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Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Mis. Hum.]

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Hello everybody. Thank you for stopping by. Why not grab a T-R-E-A-T and STAY for awhile. There are some interesting animal stories and some really nice Petmorons.

A Little of This. A Little of That.

Is this really true? 21 weird things that cat owners do.

National Black Cat Day.
Despite being just a loveable as their more colourful brothers and sisters, for years black cats have been neglected, faced suspicion, hostility and even death as a result of silly superstition.

Bambi goes out to dinner. Bambi doesn't realize breaking a window is not the way to enter a diner.

GOP VP candidate Mike Pence's Beagle Maverick passes away. Condolences Gov. Pence.

A video h/t submitted by Brother Cavil.

A $40,000 dog? Supposedly there are. Coonhounds. I just drive up and down the roads where I live, they are thick here.
h/t BigNJames

An Afghan Hound has been named the world's prettiest dog. That's bound to start an argument.

It's not math. But, it is a quiz. C'mon take the quiz. It doesn't hurt.

A feel good story shared with us by our very own L, Elle.

Meet The PetMorons

zz bob mcquire.jpg

Moron RobertM submitted this photo and the following story, "RobertM's (and Maggie's) pack of rescues walking their human slave Maggie:
(l to r) Sunny, Sydney, Chloe, Quincy (diFurface), Josie, and Freddie the greyhounds.
The mutts on the right in front are Stanley (the black one) and Ojo (formerly of Namibia)."
Now get back to walking Bob.


Meet Val, a show dog. Val's owner had the following to tell us, "This is Val, one of our year-old Borzoi, being groomed for a show and displaying not just a soft, happy expression but also some superb Hasidic curls.

Kodos the Executioner"

zz rusty.jpg

An unidentified Lurker shared this photo and story of Rusty with us.

Rusty, ordinarily a mild-mannered Golden Retriever for an average suburban family, when the trail calls turns into Rusty the Alaskan Wilderness Adventure Dog, fighting the never ending battle for truth, justice and against squirrels.

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This is Lurker Jim's buddy and story, "I’m a moron lurker and I've attached a picture of OhCee (for Office Cat) for your Saturday pet post."

zz husky.jpg

Taqyia2Me, shares this story about Nikita. "Here is Nikita - 5/9/04 - 4/17/15
Fierce defender of her yard. Killed 2 raccoons, 12 possums and countless birds and rabbits there.
Her favorite game was always "bite daddy!"
We miss her something awful"

zz maggie.jpg

Liz wanted us to here about her dog. "Here's my 9 yr-old Yorkie, Maggie, all ready for a run on the beach. When you're this short, sand blowing in your eyes can be a big bummer."


"I've attached a few pictures of my girls, sisters Alfie and Glinda. I'm a long time lurker, and I've commented under PDizzle"
So PDizzle is shy but has nice looking kitties.

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The following submission about Mr. Kitty was sent in to us from Dr. Varno.

Neighbour cats of Dr. Varno.
Sent from a friend.

-- Dr. Varno

That's a wrap for the Pet Thread for another week. If you have animal news, tips or stories please feel free to submit them. Also if you haven't submitted your pet photo we are hoping you do. Your submissions can be sent here to petmorons at gmail dot com.

Here's hoping you have a good week.


Please no politics or current affairs.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 02:42 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Thursday:

Liberals: "These claims by Trump that the election may be rigged are UNDERMINING DEMOCRACY! It is fascistic! We are afraid the hillbillies will start a violent uprising when Trump refuses to acknowledge the election results! It is dangerous to say the election is rigged!"

Friday, after the FBI re-opens the Clinton email probe:


Posted by: zombie at October 29, 2016 02:42 PM (jBuUi)

2 Beautiful pets this week, as always.

Posted by: @DangerGirl ( and her 1.21 Gigawatt SanityProd (tm) at October 29, 2016 02:44 PM (+eR2D)

3 Caturday! 🐈
And Puppy Day 🐕

Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 02:45 PM (sWbjH)

4 Okay. I call first dibs on all the Greyhounds. And the Borzoi. And the Golden Retriever. If forced to, I will settle for two Greyhounds. Or all.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:45 PM (bpfzP)

5 Robert M needs a dog sled

Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 02:46 PM (sWbjH)


I have several "pets" -- bluejays and crows who feed at my bird feeder.

Both are "corvids," the smartest kind of bird. But which are smarter, the jays or the crows?

Interestingly, I have trained the jays to actually come into my house. by moving the feeder inward bit by bit, day after day, until the feeder is literally in the middle of my living room -- and the jays will now hop all the way inside to get their favorite food (peanuts.)

But the crows -- no way! They are totally paranoid! Smart, bur paranoid.

So, does that make the crows smarter -- or the jays?

Posted by: zombie at October 29, 2016 02:46 PM (jBuUi)

7 I've read that Borzois are the World's Dumbest Dogs. If true (and I'm not saying it is), then Greyhounds are a close second. Look at their heads. Do you see any room for brains in there?

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:46 PM (bpfzP)

8 Update

Please no politics or current affairs.

Posted by: Open Blogger

Oops, sorry -- I saw a new thread and posted an already-written comment, without even noticing what kind of thread it was!

I got back on topic at comment #6.

Posted by: zombie at October 29, 2016 02:48 PM (jBuUi)

9 To all the lurkers, as one for a lot of years too
I enjoy seeing your pets but don't be a stranger.

Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 02:49 PM (sWbjH)

10 Thanks Zombie all is well.

Let's enjoy our pets and animals for awhile

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 02:49 PM (voOPb)

11 Looks like ketteh OC needs to lose some weight.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 29, 2016 02:50 PM (mpXpK)

12 (Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to the sighthounds. The sighthounds are the dearest and the sweetest. Okay maybe the Golden Retrievers are the dearest and sweetest too. Okay. Maybe they are all the dearest and sweetest. All the dogs are dear and sweet. But most of all the sighthounds.)

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:50 PM (bpfzP)

13 4 Okay. I call first dibs on all the Greyhounds. And the Borzoi. And the Golden Retriever. If forced to, I will settle for two Greyhounds. Or all.
Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:45

Dont you have greyhound parks near you?
if you do, they are always replacing race dogs.

My officiating mentor had a rescue greyhound from the Little Chute WI track. Wonderful dog

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 02:50 PM (voOPb)

14 I envy PDizzle. I can barely get my two cats to be in the same room together, let along have them both in the same photo.

Posted by: @DangerGirl ( and her 1.21 Gigawatt SanityProd (tm) at October 29, 2016 02:50 PM (+eR2D)

15 Exceptional pet photos this week.

Posted by: French Jeton at October 29, 2016 02:51 PM (WMvHw)

16 I'm late. Did anyone do the Noods? I'll go check

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 02:51 PM (6IPEM)

17 Maggie better hope those Greys don't see a bunny hopping along. Otherwise it's Indiana Jones time.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 02:52 PM (J8/9G)

18 My kittehs are all enjoying the open windows this week. But they will not get that much longer. Soon this weird weather will make up its mind whether it wants to be Summer, Fall, or Winter and those windows will all go closed.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 29, 2016 02:52 PM (mpXpK)

19 Not even 1/2 of the things other cat owners do thank you.

Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 02:53 PM (sWbjH)

20 Dont you have greyhound parks near you?

if you do, they are always replacing race dogs.

My officiating mentor had a rescue greyhound from the Little Chute WI track. Wonderful dog

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 02:50 PM (voOPb)

Yeah, we had Dairyland race track right up the road from us. That's where we got our greyhounds. Little Winger was a lead-out there in high school. Unfortunately they closed the track several years ago now. On the plus side, they had more applicants to adopt the dogs than they had dogs for adoption. I think they adopted out about 400 of them.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:54 PM (bpfzP)

21 Soon this weird weather will make up its mind whether it wants to be Summer, Fall, or Winter and those windows will all go closed.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 29, 2016 02:52 PM (mpXpK)

60s today in NW WI, central IL has close to 80. Fall is coming, and it will hit hard. You've guys have had enough crap weather hope it holds off for you

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 02:54 PM (voOPb)

22 Not sure if it's good or bad but pet threads always give me a hankerin to get a dog.

Posted by: Willy J. at October 29, 2016 02:54 PM (Ha50C)

23 Did the Noods.
In before the dogeater sock

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 02:56 PM (6IPEM)

24 Conor swears up and down that he had nothing to do with the Oscar Mayer weiner pictures on my iPhone!

Posted by: Hrothgar at October 29, 2016 02:56 PM (wCEn4)

25 7 I've read that Borzois are the World's Dumbest Dogs. If true (and I'm not saying it is), then Greyhounds are a close second. Look at their heads. Do you see any room for brains in there?

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:46 PM (bpfzP)


To be sure, Borzoi males are dumb and happy-go-lucky. On the other hand, the girls are scheming, manipulative and sneaky. Whatever they do wrong, they make it look like one of the boys did it.

More seriously, the sighthounds (e.g. Afghans, Borzoi, Greyhounds, Salukis) are meant to be hunters who chase and catch prey without their handlers around. So what gets called "dumb" is really a fiercely independent nature. They can be trained, but get bored easily and, with their profound sense of justice, don't respond well to harsh treatment.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 02:57 PM (J8/9G)

26 Yay, the food thread!

Posted by: Barack O at October 29, 2016 02:57 PM (kTF2Z)

27 Beautiful pets this week, all you lucky pet morons. Is it me, or is OhCee a fat cat? At least he's wearing the proper attire for an office cat.

