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Biden Can't Find His Words and Confabulates Another Wild Fake Story from His Ever-Mutable Past

Before getting to that: Nancy Pelosi complained that Donkey-Chompers and Pramila Jayapal were "vying to be queen bee of the left," which is of course Nancy Pelosi's position.

She blames them for hurting the Democrats' political standing -- because they admitted, loudly, that the Democrats are all about socialism and abortion, which Nancy Pelosi and the Establishment Democrats (and the new Establishment Democrats, NeverTrump) wish to hide.

Nancy Pelosi 'blamed' progressives AOC and Pramila Jayapal for 'vying to be queen bee' and claims Democrats have alienated Hispanic and Asian American by talking about socialism and abortion

The California Democrat, who's been in the House for 35 years, complained that her progressive colleagues were vying to be the 'queen bee' of the left

She told one senior lawmaker that Democrats had alienated Asian and Hispanic immigrants with loose talk of socialism and callousness about abortion

Pelosi, who has said she won't seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term,said: 'You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again'

Pelosi also complained that Biden had chosen 'untrustworthy' Xavier Becerra for HHS and said questioned what chief of staff Ron Klain knows 'about anything'


Nancy Pelosi was furious that she had to 'beg' her Democratic colleagues to elect her speaker again in 2019 and blamed progressives for nearly costing them the House in 2020, according to a new book.

The California Democrat, who's been in the House for 35 years, complained that her newcomer progressive colleagues like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Pramila Jayapal were vying to be the 'queen bee' of the left, according to 'This Will Not Pass' by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns.

She reportedly told one senior lawmaker that Democrats had alienated Asian and Hispanic immigrants with loose talk of socialism and callousness about abortion.


The 82-year-old Italian Catholic speaker said that with immigrant communities, 'Democrats had not been careful enough about the way they spoke about abortion among new Americans who were devout people of faith,' according to excerpts obtained by Punchbowl News.

"Careful about how they spoke about abortion" = lying about abortion. The Democrats thirst for the blood of the unborn. If they're not grooming little children, they're killing them.

The would-be queen bees just make that uncomfortably obvious.

Pelosi this week said in an interview with Time Magazine she has 'fear for our democracy' if Republicans take back the House, as they may very well be poised to do - they only need to win over five seats.


'Pelosi was the only Democrat in the chamber -- the only Democrat alive -- who had already served as Speaker, who had shown she could do the legislative arithmetic and twist the necessary arms to get things done. And yet [her fellow Democrats] were making her grovel. 'At this point in my life, I don't need this,' she vented.

Pelosi, who has said she won't seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term, reportedly said: 'You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again.'

The reporters remarked in the book that her victory in holding onto speakership 'seemed like a joyless one.'

Sad! The poor evil alcoholic crone.

And now: The man NeverTrump lied to put into a position from which he could steal the presidency.

Jesus save us.

By the way, you may wonder why I almost always put the blame for this explicitly on NeverTrump.

I do that because for five fucking years, NeverTrump has claimed that anything bad or even slightly objectionable that happened was our fault -- all because we refused to follow their Enlightened Lead and vote for Hillary Clinton. Or Joe Biden, more recently.

And yet they absolutely refuse to take any responsibility for the absolute debacle of the man they put into office.

So I like reminding them. As often as possible.

Meanwhile, after Braindead Biden's dying brain actually dies, we get this dimwitted puffy-faced dick-and-pot-smoking streetwhore.

It must be 8:30 AM somewhere.

Posted by: Ace at 02:03 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Did I make it?

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at April 08, 2022 02:05 PM (zjgNU)

2 First?

Posted by: Dark Helmet at April 08, 2022 02:05 PM (bnnTI)

3 Dammit

Posted by: Dark Helmet at April 08, 2022 02:05 PM (bnnTI)

4 Woohoo! Clicked to Ace right on time. Now for the content.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at April 08, 2022 02:05 PM (zjgNU)

5 not sponge

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:05 PM (LvTSG)

6 Good G-D, we are all gonna die

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2022 02:05 PM (d0Qel)

7 She does love that UPS uniform.

Posted by: Ktgreat at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (AD3JT)

8 It must be 8:30 AM somewhere.


Already drinking time?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (LvTSG)

9 Did he tell how he scaled Mount Everest and was the first person to do so... His word as a Biden

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:07 PM (J8ILO)

10 I hate that laugh. She can't even issue a greeting without her insecurity poking through in that awful laugh.

Posted by: Vikingord at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (vfzy1)

11 Like Brody said, "we're gonna need more Capitol Hill Foxes . . . ."

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (iFTx/)

12 9 Did he tell how he scaled Mount Everest and was the first person to do so... His word as a Biden
Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:07 PM (J8ILO)


Hillary Clinton was named after him.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (LvTSG)

13 8 It must be 8:30 AM somewhere.


Already drinking time?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (LvTSG)


If you start drinking at 8:30 AM, you're already behind.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (CAJOC)

14 Biden: She said "Tell em Large Marge sent cha."

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (44ww/)

15 Nancy Pelosi. Remember several years back when she was bangable for about a week?

Me either....

Posted by: Stateless at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (FsZ2q)

16 I'm pretty sure you can run the "Look what out senile, illegitimate president said to illustrate his senility" every day from now on.

Oh, I'm not complaining. I'm just saying it's an easy layup. You should take those all day.

Posted by: Formerly Virginian at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (zjgNU)

17 9 Did he tell how he scaled Mount Everest and was the first person to do so... His word as a Biden
Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:07 PM (J8ILO)


"And then the Rodham's named their kid after me"

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 08, 2022 02:09 PM (CAJOC)

18 Eh, Bidet is just living the socialist pattern where the future is know while the past is uncertain. His next press secretary should be named Winston Smith.

Posted by: Bete at April 08, 2022 02:09 PM (xKN4A)

19 Poor sad, pathetic, feeble minded, babbling Joe.
The only ones worse off then him are all of us.

Posted by: Shooter McGavin at April 08, 2022 02:09 PM (ZlruI)

20 NeverTrump spent five years explicitly justifying support for Dems to moderates and independents. They own every inch of this shitshow Admin.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:10 PM (wmDcS)

21 You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again

This is a lie. Unless she means we don't have a billion to pay her.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 08, 2022 02:10 PM (lgeFv)

22 19 Poor sad, pathetic, feeble minded, babbling Joe.
The only ones worse off then him are all of us.
Posted by: Shooter McGavin at April 08, 2022 02:09 PM (ZlruI)

No doubt he believes all the stuff he claims... Most Dementia sufferers do

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:10 PM (J8ILO)

23 I've been in Washington for 72 years. I blew JFK and it was all downhill from there.

Posted by: Nancy Pelosi, Leader of the Free World at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (sWM8x)

24 8 It must be 8:30 AM somewhere.


Already drinking time?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (LvTSG)

Are you implying there is a not drinking time?

Posted by: Bete at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (xKN4A)

25 20 NeverTrump spent five years explicitly justifying support for Dems to moderates and independents. They own every inch of this shitshow Admin.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:10 PM (wmDcS)


Joe Biden is a moderate Democrat.

Imagine how much things worse will be with their left wing.

Never vote for a Democrat again. The moderate ones are crazy.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (LvTSG)

26 Joe: America can be defined by a single word. Of course, I don't know what that word is, so let me make up a story about climbing to the top of Mt Everest.

Kamala: cackle cackle cackle cackle.

With these two as our top executives, I think that single word may be 'doomed.'

Posted by: mindful webworker - new video webwork at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (3JYMN)

27 No noodin' sonsabitches.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (II3Gr)

28 Meh, I've done the "good morning" thing when it's past noon.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (wmDcS)

29 What can brown do for you?

Posted by: Squid at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (lDs+e)

He was a truck driver until he was in the Himalayas just before he was a major league pitcher and a New Orleans pimp.

Posted by: Sphynx at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (rXie1)

31 Sundowner lives inside his own head
Nanzi is hoping for a Dictatorship which she will call democracy

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (2JoB8)

32 The 82-year-old Italian Catholic speaker said that with immigrant communities, 'Democrats had not been careful enough about the way they spoke about abortion among new Americans who were devout people of faith,' according to excerpts obtained by Punchbowl News.

"new Americans who were devout people of faith"

See, they have to walk on eggshells around those people whereas actual American citizens whose families have been here for generations who are devout people of faith can just go through the door marked "Fuck you".

I swear I want this lady's death rattle as my ringtone.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (wb1YC)

33 A fence post is smarter than Kamala Harris.

Posted by: dantesed at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (193FS)

34 Finishing up 1984 with my students. They are distraught with Winstons torture and the denial of reality.

Posted by: Jmel at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (RWHIh)

35 24 8 It must be 8:30 AM somewhere.
Already drinking time?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (LvTSG)

Are you implying there is a not drinking time?
Posted by: Bete at April 08, 2022 02:11 PM (xKN4A)
That wouild be the "time to get more booze" time.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (CAJOC)

36 And we are only 14 Months and change into this "sentence"

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (J8ILO)

37 Pelosi, who has said she won't seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term,said: 'You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again'

Yeah, she's done. She'll retire this year or in 2024. Especially if it looks like Trump is going to take the WH again with a GOP Congress.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (wmDcS)

38 Biden in a few more weeks:

"I was born a poor black child..."

Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:13 PM (wb1YC)

39 'Democrats had not been careful enough about the way they spoke about abortion among new Americans who were devout people of faith,'
Once again, they are crystal clear that they believe they just have to say the right words (in the right way), like a magical incantation, and everyone will be under their spell.


Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 08, 2022 02:13 PM (YIVH2)

40 Maybe it was morning before Joe rambled through his dementia-induced tall tales.

Posted by: She Hobbit at April 08, 2022 02:13 PM (ftFVW)

41 22 Well, for the 10 minutes he "remembers" it anyway. 20 min after he'll fight ya claiming he never said it.

