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Daily Tech News 15 August 2021

Top Story

  • I was wondering if I really need 64GB of RAM and 4TB of SSD for my new desktop replacement notebook. So I ran some tests on an older notebook with 16GB.

    Now I'm wondering if 64GB will be enough. Probably.

    Also the Dell model I want went on sale Friday and is already out of stock, and now probably won't ship until mid-September. Great.

  • On the upside it looks like I've figured out how to safely migrate - at a binary level - from the old 32-bit CentOS VM to shiny new 64-bit Ubuntu 20.04. Full migration will come later when we're on stable (and much faster) hardware.

    We used to use OpenVZ but it's basically dead now, so I can't just copy the container across this time. But with some compatibility libraries I can migrate the exact Python setup intact. The databases were moved to MySQL 5.7 last year, so that part is reasonably current.

  • Apple will keep clarifying this CSAM mess until morale improves. (Gizmodo)

    That's not my headline. That's the literal headline on the article. Apple screwed this one up good.

Tech News

  • If you were hoping the Radeon 6600 XT would reduce pressure on the video card market we've got bad news. (VideoCardz)

    Although the 6600 XT is not particularly fast at mining Ethereum, it's very power-efficient - it mines about 30% more coins per watt than any other current card.

    On the other hand, if the miners buy all of those, they might leave some of the other cards which are better for gaming but worse for mining.

  • 1Password is abandoning its native Mac app for a clumsy cross-platform Electron replacement. (Six Colors)

    The article blames the developer for deciding that the Mac wasn't an important enough platform to maintain a custom app. But really, didn't Apple already decide that for us? If they won't support their platform, why should we?

  • The Perl development community is disintegrating over code of conduct issues. (Ars Technica)

    Codes of conduct are a cancer on open source development, a takeover by people who contribute nothing, and - you committed what into the source code? Jesus Tapdancing Christ, dude, take some time off. Like forever maybe.

Anime Trailer of the Day

Well, sort of anime. It was two weeks ago that they dropped the first teaser, and this confirms exactly what we all thought - Hololive EN Gen 2 with a full five members is coming very soon - likely just before the Gen 1 anniversary. It's also likely to be the only full generation debut this year, though I'd be happy to be wrong.

This is a much slower pace than last year, when they debuted Hololive ID Gen 1, CN Gen 2, JP Gen 5, EN Gen 1, and ID Gen 2. (And the last couple of members of JP Gen 4 were early January.)

But with the launch of EN Gen 1 the company went from I think this might be working, keep putting more talents out there to holy crap, it's working, whatever you do, don't screw this up. Out of dozens of members only three now have fewer than half a million subscribers. The one that left a few weeks ago to pursue an indie career already has 800,000 subscribers of her own.

Let's Check In On Haachama Video of the Day

Haachama is the youngest member of Hololive and simultaneously one of the oldest, having joined in 2018 when she was still in high school. About six months ago she discovered the classic Bruegel painting of the Tower of Babel - or one of them, since there are two - and decided she was going to build it in Minecraft.

And did.

You can't grasp the full scale of it from this clip, since she's flying around inside it and has the render distance turned up. With the Minecraft default settings you can't see one wall from the other.

She completed her last year of high school here in Australia. Trapped by the Bat Flu travel restrictions and with only a potato computer and two tin cans and a length of string for internet access, she had to get creative with her content. And she certainly did that.

Oh, and that food? She was looking after herself much of the time, so the weird stuff she created for her channel is what she ate. Thankfully she was able to zip back home to Japan late last year when both countries were out of lockdown at the same time.

Disclaimer: I have a cunning plan...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 02:04 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Wow, early!

Posted by: A dude in MI at August 15, 2021 01:14 AM (/6GbT)

2 "Poe names various controversies over the Community Affairs Team - its actions and lack thereof, the community's reactions to that, the CAT's response to those, and so forth - as key to his final decision, though he is reticent to explain more concretely. 'If you don't understand the following, consider yourself lucky. I've no desire to explain this mess'"

2051: Pronoun offense by Freighter Captain leads to total destruction of Martian colony. Belters vow revenge. Holocast at 23:00.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at August 15, 2021 01:22 AM (49Exr)

3 Morning Pixy! I was thinking of putting a link to the last good article I read into the URL box (under Name & Email) I asked if that was okay and someone advised: just make sure you use tiny url so you don't blow margins.

