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Glenn Reynolds: Status-Conscious, Achievement-Poor Gentry Liberals Are Frightened By the Diminishment of Their Social Clout that Trump Represents

I wrote about this the other day, but I didn't give credit to Glenn Reynolds, who used to write about this an awful lot of after 9/11. (I didn't mean to omit a credit; I had just believed his take for so long I forgot it was his take at all.) He revisits the topic again.

When people feel their place in the world is threatened, they tend to lash out. And after all, the gentry liberals were promised by no less a figure than Clinton Labor secretary and former Harvard professor Robert Reich that the symbolic analysts like them would own the future.


And now that Trump has won, people are, in fact, a lot less respectful of the traditional academic and media and political elites. Trump didn't just beat them, after all. He also humiliated them, as they repeatedly assured everyone (and each other) that he had no chance. It's a huge blow to the self-importance of a lot of people. No wonder they’re still lashing out.

Of course, lashing out doesn’t exactly bring people around. A lot of people who cast their votes for Trump reluctantly are likely to conclude that they did the right thing, as Trump's opposition (who during the election cast Trump as the unstable, crazy one) keeps going berserk. In response to the New Yorker cartoon, Sean Davis tweeted: "Do you want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump."

It really is.

Reynolds mentions the New Yorker cartoon which smugly asserts that all progressives are "experts" (pilots, in the specifics of the cartoon) and that unwashed, uneducated conservative dolts want to take the controls Because They're Stupid.

An awful lot of the argument here is very personal indeed, because 90% of the idiots asserting they are "experts" who should be obeyed in all things have absolutely nothing to their credit which would remotely justify any claim of status as "experts" in any recognizable field at all.

I have paid experts to do various things for me. Note that in the typical situation, a principal -- the client, the buyer of expertise -- decides he wants to achieve something, looks for expert help, investigates who a good expert would be, and then pays that expert for his services.

By the way, if I find out the expert I hired doesn't know his stuff or is an idiot, I fire that expert, as is my right.

It's a voluntary association -- and an association based on the exchange of money for services.

This is not the case with America's current lunatic asylum of self-professed experts who tell you they'll be Your Personal All-Purpose Expert for free, but with a catch: You must obey them and may not ever terminate their employment.

Oh, and also, they're also telling you they won't be your expert. They intend to be your boss.

An expert usually tells you how to best execute a course of action you've already chosen. Yes, he can also advise you on which path you should choose, but even in that case, the expert is not The Decider of what path you must choose. He's supposed to give you the pros and cons of various approaches, then he's supposed to leave the decision to you. You know, the boss, the client, the actual principle.

But these free-range, self-proclaimed "experts" who strangely aren't charging for their expert services (though they'll tell you just how precious and valuable this freely-given service is) do not act like experts. They act like principals.

Suppose you want an architect to draw up plans for a house. You want a dining room because you never had one as a kid, and always associated it -- from old magazine pictures, from old movies, whatever -- with a stable and happy home.

Suppose your architect comes back with no dining room -- just one big great room combining living room, kitchen, and dining area.

"Where's the dining room I asked for?" you want to know.

"No one has dining rooms any more," the expert tells you. "It's all Open Concept now, one room sweeping into the other, bringing together the family in one big room at all times."

"That may well be, but I want a dining room."

"Walls are passe," the experts smugly tells you. "They interrupt the sight-lines."

"I don't care about sight-lines. And honestly, I love my kids, but I'm not so crazy about them so much I want to be locked in a giant room with them 24/7. I want walls and I want a dining room," you say again.

"No one eats in a dining room and anyway dining rooms are too formal."

"I'd like to be formal on occasion."

"Well," the architect tells you, "I've decided that dining rooms are in bad taste and I'm the expert and you can't have one. You're getting Open Concept whether you like it or not, Trump Voter."

At this point, you begin beating the architect about the face and neck and eject him forceably from your home.

As I said, an expert exists to advise you options that you can choose from, and advises you on how best to execute the choice that you have made.

They do not typically arrogate themselves into the position of instructing you what your choice must be.

But that's because they're actual experts, actually sought out and paid by clients to do things.

They would know this if they ever had actually been hired as an expert.

Of course, they haven't.

The crop of very, very stupid and untalented progressives (and, honestly, the Establishment Conservative Church of Online Political Pontificating) are not sought by anyone, not hired by anyone.

They offer their "expertise" at exactly the price it is worth -- zero point zero dollars -- which should tip you (and they themselves) off right away that they're not actually experts.

Real experts get paid, Jack.

Then they further demonstrate that they have no idea of what the principal-agent relationship works like by insisting that they are now the Principal and they're in charge and you're to just sit back and nod appreciatively as they spend your money for purposes you don't support and in fact have explicitly objected to.

And then when you say, "Fuck these inexpert 'experts' and all their free 'helpful advice,'" they whine and cry and squeal that you're the ignorant one for not understanding that the old rule that the expert provides advice and the principal makes decisions is as old-fashioned as a dining room.

War is too important to be left to the generals, they sometimes say. Our inbred, weak-chinned social caste of self-appointed Experts -- the self-imagined expertocracy -- has decided that political choices are too important to be left to the actual polity.

The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact.

Posted by: Ace at 06:50 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man.

With leftists, that's the last act of a free man.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at January 05, 2017 06:54 PM (zc3Db)

2 Woah, I read the whole thing and am still 1st?

Posted by: mugiwara at January 05, 2017 06:55 PM (gIjtC)

3 "The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact."

Indeed. And the first act of a free woman, as well.

Posted by: Kathy Kinsley at January 05, 2017 06:55 PM (c4lKd)

4 Whew, got 2nd, I was worried there.

Posted by: mugiwara at January 05, 2017 06:55 PM (gIjtC)

5 st?

Posted by: redc1c4 at January 05, 2017 06:56 PM (rZDd9)


That stupid airplane picture drove me nuts, too, ace.

How do they compare offering bullshit opinions to the training and expertise it takes to fly a multi-engine passenger jet???

What the fuck, over?

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 06:56 PM (XIXZz)

7 Whew, got 2nd, I was worried there.

Posted by: mugiwara at January 05, 2017 06:55 PM (gIjtC)

You should go to Evelyn Wood. I was waiting to post because I didn't want to be first.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at January 05, 2017 06:57 PM (zc3Db)


It's like the lawyer whose client knows all about how the law should be interpreted, and wants to fight the battle that will 1,000% guaranteed result in a complete loss.

"Yes, Mr. Client, you CAN read the statute that way, but the result is that you will spend the next few decades in jail and broke. But don't listen to me, I'm just a lowly scrivener."

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 06:58 PM (XIXZz)

9 How do they compare offering bullshit opinions to the training and expertise it takes to fly a multi-engine passenger jet???

What the fuck, over?

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 06:56 PM (XIXZz)

Leftists aren't interested in landing ... so they really don't have that many problems flying multi-engine jets.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at January 05, 2017 06:58 PM (zc3Db)

10 Mad Cow!

Posted by: Denny Crane! at January 05, 2017 06:58 PM (4bjXi)

11 ...But there was no virgin in the volcano scene, which disappointed me.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 06:58 PM (WGxp4)


The fact that the punditocracy/media have zero point zero actual skills, and merely substitute their opinions for facts is going to be the death of this republic. The voters in fact were the experts: they saw exactly how Obama's bullshit laws played out in the world where people have to work for a living.

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 07:00 PM (XIXZz)

13 I think there's a tremendous amount of this in the shrill and hysterical reaction to Donald Trump. Some of it is just unreasoning terror fed by a feedback loop of leftists crying every more insane crap. But a lot of it on the right and the left is this kind of elitist fury at losing influence and power. New York and California basically ran the country the last near decade. Elites from a very small segment of the population have done it for thirty years or more. They don't want to give that up, no matter what it costs.

But let's be honest, Trump is not someone you should be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or leadership. I understand why people are repelled at the idea of President Trump. I'm just willing to give him a shot to see how he does. Its hard to imagine how he could be worse than the last 8 years, and certainly impossible he could be worse than President Hillary.

Posted by: The Legacy Media at January 05, 2017 07:02 PM (39g3+)


Leftists aren't interested in landing ... so they really don't have that many problems flying multi-engine jets.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair

Exactly right. Once someone else gets the country running, they think they can come in and turn the dials and push the buttons to make pleasing patterns, not knowing that they just lowered the landing gear at 350 MPH, or deployed the flaps at cruising altitude. The colors are so PRETTY!!!!

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 07:02 PM (XIXZz)

15 Bruce Springsteen is my go-to expert on everything, from sex and politics to bridges and diets ...

Posted by: Chris Christie at January 05, 2017 07:03 PM (mt8X9)

16 Hubris is the defining trait of our time.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (LTHVh)

17 So which do you think is the worse offense, not listening to them or no lifetime job anymore?

Posted by: Darth Randall at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (6n332)

18 on topic: here's the thing though... I've long said (and many of you have wisely agreed with me) that these so-called "experts" are actually not very smart at all. In fact, I, a person of (presumable) average intelligence, know more about many of the topics in which they are "experts" in then they do.

And I'm just a schmuck with a day job and a life who casually pays attention to things and has some intellectual curiosity. This is their CAREER and they are this uninformed and ignorant. Which leads me to believe that they are not very smart people at all.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (WGxp4)

19 I was looking forward to using Air Force One but you Trumptards ruined the election! Huma, more vodka!

Posted by: Hillary! at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (bc2Lc)

20 That right there is some really good word smithing. Their absolute certainty of their image superiority is exactly why they got Trump.

Posted by: madamemayhem (i wanna be sedated) at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (yTnCT)

21 F'n Architects.

Posted by: Weasel at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (Sfs6o)

22 Exactly right. Once someone else gets the country running, they think they can come in and turn the dials and push the buttons to make pleasing patterns, not knowing that they just lowered the landing gear at 350 MPH, or deployed the flaps at cruising altitude. The colors are so PRETTY!!!!

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 07:02 PM (XIXZz)

They only care that they are able to take the controls in mid-air and can navigate their way to a tall building.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at January 05, 2017 07:05 PM (zc3Db)

23 The takeaway from this piece is that architects are arrogant dicks what need to be beaten.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 05, 2017 07:06 PM (/tuJf)

24 Our
inbred, weak-chinned social caste of self-appointed Experts
-- the
self-imagined expertocracy -- has decided that political choices are too
important to be left to the actual polity.


Hey, what the hell am I, chopped tofu?

Posted by: Low T at January 05, 2017 07:06 PM (mt8X9)

25 The takeaway from this piece is that architects are arrogant dicks what need to be beaten.

*touches nose*

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:06 PM (LTHVh)

26 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact.


What? He said "fuck you"!

Posted by: NYPD at January 05, 2017 07:07 PM (0mRoj)


You're right Chris, Trump is nothing to be proud of. But at the same time, the Left has made it impossible to hold a measured, "middle path" view of life. If I'm going to be put in a box, it won;t be as their ally.

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 07:07 PM (XIXZz)

28 I mean it's kind of like when you have a new guy on the crew (anyone who has worked in the trades knows what I'm talking about) who knows everything about everything and has a better way of doing everything then you do. And then you allow him to do a simple task on his own and he fucks it up. But he won't admit / realize he fucked it up and keeps fucking shit up so then you fire him.

That's our "elite class." People who keep fucking shit up, against the best advice of everyone else, they won't admit it to even themselves that they're idiots who fuck everything up, and need to just be fired.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:07 PM (WGxp4)

29 Noted experts:

"We can't drill our way out of high gas prices."

"You're going to love the Obamacare roll out."

"Like with a cloth?"

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 05, 2017 07:07 PM (F0ZHr)

30 I've long said (and many of you have wisely agreed with me) that these so-called "experts" are actually not very smart at all.

I used to think that people in high places, the powerful and the elite, had gotten these fine educations and just understood things better than I did. My head was full of 19th century style educations these people got, where they had to conjugate greek verbs orally before a panel of stern teachers, and study history in the original languages.

Then over time I came to the realization that they got the same crappy education I did, with hoity toity sounding school names, and were so full of themselves they didn't have the time or inclination to learn any more over the years. We have fools and ill-educated supreme court justices and senators.

Somehow I don't think that was the case in 1875 or eve 1917.

Posted by: The Legacy Media at January 05, 2017 07:07 PM (39g3+)

31 27 people got here before me and none of you told the willowed Nood.


Posted by: L, Elle at January 05, 2017 07:08 PM (6IPEM)


Posted by: George Castanza at January 05, 2017 07:08 PM (4bjXi)


I thought you were in latex.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:09 PM (LTHVh)

34 Why won't you miserable sods listen to me when I'm wheedling you?

Posted by: Senator Matthew Dowd at January 05, 2017 07:09 PM (xMu63)

35 The takeaway from this piece is that architects are arrogant dicks what need to be beaten.

You're telling me

Posted by: Gregory Peck in the Fountainhead at January 05, 2017 07:09 PM (39g3+)

36 You are better person, L,Elle. A good person.

Far superior to the gaggle of "Firsters" in this place.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:10 PM (zu88C)

37 >>"No one has dining rooms any more," the expert tells you. "It's all Open
Concept now, one room sweeping into the other, bringing together the
family in one big room at all times."

And then follows up by telling you that dining rooms are a blight on the history of architecture, because it's a known fact that dining rooms are historically bigoted against people who don't have a family with whom to share a meal, and anyone who still thinks dining rooms are good must be weird, anachronistic and --- come to think of it --- as bad as Hitler!

Posted by: Lizzy at January 05, 2017 07:10 PM (NOIQH)

38 There is an extremely evil piece of my that wishes Hillary on NYC just to see these nitwits make excuses for her when Manhattan really does capsize.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 05, 2017 07:10 PM (F0ZHr)


They only care that they are able to take the controls in mid-air and can navigate their way to a tall building.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair

I honestly don't think they can even do that. Terrorists intending the destroy the republic would have a better chance at succeeding than those clueless pundit-class nitwits. They are neither smart nor skilled, they are simply determined to bask in their entitlement.

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 07:10 PM (XIXZz)

40 Hey bitter clingers, as an expert, when I take on a job, I complete that job.

And I've never, never heard a complaint from Reggie about it.

Posted by: Barack Obama at January 05, 2017 07:11 PM (aZq03)

41 We have fools and ill-educated supreme court justices and senators.
Posted by: The Legacy Media at January 05, 2017 07:07 PM (39g3+)

Yes. And the most dangerous part about that is that they have a very unfortunate and undeserving combination of idiocy, self confidence, and conceit. They are too conceited to even try to learn anything or figure anything out. Because they're fucking geniuses who know everything, so why would they have to listen to anyone else?

Listen to Jarret talking about Obama. That's how all of these people think of themselves and their peers. They are the smartest people to ever walk the earth, and thus deserve to rule over the idiots who would starve to death in a grocery store if it weren't for them.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:11 PM (WGxp4)

42 I can offer you an expert opinion on economics, and how to handle a donkey schlong in a Tijuana show....but mostly how to handle a donkey schlong in a show in Tijuana.

Posted by: Paul Krugman at January 05, 2017 07:12 PM (lRwmz)

43 Please bathe before standing in the passport line. When I called you the "great unwashed" I wasn't hoping you'd take me literally.

Posted by: $1 Per Year Federal Worker at January 05, 2017 07:12 PM (xMu63)

44 Zombie's article dovetails with this. 50 years of propaganda and brainwashing costing trillion and trillions of dollars to the academic world and entertainment industries was completely undone by electing Trump. It was a rigged game in their favor and it blew up in their face.

They cannot believe it because it was not suppose to happen (so says the experts).

They are piased and will do everything and justify any and all actions to destroy this country for the world to see. Out in the open.

Posted by: Pepe at January 05, 2017 07:13 PM (tPC7s)

45 Listen to Jarret talking about Obama.

I would literally rather hit myself in the crotch with a ballpeen...for like the duration.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 05, 2017 07:13 PM (F0ZHr)

46 37 >>"No one has dining rooms any more," the expert tells you. "It's all Open
Concept now, one room sweeping into the other, bringing together the
family in one big room at all times."

And then follows up by telling you that dining rooms are a blight on the history of architecture, because it's a known fact that dining rooms are historically bigoted against people who don't have a family with whom to share a meal, and anyone who still thinks dining rooms are good must be weird, anachronistic and --- come to think of it --- as bad as Hitler!
Posted by: Lizzy at January 05, 2017 07:10 PM (NOIQH)

And in 5 years dining rooms are the latest thing, you should see Gwyneth Paltrow's! We'll change that old-fashioned "open concept" clunker into a dining for say, $15,000?

Posted by: josephistan at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (7qAYi)

47 "Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact."

Not to mention, a free man intact.

Posted by: Phil Garber at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (5+lWd)

Shorter ace: Progtards Suck and deep down, they know it's true.

This is the reason for "Russians, RUSSIANS" and "hacking".

They know NOTHING about either of these topics but must be seen to APPEAR to be an expert.

Great post ace!

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (zu88C)

49 Remember when the left was really pushing the idea that if you start killing terrorists that would just make more terrorists? Well you'd think they would maybe think that way about Trump supporters. They aren't killing Trump supporters (much, yet) but they are fully invested in pissing them off. And that is getting them more Trump supporters. With the terrorists, at least there's a lot less terrorists after a good drone strike goes off. With a lame ass leftist pissing off people on the right, the Trump supporters become stronger, more angry - not dead.

Their arrogance is what's killing their power. I love that.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (8b+oT)

50 Tucker name checking JohnE.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (zu88C)

51 That New Yorker cartoon is a perfect example of how insufferably out of touch the elites are. They think its so simple and so obvious, and people who disagree are just stupid and insane. Clearly they are better and more capable. Its amazing reading the same people who rant and rail against career politicians wailing that Trump has "no political experience." As if now not being a politician is a crippling malady.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (39g3+)

52 Bruce Springsteen is my go-to expert on everything, from sex and politics to bridges and diets ...
Posted by: Chris Christie at January 05, 2017 07:03 PM (mt8X9)

After the loving, I'm still in love with you.
Engelbert Humperdinck could quarterback my team.....

Posted by: Jerry Jones at January 05, 2017 07:15 PM (uUBML)

53 Not to mention, a free man intact.

I'm out there, Jerry, and loving it!

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:15 PM (LTHVh)

54 "When people feel their place in the world is threatened, they tend to lash out. "

I remember lashing out when TFG got elected. Squashed a bug I did.

