aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | The Morning Rant![]() "A lot of people, mainly progressives, are getting their knickers in a twist over Trump saying that in some circumstances he would take guns first and worry about due process second. But we've accepted the suspension of due process rights in certain circumstances for quite a while now, so isn't this indignation a bit late? If they can take somebody's stuff just because they suspect it's been used for drug trafficking, then it's no great leap to justify taking somebody's guns because they suspect he's going to shoot up a school or shopping mall. This could be something both left and right could work together to eliminate, but if progressives are only going to complain when Trump does it, that's not much of a basis for bipartisan action."
![]() "Attention burglars and thieves! Come take all of my stuff and you won't have to worry about being shot."
![]() (Narrator: The Babylon Bee is a satirical web site) But wait, it gets better. Somebody confronted Snopes with this on Twitter:
So, rather than doing any actual fact checking, which I thought was what they supposedly did, Snopes doubled down on stupid. No wonder their credibility is sinking faster than Harvey Weinstein's pants at a Hollywood casting party. (...and it would have taken them maybe 3-4 clicks to confirm that the Babylon Bee is satire. Are they really that smug or just lazy?)
![]() Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 05, 2018 11:23 AM (6wvcx) 2
Now to read content.
Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 05, 2018 11:24 AM (6wvcx) 3
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at March 05, 2018 11:24 AM (KxbBq) 4
Corgis called
Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:24 AM (7a8uF) 5
Well, hello there!
Posted by: Nickleback at March 05, 2018 11:24 AM (ctuyM) 6
Doesn't a red light outside a house mean something else as well? And Jane Seymour? Hmmmmm
Posted by: rammajamma at March 05, 2018 11:25 AM (oAlzZ) 7
"Attention burglars and thieves! Come take all of my stuff and you won't have to worry about being shot." ===== I thought a red light designated a whorehouse? Christmas porch lights around IL are green to avoid that designation. Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 11:25 AM (MIKMs) 8
wasn't the "no guns in this house" tried in NYC years ago? Don't think it worked out well.
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at March 05, 2018 11:26 AM (KxbBq) 9
I thought a red porch light meant the lady of the house is open for business, or the couple has an extremely open marriage.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:26 AM (nBr1j) 10
Who is Jane Seymore?
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:26 AM (7HtZB) 11
Red light??? There is prostitution in American homes????!!!!!
Posted by: IC at March 05, 2018 11:26 AM (a0IVu) 12
Where have all the classic rock bands gone?
Geritol Tour." I saw a billboard over the weekend advertising Pat Benatar at the Choctaw Casino in Oklahoma. So that's where careers go to die. Posted by: Tom Servo Tom, yup. Sadly. Then again, Amy Schumer was there last time we went to the casino. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (7a8uF) 13
3 bordello comments in the top ten - at least we are consistent.
Posted by: rammajamma at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (oAlzZ) 14
Burrito Alert : Beware of shits fired.
Posted by: Roy at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (7n4KQ) 15
As St. Marcie Bianco has informed us, "The patriarchal race to claim "First!" is just another example of male entitlement."
Posted by: The Brattleboro Womyn's & Feline Fitness Center, and Institute of Intersectionality at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (ctuyM) 16
Posted by: A Blast from New York's Past at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (QQ+il) 17
well of course they are the red light district. metaphorically sold themselves on the cheap.
Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (/ikqi) Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (7a8uF) 19
10 Who is Jane Seymore?
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:26 AM (7HtZB) They left out her last name, "Butz." Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (u7ERy) 20
re 6: ha. didn't think of that.
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (KxbBq) 21
I love Sabo. No homo.
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (Uytaa) 22
Prostitutes without guns live here!
Posted by: tu3031 at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (O5Q3r) 23
So, which was it? Shits were fired or shots were fired?
I'm all for the former, not so much for the latter. Posted by: Blake at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (qC1Sy) 24
With regards to the "No Guns Here" image...
1) WTF are *special* red bulbs? They're just red bulbs. 2) They want to turn America into one large red light district? Given the issues Hollywood has with sexual harrassment lately, this seems dangerously close to crossing the memes. Posted by: No One of Consequence at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (+F0Wk) 25
I can recall when red lights on the porch signaled a whorehouse...oh, wait....
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (c/EDo) 26
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (7a8uF) Oh, you mean Jane Seymour. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (u7ERy) 27
"Attention burglars and thieves! Come take all of my stuff and you won't have to worry about being shot."
===== I thought a red light designated a whorehouse? Christmas porch lights around IL are green to avoid that designation. ========== It's the Left. They probably deliberately chose red to bring sex into it. Because they can't do anything without sex - the more deviant, the better. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (vg8iE) 28
I thought a red porch light meant the lady of the house is open for business, or the couple has an extremely open marriage.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:26 AM ~~~~~~ I think swingers use pineapples to convey their status. e.g. a pineapple on their front steps/porch, an upside-down pineapple in their grocery cart, pineapple flags, etc. Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (HiDrR) 29
Where have all the classic rock bands gone?
Geritol Tour." I saw a billboard over the weekend advertising Pat Benatar at the Choctaw Casino in Oklahoma. So that's where careers go to die. Posted by: Tom Servo Tom, yup. Sadly. Then again, Amy Schumer was there last time we went to the casino. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:27 AM (7a8uF) Choctaw bingo! Posted by: BignJames at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (0+nbW) 30
Red light at my front door is due to the laser sight
Posted by: Roy at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (7n4KQ) 31
The new red light district. No guns, plenty of hookers.
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (Uytaa) 32
Jane Seymore was that model that was engaged to Axl Rose....
Posted by: steevy at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (LiyEm) 33
I'm old enough to remember when a red light on at the front door meant horny and drunk men could find a good time inside Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (lKyWE) 34
I kind of want to put out a red light, and when I get an intruder then I surprise the hell out of him.
Posted by: WitchDoktor, AKA VA GOP Sucks at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (eytER) Posted by: Random Ne'er-do-well at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (8iiMU) 36
attention whores.
Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (/ikqi) 37
It seems that Morons are disturbingly familiar with bordellos.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (c/EDo) 38
Dicks down 0.5% today while market is up 0.5%.
Simce the big anti gun announcement stock is down 3% while the market as a whole is down 1%. GETWOKE GO BROKE Posted by: #neverskankles at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (2Vyu5) 39
Jane Seymore was also the Bond girl in 'for your eyes only' - or was that the song title?
Posted by: IC at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (a0IVu) 40
shots fired ... draining the swamp?
more likely, the swamp monsters are shooting the whistle blowers. Whistle blowing witnesses are an endangered species unless the swamp creatures face real prosecution instead of a few early retirements. There was Seth Rich probably, but there have been many witnesses disappear before testimony ... the old mafia way, and DeepState is no rookie. Posted by: illiniwek at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (bT8Z4) 41
>>"Attention burglars and thieves! Come take all of my stuff and you won't have to worry about being shot."
Supported by people who live in gated communities that are under security guard and camera surveillance 24x7. Talk about FAIL. These people have no idea how the other 99% live. Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (W+vEI) 42
I'm old enough to remember when a red light on at the front door meant horny and drunk men could find a good time inside
=========== My house is red. Posted by: Sandra Fluke at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (vg8iE) Posted by: tu3031 at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (O5Q3r) 44
So, which was it? Shits were fired or shots were fired?
I'm all for the former, not so much for the latter. Posted by: Blake at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (qC1Sy) Might be the former. Anyone seem the Morning Rant JV pundit lately? Posted by: No One of Consequence at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (+F0Wk) 45
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (nBr1j) 46
I kind of want to put out a red light, and when I get an intruder then I surprise the hell out of him. Posted by: WitchDoktor, AKA VA GOP Sucks at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (eytER) I have a surprise for him. Posted by: Batman's Surprise Penis at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (8iiMU) 47
I kind of want to put out a red light, and when I get an intruder then I surprise the hell out of him.
Posted by: WitchDoktor ----- Ha. The old 'bait and switch'. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (c/EDo) 48
37 It seems that Morons are disturbingly familiar with bordellos.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:29 AM (c/EDo) Never been to one. Everybody knows about "red light districts," even little old sheltered me. Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM (Uytaa) 49
"Red light: no guns, obsessed with sex, not prone to fight back." Yeah, I don't think that's the message you really wanted to put out there, lefties, but then you're not big fans of considering consequences.
Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM (RD7QR) 50
28 I thought a red porch light meant the lady of the house is open for business, or the couple has an extremely open marriage.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:26 AM ~~~~~~ I think swingers use pineapples to convey their status. e.g. a pineapple on their front steps/porch, an upside-down pineapple in their grocery cart, pineapple flags, etc. Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (HiDrR) Pineapples have long been an architectural motif, going all the way back to Colonial days. They mean "Welcome." Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM (7HtZB) 51
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker ----------- A laser that periodically sweeps across the yard. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM (c/EDo) 52
"Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light..."
So a bunch of confused drunk frat boys looking for easy scores will be hitting up homes across the nation. Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM (0kLcL) 53
Jane Seymore was also the Bond girl in 'for your eyes only' - or was that the song title?
Posted by: IC at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (a0IVu) I thought it was "Live and Let Die"? Posted by: BignJames at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (0+nbW) 54
>>I thought a red light designated a whorehouse? Christmas porch lights around IL are green to avoid that designation.
Green was already taken for supporting the military. Think blue porch lights signal support for the police. Maybe Yellow was too 'on the nose' and orange was too Halloween? And pink, yeah...... Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (W+vEI) 55
Jane Seymour was an absolute hottie in what looks like the sixties from this photo. Semi-SFW. She was also s Queen of England from 1536 to 1537 as the third wife of King Henry VIII, which is some pretty good time travel skillz/ Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (fuK7c) 56
Hey Leftists, go with the red lights, champ.
Write down who has the red lights on. Easier to take their stuff WTSHTF. Posted by: NaCly Dog at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (hyuyC) 57
Pineapples have long been an architectural motif, going all the way back to Colonial days. They mean "Welcome."
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM ~~~~~ Yes, but they have been "appropriated" LOL Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (HiDrR) 58
Roxanne, we've had this discussion before.
Posted by: The Police at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (7HtZB) 59
>>What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Flood lights and a 'BEWARE OF THE DOGS' sign? Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (W+vEI) 60
57 Pineapples have long been an architectural motif, going all the way back to Colonial days. They mean "Welcome."
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM ~~~~~ Yes, but they have been "appropriated" LOL Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:32 AM (HiDrR) There's welcome and then there's welcome. Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 05, 2018 11:33 AM (Uytaa) 61
Red light plan. I'll just flap around here in the ocean like a wounded seal.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 05, 2018 11:33 AM (+y/Ru) 62
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker No light. Thermal riflescope sees all. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:33 AM (7a8uF) 63
I think swingers use pineapples to convey their
status. e.g. a pineapple on their front steps/porch, an upside-down pineapple in their grocery cart, pineapple flags, etc. Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM Well, there goes the 'take a flaming pineapple * shove it up sideways' meme here at AoSHQ. * Yes, I flaunted my ampersand privilege in front of the hundreds of Hordlings who digitally reside in ampersand deserts, where it's easier to purchase a weapon than typographically abbreviate 'and'. I denounce myself. Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 05, 2018 11:33 AM (ctuyM) Posted by: #neverskankles at March 05, 2018 11:33 AM (2Vyu5) 65
My question: Is Roxanne going to put out a red light?
Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (u7ERy) 66
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (nBr1j) black strobe Posted by: BignJames at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (0+nbW) Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (W+vEI) 68
re 32: I think that was Victoria Secret model Stephanie Seymour.
maybe you can also put up a 'no one home this week' sign when you go away for a while. Nothing earns trust like showing you trust other people. Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (KxbBq) 69
I have a red light in our hen house. Just sayin'.
Posted by: Cicero Boom chicka boom Kaboom! Kid, at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (qBA+q) 70
So house A has a red porch light and house B has signage indicating the occupants are armed, which one will the thieves visit?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (nBr1j) 71
Pineapples have long been an architectural motif, going all the way back to Colonial days. They mean "Welcome."
========== That's why I have one tattooed on my anus. Posted by: Shep! at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (vg8iE) 72
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (nBr1j) Sniper laser Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (7HtZB) 73
Pineapples have long been an architectural motif, going all the way back to Colonial days. They mean "Welcome."
- I thought they meant "Psyche". Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (+y/Ru) 74
>>>This Is Not Going To End Well:
On the contrary, they're doing us a favor. They're like dodo birds who don't realize what to fear and what not to fear. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at March 05, 2018 11:35 AM (/qEW2) 75
I think swingers use pineapples to convey their status. e.g. a pineapple on their front steps/porch, an upside-down pineapple in their grocery cart, pineapple flags, etc.
Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:28 AM (HiDrR) ---------- Is Weasel here? I'd like to hear his views on the pineapple thing. My friend in Texas said she was told that down there it's a garden gnome in the front yard. Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 11:35 AM (aDwMN) Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at March 05, 2018 11:35 AM (0kLcL) 77
thank you lizzy , bows, yours was great too, (floodlights)
Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 11:35 AM (/ikqi) 78
Red light is best to keep night vision.
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:35 AM (r9UYA) 79
45 What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (nBr1j) Brass? Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at March 05, 2018 11:35 AM (RD7QR) 80
maybe you can also put up a 'no one home this week' sign when you go away for a while. Nothing earns trust like showing you trust other people.
Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM ~~~~~ ![]() Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:36 AM (HiDrR) 81
Jane Seymore was also the Bond girl in 'for your eyes only' - or was that the song title?
Posted by: IC at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (a0IVu) I thought it was "Live and Let Die"? Posted by: BignJames ------------ Which reminds me, I visited Daliah Lavi's home yesterday. It was very interesting. I have photos. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:36 AM (nBBdT) 82
I have been told that a red porch light in a nearby community indicates the occupants are swingers. But I have no personal experience as there is nothing swingerish about me.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:36 AM (nBr1j) 83
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
========== No light. It's been shot out. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 11:36 AM (vg8iE) Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 05, 2018 11:37 AM (lKyWE) 85
>>maybe you can also put up a 'no one home this week' sign when you go away for a while. Nothing earns trust like showing you trust other people.
Or my favorite, seen only in the toniest neighborhoods: "Hate has no home here" in English, Spanish and Arabic. Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:37 AM (W+vEI) 86
i'm assuming the attention whores also leave their doors unlocked because that would resemble a border. with a door mat stating everyone is welcome.
Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 11:37 AM (/ikqi) 87
How about a yellow light for "my security system is not working right now".
Posted by: #neverskankles at March 05, 2018 11:37 AM (2Vyu5) 88
Posted by: bonhomme at March 05, 2018 11:37 AM (iv0p7) 89
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (nBr1j) A strobe light attached to a few Claymore mines Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (5y11N) 90
Why in the name of all that is stupid would a person advertise "hey I'm unarmed". Stupid fucking stupid fuckers.
Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (0OmEj) 91
Red light plan. I'll just flap around here in the ocean like a wounded seal.
Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, ------------ *knock knock* Candygram Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (QxXRY) 92
(Weasel works in the hospitality industry, hence my comment about the pineapple. And not *THAT* kind of hospitality.)
Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (aDwMN) 93
Floor trading wench Nicole Petallides is wearing a bright blue dress.
The cameraman gave her a full body shot - she *does* seem to have some 'junk in the trunk', as one commenter said a few weeks (months?) back. She looked incredibly uncomfortable in her pr0n star high heels. Golly, woman, wear something more comfortable! Posted by: anchorbabe fashion cop at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (8iiMU) 94
Which reminds me, I visited Daliah Lavi's home yesterday. It was very interesting. I have photos.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:36 AM (nBBdT) So the restraining order was rescinded, then? Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (u7ERy) 95
Pineapples have long been an architectural motif, going all the way back to Colonial days. They mean "Welcome."
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:31 AM We had a brass pineapple door knocker we picked up on Nantucket, but no pervs ever showed up. When I sold the house, I gave it to the old lady that lived across the street because she always liked it. Now I'm worried about her. Posted by: tu3031 at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (O5Q3r) 96
re 70: I suspect a lot of lefties think that criminals would target a house when they thought they could just go in and take the guns away from the owners.
phooey, I gotta go back to work, I think Posted by: mallfly the Peach of Hoboken at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (KxbBq) Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (fuK7c) 98
I have a red light in our hen house. Just sayin'. Posted by: Cicero Boom chicka boom Kaboom! Kid, at March 05, 2018 11:34 AM (qBA+q) Rhode Island Red? Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (lKyWE) 99
Ummm, Naughty Zoot!
Let there be spanking. Thanks Anna Puma (HQCaR). Now I can face the incipient collapse of civilization with verve. Posted by: NaCly Dog at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (hyuyC) 100
>>A strobe light attached to a few Claymore mines
Definitely one that flashes like a red light camera - so the thieves wonder if they've just been photographed stepping onto your property... Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (W+vEI) 101
When I sold the house, I gave it to the old lady that lived across the street because she always liked it. Now I'm worried about her.
============ She's enjoying her twilight years at The Villages. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (vg8iE) 102
Or my favorite, seen only in the toniest neighborhoods: "Hate has no home here" in English, Spanish and Arabic.
Posted by: Lizzy ------------ Who was using the sock 'Hate Has No Homo'? Haven't seen it in a while. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (QxXRY) 103
Well, a flash bang grenade is a kind of light.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (fuK7c) Works for me Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (5y11N) Posted by: #neverskankles at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (2Vyu5) Posted by: Gun Free School Zones at March 05, 2018 11:39 AM (fuK7c) 106
Which reminds me, I visited Daliah Lavi's home yesterday. It was very interesting. I have photos.
Oh, the Daliah Lavi? I didn't know you were in Tibet. How was it? Posted by: WitchDoktor, AKA VA GOP Sucks at March 05, 2018 11:40 AM (eytER) 107
Anyone want to hear my cool nerd incident that happened yesterday?
Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 11:40 AM (vg8iE) Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:40 AM (r9UYA) Posted by: bonhomme at March 05, 2018 11:40 AM (iv0p7) 110
Which reminds me, I visited Daliah Lavi's home yesterday. It was very interesting. I have photos.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:36 AM (nBBdT) So the restraining order was rescinded, then? Posted by: OregonMuse ------------ Well, she died, so... Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM (QxXRY) 111
Even if you were a swinger, would you really want total strangers coming to your home uninvited wanting to have sex with you? I figure you'd want to do a little pre-screening first.
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM (7HtZB) 112
Past 100 so will re-post this:
Sobering historical fact. March 11th, 1918 the first case of what would become known as the Spanish Flu pops up at Camp Funston, Ft. Riley KS. Patient Zero - Pvt Albert Gitchell. And from there it would travel to Europe and hit the armies on both sides. Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM (0kLcL) 113
I seem to remember (and still see them) blue and white signs saying property is protected by '___'. I think you could also buy the signs rather than buying the whole security system. All I have ever had is big loud dogs drooling in the window, so I am not quite sure.
Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM (MIKMs) 114
anyone living close to them should blast the song Roxanne.
maybe they'd get it. but probably not. Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 11:42 AM (/ikqi) 115
CNBC is now doing a story about Lesbians Who Tech conference. Queer Inclusive Badass is actually a sign at this conference. And their favorite dyke Kara Swisher is now going to lecture us about being inclusive. Like for people like James Damore?
Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 05, 2018 11:42 AM (OLCnA) 116
107 Anyone want to hear my cool nerd incident that happened yesterday?
Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 11:40 AM (vg8iE) Sure, my nerd light is on. Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:42 AM (7HtZB) 117
My wife sadly is all on board with selling guns to 21 plus. She might go buy some shit at Dicks, lol.
Posted by: #neverskankles at March 05, 2018 11:42 AM (2Vyu5) Posted by: Maxine Waters at March 05, 2018 11:42 AM (t41dG) 119
Pineapples contain bromelain, for which there is no evidence that it can cure urinary tract infections.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at March 05, 2018 11:43 AM (/qEW2) 120
38 Dicks down 0.5% today while market is up 0.5%.
Wait, is this due to associating 'red lights' with "Jane Seymour?" I'd think they'd be down a lot more than that.... Posted by: engineer at March 05, 2018 11:43 AM (p0BJI) 121
but if progressives are only going to complain when Trump does it, that's not much of a basis for bipartisan action.
Don't look for logic from progressives. As the old saying goes, you can get into an opinion based on emotion and feelings and get out of it with logic. I yell when anyone violates the Constitution, including SCOTUS. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 11:43 AM (mpXpK) 122
Snopes is just a dullard in this case, but they are capable of making an absolutely true statement "mostly false" by trying to evaluate "intent" of a statement or adding some other nonsense in their evaluation.
For Dem lies it goes the opposite way, of course. Posted by: illiniwek at March 05, 2018 11:43 AM (bT8Z4) 123
Why in the name of all that is stupid would a person advertise "hey I'm unarmed"?
What's so stupid about that? Posted by: Joe Biden at March 05, 2018 11:43 AM (O5Q3r) Posted by: Tom Bodett at March 05, 2018 11:44 AM (fuK7c) 125
Uh... Hollywood???
UH.... a Red Light in a window used to mean a Prostitute was there, and available. Where the term, Red Light District came from... Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 11:44 AM (NgKpN) 126
well i hope this red light deal becomes a thing, because i live in a city i will also do it when they try to grab guns.
so they leave me alone. Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 11:45 AM (/ikqi) 127
Italy Gets Fed Up -- political earthquake as Italy embraces the populist right in latest election: The upshot is: "Italexit" and anti-immigration parties won almost all the votes in the latest Italian election, while the "center-left" got smashed and the extreme left got almost no votes. Because there are so many different anti-EU and anti-immigrant parties (typical of Italy), they have to now form some kind of "coalition government." Summation: This election is to Italy what the Trump election was to us or the Brexit vote to the UK. Despite still controlling the culture, the Left has lost the hearts and minds of regular people around the world. Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 11:45 AM (42M22) 128
I always thought a blue porch light would look cool, but my wife said it was too mexican looking. Same thing for the all blue Christmas light motif.
I don't get to do my own decorating. That's probably a good thing. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 11:45 AM (k1TUh) 129
Jane Seymour is the epitome of "beautiful but dumb."
I thought I read somewhere that she was considering a Playboy layout. That's about the only thing that would get me to buy an issue. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 05, 2018 11:45 AM (kqsXK) Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 11:45 AM (y6Qn0) 131
Is Weasel here? I'd like to hear his views on the pineapple thing.
My friend in Texas said she was told that down there it's a garden gnome in the front yard. Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 11:35 AM (aDwMN) What the hell kind of people are you all hanging out with?!?! Also, why would you need to advertise that? Are they expecting people to randomly show up? Are there like, swinger missionaries who knock on your door at 7am to extol the virtues of watching your wife get banged by other men? I mean, besides Jeff Flake. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 05, 2018 11:46 AM (Tnhbr) 132
That's just retarded.
Posted by: Tom Bodett at Motel 6 at March 05, 2018 11:46 AM (qBA+q) 133
Or my favorite, seen only in the toniest neighborhoods: "Hate has no home here" in English, Spanish and Arabic.
- I saw one of those on a house near the U of Northern Colo. a few weeks ago. I thought they were morons and not in a good way. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 05, 2018 11:46 AM (+y/Ru) Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 11:46 AM (GdWl+) 135
Reminds me of the old days when you saw yellow lights on all the porches around the neighborhood. People liked to sit on the porch at night after it cooled down (pre-AC) and the yellow lights did not attract bugs, particularly mosquitoes. Now since AC is everywhere nobody sits on the porch and few houses even have one.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 11:46 AM (mpXpK) 136
We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (r9UYA) 137
Where the term, Red Light District came from...
===== Don't know much about History, Don't know much Biology . . . What a wonderful world it would be. Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (MIKMs) 138
>>Despite still controlling the culture, the Left has lost the hearts and minds of regular people around the world.
They still have their wallets attention, though. Posted by: garrett at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (i1Y2/) 139
>>'after a number of shits were fired'
I'm thinking that was done on purpose....oh, "oopsie, my bad, I *unintentionally (*wink*) called Hope Hicks as sh#t. Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (W+vEI) 140
I thought I read somewhere that she was considering a Playboy layout. That's about the only thing that would get me to buy an issue.
IIRC, she already did one. Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (GdWl+) Posted by: garrett at March 05, 2018 11:48 AM (i1Y2/) 142
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM
~~~~~ To be honest, the pineapple/swinger thing has been something of an urban legend for a while now, with no real confirmation that I've seen. On the other hand, there is an upscale community near me (Brielle, NJ) that apparently has a thriving swinger population. There is a certain restaurant where they all meet up and I personally know of a normal couple who were "approached" there. Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:48 AM (HiDrR) 143
Even if you were a swinger, would you really want total strangers coming to your home uninvited wanting to have sex with you? I figure you'd want to do a little pre-screening first.
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM (7HtZB) ======== That reminded me of a zombie anecdote. Apparently in SF men advertise that at certain times, they will leave the door open and will be lying face down, and strangers will come in and anonymously cornhole them. Maybe they should just use a red (pink?) light. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at March 05, 2018 11:49 AM (/qEW2) 144
140 I thought I read somewhere that she was considering a Playboy layout. That's about the only thing that would get me to buy an issue.