Tried link to AoS converted into tiny url as test, returned error message "tiny url dot com has been banned"

Any advice? "Just don't do that" ?

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at August 15, 2021 01:25 AM (49Exr)

4 Just put the original link in the URL box - should be fine.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at August 15, 2021 01:29 AM (MqQvv)

5 "In a bid to calm fears, [Apple] also promised that it wouldn't allow governments to abuse its CSAM tools as a surveillance weapon"

Heh. Good one.

Posted by: Turkish NSA Bob at August 15, 2021 01:29 AM (49Exr)

6 "Just put the original link in the URL box - should be fine."


Testing Jinx Protocol in 5 4 3

Posted by: Turkish NSA Bob at August 15, 2021 01:32 AM (49Exr)

7 Liftoff! Yay! Thanks Pixy.

I promise to use my new powers only for Good.

Posted by: Hoyts Paid Turkish Provocateur at August 15, 2021 01:32 AM (49Exr)

8 "In a bid to calm fears, [Apple] also promised that it wouldn't allow governments to abuse its CSAM tools as a surveillance weapon"

Heh. Good one.
Posted by: Turkish NSA Bob at August 15, 2021 01:29 AM (49Exr)

Sure, they will just do it themselves.

Posted by: Oldcat at August 15, 2021 01:33 AM (EJbIh)

9 Linux is headed for the cliff as well--there's no way the people who got rid of Torvalds over petty bullshit don't go to war with each other over petty bullshit.

Posted by: CppThis at August 15, 2021 01:52 AM (UewuT)

10 Just checking in for now, way to early to get up

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2021 02:56 AM (znIQ9)

11 40 gallons o water
80 pounds sweet sweet sugar
Diammonium phosphate (hand full, or two)
A heaping helping of crushed centrum vitamins
2 - 8oz cans of tomato paste
Put the cup of yeast in
Give pinch of love (don't worry)

Its mash night. In ten days it will be ready to distill into 5 gallons of 180 proof, homemade Everclear.

Posted by: Jimco Industries at August 15, 2021 02:58 AM (buTO7)

12 The pinch of love is two jars of molasses. See, I said don't worry. What did you think it was?

Posted by: Jimco Industries at August 15, 2021 03:04 AM (buTO7)

13 The new Dell computer: fancy.

I'm watching Die Hard 2 and enjoying it. Does that make me a Philistine or a documentary lover? I know. It's a tough call.

Posted by: LostInSpace at August 15, 2021 03:08 AM (ESLBo)

14 "In a bid to calm fears, [Apple] also promised that it wouldn't allow governments to abuse its CSAM tools as a surveillance weapon"


That's like saying I won't burn down the house. Again. While the wreckage is still in flames.

Just cuz you can do something doesn't mean you should. This is a classic example.

Posted by: LostInSpace at August 15, 2021 03:16 AM (ESLBo)

15 Apple is really willing to screw up its company all so the pedos that work there can get their hands in the worst kind of kiddy porn while claiming "it's just for work." I'll make some popcorn to hopefully watch them burn the company down.

On the anime front I had to take a break from the unfunny pointlessness that is Ouran Host Club (Which I was originally watching because i was taking a break from the unfunny pointlessness of Mr Tonegawa) and thankfully season 2 of March Comes in like a Lion was there to save me, so far this season looks as good as the first.

Posted by: Rbastid at August 15, 2021 03:47 AM (SX9Cn)

16 Say wasn't the internet supposed to be a utopia of liberty?

The Founding Father's gave us a Republic with lots of safeguards to ward off tyranny, and even *they* knew it was probably just delaying the inevitable slide into oppression for as long as possible.

