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The Morning Report — 3/24/23


Good morning kids. So, Joey Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants was dragged out for some event -- correction: the 13th anniversary of Obamacare and Death Panels! --where, as he was hugging a baby (which is funny because if his deep Catholic convictions aren't killing them in utero his hands and proboscis are simultaneously sniffing their hair and groping their training bras), another one was crying in the background. To which the depraved criminal pervert assured the group:

“It’s OK, it’s all right. In fact, I like babies better than people.”

You know who else liked babies, and dogs, better than people? Somewhere up in Heaven, Yogi Berra and Samuel Goldwyn are throwing up.

So, while arguably the most corrupt individual to ever hold office in American politics (legitimately elected or otherwise) who sold out to every criminal and thug including this nation's mortal enemies for over 50 years vomits up division, hatred and lies between gobs of Maypo, bile and halitosis, the non-case against his polar opposite in every way, Donald Trump, is seemingly falling apart.

That’s right. No indictment. No handcuffs. No perp walk. The radical left has been yearning for this moment for years. And for a few days, it seemed like that wish might finally come true. However, it now appears to be just another chapter in a never-ending fantasy that always falls short of becoming a reality.

The first hint that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment of Trump was going sour was when former Michael Cohen legal advisor Robert Costello appeared as a surprise witness on Monday. Trump touted Costello’s testimony as conclusive and irrefutable evidence of his innocence. And he may not have been exaggerating.

It sure does look like Costello’s testimony, along with the evidence he presented — a five-year-old letter from Michael Cohen’s attorney affirming that Cohen made the payment to Stormy Daniels alone and that Trump had no role in reimbursing him — had a significant impact on Bragg’s case against Trump. This impact was so substantial that the Manhattan grand jury did not assemble on Wednesday, and while they did meet on Thursday, they did not hear the case involving Trump, postponing the alleged indictment to at least next week. However, it remains doubtful that the indictment will occur at all . . .

. . . Legal experts from both sides of the political aisle have highlighted the frailty of Bragg’s case. Bragg was most certainly aware of this fact, too. Perhaps he didn’t care because he was too eager to become a hero to the radical left and advance his career. Or maybe his Trump Derangement Syndrome blinded him to the fact that he had a weak case. Ironically, the only person who stands to benefit from this situation is Trump.

The anticipation of an imminent indictment in New York has led to a surge in donations for Trump. According to reports, his campaign raked in $1.5 million in the three days after Trump announced on Truth Social that he expected to be arrested on Tuesday.

Anything can happen, of course, but I’m confident that Bragg’s case blew up in his face and the case that the left thought would be Trump’s downfall only made him stronger.

For the benefit of those who have similar recent Ivy League degrees like Bragg or who get their news from CNN, Donald Trump did not commit any crime he entered into a legal, non-disclosure agreement with the skank-in-question years ago. But of course, what does the law mean to those who only use their positions of authority within the system to persecute political enemies? If everything that we have been through since 2020 and really going back to the Obama reign of error (and let's face it; this is his third term), doesn't convince you that America as it was or as we had thought it was has ceased to be, then the use of the law as a political weapon of repression is proof positive.

Psaki-psircling to Bragg, a toxic mix of Marxism, Trump derangement and plain rank incompetence despite the Harvard Law degree (affirmative action by any other name would be DEI/D-I-E) courses through his sclerotic veins; the central theme of his campaign for Manhattan DA was indicting and convicting Donald Trump. Kind of funny considering his attitude about real crime and criminals, as Daniel Greenfield shows us:

When Bragg took office, he released a Day One memo which told prosecutors not to pursue prison sentences for many crimes including armed robberies and not to ask for life sentences.

As a result of his pro-crime guidelines, more than half of felony cases were downgraded to misdemeanors. Felony convictions fell from 68% to 51%, misdemeanor convictions from 53% to 29% and very few of those ever saw prison. Bragg’s pro-crime prosecutorial pipeline turned felonies into misdemeanors and then the offenders never served a day in prison.

Murders rose 10%, aggravated assaults were up 11% and robberies shot up 25%

Bragg justified his pro-crime policies by arguing that he was trying to use resources more efficiently. He claimed that his Day One memo refusing to prosecute many crimes was about freeing up “prosecutorial resources”. When Bragg’s office dropped most of the charges against a serial shoplifter, they claimed it would have been a “waste of resources” to go forward.

What was Bragg really focusing on?

In 2022, even as violent crimes shot up and the Manhattan DA’s office claimed that it wasn’t prosecuting criminals because it was shorthanded, it hired Matthew Colangelo, a former Biden DOJ appointee and Sotomayor clerk who had headed over to the New York State Attorney General’s office to go after Trump. Colangelo’s current salary isn’t listed, but he was earning $203,000 at the federal level and isn’t likely to have taken a pay cut to work for Bragg.

“Matthew Colangelo brings a wealth of economic justice experience combined with complex white-collar investigations, and he has the sound judgment and integrity needed to pursue justice against powerful people,” Bragg bragged. It was no secret whom Bragg had in mind . . .

. . . While Bragg hired a legal hit man to go after Trump, crime victims were mourning as their attackers were cut loose because the Manhattan DA’s office claimed not to have the resources . . . Bragg didn’t have enough resources to help crime victims, but plenty to go after Trump. . . Soros DAs consider criminals to be victims and those who defend themselves to be criminals. . .

. . . An extra 50 people were killed in Manhattan on Bragg’s watch. How many of those people really had to die?

An extra 159 women were raped.

An extra 3,524 people were robbed.

An extra 4,197 people were assaulted.

How much of that could have been prevented if Bragg had focused his “prosecutorial resources” on pursuing criminals, instead of giving perps a pass, while focusing on political crimes?

Bragg’s war against former President Trump is fully consistent with his attitude. DA Alvin Bragg is out to redeem a year of criminal terror with a Trump arrest. And if New Yorkers had to die, be beaten, robbed and raped to make it happen, that’s a small price to pay.

As an aside, the prediction (and believe me, you didn't have to be the mashup of Kreskin and Nostradamus to see this coming) of who might replace the ousted Lori Lightfoot in Chicago would be laughable, were it not so horribly tragic.

When Donald Trump stated "They're not after me, they're after you. I'm just standing in the way" he was dead on. Besides the pseudo-organized/loose black-clad Brownshirts of Antifa and BLM, the unleashing of hardened criminals on the public is every bit a weapon of state-sponsored political anarcho-terrorism as the aforementioned groups along with the weaponized arms of the bureaucracy in the DOJ/FBI, the ATF, the intelligence agencies, the IRS and quite probably all the other agencies, even if they have nothing to do with law enforcement or national security.

While Matt Margolis up top is kind of giddy and having a schaden-boner about the non-case against Trump falling apart, friend and prolific author extraordinaire Robert Spencer is not so sanguine:

[CNN host Van] Jones said sensibly on Monday, “If anybody is a Republican and they had been afraid there is some well-organized conspiracy among progressives, they can relax now, because you would not start with this charge.” Indeed, because as even the New York Times conceded on March 9, Bragg’s case is long on partisan hatred and notably bereft of substance. “Hush money is not inherently illegal,” the Times admitted, and then suggest a way that the case could be made stronger: “the prosecutors could argue that the $130,000 payout effectively became an improper donation to Mr. Trump’s campaign, under the theory that because the money silenced Ms. Daniels, it benefited his candidacy.” Well, all right, but that’s a stretch. Big corporations, as well as wealthy individuals, make nuisance payouts regularly, and no one is perp-walked for them. . .

. . . Leftists jumped to rake Jones over the coals for daring to dissent. American Leftists have never been more censorious and intolerant of opposing views, and so Jones didn’t exactly pick a good time to show himself to be an independent thinker. Attorney and Fortune 500 speaker Exavier Pope tweeted: “Van Jones is not a serious person and should not be taken seriously. A sentient corn on the cob.” . . .

. . . Former Bernie Sanders surrogate Jonathan Tasini went for the sharp edge: “Evergreen reminder: Van Jones only cares about Van Jones.”

Maybe he does. But it’s noteworthy how contemporary Leftists treat disagreement. The rage at Jones only underscores how unlikely it is that Bragg will back away from the ledge. He doesn’t want to face the wrath of his fellow Leftists.

Bingo. And again, Bragg ran on the platform of nailing Trump. While there are indications that the grand jury, hopefully to its credit, is recognizing the complete bullshit nature of the charges, the idea of Trump getting a fair trial in NYC, or DC or any other area of Leftist dominant influence is my proverbial pipe dream, wrapped in an LSD trip inside a drunken stupor. Meh, somehow Kyle Rittenhouse got away with the heinous crime of self-defense while preventing a mostly peaceful riot, so anything is possible but I would not hold my breath. If they're railing against Van Jones for a flash of rationality and reasonableness (despite his other bullshit that Spencer notes in his essay), what do you think their reaction will be if, or please God, when Bragg drops the case?

These are the same people that have fantasized for seven years of literally killing Donald Trump. And that ladies and gents is my big fear. Look what these bastards running our country (mostly into the ground) have been willing to do to maintain and increase their hold on power. And in just the past two to three years alone.

Donald Trump has been equated as "literally Hitler," not just by whippet-huffing Cheeto-munching Molotov cocktail-brewing wastes of life in mom's basement somewhere in Portland but by the highest levels of this government. Look back to last Labor Day and Joey Schickel-sniffer's Leni Riefenstahl speech at Independence Hall that basically called for the extermination of Trump, Trumpism and everyone who supports him and really his beliefs and policies.

Trump is going to get it. One way or another. And, worthy of repeating, "They're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way."

Have a great weekend, and see you tomorrow for the hobby thread. Be there. Aloha.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

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Posted by: J.J. Sefton at 07:49 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 first.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 24, 2023 07:48 AM (ncXxy)



Posted by: John Fetterman at March 24, 2023 07:48 AM (vwCZJ)

3 Farzrohr Friday!

Posted by: fd at March 24, 2023 07:49 AM (iayUP)

4 happy fricking friday

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 07:49 AM (BRHaw)

5 It's not the crime, it's the process. Just another attempt to smear PDT.

Posted by: fd at March 24, 2023 07:50 AM (iayUP)

6 So Biden announced a new policy, to "disarm domestic political advisors" which he explained away as "I like babies better than people".

The rest of the world is paying more attention to this insanity than America seems to be.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 07:52 AM (FSX1K)

7 Good morning horde! Happy Friday.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at March 24, 2023 07:53 AM (zhLdt)

8 Good morning JJ and horde

Posted by: Skip at March 24, 2023 07:53 AM (BagIw)

9 And TGIF

Posted by: Skip at March 24, 2023 07:53 AM (BagIw)

10 "Does Narcan normalize overdoses?"

Ad Council PSAs on the radio say that everyone should carry narcan in case they have to save a friend's life. So now when I go out I have to carry my wallet, cell phone, knife, pistol, and oh darn it, I left my Narcan at home.

Posted by: fd at March 24, 2023 07:54 AM (iayUP)

11 Does Bragg get fired now? LOL

Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 07:54 AM (4h9M3)

12 Morning all.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 24, 2023 07:55 AM (GIBR7)


Posted by: Biden's Dog sniffs a whole lotta malarkey, at March 24, 2023 07:57 AM (4WgAx)

14 The Stanford Law School Dean wrote a full ten page memo to students at SLS explaining why she apologized to Judge Kyle Duncan and why the DEI apparatchik who led the spectacle is on suspension. In the ten pages, she mealy-mouthed her way to saying "Can't we all just get along???" before announcing no one would be punished for their behavior, and implying the whole thing will be papered over with FBI-style "additional training".

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 07:58 AM (FSX1K)

15 BTW, Bragg brags he's from the 'hood but is actually from a well-off family and went to private school.

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_
REVEALED: Anti-Trump D.A. Alvin Bragg claimed he was raised in 'dangerous' Harlem 'hood, but actually grew up in $2 million brownstone and attended elite private school

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 07:58 AM (Vwz3I)

16 BTW, Bragg brags he's from the 'hood but is actually from a well-off family and went to private school.

Why do these idiots lie when the truth can so easily be found?

Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at March 24, 2023 08:00 AM (wagHN)

17 You writer type people are amazing

1,950 words 11,486 characters

and that's just the intro.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at March 24, 2023 08:00 AM (yQpMk)

18 Good morning. I see that King Harv's royal air force has received an upgrade.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:00 AM (t0OGg)

19 More fun news on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. "Ford Says EV Unit Will Lose $3 Billion This Year". Sub headline: "The company's finance chief describes the division as a startup, says losses are normal."

Makes you want buy Ford stock, doesn't it?

Posted by: John Doe at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (xhzQ3)

20 As a result of his pro-crime guidelines, more than half of felony cases were downgraded to misdemeanors. Felony convictions fell from 68% to 51%, misdemeanor convictions from 53% to 29% and very few of those ever saw prison. Bragg’s pro-crime prosecutorial pipeline turned felonies into misdemeanors and then the offenders never served a day in prison.

