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Newsweek Accuses Ivanka Trump of Plagiarizing... Her Own Speech

A political person giving the same stock lines from the same stump speech?

We're getting beyond self-parody to self-human-centipede.

PS: I've seen comedians at clubs. Some of them 2 or 3 times.

Sometimes I've heard them literally plagiarizing themselves by doing jokes I'd heard them do before.

I hear Steven King plagiarizes the hell out of himself re-using the towns of Derry and Castle Rock, too.

Posted by: Ace at 04:14 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 OMG! It's a Logan Act violation...


Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:12 PM (MINbv)

2 Miskatonic alumnae hardest hit.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Booking Agent, Aero Pinochet at December 01, 2017 04:13 PM (fA1SL)

3 " -- This site cannot be reached"

The error I've been getting since the Tuesday crash, whenever the post's "Comments" link appears in red as "Access Comments."


Posted by: Eleanor, What the Cat Dragged In at December 01, 2017 04:13 PM (QU+qf)

4 too dumb; didn't read.

is there some colorable reason to suggest this?

Posted by: porg herder at December 01, 2017 04:14 PM (otbkS)

5 It's called a stump speech (see The Candidate).

Posted by: Eddie Baby at December 01, 2017 04:14 PM (Iezef)

6 If this is a crime Aaron Sorkin is fucked.

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 04:14 PM (z/Ubi)

7 She was obviously sending secret codes to the Russians while giving a speech in India! The Russians are calling from inside my head!

Posted by: Rick Wilson at December 01, 2017 04:14 PM (SkuXa)

8 I have benn known to self-plaigetize on occasion, and even to make others watch.

Posted by: Louis "watch my pee-pee go kablooie" C.K. at December 01, 2017 04:14 PM (Q0dwZ)

9 I'm not as think as you dumb I am.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 01, 2017 04:14 PM (6Ll1u)

10 She looks good in green. Definitely her color.

Posted by: IC at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (HWoyC)

11 willowed in the last thread..

This is not necessarily Trump himself that ordered Flynn to talk to the Rooskies..

The complaint says he was asked to do so by a "senior official of the presidential transition." and again on another occasion by a "very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team."

Two different people, supposedly.. and more likely is someone like Kushner.. I'm sorry, but Trump just wasn't sharp enough or up to speed enough to be thinking of those things during the transition..

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (so+oy)

12 Psssstttt....
I heard the wife of the Newsweek editor is a thespian.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (aldSv)

13 Proof that Aaron Sorkin is screwed!

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (z/Ubi)

14 400 quatloos that tweet was by a chick

Posted by: Butterfly Obama at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (nFwvY)

15 Ah, Newsweak. Can't get more reliable than that.
Is Krazy Kurt Eichenwald still working for them?

Posted by: tu3031 at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (O5Q3r)

16 OMG! It's a Logan Act violation...
It's a Logarithm Act violation. She added to her comments to multiply their effect, which is totally illegal because I was told there would be no math.

Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (HtLSE)

17 I'll buy that for a dollar!

Posted by: Zombie Sidney Harman at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (QQ+il)

18 Wut?

You mean those professional speeches I do where the themes and content are similar qualify as... plagiarism?

Boy, I'm in trouble. Maybe I can cut a plea deal with the FBI.

Posted by: Marcus T at December 01, 2017 04:16 PM (VpIIl)

19 It's going to be an early night for Ivanka.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:16 PM (ZRC8N)

20 A brilliant and profound statement, Newsweek!

Posted by: Eggamoobymuffin, severe conservative at December 01, 2017 04:16 PM (+INtM)

21 self-plagiarize

hard to type with one hand and punch the clown with the other

Posted by: Louis at December 01, 2017 04:16 PM (Q0dwZ)

22 Newsweek? All three of their readers must be appalled at Ivanka's plagiarism.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:16 PM (r9UYA)

23 Stop me if you've heard this before......

Posted by: Roland THTG at December 01, 2017 04:16 PM (xBSm0)

24 Jesus plagiarized his sermon on the mount every time he preached somewhere other than 'the mount'.

Posted by: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD at December 01, 2017 04:17 PM (EATOD)

25 She stole her own identity too.

Posted by: Roy at December 01, 2017 04:17 PM (7n4KQ)

26 Self plagiarizing is still illegal in all 13 states of the Old Confederacy.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:17 PM (QQ+il)

27 I think once we nail down Moore's senate seat, it's time for trump to clean house like at the end of The Godfather.

Posted by: porg herder at December 01, 2017 04:17 PM (otbkS)

28 This cannot stand. Impeach Trump NOW!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:17 PM (ZRC8N)


When it is late at night and I can't sleep, I turn to Kbear's photography lessons on the ONT. Then I plagiarize myself several times before sunrise when I am finally too tired to continue.

I make no apology for my behavior. I live alone. No else one knows.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse, Real Lee at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (KdDCu)

30 -
That low-life dog-ass-licker Mark Twain does nothing but plagiarize me!

Posted by: Samuel Clemens at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (pMGkg)

31 Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD at December 01, 2017 04:17 PM (EATOD)

That hash. Soooo close.

Posted by: Rick Wilson at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (SkuXa)

32 It's like they are using their last vestiges of credibility to destroy their own credibility.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (7ZVPa)

33 I hear that back in the old days, newsweek used to self-plagarize itself at about 100,000 plagiarisms a week and it's now only self-plagiarising about 10,000 a month.


Posted by: porg herder at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (otbkS)

34 hard to type with one hand and punch the clown with the other"

"Punch the clown"?

Is that what we're calling it these days?

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (MINbv)

35 The pee of the tiger makes the hunting of the hawk an interminable pursuit.

Posted by: Deep Thoughts by James Comey at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (O5Q3r)

36 Ace,

We am sorry to have to inform you that the management committee of AoSHQ LLC has decided to bring you up on charges for plagiarism.

Apparently on several occasions you used the same joke, namely:

Terrorists die of [insert silly and harmless thing] and [insert US military action], but mostly [insert US military action].

We are sorry it had to come to this, but theft of intellectual property from yourself is a serious charge.

Posted by: AoSHQ Management Committee at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (wYseH)

37 Roll tape of Obama's "punching above their weight' spiel.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (oVJmc)

38 Is Jimmy Two Times self plagiarizing when he's going to get the paper, get the paper?

Posted by: Regular joe at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (7PllL)

39 36 hard to type with one hand and punch the clown with the other"

"Punch the clown"?

Is that what we're calling it these days?
Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (MINbv)

Only when you put an Obama mask on it.

Posted by: Roy at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (7n4KQ)

40 "Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (QQ+il)

41 You're not allowed to use the same word twice. Otherwise, plagiary. Get into some pretty obscure locutions after a while.

Posted by: jd at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (cIj06)

42 Good enough for me\. Send Javanka back to NYC where they'll do less harm.

Posted by: CN at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (5gaNQ)

43 (EATOD)

That hash. Soooo close.

Still works - eat a ton of ...

Posted by: initialisms at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (+INtM)

44 That hash. Soooo close."

Eat a tote of d....?

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (MINbv)

45 I'd like to see congress or someone embarass the f out of mueller by asking about the reaserch he's done to see if the collusion was actually a dnc leak.

Posted by: porg herder at December 01, 2017 04:19 PM (otbkS)

More stupidity from Newsweak, but I really wish that Trump will end the take your daughter to work day with Ivanka. Her and her husband need to go home.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (493sH)

47 The nerve of her

...Amy Schumer...

Posted by: Amy Schumer at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (8ikIW)

48 We are sorry it had to come to this, but theft of intellectual property from yourself is a serious charge.

That doesn't even take into account all the times he said a thing was like that thing in your mouth.

Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (HtLSE)

49 Trying to parody leftists these days is almost impossible.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (Ktb8D)

50 Can we give Newsweek some crayons and a coloring book so they can try and do something productive?

Posted by: Old Nam Vet at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (FqZOm)

51 I've been plagiarizing myself since I was twelve years old. Its amazing I can still see.

Posted by: dananjcon at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (xqfqx)

52 I think once we nail down Moore's senate seat, it's time for trump to clean house like at the end of The Godfather.

Posted by: porg herder at December 01, 2017 04:17 PM (otbkS)

Going to the mattresses? I always liked that idea. Because I always keep the tag on my mattresses. I think it protects against bullets because it is against Federal Law to remove.

Posted by: Acme Office Sex Dungeon Outfitters at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (ajiE5)

53 ton of

Posted by: irright at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (pMGkg)

54 This comes from people who have been in Academia too long. Yes, it is possible to plagiarize yourself. If you take an article that was published in a journal (or newspaper) and then copy sections of it to paste into another unrelated article (without changing enough words to make it appear that you have done some reflecting on your original work) then you have plagiarized yourself.

In the case of public speaking or campaigning... it's fucking batshit crazy. These J-School idiots need to take a deep breath, pull their heads out of their own asses, and realize that in the real world you don't get paid by the word - you get paid for results.

Posted by: Santos L. Halper at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (aSXL0)

55 42 "Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (r9UYA)

56 I remember my pappy schoolin' me about plagiarism each night after he came up from his 12 hours in the coal mines. That's how I became the first one in my family to attend college, and then law school on a full academic scholarship, where I never got an F for plagiarizing.

Posted by: Joey Biden at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (Mjus2)

57 Newsweek Accuses Ivanka Trump of Plagiarizing... Her Own Speech

Since they categorize suicide by gun as "gun violence" this makes sense to their way of thinking.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (8gDQu)

58 We're getting beyond self-parody to self-human-centipede.


What is it when the front of the human centipede is sewn to the back? A human ouroboros? Because they can all eat shit, with no exceptions.

Posted by: Bilwis, Devourer of Low Glycemic Souls at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (tMFgx)

59 The pee of the tiger makes the hunting of the hawk an interminable pursuit."

John has a long mustache.

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (MINbv)

60 Correction: The headline of this story was changed to reflect that Trump reused portions of an earlier speech rather than "plagiarized" it.

Either they're too stupid to know the truth, or too dishonest to tell it.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (oVJmc)

61 Peals of derisive laughter
-Monty Python's Flying Circus

I didn't get a harrumph outta that guy
-Governor LePettomaine

Posted by: 80's music fab at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (fXd4g)

#Amy Schumer.

No, wait. #Amy Schumer.

No, wait. #Amy Schumer.

No, wait. #Amy Schumer.

- - Amy Schumer

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (mbhDw)

63 47: Agreed. Just enough of the children's hour

Posted by: CN at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (5gaNQ)

64 Does this mean that I can't say "Burn It Down" anymore, just because I've only said it 1000 times in the past? I'm going to run out of lyrics if that is the case!

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (EaQ6/)

65 "Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.

Arresting the Riddler.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (QQ+il)

66 I admit to plagiarize myself in the comments here every day.Mea Culpa.

Posted by: steevy at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (LiyEm)

67 It's Newsweek. Anybody with a greenback in his shoe could write for them.

Posted by: Fritz at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (2Mnv1)

68 I always keep the tag on my mattresses. I think it protects against bullets because it is against Federal Law to remove.

