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EMT 10/15/16 [krakatoa]

You'll get nothing and I'll like it.

Posted by: Open Blogger at 06:00 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Good Morning Morons. Today is Saturday, October 15, 2016. On this day in 1878 the Edison Electric Light Company began operation. This company, founded by Thomas Edison, eventually became General Electric and it also spun off RCA.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 05:59 AM (mpXpK)

2 The NYT and the MFM are pulling out all the stops bringing more women claiming Trump made inappropriate advances on them. Trump fires back calls the Times liars and is still threatening a lawsuit. I really don't think the "Bag Lady" has the respect that people gave it in earlier years. People have seen what liars they actually are.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 05:59 AM (mpXpK)

3 The Hacker known as Gufficer who broke the news that Scankles illegally used a private server to harbor classified emails is being returned to Romania after serving time in a US jail for political crimes against the Clinton Crime Cartel.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 05:59 AM (mpXpK)

4 Website says the US has upgraded to Defcon - III because of Putin's saber rattling.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK)

No matter how much the MFM tries to hide the facts they do not like the truth has a way of trickling to the surface. That Boston thug who shot two cops responding to a domestic disturbance was a recent muzzie convert. Also it has been found that the original claim that he used an ugly rifle with the thingy that folds up was a lie. He used a shotgun so on that the MFM wasn't just hiding crap, they were lying.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK)

6 Wikileaks does reveal that all the sexual harassment allegations were planned out far in advance.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK)

7 Not content with destroying the US economy with the phony AGW scam the Choom now wants to throw some more deficit money into fighting the sun. The man is insane, there is no other reason to deny it. Or is he mad because he did not get a job in the movie "Knowing"?

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK)

8 ***CAUTION**** Below article has picture of ugly goon in action.

Elija "the screamer" Cummings wants the FBI to investigate Trump for Russian hacking of Scankles. He also wants a leather "dog bone" to insert in his mouth to prevent biting his tongue when he starts raving and frothing at the mouth.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK)

9 Wikileaks provides confirmation of what was always known. The Democrats have always exploited problems they caused to get more money and socialism. Here they discuss the lead problems in the Flint, MI water that was caused by a Democrat mayor.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK)

10 CBS tries a "gotcha" on Pence and fails.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK)

11 Wikileaks also shows active coordination between NBC and the Scankles campaign to do a "gotcha hatchet job" on a Trump call-in interview. This is why I have always maintained that Republicans should not go on some of the alphabet TV shows. NBC just stands out because they are the worst.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK)

12 If you are losing track of all the major reveals from Wikileaks on Scankles take heart, BB compiles the big ones for you here. Note that some of these are actual felonies for which she will never be charged.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:02 AM (mpXpK)

13 And its Saturday so time for football schedule, scores, and odds.


Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:02 AM (mpXpK)

14 Odds

Pixie will now only take one link per comment?

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:03 AM (mpXpK)

15 Vic, did you quit writing or did you break the inter-tubes?

Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2016 06:06 AM (8ikIW)

16 Ramirez - no update

That's it for today folks. Kinda slow Saturday

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:06 AM (mpXpK)

17 15
Vic, did you quit writing or did you break the inter-tubes?

Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2016 06:06 AM (8ikIW)

Computer (or the site) froze up for a while there.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:08 AM (mpXpK)

18 Imagine if Hillary was running against an incumbent me. She'd be an even bigger imbiber of spirits.

Posted by: Mitt at October 15, 2016 06:11 AM (qlPzn)

Willowed from the ONT:

Okay, I need you good people to put some wisdom on me. I'm gonna' spend ~$1000 on guns and ammo soon (today/this coming week something like that). I need to get a pistol for my daughter (light weight, purse gun, packs a punch). And I want to get some 7.62 x 39, 30-30, .22, .410 & 12 gage. What pistol would y'all recommend and what website would you think best for the ammo?

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:13 AM (Nymev)

20 Vic, the Elijah Cummings link goes to the Choomster fighting the sun article.

Posted by: RickZ at October 15, 2016 06:14 AM (25uO5)

21 Good Morning Everyone.

I think just about everyone and that includes what would be considered "LIV's" are ignoring the the media accusations. We have reached peak "freak out" and it is being ignored.

Remember, which ever way the wind is blowing. That's where it is blowing.
I can haz Nobel now?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:14 AM (d76uN)

22 Wikileaks does reveal that all the sexual harassment allegations were planned out far in advance.

Reading the email, I'm reminded of the kind of goofy shit that me and the guys come up with when we have our "locker room" talks when out fishing, meeting for lunch, etc.
This is it. There is a kernel of truth(maybe) to it. And by the end of it you could say,

"The Aristocrats !"

Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2016 06:17 AM (8ikIW)

23 Just realized I haven't had my meds yet. At least the Pence article wasn't a blood boiler.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:18 AM (d76uN)

24 19 What pistol would y'all recommend and what website would you think best for the ammo?

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:13 AM (Nymev)

I would get a Beretta .380 but with that and enough rounds to break her and the pistol in you are not going to have a lot left over from that $1,000. Personally for a small gun I prefer the older model 5 shot compact colt 45. But that may be a little much for her to handle. And may be tough to find. And if you do a good one would eat up all the $1,000.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:19 AM (mpXpK)

25 What a scary time to be alive. Like I wondered on the ONT, it's as if the first thing students in journalism schools are taught on their first day goes as follows: "If you think your job is to report the facts objectively, you need to leave and find a new major. Your job will be to protect and serve Hillary".

