance. He was able to do his job with ease and quickly grew bored, so he went out and GOT ANOTHER FULL TIME JOB and just happily chugged away like the Little Engine That Could, working TWO jobs, while most young people his age were out goofing off in their spare time and pissing away their money.

Cousin and now hubby are sitting pretty and happy!

Posted by: RondinellaMamma at April 14, 2023 04:31 PM (l0Cy4)

96 Ok, first off what's flopsy Utah Chinese and two why are you crying in the basement???
its a euphemism for his erectile dysfunction with the absence of porn and that's why he was crying in the Sanderson's basement.

Posted by: the decoder at April 14, 2023 04:31 PM (t/FNI)

97 The Stormlight Archives are especially good.

Yep. Mistborn, as well.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at April 14, 2023 04:31 PM (Xrfse)

98 I know some Mormons and the one common trait with them I’ve found is they seem happy and pretty content with their lives. Fucking monsters man.
Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:27 PM (OalnH)

In my admittedly limited experience, Mormon women seem particularly happy. They've got their husbands, and their children (typically lots of them), and seem as happy as can be. Feminists should take note.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:31 PM (YqDXo)

99 Whitworth’s statement made no mention of the sponsorship deal with Mulvaney — which has led to calls for a boycott of the nation’s largest beer company.

Posted by: SMOD

Budweiser has a long tradition of existence in the community.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 14, 2023 04:32 PM (lTGtQ)

100 There is a definite er.... slant to this post (and all of the ones below it) 😂😂😂

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade, Plucky Comic Relief at April 14, 2023 04:32 PM (SRRAx)

101 Jack Vance had a similar approach. I think I read where he thought it eventually ruined his health and eyes.

Sanderson is about as good as one can get without being extremely naturally gifted.

Glen Cook is the same way. Cook is more gifted naturally, but works very steadily and consistently as well.

Posted by: Thesokorus at April 14, 2023 04:32 PM (2QKdE)

102 If I ever found myself teaching a creative writing class, I'd teach about the mechanics of storytelling.

I think maybe that's what they used to do but... not any more. And yeah its mostly "write something short, we'll have it read and sort of critique it." Which made the profs mad because I'd write something good and their only critique would be "its not literary enough, this is for the masses"

well, yeah. I have no pretentions toward literary genius. I like telling stories. Eat me.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:32 PM (0hOvj)

103 If I ever found myself teaching a creative writing class, I'd teach about the mechanics of storytelling. What is a plot and how is it different from story? How do you write a plot?

What is a character? What makes particular characters interesting. How do characters influence plot.

What is a theme? How do you write themes into stories without making them obvious.

It'd be a course designed to go from one element of narrative storytelling to the next, building up the blocks of a single story along the way. Essentially, teaching the actual craft instead of, "Just write something, and we'll sort of critique it in a few weeks."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (UVZX7)

See, this is why I read and don't write. All of that makes my head hurt.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:32 PM (DRSnL)

104 It's not jealousy, it's envy. Jealousy means you want what someone else has; envy means you want to see what someone else burn. That's why envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Posted by: Regular joe at April 14, 2023 04:33 PM (nnp+f)

105 Ace- "Keep my friend's observation about shitlibs in mind if you read this hit-piece. The writer claims to be a "poet" of some low stature; I can only imagine how little money he makes, and how much it burns his soul that this boring, unfashionable God-fearing Mormon is making so much of it.

All shitlibs do, as Ethan Van Sciver termed it, is to "count other people's money.""

This is true. You know what other class of enviests feel the same way? Government bureaucrats. With the heat of a thousand suns.

This explains why the MSM and Government works so well together. They not only share the same college pedigrees, they also share the same rage at the targets of their mutually assured envy. Their revenge, they hope, is a digital currency and the end of self-employment. $50 mill a year based on talent, hard work and some luck? What good is your money once the Government decides whether or not to approve it's continued existence?

Posted by: mrp at April 14, 2023 04:33 PM (rj6Yv)

106 I didn't realize realize Sanderson was still putting stuff out. I enjoyed the first 1.5 books of his Mistborn trilogy, but the 3rd book really went off the rails...the world builds my fell apart for me and the plot we'll.... I may have to check out some of his standalone stuff as I though the first Mistborn was one of the most entertaining books I had read in a while.

Posted by: Mishdog at April 14, 2023 04:33 PM (LZL30)

107 I've never been to Utah, but I do know that some places (like my new home in NC since 2020 - basically Mayberry) have really bad Chinese food.

I'm still glad we moved here.

Posted by: Eeyore at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (TgBWG)

108 Chinese food in Utah and California is made by Mexican illegals. So not sure where the quality difference lies. 🤣

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (OalnH)

109 Speaking of writers, any chance that George RR Martin finishes Game of Thrones before he keels over from obesity?
Posted by: Chuck Martel at April 14, 2023 04:28 PM (fs1hN)

Never. Even if he sacks up and publishes Winds of Winter this decade, he'll never finish the series. ASOIAF was a literary abortion from a morbidly obese pervert, whose popularity was mostly based on appealing to the sexual degeneracy of the globalist financier class and some adequate character arcs. Martin's problem is that his Medieval Feminism is going to be at least as cringe as the GoT live action series, and he wants to milk his properties until he dies.

Which shouldn't be too far off now.

Posted by: trev006 at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (DTm0P)

110 102 I think maybe that's what they used to do but... not any more. And yeah its mostly "write something short, we'll have it read and sort of critique it." Which made the profs mad because I'd write something good and their only critique would be "its not literary enough, this is for the masses"

well, yeah. I have no pretentions toward literary genius. I like telling stories. Eat me.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:32 PM (0hOvj)


My teachers never hit me for populist type writing. They accepted everything. Hell, in Nikki Giovanni's poetry class I spent all semester writing about leprechauns and she loved it.

My focus would be to stop people from writing about their last breakups. That was at least a third of what I read in those classes. And they were all awful.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (UVZX7)

111 The writer claims to be a "poet" of some low stature; I can only imagine how little money he makes,


As a "poet" (for some definitions of the word) of notable low stature I can vouch for the fact that one does not make any money at all writing poetry, at least in the form of limericks. However, if the keys are world-building and wordiness, my next limerick will be 130,000 words long and involve an alien civilization in another galaxy.

There once was a life form from Mars
Who wanted to fly to the stars...

(I'll be back in a couple weeks...)

Posted by: Muldoon at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (ykeLU)

112 50 Mormons are kind of weird. Just sayin'.

everybody is kind of weird.

Posted by: brother anachronda at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (cFL1s)

113 This article is less about Sanderson and more about getting the Mormon church to move woke. And it is slowly working.

Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:35 PM (UelxP)

114 WIRED is the Bud Lite of tech fanzines.

Posted by: Regular joe at April 14, 2023 04:35 PM (nnp+f)

I took a couple of writing courses in college and community college. I highly, strongly recommend not doing so if you actually want to write books.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor


My ultra-conservative mom is part of a writing group made up of mostly young, tattooed, pierced, socially conscious, commie, LBGTEIEIOBBQ+#* writing wannabes who mostly write queer erotica, while Mom writes non-fiction about sewing machines. She's kind of the den mother, and I'm always wondering if they actually understand that Mom is a pretty rabid Trump supporter. It's really weird.

Anyway, I've been around when they've met at the house for one of their writing seminars, and listened in. None of these aspiring writers have any idea of what they are doing, and they spend most of the seminar chatting and gossiping. They're dilettantes.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 14, 2023 04:35 PM (n+4am)

116 The Jewish carpenter was onto something when he said a person can either serve Mammon or God. That Jesus guy was pretty perceptive, almost like he was the Son of God, or something. /s

If you're obsessed with material things, you will view other people as things, too.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at April 14, 2023 04:35 PM (pJWtt)

117 Kumlala is really getting desperate. Yesterday she gave a speech calling DeSantis "an extremist". mirrroring language used routinely by Lavrenty Garland to describe insurrectionist domestic terrorists and Catholics.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at April 14, 2023 04:36 PM (txBuo)

118 Oddly enough, I found out about Sanderson from a summer reading recommendation piece that Orson Scott Card wrote for National Review in 2009 or 2010.

Posted by: Mishdog at April 14, 2023 04:36 PM (LZL30)

119 NYPost:
Anheuser-Busch’s top executive on Friday offered an apology flatter than a day-old Bud Light as the beer giant reels from the backlash over its sponsorship deal with controversial transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Brendan Whitworth said.

