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Kurt Schlichter: They Can't Stop Us From Reopening the Country

John Ekdahl has been on a helluva tear on Twitter.

He wonders why it is that the New York-based media is scolding Floridians for visiting the beaches in small numbers, but yet all of New York City's parks remain open.

He wonders why people are being told they can't drive but New York City's subway system remains open, each car a contained petri dish. (And note -- they only gave out the order to wear a mask on the subway a few days ago!)

And I'll point this one out: The same people saying that protests are non-essential are the same people who said it would violate the Constitution to quarantine people from the New York City area to the New York City area.

Andrew Cuomo, hero of the fascist lockdown lobby, threatened to provoke a Constitutional crisis if Trump sought to limit New Yorkers' holy right to export the plague to other states.

Why is it the Ruling Class is busy demanding lockdowns for others while accepting no restrictions at all for themselves?

I guess the question answers itself: Because that's the entire point of the Ruling Class.

Kurt Schlichter's had enough, too.

We’re going to come out of this nightmare whether the Democratic politicians like it or not. The pandemic is subsiding, so America is done with this lockdown nonsense, and the inevitable re-opening is coming. It will start out slow, then get faster, then get very, very fast, and then get finished. That's how these things happen. But it won't happen without #resistance.

The lib establishment and its media gerbils clearly think it's in their interest to have the Bat Gobbler flu crisis continue indefinitely. They think it hurts Trump, plus they really love wielding power over you. Just look into the dead doll eyes of Governor Karen (D-Minncounsinigan) and you can see that forcing big box stores to tape off the seed section gives her a kind of erotic pleasure. It's kind of creepy.

But people aren't having any more of this Schiff. We're done. We could deal with it when it looked like a commonsense thing to do, but now it’s just getting stupid. Things are getting better and they are doubling down on the social distance Stasi act. You got police departments tweeting that protest isn’t essential, but apparently being petty fascists is.

Over it!

We've seen the protests being, and we’re going to see more of them, but we're also seeing silent rebellions. After weeks of disconcerting emptiness, the barren freeways of Los Angeles are suddenly filling up again with people who are voting with their feet and venturing back outside. While this paralysis may be a funfest for loser government workers, journalisandanistas, and other nonessential dorks who, for some reason, are still getting paychecks, 'a disaster for everybody else and we are about done. We will no longer be the collateral damage of their power tripping.


Hey, the great Chinese coronavirus panic was fun while it lasted, but it's done. The curve has been flattened. The numbers are dropping. All good things come to an end, and so must this.

You want to end the lockdowns immediately?

Ban the delivery of prepared food to houses.

Yeah, I know that itself is anti-liberty, but the jackasses who are sitting in their mansions saying "I don't see what the big deal is" can only say that because they're getting restaurant meals delivered.

Put an end to that -- "It's a vector of virus spreading!" -- and these same assholes hectoring everyone else about social distancing will be organizing raids on Nobu within 12 hours.

Update: The hostile city demanding that the rest of the country observe more draconian deprivations than they're willing to observe themselves -- despite being the national hotspot for the disease -- refused to cancel the June Gay Pride Parade until two hours ago.

Posted by: Ace at 01:37 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 I like this guy.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at April 20, 2020 01:37 PM (Q1e7E)

2 Rd

Posted by: CliffClavin at April 20, 2020 01:37 PM (dyCMp)

3 Corgis called.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at April 20, 2020 01:38 PM (Q1e7E)

4 End the lockdown, DeWine!

Posted by: Captain Hate at April 20, 2020 01:38 PM (y7DUB)

5 not first

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:38 PM (LvTSG)

6 as soon as the teachers stop getting paid, the lockdown will end stat

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 01:38 PM (d7Ww2)

7 I'm still very interested in this cold vaccine The Science People keep telling us about.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - hilarious April 4 photo of NYC hospital staff using their gloves and masks at April 20, 2020 01:39 PM (IwDj9)

8 Nicole Ford @NicoleFordTV
BREAKING NEWS: The state's Stay-At-Home Order will remain in place until at least May 8. After that, Gov. Wolf says Pa. will begin gradually reopening with continuing hypervigilance.

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 01:39 PM (Tm1/H)

9 s soon as the teachers stop getting paid, the lockdown will end stat
Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 01:38 PM (d7Ww2)


That might actually happen. States arent takin in anything for revenue.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 01:40 PM (nw6Hr)

10 Yeah, I know that itself is anti-liberty, but the jackasses who are sitting in their mansions saying "I don't see what the big deal is" can only say that because they're getting restaurant meals delivered.

Put an end to that -- "It's a vector of virus spreading!" -- and these same assholes hectoring everyone else about social distancing will be organizing raids on Nobu within 12 hours.


Cut power to houses larger than the national median, to direct the power to the overwhelmed hospitals nationwide.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:40 PM (LvTSG)

11 New Yakkers just get an extra helping of being people.

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 01:40 PM (Eicbe)

12 It's like the climate change bullshit.
I'll believe it's a crisis as soon as the swells start acting like it is.

Posted by: Roman Maroni at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (vCA4F)

13 I'm still very interested in this cold vaccine The Science People keep telling us about.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - hilarious April 4 photo of NYC hospital staff using their gloves and masks at April 20, 2020 01:39 PM (IwDj9)


We HAVE vaccines for the flu. How many people die every year from the flu again???

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (nw6Hr)

14 When's Cuomo gonna shut down the subway?

Posted by: BignJames at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (X/Pw5)

15 MUCK,

keep trying, buddy.

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (d7Ww2)

16 Yeah, I know that itself is anti-liberty, but the jackasses who are sitting in their mansions saying "I don't see what the big deal is" can only say that because they're getting restaurant meals delivered.
I have spoken to a ton of people on this and it looks to me like there are two groups. There is some cross-pollination, but relatively little.

Those who can work from home are fine with this. It doesn't much matter to them and they're perfectly happy to go along and get along.

Those who cannot work from home are *not* fine with this. It's destroying them and they want it over yesterday.

That is what the divide looks like to me: those with office jobs who can remotely, and those who have to actually go to work.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (hYcqw)

17 Facebook just deplatformed all protest groups.

Posted by: Innagaddadavida at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (hpbeA)

18 There is going to be a shooting war sooner or later, might as well be sooner.

You cannot lock the American populace down for, what was apparent to most from the start, bullshit.

There will be repercussions.

Posted by: Matt Hoffman at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (mv+Oj)

19 I'm still very interested in this cold vaccine The Science People keep telling us about.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - hilarious April 4 photo of NYC hospital staff using their gloves and masks at April 20, 2020 01:39 PM (IwDj9)

The purported smarty pants are really being dumb about that. As soon as I heard it was similar to the cold virus I thought "welp so much for a vaccine".

Posted by: Captain Hate at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (y7DUB)

20 FIRST!!!!!

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (Zz0t1)

21 I made a meme about this...

Posted by: Serious Cat at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (zqs/f)

22 O/T but this is long awaited good news for jwest...

Hoping for a total of about $850,000 after Wednesday.
Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 01:34 PM (mrrpT)

Good to see this news for you!!!!

Hope you get the rest of the funds you need!

Posted by: browndog at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (gD6Ka)

23 Time to get Houston back to work!

Open up Houston Mayor Turner!

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (JFO2v)

24 The ultimate protester:

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (Zz0t1)

25 The same people that wanted Trump impeached for putting children in cages are the same people demanding 300 million Americans be kept under house arrest.

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (vPKfA)

26 Nine weeks.

PA will have NINE WEEKS of house arrest for ALL residents. even those counties with ZERO deaths and ZERO cases. all of us.

Wolf announced this from the bunker he built until his Manheim house where he's hiding during today's protest. Brave little twat, isn't he? He had to punish us for protesting.

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (j9HX3)

27 The anti-protester:

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (Zz0t1)

28 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?

Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (JbL9Q)

29 Good job "experts"! You have created the 21st Century Depression! Congratulations!!!

BREAKING: WTI crude oil's May contract plunges to just $1.50 per barrel, down 91%

Posted by: BetaCuck4Life at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (FBrfY)

Kurt Schlichter's had enough, too.

This guy.

He gets it.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (Zz0t1)

Facebook just deplatformed all protest groups.
Posted by: Innagaddadavida at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (hpbeA)


Its like Kristallnacht except its Karennacht.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (nw6Hr)

32 17
That is what the divide looks like to me: those with office jobs who can remotely, and those who have to actually go to work.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (hYcqw)


I can work from home, and have been for weeks. I want this done now because I want to get back into the office where I'm more productive.

But, yeah, the divide makes a lot of sense. I mean, it's not like this is a real hardship on me. Paychecks are still coming in. We're getting groceries delivered instead of going to the store for them.

Other than the new house, life is pretty much calm. I could imagine doing this for a while longer. But dammit, I do work better in the office.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (LvTSG)

33 If you have a Gadsen Flag, fly it.

If you don't, get one.

Identify yourself, civilly, as resisting.

Remember Captain Parker - yesterday was the anniversary of the birth of freedom here.

Posted by: RobM1981 at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (EcUk5)

34 The purported smarty pants are really being dumb about that. As soon as I heard it was similar to the cold virus I thought "welp so much for a vaccine".

right and yet SOMEHOW uniike every other corona virus it is going to mutate into a MORE DEADLY form


Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (j9HX3)

35 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (JbL9Q)
No. Zero dollars in state bailouts. Let them default on their debts if necessary.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (hYcqw)

36 One gallon of milk now costs more than 42 gallons of crude oil.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (TLxpZ)

Posted by: MIRROR UNIVERSE CALVIN KLEIN at April 20, 2020 01:40 PM (Pzzpr)

Speaking of dick........

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (Zz0t1)

38 19 There will be repercussions.
Posted by: Matt Hoffman at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (mv+Oj)

There's a reason tyrants have armed guards.

Posted by: Allie at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (vmRc0)

39 29 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (JbL9Q)

NOPE Election have consequences.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (JFO2v)

40 I want to know how it is that seeds are non-essential. I kind of figure if it's not taxed (like vegetable seeds) it falls under essential. I'm kind of thinking there's more than a handful of people in Vermont that consider their vegetable gardens essential. Otherwise, they wouldn't spend their perfectly good money on cases of ball jars.

Once again, people barking orders with zero clue.

Posted by: clutch cargo at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (8B6Ng)

41 We've amputated the patient's leg to keep him from getting the flu and Karen is demanding the other leg just to make sure.

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (vPKfA)

42 Good to see this news for you!!!!

Hope you get the rest of the funds you need!
Posted by: browndog at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (gD6Ka)


Floridachick, check the Willowed comment on the last thread. There is a phone number for the SBA where the (barely English speaking) guy will check your application number.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (mrrpT)

43 I'm still very interested in this cold vaccine The Science People keep telling us about.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - hilarious April 4 photo of NYC hospital staff using their gloves and masks at April 20, 2020 01:39 PM (IwDj9)


We HAVE vaccines for the flu. How many people die every year from the flu again???
Posted by: fixerupper

30,000 to 80,000. Every years. Like clockwork.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (Aivl/)

44 Serious Cat to the barrel.

Posted by: Golfman at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (/5cvf)

45 29 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?

NO!!!! please God do NOT bail the states out!!!!

it will just keep us locked in! Wolf will NEVER let us out!

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (j9HX3)

46 Last week, Prager asked the rhetorical question "Would New York City shut down if there were a viral outbreak in rural Montana? Of course not -- which gives the lie to this nonsense."

Posted by: ShainS at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (hLiaa)

47 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (JbL9Q)

Nope; their decision, their problem.

Posted by: Captain Hate at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (y7DUB)

48 My goodress Ace, that would forequire half the self satisfied idiot panickers I know to start eating raw macaroni and microwaving chunks of hamburger out of sheer desperation.

It has merits

Posted by: Kindltot--It's not a mask, it's a spit hood at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (bMMCK)

49 I can work from home and have been able to do that for some time. But the field techs at the company aren't going into residences to fix problems and installs are complicated. Unfortunately, the area has a lot of vacation home and people are returning from Mexico and other problem areas. There's still not enough cases to justify this shutdown.

I was okay with a temporary shut down but we are way past that. Inslee will keep things shut down forever unfortunately.

Posted by: notsothoreau at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (JKNZq)

50 37 One gallon of milk now costs more than 42 gallons of crude oil.
U.S. crude futures for May delivery, the near-term contract, sank to their lowest level on record ever Monday, falling below $10 a barrel as traders fretted over the capacity of storage facilities both in the U.S. and abroad. At last check, West Texas Intermediate crude fell 74% to $4.72 a barrel. Contacts for June delivery declined 23%.

Posted by: SMOD at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (3aI0K)

51 Delivery price WTI crude is down to $1.58 per barrel.

Hell, our barrel ain't that cheap.

*wonders how many gallons that bad boy can hold*

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (Z4rgH)

52 Karennacht - I am SO stealing that.

Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (JbL9Q)

53 Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (j9HX3)
People in Pa. are not listening, the last 2 weeks there has been a lot more traffic in my town & more people at Rite-Aid & Giant Eagle & it will never go to May 8th. I am going up to Rite-Aid very soon without a mask & I am going in

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (Tm1/H)

54 If you have a Gadsen Flag, fly it.

Posted by: RobM1981 at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (EcUk5)
Gadsen Flags are nonessential.

Don't make me blind you with my face.

Posted by: Gretchen Vitmer at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (Eicbe)

55 Once again, people barking orders with zero clue.
Posted by: clutch cargo at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (8B6Ng)
Governor Dim-Whitmer has probably never planted beyond attractive things around her house. She is sacrificing her flower planting, and so can everyone else.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (hYcqw)

56 I think if we just let Karen have the Sudetenland, she'll be satisfied.

Posted by: Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (SAK2A)

57 The biggest comment I could make about both the last post and this one is, these elites have no idea just how Bourgeoisie they are, and how edible they are.

They want the US to be more like China, but during a Great Leap Forward and a Cultural Revolution they'd be on the menu.

Posted by: Thing From Snowy Mountain, No Adjetives Today at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (6LrkD)

58 Cuomo along with other leftists states called for boycotts and restricted / banned travel of government workers to those Red States they disagreed with. Now they're whining states want to restrict their virus carriers from infecting them . The Left is so evil that Mental illness is their best attribute .

Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (2DOZq)

59 49 My goodress Ace, that would forequire half the self satisfied idiot panickers I know to start eating raw macaroni and microwaving chunks of hamburger out of sheer desperation.

lol kindltot yes!

it's actually a GREAT idea Ace. would be fun to watch!

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (j9HX3)

60 It is actually benefiting the work at home and get paid crowd. Full paycheck but no commute expense, no eating out at lunch, no day care expense, no dry cleaning bills etc. They are netting out more than if they had to get up and go to work.

Posted by: sharon(willow's apprentice) at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (QzF6i)

61 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (JbL9Q)
No. Zero dollars in state bailouts. Let them default on their debts if necessary.
Posted by: Joe Mannix

Make them sell state assets. I wouldn't mind buying a state park. Mighty fine hunting in there.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (Aivl/)

62 36 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (JbL9Q)
No. Zero dollars in state bailouts. Let them default on their debts if necessary.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (hYcqw)


I want my constitutional amendment for bankrupt states.

1) A state that is declared bankrupt is no longer a state but a territory with a military governor to be appointed by the president.
2) All elected officials from the former state in question, and all appointed employees of the state, who have been in office at any point in the last twenty years, are forbidden from holding government office for the rest of their lives.
3) The territory shall not reclaim its state status until it passes a new constitution that forbids deficit spending and it pays back 50% of its debt to the federal government in gold.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (LvTSG)

63 44 I'm still very interested in this cold vaccine The Science People keep telling us about.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - hilarious April 4 photo of NYC hospital staff using their gloves and masks at April 20, 2020 01:39 PM (IwDj9)


We HAVE vaccines for the flu. How many people die every year from the flu again???
Posted by: fixerupper

30,000 to 80,000. Every years. Like clockwork.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 01:44 PM (Aivl/)

And annual vaccine rates from 32% to a high of less than 60%

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (JFO2v)

Posted by: MIRROR UNIVERSE CALVIN KLEIN at April 20, 2020 01:40 PM (Pzzpr)

Oil: $1.06

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:47 PM (Zz0t1)

65 You want to end the lockdowns immediately?

Ban the delivery of prepared food to houses.

Those must be the less well-to-do elites that don't have a chef among their staff.

Posted by: clutch cargo at April 20, 2020 01:47 PM (8B6Ng)

66 There must be a trade on this oil carnage that nets a fortune but I can't figure it out. It's going back over $10 in a couple weeks.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (TLxpZ)

67 I want to know how it is that seeds are non-essential.
Because comrade, we have learned: in addition to existential fear, adding gnawing hunger into the equation allows for much smoother entry into the cattle cars.

Posted by: Sevretary General of the Big Mitten, Wretched Witless at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (7Fj9P)


Someone: Boy, I think we need to reopen even just a little, people are not doing well, and it's concerning me.


Posted by: Rev. Dr. E Buzz Miller, Lesbian at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (lg/F7)

69 It's not our fault you have a city that makes its residents reliant on subways and buses in order to function!!!!

We have cars and open space and beaches and we will not remain jailed in our homes because *your* choice in urban utopia also happens to be a utopia for a virus that wants to spread, spread, spread!!

Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (bDqIh)

*waves at BSG

How YOU doing today dickhole?

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (nw6Hr)

71 There's quarantine - which traditionally has been meant to isolate a
subset of individuals from the general population. It's not quarantine
when you lock the entire population up, it's martial law. There's quarantine - which traditionally has been meant to isolate a
subset of individuals from the general population. It's not quarantine
when you lock the entire population up, it's martial law.
Posted by: DamnedYankee


Posted by: deplorable unperson - END THE LOCKDOWN : It's just a damn bug at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (xYFRc)

72 in PA everyone must wear a mask in stores
but NOT required on.public transportation

Posted by: vmom 2020 at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (G546f)

73 Arlington Heights Township High School District 214's superintendent
sent a letter to parents Saturday, saying a student died likely due to
complications from COVID-19.

