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The Biden Administration Pleads With Saudi Arabia to Delay the Cut In Oil Production -- FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. JUST TO GET THROUGH THE MIDTERMS.

Quid Pro Quo?

Javier Blas

US President Joe Biden signals fresh action to fight oil (and gasoline) prices:

"The price of gas is still too high and we need to keep working to bring it down," Biden said at an event in Los Angeles. "I'll have more to say about that next week," he added, without elaboration.

Oil prices were already climbing again, and OPEC+ voted to cut production.

Biden has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve -- intended to be tapped in cases of war, if our supply lines get cut -- down to almost empty, so that well is literally dry.

What's left?

Why, go begging to the Saudis again.

But with a fresh ask.

Biden begged them to delay that production cut -- but for one month only.

Just to get him through the midterms.

Says who?

Says the Saudi Foreign Minister, that's says who.

Screenshot (23).jpg

The next part of the letter states that OPEC+ is, of course, much more than Saudi Arabia; it represents twenty four countries. OPEC represents 13; OPEC+ adds in 11 more. It's like CNN+ except it produces less natural gas than Brian Stelter and Chris Wallace.

Their point being that Saudi Arabia cannot bend twenty-three other countries to their will. Oil prices were falling due to the recession; they wanted to increase the prices.

It's the next part of the letter that is... treasonous? Biden begged a foreign dignitary for a favor that would not help the United States -- what does a one-month pause do? -- but would only help the Democrat Party.


The "US Administration" pleaded for a delay in the cut in production for just one month? Why?

Why just one month?

You know why.

This scumbag hive of traitors asked Saudi Arabia to do a special favor not for the US, but for the Democrat Party. This is just about the midterms.

This is impeachable.

If Trump got impeached for a phone call to Ukraine -- then Biden must be impeached for this phone call.

Update: Matt Margolis dots the i's and crosses the t's on the point I was making: the "Biden" Administration is openly threatening Saudi Arabia for not playing ball.

So, what kind of leverage did Joe Biden have with the Kingdom to pull off this failed quid pro quo? Well, it's curious that on Wednesday it was reported that since Biden's pleas were rejected, the White House is "examining" all aspects of our country's relationship with the Saudis, including arms sales.

"There is a range of interests and values that are implicated in our relationship with that country," Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said Wednesday. "The President will examine all of that. But one question he's going to ask is: Is the nature of the relationship serving the interest and values of the United States and what changes would make it better serve the interests and values?"

This sounds suspiciously like Joe Biden is threatening an ally with cutting off military aid unless they do something to help Biden politically here at home. Quid pro quo.

Plus, below: Biden is now making the quid pro quo clear, threatening "action" against Saudi Arabia for having defied his demand that they make a trillion-dollar in-kind donation to the DNC.

He's now threatening Saudi Arabia:

thanks to rd.

"No one f***s with a Biden."

-- Comrade Flounder

Posted by: Ace at 04:02 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 first.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 04:03 PM (bVYXr)

2 Who's the tough guy now?

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 04:03 PM (bVYXr)

3 Ugh.

Posted by: gdgm+ at October 13, 2022 04:03 PM (1FoCx)

4 I love that they told him to f--- off.

Posted by: brak at October 13, 2022 04:04 PM (j5Tg0)

5 But was tough guy Joe wearing his aviators when he made the request?

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 04:05 PM (eGTCV)

6 Heh, heh, heh.

Wait. This isn't good for *us*!

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:05 PM (J2vNu)

7 Biden's junta is actively working to help Iran be able to nuke the Saudis (among other countries), so of course they aren't going to help him.

Posted by: Ian S. at October 13, 2022 04:05 PM (zm+d5)

8 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:05 PM (Zz0t1)

9 If only there was some way to increase oil production, perhaps even with oil that didn't need to be transported from the other side of the world. If only...

Posted by: brak at October 13, 2022 04:05 PM (j5Tg0)

10 Trump said pussy.

Posted by: blaster at October 13, 2022 04:06 PM (pwExq)

11 If Trump got impeached for a phone call to Ukraine -- then Biden must be impeached for this phone call.

And there is actual evidence that Biden did this - as opposed to what was claimed for Trump. Unless, of course, the Dems want to call the Saudi leaders liars. Go ahead, Joe, you know you want to.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:06 PM (ayzS/)

12 See if you can find the video of Brian Deese being asked point blank if this was true. His "I'm not going to go into" blah blah blah translates roughly into : "First can you tell me if there's a recording of the call?"

Posted by: mattman26 at October 13, 2022 04:06 PM (1fnam)

13 Biden didn't want them to cut output to help out Americans. He still wanted Americans to feel more pain. Just do it in a month, please. Despicable.

Posted by: SH (No more Roe) at October 13, 2022 04:06 PM (sX1BW)

14 read the content -- rookie mistake

Executive Summary: Dems are traitors (like that's nothing new)

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at October 13, 2022 04:06 PM (pJWtt)

15 Time to impeach, right? RIGHT??

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:06 PM (ptqGC)

16 Gotta say, I’m rootin’ for the Saudis here.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (8qLAG)

17 The problem with all of this is we the people are fvcked. Even when the republicans take back the House and Senate there is not a single thing they can do to reign in biden. All they can do is try and block him from doing anymore stupid $hit.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (bVYXr)

18 He still wanted Americans to feel more pain. Just do it in a month, please. Despicable.

Wants, not wanted.

Posted by: SMH at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (6UfI+)

19 Now Brandon is threatening KSA directly.

WATCH: Biden vowed the US will take action on Saudi Arabia for refusing to lower oil prices before the election

Making friends and influencing people for the Win!

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (Z32m1)

20 Yeah... I'm gonna go over here and wait for those articles of impeachment..

Posted by: Inogame, non alius regit at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (53oGX)

21 No one fucks with a Biden.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (yHsuS)

22 In 1980, Robert A. Heinlein wrote in an essay that "not one sane sensible decision has come out of the Oval Office for 50 years."

Oh, Robert old buddy, if you were here now, your brain would have already exploded.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (J2vNu)

23 And there is actual evidence that Biden did this - as opposed to what was claimed for Trump.

Yes, I know there was tape of the call. I'm referring to how it was interpreted. Because there isn't a lot of doubt what Biden meant, again unless he wants to call the Saudis liars.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (ayzS/)

24 Beau Biden drowned in a oil well. No joke.

Posted by: Adolf Brandon at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (I+ZWa)

25 Remember when AoS disappeared for about a day on Google for no reason back in 2020? Couldn't even get it to autocomplete on Android.

That was weird. What were they testing?

Posted by: ... at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (7cPAc)

26 I get the feeling the Saudis really don't care for Joey.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (ptqGC)

27 Pity that nothing is going to happen, except that prices will continue to skyrocket.

Posted by: SMH at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (6UfI+)

28 Joe should send Hunter over there to negotiate.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (v0R5T)

29 "After the midterms, you're on your own."

Joe Biden
In My Ukraine Dascha
Lame Duck President Extraordinaire

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (lf83v)

30 Isn't it time for Joe to make fists and shriek incoherently in front of a red background?

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (eGTCV)

31 Fill er up and check the oil

Posted by: Camela at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (qwO6y)

I guess the Saudis are no Corn Pop, tough guy?

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (pNxlR)

33 No one f*cks with a Biden, except stairs, bicycles, the Saudis...

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (ptqGC)

34 In Calif we are still north of $6 a gallon, but that is due to our own States stupidity, in ONLY allowing certain blends of Gas, and a real lack of Refineries in the State (which is due to the State not allowing anyone to build, or expand, refineries).

We are stuck on stupid.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (oHd/0)

35 Yeah... I'm gonna go over here and wait for those articles of impeachment..


Posted by: SMH at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (6UfI+)

36 "Nobody fucks with a Biden"

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is junta manifest at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (m2uE4)

37 I think Big Oil should continue jacking up the prices for one reason and one reason alone -- because FJB wants them to be low.

The FJB junta has done everything it can to impede oil production here in America. Big Oil would be well within its rights to start divesting from the US and look for more stable government (and a saner government) with whom to do business.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at October 13, 2022 04:08 PM (YIVH2)

38 Biden will not be impeached. He will suffer no consequence. He's destroying this country and the fucking WORLD and nothing will happen.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (Zz0t1)

39 Kinda like "Ask Vladimir to pipe down til after the election when I'll have more flexibility."

Nothing new under the sun.

Posted by: mattman26 at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (1fnam)

40 No one fucks with a Biden.
Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022

True enough. "No one" does.

In actuality, everyone does.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (J2vNu)

41 Wasn't one of the Dem's criticisms of Trump that he alienated our allies.

1) You don't make epochal deals with people you've alienated.
2) What exactly are the Dems doing now? Making friends?

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (ayzS/)

42 Biden will not be impeached. He will suffer no consequence. He's destroying this country and the fucking WORLD and nothing will happen.
Posted by: Sponge

No, not likely in this world.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), eternity is forever.

Posted by: SMH at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (6UfI+)

43 Now Brandon is threatening KSA directly.

Yes. What a good little puppet we have.

Posted by: Mullahs of Iran at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (lf83v)

44 I guess I don't have to say nothing will happen....

Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (bs+z0)

45 Biden winning favors by pardoning simple possession of infidel heads.

Posted by: Broseidon at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (ihWEa)

46 thanks, rd. I updated.

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (C1Zwz)

47 Nobody fucks with a Biden*

* see appendix A on pages 119-147 for list of known, but non-exhaustive exclusions.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (amhYy)

48 hiya

Posted by: JT at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (T4tVD)

49 Obviously, this is Saudi Arabia interfering US elections. To protect Democracy, we must implement regime change in Saudi Arabia.

Posted by: WiNO at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (EpDzw)

50 I get the feeling the Saudis really don't care for Joey.

I'm sure they're all making wanking motions when they're on the phone with him.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (ayzS/)

51 I guess the F.I.B. shouldn't have tried to assassinate the Crown Prince in Las Vegas over executing the 'journalist' traitor, on their own soil in that embassy, eh??

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at October 13, 2022 04:10 PM (yikp0)

52 This bears repeating, for no particular reason except it's Joe being Joe.

Joe in CO yesterday:


Biden: "To stand there on the edge of a cliff in the Rio Grande to, you know, looking at one thing and it's just, there's not many cliffs but then head up to the Grand Canyon...I've climbed it from the river up and I've looked at it from the top down."

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (ptqGC)

53 38 Biden will not be impeached. He will suffer no consequence. He's destroying this country and the fucking WORLD and nothing will happen.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (Zz0t1)

Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (RG7Wy)

54 Fun part? Raising oil and gas prices was part of his ELECTION PROMISES.

They WANT us to feel pain, so someone will invent a solution to the problem THEY are creating.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (oHd/0)

55 Joey made more sense that day talking about wiping oil off his windshield as a young, exuberant teen. No joke.

Climate change, Jack!

Posted by: micky at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (3byMq)

56 >>>The Biden Administration Pleads With Saudi Arabia to Delay the Cut In Oil Production -- FOR ONE MONTH ONLY.

Um, just buy an electric car.

Posted by: KSA at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (yHsuS)

57 @greg_price11

Biden: "To stand there on the edge of a cliff in the Rio Grande to, you know, looking at one thing and it's just, there's not many cliffs but then head up to the Grand Canyon...I've climbed it from the river up and I've looked at it from the top down."

um, I don't know texas and I may be wrong, but the Rio Grande flows entirely through flatlands, doesn't it?

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (C1Zwz)

58 Yeah... I'm gonna go over here and wait for those articles of impeachment..
Posted by: Inogame, non alius regit at October 13, 2022 04:07 PM (53oGX)

I am waiting for the sane, bipartisan Democrats to invoke the 25th Amendment. Should be any day now. the media pressure is building and building!

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (Z32m1)

59 I was told that asking foreign powers for a little quid pro quo was treason or something.

Posted by: ChockyChockyChip at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (ufJfM)

60 We should wait until Saudi Arabia actually does something to hurt us, like engineering the death of 3K Americans.

Posted by: Broseidon at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (ihWEa)

61 So now "tough action" against the Saudis.
Those imbeciles in DC do know the Saudis have it to respond in kind?
A part of me kinda would like to see that.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (anj39)

62 ah i guess I must be wrong, you can't have a river that doesn't have any headlands to flow from

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (C1Zwz)

63 Now Brandon is threatening KSA directly.

Holy shit.

Posted by: jewells45 at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (nxdel)

64 Part of me enjoys when Biden screws the pooch so blatantly. It's the only way people will learn not to vote for these clowns. The trick is not to get so close to the edge of the cliff that you actually go over.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (ayzS/)

65 In fairness, biden is going to be wandering around in an open bathrobe trying to sniff girls hair

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (PUXju)

66 Gotta say, I’m rootin’ for the Saudis here.

Posted by: Bulgaroctonus


Me too. Just put that two-bit playground hoodlum in his place.

Posted by: Ultra pj at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (G1dq6)

67 Aren’t pudding cups involved? Asking for a friend.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (2f1DR)

68 In one month, we'll have the breakthrough that makes green energy better than that oil. We just need a little more time. Because the oil companies are doing just what they did with the 100mpg carburetor.

Posted by: Karen at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (8AONa)

69 The brilliance of Trump was that he understood that countries rarely act against their self-interest. That's how he got the Middle-East treaty countries what they want, as long as we also get what we want.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (XIJ/X)

Biden: "To stand there on the edge of a cliff in the Rio Grande to, you know, looking at one thing and it's just, there's not many cliffs but then head up to the Grand Canyon...I've climbed it from the river up and I've looked at it from the top down."
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Cue Judy Collins' "Both Sides Now"

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (pNxlR)

71 Listen Tommy Turban, keep pumpin that goop until I give the signal

Posted by: Joe Bitem at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (M+Lyo)

72 Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy's statement:

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (VaSD4)

73 I know, I know, #NotAllSaudiRoyals

Most are just punch the clock ham n eggers, salt of the earth.

Well, not ham - not halal - goat and eggers?

Posted by: Broseidon at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (ihWEa)

74 Look the stock market was up today, I'm not kidding...

Posted by: Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (bs+z0)

75 jesus christ, the things biden has done that are impeachable:

opening the border, literally. who ordered the BP to open the gate that texas police closed?

knowingly lying about whipping illegals

emptying the SPOR for no fucking reason

renaming an environmental pork bill into the current thing to get it passed

being owned by ukraine to start wwiii

calling parents domestic terrorists and everything else associated with trying to make up white supremacy as a thing while ignoring leftwing crime

Posted by: sockamster, Aos ShowRunner at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (OuH7W)

76 69 The brilliance of Trump was that he understood that countries rarely act against their self-interest. That's how he got the Middle-East treaty countries what they want, as long as we also get what we want.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (XIJ/X)


Posted by: 7man at October 13, 2022 04:14 PM (qwO6y)

g'afternoon, 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at October 13, 2022 04:14 PM (ENBF0)

78 Ace,

Thank you for the recognition.

Who is destroying our relationships with our allies?

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:14 PM (Z32m1)

79 threaten saudi arabia? it's not like the lunatic sanctions on russia aren't already driving india, china, mexico, iran, and the saudis into a new economic bloc

Posted by: sockamster, Aos ShowRunner at October 13, 2022 04:14 PM (OuH7W)

80 Quid pro quo Joe

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 13, 2022 04:14 PM (xhxe8)

81 Good thing Barry was so flexible.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:14 PM (2f1DR)

82 I guess Dark Brandon was just a meme, because the reality is pretty flaccid and ineffective.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at October 13, 2022 04:15 PM (ppBhU)

83 While in CO, Joey also said he took his boys skiing there and they talked about their CO ski trips around the dinner table "all the time."