Posted by: Dr Fareekenfurter at January 05, 2017 07:15 PM (BO/km)

55 I simply do not understand the reluctance most bitter clingers seem to exhibit whenever I start trying to improve your lives.

Posted by: President For Life, El Jefe at January 05, 2017 07:15 PM (xMu63)

56 You know, I am OK at their petulant temper tantrums over how their "entitlement" was denied and all the accompanying unwarranted self-importance. They can keep on flicking boogers at the people who actually do things for a living -- be they actual planning or doing -- from their adult romper rooms and congratulating themselves and each other for it.

As long as they never hold any kind of power or influence again, they can keep consoling themselves ad infinitum. Just as long as it's only their own lives they constantly screw up.

Posted by: Saber Alter at January 05, 2017 07:15 PM (YZ7Go)

57 By the way: I like walls and dining rooms. I get parents wanting to watch the kids, and I understand liking big open spaces, but a room set apart for certain tasks has charm as well.

And keep that Joanna Gaines away from me with all those damn French Doors.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 05, 2017 07:16 PM (39g3+)

58 This is their CAREER and they are this uninformed and ignorant. Which leads me to believe that they are not very smart people at all.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (WGxp4)


They're taught (in what Dennis Prager calls Leftist Seminaries, the Universities) to think in abstracts and theory -- and thus utopian ideals -- which is why they ignore reality/human nature as well as their guaranteed failure in all matters.

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:16 PM (mt8X9)

59 Is there anyone that can listen to Karl Rove without thinking back to 2012, when they gently had to tell him there was no way for Romney to win Florida? Remember back when Karl Rove used to be demonized by the Left? The fact that he isn't any more should be a clue that you are wasting airspace by asking his opinion on anything.

I am somewhat amazed that none of the people that are supposed to analyze elections are capable of that. Can we ignore Nate Silver now? It would have been nice if folks had looked at the assumptions behind polling and maybe taken it with a grain of salt.

(And note to Lefties, stop telling Christians what they are supposed to believe. You've never read the Bible and you don't know what you are talking about.)

Posted by: Notsothoreau at January 05, 2017 07:16 PM (Pby3z)

60 I've always been highly dubious of "advocates", a type of expert whose expertise lies in "speaking for" (the literal definition of "advocate").
They are almost always mere gutter-variety rabble rousers who itch for political power and attempt to grab it by choosing some weak or helpless group to "advocate for", buying (or stealing) a bullhorn and standing on a street corner loudly demanding of everyone who passes that they be respected and obeyed.

Posted by: jbspry at January 05, 2017 07:16 PM (bxc5w)

61 You say Robert Reich is worth zero? With his towering intellect? With his giant grasp of the subject soaring above all others? With his titanic standing that overshadows any other intellectual titan?

Fucker is short.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 05, 2017 07:16 PM (q6C1L)

62 This is the reason for "Russians, RUSSIANS" and "hacking".

Do you know what a phishing attack is?

Right up there with Ekdahl's pickup truck question.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 05, 2017 07:17 PM (F0ZHr)

63 Bruce Springsteen is my go-to expert on everything, from sex and politics to bridges and diets ...

Posted by: Chris Christie
But when it comes to civil engineering and hydrodynamics I'm a Sean Penn man.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:17 PM (8b+oT)

64 My fear is that the island will become so overpopulated that it will tip over and capsize.

Posted by: Your intellectual superior Hank Johnson at January 05, 2017 07:17 PM (lRwmz)

65 I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Posted by: Eggs Pert at January 05, 2017 07:17 PM (IqV8l)

66 Real experts get paid, Jack.


Which makes me glad that i've dropped cash money in Ace's tip jar.

Cause he Earns it.

Almost 3 days out of 7 a week

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:18 PM (PqqkK)

67 It's funny but I've often found when I understand a subject well--by experience or personal research--these experts are wrong more often than not.
Makes me, for one, question their expertise.

Posted by: Northernlurker at January 05, 2017 07:18 PM (hJrjt)

68 By the way: I like walls and dining rooms. I get parents wanting to watch the kids, and I understand liking big open spaces, but a room set apart for certain tasks has charm as well.

Me too. I'm a big fan of crawl spaces.

Posted by: J.W. Gacy at January 05, 2017 07:18 PM (LAe3v)

69 Dan Coats Head of DNI according to report on Lou Dobb s

Posted by: Evilpens at January 05, 2017 07:18 PM (y3aQB)

70 I love this post for the little things, like using "arrogate".

Damn good underused word.

Posted by: Bandersnatch, gentleman cad at January 05, 2017 07:18 PM (mgbwf)

71 Sorry, Robert Reich, but every time I see your name, I hear "We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop Guild..." in my head.

Posted by: tu3031 at January 05, 2017 07:19 PM (qJhUV)

72 The great thing about the technocratic totalitarian state is that citizens have all their needs cared for, usually before they realize they have the need at all.

Posted by: President For Life, El Jefe at January 05, 2017 07:19 PM (xMu63)

73 Dan Coats Head of DNI
But he's not even an angry muslim?!?

Posted by: John Brennan at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (aZq03)

74 Tonight on (fill in Fox News show) we'll be discussing the economics of health care. Joining us will be 24 year old Democratic Party strategist X and 25 year old Republican strategist Y.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (nFdGS)

75 Bill Clinton did surround himself with a lot of small people. Steffy, Reich, Hillary is dinky. Its like he felt more a man when surrounded by gnomes.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (39g3+)

76 The great thing about the technocratic totalitarian state is that citizens have all their needs cared for, usually before they realize they have the need at all.
Like their need to only be able to think good thoughts!

Posted by: Some technocrat at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (aZq03)

77 Its amazing reading the same people who rant and rail against career politicians wailing that Trump has "no political experience." As if now not being a politician is a crippling malady.
Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (39g3+)

...and thats the other thing. Since when does it take a harvard education and 30 years of experience to learn how to be a bribe taking bloviating corrupt dipshit?

I submit that it takes very little expertise or intelligence to be a politician.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (WGxp4)

78 So okay, my Winn Dixie is carrying ... er .. something .. in the frozen food section next to the ice cream. Something that sort of looks like ice cream but isn't. It doesn't even claim to be ice milk, or chocolate for that matter. It's a "chocolate flavored frozen dessert". On the plus side, it's half the price of ice cream.

It might be soylent brown.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (LTHVh)

79 More "noted expertise":

The famous "reset button" proffered by Hillary to the Russians.

The word emblazoned upon which, peregruzka, turns out not to mean "reset" at all. The nearest cognate in English would be "overcharged".

Yeah, after ten trillion dollars in new federal debt racked up in only eight years, this country sure has been overcharged.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (noWW6)

80 And to think I was looking forward to being ruled over by the Masters of Hot Takes 'N Sick Burnz.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (4ErVI)

81 My fear is that the island will become so overpopulated that it will tip over and capsize.

Posted by: Your intellectual superior Hank Johnson
Quick! Rally 'round the American flag on Mars!

Posted by: Shiela Jackson (5 stupid things a day)Lee at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (8b+oT)

82 My fear is that the island will become so overpopulated that it will tip over and capsize.

Posted by: Your intellectual superior Hank Johnson at January 05, 2017 07:17 PM (lRwmz)

My fear is that shiny red cowboy hats will go out of style.

Posted by: Frederica Wilson at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (2WITp)

83 These experts remind me of the time I worked for a start-up that hired a bunch of Andersen consultants. So Andersen sends us a bunch of newbies who are straight out of college and expertise includes knowing how to do things the Andersen way. My boss: "You have to assist these two consultants write a guide." What happens: I have to walk them through each topic, explaining even the most basic industry terminology and concepts and then then document what I told them. SO my co. paid 3 people (well more if you count that we had to hire an Andersen manager for every 4 "consultants") for something one person could have done.

Awesome way to run a business. Which went under within 2 years.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (NOIQH)

84 Experts mostly agree that most experts are mostly wrong.

Posted by: Dr Fareekenfurter at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (BO/km)

85 Weeee wish to welcome you to Progtard Land!

Posted by: Prez'nit Toonces at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (Tyii7)

86 Come back JohnE

Posted by: Devo at January 05, 2017 07:22 PM (IqV8l)

87 "no less a figure than Clinton Labor secretary and former Harvard professor Robert Reich"

Heh. Heh heh. I shouldn't laugh, and I don't know if it was intentional on Mr. Reynold's part, but damn that's funny.

Posted by: Dissonent Cognizance at January 05, 2017 07:22 PM (4C9aX)

88 But a lot of it on the right and the left is this kind of elitist fury at losing influence and power. New York and California basically ran the country the last near decade. Elites from a very small segment of the population have done it for thirty years or more. They don't want to give that up, no matter what it costs.


And they must be thinking, that the monied interests who buy them each cycle got nothing for their investment. Will they throw more good money after bad next go round.

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:22 PM (PqqkK)

89 I can't cite any now, but I do recall that their was much writing about how the Obama Administration would be the first run by "experts" (from academia no less).

Posted by: undocumented illegal SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:22 PM (e8kgV)

90 Do you know what a phishing attack is?

Right up there with Ekdahl's pickup truck question.

Yep. I deal with them for a living.

It's a complete joke in the Infosec world. The Russians , Chinese, Ukrainians, Vietnamese, Polish, Czechs, Irish, have hacked us for years externally and even internally from our own country, but Podesta gets stupid with his credentials and now the invasion is imminent?

The election was not influenced by Russians anymore than the stock market, the climate, or the price of Chinese tea.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:23 PM (zu88C)

91 My fear is that Brillo Pad haircuts and Smart Glasses will go out of style.

Posted by: Richard Fowler at January 05, 2017 07:23 PM (2WITp)

92 Yeah, the headline said it well.

Posted by: 80's music fan at January 05, 2017 07:23 PM (PHcLa)

93 Nice write-up, dude. I deal with dozens of these assholes every day, and I tend to gag when I realize these are my fellow Americans. I can only laugh and remind myself that it's, thankfully, just a job.

Posted by: Fritz at January 05, 2017 07:23 PM (qj98/)

"Influenced the election" != "hacking".

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (zu88C)

95 >>> Bruce Springsteen is my go-to expert on everything, from sex and politics to bridges and diets ...

"But when it comes to civil engineering and hydrodynamics I'm a Sean Penn man."

How about that eminent professional authority upon epidemiology and chemical toxicology, Dr. Meryl Streep? Who was invited by congressional Democrats to testify before a subcommittee regarding the purported risks of the pesticide Alar.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (noWW6)

96 "chocolate flavored frozen desert"


Posted by: Dr Fareekenfurter at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (BO/km)

97 67 It's funny but I've often found when I understand a subject well--by experience or personal research--these experts are wrong more often than not.
Makes me, for one, question their expertise.
Posted by: Northernlurker at January 05, 2017 07:18 PM (hJrjt)

Yeah. That phenomenon has a name. I forget what it is.

But more to the point, for a prime example of this -- anyone who is even slightly familiar with firearms only needs to read media reporting on anything even slightly firearm related to see how fucking stupid these people are.

"The suspect had a fully automatic Ak-47 with 100 round clips and a grenade launcher attachment that he ordered online, with no background check, for less than the cost of a book."

"...errr... that seems unlikely"

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (WGxp4)

98 >>>they think they can come in and turn the dials and push the buttons
to make pleasing patterns, not knowing that they just lowered the
landing gear at 350 MPH,<<<

I was flying from Houston to new Orleans a few years ago when, at altitude over Lafayette, I heard the gear go down. I said to myself, and the few people around me, "That's not right".

A few minutes later the pilot came on and said that we were having some "Minor technical problems" and that we would be late to N.O. We circled for about an half hour and then proceeded to land safely.

No mention of the problem.

Posted by: Javems at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (yOqwj)

Hillary to Russia: "Here's a cute little "reset" button."

Russia to Hillary's Campaign Manager: "Reset your password."


Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (8b+oT)

100 And then these experts proceed to tell me I need to make "better" choices, usually about global warming and/or carbon taxes. It's like they think they are my mother, doctor or priest.

Make something illegal and I'll probably follow the law most of the time but don't you dare presume to tell me what's better for me. You don't know me and, with any luck on my part, we'll never meet so just pound sand.

Posted by: all doubt removed at January 05, 2017 07:25 PM (Z+wR7)

101 New Yorker cartoon caption: "These smug pilots have lost touch with regular passengers like us. Who thinks I should fly the plane?"

Some Alternate Cartoon Captions:

* "This flight will get underway as soon as the Attorney General cuts a crooked deal to keep her job and clears the tarmac."

* "If you like your pilot, you can keep your pilot."

* "These smug pilots have lost touch with regular passengers like us. Who thinks Hillary should make $145 million dollars from selling the Russians our uranium supply?"

* "These smug pilots have lost touch with regular passengers like us. Who thinks John Podesta should write questions for the Leg-Humping Media to ask Republican candidates?"

* "These smug pilots have lost touch with regular passengers like us. Who thinks we should give Iran nukes and money?"

* "These smug pilots have lost touch with regular passengers like us. Who thinks Hillary should get the debate questions in advance?"

* "These smug cartoonists have lost touch with regular readers like us. Who thinks they should be forced to draw Mohammed cartoons?"

* "Let's roll!"

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at January 05, 2017 07:25 PM (Ndje9)

"The suspect had a fully automatic Ak-47 with 100 round clips and a grenade launcher attachment that he ordered online, with no background check, for less than the cost of a book."

"...errr... that seems unlikely"
Posted by: Harry Paratestes

I've heard some college textbooks are quite expensive.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 07:25 PM (IqV8l)

103 The article seems to apply also by substituting Cruz and nevertrump.

Posted by: flounder, rebel, vulgarian, deplorable, winner at January 05, 2017 07:25 PM (n18bY)

104 Do the Dems consider the Boston Tea Party a political "hack"?

Because that seems to be sorta where this is headed.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:26 PM (zu88C)

105 It's like the lawyer whose client knows all about how the law should be interpreted, and wants to fight the battle that will 1,000% guaranteed result in a complete loss.

I swear, I'm living exactly this scenario right now. All I can do is tell the client that this is against my recommendation and he is likely to lose, but once I make that disclosure (in writing, natch) he gets to decide. I continue to collect my $400 per hour regardless.

As Mortimer Duke said, "that's the best part."

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at January 05, 2017 07:26 PM (8ZskC)

106 61: so, you're saying he plays handball with the curb?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 07:26 PM (KP5rU)

107 Yeah. That phenomenon has a name. I forget what it is.

But more to the point, for a prime example of this -- anyone who is
even slightly familiar with firearms only needs to read media reporting
on anything even slightly firearm related to see how fucking stupid
these people are.

"The suspect had a fully automatic Ak-47 with 100 round clips and a
grenade launcher attachment that he ordered online, with no background
check, for less than the cost of a book."

"...errr... that seems unlikely"

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (WGxp4)

Gell-Mann Amnesia?

Posted by: Tami at January 05, 2017 07:27 PM (Enq6K)

108 David Brooks JUNE 15, 2009:

Which is why you have MedPAC. That's the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission that you want to turn into a health care Federal Reserve Board -- an aloof technocratic body of experts that will make tough decisions beyond the reach of politics. You can take every thorny issue, throw it to MedPac and consider it solved.

Conservatives will claim you're giving enormous power to an unelected bunch of wonks. They'll say that health care is too complicated to be run by experts from Washington. But you'll say that you are rising above politics. You'll have your (partial) health care victory. Not bad for a skinny guy with big ears.

... is it really possible to have 'an aloof technocratic body of experts' ?
I know I don't want one deciding my life or death problems.

Posted by: undocumented illegal SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:28 PM (e8kgV)

109 You see this everywhere now though. You can't even watch the local news without the hectoring and lecturing of "Health News", which is basically what sounds like happened when someone pulled an article off of an Internet feed for health news.

Can't even watch the crap anywhere with the hectoring and the scolding and the lecturing.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 05, 2017 07:29 PM (4ErVI)

Aren't pilots pretty much regular people? They're basically glorified bus drivers.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at January 05, 2017 07:29 PM (lKyWE)

111 75 Bill Clinton did surround himself with a lot of small people. Steffy, Reich, Hillary is dinky. Its like he felt more a man when surrounded by gnomes.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (39g3+)


... and lesbians.

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:29 PM (mt8X9)

112 Why be an architect when you could be a city planner?

Posted by: Costanza at January 05, 2017 07:29 PM (FoSz+)

113 Life coaches for when an expert won't do.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 05, 2017 07:30 PM (l2wVk)

114 Most everybody I know has a pickup truck. Hell, some have as many as 3 or 4. And shotguns too. Some even have dogs that will go up against a wild boar. Most get their hands dirty at work and they seat a lot. None of these people eat arugula. Unless it's disguised as collard greens by cooking and seasoning with fat meat. The love cornbread and tortillas and pintos. They own no skinny jeans.

Posted by: Eromero at January 05, 2017 07:30 PM (zLDYs)

115 75; don't forget shalala.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 07:30 PM (KP5rU)

Off future mayor of NYC sock

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at January 05, 2017 07:31 PM (lKyWE)

117 .. is it really possible to have 'an aloof technocratic body of experts' ?
I know I don't want one deciding my life or death problems.

Posted by: undocumented illegal SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:28 PM

Nope, all committees and boards become sentient over time and seek to replicate themselves. It's the Borg.

Posted by: huerfano at January 05, 2017 07:31 PM (jkkMG)

118 Gell-Mann Amnesia?
Posted by: Tami at January 05, 2017 07:27 PM (Enq6K)

Yep, sounds right.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:31 PM (WGxp4)

119 I was flying from Houston to new Orleans a few years ago when, at altitude over Lafayette, I heard the gear go down. I said to myself, and the few people around me, "That's not right".

A few minutes later the pilot came on and said that we were having some "Minor technical problems" and that we would be late to N.O. We circled for about an half hour and then proceeded to land safely.

Minor technical difficulties. Dang, that's good. Wish I'd thought of it.

Posted by: B-52 pilot sans an engine at January 05, 2017 07:31 PM (LAe3v)

120 'don't forget shalala'

Bow Bow

Posted by: Bowser at January 05, 2017 07:32 PM (BO/km)

121 Posted by: Eromero at January 05, 2017 07:30 PM (zLDYs)

I know people with sedans, too. But yes, a large number of people I know have pick up trucks. I also know a lot of vegans and vegetarian hipster types, so I know people who eat arugula and whatnot and wear skinny jeans. Some of whom also own trucks.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:33 PM (WGxp4)


The you tube link is to Paul Craig Roberts video. He was in the Reagan admin and he discusses this. Really interesting.