That picture of the "world's prettiest dog" reminded me of the Fabio of horses we had here a while back.

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 02:57 PM (uHcnA)

28 It's going to be almost 90 here tomorrow and Monday then finally drop to low 80's and into the 70's by the end of the week. I am so sick of the heat. I hardly have any sweat left to spare.

Posted by: @DangerGirl ( and her 1.21 Gigawatt SanityProd (tm) at October 29, 2016 02:57 PM (+eR2D)

29 If adopting a dog from a racetrack, ask to see their racing record. The better the racer, the dumber the dog. Why, you ask? Because the smart ones figure out that they can take a short cut across the track and catch the bunny. So they get disqualified and adopted out early. Our first greyhound was a Class A racer, which meant she raced over 2 years and had a high percentage of wins. Thus - dumber than a bag of hair.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:58 PM (bpfzP)

30 22 Not sure if it's good or bad but pet threads always give me a hankerin to get a dog.
Posted by: Willy J. at October 29, 2016 02:54 PM (Ha50C)

The answer is GET ONE

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 02:58 PM (voOPb)

31 Have to call out Taquiya2me for fraud:

There is no way that carpet and house does not have balls of fur flying around!

Admit it, you staged that outrageously cute picture to con all the idiots who do not know how they shed.

(speaking as someone whose navy blue carpeting right now is gray from my dog shedding)

Posted by: mustbequantum at October 29, 2016 02:58 PM (MIKMs)

32 Just got back from the 7th annual doggie Halloween costume parade at a local garden nursery. What a collection of cuties and in adorable, creative outfits. Some pups: Havanese, a Bichon, and a German Shepard with fantastic conformation. No lack of poodles (our favorites) of all sizes and colors. So many others. If I needed to fill a cute quotient, I did. What a great way to spend a couple of hours.

Posted by: JTB at October 29, 2016 02:58 PM (V+03K)

33 21 60s today in NW WI, central IL has close to 80. Fall
is coming, and it will hit hard. You've guys have had enough crap
weather hope it holds off for you

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 02:54 PM (voOPb)

Its in the 80s here today but this can't hold up up for long. My Winter blooming Camellias are starting to bloom now which is about the right time, but normally it is cool in the day and cold at night by now. This has been the warmest October I have ever seen here in the 40 years I have been living here.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 29, 2016 02:58 PM (mpXpK)

34 This is an exceptionally fine group of pets. What personalities! Rusty is ready for his own Jack London movie.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at October 29, 2016 02:59 PM (EnKk6)

35 Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 02:58 PM (bpfzP

I didn't know that or that you had a greyhound at one time. Thanks grammie

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 02:59 PM (voOPb)

36 Any time I leave the house, I come home to a picture like that one.

50 lb puppy has been tearing up carpet (it needs to go anyway, so I'm not bothered about that), shoes, cords, trash he finds, things from the kitchen, etc., etc., etc.

We keep buying him rawhides, which may or may not make a difference.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 29, 2016 03:00 PM (3hIZX)

37 don't respond well to harsh treatment.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 02:57 PM (J8/9G)

So true. If we dared scold Emma, she would hide in the closet for the rest of the day. Fortunately, she rarely did anything wrong. In fact she rarely did anything at all except lay on the couch.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:00 PM (bpfzP)

38 In honor of National Black Cat Day, I'll remember my beloved kitty kat Dandy. She was my best friend, my companion, my buddy for 17 years. When I walked into our house after my mom had passed away, she looked up at me with the most compassionate loving eyes, as if she knew. Then she promptly began to use the kitchen counter as her chaise longue, because she was safe now. (Mom always used to chase her off).

Whenever I'm sick and tired of the old man, I remember how when Dandy passed away, he retreated to his garage. I didn't know what he was doing in there every day when he came back from work. After a few days he emerged with a little Dandy sized casket. Then he went out in the December cold and started digging until he found a spot that wasn't rockbound. He dug deep enough to keep the critters away from my little girl's final resting place. And when we had finally covered the casket and said our prayers, I looked up to the twilight sky.There were a crescent moon and two stars in the shape of a smilie face beaming down at us.

Posted by: kallisto at October 29, 2016 03:00 PM (nNdYv)

39 Barely, L, Elle! Ha ha!

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:00 PM (uHcnA)

40 So, I had some upsetting news this week.

Saved up and took the cat to the very expensive cardiac vet, since her regular vet detected a heart murmur.

Well, my cute as a button, sweetheart of a kitty cat has heart disease, and is now on tiny doses of people meds.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:01 PM (hqqM5)

41 dog story of the week...

i was over at the Left LA VA, leaving after my latest flirtation with death at their hands when i saw a large creature, apparently female, in full burka, with only the eyes and hands exposed...

it was accompanied by a companion dog, in full uniform, vest and all.

serious WTF moment, since dogs are haram, and who let a moose slime into the VA anyway?

Posted by: redc1c4 at October 29, 2016 03:01 PM (KWUK6)

42 Cat or dog, purebred or mixed, love them all. No matter how bad the day, no matter how much you've been beaten down, there's a little fan club waiting for you at home.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 03:01 PM (J8/9G)

43 OhCee is great -- he needs one of those green visors and an adding machine.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at October 29, 2016 03:01 PM (EnKk6)

44 Quit fat-shaming OhCee, mean people. I like him. He's the good kind of chubby. He's so cute!!!

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 03:01 PM (6IPEM)

45 Well, my cute as a button, sweetheart of a kitty cat has heart disease, and is now on tiny doses of people meds.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:01 PM (hqqM

Don't despair too much. Our mid-kids corgi has CFH and has been going almost 3 years with meds

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 03:02 PM (voOPb)

46 shibumi - that's upsetting news. Hopefully between a good vet and good medication, you'll have a good outcome.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:04 PM (bpfzP)

47 kallisto, what a sweet, sweet story. Thanks for sharing that with us.

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:04 PM (uHcnA)

48 Sad face, shibumi. Poor kitty.
At least your kitty cat has you for comfort and care.

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 03:05 PM (6IPEM)

49 serious WTF moment, since dogs are haram, and who let a moose slime into the VA anyway?

Posted by: redc1c4 at October 29, 2016 03:01 PM (KWUK6)

That is kinda weird.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:05 PM (bpfzP)

50 Sorry for your loss T2Me. Such a pretty dog with that warriors heart.

Posted by: PaleRider at October 29, 2016 03:06 PM (Jen0I)

51 And when we had finally covered the casket and said
our prayers, I looked up to the twilight sky.There were a crescent moon
and two stars in the shape of a smilie face beaming down at us.

Posted by: kallisto at October 29, 2016 03:00 PM (nNdYv)

Wow. What a bittersweet moment.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:07 PM (bpfzP)

52 Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:04 PM (uHcnA)

I love animals and am so tempted to adopt a kitty and a little dog as her friend, but I don't know if I'm ready yet.

They really are remarkable companions.

Posted by: kallisto at October 29, 2016 03:08 PM (nNdYv)

53 Love seeing the pets, as always. Even my junior morons eagerly await the pet threads. Sometimes I have to warn them, "Don't scroll too far up! Inappropriate content!" (that I, of course, am laughing at).

Today's pet thread is a source of solace since we put Hoplite Housedog to sleep this morning. Arthritis and dementia were taking their toll and, wrenching as the decision was, it was the right thing to do. She was often challenging over the 8 years we had her, being very high-strung and needy, probably due to neglect and abandonment in her early years. Nonetheless, she was a sweet dog who was happiest lying on the sofa next to my husband and watching football. I guess she'll be cheering for the Patriots from the Rainbow Bridge.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:09 PM (hYNPr)


Crows will steal you blind after a shiv. Jays will con you like a carny grifter.

Posted by: Grandma from "The Birds" at October 29, 2016 03:10 PM (FtrY1)

55 One of my dogs went down to SoIll Carbondale with me to visit (I could take him anywhere in the car, no matter how long the trip). He was a furry border collie type mutt and had a blast being oohed and aahed and petted. We took him to the park with a really pretty spillway and he had a great time posing and playing leaping on the rocks. Until he fell in. Cried and spent the rest of the afternoon behind my knees.

Posted by: mustbequantum at October 29, 2016 03:10 PM (MIKMs)

56 Thank you for your kind words Grammie and I,Elle. I appreciate it.

My kitty cat Penny is not very old-- about ten, and had cancer four years ago. The vet admitted that it was not the best news, but it certainly was not the worst, and in fact, he had already given much worse news that very day.

So.. she is on meds 2x day, and I go back in six months. If all is well then, I'll only go back once a year.


I was thinking about getting a second cat. But now regular, VERY costly vet visits has now made that impractical.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:11 PM (hqqM5)

57 I'm so sorry Hoplite Housewife. That's so hard.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:11 PM (bpfzP)

58 Great pic of the Golden.

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at October 29, 2016 03:11 PM (89T5c)

59 My mother has a mouse problem so she bought some old fashioned mouse traps. My sister thought they were cruel because they don't necessarily kill immediately. She bought a new fangled mouse trap that electrocutes them.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I AM SPARTACUS! at October 29, 2016 03:11 PM (Nwg0u)

60 Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:09 PM (hYNPr

The hardest thing to do as a pet owner but also the right thing to do at the time.
Best wishes for you and your family. May the memories always be sweet.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 03:12 PM (voOPb)

61 Dealing with more aggravation and fucking stupidity of the human race as I continue to search for a canine buddy:

Local shelter has a dog. Dog has three people on the list waiting to adopt it, so I pass. First person adopts dog.