Distrust of media bias has grown in recent years, but it needs to go beyond that. People need to realize how frightening this Orwellian/Pravda bullshit is.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 15, 2016 06:20 AM (dtWKK)

26 Fix for ugly Elija link

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:23 AM (mpXpK)

27 I don't generally get involved in Firearms discussions but as far a recommendation for a small pistol,

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:25 AM (d76uN)

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:19 AM (mpXpK)

Thanks Vic. The pistol would be the priority, so if it eats up the budget that's okay. I've got 'some' ammo already but really need to get more. Any thoughts on a trusted website for the ammo?

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:26 AM (Nymev)

29 "And its Saturday so time for football schedule, scores, and odds."

Why do you have to remind about how piss poor the Illini are this year?

I used to like you.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:26 AM (d76uN)

30 Thanks for the VNN Update, Vic. Its always an eye opener.

Posted by: Count de Monet at October 15, 2016 06:28 AM (JO9+V)

31 27
I don't generally get involved in Firearms discussions but as far a recommendation for a small pistol,


Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:25 AM (d76uN)

That will also eat up most of that $1,000.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:28 AM (mpXpK)

32 28

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:19 AM (mpXpK)


Thanks Vic. The pistol would be the priority, so if it eats up the
budget that's okay. I've got 'some' ammo already but really need to get
more. Any thoughts on a trusted website for the ammo?

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:26 AM (Nymev)

I have never ordered ammo through the internet so don't know. I would imagine that shipping costs would be a bear. I used to reload all my own ammo, but now I have bought through Walmart locally, but haven't bought any in a long time.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:30 AM (mpXpK)

33 That will also eat up most of that $1,000.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:28 AM (mpXpK)

I can find them as low as Low as $575.00 but used. New yes if they are in stock.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:31 AM (d76uN)

34 Thanks for the fix, Vic.

Posted by: RickZ at October 15, 2016 06:32 AM (25uO5)

35 The Illini are playing Rutgers today. Not a good team. It will be a contest to see who is the worst.


Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:34 AM (d76uN)

36 My Dawgs haven't been breaking any stadiums lately.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:35 AM (mpXpK)

Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:25 AM (d76uN)

Thanks Tim, looks like that would be a good choice also.

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:36 AM (Nymev)

38 Dawgs are playing Vandy today and they are always an easy win, but I am not counting my chickens this year.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:37 AM (mpXpK)

39 Two good recommendations so far.
Also S&W makes a revolver with an internal hammer that won't snag coming out of a purse. Not sure of the model. Lady Smith?
Shoots 38's and .357's for that lunch your looking for.
Take her with you.
Have her hold and if possible fire different ones. Get her something she's comfortable with.
And get her some good instruction.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 06:38 AM (r3KsD)

40 Funny how the liberal mind works
Wife's friend is a libby, shillary supporter, gun hating, Trump hater, JEF lover.
She is also surviving because of government programs as after her divorce and lack of working she is about flat broke.
She needed her teeth worked on, so she was sent to a medicaid dentist that is about 25 miles away. When she pulled up, she saw a sign that they also worked on spanish speaking people. So she was scared and drove away.

Libbys are funny

Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2016 06:39 AM (8ikIW)

41 thanks Vic ... if we could get average Americans to read through your links before voting, they'd be chanting "lock her up".

Instead they are wondering if billionaire Trump really wandered around "slumming it", going alone into places and groping women against their will. (and only this month have any come forward, except Michelle Fields and her arm rape ... thx MeAgain for trying to legitimize the liars)

So we have the MFM revealing themselves as co-conspirators in an attempted coup, pushing a known criminal into the highest office. Wikileaks has exposed criminal activity at the top ... the MSM gives it only enough time to tell listeners to ignore those revelations.

Even Bret Baier plays the moral equivalence game, saying "both candidates are going with scorched earth". But unsubstantiated attacks on Trump (DNC's standard tactic) really the same as solid evidence of corrupt Hillary? Of course not ... HRC has had her whole campaign revealed as a lie. Any one item in the Wikileaks long list would normally destroy a candidate, certainly if they were Republican.

Posted by: illiniwek at October 15, 2016 06:39 AM (O2rG1)

42 Lunch = punch. Sorry.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 06:40 AM (r3KsD)

43 To top things off and to add insult to injury, the wimpering Illini are the worst team in the Big Ten/Fourteen.

Still have the Cubs and the Blackhawks will win the Stanley Cup again this year.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:40 AM (d76uN)

44 >>>15. Clinton wanted to run against Donald Trump in 2016: The three Republican candidates Clinton's campaign thought they had the best chance of beating were Trump, Ben Carson, and Senator Ted Cruz.

Interesting, the three outsiders were thought the easiest to beat by team Hillary.

If and when the GOPe concern trolls bring this up here, remember, the goal isn't merely to defeat Hillary, it's to get someone in the WH who will actually make a difference, not merely elect Hillary-lite.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 15, 2016 06:41 AM (dtWKK)

45 Walmart locally, but haven't bought any in a long time

I'll have a look and I kinda' like that idea better than a website, cause I can pay in cash, no documentation

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:41 AM (Nymev)

46 Lunch = punch. Sorry.

Posted by: teej

I was wondering!
Thought maybe the way to test a gun was if you could bag something for lunch.

Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2016 06:41 AM (8ikIW)

47 The hammerless .38 is the "Ladysmith" I think retail on it is around $500 for NIB. That would be OK for a revolver but I would prefer and auto. Problem there is that they are a lot more expensive than the revolver.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:43 AM (mpXpK)

48 Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:36 AM (Nymev)

I've owned 2 PPK's for over 25 years. They are most definitely a short range, self defense weapon. Both of ours have been very reliable.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:43 AM (d76uN)

49 Kudzu King, I know a guy who ordered from Brownell's. He seemed pretty happy with them.

Sheesh, what manners? 'Morning, Horde.