It would be pathetic if he didn't have his shriveled, rapey finger on the nuclear button.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:15 PM (ptqGC)

84 "search Twitter, 'Kasshogi,' Jan 6 21 to Oct 13 22, 0 results found"

Posted by: Broseidon at October 13, 2022 04:15 PM (ihWEa)

85 This fvcker is gonna get us into another shooting war with dead American troops and he is so out of it mentally that he doesn't realize what he is doing except being a "tough guy" and shooting his mouth off while addled with dementia.

Stock up on guns, ammo, food and water.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 04:15 PM (bVYXr)

um, I don't know texas and I may be wrong, but the Rio Grande flows entirely through flatlands, doesn't it?
Posted by: ace

It is in canyons around the NM / CO border, but they are no Grand Canyon.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 04:15 PM (pNxlR)

87 81 Good thing Barry was so flexible.
Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:14 PM (2f1DR)

That's what I always said

Posted by: Reggie Love at October 13, 2022 04:15 PM (bs+z0)

88 The Sauds have been watching Holy Grail again and find the Frenchies in the pistachio shell shaped helmets to be the best part. So, after hearing Joey say no one fucks with a Biden decided to use that as their meme template.

Posted by: micky at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (3byMq)

89 38 Biden will not be impeached. He will suffer no consequence. He's destroying this country and the fucking WORLD and nothing will happen.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (Zz0t1)

^^Do you think KSA will respond if they feel threatened? But the rot is so deep I don't know if there's anything they can do.

Posted by: Iris at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (NaH5I)

90 1992: No war for oil!

2022: We really need a war for oil!

Posted by: The Left at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (fo9yP)

91 Biden is a dementia addled old pervert, ostensibly the most powerful man on earth, led around by various and sundry, including the fricken' Easter Bunny. He'll go out at least vaguely aware he's considered a fraud and the worst of all time. Thems pretty tall consequences for a man of his large and fragile ego. It's not confidence or self-esteem that leads to his constant lies. Rather, the opposite. He's almost certainly miserable.

Posted by: Farmer Bob at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (amhYy)

92 Ask Gavin what he thinks.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (2f1DR)

93 Biden: "To stand there on the edge of a cliff in the Rio Grande to, you know, looking at one thing and it's just, there's not many cliffs but then head up to the Grand Canyon...I've climbed it from the river up and I've looked at it from the top down."
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Totally believable and he also taught his whole family to ski in Vail!!!

Posted by: Cheri at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (oiNtH)

94 In fairness, you guys need to sit back and enjoy the ride.

If you are getting a blowjob just enjoy it and worry about the penicillin in the morning

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (PUXju)

95 dark brandon, eh? rename a bill and lie to the american people.

oh right, also lie about the definition of recession

and merge the power of the govt with corporations to stifle free speech...what's that called again

Posted by: sockamster, Aos ShowRunner at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (OuH7W)

96 Just wait until AFTER the election and our seats are safe to see what we will do, you betcha. Send money.


Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (gmo/4)

97 so many people have fucked with the Bidens over the years they've renamed their Delaware property "The Mustang Ranch"

Posted by: joe fingerblaster at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (9xzJW)

98 In one month, we'll have the breakthrough that makes green energy better than that oil. We just need a little more time. Because the oil companies are doing just what they did with the 100mpg carburetor.
Posted by: Karen at October 13, 2022 04:12 PM (8AONa)

They have a carburetor that runs on water, man! It runs on water!

Posted by: Hyde at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (Z32m1)

99 emptying the SPOR for no fucking reason

Posted by: sockamster, Aos ShowRunner at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM

Heh, I first read that as SPQR.....for the Senate and People of Rome.

Seantus, Populus que Romanus.

Posted by: Mister Scott (Formerly GWS) at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (bVYXr)

100 um, I don't know texas and I may be wrong, but the Rio Grande flows entirely through flatlands, doesn't it?

no, not in Big Bend. Very scenic with cliffs

Posted by: brak at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (j5Tg0)

101 WWWIII is going to be lit. Milley's trannie army will be tight!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (ptqGC)

102 Biden begged them to delay that production cut -- but for one month only.
Just to get him through the midterms.
Says who?
Says the Saudi Foreign Minister, that's says who.

And the Saudi government is none to happy with Biden. He's accused them of murder and called them pariahs and he wants to elevate their chief rivals - the absolutely batshit insane Iranians - to the position of regional hegemon.

So are they lying? Maybe. Is it the truth? I could easily see it.

And that's a problem. That this is totally believable is a serious problem.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (t0OGg)

103 Ace: "You know why."

C'mon, man. You're too cynical. I'm sure it was purely coincidental.

Posted by: November 8 2022 at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (aXxgO)

104 Need video of him jogging to Marine One wearing aviators, STAT!

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (0IeYL)

105 um, I don't know texas and I may be wrong, but the Rio Grande flows entirely through flatlands, doesn't it?
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022p.i]

In Texas, yes. It arises in the mountains, either in CO or NM. I've been to Bandelier National Monument near Santa Fe and peered down at it in a wooded canyon from a hiking trail. When it runs through Albuquerque there are no cliffs or bluffs, but there could be some higher ground as it flows south and gets into TX.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (J2vNu)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (J2vNu)

107 He is such an evil, despicable, pervy incompetent dolt, he's gonna get us all killed

Posted by: Flyover's Kohlrabi at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (Rbu5d)


Nobody fvcks with a Biden!

Posted by: J. Robinette Biden at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (a3Q+t)

109 Oh, and Burning Skeleton Head!!

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (0IeYL)

110 SPQR was a so so Italian restaurant in the 90s

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (PUXju)

111 Usually I have some idea what squares to take.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (2f1DR)

112 I think Biden will be a vegetable or dead by the time any actual criminal proceedings could get to him. He's out of our hands, and faces the ultimate tribunal, for his eternal future. As things stand right now, he's not looking at a palace.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (Ivdso)

113 Well, not ham - not halal - goat and eggers?
Posted by: Broseidon at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (ihWEa)

My limited understanding is the new guy is more of a reformer. Bush had his chance. Instead he covered for them and went on a neocon quest.

Posted by: WiNO at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (EpDzw)

114 Need video of him jogging to Marine One wearing aviators, STAT!

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (0IeYL)

I'm thinking a helicopter a little lower to the that wrong?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (ptqGC)

115 So, we're that neighborhood bully who goes to the convenience store threatening the owner if he doesn't give us more stuff on "credit"

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (2xlV3)

116 Gee, just think if we had an opposition party made up of people who worked for the benefit of citizens rather than themselves.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (gmo/4)

117 While in CO, Joey also said he took his boys skiing there and they talked about their CO ski trips around the dinner table "all the time."

in between hoovering piles of cocaine and divvying up sacks of cash.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (v0R5T)

118 Biden: "To stand there on the edge of a cliff in the Rio Grande to, you know, looking at one thing and it's just, there's not many cliffs but then head up to the Grand Canyon...I've climbed it from the river up and I've looked at it from the top down."
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (ptqGC)

He was in Leadville, that is the Arkansas River, that runs to??? oh... the Mississippi.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (oHd/0)

119 The Grand Canyon is in AZ and not near the four corners area. He's a talking root vegetable. Fuck this lying SOB.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (VaSD4)

120 Roll that Prosperity Montage!

Posted by: The Media at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (yQpMk)

121 Yes, I know there was tape of the call. I'm referring to how it was interpreted. Because there isn't a lot of doubt what Biden meant, again unless he wants to call the Saudis liars.
Too bad Mike Pence is no longer VP -- then the whole Saudi phone call/s would be leaked!

Posted by: andycanuck (yikp0) at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (yikp0)

122 Surprised Joe isn't asking for oil from Iran ... aren't they his real friends?

Oh, and didn't he ask Venezuela as well?

Posted by: illiniwek at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (Cus5s)

123 How did I lose to this guy?

Posted by: President Donald Trump at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (SEWO/)

124 Joe Biden's reign as Supreme Douchebag Of The United States has turned into one, big dumpster fire.

Burn that motherfucker down Joe!

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (iLmHM)

125 I'm sure the Executive Branch's CIA dudes are making the Saudi's shake in their robes...
(with laughter)

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (QSLiO)

126 This scumbag hive of traitors asked Saudi Arabia to do a special favor not for the US, but for the Democrat Party. This is just about the midterms.
This is impeachable.
If Trump got impeached for a phone call to Ukraine -- then Biden must be impeached for this phone call.

They impeached Trump for the Ukraine phone call because it was about one particular political opponent. The call by Biden is to help them out against *all* political opponents. Impeaching him for this would be unreasonable, because there was no specific target. As long as bad behavior is wide-scale and indiscriminate, there's no offense.

Something like that, probably.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (t0OGg)

I'm thinking a helicopter a little lower to the that wrong?
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Ah, the Vic Morrow gambit.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (pNxlR)

128 Good thing I gtype with one finger. Otherwise spelling would suffer.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (2f1DR)

129 While in CO, Joey also said he took his boys skiing there and they talked about their CO ski trips around the dinner table "all the time."

What next? Is he going to claim he took his boys to SF and they talked about queering off there around the dinner table?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (YqDXo)

130 I would like AOSHq to acknowledge that I am "First!" but only for one month.

All I ask...

Posted by: CtHillary, dead but dreaming at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (zSyrn)

131 In Texas, yes. It arises in the mountains, either in CO or NM. I've been to Bandelier National Monument near Santa Fe and peered down at it in a wooded canyon from a hiking trail. When it runs through Albuquerque there are no cliffs or bluffs, but there could be some higher ground as it flows south and gets into TX.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:18 PM (J2vNu)

He was in Leadville... that is the Arkansas river... does not run to the Rio Grande.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (oHd/0)

132 Biden will not be impeached. He will suffer no consequence. He's destroying this country and the fucking WORLD and nothing will happen.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (Zz0t1)

Rejoice, my friend! For we are basking in the golden glow of The Nice Tweets. No longer cowering in the terrifying shadow of Mean Tweets.

Posted by: DaisyB at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (AbL8c)

133 Biden's going to "take action" against Sudi Arabia? What... like blow up their pipelines?

Posted by: red speck at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (gS3OW)


Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (lf83v)

135 Also, it's the Colorado River that cut the Grand Canyon. Fucking clueless idiot.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (VaSD4)

136 Isn't there video or audio of him bragging about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired?

The rapey, perverted apple didn't fall far from the tree with Hunter.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (ptqGC)

137 The reason it is not an impeachable offense is Biden's response will be groping a tween, shitting his pants, and being confused when we lose our petro dollar reserve status and our economy implodes.

Posted by: sven at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (Lzpvj)

138 Biden has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve -- intended to be tapped in cases of war, if our supply lines get cut -- down to almost empty, so that well is literally dry.
Yup, and it will be a problem. No ability to fuel our war machine if we need and no ability to shore up supplies during winter if we need to do that, either. And, of course, it will eventually have to be refilled a much higher price per barrel.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (t0OGg)

139 129 While in CO, Joey also said he took his boys skiing there and they talked about their CO ski trips around the dinner table "all the time."

What next? Is he going to claim he took his boys to SF and they talked about queering off there around the dinner table?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (YqDXo)

Beau died while playing Ski Football with a Kennedy?

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (oHd/0)

140 "Biden has drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve -- intended to be tapped in cases of war, if our supply lines get cut -- down to almost empty, so that well is literally dry."

You know, what this country really needs now is a second SPR - a Backup SPR as it were - to save America from further national security threats to the SPR. It's a shame Trump didn't have the foresight to create that.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (aXxgO)

141 I'm thinking a helicopter a little lower to the that wrong?
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Ah, the Vic Morrow gambit.
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (pNxlR)

He could do the Boris Sagal dipsy-doodle. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (YqDXo)

142 Was there a particular reason Joe said nobody fucks with a Biden to that particular mayor at that particular time?
Or was I just a random outburst by an emotionally incontinent dementia patient?

Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (eGTCV)

143 if the repub controlled congress next year tries to impeach jellybrain, adam schift and eric fartswallow and nancy palooza will fund raise off this like mad.

nope, can't do, that's not who are to fight on the hill for this.

also, didn't the dems in 1992 demand an investigate to see if 1980 vp nom (now pres) h w bush tried to make a deal with the iranians about not releasing the hostages until after the election? why yes they did

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (kFrCu)

144 CIA? Try daisy chain, not daisy cutter.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (2f1DR)

145 Time to impeach, right? RIGHT??
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:06 PM (ptqGC)

Waste of time.

It is, however, time for every candidate for federal office to make this the centerpoint of their campaign. Ask the voters if they want to send a Democrat to DC who will support this.

It's also time for every candidate for statewide office to ask why DC can shut down domestic oil production. Time to spell out that it's time for the states to say NO.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (zhLdt)

146 Gee, just think if we had an opposition party made up of people who worked for the benefit of citizens rather than themselves.


just sitting here pondering how the dickless incompetent treasonous nature of the GOP over the last 30 years has led us to the current thing we are now.

where we are now: basically conservatives are political dissidents who face criminal prosecution and harassment plus, you know, civil penalties in the 10 figures for daring to spitball some ideas about the latest govt hoax

Posted by: sockamster, Aos ShowRunner at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (OuH7W)

147 The Biden administration said Thursday that the COVID-19 public health emergency will continue through Jan. 11

Posted by: SMOD at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (RHGPo)

148 He was in Leadville, that is the Arkansas River, that runs to??? oh... the Mississippi.
Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022

The Royal Gorge along the Arkansas in CO is pretty darn impressive. I think the Arkansas flows into the Missouri, which joins the Mississippi.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (J2vNu)

um, I don't know texas and I may be wrong, but the Rio Grande flows entirely through flatlands, doesn't it?
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (C1Zwz)

In the big Bend area it can be cavernous. I kayaked there before covid, the inlaws went with us but didn't kayak. Father in law yelled at everyone from way up top on in the cliffs, had no idea where he was. It was kinda funny.

Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (RG7Wy)

Roll that Prosperity Montage!
Posted by: The Media

They'd love to say "Roll that big beautiful prosperity montage!", but Bush's Baked Beans have stymied them in court.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (pNxlR)

151 Is that the call where biden said somebody need to beat obama"s monkey daughters and mbs laughed and said "yeah and his sasquatch bitch too"

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (PUXju)

152 Biden begged them to delay that production cut -- but for one month only.
Just to get him through the midterms.
Says who?
Says the Saudi Foreign Minister, that's says who.

Gee that's election interference.

- The people

That's not who we are!

- GOPe

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (gmo/4)

153 Here's a nickle's worth of free advice for the Biden administration: if you want more oil and lower oil prices, you don't need to go begging to the king of a foreign country if you'd take your boots off the throats of domestic producers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (t0OGg)

154 I have always said that OPEC was the most effective and dangerous terrorist organization in the world.

Right now, even though it will be financially painful, I say to the Crown Prince of KSA.....

Hurt them all, big daddy.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (Wy1BU)

155 Nobody fucks with Lazzarro.

Posted by: Kurt Vonnegut at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (D50EB)

156 So if I am counting right, this would be the third war they have tried to start, this time with Saudi.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (lTGtQ)

157 Biden will not be impeached. He will suffer no consequence. He's destroying this country and the fucking WORLD and nothing will happen.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:09 PM (Zz0t1)

^^Do you think KSA will respond if they feel threatened? But the rot is so deep I don't know if there's anything they can do.
Posted by: Iris at October 13, 2022 04:16 PM (NaH5I)

1. OOPSIE! It looks like the Export Oil Terminal just got shut down. Looks like our output is down another 2 Million Barrels per day. Sorry Brandon.

2. Hey Pakistan! Remember the Nuclear Weapons we financed for you in the 1990s? Yes, the bill has come due. Send us our share.

Posted by: Hyde at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (Z32m1)

158 Joe should send the smartest guy he knows, Hunter Crack Head Biden, to the Middle East with some crack, hookers and 10% for the Big Guy.