Adopter loses dog the VERY first day. Now there's a pet alert going around town. People see dog and post pics on FB after futile attempts to retrieve it. Dog still not recovered.

Reading the Facebook threads on this continual clusterfuck is why I gave up on humans.

Posted by: #NeverHillary - #SchlongerTogether at October 29, 2016 03:13 PM (6RZuW)

62 Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, I AM SPARTACUS! at October 29, 2016 03:11 PM (Nwg0u)

lol this is one of the things I miss about having feline pets: No mice!

After watching my cats in action, I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that ANY mouse trap is less torturous than getting caught by a kitteh.

Posted by: kallisto at October 29, 2016 03:14 PM (nNdYv)

63 My mother has a mouse problem so she bought some old fashioned mouse traps. My sister thought they were cruel because they don't necessarily kill immediately. She bought a new fangled mouse trap that electrocutes them.

Two houses over, they were feeding the squirrels, which attracted mice. That led to mice in the garage of the house between us.

So the house having mouse problems got a cat. Oliver. Awesome little guy, he was friends with everyone in the neighborhood, and my cats boyfriend. Even though she never went outside. It was like Lady and the Tramp, but with cats.

For one summer, my backyard was a killing field. I eventually made peace with it. Thankfully, Oliver has been made a house cat, so hopefully he will have a very long life.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:14 PM (hqqM5)

64 When I worked for the Vet, the hardest part was answering the phone and making an appointment for someone's last trip to the vet.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:14 PM (bpfzP)

65 My cats use mice as batterless toys, no blood spilled so they must frighten them to death.

Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (sWbjH)

66 Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:09 PM (hYNPr)


Hard as it was for you, you did the right thing. We call it "the last gift of love".

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (J8/9G)

67 Re: 21 things cat owners do: oh my god, we do every single one.

Posted by: Jeff at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (S3MHq)

68 64 When I worked for the Vet, the hardest part was answering the phone and making an appointment for someone's last trip to the vet.
Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:14 PM (bpfzP

We've moved since we last had to put pets down. The old vet would make a house call.

Our current vet? Don't know as the 2 that have passed died of natural causes at home.

Tough job grammie.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (voOPb)

69 Visited a friend while she was in vet school. Greyhounds were used for blood transfusion due to high platelet count.

Posted by: Greyhound to Rescue at October 29, 2016 03:17 PM (qlPzn)

70 Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (sWbjH)

I often wondered if the mice just had a heart attack before the cat went in for the kill shot. Sometimes after the mouse died, the kitteh would just look at it like: WUT? WHY U GIV UP SO SOON

and then just sashay away

Posted by: kallisto at October 29, 2016 03:18 PM (nNdYv)

71 Jays will con you like a carny grifter.

It sure didn't work with the Indians.

Posted by: That AL Team from Toronto at October 29, 2016 03:19 PM (3C9q2)

72 Visited a friend while she was in vet school. Greyhounds were used for blood transfusion due to high platelet count.

Posted by: Greyhound to Rescue at October 29, 2016 03:17 PM (qlPzn)

Yeah, my dogs were the transfusion dogs. It helps that they sit so still, too.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:19 PM (bpfzP)

73 She bought a new fangled mouse trap that electrocutes them.

Hmm. Didn't see any of those when I bought traps... must look again!

Otoh, our silly dog would stick her nose into the darn thing (probably) if she could get to it.

We put traps out in the shop, without thinking how exposed they were--- along came Her Noseyness and **Snap!** and she refused to enter the shop for some months afterward, poor thing...

Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 29, 2016 03:19 PM (044Fx)

74 Great looking pets Ya'll....

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 29, 2016 03:19 PM (ej1L0)

75 Cuz and his wife just left after a nice visit, and showed us photos of their live-caught pack rats.

Their summer home up in WY has become infested.

What's a pack rat?

Posted by: the littl shyning man at October 29, 2016 03:21 PM (U6f54)

76 64 When I worked for the Vet, the hardest part was answering the phone and making an appointment for someone's last trip to the vet.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:14 PM (bpfzP)


I had previously spoken with the vet to get his opinion, but setting up the appointment was one of the most difficult phone calls I've ever made. I was mortified that I burst into tears on the phone.

Thanks, everyone, for your kind words.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:21 PM (hYNPr)

77 Does anyone know if certain breeds are more likely to have an on/off personality? I keep hearing this term before, meaning a dog will show high energy when he's outside and playing, and then "switch off" as soon as he goes inside, so you don't have to worry about him chewing up the furniture.

Posted by: #NeverHillary - #SchlongerTogether at October 29, 2016 03:22 PM (6RZuW)

78 Hoplite Housewife that is sad.

Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 03:23 PM (sWbjH)

79 Tough job grammie.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (voOPb)

It was. Although when I was in the office, the doc usually wanted me to assist. I didn't mind because I felt like I was giving a gift to the family, because I understood. I got it, and I grieved right along with them. I dunno - it's hard to explain, but I felt it was almost like a ministry.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:23 PM (bpfzP)

80 77 Does anyone know if certain breeds are more likely to have an on/off personality? I keep hearing this term before, meaning a dog will show high energy when he's outside and playing, and then "switch off" as soon as he goes inside, so you don't have to worry about him chewing up the furniture.
Posted by: #NeverHillary - #SchlongerTogether at October 29, 2016 03:22 PM (6RZuW)

My .02.

It really doesn't matter what breed you get. If you want the dog to behave inside it all boils down to training. What you may allow outside would probably not be allowed inside.

Chewing, potty training, no biting, are all a result of training.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 03:25 PM (voOPb)

81 So very sorry, Hoplite Housewife. That is the worst part of owning a pet ---- knowing that they will most likely die before you do. I'm sad for you.

I haven't seen your nic before. So happy that you came here today even if to share sad news. Awesome that you have junior morons in training that read the pet thread.

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 03:27 PM (6IPEM)

82 The most dangerous thing in the house is a large Labrador or Newfoundland's tail. Nothing of value is safe from that wag.

Posted by: pat at October 29, 2016 03:27 PM (4MSOz)

83 82 The most dangerous thing in the house is a large Labrador or Newfoundland's tail. Nothing of value is safe from that wag.
Posted by: pat at October 29, 2016 03:27 PM (4MSOz)

Have had setters for 34 years. Everything within range of their tails can't be moved. It is easier to child proof a house than to dog proof one.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 03:29 PM (voOPb)

84 ((HUGS)) Hoplite Housewife. I'm sure the vet office people understand the overflowing grief.

Posted by: PaleRider at October 29, 2016 03:30 PM (Jen0I)

85 Anecdotally, a friend of mine just a got a Chihuahua/ Jack Russel mix and it's as cute as a button. I think it's about three months old now.

He has been a nightmare to house train. I've run into two people who had the same type dog, and it can take up to six months to housetrain them. Plus they're a bit lazy and stubborn. The dog, not the owner, although that might apply to him as well.

Plus... he should have never gotten a small dog, since he's never home. So far, the dog has learned to occasionally pee on the pee pads, and poop in the house.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:30 PM (hqqM5)

86 Posted by: kallisto at October 29, 2016 03:00 PM (nNdYv)

Thanks for posting that.

I hate it when my allergies kick in while I'm reading the Pet Thread!

Posted by: Hrothgar at October 29, 2016 03:30 PM (wCEn4)

87 Our vet in town makes house calls for the last. Brings an associate to carry the body out after the owner is gone and takes care of all cremation, custom urn etc. The charge is no different than a clinic visit if the animal was a regular.

Posted by: pat at October 29, 2016 03:31 PM (4MSOz)

88 Hard as it was for you, you did the right thing. We call it "the last gift of love".
Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (J8/9G)

I know this is serious, and you're right about it being the last gift of love.

But paired with your nickname, well, I just had to laugh.

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:31 PM (uHcnA)

89 I've had dogs growing up and as an adult. One was a beautiful Golden Retriever I took care of for 6 months. SIL had the dog but lost her house and the dog (Gracie) needed a home. I was a little reluctant but the wife convinced me to take her in. Gracie had problems would always pee on the floor anytime someone came to the door. I found out that was not the dogs problem but her owners. She was getting so little attention she got over exited any time she thought she might get some. While she was with me and my family that problem went away. I felt really bad giving her back to the SIL . It was even worse when I learned all her problems like excited peeing returned.

Sorry for the rant but some pet owners suck.

Posted by: Willy J. at October 29, 2016 03:32 PM (Ha50C)

90 Been several weeks since I've been here while the thread is still warm. Always enjoy it, even if I had to read it cold.

In the Unhappy News department...

Three - or is it four now? - weeks ago, we took our faithful dog to the vet for a bloody anus. Conversation included the words colonscopy and chemotherapy (at some animal hospital in The City), and the phrases making him comfortable and quality of life.

We don't really have the wealth to do extraordinary work on the old guy - we can only pray. We have changed his diet to be more "passable." (Pumpkin? Who knew?) He seems to be doing a little better.

On top of that, he broke one of his proud perky ears, and now it's floppy all the time. Again, this can be surgically fixed, and not too expensively by our local vet, but we're still debating doing that. Makes him look sad all the time.

How Gimli came to live with us, and a link to a photo, from back on the Inaugural Ace of Spades Pet Thread:

Posted by: mindful webworker - katzndoggez at October 29, 2016 03:33 PM (5a8XA)

91 it's hard to explain, but I felt it was almost like a ministry.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:23 PM (bpfzP)

Having availed myself of those services too many times, I agree that it is a ministry and a gift to people that are sore of heart yet doing the right thing!