Memo to A-B: Fire Alice Schickelgruber. Then fire Brendan Whitworth for being asleep at the wheel or having his head up his ass. Your choice.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:36 PM (YqDXo)

120 As fun as your read is, Ace, I need to run over to see Larry Correia, another Mormon, dismantle this assh0le.

Posted by: A Concerned Citizan at April 14, 2023 04:36 PM (zcPgo)

121 Oh, store stop on way home guy on Harley comes around corner in parking lot and cuts it hard and hit brakes slowly dumping it. Think he thought I wasn't going to stop but did. He couldn't get it back up so got out and helped him. Two of us barely got it up.

Posted by: Skip at April 14, 2023 04:37 PM (xhxe8)

122 You want to learn to write? Write. Read. Study. But don't go to classes or read books about how to write.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:25 PM (0hOvj)

I actually learned some good points from a book on writing realistic dialog. Writing dialog is not something that anyone does outside of writing a novel. It didn't come easy to me.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 14, 2023 04:37 PM (iFTx/)

123 Sanderson is boring and every new book has a new magic system. I’d also kill to make as much money as him

Posted by: Mr pink at April 14, 2023 04:37 PM (rHrVL)

124 Bud “Zima” Light

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:37 PM (OalnH)

125 That reads like some indie music snob decided to write about a fantasy author.

Posted by: ravenshrike at April 14, 2023 04:37 PM (2s2/5)

126 Any writer who wants their soul crushed should read Dante's thoughts on writing.

There are 4 distinct levels in any true work of Literature. Almost no writers can get beyond the first.

Posted by: Thesokorus at April 14, 2023 04:38 PM (2QKdE)

127 Mormons are kind of weird. Just sayin'.

everybody is kind of weird.
Posted by: brother anachronda at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (cFL1s)

Everyone views the other guy's religion as weird. Regardless, I hate how they go after religions they don't like. Mormons are targeted all of the time. That's even though I view their beliefs as heretical.

Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:38 PM (UelxP)

128 114 WIRED is the Bud Lite of tech fanzines.
Posted by: Regular joe at April 14, 2023 04:35 PM (nnp+f)



Posted by: Shy Lurking Voter at April 14, 2023 04:38 PM (e/Osv)

129 Chesterton once wrote that "In war, the moral is to the physical as ten to one." These people's arrogance isn't back up by their righteous arguments, truths or even their physical prowess. It's alleged to be backed up, falsely, by the power of a state they've seized power from, and have corrupted to oppress those with whom they disagree. It's will be a glorious day when they find out just how wrong they are.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 14, 2023 04:38 PM (8Voqu)

130 Mormons believe in a strong family, oppose abortion and are overwhelmingly white. Not a mystery why it is hated by the left.

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:39 PM (OalnH)

131 Glen Cook is the same way.

But not consistently enough! I want more Black Company and he is not getting any younger.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls - an election is simply a festival for the majority at April 14, 2023 04:39 PM (ppBhU)

132 I wonder if it is obvious to anyone else that this journalist is oozing with jealousy.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 14, 2023 04:39 PM (roH4R)

133 longer italican!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 14, 2023 04:39 PM (mMC7/)

134 Memo to A-B: Fire Alice Schickelgruber. Then fire Brendan Whitworth for being asleep at the wheel or having his head up his ass. Your choice.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:36 PM (YqDXo)

Why not BOTH!


Posted by: Shy Lurking Voter at April 14, 2023 04:39 PM (e/Osv)

135 Jason Shitlib has to reconcile that Sanderson probably tithes more in one year than he'll make in a lifetime of writing. I hope that burns.

Posted by: Roy at April 14, 2023 04:40 PM (rqgpJ)

136 (I'll be back in a couple weeks...)

Avoid laudanum.

Posted by: Sam Coleridge at April 14, 2023 04:40 PM (EXyHK)

137 Memo to A-B: Fire Alice Schickelgruber. Then fire Brendan Whitworth for being asleep at the wheel or having his head up his ass. Your choice.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:36 PM (YqDXo)

The "it was low level people" excuse is pathetic. One, they have a VP praising it. Second, they put its face on a can. Does a low level flunky decide can design? They all knew it. Now though they are being destroyed.

Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:40 PM (UelxP)

138 >>I want more Black Company

We all do.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:40 PM (qltEd)

139 I actually learned some good points from a book on writing realistic dialog. Writing dialog is not something that anyone does outside of writing a novel.

The best advice I heard (from Loren D Estleman) for new writers is to write plays. They're almost entirely dialog and have to be done in a way that is gripping right from the start. Every character has to be distinct, and you have to find a fresh way to say things, since the dialog carries the entire piece.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (0hOvj)

140 I see RINO scumbag Donald Trump Jr is telling people to stop the Bud boycott.

Posted by: Mark1971 at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (xPl2J)

141 133 longer italican!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 14, 2023 04:39 PM (mMC7/)


He has saved us!

Commander Taggert has saved us!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (UVZX7)

142 31 Ciampino's Rescue kitties NOW LIVE Streaming!!!

Much like Dexter, asleep at the foot of my bed.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:18 PM (0hOvj)
Yes. They are quite active at night and also get very excited when any of us go into the room. Scarlet (pregnant gray) gets so excited that she goes for the human hands rather than the bowl of food. Every day I expect to find kittens but no luck yet. Discovered a problem I knew nothing about, a fatal condition called Neonatal Isoerythrolysis.

Posted by: Ciampino - No kittens born yet at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (qfLjt)

143 If I ever found myself teaching a creative writing class, I'd teach about the mechanics of storytelling. What is a plot and how is it different from story? How do you write a plot?

I thought about writing, but after years of writing scientific papers I simply cannot do it. Engaging fiction tends to hide the ball, at least in the beginning, whereas scientific writing is exactly the opposite, trying to make as clear and cogent a point as possible right from the beginning. No "plot" twists, no surprise endings, etc. Writing that way now is an ingrained habit.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (YqDXo)

144 Leftists are all bitter, but evil scumbags.

Remember, these are the people who attacked Palins autistic child and rented a house next door to her to spy on her, literally going through her garbage.

Piss on them, piss on the whole lot of them.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (UZWlg)

145 129
'It's alleged to be backed up, falsely, by the power of a state they've seized power from, and have corrupted to oppress those with whom they disagree. '

Good observation. I wish I had come up with it.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (roH4R)

146 "Sanderson talks a lot, but almost none of it is usable, quotable."

Altogether too much truth and facts in his speaking, I'd wager.

Posted by: The Chap in the Deerstalker Cap at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (N/KJF)

147 138 >>I want more Black Company

We all do.
Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:40 PM (qltEd)

"Well . . . whatcha guys wearing? I can come right over, honey."

--- Lizzo

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 14, 2023 04:42 PM (iFTx/)

148 Two of us barely got it up.
Posted by: Skip


Ahem. Phrasing?

Posted by: Muldoon at April 14, 2023 04:42 PM (ykeLU)

149 140 I see RINO scumbag Donald Trump Jr is telling people to stop the Bud boycott.
Posted by: Mark1971 at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (xPl2J)

That'll get all the libtards on board.

Posted by: Roy at April 14, 2023 04:42 PM (rqgpJ)

The writer claims to be a "poet" of some low stature; I can only imagine how little money he makes,

$10 says that he has at least three poems in his portfolio with the opening line "In my dream..."

I used to hear that all the time in the Student Union when snooty literature students would show off, reciting their poetry to other students.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 14, 2023 04:42 PM (n+4am)

151 Two of us barely got it up.

You know, I was admonished about phrasing this morning…

Posted by: Stephen Price Blair at April 14, 2023 04:43 PM (EXyHK)

152 120 As fun as your read is, Ace, I need to run over to see Larry Correia, another Mormon, dismantle this assh0le.
Posted by: A Concerned Citizan at April 14, 2023 04:36 PM (zcPgo)

I just ran over to his website. He doesn't have anything to say about Sanderson (yet), but Jack Wylder does have a very colorful response to someone who's not patient enough to wait for some of Larry's books to come out. His response is...pretty salty.

