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Will The Establishment's Stalking Horse for Hillary Blow Up the Republican Party?

Via Hot Air, Matthew Sheffield writes of the anger and (correct) feelings of betrayal rising among the base.

The Establishment's plan is very simple. They've pretty much announced it. Bret Stephens, for example, does not hide the fact that his plan is to help Hillary into the presidency with a "blow out" against Trump. Then, he figures, the rebellious Untermenschen of the Lumpenproletariat will come grovelling to the Establishment for its super-successful and popular policy mix of unchastened neocon foreign adventurism, favors for corporate cronies, and official, explicit Open Borders policy.

Here's Stephens admitting The Plan, which is hardly necessary anyway, as it was always pretty obvious:

This is the reason I’ve consistently argued that the only hope for a conservative restoration is a blowout Hillary Clinton victory, held in check by a Republican majority in Congress. If Mr. Trump loses the election narrowly, the stab-in-the-back thesis will have a patina of credibility that he might have won had it not been for the opposition of people like me. But a McGovern-style defeat makes that argument impossible to sustain except among the most cretinous. We can count on Mr. Hannity for that.

And we can count on Mr. Stephens for that as well.

These guys, who fancy themselves smart, seem to miss the point that the way to "teach a lesson" to Trump supporters is to just sort of stay out of the election, and let Trump fail on his own. Then they would have the makings of a "See, I told you so" argument.

But they're too stupid and emotional for that -- no, they have to insert themselves directly into this, agitate for a Hillary win, and then admit they're actually agitating for a big Hillary win because the bigger the win, the bigger the repudiation.

The smart play was to keep their fingerprints off Trump's loss so they couldn't be blamed. But they're egotistical, and highly emotional, and can't help themselves from signing the defeat in blood-red fingerpaint: "WE DID THIS."

But they also want to claim, post-November, "We had nothing to do with this."

Um, except for the part where you actively agitated for Hillary Clinton, and even put up a pawn of a candidate to try to throw a crucial state to Hillary Clinton.

One question:

You guys, having admitted you shivved the rest of the party in the back in order to scramble into a leadership position after the electoral debacle you admit you engineered --

why the fuck wouldn't the rest of us return the favor?

I will never again support the WSJ/Establishment/Rick Wilson/Brent Stephens wing of the GOP. Ever.

Why the hell would I help you assholes into the power positions you crave after you've admitted to tanking an election to "teach a lesson" to the rest of us?

You actually conspire with the enemy -- the Democrat Party, the socialists -- to give them the Supreme Court (all liberal justices older than 50 will retire under Hillary so she can pack the court with 40 year old liberals, and the conservatives except for Roberts and Alito are old) just to increase your own position vis-a-vis the base, and you're even brazen and stupid enough to admit this, and you think, what?

We line up to reward you for your betrayal?

Are you fucking insane?

Vote for Benedict Arnold

Now that I've taught you rebellious colonists a lesson about proper deference to the King, I am ready to resume a leadership role over you -- tanned, ready, and rested.

PS: Once you've delivered Hilary her four or five young liberal justices who will rule the country for 40 years, 2020 becomes a particularly low impact election.

So what would be my incentive to even help these assholes with their plan to come roaring back in 2020? Do they really think I'm as hot for subsidies for John Deere as they are?

If we lose 2016, I have no dog in the 2020 fight, except payback.

Posted by: Ace at 02:33 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 A lot of people apparently have never read the history of the Whigs.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 09, 2016 02:34 PM (7ZVPa)

2 Screw 'em all.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread at August 09, 2016 02:34 PM (rJUlF)

3 Yeah I am starting to root for SMOD.

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 02:34 PM (SUtNI)

4 Worst.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 02:34 PM (xeeHA)

5 The stupid party. What can't it do to lose? We truly have no party.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 09, 2016 02:36 PM (mpXpK)

6 Because they don't care about whether the Republican Party has any power--they just want to be in power.

See, the crumbs they get are still better than most of us can dream of.

So, it's a good deal.

And with us gone, well, it's all ice cream and cold soda for them from here out.

Posted by: RoyalOil at August 09, 2016 02:36 PM (77emZ)

7 So this guy is running on a platform similar to Romney's in 2012. Because THAT worked so well.

And this idea was put forward by one of Glenn Beck's co-hosts? Screw them, too.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread at August 09, 2016 02:36 PM (rJUlF)

8 I.m not convinced anyone is going to vote for this guy. That doesn't absolve the GOPe of their treachery, but I think they will fail.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at August 09, 2016 02:36 PM (R+30W)

9 Yes, this is the real "doping" scandal but it is at the professional level so hawt Russian swimmers can't compete.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at August 09, 2016 02:37 PM (mpXpK)

10 I've seen Stephens' last salvo in WSJ. Pathetic, just the paper has become. Time to let go.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 02:37 PM (c6/9Q)

11 Although, to be fair, Trump may in fact be SMOD. His nomination - and the party's reaction to it - seems to be doing just about exactly the job that SMOD would do. If the SMOD theory is that we have to burn everything to the ground and rebuild from scratch, well, aren't we kind of heading that direction with this cluster of an election? Hillary being elected with the help of GOP will simply fan the flames of the blaze that will consume the system. Bye bye system. Hello #Texit.

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 02:38 PM (SUtNI)

We have no party is damn right.

The GOP base is the CoC and billionaires. They'll never win an election but they won't go the way of the Whigs. Their only other purpose is to shield the Leviathan and make sure no one wins except them and Democrats (one and the same for all intents and purposes).

Fuck them.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at August 09, 2016 02:38 PM (9P3OG)

13 Making it clear that given the choice between "protecting our phoney-baloney jobs and keeping our cut of that sweet, sweet government tax trough coming" and "acting in the best interests of the hardworking, overtaxed, over-regulated American people and the cause of individual liberty," they're going to choose their jobs and their share of the pie every damn time.

Fvck 'em. War!

Posted by: Qoheleth at August 09, 2016 02:38 PM (iIzG7)

14 You know that you secretly crave the whip.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With More Je Ne Sais Quoi! at August 09, 2016 02:38 PM (Nwg0u)

15 Bret Stephens.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 02:39 PM (/tuJf)

16 And this idea was put forward by one of Glenn Beck's co-hosts?


Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With More Je Ne Sais Quoi! at August 09, 2016 02:39 PM (Nwg0u)

17 If the #NeverTrumpers get Hillary elected...

no republican, anywhere, for anyoffice will ever again get elected. Not even for garbage collector.

Posted by: Norm Alliee at August 09, 2016 02:39 PM (mLV8D)

18 That they would consider helping Hillary makes them as heartless, evil, greedy and just plain bad people just like her. Fuck them. With a pineapple. Sideways. Repeatedly. Never again.

Posted by: oddknot still frets at August 09, 2016 02:39 PM (g1MTt)

19 You guys, having admitted you shived the rest of the party in the back in order to scramble into a leadership position after the electoral debacle you admit you engineered --

why the fuck wouldn't the rest of us return the favor?

It's basically Cloward-Piven used for party politics

Posted by: Jollyroger at August 09, 2016 02:39 PM (t06LC)

20 and presto, you're there. finally. now you've reached the conclusion that most of us reached months ago. Trump may or may not be any better, but for me, I'm forever Never GOPe.

Posted by: johnny drama at August 09, 2016 02:40 PM (Y34WY)

21 They are burn it down people, but they are not smart enough to know it.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 09, 2016 02:40 PM (6Ll1u)

22 I'm not looking so bad now, am I?

- Benedict Arnold

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With More Je Ne Sais Quoi! at August 09, 2016 02:40 PM (Nwg0u)

23 i repeat...we must defeat the hill.
and throw in these so-called know-it-alls.


Posted by: concrete girl at August 09, 2016 02:40 PM (iJFCW)

24 This guy is a joke. He is locked out of most States ballot access and is claiming he will sue to get on the ballot in every State. I have news for him/them, not going to happen buttercup, way too late and you are going to need a metric butt ton of cash to do that and a team of lawyers that can go to each State and file a rather dubious suit that has zero merit. He might get one or two States to let him on the ballot but those will be Dem strongholds and not hurt Trump.

As far as Utah goes, he has less than a week to get on that ballot in an effort to hurt Trump there and they have announced no plan. I just don't see it happening.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 09, 2016 02:40 PM (iONHu)

25 100% Agree Ace and I actually read this Post.

Come hell or high water, this is the end of the GOP the way we've known it. If Trump loses there is not hope for the next 50n years, we might as well blow it up and try to advance by other means

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 02:41 PM (zp+j1)

26 I wish someone could explain to me why the GOPe thinks they have any electoral power at all these days. The Tea Party won two off-year elections and basically gifted them Congressional control, even while they lost two Presidential elections, one of which a deaf and dumb drunk could have won. What have they done for us lately, or ever?

Posted by: MTF at August 09, 2016 02:41 PM (/m8T6)

27 "So, how's that whole 'taxation with representation' thing working out for you?"

- The British.

Posted by: Qoheleth at August 09, 2016 02:41 PM (iIzG7)


Posted by: Dennis the Menace at August 09, 2016 02:41 PM (IqV8l)

29 Had a good question and got willowed.

Susan Maine senator isn't voting for Trump. Didn't say if becausd girls need to stick together

Posted by: Skip at August 09, 2016 02:42 PM (bksJQ)

30 Well said, Ace.

Posted by: BuckIV at August 09, 2016 02:42 PM (CLfqv)

31 I expect the Burning Times.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 02:42 PM (vP09u)

32 Lots of two dollar words in this here post. Lump for president!

Posted by: AlaBAMA at August 09, 2016 02:42 PM (lxioR)

33 Dude, we can sell US oil on the world market now!!!

What more do you want???

Posted by: Kreplach at August 09, 2016 02:42 PM (slnRT)

34 you shived the rest of the party in the back

Awwww! Ace, you missed a chance for posting one of the rarest things in the English language --a word with two "v"s in a row!

The proper spelling is "shivved":

The only other word with two v's in a row is "flivver."

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 02:42 PM (jBuUi)

35 ooh, my hash is fitting re: VICTORY


Posted by: concrete girl at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (iJFCW)

36 The GOP symbol should be changed from elephant to Corky.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Now With More Je Ne Sais Quoi! at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (Nwg0u)

37 If the #NeverTrumpers get Hillary elected...

no republican, anywhere, for anyoffice will ever again get elected. Not even for garbage collector.

Posted by: Norm Alliee at August 09, 2016 02:39 PM (mLV8D)

they do not care and that is the problem - their positions, their jobs will remain intact; the "establishment" party will go on.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (c6/9Q)

38 So Rick Wilson isn't a friend of the blog no more?


Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (Idu2i)

39 If we're honest, many of us haven't had a party in a long time. It is just finally all the way out in the open. The Democrats are hostile to us. The GOP is hostile to us. We don't smoke enough pot to be Libertarians.

The question is: Is it even possible, with the two-party system's control of election laws and debate structure, to even start another party and be competitive.

I doubt it.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (xeeHA)

40 i've been saying for years that the GOPe is only interested in keeping their access to power and money...

welcome to the party, pal.

Posted by: redc1c4 at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (i6LEJ)

41 Susan Maine senator isn't voting for Trump

Susan Collins is a saboteur. She routinely submarined the GOP party position on legislation, routinely.

Posted by: Norm Alliee at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (mLV8D)

42 "So, how's that whole 'taxation with representation' thing working out for you?"

- The British.


The problem nowadays is that we have representation without taxation.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (7ZVPa)

43 What everyone else has said.

I will also say this, all of the NeverTrumpers who still remain NTs after this dastardly bit of business, you are clothed in the rotted shreds of the rule of law if you help the most lawless, corrupt, mendacious, greedy, gleefully evil, and demented woman into the WH.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 02:44 PM (kXoT0)

44 Call your friends and relatives in CD1 Wisconsin to vote Nehlen today.

Polls close at 8:00.

Vote Nehlen!
Dump Ryan

Posted by: Vote Nehlen - Dump Ryan at August 09, 2016 02:44 PM (7yBgE)

45 Susan (Collins) Maine senator isn't voting for Trump. Didn't say if becausd girls need to stick together

Posted by: Skip

That is a somewhat disturbing vision

Posted by: Bossy Conservative...pondering the future at August 09, 2016 02:44 PM (RFeQD)

46 Will the GOP get this guy into the debates and continue to snub the other 3rd party candidates? Because that would be hilarious.

Posted by: Flyguy at August 09, 2016 02:45 PM (LERwz)

47 So Rick Wilson isn't a friend of the blog no more?

I keep forgetting, which Beach Boy was he?

Posted by: Qoheleth at August 09, 2016 02:45 PM (iIzG7)

48 Although, to be fair, Trump may in fact be SMOD. His nomination - and the party's reaction to it - seems to be doing just about exactly the job that SMOD would do. If the SMOD theory is that we have to burn everything to the ground and rebuild from scratch, well, aren't we kind of heading that direction with this cluster of an election? Hillary being elected with the help of GOP will simply fan the flames of the blaze that will consume the system. Bye bye system. Hello #Texit.

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 02:38 PM (SUtNI)

Your last sentence was along the lines of what I was thinking to myself yesterday, that maybe Hillary is the SMOD we've been waiting for.

Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 02:45 PM (Idu2i)

49 The Rick Wilson chosen candidate for Operation Flaccid has already scrubbed Goldman-Sachs off his Twitter bio today.

Of course, the Internet is forever so whatever...

Posted by: Azathoth at August 09, 2016 02:45 PM (dazWW)

50 >>> And this idea was put forward by one of Glenn Beck's co-hosts?

Do they not realize how this looks like sour grapes NOT standing on their principles? If Cruz had gotten the nom and an establishment GOPer did this they would be screaming bloody murder about party unity.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 02:45 PM (hvf9s)

51 I will never again support the GOP. Period.

Or the Dems for that matter.

Posted by: Farmer Joe, job hunting at August 09, 2016 02:45 PM (27Ws9)

52 On the topic of obscure words ('flivver'), did you know that "gruntle" is a real verb.

One of the dirtiest sounding verbs of all time, I contend.

"She was sad but I gruntled her all night and she felt better."

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (xeeHA)

53 The Rick Wilson chosen candidate for Operation Flaccid has already scrubbed Goldman-Sachs off his Twitter bio today.

Of course, the Internet is forever so whatever...
Posted by: Azathoth at August 09, 2016 02:45 PM

Didn't he also scrub the UN stuff as well?

Posted by: Flyguy at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (LERwz)

54 I started on some thread yesterday, on why we have no people of national reputation going to a third party.

If Cruz, Gowdy, Cotton and all those of the same firebrands believed one damned word of what they say, they would be gone from the Republican Party.

Because, if we can see how bad things are, imagine what they KNOW being on the inside.

And it leaves one possibility: They are in on the scam and they don't care.

Someone else pointed out: Say you're the VP of some pointless department, good pay and almost no job requirements. Then, stock prices are at an all time low, the company is near bankrupt, the stockholders start making noise about waste and lack of results. And they talk about bringing in a new CEO who promises to fire everyone like you and eliminate your dept.
What do you do?
Exactly what they GOP is doing--fight like hell to keep their phony-baloney jobs.
Even as they know they are killing the company.

Until one of these shitbags stands up and says, "we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor" they ain't going to do one damned thing to fix this country.

None of them are willing to give up their cushy lives.
None of them will do anything to threaten their easy jobs and riches.
And none of them sure as hell have any sacred honor left.

Posted by: RoyalOil at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (77emZ)

55 Goldman must be half bankers and half unemployed politicians.

Posted by: MTF at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (/m8T6)

56 And they wonder how a thing like "The Terror" happened

Posted by: Drill at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (DN9jO)

57 the rebellious Untermenschen of the Lumpenproletariat

I like how you combine the lingo of the national Socialists ("Untermenschen") and the international Socialists ("Lumpenproletariat") into one pan-Socialist shivving. Good - -we need to keep pressing this theme, that every form of socialism, including Soviet-style, Nazi-style, or Bernie-style, are all on the same spectrum, and should be classified as a coherent group of connected philosophies.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (jBuUi)

58 Any of you Homo's make fun of my Libertarian Card, I'll kill you.

Posted by: Francis at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (L5nkE)

59 Well, in terms of being in contact with the reality experienced by the regular people of the country, yes, they are insane.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (gUoN4)

60 If you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park, does Rick Wilson jump on it?

/rhetorical question

Posted by: sans_sheriff at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (CT2XH)

61 Say, whatever happened to that famous GOP phrase, "hold your nose and vote for the party's candidate?"

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (7ZVPa)

62 Wasn't Rick Wilson the fat Heart sister?

Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (CH3GY)

63 While I usually don't advocate "we had to destroy the village in order to save it" thinking, I may be moving more closer to that viewpoint.

Posted by: MartyBegan at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (rIcWu)

It all sounds good to me....


Posted by: Hillary Clinton at August 09, 2016 02:48 PM (HSmrB)

65 they do not care and that is the problem - their positions, their jobs will remain intact; the "establishment" party will go on.
Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 02:43 PM (c6/9Q)

It's about the lobbyist and other crony capitalist jobs for their spouses, children, and other family members. If can manage to get elected to a high enough office, everyone gets on the gravy train...even your couch-surfing dim-witted alcoholic brother-in-law who can't correctly match up a pair of socks suddenly has a $175,000 a year job on K street.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 02:48 PM (kXoT0)

66 These bastards have a lot of gall calling me up and begging for money.

Posted by: Fritz at August 09, 2016 02:48 PM (2Mnv1)

67 You want proof we're DOOMed and this kinda nonsense will continue ad infinitum?

The Paul Ryan reelection.

The perfect posterboy for this bs is up for a vote and what happens?

I hate your Congress douche but mine Congress Man is a true blue conservative. We have to keep my guy. Your guy sucks.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at August 09, 2016 02:48 PM (X+nFp)

68 Any of you Homo's make fun of my Libertarian Card, I'll kill you.

Lighten up, Francis.

Posted by: Qoheleth at August 09, 2016 02:48 PM (iIzG7)

69 The Republican party is irretrievably fractured. Whatever husk is left over after this election will be a permanent minority party. We'll probably end up with 3 right leaning parties:

1) Some kind of working class white-dude populist party (current Trump supporters)

2) Some sort of mostly Libertarian coalition

3) Whatever's left of the moribund corpse of that was the GOP Establishment, big business donor group

None of which will ever be able to win a Presidency alone of course.

Posted by: Nonapod at August 09, 2016 02:48 PM (CLP9I)

70 They don't care. They are mega rich citizens of the globalist corporate crony community living behind their walls and riding in their armored limos. They are certain they have nothing to fear from the peasants, and I fear they are correct. I have been calling the two party social issue feuding "the big lie" for years. It was all smoke and mirrors to get voters obsessed with name calling so our betters could consolidate power on Wall Street and in DC. Of course this group is going to give millions to a former CIA, Goldmann Sachs, UN guy. It's who they are.

I also wonder if some of these 50 GOP foreign policy leaders who have come out against Trump were involved in shit that would make Ollie North blush and are terrified that they could be in serious trouble if an administration full of outsiders took over.

Posted by: Bernette at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (S6rOh)

We dont need a damn third party.

We need to kick the riff raff out of the one we've got.

Like my Dad used to say... if you take your ball and go home, youre not winning, your not even playing.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (8XRCm)

72 If Cruz, Gowdy, Cotton and all those of the same firebrands believed one damned word of what they say, they would be gone from the Republican Party.

Because, if we can see how bad things are, imagine what they KNOW being on the inside.

And it leaves one possibility: They are in on the scam and they don't care.


To get to that level of national politics, you have to make a lot of deals to get a lot of support. Any of those guys goes 3rd party, and they lose everything. There's a lot of personal incentive not to.

Posted by: Farmer Joe, job hunting at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (F2rZx)

73 Damn it ... I'm gonna' owe OregonMuse fifty bucks.

Posted by: ScoggDog at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (nw6G5)

74 52 On the topic of obscure words ('flivver'), did you know that "gruntle" is a real verb.

One of the dirtiest sounding verbs of all time, I contend.

"She was sad but I gruntled her all night and she felt better."
Posted by: Moron Pundit

After I gruntled her in my flivver her hubby shivved me in the liver.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (jBuUi)

75 We dont need a damn third party.

I'd settle for a second one - that wasn't merely a wholly-owned subsidiary of the first.

Posted by: Qoheleth at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (iIzG7)

76 Wasn't Rick Wilson the fat Heart sister?
Posted by: garrett

Nah, he sang "Never Gonna Give You Up."

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (UPYhp)

77 #Texit.
Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 02:38 PM (SUtNI)

I don't know if you created this, but I am stealing it.

Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (CwNIZ)

78 I renew my endorsement of the undefeated Math Party.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (B+qrE)

79 Never put much/any stock into the idea of a revolution in the streets
However, with Bret Stephens et al traitorous actions toward the freely and fairly elected GOP nominee, the time may very well be coming for blog posters to leave the sofa and give the GOPe an action packed middle finger.

At this point Trump seems to have no chance --primarily due to those who --having asked the rest of us to support Dole, McCain, and Romney--will not reciprocate our kindness in 2016.

Methinks this will end poorly for the Stephens fellow travelers.

Posted by: Lower class person whose opinions must be guided at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (MYw3Q)

80 Repeat from last thread since y'all Willowed me...again:

WTF????? This kid is at my house playing with my kids and has an old iPhone with him. I looked at it to check his network connection...........he has a F'ing picture of rapin' hillBilly Clunton as his screen saver....... He's 8 years old. I'm ready to move out of Austin. I am done with my F'ing 1% elite leftist WHITE neighbors. They are all so concerned about the racist rednecks that are going to vote for trump that not even "staunch, strong republicans" will endorse. They don't realize that I'm one of those racist rednecks......I'm not a trumper but will vote for him because evil, corrupt, lying vagina is NOT an option for me. I live in one of the whitest areas of town and these people have no concept of reality when they talk about race relations and wealth redistribution. This may be the election that breaks me......oh, to be a blissfully ignorant LIV.........

