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North Korea Threatens to Withdraw From Planned Summit Over Continued Joint US-South Korea Military Drills

It's possible that North Korea's pint-sized potentate was #Triggered by Trump bragging about getting the hostages back without paying $150 billion dollars (as Obama did with Iran), and maybe this is attempt to show that he's a Big Boy too.

North Korea canceled a high-level meeting Wednesday with South Korea and threatened also to call off a historic summit planned next month with the United States due to ongoing military exercises between the South and the U.S., South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported.

The two Koreas were set to hold a meeting later Wednesday at a border truce village to discuss setting up military and Red Cross talks aimed at reducing border tension and restarting reunions between families separated by the Korean War.

But hours before the meeting was to take place, Pyongyang canceled the meeting and also questioned whether next month's talks between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump would happen, Yonhap reported, citing North Korea's Korean Central News Agency.

In news you probably already know, North Korea does seem to be closing down its nuclear testing site. But there's a big caveat I have on this.

Over the years peaceful gestures made by the North Korean regime with respect to its nuclear program have not been particularly reliable. As recently as 2012, Pyongyang pledged to place a moratorium on nuclear and missile testing in exchange for food aid. So the promises made by Kim Jong-un to South Korean president Moon Jae-in last month to initiate concrete steps toward denuclearization aren’t exactly carved in stone.

But one step that was discussed, the closure and demolition of North Korea’s nuclear testing site at Punggye-ri appears to be fully under way, according to satellite photographs. Here's a report from The Guardian:

The pictures, taken on 7 May, are "the first definitive evidence that dismantlement of the test site was already well underway", according to a blog post by 38 North, a website run by former US diplomats.

The Punggye-ri site in the northeast of the country was used for all of the North's six nuclear tests and lies deep within mountains. Kim pledged to close the complex after his historic meeting with South Korean president Moon Jae-in, saying North Korea no longer needed the site...

Is that good news? Well, I don't think so. Because that testing site was likely no longer usable anyway due to the fact that repeated nuclear blasts under the earth caused much of it to collapse.

A study by Chinese geologists shows the mountain above North Korea's main nuclear test site has collapsed under the stress of the explosions, rendering it unsafe for further testing and necessitating monitoring for any leaking radiation.

The findings by the scientists at the University of Science and Technology of China may shed new light on North Korean President Kim Jong Un’s announcement that his country was ceasing its testing program.

I think North Korea is still North Korea and will remain North Korea until there comes a revolution or coup and a lot of blood-letting.

Posted by: Ace of Spades at 05:29 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 1

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at May 15, 2018 05:21 PM (F5+ro)

2 and I read the entire post

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at May 15, 2018 05:21 PM (F5+ro)

3 Got a heavy line of Tstorms coming through

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:21 PM (aC6Sd)

4 ::taps mic:: hello?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at May 15, 2018 05:22 PM (F5+ro)

5 Meh. Kim's got nothing. He'll buckle. These annual denunciations of the annual joint exercises are state rituals.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 05:22 PM (fA1SL)

6 We'll see if this is serious on Kim's part or just part of the standard Nork posturing. If Trump doesn't come running in begging that would be something unknown to the Norks who are used to diplomats so desperate for a deal they will grovel to them.

Posted by: Mikey NTH - Lift Your Spirits with The Hymns of James Comey from the Outrage Outlet! at May 15, 2018 05:22 PM (0QYMt)

7 Tree down, pulled my lines down, still have power, phone lines?

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:22 PM (aC6Sd)

8 Guess not

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:23 PM (aC6Sd)

9 Top ten?

Posted by: James Sheldon at May 15, 2018 05:23 PM (gLylO)

10 Time to drop a MOAB or ten.

Posted by: Sharkman at May 15, 2018 05:23 PM (0oDnb)

11 Little punk.

Posted by: runner at May 15, 2018 05:24 PM (bUjCl)

12 Meh. Not going to get too excited one way or the other. Like a leopard, Whoa Fat won't be changes his spots anytime soon.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:24 PM (2sCft)

13 He is trying to save face now?

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 05:24 PM (a0IVu)

14 Kimche

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at May 15, 2018 05:25 PM (6Ll1u)

15 My power and phone line is pulled under a fallen tree, but everything working still.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:25 PM (aC6Sd)

16 ace nailed it.

My crack house burned down. Watch me dig up the foundation. Just dont look two blocks over.

Posted by: Golfman Apple is appropriating my apostrophes at May 15, 2018 05:26 PM (IJNeO)

Over the years peaceful gestures made by the North Korean regime with respect to its nuclear program have not been particularly reliable.

nymag really going out on a limb there

Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 05:26 PM (EzdLW)

18 Far boy kills his next relative with a ....

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at May 15, 2018 05:27 PM (6Ll1u)

19 See people !!!! Trump lied and now he looks like an idiot !!!!

Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT at May 15, 2018 05:27 PM (qM84C)

20 Kimmy feels left out. Someone call a waaaaahmbulance.

Posted by: Jabroni at May 15, 2018 05:28 PM (TcM5G)

21 15 My power and phone line is pulled under a fallen tree, but everything working still.
Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:25 PM (aC6Sd)

Thats pretty cool.
Lots of slack in them there lines.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at May 15, 2018 05:28 PM (F5+ro)

Well, I'd guess China already told kim dong un to STFU, especially after President Trump just the other day gave China a YUGE "ask" regarding ZTE.

Posted by: Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at May 15, 2018 05:28 PM (mW1Fw)

23 19 See people !!!! Trump lied and now he looks like an idiot !!!!
Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT at May 15, 2018 05:27 PM (qM84C)

There's something about Mary....

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:28 PM (2sCft)

24 So Kim basically gave up three hostages to trump for nothing. Trump doesn't even have to go to a meeting with him.

Art of the deal.

Posted by: simplemind at May 15, 2018 05:29 PM (fpua4)

25 Since the last Nork atomic test was of a two stage fission/fusion device, Whoa Fat already has what he wanted. No need for further tests on that isde.

Watch what he does with ICBM tests. He still needs a delivery system. And yeah, I don't any rational person believes much of anything the murderous bastard promises.

Posted by: GnuBreed at May 15, 2018 05:29 PM (0ogQG)

26 He's saving face. It doesn't matter what they threaten, only what they do.

Posted by: phone of kari at May 15, 2018 05:29 PM (XOM9D)

27 Getting said lines from under a tree isn't childs play, there live.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:29 PM (aC6Sd)

28 heavy on the blood letting

Posted by: MAC SOG and nothing will happen at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (czkHE)

29 I think the Chi Coms are running out of patience with Little Rocket Man's ass. He better behave.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (2sCft)

30 If Kimmy no have meeting, Kimmy can no get paid off.

Worst Negotiator Evar.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (oVJmc)

31 Yeah fuck drumpf!

Posted by: james the deplorable disciple of kek at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (W9dG7)

32 I'd like to see Mary's hairdo

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (6Ll1u)

33 I just have a hard time believing North Korea really wants to denuclearize. I see them playing this game forever. It's too great a bargaining chip to have nuclear weapons and they know the game is over as soon as they no longer have them. They need foreign aid forever.

And if Kim Jong Un doesn't get his way in these new negotiations, he'll blame Trump and the global media will of course go along with that assessment and broadcast Un's talking points.

Posted by: Maritime at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (lKmt3)

34 That was in the pre storm wind phase, rain is just getting here

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (aC6Sd)

35 When China blows the whistle and ends the game, that's when Kim will try to make a deal. Not until then.

Please, someone indict Comey or McCabe, or Clapper. Or Strzock, Page or anyone.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (rBnYq)

36 I want Trump and Kim to go back to the twitter war. That's a lot more fun.

Also, I learned the word for Aces's sexual orientation: incel.

Posted by: tehDave at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (JkygK)

37 I'm thinking "saving face" too. He needs Trump to make a "concession" on something. Wouldn't surprise me if we stopped the joint exercise right away.

Posted by: jd at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (+evAm)

38 Fat Kim can write "Art of the No Deal"..first, you piss off the crazy, orange haired man..

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (a0IVu)

39 Norks trying to save face by playing their last card. They KNEW of the drills and WHOA FAT! said he didn't have a problem with it, so this is just empty posturing bullshit.

Of course the left will now furiously masturbate their dildos on how Trump is ruining our chance for peace with Korea.

Posted by: Froderick Wonkensteen at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (7n3kj)

40 I saw Pint Size Potentate open for Little Feat at the Lisner Auditorium in '77.

Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (EzdLW)

41 Kim doesn't want to go to Singapore. He's afraid of what will happen when he's gone. He is trying to find an excuse not to go,

Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (MVpMt)

42 NorKs gotta NorK.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (+y/Ru)

43 Ret's dismantre the nucrear site so we can sarvage pieces of it for the new one!

Posted by: Kim Jong Un at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (qjyU5)

eh. never trust that evil gnome, but keep the pressure on. If he doesn't want to meet accidentally sink a couple ships.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (r+sAi)

45 I wonder if we'll see Trump slow down the movement on that ChiCom phone ompany normalization as a signal to China to get their dog under control.

Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad. at May 15, 2018 05:31 PM (SaN6m)

46 27 Getting said lines from under a tree isn't childs play, there live.
Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:29 PM (aC6Sd)

So what do you recommend? Pushing the electrical lines around with a big metal pitchfork or rake or something?

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:32 PM (2sCft)

47 Trump really needs to admit he is in over his head with this and send John Kerry to negotiate a deal.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at May 15, 2018 05:32 PM (KxbBq)

48 46. Keep a fire going to have that iron hot for when ya need it.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 05:32 PM (fA1SL)

49 True fact: When flying into Seoul South Korea, you can smell the kimche long before you land.

Posted by: Sharkman at May 15, 2018 05:32 PM (0oDnb)

50 Well the FNM thought that Barky was super smart and thinks that Trump is some vain idiot who thinks his words bring things about when the reality is about the reverse. So I think Trump (via senior advisors) knew about the test site collapse. I read it here when Kim was meeting with the SK president so the info was pretty widely known and I don't think Trump will give concessions just to get a meeting.

Trump will probably just make some more bombastic statement about how the NORKS can be wiped off the face of the planet if they attack us and send our FNM and beltway clowns back to their fainting couches.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at May 15, 2018 05:33 PM (eASYU)

51 I'd like to see Mary's hairdo
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (6Ll1u)

She uses a quick setting hair gel, near as I can remember

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:33 PM (2sCft)

52 See people !!!! Trump lied and now he looks like an idiot !!!!
Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT at May 15, 2018 05:27 PM (qM84C)

There's something about Mary....

Rattlesnake venom for blood?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:33 PM (+y/Ru)

53 John Kerry doing super secret shadow diplomacy again?

Posted by: Derptastic at May 15, 2018 05:33 PM (DB16e)

54 Feels more to me like NK is trying to negotiate back.

Let's see what Trump does.