IIRC, she already did one. Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (GdWl+) If only there were some way one could look for nude celebrity photos. Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:49 AM (7HtZB) 145
We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM ~~~~~ Leprechauns. Duh. Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:49 AM (HiDrR) 146
107 Anyone want to hear my cool nerd incident that happened yesterday?
Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 11:40 AM (vg8iE) Sure, my nerd light is on. Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:42 AM (7HtZB) =============== People often accuse me of having hoarding tendencies. Granted, I like things and stuff, but I'm not a hoarder - I know exactly what I have and where it is. Yesterday, a friend texted me and told me he got a free ticket to go to Comic Con. He then asked me if I wanted him to get any autographs for me. So, I went online and looked at who was going to be there. Nichelle Nichols (Uhura) was going to be there. I told him, "Yeah, get me her autograph." Nichols was my favorite character on the show when I first got interested in it in the mid 80s, so nothing like 30 years to get an autograph (but I'm digressing). I then said, "Well, if you can get her to sign a photo from the Star Trek V era that would be great - I liked her look in that movie. He had no idea what I was talking about. THEN I remembered, I had squired away a copy of the Star Trek V movie magazine from 1989. I pulled it out and told him to stop over before he went. My "hoarding" paid off. Now I have the relic magazine with her autograph on the Uhura photo. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 11:49 AM (vg8iE) 147
136 We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (r9UYA) It means you run towards the house as fast as you can, before the owner yells 'Red Light'? Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 11:49 AM (NgKpN) 148
111 Even if you were a swinger, would you really want total strangers coming to your home uninvited wanting to have sex with you? I figure you'd want to do a little pre-screening first.
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM (7HtZB) If you seeking to have sex with random strangers, then good sense, good judgment, and prudence are probably not your strong suits. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 11:50 AM (u7ERy) 149
Hah! I'm ahead of the curve. My wife's had a red porchlight on our house for years now.
Posted by: Mitch McConnell at March 05, 2018 11:50 AM (M9Kph) 150
We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
===== November, veterans. December, trying to be festive on the cheap. Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 11:50 AM (MIKMs) 151
A problem with making the age limit 21, is some parents or adults should be allowed to have oversight to get them a gun ... for hunting say, or for home defense. But tort lawyers would love to then confiscate that person's assets if the gun is ever misused, or even legit usage can be expensive.
If a person can buy a house they should be able to buy a gun. And "kids" that get out on their own at 18 will maybe not be living in the best neighborhoods. Maybe add a requirement for some minimal training class for gun purchase 18 to 21, instead of telling them they can't defend themselves in their own home till they are 21. Posted by: illiniwek at March 05, 2018 11:50 AM (bT8Z4) Posted by: The Entire Internet at March 05, 2018 11:50 AM (fuK7c) 153
On the other hand, there is an upscale community near me (Brielle, NJ) that apparently has a thriving swinger population. There is a certain restaurant where they all meet up and I personally know of a normal couple who were "approached" there.
Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:48 AM (HiDrR) I guess you would expect people to be groping & feeling everything with their fingers there. Wait, that's Braille, NJ. Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:50 AM (7HtZB) 154
85 Or my favorite, seen only in the toniest neighborhoods: "Hate has no home here" in English, Spanish and Arabic.
Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:37 AM (W+vEI) The ones here don't say that, instead, they say "No matter what language you speak or what religion you worship, we're proud to have you as our neighbor" in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Posted by: Hikaru at March 05, 2018 11:51 AM (CMbMd) 155
Why in the name of all that is stupid would a person advertise "hey I'm unarmed". Stupid fucking stupid fuckers.
Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at March 05, 2018 11:38 AM (0OmEj) This is about me, isn't it? *sniff* Posted by: Michelle Fields at March 05, 2018 11:51 AM (+F0Wk) 156
We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Posted by: Under Fire Green = Support the military Blue = Support the Police Yellow = simply an anti bug light Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:51 AM (7a8uF) 157
That reminded me of a zombie anecdote. Apparently in SF men advertise that at certain times, they will leave the door open and will be lying face down, and strangers will come in and anonymously cornhole them. Maybe they should just use a red (pink?) light.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at March 05, 2018 11:49 AM (/qEW2) Seriously? Ugh. That's worse than those SF bathhouses back in the 79s Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 11:51 AM (u7ERy) 158
146 - Pretty cool!
Posted by: josephistan at March 05, 2018 11:52 AM (7HtZB) 159
March 11th, 1918 the first case of what
would become known as the Spanish Flu pops up at Camp Funston, Ft. Riley KS. Patient Zero - Pvt Albert Gitchell. And from there it would travel to Europe and hit the armies on both sides." In "the Great Influenza" by John Barry (the best book I know of on the topic) the author presents the story of a very meticulous and skilled doctor who kept very careful notes of some very surprising and unusual deaths about 3 months before this, out in the backwoods farms of west Kansas. The hallmark of the disease which made it stand out was that the healthiest and strongest patients died the fastest. (turned out that they were killed by their own strong immune system response) Most often we hear of diseases coming from China, or the middle east, but it's possible that the Great Influenza came from a mutation that happened right in the heartland of America. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 11:52 AM (k1TUh) 160
>>Maybe add a requirement for some minimal training class for gun purchase 18 to 2
Maybe not violate the 2nd amendment at all? Posted by: garrett at March 05, 2018 11:52 AM (i1Y2/) 161
"Attention burglars and thieves! Come take all of my stuff and you won't have to worry about being shot."
Not just that. It says, "Come rob me while I'm home so you can use threats and torture to have me give up where the best stuff is hidden and the combination/key to any locked area, rape is an extra thrown in for free." Posted by: geoffb at March 05, 2018 11:52 AM (zOpu5) 162
156 We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Posted by: Under Fire Green = Support the military Blue = Support the Police Yellow = simply an anti bug light Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:51 AM Red heat lamp...growing your own pot. Posted by: Diogenes at March 05, 2018 11:52 AM (0tfLf) 163
In Boulder it really means "we're glad to have you in Greeley as their neighbors".
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 11:53 AM (y6Qn0) 164
156 We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Posted by: Under Fire Green = Support the military Blue = Support the Police Yellow = simply an anti bug light Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:51 AM (7a8uF) Ah! That's sounds about right. Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:53 AM (r9UYA) 165
That reminded me of a zombie anecdote. Apparently in SF men advertise that at certain times, they will leave the door open and will be lying face down, and strangers will come in and anonymously cornhole them. Maybe they should just use a red (pink?) light.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear That still happens. They'll put an ad online in various "Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up. Taking all comers." Completely insane. Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 11:53 AM (42M22) 166
That reminded me of a zombie anecdote. Apparently in SF men advertise that at certain times, they will leave the door open and will be lying face down, and strangers will come in and anonymously cornhole them. Maybe they should just use a red (pink?) light.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at March 05, 2018 11:49 AM (/qEW2) Seriously? Ugh. That's worse than those SF bathhouses back in the 79s If one was a thief, or a jihadi set on reducing the number of local homosexuals, those might be very interesting ads indeed.... Posted by: Grey Fox at March 05, 2018 11:53 AM (bZ7mE) 167
And what's an Italian election with out a crazy FEMEN protester. They know it's hard to get past the exposed boobs - but these women make Antifa look like slackers. 970344343700692992 Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:54 AM (W+vEI) 168
Maybe add a requirement for some minimal training class for gun purchase 18 to 2
- Nah. Tie all rights to one age. The end. Posted by: Moron Robbie - Bama's Boot Stomping on the Face of College Football Forever at March 05, 2018 11:54 AM (ks6bw) 169
If a person can buy a house they should be able to buy a gun. And "kids" that get out on their own at 18 will maybe not be living in the best neighborhoods.
They can also screw, have babies, get married & start families. Mr. or Ms. Politician, please tell these newly minted families that they are second class citizens and cannot defend that new baby's life. Please look into the camera and say that. Clearly. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:54 AM (7a8uF) 170
If a person can buy a house they should be able to buy a gun. And "kids" that get out on their own at 18 will maybe not be living in the best neighborhoods.
Maybe add a requirement for some minimal training class for gun purchase 18 to 21, instead of telling them they can't defend themselves in their own home till they are 21. Posted by: illiniwek at March 05, 2018 11:50 AM (bT8Z4) Did you know that you can't rent a Hotel Room at Motel 6, until you are 21? Even if you are in the Military? Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 11:54 AM (NgKpN) 171
On the other hand, there is an upscale community near me (Brielle, NJ) that apparently has a thriving swinger population. There is a certain restaurant where they all meet up and I personally know of a normal couple who were "approached" there.
Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:48 AM (HiDrR) Brielle, you say? Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 05, 2018 11:55 AM (5y11N) 172
>>They'll put an ad online in various "Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up.
Come over. Hang my shelves for me and leave." Posted by: Ace's Ad at March 05, 2018 11:55 AM (i1Y2/) 173
That still happens. They'll put an ad online in various "Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up. Taking all comers." Completely insane.
Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 11:53 AM (42M22) This is a lifestyle choice that should not only be accepted but celebrated. Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 05, 2018 11:55 AM (Uytaa) 174
>>That still happens. They'll put an ad online in various "Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up. Taking all comers." Completely insane.
See, I read that and I think: bring on SMOD, because this civilization is done. I can't even comprehend this kind of activity. Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 11:55 AM (W+vEI) Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (7a8uF) 176
ColoradoAlex, my friend was just as horrified to hear that as you or I. Someone made a joke about it to her, saying someone else was the kind to have a garden gnome in their front yard, and my friend asked what that meant.
Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (aDwMN) 177
My friend in Texas said she was told that down there it's a garden gnome in the front yard.
Posted by: bluebell No, that's wrong. It's those big stars folks put on their walls. Posted by: Roland THTG at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (xBSm0) 178
Florida senate voting on raising the age of rifle purchases to 21 today.
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (r9UYA) 179
135 Reminds me of the old days when you saw yellow lights on all the porches around the neighborhood. People liked to sit on the porch at night after it cooled down (pre-AC) and the yellow lights did not attract bugs, particularly mosquitoes. Now since AC is everywhere nobody sits on the porch and few houses even have one.
Friend of mine had a slightly different approach. He got one of those bug zappers with the extra bug attracting light and mounted it far away from his house by the neighbor's yard so that it would attract what bugs it didn't zap to his neighbor's place. Posted by: Anachronda at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (sGtp+) 180
I thought blue and white in December was for Hanukkah and those electronic candles as well (depending on how many windows you have) if you don't have a menorah out front. Some of the LED blacklight blue lights are very cool (my city does those).
Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (MIKMs) 181
Boy Sabo is a real ball breaker.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM (70cRb) 182
I remember putting a tiny little red light bulb in our laundry room, to do BW prints. One time I splashed undiluted stop-bath in my eye. That really hurt.
Posted by: Chris M at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM (eAZVt) Posted by: Chris M at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM (eAZVt) 184
Past 100 so will re-post this: Sobering historical fact. March 11th, 1918 the first case of what would become known as the Spanish Flu pops up at Camp Funston, Ft. Riley KS. Patient Zero - Pvt Albert Gitchell. And from there it would travel to Europe and hit the armies on both sides. Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) at March 05, 2018 11:41 AM (0kLcL ------------------------- My Grandfather died of the flu in 1919, in Oklahoma. Posted by: Javems at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM (pkU+3) 185
159 Most often we hear of diseases coming from China, or
the middle east, but it's possible that the Great Influenza came from a mutation that happened right in the heartland of America. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 11:52 AM (k1TUh) some say Kansas, some say France, some say Austria. Nobody really knows where it originated. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM (mpXpK) 186
Brielle, you say?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 05, 2018 11:55 AM ~~~~~ Now I'm having second thoughts about asking you guys to do another NY/NJ MoMe. ![]() Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM (HiDrR) 187
George Washington's Deleware crossing boat washed up on shore in that last Noreaster
(revolutionary war era at least) Posted by: illiniwek at March 05, 2018 11:58 AM (bT8Z4) 188
You get an &! And YOU get an &! And you and you and YOU get an &!
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 05, 2018 11:58 AM (Uytaa) 189
Did you know that you can't rent a Hotel Room at Motel 6, until you are 21?
I don't think you can rent a Hotel room at Motel 6 at any age. Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 05, 2018 11:58 AM (fuK7c) 190
That reminded me of a zombie anecdote. Apparently in SF men advertise that at certain times, they will leave the door open and will be lying face down, and strangers will come in and anonymously cornhole them. Maybe they should just use a red (pink?) light.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear ******** Oooooh with a brown ring around it! Posted by: Kim Kardashian at March 05, 2018 11:58 AM (qFcjg) 191
"but these women make Antifa look like slackers."
Come on, that's like saying that The Holy Grail made Ben Hur look like an epic. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 11:58 AM (k1TUh) 192
FL senate was also considering a 2 year moratorium on AR purchases until someone insisted they put their names on the vote. It went down faster then Shep on a twink.
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM (r9UYA) 193
Posted by: Chris M at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM ~~~~~ Amper amper sand sand sand Amper amper sand sand sand They all went down to Ampersand Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM (HiDrR) 194
Did you know that you can't rent a Hotel Room at Motel 6, until you are 21?