Posted by: Darrell Harris at April 14, 2023 04:43 PM (/iWhV)

153 Mark me down as a Brandon Sanderson fan.
I've even met him several times, the first was just before Mistborn blew up and he was doing informal chats in Kirkland of all places.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards (Logan Tiberius 2012-2021) at April 14, 2023 04:43 PM (xcxpd)

154 Jason's poetry all has the same opening: "Dear Penthouse Forum..."

Posted by: Roy at April 14, 2023 04:43 PM (rqgpJ)

155 Also: study plays. Why did this work? How did he phrase that so it is so effective and memorable? Why did they choose that wording? How do these characters interact and why does it keep your attention?

Shakespeare is often performed in language so old its barely comprehensible and still is incredibly compelling and gripping. It takes about an act to get used to the language, but its powerful stuff. Why? There's your secret to writing dialog.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:43 PM (0hOvj)

156 This is what I drove all the way from San Francisco to the suburbs of Salt Lake City in the freezing-cold dead of winter for?

Listen, genius - even I know you aren't supposed to end a sentence with a preposition...

Posted by: Teresa in Fort Worth, Texas - Ace of Spades Ladies' Brigade, Plucky Comic Relief at April 14, 2023 04:44 PM (SRRAx)

157 The "it was low level people" excuse is pathetic. One, they have a VP praising it. Second, they put its face on a can. Does a low level flunky decide can design? They all knew it. Now though they are being destroyed.
Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:40 PM (UelxP)

See a ship's captain in the Navy try to lay off an eff-up by a subordinate. "It was YOUR job to make sure no eff-ups occurred, and one occurred, so you didn't do your job. You're relieved of duty."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:44 PM (YqDXo)

158 143 I thought about writing, but after years of writing scientific papers I simply cannot do it. Engaging fiction tends to hide the ball, at least in the beginning, whereas scientific writing is exactly the opposite, trying to make as clear and cogent a point as possible right from the beginning. No "plot" twists, no surprise endings, etc. Writing that way now is an ingrained habit.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (YqDXo)


The best plot twists are both completely unexpected and completely predictable because they're driven by characters and motivations.

Most writers create plot twits by hiding information from readers/viewers that readers/viewers should have. A book is written from the perspective of the killer, but we don't find out that the person is the killer until the end? How does he do that?! Mostly by just being coy and hiding things.

I hate the twist for the sake of the twist. I'd rather have a tragedy going towards an inevitable conclusion (Ahab talking about how he can't change and he is his own destruction to Starbuck, for example) than, "No, Ahab, I am your father."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:44 PM (UVZX7)

159 How do you write an article that purports to be about someone, yet only reveal things about yourself?

That takes an *astounding* lack of talent and awareness.

Posted by: ... at April 14, 2023 04:44 PM (BXxcV)

160 anderson was gracious.

Larry Fcukin' Correia will not be.

Posted by: He's gonna stomp him a new mud hole at April 14, 2023 04:29 PM (7wGBG)


please please please please let Larry do one of his takedowns.

Posted by: McLurkerson at April 14, 2023 04:44 PM (wNDOJ)

161 The statement by the AB president is so banal it will make things worse. Conservatives will avoid buying the swill,while the left will look at this as weakness and scream for more. I'll take more popcorn please

Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 14, 2023 04:44 PM (386ly)

162 >> This is what I drove all the way from San Francisco to the suburbs of Salt Lake City in the freezing-cold dead of winter for?

This guy sounds like a pussy.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (qltEd)

163 By definition the Church of the LDS is a cult. Guess you didn't know that. Try reading.
Neocons are so stupid. How stupid are they? So stupid they think they're conservatives.

Posted by: Nipsy Russell at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (EAg9Y)

164 The guy could have done the article in a few minutes if he cut it down to:

"I'm jealous".

Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (lTGtQ)

165 I used to hear that all the time in the Student Union when snooty literature students would show off, reciting their poetry to other students.

But did they have anything about crunchy figs and apes??

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (0hOvj)

166 "Wired" writer is whiny because having to write cuts into his butt-fisting time?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (tkR6S)

167 I wonder if Jason Kehe will figure it out when no one, ever again, allows him to write about them.

Posted by: tbodie..Lurker. Unless you are reading this. at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (4dfLj)

168 BREAKING: Joe Biden Says He’s "Writing" a Book

Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (RHGPo)

169 listened to a few minutes of the lecture, he seems pretty ok. It was at 1.25 speed so maybe he sucks slowed down.

Posted by: sockamster, gator at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (MLrvz)

170 Sidenote since this is about SciFi/Fantasy author: I'm reading Brent Weeks "Night Angel" trilogy. Still on first book "The Way of the Shadows" but suddenly want to do a side by side comparison between Weeks and George RR Martin on how mant characters get killed per chapter (not books, CHAPTER).


Note to Perfessor Squirrel: Gratuitous Deaths per book/chapter.

Posted by: Shy Lurking Voter at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (e/Osv)

171 If you're obsessed with material things, you will view other people as things, too.
Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at April 14, 2023 04:35 PM (pJWtt)

So very true.

Thank you.

Posted by: SMH at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (S39X0)

172 The writer claims to be a "poet" of some low stature; I can only imagine how little money he makes,

$10 says that he has at least three poems in his portfolio with the opening line "In my dream..."

I used to hear that all the time in the Student Union when snooty literature students would show off, reciting their poetry to other students.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 14, 2023 04:42 PM (n+4am)

"Roses are red, violets are blue ..."

Yeah, keep moving.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (YqDXo)

173 I’ve listened to a lot of Brandon Sanderson talks. His lectures on writing and worldbuilding and his podcast.

He’s fun to listen to because he is always thinking about “why does x work or why does y not work” when discussing media,

He’s also alluded, but not outright stated that his social views are progressive. But he doesn’t explicitly say so and he also has writing advice like “ don’t write a thinly veiled analogue to the Catholic Church and make them unambiguously evil.” So clearly that’s not enough.

Posted by: Joe, living dangerously at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (fKIdX)

174 Mormons are kind of weird. Just sayin'.


Their religion is kind of weird, but every Mormon I've ever known or met is pretty damn well put together, chill, hard-working, and pleasant to be around. Even the young ones.

So I dunno. Maybe they're onto something.

Posted by: McLurkerson at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (wNDOJ)

175 The Amazon tranny commercial - the one with the trans teen who embraces her 'stache by channeling Freddy Mercury - is worse than Bud Light. They just keep amping up.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (oWBc3)

176 See a ship's captain in the Navy try to lay off an eff-up by a subordinate. "It was YOUR job to make sure no eff-ups occurred, and one occurred, so you didn't do your job. You're relieved of duty."
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:44 PM (YqDXo)

Exactly. The board should hold an emergency meeting and fire the CEO with cause. You can tell they are hurting though because of how they are reacting. They are leaving a big blood trail as they try and escape.

Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (UelxP)

177 139 I actually learned some good points from a book on writing realistic dialog. Writing dialog is not something that anyone does outside of writing a novel.

The best advice I heard (from Loren D Estleman) for new writers is to write plays. They're almost entirely dialog and have to be done in a way that is gripping right from the start. Every character has to be distinct, and you have to find a fresh way to say things, since the dialog carries the entire piece.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (0hOvj)

Except I hate plays. Well, other than the true classics. What the book helped me with was actually REDUCING and simplifying my dialog. I had too much of it, too much exposition. "Show, don't tell." And since the book is third person omniscient, it was easy to offload some of the crappy expository dialog to narrative descriptions.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (iFTx/)

178 162 >> This is what I drove all the way from San Francisco to the suburbs of Salt Lake City in the freezing-cold dead of winter for?

This guy sounds like a pussy.
Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (qltEd)

He was just tense because he was riding with the metal anal plug and didn't have heated seats.

Posted by: Roy at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (rqgpJ)

179 I see RINO scumbag Donald Trump Jr is telling people to stop the Bud boycott.
Posted by: Mark1971 at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (xPl2J)

"“The company itself doesn’t participate in the same leftist nonsense as the other big conglomerates,” he said."

Has he not been paying attention?

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (DRSnL)

180 BREAKING: Joe Biden Says He’s "Writing" a Book
Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (RHGPo)

"Writing," "coloring in," pretty much the same thing.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (YqDXo)

181 The guy could have done the article in a few minutes if he cut it down to:

"I'm jealous".
Posted by: Thomas Paine at April 14, 2023 04:45 PM (lTGtQ)

No, he's envious.

Much more destructive than jealousy.

Posted by: SMH at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (S39X0)

182 you know, the difference I'm a rwnj who has tried hard to make money and I'm not currently "making $55M in one year selling sci fi novels" money making.