Posted by: creeper, the deplorable at October 15, 2016 06:44 AM (JOmcn)

50 45 I'll have a look and I kinda' like that idea better than a website, cause I can pay in cash, no documentation

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:41 AM (Nymev)

Depends on the State.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:45 AM (mpXpK)

51 Willowed from the ONT:

Okay, I need you good people to put some wisdom on me. I'm gonna' spend ~$1000 on guns and ammo soon (today/this coming week something like that). I need to get a pistol for my daughter (light weight, purse gun, packs a punch). And I want to get some 7.62 x 39, 30-30, .22, .410 & 12 gage. What pistol would y'all recommend and what website would you think best for the ammo?

Posted by: Kudzu King

Avoid Taurus. QC is too spotty. I am a fan of the Kahr CW9. It's a soft shooting gun and I love mine. I say that if a woman can handle a .380, she can handle a 9mm. Maybe an Arcus in 9mm, but all I know is that it's Browning High Power like.
As for sites, I use the search engines Wiki Arms, Ammo Seek, etc.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at October 15, 2016 06:46 AM (hVdx9)

52 Speaking of weapons in general here. I really cannot recommend one being superior to another.

Even though I own other rifles, you will pry my Winchester Model 94 from my cold, dead, cordite, covered hands. That Rifle was made for me.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois at October 15, 2016 06:46 AM (d76uN)

And get her some good instruction.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 06:38 AM (r3KsD)
Mornin' teej. She's 23 now and grew up shooting with me, her mom and brother. rifles, shot guns, pistols. I gave her my tarus .357 mag revolver to carry recently (she's shot it many times) because she started working in a sketchy part of a near by town. It's too heavy.

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:47 AM (Nymev)

54 For size I'd rather carry my old Star .380 but it's only nine rounds. The SIG packs sixteen. More bullets is always better.

Posted by: creeper, the deplorable at October 15, 2016 06:48 AM (JOmcn)

Marine Corps may scrap iconic "The Few. The Proud. The Marines." slogan

The Marine's best-known slogan has been in use since 1977 when it first appeared in a television commercial though a version of the phrase can be found in a 1779 ad looking for members of the Continental Marines. In 2007, the slogan was added to Madison Avenue's Advertising Walk of Fame.

Lord knows what indignity Grand Moff Mabus has approved for the new slogan.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 06:49 AM (kdS6q)

56 "More bullets is always better."

Wahhta ya know! One more buwwett.


Posted by: Elmer at October 15, 2016 06:50 AM (d76uN)

57 Kudzu, S&W SD9 VE. Not as concealable as other guns, but 16+1. A solid gun.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at October 15, 2016 06:52 AM (hVdx9)

Depends on the State.

I'm in Tennessee. Not sure if ammo sales/requirements have changed recently or not.

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:52 AM (Nymev)

59 Marine Corps may scrap iconic "The Few. The Proud. The Marines." slogan

The Marine's best-known slogan has been in use since 1977 when it first appeared in a television commercial though a version of the phrase can be found in a 1779 ad looking for members of the Continental Marines. In 2007, the slogan was added to Madison Avenue's Advertising Walk of Fame.

Lord knows what indignity Grand Moff Mabus has approved for the new slogan.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix

Transgender Approved

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at October 15, 2016 06:53 AM (hVdx9)

60 Ammoman and Midway USA for ammo. Free shipping and fast.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at October 15, 2016 06:55 AM (pHueg)

61 58 I'm in Tennessee. Not sure if ammo sales/requirements have changed recently or not.

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 06:52 AM (Nymev)

TN most likely OK. CA requires signing for and reporting ammo sales now.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 06:55 AM (mpXpK)

Meanwhile, back in Africa, there's a movement among back students to reject all science as racist and colonialism under the rubic #ScienceMustFall.

Know as "Fallists", this from a campus meeting:

The speaker gives as an example that Newton saw an apple fall, made up gravity, wrote down some equations, and now that is scientific truth imposed on the world forever.

The other pillar of her position is that in Africa there are practitioners of black magic who can summon a lightening bolt at their enemy. This is not explainable by "Western" science, and yet this is African knowledge, and therefore is an example of Western colonialism suppressing indigenous wisdom.

And the video:

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 06:56 AM (kdS6q)

63 Different strokes. While most modern semi-autos are very reliable there is still less to go wrong with a revolver.
Plus jhp's in .357... oh yeah.
Also, if she could be in places where carry is not an option they are making some dandy little stun guns nowadays. Very inexpensive and saw some online packing 7.5m volts.
No, that's not one of my well known typos. m,,, as in million.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 06:56 AM (r3KsD)

64 g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at October 15, 2016 06:58 AM (RHSmN)

65 @19

I would recommend an S&W M&P shield 9mm
and you simply can't beat cabelas for ammo.

Posted by: Kreplach at October 15, 2016 07:00 AM (TZGYQ)

Ammoman and Midway USA for ammo. Free shipping and fast.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at October 15, 2016 06:55 AM (pHueg)

Thanks Dave, I'll check it out

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 07:00 AM (Nymev)

67 Lord knows what indignity Grand Moff Mabus has approved for the new slogan.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix

Transgender Approved

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale

We're Looking for a Few Good Women (Women With Penises Welcome).