Posted by: Hrothgar at October 29, 2016 03:33 PM (wCEn4)

Posted by: pat at October 29, 2016 03:31 PM (4MSOz

You have a thoughtful vet. And one worth having.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at October 29, 2016 03:33 PM (voOPb)

93 I have two cats, as my yellow lab is gone. One of my cats ran off last spring, and as he was old, I thought he was a gonner.
He showed up in late summer, terribly skinny and looked bad, and my neighbor started feeding him. Finally got close enough to him to see he was my lost cat. Finally got him in the house, and it's just like old times. I think he is demented or senile (about 16 years old).
After my dog died, my lone cat was really lonely, as she missed the dog (they were pals). Now at least she has her old nemesis in the house, and they keep each other company during the day (and fill up the litter boxes twice as fast).

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....Grate American cheese again! at October 29, 2016 03:34 PM (RFeQD)

94 I guess she'll be cheering for the Patriots from the Rainbow Bridge.
Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:09 PM (hYNPr)


So hard to lose your pets - but so happy there will be another Pats fan cheering on from Pet Heaven!

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:34 PM (uHcnA)

95 kallisto -- I may make jokes about my black cat because he is affectionate and obedient, but I know that when he goes there will be a big hole in my heart.

I never knew that black dogs and cats were considered bad somehow.

Posted by: mustbequantum at October 29, 2016 03:35 PM (MIKMs)

96 That's cool about your jays, zombie.
I'm just gonna guess based on their size that crows are a little smarter, and I've read that ravens are at a level even above crows.

Grackles aren't corvids, and they're everywhere here, pooping on people's heads. Thus they get no respect, but I get a kick out of them sometimes. On the short ferry ride I take regularly, the grackles ride too, checking all the car grills and pickup beds for food. One of the ferry workers brings bread aboard, and they land on her to receive it. She told me a one-legged bird named (surprise!) Stumpy rode the ferries with her for 10 years.

Posted by: stace...SMOD/Creepy Clown 2016 at October 29, 2016 03:36 PM (ozZau)

97 I had no idea greyhounds could give blood transfusions. That's absolutely amazing. What a nice thing.

I learn so much here.

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:36 PM (uHcnA)

98 81 So very sorry, Hoplite Housewife. That is the worst part of owning a pet ---- knowing that they will most likely die before you do. I'm sad for you.

I haven't seen your nic before. So happy that you came here today even if to share sad news. Awesome that you have junior morons in training that read the pet thread.

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 03:27 PM (6IPEM)


Thanks, L, Elle. I post on rare occasions, but have been lurking forever. In addition to the pet thread, my junior morons enjoy the ONT. Again, subject to my pre-approval.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:37 PM (hYNPr)

99 I think he is demented or senile (about 16 years old).
After my dog died, my lone cat was really lonely, as she missed the dog (they were pals). Now at least she has her old nemesis in the house, and they keep each other company during the day (and fill up the litter boxes twice as fast).
If you search for feline dementia or senility at you'll find some good info.

I think one of the big things is coconut oil.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:38 PM (hqqM5)

100 77. They say greyhounds are like that. I don't know how high energy they are outside but described as "zoom around in the yard for 30 minutes and then ready to sleep in the house."

Most dogs will adapt well to the house is the quiet zone, so it probably comes down to "does this dog need 20 minutes /day or over 2 hours /day of outdoor exercise?" and if you only have 20 minutes get the appropriate dog." Cattle dog breeds, Jack Russel Terriers, meth labs are going to need the long amounts of exercise.

Posted by: PaleRider at October 29, 2016 03:39 PM (Jen0I)

101 That Golden Retriever is beautiful.....

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at October 29, 2016 03:39 PM (Zu3d9)

102 Dont you have greyhound parks near you?
if you do, they are always replacing race dogs.

My officiating mentor had a rescue greyhound from the Little Chute WI track. Wonderful dog
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian

My Bil and Sil had a greyhound rescue. She was a poor race, lived in a crate for a year, and they adopted her. She was a pretty dumb dog, but she was also very sweet tempered and affectionate. When she died, I thought my BiL was going to lose it. He really loved that dog.

A good dog can heal what ails you inside, sometimes. They can give you such unconditional love and loyalty that is reassuring in such a messed up world full of messed up people.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....Grate American cheese again! at October 29, 2016 03:40 PM (RFeQD)

103 I think black cats are beautiful. Very regal, somehow. Pity I can't touch them or any other cat or I'll blow up because of allergies.

Our neighbor has a lovely orange cat that roams around outside. Very frequently he or she will come to our house because of the chipmunks that live under our porch. Usually the cat will run away when s/he sees us.

But yesterday I went out to pick up a piece of paper that had blown onto the lawn, and the cat was out there. I said hello, as I always do, and wouldn't you know it, the darned thing came and wrapped itself around my legs. I wanted so much to pet him/her, but I just couldn't.

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:40 PM (uHcnA)

104 I heard that black dogs were the best, er... um, *tasting* although I never actually tested that theory.

Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 29, 2016 03:41 PM (044Fx)

105 I think one of the big things is coconut oil.
Posted by: shibumi

Thanks, I'll look into that.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....Grate American cheese again! at October 29, 2016 03:42 PM (RFeQD)

106 88 Hard as it was for you, you did the right thing. We call it "the last gift of love".
Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 03:16 PM (J8/9G)

I know this is serious, and you're right about it being the last gift of love.

But paired with your nickname, well, I just had to laugh.

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:31 PM (uHcnA)


I burst out laughing at that, as well!

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:42 PM (hYNPr)

107 After my dog died, my lone cat was really lonely, as
she missed the dog (they were pals). Now at least she has her old
nemesis in the house, and they keep each other company during the day
(and fill up the litter boxes twice as fast).

Posted by: Bossy Conservative....Grate American cheese again! at October 29, 2016 03:34 PM (RFeQD)

That's so great that your cat came back after all that time? Wouldn't you love to be able to hear the back story?

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:42 PM (bpfzP)

108 A rescue mission on the outskirts of Mosul, Iraq saved the lives of a dog and her puppies who were buried alive in a military operation against the Islamic State.



Posted by: mindful webworker - DNN - dog noos network at October 29, 2016 03:42 PM (5a8XA)

109 You have a thoughtful vet. And one worth having.

My vet's school of veterinary medicine sends a card to clients who have had a pet put to sleep within a week or so of the kitteh or doggeh's passing. The card states simply that my vet has donated some money to the vet school for research into animal diseases in memory of the person's pet. Three of the four kittehs who are no longer with me had to be put to sleep (the fourth died in my arms), so it was a comfort to me that my vet cares enough to donate to research that will help other pets as well as being kind and understanding to me when my kittehs needed to be relieved of incurable diseases (cancer, cardiac hypertrophy, and diabetes + hyperthyroidism).

Posted by: Basement Cat at October 29, 2016 03:43 PM (3C9q2)

110 Pet Thread!!! Great looking group again this week! Thanks for sharing, everyone.

Posted by: Weasel at October 29, 2016 03:43 PM (Sfs6o)

I burst out laughing at that, as well!

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:42 PM (hYNPr)

But I should add, Kodos, that I truly appreciate the sentiments.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:43 PM (hYNPr)

112 Thanks, L, Elle. I post on rare occasions, but have been lurking forever. In addition to the pet thread, my junior morons enjoy the ONT. Again, subject to my pre-approval.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:37 PM (hYNPr)

The ONTs have some great, great stuff in them! Frequently I'll download some picture or something and send it along to my family.

But the comments sometimes, yowza . . . you're right to pre-approve, Hoplite Housewife!

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:43 PM (uHcnA)

113 Pet thread related, baby bears.

grammie will like this one

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 03:44 PM (6IPEM)

114 Not exactly a pet story, but...

A wild deer paid a surprise visit to a diner in Indiana as it burst through a window and went on a rampage....


(no video - in this day and age!?! - just one blurry pic)

Posted by: mindful webworker - DNN - deer noos network at October 29, 2016 03:45 PM (5a8XA)

115 BTW, this is my favorite thread of the week. Then the ONT's.

No politics, no disagreements, just people sharing stories and, if they can, helping one another. Really proves that the Horde is a community, not just a bunch of random people bitching about politics.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:45 PM (hqqM5)

116 I didn't realize today was dedicated to the PBY Catalina. My father flew them.

Posted by: George LeS at October 29, 2016 03:45 PM (+TcCF)

117 82 The most dangerous thing in the house is a large Labrador or Newfoundland's tail. Nothing of value is safe from that wag.
Posted by: pat at October 29, 2016 03:27 PM (4MSOz)

The lab, yes, I'll confirm that. But the tail is not our newf's worst asset-it's his lack of food aggression, and preference for being hand fed.

The worst part is that we do it.

Posted by: Moki at October 29, 2016 03:46 PM (VnCI9)

118 That's so great that your cat came back after all that time? Wouldn't you love to be able to hear the back story?
Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:42 PM (bpfzP)

My son showed me a video on youtube one time, that was taken from a camera attached to the collar of a cat that roamed outside at night. Holy cow. Lots of fighting with rodents.

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:47 PM (uHcnA)

119 112 The ONTs have some great, great stuff in them! Frequently I'll download some picture or something and send it along to my family.

But the comments sometimes, yowza . . . you're right to pre-approve, Hoplite Housewife!

Posted by: bluebell at October 29, 2016 03:43 PM (uHcnA)

Oh, no, not the comments! Just some of the content - animal videos, cute kids, military stuff - that sort of thing. Never Yoko, though.