Even if you are in the Military? Posted by: Don Q. Didja know you can get an abortion at 14 without parental notification? Yeah. Let's tie all rights to one age. I dare 'em. (I'm for it. I know they haven't thought it through) Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM (7a8uF) 195
Now I'm having second thoughts about asking you guys to do another NY/NJ MoMe.
Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 11:57 AM (HiDrR) -------- If they tell you to BYOP, don't go. Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM (aDwMN) 196
>>Most often we hear of diseases coming from China, or
the middle east, but it's possible that the Great Influenza came from a mutation that happened right in the heartland of America. That happens with plagues sometimes. Posted by: Randall Flagg at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM (/tuJf) 197
Florida senate voting on raising the age of rifle purchases to 21 today.
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (r9UYA) - Also written: Florida puts hundreds of thousands of rifles into the hands of 18-21 year olds who hadn't previously considered themselves mature enough to own a rifle, but now that they are being told they might not be able to... Posted by: Moron Robbie - Bama's Boot Stomping on the Face of College Football Forever at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM (ks6bw) 198
Great news. The Ayatollah has offered his rhetorical aid to the children's crusade against gun ownership. Posted by: Methos at March 05, 2018 12:00 PM (XQvuQ) 199
The ones here don't say that, instead, they say "No matter what language you speak or what religion you worship, we're proud to have you as our neighbor" in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
What a stupid sign. People don't worship a religion. They worship God. Why didn't it say, "No matter what religion you practice"..." And if I thought that my neighbors were militant Muslims I sure as heck wouldn't want them living next to me. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 05, 2018 12:00 PM (8+Ozj) 200
175 Nah. Tie all rights to one age. The end.
Posted by: Moron Robbie Ding ding ding! Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (7a8uF) How can an inalienable RIGHT be tied to an Age? If it is granted by God, and our Constitutions says Congress can pass no law... how can Congress than pass a law that says you can't have it until a certain age? (Now, Right to vote was screwed up... its not a Right as the Founders defined it, but its a Privilege or Power... Its not a Natural Right... and defining it as one, started the destruction of our Natural Rights IMO). Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 12:00 PM (NgKpN) 201
165 That reminded me of a zombie anecdote. Apparently in SF men advertise that at certain times, they will leave the door open and will be lying face down, and strangers will come in and anonymously cornhole them. Maybe they should just use a red (pink?) light.
Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear That still happens. They'll put an ad online in various "Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up. Taking all comers." Completely insane. Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 11:53 AM (42M22) IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE THAT SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE BARACK OBAMA'S WHITEHOUSE. Posted by: BEN ROTTENBURGER at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (FTPVM) 202
Brielle, you say?
Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 05, 2018 11:55 AM ========== "Brielle??!" I thought you said "Rielle!" Damn. Posted by: John Edwards at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (vg8iE) 203
Green = Support the military
In the Great Gatsby the green light on the end of Daisy's dock is a sort of welcoming beacon. Posted by: bonhomme at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (iv0p7) Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (7a8uF) 205
153 I guess you would expect people to be groping & feeling everything with their fingers there.
Wait, that's Braille, NJ. Also in Blurry, ID (that's what a certain class of local calls Burley). Posted by: Anachronda at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (sGtp+) 206
If a person can get married they should definitely buy a gun...wait...I mean they should definitely be ABLE to buy a gun. Yeah, thats what i mean.
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (70cRb) 207
Did you know that you can't rent a Hotel Room at Motel 6, until you are 21?
Even if you are in the Military? Posted by: Don Q. Didja know you can get an abortion at 14 without parental notification? Yeah. Let's tie all rights to one age. I dare 'em. (I'm for it. I know they haven't thought it through) Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM (7a8uF) and you may vote at 18, and also be a child until 26. because . Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (/ikqi) 208
If it is granted by God, and our Constitutions says Congress can pass no law... how can Congress than pass a law that says you can't have it until a certain age
- Fine with me. Shut down the juvenile justice system and let's call it a day. Posted by: Moron Robbie - Bama's Boot Stomping on the Face of College Football Forever at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (ks6bw) 209
I wonder how many red lights I'll see here in my hyper leftist (and increasingly dangerous) neighborhood.
Posted by: Surfperch at March 05, 2018 12:01 PM (D7HXY) 210
George Washington's Deleware crossing boat washed up on shore in that last Noreaster
(revolutionary war era at least) Oh cool. There's a wreck like that on Nauset beach on Cape Cod that comes up every few decades and wiggles around a bit. It came out to play earlier this winter and one of my friends got great pictures of it. Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 05, 2018 12:02 PM (fuK7c) 211
My Grandfather died of the flu in 1919, in Oklahoma.
My grandfather's brother died of it in one of the Army camps in France. Posted by: tu3031 at March 05, 2018 12:02 PM (O5Q3r) 212
188 You get an &! And YOU get an &! And you and you and YOU get an &!
Posted by: Insomniac - chopped liver at March 05, 2018 11:58 AM (Uytaa) Embrace the power of "&" Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 12:02 PM (NgKpN) 213
Isn't this the day for DACA to expire?
Posted by: MAC SOG and nothing will happen at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (czkHE) 214
some say Kansas, some say France, some say Austria. Nobody really knows where it originated."
John Barry did a great deal of research, matching dates, and the case at Ft. Riley was the first formally documented case anywhere. The private letters documenting what sure sounds like the Great Influenza in backwoods Kansas in the winter of 1917 - 1918 predate any other reports anywhere in the world by several months. The whole story is like a real life version of the beginning of "The Stand", or "28 Days Later." Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (k1TUh) 215
I will NOT post the actual URL here, but this us an ad currently posted to a San Francisco gay sex site RIGHT NOW as of this moment:
"Dump A Load - Whoring Out My Bottom - m4m 31 (excelsior / outer mission) looking for guys to come load up my hole. Text for address. Ready now Walk in slide in my ass and walk out.... pump and dump. Or, if you want to dump it down my throat that's possible. " Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (42M22) 216
this us an ad = this is an ad
Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (42M22) 217
If they tell you to BYOP, don't go.
Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 11:59 AM ~~~~~ Good advice, bluebell! Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (HiDrR) 218
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at March 05, 2018 12:04 PM (70cRb) 219
How can an inalienable RIGHT be tied to an Age?
If it is granted by God, and our Constitutions says Congress can pass no law... how can Congress than pass a law that says you can't have it until a certain age? (Now, Right to vote was screwed up... its not a Right as the Founders defined it, but its a Privilege or Power... Its not a Natural Right... and defining it as one, started the destruction of our Natural Rights IMO). Posted by: Don Q. At what age does the BoR kick in? Serious question. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:04 PM (7a8uF) 220
What color of porch light would mean armed to the teeth?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 11:30 AM (nBr1j) No lights on the porch, but glow-sticks on the "friendly" sides of the range markers. Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at March 05, 2018 12:04 PM (YQ4mh) 221
I will NOT post the actual URL here, but this us an ad currently posted to a San Francisco gay sex site RIGHT NOW as of this moment:
"Dump A Load - Whoring Out My Bottom - m4m 31 (excelsior / outer mission) looking for guys to come load up my hole. Text for address. Ready now Walk in slide in my ass and walk out.... pump and dump. Or, if you want to dump it down my throat that's possible. " ========== Fuck. I gotta work today. Dammit!!!! Posted by: Shep! at March 05, 2018 12:04 PM (vg8iE) Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 12:04 PM (r9UYA) Posted by: Hope Solo at March 05, 2018 12:04 PM (i1Y2/) 224
"A safe country is everything America used to be." -- Not Jane Seymour
Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at March 05, 2018 12:05 PM (mQ0Mc) 225
189 I don't think you can rent a Hotel room at Motel 6 at any age. Ah, Motel Digit. Your sign of quality lodging. Before I got married, a buddy and I took a road trip from Utah out to San Francisco, up to Seattle, over to Montana, and back down to Utah. As I recall, we saw a Motel Digit for each digit except zero. Posted by: Anachronda at March 05, 2018 12:05 PM (v3pYe) 226
Thank you for helping me add to the areas to avoid. That practice seems ... anti-Darwinian. Posted by: NaCly Dog at March 05, 2018 12:05 PM (hyuyC) 227
>>Emma Watson Unveils Misspelled 'Time's Up' Tattoo at Oscars -BB
She should have just stuck to schilling Muff Oil. Posted by: garrett at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (i1Y2/) 228
zombie, i would think reading that would mess with a persons head, it does mine.
Posted by: willow at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (/ikqi) 229
What has happened to this thread?!
Posted by: Cannibal Bob at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (70cRb) 230
Someone may already have spoken to this, but is red-lighting your own home on select nights and sitting watch at the stair landing with a loaded scattergun considered jacklighting?
Zod is asking for a friend. Posted by: Zod at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (Bdeb0) 231
213 Isn't this the day for DACA to expire?
Posted by: MAC SOG and nothing will happen at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (czkHE) Lefty judge ruled that it can't expire. Posted by: Hikaru at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (CMbMd) 232
112 Past 100 so will re-post this:
Sobering historical fact. March 11th, 1918 the first case of what would become known as the Spanish Flu pops up at Camp Funston, Ft. Riley KS. Patient Zero - Pvt Albert Gitchell. And from there it would travel to Europe and hit the armies on both sides. Posted by: Anna Puma (HQCaR) _____________ Other theory has it that it originated in Haskell County, Kansas (which was pretty much ground zero for the Dust Bowl too). Local doctor reported it to Washington, prior to the Ft. Riley outbreak and said he'd never seen a strain like it. Then soldiers from that area took it with them to Ft. Riley. Posted by: Furious George at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (2Omzf) 233
I thought it was white right wingers who were all nostalgic about an ideal past?
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (nBr1j) 234
"Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up. Taking all comers." Completely insane.
Yeah, and LGBT activists will tell you the existence of bug-chasers is a anti-LGBT myth and smear. If you haven't already collected the entire set of STDs, I can't think of much better ways to complete the set than to advertise you're a hole waiting to be filled by any stranger who can read. Posted by: bonhomme at March 05, 2018 12:07 PM (iv0p7) 235
I will NOT post the actual URL here, but this us an ad currently posted to a San Francisco gay sex site RIGHT NOW as of this moment:
"Dump A Load - Whoring Out My Bottom - m4m 31 (excelsior / outer mission) looking for guys to come load up my hole. Text for address. Ready now Walk in slide in my ass and walk out.... pump and dump. Or, if you want to dump it down my throat that's possible. " ========== But the best part is, when that person is suffering and dying from a myriad of diseases, it'll be the oppressive heterosexual patriarchy's fault. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 12:07 PM (vg8iE) Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 05, 2018 12:07 PM (r+sAi) 237
I have a funny story (funny to me, anyway) related to "BYOB". At our church luncheon yesterday I suggested doing an Easter Egg hunt down the street at the park for local kids. Church members said "That wouldn't work because some place up the road has a huge one and everyone goes to that." A fellow who recently been attending church says, "Why would we do that?. Easter has nothing to do with bunnies and eggs" and no, it doesn't but it would be an outreach to the community children, I said. He was being facetious. The guy knows that Easter in the church is not about bunnies and eggs . He just likes to be a wise acre sometimes . FenelonSpouse says, "I have an idea. Let's have bunny races BYOB-bring your own bunny" Obviously this was not a REAL idea, but everybody laughed.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 05, 2018 12:07 PM (8+Ozj) 238
233 "white right wingers" Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (nBr1j)
Not easily said three times quickly. Posted by: Zod at March 05, 2018 12:07 PM (Bdeb0) 239
>>Lefty judge ruled that it can't expire.
...we have to leave the door unlocked, lay on the bed face-down, and take it from whoever shows up. Posted by: Hawaiin Judge at March 05, 2018 12:07 PM (i1Y2/) Posted by: IrishEi at March 05, 2018 12:08 PM (HiDrR) 241
I decided that the best way to handle kidlet home on break and interviewing like mad is to rent a car for the week. Since my old van is dead, she and I are making plans to walk up to the rental site. $150/week is pretty reasonable.
Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 12:08 PM (MIKMs) 242
85 Or my favorite, seen only in the toniest neighborhoods: "Hate has no home here" in English, Spanish and Arabic.
Did a stint of contracting in Palo Alto in a group that included a Finnish fellow. There's a little hole-in-the wall food court between a couple of buildings that has a sign saying "No Smoking" in about fifty languages. He decided that he was allowed to smoke because Finnish wasn't among them. Posted by: Anachronda at March 05, 2018 12:08 PM (v3pYe) 243
"That still happens. They'll put an ad online in various "Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up. Taking all comers." Completely insane."
Makes me want to go in with a Sasquatch mask and a tire iron - beat the crap out of him, take his shit and go. Oh well, no doubt some mexicans have already thought of that plan. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:08 PM (k1TUh) 244
Full Rights should kick in at 18 or no rights should kick in at 18. If no rights go into effect then the age to enlist should be 21. If enlistments can happen at 18 the full adult rights should kick in as well. Hell we let 16yo drive we should move that up as well if rights don't kick in until 21. 18 is past childhood.
Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (0OmEj) Posted by: GOP Majority at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (r9UYA) 246
What does it mean when there's a lawn jockey, garden gnome and a pineapple in ur front yard?
Posted by: Kim Kardashian at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (qFcjg) 247
Viva Italia!
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (y6Qn0) 248
Yeah, and LGBT activists will tell you the existence of bug-chasers is a anti-LGBT myth and smear.
======== It's real. It's very fucking real. My good friend is the team leader for a dedicated hospice AIDS team. She used to have to go to meetings "in the community" where they would be talking about "gifting parties. "Gifting parties" are gay orgies where a lot of people are having unprotected sex in hopes of getting HIV, because, after all, they are going to get it anyway and might as well get it over with. She was appalled. But I wasn't. Posted by: bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (vg8iE) 249
FenelonSpouse says, "I have an idea. Let's have bunny races BYOB-bring your own bunny" Obviously this was not a REAL idea, but everybody laughed.
That's funny, FS. If it were me, I'd do it just for teh snorfles. Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (GdWl+) 250
"Men Seeking Men: Casual Encounters" sites and say, "Front door unlocked at 123 44th Ave.; I am waiting in the bedroom, face down, ass up. Taking all comers."
*** Ah, so that's what Andrew Sullivan is up to these days. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (GEpFD) 251
Isn't this the day for DACA to expire?
Posted by: MAC SOG and nothing will happen at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (czkHE) Lefty judge ruled that it can't expire. Posted by: Hikaru Let him call up a few divisions and enforce it. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:10 PM (7a8uF) 252
At what age does the BoR kick in? Serious question.
I'm not a lawyer, but isn't it pretty well understood that kids don't have all the rights of adults? Isn't that why we don't let them sign contracts? Posted by: bonhomme at March 05, 2018 12:10 PM (iv0p7) 253
179 Friend of mine had a slightly different approach. He
got one of those bug zappers with the extra bug attracting light and mounted it far away from his house by the neighbor's yard so that it would attract what bugs it didn't zap to his neighbor's place. Posted by: Anachronda at March 05, 2018 11:56 AM (sGtp+) I got a couple of those bug zappers when I first moved in here. The only thing they attracted and zapped were moths. Mosquitoes still harassed the shit out of you. it was fun to watch the moths get zapped though. When they burned out I threw them out and did not replace them. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 12:10 PM (mpXpK) 254
Florida senate voting on raising the age of rifle purchases to 21 today.
-- Because, of course, the age of the Parkland shooter had everything to do with the massacre and not mental health or massive gov't failure. Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at March 05, 2018 12:10 PM (mQ0Mc) 255
234 If you haven't already collected the entire set of STDs, I can't think of much better ways to complete the set than to advertise you're a hole waiting to be filled by any stranger who can read.
Sounds to me like a discrimination lawsuit waiting to be filed. Posted by: Anachronda at March 05, 2018 12:10 PM (sGtp+) 256
>>242 85 Or my favorite, seen only in the toniest neighborhoods: "Hate has no home here" in English, Spanish and Arabic.
Hate spricht nur Deutsch. Schade! Posted by: Zod at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (Bdeb0) 257
We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
His house faces starboard? Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (kqsXK) 258
He decided that he was allowed to smoke because Finnish wasn't among them.
Bucket list: learn old Caucasian-Albanian (=Udi). Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (y6Qn0) 259
FenelonSpouse says, "I have an idea. Let's have bunny races BYOB-bring
your own bunny" Obviously this was not a REAL idea, but everybody laughed. ===== Laughed as well -- but if the kids are all still hyped up on the sugar have sacks/pillowcases for them to do a 'bunny hop'. That could be a fun outreach. Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (MIKMs) 260
"maybe you can also put up a 'no one home this week' sign when you go away for a while. Nothing earns trust like showing you trust other people."
If you want trust, you must give trust. Posted by: RM at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (U3LtS) 261
"Did a stint of contracting in Palo Alto in a group that included a Finnish fellow. There's a little hole-in-the wall food court between a couple of buildings that has a sign saying "No Smoking" in about fifty languages. He decided that he was allowed to smoke because Finnish wasn't among them."
Somewhere this weekend I ran across a Finnish joke - "Our country is standing on the edge of a cliff - of course the Swedes are one step ahead of us." Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (k1TUh) 262
Somewhere, the guy from Death Wish is filling his magazines and getting a red bulb for his porch.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (rnAwa) 263
My Sicilian great grandmother lost her husband in 1918 to the flu. She lived to nearly 100, never remarried and never learned to "speak" English---though she understood it.
Posted by: JoeF. at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (7uYFy) 264
Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (GdWl+)
I'm not sure how that would work, and I figure not too many people would be BYOB but the idea of it is very funny considering how odd rabbits are. ;^). Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (8+Ozj) 265
>>257 We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
His house faces starboard? Possibly. I thought it might have been eco virtue signaling. Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (r9UYA) Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (GdWl+) 267
Pineapple Smash
Ingredients 3/4 oz Spiced or Dark Rum 3/4 oz White Rum 1/2 oz fresh Lime Juice 3 wedges Pineapple - grilled Garnish: Pineapple Directions Muddle 2 pineapple wedges with lime juice in a cocktail shaker. Add both rums and ice and shake well. Strain into glass full of ice, add club soda if desired, and garnish with a grilled pineapple wedge. Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (ctuyM) 268
>>...we have to leave the door unlocked, lay on the bed face-down, and take it from whoever shows up.
Posted by: Hawaiin Judge ![]() And so true.... Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (W+vEI) 269
244 Full Rights should kick in at 18 or no rights should kick in at 18. If no rights go into effect then the age to enlist should be 21. If enlistments can happen at 18 the full adult rights should kick in as well. Hell we let 16yo drive we should move that up as well if rights don't kick in until 21. 18 is past childhood.
Posted by: USNtakim prfoundly deplorable! at March 05, 2018 12:09 PM (0OmEj) Do you have Freedom of Speech before 18? What about... religion? Can you own property? or does everything really belong to your parent? How about Freedom of the Press? 21? This whole canard that you can't defend yourself before 18 or 21 is just that... an attempt to redefine and dilute our Natural Rights... Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (NgKpN) 270
Somewhere, the guy from Death Wish is filling his magazines and getting a red bulb for his porch.
*** There ya go. Turn a stupid lefty idea into comedy gold. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (GEpFD) 271
10 yeers ago today I cast the most importent vote of my life, I voted to impeach that eeevil tyrant Bush in the Brattleboro town referendum.
Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (D7HXY) 272
156 Green = Support the military
Blue = Support the Police Yellow = simply an anti bug light Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 11:51 AM (7a8uF) UV (not during Halloween) = Black Lights Matter Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at March 05, 2018 12:13 PM (di1hb) 273
>>We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Supports the military Posted by: Lizzy at March 05, 2018 12:13 PM (W+vEI) 274
Are there like, swinger missionaries who knock on
your door at 7am to extol the virtues of watching your wife get banged by other men? I mean, besides Jeff Flake. Posted by: Colorado Alex In Exile at March 05, 2018 11:46 AM (Tnhbr) 11:30pm Posted by: Swinger Missionaries Union Steward at March 05, 2018 12:13 PM (8iiMU) 275
Sobering historical fact.
March 11th, 1918 the first case of what would become known as the Spanish Flu pops up at Camp Funston, Ft. Riley KS. Patient Zero - Pvt Albert Gitchell. And from there it would travel to Europe and hit the armies on both sides. Interesting to look at census data to see the effects. Whole towns were killed off and no one really knows exact numbers but 40 -50 million estimated. My MIL was three when she contracted it and her father was already dead. They waited to bury her with her father but she survived and lived to be 97. This was in Wood River Illinois Posted by: MAC SOG and nothing will happen at March 05, 2018 12:13 PM (czkHE) 276
>>His house faces starboard?
Possibly. Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (r9UYA) "Red-Right-Reload." Posted by: Zod at March 05, 2018 12:13 PM (Bdeb0) 277
Just had to say this: when my condo complex was being built they stressed that every condo came with a full alarm system, including a 90 laser array that covered your living room, entryway and balcony doorwall (any thief would have to do into/through at least one to get anywhere else). Said it was smart business: $50 to install in all of them during construction, heavily advertise it, thieves will go down the street and rob the complex without them because they don't know whose paying for monitoring and who's not. They had the stats from other complexes where they'd done the same thing to prove it. I pay $15 / month to keep mine monitored and am very grateful for the common sense.
Posted by: biblio at March 05, 2018 12:13 PM (6FY0P) 278
I would like mandatory retirement for Congress to be 75 and the same for the SC.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at March 05, 2018 12:14 PM (tm6wE) 279
My MIL was three when she contracted it and her father was already dead. They waited to bury her with her father but she survived and lived to be 97. This was in Wood River Illinois
Posted by: MAC SOG and nothing will happen at March 05, 2018 12:13 PM (czkHE) I didn't know that particular flu was survivable. I thought it was essentially a death sentence. Posted by: JoeF. at March 05, 2018 12:14 PM (7uYFy) 280
>>Lefty judge ruled that it can't expire.
...we have to leave the door unlocked, lay on the bed face-down, and take it from whoever shows up. -- Heh. Thread winner! Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at March 05, 2018 12:14 PM (mQ0Mc) 281
Do you have Freedom of Speech before 18?
What about... religion? Can you own property? or does everything really belong to your parent? How about Freedom of the Press? 21? This whole canard that you can't defend yourself before 18 or 21 is just that... an attempt to redefine and dilute our Natural Rights... Posted by: Don Q. Exactly. At what age does the 4th or 5th Amendment kick in? Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:14 PM (7a8uF) 282
Full Rights should kick in at 18 or no rights should kick in at 18. If no rights go into effect then the age to enlist should be 21. If enlistments can happen at 18 the full adult rights should kick in as well. Hell we let 16yo drive we should move that up as well if rights don't kick in until 21. 18 is past childhood."
The reason Alcohol sales are restricted to age 21 is because of the way my generation acted when it used to be 18. Sorry about that. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:14 PM (k1TUh) 283
Picking red for their virtue signaling is just weird. I mean whore house light, really?
Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 05, 2018 12:07 PM (r+sAi) I think this is something like the gay activists on college campuses would do some years ago, that is, proclaim some day as "Gay Rights Day" and "to show your solidarity with our cause, please wear jeans." [Narrator:] Most college students wear jeans as a matter of course. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 12:15 PM (u7ERy) 284
And all this time I thought they chose "Red Lighting" to mask the blood that would be shed at those residences...
Posted by: SkinnerVic at March 05, 2018 12:15 PM (nbwH3) 285
Somewhere this weekend I ran across a Finnish joke -
"Our country is standing on the edge of a cliff - of course the Swedes are one step ahead of us." Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (k1TUh) heh...the Fins have a sense of humor. Posted by: IC at March 05, 2018 12:15 PM (a0IVu) 286
I agree, if you can join the military, vote, sign legal contracts, you sure as hell ought to be able to buy a beer or a firearm. We need to stop delaying adulthood in this country, especially for men. A bunch of pansies wearing pj's or dresses in their momma's basement sure ain't gonna get er done. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 05, 2018 12:15 PM (r+sAi) 287
we have to leave the door unlocked, lay on the bed face-down, and take it from whoever shows up.
So....Saturday? Posted by: Shep Smith at March 05, 2018 12:15 PM (oVJmc) 288
decided that the best way to handle kidlet home on
break and interviewing like mad is to rent a car for the week. Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 12:08 PM bluebell can give you some tips on how to get the best deals on black muscle cars. Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 05, 2018 12:15 PM (ctuyM) 289
Red light would be appropriate for SJWs. Freaking whores.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth at March 05, 2018 12:16 PM (tm6wE) 290
136 We used to have a neighbor that burned a green light. What does that mean?
Posted by: Under Fire at March 05, 2018 11:47 AM (r9UYA) A lot of people use green lights to minimize light pollution. Posted by: Surfperch at March 05, 2018 12:16 PM (D7HXY) 291
Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 05, 2018 12:12 PM (ctuyM)
-------- That sounds delicious. I'll be right over. Could you leave the pineapple flaming from the grill? I need all the warmth I can get. Still no power here. Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 12:16 PM (aDwMN) 292
I'm beginning to think I need to do something marginally useful.
Posted by: Northernlurker but call me Teem. at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (nBr1j) 293
I wanted to check the news on the recent Italian election results, a significant populist/right wing win. A google search displayed a page with nothing but articles from left wing news outlets.
I searched again on DuckDuckGo and got a much more balanced page of results. This was what finally prompted me to switch my default search engine from google to DuckDuckGo. Google's censorship/downrating of right of center news has really gotten out of hand. Posted by: cool breeze at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (UGKMd) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (8+Ozj) 295
This was what finally prompted me to switch my default search engine from google to DuckDuckGo. Google's censorship/downrating of right of center news has really gotten out of hand.