This will all work out. My Word as A Biden. No one fucks with a Biden.

Posted by: Czech Chick at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (haWye)

159 Is that why the market's back up? And bond rate, too? Frigging predators.

Posted by: Lola at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (NIYa7)

160 You know, what this country really needs now is a second SPR - a Backup SPR as it were - to save America from further national security threats to the SPR.
Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (aXxgO)

"I got you." - Gavin Newsom, preening his hair

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (YqDXo)

161 And the "red wave" will resolve shit like this how?

Will congress move to impeach? I have money to bet, but not on that.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (BFigT)

162 Posted by: CtHillary, dead but dreaming

hah, funny name

Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (C1Zwz)

163 Remember when Trump has a peace summit with N Korea, that's just uh uh luck, serious you guys.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (44ww/)

164 I wouldn't worry about it. Sec of State Blinken is on the job, he'll smooth this out .... Oh shit! Quick! get James Taylor on the phone.

Posted by: Beartooth at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (IP9GB)

165 DJT would have done this it would be another impeachment

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (xhxe8)

166 perhaps we can make a deal with iran, if they let us buy their oil, they will promise to only nuke israel when no one is looking. also 10 percent for the crack head.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (kFrCu)

167 How did I lose to this guy?
Posted by: President Donald Trump at October 13, 2022 04:19 PM (SEWO/)

You didn't.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (v0R5T)

168 29 While in CO, Joey also said he took his boys skiing there and they talked about their CO ski trips around the dinner table "all the time."


well, trips to CO for skiing is what most black and hispanic families who raise striver class white dolts do

Posted by: sockamster, Aos ShowRunner at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (OuH7W)

169 So, he pissed off a handful of Wahhabists.

What could they ever do to us?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (lf83v)

170 Here's a nickle's worth of free advice for the Biden administration: if you want more oil and lower oil prices, you don't need to go begging to the king of a foreign country if you'd take your boots off the throats of domestic producers.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (t0OGg)

An idea so crazy it just might work.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (YqDXo)

171 "Says who?

Says the Saudi Foreign Minister, that's says who"

Is this an example of "Npbody f**ks with a Biden"?

Posted by: Ripley at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (MxEKc)

172 You didn't.
Posted by: wth a


oops, you owe biden a billion dollars

Posted by: sockamster, Aos ShowRunner at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (OuH7W)

173 The GOP will not impeach Biden, despite overwhelming justification to do so. Why? Because self righteous partisan assholes like Jake Tapper will harumph and insult them.

Posted by: UGAdawg at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (tRd71)

174 I'm sitting at my desk looking at a stack of unopened 401K statements. I weep when I think what's in them.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (ptqGC)

175 He's now threatening Saudi Arabia

Time to get one of those Pakistani nukes they paid for out of storage.

Posted by: DaveA at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (FhXTo)

176 um, I don't know texas and I may be wrong, but the Rio Grande flows entirely through flatlands, doesn't it?

no, not in Big Bend. Very scenic with cliffs
Posted by: brak

Yeah, those Big Bend cliffs look, to Brandon, just like the ones in the Grand Canyon.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (QSLiO)

177 Go back 5 years to one of the most important Foreign Policy Speeches ever by a POTUS, Trump in Riyadh:

My how times have changed. This is the full version with long bumpers and the King's introduction of Trump. Then DJT at his finest hour. It's amazing. And no one mentions it but me.

Posted by: scottst at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (ojBxe)

178 165 DJT would have done this it would be another impeachment
Posted by: Skip's phone at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (xhxe

We're working on it

Posted by: Jan 6th kangaroo court at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (bs+z0)

179 ..but it will of course just be partisan attacks when Biden gets impeached for this.

(JUST KIDDING! The GOP has no spine and won't play tit-for-tat because they are morons.)

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (N1tpc)

180 have always said that OPEC was the most effective and dangerous terrorist organization in the world.

Right now, even though it will be financially painful, I say to the Crown Prince of KSA.....

Hurt them all, big daddy.
Posted by: M

In fairness, ever hear of the wef?

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (PUXju)

181 Nobody yellow fucks a Biden!

Posted by: Hunter's mangled the family motto a bit at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (h5TKJ)

182 76 69
The brilliance of Trump was that he wasn't trying to screw America for the benefit of democrats.

Posted by: Dr. Claw at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (ruYJi)

183 Here's a nickle's worth of free advice for the Biden administration: if you want more oil and lower oil prices, you don't need to go begging to the king of a foreign country if you'd take your boots off the throats of domestic producers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (t0OGg)

It would be beautiful if KSA very publicly suggested this.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:25 PM (yHsuS)

184 GOP congress impeach? Just keep showing Dem clips. Save money then override 6 or 8 vetos.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:25 PM (2f1DR)

The Royal Gorge along the Arkansas in CO is pretty darn impressive. I think the Arkansas flows into the Missouri, which joins the Mississippi.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere

The Arkansas River drains into the Mississippi River in Arkansas

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022 04:25 PM (pNxlR)

186 174 I'm sitting at my desk looking at a stack of unopened 401K statements. I weep when I think what's in them.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:23 PM (ptqGC)

Find the oldest one and look at that. Throw away the rest.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:25 PM (UuD2k)

187 Impeach the senile fucker and make him suffer and tie him in knots like they did to President Trump.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 13, 2022 04:25 PM (Irn0L)

188 Yeah, those Big Bend cliffs look, to Brandon, just like the ones in the Grand Canyon.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (QSLiO)

Does anyone actually believe Joe when he says he climbed from the Colorado River to the top of the canyon?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (ptqGC)

189 142 Was there a particular reason Joe said nobody fucks with a Biden to that particular mayor at that particular time?
Or was I just a random outburst by an emotionally incontinent dementia patient?
Posted by: That NLurker guy at October 13, 2022 04:21 PM (eGTCV)

the REST of the statement, that no one talks about, is enlightening...

And you can’t argue with your brothers outside the house,

As his Brothers are under investigation for Fraud, money laundering, and being agents of a Foreign government without registering.

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (oHd/0)

190 i'd bet that if the repubs had 300 seats in the house and 75 senators, they still wouldn't impeach biden (you don't want to get stuck with willie's vacuum, do you?)

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (kFrCu)

191 um, I don't know texas
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM

A character flaw of the absolute first order, but it's eminently fixable. You could begin by attending the TxMoMe.

And you are correct, it's the Colorado River that runs through the Grand Canyon, not the Rio Grande.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (a3Q+t)

192 187 Impeach the senile fucker and make him suffer and tie him in knots like they did to President Trump.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 13, 2022 04:25 PM (Irn0L)

Like they are still doing to Trump

Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (bs+z0)

193 They will take no action against biden and smile smugly.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (glSEb)

194 190 i'd bet that if the repubs had 300 seats in the house and 75 senators, they still wouldn't impeach biden (you don't want to get stuck with willie's vacuum, do you?)
Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (kFrCu)

Nothing says you have to impeach them one at a time.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (UuD2k)

195 Does anyone actually believe Joe when he says he climbed from the Colorado River to the top of the canyon?
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (ptqGC)

Of course not... he climbed from the RIO GRANDE to the top of the Grand Canyon! Hundreds of miles he hiked!

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (oHd/0)

196 Need video of him jogging to Marine One wearing aviators, STAT!
Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (0IeYL)

Also, as escalator for Air Force One.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (YqDXo)

197 And you can’t argue with your brothers outside the house,

But your brother can screw your wife in or out of the house.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (lf83v)

198 Get Barry’s proctologist on the for Joe’s pen-and-phone-ectomy.

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (2f1DR)

199 Don't you fukcing know who I am?!

Posted by: Child Sniffing Mental Incompetent With a Handful of Shit at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (I+ZWa)

200 Everything is about power and politics for Democrats.

I hate to say it, but I'm rooting for the Saudis at this point.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (V6f9+)

201 Hmmm, so extortion then. Surprising? No.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (dNqv+)

202 I'm glad I parked money in oil stocks.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (lTGtQ)

203 WWWIII is going to be lit. Milley's trannie army will be tight!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:17 PM (ptqGC)

Pooky got out, but I've got one nephew testing for SSgt in the AF and another (his little brother) going in for Army Basic in June. They're good boys, but don't always know when to duck.

Posted by: pookysgirl, about to go gray because of her boys at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (yz9CB)

204 He won't rest until the US is no longer the reserve currency.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (5HBd1)

205 I'm the sperm that won!

Posted by: Jobin at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (ppBhU)

206 Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (a3Q+t)
What's this about a TXMoMe?

Posted by: Weasel at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (0IeYL)

207 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M. He ain't doing jack shit about Biden. He's happy taking in his filthy lucre and doesn't give one fuck about you.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (VaSD4)

208 Everything is about power and politics for Democrats.

I hate to say it, but I'm rooting for the Saudis at this point.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, Buy ammo, food, water at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (V6f9+)

You're not alone.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (ptqGC)

209 207 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M. He ain't doing jack shit about Biden. He's happy taking in his filthy lucre and doesn't give one fuck about you.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (VaSD4)

How much was he worth, before he entered Congress?

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (oHd/0)

210 This situation which is literally worse than what Trump was impeached for is not impeachable.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (glSEb)

211 Here's a nickle's worth of free advice for the Biden administration: if you want more oil and lower oil prices, you don't need to go begging to the king of a foreign country if you'd take your boots off the throats of domestic producers.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at October 13, 2022 04:22 PM (t0OGg)

Or, alternatively, resign.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (YqDXo)

212 Like a river that don't know where it's goin'
Joe takes a wrong turn and just keeps flowing.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (anj39)

213 204 He won't rest until the US is no longer the reserve currency.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (5HBd1)

It won't even be a currency when the dems get through.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (UuD2k)

214 GOP congress. Legislate then override vetos. Remember: it’s just a tax. Relax, baby!

Posted by: Holy Crap at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (2f1DR)

215 The Arkansas River drains into the Mississippi River in Arkansas
Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at October 13, 2022

That makes a kind of sense rare nowadays in America.

People in CO told me the river's name was pronounced "Ar-KAN-zez" instead of "Ar-kan-SAW." True?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (J2vNu)

216 Come on man, I'm just uniting the world.

Yeah, they will be completely united against the USA now that Joey has shown he doesn't understand foreign powers act in their own self interest.
(Rather than the WEF's)

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (QSLiO)

217 Biden's pettiness almost reminds me of Erdogan. The difference is that Erdogan thinks first.

Posted by: 40 Miles North at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (uWF4x)

218 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M. He ain't doing jack shit about Biden. He's happy taking in his filthy lucre and doesn't give one fuck about you.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (VaSD4)

I'd say he can afford his own apartment in DC.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (AiZBA)

219 Regarding the weapons sales angle: Biden is driving the Saudis into the arms of the Russians.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (lf83v)

220 He can bring prices down by releasing oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve.

...i crack myself up...

Posted by: torabora at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (Y274z)

221 Quid Pro Quo?


Quid Pro Joe strikes again!

Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (AgX0+)

222 How much was he worth, before he entered Congress?

He owed $3K on his Geo Metro.

Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (VaSD4)

223 I'd say he can afford his own apartment in DC.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (AiZBA)

He doesn't go there for the bear hunting.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (yHsuS)

224 209 207 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M. He ain't doing jack shit about Biden. He's happy taking in his filthy lucre and doesn't give one fuck about you.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (VaSD4)

How much was he worth, before he entered Congress?
Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (oHd/0)


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (YqDXo)

225 Impeach the senile fucker and make him suffer and tie him in knots like they did to President Trump.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 13, 2022 04:25 PM (Irn0L)

Like they are still doing to Trump
Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (bs+z0)


Spot on

We have to start playing by the same rules as the cock sucking democrats and make them pay and eat shit

Posted by: Nevergiveup at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (Irn0L)

226 um, I don't know texas and I may be wrong, but the Rio Grande flows entirely through flatlands, doesn't it?
Posted by: ace at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (C1Zwz)

Let's not forget the El Paso Falls. 783,000 foot waterfall. Breathtaking. Just think for a moment about the poor, desperate refugees from places we're trying to emulate who climb those falls... sometimes on a daily basis... just to come to the racist hellhole that is red state America. My word as a... what my name again?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (zhLdt)

227 I'd say he can afford his own apartment in DC.
Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (AiZBA)

He wasn't living with Luntz to be frugal.

Posted by: lowandslow at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (qH6FZ)

228 207 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M. He ain't doing jack shit about Biden. He's happy taking in his filthy lucre and doesn't give one fuck about you.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (VaSD4)

Wow, he did not inherit wealth, Father was a Fire Chief. Went straight from College into Politics and never held any other job...


Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (oHd/0)

229 @ChuckCallesto

BREAKING REPORT: Long Time Clinton Associate Charles Dolan Testifies HE LIED ABOUT CLAIM That Made Its Way Into Dossier...


Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (ptqGC)

230 He owed $3K on his Geo Metro.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:30 PM (VaSD4)

Which got like 60 mpg. More than any car on sale today.

But, they are totally committed to climate change.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (UuD2k)

231 McCarthy isn't sharing a condo in order to save money.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (lTGtQ)

232 Does anyone actually believe Joe when he says he climbed from the Colorado River to the top of the canyon?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (ptqGC)

Not a chance. I did that when I was 18, and it was hard.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (XIJ/X)

233 The United States shouldn't have ant diplomatic relations with any country that doesn't embrace transexuality.

I crack myself up.

Posted by: torabora at October 13, 2022 04:32 PM (Y274z)

234 The GOP will send a sternly worded letter signed by 10 reps to the AG urging him to consider appointing a special prosecutor. After the midterms, of course.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 04:32 PM (glSEb)

235 Dark Brandon will save us! Once he stops sniffing that girl's hair, changes his diapers, and remembers which way he's going.
Ah, Joe, there's nobody there! You're supposed to walk THIS way!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:32 PM (ynpvh)

236 Maybe Biden wanted the one month delay so prices wouldn't rise during Pride Month.
It is still Pride Month, isn't it?

Posted by: Wally at October 13, 2022 04:32 PM (FJYfm)

237 ..My word as a... what my name again?
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (zhLdt)


Posted by: Odysseus at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (AiZBA)


Saudis bent him over and loaded him like a shotgun

Posted by: Rance Stoddard at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (2cfUo)

239 sockamster: "just sitting here pondering how the dickless incompetent treasonous nature of the GOP over the last 30 years has led us to the current thing we are now..."

Longer than that but true nonetheless. Took me a long time to truly understand the depths plumbed by both parties, but it's a lesson I've learned well and, now, known for a long time, too.

Every once in a while Conservatism breaks through the GOP, but it's never been because leadership led the way. Hostile takeover by the peasants is NEVER welcomed even by the "conservative party". It'll move Right only long enough to adopt the crawling child of Liberty only to toss it into the river once the child learns to walk.

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (aXxgO)

Posted by: Romeo13

Had a lucky run on his Ameritrade account.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (glSEb)

241 Ultimately, Russia will ally with China, Brazil, India, and Saudi. That covers the majority of the population as well as a majority of the planet's resources.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (lTGtQ)

242 i'd bet that if the repubs had 300 seats in the house and 75 senators, they still wouldn't impeach biden (you don't want to get stuck with willie's vacuum, do you?)
Postedby: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (kFrCu)

Nothing says you have to impeach them one at a time.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (UuD2k)

Start with a Cabinet Member or two. Send the offer to Joe and Kamalala attached to their scalps. Let them Nixon their way out of it.

Posted by: Hyde at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (Z32m1)

243 212 Like a river that don't know where it's goin'
Joe takes a wrong turn and just keeps flowing.
Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (anj39)

Musta been that left turn at Albuquerque.

Posted by: Bugs... at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (oHd/0)

244 It's so weird how doing things to make things better for Americans is only in this administration's interest when doing so might help them mitigate political losses.