Posted by: Bete at April 08, 2022 02:13 PM (xKN4A)

42 9 Did he tell how he scaled Mount Everest and was the first person to do so... His word as a Biden
Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:07 PM (J8ILO)

My name is HILLARY, not Joseph...

Huma, where's my crampons?

Posted by: Sir Edmund Hillary Rodham Clinton at April 08, 2022 02:13 PM (BgMrQ)

43 "dimwitted puffy-faced dick-and-pot-smoking streetwhore."

She makes dick-shaped words with her dick-shaped mouth.

Posted by: For gp, The Action IS The Juice at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (qpX6U)

44 Jeebus, more Mush Mouth babbling. Make it stop.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (AEvJo)

45 The voters and GOP and collapsed institutions own the s**tshow, NeverTrump has/had zero impact on anything.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (Zo4ys)

46 Someone else is failing to position Kamala for success. Who does the THOT's wardrobe??? That shit-colored brown UPS suit is terrible and unflattering. But she keeps wearing it. She's gotta have a dozen professionals on fashion duty, and yet this is the best they can come up with. Unbelievable. Not only is the suit just objectively ugly, it's Fashion 101 that you don't put drab brown over brown skin with brown hair. Maybe a white, blue-eyed blonde could pull off that shit-colored suit, but Kamala sure can't. She should be in brighter, more saturated colors.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (iFTx/)

47 Nancy Pelosi. Remember several years aeons back when she was bangable for about a week?

Me either....
Posted by: Stateless at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (FsZ2q)

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (YIVH2)

48 38 Biden in a few more weeks:

"I was born a poor black child..."

Hey, how did you know?

Posted by: The Big Guy at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (ftFVW)

Someone should make a gif of madonna's grotesque face so Ace can add it to posts when referring to the nevertrump shits.

Posted by: Soothsayer, the #1 most trusted name in news at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (HDwZv)

50 I really hope Pelosi is serious about not becoming Speaker again. If she runs for her House seat again, I really do hope she refuses any and all entreaties to run the Democrats in the House.

This has the potential to be one of the biggest brawls in US political history. The old guard Dems know that they need to be circumspect about their agenda, and will fight tooth and nail to retain power. The young Dems are full of their agenda, and think it's time for them to ascend instead of the old fogies. This could be epic.

And if the youngsters win, even the press won't be able to engage in enough discretionary censorship to stop the Dem agenda from being put on full display.

Posted by: junior at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (xQLpm)

51 Cat fight!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I am not a biologist at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (FVME7)

52 Stolen elections have retarded consequences

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, RIP Oregon Muse at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (V6f9+)

53 Afternoon.

It's like watching a damaged dvd. You're waiting for the hot live scene, things get really pixelated and next thing it's a bunch of bullshit pillow talk and the hot chick has the sheets pulled over her chest.

Posted by: Robert at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (fC1Qn)

54 39 Once again, they are crystal clear that they believe they just have to say the right words (in the right way), like a magical incantation, and everyone will be under their spell.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 08, 2022 02:13 PM (YIVH2)


It's always a messaging problem. Always.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (LvTSG)

55 34 Finishing up 1984 with my students. They are distraught with Winstons torture and the denial of reality.
Posted by: Jmel at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (RWHIh)


Out of curiosity, any "non-traditional genders" amongst your students?

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (CAJOC)

56 We are so fucked with these people in charge.

That cackle.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (XfSUX)

57 Hasn't Nazi Pelosi called abortion a sacrament? And hasn't she said she's right and the Catholic church is wrong?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (eGTCV)

58 I saw EverMutable open for Styx in Seattle

Posted by: Keyser Sose at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (KUUa6)

59 *Adjusts tinfoil*

The teleprompter failed right after he said "one word" and he was just free-associating from then on.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (PiwSw)

60 "I don't know that for a fact," he stuttered.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - nothing's built, nothing's back, nothing's better at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (Dr/bt)

61 Biden in a few more weeks:

"I was born a poor black child..."
Posted by: Azathoth

"The new phone books are here!!

I'm somebody!!!"

Posted by: Tonypete at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (Msys3)

62 I'm guessing that Harris doesn't listen to advice on her wardrobe any more than she listens to advice on policy.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (wmDcS)

It's easy to say you won't seek the Speaker's gavel for a billion dollars when you've already squeezed $235 million outta the fuckin' thing.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (SKVme)

64 They look like a pair of female undertakers.

Posted by: mr tmz at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (rJ48h)

65 What is a THOT?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (eGTCV)

66 34 Finishing up 1984 with my students. They are distraught with Winstons torture and the denial of reality.
Posted by: Jmel at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (RWHIh)


Julia is the hero, bringing the unhappy individualist Winston into the loving arms of Big Brother and the collective.

Now. Who wants to stop clapping first at my interpretation?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (LvTSG)

67 Jesus save us.

I know they say Jesus is omnipotent but . . .

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I am not a biologist at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (FVME7)


So glad we don't have any MUH VULGARNESSITIES any longer.

Whenever I see something like this I think of that douche Williamson.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (ECYw/)

69 Joe climbed Mt Everest to bang Hillary.

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (UHVv4)

70 "What is a THOT?"

That ho over there.

Posted by: For gp, The Action IS The Juice at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (qpX6U)

71 "Nancy Pelosi 'blamed' progressives AOC and Pramila Jayapal for 'vying to be queen bee' and claims Democrats have alienated Hispanic and Asian American by talking about socialism and abortion"

Who does she think allowed and encouraged this scourge all these years? Many have warned for years the woke progs would destroy the Dems as well as the country.

Their diverse, non-binary, sustainable chickens are coming home to roost.

Posted by: Ripley at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (MxEKc)

72 62 I'm guessing that Harris doesn't listen to advice on her wardrobe any more than she listens to advice on policy.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (wmDcS)

Maybe she can get some tips from her Step-daughter the "model."

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (J8ILO)

73 Willowed: There's already the BangBus so I guess a SuckYouBus isn't out of the question.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022

The incubus (male sexual demon) and the succubus (female) were supposed to be the same entity, just transformed according to the sex of the victim. There is a chapter in James Blish's Black Easter that deals with this in a very but darkly erotic way. Everything about the scene is a master class in writing: mood, word choice, pacing, sexual power (though it is not explicit), plus chills down your spine.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (txdEq)

74 The latest genius move by the US government is that it announced that it was placing sanctions on Aeroflot and one other Russian airline, prohibiting them from buying replacement parts for their Boeing aircraft either from Boeing or from a third party (i.e. if a third party provides Aeroflot with Boeing parts, the third party gets sanctioned too).

Their crime? Under US sanctions, Aeroflot has to get permission from the US government to operate their Boeing aircraft, even within Russia, and Aeroflot has not asked for permission. (Currently, the only international destination Aeroflot flies to is Minsk.)

Curiously, I have seen no similar announcement for Airbus.

This is going to do wonders for Boeing's marketing - if you are China, India, or any other country that the US government has thought about sanctioning, I think that your future purchases of Boeing aircraft have just dropped to zero.

Genius, I tell you! Genius!

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (I2/tG)

75 This has the potential to be one of the biggest brawls in US political history. The old guard Dems know that they need to be circumspect about their agenda, and will fight tooth and nail to retain power. The young Dems are full of their agenda, and think it's time for them to ascend instead of the old fogies. This could be epic.

I've been saying this for a while. Obama was a disaster for the party because the backlash cleared their bench of rising stars, leaving the Old Guard against a young activist wing who believed that they didn't need blue-collar whites.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (wmDcS)

76 What is a THOT?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (eGTCV)

That Ho Over There.

Posted by: Robert at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (fC1Qn)

77 A thot is a girl who likes to phuck.

Posted by: Squid at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (lDs+e)

78 Biden in a few more weeks:

"I was born a poor black child..."
Posted by: Azathoth

"The new phone books are here!!

I'm somebody!!!"

He hates these cans!

Posted by: Blanco Basura - Not insurgents, counterrevolutionaries. at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (SchxB)

79 So Biden was starting to lie about being in the Himalayas and then forgot what he was saying?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (eGTCV)

80 I hate where this country is right now.

We are like a lost puppy dog who had a kind and wonderful owner who was killed by a mob and then stuck in a kennel with no food or water and left to die.

And Fuck Kamala, her cackle and Joe Biden with a rusty screw driver.

Posted by: Czech Chick at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (haWye)

81 What is a THOT?
Posted by: N.L. Urker

$40, same as in town. But you have to split it two ways.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (Msys3)

82 The New Phone Books are here!

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (AEvJo)

83 Actually, Joe climbed Everest to ask Corn Pop three questions. [And Joe snagged Comment #69 too!]

Posted by: andycanuck (UHVv4) at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (UHVv4)

84 Nance was the old way. Get your foot in the door, play nice, work your way to the top and subvert the mission.

The squid is the new way: Have no experience or talent, Kick in the door, demand to be heard, announce that you are in charge. Anyone who disagrees is racist and must be fired.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (qnVBz)

85 She said Good Morning but akshually it is the afternoon. ZING!!!

Posted by: RNC BrainTrust at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (66d2B)

86 39 How many people of faith hate what the Dems make happen, yet justify their voting for them cause the words the politicians used? Self justification for behavior is a powerful thing.

Posted by: Bete at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (xKN4A)

That Ho Over There.
Posted by: Robert at April 08, 2022 02:17 PM (fC1Qn)

Okay, I get it now?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (eGTCV)

88 I clicked on the Twitter link and there was a good point made in one of the associated posts.

Saying that you can't identify a woman because you're not a biologist is an accidental way of acknowledging that men and women are biological definites.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - nothing's built, nothing's back, nothing's better at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (Dr/bt)

89 81 What is a THOT?
Posted by: N.L. Urker
Black acronym for That Ho Over There.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (AEvJo)

90 But for the first time covering for The Ho, 12:35pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time which really is 11:35am.

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (2JoB8)

91 It's always a messaging problem. Always.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:15 PM (LvTSG)
It's really bizarre to watch. It's a complete and utter rejection of reality. THE POLICY/MESSAGE can *NEVER* be wrong! Only your perception of it. And then they spend all their time and effort trying to adjust your perceptions of their POLICY/MESSAGE to fit. It's just baffling.