*** Plus DDG doesn't track you. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (GEpFD) 296
I think if you review court cases you will find that before age 21 the courts have agreed that rights for youths can be restricted. Particularly in the case of the freedom of speech when in school. As to ownership of a house, yes minors can own a house, but good luck getting a loan to buy one. No one has ever challenge the ability of a minor to buy a pistol until the age of 21.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (mpXpK) 297
Chartreuse porch light = fabulous.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (GdWl+) 298
Snopes: "We're too autistic to deferentiate parody from reality. Someone else do it. Either that or we're evil. Possibly both."
Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (vrFFm) 299
bluebell can give you some tips on how to get the best deals on black muscle cars.
Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 05, 2018 12:15 PM (ctuyM) --------- Yes. Have someone from Texas back into your car in the dentist's parking lot. Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (aDwMN) 300
Here are just the titles of more ads all posted within the last hour:
Anonymous Gloryhole Service - m4m 36 (downtown) Taking all cummers! - m4m 30 (van ness) I'm sucking now - m4m (twin peaks) Blow N Go. Older Men Preferred (lower nob hill) Bareback Bottom Provider looking for Cocks to Service ASAP - m4m 40 (USF / panhandle) I want to suck Black Dick at my glory hole - m4m (civic center) My chubby ass need a dick this morning - m4m (bernal heights) Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (42M22) 301
I would like mandatory retirement for Congress to be 75 and the same for the SC.
Posted by: Sebastian Melmoth Commercial pilot age. If you can't be responsible for 200, you sure as hell can't be responsible for 200,000. Or more. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (7a8uF) 302
'I didn't know that particular flu was survivable. I thought it was essentially a death sentence."
The thing that made that version of the flu so bizarre was that if you were very young, or very old, or sick from some other disease (the people usually most at risk) you actually had a very good chance of surviving it. But if you were a perfectly healthy adult in your 20's or 30's, you often would be dead within 3 days of suffering the very first symptoms. It was a hell of a disease. (It triggered the immune system into a massive response which killed the host, so people with compromised immune systems actually did much better) Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (k1TUh) 303
Someone explain DuckDuckGo browser. Better than Firefox?
Posted by: biblio at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (6FY0P) 304
Snopes: "We're too autistic to deferentiate parody from reality. Someone else do it. Either that or we're evil. Possibly both."
*** Dude. My son's autistic. Please use the word "stooooooopid" instead. Thanks. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:19 PM (GEpFD) 305
Somewhere this weekend I ran across a Finnish joke - "Our country is standing on the edge of a cliff - of course the Swedes are one step ahead of us."
Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:11 PM (k1TUh) Finns are badasses. If a fight breaks out, I want them on my side. Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 12:19 PM (u7ERy) 306
This was what finally prompted me to switch my
default search engine from google to DuckDuckGo. Google's censorship/downrating of right of center news has really gotten out of hand. Posted by: cool breeze at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (UGKMd) --- The weird part is I think DDG gets their results by scraping google. Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:19 PM (ASoyE) 307
Is Snopes still employing his mistress as his "fact checker" or did he fire her when that scandal surfaced?
Posted by: 18-1 at March 05, 2018 12:19 PM (eSx+E) 308
296 I think if you review court cases you will find that before age 21 the courts have agreed that rights for youths can be restricted. Particularly in the case of the freedom of speech when in school. As to ownership of a house, yes minors can own a house, but good luck getting a loan to buy one. No one has ever challenge the ability of a minor to buy a pistol until the age of 21.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (mpXpK) Isn't it amazing that the Constitution is silent on if a JUDGE can limit your Natural Rights? It just says Congress cannot... And the Court's have given themselves that exact power... Scary really... Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 12:20 PM (NgKpN) 309
When you uninstall the Chrome browser, you'll get a questionnaire at the end axing you to 'splain why you're doing so.
I told them I did it because they fired James Damore for speaking the truth and denying him his right to free speech, among other reasons. Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:20 PM (GdWl+) Posted by: Stingk at March 05, 2018 12:20 PM (oVJmc) 311
What is wrong with the people who would do this type of thing?. Are they so desperate for attention/human contact that they want to be anally assaulted by someone they don' know, or are they so disgusted with themselves they have a death wish, or is it some kind of status symbol to let people know how many people took you up on your offer?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at March 05, 2018 12:21 PM (8+Ozj) 312
I told them I did it because they fired James Damore for speaking the truth and denying him his right to free speech, among other reasons.
*** So, in short, because Google sucks. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:21 PM (GEpFD) 313
Chartreuse porch light = fabulous.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM What are we, chopped liver? Posted by: Taupe & Puce at March 05, 2018 12:21 PM (ctuyM) 314
"Who is Jane Seymore?
Posted by: josephistan" She played a major role in the WWII epic series "War and Remembrance" years Very well acted and very attractive young lady at the time. Posted by: Ripley at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (MxEKc) 315
Bareback Bottom Provider looking for Cocks to Service ASAP - m4m 40 (USF / panhandle)
Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (42M22) "I want to get AIDS!" Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (u7ERy) 316
Is Snopes still employing his mistress as his "fact checker" or did he fire her when that scandal surfaced?
FALSE: This is just an ugly rumor and you are an asshole for spreading it! Posted by: Snopes at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (O5Q3r) 317
Makes me want to go in with a Sasquatch mask and a tire iron - beat the crap out of him, take his shit and go. Oh well, no doubt some mexicans have already thought of that plan.
Posted by: Tom Servo Why would you want to do that? Strange. Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (42M22) 318
SF needs the Sodom and Gommorah treatment...
Posted by: steevy at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (LiyEm) 319
230 Someone may already have spoken to this, but is red-lighting your own home on select nights and sitting watch at the stair landing with a loaded scattergun considered jacklighting?
Zod is asking for a friend. Posted by: Zod at March 05, 2018 12:06 PM (Bdeb0) In the words of Niven and Pournelle, "consider it evolution in action." Posted by: joncelli, delivering his speech at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (RD7QR) 320
Are they so desperate for attention/human contact that they want to be anally assaulted by someone they don' know, or are they so disgusted with themselves they have a death wish, or is it some kind of status symbol to let people know how many people took you up on your offer?
*** Being disgusted with themselves would require some amount of self-awareness, so that definitely ain't it. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (GEpFD) Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (3BFzK) Posted by: Kim Kardashian at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (qFcjg) 323
Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (42M22)
They didn't just advertise a barrel with a hole in it in the living room? I am disappoint. Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:22 PM (GdWl+) 324
I have Aspergers so if you want to call the Snopes crew a bunch of ass-burgers, go for it. You have my permission.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 12:23 PM (y6Qn0) 325
The weird part is I think DDG gets their results by scraping google.
Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:19 PM (ASoyE) My understanding is that they aggregate Bing and Yandex (Russian), among others, but not google. The results are then passed along to you without tracking. Posted by: cool breeze at March 05, 2018 12:24 PM (UGKMd) 326
I think if you review court cases you will find that before age 21 the courts have agreed that rights for youths can be restricted. Particularly in the case of the freedom of speech when in school. As to ownership of a house, yes minors can own a house, but good luck getting a loan to buy one. No one has ever challenge the ability of a minor to buy a pistol until the age of 21.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (mpXpK) Isn't it amazing that the Constitution is silent on if a JUDGE can limit your Natural Rights? It just says Congress cannot... And the Court's have given themselves that exact power... Scary really... Posted by: Don Q. What does the court cases say about the po po stomping on a 16 yr olds 4th or 5th Amendment rights? What is the age limit? Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:24 PM (7a8uF) Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:24 PM (k1TUh) 328
282 The reason Alcohol sales are restricted to age 21 is
because of the way my generation acted when it used to be 18. Sorry about that. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:14 PM (k1TUh) Before prohibition there was no age limit in most places. Anyone who was tall enough to throw coins up on a bar could drink. The problem came when prohibition was repealed and the wording of the repeal. Section 2. The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited. This has been interpreted by SCOTUS to mean States can write any laws they want on sale of booze. Which is how SC gets away with banning it on Sunday. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 12:24 PM (mpXpK) 329
Excuse me if I don't have "sympathy" for women who slept with someone to get somewhere in show Biz and now regrets it... Boo fucking hoo... A whore is still a whore no matter what you call it..
Posted by: It's me donna at March 05, 2018 12:24 PM (O2RFr) 330
Justice comes in many forms.
*** Justice comes is spurts. Oh, no, wait, that's love. Never mind. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:25 PM (GEpFD) 331
I think we should introduce legislation to the effect of:
The age to vote is the age at which a citizen is no longer entitled to any youth related benefits from the state or federal government. Included in this are being able to be covered by your parents insurance. Force millennials to choose if they want to vote or to get freebees. Posted by: 18-1 at March 05, 2018 12:25 PM (eSx+E) 332
That sounds delicious. I'll be right over. Could you
leave the pineapple flaming from the grill? I need all the warmth I can get. Still no power here. Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 12:16 PM Yikes. <slides sizziling rib eye, grilled corn, pineapple smash, and the grilled watermelon from the recipe in The Deplorable Gourmet through USB port> Posted by: Taupe & Puce at March 05, 2018 12:25 PM (ctuyM) 333
>>>304 Snopes: "We're too autistic to deferentiate parody from reality. Someone else do it. Either that or we're evil. Possibly both."
*** Dude. My son's autistic. Please use the word "stooooooopid" instead. Thanks. Posted by: CLINT FLICKER at March 05, 2018 12:19 PM (GEpFD) _________ I've been diagnosed with Asperger's and in my expert opinion - that symptom is accurate. 307 Is Snopes still employing his mistress as his "fact checker" or did he fire her when that scandal surfaced? Posted by: 18-1 at March 05, 2018 12:19 PM (eSx+E) _______ Not just a his mistress, but a straight up prostitute according to their billing statements from back them. And yes, she still performs for company money. Snopes supports working girls in the office Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at March 05, 2018 12:25 PM (vrFFm) 334
Someone may already have spoken to this, but is red-lighting your own
home on select nights and sitting watch at the stair landing with a loaded scattergun considered jacklighting? Zod is asking for a friend. --- No, officer, that bulb isn't red, it;s from the arterial spray of the last guy that tried to break in. I can see how that would be confiusing. Posted by: Methos at March 05, 2018 12:26 PM (XQvuQ) 335
Those gay ads are not just exclusive to SF. Any city has offerings like that.
One mistyped internet search and you can find things you really don't want to know. Posted by: Bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 12:26 PM (Jb711) Posted by: BackwardsBoy likes lobster at March 05, 2018 12:26 PM (GdWl+) 337
True but SF is worse.Have you seen Zombie's pictures?
Posted by: steevy at March 05, 2018 12:26 PM (LiyEm) 338
I saw Whore Bottom open for Hole Loader at The Bug Hut in '84.
Posted by: Bear with Assymetrical Balls at March 05, 2018 12:27 PM (oqMTy) 339
329 Excuse me if I don't have "sympathy" for women who slept with someone to get somewhere in show Biz and now regrets it... Boo fucking hoo... A whore is still a whore no matter what you call it..
Posted by: It's me donna at March 05, 2018 12:24 PM (O2RFr) Yeah.... she is just trying to redefine that Red Light that has been out front of her house for decades... 'Really... its not because I was a Prostitute.. it was... telling people I was unarmed.... yeah... that's the ticket!" Posted by: Don Q. at March 05, 2018 12:27 PM (NgKpN) 340
Is this Red Lightning shit real? I told my wife and she wanted to go on a robbery spree.
Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:27 PM (IYHxL) 341
I'm no mouth breather, liberal (but I repeat myself) or alarmist. But what the president stated about "due process' is one of the most disturbing things I have ever heard a president utter in my lifetime.
You can certainly make the diversion to asset forfeiture, and no person who believes in personal liberty could ever condone that, but it does not change the basis of what he stated. I understand the eventual context Trump put his remarks in, and the support he tried to give to due process, but there is no excuse for that remark. None. ANd let's face it- if Obama said that people would be calling for impeachment or civil war...= Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (VpIIl) 342
I can see your point, donna.
Woman #1. [drops a two-page resume and a sheaf of references] So, I've done all this relevant work and I believe I am the most qualified person for this opport - Woman #2. [wiggles in the chair, exposes cleavage] Tee-hee! Hence the phrase, 'begone, thot'. Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (y6Qn0) 343
Is Snopes still employing his mistress as his "fact checker" or did he fire her when that scandal surfaced?
FALSE: This is just an ugly rumor and you are an asshole for spreading it! *** I think a more accurate Snopes'ing would be something like: CLAIM: I hired my fact checker solely because she is my mistress. STATUS: FALSE She was also willing to work for peanuts. Posted by: 18-1 at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (eSx+E) Posted by: Nevergiveup at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (5y11N) 345
>>>324 I have Aspergers so if you want to call the Snopes crew a bunch of ass-burgers, go for it. You have my permission.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 12:23 PM (y6Qn0) _________ Thank you. I have it and I suspect my GF does too, though she's never been diagnosed. We're both Engineers, so it's expected. Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (vrFFm) 346
The courts are extremely inconsistent and randomizing ages for various rights is illogical. There ought to be a law! Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 05, 2018 12:29 PM (r+sAi) 347
Someone explain DuckDuckGo browser. Better than Firefox?