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (xVgrA)

So Rick Wilson isn't a friend of the blog no more?
I keep forgetting, which Beach Boy was he?

The sixth Beatle

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (IqV8l)

82 Wasn't Rick Wilson the fat Heart sister?
Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (CH3GY)


No..... he did the "Geraldine" thing in the sixties and seventies.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (8XRCm)

83 In all fairness to the dis-gruntled GOPe, Trump has made himself tough to trust or even like at all. The fact remains though, the deal was they would support the winner and not crawl around fomenting support to his opponent.

Posted by: MTF at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (/m8T6)

84 100% Agree Ace and I actually read this Post.

Come hell or high water, this is the end of the GOP the way we've known it. If Trump loses there is not hope for the next 50n years, we might as well blow it up and try to advance by other means

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 02:41 PM (zp+j1)

Trump is my last GOP vote at the national level.

Even here in Texas I won't vote for GOP types unless they're willing to look at secession.

I'm done with them (the GOP).

Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (Idu2i)

85 61 Say, whatever happened to that famous GOP phrase, "hold your nose and vote for the party's candidate?"

That's only for the rank and file who are forced to assault Mount Keep Bill Kristol Relevant every four years.

Posted by: Azathoth at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (dazWW)

86 Not insane. Just really fucking dumb.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (4ueYo)

87 The most gruntling thing about that was the rhyme.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (xeeHA)

GOP estabs have always been fine with a hillary presidency. Gotta keep the graft rolling in. And F Paul Ryan.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 09, 2016 02:50 PM (ODxAs)

89 Daily Callers Neville Weisntein calls for negotiated surrender to Hillary

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 02:51 PM (7lVbc)

90 Do you think they will give up power easily? Once they have Hillary! As president they will spend 3 years destroying and exiling every slightly Conservative in DC. They will use the Hilldabeast to make it impossible to form a Conservative third party. We will look back on the days of "freedom" under commander Barry as the good times.

Posted by: New Phone at August 09, 2016 02:51 PM (QD9b6)

91 Yes, they are fucking insane.

I cannot support anyone in the Establishment, they can all rot.

Posted by: SCUBA DUDE at August 09, 2016 02:51 PM (WsJuq)

92 Yes, they are insane.


Ladies and Gents, I give you Nicholas Cage and Willem Defoe in . . .

Dog Eat Dog

Posted by: Sharkman at August 09, 2016 02:51 PM (CS7jF)

93 Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (UPYhp)

No that was Rick James.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at August 09, 2016 02:51 PM (X+nFp)

94 if you take your ball and go home, youre not winning, your not even playing.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (8XRCm)

I think that analogy would be more appropriate to someone who just doesn't vote anymore. This would be more like putting together a bad news bears type team of misfits and going on to win the little league world series.

Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 02:51 PM (CwNIZ)

95 >>Damn it ... I'm gonna' owe OregonMuse fifty bucks.

I can't believe you ever thought you were gonna win that one.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 02:52 PM (/tuJf)

96 A Limerick tribute to zombie's spelling lesson:

A backstabber known as a shivver
Got away in a rusty old flivver
Double v's otherwise
Should be a surprise
Don't like it? Well cry me a rivver!

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at August 09, 2016 02:52 PM (lHb9q)

97 Susan Collins (Backstabber-Maine) is the one who voted for ObamaCare to get out of committee. A Traitorous Twat!

Posted by: Drill at August 09, 2016 02:52 PM (DN9jO)

98 I'm still pretty confused...

Can we get Charles C.W. Cooke to explain it in a British accent so that sounds intelligent?

I don't know if I can wait until Bill Maher has him back on his show to laugh at the rubes.

In all fairness, most of us here and me especially have wasted years and thrown numerous opportunities away because of the mistaken belief that people in general are smarter than they actually are.

The fact that we can communicate in writing, effectively argue a position and think logically puts us in the top 1% of the people in this country.

Never underestimate what most of the idiots will believe.

Posted by: jwest at August 09, 2016 02:52 PM (Zs4uk)

99 I don't understand why the GOPe is doing this now, after the convention, when they announced Trump was the nominee. Why now? What does this poor loser have to gain by announcing candidacy now?

Also, Rick Wilson looks like male genitalia. I guess his vile heart has leached through his skin, and rendered him as ugly on the outside as he is inside.

Posted by: Moki at August 09, 2016 02:52 PM (ezHMO)

100 I don't know who this corn-cob is, don't care.

But damn him and the GOPe. It has to be burned to the ground.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 02:52 PM (jpt9V)

101 I already refused to vote for a Boehner lapdog for congress last time. I'm pretty much done voting for the GOP as rule. I may be persuaded on occasion if the right candidate should happen to run.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 02:53 PM (4ueYo)

102 go to your toolbox and grab a hammer, any hammer will do.

go to the work bench and place you hand on it, and with the other hand firmly grip the hammer.

swing the hammer high and bring it down striking the top of your other hand.

repeat if necessary.

Congratulations! You are now a high ranking member of the GOP Establishment.

Posted by: Rick in SK at August 09, 2016 02:53 PM (/CIN4)

103 Trump wins: the establishment picks up its toys and stomps off to form their own party.

Trump loses: the conservatives pick up their toys and stomp off to form their own party.

Either way, the elephant party as it was known is dead. And good riddance. It was too full of progressives hiding behind the R. At least now they will be out in the open. Maybe they can fracture off a chunk of the democrats in the reorganization. We will finally have a conservative, progressive, and socialist party where everyone is free to be who they are. Who am I kidding, progs and socialists can't admit who they are, because nobody would vote for them. Bernie made a good run at putting a smiley face on socialism, we'll see how long that lasts.

Posted by: A Blinkin at August 09, 2016 02:53 PM (dnWSK)

104 " Is it even possible, with the two-party system's control of election laws and debate structure, to even start another party and be competitive. "

You arent going to be ALLOWED to form a third party.

If Trump gets elected, the train ride to tyranny and economic collapse (maybe) slows down.

That train only stops if Trump goes off the books and resolves the institutional infestation by the corruptocrats and the leftists, but that is a new ball game. I don't see him doing that.

the gope and the democong are going to block and subvert any third party.

Posted by: Grad School Fool at August 09, 2016 02:53 PM (swEzU)

105 96 A Limerick tribute to zombie's spelling lesson:

A backstabber known as a shivver
Got away in a rusty old flivver
Double v's otherwise
Should be a surprise
Don't like it? Well cry me a rivver!
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at August 09, 2016 02:52 PM (lHb9q)

Aaaaannnd, you win. That was truly well done.

Posted by: Moki at August 09, 2016 02:53 PM (ezHMO)

106 I think it is a bit premature to write Trump off this far out. After all, that has been done about eleventy gazzalion times before.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at August 09, 2016 02:54 PM (iONHu)

107 77 #Texit.
Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 02:38 PM (SUtNI)

I don't know if you created this, but I am stealing it.
Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (CwNIZ)


I'm probably not the only one who thunk it up but I did print up some #Texit t-shirts to sell. Turns heads everywhere I go when I wear it.

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 02:54 PM (SUtNI)

108 Limericks are exactly what this blog has been missing lately.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 02:54 PM (xeeHA)

109 Trump wins: the establishment picks up its toys and stomps off to form their own party.


Im not seeing the downside to that.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:54 PM (8XRCm)

110 I'm glad the Republican Establishment agrees with me; you people were made to be ruled.

Why scurry along chasing a hopeless dream of "opportunity" and "liberty" when it's simply easier to kneel to me...and *us*!

Posted by: Loki at August 09, 2016 02:54 PM (nGsFZ)

111 Is it just me or are the #NeverTrumpers bragging about their plans like Bond villains?

Posted by: Star Tripper at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (o4lhE)

112 How do I buy one? I am in Leakey, TX, but from San Marcos. Hook me up, bro.

Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (CwNIZ)

113 Damn it ... I'm gonna' owe OregonMuse fifty bucks


What was the bet?

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (7lVbc)

114 Wasn't Rick Wilson the fat Heart sister?
Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (CH3GY)
No, you guys have it all wrong. Rick Wilson is the father of the Wilson sisters, Chynna (pretty blonde) and Carnie (fat one that had the lap band surgery) and the last one that no one rembembers. They sang "Hold On."

Posted by: L, Elle at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (6IPEM)

115 96 A Limerick tribute to zombie's spelling lesson:

A backstabber known as a shivver
Got away in a rusty old flivver
Double v's otherwise
Should be a surprise
Don't like it? Well cry me a rivver!
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon

What with your comment, and now my quoting of your comment, this thread now suddenly holds the world record for the number of double-v words ever posted on one Web page! I'm luvvin' it.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (jBuUi)

116 The SMOD , I think, just had a "flameout " ...

Posted by: catman at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (EcmAX)

117 Egg McMuffin isn't going to pick up anybody but the already-committed AntiTrumpers in whatever states he makes the ballot in.

Except they were already NOT GOING TO VOTE FOR TRUMP.

The numbers of people moved will be miniscule.

The real purpose to this is to keep up the drumbeat that Trump is illegitimate.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (vP09u)

118 "WTF????? This kid is at my house playing with my kids and has an old iPhone with him. I looked at it to check his network connection...........he has a F'ing picture of rapin' hillBilly Clunton as his screen saver..."

Therapist himself, eh? Kid probably has no idea what he's carrying around.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (jpt9V)

119 71
We dont need a damn third party.

We need to kick the riff raff out of the one we've got.

Like my Dad used to say... if you take your ball and go home, youre not winning, your not even playing.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (8XRCm

Their team never changes when they get to D.C.
Our team transitions faster than Bruce to Kaitlyn Jenner.

Look at all the GOP House members who swept in 94. They are all fat bloated pompus RINOs. But once upon a time they were sleek conservative/tea party types.

It's fucking sad. They don't give a shit about what and who got them there in the 1st place.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (voOPb)

120 Daily Callers Neville Weisntein calls for negotiated surrender to Hillary

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 02:51 PM (7lVbc)

He did not come up with it on his own. I suspect Kristol is floating the idea. btw, hope his fiance's arm is healed by now.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (c6/9Q)

121 I already refused to vote for a Boehner lapdog for congress last time. I'm pretty much done voting for the GOP as rule. I may be persuaded on occasion if the right candidate should happen to run.
Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 02:53 PM (4ueYo)

Boehner ran a "true Conservative" in the primary against our CongressCritter Bridenstine here in Tulsa (OK, 1st District) who actually is a Conservative. The Boehner guy lost.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (kXoT0)

122 Nevermind, I just followed the link in your nic.

Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (CwNIZ)

123 Wasn't the time to worry about defeating Hillary *before* Trump was nominated?

I wouldn't have voted for Mario, but I don't think he'd be down 13 in the polls.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (O7MnT)

124 It will be nice to have the progressives gone so that we can have people that actually believe in individual liberty argue in favor of it. Rather than having to watch big government stooges in the GOP fuck it up and make it sound stupid all the time.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (4ueYo)

125 Sambo,
Go to Texas Zombie's link in his nic. Where is Leakey?

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (xVgrA)

126 "You guys, having admitted you shived the rest of the party in the back"

It's really a shiv in the front, not the back. They gave plenty of warning that they would not vote for Trump if he was nominated, and 40% of the party chose to nominate Trump anyway, despite the fact that they had an alternative (Cruz) who they'd have happily voted for if Trump weren't running.

Anyway, it's academic, because when Trump loses- which is pretty much inevitable at this point- it's not going to be because of the WSJ/Establishment/Rick Wilson/Brent Stephens. It'll be because he's a horrifically bad general election candidate, who has no one to blame but himself. If the current polling averages are correct, he could literally get 100% of the GOP vote and he'd still lose.

Posted by: Jon0815 at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (HA+/6)

127 How is the establishment tanking the election? Trump is 10 pts behind, and its always the establishments fault.

Why can the voters never take responsibility for their own fatal choice.

Posted by: CarolinaPunk at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (FV6RE)

128 95 ... Jack, I was banking on a return of the Primary Ace, maybe on a high-stress day.

I was wrong.

I'll own it. I underestimated The Ewok.

Posted by: ScoggDog at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (nw6G5)

129 F***ing C**ts

Posted by: Bossybarb at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (SYYok)

130 The more I read from Ace the more I want to vote for Hillary. I won't, because I don't want to vote for someone who doesn't share my interests.

Hillary is about as unpalatable a Democratic candidate as I can remember (maybe Gore was worse). But it says a lot about Trump that I cannot vote for him in the face of her.

Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (x5aW+)

131 I think Hillary's election is all but assured. So, the question is, what do we do next? Rebuild the Republican Party, or start over.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (O7MnT)

132 Rick Wilson is the father of the Wilson sisters, Chynna (pretty blonde) and Carnie (fat one that had the lap band surgery) and the last one that no one rembembers. They sang "Hold On."


So... Rick Wilson is the father of KANSAS ???

Who knew??

"Carry On My Wayward son!!!"

**air guitar*

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (8XRCm)

133 "You arent going to be ALLOWED to form a third party. "

Yup. The only 'third' parties that will be suffered to live are the ones that are clearly non-viable (unviable?).

Anybody starts getting close to that 15% and the rules will change. There just isn't room for a third person in a rusty trombone.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 02:58 PM (xeeHA)

134 Excellent question, ace.

Also find their assumption that they won't be shivved by Hillary and the Democrats hilarious.

Have they not witnessed the persecution of conservative citizens under Obama?

Hello, John Doe raids in WI, IRS harassment, Gibson guitar raid, etc. It's cute they think conservative politicians and journalists won't be harassed, too.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 09, 2016 02:58 PM (NOIQH)

135 131 I think Hillary's election is all but assured. So, the question is, what do we do next? Rebuild the Republican Party, or start over.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (O7MnT)

I'm studying the Polish Resistance during World War II. I am finding it very helpful currently.

Posted by: Moki at August 09, 2016 02:58 PM (ezHMO)

136 I think Hillary's election is all but assured. So, the question is, what do we do next? Rebuild the Republican Party, or start over.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (O7MnT)


Awwwwwwwww that's cute. You actually think the Republic is going to survive that.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:58 PM (8XRCm)

137 There was a woman from Maine
Who went totally insane
She voted for Hillary
Who should have gone to the pillory
But became president instead

Posted by: Skip at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (bksJQ)

138 >>It's really a shiv in the front, not the back. They gave plenty of warning that they would not vote for Trump if he was nominated, and 40% of the party chose to nominate Trump anyway

Well, now he's the nominee. He beat 16 other losers, and he's the nominee.

Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (q177U)

139 Sambo,
Go to Texas Zombie's link in his nic. Where is Leakey?
Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (xVgrA)

Leakey (pronounce "Lakey") is about an hour west of Kerrville. Frio River is the main attraction. Concan (big tubing attraction) and Garner State Park are just on the other side of town from us.

Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (CwNIZ)

140 A FAB victory means a left wing court for the next 25 years and the end of America as we know it. BLM will have greater influence than anyone else. THAT is what is at stake here

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (zp+j1)

141 They claim that Trump is unthinkable, and then plan to scuttle him (and, really, those who support him). I suppose they don't have a faculty for next order thinking, because what comes after an illegitimate, engineered Trump loss is bound to be much worse than Trump ever could have been. His supporters aren't going to get less angry, and more clear headed (in their view) if their chosen candidate (to send the message that they're mad as hell) is beaten by skulduggery and electoral gamesmanship.

I suppose it's possible that they really could enjoy being a permanent but pure protest party/controlled opposition known principally for its anachronistic affectations ( that curmudgeonly fellow smokes a pipe and wears a bowtie - how quirky and conservative!) as long as there's still a small but devoted market for their shitty books, articles and trinkets. Just notice how they have little cohesive ideology but cling to the anachronisms and fashions - George Will persists in wearing a bowtie for 40 years, but now he's for gay marriage and open borders! The bowtie is the most goddamned conservative thing about that fop.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (WzlF7)

142 Omen? Just opened a bottle of wine and it was turned, didn't realize until I drank half a glass... I was in denial I think. So gross, had to eat a hot spicy pickle just to get the taste out of my mouth.

Posted by: spypeach at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (nyYhO)

143 I agree with ace's basic premise. These elitist snobs are craven hypocrites who expect the proles to just shut up and vote for the candidate when they like the candidate and when they don't like the candidate they'll stab the candidate in the back as hard as possible. And the elitist snobs hate the base and loathe the bases issues and preferred policies.

However, it's worth pointing out that it's not these elitist snobs fault that - if you believe the polling - Trump is tanking and could lose Georgia, North Carolina and perhaps Utah. That's Trump's fault for being a horrible candidate.

I'm never Trump but the GOP establishment elites almost make me want to vote for Trump.

Posted by: gwelf at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (+7Usq)

144 Hey, venezualea is allowed to have an opposition party. It is working out remarkably well.

Posted by: A Blinkin at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (dnWSK)

145 Wow, whole lotta concern trolls on this post.

So much concern, so much!!

Posted by: Lizzy at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (NOIQH)

146 >>>Boehner ran a "true Conservative" in the primary against our CongressCritter Bridenstine here in Tulsa (OK, 1st District) who actually is a Conservative. The Boehner guy lost.
Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (kXoT0)>>>

You're lucky. I've never been represented by a conservative. Once, when I was younger, I had someone that I thought was conservative. Then he voted for Medicare Part D.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (4ueYo)

147 39 If we're honest, many of us haven't had a party in a long time. It is just finally all the way out in the open. The Democrats are hostile to us. The GOP is hostile to us. We don't smoke enough pot to be Libertarians.

Uhhh, yup. Since Bush the Elder, for me. Gingrich gave me hope in the mid 90's, but then ..... he sat on a park bench with a despicable mutant.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (72N6L)

148 Also Ace wrote: "...just to increase your own position vis-a-vis the base, and you're even brazen and stupid enough to admit this, and you think, what?

I don't see them admitting this at all. Most of them think Trump is a Bad Person Who'd Be a Bad President.

Why is this point continually ignored on here?

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (x5aW+)

149 Because they don't care about whether the Republican Party has any power--they just want to be in power.

See, the crumbs they get are still better than most of us can dream of.

Posted by: RoyalOil at August 09, 2016 02:36 PM (77emZ)

The GOPe haven't thought this scenario through. They get money for having access to those in power. However, if I (and millions of other betrayed formerly-Republican voters) vote straight Donkey ticket for every single elected office, that access to those in power comes to a screeching halt.

Why should I vote GOP just so those guys can feather their own nests? They are worse than useless, since they collude with the Democrats. After this November, I will not vote for another Republican again.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (YQ4mh)

150 You actually think the Republic is going to survive that.

I think the Republic died in 2012.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (O7MnT)

151 I wouldn't have voted for Mario, but I don't think he'd be down 13 in the polls.

Nah just 8. But they would still call him Hitler.

The country is about to learn several hard lessons in several topics.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (B+qrE)

152 I'm luvvin' it.

Posted by: zombie



Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (lHb9q)

153 Presuming Trump loses it is time for TEXIT.

I'd rather not live in an American National Socialist state under President Hillary.

Has anyone started talking about this with Abbott?

Posted by: 18-1 at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (X7E8f)

154 114 Wasn't Rick Wilson the fat Heart sister?
Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 02:47 PM (CH3GY)
No, you guys have it all wrong. Rick Wilson is the father of the Wilson sisters, Chynna (pretty blonde) and Carnie (fat one that had the lap band surgery) and the last one that no one rembembers. They sang "Hold On."

Posted by: L, Elle at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (6IPEM)

No Dreamboat Annie? or Dreamboat Aceie?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (voOPb)

155 I'm probably not the only one who thunk it up but I did print up some #Texit t-shirts to sell. Turns heads everywhere I go when I wear it.

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 02:54 PM (SUtNI)

Good for you.

I have my own ideas too, but, why not, who knows. Hopelessly disorganized.

Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (Idu2i)

156 The more I read from Ace the more I want to vote for Hillary. I won't, because I don't want to vote for someone who doesn't share my interests.

Hillary is about as unpalatable a Democratic candidate as I can remember (maybe Gore was worse). But it says a lot about Trump that I cannot vote for him in the face of her.

Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (x5aW+)


Your concern is:



Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (8XRCm)

157 Do our trolls even realize when they're trolling?

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (vP09u)

158 "Rebuild the Republican Party, or start over."

They are welded, with the Democrat Party, to the Capitol City.

I think it will be something else.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (jpt9V)

159 >>Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous.

LMAO!!!! Where do these people come from?

Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:00 PM (q177U)

160 So, the question is, what do we do next? Rebuild the Republican Party, or start over.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM

Just watch it burn, as a leftist Supreme Being Court rips away constitutional right after right.

Posted by: Skip at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (bksJQ)

161 Just got an email from Bret ...

Heck yeah, man, I've got TONS of ideas on how the Republicans can handle their Iran issues.

Call me. Let's do lunch.

Posted by: Colossus of Ben Rhodes at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (VFhMt)

162 122 Nevermind, I just followed the link in your nic.
Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (CwNIZ)

Perfect. By the way, it seems there are a lot of Texans hanging around the HQ. Does Ace still sanction Moron Meetups?

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (SUtNI)

163 "Untermenschen of the Lumpenproletariat"

Is this pig German? Or pig Russian?

Whatever it is, i is most excellent.

/also can someone start a DefundRepublicansAgainstTrump hashtag?

Posted by: shibumi who now just wants to yell at stupid people at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (tvyXw)

164 With Fiorina more than likely ending up as RNC chairman, the GOP is dead.

People are going to love a party of outsourcing

Posted by: The Dude at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (SyKbw)

165 So... Rick Wilson is the father of KANSAS ???
Who knew??
"Carry On My Wayward son!!!"
**air guitar*
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (8XRCm)
Everybody, Let's Rock!