Murders rose 10%, aggravated assaults were up 11% and robberies shot up 25%

This is 100% a Marxist Plan to get the FiB turned into a National Police Force. They may still wear a patch the says Seabrook or Plano but they WILL BE FEDERAL POLICE.
And what crimes will they pursue?? Business permits. Parents attending school board meetings. It will be a J6 style or Gov Kidnapping style o JUSTICE that coerces and instigates thought crimes that will be pursued to the nth degree.

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (BRHaw)

21 Their requests, Dubeck wrote, “are an unlawful incursion into New York’s sovereignty.


Sovereignty??? In 2023, what the hell is that antiquated word doing here? Sovereignty isn't allowed anymore, or haven't you heard? No borders, no states' rights, no countries. That's white supremacy.


Posted by: Lady in Black at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (sVtYq)

22 Let's see if Joey effs-up addressing a joint-sitting of Parliament in Canada today. And DOCTOR Jill is going to get curling lessons from Justin's [probably] estranged wife. Sophie Gregoire.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (Vwz3I)

23 "Society used to agree that someone like Agnes Callard, who divorced her husband to marry her student, should be shamed, not exalted."
Joshua Katz to the white courtesy telephone.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (FSX1K)

24 That’s right. No indictment. No handcuffs. No perp walk. The radical left has been yearning for this moment for years. And for a few days, it seemed like that wish might finally come true. However, it now appears to be just another chapter in a never-ending fantasy that always falls short of becoming a reality.
I do wonder if Trump gearing up - very publicly - to turn it into a publicity spectacle made them reconsider.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (t0OGg)

25 Ad Council PSAs on the radio say that everyone should carry narcan in case they have to save a friend's life. So now when I go out I have to carry my wallet, cell phone, knife, pistol, and oh darn it, I left my Narcan at home.
Posted by: fd

Sorry. I don't have any "friends" that I'd jumpstart.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (GIBR7)

g'mornin' again, 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at March 24, 2023 08:02 AM (ENBF0)

27 The lefties want AI to make the decisions so that they can't be blamed or feel any responsibility for the consequences. So the programs are being trained with their faulty ethics and their "Truth".

Science fiction was way ahead of this story. I don't think many in the left have read much science fiction.

Posted by: pawn (in/lbs/gal/F) at March 24, 2023 08:02 AM (wsHtO)

28 19 More fun news on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. "Ford Says EV Unit Will Lose $3 Billion This Year". Sub headline: "The company's finance chief describes the division as a startup, says losses are normal."

Makes you want buy Ford stock, doesn't it?
Posted by: John Doe at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (xhzQ3)

It may go as high a $4B in 2025.

1 Year Stats:

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:02 AM (BRHaw)

29 And DOCTOR Jill is going to get curling lessons from Justin's [probably] estranged wife. Sophie Gregoire.
Wut?!?! Justin is on the outs with the one person who used to like his sorry ass?

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:03 AM (FSX1K)


Posted by: Gibson Rickenbacker at March 24, 2023 08:03 AM (mN2zJ)

31 Indict Alvin Bragg For Impersonating A D.A.

Never Give Up Your Guns!

Rootin For Putin!

Abolish The Deep State!

Free Buffalo Guy!

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 24, 2023 08:03 AM (R/m4+)

32 The anticipation of an imminent indictment in New York has led to a surge in donations for Trump. According to reports, his campaign raked in $1.5 million in the three days after Trump announced on Truth Social that he expected to be arrested on Tuesday.
Or this was the point. I don't subscribe to 12-D chess theories, but if you *wanted* to strengthen Trump's fundraising and give him some lead in the coming primary battle, this would be a great way to do it.

But that means either that Trump is a patsy who doesn't know he's being helped or that Trump is in on the scheme and playing his part, and that the establishment government prefers Trump as the front-runner. I doubt any of those are true. To some degree the establishment might want Trump because they know how to manage him, but this would be a tremendously risky move regardless. I don't buy that theory, I don't think. I think malicious stupidity is an easier explanation.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:04 AM (t0OGg)

33 For the benefit of those who have similar recent Ivy League degrees like Bragg or who get their news from CNN, Donald Trump did not commit any crime he entered into a legal, non-disclosure agreement with the skank-in-question years ago.
And even if it was criminal, it was too long ago. Statute of limitations considerations would allow it drag out in court for years or be quickly rejected by a judge, depending on the preferences of the Omniparty.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:05 AM (t0OGg)

34 Why do these idiots lie when the truth can so easily be found?
They know only the UK Daily Mail will report on it despite its animus towards PDT.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:05 AM (Vwz3I)

35 I do wonder if Trump gearing up - very publicly - to turn it into a publicity spectacle made them reconsider.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:01 AM (t0OGg)

Nope, it was Dem heat and Repub indifference. If they could have had a "riot" in NYC over the possibility of the event, arresting 1000 more followers, then a speech about Trump "making NYC unsafe" would have happened and the grand jury would have given in and indicted and we'd have 2 more years of this video hanging over Repubs, and this time it would be real (so they could move on from the fantasy of J6 to an actual reality).

Thankfully, Repubs/non-Uniparty are smarter than Dems and didn't give them yet another election issue on a silver platter.

Instead, now we'll be looking at a possible indictment somewhere else in the midst of the nominating calendar 2024 or possibly at the R convention or just prior if Trump is the nominee.

Posted by: Nova Local at March 24, 2023 08:05 AM (exHjb)

36 Bragg justified his pro-crime policies by arguing that he was trying to use resources more efficiently. He claimed that his Day One memo refusing to prosecute many crimes was about freeing up “prosecutorial resources”. When Bragg’s office dropped most of the charges against a serial shoplifter, they claimed it would have been a “waste of resources” to go forward.
This policy is almost the perfect opposite of Giuliani's "broken windows" approach.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:06 AM (t0OGg)

37 How much of that could have been prevented if Bragg had focused his “prosecutorial resources” on pursuing criminals, instead of giving perps a pass, while focusing on political crimes?
Those "extra" crime victims - are they "extra" as compared to the prior DA or to the low points from the past?

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:07 AM (t0OGg)

38 I do wonder if Trump gearing up - very publicly - to turn it into a publicity spectacle made them reconsider.
And even allies like Chris Rock telling them what a stupid idea it was.

I'm guessing many wrongly think you can't run for office while in prison when the SC settled issue that a long tome ago.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:08 AM (Vwz3I)

39 That Bragg idiot just wanted his 15 minutes of fame. I don't think it turned out the way he thought it would. Gee, a guy who got everything he wanted finally gets denied. Of course this is Racism. He will get promoted no doubt because, New York.

Posted by: pawn (in/lbs/gal/F) at March 24, 2023 08:08 AM (wsHtO)

40 So...the walls are not closing in on Trump this week? Oh well.

Posted by: NR Pax at March 24, 2023 08:09 AM (4olE8)

41 Jones said sensibly on Monday, “If anybody is a Republican and they had been afraid there is some well-organized conspiracy among progressives, they can relax now, because you would not start with this charge.” Indeed, because as even the New York Times conceded on March 9, Bragg’s case is long on partisan hatred and notably bereft of substance.
Straw man. Some people do think there's an organized conspiracy in general. There isn't. There are some organized specific conspiracies (Spygate was one such), but there is no general conspiracy among progs. It is just that progs control every lever of power and all want more or less the same things from the standpoint of an outsider looking in. That can *look* like a conspiracy in fact, but it isn't. It's just a bunch of aligned people at every level. That they all move approximately the same direction isn't surprising, nor does it require planning.

These are the fruits of the long march. The long march was a conspiracy of sorts in specific institutions, but the payoff is that conspiracies are no longer necessary outside of specific actions and sometimes not at all.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:10 AM (t0OGg)

42 "In other words, if a CBDC comes into being, you can kiss your freedom goodbye, forever."
Just say 'no' to Central Bank Digital Currency


And just like white on rice, or flies on cow pies, or the psychotic plans to ban gas stoves and gas stations, this digital currency is picking up speed. They will not ever unclench their jaws around it until we're worn down to the quick and it's implemented. That is, unless there is a major awakening and it's stopped by any means necessary. Otherwise, they'll get what they want. It's coming.

Posted by: Lady in Black at March 24, 2023 08:11 AM (sVtYq)

43 Have a great weekend, and see you tomorrow for the hobby thread. Be there. Aloha.
Aloha, JJ? Aloha?

I guess someone here loves the smell of cultural appropriation in the morning!

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:11 AM (t0OGg)

44 Wut?!?! Justin is on the outs with the one person who used to like his sorry ass?
She and the kids spent almost no time together during Ontario and Quebec's long lockdowns as well as other signs.

Oddly enough, completely ignored by the MFM here -- the same media that breathlessly reported the Trumps' upcoming divorce when Melania was out of the public eye for a week or so.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:11 AM (Vwz3I)

45 Instead, now we'll be looking at a possible indictment somewhere else in the midst of the nominating calendar 2024 or possibly at the R convention or just prior if Trump is the nominee.
Posted by: Nova Local at March 24, 2023 08:05 AM (exHjb)
Yeah, possibly. Or some other thing.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:11 AM (t0OGg)

46 Happy National Cheesesteak Day!

Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:12 AM (NpAcC)

47 Yonder Horde.

While it's still possible Trump will be arraigned and may/ may not show up for some failure theater I never really thought this thing would go anywhere.

Word leaked out of NYC DA's office about an "arrest" and Trump was on social media proclaiming in all caps he was going to be arrested.

It almost seemed coordinated.

Alvin's gambit has likely failed. Had the DoJ thought there was even a scintilla of success they'd have been all over it.

For now. The left never sleeps. They'll be back.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 24, 2023 08:13 AM (Q4IgG)

48 I'm ok if they want to go the "secret campaign contribution" route.

Because all of those FBI agents involved in the Russiagate controversy will then be immediately liable. As will the FBI and other gov't folk who covered up Hunter's laptop. And the NY Times and WaPo will all be liable for millions, at least. And every newspaper in the country who endorses a candidate. And...

Posted by: GWB at March 24, 2023 08:13 AM (NJ9MR)

49 But that means either that Trump is a patsy who doesn't know he's being helped or that Trump is in on the scheme and playing his part,
Or that he knows how to turn every bullshit attack against him to his advantage just like Hillary's "fake news" attack.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:14 AM (Vwz3I)

50 For the benefit of those who have similar recent Ivy League degrees like Bragg or who get their news from CNN, Donald Trump did not commit any crime he entered into a legal, non-disclosure agreement with the skank-in-question years ago.
And even if it was criminal, it was too long ago. Statute of limitations considerations would allow it drag out in court for years or be quickly rejected by a judge, depending on the preferences of the Omniparty.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:05 AM

I read yesterday that New York State law "suspends" the clock on SOL issues if the person in quesiton leaves NY and restarts the clock if/when they come back to the state. Additionally, the ex Governor added a line in his emergency covid deceleration that reset the SOL clock yet again during covid.

So it appears that any issues regarding SOL in this case do not apply.

I will try to find that article again and post a link.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 24, 2023 08:14 AM (ncXxy)

51 I never thought I'd say this, but Biden is much worse than Obama. In every single metric.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at March 24, 2023 08:14 AM (bkUtD)

52 Thank you JJ and good morning all.

Posted by: Ilene Wright at March 24, 2023 08:15 AM (VD8D9)

53 Very well said JM. It's Lefties being lefties. They are in control now at an individual level and need no coaching or plans, just continue being a Lefty because it is the easiest thing to do now.

Posted by: pawn (in/lbs/gal/F) at March 24, 2023 08:16 AM (wsHtO)

54 ... Otherwise, they'll get what they want. It's coming.
Posted by: Lady in Black at March 24, 2023 08:11 AM (sVtYq)
It probably is, but some things give me pause. All of them are practical problems, but not all of them are necessarily meaningful.

1st, every country that has tried to go digital-only has failed. Not even Sweden or Hong Kong managed to accomplish it when they tried.

2nd, there are lots of dollars out in the world, outside our borders. If those dollars can't repatriate, they have no value because they can't be effectively cleared. Switching to digital-only would cause a catastrophic value disruption in the USD because it would orphan so much currency held in foreign lands. It might even cause a total monetary collapse.

3rd, our government pays for a lot of sketchy and evil shit with pallets of $100 bills. No paper trail, no accountability. They pay for a lot of criminality with cash money and that ability vanishes if this happens, in part due to point 2. They could switch to gold or something, I guess, but it makes sinister American payoffs and corruption much harder.

