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"Journalists" Attack a Reporter for Accurately Reporting the State of John Fetterman's Cognitive Health

"Journalists" are now officially anti-journalism. Just as "anti-fascists" are actually fascists, and "anti-disinformation" groups actively peddle disinformation.

Dasha Burns was the first reporter allowed to do a face-to-face (sort of!) interview with Kwato the Displeased's Travel Module, known as John Fetterman, since the latter's stroke in May. He's done all of his press via Zoom call, because he needs spoken questions transcribed into written ones. The part of his brain that interprets speech is broken; the part that parses written text is... well, he doesn't seem very sharp there, either, but it's better than the oral-speech comprehension part of his brain.

So reporters who "spoke" to him on Zoom spoke to him, essentially, through a text interpreter.

Artist's conception,
minus 150 pounds, minus streetrat hoodie

Dasha Burns spoke to him without that interpreter -- at least for the small-talk before the actual interview. During the interview, Fetterman insisted on having her spoken words transcribed into text he could read.

But she saw how he responded to purely spoken speech-- and he report was that he simply could not comprehend it.

Remember, she's the first reporter allowed to speak with him in this sort of situation, unmediated by a Zoom speech-to-text interpreter.

What did the rest of the Brave Firefighters do? Did they applaud her for landing this until-now ungettable interview?

No -- they attacked her for exposing the secret that a Democrat candidate was trying to conceal from the public. They attacked her for doing her job as a journalist instead of doing her real job as a Democrat spy who had infiltrated a news organization.

Some of this is collected at Twitchy:

Kara Swisher


Sorry to say but I talked to @JohnFetterman for over an hour without stop or any aides and this is just nonsense. Maybe this reporter is just bad at small talk.

Yes that's it, Lesbian Donald Trump. She's just "bad at small talk."

Or maybe you conducted your interview over Zoom or Google Meet.

One of the "reporters" claiming that Fetterman is in perfect cognitive health, The Pride of Vox, Rebecca Traister, forgot -- Oops! -- to mention that in her stalwart defense of Fetterman's cognitive abilities.

Is Swisher also, Oopsie!, forgetting to say she interviewed Fetterman over Zoom or Google Meet? I think she is, because she's not saying what Dasha Burns did, that this is "the first face-to-face interview" since his stroke. If Swisher landed that, you'd think she'd have said so.

So she's... lying. Shocker.

I also notice this at the end of Swisher's interview with Fetterman:

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Anyone want to bet that "clarity" is the Secret Superhero in that sentence?

Let me stress, Burns is the first journalist to speak to Fetterman without his Captain Pike Interface since his stroke. None of these other Democrat Spies have done that. They therefore had no basis upon which to dispute her account of what he's like without a speech-to-text transcription service -- except for the fact they are paid agents of the treasonous Democrat Party, and just reflexively claim that any story that hurts the Democrat Party is "disinformation" of one variety or another.

She's "just bad at small talk" was a popular cope:


She didn't "frame it" in any particular way -- she did not say it was good, he did not say it was bad. She just said it, period. She reported a fact the left does not want reported at all. She just let out the secret, which is why you're all so angry with her.

Your preferred way of "framing it" would be to... hide it forever, which is what Fetterman had managed to do (probably with the media's connivance!) until this week.

"Journalists" do not exist to inform the public, but to conspire with the privileged to hide information from the public.

The Washington Post's lunatic partisan Greg Sargent claimed, based on nothing at all (WITHOUT EVIDENCE, Jake Tapper's snarky chyrons would say, if he ever criticized his beloved left wing) that Burns' reporting was "faulty" and led to "right-wing" propaganda:

Greg Sargent

Awful: Tucker Carlson is attacking Fetterman by amplifying the idea that NBC's Dasha Burns injected into the media bloodstream: That he had trouble "understanding" language.

This shows how faulty MSM reporting enables bad faith right wing propaganda.

Burns tried to remind them of the job they're pretending they do -- to no avail:

Dasha Burns

We were happy to accommodate closed captioning. Our reporting did not and should not comment on fitness for office. This is for voters to decide. What we do push for as reporters is transparency. It's our job. Fetterman sat down and answered our questions. That's his job.

You're saying there's a distinction between the roles of a "journalist" and the Democrat politicians she conspires with...? What blasphemy is this!

More blasphemy here:

Via Twitchy, AP is now running media criticism as a story.

When has the AP ever attacked the media and called it a story? Must be the first time in a long, long time. Probably a few hit pieces on Fox I'm forgetting, but the reporter here worked for leftwing MSNBC.



Note what they want you to take away from their own "framing" -- "the stroke doesn't matter, it doesn't impact his fitness."

The reporter didn't say that, of course. She said she was offering no commentary on that.

But AP is pushing you towards a certain conclusion.

After the media pile-on, the actual reporter here, Dasha Burns, had to explain that she was actually in the room with Fetterman, speaking to the subject, whereas the "journalists" attacking her were not.

Noted Anthony Weiner "Romantic" Partner Kirsten Powers says any questioning of Fetterman's mental capability is "ablist." And then she lies about the type of problem he has.


No, we're not going to have legitimate questions about the cognitive health of a man seeking high federal office shouted down again. We let that happen last time, and now the world's on the edge of a nuclear war.

Note how she lies and calls this an "auditory" problem -- auditory, meaning having to do with hearing or the ear itself.

Of course there's nothing wrong with this Walking Yam's hearing or years. The problem is that his brain is damaged and cannot interpret the speech he hears.

She probably knows that and is lying. But she's so f***ing stupid and useless, except maybe as a receptacle, who knows, maybe she really thinks he just needs a hearing aid.

PS no one, and no doctors, ever said he had "auditory issues" and not "neurological issues." Go ask Sanjay Gupta at your former employer CNN. He broke out a brain model to show why Fetterman was so f***ed up -- not a model of the ear.

But Buzzfeed really outdoes itself in claiming that scrutiny of a candidate's obvious and highly debilitating cognitive impairments is wrong because...

Take a guess.

Why do they always claim that we cannot bring up any of the issues that hurt Democrats?

Because it will increase violence against he disabled, of course!

Twitchy again:

Disability activist Charis Hill told BuzzFeed News they were so upset at Burns's questions and the editors' framing of Fetterman's responses -- leaving in moments of silence that showed Fetterman reading, for example -- that they couldn't finish watching the interview. Hill called on NBC to apologize for "the overt discrimination they just put on air."

"The way Burns handled that interview will only worsen attitudes and violence towards disabled people in a time when virtual accommodations are being removed left and right after they were implemented overnight in 2020," Hill said.

One more point: Speaking of "this may encourage violence," the media always launches into snarling attack dog mode against anyone on the right who dares to criticize a member of the media. Well, a member of the credentialed leftwing propaganda media.

Criticizing Jake Tapper, you know, might put him in danger! He's like a war correspondent, you know. His life is in nigh-constant danger, and he doesn't want you inciting any further danger against him with your proletarian insolence!

But now that a member of the leftwing media is being attacked by the left, Fake Jake and the other dogged defenders of Absolute Media Privilege are suddenly silent:

Karol Markowicz

"You can't sit with us!"- leftist media to Dasha Burns.

Derek Hunter

@DashaBurns will be out of a job after the election.

@NBCNewscan't do it now, not yet, but they will do it. Until then, you likely won't see much of her. They go for the "quiet kill" to avoid the bad press.

Tell a lie, one more story from Spencer Brown at TownHall. The Washington Post speculates that Fetterman might be suffering from a couple of different types of aphasia, the mental dysfunction in the processing of speech. They can only speculate this because Fetterman, of course, refuses to release his medical records (though Kristen "Carlos Danger's F***Monkey" Powers seems to have the inside scoop on them).

The period of greatest recovery following the onset of the affliction is the first 12 months -- and we're at the six month mark. Obviously, Fetterman is not making very good progress towards recovery.

"Is what The Washington Post is reporting the reason why John Fetterman won't release his medical records?" asked Brittany Yanick, the communications director for Fetterman's GOP opponent Mehmet Oz. "If John Fetterman has aphasia and is lying about it to the voters, it would be part of a pattern of him lying about his medical history," Yanick continued. "He lied about having atrial fibrillation, he lied about how severe his stroke was, and he lied for months about his willingness to debate -- John Fetterman needs to stop lying to people once and for all."

Fetterman, when given the opportunity to come clean and disclose about any other conditions in his rocky interview with NBC News, did not necessarily dispel voters' concerns.

"To be clear, right now, are there any other symptoms or health conditions that you have not disclosed?" asked the interviewer.

"I'm terms of the auditory processing?" Fetterman asked in reply, seemingly misunderstanding the question.

The NBC reporter clarified again, saying "in terms of any symptoms related to the stroke or conditions" while pointing out the fact that Fetterman "hadn't disclosed the a-fib you were diagnosed with 5 years ago," and inquired "is there anything else that is in your health record, any other conditions, or symptoms that you have no told voters about?"

Fetterman replied, "As far as I know, yeah," which is not really an answer to the question -- seemingly confirming that he knows, yeah, there are conditions or symptoms he hasn't told voters about.

Again throwing Fetterman a lifeline, the reporter sought more clarification: "As far as you know, there's nothing else?"

"Yeah, I think so," came Fetterman's uncertain and concerning reply.

Note that that interview was conducted, of course, with the aid of the speech-to-text transcription service, which supposedly allows Fetterman to understand speech fluidly.

Except, obviously, it doesn't. He plainly doesn't understand what she's asking, first saying "Yes" he has further undisclosed health problems, then agreeing "No" he doesn't have them after she attempts to help the ailing, stricken man to an answer helpful to him.

Or who knows, maybe he just has "a stutter."

Say, Pennsylvania is right next to Transylvania, right?