But remember all that "don't be evil" idealism we got from Google, et al? Was it just another liberal vision that didn't take human nature into account, just like with Marxism? I guess the Open Source movement was their John Adams? I don't know enough to about the history of the internet to make sound analysis, but it seems like foreseeable mistakes were made.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at August 15, 2021 04:01 AM (49Exr)

17 The one that left a few weeks ago to pursue an indie career already has 800,000 subscribers of her own.

She's a special case. For a long while she was head and shoulders above everyone else in superchat earnings. She doesn't have the largest fanbase, but until EN got going she had the most ardent. Gura has probably eclipsed her in that respect.

Posted by: Ace's liver at August 15, 2021 04:09 AM (wGeit)

18 Boker Tov Patriots
Kabul to fall by days end? Maybe

a stunning example of sundowns leadership.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:09 AM (Irn0L)

19 Dobroye utro, tovarishch

Thought we were Russian agents, did we get bought out again?

I'll go with 48 hrs till it falls, not 24. Latest news has Taliban saying they want to take Kabul peacefully, no one will be harmed, even amnesty for any who fought against them:

"All the wealthy people, the businessmen, they should be safe and protected. None of the Taliban are allowed to go to any houses or conduct searches on businesses and the Islamic Emirate gives them full protection and they should be safe and not worry"

"The people who are trying to fight against us, we suggest to them not to do so and they will be fully protected. They can leave as ordinary people."

It's a CNN link but sounds legit. So I predict Tali will play it smart and give the locals a day to think it over.

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at August 15, 2021 04:23 AM (49Exr)

20 Good morning.

Add one more failure in foreign policy to the very long list for Paste Eater.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 15, 2021 04:24 AM (EZebt)


Posted by: AltonJackson at August 15, 2021 04:25 AM (DUIap)

It's a CNN link but sounds legit. So I predict Tali will play it smart and give the locals a day to think it over.
Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at August 15, 2021 04:23 AM (49Exr)

However long it takes 24, 48 or more, in the end those who sided with the west ( meaning us ) will die. Pro Tip: get out now if you can.

President Applesauce owns this now

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:31 AM (Irn0L)

23 >>>The Perl development community is disintegrating over code of conduct issues. (Ars Technica)


"Ultimately, the presence of toxic elements--whether racist, sexist, or just plain aggressively bullying--in a community of any real size is perhaps inevitable. The real test of a community is not the discovery of those elements, but its reaction to them--particularly its willingness to acknowledge them. So far, the Perl community seems to be failing that test."

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 04:33 AM (ya129)

24 By the way, the Taliban are already streaming into kabul.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:34 AM (Irn0L)

"jimmy carter" is fake-trending on twitter garbage platform of Lies

Every single item that fake "trends" on Twitter is just an excuse for leftist propaganda. No matter the topic is, it's always used as a platform to bash Christians, or men, or President Trump or Republicans.

All the tweets about jimmy shithead carter right now have nothing to do with carter -- they're all about Trump, Jews, global warming, Christians, obamacare, etc.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 04:34 AM (DI4px)

Every thread on twitter about the taliban are these same two comments, repeated ad nauseum by hundreds of bots and NPC's:

1. President Trump wanted to meet secretly with the taliban!

2. Republicans are America's taliban!

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 04:37 AM (DI4px)

27 LMAO: Afghan Defense Minister says Kabul secure and the afghan military is in control with allied forces support.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:37 AM (Irn0L)

28 also LMAO: Afghan Gov sending delegation to Doha to "negotiate" with taliban?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:38 AM (Irn0L)

29 Disclaimer: I have a cunning plan...

This always sounds, to me, like it's verging on the c-word.

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 04:39 AM (ya129)

30 a good investment might be a bowling alley in kabul since heads will roll

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:39 AM (Irn0L)

biden-the-invalid-cocksucker just gave Iran high-tech US military equipment

Our brave and stronk "allies," the Afghan "Army" is fleeing into Iran, with all the US military equipment they can drive and carry:

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 04:41 AM (DI4px)

32 Can't seem to get up

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2021 04:42 AM (znIQ9)

33 This not an echo of history, or a rhyme.

This a flat out repeat. There are NO lessons to be learned here.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at August 15, 2021 04:44 AM (EZebt)

34 Can't seem to get up
Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2021 04:42 AM (znIQ9)

No problem, but your cat types pretty good

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:44 AM (Irn0L)

Afghan government?
What afghan govt??