Posted by: L, Elle at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (6IPEM)

166 Re my post at 121, Bridenstine beat him bad.

Jim Bridenstine 79.49%
Tom Atkinson 17.12%
Evelyn Rogers 3.40% (perennial candidate who never breaks 5%)

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (kXoT0)

Why should I vote GOP just so those guys can feather their own nests? They are worse than useless, since they collude with the Democrats. After this November, I will not vote for another Republican again.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at August 09, 2016 02:59 PM (YQ4mh

Other than Trump, why vote for a R in Nov?

Your Ohio Rs aren't much better than Ds anyway. No offense.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (voOPb)

168 "Wow, whole lotta concern trolls on this post.

So much concern, so much!!"

Wait a minute. I'm starting to get concerned.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (jpt9V)

169 Trump is tanking and could lose Georgia, North Carolina and perhaps Utah. That's Trump's fault for being a horrible candidate.

if the Republican party had gotten behind trump and supported him instead of attacking him, his missteps would have been gloosed over for the most part. He is being attacked from both the front and the back.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (zp+j1)

170 Institutions and their honor is most important to me ! I will defended them, and vote for hillary !

Posted by: YKW at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (c6/9Q)


We should yank their arms.

Like, really -- really -- hard.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (kdS6q)

172 Nobody is more GOPe-y that preibus. Why did he iron boot trump to the nomination. Could it be that the e doesn't even know what the fuck they are doing?

Posted by: A Blinkin at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (dnWSK)

173 LMAO!!!! Where do these people come from?


LMAO!!! Can you even address my point?

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (x5aW+)

174 That's Trump's fault for being a horrible candidate.

See, I disagree.

I think it's YOUR and YOUR ILK'S fault for preferring Hillary.

What, you *don't* prefer Hillary? Then you ought to re-evaluate your "never-Trump" stance.

Posted by: GMan at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (sxq57)

175 They deserve to get fvcked by Hillary picking Shari'ah-compliant Muslims for the Supreme Court.

Posted by: Hikaru at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (9TK8E)

176 Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous.

You mean like rule of law, avoiding the appearance of impropriety, those kinds of things?

Yeah, Imelda is AWESOME on those.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (B+qrE)

177 Watching Citizen X on Amazon (1995)
Throwback to when Hollywood showed Soviets as the crazy ones.

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (7lVbc)

178 Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (x5aW+)

You haven't come to the same conclusion about Hillary?


Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (Idu2i)

179 This is obviously the best they have, which is pathetic. But I really don't see this clown throwing the election for Trump. I don't even think you'll be in Asterisk on the the returns

Posted by: Utopia at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (bb6Hh)

180 Reading a free Baen book called "A State of Disobedience " by Tom Kratman that I saw mentioned on the Sunday book thread. It was written in 2003.... It reads like it was written today. Very precedent......scary.

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (xVgrA)

181 Egg McMuffin makes me look electable.

Posted by: David French at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (7yBgE)

182 FWIW, I assume that Egg McMuffin has to gather a fairly large number of signatures on his nominating petitions in the several states where he could conceivably still appear on a ballot. Since turnabout is fair play, I think it would behoove anyone in those states to sign his nominating petitions with fake names and addresses (as long as this is not a crime) so that his campaign would overestimate the number of legitimate signatures that he has acquired. Made up names and addresses could then be stricken after the deadline to submit the petitions, potentially causing him not to meet the requisite ballot signatures and therefore be excluded from the ballot.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (WzlF7)

183 I keep wanting to use the phrase "punching yourselves in the dick" to describe this ploy. Then I realize that I'm the dick in this analogy.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (KUaJL)

184 The real Never trump Trolls here do not have the guts to comment on a Thread where Ace pretty much calls them out.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (zp+j1)

185 They gave plenty of warning that they would not vote for Trump if he was
nominated, and 40% of the party chose to nominate Trump anyway, despite
the fact that they had an alternative (Cruz) who they'd have happily
voted for if Trump weren't running.
Actually we would have shanked him too.

The only thing worse then a mouthy loose cannon who might take our gravy train away is a disciplined and principled guy who would take our gravy train away.

Posted by: The GOPe at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (X7E8f)

186 >>>It's really a shiv in the front, not the back. They gave plenty of warning that they would not vote for Trump if he was nominated, and 40% of the party chose to nominate Trump anyway, despite the fact that they had an alternative (Cruz) who they'd have happily voted for if Trump weren't running.

Posted by: Jon0815 at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (HA+/6)>>>

The GOP NeverTrumpers are the ones that wanted Cruz less than Trump. If they wanted to stop Trump, they could have supported Cruz while he was still viable (as he was the only viable non-Trump candidate after NH). Instead, they flirted with Rubio, Bush, etc. until it became too late. They only have themselves to blame for Trump's nomination. They won't, of course, ever blame themselves, because they're government. And there is never any blame or accountability in government.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (4ueYo)

187 How much does Hillary pay her trolls?

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (7lVbc)

188 You haven't come to the same conclusion about Hillary?


She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)

189 it is the backstabbing that is most egregious. up and to the convention they were scheming and scheming. now they are executing plan C.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (c6/9Q)

190 Trump unveiled his economic plan yesterday. That should have been the top Trump news, instead NBC/Lester Holt ran a story about the top GOPe brass signing a pledge or something vs Trump.

Not that NBC plans to report good news, I know that, but wittingly or not GOPe is doing their best to sink him too by creating their own ridic headlines.

*ponders how the GOPe would have behaved had we conservatives revolted vs a nominee like McCain in this way*

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (hvf9s)

191 People named "Patrick".......

Never had a good outcome with them.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (jpt9V)

192 Might want to toss the 50 'National Security' Republicans on the pyre too. I bet they all have juicy consulting contracts with KSA.

Posted by: Jean at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (ngn8T)

193 Perfect. By the way, it seems there are a lot of Texans hanging around the HQ. Does Ace still sanction Moron Meetups?

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 03:01 PM (SUtNI)

Ben Had is having a meetup sometime in October somewhere east of Corsicana.

Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (Idu2i)

194 you're even brazen and stupid enough to admit this, and you think, what?

We line up to reward you for your betrayal?

Are you fucking insane?
Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs? You know, the empire that dominated central/south America and then one day up and vanished leaving nothing behind to remind the future of their presence, save their altars?

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (3Liv/)

195 Yeah, the GOP is done. I used to turn GOP temporarily to vote in the primaries, not any more. I used to defend the GOP and support them against enemies. Not any more. They're dead to me.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (39g3+)

196 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick

I'll just let that speak for itself.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (UPYhp)

197 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)

Watch Clinton Cash
Then get back to us.

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (7lVbc)

198 "Rebuild the Republican Party, or start over."

They are welded, with the Democrat Party, to the Capitol City.

District 1 versus everyone else.

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (SCvwT)

199 No Dreamboat Annie? or Dreamboat Aceie?
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016
Huh? Wut? You lost me.
Remember the band was called Wilson Philips? Wilson is Rick Wilson, the dad, and the mom was Mrs. Philips from the show One Day at a Time. She played Valerie Bertenillis older sister that had a drug problem.

Posted by: L, Elle at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (6IPEM)

200 That these guys prefer Supreme Court Justice Obama than getting to have a say in a Trump pick is astonishing. Its like they can't believe the left wants to destroy this country, or they agree with the left, but they want to be the ones in charge of the ashes.

Posted by: Iblis at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (yFk0p)

201 @ Ace: Get over yourself, guy.


Posted by: Ginned up Controversy at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (KJhhI)

202 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)

SHE had a private Server
SHE lied to the American People
SHE has the record of abject failure
SHE supports BLM

But it's trump who is dangerous?
I Don't think so

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (zp+j1)

She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)

Trump has not had ambassadors and diplomats raped and killed on his watch, after they begged for help. Actually look at that malevolent witch's record, and you might understand why some of us would vote for a rutabaga, rather than that murderous beast.

Posted by: Moki at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (ezHMO)

204 Watch Clinton Cash
Then get back to us.



Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (x5aW+)

205 It's a good thing most of the people here work for someone else. They would have a hard time in business for themselves.

Don't panic. Things are not as bad as the liberal media would like you to think.

As a matter of fact, try to decide which candidate you would rather be right now...

You could choose to be Hillary, up 10 points in polls. All you have to do is make sure the election turnout is the same as 2008 and 2012 and you will win by 10 points.

See if you can motivate blacks and Hispanics to turn out for your rallies like they did for Obama. That would be an indication of how they're going to show up in November.

Or, you could choose to be Trump. You haven't spent a nickel yet, raised over 80 million from small donors who can be tapped again and again, you pack every event you schedule with thousands standing outside, the polls (which are always accurate) say that 75% of the people believe the country is on the wrong track and you're the change candidate.

I think I would rather be Trump.

Posted by: jwest at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (Zs4uk)

206 However, it's worth pointing out that it's not these elitist snobs
fault that - if you believe the polling - Trump is tanking and could
lose Georgia, North Carolina and perhaps Utah. That's Trump's fault for
being a horrible candidate.

I'm never Trump but the GOP establishment elites almost make me want to vote for Trump.

The solution to the low polls is not to ensure that Trump loses Nevada and Utah.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (WzlF7)

207 The answers to the questions Ace asks at the end can be found in an Upton Sinclair quote: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (bN6TL)

Trump is tanking and could lose...Utah. That's Trump's fault for being a horrible candidate.
Posted by: gwelf

Well, of course it's his fault.

Certainly not the fault of those running, financing and supporting a Mormon irredentist campaign against him in the state.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (kdS6q)

209 191 People named "Patrick".......

Never had a good outcome with them.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (jpt9V

Ummm...St. Patrick?

Posted by: Serenity Now! at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (BDZWU)

210 Ben Had is having a meetup sometime in October somewhere east of Corsicana.
Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (Idu2i)

Sounds like something I'd like to try and attend. Would be nice to get something set up in the Austin area too. We can get our passports stamped when we cross into city limits!

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (SUtNI)

211 Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM (x5aW+)

You haven't come to the same conclusion about Hillary?

Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 03:03 PM (Idu2i)

Here's my damn concern, which candidate has a body count? A body count that is still rising.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (kXoT0)

212 A bald guy
A Goldman Sachs toady
A Hillary loving CIA spook
An Al Queda funder
And a Uniparty Shill

walk into a bar.

Bartender says, "Hey, we don't serve Egg McMuffins here."

Posted by: David French at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (7yBgE)

213 Sambo,
There is vague planning to have a meetup up near Coriscan at BenHad's place in October...yeah, there are lots of Texans here.

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (xVgrA)

214 Clinton is suffering from multiple sclerosis. good luck trying to hide that.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (c6/9Q)

215 Watch Clinton Cash
Then get back to us.


Posted by: The Other Patrick

Again, just let that speak for itself.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (UPYhp)

216 LMAO!!! Can you even address my point?
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (x5aW+)


OK.... I'll play.

WHICH, institutions....exactly.... does Trump have a .... wait a minute, howd you put it.....


"singular dangerous" lack of respect.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (8XRCm)

217 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)


She's not vile, criminal, despicable, sleazy, untrustworthy, liar, thief, abortion lovin, unhealthy, socialist, greedy individual?


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (voOPb)

218 Considering posting some NeverTrump sarc. It went so well the last time ...

Posted by: ScoggDog at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (nw6G5)

219 191 People named "Patrick".......
Never had a good outcome with them.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (jpt9V)

Ah, but this is the other Patrick. I didn't there was a first one.

Btw, I need a fatwa here. Does "the other Patrick" count as First Name Only, or no?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (SRKgf)

The Other Patrick shows up to give us the Estabs point of view. Like it wasn't indicated in the post. Or the leftists in the party.

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (ODxAs)

221 >>>If they wanted to stop Trump, they could have supported Cruz while he was still viable


Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (q177U)

222 Watch Clinton Cash
Then get back to us.


Posted by: The Other Patrick

Definition of Puffho troll.

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (SCvwT)

223 "District 1 versus everyone else."

Boy, Rick, that's where it seems to lead to. I hate it. But, what's the evidence otherwise?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (jpt9V)

224 76 Wasn't Rick Wilson the fat Heart sister?
Posted by: garrett

Nah, he sang "Never Gonna Give You Up."
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 02:49 PM (UPYhp)

That was Rick Perry.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (0mRoj)

225 I'm starting to get to the point where even if trump loses big, the whole thing was worth it

We were never going to fix the country with current republicans

Posted by: Utopia at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (bb6Hh)

226 The course is obvious: Texit.

Posted by: fightwinger at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (AMKhy)

So, the question is, what do we do next? Rebuild the Republican Party, or start over.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 02:57 PM
We leave the union.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That
to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any
Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and

Posted by: 18-1 at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (X7E8f)

228 >>LMAO!!!! Where do these people come from?

David Brock's keyboard army - forget what it's called, but it's a commenter "truth squad" who he pays to spread Hillary's version of the truth.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (NOIQH)

229 McMullen is a Maguffin.

Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (0o/oP)

230 Trump has not had ambassadors and diplomats raped and killed on his watch, after they begged for help. Actually look at that malevolent witch's record, and you might understand why some of us would vote for a rutabaga, rather than that murderous beast.


I'm glad you brought this up. Given Trump's illustrious business career he probably would've offered to provide support to Amb. Stevens knowing full well he never had any intention of doing so.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (x5aW+)

231 She's not vile, criminal, despicable, sleazy, untrustworthy, liar, thief, abortion lovin, unhealthy, socialist, greedy individual?


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (voOPb)

But apparently her checks clear, so there's that.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (SRKgf)

232 >>> Trump is tanking and could lose Georgia, North Carolina and perhaps Utah. That's Trump's fault for being a horrible candidate.

Nightly news yesterday had a new poll, in Utah Trump is leading Clinton just fine. Closer than it should be in a red state but fine. She lost more supporters they fled to Gary Johnson. Jill Stein only has 1% support in the state.

I suspect most Utahns know Utah will go for Trump and are planning non-Trump, non-Clinton votes in protest. So Johnson is appealing. No clue how McMuffin guy plays into things he was not in the poll yet.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (hvf9s)

233 >>>206 However, it's worth pointing out that it's not these elitist snobs
fault that - if you believe the polling - Trump is tanking and could
lose Georgia, North Carolina and perhaps Utah. That's Trump's fault for
being a horrible candidate.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (WzlF7)>>>

Well, it's both of their faults. Trump could have been stopped after NH if they went all in for Cruz, but instead if they couldn't get Jeb or Rubio, they wanted Trump. Now they've got it good and hard. Fuck them.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (4ueYo)

234 Watch Clinton Cash
Then get back to us.


Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (x5aW+)

There you go...

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (kXoT0)

235 Watch Clinton Cash
Then get back to us.


Posted by: The Other Patrick

Again, just let that speak for itself.


You can lead a ho to water
But you can't make him think

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (7lVbc)

236 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)


Idiot, is right.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (72N6L)

237 57 the rebellious Untermenschen of the Lumpenproletariat

I like how you combine the lingo of the national Socialists ("Untermenschen") and the international Socialists ("Lumpenproletariat") into one pan-Socialist shivving. Good - -we need to keep pressing this theme, that every form of socialism, including Soviet-style, Nazi-style, or Bernie-style, are all on the same spectrum, and should be classified as a coherent group of connected philosophies.
Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 02:46 PM (jBuUi)

Bernie isn't the enemy to middle class, blue-collar Americans, and Hillary, Mitt Romney, and Carly Fiorina aren't your friends. I don't think you could argue that Hillary is any more socialist than Romney or Fiorina either. Patriots of all stripes need to wake up and smell the coffee so we can defeat as many of these creeps as possible.

Posted by: Bernette at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (S6rOh)

238 If that brigand Trump hadn't hornswoggled the public into supporting him, I'd be ahead of my good friend Hillary!.


Posted by: Jeb! at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (u0s1P)

239 You know I don't want to brand each and every Mormon as a backstabbing bastid, but I've had personal experience with a few, and let me put it as lightly and delicately as I can...

They have a completely different conception of morality. One that does not fit into the Judeo-Christian framework with which I've lived my life.

Their hands are all over this election. From the Glenn Beck/Ted Cruz embarrassment to Mitt Romney's call for insurrection, to this latest call which could throw the election and result In tanking our Supreme Court and Second Amendment rights, our internet freedom, and control of all the A-Z federal agencies that would make our lives hell under another Clinton/Obama third term.

I'm wondering if 'hell hath no furry' has a counterpart.

Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (ZnIt3)

240 Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (SRKgf)

Glad you came back after yesterday Jay.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (voOPb)

241 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.

I laughed out loud. Well played.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (evdj2)

242 trolls are in panic mode, what does that mean?

Posted by: spypeach at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (nyYhO)

243 Could Texas secede? Or would this be the first war supported by these socialist assholes? If they did, Texas would have to deal with a lot of migrants including me.

They sure are in love with democracy until they aren't. Historically, that's what the Supreme Court has been for.. when they can't get 51% of the people to agree on how to punish the other 49%.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (xeeHA)

244 >>Ummm...St. Patrick?

That Piker?

Posted by: St. Stephen at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (CH3GY)

245 "Shivved in the back?"

Oh yeah, what a departure.

You homos need to stop lifting my material.

Posted by: Julius Streicher at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (M7Ze9)

246 Peggy Noonan (yes) wrote in her column last week that the GOPe shows no capacity for self-reflection or humility whatsoever (just like the Left). They have no idea how Trump became the nominee besides "rednecks had a hissy fit."

I take it Stephens doesn't read Noonan's column because today he illustrated her point perfectly.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (u0lmX)

247 Maybe, just maybe, the GOPe's disdain for Trump will work to his advantage? "Hey folks, I'm not Hillary and the GOPe hates me, so I must be worth voting for."

Posted by: SFGoth at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (dZ756)

She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick

I'll just let that speak for itself.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig

I stitched it into a needlepoint sampler to hang over the settee.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (kdS6q)

249 The GOP Establishment understands that Trump is a missile aimed at THEM...

They have realized they are fighting for their own Power, and JOBS...

As Trump said at the end of his economic speech.... why trust the people who CREATED the problems, to SOLVE the problems?

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (qf6WZ)

250 188 You haven't come to the same conclusion about Hillary?


She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)


Thank you for enlightening us with that well researched argument. I know I'm convinced.

Posted by: Anon Y. Mous at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (R+30W)

251 so wilson is no longer a friend of the blog.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl you must fight for independence EVERYDAY at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (0O7c5)

252 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM
Right, Hilary has a body count that she is responsible for and all Trump did was dick punch that one baby. So, come again, who is really the more dangerous one?

Posted by: L, Elle at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (6IPEM)

253 Thing Trump does: He shoots his mouth off. And then walks it back.

Thing Imelda does: She lies. And doubles down.

Now tell me which one is more dangerous, "Patrick."

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (B+qrE)

254 >>>I suspect most Utahns know Utah will go for Trump and are planning non-Trump, non-Clinton votes in protest. So Johnson is appealing.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (hvf9s)>>>

The authoritarian pot smoker is less appealing that Clinton. Naked.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (4ueYo)

I'm glad you brought this up. Given Trump's illustrious business career he probably would've offered to provide support to Amb. Stevens knowing full well he never had any intention of doing so.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (x5aW+)

You are unbelievable. She and Obama murdered those people-who were friends of mine- and you POSTULATE that Trump would do the same???

Posted by: Moki at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (ezHMO)

256 I think the lack of support for Cruz, is why we are so very angry at the Establishment.

This latest ploy is just the final twist of the knife.

The Establishment wants us GONE. They want to grow the party by supporting a Canadian style welfare state with free trade.

Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (q177U)

trolls are in panic mode, what does that mean?
Posted by: spypeach

Rick Wilson's check cleared?

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (kdS6q)

258 239

Dead on about the Mormon stuff, it really is a cabal, and if you're not in the tribe, watch out

Posted by: Utopia at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (bb6Hh)

259 Other than Trump, why vote for a R in Nov?

Your Ohio Rs aren't much better than Ds anyway. No offense.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (voOPb)

No offense taken. I didn't vote for my Congress Critter last time. I won't vote for him again.

Posted by: Retired Buckeye Cop is now an engineer at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (YQ4mh)

260 In before someone saw the Rebellious Untermenschen open for Lumpenproletariat

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (evdj2)

261 >>People named "Patrick".......

>>Never had a good outcome with them.

Patrick Ewing has been an excellent First Lady.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (/tuJf)

262 If they wanted to stop Trump, they could have supported Cruz while he was still viable


Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (q177U)

that was "Plan B". it blew up pin their face. plan C is "enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (c6/9Q)

She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump. Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)

She'll gut the defense budget to pay for all the hand outs she's promised,but nah she's not dangerous

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (lKyWE)

264 Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs?


Posted by: wooga at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (S8n+0)

265 so wilson is no longer a friend of the blog.....
Posted by: phoenixgirl you must fight for independence EVERYDAY at August 09, 2016 03:10 PM (0O7c5)


not since he floated away in the Pacific.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (8XRCm)

266 No.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (x5aW+)

What ..... you don't wish to watch the truth about your employer?

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (72N6L)

267 Two can play their game.
Those elected GOP officials who refuse to support Trump, donate to the Democrat running against them. End their careers.

Posted by: Mike at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (ISxUB)

268 She's not vile, criminal, despicable, sleazy, untrustworthy, liar, thief, abortion lovin, unhealthy, socialist, greedy individual?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (voOPb)

You forgot treasonous, money laundering, and lazy.

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (kXoT0)

269 Well, Trump can only go up from here.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (hqZPQ)

270 I'm glad you brought this up. Given Trump's illustrious business career he probably would've offered to provide support to Amb. Stevens knowing full well he never had any intention of doing so.