Posted by: Ace at 06:10 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 1st again

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 06:10 PM (xhxe8)

2 Dutifully called as always
Onto content

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 06:11 PM (xhxe8)

3 I'd mention that this is a long post but the last time I did that Ace cut the post in half and we haven't seen the other half since.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:12 PM (zhLdt)

4 Skip said there were noodles here. All I’m seeing are crackers.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at October 13, 2022 06:12 PM (u73oe)

5 Fetterman looks like that devil alien in a new hope cantina scene.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 06:13 PM (gmo/4)

Turn the machines on, Quaid!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 06:14 PM (pNxlR)

7 Well it isn't an "attack, attack".

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 06:14 PM (bVYXr)

8 Fetterman should have Biden be his translator.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 06:15 PM (gmo/4)

9 Everything my contempt for the media maxes out I discover a new max.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 06:15 PM (eGTCV)

10 Beep

Posted by: RBG Star Wars Wheelchair at October 13, 2022 06:15 PM (BRHaw)

11 Yes that's it, Lesbian Donald Trump. She's just "bad at small talk."

Permit me to point out that there are lots of photos of Swisher with aviators. She isn't the Lesbian Donald Trump, she's the Lesbian Joe Biden. She should think on that for a bit.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (zhLdt)

12 Beep

Is more coherent the Fetterman!

Posted by: RBG Star Wars Wheelchair at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (BRHaw)

13 Ableism is a fake word that some sociologist came up with to browbeat people who are capable.

Posted by: huerfano, stochastic commenter at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (dTFZY)

14 What is it with Democrat wives allowing their mentally challenged husband's run for office?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (5pTK/)

15 Joe Biden is John Fetterman's Electoral Role Model.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (Z32m1)

16 >>>3 I'd mention that this is a long post but the last time I did that Ace cut the post in half and we haven't seen the other half since.

i will post it, I just need a current event as a hook, like something about She-Hulk. I imagine there will be something written tonight or this week about the show.

or maybe something about We Had Rangz.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (C1Zwz)

17 The Left is comparing Fetterman to FDR, "who was also disabled".


Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (I2/tG)

18 All reporters are graduates of the Pravda school of journalism.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (gmo/4)

19 If you need more of a reason to want to burn Hollywood down they are going to reboot THE NAKED GUN with Liam Neeson and Seth MaCfarland is producing, Zucker's not involved

So you know it's gonna be shit.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (BFv/v)

20 Noticing stuff will get you punished.

Posted by: Head puddi at October 13, 2022 06:17 PM (pUqaF)

21 PA Sucks!

I hated Mechanicsburg!

Posted by: RBG Star Wars Wheelchair at October 13, 2022 06:17 PM (BRHaw)

22 What is it with Democrat wives allowing their mentally challenged husband's run for office?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM

They get points at the Choctaw Casino.......

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 06:17 PM (bVYXr)

23 How can we be sure Fetterman's body hasn't been taken over by an alien race?
I don't mean Hispanics

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 06:17 PM (eGTCV)

24 I am declaring November Fight Bad Breath Month. Bad Breath is a National Security risk and must be contained. I am also issuing a Executive Order declaring bad Breath a Felony with possible prison timer based on the 3 strikes and your out program. VP Jackie Harris will be in-charge of the National Program. Jackie....Where is Jackie?......... She must have left already.... No questions at this time.

Posted by: Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (X++p7)

25 What is it with Democrat wives allowing their mentally challenged husband's run for office?
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (5pTK/)
"AWFL" isn't just a clever acronym--It's an accurate description of their personality. They are truly despicable people who see their social status as more important than the health and wellbeing of their spouses.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (K5n5d)

26 Commenter this morning wondered if his drivers license has been pulled just as his father's was he wrote

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (xhxe8)

27 They are comparing Fetterburgs Monster to Hawkings!

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (BRHaw)

28 "If I keep this up, eventually those big-headed aliens are gonna show up and set me up with that smokin' hot blonde, right?" -- unspoken thought in what remains of Fetterman's brain.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (bW8dp)

29 The Left also claim's that Fetterman's impairment is a temporary condition, that will go away with time.

After a stroke?

Maybe, and maybe not.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (I2/tG)

30 Shrek's wife is just as big of a commie kook.

Thanks Filthadelphia. Thanks Allegheny County assholes.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (M9FHm)

31 Anyone else think the remarks by Dasha were remarkably tepid when she mentioned Fetterman's cognitive difficulties?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:18 PM (5pTK/)

32 Burns better watch her back. Seriously.

Posted by: kraken at October 13, 2022 06:19 PM (Vr12I)

33 > What is it with Democrat wives allowing their mentally challenged husband's run for office?

Not just Democrat wives, sorry to say.

Posted by: Sarah Brady at October 13, 2022 06:19 PM (bW8dp)

Ever since Fetterman's brain slipped down into his neck, he's had problems.

They should turn him upside down for a few hours and let his brain flop back into his skull.

That should fix him.

Posted by: naturalfake at October 13, 2022 06:19 PM (KLPy8)

35 What is it with Democrat wives allowing their mentally challenged husband's run for office?
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (5pTK/)



Posted by: rhennigantx at October 13, 2022 06:19 PM (BRHaw)

36 The movie Pod People is Fetterman"s story.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 06:19 PM (eGTCV)

37 If I were to interview Fetterman, I would request that we start by him saying, as clearly as possible "Puttin' On The Ritz". Also, he should wear a tuxedo.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:20 PM (zhLdt)

38 or maybe something about We Had Rangz.
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (C1Zwz)
Rangz of POWAH does end this Friday...It's been a shitshow from the beginning. There's no way they will be able to wrap up Season 1 to generate interest in Season 2.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at October 13, 2022 06:20 PM (K5n5d)

39 Ableism.... like being able to do the F'n Job?

I'm tired of people saying we have to LOWER standards because someone can't meet a standard, due to a disability.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 06:20 PM (oHd/0)

40 I got nuthin'. Fcuk the media in particular.

Posted by: RedMindBlueState at October 13, 2022 06:20 PM (yMu1v)

41 Breaking:

Last minute entrant "Head of Cabbage" surges to lead in PA Senate Race. Polling at 92%

The Bee

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 06:20 PM (gmo/4)

42 He's just like Stephen Hawking according to reporters, He used a machine to communicate as well

Remember these are out Betters

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at October 13, 2022 06:20 PM (tb1he)

43 "Dear me, I'm afraid your egg's not good!"

"Oh, yes, my Lord, really – er – some parts of it are very good."

Posted by: The Curate at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (m2uE4)

44 >>>The Left is comparing Fetterman to FDR, "who was also disabled".


Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM

The guy who prolonged the Great Depression, got us into WWII and imprisoned American citizens because of their ethnic backgrounds? Not a compliment in my book.

Posted by: huerfano, stochastic commenter at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (dTFZY)

45 Fetterman's Theory of None Reverence and that Harris's (Brain Among Other Things) is a Black Hole Collapsing upon itself........

And you are just TOO DUMB to understand what he is saying......Ever think about that you Nazi's ??????

Posted by: Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (X++p7)

46 Dems sure stutter a lot.

Posted by: Bosk at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (v4L7Y)

47 If I were to interview Fetterman, I would request that we start by him saying, as clearly as possible "Puttin' On The Ritz". Also, he should wear a tuxedo.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:20 PM (zhLdt)

Best you are going to get is a hoodie with a tuxedo pattern printed on it.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (Z32m1)

48 > Rangz of POWAH does end this Friday...It's been a shitshow from the beginning.

So did Rambo Galadriel's troops ever frag her?

Posted by: Sarah Brady at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (bW8dp)

49 No, we're not going to have legitimate questions about the cognitive health of a man seeking high federal office shouted down again. We let that happen last time, and now the world's on the edge of a nuclear war.

This is an excellent point and should be tattooed on the face of every "journalist" in America.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (zhLdt)

50 Does Fetterman have a shed full of chainsaws?

Posted by: Head puddi at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (pUqaF)

51 The DNC should have just nominated a garden snail and just cut to the chase - "Yeah? Don't like it? We don't give a fuck!"

Posted by: Boswell at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (+Cgut)

52 The President of the United States visits Portland once every two-three years on average.

Biden is flying into Portland today and staying the night, and the main Portland paper does not have a single article about Biden's visit.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (I2/tG)

53 Breaking: Fetterman has agreed to debate Tarzan, Tonto, and the Frankenstein Monster.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (bW8dp)

54 Some have said a debate might still happen between the Hunchback of Fettername but that would expose his hearing/ speech issues.

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (xhxe8)

55 Every one of those bitches on The View should be drawn and quartered.

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (nxdel)


Cain-ism > > > Able-ism

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (x0n13)

The part of Fetterman's brain that works says he wants to empty jails. As a Philly area suburbanite watching the local crime rate soar, I'm sure that 'Roe, Roe, Roe your vote' is the exact voting issue that will sweep the left to victory. We'll see.

If that happens I won't have a single crocodile tear for the sexual assault victim who voted for 'Uncle Festerman."

Posted by: Divide by Zero at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (y3pKJ)

58 The guy who prolonged the Great Depression, got us into WWII and imprisoned American citizens because of their ethnic backgrounds? Not a compliment in my book.
Posted by: huerfano, stochastic commenter at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (dTFZY)

And is held up as a Great Progressive HERO!

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (oHd/0)


Lumpy Bin Hidin'

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (x0n13)

60 Biden is flying into Portland today and staying the night, and the main Portland paper does not have a single article about Biden's visit.

Obviously the paper is trying to help the current governor get reelected.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - - Email for morons. at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (Bd6X8)

61 The guy who prolonged the Great Depression, got us into WWII and imprisoned American citizens because of their ethnic backgrounds? Not a compliment in my book.
Posted by: huerfano, stochastic commenter at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (dTFZY)

I bet he had more laws overturned by SCOTUS than all other by 3X.

Posted by: rhennigantx at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (BRHaw)

62 Ace,

Someone said the final She-Hulk episode is out, and it is the worst of the bunch?

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (Z32m1)

63 "Our doctor. . . we don't. . ."

That's a weird way of phrasing, no?

Posted by: STING at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (I/doM)

64 I would like to know what Cate Blanchett thinks of that shitshow ( as well as the rest of the LotR cast, for that matter) . What they PRIVATELY think. They want to work again, after all.