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (YIVH2)

92 THOT = That Ho Over There

Catty girl slang

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, RIP Oregon Muse at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (V6f9+)

93 Has Joe ever spoken truth about anything? It's obvious that this story about traveling in the foothills with Xi Jiping is false.

Him a-lyin'!!!

Posted by: Muldoon at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (m45I2)

94 I'm guessing that Harris doesn't listen to advice on her wardrobe any more than she listens to advice on policy.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:16 PM (wmDcS)


I had a theory during Obama's 8 years that Moochelle's wardrobe person or people secretly hated her guts.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (wb1YC)

95 I don't know why I just used a question mark. Maybe I've gone Valley Girl?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (eGTCV)

96 Today's Actor of the Day is Faye Dunaway.

She was in Chinatown with Jack Nickelson, who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon.

She was in The Three Musketeers 1973 with Christopher Lee.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (44ww/)

97 50 This has the potential to be one of the biggest brawls in US political history. The old guard Dems know that they need to be circumspect about their agenda, and will fight tooth and nail to retain power. The young Dems are full of their agenda, and think it's time for them to ascend instead of the old fogies. This could be epic.

And if the youngsters win, even the press won't be able to engage in enough discretionary censorship to stop the Dem agenda from being put on full display.
Posted by: junior at April 08, 2022 02:14 PM (xQLpm)


This election is going to wipe out so many "moderate" Democrats. The crazy left in safe deep blue seats are all that's going to be left. If you know that you're party as a whole is going to be out of power soon, the objective shifts from overall power to power within the party.

I think the extreme left is intentionally tanking this election because they won't actually suffer, the "moderates" will, leaving the crazy left in more firm control of the party apparatus.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (LvTSG)

98 I was in a UFO over the Alps with Elvis Presley traveling more than 17,000 miles a second.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I am not a biologist at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (FVME7)

99 "These uppity bitches don't know their place." - Shorter Pelosi

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (KbCG3)

100 91 It's really bizarre to watch. It's a complete and utter rejection of reality. THE POLICY/MESSAGE can *NEVER* be wrong! Only your perception of it. And then they spend all their time and effort trying to adjust your perceptions of their POLICY/MESSAGE to fit. It's just baffling.
Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM (YIVH2)


Inflation is just in my mind.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (LvTSG)

101 Good morning! Good morning! as she cackles like a hyena. What's so damn funny about good morning?? God she's an idiot.

Posted by: Florida peasant at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (dr4Q1)

102 I had a theory during Obama's 8 years that Moochelle's wardrobe person or people secretly hated her guts.
Not an unexpected thought.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (AEvJo)

103 I wouldn't usually mention it, but Jumanji is a right homely wench.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (sWM8x)

104 I had a theory during Obama's 8 years that Moochelle's wardrobe person or people secretly hated her guts.

Posted by: Azathoth

And possessed a discount card at Goodwill.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (Msys3)

105 "Nancy Pelosi 'blamed' progressives AOC and Pramila Jayapal

The hilarious part is that if it is a GOP blowout in November, the "progressives" are going to be the only Democrats left in the House - all the Democratic "moderates" are going to get voted out of office.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (I2/tG)

106 Him a-lyin'!!!

So good.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (KFhLj)

107 FWEE ME!

Posted by: LITTLE KAMALA at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (786Ro)


Posted by: nurse ratched at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (rV1pr)

109 Fay was in Bonnie and Clyde

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (2JoB8)

110 C'mon, man! I remember when Corn Pop and I drove our truck through the Himalayas only stopping to rebuild all those black churches and the orphanages for all the transgender kids that the Taliban had burned down when they were bankrolled by Putin when he was with the KGB. If I ever came face to face with him I'da kicked his ass and I could do it to since I was a sparring partner for Floyd Patterson when I wasn't working in the coal mines. It toughened me up for when I was an All American football player at Delaware . If you don't believe me ask my girlfriend, Miss America. No joke!

Posted by: "Fascinating Stores" by Joe Biden at April 08, 2022 02:21 PM (ZlruI)

111 I didn't listen so what exactly did the Himalayas have to do with Kunte Kinte getting the SCOTUS seat ?

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:21 PM (J8ILO)

112 Pelosi, who has said she won't seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term,said: 'You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again'

She misspoke. She meant ANOTHER billion dollars...

Pelosi, the richest member of the House, has never had a real job; her specialty is insider trading.

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 08, 2022 02:21 PM (F0YaR)

113 DC to "China" and back ... is about 15,000 miles, so yeah, he probably traveled 17,000 on that trip, if he went to the Himalayas? Did someone script the Himalaya story for him ... how does it relate to the new commie on SCOTUS?

Oh, commie China, the blueprint for the New America?

Posted by: illiniwek at April 08, 2022 02:21 PM (Cus5s)

114 The thought bubble above Kamala in that Biden presser is "Soon".

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 08, 2022 02:21 PM (PiwSw)

115 103 I wouldn't usually mention it, but Jumanji is a right homely wench.
She's hawt compared to Sodo Meyer.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (AEvJo)

116 THOTs can be fun. Not Kamala, though.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (iFTx/)

117 Inflation is just in my mind.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (LvTSG)

Since your thoughts can apparently bend reality can you imagine a five foot tall brunette with DDs squirming in my lap? I'd really appreciate it.

Posted by: Robert at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (fC1Qn)

118 96 Today's Actor of the Day is Faye Dunaway.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (44ww/)


Today's actor is Faye Dunaway
A movie start back in the day
But times, they do change
So it's not all that strange
That they Dunaway with Faye

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (CAJOC)

119 I can't imagine Joe with an oxygen deprived brain.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (eGTCV)

120 117 Inflation is just in my mind.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (LvTSG)

Since your thoughts can apparently bend reality can you imagine a five foot tall brunette with DDs squirming in my lap? I'd really appreciate it.
Posted by: Robert at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (fC1Qn)


You like 'em short, huh?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (LvTSG)

121 "I don't know that for a fact" is somehow a funnier closer than "My word as a Biden".

Posted by: Ian S. at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (ZGrMX)

122 When he went to Chyna and to the Himalayas was that the trip Hunter accompanied him ?

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:23 PM (J8ILO)

123 What's going to be interesting, and maybe make 60 Minutes, is when Retardo tells the whole story about his days riding with Hell's Angels. He's the one who brokered the Rolling Stones bodyguard gig. Got $500 worth of beer for it, and he and Sonny Barger got to really kick some ass.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at April 08, 2022 02:23 PM (lz5hY)

124 Since your thoughts can apparently bend reality can you imagine a five foot tall brunette with DDs squirming in my lap? I'd really appreciate it.
Posted by: Robert

And a flat head?

Asking for a friend.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 08, 2022 02:23 PM (Msys3)

125 >>>this dimwitted puffy-faced dick-and-pot-smoking streetwhore.

That's cruelly not positioning her for success.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:23 PM (SH2Zi)

126 *types*


Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at April 08, 2022 02:23 PM (Qhnrt)

127 The Presidency became a joke when Bill Clinton was elected. Prior to that we could at least plead ignorance about who we were voting for as negatives were hidden pretty well.

Posted by: Anti doesn't matter at April 08, 2022 02:23 PM (towrt)

128 "Biden Can't Find His Words and Confabulates Another Wild Fake Story from His Ever-Mutable Past"

The left thought they cracked the code with some nobody with a limited (or ambiguous) past, and let voters fill in the blanks with their imagination (and the helpful guidance of the MSM).

With Biden, they've been forced to the extreme; ignore the problematic and conflicting past, and actively suppress, obfuscate and distort the constant lies and mistakes of the present.

Posted by: Moron Analyst at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (JCZqz)

129 103 I wouldn't usually mention it, but Jumanji is a right homely wench.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (sWM8x)

Have you seen Elena Kagan???? Kagan makes Ms. Kiddie Porn look like a supermodel.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (iFTx/)

130 You like 'em short, huh?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (LvTSG)

Short and *stacked*.

Posted by: Robert at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (fC1Qn)

131 *types*


Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at April 08, 2022 02:23 PM (Qhnrt)

Hey, we did not get a harumph out of this guy!

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (SH2Zi)

132 The journey of a 1000 steps begins with a press conference filled with lies about your past travels. That's something Confucius taught me.

Posted by: Joe Biden at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (KFhLj)

133 THOT. Noun. Acronym for "that ho over there." Often used in connection with female Instagram "influencers" using sexuality to lure in simps, see, e.g., "InstaTHOT."

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (II3Gr)

134 Kumala was looking towards California when she said that, so its somewhat understandable.

Posted by: Curly Shuffle at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (TNyrE)

135 Since your thoughts can apparently bend reality can you imagine a five foot tall brunette with DDs squirming in my lap? I'd really appreciate it.
Posted by: Robert at April 08, 2022 02:22 PM (fC1Qn)
I can, but the downside is she's going to be five feet wide, as well. Have fun!

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (YIVH2)

136 "The 82-year-old Italian Catholic speaker"... She's as catholic as the current fake anti-pope bergoglio. I weep for my Roman Catholic Church with these two along with depends-pants being "members" and "practitioners" who are nothing but the personification of evil. All should've been excommunicated years ago. Some hard times are inbound for all of us.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (vd5FN)

137 This is going to do wonders for Boeing's marketing - if you are China, India, or any other country that the US government has thought about sanctioning, I think that your future purchases of Boeing aircraft have just dropped to zero.

Genius, I tell you! Genius!

It *is* genius. Because their actual goal is to destroy the US so there's no longer an example to point to that proves Marxism is a stupid failure.

Posted by: Ian S. at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (ZGrMX)

138 THOT=304 ya'll!

Posted by: JROD at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (0jZnq)

139 She said Good Morning but akshually it is the afternoon. ZING!!!
Posted by: RNC BrainTrust

I should send them a lot of money because of that awesome Twitter burn!

