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Thursday Overnight Open Thread (2/9/17) Fast & Loose With The Facts Edition

The ONT received the following from Speaker of The House Paul Ryan this past week. His letter was dated February 1, 2017.

Dear Misanthropic Humanitarian:

The people of Wisconsin have spoken.

With a loud, clear, conservative voice on Election Day, Wisconsinites shocked the political world by electing Republicans with a mandate to:

Aim High. Be Bold. Go Big. GET RESULTS!!

[May I interject? That was my first laugh.]

We have a new President, a unified Republican government, and a new beginning.

[Several paragraphs of babble and begging for money]

During President Obama's eight years in office, we were subjected to broken promises, failed policies at home, and the loss of respect for our country around the world.

Our country was going the wrong way (and fast).
We have to fix that. And WE WILL!

We're acting quickly to repeal and replace ObamaCare.

[That sentence earned my first utterance of Bullshit]

[Several more paragraphs of hoo-rah]

We've tried health care the Washington Way.

Now let's do it the American Way by replacing ObamaCare with patient-centered system with more choices, better services and lower costs.

I want to give you back the control that ObamaCare took away from you.

[Another page and a half of campaign rhetoric, begging for money, proud of having my help yadda, yadda, yadda. ]

Nothing will stop us.

Sincerely Yours,

Paul Ryan
Wisconsin Congressman
House Speaker

PS. [Blah, blah, blah and blah]


Yes, fast and loose with the facts. Just exactly were you Republican (?) folks doing while TFG was in the White House. You brought how many bills to repeal Obamacare, but you didn't have anything ready to go? Games, it's all fun and games until you have a chance to "govern".

So repeal and replace ehh Congressman? My response Congressman.

Quotes of The Day

Quote I

There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress. -Mark Twain

Quote II

The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville

Quote III

The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets.- Will Rogers

Quote IV

Americans have a lower opinion of Congress than they do of the NFL replacement refs, head lice, traffic jams, cockroaches and even the group to which yours truly belongs - Washington political pundits.- Juan Williams

Juan, The ONT believes you are tied about right now.


A UFM (Unidentified Flying Moron) submitted this to The ONT. He received this letter from the president of the company.

Dear Peetniks,

In light of recent events, I’m reaching out to reaffirm our values and beliefs as a company. Peet’s is and always will be a place of inclusion and community. Our Peet’s family is made up of a vibrant mix of people from many walks of life, beliefs and backgrounds, and it is this diversity that makes us so special. We source coffee from 25 countries around the world, and have established mutually beneficial long-term relationships based on trust and respect for different people and cultures.

In these times of uncertainty, we stand strong in our dedication to equality. We do not accept intolerance or discrimination. We do not waver in our commitment to our team members, customers and communities in which we live and work to provide a safe, tolerant and welcoming place. Our doors are open to you - no matter what country you hail from, your spiritual beliefs, the color of your skin or whom you love. That is how Peet’s began more than 50 years ago -- when we were founded by a Dutch immigrant -- and it is this ethos that still drives us today and is a source of such pride. As such, we are committed to doing the right thing, and we will not be shaken in our quest to be a beacon of equality and tolerance.

Thankfully, there are guardians of liberty in these uncertain times. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is organizing lawyers throughout the country to defend the country’s civic values and the human rights of our citizens. The ACLU is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with no political affiliation dedicated to defending the most vulnerable in our society.

In parallel with a national coffee fundraiser taking place this weekend and supported by scores of coffee companies, Peet’s will be making a $25,000 donation to the ACLU on behalf of all of our Peetniks. Through this campaign, we hope to contribute to an effort that is about equality and creating a world built on tolerance, inclusion and community.

Be assured that we stand together and hold true to our values.

Thanks for making Peet’s such a great place to work.

Peet's is the owner of Caribou Coffee. What is wrong with this employer's letter?

Screw Starbucks, shove it Caribou. My coffee allegiance belongs to Black Rifle Coffee Company.

"If the CEO of Starbucks is going to push press releases with a political agenda, I'll be the counterpoint. I'll be the conservative option.

My intention isn't to defame Howard Schultz. Starbucks is a great company for its employees. But Schultz has openly said that he doesn't want the business of conservatives. I don't like his political agenda. So I'll supply coffee to the people that he doesn't want to.

And I know Starbucks is hiring a PR company to defame Black Rifle. They are going to go after my company and tell people that I can't do what I said I would. They plan to do it through proxies with social media pundits and a few news outlets. And it just continues to get unraveled more about why people shouldn't do business with them."

Usually The ONT stays away from business promotion. But not tonight. C'mon Morons let's help this guy's business.

Hmmmm. Debbie Blabber Mouth Wasserman Schultz is in the news again.It seems as if one of her aides is under criminal investigation.

After her embarrassing resignation from her role as DNC chair, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz hid from the spotlight for months. However, she is back, and, once again, linked to a corruption scandal.

Politico reported on February 6 that Imran Awan, who is currently employed by Wasserman Schultz, is under criminal investigation for “wide-range equipment and data theft.” Wasserman Schultz’s communications director provided Politico with few details into the investigation and refused to answer any followup questions.

Is he serious? Or is he just an attention whore? Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) introduced a bill (HR 899) Tuesday that contains just one single sentence “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.”

Block grants to states and local control would be a wonderful thing.

Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.Law being drafted to protect free speech on college campuses.

Draft legislation has been published with the aim of guaranteeing free speech in US college campuses.

The proposals would attempt to reinstate free expression by stopping institutions from disinviting controversial speakers, and explicitly teaching students that universities exist to uphold the First Amendment.

The new rules were published last week by the Goldwater Institute think tank, with the aim of forming a model for state legislatures to debate, amend and pass.



Red country, blue country, multiple color country? The country divided by football loyalty.


How crappy was your first car? Was it a Porta-Potty on wheels?


If you find yourself travelling in Nevada and your vehicle breaks down in Tonopah. Don't sweat it. The creepiest motel in America is waiting for you.

Mixed marriages don't always work. Something tells me there were more troubles here than a Clinton/Trump household. Just spitballin'.

Burning passions over Donald Trump's presidency are taking a personal toll on both sides of the political divide. For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.

Splitting up that State Employee Pension is going to be sweet.

The ONT Geography Lesson


The ONT Musical Interlude

Carole King is celebrating a birthday today. She was born February 9, 1943.

Certified Gold on this day in 1970, Sly and the Family Stone's "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)"


Meet the Peruvian Nuns who rock. No, not that Peruvia. Wonder what the roadies say when they drop one of those Marshall's on their feet? Oh gosh darn that super smarts?

Quite the cargo. Canada air drops wild bison in Banff National Park.

These are the first wild bison to set hooves down in Banff National Park in well over a century, after their forebears were over-hunted nearly to the point of extinction during the 1800s. They don't have free range of the park at this point, and will remain in an enclosed pasture in order to acclimate to the new surroundings. Wildlife experts have tagged the herd and will closely monitor its behavior over the next year to make sure the reintroduction process continues smoothly

Ingestible batteries are invented.

Researchers at MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have recently invented a breakthrough device that could make that super-targeted treatment much safer. It's an ingestible battery. Yes, it can be swallowed, unlike the button cell batteries of death all around your house. And more than that, it is actually powered by the acids in the stomach, allowing it to reside safely in your gastrointestinal tract for several days.

“A big challenge in implantable medical devices involves managing energy generation, conversion, storage, and utilization. This work allows us to envision new medical devices where the body itself contributes to energy generation enabling a fully self-sustaining system,” said Anantha Chandrakasan, head of MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Sometimes it is better to turn the other cheek and not be Genius Award Winner.

Tonight's Feel Good Story of The Day.

Tonight's ONT has been brought to you by Customization Fail.

van sliding doors.jpg

Notice: Posted with permission by AceCorp, LLC. Thursday is for quitters.

THe Group, neither do they fail or quit.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at 10:20 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Sorry Slap.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 10:15 PM (R3Jti)

2 Just flew in, and boy are my arms tired.

Posted by: an indifferent penguin at February 09, 2017 10:15 PM (tyrWm)

3 And I guess that's how I missed out on first.

Posted by: an indifferent penguin at February 09, 2017 10:15 PM (tyrWm)

4 Fast. Loose. What's not to love?

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at February 09, 2017 10:16 PM (tHwdc)

5 Is that Paul Ryan thing a real letter? If not, when did the National Lampoon go back into print?

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 09, 2017 10:17 PM (MZcWR)

6 Good, Better, Best.

Posted by: gNewt at February 09, 2017 10:17 PM (NWEal)

7 Somethin inside has died and I can't hide and I just can't fake it.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at February 09, 2017 10:18 PM (tHwdc)

8 Another good one MH. I can now say I remember him when.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:18 PM (KP5rU)

9 ICE is raiding homes and rounding up illegals in LA

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 09, 2017 10:19 PM (Om16U)

10 This is a dinger of an ONT, MisHum!

Posted by: Duncanthrax at February 09, 2017 10:19 PM (DMUuz)

11 2780th!

Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at February 09, 2017 10:19 PM (nDcc3)

12 Yea, ONT!

Now off to read all the things.

Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 10:20 PM (/B6Iw)

13 Punishment: For Incorrect Costumes; for Incorrect Viewpoints; and for Incorrect Thoughts

The focus this time: "Think as I think" said a man, "or you are abominably wicked; you are a toad."


Posted by: The Political Hat at February 09, 2017 10:20 PM (vBeA5)

14 Repeal and Replace.

Because Republicans can do government-run health care better than the Democrats.


Posted by: rickl at February 09, 2017 10:20 PM (sdi6R)

15 Classic - poolside - Return of the Pink Panther

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at February 09, 2017 10:20 PM (tHwdc)

16 9; Still winning.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:21 PM (KP5rU)

17 The Ryan letter is real

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 09, 2017 10:21 PM (voOPb)

18 I was hoping for an Ace ONT.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:21 PM (WQ9DL)

19 I think it's nice that Paul Ryan writes personalized letters to you, MisHum.

Posted by: bluebell at February 09, 2017 10:21 PM (sBOL1)

20 Man, Cleveland sucks so bad they only have loyalty in Ohio. Even Cincy has a fanbase in Kentucky.

Posted by: buzzion at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (z/Ubi)

21 Saved this one for the ont...

Posted by: davidt at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (XoldI)


Real or fake?

GLADSTONE, Miss. (KSHB) - A 19-year-old Missouri woman whose family emigrated from Mexico says she was the target of harassment while she was exercising last Thursday.

Jessica Diaz said she was out for a run when a man pulled up next to her.

"He rolls down his window, he looks at me, and tells me 'I didn't know there was any illegals living in this neighborhood'," she explained. "He then spat on my face and told me to go back to my country."

She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard.

The incident left Diaz shocked and saddened moments after it happened.

"I just stood there. I couldn't believe it had just happened to me," she said. "I walked back home and I cried. That's all I could do."

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (IqV8l)

23 17; Is he coming to a MoMe.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (KP5rU)

24 Holy sh*t - it's full of content!

We're not worthy- but Thank You, MisHum!!

Posted by: ibguy at February 09, 2017 10:23 PM (vUcdz)

25 @9 ICE is raiding homes and rounding up illegals in LA


Posted by: junior at February 09, 2017 10:23 PM (nsZ+m)

26 Baby Sister Update:

Some good news.

Got confirmation from Hubby that Joyce starts Avastin on the 13th. This was somewhat of a challenge b/c of insurance.

It's important because at one of Monday's appointments the doc indicated that it's really a necessity now if her treatment is "to go forward."

Baruch HaShem.

And, of course, prayers most welcome.

Posted by: ibguy at February 09, 2017 10:23 PM (vUcdz)

27 JACKSON, Miss. (AP) - Mississippi lawmakers are advancing a proposal to add firing squad, electrocution and gas chamber as execution methods in case a court blocks the use of lethal injection drugs.

Republican Rep. Andy Gipson says House Bill 638 is a response to lawsuits by "liberal, left-wing radicals."

... I wonder why they didn't consider draw-and-quarter

Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at February 09, 2017 10:24 PM (e8kgV)

28 The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money. -Alexis de Tocqueville


He never said it.

He should have because it's a good quote, but it isn't his.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 10:24 PM (R+30W)

29 >>The Ryan letter is real

There is no spoon.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:24 PM (WQ9DL)

30 Clearly smells like astroturf, but Soros is getting his money's worth while demonstrating organizational ability and aggressive though useful political optics.

Don't see a lot of GOP House members holding townhalls anytime soon.

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 09, 2017 10:24 PM (vBeA5)

31 Evening all.

Posted by: Name Changed To Protect The Innocent at February 09, 2017 10:24 PM (CzP4C)

32 22: Never fucking happened. Those guys always wear Trump t-shirts. Lying bitch.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:24 PM (KP5rU)

33 The NHS is so entrenched in England that all the Conservatives have to run on is that they can administer it better than Labour.

Eliminating the NHS and privatizing health care is literally unimaginable.

Posted by: rickl at February 09, 2017 10:24 PM (sdi6R)

34 Sly and the Family Stone was good music for white boys in Georgia.

Posted by: Eromero at February 09, 2017 10:25 PM (zLDYs)

35 Yay, ibguy! Good news indeed.

Posted by: bluebell at February 09, 2017 10:25 PM (sBOL1)

36 What's the definition of navigible as far as rivers goes?

I know that in the 19th century steamboats navigated the Red River (the easter "boarder" of North Dakota), and some went north to Winnipeg.

Oh, and yo!

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:26 PM (GsAUU)

37 "I just stood there. I couldn't believe it had just happened to me," she said.

... neither can I.

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 09, 2017 10:26 PM (sK2fh)

38 if the sun refused to shine
I don't mind
I don't mind
if the mountains fell in the sea
let it be
it ain't me
got my own world to live through and I ain't gonna copy you

now if 6 turn out to be 9
I don't mind
I don't mind
if all the hippies cut off all their hair
I don't care
I don't care
'cuz I got my own world to live through and I ain't gonna copy you

white collar conservative flashing down the street
pointing their plastic finger at me
join them I'd sooner drop or die
but I'm gonna wear my freak flag high

fall on , just don't fall on me
businessman, you can't dress like me
nobody know what they're talking about
I got my own life to live
I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die
so let me live my life
the way I want to
sing on, brother
play on, drums

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 09, 2017 10:26 PM (u8kLQ)

39 There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress. -Mark Twain

And the federal judiciary. And the leeches in the EPA. And the scumbags in the State Department. And the crapheads in the SEC. ...

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:26 PM (zc3Db)

40 >>What's the definition of navigible as far as rivers goes?

If you can get a canoe down it, it's navigable.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:27 PM (WQ9DL)

41 hey, that's MY car!

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at February 09, 2017 10:27 PM (R8HLg)

42 Damn, MH. Massively epic content.

"The proposals would attempt to reinstate free expression by stopping institutions from disinviting controversial speakers, and explicitly teaching students that universities exist to uphold the First Amendment."

Interestingly, from the 50's through the late 60's UNC had a ban on commie speakers. BUT, it was rescinded because 'free speech'. Oddly, once in control, the Lefties are happily banning speech which they find inconvenient.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:27 PM (ZO497)

43 Hiya.

Posted by: Insomniac at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (0mRoj)

44 First car: 1951 Plymouth

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (ZO497)

45 why the bitching about firing squads. they are far preferable to being strapped down and slowly gassed or drugged. who would choose something else?

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (cPsPa)

46 36 What's the definition of navigible as far as rivers goes?

I know that in the 19th century steamboats navigated the Red River (the easter "boarder" of North Dakota), and some went north to Winnipeg.

Oh, and yo!
Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:26 PM (GsAUU)

EPA Regs say if you can get your feet wet it is navigatable.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (P/kVC)

47 44; Damn, Hammer, you were stylin.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:29 PM (KP5rU)

48 How old is that NFL map? St. Louis didn't even have a team last year.

Posted by: tu3031 at February 09, 2017 10:29 PM (qJhUV)

49 44 First car: 1951 Plymouth
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (ZO497)

1962 VW Beetle.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 10:29 PM (R5EqA)

50 Misanthropic Humanitarian?

Never heard of him.

Posted by: Charlie Gibson at February 09, 2017 10:29 PM (S6Pax)

51 >>>"He rolls down his window, he looks at me, and tells me 'I didn't know
there was any illegals living in this neighborhood'," she explained. "He
then spat on my face and told me to go back to my country."

Happened to me too. Honest.

Posted by: civil rights hero John Lewis at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (tyrWm)

52 First car was a 1983 Mustang GT Convertible.

I was 14.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (WQ9DL)

53 45
why the bitching about firing squads. they are far preferable to being
strapped down and slowly gassed or drugged. who would choose something

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (cPsPa)


Posted by: Frye at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (XoldI)

And, of course, prayers most welcome.
Posted by: ibguy at February 09, 2017 10:23 PM (vUcdz)

--Thanks for the good news!

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (GsAUU)

55 Hey everybody.

My first car was a 1985 Honda Civic CRX.
I loved that thing.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (u8kLQ)

56 1975 Mustang II Mach I, which somehow, should be a III

Posted by: blaster at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (HV1LS)

57 Hot Fun in the Summertime if I want to

Posted by: Adrian Lyn at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (M3DRt)

58 The NHS is so entrenched in England that all the Conservatives have to run on is that they can administer it better than Labour.
Once the tentacles of the central state have made their way into the system, they are nearly impossible to remove. And they continue to grow.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:30 PM (ZO497)

59 Mike Hammer @ 44- first car....
Was it a Fluid Drive?

Posted by: Eromero at February 09, 2017 10:31 PM (zLDYs)

60 Our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves.Law being drafted to protect free speech on college campuses.

Someone in Tennessee's state legislature just introduce that bill. It is called "The MILO Bill"

Posted by: buzzion at February 09, 2017 10:31 PM (z/Ubi)

61 >>>Hiya.

Posted by: Insomniac at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (0mRoj)<<<

Sssshhhh. Keep it down. I'm sniping here.

Posted by: Simo at February 09, 2017 10:31 PM (tyrWm)

62 So ... what do we think regarding the 9th Circuit ruling ?

I know what I think.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 10:31 PM (fiGNd)

63 39 There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress. -Mark Twain

And the federal judiciary. And the leeches in the EPA. And the scumbags in the State Department. And the crapheads in the SEC. ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:26 PM (zc3Db)

--I think Vanderbilt is okay.

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:32 PM (GsAUU)

64 So many freakin things.

I'm whelmed.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:32 PM (qUNWi)

65 They didn't drop the bison in Banff. They "dropped them off."
Not quite the same thing at all. I was thinking, harnesses, dude, wow.

Vivid Map Company spells "borders" as "boarders." I'm sure I'll cite them in my next thesis.

I don't understand things like that football map. If you live in a county, do they issue you fan gear, and you have to, like that team? Where I am, there are people liking a lot of different teams. Kind of makes it fun. No notes on the methodology, but I guess, they take some kind of survey, and whoever is the biggest group gets the color code? That's a certain kind of thinking, it is, and it's the kind that makes some Morons wish death and destruction on whole states where they know damn well their friends and relatives live. Because "map code color!" I guess some people think like that. Don't like it.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 10:32 PM (H5rtT)

66 She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard.

Yeah, Santa Claus is a real asshole when he's on vacation.

Posted by: tu3031 at February 09, 2017 10:33 PM (qJhUV)

67 Someone in Tennessee's state legislature just introduce that bill. It is called "The MILO Bill"

Posted by: buzzion at February 09, 2017 10:31 PM (z/Ubi)

If Milo is not American (as people have said - British or something) then he has no First Amendment rights.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:33 PM (zc3Db)

68 *waves to fellow ONTers*

Posted by: Adriane the Verbose Verbiage Critic ... at February 09, 2017 10:33 PM (AoK0a)

69 48 How old is that NFL map? St. Louis didn't even have a team last year.
Posted by: tu3031 at February 09, 2017 10:29 PM (qJhUV)

And yet the map of California would still be accurate.

Posted by: buzzion at February 09, 2017 10:33 PM (z/Ubi)

70 And my first car? 1964 Plymouth Valiant 2dr htp. 273 V8 4spd. in 10th grade that year. Run like a scalded dog, it did.

Posted by: Eromero at February 09, 2017 10:34 PM (zLDYs)

71 Humans as a power source, now where have I seen that before?

This doesn't end well.

The Matrix has you.

Posted by: Darth Randall at February 09, 2017 10:34 PM (v3DL/)

72 Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) was a big advance in funk with bassist Larry Graham's pioneering slapping technique.

Fun song.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 09, 2017 10:34 PM (bQxkN)

73 My second car was the one.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:34 PM (WQ9DL)

74 Vacation status: the end is nigh

Oroville Dam status: still boned

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik is on vacation at February 09, 2017 10:34 PM (a3mAP)

75 Found another video game I'm going to hold off on getting.

Horizon Zero Dawn looks cool, but something about the trailers rubbed me the wrong way. Then I found an article today that provided some info on the game's story. And sure enough, it looks like they're a bit too enthusiastic about getting their SJW cred.

I'll wait and see what others have to say about it, but my "crappy game" sense is tingling.

Posted by: junior at February 09, 2017 10:35 PM (nsZ+m)

76 67 Someone in Tennessee's state legislature just introduce that bill. It is called "The MILO Bill"

Posted by: buzzion at February 09, 2017 10:31 PM (z/Ubi)

If Milo is not American (as people have said - British or something) then he has no First Amendment rights.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:33 PM (zc3Db)

And what about the people that want to hear him speak? And go through all the proper channels. Do they deserve to have their right to assembly denied?

Posted by: buzzion at February 09, 2017 10:35 PM (z/Ubi)

77 If Milo is not American (as people have said - British or something) then he has no First Amendment rights.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:33 PM (zc3Db)

--and yet aliens with visas living outside the USA have the right to due process.

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:35 PM (GsAUU)

78 73 My second car was the one.
Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:34 PM (WQ9DL)

Kind of what I said about my 2nd wife

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 09, 2017 10:35 PM (voOPb)

79 Milo doesn't have Constitutional rights but the people who want to see him do

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at February 09, 2017 10:36 PM (R8HLg)

80 Evenin' everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 09, 2017 10:36 PM (IcT7t)

81 Black rifle coffee company is quoting two weeks to get your coffee shipped. They have that many orders.

Posted by: Jen the original at February 09, 2017 10:36 PM (cWhln)

82 66; Yeah, he's a cheap bastard too. Ran into him on the coast of NC once. Wouldn't buy a drink, and reeked of reindeer shit.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:36 PM (KP5rU)

83 Block grants to states and local control would be a wonderful thing.

Uh. No. If the Feds have money to waste on blog grants to local government, then the Federal Tax rates are too high and should be cut.

Nixon started this 'revenue sharing' after yet another 'fix' for social security, and the Feds had all this SS money rolling in and no lockbox to store all those digits. So the money had to go somewhere, and it was back to the states to buy votes.

All that money didn't help Nixon any and funded a whole lot of leftist programs.

Posted by: Lester Moore at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (eqhrh)

84 Que sera Sera was/is magnificent.

Posted by: Adrian Lyn at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (M3DRt)

85 So ... what do we think regarding the 9th Circuit ruling ?

I know what I think.
Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 10:31 PM (fiGNd)

I think I need to spend more time at the range.

Posted by: Name Changed To Protect The Innocent at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (CzP4C)

86 Muslim slaps a chinese woman across the face, she explains to him that she is not a western female.

Posted by: thatcanadianguy at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (f04kL)

87 Mike Hammer @ 44- first car....
Was it a Fluid Drive?
Posted by: Eromero

Three-speed. With a killer clear/red plastic shifter knob.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (ZO497)

88 Question:

If Starfucks is going to try and defame Black Rifle, why can't BR file libel suits once they do?

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (u8kLQ)

89 They should stop at 'repeal'.

If winning has anything to do with wings/flying, nope not tired of flapping mine wings.

Mr. Kraft dug the claws re: Commish

Is there no one who could oust Liawatha and up-Chuck Schumer?
Johnny Heinz Kerry looks near... Um, no.

Hope springs eternal. My sis in VT is 'now' seeing, I think. Who knows.

9th circus needs a clue bat....

Happy ONT y'all.