Posted by: Acme Office Sex Dungeon Outfitters at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (ajiE5)

I was just looking at range bags on Amazon, and some wag asked if the bag was bullet proof.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (ZRC8N)

69 As ThePrimordialOrderedPair has said, "I never plagiarize myself because I always give myself attribution".

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (8gDQu)

70 Still not worth the dollar.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:22 PM (oVJmc)

71 HELP????

Posted by: Eleanor, What the Cat Dragged In

Eleanor, what I'm seeing is that if you click through to a post and then hit *access comments*, it does the fail thing, but if you click the comments link on the main page it clicks through properly. So that may be a fix for recent articles, and for older articles you may need to try copy/pasting the post number you want into the URL for a working comments page...

Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:22 PM (HtLSE)

72 Because I always keep the tag on my mattresses."


Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:22 PM (MINbv)

73 Fire the pump-action yogurt rifle.

Posted by: irright at December 01, 2017 04:22 PM (pMGkg)

74 John Fogarty was sued for plagiarizing himself. He won.

Posted by: SFGoth at December 01, 2017 04:22 PM (dZ756)

75 "Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.

Arresting the Riddler.

Slamming the salami

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:22 PM (r9UYA)

76 Notice how they messed with the color in the accompanying picture, and made her teeth look dead?


Posted by: johnd01 at December 01, 2017 04:22 PM (ukNFU)

77 Question:

After you plagiarize yourself, what is the best way to clean up?

And if Robert Mueller asks, do you have to answer?

Asking for a friend.

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (UsCnO)

78 She should sue.

Posted by: jd at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (cIj06)

79 Anybody with a greenback in his shoe could write for them.

It was the style at the time.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (QQ+il)

80 politicians have stump speeches. are they plagiarists?

Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (ylUqT)

Remember the "M" countdown calendar? I made sure to change the numbers so as not to plagiarize myself.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (mbhDw)

82 65 "Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.

Arresting the Riddler.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (QQ+il)

Hanging shelves.

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (z/Ubi)

83 Has anyone today mentioned what a stupid time it is to be alive?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (ZRC8N)

84 Salena Zito:
"another reason to distrust my profession".

Hell, I hold your profession in the utmost contempt.

I hold your profession lower than whale shit in the Marianas Trench.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (6bmev)

85 The media as a whole have become a pack of evil and evil and vindictive cunts

Posted by: Kreplach at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (/JLc2)

86 politicians have stump speeches. are they plagiarists?

Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (ylUqT)

Joey Biden: Not a chance

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (493sH)

87 Hanging shelves."

Thread winnah.

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (MINbv)

88 Extracting DNA (you have to wear a lab coat)

Posted by: irright at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (pMGkg)


We're getting beyond self-parody to self-human-centipede.

Rectal-Cranial inversion is the new black.

Posted by: DaveA at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (FhXTo)

90 Polishing the little helmet.

Posted by: steevy at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (LiyEm)


Oh, that 'continue reading' link.

Don't do that. go right to the comments.
never continue reading. Not if you are a true Moron.

Posted by: Skandia Recluse, Real Lee at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (KdDCu)

92 It's Newsweek. Anybody with a greenback in his shoe could write for them.

Posted by: Fritz at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (2Mnv1)

"Anybody with a greenback in his shoe" could have owned them.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (8gDQu)

93 She recycled her speech to stop global warming.

Posted by: LASue at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (Mjus2)

94 I bought a donut at QT this morning, with money I stole....FROM MYSELF!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (oVJmc)

95 89

We're getting beyond self-parody to self-human-centipede.
Rectal-Cranial inversion is the new black.
Posted by: DaveA at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (FhXTo)

Rebbe Jackson, 1984

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:24 PM (mbhDw)

96 Pathetic.

Posted by: Insomniac - Nobody in Particular at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (NWiLs)

97 At the end of this idiotic statement was an editor who said, "Print!".

Posted by: washrivergal at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (tcwn1)

98 Plagar what?

Posted by: Amy Schumer at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (/tuJf)

Plagiarism is the ultimate in self-sustainabilty.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (mbhDw)

100 Reminds me of Sheriff Bart holding a gun to his own head.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (ZRC8N)

101 Elanor:

You got here?
dial direct

Posted by: DaveA at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (FhXTo)

102 Chasing the kids outside.

Posted by: irright at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (pMGkg)

103 Shouldn't the MSM be worrying about self-plagiarism every time they run a hit piece on the Trump Administration and reuse the same, pathetic, discredited claims?

Posted by: Santos L. Halper at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (aSXL0)

104 I don't get no respect. Wait, did I say that before?

Posted by: Zombie Rodney Dangerfield at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (IqV8l)

105 65 "Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.

Arresting the Riddler.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (QQ+il)

I've heard that Adam West & Frank Gorshin were kicked out of a Hollywood orgy for running around pretending to be Batman and The Riddler, instead of getting on with the orgifying.

Posted by: josephistan at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (7HtZB)

106 OT - J.C Penney Pulls Russell Simmons Apparel Line After Rape Allegations

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (tbOMB)

107 Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.

Arresting the Riddler.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:21 PM (QQ+il)

Hanging shelves.
Posted by: buzzion

THAT is definitely jacking off.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (6bmev)

108 14 400 quatloos that tweet was by a chick
Posted by: Butterfly Obama at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (nFwvY)

She's 23, just got a BA, and is working as an unpaid intern there. She never learned the definitions of "repeating yourself" and "plagiarism" in womyn's studies. But she's got the latest iPhone for those tweets.

Posted by: Roy at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (7n4KQ)

109 97 At the end of this idiotic statement was an editor who said, "Print!".
Posted by: washrivergal at December 01, 2017 04:25 PM (tcwn1)

Jane Harman called. She said, "My dollar? You can keep it."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (mbhDw)

110 I wonder what Newsweek would make of the double posts that go up around this joint.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (pvjTE)

111 "Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.
Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:20 PM (r9UYA)

Devaluing the Krona.

Decisively engaging the enemy and getting inside his OODA loop, dictating the terms of engagement and putting him on the horns of a dilemma.

Upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

I could go on.

Posted by: hogmartin at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (y87Qq)

112 I hold your profession lower than whale shit in the Marianas Trench.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:23 PM (6bmev)

And calling it a "profession" is insulting to people who real professions, like fluffers on porn movie sets....

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (wYseH)

113 let me guess the staff of Newsweak have rooms dedicated to their "Participation Awards."

And are very proud of them all.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (3BFzK)

114 At the end of this idiotic statement was an editor who said, "Print!".

The people working in the media today are a lot like Lena Dunham.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (oVJmc)

115 Plagar what?
Plagar the Horrible. He's a Pliking. On the Plomics page in the Plewspaper.

Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (HtLSE)

116 J.C Penney Pulls Russell Simmons"

Ah, wat?

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (MINbv)

117 So, according to Newsweak I have to say I'm quoting myself when repeating something I've said before.

Wow! That is stunningly stupid.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (nBr1j)

118 I don't see a problem with this report.

Posted by: Joe Biden at December 01, 2017 04:27 PM (398bZ)

119 Newsweak is going to put The Onion out of business.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 04:27 PM (7ZVPa)

120 3 " -- This site cannot be reached"

The error I've been getting since the Tuesday crash, whenever the post's "Comments" link appears in red as "Access Comments."

Posted by: Eleanor, What the Cat Dragged In at December 01, 2017 04:13 PM (QU+qf)

From the last thread:

Ok so say you want to access this thread later on through that way. Its address is:

But when you click on the archive links to the thread it tries to send you to.

Because of the crash the isn't working. So here's your temporary work around. Copy that "372783" number that you see with "" And then paste it over the number accompanying "" And you will be able to see them.

It sucks but that's what its currently at. If I could get a hole of pixy I could suggest a workaround, since "Access coments" does a redirect to the 1080, just have it redirect to instead.

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 04:27 PM (z/Ubi)

121 106 OT - J.C Penney Pulls Russell Simmons Apparel Line After Rape Allegations

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (tbOMB)


Target announced it will pick up the line J.C. Penny dropped and put it on display in all girls rest rooms. For total convenience.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:27 PM (mbhDw)

122 THAT is definitely jacking off."

Rock Ridge?

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:28 PM (MINbv)

123 J.C Penney Pulls Russell Simmons

Pull the Simmons

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:28 PM (r9UYA)

124 You can't plagiarize yourself?

Posted by: John Fogerty at December 01, 2017 04:28 PM (BoMuO)

125 Never mind the speech, she totally stole the idea for that dress. Indians having wearing patterns like that since forever.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 01, 2017 04:28 PM (IWbvi)

126 117 So, according to Newsweak I have to say I'm quoting myself when repeating something I've said before.

Maybe you can just use the technique of adding "I", "me" or "myself" into every statement. It helped Obama avoid that trap.

Posted by: Roy at December 01, 2017 04:28 PM (7n4KQ)

127 What about the behind-the-scenes coordination the MSM engages in to create a narrative against Conservative issues just before they choose the next thing to make THE BIGGEST DEAL EVER!!1!!

Shouldn't they be ashamed for plagiarizing whoever came up with the original idea for that narrative and not giving him/her/xem the credit?

Posted by: Santos L. Halper at December 01, 2017 04:28 PM (aSXL0)

128 OT - J.C Penney Pulls Russell Simmons Apparel Line After Rape Allegations

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (tbOMB)

Penney is still in business?

Did they pull the Beats headphones lines, too? ... oh, wait, different rapist rapper ... or maybe he just beat women up ... I forget. They can still sell Beats.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (8gDQu)

129 Beating the Bishop.

Shaking hands with the Vicar.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (tRaq7)

130 I could go on.

Bringing the Malthusian crisis to a head? Press-ganging the crew? Putting stock in Swiss neutrality? Applying a Keynesian stimulus? Seizing the means of production? Evoking the British in Malaya?

Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (HtLSE)

131 She has also masticated every day this week!!!

Posted by: Bruce at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (8ikIW)

132 Never mind the speech, she totally stole the idea for that dress. Indians having wearing patterns like that since forever.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 01, 2017 04:28 PM (IWbvi)

The MFM has been hyperventilating over that too

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (493sH)

133 Didn't Faux-cahontis plagiarize a recipe some time ago??

AND a whole race of people!!??

Posted by: dananjcon at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (xqfqx)

134 That boring dude in the office who has told the same 10 stories at least 10 times is a plagiarist. Good to know.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (nBr1j)

135 So, according to Newsweak I have to say I'm quoting myself when repeating something I've said before.

Wow! That is stunningly stupid.

Dear Newsweak,
And I quote myself, " FU".

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (6bmev)

136 112
And calling it a "profession" is insulting to people who real professions, like fluffers on porn movie sets....
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at December 01, 2017 04:26 PM (wYseH)

"Bitch, please."

- - Amalgamated Assistant Crack Whores of America

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (mbhDw)

137 Russell Simmons had a line of merchandise at JC Penny?

Boy, he is gangsta.

Posted by: Real thugs shop at Wal-Mart at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (Q0dwZ)

138 Richard Simmons is dead?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (6Ll1u)

Of all the things I said before,
I'm not sure I can remember
what they were.

Since I have said so many things
to so many people
how could I remember?

Posted by: Skandia Recluse, Real Lee at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (KdDCu)

140 Here's the author of this stunning, world-shattering scoop of a story:

Chris Riotta is a staff writer at Newsweek covering the Trump family. He joined Newsweek Media Group in November 2016 to report on the election and its impact on American society. Contact him @ChrisRiotta and

Posted by: filbert at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (qNDYa)

141 I especially like the catty- and it wasn't a very good speech anyway- it was poorly received and very few people watched it in Japan and her butt stinks and she is a big poopy pants who eats poop.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (BoMuO)

142 Hillary and Bill delivered the same-old same-old and still got paid $1M/hour to do it.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (oVJmc)

143 130 Evoking the British in Malaya?
Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (HtLSE)

I read that as "Ewoking the Yiddish."