The Fat Lady is still warming up.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards We Didn't Start the Beaver at May 15, 2018 05:33 PM (xJa6I)

55 Getting said lines from under a tree isn't childs play, there live.
Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:29 PM (aC6Sd)

So what do you recommend? Pushing the electrical lines around with a big metal pitchfork or rake or something?
I say turn on hose on 'em!

Posted by: simplemind at May 15, 2018 05:33 PM (Ar1Qf)

56 47 Trump really needs to admit he is in over his head with this and send John Kerry to negotiate a deal.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at May 15, 2018 05:32 PM (KxbBq)

Send me in, coach! I'm tuned and ready!

Posted by: James Taylor at May 15, 2018 05:34 PM (NL6wI)

57 Wasn't Singapore where Kim had his brother whacked? Maybe he doesn't like the associations....

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (rBnYq)

58 I just came up with this plan: Bomb NK with high fat/high sugar junk food for 3-4 days, wait another 8 hours for the food coma to set in and just walk in. If we did it right now, we could use up the excess peeps and black jelly beans from Easter on the cheap.

Posted by: Joe, no that other one at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (7pOq5)

59 Rain is coming down so not going out to look closer until it stops.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (aC6Sd)

60 best way to deal with downed power lines is with an electric hedge clipper.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (KxbBq)

61 26 He's saving face. It doesn't matter what they threaten, only what they do.
Posted by: phone of kari at May 15, 2018 05:29 PM (XOM9D)

What Kari said

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards We Didn't Start the Beaver at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (xJa6I)

62 Trump really needs to admit he is in over his head with this and send John Kerry to negotiate a deal.

Maybe work a Monkees reunion to send over with him to seal the deal.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (+y/Ru)

63 Send me in, coach! I'm tuned and ready!

Posted by: James Taylor at May 15, 2018 05:34 PM (NL6wI)
Sorry, JT but Chairman Kim is a big fan of K-pop and I don't think that is your genre..

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (a0IVu)

I think the Chi Coms are running out of patience with Little Rocket Man's ass. He better behave.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:30 PM (2sCft)

Fatboyrunning his piehole right after Trump agrees to lift sanctions on the Chinese telcom giant can't make the Chinese very happy

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (10vO4)

65 True fact: When flying into Seoul South Korea, you can smell the kimche long before you land.

That's just the South Korean passengers depressurizing.

Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (iv0p7)

66 Sterilize Kim. If he has no heirs, the regime comes to an end with him.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 05:36 PM (/qEW2)

67 It ain't over till the Whoa Fat! lady sings.

Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 05:36 PM (EzdLW)

68 57
Wasn't Singapore where Kim had his brother whacked? Maybe he doesn't like the associations....

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (rBnYq)
Malaysia...Singapore's northern neighbor

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 05:36 PM (a0IVu)

69 Trump really needs to admit he is in over his head with this and send John Kerry to negotiate a deal.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at May 15, 2018 05:32 PM (KxbBq)

Send me in, coach! I'm tuned and ready!

Posted by: James Taylor
And this is probably a good time for me to mention that I've a concert scheduled in South Korea on June 1st! Hope you all can come.

Posted by: I'm oblivious to human suffering but I can sign and play guitar at May 15, 2018 05:36 PM (ZwSai)

70 66 Sterilize Kim. If he has no heirs, the regime comes to an end with him.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 05:36 PM (/qEW2)

He already has several heirs.

Posted by: Kim's Wife and Pleasure Squad at May 15, 2018 05:36 PM (qjyU5)

71 I'll take saving face for his 25 million brainwashed cult followers who believe he is god for 1000, Alex.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 05:37 PM (IKya9)

72 65 True fact: When flying into Seoul South Korea, you can smell the kimche long before you land.

That's just the South Korean passengers depressurizing.
Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:35 PM (iv0p7)
True fact: spit my coffee on screen.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:37 PM (2sCft)

73 Sterilize Kim. If he has no heirs, the regime comes to an end with him.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear
Check me if I'm wrong Sandy, but I believe he has a sister.

Posted by: Carl Spackler at May 15, 2018 05:37 PM (wllbq)

74 You no pay attention me!

Posted by: Phat Boi at May 15, 2018 05:37 PM (gbWkA)

75 I think North Korea is still North Korea and will remain North Korea until there comes a revolution or coup and a lot of blood-letting.

Posted by: Ace of Spades

Scott Adams says you are wrong about North Korea. He thinks Kim Jung Un wants to make his country "Switzerland of the East".

And if the targeted sanctions of companies trading with NK are as effective as reported, KJU may have no choice. By the end of the year they will have no means left to bribe his inner/outer circle of officials with goodies.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 15, 2018 05:37 PM (+Ty8m)

76 Bomb NK with high fat/high sugar junk food for 3-4 days, wait another 8 hours for the food coma to set in and just walk in. I

Operation Twinkie Drop.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (+y/Ru)

77 Kim does bare knuckle negotiating. Trump may need to have the B2's in the air and vectoring in towards Pyongyang before Kim decides he's done playing games.

But South Korea's current Pres is the weak sister here, and he could easily buckle under the stress of having to make a hard choice. That may be what Kim is banking on.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (k1TUh)

78 Trump's insane brinksmanship with North Korea has brought the world to the brink of nuclear destruction. Unlike Obama, who won a Nobel peace prize in the first months of his administration.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (ucixH)

79 In related news, Nazi Germany has pledged that the Hindenburg will not be used to carry weapons of any kind.

Posted by: pep at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (LAe3v)

80 Feels more to me like NK is trying to negotiate back.
Let's see what Trump does.
The Fat Lady is still warming up.


It's comically fucking stupid, but media gotta media.


US: We're going to be running drills soon
NK: Ok, no problem!


US: ...............
China: *face palms* *sends another envoy to kick WHOA FAT in the ass*

Posted by: Froderick Wonkensteen at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (7n3kj)

81 That fad guy deserves to be made into soylent yellow for his countrymen.

Posted by: Eromero at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (zLDYs)

82 Someone needs to go all Dalek on the kim family's ass.

Posted by: Vlad the Impaler, whittling away like mad. at May 15, 2018 05:39 PM (SaN6m)

83 Maybe work a Monkees reunion to send over with him to seal the deal.

With or without zombie Davy Jones?

Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:39 PM (iv0p7)

84 Dong! Dong! Where is Grandpa*s car?

Posted by: Grandpa at May 15, 2018 05:39 PM (gbWkA)

85 78
Trump's insane brinksmanship with North Korea has brought the world
to the brink of nuclear destruction. Unlike Obama, who won a Nobel peace
prize in the first months of his administration.

Posted by: Cm9000

Dude, we've covered this. The key to trolling is not to make it obvious that you're trolling. Is this really so difficult for you to grasp?

Posted by: pep at May 15, 2018 05:39 PM (LAe3v)

86 76 Bomb NK with high fat/high sugar junk food for 3-4 days, wait another 8 hours for the food coma to set in and just walk in. I

Operation Twinkie Drop.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (+y/Ru)

They'll go from famine to feast in a matter of minutes.

Posted by: Surfperch at May 15, 2018 05:39 PM (qjyU5)

87 Scott Adams says you are wrong about North Korea. He thinks Kim Jung Un wants to make his country "Switzerland of the East". "

I like Scott Adams a lot, but nobody is perfect, and he has said a lot of real dumb things about North Korea over the last year or so. I think Scott is one of those people who just cannot (or will not) comprehend that there really is such a thing as Evil, and it really does explain what goes on in many places more than anything else.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 15, 2018 05:40 PM (k1TUh)

88 They'll go from famine to feast in a matter of minutes.

Posted by: Surfperch at May 15, 2018 05:39 PM (qjyU5)
All someone has to do is smuggle in some KFC and Big Macs

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 05:40 PM (a0IVu)

89 You know that law that prevents all school gun deaths?

We need that one.

Posted by: Axeman at May 15, 2018 05:40 PM (vDqXW)

90 Operation Twinkie Drop.

Screw that. Drop Coke and Mentos, and watch the fun.

Posted by: pep at May 15, 2018 05:40 PM (LAe3v)

91 >Let's see what Trump does.
The Fat Lady is still warming up

Not nice.
Trump is feminine, not transvestite.
So far as I know.

Posted by: Dr Krunk at May 15, 2018 05:40 PM (Q0Iqc)

92 I'm sure the NYT will write about the grotesque spectacle in Pyongyang, where the elites live fat and the 99.99% are left to starve in forced labor. An article like that will teach Whoa Fat!

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 05:41 PM (rBnYq)

93 The best use of the planned summit would be to lure Kim and company into the building, seal it shut, and burn it down.

Posted by: Longshanks at May 15, 2018 05:41 PM (ZtIV1)

94 Wasn't Singapore where Kim had his brother whacked? Maybe he doesn't like the associations....

I've got some in-laws I'm not too fond of. Does he do requests?

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:41 PM (+y/Ru)

95 Unlike Obama, who won a Nobel peace
prize in the first months of his administration.


I still can't get over that. It was a horse's ass of a joke when they gave it to Arafat but at least it was with him at least pretending to do something.

Obama literally did nothing except to pick up his trophy, then waved his dildo around before flying back home.

Posted by: Froderick Wonkensteen at May 15, 2018 05:41 PM (7n3kj)

96 I'm sure the NYT will write about the grotesque spectacle in Pyongyang, where the elites live fat and the 99.99% are left to starve in forced labor. An article like that will teach Whoa Fat!
I hope Tom Friedman goes on a cab ride in Pyongyang.

Posted by: Carl Spackler at May 15, 2018 05:41 PM (wllbq)

97 Bomb NK with high fat/high sugar junk food for 3-4 days, wait another 8 hours for the food coma to set in and just walk in.

Greasy, fatty meat. They'll be on the can for weeks.

Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:41 PM (iv0p7)

98 e90
Operation Twinkie Drop.

Screw that. Drop Coke and Mentos, and watch the fun.

Posted by: pep

It'll be like the end of Kingsman. No, not that end, the one before, where everyone's head explodes.

Posted by: pep at May 15, 2018 05:42 PM (LAe3v)

99 Look! Zagnut!

Posted by: Beetlejuice at May 15, 2018 05:42 PM (gbWkA)

100 78 Trump's insane brinksmanship with North Korea has brought the world to the brink of nuclear destruction. Unlike Obama, who won a Nobel peace prize in the first months of his administration.
Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 05:38 PM (ucixH)

By any chance, do you happen to be single and live in the Greater Brattleboro area?

Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein, Lookin' for Love at May 15, 2018 05:42 PM (qjyU5)

101 93. That is Plan B. Plan A is to so destabilize his inner circle as to make a coup while he's en route.
Hmm....suppose he's gonna take that convoy of armoured trains to Singapore?