It's almost like they only care about narrative and image.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (LvTSG)

245 People in CO told me the river's name was pronounced "Ar-KAN-zez" instead of "Ar-kan-SAW." True?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM

CO is overrun with tokers, take that for

* ssssssssshhhhsss *
* holds breath *
* whoooooooooooooooooosh *

Far out, man, I mean, what it's worth.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (a3Q+t)

246 236 Maybe Biden wanted the one month delay so prices wouldn't rise during Pride Month.
It is still Pride Month, isn't it?

Posted by: Wally at October 13, 2022 04:32 PM (FJYfm)
Just another two weeks.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (ynpvh)

A character flaw of the absolute first order, but it's eminently fixable. You could begin by attending the TxMoMe.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (a3Q+t)

He would meet me there.

And promptly punch me in the face, I'm sure.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (Zz0t1)

248 I know, I know, #NotAllSaudiRoyals

Most are just punch the clock ham n eggers, salt of the earth.

Well, not ham - not halal - goat and eggers?
Posted by: Broseidon at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM (ihWEa)

Isn't one of the primary complaints that Biden, et al, have for KSA that MbS has been remonstrating with (killing) members of the House of Saud who were a bit too zealous in their jihad?

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (zhLdt)

249 We have or maybe had (Because of Biden's big mouth) Strategic Air Bases in KSA. Will KSA kick the US out and let Russian or CCP forces use the bases?

No wait, this is Russian disinformation that was proven by 51 Former Security experts that Trump actually said this with a Electronic Image of Biden on TV that kinda looked like Max Headroom....

Impeach Trump Now for this Squid Prom Crow Now !!!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (X++p7)

250 And since we're allowing the Chinese to buy up all our farmland, we'll do what they tell us to do.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (5HBd1)

251 Related: for the past week, the local Delaware Gannett paper has had this 'opinion' up on their Web site:

"Did President Joe Biden really cause inflation? He did not"

The author of this piece is stated to be a university professor, but he is very, VERY much a Dem partisan in his assumptions and assertions.

Posted by: gdgm+ at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (1FoCx)

252 Maybe KSA will finally make him blow a gasket.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (v0R5T)

253 162 Posted by: CtHillary, dead but dreaming

hah, funny name

Thanks for noticing, Ace!

Posted by: CtHillary, dead but dreaming at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (zSyrn)

254 Biden is the KTELL of presidents. The hits just keep on coming.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (oye+h)

255 I goy my new progressive glasses today, I can see again.


Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (up/3i)

256 Quid pro quo is all Biden has. He has no skills as a negotiator or persuader.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (C1rbv)

Posted by: Romeo13

Cattle futures worked for me.

Posted by: Hillary! at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (a3Q+t)

258 247 He would meet me there.

And promptly punch me in the face, I'm sure.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (Zz0t1)


It's what people who are first get. They get ace's cruelty first.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (LvTSG)

259 I'd like to know how Joe's policy of alienating every country in the world works to the benefit of the WEF?

This is some seriously screwd up nonsense. America is going to wind up isolationist, again.

The Junta really has "opposite of intended outcome" down, doesn't it?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (5pTK/)

260 So far, democrats have done everything possible to hurt Americans except for walking through neighborhoods shooting them.

Posted by: Thomas Paine at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (lTGtQ)

261 The brilliance of Trump was that he understood that countries rarely act against their self-interest.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM

The sad thing is that anyone who isn't retarded should know that.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (zhLdt)

262 254 Biden is the KTELL of presidents. The hits just keep on coming.
Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (oye+h)

Reminds me more of Kars for Kids

Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (bs+z0)


If we can't make money on our office, then we can't selflessly give you the benefit of our towering intellect and elevated moral sensibilities.

Posted by: Dan Crenshaw at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (ppBhU)

Posted by: Romeo13

Cattle futures worked for me.

Posted by: Hillary! at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (a3Q+t)

Sure helps when you know what that future will be.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (ynpvh)

265 Proves Sundowner is at the mercy of the Gaia Religion fanatics

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (xhxe8)

266 251 The author of this piece is stated to be a university professor, but so it's safe to assume that he is very, VERY much a Dem partisan in his assumptions and assertions.
Posted by: gdgm+ at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (1FoCx)



Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (LvTSG)

267 back in 2016 or so there was a "viral" video of all the canyons along the border, with a drone shot running along for ? miles and miles. The point was "we don't need no steenkin border wall, the border is impenetrable.

Some of it is pretty rough, but not sure what percent. I think at first Trump was saying like maybe 1000 miles of wall, the whole border is more like 2000.

Posted by: illiniwek at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (Cus5s)

268 "The price of gas is still too high and we need to keep working to bring it down," Biden said

Drill ye terriers, drill

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (NlLwm)

269 Does anyone actually believe Joe when he says he climbed from the Colorado River to the top of the canyon?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (ptqGC)

Not a chance. I did that when I was 18, and it was hard.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo

I bow to your history of hiking the Canyon.
I looked at the drop to the river after taking the mule ride into the Canyon with my parents and knew I wasn't going to hike it.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (QSLiO)


It's what people who are first get. They get ace's cruelty first.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (LvTSG)

For this, I would accept it.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (Zz0t1)

Posted by: Romeo13

Cattle futures worked for me.
Posted by: Hillary! at October 13, 2022 04:34 PM (a3Q+t)

ONCE. Gotta find another wealthy donor who will buy both ends of a futures contract and give you the winning end.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (YqDXo)

272 259 I'd like to know how Joe's policy of alienating every country in the world works to the benefit of the WEF?

This is some seriously screwd up nonsense. America is going to wind up isolationist, again.

The Junta really has "opposite of intended outcome" down, doesn't it?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (5pTK/)

You get more of what you subsidize.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ynpvh)

273 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.

Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

274 261 The brilliance of Trump was that he understood that countries rarely act against their self-interest.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM

The sad thing is that anyone who isn't retarded should know that.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (zhLdt)

Well, that depends. Is the State Department's objective to find solutions to America's problems or to manage problems for decades and ensure their phoney-baloney jobs?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (LvTSG)

275 My brother's EBT increased by almost 50%, clearly to buy the votes of the poor.

Posted by: Chatterbox Mouse at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (C1rbv)

Posted by: Romeo13

One day, while banging Sarah, he learned he too could make $97 an hour.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (anj39)

277 Things are so great, I'm having creamed chipped beef, Buddig, just like mom did in the Carter years.

Posted by: Infidel at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (Ur3ox)

278 It is like Biden took the script for the Trump impeachment, and just replaced "Ukraine" with "Saudi Arabia" and followed it.

I suppose it is possible the impeachment could be the weapon they plan to use to get him out of office, instead of the 25th amendment. They just need about 8 Senators from safe blue states to go along with it.

Posted by: Dave in Fla at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (5p7BC)

279 He would meet me there.

And promptly punch me in the face, I'm sure.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (Zz0t1)

Sing him some Queensryche.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (yHsuS)

280 Fetterman Hoodie sale on Amazon today !!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (X++p7)

281 273 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

Don't forget me

Posted by: The Lump at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (bs+z0)

282 If we can't make money on our office, then we can't selflessly give you the benefit of our towering intellect and elevated moral sensibilities.
Posted by: Dan Crenshaw at October 13, 2022 04:35 PM (ppBhU)

Go get 'em Dan.

Posted by: Zombie Ronald Reagan at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (AiZBA)


One day, while banging Sarah, he learned he too could make $97 an hour.
Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (anj39)

This shit's funny right here. Don't care who ya are.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (Zz0t1)

284 Dear Joey B.
Your ass, your son's ass and especially your daughter's.
Sincerely, KSA

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (NlLwm)

285 280 Fetterman Hoodie sale on Amazon today !!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (X++p7)

One two lumps?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (ynpvh)

286 I'm sitting at my desk looking at a stack of unopened 401K statements. I weep when I think what's in them.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

I made the mistake of looking at mine online while at work. The website should now have a warning to not look without taking a sedative and a pint of Valu-Rite first.

Posted by: Cheri at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (oiNtH)

Also Joe: Hey Russia and Saudis, who control OPEC+, would you mind giving us some cheap oil for a while?

Posted by: CppThis at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (UewuT)

288 one OR two lumps.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (ynpvh)

Posted by: Romeo13

I know how he can make $90 an hour, but I doubt if McCarthy reads the comments here.

Posted by: Wally at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (FJYfm)

290 Hey fat, I jumped the Grand Canyon in a rocket, took the Amtrak to get there.

Posted by: Joe Bitem at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (M+Lyo)

Sing him some Queensryche.
Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (yHsuS)

I will get his phone number and make that his ring tone. He will never call.......

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (Zz0t1)

292 Does anyone actually believe Joe when he says he climbed from the Colorado River to the top of the canyon?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (ptqGC)

There is an ass/burro joke here somewhere.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (anj39)

293 And promptly punch me in the face, I'm sure.
Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (Zz0t1

You sure he wouldn't have to get in line?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (5pTK/)


Posted by: nurse ratched at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (TVRRM)

295 there really are people who just hate this country. there isn't much that the dems could do different to take us to the bottom of the lake.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (kFrCu)

296 People forget Cornpop was also a Saudi.

Posted by: Paco Pacem at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (BDs8l)

297 286 I'm sitting at my desk looking at a stack of unopened 401K statements. I weep when I think what's in them.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

I made the mistake of looking at mine online while at work. The website should now have a warning to not look without taking a sedative and a pint of Valu-Rite first.

Posted by: Cheri at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (oiNtH)

My son's college fund was down 33% one the year...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (ynpvh)

298 It is still Pride Month, isn't it?

Posted by: Wally at October 13, 2022 04:32 PM (FJYfm)
Just another two weeks.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (ynpvh)

Coming Out Day was this week. Cuz, y'know, we need another day for that.

Posted by: pookysgirl, eyes rolling out of their sockets at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (yz9CB)

299 The brilliance of Trump was that he understood that countries rarely act against their [perceived] self-interest.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 13, 2022 04:13 PM

Make that "never" unless you're including the US.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (YqDXo)

300 "If Trump got impeached for a phone call to Ukraine -- then Biden must be impeached for this phone call"! I want whatever Ace is smoking! There would never be enough votes to impeach and convict Biden. Pelosi would never let the impeachment happen while she's Speaker.

Posted by: UncleAl at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (AwU0e)

301 on, not one. C'mon damn fingers, work!

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (ynpvh)

302 Come on man, I'm just uniting the world.

Yeah, they will be completely united against the USA now that Joey has shown he doesn't understand foreign powers act in their own self interest.
(Rather than the WEF's)

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (QSLiO)
Biden has a dream of uniting the world ... via fused green glass. "This asshat is out of control. He's out of control, and we'll be lucky to live through it."

Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (AgX0+)

303 Jimmy Carter can die a happy man.

James Earl Carter Jr., will not go down in history as the worst American President ever.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (Z32m1)

304 I've climbed it from the river up and I've looked at it from the top down."
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (ptqGC)

Dude, no you didn't. Somebody told you they did it and your "misremembering" that you did it.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (cMXNt)

Drill, Punchy, Drill!!!

Oh yeah, the sensible solution is off the table, so-

begging and bullying it is.

What petty, little, old, senile nicklefucker this guy is.

Posted by: naturalfake at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (KLPy8)

306 This country started with George Washington - that was a dream, right? Couldn't have happened for real. No way America had people in charge once who knew what they were doing.

Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (RG7Wy)

307 Coming Out Day was this week. Cuz, y'know, we need another day for that.
Posted by: pookysgirl, eyes rolling out of their sockets at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (yz9CB)

When is "Going Back In" Day?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (YqDXo)

308 People in CO told me the river's name was pronounced "Ar-KAN-zez" instead of "Ar-kan-SAW." True?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022
CO is overrun with tokers, take that for

* ssssssssshhhhsss *
* holds breath *
* whoooooooooooooooooosh *

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022

Well, this was more than 20 years ago. And it was told to me by a girl who grew up in Canon City, near the Royal Gorge.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (J2vNu)

309 273 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

Biden confusing Fetterman's lump with a seven year old girl would be hilarious 😂

Posted by: Just Lily at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (VFRLW)

310 Do we want Biden impeached, or use 25th Amendment, or call for his resignation ?? What we get my be worse .....

Joe Camel Face ........

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (X++p7)

Posted by: Romeo13

Had a lucky run on his Ameritrade account.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 04:33 PM (glSEb)

Same way Hillary did well in cattle futures. Big wig broker plays win and lose and gives the one with a profit to Hills, takes the other as a tax loss for a tax free bribe.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (eoQWY)

312 303 Jimmy Carter can die a happy man.

James Earl Carter Jr., will not go down in history as the worst American President ever.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (Z32m1)

Won't help if the US is a smoldering radioactive ash heap.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (ynpvh)


Don't forget me
Posted by: The Lump at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (bs+z0)

How could we ?

Posted by: Presidents of the united states at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (2cfUo)

You sure he wouldn't have to get in line?

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (5pTK/)

Maybe. But the only one to threaten that I know of is garrett. I'm assuming most others know that gray boxes on the internet posted anonymously shouldn't lead to hatred and the desire for violence.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (Zz0t1)

315 What next? Is he going to claim he took his boys to SF and they talked about queering off there around the dinner table?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:20 PM (YqDXo)

That's where he taught them to shit in the streets. Also, Hunter learned about drugs.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (zhLdt)

316 "The author of this piece is stated to be a university professor, _so it's safe to assume_ that he is very, VERY much a Dem partisan in his assumptions and assertions."

TJM, you're not wrong... but I also read that opinion piece before posting here, too.

Posted by: gdgm+ at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (1FoCx)

317 296 People forget Cornpop was also a Saudi.
Posted by: Paco Pacem at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (BDs8l)

Wow, a Black Saudi? uh... don't know many Saudi's do ya?

Posted by: Bugs... at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (oHd/0)

318 i find it hard to believe that biden can stand up after taking a poop unless someone is there to help him up. that litter box is pretty low, after all

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:40 PM (kFrCu)

319 I'm sitting at my desk looking at a stack of unopened 401K statements. I weep when I think what's in them.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Jane, I was doing the same and finally opened them to file a bit ago.
I'm on my third scotch now.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (anj39)

320 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M. He ain't doing jack shit about Biden. He's happy taking in his filthy lucre and doesn't give one fuck about you.
Posted by: Maj. Healey at October 13, 2022 04:28 PM (VaSD4)

Wow, he did not inherit wealth, Father was a Fire Chief. Went straight from College into Politics and never held any other job...

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (oHd/0)

Legal insider trading for Our Betters in Congress.

Favorable legislation makes your portfolio happy!!!

Posted by: naturalfake at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (KLPy8)

321 Impeachment is OFF the table.

Posted by: Bitch McConnell at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (zL564)

322 304 I've climbed it from the river up and I've looked at it from the top down."
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:11 PM (ptqGC)

Dude, no you didn't. Somebody told you they did it and your "misremembering" that you did it.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (cMXNt)

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (ynpvh)

323 Pelosi would never let the impeachment happen while she's Speaker.
Posted by: UncleAl at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (AwU0e)

Hurry, next January.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (YqDXo)

324 Jimmy Carter can die a happy man.

James Earl Carter Jr., will not go down in history as the worst American President ever.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (Z32m1)

Yeah he will. Biden is not President. He is the installed occupant.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (yHsuS)

325 Even if we drill now... It would be years until we see any relief ....

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (X++p7)

326 Fetterman Hoodie sale on Amazon today !!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:37 PM (X++p7)

One two lumps?
Posted by: jim

It's the one with the expanded neck.

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (QSLiO)

What did Tennessee?

The same thing Arkansas.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (a3Q+t)

328 Apparently the cop that ordered the dad be pepper sprayed in time resigned, and now is charged. They determined the dad was not blocking traffic, did nothing wrong. (he got about $200K settlement from city)

"Former Sgt. Blake Shimanek was charged with official oppression, a Class A misdemeanor with jail time of up to one year. Shimanek resigned from the department earlier this year.