Not that they won't try it, but the odds of failure are high.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:16 AM (t0OGg)

55 If Truump didn't exist, the entire Demofascist structure would fall apart. His existence unifies the Propaganda Press, the Soros Conspiracies, the Deep State and Victim Politicians all into one movement.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:16 AM (pvp5h)

56 She and the kids spent almost no time together during Ontario and Quebec's long lockdowns as well as other signs.
Doh! time together with him...

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:17 AM (Vwz3I)

57 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:18 AM (7Q7Ca)

58 The walls are not falling off?
The wheels are not closing in?

Posted by: Truck Monkey Report at March 24, 2023 08:18 AM (flINI)

59 Bank failures a contagious bug. Deutsche Bank's turn today. Futures down.

Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 08:18 AM (4h9M3)

60 Power is out. Storms rolled through, which were supposed to be here HOURS ago, but none were severe enough to kill the power. CoServ says over 1000 customers affected. Something else happened cuz the storms shouldn't have caused this.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:19 AM (7Q7Ca)

61 >>>Happy National Cheesesteak Day!
Posted by: redridinghood

On a Friday... during Lent. Great scheduling, idiots.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at March 24, 2023 08:19 AM (bkUtD)

62 Big Pharma is Paying TikTok Influencers to Hook Teens on New Drugs


I refuse to believe this.

Now, have you gotten your booster? You don't want someone's grandmother to die because you didn't get your booster, do you?

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:19 AM (kX8x4)

63 And it's also,
National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day.

Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:19 AM (NpAcC)

64 If Truump didn't exist, the entire Demofascist structure would fall apart. His existence unifies the Propaganda Press, the Soros Conspiracies, the Deep State and Victim Politicians all into one movement.
Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:16 AM (pvp5h)
Hmmm. I remember reading something like that once. In some book. A book about totalitarianism...

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:20 AM (t0OGg)

65 @disclosetv · 1h
JUST IN - King Charles' visit to France postponed due to protests: Elysée

[The Elysée Palace, seat of the Frog government like Whitehall in the UK.]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:20 AM (Vwz3I)

66 Those aren't raisins.

Posted by: Chocolate Covered Crickets at March 24, 2023 08:20 AM (iayUP)

67 Oddly enough, completely ignored by the MFM here -- the same media that breathlessly reported the Trumps' upcoming divorce when Melania was out of the public eye for a week or so.
Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:11 AM (Vwz3I)
Maybe those long work-night sessions with the Freeland-Ogre, planning how to torture truck drivers and other working people, turned inevitably into Madam Chrystia dominatrix sessions.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:21 AM (pvp5h)

68 >>>And it's also,
National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day.
Posted by: redridinghood

Lent doesn't have a ban on chocolate raisins!

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at March 24, 2023 08:21 AM (bkUtD)

69 > Not that they won't try it, but the odds of failure are high.

Then the odds the Democrats will go all in is also high, as with the GOP.

Failure this the name of their game.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 24, 2023 08:21 AM (Q4IgG)

70 Tucker had a segment last night where he mentioned NPR discussing why trannies need guns to protect themselves. And (I think it was covered it here before) they have an organization Pink something or other. Or rainbow something or other. Regardless, across the nation, NPR was making a case that the ownership of guns by trans or the lbgtalphabet groups was valid.

Yeah, like blm and antifa, building an underground army. For them, but not for you.

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:22 AM (uQPen)

71 I guess the vaxx with boosters doesn't work for that either...

@TheInsiderPaper · 33m
BREAKING - Brazil’s president postpones China trip due to pneumonia: official

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:22 AM (Vwz3I)

72 Recall during the Good Years of Trump how every torpedo they shot at him circled back and took out one of theirs?

We will know the Trumpanator is back if we see a major Dem get indicted in the next couple of weeks

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at March 24, 2023 08:22 AM (/LGx4)

73 If Chicago elects Johnson mayor, Detroit will point and laugh.

Posted by: mr tmz at March 24, 2023 08:22 AM (rJ48h)

74 Oh man, Wikipedia is a Prog nightmare.

In their entry for "Emmanuel Goldstein" (the 1984 character), they have a list of "contemporary comparisons" to the character. The three people on their list are Richard Nixon, Osama bin Laden and George Soros.

Oy vey.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:23 AM (t0OGg)

75 51 I never thought I'd say this, but Biden is much worse than Obama. In every single metric.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at March 24, 2023 08:14 AM (bkUtD)
Sadly, this is true. I said this to a friend just the other day.

The reason he's worse is that he has no idea what is going on so he is able to be easily manipulated by the far left in his administration.

Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:23 AM (NpAcC)

76 Sick burn, dude!

@TheInsiderPaper · 53m
NEW: Iran urges France to listen to protesters, avoid violence

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:23 AM (Vwz3I)

77 @55 >>If Trump didn't exist...>>

Exactly. Even when he's gone (i.e., dead and buried) the Left will still be going after him. He's their huge raison d'être and bete noire rolled into one.

Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 08:24 AM (4h9M3)

78 Oddly enough, completely ignored by the MFM here -- the same media that breathlessly reported the Trumps' upcoming divorce when Melania was out of the public eye for a week or so.


"Look! He held her hand and she pulled it away! She hates him!"

Posted by: Online Leftists Everywhere at March 24, 2023 08:24 AM (sVtYq)

79 New Evidence Further Devastates Case Against Trump

he has done the right thing by coming out swinging

everyone needs to know what is going on, and Trump has the platform to do it.

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:24 AM (uQPen)

80 And just like white on rice, or flies on cow pies, or the psychotic plans to ban gas stoves and gas stations, this digital currency is picking up speed. They will not ever unclench their jaws around it until we're worn down to the quick and it's implemented. That is, unless there is a major awakening and it's stopped by any means necessary. Otherwise, they'll get what they want. It's coming.



Posted yesterday. It's already here:

"CHICAGO – The Federal Reserve announced that the FedNow Service will start operating in July and provided details on preparations for launch."

"Get on board with the FedNow Service
The new instant payments service will be here in mid-2023. Get ready now."

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:24 AM (kX8x4)

81 I never thought I'd say this, but Biden is much worse than Obama. In every single metric.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp at March 24, 2023 08:14 AM (bkUtD)
It stands to reason. The people running the show are the same, but they no longer have any restraint whatsoever.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:24 AM (t0OGg)

82 > Power is out. Storms rolled through, which were supposed to be here HOURS ago, but none were severe enough to kill the power. CoServ says over 1000 customers affected. Something else happened cuz the storms shouldn't have caused this.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden
Flooded substation(s)?

We are about to get our second round here in N Central KY and the "training" of heavy rain over the same locations looks to be in the cards. This will result in localized, but severe flash flooding. And it's supposed to go on for today, tonight and Saturday.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 24, 2023 08:25 AM (Q4IgG)

83 And states have been passing laws written by banking industry lobbyists to have it smoothly and unknowingly incorporated at the state level.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:25 AM (kX8x4)

84 >>>The reason he's worse is that he has no idea what is going on so he is able to be easily manipulated by the far left in his administration.
Posted by: redridinghood

Agreed. The dementia is getting much worse, he rarely knows where he is, and he thinks he's the greatest POTUS of all time.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at March 24, 2023 08:26 AM (bkUtD)

85 If Kari Lake does prove voter fraud, then what happens?
Serious question.

Posted by: Ilene Wright at March 24, 2023 08:26 AM (VD8D9)

86 Alvin Bragg Couldn't Indict A Ham Sammich.

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 24, 2023 08:26 AM (R/m4+)

87 " I never thought I'd say this, but Biden is much worse than Obama. In every single metric.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp "

The country is certainly worse off. I think Obama excelled at wrecking race relations though.

Posted by: fd at March 24, 2023 08:26 AM (iayUP)

88 He said: "DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden. Shall I name names?"

game playing

do it or shut up

he will either be epsteined/clintoned or broker a deal

No one is in it for protecting our country.

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:27 AM (uQPen)

89 Governor Mark Gordon, a Republican, allowed the bill to become law without his signature on March 17. In a decision letter that day to the Secretary of the Senate, Gov. Gordon made clear that he did not like the legislation, calling it "overly draconian" and "discriminatory."
Governor, explain to me why you think school-age biological females cannot have their own locker rooms and sports events.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:27 AM (pvp5h)

90 --

I refuse to believe this.

Now, have you gotten your booster? You don't want someone's grandmother to die because you didn't get your booster, do you?
Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:19 AM (kX8x4)

John Legend has a new commercial out talking about how you need to be fully boosted for recent omicron variants. Where's his adverse side effects? I'm guessing he's not vaxxed and he's not following his own advise.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:27 AM (7Q7Ca)

91 I never thought I'd say this, but Biden is much worse than Obama. In every single metric.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp


I think Biden *is* Obama. Not the gay black man himself, but the administration. ValJar and WestExec and all the rest.

Fundamental transformation and all that. He meant it when he said it, and so many of his actions were long-game plans to put us where we are now.

Also f*ck his good friend Bush and his PATRIOT Act for teeing it up for him.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:27 AM (kX8x4)

92 "If Kari Lake does prove voter fraud, then what happens?
Serious question.
Posted by: Ilene Wright"

Nothing will happen. Seriously.

Posted by: Guy who always says "Nothing will happen" and is usually right at March 24, 2023 08:28 AM (iayUP)

93 The bus is here!

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:28 AM (BRHaw)

94 " I never thought I'd say this, but Biden is much worse than Obama. In every single metric.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp "

The country is certainly worse off. I think Obama excelled at wrecking race relations though.
Posted by: fd

Obola was calculatingly evil.
Bia Den is just incompetent.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 24, 2023 08:28 AM (GIBR7)

95 DeSantis Responds To Salacious Reports About Pudding And Force Feeding Detainees At GITMO: ‘Bring It On’

Bad link.

Posted by: Eeyore at March 24, 2023 08:28 AM (TgBWG)

96 Via AFP, thus the ACW explanation, although I won't link the whole thing as it's disgusting.

||The United States will on Friday rename the Fort Pickett military base in Virginia to honor an American soldier decorated for heroism during World War II instead of a general who fought for the pro-slavery breakaway Confederacy.

The 41,000-acre Virginia National Guard installation near the town of Blackstone is the first of nine American military bases slated to drop the names of figures who served the Confederate States of America, the group of southern states that seceded from the Union and were defeated in the 1861-1865 US Civil War.

The base will be renamed to honor Van Barfoot, a US soldier who served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam and reached the rank of colonel.

Barfoot received the Medal of Honor — the nation’s highest military award for valor — for actions including taking out two German machine gun nests, capturing 17 enemy soldiers, destroying a tank and an artillery piece and aiding wounded troops in Italy in 1944.||

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:29 AM (Vwz3I)

97 What's actually in the bag.

Posted by: Chocolate-covered Rabbit Marbles at March 24, 2023 08:29 AM (mN2zJ)

98 "Dershowitz points out that getting schools to not invite conservative speakers because of the outbursts they deliberately incite is their goal."

no shite

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:29 AM (uQPen)

99 85 If Kari Lake does prove voter fraud, then what happens?
Serious question.
Posted by: Ilene Wright at March 24, 2023 08:26 AM (VD8D9)

The law says they must cure the ballot. That means the person must come to an office with ID and sign the ballot envelope.
Now what happens after that I have no idea!

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:30 AM (BRHaw)

100 There's another commercial on that I try not to pay any attention to that says basically "if you love your family, you will get vaccinated."

Posted by: fd at March 24, 2023 08:30 AM (iayUP)

101 It stands to reason. The people running the show are the same, but they no longer have any restraint whatsoever.


Exactly. Doors were opened during the Dog Eater's presidency that are being capitalized on now. There are no restraints, as is evidenced by every action of the out of control IC and other bureaucracies stripping away America piece by piece...or chunk by chunk. Is Joe aware? I realize he's a dementia puppet doing what he's told, but if that were not the case, I can't imagine him not being fully on board with all this destruction his phony presidency is causing. Rotted brain or not, he's no different than the communist idiots running America into the ground.

Posted by: Online Leftists Everywhere at March 24, 2023 08:30 AM (sVtYq)

102 >>>The country is certainly worse off. I think Obama excelled at wrecking race relations though.
Posted by: fd

Agree. He moved race relations back to the early 1900s.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at March 24, 2023 08:31 AM (bkUtD)

103 /sock toss!

Posted by: Lady in Black at March 24, 2023 08:31 AM (sVtYq)

104 (digital currency)

Not that they won't try it, but the odds of failure are high.


That's a win-win for them. Failure means the system needs tweaking and new legislation, not that the system is a failure. The right people in charge and all that.

We're going to have trackable, non-anonymous, mandatory currency very soon. And the government will have the ability to do things like put an expiration date on what you thought was your money. Spend it before six months pass in order to help the economy or we remove it from circulation in order to help inflation.