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 05:42 PM (fA1SL)

102 The deal is already done. All that is left is theater for the public.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 05:43 PM (IKya9)

103 Iron Tits Ridgway will come

Posted by: Zombie Harry Truman at May 15, 2018 05:43 PM (EzdLW)


Sue! Sue! Pseudo, just let me say the word!


Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 05:44 PM (roQNm)

105 Trump should call Lil Kim's bluff and say OK we're postponing the joint exercises.

Posted by: Minnfidel at May 15, 2018 05:44 PM (3c1uO)

106 Parody is lost on some.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 05:44 PM (ucixH)

107 The MFM is already playing this up as a BFD and painting Trump as ruining the summit. I believe little fat man always sounds the alarm on these exercises. He should be scared.

Posted by: Cheri at May 15, 2018 05:45 PM (oiNtH)

108 Killing Whoa Fat would destabilize the mentally ill Nork population. This does nobody any good involved (China, Russia, SK, SE Asia, USA).

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 05:45 PM (IKya9)

109 We should play the Mr. Frosty jingle 24/7 over loudspeakers at the DMZ until the NORKs are so hungry for our ice cream that they give up.

Posted by: Archer at May 15, 2018 05:45 PM (gbWkA)

110 Iron Tits Ridgway will come

OMG the nickname's real.

Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:45 PM (iv0p7)

111 anyways, what are these talks about that north korea is having with south korea? There seems to be endless talking..and no action.

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 05:46 PM (a0IVu)

112 If North Korea's regime ever did end and it united with SK, the Left would lament that it'd produce more greenhouse gases.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 05:46 PM (/qEW2)

113 106
Parody is lost on some.

Posted by: Cm9000

You suck.

Posted by: pep at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (LAe3v)

114 106 Parody is lost on some.
Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 05:44 PM (ucixH)

Just my luck!

Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein, Lookin' for Love at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (qjyU5)

115 >>>Maybe work a Monkees reunion to send over with him to seal the deal.<<<
John Kerry has one of those Bay City Roller hairdos. And the fashion sense.

Posted by: Fritz at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (J7XgW)

116 Did you guys see the Paliwood video of the guy on crutches who suddenly is able to run?

Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (iv0p7)

117 Parody is lost on some.


who were you parodying ?

Posted by: runner at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (bUjCl)

118 Some thunder, rain slowing

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (aC6Sd)

119 parody works better with a clever sock, just saying.

Posted by: PaleRider is simply irredeemable at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (eASYU)

120 458 So here we are, another week half gone and still no Horowitz report,
no Huber indictments and, now, the MSM Cone Of Silence has descended on
the whole mess. Essentially no stories being reported outside of the
conservative echo chamber. Without public finger pointing, like
indictments, the MSM is free to flip the "ignore" button.

America simply does not know about these scandals and now,
ultimately thanks to Sleepeze Jeff Sessions and his unholy obsession
with corrupt DOJ "investigative process", they may well never find out.

Just checked Memeorandum, the center left news link site. One story way down the page on the Deep State Coup (Two Colleagues Dispute Brennan) and all the remaining 70 or so stories are about how bad Trump is at everything.

The Deep State left is shutting the story down, just like they shut down the story of the ISIS leadership captures last week.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 05:48 PM (rBnYq)


Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (iv0p7)
It's a miracle!

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 05:48 PM (a0IVu)

threatened also to call off a historic summit planned next month with the United States due to ongoing military exercises between the South and the U.S.


Yeah, Trump is ruining the summit by not stopping what the ROK and USA have been doing for decades before Trump ever became President.

And the Kim-Jong MSM here in the States goes along with it, as if joint exercises never happened pre-Trump.

Posted by: Zombie Harry Truman at May 15, 2018 05:48 PM (EzdLW)

123 OT: Anne Frank was a Moronette.

Researchers uncover dirty jokes in Anne Frank diary...

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:48 PM (+y/Ru)

124 Iron Tits Ridgway will come

OMG the nickname's real.
Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:45 PM (iv0p7)

Now that is funny!

Posted by: Pug Mahon, Livin' the Dream at May 15, 2018 05:48 PM (xPJvm)

125 How many North Korean people are contracting radiation sickness "cleaning up" this nuclear testing site?

Posted by: Max Power at May 15, 2018 05:49 PM (q177U)

126 If KCNA starts calling Trump stuff like "human scum" then you might have a problem. But they always treated these maneuvers like the prelude to WWIII, so maybe the old ways are just tough to break.

Posted by: tu3031 at May 15, 2018 05:49 PM (O5Q3r)

127 114 Just my luck!
Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein, Lookin' for Love at May 15, 2018 05:47 PM (qjyU5)

Mary, are you telling me that in Vermont, Vermont for God's sake, you can't find yourself one, unattached, strapping Socialist that identifies as male?

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:49 PM (2sCft)

128 106 Parody is lost on some.
Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 05:44 PM (ucixH)

I don't always parody, but when I do I use a sock.

Posted by: The Dos Equis Guy at May 15, 2018 05:50 PM (qjyU5)


Negotiations won't really start until the shape of the table is decided.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 05:50 PM (roQNm)

Iron Tits Ridgway will come

OMG the nickname's real.
Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:45 PM

Pop Quiz
How did Ridgway get the nickname?

Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 05:50 PM (EzdLW)

131 The left and the msm are salivating over this thinking that this mean Trump failed.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at May 15, 2018 05:51 PM (+Dllb)

132 Pop Quiz
How did Ridgway get the nickname?
Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 05:50 PM (EzdLW)

He had Iron Tits?

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:51 PM (2sCft)


Let's just hope with all of this interaction that somehow Un got tagged with something to track him or spy.

There's no way he would give away the store as we see it. He plays everyone.

This is his way of "negotiating" so that he doesn't look like Weakling Little Rocket Man.

No one can trust him and Trump and Pompeo know this.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at May 15, 2018 05:52 PM (fceHP)

134 Going to venture out, if not posting in 10 minutes I'm dead or the power is.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 05:52 PM (aC6Sd)

135 If KCNA starts calling Trump stuff like "human scum" then you might have a problem. But they always treated these maneuvers like the prelude to WWIII, so maybe the old ways are just tough to break.

It'd be like canceling Thanksgiving.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:52 PM (+y/Ru)

136 The wonderful Anne Frank reported in her book that her father visited a Paris brothel. How would she ever have known that? No wonder he suppressed those pages until after his death.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 05:52 PM (rBnYq)

137 Researchers uncover dirty jokes in Anne Frank diary.

There's a lesbian sex scene too.

First time I read it in school I skimmed right over it. The other kids in class were talking about it the next day (it was homework reading) and I thought they were teasing me. Nope, it was right there. I just missed it.

Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:53 PM (iv0p7)

138 I have a soft spot in my heart for that fat little commie.

Posted by: John "The Dossier" Brennan at May 15, 2018 05:53 PM (Tyii7)

139 66 Sterilize Kim. If he has no heirs, the regime comes to an end with him.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 05:36 PM (/qEW2)


Trump would have to kick him in the nuts exactly so.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 15, 2018 05:53 PM (fkNSY)

140 North Korea is collapsing. The only thing left for Jong Un is to accept help. Eventually, even despots will be overthrown due to a starving populace.
What's the downside to accepting help? You can't eat nuclear weapons and waste.

Posted by: Concerned People's Front at May 15, 2018 05:54 PM (rdl6o)

141 Parody's Lost.

Posted by: Burger Chef at May 15, 2018 05:54 PM (RuIsu)


Trump would have to kick him in the nuts exactly so.

Or find somebody to give him the mumps.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at May 15, 2018 05:54 PM (GdWl+)

143 How many North Korean people are contracting radiation sickness "cleaning up" this nuclear testing site?

Who cares!

Scotch anyone?

Posted by: Kim Jong-un at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (rBnYq)

144 Old Kim: I have no problem with joint US/S. Korea military maneuvers taking place while the denuke negotiations happen.

New Kim: I have a problem.

Walk away, President Trump. Just walk away. Besides, having to bail out ZTE for the Chicoms is too big a price to pay for their "cooperation" on North Korea.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (2NqXo)

You can't eat nuclear weapons and waste.

Rrroooaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrghgh !!!

Posted by: Godzilla at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (EzdLW)

146 What's the downside to accepting help? You can't eat nuclear weapons and waste.
Posted by: Concerned People's Front at May 15, 2018 05:54 PM (rdl6o)


Also, you can't hug with nuclear arms.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (fkNSY)

147 How many North Korean people are contracting radiation sickness "cleaning up" this nuclear testing site?

My sources tell me they are given triple tree bark rations. It's totally humane.

Posted by: John "The Dossier" Brennan at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (Tyii7)

148 CNN Jizz Mop Chris Cillizza posts GIF of Trump in the crosshairs speaking about officers killed in the line of duty. Says it was an error. Yea, That's it. Lying little fuckweasel.

Posted by: Minnfidel at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (3c1uO)

149 Parody's Lost.

By John Milton.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (+y/Ru)

150 Love Trumps Mumps.

in other news, Keith Olbermann is a twat.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (KxbBq)

151 Pop-eyed, pint sized, potentate will find an excuse to avoid the meeting it makes no difference what Trump says or does. And vice-versa.

He'll do what China tells him to do and I'm surprised they don't want him to attend.
This is a three tiered game.

Melania would have looked so cool in Singapore.

Posted by: gNewt at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (bDzJM)

152 I'm hoping that the loss of their testing site leaves them nowhere else to go, and as their missle tech is always prematurely reaching apex, they see the futility of it all.

Posted by: Kerncon at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (52mLN)

153 The exercises were already planned to be suspended during the summit, so suspending them temporarily now isn't much of a concession. None at all, really.

The deal was already made in advance of the summit announcement. Summits aren't for negotiations, just photo ops. If Kim attempts to withdraw now (which he won't) then he'll discover it's not as easy as it might seem.

As for the test site, is it a good idea to take China's word on the damage it likely sustained? Or how that damage happened? Either way, the removal of aboveground structures confirms that the Norks won't attempt to use it again anytime soon, which is the point. Because exploding one fusion bomb once doesn't mean they have a useful warhead.

Posted by: GalosGann at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (Dl9Eq)

154 I pretty sure that North Korea was being used as a base of operations by black hats from globalists for decades. Trump changes all of that. The Norks want out. Trump is the way. Look what he did with the Saudi Regime last November.

Amazing what can happen when white hats are in charge for once.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (RUnSJ)

155 Parody is lost on some.
Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 05:44 PM (ucixH)
Especially hairy people.

Posted by: Axeman at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (vDqXW)

156 139 Trump would have to kick him in the nuts exactly so.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 15, 2018 05:53 PM (fkNSY)

Didn't an early James Bond or maybe it was a Bond villian, have those shoes where a knife pops out of the toe so you can kick/stab your enemy? I'm sure we could put our top men at the CIA onto developing something like that for Trump before the Summit?