Body camera video of the incident, which involved Shimanek and another officer, showed Marco Puente being sprayed and arrested while recording his son's encounter with police."

Posted by: illiniwek at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (Cus5s)

329 273 it won't last 15 minutes with nothing said

Posted by: Skip's phone at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (xhxe8)

330 Saudis didn't jump in to Save Brandon while he has John Kerry sucking Iranian Dicks in Paris and Davos?

You don't say?

Posted by: garrett at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (dVZZ7)

331 This country started with George Washington - that was a dream, right? Couldn't have happened for real. No way America had people in charge once who knew what they were doing.
Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (RG7Wy)

Well George did oversee an atrocity in his very first action when his Indian scouts chopped up some of his French POWs. A few days later the French Army surrounded his little fort and took them all prisoner but lucky for him didn't return the favor. Thus the French and Indian war kicked off.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (eoQWY)

332 In the spirit of bipartisanship, I offer that I will support Joe sticking it to KSA. The only requirement is that he create an army fully consisting of illegal aliens who are then sent to occupy and colonize the region. We can call it a crusade.

Posted by: WiNO at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (EpDzw)

333 Well, this was more than 20 years ago. And it was told to me by a girl who grew up in Canon City, near the Royal Gorge.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (J2vNu)

I once told a girl I took to the river to watch out for Aquabuddha.

Posted by: Rand Paul at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (AiZBA)

334 Heh. Somebody fucked with a Biden.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (eJn7u)

335 @286
>>I made the mistake of looking at mine online while at work. The website should now have a warning to not look without taking a sedative and a pint of Valu-Rite first.

If you've been investing since the 80's, your down about half a million or more.

A few trillion dollars of NAV has been wiped out of peoples investments since the Junta has assumed control.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (up/3i)

336 It wasn't a phone call so we cannot impeach.

i crack myself up.

Posted by: torabora at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (Y274z)

337 321 Impeachment is OFF the table.
Posted by: Bitch McConnell at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (zL564)


Since no impeachment of any Biden official will attain the 20+ Democratic votes to convict in the Senate, then this is fine.

The House can spend it's time doing actually productive things to kneecap the executive branch with it's budgetary powers.

And I'm getting a pony.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (LvTSG)

338 Biden and Fetterman:

Stoopid Grump and the Lump

Posted by: Czech Chick at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (haWye)

339 325 Even if we drill now... It would be years until we see any relief ....
Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (X++p7)

Yes...and no. Oil prices do tend to be forward looking so if we made a big charge into getting everything back the way it was under Trump, it would effect oil prices slightly now and more when it actually comes online...

Posted by: Nova local at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (exHjb)

340 I'm sitting at my desk looking at a stack of unopened 401K statements. I weep when I think what's in them.
Posted by: Jane D'oh

Jane, I was doing the same and finally opened them to file a bit ago.
I'm on my third scotch now.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (anj39)

I'm thinking of just sticking them in the file unopened. Everything was going great under Trump...I'm so damned angry.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (ptqGC)

341 Heh. Tough guy Joey Bidet getting a beatdown. Not enough popcorn.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (qGRaq)

342 277 Things are so great, I'm having creamed chipped beef, Buddig, just like mom did in the Carter years.
Posted by: Infidel

Used a Popeye's coupon
The batter was light and flaky it had no taste, the chicken was moist and tender it had no taste, the mashed potatoes had a strange flavoring to give it taste, the biscuit was not a biscuit.

The meal was moderately filling.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (NlLwm)

343 309/273-

Will Biden and Fetterman have their respective wives detach from their hips for the event?

Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (ei7q6)

344 So frail Dark Brandon is threatening 'action' for not getting a one month delay? By the time this presidency by committee decides on what action to take, the month will be over. Plus, added bonus, will that action include all of OPEC, or just the Saudis? Questions the press should be asking, why just one month and if all of OPEC will be punished. The spokesmuppet will dance for our amusement.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (fs1hN)

345 There were no real Founders.

Taht was all done by the CIA on a Hollywood Soundstage.

Posted by: garrett at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (dVZZ7)

346 I guess the Saudis know how to fucked with a Biden. Ahhh, it's nice to watch the walls closing in on this brain dead prick.

Posted by: sidney at October 13, 2022 04:44 PM (Uy/WF)

347 Does anyone actually believe Joe when he says he climbed from the Colorado River to the top of the canyon?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:26 PM (ptqGC)

Does he know what river runs through the Grand Canyon? Why was he talking about the Rio Grande?

Next week he'll say, "I was almost buried alive while working on construction of Boulder Dam! A cement bucket operator opened a bucket too early one morning, and I barely escaped! Fifty-three of my buddies were buried alive under concrete dumped by those big buckets! I say a prayer for them every day. My word as a Biden!"

Posted by: Gref at October 13, 2022 04:44 PM (AMIL/)

348 Gotta run to the store. Making a Keto meatloaf for dinner.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:44 PM (ptqGC)

349 303 Jimmy Carter can die a happy man.

James Earl Carter Jr., will not go down in history as the worst American President ever.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (Z32m1)

Win: Biden
Place: Carter
Show: Obama

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:44 PM (YqDXo)

350 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

Fetterman: "Ooark nammy fwerkzzz."

Biden: *pats him on the neck* "Don't worry Jack, we're gonna get that thing fixed."

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (v0R5T)

351 Over and under for how many new foreign wars we'll be involved in before Biden leaves office (for whatever reason)?

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (bW8dp)

352 I wonder what it cost us in real world dollars to fly this retarded old liar to the ME so he could get pantsed at the earliest opportunity?

Posted by: garrett at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (dVZZ7)

353 Ok guys, I have the official leftwing response to this story from twitter

The Saudis did 9-11 so why are you upset at Biden for standing up for America?

So...get that? It isn't Biden asking for a favor for his political party it is Biden "standing up for America". And apparently MBS is personally to blame for 9/11 I guess?

And his punishment is...he has to sell more oil.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (ESjRY)

354 What did Tennessee?

The same thing Arkansas.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022

What did Delaware?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (J2vNu)

355 My how times have changed. This is the full version with long bumpers and the King's introduction of Trump. Then DJT at his finest hour. It's amazing. And no one mentions it but me.
Posted by: scottst at October 13, 2022 04:24 PM (ojBxe)

I bet Trump would mention it.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (zhLdt)

356 Oh...BTW,
Happy Birthday US Navy!!!
And to all our squid 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (anj39)

357 342 277 Things are so great, I'm having creamed chipped beef, Buddig, just like mom did in the Carter years.
Posted by: Infidel

Used a Popeye's coupon
The batter was light and flaky it had no taste, the chicken was moist and tender it had no taste, the mashed potatoes had a strange flavoring to give it taste, the biscuit was not a biscuit.

The meal was moderately filling.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (NlLwm)

Sounds like you have the symptoms of COVID. Have another booster...

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (ynpvh)

358 He won't rest until the US is no longer the reserve currency.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:27 PM (5HBd1)

It won't even be a currency when the dems get through.
Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:29 PM (UuD2k)

That's been the plan for some time. They (the WEF) wants to move everybody to Etherium. Far more control than some crappy promissory note from the fed. Not eating the bugs? Deduct 3 credits. Don't like your pod and say something about it? Deduct 5 credits. Sad to think I'd be long gone before this happened. I'm just wondering how they're going to outlaw gold and other precious metals.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (zB/T/)

359 Side note on back the blue. Notice how these thugs with badges are now messing almost exclusively with whites. It's almost like they have to get their anger out on someone and they know they can't do it to blacks. Just saying.

Are we spiriling into a Purge world?

Posted by: Welcome to Wokistan MFers at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (sO28W)

360 Heh. Somebody fucked with a Biden.
Posted by: Xipe Totec at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (eJn7u)

Usually it is just Bidens fucking Bidens

Posted by: Ashley B. at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (Z32m1)

361 When is "Going Back In" Day?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (YqDXo)

National Fudge(packer) Day, I would assume.

Posted by: pookysgirl has been an Ette too long at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (yz9CB)

362 Well, we could have bought some Russian oil if Joe hadn't blown up the pipeline

Posted by: The Lump at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (bs+z0)

363 334 Heh. Somebody fucked with a Biden.

Biden can feel safe because in DC Abortions are a dime a dozen if he becomes parasitically infected ....

Also Governor Abrams (D-Ga) said how do we know if a birthing person is really impregnated by listening to a electronically generated heartbeat !!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (X++p7)

364 @343. They're the bigger draw. No.

Posted by: Lola at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (NIYa7)

365 And I'm getting a pony.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible

I've got a DVD I'll trade you.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (a3Q+t)

366 350 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

I'm knot going to watch it

Posted by: Rance Stoddard at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (2cfUo)

367 I am going to make this bold prediction:

Nothing will happen.

Posted by: blaster at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (pwExq)

368 353 So...get that? It isn't Biden asking for a favor for his political party it is Biden "standing up for America". And apparently MBS is personally to blame for 9/11 I guess?

And his punishment is...he has to sell more oil.
Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (ESjRY)


Personally, I wanted to make the KSA and the entire Middle East unimportant by making the US energy dominant and unreliant on the goodwill of other countries to power our nation.

But that's just me.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (LvTSG)

369 It's clear that the Democrat strategy is to pretend there is no recession until after the midterms (assuming the GOP wins one or both houses), then blame every bit of bad economic news until the 2024 election on them. Putting a lid on gas prices until after the midterms was part of that strategy.

Posted by: Rusty Trawler at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (1gif2)

370 Has anyone in this whole mess crossed State lines?

Posted by: Tex at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (z9V4B)

371 331 Thus the French and Indian war kicked off.
Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (eoQWY)

Well yes but this was 30+ years before the Constitution. The Crown sent George into the Ohio Country. I have my criticisms about George (National Bank? Hello, is this thing on?) but how we got from the Founders to the F-ing tree stump we have now....

Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (RG7Wy)

372 What did Tennessee?

The same thing Arkansas.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022

What did Delaware?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (J2vNu)

Where did Maryland?

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (AiZBA)

373 >340 Let's hope there are a whole helluva lot more minorities that are looking at those same envelopes.

Posted by: sidney at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (Uy/WF)

374 361 When is "Going Back In" Day?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:39 PM (YqDXo)

National Fudge(packer) Day, I would assume.

Posted by: pookysgirl has been an Ette too long at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (yz9CB)

Go here to buy merchandise:

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (ynpvh)

375 > Win: Biden
Place: Carter
Show: Obama
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevar

I'd put TFG above Peanut, myself, but I can see why others might disagree.

From my POV, Peanut was mostly just feckless and incompetent, while TFG was actively evil.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (bW8dp)

376 So...get that? It isn't Biden asking for a favor for his political party it is Biden "standing up for America". And apparently MBS is personally to blame for 9/11 I guess?

And his punishment is...he has to sell more oil.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (ESjRY)

That's their imaginary plan? Embarrass KSA more into bending to your will over 9/11. That ship has sailed. Everyone knows. Nobody cares enough to do anything about it.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (yHsuS)

377 354 What did Tennessee?

The same thing Arkansas.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at October 13, 2022

What did Delaware?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (J2vNu)

I don't know, Alaska.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (906pl)

378 369 It's clear that the Democrat strategy is to pretend there is no recession until after the midterms (assuming the GOP wins one or both houses), then blame every bit of bad economic news until the 2024 election on them. Putting a lid on gas prices until after the midterms was part of that strategy.
Posted by: Rusty Trawler at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (1gif2)


The people's opinion of who the "party in power" is always ends up being the party in control of the WH.


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, searching for the Invisible Man with Dracula and Frankenstein's monster at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (LvTSG)

379 *holds envelope to forehead*

The Lump, the Hump, and the Chump

*rips open envelope, reads*

What do you call an event headlined by Fetterman, Harris, and Biden?

Posted by: The Amazing naturalfake at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (KLPy8)

380 Today Biden threatened the Governor of Texas for not ramping up oil production.... Biden threatened to cut off diplomatic relations with Texas if they did not comply with his demands before November 7, 2022.

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (X++p7)

381 The meal was moderately filling.
Posted by: Braenyard,

Butter, flour, onions. Then milk and meat. Over toast. Filling and makes a turd. The other one she did was melted velveeta and milk sauce over toast.

Posted by: Infidel at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (Ur3ox)

382 348 Gotta run to the store. Making a Keto meatloaf for dinner.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:44 PM (ptqGC)

Good luck - I literally got the last gallon of milk and the last 2 packs of hamburger rolls (generic) at my Target...this after my husband's debacle of trying to get these this weekend.

Whatever folks are eating, it definitely involves something on generic buns and lots of milk...either that, or we're back to shortages along with the inflation, and I'm living in 1970s Poland...

Posted by: Nova local at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (exHjb)

383 Gasoline and groceries were affordable under Trump.

Yet, we're two years into the worst presidency of my lifetime, yes, I experienced Carter, and we still get "But Trump" from the usual suspects.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (5pTK/)

384 What did Delaware?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (J2vN
I don't know, Alaska.

Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (RG7Wy)

385 Used a Popeye's coupon
The batter was light and flaky it had no taste, the chicken was moist and tender it had no taste, the mashed potatoes had a strange flavoring to give it taste

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (NlLwm)

Sounds like you have Covid! I told you it's everywhere!

Posted by: "Dr" Fauci at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (FJYfm)

386 Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist:
"Win: Biden
Place: Carter
Show: Obama"

Win: Uniparty
Place: Biden's Puppet Masters
Show: Biden

Posted by: AnonyBotymousDrivel Remembers Babbitt and Perna at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (aXxgO)

387 re 307: next time kurt can get it up again

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (kFrCu)

388 Which got like 60 mpg. More than any car on sale today.

Its literally illegal to make a car like that today, not because of some oil cabal, but because of all the required safety and emissions requirements.

I mean the Honda CVCC got 50 MPG, but they simply cannot make cars like that any more.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (Ivdso)

389 Going hat in hand to the Saudis ...

One thing Democrat Presidents (Biden and Obama) fail to grasp is that foreign leaders LIVE for the opportunity to stick it up America's ass. It's a guarantee of instant popularity at home.

"Please, oh please, do this for me."


Obama begging for the Olympics was a classic example of the problem. He thereby absolutely guaranteed that Chicago would not be selected.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (YqDXo)


Not a McCarthy fan at all but I think that report is wrong.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (ZLI7S)

391 This country started with George Washington - that was a dream, right? Couldn't have happened for real. No way America had people in charge once who knew what they were doing.
Posted by: Colonel Travis

G. Washington and other founding fathers would have bodies stacked a mile high by now with these traitors.

Posted by: Cheri at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (oiNtH)

392 @359. Keeping THEIR jobs and pensions.

Posted by: Lola at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (NIYa7)

393 Well, this was more than 20 years ago. And it was told to me by a girl who grew up in Canon City, near the Royal Gorge.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022

Wiki does say that the Arkansas River is pronounced "Ar-KAN-zez" in, well, Kansas, and "Ar-kan-SAW" over there.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (J2vNu)

394 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

I'm knot going to watch it

Posted by: Rance Stoddard at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (2cfUo)

Could be good TV, like a cripple fight.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (yHsuS)

395 356 Oh...BTW,
Happy Birthday US Navy!!!
And to all our squid 'rons and 'ettes.

Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (anj39)

Seems to me 'ettes should be called 'ronettes. Might be a trademark violation, though.

Posted by: Gref at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (AMIL/)

396 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M.

Congress makes what like $200K?

With smart investing and prudent living a normie could probably be at maybe million or maybe even two with a salary like that for 15 years.