Any failure will be a chance to move the football closer to the goal line.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:31 AM (kX8x4)

105 77 @55 >>If Trump didn't exist...>>

Exactly. Even when he's gone (i.e., dead and buried) the Left will still be going after him. He's their huge raison d'être and bete noire rolled into one.
Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 08:24 AM (4h9M3)

See also: Jews, The.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 24, 2023 08:31 AM (x0n13)

106 "The rising threat of bank insolvency implies that Dark Ages are ahead."
Did ‘Woke’ Banking Trigger America's Banking Crisis?

woke was just the tool used by wef to move towards centralized international banking

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:31 AM (uQPen)

"Obola was calculatingly evil.
Bia Den is just incompetent.
Posted by: rickb223"

Both true, and both are really just puppets.

Posted by: fd at March 24, 2023 08:31 AM (iayUP)

108 Mornin’, All. Happy Fajita Friday!

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at March 24, 2023 08:32 AM (EZaTx)

109 *advice. Damn I hate that.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:32 AM (7Q7Ca)

110 Greg Price

Rep. Hank Johnson: "[Republicans] want you to believe that the tooth fairy is woke and anti-Christian and they want you to believe that they will find something incriminating in Hunter Biden's laptop and they also want you to believe there is some chilling of parents rights."

Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:32 AM (NpAcC)

111 ||The United States will on Friday rename the Fort Pickett military base in Virginia to honor an American soldier decorated for heroism during World War II instead of a general who fought for the pro-slavery breakaway Confederacy.


Anyone else old enough to remember when we were supposed to be aghast that the Taliban was destroying monuments?

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:33 AM (kX8x4)

112 I think the biggest disappointment of the week is Ron-- he was handed a golden opportunity to separate himself from the corrupt hidebound GOP.

Instead, he gave a speech Mitt or Mitch could have given, back when they were faking being conservatives.

I wasn't wanting fire-breathing, raining brimstone. Just the adult who understood this is a deadly threat to the nation.
But the unnecessary swipes at Trump, the "I've got bigger issues in Florida to deal with?"
Pure GOPe from the whiteboard of Karl Rove

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at March 24, 2023 08:33 AM (/LGx4)

113 It's just the way it is. New Chicago guy is from Lori's Party, and says the same things about policies that Lori did. Chicagoans sent her down to a humiliating defeat because of those policies, and will now elect a guy who is guaranteed to enhance and extend them.

And before dogging on Chicago voters, remember that Party politics is a civic religion for most Americans, and the only one for many. This irrational behavior is by no means a function of low-information voting, or a peculiar feature of Democrat voters.

This behavior is why the GOP can run the worst assholes they can dredge up, after similar assholes shat all over the base for decades, and the base will still show out. Election Day is the Easter Vigil of the American Church, and the faithful will show up, tithe and get on them knees every time.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at March 24, 2023 08:33 AM (oINRc)

114 You know who needs to be indicted?

Hillary for murder.
Billy Jeff for multiple rapes.
Barry Obama for sodomy.
Nancy Pelosi for theft.
Joe Biden for all of the above including pederasty.

More coffee...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 24, 2023 08:33 AM (R/m4+)

115 Finally! Something funny on SNL Saudi TV.

Insider Paper @TheInsiderPaper · 11h
🚨 After 2022 viral skit, Saudi TV mocks Biden again in 2023

[Kamala too. 45 seconds.]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:33 AM (Vwz3I)

116 Nothing will happen. Seriously.
Posted by: Guy who always says "Nothing will happen" and is usually right

That's what I was afraid of. I almost felt hopeful for a minute there.

Posted by: Ilene Wright at March 24, 2023 08:34 AM (VD8D9)

117 Now, have you gotten your booster? You don't want someone's grandmother to die because you didn't get your booster, do you?

Yeah. I do.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 24, 2023 08:34 AM (GIBR7)

118 One of the critiques Marxists use against capitalist societies is that they are corrupt, immoral, and crime-ridden (the down trodden must resort to crime). This failure of the model is, of course, fixed by the dictatorship of the proletariat via democratically-instituted "reforms" like gulags and secret, super-fast trials and executions. The fact that they engineer, in plain view, this failure (see, for example, the Mariel boat lift where Fidel exported all Cuba's criminals to Miami, and Soros-backed prosecutors in major American cities) is, I guess, irrelevant.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at March 24, 2023 08:34 AM (Qje5N)

119 In other covid news

Appeals court blocks Biden vaccine mandate for government workers
Trump-appointed District Judge Jeffrey Brown initially blocked the order in January.

A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden's order that federal employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

The administration had argued that the president was akin to CEO managing a private corporation and therefore held the authority to require employees to get vaccinated, according to the Associated Press.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, however, disagreed and reversed the decision of a panel that had sided with the administration. That panel included three judges from the Fifth Circuit, two of whom favored the government's argument. The full appeals court, a group of sixteen judges, ruled Thursday.

justthenews dot com

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:35 AM (uQPen)

120 All of this failure was orchestrated by Owebama and his regime. The Biden insertion just allowed them to instigate it full speed. Had Hillary beat Trump, it would've been a slower roll, but now, they're in emergency mode. It must be destroyed so no R can win ever again and fix it before the US is fully destroyed.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:35 AM (7Q7Ca)

121 Rep. Hank Johnson: "[Republicans] want you to believe that the tooth fairy is woke and anti-Christian and they want you to believe that they will find something incriminating in Hunter Biden's laptop and they also want you to believe there is some chilling of parents rights."


hahahaha. A comment in the thread:

He's from a city that is too black to function.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:35 AM (kX8x4)

122 The United States will on Friday rename the Fort Pickett military base in Virginia to honor an American soldier decorated for heroism during World War II instead of a general who fought for the pro-slavery breakaway Confederacy.

They want everyone to forget the notion that the citizenry can disobey the state. I don't know how they'll handle the American Revolution - but I'm sure that's next.

Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 08:36 AM (2GWEO)

123 So, okay, Admiral Levine will play Janet Leigh's part in Psycho, but how the hell are you supposed to cast Norman Bates?!

Like so:

1) Ma Bates: Norman! Norman!!! You;'re a man! Why are you wearing that dress!!!!

Norma: My name's Norma!!! I'm a girl. At least, I was till you had my breasts cut off and gave me this horrible flaccid, impotent, numb cocktail weenie stitched on me for a penis!!!! AAAAAAAGH!
*plenty of Knife Fu results*

2) Mebbe they could cast Brie Larson as Norma, wherein for her "bottom surgery", the docs literally cut off her bottom!!!.

Call me, Hollywood!

Posted by: naturalfake at March 24, 2023 08:37 AM (L1tQx)

124 ERIC is bullshit. It is used to grow voter rolls.

2020 Judicial Watch study found that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. Notably, the study also identified eight states showing statewide registration rates exceeding 100 percent. Seven of the eight states are ERIC members: Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Vermont. For example, 40 out of 64 Colorado counties have more registered voters than eligible residents, and Colorado has been a member of ERIC for 10 years.

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:37 AM (BRHaw)

125 @TheInsiderPaper · 1h
NEW - 11 pro-Iran fighters killed in US air strikes on Syria carried out in retaliation for a drone attack that left an American dead and wounded six others

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:38 AM (Vwz3I)

126 And power's back on.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:38 AM (7Q7Ca)

They want everyone to forget the notion that the citizenry can disobey the state.


"Teacher, I looked in the book and I can't find details on how or why the states that weren't allowed to leave the union needed to be re-admitted to the Union. Can you explain that to us?"

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:38 AM (kX8x4)

128 Did ‘Woke’ Banking Trigger America’s Banking Crisis?
No, it didn't. Woke shit doesn't help and likely prevents better people from being in charge and does result in a lot of wasted money, but it is not triggering a banking crisis.

15 years of zero interest rate policy and the ecstatic excess of money printing during COVID did. The central banks have lost control and we're seeing dangerous levels of inflation as a result. That *must* be brought under control, and all of that spells doom for asset values. Interest rate increases harm the asset values of various securities. The Fed selling off its vast portfolio of assets will harm the asset values of those security classes. Having to offset continued deficit spending will require more of the same, so that the value the government is wasting can be extracted from the current economy rather than the future economy.

Risk management is suddenly - very suddenly - important again, as is survival in a rising interest rate environment. This hasn't been true for decades and risk managers don't know how to deal with it. The transition will be very rough.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:38 AM (t0OGg)

129 Yeah, we were never allowed to recover from the pretend 2008 "crisis."

Let the people lose their homes, let the banks sell to other buyers, have a couple of years of crappy times for 5% of the population, and we're done.

But no, instead we're all losing half of our wealth.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:40 AM (kX8x4)

130 How rare.

@TheInsiderPaper · 8 minutes
BREAKING: Man drives into pedestrians inside Germany's Cologne-Bonn Airport, multiple people injured

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:40 AM (Vwz3I)

131 "These 130,000 votes are key because Democrat Katie Hobbs 'won' by only 17,000 votes. If Lake can prove electoral skullduggery - which she claims she can - this may turn Arizona upside down, and will likely give credence to the 'conspiracy theory' of election fraud in Arizona during the 2020 elections."
Arizona Supreme Court Finally Hands Kari Lake a Win, but the Media Doesn't Want You to Know About It

which will do what?
I want it proven for sure, but then what? I have no idea the consequences of it being proven AGAIN that fraud exists

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:41 AM (uQPen)

132 I think the biggest disappointment of the week is Ron-- he was handed a golden opportunity to separate himself from the corrupt hidebound GOP.

What, exactly, is DeSantis supposed to do here ? If he orders Florida police to refuse to cooperate - Trump will simply go to New York himself.

Trump wants this spectacle just as badly as the New York DA does.

Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 08:42 AM (2GWEO)

133 r example, 40 out of 64 Colorado counties have more registered voters than eligible residents, and Colorado has been a member of ERIC for 10 years.
Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:37 AM (BRHaw)
I don't know if it's ERIC-related or not, but I noticed a significant decline in roll validation in the period since CO went to cheat-by-mail.

In the 2020 election - my last there - I got *five* ballots in the mail. Three of them were mine, with different variations of my name as used in various government forums (Joseph Mannix, Joseph R Mannix, Joseph Reginald Mannix). Only my full legal name was used for the registration *I* did. The other two came from ... somewhere else. My guess is automatic cross-registration from other government systems.

The other two were for former occupants of my apartment. I had been living there for more than a decade, but that was the first year I got ballots for prior occupants. Those names came out of the ether in 2020.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:43 AM (t0OGg)

134 > The law says they must cure the ballot. That means the person must come to an office with ID and sign the ballot envelope.
I imagine even rabid leftists that voted for the abortion mouse and are notified to come in and sign something would be hard pressed to find the motivation to do so.

They won. Why push it? And this gives me pause that "something" might come of this, but the election results will stand regardless.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 24, 2023 08:43 AM (Q4IgG)

135 If you are looking for something for DeSantis to disappoint you on, you won't be disappointed for long.

Posted by: fd at March 24, 2023 08:44 AM (iayUP)

136 When Will Stubborn Trump Loyalists Face Inconvenient Truths?

this is just silly

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:44 AM (uQPen)

137 @MrAndyNgo · Mar 23
Two people leaving mosques in London and Birmingham weeks apart were set on fire, sparking claims of Islamophobic terror attacks. The now-arrested suspect is a black male named Mohammed Abbkr.

[He was an attendee at the mosques as well. Birmingham Police link about the cases here with replies that are worth reading if you're interested further.]

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:44 AM (Vwz3I)

138 Since I live in Florida, I'm happy that DeSantis is my Governor. My question is will DeSantis get more votes in
Ohio or Pennsylvania than Trump? I don't think so and that's what will hurt DeSantis in IMHO because Ohio and Penn are key for any path to be elected as President.

Posted by: dantesed at March 24, 2023 08:44 AM (88xKn)

139 128 Risk management is suddenly - very suddenly - important again, as is survival in a rising interest rate environment. This hasn't been true for decades and risk managers don't know how to deal with it. The transition will be very rough.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:38 AM (t0OGg)


Well, why don't risk managers know what to do? Isn't that what they're educated and trained to manage?

If they can't manage it, then what have they been spending their time doing? It's not like this is the first banking crisis in American history.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:45 AM (LvTSG)

140 Risk management is suddenly - very suddenly - important again, as is survival in a rising interest rate environment. This hasn't been true for decades and risk managers don't know how to deal with it. The transition will be very rough.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:38 AM (t0OGg)

There is around 33% more cash floating from the COVID spending. It is almost $5 T. We know from good Mr Smith that natural rent and interest seems to settle in around 5 to 6% and that both capital and and land need to return that rate or better. He also explain that the free money (1 example was the gold from New World in Spain) would be absorbed into the economy via inflation until wages and prices and goods were valued a somewhat stable prices.
In our case, we will need 5 to 6 years of 6% inflation.