Zach Leviton's mother identified the 16-year-old Sunday night.

She said Zach tested negative for COVID-19, but she thinks it's possible he might have had the virus.

Zach's mother said he had mild symptoms, but his heart started failing.

How the hell can they claim it was likely? He tested negative but they are still going to claim it was Flu Manchu. I don't mean to make light of the kid's death but are they going to claim that everyone who dies is because of Flu Manchu?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (pV+cI)

74 People in Pa. are not listening, the last 2 weeks there has been a lot more traffic in my town & more people at Rite-Aid & Giant Eagle & it will never go to May 8th. I am going up to Rite-Aid very soon without a mask & I am going in

GOOD LUCK Queen! let us know how it goes!

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (j9HX3)

75 Oil: $1.06
Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:47 PM (Zz0t1)
I wonder if it will get to "no bid." I doubt it (and desperately hope not) but that is terrifying.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (hYcqw)

76 I miss MUMR's dialog replacement.
MUCK just sucks

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (ifmtJ)

77 6 as soon as the teachers stop getting paid, the lockdown will end stat

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 01:38 PM (d7Ww2)

The sheer amount of damage to public education, pro-China industry, and the concept of dense cities would have me thinking that Trump himself unleashed this virus. But he's simply not that cold-hearted.

Anyways, the governors overtly and arrogantly "punishing" protest are going to make violent revolution inevitable. It won't take more than a few enraged citizens firing the first shots before rivers of blood start to flow.

Posted by: trev006 at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (KrfE0)

Posted by: MIRROR UNIVERSE CALVIN KLEIN at April 20, 2020

Thanks, Karen.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (Zz0t1)

79 I didn't vote for any doctors.

Enough of this doctocracy.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - END THE LOCKDOWN : It's just a damn bug at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (xYFRc)

80 66 There must be a trade on this oil carnage that nets a fortune but I can't figure it out. It's going back over $10 in a couple weeks.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 01:48 PM (TLxpZ)

Go back in time, construct oil storage with appropriate permits, make bank(futures price for november is like $30 or so).

Posted by: Someguy at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (Zm+LZ)

81 Who is the idiot who keeps breaking and shrieking incoherently? And then disappears.

Posted by: Brother Northernlurker just another guy at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (Uu+Jp)

82 And I'm hopeful that cabin fever will bring a wave of civil disobedience.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards, buy ammo. Yes, you. at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (ifmtJ)

83 I'm sorry but I don't see any meaningful #resistance to these lockdowns. Going for a walk outside is one thing, but who is going to actually open their restaurant, barbershop, knowing they'll move to Shut You Down in record time? Wife and I drove down the Monmouth County, NJ yesterday to walk the streets. If we couldn't walk on the beach itself, at least we could walk the neighborhoods and guess what? No Parking signs, and more importantly, NO CARS anywhere. Are you going to decide you've had enough, ignore the No Parking signs and risk your car getting towed? No, you're going to do just as I am, drive home like good little boys & girls and bitch about it in the comments section.

Posted by: Dark Helmet at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (Oka5v)

84 How the hell can they claim it was likely? He tested negative but they are still going to claim it was Flu Manchu. I don't mean to make light of the kid's death but are they going to claim that everyone who dies is because of Flu Manchu?

He identifies as dead from Covid-19, hater.

Posted by: bear with asymmetrical balls at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (H5knJ)

85 Please don't quote the mumr troll

Posted by: Eisenhorn at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (F6tBH)

86 The hostile city demanding that the rest of the country observe more draconian deprivations than they're willing to observe themselves -- despite being the national hotspot for the disease -- refused to cancel the June Gay Pride Parade until two hours ago.


Anyone want to bet that you won't hear a peep about these people risking the virus when they decide to ignore the cancellation and take to the streets in their thongs and pony tail buttplugs?

Posted by: Buzzion at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (Sg/64)

87 You saw the text my sister got. The Left is saying people want to be free because they hate minorities and want them to die.

Posted by: dagny, first of her name at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (nRWPy)

88 My great fear is that our Governor, Ron DeSantis, will end the Florida State of Emergency as proposed, no later than 5/9, but the local County Commissioners (4 d and 1 r) will continue to keep our beaches closed along w a short-term rental moratorium until August. We have had two cases: one a NY visitor and the other a local who went on an international cruise. Our tourism season will be decimated, but that's what the vocal locals want. The NY case gave them lots of ammunition. The vocal ones are mainly retired, newly relocated w plenty of money. Service industry local folks screwed.

Posted by: EveR at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (ZZDMQ)

BREAKING!!! Joe DiGenova REACTS Newly DECLASSIFIED REPORT Details on FISA Abuse - YouTube

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (Tm1/H)

90 46 NO!!!! please God do NOT bail the states out!!!!

it will just keep us locked in! Wolf will NEVER let us out!
Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (j9HX3)

And since he can't run for another term, I could see him saying "F*** it, Lockdown until I leave office in 2023!"

Posted by: Allie at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (vmRc0)


Posted by: BEN ROETHLISBERGER at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (bDqIh)

92 Update to #52 -- The May 1 delivery price of WTI crude is at ...

$1.08. Now it's rallied to $1.69.

Shit's gone crazier than Pelosi with a $24k fridge full of gelato, and taxpayer paid liquor, but mostly taxpayer paid liquor.

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM (Z4rgH)

93 75 Oil: $1.06
Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:47 PM (Zz0t1)
I wonder if it will get to "no bid." I doubt it (and desperately hope not) but that is terrifying.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:49 PM (hYcqw)

Canadian oil prices went negative. A thing to calm down about is this is traders trying to avoid receiving physical barrels of oil as the May contracts expire tomorrow.

Posted by: Someguy at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM (Zm+LZ)

94 Those who can work from home are fine with this.

I know you had caveats in your statement...

I can work from home. I prefer to work from home. I am generally anti-social and the lockdown has not significantly inconvenienced me.

That being said, I am NOT okay with this. While I have no desire to go to a bar, the fact that I cannot pisses me off. The fact that some of the stores I visit are across the border in Travis county, and therefore require a mask, pisses me off. The fact that citizens are being harmed by their own governments pisses me off.

I spent six years on a submarine. I slept within 100 feet of an operating nuclear reactor, often while submerged under hundreds of feet of water and hundreds of miles of land while earning 27 cents per hour. And I didn't do it so that my fellow citizens could be imprisoned in their own homes by a throng of feckless cowards and Karens.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM (Q1e7E)

95 We are all in this together!

Posted by: Joe Goebells, Pelosi Communications Staff at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM (NVYyb)

96 I'm still very interested in this cold vaccine The Science People keep telling us about.

Posted by: Moron Robbie - hilarious April 4 photo of NYC hospital staff using their gloves and masks at April 20, 2020 01:39 PM (IwDj9)


"Is that anything like cold fusion?" -- SCIENCE!

Posted by: ShainS at April 20, 2020 01:52 PM (hLiaa)

97 Oil: $1.06
Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:47 PM (Zz0t1)

That is the price for West Texas oil. Interestingly, OPEC and Marsallus and Louisiana light are all trading at $20 +/- $3.

Posted by: tbodie at April 20, 2020 01:52 PM (nVRPi)

98 Can someone please give me the name of an overwhelmed hospital? Haven't seen any pictures or video of US hospitals.

Posted by: Abby at April 20, 2020 01:52 PM (gruBp)

99 Canadian oil prices went negative. A thing to calm down about is this is traders trying to avoid receiving physical barrels of oil as the May contracts expire tomorrow.
Posted by: Someguy at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM (Zm+LZ)
Yeah, I dig that. Tanks are full and they're starting to move full tank trains onto sidings for storage. It would not surprise if tankers are anchored as floating storage, too.

But it's still crazy land. A couple of months out is looking better, but May is scary.

Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:52 PM (hYcqw)

100 We now have more than enough data on who, where and how.

We know who is most likely to die, what zip code they live in and how they're most likely to get it.

Keeping the house arrest for everyone make as much sense as executing every third person.

As was pointed out--we're trading deaths, not reducing them. For every elderly and already sickly saved from Corona, there is now an equal or greater number of young and healthy who will succumb to suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse from despair and poverty.

We have absolute proof of that--not models: Every tic in the unemployment rate corresponds to another tic up in hopelessness deaths.

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at April 20, 2020 01:52 PM (vPKfA)

101 Oh goody! More unemployed are coming soon!

Maybe the "expert" Fauci can explain how the anti-lockdown protests are also responsible for them as well.

"MLB commissioner Rob Manfred is expected to announce on Monday a decision that will allow teams to furlough non-playing personnel or reduce their pay, according to Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic. Beginning May 1, MLB will suspend its Uniform Employee Contracts, allowing - but not requiring - teams to take such measures. The decision will affect a group that includes managers, coaches, some front office personnel, and others"

Posted by: BetaCuck4Life at April 20, 2020 01:53 PM (FBrfY)

102 I spent six years on a submarine. I slept within 100 feet of an operating nuclear reactor, often while submerged under hundreds of feet of water and hundreds of miles of land while earning 27 cents per hour. And I didn't do it so that my fellow citizens could be imprisoned in their own homes by a throng of feckless cowards and Karens.
Posted by: Laughing in Texas at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM (Q1e7E)

You are my hero.

Thank you for your service.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:53 PM (Zz0t1)

103 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?

NO!!!! please God do NOT bail the states out!!!!

it will just keep us locked in! Wolf will NEVER let us out!

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:45 PM (j9HX3)

That's what shitholes like Illinois want. And to cover the massive shortfalls of their bloated pension funds

Posted by: TheQuietMan at April 20, 2020 01:53 PM (pV+cI)

104 Hear hear Lauging in Texas!

I normally work from home also but this is WRONG, what's going on is deeply wrong

from the start it was insane

the weather here is crappy - am glad people are protesting - but when (if?) it finally gets nice out am hoping just EVERYONE says F U Wolf

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 01:53 PM (j9HX3)

105 How much does it cost to start pumping it back in the ground?

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 01:53 PM (TLxpZ)

106 95 We are all in this together!
Posted by: Joe Goebells, Pelosi Communications Staff at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM (NVYyb)

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Pint of Fudge Pack Ripple at $5,000 a Pint...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2020 01:53 PM (s2VJv)

107 62 36 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (JbL9Q)

Of course, I'm with everyone else who would like to see almost all politician hung, however...

When states run out of money, they have one option - raise cash though bonds.

They don't give a shit if they have to put the interest rate up to 85% to get people to buy the and send the cash in immediately, because they're not going to be in office when the bonds get paid back.

All we can do is hope the fed and states come to an arrangement that doesn't stick it too far up our collective ass.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 01:54 PM (mrrpT)

108 Ekdahl made my naughty bits tingle.

Posted by: Infidel at April 20, 2020 01:54 PM (nvc6v)

109 I'm still seeing protest posts on my FB.

Posted by: Jewells45 at April 20, 2020 01:54 PM (dUJdY)

110 If you can code in COBOL you can be making about 1550 buck and hours.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:54 PM (JFO2v)

111 Will Cuomo forfeit all of his personal money to the owners of the small businesses in NY when 50 percent of them are permanently out of business when the lockdown ends after 18 months as per super expert Ezekiel Emanuel?

Posted by: mercenary13 at April 20, 2020 01:55 PM (IXAMX)

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Pint of Fudge Pack Ripple at $5,000 a Pint...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2020 01:53 PM (s2VJv)
House arrest makes freedom!

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 01:55 PM (Eicbe)

113 Yesterdays garjus weather brought a ton of traffic to the jersey shore, except the beaches and boardwalks are verboten. Soonly people are just going to step outta those vehicles and walk the boards. Jackass Murphy will either relent or call in the National Guard. Tic Tok Tic Tok.

Posted by: BluesFish at April 20, 2020 01:55 PM (WQZ1O)

114 Are there any empty salt mines left?

Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at April 20, 2020 01:55 PM (2DOZq)

115 109 I'm still seeing protest posts on my FB.
Posted by: Jewells45 at April 20, 2020 01:54 PM (dUJdY)

I checked on one, and it was gone for about 2 minutes, then back again. Strange.

Posted by: spypeach at April 20, 2020 01:55 PM (Up/Jb)

116 Expect another lockdown to go into effect a few months after this one ends.

Posted by: Surfperch at April 20, 2020 01:55 PM (tVQUs)

117 >>You want to end the lockdowns immediately?
Ban the delivery of prepared food to houses.

Also: pot, booze, and "non-essential" social media.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 01:55 PM (bDqIh)

118 Mark Knoller
Today at the WH. Pres and VP have weekly lunch. Daily Coronavirus press briefing scheduled for 5pm.

Posted by: m at April 20, 2020 01:56 PM (55d/e)

119 1550 buck

sorry 150

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:56 PM (JFO2v)

If all the red states re-open, Nipsy and all the other tyrants will cave. They have to, because their natural inclination will be to double down. And that will blow up in their faces.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2020 01:56 PM (s2VJv)

121 17 Facebook just deplatformed all protest groups.
Posted by: Innagaddadavida at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (hpbeA)

Facebook isn't useful for these protest groups anyway. That's reserved for Karen and her anti-Trump libtard friends to bitch and send month old memes to each other about day drinking.

Posted by: Roy at April 20, 2020 01:56 PM (Ti+Tv)

122 One gallon of milk now costs more than 42 gallons of crude oil.

So, uh, is it possible to buy a bunch of oil in drums and sell them later when the price goes back up?

I've got a yard, and I could rent a warehouse or something.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 20, 2020 01:56 PM (YYlyE)

123 OT, but coronavirus related -

Does anyone here have a kid who was a dependent last year, but not this year? My daughter graduated college last year and has been working full-time, so no longer a dependent. But she didn't get the $1200 like her older siblings did. The thing is, she could really use it because she's been furloughed from her job. I have no idea how to help her fix this.

I have been haunting the IRS site to see if they address this, but they don't. Searching on the 'net hasn't helped either.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd appreciate it. I haven't filed our 2019 taxes yet although I have them ready to go. I am not claiming her as a dependent in 2019 even though I could because I am hoping this will help her get the money, but if it doesn't, I'd like that dependent status back.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 01:57 PM (/669Q)

124 Stay at home order? They don't mean me. Headed to el-farmo in the morning.

Posted by: Weasel at April 20, 2020 01:57 PM (MVjcR)

125 122 One gallon of milk now costs more than 42 gallons of crude oil.

So, uh, is it possible to buy a bunch of oil in drums and sell them later when the price goes back up?

I've got a yard, and I could rent a warehouse or something.
Posted by: bonhomme at April 20, 2020 01:56 PM (YYlyE)

The billion dollar question that Wall Street is trying to figure out right now.

Posted by: Someguy at April 20, 2020 01:57 PM (Zm+LZ)

126 I have a very real, genuine fear, that this is how the troubles start. This right here. We're already seeing people pick up their rifles. For God's sake this has to stop before it turns horrible.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (KZzsI)

127 There's a thing on twitter where rando NPCs post a "Release" form they say all the "COVIDIOTS" on the beaches or at the protests should sign agreeing to forgo medical care if the catch WuFlu.

Ha, ha, I guess. But here's the thing, if that NPC lives in NYC where ~1/1000 of residents have died of WuFlu, or so they say, then who's really engaging in the unwarranted risky behavior? Seems like the death rate associated with just being a New Yorker is likely to be many times worse than being a beachgoer in Jacksonville.

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (dYe5S)

128 ha!

It is unconscionable that Rikers Island inmates who were released due to coronavirus concerns are committing new crimes, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (JFO2v)

129 Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 01:57 PM (/669Q)

If she didn't file a tax return I don't think she qualifies.

Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (2DOZq)

130 Can someone please give me the name of an overwhelmed hospital? Haven't seen any pictures or video of US hospitals.
Here's a picture from 2003 of a hospital in Italy.
/s/ the media

Posted by: RoyalOil, Vicroy Canadian Territories at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (vPKfA)

131 >>When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?

Any bailout should be accompanied by an audit of how they've been spending their money for the past few years.

I cannot believe NYC is demanding a bailout when they recently had close to $1 Billion to "lose" on de Blasio's wife's vanity mental health project. You just know de Blasio and his city have wasted a lot more than that,

They are using this pandemic as a "get out of overspending for free" card. No.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (bDqIh)

132 In WA state it is possible, barely, to go boating. However, fishing is against Inslee's mandate. You can be fined for throwing a line in teh water while being in a boat.
A friend's son and his wife live in the San Juan Islands in Puget Sound. They work on one island, live on another that has no ferry service.
Using their boat is essential for them. But, they can't catch a fish for dinner.
And, at present, they are okay with that. It is maddening.

Posted by: Winston a dreg of society at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (Eb+fP)

133 It is unconscionable that Rikers Island inmates who were released due to coronavirus concerns are committing new crimes, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (JFO2v)

I wonder what he expected them to do.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (/669Q)

134 131 >>When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?

Any bailout should be accompanied by an audit of how they've been spending their money for the past few years.

I cannot believe NYC is demanding a bailout when they recently had close to $1 Billion to "lose" on de Blasio's wife's vanity mental health project. You just know de Blasio and his city have wasted a lot more than that,

They are using this pandemic as a "get out of overspending for free" card. No.
Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (bDqIh)


My proposed solution is at 62. I think it's pretty awesome.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (LvTSG)

135 Are there any empty salt mines left?
Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at April 20, 2020 01:55

Not sure. But when I need to access an old Will that is filed with the Court, they go to a KS or OK salt mine to find it.