Posted by: biblio at March 05, 2018 12:18 PM (6FY0P) DuckDuckGo is a search engine (or search engine aggregator), not a browser like Firefox. To switch your default search engine in Firefox, go to Options | Search and change it from google to DuckDuckGo. It is one of the choices built into Firefox. Posted by: cool breeze at March 05, 2018 12:29 PM (UGKMd) 348
Red bulbs for communism, comrades.
Posted by: Democrats everywhere at March 05, 2018 12:29 PM (2NqXo) 349
"No, officer, that bulb isn't red, it;s from the arterial spray of the last guy that tried to break in.
I can see how that would be confiusing. Posted by: Methos at March 05, 2018 12:26 PM (XQvuQ)" ============ LOLing Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at March 05, 2018 12:29 PM (3BFzK) 350
Or my favorite, seen only in the toniest neighborhoods: "Hate has no home here" in English, Spanish and Arabic.
- I saw one of those on a house near the U of Northern Colo. a few weeks ago. I thought they were morons and not in a good way. Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Broke, Woke, Toke, Joke at March 05, 2018 11:46 AM (+y/Ru) Given that it's almost a certainty that the owners of such signs cannot read a single word of Arabic, it would be great mischief to steal those signs, and replace them with an otherwise-identical one, with Arabic text that reads, "mohammed blows goats". Buy popcorn. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (Dbv1R) 351
Holes are filling up! Reserve yours today!
Posted by: Shep! at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (Jb711) 352
I think a more accurate Snopes'ing would be something like:
CLAIM: I hired my fact checker solely because she is my mistress. STATUS: FALSE She was also willing to work for peanuts. Posted by: 18-1 You're screwing an elephant? Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (7a8uF) 353
My understanding is that they aggregate Bing and
Yandex (Russian), among others, but not google. The results are then passed along to you without tracking. Posted by: cool breeze at March 05, 2018 12:24 PM (UGKMd) - Interesting. I remember them using yahoo at one time, too. I wonder if they cycle through other providers on some sort of set schedule for results? Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (ASoyE) 354
>>>343 Is Snopes still employing his mistress as his "fact checker" or did he fire her when that scandal surfaced?
FALSE: This is just an ugly rumor and you are an asshole for spreading it! *** I think a more accurate Snopes'ing would be something like: CLAIM: I hired my fact checker solely because she is my mistress. STATUS: FALSE She was also willing to work for peanuts. Posted by: 18-1 at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (eSx+E) ________ Peanuts? Are you saying the hooker is a fat elephant, or that Mr.Snopes is poorly endowed? Or if both, well played. Posted by: Nationalist Pikachu at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (vrFFm) 355
340. She's a keeper.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (fA1SL) 356
Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (VpIIl)
I understand you totally but I remember when Trump met with Al Gore and mass hysteria jumped off. Nothing happened. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (IYHxL) 357
Is that Roxanne's house?
Posted by: freaked at March 05, 2018 12:31 PM (ljnHm) 358
I understand you totally but I remember when Trump met with Al Gore and mass hysteria jumped off. Nothing happened.
*** Later Gore said something like, I thought Trump was an idiot and I would roll him but uh...I guess he rolled me. Posted by: 18-1 at March 05, 2018 12:31 PM (eSx+E) 359
Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (VpIIl) Trump can mangle his concepts when he speaks off the cuff. I think his display on that particular occasion was for the benefit of the LIVs who want to know he's serious about "doing something". He knows the battle is being fought on the margins and he wants to peel away some swing voters and disaffected democrats. In some jurisdictions, police can seize firearms of a citizen if they're called to the house on a domestic violence call. No court order, nothing. Just the fact they were called there due to violence and weapons are in the house. Posted by: kallisto at March 05, 2018 12:31 PM (Iz8Py) 360
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (fA1SL)
It's why I married her! Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:32 PM (IYHxL) 361
She's such a slut.
Posted by: freaked at March 05, 2018 12:32 PM (ljnHm) 362
Interesting. I remember them using yahoo at one time, too. I wonder if they cycle through other providers on some sort of set schedule for results?
Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (ASoyE) I have read that yahoo now uses Bing for search, so it is no longer a distinct choice Posted by: cool breeze at March 05, 2018 12:33 PM (UGKMd) 363
360. Amd when your little one is old enough - you can go on family raids. It's like Halloween every night, but with less candy, more looting and violence.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 05, 2018 12:33 PM (fA1SL) 364
Interesting. Duckduckgo does offer a browser for androids (not sure about ipad).
New browser here I come. Thanks whoever mentioned it first. Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:33 PM (ASoyE) 365
359 In some jurisdictions, police can seize firearms of a
citizen if they're called to the house on a domestic violence call. No court order, nothing. Just the fact they were called there due to violence and weapons are in the house. Posted by: kallisto at March 05, 2018 12:31 PM (Iz8Py) That is thanks to the "Lautenberg Amendment". SCOTUS killed it at one time IIANM but the Demoncraps brought it back slightly reworded and it has been challenged. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 12:34 PM (mpXpK) 366
Amd when your little one is old enough - you can go on family raids. It's like Halloween every night, but with less candy, more looting and violence.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine Whoo-hoo! Biking raiding parties! Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:34 PM (7a8uF) 367
357 Is that Roxanne's house?
Posted by: freaked at March 05, 2018 12:31 PM (ljnHm) /limps in, dragging his foot... could be..... Posted by: Dr. Detroit at March 05, 2018 12:34 PM (NgKpN) 368
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 05, 2018 12:33 PM (fA1SL)
I tend to avoid felony behavior. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:34 PM (IYHxL) Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (7a8uF) 370
slightly reworded and it has NOT been challenged
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (mpXpK) 371
Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:28 PM (VpIIl) I understand you totally but I remember when Trump met with Al Gore and mass hysteria jumped off. Nothing happened. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:30 PM (IYHxL) " There are dumb, careless remarks or conversation one can have as part of the political theater. Trump has done more of that than most. But when it comes to the most basic of constitutional liberties- it's no longer a joke, theatrical or a negotiating tactic. It crosses a very clear line. Do I believe he will do anything to subvert due process? No. But that isn't the point. Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (VpIIl) 372
Sharts fired. *hic*
Posted by: Ready for Hillary!!11!! at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (vtcmf) 373
>>366 Amd when your little one is old enough - you can go on family raids. It's like Halloween every night, but with less candy, more looting and violence. Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine
"Trick, or treat, or die!" Posted by: Zod at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (Bdeb0) 374
Duncanthrax, that all sounds unbelievably delicious. So far what I've eaten today is a handful of kettle chips, the remainder of the dark chocolate almonds with sea salt and turbinado sugar, and a spoonful of dried cranberries.
Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 12:36 PM (aDwMN) 375
368. Really, though, whether it's a felony ia something that should be left up to the courts.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 05, 2018 12:36 PM (fA1SL) Posted by: Hillary at March 05, 2018 12:36 PM (Jb711) 377
Duncanthrax, that all sounds unbelievably delicious.
So far what I've eaten today is a handful of kettle chips, the remainder of the dark chocolate almonds with sea salt and turbinado sugar, and a spoonful of dried cranberries. Posted by: bluebell at March 05, 2018 12:36 PM (aDwMN) --- And away we go! LUXURY! Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:37 PM (ASoyE) 378
Even SF isn't S&G bad. Yet. The locals don't form gangs to rape visitors. But the city appears to be trying to figure out other ways to draw divine wrath. There are still a lot of good people living on SF mixed in with the awful. If that ever changes, then look out. Posted by: junior at March 05, 2018 12:37 PM (pdOYB) 379
Maybe not violate the 2nd amendment at all?
Posted by: garrett at March 05, 2018 11:52 AM (i1Y2/) Get some politician to propose that youths 18 to 21 can buy a gun only if they have had training and belong to a youth shooting group vetted by the NRA. Watch liberal heads explode. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 05, 2018 12:37 PM (Dbv1R) Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at March 05, 2018 12:38 PM (IqV8l) 381
Early voting in Texas shows Democrats on fire with Trump hate.
Could they be early voting this soon for the congressional races? Is the media campaign working? The one that's beating on PDT 24/7? Posted by: Les Kinetic at March 05, 2018 12:38 PM (UKN6+) 382
You're screwing an elephant?
Damn genie did this on purpose. Human females run away screaming when they see this thing. Posted by: bonhomme at March 05, 2018 12:38 PM (iv0p7) 383
>>>376 I tend to avoid felony behavior.
====== You don't know what you're missing! *hic* Posted by: Hillary at March 05, 2018 12:36 PM (Jb711) ________ It fun for the whole family w/ photo moments you will remember forever! Posted by: Anthony Weiner at March 05, 2018 12:38 PM (vrFFm) 384
Despite still controlling the culture, the Left has lost the hearts and minds of regular people around the world.
Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 11:45 AM (42M22) Another look at the difference between "the overculture" that has the institutions and big megaphones and "the underculture" that most people in a nation belong to, that is quiet and deep, and persists, changing only relatively slowly? Posted by: Mikey NTH -Live Life to The Foulest! Grouse & Grumble Gear on Sale at The Outrage Outlet! at March 05, 2018 12:38 PM (hLRSq) 385
I don't think my asshole can take another hard roll.
Posted by: The Guy with a Baby Elephabnt Trunk Penis at March 05, 2018 12:40 PM (3BFzK) 386
Amd when your little one is old enough - you can go
on family raids. It's like Halloween every night, but with less candy, more looting and violence. Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 05, 2018 12:33 PM For best results, remember to pillage before burning. Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 05, 2018 12:40 PM (ctuyM) 387
Hillary up Eleventy points in Tejas. It's gonna be an early night.
Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at March 05, 2018 12:40 PM (Dn4Uq) 388
A statue of Marion Barry was unveiled in DC recently. Wow and without a crack pipe. Of course a crowd came to watch the unveiling and to gush about how Barry cared for the people, blah, blah.
You just can't make this stuff up. Posted by: Cheri at March 05, 2018 12:41 PM (oiNtH) 389
Early voting in Texas shows Democrats on fire with Trump hate.
Could they be early voting this soon for the congressional races? Is the media campaign working? The one that's beating on PDT 24/7? Posted by: Les Kinetic at March 05, 2018 12:38 PM (UKN6+) Could they be putting all of their votes out at once with nothing left when the actual election day comes around? Beats me, I read again last weekend how Trump was going to have all of his delegates stripped at the convention when the rules committee unbinds all of the delegates before the first vote, letting them all go to either Cruz or Kasich. Posted by: Mikey NTH -Live Life to The Foulest! Grouse & Grumble Gear on Sale at The Outrage Outlet! at March 05, 2018 12:41 PM (hLRSq) Posted by: OregonMuse, AoSHQ Thought Leader & Global Rethinker at March 05, 2018 12:41 PM (u7ERy) 391
Speaking of food, I've got some chicken breasts I want to have for supper with broccoli florets and over pasta. I'm not sure what to cook with the chicken besides garlic and onions, though.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 05, 2018 12:41 PM (kqsXK) 392
The leader of Italy's democratic party delicious.
Posted by: IC at March 05, 2018 12:41 PM (a0IVu) 393
Walk in slide in my ass and walk out.... pump and dump. Or, if you want to dump it down my throat that's possible. "
Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:03 PM (42M22) ======== Ah, an old fashioned romantic. How quaint. Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at March 05, 2018 12:42 PM (/qEW2) 394
What color porch light indicates that if you break into my house your funeral will be closed casket, and a rather small casket at that?
Posted by: Burger Chef at March 05, 2018 12:42 PM (RuIsu) 395
I tend to avoid felony behavior.
Posted by: thathalfrican --- That's what you think. Search for "three felonies per day" to read more. Short version: Laws and regulations are added so fast that sometimes obeying one requires you to break another, and no old ones are taken off the books. If a prosecutor wants to hang something on you, all it takes is looking around for a few minutes. Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:43 PM (ASoyE) 396
394. None. All lights off, front soor slightly ajar.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, 501st Kremlin Jewbot Gvardii at March 05, 2018 12:43 PM (fA1SL) 397
Walk in slide in my ass and walk out.... pump and dump. Or, if you want to dump it down my throat that's possible. "
===== Now read it in Anderson Cooper's voice. Posted by: Bicentennialguy at March 05, 2018 12:44 PM (Jb711) 398
391 Speaking of food, I've got some chicken breasts I want to have for supper with broccoli florets and over pasta. I'm not sure what to cook with the chicken besides garlic and onions, though.