Posted by: Biergood at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (FQWHA)

140 I think the extreme left is intentionally tanking this election because they won't actually suffer, the "moderates" will, leaving the crazy left in more firm control of the party apparatus.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (LvTSG)

They don't have this kind of foresight. They are petulant children. Petulant children do nothing more than stomp their foot and demand their way. They believe they have the will of the people and a mandate from the gods. So far, being the loudest person in the crowd is working for them. Time to see if the crowd is sick of it.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (KbCG3)

141 Vying to be queen bee?

Well yeah. That's what the Green New Deal was all about, why it was rushed so fast and so poorly thought out.

It was all about setting up a campaign funding stream independent of Nancy Pelosi and the DNC. That was always Nancy's strength and power - the ability to fund raise and choose who the money went to. AOC and her backers tapped into the wealthy AGW true believers, virtue signalers, and cynical opportunists as 'the ones serious about AGW'....

Posted by: Your'e in hell the wordl ended at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (RApLU)

142 132 The journey of a 1000 steps begins with a press conference filled with lies about your past travels. That's something Confucius taught me.
Posted by: Joe Biden at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (KFhLj)

In person...

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (J8ILO)

143 Inflation is just in my mind.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa

Oh, and we'll be told Jesus supports inflation.

Posted by: Soothsayer

Well, he just printed those loaves and fishes.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I am not a biologist at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (FVME7)

144 My vocabulary has just been expanded. This place is special.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (eGTCV)

145 Fay was in Bonnie and Clyde
Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:20 PM (2JoB

And Mrs. Pendrake in Little Big Man.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Gen X Ne'er-Do-Well at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (xPJvm)

146 138 THOT=304 ya'll!
Posted by: JROD at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (0jZnq)


The THX-1138 cinematic universe is expanding in interesting directions.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (LvTSG)

147 Lifeguarding. Trucking. Mountaineering with world leaders.

Brandon sure is a Renaissance Man.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 08, 2022 02:26 PM (DU+/6)

Faye Dunaway in Three Days of the Condor.


Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 08, 2022 02:26 PM (n+4am)

149 I wouldn't usually mention it, but Jumanji is a right homely wench.


That's the nice thing about Democrat women in a group. You never need a name tag to find out which one are Democrats.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:26 PM (wb1YC)

150 Nancy didn't see a need to differentiate herself from the hard left when she was endorsing the Occupy Movement or Black Lives Matter.

What changed, bitch?

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 08, 2022 02:26 PM (sWM8x)

151 138 THOT=304 ya'll!
Posted by: JROD at April 08, 2022 02:24 PM (0jZnq)

I was assured there'd be no math in this blog.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:26 PM (II3Gr)

The Democrat Party is never "out of power." There are times when it's better to pretend. This is one of those times. A GOP majority changes nothing but the pace of the game.

The power struggle within the party is the only struggle that matters, ever, without regard to who has the most asses in the most chairs in some old building.

And that struggle has literally nothing to do with anyone running for office. When you see them bickering, it's only to get closer to the throne so they can get the best scraps.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 08, 2022 02:26 PM (SKVme)

153 Show a little respect, assholes.

Pramila is MY congresscritter.

Yes. Yes she is.

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (rV1pr)

154 The 82-year-old Italian Catholic speaker

They misspelled "drunken spirit cooking atheist posing as a Christian"

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (KZzsI)

155 Before getting to that: Nancy Pelosi complained that Donkey-Chompers and Pramila Jayapal were "vying to be queen bee of the left

What about Mayor Buttplug? God knows he's a queen already.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (YqDXo)

156 To be fair, let those of us who have never told anyone "good morning" at half-past noon cast the first stone.

Posted by: MW at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (LJrwl)

157 Vying to be queen bee?

Well yeah. That's what the Green New Deal was all about, why it was rushed so fast and so poorly thought out.

It was all about setting up a campaign funding stream independent of Nancy Pelosi and the DNC. That was always Nancy's strength and power - the ability to fund raise and choose who the money went to. AOC and her backers tapped into the wealthy AGW true believers, virtue signalers, and cynical opportunists as 'the ones serious about AGW'....

Posted by: Your'e in hell the wordl ended at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (RApLU)

The funny thing is, AGW and GND are mainstream dem policy platforms, which Brandon's handlers are embracing fully and pursuing with reckless abandon. Ace nailed it. They just want it done quietly and secretly so as not to upset the mouthbreathers.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (SH2Zi)

158 153 Show a little respect, assholes.

Pramila is MY congresscritter.

Yes. Yes she is.
Posted by: nurse ratched at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (rV1pr)

Sounds like a personal problem.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (II3Gr)

159 He was in the foothills of the Himalayas? Did someone watch Caddyshack with his pudding yesterday?

Posted by: Mishdog at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (3gjFX)

160 Both parties need each other too much.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (44ww/)

161 The Dems had many off-ramps to avoid this conflagration. Why did Pelosi return to being speaker? Why didn't she retire when the Dems lost the House in 2010?

The Democrat leadership is decrepit and they clung to power, rather than pass the torch to younger, corporate Dems who could have risen the ranks and played the old cronyism game.

Now, they're stuck with their bench consisting of open socialists. People in safe, deep blue districts who can't lose, even in a republican wave election.

They did this to themselves -- fuck 'em.

Posted by: Revenant at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (Gcdtg)

162 What about Mayor Buttplug? God knows he's a queen already.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (YqDXo)

yes... But he's a moderate... wink , wink

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (J8ILO)

163 Looks like not guilty verdicts in the Michigan kidnapping trial.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (wmDcS)

164 7 She does love that UPS uniform.
Posted by: Ktgreat at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (AD3JT)

She looks like a walking turd.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (YqDXo)

165 Today's Actor of the Day is Faye Dunaway.
She was in Chinatown with Jack Nickelson, who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon.
She was in The Three Musketeers 1973 with Christopher Lee.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022

Don't forget her turn as "Bonnie" to Warren Beatty's "Clyde" in that film. I recall, too, that Life or Look ran a feature story on her, including bikini shots, in which they claimed that a recent (1968?) poll of male soldiers in Vietnam named her as The Girl They'd Most Like to be Stuck in the Jungle With, or something like that. (Even at the time I found that hard to believe when Raquel Welch was around.)

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (txdEq)

166 Did Joey talk about the time he hauled a half dozen bodies off the slopes of Everest?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (eGTCV)

167 Yudhishthara's Dice @ 152- The domoncrats will relinquish power when we pry it from their cold dead hands.

Posted by: Eromero at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (gktX6)

168 163 Looks like not guilty verdicts in the Michigan kidnapping trial.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (wmDcS)

Seriously ?

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (J8ILO)

169 163 Looks like not guilty verdicts in the Michigan kidnapping trial.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (wmDcS)

I would certainly hope so since the whole fucking thing was a law enforcement op.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (II3Gr)

170 The Fake kidnapping of the Michigan Gov ZERO guilty verdicts

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (dKiJG)

171 How Russia will die

Posted by: SMOD at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (X5CsJ)

Good Morning:

Debbie Reynolds said her feet were bleeding after finally wrapping that scene.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (Mzdiz)

173 164 7 She does love that UPS uniform.
Posted by: Ktgreat at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (AD3JT)

It reminds her of better days with Willie.

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (PiwSw)

174 Fay was in Thomas Crown Affair

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (2JoB8)

175 Himalayan pink salt? Yeah I discovered that.

Posted by: Prez Mush Brain at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (x6uUk)

176 This must be what anyone paying attention in the last days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Ottoman Empire felt like. Governed by a dissipated class of idiots completely unconnected from reality careening toward its termination, yet blithlely carrying on as if it were the only thing they knew how to do.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (BMmaB)

177 All that COVID prevalent at recent Dem gatherings in DC and no one masked at that presser?

Posted by: Curly Shuffle at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (TNyrE)

178 Seriously ?
Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (J8ILO)

Yup. Julie Kelly covering it. Three "not guilty" verdicts and hung jury on the ringleader.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (wmDcS)

179 Was this Himalayan trip the one where Joe was driving a big rig?

Posted by: Muldoon at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (m45I2)

180 10 I hate that laugh. She can't even issue a greeting without her insecurity poking through in that awful laugh.
Posted by: Vikingord at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (vfzy1)

It really is cringeworthy.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (YqDXo)

181 >>>Good G-D, we are all gonna die

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2022 02:05 PM (d0Qel)

Counting on it.

Posted by: Everyone Everywhere at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (QYPq3)

182 Joe punched altitude sickness in the face.

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (eGTCV)

183 @RaheemKassam

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Firm Invested in VR 'Metaverse" Used by Child Sex Groomers...And His Laptop Shows He Had an Account.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (ptqGC)

184 Yup. Julie Kelly covering it. Three "not guilty" verdicts and hung jury on the ringleader.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (wmDcS)

Good news

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (J8ILO)

185 oday's Actor of the Day is Faye Dunaway.

She was in Chinatown with Jack Nickelson, who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon.

She was in The Three Musketeers 1973 with Christopher Lee.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:19 PM (44ww/)

Met her brother Mac many years ago. Great guy and supposedly a pretty good lawyer.

Posted by: Ganowicz Commie Exterminators, LTD. at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (vd5FN)

186 Raquel Welch is much more beautiful than Dunaway, not even close, no offense to her.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:31 PM (44ww/)

187 Looks like not guilty verdicts in the Michigan kidnapping trial.

Two acquitted, two mistrial.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 08, 2022 02:31 PM (I2/tG)

188 Good G-D, we are all gonna die

Well yeah, eventually

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:31 PM (KZzsI)

189 156 To be fair, let those of us who have never told anyone "good morning" at half-past noon cast the first stone.
I've said it, but I didn't think it was the funniest damn sentence ever uttered by a human being in all of recorded history when I said it.

Because that would be a bit unhinged.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (sWM8x)

190 183 @RaheemKassam

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Eric Trump Firm Invested in VR 'Metaverse" Used by Child Sex Groomers...And His Laptop Shows He Had an Account.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (ptqGC)


Fixed to get media attention.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (LvTSG)

191 153 Show a little respect, assholes.