They folded. The "govt" is just a couple of afghan jerkoffs in a bunker, waiting for allah or their new bosses, the taliban, whichever comes first.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 04:45 AM (DI4px)

another Lie fake-trending on twitter as if it's a valid rebuttal to biden's disaster:

"but but but Trump pulled the US military out of Syria and let ISIS move in!"

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 04:47 AM (DI4px)

37 19 Latest news has Taliban saying they want to take Kabul peacefully, no one will be harmed, even amnesty for any who fought against them:

"All the wealthy people, the businessmen, they should be safe and protected. None of the Taliban are allowed to go to any houses or conduct searches on businesses and the Islamic Emirate gives them full protection and they should be safe and not worry"

Posted by: Hoyt's Paid Turkish Provocateur at August 15, 2021 04:23 AM (49Exr)

"(. . . yet)."

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 04:47 AM (ya129)

38 From an AP story.

Taliban fighters entered the outskirts of the Afghan capital on Sunday and said they were awaiting a "peaceful transfer" of the city after promising not to take it by force, but the uncertainty panicked residents who raced to the leave the capital, with workers fleeing government offices and helicopters landing at the U.S. Embassy.

It is deja vu all over again or Saigon II, including the helicopters. Any offers of peace transfer is a polite way of saying unconditional surrender. Once that's out of the way the killing can begin in earnest.

Posted by: LostInSpace at August 15, 2021 04:49 AM (ESLBo)

Here's their "argument"

1. What disaster in Afghanistan? Everything is fine.
2. Even if Afghanistan is falling to the Taliban, it's Trump's fault.
3. What about Syria?!?
4. Shut up, American Taliban!

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 04:49 AM (DI4px)

40 In reference to the taliban, a tiger does not change it's stripes

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:50 AM (Irn0L)

41 Faux news will probably lead with a story about the bastard PDT

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:51 AM (Irn0L)

Today will be a parade of Republican Warmongers pleading the case on TV for a full return to Afghanistan, and Syria, too!

And then back to Iraq!

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 04:53 AM (DI4px)

43 Coffee is on, its a start.

Posted by: Skip at August 15, 2021 04:54 AM (znIQ9)

44 According to reports, Afghanistans president has abdicated power in favor of a temporary Taliban-led government to be established shortly.

The Taliban are making their way to the presidents palace for an official take-over.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 04:56 AM (Irn0L)

45 from Caldron Pool:

The most vaccine-hesitant group of all? PhDs

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 04:57 AM (ya129)

46 Embassy personal out by Tuesday? WTF are they waiting for. Out NOW

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 05:01 AM (Irn0L)

47 Once that's out of the way the killing can begin in earnest.

I think they'll be pretty selective. Sure, if you're some kind of government minister you're a dead man at this point, but I doubt they'll engage in wholesale slaughter - they have some experience with governing and know a state controlled entirely by fear is a brittle state.

Posted by: Ace's liver at August 15, 2021 05:01 AM (wGeit)

For all we know, this is exactly how the Pentagon wanted it to go -- give the Taliban the country without admitting this is exactly what the biden junta negotiated.

*The only reason why I'm skeptical of my own theory is because it's hard to believe the Pentagon could successfully formulate and execute any plan.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 05:02 AM (DI4px)

49 NEW - Taliban: Its our belief that one day mujahideen will have victory, and Islamic law will come not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world. We are not in a hurry. We believe it will come one day. Jihad will not end until the last day.

Know your ENEMY

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 05:03 AM (Irn0L)

50 48
For all we know, this is exactly how the Pentagon wanted it to go -- give the Taliban the country without admitting this is exactly what the biden junta negotiated.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 05:02 AM (DI4px)

That would certainly be the opposite of an Endless War.

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 05:06 AM (ya129)

You know what's sick about that press release? That the Taliban obviously has Americans working in their PR department.

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 05:06 AM (DI4px)

52 Faux news talking about haiti, fine, it's a sorry depressing shithole, I feel for them, but hey assholes the NEWS today is Kabul

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 15, 2021 05:06 AM (Irn0L)

53 Boomieleaks
America: "Please help the Cuban rebels."

Biden: "Best I can do is help the Taliban."