So...looks like being a congressman will increase your wealth by a favor of 10 to 100X over what a normie could get.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (ESjRY)

397 The Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will be 8.7 percent for 2023, the highest increase in 40 years, according to a Thursday announcement from the Social Security Administration.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (yQpMk)

398 The meal was moderately filling.
Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (NlLwm)

I remember a chimney inspector (family) and the wife was nuts over Popeye's. I swear every time we had them out for an inspection, she was talking about it. I ate there once, I think in the 90's. I suppose one plus is if it's fried, that kills most of the bugs. I'm really not sure how it could have improved enough that people are having fights in line over sandwiches. Then again, putting too many pickles on the wrong side of a burger is a death sentence these days.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (zB/T/)

399 FJB directly pushed a foreign government, the Saudis, to directly influence an American election and because they refused, he is going to retaliate? Do I have this right? Holy Hell. The Saudis are already leaning towards dumping pricing the oil markets in USDs in favor of Chicom bucks. That leads directly to dumping the USD as the world's reserve currency in favor of Chicom bucks and just like that every foreign investor propping up our $31 trillion debt pulls their money out and the country goes bankrupt. FJB is a complete menace. He needs to be impeached and removed from office like yesterday.

Posted by: Lost In Space at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (3rD2r)

400 The batter was light and flaky it had no taste, the chicken was moist and tender it had no taste, the mashed potatoes had a strange flavoring to give it taste

Their menu is smaller too. I think their recipes and such were so expensive that they had to cut back on quality just to even have prices people will pay. And Popeye's was already expensive for fast food to begin with.

Some restaurants are starting to post data on how much their basic ingredients have gone up in price over time, pleading people to understand why their prices have gone up so much.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (Ivdso)

401 I don't know, Alaska.
Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (906pl)

Heh. Watched some old You Bet Your Life shows a while back and Groucho was actually able to use that joke. Afterward he said he'd been waiting 10 years to say it.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (AiZBA)

402 384 What did Delaware?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (J2vN
I don't know, Alaska.
Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (RG7Wy)

Alaska is a man whore.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (dNqv+)

403 @ChuckCallesto

BREAKING REPORT: Long Time Clinton Associate Charles Dolan Testifies HE LIED ABOUT CLAIM That Made Its Way Into Dossier...

Posted by: Jane D'oh at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (ptqGC)

There were aspects of THE DOSSIER ™ which were untrue? The deuce you say.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (zhLdt)

404 This thing will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it!

Posted by: Admiral Josh Painter at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (b5Dsh)

405 oming Out Day was this week. Cuz, y'know, we need another day for that.
Posted by: pookysgirl, eyes rolling out of their sockets at October 13, 2022 04:38 PM (yz9CB)


Dude, its LGBTQ+ History MONTH

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (cMXNt)

406 Same way FDR outlawed owning gold. Make it illegal with a few exceptions.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (5HBd1)

407 388 Which got like 60 mpg. More than any car on sale today.

Its literally illegal to make a car like that today, not because of some oil cabal, but because of all the required safety and emissions requirements.

I mean the Honda CVCC got 50 MPG, but they simply cannot make cars like that any more.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (Ivdso)

It's called a motorcycle. That'll get 70MPG

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (ynpvh)

408 So frail Dark Brandon is threatening 'action' for not getting a one month delay? By the time this presidency by committee decides on what action to take, the month will be over. Plus, added bonus, will that action include all of OPEC, or just the Saudis? Questions the press should be asking, why just one month and if all of OPEC will be punished. The spokesmuppet will dance for our amusement.
Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 13, 2022 04:43 PM (fs1hN)

It was not just OPEC. It was a Unanimous decision by OPEC+. Tough Guy Brandon wants to take on half the whole freaking world.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (Z32m1)

Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat

The lump and the chump.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (63Dwl)

410 What did Delaware?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (J2vN


Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (yHsuS)

411 394 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

I'm knot going to watch it
Posted by: Rance Stoddard at October 13, 2022 04:46 PM (2cfUo)

Could be good TV, like a cripple fight.
Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (yHsuS)

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (ynpvh)

412 I bet just about now Europeans and even the Saudis would like some mean tweets.

Posted by: President Select Decaf at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (3JfbU)

413 A recent report showed how dozens of members of congress has benefitted enormously in stock deals far beyond the average person. Its not a Democrat or Republican thing, its across the board.

Most of those congressmen are on committees that directly deal with stuff they are investing in.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (Ivdso)

414 I can't decide if the best part of the Biden regime is the competence, compassion or uniting people.

Posted by: Ripley at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (MxEKc)

415 MSM is mostly ignoring the story. Wall Street Journal has it on back page "Politics" section. Have to read down 3 or 4 paragraphs to see election connection. Story mostly just repeats talkin' points that it's all RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA. Claims that RUSSIAN-influenced Saudis strong-armed rest of OPEC+ into going along with sanction-bustin' RUSSIAN pandering. Should be impeachable, but it won't go anywhere. I sure would love to have a D after my name.

Posted by: Martin Tell at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (Fi8mM)

416 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat

The lump and the chump.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 13, 2022 04:51 PM (63Dwl)

Add Dr. Jill and it will be the Lump, the Chump and the Frump

Posted by: The Lump at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (bs+z0)

417 Yea Baby...... Time to pull that Yugo out the garage .....

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (X++p7)

418 > Win: Biden
Place: Carter
Show: Obama
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevar

I'd put TFG above Peanut, myself, but I can see why others might disagree.
From my POV, Peanut was mostly just feckless and incompetent, while TFG was actively evil.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (bW8dp)

Fair point. How about dead heat for Place: Carter/Obama

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (YqDXo)

419 Althouse has a story about the expert take on why Monkeypox went away.

They list 4 reasons...the most important one - after pride month their were fewer, uh, gay male events.

But remember, Monkeypox is NOT spread by the buttsecks

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (ESjRY)

420 Well yes but this was 30+ years before the Constitution. The Crown sent George into the Ohio Country. I have my criticisms about George (National Bank? Hello, is this thing on?) but how we got from the Founders to the F-ing tree stump we have now....
Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022

FDR --> LBJ --> Carter --> Obama --> Biden

See any common thread?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (J2vNu)

421 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

I'm beginning to get the idea that this is part of the kink. The Democrats are saying t us---"Look, if we can get these two retards elected, we can do anything we want. And we will."

Posted by: JoeF. at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (mR6Gs)

422 Some restaurants are starting to post data on how much their basic ingredients have gone up in price over time, pleading people to understand why their prices have gone up so much.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylo


But we all know it's really just greed

Posted by: Karen at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (8AONa)

423 A few weeks, like day after Election day to bask in the fraud voting

Posted by: Skip at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (xhxe8)

Posted by: Romeo13 at October 13, 2022 04:31 PM (oHd/0)

Legal insider trading for Our Betters in Congress.

Favorable legislation makes your portfolio happy!!!

Posted by: naturalfake at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (KLPy

And IPO's offered from friends and interested parties.

Posted by: Javems at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (AmoqO)

425 every foreign investor propping up our $31 trillion debt pulls their money out and the country goes bankrupt. FJB is a complete menace. He needs to be impeached and removed from office like yesterday.
Posted by: Lost In Space at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (3rD2r)


We need the Burning Times to come in order to execute righteious retribution.

Posted by: MAGA_Ken at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (cMXNt)

426 It's called a motorcycle. That'll get 70MPG

Or better, yeah. Because they are not subject to all the safety regulations and emissions controls. Your Harley doesn't have a catalytic converter. It doesn't have airbags. It doesn't have crumple zones for crash protection. All that crap adds weight and reduces efficiency so you lose mileage.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (Ivdso)

427 > People in CO told me the river's name was pronounced "Ar-KAN-zez" instead of "Ar-kan-SAW." True?

In Colorado and Kansas, it's Ar-kan-sas. In Arkansas it's Ar-kan-saw.

I think the "saw" is actually closer to correct, based on the pronunciation of the name of Indian tribe that Kansas and Arkansas came from. They called themselves Quapaw, but their neighbors called them Kansa (which the French added an extra silent "s" to, because their language is completely fucked up).

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (bW8dp)

428 Add Dr. Jill and it will be the Lump, the Chump and the Frump
Posted by: The Lump at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (bs+z0)

No not frump...

Think 'XXX dump'.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (dNqv+)

429 Time to dump that sock

Posted by: 2009Refugee at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (8AONa)

430 Heh. Watched some old You Bet Your Life shows a while back and Groucho was actually able to use that joke. Afterward he said he'd been waiting 10 years to say it.
Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (AiZBA)

Heh. Pretty sure I picked it from Mad Magazine when I was a kid.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (906pl)

431 It was not just OPEC. It was a Unanimous decision by OPEC+. Tough Guy Brandon wants to take on half the whole freaking world.

Biden is creating an anti-American alliance among all the non-European world powers.

If we had an objective media it is something they'd be talking about

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (ESjRY)

432 394 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat at October 13, 2022 04:36 PM (ei7q6)

Must-see TV.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (YqDXo)

433 "Ar-kan-SAW" over there."

I say it more like "Ar-kin-SAW" ... or maybe "Ar-ken-SAW". never the 'kan' as in Kansas.

Posted by: illiniwek at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (Cus5s)

434 @320. And sharing that knowledge with the right people. (Another friends & family plan.)

Posted by: Lola at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (NIYa7)

435 420 Well yes but this was 30+ years before the Constitution. The Crown sent George into the Ohio Country. I have my criticisms about George (National Bank? Hello, is this thing on?) but how we got from the Founders to the F-ing tree stump we have now....
Posted by: Colonel Travis at October 13, 2022

FDR --> LBJ --> Carter --> Obama --> Biden

See any common thread?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (J2vNu)


Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (ynpvh)

436 Yet, we're two years into the worst presidency of my lifetime ...


That statement would still be true if you were 233 years old.

Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (bbjYL)

437 This rebuff by Saudi Arabia is a BFD. I'm no expert in international diplomacy, but I know that this sort of thing is not done publicly like this unless they are hopping mad.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (UuD2k)

438 429 Time to dump that sock

Oops I still have my lump sock

Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (bs+z0)

439 > Fair point. How about dead heat for Place: Carter/Obama
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara

I could live with that.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (bW8dp)

440 Biden: MBS is a murderer and should be thrown in prison!

Also Biden: Please MBS please save my ass.

Also, Also Biden: And if you don't save my ass I'm going to let Iran conquer you.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (ESjRY)

441 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks.

Between the two of them, not enough brains to power a potato clock.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (gmo/4)

442 No not frump...

Think 'XXX dump'.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (dNqv+)

Add Hunter and he'll do a "bump" of coke in the bathroom

Posted by: Quilter's Irish Death at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (OgrpQ)

443 FJB directly pushed a foreign government, the Saudis, to directly influence an American election and because they refused, he is going to retaliate? Do I have this right? Holy Hell. The Saudis are already leaning towards dumping pricing the oil markets in USDs in favor of Chicom bucks. That leads directly to dumping the USD as the world's reserve currency in favor of Chicom bucks and just like that every foreign investor propping up our $31 trillion debt pulls their money out and the country goes bankrupt. FJB is a complete menace. He needs to be impeached and removed from office like yesterday.
Posted by: Lost In Space at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (3rD2r)

Added some emphasis

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (Z32m1)

444 I remember a chimney inspector (family) and the wife was nuts over Popeye's. I swear every time we had them out for an inspection, she was talking about it. I ate there once, I think in the 90's. I suppose one plus is if it's fried, that kills most of the bugs. I'm really not sure how it could have improved enough that people are having fights in line over sandwiches. Then again, putting too many pickles on the wrong side of a burger is a death sentence these days.
Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V at October 13, 2022

I dunno what Popeye's food is like now, but in its early days, the '70s, it was far too spicy for me. Their biscuits were good though.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (J2vNu)

445 One thing Democrat Presidents (Biden and Obama) fail to grasp is that foreign leaders LIVE for the opportunity to stick it up America's ass. It's a guarantee of instant popularity at home.

Even if they didn't live for this opportunity, they would be derelict if they didn't assess how it benefits their country (or at least themselves) to decide whether to grant the request. Does our idiot president understand this? No. "Do me a solid, bro, plus you don't want to help Putin, he's a bad dude. You'll be called nasty names in our press!"

Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (fs1hN)

446 What did Delaware?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:45 PM (J2vNu)
A New Jersey.

Posted by: Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (to2dd)

447 That statement would still be true if you were 233 years old.
Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 04:53 PM (bbjYL)

Fair observation.

Posted by: Blake - semi lurker at large at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (5pTK/)

448 Not a McCarthy fan at all but I think that report is wrong.
Posted by: JackStraw at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (ZLI7S)

Wow, reports are all over the place... from his being in debt just a couple years ago... to have $95 million.

Posted by: Bugs... at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (oHd/0)

449 440 Biden: MBS is a murderer and should be thrown in prison!

Also Biden: Please MBS please save my ass.

Also, Also Biden: And if you don't save my ass I'm going to let Iran conquer you.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (ESjRY)

Abraham accords.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:55 PM (ynpvh)

450 What did Delaware?
She wore her New Jersey.

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at October 13, 2022 04:56 PM (SIAnw)

What did Delaware?
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius

She wore a brand New Jersey.

Posted by: Zombie Perry Como at October 13, 2022 04:56 PM (63Dwl)

452 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks.

Between the two of them, not enough brains to power a potato clock.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (gmo/4)
Not enough brain power to light up a lightning bug.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 04:56 PM (YqDXo)

453 exactly what's about the lgbfjbpdq+ that you need a month for it. where was jewish heritage month? nick teen ran a piece about a girl getting her bat mitzvah three or four times. maybe they didn't want to mention dan schneider

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 04:56 PM (kFrCu)

454 But we all know it's really just greed


Posted by: Fauxcahontas at October 13, 2022 04:56 PM (j5Tg0)

455 Who cares? If it helps Americans quit their addiction to fossil fuels, good for President Biden! The Climate is ALL THAT MATTERS!

Posted by: Sid, now with Aviators at October 13, 2022 04:56 PM (cCLJk)

456 Just came back from lunch.
Fish and chips and draft IPA beers for spouse and self.
90 bucks w tip.
Another 10 to park.
A cool c note.
At least the food and service were top notch.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, partly cloudy, clearing in the afternoon at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (jTmQV)

457 450 What did Delaware?
She wore her New Jersey.

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at October 13, 2022 04:56 PM (SIAnw)

Fue Colorado.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (ynpvh)

458 Horde Mind working just fine, I see.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (906pl)

459 Too slow, just like Joe.

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (SIAnw)

460 FDR --> LBJ --> Carter --> Obama --> Biden

See any common thread?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (J2vNu)
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022

Old old men (except for BHO) with tremendously ugly wives?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (J2vNu)

461 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks. It seems like an entirely bad idea which I wholeheartedly support.
Posted by: Ktgreat

Who's hosting, Corky?

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (v0R5T)

462 Wyoming?

Why not?

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Waiting for Something, Anything at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (xPJvm)

463 It is the Carnies doing this to the USA and not Joe Biden. They smell like cabbage and have very small hands !!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (X++p7)

464 What did Delaware?



Posted by: MAGA_Ken at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (cMXNt)

465 I mean the Honda CVCC got 50 MPG, but they simply cannot make cars like that any more.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:48 PM (Ivdso)
It's called a motorcycle. That'll get 70MPG
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (ynpvh)

You beat me to it. I can go all over the place on my bike, and it holds what, 2.5 gallons? I'd be willing to sign a waver if they decided to drop a modern 4 banger with 250hp into a sub 1-ton car like the old BMW 2002 or Datsun 510. But, aside from the DOT crap, people don't want to give up their entertainment systems, A/C and God forbid you actually have to roll up a window.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (zB/T/)

466 >>Wow, reports are all over the place... from his being in debt just a couple years ago... to have $95 million.