If the kids are around, I really have to stifle my laughter at the comments or they'll want to know what's so funny. It's invariably something I can't share with them.

Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:48 PM (hYNPr)

120 They say greyhounds are like that. I don't know how high energy they
are outside but described as "zoom around in the yard for 30 minutes and
then ready to sleep in the house."

About 20 minutes 4 or 5 times a week, and they're out like a light for the remainder. They make wonderful apartment animals. Lazy as heck.

I used to tell people, the only dog easier than a Greyhound is a cat.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:49 PM (bpfzP)

I expected pets in halloween costumes.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 29, 2016 03:50 PM (ZJNOy)


grammie will like this one

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 03:44 PM (6IPEM)

I'm book-marking it, L, Elle. Rev just got home and he's pestering me for something.

Posted by: grammie winger -The Cubs Are In The World Series! at October 29, 2016 03:50 PM (bpfzP)

123 Mr. Kitty would like to know when you plan on returning that lawnmower you borrowed. Great Moronimals, all!

We had a step toward world peace in my family. Sister's dog is a big fan of cats, but since she is rather bouncy, cats frequently decline her advances. One of my cats is an extremely phlegmatic 20 lb. gentleman, and we thought the two might get along. A meeting (with a safety gate) was arranged, and no blood resulted! OK, a slightly fluffed tail, but no scrambling for safety or other diplomatic disasters. And kitteh seemed slightly disappointed when dog was no longer there to be ..studied. There is hope for the world. Further meetings are planned.

zombie, crows have it all over bluejays. I am training a local family group to hopefully come to my hand with peanuts. Right now they all recognize me and also understand the whistle that means "dinner". Sometimes they see me and sidle up to see if I might be in a peanut-dispensing mood I can get quite close to them now, and they don't hesitate to fly about 3' away from me. Close enough to hear their feathers rustle... (I never leave piles of peanuts out if I don't see them--not wanting the entire giant flock to come visiting. Also, bluejays.)

Posted by: Sabrina Chase at October 29, 2016 03:52 PM (SuJIo)

124 I used to tell people, the only dog easier than a Greyhound is a cat.

My Mom (who has since passed away) and I got our cat as a rescue. Penny the cat was about two years old, and just stared at us through the bars at Petco when we went to meet her. Mom said it looked as if she had just given up on finding a family. She had been living with two foster families and was returned once, since the woman's grandson was allergic.

For those concerned about adopting an older cat... I cannot recommend it highly enough. We talked to her foster Mom and found out about her personality. She is not a lap cat, but is pretty much... perfect. Uses the litter box, doesn't scratch the furniture, doesn't surf the counters, and never wants to go outside. She is incredibly sweet and although she's Mommy's Little Checkbook Depleter, I adore her.

Posted by: shibumi, a deplorable who now just wants to yell at stupid people at October 29, 2016 03:54 PM (hqqM5)

125 Awww... love the greyhounds. We rescued one several years. She was as sweet as can be. Sadly, when we moved she did not handle it well and we ended up having to give her back to the rescue place. She will always hold a special place in my heart. Funny follow up. About a year later I was driving down the street of the subdivision where we had moved and I saw a lady walking a dog that looked just like her. It was HER! I stopped and asked her name and the lady told me I nearly started bawling. I never said anything and occasionally would see her out walking. About 2 years ago I stopped seeing them so I think she may have passed away. But it warmed my heart to know she finally found a forever home. The lady still lives in the same house.

Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at October 29, 2016 03:54 PM (CNHr1)

126 I expected pets in halloween costumes.


All of mine have been terribly embarrassed by costumes and do their best to get rid of them. Worse than taking their collars off -- naked in public.

Posted by: mustbequantum at October 29, 2016 03:55 PM (MIKMs)

127 I heard that black dogs were the best, er... um, *tasting* although I never actually tested that theory.
Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 29, 2016 03:41 PM (044Fx)
I immediately knew it would be "Black Dog Roasting on an Open Fire".

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at October 29, 2016 03:56 PM (EnKk6)

128 Posted by: All Hail Eris

Did a tour in Hawaii, huh?

Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 29, 2016 03:56 PM (044Fx)

129 I wish I'd known when my kids were younger what this dog has taught us, about patience and positive reinforcement vs punishment. He's a good teacher.

I got the above from mindful webworker's link to the inaugural pet thread, and the story about Gimli. As I reflect on the animal companions in our lives, I agree that they are our teachers in so many ways. My brother lost his eyeglasses one day and our cat led him straight to them.

I'm going to sign off now before I break down and drive to the shelter to adopt a kitteh. Thanks to all of you for your pet wisdom; I hope the time you get to spend with your furry friends is always blessed from above.

Posted by: kallisto at October 29, 2016 03:57 PM (nNdYv)

130 The worst part is that we do it.

Posted by: Moki at October 29, 2016 03:46 PM (VnCI9)

That explains a lot about far too many pets! But some pets, find it is very easy for them to train their owners!

Posted by: Hrothgar at October 29, 2016 03:57 PM (wCEn4)

131 Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 29, 2016 03:56 PM (044Fx)

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at October 29, 2016 03:57 PM (EnKk6)

132 Bambi's new favorite diner isn't open for dinner.

Posted by: DaveA at October 29, 2016 03:58 PM (8J/Te)

133 I expected pets in halloween costumes.
Posted by: Soothsayer

Posted by: Chi - #FreeCthulhu at October 29, 2016 03:59 PM (9y5/R)

134 My lab Holly is getting overrun with fatty tumors. She doesn't seem too uncomfortable at present but the writing is on the wall.

Posted by: Citizen Cake at October 29, 2016 03:59 PM (ppaKI)

135 Wifey benched me in the living room while she mops. She is possessed today by the 'putzing' bug, so you guyz are stuck with me.

Bluebelle and all you caring rons. Thank you for prayers. Much appreciated and comforting.

The Mrs. Had blood drawn by the best phlebotomist eva' who scoffed when we said she don't have veins. Bad day bing, first time. One and done. Now waiting begins for results of MRI and other test. This is a Mayo test 'Paval'. It really doesn't seem to refer to her symptoms of tremors but I play a doc on TV. Anywhoooo we are blessed in so many ways so this God wants us to endure in his wisdom. Bless you all too.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'America just needs more cow bell!' at October 29, 2016 04:00 PM (76Nj2)


This qualifies.

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 29, 2016 04:00 PM (ZJNOy)

137 Four?! Yikes...

It was a great place to visit, but I didn't care much for *living* there after the first 6 months.

Pet related:

While living in Hawaii, I frequently would see Parakeets or other escaped pet birds.

Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 29, 2016 04:01 PM (044Fx)

That explains a lot about far too many pets! But some pets, find it is very easy for them to train their owners!
Posted by: Hrothgar at October 29, 2016 03:57 PM (wCEn4)

Yep. But I have to admit, it's kind of cute. He takes a bite, chews, and then bumps your hand for the next bite. The story my daughter and I made up about why he, and apparently a lot of other newfoundlands do this, is because they were often used as nannies for small children years ago. Toddlers would hold onto their fur when they were learning to walk, and when they would eat, would "share" with the dog. A bite for me, a bite for you.

I have no idea if that really happened, but it sounds nice, and fits our big beast

Posted by: Moki at October 29, 2016 04:02 PM (VnCI9)


If you have a dog who's a counter cruiser or a garbage hound here's a very effective way to stop the problem

A small mouse trap set on the counter ( I used one that I bent the spring to lessen the impact, still made lots of noise ) with something edible on the pan.

Same for the garbage. The noise will startle the dog

and make him/her very wary of both places.

Unless, of course, you have a dog who DOESN'T startle.

Posted by: irongrampa at October 29, 2016 04:03 PM (X35Yt)

140 I have no idea if that really happened, but it sounds nice, and fits our big beast
Posted by: Moki at October 29, 2016 04:02 PM (VnCI9)
Just like the dog Nana in Peter Pan!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at October 29, 2016 04:03 PM (EnKk6)

141 134 My lab Holly is getting overrun with fatty tumors. She doesn't seem too uncomfortable at present but the writing is on the wall.
Posted by: Citizen Cake at October 29, 2016 03:59 PM (ppaKI)


Dogs can live quite well and quite a long time with those fatty tumors. Just keep an eye on them

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 04:04 PM (J8/9G)

142 134 My lab Holly is getting overrun with fatty tumors. She doesn't seem too uncomfortable at present but the writing is on the wall.
Posted by: Citizen Cake at October 29, 2016 03:59 PM (ppaKI)

Our 14 year old lab has them too. We call her lumpy space princess. The vet has been testing them for five years, and they are still benign, and not bothering her, so we are staying the course. When she is ready to go, that will be one thing, but she is obviously not. She likes her liver treats and tummy rubs too much.

Posted by: Moki at October 29, 2016 04:07 PM (VnCI9)

143 irongrampa -- Hah. My idiot methLab would stick his fat nose onto the counter while I was chopping stuff. Opened all cabinets and doors, just to show that he could, and liked all the stuff we were supposed to spray to 'train' him. The ONLY thing I could really get him to stop was eating shoes because I lost it and hit him over the head with an expensive oxford. I think he was so shocked, he never did it again.

Posted by: mustbequantum at October 29, 2016 04:07 PM (MIKMs)

144 I waved to a dog in a car today. He seemed happy. I think I startled his owner though.

Posted by: Banana Splits Guy, storyteller at October 29, 2016 04:07 PM (utkBt)

145 That is truly good news Cannibal Bob. I hope for the best for your lovely wife-will keep praying for that. The Good Lord is just that.