Posted by: Chilling the most at January 05, 2017 07:33 PM (Cl52v)

123 As long as we're discussing short Dem appointees, have you ever seen Ernest Moniz (DoE) in a lineup? The guy looks like a garden gnome. Naturally, he chose a fruity hairdo to fit in.

Posted by: pep at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (LAe3v)

124 this freely-given service... Free Unless you count your soul and free will.

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (G7wcY)

125 94
"Influenced the election" != "hacking".

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (zu88C)


That makes the sycophantic, Praetorian Guard, LSM whores by far the greatest hacks in history ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (mt8X9)

126 I don't know how anyone can survive without a truck. If I only had one vehicle it would be a truck.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (BO/km)

127 Phishing attacks: explaining to multiple customers why everyone in our domain can't send email out to other folks. Yahoo and AOL have private blacklists, where you can't even request removal. And it's caused by someone clicking first, then calling to see if that phishing attempt was legit.

I think there is a real issue with California. For so long, they were the Golden State. They were out in front and it was a desirable place to be. They haven't realized that people don't want to pay inflated prices to live in crackerboxes in a third world country. I would never go there for even a visit. When I was in the Bay Area for training in 2002, there were folks with their laundry strung up next to the computer train tracks. I can't imagine what the mess looks like now.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (nIGPZ)

128 We have become experts at questioning the "experts."

Posted by: OldDominionMom at January 05, 2017 07:35 PM (GzDYP)

129 g'early evenin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at January 05, 2017 07:35 PM (KCxzN)

130 I don't know how anyone can survive without a truck.

2 words: dual axle trailer.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:35 PM (LTHVh)

131 Isn't it also the case that in re the New Yorker cartoon, a pilot is subject to competency standards and frequent examinations, and he has a demonstrated record of taking off and landing a plane safely and without damage to personnel and equipment?

To complete the analogy, our expert class keeps crashing the goddamned planes while insisting that it was the passengers' fault and that they should continue piloting the planes in any event.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at January 05, 2017 07:36 PM (y/9kR)

132 Moniz will have a starring role in the 37th remake of the Hobbit.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 05, 2017 07:36 PM (l2wVk)

133 Ace ...

... you liked this quote the last time, so I'm pretty sure you'll like it again.

It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.

Pretty sure I'd roll with Daniel Webster and George Mason, back in the day.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 05, 2017 07:36 PM (fiGNd)

134 Barak has awarded himself a medal yesterday, just saw this on AT.

Posted by: Skip at January 05, 2017 07:37 PM (5sOEp)

When I was in the Bay Area for training in 2002, there were folks with their laundry strung up next to the computer train tracks. I can't imagine what the mess looks like now.

See how advanced they are,they have trains for computers!!!

Posted by: Deplorable Male Logic at January 05, 2017 07:37 PM (lKyWE)

136 Bill Clinton did surround himself with a lot of small people. Steffy, Reich, Hillary is dinky. Its like he felt more a man when surrounded by gnomes.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (39g3+)


... and lesbians.

Thanks for remembering.

Posted by: Janet Reno at January 05, 2017 07:37 PM (qJhUV)

137 111 75 Bill Clinton did surround himself with a lot of small people. Steffy, Reich, Hillary is dinky. Its like he felt more a man when surrounded by gnomes.

Posted by: Christopher R Taylor at January 05, 2017 07:20 PM (39g3+)


... and lesbians.


I only look tall because of the heels

Posted by: Janet Reno at January 05, 2017 07:37 PM (PqqkK)

138 '2 words: dual axle trailer.'

Ok maybe but the stuff I haul needs a truck. And a trailer.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 07:37 PM (BO/km)

139 FBN: House voted to rebuke the UN over the Israel settlement vote. 300+ to 80 something.

That and a $7 will get you a cup of coffee.....

Posted by: Tami at January 05, 2017 07:38 PM (Enq6K)

140 Remember the lines from the original Ghostbusters:

"Personally, I liked the university. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything! You've never been out of college! You don't know what it's like out there! I've worked in the private sector. They expect results."

This is a key lesson that resonated with audiences in 1984, which Hollywood promptly forgot when they remade it in SJW fashion last year.

I make a good living applying the knowledge I gained over YEARS of work in my chosen profession, and my oldest son is working as an apprentice electrician at 18 years old. He's smarter than most people I know, and almost everyone of the "experts" who claim to be our betters.

Posted by: Joseph Dickerson at January 05, 2017 07:38 PM (LDV7V)

141 As long as we're discussing short Dem appointees, have you ever seen Ernest Moniz (DoE) in a lineup? The guy looks like a garden gnome. Naturally, he chose a fruity hairdo to fit in.
Posted by: pep

He looks more like the never-seen 4th Animaniac.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 05, 2017 07:38 PM (V3IFq)

142 That makes the sycophantic, Praetorian Guard, LSM whores by far the greatest hacks in history ...

Posted by: ShainS


As Limbaugh used to say "words MEAN things".

If it had been presented as "influenced the election" from the beginning, people might not be so jaded. "Hacking" sounded scarier.

Everything with the ProgDems is so extreme.

At this point, given the complete lack of evidence, I believe that even Putin was shocked at the accusation.

Because it was bullshit.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:38 PM (zu88C)

143 Part of the problem is not only do liberals think they're experts, they think there's only one way to do things. Which is why they used the pilot analogy. They think what we're asking is impossible. Oddly what they want (infinite money) isn't possible

Posted by: Tsrblke at January 05, 2017 07:38 PM (dzmBR)

144 Gell-Mann what?

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:38 PM (PqqkK)

When I was in the Bay Area for training in 2002, there were folks with their laundry strung up next to the computer train tracks. I can't imagine what the mess looks like now.
Posted by: Notsothoreau

Computer train?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 07:39 PM (IqV8l)

146 The horror of being bossed by the PIAPS was good for a couple %.
Esp. since Kate Beckinsale is actually re-seeable in latex.

Posted by: DaveA at January 05, 2017 07:39 PM (8J/Te)

147 How about that eminent professional authority upon epidemiology and chemical toxicology, Dr. Meryl Streep? Who was invited by congressional Democrats to testify before a subcommittee regarding the purported risks of the pesticide Alar.

Posted by: torquewrench at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (noWW6)


Heh. Remember Sigourney Weaver testifying before Congress on the topic of ocean acidification -- because, of course, she played an environmental scientist in Avatar?

Also Hanoi Jane, Jessica Lange, and Sissy Spacek -- all of whom had played farm women in movies -- testifying before Congress on America's agricultural crisis?

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:39 PM (mt8X9)

148 >>Ok maybe but the stuff I haul needs a truck. And a trailer.

The trick is to cut the bodies up first. You can easily fit the parts in full sized SUV with some careful cutting and packing.

Posted by: JackStraw at January 05, 2017 07:40 PM (/tuJf)


As long as we're discussing short Dem appointees, have you ever seen Ernest Moniz (DoE) in a lineup? The guy looks like a garden gnome. Naturally, he chose a fruity hairdo to fit in.

Posted by: pep at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (LAe3v)

No one under-excels like Portland's own former City Commissioner Steve Novick

Posted by: imp at January 05, 2017 07:40 PM (XIXZz)

150 "Influenced the election" != "hacking".

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:24 PM (zu88C)


That makes the sycophantic, Praetorian Guard, LSM whores by far the greatest hacks in history ...
Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (mt8X9)

If this is what they are basing 'stolen eletions on... They thought THEY would'cpntrol the results with their hype, their outright lies, they hiding the truth of their desired officials.

Yes They hacked. and we said back.. we see you, you fkhds!

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:40 PM (R7cwD)


Bravo bravo bravo

I especially enjoyed " Establishment Conservative Church of Online Political Pontificating "

Posted by: ThunderB at January 05, 2017 07:40 PM (kJ/ZP)

152 as far as i'm concerned, "experts" are just people who used to be pert.

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:40 PM (PqqkK)

153 The horror of being bossed by the PIAPS was good for a couple %.
Esp. since Kate Beckinsale is actually re-seeable in latex

I have no idea what this means, but Kate Beckinsale in latex sells it.

Posted by: pep at January 05, 2017 07:40 PM (LAe3v)

154 How to live without a truck:
Own an old el Camino. (For small jobs around the yard)
Borrow a real truck (from Pappymayhem or thing one) for important stuff.

Posted by: madamemayhem (i wanna be sedated) at January 05, 2017 07:40 PM (yTnCT)

155 who strangely aren't charging

If they're not charging you they're working for someone else.

Posted by: DaveA at January 05, 2017 07:41 PM (8J/Te)

As long as we're discussing short Dem appointees, have you ever seen Ernest Moniz (DoE) in a lineup? The guy looks like a garden gnome. Naturally, he chose a fruity hairdo to fit in.
Posted by: pep

Prince Valiant as a pudgy midget.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 07:41 PM (IqV8l)

157 commuter train. I hate auto correct.

Posted by: Notsothoreau at January 05, 2017 07:41 PM (nIGPZ)

158 as far as i'm concerned, "experts" are just people who used to be pert.

That's just mean!

Posted by: Katie Couric at January 05, 2017 07:41 PM (mgbwf)

159 134 Barak has awarded himself a medal yesterday, just saw this on AT.


was debunked this morning.

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:41 PM (PqqkK)

160 I have always owned multiple trucks. why? a slew of kids, I like to antique shop, and if I want to find a new place to live"? I have a suburban ready to go!

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:41 PM (R7cwD)

161 Obama hacks my calm

Posted by: SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:42 PM (e8kgV)

>>>It's like the lawyer whose client knows all about how the law should
be interpreted, and wants to fight the battle that will 1,000%
guaranteed result in a complete loss<<<

So, to be consistent. is this a lawyer the client has sough out and has paid?

Posted by: Javems at January 05, 2017 07:42 PM (yOqwj)

163 Every time I see a liberal on TV these days, I just turn the sound down and picture the subtitle: "I think I'm going to kill myself."

Try it. Laugh riot. Works every time.

Posted by: Mega at January 05, 2017 07:42 PM (EdXI9)

164 You should go to Evelyn Wood. I was waiting to post because I didn't want to be first.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at January 05, 2017 06:57 PM (zc3Db)

I love his books, especially Brideshead Revisited

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 05, 2017 07:42 PM (auHtY)

165 El Camino counts as a truck. Heck even a diesel Rabbit pickup counts as a truck.

You know what where great little trucks? Those old Datsuns.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 07:43 PM (BO/km)

166 134 Barak has awarded himself a medal yesterday, just saw this on AT.

Yes and no. Seems every outgoing CinC gets this award.

Posted by: undocumented illegal Jesse Jackson at January 05, 2017 07:43 PM (e8kgV)

167 Life coaches for when an expert won't do.

Posted by: Ben Had
I like it when they call themselves a "____ guru".

That means they really know their shit but there's just not any proof or certification of said knowledge of said shit.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:43 PM (8b+oT)

Heh. Remember Sigourney Weaver testifying before Congress on the topic of ocean acidification -- because, of course, she played an environmental scientist in Avatar?

She could have testified on the hazards of picking up hitch hikers.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 07:43 PM (IqV8l)

169 How about that eminent professional authority upon epidemiology and chemical toxicology, Dr. Meryl Streep?


Dude she can play ANYTHING. Bet she had the perfect accent for the role.

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (PqqkK)

170 I make a good living applying the knowledge I gained over YEARS of work in my chosen profession, and my oldest son is working as an apprentice electrician at 18 years old. He's smarter than most people I know, and almost everyone of the "experts" who claim to be our betters.

When I got out of college ... I knew I didn't know anything and was scared as shit about how much responsibility they put on me.

A mine-electrician chewed my ass daily about what I didn't know. I took it - worked my ten-hours days - and read up on that shit for a couple hours every night. Looking back - I think he gave a shit about me. I don't know why he took the time.

Almost had a fucking mental breakdown. But I learned the job. And that old dude saved my ass. He literally set me up for life. He taught me the trade.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (fiGNd)

171 I would say, well stated, Ace.

But then I'm no expert.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (wPiJc)

172 Good Morning Amerikkka was asking that dumb ginger bint that plays a doctor on TV her meaningful insight on our health care crisis. Dumb is being really generous.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (89T5c)

173 love el caminos my spouse owned one when we met, and his could actually toast my 454 suburban which did make me whine for a moment or two.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (R7cwD)

174 Can't even watch the crap anywhere with the hectoring and the scolding and the lecturing.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 05, 2017 07:29 PM (4ErVI)


Yep. I listen to talk radio part of the day, and those condescending Ad Council messages make we want to go all homicidal on their asses ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (mt8X9)

175 166
134 Barak has awarded himself a medal yesterday, just saw this on AT.

Yes and no. Seems every outgoing CinC gets this award.

Posted by: undocumented illegal Jesse Jackson at January 05, 2017 07:43 PM (e8kgV)

Obama is happy, he has a medal to throw over the fence at the White House.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (7N6ox)

176 >>You know what where great little trucks? Those old Datsuns.

Didn't we just have this conversation?

Posted by: JackStraw at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (/tuJf)

177 You know what where great little trucks? Those old Datsuns.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur
Yeah! What a feeling! *jumps up in the air next to wrong truck logo*

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (8b+oT)

178 You know what where great little trucks? Those old Datsuns.


The only knock was that the cabs were Japanese sized. Even with the bench seat all the way back, I had to drive elbows-out in a Parnelli Jones style.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (LTHVh)

179 That's a great point yep projection. , this is actually exactly what they do to western society.

We build and take the plane off, then they start a riot about the hetero white male pilot to usurp and things seem to go ok to their followers until they run out of fuel or sky. E.g. Venezuela. The right did not get back control of that plane in time.

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (G7wcY)

180 126 I don't know how anyone can survive without a truck. If I only had one vehicle it would be a truck.
Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 07:34 PM (BO/km)

It's tough. Especially as a former truck owner. The girlfriend has an SUV though, so I can get most of the stuff done with that. If I need a fullsize truck, I'm borrowing one from her cousin, her dad, or her boss.

Huge PITA to be honest. Can't wait to buy another truck ha

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (WGxp4)

181 156
As long as we're discussing short Dem appointees, have you ever seen Ernest Moniz (DoE) in a lineup? The guy looks like a garden gnome. Naturally, he chose a fruity hairdo to fit in.
Posted by: pep

Prince Valiant as a pudgy midget.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 07:41 PM (IqV8l)

Transgender Quaker Oats guy

Posted by: josephistan at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (7qAYi)

182 I kept thinking of all the "celebrities" when reading this. As someone said above example: Bruce Springsteen. Most of these f'ers and "has been" actors making all these videos and demands to over throw Trump don't even have a damned high school diploma. The lo-infos hang on their every word in People Mag. They believe normal folks are just waiting to act on their every word of advice and demands! It's actually startling to hear them think themselves so influential.

Posted by: AnnaS at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (wKcYr)

183 112 Why be an architect when you could be a city planner?

Posted by: Costanza at January 05, 2017 07:29 PM (FoSz+)


Or a marine biologist?

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:45 PM (mt8X9)

184 "Not just anyone can be a mime."

*Oh shit*

Posted by: A Mime at January 05, 2017 07:46 PM (8ZskC)

185 155 who strangely aren't charging

If they're not charging you they're working for someone else.


That now how that works

Posted by: Real Whores at January 05, 2017 07:46 PM (PqqkK)

186 El Caminos?! Eff that Ess! Ranchero!

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:46 PM (8b+oT)

187 Barak has awarded himself a medal yesterday, just saw this on AT.

Yes and no. Seems every outgoing CinC gets this award.

Posted by: undocumented illegal Jesse Jackson at January 05, 2017 07:43 PM (e8kgV)

I don't remember any other presidents wearing it out in public. He looked like the doofus proudly displaying his participation award

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 05, 2017 07:46 PM (auHtY)

and those condescending Ad Council messages make we want to go all homicidal on their asses ...
Posted by: ShainS

Discover the forest.

Posted by: Yellow Booger at January 05, 2017 07:46 PM (IqV8l)

189 datsuns crinkle in wreck as if they are tinfoil.
no go

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:46 PM (R7cwD)

190 You know what where great little trucks? Those old Datsuns.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur
Yeah! What a feeling! *jumps up in the air next to wrong truck logo*

B 210

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:47 PM (zu88C)

191 The Senate voted to repeal Obamacare today.


Dunno what that's for now except to kick Barry in the nuts maybe.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 05, 2017 07:47 PM (4ErVI)

192 You know I'm beginning to forget why Trump won ...

Conservatives have Fox, two of the most important shows at MSNBC & Megyn Kelly at NBC. As progressives, we need to build up our own channels

Oh, right. Now I remember.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at January 05, 2017 07:47 PM (V3IFq)

193 49 Remember when the left was really pushing the idea that if you start killing terrorists that would just make more terrorists? Well you'd think they would maybe think that way about Trump supporters. They aren't killing Trump supporters (much, yet) but they are fully invested in pissing them off. And that is getting them more Trump supporters. With the terrorists, at least there's a lot less terrorists after a good drone strike goes off. With a lame ass leftist pissing off people on the right, the Trump supporters become stronger, more angry - not dead.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:14 PM (8b+oT)



Posted by: Leftists everywhere at January 05, 2017 07:47 PM (sdi6R)

194 Give me a beater station wagon and a 6 inch grinder and I'll make you an Al Camino.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:47 PM (LTHVh)

195 191 The Senate voted to repeal Obamacare today.


Dunno what that's for now except to kick Barry in the nuts maybe.
Posted by: Dack Thrombosis

Which Repub didn't vote?

Posted by: pep at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (LAe3v)

196 Barak has awarded himself a medal yesterday, just saw this on AT.

Yes and no. Seems every outgoing CinC gets this award.
Can be traded in for 20 game tokens at any participating Chuck E. Cheese.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (8b+oT)

197 frk those fords Dang!

honestly I'm downwith my range rover now, still those lighter truck workers are nice and mostly more efficient.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (R7cwD)

198 Oh, FFS. My congresscritter Ed "Dumbass" Perlmutter is ganging up with two other House Dem's to protest the certification of the Electoral College votes. I've voted against this asswipe every election since forever, but it seems like most people in Jefferson county are from California.