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:31 PM (mbhDw)

144 President cock curious plagiarized his 2012 campaign slogan from the Soviets. No biggy.

Posted by: John Marston at December 01, 2017 04:31 PM (SkuXa)

145 The largest incidence of plagiarism known to man occurs each and every day day, when every media outlet runs stories written by the DNC in their Talking Points Memo.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 04:31 PM (7ZVPa)

146 The whispering winds prophesize the dawning of a new dawn and bring forth the coming storm.

Posted by: Deep Thoughts by James Comey at December 01, 2017 04:31 PM (O5Q3r)

147 You can't plagiarize yourself?
Posted by: John Fogerty

You won that case. You didn't get attorney's fees back from the guy that sued you, but you did win the case.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at December 01, 2017 04:31 PM (SGFoV)

148 Russell Simmons had a line of merchandise at JC Penny?

Boy, he is gangsta.
Posted by: Real thugs shop at Wal-Mart at December 01, 2017 04:30 PM (Q0dwZ)

But not cooked with Martha Stewart gangsta aka Snoop.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 04:32 PM (BoMuO)

149 11
"Punch the clown"?

Beating the Bishop.

Pickling the gherkin.

Decisively engaging the enemy and getting inside his OODA loop,
dictating the terms of engagement and putting him on the horns of a

Upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

What a damned moodkiller!

Posted by: LeftCoast Dawg at December 01, 2017 04:32 PM (UsCnO)


Target announced it will pick up the line J.C. Penny dropped and put it on display in all girls rest rooms. For total convenience.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:27 PM (mbhDw)



Posted by: washrivergal at December 01, 2017 04:32 PM (tcwn1)

151 J.C Penney Pulls Russell Simmons

Pull the Simmons
Posted by: Under Fire

Taste the rainbow.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:32 PM (6bmev)

152 "I hear Steven King plagiarizes the hell out of himself re-using the towns of Derry and Castle Rock, too."

He also uses a lot of the same verbs and adjectives. "It" appears in every single one of his books.

Posted by: OCBill at December 01, 2017 04:32 PM (df+Zi)

153 Trump to be President for life......

Posted by: Sponge at December 01, 2017 04:33 PM (xttKs)

154 If the media can hyperventilate over WH decorations looking like a scene from the Shinning and how it all reflects the FLs deep angst or some rubbish like that, I am not surprised they are saying this nonsense about Ivanka

Posted by: IC at December 01, 2017 04:33 PM (HWoyC)

155 John Fogarty was sued for plagiarizing himself. He won.

Did he? I thought he lost.

(looking things up is cheating).

Posted by: Bandersnatch at December 01, 2017 04:33 PM (fuK7c)

156 Did any of the Indians have high cheekbones?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 04:33 PM (YqDXo)

157 105 I wore my cowl and cape but nothing else.
Adam West

Posted by: steevy at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (LiyEm)

158 How many times has Bill Clinton plagiarized himself when on a campaign of sexual harassment.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (nBr1j)

159 Shaking hands with the Vicar


Feeding the ficus

Posted by: Herve Winestains at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (Q0dwZ)

160 "But not cooked with Martha Stewart gangsta aka Snoop."

Martha Stewart has street cred since she's done time.

Posted by: OCBill at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (df+Zi)

161 They hate "self-plagiarism" because it is their very own little fall back position on every topic.

I guess if I say to my friends at the bar, "I'll be back", then Arnold should sue me! No? Or should he sue himself for saying it in nearly every movie after the Terminator.

We really shouldn't get all worked up about what those hateful sponges say. After the NORKs nuke us, they'll have a whole new tune to sing, and they are going to want some nice clean water. It is going to be a real pleasure to say "NO"!

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (EaQ6/)

162 I read that as "Ewoking the Yiddish."

I'm fairly certain with no fear of being contradicted, that *that* is your job.

Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (HtLSE)

163 Whoever wrote this needs to be exposed, mocked, ridiculed, have rotten fruit thrown at them and run out of town on a rail. Seriously.

Posted by: Cheri at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (oiNtH)

164 Doing the Marv.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (3BFzK)

165 I love this story!

Posted by: Neil Kinnock at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (fuK7c)

166 I've been plagiarizing myself since I was twelve years old. Its amazing I can still see.

Momma said if I kept plagiarizing myself, I'd go blind.

So I just did it until I needed glasses.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (tRaq7)

167 Now is it so bad that I plagiarize my own comments? Mr. O'Spades can and does churn out original content on a daily basis. Cobs do the same. How can I meet those standards?

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (e1mEI)

168 Penney is still in business?
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at December 01, 2017 04:29 PM (8gDQu)

There's a SALE at PENNEY'S!?

Posted by: Johnny at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (y87Qq)

169 god bless millennials. so ignorant. they got crap educations.

Posted by: Butterfly Obama at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (nFwvY)

170 162 I read that as "Ewoking the Yiddish."

I'm fairly certain with no fear of being contradicted, that *that* is your job.
Posted by: Sporkatus at December 01, 2017 04:34 PM (HtLSE)

Now you're plagiarizing noted Joo-hater CBD's antisemitism.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (mbhDw)

171 Did any of the Indians have high cheekbones?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 04:33 PM (YqDXo)

Maybe Corey Kluber

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:35 PM (493sH)

172 Music critics will start accusing rock bands of plagiarism when they perform their old songs.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (nBr1j)

173 why in the fuck does anybody pay any attention to any media at all? you would be better off going to the zoo and study anaconda biorhythms. or monkey shit. or, talk to that really, smelly, homeless guy.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (KP5rU)

174 Whoever wrote this needs to be exposed, mocked, ridiculed, have rotten fruit thrown at them and run out of town on a rail. Seriously.

Posted by: Cheri


Go to the Yahoo or Goolag home page every day. You will see dozens of 'stories' just like this. They are massaged to ensure they get to the top of the home pages.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (7ZVPa)

175 Whatever you do, don't do a Bing search on the author of this Newsweek piece, Chris Riotta.

Unless, that is, you're prepared for FABULOUS!!!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (oVJmc)

176 30 -
That low-life dog-ass-licker Mark Twain does nothing but plagiarize me!
Posted by: Samuel Clemens at December 01, 2017 04:18 PM (pMGkg)

My local paper had an article a couple of weeks ago in which there was a (mis)quote by "Mark Twain, who wrote as Samuel Clemens".

Posted by: The Inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (bCF6k)

177 Only thing is Newsweek doesn't really have news, only Leftist talking points

Posted by: Skip at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (aC6Sd)

178 Will whatever school this imbecile attended give him a refund?

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (nBr1j)

179 >>Penney is still in business?

Saw her working the corner in front of Family Dollar.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (r9UYA)

180 This is what is most offensive about Ivanka's visit, from the NYT:

Where is the line between culturally appropriate dress and cultural appropriation?

It was hard to look at Ivanka Trump's wardrobe during her India trip this week and not ask the question.
DailyO, an online opinion site from the India Today Group, deemed it all a "superficial assimilation of culture" that was compounded by the "floral gown that looked like a 'me-too' of a Kashmiri pheran."
Instead of wearing work by a designer that spoke to the nuances of the country (a tactic adopted often by Michelle Obama, for example), Ms. Trump opted, at least initially, for the most obvious: clothes by outsiders who dipped into their fantasy of India as opposed to its reality.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (/qEW2)

181 I hear Steven King plagiarizes the hell out of himself re-using the towns of Derry and Castle Rock, too.

Cop: "Who is this Hemingway person at all?"

Philip Marlowe: "A guy that keeps saying the same thing over and over until you begin to believe it must be good."

Newsweek: Novelist plagiarizes self, claims Chandler.

Posted by: Zombie Raymond Chandler at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (EzdLW)

182 172 Music critics will start accusing rock bands of plagiarism when they perform their old songs.
Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (nBr1j)

"I went to a garden party,
and got sued for copyright infringement..."

- - Ricky "Rick" Nelson

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (mbhDw)

183 I wouldn't have bought Newsweek for a dollar. That was the biggest waste of a dollar in history.

Posted by: james the deplorable disciple of kek at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (jxw6R)

184 142 She's still pretty damn hawt tho

Posted by: Johnny at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (kUotE)

185 Newsweek is my go to source.

Posted by: Sally Kohn at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (3BFzK)

186 Go to the Yahoo or Goolag home page every day. You will see dozens of 'stories' just like this. They are massaged to ensure they get to the top of the home pages.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (7ZVPa)

Yahoo is just over the top lefty garbage. It's all HuffPo, Vox and their own idiot lefty writers

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (493sH)

187 Silly girl, you are supposed to plagiarize other people. Now come here and let Uncle Joe sniff your hair.

Posted by: Uncle Joe at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (BoMuO)

188 How can I meet those standards?

Link to a comment from Hot Air.

Posted by: *zing* at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (+INtM)

189 Ace will need to annotate and cite all his blog posts from this point forward.

Hot Air will need a bigger server.

i keed i keed

Posted by: dananjcon at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (xqfqx)

190 Dur 141 I guess. Something changed.

Posted by: Johnny at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (kUotE)

191 why in the fuck does anybody pay any attention to any media at all?


"Too Much Time On My Hands"

"A man has to fill his idle time with something."

Posted by: Skandia Recluse, Real Lee at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (KdDCu)

192 Rockin' the little man in the boat . . .

Posted by: How 'Ettes plagiarize themselves at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (EATOD)

193 Penney is still in business?

Knock knock knock

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (6bmev)

194 BREAKING: Ivanka Trump serves two scoops of speech

Posted by: Newzweek at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (EzdLW)

195 180 Of course that fashion icon Mooch really knew how to do it!

Posted by: steevy at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (LiyEm)

196 Oh my god the pictures of this guy? person are awesome!!

Posted by: NCKate at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (T4/3L)

197 I could go on. "

Turning Japanese?

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (MINbv)

198 160: martha stewart could kick little jimmy comeys' ass. right after a session with the stud of hope, arkansas.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (KP5rU)

199 183 I wouldn't have bought Newsweek for a dollar. That was the biggest waste of a dollar in history.
Posted by: james the deplorable disciple of kek at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (jxw6R)

"And, er, 'how'..."

- - Manhattan Island injuns, x $24

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:39 PM (mbhDw)

200 175, oh Mr Pebbles I just had to look. What was I looking at? It is confusing.

Posted by: IC at December 01, 2017 04:39 PM (HWoyC)

201 This is why Trump won, and the reason he will win again in 2020.

Posted by: Concerned Peoples Front at December 01, 2017 04:39 PM (2X7pN)

202 Doesn't Newsweek have any editors?

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 04:39 PM (YqDXo)

203 Newsweak

Posted by: Dang at December 01, 2017 04:39 PM (SPBeI)

204 You can fool some of the people all of the time.

Posted by: Joe Biden at December 01, 2017 04:39 PM (IqV8l)

205 quick, did she get paid? Emoluments Clause!!! Impeach!! Impeach!!

