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Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Mis. Hum.]


Welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Where Morons and PetMorons go hand paw in hand.

A Little of This. A Little of That

  • Basement savers can also save kittens.
  • The family dog does not repel grizzly bear.
  • Polite cat.
  • Do dogs go to heaven? Buy the book and find out.h/t Anonosaurus Wrecks
  • Getting a puppy?
  • Cat & baby.
  • Feel good story.
  • GREAT Dane

    There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
    -Ben Williams

    Meet The PetMorons

    zz toby.jpg

    Regular Moron Hrothgar submitted this photo of Toby. Toby recently passed over the Rainbow Bridge. So sorry Hrothgar. Toby is a beautiful dog.

    zz marcia.jpg

    Marcia submitted this drawing of Missy & Rocky. (I'm so jealous of the artistic skill). Missy likes other people's food. Rocky is a grumpy uncle type who woofs out, get off my lawn.

    zz lea.jpg

    Meet Athena. According to Lea she is a Killer Kat roaming the neighborhood seeking prey.

    zz tassey.jpg

    Lurker Buddha wanted us to meet Tassey. Tassey was a shelter cat who was adopted. It appears this cat has a big personality and is mischievous as well.

    zz susannah.jpg

    Another Lurker photo. Wish you folks would join the party. C'mon in the water is fine. Speaking of water check out Keeper the Malinois and Flynn the GSD at a beach in St. Lucie, FL. Susannah, beautiful dogs.

    That's a wrap for another week. Once again we thank you for all of the tips and photos. If you have something you would like to share you can reach us at petmorons at g mail dot com.

    Hope you and the pets have a great week.

    Posted by: Open Blogger at 02:35 PM


    (Jump to bottom of comments)

    1 I like the killer cat.

    Posted by: HH at October 01, 2016 02:35 PM (DrCtv)

    2 I'm sitting outside with 3 of my 4 cats. I've been traveling for three weeks straight and the poor things have been dying to get outside.

    Posted by: Obamaisacommunist at October 01, 2016 02:36 PM (bqml4)

    3 I had a 4 pound yorkie steal and eat my half pound pastrami sandwich when I stepped away from the cover table for a second.

    Posted by: wooga at October 01, 2016 02:37 PM (n5VsB)

    4 Pet Thread!!

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 02:37 PM (Sfs6o)

    5 Doggehs!

    Posted by: Insomniac - Irredeemably Deplorable at October 01, 2016 02:38 PM (0mRoj)

    6 Beautiful animals.

    Tassey the cat looks like she could have been one of Ace's safe space kitties that he would put up a few months ago.

    Posted by: bluebell at October 01, 2016 02:41 PM (xpSCc)

    7 Good looking pet Morons, as usual!
    Layla and I took advantage of a break in the rain this morning to take our Saturday walk on Government Island. We almost made it back before the sky opened again. That pup does NOT like getting wet.

    Posted by: That Deplorable SOB Van Owen at October 01, 2016 02:41 PM (AY9O7)

    8 This one never gets old...

    Posted by: davidt at October 01, 2016 02:42 PM (XoldI)

    9 So glad to see my sweet boy Toby made it to the pet thread. He was the only dog I've ever had that never needed any training, he just absorbed what I was thinking and did it. I will miss that fine dog for a long time!

    Thanks for the work you both put into the pet thread, it is a much-needed refuge from the insanity elsewhere!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 02:43 PM (wCEn4)

    10 Hrothgar, Toby was a beauty. And now he has been memorialized on the AoS Pet Thread.

    Posted by: bluebell at October 01, 2016 02:44 PM (xpSCc)

    11 I need to send in my picture of our cat Samantha.

    Posted by: Make America Great Again at October 01, 2016 02:46 PM (BS8yt)

    12 any links for early voting numbers? I saw the florida story from 9/23 R ahead by 120000 but not much out there....and where are all the new polls post debate in swing states?

    Posted by: duncan at October 01, 2016 02:47 PM (Z2KtO)

    13 davidt, that vid is so funny! What a cute doggie.

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 02:47 PM (6IPEM)

    14 This isn't Toby, but it's something he loved to do and he did it with unbelievable enthusiam:

    Toby actually attacked the water jet and tried to bite it! I never had to give him a formal bath!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 02:50 PM (wCEn4)

    15 @12: C'mon, man, it's the Pet Thread!

    Posted by: That Deplorable SOB Van Owen at October 01, 2016 02:50 PM (AY9O7)

    16 Took the border mix doggeh for a fetch and swim in local brook. Then took my boys to BJJ class and then took a class myself. Somehow less angry and more centered than when I got up. Strange that.

    Posted by: Xnycpeasant at October 01, 2016 02:51 PM (hPfYF)

    17 One of my sisters had a killer cat. Not sure what it was up to but dang the birds hated that animal.

    One morning I'm over there, standing out on the driveway drinking coffee. The cat was with me, kind of rubbing against my leg and suddenly we get dive-bombed by a bird going after the cat.

    I, ummm, may have been startled. But the damn cat didn't even react. Just kept on rubbing. That was just strange.

    Posted by: HH at October 01, 2016 02:51 PM (DrCtv)

    18 Duncan you need to go 2 threads down or wait for the chess/open thread for political talk. We like to take a break from that stuff on our hobby and pet threads.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 02:51 PM (Jen0I)

    19 Why do cats like to hide, guess humans will never know

    Posted by: Skip at October 01, 2016 02:51 PM (ofpt4)

    20 Love the PetMorons, every one.

    But I can never get pet photos like that one of Tassey.

    Posted by: KT at October 01, 2016 02:52 PM (qahv/)

    21 Afghan Kitty looks like DuneCat.

    Posted by: garrett at October 01, 2016 02:54 PM (N0qDx)

    22 I saw an enormous hawk (later identified as a broad shouldered hawk) in my neighbors backyard a couple of weeks ago and immediately wondered if it represented a threat to little WeaselDog.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 02:55 PM (Sfs6o)

    23 Love the drawing of Missy and Rocky, too. Goes with the description of their personalities.

    Posted by: KT at October 01, 2016 02:55 PM (qahv/)

    24 My neighbors still talk about my previous cat -- tiny little gray tabby -- who was a true killer. If she liked you, she would leave a dead mouse at the door. For a few years after she died we were overrun with field mice. Visitors never had to worry about my dogs, they really had to worry about the tiny little cat with the big voice.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 02:56 PM (MIKMs)

    25 Yes, the kittehs are about to get their heart's desire now. It is almost at the point in the weather where I can open all the windows which all the kittehs will run and jump in the windows for some real sunshine.

    Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 01, 2016 02:56 PM (mpXpK)


    Posted by: wizardpc at October 01, 2016 02:57 PM (CQ7bM)

    27 Sorry for your loss Hrothgar. I hope you find another doggeh.

    Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at October 01, 2016 02:57 PM (1qrFE)

    28 Weasel, I've seen a hawk make a (unsuccessful) run on a fox, so yeah.

    Posted by: That Deplorable SOB Van Owen at October 01, 2016 02:58 PM (AY9O7)

    29 Thanks as always for the Pet Thread!

    Good looking doggehs and kittehs.


    Posted by: Love hertz at October 01, 2016 02:58 PM (no0Da)

    30 17 One morning I'm over there, standing out on the
    driveway drinking coffee. The cat was with me, kind of rubbing against
    my leg and suddenly we get dive-bombed by a bird going after the cat.

    I, ummm, may have been startled. But the damn cat didn't even react. Just kept on rubbing. That was just strange.

    Posted by: HH at October 01, 2016 02:51 PM (DrCtv)

    I have seen mockingbirds do that to any animal that gets close to their nest when they have babies in it. I actually saw one chase a way a huge crow one morning.

    Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at October 01, 2016 02:59 PM (mpXpK)

    31 So sorry for your loss Hothgrar. Toby's fun and intelligent personality shines through the picture.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:00 PM (Jen0I)

    32 28 yeah - I wasn't real comfortable with the lack of size differential.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:03 PM (Sfs6o)

    33 All of the pet babies are adorable. Each one is sweet in its own way. The sketch is wonderful.

    Posted by: Mrs JTB at October 01, 2016 03:03 PM (V+03K)

    34 It's cool enough here (after a brutal August) that I finally turned on the heating element in the kittehs' heated cat bed. The bed is large enough for both of them to sleep in it at the same time. Dude kitteh is sleeping in it at the moment, most likely dreaming of the Mets making the postseason (well, he's named for Casey Stengel, and he's an amazin' kitteh).

    Posted by: Basement Cat at October 01, 2016 03:03 PM (3C9q2)

    35 Yay, the food thread!

    Posted by: Barack O at October 01, 2016 03:04 PM (kTF2Z)

    36 I love Athena. My sister had a male black and white cat that was quite the hunter back when we were kids on a ranch in ND. He would take off in the summertime and live of what he hunted and show up when the weather was turning cold to be a pet over the winter.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:04 PM (Jen0I)

    37 @15 and Pale Rider: sorry, and thanku...I thought u guys were kidding about the pet thingy...didnt know u guys ever took a break from politics. My bad. Have a great weekend!

    Posted by: duncan at October 01, 2016 03:05 PM (Z2KtO)

    38 I was supposed to go look at new horse today, but I went to the gun show instead. Horse shopping will continue tomorrow.

    Posted by: Country Singer (gab @BertG) at October 01, 2016 03:06 PM (GUBah)

    39 Posted by: Basement Cat at October 01, 2016 03:03 PM (3C9q2)
    Aren't those great? We have two - one for each kitty - and I leave one plugged in all year for the older cat who turned 16 this year.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:07 PM (Sfs6o)

    40 Love the Missy and Rocky sketch. When I was a kid I wished I could draw or paint. Had a great scene outside the bedroom window but a photo would have been marred by the concrete rubble -this was in the days before photoshop.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:07 PM (Jen0I)

    41 Hrothgar - sorry about the gut punch. They just don't live as long as we do. We all know that going in, but somehow it knocks you over anyway when it happens.

    Rev's secretary has a cat with a litter of kittens. She asked if we wanted one. We decided no. Personally, I'm just not able to go through that again. Can't do it. That part of my heart is officially closed for repairs.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:07 PM (bpfzP)

    42 Great looking pets! Loved the sketch......cute!

    Posted by: Hairyback Guy at October 01, 2016 03:08 PM (ej1L0)

    43 The cat nose under the blanket is hilarious.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:08 PM (bpfzP)

    44 GSD is beautiful.

    Posted by: The Deplorable Mr Aspirin Factory at October 01, 2016 03:08 PM (89T5c)

    45 My Dane won't let me brush her teeth or trim her nails. She is stronger than I am so I don't want/can't get in a wrestling match with her without it ending badly for me. She has let me do both those things before when she was a lot smaller, but now she won't let me. Any ideas?

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (6IPEM)

    46 Tassy pic is so cute. I've never had a cat that liked to crawl under a blanket although most have enjoyed the std boxes and paper bags.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (Jen0I)

    47 Beautiful pets. I may inherit bff's cat when they move to the mountains. Too dangerous for her there. I need a solution for the cat box. Bathroom is too small and I don't want it in the kitchen. Not having any luck with a rational solution.

    Posted by: Infidel at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (AEqJh)

    48 Toby looks like he could've gone a couple rounds with a weasel and come out ahead.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (bpfzP)

    49 Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at October 01, 2016 02:57 PM (1qrFE)

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:00 PM (Jen0I)

    Thanks for your kind thoughts. Turns out I do still have French Bulldog Conor T. Hrothgar, who IIRC was a star in a very early pet thread, maybe the first. He's stubborn, too intelligent, but makes me laugh, really laugh, at least once a day, so life is good!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 03:10 PM (wCEn4)

    50 Great looking bunch of Moronimals, as expected.
    Sorry for your loss, Hrothgar.
    Pug, right? Toby looks like he was a happy pup.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:11 PM (GJ4W8)

    51 48 Toby looks like he could've gone a couple rounds with a weasel and come out ahead.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (bpfzP)

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:12 PM (Sfs6o)

    52 I had a 4 pound yorkie steal and eat my half pound pastrami sandwich when I stepped away from the cover table for a second.

    Posted by: wooga at October 01, 2016 02:37 PM (n5VsB)

    When I was a kid I spent the night at a friend's house. In the morning his Miniature Schnauzer "Fritz" snatched a package of raw bacon off of the counter and ate every bit of it when we stepped outside for a couple of minutes. Pretty bold move.


    Posted by: Love hertz at October 01, 2016 03:12 PM (no0Da)

    53 I think Susannah is safe when she is out walking. A lot of good looking canine protection there.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:12 PM (Jen0I)

    54 Toby looks like a French Bulldog, maybe.

    Posted by: The Deplorable Mr Aspirin Factory at October 01, 2016 03:13 PM (89T5c)

    55 Any ideas?

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (6IPEM)

    Brushing a dog's teeth has a very limited effect if you aren't doing it twice a day on a consistently daily basis. I would give your dog some good chewing toys or bones, and have the teeth professionally cleaned every 1 to 2 years, depending on age.

    Most vets will trim a dog's nails for a minimal fee - say 12 to 15 bucks. Also - walk the dog on concrete pavement every day to wear the nails down.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:13 PM (bpfzP)

    56 Even though we are hurt when our pets die, it is still worth every minute of it. When the sharpest pain leaves, all I remember is the fun and love.

    As a recommendation, do not take only one cat, take two. They are companions (probably in conspiracy to make your life difficult), and can amuse themselves. Rather than two cats, I got a cat and a dog together. It has worked very well -- two animals with a single brain traded back and forth.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 03:13 PM (MIKMs)

    57 Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:07 PM (bpfzP)

    I'll spare you the details, but I understand your decision and think Conor is the last pet of any sort for me.

    And yes I think Toby could have had quite a time with a weasel, except he was too sweet!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 03:14 PM (wCEn4)

    58 >>>35 Yay, the food thread!
    Posted by: Barack O at October 01, 2016 03:04 PM (kTF2Z)

    Thanks; our day is complete!

    Posted by: m at October 01, 2016 03:15 PM (/4GEs)

    59 Personally, I'm just not able to go through that again. Can't do it. That part of my heart is officially closed for repairs.
    I'm the exact same way. I lost my calico kitty in a tragic way when I was in high school and never got another cat again.
    My puppy will be the only dog I'll ever own. When I lose her, that will will be it. I don't think I can replace her.

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:15 PM (6IPEM)

    60 Any ideas?
    Posted by: L, Elle
    Wait until she's really tired & sleepy?
    That's when I usually do Tucker's nails.
    I have a friend who walks his dog a couple miles every day, rain or shine, and he never has to cut Oocho's nails. They always look like he just got a pawdicure.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:15 PM (GJ4W8)

    61 It has worked very well -- two animals with a single brain traded back and forth.


    Posted by: Infidel at October 01, 2016 03:16 PM (AEqJh)

    62 One other story about my sisters cat. One morning, they had the front door open with the screen door shut. The cat is laying looking out and suddenly a Blue Jay hops up on the porch and starts screaming at the cat. I'm watching this going WTF? But again, the cat doesn't react, just looks at the bird. Probably thinking that she could take it out with one or two swipes. I finally had to shut the door because that damn bird was so obnoxious.