Most of the reports put his net worth at about $300,000.

He might be exceedingly rich and splitting an apartment with a 3rd rate media flack because that's his kink but I doubt it.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (ZLI7S)

467 You first, Sid. What do you think your ghey-ass aviators are made from?

Obviously Sid is one of those "I don't need oil, I ride the bus" gits.

Posted by: Thrawn at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (Rl7KJ)

468 FedGov politicians should get a high salary AND a requirement to put their investments in a blind trust that PUBLICLY lists its activities and is broadly indexed so reflect the economy as a whole as much as possible.

I'd rather see a solon make a million a year clean, they have them nominally make $200K while getting stock action worth millions behind the scene.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (ESjRY)

469 I like big lumps and I cannot deny it.... Fetterman's got neck !!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (X++p7)

470 A few trillion dollars of NAV has been wiped out of peoples investments since the Junta has assumed control.
Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 13, 2022 04:42 PM (up/3i)

People with a bit of money are people with a bit of freedom. This is intolerable to the deep state.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (zhLdt)

471 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (ayzS/)

472 Climate change is leftard mushbrained bullshit. I can't wait for the days when we'll look back and laugh about how stupid the left was over climate change. And those days will come.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (UuD2k)

473 471 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (ayzS/)


Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (ynpvh)

474 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together in a few weeks.

Between the two of them, not enough brains to power a potato clock.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (gmo/4)
Not enough brain power to light up a lightning bug.

Don't look at me.

Posted by: Mitochondrian at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (ayzS/)

475 471 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?
Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (ayzS/)

Because the economic news was so bad they think the Fed won't raise interest rates ?

Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (bs+z0)

476 Obvious explanation: Joe Biden thinks the Grand Canyon was formed by the Rio Grande.

Not a joke.

Posted by: Ray Van Dune at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (peWy1)

477 The early Toyotas had a motorcycle engine, I believe.

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (5HBd1)

478 > I say it more like "Ar-kin-SAW" ... or maybe "Ar-ken-SAW". never the 'kan' as in Kansas.
Posted by: illiniwek

Same situation there, come to think of it.

The Indians were "Illiniwek" or "Illiniweg". The French called them "Illinois" ("Illinwah") because their language is fucked in the head. And now you get people arguing whether Ill-Annoy or Ill-A-Noise is the "correct" pronunciation.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (bW8dp)

479 Fetterman is brain damaged. It would be cruel to point this out, so I'll just make fun of his lump.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (v0R5T)

480 @399

>>every foreign investor propping up our $31 trillion debt pulls their money out and the country goes bankrupt.

The US holds most of it's own debt, the whole global monetary system is a magic trick of illusions and smoke.

At some point the real reset is going to come and some nations are going to be left holding the bag.

My money is on Suriname, the Seychelles and Adas Ababa

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (up/3i)

481 This is why you are seeing wall to wall coverage of the Jan 6 InIRserEksin porn.

Posted by: Puddleglum at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (ifUkZ)

482 I'd be willing to sign a waver if they decided to drop a modern 4 banger with 250hp into a sub 1-ton car like the old BMW 2002 or Datsun 510. But, aside from the DOT crap, people don't want to give up their entertainment systems, A/C and God forbid you actually have to roll up a window.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V at October 13, 2022 04:57 PM (zB/T/)

I'd love an old ride like that. along with a diesel hi-lux for turning into a technical during face colander times.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (yHsuS)

483 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?
Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (ayzS/)

What do they know that we don't?

Posted by: JoeF. at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (mR6Gs)

484 every foreign investor propping up our $31 trillion debt pulls their money out and the country goes bankrupt. FJB is a complete menace. He needs to be impeached and removed from office like yesterday.
Posted by: Lost In Space at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (3rD2r)


We need the Burning Times to come in order to execute righteious retribution.
Posted by: MAGA_Ken at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (cMXNt)

The Banks Fail? Then the EBT stops working. You WILL see the Burning Times. Up close and personal. For Freaking Real.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (Z32m1)

485 In fairness, I sort of admire the muslim go fuck yourself

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (PUXju)

486 471 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?
Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (ayzS/)

To make suckers who have sales only run at the end of the day get will be down by next week to yesterday's number or lower...

Posted by: Nova local at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (exHjb)

487 479 Fetterman is brain damaged. It would be cruel to point this out, so I'll just make fun of his lump.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (v0R5T)

Did it migrate from his back?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (ynpvh)

488 469 I like big lumps and I cannot deny it.... Fetterman's got neck !!!!

He's got a lump on his head

Can't find a Fetterman

Can't find a Fetterman

Posted by: Rance Stoddard at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (2cfUo)

489 "What's this about a TXMoMe?"

Whispers and rumors.

Nothing more than that.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (1n+EO)

490 It appears that Joe Biden has a brain power competitor.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (ayzS/)

491 Saudi Arabia is a nasty, horrible place filled with evil and mad scumbags. They are one of the few places on earth that still has slaves, they rape little kids, they murder people who disagree with them, they have absolute power in the few wealthy who utterly abuse and roll over everyone else. Its a nation of a few with a fleet of gold plated Bugatti Veyrons and a lot of people living in dirt huts with a goat.

I do not and will not ever sympathise with the Muslim scum who govern there. They are terrible people, some of the worst ever.

But they also have a very strong code of honor and dignity, they will deal straight with you if you deal straight with them, and if approached properly are willing to find a way to make a deal. Biden and his pack of bizarre perverted wokesters acted like idiots and lunatics, and Biden threw a fit, and they're getting what they asked for: treated like pariahs and fools.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (Ivdso)

492 The early Toyotas had a motorcycle engine, I believe.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (5HBd1)

The Hondas certainly did

Posted by: JoeF. at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (mR6Gs)

493 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022

My local TV fishwrap had a story today that a new study indicates fish oil, honey, and Viagra in the diet can all help stave off Alzheimer's. I guess F. Joe never went near any of that stuff.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (J2vNu)

494 Because the economic news was so bad they think the Fed won't raise interest rates ?
Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (bs+z0)

LOL. Good one.

Posted by: Napoleon XIV at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (AiZBA)

495 In fairness, the chines have way more debt

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (PUXju)

496 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?
Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 04:58 PM (ayzS/)

What do they know that we don't?
Posted by: JoeF. at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (mR6Gs)

The DOW is only trying to keep up with the latest inflation numbers.

Posted by: rd at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (Z32m1)

497 460 FDR --> LBJ --> Carter --> Obama --> Biden

See any common thread?

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (J2vNu)

Old old men (except for BHO) with tremendously ugly wives?

One difference is Obama married a man (Big Mike) and Big Mike is better looking then all other Democrat President's and...... Big Mike is a BIOLOGICAL MALE !!!!

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (X++p7)

498 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?
Posted by: Archimedes

Dead cat bounce.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (IyrhE)

499 437 This rebuff by Saudi Arabia is a BFD. I'm no expert in international diplomacy, but I know that this sort of thing is not done publicly like this unless they are hopping mad.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 04:54 PM (UuD2k)

Joe Biden has the foreign relations instincts and skills of a hermit living in the darkest jungle on New Guinea..

Posted by: Gref at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (AMIL/)

500 Heard and actor say ar Kan sas in a movie.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (NlLwm)

501 Abraham Accords sounds like a Klezmer group.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (bW8dp)

502 Where did Wisconsin-sin?
Down on the Floor-a. Duh!

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (SIAnw)

503 I don't understand why we don't drill more here. I know it takes a long time but the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is today.

I guess they want us all to be subjects not citizens.

Posted by: CaliGirl at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (4tfcV)

Can't find a Fetterman
Posted by: Rance Stoddard at October 13, 2022

"You're a Fetterman than me, Gunga Din!"

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius, dreaming of Elsewhere at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (J2vNu)

505 Its a nation of a few with a fleet of gold plated Bugatti Veyrons and a lot of people living in dirt huts with a goat.

living the dream right there. goals!

Posted by: World Economic Forum at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (j5Tg0)

506 Early on they wanted Alex Jones to be the face of the fedsurrection.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (44ww/)

507 re 471: better odds of the gop taking congress or just algorithm based high speed computer trading (doesn't take a lot to get those programs crazy. maybe the price of smack fell and wall st traders were happy.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (kFrCu)

508 Today Biden threatened the Governor of Texas for not ramping up oil production.... Biden threatened to cut off diplomatic relations with Texas if they did not comply with his demands before November 7, 2022.
Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:47 PM (X++p7)

I assume this is a joke but, sadly, I cannot be certain.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (zhLdt)

509 Saudi Arabia is a nasty, horrible place filled with evil and mad scumbags. They are one of the few places on earth that still has slaves, they rape little kids, they murder people who disagree with them, they have absolute power in the few wealthy who utterly abuse and roll over everyone else. Its a nation of a few with a fleet of gold plated Bugatti Veyrons and a lot of people living in dirt huts with a goat.

I'm fairness, now do the bidens

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (PUXju)

510 Saudi Arabia is a nasty, horrible place filled with evil and mad scumbags. They are one of the few places on earth that still has slaves, they rape little kids, they murder people who disagree with them, they have absolute power in the few wealthy who utterly abuse and roll over everyone else.

We can talk. We don't have slaves, but ...

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (YqDXo)

511 Wiscon-sin. Damn auto cucumber.

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (SIAnw)

512 For the love of God can you even imagine the kid of fay weirdo they sent in to negotiate with the Saudis? "This is ambassador Ren Hippovia, a fat soy turd wearing a bikini and strap on dildo. They/Them are going to demand you admit your Arabic Privilege and beg forgiveness for killing a spy then do the bidding of Joe Biden, a man with oatmeal for a brain."

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (Ivdso)

513 Or better, yeah. Because they are not subject to all the safety regulations and emissions controls. Your Harley doesn't have a catalytic converter. It doesn't have airbags. It doesn't have crumple zones for crash protection. All that crap adds weight and reduces efficiency so you lose mileage.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 04:52 PM (Ivdso)

If these fucktard politicians were really worried about the horrors of global warming, they wouldn't be pushing EV's, they'd be pushing motorcycles. If people who were able to drove motorcycles, the amount of real estate freed up would be breathtaking. Park 5 bikes where 1 car parks (or more). Free up an insane amount of raw materials and manufacturing pollution. But nah, you can't turn off a motorcycle driving down the road like you can an EV, not without catastrophic results.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (zB/T/)

So, there I was, fueling up the Amtrak train I drive to work in. I look down at the coal-pump - it's $6 dollars for a damn jeroboam of the stuff!

Then I see the sticker. "Let's Go Brandon," it says. Democrats take action when the people have spoken. So I went.

Not a lot of people know this, but I was the world's fastest runner in every Olympic Games since 1936. A lot of people think it was 1940, but I ran in blackface in '36 to embarrass the Republicans in Berlin at the time.

Anyway, I ran straight to Riyadh, then walked into their Great MAGA King's tent and told that towelhead "look, jack - you're gonna buy people gas for the next month. Once my people are back in office, they'll bring the price of coal down to 5 cents a hogshead. Democrats take action when the people have spoken. But I need the month."

That Russian sonofabitch started jabbering at me... I think it was something about breakfast hummus. But he refused. So I put on my aviators and told him "we'll see about *your* pipelines next, Ivan Abdul Jabbar."

And we will. Word as a Brandon.

Posted by: Brandon at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (oINRc)

515 Traders: Inflation is higher than expected! Sell sell sell sell!

Traders: Ooooh the marked is down! Bargains! Buy buy buy!

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy, Christian Nationalist, Defiant! at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (glSEb)

516 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?
Because I dumped a shit ton of stock yesterday.

Posted by: Obviously at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (IggpR)

517 Mr. Taylor nailed it. Pack of bizarre perverted wokesters indeed.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (aGGj6)

518 511 Wiscon-sin. Damn auto cucumber.

Posted by: Cheerful Reprobate at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (SIAnw)

is that what Wiscon-sin used on Flora, Duh?

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (ynpvh)

519 Today Biden challenged Fetterman to a push up contest ...

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (X++p7)

520 Hedging

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 05:04 PM (PUXju)

521 Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?
Because I dumped a shit ton of stock yesterday.

At last. A clear explanation.

Posted by: Archimedes at October 13, 2022 05:04 PM (ayzS/)

522 Fetterman is brain damaged. It would be cruel to point this out, so I'll just make fun of his lump.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 04:59 PM (v0R5T)


I'm pretty sure that that lump is his brain.

Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 05:04 PM (2s+Jh)

523 someone better grab the football away from Joe

Posted by: REDACTED at October 13, 2022 05:04 PM (us2H3)

524 I don't understand why we don't drill more here.

Posted by: CaliGirl at October 13, 2022 05:02 PM (4tfcV)

Because THEY'RE SAVING THE PLANET! (said in a quavering voice). Plus burning Saudi oil does not contribute to global warming, any more than Chinese or Indian CO2 does. Only our oil, and our CO2 cause global warming.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 05:05 PM (YqDXo)

525 Just guessing: Maybe money moving from bonds to stocks?

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 05:05 PM (2xlV3)

526 You can't argue that the only effect ascertaining whether Hunter Biden's job was the price for access to Joe Biden is the effect upon an election.

But delaying bad news only a month, until an election can be run, has not only no target but to affect an election, but also no value for America!

Posted by: Axeman at October 13, 2022 05:05 PM (krQz2)

527 I'm pretty sure that that lump is his brain.
Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 05:04 PM (2s+Jh)

It's slowly making its way to his asshole to escape.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V at October 13, 2022 05:05 PM (zB/T/)

528 PM (YqDXo)

525 Just guessing: Maybe money moving from bonds to stocks?
Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby


Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 05:05 PM (PUXju)

529 The market has been selling bigly for days in anticipation of bad news. A little bargain hunting today.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 13, 2022 05:05 PM (ZLI7S)

530 So...looks like being a congressman will increase your wealth by a favor of 10 to 100X over what a normie could get.

Posted by: 18-1 at October 13, 2022 04:49 PM (ESjRY)

Pretty handy, knowing in advance which companies are going to benefit or be hurt but legislation. Also pretty handy, being able to act on something which, for anyone else, would be insider information.

Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (zhLdt)

531 Joe is pro quid pro quo.

Posted by: Axeman at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (krQz2)

532 Even if we drill now... It would be years until we see any relief ....
Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 04:41 PM (X++p7)

This has been evergreen since what the 70s? when Alaska was trying to come to market?

Then Trump made it so with his magic wand of sorts.

Posted by: micky at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (3byMq)

533 We can talk. We don't have slaves, but

Yeah America is pretty disgusting too, and while the slaves aren't official and legal... that 15 year old girl working at the "nail salon" blowing the Mayor for no money is a slave.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (Ivdso)

534 > Old old men (except for BHO) with tremendously ugly wives?

Rosalyn wasn't all that bad when she was young.

She did hit the wall early and hard, though.

Posted by: Rodrigo Borgia at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (bW8dp)

535 Today Biden challenged Fetterman to a push up contest ...

Posted by: Ferd Berfall at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (X++p7)


I'd promised to donate to his 2024 campaign if he challenged Fetterman's lump to a push-up contest.

Posted by: ShainS -- Triple-Jabbed & Quad-Boosted with the Biden Hurricane-22 Vaccine at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (CmFQD)

536 The Saudis are descendants of goat stealing, stone age tribesmen who worship a meteor. They only came to power because of the incompetence of inbred British Army Officers like T.E. Lawrence.

Posted by: Archer at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (gmo/4)

537 On 2nd thought, if Fetterman has his wife nearby, between her having tatas, being a former illegal resident, and having a personality that's a draw, she'll need lots of protection from the FJB. (And the kids will definitely need to be left home.)

It could be a hoot!

Posted by: Lola at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (NIYa7)

538 Congresscritters shouldn't be paid and be forbidden to possess more than fifty bucks. They should have to beg the public for food and money, sleep in their offices, and do their laundry at a local laundromat (with their own money).