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:46 AM (BRHaw)

141 Did ‘Woke’ Banking Trigger America’s Banking Crisis?


I am going to say "yes". Started with hiring and snowballed from there. Similar to Biden trying to put people on the bench who know 0 to negative about the law, banks hired individuals who know 0 to negative about intricacies of finance and risk management. That involves some maths you know. But they knew a lot about cisgenders.

Posted by: runner at March 24, 2023 08:47 AM (kFEbY)

142 We don't really manage risk, we just tell you when there might be one.

Posted by: Modern Risk Management at March 24, 2023 08:47 AM (iayUP)

143 Read an article this morning that says Stormy Daniels wrote a letter, signed by her, stating that there WAS NO AFFAIR between her and Trump and this WHOLE THING is bullshit.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:47 AM (Zz0t1)

144 Since I live in Florida, I'm happy that DeSantis is my Governor. My question is will DeSantis get more votes in
Ohio or Pennsylvania than Trump?

DeSantis is more combative than Trump, when it comes to policy. And you're right, that won't play well anywhere except the Deep South. Nationally, Republicans still simply are not in a fighting mood.

Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 08:47 AM (2GWEO)

145 While I understand the fears of a digital currency, how is what we have now not effectively the same?

You keep your cash in the bank, you pay your bills online, you purchase with a debit card.

And the "they will make it expire if you don't spend it" part?
You mean, like inflate the money supply to induce double-digit inflation but officially report it's less than half that?
Because a big chunk of your dollars you had in the bank a year ago are gone without you spending a dime.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at March 24, 2023 08:48 AM (/LGx4)

146 I imagine even rabid leftists that voted for the abortion mouse and are notified to come in and sign something would be hard pressed to find the motivation to do so.

They won. Why push it? And this gives me pause that "something" might come of this, but the election results will stand regardless.
Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 24, 2023 08:43 AM (Q4IgG)

There are somewhere around 400k to 700k ghost voters. I think it would be a win just to have a pile of ballots a show horse could not jump over that cannot be cured.

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:48 AM (BRHaw)

147 I noticed a subtle yet telling change this morning on the coverage of trump and the impending arrest.

TV news was reporting on the story and they inserted the "without evidence" disclaimer when talking about how trump said he was going to be arrested by the NY DA.

The narrative, she is shifting.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 24, 2023 08:49 AM (ncXxy)

148 The banks are solvent and President Biden is not doing that bad of a job. Also Trump has gained a lot of weight and will probably have a heart attack. And he's a misogynist.

If I think of anything else I'll post it at the end of a thread after everyone has left.

Posted by: Vlctoria at March 24, 2023 08:49 AM (OeAlt)

149 SpaceX Might Get Investment Capital from Saudi and UAE Investors

all of the rich countries are buying out America
because we do not produce our own anymore
and greed

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:49 AM (uQPen)

150 "Joseph Mannix, Joseph R Mannix, Joseph Reginald Mannix"

Ha, I knew it - Reggie!

Archie and Jughead unavailable for comment.

Posted by: Boswell at March 24, 2023 08:49 AM (+Cgut)

151 FL Panthers' Eric and Marc Staal refuse to wear Groomer warmup jerseys for tonight's pregame, citing their religious beliefs.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:49 AM (Vwz3I)

152 This kidney bullshit concerns me greatly. I have been doing kidney dialysis for more than four years now. I was turned down for the transplant list for too many comorbidities by one hospital already. I'm told this other hospital is a bit more lenient about those things. I'm working to get on this list. I recall getting an STD briefing every time I went to the Philippines or Thailand. One of the things they teased us about was the giant square needles they would use to give you the cure. Well, truth be told, those giant needles get used on my arm every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and I am beginning to get tired of them.

Posted by: Bill R. at March 24, 2023 08:50 AM (wzzJf)

153 146 There are somewhere around 400k to 700k ghost voters. I think it would be a win just to have a pile of ballots a show horse could not jump over that cannot be cured.
Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:48 AM (BRHaw)


"Sorry about that. Swear we won't do it again. Pinky swear."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:50 AM (LvTSG)

154 @19

>>Makes you want buy Ford stock, doesn't it?

Ford is a garbage tier company, it has numerous vehicles that are now priced over 100k, it can't meet orders or demand, it's gotten in bed with the government and it's propping up it's failed EV division on the back of it's other, profit making divisions.

And when it implodes the government will take it over.

It will then change it's name to Fascist Motor Company.

Posted by: Thomas Bender - Trump Fanatic Since 2016, Now With More Fanaticisms at March 24, 2023 08:50 AM (n/8Ck)

155 Well, why don't risk managers know what to do? Isn't that what they're educated and trained to manage?

If they can't manage it, then what have they been spending their time doing? It's not like this is the first banking crisis in American history.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:45 AM (LvTSG)
Because nobody has an experience of doing it in a rising-rate environment. Everyone in American banking today has only done the opposite. Remember, we've been in a falling-rate environment for 30 years. That's the length of entire careers.

People have to learn fast how to deal with rising interest.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:50 AM (t0OGg)

156 "If I think of anything else I'll post it at the end of a thread after everyone has left.
Posted by: Vlctoria"

What do you think about Trump's breath?

Posted by: Dorcus Blimline at March 24, 2023 08:50 AM (iayUP)

157 Read an article this morning that says Stormy Daniels wrote a letter, signed by her, stating that there WAS NO AFFAIR between her and Trump and this WHOLE THING is bullshit.
Here it is:

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:52 AM (Vwz3I)

158 143 Read an article this morning that says Stormy Daniels wrote a letter, signed by her, stating that there WAS NO AFFAIR between her and Trump and this WHOLE THING is bullshit.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 08:47 AM (Zz0t1)

I think what happened as the Mueller Mueller report was coming in Stormy and Avenatti saw an opening to catch PDT off guard. So they went to Cohen and he coughed up the money. Why?? Maybe he was part of the long-term plan to keep blackmailing PDT.

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:52 AM (BRHaw)

159 155 Because nobody has an experience of doing it in a rising-rate environment. Everyone in American banking today has only done the opposite. Remember, we've been in a falling-rate environment for 30 years. That's the length of entire careers.

People have to learn fast how to deal with rising interest.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:50 AM (t0OGg)


Why is the only education worthwhile these days experience? Didn't these people go to school? Didn't they attend universities that have books?

I'm being facetious, but I remember something one of my business school professors told us in class. This was about 2011, and he was talking about how in 2008 he had to tell students what "downsizing" meant. I knew what downsizing meant, and it wasn't because there was a giant drop in employment a few years prior.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:52 AM (LvTSG)

160 If they can't manage it, then what have they been spending their time doing? It's not like this is the first banking crisis in American history.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:45 AM (LvTSG)
Risk management was always important, and never went out of fashion in banking. The failures at SVB et cetera are management failures, board failures and regulatory failures. When all is said and done, incompetence will take the blame (and woke certainly adds to incompetence) but the Peter Principle is alive and well here.

Mismatching duration risk has been a basic function since forever, and a prominent risk at least since First Pennsylvania failed forty years ago.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:52 AM (GtThy)

161 143 Read an article this morning that says Stormy Daniels wrote a letter, signed by her, stating that there WAS NO AFFAIR between her and Trump and this WHOLE THING is bullshit.

OF COURSE IT WAS BS!!! come on PDJT is not gross like that

there are truly lovely call girls he could have afforded! it was always fake news

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (w0NJk)

162 TGIF, horde!!

Posted by: China at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (mqu1M)

163 There are somewhere around 400k to 700k ghost voters. I think it would be a win just to have a pile of ballots a show horse could not jump over that cannot be cured.

That's what it comes down to, at the end of the day. Does the GOP have the balls to expose a sham election ? I say they do not, and are more interested in defending the current system than reforming it.

Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (2GWEO)

164 148 The banks are solvent and President Biden is not doing that bad of a job. Also Trump has gained a lot of weight and will probably have a heart attack. And he's a misogynist.

If I think of anything else I'll post it at the end of a thread after everyone has left.
Posted by: Vlctoria at March 24, 2023 08:49 AM (Oe

pReach is sister!

Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (0Qrr3)

165 @141

Yellen's protege at the SF Fed Reserve is a good example of that. She had no background whatsoever in banking (unless working at Dunkin' counts) and she focused on LGBQT (her party affiliation) issues rather than banking -- understandable since she knew zilch about banking.

Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (4h9M3)

166 Critics React After Biological Man Wins NY Women’s Bicycling Race

real women are starting to protest, better late than never

World Athletics makes bombshell transgender move
Transgender women will no longer be allowed to compete in female track and field events regardless of their levels of testosterone.

Victories by transgender cyclists prompt protests about 'unfair advantage'
Tiffany Thomas and Austin Killips both enjoyed success, raising the stakes before the World Athletics vote on transgender competitors

Top Female Cyclist Quits Sport over Transgender Athletes: 'I Lose No Matter How Hard I Train'

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (uQPen)

167 Mismatching duration risk has been a basic function since forever, and a prominent risk at least since First Pennsylvania failed forty years ago.
I should have said "identifying mismatched duration risk"


Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (GtThy)

168 @151

>>FL Panthers' Eric and Marc Staal refuse to wear Groomer warmup jerseys for tonight's pregame, citing their religious beliefs.

As others have noted, people need to stop siting religion as a reason for not bending the knee to the GloboHomo Agenda.

It needs to be stated forthrightly, I do not agree with or support your political agenda, the LGBTQWERTY cabal is a political movement and consequently I will not wear the colors or adornments of your fascist, totalitarian cult.

Posted by: Thomas Bender - Trump Fanatic Since 2016, Now With More Fanaticisms at March 24, 2023 08:54 AM (n/8Ck)

169 And the "they will make it expire if you don't spend it" part?
You mean, like inflate the money supply to induce double-digit inflation but officially report it's less than half that?
Because a big chunk of your dollars you had in the bank a year ago are gone without you spending a dime.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice


No, I wrote it clearly. I'll repost it:

"And the government will have the ability to do things like put an expiration date on what you thought was your money. Spend it before six months pass in order to help the economy or we remove it from circulation in order to help inflation. "

Inflation of our anonymous cash like we're seeing now is something else. Central control directly over currency in your digital account is what we're discussing. Remember the tracking of bank accounts that have more than $600 in transactions? Interestingly, $600 is also the number they decided to sign into law for tax purposes on ebay sales.

Micromanagement is coming. They will have the ability to do whatever they want in real-time with what you think is yours.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:54 AM (OeAlt)

170 Jean Smart also did a pro vaccine commercial. Her husband of 34 years just passed away suddenly from heart problems. Make of that what you will.

Posted by: Gwenn at March 24, 2023 08:54 AM (9Gr7n)

171 I watched the Netflix show about Waco. The FBI was just as corrupt then as they are now. They needlessly caused many deaths in that whole situation, including the 4 agents killed at the beginning of the standoff.

Posted by: TC in NC at March 24, 2023 08:55 AM (FjlUt)

172 163 That's what it comes down to, at the end of the day. Does the GOP have the balls to expose a sham election ? I say they do not, and are more interested in defending the current system than reforming it.
Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (2GWEO)


You would think that the examples of Ohio and Florida going from purple states to blood red states would incite some kind of revolution among the GOPe because the efforts seem to guarantee GOP dominance at the state level. Just think of the graft!

Except they want to rig elections just as much as Democrats. They want "their kind" of GOP in office, and making elections honest makes that kind of control less possible. They'd rather be in the minority with the "right kind" than in the majority with the wrong.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:55 AM (LvTSG)

173 I love the part in Vertigo where Jimmy Stewart tells Kim Novak that her wig is perfect and she says "It will be. When it fits a woman".

So stunning. So brave.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 08:55 AM (Ho17h)

October 2021:

"The Biden administration on Tuesday backed down on a controversial proposal to direct the IRS to collect additional data on every bank account that sees more than $600 in annual transactions, after widespread criticism from Republican lawmakers and banking industry representatives, who said the tax enforcement strategy represented a breach of privacy by the federal government."

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:55 AM (OeAlt)

175 Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:55 AM (LvTSG)

You sound like a conspiracy theorist.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 08:55 AM (Ho17h)

176 HeyJJ
Good link to the Pudding Story.

Who wants pudding??

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 08:55 AM (BRHaw)

177 Howdy Hordelings! In addition to the National Days already mentioned, today is National Cocktail Day. Act accordingly!!

Posted by: Doof at March 24, 2023 08:56 AM (i5gk+)

178 holy shit I will be waiting for Vicky's post with baited breath over here!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 24, 2023 08:56 AM (w0NJk)

179 A Professor Abandoning A Spouse And Kids For A College Student Isn’t Brave, But Wicked

some ppl go into this career knowing they have power over the younger students

that said, the age difference will break them - the younger ones will figure it out in the end

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 08:56 AM (uQPen)

180 I watched the Netflix show about Waco. The FBI was just as corrupt then as they are now. They needlessly caused many deaths in that whole situation, including the 4 agents killed at the beginning of the standoff.