    Posted by: HH at October 01, 2016 03:16 PM (DrCtv)

    63 >>>45 My Dane won't let me brush her teeth or trim her nails. She is stronger than I am so I don't want/can't get in a wrestling match with her without it ending badly for me. She has let me do both those things before when she was a lot smaller, but now she won't let me. Any ideas?
    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (6IPEM)

    Leash her to a solid object and trim nails one leg at a time like you were shoeing a horse.
    Never brushed a dogs teeth so don't know about the other.

    Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at October 01, 2016 03:16 PM (+b2T3)

    64 Toby looks like a French Bulldog, maybe.

    Posted by: The Deplorable Mr Aspirin Factory at October 01, 2016 03:13 PM (89T5c)

    Pug, right? Toby looks like he was a happy pup.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:11 PM (GJ4W

    French Bulldog. They look remarkably similar, but Frenchie ears stand up and track you. And yes, Toby was always in a good mood!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 03:17 PM (wCEn4)

    65 L'elle. Well I personally have never done the teeth brushing. Good bones or antlers to keep the teeth clean is what I like.

    For the toenails, I have not tried this but some folks have good luck with a dremel. No chance of quicking the nail and no pinch. You might try that with some treats after each nail is sanded down a bit.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:17 PM (Jen0I)

    66 Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (6IPEM)
    Hi L,Elle -
    The cat's claws are clear so we trim those at home. WeaselDog has mostly black nails so we take her to the vet and have them do it for $20. Our thinking is that the we can't see the well to avoid cutting into the quick which the vet tech ended up doing this time anyway. It didn't bleed much though and she was fine on the drive home.
    She is such a ridiculous goofball that she has to be muzzled with the teeniest muzzle you can imagine.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:18 PM (Sfs6o)

    67 Such beautiful kitties and doggies! My weimaraner Smokey got out of his ecollar and the vet said his eye is healing well now. It still looks horrible but she said that means it's healing. He is much happier now and has been sitting in front of everyone so he can get his neck scratched.

    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 03:20 PM (HBU7W)

    68 Leash her to a solid object and trim nails one leg at a time like you were shoeing a horse.
    Never brushed a dogs teeth so don't know about the other.
    Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at October 01, 2016 03:16 PM
    I need to look up how to shoe a horse. I found that answer on an online pet forum too. Thanks, Banana Splits Guy.

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:20 PM (6IPEM)

    69 Even the vet I worked for didn't bother brushing his dog's teeth. Said it was a waste of time unless you could do it twice a day every day. For most people that's not realistic. I never brushed my any of my dogs' teeth either. I just got them cleaned once a year. I was the one doing the cleaning, so I just got charged for the anesthesia, so cost wasn't a factor for me - which obviously makes a difference.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:20 PM (bpfzP)

    70 Congrats on your Weim. getting out of the cone of shame Peggy and that his eye is healing.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 03:21 PM (Jen0I)

    71 Y'all vets are expensive!
    I think mine charges $7, but I've never paid. I bought the dollar store trimmers when he was a puppy, and never looked back.
    Also, they do it for free if I'm there for an appointment, which is his annual.

    And I've never brushed his teeth - he chews so many sticks, soft toys and possums that his teeth are supermodel white.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:22 PM (GJ4W8)

    72 I tried cutting our female weimaraner's nails. Tried cross tying her to posts out in back but as I was attaching the lead she twisted as fast as lightening and broke my hand. The vet does it now.

    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 03:23 PM (HBU7W)

    73 Bathroom is too small and

    Set covered box with handle in tub/shower stall. Keeps those couple of grains that stick to their paws easily washed down.

    Posted by: DaveA at October 01, 2016 03:23 PM (8J/Te)

    74 45 My Dane won't let me brush her teeth or trim her nails. She is stronger than I am so I don't want/can't get in a wrestling match with her without it ending badly for me. She has let me do both those things before when she was a lot smaller, but now she won't let me. Any ideas?
    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (6IPEM)

    Give her a lecture about dental cavities and gum disease. Show her a picture or two of advanced periodontitis.

    Posted by: Insomniac - Irredeemably Deplorable at October 01, 2016 03:24 PM (0mRoj)

    75 Any ideas?

    Posted by: L, Elle

    Bite the bullet and make a 'spa day' quarterly for the dog. My old methLab was an ideal dog for a few days after his grooming day. Worth every penny that I couldn't afford just to have him behaving like a quiet pet for a while.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 03:24 PM (MIKMs)

    76 39
    Aren't those great?

    Yes, heated cat beds are wonderful-- and you're right about their benefits for older kittehs. In fact, I bought my present heated cat bed for two senior kittehs (one was 15 and the other was 17), to give them extra comfort in cold weather. Sadly, both Kette and Diana have passed over the rainbow bridge (one at the end of 2013 and the other in the summer of 2014), but the heated bed still works well, and younger kittehs like the extra warmth too.

    Posted by: Basement Cat at October 01, 2016 03:24 PM (3C9q2)

    77 If you are trimming your dog's nails at home, and you cut the quick, you can apply cornstarch to it, using a damp Q-tip. Or you can also buy styptic powder. I don't know where you get that. I just stole mine from the vet.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:25 PM (bpfzP)

    78 Okay, I think my puppy is okay as far teeth then. I get her bones regularly and give her dental treats. Maybe it's the toothpaste flavor that she hates. It's supposed to be beef flavored. How she can possibly hate beef flavored toothpaste is beyond me. The nails thing I'll let the vet do then.

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:26 PM (6IPEM)

    79 This must be the Pets with Attitude edition. Splendid, one and all--although Keeper seems to be giving the photographer the hairy eyeball. Somebody do the fake ball throw one too many times? I would not want to piss that dog off.

    Athena looks *very* like my two boys. One of whom is at this very moment asleep on his face. Yes, he has face-planted on his cushy pad and gone to sleep. I think he's a Moron, but I haven't smelled any Val-u-Rite on his breath. I'd take a picture but he'd just look like an elongated black hole.

    Posted by: Sabrina Chase at October 01, 2016 03:26 PM (SuJIo)

    80 Posted by: Basement Cat at October 01, 2016 03:24 PM (3C9q2)
    I got the first one for the older cat about a year ago and had to immediately get the second one because the little cat wouldn't stay out of it!
    If I become any more decrepit, I'm going to ask WeaselWoman to get one for me.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:28 PM (Sfs6o)

    81 L,Elle - every so often pull her gums back and check her back molars for signs of tartar build-up. That's usually where teeth problems start in a large breed dog.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:28 PM (bpfzP)

    82 Grammie,
    Years ago, when I used to actually shave, and used a razor, I had a styptic pencil (or pen). That shit burns like crazy.
    If I hit a quick (which is very rare now), I just say sorry & hold a tissue on it for a minute.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:28 PM (GJ4W8)

    83 >>>Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:20 PM (6IPEM)

    Dog stands on three legs while you bend trimmed leg back so you're looking at the underside of the paw and nail. Easier to see quick and easier to control as you can pinch leg between body and arm while using one hand on paw and one hand on trimmers.
    Some people can trim pet nails like people getting manicure (paw face down) but some dogs have the ability to retract paws under body like turtle paws or something.

    Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at October 01, 2016 03:29 PM (+b2T3)

    84 If I become any more decrepit, I'm going to ask WeaselWoman to get one for me.
    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:28 PM (Sfs6o)

    Weasel, I'm already there. We bought a heated mattress pad last winter and it's wonderful.

    Posted by: bluebell at October 01, 2016 03:30 PM (xpSCc)

    85 Our siamese was 21 when he went to the bridge. He was my husbands best buddy and we bought a heated cat house for him. He wold go in when it was cold but he preferred my husbands lap, no matter what my husband was doing. Everything stopped when Sam wanted the lap.