Posted by: Infidel at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (nvc6v)

136 It is unconscionable that Rikers Island inmates who were released due to coronavirus concerns are committing new crimes, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (JFO2v)

That makes you a fucking idiot that needlessly risked the lives of your constituents, Billy boy.


Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (Zz0t1)

137 133 It is unconscionable that Rikers Island inmates who were released due to coronavirus concerns are committing new crimes, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (JFO2v)

I wonder what he expected them to do.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (/669Q)


Act like they had been released without bail?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (LvTSG)

138 I'm tired of this "We're all in this together" bullshit. No, we ain't. Count me out bitch. Eat a bag of dicks. I ain't in it with you. Go straight to Hell, and go alone.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (o2MD2)

139 118
Mark Knoller



Today at the WH. Pres and VP have weekly lunch

huh. things must be tougher than i thought. i can usually manage to have lunch every day.

Posted by: Anachronda at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (kf5Ci)

140 If she didn't file a tax return I don't think she qualifies.
Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (2DOZq)

She's filed a tax return every year since she turned 16. The problem is, I think, that she was a dependent in 2018. But here and now, she is not.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (/669Q)

I wonder what he expected them to do.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 01:59 PM (/669Q)

He fucked up! HE TRUSTED US!!

Posted by: Rikers Island - Class of 2020 at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (Zz0t1)

142 You want to end the lockdowns immediately?
Ban the delivery of prepared food to houses.

Also: pot, booze, and "non-essential" social media.

Posted by: Lizzy

You want to end the lockdowns immediately?

Tell the states "the Fedgov will not pay one more dime for covid related illnesses or deaths".

Watch how quick everything opens up and Covid-19 gets reclassified.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (Aivl/)

143 25 million unemployed just means our opportunity to reshape America is really a great one!

Posted by: Joe Goebells, Pelosi Communications Staff at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (NVYyb)

144 124 Stay at home order? They don't mean me. Headed to el-farmo in the morning.
Posted by: Weasel

hopefully to film another Weaseldog production vignette!!

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (d7Ww2)

145 Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 01:57 PM (/669Q)
I think it's based on last year's data. I haven't even filed my taxes yet. And I won't until June or so.

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (7Fj9P)

146 willowed 710 Never forget Bill Gate's father was the head of Planned Parenthood.

They are both scum.

Posted by: Seems Legit at April 20, 2020 01:37 PM (jUVms)

Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:01 PM (Gqta/)

147 It is unconscionable that Rikers Island inmates who were released due to coronavirus concerns are committing new crimes, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.
Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (JFO2v)


Wut. You thought "restorative justice" would get taken to heart????

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (nw6Hr)

148 Im also tired if the reoccurring scab known as MUMR.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (o2MD2)

149 I pray Hong King "China Is Asshoe!" guy has not been disappeared by the Biden Buddies, the CCP.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (NVYyb)

150 >>I want my constitutional amendment for bankrupt states.

1) A state that is declared bankrupt is no longer a state but a territory with a military governor to be appointed by the president.
2) All elected officials from the former state in question, and all appointed employees of the state, who have been in office at any point in the last twenty years, are forbidden from holding government office for the rest of their lives.
3) The territory shall not reclaim its state status until it passes a new constitution that forbids deficit spending and it pays back 50% of its debt to the federal government in gold.
- - -

I'd fear that the dependent class that these states have intentionally created would riot. Not so worried about the bureaucrats who would necessarily lose their jobs due to program elimination, etc.

Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (bDqIh)

151 Posted by: MIRROR UNIVERSE CALVIN KLEIN at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (Pzzpr)

Oh, ban this fuck already.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:03 PM (Zz0t1)

152 In WA state it is possible, barely, to go boating. However, fishing is against Inslee's mandate. You can be fined for throwing a line in teh water while being in a boat.
A friend's son and his wife live in the San Juan Islands in Puget Sound. They work on one island, live on another that has no ferry service.
Using their boat is essential for them.

But, they can't catch a fish for dinner.
And, at present, they are okay with that. It is maddening.
Posted by: Winston a dreg of society

They deserve to feel pain.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:03 PM (Aivl/)

153 #ICowerWithKaren

Posted by: Guy Smiley at April 20, 2020 02:03 PM (SAK2A)

154 I think it's based on last year's data. I haven't even filed my taxes yet. And I won't until June or so.
Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at April 20, 2020 02:00 PM (7Fj9P)

I think they base it on 2019's data, unless you haven't filed yet (since they moved the deadline), and then they base it on 2018's data. She was a dependent then, but is not now. I feel like since this payment is supposed to address the current situation, the current status is what's important. I may be wrong about that.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 02:03 PM (/669Q)

Alex Salvi @alexsalvinews
BREAKING: Israeli PM Netanyahu and rival Benny Gantz agree to form a unity emergency government in order to avoid a possible fourth election.

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:03 PM (Tm1/H)

156 150 heh.
I'd fear that the dependent class that these states have intentionally created would riot. Not so worried about the bureaucrats who would necessarily lose their jobs due to program elimination, etc.
Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (bDqIh)


Since the denizens would no longer be residents of a state but only a territory, and they would no longer be governed by a republican state government, the military governor would have wide latitude to maintain order.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:04 PM (LvTSG)

157 151 Posted by: MIRROR UNIVERSE CALVIN KLEIN at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (Pzzpr)

Oh, ban this fuck already.
Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:03 PM (Zz0t1)


He is banned, which is why his posts just disappear.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:04 PM (LvTSG)

158 I pray Hong King "China Is Asshoe!" guy has not been disappeared by the Biden Buddies, the CCP.
Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:02 PM (NVYyb)

Me too.

I want this guy handed US Citizenship ASAP.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:04 PM (Zz0t1)

159 121-

Well, George Stephanopoulos did ask just that of Zuckerberg in an interview.

Posted by: Ktgreat at April 20, 2020 02:04 PM (AD3JT)

160 I always thought a vaccine was and immunization; such as a small pox or polio vaccination. Wrong.

per Webster: - - a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.

Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (Gqta/)

161 He is banned, which is why his posts just disappear.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:04 PM (LvTSG)

They block IP's where you can't post at all. He's got the same hash every time, therefore the same IP, no?

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (Zz0t1)

162 I think they base it on 2019's data, unless you haven't filed yet (since they moved the deadline), and then they base it on 2018's data. She was a dependent then, but is not now. I feel like since this payment is supposed to address the current situation, the current status is what's important. I may be wrong about that.

Posted by: bluebell

Bluebell, you are correct, but they only have 2018 info to go on.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (Aivl/)

163 Oil low for the day is $.35

I think it's going to go negative.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (G0vdT)

164 >>'m tired of this "We're all in this together" bullshit. No, we ain't. Count me out bitch. Eat a bag of dicks. I ain't in it with you. Go straight to Hell, and go alone.

"We're all in this together - check me out chillin' in my 7 bedroom/9.5 bath Beverly Hills mansion with a pool and huge garden, singing a song for charity! Just doing my part to raise morale!!"

Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (bDqIh)

165 We're already seeing people pick up their rifles.

Can you expand on that? Do you mean people buying rifles, or carrying them at protests, or has there actually been a firefight I missed?

Posted by: bonhomme at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (YYlyE)

166 States don't pay teachers.. local districts do.

And their property taxes are fixed for the year.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (CjFDo)


I had a crush on a girl named Karen in school. Kind of a drag that some blivet who shares her name has to ruin it for my childhood memories.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2020 02:06 PM (s2VJv)

A day after Gov. J.B. Pritzker said he expects the coronavirus pandemic
will blow a $2.7 billion hole in this year's state budget and create an
even larger gap next year, a Wall Street credits ratings agency
downgraded Illinois' debt to one notch above junk status.

Fitch Ratings on Thursday downgraded the state's credit from BBB to
BBB-, a reflection of the havoc COVID-19 is wreaking on the state's
precarious finances.

Darn, Illinois was doing so great financially before Flu Manchu. It's Flu Manchu and not all of the people and businesses fleeing the state. I know that Jabba is angling for the Federal government to bail him out instead of reopening the state

Posted by: TheQuietMan at April 20, 2020 02:06 PM (pV+cI)

169 Oil low for the day is $.35

I think it's going to go negative.
Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (G0vdT)


Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:06 PM (Zz0t1)

170 163 Oil low for the day is $.35

I think it's going to go negative.
Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (G0vdT)

The theoretical "Giffen good" from my Econ 101 course. A product that the producer pays the consumer to take.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2020 02:07 PM (s2VJv)

171 yeah, I'm done. my lockdown is over. suck my dick, government.

Posted by: x at April 20, 2020 02:07 PM (nFwvY)

172 Uh....$0.19
Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:06 PM (Zz0t1)

Hard to keep up. Crazy.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:07 PM (G0vdT)

173 Bluebell, you are correct, but they only have 2018 info to go on.
Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (Aivl/)

Do you know if there is a way to fix this? You won't believe it but the IRS website is no help here.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 02:07 PM (/669Q)

174 Hello 16 year old me's gas prices of 99 cents.

Posted by: Buzzion at April 20, 2020 02:07 PM (Sg/64)

175 Uh....$0.19

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:06 PM (Zz0t1)

I saw .01 and negative prints. Now the feed is off. The oil market is officially broke.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (TLxpZ)

176 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

177 >>> 16 Yeah, I know that itself is anti-liberty, but the jackasses who are sitting in their mansions saying "I don't see what the big deal is" can only say that because they're getting restaurant meals delivered.
I have spoken to a ton of people on this and it looks to me like there are two groups. There is some cross-pollination, but relatively little.

Those who can work from home are fine with this. It doesn't much matter to them and they're perfectly happy to go along and get along.

Those who cannot work from home are *not* fine with this. It's destroying them and they want it over yesterday.

That is what the divide looks like to me: those with office jobs who can remotely, and those who have to actually go to work.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (hYcqw)

Yes, this.

I can WFH and I'm not fine with this, at all, because unlike my cow orkers I know damn well this is hurting people who don't have that luxury and that this *will* eventually affect us, one way or another.

Posted by: Helena Handbasket at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (0ReGO)

178 I think it's going to go negative.
Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (G0vdT)
If it continues its trend!

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (Eicbe)

179 All purposefully orchestrated.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (zoOdd)

180 Oil low....$.01
Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

You have to refresh every 2 seconds to keep up.

This is crazy!

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (Zz0t1)

181 Don't forget those NYC Resident Cheerleaders who fled to their second homes, parents houses and AIRBnB's outside the city at the first sign of distress, and now lecture us from the safety of those places about the lockdown.

Your first question to these people should be- where are you sitting at the moment?

Posted by: Marcus T at April 20, 2020 02:09 PM (VpIIl)

182 167

I had a crush on a girl named Karen in school. Kind of a drag that some blivet who shares her name has to ruin it for my childhood memories.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2020 02:06 PM (s2VJv)

And it's weird.

I always associated the "Karen Haircut" more with "Cathy/Kathy" than "Karen".

Posted by: Allie at April 20, 2020 02:09 PM (vmRc0)

183 Breaking: Enviro-nut Global Warmist confined to his home begs the Sun to kill the china virus.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 20, 2020 02:09 PM (r+sAi)

184 Imma going to EXXON (I fukkin hate EXXON) when they will pay me to fill up my tank.

Posted by: Xipe Totec at April 20, 2020 02:09 PM (o2MD2)

185 A lot of traders are going to be stuck taking delivery of oil contracts that they have no storage for.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:09 PM (TLxpZ)

186 Come on...let's finish this...BAN ELEVATOR use in NY. Those idiots will be begging for a return to normal in about 30 minutes.

Posted by: Orson at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (r1uAm)

187 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

I can get it for ya wholesale!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (oVJmc)

188 That is what the divide looks like to me: those with office jobs who can remotely, and those who have to actually go to work.
Posted by: Joe Mannix (Not a cop!) at April 20, 2020 01:41 PM (hYcqw)
Your theory holds up until the desperate break down my door while Im working from home.

Posted by: BluesFish at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (WQZ1O)

189 I had a crush on a girl named Karen in school. Kind of a drag that some blivet who shares her name has to ruin it for my childhood memories.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at April 20, 2020 02:06 PM (s2VJv)

I was a weee young lad and there was a girl named Kathy that had long blonde hair and green eyes.

I've never forgotten the impact that had on me.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (Zz0t1)

190 rickb223
I agree. I was on my very first and hopefully my very last Zoom thing last night.
All of myu friends' family. A number of her friends. All of them just fine and dandy with the shutdown. One even stated that she'd follow Gavin Gruesome anywhere.
I didn't say much.
Not one of these people were of any use the last year when she needed them.
I was and I'm tired of it all.
Most of them are in CA and they need to stay there. One is on the verge of losing her business.
I do not care.

Posted by: Winston a dreg of society at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (Eb+fP)

191 187 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

I can get it for ya wholesale!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (oVJmc)


Don't worry. They'll make it up in volume.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (LvTSG)

192 Kurt Schlicter is a Conservative Rock God.

It's a real shame he isn't on an AoSHQ podcast, cuz he's the honest truth.

He's like Buck Dharma, but without the guitar.

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (Z4rgH)

193 Now is probably a good time to refill the strategic petroleum reserve

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (NVYyb)

194 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
If blue states are strapped for cash, they can raid the public sector pension plans.

Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (kOpft)

195 142 You want to end the lockdowns immediately?
Ban the delivery of prepared food to houses.

God, don't do that.

We've got a boatload of chicken tetrazinni and stuffed pork chops to sell tonight.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (mrrpT)

196 Do you know if there is a way to fix this? You won't believe it but the IRS website is no help here.
Posted by: bluebell

I have no idea. As usual, government never anticipated "contingencies".

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (Aivl/)

197 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

I hope Trump just refilled the entire Strategic Reserve for a buck-fitty.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (oVJmc)

198 Come on...let's finish this...BAN ELEVATOR use in NY. Those idiots will be begging for a return to normal in about 30 minutes.
Posted by: Orson at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (r1uAm)
If they were riding crowded subways and only required to start wearing masks 3 days ago, the reason they haven't asked for return to normal is that, for them it was quite a bit normal.

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (Eicbe)

199 We must be the same age of 29, buzzion.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (zoOdd)

200 194 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
If blue states are strapped for cash, they can raid the public sector pension plans.
Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (kOpft)

Or...stay with me on this...they can cut all of their services to current residents in order to maintain payments to the pensions of former state employees.



Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (LvTSG)

201 185 A lot of traders are going to be stuck taking delivery of oil contracts that they have no storage for.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:09 PM (TLxpZ)

Get those traders back in here! Turn those machines back on!

Posted by: Roy at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (Ti+Tv)

202 Come on Trump, #BlowTheBridges

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (8erNz)

203 193
Now is probably a good time to refill the strategic petroleum reserve

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (NVYyb)

Did that last week. There is literally no place to put new supplies until demand is restored. Shut everything in I guess.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (TLxpZ)

204 Now is probably a good time to refill the strategic petroleum reserve
Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (NVYyb)
PDT already has

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (Tm1/H)

205 Okay, thanks anyway rickb223. I'll keep poking around to see if I can figure this out.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (/669Q)

If you are holding in the money commodities option contract the day before delivery date... you deserve to get torched.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (nw6Hr)

207 201 185 A lot of traders are going to be stuck taking delivery of oil contracts that they have no storage for.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:09 PM (TLxpZ)

Get those traders back in here! Turn those machines back on!
Posted by: Roy at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (Ti+Tv)


I'd like to buy some orange juice.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (LvTSG)

208 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

This is not working out well for the eco-facist plan to make oil affordable.

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (MxEKc)

209 192 Kurt Schlicter is a Conservative Rock God.

It's a real shame he isn't on an AoSHQ podcast, cuz he's the honest truth.

He's like Buck Dharma, but without the guitar.
Posted by: GnuBreed at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (Z4rgH)

Have you read his 3 book series about the dividing of the US? awesome and scary

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (JFO2v)

210 203 193
Now is probably a good time to refill the strategic petroleum reserve

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (NVYyb)

Did that last week. There is literally no place to put new supplies until demand is restored. Shut everything in I guess.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (TLxpZ)


Double it!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (LvTSG)

211 If blue states are strapped for cash, they can raid the public sector pension plans.
Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (kOpft)
You mean put that many more IOUs into the box.

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (Eicbe)

212 Rev Al Sharpton

While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by @realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs. This is intolerable and disgraceful.

Posted by: SMOD at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (3aI0K)

213 #BlowTheBridges


Isolate NYC. Two years.

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (8erNz)

214 3) The territory shall not reclaim its state status
until it passes a new constitution that forbids deficit spending and it
pays back 50% of its debt to the federal government in gold.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (LvTSG)


"There's just not enough gold ... in the world."

Posted by: ShainS at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (wDIfL)

215 I love all the lectures I received prior to the Wuhan Flu outbreak about how great NYC life was. How it was a cut above and the self ingratiating idiot residents were so much better than I, and had created a virtual Liberal Utopia.

They all ran like scared children with their hair on fire when this went down. A lot of them will now be infecting your states with their stupidity.

Because, you know. You need their enlightenment.

Fuck these people.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (VpIIl)

216 I've done something which I hope will prove to be very very clever:

I just finished booking my Airbnb stay for an overseas trip in late June.

This (unnamed) location is, under normal circumstances, a very crowded and popular place to visit, and the Airbnbs are consequently very expensive and it's hard to get good ones, as they all fill up way way in advance.

But that's under normal circumstances.

Because this location is currently in a nation "under lockdown," all the Airbnbs are vacant and available. And in desperation, all the owners have dropped the prices substantially - I mean astronomically less, in some case 80%-85% discounts.

So, based on my studies of the statistical curve going down and my guess as to when the lockdown being lifted, I searched for places in late June, and found an OUTSTANDING Airbnb in a FANTASTIC location that under normal circumstances generally lists for $500/night. Current price? $70/night.