Embrace Your Inner "Warrior Princess" (google navy seal warrior princess)

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 15, 2016 07:03 AM (dtWKK)

68 Re small carry pistols, the Beretta Pico (380 ACP) is under $300 at Cabela's. However, it looks to be designed to be so small and light that the controls are tricky to operate.

I'm not into revolvers because of they are a bit trickier to fire than semi autos, but they are definitely reliable.

There are a bunch of small 380 semi-autos from Kahr, Ruger, Sig, S&W, Bersa, Walther, etc. I think you should look at some video reviews and see what kind of action and operation they have. Some are hammer fired, some striker. Some double action on the first trigger pull, single afterwards and some are single action only.

The key thing will be which one can she operate comfortably. If you can live with single action and an external safety, the Sig P238 (not cheap) is exquisitely easy to fire and operate. Breakdown isn't too bad either (this can be an issue for some of the guns). You can also compare it to their P938 which has the same internals but is 9mm. It's just a bit harder to control than the 380 version.

But whatever you do, I'd recommend some classes and try renting some pistols at the range and see what works. You'll be surprised what issues crop up. Like the Springfield grip safety making it hard for some people to rack the slide. Or the fact that some women can't rack Glocks at all (even the baby 42 380 ACP).

Posted by: michicanuck at October 15, 2016 07:04 AM (bY2go)

69 Hey Dave, if you're really having a jam session today/tonight hope ya have a great time.
Do I remember you being in Texas? Long drive for me.
When I first saw your Mic I thought maybe you were a local guy. Home on the range being our state song and all.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:05 AM (r3KsD)

Thanks guys, you've given me a number of options to check out, I'll hit the stores with her and see what we can find.

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 07:05 AM (Nymev)

71 nic dad gummit.
Maybe the worst auto-c on the planet will recognize it now.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:08 AM (r3KsD)

72 Elija "the screamer" Cummings wants the FBI to investigate Trump for Russian hacking of Scankles. He also wants a leather "dog bone" to insert in his mouth to prevent biting his tongue when he starts raving and frothing at the mouth.
Have I mentioned lately that this bloated tick is my "representative"?

Good morning Hoardies!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Imperatrix Siculus at October 15, 2016 07:08 AM (jR7Wy)

And today is the commissioning ceremony for the DDG-1000 USS Zumwalt:

Fun Fact

The Navy's current multi-year procurement plan for Long Range Land Attack Projectiles for the 3 ship class' 155 mm Advanced Gun System will provide just enough shells to fill each ships magazines -- once -- but only if the out year upside purchases are funded.

Which is about one hour of continuous firing.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 07:10 AM (kdS6q)

74 The speaker gives as an example that Newton saw an apple fall, made up gravity, wrote down some equations, and now that is scientific truth imposed on the world forever.

The other pillar of her position is that in Africa there are practitioners of black magic who can summon a lightening bolt at their enemy. This is not explainable by "Western" science, and yet this is African knowledge, and therefore is an example of Western colonialism suppressing indigenous wisdom.

They don't seem to like us very much. Maybe we should just leave them be? BLM also doesn't seem to like us. Can we offer them free one-way plane tickets to rejoin their brethren so that they can live their lives free from our horribleness? They should not be forced to associate with us or our ways if they don't want to.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 15, 2016 07:11 AM (dtWKK)

75 I wonder what long range mean on that 155.
When I served on the old, towed 155 charge 7 white bag was 10 miles.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:14 AM (r3KsD)

76 A

Posted by: elija cummings at October 15, 2016 07:16 AM (dtWKK)

77 I live in RI, on my drive up on Rt 102 to Chapachet last night, I saw 15 Trump/Pence signs, 1 Hillary for Prison sign and 5 Deplorables for Trump signs....not one Hillary sign...admittedly 102 travels through the rural areas of RI...I guess the Trump supporters here are more "vocal" of their choice that Hillary supporters..

Posted by: KWDreaming at October 15, 2016 07:17 AM (AkcYt)

78 M Kelly getting beat in the ratings by both Hannity and that person from msnbc?

Strange world. I guess a short leather skirt and bewbs are just not enough.

Posted by: Elmer at October 15, 2016 07:17 AM (d76uN)

I wonder what long range mean on that 155. When I served on the old, towed 155 charge 7 white bag was 10 miles.
Posted by: teej

100+ km with a CEP of 50 m, which doesn't seen that accurate for the money

Fun Fact

With the unit cost of LRLAP ammo limiting procurement, you might think the guns could could use standard Army 155 mm shells for area bombardment and training.

Nope. Guns aren't comparable.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 07:22 AM (kdS6q)

80 >>>Meanwhile, back in Africa, there's a movement among back students to reject all science as racist and colonialism under the rubic #ScienceMustFall.

I blame racism for turning my people against science.

Posted by: Neil DeGrasse Tyson at October 15, 2016 07:23 AM (dtWKK)


DAY 1,440

24 to go (96 to Inauguration Day )

Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, Mao-suits, McCain's, McConnell's, Mario's, Mahdi megatons, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, manhandled mishes, Milwaukee mayhem, McKesson's, Mizzou malefactors, mewling mattress-myth manufacturers, marriage maimers, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Myrmidons, Mugwumps, Monrovian microbes, malicious mosquitos, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microaggressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at October 15, 2016 07:23 AM (9P3OG)

82 Kudzu - get a cz52 or a makarov. Makarov is probably cheaper. It'll be well under budget, is a very good pistol, and you won't go broke learning to shoot.

Alternative is the bersa in .380. Also good and serviceable and cheap.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at October 15, 2016 07:24 AM (8QwEa)

83 Lord knows what indignity Grand Moff Mabus has approved for the new slogan.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix

Transgender Approved

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale

We're Looking for a Few Good Women (Women With Penises Welcome).