Posted by: kraken at October 13, 2022 06:24 PM (Vr12I)

65 The period of greatest recovery following the onset of the affliction is the first 12 months -- and we're at the six month mark. Obviously, Fetterman is not making very good progress towards recovery.

In fairness, they've only studied the rate of recovery in humans, not whatever Fetterman is.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:24 PM (zhLdt)

66 We've seen Fetterman speak, briefly, on the stump.

Guess what? He's not using his ears to make a point or respond with incoherence.

And, no, I'm not going to chase this rabbit that the MFM is throwing out WRT Dasha Burns. This is always and will always remain the issue of competence of a candidate to perform his/her duties of representative office.

Fetterman clearly cannot because of mental impairment. Period. End of all other stories.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at October 13, 2022 06:24 PM (aXxgO)

67 Does Fetterman have a shed full of chainsaws?
Posted by: Head puddi at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (pUqaF)

You just know that Dr Pimple Popper is having night orgasms about thinking about blowing out that neck bump - come on!

Posted by: Boswell at October 13, 2022 06:24 PM (+Cgut)

68 I have a disability as well, not it's not a "challenge" it's a fucking disability call it the fuck what it is. It precludes me from serving in law enforcement or the military and I'm not offended by that, unless these idiots' assertion is that we'd be perfectly fine with blind and deaf police cops driving around the beat in a Tesla?

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:24 PM (VTu1l)

69 the ironic part is this whole mess happened because the big idiot had an mRNA shot reaction

hahahahahahaha! dumbasses

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (w0NJk)

70 It's 2022. If we can have a lifelong functional retard and kid diddler, who is now in the terminal stages of brain disease running the country, this guy can be considered to be overqualified for a senate job.

Posted by: Jimco Industries at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (buTO7)

71 Fetterman has agreed to debate Max Headroom........

Posted by: Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (X++p7)

72 > Biden is flying into Portland today and staying the night, and the main Portland paper does not have a single article about Biden's visit.

It would be funny if Dopey wandered off in the middle of the night and wound up getting crabs from some skanky Antifa chick.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (bW8dp)

73 Connie Schultz is married to Sherrod Brown (POS be upon him), a rabid commie.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (Xrfse)

74 60 Biden is flying into Portland today and staying the night, and the main Portland paper does not have a single article about Biden's visit.

Obviously the paper is trying to help the current governor get reelected.
Posted by: Blanco Basura - - Email for morons. at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (Bd6X

How desperate can the lefty parts of Oregon be in the upcoming midterm to actually have Biden come in and help, if that is what you consider help?

This Tiny Kotex dyke is a total joke, even Kate Brown-shirt doesn't want to be seen with her.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (x0n13)

75 > Note that that interview was conducted, of course, with the aid of the speech-to-text transcription service, which supposedly allows Fetterman to understand speech fluidly.

It allows him to understand the questions asked.
Does it also provide him the answers via text?
The monitor Fetterman is using should be on-screen 100% of the time during the interview(s).

Posted by: old chick at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (sOete)

76 The only reason I can think of for Democrats to stick with this schlub is: they've got the cheat dialed in. No way this loser has a chance without a formidable fraud machine behind him

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:26 PM (5pTK/)

77 Propagandist on propagandist hot action?

Rooting for casualties here, boss.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 06:26 PM (yHsuS)

78 It's kind of weird that the Cabal can't seem to find front people that aren't bad at being front people, isn't it? It shouldn't be that hard. Are they worried that someone with likeablity and charisma will decide they don't have to follow orders any more as opposed to front people that can't survive without being propped up?

Posted by: azjaeger at October 13, 2022 06:26 PM (hZM0K)

79 "The period of greatest recovery following the onset of the affliction is the first 12 months"

for a stroke, the first two hours are probably most important. Much is permanently lost by then. Perhaps other parts of the brain can be used to adjust for the loss, idk.

Maybe they are not texting him the questions, perhaps they are texting the answers for him?

Posted by: illiniwek at October 13, 2022 06:26 PM (Cus5s)

80 64 I would like to know what Cate Blanchett thinks of that shitshow ( as well as the rest of the LotR cast, for that matter) . What they PRIVATELY think. They want to work again, after all.
Posted by: kraken at October 13, 2022 06:24 PM (Vr12I)

Bab Bee...

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 06:26 PM (oHd/0)

81 I saw Tiny Kotex Dyke open for Tori Amos in a Lilith Faire-adjacent venue back in '98.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:27 PM (bW8dp)

82 75 > Note that that interview was conducted, of course, with the aid of the speech-to-text transcription service, which supposedly allows Fetterman to understand speech fluidly.

It allows him to understand the questions asked.
Does it also provide him the answers via text?
The monitor Fetterman is using should be on-screen 100% of the time during the interview(s).
Posted by: old chick at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (sOete)

He must have had Soledad O'Prison's earpiece.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2022 06:27 PM (x0n13)

83 I'm not offended by that, unless these idiots' assertion is that we'd be perfectly fine with blind and deaf police cops driving around the beat in a Tesla?

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:24 PM (VTu1l)

I'll bet you drive better than most NYC cops!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:27 PM (XIJ/X)

84 Biden will also be flying to North Korea with VP Harris to campaign for the Pot Belly Dictator on Friday. Biden today also called North Korea to increase oil exports to the US to help stabilize prices before his visit.

Posted by: Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 06:27 PM (X++p7)

85 Sometimes, like right now, I get so mad at Dem voters for getting us into this situation. The problem is these Dem voters are my family.
How can I cope with this?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (2xlV3)

86 i will post it, I just need a current event as a hook, like something about She-Hulk.
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 06:16 PM (C1Zwz)

Maybe someone will write something about "Mrs." Obama. That's pretty close.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (zhLdt)

87 Oz should commit ritual suicide if he loses to this guy.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (xPl2J)

88 Kirsten Powers breaking out the "ableist" word....

Must have missed her defense of Trump.

Fuck these people.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (Lzpvj)

89 Dems want Fetterman because he'll be an easy to control, party-line robot. Last thing they want is another "troublemaker" like Manchin or Sinema.

Posted by: Halfhand at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (DgtVq)

90 Ace,

Someone said the final She-Hulk episode is out, and it is the worst of the bunch?

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 06:23 PM (Z32m1)

That means that someone watched it, which is one more than I thought would watch it.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (yHsuS)

91 but what about the lump?

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (m2uE4)

92 Connie Schultz ©
As he continues to recover,
@JohnFetterman used technology to
help him answer a reporter's
questions. How we as journalists
frame this reveals more about us than
it does him.
12:57 AM • 10/12/22 •

The stroke was in May. He done did all the recovering he is going to do.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (glSEb)

93 I'd like to take a moment to point out that Dasha Burns is kinda a cutie.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (zhLdt)

94 also do note the Horde had DSanjay "Sunny" Gupta's number back during Grammy WineBox Huma Eater's run....

If there is a troubling democrat health issue Sunny is there to tell you why it is a-okay.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (Lzpvj)

95 I'll bet you drive better than most NYC cops!


I know NYPD cops and honestly they ain't too bad at that, at least when you compare them to how LAPD drives. O_O

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (VTu1l)

96 Dasha reminds fondly of a girlfriend I had once.

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (M+Lyo)

97 We are all cognitive neuroscientists now!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (glSEb)

98 I am blocked from Fetterman's FB campaign page. All I did was say that he needed to debate Oz earlier and that people needed to hear him defend his policies. His account is guarded 24/7. Never seen anything like.

Posted by: redridinghood at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (NpAcC)

99 91 Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (m2uE4)

The lump is 26% or so of his sane judgment the one case where a tumor is useful.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (Lzpvj)

100 Yesterday I wouldn't have known this guy if I ran over him with my car. Today I have seen the pictures and I know........

He is a tree stump. An ugly rotting tree stump.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (Wy1BU)

101 Biden is flying into Portland today and staying the night, and the main Portland paper does not have a single article about Biden's visit.

It would be funny if Dopey wandered off in the middle of the night and wound up getting crabs from some skanky Antifa chick. rolled in an alley by some homeless opiate addict.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:25 PM (bW8dp)

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (Z32m1)

102 The stroke was in May. He done did all the recovering he is going to do.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (glSEb)

Good point. And do you want to bet whether he is doing his rehab? I'll bet not...

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (XIJ/X)

103 He must have had Soledad O'Prison's earpiece.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 13, 2022 06:27 PM

Hey, leave me out of this shit show.

Posted by: Soledad O'Brien's Earpiece at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (yMu1v)

104 The stroke was in May. He done did all the recovering he is going to do.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (glSEb)

Oh. I wasn't 6 months basically the time limit for stroke recovery?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (2xlV3)

105 I mean, your ears hear and then that little voice in your head answers, and your mouth parts voclaize the answer. Brainy stuff isn't hard. PHD granted.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:31 PM (glSEb)

106 I'd like to take a moment to point out that Dasha Burns is kinda a cutie.


She's looking like another Sharyl Attkinson in the making

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:31 PM (VTu1l)

107 They should be please with the interview.
I was under the impression that he could not speak a complete sentence, that he had virtually no cognitive ability.

He can read. He can comprehend what he reads and respond cogently. Her interview was commendable.
Maybe the other reporters and their managers are the one's compromised in these areas.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 06:31 PM (NlLwm)

108 Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (VTu1l)

Heh...the older NYPD are okay, but the last dozen years they have been hiring knuckleheads who can't drive, can't shoot, and are almost indistinguishable from the bad guys.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:31 PM (XIJ/X)

109 He certainly wouldn't be the first vegetable Senator.

But possibly the first Cro Magnon vegetable Senator.

Before he votes, he looks over at Schumer to get the thumbs up/down signal, showing he truly represents his true constituency -- Dems.