Pramila is MY congresscritter.

Yes. Yes she is.
Posted by: nurse ratched at April 08, 2022 02:27 PM (rV1pr)

I got the fat, repulsive, sharting toad Nadler. Trade ya?

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (iFTx/)

192 Perhaps if she stopped cackling her peons would be better able to position her for success.

Posted by: bluebell - NoVaMoMe 2022! at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (wyw4S)

193 148
Faye Dunaway in Three Days of the Condor.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at April 08, 2022 02:26 PM (n+4am)

I know I'm bad for saying so but the fact that she didn't shave her pits in Three Musketeers put me right off.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (906pl)

194 186 Raquel Welch is much more beautiful than Dunaway, not even close, no offense to her.
I'll take Ann Margaret as the booby prize.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (AEvJo)

195 Does anyone really know what time it is? Because it seems like someone should care.

Posted by: Kamala, your President-In-Waiting at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (a3Q+t)

196 188 Good G-D, we are all gonna die

Well yeah, eventually
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:31 PM (KZzsI)

*Skims recipes*

Posted by: Conqueror Worm at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (fC1Qn)

197 Faye was in Network and Chinatown

Posted by: Notsothoreau - move forward at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (5HBd1)

198 Jury gives middle finger to FBI

Posted by: Mark1971 at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (xPl2J)

199 Yudhishthara's Dice @ 152- The domoncrats will relinquish power when we pry it from their cold dead hands.

Posted by: Eromero at April 08, 2022 02:29 PM (gktX6)

That is a terrible thing to say.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (SH2Zi)

200 I'll take Ann Margaret as the booby prize.
Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (AEvJo)

She was a looker... I think a young Kate Winslet was a beauty

Posted by: It's me donna at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (J8ILO)

201 Didn't Dunaway play the "no more wire hangers" chick?

Saw her in a movie called Albino Alligator the other night. Crap movie from the 90s. Even older you could see that Dunaway had been something in her prime.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (KFhLj)

202 I did not see the first Thomas Crowne, but the 90s one was a smokeshow.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (44ww/)

Like Brody said, "we're gonna need more Capitol Hill Foxes . . . ."
Posted by: Elric Blade

Is that the new name for the Redskins?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (63Dwl)

204 177 All that COVID prevalent at recent Dem gatherings in DC and no one masked at that presser?
Posted by: Curly Shuffle at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (TNyrE)

The polling on continued masking must be horrific.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (dNqv+)

205 I'll take Ann Margaret as the booby prize.
Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (AEvJo)

I'll want some close-up shots. Fur and early-morning dew.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (II3Gr)

206 Looks like not guilty verdicts in the Michigan kidnapping trial.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (wmDcS)

Nelson Muntz: Ha ha!

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (SH2Zi)

207 Looks like not guilty verdicts in the Michigan kidnapping trial.

If I were on the jury I would have been tough to convince it was the plan of the guys on trial, given how they were basically led around by the nose by the FBI.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (KZzsI)

208 The only real takeaway from this story is that Nancy also realizes that they are dead in this falls elections, and that it's already too late to do anything about it. And she's pissed - too bad.

The most enjoyable thought when reflecting on the wave of young Latina's running as Republicans who look poised to take over seats in the Rio Grande Valley; they represent 2 groups who the Dems have been trying to pander to for year, women and hispanics. And they've switched to the GOP in the most solidly hispanic districts in the country, outside of Miami, possibly. It's a beautiful thing to behold.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (trdmm)

209 "Nancy Pelosi 'blamed' progressives AOC and Pramila Jayapal for 'vying to be queen bee' "

Never trust a woman who knees her boobs with every step. Have another Mojito, you lush.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2022 02:34 PM (nW0Yq)

210 Good G-D, we are all gonna die.

Boy I hope so!

Posted by: Tonypete at April 08, 2022 02:34 PM (Msys3)

211 @151 Insomniac-WAP=(304) x THOT

Posted by: JROD at April 08, 2022 02:34 PM (0jZnq)

212 Jury gives middle finger to FBI

And how many millions did they waste on that sh*t show?
Federal Bureau of Incompetence, indeed.

Posted by: Bosk at April 08, 2022 02:34 PM (x6uUk)

213 I've been in Washington for 72 years. I blew JFK and it was all downhill from there.
Posted by: Nancy Pelosi, Leader


If I had known this back then, I would have kept Mr. Happy zipped up and sent Nancy immediately back to Baltimore.

Posted by: Zombie JFK at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (kjquW)

214 10 I hate that laugh. She can't even issue a greeting without her insecurity poking through in that awful laugh.
Posted by: Vikingord at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (vfzy1)

It's like Hillarhoid with her oh-so-phony pointing into the crowd with exaggerated glee.

Hillarhoid, I know your handlers told you to do that, but you're overdoing it. You look like you're having a stroke.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (YqDXo)

215 211 @151 Insomniac-WAP=(304) x THOT
Posted by: JROD at April 08, 2022 02:34 PM (0jZnq)

Great, now we've got algebra and shit.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (II3Gr)

216 This must be what anyone paying attention in the last days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Ottoman Empire felt like. Governed by a dissipated class of idiots completely unconnected from reality careening toward its termination, yet blithlely carrying on as if it were the only thing they knew how to do.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (BMmaB)
I'm always reminded of the internal bickering / disputes between the Byzantine emperor and the Orthodox clergy and other poohbahs in the years just before the fall of Constantinople.

Posted by: Revenant at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (Gcdtg)

217 212 Jury gives middle finger to FBI

And how many millions did they waste on that sh*t show?
Federal Bureau of Incompetence, indeed.
Posted by: Bosk at April 08, 2022 02:34 PM (x6uUk)


The prosecutor will be punished by having their conviction rate move from 99.8% to 99.7%.

It's gonna sting.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (LvTSG)

218 Yup. Julie Kelly covering it. Three "not guilty" verdicts and hung jury on the ringleader.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (wmDcS)

All not guilty would be awesome. It would mean the press would never mention it again.

Posted by: WiNO - The Odds Are Never in Our Favor at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (EpDzw)

219 That's nothing. I saw Jim Crow flying around on the South Lawn at the White House looking to Simple Joe for his cue.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (Wnd0C)

220 186 Raquel Welch is much more beautiful than Dunaway, not even close, no offense to her.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:31 PM (44ww/)

+1. I recently watched One Million Years BC. Wow. Total smokeshow. Not only was she gorgeous, she had a modern, toned "workout" body decades before that was a thing. Even the sexpots of her era were mostly a little chubby by modern standards.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (iFTx/)

221 late 60s/early 70s actresses almost all were severely harmed by the horrible makeup, hair, and clothing popular at the time. Just ugly stuff that takes away from their looks. Its like shaving a girl's head, putting a pink and black polkadot shako on her head, then doing her makeup with gloves on in the dark. Three times in a row to make sure you get that "way too much makeup" look.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (KZzsI)

222 It's like Hillarhoid with her oh-so-phony pointing into the crowd with exaggerated glee.

Hillarhoid, I know your handlers told you to do that, but you're overdoing it. You look like you're having a stroke.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (YqDXo)

The ZOMGBALLOONS!!!! face...

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (II3Gr)

223 Never trust a woman who knees her boobs with every step.

Have some respect! I f'ed JFK, you know! I was hot stuff!

Posted by: Near-Zombie Nancy Pelosi! at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (I2/tG)

224 The Three Musketeers was taking place in 1600s, shaving wasn't normal

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (2JoB8)

225 f I had known this back then, I would have kept Mr. Happy zipped up and sent Nancy immediately back to Baltimore.
Posted by: Zombie JFK at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (kjquW)

Who are you kidding, you were never able to keep it zippered

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (d0Qel)

226 Good morning. It's 12:35.

Picky, picky.

Posted by: Davod at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (fGRf+)

227 206 Looks like not guilty verdicts in the Michigan kidnapping trial.
Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:28 PM (wmDcS)

Nelson Muntz: Ha ha!
Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:33 PM (SH2Zi)

Absolutely! just looked it up, 2 men innocent, 2 men hung jury, no verdict. But in a criminal trial, a Hung Jury strongly favors the defendants.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (trdmm)

228 I'll take Ann Margaret as the booby prize.
Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (AEvJo)

I'll want some close-up shots. Fur and early-morning dew.
Posted by: Insomniac

I did a photo project in college titled "In the shadow of a bush"

It was exactly what you imagine it was.

Good times, good times.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (Msys3)

229 Is that the first time Bai-den has said he *didn't* know something for a fact instead of 'It's God's honest truth' after telling a whopper?

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (nC+QA)


I for one am super CHUFFED that we have this old coot around runnin things for three more years and not Don Trump.

Posted by: Dr.Rev. Senator Your Highness E Buzz Miller, Esq PhD MA MS at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (ECYw/)

231 Good Morning:

Debbie Reynolds said her feet were bleeding after finally wrapping that scene.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at April 08, 2022

Despite hints to the contrary, certain actors do work very hard for their money and always have. That's not to say that they work harder than construction guys, no, but they do work *hard*.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (txdEq)

232 Himalayan pink salt? Yeah I discovered that.
Posted by: Prez Mush Brain

We had some and the bottled said the salt was a million years old with an expiration date in a couple of months. My smart ass brother-in-law said we got it just in time.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I am not a biologist at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (FVME7)

233 Imagine the utter disbelief all the tools who got their info on the Michigan case from CNN are experiencing right now.

Posted by: Mark1971 at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (xPl2J)

234 Welp - I see the "white boys" as the Daily Beast sees fit to call them for some reason, have all gotten off today on the phony baloney Whitmer kidnapping charges - pretty big blow to the FBI and the DOJ...

Posted by: Boswell at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (5iUNf)

235 PSA: You are all invited to the NoVaMoMe on June 11 in Arlington, VA!

Email me at the address in my nic for details.

I PROMISE that neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris will be there. My word as a bluebell.