Posted by: Deplorable Old Blue at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (9iR5/)

199 Betcha Al notsosharpton never sees the inside of the WH again.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (l2wVk)

200 B 210


Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (F0ZHr)

201 I saw the airplane cartoon this way:

Yeah, sure the pilot can fly the plane, but if he ONLY takes me the direction HE wants to go, and ignores my wishes (and money) to go to another destination, then yes, the pilot is being arrogant and abusing his power and the paying customers SHOULD take over the operation of the plane. Not as a suicidal mob action, as the author sees us, but after the plane lands, and in an orderly, organized election-type action.

Posted by: deplorablegoatexchange at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (YFnq5)

202 Real experts get paid, Jack.


Awful epiphany. I'm not an actual expert at masturbation. All those years of practice...

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (PqqkK)

203 Jonathan Gruber is an expert. He knew exactly what he was doing.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (v9gSJ)

204 Harry @ 121- Sedans.
Some of my friends are retired TXU engineers, own Bentleys, and carry 1911s. Some are little 90 pound nurses that have their own trucks, with Hello Kitty sunshades and have their own ARs. I estimate this Tacoma we have now is bout near my 20th truck and I like the heated seats and backup camera. And the console is big enough to hold a Ruger LCR and a Glock 21.

Posted by: Eromero at January 05, 2017 07:49 PM (zLDYs)

205 datsuns crinkle in wreck as if they are tinfoil.

no go

Posted by: willow
100% crumple zone.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:49 PM (8b+oT)

206 Yes, the experts want to run our lives. But that's not so important. What is important is that one day, these experts may accept us into the fold, if only we impress them, and kowtow to them, enough. The ultimate dream of every good MSM'er is that one day, a man of the stature of Robert Reich will come up to us and say "One of us. One of us. We accept you. We accept you."

Posted by: The MSM at January 05, 2017 07:49 PM (iMxBJ)

207 And I live in ETEX and listen to jazz.

Posted by: Eromero at January 05, 2017 07:49 PM (zLDYs)

208 Also the pilot-traveller relationship is that you need to get there, you get on a plane that's going there. The pilot is the expert of getting to where you want to get to (or at least a way point).

Posted by: Axeman at January 05, 2017 07:49 PM (yF+FP)

209 175

Obama is happy, he has a medal to throw over the fence at the White House.

... kept imagining somebody throwing John Kerry's head over the wall of the White House

Posted by: undocumented illegal Jesse Jackson at January 05, 2017 07:49 PM (e8kgV)

210 "2 words: dual axle trailer."

Is there an app for my car that works with one of those?

Posted by: Prius Owner at January 05, 2017 07:50 PM (W6Ch1)

211 210
"2 words: dual axle trailer."

... isn't that 3 words ?

Posted by: SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:50 PM (e8kgV)

I learned a new term today: "jill off" for the female version of jack off. Get it? Jack and Jill. Never heard it before, and I like it.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at January 05, 2017 07:51 PM (DW+jj)

213 162
>>>It's like the lawyer whose client knows all about how the law should
be interpreted, and wants to fight the battle that will 1,000%
guaranteed result in a complete loss

So, to be consistent. is this a lawyer the client has sough out and has paid?
Posted by: Javems at January 05, 2017 07:42 PM (yOqwj)

Sought out? Yes. Paid? Maybe. You'd be surprised how often people stiff their lawyers.

Posted by: Insomniac at January 05, 2017 07:51 PM (0mRoj)

214 anyway for those disser elitists of trucks,, they always borrow mine when they need a favor.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:51 PM (R7cwD)

215 Awesome way to run a business. Which went under within 2 years.

Posted by: Lizzy at January 05, 2017 07:21 PM (NOIQH)

Yeah, I had to work with them on an SAP installation. They would fly in people (people = 24 year-olds) on Monday, send them back to the office on Thursday (had to be in the office on Friday to enter their 'time'!). Round trip tickets were like $3000. What a waste.
Rumor had it that their installation at a 'large chocolate company' was fcuked up, and it fcuked over Halloween sales, which tend to be important when selling chocolate. That story actually made the WSJ back in the day.Another thing I learned was that their culture was of the 'up or out' variety: perform well and make the cut to get promoted, or you will be out on the street on your ass. No wonder those people tended to be assholes.

Posted by: irritated at stupid commercials at January 05, 2017 07:51 PM (8iiMU)

216 B 210


Luxury! My driver's door literally fell off my Atomic Roach.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:52 PM (LTHVh)

217 ... kept imagining somebody throwing John Kerry's head over the wall of the White House

Posted by: undocumented illegal Jesse Jackson
Reminiscent of Jingus Kahn.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:52 PM (8b+oT)

218 Well done. If only we could make them shut up.

Posted by: oddnot enjoying #winning still with schadenboner to prove it at January 05, 2017 07:52 PM (g1MTt)

219 I learned a new term today: "jill off" for the female version of jack off. Get it? Jack and Jill. Never heard it before, and I like it.

Kinda' sounds like my opening offer - back in the day.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 05, 2017 07:52 PM (fiGNd)

220 They believe normal folks are just waiting to act on their every word of
advice and demands! It's actually startling to hear them think
themselves so influential.

Well, if they didn't, we wouldn't get those funny videos we enjoy so much...
We demand
We demand
We demand

Posted by: tu3031 at January 05, 2017 07:53 PM (qJhUV)

221 211 210
"2 words: dual axle trailer."

... isn't that 3 words ?
Posted by: SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:50 PM (e8kgV)


Look at the Expert mathematician!

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 07:53 PM (PqqkK)

222 "jill off"
Almost sounds like, Jell-O!

Posted by: Bill Cosby at January 05, 2017 07:54 PM (8b+oT)

223 "When people feel their place in the world is threatened, they tend to lash out."

Then Gov. Jerry Brown feels threatened. He did everything but fire on Ft. Sumter the other day.

He even hired Eric Holder--the guy who gave el Chapo the .50 caliber machine gun he was arrested with. He incited the Ferguson Riot. He let the IRS weaponize against the Tea Party. And now he's going to help the Neo-Secessionist Jerry Brown.

It isn't the first time a Republican president had to confront breakaway Democrat racialists.

Posted by: The Gipper Lives at January 05, 2017 07:54 PM (Ndje9)

224 I had seats behind the cab. Couldn't do that in today's wimpy world.

Posted by: Subaru Brat at January 05, 2017 07:54 PM (bc2Lc)


Posted by: Mr Wolf at January 05, 2017 07:54 PM (rD+jq)

226 Luxury! My driver's door literally fell off my Atomic Roach.

Posted by: Grump928(C)

We used to dream of having the door fall off.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:54 PM (zu88C)

227 Ooops, change the damned sock.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at January 05, 2017 07:55 PM (8iiMU)

228 This is what the jounrnOlisters and their [pals need to know about more than half of America.
1. we figured out your game.
2. You really aren't 'the noss of us' YET

and now we see you we will Trump you as often as we can.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:55 PM (R7cwD)

229 Ridicule is
effective, and nothing deserves ridicule more than the
Washington Post, New York, Times, CNN, and the rest of
the presstitutes who pretend to be real journalists.

Posted by: SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:55 PM (e8kgV)

230 They never shut up. Even when these assholes take the dirt nap, there's fucking video.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 05, 2017 07:55 PM (89T5c)

231 219 I learned a new term today: "jill off" for the female version of jack off. Get it? Jack and Jill. Never heard it before, and I like it.


Now make Practice. Shine knob.

Jill On. Jill Off.
Jill On. Jill Off.
Jill On. Jill Off.

Posted by: Mr. Miagi at January 05, 2017 07:55 PM (PqqkK)

232 She could have testified on the hazards of picking up hitch hikers.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 07:43 PM (IqV8l)


Heh. Took me a minute to get that ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 07:56 PM (mt8X9)

233 You may not be feeling so well today, Ace, but this is a great post nevertheless.

Posted by: Arnie Fufkin at January 05, 2017 07:56 PM (JUHfN)

234 Seen elsewhere:

So Tucker is gonna fill Megyn's slot?

Posted by: SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:56 PM (e8kgV)

235 Saying words,
saying words,
with my mouth hole,
mouth hole,
same as talking out of my asshole,
same asshole,

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:56 PM (8b+oT)

236 The Brat is a truck. A sorry pathetic little truck but one nonetheless.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 07:56 PM (BO/km)

237 222 "jill off"
Almost sounds like, Jell-O!
Posted by: Bill Cosby at January 05, 2017 07:54 PM (8b+oT)


ummmm....Sea Bass flavored

Posted by: Lutherans at January 05, 2017 07:57 PM (PqqkK)

238 Jill. Sounds too much like chill.

Mom: Suzy, what are you doing in your room?

Suzy: Chust Chillin', mom

Mom: That's nice, dear.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 07:57 PM (wPiJc)

239 Often said at work this is my last truck. The company I work for can have you running around packing the miles on your vehicle.

Posted by: Skip at January 05, 2017 07:57 PM (5sOEp)

240 the brat was made to grocery shop.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (R7cwD)


Clapper was the only political hack at that hearing.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (zu88C)

242 without the kids!

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (R7cwD)

243 I guess, "going up a hill" means sex? Any experts in psychoanalysis care to educate us?

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (v9gSJ)

244 And Martha MacCallum gets the 7PM slot. I was reading some media expert saying that FOX would never give MeAgain's slot to a man. It had to be woman, 'cause they couldn't have three white men in the primetime lineup.

I guess that expert was incorrect.

Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (DW+jj)

245 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion
and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on
paper, but a free man in fact.

Bravo, Ace! Bravo!

Posted by: FITP at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (d5Bw9)

246 Since we are talking assholes:

Lt. Kenda is on in the background.
He is talking about a suspect they had to let go, and he says:

"It's not a crime to be an asshole. If it were, we would have to put a fence around the entire state of Colorado, and inform everyone that they were in custody."

I LOL'd.

Any comments, Colorado Morons?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (8iiMU)

247 Obama is happy, he has a medal to throw over the fence at the White House.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at January 05, 2017 07:44 PM (7N6ox)


That's nothing -- just wait 'til I can throw my Nobel Peace Prize over that WH fence!

Posted by: John F'n Kerry at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (mt8X9)

248 The Brat is a truck. A sorry pathetic little truck but one nonetheless.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur
With two little plastic school chairs facing the wrong way in the back?

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (8b+oT)


MSNBC Announces Greta Van Sustren Will Have TV Show On Network Starting Monday

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (IqV8l)


I have one of those 'old Datuns'. Runs like new. LOOKS like new- its an anomaly. Small, with a/c but manual everything. WILL NEVER sell it. Dependable- why cant I buy a cheap, stripped down vehicle now that does only one thing- DRIVE. My Datsun will last forever. It's the last year they put Datsun on the vehicles.

190 You know what where great little trucks? Those old
Posted by: Dr freakenfutur
Yeah! What a feeling! *jumps up in the air next to wrong truck logo*

B 210

Posted by: Mr Wolf at January 05, 2017 08:00 PM (rD+jq)

251 Obama is happy, he has a medal to throw over the fence at the White House.


have you seen him throw?

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:00 PM (PqqkK)


I recall him saying that it was like Caddyshack...

But with Bush it really wasn't, since GW was a prog.

But Trump, he is truly Al Fucking Czervik!

Posted by: Rev Dr E Buzzy at January 05, 2017 08:00 PM (JM4lv)

253 MSNBC Announces Greta Van Sustren Will Have TV Show On Network Starting Monday

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr.
Great Custom Van Restorations with Greta Van Sustren.

Might be good.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 08:00 PM (8b+oT)

254 'With two little plastic school chairs facing the wrong way in the back?'

My uncle had one of them at the farm. We thrashed the hell out of it.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 08:00 PM (BO/km)

255 MSNBC Announces Greta Van Sustren Will Have TV Show On Network Starting Monday


Please God, let a hot blonde girl vanish mysteriously. Please...

Posted by: Greta v S at January 05, 2017 08:01 PM (PqqkK)

256 I am glad magyan is leaving, I really will miss Greta, she actually seemed to be able to keep her personal flavor from her show.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:01 PM (R7cwD)

David Brinkley, in Washington Goes to War (a fine book, I may add), that when someone was extolling to Speaker Sam Rayburn the brilliance of some of FDR's advisers, Rayburn replied, "Maybe, but I'd feel better if one of had been elected sheriff somewhere."

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at January 05, 2017 08:02 PM (J8/9G)

258 You know what where great little trucks? Those old

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur


Yeah! What a feeling! *jumps up in the air next to wrong truck logo*


B 210



Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:02 PM (zu88C)

259 Ralph Peters is a closet donk....

Posted by: E.T. at January 05, 2017 08:02 PM (9n0dl)

Any comments, Colorado Morons?


Guilty, as charged, your honor.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 08:02 PM (wPiJc)

261 An interesting Brat

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:02 PM (LTHVh)

262 We thrashed the hell out of it.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur
And I thought trashed out was a factory option.

We had an old army jeep at the ranch. Good times.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 08:03 PM (8b+oT)

263 I'd like to thank Donald Trump's Twitter account, in advance, for the great Christmas gifts I plan to gift my moonbat relatives ... I am crying reading some of his tweets out loud. Can't wait to make a little hard cover book with the best tweets, so many to choose from, with lots of patriotic clip art. My 2 brother in laws, if they aren't in a mental hospital by then- their heads will explode.

And I will enjoy every minute

Posted by: Charlie Gibson at January 05, 2017 08:03 PM (3CFdj)

264 251
Obama is happy, he has a medal to throw over the fence at the White House.


have you seen him throw?

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:00 PM (PqqkK)

The media will film it until he finally gets it to bounce over the top, we will only see the finished product.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at January 05, 2017 08:03 PM (7N6ox)

265 259
Ralph Peters is a closet donk....

He may not have sucked one ? But he has definitely held one in his mouth.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:03 PM (zu88C)

266 246 Since we are talking assholes:

Lt. Kenda is on in the background.
He is talking about a suspect they had to let go, and he says:

"It's not a crime to be an asshole. If it were, we would have to put a fence around the entire state of Colorado, and inform everyone that they were in custody."

I LOL'd.

Any comments, Colorado Morons?

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at January 05, 2017 07:58 PM (8iiMU)

He's great. Every episode I've ever seen he's throwing out the witty aphorisms.

He should write up a book of them.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at January 05, 2017 08:04 PM (4ErVI)

267 Obama's an expert in community organizing. They should have a Nobel Prize for that.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at January 05, 2017 08:04 PM (v9gSJ)

268 MSNBC Announces Greta Van Sustren Will Have TV Show On Network Starting Monday


I always liked that one 'expert' she always had on. Former cop I think, or maybe a prosecutor. Every question Greta asked him he would begin his answer with a deep-voiced, ponderous "ab-so-LOOOT-ly, Greta!"

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 08:04 PM (wPiJc)

269 199 Betcha Al notsosharpton never sees the inside of the WH again.

Posted by: Ben Had at January 05, 2017 07:48 PM (l2wVk)


Trump should make him clean toilets there in a pink jumpsuit at minimum wage until his $4,000,000 debt to the IRS is paid off ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 08:04 PM (mt8X9)

270 have you seen him throw?


Try just tossing it through the fence, sir. -Impatient Secret Service Agent

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 08:05 PM (8b+oT)

271 234 Seen elsewhere:

So Tucker is gonna fill Megyn's slot?
Posted by: SMOD at January 05, 2017 07:56 PM (e8kgV)

Why are we not doing "phrasing!" anymore?

Posted by: josephistan at January 05, 2017 08:05 PM (7qAYi)

272 He should write up a book of them.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis
He would be cool to see live. Tell stories and answer questions.

Posted by: Dang at January 05, 2017 08:05 PM (8b+oT)

273 251: tries to throw medal over the fence. medal hits fence, bounces back, hit obumbles in the head rendering him mute. the medal acted stupidly.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:06 PM (KP5rU)

274 Apparently Ronald Reagan owned a Brat.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:06 PM (LTHVh)

275 Whoa....Julie Banderas done bloated up.

Posted by: Tami at January 05, 2017 08:06 PM (Enq6K)

276 "Why are we not doing "phrasing!" anymore?"

Megyn's slot is going to get filled by Tucker?

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 08:07 PM (BO/km)

277 Try just tossing it through the fence, sir. -Impatient Secret Service Agent


"No, you lead with the opposite foot Mr. President! Let me show you again. That's better. Give it another try." -Patient Secret Service Agent

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 08:07 PM (wPiJc)

278 sigh, and here I thought I could start a el camino, Datsun, brat war (srsly a Brat?)... goes back to chewing on nails telling myself to shake it off.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:07 PM (R7cwD)

279 Megyn's slot is going to get filled by Tucker?

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 08:07 PM (BO/km)

I thought Ailes filled her slot.
Oh, wait. His successor did.

Posted by: Deplorable Ian Galt at January 05, 2017 08:08 PM (8iiMU)

280 Julie packing along another one?

Posted by: Skip at January 05, 2017 08:08 PM (5sOEp)

281 "Flicking the bean" is Brit slang for female self pleasuring.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at January 05, 2017 08:08 PM (hVdx9)

282 When they had removable tops. Were Broncos, B Lazers and Scouts midget pickups?

Posted by: Willy J. at January 05, 2017 08:08 PM (W6Ch1)

283 Apparently Ronald Reagan owned a Brat.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:06 PM (LTHVh)

which one was that?

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:08 PM (R7cwD)

284 Megyn's slot is going to get filled by Tucker?


Give me an hour of hers and i'll Tucker her out!

Posted by: Tucker Carlson at January 05, 2017 08:09 PM (PqqkK)

285 'Apparently Ronald Reagan owned a Brat.'

That's funny. My uncle (who owned the Brat) was a close friend of J. Carter.

Posted by: Dr freakenfutur at January 05, 2017 08:09 PM (BO/km)

286 Huh. Reagan had a '78 Brat. Did not know that.

Posted by: Brother Cavil at January 05, 2017 08:09 PM (vyqqu)

287 283; ron jr.?

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:09 PM (KP5rU)

288 274 Apparently Ronald Reagan owned a Brat.
Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:06 PM (LTHVh)

Well, Patti & I had our problems.