Posted by: GnuBreed at October 13, 2022 06:31 PM (JOtiF)

110 Dasha, Dansa, Pransa and Vixen.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at October 13, 2022 06:32 PM (to2dd)

111 Everybody put on your Hawaiian shirts and let's all do the dystopian disco boogaloo! Highlight of my day was calling Chase Bank and canceling my credit card

Posted by: Sock Monkey * Ungovernable at October 13, 2022 06:32 PM (d7rqw)

112 How can I cope with this?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (2xlV3)

Begin drinking heavily.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 06:32 PM (yHsuS)

113 The President of the United States visits Portland once every two-three years on average.
Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 13, 2022 06:22 PM (I2/tG)

On purpose?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:32 PM (zhLdt)

114 The stroke was in May. He done did all the recovering he is going to do.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (glSEb)

Good point. And do you want to bet whether he is doing his rehab? I'll bet not...
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:30 PM (XIJ/X)

And most likely, Fetterman had the finest stroke recovery care available.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:32 PM (5pTK/)

115 Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga
Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga

I'm hooked on the Eagles

Posted by: Fetid Festerman at October 13, 2022 06:32 PM (M+Lyo)

116 > Tiny Kotex Dyke

I just saw a picture of Kotek.

She looks like Allen Ludden after a botched "transition".

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM (bW8dp)

117 I want to see Fetterman interview Joe Biden

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM (M+Lyo)

118 80

Bab Bee...
Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 06:26 PM (oHd/0)

Pretty funny. Thanks.

Posted by: kraken at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM (Vr12I)

119 The guy who prolonged the Great Depression, got us into WWII and imprisoned American citizens because of their ethnic backgrounds? Not a compliment in my book.
Posted by: huerfano, stochastic commenter at October 13, 2022 06:21 PM (dTFZY)

Also the guy who was a virtual rolling corpse by mid 1944 and might well have helped Stalin take over East Europe at Yalta? (though as a notorious commie sympathizer he might have given the store away anyhow)

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM (eoQWY)

120 Begin drinking heavily.
Posted by: Comrade flounder,

I'm lucky I don't enjoy alcohol - it just either makes me sleepy or give me a headache.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM (2xlV3)

121 One of my cousins does biomedical research in stroke recovery and TBI. I'd love to ask her a few questions about that.

Posted by: huerfano, stochastic commenter at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM (dTFZY)

122 Obviously the paper is trying to help the current governor get reelected.

It's the successor to the current governor, actually.

The paper is obviously hoping that Biden can raise a lot of money for the D, without the rest of Portland's population noticing.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 13, 2022 06:34 PM (I2/tG)

123 > He certainly wouldn't be the first vegetable Senator.

Ted Kennedy was a pickle, if that counts.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:34 PM (bW8dp)

124 Someone said his stroke is jab-related. Is this confirmed?

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 06:34 PM (yHsuS)

Artist's conception, minus 150 pounds, minus streetrat hoodie



Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 06:34 PM (PDARR)

126 And most likely, Fetterman had the finest stroke recovery care available.
Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:32 PM (5pTK/)

And these doctors are being PAID by Fetterman. And we know how doctors shade things for the paymaster with COVID.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 06:34 PM (eoQWY)

127 What is it with Democrat wives allowing their mentally challenged husband's run for office?

it's PERFECT for these ladies

they get to tell everyone what to do, boss everyone around, and all the while simply hide behind the Mister to avoid any blowback whatsoever!

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 13, 2022 06:34 PM (w0NJk)

128 So- what if I babbled into that device? Imagine that comedic skit. "Boo boo ba gat urr ho doo doo?"

Smoke would come out of Fettermans neck parasite.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 13, 2022 06:35 PM (OTvdu)

129 I'm lucky I don't enjoy alcohol - it just either makes me sleepy or give me a headache.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM (2xlV3)

Take two of these daggers and call your attorney in the morning.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 06:35 PM (yHsuS)

130 Fetterman is a test case to normalize a transhuman in federal office.

Change my mind!

Posted by: STING at October 13, 2022 06:35 PM (I/doM)

131 John Fetterman...going I halloween am. Candy, is better than..Candy.

Posted by: CtHillary, dead but dreaming at October 13, 2022 06:35 PM (zSyrn)

132 Heh...the older NYPD are okay, but the last dozen years they have been hiring knuckleheads who can't drive, can't shoot, and are almost indistinguishable from the bad guys.


Man that's a shame, the ones I knew were old timers and 9/11 veterans. Can't imagine how soy soaked it must be today

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:35 PM (VTu1l)

133 I bingled,and from John Hopkins on stroke recovery timeline:

"After six months, improvements are possible but will be much slower. Most stroke patients reach a relatively steady state at this point. For some, this means a full recovery. Others will have ongoing impairments, also called chronic stroke disease. Whether a full recovery is possible depends on a variety of factors, including severity of the stroke, how fast the initial treatment was provided, and the type and intensity of rehabilitation."

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:36 PM (2xlV3)

134 All the others who interviewed Fetterman also did so through a video feed, Dasha is the only one who interviewed him in person, which means all the "small talk" the others had with him consisted of saying "Hi"

Why are some of these people interviewing this knob anyway? Isn't Kara Swisher a supposed tech reporter? Was she asking Fetterman about the tech that runs his brain?

I also think the only reason MSNBC didn't completely cut off Dasha is because they know if/ when Fetterman debates Oz that he's going to mumble, drool, and start reciting One Fish Teo Fish, when he's suppose to answer questions on why he points guns at black people, defaces black business, and supports freeing violent criminals. This way they can say well see it's not odd, that's just part of his recovery.

Posted by: Rbastid at October 13, 2022 06:36 PM (Q4slo)

135 Someone said his stroke is jab-related. Is this confirmed?

I've heard it from a bunch of places

I like to think it's true. he was FINE and then WHAM

it's that or he was doing too much coke trying to keep up with campaigning and that triggered the stroke. dude was NOT taking care of his aFib very well either way

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 13, 2022 06:36 PM (w0NJk)

136 If you gave him a plate of beans and a spoon, what would happen?

Posted by: Head puddi at October 13, 2022 06:36 PM (pUqaF)

137 *beep*. *beep*

Posted by: A dude in MI at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (/6GbT)

138 They can attack her all they want but every public criticism draws attention to the core issue: Young Frankenstein cannot do the job.

And even if he could he's a political loon.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (Ivdso)

139 Man that's a shame, the ones I knew were old timers and 9/11 veterans. Can't imagine how soy soaked it must be today

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:35 PM (VTu1l)

Most of the good ones are gone. Honestly, the ones I see don't do any policing. They just stand around.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (XIJ/X)

140 Sometimes, like right now, I get so mad at Dem voters for getting us into this situation. The problem is these Dem voters are my family.
How can I cope with this?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (2xlV3)

I treat them as though I am Amish and they've left the faith. No doubt you're a better person than I am.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (zhLdt)

141 Amazing we are even talking about this - sling blade guy goes to Washington.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (oWBc3)

142 Is Connie Schultz the woman married to Sherrod Brown of Ahia?

Posted by: clutch at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (9UmRs)

143 On second thought Festerman might get a little bit better. We should make him senator just in case.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (glSEb)

144 Also the guy who was a virtual rolling corpse by mid 1944 and might well have helped Stalin take over East Europe at Yalta? (though as a notorious commie sympathizer he might have given the store away anyhow)

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 06:33 PM

Churchill was said to be terrified on what had gone down in Yalta because he knew what would happen after the war was over. People close to him were flabbergasted on why roosevelt was giving away the store to stalin but he remained silent to preserve the Allies.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (bVYXr)

145 The problem is these Dem voters are my family.
Sigh. How can I cope with this?

Not in any way suggesting you do so but I finally pulled up anchor and sailed away from all of the woke histrionics. It's not what I would have preferred but it keeps me sane.

Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (Xrfse)

146 Kara Swisher looks like Charlie sheen transitioned

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (UlRld)

147 Take two of these daggers and call your attorney in the morning.
Posted by: Comrade flounder,

Omg that would be so ...therapeutic

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:38 PM (2xlV3)

148 Ultimately this really hurts Fetterman's campaign, but only time will tell if the fraud can overcome this or not.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:38 PM (Ivdso)

149 They won't even need to bend his pinky to get him to vote for the hardest Marxist bill

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 06:38 PM (xhxe8)

150 The left comparing John Fetterman to Stephen Hawking is hilarious.

Posted by: redridinghood at October 13, 2022 06:38 PM (NpAcC)

151 146 Kara Swisher looks like Charlie sheen transitioned

ha! I can see that. I was thinking Martin Donovan

Posted by: BlackOrchid at October 13, 2022 06:38 PM (w0NJk)

152 Have they ever explained what the giant growth is on the back of his neck? That's why he is always wearing sweatshirts to cover this up, The Man is a Mess and should go home for treatment.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at October 13, 2022 06:39 PM (obYFU)

153 I have tossed a number of friends and long acquaintances over current politics. I could do family as well - we have entered serious times.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at October 13, 2022 06:39 PM (oWBc3)

154 Ace, I'm old enough to remember when having a stroke (with mental recovery) was enough for the media to withdraw their Senatorial endorement [for a Republican]:

The Chicago Tribune said:

"We are saddened to say we did not see that energetic, policy-driven Kirk when we met with him Oct. 3 for an endorsement interview. You'll find the video of that meeting here. Additional reporting confirmed that the senator isn't as influential an advocate in Washington as he was for more than a decade.

While a stroke by no means disqualifies anyone from public office, we cannot tiptoe around the issue of Kirk's recovery and readiness. His health is a fundamental component of this race — a hotly contested matchup that could return control of the U.S. Senate to Democrats.

We aren't physicians; Kirk's doctor attests to his good cognitive health.

But we are voters. And our reluctant judgment is that, due to forces beyond his control, Kirk no longer can perform to the fullest the job of a U.S. senator. We are unable to endorse him for another six-year term."

Posted by: TheInverseAgonist at October 13, 2022 06:39 PM (OJejC)

155 OT: Kroger is attempting to buy Albertson's.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 06:40 PM (bW8dp)

156 > He certainly wouldn't be the first vegetable Senator.