    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 03:30 PM (HBU7W)

    86 PS some people put peanut butter on wall to occupy dog but some dogs can lick a hole through drywall

    Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at October 01, 2016 03:31 PM (+b2T3)

    87 I tried cutting our female weimaraner's nails. Tried cross tying her to posts out in back but as I was attaching the lead she twisted as fast as lightening and broke my hand. The vet does it now.
    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016
    Broke your hand? Ouch.
    Yeah, I could see that happening to me too. She is such a gentle dog in every other way but goes berserkers when I take out the dremel. Maybe it's the noise of it. She still thinks the vaccuum cleaner is her mortal enemy out to eat her alive or something

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:31 PM (6IPEM)

    88 Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:28 PM (GJ4W
    Almost any amount of blood looks like a lot (to me) but it had stopped in the few minutes it took to drive home. She's a good little clotter!

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:31 PM (Sfs6o)

    89 Can anyone recommend a style/brand of nail trimmers for a 65 pound American bulldog mix?

    He's a sweet boy but doesn't enjoy the process of getting his nails clipped. We did it this morning with one of those trimmers that has the blade that slides across a hole in the handle, if that makes sense. As it starts to contact the nail it tends to want to twist and change the angle of the intended cut.

    Curious as to what others use.


    Posted by: Love hertz at October 01, 2016 03:32 PM (no0Da)

    90 If I hit a quick (which is very rare now), I just say sorry hold a tissue on it for a minute.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:28 PM (GJ4W

    Yeah, pressure usually works just as good too. Clients tend to freak out when they see blood coming from their pet, so styptic is quick and stops the panic. Never knew about the stinging - I hope I never hurt anybody. Ouch.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:32 PM (bpfzP)

    91 My girl hates the noise of the nail clipper. We go to the vet and she's still as a statue. I think so much has happened at the vets office, she's afraid of what they could do.

    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 03:33 PM (HBU7W)

    92 but goes berserkers when I take out the dremel...
    Maybe that's the problem?
    Have you ever tried the clipper type?
    They usually look like a small pair of pliers.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:33 PM (GJ4W8)

    93 Yea. Another Malinois. Nice looking dog. My Breccia is more tawny / tan color.

    Posted by: Octiparan at October 01, 2016 03:34 PM (cn2r5)

    Weasel, I'm already there. We bought a heated mattress pad last winter and it's wonderful.

    Posted by: bluebell at October 01, 2016 03:30 PM (xpSCc)
    At the rate I'm disintegrating, I'm not sure if I don't want to make that sort of long-term investment!

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:34 PM (Sfs6o)

    95 Love hertz -

    That nail clipper is probably too small and not sturdy enough to cut a thick nail. I would go to PetCo or PetSmart or whatever, and look at the various nail clippers that look like what you would use to clip rose bushes. They'll have two handles that you squeeze together. Look for the beefiest one they have.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:35 PM (bpfzP)

    96 L,Elle - every so often pull her gums back and check her back molars for signs of tartar build-up. That's usually where teeth problems start in a large breed dog.
    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church
    That I can do. She will let me inspect her teeth freely and is docile the whole time. She even seems to like it. When I take out the toothbrush she runs downstairs and goes into hiding like a big scaredy cat. Idk. I take it personally like she doesn't trust me or something or that I'm failing as her dog owner

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:36 PM (6IPEM)

    97 If I become any more decrepit, I'm going to ask WeaselWoman to get one for me.

    I hear you-- I have painful arthritis in both ankles. One nice thing is that my present kittehs seem to know when it's bothering me and they'll sleep on top of my lower legs at night. The dude cat walks up and down on my legs as if he's doing kitteh shiatsu. I'm thinking the human version of a heated cat bed is a kitteh-heated bed.

    Posted by: Basement Cat at October 01, 2016 03:37 PM (3C9q2)

    98 I take it personally like she doesn't trust me or something or that I'm failing as her dog owner

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:36 PM (6IPEM)

    She's just trying to guilt trip you into more treats.

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:38 PM (bpfzP)

    99 Where is a good place to buy antlers. My dogs love them but the person we get them from can't hold out hunting anymore. Are there good places online?

    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 03:39 PM (HBU7W)

    100 47 Infidel - I got a bathroom vanity base at a home improvement store (on sale - dinged/scratched). Set it up just far enough from the wall so the cat can fit behind it. Got a piece of plexiglass for the top to let light in. Looks like a cabinet with the doors shut, and I can open the doors for easy access to clean the box. I have a friend who made a piece of furniture that functions the same way (but with an entry door for the cat and a light inside) but this was a fairly inexpensive solution for me. I have it in the spare bedroom/office.

    Posted by: Killer Tomato at October 01, 2016 03:39 PM (WstIU)

    101 Love hertz,
    Maybe ask the vet to see what theirs look like, then find that brand or similar at a pet store or online?

    I tried my exMIL's electric ones with a little grinding wheel, and couldn't stand the smell. Plus, I think the noise & vibration freak out the animal.
    The clipper type are fast and painless, and both you and the animal should get used to them quickly (no pun intended that time).

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:40 PM (GJ4W8)

    102 Beautiful pets all. So sorry for your loss Hrothgar.

    Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at October 01, 2016 03:40 PM (CNHr1)

    103 Chi, I haven't tried nail clippers only bc her nails are black so I can't see the quick and didn't want to injure her accidentally. I think if I just clip a tiny bit so they lose the sharp points it will be fine. Looking on Amazon now for clippers

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:41 PM (6IPEM)

    104 For once I am awake for the PetThread.

    Anyway, I was telling my idiot (but loved) soninlaw about one of our family's German Shepherds who played with a bowling ball in the back yard as her toy. When she died (at 15), her teeth were really worn down, but she was so joyous throwing it around, it was just great fun.

    Anyone else have odd toys?

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 03:42 PM (MIKMs)

    105 Used to know people who lived in Sechelt, B.C., the location of the grizzly bear story above. Used to be sort of a genteel Dogpatch, with loggers and fishermen, and plenty of great old houses. Now it has gone very gentrified.

    Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 01, 2016 03:43 PM (o9m/V)

    106 Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 03:35 PM (bpfzP)

    Thanks, grammie!

    I'll look for something like that later today. There's a Petco next to the Costco we weekend shop at. The trimmer I used this morning is one we've had for years and used on our smaller dogs.


    Posted by: Love hertz at October 01, 2016 03:43 PM (no0Da)

    Anyone else have odd toys?
    Posted by: mustbequantum
    With this crowd, the thread could go south very fast asking a question like that...

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:44 PM (GJ4W8)

    108 99 Where is a good place to buy antlers. My dogs love them but the person we get them from can't hold out hunting anymore. Are there good places online?
    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 03:39 PM (HBU7W)
    I've seen antlers in pet stores and I bet has them too.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:44 PM (Sfs6o)

    109 Lit off the fireplace last night for the first time since we moved in. All dogs present within 3 minutes.

    Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at October 01, 2016 03:44 PM (1qrFE)

    110 It wasn't a toy but I put an apple by the couch for lunch when I got the rest and came back, the cat was nowhere to be seen but the apple was across the room.

    Ooh it rolls!! *bat bat bat bat bat* oops here he comes...

    Posted by: Christopher Taylor at October 01, 2016 03:45 PM (39g3+)

    111 107
    Anyone else have odd toys?
    Posted by: mustbequantum
    With this crowd, the thread could go south very fast asking a question like that...
    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:44 PM (GJ4W

    You know, I saw that question, raised my eyebrows, and started calculating mentally the over/under . . .

    I've been hanging out here too long.

    Posted by: bluebell at October 01, 2016 03:46 PM (xpSCc)

    112 We're down to 1 dog and 3 cats now, down from 6 and 6 just a short while ago. We still plan on getting more eventually. We figure God brings those animals to us that need a good home.