Embrace Your Inner "Warrior Princess" (google navy seal warrior princess)

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear

Are you shemale enough?

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at October 15, 2016 07:24 AM (hVdx9)

84 How can it be EMT? Some of us are just now turning in.

Posted by: Smitty27 at October 15, 2016 07:25 AM (g9d8D)

85 And that ten miles memory is from over 40 years ago so...
Nasty gun. When a shell is big enough that you can stand behind a gun and watch the back end of it get smaller and smaller till it disappears...
And the way a big rectangular box of dust puffed up when the battery fired timed timed rounds...
The different types of rounds available...

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:26 AM (r3KsD)

86 @78 ha we're getting calls from Nielsen ratings again. We did it once for giggles about 10 years ago, and entered Fox News in every slot with the exception of a few kids shows and MNF. We are considering doing it again and entering Fox in every slot except for Megan and Shemp.

Why I consider tv ratings par with polls.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Posted by: RedDish at October 15, 2016 07:26 AM (5eXg1)

87 Nope. Guns aren't comparable.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 07:22 AM (kdS6q)

What pass up a chance for some new graft and corruption?

Not a chance.

Posted by: Elmer at October 15, 2016 07:26 AM (d76uN)

88 teej, I am in Texas. We will be playing Hendrix, Allman, Stones, Ozzie, Zep, ZZ Top, SRV, Van Morrison, Yoakum, Zevon at the least and whatever riff triggers a new song. Last time after all that them made me sing Play That Funky Music White Boy. It's a fun little jam band.

Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at October 15, 2016 07:28 AM (pHueg)

89 Hey Kudzu King, while you're looking for small autos, give the Ruger LC9's a look and fondle. I bought one in the spring for a pocket gun, and though it doesn't have the wow factor of a Beretta or Shield, for less than $400 it's utterly reliable and pretty accurate.

Posted by: Subterranean JT at October 15, 2016 07:28 AM (qG0hz)

90 100+ kilometers? Holy smokes.
And trust me, you do NOT want to be in the open within 50 meters of a 155 round when it goes off. Ruin your whole day, that will.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:29 AM (r3KsD)

91 And trust me, you do NOT want to be in the open
within 50 meters of a 155 round when it goes off. Ruin your whole day,
that will.

Posted by: teej

And yet we can sell them to teenagers at gun shows.


Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2016 07:31 AM (8ikIW)

92 So we're planning a cyber-attack on Russia.

And we're announcing it to the world.

Obastard must have been absent the day they taught the element of surprise.

Posted by: creeper, the deplorable at October 15, 2016 07:32 AM (JOmcn)

93 New poll out of Nevada.

Since dumping Trump, this guys poll numbers have been tanking.


Posted by: Tim (the poll troll) in Illinois at October 15, 2016 07:33 AM (d76uN)

94 Wikileaks does reveal that all the sexual harassment allegations were planned out far in advance.

May is back when Miss Universe got her citizenship. Convenient, huh?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at October 15, 2016 07:35 AM (mL2BD)

95 For the lady, an LCR or small SW should be part of the discussion. Although, small handguns of any type are a steep learning curve for a new gun owner.

I'd recommend dropping some coin on a class first and some range time.

Posted by: Jean at October 15, 2016 07:38 AM (PF6le)

96 I'll second Jean's motion. You won't know if you like a gun until you actually shoot it.

Posted by: creeper, the deplorable at October 15, 2016 07:39 AM (JOmcn)

97 Sounds like a blast Dave. I've unfortunately allowed myself to get a bit out of shape when it comes to really rockin' it out on the drums. Could handle a bit of that but those days were over twenty years ago.
Mostly singer/songwriter stuff nowadays though some of that gets to goin' too.
I just sit behind the two pros and tinker around. Full set for when it's called for plus bongos, chimes, cabasa, shakers and such.
Throw in some easy harp stuff while playing on a number of tunes.
Did a couple of times on my Taylor while doing kick and hi-hat last gig.
Just simple rhythm needless to say.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:39 AM (r3KsD)

98 Looks like I'm locked in on voting Trump only here in central Illinois, as there is no way I'm also voting for Mark Kirk for senate or Rodney Davis for house.

Also, about to purchase my 1st firearm. Got a good guy to help me choose which to buy....retired forensic pathologist (probably knows ballistics as well as anybody)...and he knows a guy in Pekin that has a nice shop.

Posted by: Taqyia2Me at October 15, 2016 07:40 AM (QFpXi)

Fun Fact

Smart-ass simulated a one on one battle between a Zumwalt and a Russian battlecruiser.

Even with some very optimistic assumptions about the US ship being able to defend against missiles and the effectiveness of her steath, she still can't hit the Russian as the distance closes, because of targeting limitation and time of flight for shells from the guns.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 07:41 AM (kdS6q)

100 geez, tunes not times.
Glad you all are getting used to that out of me.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:42 AM (r3KsD)

101 I'm back from long phone call.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 07:42 AM (mpXpK)

Posted by: Subterranean JT at October 15, 2016 07:28 AM (qG0hz)

Will do, thanks!

Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 07:43 AM (Nymev)

103 I like a revolver for a woman's carry for a couple of reasons. Fail to fire/eject is not something a woman, except those with strong hands and practice, can deal with easily in a crisis. With a revolver, just pull the trigger again if it doesn't fire the first time.

Also, there's no safety to remember how to operate and fumble with on a revolver. A hammerless Lady Smith is a real fine option imho. But I wouldn't reco one for a gal with small children. They love getting into mom's purse; a moment's inattention could be a disaster.