I any more retarded dems run for office their group shot is going to look like a fruit of the loom underwear tag.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at October 13, 2022 06:40 PM (VwHCD)

157 The problem is these Dem voters are my family.
Sigh. How can I cope with this?

Not in any way suggesting you do so but I finally pulled up anchor and sailed away from all of the woke histrionics. It's not what I would have preferred but it keeps me sane.
Posted by: Notorious BFD at October 13, 2022 06:37 PM (Xrfse)

Odd how in these cases family only goes one way.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 06:40 PM (eoQWY)

158 While she looks appealing...I'd like to know a little bit more about the Burning she experiences.
Is it localized?
Or more of an all-encompassing feeling she gts deep in her soul?

Posted by: garrett at October 13, 2022 06:40 PM (5PV0G)

159 Ahh, how the media is a bunch of lying, biased fucks.

We must destroy them...

Posted by: TheInverseAgonist at October 13, 2022 06:41 PM (OJejC)

I treat them as though I am Amish and they've left the faith. No doubt you're a better person than I am.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic

Posted by: Sock Monkey * Ungovernable at October 13, 2022 06:41 PM (d7rqw)

161 The left comparing John Fetterman to Stephen Hawking is hilarious.
Posted by: redridinghood at October 13, 2022 06:38 PM (NpAcC)

I wouldn't vote for Hawking as Senator either.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 06:41 PM (eoQWY)

162 Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:28 PM (2xlV3)


My family cut ties with all relatives and friends who are lefties. It makes for a much smaller family, but also means quieter, peaceful and happy gatherings at holidays when we play fun games like Who Can Talk Like Trump The Best.

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (VTu1l)

163 I don't think Albertsons has been doing well.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (5HBd1)

164 OT: Kroger is attempting to buy Albertson's.

Just when I'd gotten used to not shopping at one of their stores.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - - Email for morons. at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (Bd6X8)

165 Every minute you're talking about this, nobody is talking about the issues and Fetterflopsweat's ridiculous positions. He's the most extreme candidate ever to run for the senate.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (OTvdu)

166 Oops - my bad - Biden isn't showing up until tomorrow.

The local transit authority:

President Joe Biden will be in Portland on Friday and Saturday. MAX and bus service will be disrupted in Downtown Portland from 6 a.m. Friday through as late as 6 p.m. Saturday, due to security surrounding his visit.

Here's hoping he completely snarls Portland traffic for two days - that will help build support for the Democrats.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (I2/tG)

167 When did the Democrat party become the party of mental defectives? I realize they need representation too, but who suggested they should be placed in leadership positions?

Posted by: Dr. Bone at October 13, 2022 06:43 PM (z+OQR)

168 First Christopher Pike was fully cognizant, just his body was crippled. As opposed to Fetterman and his lump.

And second, Stephen Hawkin's vocoder is smarter than Fetterman or any 'journalist' who is running cover for him.

Thirdly, nyah!

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 06:43 PM (1nr6f)

169 I don't think Albertsons has been doing well.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (5HBd1)

They bankrupted out of my part of So Cal about 5 years ago.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 06:44 PM (eoQWY)

170 If you gave him a plate of beans and a spoon, what would happen?
Posted by: Head puddi

A one-man re-enactment of Blazing Saddles.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 13, 2022 06:44 PM (IyrhE)

171 Ultimately this really hurts Fetterman's campaign, but only time will tell if the fraud can overcome this or not.


I doubt it hurts anything in what will be another rigged election, we did fake elect a demented pedophile after all.

Posted by: The Unvaxed and Unmasked Ranger - Rescuing Sexy Russian Women Before They Get Drafted at October 13, 2022 06:44 PM (VTu1l)

172 Is Fetterman a dem?

Posted by: rickb223 at October 13, 2022 06:44 PM (JNT5L)

173 The stroke was in May. He done did all the recovering he is going to do.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 06:29 PM (glSEb)

Not defending fetterneck at all but that statement is a flat out lie. I had a stroke that damn near killed me in June of 2012. I just regained feeling in my left hand. My body is still healing 10 years later.

You are a doctor, not God.

Get over your bad assed self.

Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at October 13, 2022 06:45 PM (1DgE4)

174 >>> Heh...the older NYPD are okay, but the last dozen years they have been hiring knuckleheads who can't drive, can't shoot, and are almost indistinguishable from the bad guys.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:31 PM (XIJ/X)

Old time crook told me, cops and crooks are both the same except each is on a different team.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 06:45 PM (NlLwm)

175 Dave in FL says this one's in the bag for Oz. Common sense would dictate, but then... Regardless, dems will take the issue like with Anita Hill and Willie Horton. We will now be characterized as women hating, racist, anti- disabled monsters.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 13, 2022 06:46 PM (amhYy)

176 Every minute you're talking about this, nobody is talking about the issues and Fetterflopsweat's ridiculous positions. He's the most extreme candidate ever to run for the senate.
Posted by: Marcus T at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (OTvdu)
Yeah, his policies are disastrous. How can there be that many crazed radicals in PA?

Posted by: redridinghood at October 13, 2022 06:46 PM (NpAcC)

177 >>>Kroger is attempting to buy Albertson's.

To be rubber-stamped by the FTC.

Posted by: Mark1971 at October 13, 2022 06:46 PM (xPl2J)

178 I was surprised. Fetterman came across as lucid in the interview. And I didn't find Dasha to be all that confrontational. She's getting ripped in the comments, though.

Still, though, Fetterman living off mommy and daddy while being a gangsta wannabe should make him am easy target.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 06:46 PM (5pTK/)

179 Albertsons has been on the brink for a while, they shut down a ton of stores not that long ago. After a while Kroger/Fred Meyer is gonna own everything like Taco Bell in Demolition Man

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:47 PM (Ivdso)

180 Democrats want Fetterman, because just like Biden they can tell him what to do, then pat him on the head, give him a spoon with peanut butter on it and tell him to go sit on a stool in the corner until they need his vote again.

The Pride of Pennsylvania.

Posted by: Marcus T at October 13, 2022 06:47 PM (OTvdu)

181 Hodor!

Posted by: Hodor in a Hoodie at October 13, 2022 06:47 PM (wBpKf)

182 You are a doctor, not God.

Get over your bad assed self.

Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at October 13, 2022 06:45 PM (1DgE4)

Easy there. The data back him up. Remember, statistics describe populations, not individuals. You were at the good end of the curve!

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:47 PM (XIJ/X)

183 I'm worried that the Lump will be fighting it out with the cyborg tech that is "translating" information for Fetterman . . . while Fetterman sits there and drools.

I'm putting my money on the cyborg chip, even though the Lump looks scrappy.

Posted by: STING at October 13, 2022 06:48 PM (I/doM)

184 I doubt it hurts anything in what will be another rigged election, we did fake elect a demented pedophile after all.

I strongly suspect Biden had a stroke early in the primaries.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:48 PM (Ivdso)

185 Kroger owns the Dillons out here and it's impressive. Almost looks like a Costco.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 06:49 PM (5HBd1)

186 "I'm turning off your life support now." - Hal

Posted by: Robert17 at October 13, 2022 06:49 PM (/WW05)

187 Dave in FL says this one's in the bag for Oz.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 13, 2022 06:46 PM (amhYy)

Yes, but Dave in Fla has always been careful to point out that he can't quantify the steal.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:49 PM (XIJ/X)

188 I'm worried that the Lump will be fighting it out with the cyborg tech that is "translating" information for Fetterman . . . while Fetterman sits there and drools.

So, like Stephen Hawking, then? With someone controlling his voice box to say whatever they wanted him to seem to say?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:49 PM (Ivdso)

189 "Kara Swisher looks like Charlie sheen transitioned
Posted by: nurse ratched"

I thought it was Harrison Ford.

Posted by: fd at October 13, 2022 06:50 PM (sn5EN)

190 I can't imagine a person in a position of power / authority not being capable of comprehending speech.

Think about that for a minute.
I suppose it helps program us for when our President only communicates in Chinese.

Posted by: old chick at October 13, 2022 06:50 PM (sOete)

191 Albertsons has been on the brink for a while, they shut down a ton of stores not that long ago. After a while Kroger/Fred Meyer is gonna own everything like Taco Bell in Demolition Man
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:47 PM (Ivdso)

Here in my part of Texas, HEB laughs at your pretend grocery stores.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:50 PM (zhLdt)

192 If that was my interview I would have waited for a response and then asked- "does the lump in your neck agree?".

Posted by: Marcus T at October 13, 2022 06:50 PM (OTvdu)

193 Easy there. The data back him up. Remember, statistics describe populations, not individuals. You were at the good end of the curve!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 06:47 PM (XIJ/X)

Duly noted. Objection is hearby withdrawn.

Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at October 13, 2022 06:50 PM (1DgE4)

194 I am Fetterman

Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves, will he fall?
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?

Posted by: Hatari somewhere on Ventura Highway at October 13, 2022 06:50 PM (M+Lyo)

195 Yes, but Dave in Fla has always been careful to point out that he can't quantify the steal.

That is the problem, nobody can really predict how badly and how much the Democrats will cheat. They can't afford to man and pay for the cheat in every state, and in some it would be pointless. But they will, in key, targeted states, to try to control the losses and keep control of the Senate.

They cheated the @(#*@&$ out of the Senate race in 2020 to keep control. Watch for that to happen again.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:51 PM (Ivdso)

196 187- right. Philly is shameless too.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 13, 2022 06:51 PM (amhYy)

197 I'm worried that the Lump will be fighting it out with the cyborg tech that is "translating" information for Fetterman . . . while Fetterman sits there and drools.

I'm putting my money on the cyborg chip, even though the Lump looks scrappy.
Posted by: STING at October 13, 2022 06:48 PM (I/doM)

Don't be silly. The lump is the housing for the battery pack powering the cyborg chip.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 06:51 PM (zhLdt)

198 >>Kara Swisher looks like Charlie sheen transitioned

She looks like a manlier Jason Bateman.