    Sure it can screw up our plans and requires pet sitters but in the end we know that most of these pets would have been put to death for no fault of their own.

    Posted by: Octiparan at October 01, 2016 03:48 PM (cn2r5)

    113 >>> Anyone else have odd toys?

    We have a puppycat that is a retriever. He likes plastic items and Mrs fluffy's makeup brushes.

    He also likes digging items out of drawers. If he gets something good he will parade around the house while proudly announcing his find.

    Posted by: fluffy at October 01, 2016 03:50 PM (eiFlk)

    114 Anyone else have odd toys?
    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 03:42 PM
    Yeah, mine loves my frog slippers. She got a hold of one and chewed out the eye on it and ruined it so I let her have it as a fetch toy. I think she thinks it's a real frog. I have a good number of frogs on my land and she goes nuts when she sees them jump. She sleeps holding onto the one ruined slipper. It's so cute!

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:50 PM (6IPEM)

    115 Thanks Killer Tomato. That's a great idea.

    Posted by: Infidel at October 01, 2016 03:51 PM (AEqJh)

    116 Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 03:40 PM (GJ4W

    Thanks, Chi. That's a good rec.

    I can tell you right now Monk won't have anything to do with any noisy electrical contraption anywhere near him. He's a shelter dog with ptsd. We've had him for over three years now and he still has a hard time relaxing completely if there's any kind of commotion going on. He's a good boy but he always thinks something's going to "happen."


    Posted by: Love hertz at October 01, 2016 03:54 PM (no0Da)

    117 59 Personally, I'm just not able to go through that again. Can't do it. That part of my heart is officially closed for repairs.
    I'm the exact same way. I lost my calico kitty in a tragic way when I was in high school and never got another cat again.
    My puppy will be the only dog I'll ever own. When I lose her, that will will be it. I don't think I can replace her.
    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 03:15 PM (6IPEM)

    I'm kind of the opposite. I never had a cat when I was younger. When I was 42 I fell in love with my neighbor's cat, and it was clearly mutual.

    She had a litter and I adopted two kittens. Leo died suddenly at age 7 and I was devastated. But I didn't want his sister Kira to be lonely so I adopted another kitten, Reggie.

    Kira is 16 now and Reggie is 9. There is no way to replace them, but now I simply can't imagine life without cats.

    Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 01, 2016 03:55 PM (sdi6R)

    118 Mr. Bigglesworth, or "Biggie" because it's cooler to be a dead rapper than a movie cat, is addicted to drinking straws. I recently pulled 22 out from under the range. Problem is that when someone not in the family comes in with a drink with a straw, he stalks them and bats at their drink. He's also fascinated by the printer and goes in up to his elbow.

    Posted by: deplorable dagny at October 01, 2016 03:58 PM (09Ay7)

    119 WeaselDog is a big fan of the flat, unstuffed, plush toys. Big. Fan. Her favorite is a little mallard duck that she takes everywhere with her, even to bed at night.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 03:58 PM (Sfs6o)

    120 I was just thinking about how dogs and cats amuse themselves. You dirty minds you! A few years ago I was standing at a fence watching an incredibly beautiful German Shepherd throwing around a car tire as a toy, and getting a little misty missing my old silly throwing her bowling ball around. Cats and milk rings -- even my current cat will play with them.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 03:59 PM (MIKMs)

    121 I currently don't have a pet; I watch this video instead.

    Posted by: vivi at October 01, 2016 04:00 PM (11H2y)

    122 Who disappeared?

    Posted by: grammie winger wants to dance at church at October 01, 2016 04:01 PM (bpfzP)

    123 Leo died suddenly at age 7 and I was devastated. But I didn't want his sister Kira to be lonely so I adopted another kitten, Reggie.
    rickl, that is one thing I'm considering doing. Getting another dog to keep mine company, I mean. I hate leaving her alone or boarding her. Then I think about all the work involved in training my puppy and I think nah, maybe later. She really would like a doggie companion I think.

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 04:01 PM (6IPEM)

    124 I find it weird that my dog completely gave up toys almost the moment she would have been about 14. She's INTENT on guarding the house and positions herself all day to see out the windows. She demands to be let out back to run her guard loop if there is any movement from cars, walkers, birds, people. The only thing she will do that's "play" is chase the laser pointer at night in the yard, otherwise her attitude is that we're frivolous.

    Posted by: deplorable dagny at October 01, 2016 04:02 PM (09Ay7)

    125 I have not used them but they were recommend on a BB by someone who uses antlers for chews.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 04:03 PM (Jen0I)

    126 Not so odd cat toy but easy to make: take an old (clean) cotton sock and fill the lower part with a generous amount of dried catnip. Then tie the sock closed by knotting the upper part. My kittehs will play with a catnip sock until the catnip loses its scent or they make a hole in the fabric, whichever comes first.

    Posted by: Basement Cat at October 01, 2016 04:05 PM (3C9q2)

    127 >>> Anyone else have odd toys?

    Maybe not so odd, but *makeshift*?

    Yesterday, Baby wanted to play but all her toys were... somewhere else... so we played Fetch with a fallen apple.

    Now she's still toting an apple around. Hubby had to stop her from bringing it indoors last night, lol.

    Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 01, 2016 04:06 PM (044Fx)

    128 She really would like a doggie companion I think. Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 04:01 PM (6IPEM)

    Get her own pet cat.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 04:07 PM (MIKMs)

    129 Tipping the scales at a solid 10 pounds, WD isn't formidable to look at but nothing, and I mean nothing, gets past the house on the street. She can tell the difference between the neighbors that she knows, and strangers too. Her barking can get a little annoying but it doesn't last long and she is a great little watchdog.

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 04:07 PM (Sfs6o)

    130 Weird toys: My horses have never gone for the jolly balls or other horse toys but the rubber feed tubs sometimes get tossed around.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 04:08 PM (Jen0I)

    131 122 Who disappeared?

    Posted by: grammie winger
    He just got called into the game. He's on first ...

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 04:08 PM (GJ4W8)

    132 I bought a tiny quadcopter on the assumption that my cats would play with it. Tiny thing, you can get 2 or 3 in the palm of your hand.
    Turns out they are absolutely terrified of it. They run and hide as soon as I crank it up.

    Posted by: navybrat at October 01, 2016 04:09 PM (w7KSn)

    133 132 I bought a tiny quadcopter on the assumption that my cats would play with it. Tiny thing, you can get 2 or 3 in the palm of your hand.
    Turns out they are absolutely terrified of it. They run and hide as soon as I crank it up.
    Posted by: navybrat at October 01, 2016 04:09 PM (w7KSn)

    I thought about buying a robotic tarantula for my cats, then decided against it.

    Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 01, 2016 04:14 PM (sdi6R)

    134 I got a tiny radio-controlled car, and my cat enjoyed chasing it. He also liked to chase the spot from a laser pointer. RIP, Claws.

    Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 01, 2016 04:14 PM (o9m/V)

    135 They run and hide as soon as I crank it up.

    Posted by: navybrat at October 01, 2016 04:09 PM (w7KSn)

    Drones, man.

    The kitties are used to being the predators.


    Posted by: Love hertz at October 01, 2016 04:15 PM (no0Da)

    136 My kids had a tiny coffee pot on wheels, about 1 1/2" high. You would wind it up it would wheel around in circles and the lid would pop up and down. The dog and cats were scared to death of the thing and would clear the room immediately.

    Posted by: washrivergal madly and deeply deplorable at October 01, 2016 04:15 PM (CFc5L)

    137 This pet thread is bad for me. It makes me keep spending money on my doggie! Now I have to go buy a remote control car or taranatula to see how my puppy responds.