It doesn't make me mad or jelly. maybe it's all the catholic stuff about envy.

the goddless, detachable penis libs don't have moral guidance to calm their souls

Posted by: sockamster, gator at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (MLrvz)

The best advice I heard (from Loren D Estleman) for new writers is to write plays. They're almost entirely dialog and have to be done in a way that is gripping right from the start. Every character has to be distinct, and you have to find a fresh way to say things, since the dialog carries the entire piece.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:41 PM (0hOvj)


Being a writer, what are your thoughts in general on the over proliferation of writing?

A lot of the stuff Sarah Hoyt promotes (friends works?) on Instapundit seems trite from reading the synopsis.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (QnIJ2)

184 The New York Times reported Thursday that the warrantless surveillance of Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL) was a counterintelligence measure.

As Congress inches towards the December deadline to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a law that allows intelligence agencies to collect communications of targeted foreigners, LaHood made the startling revelation that he believed the FBI surveilled him through Section 702 without “limiters,” as revealed by a Justice Department (DOJ) and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) routine audit.

Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (RHGPo)

185 VP is low level relatively speaking in a company as big as AB. And she’s VP of marketing, for Bud Light, one of 100+ brands. People hear VP and think second in command. Not really how it works. There’s probably several hundred vps in the company.

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (OalnH)

186 The Amazon tranny commercial - the one with the trans teen who embraces her 'stache by channeling Freddy Mercury - is worse than Bud Light. They just keep amping up.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (oWBc3)

I didn't think she was a tranny. Just...hirsute.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (DRSnL)

187 He was just tense because he was riding with the metal anal plug and didn't have heated seats.
Posted by: Roy at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (rqgpJ)

And the potholes. The horror!

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (YqDXo)

188 Shakespeare is often performed in language so old its barely comprehensible and still is incredibly compelling and gripping. It takes about an act to get used to the language, but its powerful stuff. Why? There's your secret to writing dialog.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:43 PM (0hOvj)

Chris, if your standard is Willie, not alot of room now.

Posted by: JmT at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (BR6SG)

189 Orson Scott Card had gotten endless crap from the Left for similar reasons.

Posted by: MartynWW at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (Ur3df)

"“The company itself doesn’t participate in the same leftist nonsense as the other big conglomerates,” he said."

Has he not been paying attention?
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (DRSnL)


Too late

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 14, 2023 04:48 PM (QnIJ2)

191 Except I hate plays. Well, other than the true classics.

Me too, and its tough to read a play. But its pretty easy to write them and its a great exercise for writing dialog.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (0hOvj)

192 Has he not been paying attention?
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (DRSnL)

He noticed when the check cleared.

Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (UelxP)

193 If Sanderson was a muzzy this would've been a fawning piece about a great family man with an outsized work ethic who has redefined a genre and somehow made millions while remaining borderline anonymous to the general population.

It might've even lamented that someone so successful not be more of a mainstream name.

It certainly would've lauded his wife and friends as steady presences who serve as the foundation from which he finds success.

But, he's a Mormon so fuck him in his stupid boring ass.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (KbCG3)

194 He came to write a hit-piece. Stop being such a pussy.

Posted by: ace

I'm reminded of these lyrics from a song some of the kids may be listening to these days:

Man, you're killin' my vibe, do you know who I am? Oh yeah.

They take my kindness for weakness. Still comin' out strong

Maybe Sanderson is oblivious. Maybe not. Don't make the mistake of possibly mistaking kindness for weakness.

Posted by: ... at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (BXxcV)

195 What the hell is this Jason guy's problem? Grindr app wasn't getting any hits while he was in Utah?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (Bd6X8)

196 around the traditional cultural gatekeepers and make tons of money even if the untalented shitlibs occupying positions of power in legacy cultural institutions would prefer to reject you.


oh roight, m8.

there were these rumblings a few years back about how Elaine Bennis and all the other gal bosses in publishing were no longer interested in white men. can't get published.

I note that Sanderson ... is white.

weird. he was rejected by the legacy cathedral and went rogue.

Posted by: sockamster, gator at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (MLrvz)

197 Biden is writing a book of Irish, and Polish, and Puerto Rican poetry. Dylan on LSD.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (oWBc3)

198 189 Orson Scott Card had gotten endless crap from the Left for similar reasons.
Posted by: MartynWW at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (Ur3df)


Reviews of Ender's Game got hilarious after they targeted him.

When they actually engage with the book, they see a guy who has little problem with multi-culturalism because his characters at Battle School are from every walk of life, and the reviewer says, "It doesn't make sense that such a virulent homophobe would be okay with a Muslim character in his book. This is inexplicable."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (UVZX7)

199 Orson Scott Card had gotten endless crap from the Left for similar reasons.
Posted by: MartynWW at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (Ur3df)

Scott tried to placate them which of course did the opposite.

Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (UelxP)

200 Well, I've never read Sanderson but I've heard his name. Any morons want to clue a guy in on where best to start (preferably without committing to a lengthy series)?

If it matters, I am a more-than-casual but not necessarily obsessive fan of the fantasy genre. I'm currently enjoying the Witcher book series. Read the entire series of Lone Wolf gamebooks (like Choose Your Own Adventure meets D&D) when I was a kid. I thoroughly enjoyed the new D&D movie, but my favorite sword & sorcery flick is easily the original Conan: The Barbarian. Where would be a good place to start with Sanderson's work?

Posted by: Caiwyn at April 14, 2023 04:50 PM (Bmy9A)

201 Didn't Sanderson finish the Wheel of Time series too?

Posted by: Tuna at April 14, 2023 04:50 PM (gLRfa)

Everything you need to know about writing is in Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules for Writing

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 14, 2023 04:50 PM (n+4am)

203 I didn't think she was a tranny. Just...hirsute.
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (DRSnL)


It was hard to tell but my understanding is that was a girl with a hair lip.

However, her dancing in class was douche level so maybe “she” was a guy.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (QnIJ2)

204 182 you know, the difference I'm a rwnj who has tried hard to make money and I'm not currently "making $55M in one year selling sci fi novels" money making.

It doesn't make me mad or jelly. maybe it's all the catholic stuff about envy.

the goddless, detachable penis libs don't have moral guidance to calm their souls
Posted by: sockamster, gator at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (MLrvz)

Liberals see someone making money and they think a few things: 1) does this person deserve it (i.e., do they align with my values), 2) how come they have it and I don't, 3) if they didn't make all that money it would be going to me.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (KbCG3)

205 >>And the potholes. The horror!

"Do you know there is not a single place to get Sushi between Tahoe and SLC!?"

"I mean...except Reno. But who goes to RENO?"

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (qltEd)

206 No phrasing, a fkin Harley probably weighing half a ton

Posted by: Skip at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (xhxe8)

207 a "real media" outlet like Wired

I stopped reading Wired a few years ago when they ran an article explaining that Venezuela was having blackouts because the Venezuelan economy was growing so gosh-darn rapidly that of course they were running out of power.

Oh, and Venezuela was having a drought, so they got less output from their hydro dams, so of course they had blackouts. Just like how other hydro-dependent systems like the Pacific Northwest, New Zealand, Norway, et. al. have blackouts every time they have a bad water year.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (2tUFv)

208 What the hell is this Jason guy's problem? Grindr app wasn't getting any hits while he was in Utah?

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Z28.310 at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (Bd6X


Pack it in. Threadwinnah.

Posted by: McLurkerson at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (wNDOJ)

209 Leftists wouldn’t be caught dead with a Bud. They loathe Bud and any other mad marketed brand. It’s all about the locally sourced organic micro brews for them. This was such a monumentally stupid move on so many levels. Anger the people who buy your product to please people who never will.

Posted by: Montec at April 14, 2023 04:52 PM (OalnH)

210 >>Didn't Sanderson finish the Wheel of Time series too?

Yes. Though you can pick out the part
s that Jordan wrote and the ones that Sanderson filled in. Still. He didn't ruin it. And that says a lot.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:52 PM (qltEd)

211 It was hard to tell but my understanding is that was a girl with a hair lip.

However, her dancing in class was douche level so maybe “she” was a guy.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (QnIJ2)

I thought she was that Ella Emhoff chick...

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at April 14, 2023 04:52 PM (ZSK0i)

212 Didn't Sanderson finish the Wheel of Time series too?
Posted by: Tuna at April 14, 2023 04:50 PM (gLRfa)
Yes he did.

Some fans weren't too keen on how Sanderson wrote the last three books, but I thought they were magnificent.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 14, 2023 04:52 PM (YIVH2)

213 "Venezuela was having blackouts because the Venezuelan economy was growing so gosh-darn rapidly that of course they were running out of power."