Boom -- I booked it for three weeks.

Best of all, this listing has a very lax cancellation policy, with a full refund all the way up to June 14 if you cancel. So it's basically risk-free -- if the lockdown remains in place, I can always just cancel with no loss to me, 100% refund.

My guess is that the lockdown will be lifted on June 1, and there will be a huge rush to get all the good Airbnbs, and the prices will skyrocket overnight. But -- too late bitchez! I already got the best place at an unbelievable price!

Let's hope it works out as planned!

Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (N9G0H)

217 As NYC Subway ridership has gone down, the MTA has cut the number of trains and shortened trains, which causes each train car to be just as crowded as normal, even though most people are not taking the Subway.

If they had kept their standard deployment and schedules, people would be social distancing with 3 to 4 people a car. But why run all of those Subway cars if nobody is going to ride them.

Oh, and then they run PSAs on TV telling people to social distance on the Subway. How are you supposed to do that with 100 people in a Subway car?

Posted by: Gridlock at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (4nmNX)

218 One is on the verge of losing her business.
I do not care.
Posted by: Winston a dreg of society

I don't know how people can feel that way.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (Aivl/)

219 buh but...Green Energy!

Posted by: deplorable unperson - END THE LOCKDOWN : It's just a damn bug at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (xYFRc)

220 214 3) The territory shall not reclaim its state status
until it passes a new constitution that forbids deficit spending and it
pays back 50% of its debt to the federal government in gold.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:46 PM (LvTSG)


"There's just not enough gold ... in the world."
Posted by: ShainS at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (wDIfL)


"I guess you're fucked and will never become a state again."

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (LvTSG)

221 200 194 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
If blue states are strapped for cash, they can raid the public sector pension plans.
Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (kOpft)

Or...stay with me on this...they can cut all of their services to current residents in order to maintain payments to the pensions of former state employees.


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (LvTSG)

Send the retirees to suck dicks at the bus station.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (JFO2v)

222 Now is probably a good time to refill the strategic petroleum reserve
Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (NVYyb)
PDT already has


The reserve is not that big - not when compared to our daily usage by the country at large.

One could argue that now would be a good time to increase the reserve for future purposes - but we seemingly have plenty of oil under our feet.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (sX1BW)

223 You have to refresh every 2 seconds to keep up.

This is crazy!

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (Zz0t1)


Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (Gqta/)

224 203 193
Now is probably a good time to refill the strategic petroleum reserve

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (NVYyb)

Did that last week. There is literally no place to put new supplies until demand is restored. Shut everything in I guess.
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (TLxpZ)

Technically we did not. Democrats blocked that one iirc.

Posted by: Someguy at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (Zm+LZ)

225 Rev Al Sharpton

While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by @realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs. This is intolerable and disgraceful.
Resist Me MUNCH

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (Tm1/H)

226 Do you know if there is a way to fix this? You won't believe it but the IRS website is no help here.
Posted by: bluebell

There is a chance you have to file first NOT claiming the dependent, before they will consider her as an individual filing. Not sure. They don't ever ask for the kid's names on the IRS form, so do they actually KNOW who your kids / dependents are?

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (Zz0t1)

227 It's brinksmanship from the Blue State Govs. They'll back down in an instant. But it takes behavior from our side we aren't comfortable with. But, this is what the future is. We have to become as comfortable as Trump is with escalation.

Posted by: Thesokorus at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (H9yHY)

228 197 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

I hope Trump just refilled the entire Strategic Reserve for a buck-fitty.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (oVJmc)

Interesting point. Trump wanted to do it but I think Congress has to authorize it but what happens when the Gov't doesn't have to spend money and they just give it to you and maybe pays the U.S. Gov't to take it!

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (G0vdT)

229 Putin will pay you to keep your car idling all night.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (oVJmc)

230 This is intolerable and disgraceful.

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!

Posted by: Jackie Chiles at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (xYFRc)

231 I just finished booking my Airbnb stay for an overseas trip in late June.

I've been yelling at my wife to do the same thing.

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (8erNz)

232 >>>Why is it the Ruling Class is busy demanding lockdowns for others while accepting no restrictions at all for themselves?

It's good to be The King!

Posted by: The King at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (l3+k2)

233 How much does it cost to start pumping it back in the ground? <<<<<<<<

Dump it in the ocean!

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (r+sAi)

234 You have to answer for the economy, China. You fingered the American economy for the Wuhan Attack Virus. Did you think that little farce you played with the WHO would fool a Sicilian?

Posted by: President Michael Corleone at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (NVYyb)

235 Remember Captain Parker - yesterday was the anniversary of the birth of freedom here.
Posted by: RobM1981 at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (EcUk5)


Posted by: MAC SOG'''' at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (P4Pk9)

236 -2,00 for Oil

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (Tm1/H)

237 LAst year when Cuomo passed his budget, the NY Comptroller said he would be $6 billion short on revenue.

Guess whose paying for that gap now, suckers?

Posted by: Marcus T at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (VpIIl)

238 Rev Al Sharpton

While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by @realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs. This is intolerable and disgraceful.
Resist Me MUNCH
Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:14 PM (Tm1/H)

WOMBS!!!! Open wombs is what got the black community in trouble in the first place, Al.

Black people. PLEASE kick this drifter to the CURB.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (Zz0t1)

239 221 200 194 When states run out of revenue, should the Feds bail them out? If so, what specific sectors?
If blue states are strapped for cash, they can raid the public sector pension plans.
Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (kOpft)

No bailouts will be part of Trump's new federalism.

Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (Gqta/)

240 I keep waiting for a critical mass of people demanding an end to the lockdown, which doesn't seem to arrive.

I hope it's merely a question of the time it takes for critical mass to build in a nation of 330,000,000+ people.

Posted by: Introverted Elephocentric Hypochondriac at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (vJvMP)

241 Oil low for the day is $.35

I think it's going to go negative.


I think I may be right in saying it will just be dumped.

Environmentalist will be displeased.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (sX1BW)


Let's hope it works out as planned!
Posted by: zombie

I'm sure you know this, zombie, but a lot of times when you get a great rate like that, the owners will pull a lot of fuckery about the place but not until you land and get to the location. Then it will be "closed for repair" and they will try to get you some shitty substitute. There was a really long and involved article a few months back I remember about these scams.

Posted by: imp at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (SFOr6)

243 Volvo (car company) is owned by Geely, a Chinese company. Does it survive as a brand in the US and elsewhere?

Posted by: mr tmz at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (m/Gc2)

244 Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (N9G0H)


Posted by: vmom 2020 at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (G546f)

245 I keep waiting for a critical mass of people demanding an end to the lockdown, which doesn't seem to arrive.

What do the models show?

Posted by: deplorable unperson - END THE LOCKDOWN : It's just a damn bug at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (xYFRc)

246 WOMBS!!!! Open wombs is what got the black community in trouble in the first place, Al.

Well, it starts with open legs, but that's a tomato-tomAHto, chicken-vs-egg discussion.

Posted by: JEM at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (8erNz)

247 Any politician who doesn't feel the anger building in this country is an idiot who knows nothing of history and human nature.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (ZLI7S)

248 236 -2,00 for Oil
Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:15 PM (Tm1/H)

Oh jeez. Where did you see that.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (G0vdT)

249 226
don't ever ask for the kid's names on the IRS form, so do they actually
KNOW who your kids / dependents are?

don't they? it's been a *long* time since i filed with a kid (jr. chronda died in a car accident at the ripe old age of 9), but i'm pretty sure i had to report his name and social security number on the forms. that's why kids need social security numbers to begin with, isn't it? it's not just some scheme to prep us all for a national id, right?

Posted by: Anachronda at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (kf5Ci)

250 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

I've got such a boner right now.

Posted by: Lord Humongous at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (oVJmc)

251 >>Rev Al Sharpton

While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by @realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs. This is intolerable and disgraceful.
- - - -

I understand that professional race baiters/the Left always have to find a racial angle, but this is just dumb.

If you really believe it's "the man" keeping inner-city black down in public/low-income housing, then pushing to hove the government keep them *imprisoned* in their inner-city apartments makes no sense. Let them be FREE to move about the city/state/nation!!

Posted by: Lizzy at April 20, 2020 02:17 PM (bDqIh)

252 Let's hope it works out as planned!
Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (N9G0H)

Good for you. That was a good move and I'm sure you're going to have a great vacation.

I think I'll start looking around to see what's available. How about airfares?

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 02:17 PM (mrrpT)

253 250 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

I've got such a boner right now.

Posted by: Lord Humongous at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (oVJmc)


Ah, the Gasoline Wars.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:17 PM (LvTSG)

254 231 I just finished booking my Airbnb stay for an overseas trip in late June.

I've been yelling at my wife to do the same thing.

Posted by: JEM

Read her my comment! Maybe she'll be convinced.

Or, hey, just book it yourself.

Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:17 PM (N9G0H)

255 88 My great fear is that our Governor, Ron DeSantis, will end the Florida State of Emergency as proposed, no later than 5/9, but the local County Commissioners (4 d and 1 r) will continue to keep our beaches closed along w a short-term rental moratorium until August. We have had two cases: one a NY visitor and the other a local who went on an international cruise. Our tourism season will be decimated, but that's what the vocal locals want. The NY case gave them lots of ammunition. The vocal ones are mainly retired, newly relocated w plenty of money. Service industry local folks screwed.

Posted by: EveR at April 20, 2020 01:50 PM (ZZDMQ)

Those newly relocated from up north are going to be very bitchy when they find out their doctor is closed, they can't get surgery for that bad hip, they can't go to their favorite restaurant even after the shutdown because most of them went tits up. Even those that survived the lockdowns will have long waiting lists which those old Karens with the nice pensions won't like one bit

Posted by: kbdabear at April 20, 2020 02:17 PM (qAR6u)

256 Oil now minus $1.52

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (Asyn9)

257 Cut power to houses larger than the national median, to direct the power to the overwhelmed hospitals nationwide.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:40 PM (LvTSG)


Ration power to households with more than 0.5 refrigerators per capita.

Posted by: TexasDan at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (yL25O)

258 211 If blue states are strapped for cash, they can raid the public sector pension plans and switch over to Carousel*
Posted by: Methos


*this month's check is a Corona blanket!

Posted by: x at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (nFwvY)

259 Airlines usually buy three months or so out.
Wonder if they are buying?

Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (Gqta/)

260 Come on down to Crazy Vlad's Oil Fields! Everything Must Go! I fill any car, any color, and throw in free hot dogs and balloons for the kids!

Posted by: Crazy Vlad at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (oVJmc)

261 258 211 If blue states are strapped for cash, they can raid the public sector pension plans and switch over to Carousel*
Posted by: Methos


*this month's check is a Corona blanket!
Posted by: x at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (nFwvY)


Renew! Renew! RENEW!!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (LvTSG)

262 Obama did say we wouldn't drill our way out of this.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:18 PM (sX1BW)

263 Now is probably a good time to refill the strategic petroleum reserve

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (NVYyb)

Trump wanted to, but Congress refused to authorize any money for it. Go figure.

Posted by: GnuBreed at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (Z4rgH)

264 >>While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by @realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs

Keep your salt off my womb!

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (ZLI7S)

265 mail in voting?

in my last election participation in Houston there were several instances of dozens of people voting from the same address. Every case was either in Sheila Jackass Lee's or Al 'Oil Can' Green's districts. One of the stunning features is they also were PO Boxes!

With a Soros funded County Clerk (Voter registrar) there is no way it will be investigated. And don't even think about culling voter rolls of the dead or moved.

Posted by: DanMan at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (XTiHL)

266 166 States don't pay teachers.. local districts do.

And their property taxes are fixed for the year.
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 20, 2020 02:05 PM (CjFDo)


Our mayor is already making noise about raising property taxes to make up for the shortfall caused by covid.

Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (CAJOC)

267 I just finished booking my Airbnb stay for an overseas trip in late June.

I've been yelling at my wife to do the same thing.

Posted by: JEM

Booked a trip in July via AirBNB. Canceled it 2 days later due to this virus shit as the families involved are now on partial incomes due to furloughs/small business ownership.

AirBNB kept ALL of my money, minus the $162 cleaning fee.

I will NEVER use AirBNB again.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (Zz0t1)


The AirBNB bait and switch scam was especially prevalent in foreign countries.

If there is that much of a difference, you can guarantee they will cancel your reservation and re-book it immediately for the 400% increase in price.

It takes a while for AirBNB to identify the scammers, and then purge the from the system. If everyone is doing it because of a massive market-wide price spike, there will be few if any repercussions.

Posted by: imp at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (SFOr6)

269 216
Best of all, this listing has a very lax cancellation policy...

My guess is that the lockdown will be lifted on June 1, and there
will be a huge rush to get all the good Airbnbs, and the prices will
skyrocket overnight. But -- too late bitchez! I already got the best
place at an unbelievable price!

how's their "pray i don't alter it further" policy?

Posted by: Anachronda at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (kf5Ci)

270 242

Let's hope it works out as planned!
Posted by: zombie

I'm sure you know this, zombie, but a lot of times when you get a great rate like that, the owners will pull a lot of fuckery about the place but not until you land and get to the location. Then it will be "closed for repair" and they will try to get you some shitty substitute. There was a really long and involved article a few months back I remember about these scams.
Posted by: imp

Oh, I know ALL about Airbnb scams and how they work. I've even written articles about it myself.

In fact in this case my #1 concern is that the owner will cancel once he realizes he could get more for the place. But I'm prepared for that eventuality - -I have six backup places (also all good deals) ready to go if he does.

Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (N9G0H)

271 Oil low....$.01

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:08 PM (G0vdT)

I've got such a boner right now.

Posted by: Lord Humongous at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (oVJmc)


Ah, the Gasoline Wars.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison

27 cents a gallon and a set of drinking glasses with the Shell logo on it.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (Aivl/)

272 New euphemism: Let me salt your womb.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (r+sAi)

273 The hostile city ... refused to cancel the June Gay Pride Parade until two hours ago.

Are bathhouses closed? Mosques?


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (zrukV)

274 Our mayor is already making noise about raising property taxes to make up for the shortfall caused by covid.
Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (CAJOC)


So long as we can mark our home values to market...

Posted by: TexasDan at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (yL25O)

275 247 Any politician who doesn't feel the anger building in this country is an idiot who knows nothing of history and human nature.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (ZLI7S)

It always amazed me that politicians wasn't weren't the FIRST to notice these things. It's their profession. But they're almost uniformly the LAST.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (H8QX8)

276 Oil...negative.

ZeroHedge says $-7.50

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (G0vdT)

277 All of you excited about state insolvency, days of reckoning, raiding pension funds, etc., might consider the advice about not engaging in certain seks acts, quite yet.

Yesterday Trump said he foresaw aid to states as a future action item, when asked about it.

The Dems will absolutely die on this hill, and the GOP - well, say no more, they'll cave in nanosecond - leaving only Trump to save us. And he is very unlikely to save us.

I foresee zero reckoning and zero fiscal consequences for states who are way past in need of both.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (El6T/)

278 Oil at -$7.50!!

This is unprecedented!

Posted by: bonhomme at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (YYlyE)

279 That's a good point. With all that people talk about that is "racism" because of a disproportionate effect, why doesn't abortion get flagged as "racism" as it disproportionately affects AA.

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (Eicbe)

280 257 Cut power to houses larger than the national median, to direct the power to the overwhelmed hospitals nationwide.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 01:40 PM (LvTSG)

I guess they would start with mine and the $1000/month utility bill. Luckily, we've got backup generators.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (mrrpT)

281 How do I buy oil? I'd like to buy a few dozen barrels with the change I found in my dryer.

Posted by: Surfperch at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (tVQUs)

282 Gazaleen

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (ZLI7S)

283 Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 01:57 PM (/669Q)

wondering the same thing about KTE

we made her file her taxes asap - waiting to see if she gets $$$

Posted by: vmom 2020 at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (G546f)

284 How can oil be at NEGATIVE 8.61?

Do they pay you that much to take a barrel?

Posted by: Tami at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (cF8AT)


Pouring salty jizz in their wombs? What kind of monster is he????

Posted by: imp at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (SFOr6)

286 218
rick It's not nice of me to say that but it was a very marginal business to begin with.
These people are full on libtards in the worst meaning of the term.
They are raising two children to drink the Kool Aid as well. The story is too long to go into here. It is unpleasant and I'm resentful about literally having their mother dropped off at my home, with a broken, untreated shoulder, while they continued on their camping trip with friends in Canada.

Posted by: Winston a dreg of society at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (Eb+fP)

287 New euphemism: Let me salt your womb.

I got this.

Posted by: Summer's Eve : OceanFresh at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (xYFRc)

288 274 Our mayor is already making noise about raising property taxes to make up for the shortfall caused by covid.
Posted by: No One of Consequence at April 20, 2020 02:19 PM (CAJOC)

The problem screws you, and their solutions screw you. Axiomatic.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (H8QX8)

289 Good morning.

Yeah, it's still morning here in Commiefornia.

My son sent me a picture of the price of gasoline in MN. Under a buck a gallon.

Meanwhile, gasoline is just under $3 a gallon here.

But, the price of gasoline in CA will never go under $1.20 because that represents just the taxes on a gallon of gasoline in CA.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (WEBkv)

290 BREAKING: Crude oil goes negative for the first time ever

Posted by: SMOD at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (3aI0K)

291 In Maryland our Governor has gone mad.

Announced today he's buying 500k of those garbage tests from South Korea. Thinks the state has to test 20k -- 0.33% of the state population EVERY day to be safe to open.

Posted by: Serious Cat at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (zqs/f)

292 I foresee zero reckoning and zero fiscal consequences for states who are way past in need of both.
Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (El6T/)

278 Oil at -$7.50!!

This is unprecedented!