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 04:17 PM (6IPEM)

    138 My mom bought one of those weasel balls for the cat and he was scared of it.

    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 04:17 PM (Jen0I)

    139 We bought a weasel ball for the cat and our dogs thought it was the greatest toy evah!

    Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 04:20 PM (HBU7W)

    140 138 My mom bought one of those weasel balls for the cat and he was scared of it.
    Posted by: PaleRider at October 01, 2016 04:17 PM (Jen0I)
    not cool, man!

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 04:21 PM (Sfs6o)

    141 Posted by: Peggy at October 01, 2016 04:20 PM (HBU7W)

    Posted by: Weasel at October 01, 2016 04:22 PM (Sfs6o)

    142 Lovely pets.

    The dog who barked at the grizzly in the backyard was awfully lucky the bear was in a mellow mood and only had a taste for fruit that day instead of rare shank of canine.

    Posted by: Donna&&&&V. deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&so there at October 01, 2016 04:23 PM (P8951)

    143 So my parent's family dog had really bad allergies and was on Cyclosporine (sp?) for a while. A neighbor into oils recommended natural oils which REALLY helped her dog, who I saw was raw the year before.

    The oils worked on the dog. I was surprised. She discontinued the medication and the dog was doing great. However, my mom stopped with the oil for a while and the dog was back to chewing his paws. The oil regimen resumed but he still chews his paws after the oil is applied.

    HERE'S THE QUESTION: The neighbor brought over some sort of Vet Tape, which is a cloth that wraps around the paws. The dog has a cone. But does anyone else have any other solutions for dogs that bite their paws? It's only going to be for another week or so.

    Thanks so much

    Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 01, 2016 04:23 PM (n7ncP)

    144 Son had a Roomba and was babysitting young Conor dog. Son turned the Roomba on, Conor watched it for a minute, chased it, jumped on top of it, rode it around for a bit, then reached down and found the off switch and turned it off. He's since done this several times.

    I have to lock the power windows in the car because he's figured out how to press the open button and roll the window down.

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 04:24 PM (wCEn4)

    145 My greyhound that I had loved to play with my underwear. Weird dog.

    Posted by: DeplorableJewells45 at October 01, 2016 04:25 PM (CNHr1)

    146 Tell us about you Petz Bro!

    Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at October 01, 2016 04:25 PM (dQpUB)

    Who disappeared?
    Posted by: grammie winger
    He just got called into the game. He's on first ...
    Posted by: Chi

    I thought he became a veterinarian.

    Posted by: Bertram Cabot, Jr. at October 01, 2016 04:25 PM (IqV8l)

    148 Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 01, 2016 04:23 PM (n7ncP)

    Do you know what specific oil worked for the dog? Conor seems to worry his paws a lot, but not so much I've gone to the vet and I'd still like something to help him out!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 04:27 PM (wCEn4)

    149 I have to lock the power windows in the car because he's figured out how to press the open button and roll the window down.
    Posted by: Hrothgar

    I have watched Mike Hammer's Cat use both paws in an attempt to rotate the doorknob.

    Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at October 01, 2016 04:27 PM (FNGGO)

    150 142
    The dog who barked at the grizzly in the backyard was awfully lucky the bear was in a mellow mood and only had a taste for fruit that day instead of rare shank of canine.
    Posted by: Donna&&&&V. deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&so there at October 01, 2016 04:23 PM (P8951)

    Yikes. The article said that the grizzly had already killed a black bear.

    Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 01, 2016 04:28 PM (sdi6R)

    151 I have watched Mike Hammer's Cat use both paws in an attempt to rotate the doorknob. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at October 01, 2016 04:27 PM (FNGGO)

    Cats and dogs see closed doors as an advisory -- not as an absolute. 2yo kids, however, are still stymied. At least my two sit in front and whine rather than instruct the kid. Obviously, I am thankful for small mercies.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 04:33 PM (MIKMs)

    Do you know what specific oil worked for the
    dog? Conor seems to worry his paws a lot, but not so much I've gone to
    the vet and I'd still like something to help him out!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 04:27 PM (wCEn4)

    Hello Hrothgar!
    It was a DoTerra oil. The website is just doterra dot com.
    I'm trying to find out specifically what oils were used initially on the dog. I'll come back and post as soon as I get the answer. It may take 30 minutes or so.
    I was PRETTY skeptical. But I had pictures of the neighbor's dog the year before and the dog was just raw. The oils worked great on Ralphy. I'll be back soon with exactly what ones...

    Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 01, 2016 04:35 PM (n7ncP)

    153 Cats seem to be able to hold their own against black bears, though.

    Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 01, 2016 04:36 PM (sdi6R)

    154 Wow, Hrothgar. Conor sounds like such a smart dog. I live in fear of the day that my doggie figures out how to open the refrigerator. i had to disable the motion sensor trash can in the kitchen. She is as tall as the trash can and would park herself in front of it and bark and the lid would automatically open and then she'd go dumpster diving. She thought the barking was what was causing the lid to open, not her big head being level with the lid. After I disabled the trash can, she started parking herself in front of the fridge and started barking at it thinking it would open automatically. She's a funny dog.

    Posted by: L, Elle at October 01, 2016 04:36 PM (6IPEM)

    155 Hello, cuties! (and your humans, too)

    Funniest cat toy we have is plastic Easter egg halves. B bats them all over the house. Sometimes she seems restless and we realize they have all disappeared and we have to dig them out from under furniture.

    Today she was batting one around and then I realized it wasn't one, it was one of those plastic covers for electrical outlets.

    And then there's the plush rat that the humans play with more than the cats. We take turns hiding it for someone else to find. In a cabinet, the fridge, etc.

    Posted by: Mama AJ at October 01, 2016 04:39 PM (gTQoY)

    156 My brother's late Golden Retriever Baxter and his next door neighbor's dog, a golden/Shepard mix named Sandy used to put on a ritualized show when they played with a large rubber tire You could predict the sequence:

    Human person would pick up the tire and throw it into Sandy's back yard. (The yards were separated by a chain link fence, but the gate was usually left open so the 2 dogs could run from yard to yard all day.)

    Baxter would race to get the tire, while Sandy, who looked very much like a golden wolf, would stalk over to the gate and block it. Baxter would run back with the tire, put on the brakes when he came to Sandy, and the two of them would have this phony face off, growling away at each other.

    Then Baxter would try to rush through the gate, but Sandy would always bite the tire as he was running though and the epic tug of war would commence. As the two of them growled and tugged away, they would glance frequently at the humans watching them. "Aren't we putting on a great show for you?" Usually, they'd get themselves all tangled up in the tire, which was quite flexible. Once Sandy ended up on her back with the tire around her middle and Baxter started dragging her around the yard. All of this theater was accompanied by loud growls and barks as they pretended to be tough instead of the marshmallows they were. Eventually, they'd exhaust themselves.

    But that was the script and it was never deviated from. Baxter always got the tire first, Sandy always blocked the gate, and Baxter always acted surprised to find her there.

    Don't tell me dogs can't be hams.

    Posted by: Donna&&&&V. deplorably brandishing ampersands&&&&so there at October 01, 2016 04:41 PM (P8951)

    157 When I watch old Brit. movies (I don't know if they still do this) I noticed that their doorknobs are placed much higher on the door than here. Thought it was a great idea to keep pets and toddlers from reach.

    Posted by: washrivergal madly and deeply deplorable at October 01, 2016 04:42 PM (CFc5L)

    158 Experts at relocating grizzly bears:

    Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 01, 2016 04:43 PM (o9m/V)

    159 nood chess/open

    Posted by: OregonMuse at October 01, 2016 04:44 PM (pbApP)

    160 47 Beautiful pets. I may inherit bff's cat when they move to the mountains. Too dangerous for her there. I need a solution for the cat box. Bathroom is too small and I don't want it in the kitchen. Not having any luck with a rational solution.