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (o5vMc)

90 Cuse one game out of first in the ACC.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (qUNWi)

91 '68 Pontiac Tempest, 6cyl OHC automatic.

Posted by: davidt at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (XoldI)

92 2nd Car: 1974 Volvo 142
3rd Car: 1983 Honda Accord
4th Car: 1978 Nissan Skyline
5th Car: 1987 Honda Accord LXi
6th Car: 1984 Toyota Corolla
7th Car: 1988 Isuzu Impulse
8th Car: 1984 Datsun/Nissan Sentra
9th Car: 1988 Ford Thunderbird LX 5.0
10th Car: 1991 Honda Accord EX
11th Car: 1995 Mazda Protege ES
12th Car: 1998 Audi A4 2.8 Quattro
13th Car: 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Eco
14th (current) Car: 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Eco (2nd Cruze)

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (R5EqA)

93 Black Coffee Roasting in Missoula.

Great Coffee. And Fresh as can be.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (WQ9DL)

94 The United States with a real Attorney General.

How could a thing like this have happened?

Posted by: Dr. Ink Moore Ovaltine at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (hGZJP)

95 27 IRB

Forgot one: Death by snoo-snoo.

Posted by: ibguy at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (vUcdz)

96 I think I need to spend more time at the range.
Posted by: Name Changed To Protect The Innocent at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (CzP4C)

A like minded fellow. Well met.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 10:38 PM (fiGNd)

97 Hammer, that shift knob was good for 10 m.p.h. It's documented. Somewhere.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (KP5rU)

98 >> Cuse one game out of first in the ACC.

Go Orunj!

Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (WQ9DL)

99 And what about the people that want to hear him speak? And go through all the proper channels. Do they deserve to have their right to assembly denied?

Posted by: buzzion at February 09, 2017 10:35 PM (z/Ubi)

They have the right to freely associate and assemble ... but Milo still has no right to speak, even if they want him to. He has privileges that we extend him, but no such rights. He has no Constitutional right to stay so he has no Constitutional right to free speech.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (zc3Db)

100 I googled do resident aliens have Constitutional rights (I figured that was safe to search from ONT) and this came from one result from September 27, 2001:

But immigration proceedings are matters of administrative law, not criminal law. (As a result, the consequence of violating your immigration status is not jail but deportation.) And Congress has nearly full authority to regulate immigration without interference from the courts. Because immigration is considered a matter of national security and foreign policy, the Supreme Court has long held that immigration law is largely immune from judicial review. Congress can make rules for immigrants that would be unacceptable if applied to citizens.

Posted by: blaster at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (HV1LS)

101 Chinese girl kicking goatfucker ass is old but evergreen.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:40 PM (qUNWi)

102 @86 Muslim slaps a chinese woman across the face, she explains to him that she is not a western female.


Heh heh.

Posted by: junior at February 09, 2017 10:40 PM (nsZ+m)

103 I was still sick yesterday and so didn't go to Ben Shapiro's talk, but I looked it up online and - it was actually quite civilized. A full crowd and no screaming ninnies interrupting him. It appears that the MU students are more mature than some of their professors (who tried to keep Shapiro from speaking) and far more civilized than the West Coast savages

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 10:41 PM (P8951)

104 First car. 69 Ford Galaxy 500. Der Battlestar

Posted by: Beartooth at February 09, 2017 10:41 PM (qIhPN)

105 Ginger Thursday ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at February 09, 2017 10:41 PM (Ya7zs)

106 Go Orunj!

Can we see your handle and hash please?

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:41 PM (qUNWi)

107 @94 Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, amen. Little heavy on the mj non-issue but okay

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 10:41 PM (o5vMc)

108 Damn, Hammer, you were stylin.
Posted by: chavez the hugo

No kidding. It had Pontiac hubcaps, and chrome knobs (pulled from a junked Chrysler) on all of the dash shafts/controls.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (ZO497)

109 If Starfucks is going to try and defame Black Rifle, why can't BR file libel suits once they do?
Posted by: qdpsteve at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (u8kLQ)


Because they are not going to be brave enough to do it directly. They will instead fund proxies to do it for them.

These groups will have no discernible assets to go after.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (R3Jti)

110 86 Muslim slaps a chinese woman across the face, she explains to him that she is not a western female.
Posted by: thatcanadianguy at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (f04kL)

--I'd like to by that lady a drink, and she doesn't even have to look at me, never mind thank me. Just for the WIN.

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (GsAUU)

111 Things people like:


Why has no one combined these things? This world has shattered me.

Also, I got so drunk I washed the dishes. I should be plowed into the heather.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (MZcWR)

112 Thank you for the report Donna

Damn girl, you get better!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (voOPb)

113 >> First car. 69 Ford Galaxy 500. Der Battlestar


I've got a 64 XL Ragtop in the garage.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (WQ9DL)

114 First car - 1990 Ford Mustang

Posted by: junior at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (nsZ+m)

115 More Ginger Thursday ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (Ya7zs)

116 They have the right to freely associate and assemble ... but Milo still has no right to speak, even if they want him to. He has privileges that we extend him, but no such rights. He has no Constitutional right to stay so he has no Constitutional right to free speech.

POP ... you're another fellow I've liked to listen to, post with, and such - but honestly ...

... blah, blah, fucking blah.

You spout this shit as if law has meaning. Like it's some damn game with rules understood by all the players and such.

That's not how this shit works. Ain't worked like that for quite some time.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (fiGNd)

117 My sister went to see Sly and the Family Stone at Summerfest back in the '70's. Sly was so stoned he fell off the stage.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (P8951)

118 98 >> Cuse one game out of first in the ACC.

Go Orunj!
Posted by: Barack Hussein Obama at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (WQ9DL)

No hun, it's Sycacuse.

Posted by: Moochzilla at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (GsAUU)

119 First car 1969 Bug.

I lurved it.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (qUNWi)

120 86 Muslim slaps a chinese woman across the face, she explains to him that she is not a western female.
Posted by: thatcanadianguy at February 09, 2017 10:37 PM (f04kL)



Must see TV right there.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (CRotO)

121 1961 Lincoln Continental Mk III. It was free.

Black Rifle Coffee has had a weeks-long backlog for months and months.
I think it started when they publicized Thin Blue Line, a portion of the proceeds going to families of police killed on duty.

Not my favorite coffee ever, but worth the price, and it is premium stuff.
It is way the hell better than Peet's or their sub-brands.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (H5rtT)

122 I read the Paul Ryan letter and think ----comparing or evaluating PDT in terms of "Ryan and Ryan's mindset is , truly, comparing a man (Trump) to a boy(Ryan).

A pussyhat boy.

Posted by: 'Cold Civil War'. That seems apt. at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (oBuXO)

123 35 bluebell

Thank you, ma'am. I thought so, too.

54 logprof

Posted by: ibguy at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (vUcdz)

124 The first car I drove was a 1952 Buick Roadmaster, when I was 12 years old (I was big for my age). The first car I owned was a 1968 Pontiac Firebird. Couldn't keep the front end aligned cause it had apparently had undisclosed frame damage before I bought it.

Posted by: Suds 46 at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (3booC)

125 Wow. Just watched Lou Dobbs rant against Gorsuch for the judge's critique of the President. He went as far as to say Gorsuch should apologize & withdraw his name from SCOTUS contention.

Yikes, Yogi.

Posted by: voiceover at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (EviRl)

126 There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress. -Mark Twain

And the federal judiciary. And the leeches in the EPA. And the scumbags in the State Department. And the crapheads in the SEC. ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:26 PM (zc3Db)[/i ]

In fairness to Mark Twain, some of those things did not exist when he made his list.

There may be a pattern here.

Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 10:44 PM (/B6Iw)

127 108: A better time, I think. My first car was a 65 Impala SS. You could do gainzzzzz in the back seat.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:44 PM (KP5rU)

128 My sister went to see Sly and the Family Stone at Summerfest back in the '70's. Sly was so stoned he fell off the stage.

When I saw them, he introduced the band. After every song.

Posted by: tu3031 at February 09, 2017 10:44 PM (qJhUV)

129 What's the definition of navigible as far as rivers goes?

I guess depends on what size boat you're in.
I know that I've paddled damn near every river within almost 50 miles of Richmond.
If I can paddle/float/ride downstream, it was navigable.

My guide to Va's waterways doesn't have a definition that I see...
That thing has more info than you ever want, but no def.

Posted by: Chi at February 09, 2017 10:44 PM (e5sX6)

130 ?

Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 10:45 PM (/B6Iw)

131 They have the right to freely associate and assemble ... but Milo still has no right to speak, even if they want him to. He has privileges that we extend him, but no such rights. He has no Constitutional right to stay so he has no Constitutional right to free speech.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (zc3Db)

Yeah, no.

If you are here you have Constitutional rights.

Posted by: blaster at February 09, 2017 10:45 PM (HV1LS)

132 I will order Black Rifle coffee when it's back in stock! Damn, they are getting more business than they can handle right now - that means more jobs for vets!

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 10:45 PM (P8951)

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
Blue sky's from pain.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:45 PM (G8mpq)

134 First car?
The 1983 Renault Alliance. Motor Trend's Car of the Year.

Posted by: Chuck C at February 09, 2017 10:45 PM (h99GH)

135 Aim High. Be Bold. Go Big. GET RESULTS!!


Sound like a word salad thoroughly focus-grouped by Frank Luntz.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at February 09, 2017 10:46 PM (EZebt)

Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:46 PM (G8mpq)

137 They have the right to freely associate and assemble ... but Milo still has no right to speak, even if they want him to. He has privileges that we extend him, but no such rights. He has no Constitutional right to stay so he has no Constitutional right to free speech.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (zc3Db)


If what you say is true, then he can not be prosecuted because of said speech, right?

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 10:46 PM (R3Jti)

138 My first car was a '76 Plymouth Valiant.

Mono speaker and external turn signal lights beside the hood.

The Brown Bomber.

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:46 PM (GsAUU)

139 The first car I owned was a 1968 Pontiac Firebird. Couldn't keep the front end aligned cause it had apparently had undisclosed frame damage before I bought it.
Posted by: Suds 46

No frame there. Subframe mounted with bushings.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:46 PM (ZO497)

140 Carol King might be a loony whackball lib.

But the lady could touch the heart with a song. One of the very best of her time. Hell, for all time.

Too much bourbon and putting Tapestry in the CD player, melancholy makes.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 09, 2017 10:47 PM (v5iqM)

141 Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 10:43 PM (fiGNd)

Heh. That's very true - as we have seen, yet once again, today.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:47 PM (zc3Db)

142 >>My guide to Va's waterways doesn't have a definition that I see...
That thing has more info than you ever want, but no def.

I think it's something akin to ' having the ability to traverse more than 1/2 its length by some form of floating conveyance.'.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:47 PM (WQ9DL)

And did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:47 PM (G8mpq)

144 Sweet, sweet liberal tears! From Chris Cilizza...

"The Senate Map Just Can't Get Much Better For Republicans" (link to WaPo)

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 09, 2017 10:47 PM (u8kLQ)

Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:48 PM (G8mpq)

146 First car?
The 1983 Renault Alliance. Motor Trend's Car of the Year.
Posted by: Chuck C

It boggles the mind.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:48 PM (ZO497)

And did you exchange
A walk on part in the war
For a lead role in a cage?

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:48 PM (G8mpq)

I guess depends on what size boat you're in.
I know that I've paddled damn near every river within almost 50 miles of Richmond.
If I can paddle/float/ride downstream, it was navigable.

My guide to Va's waterways doesn't have a definition that I see...
That thing has more info than you ever want, but no def.
Posted by: Chi at February 09, 2017 10:44 PM (e5sX6)

--I canoed down the South Anna when I was a Boy Scout, before it became just another SJW project.

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:48 PM (GsAUU)

149 BeckoningChasm @111 you forgot gams and walking on those pins.

Ladies, we're in awe for your assorted charms.

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 10:48 PM (o5vMc)

150 Green fields and rolling hills,
Room enough to do what they will ...

Posted by: Adriane the Music Critic ... at February 09, 2017 10:48 PM (AoK0a)

151 How I wish, how I wish you were here.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (G8mpq)

152 My first was a 1927 Rover 9 semi sports 2 seater. Me and a mate pitched in and bought it out of someone's shed. Quite rare but pretty cheap as nobody was particularly interested in such an old jalopy at the time..

Posted by: otho at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (lmIoG)

153 why the bitching about firing squads. they are far
preferable to being strapped down and slowly gassed or drugged. who
would choose something else?

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (cPsPa)

Instead of tying them to a post, I say let's put some sport into it. Run Runner!

Posted by: Ostral B Heretic at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (FAO5C)

We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (G8mpq)

155 Flyboy, then BR should investigate and be able to show the court that Starfucks is funding the hate.

My hunch is it won't be too hard. Libs always overreach.

Posted by: qdpsteve at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (u8kLQ)

156 It seems to me that if Milo has a green card, and has been hired or otherwise invited to speak by US hosts, he speaks.

Posted by: navybrat at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (w7KSn)

157 Nice!

I've got a 64 XL Ragtop in the garage.
Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:42 PM (WQ9DL)

Way cool.

Mine was a dark metallic blue, 4 door, 390 4 barrel. I have never found a 4 door model.

Posted by: Beartooth at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (qIhPN)

Running over the same old ground.
And how we found
The same old fears.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (G8mpq)

159 Just exactly were you Republican (?) folks doing while TFG was in the
White House.

Undermining Donald J. Trump.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM (fhGWd)

160 Wish you were here.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (G8mpq)

161 First car?
The 1983 Renault Alliance. Motor Trend's Car of the Year.
Posted by: Chuck C

It boggles the mind.
Posted by: Mike Hammer

The only redeeming factor is that my mom won it from a radio station.

Posted by: Chuck C at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (h99GH)

162 Bacon

A female kzinti warrior drinking beer covers 4 of them ...

Posted by: Adriane the Sci Fi Critic ... at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (AoK0a)

163 My first car was a 1983 Nissan Sentra. My parents bought it for me. It was new. I've never had a used car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (8cEQL)

164 Someone post on our next door site that they lost a prairie dog. She looks cute from her flier. My first thought was, did they look UNDER the yard, **snort** A f'ing prairie can't make this up.

Posted by: lindafell little rally hitler's schadenbutton! at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (JNDQi)

165 Wish you were here.

I'm here Grumpy.

I know that's not enough.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:51 PM (qUNWi)

166 Red over Black with a White Top.

390 4 Spd 4bbl

She's a Big Beautiful Girl.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:51 PM (WQ9DL)

167 144 Sweet, sweet liberal tears! From Chris Cilizza...

"The Senate Map Just Can't Get Much Better For Republicans" (link to WaPo)
Posted by: qdpsteve at February 09, 2017 10:47 PM (u8kLQ)

The problem with that is that Senate Republicans will be elected.

Posted by: josephistan at February 09, 2017 10:51 PM (7qAYi)

168 Great ONT, Mis Hum

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 10:51 PM (nQ10o)

169 My first car was a 1983 Nissan Sentra. My parents bought it for me. It was new. I've never had a used car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (8cEQL)


Posted by: blaster at February 09, 2017 10:51 PM (HV1LS)

170 California Democrats Propose In-State Tuition for Refugees

Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:52 PM (CRotO)

171 MH you have made consistently excellent musical choices on the ONT. Not a big fan of Carole King, but she sure could sing.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at February 09, 2017 10:52 PM (EZebt)

172 she explains to him

That's one hell of an ass whooping served on the woman-beating loser.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at February 09, 2017 10:52 PM (6FqZa)

173 Grumpy ...

... the whole damn song is just picking a C and A chord with some bends. Trust me. These are the kind of things I know.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 10:52 PM (fiGNd)

I think it's something akin to ' having the ability to traverse more than 1/2 its length by some form of floating conveyance.'.
Posted by: garrett

This makes sense. Or something like it.
I vaguely remember learning that some rivers were only seasonably navigable. And I think I heard those words.
(I also learned the hard way a few times!)

Posted by: Chi at February 09, 2017 10:52 PM (e5sX6)

175 If what you say is true, then he can not be prosecuted because of said speech, right?

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 10:46 PM (R3Jti)

An alien can be deported at any time for any reason, therefore his speech can be restricted. Now, we have made laws that extend some privileges to aliens we allow in but those are not Constitutional rights.

I don't say that an alien can be prosecuted for speech (aliens are severely restricted from participating in our political system - speech and all) but he can be thrown out, for sure, which is enough to say that his speech can be heavily curtailed.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (zc3Db)

176 The only redeeming factor is that my mom won it from a radio station.
Posted by: Chuck C

When I was six years old, I won a Bozo the Clown record player. That's it. It's been all down hill ever since.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (ZO497)

177 169 My first car was a 1983 Nissan Sentra. My parents bought it for me. It was new. I've never had a used car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (8cEQL)


What a coinkydink!

I've never had a new car!

Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (CRotO)

178 First western steamboat was named "Walk on the Water."
River sidewheelers had unbelievably shallow draft.
News and wounded of the Custer affair were carried out on the Far West.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (H5rtT)

179 Only one explanation for the photos at the end of the ONT.


Posted by: San Franpsycho at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (EZebt)

180 >>... the whole damn song is just picking a C and A chord with some bends.

So. Country.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (WQ9DL)

181 My first car was a 99 Hyundai Accent hatchback. It was OK, but didn't inspire much confidence. By the end, parts were literally being held together with zip ties.

Posted by: josephistan at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (7qAYi)

182 Posted by: blaster at February 09, 2017 10:51 PM (HV1LS)
That's probably exactly what I said when they showed me the car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (8cEQL)

183 My first car was a 1983 Nissan Sentra. My parents bought it for me. It was new. I've never had a used car.
Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (8cEQL)


Unless you drive the wheels off of them, you are losing maximum value.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (R3Jti)

184 240z coolest car ever?

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (qUNWi)

185 *Aim High. Be Bold. Go Big. GET RESULTS!! *

Dear Mr. Speaker,
I suspect "GET RESULTS!!" may mean something different to me than it does to you. Based on past RESULTS!!


Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (/B6Iw)

186 "By the end, parts were literally being held together with zip ties."

You say that as if it were a bad thing...

Posted by: navybrat at February 09, 2017 10:55 PM (w7KSn)

187 For Gayle McCormick, it is particularly wrenching: she has separated from her husband of 22 years.


Run, dude. Run.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 09, 2017 10:55 PM (oVJmc)

188 "An alien can be deported at any time for any reason, therefore his speech can be restricted."

Was an issue when Nixon considered deporting John Lennon for his anti-war commentary.

In the context of a alien who's famous, suggest the answer is more political than legal.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 09, 2017 10:55 PM (bQxkN)

189 390 4 Spd 4bbl

That a Fordington? Well, the 390 part. Was it the XL or something. Ford has made some fine motors.

Step Grandpa had the 350 'Wildcat' in a 71 Impala. Tight motor.

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 10:55 PM (o5vMc)

190 First car: 1951 Plymouth

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (ZO497)

1962 VW Beetle.

1967 Mustang. Inline-6, 3 on the tree.

Floorboards rusted out so bad you could see the lane paint as you traveled down the road.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 09, 2017 10:55 PM (fhGWd)

191 First car: My dad bought me a 1963 Volkswagon Beetle. It wouldn't start if it was humid out, and did not appear to have brakes.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 10:56 PM (nQ10o)

192 1970 Plymouth Satellite. 318 engine my brother had fun modifying.

I'd still be driving it if the shitty unibody hadn't rusted out.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at February 09, 2017 10:56 PM (oVJmc)

First car : '55 Chevy. It didn't run, and I got into a lot of trouble with that car.

Posted by: Lester Moore at February 09, 2017 10:56 PM (eqhrh)

194 240z coolest car ever?
Posted by: eleven

Very, *very* rust prone. They've all been reduced to oxide.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:56 PM (ZO497)

195 240z coolest car ever?

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (qUNWi)

I had a 280z in high school. Loved it. Poor man's XKE.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (zc3Db)

196 Off for a nap. BBL.

Posted by: Farmer at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (o/90i)

197 Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:53
My husband sold his 5th or 6th car for a case of beer in college.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (8cEQL)

198 179 Only one explanation for the photos at the end of the ONT.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (EZebt)

--Considering the island has a town named Dildo, I don't think they much care.

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (GsAUU)

199 9 ICE is raiding homes and rounding up illegals in LA
Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 09, 2017 10:19 PM (Om16U)

Don't tease us.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (nQ10o)

200 US states without a river forming part of their boarders

WE really need to have a national conver-fucking-sation about spelling.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (4YGWz)

201 >>240z coolest car ever?

Not even the coolest jap car ever.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (WQ9DL)

202 Heh CaliGirl,

must've wanted that beer

Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (CRotO)

203 First car - 1972 Opel 1900 Automatic.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (IcT7t)

204 An alien can be deported at any time for any reason, therefore his speech can be restricted.

No POP ...

... nobody can be extradited until moving through the entire Federal Court System. That's what got established today.

Dude - you might as well stand in the Town Square and scream about the Gold Standard. Or wear a sandwich board like Kareem did in The Stand.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (fiGNd)

205 197; Caligirl, priorities.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (KP5rU)

206 21
Saved this one for the ont...

Posted by: davidt at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (XoldI)

I liked it!And, I noticed the following:1) Most of the incidents expressed regrets the punishments didn't happen sooner.2) It was in response to bad behavior.3) In most cases, there was a voyeur!

Posted by: Katy Turd with the cans at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (8iiMU)

207 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (zc3Db)
My friends parents had one of those. We thought it was so cool.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (8cEQL)

208 192
1970 Plymouth Satellite


Faster than the speed of light?

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 09, 2017 10:58 PM (fhGWd)

209 Not even the coolest jap car ever

How dare I even.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:59 PM (qUNWi)

210 First car: 65 Impala SS. That thing was no car for a stupid 16 year old kid. And as a stupid 16 year old kid, I gave stupid 16 year old kids a bad name.

Interestingly enough, though, the front bucket seats had a 2 inch wide chrome strip over the top. There was more chrome on the seats of that Impala than on any car made today.

Posted by: Blake at February 09, 2017 11:00 PM (WEBkv)

185 *Aim High. Be Bold. Go Big. GET RESULTS!! *

Dear Mr. Speaker,
I suspect "GET RESULTS!!" may mean something different to me than it does to you. Based on past RESULTS!!


Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (/B6Iw)

Precisely this.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:00 PM (nQ10o)

212 Seems to me, none of anything, muscle or not, back in the day, had brakes nor handling. But gas was red and about $0.21 a gallon....

... and we were the lucky ones.
Buick Estate Wagon (with the vista cruise roof windowing)

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 11:00 PM (o5vMc)

213 My first car was a 1983 Nissan Sentra. My parents bought it for me. It was new. I've never had a used car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (8cEQL)


What a coinkydink!

I've never had a new car!
Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (CRotO)

NEVER had a used car? Wow. I've had 1.

Posted by: Name Changed To Protect The Innocent at February 09, 2017 11:00 PM (CzP4C)

214 Off, off, damned sock!

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt, still loving the Cubs, even though they are WINNERS! at February 09, 2017 11:00 PM (8iiMU)

215 1 new car that is.

Posted by: Name Changed To Protect The Innocent at February 09, 2017 11:01 PM (CzP4C)

216 >>How dare I even.

I'm just bitter. I was the reason my mom had to sell hers. I got to tall to fit in it. At 12.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:01 PM (WQ9DL)

217 --I canoed down the South Anna when I was a Boy Scout, before it became just another SJW project.
Posted by: logprof

No shit? Cool.
That was the first river I ever paddled in a borrowed kayak. I spent a grand within two weeks buying my current one, and paddled (sometimes) more than every weekend.
*this was 15 or 20 yeas ago.

The South Anna was the closest the my best friend's place, hence our more paddled. Sometimes just for an hour or so after work.

Posted by: Chi at February 09, 2017 11:01 PM (e5sX6)

218 210; I had one too. Those seats rocked.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:01 PM (KP5rU)

219 SMFH, Chavez,
He had a motorcycle, his car was a pos. We still have his motorcycle.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:01 PM (8cEQL)


Chelsea Clinton tweeted out two fake news stories on Wednesday, one of which she later acknowledged was false while the other about an abortion law in Arkansas she continued to defend as fact.

Clinton sent out one story that described how climate data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is “disappearing” from its website, in an apparent swipe at President Donald Trump, who has questioned the existence of climate change.