Proof Patty. Put up or shut up.

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (SCvwT)

271 240 Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (SRKgf)
Glad you came back after yesterday Jay.
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (voOPb)

Thanks for the forgiveness. That was a major brain cramp.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:12 PM (SRKgf)

272 OT, but on Twitter, Gabe is currently reviewing a decision by the Fifth Circuit that compelled recitation by students of the Mexican Pledge of Allegiance is okey dokey. Hopefully, Ace or Gabe will do a full post.

Posted by: duke at August 09, 2016 03:12 PM (EQNFN)

273 if the Republican party had gotten behind trump and
supported him instead of attacking him, his missteps would have been
gloosed over for the most part. He is being attacked from both the front
and the back.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (zp+j1)

His missteps if all the feckless GOP establishment types would have gotten behind him? I don't think so.The bigger factor - by a long shot - in my estimation is that Trump was a media darling and curiosity during the GOP primary. After the primary they went about destroying him. It was all totally predictable.Also, Trump was unpopular in the GOP primary. A lot of GOP voters made it clear they had big problems with Trump. And instead of reaching out to them Trump demanded they kneel before Zod.When you're biggest selling point is "Hillary is so horrible you've got to support Trump even though he a charlatan and was a typical NY Democrat several years ago" you're not going to generate much excitement among most conservatives. You think Hillary is so bad you're voting for Trump? I think that's a respectable position but it's not much of a rally cry to drum up voter turnout.

Posted by: gwelf at August 09, 2016 03:12 PM (+7Usq)

274 Trump hasn't killed anyone yet, er, as far as we know.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:12 PM (evdj2)



Posted by: Jeb! at August 09, 2016 03:12 PM (u0s1P)


LMAO!!! Can you even address my point?

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (x5aW+)

Comb your hair differently and maybe no one will notice.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:12 PM (vP09u)

277 The party elites might want to openly expedite the realignment. A lot of them were already more ideologically compatible with the other side of the aisle. It doesn't exactly take a microscope to see the giant rift in the GOP - enough shit like this and it won't be a rift, it will be a rupture.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at August 09, 2016 03:12 PM (kumBu)

278 The only reason I sometimes read the WSJ is because I get it at work.

I cancelled my online subscription years ago. I'm happy I did.

Posted by: Donna and V. (sans ampersands at the present time) at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (u0lmX)

Is the "Other Patrick" one of the gay Irishmen??

Patrick Fitzsimmons & Simmons Fitzpatrick ??

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (8XRCm)

280 I'm going to write a letter of complaint to George Soros. This is a Smart Military Blog (TM) and we deserve a better class of trolls.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (UPYhp)

281 You forgot treasonous, money laundering, and lazy.

And .... Methodist!

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (evdj2)

282 Trump has not had ambassadors and diplomats raped and killed on his watch, after they begged for help. Actually look at that malevolent witch's record, and you might understand why some of us would vote for a rutabaga, rather than that murderous beast.
Posted by: Moki at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (ezHMO)

also did not get a CIA spy in Iran killed because of leaked emails. Unlike Hillary who did.

She is a murderess and ppl refuse to see it.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (hvf9s)

283 Patrick should go back to catching jellyfish with Spongebob. His insight is suited for a kid's show.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (KUaJL)

284 266 No.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (x5aW+)
What ..... you don't wish to watch the truth about your employer?
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (72N6L)

It's not that - he figures he's going to see some Clinton cash, so there's no need to see the movie about where it came from.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (SRKgf)

285 It's true that she's not "singularly" dangerous.

There are many multiples of danger with her.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (hqZPQ)

286 trump is within 1 in Florida (quinnipac). don't know what to think....

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (c6/9Q)

287 "Patrick Ewing has been an excellent First Lady."

Well, he's got me there.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (jpt9V)

288 My wife and I have already discussed leaving the Republican party and be independent. Friggin tired of voting R and have them turn into D. Trump loses, screw the R's.

Posted by: lynndh at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (DaWUf)

289 You think Hillary is so bad you're voting for Trump? I think that's a respectable position but it's not much of a rally cry to drum up voter turnout.

Why not? That's all I've heard for the last 28 years.

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (SCvwT)

290 230 Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:08 PM (x5aW+)

Translation :

HiLLAHryu Akbar.

Posted by: Hikaru at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (9TK8E)

291 This is all so instructive, and Ace really, I think you've been killing it with your analysis of what's really fracturing the party these last few months, even as someone who was hostile to Trump at the end of the primaries, and if supporting now, only with the utmost reluctance to keep Hillary out.

I have absolutely no issue with people who are compelled to vote for a 3rd party or stay home. It's the sabotage of the election, and the animus towards anyone that provides and kind of vocal support to Trump.

Looking at this latest Kristol/Wilson/NRO candidacy... I saw something at Hot Gas where is is interviewing and saying he will get on the ballots everywhere. I say there is no chance in hell of this. The goal appears to be to screw things up for Trump in UT and AZ in the (increasingly unlikely) chance Trump can right the ship back east where he absolutely must win.

All that being said, and I say this again as a Trump candidacy booster for the last 5 years. If we lose, the loss is on Trump at this point. This thing with the Kahns seems to be the bridge to far for a lot of people, this is stuck to him, nothing else at this point matters to anyone, it was viewed as so objectionable. I noted this yesterday I think in a thread, something with the polls has fundamentally changed as a result. It's not a bounce from the DNC.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (Uy8SG)

292 Patrick Ewing has been an excellent First Lady.
Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (/tuJf)


Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (72N6L)

293 A lot of people apparently have never read the history of the Whigs.

Posted by: Vashta Nerada at August 09, 2016 02:34 PM (7ZVPa)

I bring up the Whigs and the reasons for their dissolution all the time. Although thebreak-point at the time was the issue of slavery, specifically the Whig Party's unwillingness to stand against the Democrats over the Fugitive Slave Act of 1852, in general the Whig's failure was forgetting that its job as an opposition party is to oppose.

Same thing here. GOP leadership is in thrall to its corporate donor class. That's who and what they represent, whose interests they seek to advance.

I will pull the lever straight-ticket for the Republican Party in November and then declare myself an independent and no longer a Republican. It hurts to do so--no, really, it does--but the Republican Party left me. I didn't leave it.

Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (OGbEB)

294 >>>You forgot treasonous, money laundering, and lazy.
Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (kXoT0)>>>

You forgot senile and addled.

Posted by: gm at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (4ueYo)

295 >>That was Rick Perry.

'A One

Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (CH3GY)

296 The GOP "establishment" (scare quotes because there sure doesn't appear to BE one with any power) is not going to be any factor in Trump's loss. He was always going to lose horribly. He led wire to wire in the primaries and is losing almost wire-to-wire in the general. Any effort or cash spent now after the convention against Trump by either RINOs or actual conservatives is 100% wasted because the election is basically over.

If you want him to lose, you needn't do anything at all, he's managing that spectacularly on his own. Any attempt prior to nov 8 to rebrand the party will get lost in the noise, that also would be wasted effort until after the dust settles.

Posted by: Cjw at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (Mw7bJ)

297 It's not that - he figures he's going to see some Clinton cash, so there's no need to see the movie about where it came from.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (SRKgf)

A paycheck's a paycheck, I guess.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at August 09, 2016 03:15 PM (72N6L)

298 They might or might not be insane but they sure think everyone else is stupid and has dementia to boot.

Posted by: geoffb5 at August 09, 2016 03:15 PM (d3wbb)

299 They are insane, and it's my opinion that we need a new party no matter what the outcome of this election.

I suggest the Reform Party. It's still on the ballot in most states, so the hard work is done, but the party itself is just a dessicated husk. A relatively modest amount of people switching registration could easily take it over from what little remnant may still linger on, and set about turning it to their purposes.

It's also a good name, even if the history is lackluster. The Tea Party message is a message of reform. It could be the message of Reform.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at August 09, 2016 03:15 PM (HalrA)

300 239

Dead on about the Mormon stuff, it really is a cabal, and if you're not in the tribe, watch out
Posted by: Utopia at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (bb6Hh)

Years and years ago I had a dear friend whose husband got the wild idea to move to Salt Lake City and they were very Hippie Liberal non-religious types, so I asked her if they had had a religious conversion or were planning to convert. She said no, but, that it wouldn't be a problem that they weren't Mormon or really interested in religion at all. I nodded politely and walked away.

No offense to Mormons, but, it is very "tribal".

Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long on popcorn and butter futures!! at August 09, 2016 03:16 PM (kXoT0)

301 IIRC, I think we have a regular here who goes by Patrick in Ohio. This must be his dumb twin.

Posted by: L, Elle at August 09, 2016 03:16 PM (6IPEM)

302 If you want Trump to be President, and I do, I really think you need to take a step back from the crevasse. There is much work to do and much to do in our own lives. Besides, if you stroke out and die, your vote won't be counted (for Trump at least) on election day. Why not a Tuesday clothing thread?

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at August 09, 2016 03:16 PM (hqZPQ)

303 Back on the weekend Clinton Cash was on OAN (One American News) channel on cable. Replayed it a few times.

Posted by: Skip at August 09, 2016 03:16 PM (bksJQ)

304 Ok, I was camping for ten days, got back Sunday.
What is this Khan thing I keep hearing about?

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:16 PM (xVgrA)

305 213 Sambo,
There is vague planning to have a meetup up near Coriscan at BenHad's place in October...yeah, there are lots of Texans here.
Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (xVgrA)

lindafell, Thanks for the heads up. Corsicana is a long way off from here. For me to participate in a momee it would almost have to land in my backyard. Not that I want a bunch of Morons running around my backyard... I know too much about you people.

Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (CwNIZ)

306 The bigger factor - by a long shot - in my estimation is that Trump was a media darling and curiosity during the GOP primary. After the primary they went about destroying him. It was all totally predictable.

Yeah. Mostly because they did the same thing in 2008 and 2012.

And they would do it now if it were Cruz, Walker, etc., etc., etc. and even Yeb!.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (vP09u)

307 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.
Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)


That is all.

Posted by: Suppressed Flasher at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (X+nFp)

308 Well, of course it's his fault.

Certainly not the fault of those running, financing and supporting a Mormon irredentist campaign against him in the state.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:06 PM (kdS6q)

===================================Oh please.I thought Trump is a winner. Not some choker and a loser.Now some no-name guy is going to cost him the election?Are there sizeable factions in the GOP and the media establishment against Trump? Yes. Trump doesn't have the support of the WSJ. But he's got Hannity licking his boots and Rush Limbaugh acting as rear guard. Surely Trump doesn't have such a glass jaw that Bret Stephens is going to knock him out.
But Trump's biggest problem is that he sucks. It's not Trumps fault that he cannot slam Hillary during her worse weeks. It's not Bret Stephens fault Trump is attacking Khan instead of Hillary. It's not No-Name-Candidate's fault Trump keeps derailing the media away from Hillary's corruption and lies.

Posted by: gwelf at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (P2TRi)


I now have the entire "Leftoverture" album as an earworm.

Could be worse I guess.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (8XRCm)

310 Proposed -- cargo shorts are still cool, functional, and flattering.

Posted by: Big Fat Meanie at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (hqZPQ)

How much does Hillary pay her trolls?

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (7lVbc)

That's confidential....


Posted by: Hillary Clinton at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (HSmrB)

What is this Khan thing I keep hearing about?

Some guy built a stately pleasure dome.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (vP09u)

313 Should Trump win, I expect the Powers That Be to throw the game - engineer another stock market collapse, invite some sort of foreign crisis - to tank Trump's presidency.

Posted by: josephistan at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (7HtZB)

314 What is this Khan thing I keep hearing about?
Islamist who runs an immigration scam called out Trump, Trump hit him back verbally.

Media says that makes Trump a meanie because said Islamist had a son who fought (and died) in the WoT.

Posted by: 18-1 at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (X7E8f)

315 Why is this point continually ignored on here?
not speaking for anyone else, but i, for one, know bullshit when i see it.

Posted by: redc1c4 at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (i6LEJ)

316 It appears their thinking is that it is better (for them anyway) to be the coddled, scotch-drinking, country club leaders of a permanent minority party than to risk those creature comforts and be ostracized by the Democrats should they throw their support behind Trump and then lose.

Posted by: Blacksheep at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (8/DeP)

317 The donor class has lost non college educated whites for good by their refusal to listen to the entire base that we wanted our borders enforced. And without a huge majority of whites, the party can't win. Good luck GOPe with that Hispanic outrage program.

Ironically, I think the having nominees selected through direct democracy gives the donor class more power. In the old days, in smoked filled rooms, there would have been give and take by the rank and file party members, and open borders candidates would have been DOA. Now, they're the ones that get funded and have the name recognition....and then Trump came along.

The party used to have some power, now they are just a front for the donor class. And the problem is that the donor class unfortunately is completely out of step on immigration, and perhaps a few other issues.

Posted by: Maxwell at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (n6tqt)

318 297 It's not that - he figures he's going to see some Clinton cash, so there's no need to see the movie about where it came from.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:13 PM (SRKgf)

A paycheck's a paycheck, I guess.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at August 09, 2016 03:15 PM (72N6L)

The thing is that you'd think trolls have a bit more brain power, and instead of issuing didactic ex cathedra conclusory pronouncements like our friend above, they'd make more oblique, questioning-type comments that made it less obvious where their sympathies lie.

But, if you thought that, then apparently you'd be wrong.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (SRKgf)

319 This whole debate about the breakup of the GOP is just academic to me anyway, since I've never been a Republican in the first place.

The first Republican I ever voted for was (took me quite a while in retrospect to realize this) Tom McClintock in the California Recall Election for Governor in 2003. That was basically the first and last time I ever voted for someone enthusiastically.

Prior to 9/11, I was a stupid liberal. Voted Dem (or worse) every time.

2002 I was too depressed to vote.

2003 was the infamous recall of Gov. Gray Davis, and for the first time I could finally vote my conscience. McClintock DESTROYED Schwartzenegger and Bustamente and Conejo in the debate. It was the first time I really heard conservative principles explained clearly and powerfully.

But since then, it's been a shrug and a lever-pull for whichever lame-ass fool the GOP has put up time after time. Better than the Dem, but no enthusiasm on my part.

So if the GOP disintegrates, I couldn't give a shit, frankly.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (jBuUi)

320 291 This thing with the Kahns seems to be the bridge to far for a lot of people, this is stuck to him, nothing else at this point matters to anyone, it was viewed as so objectionable. I noted this yesterday I think in a thread, something with the polls has fundamentally changed as a result. It's not a bounce from the DNC.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (Uy8SG)

The people want Islam, and they're about to get it good and hard. With a scimitar at their throats.

Posted by: Hikaru at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (9TK8E)

321 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump. Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)


Allow me to finish his sentence:

"to my personal bank account."

Posted by: David French at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (7yBgE)

322 I noted this yesterday I think in a thread,
something with the polls has fundamentally changed as a result. It's not
a bounce from the DNC.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (Uy8SG)

Look up their methodologies and you'll see what's fundamentally changed. A Reuters-Ipsos poll last week had 7% more Democrats than Republicans among the polled, and the Marist-McClatchy poll of doom, when you read the methodology section, mentions how they polled the youngest male member of every household. Loaded polls and polls of Pajama Boys are not representative of the nation, they are not designed to inform, they're designed to intimidate and convince reluctant Trump voters to stay home.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (HalrA)

Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs? You know, the empire that dominated central/south America and then one day up and vanished leaving nothing behind to remind the future of their presence, save their altars?
Posted by: Methos

They all left in a flying saucer.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (IqV8l)

324 I'm wondering if 'hell hath no furry' has a counterpart.

Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (ZnIt3)

I'm betting Hell is full of furries. Those sick bastards in the teddy bear costumes talking about their 'fursonas' weird me out.

Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (OGbEB)

325 Ok, I was camping for ten days, got back Sunday.

What is this Khan thing I keep hearing about?

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:16 PM (xVgrA)

Cindy Sheehan redux

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (c6/9Q)

326 Agreed- cargo shorts are still cool, functional, and flattering.

i just bought 8 new pair... pretty much all i ever wear these days, if i have pants on at all...

Posted by: redc1c4 at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (i6LEJ)

327 The Establishment wants us GONE. They want to grow the party by supporting a Canadian style welfare state with free trade.

Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:11 PM (q177U)

Oh they want us alright. They want our vote, our contribution. They just don't want to do anything in return.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (voOPb)

328 wow

so concern

much apprehension

very perturb

Posted by: Doge at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (kapIh)

329 You haven't come to the same conclusion about Hillary?


She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump.

Posted by: The Other Patrick at August 09, 2016 03:04 PM (x5aW+)

That's some felony level stupid right there.

Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (Idu2i)

330 Some guy built a stately pleasure dome.

In fairness, he merely decreed it.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (evdj2)

331 Again, I acknowledge their are reasonable concerns about a Trump presidency.

People ask me "hey want about these guys on the right against Trump" I have to explain to them that he is an existential threat to their livelihood if he were to do what he says. That doesn't assuage the fears they have of him having the nuclear football an arms length away, but it seems to make sense to most people wondering why I am rooting him on.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (Uy8SG)

332 313 Should Trump win, I expect the Powers That Be to throw the game - engineer another stock market collapse, invite some sort of foreign crisis - to tank Trump's presidency.
Posted by: josephistan at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (7HtZB)

I'm on it.

Posted by: George Soros at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (SRKgf)

333 I've said since this started that only the GOP could destroy the GOP, by blatantly throwing the election. When confronted with this possibility you have to say 'no way, they can't be that stupid', but I'm happy to report that they are indeed that stupid.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (3bdqw)

334 "Ok, I was camping for ten days, got back Sunday. "

Bravo. Where'd you go? Hope you had fun.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (jpt9V)

335 Any attempt prior to nov 8 to rebrand the party will get lost in the noise, that also would be wasted effort until after the dust settles.


lost in the noise
wasted effort
dust settles.

Ill take "Writing entire paragraphs with inane cliches and passing it off as deeeeep thoughts" for $1000.00, Alex.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (8XRCm)

336 304 Ok, I was camping for ten days, got back Sunday.
What is this Khan thing I keep hearing about?
Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:16 PM (xVgrA)

Kirk marooned him & the Botany Bay on Seti Alpha V, only he hijacked the USS Reliant & the Genesis Project & tried to avenge himself on Kirk & the Federation.

Posted by: josephistan at August 09, 2016 03:20 PM (7HtZB)

337 Ok, I was camping for ten days, got back Sunday.
What is this Khan thing I keep hearing about?
Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03
Hilary was caught on leaked video dancing to Chaka Khan at a black church fundraiser. She's a bad dancer (no surprise) and Trump has been making fun of her mericessly for it ever since

Posted by: L, Elle at August 09, 2016 03:20 PM (6IPEM)

338 if i have pants on at all...

Posted by: redc1c4 at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (i6LEJ)

Today is pajama Tuesday. So there's that.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:20 PM (voOPb)

339 "PS: Once you've delivered Hilary her four or five young liberal justices who will rule the country for 40 years, 2020 becomes a particularly low impact election.

So what would be my incentive to even help these assholes with their plan to come roaring back in 2020? Do they really think I'm as hot for subsidies for John Deere as they are?

If we lose 2016, I have no dog in the 2020 fight, except payback."

Ace, if we get this, it's also safe to assume we get blanket amnesty and 20 million new democrats. I don't think we have a hope in hell of ever winning again if that happens.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:20 PM (Uy8SG)

340 Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs?


Posted by: Karma, make was comes around go around at August 09, 2016 03:20 PM (evdj2)

341 And without a huge majority of whites, the party can't win.

They're already wealthy and privileged, so in their minds they've already won. Now, they don't want to do anything that would place their privilege at risk.

Posted by: Blacksheep at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (8/DeP)

342 324 I'm wondering if 'hell hath no furry' has a counterpart.

Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 09, 2016 03:09 PM (ZnIt3)

I'm betting Hell is full of furries. Those sick bastards in the teddy bear costumes talking about their 'fursonas' weird me out.
Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:19 PM (OGbEB)

Thank you! I needed that laugh!

Posted by: Moki at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (ezHMO)

343 Ace, honest question: What makes this beyond the pale, but your repeated promises to never vote for Rubio acceptable? Where was your concern about SCOTUS then? About the utter horror of a Hillary presidency? Or is blowing it up/burning it down only acceptable if your faction does it?

Posted by: Anachronism at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (b/Leg)

344 I now have the entire "Leftoverture" album as an earworm.

Could be worse I guess.
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (8XRCm)

You really should see a doctor about your persistent earworms.

Posted by: bluebell at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (805dc)

Remember all the people who used to show up for Bernie rallies?

Now they show up for Hillary.
(using photoshop)

Posted by: jwest at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (Zs4uk)

346 Awwww! Ace, you missed a chance for posting one of the rarest things in the English language --a word with two "v"s in a row!

The proper spelling is "shivved":

The only other word with two v's in a row is "flivver."

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 02:42 PM (jBuUi)

Ace should get a government education grant.

Posted by: BignJames at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (9RGU3)


Posted by: Cpt. Kirk at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (HalrA)

348 >>Proposed -- cargo shorts are still cool, functional, and flattering.

My hubby looks cute in them. I do not get the cargo short hate.

Posted by: Lizzy at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (NOIQH)

349 I now have the entire "Leftoverture" album as an earworm.

Could be worse I guess.
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (8XRCm)

Oh, yes. It could.

Posted by: Guy who wrote "Kung Fu Fighting" at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (72N6L)

350 Remember though, the Establishment also hated Cruz. Their fantasy was a Jeb win, and then they turned their lonely eyes to Kasich. Yes, had they backed Cruz from the beginning I think he could have won - but it was never going to happen.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (kumBu)

Now they show up for Hillary.