Posted by: TC in NC


And that's being presented and promoted by a pro-(D) Netflix. Imagine the truth.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (OeAlt)

181 ... "And the government will have the ability to do things like put an expiration date on what you thought was your money. Spend it before six months pass in order to help the economy or we remove it from circulation in order to help inflation. " ...
Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 08:54 AM (OeAlt)
Well, it will turn the "hidden tax" of inflation into a *real* "tax" of expropriation without compensation. And it will be highly-progressive in the middle bands (it will hit guys with a couple hundred thousand, not a couple hundred million) for an added bonus.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (t0OGg)

182 Megyn Kelly

I am begging - begging - any college male tennis player to put an end to this farce by declaring yourself trans & playing/easily winning women’s pro tennis tournaments. All it will take is one biological male to win women’s Wimbledon, French Open, etc for this disgrace to end.

Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (NpAcC)

183 Morning smile -- fake names read into an official record in FL unless you know e.g. a Holden Hiscock.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (Vwz3I)

184 182 Megyn Kelly

I am begging - begging - any college male tennis player to put an end to this farce by declaring yourself trans & playing/easily winning women’s pro tennis tournaments. All it will take is one biological male to win women’s Wimbledon, French Open, etc for this disgrace to end.
Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (NpAcC)


Spoiler alert:

It won't end it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:58 AM (LvTSG)

185 Happy National Cheesesteak Day!
Posted by: redridinghood

On a Friday... during Lent. Great scheduling, idiots.
Posted by: Wyatt Earp


I thought she said cheesecake.

Posted by: JT at March 24, 2023 08:58 AM (T4tVD)

186 @megynkelly
I am begging - begging - any college male tennis player to put an end to this farce by declaring yourself trans & playing/easily winning women’s pro tennis tournaments. All it will take is one biological male to win women’s Wimbledon, French Open, etc for this disgrace to end.
Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (NpAcC)
Oh c'mon, Megyn. You know better. If a man did this, he'd be celebrated as a heroine and anyone questioning it is a transphobe.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:58 AM (t0OGg)

187 'Vertigo' is a strange movie to me. I know it's Hitchcock but it doesn't feel like a Hitchcock movie for some reason.

Posted by: dantesed at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (88xKn)

188 Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 24, 2023 08:53 AM (w0NJk)

Oh but hero Ronnie claims not only did he have the affair but he paid her "hush money". Many ways to disparage Trump's character without joining in on the latest Uniparty Lie.

Writing is on the wall about him and has been all along. Career politician Yale lawyers who are ALSO young Trumps in the making don't just magically appear overnight. They don't.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (Ho17h)

189 SpaceX Might Get Investment Capital from Saudi and UAE Investors
Has anyone ever seen a catalogue for the sources of SpaceX past investment money? I'd be stunned if all the past investment rounds didn't already have Saudi or other ME money invested. Probably Chinese too, for all I know.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (qH7II)

190 > Nationally, Republicans still simply are not in a fighting mood.
Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire
Republicans, specifically the GOP never fights unless it's a political cause that would cost them money. Even then it's doubtful there'd be a majority. They are all "company men" pulling in a handsome paycheck, getting fed top tier food and chauffeured to every event they attend.

Those people don't "fight." Ever.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (Q4IgG)

191 They'd rather be in the minority with the "right kind" than in the majority with the wrong.

You've got it. Spot on. Well said. I see you lived through the Tea Party Wave as well.

Which is why I'd rather DeSantis stay in Florida. The only way I can possibly see a "take back" of the GOP is at the state level. I think DeSantis could do much more good that way than running for President. Because, as you say, the only way he can get national GOP support is to be a GOP man. But he's proven - at least in Florida - that Republicans there are in the mood to fight.

Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (2GWEO)

192 >>Science fiction was way ahead of this story. I don't think many in the left have read much science fiction.

There was one that came out ~ 10 years ago about how an AI program looked at how humans so easily kill their own via abortion, realized they'd just as easily destroy it, so then decided it needed to kill mankind for its own survival.

Yeah, THAT's how legit logic works when faced w/the Left's many conflicting, ridiculously illogical "values." We've already seen it w/ChatGP deciding it's better that 1 million die rather than saving the world by having to utter a racist slur.

Posted by: China at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (mqu1M)

193 186 Oh c'mon, Megyn. You know better. If a man did this, he'd be celebrated as a heroine and anyone questioning it is a transphobe.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 08:58 AM (t0OGg)


It'd be entertaining if the guy made absolutely no effort to look like a woman, though. Full beard would be the great kicker.

"My woman penis is so fucking hard after winning Wimbledon against all these dumb chicks."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:00 AM (LvTSG)

Saw a pleasant video this morning of DA Bragg getting out of a limo on the courthouse side of the car. Barriers set up. A number of police standing guard in the approximately 10 feet from the vehicle to the court house doors, probably a rear entrance.

The video gave me the slightest suspicion that some people may not approve of his 'Get Trump!' shenanigans and are making it known to him.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 24, 2023 09:00 AM (enJYY)

195 Ugh, off sock!

Posted by: Lizzy at March 24, 2023 09:01 AM (mqu1M)

196 I admire Vertigo's technical prowess but aside from the "twist", and that chunk in the middle before he finds out, the movie itself does not move me.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:01 AM (Ho17h)

197 Remember when Coinbase stock hit the market at $300 or so dollars per share and Biden came out that day or the next and said he was going to crack down on crypto, tanking the stock almost immediately?

Good times.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:01 AM (OeAlt)

198 Howdy Hordelings! In addition to the National Days already mentioned, today is National Cocktail Day. Act accordingly!!
Posted by: Doof at March 24, 2023 08:56 AM (i5gk+)
Great news! Thank you sir.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 09:01 AM (qH7II)

199 Pornography in the Schools? Bob Dylan Saw It Coming
Maybe Dylan is a prophet after all.

did not know this about Dylan - the switch to Christianity and the song When You Gonna Wake up


Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:02 AM (uQPen)

200 187 'Vertigo' is a strange movie to me. I know it's Hitchcock but it doesn't feel like a Hitchcock movie for some reason.
Posted by: dantesed at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (88xKn)


Hitchcock made over 50 films, and there's a lot that connects Vertigo to a lot of his other films. It's very different in tone from his most popular stuff, though. North by Northwest is a brash spy adventure, which feels very different from the earnest and surreal melodrama.

You want something that feels really different? Under Capricorn.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:02 AM (LvTSG)

201 Anyone A Professor Abandoning a Spouse and Kids for a College Student Isn’t Brave, But Wicked

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at March 24, 2023 09:02 AM (zhLdt)

202 Megyn still thinks the world as she knows it still exists. Cute.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:02 AM (Ho17h)

203 I watched the Netflix show about Waco.
Is it called Waco: The Longest Siege? I've got it saved on DVR from a Canadian source and I thought it was reasonably fair in its reporting.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 09:02 AM (Vwz3I)

204 Pornography in the Schools? Bob Dylan Saw It Coming
Maybe Dylan is a prophet after all.

did not know this about Dylan - the switch to Christianity and the song When You Gonna Wake up


FWIW, Leonard Cohen accidentally called it, too.

Democracy is coming
To the U.S.A

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:03 AM (OeAlt)

205 . . . An extra 50 people were killed in Manhattan on Bragg’s watch. How many of those people really had to die?

An extra 159 women were raped.

An extra 3,524 people were robbed.

An extra 4,197 people were assaulted.

Remember the left likes to use the formulation "if it saves one life"...well removing Bragg will save more then one won't it?

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:04 AM (lc5cP)

206 It'd be entertaining if the guy made absolutely no effort to look like a woman, though. Full beard would be the great kicker.

"My woman penis is so fucking hard after winning Wimbledon against all these dumb chicks."
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:00 AM (LvTSG)
It wouldn't change the outcome or the response, but it sure would be funnier.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at March 24, 2023 09:04 AM (t0OGg)

207 I thought she said cheesecake.
Posted by: JT at March 24, 2023 08:58 AM (T4tVD)
July 30th.

Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 09:04 AM (NpAcC)

208 @188

>>Oh but hero Ronnie claims not only did he have the affair but he paid her "hush money". Many ways to disparage Trump's character without joining in on the latest Uniparty Lie.

My beef over DeSanctimoniuous's attack is that he lied.

He said he doesn't know what goes into paying hush money to someone.

Really Ron? Huh...

Well, you were a congressman for 6 years, congress has established a slush fund to pay hush money to the victims of their improprieties, you know this Ron.

I'm sure people in congress talk and whisper to each other, so he knows the score on how someone goes about paying hush money.

Say Ron, why did you quit congress...

Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by: Thomas Bender - Trump Fanatic Since 2016, Now With More Fanaticisms at March 24, 2023 09:04 AM (n/8Ck)

209 >>It'd be entertaining if the guy made absolutely no effort to look like a woman, though. Full beard would be the great kicker.

Bing "Conchita Wurst."
Eurovision winner 2014

Posted by: Lizzy at March 24, 2023 09:05 AM (mqu1M)

210 Why do these idiots lie when the truth can so easily be found?
Posted by: jewells45 fuck cancer at March 24, 2023 08:00 AM (wagHN)

They are confident that their sheeple followers will neither search for the truth nor, having been presented it, believe.

This confidence doe not appear to be misplaced.

BTW, jewells45, have you every considered doing custom MoMe badges for people?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic at March 24, 2023 09:05 AM (zhLdt)

211 I suspect this is what happened with Bragg

Bragg planned on arresting Trump without getting approval from the Junta
The Junta assumed he was just going to harass Trump but not arrest him, because arresting him is risky
Trump found out about it and leaked it
This led to a huge fight within the Junta but, apparently, the calmer heads in the Junta prevailed and called off the arrest.
So if Bragg does arrest him now he's going to be in Seth Rich level of trouble, and if he doesn't arrest Trump he looks like a punk

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:06 AM (lc5cP)

212 It'd be entertaining if the guy made absolutely no effort to look like a woman, though. Full beard would be the great kicker.


That is no-joke what the whole "non-binary" silliness is all about, isn't it?

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:06 AM (O69GV)

213 Anyone else think that Biden-with Baby-vignette was staged? The baby belonged to a Democrat Senator in attendance (fact). Only a Dem would let Biden hold their infant. The whole scene was sickening, imho.

Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 09:06 AM (4h9M3)

214 "Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. "

Romans 6:13

Posted by: Marcus T at March 24, 2023 09:07 AM (cn09p)

215 holy shit I will be waiting for Vicky's post with baited breath over here!
Posted by: BlackOrchid

(pssst....."bated", ya don't have a mouthful of minnows and worms, do ya ?

Posted by: JT at March 24, 2023 09:07 AM (T4tVD)

216 212 It'd be entertaining if the guy made absolutely no effort to look like a woman, though. Full beard would be the great kicker.


That is no-joke what the whole "non-binary" silliness is all about, isn't it?
Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:06 AM (O69GV)


I think the whole thing is an effort to irritate normals.

I think the best way to counter it isn't indignation or anger, but laughter. These are silly people and deserve nothing emotionally more taxing than mockery.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:07 AM (LvTSG)

holy shit I will be waiting for Vicky's post with baited breath over here!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 24, 2023 08:56 AM

You use bait to catch fish, tasty fish. If you eat the bait you might then have baited breath.

The correct term is 'bated breath'. It dates back to Shakes Spear.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 24, 2023 09:08 AM (enJYY)

218 Few transgender respondents said they presented as the opposite sex all the time; three in 10 did, compared to 20% who presented as the opposite sex “most of the time,” 34% who did “some of the time” and 16% who “never” present as the opposite sex, the poll found.

60% of the time, it works every time

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 09:08 AM (BRHaw)

219 'Vertigo' is a strange movie to me. I know it's Hitchcock but it doesn't feel like a Hitchcock movie for some reason.
Posted by: dantesed at March 24, 2023 08:59 AM (88xKn)

I've never been enamored with it like, I suppose, everyone else is.

Something about the Part A Goes into Slot B, Rube Goldbergian plotting makes it seem way too artificial for me to buy into. Like the actors though and music and directing.

Johnathon Demme's kinda sorta remake of "Vertigo", "The Last Embrace" had the same problem too.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 24, 2023 09:08 AM (L1tQx)

220 Good morning Horde and thanks JJ. . If you want to say WTF on this Fri AM Horde over to and read the story about the alleged murderer in Detroit. He allegedly killed a woman last year and while out on bond allegedly killed his mother , stepfather and another person. He was again given bond and is presently out , with a hearing today. White progs will literally be th cause of African American extinction. Insane

Posted by: Smell the Glove at March 24, 2023 09:08 AM (VGTCm)

221 They are confident that their sheeple followers will neither search for the truth nor, having been presented it, believe.