Posted by: Zombie Ronald Reagan at January 05, 2017 08:09 PM (7qAYi)

289 I read the post. Now it's almost comment #300. I've been here for years, why don't I know this?

McGyver, out

Posted by: McGyver at January 05, 2017 08:09 PM (6hAG+)

290 How Ronald Reagan Became A Secret Subaru Test Driver

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:09 PM (LTHVh)

291 and I thought Reagan was great.

throws all I have at thread.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:10 PM (R7cwD)

292 277 Try just tossing it through the fence, sir. -Impatient Secret Service Agent


"No, you lead with the opposite foot Mr. President! Let me show you again. That's better. Give it another try." -Patient Secret Service Agent


Underhanded is also manly. Wilt Chamberlain shot free throws that way Sir

Posted by: Secret Service Agent at January 05, 2017 08:10 PM (PqqkK)

293 Fuckin O'Reilly.

I guess he felt like we needed to hear MORE from the radical left retards.

Cornel West.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:10 PM (zu88C)

294 Thank you for this great post, Ace. Vive la revolution.

Posted by: Caliban at January 05, 2017 08:11 PM (3GFMN)

295 The Elite mean to be masters.

That's pretty much it.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 05, 2017 08:11 PM (fiGNd)

296 i think the asshole infestation is mainly localised to the Boulder - Denver corridor

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:11 PM (I4BmC)

297 Some funny unintended consequences:

We can't drill our way out of high gas prices."
Technically we Fracked our way out over their screeching

"You're going to love the Obamacare roll out."
I did love what happened

"Like with a cloth?"
I do use a sock so as not to gum up my computers.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Her

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 08:11 PM (G7wcY)

298 Chavez, I can't remember which one, I know ONE cannot stop his mouth from flirting with insanity.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:11 PM (R7cwD)

And they go straight to Hitler.

And Bill coddles them.

He needs to follow MeAgain to rabbit ear hell.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:12 PM (zu88C)

300 **grabs medal from BHO**

**tosses it casually over the fence**

"Okay, that's a wrap. We're done here." -Pragmatic Secret Service Agent

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 08:12 PM (wPiJc)

301 293: oreally has always been a tool. but, he is looking out for the"folks."

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:12 PM (KP5rU)

302 300 **grabs medal from BHO**

**tosses it casually over the fence**

"Okay, that's a wrap. We're done here." -Pragmatic Female Secret Service Agent



Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:13 PM (PqqkK)

303 on topic: here's the thing though... I've long said (and many of you have wisely agreed with me) that these so-called "experts" are actually not very smart at all. In fact, I, a person of (presumable) average intelligence, know more about many of the topics in which they are "experts" in then they do.
And I'm just a schmuck with a day job and a life who casually pays attention to things and has some intellectual curiosity. This is their CAREER and they are this uninformed and ignorant. Which leads me to believe that they are not very smart people at all.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:04

That reminds me of Clapper's testimony, you knoe the scratch your head lair. He's telling our "betters" in Congress that the Russians didn't alter vote totals. WTF, the voting machines weren't connected to the net! Doesn't any idiot know that?

And then they are going to come up for a motive for Putin next week. Unless they have zombie Jeane Dixon or zombie Madame Cleo I'm a little suspect as to how they know WTF was going thru his mind. Seriously, this is the best we got, the Horde could do better.

Posted by: Farmer at January 05, 2017 08:13 PM (o/90i)

304 277
Try just tossing it through the fence, sir. -Impatient Secret Service Agent


"No, you lead with the opposite foot Mr. President! Let me show you
again. That's better. Give it another try." -Patient Secret Service

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 08:07 PM (wPiJc)

It's all in the hips! Chubbs Peterson

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at January 05, 2017 08:13 PM (7N6ox)

305 speaking of Obamas nobel peace prize, how fkn insane was that?

o mean talk about an American cult showing up..
that was really a eyeblinker.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:13 PM (R7cwD)

306 Tell me the story again about how Hillary will never be president.

Posted by: Dr freakenfurur at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (BO/km)

307 One for the Gipper: Ronald Reagan's Subaru BRAT restored

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (LTHVh)

308 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact.

On hearing yet another HR wanker in corporate America babble about "empowerment," a wise man sitting next to me said, sotto voce, "Power is not granted. It is seized."

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (SRKgf)

309 A commie complaining about fascisim....oh thats rich

Posted by: E.T. at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (9n0dl)

310 Oklahoma city is shooting down the Rockets tonight

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (I4BmC)

311 "Okay, that's a wrap. We're done here." -Pragmatic Female Secret Service Agent, Michelle Fields.



Posted by: buzzsaw90


Fixed Your Fix.

Posted by: Muldoon at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (wPiJc)

312 The left, proud champions of change, are cemented like a Vito Corleone-era snitch into the irremovable boots of turn-of-the-20th-Century Progressivism and FDR-era technocracy. They are convinced beyond all reason and evidence that there is a select group, of which they are members by their own self-evident wonderfulness and the ability to repeat the things other self-evidently wonderful people say to them. This group is OBVIOUSLY supposed to be in charge and kindly steer the lowing masses into a bright and glorious future under their rule.

Never mind that the only thing this select group has ever, anywhere in history, learned to run is the manipulation of their own rules to their own advantage without fear of consequences... right up to the point where the tumbrel pulls up in front of their door.

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (Kucy5)

313 and Halos!!!


and THEY think WE are nuts?

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:15 PM (R7cwD)

314 thus deserve to rule over the idiots who would starve to death in a grocery store if it weren't for them.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:11 PM (WGxp4)

Well have you met their base?

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 08:15 PM (G7wcY)

315 Look, if you get the seats closest to the real pilots, you obviously know how to fly too, right?

Posted by: Richard McEnroe at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (Kucy5)

316 For a free example of this advice, read the NY Slime comments. Condescending is too kind a word.

Posted by: Nonamenic at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (PTD4/)

317 Ralph Peters is a closet donk....

He may not have sucked one ? But he has definitely held one in his mouth.

he practically endorsed FAB

Posted by: Evilpens at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (y3aQB)

318 311 "Okay, that's a wrap. We're done here." -Pragmatic Female Secret Service Agent, Michelle Fields.



Posted by: buzzsaw90


Fixed Your Fix.


ya gotta hand it to her. girl can throw

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (PqqkK)

319 300 **grabs medal from BHO**

Is it just me ... or does this "Government Hands Citizen a Medal" seem like the kind of shit Hitler and Stalin loved to do ?

Maybe it's just me. But I don't like it. Why in the fuck should Citizen XYZ give two shits about what Government thinks - certainly to the point where they want to reward me ?

The bastards are supposed to work for me. I do not need their approval. Do not want any token from them signifying such.

Like I said ... maybe it's just me.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (fiGNd)

320 Hey Reich
Get your shine box

Posted by: Xnycpeasant at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (XT4us)

321 298; that would be jr. he is bugfuck crazy.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (KP5rU)

322 Trump is not someone you should be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or leadership.

No one should be proud of basically any President, nor consider him a paragon of virtue or leadership. Not even Reagan, who fucked up badly on LOTS of occasions.

We're conservatives. We don't do cults of personality.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (SRKgf)

323 This year is the 150th anniversary of the publishing of Das Kapital. 150 years.

Our adversaries are dinosaurs.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:16 PM (LTHVh)

324 That Zin guy who was a linguistics professor but lectured Bush on furrin policy, perfect example.

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 08:17 PM (G7wcY)

325 'Ronald Reagan's Subaru BRAT'

Too much. With a camper shell to boot.

Posted by: Dr freakenfurry at January 05, 2017 08:17 PM (BO/km)

326 315 Look, if you get the seats closest to the real pilots, you obviously know how to fly too, right?


Surely you don't think it's that easy to fly a 4-engined plane

Posted by: Ted Striker at January 05, 2017 08:18 PM (PqqkK)

327 Our adversaries are dinosaurs.
Posted by: Grump928(C)


I love you. You love me.
We're a great big family!

Posted by: Barney the purple dinosaur at January 05, 2017 08:18 PM (wPiJc)

A commie complaining about fascisim....oh thats rich

Posted by: E.T.

It's all a front. Those two are radical Mau-Mau riot- inciting publicity-whores. They wouldn't survive 20 seconds under actual communism.

But O'Reilly puts them on. Gives them the bully-pulpit. Because "fairness" or some other horseshit.

Of the two, O'Reilly is more repulsive.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:18 PM (zu88C)

329 "The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact."


The mediocrities had a good run (for themselves). It's over.

Posted by: Trump poisoned my cat at January 05, 2017 08:19 PM (BpJun)

330 Chomsky is the linguistics prof. Zinn actually was a historian ... sort of. not saying he was an ethical one.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:19 PM (I4BmC)

331 326; most planes are two engines now. easy, peasy.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:19 PM (KP5rU)

332 I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:19 PM (LTHVh)

Oh, our self-appointed experts get paid all right; by reaching into our pockets and bank accounts and taking the fat six figure salaries they feel entitled to.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at January 05, 2017 08:20 PM (rPwVA)

334 >>>Trump is not someone you should be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or leadership

I voted for him for president not to be my vacation partner or my fishing buddy

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 05, 2017 08:20 PM (voOPb)

335 and, don't call anybody shirley.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:20 PM (KP5rU)

336 246 Since we are talking assholes:
Lt. Kenda is on in the background.
He is talking about a suspect they had to let go, and he says:
"It's not a crime to be an asshole. If it were, we would have to put a fence around the entire state of Colorado, and inform everyone that they were in custody."
I LOL'd.

Famiglia Guevara LOVED Lt. Kenda. We have to go back and watch some of those episodes again.

Posted by: Deplorable Jay Guevara at January 05, 2017 08:21 PM (SRKgf)

337 312 The left, proud champions of change, are cemented like a Vito Corleone-era snitch into the irremovable boots of turn-of-the-20th-Century Progressivism and FDR-era technocracy. They are convinced beyond all reason and evidence that there is a select group, of which they are members by their own self-evident wonderfulness and the ability to repeat the things other self-evidently wonderful people say to them. This group is OBVIOUSLY supposed to be in charge and kindly steer the lowing masses into a bright and glorious future under their rule.
Posted by: Richard McEnroe at January 05, 2017 08:14 PM (Kucy5)

Funny, they call themselves "progressives", yet it sounds like they want nothing less than a return to the days of hereditary aristocracy. With themselves in charge, of course.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 08:21 PM (sdi6R)

338 But let's be honest, Trump is not someone you should
be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or
Posted by: The Legacy Media


Nice sock.

You hit the perfect Nevertrump notes.

Well played!

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:22 PM (zu88C)

339 274 Apparently Ronald Reagan owned a Brat.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:06 PM (LTHVh)


Can a parent own a child?

Posted by: Ron Reagan, Jr. at January 05, 2017 08:22 PM (mt8X9)

340 You magnificent bastards are keeping me from my elliptical exerciser. How will i ever get my gainz?

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:22 PM (PqqkK)

341 'I voted for him for president not to be my vacation partner or my fishing buddy'

Although you gotta admit if he called and wanted to go ice fishing ...

Posted by: Dr freakenfurry at January 05, 2017 08:22 PM (BO/km)

342 Obama gave hisself a medal nice.

January 20th cannot come soon enough.

Sat Cong.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 05, 2017 08:23 PM (5VlCp)

343 Zinn was a huckster and should not be compared with Chomsky, who at least produced some interesting stuff in his field of linguistics. The politics of both are repugnant to me, but Zinn cannot be taken seriously.

Posted by: Caliban at January 05, 2017 08:23 PM (3GFMN)

344 No man gets near my ice hole.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:23 PM (LTHVh)

345 Trump is not someone you should be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or leadership.

Please don't tell me who I should I be proud of for President . I don't consider him a paragon of virtue. He's not a saint or my God. I am proud of certain of his actions and some of his leadership abilities seem to be good ones. I pray for him for wisdom and protection.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 08:24 PM (tOcW/)

346 i would take obumbles fishing. i would use the canoe i have all my accidents in.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:24 PM (KP5rU)

347 Just watched the last half hour of a Front Line show about Trump.

It was delicious. I laughed, I smirked, I got warm and fuzzy all over as the 'experts' slammed Trump and his voters (moi). Their visceral hatred of us and Trump along with their misery was fabulous.

They still don't get it. They will never get it because to get it would mean having to disavow their very selves.

I giggled as Trump owned them and they are clueless as to how it happened, and is happening. Lots of digs to the ignorant Trump voter (moi aussi) which only made me feel exhilarated.

Best election ever. So glad I was on the Trump Train from the beginning.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 08:25 PM (lc+1R)

348 Two very well written articles about Trump. One linked by instapundit in the Atlantic tell us why Trump's desire (Newt Gingrich's idea, and we all remember Newt) of a moon base is a bad Idea. Mars is where we should be going.

The other on PJMedia by Ron Radish : Donald Trump's inexplicable attack on our intelligence agencies.

It's going to be a long eight years :
longbows v crossbow
.45 acp v 9mm
porn v erotica
North v South
Black v White
fake news
fake history
moon v mars

Can't we all just get along?

Posted by: Whalen Penny at January 05, 2017 08:25 PM (zrDYG)

349 332
I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:19 PM (LTHVh)

You have to let it go, Striker!

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at January 05, 2017 08:25 PM (7N6ox)

350 I've been trout fishing
I've been bass fishing
I've been tuna fishing

but I've never seen the sport in ice fishing.

look...i caught 3 cubes!

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:25 PM (PqqkK)

351 281 "Flicking the bean" is Brit slang for female self pleasuring.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at January 05, 2017 08:08 PM (hVdx9)


Great visual; can never be unlearned.

The knowledge I acquire from the moron horde ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 08:25 PM (mt8X9)

352 Trump is going to face ALOT of bureaucratic sabotage and foot dragging.

Wasn't Robert Gates particularly skilled at handling the Pentagons heuracracy? He'll need someone to crack the in their own language.

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 08:26 PM (G7wcY)

353 Yo

Posted by: Nonamenic at January 05, 2017 08:26 PM (PTD4/)

354 " Zinn was a huckster and should not be compared with Chomsky, who at least produced some interesting stuff in his field of linguistics."

Chomsky's stuff is being shown false and worthless as time goes by. Turns out there isn't a "universal grammar" and people do actually have to learn languages.

About the only place his work stands is in Computer Science, where it has absolutely nothing to do with how people actually think or communicate with each other.

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 05, 2017 08:27 PM (fVubI)

355 "Flicking the bean" is Brit slang for female self pleasuring."

Posted by: Rowan Atkinson at January 05, 2017 08:27 PM (BO/km)

356 351 281 "Flicking the bean" is Brit slang for female self pleasuring.


Maybe that explains the funny faces Mr. Bean makes

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:28 PM (PqqkK)

357 "Trump is not someone you should be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or leadership."

I was unaware we were electing saints. I thought we were electing presidents.

(And if there *were* men who were paragons of virtue, we wouldn't need government. But there aren't, so we do.)

Posted by: Rob Crawford at January 05, 2017 08:28 PM (fVubI)

358 foiled again

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:28 PM (PqqkK)



Posted by: Rowan Atkinson at January 05, 2017 08:29 PM (BO/km)

360 "Trump is not someone you should be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or leadership."


THIS ^^^^

Posted by: Bill Clinton at January 05, 2017 08:29 PM (PqqkK)

361 Best election ever. So glad I was on the Trump Train from the beginning.


Me too. Proud in fact. Excellent leader. Espouses virtues such as honesty, hard work and accountability.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:29 PM (zu88C)

362 Trump is not someone you should be proud of for president or consider a paragon of virtue or leadership.
Please don't tell me who I should I be proud of for President . I don't consider him a paragon of virtue. He's not a saint or my God. I am proud of certain of his actions and some of his leadership abilities seem to be good ones. I pray for him for wisdom and protection.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 08:24 PM (tOcW/)

Yup...Pray for President Trump and ask God to give him strength and fortitude to fight the evil commie bastards.

I like President Trump....he fights. Calling Chuck U Shumer the head clown is classic. Why do the New Yawkers keep re-electing this schmuck?

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 05, 2017 08:30 PM (5VlCp)

363 Whatup Mort! Get any new talking points from the Kremlin yet?

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:31 PM (Iy6JT)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke

Well said, Fen. But I am pretty sure that it was just a sock.

The real Nevertrumpers left months ago.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:31 PM (zu88C)

365 I have to like Trump from a distance.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 08:31 PM (LTHVh)

366 Christiansplaining?

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 08:31 PM (G7wcY)

367 Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 08:24 PM (tOcW/) I cannot belive how that response repnates with me. Je lacks birtues I would want. Yet His fiedelity to keeping America afloat after these so n-sos meant top throw us in the gutter.means a ton.
and also personally the big finger to those that believe only They are allowed to lead.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:32 PM (R7cwD)

368 Funny, they call themselves "progressives", yet it sounds like they want nothing less than a return to the days of hereditary aristocracy. With themselves in charge, of course.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 08:21 PM (sdi6R)


... and the rest of us primitives living in caves.

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 08:33 PM (mt8X9)

369 Striker! Striker! Striker!
Strike Her!

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 05, 2017 08:33 PM (89T5c)

370 Chomsky is the linguistics prof. Zinn actually was a historian ... sort of. not saying he was an ethical one.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:19 PM (I4BmC)

And Michael Mann is/was a climate scientist.


Posted by: Sheriff Buford T. Justice at January 05, 2017 08:33 PM (JO9+V)

371 Fenelon (sorry typing in the dark, I hope you could decipher that) hands over my mood ring.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:34 PM (R7cwD)

372 No man gets near my ice hole.

That's Fargin Icehole

Posted by: Evilpens at January 05, 2017 08:34 PM (y3aQB)

373 347
Best election ever. So glad I was on the Trump Train from the beginning.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 08:25 PM (lc+1R)

That's a good point. My first choices were Scott Walker and Rand Paul, but after that I was Trump all the way. I've voted for winning candidates before, but this may be the first time in my life a candidate who I was somewhat enthusiastic about won.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 08:34 PM (sdi6R)

374 340 You magnificent bastards are keeping me from my elliptical exerciser. How will i ever get my gainz?

Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:22 PM (PqqkK)


Get yourself a gig that'll pay you $100 million/year to keep gaining and losing 100 pounds ...

Posted by: ShainS at January 05, 2017 08:36 PM (mt8X9)

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar


Fear my haxx, Americanyets.

I'm such a 133t Russian haxxor , I don't leave any evidence of my haxx AT ALL. And I am not even Russian!

How's life man? I have a job now. I have to work. In order to eat.

What a concept, huh?

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:36 PM (zu88C)

376 Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:34 PM (R7cwD)

Yes; I could decipher it, and even if i couldn't I could hardly throw stones at the typos of other posters. ;^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 08:37 PM (tOcW/)

377 "Me too. Proud in fact."