(using photoshop)
They'll also be voting for her, whether or not they actually go to their local polling places...

Posted by: 18-1 at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (X7E8f)

352 169 Trump is tanking and could lose Georgia, North Carolina and perhaps Utah. That's Trump's fault for being a horrible candidate.

if the Republican party had gotten behind trump and supported him instead of attacking him, his missteps would have been gloosed over for the most part. He is being attacked from both the front and the back.
Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 03:02 PM (zp+j1)

I'm sorry, but I really don't think this is true. Remember binders full of women? The media is going to do what it's going to do no matter who the candidate is. But even though Romney was my last damn choice last time around, I will say he was an incredibly disciplined candidate. He did not give the media shit to go on and so they took what should have been a positive statement and turned it into a screechy rant about how sexist Rs are. And now we've got a guy who basically gift wraps another dumpster fire statement for the media almost every damn day. I don't know how much glossing over you can do with that kind of thing. Yes, *some* of the stuff the media harps on is, in reality, pretty minor, but how about the boatload of stuff that's not?

Honestly, Trump only has Trump to blame here. He is conducting a shitty campaign, can't be bothered to advertise apparently, and hands the opposition the ammo they need regularly. I don't know how this is going to be on anyone other than Trump.

Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (KkVB6)

353 "I'm on it.
Posted by: George Soros"

You might want to add that "e" in there. Is that Greek or something?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (jpt9V)

354 How do we know whether these trolls, Begonia, person, Other Patrick, etc. are *real* paid trolls, and not just white-hat training trolls who are giving our argumentation abilities a good workout, so that our encounters with the people in our lives in the coming months ahead will be more fruitful? Ie. benevolent, pseudo trolls.

Posted by: Yuimetal at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (qXYKp)

355 You really should see a doctor about your persistent earworms.


Doctor doctor, give me the news.....

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (8XRCm)

Some guy built a stately pleasure dome.
In fairness, he merely decreed it.

It took Charles Foster Kane to put it all together.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (IqV8l)

357 This is how I imagine the pitch meeting for this idea going...

Rick Wilson: "Hey Brent, you know what would be a great way beat back this growing Trumpian fascism on the right while healing the party and promoting national unity?"

Brent Stephens: "No Rick."

Rick Wilson: "How about we gin up a conspiracy between the LDS Church and the Jews over at the Weekly Standard to torpedo the party's nominee! That will teach the right wing, conspiracy mongering, Nazis a lesson!"

Brent Stephens: "Tell me more!"

Rick Wilson: "I've got the perfect guys in mind. He's a former CIA spook, Goldman Sachs crony, and BYU grad!"

... our country is in the best of hands. Thank God we have patriots like these to look out for our best interests.

Posted by: Zon Toro at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (82s/V)

358 Sounds like something I'd like to try and attend. Would be nice to get something set up in the Austin area too. We can get our passports stamped when we cross into city limits!

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (SUtNI)

I'm in DFW. I'd drive down there to meet fellow 'rons anytime. Has to be my day off though.

Off to work. Back later.

Posted by: Country Boy at August 09, 2016 03:23 PM (Idu2i)

359 What is this Khan thing I keep hearing about?

He's a poor archer.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:23 PM (evdj2)

360 >>> You know I don't want to brand each and every Mormon as a backstabbing bastid, but I've had personal experience with a few, and let me put it as lightly and delicately as I can...
They have a completely different conception of morality. One that does not fit into the Judeo-Christian framework with which I've lived my life.
Their hands are all over this election.

Dangit you found out our eeevil plot! *rolls eyes*

I'm a Mormon. Trump was not my first or even lst choice but I'm voting for him in Nov. Lots of Mormons will. I haven't the slightest idea of what you mean by morality, you will have to clarify. But you sound ridiculous and I reject your premise.

Mormons DO have a different idea of how government plays a role in their lives than others, that is true. Back in the 1800s government completely failed them, A governor wrote an order allowing their extermination. The head of their church pleaded directly to the POTUS at the time and he said your cause is just but I can't help you. Mormons are deeply suspicious of the government because of this, for good reason. And the current war from the govt on religion reinforces this mistrust.

The Utah GOP adored Cruz, but they are finally resigning selves to healing that wound. Big govt Clinton terrifies them. But so does Trump, for different reasons. I have faith they will not let the Hildabeest win in November.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:23 PM (hvf9s)

361 "Look up their methodologies and you'll see what's fundamentally changed. A Reuters-Ipsos poll last week had 7% more Democrats than Republicans among the polled, and the Marist-McClatchy poll of doom, when you read the methodology section, mentions how they polled the youngest male member of every household. Loaded polls and polls of Pajama Boys are not representative of the nation, they are not designed to inform, they're designed to intimidate and convince reluctant Trump voters to stay home.
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at August 09, 2016 03:18 PM (HalrA)"

On the one hand i'm inclined to believe the polls are rigged, just based on anecdotal evidence. To me, driving around, talking to people, even looking at my social media connections which I think I have a pretty good mix of liberal/conservative/politically agnostic type peopel. It just doesn't feel like a blow out is brewing.

but it's every damn poll now... l don't think that such a coordinated conspiracy is possible, without someone in the loop blowing the lid off it.

The polls are objectively terrible, everywhere. It's not good.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:23 PM (Uy8SG)

362 Thanks for the info on the Khan thing. I don't get it though....jihadist regularly murder their own children for the cause then use it as a shield, i.e. Palestinians.

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:23 PM (xVgrA)

363 Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs? You know, the empire that dominated central/south America and then one day up and vanished leaving nothing behind to remind the future of their presence, save their altars?

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (3Liv/)

I think their country got taken over by liberals, so they finally said "fuggit," piled onto a spaceship and split.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:23 PM (SRKgf)

364 She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think.
edited for accuracy.

Posted by: redc1c4 at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (i6LEJ)

365 Yeah. Mostly because they did the same thing in 2008 and 2012.

And they would do it now if it were Cruz, Walker, etc., etc., etc. and even Yeb!.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:17 PM (vP09u)

Yup. No matter who the GOP put up the same thing would happen.But much of Trump's supposed genius was that he had the media where he wanted them. He didn't need a ground game because he had the media. All the sweet free media.

Posted by: gwelf at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (P2TRi)

366 Woo-hoo!

Ace has now updated the post to say

" shivved the rest of the party in the back..."

Double-v's FTW!

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (jBuUi)

367 this is a very good post Mr. Spades

thank you

Posted by: happyfeet at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (4uNaS)

368 someone!...please!...lead them back to under the bridge!

Posted by: concrete girl at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (iJFCW)

369 Doctor doctor, give me the news.....
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (8XRCm)

Doctor's orders, say there's only one thing for me, nothing he can do, for only you can cure me . . .

Posted by: bluebell at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (805dc)


Posted by: John Kerry at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (Mxs5H)

371 343 Ace, honest question: What makes this beyond the pale, but your repeated promises to never vote for Rubio acceptable? Where was your concern about SCOTUS then? About the utter horror of a Hillary presidency? Or is blowing it up/burning it down only acceptable if your faction does it?
Posted by: Anachronism at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (b/Leg)

The difference between your current convictions and Ace's prior convictions vs. what still are your current convictions and Ace's new convictions is that it's Ace's blog so shut up.

Just kidding ace, don't ban me.

Posted by: Sambo at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (CwNIZ)

372 Oh, yes. It could.
Posted by: Guy who wrote "Kung Fu Fighting" at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (72N6L)



I really HATE that guy.....

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (8XRCm)

373 They have a completely different conception of morality. One that does not fit into the Judeo-Christian framework with which I've lived my life.
Their hands are all over this election.

Mormons are the new J--o-o-s.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (O7MnT)

374 Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs? You know, the empire that dominated central/south America and then one day up and vanished leaving nothing behind to remind the future of their presence, save their altars?
Posted by: Methos

You're talking about the Mayans. According to archeaologists, that civilization died out because its agricultural methods remained rudimentary, at the level of pre-Bronze Age Europe or Asia, woefully inadequate toits needs.

Of course, slaughtering and eatingtheir neighbors in mass sacrificial ceremonies also meant they were subject to paybackattacks at the first signs of weakness and decline.

Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (OGbEB)

375 368 someone!...please!...lead them back to under the bridge!
Posted by: concrete girl at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (iJFCW)

We got this.

Posted by: Three Billy Goats Gruff at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (0mRoj)

376 "The Other Patrick"

Trolls are supposed to be One Name Guys, are they not?

This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it."

Posted by: Admiral Painter at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (bN6TL)

377 I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better? I like Cruz but he has the charisma of a wet dishrag and he would've had the same gope shivving problem Trump has. Carson (again, I like him) couldn't run a campaign worth a damn. The rest of the lot would've run a Romney/McCain-style noncampaign designed to lose, but bilk money out of marks like you and launder it to the right people.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (UPYhp)

Ace should get a government education grant.

Posted by: BignJames at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (9RGU3)

A 2020 incentive for him!!!! Most excellent

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (voOPb)

379 It is particularly gratifying, when my stupid idiot liberal colleagues talk about how awful the Republican Party is, to agree with them.

So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (TOk1P)

380 In a way this is more damaging than if Mitt Romney or Ben Sasse had just declared as an independent 6 weeks ago, when it was still possible to get on the Texas ballot. Then it would have been open, outright war. This just strikes as a shiv in the back, and I'm saying that as NeverTrump.

Any chance of a rapprochement always increased if Trump lost in a landslide, because it would be hard to argue that NeverTrump affected him that badly. Then, hopefully, some smart politicians like Sasse and Lee and Cruz could have argued, hey, look, Trump won in the primaries so we have to change our appeal, but he lost in the general, so we have to rethink that, too. A Trump loss with this guy running, especially if he impacts the race, does nothing to help further that idea.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at August 09, 2016 03:26 PM (CGjum)

Certainly not the fault of those running, financing and supporting a Mormon irredentist campaign against him in the state.

Oh please.
Posted by: gwelf

Would you be saying the same thing if Kasich had agreed to run as a favorite son to spit the Ohio Republican vote and hand the state to Hillary?

Wait -- I think I already know the answer to that.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:26 PM (kdS6q)

382 Trump is rude crude and socially unacceptable (to the Andrea Bitchell crowd). And he is precisely what we need at this moment in time. (I guess that Arkansas trailer trash is the apex of class now). He was not my man to begin with but he is my man now! I even have a bumper sticker. @#neverhillary. Go Donald!

#texit secede!

Posted by: AnnaS at August 09, 2016 03:26 PM (U2rG9)

383 372 Oh, yes. It could.
Posted by: Guy who wrote "Kung Fu Fighting" at August 09, 2016 03:21 PM (72N6L)



I really HATE that guy.....
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (8XRCm)

That was one of my trump cards last time, you may recall.

Posted by: bluebell at August 09, 2016 03:26 PM (805dc)

384 All this bitching and no one bringing up the fact that Liz Mair is the Jamie Gorelick of the right

Posted by: The Dude at August 09, 2016 03:26 PM (SyKbw)

385 I think their country got taken over by liberals, so they finally said "fuggit," piled onto a spaceship and split.

If so, the liberals they were fleeing no doubt followed them in the next spaceship and then ruined wherever they went, too. It's what they do.

Posted by: Blacksheep at August 09, 2016 03:27 PM (8/DeP)

386 Come on guys!


GOPe 2012

Posted by: Mortimer at August 09, 2016 03:27 PM (aAPrV)

387 Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what
happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs? You know, the empire that
dominated central/south America and then one day up and vanished leaving
nothing behind to remind the future of their presence, save their

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 03:05 PM (3Liv/)

The Aztec civilization was destroyed by the Spanish, who saw their massive human sacrifices to Huitzilopochtli as an abomination that civilization could not tolerate. At one point, Cortez managed to overcome large amounts with a handful of men and the help of some natives who liked the idea of a God that didn't require mass murder.

The Mayans are still around. They used to build large temple cities every few decades, or century, or by some calender method known only to them. That city would be the hub of their civilization, they'd use it until it got old, then they'd abandon it. Then they just stopped, maybe having decided that organized religion was too much of a pain in the butt, and they'd do it local from then on. Or maybe they overthrew their royals. Or maybe it was a big famine and they were too busy to build another temple, and decided that they got on fine without it when the crisis was over? Nobody's quite sure. The Mayans seem to have made that their "Let us never speak of this again" moment.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at August 09, 2016 03:27 PM (HalrA)

388 Ron Wilson is like Ernst Stavro Blofeld as played by Jerry Lewis.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:27 PM (vP09u)

389 Good time,good times....q

Posted by: Mortimer at August 09, 2016 03:27 PM (aAPrV)

390 I love it.
Why is Trump getting destroyed in the polls?

It's Bret Stephens!
No, it's the Mormons!

Bret Stephens is a douche but he's not the reason Trump is getting schlonged by Hillary.

But I agree with ace - Trump has been very instructive in deepening and exposing the fault lines in the GOP coalition. The establishment elites have really demonstrated that they'll never ever allow the base to have anything they want.

Posted by: gwelf at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (+7Usq)

391 Wouldn't it be easier to co-opt the Libertarian Party and build something, than to keep dealing with these entrenched blowflies?

Wouldn't it be more constructive, exciting, gratifying, in the daily work of accomplishing it?

Doesn't that sound, MORE plausible than getting rid of existing power brokers from their seats? Ron is gone, we could take over.

Posted by: Michael at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (tUNKV)

392 I'm off the cargo shorts, I have carpenter shorts. Plenty of pockets and such. Besides, I never put anything in the cargo pockets anyway. You just kinda waddle around if you fill them up, I use a back pack for that.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (6Ll1u)

393 Mormons are the new J--o-o-s.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (O7MnT)


Speaking of which.

I just picked up a new client with that name. Joos.

His first name is ...... Richard.

This is on the heels of another client. Richard Diver.

I *just* love Tuesday morning production meetings.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (8XRCm)

394 212 A bald guy
A Goldman Sachs toady
A Hillary loving CIA spook
An Al Queda funder
And a Uniparty Shill

walk into a bar.

Bartender says, "Hey, we don't serve Egg McMuffins here."
Posted by: David French at August 09, 2016 03:07 PM (7yBgE)


Posted by: Bernette at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (S6rOh)

395 "Fresh Off His Campaign to Make Socialism Great Again, Bernie Sanders Buys $600,000 Summer House"

Matches the private jet Clinton's flying him around on.


Four bedroom home. Roomy for many illegals, refugees and EBT card holders. Nah. Just kidding.

Posted by: David French at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (7yBgE)

396 Rick Wilson looks like "That Yellow Bastard" from sin city. Particularly the movie version.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (Uy8SG)

397 355 You really should see a doctor about your persistent earworms.


Doctor doctor, give me the news.....
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:22 PM (8XRCm)

Bad medicine!

Posted by: Jon Bon Jovi at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (0mRoj)

398 Just waiting for the first journalist to ask Trump if it's fair to say he's getting "Schlonged" by Hillary, also.

Posted by: Michael at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (tUNKV)

399 I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better? I like Cruz but he has the charisma of a wet dishrag and he would've had the same gope shivving problem Trump has. Carson (again, I like him) couldn't run a campaign worth a damn. The rest of the lot would've run a Romney/McCain-style noncampaign designed to lose, but bilk money out of marks like you and launder it to the right people.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (UPYhp)

I still don't know who Ben Carson is, politically, because I don't believe Ben Carson does either.

I like Ted Cruz, in spite of himself.

The rest of them are Globalizationists. As is much of the Washington establishment, in both Parties. Anyone else would have been a vote for Globalization.

Trump is not a Globalizationist. Pretty much everything else, at this point in history, is irrelevant.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (TOk1P)

400 Sliding into the thread late...

Has anyone one piped up to insist that there is no GOP Establishment?

Because that is one of my favorites....

Posted by: Mortimer at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (aAPrV)

401 I predict this new last-minute Republican candidate will rack up nearly.0001% of the vote! Stand back!

Jill Stein is hearing footsteps.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (jBuUi)

402 Maybe it's just the mood around here, but's it becoming increasingly clear to me that Hillary will probably win. I guess the only thing we have to look forward to is that at least the guns sales the day after will probably break all previous records.

Posted by: Serenity Now! at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (BDZWU)

403 >>> Mormons are the new J--o-o-s.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (O7MnT)

LOL. I was going to say, I guess the Protocols of the Elders of Zion now extends to Mormons in their North American Zion!

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (hvf9s)

404 The the conservative establishment, both pols and "thinkers", are being dumb-fucks... really, putting themselves in a lose-lose situation. If Trump loses what is a very winnable election, the conservative establishment will get heaps of blame from his voters for putting their thumbs on the scale for Hillary. And if he wins, they will have ZERO influence on his administration. Why should he or any of his supporters give a rats ass what NRO thinks should go into his replacement of Obamacare, for example?

"NRO and friends are making a big mistake in their attempt to sabotage our movement. Can't see long-term consequences. Sad and very pathetic!"
- 'Sock' Trump Tweet

Posted by: Serious Cat at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (Uy6ri)

405 Ricardo,
We took our beat up Motorhome to Florida and stayed at Saint George Island state park then Fort Pickens at the national seashore in Pensacola.
Good news y'all! There is now recycling at the state park and individual gender neutral showers at the national park!!!

Posted by: lindafell TEXIT!! at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (xVgrA)

406 One thing, excuse my that Trump in not running as a general Republican. He's running as an alternative.

Do with that what may.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (jpt9V)

407 "391 Wouldn't it be easier to co-opt the Libertarian Party and build something, than to keep dealing with these entrenched blowflies?

Wouldn't it be more constructive, exciting, gratifying, in the daily work of accomplishing it?

Doesn't that sound, MORE plausible than getting rid of existing power brokers from their seats? Ron is gone, we could take over.
Posted by: Michael at August 09, 2016 03:28 PM (tUNKV)"

The goals of the LP are fundamentally at odds with this wing of the party, aside from maybe open borders type stuff and unlimited free trade.

I have to keep explaining to one dear friend who is voting LP this year, that Johnson/Weld are not really representative of the party.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (Uy8SG)

Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those kicks were fast as lightning
In fact it was a little bit frightening
But they fought with expert timing

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (evdj2)

409 To be clear, Trump will be the last person with an (R) following their name that I ever vote for. Either another party or I will vote against the (R) party.


Posted by: Mr Macca Bean at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (4ng05)

410 Look, realistically... does it matter whether any of us are voting Trump. Trump has shit the bed, screwed the pooch, and is John Denvering the election right into the ground. And there's not a damn thing any one of us can do about us.

Think beyond the loss. Think about how we get through Clinton II, and think about what we want on the other side.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (O7MnT)

411 Holy shit, it's like the Trollympics at the HQ today!

Posted by: Fritz at August 09, 2016 03:31 PM (2Mnv1)

412 Did anyone ever suffer through that Psychology Book that was all about 'Nudging' that the left was touting a few years back?

Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:31 PM (CH3GY)

413 Yup.
I've stopped calling myself a Republican. I'm an Conservative, damn it, now get off my lawn.

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at August 09, 2016 03:31 PM (hR1Jj)

414 Think beyond the loss. Think about how we get through Clinton II, and think about what we want on the other side.


Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (evdj2)

415 Apropos of nothing, did they ever figure out what
happened to the Mayans? Or was it the Aztecs? You know, the empire that dominated central/south America and then one day up and vanished leaving
nothing behind to remind the future of their presence, save their altars?

Aliens. It is always aliens.

Posted by: History Channel at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (hvf9s)

416 Oh please.
Posted by: gwelf

you be saying the same thing if Kasich had agreed to run as a favorite
son to spit the Ohio Republican vote and hand the state to Hillary?

Wait -- I think I already know the answer to that.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:26 PM (kdS6q)

So, some no-name guy who has zero name recognition in Utah is the same as the current and popular governor of Ohio?There is also something to the fact that Trump is so horrible that he's getting opposition within GOP ranks.It's more than just the GOPe wing of the party that hates Trump. There are a number of just plain conservative/liberarians in the party (or who usually vote with the party) who hate Trump. They're a completely different set of people than the GOPe who have completely different motivations.If the chosen candidate is hated by so many factions then yes, the chosen candidate does bear some of the responsibility for it. Especially when Trump has done nothing to try to win them over after a very divisive primary.

Posted by: gwelf at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (+7Usq)

417 "Once you've delivered Hilary her four or five young liberal justices who
will rule the country for 40 years, 2020 becomes a particularly low
impact election."

True; these idiots who are supposedly so versed in political science that they can editorialize in major newspapers, cannot see how socialism took hold around them. there is no coming back from socialism, but they are stupid enough to think they can negotiate their way to some middle position. they lived through the age of obama and they learned nothing.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (c6/9Q)

They were funky China men from funky Chinatown
They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down
It's an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their part
From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (evdj2)

Has anyone one piped up to insist that there is no GOP Establishment? Because that is one of my favorites....
Posted by: Mortimer

Ooo -- I love that one!

They played it for the Ladies' Choice Dance at our Senior Prom.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (kdS6q)

420 >>Think beyond the loss. Think about how we get through Clinton II, and think about what we want on the other side.

What's the "we" shit? I'm going full Capo and selling you bastiches out.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (/tuJf)


Posted by: Concern-O-Tron 5000 at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (vP09u)

422 "Anger is a gift" - Rage Against the Machine - Paul Ryan's favorite band (and communist sympathizers)

Posted by: Henry Hotlove at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (u32s7)

423 410 Look, realistically... does it matter whether any of us are voting Trump. Trump has shit the bed, screwed the pooch, and is John Denvering the election right into the ground. And there's not a damn thing any one of us can do about us.