Posted by: Moki at October 29, 2016 04:08 PM (VnCI9)

146 So back to pets. We have two Maine Coons. Inside, so tough keeping them stimulated. Patch (male) is a rumbler. Loves and gentle with the wife. Loves to tangle with me. Ouch. He is truly a warrior.

Fluff (female) is high maintenance, go figure? Loving on her terms, but crawls up most mornings soon as i get my cawfee and lays on my chest to get petted. I have to be in the EXACT right position or she makes an annoyed squeaky sound till i adjust.

patch demands treats about halfway through the day and if i dont comply, teh next time I wander into the kitchen he has Fluff there to sue her feminin wiles on me. I talk to them like humans.

'Patch, dont think cause you brought your sister in here to be cute that I'm going o give in...Its too damn early." then Fluff rolls does her cute thing and i get the treats.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'America just needs more cow bell!' at October 29, 2016 04:13 PM (76Nj2)

147 "Is this really true?"

Pretty much, yeah. About 19 out of 21 for me.

Posted by: BurtTC at October 29, 2016 04:13 PM (Pz4pT)

148 146 So back to pets. We have two Maine Coons. Inside, so tough keeping them stimulated. Patch (male) is a rumbler. Loves and gentle with the wife. Loves to tangle with me. Ouch. He is truly a warrior.

Fluff (female) is high maintenance, go figure? Loving on her terms, but crawls up most mornings soon as i get my cawfee and lays on my chest to get petted. I have to be in the EXACT right position or she makes an annoyed squeaky sound till i adjust.

patch demands treats about halfway through the day and if i dont comply, teh next time I wander into the kitchen he has Fluff there to sue her feminin wiles on me. I talk to them like humans.

'Patch, dont think cause you brought your sister in here to be cute that I'm going o give in...Its too damn early." then Fluff rolls does her cute thing and i get the treats.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'America just needs more cow bell!' at October 29, 2016 04:13 PM (76Nj2)

You big softie!

I love Maine coons-they are gorgeous cats. We just have a bargain basement kitty that no one else wanted from the animal shelter. He's not a smart kitty, but he's ours.

Posted by: Moki at October 29, 2016 04:18 PM (VnCI9)

149 Looks like ketteh OC needs to lose some weight.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 29, 2016 02:50 PM (mpXpK)

\========YO! No fat-shaming on the pet thread! I'm big-boned - the vet said so!

Posted by: Miley's Deplorable Cat at October 29, 2016 04:18 PM (BcNLK)

150 Hi moki! How've you been?

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at October 29, 2016 04:18 PM (6FqZa)

151 But the crows -- no way! They are totally paranoid! Smart, bur paranoid.

So, does that make the crows smarter -- or the jays?
Posted by: zombie at October 29, 2016 02:46 PM (jBuUi)

Zombie, a friend of mine says that his local crows have taught the Stellar jays to bring them peanuts from his deck when he is feeding the squirrels and jays. He's not sure if it is bribes, blackmail or tribute.

Posted by: Kindltot at October 29, 2016 04:19 PM (wxBiU)


I have never disciplined any of my labs except verbally. Raise the voice and remonstrate,but never touch. Done this since they all were 8 week old pups.

If the alpha male (me) shows displeasure any dog will pay attention.

I figure that if you call a dog to you with the intent to discipline physically the said dog will eventually conclude that it's not worth coming to you.

Also, EACH time Spastic Lab comes when called she gets a treat--coming to Dad is seen as a good thing, no matter the circumstance.

Very helpful,when the dog is 60 feet away and free roaming (no leash).

Posted by: irongrampa at October 29, 2016 04:19 PM (X35Yt)


Sorry, but I'm doing the pee-pee dance with info on the "rally" in Florida with hitlery right now.

It is a pathetic small crowd of, get this, her canvassers. They gathered her campaign workers to act as a rally crowd!

Posted by: Soothsayer at October 29, 2016 04:26 PM (ZJNOy)

154 I didn't realize today was dedicated to the PBY Catalina. My father flew them.
Posted by: George

I hate Catalinas.

Posted by: Otto Ernst Lindemann at October 29, 2016 04:26 PM (7H/2n)

155 Here's "Strangest Fur Patterns on Cats":

It's one of those annoying click-bait things where you have to view each one, but they've got some amazing faces.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at October 29, 2016 04:26 PM (EnKk6)

156 Very helpful,when the dog is 60 feet away and free roaming (no leash).

Posted by: irongrampa at October 29, 2016 04:19 PM (X35Yt)

I think this is a very good training technique, plenty of positive reinforcement seems to lead to very little need for negative discipline. My problem is that I often go out to work with Conor and forget the treat pouch. He's still behaving (at least when I'm watching).

Posted by: Hrothgar at October 29, 2016 04:26 PM (wCEn4)

157 One of slave Maggie's canine masters looks like a skinny tiger

Posted by: Votermom the Deplorable @vm on at October 29, 2016 04:27 PM (Om16U)

158 Posted by: Hoplite Housewife at October 29, 2016 03:09 PM (hYNPr)

So sorry for your loss, pets are like family. I cried for months after our Maire-cat died.

Posted by: Miley's Deplorable Cat at October 29, 2016 04:27 PM (BcNLK)

159 A Catalina answered the prayers of hundreds of us.

Posted by: USS Indianapolis crewmen at October 29, 2016 04:28 PM (7H/2n)

160 I just took the dog for a car ride to Tim Horton's.

He likes to bark at the people at the drive thru now as they open the window which startles them. They laugh and it breaks up their day.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 29, 2016 04:28 PM (vvKUi)


Posted by: SMFH at my deplorable self... at October 29, 2016 04:28 PM (eaeIS)


I like turtles.

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 29, 2016 04:28 PM (zu88C)

163 Speaking of unhappy pets: just a hypothetical, since I am sure will never happen, but if hillary did go to prison, would she still have Secret Service to yell at?

Posted by: ever at October 29, 2016 04:29 PM (kronK)

164 irongrampa -- Glad it is working for you. One of my neighbors had an irish setter that was so well trained he would lay with his nose 1" inside the property line, even with kids running around playing. Never figured out how he did it -- setters are even worse than labs when it comes to obedience. Picked my old lab from the shelter (approx 1yo) because he didn't pee at my four kids who were used to big dogs. He was a hoot, but obedience was never his purpose -- I think his real purpose was to embarrass me in public.

Posted by: mustbequantum at October 29, 2016 04:29 PM (MIKMs)

165 Look up "The Rhino Who Joined the Family." I warn you it's both tremendously sad and beautiful. I'm still amazed the bonds different species can form. I know dogs understand facial expressions but humans haven't had enough interaction with rhinos to do the same so I don't understand what's going on.

Posted by: ryukyu at October 29, 2016 04:30 PM (5hp5+)

166 I have never met a Golden Retriever that isn't gloriously happy. Do they ever growl or get mean?

Posted by: Abby Coffey at October 29, 2016 04:30 PM (HBU7W)

167 speaking of leathery chew-toys...

Still partying like teenage girls: Madonna, Kate and
Naomi (combined age 146) enjoy a night out on the town at exclusive
London nightclub

Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 29, 2016 04:31 PM (zu88C)

168 Later. Off to wash Max and Fin.

Posted by: Kodos the Executioner at October 29, 2016 04:31 PM (J8/9G)

169 @164
An obedient dog is a joy--mostly--starting them on that road as pups is by far the best way.

I honestly think my lady is smarter than some of my acquaintances--and me, occasionally.

Posted by: irongrampa at October 29, 2016 04:35 PM (X35Yt)

170 Reworking some 60s protest shit I came up with Buffalo Trumpfield. Give it a chance the first verse is hard to work with.

Posted by: bestie21 at October 29, 2016 04:38 PM (HUeC4)

171 My ex's uncles raised blue ticks.

Cute doggehs.

Posted by: SMFH at my deplorable self... at October 29, 2016 04:40 PM (eaeIS)

172 I have never met a Golden Retriever that isn't gloriously happy. Do they ever growl or get mean?

When protecting their owner:

My uncle was walking his Golden when confronted by a would-be mugger. Mugger ran off, probably had to wash his underwear after the encounter.

Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 29, 2016 04:41 PM (044Fx)

173 Pickles of my cat, but I'm still banned? What has the world come to?

Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 29, 2016 04:42 PM (U9alN)

174 Pics

Posted by: Dr. Varno at October 29, 2016 04:43 PM (U9alN)

175 Well, Dr. Varno,
If you tried to pickle my dog, banning would be the least of your worries.

Posted by: Chi - #FreeCthulhu at October 29, 2016 04:44 PM (9y5/R)

176 If you tried to pickle my dog, banning would be the least of your worries.

Pickled dog. Still gamey.

Posted by: Barry O at October 29, 2016 04:46 PM (ACqhm)

177 Today the local shelter had its fund raising walk. This close to Halloween, they included a costume contest. Fun day. Wish the weather had been better - very cool and on and off rain.

Posted by: Killer Tomato at October 29, 2016 04:47 PM (WstIU)

178 Varno's cat makes pickles? Guess some pets do better tricks than others.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at October 29, 2016 04:47 PM (kTF2Z)

179 Posted by: Chi - #FreeCthulhu at October 29, 2016 04:44 PM (9y5/R)



How are you doing?