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (ILitO)

206 Martha Stewart has street cred since she's done time.

Her knuckle tattoos read


Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (QQ+il)

207 Are there no editors anywhere who know the words boring, stupid, repetitive, predictable and banal?

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (nBr1j)

208 202 Doesn't Newsweek have any editors?
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 04:39 PM (YqDXo)

That's the problem; all editors and no writers.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (mbhDw)

209 Plagiarize her? I hardly knew her.

Plagiarize myself? I don't know where I've been.

Posted by: DaveA at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (FhXTo)

210 Instead of wearing work by a designer that spoke to the nuances of the country (a tactic adopted often by Michelle Obama, for example"

Who knew Klingons had a real place?

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (MINbv)

211 Feoffment with livery of seisen

Posted by: ss at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (iU+1A)

212 I'll fight any one of you faggots in The Octagon!!!

Posted by: Chris Riotta at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (O5Q3r)

213 Ivanka, process crime. Plea agreement coming soon as I get her in the basement with me.

Posted by: Jamey Gumm Comey at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (zOpu5)

214 206 Martha Stewart has street cred since she's done time.

Her knuckle tattoos read

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (QQ+il)



Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (mbhDw)

215 This is so stupid, even I think it is stupid. I give it 890 mili-me

Posted by: Sally Kohn at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (3BFzK)

216 Crazy Train was plagiarized by fvcking Newsweek.

Posted by: Black Sabbath at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (r9UYA)

217 Unless, that is, you're prepared for FABULOUS!!!

Posted by: Mr. Peebles

You warned me but I looked him up anyway. Good Lord....he looks like the King of the SJW's. What an ignorant twat.

Posted by: Cheri at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (oiNtH)

218 I was informed Russell Simmons, who was not a rapper but ran DefJam, and the boys from RunDMC come from rap prior to gangsta rap. their's was "fresh". and rap was just a spinoff of hiphop; MCing, breakdancing, and graffitti. it's all crap.

Posted by: Butterfly Obama at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (nFwvY)

219 Wait a minute, wasn't colin krapdick the Friday jerk-off thread?

Posted by: DaveA at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (FhXTo)

220 Plagiarize myself? I don't know where I've been.

I can't take myself anywhere anymore.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (tRaq7)

221 Oh My Gaia! Doesn't that Newsweek reporter realize they used the letter 'A' 5 TIMES in their own tweet!? That is a multi-count indictment of self plagiarism!

Posted by: JB1000, EAJ at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (16OL0)

222 She plagiarized herself!

Posted by: Amy Shumer.... at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (NgKpN)

223 "Feoffment with livery of seisen"


Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (Ktb8D)

224 Instead of wearing work by a designer that spoke to the nuances of the country (a tactic adopted often by Michelle Obama, for example"

Who knew Klingons had a real place?
Posted by: Anon a mouse

They were the Star Trek Klingons. These were the Klingons from around Uranus.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (6bmev)

225 How long can a thoroughly corrupted and literally insane society survive intact? Asking for a friend.

Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (UW4Uc)

226 Instead of wearing work by a designer that spoke to the nuances of the country (a tactic adopted often by Michelle Obama, for example),

Boob belts and '70s couch covers were nuanced?

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (493sH)

227 209 Plagiarize her? I hardly knew her.

Plagiarize myself? I don't know where I've been.
Posted by: DaveA at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM (FhXTo)

"When I think of me,
I plagiarize myself..."

- - The Divinyls (original title) '96

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (mbhDw)

228 and rap was just a spinoff of hiphop; MCing, breakdancing, and graffitti. it's all crap.


Remind me again, why is the 'c' silent in Crap Music?

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (7ZVPa)

229 Where were they when Cock Curious kept repeating the dumbass story of a car stuck in a ditch and the GOP was standing around drinking slurpees?

Speaking of the GOP, fuck them also.

Posted by: Captain Hate at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (y7DUB)

230 wasn't colin krapdick the Friday jerk-off thread?"

It's Friday. Two a days on Fridays...

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (MINbv)

231 Michelle wore large formless sacks of nuance.

Posted by: do you have to be a retard to work for the NYT? at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (+INtM)

232 I just stole a beer from my own refrigerator. Later I'm going out to the garage and I'm going to commit a bit of Grand Larceny by taking my car for a drive. Perhaps, later tonight I will kidnap my dog and take her for a walk.

Posted by: Orson at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (+1xSp)

233 >>Instead of wearing work by a designer that spoke to the nuances of the country (a tactic adopted often by Michelle Obama, for example" >>

So couches, drapes, and boob belts represent which country?

Posted by: Cheri at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (oiNtH)

234 If I wasn't so sleepy after a full afternoon of chili and vodka, I would advise today's yutes to try, just try, a little critical thinking. I know that's a lot to ask, but there is only going to be just so many cans of beans on the shelves at the end, so they need to get a clue, some day.

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 04:43 PM (EaQ6/)


Fox Business - DOJ files an arrest warrant for Jose Inez Zarate.

Some judge in Hawaii - Not so fast!!!

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:43 PM (493sH)

236 218 I was informed Russell Simmons, who was not a rapper but ran DefJam, and the boys from RunDMC come from rap prior to gangsta rap. their's was "fresh". and rap was just a spinoff of hiphop; MCing, breakdancing, and graffitti. it's all crap.
Posted by: Butterfly Obama at December 01, 2017 04:41 PM (nFwvY)

Somewhere in Heaven, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong are going "what the actual fuck happened down there?!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:43 PM (mbhDw)

237 What's a Newsweek?

Is that even a thing?

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at December 01, 2017 04:43 PM (ATVNj)

238 You must be shapeless, formless, like water - or like curtains. When you pour water in a swamp, it becomes the swamp. When you pour water behind the curtains, you get a Special Counsel. Water can drip and it can crash, but mostly it leaks - to the New York Times.

Become like water my friend.

Posted by: Bruce Lee Comey at December 01, 2017 04:43 PM (EzdLW)

239 "Feoffment with livery of seisen"

*golf clap*

OK, now back to business...

Phoning the Czar

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 04:44 PM (tRaq7)

240 Every time the media does dumbassery like this their collective credibility loses a little more blood.
Even those dim witted codswallop spewing, supercilious pond scum should realize the vast majority of sentient human beings consider the Trump women to be more attractive and better put together than Michelle Obama.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:44 PM (nBr1j)

241 So couches, drapes, and boob belts represent which country?
Posted by: Cheri

Country of Wal Mart.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:44 PM (6bmev)

242 Does she drink smoothies? Does she falsify pecan pie data? Does she smash Keurig machines? We need to reassign Mueller to investigate these vital matters.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 01, 2017 04:44 PM (/qEW2)

243 Boob belts and '70s couch covers were nuanced?
Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (493sH)

They weren't couch covers. They were original designer drop cloths.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 04:44 PM (YqDXo)

244 On Bing, there are a lot of Ricottas.
I'm not seeing fabulous.


Posted by: Skandia Recluse, Real Lee at December 01, 2017 04:45 PM (KdDCu)

245 225 How long can a thoroughly corrupted and literally insane society survive intact? Asking for a friend.
Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (UW4Uc)

Only until the revolution....

Posted by: Marquis de Sade... at December 01, 2017 04:45 PM (NgKpN)

246 227.
'When I think about Jews,
I touch my shelf.' - anti-Semitic Ewok Karaoke.

(And, Yes, I saw Anti-Semitic Ewok Karaoke open for Shelvers' Local 666 at the Union Hall in '79.)

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Booking Agent, Aero Pinochet at December 01, 2017 04:45 PM (fA1SL)

247 Shaking hands with the Vicar


Feeding the ficus

Checking for change.

Posted by: couch fucker at December 01, 2017 04:45 PM (326rv)

248 >>>Sometimes I've heard them literally plagiarizing themselves by doing jokes I'd heard them do before.

Except for Amy Schumer

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (3/sUh)

249 Michele Obama had the most toned arms. Almost like a man's arms.

Posted by: Sally Kohn at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (3BFzK)

250 247 Shaking hands with the Vicar


Feeding the ficus

Checking for change.
Posted by: couch fucker at December 01, 2017 04:45 PM (326rv)

Milking the one-eyed trouser snake.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (nBr1j)

251 You're not allowed to use the same word twice. Otherwise, plagiary. Get into some pretty obscure locutions after a while.

Hardest hit?

"A," "and," "the" "an."

Posted by: shibumi at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (aT+Bx)

I plagiarize myself plagiarize myself all the time

Posted by: Jimmy Two Times at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (lKyWE)

253 The only country Michelle Obama represented was Myopia.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (oVJmc)

254 247 Shaking hands with the Vicar


Feeding the ficus

Checking for change.

Buffing the scabs

Posted by: Charlie Sheen at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (r9UYA)

255 229 Where were they when Cock Curious kept repeating the dumbass story of a car stuck in a ditch and the GOP was standing around drinking slurpees?

Speaking of the GOP, fuck them also.
Posted by: Captain Hate at December 01, 2017 04:42 PM (y7DUB)


I always have to pause for a brief moment wondering who you mean by "cock curious", then it's, oh, yeah.

Posted by: washrivergal at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (tcwn1)

256 Chris Riotta seems to be a one man (I think he's a guy) advocate for sending Jared Kushner to prison. His twitter feed seems to be all Kushner, all the time.
He goes on and on about Jared Kushner's security clearance.
What's up with that?

Posted by: never enough caffeine at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (N3JsI)

257 "There is a great deal of ruin in a country."

The question is how much of it have we already used up.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at December 01, 2017 04:46 PM (Ktb8D)

258 >>>I think once we nail down Moore's senate seat, it's time for trump to clean house like at the end of The Godfather.

Mueller needs to be gone like Ferris Bueller.

Posted by: Max Power at December 01, 2017 04:47 PM (q177U)

259 It doesn't even seem that long ago when the media was sane-ish.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:47 PM (nBr1j)

260 256: jared kushner stole his virginty.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 01, 2017 04:48 PM (KP5rU)

261 You didn't have to say that twice. I didn't.

Posted by: Guy That Tells The Punch Lines at December 01, 2017 04:48 PM (3BFzK)

262 Except for Amy Schumer! Der-de-der!!!

Posted by: Carlos Mencia at December 01, 2017 04:48 PM (do1hq)

263 Mueller needs to be gone like Ferris Bueller.

Or the shark at the end of Jaws.

/metaphorically of course.

Posted by: shibumi at December 01, 2017 04:48 PM (aT+Bx)

264 Michele Obama had the most toned arms. Almost like a man's arms.

...and black eyes. Lifeless eyes. Like a doll's eyes.

Posted by: Sally Kohn at December 01, 2017 04:48 PM (O5Q3r)

265 This song ain't black or white and as far as I know
Don't infringe on anyone's copyright, so...

Posted by: grammie winger at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM (lwiT4)

266 Hillary, October 5, 2016, 10:00am, Mel's Diner:
"Why am I not 50 points ahead? Trump is a Nazi! Join me in victory!"

Hillary, October 5, 2016, 10:30am, Veterans' Hall:
"Why am I not 50 points ahead? Trump is a Nazi! Join me in victory!"

Hillary, October 5, 2016, 11:15am, Battered Women's Center:
"Why am I not 50 points ahead? Trump is a Nazi! Join me in victory!"

Hillary, October 5, 2016, 12:00pm, Chamber of Commerce:
"Why am I not 50 points ahead? Trump is a Nazi! Join me in victory!"

Hillary, October 5, 2016, 1:00pm, Union Hall:
"Why am I not 50 points ahead? Trump is a Nazi! Join me in victory!"