Think beyond the loss. Think about how we get through Clinton II, and think about what we want on the other side.
Posted by: V the K

Can I borrow your time machine? I need to know who wins at Hialeah in the sixth.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (jBuUi)

424 377 I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better? I like Cruz but he has the charisma of a wet dishrag and he would've had the same gope shivving problem Trump has. Carson (again, I like him) couldn't run a campaign worth a damn. The rest of the lot would've run a Romney/McCain-style noncampaign designed to lose, but bilk money out of marks like you and launder it to the right people.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM (UPYhp)

It's difficult to imagine any of the rest of the field, save Carson and possibly Huckabee, making the unforced errors Trump has made. Almost any of the rest of the field, as traditional politicians, would have done more legwork to establish state-level campaigns and to raise money to run advertising. Add those together and I doubt any would be doing as badly as he is now, which is not to say I think all of them, or even most, would be leading in the polls or would win in the fall.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (CGjum)

425 >> it's like the Trollympics at the HQ today!

The coverage of Can v Ger women's soccer is funny. They spend a lot of time talking about the Canadian Goalie and her Box.

Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:33 PM (CH3GY)

426 Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (O7MnT)

Considering the Fiorina grooming, there isn't much of a future in a party of outsourcing

Posted by: The Dude at August 09, 2016 03:33 PM (SyKbw)

427 402
Maybe it's just the mood around here, but's it becoming increasingly
clear to me that Hillary will probably win. I guess the only thing we
have to look forward to is that at least the guns sales the day after
will probably break all previous records.

Posted by: Serenity Now! at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (BDZWU)

There is an important indicator happening today. If Ryan loses then it's on. Ignore the polls and damn the torpedoes.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 03:33 PM (3bdqw)

428 Everybody was kung-fu fighting

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:30 PM (evdj2)


p-p-p-pleeeeease make it stop.

Its a curse.

I grew up on a farm.... spent tens of thousands of hours on a tractor..... with a RADIO, always on.

I know the lyrics....and most of the arrangements... for every pop and rock song on the air between 1970 and 1989.

Like I said.... its a curse.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:34 PM (8XRCm)

429 Think beyond the loss. Think about how we get through Clinton II, and think about what we want on the other side.>>>

"To sleep, perchance to dream- ay, there's the rub."

Posted by: Hamlet at August 09, 2016 03:34 PM (Mxs5H)

430 *grrr*
I really HATE that guy.....
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:25 PM

Everybody was #NeverTrump fighting
Those memes were fast as lightning
In fact, he can be a little bit frightening
And the trolls posted with predictable timing

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (bN6TL)

431 "We had to destroy the village in order to save the after dinner cocktail hour."

Posted by: Lt. William "GOPe" Calley at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (CS7jF)

432 >>> One thing, excuse my that Trump in not running as a general Republican. He's running as an alternative.

He is a modern day Bull Moose Party candidate that invaded the GOP, just like Roosevelt. Like Roosevelt, more progressive and uses a big loudmouth stick.

And the GOPe is behaving towards him EXACTLY like the GOPe behaved then: fear and trembling and righteous indignation.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (hvf9s)

433 Your love is like bad medicine
Bad medicine is what I need, whoa
Shake it up just like bad medicine
There ain't no doctor that can cure my disease
Bad medicine

Posted by: Jon Bon Jovi at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (0mRoj)

434 >>I grew up on a farm.... spent tens of thousands of hours on a tractor..

Don't worry. Gonorrhea is completely temporary these days.

Posted by: The Tractor Chick at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (CH3GY)

435 If Hillary wins in November I suggest we borrow a page from the Left and riot.

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (7lVbc)

436 Almost any of the rest of the field, as traditional politicians, would have done more legwork to establish state-level campaigns and to raise money to run advertising. Add those together and I doubt any would be doing as badly as he is now, which is not to say I think all of them, or even most, would be leading in the polls or would win in the fall.

Yet they couldn't beat him. How does that work?

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:36 PM (SCvwT)

437 Almost any of the rest of the field, as traditional politicians, would have done more legwork to establish state-level campaigns and to raise money to run advertising. Add those together and I doubt any would be doing as badly as he is now, which is not to say I think all of them, or even most, would be leading in the polls or would win in the fall.
Posted by: El Skippito Friskito

So they'd be bilking money out of chumps like you to no practical effect, but you'd have better feelz about it. I guess that's the Principled stance.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:36 PM (UPYhp)

438 Diabolically clever, they are.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 09, 2016 03:36 PM (QTsgL)

439 Has anyone one piped up to insist that there is no GOP Establishment?

Because that is one of my favorites....

Posted by: Mortimer at August 09, 2016 03:29 PM (aAPrV)

NRO writers are always insisting there's no GOP Establishment. It's infuriating but I'm guessing they do it becauseWilliam F.Buckley'ssomewhat aristocratic manner exemplified establishmentarianism in so many ways.

I think they're wrong andunfair to Buckley. I think Bill Buckley would be as upset as anyone by these attempts to undermine the GOP nominee and hand the election to Hillary.

Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:36 PM (OGbEB)

440 Posted by: happyfeet at August 09, 2016 03:24 PM (4uNaS)
FEETS!!!! welcome to the club house... is it still all "Trump" all the time over at Pat's still?

Posted by: redc1c4 at August 09, 2016 03:36 PM (i6LEJ)

441 Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (bN6TL)


Well played sir.

Well played indeed.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (8XRCm)

"She's a bad person with bad ideas but I don't think she's a singularly dangerous as Trump."

She has explicitly stated she will gut the 1st Amendment, and will pack the Supreme Court, if necessary, to gut the 2nd.

That second step has a high probability of leading to a for-real civil war.

Posted by: Robert Crawford at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (BiqZX)

443 but it's every damn poll now... l don't think that such a coordinated conspiracy is possible, without someone in the loop blowing the lid off it.

The polls are objectively terrible, everywhere. It's not good.


Basically. And I'm sorry but I'm not going in for all the, OMG RIGGED POLLS!!!eleventy!!!" that we did last time. I started Election Day 2012 pretty confident that Romney had a good chance of clinching based on rally size and the "un skewed" poll numbers and had almost drank myself to death by about 10pm eastern.

I'm not setting myself up for that kind of the again.

Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (KkVB6)

444 Trump isn't going to blame the GOP establishment when he loses, he's going to blame Cruz and the conservative wing. He'll get the most bang for his buck from the media, and he will have twisted the knife in the people that everyone, including the GOPe, hate the most - fiscal conservatives.

This is all part of the plan to help that along. The GOPe knows exactly what it is doing.

Posted by: realityman at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (xOBRH)

445 From the quoted material:

'If Mr. Trump loses the election narrowly, the stab-in-the-back thesis will have a patina of credibility that he might have won had it not been for the opposition of people like me."

Therefore, to avoid a mere patina of credibility we are going to rent out billboards saying "Hell Yes We Stabbed You In The Back."

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (hLRSq)

446 I'm turning Hillary I think I'm turning Hillary
I really think so

Posted by: Lifetime Conservative Republican at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (vP09u)

447 >>If Hillary wins in November I suggest we borrow a page from the Left and riot.

For some reason that made me think of a bunch of Soccer Moms looting a Dean and DeLuca's and then torching the place.

Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (CH3GY)

So, some no-name guy who has zero name recognition in Utah
Posted by: gwelf

Mormon appealing directly to The Faithful. Backed by the Romney Cult. And backed with enough money focused on a narrow area to do trouble.

Also, just from a bit of research, see a number of LDS higher-ups sharing the same last name as The Dark Horse/ Don't know how influential his family is in the state. Tough to tell with all the intermarriage there who's networked and who's not.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (kdS6q)

449 The "Know Your Place, Peasants" wing of the GOP.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (hLRSq)

450 You don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
Tell the world that I'm
Falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design

Do you want this love of mine?
Darkness helps us all to shine
Do you want it, do you want it now?

Posted by: Chili Peppers at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (hvf9s)

451 NRO writers are always insisting there's no GOP Establishment.

Also there's no such thing as Amnesty.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (O7MnT)

452 These are the people who think there's nothing wrong with the way Washington is working.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (vP09u)

453 Rick Wilson is one of the biggest assholes on this planet.

Posted by: Dirty Randy at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (jjaLl)

454 I'm betting Hell is full of furries. Those sick bastards in the teddy bear costumes talking about their 'fursonas' weird me out. Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:19 

Ha. You got me. Absolute brain fart over the spelling. I was trying to couch my words so carefully to avoid banhammer I choked on the final bit.

'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. ' Or apparently the adherents of a certain religion who had their penultimate moment four years ago and want to tank this election. Because still butthurt.

You know what? I don't care. Let those weirdos look in the mirror on November 9th. Fuck 'em and their invention.

Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (ZnIt3)

455 Bernette- I have been thinking about this same thing a lot, these days. I fear the whole system is so corrupt that if outsiders actually saw what they had done, there would be calls for firing squads and trials lasting years. We would have to burn it down just to clean it out.

Posted by: Abby Coffey at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (HBU7W)

456 "Think beyond the loss. Think about how we get through Clinton II, and think about what we want on the other side."

God, what loser talk and thinking.

It's August 8th. Trump will win and in an epic landslide.

I love how everyone who was wrong for a whole year plan to be wrong until Nov. 9th.

Posted by: Fuq the media at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (7yBgE)

457 The GOPe knows exactly what it is doing.


Well.... there's gotta be a first time for everything.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:38 PM (8XRCm)

458 Ten thousand marbles, please.

Posted by: Kent Dorfman at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (evdj2)

459 I think this will only affect Trump if runs a bad campaign. If people perceive that Trump is running an effective campaign and is actually trying to unite Republicans and focus on attacking Hillary, only the most die hard anti-Trump people will vote for this guy and it won't make any significant difference. People like a winner and the more Trump actually looks like a winner, the more irrelevant the Egg McMuffin will be.

Trump can gain bonus points for actually trying to run as a conservative. More bonus points for actually learning the issues in a more than superficial way so that his attacks on Hillary will actually have some force to accompany them. More bonus points if he actually spends time and money to build out campaign offices and ground games in the various battleground states. More bonus points for developing an actual strategy for airing television commercials to counter Hillary.

Disclaimer: I pretty much waver every day between "Not Trump as it stands today" and "reluctantly Trump because the only person worse than Hillary is Bernie." I liked Cruz, Fiorina, Jindal, and Walker (listed in alphabetical order, not preference). The only nominee that I didn't support since I started voting was Dole in 1996. I wish Trump would convince me to vote for him, but every other time he speaks he pushes me away.

Posted by: Keyser at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (v8/5X)

460 Yesterday a morning came,
A smile upon your face.

Caesar's Palace,
Morning glory,
Silly human race

Posted by: Mortimer at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (aAPrV)

461 "I grew up on a farm.... spent tens of thousands of hours on a tractor..... with a RADIO, always on."

On a tractor. With an enclosed cab. AC/, even.


Ogles from afar.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (jpt9V)

I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here
to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better?

The only answer is, "it depends." It depends on whether someone who at least could have cross-over appeal to the GOP coalition would have been able to create a position on immigration that the Trump voters would have bought, but which would still be salable to Latinos, for example.

I think that a Scott Walker (no college degree, is a "fighter" where it counts -- in policy -- and who waffled back in forth on immigration) could have done this. He just wasn't ready for prime time, and the donors shivved him in the back once he indicated that he would maybe be open on immigration restrictions.

Rubio could have done it too, maybe, if Christie didn't kamakaze him, and if the Trump base could have come to terms with his immigration betrayal.

Jeb would have run a dispiriting campaign and then lost gracefully. Cruz would have run a smart, conservative campaign, but would have difficulty connecting with people. Carson had no realistic shot.

Posted by: Revenant at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (3DSAh)

463 447 >>If Hillary wins in November I suggest we borrow a page from the Left and riot.

For some reason that made me think of a bunch of Soccer Moms looting a Dean and DeLuca's and then torching the place.
Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (CH3GY)


Hah. Trump loses and The Pottery Barn gets it.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (QTsgL)

464 If Hillary! wins, she will not be able to resist the siren song of gun confiscation ... and then we have SECexit. Maybe with some BIG12exit on the side.

That would not be so bad. I'm just not all that worried, or scared, of Hillary!.

Bring it on.

Posted by: ScoggDog at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (nw6G5)

465 Basically. And I'm sorry but I'm not going in for all the, OMG RIGGED POLLS!!!eleventy!!!" that we did last time. I started Election Day 2012 pretty confident that Romney had a good chance of clinching based on rally size and the "un skewed" poll numbers and had almost drank myself to death by about 10pm eastern.

I'm not setting myself up for that kind of the again.
Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (KkVB6)

I was in the same boat. That being said, all the defeatism now seems a tad premature.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (KUaJL)

466 Basically. And I'm sorry but I'm not going in for all the, OMG RIGGED POLLS!!!eleventy!!!" that we did last time. I started Election Day 2012 pretty confident that Romney had a good chance of clinching based on rally size and the "un skewed" poll numbers and had almost drank myself to death by about 10pm eastern.

I'm not setting myself up for that kind of the again.
Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (KkVB6)

Yeah. Exactly. How my liver survived election night 2012 I will never know. I didn't swear off liquor that night but I did swear off bitching about skewed polls.

Posted by: Texas Zombie at August 09, 2016 03:40 PM (SUtNI)

467 If only we could have predicted that Hillary Clinton would end up being the Democrat nominee in 2016.

Posted by: Baron Von Ottomatic at August 09, 2016 03:40 PM (fn3+8)


God, what loser talk and thinking.

It's trolling.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:41 PM (vP09u)

469 >>Trump isn't going to blame the GOP establishment when he loses, he's going to blame Cruz and the conservative wing. He'll get the most bang for his buck from the media, and he will have twisted the knife in the people that everyone, including the GOPe, hate the most - fiscal conservatives.

If Trump loses nobody is going to give a shit what he has to say. His entire reason for being is that he is a winner who wins. Once he doesn't he is just going to fade back into making yuuge buildings and crappy ties.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 03:41 PM (/tuJf)

470 The coverage of Can v Ger women's soccer is funny. They spend a lot of time talking about the Canadian Goalie and her Box.
Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:33 PM (CH3GY)

Once during a previous Olympics I worked with a hefty contingent of very religious types. At lunch during the weightlifting event an announcer intoned, "I just saw her snatch, and it was amazing."

I had to feign a coughing spasm to maintain propriety.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:41 PM (SRKgf)

471 "NRO writers are always insisting there's no GOP Establishment."

LOL - There is no organized crime in the US !

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (c6/9Q)

472 I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better?

Sadly, any of them.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (O7MnT)

473 I started Election Day 2012 pretty confident that Romney had a good chance of clinching based on rally size and the "un skewed" poll numbers and had almost drank myself to death by about 10pm eastern.

OMG, thanks for the post. Makes me feel better. I was just CRUSHED by that election. Never gonna get burned that way again.

Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (q177U)

474 The GOPe knows exactly what it is doing.

Posted by: realityman at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (xOBRH

If you have any evidence that these guys have figured out the meaning of "consequences" please let us know. I would be fascinated.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (hLRSq)

475 The Party has lots of ... buffers.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (evdj2)

476 "If Ryan loses, the game is on."

Trump endorsed Ryan--belatedly and grudgingly. But if Ryan wins, why can't it be spun as a Trump positive?

Posted by: JoeF. at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (pIenm)

477 "I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better? "

Sadly, any of them.
Posted by: V the K

Show your work, please.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (UPYhp)

478 I'd like all the Trumpists to explain how picking a week-long fight with a Mohammedan gold star family was a brilliant tactical maneuver.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (O7MnT)

479 Sadly, any of them.

LOL that's a good one

Posted by: MSM at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (Mxs5H)

480 'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what
have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would
be doing better?

Sadly, any of them.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (O7MnT)

none of them.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (c6/9Q)

481 If Hillary wins in November I suggest we borrow a page from the Left and riot.

Posted by: @votermom at August 09, 2016 03:35 PM (7lVbc)

I remember those Tea Party riots a few years ago. It was terrible: trash being picked up everywhere, national anthems being sung, lemonade, pie, pledges of allegiances out the wazoo...madness, sheer madness.

Conservatives don't riot. We wouldn't know how. We do, however, know how to fight.

Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (OGbEB)

482 Once again, lots of commenters helpfully Correcting the Record in this thread.

None of their "concern" or "advice" matters. Vote against Hillary this November, tell everyone that you know to vote against Hillary (or for Jill Stein, if they are so inclined, and the rest is in the lap of the gods.

Posted by: Alex #11 at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (EUMt/)

483 I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better?

Sadly, any of them.

So which one of the greatest beat Trump?

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (SCvwT)

484 I'm not setting myself up for that kind of the again.

OH I expect Hillary to win, but the polls are still crap. They were last time, too though. I think they accurately represent the outcome including fraud at this point.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (39g3+)

485 >>Once he doesn't he is just going to fade back into making yuuge buildings and crappy ties.

Don't knock it.

There's a lot of money to be made in crappy ties.

Posted by: Zombie Jerry Garcia at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (CH3GY)

486 472--bullshit. MAYBE Christie or Rubio. Forget the rest.

Posted by: JoeF. at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (pIenm)

487 "It's difficult to imagine any of the rest of the field, save Carson and possibly Huckabee, making the unforced errors Trump has made. Almost any of the rest of the field, as traditional politicians, would have done more legwork to establish state-level campaigns and to raise money to run advertising. Add those together and I doubt any would be doing as badly as he is now, which is not to say I think all of them, or even most, would be leading in the polls or would win in the fall.
Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (CGjum)"

I don't think Trumps spend no money strategy is the problem... it is maybe now, because he has no ads and the errors he's made the last couple of weeks are 100% bad news.

If he declined to take the bait with the Khans I think polling is neck and neck. The "russia hack" thing, even... I thought that was actually pretty clever to disrupt the media narrative the first few days of the convention.... but that stacked on the Khan thing, and then more of the khan thing... it's pure poison.

And I'll say this as well, I'm glad he didn't apologize. There is still a chance this blows over, but there is also the chance of more stupid stuff, and the last thing he can do is get caught in a trap where he is now apologizing for everything, every 10 seconds.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (Uy8SG)

488 Show your work, please.

According to the Monmouth poll, Trump is down 13 points: 50 -37.

Even Jeb would be above 40.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (O7MnT)

489 On a tractor. With an enclosed cab. AC/, even.



We had one enclosed tractor. Allis Chalmers 200. It had radio. And heat. The heat worked in the winter.... and the summer.

My favorite summer tractor was our D17 tricycle.

I loved raking hay with that.... the faster you went, the cooler you stayed.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (8XRCm)

490 The Party has lots of ... buffers.>>>

You Misspelled Fluffers

Posted by: Buzzsaw at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (Mxs5H)

Is it November already? Geez, we haven't lost YET.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (xxSK3)

492 Sadly, any of them.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (O7MnT)

Yeah, that's more wish-casting than fact.....

Posted by: Dirty Randy at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (jjaLl)

493 Will You Still Vote Us Tomorrow?

by the Establishment Shirelles

You've been betrayed completely.
We shivved you oh so sweetly.
We'll do our best
for Hillary this fall.
But will you vote us tomorrow?

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (jBuUi)

494 I'd like all the Trumpists to explain how picking a
week-long fight with a Mohammedan gold star family was a brilliant
tactical maneuver.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (O7MnT)

I'd like YOU to explain how picking a 6 year fight with Cindy Sheehan was a brilliant tactical maneuver ??

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (c6/9Q)

495 I'm not setting myself up for that kind of the again.

Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (KkVB6)

I was in the same boat. That being said, all the defeatism now seems a tad premature.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at August 09, 2016 03:39 PM (KUaJL)

I'm not going to get my hopes up either. It doesn't look good, but look at the Brexit. 4 points down to 4 points ahead. Crooked polling does exist, and has lead to these kind of "unexpected" results before. I don't know if there's any reality at all to the numbers they're posting, or if they're just pulling them out of their ass.

So I'm not going to let the polls sway me. It doesn't look good, but I'm going to do my civic duty and vote, and try to make sure everyone in my circle votes no matter what the polls say.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (HalrA)

496 Great post as always Ace. I would add that if they are successful Trump will be an even more appealing candidate in 2020. Would also potentially force a Constitutional convention it being the only means to defeat the DC establishment and the Supreme Court.

Posted by: Rube at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (7DpOS)

497 If the Democrats just announced that they would legalize pot at the national level then the Libertarian Party would cease to exist.

Posted by: Laughing in Texas at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (eBNjM)

498 If Hillary wins in November I suggest we borrow a page from the Left and riot.


Yeah, great! I'll bring the Port-A-Potties.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (lHb9q)

499 477 "I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better? "

Sadly, any of them.
Posted by: V the K


Charming. Naive, but charming.

Posted by: The MSM, Proud Watchdog of American Democracy at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (QTsgL)

500 Mormon appealing directly to The Faithful. Backed by
the Romney Cult. And backed with enough money focused on a narrow area
to do trouble.

Also, just from a bit of research, see a number of
LDS higher-ups sharing the same last name as The Dark Horse/ Don't know
how influential his family is in the state. Tough to tell with all the
intermarriage there who's networked and who's not.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 03:37 PM (kdS6q)
I am a Mormon living in Utah and I have no idea who this guy or his family is.But I'll be sure to let you know when I get my marching orders.

Posted by: gwelf at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (+7Usq)

501 One of the featured articles over at is on the Kahns & how they blame Trump for "growing intolerance" of muslims. I'm surprised MSN allowed commenting - overwhelming "F them" in response.

Posted by: josephistan at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (7HtZB)

502 "
Sadly, any of them.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (O7MnT)

none of them.
Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (c6/9Q)"

I actually believe that Rubio would have been a good general election candidate, even though I found him completely objectionable in the primaries. for all the reasons litigated here and elsewhere for the last year plus.