Posted by: SMFH at my deplorable self... at October 29, 2016 04:47 PM (eaeIS)

180 A great selection of Pet Morons!
I especially like OhCee.

Posted by: navybrat at October 29, 2016 04:47 PM (w7KSn)

181 nood chess/open

Posted by: OregonMuse, deplorable since 2004 at October 29, 2016 04:48 PM (wXDkT)

182 Hi Moki. Got them as rescues. Well, adoptions. Its not like we parachuted i and rescued them. Lol.

They ahd been thrown into the street by extended family when their person passed and live ina garage for the time it took us to find them on Craigslist.

Oh about 8 months ago. They still run when the doorbell rings (probably a carryover from people looking at them in the garage) but they are comfortable with us now.

Posted by: Cannibal Bob 'America just needs more cow bell!' at October 29, 2016 04:49 PM (76Nj2)

183 Chess is nood and quite disturbing.

Posted by: Duke Lowell at October 29, 2016 04:49 PM (kTF2Z)

184 L'elle, did you ever figure out how your Great Dane is catching deer and climbing them into the dumpster?

Posted by: F.N.G. at October 29, 2016 04:50 PM (kiSdp)

185 Wonderful moronimals!
OhCee is NOT fat. He's a bit portly, like the Monopoly tycoon!
Maggie's sunglasses --- I mean SANDglasses --- are a hoot!

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at October 29, 2016 04:52 PM (Nox3c)

186 The kids are already begging to get a dog when we move. We've gone almost three years without one. I had three mutts, a beagle, and a lab growing up. That's just the dogs. We also had rabbits, chickens, quail, chuckers, pigeons, hamsters, an iguana, a ball python, a hedgehog, and a cat. My poor kids are deprived. They've only had the one dog. I'm so reluctant to dive back in because our last dog was with us for 10 years, and he was fantastic. I don't know if another one can measure up.

Posted by: no good deed at October 29, 2016 04:52 PM (/O5Ax)

187 31 Have to call out Taquiya2me for fraud:

There is no way that carpet and house does not have balls of fur flying around!

Admit it, you staged that outrageously cute picture to con all the idiots who do not know how they shed.

(speaking as someone whose navy blue carpeting right now is gray from my dog shedding)
No fraud! My wife vacuumed at least twice a day. And Nikita would only get on any of the furniture to do the obligatory/ceremonial muddy paws dance!

Posted by: Taqyia2Me at October 29, 2016 04:55 PM (QFpXi)

188 Catalina Caper

Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 29, 2016 04:55 PM (IqV8l)

189 L'elle, did you ever figure out how your Great Dane is catching deer and climbing them into the dumpster?
Posted by: F.N.G. at October 29, 2016 04:50 PM (kiSdp)
Haha. The carcass got picked up, but the whole episode was disturbing. Like the horse head scene in the Godfather but not that bad. The deer was not decapitated at least.

I put up 6 big Trump signs on my deer fence that is adjacent to the state highway next to me the same week. Coincidence?

Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 04:57 PM (6IPEM)

How are you doing?
Posted by: SMFH

The more important thing is, I hope y'all are having a good day.

Posted by: Chi - #FreeCthulhu at October 29, 2016 04:57 PM (9y5/R)

191 NGD, I've had a menagerie of pets over the years. The last doggeh here had to be put down because she was having mini heart attacks about 4 months ago.

I have been hesitating to get another pound puppy as I've been wanting to get another German Shepard but the other day I was given the green light to buy another friendly fur missile. My advice is get the kids a dog, they will love it and you for the memories it will create.

Posted by: Gmac- Deplorable forever 'All politics in this country now is dress-rehearsal for civil war' at October 29, 2016 04:59 PM (0QjbR)

192 50 Sorry for your loss T2Me. Such a pretty dog with that warriors heart.
Thanks, PaleRider - she was a special one and she always had kisses for everybody, and boy, could she jump to get everybody right on the nose!

Posted by: Taqyia2Me at October 29, 2016 05:06 PM (QFpXi)

193 One of the things all of us pet people must deal with is grief and moving on with joy and appreciation for the gift of our pets.

What is the best length of time to wait to get another pet? Nothing can replace the lost one, but the family also has habits, experience, and love to give to another animal.

Three months is the longest I have gone (almost 60 years), but I think 1-2 months is probably about right because you don't lose the habits of pet ownership -- regular schedules, etc. I also think that only one pet is not enough -- you need at least two to keep each other company and twice the mischief.

Posted by: mustbequantum at October 29, 2016 05:12 PM (MIKMs)

194 Posted by: L, Elle at October 29, 2016 04:57 PM (6IPEM)

Nah, I don't think the deer and the Trump signs are related. Someone should have just put it on the side of the road for the critters to take care of.

Posted by: F.N.G. at October 29, 2016 05:13 PM (kiSdp)

195 My papillon Bella has taken to digging holes, I think she believes she will finally catch one of those dastardly lizards down there.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at October 29, 2016 05:13 PM (6Ll1u)

196 Whenever I lose a pet I get another right away.
The pounds are full of worthy critters.
It's everything I can do to not fill my house with them.
Every time I go to the pound to drop off a donation or supplies, I come away wiping away tears.

Posted by: navybrat at October 29, 2016 05:13 PM (w7KSn)

197 navybrat - yeah. I donate regularly to the local shelter but I never go there. My house would look like Noah's ark.

Posted by: Killer Tomato at October 29, 2016 05:21 PM (WstIU)

198 OhCee has his own Facebook page with my photos:

Posted by: Jim at October 29, 2016 05:22 PM (otdnY)

199 OhCee dresses better for the office than I do

Posted by: PaleRider at October 29, 2016 05:57 PM (Jen0I)

200 Before I was born my parents had a Scottish terrier. I was supposedly named after this dog. I sustained the only dog bite I have ever had in my life from that dog. Every time I look at the scar it just makes me laugh.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 05:59 PM (LAaEa)

201 A bunch of high-personality pets today. Love it.

Mr. Kitty looks a lot like our Panda Boy, AKA Kung Fu Kitty. He loves a good play-fight.

Posted by: KT at October 29, 2016 06:09 PM (qahv/)

202 And I love Val's Hasidic curls. And the soft, happy expression.

Posted by: KT at October 29, 2016 06:13 PM (qahv/)

203 yes.... I do all those things to my cat.... anyone got a problem with this..... take it up with my cat.... Her name is Ms. Kitty... she allows me to call her kitterdittle!!

Posted by: cathymv at October 29, 2016 06:40 PM (xMEER)

204 In the open thread a well known poster asked an interesting question. With no children, what would you do with some of your possessions? Any time my customers are going away for any length of time we have a written, notarized agreement that I will be responsible for a select group of their animals. They also have the same from me. I have a large collection of Bits (Sterling silver/blued steel) and hand braided hackamores and hair ropes. I guess I can sell them all but I would rather find an up and coming trainer to give them to , to help them with their career.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 06:46 PM (LAaEa)

205 Cats have three names you know

Posted by: Skip at October 29, 2016 06:50 PM (sWbjH)

206 the closest i have ever gotten to outright theft of something on my own (not counting a brief moment i considered cattle rustling as a teen) was when i was caring for my vets horses and dogs while she was sick. Her neighbors had two borzois, male and female and their yard was a white blizzard of the dogs hair. It dogs crowded against the fence to be petted and were lovely and dying for affection. I very nearly took wire cutters to that fence. I resisted because they looked well enough fed. But that was the hardest thing i have ever done. I still wish i was just a little more unethical.

Because i have ALWAYS wanted borzois.

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at October 29, 2016 06:52 PM (YhV5r)

207 Grimmy's new cat answers to (and I do quote) "Kitty-Kitty Mo-Titty!" And i mean she comes Running, crooning back at you and so please to be wanted. I have tested this at a very quiet whisper, same effect. Cat runs up, crooning and purring, stands at your feet purring and smooshing for all she is worth. She was from our Barn cat and she was bottle fed and raised by a corgi, and as far as we know always called Silver, but I shit you not she has her special names and by golly she answers to it. Since she was fostered out twice i have no clue where she learned this or if this is what Grimmy called her as a baby and she liked it. But though both fosters loved her but didnt really want her, he LOVES this cat and she gets along with every one of our house kitties. Hes so relieved that FINALLY he gets a loving friendly cat like my hairless Kitty was. (she also had many names and answered like a dog to all of them. Silver is too new to know what he special talent is. I am going to see if she will fetch. She chases a red dot like a sonofabitch.

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at October 29, 2016 07:00 PM (YhV5r)

208 I have a black cat, and he's slightly crazy. He's such a scaredy cat, even though he's had a completely charmed life from the beginning. He did have to get his tail amputated, when he got a lump that turned out to be a malignant tumor. But he was always scared of everyone, even before that happened. That surgery now makes him our most expensive cat, even compared to the Ragdoll princess that we paid $1,000 for. The other two boys were free, and they're the sweetest ones out of all four.

Posted by: Chris M at October 29, 2016 07:10 PM (6RZos)

209 We're fine, Chi.

Gorgeous day here in TX.

Posted by: SMFH at my deplorable self... at October 29, 2016 07:12 PM (eaeIS)

210 Jack Brainard once told me that a horse will always remember the first thing you teach it. I took that lesson to heart. I think that holds true with bottle babies. My BB would make every feeding round but had to ride back to the feed room with me carrying her in the bucket. She would dive in headfirst and flip herself over and put both feet on the rim.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 07:13 PM (LAaEa)

211 Yup, I'm a moron all right.

Originally read 'So PDizzle is shy but has nice looking titties .'