When their term is up they should have to walk home.

Posted by: torabora at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (Y274z)

539 TXMoMe 1 week.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (oye+h)

540 Pretty handy, knowing in advance which companies are going to benefit or be hurt but legislation. Also pretty handy, being able to act on something which, for anyone else, would be insider information.
Posted by: I used to have a different nic, Ashli Babbitt/Rosanne Boyland at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (zhLdt)

Also, pretty handy that they excluded themselves when they wrote the laws on insider trading.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (UuD2k)

541 What did Delaware?


Posted by: Diogenes at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (anj39)

542 Joe needs a hit of oil just to get him through the weekend, man.

Posted by: Axeman at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (krQz2)

543 The only juice Biden has anymore is prune juice

Posted by: darkstar at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (MHvWa)

544 The market has been selling bigly for days in anticipation of bad news.

Posted by: JackStraw at October 13, 2022 05:05 PM (ZLI7S)

Every time Biden picks up a microphone the stock market cringes and plummets.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (YqDXo)

545 re 598: not when interest rates are rising.

Posted by: gnats local 678 at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (kFrCu)

546 Did it migrate from his back?
Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 05:00 PM (ynpvh)


Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (v0R5T)

547 > Any ideas as to why the Dow is up 830 points today?

Play the long game and find out. Only insiders, like congressional employees make bank on the short. My portfolio has been raped and is down about 20 some odd percent, but still over $1M by a healthy margin.


Posted by: Martini Farmer at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (BFigT)

548 Posted by: Brandon at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (oINRc)

That was pure poetry, man.

Posted by: Just Lily at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (VFRLW)

549 406 Same way FDR outlawed owning gold. Make it illegal with a few exceptions.
Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at October 13, 2022 04:50 PM (5HBd1)

My great grandpa made his wife a bracelet of $10 gold pieces. He didn't like Franklin.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (NlLwm)

550 @525

>>Just guessing: Maybe money moving from bonds to stocks?

We are going to see a series of dead cat bounces on our way to a dramatically lower stock market if the underlying fundamentals don't change.

A GOP takeover and of both houses will staunch the bleeding but nothing is really going to change until January 21st 2025.

So buckle up buttercup, it's going to be a bumpy ride until then.

Posted by: Thomas Bender at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (up/3i)

551 What lump?

Posted by: Fetterman at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (yQpMk)

552 Biden reminds me of that line from Midnight Express:
"No money. No friends. PLENTY enemies!"

Posted by: Zek at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (fsV7e)

553 If these fucktard politicians were really worried about the horrors of global warming, they wouldn't be pushing EV's, they'd be pushing motorcycles. If people who were able to drove motorcycles, the amount of real estate freed up would be breathtaking. Park 5 bikes where 1 car parks (or more). Free up an insane amount of raw materials and manufacturing pollution. But nah, you can't turn off a motorcycle driving down the road like you can an EV, not without catastrophic results.

Posted by: clutch cargo - Now fortified with CPM-S90V

Polaris Slingshot. The fucking Batmobile.

Posted by: Brother Tim, still the worst commenter on the blog at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (OUMaO)

554 TXMoMe 1 week.
Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2022 05:07 PM (oye+h)

I am both excited and terrified to be attending this year. Got me this social anxiety thing.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Waiting for Something, Anything at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (xPJvm)

555 461 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together

I'd like to hear that backstage conversation.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (NlLwm)

556 For those who don't get it: It's Alive (1974 film) about a couple whose infant child turns out to be a vicious mutant.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (v0R5T)

557 Even if we drill now... It would be years until we see any relief ....

Yeah, that's always the left's refrain. You still see it today with nuclear power plants "it would take too long to get them online! We cant wait 5 years!" yeah, that's what you said 5 years ago. And 5 years before that. And 5 years before that. And so on.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (Ivdso)

558 Why does the federal government have land at all? Land for oil leases grazing land etc. etc.? The federal government shouldn't be owning any kind of land.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (JNT5L)

559 Yeah, that's always the left's refrain. You still see it today with nuclear power plants "it would take too long to get them online! We cant wait 5 years!" yeah, that's what you said 5 years ago. And 5 years before that. And 5 years before that. And so on.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (Ivdso)

Which is kinda funny because wind and solar won't meet our needs no matter how long you give them.

Posted by: sniffybigtoe at October 13, 2022 05:10 PM (UuD2k)

560 that 15 year old girl working at the "nail salon" blowing the Mayor for no money is a slave.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (Ivdso)
Or a groupie.

Posted by: Axeman at October 13, 2022 05:10 PM (krQz2)

561 They could maybe quit dicking around with exploration and production of known reserves here. But that would be beneficial to America. Can't have that.

Posted by: Eromero at October 13, 2022 05:10 PM (/RDPd)

562 A GOP takeover and of both houses will staunch the bleeding but nothing is really going to change until January 21st 2025.
And this it the optimistic take in my opinion. The structural debt problems, completely dysfunctional congreff, and international cartel of criminals desperately trying to undermine world stability is apt to continue until the second coming. Which I figure is roughly 2040.

Posted by: Obviously at October 13, 2022 05:10 PM (NeLBk)

563 Congresscritters shouldn't be paid and be forbidden to possess more than fifty bucks. They should have to beg the public for food and money, sleep in their offices, and do their laundry at a local laundromat (with their own money).

When their term is up they should have to walk home do a minimum of 10 years in prison.

Posted by: torabora

...this is Congress we're talking about, after all.

Posted by: Brother Tim, still the worst commenter on the blog at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (OUMaO)

564 And Bennie Thompson and the stunningly brave J6 Committee is all but guaranteeing that the government of the United States will never function again as anything but the grift machine that it already is. Subpoena Trump? There's not much left beyond that.

Posted by: Erik In Texas at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (aGGj6)

565 I am both excited and terrified to be attending this year. Got me this social anxiety thing.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Waiting for Something, Anything at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (xPJvm)

Begin drinking heavily.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (yHsuS)

566 One year treasuries are 4+%

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (NlLwm)

567 What lump?
Posted by: Fetterman at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (yQpMk)
What Fetterman?

Posted by: Fetterman's Lump at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (krQz2)

568 If you examine the crash preceding the Depression, the stock market fell and recovered, fell and recovered, in an accelerating cycle until it fell and stayed down.
Much like a car on an icy road, fish tailing until it goes in the ditch.

Posted by: gourmand du jour, partly cloudy, clearing in the afternoon at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (jTmQV)

569 552 Biden reminds me of that line from Midnight Express:
"No money. No friends. PLENTY enemies

Is that midnight run or express, there's a difference

Posted by: Y5 at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (PUXju)

570 Biden and Fetterman are set to headline an event together

I'd like to hear that backstage conversation.

Posted by: Braenyard, _ want nuremberg trials? badger your congressman

Biden: Let's go get 'em! *slaps Fett on the back*

Fetterman: "OW OW OW!"

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (v0R5T)

571 558 Why does the federal government have land at all? Land for oil leases grazing land etc. etc.? The federal government shouldn't be owning any kind of land.

AMEN I say!

(except for military bases and reasonably sized national parks, I suppose)

Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (fs1hN)

572 557 Even if we drill now... It would be years until we see any relief ....

Yeah, that's always the left's refrain. You still see it today with nuclear power plants "it would take too long to get them online! We cant wait 5 years!" yeah, that's what you said 5 years ago. And 5 years before that. And 5 years before that. And so on.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (Ivdso)

While green power is instantaneous? Yeah, right. Everything takes TIME, EFFORT, and MONEY to build. Tearing it down is easy.

Posted by: jim (in Kalifornia) at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (ynpvh)

573 Posted by: Pug Mahon, Waiting for Something, Anything at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (xPJvm)

Begin drinking heavily.
Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (yHsuS)


Are you pre-med?

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Waiting for Something, Anything at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (xPJvm)

574 For those who don't get it: It's Alive (1974 film) about a couple whose infant child turns out to be a vicious mutant.

Posted by: wth at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (v0R5T)

The movie posters scared the pee out of me.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (yHsuS)

575 NOODlum.

Posted by: Sponge - F*ck Joe Biden at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (Zz0t1)

576 "This is ambassador Ren Hippovia, a fat soy turd wearing a bikini and strap on dildo. They/Them are going to demand you admit your Arabic Privilege

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:03 PM (Ivdso)

You really need to check out Tatsuya Ishida's comic strip

Posted by: vmom stabby stabby stabby stabby stabamillion at October 13, 2022 05:13 PM (2xlV3)

577 What lump?
Posted by: Fetterman at October 13, 2022 05:08 PM (yQpMk)
What Fetterman?
Posted by: Fetterman's Lump at October 13, 2022 05:11 PM (krQz2)

Who's in charge here?

Posted by: Fetterman's Brain at October 13, 2022 05:13 PM (v0R5T)

578 Fetterman


Posted by: It's me donna at October 13, 2022 05:13 PM (bs+z0)

579 The January 6th committee is simply about the stolen election. Look, you know when they say OUR DEMOCRACY WAS UNDER ATTACK!!!!! about the rally on January 6th? Because they know they cheated it and were terrified the people would rise up and do something about it. Even a few people walking around in the capitol building after the police opened the doors and let them in was enough to freak them out.

What's the difference between all the other times that people invaded the capitol, like the hundreds that took it over during the Kavanaugh hearings?

The election. That's what they mean by "Our Democracy"; they mean "they were trying to stop us from certifying the fraudulent results"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:13 PM (Ivdso)

580 *squints*

Are you pre-med?

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Waiting for Something, Anything at October 13, 2022 05:12 PM (xPJvm)

Just trying to get someone lucky.

Posted by: Comrade flounder, Wrecker, Hoarder, Saboteur at October 13, 2022 05:13 PM (yHsuS)

581 they'd be pushing motorcycles. If people who were able to drove motorcycles, the amount of real estate freed up would be breathtaking.
You obviously don't live in Minnesota. Or anywhere that gets 10 degree weather for several months a year.

Posted by: not to mention rain at October 13, 2022 05:14 PM (GcBFo)

582 "Is that midnight run or express, there's a difference"

As in PMITA and bite someone else's tongue off Turkish prison.

Posted by: Zek at October 13, 2022 05:14 PM (fsV7e)

583 Pug, you will feel right at home in the first 5 minutes.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 13, 2022 05:14 PM (oye+h)

584 Any chance the states can "eminent domain" fed land within their borders? Would be fun to try.

Posted by: Chuck Martel at October 13, 2022 05:14 PM (fs1hN)

585 You really need to check out Tatsuya Ishida's comic strip

I read it every day Sinfest is one of the cleverest, most biting comics around.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:14 PM (Ivdso)

586 We where energy independent two years ago. What changed. Fjb.

Posted by: USNtakim deplorable still. at October 13, 2022 05:15 PM (ZMPCu)

587 Yeah America is pretty disgusting too, and while the slaves aren't official and legal... that 15 year old girl working at the "nail salon" blowing the Mayor for no money is a slave.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor

If you know of this why haven't you reported it?

Posted by: AZ deplorable moron at October 13, 2022 05:15 PM (QSLiO)

588 Why does the federal government have land at all? Land for oil leases grazing land etc. etc.? The federal government shouldn't be owning any kind of land.
Posted by: rickb223 at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (JNT5L)
BLM land is a vast holding and most of it isn't worth anything.

So the government "owns" it. But they lend out the land as long as it is useful for resources until that runs out, and it's mostly useless again.

You find something that can be exploited, you "stake your claim" and the government (theoretically) gives you use of that land.

Posted by: Fetterman's Lump at October 13, 2022 05:15 PM (krQz2)


"The price of gas is still too high and we need to keep working to bring it down,"

What insane bitch Granmole said hgh prices are good.

Good lord.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at October 13, 2022 05:16 PM (XnbJC)

590 557 Even if we drill now... It would be years until we see any relief ....

Yeah, that's always the left's refrain. You still see it today with nuclear power plants "it would take too long to get them online! We cant wait 5 years!" yeah, that's what you said 5 years ago. And 5 years before that. And 5 years before that. And so on.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (Ivdso)

Yet they never give a date for completion of the solar farms and wind turbines required to generate electricity to replace all current fossil fuel power plants.

Posted by: Gref at October 13, 2022 05:16 PM (AMIL/)

591 560 that 15 year old girl working at the "nail salon" blowing the Mayor for no money is a slave.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:06 PM (Ivdso)
Or a groupie.
Posted by: Axeman at October 13, 2022 05:10 PM (krQz2)

Congressional page. White House intern.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara - Semi-Fascist at October 13, 2022 05:17 PM (YqDXo)

592 The prices aren't high.
They were high when we came into office.
High prices are good.
Blame Pootin and the Saudis for the high prices.

Posted by: We Have Always Been At War With Eastasia at October 13, 2022 05:18 PM (fsV7e)

I am both excited and terrified to be attending this year. Got me this social anxiety thing.
Posted by: Pug Mahon, Waiting for Something, Anything at October 13, 2022 05:09 PM (xPJvm)

For what it's worth, I have terrible social anxiety as well. The only place I have felt truly comfortable meeting new people is the Mome. These folks are exceptional in all ways.

Posted by: Moki at October 13, 2022 05:18 PM (JrN/x)

594 BLM land is a vast holding and most of it isn't worth anything.

So the government "owns" it. But they lend out the land as long as it is useful for resources until that runs out, and it's mostly useless again.

You find something that can be exploited, you "stake your claim" and the government (theoretically) gives you use of that land.
Posted by: Fetterman's Lump

Ninth and 10th amendment. That's state land. The feds shouldn't own anything.

Posted by: rickb223 at October 13, 2022 05:19 PM (JNT5L)

595 The election. That's what they mean by "Our Democracy"; they mean "they were trying to stop us from certifying the fraudulent results"
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:13 PM (Ivdso)

"Our Democracy" is the same as when the Mafiosi refer to "La Cosa Nostra" as "Our Thing."

That is, it's THEIRS. And don't fuck with it.

Posted by: JoeF. at October 13, 2022 05:20 PM (mR6Gs)

596 Kevin McCarthy's net worth is $95M.

He is a dumb ass and must be very corrupt.

Posted by: clutch at October 13, 2022 05:24 PM (9UmRs)

597 But they also have a very strong code of honor and dignity, they will deal straight with you if you deal straight with them, and if approached properly are willing to find a way to make a deal. Biden and his pack of bizarre perverted wokesters acted like idiots and lunatics, and Biden threw a fit, and they're getting what they asked for: treated like pariahs and fools.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at October 13, 2022 05:01 PM (Ivdso)

The art of real diplomacy is to remember that no matter what the power disparity today, things might change. So if you have the upper hand get what you need and don't humiliate them, let them have something they care about now and then, then maybe if they get stronger or you need a hand they won't stick a shiv in you.

Posted by: Oldcat at October 13, 2022 05:29 PM (eoQWY)

598 479 Fetterman is brain damaged. It would be cruel to point this out, so I'll just make fun of his lump.

laraw hardest hit

Posted by: stochastic kulak anachronda at October 13, 2022 05:39 PM (oY6Yp)

599 This will not turn out well

Posted by: Gonzotx at October 13, 2022 05:54 PM (t4poC)

600 After the midterms,if the Republicans aren't Con inc.they should fund Keystone and fracking paid for by FBI defunding. Threatening the Saudis accomplishes nothing . Especially when the U.S. is an oil producing country.

Posted by: Xavier Basora at October 13, 2022 09:13 PM (0JlMK)

Making money online is more than $15k just by doing simple work from home. I received $18376 last month. It's an easy and simple job to do and its earnings are much better than regular office jobs and even a little child can do this and earn money. Everybody must try this job by just use the info on this page.....

Posted by: Lisa Curtis at October 14, 2022 03:31 AM (tTOhx)

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