It would have been another hold the nose and swear I'll never vote for the GOP again moment for me. But I'd have probably done it.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (Uy8SG)

503 490 The Party has lots of ... buffers.>>>
You Misspelled Fluffers
Posted by: Buzzsaw at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (Mxs5H)

Or "buffoons."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (SRKgf)

504 The only thing I take solace in is the fact that whenever there is a "sure thing!" , very rarely does it ever happen.
Hillary looks like a "sure thing" right now.
Actually, she looks like shit.
But everyone seems to think she's a sure thing.

I take comfort in that.

Posted by: JoeF. at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (pIenm)

505 >>Zombie Jerry Garcia at August 09, 2016

Appropriate given that August 9th was the day he died.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (/tuJf)

506 This thing with the Kahns seems to be the bridge to far for a lot of people, this is stuck to him, nothing else at this point matters to anyone, it was viewed as so objectionable. I noted this yesterday I think in a thread, something with the polls has fundamentally changed as a result. It's not a bounce from the DNC.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:14 PM (Uy8SG)

Only because of the MSM narrative... which had Trump attacking THEM, not responding to the attack from an Islamist, a man who said Sharia Law trumps the Constitution...

Yet was on the stage at the DNC convention.

And for the record, my parents had NOTHING to do with my service... hell Mom didn't even want me to join and fought against it... why would my PARENTS suddenly have some VICTIM status because of MY Service, and MY sacrifice?

Whole thing was a SJW setup so the PRESS AND the GOPe could gang up on Trump....

and his ATTACK? a tweet that said why won't they let the Mom talk?

THAT is an abhorrent attack??? HUH????

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (qf6WZ)

507 I'd like YOU to explain how picking a 6 year fight with Cindy Sheehan was a brilliant tactical maneuver

I don't think anyone in the Republican Party did that.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (O7MnT)

508 498 If Hillary wins in November I suggest we borrow a page from the Left and riot.


Yeah, great! I'll bring the Port-A-Potties.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (lHb9q)

If we go OWS style, we'll need a First Aid and Rape Station.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (0mRoj)

509 According to the Monmouth poll, Trump is down 13 points: 50 -37.

Even Jeb would be above 40.
Posted by: V the K

Yeah because summer polls are such strong indicators of outcome. Just ask Presidents Mondale and Dukakis. Your shine box, go get it.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (UPYhp)

510 Counter factuals are always impossible to prove, yet we all love them.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (evdj2)

511 Folks ... it's only August.

Posted by: ScoggDog at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (nw6G5)

512 >>> Mormon appealing directly to The Faithful. Backed by the Romney Cult. And backed with enough money focused on a narrow area to do trouble.

More proof the GOPe is feckless at appealing to minorities, even white minorities. It is such OTT pandering that it is almost embarrassing and shameless as when the dems do it.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (hvf9s)

513 Yeah, great! I'll bring the Port-A-Potties.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at August 09, 2016 03:45 PM (lHb9q)

They're called "cop cars."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (SRKgf)

514 The rooftop Koreans will be participating in the looting this time, and you think that the poorly paid security will keep rioters out of walled compounds? They will be first in line for the good stuff.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 09, 2016 03:47 PM (6Ll1u)

515 My team lost by 2. If they had kicked the field goal in 2nd quarter when they had the chance, they would have won the game.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! at August 09, 2016 03:47 PM (evdj2)

516 One of the featured articles over at is on the Kahns & how they blame Trump for "growing intolerance" of muslims.

That shit went south after 09-11-2001.

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (SCvwT)

517 I'd like all of the "Principled Conservatives what have Principles" here to riddle me this: What primary candidate would be doing better?

Sadly, any of them.


Yeah, that's why they are all losers on loser row.

Posted by: Fuq the media at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (7yBgE)

518 Only because of the MSM narrative... which had Trump attacking THEM, not responding to the attack from an Islamist, a man who said Sharia Law trumps the Constitution...

Which Trump walked right into. He could have shrugged it off with a simple, "His sacrifice was honorable, but that doesn't diminish the fact that Radical Islam is a threat to American."

But his ego wouldn't let him. He had to turn it into a media feeding frenzy.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (O7MnT)

519 Tina Turner went back to Ike too.

Didn't she? I'm sure she did.

Posted by: Dack Thrombosis at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (4ErVI)

520 473 I started Election Day 2012 pretty confident that Romney had a good chance of clinching based on rally size and the "un skewed" poll numbers and had almost drank myself to death by about 10pm eastern.

OMG, thanks for the post. Makes me feel better. I was just CRUSHED by that election. Never gonna get burned that way again.
Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:42 PM (q177U)

Yeah, I actually wept. And that's saying something because I'm not one who readily cries. But I've got two kids under ten who are going to have to deal with the consequences of the last several elections, and this shit is depressing. Our nation is FUBAR and it keeps getting worse.

Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (KkVB6)

521 478 I'd like all the Trumpists to explain how picking a week-long fight with a Mohammedan gold star family was a brilliant tactical maneuver.
Posted by: V the K

It was a stupid maneuver. Terribly, terribly stupid.

But one bad maneuver does not an election sway.

Hillary was up by ten before the GOP Convention, then afterwards Trump was up by 2 -- a 12 point swing in five days.

Now, after the Khan Disaster, Hillary is back up by 7 -- a 8-point swing back to her in two weeks.

All this proves is that the electorate is still extremely volatile. All sorts of crises and memes and scandals and surprises and gaffes can swing things up and down between now and election day. Very rapidly. This isn't even close to being over.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (jBuUi)

I'm not going to get my hopes up either. It doesn't look good, but look at the Brexit. 4 points down to 4 points ahead. Crooked polling does exist, and has lead to these kind of "unexpected" results before. I don't know if there's any reality at all to the numbers they're posting, or if they're just pulling them out of their ass.

So I'm not going to let the polls sway me. It doesn't look good, but I'm going to do my civic duty and vote, and try to make sure everyone in my circle votes no matter what the polls say.
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party

The "stay" vote was up like 10 points 3-4 weeks before the Election.

It was like a 14 point swing

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (bb6Hh)

523 Folks ... it's only August.
Posted by: ScoggDog at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (nw6G5)



And....We aint even had a debate yet.

And Im going to place 500,000 Quatloos on the Orange Julius Caesar.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (8XRCm)

524 There is an important indicator happening today. If Ryan loses then it's on. Ignore the polls and damn the torpedoes.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 03:33 PM (3bdqw)
Someone said Ryan was up 60 pts??

Posted by: Velvet Ambition at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (QPdNE)

525 I'd like all the Trumpists to explain how picking a
week-long fight with a Mohammedan gold star family was a brilliant
tactical maneuver.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (O7MnT)

He didn't pick the fight.... Khan was on stage at the DNC attacking Trump.

So I guess being the PARENT of a Soldier, now makes it so no one can respond to the ATTACK YOU INITIATED?

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (qf6WZ)

526 The three types of trolls.

1. below average joey.
2. average joe.
3. above average joseph.

A lot of type 1's around lately.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (WVsWD)

527 >>Appropriate given that August 9th was the day he died.

I remember it well.

Not to mention your moniker...

My snark is like an onion.

Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (CH3GY)

528 I actually believe that Rubio would have been a good
general election candidate, even though I found him completely
objectionable in the primaries. for all the reasons litigated here and
elsewhere for the last year plus.

It would have been another hold the nose and swear I'll never vote
for the GOP again moment for me. But I'd have probably done it.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (Uy8SG)

No, i don't think so. No insider, Washingtonian could have won. This is had to be a change election.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (c6/9Q)

529 Yeah I think Cruz would have been doing better than Trump at this point.

He certainly would have been topping 80% Republican support, that is for sure.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (uAvJJ)

530 527 >>Appropriate given that August 9th was the day he died.

I remember it well.

Not to mention your moniker...

My snark is like an onion.
Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (CH3GY)

Smells bad? Makes you cry?

Posted by: Insomniac at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (0mRoj)

531 The post actually does a great disservice to Arnold, who was a pretty resolute patriot until he got fucked over by the establishment (and probably steered not-too-subtly by his wife). The Buckley-style conservatives of the establishment aren't nearly so honorable.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (rznWS)

532 I find this concerning about the short fingered vulgarian.
Also disgruntling.
I think I'll have to vote for Hillary!

Posted by: A different Patrick (I swear, totally not that patrick) at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (QM5S2)

533 Still 90 more days to election and time enough for the polls to change (or not). The Khan saga has blown over, Hillary's ill health is the drama du jour and it will be something else next week. I'd say there are plenty of surprises left between now and November.

Posted by: IC at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (a0IVu)

534 The Orlando terrorist's dad got interviewed with channel 5 news after the rally and said that he got a DNC email inviting him so he went. Is a proud Hillary supporter.

This should be plastered everywhere it is hilarious fail on the DNCs part. And horrible. Sent the news to my LGBT sister and she is speechless.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (hvf9s)

535 Yet they couldn't beat him. How does that work?

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 03:36 PM (SCvwT)

So they'd be bilking money out of chumps like you to no practical effect, but you'd have better feelz about it. I guess that's the Principled stance.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:36 PM (UPYhp)

It's the difference between not having the party behind you, as a primary candidate, and getting it behind you as a general election candidate. There are typically tens of thousands of people who work for free and hundreds more who work in various paid capacities to elect a President, and many more who do so for other candidates down the line. But to do that, you need a candidate who is constantly raising money, and who employs staff that gets that money out to open offices, set up phone banks, and do all the other little jobs that get a President elected. The Democrats get this, and if you think they don't go back and read the comments on this site leading up to the 2008 and 2012 races, and see the comments about all the people out knocking doors for Barack. I'm not talking about whatever pittance Huckabee or Jindal raised for a few primaries, I'm talking about the hundreds of millions needed to compete and take away states from the Democrats. For whatever reason, Trump and his staff either decided this stuff wasn't important or didn't decide it was important enough.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (CGjum)

536 I'd like YOU to explain how picking a 6 year fight with Cindy Sheehan was a brilliant tactical maneuver

I don't think anyone in the Republican Party did that.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:46 PM (O7MnT)

Then why was Bush constantly antagonizing her to the point that she had to follow him everywhere ?

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (c6/9Q)

537 Which Trump walked right into. He could have shrugged it off with a simple, "His sacrifice was honorable, but that doesn't diminish the fact that Radical Islam is a threat to American."

But his ego wouldn't let him. He had to turn it into a media feeding frenzy.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (O7MnT)

So you admit it was a cynical preplanned attack...

Yet of course... blame Trump....

OK then...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (qf6WZ)

538 One of the featured articles over at is on the Kahns & how they blame Trump for "growing intolerance" of muslims.



Get back to me when you guys bitch as much about the Muslims Killing In YOUR Religions Name as you bitch about us Paleface Infidels that point that out.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (8XRCm)

539 Which Trump walked right into. He could have shrugged it off with a simple, "His sacrifice was honorable,>>>

I think he used that line word for word when talking about the son. That never got mentioned in any of the ensuing BS that was reported though.

Posted by: Buzzsaw at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (Mxs5H)

540 What, BTW, is the usual method of employing a stalking horse anyway? I kinda figured they'd be too loud and such

Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (0o/oP)

541 So, pick the worst poll you can find three months out and start slitting your wrists.

I choose not to play such a stupid game.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (vP09u)

542 There is an important indicator happening today. If Ryan loses then it's on. Ignore the polls and damn the torpedoes.
Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 03:33 PM (3bdqw)

Guys, really. Ryan getting primaried out in Wisconsin by someone who last week, insisted Ryan had "no soul", then when pressed on it, changed it to "he had a Black soul", is someone voters put in the same category as "I'm not a witch".

Ryan will stay in. It is really hard to get an incumbent out of office, particularly one who is currently the Speaker of the House. Just look at how many times McCain has won reelection.
Conservatives will not win elections by putting up people saying absolutely nutty things, such as Ryan's opponent is saying.
It's one thing to call out someone rather crudely about something they actually have been demonstrated to have done. It's another to say idiotic things such as Ryan has "no soul".

Posted by: Jen the original at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (Vee9K)

543 "It's trolling."

Yeah, I see they put in their D-string players.

Posted by: Fuq the media at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (7yBgE)

544 I agree with the partricks.

Posted by: bOB at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (QM5S2)

their plan to come roaring back in 2020

At the federal level, it's important for the GOP to push an aggressive program of fiscal reform and socially conservative issues. Once a solid victory is achieved, these reforms should be consolidated and expanded on at the state and local levels.

Posted by: The stalest echo chamber in the world at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (pC96u)

546 "cretinous"....Seriously???


Posted by: William Eaton at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (KhJh8)

547 540 What, BTW, is the usual method of employing a stalking horse anyway? I kinda figured they'd be too loud and such
Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (0o/oP)

What you need is a stealth farrier.

Posted by: Insomniac at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (0mRoj)

548 I don't think the Khans themselves hurt Trump. I think the media talking about it from every angle for a week did.
That's the power of the media that even they won't admit. They set the table for water cooler talk and kitchen table talk and every other cliche you can think of. They suppress ANYTHING bad about Hillary and blast everything Trump does--even if they have to lie.
I don't believe most Americans give a shit about the Khans. I don't think most Americans think Muslims are great.
But with the media setting the agenda, anything Trump did or didn't say or do, was going to be used against him.

Posted by: JoeF. at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (pIenm)

549 Then why was Bush constantly antagonizing her to the point that she had to follow him everywhere ?


Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (O7MnT)

550 Sent the news to my LGBT sister and she is speechless.

Can your sister really be all of those things at once?

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (WzlF7)

551 To everyone now joining Team GOPe Delenda Est:

Welcome to the party, pal!

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (9krrF)

552 Yeah I think Cruz would have been doing better than Trump at this point.

He certainly would have been topping 80% Republican support, that is for sure.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (uAvJJ)

This is a scientific as obama saying that things would have been much worse if he wasn't in office - LMAO

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (c6/9Q)

553 He certainly would have been topping 80% Republican support, that is for sure.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (uAvJJ)

Uh.... no....

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (qf6WZ)

554 According to the Monmouth poll, Trump is down 13 points: 50 -37.

Even Jeb would be above 40.
Posted by: V the K

If you read the breakdown, it had almost 10% more Democrats than Republicans.

So yea, if only 26% of Republicans show up on Election Day, even Rubio with a zombie Reagan brain transplant loses.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (bb6Hh)

555 Steele Johnson, this guy has a big future in gay pron after the Olympics.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (6Ll1u)

556 Superb post, Ace.

And, no, a Trump loss is not inevitable. Quite the contrary.

Freedom, Liberty, and a square deal for every American.

That's the Reagan Way. And I hope that's the way Trump rolls.

Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (JBggj)

557 So you admit it was a cynical preplanned attack...

Yet of course... blame Trump....

OK then...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (qf6WZ)

It was a cynical pre-planned attack, that Trump responded poorly to, and Trump deserve blame for his terrible response.

How about that? Or is that still too critical of Trump?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 03:53 PM (uAvJJ)

Posted by: Concern-O-Tron 5000 at August 09, 2016 03:32 PM (vP09u)

Yeah, Hillary was up 1 point in FL in a major poll released today, and then she had Omar Mateen's daddy proudly front and center for her rally outside Orlando? I kinda think that could cost her a point.

"Think past the loss" my ass.

Posted by: Bernette at August 09, 2016 03:53 PM (S6rOh)

559 >>"cretinous"....Seriously

Maybe he meant creatine-ous?

Might be looking for the AceofSpades Get Ripped Health Thread.

Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:53 PM (CH3GY)

560 According to the Monmouth poll, Trump is down 13 points: 50 -37.
And to you, Hillary *at* 50 seems like a reasonable result, judging from the other polls?

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 03:53 PM (3Liv/)

561 384 All this bitching and no one bringing up the fact that Liz Mair is the Jamie Gorelick of the right

Posted by: The Dude at August 09, 2016 03:26 PM (SyKbw


Didn't know she was instrumental in our country being unsafe from terrorists.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:54 PM (voOPb)

562 Even Jeb would be above 40.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (O7MnT)

The guy finished with 3 delegates.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at August 09, 2016 03:54 PM (nFdGS)

563 Yeah, I see they put in their D-string players.
Posted by: Fuq the media at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (7yBgE)


**wonders if they have g-string players.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 03:54 PM (8XRCm)

564 "cretinous"....Seriously???

Its Creh-tin not Cree-tin. If you're going to insult me do it properly.

Posted by: Sully at August 09, 2016 03:54 PM (hvf9s)

565 "Those who do not remember #Trump vs #NeverTrump threads are doomed to repeat them."

Posted by: Stuff Confucius Would Probably Have Said If He Had Thought About It at August 09, 2016 03:54 PM (QTsgL)

566 This should be plastered everywhere it is hilarious fail on the DNCs
part. And horrible. Sent the news to my LGBT sister and she is

No invites for the Benghazi moms and dads, though.

Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 03:55 PM (JBggj)

567 If you read the breakdown, it had almost 10% more Democrats than Republicans.

So yea, if only 26% of Republicans show up on Election Day, even Rubio with a zombie Reagan brain transplant loses.
Posted by: Maritime

The methodology of the polls is for geeks. You're supposed to read the headlines and trust that our noble media watchdogs are totally aboveboard.
Is a sarc tag even necessary?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:55 PM (UPYhp)

568 On the bright side,we only have a few more months of this and than Hillary will stamp out all opposition on the internet.

Posted by: steevy at August 09, 2016 03:55 PM (fA75F)

569 Maybe they should go libertarian since they are definitely smoking the methabis.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at August 09, 2016 03:55 PM (FtrY1)

570 "Basically. And I'm sorry but I'm not going in for all the, OMG RIGGED POLLS!!!eleventy!!!" that we did last time..."

As I've mentioned, the polls are correct based on the assumptions the pollsters are using now to weight the answers.

As they always do.

Sometimes, it's in their interest to use a set of assumptions that favor one candidate, sometimes it behooves them to favor the other.

Pollsters have the luxury of steering the top line numbers any way they choose in the early stages, then making adjustments - sometimes radical adjustments - at the last minute to make sure their final prediction is as close to what the election numbers are as possible.

That way, they get to "push" public opinion while maintaining a reputation for accuracy by ending up with right numbers.

Also, like most things, you follow the money.

Hillary polls somewhere every day. The "election experts" who line up on the cable news shows to badmouth Trump are the guys who normally hire the pollsters during campaigns.

Trump hasn't done any polling so far.

What happens if he wins without doing internal polling?

Wouldn't that be pretty bad for business in the polling industry?

If you were pushing for the person who is spending millions on polls, wouldn't you do a good bit of polling "adults", as opposed to likely voters? Wouldn't you use past presidential elections that you can justify using even though your own polling shows that certain ethnic groups are not going to show up in the same percentages?

There are a million ways to lean on the scale if that's what you want to do.

So, when someone talks about the polls, there is a reason to think they may not be the scientific end-all they're made out to be.

Brexit. England will stay in the EU.

Hillary will take Michigan against Bernie.

Sometimes, the polls have their head up their ass.

Posted by: jwest at August 09, 2016 03:55 PM (Zs4uk)

571 When you peasants have learned your lesson you will come back begging to have our guidance.

-The House of Bourbon

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 03:55 PM (hLRSq)

572 Jeb, don't let all the trash talk bring you down. You're bigger than they are!

Posted by: Pluto, A Planet and a Damn Good One at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (QTsgL)

573 "I don't think the Khans themselves hurt Trump. I think the media talking about it from every angle for a week did.

That's the power of the media that even they won't admit."

It was coordinated, and yes I'm alleging an open conspiracy. On Morning Joe the morning after, serial plagiarist/fabulist Mike Barnacle was overjoyed with how "POWERFUL" Mr. Kahn's rebuke of Trump and endorsement of the Candidate who voted for the War that killed his son was. I have to say, I knew that night that the Media was going to make Mr. Kahn Trump's opponent for as long as possible.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (WzlF7)

574 Even Jeb would be above 40.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:44 PM (O7MnT)

The guy finished with 3 delegates.
Posted by: Emmett Milbarge

And he only spent 115 million to get them. Cheap!

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (UPYhp)

575 Uh.... no....

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (qf6WZ)

Who are the Republicans who are going to refuse to vote for Cruz vs. Hillary? Seriously.
All the people here who are saying "I don't like Trump but we must stop Hillary" would presumably have no problems voting for Cruz either.
You wouldn't have Cruz stepping on his own dick all the time and embarrassing every other Republican on the planet with his outrageous remarks.
You wouldn't have guys like McMuffin here trying to mount some third party hopeless venture.
I think Cruz gets *at least* Romney-level support, and probably more.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (uAvJJ)

576 V the K, did you support McCain in 2008?

Posted by: Bernette at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (S6rOh)

577 Trump supporters, you seem to be well acquainted with me.

Posted by: A Certain Egyptian River at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (O7MnT)

578 No, i don't think so. No insider, Washingtonian could have won. This is had to be a change election.

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 03:49 PM (c6/9Q)

A Washington Insider type would have tried the patented Romney's a Nice Guy approach. Nice guys finish last. He'd have consistently pulled 45-47% in unweighted, unslanted, honest polls. He wouldn't have inspired the base to get out and vote. People would see business as usual, and another 4-8 years of betrayal in the cards, and wouldn't be arsed to go vote for it.

We've done this song and dance before. It doesn't work. It's never worked. It's not about to start working. Expecting it to succeed where it's failed so many times is the definition of insanity. The Trump style, for all of its flaws, had the virtue of not having been tried. That's why he won the primary.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (HalrA)

579 Ryan will stay in. It is really hard to get an incumbent out of office, particularly one who is currently the Speaker of the House. Just look at how many times McCain has won reelection.
Conservatives will not win elections by putting up people saying absolutely nutty things, such as Ryan's opponent is saying.
It's one thing to call out someone rather crudely about something they actually have been demonstrated to have done. It's another to say idiotic things such as Ryan has "no soul".