Same here. By the time Trump is finished, there will be a boatload of people that finally will understand what you and I knew from the beginning. Thank God we were successful.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 08:37 PM (lc+1R)

378 That's Fargin Icehole

Posted by: Evilpens at January 05, 2017 08:34 PM (y3aQB)
No, that's a fargin' trick question, you somnabiches.

Posted by: The Mouse that Roared at January 05, 2017 08:37 PM (7N6ox)

379 It's money and power.

The rest is navel gazing.

Posted by: Bill Wynn at January 05, 2017 08:38 PM (AFvnY)

"Not Presidential" is code for "insufficiently elitist".

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:38 PM (zu88C)

381 Best election ever. So glad I was on the Trump Train from the beginning.
Me too. Proud in fact. Excellent leader. Espouses virtues such as honesty, hard work and accountability.
Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:29 PM (zu88C)

I have a first edition Invective Rifle from the days of the circular firing squad.

Oh hey, for those of you still hemming and hawing about Trump not being perfect, you're absolutely right, and I get where you're coming from.

Now try not to whack it to the following videos.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:38 PM (Iy6JT)

382 Daily Mail - Black teens are charged with a HATE CRIME after live-streaming torture of white disabled man who they held prisoner for days before he escaped - as cops reveal they have shown NO remorse

Maybe if they got the ass kicking of a life time that they so richly deserve they might feel a little remorse and if no remorse at least pain. I'm surprised the MFM hasn't trotted out their weeping mothers to let us know that they are good kids and that whitey set them up

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 05, 2017 08:39 PM (auHtY)

383 Several years ago, back during Obama's first term, I got into an online discussion with a progressive. I don't remember how it started, but the topic got around to Republican's distrust of big government. The prog stated that she appreciated that the experts in government knew what they were doing and were there to tell her the right way to do things. And she thought Republicans and conservatives were like toddlers when we push back against big government. Like toddlers who want to do things their way when their parents know what is best. That was her point of view.

And no amount of discussion could get her to realize that even the best experts don't know what it is best for my life because they don't know me and don't know my circumstances. Not to mention that so many of the government 'experts' are far from it.

Posted by: biancaneve at January 05, 2017 08:39 PM (CQny9)

384 How's life man? I have a job now. I have to work. In order to eat.
What a concept, huh?
Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:36 PM (zu88C)

Hey congrats! That's awful! When are you coming up to Boston?

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:40 PM (Iy6JT)

385 " but this may be the first time in my life a candidate who I was somewhat enthusiastic about won."

Reagan and Trump for me. Rest were defensive votes.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 08:40 PM (lc+1R)

386 Trump is Chemo. No proud virtues of paragon needed.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 05, 2017 08:41 PM (q6C1L)

387 "Not Presidential" is code for "insufficiently elitist".

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:38 PM (zu88C)


For eight looong years, we've lived under the "leadership" of an elite, smug, thin-skinned, malignant narcissist who our Betters told us repeatedly was the smartest, bestest president evah because Hahvahd and bi-racial.

It's a miracle we've survived. So far.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 05, 2017 08:41 PM (PY9jH)

388 Oh watch this one!

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:42 PM (Iy6JT)

389 I accidentally looked at FB today. (sigh)

A lot of this is the "they took my woobie" thing, which might not make sense if you don't know what their woobie is. It is, of course, power and control.

It is the woobie of a person who cannot go five minutes without sticking their fat grubbies in someone else's business, because they know *so much better* about *everything*, which is where we come back to the theme of this post.

Personally I'm not very happy with politics in general, but I'm quite happy we don't have an affirmation of the Ultimate Control Freaks. It remains to be seen if *anyone* really learns from that, or if we end up with a pattern of temper tantrum and counter tantrum for 4-8 years.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 08:43 PM (wB8Tg)

390 >>>Best election ever. So glad I was on the Trump Train from the beginning.

I was late to the party and reluctant to join. But now, I don't know, the man is really growing on me. He seems like a man of the hour. His plain crudeness is the perfect tonic for a politically correct hyper partisan landscape. It's like a highly specific tool that is perfect for a certain type of task.

Posted by: Max Power at January 05, 2017 08:43 PM (q177U)

391 385
Reagan and Trump for me. Rest were defensive votes.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 08:40 PM (lc+1R)

I was a fairly rabid leftist in Reagan's time.

I got better.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 08:43 PM (sdi6R)

392 Ace you probably won't read this, but this is a straight stunner of a killer post. Stay woke son.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:43 PM (Iy6JT)

393 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact.

And yeah ... best thing he's ever written. Ever.

Posted by: ScoggDog at January 05, 2017 08:44 PM (fiGNd)

394 Hey congrats! That's awful! When are you coming up to Boston?

Two of the best days of my life were spent trapped in a Boston blizzard, checked into on the Marriott on the wharf , walking distance from Boston Common.


I would love to do it again someday. Maybe without the snow.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:44 PM (zu88C)

395 Trump is Chemo. No proud virtues of paragon needed.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at January 05, 2017 08:41 PM (q6C1L)


Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:45 PM (R7cwD)

396 It's a miracle we've survived. So far.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 05, 2017 08:41 PM (PY9jH)

It's nothing short of a miracle that Trump won that election. A very good friend of mine who's older and very religious told me that every miracle needs spiritual backing, and he thinks the souls of 43 million unborn children had something to do with it. A sobering thought.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:46 PM (Iy6JT)

397 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact.
And yeah ... best thing he's ever written. Ever.
Posted by: ScoggDog at January 05, 2017 08:44 PM (fiGNd)


Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:46 PM (Iy6JT)

398 You don't have to learn anything or practice anything to be an "expert". Just close your eyes, let go, blank out your mind, trust your feelings.

Posted by: Obi Wan-Kenobi at January 05, 2017 08:47 PM (rH4JY)

It's a miracle we've survived. So far.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 05, 2017 08:41 PM (PY9jH)

It's nothing short of a miracle that Trump won that election. A very
good friend of mine who's older and very religious told me that every
miracle needs spiritual backing, and he thinks the souls of 43 million
unborn children had something to do with it. A sobering thought.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:46 PM (Iy6JT)

Wow. Sobering, indeed.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 05, 2017 08:47 PM (PY9jH)

400 Two of the best days of my life were spent trapped in a Boston blizzard, checked into on the Marriott on the wharf , walking distance from Boston Common.
Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:44 PM (zu88C)

Oh yeah? You meet a Sheila or what?

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:47 PM (Iy6JT)

401 Oh, yes.; Very good post, Ace. Thanks. I should have said that before.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 08:48 PM (tOcW/)

402 You don't have to learn anything or practice anything to be an "expert". Just close your eyes, let go, blank out your mind, trust your feelings.


Sometimes I feel like a nut. Sometimes I don't.

Posted by: Whalen Penny at January 05, 2017 08:48 PM (zrDYG)

403 A bit OT but we are near 400 comments. It looks like John Corzine is going to pay a 5 million dollar fine for his billion dollar MF Global fiasco.

Posted by: Big V at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (wuhZk)

404 French MAB Model D her to fire but the grip safety and grips (being too wide....a Century Arms product) seem to be at odds with each other preventing enough pressure on the grip safety to dislodge after a few rounds.

Dremel tool say hello to grips......

Anyone here have a Spanish FR7 or FR8?...

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (5VlCp)

405 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact.

Posted by Ace at 06:50 PM Comments

I won't be stealing that line. I'll be quoting it, with attribution--for awhile, anyway, until it becomes common parlance (and it will).

Posted by: troyriser at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (ZkXe+)

406 It's a miracle we've survived. So far.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 05, 2017 08:41 PM (PY9jH)

some haven't some police
some mother that lost their kids to racism pushed by the progressives. () balck community_
some rapes. some identities and credit stolen.

America lost it's thought of restraint and went full gusto greed and hate.

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (R7cwD)

407 its

Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (R7cwD)

408 370 Chomsky is the linguistics prof. Zinn actually was a historian ... sort of. not saying he was an ethical one.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:19 PM (I4BmC)

And Michael Mann is/was a climate scientist.

Posted by: Sheriff Buford T. Justice at January 05, 2017 08:33 PM (JO9+V)

I hate defending the odious Chomsky but I will. In his scholarly field (linguistics) he did honest work. His conclusions may not have held up well over the years but it was serious scholarship.

Zinn and Mann, OTOH, didn't just have stupid opinions on the side. They completely polluted their study in their own fields of supposed scholarship.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (Nox3c)

409 A very good friend of mine who's older and very religious told me that every miracle needs spiritual backing, and he thinks the souls of 43 million unborn children had something to do with it. A sobering thought.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:46 PM (Iy6JT)

55+ million. We have a lot to answer for.

Posted by: troyriser at January 05, 2017 08:50 PM (ZkXe+)

410 407 its
Posted by: willow at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (R7cwD)

*cue Liberty Bell March*

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 08:50 PM (sdi6R)

411 Posted by: Big V at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (wuhZk)

He is? I haven'tt heard anything about that.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 08:51 PM (tOcW/)

412 I've been an expert. Most people don't think they have been, and so they attach ideas to the word that don't belong there.

Usually it means knowing an awful lot about something very small, or knowing a little more than the people asking you.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (wB8Tg)

413 "I was a fairly rabid leftist in Reagan's time."

Oh no. You missed out on arguably the most graceful, and elegant pro-American president.

Reagan had to come up and work within a corrupt system.

Strap in your seatbelt because Trump doesn't have the same restraints as Reagan and he knows the big game and how to get things done. And he will. No doubt about it.

Gonna be lots fun.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (lc+1R)

414 I didn't want Trump for a LONG time but the closer the election came the more excited I was to vote FOR Trump. I think he loves America and knows how to work. He and his family will do right by America.

Posted by: free tibet, and all that other sh*t at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (CL76w)

415 Oh yeah? You meet a Sheila or what?

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari

Even better. Two nights and three glorious days full of beer with the guys, seafood and doing things that are bad for me. Completely Sheila-free.

I even forgot my phone charger. Oops!

Sorry, honey.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (zu88C)

416 A bit OT but we are near 400 comments. It looks like
John Corzine is going to pay a 5 million dollar fine for his billion
dollar MF Global fiasco.

Posted by: Big V at January 05, 2017 08:49 PM (wuhZk)

I hope that under Trump's administration, the IRS goes after the $4+ mil. Al Sharpton owes, and all the back taxes the clowns at MSNBC are reported to owe.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 05, 2017 08:53 PM (PY9jH)

417 Crap on a snow shovel.
I knew yesterday that we may get a couple inches of global warming tomorrow night, but now they're calling for 8 to 12 inches by saturday.

I know that's called Thanksgiving Day to a lot of y'all, but that wI'll practically shut the whe are down for the better part of a week around here. Pretty early in the year for us.
Not nearly as prepared as I should be...

Posted by: Chi at January 05, 2017 08:54 PM (Mr60C)

Sorry, honey.
Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (zu88C)

i saw that.

Posted by: honey at January 05, 2017 08:55 PM (R7cwD)

419 halfway through Harrison's "teach yourself Biblical Hebrew"

feels like "teach yourself another dialect of Arabic" in places

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:55 PM (I4BmC)

420 Even better. Two nights and three glorious days full of beer with the guys, seafood and doing things that are bad for me. Completely Sheila-free.
I even forgot my phone charger. Oops!
Sorry, honey.
Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (zu88C)

*digital fistbump*

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:55 PM (Iy6JT)

421 There's a book called Straddlers that talks about blue collar people working and surviving in a white collar world. I highly recommend it.

However... it's not really about that.

It's really more about normal people in a white upper class liberal world.

Basically everyone vs. Muffy and Biff.

To me, that is what Trump represents. He is an outsider. He gets angry, he threatens people, he's an ass when someone screws him over; even though socioeconomically he might be Biff, he still reacts like the son of a garbage man

Which is why the Upper Classes despise him. He is not one of them; they know it and he knows it.

The part that horrifies/enrages those people is that he does not aspire to be them. Ever.

Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 05, 2017 08:55 PM (EuOZL)

422 There is a blast from the past. I just figured the ValJar administration had Corzine whacked.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 05, 2017 08:56 PM (89T5c)

423 412
I've been an expert. Most people don't think they have been, and so they attach ideas to the word that don't belong there.

Usually it means knowing an awful lot about something very small, or knowing a little more than the people asking you.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (wB8Tg)

We have no way to draw on Pixy, but I've seen a graph where the x-axis is knowledge of a subject, and the y-axis is confidence in one's opinion. It starts at the origin, then goes up slowly, then way up, then down.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at January 05, 2017 08:56 PM (jK8Z7)

424 Hey baby, how about a little "egg spurt"?

Posted by: rooster pickup lines at January 05, 2017 08:56 PM (rH4JY)

425 I hope that under Trump's administration, the IRS goes after the $4+ mil. Al Sharpton owes, and all the back taxes the clowns at MSNBC are reported to owe.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at January 05, 2017 08:53 PM (PY9jH)

Did you see the HeatSt post about the tax liens taken out against MSNBC hosts? That Touré douchebag owes over a quarter of a million dollars!

Say "tax breaks for the rich" one more time motherfuckers.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 08:57 PM (Iy6JT)

426 I have a link for the Corzine thing but have never linked here and still fear the barrel but I saw it on Reuters and I see that the NY times has it now too

Posted by: Big V at January 05, 2017 08:57 PM (wuhZk)

427 one thing that is weird in Hebrew... no explicit superlative. akbar is greater in Arabic. I don't see an "agdol" or whatever for more great ( gadol)

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:58 PM (I4BmC)

428 i saw that.

Posted by: honey

dammit !

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 08:58 PM (zu88C)

429 Why would valJar have Corzine whacked?. He is a corrupt NJ Democrat Policitican. Sounds right up her alley

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 08:58 PM (tOcW/)

430 The part that horrifies/enrages those people is that he does not aspire to be them. Ever.

Posted by: shibumi, who requires a cute kitty story stat! at January 05, 2017 08:55 PM (EuOZL)

That's also why any conflict of interest with his businesses is irrelevant. He's a billionaire. He doesn't care. You're not going to move the needle on his fortune by staying or not staying in his hotel.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at January 05, 2017 08:59 PM (jK8Z7)

431 I have a fluffy kitty in my lap.

As you were.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 05, 2017 09:00 PM (bG+ug)

432 422
There is a blast from the past. I just figured the ValJar administration had Corzine whacked.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 05, 2017 08:56 PM (89T5c)

Any chance that this is an inside deal because he fears the Trump Administration will be far worse?

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at January 05, 2017 09:00 PM (jK8Z7)

433 Reynolds is right, of course. It also just so happens he crap-blogs over a herd of increasingly dim rightist reactionaries himself.

That's the problem with the pop-right: It has no real defining principle - except its own 'Muricun lifestyle - and no staying power, at least as classical liberalism goes. That's how we got to this present era, after all.

Trump could turn out to be Job One for constitutionalism but the irony is he'll do it over the din of dissenting Republicans. That doesn't make the minority left any less psychotic, but then why do we insist on living in the same house as them?

Anyway, Instapundit is past its prime and, as it turns out, aptly named. It defines the worth of the free opinion.

Posted by: Ten at January 05, 2017 09:00 PM (JW07Y)

434 Usually it means knowing an awful lot about something very small, or knowing a little more than the people asking you.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (wB8Tg)

On the other side of the expert coin, it always gets me when a client hires me for my expertise (in my case commercial graphic arts and design) and suddenly becomes the expert themselves when it comes time to pay the bill--not before, mind you--not during the review process or anywhere prior to finalization of the finished product. Suddenly, according to them, it's time to renegotiate. They have certain issues regarding such-and-such and this-and-that.

Fortunately, those occasions are rare but there's a saying in my business: "Fuck you, pay me."

Posted by: troyriser at January 05, 2017 09:00 PM (ZkXe+)

435 Its like he dropped off the face of the earth, Fenelon. Took the money and never heard about him after his congress testimony.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 05, 2017 09:01 PM (89T5c)

436 ten, are you eleven's little brother?

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:02 PM (I4BmC)

437 "I was late to the party and reluctant to join. But now, I don't know, the man is really growing on me. He seems like a man of the hour. His plain crudeness is the perfect tonic for a politically correct hyper partisan landscape. It's like a highly specific tool that is perfect for a certain type of task."

Yep. The man needed for the times. In hindsight it will all make sense to you. And he will keep on growing on you because he's taking care of the thing we all love and cherish, our country.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 09:02 PM (lc+1R)

*fistbump back to GoK*

Four a few glorious hours, I was almost...a man.


Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 09:03 PM (zu88C)

439 Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 05, 2017 09:01 PM (89T5c)

Yes; No doubt that was deliberate.

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at January 05, 2017 09:04 PM (tOcW/)

440 Without experts in privilege theory and intersectionality, humanity would have oppressed itself to death a long time ago.

Posted by: Anita Sarkeesian at January 05, 2017 09:04 PM (rH4JY)

441 I've seen a graph where the x-axis is knowledge of a subject, and the y-axis is confidence in one's opinion. It starts at the origin, then goes up slowly, then way up, then down.

At work we call that "Mount Stupid." (I think via xkcd.)

Posted by: Geronimo Stilton at January 05, 2017 09:05 PM (OVUYQ)

442 The act of saying "Fuck you" to any mortal man who would claim dominion and authority over you is the first act of a free man. Not a free man on paper, but a free man in fact.

That passage reminds me of a story which may or may not be apocryphal.

In the early years of the United States, a British nobleman visited the former colonies. He happened upon a farmer who was mucking out his stall.

The man was wearing work clothes and was covered in excrement. He was obviously a member of the servant class.

The nobleman said, "I say, where is your master?"

The farmer replied, "That sumbitch ain't been born."

To the European mindset, it was inconceivable that a landowner would perform menial labor.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 09:06 PM (sdi6R)

443 436 ten, are you eleven's little brother?
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo

Or even better - his sister.
"She's a dimepiece!"

Posted by: Chi at January 05, 2017 09:06 PM (Mr60C)

444 one thing that is weird in Hebrew... no explicit
superlative. akbar is greater in Arabic. I don't see an "agdol" or
whatever for more great ( gadol)

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:58 PM (I4BmC)

I showed your puzzle to Rev, thinking he might be able to assist you in some way. Sadly, he says the Hebrew he learned nearly 40 years ago has gone the way of his blond hair. Now he has to read the Old Testament the same as everybody else. Sorry.