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (2sCft)

157 Also, you can't hug with nuclear arms.

* * *

Nonsense. Expats love a good radioactive hug.

Posted by: Your Comrade Vlad at May 15, 2018 05:57 PM (ZtIV1)


Also, you can't hug with nuclear arms.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (fkNSY)

They're just not trying hard enough.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards We Didn't Start the Beaver at May 15, 2018 05:57 PM (xJa6I)

159 156 139 Trump would have to kick him in the nuts exactly so.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 15, 2018 05:53 PM (fkNSY)

Didn't an early James Bond or maybe it was a Bond villian, have those shoes where a knife pops out of the toe so you can kick/stab your enemy? I'm sure we could put our top men at the CIA onto developing something like that for Trump before the Summit?
Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 05:56 PM (2sCft)

Rosa Klebb
in From Russia with Love

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards We Didn't Start the Beaver at May 15, 2018 05:58 PM (xJa6I)

160 Trump should just say, "OK- forget Singapore. Now we are meeting in San Diego. Keep pushing me and next up is Camden. That's right, asshole, you're going to New Jersey!"

Posted by: Kim Jong-un at May 15, 2018 05:58 PM (rBnYq)

161 I have no illusions about the trustworthiness of the norks and "Whoa" Fat, and neither should anyone else. I suppose that Trump and his admin have no illusions either. Distrust and triple verify any actions of the norks.

Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at May 15, 2018 05:58 PM (0OmEj)

162 You can't eat nuclear weapons and waste.
Posted by: Concerned People's Front at May 15, 2018 05:54 PM (rdl6o)

You mean to say that I won't gain Superpowers?

Posted by: Nuclearman! at May 15, 2018 05:58 PM (qjyU5)

163 The deal is already done. All that is left is theater for the public.
Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 05:43 PM (IKya9)

I go back and forth on whether this is true. As I've read, you only send in the President to "negotiate" once the deals has already been hashed out behind the scenes. And I doubt Pompeo was the first in person contact the North Koreans had with the State Department.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 15, 2018 05:58 PM (+Ty8m)

164 Eventually, even despots will be overthrown due to a starving populace.

Even the soldiers are inches shorter than South Koreans due to malnutrition, and NORK soldiers get first whack at all the best food. If the people were going to revolt over starvation, they'd have done it by now.

There are videos smuggled out of North Korea with concentration camp looking homeless children hunting any little bit of food on the ground like crows. It's soul-crushing.

Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:58 PM (iv0p7)

165 Is he bailing out ZTE or is he saying take out your spyware and we'll do business?

Posted by: gNewt at May 15, 2018 05:58 PM (bDzJM)

166 76 Bomb NK with high fat/high sugar junk food for 3-4 days, wait another 8 hours for the food coma to set in and just walk in.

They'll all be dead of insulin overload.

Posted by: Fox2! at May 15, 2018 05:59 PM (brIR5)

167 OT: Westfield State University apparently used to have a hate crime epidemic. Not any more.

After the Massachusetts school installed 400 security cameras, the weekly rate of people reporting bias and hate crimes there dropped by a whopping 93 percent.
Harder to make up hate crimes when the camera is running.

Posted by: Axeman at May 15, 2018 05:59 PM (vDqXW)

*urgently searching for how many, if any, Michael Cohens have visited North Korean*

Posted by: Avenatti at May 15, 2018 05:59 PM (EzdLW)

169 The problem is that a deal with a regime like NK is never really done.

Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at May 15, 2018 05:59 PM (ZtIV1)

170 Off with the dirty kim sock

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 05:59 PM (rBnYq)

171 Give a man a fish and he becomes a security risk.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at May 15, 2018 06:00 PM (fkNSY)

172 130
Iron Tits Ridgway will come

OMG the nickname's real.
Posted by: bonhomme at May 15, 2018 05:45 PM

Pop Quiz
How did Ridgway get the nickname?
Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 05:50 PM (EzdLW)

He used to hang two grenades on his chest.

Supposedly deactivated

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards We Didn't Start the Beaver at May 15, 2018 06:00 PM (xJa6I)

173 Westfield State University apparently used to have a hate crime epidemic. Not any more.

After the Massachusetts school installed 400 security cameras, the weekly rate of people reporting bias and hate crimes there dropped by a whopping 93 percent.
Harder to make up hate crimes when the camera is running.
Posted by: Axeman at May

well, you would think that is a good solution until you realize that they will want to use that as a solution for everything and have every inch of the campus covered.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:01 PM (MTjB1)

174 The Left has reacted to Melania Trump's medical event just the way you would expect.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 06:01 PM (ucixH)

175 Kim needs this more than Trump.

He'll be back.

Posted by: blaster at May 15, 2018 06:02 PM (hOfX7)

176 Teach a man to fish and he'll catch glowing four eyed carp.

Posted by: Whoa! Fat at May 15, 2018 06:02 PM (Tyii7)

177 well, you would think that is a good solution until you realize that they will want to use that as a solution for everything and have every inch of the campus covered.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:01 PM (MTjB1)
My take too.

Posted by: Axeman at May 15, 2018 06:03 PM (vDqXW)

178 Line isn't touching ground, end of tree, but substantial part is holding down the line. It has pulled the pole line way over.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:03 PM (aC6Sd)

179 Teach a man how to feed fish...

Posted by: The Koi at May 15, 2018 06:03 PM (vDqXW)

180 87 Scott Adams says you are wrong about North Korea. He thinks Kim Jung Un wants to make his country "Switzerland of the East". "

I like Scott Adams a lot, but nobody is perfect, and he has said a lot of real dumb things about North Korea over the last year or so. I think Scott is one of those people who just cannot (or will not) comprehend that there really is such a thing as Evil, and it really does explain what goes on in many places more than anything else.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 15, 2018 05:40 PM (k1TUh)

agreed and agreed

Adams is a Materialist who believes free will is an illusion. His 'Moist Robot' theory would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

But he's right about some stuff. Just gotta filter the useful from the deluded.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards We Didn't Start the Beaver at May 15, 2018 06:04 PM (xJa6I)

181 178 Line isn't touching ground, end of tree, but substantial part is holding down the line. It has pulled the pole line way over.

Yeah.... you should call the power company.

Posted by: Hawkpilot at May 15, 2018 06:04 PM (p6e8W)

182 164 Eventually, even despots will be overthrown due to a starving populace."

This isn't necessarily true, at least not in the obvious way. All despots fall eventually, but what we're seeing is that more and more, the entire country they've been running goes down with them, and there is no "next" government, just chaos and collapse. Libya, Syria, and soon Venezuela are all fitting that paradigm.

It is possible for entire countries to die, not just governments, but countries. We're seeing it happen in real time.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 15, 2018 06:05 PM (k1TUh)

183 I guess the Gaza strip crazies are successful in their attempts to attract MSM news coverage.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 06:05 PM (rBnYq)

184 Norm land is a mostly closed country not many can predict what they will do.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:05 PM (aC6Sd)

185 176 Teach a man to fish and he'll catch glowing four eyed carp.
Posted by: Whoa! Fat at May 15, 2018 06:02 PM (Tyii7)

In North Korea, Carp catch you!

Posted by: North Korean Fisherman at May 15, 2018 06:05 PM (qjyU5)

186 Teach a man to fish, and he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Posted by: Just the punchline at May 15, 2018 06:06 PM (p6e8W)

187 .

Posted by: Hawkpilot at May 15, 2018 06:07 PM (p6e8W)

188 Trump should take Seth Rogen to the summit.

Can you imagine the search Rogen would be subject to?

Posted by: blaster at May 15, 2018 06:07 PM (hOfX7)

189 Wishing her a slow, horrible and painful death. Just what you expect of the champions of compassion.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 06:08 PM (ucixH)

190 179 Teach a man how to feed fish...
Posted by: The Koi at May 15, 2018 06:03 PM (vDqXW)

Meh! Sewage'll do just fine.

Posted by: 20 lb. Carp, King of the Toxic Cesspool at May 15, 2018 06:08 PM (qjyU5)

191 *Kim demands the head of Seth Rogan as a show of good will.

*Trump agrees...

Posted by: Hawkpilot at May 15, 2018 06:08 PM (p6e8W)

192 My perspective is that Kim thinks that Trump is so invested in the PR value of the summit that Kim gains leverage by threatening to pull out.

I think Trump wouldn't give a shit if the summit collapses because of Kim.

He's no Obama.

Posted by: LASue at May 15, 2018 06:08 PM (BZA5F)

193 I guess the Gaza strip crazies are successful in their attempts to attract MSM news coverage.

The MBM media are Pavlov's dogs. Get a baby killed and ring a bell and they're there.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 06:09 PM (+y/Ru)

194 Lets offer the NORKS a one-for-one trade, Hillary for Kim. They look alike, wear the same clothes, and Bill would never notice the difference.

Then Hillary could finally achieve her dream, and become President.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 06:09 PM (rBnYq)

195 Parodies Lost.
By John, Paul, George, and Ringo Milton.

Posted by: Burger Chef at May 15, 2018 06:10 PM (RuIsu)

196 why is this even a story? the money quote from the story is that the norks said

"The United States must carefully contemplate the fate of the planned North Korea-U.S. summit amid the provocative military ruckus that it's causing with South Korean authorities," the North said Wednesday. "We'll keenly monitor how the United States and South Korean authorities will react."

which is merely, at best, a threat to threaten cancelling the meeting.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:10 PM (MTjB1)

197 178 Line isn't touching ground, end of tree, but substantial part is holding down the line. It has pulled the pole line way over."




the rest of us - well call the power company, get the damn thing fixed.

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 15, 2018 06:11 PM (k1TUh)

198 whoever thinks this is a threat has never dealt with Koreans, south or north.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:12 PM (MTjB1)

146 Also, you can't hug with nuclear arms.

beg to differ

Posted by: Hymie the Robot at May 15, 2018 06:12 PM (sGtp+)

200 193 I guess the Gaza strip crazies are successful in their attempts to attract MSM news coverage."

and now they're running headlong into the question they have no answer for - So What?

Posted by: Tom Servo at May 15, 2018 06:12 PM (k1TUh)

201 Bluster.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at May 15, 2018 06:12 PM (89T5c)


Parodies Lost.

by Weird Al Yankovic

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at May 15, 2018 06:13 PM (GdWl+)

203 Should Trump get a Nobel Peace Prize? Not yet - but if the Non-Democratic Not For The People's Non Republic of Korea collapses a la East Germany and is taken over by the South sometime while he is in the White House, it should be his sole property, whatever year this is.

As for North Korea - do not trust them. Even IF you verify.