Posted by: bluebell - NoVaMoMe 2022! at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (wyw4S)

236 I was with Mao on the Long March, all of 1948 into 49, what a cold winter, but we got through it.
My word as a Biteum

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (2JoB8)

237 Austro Hungarian Empire. Kaiser Wilhelm II said having them for an ally was like wearing a corpse around your neck.

Posted by: bill in arkansas, not gonna comply with nuttin, waiting for the 0300 knock on the door at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (lz5hY)

238 222 It's like Hillarhoid with her oh-so-phony pointing into the crowd with exaggerated glee.

Hillarhoid, I know your handlers told you to do that, but you're overdoing it. You look like you're having a stroke.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM (YqDXo)

How many leftie women have fond memories of the time Hillary pointed her out in the audience?

Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (eGTCV)

239 @julie_kelly2
The FBI entrapped innocent men in 2020 in order to produce damaging headlines for Donald Trump while millions of Americans were voting for president.

A crime bigger than Russiagate.


Posted by: Pony Tail at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (tzZq2)

240 Whitmer jurors are acquitting and hanging on minor charges. The jurors are accepting the DOJ/FBI is corrupt and apparently some of them have expressed hope the feds get the shit sued out of them by the acquitted.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (nMx88)

241 I've said it, but I didn't think it was the funniest damn sentence ever uttered by a human being in all of recorded history when I said it.

Because that would be a bit unhinged.
Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 08, 2022 02:32 PM (sWM8x)

Probably didn't say it three times, cackling maniacally while doing so, either.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (YqDXo)

242 Despite hints to the contrary, certain actors do work very hard for their money and always have. That's not to say that they work harder than construction guys, no, but they do work *hard*.
Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (txdEq)

money for nuthin', and your chicks for free!

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (trdmm)

243 Warrants a prequel to Idiocracy. I have a title in mind. Kleptocracy.

Posted by: Denny Crane! at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (hFnOD)

244 bluebell I should just disappear for a week, claim amnesia afterwards

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (2JoB8)

245 +1. I recently watched One Million Years BC. Wow. Total smokeshow. Not only was she gorgeous, she had a modern, toned "workout" body decades before that was a thing. Even the sexpots of her era were mostly a little chubby by modern standards.
Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022

Absolutely. I still recall a sexy photoshoot of hers, non-nude but scalding hot, in Esquire in about 1970.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (txdEq)

246 That's not to say that they work harder than construction guys, no, but they do work *hard*.

Yeah, TV shows can be especially gruelling, with 18 hour days 6-7 days a week. There are different kinds of hard, and actors get a lot of time off to be lazy, but like action heroes its not easy to get that Captain America cut look and you have to keep that up between movies.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (KZzsI)

247 Deadpan Bedpan Brainpan Joe: "America is a country that can be defined in a single word: Assafsssgassamayaangelomayoonrye."

Posted by: ShainS -- They are Child Predators, not Groomers at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (6jQ9h)

248 The Whitmer news is pretty big - but not as big as THIS:

Fox Sports has canned Joe Buck. Our long national nightmare is over!

Posted by: Boswell at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (5iUNf)

'It's God's honest truth'

I believe the proper statement is:

"It's G-D's honest truth as a bbbbbiden"

Posted by: Nevergiveup at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (d0Qel)

250 Have they fastened a surprised look onto Whitmer's face yet? Those neck bolts can tough to break loose.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (wb1YC)

251 Absolutely! just looked it up, 2 men innocent, 2 men hung jury, no verdict. But in a criminal trial, a Hung Jury strongly favors the defendants.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 08, 2022 02:36 PM (trdmm)

The whole thing smelled of entrapment and obviously a few on the jury agreed. Amazing what happens when you aren't tried in the DC gulag.

I think all cases involving the DC area need to be randomly distributed to other jurisdictions.

Posted by: WiNO - The Odds Are Never in Our Favor at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (EpDzw)

252 Kansas City Bombers has to be her best work.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (AEvJo)

253 240 Whitmer jurors are acquitting and hanging on minor charges. The jurors are accepting the DOJ/FBI is corrupt and apparently some of them have expressed hope the feds get the shit sued out of them by the acquitted.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (nMx8


This may represent a new sea of troubles for the FBI getting convictions.

Expect more heavy handed treatment of those under investigation to get plea deals.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (LvTSG)

254 I guess the internal bickering between the new commies and old guard commies is going strong. Pelosi tipped her hand.

Not that it's a secret.

Posted by: Martini Farmer at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (BFigT)

255 Great, now we've got algebra and shit.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:35 PM

Go wake up the Horde Math Geek in that box next to The Gimp.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (a3Q+t)

256 248 The Whitmer news is pretty big - but not as big as THIS:

Fox Sports has canned Joe Buck. Our long national nightmare is over!
Posted by: Boswell at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (5iUNf)


They find out he likes chicks, or something?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (LvTSG)

257 bluebell I should just disappear for a week, claim amnesia afterwards
Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (2JoB

Skip, you can drive down and back in the same day! Chique does it.

Posted by: bluebell - NoVaMoMe 2022! at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (wyw4S)

258 Fox Sports has canned Joe Buck

Probably because he's a white male, not because he's an annoying broadcaster. Gotta replace him with a woman who played softball a few times in high school.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (KZzsI)

259 I'm always reminded of the internal bickering / disputes between the Byzantine emperor and the Orthodox clergy and other poohbahs in the years just before the fall of Constantinople.

There's a great Soviet spy TV miniseries, "Seventeen Moments Of Spring", set in the spring of 1945. A key part of the plot is the furious infighting between SS intelligence and Gestapo counterintelligence, with the Russians sixty miles from Berlin. I found that part to be completely believable.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (I2/tG)

260 Imagine the utter disbelief all the tools who got their info on the Michigan case from CNN are experiencing right now.
Posted by: Mark1971

It's time for lunch!

Posted by: Brian Stelter at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (FQWHA)

261 250 Have they fastened a surprised look onto Whitmer's face yet? Those neck bolts can tough to break loose.
Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (wb1YC)

Whitmer is a dead cunt walking. She'll be destroyed now. Hopefully she can be ruined financially via lawsuit.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (nMx88)

262 How many leftie women have fond memories of the time Hillary pointed her out in the audience?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (eGTCV)

All of them. They don't realize that the intense lights of filming/ videotaping preclude seeing much of ANYBODY in the audience. Imagine looking into headlights on a dark night. The audience after the first row or two could be nude for all you know.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (YqDXo)

263 "233 Imagine the utter disbelief all the tools who got their info on the Michigan case from CNN are experiencing right now.

Posted by: Mark1971 at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (xPl2J)"

naahh, it just proves that white supremacists are everywhere running the show, just as they are told everyday ...

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (enSii)

264 Fox Sports has canned Joe Buck. Our long national nightmare is over!
Posted by: Boswell at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (5iUNf)
I thought you weren't allowed to fire gay guys.

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:42 PM (AEvJo)

265 I swear I want this lady's death rattle as my ringtone.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:12 PM (wb1YC)

I absolutely wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) at April 08, 2022 02:42 PM (yQpMk)

266 Didn't Dunaway play the "no more wire hangers" chick?

Saw her in a movie called Albino Alligator the other night. Crap movie from the 90s. Even older you could see that Dunaway had been something in her prime.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at April 08, 2022 0

She played Joan Crawford, yes, in Mommie Dearest. Those who say William Shatner overacts have never seen FD's performance here. She'd never been accused of hamming it up before, so it may have been the director who told her to "let go," but still she's pretty busy chewing scenery.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:42 PM (txdEq)

267 Breaking:

2 of 4 men acquitted in kidnapping plot of Whitmer.

Well, that was better than I thought would happen.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (lgeFv)

268 The accused spent 18 months in prison on concocted charges. I hope they get a big payday.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (nW0Yq)

269 This may represent a new sea of troubles for the FBI getting convictions.

Expect more heavy handed treatment of those under investigation to get plea deals.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (LvTSG)

I wouldn't trust ANYTHING the FBI was involved in to be on the level.

Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (II3Gr)

270 They find out he likes chicks, or something?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:40 PM (LvTSG)

I thought he liked drugging male prostitutes.

Posted by: Colorado Alex in Exile at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (wmDcS)

271 247 Deadpan Bedpan Brainpan Joe: "America is a country that can be defined in a single word: Assafsssgassamayaangelomayoonrye."
Posted by: ShainS -- They are Child Predators, not Groomers at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (6jQ9h)

Take THAT, autocucumber!

Posted by: I am the Shadout Mapes, the Housekeeper at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (PiwSw)

272 She said Good Morning but akshually it is the afternoon. ZING!!!
Posted by: RNC BrainTrust at April 08, 2022 02:18 PM

I'm starting to wonder if donors are really getting their money's worth.

Posted by: Taqiyyologist, Rickrolled by Jesus at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (OssQ4)

273 The audience after the first row or two could be nude for all you know.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (YqDXo)
I could have gone the rest of my life without reading that. Where did I put that brain bleach?

Posted by: "Perfessor" Squirrel at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (YIVH2)

274 >> certain actors do work very hard for their money

Donald O'Connor was laid up for 4 days after shooting this scene from the same movie:

I don't know if that's as true today. Hollywood is spoiled brats now. Let CGI do all the work.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (Mzdiz)

275 @215 Insomniac-Usually I never do any math after 11am. After 11 it's tire irons the rest of the day.

Posted by: JROD at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (0jZnq)

276 13 8 It must be 8:30 AM somewhere.

Already drinking time?
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:06 PM (LvTSG)


If you start drinking at 8:30 AM, you're already behind.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 08, 2022 02:08 PM (CAJOC)

You can't drink all day unless you start early.

Posted by: a.moron at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (F6Xpw)

277 269 I wouldn't trust ANYTHING the FBI was involved in to be on the level.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (II3Gr)


I have a feeling that jury pools are becoming increasingly filled with people who feel the same way.