Deflate everything.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (sX1BW)

293 One the bright side, this is a mighty reminder of how stupid the experts are.

CDC, FDA, epidemiologists, modelers, economists, governors, ...

all the experts.

We rag on the media a lot for being stupid, but they are just the paste eaters in a class full of eye poking retards.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (LWu6U)

294 Do they pay you that much to take a barrel?

hmm I have a guest room..

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (j9HX3)

295 275 247 Any politician who doesn't feel the anger building in this country is an idiot who knows nothing of history and human nature.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (ZLI7S)

It always amazed me that politicians wasn't weren't the FIRST to notice these things. It's their profession. But they're almost uniformly the LAST.
Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (H8QX


The machinery of the state, especially in democratic nations, always moves slowly. It's a trailing indicator of things, rather than a leading one, especially at the federal level.

Hence why it's probably better to keep disaster management as local as possible and as private as possible. That doesn't mean kick out federal or government involvement completely, just that the smallest entity should be dealing with things first. Like retirement accounts.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (LvTSG)

296 New York? Fuck New York.

Posted by: ErikInTexas at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (WavOX)

297 278
Oil at -$7.50!!

This is unprecedented!

Posted by: bonhomme at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (YYlyE)

This will have very serious consequences.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (TLxpZ)

298 rickb, I remember the .27/gallon, the free glasses - AND the Hawaii vacation sweepstakes. Amerika of the late 60s, f**k yeah.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (El6T/)

299 Can anyone explain these negative oil numbers and what they actually mean if you bid that amount?

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (Asyn9)

300 Posted by: SMOD at April 20, 2020 02:12 PM (3aI0K)

really Al Sharptoon?

I want off this planet.

Posted by: Infidel at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (nvc6v)

301 The tire fire in Springfield will be replaced by the oil fire.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (sX1BW)

302 There are still way too many people who are still getting paid who think this is just "common sense", the people who are protesting are just snowflakes angry that they can't go golfing or jetskiing, or are just stoopid MAGA people. They think once the all clear is declared, everything will be fine. It won't be.

There are also people that tweet STAY AT HOME who hypocritically go to the beach or parties themselves. The other night there were people on the beach even though it's closed but the cops weren't really enforcing it. A couple ready to go on looked at me and I said "go ahead, I'm not going to rat you out but I'm sure there's Karens in the high rises making angry phone calls". The couple were in their early 20s and believe me they weren't the MAGA hat types, the guy had a man-bun.

Posted by: kbdabear at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (qAR6u)

303 292 I foresee zero reckoning and zero fiscal consequences for states who are way past in need of both.
Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (El6T/)

278 Oil at -$7.50!!

This is unprecedented!


Deflate everything.
Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (sX1BW)

I'm on it!

Posted by: Tom Brady at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (Izzlo)

304 OPEN
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2020 2:13 p.m. EDT
Delayed quote
-21.00 -114.94%


Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (Zz0t1)


Of course, the article was from vice, but since it isn't about politics, it's a fairly decent article. airbnb-scam-how-to-tell

Posted by: imp at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (SFOr6)

306 don't they? it's been a *long* time since i filed with a kid (jr. chronda died in a car accident at the ripe old age of 9), but i'm pretty sure i had to report his name and social security number on the forms. that's why kids need social security numbers to begin with, isn't it? it's not just some scheme to prep us all for a national id, right?
Posted by: Anachronda at April 20, 2020 02:16 PM (kf5Ci)

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that about your son. I did not know that. So very sorry.

And yes, we have to list their names and socials.

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (/669Q)

307 rick It's not nice of me to say that but it was a very marginal business to begin with.
These people are full on libtards in the worst meaning of the term.
They are raising two children to drink the Kool Aid as well. The story is too long to go into here. It is unpleasant and I'm resentful about literally having their mother dropped off at my home, with a broken, untreated shoulder, while they continued on their camping trip with friends in Canada.
Posted by: Winston a dreg of society

Grrrrr. They need to feel pain.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:24 PM (Aivl/)

308 Deflate everything.
Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:22 PM (sX1BW)

I'm on it!
Posted by: Tom Brady at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (Izzlo)

I LOL'd.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:24 PM (Zz0t1)

309 "In fact in this case my #1 concern is that the
owner will cancel once he realizes he could get more for the place. But
I'm prepared for that eventuality - -I have six backup places (also all
good deals) ready to go if he does.

Posted by: zombie:"

Even after lock downs are lifted vacation travel prices will be very low. A lot of people are scared half to death to travel, especially the elderly and many others are going to be dead broke for a long time. There will be lots of deal for some time.

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2020 02:24 PM (MxEKc)

310 So if oil is truly negative, the couldn't Trump "buy" it without Congressional authorization, refill the reserve, and add a touch of revenue?

Posted by: Farmer Bob at April 20, 2020 02:24 PM (87EdW)

311 Rev Al Sharpton

While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by @realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs. This is intolerable and disgraceful.

The salinity of open wombs notwithstanding, blacks were dying in disproportionate numbers long before this - and at the hands of other blacks.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at April 20, 2020 02:24 PM (zrukV)

312 we made her file her taxes asap - waiting to see if she gets $$$
Posted by: vmom 2020 at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (G546f)


For various reasons, I had to file taxes for mom this year. First time mom has filed in a couple of decades

She got her TrumpBux already.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (WEBkv)

313 Does a negative price mean they'll be paying me to buy oil?

Posted by: Surfperch at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (tVQUs)

314 Gee, I wonder id Nanzi has noticed oil is negative, more than half of LA County is unemployed and Gold is up 16 per cent over the last month?

We are, in technical terms, truly fucked. My investment advice after a lifetime in business, is to buy ammo.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (NVYyb)

315 And there's a 3rd category; although they fit in very comfortably with the Rich. Those who are retired and who's sole income is from a government check every month. And who do not give on single fuck about the rest of us.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (q3gwH)

316 um

what on earth is going to happen in the ME now?!!?

I mean obviously here, we're fucked

but the Kingdom? the other autocracies over there? yikes

this is BAD

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (j9HX3)

317 Quarantine a week every year, so we never forget this.

- Idris Elba

You're an actor, so we naturally expected dumbass shit to fly from your mouth, but this is quite stupid.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (Zz0t1)

318 $10 back on a $5 fill-up!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (oVJmc)

319 I guess we can't unite the country in times of.crisis.

Posted by: Regular joe at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (6/uwW)

320 314 Gee, I wonder id Nanzi has noticed oil is negative, more than half of LA County is unemployed and Gold is up 16 per cent over the last month?

We are, in technical terms, truly fucked. My investment advice after a lifetime in business, is to buy ammo.

this is extraordinarily BAD

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (j9HX3)

321 OPEN
Last Updated: Apr 20, 2020 2:16 p.m. EDT
Delayed quote
-25.42 -139.14%

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (Zz0t1)

322 319 I guess we can't unite the country in times of.crisis.
Posted by: Regular joe at April 20, 2020 02:25 PM (6/uwW)


It doesn't help that one major political party is more concerned with funding an organization that provides abortions than anything else.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (LvTSG)

323 It always amazed me that politicians wasn't weren't the FIRST to notice these things. It's their profession. But they're almost uniformly the LAST.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (H8QX
Think how removed these politicians are from an actual clash of powers. They just know a sort of accountancy type of government. Today's politicians aren't public servants or governors, they are speech makers and media preeners.

We've selected politicians so long for who looks good and well-meaning on camera. These politicians don't have the skills of a ruler/governor or a public servant.

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (Eicbe)

324 Oil -13.98!

Posted by: Tami at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (cF8AT)

325 Come on...let's finish this...BAN ELEVATOR use in NY. Those idiots will be begging for a return to normal in about 30 minutes.
Posted by: Orson at April 20, 2020 02:10 PM (r1uAm)

It seems elevators are as bad as subway cars. Too bad for those in high rise apartments.

Posted by: CapeFear at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (4PDMt)

326 There is no wind so ill that it doesn't blow someone some good. Who cashes in on these low oil prices? Are refinery going to get paid to take the oil?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (13dPG)

327 You're funny, MUMR. Like a clown.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (oVJmc)

328 299 Can anyone explain these negative oil numbers and what they actually mean if you bid that amount?
Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (Asyn9)

It means your about to take physical delivery of lots of oil and you no place to store it. Your so desperate that your willing to pay anyone to take it.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (G0vdT)

329 Seriously, how do I "buy" oil? I have space for a few barrels and would like to make some extra cash.

Posted by: Surfperch at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (tVQUs)

330 Someguy pointed out earlier that contracts at the end of the cycle - June? - are around $20. Seems like purely a futures expiration artifact. A rare and bizarre one, but not a reflection of any actual price that will persist.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (El6T/)

331 I like this Karen chick.
She has balls.

Posted by: JAS at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (2BZBZ)

332 I always hoped the middle eastern fuckers would have to EAT THEIR FUCKING OIL

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (d7Ww2)

333 Give me some oil, please.

Okay, pay me what you owe me!

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (Eicbe)

334 Can you pay me to take this oil from you? I have plans involving trenches and burning oil around certain localities and borders

Posted by: dIb at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (VJOLZ)

335 So if oil is truly negative, the couldn't Trump "buy" it without Congressional authorization, refill the reserve, and add a touch of revenue?
Posted by: Farmer Bob


Just to be clear. It is the spot price that is negative. It is negative because there is no place to put such oil. This is oil out of the ground that needs to go somewhere. There is only so much temporary storage and it is all filled up.

This does not bode well for the future, but the spigot can basically be cut off.

People have bought the oil and the must take it. They cannot take it because there is no storage capacity.

Something is going to break.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (sX1BW)

336 wondering the same thing about KTE

we made her file her taxes asap - waiting to see if she gets $$$
Posted by: vmom 2020 at April 20, 2020 02:21 PM (G546f)

Did you already file your 2019 taxes claiming her as a dependent? Or haven't you filed yet?

Posted by: bluebell at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (/669Q)

337 >>So if oil is truly negative, the couldn't Trump "buy" it without Congressional authorization, refill the reserve, and add a touch of revenue?

He's been buying but we are running out of room to store it.

The current price reflects expiring May contracts. It will be back up in the $20s soon.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (ZLI7S)

338 332 I always hoped the middle eastern fuckers would have to EAT THEIR FUCKING OIL
Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (d7Ww2)


This happened at the end of Quantum of Solace.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (LvTSG)

339 324 Oil -13.98!
Posted by: Tami at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (cF8AT)

Has everyone taken their crazy pills.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (G0vdT)

340 PA extends lock down from May 1st to May 8th.

Genius dude...just genius.

Posted by: Tami at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (cF8AT)

341 Oil - 30.00!

This is absurd!

Posted by: Tami at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (cF8AT)

342 337 >>So if oil is truly negative, the couldn't Trump "buy" it without Congressional authorization, refill the reserve, and add a touch of revenue?

He's been buying but we are running out of room to store it.

The current price reflects expiring May contracts. It will be back up in the $20s soon.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (ZLI7S)


Yucca Mountain!

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (LvTSG)

343 Why is it the Ruling Class is busy demanding lockdowns for others while accepting no restrictions at all for themselves?

I learned it from you, Ace

Because fuck you thats why

Posted by: Astro is Asshoe at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (a48q1)

344 He's been buying but we are running out of room to store it.

well hell, put it in Congress

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (j9HX3)

345 um

what on earth is going to happen in the ME now?!!?

I mean obviously here, we're fucked

but the Kingdom? the other autocracies over there? yikes

this is BAD
And also, muh Russia.

Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (kOpft)

346 It always amazed me that politicians wasn't weren't the FIRST to notice these things. It's their profession. But they're almost uniformly the LAST.
Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (H8QX

Marie Antoinette Pelosi doing her video thing in front of two $24 K refrigerators, one filled with $13 pint ice cream should tell you all you need to know about how aware these idiots are.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (WEBkv)

347 Tome Wolfe is a fucking asshole.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (zoOdd)

348 How long will it take for the next oil futures contracts to go tits up at this rate?

Posted by: Fortcoins at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (JbL9Q)

349 Can anyone explain these negative oil numbers and what they actually mean if you bid that amount?
Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (Asyn9)


In essence.... you paying somebody to take the contract off your hands as opposed to selling the contract.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (nw6Hr)

350 "Yep, Billy, I remember when the oil producers used to pay YOU!"

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (oVJmc)

351 So if gas drops below $1 a gallon. And I theoretically have 1000 Kroger points to use. Does that mean Kroger will pay me to pump my gas?

Posted by: Buzzion at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (Sg/64)

352 Whats been getting on my nerves lately are the cable news hosts doing their duties from their oppulently finished basements, collecting their million dollar paychecks without missing a beat, insisting "We're all in this together."
No, you're not.
If you're in this with me, you wouldn't be pleading with me to stay home .

Posted by: Ricky Roma at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (2Ia/C)

Oil low for the day is $.35

I think it's going to go negative.
Posted by: WisRich

Get a free fill up and free dishes.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (aKsyK)

354 -$35 now.

This is going to take the market down.

People will have to sell stocks to cover losses.

Posted by: bonhomme at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (YYlyE)

355 It means your about to take physical delivery of
lots of oil and you no place to store it. Your so desperate that your
willing to pay anyone to take it.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (G0vdT)

It seems this was going to happen regardless with no demand. Eventually someone was going to be holding the bag at the end of the month.
Also note this is just WTI Crude. Brent crude prices don't have the problem because those contracts can be settled in cash. WTI contracts must take delivery.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (TLxpZ)

356 I hope Trump just refilled the entire Strategic Reserve for a buck-fitty.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:11 PM (oVJmc)

Trump asked Congress for $3 billion to top off the Strategic Reserve.

Pelosi called it a bailout for Big Oil and stripped it from the Coronovirus bills. So we can't take advantage of the $-3.70 p/bbl bonanza.

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado) at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (l7Kbv)


Trump Tweets video of Obama watching a Biden commercial with Black friends.

Rev Al Sharpton

While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by
@realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs. This is intolerable and

Yes, Biden really is an abortion.

Posted by: SMOD at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (3aI0K)

358 330 Someguy pointed out earlier that contracts at the end of the cycle - June? - are around $20. Seems like purely a futures expiration artifact. A rare and bizarre one, but not a reflection of any actual price that will persist.
Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (El6T/)

Here's the thing. If the country stays on lockdown for another 30 days, the oil market is not going to get any better and those June contracts will start to plummet as well.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (G0vdT)

359 347 Tome Wolfe is a fucking asshole.

he is.


if we were to recall him or toss him out, we'd be stuck with the Lieutenant Governor. Who does not appear to be HUMAN. I think it's a Vogon.

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (j9HX3)

360 I'm going to put on my assless chaps and goalie mask, drive to EXXON HQ and tell them to just walk away and I'll let them live. I could use some minions for backup.

It could work.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (ZLI7S)

361 Finding storage is the issue. But people with storage are buying as much as they can in the futures market. In another few months it will be worth 20 times today's price.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (VpIIl)

362 Can anyone explain these negative oil numbers and what they actually mean if you bid that amount?
Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:23 PM (Asyn9)


In essence.... you paying somebody to take the contract off your hands as opposed to selling the contract.


The reason is it is negative is because even if you took the oil for free, you would have to take it which has its own costs. No one can take it. It isn't a cost issue, it is a lack of storage issue.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (sX1BW)

363 344
He's been buying but we are running out of room to store it.

well hell, put it in Congress

You usually want to take sulfur out of oil, not put it back in in the form of brimstone.

Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (T6t7i)

The current price reflects expiring May contracts. It will be back up in the $20s soon.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (ZLI7S)

Are those contracts going to be honored? How does that work?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (oVJmc)

365 Here's the thing. If the country stays on lockdown for another 30 days, the oil market is not going to get any better and those June contracts will start to plummet as well.

like really really FUCKING fast they will

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (j9HX3)


Idris Elba has said he thinks the world should take a week of quarantine every year to "remember this time" once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (aKsyK)

367 366

Idris Elba has said he thinks the world should take a week of quarantine every year to "remember this time" once the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (aKsyK)


To commemorate how the West sold itself out to the Chinese so we never forget?

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (LvTSG)

368 310 So if oil is truly negative, the couldn't Trump "buy" it without Congressional authorization, refill the reserve, and add a touch of revenue?
Posted by: Farmer Bob at April 20, 2020 02:24 PM (87EdW

the reserve is almost full - as best I can tell, capacity is estimated at 797 million barrels, currently estimated to hold 635 million barrels. (that may have increased) Leaving 160 million barrels of capacity to be filled, roughly speaking.

At current over production rates, we can aborb 16 days of excess capacity and then all of our storage is full, full stop.

The wells are going to have to shut in, even if it kills them. No other choices left.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (q3gwH)

369 Yikes folks, calm down. If we're incredibly lucky - and we won't be this lucky - oil prices will be the proverbial last straw, helping topple the Iranian regime*. Probably won't happen. But the actual prices aren't the same as today's fire sale due to futures contract expiration.

* Don keeps talking about a "deal" with Tehran, which is as idiotic as a "deal" with Osama bin Laden in October 2001, but I'm sure he considers it a sly public posture that blunts idiotic slanders of US policy, and pacifies his less thoughtful supporters

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (El6T/)

370 Are those contracts going to be honored? How does that work?


Let the wasting begin.

It will not be pretty.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (sX1BW)

371 I predict a rash of STD's within a couple of weeks of the Great Re-Opening.

Posted by: JoeF. at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (CqE5x)

372 >>Are those contracts going to be honored? How does that work?

Well that's how it supposed to work but we are in uncharted territory.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (ZLI7S)

373 In essence.... you paying somebody to take the contract off your hands as opposed to selling the contract.


so, kinda like divorce

Posted by: vmom 2020 at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (G546f)

374 "Finding storage is the issue. But people with
storage are buying as much as they can in the futures market. In another
few months it will be worth 20 times today's price.
Posted by: Marcus T"

Skateboard parks would work well. And keep the kids out. Win-win.