Posted by: CatchThirtyThr33 at May 15, 2018 06:13 PM (NUES1)

204 Adams has some interesting ideas but they ultimately go into the crackpot territory.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 06:13 PM (ucixH)

More importantly, what does the Office of Net Assesment think about all of this? They are a think tank, and get paid to think, so I wanna know what do they think and what are we taxpayers getting for our tax money.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:14 PM (roQNm)

206 Whoa, fat's play isn't with Donnie Two Scoops, he's testing SK Prez to see if there is any weakness in their "united front". Remember the current SK guy is more or less Center Left.

Tis nothing, I say. And I've been to Korea AND over Macho Grande

Posted by: Ted Striker's Polka Hits at May 15, 2018 06:14 PM (J86xe)

207 Just hope it isn't fiber, Skip.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at May 15, 2018 06:14 PM (89T5c)

208 The commenter who said earlier, watch their actions, not their words had it right. The words of the Norks really don't mean anything.

And what in the hell is making North Korea the "Switzerland of the East" suppost to mean? I can't even fathom such a thing. They'll be neutral in future wars? Have banks that hide the world's assets? They won't have a standing army, but every citizen is required to own a rifle? They'll play those strange, long horns across the beautiful Alpine valleys? They'll drink hot chocolate? What the hell?

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:14 PM (2sCft)

209 get more violent threats for miscommunicating an order at a korean bbq place.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:14 PM (MTjB1)

210 Whoa Fat should just say that North Korea now identifies as a South Korea

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at May 15, 2018 06:14 PM (wdmm9)

211 Eh. Sometimes totalitarian propaganda machines just can't break old habits. They always mouth off about the war games. This is really tame compared with usual practice.

Having said that, anything that doesn't have anal probe-level inspections in a prospective deal is unacceptable.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at May 15, 2018 06:15 PM (t4Fr/)

212 209. True. Irish of Asia.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 06:15 PM (fA1SL)

213 And what in the hell is making North Korea the "Switzerland of the East" suppost to mean? I can't even fathom such a thing. They'll be neutral in future wars? Have banks that hide the world's assets? They won't have a standing army, but every citizen is required to own a rifle? They'll play those strange, long horns across the beautiful Alpine valleys? They'll drink hot chocolate? What the hell?
Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:14 PM (2sCft)

Cheese. I think it has something to do with cheese.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (oMtOd)

214 I thought we had already agreed not to hold the exercises?

Posted by: WOPR - Nationalist at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (J70i0)

215 195 Parodies Lost.
By John, Paul, George, and Ringo Milton.
Posted by: Burger Chef at May 15, 2018 06:10 PM (RuIsu)

You forgot me!

Posted by: The Fifth Milton at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (qjyU5)

216 >>>I think North Korea is still North Korea and will remain North Korea until there comes a revolution or coup and a lot of blood-letting.

Does he even pose a real threat, or is all the saber rattling for the sake of providing a rallying point for his people so that he can stay in power? If that's his main interest, he's not going to want to throw it all away. His country borders on China and SK and that's it. He can't be mad enough to think he could conquer either.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (/qEW2)

217 well, the South Koreans have probably paid lots of cash to the norks to get the meeting between Moon and un and the norks know they will pay more.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (MTjB1)


And what in the hell is making North Korea the "Switzerland of the East" suppost to mean?

They want to import a bunch of muslims for no good reason?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (GdWl+)

219 No one gets over Macho Grande.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:17 PM (yQpMk)

220 Does he even pose a real threat, or is all the saber rattling for the sake of providing a rallying point for his people so that he can stay in power? If that's his main interest, he's not going to want to throw it all away. His country borders on China and SK and that's it. He can't be mad enough to think he could conquer either.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May

define threat

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:17 PM (MTjB1)

221 Walk away, President Trump. Just walk away. Besides, having to bail out ZTE for the Chicoms is too big a price to pay for their "cooperation" on North Korea.

Posted by: JuJuBee, just generally being shamey at May 15, 2018 05:55 PM (2NqXo)

I respectfully disagree. I think it's a mistake to react to this at all: it suggest we're hanging on Kim's every word and action.

I think the proper response is ... none at all. Just ignore it. If Kim wants to scotch the summit, so be it. It's on him 100%, and the forces that led him to agree to it in the first place are still in play.

Kim's seeking attention by being a bad boy, so I'd take a leaf from Pavlov (Skinner?) and not provide any reinforcement for this behavior.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 06:17 PM (NbPPt)

222 Cheese. I think it has something to do with cheese.


Can't be. Before you can have cheese, you have to have cows or goats.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:17 PM (roQNm)

223 Parodies Found.
By Bingo, Bango, Bongo, and Irving Yankovic.


Posted by: Burger Chef at May 15, 2018 06:17 PM (RuIsu)

224 Cheese. I think it has something to do with cheese.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (oMtOd)


Cheese in North Korea is casu mazu. Without the cheese.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (/qEW2)

225 I thought we had already agreed not to hold the exercises?
Posted by: WOPR - Nationalist at May

we pushed em back for the olympics.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (MTjB1)

226 218...that's Sweden

Sweden: Bikini Team
Switzerland: Chocolat and Nazi Gold

Posted by: Ted Striker's Polka Hits at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (J86xe)

227 222. Maybe herbal cough drops? Koreans love them sone renshen.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (fA1SL)

228 Ok, Lil Un, a punji stick for you and all your Generals

Posted by: Ben Had at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (iVNzt)

229 They want to import a bunch of muslims for no good reason?

Get your Sw's right. That's Sweden. The Swiss? Oh, hell no.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (t4Fr/)

230 Cuck Trump has already committed to saving Chinese jobs.
Dance, Monkey Boy!!

Posted by: Ho Lee Tshiht at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (wm3mp)

231 Adams was one of the first media figures to to take Trump seriously, and he deserves some credit for that. That doesn't mean all his theories have merit.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (ucixH)

232 Riiiiiicola!

Posted by: North Korean at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (ZtIV1)

233 218

And what in the hell is making North Korea the "Switzerland of the East" suppost to mean?

They want to import a bunch of muslims for no good reason?
Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (GdWl+)

Actually, I thought the Swiss were smart enough to stay out of the EU and avoid the recent waive of cultural enrichment. But I could have my facts wrong.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (2sCft)

234 And what in the hell is making North Korea the "Switzerland of the East" supposed to mean?

They're going into the watch business.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (rBnYq)

235 I saw BigBoyToo open for Ted Nugent in Seattle.

Posted by: PhilDirt at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (yzaHT)

236 197 178 Line isn't touching ground, end of tree, but substantial part is holding down the line. It has pulled the pole line way over."




the rest of us - well call the power company, get the damn thing fixed.
Posted by: Tom Servo at May 15, 2018 06:11 PM (k1TUh)

Mexicans It is america's fault for having an economy
Central Americans It is america's fault for buying drugs
Middle East It is america's fault for fracking
Greenies Its is America's fault for fracking

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (JFO2v)

237 Can't be. Before you can have cheese, you have to have cows or goats.
Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:17 PM (roQNm)

Switzerland has both - hey, I read Heidi.

But if you're talking about NK, who the heck knows.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (oMtOd)

238 Get your Sw's right. That's Sweden. The Swiss? Oh, hell no.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at May

the swiss have a problem with muslims, they are simply taking appropriate and reasonable steps to deal with the problem. google.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (MTjB1)

239 222 Cheese. I think it has something to do with cheese.


Can't be. Before you can have cheese, you have to have cows or goats.
Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:17 PM (roQNm)

Or sheep.

Posted by: Cheesemakers Everywhere at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (qjyU5)

240 He can't be mad enough to think he could conquer either.

I don't think he is mad at all. Everything he has done, from killing his general with an antiaircraft gun, to murdering his brother has been in advancement of his one goal: dying in his own bed as an old man.

Posted by: Hawkpilot at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (0Le4j)

241 Cuck Trump has already committed to saving Chinese jobs.


Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:20 PM (yQpMk)

242 I think what Adams means is maybe a semi-reunified peninsula. Open borders but no South Korean military on the Chinese border. Maybe a single gov't or some northern protectorate. Kim gets to leave with his money. The North disarms. A unified economic unit appears. China feels secure

Posted by: WOPR - Nationalist at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (J70i0)

243 Switzerland has both - hey, I read Heidi.

But if you're talking about NK, who the heck knows.
Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (oMtOd)

I watched the movie instead of the football game

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (JFO2v)

244 Cheese in North Korea is casu mazu. Without the cheese.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (/qEW2)

Well, maybe they want to become the next Switzerland because they WANT cheese.

I could be wrong. But that's doubtful.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (oMtOd)


Sheep cheese?

Well I never.
Next you'll try to tell me you can milk a beaver.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (roQNm)

246 Liiicorraaaa!

Posted by: Funnier North Korean at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (0Le4j)

247 N. Korean Bikini Team?

Posted by: Weasel at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (MVjcR)

248 North Korea was being funded by the globalist black hats. With Trump team in power they have nothing. It's like a large production company with stages that has had all their funding cut off.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (RUnSJ)

249 Whaaa? Threaten to cankle? Waszisshit? Hic.

Posted by: Hillary Rodham Beaver at May 15, 2018 06:22 PM (UdKB7)

250 234 And what in the hell is making North Korea the "Switzerland of the East" supposed to mean?

They're going into the watch business.

Posted by: Huck Follywood, Vigilance Committee supporter at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (rBnYq)

That's cuckoo.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 06:22 PM (NbPPt)

251 But if you're talking about NK, who the heck knows.
Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (oMtOd)

NK has A cow and 2 goats. Both goat child brides.

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:22 PM (JFO2v)

252 well, switzerland of the east, especially opaque and or impenetrable banking laws that would shelter money for chinese from xi or from any other country, would be a smart and easy thing for them to do. the problem is that it would take a lot trust your money to the norks.

don't need lots of infrastructure, couple of banks, airport, internets connections and you are in business.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:23 PM (MTjB1)

253 Judge says Manafort has to account to Mueller for his Ukrainian lobby work before Trump campaign.

This is not OKAY.
Is he going to have to admit tearing the labels off pillows too?

Posted by: torabora at May 15, 2018 06:23 PM (Y274z)

254 247
N. Korean Bikini Team?

Posted by: Weasel at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (MVjcR)
I prefer my models without worms

Posted by: Ted Striker's Polka Hits at May 15, 2018 06:23 PM (J86xe)

255 245 Sheep cheese?