Voir dire may be more interesting now than before.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:44 PM (LvTSG)

278 This may represent a new sea of troubles for the FBI getting convictions.

"You don't have videotape? You just proffer your unsubstantiated notes of what someone said? No dice. Invest in a video camera, or take a hike."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:44 PM (YqDXo)

279 WTF is up with Kamala Harris cackling all the time?

Posted by: truckers for freedom at April 08, 2022 02:44 PM (mfQ8z)

280 258 Fox Sports has canned Joe Buck

Probably because he's a white male, not because he's an annoying broadcaster. Gotta replace him with a woman who played softball a few times in high school.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 02:41 PM (KZzsI)

Was he actually fired? Thought I saw something a week or two ago that he was moving over to ESPN.

Speaking of which, caught the Nats opener last night with Kevin Frandsen in place of the kyboshed F.P. Santangelo as color guy. Thought he did a decent job, but I'm told he actually played for the Nats in '14 but have no recollection of this whatever.

Posted by: Zombie Robbo the Llama Butcher at April 08, 2022 02:44 PM (906pl)

281 The accused spent 18 months in prison on concocted charges. I hope they get a big payday.
Posted by: Marcus T at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (nW0Yq)

Same here!


After 18 months with the judge ruling in their favor on nearly every issue, the DOJ did not get a SINGLE CONVICTION in the alleged plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer

Posted by: Pony Tail at April 08, 2022 02:44 PM (tzZq2)

And - of course the younger faction will "win" the "struggle" in "Congress."

The average age of a Democrat elected official is about 163. The AOCs of the caucus will win by default, and soon.

In 60 years, she will be a haggard, drunken abuela sitting on a few hundred million dollars, while Barack Obama's and George W. Bush's grandchildren bicker over who will get the big money in the Oval Office.

Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (SKVme)

283 2 of 4 men acquitted in kidnapping plot of Whitmer.

Well, that was better than I thought would happen.
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (lgeFv)

as pointed out above, NO convictions, hung jury on the others. While the prosecutor *can* ask for a retrial, often they just drop the case, since it's presumed that the prosecution made it's best attempt at conviction already, and failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (trdmm)

284 I wouldn't trust ANYTHING the FBI was involved in to be on the level.
Posted by: Insomniac - Outlaw. Hoarder. Wrecker. Honker. at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (II3Gr)

Any juror who convicts on the testimony of an FBI agent needs to be exiled. I'm all for jury nullification of all federal criminal cases as it is.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (nMx88)

285 Despite hints to the contrary, certain actors do work very hard for their money and always have. That's not to say that they work harder than construction guys, no, but they do work *hard*.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM (txdEq)

Alec Baldwin shoots more people before 8:30 AM than most people shoot in a lifetime.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (SH2Zi)

286 I thought he liked drugging male prostitutes.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Posted by: Andrew Gillum at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (sWM8x)

287 279 WTF is up with Kamala Harris cackling all the time?
She's a low IQ psychopath?

Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (AEvJo)

288 Kansas City Bombers has to be her best work.
Posted by: Puddinhead

Getting to a live, old style all female roller derby needs to be on every guy's bucket list.

They are hilarious.

Posted by: Tonypete at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (Msys3)

289 Buck's hairplug addiction is gonna kick into overdrive now.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (KFhLj)

290 243 Warrants a prequel to Idiocracy. I have a title in mind. Kleptocracy.

Posted by: Denny Crane! at April 08, 2022 02:39 PM (hFnOD)


Saw someone recently call it a "Gerontocracy."

How 'bout "New Turd Order" or "Brave New Normal?"

Posted by: ShainS -- They are Child Predators, not Groomers at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (6jQ9h)

291 Faye Dunaway[/]

Fadin' Away

Posted by: we're here to be cruel, right? at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (h5TKJ)

292 If you start drinking at 8:30 AM, you're already behind.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 08, 2022
You can't drink all day unless you start early.
Posted by: a.moron at April 08, 2022

My twin credos, once upon a time

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (txdEq)

293 Pelosi, who has said she won't seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term,said: 'You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again'

She sees the handwriting on the wall.

"You can't fire me! I quit!"

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (YqDXo)

294 Kamala Harris's voice and cackle are the stuff of nightmares. Eek.

Posted by: chique l'African Viking Math Queen King of Greenland, the Merciless (don't/stop/believin') at April 08, 2022 02:46 PM (rF64X)

295 Dear FBI,

You suck dick.

Posted by: In Reel Life (yes, dummy, on purpose) at April 08, 2022 02:46 PM (QYPq3)

296 Donald O'Connor > Conner O'Donald

Posted by: BourbonChicken at April 08, 2022 02:46 PM (44ww/)

297 Expect more heavy handed treatment of those under investigation to get plea deals.

After they've spent a year and a half imprisoned awaiting trial under terrible conditions.

The punishment will be pre-trial, not post-trial.

Posted by: The ARC of History! at April 08, 2022 02:46 PM (I2/tG)

298 Watched my first Raquel Welch film a few months ago. Hannie Caulder. Yowza.

Posted by: The Central Scrutinizer at April 08, 2022 02:46 PM (KbCG3)

299 I wouldn't trust anyone from FBI on the weather yet alone anything else

Posted by: Skip at April 08, 2022 02:46 PM (2JoB8)

300 The left thought they cracked the code with some nobody with a limited (or ambiguous) past, and let voters fill in the blanks with their imagination (and the helpful guidance of the MSM).

Posted by: Moron Analyst

This has been the Democrat playbook at least since JFK. Every time they try to run someone with a record their actual positions on issues come back to bite them. They ran Mondale back to back with Dukakis and lost. When one of the Seven Dwarfs managed to get elected in 1992, it really solidified the plan. Hillary was destined to go down flames for many reasons.

LBJ is the outlier but that was more of a re-election since he was already serving out Kennedy's term.

Posted by: Christopher B at April 08, 2022 02:47 PM (X9jbP)

301 I have a feeling that jury pools are becoming increasingly filled with people who feel the same way.

Voir dire may be more interesting now than before.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:44 PM (LvTSG)

That's what happens when the trust is lost. Now you better pony up inconvertible evidence.

Posted by: WiNO - The Odds Are Never in Our Favor at April 08, 2022 02:47 PM (EpDzw)

302 I PROMISE that neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris will be there. My word as a bluebell.
Posted by: bluebell - NoVaMoMe 2022! at April 08, 2022 02:37 PM

Will there be brisket? I'm told all the top-shelf MoMes have brisket.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at April 08, 2022 02:47 PM (a3Q+t)

303 279 WTF is up with Kamala Harris cackling all the time?

Her handlers (shudder) tell her to look amused and happy to humanize her. It doesn't work.

Any more than Hillarhoid's pointing into the crowd and looking like she was having a grand mal seizure worked.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:47 PM (YqDXo)

304 Any juror who convicts on the testimony of an FBI agent needs to be exiled.
I'll never be selected to sit on a federal jury. I'll have to admit that I just assume everything said by any federal agent is a bald-faced lie.

Posted by: Meade Lux Lewis, Domestic Terrorist at April 08, 2022 02:48 PM (sWM8x)

305 And - of course the younger faction will "win" the "struggle" in "Congress."

The average age of a Democrat elected official is about 163. The AOCs of the caucus will win by default, and soon.

In 60 years, she will be a haggard, drunken abuela sitting on a few hundred million dollars, while Barack Obama's and George W. Bush's grandchildren bicker over who will get the big money in the Oval Office.
Posted by: Yudhishthira's Dice at April 08, 2022

I'm reminded of an opponent of Rome during the Republic (Jugurtha?) who stated that the corrupt city was up for sale and might soon find a buyer.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:48 PM (txdEq)

306 171 How Russia will die
Posted by: SMOD at April 08, 2022 02:30 PM (X5CsJ)

Guy needs to learn how to pronounce NUCLEAR correctly.

Posted by: browndog Official Mascot of Team Gizzard at April 08, 2022 02:48 PM (BgMrQ)

Faye Dunaway was in a '93 episode of Columbo, "It's All in the Game". She and her daughter conspire and kill a conman type who seduced them both.

Faye flirts with Columbo to throw him off the trail. It's pretty good. It doesn't work, Faye take the wrap, and Columbo lets the daughter go.

Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at April 08, 2022 02:49 PM (Mzdiz)

308 307
Faye Dunaway was in a '93 episode of Columbo, "It's All in the Game". She and her daughter conspire and kill a conman type who seduced them both.

Faye flirts with Columbo to throw him off the trail. It's pretty good. It doesn't work, Faye take the wrap, and Columbo lets the daughter go.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at April 08, 2022 02:49 PM (Mzdiz)


Faye was in Supergirl.

Faye wishes we would forget she was in Supergirl.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:49 PM (LvTSG)

309 Voir dire may be more interesting now than before.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:44 PM (LvTSG)

A guy was dismissed from my jury pool for mentioning jury nullification as a valid outcome for unjust laws or unjust application. If that is your plan, whether you are upfront about should be a consideration.

Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (SH2Zi)

310 >>>WTF is up with Kamala Harris cackling all the time?

>It's the intoxicating effect from her pants suit. She's been wearing the same brown suit since inauguration, and it's rumored is smells like a brick of Limburger off of a tuna boat.

Posted by: Dr. Bone at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (Wnd0C)

311 Peter O'Toole was also in Supergirl, but O'Toole would probably not mind being remembered for being in it.

He probably doesn't remember it, and if he could remember it, he'd probably say that he had a good time.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (LvTSG)

312 Speaking of which, caught the Nats opener last night with Kevin Frandsen in place of the kyboshed F.P. Santangelo as color guy.

You mean "guy of color." Or "guy with color." Or something.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (YqDXo)

313 BIDEN: "I was in the the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, that's when I traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President. I don't know that for a fact."