The second story discussed a new law in Arkansas that would, according to Clinton’s retweet, allow rapists to sue victims who get an abortion.

Both stories have since been proven false, and the Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross called out Clinton for promoting the stories.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 09, 2017 11:02 PM (IqV8l)

221 >>Buick Estate Wagon

College buddy had one of those with a 10,000 dollar stereo in it.


Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:02 PM (WQ9DL)

222 Cali Girl is the prom queen of AOSHQ.

She looks like Christie Brinkley.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 11:02 PM (qUNWi)

223 Was an issue when Nixon considered deporting John Lennon for his anti-war commentary.

Interesting. I was not aware of that.

In the context of a alien who's famous, suggest the answer is more political than legal.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 09, 2017 10:55 PM (bQxkN)

Sure. But there are no Constitutional grounds for the alien to stand on. Of course, in today's world, everything in our courts is more political than legal. It's a sad state of affairs and why the Congress needs to start exercising its responsibilities to defend the Constitution against federal judges with lifetime appointments who think that that means they are allowed to do any damn thing they please.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:02 PM (zc3Db)

224 I've never had a new car!
Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (CRotO)

Well ... you've also never got that magical call from Uber where you pick me up, we go to a bar near your place, and get sloppy drunk enough where we both need to call Uber.

But hope springs eternal.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 11:02 PM (fiGNd)

225 An alien can be deported at any time for any reason, therefore his speech can be restricted. Now, we have made laws that extend some privileges to aliens we allow in but those are not Constitutional rights.

I don't say that an alien can be prosecuted for speech (aliens are severely restricted from participating in our political system - speech and all) but he can be thrown out, for sure, which is enough to say that his speech can be heavily curtailed.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (zc3Db)


Sorry, but this does not fly.

I understand you are throwing bombs for effect.

A visitor is a different class of person than an alien.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:03 PM (R3Jti)

226 Hanging? Cruel and unusual.
Firing squad? Cruel and unusual.
Electrocution? Cruel and unusual.
Lethal injection? Cruel and unusual.
Life imprisonment without parole? Cruel and unusual.
Life imprisonment with the hope of parole? Cruel and unusual.
Imprisonment? Cruel and unusual.

None of this applies if you voted for Trump.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at February 09, 2017 11:03 PM (J8/9G)

227 219; Caligirl, nothin wrong with that.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:04 PM (KP5rU)

228 If you can get a canoe down it, it's navigable.

Posted by: a viking at February 09, 2017 11:04 PM (nlbfN)

229 I wanted to add, I've only had 5 cars in over 30 years.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:04 PM (8cEQL)

230 But gas was red and about $0.21 a gallon....

And smelled like nectar, rather than the nasty stuff we have now.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 11:05 PM (ZO497)

231 First car was a 1960 VW Beetle with a sun roof. Popped out of 3rd gear whenever you let up on the gas. First real serious mechanical work was pulling the transaxle, replaced some syncros, and put it back together. Still popped out of 3rd gear. Sigh. Learned humility then at 16.

Posted by: Last at February 09, 2017 11:05 PM (8HiDF)

232 Most 240Z's in the midwest never made to a crusher. They were just shoveled into the wind.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (KP5rU)

233 I've never had a new car!

You've never had a car depreciate 30-50% just by driving it off the lot?

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (IcT7t)

234 Oh sure. Not only does Dad buy her a new car, he buys it for when she's 6!

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (H5rtT)

235 Well ... you've also never got that magical call from Uber where you pick me up, we go to a bar near your place, and get sloppy drunk enough where we both need to call Uber.

But hope springs eternal.
Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 11:02 PM (fiGNd)



If you're ever in the CenTex AO, give me a holla.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (CRotO)

236 229 I wanted to add, I've only had 5 cars in over 30 years.

I've only had one .357 Magnum in almost 20.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (fiGNd)

237 I wanted to add, I've only had 5 cars in over 30 years.
Posted by: CaliGirl

heh. Our 'new' car is a 1998. So, 19 years old this year.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (ZO497)

238 188 "An alien can be deported at any time for any reason, therefore his speech can be restricted."

Was an issue when Nixon considered deporting John Lennon for his anti-war commentary.

In the context of a alien who's famous, suggest the answer is more political than legal.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 09, 2017 10:55 PM (bQxkN)


Nixon did more than think about it, he attempted to deport Lennon. It went back and forth in the courts for a few years, but after Nixon resigned, Ford let the matter drop.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:07 PM (R+30W)

239 Most 240Z's in the midwest never made to a crusher. They were just shoveled into the wind.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (KP5rU)

All Datsuns for that matter

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 09, 2017 11:07 PM (voOPb)

240 First car: 1961 Mercury Comet. I think the body was made from Iowa class battleships. Wish I still had it.

Posted by: JTB at February 09, 2017 11:07 PM (V+03K)

241 First car: Mom gave me her 1974 Buick Lesabre Custom. Felt like an ironclad.

Posted by: Iron Mike Golf at February 09, 2017 11:07 PM (di1hb)

242 Mmm. Sandwich board.

Posted by: homer simpson at February 09, 2017 11:08 PM (nlbfN)

243 If I'm reading the map right-- and what are the odds of that-- why are Da Bears so popular in New York? Illinois and nearby, sure. Are there a lot of Chicago transplants in New York?

Posted by: Lance McCormick at February 09, 2017 11:08 PM (jh6SF)

244 Most 240Z's in the midwest never made to a crusher. They were just shoveled into the wind.
Posted by: chavez the hugo
Just the smell of salt caused the rear fenders to dissolve.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 11:08 PM (ZO497)

245 233 I've never had a new car!

You've never had a car depreciate 30-50% just by driving it off the lot?
Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 09, 2017 11:06 PM (IcT7t)



I bought a 2003 F-150 Lariat pre-owned in 2005.

had that truck until my daughter totaled it in 2010.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 11:08 PM (CRotO)

246 195 240z coolest car ever?

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 10:54 PM (qUNWi)

I had a 280z in high school. Loved it. Poor man's XKE.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:57 PM (zc3Db)

When I met my husband he had a 240Z then later got a 260Z. The 260Z spent it's life being repaired.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:09 PM (nQ10o)

247 239; MH, true for all Japanese cars then. They had not a clue about what salt does to cars back then.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:09 PM (KP5rU)

248 My cat had an abscess that popped today and I had to get him to the vet.
He is a former feral kitten and does not like being picked up or taken to the vet, so I wound up having to net him in my shirt after cornering him.

Gah, It was like the Kipling story about the battle between Rikki-tikki-tavi and Nag among the water jars. In this case, Nag won and he went to the vets'

He had drains in so I have to take him back on Monday to get them out. So he gets to spend the weekend in a kennel so we don't have to have a rematch.

Poor thing's back is shaved and sutured, and it looks like Frankenstein's face.

Posted by: Kindltot at February 09, 2017 11:09 PM (ry6W6)

249 A visitor is a different class of person than an alien.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:03 PM (R3Jti)

All non-Americans are "aliens" whether here on a tourist visa, a work visa, permanent residence, illegally or not here, at all.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:10 PM (zc3Db)

250 What is a 'Datsun'?

Posted by: Confused Millennial at February 09, 2017 11:10 PM (ZO497)

251 Oh, Giants, duh. Too many similar colors!

I would like to see a map of most popular non-local teams (for most any pro sport), because that kind of thing can be interesting.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at February 09, 2017 11:10 PM (jh6SF)

252 @221 garrett

I was too young, but grandma had a two-tone 57 chevy (magnificent). She got on to Buick Electras 455 types with all the fixings. She had to get from VT to MA in a half hour A bit of a heavy foot, my grandma.
Haul ass!!! Oh, hell yes. MA troopers would take the wink-wink, nod-nod.

Funny to think of that. My grandma and step grandpa were really great people. I wonder if I've ended up being anything like someone would say the same about me, but I try, every day.

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 11:11 PM (o5vMc)

253 Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (IqV8l)

I'm guessing fake. First of all, I'm suspicious of any person in their teens or twenties who comes up with these hate crime stories, and wouldn't you suspect if you had any large number of Hispanic people in your town that at least some of them are illegal?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 09, 2017 11:11 PM (fDdVG)

254 An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications. Robert A. Heinlein.

Posted by: Locke Common at February 09, 2017 11:11 PM (8eNo4)

255 I've never had a new car!
Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (CRotO)

Neither have I. Various guys in my life who know about cars have been great about picking out good used cars for me. The best one was a Nissan Maxima.

The only lemon I've had was my very first car - a Pontiac T1000. Fine for city driving, awful when it came to accelerating on the freeway. It went from 0-60 in, like, a minute and a half.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:12 PM (P8951)

256 @22 She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard.

A white beard?


Posted by: junior at February 09, 2017 11:12 PM (nsZ+m)

257 But of course the victim didn't get the license plate of the person who said this to her?!

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (fDdVG)

258 *First car: My dad bought me a 1963 Volkswagon Beetle. It wouldn't start if it was humid out, and did not appear to have brakes.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 10:56 PM (nQ10o)*

I own a 2003 Dodge Dakota that will not start when tempearture is mid 40's and humidity above 50%.

Looks like noone figured this shit out.

Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (/B6Iw)

259 "240z coolest car ever?

Posted by: eleven


Very, *very* rust prone. They've all been reduced to oxide.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc."

I had a 280ZX. It was a rust bucket as well. Plus the brakes sucked.

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (w+Jhj)

260 253. Of course it's fake. Generic description of somebody who could be Santa Claus or Willie Nelson, and way too wordy.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (NQrx/)

261 American brand name for Nissan when they were first imported here. WW2 was still on many people's minds back then, and the company did not want to remind them where the cats were made.

Posted by: Western Slope Mope at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (WrMht)

262 a Pontiac T1000


Hmm. Was that the poncho Chevette?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (ZO497)

263 All non-Americans are "aliens" whether here on a tourist visa, a work visa, permanent residence, illegally or not here, at all.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:10 PM (zc3Db)


Please provide a cite, by link, for this statement.

Thank you in advance.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:14 PM (R3Jti)

264 Datsun was Nissan

Posted by: Western Slope Mope at February 09, 2017 11:14 PM (WrMht)

265 250; Comes up in the East every morning. Duh!

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (KP5rU)

266 hard rain here
i love the rain
but it melts my snow

Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (aGAV0)

267 258 *First car: My dad bought me a 1963 Volkswagon Beetle. It wouldn't start if it was humid out, and did not appear to have brakes.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 10:56 PM (nQ10o)*

I own a 2003 Dodge Dakota that will not start when tempearture is mid 40's and humidity above 50%.

Looks like noone figured this shit out.
Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (/B6Iw)

Something to do with spark plugs, maybe? I'm a perfect idiot when it comes to car stuff.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (nQ10o)

268 It's too bad about Caribou. Their coffee is far superior to Starbuck's.

I used to fix the air compressors at the Caribou roasting facility in north Minneapolis. They'd give you a cup of coffee on the way in and a big bag of beans on your way out. That was one of the jobs that we technicians used to fight over.

However, as with all Leftist organizations, their employees were almost all low paid immigrants. I doubt that most of them were making more than minimum wage.

Posted by: The Exile at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (JVAdp)

269 Nissan was Datsun.

Posted by: eleven at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (qUNWi)

270 My first car was a 77 LTD. 351 Windsor. Red with a White Ragtop.

I installed my old man's Craig Powerplay cassette deck out of his E150 van in it. I referred to it as his Shaggin' Waggon. Never in front of him. Or mom.

If that car could talk ... I'd have to kill it.

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (fiGNd)

271 How do you vet someone from countries like Syria?

Seems we make them hang in a UN camp for a period of time -- like a quarantine -- and not much else.

If the vetting put the burden on the applicant to prove he has no terrorist then for most it'll be a ban

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 09, 2017 11:16 PM (bQxkN)

272 255. Heh....used to own a '76 Mercedes diesel.....acceleration was.....sluggish, let us say.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:16 PM (NQrx/)

273 reduced to oxide.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:56 PM (ZO497)

All the chemists in the room just winced a bit...

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 09, 2017 11:16 PM (sK2fh)

274 Please provide a cite, by link, for this statement.

Thank you in advance.
Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:14 PM (R3Jti)

My wife, on her Green Card, was a Permanent Resident Alien.

Posted by: Bill R. at February 09, 2017 11:17 PM (jKUeC)

275 Watching the Irish overtalker, but Kerry Kennedy? Yeah, no. STFU and GTFO. Are we not done with the Kennedy's yet? Gah!

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 11:17 PM (o5vMc)

276 270 My first car was a 77 LTD. 351 Windsor. Red with a White Ragtop.

I installed my old man's Craig Powerplay cassette deck out of his E150 van in it. I referred to it as his Shaggin' Waggon. Never in front of him. Or mom.

If that car could talk ... I'd have to kill it.
Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (fiGNd)

Early in our marriage, my husband and I had a dodge van. Our friends called it the "passion wagon," which was very apt.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:17 PM (nQ10o)

277 @164

"And I said, jumpin'Jesus on a pogo stick! Everybody knows that a burrow owl lives in a hole in the ground. Why the hell do you think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?"

Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at February 09, 2017 11:17 PM (fn748)

278 Please provide a cite, by link, for this statement.

Thank you in advance.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:14 PM (R3Jti)


All non-Americans are "aliens". I'm not sure what you are trying to argue, here.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:18 PM (zc3Db)

279 They are now selling Datsuns again. In India. I think IKEA makes them. Comes with a drill.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:18 PM (KP5rU)

280 Hmm. Was that the poncho Chevette?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (ZO497)

Maybe. Little hatchback. Good on gas mileage, I'll say that for it. Not a bad car for a college kid really. It got me from point A to point B - I just stayed off the freeway with it.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:18 PM (P8951)

281 i never sleep

Posted by: oxide at February 09, 2017 11:18 PM (nlbfN)

282 Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (nQ10o)
My sister always drove VW bugs. They are fun to drive.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:18 PM (8cEQL)

283 Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine.
Aren't diesels all sluggish?

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:20 PM (8cEQL)

284 I am having the trouble with installing the shelves. Please to help.
By the was, is "Shelvy" common name in America?

Posted by: Raj in Bombay phoning IKEA-Datsun phone support in NYC at February 09, 2017 11:20 PM (nlbfN)

285 1st car I ever drove (in 1969)- was a 67 Firebird 400, which I just gave to my son, who restored it maybe not concours, but nice. MY first car was a 57 Ranchero. I've never owned a car that didn't have a V8.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (7jX2E)

286 What is a 'Datsun'?

Laos-Cambodia Datsun/Volvo
We're very close to you and your claymore!

Slightly modified jingle for a car dealership.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (IcT7t)

287 My older brother got my grandpa's Nash Rambler when grandpa died. Now there was a car that was not exactly a babe magnet - but again, an 18 year's first car is still wheels and freedom.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (P8951)

288 >> They are fun to drive.

I got pulled over in Az while in college for jumping an ex girlfriend's 69 Bug in an underpass. 2-3 am shennanigins.

Cop sitting at the cross street said we were a good 3 feet off the ground when we passed him...

good thing he wasn't wondering how many red lights we had to run to get up that kind of speed!

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (WQ9DL)

289 Isn't in true that most of these fake hate crime things that turn out to be fake are from people 19-30?.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (fDdVG)

290 263 All non-Americans are "aliens" whether here on a tourist visa, a work visa, permanent residence, illegally or not here, at all.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:10 PM (zc3Db)


Please provide a cite, by link, for this statement.

Thank you in advance.
Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:14 PM (R3Jti)

I'll help. It's the legal term used in immigration law. TPOP is correct.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (R5EqA)

291 264 Datsun was Nissan
Posted by: Western Slope Mope at February 09, 2017 11:14 PM (WrMht)

Ahhhh--remember the Datsun 210? Everyone had one. Four college friends and I drove 24 hours in a blizzard from Cols to Stowe in one. Got to know that car very well.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (nQ10o)

292 I've never owned a car that didn't have a V8.

I have. Don't.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (IcT7t)

293 Is there a difference between "citizen" and "national" as legal terms?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (sK2fh)

294 If citizens and aliens have the same rights, what's the point of citizenship?

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (fhGWd)

295 Cars: I like Ford things. (waves vaguely) I like Ford things. Always been the most comfortable things. Those Ford things.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (MZcWR)

296 Aren't diesels all sluggish?
Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:20 PM (8cEQL)

Newer ones have turbos and that peppers them up a bit.

Posted by: Kindltot at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (ry6W6)

297 [i[153 why the bitching about firing squads. they are far
preferable to being strapped down and slowly gassed or drugged. who
would choose something else?
Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (cPsPa)

Instead of tying them to a post, I say let's put some sport into it. Run Runner!
Posted by: Ostral B Heretic at February 09, 2017 10:49 PM

vis. to wit.: The Most Dangerous Game. Great short story, decent '30s film adaptation.

Posted by: voiceover at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (EviRl)

298 What is a 'Datsun'?

Datsun is now Nissan. Originally when the Japanese began exporting them to America they thought Datsun was a more American sounding name.

Posted by: Bill R. at February 09, 2017 11:23 PM (jKUeC)

299 Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 11:13 PM (/B6Iw)

I, proudly, own a '98 4x2 5.2L Dodge Ram 1500 with all the suspension thingys, a 3:21 gear, 5spd with 217K and going strong. 'course TX has started to take the extra clear coat off of the top of it, but....

Great truck.

Gonna get me an hellcat and a 3500 dually in due time and, no, the black '98 has never, nor ever will be for sale.

But, will they have clutches? Hell Texas yes!

Posted by: micky at February 09, 2017 11:23 PM (o5vMc)

300 "If citizens and aliens have the same rights, what's the point of citizenship?"

Your obligations aren't "options."

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 09, 2017 11:23 PM (bQxkN)

301 283. Yes, of course. Well, they're better nowadays. But Fritz there was built like a King Tiger, which probably didn't help matters. I imagine they used cranes to install the bumpers, the thing was just as solid as if they'd carved it from one piece of forged steel.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:23 PM (NQrx/)

302 Yikes. Blew it.

Posted by: voiceover at February 09, 2017 11:23 PM (EviRl)

303 284
By the way, is "Shelvy" common name in America?
Posted by: Raj in Bombay phoning IKEA-Datsun phone support in NYC at February 09, 2017 11:20 PM (

It is now.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:24 PM (nQ10o)

304 283 Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine.
Aren't diesels all sluggish?
Posted by: CaliGirl


Not even passenger cars nowadays. But you probably don't want me to link videos of fast diesels...

Posted by: Chi at February 09, 2017 11:24 PM (e5sX6)

305 I've never had a new car!

Posted by: SMFH at it all at February 09, 2017 10:53 PM (CRotO)

First new car, 1978 Pontiac Sunbird with a sunroof. $5200, $134/mo for 3 years. Totalled after 2 years. My bad leadfoot.

Second new car, 1996 Saturn, $13500, gift from the crazy lottery winner. Drove it for 14 years until it couldn't be reliably repaired. Donated to Vets - they did get it running again.

Best car, 2005 Mustang convertible, Windveil blue with charcoal top, purchased in 2010 for $13,500 with 37K miles. $452/mo for 3 years. Just rolled over to 75,600 miles. Love it.

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at February 09, 2017 11:24 PM (tHwdc)

306 A friend of mine had a purple Gremlin. Thing broke down like every 2 days.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:24 PM (P8951)

307 Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (IqV8l)

And if some unknown person pulled up to you why would you get near enough so that they could spit on your face?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 09, 2017 11:24 PM (fDdVG)

308 Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (WQ9DL)
That's just crazy.

We used to go to the drive on beach (oceano dunes) in her baja bug she named fritz. That was fun.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:24 PM (8cEQL)

309 I love how Trump has smoked out the communists in our midst!

Time to start backfilling judicial seats and reducing judicial power.

Particularly the commies in the Western hellholes.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (fhGWd)

310 Lessee if I can remember In order...

63 Impala - Used
71 Nova - Used
67 Camaro - Used
80? Dodge pickup - Used
82 Camaro - Used
?? 280ZX - Used
80? Nissan pickup - Used
90? Toyota Celica GT - Used
95 Mitsubishi Eclipse GST - First new car.
97 BMW Z3 - Used
2004 Subaru WRX STi - New
2001 Subaru Outback - Used
2012 Hyundai Santa Fe - New

Posted by: AshevilleRobert at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (w+Jhj)

311 I'd love to start buying from Black Rifle Coffee, but they don't make decaf (doctor's orders, on the need for decaf). I wrote to ask them, and they said they did plan on offering it - I'm not sure of their planned timeframe, though. Are they planning on opening storefronts? I'd go there, if they build one here in the Boise area. I suppose the Boise metro isn't high on their list - but we have LOTS of vets here.

Posted by: Pat* at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (qC1ju)

312 >>I, proudly, own a '98 4x2

Do you wear Crocs when you drive it in the Pride Parade?

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (WQ9DL)

313 All non-Americans are "aliens". I'm not sure what you are trying to argue, here.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:18 PM (zc3Db)


That visitors to our Country are are not considered anything other than visitors. You seem intent on shoving them into a citizenship class.

I visited Cancun last week. Nobody gave me any shit about Citizenship, or my speech. Feeling me now?

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (R3Jti)

314 "Ahhhh--remember the Datsun 210? Everyone had one. Four college friends and I drove 24 hours in a blizzard from Cols to Stowe in one. Got to know that car very well."

5 up in a 210 for 24 hours? Could anyone walk afterwards?

Posted by: Western Slope Mope at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (WrMht)

315 I had a fleet of Renault Alliances! Man, those were the days.
This about them: they got replaced with Chevettes, and we missed them.

Yes, the Pontiac T1000 was the badge-engineered Chevette. Just about killed an old boss of mine. Should have been a city car only; rolled into a state-route ditch, it deformed rather badly. Government couldn't buy 'em fast enough, and never thought to limit the application, so this senior executive had no choice but to drive it all over the state. They weren't up to that.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (H5rtT)

316 i wonder what ace's first car was?

Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (aGAV0)

317 He has no Constitutional right to stay so he has no Constitutional right to free speech.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 10:39 PM (zc3Db)

The Constitution says that government can't limit speech. It says nothing about whose speeech can't be limited.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (rF0hx)

318 Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:21 PM (P

That was then
This is now

Pajama boys & basement suites

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (voOPb)

319 And please to explain this "gainzzz"?

Posted by: Raj in Bombay phoning IKEA-Datsun phone support in NYC at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (nlbfN)

320 ScoggDog, send me a pizza king pizza thru the USB. I'm billing hours and famished.

Posted by: NCKate at February 09, 2017 11:27 PM (WGymb)

321 65 They didn't drop the bison in Banff. They "dropped them off."
Not quite the same thing at all. I was thinking, harnesses, dude, wow.

Vivid Map Company spells "borders" as "boarders." I'm sure I'll cite them in my next thesis.

I don't understand things like that football map. If you live in a county, do they issue you fan gear, and you have to, like that team? Where I am, there are people liking a lot of different teams. Kind of makes it fun. No notes on the methodology, but I guess, they take some kind of survey, and whoever is the biggest group gets the color code? That's a certain kind of thinking, it is, and it's the kind that makes some Morons wish death and destruction on whole states where they know damn well their friends and relatives live. Because "map code color!" I guess some people think like that. Don't like it.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 10:32 PM (H5rtT)

It's one of those maps based on "Facebook likes", the dumbest fucking metric ever, but in today's world, some people that do these maps thinks it is fascinating to create that map.

I know from real metrics, like TV ratings, that there is no way that Dallas is the most popular team in over half of Virginia. Not. Even. Close. On several occasions, TV stations have decided to dump the Redskins' game on the last weekend or two of the season to show Cowboys' games. The GMs of those stations issue mea culpas on the Monday after the game and promise never to do it again.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at February 09, 2017 11:27 PM (1JnAL)

322 316 i wonder what ace's first car was?
Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (aGAV0)

It has to be a '65 GTO.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:27 PM (nQ10o)

323 Yes, the Pontiac T1000 was the badge-engineered Chevette. Just about killed an old boss of mine. Should have been a city car only; rolled into a state-route ditch, it deformed rather badly. Government couldn't buy 'em fast enough, and never thought to limit the application, so this senior executive had no choice but to drive it all over the state. They weren't up to that.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (H5rtT)

Yep, definitely not made for anything but short trips and city driving.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (P8951)

324 293 Is there a difference between "citizen" and "national" as legal terms?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (sK2fh)

Yes. All Citizens are Nationals, but not all Nationals are Citizens. People born in "outlying possessions" - American Samoa and Swains Island - are Nationals but not Citizens.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (R5EqA)

325 >>i wonder what ace's first car was?