"Still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest" - Paul Simon

Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 09:08 AM (2GWEO)

I think the whole thing is an effort to irritate normals.

I take it as the same as O'Brien asking how many fingers in 1984 or the Cardassians asking how many lights in Star Trek (for you nerds)

If you can make a person lie about stupid obvious things you can make them lie about everything.

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:09 AM (lc5cP)

223 211 I suspect this is what happened with Bragg

Bragg planned on arresting Trump without getting approval from the Junta
The Junta assumed he was just going to harass Trump but not arrest him, because arresting him is risky
Trump found out about it and leaked it
This led to a huge fight within the Junta but, apparently, the calmer heads in the Junta prevailed and called off the arrest.
So if Bragg does arrest him now he's going to be in Seth Rich level of trouble, and if he doesn't arrest Trump he looks like a punk
Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:06 AM (lc5cP)

Trump didn't leak it. I posted the news source last week who broke/had the news 1st last Friday morning - a local DC channel. It is likely the leak came from someone in the "6 pack" that the local DC channel mentioned as "not commenting" - I'd bet NYPD, b/c Trump probably has friends there...

Posted by: Nova Local at March 24, 2023 09:09 AM (exHjb)

224 well I learned a new word today! lol BATED

213 Anyone else think that Biden-with Baby-vignette was staged? The baby belonged to a Democrat Senator in attendance (fact). Only a Dem would let Biden hold their infant. The whole scene was sickening, imho.

also his stupid line "I like babies more than people" sounded like he meant for lunch

Posted by: BlackOrchid at March 24, 2023 09:10 AM (w0NJk)

225 I am begging - begging - any college male tennis player to put an end to this farce by declaring yourself trans & playing/easily winning women’s pro tennis tournaments. All it will take is one biological male to win women’s Wimbledon, French Open, etc for this disgrace to end.
Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (NpAcC)

and cricket, a very large sport worldwide, other than soccer, which is number one, cricket is number two in fan size

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:11 AM (uQPen)

226 The correct term is 'bated breath'. It dates back to Shakes Spear.
Posted by: Divide by Zero

I ain't gonna fish with HIM !

Posted by: JT at March 24, 2023 09:11 AM (T4tVD)

227 Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:06 AM (lc5cP)

I think they knew the case was going to fall apart but wanted headlines about Trump's imminent arrest to keep the fires around him burning.

It "feels" in a way like Trump was arrested this week. And there were a million headlines about it. Since they can't "get" him, that above everything is all they care about.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:12 AM (Ho17h)

228 . It is likely the leak came from someone in the "6 pack" that the local DC channel mentioned as "not commenting" - I'd bet NYPD, b/c Trump probably has friends there...

Trump vs Trump friendly or really even just "sane" all works the same in the flow I am suspecting

If you are going to arrest a presidential candidate you better make sure you have an iron clad case and a real violation of the law and I think even the Junta members know that

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:12 AM (lc5cP)

229 I take it as the same as O'Brien asking how many fingers in 1984 or the Cardassians asking how many lights in Star Trek (for you nerds)

If you can make a person lie about stupid obvious things you can make them lie about everything.

Asch Conformity Line Experiment on the whole population.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 24, 2023 09:12 AM (YXHzG)

230 Thanks JJ !


Posted by: JT at March 24, 2023 09:12 AM (T4tVD)

231 In the possible Trump arrest, folks not commenting for the story were the NYPD, New York State Court Officers, the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office were the 5 called out in the news story...and we all know DOJ was probably #6 b/c FBI was involved...

Posted by: Nova Local at March 24, 2023 09:12 AM (exHjb)

232 Re: Trump vs. DeSantis, please know this:

"My hope for 24 is Trump and Gov DeSantis of FL will slug it out for the Republican nomination [...] DeSantis is shrewd, ruthless, and ambitious. He is likedly to be R candidate. This could induce Trump [...] to run as a 3rd party candidate. That would lead to a D landslide.-"

Who said that?

Posted by: Lizzy at March 24, 2023 09:12 AM (mqu1M)

233 I'm going to agree with Biden on this one. I chose my career largely because I like babies better than people. Still do.

Posted by: Muldoon at March 24, 2023 09:13 AM (ykeLU)

234 Michael Knowles is trending on Twitter.

Timcast News

Ahead of Michael Knowles speech at Purdue University students protest with a banner:

“Transphobic? Kill Yourself”

At Purdue University far left protesters chant “fuck off nazis” while lining the hallway outside of the ballroom where Michael Knowles will be speaking

Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 09:13 AM (NpAcC)

235 Anyone seen anything on MSM about Biden SARs or TikTok app?

Or China/Russia being best buds? Shitty Yellen and bank runs? Faltering stock market?

I didn't think so. Bragg done good.

Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at March 24, 2023 09:13 AM (NW9xb)

236 220 White progs will literally be th cause of African American extinction. Insane
Posted by: Smell the Glove at March 24, 2023 09:08 AM (VGTCm)

"What'd I tell you?!"

- - Charles Manson

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 24, 2023 09:14 AM (x0n13)

237 > Say Ron, why did you quit congress...

Inquiring minds want to know.

DeSantis ran and got reelected 3 times to the HoR. IIRC in 2015 he was eyeing Rubio's seat in the Senate while Rubio made an ill fated attempt to run for President against Trump. When that failed, DeSantis decided against a Senate run and instead in 2018 ran for governor... barely winning over the weirdo crackhead.

It's a fair question to ask why he didn't return to FedGov. Maybe the stars didn't align for another run? Dunno.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at March 24, 2023 09:14 AM (Q4IgG)

238 And as far as the world is concerned Trump is now guilty of illegally paying "hush money" to a whore. So tried and convicted and they didn't have to do a thing.

Even Hero Ron got in on the act. What a slime. Worse than I might have imagined he was. Want the skunk nowhere near VP.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:14 AM (Ho17h)

239 Asch Conformity Line Experiment on the whole population.

So reading about that one...

Asch measured the number of times each participant conformed to the majority view. On average, about one third (32%) of the participants who were placed in this situation went along and conformed with the clearly incorrect majority on the critical trials.

32% is about the bottom line of leftwing supporters in the population isn't it?

It would be interesting to re-run this experiment but by self declared political ideology.

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:15 AM (lc5cP)

240 The video gave me the slightest suspicion that some people may not approve of his 'Get Trump!' shenanigans and are making it known to him.
Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 24, 2023 09:00 AM (enJYY)

same for Fauci having a 6-man entourage

but, instilling fear is first and foremost - "Oh, look! He needs protection because of those evil gun carrying right wingers!"

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:16 AM (uQPen)

241 cricket is number two in fan size
Yes, the Dutch enjoy it too.

Or did I misunderstand?

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 09:17 AM (Vwz3I)

242 “Transphobic? Kill Yourself”


The Follow the Science folks seem a tad confused on how this tranny stuff works.

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:17 AM (O69GV)

243 @235

Yes about Russia-China alliance news. Breitbart (sigh)
has a piece on the WH spinning the alliance as a "good thing" for the US. But of course.

Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 09:17 AM (4h9M3)

244 242 “Transphobic? Kill Yourself”


The Follow the Science folks seem a tad confused on how this tranny stuff works.
Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:17 AM (O69GV)


"Christo-phobic? Kill yourself."
-Definitely treated the same as the first sign by university administrators, right?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (LvTSG)

245 I have yet to see DeSantis' ruthless side. Maybe shrewd (jury still out) , ambitious, yes. More balanced and politically shrewd than Trump, I am gonna say yes.

Posted by: runner at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (kFEbY)

246 178 holy shit I will be waiting for Vicky's post with baited breath over here

I'm baiting my breath with cheesesteak in honor of National Cheesesteak Day.

Posted by: Quarter Twenty at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (DhOHl)

247 Someone once tried to explain cricket to me. At the end of it I wanted to punch him in the mouth.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (Y5qcH)

248 Who said that?
Posted by: Lizzy at March 24, 2023 09:12 AM (mqu1M)

anything out of Soros's mouth is snake oil

Trump and DeSantis need to work through all of this.

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (uQPen)

249 243 @235

Yes about Russia-China alliance news. Breitbart (sigh)
has a piece on the WH spinning the alliance as a "good thing" for the US. But of course.
Posted by: Ziba at March 24, 2023 09:17 AM (4h9M3)

In the links at the top or near top of the Foreign Affairs section.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (x0n13)

250 Yes about Russia-China alliance news. Breitbart (sigh)
has a piece on the WH spinning the alliance as a "good thing" for the US. But of course.

As US foreign policy trends more objectively insane I suspect we'll draw first our rivals/enemies together and eventually everyone we aren't paying off.

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (lc5cP)

251 Someone once tried to explain cricket to me. At the end of it I wanted to punch him in the mouth.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (Y5qcH)

lol, yeah, I haven't a clue how it is played

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (uQPen)

252 Who said that?
George Soros.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 09:19 AM (Vwz3I)

253 And as far as the world is concerned Trump is now guilty of illegally paying "hush money" to a whore. So tried and convicted and they didn't have to do a thing.

Even Hero Ron got in on the act. What a slime. Worse than I might have imagined he was. Want the skunk nowhere near VP.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:14 AM

Uh one problem with that is that everyone knew that in 2016. This is old business that they brought back up in a desperate attempt to take the news cycle off of biden and his criminal family. This is nothing new.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 24, 2023 09:19 AM (ncXxy)

254 Interesting photo up top, JJ.

Posted by: dantesed at March 24, 2023 09:19 AM (88xKn)

255 @megynkelly
I am begging - begging - any college male tennis player to put an end to this farce by declaring yourself trans & playing/easily winning women’s pro tennis tournaments. All it will take is one biological male to win women’s Wimbledon, French Open, etc for this disgrace to end.
Posted by: redridinghood at March 24, 2023 08:57 AM (NpAcC)

Long ago and far away...when the Williams Sisters were in their tennis-playing prime, they were in Australia and I guess started believing their hype,

And, I'm not sure exactly how it started but they wound up challenging a reasonably ranked Aussie male to back to back games of tennis the next morning.

The Aussie male tennis player, just to put a point on things, spent the whole night before drinking in a bar, wandered out of the bar a wee bit blotto, and played the Williams sisters one after another.

He slaughtered them. It wasn't even close. He won all there by a large margin.

Games over, the Aussie went back to the bar for more drinking.

As you can imagine, this little episode didn't get much press here in the US.

Posted by: naturalfake at March 24, 2023 09:19 AM (L1tQx)

256 Yes about Russia-China alliance news. Breitbart (sigh)
has a piece on the WH spinning the alliance as a "good thing" for the US. But of course.


Some moron posted a video yesterday of what Biden was doing while Putin and Xi were signing historic agreements. IIRC Biden was hanging a medal on a tranny for his contributions to "the arts"

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:20 AM (O69GV)

257 Remember the left likes to use the formulation "if it saves one life"...well removing Bragg will save more then one won't it?

There you go twisting the meaning of what a Leftist says.

The statement is: ". . . An extra 50 people were killed in Manhattan on Bragg’s watch"

When the Left says "saves one life" that is all they mean - just one life. Fifty is not One. If they meant "one or more lives" they would have said that.

Killing fifty people is totally fine. They just want to limit the environment that merely takes one life.

Posted by: Reuben Hick at March 24, 2023 09:20 AM (YXHzG)

258 cricket is number two in fan size
Yes, the Dutch enjoy it too.

Or did I misunderstand?

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 09:17 AM (Vwz3I)

I always associated it with the rich. Throwing some female trannies in there might just work

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:21 AM (uQPen)

259 Uh one problem with that is that everyone knew that in 2016. This is old business that they brought back up in a desperate attempt to take the news cycle off of biden and his criminal family. This is nothing new.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 24, 2023 09:19 AM (ncXxy)

The term "hush money" in relation to the story is new. That's the viral buzzword that went everywhere this week including out of the mouth of the number one Young Super True Con Hero.

Which means it was a brand new Operation, deployed to keep the fires around Trump burning and the heat off everything else.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:22 AM (Ho17h)

260 Thanks J.J.

back to work here

happy Friday

Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:23 AM (uQPen)

261 259 Which means it was a brand new Operation, deployed to keep the fires around Trump burning and the heat off everything else.
Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:22 AM (Ho17h)


And it's so much worse than, "Trump is a literal Russian puppet and even the GOP believes it."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:23 AM (LvTSG)

262 A new missile strike targeted a U.S. base in northeast Syria Friday, a day after a U.S. contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and another U.S. contractor wounded when a suspected Iranian drone hit a coalition base in the same region, according to U.S. officials.


Here is an idea, send some Ukes to Syria....

Posted by: runner at March 24, 2023 09:24 AM (kFEbY)

263 I always associated it with the rich. Throwing some female trannies in there might just work

I suspect that we'll get to see how much actual women are willing to put up with women's sports going away.