Posted by: grammie winger at January 05, 2017 09:06 PM (dFi94)

445 You must obey them and may not ever terminate their employment.


Any moron who supervises an employee under age 25 knows Ace is 100pc right.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 05, 2017 09:07 PM (EZebt)

446 On Trump-I was in DC recently and could not believe how yuuge and gorgeous the Trump Hotel is-and its about a block away from the White House. It must chap about a million DC asses every time they drive by it.

I also watched Home Alone II over the holiday and there was an excellent cameo circa 1988 by Himself in the lobby of the Plaza. Guy has been around and famous for a really long time.

Posted by: Goldilocks at January 05, 2017 09:07 PM (pOgVG)

447 I have a fluffy kitty in my lap.
As you were.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Hey AOP I finally caught the guy about the TR-6 tranny. Sadly though no planetary overdrives. In fact no TR6s at all he got rid of them. Even more sadly he says he is going to take the 7 or 8 Spitfires sitting forlornly in the yard to the scrapyard! I would take them all but the missus would have a fit.

Posted by: freaked at January 05, 2017 09:07 PM (BO/km)

448 sok, winger, I am headed to the barrel anyway for forgetting begadkepat as usual for gadhol.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:08 PM (I4BmC)

449 foiled again

Posted by: buzzsaw90

I prefer Saran wrap myself.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at January 05, 2017 09:10 PM (hVdx9)

450 apologies if this was already discussed:

apparently the special needs victim was notbreleased by the Facebook Four, he managed to escape

Posted by: @votermom @vm at January 05, 2017 09:10 PM (Om16U)

451 Oh, you bitter-clingers, grumbling about what a terrible President I've been and all that... as if you think you could've done better, or something.

Yeah, well, I have this shiny new President's Medal for Distinguished Service that says I've done a much better job than you think.

So, there.

Posted by: President Obnoxious at January 05, 2017 09:11 PM (0OG8D)

452 those thugs were going to kill him live

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:12 PM (I4BmC)

453 We have no way to draw on Pixy, but I've seen a graph where the x-axis is knowledge of a subject, and the y-axis is confidence in one's opinion. It starts at the origin, then goes up slowly, then way up, then down.

Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at January 05, 2017 08:56 PM (jK8Z7) fnord (jK8Z7)

Dunning-Kruger syndrome, AKA "the 12%ers," the tendency to have a high confidence peak at about 12% competence.

The reasoning being that this person is not competent enough to rate their own skill.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 09:12 PM (wB8Tg)

454 Has Obama's CIA blamed Russian Hackers for the #BLMKidnapping by the #FacebookFour yet?

Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 05, 2017 09:14 PM (ab2et)

455 Has Obama's CIA blamed Russian Hackers for the #BLMKidnapping by the #FacebookFour yet?

Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 05, 2017 09:14 PM (ab2et)

456 427 one thing that is weird in Hebrew... no explicit superlative. akbar is greater in Arabic. I don't see an "agdol" or whatever for more great ( gadol)
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 08:58 PM (I4BmC)

I have seen duplicatives used, as in "gadol gadol".

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 05, 2017 09:14 PM (EZebt)

457 2 words: dual axle trailer.

Posted by: Grump928(C) at January 05, 2017 07:35 PM (LTHVh)

Which you need a truck to pull. Unless your driver is a '64 Chrysler new yorker.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 05, 2017 09:15 PM (bG+ug)

458 Where is everybody?

Posted by: IrishEi at January 05, 2017 09:15 PM (HiDrR)

459 Has Obama's CIA blamed Russian Hackers

No, but he did blame technology.

Posted by: no good deed at January 05, 2017 09:15 PM (hJamr)

460 Oh. Pixy's off by about 6 mins. I see.

Posted by: IrishEi at January 05, 2017 09:16 PM (HiDrR)

461 Oh. Pixy's off by about 6 mins. I see.

Posted by: IrishEi at January 05, 2017 09:16 PM (HiDrR) fnord (HiDrR)

That's New Zealand's unusual Daylight Savings Time.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 09:17 PM (wB8Tg)

462 or very great, gadhol m'odh. gadhol rav probably isn't a thing

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:17 PM (I4BmC)

463 I hear community organizers make incredible airplane pilots. Test pilots look up to them. Stunt pilots want to marry them and have their babies.

Is the NYorker cartoonists name really McPhail? Someone please tell me that's the giveaway that it's actually just an expert troll.

Posted by: TexasDan at January 05, 2017 09:17 PM (kD732)

464 You must obey them and may not ever terminate their employment.


Any moron who supervises an employee under age 25 knows Ace is 100pc right.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at January 05, 2017 09:07 PM (EZebt)

A couple of months ago I was talking to an HR rep who just went off on the snowflakes she's interviewed. All they want to know is what's the pay, benefits and vacation? Some didn't even show up to the interview professionally attired. What's wrong with these kids?, she asked over and over

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 05, 2017 09:18 PM (auHtY)

465 datsuns crinkle in wreck as if they are tinfoil.

no go

Posted by: willow

That crinkling is their most important safety feature. Mercedes discovered that and didn't patent it; believing the discovery was too important to keep to themselves. Basically a modern vehicle sacrifices itself to save the occupants. 1930's cars survived wrecks great, the problem was the people inside of them didn't survive.

In other words you want a vehicle that "crinkles in a wreck".

Posted by: An Observation at January 05, 2017 09:18 PM (HNC7V)

466 Holy crap - the victim of the Facebook four is from my hometown! And his parents dropped him off for a weekend sleepover with one of the perps? I'm guessing they're not quite as open minded as they were before.

Posted by: Chris M at January 05, 2017 09:18 PM (6RZos)

467 Brinner!

Posted by: That Guy Who Shouts "En fuego!" in Swedish at January 05, 2017 09:18 PM (DMUuz)

468 Foil

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at January 05, 2017 09:19 PM (hVdx9)

469 Has Obama's CIA blamed Russian Hackers


Clapper would have.

He'd blame the Russians for the world's hemorrhoid problem if Barky yanked his leash and promised him another Milk Bone.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 09:19 PM (zu88C)

470 #452: I've seen their mugshots. Zero remorse in those faces. One of them was even sneering at the camera.

I think they deserve whatever they're gonna get from the other inmates in prison. Attempting to torture a handicapped person to death just for kicks... yeah, I don't think they'll exactly be looked up to by the rest of gen pop.

Posted by: President Obnoxious at January 05, 2017 09:19 PM (0OG8D)

471 Off, self-congratulating President sock!

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at January 05, 2017 09:20 PM (0OG8D)

472 >>>
Chomsky's stuff is being shown false and worthless as time goes by. Turns out there isn't a "universal grammar" and people do actually have to learn languages.

yeah i've read about this. Every one of the theories that made him famous has been proven to be totally wrong.

There is no Deep Grammar, there is no Linguistic Insuffiency (the idea that babies don't hear enough words to start understanding language, hence, there must be a "deep grammar" informing them). All wrong. All of it.

Posted by: ace at January 05, 2017 09:22 PM (8rNrN)

473 G*d knows there are lots of blacks in prison who don't like whites and are there because they acted on it, but torturing a mentally retarded white kid who, literally, didn't do nothing has got to cross a line.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:23 PM (I4BmC)

474 I've seen their mugshots. Zero remorse in those faces. One of them was even sneering at the camera.

I think they deserve whatever they're gonna get from the other inmates in prison. Attempting to torture a handicapped person to death just for kicks... yeah, I don't think they'll exactly be looked up to by the rest of gen pop.

Posted by: President Obnoxious at January 05, 2017 09:19 PM (0OG8D)

I posted part of a story upthread #382 from the Daily Mail. The cops said they show zero remorse. And Tesfaye (no idea where that name came from) is the sneering bastard who needs his face punched in

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 05, 2017 09:23 PM (auHtY)

475 413
Oh no. You missed out on arguably the most graceful, and elegant pro-American president.

Posted by: Fuq the Media at January 05, 2017 08:52 PM (lc+1R)

I eventually came around and realized that Reagan was one of the greatest presidents of the 20th century. (Coolidge was arguably the best, and I think Reagan himself might have agreed.)

When he died, I watched his funeral procession on TV, and was very moved by all the people standing on the highway overpasses paying their respects as the hearse went by.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 09:24 PM (sdi6R)

476 Without experts in privilege theory and intersectionality, humanity would have oppressed itself to death a long time ago.
Posted by: Anita Sarkeesian at January 05, 2017 09:04 PM

Preach it, Sister! We must eliminate the imperialist white supremacist capitalist cisheteropatriarchy privilege!

Posted by: That Guy Who Shouts at January 05, 2017 09:24 PM (DMUuz)

477 Every so often here, I read deep and meaningful quotes from, and references to, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

These remind me that in every civilization in every Galaxy, inexplicably, there is a drink known as gin and tonic. This knowledge is a comfort to me, as I know it must be to many others. For you non-believers:


Posted by: Libertarianwannabe at January 05, 2017 09:24 PM (nQ10o)

478 Not tired of winning. The man means business.
From Gateway:

Trump Fires All Obama Politically Appointed Ambassadors Effective Inauguration Day

Posted by: L, Elle at January 05, 2017 09:25 PM (6IPEM)

479 #452: I've seen their mugshots. Zero remorse in those faces. One of them was even sneering at the camera.
I think they deserve whatever they're gonna get from the other inmates in prison. Attempting to torture a handicapped person to death just for kicks... yeah, I don't think they'll exactly be looked up to by the rest of gen pop.
Posted by: President Obnoxious at January 05, 2017 09:19 PM (0OG8D)

Yup....they better stock up on grape jelly for the salad tossing they will be doing for the next few years.

Tranny town is their next stop after prison.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at January 05, 2017 09:25 PM (5VlCp)

480 Gnome Chomsky was fundamentally wrong about the actual "science" upon which he made his name but is now considered a leading light because he's a marxist prognosticator with name recognition? What a unique way to rise to and then maintain fame. Can't think of anyone else who fits that mold.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 09:25 PM (Iy6JT)

481 #472: I knew Chomsky was even a shit linguist when he was asked a question about the great David Horowitz and responded, "I didn't used to read him when he was a Stalinist, and I don't read him now."

"Didn't used to." That's how a revered "expert" on languages talks, huh?

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at January 05, 2017 09:26 PM (0OG8D)

482 Not reading the comments, so I'm sure the point was made before. But it bears repeating:

No, that is, actually, how many architects are.

Trailer for an architect movie:

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 05, 2017 09:26 PM (QjZlN)

483 >>That crinkling is their most important safety
feature. Mercedes discovered that and didn't patent it; believing the
discovery was too important to keep to themselves. Basically a modern
vehicle sacrifices itself to save the occupants. 1930's cars survived
wrecks great, the problem was the people inside of them didn't survive.

In other words you want a vehicle that "crinkles in a wreck".

Posted by: An Observation

I think Willow's point was the crush zone of a Datsun is everything between the front and rear bumper.

Posted by: Aviator at January 05, 2017 09:26 PM (/Nite)

I think they deserve whatever they're gonna get from the other inmates in prison. Attempting to torture a handicapped person to death just for kicks... yeah, I don't think they'll exactly be looked up to by the rest of gen pop.
Posted by: President Obnoxious

Why wouldn't they? Prisons aren't full of people who feel sorry for others.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 09:26 PM (IqV8l)

485 Houston showed up to this game, I see

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:27 PM (I4BmC)

Speaking of the 4 "youths" in Chicago, I noticed that Jesse Jackass and Father Flammer didn't rush to have a press conference over this. Flammer must have had his Negro dialect at the cleaners and was unavailable for comment

Posted by: TheQuietMan at January 05, 2017 09:28 PM (auHtY)

487 When I first saw the New Yorker Passenger/Pilot cartoon. My first thought was not about or even close to the election. The joke only came to me after being shown how my betters saw it. Still didn't believe their point of view and I'm guessing it was a mostly "inside" joke that changed no minds.

Posted by: Willy J. at January 05, 2017 09:28 PM (W6Ch1)

Posted by: Libertarianwannabe at January 05, 2017 09:24 PM (nQ10o)

Picked up the very last of the 5 Hitchhiker's Guide books the other night and was extraordinarily upset by Adams' conclusion to the series. Not positive. The Hitchhiker's Guide was taken over by a Vogon corporation and their re-released Guide was a DRM-laden multi-dimensional reality-manipulating Siri which kills all the protags. The re-released Guide is emblazoned with a single word:


Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 09:29 PM (Iy6JT)

489 Chomsky's stuff is being shown false and worthless as time goes by.
Turns out there isn't a "universal grammar" and people do actually have
to learn languages.

yeah i've read about this. Every one of the theories that made him famous has been proven to be totally wrong.

Yeah I am always suspicious of those who "challenge the orthodoxy" of well-established bodies of knowledge without acknowledging the validity of prior discovery.

"It maybe that the purpose of your life is to serve as a warning to others."

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 09:29 PM (zu88C)

490 Pfleger is probably engrossed in his latest issue of Naughty Boy magazine so unavailable for comment.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:30 PM (I4BmC)

491 The MFMers attempt to co-opt and assert that they have coopted (via tone and style) the expertise of others. They haven't, of course, but not to have done so denies them the aura and respect others have actually acquired. In their arrogance they think they have absorbed others' expertise and are entitled to impose edicts based on such proxy knowledge.

Now an actual expert in media, a true journalist, would be expert in delivering information from other experts in their respective fields. That would be a legitimate skill. And it would merit respect. Alas, that is not what "journalism" schools pump out apparently.

Journalists could report and get out of the way; but that is no longer their pedigree. It's been bred out of them if it was ever there in the first place.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 05, 2017 09:30 PM (1CroS)

492 When I first saw the New Yorker Passenger/Pilot cartoon.

I am the pilot of my own plane. All of those f'ers are getting kicked out...mid-flight.

Posted by: no good deed at January 05, 2017 09:31 PM (hJamr)

493 This Chicago atrocity - things like this are the reason I'm glad I didn't go into law enforcement. I don't have the ability to restrain myself in the face of horror.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, No Longer Accepting Harem Applicants at January 05, 2017 09:31 PM (Ntak+)

494 356 351 281 "Flicking the bean" is Brit slang for female self pleasuring.


Maybe that explains the funny faces Mr. Bean makes
Posted by: buzzsaw90 at January 05, 2017 08:28 PM (PqqkK)
I never get flicked.

Posted by: Sean Bean. at January 05, 2017 09:31 PM (kapIh)

495 477
These remind me that in every civilization in every Galaxy, inexplicably, there is a drink known as gin and tonic.
Posted by: Libertarianwannabe at January 05, 2017 09:24 PM (nQ10o)

On Earth, gin and tonic was invented by British colonists living in tropical regions.

The quinine in the tonic water was to treat malaria.

The lime juice was to prevent scurvy.

The gin was to make you forget that you were living in a place where you had to worry about malaria and scurvy.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 09:31 PM (sdi6R)

496 I knew Chomsky was even a shit linguist when he was asked a question about the great David Horowitz and responded, "I didn't used to read him when he was a Stalinist, and I don't read him now."

"Didn't used to." That's how a revered "expert" on languages talks, huh?

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at January 05, 2017 09:26 PM

That's how language works on the street. He's keepin' it real.

Posted by: otho at January 05, 2017 09:32 PM (lmIoG)

Flicking the beans is good for your heart.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 09:32 PM (zu88C)

498 #484: Those who preyed on the weakest victims end up becoming the weakest victims on the inside.

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at January 05, 2017 09:32 PM (0OG8D)

499 i would take obumbles fishing. i would use the canoe i have all my accidents in.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 08:24 PM (KP5rU)

Sharks gotta eat, too.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 05, 2017 09:33 PM (bG+ug)

500 I never get flicked.
Posted by: Sean Bean. at January 05, 2017 09:31 PM (kapIh)

One does not simply...

flick Sean Bean.

~ Boromir

Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 05, 2017 09:33 PM (QjZlN)

501 Back to the plane analogy - I paid the pilots (experts) to fly the fucking plane, I didn't pay them to tell me where to go.

Posted by: George orwell's at January 05, 2017 09:33 PM (Pk69y)

I never get flicked.
Posted by: Sean Bean

Don't judge me.

Posted by: Roy Bean at January 05, 2017 09:35 PM (IqV8l)

503 Except that expert elites are neither expert nor elite. Most live in a bubble and like the smell of their own shit and would not be rich or elite if it were not for nepotism and cultural connection. Trump is wealthy mostly through his own doing although he certainly had help early on in his life. Government service should be a sacrifice not a featherbed and an ego boost. Why is it that DC is the richest place in the country? Turn it back into a disease ridden swamp instead of a political/power swamp.

Posted by: Usntakim at January 05, 2017 09:36 PM (hMqvx)

504 >>>459 & 469

Did these same Russian's Hack Kanye a couple weeks ago?

They really seem to get around!

Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 05, 2017 09:36 PM (ab2et)

505 So these shitbirds are shitbirds and the fact the MFM ignores it, mostly, is the courtesy vice pays virtue.

These people are going to do hard time.

Let's just celebrate winning. Mike Rowe is awesome and he had a Facebook post that was awesome about the Ford thing.

Find it and read it. It will make you feel great about America again.

Not like these scumbags.

Posted by: blaster at January 05, 2017 09:36 PM (HV1LS)

506 436 ten, are you eleven's little brother?
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo

May I suggest using your nightstick, officer?

Posted by: Chi at January 05, 2017 09:37 PM (Mr60C)

507 18 on topic: here's the thing though... I've long said (and many of you have wisely agreed with me) that these so-called "experts" are actually not very smart at all. In fact, I, a person of (presumable) average intelligence, know more about many of the topics in which they are "experts" in then they do.

And I'm just a schmuck with a day job and a life who casually pays attention to things and has some intellectual curiosity. This is their CAREER and they are this uninformed and ignorant. Which leads me to believe that they are not very smart people at all.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at January 05, 2017 07:04 PM (WGxp4)

Exactly. One thing I really liked was when Carlson kept hitting the Dem tool he was interviewing yesterday with: isn't the real issue here not the Russian hacking, since the Russians have been doing that for a while and Obama didn't care, but that the emails that were leaked put the Dems in a bad light?

I shouted "Yes!" at the TV because the Dems want desperately to take the focus off the content of Podesta's email. They reveal the corruption and the collision with the MSM and they don't want to talk about that.

That, to me, is an obvious, basic point and yet nobody else I've seen on Fox or anyplace else was making it.