Ace exclusively drives a 1985 leCar.

leCar. The Official Car of AoSHQ.

Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (WQ9DL)

326 229
I wanted to add, I've only had 5 cars in over 30 years.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:04 PM (8cEQL)

My car history is similar, Cali:1979 Ford Granada - Whoop! Parent's car that I sort of 'assumed' in high school. Died at work in the steel mill. Not quite 100k miles.

1988 Accord - bought new. Lasted 245k miles. Sold it for 10% of the original price.
1990 Jeep SporTruck - bought new (I couldn't drive a Honda in a steel mill, now!) Lasted for at least 100k miles. Sold it to another coworker in 2002.
1998 Honda Civic - bought new. Lasted 200k miles. Sold to a family member who is still driving it.
2002 Honda Civic Hybrid - bought new. Lasted 220k miles until the batteries went out. Awaiting final disposition.
2004 Honda Accord - inherited from parents. Has about 160k miles, I think, and getting long in the tooth. I will have to start looking for the next one.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt, still loving the Cubs, even though they are WINNERS! at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (8iiMU)

327 #290: Yes, if you're not a full citizen, whether by birth or by naturalization, you are indeed an alien.

It's not putting down people who are here legally working toward becoming citizens to refer to them as aliens, and it doesn't disparage their legal status. Foreigners living here are aliens, until they become citizens. It's just a simple statement of legal fact.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 09, 2017 11:29 PM (0OG8D)

328 *Something to do with spark plugs, maybe? I'm a perfect idiot when it comes to car stuff.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (nQ10o)*

Hah! Give Ladylibertarian all the kudos! You, Ladylibertarian, move to the front of the line!

Yes, the no start problem was *much* worse before I changed the spark plugs.

I installed new platinum plugs that are gapped *exactly* to factory specs. That narrowed the *difficult to start* parameters to the current mid 40's temp and relatively high humidity.

Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 11:29 PM (/B6Iw)

329 All right, time to bolt early before sleep.

I'm listening to an audiobook about the Crusades and Richard the Lionheart has just arrived at the siege of Acre.

Good night, y'all!

Posted by: logprof at February 09, 2017 11:29 PM (GsAUU)

330 I visited Cancun last week. Nobody gave me any shit about Citizenship, or my speech. Feeling me now?

Posted by: Flyboy

Did you attempt to gain tax-free employment, receive welfare payments, put your children in schools paid for by citizen taxes, use emergency medical services on a regular basis for non emergency care, then protest the Mexican government's racist treatment of you?


Then that's why they liked you!


Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 09, 2017 11:29 PM (fhGWd)

331 325. Well, when we're showing off or wanna impress people, yeah.

But it's the Yugo for daily driving.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:30 PM (NQrx/)

>>>i wonder what ace's first car was?

Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (aGAV0)<<<

A speeder bike.
Stolen from a Storm Trooper.

Posted by: an indifferent penguin at February 09, 2017 11:30 PM (tyrWm)

333 CBD: "The Constitution says that government can't limit speech."

Does it? (serious question) The 1st refers to Congress, and the "press". Has this been expanded, by law or, um, judicial decree (we need to come up with some term for this, that captures the lawlessness and arrogance of judicial "rulings" now)?

Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:30 PM (QDnY+)

334 314 "Ahhhh--remember the Datsun 210? Everyone had one. Four college friends and I drove 24 hours in a blizzard from Cols to Stowe in one. Got to know that car very well."

5 up in a 210 for 24 hours? Could anyone walk afterwards?

We were 22. Back then, 22 year olds were already tough people. Not a single complaint.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:30 PM (nQ10o)

335 322 316 i wonder what ace's first car was?
Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (aGAV0)

Is ace a born and bred New Yorker?

I've known quite a few New Yorkers who never learned how to drive, because it's insane to own a car in NYC.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:31 PM (P8951)

336 night

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at February 09, 2017 11:31 PM (fhGWd)

337 >> i wonder what ace's first car was?

His first drum set was made out of human skullz.

Posted by: George Thorogood at February 09, 2017 11:31 PM (WQ9DL)

338 44 First car: 1951 Plymouth
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (ZO497)

Weird, my 1st was a '50 Plymouth. I'll bet there wasn't much difference between the two. I loved the big metal dash board with a tube radio that had to warm up before it worked.

Posted by: The Duke of Righteous Anger at February 09, 2017 11:31 PM (T71PA)

339 316 i wonder what ace's first car was?
Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (aGAV0)

It has to be a '65 GTO.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:27 PM (nQ10o)

Mine was a '68 GTO. I miss that car.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 09, 2017 11:31 PM (aMlLZ)

340 *My first car was a 77 LTD. 351 Windsor. Red with a White Ragtop.

I installed my old man's Craig Powerplay cassette deck out of his E150 van in it. I referred to it as his Shaggin' Waggon. Never in front of him. Or mom.

If that car could talk ... I'd have to kill it.
Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 11:15 PM (fiGNd)*


Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 11:31 PM (/B6Iw)

341 325 >>i wonder what ace's first car was?

Ace exclusively drives a 1985 leCar.

leCar. The Official Car of AoSHQ.
Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (WQ9DL)

Automotive Kaboom.

No, wait. That was the Pinto.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:32 PM (R5EqA)

342 That visitors to our Country are are not considered anything other than visitors. You seem intent on shoving them into a citizenship class.

I visited Cancun last week. Nobody gave me any shit about Citizenship, or my speech. Feeling me now?

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (R3Jti)

No. I don't have a clue what you're trying to say.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:32 PM (zc3Db)

343 A friend's aunt owned a LeCar - biggest piece of shit ever.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:32 PM (P8951)

344 Hey, if we're going to quote song lyrics

It's okay
It's not loaded
I'm a good driver

It's okay
It's not loaded
I'm a good driver

Name that one without a web search.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 09, 2017 11:32 PM (MZcWR)

345 i wonder what ace's first car was?

Stolen 74-Z Speeder bike.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (IcT7t)

346 >i wonder what ace's first car was?

Ace exclusively drives a 1985 leCar.

leCar. The Official Car of AoSHQ.
Posted by: garrett at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (WQ9DL)

I'm thinking since he's around NYC somewhere he may not even own one.

Posted by: Name Changed To Protect The Innocent at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (CzP4C)

347 >>>It has to be a '65 GTO

i'm thinking a super bee

Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (aGAV0)

348 His first drum set was made out of human skullz.

Posted by: George Thorogood at February 09, 2017 11:31 PM (WQ9DL)

Niice. I totally approve.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (aMlLZ)

349 324 293 Is there a difference between "citizen" and "national" as legal terms?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (sK2fh)

Yes. All Citizens are Nationals, but not all Nationals are Citizens. People born in "outlying possessions" - American Samoa and Swains Island - are Nationals but not Citizens.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (R5EqA)


Is that true of naturalized citizens? Is a Greek who immigrated here and naturalized considered an American national?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (R+30W)

350 the majority of european cars are crap. look good, may go fast but not reliable or durable.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (cPsPa)

My first car was an '81 Toyota Celica Hatchback (new). Drove it for 20 years. Daughter trashed it by negligent driving; bought a used Toyota something or another. Then a new 2001 VW Passat Wagon with manual transmission (all my cars have been manual transmission vehicles). That died, totaled, within five years with the engine aspirated water from a plugged drain in the battery well and bent the crankshaft (don't ask). Returned to the SOA Toyota before getting a new 2010 Mazda 3. It's okay, but I'm looking to ditch it for a late model manual transmission truck in the next year or so. The two Mrs. Krebs have had about the same number of vehicles each over the same 35 year time span. Buying vehicles ain't our thing.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (v1g1+)

352 Ahhh, Carole King.
One of my top five, all time singer/songwriters.

Posted by: teej at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (v6Osy)

353 I don't know if I could handle a flamin liberal Wife. Married life is hard enough when we mostly agree politically.

Posted by: USNtakim at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (hMqvx)

354 all this fightin, killin, wine, and those women gonna put me to an early grave. nothin left to save, but my life.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (KP5rU)

355 What'd I miss since my triumph at post 11?

Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (nDcc3)

356 GLADSTONE, Miss. (KSHB) - A 19-year-old Missouri
woman whose family emigrated from Mexico says she was the target of
harassment while she was exercising last Thursday.

Jessica Diaz said she was out for a run when a man pulled up next to her.

"He rolls down his window, he looks at me, and tells me 'I didn't
know there was any illegals living in this neighborhood'," she
explained. "He then spat on my face and told me to go back to my

She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard.

The incident left Diaz shocked and saddened moments after it happened.

"I just stood there. I couldn't believe it had just happened to me,"
she said. "I walked back home and I cried. That's all I could do."

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 09, 2017 10:22 PM (IqV8l)

A) I call this as fake news. B) Does the article say whether Jessica Diaz's family emigrated legally or illegally?

Posted by: redbanzai at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (FTXAT)

357 The Constitution says that government can't limit speech. It says nothing about whose speeech can't be limited.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (rF0hx)

An alien has no Constitutional right to be here. He can be ejected for any reason. Therefore he has no right to free speech since he can be ejected for speech.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (zc3Db)

358 Grandson told his mom today if he is going to have a girlfriend it's going to be Kate Upton.

Moron in training right there.

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde, NC Chapter at February 09, 2017 11:34 PM (uEpVN)

359 1st car was a 1968 GTO
2nd car was a 1971 roadrunner
3rd car was a 1970 roadrunner
4th car was a 1968 roadrunner

been downhill ever since.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 09, 2017 11:35 PM (aMlLZ)

360 There was a long stretch in DC when I didn't own a car. It was more hassle and expense than it was worth. I rented cars on weekends when I wanted to get out of town.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at February 09, 2017 11:35 PM (P8951)

361 Name that one without a web search.
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at February 09, 2017 11:32 PM (MZcWR)

The theme song to the pilot episode of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood?

Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 09, 2017 11:35 PM (sK2fh)

362 The Constitution says that government can't limit speech. It says nothing about whose speeech can't be limited.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (rF0hx)

An alien has no Constitutional right to be here. He can be ejected for any reason. Therefore he has no right to free speech since he can be ejected for speech.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair

yes and yes.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:35 PM (cPsPa)

363 @333 "Does it? (serious question) The 1st refers to Congress, and the "press". Has this been expanded, by law or, um, judicial decree (we need to come up with some term for this, that captures the lawlessness and arrogance of judicial "rulings" now)?
Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:30 PM (QDnY+)"

Yes, most of the BOR applies against the states, via the 14Am. by way of Incorporation Doctrine (if memory serves).

Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at February 09, 2017 11:35 PM (fn748)

364 320 ScoggDog, send me a pizza king pizza thru the USB. I'm billing hours and famished.

One big pizza cut in square pieces on the way ...

Posted by: ScoggDog at February 09, 2017 11:35 PM (fiGNd)

365 aces' first car was an iroc z camaro.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 09, 2017 11:36 PM (KP5rU)

366 313 All non-Americans are "aliens". I'm not sure what you are trying to argue, here.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:18 PM (zc3Db)


That visitors to our Country are are not considered anything other than visitors. You seem intent on shoving them into a citizenship class.

I visited Cancun last week. Nobody gave me any shit about Citizenship, or my speech. Feeling me now?

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:25 PM (R3Jti)


A visitor is still an alien. They are not native. You seem to think that there is some negativity attached to the word alien. There isn't. It just means they are not us, they are them.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:37 PM (R+30W)

367 349 324 293 Is there a difference between "citizen" and "national" as legal terms?
Posted by: Warai-otoko at February 09, 2017 11:22 PM (sK2fh)

Yes. All Citizens are Nationals, but not all Nationals are Citizens. People born in "outlying possessions" - American Samoa and Swains Island - are Nationals but not Citizens.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:28 PM (R5EqA)


Is that true of naturalized citizens? Is a Greek who immigrated here and naturalized considered an American national?

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (R+30W)

Yes, of course. If you are a Citizen, naturalized or native-born, you are also a "National".

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:37 PM (R5EqA)

368 Mortimer, I envy you your sprightly good cheer, but I think the situation is much much darker than you seem to.

Barring a comprehensive repudiation of the nonsense to date in the EO case (to include "standing" aspects), the judiciary has now asserted that it can assume control of hitherto unquestioned national security prerogatives of the president - as it chooses, on a whim. Without reference to the constitution or statutes.

And if you think that much of any consequence will get accomplished - in immigration or many other areas, where there are at least weak but existing hooks for the courts to grab onto - if this judicial coup is allowed to stand, you might be mistaken.

There no longer is any real theoretical limit to judicial review. They can invent standing, ignore the const. and statutes. If they can do it non-chalantly, as they are doing now, on matters that may produce dead bodies in the near term, who thinks they won't be 100 times as aggressive in other areas?

Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:38 PM (QDnY+)

369 @355 Your first car was a triumph?
What a life you must have led!

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:38 PM (H5rtT)

370 No. I don't have a clue what you're trying to say.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:32 PM (zc3Db)


Of course you have chosen not to get this.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:38 PM (R3Jti)

371 Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:37 PM (R+30W)

Bingo, bango, bongo.

Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at February 09, 2017 11:38 PM (nDcc3)

372 366 Anon

Na-nu Na-nu!

Posted by: ibguy at February 09, 2017 11:38 PM (vUcdz)

His first drum set was made out of human skullz.
Posted by: George Thorogood


WOuldn't that be some sort of xylophone or * xylobone *, if you will?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 09, 2017 11:39 PM (4YGWz)

374 I went two years and change in semi-rural Texas without a car. Fortunately, it was only about five miles to work. Yeah, I biked it.....sucked in winter and summer....

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:39 PM (NQrx/)

375 Lemme git this straight. Furrin folks are aliens even if they're from Earth?

Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at February 09, 2017 11:39 PM (fn748)

Does the article say whether Jessica Diaz's family emigrated legally or illegally?
Posted by: redbanzai


Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 09, 2017 11:39 PM (IqV8l)

377 *Grandson told his mom today if he is going to have a girlfriend it's going to be Kate Upton.*

Smart kid.

Hope he can hold his own.

Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 11:39 PM (/B6Iw)

378 Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:30 PM (QDnY+)

Congress shall make abridging freedom of speech.

That's pretty clear to me.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:40 PM (rF0hx)

379 I went two years and change in semi-rural Texas without a car. Fortunately, it was only about five miles to work. Yeah, I biked it.....sucked in winter and summer....

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:39 PM

You must have had a hell of a stabilizer system with balls that big.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 09, 2017 11:40 PM (aMlLZ)

380 Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt, still loving the Cubs, even though they are WINNERS! at February 09, 2017 11:28

You put some miles on your cars. Mine always have low miles. My car now is 5 years old and has 23,000 miles.
I do have my husband's old Tahoe that has 110,000 miles. It's 4 years old. His trucks have hard miles from driving on ranches. They're always out of alignment.
Everyone wants to buy my cars because they're freeway miles mostly and serviced on time. And kept in the garage.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:41 PM (8cEQL)

381 There no longer is any real theoretical limit to judicial review. They can invent standing, ignore the const. and statutes. If they can do it non-chalantly, as they are doing now, on matters that may produce dead bodies in the near term, who thinks they won't be 100 times as aggressive in other areas?
Posted by: rhomboid at February

well, we have wandered a bit far afield over the decades but things are not so dire. we should start by impeaching activist judges.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:42 PM (cPsPa)

382 Boy, the SJW's are in a conundrum now.

The woman who claimed that Emmet Till whistled at her now says she lied, but we all know that a woman accusing a man of rape is to be believed in every instance.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at February 09, 2017 11:42 PM (1JnAL)

383 Don't know about Ace, but Vic sold his old car to Fred Flintstone.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 09, 2017 11:42 PM (v5iqM)

384 Hi rhomboid,
We took my mother to Jocko's for dinner. The steak was excellent.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:42 PM (8cEQL)

385 379. Heh....necessity makes a man do amazing things. And, I'd biked up in Boston for about a decade - every commute there was a pedal-powered banzai charge.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:43 PM (NQrx/)

386 Marbury versus Madison set a bad precedent which, sadly, was never overturned. None of the branches should be superior to the others in interpreting the Constitution.

Posted by: The inexplicable Dr. Julius Strangepork at February 09, 2017 11:43 PM (fn748)

387 Gun rights activists have argued, in the courts, that aliens have Second Amendment rights -- the right to apply for a concealed carry permit, for instance. As I recall, the courts found in favor.

Two schools of thought. That the Constitution is a contract of "we the People" meaning citizens, or, it's more a declaration of human rights, and anyone in US jurisdiction enjoys its full protection. Not a new dispute, either.

Let's look at it this way. I belong to a club, of citizens. We rent a hall because we want to hear and discuss the opinions of an alien. A local authority nixes that because there might be trouble. Whose rights have been violated -- mine, or my hired speaker?

Leon Trotsky was an extremely popular speaker in US cities. Made his living that way.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:43 PM (H5rtT)

388 i have an 03 with only 57,000 miles
the 95 has about 130,000

both run like tops

Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:44 PM (aGAV0)

389 have an 03 with only 57,000 miles
the 95 has about 130,000

both run like tops
Posted by: concrete girl at February

in circles?

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:44 PM (cPsPa)

390 1st car - '87 Camaro (maroon)
2nd car - '88 Bronco II (maroon and gold! Super classy. Bigly)
3rd car - '95 SHO (red)
4th car - Mountaineer (maroon... with a little gray)

Posted by: an indifferent penguin at February 09, 2017 11:44 PM (tyrWm)

391 This car talk is giving me deja vu...didn't we do this back in the summer?

Anywho, my first - and still my favorite - a cherry red 1973 CJ-5.

May just get one when the current ride gives up the ghost. I hate these new cars.

Posted by: browndog at February 09, 2017 11:44 PM (ccfl2)

392 Posted by: Berserker-
A GTO for a first car, you must've had all the chicks.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:45 PM (8cEQL)

393 we should start by impeaching activist judges.
Posted by: yankeefifth


Posted by: Townhall cowards at February 09, 2017 11:45 PM (4YGWz)

394 Dr Strangepork (one of the best nics BTW), still not clear.

I get the incorporation against the states.

What I don't get is how Congress, and the press, covers all free expression. It clearly doesn't.

So - has this very narrow concept of Congress restricting the press morphed into all govt. at all levels barred from limiting speech from all individuals? It would seem so, I would hope so, but have no idea what the actual basis in law might be.

Not that law means anything any more (seriously), if the right courts can be located and induced to exercise their dictatorial powers.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:45 PM (QDnY+)


Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:38 PM (H5rtT)

Yes at such a young age too

Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (nDcc3)

396 >>"He rolls down his window, he looks at me, and tells me 'I didn't

know there was any illegals living in this neighborhood'," she

explained. "He then spat on my face and told me to go back to my


She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard.
Damn illegals are putting my elves out of work.

Posted by: Santa at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (/Nite)

397 >>>in circles?


Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (aGAV0)

398 Congress shall make abridging freedom of speech.

That's pretty clear to me.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:40 PM (rF0hx)

That's the speech of citizens. Aliens, as I have pointed out, have their freedom of speech curtailed as it relates to our political processes, just for a simple example.

Further, Congress doesn't have to write any law to allow an alien to be kicked out of the country. Congress has to write laws that detail when an alien is allowed to stay in our country. An alien has no inherent, Constitutional right to be here.

Of course, aliens have the great advantage that they can't be guilty of treason ... so there's that.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (zc3Db)

399 well, if you are an activist judge, or more correctly not an originalist, how are your protecting and defending the Constitution?

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (cPsPa)

400 Nevertheless, she lost
Nevertheless, she will never be president
Nevertheless, a fake indian village is missing their idiot
Nevertheless, she couldn't make ghostbusters profitable

These are fun

Posted by: Mst3k at February 09, 2017 11:47 PM (SbaWv)

401 Gave the 2lt the Firebird, kept the Range Rover. He came out ahead.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 09, 2017 11:47 PM (7jX2E)

402 Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at February 09, 2017 11:42 PM (1JnAL)

Seriously? Because if so....I think it'd be appropriate to charge her with........fucking something.

Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at February 09, 2017 11:47 PM (nDcc3)

403 A visitor is still an alien. They are not native. You seem to think that there is some negativity attached to the word alien. There isn't. It just means they are not us, they are them.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:37 PM (R+30W)


So their free right to speech is legally limited?

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:47 PM (R3Jti)

404 Vehicles

1. 1979 GMC Pickup (who knows how many miles, the odometer died at 70,000 along with the power windows)
2. 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass 442
3. 1995 GMC 4x4 Pickup (transmission died at 95,000)
4. 2000 GMC 4x4 Pickup (200,000+)

Posted by: rd at February 09, 2017 11:47 PM (iT57s)

405 I recall one commute in particular. This was a crap-hole of a town, and I lived in the worst part of it. Biking along, I noticed that a pit bull jad become attached to one of my boots. I recall thinking, as I kicked the beast unconscious, that I had taken a wrong turn somewhere in life.....

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 09, 2017 11:48 PM (NQrx/)

406 "There no longer is any real theoretical limit to judicial review."

It's the end result of the Critical Legal Studies movement. Law is politics by other means.

Trump has several ways to work around this EO.

One is to put in Extreme Vetting and then rescind the order as moot.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 09, 2017 11:48 PM (bQxkN)

407 . They weren't up to that.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:26 PM (H5rtT)

Yep, definitely not made for anything but short trips and city driving.
Posted by: Donna di deplorable

There were a few Chevettes with transplanted 2.8 V-6's that were campaigned in SCCA.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 11:48 PM (ZO497)

408 394 Dr Strangepork (one of the best nics BTW), still not clear.

I get the incorporation against the states.

What I don't get is how Congress, and the press, covers all free expression. It clearly doesn't.

So - has this very narrow concept of Congress restricting the press morphed into all govt. at all levels barred from limiting speech from all individuals? It would seem so, I would hope so, but have no idea what the actual basis in law might be.

Not that law means anything any more (seriously), if the right courts can be located and induced to exercise their dictatorial powers.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:45 PM (QDnY+)


Let's say you are talking about the HUD department. The reason they are prevented from censoring speech is that they are a creature of Congress. If Congress can't do something, it can't invent an agency and then have that agency do what it itself cannot.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:48 PM (R+30W)

409 well, we have wandered a bit far afield over the decades but things are not so dire. we should start by impeaching activist judges.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:42 PM (cPsPa)

And which 15 Dem Senators will you count on to convict in order to avoid acquittal and vindication of the judges in the eyes of most people?

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 09, 2017 11:48 PM (vBeA5)

410 Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:45 PM (QDnY+)

I believe it's due to the Incorporation Doctrine via the 14th Amendment. Same doctrine that bars all government actors at all levels from "establishing" (read: mention *at all*) religion.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:49 PM (R5EqA)

411 Hi ONT!

So I caught a bit of something on SHO and I needed to go to OnDemand and rewatch. Mark Halperin and John Heilman did a behind the scenes documentary all through the campaign and they just put out a new one that focuses on the Trump campaign from the beginning.

I fast forwarded the first hour and fifteen. I didn't need to relive the primaries or the Hillary! debates. The part I settled in for was election night.

I'm still not even a Trump guy, but oh what a reminder of how awful Hillary! was. And there was the Javitz Center full of mourners. First shocked, then stunned, then sitting on the floor hugging each other.

It was as satisfying as re-watching the NFL Films version of the Super Bowl with the players mic-ed and the new angles. It was glorious.

Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at February 09, 2017 11:49 PM (mgbwf)

412 Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (aGAV0)

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:50 PM (8cEQL)

413 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (zc3Db)

What law is milo breaking when he attempts to speak, and then is prevented from speaking by the jack-booted thugs of public universities?