Media response: "Brilliant stump speech!"

Ivanka, USA, 2017:
"I'm happy to be here today."

Ivanka, India, 2017:
"I'm happy to be here today."

Media response: "PLAGIARISM!!!!!!11!!!1! IMPEACH!!1!1!!!!!

Posted by: zombie at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM (42M22)

267 Mueller needs to be gone like Ferris Bueller.

Or the shark at the end of Jaws.

or the guy in Scanners.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM (r9UYA)

268 He goes on and on about Jared Kushner's security clearance.
What's up with that?"

He tried to hit on Kushner at a party, and was rebuffed.

And by rebuffed, I mean "tossed out on his ass"*

*yeah, I made that up. Just like everything else at newsweek.

Posted by: Anon a mouse at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM (MINbv)

269 Mueller needs to be gone like Ferris Bueller.

Or the shark at the end of Jaws.

Abe Vigoda in The Godfather.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM (6bmev)

270 He goes on and on about Jared Kushner's security clearance.
What's up with that?

Kushner going to prison will incrementally increase everyone else's chance to bone Ivanka.

Posted by: wooga at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (do1hq)

271 michael obama made lawrence taylor look like the pussy he is.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (KP5rU)

272 At the end of this idiotic statement was an editor who said, "Print!".

The people working in the media today are a lot like Lena Dunham.
Posted by: Mr. Peebles
Judging from the inaccuracies and misspellings, I have long suspected writers now self-edit. Especially for on-line content.. they just can't afford good editors any longer, methinks.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (so+oy)

It doesn't even seem that long ago when the media was sane-ish.

I put some of the blame on George "islam is a religion of peace" Bush.

When the president makes it OK to lie over and over and over again, you've set a non-truth precedent.

Posted by: shibumi at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (aT+Bx)

274 I bet that Newsweak guy faped until he bled after putting out that beauty.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (3BFzK)

275 You know that part of Hey Jude where Paul goes "na-na-na, na, na, na..."over and over again. Yep, plagiarism.

And when a baby goes Da-da, the second da is plagiarism.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (nBr1j)

276 I would like to repeat what I said about plagiarism, if you don't mind.

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 04:51 PM (EaQ6/)

277 Michele Obama had the most toned arms. Almost like a man's arms.

All three of them.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 04:51 PM (6bmev)

278 G O O O D


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:40 PM

I could have sworn I heard Snoop Dogg say that she had that tattooed in a very private place. *shudders*

Posted by: Hippies on a hilltop at December 01, 2017 04:51 PM (p+Wdc)

279 He has the hots for Kushner would be my guess. Unrequited passion and all that

Posted by: IC at December 01, 2017 04:51 PM (HWoyC)

280 Putting out a press release.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 04:51 PM (tRaq7)

281 Greene claimed in the lawsuit that another Farenthold aide told her the lawmaker had "sexual fantasies" and "wet dreams" about Greene. She also claimed that Farenthold "regularly drank to excess" and told her in February 2014 that he was "estranged from his wife and had not had sex with her in years."

So this is the standard for "literally raped" now? Telling a co-worker your secretary is hot, drinking alcohol, and confiding in said secretary that you are having marital problems- All 3 at separate times.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 04:51 PM (BoMuO)

282 Somewhere in Heaven, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong are going "what the actual fuck happened down there?!"

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at December 01, 2017 04:43 PM (mbhDw)


Somewhere along the way, rap became gangsta rap. Not a good cultural development. I'll bet the medieval community was worse off than they were when they wrote greensleeves. They embraced a toxic culture. No attempt to reject it.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (/qEW2)

or the guy in Scanners.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM

Oh, I like that idea the best.

/if only we could sell pay per view rights...

Posted by: shibumi at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (aT+Bx)

284 Newsweek, 1964:

Beatles Plagiarize Themselves on Ed Sullivan Show
Played the Same Song They Played at the Cavern Club Two Years Earlier!

Posted by: zombie at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (42M22)

285 Buffing the scabs

Going long on pork futures

Posted by: Stock broker, Chicken choker at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (Q0dwZ)

286 I have long suspected writers now self-edit.

"editing your own copy"

Posted by: moar euphemisms at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (+INtM)

287 >>>or the guy in Scanners.
Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM (r9UYA)

OK, that's what I want. Does Santa do hits? Because that's going on my list this year.

Posted by: Max Power at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (q177U)

288 The left has discovered Elizabeth Warren said she is part Cherokee to get a job, and she lied! She is not Cherokee, or any sort of Native American (provably, anyway).

Hilarity should now ensue.

Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (ylUqT)

289 286 I have long suspected writers now self-edit.

"editing your own copy"
Posted by: moar euphemisms at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (+INtM)

Polishing the phrasing.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (nBr1j)

290 It doesn't even seem that long ago when the media was sane-ish.
Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:47 PM (nBr1j)

I think defending Slick was when their thought processes started getting stuck in loops of dumbfuckery until they went full retard; like that episode of Star Trek when the Shatt fucked with that robot.

Posted by: Captain Hate at December 01, 2017 04:53 PM (y7DUB)

291 Kushner going to prison will incrementally increase everyone else's chance to bone Ivanka.
Posted by: wooga at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (do1hq)

I could do that a couple of times, but that would be plagiarism wouldn't it? Damn!

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 04:53 PM (EaQ6/)

292 So Newsweek thinks that Hillary's $500,000 speeches were all 100% new, fresh material?

LOL dumbasses.

Posted by: Seems Legit at December 01, 2017 04:53 PM (U+nHb)

293 One of my babies blew a raspberry. Then the other one did and I had to spank him and put him in time out for plagiarism.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 04:54 PM (BoMuO)

294 You know that part of Hey Jude where Paul goes "na-na-na, na, na, na..."over and over again. Yep, plagiarism.

And when a baby goes Da-da, the second da is plagiarism.
Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (nBr1j)

"Second verse, same as the first!"


Posted by: filbert at December 01, 2017 04:54 PM (qNDYa)

295 Hey! WTF! I was the king of evil not long ago. Now nobody even mentions my name.

Posted by: Robert E. Lee at December 01, 2017 04:54 PM (yEAdf)

Kushner going to prison will incrementally increase everyone else's chance to bone Ivanka.

Posted by: wooga at December 01, 2017 04:50 PM (do1hq)

I'm dismayed by what is apparently "her type." Where can she really go from Jared? Thinking only that woman Canadian PM.

Posted by: Peaches at December 01, 2017 04:54 PM (14URa)

297 The needs of the many....

Posted by: Zombie Spock at December 01, 2017 04:54 PM (w/UHo)

298 I'm beginning to think super intelligent AI is taking over the world.
The media is its extremely retarded cousin.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (nBr1j)

299 Once your statues are gone, that's it man. Done.

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (EaQ6/)

300 I just came back from JC Penny and have an absolutely fabulous RompHim.

Posted by: Chris Riotta, Writer, Genius, Feminist at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (3BFzK)

301 Did you all watch the Beatles documentary on PBS for the fundraising drive?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (6Ll1u)

302 The left has discovered Elizabeth Warren said she is part Cherokee to get a job, and she lied! She is not Cherokee, or any sort of Native American (provably, anyway).

Hilarity should now ensue.
Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 04:52 PM (ylUqT)


The media would have told me if she was lying about her heritage!


Posted by: Harry Paratestes at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (wmaTe)

303 3 " -- This site cannot be reached"

The error I've been getting since the Tuesday crash, whenever the post's "Comments" link appears in red as "Access Comments."


Posted by: Eleanor, What the Cat Dragged In at December 01, 2017 04:13 PM (QU+qf)

It's the mirror of the regular individual posts server. I get the same error when accessing the RSS feed, it goes to too.

Can pixy update the rss script from to

Posted by: AoSHQ Completist at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (2kiKp)

304 He goes on and on about Jared Kushner's security clearance.

What's up with that?"

I've never understood this obsession either.

This, from the same media that defended Hillary asking her maid to read her Top Secret emails.

Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (ylUqT)

305 My favorite recent bit of madness along these lines was when future-FLILF Melania rick-rolled the Republican Convention.

Top Kek.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Booking Agent, Aero Pinochet at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (fA1SL)

306 I checked out Chris Riotta's pic.

Now I know the identity of Pajama Boy.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:56 PM (ZRC8N)

307 >>>Posted by: zombie at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM (42M22)

*snort* One knows these hypocritical assholes are full of crap, but it's always nice to have documentation.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at December 01, 2017 04:56 PM (/qEW2)

308 Plagiarism is a Big Fucking Deal.

Posted by: Joe Biden at December 01, 2017 04:56 PM (tFHQc)

309 Whatever you do, don't do a Bing search on the author of this Newsweek piece, Chris Riotta.

Unless, that is, you're prepared for FABULOUS!!!
Posted by: Mr. Peebles at December 01, 2017 04:36 PM (oVJmc)

Go to his Instagram page. It tells you all you need to know. A pic is worth a thousand words. So is a tee-shirt. So these are seasoned journalists of today. We are so fvcked.

And what is with his eyebrows? Are they drawn on?

Posted by: Gumdrop Gorilla and Professor Chaos at December 01, 2017 04:56 PM (D8yDa)

310 Sometimes Hillary went
*swig *hic *shart


*hic *swig *shart

And sometimes

*hic *coughcoughcoughcoughcough *shart

And sometimes she just crumpled on the floor in a heap.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 04:56 PM (BoMuO)

311 The media would have told me if she was lying about her heritage!


haha- my favorite part!

Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 04:56 PM (ylUqT)

312 "According to the ad-tracking group Advertising Analytics LLC, Jones' campaign has shoveled $5.6 million into television and radio ads during the general election, compared to about $600,000 by Moore's team. That 10-to-1 advantage for Jones is almost unchanged from two weeks ago," NBC reported on Tuesday.

Goooood. Blow that money.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 04:57 PM (QQ+il)

313 or the guy in Scanners.
Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 04:49 PM

Jennifer O'Neil > Ivanka

just sayin'

Posted by: Hands Solo at December 01, 2017 04:57 PM (EzdLW)

314 306 I checked out Chris Riotta's pic.

Now I know the identity of Pajama Boy.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:56 PM (ZRC8N)

You'd think a mean girl would be, you know, a girl.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 04:57 PM (nBr1j)

315 In reality though, if she did actually re-use some words from a previous speech, I think she should be sent to my room.

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 04:58 PM (EaQ6/)

316 264 "...and black eyes. Lifeless eyes. Like a doll's eyes."

Finally, the Land Shark has been unmasked. And it's a Klingon.

Posted by: OCBill at December 01, 2017 04:58 PM (df+Zi)

317 Kushner going to prison will incrementally increase everyone else's chance to bone Ivanka.

That guy is so totally crooked.

Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 04:58 PM (ylUqT)

318 Just got another scam call telling me unless I call a certain number, the "cops" will be coming to take me into custody.

Call Block. WTF doesn't it work?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:58 PM (ZRC8N)

319 The thing about the "Think Communism" piece of Fauxcahontas is the identity politics whining of the bitch who wrote it.

The only reason she seems to be pissed at Warren is that she hasn't delivered the goods to her "fellow" Indians. As if the whole idea of electing people to the government is to grab as much stuff as possible for their own narrow constituency, as opposed to acting in the best interests of the country as a whole. (I know, I know, but that's how it's supposed to work.)