But in the camps none of this will matter. We can practice throwing rocks.

Posted by: GnuBreed, mishin' impossible at October 15, 2016 07:44 AM (gyKtp)

104 Might as well toss out something for the morons, faliaphotographia on the YouTube.

If she doesn't want to purse carry. I like the older CZ in 380, but not for body concealment.

Posted by: Jean at October 15, 2016 07:45 AM (PF6le)

105 Looks like I'm locked in on voting Trump only here in central Illinois, as there is no way I'm also voting for Mark Kirk for senate or Rodney Davis for house.

There are Constitution Party and Veterans Party alternatives for Senate in Illinois. I'm leaning on the Veterans Party guy.He's a write in but what the hell, no way I'm voting for kirky. He's toast.

No longer in rodney davis district. I got little prince darren lahood instead. That will remain blank or write in.

Posted by: Tim (the poll troll) in Illinois at October 15, 2016 07:47 AM (d76uN)

106 'Mornin.

To the range!

Posted by: Weasel at October 15, 2016 07:50 AM (Sfs6o)

107 @99- IDC
Okay, I'm as far as you can get from being knowledgeable about naval tactics but why would you even think about doing ship to ship with guns until a really dialed in rail gun comes along.
I'd be thinking missles. And he having someone trying to figure a way to have them Bob and weave their way in to avoid defense systems.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:50 AM (r3KsD)

108 I'd be thinking missles. And he having someone
trying to figure a way to have them Bob and weave their way in to avoid
defense systems.

Posted by: teej

Serpentine Shelly!!

Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2016 07:52 AM (8ikIW)

109 Hey Weasel don't leave yet.
Can you recommend a really good make of dial caliper? Don't want digital. Screw needing batteries in case of burning times.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 07:53 AM (r3KsD)

110 Pretty sure I won't vote for my pantywaist senator Thune this cycle. He is one who came out and said he won't support Trump. He was debating his opponent last night on tv, some guy I can't even tell you his name but he may get my vote. However my rep Mrs Noem has said she will support Trump so there's that.

Posted by: Molly k. at October 15, 2016 07:58 AM (B15oO)

111 I bought a bursa 380 about 20 yrs ago. After first hubby passed away I moved to a less isolated locale and sold the pistol to my dad. When hubby mayhem and I started looking around for another 380 mi papi shows up hands me that bursa and says " I been keeping this for ya, you can have it back now". I like it better now than I did when I sold it to dad.

Posted by: madamemayhem at October 15, 2016 07:58 AM (yTnCT)

112 Let me try that again. Panty Waste, not pantywaist. You get the idea

Posted by: Molly k. at October 15, 2016 07:59 AM (B15oO)

113 Since we have coordination between the broadcast media and the Clinton campaign, can their license be pulled under a Trump Administration.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:01 AM (BS8yt)

why would you even think about doing ship to ship with guns
Posted by: teej

In a ship on ship surface action, the Zumwalt has no choice but to use guns.

The ship has no anti-ship missiles, and they can't be carried in the ship's VLS cells. Unless the Navy tack-welds some Harpoons to the deck, it's guns or nothing.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 08:01 AM (kdS6q)

115 Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:01 AM (BS8yt)

Easily and I can see it happening.

Posted by: Tim (the poll troll) in Illinois at October 15, 2016 08:02 AM (d76uN)

116 My mother used to carry a little 32. Thing was a mousegun, no doubt. Had a tricky sear, and would empty all 8 if you pulled the trigger. Purse-carry smg.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at October 15, 2016 08:02 AM (sfe1f)

117 Hell, I don't even live in Thune's state, but I'm going to call and say I won't vote for him.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:04 AM (BS8yt)

118 I want a PPsH 41. In all its crude glory. As long as I am wishing for the impossible hows about the ability to produce ammo for it.


Posted by: Tim (the poll troll) in Illinois at October 15, 2016 08:05 AM (d76uN)

119 That craigslist trump job Wikileaks shows the coordinated hit on Trump went as far back as May.

It even included the Miss Universe talking points.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:06 AM (BS8yt)

120 First thing President Trump should do is hold a press conference. Tell all the media bastards that due to the 411 revealed by wiki about their collision with Dems, their press credentials are being revoked. Anyone news org that wasn't involved will keep creds unless they report stuff that is verifiably lies. They lie or distort the truth in any way, press credentials revoked instantly. Put the f@cking mediain the place.

Posted by: madamemayhem at October 15, 2016 08:07 AM (yTnCT)

121 Oh, Uncle Palp! That sounds just like my Star .380. I had to have the sear re-worked because it was threatening to go full auto every time I pulled the trigger.

Actually didn't see anything wrong with that butt smarter heads prevailed.

BTW, it's a 1911...still the best design ever IMNSHO.

Posted by: creeper, the deplorable at October 15, 2016 08:07 AM (JOmcn)

122 Thank you. May I please have another?

Posted by: setnaffa at October 15, 2016 08:08 AM (iDxq/)

123 If Trump wins, I want see financial ruin for all media involved.

Essentially they are acting as an illegal superPAC.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:08 AM (BS8yt)

124 "...the Zumwalt has no choice..."

Well gee, we'd best be building a lot of those then hadn't we.
Do they at least travel in a group that has some real destroyers? And a carrier? Mebbe 2 or three attack subs lurking around and ready to "comment" at any time?