The prohibition against controlling speech is to defend the listeners as well as the speakers.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:50 PM (rF0hx)

414 Does the article say whether Jessica Diaz's family emigrated legally or illegally?

Posted by: redbanzai


Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at February 09, 2017 11:39 PM (IqV8l)

Then logic dictates they are illegals. If they were legal, that would have been a YUGE part of the story to prove that Trump supporters are not only racist but also so stupid that they were wrongfully harassing legal immigrants.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 09, 2017 11:51 PM (FTXAT)

415 393 we should start by impeaching activist judges.
Posted by: yankeefifth

BUT THAT'S MEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!! fucking brilliant!
Posted by: Townhall cowards at February 09, 2017 11:45 PM (4YGWz)

What you really meant to say.

Posted by: tbodie at February 09, 2017 11:51 PM (/B6Iw)

416 @rd

my mom drove a '66 and then a '70 442. She never really knew what she had until she went grocery shopping one day, opened the trunk to find racing slicks in the well.

Seems my brother had forgotten to remove "something" from the Friday night before.

Good times were had that night when the old man got home.

Posted by: browndog at February 09, 2017 11:52 PM (ccfl2)

417 347 >>>It has to be a '65 GTO

i'm thinking a super bee
Posted by: concrete girl at February 09, 2017 11:33 PM (aGAV0)

The Porsche? If so, my BIL had one and it was our "going away" car, leaving the wedding reception.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:52 PM (nQ10o)

418 And which 15 Dem Senators will you count on to convict in order to avoid acquittal and vindication of the judges in the eyes of most people?
Posted by: The Political Hat at February

well, we may not be able to get the hides immediately, however, we should start having the conversation immediately.

the conversation of whether we have a living breathing document or one set in stone? what rights are and who has them. we are actually starting to have the conversation in fits and starts.

those advocating for a living breathing document are not protecting and defending the Constitution, quite the opposite.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:52 PM (cPsPa)

419 well, if you are an activist judge, or more correctly not an originalist, how are your protecting and defending the Constitution?
Posted by: yankeefifth

You aren't. If the populace was concerned with the rule of law, the judge would be removed immediately. BUT, the Left have seized all of academe, and indoctrinated the majority with the idea that the outcome is more important than the rule of law. It bodes ill.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 11:52 PM (ZO497)

420 CBD, without looking it up, isn't the word "press", not the word "speech," in the 1st?

Yankeefifth, nope. Things are quite dire when courts intrude on unquestioned executive branch national security prerogatives, with no basis whatsoever including the law. And as I said above, if this coup succeeds then many important things the next few years will be slowed or defeated outright by the super-legislature in robes.

And as far as last word on the constitution, the one branch that would absolutely *not* have that word would be the unaccountable, unelected one.

And good luck impeaching a federal judge for professional malfeasance. Big-time criminal violations are a minimum to have a chance at that (and it's still not easy).

Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:53 PM (QDnY+)

421 not saying solving the problems will be easy but there is really no alternative. there is nowhere to retreat to. besides logic and reason are on our side.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:54 PM (cPsPa)

422 403 A visitor is still an alien. They are not native. You seem to think that there is some negativity attached to the word alien. There isn't. It just means they are not us, they are them.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:37 PM (R+30W)


So their free right to speech is legally limited?

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:47 PM (R3Jti)


I was only responding to your objection to the word alien.

Regarding speech...

I am of the school that believes the US Constitution is a compact between the citizens of the US and its government. There are no right for aliens, legal or ot6herwise, other than those granted via legislation. Nothing constitutional.

I am aware that there are various court decisions that have ruled otherwise, but as far as what I believe the constitution says, that is it.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:55 PM (R+30W)

423 420 CBD, without looking it up, isn't the word "press", not the word "speech," in the 1st?

Posted by: rhomboid at February 09, 2017 11:53 PM (QDnY+)


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 11:55 PM (R5EqA)

424 403 A visitor is still an alien. They are not native. You seem to think that there is some negativity attached to the word alien. There isn't. It just means they are not us, they are them.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:37 PM (R+30W)


So their free right to speech is legally limited?
Posted by: Flyboy

Not to really jump into this at this hour, but...

My read on this is that their right to free speech cannot be limited (rights are inherent/God given), but as aliens, they have no legal protection from government censorship.
Same as you in Cancun.

Posted by: Chi at February 09, 2017 11:55 PM (e5sX6)

425 Of course "the old man" wasn't that car savvy either.

He got talked into buying a '59 Lotus Elite by my brother when he was 16.

What a sweet ride, right hand drive and could it corner. The looks I got in the passengers seat as a 10 year old (it being on the left and all).

Posted by: browndog at February 09, 2017 11:55 PM (ccfl2)

426 Yankeefifth, nope. Things are quite dire when courts intrude on unquestioned executive branch national security prerogatives, with no basis whatsoever including the law. And as I said above, if this coup succeeds then many important things the next few years will be slowed or defeated outright by the super-legislature in robes.

And as far as last word on the constitution, the one branch that would absolutely *not* have that word would be the unaccountable, unelected one.

And good luck impeaching a federal judge for professional malfeasance. Big-time criminal violations are a minimum to have a chance at that (and it's still not easy).
Posted by: rhomboid at February

meh. what else you going to do?

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:55 PM (cPsPa)

427 1st Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:56 PM (rF0hx)

428 411 Hi ONT!

So I caught a bit of something on SHO and I needed to go to OnDemand and rewatch. Mark Halperin and John Heilman did a behind the scenes documentary all through the campaign and they just put out a new one that focuses on the Trump campaign from the beginning.

I fast forwarded the first hour and fifteen. I didn't need to relive the primaries or the Hillary! debates. The part I settled in for was election night.

I'm still not even a Trump guy, but oh what a reminder of how awful Hillary! was. And there was the Javitz Center full of mourners. First shocked, then stunned, then sitting on the floor hugging each other.

It was as satisfying as re-watching the NFL Films version of the Super Bowl with the players mic-ed and the new angles. It was glorious.
Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at February 09, 2017 11:49 PM (mgbwf)

You can watch all of he election night deliciousness on YouTube: MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC. It is fabulous!

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 09, 2017 11:56 PM (nQ10o)

429 Man, all of these classic first cars. Goats and the like.

1963 Ford Falcon. Two door with a 170 cid engine. Bought in spring of '71' for $75. Paid for it myself. Can't remember if I was working at the grocery store or ghe bowling alley at the time. I was a sophmore in high school.

Good night all.

Posted by: teej at February 09, 2017 11:57 PM (v6Osy)

430 #367: Yes, I agree. A Greek who comes here under any circumstance is a Greek national, and until such time as he becomes a naturalized citizen, he is still a foreigner, an alien.

There are all sorts of ways foreigners can come here legally without actually becoming Americans. They can be tourists, exchange students, guest workers, diplomats (or relatives thereof), refugees... but until they become citizens, yes, they are foreigners; they are aliens.

Our very own Chique d'Afrique announced here on this blog that she had become a full-on American citizen. We were all proud of her, and welcomed her to her new status as an American.

Prior to that, yes, she was an alien. She was "one of us" in a very real sense, because she was with us, politically-speaking, but she was still a foreigner right up until she became a US citizen.

She was really proud of having become an actual American, and we were all proud of her, too.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 09, 2017 11:57 PM (0OG8D)

431 The deal is, when he deploys, the Firebird comes back to me. So does the 47 CJ2A. Best of both worlds. And I didn't mislead. The Jeep belongs to Megs the Virtous, on loan to the 2LT.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (7jX2E)

432 271 >> Refugee vetting

I read a UN Report regarding Syrian refugees and ID. The UN says that they do make every attempt to ID everyone who makes it to a camp. Problem is that the individuals who are rural/nomadic (specially females) are not issued birth certificates or id papers. In some cases where entire villages are destroyed, the UN issued documents are usually the only papers these people have. In some instances ID can keep only be verified by travelling companion.

Report was from 2015 I think. I'm on my Kindle so can't pull up bookmarks.

Posted by: Usedtocould at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (VCqKl)

433 I am aware that there are various court decisions that have ruled otherwise, but as far as what I believe the constitution says, that is it.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:55 PM (R+30W)


They have ruled otherwise because you are about as wrong as you could possibly be.

Good God.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (R3Jti)

434 What law is milo breaking when he attempts to speak, and then is prevented from speaking by the jack-booted thugs of public universities?

The prohibition against controlling speech is to defend the listeners as well as the speakers.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 09, 2017 11:50 PM (rF0hx)

I never said that Milo was breaking any law or shouldn't be allowed to speak. I was only pointing out that I don't like people to hinge some 1st amendment arguments on aliens who don't have the right of free speech, to begin with, because they don't have any "right" to be here.

I have no problems with Milo. I like him a bit. But he's not an American (so I've heard) and, therefore, cannot be the face of any 1st amendment argument as regards his individual speech. That's all.

As I wrote in some comment above, the Americans in the audience certainly have their rights to free association and assembly but those rights aren't transitive - they don't imbue an alien with any "rights". We have made laws to extend many privileges to alien guests but they remain nothing but privileges which can be snatched away by law as easily as they were first extended.

Of course, this is all theoretical as any discussion of Constitutionality and actual law means pretty much nothing in our court system ...

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (zc3Db)

435 FFS, et tu, Peets? I love me a cup of Major Dickason's blend.

What I hate is the assumption by all these asshats what we just agree, or SHOULD agree, because they are pressuring us to. Don't you LIKE the human rights of citizens? (Yeah, I do, which is why I hate illegal immigration.) Aren't 'civic values' important and don't they need defence?

Same liberal tactics - pressure to adhere to groupthink or you are against all the good things.

On the plus side, fewer places to spend my money so more is in my pocket, but there are no Black Rifle shops on the street corner. Any news about Seattle's Best?

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (Gim9y)

436 Posted by: Berserker-
A GTO for a first car, you must've had all the chicks.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:45 PM (8cEQL)

It wasn't that big of a deal back then, everybody drove some kind of muscle car. They were only 10-15 year old cars back then.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 09, 2017 11:59 PM (aMlLZ)

437 @407 In UK, Chevettes had factory V8s.
You have to imagine there was some gussetting involved there.

You can set a car up to handle. That doesn't mean its natural tendencies are not quirky and fierce. And hell, once properly tweaked, they often get quirkier and fiercer.

Usual trouble with subcompacts back then was amplification of The American Flaw: not enough weight on the back wheels. "Add enough lightness" and this became an actual vice. Unloaded, they were twirly, even with their puny stock motor. Low-ish polar moment, simple therefore only grudgingly compliant rear suspension.

Snickiest vehicles I ever had to "manage" were the Jeep DJ Dispatchers, a Mishawaka product with two wheel drive and the big ol' Rambler Six, carbureted. A sticky automatic choke on a frosty morning, brick streets? Consider yourself end-swapped, just that quick.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 09, 2017 11:59 PM (H5rtT)

438 My first car, 1966 Simca 1000, the subject of one of the more alarming crash tests you'll ever see.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at February 10, 2017 12:00 AM (OJ/jL)

439 Not my first car, but my Dad gave me his Ford Pinto hatchback when I was struggling 20 year old. That robin egg blue color. I had just started working at the railroad and copped one of the "Flammable" placards we had for tankers and put it in the back window.

I really enjoyed that car. Nuthin' fancy, but fit my needs at the time. Too bad it was a rust bucket. Nevew see an old one of them - or a Vega either. Liked the one hubby and I used to have. Maybe you folks in the south see them?

Posted by: cfo mom, formerly known as cfomahm at February 10, 2017 12:00 AM (RfzVr)

440 Never mind, SBC is a subsidiary of Starbucks. Tully's it is! Nothing I could find about their 'political correctness' as they're trying to come out of some financial difficulties.

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 10, 2017 12:01 AM (Gim9y)

441 "Working around" the current judicial coup means acquiescing in it, with certain and growing material consequences.

If Trump rescinds/amends the EO, he's made the courts part of his administration, in effect. Which means he's made hostile entities, political opponents, even foreign entities part of his decision process.

The smart money expects that a tiny number of freak judges from the most lawless circuit, brazenly ignoring relevant law, can render this outlandish result - the new president will cede hitherto unquestioned national security authority - and that this administration won't be eaten alive with lawfare on most of its major domestic initiatives?


Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:02 AM (QDnY+)

442 Prepare to be impressed: first car was a 1984 Dodge Colt E, 4-dr. Oh yeah, baby! It had 8 forward speeds and two reverse, so I could shift going backwards. Total chick magnet.

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at February 10, 2017 12:02 AM (VSenK)

443 well, we may not be able to get the hides immediately, however, we should start having the conversation immediately.

the conversation of whether we have a living breathing document or one set in stone? what rights are and who has them. we are actually starting to have the conversation in fits and starts.

those advocating for a living breathing document are not protecting and defending the Constitution, quite the opposite.
Posted by: yankeefifth at February 09, 2017 11:52 PM (cPsPa)

That's nice.

Trying and failing hard is worse than not trying at all.

Posted by: The Political Hat at February 10, 2017 12:03 AM (vBeA5)

444 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (zc3Db)

You ignored half of what I said.

And using your logic, a foreign-owned newspaper could be censored by the government.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 10, 2017 12:03 AM (rF0hx)

445 They have ruled otherwise because you are about as wrong as you could possibly be.

Good God.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (R3Jti)

The Constitution states it very plainly right in the Preamble:

"... secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES AND TO OUR POSTERITY"

You can't get much more direct than that.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 10, 2017 12:03 AM (zc3Db)

446 433 I am aware that there are various court decisions that have ruled otherwise, but as far as what I believe the constitution says, that is it.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 09, 2017 11:55 PM (R+30W)


They have ruled otherwise because you are about as wrong as you could possibly be.

Good God.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (R3Jti)


Thanks for clearing that up.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:04 AM (R+30W)

447 I always wanted a Carmen Ghia. Such a beautiful car.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:04 AM (nQ10o)

448 First car:1972 Fiat 128 saloon (sedan). Frog green. I honestly my mechanical and jury-rigging skills on that car.

First car that I paid for:1979 Ford Fiesta. Great little car.

Favorite car: my current ride, 2011 Mustang GT/CS convertible.

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde, NC Chapter at February 10, 2017 12:05 AM (uEpVN)

449 First car was a used four door Cream of Asparagus green 1970 Chevelle some lady from church had for years. I loved that car and since it's what I learned to parallel park in, parking my Silverado 1500 now is no big deal. Backed into a spot on a Seattle street and I swear some people stopped to see if I could do it. Done first try. =P

Wish I had room and cash to get an old classic car and work on her.

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 10, 2017 12:05 AM (Gim9y)

450 He of questionable Snape hair doth interject:


Gowdy Slams 9th Circuit Opinion: No Right For Non-Citizens To Come To U.S. via @dailycaller

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 10, 2017 12:06 AM (4YGWz)

451 Thanks CBD.

Had forgotten the "speech" part. Probably the brain damage from that time Brian Williams and I repelled from a chopper to a spot where we had a good view of Skorzeny's commandos in the raid that freed Mussolini.

Or something.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:06 AM (QDnY+)

452 And using your logic, a foreign-owned newspaper could be censored by the government.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 10, 2017 12:03 AM (rF0hx)

There used to be all sorts of laws about foreign ownership of media, IIRC. Maybe someone else can remember the details ... if I am not mistaken.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 10, 2017 12:06 AM (zc3Db)

453 447 I always wanted a Carmen Ghia. Such a beautiful car.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian

My first car was a 1969 Karmann Ghia droptop.
Fun car.

Posted by: Chi at February 10, 2017 12:06 AM (e5sX6)

454 Thanks for clearing that up.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:04 AM (R+30W)


No worries. You're welcome.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 10, 2017 12:07 AM (R3Jti)

455 They have ruled otherwise because you are about as wrong as you could possibly be.

Good God.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 09, 2017 11:58 PM (R3Jti)

No that is correct... aliens do not have any rights not given them by Congress. They have no Constitutional rights. This is proven by the fact that judicial activism only tries to give them rights that the left approves of (so no second amendment rights) and why aliens were legally deported for violating the alien and sedition act even as it was declared unconstitutional as applied to citizens.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 10, 2017 12:07 AM (FTXAT)

456 1980 Chevrolet Citation.

Yes, I know. You are all jealous.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 10, 2017 12:08 AM (rF0hx)

457 ""Working around" the current judicial coup means acquiescing in it,"

It means winning the outcome.

If the Nazis had gone full pagan, worshiped Odin and made human sacrifices, with our current thinking we'd never have been able to stop them.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 10, 2017 12:09 AM (bQxkN)

458 I really enjoyed that car. Nuthin' fancy, but fit my needs at the time. Too bad it was a rust bucket. Nevew see an old one of them - or a Vega either. Liked the one hubby and I used to have. Maybe you folks in the south see them?
Posted by: cfo mom

A friend of mine had an early 70's Pinto. He finally sold it when rust got into the door panels, and the driver's side door fell off.

Always the Ford fan, he moved onto a '78 Fairmont wagon (with 4 on the floor!). he kept that for a few years until the driver's seat fell through the rusted out floor.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:09 AM (ZO497)

459 453 447 I always wanted a Carmen Ghia. Such a beautiful car.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian

My first car was a 1969 Karmann Ghia droptop.
Fun car.
Posted by: Chi at February 10, 2017 12:06 AM (e5sX6)

I know they weren't safe, but they were so very beautiful. I envy you.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:09 AM (nQ10o)

460 HONED!!! I HONED my mechanical and jury-rigging skills on that car. Stupid auto-cucumber!

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde, NC Chapter at February 10, 2017 12:10 AM (uEpVN)

461 The rule that you have to be able to spell the name before you can own the car has been devastating to Carmen Ghias, Cameros, and the Alpha Romero.

Could hurt Volkswagon too, in the long run.
I think they quit making Kreislers.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 12:10 AM (H5rtT)

462 It wasn't that big of a deal back then, everybody drove some kind of muscle car. They were only 10-15 year old cars back then.
Posted by: Berserker
Not everyone. Some people had to drive bugs with rusted floorboards.
My brother had a Chevelle for a first car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:10 AM (8cEQL)

463 ""Working around" the current judicial coup means acquiescing in it,"


The work around that worked for years in the US was tar and feathers: reapply as necessary.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 10, 2017 12:11 AM (FTXAT)

464 Just ordered up some AK-47 espresso beans from Black Rifle Coffee Co. Starbucks can eat a supersize Bag 'O Dicks!

Posted by: Rhubarb Ranch at February 10, 2017 12:11 AM (5RARy)

465 First car that I paid for:1979 Ford Fiesta. Great little car.

Posted by: GGE
There's still a Fiesta running around here.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:12 AM (ZO497)

466 Um, hold up there.

Aliens - in the LPR (green card) category - are in fact allowed to own firearms. Believe the 4473 (background check) form has "citizen" and "legal resident" boxes (or something like that).

Have no idea how that came about, whether it rests on a legislative or court/const. interpretation basis.

Also pretty sure that, at least de facto, aliens have certain BOR protections - those relevant to criminal proceedings, for example. Habeas corpus, the 5th, the 4th's limits on searches/seizures. A criminal (not immigration status) case against an alien isn't going anywhere in any US court if any of those trip-wires have been tripped.

Again, not sure of the legal infrastructure underneath it all, but pretty sure this is the case.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:12 AM (QDnY+)

467 Berserker wins for the best cars. In my humble opinion. 60's Mopars ruled.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:12 AM (KP5rU)

468 452 And using your logic, a foreign-owned newspaper could be censored by the government.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 10, 2017 12:03 AM (rF0hx)

There used to be all sorts of laws about foreign ownership of media, IIRC. Maybe someone else can remember the details ... if I am not mistaken.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 10, 2017 12:06 AM (zc3Db)


I seem to recall one of the obstacles Murdoch faced when he was putting together his network was that fact that he was an Aussie. He did become an American, plus the laws were loosened up regarding foreign ownership. I don't recall the specific timeline of events, but they were all occurring around the same time.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (R+30W)

469 The Constitution states it very plainly right in the Preamble:

"... secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES AND TO OUR POSTERITY"

You can't get much more direct than that.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 10, 2017 12:03 AM (zc3Db)


So you want to argue that we should have no immigration. I wish you luck with that.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (R3Jti)

470 In this next liveblog of Hobo Reads Robert Howard, we follow Conan as he duels the Slithering Shadow:

Conan lights his way with a "jewel, fused with radium". That he just grabs off the wall.

Tune in next time for, Conan The Glowing Corpse With No Bowels Or Hair!

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (6FqZa)

471 Greetings, good folk.

Excuse the self-centered comment, but I humbly ask for your GoodThoughts in my direction. Some kind of glitch or attack has messed up my website. Twenty years of webworks gone in a day. I pray it is recoverable, but my hope is weak and time is tight.

I have so many problems pending, this isn't even in the top ten, but, dang! I don't deserve mercy or providence, but then who does?

Participation in the AoS blog severely curtailed due to failing computers, too. Technology hates me?

N.B.: Regular, frequent backups are a good idea.

C U L8R, friends. I hope not too much L8R.....


Posted by: mindful, former webworker at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (qQcQl)

472 Anyone have a Ford Fairlane station wagon with the fake wood panels on the side and the seats that faced each other in the back? My parents had one when I was growing up. I had to learn to parallel park that monster.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (nQ10o)

473 Ahh, the top-of-the-line physics knowledge of the 1920s.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (6FqZa)

474 has been devastating to Carmen Ghias,


Common Gears?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:14 AM (ZO497)

475 Hey, I got "Firebird" right! AND CJ2A.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 10, 2017 12:14 AM (7jX2E)

476 She was really proud of having become an actual American, and we were all proud of her, too.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 09, 2017 11:57 PM (0OG8D)

And I would note, that becoming a Moron of the Horde, is the ultimate proof of assimilation.

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 10, 2017 12:14 AM (qf6WZ)

477 Anyone have a Ford Fairlane station wagon with the fake wood panels on the side and the seats that faced each other in the back? My parents had one when I was growing up. I had to learn to parallel park that monster.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian

That was intermediate sized.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:14 AM (ZO497)

478 I have so many problems pending, this isn't even in the top ten, but, dang! I don't deserve mercy or providence, but then who does?

Participation in the AoS blog severely curtailed due to failing computers, too. Technology hates me?

N.B.: Regular, frequent backups are a good idea.

C U L8R, friends. I hope not too much L8R.....

Posted by: mindful, former webworker at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (qQcQl)


Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:15 AM (nQ10o)

479 The most fun non muscle car I had was a 1988 Mitsubishi Starion ESI-R. I miss that thing, it was ahead of its time in a lot of ways. I got it new as a leftover in 1989. that sucker was glued to the road, but damn you couldn't even get it out of the driveway in the snow. It had some wide ass tires.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 12:16 AM (aMlLZ)

480 Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 12:10 AM (H5rtT)

And yet you misspelled Camaro. Quirky!

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at February 10, 2017 12:16 AM (tHwdc)

481 477 Anyone have a Ford Fairlane station wagon with the fake wood panels on the side and the seats that faced each other in the back? My parents had one when I was growing up. I had to learn to parallel park that monster.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian

That was intermediate sized.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:14 AM (ZO497)

I remember it being really big. Maybe it wasn't a Fairlane?

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:16 AM (nQ10o)

482 My ex got the Fiesta, it died a horrible le death just shy of 400K miles when her second ex forgot to put oil in it. Since it only used a quart between changes I assume it hadn't been changed in a while.

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde, NC Chapter at February 10, 2017 12:16 AM (uEpVN)

483 n 1981, he bought The Times, his first British broadsheet, and became a naturalised U.S. citizen in 1985 to satisfy the legal requirement for U.S. television ownership.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:16 AM (R+30W)

484 472 Anyone have a Ford Fairlane station wagon with the fake wood panels on the side and the seats that faced each other in the back? My parents had one when I was growing up. I had to learn to parallel park that monster.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (nQ10o)

No.... but we had a Pontiac Catalina station wagon, that had the seat that faced backwards...

And a big block 455.... used to take it cruising when the parents were out of town... talk about a sleeper...

Posted by: Don Quixote at February 10, 2017 12:16 AM (qf6WZ)

485 402 Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at February 09, 2017 11:42 PM (1JnAL)

Seriously? Because if so....I think it'd be appropriate to charge her with........fucking something.
Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at February 09, 2017 11:47 PM (nDcc3)

Till's family is pushing for a reopening of the investigation, but after 60 years, there isn't anybody to charge, they are all dead. The woman who made the allegation, never made it to law enforcement, she told her husband who went and kidnapped Till.