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 04:59 PM (YqDXo)

320 I think once we nail down Moore's senate seat, it's time for trump to clean house like at the end of The Godfather.

Mueller needs to be gone like Ferris Bueller.

Posted by: Max Power at December 01, 2017 04:47 PM (q177U)

We're doing movie similes? Mueller needs to be taken down, like that magic tree in Avatar. He needs to go down, like the Titanic. He needs to be Terminated, sunk into the Abyss, melted with Alien blood!

Posted by: BurtTC at December 01, 2017 05:00 PM (9chmE)

321 Riotta. It's like he's trying to be a parody of a caricature of a stereotype of a gay man. He should just go all-in and have his Linked-In profile pic be him in a sex swing surrounded by tops.

Posted by: Stock broker, Chicken choker at December 01, 2017 05:00 PM (Q0dwZ)

Corky Corker now says he won't vote for the tax bill

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 05:00 PM (493sH)

323 Can pixy update the rss script from to

Posted by: AoSHQ Completist at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (2kiKp)
Does DOS even do that?

Posted by: Peaches at December 01, 2017 05:00 PM (14URa)

324 the "cops" will be coming to take me into custody.

Keystone or phone?

Posted by: Johnny Fever at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (+INtM)

325 I am NOT pajama boy.

I'm RompHim boy and I do pick up the soap.

Posted by: Chris Riotta, Writer, Genius, Feminist at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (3BFzK)

326 320. Ridden out to Miller's Crossing.

Set-up to meet Johnny Caspar at Tom's apartment.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Booking Agent, Aero Pinochet at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (fA1SL)

327 So when Obama repeated "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" dozens of times across the country, that was plagiarism?

Funny, I thought it was just a f'ing lie.

Posted by: Socratease at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (FqHs5)

328 like that episode of Star Trek when the Shatt fucked with that robot.
Posted by: Captain Hate

there are like 5 episodes like that

Posted by: Butterfly Obama at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (nFwvY)

329 Did you all watch the Beatles documentary on PBS for the fundraising drive?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at December 01, 2017 04:55 PM (6Ll1u)

PBS does fundraising drives now 8 days a week

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (493sH)

330 Corky Corker now says he won't vote for the tax bill

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 05:00 PM (493sH)

One bag o' dicks heading his way now. Eat up, Corky.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (ZRC8N)

331 >>Call Block. WTF doesn't it work?

Verizon call block works. Comcast VOIP is sporadic.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 05:01 PM (r9UYA)

332 the "cops" will be coming to take me into custody.


Even the scammers have outsourced cheap, incompetent labor. Just like the press.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (7ZVPa)

333 I always have to pause for a brief moment wondering who you mean by "cock curious", then it's, oh, yeah.

Posted by: washrivergal

Me too!

Posted by: Cheri at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (oiNtH)

334 323 Can pixy update the rss script from to

Posted by: AoSHQ Completist

Does DOS even do that?
Posted by: Peaches

I think it did it once in 1987.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (6bmev)

335 I think 50% of the country has officially registered with the Us vs Them Party.
The rest belong to Them vs Us.

Posted by: xnycpeasant at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (W/SyC)

Mueller needs to be gone like Ferris Bueller.
Or the shark at the end of Jaws.

or the guy in Scanners.

Or John Cassavetes at the end of The Fury.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (IqV8l)

337 I checked out Chris Riotta's pic.

Gayer than Liberace's hairdresser.

Note that his "beat" - the one he talks about, at any rate - is "the Trump family."


Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (YqDXo)

338 I am breathlessly waiting for Comey's next Bible verse in regards to Ivanka's plagiarism.

Posted by: Cheri at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (oiNtH)

339 People like this Rissota guy have the GOPe intimidated? Sad.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (nBr1j)

340 Calling the cops.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 05:02 PM (tRaq7)

341 Corky Corker now says he won't vote for the tax bill

$10Trillion in deficit spending was fine for Corker. 10.25 is way too much.


Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 05:03 PM (QQ+il)

342 At least the scammer didn't say "po-po." That would have been a dead giveaway.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 05:03 PM (ZRC8N)

343 Can I add a name to the sex offender wish list?

My choice is Roger Gooddell.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 05:04 PM (nBr1j)

344 Also from Chris Riotta: Jared Kushner still hasn't passed the FBI's background check required in order to work in the White House. Security clearance investigators and other officials say he shouldn't be given access to the nation's top secrets.

My God, we wouldn't want anybody in a position of power mishandling top secret information, now would we? Incidentally, I had to renew my secret clearance 2 years ago, they just had an investigator interview me for it last week.

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 05:04 PM (BoMuO)

345 Corky Corker now says he won't vote for the tax bill


But Collins is a yes. Sounds like every prima donna wants some sucking up.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at December 01, 2017 05:04 PM (7ZVPa)

346 Collins is a yes on the tax vote I think. No Dems at all for a yes?

Posted by: IC at December 01, 2017 05:04 PM (HWoyC)

347 339 People like this Rissota guy have the GOPe intimidated? Sad.

Paul Ryan is petrified at the likes of him/her.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 05:04 PM (r9UYA)

348 341. 'I'm talking about.... hell, Leo, I ain't embarrassed to use the word, I'm talkin' about ethics. '

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Booking Agent, Aero Pinochet at December 01, 2017 05:04 PM (fA1SL)

349 I went to an AC/DC concert once.

I was outraged that they plagiarized all of their previously released records!!!

Posted by: Tom Servo at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (k1TUh)

350 Know why they buried Leberace on his stomach?

So his friends could stop by for a cold one.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (3BFzK)

351 The thing about the "Think Communism" piece of Fauxcahontas is the identity politics whining of the bitch who wrote it.

The only reason she seems to be pissed at Warren is that she hasn't delivered the goods to her "fellow" Indians. As if the whole idea of electing people to the government is to grab as much stuff as possible for their own narrow constituency, as opposed to acting in the best interests of the country as a whole. (I know, I know, but that's how it's supposed to work.)
Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 04:59 PM (YqDXo)

Well, representatives are supposed to represent their constituents. Which in Warrens case, would be Massholes, not Cherokees.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (wmaTe)

352 Rockin' the little man in the boat . . .
Posted by: How 'Ettes plagiarize themselves at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (EATOD)

Punching the clown does sound much more romantic.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (IWbvi)

353 OT: So, all these pervy politicians etc. have emboldened the fringe to start bringing up "pizzagate" again. There's a story about someone confronting Hillary today at Gateway Pundit; someone confronted Podesta as well, and he did not enjoy being asked about it during a speech at Duke University.

I suppose the leap from "naked in the office" to "hidden office door locks" to "molesting children" isn't that big.

Posted by: shibumi at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (aT+Bx)

354 I was out and about and listening to FBN. They said that ABC now has changed their story on Flynn....took out 'candidate Trump and it just reads 'Donald Trump.'

Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (Enq6K)

355 If you can't count on a fixed fight, we're back in the jungle.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (QQ+il)

356 by the way, I wanted to post this on the previous thread, and idiot lefty Richard Fowler on Fox's "The Five" juts brought up the Logan Act:

KIM STRASSEL: I think we are having a discussion that is absolutely
divorced from reality this week. It is astonishing. Let me set the scene
for you. It's 2008. We are having an election. And candidate Obama,
he's not even president-elect, sends William Miller over to Iran to
establish a back channel and let the Iranians know that should he win
the election they will have friendlier terms.

Okay, so this is a private citizen going to foreign soil obviously in
order to evade U.S. intelligence monitoring and establishing a back
channel with a sworn enemy of the United States who was actively
disrupting our efforts in the military in the Middle East.
[townhall dot com]

Posted by: mallfly suPreme at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (ILitO)

357 It's a pity that Melania and Ivanka aren't beautiful stylish and classy like Mooch.

Posted by: steevy at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (LiyEm)

358 Sex offender wish list?

Robert Mueller
James Comey

Posted by: shibumi at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (aT+Bx)

359 Didn't Obama meet with Calderon prior to his inauguration in 2009? I'm starting to see the charges of "Logan Act!!!!" "Impeach!!!!" being flitted around on social media.......

Posted by: KWDreaming at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (PafTy)

360 355. * fistbump *

That's a hell of a monologue.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Booking Agent, Aero Pinochet at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (fA1SL)

361 Basting the Baguette

Buttering the Stringbean

Shucking the Peapod

Shucking the Oyster

Posted by: Martha Stewart at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (2Mnv1)

362 Baseball will never be the same. I'll always be sitting by the radio, waiting for the nurse to bring the lunchtime gruel, and the SOB play-by-play guy will say something like, "there are runners at the corners" and I will know that I have heard that before! I won't feel safe.

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (EaQ6/)

363 Two different people, supposedly.. and more likely is someone like Kushner.. I'm sorry, but Trump just wasn't sharp enough or up to speed enough to be thinking of those things during the transition..
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (so+oy)

If the result of this investigation is driving Kushner and Ivanka out of any formal involvement in the Trump administration then it will have been money and time well spent. Maybe a limited club fed stay to kick trumps focus on destroying the swamp up to 11.

Posted by: Keith at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (USf3s)

364 Just saw a bumper sticker on a car,

"NFL go to hell and play the Super Bowl there"

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (6bmev)

365 Rockin' the little man in the boat . . .

Posted by: How 'Ettes plagiarize themselves at December 01, 2017 04:38 PM (EATOD)

types . . . deletes . . .

Posted by: Peaches at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (14URa)

366 I have found some sane Californians - talking about the Stienle case and they were shocked about the verdict. One said not crazy about Trump but this is insane.

Posted by: IC at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (HWoyC)

367 321 Riotta. It's like he's trying to be a parody of a caricature of a stereotype of a gay man.

Excellent description. Either that...or he's also a cross-dresser.

Posted by: Gumdrop Gorilla and Professor Chaos at December 01, 2017 05:07 PM (D8yDa)

368 Well, representatives are supposed to represent their constituents. Which in Warrens case, would be Massholes, not Cherokees.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (wmaTe)

Yep. Actually, both their constituents, and the country as a whole. Not some small subset of their constituents. That's bullshit, IMO.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 05:07 PM (YqDXo)

369 Seinfeld regularly "plagiarized" his standup routine for his sitcom. He also "plagiarized" the Halloween bit from said routine for a children's book some years ago.

Posted by: Pete in Texas at December 01, 2017 05:07 PM (LCERW)

370 353 OT: So, all these pervy politicians etc. have emboldened the fringe to start bringing up "pizzagate" again. There's a story about someone confronting Hillary today at Gateway Pundit; someone confronted Podesta as well, and he did not enjoy being asked about it during a speech at Duke University.

I suppose the leap from "naked in the office" to "hidden office door locks" to "molesting children" isn't that big.
Posted by: shibumi at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (aT+Bx)

Well, to be fair -- why hasn't the media asked Podesta anything about his emails, and what "pizza" was code word for?

I'm thinking he was getting poll results early or something equally corrupt. But I'll roll with "pizza" meaning little boys until someone nails him down on an answer. You know that's about the level of benefit of the doubt the left would give an R.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at December 01, 2017 05:08 PM (wmaTe)

371 359 Didn't Obama meet with Calderon prior to his inauguration in 2009? I'm starting to see the charges of "Logan Act!!!!" "Impeach!!!!" being flitted around on social media.......
Posted by: KWDreaming at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (PafTy

I asked in the last thread. How soon after Obama won in 2008 did he have someone start contacting Iran?