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 05:07 AM (ya129)

54 17 The one that left a few weeks ago to pursue an indie career already has 800,000 subscribers of her own.

She's a special case.

In many ways.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at August 15, 2021 05:08 AM (MqQvv)

krakatoa is up

Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 05:08 AM (DI4px)

56 Disclaimer: I have a cunning plan...

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 02:04 AM

The Moron Horde is a punning clan!

Posted by: NC Ref at August 15, 2021 05:08 AM (we2l3)

57 51 You know what's sick about that press release? That the Taliban obviously has Americans working in their PR department.
Posted by: Soothsayer's Untrue But Accurate Tales at August 15, 2021 05:06 AM (DI4px)

It doesn't read like native English to me.

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 05:08 AM (ya129)

58 I maybe old, so I remember the fall of Saigon. Empty US military bases, tons of equipment left behind that was suppose to be used by the S. Vietnam military. Empty embassy that was around awhile as a symbol of American weakness. Don't anyone remember history anymore.

Posted by: Colin at August 15, 2021 05:11 AM (8qHr6)

59 And shame, too, Colin; I remember shame.

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 05:11 AM (ya129)

60 32 Can't seem to get up
Posted by: Skip

You need Life Alert!

and good morning horde

Posted by: vmom sic semper stabbicus (oEn12) at August 15, 2021 05:28 AM (oEn12)

61 Take 2

"In a bid to calm fears, [Apple] also promised that it wouldn't allow governments to abuse its CSAM tools as a surveillance weapon"

Apple, the signal is coming from inside the house.

Posted by: Turkish NSA Bob at August 15, 2021 05:36 AM (49Exr)

62 "According to reports, Afghanistans president has abdicated power in favor of a temporary Taliban-led government to be established shortly."

LOL. So much for my crystal ball, I called over 24 hrs.

Posted by: Turkish NSA Bob at August 15, 2021 05:40 AM (49Exr)

63 Is Biden up and at the situation room in his house in Delaware. Pic of Biden and the Generals watching a video monitor like Obama did when Bin laden was captured. Or is he still in dreamland, dreaming of the fruit cup he will get for breakfast.

Posted by: Colin at August 15, 2021 05:48 AM (8qHr6)

64 The Perl community is disintegrating? Well, Perl is a steaming pile of festering dingo's kidneys, but nobody deserves to have to deal with codes of conduct. Beyond "play nice with each other" or "don't be a dick."

I once tried to argue against a detailed code of conduct for a convention that turned a half page of large print into three pages of fine print by pointing out that nobody would be able to remember all the rules, heck I didn't think that anyone would even read all the rules, but I was overruled. "People won't feel safe unless we do this," is what apparently everybody but me believes.

Posted by: Cybersmythe at August 15, 2021 05:49 AM (17UTy)

65 Reached for comment, Apple said "Trust me, etc."

Posted by: klaftern at August 15, 2021 07:09 AM (r4sI4)

66 What's the value added for 64GB?

Love Kubuntu.

Perl was chic around early 1990's. Python is almost as old but seems to have aged well.

I sometimes wonder whether open source is an outlet for the truly extreme cases of people who have socially distanced themselves for their whole lives.

In general, folks at seem to keep things focused and civil. Linus runs a tight ship over his domain, and he always has the last word (a good thing.)

Posted by: Willy Stark at August 15, 2021 07:15 AM (kk8TL)

67 Apple is doing what the CCP is telling it to do. It just doesn't have the Mandarin-English dictionary.

Posted by: JBirks at August 15, 2021 07:19 AM (WFK9z)

68 15 August

We urge all British nationals in Afghanistan to leave now by commercial means.

Posted by: m at August 15, 2021 07:30 AM (ya129)

69 "In a bid to calm fears, [Apple] also promised that it wouldn't allow governments to abuse its CSAM tools as a surveillance weapon."

Just the tip, I PROMISE!

Posted by: Mote, meet Log at August 15, 2021 08:55 AM (QCyzD)

70 Computer memory is like ammo. You can never have enough.

Posted by: jakee308 at August 15, 2021 04:03 PM (wb4G5)

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