Posted by: Esch at October 29, 2016 07:13 PM (/pzph)

212 196
Whenever I lose a pet I get another right away.

The pounds are full of worthy critters.

It's everything I can do to not fill my house with them.

Every time I go to the pound to drop off a donation or supplies, I come away wiping away tears.

Posted by: navybrat at October 29, 2016 05:13 PM (w7KSn)

Im the same way. we lost one of our Kitties what plays fetch, but were kinda looking, when a rescue we had fostered out bounced back. She evidently didnt fit in, though her brother did with her elderly adopters. Works for me. She ended up a lovely cat, i dont know what they didnt like. But originally she was found with her brothers and sister under a dead lawn tractor. I Hauled them to a foster who cared for them with a litter of puppies born that same night they were found. Dog made a great mom. They escaped the horrible dangerous life of feral kittens and are all now wonderful house cats. Glad we got this one. Grimmy was gutted with his cat died, but saving this one made him feel better.

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at October 29, 2016 07:18 PM (YhV5r)

213 210
Jack Brainard once told me that a horse will always remember the first
thing you teach it. I took that lesson to heart. I think that holds
true with bottle babies. My BB would make every feeding round but had
to ride back to the feed room with me carrying her in the bucket. She
would dive in headfirst and flip herself over and put both feet on the

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 07:13 PM (LAaEa)

Thats a hoot!

we had a rescue mare that was really gorgeous, but she was roped and tripped and choked out to get her to my place. horrid people. They pulled the halter off her as she came out of the trailer without asking me if i could give them one to trade "Because they wanted that one--it was theirs." she had deep rope burns on her legs. The first thing we taught her after we got her halter broke again (she was eleven or twelve when i got her) was to put her foot on a wooden block so we could X ray her feet, when we said "Ellie UP!"

Every time she got stressed out learning something new she would come back to that wooden block. or the wooden bridge--any wooden thing, really-- and put her foot on it. it was like she was saying "I'm a good girl. I can do things! I just dont get what you're teaching me!" that mare climbs steps, jumps into trailers, goes up ramps. You can pick which foot she step up with first. Pick up a lead. It all started with Ellie UP!

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at October 29, 2016 07:26 PM (YhV5r)

214 Gushka- you gave her the first positive learning experience in her life. As Jack said, her first lessons were bad but they want to trust so bad they try again. All of the well cared for colts/fillies are easy but I will always be drawn to the abused ones first.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 07:36 PM (LAaEa)

215 214
Gushka- you gave her the first positive learning experience in her life.
As Jack said, her first lessons were bad but they want to trust so bad
they try again. All of the well cared for colts/fillies are easy but I
will always be drawn to the abused ones first.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 07:36 PM (LAaEa)

Thats why i have all thse misfits. I swear to god smart, independent, beautiful horses suffer the worst because they are bought by owners with money but no knowledge and given to trainers (or worse, yet-- they try to train them, themselves) and then when they dont fit in to a cookie cutter training program, into the meat grinder they go. By the time i get them they are hostile and terrified. One mare i got as an outlaw was actually just STONE BLIND and nobody at Crane Creek Paint Ranch had noticed. She turned up with most of her teeth kicked out of the front of her mouth. I loved that mare, but soon as i had her in good shape after surgery and years of food, in foal to that Bay stallion i showed you... the former owner sicced Lawyers on me. I gave her back and she was dead in under a month and a half, thrown back in a pasture with a bunch of mares again. I had her going under saddle and she was a good little horse, despite her blindness. The fat little mare i sent you the picture of was her sister's filly. Thats why i got her. if her foal is a filly i will name it after that sweet little mare.

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at October 29, 2016 07:44 PM (YhV5r)

216 So, does that make the crows smarter -- or the jays?

Posted by: zombie
It makes them both smarter than you, for letting birds come in and mess your house!

Birds are very messy eaters! We are baby-sitting a cockatiel this week and the bird spews seed shells all over the place!

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at October 29, 2016 07:52 PM (UpGcq)

217 Just want to say that I love the pet thread. I hope it continues for a long time.

Posted by: girldog at October 29, 2016 07:56 PM (zRsYY)

218 It is such a travesty that that we both have these stories. The Arab stud I nurtured was dead 3 months after I left and the sad part was I knew it was going to happen and I didn't have $500,000 to buy him.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 07:57 PM (LAaEa)


Posted by: TVOC at October 29, 2016 07:58 PM (XzRw1)

220 218
It is such a travesty that that we both have these stories. The Arab
stud I nurtured was dead 3 months after I left and the sad part was I
knew it was going to happen and I didn't have $500,000 to buy him.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 07:57 PM (LAaEa)

if the Famous Ellie hadnt been purchased with stolen money and turned so defensive i would have never gotten her. i think they even tried to breed her, but had no luck, since she beat up the stud (good for her, she was too fine quality for him) Currently shes retired in a pasture in Grass Valley (actually French Corral, you might know where that is.) I am gonna have her brought down here again. Someone made a mistake with her and i am not gonna judge, but shes scared of ropes again. So i gotta get her sacked out to ropes before i breed her to the black stud. I really want that baby as it would be 90% same pedigree as a horse who cleaned up at the big championship at Capistrano at 3rd level dressage, and who is now going Prix St George. Bet this baby would be even better. This crop with the bay stud will tell me.

But if shes scared of ropes again we can't have her foal out and have a fit over the afterbirth hanging down, with the foal on the ground. From what i hear she will go bonkers. I hate when you send a horse out WITH PEOPLE YOU TRUST, and theres a fuckup anyway, because they arent as careful as you would be at home. UGH!

Posted by: Gushka Can Has Kittehs what plays fetch! at October 29, 2016 08:41 PM (YhV5r)

221 217 Just want to say that I love the pet thread. I hope it continues for a long time.
Posted by: girldog

I think, like the ONT, it will live on. Whatever happens. This is by far the best thread here. Or anywhere, for that matter.

Posted by: Chi - #FreeCthulhu at October 29, 2016 08:44 PM (9y5/R)

222 Chi- you and Tucker are a big reason this works. It's not just what we have loved and lost but the day to day that we all share and Tucker is one sharing little guy.

Posted by: Ben Had at October 29, 2016 08:52 PM (LAaEa)

223 Just realized that I posted back up a ways, about the Mosul puppy rescue story, I got the link from the post. Dehr.

Might not be the first time I've done something like that.

Posted by: mindful webworker - DNN - duma$$ news network at October 29, 2016 09:38 PM (5a8XA)

Ev­­­er­­­yb­­­od­­­y c­­­an e­­­ar­­­n 250$+ da­­­il­­­y... Y­­­o­­­u c­­­an e­­­arn f­­­ro­­­m 6000-12000 a m­­­on­­­th o­­­r ev­­­en m­­­or­­­e if y­­­ou w­­­or­­­k a­­­s a­­­ fu­­­ll ti­­­me j­­­ob...I­­­t's ea­­­sy, j­­­us­­­t fo­­­ll­­­ow in­­­str­­­ucti­­­ons o­­­n th­­­is pa­­­ge, re­­­ad i­­­t car­­­ef­­­u­­­l­­­ly f­­­ro­­­m st­­­ar­­­t t­­­o f­­­in­­­i­­­sh... I­­­t's ­­­a fl­­­exi­­­b­­­l­­­e j­­­o­­­b b­­­u­­­t a g­­­o­­­o­­­d e­­­a­­­n­­­i­­­ng o­­­pp­­­or­­­t­­­u­­­n­­­i­­­t­­­y..
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Posted by: secimom at October 30, 2016 10:39 AM (a7aco)

I j­­­u­­­s­­­t g­­­o­­­t p­­­a­­­i­­­d $­­­6­­­7­­­8­­­4 w­­­o­­­r­­­k­­­i­­­n­­­g o­­­f­­­f m­­­y l­­­a­­­p­­­t­­­o­­­p t­­­h­­­i­­­s m­­­o­­­n­­­t­­­h. A­­­n­­­d i­­­f y­­­o­­­u t­­­h­­­i­­­n­­­k t­­­h­­­a­­­t­­­'­­­s c­­­o­­­o­­­l, ­­­m­­­y d­­­i­­­v­­­o­­­r­­­c­­­e­­­d f­­­r­­­i­­­e­­­n­­­d h­­­a­­­s t­­­w­­­i­­­n t­­­o­­­d­­­d­­­le­­­r­­­s a­­­n­­­d m­­­a­­­d­­­e o­­­v­­­e­­­r $­­­9­­­k h­­­e­­­r f­­­i­­­r­­­s­­­t m­­­o­­­n­­­t­­­h. I­­­t f­­­e­­­e­­­l­­­s s­­­o g­­­o­­­o­­­d­­­ m­­­a­­­k­­­i­­­n­­­g s­­­o m­­­u­­­c­­­h m­­­o­­­n­­­e­­­y w­­­h­­­e­­­n o­­­t­­­h­­­e­­­r p­­­e­­­o­­­ple h­­­a­­­v­­­e t­­­o w­­­o­­­r­­­k f­­­o­­­r s­­­o m­­­u­­­c­­­h l­­­e­­­s­­­s. T­­­h­­­i­­­s i­­­s w­­­h­­­a­­­t I­­­ d­­­o­­­,
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Posted by: secimom at October 30, 2016 10:40 AM (a7aco)

226 I lost my corgi 6 weeks ago. That picture made me smile and sad at the same time.

Posted by: small town girl at October 30, 2016 03:06 PM (HqWIn)

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