Coming to the USA.

Posted by: fd at April 14, 2023 04:53 PM (iayUP)

214 I find the fact that Christians are the A#1 Numero Uno openly designated enemy of the demonic "shitlibs" to be a source of constant revelation.

There is a lot to be learned there. A lot that once seen cannot be unseen.

Posted by: ... at April 14, 2023 04:53 PM (BXxcV)

215 A friend of mine is very #Based, but he frequently hangs out with old friend I've lost touch with. They're neoliberals -- shitlibs. And my friend complains to me: "They all say they're good little socialists and want to do nothing but to improve the lot of the Poor Black Man in America, but all they ever talk about is money, unceasingly, and how it's a cosmic injustice they're not making more of it and how it's even worse that everyone who is stupider than they are -- and according to them, everyone in the world is stupider than they are -- is making more money than them.


I read these words and instantly thought, "Hillary Clinton."

Posted by: rd at April 14, 2023 04:53 PM (Z32m1)

216 "Well, I've never read Sanderson but I've heard his name. Any morons want to clue a guy in on where best to start (preferably without committing to a lengthy series)? "


Posted by: Tuna at April 14, 2023 04:53 PM (gLRfa)

217 Does Ace's neoliberal shitlib friends know what he does for a living?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at April 14, 2023 04:53 PM (F9x34)

218 Chris, if your standard is Willie, not alot of room now.

Well the purpose is to learn, not equal. I'm surely not up to the task. But I can study what he did and go "ooh, that was clever" to learn why it worked and what he did to make the line really pop.

Being a writer, what are your thoughts in general on the over proliferation of writing?

Meh, I wish I was one of a very few people writing for Kindle so there would be less competition for notice, but its self-sorting. If you write a crappy book with a crappy pose app for a cover, its going to show. Yeah its hard to be noticed in the sea of new books coming out, but quality has a value of its own and I have noticed that the more I write, the more I sell, even of older stuff.

I have not read any of Sarah Hoyt's books but they win awards and sell like hotcakes, so she must know something.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:53 PM (0hOvj)

219 Jason has a lot of envy.

Writing envy. Penis envy. Mormon envy.

He needs to relax and take up smoking cigarettes to calm his nerves.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 14, 2023 04:54 PM (R/m4+)

220 He's a person, remember, just like each of us.

Not like me.
Ace just un-personed himself?

Posted by: Axeman at April 14, 2023 04:54 PM (krQz2)

221 I find the fact that Christians are the A#1 Numero Uno openly designated enemy of the demonic "shitlibs" to be a source of constant revelation.

I wear that as a badge of honor.

Posted by: SMH at April 14, 2023 04:54 PM (S39X0)

222 weird how leftist HR karens hijack an industry and gatekeep talented people out of it.

like ya boi zack

Posted by: sockamster, gator at April 14, 2023 04:55 PM (MLrvz)

223 Liberals see someone making money and they think a few things: 1) does this person deserve it (i.e., do they align with my values), 2) how come they have it and I don't, 3) if they didn't make all that money it would be going to me.
Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 14, 2023 04:51 PM (KbCG3)

Liberals, leftists, socialists, communists, progressives etc. think life is a zero-sum game, that what one person gains must necessarily be at the expense of others.

A ridiculous notion, but critical thinking is not their strong suit.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:55 PM (YqDXo)

224 216 "Well, I've never read Sanderson but I've heard his name. Any morons want to clue a guy in on where best to start (preferably without committing to a lengthy series)? "

Posted by: Tuna at April 14, 2023 04:53 PM (gLRfa)


Posted by: Caiwyn at April 14, 2023 04:55 PM (Bmy9A)

225 C.A.T I doubt it

Posted by: Skip at April 14, 2023 04:55 PM (xhxe8)

226 Exactly. The board should hold an emergency meeting and fire the CEO with cause. You can tell they are hurting though because of how they are reacting. They are leaving a big blood trail as they try and escape.
Posted by: Crom Laughs at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (UelxP)

I still remain skeptical. Have they done the obvious thing that demonstrates remorse and recanted?

No they have not. All we have is some reporting from the "news" that some people are concerned. Not concerned enough to actually do something mind you.

Posted by: blaster at April 14, 2023 04:55 PM (pwExq)

227 I wear that as a badge of honor.

Posted by: SMH at April 14, 2023 04:54 PM (S39X0)

I don't even bother. Fuck 'em.

Posted by: ... at April 14, 2023 04:56 PM (BXxcV)

228 Trys to belittle the guy and his son for putting salt on their food. Geez, you really are a loser dude.

Posted by: cfo mom at April 14, 2023 04:56 PM (Q8bDL)

229 The AB CEO released an apology letter which basically amounts to "I don't even understand what the fuck just happened here" and also "Please start drinking our beer again, because our distributors are getting killed, but I am treading lightly so I don't piss anyone off."

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at April 14, 2023 04:56 PM (F9x34)

230 The real complaint here is that Sanderson is popular. Not the writer complaining. Not the people turning out leftwing schlock.

It is jealousy pure and simple.

Posted by: 18-1 at April 14, 2023 04:56 PM (lc5cP)

231 Sanderson isn't just an insanely prolific writer, he's also a mensch. He's been using his considerable writerly status to undermine Amazon's audiobook near-monopoly (even going so far as to turn down a very generous offer for the secret novels when they told him no-one else would get such an offer and choosing to instead put those audiobooks only on competing audiobook platforms).

Here's a recent piece on the issue on Sanderson's website by Cory Doctorow which I think would be of interest to most readers of this site:

Posted by: Dodd at April 14, 2023 04:57 PM (xgH1n)

232 Ah -- just like with #NeverTrump -- the self-devouring green-eyed monster bursts it's ugly little alien head through yet another cuck's chest breastfeeders.

Posted by: ShainS -- The Abolition of The West is from Men Without Chests at April 14, 2023 04:57 PM (GGupb)

233 the reviewer says, "It doesn't make sense that such a virulent homophobe would be okay with a Muslim character in his book. This is inexplicable."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (UVZX7)
'Specially since all Muslims are homos.

Posted by: Axeman at April 14, 2023 04:57 PM (krQz2)

234 Who cast a lifeline to Wired?

Posted by: mrp at April 14, 2023 04:57 PM (rj6Yv)

Chris, if your standard is Willie, not alot of room now.

My standard is Willie.

Posted by: Pete Buttigieg at April 14, 2023 04:57 PM (63Dwl)

236 "It is jealousy pure and simple"


Posted by: Tuna at April 14, 2023 04:57 PM (gLRfa)

237 Megyn Kelly says Bud Light should have used ‘genuinely dysphoric’ Caitlyn Jenner instead of Dylan Mulvaney -NY Post

Translated: You should have picked another mental case.

Matt (I believe in queers adopting young kids) Schlapp approves of Kelly's message.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 14, 2023 04:57 PM (DMyTF)

238 I know ACE has tens of thousands of readers but even so, there is a disproportionate number of really good authors in the horde. I recommend checking them out -- you won't get assaulted with woke crap, you'll enjoy the stories, and you will be surprised how clever and skilled people are around here.

When I published my first book I figured I'd be an oddball here, the guy who wrote something and self published. But there's a lot around here.

Goodreads has a group for HQ readers and there's a shelf there with hundreds of books by horde authors. YOu want to give your buddies around here a hand, or promote good writing that isn't offensive to your soul? Here's your huckleberry

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:58 PM (0hOvj)

239 229 The AB CEO released an apology letter which basically amounts to "I don't even understand what the fuck just happened here" and also "Please start drinking our beer again, because our distributors are getting killed, but I am treading lightly so I don't piss anyone off."
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at April 14, 2023 04:56 PM (F9x34)


"But, your beer is so bland and tasteless. I had little opinion of it before."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:58 PM (UVZX7)

240 The AB CEO released an apology letter which basically amounts to "I don't even understand what the fuck just happened here" and also "Please start drinking our beer again, because our distributors are getting killed, but I am treading lightly so I don't piss anyone off."
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at April 14, 2023 04:56 PM (F9x34)

"Also I've got a big ass knot on my forehead from stepping on that rake."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:58 PM (YqDXo)

241 >>The real complaint here is that Sanderson is popular.