Sounds like a lot of work. It's easier to just get some McNuggets and dump them in a big batch of Kraft Mac & Cheese. Posted by: Anachronda at March 05, 2018 12:44 PM (v3pYe) 399
Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (VpIIl)
I hear you but Trump doesn't strike me as the most Constitutionally knowledgeable. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:44 PM (IYHxL) 400
Here's the thing, the GOPe hates being in the majority. They would rather do nothing and be able to say, hey we tried but....., than to actually take grief for sitting on their lazy asses. They voted to totally kill O-care I don't know how many times before when they knew it would be vetoed. I really despise them. And the only other alternative is commies and muzzie lovers. Posted by: Guy Mohawk at March 05, 2018 12:44 PM (r+sAi) 401
I'm returning to Italy to kick "refugee" ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Posted by: Amanda Knox for Italian PM at March 05, 2018 12:44 PM (/qEW2) 402
Posted by: Moron Robbie - I'm No Longer Selling ARs Until My $300 Ones Will Go For $1000 at March 05, 2018 12:43 PM (ASoyE)
Sadly I was going to make this joke. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:45 PM (IYHxL) 403
Primary elections in Texas to weed out the field. Outside of Houston l have not seen a single sign mentioning the candidate is a democrat. Heavy competition between (R) candidates at the state level, all focusing on illegal immigration and the wall.
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at March 05, 2018 12:45 PM (2fnWP) 404
Chicken piccata - capers, lemon, white wine, garlic....delicioso!
Posted by: Cheri at March 05, 2018 12:46 PM (oiNtH) 405
Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (VpIIl)
I hear you but Trump doesn't strike me as the most Constitutionally knowledgeable. Posted by: thathalfrican He's spent his adult life reading laws and contracts. He's more astute than most of congress. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:47 PM (7a8uF) 406
>>>401 I'm returning to Italy to kick "refugee" ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum.
Posted by: Amanda Knox for Italian PM at March 05, 2018 12:44 PM (/qEW2) _________ I'll be your refugee. What's your Snapchat ![]() Posted by: Anthony Weiner at March 05, 2018 12:47 PM (vrFFm) 407
391 Speaking of food, I've got some chicken breasts I want to have for supper with broccoli florets and over pasta. I'm not sure what to cook with the chicken besides garlic and onions, though.
de-glaze pan from chicken with white wine, add butter and reduce to make a sauce to pour over, even add some lemon Posted by: The Jackhole Somewhere on Ventura Highway at March 05, 2018 12:47 PM (M+Lyo) 408
Looks like the Dems are poised to win another special election, this time in PA18. Dem Connor Lamb now leads by 3 in a new Emerson Poll out today.
Posted by: Gumby at March 05, 2018 12:48 PM (XO08/) 409
Worth noting that San Francisco and Silicon Valley are closely connected. And right now there are hints that Silicon Valley might be on the way out.
Posted by: junior at March 05, 2018 12:48 PM (pdOYB) 410
>>>405 Posted by: Marcus T at March 05, 2018 12:35 PM (VpIIl)
I hear you but Trump doesn't strike me as the most Constitutionally knowledgeable. Posted by: thathalfrican He's spent his adult life reading laws and contracts. He's more astute than most of congress. Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:47 PM (7a8uF) _________ Surely, THIS will finally be the time we out fox Trump since he's such a dummie head with no knowledge or life experience! Every single other time was a fluke. Silly Drumpf! Posted by: The Democrats! at March 05, 2018 12:50 PM (vrFFm) 411
right now there are hints that Silicon Valley might be on the way out.
Posted by: junior ??? How is Silicon Valley on the way out? First I've heard of it. Posted by: zombie at March 05, 2018 12:50 PM (42M22) 412
Sorry, but I keep reading Duncanthrax as Dulcolax. Especially given that the thread is about what you have eaten.
I denounce myself. Posted by: Archer at March 05, 2018 12:50 PM (gbWkA) 413
Chicken piccata - capers, lemon, white wine, garlic....delicioso!
Posted by: Cheri at March 05, 2018 12:46 PM (oiNtH) **snaps fingers** That's it. Thank you dear lady! Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at March 05, 2018 12:50 PM (kqsXK) 414
I don't get too worked up about the early voting results in Texas - first, it's only a survey of the 15 biggest counties, which are all the most Dem leaning ones. That means 241 counties aren't included in that analysis. second, the dems actually have some contested races on their primary ballots. third, in 2014, the year they are comparing this to, I think almost 2/3 of the Republicans ran unopposed, except for Republican primary challengers. So even Democrats had to vote in the Rep primary that year if they wanted to have a say in most offices. (Texas has an open primary) 4th, I'm actually gratified that Rep. turnout is up as well (although not as much) since, except for local races, there are no seriously contested races in the Republican primary this year.
Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:51 PM (k1TUh) 415
de-glaze pan from chicken with white wine, add butter and reduce to make a sauce to pour over, even add some lemon
Posted by: The Jackhole Somewhere on Ventura Highway at March 05, 2018 12:47 PM Hey! Don't forget us! Posted by: Capers at March 05, 2018 12:51 PM (ctuyM) Posted by: George C at March 05, 2018 12:51 PM (eAZVt) 417
My household is set up with PaleMoon, Duck for quick search (for 95%+ of stuff), and Bing and Brave for deeper dives. The big 'G' machine is just too advertiser-heavy -- have to go through too many pages to get to anything relevant. Plain Adblock and knock on wood (my thick skull) have kept these ancient machines running. My 'newcomputer' is 5 yrs old now and I can't even guess at the other -- bought it used.
Posted by: mustbequantum at March 05, 2018 12:52 PM (MIKMs) 418
right now there are hints that Silicon Valley might be on the way out.
Posted by: junior I knew a stripper once. You could drive a Mack truck through her "silicone valley." Posted by: JoeF. at March 05, 2018 12:53 PM (7uYFy) 419
Donny Douche:Trump will be re elected in a landslide,which is why we have to remove him now Posted by: steevy at March 05, 2018 12:53 PM (LiyEm) 420
Donny Douche:Trump will be re elected in a landslide,which is why we have to remove him now Posted by: steevy at March 05, 2018 12:53 PM (LiyEm) If that's what they're REALLY thinking, it's Trump in 2020. He ain't Nixon and he won't go quietly.... Posted by: JoeF. at March 05, 2018 12:54 PM (7uYFy) 421
This was what finally prompted me to switch my
default search engine from google to DuckDuckGo. Google's censorship/downrating of right of center news has really gotten out of hand. Posted by: cool breeze at March 05, 2018 12:17 PM (UGKMd) Congratulations on gaining awareness! Still some people here that, inexplicably, use Gurgle. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 05, 2018 12:55 PM (Dbv1R) 422
"I don't get too worked up about the early voting results in Texas - "
What matters is who gets their votes in *last* not who gets them in first. Just sayin'. Posted by: Mikey NTH -Live Life to The Foulest! Grouse & Grumble Gear on Sale at The Outrage Outlet! at March 05, 2018 12:55 PM (hLRSq) 423
So even Democrats had to vote in the Rep primary that year if they wanted to have a say in most offices. (Texas has an open primary) 4th, I'm actually gratified that Rep. turnout is up as well (although not as much) since, except for local races, there are no seriously contested races in the Republican primary this year.
Posted by: Tom Servo Yay! I get to primary Sid Miller! Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:55 PM (7a8uF) 424
I hear you but Trump doesn't strike me as the most Constitutionally knowledgeable.
Posted by: thathalfrican When Trump said take guns, due process later, he was operating with the knowledge presented over the prior days, specifically with WRT FL's GVROs and Scott's discussion of them, IMO. He probably flubbed his representation/understanding of it, and as predictable, the left/nevertrump seized on it to make political hay. Not bad for a businessman/non-attorney, IMO, and he has walked it back, since then. In WA, for example, there is very little due process ahead of gun seizure for WA's Extreme Risk Protection Orders. Posted by: flounderbot, rebel, vulgarian, deplorabot, winner at March 05, 2018 12:55 PM (Dp6qK) 425
Sorry linked the page instead of the specific post,just scroll down a bit.
Posted by: steevy at March 05, 2018 12:55 PM (LiyEm) 426
Instapundit's been posting links about tech companies seriously considering leaving, and setting up shop in other locations. It's apparently due to a number of different factors, so there's no "one thing" responsible. I don't think the really big companies like Google or Facebook are considering it. But apparently a lot of smaller companies are. Posted by: junior at March 05, 2018 12:55 PM (pdOYB) 427
Criminals knives, bludgeons, gubs and spork shivs have a home here!
Posted by: Jane Seeless at March 05, 2018 12:56 PM (vtcmf) 428
Texas - I've seen several signs up (at local college professors homes) saying "BETO!!!"
which is funny, since Beto is goinna lose by 30 points to Cruz in the general. Beto thrills all the same people who got so excited by Wendy Davis. You don't have to go any farther than the fact that Beto advocates total open borders, and instant citizenship with voting rights for anyone who happens to wander on this side of the border. Posted by: Tom Servo at March 05, 2018 12:56 PM (k1TUh) 429
Yay! I get to primary Sid Miller!
Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:55 PM (7a8uF) I saw him perform in the Catkills once. Great show. Posted by: JoeF. at March 05, 2018 12:56 PM (7uYFy) 430
Nood Oscars
Posted by: tu3031 at March 05, 2018 12:56 PM (O5Q3r) 431
Posted by: Gumby at March 05, 2018 12:48 PM (XO08/)
Thanks, Pal, for your concern. Neeeeeigh; No Democrat ever won a seat in PA Want to ride me now? Posted by: Pokey at March 05, 2018 12:56 PM (8+Ozj) 432
"it's no great leap to justify taking somebody's guns because they suspect he's going to shoot up a school or shopping mall."
Yeah, then SWAT can take out stoners' threatening gerbils with seized weapons. Posted by: Mephistefales at March 05, 2018 12:57 PM (WDvb3) 433
>>427 Criminals knives, bludgeons, gubs and spork shivs have a home here! Posted by: Jane Seeless at March 05, 2018 12:56 PM (vtcmf)
"We don't care where you're from, we're just glad you're here to share in our recent, vicious neighborhood cholera outbreak!" Posted by: Zod at March 05, 2018 12:58 PM (Bdeb0) 434
Posted by: rickb223 at March 05, 2018 12:47 PM (7a8uF)
I'm not denigrating Trumps' intelligence but I don't think many folks - myself included - are Constitutionally knowledgeable. Just cuz he knows laws pertaining to his former work life means just that. Posted by: thathalfrican - Stay Woke! - Leigon of Gloom founding memeber/too sweet at March 05, 2018 12:58 PM (IYHxL) 435
Worth noting that San Francisco and Silicon Valley are closely connected. And right now there are hints that Silicon Valley might be on the way out. Posted by: junior at March 05, 2018 12:48 PM (pdOYB) I wonder if it has anything to do with making 80,000 a year and needing to find a roomate so you can afford the rent? Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at March 05, 2018 12:58 PM (lKyWE) 436
I have Aspergers so if you want to call the Snopes crew a bunch of ass-burgers, go for it. You have my permission.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 05, 2018 12:23 PM (y6Qn0) Isn't one of the hallmarks of Aspergers a tendency to read everything in a very literal sense? In other words, a lack of the satire gene? Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 05, 2018 01:02 PM (Dbv1R) 437
In other words, a lack of the satire gene?
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 05, 2018 01:02 PM Is that not a Platinum Membership requirement? Posted by: Duncanthrax at March 05, 2018 01:04 PM (ctuyM) 438
Jane Seymore aka Joyce Frankenburg:
1. Is not American she is English. 2. Is an actress not a scholar. 3. Posed three times in a pictorial in Playboy. 4. In spite of which she claims to have been sexually harassed by a prominent Hollywood producer. 5. Which she won't name. 6. Seems unaware a red light at the door of any place is considered the sign of a Bordello or an abode of Prostitutes. 7. Lives in a gated Mansion guarded by "ARMED GUARDS" who carry (gasp!) GUNS! 8. Needs to act her age, shut up, sit down and be quiet about things she knows nothing about. Posted by: obsidian at March 05, 2018 01:08 PM (ARK2U) 439
Of course Snopes knows that the Babylon Bee is satire. They just don't like it.
Nothing that mocks the party/hive/collective/cluster is to be permitted. They know it's humor and they will stamp it out if they can. Posted by: Ronzoni at March 05, 2018 01:09 PM (YmsT5) 440
Posted by: Gumby at March 05, 2018 12:48 PM (XO08/)
You just haven't been yourself since Pokey died. Stretching yourself too thin. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at March 05, 2018 01:12 PM (Dbv1R) 441
It wasn't progressive who got their panties bunched when Trump mentioned confiscating guns pre-restraining order, it was gun owners.
That kind of shit gets progressives all moist ... Posted by: The Packetman at March 05, 2018 01:48 PM (fx9b8) Processing 0.07, elapsed 0.0873 seconds. |
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