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 08:09 AM (r3KsD)

125 Have a good one people!

Posted by: madamemayhem at October 15, 2016 08:10 AM (yTnCT)

126 Well I guess Weasel left. A good dial caliper and case trimmed is all I need to get started now too.
And a reloading "bible". Yeah, I know some guys but should still probably get one of those too.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 08:15 AM (r3KsD)

127 Trump specifically mentioned fixing the procurement process, this directly relates to the Zuma and other procurement fiascos.

Some military brass and former brass need to be jailed too.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:15 AM (BS8yt)

128 118. Tim, a papasha is a thing of beauty. Radom makes a semi-auto version of the 43. No drum, no wood stock, but a hella big magazine. Got one myself. Lotta fun.

7.62 Tok is easy to reload, and Prvi Partizan makes it. Good stuff. And there's still a lot of the old milsurp ammo out there.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at October 15, 2016 08:17 AM (sfe1f)

129 trimmER.
That does it. Moar coffee and try to get some stuff done around here today.
Love each other fellow babies

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 08:17 AM (r3KsD)

130 Ammoman and Midway USA for ammo. Free shipping and fast.
Posted by: Dave at Buffalo Roam at October 15, 2016 06:55 AM (pHueg) _____________________________
Thanks Dave, I'll check it out
Posted by: Kudzu King at October 15, 2016 07:00 AM (Nymev)

Check out AIM Surplus out of Kentucky I believe....

Sometimes has great prices on everyday and hard to find calibers. Fast service and shipping.

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 15, 2016 08:18 AM (ej1L0)

Willowed from the ONT:

Okay, I need you good people to put some wisdom on me. I'm gonna'
spend ~$1000 on guns and ammo soon (today/this coming week something
like that). I need to get a pistol for my daughter (light weight, purse
gun, packs a punch). And I want to get some 7.62 x 39, 30-30, .22, .410
12 gage. What pistol would y'all recommend and what website would
you think best for the ammo?

Posted by: Kudzu King


Avoid Taurus. QC is too spotty. I am a fan of the Kahr CW9. It's a
soft shooting gun and I love mine. I say that if a woman can handle a
.380, she can handle a 9mm. Maybe an Arcus in 9mm, but all I know is
that it's Browning High Power like.

As for sites, I use the search engines Wiki Arms, Ammo Seek, etc.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at October 15, 2016 06:46 AM (hVdx9)

+1 for the CW9. It's my CCW gun, and fairly inexpensive at around $350ish street price. Despite the light weight and small size, it's surprisingly soft-shooting, and the DAO trigger is excellent.

One thing though. Kahr recommends a 200 round break-in period before depending on it. That's spot-on, in my experience. It needs to settle in to ensure proper reliability. Also, mine doesn't like Speer Gold Dots. At. All. Hangs up regularly with the GDs, which pisses me off because I've got a case of GDs that work beautifully in my CZ and High Power. But the Hornady Critical Defense or Critical Duty rounds feed in the Kahr like buttah, so that's what I'm using.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at October 15, 2016 08:19 AM (LuZz8)

132 Today's whiteboard sign






Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 15, 2016 08:19 AM (EnGQE)

133 Will be going door to door soon for Trump , wonder what the responses will be?

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:20 AM (BS8yt)

134 I know one gives a shit: Chicago Tribune: 4 dead 15 shot....but first lets read about all the newest Trump stories, just so we can bury hie once and for all!

Posted by: Colin at October 15, 2016 08:20 AM (9FAf7)

In totally not a coordinated media conspiracy news:

NBC's Law Order: SVU, has shelved the Donald Trump-inspired episode called "Unstoppable." The episode features a larger-than-life presidential candidate, who is condemned by several women with damning accusations

The episode which was originally scheduled to air Oct. 26 will now be seen sometime after the Nov. 8 election, sources close to the situation confirm. The decision to reschedule was made Friday afternoon at the network level.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at October 15, 2016 08:21 AM (kdS6q)

136 126
Well I guess Weasel left. A good dial caliper and case trimmed is all I need to get started now too.

And a reloading "bible". Yeah, I know some guys but should still probably get one of those too.

Posted by: teej at October 15, 2016 08:15 AM (r3KsD)

When I was reloading I never used a caliper to measure cases for trimming. I compared the case to a virgin case I always kept for reference and when it needed trimming I set the trimmer using the virgin case.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 15, 2016 08:21 AM (mpXpK)

And I'm partial to SG Ammo for my online purchases.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at October 15, 2016 08:21 AM (LuZz8)

138 Wikileaks does reveal that all the sexual harassment allegations were planned out far in advance.
Yes.. they had all of this shit planned for months... that does not necessarily means it is not true, though.

The open-mic audio is certainly true.. that's how he talks..

But, they waited until October til it is too late to do anything about it.

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at October 15, 2016 08:22 AM (UpGcq)

139 As an inexperienced femal gun owner, I'd recommend a revolver. Simply because, if you need it fast, you don't have to worry about the safety. I've had my eye on a Ruger for a while. Whenever I hold a Ruger, it strikes me that they fit a woman's hand well. Definitely take her with you so she can at least dry fire it to make sure of fit and pull tension required.

Posted by: Obamaisacommunist at October 15, 2016 08:22 AM (rHGeg)

140 Good ones FenelonSpoke

I've been in a spiritual funk the past few months. Now I'm trying to start back up Morning Prayer in the small storefront parish I'm a part of.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:23 AM (BS8yt)

141 If Trump wins, I want see financial ruin for all media involved.

Essentially they are acting as an illegal superPAC.

Posted by: Make America Great Again

The most amusing part of this will be the hand wringing and howls of protest, "This infringes on a free press! Who will keep Americans accurately informed about events? Who will serve as watchmen over local and federal governments?" As if that were what they do now.