He can't even walk down the street in his native Peruvia.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 04:58 PM (qltEd)

242 I don't know if the Mormon Bible includes the concept of pouring hot coals on your enemies heads but he's got a true knack for it.

He's not going to lose a single reader or dollar from this shitlibs article. And getting into an Internet slap fight is punching way way down.

Yes it would have been a thing of beauty to watch him come off the top rope, but this was probably better.

Posted by: blaster at April 14, 2023 04:58 PM (pwExq)

243 Underwear envy?

Posted by: Just Wondering at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (DhOHl)

244 Liberals, leftists, socialists, communists, progressives etc. think life is a zero-sum game, that what one person gains must necessarily be at the expense of others.

A ridiculous notion, but critical thinking is not their strong suit.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:55 PM (YqDXo)

Whenever athletes salaries come up, I'm always quick to point out that if athlete A went from making $30 million a year to $20,000 a year, that $29 million wouldn't automatically flow into any of our pockets.

That usually ends those convos.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (KbCG3)

245 "It doesn't make sense that such a virulent homophobe would be okay with a Muslim character in his book. This is inexplicable."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at April 14, 2023 04:49 PM (UVZX7)


Posted by: ... at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (BXxcV)

246 How did he miss Larry Correia? He's a Maga-Mormon who has written a lot about his critics in the same vein. Wanna-be's who can't stand it that fantasy writers like him are popular and they aren't.

Posted by: Donald Freeman at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (E2ctN)

247 Megyn Kelly says Bud Light should have used ‘genuinely dysphoric’ Caitlyn Jenner Kate Upton]/b] instead of Dylan Mulvaney -NY Post


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (YqDXo)

248 It's nice the Woke are employing mental illness cases, letting them teach children and as product spokesman. How else will they be able to support themselves?

Posted by: Skip at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (xhxe8)

249 I'm not sure what's more depressing ... the hit piece or this guy's response to it.

Posted by: Bea Arthur's Dick at April 14, 2023 05:00 PM (TU8Tj)

250 How did he miss Larry Correia? He's a Maga-Mormon who has written a lot about his critics in the same vein.

Too easy a target, people have been attacking him for years. Sanderson had flown under the radar until now.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 05:00 PM (0hOvj)

251 Another hated Sci-Fi and Mormon Author is Larry Correia.

Larry did Sad Puppies, which proved the World Science Fiction Association was an incestuous ball of self dealing liberal hacks pushing woke BS instead of good, or even mediocre Science Fiction.

Mr. Corriea's latest offense is writing a Non-Fiction book, "In Defense of the Decond Amendment."

Posted by: rd at April 14, 2023 05:00 PM (Z32m1)

252 Underwear envy?
Posted by: Just Wondering at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (DhOHl)

Oh, good one!

Definitely Underwear envy.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at April 14, 2023 05:01 PM (R/m4+)

253 In the Philadelphia area, there is a strip of towns and villages along the west around "The Main Line" of the suburban railroad line. This is the "better part" of the Philadelphia area .. or so the story goes.

I guy I worked was moving to Philadelphia and was guided to go to the cocktail circuit on "The Main Line" to look for a neighborhood to live in.

He mentioned that at every one of these cocktail events the parents would always talk about how they have a "Gifted Child". This guy said his to children weren't stupid, but certainly not gifted, so he bought a house further West in West Chester.

Posted by: SMOD at April 14, 2023 05:01 PM (RHGPo)

254 229 The AB CEO released an apology letter which basically amounts to "I don't even understand what the fuck just happened here" and also "Please start drinking our beer again, because our distributors are getting killed, but I am treading lightly so I don't piss anyone off."


what does it benefit a CCEO to sell his product bigly if he loses his DEI soul

Posted by: sockamster, gator at April 14, 2023 05:01 PM (MLrvz)

255 Underwear envy?
Posted by: Just Wondering at April 14, 2023 04:59 PM (DhOHl)
That's what I was thinking. He just wants to wear the magic underwear.

Posted by: Axeman at April 14, 2023 05:01 PM (krQz2)

256 I always like telling people who say athletes are paid too much, "So you're for that money staying in the pockets of the billionaires who pay them?"

Great way to get a deer in the headlights look for a second before the programming has time to kick in and they spout some bullshit or other and go back to Dreamland.

Posted by: ... at April 14, 2023 05:01 PM (BXxcV)

257 As a "poet" (for some definitions of the word) of notable low stature I can vouch for the fact that one does not make any money at all writing poetry, at least in the form of limericks. However, if the keys are world-building and wordiness, my next limerick will be 130,000 words long and involve an alien civilization in another galaxy.

There once was a life form from Mars
Who wanted to fly to the stars...

(I'll be back in a couple weeks...)
Posted by: Muldoon at April 14, 2023 04:34 PM (ykeLU)

You know one poet who did make money from book sales, and did quite well, indeed? Robert W. Service.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at April 14, 2023 05:01 PM (tkR6S)

258 I read very little fantasy and I don't know how or why 3 of the Mistborn books showed up at my place.
Mistborn is well written and engaging.

I don't know if I'd go out and buy any of his books on purpose; but, he can write a story, use good english, and not drop any threads.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 14, 2023 05:02 PM (TJwQV)

259 Would you let Dylan Mulvaney babysit your kids?

Posted by: Maj. Healey at April 14, 2023 05:02 PM (DMyTF)

260 the "victor" should curb stomp his enemies when they are down ... several times to be sure they never get up ...

Posted by: The Dark Lord at April 14, 2023 05:02 PM (5cMUX)

261 I'm not a a big reader of fiction but this guy seems like a real hard worker and is excelling in a difficult field. Good on him.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, a literal ray of sunshine at April 14, 2023 05:02 PM (jTmQV)

262 I read my first Sanderson book, I think, two years ago. My son had recommended it. The Way of Kings. It is brilliant. I have gone on to read a bunch of others with the Mistborn Series being another great one. I also bought into the kickstarter and just received the second book. these were the ones he wrote during the pandemic. They are more YA than I usually read but still entertaining. I did not perceive a hint of wokeness which is probably why they hate him.
It is okay for Hunter to sell a painting for a half million dollars because his name is Biden but a brilliant writer with hundreds of thousands of fans is not allowed to get rich off his talent.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 14, 2023 05:02 PM (Y+l9t)

263 Good writers don't necessarily make good speakers, and vice versa.

At my wife's college graduation, they had an author as a speaker. She read excerpts from her book (or maybe they were poems. I forget). Lost the audience in under a minute. Nobody was listening.

Saw another speaker at a conference I was at. Very energetic, very animated, very entertaining. So I tried reading his book. Could only get through about two pages. Just horrible, horrible writing.

Posted by: No One Of Consequence at April 14, 2023 05:03 PM (uPgE/)

264 nood

Posted by: Infidel at April 14, 2023 05:04 PM (/0+YE)

265 I don't know if I'd go out and buy any of his books on purpose; but, he can write a story, use good english, and not drop any threads.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at April 14, 2023 05:02 PM (TJwQV)
Sanderson EXCELS at tying up threads at the end of his stories. He managed to pull almost all of the loose threads in Wheel of Time into a cohesive ending. It was a neat trick considering how many loose threads were wandering around after 11 lengthy novels...

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 14, 2023 05:04 PM (YIVH2)

266 Is it like Mittens being "extremely severely conservative". These gibbering soyboys are tiresome
Posted by: Smell the Glove at April 14, 2023 04:14


Posted by: olddog in mo at April 14, 2023 05:04 PM (ju2Fy)

267 CEOs "apology" is not we are sorry we did this. It's sorry you are upset. We're just poor old beer drinking schlubs who want to make a good beer for everybody (including that weirdo)!

Posted by: blaster at April 14, 2023 05:04 PM (pwExq)

268 The worst part about being a writer is the part nobody tells you you will need: being a publicist too. Selling your work, promoting and marketing it. Some people are brilliant at this too (like Louis L'Amour). Most suck at it. I haven't the energy to even try beyond the most basic effort.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 05:04 PM (0hOvj)

269 Excellent takedown, Ace!

Posted by: ShainS -- The Abolition of The West is from Men Without Chests at April 14, 2023 05:05 PM (GGupb)

270 It's not jealousy, it's envy. Jealousy means you want what someone else has; envy means you want to see what someone else burn. That's why envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.
Posted by: Regular joe at April 14, 2023 04:33 PM (nnp+f)

The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, lust, and five other things.