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (MxEKc)

375 >>>I foresee zero reckoning and zero fiscal consequences for states who are way past in need of both.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (El6T/)

A pox on your foresee.

Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:32 PM (Gqta/)

Marie Antoinette Pelosi doing her video thing in front of two $24 K refrigerators, one filled with $13 pint ice cream should tell you all you need to know about how aware these idiots are.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at April 20, 2020 02:28 PM (WEBkv)

And she was PROUD to show it off and giggled like a fucking school girl.

I HATE that woman. And HATE is a STRONG word.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:32 PM (Zz0t1)

377 ZeroHedge says $-7.50
Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (G0vdT)
You DO realize zerohedge is Russian propaganda site

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:32 PM (Tm1/H)

378 Are those contracts going to be honored? How does that work?
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (oVJmc)

When you buy the contracts you put up money to cover a drop in price, so that if you walk away the seller is unharmed. The seller does the same thing.

Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at April 20, 2020 02:32 PM (SgjGX)

379 244 Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:13 PM (N9G0H)

Posted by: vmom 2020

Rather not say!

Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:32 PM (N9G0H)

380 The current price reflects expiring May contracts. It will be back up in the $20s soon.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (ZLI7S)

As if that matters? The US shale industry is just as dead in the $20's as it is in the teens. Or ought's.

Anything under $35, we no longer have a US oil producing industry.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (q3gwH)

381 Attention ladies-

We will reopen Tomorrow!

If you got to wear a rag on your face, at least your hair can be looking GOOD!

Posted by: Essentials by Earnestine, an SBA certified minority Native American woman owned HUBzone damn bidnis at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (QzkSJ)

382 -35.20 on oil according to Fox Buiness

Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (kOpft)

383 361
Finding storage is the issue. But people with storage are buying as much
as they can in the futures market. In another few months it will be
worth 20 times today's price.

Posted by: Marcus T at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (VpIIl)

Everyone knows that the problem is how to profit from it. There are plenty of stories of hedge funds stuck paying for a tanker to do circles in the ocean because they could never get a price high enough to cover their costs.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (TLxpZ)

384 Pelosi called it a bailout for Big Oil and stripped
it from the Coronovirus bills. So we can't take advantage of the $-3.70
p/bbl bonanza.

Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (Gringo fuertemente armado) at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (l7Kbv)

More evidence, in case you really needed it, that the Democrat Party works for Big Islam.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (CGXMi)

385 The reason is it is negative is because even if you took the oil for free, you would have to take it which has its own costs. No one can take it. It isn't a cost issue, it is a lack of storage issue.
Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:30 PM (sX1BW)


Im assuming most of the sellers are physically unable to take possession as they are commodity contract traders, and they are holding in the money contracts THE DAY BEFORE POSSESSION DAY.

I hope they burn.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (nw6Hr)

386 Christ Almighty. All this and people are on video willingly allowing themselves to be chipped.

Posted by: Jmel at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (OeWgo)

387 Trump Tweets video of Obama watching a Biden commercial with Black friends.

Rev Al Sharpton

While Blacks are dying at disproportionate numbers, to be mocked by
@realDonaldTrump, is pouring salt on open wombs. This is intolerable and

Yes, Biden really is an abortion.
Posted by: SMOD at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (3aI0K)

Trump knows all about Tawana Brawley and all of Shapton's other antics in NYC and he'll blast him yo smithereens.

Posted by: JoeF. at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (CqE5x)

388 Tome Wolfe is a fucking asshole.
How Bout Tone Loc ?

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (Tm1/H)

389 Please read my "Conservative Case For Surrender To China" for some hints on really double-good public policies that can help us in the coming depression.

Posted by: The Rev. Colonel David French, A Xantastic Guy! at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (NVYyb)

390 yet people are still paying over $2.00 a gallon in the "hip" areas of the country. I will believe there is an all time low when I see Die Hard prices. I remember in that Christmas movies they did a close up of a gas station and the price was around 85 cents., and that was L.A. Just because oil is down doesn't mean people are no longer getting screwed.

Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:34 PM (hHxp2)

391 Skateboard parks would work well. And keep the kids out. Win-win.

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (MxEKc)

swimming pools

Posted by: BignJames at April 20, 2020 02:34 PM (X/Pw5)

392 I have a great idea, ship all unneeded oil to Antarctica and freeze it for future use.

Inspired by Brewster's Millions.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:34 PM (sX1BW)

393 Pelosi called it a bailout for Big Oil and stripped

it from the Coronovirus bills. So we can't take advantage of the $-3.70

p/bbl bonanza.

It's not a vital national interest like the Fucking Kennedy Center.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:34 PM (oVJmc)

394 377 ZeroHedge says $-7.50
Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:20 PM (G0vdT)
You DO realize zerohedge is Russian propaganda site
Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:32 PM (Tm1/H)

I do but he's got access to bloomerg terminals, giving faster access to market data.

I stay far away from them most of the time and never go into the comments.

Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (G0vdT)

395 >>As if that matters? The US shale industry is just as dead in the $20's as it is in the teens. Or ought's.

>>Anything under $35, we no longer have a US oil producing industry.

And when demand starts coming back prices will rise and shale will once again become viable.

Every industry is going to have pain.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (ZLI7S)

396 Happy Birthday today to our beloved President Roosevelt! May you have many more, Sir!

Posted by: Sundown Joe Biden at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (NVYyb)

Christ Almighty. All this and people are on video willingly allowing themselves to be chipped.
Posted by: Jmel

Step right up and get your free chip!
Everyone's a winnah!

Posted by: Mark of the Beast INC at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (aKsyK)

398 On the one hand, it's nice to talk about something other than the virus.

On the other hand, I can't really talk about oil markets.

Le sigh...

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (LvTSG)

399 And she was PROUD to show it off and giggled like a fucking school girl.

I HATE that woman. And HATE is a STRONG word.
Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:32 PM (Zz0t1)

I don't hate very many people.

Nancy is one of the few.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (WEBkv)

400 >>>334 Can you pay me to take this oil from you? I have plans involving trenches and burning oil around certain localities and borders

Posted by: dIb at April 20, 2020 02:27 PM (VJOLZ)

So, walls of fire instead of brick.

Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (Gqta/)

401 I feel sorry for anyone who thinks if the Democrats win in November, they will "end this right away" and "open things up" because approval or some such.

They have skipped 20 steps on the way to commie utopia. They have no intention of stopping any of this if they don't have to.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (CGXMi)

402 Someone: Boy, I think we need to reopen even just a little, people are not doing well, and it's concerning me.


This exact thing happened to me yesterday with a friend in person. I'm still recovering from the outrage she spewed at me. While we were talking she also spotted some kids playing on the local high school track and stopped a police car to report them. I did not know she had it in her, but now I think I need new friends.

Posted by: cricket at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (vaHN3)

403 Skateboard parks would work well. And keep the kids out. Win-win.

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2020 02:31 PM (MxEKc)

swimming pools

Posted by: BignJames at April 20, 2020 02:34 PM (X/Pw5)

... Movie Stars..

Posted by: Grump928(C) at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (qlpyb)

404 329
Seriously, how do I "buy" oil? I have space for a few barrels and would like to make some extra cash.

was it steve martin who did a bit talking about how he had gotten a good deal on a large supply of cardboard and had a special arrangement in which he only had to keep 5 tons in his basement?

Posted by: Anachronda at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (kf5Ci)

405 Today I am announcing I am suspending my funeral and returning to Washington, hoping to do whatever I can to help return the country to economic normalcy.

Posted by: Zombie John McVain, Build The Dang Fence!! at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (NVYyb)

406 @jsolomonReports

Influential coronavirus model reduces Florida's projected deaths by over 70%

Posted by: Tami at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (cF8AT)

407 If you examined the period at the end of any law passed by government, you would find it is NOT a solid circle. Instead it is a mostly solid circle but with the microscopic letters EFM at the center. EFM is short for Except For Me and it means any clauses, restrictions or penalties mentioned in the law is NOT binding on the elite.

After all, we would not want the to be hypocrites.

Posted by: JB1000 at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (Kf5r9)

408 398
On the one hand, it's nice to talk about something other than the virus.

The wife and I watched Ford v. Ferrari last night and enjoyed it greatly. Henry Ford II and his minions did not come off well.

Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (T6t7i)

409 Posted by: Mark of the Beast INC at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (aKsyK)

Chipped? What's this now?

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (IYHxL)

Chris Arnade @Chris_arnade
Oil price is not negative.

One financial product on oil that is about to end is going negative for technical reasons.

The next contract is still about $22s. That is low, but very much positive

People are learning about the absurdity of financial markets & financial futures

Posted by: Ghost of Qassem Soleimani at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (Tm1/H)

411 Tome Wolfe is a fucking asshole.
You've read him like a book.

Posted by: Axeman at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (Eicbe)

Anything under $35, we no longer have a US oil producing industry.
Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:33 PM (q3gwH)

When this is over and demand is high, it will be back to normal.

Posted by: JoeF. at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (CqE5x)

413 I don't hate very many people.

Nancy is one of the few.
Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (WEBkv)

The Bible tells me not to hate.

She overrules that rule. Seriously. I would piss on her in her casket as they parade her around when she finally dies off.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

414 267 I just finished booking my Airbnb stay for an overseas trip in late June.

I've been yelling at my wife to do the same thing.

Posted by: JEM

Booked a trip in July via AirBNB. Canceled it 2 days later due to this virus shit as the families involved are now on partial incomes due to furloughs/small business ownership.

AirBNB kept ALL of my money, minus the $162 cleaning fee.

I will NEVER use AirBNB again.
Posted by: Sponge

Something ain't right with what they did. They were giving 100% refunds to all trips cancelled by Covid-19 restrictions. You should complain and demand they refund you, saying it was out of your control.

Also, in the future, pay close attention to the cancellation policy for the listing. Try to find one that allows you to cancel with full refund all the way up to near when the trip begins.

Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (N9G0H)

415 390 yet people are still paying over $2.00 a gallon in the "hip" areas of the country. I will believe there is an all time low when I see Die Hard prices. I remember in that Christmas movies they did a close up of a gas station and the price was around 85 cents., and that was L.A. Just because oil is down doesn't mean people are no longer getting screwed.
Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:34 PM (hHxp2)

I'm still at $2.29 in eastern WA. I don't think we're all that hip, though.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (Ez6QX)

416 408 398
On the one hand, it's nice to talk about something other than the virus.

The wife and I watched Ford v. Ferrari last night and enjoyed it greatly. Henry Ford II and his minions did not come off well.
Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (T6t7i)


And then a movie I still haven't seen.

*weeps bitterly*

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (LvTSG)

So this is Let It Burn...

Bigger than I thought. More roomy.

Posted by: deplorable unperson - END THE LOCKDOWN : It's just a damn bug at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (xYFRc)

418 I turn on FBN, and see that oil prices are NEGATIVE $28.

Look like demand (lack of) has created a glut?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (ufFY8)

419 Over the weekend Jackass Murphy allowed marinas to reopen as every average citizen in NJ has a boat moored in a closed marina.

Posted by: BluesFish at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (WQZ1O)

420 If all the red states re-open, Nipsy and all the other tyrants will cave. They have to, because their natural inclination will be to double down. And that will blow up in their faces.


Once the Red states start to open (soon please!), you are right. The pressure will be on for blue hellholes to follow suit. It'll be like that family in Jaws. Once the grandparents take their kids out into the ocean, all the others will run out there too.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (O+I8R)


This exact thing happened to me yesterday with a friend in person. I'm still recovering from the outrage she spewed at me. While we were talking she also spotted some kids playing on the local high school track and stopped a police car to report them. I did not know she had it in her, but now I think I need new friends.
Posted by: cricket at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (vaHN3)


I hate to tell you... but your friend would have turned in Anne Frank . . . for the good of the Volksland.

And probably made an excellent camp guard.

Dont sweat it... I have a Sister thats exactly the same.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (nw6Hr)

422 I wonder how Venezuela is doing with all this oil bullshit

Posted by: nurse ratched at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (d7Ww2)

And when demand starts coming back prices will rise and shale will once again become viable.

Shale ensures that there is a ceiling on oil prices. We'll never see $100/bbl again, and that is a lot of political power for the US, even if we aren't actively producing.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (oVJmc)

424 *buys a barrel of oil at -$28.00*
*parleys $28.00 into TP futures*

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (r+sAi)

425 I wonder if can catch WuFlu is you're slathered in crude oil? Might be able to kill two birds w/one stone if can get some CDC guidance on this.

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (dYe5S)

426 Henry Ford II and his minions did not come off well.


I thought Ford came off ok. Actually, it was just one minion.

Iaccoca came off ok.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (sX1BW)

427 It means your about to take physical delivery of lots of oil and you no place to store it. Your so desperate that your willing to pay anyone to take it.
Posted by: WisRich at April 20, 2020 02:26 PM (G0vdT)

Thanks, WisRich.

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (Asyn9)

428 if we were to recall him or toss him out, we'd be stuck with the Lieutenant Governor. Who does not appear to be HUMAN. I think it's a Vogon.
Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:29 PM (j9HX3)

He looks like a bouncer at a gay biker bar.

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Processing Survey Topos Pantsless Since Mid-March at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (x8Wzq)

429 If anyone has PureFlix...The Chosen is AMAZING!! Worth the price of a PureFlix subscription, but you can binge it in the free week they give you.

Hope everyone is doing good!

Posted by: Miss Issippi at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (sI15f)

430 in a purely technical way, the oil market situation is fascinating. It's a Physical problem that simply cannot be fixed by the Fed pumping money into it.

There is simply no place left for the oil to go. It's easy to say "people who have storage" - but they're all full. No one in the world has any significant amount of unused storage.

Almost all of West Texas has got be be shut down and shut in for months. Any company that has any debt leverage at all, and every bank that backed those loans, is headed to bankruptcy.

this is the same thing that happened in 1986, but faster, and worse.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (q3gwH)

431 >>Anything under $35, we no longer have a US oil producing industry.

And when demand starts coming back prices will rise and shale will once again become viable.

Every industry is going to have pain.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (ZLI7S)

this can't help Texas. I don't care how much more diverse the economy is since the 80s. Oil still matters a hell of a lot.

Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (hHxp2)

432 420 If all the red states re-open, Nipsy and all the other tyrants will cave. They have to, because their natural inclination will be to double down. And that will blow up in their faces.


Once the Red states start to open (soon please!), you are right. The pressure will be on for blue hellholes to follow suit. It'll be like that family in Jaws. Once the grandparents take their kids out into the ocean, all the others will run out there too.
Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (O+I8R)


SC is starting to reverse course today.

Texas started to reverse course late last week.

The tide is turning on this.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (LvTSG)

433 mmm oil soup....

Posted by: Venezuela at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (xYFRc)

434 I attended the ILTA (International Liquids Terminal Association) show in Houston last year.

People were talking about reducing capacity then.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (mrrpT)

435 >>On the one hand, it's nice to talk about something other than the virus.

We could talk about the comment that Devin Nunes made yesterday regarding the Russia hoax. He says that Republican in the House are focused on what exactly Brennan gave to the FBI in 2016 to help start the investigation.

Probably not a coincidence that his former staffer, Kash Patel who had a large part in writing the Nunes memo, is now working for DNI Grenell.

I'm not saying it's Ukraine. But it's Ukraine.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (ZLI7S)

436 Our mayor is already making noise about raising property taxes to make up for the shortfall caused by covid.
Posted by: No One of Consequence

Yeah, that makes perfect sense: Tens of millions of Americans now don't have jobs and have seen their savings demolished. What should we do? I know, let's raise their property taxes! It's genius!

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (k4dH2)

437 I turn on FBN, and see that oil prices are NEGATIVE $28.

Look like demand (lack of) has created a glut?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (ufFY

Read up the thread a bit. There are some good explanations of what is going on.

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (Asyn9)

438 nd when demand starts coming back prices will rise and shale will once again become viable.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (ZLI7S)

I don't know who you think you are, but it looks like you are suggesting that there is some relationship between price and supply.

Posted by: Rent Control is great! at April 20, 2020 02:40 PM (dLLD6)

439 We'll never see $100/bbl again,


A lot of people are certain that what happened in the past will never happen again.

My review of the past makes me think differently.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:40 PM (sX1BW)

440 -35.20 on oil according to Fox Buiness

does an empty 55 gallon barrel cost more than $35?

Posted by: x at April 20, 2020 02:40 PM (nFwvY)

441 SC is starting to reverse course today.

Texas started to reverse course late last week.

The tide is turning on this.

thank you Mr Madison I REALLY need to hear this today! PA is awful but it cheers me to see other states being sensible

whew I really really REALLY need to move

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:40 PM (j9HX3)

442 And when demand starts coming back prices will rise and shale will once again become viable.

Shale ensures that there is a ceiling on oil prices. We'll never see $100/bbl again, and that is a lot of political power for the US, even if we aren't actively producing.

This cycle usually takes 15 - 20 years. After the 1986 collapse, the Texas oilfields didn't start to come back until the 2000's.

So, oil will be a good investment again in the 2035 - 2040 time frame. Mark your calendars.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (q3gwH)

443 435 >>On the one hand, it's nice to talk about something other than the virus.

We could talk about the comment that Devin Nunes made yesterday regarding the Russia hoax. He says that Republican in the House are focused on what exactly Brennan gave to the FBI in 2016 to help start the investigation.

Probably not a coincidence that his former staffer, Kash Patel who had a large part in writing the Nunes memo, is now working for DNI Grenell.

I'm not saying it's Ukraine. But it's Ukraine.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (ZLI7S)


*deep sigh of relief*

I can almost talk about this stuff.