The DoJ even re-opened the case in 2004, but couldn't get anywhere. The county prosecutor in 2007 tried to get charges against the woman and others rumored to be involved and the all black grand jury declined to press charges.

Really sad case.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at February 10, 2017 12:17 AM (1JnAL)

486 Well fuck - you got me, Stringer! LOL!

Posted by: Miley, the Duchess at February 10, 2017 12:17 AM (tHwdc)

487 474 has been devastating to Carmen Ghias,


Common Gears?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc
Is that a Boston or Brooklyn accent?

Posted by: Chi at February 10, 2017 12:17 AM (e5sX6)

488 Dear Mr. Speaker,

Talk is cheap. The price of inaction is colossal.

Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 12:17 AM (d3wbb)

489 Berserker wins for the best cars. In my humble opinion. 60's Mopars ruled.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:12 AM (KP5rU)

I want another one. I still have a 440 6-pack motor and trans in the garage. I'm going to find a body one of these days.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 12:17 AM (aMlLZ)

490 481 477 Anyone have a Ford Fairlane station wagon with the fake wood panels on the side and the seats that faced each other in the back? My parents had one when I was growing up. I had to learn to parallel park that monster.
Posted by: Ladylibertarian

That was intermediate sized.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:14 AM (ZO497)

I remember it being really big. Maybe it wasn't a Fairlane?
Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:16 AM (nQ10o)


Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:18 AM (nQ10o)

491 #434: Oh, okay; I see what you're saying, here, and yeah, that is a little complicated, now that you mention it.

Milo is an alien, all right. He has come here as a guest worker, specifically to discuss his opinions.

I certainly wouldn't support silencing him (in fact, I oppose the idea), but, yeah, I can understand the argument that technically the 1st Amendment doesn't really apply to him, because he's not actually an American.

That's something I'll have to give a little more thought, to try to make sure my views are actually consistent on this point.

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 10, 2017 12:18 AM (0OG8D)

492 Ignoramus, don't follow your analogy or the actual argument.

The "outcome" of acquiescing in the escalating onslaught of judicial lawlessness is more of it. And this EO falls entirely outside the court's meaningful jurisdiction (pro forma confirmation of legality, a la the MA district, was the only reasonable action).

If you don't think the judicial bolsheviks winning this round (which they still may not, I still think SCOTUS would balk at the audacity of this assault on the constitutional system) won't directly result in even more ambitious lawfare against anything useful Trump tries, then I'm curious why.

And only a small segment (albeit a lot of it senior) of the SS went full pagan, with the weddings and shit.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:19 AM (QDnY+)

493 458 *until the driver's seat fell through the rusted out floor*

Ha! That's about what happened to our Vega. The floorboard on the driver's side rusted right out. We laid a piece of sheet metal in there and drove it as long as we could since mechanically it was sound. Oh Lordy did it hot though when sitting at a long light. And somewhat disconcerting to see the street through the floor.

Posted by: cfo mom, formerly known as cfomahm at February 10, 2017 12:19 AM (RfzVr)

494 Messmer vs Harrison
Smith vs South Dakota
Say vs Adams
Jackson vs Eden

Cases cited by ILA finding that non-citizens cannot be denied 2A rights.
Source Eugene Volokh, in WaPo, 2015.

It seems odd to me, but it's pretty much settled law.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 12:20 AM (H5rtT)

495 The country divided by football loyalty.

I wonder why there are so many Eagles fans in Wisconsin?

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 12:20 AM (sdi6R)

496 469 The Constitution states it very plainly right in the Preamble:

"... secure the Blessings of Liberty TO OURSELVES AND TO OUR POSTERITY"

You can't get much more direct than that.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at February 10, 2017 12:03 AM (zc3Db)


So you want to argue that we should have no immigration. I wish you luck with that.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (R3Jti)


You seem to have trouble comprehending what others are saying. TPOP made an argument about the constitutional rights of aliens. Nothing at all about whether or not we should have immigration.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:20 AM (R+30W)

497 489; Stupid Barrett Jackson tards ruined the 60's Mopar market. I did see a nice Dart 340/4 speed for around 12 grand on Mecom last month though.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:20 AM (KP5rU)

498 Didn't any of y'all have a Chevy Nova? I don't think anyone has mentioned them tonight. Back in the day, every other car on the road was a Nova. And all of them going down the road crooked with their ass end not in line with the front.

Posted by: cfo mom, formerly known as cfomahm at February 10, 2017 12:21 AM (RfzVr)

499 I wish FoMoCo hadn't dropped the Crown Vic from the lineup.

Maybe not the world's finest car, but they'd last forever, the '03s and newer had great suspension and handling, a well cared for one could easily get 27 mpg on the highway, and of course, the roominess, ride and all day comfort of the car.

Pretty much unequaled in today's market, at anywhere near a comparable price-point, when adjusted for inflation.

And with a few tweaks, it wasn't hard to mildly improve the power, get up to 29 or 30 mpg highway, make the handling even better, and never, ever alter the car to look anything other than plain ol' factory stock in the doing.

Mercury made 'em till the 2011 year, identical save for badging.

If I can find a low mileage grannymobile, I'll do my best to buy it and drive it for another decade.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 10, 2017 12:22 AM (v5iqM)

500 Good night, everyone!

Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler. Welcome to Trumpdome, bitch! at February 10, 2017 12:22 AM (0OG8D)

501 Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (R+30W)

FCC rules, but I don't think print media is controlled.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 10, 2017 12:22 AM (rF0hx)

502 CaliGirl - envious. Next trip it's gonna be Jocko's.

Though Hitching Post #1 always exerts a pull.

Did you see the Minuteman launch?

Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:22 AM (QDnY+)

503 Anyone have a Ford Fairlane station wagon with the fake wood panels on the side and the seats that faced each other in the back? My parents had one when I was growing up. I had to learn to parallel park that monster.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (nQ10o)

Somewhere around 1980 a friend of mine had the Chrysler equivalent with a 383 motor and no back shocks, they were just missing. We would get all torqued up and blast around town bouncing like a mutha. It was a total land yacht.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 12:23 AM (aMlLZ)

504 498; I had a 73 SS. Met an untimely end with a concrete culvert. Shoved the back seat through the roof.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:23 AM (KP5rU)

505 >>>If you don't think the judicial bolsheviks winning this round (which they still may not, I still think SCOTUS would balk at the audacity of this assault on the constitutional system) won't directly result in even more ambitious lawfare against anything useful Trump tries, then I'm curious why.


The sooner Gorsuch is confirmed the better

Reminds me of WI after Walker won, every fucking piece of legislation was dragged into the damn courts

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 10, 2017 12:24 AM (voOPb)

506 "The most fun non muscle car I had was a 1988 Mitsubishi Starion ESI-R"

For me it was a 1987 VW Scirocco 16V. Loved that car!

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at February 10, 2017 12:24 AM (VSenK)

507 498 Didn't any of y'all have a Chevy Nova? I don't think anyone has mentioned them tonight. Back in the day, every other car on the road was a Nova. And all of them going down the road crooked with their ass end not in line with the front.
Posted by: cfo mom, formerly known as cfomahm at February 10, 2017 12:21 AM (RfzVr)

Mom had one very briefly in about 1970. Horrible car.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:25 AM (nQ10o)

508 There used to be some here with the nic "X-10 Driver". I kept meaning to ask about that.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:26 AM (ZO497)

509 Aliens - in the LPR (green card) category - are in
fact allowed to own firearms. Believe the 4473 (background check) form
has "citizen" and "legal resident" boxes (or something like that).

Have no idea how that came about, whether it rests on a legislative or court/const. interpretation basis.

Also pretty sure that, at least de facto, aliens have certain BOR
protections - those relevant to criminal proceedings, for example.
Habeas corpus, the 5th, the 4th's limits on searches/seizures. A
criminal (not immigration status) case against an alien isn't going
anywhere in any US court if any of those trip-wires have been tripped.

Again, not sure of the legal infrastructure underneath it all, but pretty sure this is the case.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:12 AM (QDnY+)

You are correct that permanent residents do have the right to own firearms (and, have other rights and responsibilities including registering for the draft).
And courts have through judicial activism said that other rights like 4 and 5 amendment rights apply to aliens of all classes. I would argue though that Constitutional rights (rather than legislation from the bench) is an all or nothing affair. You either have them all or they are not yours to begin with.
The fact that no court ever has ruled that non-permanent resident aliens have the right to own guns shows the other "rights" they have extended to include aliens both legal and illegal to be the farce they are.

Posted by: redbanzai at February 10, 2017 12:27 AM (FTXAT)

510 Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:22 AM (QDnY+)
I missed the launch. The window for that one was too long plus it's foggy and cloudy. They usually shake my house, it didn't wake me up. I wish they didn't have a 6 hour window and would just tell me the time.

Casmalia is my mothers favorite restaurant. She's going there next week so we took her to jocko's.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:27 AM (8cEQL)

511 @480 Those were all misspelled. Except for "Kreisler," which is a different joke, they are all spellings used here pretty regularly. That was the joke.

Fritz Kreisler was at some NYC eatery, and a matron approached and asked if he was Mr Kreisler. As he reached to give an autograph, she exclaimed that she just loved his cars. He shrugged, and signed, Walter P. Chrysler.

My local paper cannot spell Alfa. They just...can't. They think that's cute.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 12:27 AM (H5rtT)

512 The Ninth Circuit decision is awful. One way to address it is to get it overturned but there's a risk that SCOTUS splits 4 to 4, which in effect upholds it.

Another way is to put in Exteme Vetting and then rescind the EO making the court case moot. The opinion is still there but it's no longer a controlling precedent.

My point about Nazis is that we've developed a blind spot on Muslims. We have to suspend common sense in dealing with law enforcement and security because RELIGION! But the loudest advocates for this idiocy deny religious liberty in all other contexts.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 10, 2017 12:28 AM (bQxkN)

513 A 1976 Chevy Nova was the car my dad taught me to drive on. It belonged to my mom.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 12:28 AM (sdi6R)

503 Anyone have a Ford Fairlane station wagon with the fake wood panels on the side and the seats that faced each other in the back? My parents had one when I was growing up. I had to learn to parallel park that monster.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (nQ10o)

Somewhere around 1980 a friend of mine had the Chrysler equivalent with a 383 motor and no back shocks, they were just missing. We would get all torqued up and blast around town bouncing like a mutha. It was a total land yacht.

Mistake: ours was a Ford Country Squire. Parents purchased it new and it was wonderful for a family of five.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:28 AM (nQ10o)

515 Just phoning it it tonight? I'm just a lurker, but damn this was weak sauce tonight.

Posted by: Oxrock at February 10, 2017 12:29 AM (S8qSa)

516 Out. Night all.

Posted by: Flyboy at February 10, 2017 12:30 AM (R3Jti)

517 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE! Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:18 AM (nQ10o)

Parents had one of those and my brother and I would pile in the back and look at the cars behind us. When it was time for the festivals, the back was packed with tomato boxes full of ceramics and my brother and I were relegated to the back seat. We fit a lot of bloody tomato boxes back there!

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 10, 2017 12:30 AM (Gim9y)

518 Nite Flyboy.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:31 AM (KP5rU)

519 >>>The Porsche? If so, my BIL had one and it was our "going away" car, leaving the wedding reception

the dodge super bee
it looks like an ace car
guy i know had one and used a crowbar for the gearshift.
i still laugh about it.

...but i do love porsches.
my pop gave me his 911 sc targa.

Posted by: concrete girl at February 10, 2017 12:31 AM (aGAV0)

520 517 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE! Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:18 AM (nQ10o)

Parents had one of those and my brother and I would pile in the back and look at the cars behind us. When it was time for the festivals, the back was packed with tomato boxes full of ceramics and my brother and I were relegated to the back seat. We fit a lot of bloody tomato boxes back there!
Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 10, 2017 12:30 AM (Gim9y)

Such a great family car!

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:32 AM (nQ10o)

521 MisHum - but there we are again, hoping the "legislative" balance in a court will protect the law, and the country.



I rest my case (just kidding).

But we are seeing, this very day, the fruits of dealing with judicial lawlessness and aggrandizement through half-measures and quarter-measures and temporary fixes and relying on individuals to (barely) keep the train on the tracks.

I don't have a true "fix" (which would mean creating integrity and adherence to job description and the constitution in the humans involved).

But since I don't see any fix of that sort, the only serious option is (greatly) limiting court jurisdiction.

Even THAT might not work - we increasingly face the conundrum confronting democrats trying to create rule of law and integrity in lawless places in the 3rd World and former USSR. How do you create a system based on rule of law, when the people staffing the system refuse to be bound by the law?

Few places in human history have had anything like true rule of law, not men - the US of course by far the most notable and important. I think we've lost it, or are on the cusp of doing so.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:32 AM (QDnY+)

522 I've owned three Mopars, two of the kind I said I would never own; a minivan (89 Chrysler that I got in trade for some electrical work I did on a buddy's car) and a station wagon (85 Aries that I paid $125 for and put another $700 or better into to get it to run right). The third was a 1982 Rampage, what a great little trucklet.

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde, NC Chapter at February 10, 2017 12:32 AM (uEpVN)

523 "Just phoning it it tonight? I'm just a lurker, but damn this was weak sauce tonight."

What am I. A clown. Here to amuse you.

Posted by: Ignoramus at February 10, 2017 12:32 AM (bQxkN)

524 501 Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:13 AM (R+30W)

FCC rules, but I don't think print media is controlled.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at February 10, 2017 12:22 AM (rF0hx)


I know they had a law about the same media entity controlling all the media in a city. I can't remember the city, but it was a company that owned a newspaper and a radio station and they want to buy or start a TV station. The FCC objected to having all the media controlled by the same outfit.

Nothing at all to do with foreign ownership. And if events had went in a different order: if they had owned the TV station first and then went to buy a newspaper, the FCC wouldn't be able to say dick.

But, to get to your point: no, I don't think there is anyone trying to control foreign ownership of print media. But, if the federal government wanted to restrict foreign ownership, I think they would be able to under the constitution.

What about you? During WWII, if a newspaper in the US was owned by Japanese or German interests, would the government have been able to shut them down? Since the feds were rounding people up and sticking them in camps, I think they would have. Come to think of it, maybe they did. Were there any Japanese people putting out newsletters or the like at the time? I don't know, but I think it is something the government would not have allowed to continue.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:33 AM (R+30W)

525 G'night all. Prayer for Horde members who have requested them recently.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:33 AM (nQ10o)

526 Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:20 AM (KP5rU)
What is a mopar? Is there some muscle car I'm of which I'm unaware?

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:33 AM (8cEQL)

527 The wife had a beautiful '70 Chevelle when she was 17 . She got it in around 1981-82, it had 48,000 miles on it, was like a midnight blue, and was super clean. She had the seats reupholstered in a type of white tuck and roll seating surface with a dark blue corduroy back and sides. She was drinking a wee bit back then, so inside of 2-3 years it looked like king kong played soccer with it. There wasn't a straight panel on it. Most of it wasn't her fault, but damn. This was before we dated, but I knew her. I used to see it go by the house in worse and worse shape over time. One day she cruised by and the whole side was pealed off. car didn't have a chance.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 12:33 AM (aMlLZ)

528 523: yeah, who the fuck?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:34 AM (KP5rU)

529 Ladylibertarian
Goodnight, sweet dreams.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:34 AM (8cEQL)

530 So Hot Air is officially and Enemy of State.


I am pissed tonight. Sorry for the language.

Posted by: Max Power at February 10, 2017 12:34 AM (QCc6B)

531 Oxrock, thanks for your concern. I'm sure you'll be getting your refund shortly.

But first...

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at February 10, 2017 12:34 AM (6FqZa)

532 Some say Trump is like Sisyphus. Others say he's more like Icarus.

Posted by: Bill Wynn at February 10, 2017 12:35 AM (h8WGK)

533 Carole King was definitely a 1 back in the day. Happy birthday, Carole.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 12:37 AM (sdi6R)

534 526: Plymouth, Cudas, Roadrunners, etc. Dodge, Super Bees, Challengers. Chrysler products at their zenith.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:37 AM (KP5rU)

535 Enjoyed the mini-car test. I got to drive a Messerschmitt KR200 once.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 12:37 AM (WDdjT)

536 Know I remember, my first car was a Plymouth Belvedere. Had an air conditioner added on in the middle of the console.

It also lost speed control when we were driving to Jules' folks. Had to shift it into park while accelerating down the highway, that was fun.

Actually didn't ruin the tranny and drove it for a couple of yrs after.

Posted by: Farmer at February 10, 2017 12:37 AM (o/90i)

537 You'll meet thousands of people who remember the late 60's to early 70's Nova as their bestest car ever. They didn't all go wopper-jawed.

Like Mustangs, though, they did get over-motored a lot. They had plenty of power with a modest version of a small block. There was a 307 that was unique to the Nova. Yet you saw them with the 396 in there. The frame of that car, as you might call it, was not sufficient to carry that engine around, much less deal with its torque.

I had a 67 Mustang with a built-up Boss 302. Just trying out some hole shots one day, I just about tore it in half. It was not rusty. The "engine support cradle" beams had 2 to 3 inches left unripped. Cost a little, but we were able to pull motor, straighten the channels, install gussets, and save it. Also put in the subframe connectors and Monte Carlo brace that could have been stock from the factory for less than $100 their cost.

And yet, AND YET, they sold that car with the 390, right out the dealership door. They must have been left laying in the streets from coast to coast.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 12:37 AM (H5rtT)

538 Not my first car, but my Dad gave me his Ford Pinto hatchback when I was struggling 20 year old. That robin egg blue color. I had just started working at the railroad and copped one of the "Flammable" placards we had for tankers and put it in the back window.

I really enjoyed that car. Nuthin' fancy, but fit my needs at the time. Too bad it was a rust bucket. Nevew see an old one of them - or a Vega either. Liked the one hubby and I used to have. Maybe you folks in the south see them?
Posted by: cfo mom, formerly

so, how much insurance did your dad have on you>

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 10, 2017 12:38 AM (cPsPa)

539 And that's not even mentioning the Jeep J2000 with a 401 Police Interceptor...

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 10, 2017 12:38 AM (7jX2E)

540 What is a mopar? Is there some muscle car I'm of which I'm unaware?
Posted by: CaliGirl

Anything made by Chrysler Corp. Fiat.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:38 AM (ZO497)

541 There used to be some here with the nic "X-10 Driver". I kept meaning to ask about that.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:26 AM (ZO497)

The nic you're thinking of, is, I believe "Citation X Driver".

Which does not refer to the pukeworthy GM product known as the "X-Car", as in Chevy Citation. Their first foray into the world of front-wheel-drive, in U.S. factories.

Rather it refers to him being a Corporate Aviation Pilot, flying the Cessna Citation X bizjet.

Which at a .92 Mach cruise speed, and .96 VNE speed, is the fastest corporate jet in the world at this time.

Only certain versions of the Boeing 747 have the same speeds. Nothing else short of military hardware flies faster.

Yeah, the Concorde did, and Tupolev flew their"Concordski" a grand total of 50 flights, most of those in cargo-only mode.

As yet, there's not an FAA certificated supersonic bizjet on the market. Some are said to be getting close, though.

But a Chebby Citation X would dissolve in a cloud of self-disassembled scrap, were one ambitious enough to strap on enough JATO rockets to get it even above 100 mph.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 10, 2017 12:38 AM (v5iqM)

542 533 Carole King was definitely a 1 back in the day. Happy birthday, Carole.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 12:37 AM (sdi6R)


You're calling her a '1'? On her birthday? Kinda cold, man.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:39 AM (R+30W)

543 My first car was a 1975 Civic - with a '78 Accord engine. Yep, the "modified ricer" is that old. Had a home-built subwoofer in it, too. In 1978, that was very new and cool - first kid in my high school with one. Sold in in 1980 to get a '66 Mustang, which is now my sister's car.

Posted by: Spiny Norman at February 10, 2017 12:39 AM (U3sWw)

544 >>>449 Done first try. =P

Posted by: atomicplaygirl

right on
never got the whole 'parking is hard' deal

Posted by: concrete girl at February 10, 2017 12:40 AM (aGAV0)

545 527 The wife had a beautiful '70 Chevelle when she was 17 .
Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10,
That's so sad. It sounds like it was beautiful.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:40 AM (8cEQL)

546 That's nice.

Trying and failing hard is worse than not trying at all.
Posted by: The Political Hat at February

not exactly a generous reading of what I typed but ok.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 10, 2017 12:40 AM (cPsPa)

547 Ignoramus we're of course on the same side on this, I just think anything other than full reversal of this judicial coup attempt = disaster.

If I'm the enemy (sadly that's pretty much an appropriate term now), bulging with $$$$$$ (and hell, 1 million hours in pro bono services from the biggest names, if I ask), and watching this absurd process actually knee-cap a new president on a NATIONAL SECURITY matter, with no basis in law .... again, I'm seeing no limit on what's possible.

This is PATCO. One winner, one loser, with consequences that stretch to the horizon.

Posted by: rhomboid at February 10, 2017 12:40 AM (QDnY+)

548 Mopars = Dodge/Chrysler/Plymouth

Posted by: GGE of the Mobile Horde, NC Chapter at February 10, 2017 12:40 AM (uEpVN)

549 540; Right Hammer. They were crazy cars then. They have lost their soul today.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:41 AM (KP5rU)

550 542 533 Carole King was definitely a 1 back in the day. Happy birthday, Carole.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 12:37 AM (sdi6R)


You're calling her a '1'? On her birthday? Kinda cold, man.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:39 AM (R+30W)

The ScoggDogg Binary Scale.

1 = Would hit
0 = Would not hit

Simple, effective, and eliminates countless hours of pointless arguing. Brilliant, really.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 12:42 AM (sdi6R)

551 1965 Chevy II SS, 300 hp 327, 4 spd.
Neat car

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:42 AM (ZO497)

552 44 First car: 1951 Plymouth
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 09, 2017 10:28 PM (ZO497)

1962 VW Beetle.

Posted by: Hugh Jorgen at February 09, 2017 10:29 PM (R5EqA)

1951 Studebaker Champion. Paid $25 for it, and it ran well.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 12:42 AM (WDdjT)

553 Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:38 AM (ZO497)
Thank you, I don't think I've ever heard that term before.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:43 AM (8cEQL)

554 The wife had a beautiful '70 Chevelle when she was 17 .
Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10,
That's so sad. It sounds like it was beautiful.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:40 AM (8cEQL)

Yeah it was. If I wasn't driving the cars I had I would have tried to buy it. They gave away cars like that back then. I think she paid $500 for it.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 12:43 AM (aMlLZ)

555 Simple, effective, and eliminates countless hours of pointless arguing. Brilliant, really.
Posted by: rickl at February

right, like hunting pheasants in your closet, efficient but takes some of the fun out of the process.

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 10, 2017 12:44 AM (cPsPa)

556 >>And yet, AND YET, they sold that car with the 390, right out the dealership door. They must have been left laying in the streets from coast to coast.

The big Blocks were not the same front ends as the small blocks. I've had several 67-68 Mustangs with 302, 390, and 428 engines.

They still Post 66) weren't built for much more than straight line running though...until you got back to the Boss 302 in 69.

Posted by: garrett at February 10, 2017 12:44 AM (WQ9DL)

557 Two first cars for me.

My first-first was a 1953 Lincoln which I bought in 1963 when I was 15 because my dad had been laid off for a couple years and finally got a job offer in another city and we only had one car which mom needed to get to work and back so I used my car fund I'd saved to buy him a car to get to work. Cost $100. That winter he slid off the road with it and rear-ended a tree but by that time he had money to buy a new car, a 1964 Ford Galaxy 500.

When I turned 16 and got my license he gave me the $100 toward my second first car and the first one I drove, drove through HS. $500 for a two tone blue and white 1958 Ford Fairlane, 6 cylinder 3 on the tree, but loved those bench seats.

Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 12:45 AM (d3wbb)

558 ut a Chebby Citation X would dissolve in a cloud of self-disassembled scrap, were one ambitious enough to strap on enough JATO rockets to get it even above 100 mph.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim


The Chevy was a Citation X-11

I feel better now.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:45 AM (ZO497)

559 Berserker, neighbor had a 69 Camaro SS same fucking thing. I really wanted to kick his trailer park ass. Don't get me started on the dipshit that hat a 67 Chevelle SS 396/375 hp 4 speed with 7000 miles on it. In 1977. Dumb fuck burned it to the ground.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:45 AM (KP5rU)

560 But a Chebby Citation X would dissolve in a cloud of self-disassembled scrap, were one ambitious enough to strap on enough JATO rockets to get it even above 100 mph.
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at February 10, 2017 12:38 AM

I think my second car was a Chevy Citation. It was a POS.

Posted by: Farmer at February 10, 2017 12:46 AM (o/90i)

561 The Fairlane (intermediate) wagon was the Ranch Wagon.
Galaxie (bigger) was the Country Squire.
In some years, there was the compact Falcon Squire.

All the Falcon specials were cute. Econoline, mini Ranchero, performance Futura. Comets got all the drag-racing glory.

I never warmed up to their stock sixes, 144 and 170. The 200 six though, with multiple carbs, was the power plant the Mustang was designed to take. Seven main bearings, and blowed up to many larger sizes in later versions.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 12:46 AM (H5rtT)

562 538 * yankeefifth at February 10, 2017 12:38 AM*

It was Pinto. Anyone who bought that not the type of person who splurges on insurance for a child.

Posted by: cfo mom, formerly known as cfomahm at February 10, 2017 12:46 AM (RfzVr)

563 one ambitious enough to strap on enough JATO rockets to get it even above 100 mph.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim

didn't mythbusters do that ?

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 10, 2017 12:46 AM (cPsPa)

564 concretegirl,
I can't parallel park. I never learned how.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:46 AM (8cEQL)

565 The ScoggDogg Binary Scale.

1 = Would hit
0 = Would not hit

Simple, effective, and eliminates countless hours of pointless arguing. Brilliant, really.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 12:42 AM (sdi6R)


Got it. I was thinking of the standard decimal system.
10: Drop dead gorgeous hottie (Phoebe Cates FTaRH era)
1: Your crazy aunt living under the stairs in the basement.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:47 AM (R+30W)

566 It was Pinto. Anyone who bought that not the type of person who splurges on insurance for a child.
Posted by: cfo mom, formerly known as cfomahm at February

well, yeah, I thought he was looking for a payout? 500k on a 20 year old in a pinto? how long do you have to pay the premium?

Posted by: yankeefifth at February 10, 2017 12:47 AM (cPsPa)

567 Thank you, I don't think I've ever heard that term before.
Posted by: CaliGirl

It's generally only used by performance enthusiasts. It properly refers to Chrysler's parts division.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:49 AM (ZO497)

568 Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:45 AM (KP5rU)
My mom and dad both had 69 Camaros.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:49 AM (8cEQL)

569 532. Some say Bill Wynn is a coprophagic troll. Others say he's a tedious bore.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine. Glory to Kekistan! No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at February 10, 2017 12:49 AM (6s5X2)

570 1st car 63 Chevy Impala, bought for $100 from my step-grampa, who babied it and was a mechanic in the Quad Cities

I blew it up in 3 months. then Dad bought me a 73 Gran Torino Broughm, pale green with dark green top. by the time I went to college, I was driving it without a hood.
first car payment, I bought a red '79 Pinto hatchback.

my favorite cars, include the Torino, a 69 bug, my uncle's Lincoln Continental (72?), my exhusband's 91 Turbo diesel Jetta, the 98 Cadillac Fleetwood, and my 91 Ram 150. still love my 06 Ram, which is one of my two current cars.

Posted by: booknlass at February 10, 2017 12:50 AM (8mO0Q)

571 The ScoggDogg Binary Scale.
1 = Would hit
0 = Would not hit

I've been using the binary scale for maybe 25 years. I don't think I invented it, but it's possible...

Posted by: Bacon Jeff at February 10, 2017 12:50 AM (VSenK)

572 568: Still the best year for Camaros.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:50 AM (KP5rU)

573 CaliGirl...start doing it anywhere and everywhere on that big ranch of yours! it's fun i promise.

Posted by: concrete girl at February 10, 2017 12:51 AM (aGAV0)

574 Favorite car I ever had was 1991 Caprice station wagon. Bought it new. Loved that sucker. Had a V8 that would blow all the kids in their little sports cars right off the road. The look of surprise on their faces when the middle aged woman left them in the dust was delightful.

Younger son wrecked it in 2002. I almost wrecked him. I would love to go southwest and find another like it.

Posted by: cfo mom, formerly known as cfomahm at February 10, 2017 12:51 AM (RfzVr)

575 And I'm off to bed dear posters, be well.

Posted by: Farmer at February 10, 2017 12:51 AM (o/90i)

576 Berserker, neighbor had a 69 Camaro SS same fucking thing. I really wanted to kick his trailer park ass. Don't get me started on the dipshit that hat a 67 Chevelle SS 396/375 hp 4 speed with 7000 miles on it. In 1977. Dumb fuck burned it to the ground.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:45 AM (KP5rU)

Yikes...that's criminal.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 12:51 AM (aMlLZ)

577 garrett, you put sub-frame connector bar kits under those Mustangs?
My set was $125, and it felt like somebody had put a new car under there.
Huge difference in handling, and you know the drag racer joke, "the doors don't fly open coming off the line."

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 12:53 AM (H5rtT)

578 The 1983 Renault Alliance. Motor Trend's Car of the Year.

Posted by: Chuck C at February 09, 2017 10:45 PM (h99GH)

An Appliance? You poor bastard.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 12:54 AM (WDdjT)

579 Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 12:45 AM (d3wbb)
Old lincolns are cool. I like the lincolns with the suicide doors.
My sister got my dad's Cadillac el dorado. It was a convertible and black. That was a cool first car.
She totaled it. She totaled a bunch of cars.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:54 AM (8cEQL)

580 Allrighty, Horde.

I've put the choks behind the wheels, and am parking it till morning.

Hasta la nite nite, Horde!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at February 10, 2017 12:55 AM (v5iqM)

581 The Big Blocks had beefier export braces and towers and the 428s have an additional stabilizer bar. But the bodies for those CJs were subcontracted out.

Posted by: garrett at February 10, 2017 12:55 AM (WQ9DL)

582 Goodnight Farmer.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:55 AM (8cEQL)

583 My mom still has a 1967 GTA Convertible in Triple Black with a 390 in it.

Silly car.

Old man has a 68 CJ. Among other things.

Posted by: garrett at February 10, 2017 12:57 AM (WQ9DL)

584 576: Berserker, almost brought tears to my eyes. Almost. You really can't fix stupid.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 12:58 AM (KP5rU)

It's generally only used by performance enthusiasts. It properly refers to Chrysler's parts division.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:49 AM (ZO497)
And status as in: My Old Plymouth Ain't Running.

I'm a Chevy girl, although my brother had a plum crazy coloured Charger that was sweet... until he got forced off the road by a drunk driver and the suspension got messed up. He had a Chevy Monza in the front yard he kept saying he was going to work on and it sunk into the dirt, and my mom used to call it The Monza Tree and asked if it would sprout parts.

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 10, 2017 12:59 AM (Gim9y)

586 Old lincolns are cool. I like the lincolns with the suicide doors.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:54 AM (8cEQL)

oh niiice. One of the first bands I was in, the manager had one of those in black. We spent a lot of time in that, you could get high just by scraping the headliner. lol

The other guitar player had 1965 Imperial 2 door. I had muscle cars and occasionally questioned their choices, but looking back on it they were cool cars.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 12:59 AM (aMlLZ)

587 Posted by: concrete girl at February 10, 2017 12:51 AM (aGAV0)
I have orange cones in my parking area to practice. I need to find a youtube video to help me. My husband says to practice with his truck. If I can park that I can park anything.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 12:59 AM (8cEQL)

588 I must say good nite all. Funeral tomorrow. I really don't like funerals. I guess nobody does. Adios. Be well, all.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at February 10, 2017 01:00 AM (KP5rU)

589 Engineer in the next office had -- "had had" IYKWIM -- a 67 Fairlane with a 427. Lightened, rubber mats. You had to ask nice and know somebody.
Well, he bent it with just the torque, and never forgave Ford for selling it to him. Would never buy another Ford. I'll be fair to him, he did do that before he studied engineering.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 01:01 AM (H5rtT)

590 Good night, chavez and all. love to you. I'm plum worn out.

Posted by: booknlass at February 10, 2017 01:02 AM (8mO0Q)

591 Old lincolns are cool. I like the lincolns with the suicide doors.

Posted by: CaliGirl

Guy down the street has an immaculate '63 Sedan. Red. Looks like this, but, RED.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 01:03 AM (ZO497)

592 506 "The most fun non muscle car I had was a 1988 Mitsubishi Starion ESI-R"

When I was in college in '66 my parents bought an all metallic blue 1966 Olds Cutlass which looked like some old man's car. Under the hood was a 320 hp 330ci V8 with 10 to 1 compression. Just a two speed automatic but floored it shifted to high at 70 mph. Fun car to surprise people with.

Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 01:04 AM (d3wbb)

593 Hope tomorrow is kind to you somehow, Chavez. Prayers.

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 10, 2017 01:04 AM (Gim9y)

594 >> a 67 Fairlane with a 427. Lightened, rubber mats. You had to ask nice and know somebody.

Those things were beasts. I would love to have a 67 Fairlane, though. It's look nice parked next to the Galaxie.

Posted by: garrett at February 10, 2017 01:05 AM (WQ9DL)

595 AOP Still here?

Posted by: garrett at February 10, 2017 01:06 AM (WQ9DL)

596 Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 01:04 AM (d3wbb)

Some jerk was next to me in my Chevelle; don't remember what car he was in, something small that he thought he could beat me in, also with a two-speed power glide if I recall. The two lane road turned into one lane to go over this bridge from Hoboken to Jersey City, so I did the old power brake and smoked him. I laughed all the way home. God I miss big American cars.

Posted by: atomicplaygirl (Gab: atomicplaygirl) at February 10, 2017 01:06 AM (Gim9y)

597 Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 12:49 AM (ZO497)
And status as in: My Old Plymouth Ain't Running.

Many Old Parts Assembled Right!

Posted by: Bill R. at February 10, 2017 01:08 AM (jKUeC)

598 The other guitar player had 1965 Imperial 2 door. I had muscle cars and occasionally questioned their choices, but looking back on it they were cool cars.Posted by: Berserker-

I had to search to see what the imperial looked like. That is one cool looking car. The 60's Lincoln with the suicide doors in black is one of my dream cars. But I'd like it to be a convertible.
I see an old man around here that has an old Lincoln continental but it's white. He drives it on Sunday.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:09 AM (8cEQL)

599 My first car was a turbo charged 4 door le baron. I rolled it into a ditch totalled it.

Posted by: Usntakim at February 10, 2017 01:09 AM (hMqvx)

600 Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine.
Aren't diesels all sluggish?

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 11:20 PM (8cEQL)

No. Modern automotive and light truck turbo-diesels kick ass.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 01:10 AM (WDdjT)

601 I learned to drive in a 63 Buick LeSabre
My first car I purchased was 68 Firebird convertible

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 10, 2017 01:11 AM (voOPb)

602 I had to search to see what the imperial looked like. That is one cool looking car. The 60's Lincoln with the suicide doors in black is one of my dream cars. But I'd like it to be a convertible.
I see an old man around here that has an old Lincoln continental but it's white. He drives it on Sunday.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:09 AM (8cEQL)

I think the original green hornet car was a 1965 imperial.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 01:11 AM (aMlLZ)

603 565
I was thinking of the standard decimal system.
10: Drop dead gorgeous hottie (Phoebe Cates FTaRH era)
1: Your crazy aunt living under the stairs in the basement.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at February 10, 2017 12:47 AM (R+30W)

I remember arguing awhile back that Lena Dunham is a solid 5 on the decimal scale, where Sophia Loren in her prime = 10, and Helen Thomas = 1.

She's actually a perfect test of the binary scale. Could go either way depending on how desperate and/or drunk I am. Like Schrodinger's cat.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 01:12 AM (sdi6R)

604 169 My first car was a 1983 Nissan Sentra. My parents bought it for me. It was new. I've never had a used car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 09, 2017 10:50 PM (8cEQL)

MY first car was a 1985 Nissan Sentra. My parents bought it for me. It was new...but every car since then has been a used car...a couple were VERY used.

Great ONT. Thanks! We got Jeff Sessions! Winning!

Posted by: Just wondering at February 10, 2017 01:13 AM (MFAml)

605 That free Firebird only cost the 2LT about $13000 to get in shape. I had told him ten grand. But holy cow, it looks like a Hot Wheels model. Anybody in SoCal- Economy Body in Grand Terrace/Riverside.

Posted by: Charles the Simple at February 10, 2017 01:14 AM (7jX2E)

606 @592 That was really a pretty advanced 2-speed automatic. It had electrically variable vanes in the torque converter! It's amazing they worked at all!

Those were the ones Olds itself made fun of with "Not your father's Oldsmobile." And then came to regret that. My doctor drove one, and thought he was doing pretty well. They looked dignified, understated. "Stately." And one did not mess with them, as many learned to their embarrassment.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 01:14 AM (H5rtT)

607 I remember arguing awhile back that Lena Dunham is a solid 5 on the decimal scale, where Sophia Loren in her prime = 10, and Helen Thomas = 1.

She's actually a perfect test of the binary scale. Could go either way depending on how desperate and/or drunk I am. Like Schrodinger's cat.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 01:12 AM (sdi6R)

I don't remember who it was here, or exactly the conversation, but they were talking about some long period of years and wrote something like-

1,000,000 years ( 1.5 Pelosi units)

I still fucking laugh my ass off when I think of that.

Posted by: Berserker- Dragonheads Division at February 10, 2017 01:15 AM (aMlLZ)

608 Yes, the Green Hornet on TV drove Imperials. Sharp.
And Kato would vault up and walk across the hood to open his door.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 01:17 AM (H5rtT)

609 One more before bed.

My most fun car was an International Harvester stepvan that someone before me had made into a sorta camper. This was before the days of seat belt laws and I put a light chain that would hook across the driver's door and drive the highways with the door slid open. It finally sprang a radiator leak and the repair cost was too much so I drove it too a dealer who offered $300 for anything you could drive onto the lot and traded it for a 1966 VW camper bus.

Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 01:17 AM (d3wbb)

610 Alberta Oil,
I was asking my mechanic about engines. He told me diesel trucks don't accelerate as fast as gas unless they're turbo charged. Or something.
I was asking questions about different engines.
I'm looking at the new tahoes. They don't make diesel engines. The range rovers do.
My husband has been buying Dodge diesel trucks lately and the mileage is so much better. My husband also said they'll last longer.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:20 AM (8cEQL)

611 @609 Was that IH a "MetroVan"? The milk and bread drivers had some with real round and swoopy Art Deco front ends. Much newer than they looked.

There was a line of White medium-duty cab-over trucks from the same period that retained their 1930's front-end styling. Almost got one, once.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 01:22 AM (H5rtT)

612 I wish FoMoCo hadn't dropped the Crown Vic from the lineup.

They had to. Too many cops were ending up flambe'd in them.

Seems the design had this little flaw where the fuel tank was right in the middle of the rear crush zone.

There's a little memorial not far from here where a cop was killed in his Crown Vic, burned to death. Or do a web search for images of a survivor, Jason Schechterle.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 10, 2017 01:22 AM (IcT7t)

613 Posted by: Just wondering at February 10, 2017 01:13 AM (MFAml
We're almost twins!

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:23 AM (8cEQL)

614 She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard.
Damn illegals are putting my elves out of work.

Posted by: Santa at February 09, 2017 11:46 PM (/Nite)

Sounds like she was assaulted by Colonel Sanders. What a chickenshit thing to do.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 01:24 AM (WDdjT)

615 You do know Paul Ryan never saw, much less wrote, that robo-letter, right?

Posted by: richard mcenroe at February 10, 2017 01:24 AM (eNqiW)

616 Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 01:17 AM (d3wbb)
I didn't know IH made trucks. All my mind can think of is old tractors.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:26 AM (8cEQL)

617 611,

All I remember now, 45 years later, is that it wasn't a large stepvan, not much longer than a car, but tall and painted orange and white.

Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 01:28 AM (d3wbb)

618 Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 01:03 AM (ZO497)
That is one bad ass car.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:28 AM (8cEQL)

619 Posted by: richard mcenroe at February 10, 2017 01:24 AM (eNqiW)

I have no knowledge of that one way or the other. It was from his office with his fake signature at the bottom. I figure he at least approved of the talking points. If you care to argue take it up with him and not your humble Cob

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 10, 2017 01:29 AM (voOPb)

620 I didn't know IH made trucks. All my mind can think of is old tractors.

The original IH Scout. Squat, ugly, and would climb a tree.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 10, 2017 01:29 AM (IcT7t)

621 611,
Not rounded but like this design.

Posted by: geoffb5 at February 10, 2017 01:32 AM (d3wbb)

622 Helen Thomas hated Israel ever since King Solomon made her give back that baby.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 10, 2017 01:33 AM (VdICR)

623 Aim High. Be Bold. Go Big. GET RESULTS!!

Did they rip this off from a gym. What about my GAINZZZ.

Posted by: Catwrangler at February 10, 2017 01:33 AM (Qe84+)

624 Goodnight everyone.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:35 AM (8cEQL)

625 My first car was a '71 (IIRC) Honda N600 sedan. Fun car. Clutch cable broke once. Had to drive home (~10 mi) syncing the gears to shift & avoiding coming to a full stop if at all possible. Of course, I couldn't avoid all stops, so I had to start the car in 2nd gear. Fortunately the car was light and the starter was up to the task.

My wife's first car was a '69 bug. It was her dad's; he was getting ready to bring it to the auto wreckers when she offered to buy it from him. She still has it.

Posted by: Average Guy at February 10, 2017 01:35 AM (LMcFk)

626 Nite CaliGirl.

Posted by: Catwrangler at February 10, 2017 01:35 AM (Qe84+)

627 I always wanted a Carmen Ghia. Such a beautiful car.

Posted by: Ladylibertarian at February 10, 2017 12:04 AM (nQ10o)

Proof that the Italians invented rust, but the Germans perfected it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 01:35 AM (WDdjT)

628 Thanks MisHum for the Ont.

Posted by: Catwrangler at February 10, 2017 01:38 AM (Qe84+)

629 *peeks in from writing*

The stuff of auto-nightmares

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 10, 2017 01:39 AM (04hTF)

630 Catwrangler

You're welcome, thanks for stopping by

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at February 10, 2017 01:39 AM (voOPb)

631 Carmen Gia was in The Producers.

The world's slowest sports car that rusted was called the Karmann Ghia.

*goes back to writing*

Posted by: Anna Puma at February 10, 2017 01:40 AM (04hTF)

632 I didn't know IH made trucks. All my mind can think of is old tractors.
Posted by: CaliGirl

(Just a Bing image search)

Posted by: Chi at February 10, 2017 01:42 AM (e5sX6)

633 The stuff of auto-nightmares

Imagine the smell, every time you wash it.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 10, 2017 01:42 AM (IcT7t)

634 616
I didn't know IH made trucks. All my mind can think of is old tractors.
Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:26 AM (8cEQL)

They made rifles, too, for a little while.

Posted by: rickl at February 10, 2017 01:45 AM (sdi6R)

635 Proof that the Italians invented rust, but the Germans perfected it.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

The great beauty of the Fiat 850 aluminum engine block was that it blocked a see-through view front-to-rear through the rust holes.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 01:48 AM (ZO497)

636 G'night everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at February 10, 2017 01:49 AM (IcT7t)

637 I didn't know IH made trucks. All my mind can think of is old tractors.
Posted by: CaliGirl

Oh yeah, when I started farming Grandad's farm in 1980 I bought his 1972 IH truck from Grandma. IIRC that damn thing got 8 mpg.

Posted by: Farmer at February 10, 2017 01:50 AM (o/90i)

638 AOP Still here?

Posted by: garrett at February 10, 2017 01:06 AM (WQ9DL)


Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 01:56 AM (WDdjT)

639 Hey, where all da white wimmen at?

Posted by: Sheriff Bart at February 10, 2017 01:58 AM (uSlc8)

640 My first car was a 1970 SS396 Chevelle

Posted by: MAx at February 10, 2017 02:00 AM (/RZxG)

641 I knew a guy in the 70's whose daily driver was a '49 2 1/2 ton, stake-bodied dump bed IH truck. Weirdly, the girls thought it was pretty neat.

Which reminds me of a Tom T. Hall tune, 'Pamela Brown';

The guy she finally married
Was the best part of my luck
She dug him 'cause he drove a pickup truck

I have not heard that tune in years. Great tune. I prefer the Kottke recording.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at February 10, 2017 02:01 AM (ZO497)

642 IH also made refrigerators back in the '50's. Same era when IH partnered w/ Mahindra in India. Mahindra now has US market share. My Ohio 4H toured the IH plant in Ft. Wayne, Indiana in the early '70's. Saw trucks assembly line.

Posted by: Deere John at February 10, 2017 02:01 AM (bc2Lc)

643 Good evening/morning, 'rons. Just woke up from an ill-timed nap.

There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress. -Mark Twain

And the federal judiciary. And the leeches in the EPA. And the scumbags in the State Department. And the crapheads in the SEC. ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair

I'm not sure any of those are "distinctly American". Elected and appointed bureaucrats seem to be a criminal class in whatever nation they're in.

So repeal and replace ehh Congressman?

Repeal and stop. No replace. No "repair".

We just saw the results of 8 years of "govern as though the other side will never be in power again." Don't do the same stupid shit. Don't leave anything behind for them the next time they're in power.

Posted by: mikeski at February 10, 2017 02:05 AM (TXZ1v)

644 I was asking my mechanic about engines. He told me diesel trucks don't accelerate as fast as gas unless they're turbo charged. Or something.
I was asking questions about different engines.
I'm looking at the new tahoes. They don't make diesel engines. The range rovers do.
My husband has been buying Dodge diesel trucks lately and the mileage is so much better. My husband also said they'll last longer.

Posted by: CaliGirl at February 10, 2017 01:20 AM (8cEQL)

Diesel pros: lower fuel cost, long service life (provided regular maintenance is faithfully done), massive torque for pulling trailers or hauling heavy loads.

Diesel cons: higher first cost, higher service costs (oil changes cost about double), new ones need "Diesel Exhaust Fluid", slightly slower acceleration.

Now that Diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline in many areas, the fuel cost advantage has greatly diminished; also gasoline engine fuel economy has improved greatly over the last 20-odd years, while Diesel fuel economy has improved modestly.

If you routinely tow a heavy trailer or haul heavy loads, spring for the Diesel. Otherwise, I think the gasoline engine is the better choice in today's circumstances.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 02:06 AM (WDdjT)

645 Tom Price's confirmation voted in at 2:17 A.M.

Posted by: OldDominionMom at February 10, 2017 02:13 AM (GzDYP)

646 Thread died?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 02:23 AM (WDdjT)

647 As above:

@Reuters 38s
Senate votes to confirm Rep. Price as health secretary

Posted by: weft cut-loop at February 10, 2017 02:25 AM (4YGWz)

648 It's just mostly dead, AOP.

Posted by: Miracle Max at February 10, 2017 02:26 AM (e5sX6)

649 Well I for one drove off in a Hough. And you know how hard those are to start.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 02:27 AM (H5rtT)

650 my first car was a Dodge Polara, witha 440 Hi-Po motor and a 4 bbl Carter carb... all 4 barrels the same diameter.

former police car.

ran like hell in a straight line, and was a great car until i spun a crank bearing.

mid/late 70's while i was in high school

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 02:28 AM (nnXZa)

651 Well I for one drove off in a Hough. And you know how hard those are to start.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at February 10, 2017 02:27 AM (H5rtT)

I remember being a party to an effort to start a Hough loader that had been sitting abandoned in Uranium City for many years. We got it started, but it blew copious amounts of Diesel smoke out the radiator neck, so much for that idea.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 02:30 AM (WDdjT)

652 Now that Diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline in many areas, the fuel cost advantage has greatly diminished; also gasoline engine fuel economy has improved greatly over the last 20-odd years, while Diesel fuel economy has improved modestly.