Posted by: garrett at October 13, 2022 06:52 PM (5PV0G)

199 One generation of imbecile Senators is enough!

Posted by: Oliver Wendell Holmes at October 13, 2022 06:53 PM (S7une)

200 Just like anywhere else Democrats should get spanked in Pa, I only worry the fraud coming out of Philadelphia mostly and Secretary of State in Harrisburg helping

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 06:53 PM (xhxe8)

201 >>Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves, will he fall?
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?

"Sure, sure, he's fine, whatever - quityerb#tchin'!"
-- the Lump

Posted by: Lizzy at October 13, 2022 06:53 PM (I/doM)

202 Fetterman's Lump reminds me of Aylmer from Brain Damage.

I should watch that again.

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at October 13, 2022 06:53 PM (wBpKf)

203 They will cheat. Brazenly. This is known.

Posted by: kraken at October 13, 2022 06:54 PM (Vr12I)

204 >>Don't be silly. The lump is the housing for the battery pack powering the cyborg chip.


Posted by: Lizzy at October 13, 2022 06:54 PM (I/doM)

205 Yes, but Dave in Fla has always been careful to point out that he can't quantify the steal.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

Skynet will become self aware on November 7th

Posted by: Sock Monkey * Ungovernable at October 13, 2022 06:54 PM (d7rqw)

206 176 Every minute you're talking about this, nobody is talking about the issues and Fetterflopsweat's ridiculous positions. He's the most extreme candidate ever to run for the senate.
Posted by: Marcus T at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM (OTvdu)
Yeah, his policies are disastrous. How can there be that many crazed radicals in PA?
Posted by: redridinghood

Remove Philadelphia and there isn't.

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 13, 2022 06:54 PM (sAmhv)

207 My SIL in Arizona just called to check on me. Was pulling into Costco. They have several different brands of tequila. The one here has one. Their brand. That's it. *sigh* wish I was in AZ right now.

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 06:54 PM (nxdel)

208 Christoper R. Taylor Johnson is right!

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2022 06:55 PM (/RDPd)

209 So is what Fetterman has - not being able to comprehend speech - a form of aphasia?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 06:55 PM (2xlV3)

210 Failing to see the "value added" factor by anything governmental.

Posted by: Derek Chauvin's Prison Romance at October 13, 2022 06:55 PM (kXBNk)

211 That lump in Fetterman's neck is going to erupt like a zit and 20,000 baby spiders will come spilling out like hellfire.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at October 13, 2022 06:55 PM (z+OQR)

212 Fetterman's Lump reminds me of Aylmer from Brain Damage.

Reminds me of the movie Basket Case.

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 06:56 PM (nxdel)

213 Dammit, it's a goiter!!!

Posted by: The Fett at October 13, 2022 06:56 PM (Xrfse)

214 Christoper R. Taylor Johnson is right!

*raises fist*

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:57 PM (Ivdso)

215 Fetterman Johnson ain't right! But he does speak authentic 'tard gibberish.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 13, 2022 06:57 PM (amhYy)

216 Duly noted. Objection is hearby withdrawn.

Posted by: Somewhere South of I-80 at October 13, 2022 06:50 PM

Actually you are BOTH correct.

Perhaps, "Heated" objection is hereby withdrawn. I am very glad you are still recovering from your stroke! The brain is a mysterious organ.

My bigger point, is this is why I truly enjoy being a Moron. We don't try to score cheap "internet gotcha" points. We try to discuss the issues factually and actually attempt to solve problems.

(The snark involved in the comments is just a bonus.)

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at October 13, 2022 06:57 PM (HlyYF)

217 I should think that inability to clearly understand the spoken word might be a liability in a deliberative body, but that's just me.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:57 PM (Ivdso)

218 >>Reminds me of the movie Basket Case.

"How to Get Ahead in Business"
Ad exec has a boil grow on his neck. The boil keeps growing, to the point that it is a second head. He fights the boil for control of the body. The boil wins, removes the head.

Posted by: Lizzy at October 13, 2022 06:58 PM (I/doM)

219 >>Kara Swisher looks like Charlie sheen transitioned

She looks like a manlier Jason Bateman.

Posted by: garrett at October 13, 2022 06:52 PM (5PV0G)

As God is my witness, I thought it was that nice fellow, Richard Maddow.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 06:58 PM (yHsuS)

220 Yeah, his policies are disastrous. How can there be that many crazed radicals in PA?
Posted by: redridinghood at October 13, 2022 06:46 PM (NpAcC)

How dare you impugn the reputations of Persons Without Life.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 06:59 PM (AiZBA)

221 211 That lump in Fetterman's neck is going to erupt like a zit and 20,000 baby spiders will come spilling out like hellfire.
Posted by: Dr. Bone

The XenoMorph missed its target?

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 13, 2022 06:59 PM (sAmhv)

222 Sunny claims Burns broke journalistic ethics and defends Fetterman saying she too requires closed captions.

Yes, honey, but that's just because you have the IQ of a naked mole rat.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 06:59 PM (Ivdso)

223 Seems a proper rebuttal would be ... a live debate.

That communication directors line about his lies ought to be an ad.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 13, 2022 06:59 PM (Zf0+a)

224 217- dirty ableist!

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 13, 2022 06:59 PM (amhYy)

225 I said everything I want to say about Uncle Festerman on the podcast.

Also on the media, and what they are doing to this reporter.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 13, 2022 07:00 PM (5p7BC)

226 207 My SIL in Arizona just called to check on me. Was pulling into Costco. They have several different brands of tequila. The one here has one. Their brand. That's it. *sigh* wish I was in AZ right now.

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 06:54 PM

I hereby offer to drink a quality tequila shot on your behalf at the TXMoMe, since you are not going to be able to attend.

(I know that is quite a sacrifice, but I am a giver.)

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at October 13, 2022 07:00 PM (HlyYF)

227 Reminds me of the movie Basket Case.

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 06:56 PM (nxdel)

When it's big enough to carry in a wicker basket, no one is safe.

(Basket Case and Brain Damage were both directed by Frank Henenlotter.)

Posted by: Grudge Harbor at October 13, 2022 07:00 PM (wBpKf)

228 It is funny how every so often someone does an accidental work of actual reporting and gets savaged for it, by fellow reporters and talking heads.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:01 PM (Ivdso)

229 Dasha Burns will have to recant, nay grovel, or go on the Media Rack, she will.

Posted by: kraken at October 13, 2022 07:02 PM (Vr12I)

230 "Good's 2022"...

Yeah... let elect every tard to public office, to make everyone feel better. That'll work.

Posted by: Derek Chauvin's Prison Romance at October 13, 2022 07:02 PM (kXBNk)

231 Reminds me of the movie Basket Case.
Posted by: jewells45

"What's in the basket?"

Posted by: Oedipus at October 13, 2022 07:02 PM (uN6Pw)

232 >>>
The XenoMorph missed its target?

Posted by: Puddleglum

All the alien was looking for was a jughead. Close enough.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at October 13, 2022 07:03 PM (z+OQR)

233 let elect every tard to public office, to make everyone feel better. That'll work.

"like we totally? Elected the school tard? To homecoming king? To show how much we care?"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:03 PM (Ivdso)

234 re the cheat in PA (I posted this in the tech thread this am)

"It appears that PA election officials are asking the USSC how many divisions of troops they have, as they have vowed to ignore the SC's most recent (unfavorable) ruling on how to count bullshit invalid ballots. Hmmm.

Posted by: GnuBreed at October 13, 2022 04:28 AM (JOtiF) "

Posted by: GnuBreed at October 13, 2022 07:03 PM (JOtiF)

235 They used a knock-off version of Dr. West's special serum on Fetterman?

Boxing Fetterman or maybe Eraser Fetterman

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 07:04 PM (1nr6f)

236 >>>Because it will increase violence against he disabled, of course!

brb. gotta go to walmart and play the knockout game with some of the handicap parkers.

Posted by: x at October 13, 2022 07:04 PM (ZC2go)

237 Of all the fraud at least brought up the one that was totally squashed completely was computer hacking.
It's their hole in one

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:04 PM (xhxe8)

238 Caligula's Horse > Fetterman

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 07:04 PM (AiZBA)


Lump is hot!
Lumpy not.

Posted by: Susan Boil at October 13, 2022 07:05 PM (yaZ7x)

240 "like we totally? Elected the school tard? To homecoming king? To show how much we care?"
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:03 PM (Ivdso)


Posted by: Derek Chauvin's Prison Romance at October 13, 2022 07:05 PM (kXBNk)

241 Biden already setting the narrative that after the ads win, inflation is on them. May as well go scorched earth on the left as there will be no quarter given regardless.

Posted by: Indignacio Vindacatorem at October 13, 2022 07:05 PM (oWBc3)

242 Do you want to know what's ableist? TARGET'S FU*KING CHEESECAKE PACKAGING.

Posted by: FollyHerself at October 13, 2022 07:06 PM (FTVPe)

243 Lump

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 07:06 PM (yHsuS)

244 He's Lump

Lump lingered last in line for brains
And the one he got was sort of rotten and insane...

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:07 PM (Ivdso)

245 In case no one has mentioned it yet, Israel has approved the Bidet's graft plot to give Lebanon part of the huge off shore gas field.

Tehran will thank Joey properly.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 07:07 PM (1nr6f)

246 I don't think Albertsons has been doing well.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 06:42 PM

Last time I was at Albertsons is was a mess and I have not been back since. No idea why Kroger would want to buy it.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 07:07 PM (bVYXr)

247 lmfao when I saw the first pic. hahahaha

Posted by: sidney at October 13, 2022 07:08 PM (itAo5)

248 HAHA!
I ran out of work early and grabbed an early boat home! Yay me!

Now, to the grocery store to see if I can get five things for less than a hundred bucks total.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2022 07:08 PM (issyS)

249 Last time I was at Albertsons is was a mess and I have not been back since. No idea why Kroger would want to buy it.

Property, probably, and maybe whatever deals and supply connections they might have?

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:08 PM (Ivdso)

250 Both the Costcos nearby have no alcohol at all.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 07:08 PM (2xlV3)

251 245 In case no one has mentioned it yet, Israel has approved the Bidet's graft plot to give Lebanon part of the huge off shore gas field.