Well I never.
Next you'll try to tell me you can milk a beaver.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (roQNm)
You can milk a beaver. It's just getting those hairs out of your teeth afterwords that's a royal pain.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:23 PM (2sCft)

256 Mexicans It is america's fault for having an economy
Central Americans It is america's fault for buying drugs
Middle East It is america's fault for fracking
Greenies Its is America's fault for fracking
Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (JFO2v)

The sure sign of a loser: blaming everyone else for their own failings. See, e.g., sports teams blaming the officials for their loss.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 06:24 PM (NbPPt)

257 Things never to be seen in NK, cows, sheep dogs, cats or frogs.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 15, 2018 06:24 PM (iVNzt)

258 Reeeeeeecorrraaaaaa!

Posted by: 3rd try's a charm when it comes to mockery at May 15, 2018 06:24 PM (XiVKO)

259 Well I never.
Next you'll try to tell me you can milk a beaver.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (roQNm)

You can't get enough milk out of a beaver, however, it's a whole different story with water buffalo.

Posted by: Italian Cheesemakers at May 15, 2018 06:25 PM (qjyU5)

260 252 well, switzerland of the east, especially opaque and or impenetrable banking laws that would shelter money for chinese from xi or from any other country, would be a smart and easy thing for them to do. the problem is that it would take a lot trust your money to the norks.

don't need lots of infrastructure, couple of banks, airport, internets connections and you are in business.
Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:23 PM (MTjB1)

You also need a long-standing reputation of trustworthiness and probity.

So, no dice.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 06:25 PM (NbPPt)

261 OT, WZ has a pic of Nikki Haley at a UN meeting and she looks like she is contemplating beating up whoever it is she is listening to.

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 06:25 PM (a0IVu)

262 From the grooveyard of forgotten hits - Tito i cvoboda - as performed by Nork kiddos to accordion accompaniment. Pure. Fucking. Nightmare. Fuel.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 06:25 PM (fA1SL)

263 Actually, I thought the Swiss were smart enough to stay out of the EU and avoid the recent waive of cultural enrichment. But I could have my facts wrong.
Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:19 PM (2sCft)

They've been culturally "enriched" to some extent but here's the problem. Swiss immigration requires that your neighbors sign off on you becoming a citizen. That hasn't been working out well for the enrichers. Also, much to the annoyance of the central gov't progressives, the federalism in the Swiss constitution makes it hard for them to change the attitudes of the deplorables. One guy pointed out that even the Italian Swiss canon works well and they want the immigrants gone.

Posted by: WOPR - Nationalist at May 15, 2018 06:26 PM (J70i0)

They want to import a bunch of muslims for no good reason?
Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at May 15, 2018 06:16 PM (GdWl+)

That's Sweden.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 15, 2018 06:26 PM (+Ty8m)

From what I've herd about water buffalo, they will give milk, but you have to buy'm dinner first.

I've been told.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:26 PM (roQNm)

266 You also need a long-standing reputation of trustworthiness and probity.

So, no dice.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May

so, what I said in my second sentence?

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:26 PM (MTjB1)

267 247 N. Korean Bikini Team?

Posted by: Weasel at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (MVjcR)

There may not be any ladies of appropriate age or enthusiasm at the moment. After accidentally falling for Fake Kim Jong In at the winter Olympics, the entirety of the NK Cheer Squad was "misplaced."

Posted by: reason at May 15, 2018 06:26 PM (XiVKO)

268 247 N. Korean Bikini Team?
Posted by: Weasel at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (MVjcR)

Whoa fat: I like miss Pyonggangs distended belly and showing ribs
Woman sidekick: But look a Miss Rason visible shinbones and pelvis Dear Leader
Whoa fat: She does make a beautiful stick figure shadow

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:27 PM (JFO2v)

269 re 256: Hillary.

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at May 15, 2018 06:27 PM (KxbBq)

270 Ok have a good night. I'm off for a bowl of 5 times distilled vodka with a lime twist....


Posted by: Ted Striker's Polka Hits at May 15, 2018 06:27 PM (J86xe)

You can't eat nuclear weapons and waste.
Posted by: Concerned People's Front at May 15, 2018 05:54 PM (rdl6o)

Well, you can, its just that it doesn't have much nutritional value and the farts can sterilize people within a one block radius.

Posted by: Anonymous White Male at May 15, 2018 06:27 PM (9BLnV)

272 265
From what I've herd about water buffalo

And Steppes Ponies

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:28 PM (JFO2v)

273 260
You also need a long-standing reputation of trustworthiness and probity.

So, no dice.
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 06:25 PM (NbPPt)


Shady Billionaire: "Hmm, I've got all these untraceable millions of dollars sitting around and I need to get them somewhere for safekeeping. I've got it! I'll send them to arguably the world's worst shithole!!"

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:28 PM (2sCft)

274 272. Only way to make kumis. Gotta have that kumis.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 06:28 PM (fA1SL)

275 Ist kase.

Posted by: Schweiz at May 15, 2018 06:29 PM (yzaHT)

276 Cuck Trump has already committed to saving Chinese jobs.
Dance, Monkey Boy!!
Posted by: Ho Lee Tshiht at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (wm3mp)

How many cell phones are made in the US? He's dealing with which foreign competitor gets to make the phones.

Posted by: WOPR - Nationalist at May 15, 2018 06:29 PM (J70i0)

277 You can't eat nuclear weapons and waste.
Posted by: Concerned People's Front at May 15, 2018 05:54 PM (rdl6o)

Any ballpark or state fair hotdog is nipples, dicks, and nuke waste.

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:29 PM (JFO2v)

278 244
Cheese in North Korea is casu mazu. Without the cheese.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 06:18 PM (/qEW2)


Well, maybe they want to become the next Switzerland because they WANT cheese.

I could be wrong. But that's doubtful.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (oMtOd)

They want cheese, goats, sheep, and anything else that doesn't taste like the dirt many of them eat now.

Sec of State Pompeo has talked a few times now directly to RocketMan and has said that Kim pays attention to Western media and conversed with him on complex issues. These interactions are important to us to better understand him. Pompeo is a very smart guy.

It tells me that Kim isn't necessarily a clone of his father. I don't think he has a suicide wish, either. Pissing off Trump and trying to make him look weak is a fool's game. In the long run, if the NORKS have no nukes or ICBM's, we win. And DJT is going to get his goal reached, with or without a living Kim.

It is up to Kim. Live and get paid, or die by a SEAL incursion? Choices, choices.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 15, 2018 06:30 PM (UsCnO)

Investigative Report: Brennan Used FBI Agent Peter Strzok as Author For Intelligence Community Assessment and Placed Dossier Material into Obama's Daily Briefing The Last Refuge

Posted by: Schneidermans Brown Slave at May 15, 2018 06:30 PM (y3aQB)

280 OT, just saw the sidebar on the main page.

RIP, Tom Wolfe

Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 06:30 PM (EzdLW)

281 >>>I guess the Gaza strip crazies are successful in their attempts to attract MSM news coverage.

But how effective will that coverage be? The headlines and tweets all omit mention of what the Palestinians actually did to provoke it, which is ludicrous given that we all know what happened.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at May 15, 2018 06:31 PM (/qEW2)

282 Success, power line went back up, think my phone line while working is only 5 feet from ground now

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:31 PM (aC6Sd)

283 BREAKING France's Macron tells Netanyahu Palestinians have right to protest peacefully

Well, if they ever want to, they can.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Tyrannosaur Wrangler at May 15, 2018 06:32 PM (+y/Ru)

284 You can clearly see my pulse in all my major arteries! For Talent Competition I will use this to make pennies dance!

Posted by: Miss Pyongyang at May 15, 2018 06:32 PM (XiVKO)

285 How about a little Red Leicester.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (yQpMk)

286 It is up to Kim. Live and get paid, or die by a SEAL incursion? Choices, choices.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 15, 2018 06:30 PM (UsCnO)

I agree that Pompeo is a smart guy. And I hope Kim is smart enough to make the right choice that will benefit his people. But honestly, it's hard to know what he actually knows, much less what he thinks.

Those poor people have been cut off from humanity for a long time.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (oMtOd)

287 277: lips and assholes

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (89T5c)

288 "283 BREAKING France's Macron tells Netanyahu Palestinians have right to protest peacefully "

Lemme teach you somethin' about "mostly-peaceful..."

Posted by: BLM Looters at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (XiVKO)

289 Norwegian Jarlsberger?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (yQpMk)

290 we should get the norks to accept the palestinians and then resettle them there.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:34 PM (MTjB1)

291 $150 birrion buy a whore rot of Big Macs.

Posted by: Kim Jong un at May 15, 2018 06:34 PM (HgMAr)

292 The Norks have been playing a game of wink wink nudge nudge since Bill Clinton (if not betore that) which benefitted all parties involved. Trump team changes that (example the Saudi Regime which fell in November). Nork leadership knows this and has zero leverage.

Deal is done. This is theater. Will it get done and be happy times reunification over night? No. Will it move in that direction with conditions improving in North Korea over time? Yes.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 06:34 PM (RUnSJ)

293 re 279: why would Obama read anything when he already knew everything worth knowing?

Posted by: mallfly the Georgia Peach at May 15, 2018 06:34 PM (KxbBq)

294 I feel line a pine tarred baseball bat

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:34 PM (aC6Sd)

295 285. Yeee............. no.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 06:34 PM (fA1SL)

296 Smell worse than one

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:35 PM (aC6Sd)

297 >>BREAKING France's Macron tells Netanyahu Palestinians have right to protest peacefully

Fuck You, Faggot.

Posted by: garrett at May 15, 2018 06:35 PM (k3G9g)

298 What's going on up there, Skip?

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:35 PM (oMtOd)

299 I think what Adams means is maybe a semi-reunified peninsula. Open borders but no South Korean military on the Chinese border. Maybe a single gov't or some northern protectorate. Kim gets to leave with his money. The North disarms. A unified economic unit appears. China feels secure
Posted by: WOPR - Nationalist at May 15, 2018 06:21 PM (J70i0)

As I recall, it also had to do with scenario where investment from around the world poured in and built an advanced infrastructure from scratch. This was prefaced on a Hong-Kong style, 100-year turnover plan, where in return for demilitarizing, China agreed to put N.K. under its security umbrella, and SK remained under US protection.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 15, 2018 06:35 PM (+Ty8m)

300 289. Yes.........sorry, no.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Slavic Customer Service Rep. at May 15, 2018 06:35 PM (fA1SL)

301 China will never allow a unified Korea. The best Trump will get is a symbolic de-nuclear NK with better relations with the South. That will be the face-saving deal for both sides.

Posted by: Cm9000 at May 15, 2018 06:35 PM (ucixH)

302 so Trump is offering to trade all of the norks weapons grade uranium for red mercury.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:35 PM (MTjB1)

303 Danish Blue?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (yQpMk)

304 NK GDP per capita $1800
SK GDP per capita $28,000

Daily caloric intake in NK 2100 calories
SK 3035

Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (JFO2v)

305 286 I agree that Pompeo is a smart guy. And I hope Kim is smart enough to make the right choice that will benefit his people. But honestly, it's hard to know what he actually knows, much less what he thinks.