    Posted by: Infidel at October 01, 2016 03:09 PM (AEqJh)

    If you'll go back a month or two in the Pet Threads, you'll find where I build an indoor bathroom for my two cats. Built it as a cabinet in the guest bath, with a cat's entrance bisecting the main hallway bookcase, and the "large" door for humans to maintain the box, facing the commode in the bath.

    I don't know how search old threads, or I'd find the link for you. Hope it'll give you an idea or three!

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

    Posted by: Jim at October 01, 2016 04:44 PM (v5iqM)

    161 nood chess

    Posted by: m at October 01, 2016 04:45 PM (/4GEs)

    162 nood chess

    Posted by: m at October 01, 2016 04:45 PM (/4GEs)

    Not in Iran, there ain't.

    Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 01, 2016 04:46 PM (o9m/V)

    163 On the other hand, cats seem to be inordinately afraid of cucumbers for some reason. I have not tried this with my own cats. Yet.

    Posted by: rickl the deplorable at October 01, 2016 04:46 PM (sdi6R)

    164 Heh....I've got a small group of mice living with me. We've reached a satisfactory arrangement - they don't make a nuisance of themselves, and they can stay. Kinda funny, we've gotten used to each other.

    Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at October 01, 2016 04:48 PM (Tfiz6)

    165 thanks Jim.

    Posted by: Infidel at October 01, 2016 04:52 PM (AEqJh)

    166 On the other hand, cats seem to be inordinately afraid of cucumbers for
    some reason. I have not tried this with my own cats. Yet.

    I already know that they don't like the spines on cucumbers.

    Similar to cactus.

    Only plants in my house are cacti because that is the only thing the cat won't eat. Dog is well mannered and for the most part understands the word 'no' but the cat and visiting grandkids have no sense of manners.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 04:53 PM (MIKMs)

    167 You're quite welcome, Infidel.

    Now, I've gotta go baste the chicke whutz in the oven. Hope it wasn't somebody's pet though!

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

    Posted by: Jim at October 01, 2016 04:53 PM (v5iqM)

    168 Pets make me smile, drawing is special. Glad to see photo of Toby smiling, so sad of his passing, but I hear that ADGTH. Hope Conor is not the last of the French Bulldogs for you Hrothgar. Conor is already touting himself as a pet legend as it is;-) if'n Conor finds out he is the end of THE FB dynasty, wholly rolley poley- Conor will probably start yet another of his fan clubs - then my Toy terrier will be dogging me for the added membership dues;-).

    Posted by: Bebe Dahl at October 01, 2016 05:03 PM (yNyJy)

    169 Late but happy to see my sweet little killer made the cut! She's currently napping away.

    Posted by: Lea at October 01, 2016 05:03 PM (vmMMi)

    170 Probably late to say this, but some vets don't like cutting dogs nails and some won't. Depends on how big your dog is and breed. Some breeds have nails that grow very quickly and are bred to cover long distances each day (herding/working breeds). If you're letting the vet do it, chances are it's because the dog hates it. So in some cases vets are looking at large breeds with fast-growing nails who hate having their nails trimmed. All a vet does is numbers or restraints or sedation. Some vets are saying no to the aggravation. It's stressful for the dog and some dogs may need weekly or bi-weekly trim to get nails back under control. My GSD needed daily 2 hours on pavement to get by with monthly trim. Vet would have muzzled her and prolly put her in the doggy stocks if she ever had to cut her nails (she didn't).

    this is NO JUDGMENT on peeps who have vets trim dogs nails (hi mom!), but make that decision understanding that the vet is not doing anything any happier than you are

    Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at October 01, 2016 05:08 PM (/9osk)

    171 Don't tell me dogs can't be hams.

    Posted by: DonnaV. deplorably brandishing
    ampersandsso there at October 01, 2016 04:41 PM
    Yeah, there really are photogenic dogs who know it. The aforementioned bowling ball girl would pose all the time for pedestrians walking past the yard. Very pretty GSD, mostly black and large for a female, but outgoing and funny.

    Posted by: mustbequantum at October 01, 2016 05:08 PM (MIKMs)

    172 Posted by: Christopher Taylor at October 01, 2016 03:45 PM (39g3+)
    Apple seeds are very poisonous, and grapes & raisins are toxic to pets. Chocolate gets all the press, but those three things can be deadly, whereas chocolate usually has so much fat, sugar, etc., that although not advisable for a pet to eat chocolate bars - usually it is not deadly like apple seeds, grapes, and raisins are.

    Posted by: Bebe Dahl at October 01, 2016 05:13 PM (yNyJy)

    173 Posted by: Bebe Dahl at October 01, 2016 05:13 PM (yNyJy)

    Add to that list, onions and garlic (I've seen different opinions on garlic toxicity but I wouldn't take the chance). Also I think many commercial peanut butter products use xylitol as a human safe artificial sweetener, but it is toxic to dogs. I'd check any non-pet foods served up to your dogs for xylitol.

    BTW, I'm very careful not to let Conor know how much good press he's gotten here!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 05:21 PM (wCEn4)

    174 >>>162 nood chess
    Not in Iran, there ain't.
    Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at October 01, 2016 04:46 PM (o9m/V)


    Posted by: m at October 01, 2016 05:31 PM (/4GEs)

    175 Do you know what specific oil worked for the
    dog? Conor seems to worry his paws a lot, but not so much I've gone to
    the vet and I'd still like something to help him out!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 04:27 PM (wCEn4)

    My 80 year old mother couldn't find the exact oils information. The neighbor prepared the solutions.
    Lavender Oil and Coconut Oil were used in the mixture and applied to the paws. One paper she found recommended Lavender and Helichrysum or Roman Chamomile.
    There are some websites out there dealing with essential oils and dogs. They might be able to specifically help you. Ralphy was in a cone for months until the medications calmed him down. I was surprised when he was on just the oils and doing fine. So I'm converted.

    I wish I could give you more information but I hope this helps.

    Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 01, 2016 05:31 PM (n7ncP)

    176 173 Posted by: Bebe Dahl at October 01, 2016 05:13 PM (yNyJy
    BTW, I'm very careful not to let Conor know how much good press he's gotten here!
    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 05:21 PM (wCEn4)
    Hadn't heard about the xylitol, but good to know, thanks. BTW, your caution of what Conor hears might be moot at this point, my friend. Conor has his own sources & he networks! Conor already knows how many FB online followers he has, and it is growing. He was bragging about it to my pooch just the other day;-)people think FB stands only for Face Book, au contraire, because Conor started it all - www.French Bulldog.arf

    Posted by: Bebe Dahl at October 01, 2016 05:35 PM (yNyJy)

    177 Love all the pet morons! So sad to hear about Toby, Hrothgar. He seems like he was a great pet and friend.

    Noodle the cat loves twist ties. She can chase one around for hours.

    Posted by: Gem at October 01, 2016 05:36 PM (uaHyk)

    178 Speaking of dogs eating what they shouldn't, the very day we adopted our basset hound she got her paws on an entire box of Dunkin Donuts that was on the kitchen table and wolfed down the whole dozen. I was so scared we'd killed her on her first day with us!

    That dog would do anything for bread. Once we put a slice of French bread on one side of the room and a plate of cooked hamburger on the other, and when we let her go she galloped immediately to the bread.

    Posted by: Gem at October 01, 2016 05:43 PM (uaHyk)

    179 Posted by: Bebe Dahl at October 01, 2016 05:35 PM (yNyJy)

    Shhh, he has no idea, don't him give any clues!

    Posted by: Conor T Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 05:45 PM (wCEn4)

    180 Apple seeds are very poisonous

    Nah he didn't want to eat it, just slap it around the room cause its round. He doesn't seem to understand human food is edible.