Tehran will thank Joey properly.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 07:07 PM (1nr6f)

Durka, Durka, Mohammed Jihad!

Posted by: jin (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 07:08 PM (ynpvh)

252 250 Both the Costcos nearby have no alcohol at all.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 07:08 PM (2xlV3)

Now THAT is a bad economic sign...

Posted by: jin (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 07:09 PM (ynpvh)

253 "It appears that PA election officials are asking the USSC how many divisions of troops they have, as they have vowed to ignore the SC's most recent (unfavorable) ruling on how to count bullshit invalid ballots. Hmmm.
Which is interesting because the "no standing; Constitution requires Electors to vote" dodge they used to stiffle Trump's lawsuits doesn't apply here.

I suspect their fraud is going to end in a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling throwing out their election. And ordering a truckload of sunshine be dumped on the new election.

They should take the L now and have the fraud safe for the future. They won't.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 13, 2022 07:09 PM (Zf0+a)

254 245 In case no one has mentioned it yet, Israel has approved the Bidet's graft plot to give Lebanon part of the huge off shore gas field.


That seems like a dumb move for Israel

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 07:09 PM (2xlV3)

255 Getting quasi-motivated here in No. Philadelphia

Posted by: Philly Election Heist Brigade at October 13, 2022 07:10 PM (vwX6l)

256 248 HAHA!
I ran out of work early and grabbed an early boat home! Yay me!

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2022 07:08 PM

How is marine ratched doing?

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at October 13, 2022 07:10 PM (HlyYF)

257 253 "It appears that PA election officials are asking the USSC how many divisions of troops they have, as they have vowed to ignore the SC's most recent (unfavorable) ruling on how to count bullshit invalid ballots. Hmmm.
Which is interesting because the "no standing; Constitution requires Electors to vote" dodge they used to stiffle Trump's lawsuits doesn't apply here.

I suspect their fraud is going to end in a 7-2 Supreme Court ruling throwing out their election. And ordering a truckload of sunshine be dumped on the new election.

They should take the L now and have the fraud safe for the future. They won't.

Posted by: People's Hippo Voice at October 13, 2022 07:09 PM (Zf0+a)

If sunshine won't come to them, they should be shipped to the sun up close and personal

Posted by: jin (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 07:10 PM (ynpvh)


Albertsons here is getting a massive multi-million dollar top to bottom remodel.

Posted by: General Disarray at October 13, 2022 07:10 PM (yaZ7x)

259 Now, to the grocery store to see if I can get five things for less than a hundred bucks total.
Posted by: nurse ratched

Good luck!

Posted by: April--dash my lace wigs! at October 13, 2022 07:11 PM (OX9vb)

260 Money Plane.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 07:11 PM (LvTSG)

261 Now THAT is a bad economic sign...
Posted by: jin (in Kalifornia)

No I mean they don't sell alcohol.
They opened before PA allowed groceries to sell beer & wine; not sure why they haven't applied for a license?
Too much trouble maybe?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 07:12 PM (2xlV3)

262 Marine is in pain. He is not being assessed properly. He was discharged with aleve and some lidocaine patches.

No imaging. No PT referral.

He should have gotten toradol and a prednisone burst. And an X-ray. But, hey, I don't know shit.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2022 07:12 PM (issyS)

263 Am I the only one that thinks festerman looks like the aliens in the movie battleship?

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Division at October 13, 2022 07:12 PM (VwHCD)

264 Which is interesting because the "no standing; Constitution requires Electors to vote" dodge they used to stiffle Trump's lawsuits doesn't apply here

Yeah they are remarkably selective about that little trick.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:12 PM (Ivdso)

265 VMom it is.

Bibi is blistering the paint over this deal calling it a historic surrender to Hezzbollah.

But the Knesset still needs to approve this deal and Israel has elections on Nov. 1.

Post over at Legal Insurrection.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 07:13 PM (eJHPe)

266 I'm listening to the full NBC Fetterman interview.
He sounds far more coherent than Biden does.
Night and day.

Posted by: For gp, The Action IS The Juice at October 13, 2022 07:14 PM (24fqN)

267 To coin a phrase in vouge here...

To be fair "journalists" have been shit for years.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at October 13, 2022 07:14 PM (BFigT)

268 Thanks Anna

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 07:14 PM (2xlV3)

269 I still know what happened to Marine. Glad you are taking care of him.

Posted by: Infidel at October 13, 2022 07:15 PM (Ur3ox)

270 Sunny claims Burns broke journalistic ethics and de

Is she one of the hags of The View?fends Fetterman saying she too requires closed captions.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 07:15 PM (eGTCV)

271 Money Plane.

Remember that crazy woman who called Rush Limbaugh in defense of ? Rita X.

That's what that makes me think of.

T]he president and his Chief Joints of Staff are planning a secret war involving their over 40-year knowledge of an encounter with a galactic fleet which has been called the unidentified flying saucers. Colin Colonel Powell s planning genocide on the black community as Minister Farrakhan has revealed to the masses of the people that President Bush has sat down with Colonel Colin Powell to plan genocide against the black community. But this is why the event. The mother plane is there, and the mother plane will destroy England, and that’s why you noticed that when the first sightings of the writing in the hedges, uh, from Stonehengees [sic] and the writings in the grass was 50 miles from what is call Stonehedges in England.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:15 PM (Ivdso)

272 He sounds far more coherent than Biden does.

That is a very low bar, even the Lump could surmount it.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 07:15 PM (eJHPe)

273 260 Money Plane.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 07:11 PM (LvTSG)

Kelsey Grammer: "“It's called a Money Plane. Some of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet are on that plane, all craving action. Whatever you want to wager on, the Money Plane has you covered. You want to bet on a dude fucking an alligator? Money Plane!"

Posted by: Thrawn at October 13, 2022 07:16 PM (pluht)

274 The mother plane with the 1500 bomber plane were dropped know dropped three baby planes, three bombs on England and destroy England, and also she will destroy your nav- your -- uh, the air, uh -- the, uh, America air bases.
--Rita X Continues

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 07:16 PM (Ivdso)

275 It did read “HAL” on the back of the monitor Fetterhawkings was using.

Posted by: Paco Pacem at October 13, 2022 07:16 PM (BDs8l)

276 Nurse, prayers for Marine

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 07:17 PM (2xlV3)

277 262 Marine is in pain. He is not being assessed properly. He was discharged with aleve and some lidocaine patches.

Aleve and lidocaine? That's a step up from 800mg Motrin I guess.

Posted by: blaster at October 13, 2022 07:17 PM (pwExq)

278 My blades thirst.

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 07:17 PM (2xlV3)

279 177 >>>Kroger is attempting to buy Albertson's.

To be rubber-stamped by the FTC.
Posted by: Mark1971 at October 13, 2022 06:46 PM (xPl2J)

Brought to you by Carl's, Jr.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at October 13, 2022 07:17 PM (DTX3h)

280 270 Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 07:15 PM (eGTCV)

No Sanjay "Sunny" Gupta MD, who swears Granny WineBox Huma Eater is a yoga guru, that Ruth Bader Meinhoff was a crossfit champion, that Joey Plugz has the mental acuity of a 23 year old and on and on....

if there is a question on a mule's health Sunny is there to let the sun shine in

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 07:17 PM (Lzpvj)

281 I watched the interview - she's freaking trying as hard as she can to help him, and most of her questions were softballs. They few "hard" things she says are because she feels like she has to ask, it's such an obvious question.

Posted by: Inspector kemp at October 13, 2022 07:18 PM (+DS2f)

282 Don't. Grrr.

Posted by: Infidel at October 13, 2022 07:18 PM (Ur3ox)

283 Read another article on Fetterman. accidentally-raises-stakes-lone senate debate dr-oz?

The issue is he cannot comprehend speech and possibly its not going to get better

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:19 PM (xhxe8)

284 Think of all the diseases Kristen Powers now has from being Carlos Danger’s meat wallet.

Posted by: Paco Pacem at October 13, 2022 07:19 PM (BDs8l)

285 I assume super Christian David French has accused evangelical Christians of being mean to Fetterman.

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 07:20 PM (eGTCV)

286 "I watched the interview - she's freaking trying as hard as she can to help him, and most of her questions were softballs. They few "hard" things she says are because she feels like she has to ask, it's such an obvious question."

I'm waiting to hear her ask him why he loves violent criminals so much.

Posted by: For gp, The Action IS The Juice at October 13, 2022 07:20 PM (24fqN)

287 283 Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:19 PM (xhxe

On the one hand yeah bad, on the other hand it is not like the democrats actually read any of the bills they vote on or are pressed to defend anything.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 07:20 PM (Lzpvj)

288 Biden's Feds going after Elon-
BREAKING NEWS: Elon Musk is under federal investigation for 'his conduct' in attempted Twitter takeover, court documents reveal - as the social media giant asks for access to documents he's turned over to authorities

Posted by: redridinghood at October 13, 2022 07:20 PM (NpAcC)

289 Last time I was at Albertsons is was a mess and I have not been back since. No idea why Kroger would want to buy it.
Posted by: Mister Scott

Real estate.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 13, 2022 07:21 PM (NlFlr)

290 No imaging. No PT referral.

He should have gotten toradol and a prednisone burst. And an X-ray. But, hey, I don't know shit.

Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2022 07:12 PM


I was hoping for better news.

Was that at a VA hospital facility or at a regular hospital?

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at October 13, 2022 07:21 PM (HlyYF)

291 I have a deal. We give Tehran $10 billion. In exchange they take control of Israel, but promise to be nice to the Jews for a specified amount of time of their choosing.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 07:21 PM (glSEb)

292 Not able to comprehend speech?

Democrats, "we must ban the filibuster in considering of Sen. Fetterman's disability."

I can see this ploy like who the killer is on page one of a dime store novel.

Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 07:22 PM (eJHPe)

293 Sven agree, Fetterman will vote lock step with anything the Marxists want.

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:22 PM (xhxe8)

294 Rachel Maddow and Andy McCarthy had a son and named it Kara Swisher.

Posted by: LASue at October 13, 2022 07:23 PM (Ed8Zd)

295 292 Posted by: Anna Puma at October 13, 2022 07:22 PM (eJHPe)

Fuck that, bring back old real filibusters...