Posted by: Dr. Pork Chops & Bacons at April 14, 2023 05:05 PM (BdMk6)

271 Megyn Kelly says Bud Light should have used ‘genuinely dysphoric’ Caitlyn Jenner

Oh dear Lord, and this is a person on "our side". FFS I could honestly use a lot less of these people on my side.

I mean, she did already show us what she was. And then expects just to walk it back like it never happened and reap the rewards.

Kind of like Anheuser-Busch really.

Posted by: ... at April 14, 2023 05:05 PM (BXxcV)

272 The Powder Mage series by Brian Mclelland is also well worth the time.

And if I am not wrong, he speaks glowingly of Sanderson in his author's notes.

Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 05:06 PM (qltEd)

273 Good writers don't necessarily make good speakers, and vice versa.

Boy howdy, but that's true. Richard Rhodes, author of "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" and "Dark Sun", absolutely excels in that field.

And he's the most deadly dull speaker you'd ever want to meet.

Posted by: Additional Blond Agent, STEM Guy at April 14, 2023 05:06 PM (ZSK0i)

274 "In the five months or so it has taken me to sit down and write this magazine story, which is 4,000 words long..."

Dude! Your story is too long. Let me write it for you:

"I hate Brandon Sanderson because he's better than me in every way imaginable."

There. Your story in 3,987 fewer tiresome words. Get the freakin' beam of a mote out of your own eye.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at April 14, 2023 05:06 PM (aXxgO)

275 CEO's non-apology means AB needs more pain.
Pain is a wonderful teacher.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, a literal ray of sunshine at April 14, 2023 05:08 PM (jTmQV)

276 Let's go, Brandon.

Posted by: Axeman at April 14, 2023 05:08 PM (krQz2)

277 "I am not offended that the true me bores him. Honestly, I'm a guy who enjoys his job, loves his family, and is a little obsessive about his stories."

Heh. So very Mormon. Love it.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at April 14, 2023 05:09 PM (aXxgO)

278 186 The Amazon tranny commercial - the one with the trans teen who embraces her 'stache by channeling Freddy Mercury - is worse than Bud Light. They just keep amping up.
Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at April 14, 2023 04:46 PM (oWBc3)

I didn't think she was a tranny. Just...hirsute.
Posted by: Jordan61 at April 14, 2023 04:47 PM (DRSnL)

Don't think she's tranny but seriously? in the real world she would not be cool. She would still be an ugly weirdo.

Posted by: Iris at April 14, 2023 05:11 PM (foa6+)

279 Do you think we can take up a collection to pay this Vice guy to go interview and write an article about Larry Correia?

Posted by: Thatch at April 14, 2023 05:11 PM (D9qzU)

280 i know I got here late, but wanted to mention to Garret if you are still here. I just got he second book from the kickstarter and it does not take place in the Cosmere. It's titled The Frugal Wizard's Handbook to Surviving Medieval England.
Very different but like Tress of the Emerald Isle seems more YA than the Stormlight Archive.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 14, 2023 05:13 PM (Y+l9t)

281 "Like the Democrat Party itself, the media is just cheap vengeance for measly souls. "


Posted by: Miley, okravangelist at April 14, 2023 05:14 PM (Mzdiz)

282 272 The Powder Mage series by Brian Mclelland is also well worth the time.

And if I am not wrong, he speaks glowingly of Sanderson in his author's notes.
Posted by: garrett at April 14, 2023 05:06 PM (qltEd)

I kinda liked that series. The thing petered out though. Great central idea though. The Mad Lancer guy was cool.

Most new fiction seems to get neutered by editors (almost all female).

Posted by: Thesokorus at April 14, 2023 05:15 PM (fRHst)

283 "15 The "New Yorkers" who dominate the New York publishing houses rely on blackmail as much as financial control to keep people in line, and are absolutely baffled by the fact observant Mormons like Sanderson and Myers don't seem to have hooks. More, the idea that a Sanderson can become wildly popular simply by putting out book after book, as opposed to being a Rothfuss or Martin, has to terrify the publishers who think epic fantasy has to be measured in decades."

Nailed it. I tried breaking into mainstream publishing with my first two historical novels - you know, just because. Well, as it turned out, I couldn't get the time of day from any of the agencies, because, as they snottily informed me, "We don't consider westerns." Me protesting, "But it's historical fiction, set on the 19th century frontier!" buttered no parsnips, as far as the NY publishing world was concerned.

I'd guess that it absolutely fries members of the Old Guard of the Literary Industrial Complex (based in NY, of course) that indy writers can route around the gatekeepers of the trampled-flat gates, and find an audience - and make a decent living at it, too.

Posted by: Sgt. Mom at April 14, 2023 05:16 PM (xnmPy)

284 "More, the idea that a Sanderson can become wildly popular simply by putting out book after book, as opposed to being a Rothfuss or Martin, has to terrify the publishers who think epic fantasy has to be measured in decades."

Still waiting for that third Rothfuss novel. LOL

Posted by: Tuna at April 14, 2023 05:18 PM (gLRfa)

285 Still waiting for that third Rothfuss novel. LOL

Posted by: Tuna at April 14, 2023 05:18 PM

Me too!!

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 14, 2023 05:20 PM (Y+l9t)

286 Larry Correis (who I see others have already mentioned) posted a piece on his blog (Monster Hunter Nation) quite a while back that had his list of where you rate on the writer scale. Up at the top, of course, was the super successful authors who sell ridiculous numbers of books (ex. J. K. Rowling). But the thing that would likely surprise many is that simply having a published novel (even self-published) was enough to get you half-way up the list. The bottom half was filled with all of the "Yeah, I'm a writer; I'll finish up my first novel any year now," sorts of statuses. Those are the statuses for the guys who always claim to be working on their novel, but never seem to finish it.

As for this guy - I'm reminded of the hit piece on Rowling a while back that complained that Rowling needed to stop writing so that other authors could get shelf space. /rolleyes

Posted by: junior at April 14, 2023 05:22 PM (pdn6H)

287 I like Sanderson's response. A nice shiv wrapped in kindness. If you want to see full blown throat punch stomp you in the face responses, check out Larry Correia.

Posted by: Stacy0311 at April 14, 2023 05:24 PM (ixC6O)

288 >>>epic fantasy in 57-volume books, each big enough to crush a kitten.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 14, 2023 04:17 PM (0hOvj)


We'll be the judge of that, thanks.

Posted by: Pet-Crushing Tomes Lab at April 14, 2023 05:26 PM (wzAuc)

289 Willard Gibbs, Josiah also known to be boring. absolute epic monster, contributions to physics. Descriptions he might consider defamatory by their emotive use. Reputation by other colleagues was a waste of time to talk to.

Many Goth people never change, except usually their clothes after high school. Not surprising about the likely bad and dissolute poetry and his self cocoon of invective for the world and its inhabitants. Christians and Whites are the Jew in 1933 Germany. Goths and Nazis look alike but don't have to act alike, but hatred of others keeps him from evolving past high school.

Posted by: jeremiah at April 14, 2023 05:26 PM (h04CF)

290 @265 Sanderson EXCELS at tying up threads at the end of his stories.


He also requires that everything in his settings be internally consistent and make sense. He won't just say, "A wizard did it.". He'll have notes somewhere (that the reader might finally see five novels later) explaining exactly how the magic worked.

Posted by: junior at April 14, 2023 05:27 PM (pdn6H)

291 Shadow banned!!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!!

Posted by: NipsyRussel at April 14, 2023 05:35 PM (L7p8z)

292 I've read most of Sanderson's work. Mistborn is my favorite fantasy trilogy. His high fantasy is epic. His juvenile fantasy is well written and engaging.

There's a reason he's succeeding. He writes what people want to read in a way that keeps you reading.

He does all that without rocking the boat. That's why the left hates him.

Posted by: NJRob at April 14, 2023 05:35 PM (WrFEy)

293 Sanderson's Wax and Wayne series is fantastic. The dialog is incredible.
When he creates a world, it actually works. In The Way of Kings, there are illustrations of his flora and fauna that make sense. And as someone said, his stories actually tie up the loose ends so you fell satisfied having just read 900 0r so pages.
This is why I will never ever read another JRR Martin book.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 14, 2023 05:41 PM (Y+l9t)

294 Fascinating.

I read a lot of Sci-Fi, most everything from Issac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Larry Niven and recently Max Mason. I've honestly never heard of Brandon Sanderson, however if a leftist poet hates him this much then I'm definitely going to BUY and READ his works.