I am willing to accept negative values.

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 05:08 PM (z/Ubi)

372 Just saw a bumper sticker on a car,

"NFL go to hell and play the Super Bowl there"

Love it! I want one.

Posted by: Gumdrop Gorilla and Professor Chaos at December 01, 2017 05:08 PM (D8yDa)

373 Just got another scam call telling me unless I call a certain number, the "cops" will be coming to take me into custody.

Call Block. WTF doesn't it work?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 04:58 PM (ZRC8N)

You: "I am a cop. Where would you like to be incarcerated? I see we have a couple of openings at Gitmo. Will that be single cell or double?"

Posted by: Acme Office Sex Dungeon Outfitters at December 01, 2017 05:09 PM (ajiE5)

374 362 Baseball will never be the same. I'll always be sitting by the radio, waiting for the nurse to bring the lunchtime gruel, and the SOB play-by-play guy will say something like, "there are runners at the corners" and I will know that I have heard that before! I won't feel safe.
Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 05:06 PM (EaQ6/)

Or Softball Girl saying, "He's looking for a pitch to hit."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 05:09 PM (YqDXo)

375 367 321 Riotta. It's like he's trying to be a parody of a caricature of a stereotype of a gay man.

Excellent description. Either that...or he's also a cross-dresser.
Posted by: Gumdrop Gorilla and Professor Chaos at December 01, 2017 05:07 PM (D8yDa)

So you're saying you're skeptical about the claim he's trying to get Jarod out of the way so he can have a shot at Ivanka.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 05:09 PM (nBr1j)

376 Aren't Cherokees in Oklahoma a fairly powerful GOP voting bloc? I seem to recall Fox interviewing some woman who was a Lt. Governor or something and also a big deal in her Tribe talking up Romney in the 2012 election (and fairly hot if memory serves).

Posted by: Barack Obama is a bad, bad man at December 01, 2017 05:09 PM (ylUqT)

377 "
I have found some sane Californians - talking about the Stienle case and
they were shocked about the verdict. One said not crazy about Trump but
this is insane."


I'm sane and trapped behind the lines. About 45% of us here in Kalifornia are sane.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 05:09 PM (3BFzK)

378 a $4.5M 1911. Made of meteorite.

They also sell a Trump .45 model.

Posted by: Under Fire at December 01, 2017 05:09 PM (r9UYA)

379 I was out and about and listening to FBN. They said that ABC now has changed their story on Flynn....took out 'candidate Trump and it just reads 'Donald Trump.'

Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:05 PM (Enq6K)

I saw the headline with Brian Ross and couldn't figure out what it was about. No sound on at work

Posted by: TheQuietMan at December 01, 2017 05:10 PM (493sH)

380 and I'll have you know that I call it Pounding the Pavement, if you get what I mean.

Posted by: Officer Dan at December 01, 2017 05:10 PM (ILitO)

381 Well, to be fair -- why hasn't the media asked Podesta anything about his emails, and what "pizza" was code word for?

The media knows this is FAKE NEWS.

This has all be debunked by Snopes. Plus, I've said it's nothing over and over again.

/now, where is the hankerchief with my young pizza order on it..

Posted by: John 'Pedo' Podesta at December 01, 2017 05:11 PM (aT+Bx)

382 I'm sane and trapped behind the lines. About 45% of us here in Kalifornia are sane.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 05:09 PM (3BFzK)
Like quite a number of people I knew in my 40+ years there, I'm out. When they keep whining about the tax cut and how it will negatively affect them, I keep thinking, good, maybe some of these braindead progtards will quit voting for every state and local tax increase that comes across their ballot. Oh, what am I saying, the SEIU owns California and I don't see that changing anytime soon. So glad to be gone from there and livin' in God's (surprisingly cold) back yard. :-)

Posted by: Peaches at December 01, 2017 05:11 PM (14URa)

383 Petting the Wookie.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 05:13 PM (tRaq7)

384 Stupid way off topic song help question.

No idea how old song is...maybe upwards of 20 years old. Heard it as bumper music on talk radio. Song opens with the same five ascending notes on a bluesy sounding possibly acoustic, backed by a hard drum riff each time. Pop or rock, no idea what the classifications are anymore. Sorry, that's all I got. Ring any bells?

Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 05:13 PM (UW4Uc)

385 The good news is that Americans have the attention span of a gnat. They wouldn't recognize plagiarism if it sat on their face. But they could test that assumption up in my room if they wish.

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 05:14 PM (EaQ6/)

386 Huh. Tucker is on The Five.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 05:14 PM (ZRC8N)

387 double clicking your mouse


Posted by: Hillary at December 01, 2017 05:14 PM (FZYNt)

388 384 Stupid way off topic song help question.

No idea how old song is...maybe upwards of 20 years old. Heard it as bumper music on talk radio. Song opens with the same five ascending notes on a bluesy sounding possibly acoustic, backed by a hard drum riff each time. Pop or rock, no idea what the classifications are anymore. Sorry, that's all I got. Ring any bells?
Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 05:13 PM (UW4Uc)

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 05:14 PM (z/Ubi)

389 doomed - Dennis Prager has his bumper music listed on his web site for his show, try looking it up on talk shows site

Posted by: Skip at December 01, 2017 05:15 PM (aC6Sd)

390 No idea how old song is...maybe upwards of 20 years old. Heard it as bumper music on talk radio. Song opens with the same five ascending notes on a bluesy sounding possibly acoustic, backed by a hard drum riff each time. Pop or rock, no idea what the classifications are anymore. Sorry, that's all I got. Ring any bells?

Got any lyrics? Can you hum a few bars for me?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 05:15 PM (tRaq7)

391 Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 05:14 PM (z/Ubi)

That was the first thing that jumped into my mind

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 05:16 PM (BoMuO)

392 Kurt Schlichter is on FBN. He just said, "Let me give your viewers some free legal advice....TALK TO NO ONE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT! Call your lawyer. Talk to your lawyer and no one else."

Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:16 PM (Enq6K)

393 Shit, I guess as a musician I plagiarizing myself every time I pick up the fucking guitar. Hey media, fucking blow me.

Posted by: Berserker-Dragonheads Divison at December 01, 2017 05:16 PM (aMlLZ)

394 >>Stupid way off topic song help question.

>>No idea how old song is...maybe upwards of 20 years old. Heard it as bumper music on talk radio. Song opens with the same five ascending notes on a bluesy sounding possibly acoustic, backed by a hard drum riff each time. Pop or rock, no idea what the classifications are anymore. Sorry, that's all I got. Ring any bells?

Posted by: Amy Schumer at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (/tuJf)

395 Got any lyrics? Can you hum a few bars for me?

I can name that song in three notes.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (6bmev)

396 Anyone want to make a prediction or two for Rapey Tuesday next week?

I'm crossing my fingers that Murderin' Joe goes completely off the rails, strips naked on air, and yells, "I DID IT! I KILLED A BITCH!" laughs maniacally, and runs off set, leaving Mika stunned and in tears.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (ZRC8N)

397 Never heard any lyrics, that was all of the song that was played (like, 5-6 seconds). Moderately funky sounding, fo sho.

Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (UW4Uc)

398 Pulling the ears off your Gundark.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (tRaq7)

399 Was it the theme song from Half-Life? There was a crowbar solo in that if I recall.

Posted by: goon at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (EaQ6/)

400 394

I asked for that.

Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (UW4Uc)

401 398 Pulling the ears off your Gundark.
Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 05:17 PM (tRaq7)

Giving your droid an oil bath.

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (z/Ubi)

Kurt Schlichter is on FBN. He just said, "Let me give your viewers some
free legal advice....TALK TO NO ONE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT! Call your
lawyer. Talk to your lawyer and no one else."

Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:16 PM (Enq6K)

You'd think people would know this by now.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (ZRC8N)

403 I am certain that every one f Hillary's $300K college speeches was completely original and not boilerplate, warmed-over pablum and folksy cliches that she's been saying for years, decades.

That's why she was paid so well - so she would not "plagiarize" herself, amirite?

Posted by: Lizzy at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (W+vEI)

404 That whole San Francisco trial was thrown out by the jury and turned into a verdict on Leftist no borders view

Posted by: Skip at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (aC6Sd)

405 I like to playgiarize myself in front of women.

Posted by: Louis C.K. at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (HgMAr)

406 Has anyone pointed out that Bernie Sanders has been giving the same stump speech for 30 years? Literally word for word.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (63oy9)

407 Remember that white woman who pretended to be black was a NAACP head honcho? She is on my flight. She is whiter than white LOL.and she has a kid, blue eyes and blond.

Posted by: #neverskankles at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (2/YzP)

408 >>I asked for that.

You did. It was a hanging curve right over the middle.

Posted by: JackStraw at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (/tuJf)

409 Didn't ace do a whole piece on Star Wars euphemisms for masturbation?

Posted by: steevy at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (LiyEm)

Louis and I made a bet. I said Newsweek's staff was dumber than a stump and Louis said they were dumber than a box of rocks. Louis won -- one dollar!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 01, 2017 05:19 PM (pNxlR)

411 I have found some sane Californians - talking about the Stienle case and they were shocked about the verdict. One said not crazy about Trump but this is insane.
Posted by: IC

I can't imagine what her family is going through right now and it makes me sick. The asshole defense attorney responded to Trump's tweet about the verdict:

"For those who might criticize this verdict, there are a number of people who have commented on this case in the last couple of years....let me just remind them they are themselves under investigation by a special prosecutor in Washington, D.D., and they may soon avail themselves of the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, so I ask that they reflect on that before they comment or disparage the results of this case"

Your client was identified by many witnesses that day. Your client signed a confession. Your client's gun was the same one that killed Kate.

Posted by: Cheri at December 01, 2017 05:19 PM (oiNtH)

412 408 >>I asked for that.

You did. It was a hanging curve right over the middle.
Posted by: JackStraw

and you banged it off the jumbotron

Posted by: Rick in SK at December 01, 2017 05:19 PM (FZYNt)

413 408 >>I asked for that.

You did. It was a hanging curve right over the middle.
Posted by: JackStraw at December 01, 2017 05:18 PM (/tuJf)

London Boys would have been better though.

Posted by: buzzion - guess my sign at December 01, 2017 05:20 PM (z/Ubi)

414 392 Kurt Schlichter is on FBN. He just said, "Let me give your viewers some free legal advice....TALK TO NO ONE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT! Call your lawyer. Talk to your lawyer and no one else."
Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:16 PM (Enq6K)

On this topic:

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 05:20 PM (YqDXo)

415 Why yes,it is right there ,a Top Ten.

Posted by: steevy at December 01, 2017 05:20 PM (LiyEm)

416 >>Anyone want to make a prediction or two for Rapey Tuesday next week?

Hoping that some of Joss Whedon's women come forward and tells how he pressured them into sleeping with him.

In media, maybe one of the young turks?

Posted by: Lizzy at December 01, 2017 05:20 PM (W+vEI)

417 Remember that white woman who pretended to be black was a NAACP head honcho? She is on my flight. She is whiter than white LOL.and she has a kid, blue eyes and blond.

Rachel Dolazel (sp?)

Ask her how Talcum X is.

Posted by: rickb223 at December 01, 2017 05:21 PM (6bmev)

418 Remember that white woman who pretended to be black was a NAACP head honcho? She is on my flight. She is whiter than white LOL.and she has a kid, blue eyes and blond.
Posted by: #neverskankles

You mean 'Aint Jemima?