Posted by: Steve and Cold Bear at October 15, 2016 08:24 AM (dtWKK)

142 Tim - knew a few oldtimers what carried the 41 and 43 in battle. 41 was most famous, but 43 brought home the bacon. 41 was expensive and elaborate for an smg, amd was awkwars to fire (you held the drum at the bottom). Both had hi cap and insane rates of fire, and you really had to be careful not to blow thru the mag.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at October 15, 2016 08:24 AM (sfe1f)

143 I'm not convinced purse carry is that great an idea unless it's actually designed with a built-in holster and always worn cross-shoulder. It just seems way too likely that someone will grab or cut the purse and run off, and now have your gun. Plus fumbling in a purse for a gun seems like asking for trouble. Budget for a decent quick-draw purse or come up with a body carry option IMO.

Posted by: hogmartin at October 15, 2016 08:25 AM (8nWyX)

144 Chi,

Sure they found the video and built a "narrative" around it.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:25 AM (BS8yt)

145 Yo.

I just read that article linked in the ONT about the dude fired from Starbucks. He rambles a bit, but seems to be taking responsibility for his actions.

Then I looked at his picture and started yelling at him. He's got a big ol' bushy beard and is overweight.

Nothing against those in general, but if you're unemployed or under employed, damn son, you gotta try really hard in all areas.

Posted by: Mama AJ at October 15, 2016 08:25 AM (gTQoY)

146 teej, FWIW the late mr. creeper owned a machine shop. All his calipers were Starretts. But they're not cheap.

Check the 'bay.

Posted by: creeper, the deplorable at October 15, 2016 08:27 AM (JOmcn)

147 So NBC reporting that the CIA is planning a cyber attack on Russia. I'm guessing the strategies of Sun Tzu weren't on their reading list.

Posted by: Lady in Black - Death to the Man Bun at October 15, 2016 08:27 AM (+FSld)

148 Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:23 AM (BS8yt)

Good for you. Consistency is a foundational part of spiritual disciples. May God send you light and peace! :^)

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at October 15, 2016 08:29 AM (EnGQE)

149 Will be going door to door soon for Trump , wonder what the responses will be?
Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:20 AM (BS8yt)

Looking forward to hearing your follow-up on that. Stay safe.

Posted by: spypeach at October 15, 2016 08:30 AM (nyYhO)

150 Carry a Makarov. Less than $300, good enough for the KGB for years and years. Kinda small

Posted by: CSMBigBird at October 15, 2016 08:31 AM (xInes)

151 Nood.

Posted by: olddog in mo at October 15, 2016 08:31 AM (Dhht7)

152 Ace/ gang why don't y'all just give Vic posting privileges?

Posted by: Cat Ass Trophy at October 15, 2016 08:33 AM (dnWSK)

153 Posted by: hogmartin at October 15, 2016 08:25 AM (8nWyX)

Hog, my purse has a vertical zipper in the end of it. The gun pocket resides between two outer pockets. It's big enough to hold a SIG P226. The double strap of the purse runs through two solid brass O-rings. Strap mounts are sewn directly to the body. I carry it most times with the zipper in front (though I've been known to turn it around if it didn't want to answer questions about that zipper). Yank the zipper down, stick your hand in and either pull the gun out or fire through the other end of it.

Sixteen rounds, one in the chamber (forgot about that one earlier) and no safety. Pull the trigger and BANG!

My kinda gun.

Posted by: creeper, the deplorable at October 15, 2016 08:33 AM (JOmcn)

154 May God send you light and peace! :^)


That's what I'm seeking, "the peace that surpasses all understanding."

Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 15, 2016 08:34 AM (BS8yt)

155 teej -

get a Mitutoyo caliper.

you're righ on the no digital thing too - though I dislike them because of zero drifting, especially on repetitive measurements, your point on batteries is good too.

Posted by: the deplorable sock_rat_eez, stay calm and carry on at October 15, 2016 08:56 AM (Z8DIA)

156 Re: gun for daughter. Follow the advice of posters who say let her try out guns at a range. Also Cabelas is having firearms weekend this weekend and the Well Armed Woman will be at every store today to talk women and give intro to pistol classes

Posted by: Jen the original at October 15, 2016 08:58 AM (3yNrk)

157 Both wife and daughter had difficulty with the controls on semi auto pistols. Racking slide quickly, slide release were not functions quickly or easily performed. Both now carry Ruger LCR's. Daughters is 38 Spl and wife is 22 Mag. Simple, compact, and reliable. Shrouded hammer means you can carry all chambers full. Revolvers aren't my cup of tea (I carry a M&P Shield in 9mm) but you have to use what works for you.

Posted by: Agitator at October 15, 2016 09:31 AM (MgD5r)

158 Nothing will come of nothing: speak again.

Posted by: Eric at October 15, 2016 09:50 AM (4FUX9)

159 Glocks are decent guns for noobs and etc.

Posted by: setnaffa at October 15, 2016 10:57 AM (iDxq/)

160 Glocks are decent guns for noobs and etc.


The quality of weapon is always based on it's level of mechanical complexity , the price tag and the amount of TACTICAL CRAP glued and screwed to it.


Posted by: Mortimer, deplorable at October 15, 2016 01:04 PM (zu88C)

161 I just bought S&W shield in 9mm fpr my daughter. Our gun range will rent all their weapons of a single caliber all day for $10. That gives the prospective buyer a chance to really see what fits and shoots best. The $10 is applied to a purchase. I think a lot of places do that.

Posted by: Buck Ofama at October 15, 2016 05:13 PM (EytbD)

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