Those poor people have been cut off from humanity for a long time.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (oMtOd)
Yes, Kim Jong Un may be both informed and intelligent, but that doesn't mean that he's not crazy or evil or both as well.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (2sCft)

306 I doubt they want cheese. And I doubt NK will become the next France, with hundreds of different types of cheese. The reason is that most of Asia is lactose intolerant. I have read numbers of up to 90 percent depending on the country.

Posted by: Quint at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (n13/j)

307 Those poor people have been cut off from humanity for a long time.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (oMtOd)

Which is why reunification will take a generation. They have been living in a Truman Show stage for 80 years at least.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (RUnSJ)

308 China will never allow a unified Korea. The best Trump will get is a symbolic de-nuclear NK with better relations with the South. That will be the face-saving deal for both sides.
Posted by: Cm9000 at May

china may not have a choice. don't overestimate their capabilities.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (MTjB1)

309 Macron trying to avoid another 5,000 car burning night in France.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (iVNzt)

310 Brie, Roquefort, Pont-l'Eveque, Port Salut, Savoyard, Saint-Paulin, Carre-de-L'Est, Boursin, Bresse Bleu, Perle de Champagne?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (yQpMk)

311 If anyone knows anything about peaceful protests it would be Paris, France, and President Macron.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (roQNm)

312 Cheese. I think it has something to do with cheese.
That theory has so many's like...

Posted by: Axeman at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (vDqXW)

313 Camembert, perhaps?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:37 PM (yQpMk)

314 You know what this all might come down to? He's just so Ronery.....

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:37 PM (2sCft)

Nork Miss Instant Hot Bark Drink

*yodels in Korean*

Posted by: Hands at May 15, 2018 06:38 PM (EzdLW)

316 T-storm line went through area, one of my trees came down and pulled my power and phone line too. Cleared off the tree end holding them. Power line is fine and went flying back up. My phone line is only 4 or 5 feet up. All is working.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:38 PM (aC6Sd)

317 Yessir! Skiing in North Korea.

Posted by: Scott Adams at May 15, 2018 06:38 PM (vDqXW)

Former San Francisco Mayor Calls for End of Dems' Trump-Bashing: 'Might Need 12-Step Program' - True Pundit

Posted by: Schneidermans Brown Slave at May 15, 2018 06:38 PM (y3aQB)

319 Cheese. I think it has something to do with cheese.


That theory has so many's like...

Posted by: Axeman at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM (vDqXW)
this North Korea cheese idea is grating

Posted by: Quint at May 15, 2018 06:39 PM (n13/j)

320 I think North Korea is still North Korea and will remain North Korea until there comes a revolution or coup and a lot of blood-letting/i]

Well yeah, that's why I was confused by the celebrations over declaring peace. Nothing really changes, they've not actually fought for over 60 years. Its not like they were going to merge into one utopian uber Korea or something. NK is still a vicious hell hole run by a monster.

He's trying right now to get more leverage, but the sad sack of crap really has nothing to hold over anyone and nothing to offer.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May 15, 2018 06:39 PM (39g3+)

321 I'm coated in pine sap

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:39 PM (aC6Sd)

322 316 T-storm line went through area, one of my trees came down and pulled my power and phone line too. Cleared off the tree end holding them. Power line is fine and went flying back up. My phone line is only 4 or 5 feet up. All is working.
Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:38 PM (aC6Sd)

Skip....where are you?

Posted by: eleven at May 15, 2018 06:39 PM (+lOpA)

323 A weird 'hot teacher' story:

32-year-old teacher found in car with 17-year-old 'former student.' No charges filed, apparently no evidence of anything to proceed with, but a police report gets leaked to the school district and she gets suspended.

This starts an investigation of the local police department, and she cooperates with the investigation.

Then she gets gunned down in her driveway...

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at May 15, 2018 06:39 PM (oVJmc)

324 He's trying right now to get more leverage, but the sad sack of crap really has nothing to hold over anyone and nothing to offer.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May

well, if he did not have anything we would not be having negotiations with him.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (MTjB1)

325 Daily caloric intake in NK 2100 calories

The entire country is on Freestyle!??! Where are my royalties?

Posted by: Oprah Winfrey at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (l2max)

326 Three Words:
Dennis Rodman

Posted by: Nelson M. at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (4fmLd)

327 My gosh, Skip! You be careful. Good grief.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (oMtOd)

328 Switzerland of the east?
Beat their nuclear weapons into crossbows.

Posted by: William Tell at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (Aoygp)

329 >>Then she gets gunned down in her driveway...

In the cops defense, they were probably shooting at her dog.

Posted by: garrett at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (bgkfE)

330 la vache qui rit?

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (Pg+x7)

331 The tree got pulled out like a weed, no dirt ball with it, there is a hole with the roots still in the ground.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (aC6Sd)

332 286
It is up to Kim. Live and get paid, or die by a SEAL incursion? Choices, choices.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 15, 2018 06:30 PM (UsCnO)


I agree that Pompeo is a smart guy. And I hope Kim is smart enough
to make the right choice that will benefit his people. But honestly,
it's hard to know what he actually knows, much less what he thinks.

Those poor people have been cut off from humanity for a long time.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:33 PM (oMtOd)

Yes, correct. The Swiss of Asia thing got me thinking that if Kim is smart, he could have his cake and eat it too, so to speak. But this is a one-time free pass and it won't be around for long. The fastest way to remove the option is to piss off DJT.

I guess I was thinking more about his own greedy wants instead of the NK people's needs.

BTW, I also thought as someone else mentioned, that the US-SK military exercises were on hold as well after the initial news about the summit. Did I get that incorrect? If I am right, then what is the "news"? There would be no news. The headline would be false.

But then again, I checked my voicemail and email, and nobody from Wash DC has left a message for me today looking for a callback.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 15, 2018 06:41 PM (UsCnO)

333 Investigative Report: Brennan Used FBI Agent Peter Strzok as Author For Intelligence Community Assessment and Placed Dossier Material into Obama's Daily Briefing The Last Refuge
Posted by: Schneidermans Brown Slave at May 15, 2018 06:30 PM (y3aQB)

My current thinking is that Brennan is the lead and originating conspirator in this and he roped people like Strzok and McCabe into his plan. But Comey was never in on the jig (would you trust that guy?). And, actually it was Comey neglecting to let the Trump-Russia investigation leak to the press that F'd up Brennan's plan.

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 15, 2018 06:41 PM (+Ty8m)

Daily caloric intake in NK 2100 calories
SK 3035
Posted by: rhennigantx at May 15, 2018 06:36 PM

It North Korean GAINZZZ, you yankee imperialist !

Posted by: Kim-Kim-Kim at May 15, 2018 06:41 PM (EzdLW)

335 321 I'm coated in pine sap
Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:39 PM (aC6Sd)

Sounds like a sticky situation, Skip.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:41 PM (2sCft)

336 Back inside now.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:41 PM (aC6Sd)

337 ... ie, the laughing cow. you laugh? tut tut, little americain? they've been making that cheese since 1865!

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 15, 2018 06:42 PM (Pg+x7)

338 The effing Uniparty/Globalists have been funding effing North Korean leadership. That is now cut off after decades. They don't have guidance for their missiles because no iridium so their missiles are shit.

The Bork leadership has surrendered. The MSM is gaslighting the public to hurt Trump's growing popularity before the midterms.

Better off getting news by practing reading the chans than the garbage mockingbird corporate media.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 06:42 PM (RUnSJ)

339 NK slubs getting 2100 calories a day? Sheeite they are eating more than me. Quick I need a visa.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 15, 2018 06:42 PM (iVNzt)

340 335 that was tacky. Jokes like that do not resinate with me at all.

Posted by: Quint at May 15, 2018 06:42 PM (n13/j)

341 But then again, I checked my voicemail and email, and nobody from Wash DC has left a message for me today looking for a callback.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at May 15, 2018 06:41 PM (UsCnO)

That's all right. I'm here and I already told them everything they need to know.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:43 PM (oMtOd)

342 Changes nothing.

"We'll see what happens" - I think this comment has been inserted in every Trump statement on the topic, from the beginning. In Trumpese - the guy is always making the sale, not a criticism, but one must translated from his particular language and style - this is the equivalent of "don't celebrate quite yet" or Winston Wolfe's famous admonition.

Kim has no apparent leverage. The same reason the foregoing stuff has happened is the reason he'll probably do as he's told, now.

I think China has already made the strategic decision to end this situation. Kim may have picked the worst president in US history against whom to try any sort of shenanigans. Ain't going anywhere.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 15, 2018 06:43 PM (QDnY+)

343 326 Three Words:
Dennis Rodman
Posted by: Nelson M. at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (4fmLd)

That's four words!

Posted by: Joe Biden at May 15, 2018 06:43 PM (qjyU5)

344 well, if he did not have anything we would not be having negotiations with him.

The negotiations aren't because of anything he has to offer us, its to get him under control. The guy's goofy fake nuclear weapons programs and cardboard missiles were enough to scare previous presidents into bribing his dad with money and tech, but finally we have one that wised up.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May 15, 2018 06:43 PM (39g3+)

345 336 Back inside now.
Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:41 PM (aC6Sd)

How do you keep commenting when you're covered in pine sap?

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:43 PM (2sCft)

Well, of course, there is a video on youtube about making horse cheese.

And a closely related video on yak milking.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse - Alt-Ctrl at May 15, 2018 06:43 PM (roQNm)

347 >How many cell phones are made in the US? He's dealing with which foreign competitor gets to make the phones

Cell phones onry secondary line for ZTE, Huawei could easily cover as they have much greater market share. Dance Puppet!!

Posted by: Ho Lee Tshiht at May 15, 2018 06:44 PM (wm3mp)

348 *sneaks up behind Skip with two feather pillows and mischief in his heart*

Posted by: Bugs Bunny at May 15, 2018 06:44 PM (l2max)

349 How do you keep commenting when you're covered in pine sap?
Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:43 PM (2sCft)

The question is how is he going to STOP commenting. The keyboard is stuck to his fingers.

Posted by: bluebell at May 15, 2018 06:44 PM (oMtOd)

350 Hold still, Skip.

Posted by: George Brett at May 15, 2018 06:44 PM (89T5c)

351 Dance Puppet!!

I'm cracking up here.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:45 PM (yQpMk)

352 boy, if they don't drop this phony baloney mccain insult crap...

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 15, 2018 06:45 PM (Pg+x7)

353 Hey, Lets bully Trump into apologizing

Posted by: MSM at May 15, 2018 06:45 PM (Ymy4N)

354 Hey, Lets bully Trump into apologizing

Posted by: MSM at May 15, 2018 06:45 PM (Ymy4N)


Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:46 PM (yQpMk)

355 One solid idea (at least as a starting point), if/when the Norks again submit, is to make South Korea pay for everything. Everything. They can afford it. They can indulge their near-suicidal naivete and sentimentality for their cousins in the north - which probably would have ended in South Korea's annihilation 10 times in the last 40 years, without the US presence and guarantees.