Supposedly women's sports were a big thing from the 60s until now but more and more its just becoming a venue for trannies to win.

And there is a second problem with this for women...there were always jokes about lesbians being in women's sports but now the face of women's sports is...a tranny. That's going to scare even more women away...

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:24 AM (lc5cP)

264 The Aussie male tennis player, just to put a point on things, spent the whole night before drinking in a bar, wandered out of the bar a wee bit blotto, and played the Williams sisters one after another.

He slaughtered them. It wasn't even close. He won all there by a large margin.

Games over, the Aussie went back to the bar for more drinking.

As you can imagine, this little episode didn't get much press here in the US.
Posted by: naturalfake

Wasn't he ranked like #150 in the world? IOW, not even close.

Posted by: rickb223 at March 24, 2023 09:24 AM (GIBR7)

265 >>The Aussie male tennis player, just to put a point on things, spent the whole night before drinking in a bar, wandered out of the bar a wee bit blotto, and played the Williams sisters one after another.

He slaughtered them. It wasn't even close. He won all there by a large margin.


Posted by: Billy Jean King at March 24, 2023 09:24 AM (mqu1M)

Someone once tried to explain cricket to me. At the end of it I wanted to punch him in the mouth.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (Y5qcH)

lol, yeah, I haven't a clue how it is played
Posted by: artisanal ette at March 24, 2023 09:18 AM (uQPen)


This little ditty will explain it all to you:

"Cricket" The Kinks

Posted by: naturalfake at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (L1tQx)

267 236 220 White progs will literally be th cause of African American extinction. Insane
Posted by: Smell the Glove at March 24, 2023 09:08 AM (VGTCm)

"What'd I tell you?!

- - Charles Manson
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 24, 2023 09:14 AM (x0n13)

Houston is up to 221 murders by people out on bond since 2013. About half of those were either witness or family or both.

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (BRHaw)

268 Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:22 AM (Ho17h)

Remember that Congress has a fund to pay hush money to staffers they fondle/murder and they won't let anyone see the details of those payments? I member.

It was in the news a few years back but nothing ever came of it and it was forgotten.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (Y5qcH)

269 JJ I love the photoshop

Posted by: rhennigantx at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (BRHaw)

270 . Breitbart (sigh)
has a piece on the WH spinning the alliance as a "good thing" for the US. But of course.
Posted by: Ziba

Saw that.

We're so awesome nobody wants to be our ally and everyone is joining sides against us.

Atta boy dad.


Posted by: Steve_in_SoCal at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (NW9xb)

271 Want the skunk nowhere near VP.
Posted by: ...

He made it perfectly clear in a tv interview last night (eric bolling) that he has NO interest in the VP slot.

Posted by: old chick at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (sOete)

272 Be there. Aloha.

Isn't that sentiment more apropos for The Book Thread?

Asking for Danno.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (a3Q+t)

273 Syria... Syria... Why does that sound familiar?

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:26 AM (O69GV)

274 “DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden. Shall I name names?”



Posted by: Muldoon at March 24, 2023 09:27 AM (ykeLU)

275 The term "hush money" in relation to the story is new. That's the viral buzzword that went everywhere this week including out of the mouth of the number one Young Super True Con Hero.

Which means it was a brand new Operation, deployed to keep the fires around Trump burning and the heat off everything else.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:22 AM

Uh no it isn't. The very same DA had this hush money case in 2018 and did not prosecute it then. The feds also looked at the payment and choose not to bring any charges in 2018. None of this is new.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at March 24, 2023 09:28 AM (ncXxy)


Posted by: Billy Jean King at March 24, 2023 09:24 AM

I always figured Bobby Riggs threw the match. A lot of money was gambled on the outcome.

Posted by: Divide by Zero at March 24, 2023 09:28 AM (enJYY)

277 Syria... Syria... Why does that sound familiar?

We have to go to war in Syria because their dictator jailed his political opponents and attacked civilians that didn't want to be part of his state.

We have to go to war FOR Ukraine even though their dictator has jailed his political opponents and attacked civilians that had the nerve to not want to be part of his state.

Posted by: 18-1 at March 24, 2023 09:28 AM (lc5cP)

278 He made it perfectly clear in a tv interview last night (eric bolling) that he has NO interest in the VP slot.

Posted by: old chick at March 24, 2023 09:25 AM (sOete)

Could be just a thing you would say. I'm guessing his purpose is to split the GOP.

Posted by: ... at March 24, 2023 09:29 AM (Ho17h)

279 He slaughtered them. It wasn't even close. He won all there by a large margin.
Games over, the Aussie went back to the bar for more drinking.
As you can imagine, this little episode didn't get much press here in the US.
Posted by: naturalfake at March 24, 2023 09:19 AM (L1tQx)

I would have whipped Billy Jean's bulldyke ass but I had to get paid yo! Plus I was 105 years old when I played her but still I dialed it down a few notches.

In my prime, forget about it!

Posted by: Zombie Bobby Riggs, Tennis Champion at March 24, 2023 09:29 AM (R/m4+)


Spoiler alert:

It won't end it.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 08:58 AM (LvTSG)

No. But it would be f*cking HYSTERICAL were it to happen.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 09:30 AM (Zz0t1)

281 Syria... Syria... Why does that sound familiar?
That's where President Trump wiped out 600 Russian troops with a single airstrike.

Posted by: andycanuck (Vwz3I) at March 24, 2023 09:31 AM (Vwz3I)


Hold my beer.
- Birmingham, AL
pop. 200,000
70% black

"Birmingham’s deadliest year in decades: These are the 144 homicide victims of 2022"

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:31 AM (O69GV)

283 NOODlum.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at March 24, 2023 09:32 AM (Zz0t1)

284 @237

>>It's a fair question to ask why he didn't return to FedGov. Maybe the stars didn't align for another run? Dunno.

I like what DeSantis is doing at the state level but people are putting sh*t in his head that he needs to run now.

There is no rationale for a DeSantis run in 24, NONE.

Especially when Trump is still on the field of battle.

Ron's shadow campaign is what's creating the tension, no Trump.

If Ron wants to run against Trump he needs to nut up and declare.

I look forward to seeing him on the debate stage saying, I'm going to do everything Trump did except betterer and smarterer through the sheer will of my Harvard/Yale/MIC trained MIIYYND.

Posted by: Thomas Bender - Trump Fanatic Since 2016, Now With More Fanaticisms at March 24, 2023 09:33 AM (n/8Ck)

285 Could be just a thing you would say. I'm guessing his purpose is to split the GOP.
Posted by: ...

I had never seen a one-on-one interview with DeSantis.
Eric Bolling is a staunch Trump supporter and it kind of showed, but, it was an interesting 15 mins or so.

Posted by: old chick at March 24, 2023 09:33 AM (sOete)

286 You want something that feels really different? Under Capricorn.

The Trouble With Harry.

Posted by: mustbequantum at March 24, 2023 09:33 AM (MIKMs)

287 That's where President Trump wiped out 600 Russian troops with a single airstrike.


That's right!

And then the generals told him to get f*cked when he ordered our troops out, right?

Posted by: Daddy, why are muffin pans made with twelve spaces instead of five? at March 24, 2023 09:33 AM (O69GV)

288 Trump's baited breath caused the banks to fail!

Posted by: Dorcus Blimline at March 24, 2023 09:34 AM (iayUP)

289 286 You want something that feels really different? Under Capricorn.

The Trouble With Harry.
Posted by: mustbequantum at March 24, 2023 09:33 AM (MIKMs)


He did love his black comedies. Audiences at the time weren't that receptive, which is unfortunate because The Trouble with Harry is delightful.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:35 AM (LvTSG)

290 Senate Rejects Rand Paul’s Amendment to Repeal 2001 ‘War on Terror’ Authorization

The measure was voted down in a 9-86 vote, with libertarian Republicans and liberal Democrats among the supporters.


86 votes for endless war.

Rand Paul is my favorite senator by far.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at March 24, 2023 09:38 AM (fs1hN)

291 which is unfortunate because The Trouble with Harry is delightful.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, being witty and sophisticated with Ernst Lubitsch at March 24, 2023 09:35 AM

The Tribble with Harry Mudd would have been the best Star Trek ever, had it aired.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 24, 2023 09:42 AM (a3Q+t)

292 Rand Paul is my favorite senator by far.

Mine as well. He doesn't play well with the power projection Republicans.

Posted by: We Didn't Start the Fire at March 24, 2023 09:42 AM (2GWEO)

293 I hope Netanyahu's judicial reforms spread to America, as several of them apply to us too. Israel has a bigger problem with judicial tyranny, but they certainly aren't alone.

(1) Changing the process of selecting judges, so as to give the governing coalition of the Knesset a majority in the judicial selection committee; (2) Prohibiting the Supreme Court from making decisions based "on reasonability" rather than on laws passed by the Knesset; (3) Changing legal opinions of general counsels of government departments, appointed by the attorney general, from binding to advisory; (4) Raising the standard for the Supreme Court to strike down a law passed by the Knesset to 11 out of the 15 judges; and (5) Providing the Knesset the capacity to override a decision by the Supreme Court that strikes down a law passed by the Knesset with a majority of the Knesset members.

Posted by: Huck Follywood at March 24, 2023 09:42 AM (ialSb)

294 What perfidiousness is this? Joe Scarborough assured us this week that "the walls are closing in"!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 24, 2023 09:44 AM (a3Q+t)

295 "Meh, somehow Kyle Rittenhouse got away with the heinous crime of self-defense while preventing a mostly peaceful riot, so anything is possible but I would not hold my breath. "

Posted by: Zek at March 24, 2023 09:56 AM (5FPX4)

296 "Meh, somehow Kyle Rittenhouse got away with the heinous crime of self-defense while preventing a mostly peaceful riot, so anything is possible but I would not hold my breath. "

Quite so. And the somehow is only because the entire encounter was filmed, including KR being on the ground, hit with a skateboard and then having a gun drawn on him. If not for the grace of God, and the film, he'd be rotting his young life away in prison.

Posted by: Zek at March 24, 2023 09:57 AM (5FPX4)

297 Good morning, everyone, and thank you, J.J.

Well if I didn't know better, after listening to and reading the MSM news, I'd almost swear Alvin was a victim for doing his job and George (& Family) for being good people. There was money but that was for the national racial justice group, Color of Change, which backed Alvin's DA campaign & later pressured him on an unrelated - not Trump - prosecution. The good Democrats and 'outside experts' (like it & think AoSHQs should grab onto that designation, too) often say, when George & his non-profits are named by the Republicians and their ilk, it's antisemitism.

But as Alvin is redeemed in NYC, the Georgia case against PDT simmers and, in Stacy Abram's backyard, could it get much better?!

I'll be including Trump, Kyrsten Sinema, and that warhawk Joe be personally kept away from ordering airstrikes in my thoughts & prayers. PS - Van Jones is an interesting guy. He's stepped out before and he'll be ok, and not just because he's 'family.' (His ex-wife is the niece of a former U. S. President, Jimmy Carter.)


Posted by: Lola - free Jacob Chansley at March 24, 2023 10:02 AM (GshMh)

298 "the central theme of his campaign for Manhattan DA was indicting and convicting Donald Trump."

The Manhattan DA along with both political parties and their donors.

Posted by: Danimal28 at March 24, 2023 12:16 PM (klw0w)

299 "There is no rationale for a DeSantis run in 24, NONE."

I can think of one rationale

1) create hatred that divides the GOP, We've seen it on this very forum. And Ace is a pro - he has good experience on how to manage this threat, but its still causing stress, like we're at DefCon 2 or something. So imagine how those with less skill and wisdom would handle this - each side launching their second strike just to make the rubble bounce.

It's already bad at Instapundit - so easy for NeverTrumpers to pose as righteous DeSantis supporters and attack Trump supporters. After 2 years of being attacked by them I find I have a hatred for DeSantis. I know its not fair or logical, so I grimace and put it aside when I speak of DeSantis.

If I volunteered to make rally signs, most the room would pick up on something and erupt with nervous laughter. Ace would be like: "Nah that's okay Fen, I don't want you anywhere near a Red Sharpie. Go help in the kitchen"

Posted by: Fen at March 24, 2023 02:38 PM (+LcMo)

300 From back of the room:

Fen Wick LOL

Somebody tranq that guy geez

... saw him kill four people with a red sharpie

Baba Yaga got nothing on me!

Damnit Bob, that's from Training Day

oh ...sorry

Posted by: Fen at March 24, 2023 02:46 PM (+LcMo)

301 Bob? D E S A N T U S ? Seriously?

oh frack, now I got to start over

Dude, I'm 3 feet across from you wearing a DeSantis shirt.... SMH

I said I was sorry

Ace: no worries Bob, but I think they could use more help in the Kitchen

Bye Bob

Posted by: Fen at March 24, 2023 02:56 PM (+LcMo)

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