Fetterman speaking for 96 hours straight would be must-see TV like this brooks trial...

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 07:23 PM (Lzpvj)

296 Musk might be alone in out spending the government lawyers

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:24 PM (xhxe8)

297 Sunny claims ...

Someone should ask Sunny if she would have hired Fetterman as a nanny for her son and daughter, knowing he could not comprehend them without speech to text.

Posted by: old chick at October 13, 2022 07:24 PM (sOete)

298 Fetterman. Biden. I’m sensing a pattern

Posted by: LASue at October 13, 2022 07:25 PM (Ed8Zd)

299 "Kara Swisher"

So I'm not the only one to notice that that's a man baby, specifically Charlie Sheen.

Also, Fetterman's Lump should get Stelter's slot. And I don't mean his broadcast time, either...

Posted by: Drink Like Vikings at October 13, 2022 07:25 PM (40ewg)

300 Thread babe.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 07:26 PM (yHsuS)

301 Been pouring down here for over a hour, at least cleaned the gutter yesterday

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:27 PM (xhxe8)

302 Thanks Pillage Idiot!

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 07:27 PM (nxdel)

303 He should have gotten toradol and a prednisone burst. And an X-ray. But, hey, I don't know shit.
Posted by: nurse

Xrays are near useless. Probably would have given a shot of toradol. But the aleve? 800mg Ibuprofen for everything is Army standard.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 07:28 PM (glSEb)

304 Last time I was at Albertsons is was a mess and I have not been back since. No idea why Kroger would want to buy it.

Albertsons owns a few other brands. Safeway and Jewel Osco are probably the biggest. So they're getting a heck of a lot more than just Albertsons stores in the deal.

Posted by: Blanco Basura - - Email for morons. at October 13, 2022 07:28 PM (Bd6X8)

305 flounder what looks like tiny bolt nuts in the open round?

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:29 PM (xhxe8)


I like zit jizz...

Posted by: Susan Boil at October 13, 2022 07:29 PM (yaZ7x)

307 303 Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 07:28 PM (glSEb)

Talk to my liver about it.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 07:29 PM (Lzpvj)

308 It's coming down in buckets

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:30 PM (xhxe8)

>>>The Left is comparing Fetterman to FDR, "who was also disabled".

It's the same as wearing glasses or a hearing aid.

Posted by: Heard on the net today at October 13, 2022 07:30 PM (63Dwl)


Posted by: Skip nood advisor at October 13, 2022 07:31 PM (xhxe8)

311 flounder what looks like tiny bolt nuts in the open round?

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:29 PM (xhxe

Trail Boss powder, I think.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 07:31 PM (yHsuS)

312 Bruce Willis had the integrity to retire when he quit functioning....the political class gets promoted.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 07:31 PM (Lzpvj)

Thread babe.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October
13, 2022 07:26 PM

ever since I got the rough rider, I've wanted the growd up version

Posted by: AltonJackson at October 13, 2022 07:31 PM (ENBF0)


Posted by: Skip nood advisor at October 13, 2022 07:31 PM (xhxe8)

315 302 Thanks Pillage Idiot!

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 07:27 PM

How many Morons do you think will join in on your behalf for a "F*ck cancer!" tequila shot?

Posted by: Pillage Idiot at October 13, 2022 07:32 PM (HlyYF)

316 flounder will see if anyone has a opinion, never seen gunpowder like that but tablet is small

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 07:33 PM (xhxe8)

317 You know whats fun about speech-to-text transcription service and politicians?
Watching their lips move and it isn't linked to sound or the transcription. Hilarious!
It gets better when they go completely off topic.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 07:33 PM (anj39)

318 These 'journalists' should be paid less than a burger flipper.

Posted by: polynikes at October 13, 2022 07:33 PM (epFyj)

319 317 Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 07:33 PM (anj39)

With Fetterman offtopic is "boy I'd like to shotgun that bottle of crisco"....

with Biden it is a little different.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 07:34 PM (Lzpvj)

320 Yeah, his policies are disastrous. How can there be that many crazed radicals in PA?
Posted by: redridinghood

Remove Philadelphia and there isn't.
Posted by: Puddleglum

Get rid of NYFC and NY State is red.
LA, Frisco, and Sacramento? California is red too.

The Democrats may just eliminate 75% of the Democrat Party if they bumble us into a Nuclear War?

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 07:38 PM (Z32m1)

321 So who is going to spoon feed Senate debates over a monitor to this goon while he sits in the chamber with his hoodie up twisting his goatee?

Posted by: Jen the original at October 13, 2022 07:41 PM (E6rBn)

322 Well, now we know the lump is not a communications dome.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 07:41 PM (v0R5T)

323 Isn't the US Senate supposed to be the world's greatest debating society? How can Fetterman take part in the debate if his auditory processing is not at 100 per cent?

Posted by: Rev Jonathan Swift at October 13, 2022 07:48 PM (fCn4f)

324 Connie Schultz: "How we as journalists frame this reveals more about us than it does him."

I mean, she's not wrong. I just don't think she thinks their "framing" says the same thing about them that I think it does.

Posted by: MSM Biden Apologist at October 13, 2022 07:51 PM (Za4Ej)

325 Oops. Off with the sock.

Posted by: Simple Stevo at October 13, 2022 07:51 PM (Za4Ej)

326 One beep only, Vassilly.

Posted by: Rev Jonathan Swift at October 13, 2022 07:53 PM (fCn4f)

327 The more I think about it, the more I like Connie's statement. I think "How we as journalists frame this reveals more about us than it does him" is a great reminder for journalists...and their audience.

Posted by: Simple Stevo at October 13, 2022 07:54 PM (Za4Ej)

328 I'm old enough to remember when Trump Tweeting "cofveve" was enough reason for many of these same people to bring up the 25th amendment every chance they got.

Posted by: Simple Stevo at October 13, 2022 07:59 PM (Za4Ej)

329 Okay, this calls for the same Morons who wrote the "Troll Translator" a few years back, to come back to us with a "Fetterman De-Fetterizer".

"I ab hav sur tin slo ness re cov er ee is you zzz"

translated: "I sure as shit ain't qualified for this office".

Or, etc. Yee and Haw, y'all.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at October 13, 2022 07:59 PM (e6UQI)

330 Via Parker County Today:

"Without a single press release from the White House and not a millisecond of coverage from media outlets, Americans may have missed a stunning development in the ongoing battle for privacy rights this week. An executive order issued last Friday by the Biden Administration states that FISA warrants are no longer necessary for federal agencies such as the FBI, CIA, IRS, and NSA to access Americans’ personal data.

"In other words, your government is now permitted to spy on you, including your phone calls, emails, text messages, and internet search data. The order is a violation of our Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, but as yet only a handful of privacy-advocacy groups seem to be raising the alarm over the latest incursion into our private lives.

"The executive order ends the at least minimal protection from government incursion offered by Policy Directive 28, which restricted the collection of “signals intelligence” (in other words, all tech-based communication) by government agencies of private citizens’ data."

Posted by: aelfheld at October 13, 2022 08:04 PM (Zy9Yy)

331 As a resident, one thing affecting this state is not just crime, but juvenile crime. *This evening on the local news, 8 police cars were sitting in a shopping center - already equipped with working surveillance cameras - trying to stop the violence from the kids gathering around there after leaving high school. And yet, a girl had her face slashed at one of the stores where the kids once again congregated. Until 2021, there was a juvenile detention center for many years in a 'nice' area of the county. It was closed, allegedly, for abuse. Now there's almost no where to contain many of the violent juvenile offenders so they're simply released. *The Glen Mills school in the county was closed in 2019, also allegedly for abuse. It held distinction as the oldest school for delinquent boys in the country. Tough boys in, yes indeed, and many good, educated men came out. There had been "boards" & directors to oversee those sites which sit on lovely grounds, prime acreage. (Much of the ground in the western portion of the county is now under conservation, including 213 acres from the former Don Guanella Village which served as a residence for intellectually disabled males for 40 yrs.)

Posted by: Lola at October 13, 2022 08:09 PM (NIYa7)

332 He's been diagnosed with Wernicke's aphasia?

Posted by: Sarahw at October 13, 2022 08:13 PM (g1vnC)

333 152 That lump on the back of his neck is Screwtape. We don't discuss Screwtape's business and he doesn't discuss our.

Posted by: richard mcenroe at October 13, 2022 08:22 PM (8fxF+)

334 Not only the southeastern area of the state is facing this dilemma. Allegheny County’s juvenile detention center closed Sept. 18, 2021 after the state Department of Human Services revoked its license. Allegheny County then signed a contract for temporary beds at private facilities in other counties, but when those facilities are filled, the only option most times is to release the offender. (Same as the before mentioned Delaware County.)

In some of those more serious cases, the offender is placed on house arrest using electronic monitoring. Again, same as Delaware County, Philadelphia, and many other places in the state now.

Look at your states regarding prison reform, juvenile justice, operating facilities and cash bail. There are some people who do not belong in lockup, no doubt, but these blanket free-for-all often violent crime sprees concerning more 'youth' have to stop.

These problems did not exist in this scope & numbers until the progressives began doing their damnest to take holistic approaches to offenders & ignore victims' rights. That is Fetterman, many DAs, many non-profits & most of the idiot politicians already representing PA & its people.

Posted by: Lola at October 13, 2022 08:25 PM (NIYa7)

335 So, it's not my imagination. Fettermans' ears ARE lower than normal like Alfred E. Newmans'.

Posted by: Corona at October 13, 2022 10:51 PM (nakGR)

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Posted by: Lisa Curtis at October 14, 2022 03:25 AM (tTOhx)

337 If you look at the monitor and zoom in, you can see that it's not closed captioning, it's direct translation. It's his team giving him references.

Posted by: Wickedpinto at October 14, 2022 09:09 AM (ON+MG)

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