Yeah, Jinpingpong asked me to go to the Himalayas to help him scout for sites for Weegur recreation and experimental surgery camps. I told him, "Hey, yeah, lets go! I was the top athlete and bully in summer camp every summer in my childhood! I have a fine Irish eye for camp sites!" So we went to the foothills of those big mountains that I had climbed in my youth, but from the Nepal side. We get off the plane, and Jinpenguin says to me, he says, "Joe we are now at the foothills, in to bet." I said to him, "Hey, that's great! I'm always in to bet! Where's the casino? Um yeah, so uh, um, well that's no joke folks, my words as a Biden!"


Posted by: Gref at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (AMIL/)

314 Faye was in Supergirl.

Faye wishes we would forget she was in Supergirl.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:49 PM (LvTSG)

RLM immortalized her in Supergirl. Where the guys decided the cheapest superhero film of the three they reviewed was the best one.

Posted by: WiNO - The Odds Are Never in Our Favor at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (EpDzw)

315 Nood.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at April 08, 2022 02:51 PM (a3Q+t)

316 287 279 WTF is up with Kamala Harris cackling all the time?
She's a low IQ psychopath?
Posted by: Puddinhead at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (AEvJo)


Semenal Syphilitic Brain Rot?

/What's the ICD-10 code for that, Muldoon?

Posted by: ShainS -- They are Child Predators, not Groomers at April 08, 2022 02:51 PM (6jQ9h)

317 309 A guy was dismissed from my jury pool for mentioning jury nullification as a valid outcome for unjust laws or unjust application. If that is your plan, whether you are upfront about should be a consideration.
Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (SH2Zi)


If I want to be on a jury, I'll lie.

If I want to be off a jury, I'll tell the truth.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa at April 08, 2022 02:51 PM (LvTSG)

318 >>Was he actually fired? Thought I saw something a week or two ago that he was moving over to ESPN.

Rumor is he was pushed out - like through an open 11th story window. They officially announced his replacement today. And Buck's agent or ESPN have not yet confirmed that he has been picked into that what you will.

Now if only NBC could find some willing mediocrity to replace Chris Collinsworth, NFL Sports might be saved.

Posted by: Boswell at April 08, 2022 02:52 PM (5iUNf)

319 This has been the Democrat playbook at least since JFK. Every time they try to run someone with a record their actual positions on issues come back to bite them. They ran Mondale back to back with Dukakis and lost. When one of the Seven Dwarfs managed to get elected in 1992, it really solidified the plan. Hillary was destined to go down flames for many reasons.

LBJ is the outlier but that was more of a re-election since he was already serving out Kennedy's term.
Posted by: Christopher B at April 08, 2022

Did this apply to Humphrey (vs. Nixon)? Carter was sort of a surprise candidate, and he won against Ford, so I guess it doesn't apply in his case.

Posted by: Wolfus Aurelius at April 08, 2022 02:52 PM (txdEq)

320 "The Democrats thirst for the blood of the unborn. If they're not grooming little children, they're killing them."

Thank you for this, Ace. I was thinking exactly this yesterday and it made me so depressed that I had to go to evening Liturgy to cleanse my heart.

I don't comment here much but I lurk nearly every day. This is a great blog supported by a wonderful community. I just wanted to thank all of you.

Posted by: Nunya Bizness at April 08, 2022 02:53 PM (kYbV3)

321 A guy was dismissed from my jury pool for mentioning jury nullification as a valid outcome for unjust laws or unjust application. If that is your plan, whether you are upfront about should be a consideration.
Posted by: flounder, wrecker, hoarder, saboteur, homeschooler at April 08, 2022 02:50 PM (SH2Zi)

I'm not a lawyer and therefore cannot say what jury nullification is. Just following our latest SCOTUS member.

Posted by: WiNO - The Odds Are Never in Our Favor at April 08, 2022 02:53 PM (EpDzw)

322 Inflation is just in my mind.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, learning Bushido with Kurosawa

Oh, and we'll be told Jesus supports inflation.

Posted by: Soothsayer

Well, he just printed those loaves and fishes.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I am not a biologist at April 08, 2022 02:25 PM (FVME7)

That is completely supply side economics.

Posted by: G'rump928(c) and hour later and a dollar short at April 08, 2022 02:54 PM (yQpMk)

323 240 Whitmer jurors are acquitting and hanging on minor charges. The jurors are accepting the DOJ/FBI is corrupt and apparently some of them have expressed hope the feds get the shit sued out of them by the acquitted.
Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at April 08, 2022 02:38 PM (nMx8

I would trust the testimony of a strung-out, overdosing crack whore more than I would anyone from the FBI or DOJ.

I once dodged jury duty in a potentially weeks-long criminal trial involving attempted murder in a gangland drug war. I told the judge I would trust the word of a cop over a "gang drug dealer." Judge said "there's been no evidence he's a drug dealer." I said "just look at him." Judge threw me right the fuck off the jury. Nowadays, I'd say I would trust the word of a gang drug dealer over the FBI.

Posted by: Elric Blade at April 08, 2022 02:54 PM (iFTx/)

324 In my lifetime the Democrats have run four cults of personality.

They started with JFK but that one went sideways.
Carter was an outlier and was strictly there as boob bait in order to win.
Reagan blew them out of the water and they tried to recover by making sure George the elder got in there.
Then they had the cult of Clinton which lasted 8 years and then his successor went sideways because you can't build a cult of personality on a guy that doesn't have a personality to begin with.
The less said about George the younger the better.
And then you get to Obama and later what was supposed to be Clinton II: Commie Boogaloo and then Trump walked into the sandbox and stomped all their shit.

All that to say they basically abandoned the normal Democratic process by which the older generations prepare and mold the younger generations for office. Which is why the closest thing the Democrats have to a young guy anymore is a professional gay guy who's never owned a pocket knife in his life and a professional dullard with laughing Tourettes. Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders have a combined IQ of three. Everyone else is carny folk.

Posted by: Azathoth at April 08, 2022 02:56 PM (wb1YC)

325 if someone were to do a sitcom loosely based on his "presidency" it wouldnt be as good as the real thing

Posted by: Dave at April 08, 2022 02:56 PM (PC4nS)

326 I don't know if that's as true today. Hollywood is spoiled brats now. Let CGI do all the work.
Posted by: publius, Rascally Rapscallion (Mzdiz) at April 08, 2022 02:43 PM (Mzdiz)

Have you Seen the craptastic special effects for Murder on the Nile, it's bad it Blues Clues has better Special effects.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at April 08, 2022 02:57 PM (dKiJG)

327 This is a great blog supported by a wonderful community. I just wanted to thank all of you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We can't have this kind of unmitigated positivity. At least say something hurtful about garrett's footwear or something.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at April 08, 2022 02:57 PM (KFhLj)

328 >>Did Joey talk about the time he hauled a half dozen bodies off the slopes of Everest?
Posted by: N.L. Urker, oops, I commented again. Sorry, eh

Had to. Their wallets were frozen in their pockets.

Posted by: Joe Biden at April 08, 2022 03:00 PM (HQ9Sl)

329 She should be in brighter, more saturated colors.
Posted by: Elric Blade

She actually would look good in jewel tones. Deep wine red emerald green. Those colors would del emphasize the yellowish undertones of her skin color.
She would still be an ugly, dick sucking imbecile, but she would look better.

Posted by: Madamemayhem (uppity wench) at April 08, 2022 03:01 PM (Vxu+H)

330 293 Pelosi, who has said she won't seek the speakership for the 2023 congressional term,said: 'You couldn't pay me a billion dollars to run for Speaker again'

She sees the handwriting on the wall.

"You can't fire me! I quit!"
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 08, 2022 02:45 PM (YqDXo

THIS! Exactly.

Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at April 08, 2022 03:06 PM (Qhnrt)

331 327 This is a great blog supported by a wonderful community. I just wanted to thank all of you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We can't have this kind of unmitigated positivity. At least say something hurtful about garrett's footwear or something.
Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at April 08, 2022 02:57 PM (KFhLj)

And Ace drives a Vespa.

Posted by: Pork Chops & Bacons at April 08, 2022 03:08 PM (Qhnrt)

332 Supergirl was a terrible movie, but there was real talent in it, including Helen Slater. Too bad they went with terrible writing and direction.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 08, 2022 03:09 PM (KZzsI)

333 Are there now ten Supreme Court Justices? And will Biden have to another for tie-breaking?

Just asking.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn DA 1977 at April 08, 2022 03:10 PM (kfcYC)

334 Why does Kamela always wear that same brown suit? It is ugly and boring and not flattering.

Posted by: Bonnie Blue - no longer playing the game at April 08, 2022 03:14 PM (9qiMu)

335 But for the Geneva Conventions, Kamala's voice could be used at Gitmo

Posted by: red speck at April 08, 2022 03:20 PM (gS3OW)

336 329 >>>She would still be an ugly, dick sucking imbecile, but she would look better.

Black women often look better in bright colors that would make white women look like lost extras from a Vanilla Ice video.

Posted by: red speck at April 08, 2022 03:22 PM (gS3OW)

337 "dimwitted puffy-faced dick-and-pot-smoking streetwhore".... pure poetry

Posted by: Finkle is Einhorn at April 08, 2022 03:28 PM (5DQIU)

338 I'm offended Pelosi is called a Catholic. If anything she is the penultimate anti-Catholic.

Posted by: SamIam at April 08, 2022 03:51 PM (oasF3)

339 So what sort of pre-nup did Will Smith agree to?

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The Black family survived slavery but not welfare at April 08, 2022 03:53 PM (k1L5r)

340 I don't know if that's as true today. Hollywood is spoiled brats now. Let CGI do all the work.
Posted by: publius


I'm pretty sure I saw my first confirmed CGI "no, seriously, I'm a human" character in some sort of hand lotion commercial last week. Bald black guy, strangely fish-like. His eyes are spaced WAY too far apart. He's only on screen for three or so seconds, and he looks slightly different in all of them.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - The Black family survived slavery but not welfare at April 08, 2022 03:55 PM (k1L5r)

341 Biden's Claim he built the Golden Gate Bridge all by himself

Posted by: Tamaa the Drongo Bird at April 08, 2022 06:24 PM (wGqjj)

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