How many times have I shouted at the TV during Fox News Sunday when a Dem made a statement based on an obviously false premise and it was just accepted as true? I would say, "Ask him about (fill in the blank), you dummy!" and Chris Wallace, who is considered some sort of gold standard by many, wouldn't ask the obvious freakin' thing. Carlson does.

Posted by: Donna di deplorable ampersands&&&&and so there at January 05, 2017 09:37 PM (P8951)

508 499: do they eat their own? i thought there was a professional courtesy agreement. a.o.p. what's the temp tonite? -6 here.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 09:37 PM (KP5rU)

509 Back to the plane analogy - I paid the pilots (experts) to fly the fucking plane, I didn't pay them to tell me where to go.

Or what and when to eat, or where and when I can take a leak, or what I can do with my own personal property...

wait a minute..

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 09:37 PM (zu88C)

510 Dang. Spent so long reading content my girlfriend just became a free woman.

Posted by: Diogenes at January 05, 2017 09:38 PM (0tfLf)

511 Crap!

That was supposed to be a quote of Palpatine @ #493...

Posted by: Chi at January 05, 2017 09:39 PM (Mr60C)

512 @511

Seems borderline embarreling.

Posted by: blaster at January 05, 2017 09:40 PM (HV1LS)

Hey AOP I finally caught the guy about the TR-6 tranny. Sadly though no planetary overdrives. In fact no TR6s at all he got rid of them. Even more sadly he says he is going to take the 7 or 8 Spitfires sitting forlornly in the yard to the scrapyard! I would take them all but the missus would have a fit.

Posted by: freaked at January 05, 2017 09:07 PM (BO/km)

Oh well. Thanks for thinking of me!

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 05, 2017 09:41 PM (bG+ug)

514 if those Pedo-sta emails were fake, the fakes would have been exposed. they haven't been exposed because they are all true, the media is full of corrupt careerists who NEEDED Clinton to win.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:41 PM (I4BmC)

515 Bad Plane Analogy Cartoon continued.

The cartoonist et al. apparently think "we" want someone who doesn't know how to pilot. I guess it never occurred to them that maybe we really don't want someone who will actively and aggressively set the plane in crash position and then grab everyone's valuables as she parachutes out the rear of the plane.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 05, 2017 09:43 PM (1CroS)

516 Trump has been in the public eye for how long and NOW people are finding out he's racist sexist etc I never believed it.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at January 05, 2017 09:44 PM (dKiJG)

517 The other part of the plane analogy. We as Americans are more than just passengers. We are integral in making the plane of America fly. I know the CEO/pilot of the company I work for can't do my job as well as I can and I can't do their job (no matter how many times I bitch to others the CEO is a dumbass) better than they can. More than cogs but each doing that bit we do well.

Posted by: Willy J. at January 05, 2017 09:45 PM (W6Ch1)

518 504
They really seem to get around!
Posted by: SchlongStrong at January 05, 2017 09:36 PM (ab2et)

Oh, that reminds me. I need to go back and listen to those shredded songs. I was at work when the thread was posted, so I couldn't listen to them.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 09:46 PM (sdi6R)

519 Wanna know why Obama is ordering tanks and troops to the Russian border?

So that when Trump recalls them to deescalate the nuclear conflict Obama is trying to stoke, the alphabet networks can kill him for being soft on Russia and standing down troops in the face of Russia aggression etc etc ad nauseam.

What they don't get is that this is Trump they're dealing with, not Jeb fucking Bush. May they never learn.

Posted by: most deplorable Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at January 05, 2017 09:47 PM (Iy6JT)

520 Back to the plane analogy - I paid the pilots (experts) to fly the fucking plane, I didn't pay them to tell me where to go.

Posted by: George orwell's at January 05, 2017 09:33 PM (Pk69y) fnord (Pk69y)

Well, and if you look at the Fragile States Index, and look at who's where on the list, and when you realize that even the states toward the bottom of the list have massive debt, sectarian violence, pension and population crises, mass murders and scandals galore...

...well, "professionals" who run governments either don't actually have that much control over what happens, or they suck ass. Or, of course, both.

If half of commercial airliners crashed, pretty much no one would fly. Unfortunately, we really can't "not live in countries," practically speaking.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 09:48 PM (wB8Tg)

521 I heard some of the "shredded" songs. I missed where they were funny. just sounded like douchebags doing the songs badly on purpose.

maybe useful for trolling celeries. otherwise meh. (which might be Hebrew for "whatever")

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:49 PM (I4BmC)

522 Kari, I t whack was an overstatement but sure enough I have pork chop in Hand by the end of that Stephanopoulos video.

Btw where is the video of interposing that Chicago assault and beating with Democrats dehumanizing people and also with their hypocrisy from saying words matter

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 09:49 PM (G7wcY)

523 499: do they eat their own? i thought there was a professional courtesy agreement. a.o.p. what's the temp tonite? -6 here.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 09:37 PM (KP5rU)

It was -9C here about an hour ago.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 05, 2017 09:50 PM (bG+ug)

524 Most commercial planes don't even need pilots now.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at January 05, 2017 09:50 PM (dKiJG)

525 500 I never get flicked.
Posted by: Sean Bean. at January 05, 2017 09:31 PM (kapIh)

One does not simply...

flick Sean Bean.

~ Boromir
Posted by: DoublySymmetric at January 05, 2017 09:33 PM (QjZlN)


Not with 10,000 men could you do this

Posted by: Bill Clinton at January 05, 2017 09:51 PM (PqqkK)

526 Sorry weird phone chrome, you know and videos like Joe Biden saying he wanted to punch Trump and Hillary calling us deplorables all interpose with those people attacking that boy?

Has Nobody has made one yet Nation point!!

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 09:51 PM (G7wcY)

527 it is 0.0 here in Boulder Co.

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:51 PM (I4BmC)

528 Trump has been in the public eye for how long and NOW people are finding out he's racist sexist etc I never believed it.

Posted by: Patrick From Ohio at January 05, 2017 09:44 PM (dKiJG) fnord (dKiJG)

They knew about his mouth, but he gave money to Democrats and worked in the entertainment industry, so they did nothing.

When he "left the plantation," they went nuts, like when someone like Michelle Malkin or Clarence Thomas refuses to toe the line. You violated their prejudices, so you're double-plus evil.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 09:51 PM (wB8Tg)

529 trucks:
did have a Nissan ST '84 -- great truck, it got old
have had Ram 1500 4x2 '98 last of the 318 with all the suspension and, get this, a 5 spd with a right nice gear on it

*raspberry* bronx cheer, or 'so there'

still have it 220K and counting

Oh, and it was paid for before I ever turned the key for the first time, heh

Posted by: micky at January 05, 2017 09:52 PM (o5vMc)

And after all, the gentry liberals were promised by no less a figure than Clinton Labor secretary and former Harvard professor Robert Reich that the symbolic analysts like them would own the future.

And there's your problem -- pinning your hopes on the promises of the leader of the Lollipop Guild.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 05, 2017 09:52 PM (BK3ZS)

531 most deplorable Ghost of kari: "...the alphabet networks can kill him for being soft on Russia and standing down troops in the face of Russia aggression etc etc ad nauseam."

Yeah, that's not gonna work. This close to the election, particularly this election, everyone knows the game being played. It's so ridiculously transparent the MFM and its surrogates in the Democrat party cannot obscure the view.

Trump will eat these shysters for lunch and Americans all over will keep handing him knives and forks to carve them up some more.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 05, 2017 09:52 PM (1CroS)

532 F*ck yeah Ace!!!

Posted by: Random Joe at January 05, 2017 09:53 PM (/vynU)

533 Yeah, that's not gonna work. This close to the election, particularly this election,
everyone knows the game being played. It's so ridiculously transparent
the MFM and its surrogates in the Democrat party cannot obscure the

And then there's McCain and Graham.

Contrarians? Playing 19 dimensional chess? Senile?

Who knows.

Posted by: Mortimer, Finish Her! at January 05, 2017 09:55 PM (zu88C)

At this point, you begin beating the architect about the face and neck and eject him forceably from your home.

Be sure to use a trebuchet from Rent-a-Trebuchet for this maneuver.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 05, 2017 09:57 PM (BK3ZS)

535 Flicking beans good for your vagina
the more you flick the more you enjoy-ya
The more you enjoyja the better you feel
now it's time for another squealllll!

Posted by: not Muldoon at January 05, 2017 09:57 PM (PqqkK)

536 Aaaand Houston do their best to blow this one

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:57 PM (I4BmC)

537 I always fly on airlines that choose pilots strictly on the basis of affirmative hiring policies and political connections.

Posted by: TexasDan at January 05, 2017 09:59 PM (kD732)

538 Space X was just test firing one of their rocket engines.

Posted by: Aviator at January 05, 2017 10:00 PM (/Nite)

539 521 I heard some of the "shredded" songs. I missed where they were funny. just sounded like douchebags doing the songs badly on purpose.
Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 09:49 PM (I4BmC)

The Beach Boys one had me doubled over. I loved how the handclaps and the leg slapping matched the video perfectly. And they were playing electric guitars that weren't hooked up to anything.

Posted by: rickl at January 05, 2017 10:00 PM (sdi6R)

540 Texas Dan, you do fly on those airlines, whether or not you know it

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 10:00 PM (I4BmC)

541 Mortimer, Finish Her!: "Contrarians? Playing 19 dimensional chess? Senile?"

I'll go with "A**hole*" for $500, Alex.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 05, 2017 10:00 PM (1CroS)

542 The pilot cartoon is doubly stupid because it's criticizing the principal of passengers choosing a pilot as a metaphor for the electorate choosing a President.

Unless the New Yorker has gone all Monarchist on us and is taking a stand against representative government.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at January 05, 2017 10:01 PM (wB8Tg)

543 It was -9C here about an hour ago.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Hmm. I'm betting the shop boiler isn't plumbed yet.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 05, 2017 10:01 PM (ZO497)

544 And there's your problem -- pinning your hopes on the promises of the leader of the Lollipop Guild.


never trust them sum'bitches

Posted by: Lullaby League at January 05, 2017 10:02 PM (PqqkK)

545 I have an idea for a new word:


What do you think?

Posted by: bob at January 05, 2017 10:02 PM (2Oe01)

546 I always fly on airlines that choose pilots strictly on the basis of affirmative hiring policies and political connections.
Posted by: TexasDan

I rely on actors for information regarding climate change.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 05, 2017 10:03 PM (ZO497)

547 539; same here. the elvis one was funny too.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 10:03 PM (KP5rU)

548 Might be a little late for this comment ... but I like open-style. Formal dining rooms are stuffy.

Can I be pre-open floor plan architecture and still be pro-Trump?

Or does that make a RINO?

How about if I have an aggressively masculine den? Real symbol of the patriarchy kind of place ? Does that make up for it?

Posted by: Not Really Concerned About Architecture At All at January 05, 2017 10:03 PM (77H7D)

549 Just typing something so the ont will come up while I'm typing.

Posted by: teej - who gets off on 57 Chevys at January 05, 2017 10:04 PM (gJ3Vg)

Nood here
then nood not here

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 05, 2017 10:04 PM (tlaZQ)

551 When is a nood not a nood?

When it's a door!

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 05, 2017 10:04 PM (tlaZQ)

552 Enes Kanter did such an obvious dive I am amazed the refs bought it

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at January 05, 2017 10:05 PM (I4BmC)

553 I think I sent the ONT into the cornfield.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, She-Wolf of the 'Ettes 'Ettes at January 05, 2017 10:05 PM (EnKk6)

554 Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith: "Unless the New Yorker has gone all Monarchist on us and is taking a stand against representative government."

The New Yorker mind trust just ran out of cute little kitties and Vorshteins.

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at January 05, 2017 10:05 PM (1CroS)

nood is back

Posted by: Soothsayer Pro Elite at January 05, 2017 10:05 PM (tlaZQ)

556 546; i never make a move until i here from rosie or arrec baldlin.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at January 05, 2017 10:06 PM (KP5rU)

557 Arrakis doon planet

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at January 05, 2017 10:06 PM (IqV8l)

558 The elves have a much better sense of what Ace said:


'But it is said: Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. The choice is yours: to go or wait.'

'And it is also said,' answered Frodo: 'Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.'

'Is it indeed?' laughed Gildor. 'Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill. But what would you? You have not told me all concerning yourself; and how then shall I choose better than you? But if you demand advice, I will for friendship's sake give it.'

Posted by: Bitblt at January 05, 2017 10:07 PM (fJXog)

Exactly right. Once someone else gets the country running, they think they can come in and turn the dials and push the buttons to make pleasing patterns, not knowing that they just lowered the landing gear at 350 MPH, or deployed the flaps at cruising altitude. The colors are so PRETTY!!!!

It is akin to Federation starship crews free associating novel pathways to reroute the hermaphug from the piston recoil springs, bypassing the muffler bearings in order to do so and Hey, Presto! another deus ex machina improvisation pulls their fat out of the fire! And who but they, WHO BUT THEY, could do this!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 05, 2017 10:08 PM (BK3ZS)

560 These "experts" support policies and actions that kill children, rape the environment, and steal from the workers, inventors, and entrepreneurs of the world. They are tools of the devil, so to speak, but hey, at least they come from better stock than those damn deplorables. People of good breeding can do any immoral and unethical thing they please and still be accepted by the tribe except mingle with "those people".

Posted by: Earth at January 05, 2017 10:08 PM (BEPL+)

561 Nood.

Posted by: IrishEi at January 05, 2017 10:09 PM (HiDrR)

562 Hmm. I'm betting the shop boiler isn't plumbed yet.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at January 05, 2017 10:01 PM (ZO497)

Of course not. I was in Arizona for 6 weeks.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at January 05, 2017 10:12 PM (bG+ug)

563 #548: The "den" is now referred to as the "man-cave". Not much difference functionally, but the new term has a hidden meaning that this is the one part of the house that is still "his" space. Every other room is "our" space, which really means it's "her" space.

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at January 05, 2017 10:15 PM (0OG8D)

564 'But it is said: Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger...
'And it is also said,' answered Frodo: 'Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.
'Is it indeed?' laughed Gildor. 'Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill. But what would you? You have not told me all concerning yourself; and how then shall I choose better than you? But if you demand advice, I will for friendship's sake give it.'
Posted by: Bitblt at January 05, 2017 10:07

Hmmm, reminds me of Trump. But then I've been drinking.

Cooth, if you are around I missed your post asking about my security problem. Did you have me confused w/ someone else?

Posted by: Farmer at January 05, 2017 10:20 PM (o/90i)

565 519

Yep, oh I am sorry I pulled us back from ww3 because emails exposed and embarrass some of the Democrat ruling class. I can only hope the millions mothers who didn't lose sons can forgive me.

Posted by: Shiggz at January 05, 2017 10:32 PM (G7wcY)

566 I don't care for the constant scoldings from our progressive betters, seeking to correct the miserable, ignorant hayseeds in flyover country. Screw 'em.

When I was a CW03 in Army aviation flying OH-58s, I was in charge of STANDOC, which is Armyspeak for writing the book and enforcing its dictates so we employed our helicopters most effectively and safely in combat and peacetime.

Since we did a lot of NOE (nap of the Earth) flying so low that you'd sometimes come back from a hop with branches and leaves still clinging to our skids, following proper procedures is a must.

We'd have sometimes some very mouthy West Point grads, who were commissioned officers who outranked the CWOs who made up the majority of our pilots. While many of them were good, humble pilots, some would come in and try to tell us our business. They had neither the wisdom or experience to talk down to us, but they did anyway until they realized that they weren't as good cyclic and collective pilots as they thought. We had ways of humbling them until they realized that new wings are merely a license to learn.

I see the Left like those arrogant junior officers. Just like those JOs, they needed a comeuppance and got a big one in the form of Donald Trump. I don't agree with him on everything, but I admire his no-BS mentality and his desire to do something that most GOPers won't do: Take the fight to the enemy.

Posted by: grizzledcoastie at January 05, 2017 10:55 PM (QWiQ+)

567 I would argue that the self-proclaimed experts actually do let the architect (or the interior designer, or the fashion expert, etc.) tell THEM what is the best design for the house. How else would the oh-so-sophisticated experts end up with the ugliest and least useful designs for living spaces, decoration, and clothing? Have you SEEN the models on the runways lately? Clothing so ridiculously ugly and impractical that only a self-absorbed moron would consider it, just because some designer has told them it is 'daring' and 'sophisticated'?

And don't even get me started on what passes for high art over the last 40 years....

The point is that the experts consider it a sign of high taste and sophistication to live their lives in perpetual search of the newest *thing*, no matter how ugly or impractical, and only their accepted conservators of aesthetics and meaning (who are all also compensated so ridiculously highly that only the expert class can afford them) can show them the way...

Posted by: Detokavol at January 05, 2017 10:56 PM (oCIIr)

568 I recently experienced a variation on the dining room expert. I'm building a house and sketched out the kitchen for the way we work and live.

The design experts were a little more subtle, but not much, as they patronizingly 'splained about resale, symmetry and balance. I let them have their say and then ran my very best Joan Crawford on them; "Fuck resale and symmetry, no upper cabinets on this wall. Got it?"

Fired the designer asshats and found an older cabinetmaker who walked me through the traps and tricks to create a great custom kitchen. It's exactly what I wanted.

Posted by: Shanks for the memory at January 05, 2017 11:04 PM (TdCQk)

569 Taking this architecture metaphor a step further, the "architect" in this case says, "Oh, so you don't want your house to be built the way I designed it? Well, screw you. I'm taking you to court, and the judge is going to tell you that you have to accept my design and build your house exactly that way. It's only fair. You hired me to do a job, I did the job, and you have to accept the job that I did. Also, you're going to pay me ten times the fee that we agreed on, just for putting me to such trouble."

Posted by: The Deplorable Prothonotary Warbler at January 05, 2017 11:20 PM (0OG8D)

570 You have been hitting it out of the park lately Ace. This is the second article in the past week I've copied in its entirety to reread and enjoy again later.


Posted by: wyntre at January 06, 2017 10:12 AM (tTy1z)

571 I'm an expert in my particular technical field. My clients pay a few hundred bucks an hour for my time - to provide with detailed advice on how to avoid spending what often amounts to millions of dollars unnecessarily. I don't just tell my clients what to do and expect them to do - I explain why and provide them with detailed analysis so that they can make their own fully informed decision. If I didn't do that, I wouldn't be getting much work, and my the firm I work for would, and should probably fire me.

Posted by: justasheep at January 06, 2017 03:07 PM (eAwkx)

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