    Posted by: Christopher Taylor at October 01, 2016 05:47 PM (39g3+)

    181 I wish I could give you more information but I hope this helps.
    Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 01, 2016 05:31 PM (n7ncP)

    This is a good start, I know a therapist that does oils, I'll give her this list!
    Thank you for the research!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 06:05 PM (wCEn4)

    182 Both of our late rat terriers were crazy attackers of the hose nozzle, but we worried about their teeth on the brass nozzle; also they would get water up the nose, also drink too much and puke, so I made a sprinkler nozzle out of PVC pipe for them. Solved all the problems and they still loved it.

    Posted by: the deplorable sock_rat_eez, stay calm and carry on at October 01, 2016 06:23 PM (Z8DIA)

    183 Pets of Morons/Ettes, nothing finer. I will offer what I do for claw trimming. I sit on the floor and get my dog to lay on their back between my legs. I use a course emory board to start with. I will only do one foot at a time. A little scratch on the belly works to keep them happy. I only do one foot at a time but in a week I can have them all done. This is just what works for me.

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 06:24 PM (ueBST)

    184 This is a good start, I know a therapist that does oils, I'll give her this list!

    Thank you for the research!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 06:05 PM (wCEn4)

    Glad to help.
    Especially the pets, because at this point I like and care more about them than the liberals.

    Posted by: Stateless Infidel at October 01, 2016 06:27 PM (n7ncP)

    185 My surviving cats hate having their claws trimmed they are are former ferals. this makes their love somewhat painful at times since they often want to pet you back. The boys mostly control their claws and keep them in, unless they are kneading, but the bottle baby, my Kitteh what plays fetch, has no clue since her mommy didnt raise her and she didnt learn about how to use her hands except from dogs and people. She wants to touch your face, she wants to pat your arm to get attention. She has needles tipped on her little Kitteh hands she tries to grab things with... its quite an experience. When she was little she used to let me trim her claws. But now shes a hefty dilute calico ball of muscle and defiance when i try to trim her fingernails i get slicked as she struggles. I finally gave up. its just not worth the blood loss and she isnt hard on the furniture.

    right now shes knocked out beside me looking like a chubby furry angel.

    looks like my broodmares are in foal. wish me luck. Hoping for two healthy foals out of my favorite stallion. I have been calling these two new mares "Porkchop" and "Cadillac."

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at October 01, 2016 06:43 PM (YhV5r)

    186 That dog would do anything for bread. Once we put a slice of French bread on one side of the room and a plate of cooked hamburger on the other, and when we let her go she galloped immediately to the bread.
    Posted by: Gem
    When I was a wee lad, we had a Sheltie (with the original name of Laddie).
    One day either Mom or Sis was making bread, and set the bowl of dough out of the way to rise.
    We left the hose for some reason, and when we got home later in the day, we found Laddie on his back all blown up like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka.

    Dad says "OMG! He's gonna blow!"
    He ended up living to old age, with more prescription drugs than grandma had, but we thought we killed him that day.

    Posted by: Chi at October 01, 2016 06:46 PM (GJ4W8)

    187 Gushka- Do you want pink or blue ribbons?

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 06:53 PM (ueBST)

    188 187
    Gushka- Do you want pink or blue ribbons?

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 06:53 PM (ueBST)

    from a purely management standpoint... only pink. Easier to sell, too. Blue, next year from my Black mare that can jump. That one will be from the new stud, who is the proven producer of high end dressage horses. THAT one will go to the eventing trainer. Or hell i might sell, but one way or another, that one can be a boy. I have had good luck getting sweet boys from her. But whatever we do... i think healthy and correct, preferably with high Keuring scores, would be the best thing to hope for. All else is secondary.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at October 01, 2016 07:23 PM (YhV5r)

    189 ... Also, Ben Had, you ever notice that so often you get the opposite of what you want? famously one year i bred her for a sale foal. Client wanted a black colt. Her last live foal had been a colt so i was really hoping. Black stud, Black mare, was sure there was a good chance of a back colt, at least 50/50, right? well, Both grandmas were buckskin. (bet you know where this was going) turns out both sire and dam are actually Smoky black, genetically. I got a stunning double dilute (white for those who dont know what that would look like) filly with blue eyes. Great extravagant moving, super correct, uphill conformation, amazing shoulder and gorgeous topline, angulated to jump or do anything at all you want. Guess who wasnt a sale foal any more? I still laugh about that. the "white" foal from two black parents. I lost her in the divorce. But her new owner loves the hell out of her so i guess i am ok with it.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at October 01, 2016 07:34 PM (YhV5r)

    190 Gushka, gave one of my customers a stud that we had raised. They wanted geldings but got two chocolate palomino fillies with silver manes and tails. It has been my experience that people will buy a stud on breeding but want to buy a mare on her produce record.

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 07:41 PM (ueBST)


    Posted by: Alana at October 01, 2016 08:05 PM (Q2Uso)

    192 190
    Gushka, gave one of my customers a stud that we had raised. They wanted
    geldings but got two chocolate palomino fillies with silver manes and
    tails. It has been my experience that people will buy a stud on breeding
    but want to buy a mare on her produce record.

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 07:41 PM (ueBST)

    in my breed its all about the pedigree since its a small breed and lacks genetic diversity and quality. Since these two black horses are the top two horses in the US, production wise, i literally can have my pick of buyers since they are lined up around the block, and will take anything that the mare drops. I sell the colts, keep the fillies from her, unless extenuating circumstances exist like my divorce where its forced on me by lawyers and accountants.
    as for Porkchop and Cadillac... Caddy is the daughter of the black stud and sister of a horse thats been cleaning up everywhere he goes at third level and has just started Prix St George pretty respectably. The Bay guy shes bred to is pretty much a hot object because if the baby is nice at all it will represent a cross nobody has seen before and Porkchop, as we discussed is the same. Both foals will be linebred on horses that have amazing records and since everyone in the family tree is reasonably correct, they should all be good horses. But in my breed, now everyone wants to deal with stallions, so people wish for good broodmares, including me, because if NOTHING from the young mares sells, I will love two new broodmares to replace the aged grandmas who are on their way out. The black horses have people lined up around the block to buy that progeny for next years baby. I will decide who gets it or if nobody gets it, and its mine. Lots will depend on the election. I have no faith that AG policy will get saner under Clinton and it just may be you will find me on your doorstep, my little girl, my Marine, and freak of nature horses in tow, sizing up the real estate market in your neighborhood.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at October 01, 2016 08:22 PM (YhV5r)

    193 Gushka- I have enough room for all. You are not only welcome but encouraged. Killary wins , come my way at your very soonest.

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 08:35 PM (ueBST)

    194 193
    Gushka- I have enough room for all. You are not only welcome but encouraged. Killary wins , come my way at your very soonest.

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 08:35 PM (ueBST)

    since they tried to pass that thing regarding cow farts and succeeded, you can guaran-damn-tee it. Now to convince frail cancer-mom to go along with the is already for it. But shes stubborn and doesnt want to leave her dr and her friends. I am gonna convince her we can fly her in for cancer appts. My friends in Tx are plentiful, so a LOT of aiding and abetting would be going on.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at October 01, 2016 08:57 PM (YhV5r)

    195 Ben Had is going to bed because I Ben up too long.

    Posted by: Ben Had at October 01, 2016 09:01 PM (ueBST)

    196 Lots of really good people on this thread, but you all already knew that!

    Have a good weekend!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at October 01, 2016 09:26 PM (wCEn4)

    197 Late again.... darn it!

    Didn't know raisins are poisonous--

    I had a cat who loooooooved raisins! She would climb my leg for them, would beg almost as insistently for those things as she would for chicken or fish! (OH, no, she was *not at all* spoiled rotten! haha)

    She lived to ripe ol' age of 17.

    RIP, Boop.

    Posted by: JQ Flyover at October 01, 2016 10:44 PM (044Fx)

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