The recent push for even-higher economy, causing everyone and their chinchilla to design around a turbocharged 2.0L, has messed with gasoline prices, too.

Not too many years ago, the steps between "regular", "midgrade", and "premium" were a dime or so. Now, I usually see pricing like $2.25, $2.40, $2.65, so the "premium" premium has doubled to 40 cents/gallon, because of all the turbocharged weenie engines that require it.

Posted by: mikeski at February 10, 2017 02:30 AM (TXZ1v)

653 former police car.

ran like hell in a straight line, and was a great car until i spun a crank bearing.

mid/late 70's while i was in high school

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 02:28 AM (nnXZa)

Jake and Elwood would concur.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 02:32 AM (WDdjT)

654 nice typos, idiot, and you're still on your 1st drink

it was a 1970 model... i was on the 710 early one saturday morning when a Porsche in Martini and Rossi racing stripes blew by.

i dropped the hammer, got rubber at 65, and ate his lunch before the next exit.

all he saw was a ~28 foot dark green flash and a cloud of exhaust... he was game though, he tried to catch me, but the 710 was, then, more or less all straight lines.

good times

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 02:32 AM (nnXZa)

655 AoS threads mostly die at night. Mostly.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 10, 2017 02:39 AM (VdICR)

656 Dear Paul Ryan,

Why did you take 10K from Soros? You are dead to me. RINO cuck, eat shit and die.

Yours Truthfully,

Posted by: Nathan R. Jessup at February 10, 2017 02:45 AM (iQTdp)

657 i ahd a Ford F-150, 80 something for awhile, a salvage title.

straight 6, 4 speed manual, with a granny low you never used.

except for the time some FNG's ran a Cav Deuce out of fuel at the top of the southbound exit to Club Bob, blocking it.

they walked over to the supply room, because it was the closest place on base the Squadron was at.

everyone was like "oh shit we gotta get that out of there ASAP, before there's problem, how do we contact the maintenance troggs?"

i just went over, unlocked a couple arms vault chains and took them and the 5200 series locks, and told the E-6 i w*rked for that i'd be back in a bit.

hoped in it, with the idiots, drove over, locked one end around the trailer hitch with a lock, locked the 2 chains together, and used the 3rd lock to attach the other end to one of the towing rings on the front bumper. i then told the brightest looking of the FNGs that he was driving, that he was not to hit the brakes unless i signaled, stop signs or not, and that if he ripped off my bumper or hit my truck for not stopping when i told him to, i'd beat the ever loving shit out of him.

put it in granny low, eased off the clutch and towed that bastard onto base... the MP at the gates just watched, and didn't say shit.

once safely off the road at the supply room, i told the idiots they had to walk over, get a jerry can of DF-2, and bring it back, so i could show them what to do if they were ever this stupid again.

they whined that the fuelers were a long way away. i told them that stupid is supposed to be painful, so you learn from it. they looked at my NCO for salvation, and all he said was "start walking".

their excuse for running out of fuel? "the gauge said we had plenty"

that was the other lesson they learned that day: Fuck gauges in a military vehicle, look in tank and see what's there.

/another story from back when i was young and had a future

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 02:46 AM (nnXZa)

658 Well, time for me to call it a night. Looks like I will have to tear into the Suburban tomorrow. Sounds like I have a U-joint on the way out, and possibly also a problem in the left rear brake.

I'm getting episodes of a fast-period rumble, that comes and goes, and left rear brake is running a little warm. Might be two unrelated things. Or not.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at February 10, 2017 02:57 AM (WDdjT)

659 Dear Paul Ryan,

Why did you take 10K from Soros? You are dead to me. RINO cuck, eat shit and die.

Yours Truthfully,

i 2nd this emotion.

fuck that useless Boner wanna be.

all he's missing is the fake tan: other than that he's just another invertebrate mammal, like all RINOs. i wouldn't piss on him if he was lying in gutter in front of me on fire.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 02:58 AM (nnXZa)

660 That Peet's letter is veeery similar to a statement sent out by a couple of companies whose newsletters I was getting. What's with this ACLU donation crap?

I unsubscribed immediately, which is a shame, since I was a loyal customer of the one wig company. Anyone who sends me this statement loses my business. It's hysteria and hypocritical.

After reading the Peet's letter, I'm convinced that these statements are
boilerplates sent out by the ACLU or at least some Dem organization.

Posted by: soulpile at February 10, 2017 02:59 AM (9X9tq)

661 U-joints are *not* forever, especially if you don't grease'em regular.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 02:59 AM (nnXZa)

662 I unsubscribed immediately, which is a shame, since I was a loyal customer of the one wig company.
regular or lace?

asking for a friend...

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:01 AM (nnXZa)

663 ping

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:03 AM (nnXZa)

664 i see Pixy's only 7 minutes slow tonight...

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:04 AM (nnXZa)

665 wore my bookhorde Deployable/Deplorable Veterans for Trump shirt to a big public meeting of all the "important people" locally...

got some disgusted looks, some WTF, and a few secret smiles.

i was also the only person there in shorts.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:06 AM (nnXZa)

666 BIAB to perform a post mortem, as necessary.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:07 AM (nnXZa)

667 Paul Ryan had a beard for a little while. I immediately thought of goatee bizarro Spock.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 10, 2017 03:17 AM (VdICR)

668 550 The ScoggDogg Binary Scale.

1 = Would hit

0 = Would not hit

No room for subtlety there, like

1, like a screendoor in a hurricane
0, not even with Harry Reids withered dick


1, as long as my BAC exceeds 0.4
0, as long as my BAC is below 0.4

Posted by: GnuBreed at February 10, 2017 03:22 AM (xpfRn)

669 didn't even notice that i nailed the coveted (?) 666 poast, by accident.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:22 AM (nnXZa)

670 BAC 0.4?

and he calls himself a moron... piker.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:24 AM (nnXZa)

671 goatee bizarro Spock.
minus the logic, intelligence and steely resolve of Spock.

can't see Ryan sacrificing himself for anyone, or even being in a ship crew for that matter...

useless as a screen door on a spaceship

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:27 AM (nnXZa)

672 Posted by: GnuBreed at February 10, 2017 03:22 AM (xpfRn)

1 not willing to chew my arm off in the morning

0 willing to chew my arm off in the morning

(the one time that "Go Big or Go Home" does NOT apply)

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:29 AM (nnXZa)

673 just re-read the letter at the top, this time for content...

"...a unified Republican government..."

i don't think those words mean what you think they mean, cupcake.

tell those 2 scrunts who down checked DeVos what "unified" means... until you get them in line with the program, you're getting a double handful of jack and shit from the base.

do what President Trump wants or reap the whirlwind in 2018, bitches. The_Donald has a bully pulpit and knows how to use it.

get with the program or get ready to get fucked in 2018. he ain't playing your game, so you better get on board his.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 03:33 AM (nnXZa)

674 Oh boy lunch time. Morning all, easy going tonight all powder!!

Posted by: NativeNH at February 10, 2017 03:50 AM (uM52W)

675 Cold here tonight just 2 deg

Posted by: NativeNH at February 10, 2017 03:54 AM (KAkE/)

676 Morning all, easy going tonight all powder!!
smokeless, black or talcum?

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 04:00 AM (nnXZa)

677 Black powder for me.
Good morning horde

Posted by: Skip at February 10, 2017 04:02 AM (Frvrc)

678 Finally getting some snow here in NH. More on the way, work at a ski area so it's always welcome. ( until spring time when we want to blade it into the woods)

Posted by: NativeNH at February 10, 2017 04:14 AM (KAkE/)

679 Had maybe 3 inches yesterday, changed from rain to blizzard real fast. Took a hour to drive to work mostly from getting behind 2 cars doung 20mph then after passing them behind a plow truck doing 15mph. Got home in 40 minutes no one was on the road.

Posted by: Skip at February 10, 2017 04:24 AM (Frvrc)

680 My first car was a '63 Plymouth Belvidere with an automatic transmission controlled by push buttons on the dash rather than the usual gearshift lever. It had previously belonged to my grandparents, who kept it meticulously clean and didn't drive it very much, so I was kind of shocked to discover many years later that it was considered a "muscle car" back in the day. My favorite vehicle, however, is the one hubby and I currently own, a 2001 Honda CR-V. Very reliable, starts right up in any weather, gets pretty good highway gas mileage.

Re the Kennedys, they ain't done yet.... Chris Kennedy, one of RFK's kids who took over the Merchandise Mart in Chicago, just announced he's running for gov of IL in two years.

Posted by: Secret Square at February 10, 2017 04:27 AM (9WuX0)

681 First car I had was my grandma's 66 Pontiac Ventura.

Posted by: Catwrangler at February 10, 2017 04:35 AM (Qe84+)

682 Read a few pundits who besides saying again the judges in the 9th circus are wrong thing its a ploy by the administration that will eventually see judges smacked down. Not sure how that works considering this country has been overruled by Leftist judges for 50 years.

Posted by: Skip at February 10, 2017 04:44 AM (Frvrc)

683 my parents, via my dad, got a Toyota Corolla Mk II station wagon...

it was a stick shift and my "beloved" mother hated it. my legally blind dad bought it w/o telling her.

she hated that car.

finally sold it to an illegal, and 2 years later, got a letter from an impound yard in Pomona.

seems that Jose never registered it, and they could have it back for more than what they sold it for in storage charges.

they didn't bite.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 04:45 AM (nnXZa)

684 Re the Kennedys, they ain't done yet.... Chris Kennedy, one of RFK's
kids who took over the Merchandise Mart in Chicago, just announced he's
running for gov of IL in two years.
does he own a private plane?

asking for a friend.

Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 04:48 AM (nnXZa)

685 72 Datsun pickup. 2wd. Bought it new while in the Navy

Posted by: NativeNH at February 10, 2017 04:55 AM (KAkE/)

686 /me starts looking for #daywalkers....

then pours another drink.


Posted by: redc1c4 at February 10, 2017 05:04 AM (nnXZa)

687 "The ACLU is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with no political affiliation..."

I can't get past that. It just sticks in my throat like a bone. Might take a few hours to absorb somebody could say that with a straight face. F'ing incredible.

Posted by: Ripley at February 10, 2017 05:31 AM (1BQGO)

688 I haven,t driven a car in 30 years! Was thrown into a van 9/11/16.

Posted by: Hillary DUI! at February 10, 2017 05:41 AM (bc2Lc)

689 Morning, all.

The internet says it is 5.4F out there. We got about a foot yesterday.

Posted by: fluffy at February 10, 2017 05:45 AM (jw2Xw)

690 Typical Friday morning. A little over 4 hrs sleep.

Posted by: teej at February 10, 2017 05:48 AM (v6Osy)

691 1st car: 1954 Wileys Jeep panel wagon, flathead 6.

Followed by 2nd car: 1965 VW Microbus, camper edition. 6volt electronics, had to park on top of a hill if you wanted to start it in the morning..

Posted by: hambone at February 10, 2017 05:53 AM (g6yUI)

692 "Typical Friday morning. A little over 4 hrs sleep."

You and me both, teej, you and me both.

Mom is in the hospital at 81 years old. Doing better and might get out today. Phone call at 4:45AM. Useless ass SIL, unemployed, fucking around on her phone and accidentally called Mrs. BC's phone.

To say we were pissed would be an understatement of British proportions.

Posted by: Bayou City at February 10, 2017 05:53 AM (YT5Rb)

693 "1965 VW Microbus"

Was it chartreuse and were you a long haired, friend of Jesus.

Posted by: teej at February 10, 2017 05:56 AM (v6Osy)

694 It was green and yellow, and I was a longhaired bearded construction worker, jackhammer artist on demo crews....

Posted by: hambone at February 10, 2017 05:59 AM (g6yUI)

695 Hope your mom gets better and has many good years ahead of her BC.
My lack of sleep is self imposed. Thurs night practice and an hour drive home.

Posted by: teej at February 10, 2017 06:00 AM (v6Osy)

696 No offense was intended hambone.
See the song "Convoy."

Posted by: teej at February 10, 2017 06:02 AM (v6Osy)

697 19yo makes a machine that sorts M&Ms or skittles by color

Well now you need a machine that sorts M&M from skittles. Pretending the latter is the former is pure dag nasty evil.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at February 10, 2017 06:02 AM (VdICR)

698 Good morning!

Let's smile & be happy & strike fear in the hearts of killjoy leftists everywhere.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at February 10, 2017 06:14 AM (u82oZ)

699 So, no love for CB McCall.

We was headed for bear on I one O
About a mile out of shakey town
I said Big Ben this here's the Rubber Duck
And we about to put the hammer down

Posted by: teej at February 10, 2017 06:15 AM (v6Osy)

700 Any news of Vic?

Posted by: NaCly Dog at February 10, 2017 06:15 AM (u82oZ)

701 Good morning Teej.

Enjoy the heat wave. 41 ℉! Wahoo!

Posted by: NaCly Dog at February 10, 2017 06:17 AM (u82oZ)

702 700 Any news of Vic?

None so far on the ont.

Posted by: Catwrangler at February 10, 2017 06:21 AM (Qe84+)

703 Quick word about Black Rifle Coffee Co. A friend sent me a link to their site about a month ago. I'm a bit of a coffee snob and I use whole bean in my espresso machine so it is sometimes hard to find without going to Starbucks or Caribou. I bought two packs of BRCC and they were both excellent. They were out of the "Fuck Hipsters" variety, but I want to have it badly. Just to have the empty around.

This guy knows his coffee and the money isn't going to groups I hate. Buy his stuff. I'm going to buy some more this morning.

Posted by: DanInMN at February 10, 2017 06:21 AM (15ZVX)

704 Mornin'.

I'm confused by that football map. Oakland has no football loyalty in-Oakland?

That can't be right.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - Takin' My Time on my Ride at February 10, 2017 06:22 AM (ul9CR)

705 Good morning all. Quick de-lurk to mention that every blend of coffee at Black Rifle Coffee is sold out. Ha ha ha ha. Suckered it Starbucks.

Back now to lurking. Waiting for news about Vic.

Posted by: Red Dish on the table, errr tablet at February 10, 2017 06:28 AM (5eXg1)

706 I want to play. First car was a 1961 Ford pickup. Bought it for $300.00. First scooter was a 1947 Indian Chief Bonnaville. It was my first wheels, the P/U came later.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at February 10, 2017 06:30 AM (Tpreb)

707 Let them suckers roll 10-4.

Mornin yall. I see I missed the first car ONT. Mine was a 66 Bug. 1300ccs of pure liberation.

Posted by: freaked at February 10, 2017 06:33 AM (BO/km)

708 First car was a 1966 Corvair convertible. "Nader's Raider."

Leaked oil, keep the window cracked to preclude CO poisoning, low gas milage. And did I mention it leaked oil? Good times.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at February 10, 2017 06:34 AM (u82oZ)

709 First car: Buick Opel
Second car: Chevy Monte Carlo with T-top
Third car: Chevy Lumina
fourth car: Honda accord ex
5th car: Subaru Outback
6th car: Hyundai Tucson

bought the chevy's new, the rest used....

Posted by: KWDreaming at February 10, 2017 06:34 AM (AkcYt)

710 And we about to put the hammer down

Posted by: teej

My favorite of CW's is "Classified"
I still think it's funny

Posted by: Bruce at February 10, 2017 06:36 AM (8ikIW)

711 In 1969 my buddy and I bought a Hudson Hornet for $20. We got it running and maybe made it a half mile before it gulped its innards.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at February 10, 2017 06:46 AM (Tpreb)

712 A a first car, I've seen VWs mentioned. I inherited a 1970 VW Squareback. My Dad was using it for work where he had to use his own car. Got hit broadside at a light by a woman running a red light. I still remember her name: Perline A. Christmas. The car repairs were estimated to be $50 less than being totaled. Dad got a new car for the job and I got the Squareback after it was repaired; used it to drive to high school as well as college. I loved that car. Lots of room in the back to haul lots of stuff. To this day, I still love a stick. Got great gas mileage, too.

Posted by: RickZ at February 10, 2017 06:49 AM (K+bWW)

713 First 'car': '78 Jeep CJ5. bikini top or bust! Had to shovel snow out of her a few times.

Posted by: cicero Kaboom! kid at February 10, 2017 06:50 AM (rIvb0)

714 First car was a 69 MGB. Fun car and chick magnet but you spend more time fixing them the than driving. I think it is a 2:1 repair-to-running time ratio.

Posted by: Ripley at February 10, 2017 06:50 AM (1BQGO)

715 What was it that the CEO of Black Rifle coffee said that perturbed the CEO of Starbucks?

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 10, 2017 06:51 AM (fDdVG)

716 Sad thing is kid's today might not even have a first car. Their rides will be self driving and rented as needed.

Posted by: freaked at February 10, 2017 06:52 AM (BO/km)

717 Number 1 son's first car is a 2002 Mustang. He's a great kid.

Posted by: freaked at February 10, 2017 06:53 AM (BO/km)

718 Morning all. 1st car was a 1966 Nash Rambler. 3 on the column, A/C provided by hole in the passenger side floor boards. Wasn't road worthy but put about 1,000 miles on it around the ranch.

Posted by: Ben Had at February 10, 2017 06:54 AM (3k5gg)

719 Number 2 son is a great kid too but he doesn't want a car. Barely wants to drive.

Posted by: freaked at February 10, 2017 06:54 AM (BO/km)

720 First car I bought w/my own money, a brand new '73 Vega.....maybe it's not too late for a class-action suit against GM for that pos.

Posted by: BignJames at February 10, 2017 06:55 AM (x9c8r)

721 Black Rifle said they'd hire 10000 vets after SB said they'd hire 10000 refugees. Hiring war!

Posted by: lizabth at February 10, 2017 06:57 AM (p0fBx)


Real or fake?

GLADSTONE, Miss. (KSHB) - A 19-year-old Missouri woman whose family emigrated from Mexico says she was the target of harassment while she was exercising last Thursday.

Jessica Diaz said she was out for a run when a man pulled up next to her.

"He rolls down his window, he looks at me, and tells me 'I didn't know there was any illegals living in this neighborhood'," she explained. "He then spat on my face and told me to go back to my country."

She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard.

The incident left Diaz shocked and saddened moments after it happened.

"I just stood there. I couldn't believe it had just happened to me," she said. "I walked back home and I cried. That's all I could do."

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.

Fake. What, she approached the car and stuck her head like a hooker in to get spat on? That and the fact these stories are never true.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at February 10, 2017 06:57 AM (iWW0H)

723 This quite a common thing, I think-kids not wanting to drive. For us it was a right of passage we eagerly waited for. Now mostly. kids text. They get together at school but-they don't actually do things together a lot and if they don't have a job, they think why do they need a car? Mom or dad can drive them around.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 10, 2017 06:58 AM (fDdVG)

724 'She described the alleged suspect as an older white male with white hair, blue eyes, and a white beard. ''

Santa hates brown people?

Posted by: freaked at February 10, 2017 06:59 AM (BO/km)

725 pkease refer to Starbucks as Starburka

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 10, 2017 06:59 AM (Om16U)

726 Posted by: BignJames at February 10, 2017 06:55 AM (x9c8r)

I feel your pain... 76 Vega GT. Blue with a black vyil interior and no AC. In Texas.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at February 10, 2017 07:00 AM (6z9sL)

727 I got a Ford Econoline van. Could you help me put this couch in the back?

Posted by: Jame Gumb at February 10, 2017 07:01 AM (bc2Lc)

728 osted by: Dirks Strewn at February 10, 2017 06:57 AM (iWW0H)

New racist Super anti hero-"Super spit man." His malevolent spit reaches up to five feet away.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 10, 2017 07:01 AM (fDdVG)

729 "714 First car was a 69 MGB. Fun car and chick magnet but you spend more time fixing them the than driving. I think it is a 2:1 repair-to-running time ratio."

Hubby had an MG A back in the day. Piece of crap car.

Posted by: Tuna at February 10, 2017 07:01 AM (JSovD)

730 Fen I told #2 son don't count on mom and dad driving him around forever. He can get a bicycle.

Posted by: freaked at February 10, 2017 07:02 AM (BO/km)

New racist Super anti hero-"Super spit man." His malevolent spit reaches up to five feet away.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 10, 2017 07:01 AM (fDdVG)

it's possible.
takes training

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 10, 2017 07:03 AM (Om16U)

732 Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at February 10, 2017 07:00 AM (6z9sL)

Mine was a red "notch-back" w/GT engine and handling pkge. Only one like it I ever wonder.

Posted by: BignJames at February 10, 2017 07:03 AM (x9c8r)

733 media attacking Gen Flynn

Posted by: @votermom @vm at February 10, 2017 07:04 AM (Om16U)

734 Jessica Diaz?

Never heard of her.

Posted by: Charlie Gibson at February 10, 2017 07:04 AM (S6Pax)

735 That '61 pickup I mentioned above was a six cyl with three on the column. I got to where the steering squeaked but it would quit if you poured beer on the steering column. But eventually the shift linkage rusted out and I lost first and reverse. So in moron fashion I cut a slot in the floor pan and welded a piece of flat bar to the ear on the transmission. So now it's first and reverse on the floor but second and third are still on the column. But something always had to be in neutral.
"Hey Dave will you help me move?" "No, but you can borrow my truck." No takers.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at February 10, 2017 07:05 AM (Tpreb)

736 Besides it sound ridiculous: I didn't know any legals lived here." If he's from the town and there are a lot of Hispanic people (?) wouldn't he figure out at least some were illegal, or the evil old white guy just thinks all brown people are illegals?. My guess is it you checked her teen equivalent of Facebook, she is an advocate for open borders

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 10, 2017 07:06 AM (fDdVG)

737 "Hey Dave will you help me move?" "No, but you can borrow my truck." No takers.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at February 10, 2017 07:05 AM (Tpreb)

I got a chain saw kinda like that.

Posted by: BignJames at February 10, 2017 07:07 AM (x9c8r)

738 Whoever said this above it's funny-She's hanging out like a hooker in his car window? Given how cautious people are about dealing with strangers I don't think she went anywhere near his car because there was no such person.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 10, 2017 07:08 AM (fDdVG)

739 Posted by: BignJames at February 10, 2017 07:03 AM (x9c8r)

When I started college, it was getting about a quart of oil to two tanks of gas. I always wanted to do the small block V8 installation, but student...

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at February 10, 2017 07:08 AM (6z9sL)

740 Posted by: freaked at February 10, 2017 07:02 AM (BO/km)

Good for you.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at February 10, 2017 07:10 AM (fDdVG)

741 Why don't the British make computers?

Because they can't make one leak oil.

My Dad had an Austin-Healey Sprite. POS.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at February 10, 2017 07:16 AM (u82oZ)

742 89 They should stop at 'repeal'.

If winning has anything to do with wings/flying, nope not tired of flapping mine wings.

Mr. Kraft dug the claws re: Commish

Is there no one who could oust Liawatha and up-Chuck Schumer?
Johnny Heinz Kerry looks near... Um, no.

Hope springs eternal. My sis in VT is 'now' seeing, I think. Who knows.

9th circus needs a clue bat....

Happy ONT y'all.

Posted by: micky

They could do most of it by repealing Obamacare itself, then remove all coverage mandates (gender reassignment surgery, birth control) allow cross state shopping.

Tort reform (loser pay winners costs) is the new effort they need to put in place to reduce costs.

Posted by: Dirks Strewn at February 10, 2017 07:17 AM (iWW0H)

743 Nood.

Posted by: NaCly Dog at February 10, 2017 07:23 AM (u82oZ)

744 If you're looking for a new coffee supplier, you can't do better than Mystic Monk Coffee. It's a group of cloistered Carmelite monks living in Wyoming who roast coffee to support themselves. If you use a Keurig machine, their "monk shot" K-cups are packed with more than the usual dosage of coffee grounds so they're extra flavorful.

Posted by: joe at February 10, 2017 09:02 AM (timOb)

745 Sorry but I disagree with rushing through a flat out repeal. I'll put my libertarian cred up against anyone here but too many people would now be thrown out of the system with a straight repeal. Reality is it took six years of ACA to get here and if we are going to win the PR battle against a hostile media and left wing we need to make sure that there is a plan for the transition.

I will now stand by to be yelled at.

Posted by: Heresolong at February 10, 2017 10:31 PM (ntIeo)

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