So, the head of the CIA lied to the FBI. I wonder how Barr views this considering the long term antagonism between the two agencies.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (LvTSG)

444 TJM, what have you heard about SC so far? McMaster was talking about it, or beginning to talk about it. But I don't know any specifics. Even vague ones.

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (O+I8R)

445 409
I saw a video on Twitter yesterday of a Today show episode where a guy had a chip inserted in his hand and then held his hand up next to a vending machine and bought candy with it. Scary!!

Posted by: Jmel at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (OeWgo)

446 423
And when demand starts coming back prices will rise and shale will once again become viable.

Shale ensures that there is a ceiling on oil prices. We'll never see $100/bbl again, and that is a lot of political power for the US, even if we aren't actively producing.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (oVJmc)

After an episode like this banks might not be so eager to finance a return of shale production.

Posted by: Someguy at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (Zm+LZ)

447 Something ain't right with what they did. They were giving 100% refunds to all trips cancelled by Covid-19 restrictions. You should complain and demand they refund you, saying it was out of your control.

Also, in the future, pay close attention to the cancellation policy for the listing. Try to find one that allows you to cancel with full refund all the way up to near when the trip begins.
Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (N9G0H)

We submitted the cancellation as Virus related, but they rejected it because we weren't traveling in March and didn't make the 48 hour cancellation.

They then said they would refund 1/2 of the money back, but only after the FULL AMOUNT was paid, we'd only get 1/2 back. Since we'd only paid the first 1/2 as the deposit, they're keeping 100% of that.

I've been round and round with the renter and even said we'd settle for 1/2 of the deposit back "for THEIR troubles," then went through the BBB to AirBNB corporate in San Franshitsco.

I've now gone through my bank to have them go after them as fraudulent.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (Zz0t1)

448 Pro Tip: Your lefty friends will sell you up the river.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (CGXMi)

449 I got a kick out of the Trump pressers a couple weeks ago when the press was asking if the US was going to cut oil production.

Trump seemed confused, like do they think he controls oil production in the US? Do they think this is socialism already? The question was just so stupid.

Trump had to explain supply and demand in a free market economy to the asshat reporters.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (LWu6U)

450 Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at April 20, 2020 02:38 PM (ufFY

Read up the thread a bit. There are some good explanations of what is going on.
Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (Asyn9)



They DONT read the content and they DONT read the comments.


Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (nw6Hr)

451 this is the same thing that happened in 1986, but faster, and worse.


This is not good.

But hey, we are doing the same thing to the medical industry as well, so oil isn't the only one being affected.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (sX1BW)

452 444 TJM, what have you heard about SC so far? McMaster was talking about it, or beginning to talk about it. But I don't know any specifics. Even vague ones.
Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (O+I8R)


Beaches are open again.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (LvTSG)

453 BREAKING: Crude oil goes negative for the first time ever


War is coming.

Posted by: SMH at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (RU4sa)

454 Since FB is so clearly a tool of the government, when will people see this and terminate FB accounts?

Posted by: FloridaMan -- Convinced this has been overreaction at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (r28kI)

455 What the heck?!?

Canuck goes whack, dresses up as an RCMP officer, and goes on a killing rampage.

Condolences to the families of the murdered. What a tragedy.

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (9rPp8)

456 383
knows that the problem is how to profit from it. There are plenty of
stories of hedge funds stuck paying for a tanker to do circles in the
ocean because they could never get a price high enough to cover their

there's a bad science fiction story in there somewhere. oil tanker has been circling in the ocean for centuries. generations have lived and died on the ship. one day, the engineering section mutinies against the bridge and things get sporty.

Posted by: Anachronda at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (kf5Ci)

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (nw6Hr)


Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (GbPPJ)

458 I'm still at $2.29 in eastern WA. I don't think we're all that hip, though.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (Ez6QX)

You have Cougar Gold, therefore you are hip.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (dLLD6)

Read up the thread a bit. There are some good explanations of what is going on.

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:39 PM (Asyn9)

Technical issues.
Things will settle out quickly.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (ufFY8)

460 453
BREAKING: Crude oil goes negative for the first time ever


War is coming.

Posted by: SMH at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (RU4sa)

So that's two horsemen.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (oVJmc)

461 >>Anything under $35, we no longer have a US oil producing industry.

And when demand starts coming back prices will rise and shale will once again become viable.

Every industry is going to have pain.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:35 PM (ZLI7S)

Awl has always been a boom/bust business.

Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (Gqta/)

462 454 Since FB is so clearly a tool of the government, when will people see this and terminate FB accounts?
Posted by: FloridaMan -- Convinced this has been overreaction at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (r28kI)

My money is on "Never."

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (Ez6QX)

463 I don't trust these Republican governors. They're all wusses. The slightest spike in the virus, they'll close down again.

Posted by: Dan Smoot's Apprentice at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (H8QX8)

464 The wife and I watched Ford v. Ferrari last night and enjoyed it greatly. Henry Ford II and his minions did not come off well.
Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (T6t7i)
That movie led me to disclose here "who is Bale's wife b/c holy cow is she hot" which led me to Outlander which led to me "holy cow keep your clothes on for once" etc etc

Posted by: jhawk90 at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (/ZYFC)

465 A lot of people are certain that what happened in the past will never happen again.

My review of the past makes me think differently.
Posted by: SH

Tell me more

Posted by: The American Revolution at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (Rz36l)

466 there's a bad science fiction story in there somewhere. oil tanker has been circling in the ocean for centuries. generations have lived and died on the ship. one day, the engineering section mutinies against the bridge and things get sporty.


Wasn't this the plot of Waterworld.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (sX1BW)

467 Posted by: SMH at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (RU4sa)

Hopefully not

Posted by: thathalfrican - sucker free on my phone at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (IYHxL)

468 Boobs.
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (GbPPJ)

And you got em.....

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (Zz0t1)

469 I have a few jugs and a couple of holes out back I pour the used stuff in.

I'm "Doing My Part (TM)" .

Posted by: deplorable unperson - END THE LOCKDOWN : It's just a damn bug at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (xYFRc)

470 Boobs?

Um, think there are rules Empress...

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (9rPp8)

471 Of course oil will be $100 per barrel again - of course, that'll be the same year that a quarter pounder with cheese goes for $100, too.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (q3gwH)

472 If crude goes negative, does it owe us?

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (O+I8R)

473 >>So, the head of the CIA lied to the FBI. I wonder how Barr views this considering the long term antagonism between the two agencies.

If what we've been told is true it was Comey who insisted that the Steele dossier be included in the ICA over objections from Brennan and Clapper. Admiral Rogers was the only who dissented altogether on the accuracy of the ICA.

It was also right at the end of Obama reign of error when the intelligence sharing rules were relaxed so everyone down to the White House cook had access to this classified document.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (ZLI7S)

474 Guys on FBN just said
1) Some major institution just blew up
2)This is the point where you jump out the 26th story window

Posted by: Methos at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (kOpft)

475 How does trading a commodity at negative value work?

Posted by: Guzalot at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (Rz36l)

Hello..... Shell Oil.

Yes... I like acquire 100 barrels of #1 sweet crude??

You do??? And its in stock??? Will you check in the back room please??

Awsome..... AND you'll send me a check???

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (nw6Hr)

477 305

Of course, the article was from vice, but since it isn't about politics, it's a fairly decent article. airbnb-scam-how-to-tell
Posted by: imp

Yep -- I know about every single one of those scams. And also how to avoid them. Maybe they prey on naive travelers. I am about the least naive traveler in existence.

Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (N9G0H)

478 454 Since FB is so clearly a tool of the government, when will people see this and terminate FB accounts?

Posted by: FloridaMan -- Convinced this has been overreaction at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (r28kI)

My money is on "Never."

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (Ez6QX)

same, if they were the types to do it they already would have done so.

Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (hHxp2)

479 471 Of course oil will be $100 per barrel again - of course, that'll be the same year that a quarter pounder with cheese goes for $100, too.

way to look at the bright side Tom!

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (j9HX3)

480 473 >>So, the head of the CIA lied to the FBI. I wonder how Barr views this considering the long term antagonism between the two agencies.

If what we've been told is true it was Comey who insisted that the Steele dossier be included in the ICA over objections from Brennan and Clapper. Admiral Rogers was the only who dissented altogether on the accuracy of the ICA.

It was also right at the end of Obama reign of error when the intelligence sharing rules were relaxed so everyone down to the White House cook had access to this classified document.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (ZLI7S)


I swear...I hope this plays out the way I want it to play out. Up to and including a criminal indictment of at least one person in Obama's cabinet.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (LvTSG)

481 I think emails sent to selves about how you're doing what you're told and everything is on the up and up should be investigated, but what do I know.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (CGXMi)

482 Things worth more than a barrel of Oil Right now:

Zimbabwe Dollars


Pocket lint

"Hopes and Change"





Raw Sewage

Posted by: Surfperch at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (tVQUs)

483 How does trading a commodity at negative value work?
Posted by: Guzalot at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (Rz36l)


Youre paying someone to take a shit contract you should not be holding off your hands.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (nw6Hr)

484 Um, think there are rules Empress...
Posted by: Anna Puma at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (9rPp

If people did not bookmark the Victory Tits, that is not my problem.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (GbPPJ)

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:41 PM (nw6Hr)

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (GbPPJ)
Just for the record, boobs are awesome.

Posted by: jhawk90 at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (/ZYFC)

486 Just out of our weekly staff meeting (online conference call).

We were told to expect to be continuing to work from home through the end of May.

So if that is true --- first full day of work from home here in Michigan was 03/16/20 --- we will have been working from home for 11 straight weeks.

Makes me wonder if our management has been in touch with Michigan government and knows of any extension of the stay-at-home order through end of May.

I'd like to complain, but I know there are tens of millions of people in much worse situations than I. Those unemployed --- including many of my coworkers who were furloughed --- and those watching their small businesses go down the toilet.

Still... *sigh*

Posted by: Clyde Shelton at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (Do5/p)

487 that'll be the same year that a quarter pounder with cheese goes for $100, too.

That's a Royale with Cheese.

Or more likely: 四分之一磅奶酪

Posted by: Grump928(C) at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (qlpyb)

488 The Bible tells me not to hate.

She overrules that rule. Seriously. I would piss on her in her casket as they parade her around when she finally dies off.
Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:37 PM (Zz0t1)

Yeah, as a Christian, I know I'm not supposed to hate, but, she's someone who puts me in a position to need abundant Grace from God.

Posted by: blake - semi lurker in marginal standing
at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (WEBkv)

489 went to the beach this weekend in SoCal ... the waters out there look like a parking lot for oil tankers ... dozens

Posted by: Pliney at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (nzKWW)

490 Bailout for the oil industry. Hooboy, would that explode heads or what?

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (O+I8R)

491 Awl has always been a boom/bust business.
Posted by: Braenyard at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (Gqta/)

wait until you see how high and how big the bankruptcies go. Not the integrated majors, they still have refining businesses that will do well. I mean the New York hedge funds that literally poured tens of billions of dollars into financing the shale drillers.

all that - money - is about to be lost, like tears in rain.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (q3gwH)

492 How does trading a commodity at negative value work?

Ask Fannie and Freddy about how Red-Lining worked for them. Along with Countrywide.

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (9rPp8)

493 The low crude prices will be helpful to the desperate mobs which will need lots of torches. Here are some do-it-yourself directions:

Unfortunately they require toilet paper

Posted by: Ripley at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (MxEKc)

494 424
*buys a barrel of oil at -$28.00*
*parleys $28.00 into TP futures*

hmm. i wonder if it's possible to engineer e. coli to eat oil and crap toilet paper?

Posted by: Anachronda at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (kf5Ci)

495 >>I swear...I hope this plays out the way I want it to play out. Up to and including a criminal indictment of at least one person in Obama's cabinet.

You and me both. But I also wanted it laid out so clearly that it is beyond obvious that Obama, Hillary and Slow Joe were all involved.

Because they were.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (ZLI7S)

496 The barrel is now worth more than the oil inside.

Posted by: Surfperch at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (tVQUs)

497 There is only one way to make oil go positive again.

The elimination of all CAFE standards.

Bring back our 409s.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (sX1BW)

498 The proposed WH guidelines, incredibly, contain provisions specifically aimed at containing and minimizing the impact of any subsequent up-ticks (almost surely inevitable) in infections. It's almost like they know how most epidemics work, in broad outline, and are building an approach that would allow minimal economic disruption with maximum public health hedging.

Crazy talk, I know.

So state-wide measures are very unlikely, for many reasons, including that the other approaches will localize any outbreaks. That's the reason for contact tracing.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (El6T/)

499 That movie led me to disclose here "who is Bale's
wife b/c holy cow is she hot" which led me to Outlander which led to me
"holy cow keep your clothes on for once" etc etc

Posted by: jhawk90

Huh. I had exactly the same thought. I didn't realize she was the wife in Outlander.

Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (T6t7i)

500 same, if they were the types to do it they already would have done so.
Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (hHxp2)

My mom and my husband know all about and agree with how evil FB is. Doesn't stop them from being on there all day looking for funny cat vids.

Posted by: Jordan61 at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (Ez6QX)

501 490 Bailout for the oil industry. Hooboy, would that explode heads or what?
Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (O+I8R)

Reagan let us all die in '86, Trump will do the same.

it'll be sad if this is what ends up pushing Texas blue again.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (q3gwH)

502 Crude glut + TP shortage = polyester TP

Won't be very good for the sewers, but maybe we can figure out a way to filter it out, then recycle into leisure suits.

Posted by: Frankovich's Monster at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (dYe5S)

503 Have to go pickup my Walmart order....1/2 of which they were out of. I'm so done with that store and doing 'order pickup'....

Posted by: Tami at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (cF8AT)

504 495 >>I swear...I hope this plays out the way I want it to play out. Up to and including a criminal indictment of at least one person in Obama's cabinet.

You and me both. But I also wanted it laid out so clearly that it is beyond obvious that Obama, Hillary and Slow Joe were all involved.

Because they were.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (ZLI7S)


I also want to know how far back this goes.


Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (LvTSG)

505 I never liked facebook, even for a nanosecond. That faux supersafe blue color which blared "trust", and the rigid layout compared to customizable sites like myspace etc, told me "they're experimenting on (us)".

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (CGXMi)

506 If crude goes negative, does it owe us?

Posted by: Lady in Black, sans mask at April 20, 2020 02:44 PM (O+I8R)

if it goes negative $5, then you have to pay the oil company $5 to not have to take possession of a barrel.

Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (hHxp2)

507 rickb, I remember the .27/gallon, the free glasses - AND the Hawaii vacation sweepstakes. Amerika of the late 60s, f**k yeah.

Posted by: rhomboid

And.. they pumped it for ya!
"Gimme 2 dollars, please.."
Those were the days!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (CjFDo)

508 Dennis Prsger has been interviewing the doctor who brought out the HCQ drug cocktail
Its been very good and while his show is only on until 3pm this will be replayed at 5pm full

Posted by: Skip at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (ZCEU2)

Fook NYC politicians and Guido Cuomo, too.

You're not the boss of us!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (pNxlR)

510 499 That movie led me to disclose here "who is Bale's
wife b/c holy cow is she hot" which led me to Outlander which led to me
"holy cow keep your clothes on for once" etc etc

Posted by: jhawk90

Huh. I had exactly the same thought. I didn't realize she was the wife in Outlander.
Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (T6t7i)


One might call her the main character.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (LvTSG)

511 Boobs.
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 20, 2020 02:43 PM (GbPPJ)


Well.... duh.

Good answer.

EVERYBODY likes bewbs.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (nw6Hr)

512 Oil low at $.01 but in Kalifornia still is 3$/gallon regular.

There is some disconnect.... him democrat taxes.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (pw+jk)

513 496 The barrel is now worth more than the oil inside.
Posted by: Surfperch at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (tVQUs)


Posted by: The Barrel at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (Ti+Tv)

514 I've now gone through my bank to have them go after them as fraudulent.
Posted by: Sponge

Fuckin' hell! Airbnb really gave you the shitty end of the stick. My sympathies. I've heard about their assholish behavior before, but never experienced it myself. (Yet, at least -- and hopefully never).

Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (N9G0H)

515 rickb, I remember the .27/gallon, the free glasses - AND the Hawaii vacation sweepstakes. Amerika of the late 60s, f**k yeah.

Posted by: rhomboid

My uncle owned two shell stations. We had more glasses than we knew what to do with.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (Aivl/)

516 "Henry Ford II and his minions did not come off well."
Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:36 PM (T6t7i)

My oldest brother was just starting his career as an accountant for Ford in the Glass House in Dearborn at that time. Lots of good stories about Iacocca and the Deuce.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (mrrpT)

517 Same in the UK, everyone is locked down and Londoners are packed onto the Tube with the asshole Mayor cutting services.

Last Thursday they were all out on Westminster bridge applauding the NHS, police, ambulance, media, citizenry, all there in violation of the quarantine.

Exclude the London numbers, and the UK is doing pretty well, probably like the US with New York. Family in NY state, they don't have a case within 50 miles.

Posted by: Political McGuffin at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (HPHHZ)

518 512 Oil low at $.01 but in Kalifornia still is 3$/gallon regular.

There is some disconnect.... him democrat taxes.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Totally Unserious at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (pw+jk)


The gas stations didn't buy the gas in their pumps at $.01 per barrel.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (LvTSG)

519 we finally hit peak oil ... peak low oil price I mean ... zero is the price when the storage is full. (or less than zero if you are charged for storage, but I guess the only people with storage are not going to sell at zero, but they might buy at zero)

Posted by: illiniwek at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (Cus5s)

520 492 How does trading a commodity at negative value work?