Thanks for the recommend! 👍

Posted by: Tracy at April 14, 2023 05:45 PM (x/M8p)

295 What's funny is everyone assumes Mormons are right-wingers. The leadership though has gone very, very woke. The average Mormon follower though is usually pretty conservative.

Sort of reminds me of the Catholic Church.

Posted by: Blago at April 14, 2023 05:49 PM (cOFom)

296 Big three in NBA now? Probably LeBron, Steph and KD and who else? An aging league. The NFL is king of all sports.

Posted by: JmT at April 14, 2023 05:56 PM (BR6SG)

297 "and as a writer, he is my colleague"

That is going to cut Jason more than anything.

Posted by: DCPensFan at April 14, 2023 05:56 PM (LLzuj)

298 I'm a writer, and it always amuses me that so many people think it's a glamorous job involving lots of cocktail parties. In reality, it's me, sitting at home alone in sweatpants, tip-tap-typing and saying no to almost every invitation tossed my way. It's a very solitary, boring life, and I am a very solitary, boring person.

Posted by: Scout at April 14, 2023 06:03 PM (+pqbt)



We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Brendan Whitworth said.


"Because we're stupid."

Posted by: Semi-Literate Thug at April 14, 2023 06:05 PM (4Aqsh)

We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” Anheuser-Busch InBev CEO Brendan Whitworth said.


"Because we're stupid."

I was thinking that way until I read his whole statement. Now I can add evil, vacuous, condescending, and mendacious.

Posted by: Auspex at April 14, 2023 06:10 PM (j4U/Z)

301 Correction Sanderson made 45 million on his kickstarter campaign. All this for secret novels. He had different tiers and people were paying as much as 500$ to get the entire collection. Better yet, he used that money to help other writer reach their funding goals.

So yeah he's just not a consistent, disciplined writer, he actually helps out other writers.

Posted by: Xaver Basora at April 14, 2023 06:16 PM (q1MgB)

302 I read some of his books in gratitude for his finishing the Wheel of Time series.

Posted by: Goatweed at April 14, 2023 06:21 PM (0Q/6W)

303 “There once was a life form from Mars
Who wanted to fly to the stars”

He arrived on our planet
Declared himself “Janet”
And now you should see his memoirs.

Posted by: SarahW at April 14, 2023 06:39 PM (g1vnC)

304 That "Unhinged" youtube video is from Daniel Greene, a 100% soy-filled booktuber who is somewhere to the left of Noam Chomsky (he was raised by two lesbians, go figure). He is in a bit of a quandry here because he loves Sanderson, I mean he REALLY loves everything about Brandon Sanderson. Even has a tattoo from one of his books (Mistborn, I think). At the same time, being a good little SJW, he has to somehow square this with Sanderson's religious beliefs and multi-millionaire status. If he's not careful, he's going to wind up canceled if he defends Brandon too vigorously....

Posted by: Pave Low John at April 14, 2023 08:05 PM (0Iciy)

305 "It's kind of fun to talk about, until it isn't, and that's when I realize, in a panic, that I now have a problem. Sanderson is excited to talk about his reputation. He's excited, really, to talk about anything. But none of his self-analysis is, for my purposes, exciting."

So. Sweetheart? Your problem is that Brandon actually FEELS the things he's expressing? Isn't that an indictment on you, not on him? If you are surprised and find it fun, and then panic that someone expresses themselves honestly, doesn't that mean that you are empty vapid and without value because all you do is chase the next thing Honey Pie?

Posted by: Wickedpinto at April 14, 2023 08:24 PM (uYcrO)

306 "In the five months or so it has taken me to sit down and write this magazine story, which is 4,000 words long,"

I wrote about 12,000 words in the middle of the night drunk off of my ass talking about Longbows and Crossbows. You get paid for it, I got banned for it.

Posted by: Wickedpinto at April 14, 2023 08:26 PM (uYcrO)

307 I also love that the little twitter addict makes a point, in the middle of their own fucking article, of including they/them/xe/xer/xis/X/Twatsitsface's own insecurity by including their wordcount.

It's like they were assigned a highschool paper, and had the word count option up on their wordperfect application.

Posted by: Wickedpinto at April 14, 2023 08:28 PM (uYcrO)

308 It took this little bitch 4 months and 28 days to learn wordperfect so they knew their wordcount, then 15 minutes of self medicating through their hatred to expose their tired and boring, meaningless and hateful heart.

Posted by: Wickedpinto at April 14, 2023 08:30 PM (uYcrO)

309 TradPub is *terrified* the man who broke Kickstarter. They want to say they know what the market wants, and that they simply can't afford to pay writers anything more than crumbs, and Sanderson proved them wrong on both counts. Readers want his books and are willing to pay for them. So he has an underground lair (really!) and the article writer probably has to have roommates to make rent.

I have read some of his book, unlike the very unprofessional article author (what ever happened to knowing your interview subject?) It was news to me he was Mormon, because the books aren't Mormon. They are fantasy. If I, a confirmed agnostic could read them with out a clue to the writer's religious beliefs, maybe it's just a story??

Posted by: Sabrina Chase at April 14, 2023 09:43 PM (LEuDt)

310 And yet, Sanderson is still a liberal, by most measures. Just not as liberal as this San Francisco doofus.
But it's still cool to have an underground lair that contains your own movie theater, stained glass, and tropical fish tanks.

Posted by: Ty Ping at April 15, 2023 02:42 AM (E8EYo)

311 If ASOIF is as bleak, pointless, and depressing to write as it was to read, it's no wonder Martin doesn't want to finish it. He probably shouldn't.

Posted by: Grouchy's Brother at April 15, 2023 03:55 AM (GuJNX)

312 295 What's funny is everyone assumes Mormons are right-wingers. The leadership though has gone very, very woke. The average Mormon follower though is usually pretty conservative.

Not so woke as all that. The leadership is being diplomatic and charitable, but hasn't budged a hair on what they consider the essentials. The woke bullies do not comprehend this: They are winning everywhere else, so it's just a matter of time before the Mormons cave, too. Right? Right??

Posted by: Grouchy's Brother at April 15, 2023 04:20 AM (GuJNX)

313 146 "Sanderson talks a lot, but almost none of it is usable, quotable."

That's because he saves the exciting, memorable stuff for his fiction. That's work. Chilling out in the family den or the local restaurant, he can afford to relax and be as mundane as he likes.

Posted by: Grouchy's Brother at April 15, 2023 04:37 AM (GuJNX)

314 I wonder if the loser Wired writer has ever heard of Larry Correia?

Also Mormon, also writes fantasy (of sorts), also very prolific, and sells enough books to own his own mountain.

Posted by: Dave L. at April 15, 2023 06:40 AM (2Bpv7)

315 Sanderson doesn't have a "JOURNALISM" degree.

Started in biochemistry and finished at BYU with an English Lit degree.

He didn't get indoctrinated by the commies of every J-School in America.

Thus the hatred from the HACK, LAZY "journalist".

Posted by: SmokyMtVol at April 15, 2023 06:57 AM (OMCnh)

316 I wish G.R.R.Martin had graphomania right now. It might give him the impetus to finish the go**amn series. I think he had it one point but he got so excited counting his own money he lost the plot. Too bad for us.

Posted by: KillGoogleandFacebook at April 15, 2023 05:27 PM (U9oYo)

317 The leftards made up a word for successful people they are jealous of. It's "tryhard", like trying hard is a bad thing.

Posted by: Phuqem All at April 16, 2023 03:37 PM (l98rv)

318 108 Chinese food in Utah and California is made by Mexican illegals. So not sure where the quality difference lies. 🤣
Posted by: Montec
50 years ago, 99% of the cooking in any San Francisco restaurant of ANY type - Greek, Italian, French, etc- was done by Chinese cooks, some of questionable immigrant status (get here on a tourist or student visa to visit relatives and never leave).
Today, they have all been replaced by Mexicans, again, many of questionable immigrant status.
Doesn't matter. If they can get the right ingredients of good quality, have a good recipe (which any longstanding restaurant does) and follow it, you get a good Italian or whatever meal.
The problems with Chinese food in small town hinterlands is ingredients; try finding fresh bok choy or whatever-the-chinese-name-is-for-(korean)Moo in bumfuck, Iowa. You wind up with canned or dried or frozen, and it tastes like it.

Posted by: buddhaha at April 17, 2023 02:50 PM (a22ZT)

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