Knock yourselves out, guys. You can rebuild Pyongyang as the first Samsung "smart city" on earth. Whatever. Wish you luck. But our strategic interests, and the circumstances of the situation, call for zero US $$ to be involved. Zero.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (QDnY+)

356 nood

Posted by: IC at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (a0IVu)

357 328 Switzerland of the east?
Beat their nuclear weapons into crossbows.
Posted by: William Tell at May 15, 2018 06:40 PM (Aoygp)

They have the uranium for nukes but no iridium for middle guidance. So it's worthless. They could not hit shit without iridium which is needed for satellite middle guidance.

Q posted this. Norks have U but no I.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (RUnSJ)

358 Jokes like that do not resinate with me at all.

Posted by: Quint at May 15, 2018 06:42 PM (n13/j)

Sometimes you have to branch out, spruce up your life a little. But, that's just my 'pinion.

Posted by: reason at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (l2max)

359 Daily caloric intake in NK 2100 calories

What's the breakdown for elites vs. plebes?

Posted by: Fox2! at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (brIR5)

360 Nude Centerist Thread

Posted by: Grump928(C) at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (yQpMk)

361 353 Hey, Lets bully Trump into apologizing

Posted by: MSM at May 15, 2018 06:45 PM (Ymy4N)

You've been at it for THREE YEARS now!

Posted by: Surfperch at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (qjyU5)

362 Let's not be ragging on Yak's . I seriously want a couple of them.

Posted by: Ben Had at May 15, 2018 06:48 PM (iVNzt)

363 ... grovel for in sulting mccain, the racist hitler the great war hero.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 15, 2018 06:48 PM (Pg+x7)

364 Not all previous recent presidents bribed the Norks.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 15, 2018 06:49 PM (QDnY+)

365 negotiations aren't because of anything he has to offer us, its to get him under control. The guy's goofy fake nuclear weapons programs and cardboard missiles were enough to scare previous presidents into bribing his dad with money and tech, but finally we have one that wised up.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May

where do you get fake nukes and cardboard missiles from? no reliable source suggests that they are fake. maybe they are not reliable as ours are but there is some capability there. even Trump's administration believes that there is a threat to hawaii and the western U.S.

the question is less about being fooled by fake weapons and more about deciding to deal with the norks before they have the ability to nuke a U.S. city.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:49 PM (MTjB1)

366 if they don't drop this phony baloney mccain insult crap...

I think this one kind of resonates with people (what a crappy thing to say about a dying man) but not very much. McCain is kind of an infamous jerk and old man crank and besides people do understand what the term "off the record" means, even if the press is pretending otherwise.

Imagine if they'd reported all the heinous, hateful crap Obama admin people were saying? The knew. But they kept it to themselves.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May 15, 2018 06:49 PM (39g3+)

367 352 boy, if they don't drop this phony baloney mccain insult crap...
Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 15, 2018 06:45 PM (Pg+x7)
I fucking agree. Like McCain is a beloved saint and war hero and never engaged in the Keating Five scandal or sabotaged Trump and the American people at every opportunity. Just cause you served your country, doesn't mean you get to be an angry, thin-skinned ego-driven twat.

Fuck him and his tumor. And to think that I voted for him in 2008, and that was mainly voting for Sarah Palin who re-energized his flaccid campaign, and then on the way out he has to disrespect and insult her too. Graceless Twit.

Posted by: SteveOReno at May 15, 2018 06:50 PM (2sCft)

368 where do you get fake nukes and cardboard missiles from? no reliable source suggests that they are fake. maybe they are not reliable as ours are but there is some capability there. even Trump's administration believes that there is a threat to hawaii and the western U.S.

Guarantee you that in the future people examining this time and the tech will state that at no point did NK have any nuclear weapon capacity. They can't even get a missile to go where they want and they break apart in the air.

I remember the awe with which people treated Soviet tech and the vaunted might of the Soviet military. They were terrible, too. So's China. You wanna talk about Chinese knockoffs...

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May 15, 2018 06:52 PM (39g3+)

223 Parodies Found.
By Bingo, Bango, Bongo, and Irving Yankovic.


the 142nd fastest gun in the west

Posted by: Anachronda, noted dementoid at May 15, 2018 06:52 PM (sGtp+)

370 366: you bet. but on occasion some of the obamatrons' contempt would get out and drop out of sight without protest.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at May 15, 2018 06:53 PM (Pg+x7)

371 They have the uranium for nukes but no iridium for middle guidance. So it's worthless. They could not hit shit without iridium which is needed for satellite middle guidance.

Q posted this. Norks have U but no I.
Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (RUnSJ)

Couldn't they strip what they need from spare Oakley sunglasses?

Posted by: Serious Cat at May 15, 2018 06:53 PM (+Ty8m)

372 I got a double hot shower, I did fall through a couple of times but its hard to get hurt in a pine tree laying down.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:53 PM (aC6Sd)

373 355 One solid idea (at least as a starting point), if/when the Norks again submit, is to make South Korea pay for everything. Everything. They can afford it. They can indulge their near-suicidal naivete and sentimentality for their cousins in the north - which probably would have ended in South Korea's annihilation 10 times in the last 40 years, without the US presence and guarantees.

Knock yourselves out, guys. You can rebuild Pyongyang as the first Samsung "smart city" on earth. Whatever. Wish you luck. But our strategic interests, and the circumstances of the situation, call for zero US $$ to be involved. Zero.

Posted by: rhomboid at May 15, 2018 06:47 PM (QDnY+)

It is a given the South will have to pay. See (West) Germany. And the desire for reunification is there. Nationalism still trumps (no pun intended) economics.

But it will be harder, because East Germany was downright affluent by Nork standards. There isn't even a Trabant like industry in NK.

Posted by: Curmudgeon at May 15, 2018 06:53 PM (ujg0T)

374 A US bomber crewman fell or bailed out of a plane and his parachute didn't open, but he hit a grove of thick pine trees and it broke his free fall. Was quite the celebrity in the POW camp.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:55 PM (aC6Sd)

375 Trump should offer to get Kim on Dancing with the Stars. He'll never be able to turn that down.

I first read this suggestion here--don't know which brilliant moron to credit. Sorry.

Posted by: Wenda (sic) at May 15, 2018 06:55 PM (Kr0FZ)

376 It's pie time. Wishing I had a bottle of scotch now.

Posted by: Skip at May 15, 2018 06:56 PM (aC6Sd)

377 Venezuelan Beaver Cheese?

Re: Irving. Even on the range he used two sets of dishes.

Posted by: Burger Chef at May 15, 2018 06:57 PM (RuIsu)

378 Missles need to be guided by satellites. All satallite guidence systems use iridium. The Norks don't have that. They just lob shit for show with no target into the ocean. There is a reason for this. They don't have the guidance capabilities with no iridium.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 06:58 PM (RUnSJ)

379 South Korea can't possibly absorb the millions of starving near-robots of the North.
Reunification would have to happen over decades and with the North becoming somewhat functional first.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 15, 2018 06:58 PM (0jtPF)

380 Guarantee you that in the future people examining this time and the tech will state that at no point did NK have any nuclear weapon capacity. They can't even get a missile to go where they want and they break apart in the air.

I remember the awe with which people treated Soviet tech and the vaunted might of the Soviet military. They were terrible, too. So's China. You wanna talk about Chinese knockoffs...
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May

well, there is capability and capacity. no one is saying even now that they have icbm capability or even nuke missile capability. lots of people are of the opinion that they have nukes in some deliverable albeit ungainly form.

the point is that we do not want to wait until they have reliable means of delivering nukes intercontinentally.

sure the soviet stuff was overrated but there was enough there to cause lots of destruction here.

Posted by: yankeefifth at May 15, 2018 06:58 PM (MTjB1)

381 368 where do you get fake nukes and cardboard missiles from? no reliable source suggests that they are fake. maybe they are not reliable as ours are but there is some capability there. even Trump's administration believes that there is a threat to hawaii and the western U.S.

Guarantee you that in the future people examining this time and the tech will state that at no point did NK have any nuclear weapon capacity. They can't even get a missile to go where they want and they break apart in the air.

I remember the awe with which people treated Soviet tech and the vaunted might of the Soviet military. They were terrible, too. So's China. You wanna talk about Chinese knockoffs...
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at May 15, 2018 06:52 PM (39g3+)

It's like the globalists have been using them as a boogeyman for the public when in reality they are a paper tiger.

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 07:01 PM (RUnSJ)

382 379 South Korea can't possibly absorb the millions of starving near-robots of the North.
Reunification would have to happen over decades and with the North becoming somewhat functional first.
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at May 15, 2018 06:58 PM (0jtPF)

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 07:02 PM (RUnSJ)

383 Swiss immigration requires that your neighbors sign off on you becoming a citizen. That hasn't been working out well for the enrichers.

If only we had that here.

I guess the Swiss must be really weak, since diversity is strength. /laughs bitterly

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 07:03 PM (NbPPt)

384 Fun fact: Switzerland only gave the vote to women in 1971 (IIRC).

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 07:04 PM (NbPPt)

385 It's like the globalists have been using them as a boogeyman for the public when in reality they are a paper tiger.
Posted by: Monk at May 15, 2018 07:01 PM (RUnSJ)

Better to overestimate your enemy's capabilities than to underestimate them.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at May 15, 2018 07:06 PM (NbPPt)

386 Ill bet even Kim Jong Un would be OK with Little Debbies pouring from the sky.

Posted by: Waziz at May 15, 2018 07:11 PM (kR3UB)

387 ....The tiger cannot change its stripes!

Posted by: TN VOLUNTEER at May 15, 2018 07:21 PM (NDRcc)

388 Sheeyiiitte - willowed yet again.

120 Five Eyes. It's a caveat to security classification that allows certain intelligence to be shared between the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
Posted by: Bert G at May 15, 2018 02:49 PM (uiwCw)

Sadly our scrunt of a Prime Minister has fucked that up. NZ is no longer on the list due to her being a commmie, virtual signalling ,waste of skin lightweight. And to think we were once know as Prussia of the South.

Posted by: NZFrank withanM2 at May 15, 2018 07:49 PM (bgJ0E)

389 >>>Cuck Trump has already committed to saving Chinese jobs.<<<
Funny, but the globalists will spit venom and piss because TRUMP! There is never anything wrong with helping your trade partners become more prosperous.


Posted by: Fritz at May 15, 2018 08:27 PM (J7XgW)

390 >There is never anything wrong with helping your trade partners become more prosperous.

There is never anything wrong with helping your pool boy become more promiscuous.

Posted by: Wife of Fritz at May 15, 2018 10:39 PM (8/4IZ)

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