Ask Fannie and Freddy about how Red-Lining worked for them. Along with Countrywide.
Posted by: Anna Puma at April 20, 2020 02:46 PM (9rPp

basically you're paying someone to take it off your hands, since you can't take physical delivery. You could also just default and refuse to take delivery when the time came, but there's a lot of consequences for doing that. One is probably being kicked off the trading exchange for good.

Posted by: Tom Servo at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (q3gwH)

Who is using subways if everyone is staying home?

Posted by: Glenn John at April 20, 2020 02:50 PM (LilNs)

522 If people did not bookmark the Victory Tits, that is not my problem.

Posted by: alexthechick April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (GbPPJ)

Oh, we were only supposed to bookmark it?

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:50 PM (CGXMi)

523 The MSM-Dem establishment would rather have a massive social confrontation over Wuhan COVID-19 panic than devote one line of coverage to the latest FISA unredacted wiretap applications and unredacted FBI notes that prove FBI upper-echelon malfeasance.

Posted by: mrp at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (Pqytn)

524 If you fapped to them for more than four hours....

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (9rPp8)

525 And.. they pumped it for ya!
"Gimme 2 dollars, please.."
Those were the days!
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry

I remember my dad telling them how many gallons he wanted, not how much.

"Gimme six gallons"

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (Aivl/)

526 The unmasking thing theoretically has the potential to ensnare lots more senior Obama figures, but the EO he did probably will deny any legal traction on that one.

I think full development of the L. Page text reference, and the FBI/DOJ briefing of the WH CoS, will be enough to lock down Bambi's involvement.

Though I wonder any more what the audience would be.

Country is far, far more dumbed down, emotional, tribal, and ignorant than even 10 years ago. Airheads who can listen to NPR and take the NYT seriously lack the intellectual capacity to connect 2 gigantic dots sitting in front of them.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (El6T/)

527 It is unconscionable that Rikers Island inmates who
were released due to coronavirus concerns are committing new crimes,
Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.

Posted by: rhennigantx at April 20, 2020 01:58 PM (JFO2v)

You mean the drug dealer at the liquor store wasn't a good guy?!?

Posted by: Stu Price at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (ufFY8)

528 >>I also want to know how far back this goes.


I think there were violations of the FISA and 702 processes going back many years but it was the Obama administration that weaponized it for purely political reasons.

They shut down the IGs at the start of his presidency, put in a hardcore leftwing activist in the AGs job, twice, and then massively enhanced the spread of classified information and turned leaking into a full time job.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (ZLI7S)

529 The gas stations didn't buy the gas in their pumps at $.01 per barrel.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (LvTSG)

they have a long and recorded history of raising prices as soon as oil jumps and lowering them very slowly when it goes down.

Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (hHxp2)

530 Canuck goes whack, dresses up as an RCMP officer, and goes on a killing rampage.

Condolences to the families of the murdered. What a tragedy.

Apparently the shooter was a man who was screwed over in a divorce situation, and the first victims were his ex-wife and her new hubby.

Men have been treated unfairly in domestic courts for far too long in western countries. It was inevitable that some of them would snap. You can only push people so far before they start pushing back. Not suggesting these murders were justified, they were not. But desperate people take desperate actions.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (k4dH2)

531 NY, DC and LA have been charging the world a huge premium for their capitalness forever. They've been doing an increasingly bad job of earning it.

Posted by: DaveA at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (FhXTo)

532 As someone who lives in the Permian Basin, I think I'm going to check out of the news for the rest of the day. I bet the liquor store is doing a brisk business.

Posted by: brak at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (cG+eD)

The gas stations didn't buy the gas in their pumps at $.01 per barrel.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (LvTSG)


Unless its going up.

If the commodity is rising.... use market spot to establish your retail price.

If the commdity market is falling.... use your average cost method to calculate your retail price.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (nw6Hr)

534 Who is using subways if everyone is staying home?
Posted by: Glenn John

Essentials. Um, expendables.

Posted by: rickb223 at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (Aivl/)

535 Who the fuck is running Barter Town? Fire his ass.

Posted by: Kilroy wasn't here at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (EV+4+)

536 Buckle up everyone.

I have no clue where we are going to be in a year - 5 years - 10 years.

But I have a feeling, this is going to be a year and a decade for the history books.

Posted by: SH at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (sX1BW)

537 I'll take a hogshead of your petroleum distillate and vulcanize this tire for me, Good Sir.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (qlpyb)

538 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (uZuKb)

The gas stations didn't buy the gas in their pumps at $.01 per barrel.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (LvTSG)

I shouldn't be, but I continue to be amazed at how people don't understand that gasoline refining from oil doesn't mean you sell it at oil's price.

Or how many taxes are included in a gallon of gas even though many states require the tax amount to be posted on the pump.

Posted by: Jen the original at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (Asyn9)

The MSM-Dem establishment would rather have a massive social
confrontation over Wuhan COVID-19 panic than devote one line of coverage
to the latest FISA unredacted wiretap applications and unredacted FBI
notes that prove FBI upper-echelon malfeasance.

Posted by: mrp at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (Pqytn)

Feature not bug

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (CGXMi)

541 You and me both. But I also wanted it laid out so clearly that it is beyond obvious that Obama, Hillary and Slow Joe were all involved.

Because they were.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (ZLI7S)

I want an Oval Office address with Trump and a yarn wall and Melania in a chair in the corner with stompy boots and tapping a riding crop in her hand.

Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (GbPPJ)

542 Or should I say it's a feature *of* the bug.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (CGXMi)

Fuckin' hell! Airbnb really gave you the shitty end of the stick. My sympathies. I've heard about their assholish behavior before, but never experienced it myself. (Yet, at least -- and hopefully never).
Posted by: zombie at April 20, 2020 02:49 PM (N9G0H)

Yeah. They've taught me the lesson of "I'll never be the nice guy that lays out the cash for a trip in advance as part of a group again."

I wish you the best of luck. I'm out.

Posted by: Sponge - China is asshoe! at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (Zz0t1)

544 521

Who is using subways if everyone is staying home?

Posted by: Glenn John at April 20, 2020 02:50 PM (LilNs)

Us! Thats who. And now that all you nonessentials are locked in your rooms it's like riding in a Cadillac. Pfffffft!

Posted by: The Essentials at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (jbf9O)

545 Kellyanne Conway Slams Governor Who Has 'Physically Distanced From Common Sense,' Says in Michigan 'You Can Smoke Your Grass, But Not Cut Your Grass'

Posted by: SMOD at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (3aI0K)

546 You and me both. But I also wanted it laid out so clearly that it is beyond obvious that Obama, Hillary and Slow Joe were all involved.

hmm is it possible - maybe - that Joe Biden is FAKING senility?!?!

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (j9HX3)

547 528 >>I also want to know how far back this goes.


I think there were violations of the FISA and 702 processes going back many years but it was the Obama administration that weaponized it for purely political reasons.

They shut down the IGs at the start of his presidency, put in a hardcore leftwing activist in the AGs job, twice, and then massively enhanced the spread of classified information and turned leaking into a full time job.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:51 PM (ZLI7S)


I really want it out that Obama and Holder started illegally spying on people by February 2009. I want his administration's reputation so far in the mud that not even current academic historians will defend it.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (LvTSG)

548 If people did not bookmark the Victory Tits, that is not my problem.

Posted by: alexthechick April 20, 2020 02:45 PM (GbPPJ)

Oh, we were only supposed to bookmark it?
Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:50 PM (CGXMi)


What if...... somebody framed them and put them up in the mancave.

Asking..... for a friend.

Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (nw6Hr)

549 Melania in a chair in the corner with stompy boots and tapping a riding crop in her hand.

The Horde won't care if she is wearing nothing else.

Posted by: Anna Puma at April 20, 2020 02:53 PM (9rPp8)

Because they were.
Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (ZLI7S)

I want an Oval Office address with Trump and a yarn wall and Melania in a chair in the corner with stompy boots and tapping a riding crop in her hand.
Posted by: alexthechick - Ragebunny. Hopping all around. at April 20, 2020 02:52 PM (GbPPJ)


As long as we figure out where Pepe Silva is.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:54 PM (LvTSG)

551 The drums have stopped!


Posted by: Grump928(C) at April 20, 2020 02:54 PM (qlpyb)

552 NOOD French, your holy better, scum

Posted by: andycanuck at April 20, 2020 02:54 PM (TQ/zJ)

553 Or how many taxes are included in a gallon of gas even though many states require the tax amount to be posted on the pump.

32 cents per gallon here in PA but that doesn't include the additional ethanol "fee" in the summer and fall

Posted by: BlackOrchidMasked at April 20, 2020 02:54 PM (j9HX3)

554 The drums have stopped!

Posted by: Grump928(C) at April 20, 2020 02:54 PM (qlpyb)

*flees before the bass solo starts*

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Processing Survey Topos Pantsless Since Mid-March at April 20, 2020 02:55 PM (x8Wzq)

555 Huh. I had exactly the same thought. I didn't realize she was the wife in Outlander.
Posted by: pep at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (T6t7i)


One might call her the main character.
Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:48 PM (LvTSG)
Yup and I made it as far as -
- he somehow found her underwater in the ocean after falling off a ship in a hurricane and wound up in America. I know after all the other wtf moments I shouldn't be hung up on this but I haven't engaged the next season.

Posted by: jhawk90 at April 20, 2020 02:55 PM (/ZYFC)

556 So, Ace, over at Powerline, "Did the Shutdown of New York Fail?," cites an academic paper that concludes, yes, the subway system was a massive disseminator of the virus through March. And we all say, yeah, duh.

But the best part? At the end of March, due to ridership falling 90%, the fucking local authorities (MTA geniuses) CUT DOWN on the number of trains being used to save money. And, gee-whiz, guess what happened?

Read the whole thing. Too many fucking scientific geniuses in New York, imo.

Posted by: Joanne at April 20, 2020 02:56 PM (A07hL)

557 Now playing....Under The The Church. This song has caused more pregnancies than anything.

Posted by: Humphreyrobot at April 20, 2020 02:56 PM (+7cba)

558 The price of producing gasoline normally go down when the price of the key component goes down. The fact is that some are paying a buck a gallon and some are paying over two bucks. As a conservative, I see a reason to complain about it. Sure a bunch of it is taxes, time to cut them. Some of it is flat out greed and that they can get away with it.

Posted by: Quint at April 20, 2020 02:57 PM (hHxp2)

559 I want an Oval Office address with Trump and a yarn
wall and Melania in a chair in the corner with stompy boots and tapping a
riding crop in her hand.============
The steel-tipped one.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, hunker in the bunker at April 20, 2020 02:57 PM (NVYyb)

560 555 Yup and I made it as far as -
- he somehow found her underwater in the ocean after falling off a ship in a hurricane and wound up in America. I know after all the other wtf moments I shouldn't be hung up on this but I haven't engaged the next season.
Posted by: jhawk90 at April 20, 2020 02:55 PM (/ZYFC)


The season getting them to America is kinda stupid.

The seasons where they are in America are far, far better.

Posted by: TheJamesMadison, back to random thoughts at April 20, 2020 02:57 PM (LvTSG)

Oh, we were only supposed to bookmark it?

'Save as...'

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at April 20, 2020 02:57 PM (oVJmc)

562 505 I never liked facebook, even for a nanosecond. That faux supersafe blue color which blared "trust", and the rigid layout compared to customizable sites like myspace etc, told me "they're experimenting on (us)".

I never signed up because the "friend"-ing shit and the oooh please "like" my stuff garbage felt like junior high all over again.

And who wants to live through that bullshit again.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at April 20, 2020 02:57 PM (k4dH2)

563 Did my own seat-of-pants zip code/case $# analysis for San Diego County yesterday (county has case data by zip code). Top zip codes were those along the border, a few in the "hood", plus a few dense hipsterish areas, and - oddly - 2 at the eastern fringe of the populated area, where true rural county begins.

The great majority of big sprawling suburban areas - low numbers.

Only 2,200ish positive test results to date, only 500ish hospitalizations, under 200 ICU, 71 deaths. In a county pushing 3.3 million (gah!) population.

Posted by: rhomboid at April 20, 2020 02:57 PM (El6T/)

564 I have grown to despise NY. I live in NJ which was at one time a red state. Over the years, we were invaded by NYers who felt the need to come here after they trashed their own state. And, they brought their politics with them.

And then when covid hit and things were getting dicey in the city, NYers poured over the borders into neighboring locales and brought it with them.

Posted by: Liz at April 20, 2020 02:58 PM (Wv/W7)

America to New York City: Fuck Off!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at April 20, 2020 02:59 PM (pNxlR)

566 I never signed up because the "friend"-ing shit and
the oooh please "like" my stuff garbage felt like junior high all over

And who wants to live through that bullshit again.

Posted by: TrivialPursuer at April 20, 2020 02:57 PM (k4dH2)

Also valid.

Posted by: ... at April 20, 2020 02:59 PM (CGXMi)

567 Here's a semi-off topic story from long ago...

It was 1983. My father in law had ordered us to tool sucker rods for oil wells in one of our factories. We did it and were preparing to ship the first loads.

The other VP and I sat with him discussing the method of transporting the rods. We worked out the details and showed him how, with our limited shipping, it made sense just to outsource the trucking to others. My FIL wanted a shiny new semi. After a few hours, he finally agreed that our numbers made sense, that we should call some trucking companies and get quotes.

The next morning, the truck dealer delivered a new truck.

A couple years later, a family friend with an independent oil exploration company was at lunch talking about a new field he was opening. After that, my FIL talked about getting an oil drilling rig, which in the mid '80s was well over a million dollars. A short time later, he stopped talking about it. A few weeks after that, he had a heart attack and died.

I'm still looking for that rig I know he bought.

Posted by: jwest at April 20, 2020 03:04 PM (mrrpT)

568 War is coming. 

Posted by: SMH at April 20, 2020 02:42 PM (RU4sa)


Sorry about my post on the earlier thread about Newports. I was trying to be funny but missed the mark.

Posted by: Truck Monkey at April 20, 2020 03:04 PM (flINI)

569 Melania in a chair in the corner with stompy boots and tapping a riding crop in her hand.

Yeah but you wanted that for the annual Christmas tree lighting too.

Posted by: DaveA at April 20, 2020 03:08 PM (FhXTo)

570 541 You and me both. But I also wanted it laid out so clearly that it is
beyond obvious that Obama, Hillary and Slow Joe were all involved.

Because they were.

Posted by: JackStraw at April 20, 2020 02:47 PM (ZLI7S)

I want an Oval Office address with Trump and a yarn wall and Melania
in a
chair in the corner with stompy boots and tapping a riding crop in
her hand.
It moved.

Posted by: Our Country is Screwed at April 20, 2020 03:09 PM (N39Ws)

571 Are those assholes in NY still riding the subway?

Posted by: Kat_man at April 20, 2020 03:13 PM (+omKc)

572 Laughing in Texas at April 20, 2020 01:51 PM

Hats off to you and your service for us and country.
And I agree.

Posted by: jazzusounty, not laughing here is E Texas at April 20, 2020 03:17 PM (rW357)

573 I'm heading out, anyone want a nose full of Lung Chow Mien?

Posted by: Puddin Head at April 20, 2020 03:20 PM (qowNi)

574 Old, and oh, so far away in space and time:

"Let them eat cake!" Marie Antoinette.

New, and hip, and NOW!! and oh, so, San Francisco::

"Let them eat ("lower class, and cheap") ICE CREAM!!!"

You are "welcome."


Posted by: Anne are abler! at April 20, 2020 03:30 PM (JCQZq)

575 31
Facebook just deplatformed all protest groups.
Posted by: Innagaddadavida at April 20, 2020 01:42 PM (hpbeA)


Its like Kristallnacht except its Karennacht.
Posted by: fixerupper at April 20, 2020 01:43 PM (nw6Hr)

Actually it's Bill Gatesnacht via Event 201 which called for selective shutdown on the internet

Posted by: CN at April 20, 2020 03:41 PM (ONvIw)

576 Kurt Schlichter 2024

Posted by: Dennis at April 20, 2020 03:45 PM (dBNX/)

577 What the "I work at home so lockdown is OK with me" crowd doesn't realize is that if our economy becomes Great Depression on Steroids (and let's not even talk about the food supply chain,) they're going to be in a world of hurt along with everyone else.

There's no way any of us can disconnect ourselves from this rapidly looming disaster.

Posted by: Undine at April 20, 2020 04:07 PM (qq+1a)

578 Don't cut off the restaurant delivery.

Cut 10% off of bureaucrats paychecks for every 1% increase in unemployment since 1-1-2020.

Those weasels will have the country open by 5:00pm

Posted by: aelfheld at April 20, 2020 04:15 PM (IxDhF)

579 If you add NY and NJ, together, you get 51% of deaths, which include deBlasio's added 3700. Based on Daily Callers interactive map based no the NYT!

Open the country.

Posted by: Aelishdad at April 20, 2020 04:41 PM (P8upX)

580 All protest groups should move to over a million good people around the world with a smattering of wachjobs you can mute/block.

Posted by: Aelishdad at April 20, 2020 04:44 PM (P8upX)

581 Could someone tell John Ekdahl to quit blocking me on twitter?
I'm guessing he isn't rabidly anti Trump now. I mean, even
David French and Jonah Golberg haven't been so lame.
Kevin D Williamson is another matter however.

Posted by: Awnree at April 20, 2020 04:46 PM (nH6ev)

582 Insert 'dem' into 'panic' and you get 'pandemic'.

Posted by: Lewis Bowlby at April 20, 2020 04:48 PM (Lxxwf)

583 Heard Hannity interview Cuomo last week, during which interview Hannity voiced his opinion that NYC was the most important city in the world.

Done with him.

Posted by: dad29 at April 20, 2020 07:14 PM (5QjOf)

584 Same for Amazon. Shut down its deliveries.

Posted by: Nikola's Notion at April 21, 2020 06:59 AM (hrHLc)

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