Posted by: Cheri at December 01, 2017 05:21 PM (oiNtH)

419 One of the main things that pushes me over 50% in believing pizzagate is how fast the FNM debunked it.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 05:21 PM (3BFzK)

420 Didn't ace do a whole piece on Star Wars euphemisms for masturbation?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

OK. Back to business....

Wrangling the old Tauntaun.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 05:21 PM (tRaq7)

421 Hoping that some of Joss Whedon's women come forward and tells how he pressured them into sleeping with him.

In media, maybe one of the young turks?
Posted by: Lizzy at December 01, 2017 05:20 PM (W+vEI)

Isn't Whedon teh ghey?

Posted by: filbert at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (qNDYa)

422 Song sounds similar to this opening, but more in your face.

Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (UW4Uc)

423 Bought one gift on Amazon, and two for myself.


Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (ZRC8N)

424 I appreciate all the "don't talk to the cops, call your lawyer" advice today, but at the risk of sounding naive or stupid, what about those of us who don't, you know, actually have a lawyer? And can't afford one anyway?

Not being snarky, just uneducated and want an answer. The "call your lawyer" advice seems to assume everyone has a lawyer.

Posted by: Hands Solo at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (EzdLW)

425 392 Kurt Schlichter is on FBN. He just said, "Let me give your viewers some free legal advice....TALK TO NO ONE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT! Call your lawyer. Talk to your lawyer and no one else."
Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:16 PM (Enq6K)

I read that advice in a book called, I believe, Pre-Suasion. Never talk to police without your lawyer even when you know you had absolutely nothing to do with whatever they're investigating.
Also never let them seat you in the interview room so that you are facing the camera directly. It makes you look guilty.

Posted by: Northernlurker, the lurkingest lurker of the north. Still proudly lurking. at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (nBr1j)

426 I don't care if Pizzagate is legit or not, if we can use it to pummel the Left into extinction, have at...

Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (AM1GF)

427 Choking the Ewok?

Posted by: JAS at December 01, 2017 05:23 PM (7JbXq)

428 "Kurt Schlichter is on FBN. He just said, "Let me give your viewers some

free legal advice....TALK TO NO ONE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT! Call your

lawyer. Talk to your lawyer and no one else."


I learned that rule from a Homicide Life on the Street episode. The police are not your friends. The police do not want to help you.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 05:24 PM (3BFzK)

429 Bernie's stump speach was given by Vladimir Lenin, he's been plagiarizing it for 30 years

Posted by: Skip at December 01, 2017 05:24 PM (aC6Sd)

Beating the Bishop.

Boppin' the bishop.

Posted by: Half Senile Soothsayer -- Fake Commenter at December 01, 2017 05:24 PM (1RgPf)

431 Isn't Whedon teh ghey?

Posted by: filbert at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (qNDYa)

No but he does resemble a penis.

Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 05:25 PM (3BFzK)

432 Psssstttt....
I heard the wife of the Newsweek editor is a thespian.

Posted by: Diogenes at December 01, 2017 04:15 PM (aldSv)

(Also whispering)

I also heard that the Newsweek editor himself masticates at least a couple of times a day...

Posted by: The Oort Cloud - Source of all SMODs at December 01, 2017 05:25 PM (Or7KF)

433 Drums sound even more like this, but this ain't it either.

Posted by: doomed at December 01, 2017 05:25 PM (UW4Uc)

434 Hillary had a nice conversation with the FBI, it wasso nice no one thought to record it

Posted by: Skip at December 01, 2017 05:25 PM (aC6Sd)

435 My God, we wouldn't want anybody in a position of power mishandling top secret information, now would we? Incidentally, I had to renew my secret clearance 2 years ago, they just had an investigator interview me for it last week.
Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at December 01, 2017 05:04 PM (BoMuO)

I had an active secret clearance for over twenty years until somebody finally figured out about a year ago that I didn't handle classified materials for almost twenty years and suspended it. Then a couple of months later sent me a confidentiality agreement and assorted bs. Haven't heard back since simply replying that I haven't handled classified materials in almost twenty years and it is not a job requirement....

My guess is some boss liked to bang his drum about how many people his company has with clearances until somebody with the means fact checked him.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 01, 2017 05:25 PM (IWbvi)

436 Bought one gift on Amazon, and two for myself.
By Jane d'oh
That's a pretty good ratio. I try to keep it below 1 to 3 myself...

Posted by: lin-duh at December 01, 2017 05:26 PM (kufk0)

437 187. Silly girl, you are supposed to plagiarize other people. Now come here and let Uncle Joe sniff your hair.
Posted by: Uncle Joe at December 01, 2017 04:37 PM (BoMuO)
...and rub your shoulders...

Posted by: LASue at December 01, 2017 05:26 PM (Mjus2)

438 >>>I don't care if Pizzagate is legit or not, if we can use it to pummel the Left into extinction, have at..

More Wile E Coyote Sooper Genius advice.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy - Ho Ho Hoing to the Holidays at December 01, 2017 05:26 PM (gYDjB)

439 >>Isn't Whedon teh ghey?

Nope. And he was outed by his ex-wife before the Weinstein story.
He had an excellent reputation as a feminist writer/director and - unexpectedly! - it turns out it was a total sham. He pressures actresses he worked with to sleep with him.

This is brutal:

Posted by: Lizzy at December 01, 2017 05:26 PM (W+vEI)

440 That's a pretty good ratio. I try to keep it below 1 to 3 myself...

Posted by: lin-duh at December 01, 2017 05:26 PM (kufk0)


Posted by: Jane D'oh at December 01, 2017 05:26 PM (ZRC8N)

441 Strangling Jabba the Hutt.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at December 01, 2017 05:27 PM (tRaq7)

442 OT- I wonder if Allen West would be willing to run for Barton's seat?

Posted by: Ben Had at December 01, 2017 05:27 PM (ub0Rx)

443 I bait the Russell Simmons hook, and the horde does not fail me. Love this place.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at December 01, 2017 05:28 PM (tbOMB)

444 Rachel is selling lolly pops I think, in all sorts of flavors

Posted by: Skip at December 01, 2017 05:28 PM (aC6Sd)

445 >>Bought one gift on Amazon, and two for myself.


Been there, done that.

Posted by: Lizzy at December 01, 2017 05:29 PM (W+vEI)

446 Nood

Posted by: lin-duh at December 01, 2017 05:30 PM (kufk0)

447 Isn't Whedon teh ghey?

Posted by: filbert at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (qNDYa)

No but he does resemble a penis.
Posted by: Jukin the Deplorable and Profoundly Unserious at December 01, 2017 05:25 PM (3BFzK)

Damn, it's gettin' hard to keep track of all the sleaze, ain't it?

Posted by: filbert at December 01, 2017 05:30 PM (qNDYa)

448 Newsweak is trying to make Ivanka look bad, and truthfully it's not her best picture, yet she's still pretty. Fail.
You'd have to be Kevin Spacey not to rate her a 1 on the ScoggDog binary.

Drudge's headline concerning Flynn is Huge. Everyone seems to think this is a big deal and the beginning of the end for Trump et al.
No such concern seems to be apparent here.

Posted by: OneEyedJack at December 01, 2017 05:31 PM (z79tQ)

449 Arresting the Riddler is what Ace calls it.

Posted by: garrett at December 01, 2017 05:31 PM (tFHQc)

450 Actually, "plagerizing" is what Stephen King calls those times where he gets blackout drunk and wakes up with a shitty manuscript on his typewriter and typewriter ribbon wrapped tightly around his tiny little liberal dick.

Posted by: Sharkman at December 01, 2017 05:32 PM (BfOXk)

If you haven't heard or seen it and can stomach it, the reaction on The Spew today to the Flynn announcement is as profound a display of rank ignorance as I have ever encountered.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at December 01, 2017 05:33 PM (pNxlR)

452 Bought one gift on Amazon, and two for myself.

Hope the delivery driver does not leave a gift in your driveway.

Posted by: Bicentennialguy at December 01, 2017 05:33 PM (nILVB)

453 I remember a few years back, AoSHQ posted a link to a YouTube video that was a supercut of all the times that President Barack Obama said the exact same things to visiting ambassadors.

Ah, just Google for "barack obama punches above its weight" and it's easy to find:

It would be silly to accuse Obama of self-plagiarizing but it's the simple truth to say this is incredibly lazy, to just say the exact same words to country after country and figure nobody will notice. Anyway, it's yet another example of the MFM's double standards.

Posted by: mr_jack at December 01, 2017 05:34 PM (M59SC)

454 Basically the medias has decided that it is their responsibility to deny Trump and by extension his family any recognition or joy.

The are evil and vindictive cunts.

Posted by: Kreplach at December 01, 2017 05:34 PM (w5zx2)

455 On this topic:

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at December 01, 2017 05:20 PM (YqDXo)

Love it! Only got 7 mins. into it. Cooking dinner...will watch the rest later on.

I talk to my lawyer 24/7/365.

Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:37 PM (Enq6K)

456 >>>>Drudge's headline concerning Flynn is Huge. Everyone seems to think
this is a big deal and the beginning of the end for Trump et al.

No such concern seems to be apparent here.
.Because it's not a big deal. There was no collusion to rob hillary of the election and Trump was doing his job.

The left is getting a case of the vapors because they think flynn is going to turn on Trump and make stuff up, Trump and Pence will get impeached and somehow hillary will become President. I have seen two tweets saying that very thing already.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at December 01, 2017 05:37 PM (+Dllb)

457 I have seen two tweets saying that very thing already.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at December 01, 2017 05:37 PM (+Dllb)

Please tell me you tweeted back, "That's not how this work...That's not how any of this works."

Posted by: Tami at December 01, 2017 05:41 PM (Enq6K)

458 Drudge's headline concerning Flynn is Huge. Everyone seems to think this is a big deal and the beginning of the end for Trump et al.
No such concern seems to be apparent here.
Posted by: OneEyedJack at December 01, 2017 05:31 PM (z79tQ)


Posted by: Burnt Toast at December 01, 2017 05:48 PM (IWbvi)

459 Isaac Asimov plagiarized the hell out of himself: he wrote a number of speeches which he gave over and over to different audiences. Let the condemnations begin!

Posted by: Pst314 at December 01, 2017 06:13 PM (2KqaE)

460 Plagiarize!

Posted by: Lobachevsky at December 01, 2017 06:15 PM (2KqaE)

461 as stated on a previous thread, if one submits the same work in separate courses without the permission of both instructors then one is indeed plagiarizing oneself. The ultimate question in re being accused of plagiarism is whether or not one is engaging in intellectual dishonesty.

Posted by: I have never been so disgusted in you people at December 01, 2017 06:43 PM (c5fch)

462 426 I don't care if Pizzagate is legit or not, if we can use it to pummel the Left into extinction, have at...
Posted by: Brother Cavil, Abbot of St. Costello-on-the-Hurlingbone at December 01, 2017 05:22 PM (AM1GF)

No. The truth matters. Especially when the lie discredits any other truth you may have.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at December 01, 2017 06:48 PM (63oy9)

463 I know this is the wrong thread but grabagun has the Ruger Precision Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor with the 24" barrel on sale for $999. That is f'ing insane. The .308 with 20" is the same price.

Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at December 01, 2017 06:53 PM (63oy9)

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