Posted by: Jen the original at August 09, 2016 03:51 PM (Vee9K)

Unlike Dave Brat who ousted Cantor, Paul Nehland (sp?) is a complete joke of a candidate. Although my fingers are crossed for him to win.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (voOPb)

580 Posted by: Jon0815 at August 09, 2016 02:56 PM (HA+/6)

Amen. Trump went into the general election with, statistically speaking, the full party united behind him. At the RNC, he had the GOPe establishment (the real GOPe, not the intellectual punditry who got promoted to GOPe in the minds of angry Trump supporters because it suits a narrative) stamping out attempts at rebellion on his behalf. He had the machinery in full spin on his behalf, pushing this lie that his insanity and idiocy was "just an act". That lie became untenable, and he started hemorrhaging voters. Only then, when he became an obvious liability to the future of the party, did people start jumping ship in mass.

None of this happened behind anyone's backs. Trump supporters knew their guy was a big gamble, but bet (wrongly, it has looked like, more often than not) that people would stand on party loyalty anyway (including people who were only tepid party supporters to being with, which is an important demographic in presidential elections).

The anti-Trump conservative intellectuals in NYC and DC are not the reason Trump is struggling to win Bible Belt states like Georgia and Missouri, or rust belt states like Ohio and Pennsylvania, or South-Western states like Utah and Arizona. Obviously it's cost him some college educated whites, but he's also lost every other demographic relative to Mitt Romney, few of which read Wall Street Journal or NRO. He's doing worse with non-college educated whites, relative to Romney. The one demographic he was supposed to own and bring out in surprising numbers. People like him because he won't eat a shit sandwich, but the central requirement to winning over a majority in a nation of 340 million people is eating a hell of a lot of shit sandwiches. He's losing because, in effect, he refuses to run a campaign, and no amount of party support can compensate for that. If this kissing babies/taking the high road in disputes with physically handicapped reporters/eating cheesesteaks and waffles at greasy spoon restaurants/"anyone know where i can get me a huntin' license"/"look at what a family man i am"/fundraising/pretending to be really into church shit wasn't important, you wouldn't see the more viable candidates wasting their time with it.

Posted by: reform highlander at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (jCH/T)

581 521 478 I'd like all the Trumpists to explain how picking a week-long fight with a Mohammedan gold star family was a brilliant tactical maneuver.
Posted by: V the K

It was a stupid maneuver. Terribly, terribly stupid.

But one bad maneuver does not an election sway.

Hillary was up by ten before the GOP Convention, then afterwards Trump was up by 2 -- a 12 point swing in five days.

Now, after the Khan Disaster, Hillary is back up by 7 -- a 8-point swing back to her in two weeks.

All this proves is that the electorate is still extremely volatile. All sorts of crises and memes and scandals and surprises and gaffes can swing things up and down between now and election day. Very rapidly. This isn't even close to being over.

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 03:48 PM (jBuUi)

The only way I see this backfiring in Shrillary Killary is if she overplays her hand on the Muslim Pandering to the point where she promises Shari'ah courts in Blue States, as opposed to only in Red States.

Posted by: Hikaru at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (9TK8E)

582 This is the reason I've consistently argued that the only hope for a conservative restoration is a blowout Hillary Clinton victory, held in check by a Republican majority in Congress.

Held in check by a Republican majority in Congress?

*cues meme GIF of Goodfellas laughing*

Sorry, if I held back my laugh on that one my teeth would explode

Posted by: kbdabear at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (GrXXa)

583 You folks deciding to take this opportunity to go after Mormons is not only absurd but also bigoted. Don't worry. We are used to it.

I'm LDS. I'm happy to see several other LDS folks reading here. That alone should tell you enough about our character and open-to-ideas demeanor to put shame on your posts. But it won't. Why? Because Trump! Whatever. I'm a Mormon in Alabama so not much anyone here would possibly do to top what goes on here in Baptist country.

I do want to comment to Ace though. I agree with about everything you said with one caveat. I thought the GOP was doing this because they got wind that Trump is going to bail. Him and his campaign talking heads have taken the time last week to lay the groundwork for an exit. They all repeated the "it's fixed!" meme. Soon we will see the "why bother?" meme. Should the GOP have nothing in place for the inevitable TrExit? /shrug

One last thing on the (evil bastage) Mormons. The Conservative Party had their convention in Utah. They have real Christian, conservative, constitutional candidates. Mormons already know this and are already voting for those guys. That's the "Other" category in the polls that's taking 20% of the vote. You should check it out. But you won't. Because Trump!

Posted by: Brian_AL at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (WxaK+)

584 Done for the Day

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (zp+j1)


Sometimes, the polls have their head up their ass.

Polling is as manipulable as Climate 'Science.'

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (vP09u)

586 I think Cruz gets *at least* Romney-level support, and probably more.>>>

So he still loses but we can feel better because...

Posted by: Buzzsaw at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (Mxs5H)

587 This year, Trump is the non-GOP candidate. Next election, I will be sure to pull a lever that does not have "R" on it.

Posted by: Eye Pluckers International Union at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (1Rgee)

588 It was a cynical pre-planned attack, that Trump responded poorly to, and Trump deserve blame for his terrible response.

How about that? Or is that still too critical of Trump?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 03:53 PM (uAvJJ)

Question becomes, how many people getting their news from the MSM, even know what Trump actually said?

The MEDIA made this an attack on 'Gold Star Families'... hell even Fox news ran with that...

Hell.... did YOU actually know what that most heinous attack was?

Any candidate will misstep.... but the media really created and ran with a narrative on this one...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (qf6WZ)

Yeah, that's why they are all losers on loser row.


Cruz will start rebuilding his career after a few stump speeches for Hillary

Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (0o/oP)

590 This is also the kind of stupid shit that can turn a minor rebellion into a full-fledged uprising and revolt.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (rznWS)

591 V the K, did you support McCain in 2008?

No. I knew McCain was a loser. I voted for him anyway, but I knew he was a loser. I lived in Maryland then, so my vote didn't really matter.

Now I live in Ohio. For the first time in my adult life, my vote might matter. Yet, it doesn't.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (O7MnT)

592 This is the reason I've consistently argued that the only hope for a conservative restoration is a blowout Hillary Clinton victory, held in check by a Republican majority in Congress.


Hey how'd that republican majority hold Fredo in Check? The check is in the mail? And I bet bet he will not cum in our mouths?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (zp+j1)

593 The methodology of the polls is for geeks. You're supposed to read the headlines and trust that our noble media watchdogs are totally aboveboard.
Is a sarc tag even necessary?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig

They most certainly know these things can become a self-fulfilled prophesy.

It is damaging to morale.

But reading that tabulation, if only 26% of the electorate is Republican, obviously whatever generic Democrat vs Republican is going to give you close to a 10 point spread.

I remember during the primary people pointing to selectively bad Trump bad numbers against hillary, what everyone left out was Cruz was 1-2 points ahead of Trump, hardly a slam dunk.

So Cruz loses by 10, Trump loses by 12. I think all of it is bunk, but there you go.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (bb6Hh)

594 Posted by: jwest at August 09, 2016 03:55 PM (Zs4uk)

Another factor may be the "stock market tout" effect. A stock market guru whose predictions are in the middle of the pack is a yawner. But a guru who claims that the DJIA will be at 500 or 50,000 in six months can get some airplay. If he turns out to be wrong, no one will remember. If he turns out to be right, then he can skate on his rep for a decade thereafter as "the guy who called the crash/boom of 2016."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (SRKgf)

595 Sometimes, the polls have their head up their ass.

This cycle, I get the impression that the customers and the pollsters keep polling and effing the samples until they get the numbers they want.

It's war.

Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (JBggj)

596 So, there is finally something being talked about besides Trump (Mateen dad). Then Trump steps on it. Again.

Come on Donald. Help me help you. We cant' do this if you're a blithering idiot. And yes, I get it that 2nd Amendment comments will be blown out of proportion in relation to the actual brain fart that occurred. But he just can't stop.

Posted by: duke at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (EQNFN)

597 Is there a do over rule I missed?

Posted by: Buzzsaw at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (Mxs5H)

598 Look, I know Hillary has a good chance of winning, but if you are putting any stock in any of these polls you are fucking retarded.

This is not like any other election.

This time it IS different. The New York Times just declared open war on Trump. A freakin' call to arms to be even more nakedly partisan to all their fellow journalists.

Posted by: Max Power at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (q177U)

599 Agreed. I'll go one step further - I'll place a single vote for the rest of my life for someone with a (R)epublican next to their name - Donald Trump. Unless, of course, he wins, after which the GOP - if it really still exists - belongs to Donald Trump.

If he loses ? Not one. I don't care who it is. You want to win another election in my lifetime ? You best form your own party, because if you associate with the establishment GOP assholes by signing on to their political party ? Done. Over.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (kj7T1)

600 The post actually does a great disservice to Arnold, who was a pretty resolute patriot until he got fucked over by the establishment (and probably steered not-too-subtly by his wife). The Buckley-style conservatives of the establishment aren't nearly so honorable.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at August 09, 2016 03:50 PM (rznWS)

Please tell me you're kidding. Claiming Benedict Arnold is the victim of bad press is an incredible, verifiably falsestatement, and then going further by inexplicably claiming Bill Buckley and conservatives who admire him are somehow less honorable is the rails, even despicable.

Get a grip.

Posted by: troyriser at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (OGbEB)

No. I knew McCain was a loser. I voted for him anyway, but I knew he was a loser. I lived in Maryland then, so my vote didn't really matter.

Now I live in Ohio. For the first time in my adult life, my vote might matter. Yet, it doesn't.
Posted by: V the K

You're so principled.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (bb6Hh)

602 Trump supporters, you seem to be well acquainted with me.

Posted by: A Certain Egyptian River at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (O7MnT)

You should meet the Jeb! guys.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 04:00 PM (hLRSq)

603 Maybe 51% of the electorate will suddenly decide that they don't want to elect a corrupt, pathological liar as president. But I would not count on it.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:00 PM (O7MnT)

604 Trump supporters, you seem to be well acquainted with me.

Posted by: A Certain Egyptian River at August 09, 2016 03:56 PM (O7MnT)

Yeah so much better to get the The FAB train...great logic there

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:00 PM (zp+j1)

[Cruz] certainly would have been topping 80% Republican support, that is for sure.

So, the guy who got only 25% of the Republican primary vote, and who would have had to received the nomination by some convention chicanery against the clear will of the voters, would be cruising along with near unanimous support.

And they said I was a tad off with my theories.

Posted by: John Cleves Symmes

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (kdS6q)

606 Maybe 51% of the electorate will suddenly decide that they don't want to elect a corrupt, pathological liar as president. But I would not count on it.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:00 PM (O7MnT)

And your point?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (zp+j1)

607 The SJWing of the Republican Party continues apace. Accept no deviation from your preferred policies and outcomes; otherize those who disagree and destroy them. Anger as a motivating principal. Rally to those who wil say what people want to hear; willfully disregard their motivations or principals. Whine until you win.

Posted by: Baron Von Ottomatic at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (fn3+8)

608 Can we post this somewhere on the Mast Head?


I swear, it's almost like some people WANT to remain ignorant.


Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (TOk1P)

609 You're so principled.

It says so much about the Trump faction that "principled" is now considered an insult.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (O7MnT)

610 >>We've done this song and dance before. It doesn't work. It's never worked. It's not about to start working. Expecting it to succeed where it's failed so many times is the definition of insanity. The Trump style, for all of its flaws, had the virtue of not having been tried. That's why he won the primary.

Did you miss the Bush years?

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (/tuJf)

Some old guy in NJ got be up by a guy with a crowbar because he was wearing a Trump shirt.I believe there is a significant number of people out there who plan on voting Trump but are afraid to tell anyone.

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (lKyWE)

612 Agreed. I'll go one step further - I'll place a single vote for the rest of my life for someone with a (R)epublican next to their name - Donald Trump. Unless, of course, he wins, after which the GOP - if it really still exists - belongs to Donald Trump.

I suspect some of this 'Third Party' candidate shit is to make sure the NeverTrumps show up to vote down ticket.

Of course, the collateral damage is damaging the top of the ticket, but then these are the people who really don't care about that.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (vP09u)

613 I promise to make the gravy train run on time.

Posted by: a corrupt, pathological liar at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (IqV8l)

614 Depending on how the next 4-8 years go, there may not be much of an establishment wing left anyway.

With guys like Rick Wilson I'm always at a loss for what specifically they represent, or what their beef is with the Democrats besides minor economic differences. They don't seem to have even one core principle they'd retain even if it was unpopular. It's a weird mix of strident anti-Obama sentiment and RINOism.

Posted by: Talk at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (f9K6H)

615 I think Cruz gets *at least* Romney-level support, and probably more.
If he had managed that for the last year, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (3Liv/)

616 Posted by: reform highlander at August 09, 2016 03:57 PM (jCH/T)

Trump has not started with TV ads yet...


The only narrative people see are from the MSM and now anti Trump Fox news (after Ailes left, the coverage has really shifted IMO).

My guess is he is saving money for a media blitz later... ie closer to the election... but its a huge gamble...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (qf6WZ)

617 [Cruz] certainly would have been topping 80% Republican support, that is for sure.

So, the guy who got only 25% of the Republican primary vote, and who would have had to received the nomination by some convention chicanery against the clear will of the voters, would be cruising along with near unanimous support.

And they said I was a tad off with my theories.

Posted by: John Cleves Symmes
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix

I still say the "holdout" Republicans come home. I just don;t think there's many conservatives I know that would vote for Ted Cruz but not Trump against Hillary.

They'll probably tease it to near the end though,

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (bb6Hh)

618 I'd like all the Trumpists to explain how picking a week-long fight with
a Mohammedan gold star family was a brilliant tactical maneuver.

Posted by: V the K

I fail to see how Trump "picked a fight" with Mr. Kahn and his wife. I'm fairly certain that Mr. Kahn started the fight and persisted, allowing the Media to pretend that he "had absolute moral authority" and asking Trump to answer Kahn's challenge.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (WzlF7)

619 Bret Stephens, for example, does not hide the fact that his plan is to help Hillary into the presidency with a "blow out" against Trump.

Brett Baldrick Stephens: I have a cunning plan

Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (493sH)

620 And your point?

Just that the country has become a corrupt, debased "late Roman Empire" sort of place. Our politics are a symptom of the rot, not the cause of it.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (O7MnT)

621 Just when you think the Stupid Party Establishment cannot POSSIBLY do something more stupid, they pull this. Right out of the bucket Stephens is not going to be on the ballot in over half the states -- yeah, that's a winning strategy! (*spit*) And this is yet another reason I will not donate to the GOP. This shit should have been smacked down immediately. Rick Wilson should be laughed out of anywhere he shows up as the true incompetent grifter he is.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at August 09, 2016 04:03 PM (tbKrr)

622 @545:"At the federal level, it's important for the GOP to push an aggressive
program of fiscal reform and socially conservative issues. Once a solid
victory is achieved, these reforms should be consolidated and expanded
on at the state and local levels."

That's rich. Ignoring that they have no desire to do so, and wouldn't even if they did, their own voters no longer trust them on it. It's just the same old bait-and-switch that they've always done.

Remember - when they controlled the whole government, they grew it just like Dems, all the while claiming that there was nothing to cut.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at August 09, 2016 04:03 PM (rznWS)

623 So, pick the worst poll you can find three months out and start slitting your wrists. I choose not to play such a stupid game.Posted by: Mr. Peebles

Right you are. I looked at my own states most recent poll. Not as a partisan, but through my life experiences in math and politics. I invite everyone to do the same. Research your own states voter turnout. Which party showed up. Which bailed. What independent voters did.

In the key battleground state of Pennsylvania they absolutely, unequivocally oversampled democrats. Undersampled republicans. Undersampled independent voters, who are slightly Trump lately.

If I used those numbers Obama would have cleaned Romney's clock by well over a million. Obama squeaked by by about 200, 000. It's called gaslighting.

It's real. There's no way that African-American voters are going to come out for Hillary Clinton in the same numbers as they have the past two elections. No f'ing way.

She can polish the knob of blm members all she wants to on broad street, Philadelphia at noon on election eve. Not gonna happen.

Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 09, 2016 04:03 PM (ZnIt3)

624 Damn, -- Pixy just ate a massive comment from me.

I give up!

Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 04:03 PM (jBuUi)

625 Maybe he meant creatine-ous?

Might be looking for the AceofSpades Get Ripped Health Thread.
Posted by: garrett at August 09, 2016 03:53 PM (CH3GY)



Cretins = Morons

I am sure Ace will not miss that.

Of course Stephens, being an aristocratic kind of guy, could not simply say "stupid", but instead decided to go all "Downton abbey" on our peasant asses.

Posted by: William Eaton at August 09, 2016 04:03 PM (KhJh8)

Just that the country has become a corrupt, debased "late Roman Empire" sort of place. Our politics are a symptom of the rot, not the cause of it.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (O7MnT)

And your point?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:04 PM (zp+j1)

627 478 I'd like all the Trumpists to explain how picking a week-long fight with a Mohammedan gold star family was a brilliant tactical maneuver.
Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 03:43 PM (O7MnT)


Pretty sure the previous responses already nailed it, but I'll respond.

1) Trump didn't pick the fight, Khan did by going on stage at the DNC and calling out Trump

2) Trump never "attacked" anyone, but merely asked why Mrs. Khan didn't speak

3) This entire episode is nothing but Exhibit A in how to know the media is spinning furiously for Hillary and against Trump.

4) I doubt more than 5-10% of people really know the facts as laid out in #1-#3 above, because they just suck up the MSM Bullshit, don't realize they're consuming propaganda, and aren't curious enough to look into it further.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 04:04 PM (kj7T1)

628 >> Can your sister really be all of those things at once? Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 03:52 PM (WzlF7)

LOL. Well she is trans so... Genetically lady and still one, no treatments yet.

Small govt Capitalist that cried when Romney lost. Part of the LGBT tribe but off the rez. Love her. Her love for Sanders in the general threw me because she's not a socialist. I think she liked his non corruption help the little guy stance.

Working up to tell her the news Bernie bought a huge 1% style house hah.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:04 PM (hvf9s)

Cruz will start rebuilding his career after a few stump speeches for Hillary
Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers

"As a sign of bi-partisanship in the Clinton administration, I'd like to introduce my nominee for Secretary of Transportation..."

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at August 09, 2016 04:04 PM (kdS6q)

630 You should check it out. But you won't. Because Trump!


No. I won't because I'm not "conservative". Y'all are useless.

Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (0o/oP)

Is it just me or are the #NeverTrumpers bragging about their plans like Bond villains?
Posted by: Star Tripper at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (o4lhE)

They're monologuing all right.

Posted by: The stalest echo chamber in the world at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (pC96u)

632 Wick Rillson's spoiler candidate, the bald Mormon who worked for the CIA _and_ Goldman Sachs, gives off a massive gaydar ping to boot.

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (noWW6)

633 A conservative is really going to abstain from voting for Trump over the stupid Khan incident?

man, this shit is going to be brought up in the next election by these people.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (bb6Hh)

634 "588 It was a cynical pre-planned attack, that Trump responded poorly to, and Trump deserve blame for his terrible response.

How about that? Or is that still too critical of Trump?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 03:53 PM (uAvJJ)

Question becomes, how many people getting their news from the MSM, even know what Trump actually said?

The MEDIA made this an attack on 'Gold Star Families'... hell even Fox news ran with that...

Hell.... did YOU actually know what that most heinous attack was?

Any candidate will misstep.... but the media really created and ran with a narrative on this one...
Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (qf6WZ)"

I think that's a fair point, but they knew it when the put him on the stage that there was a probably outcome of Trump being not PC which would create a frenzy of bad press. Trump delivered.

Following along on Twitter as he was speaking during the DNC, you could tell it was a trap. Everyone was talking about how Khan was the most effective attack dog so far, and he had absolute moral authority.

Trump was a fool for taking the bait. Say "their son was a hero" open his coat to pull out his own pocket constitution and linger long enough to show that you are wearing a shoulder holster and carrying.

That would have been a good play.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (Uy8SG)

My guess is he is saving money for a media blitz later... ie closer to the election... but its a huge gamble...
Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (qf6WZ)

The Trump campaign put in request for quotes on ad buys in 17 states yesterday so I imagine it will start soon

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (lKyWE)

636 @564: "Its Creh-tin not Cree-tin. If you're going to insult me do it properly."

Can your feet stop when you do the Cretin Hop?

Posted by: Zombie Joey Ramone at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (rznWS)

637 After all of the crazy shit Trump has said the bridge too far is the Khan nothingburger?

Not buying it, not buying the polls.

But then again this country saw fit to elect the SCOAMF twice.

If America elects Hillary then sadly America is at war with me and mine and I'll have to come up with a plan B

Posted by: Kreplach at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (zw0cZ)

638 Today in Donald Trump News:

"Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment,"
he said, in what appeared to be a joke. "By the way, and if she gets to
pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second
Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what,
that will be a horrible day."

Gee, that sounds a lot like Sharron Angle "Second Amendment Solutions" territory there.

Yeah I think Cruz would have been more disciplined than to say crap like that.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:06 PM (uAvJJ)

639 "Who are the Republicans who are going to refuse to vote for Cruz vs. Hillary? Seriously."


Posted by: Fuq the media at August 09, 2016 04:06 PM (7yBgE)

640 F these polls, that bitch can't fill a fucking port-a-potty, yet I'm supposed to believe she's up by 10 pts.

Posted by: WeBoned! at August 09, 2016 04:06 PM (T1IWS)

641 I know that after this election, I will be re-registering as an independent, and I guarantee that everyone I vote for, I will go through their entire history with a magnifying glass. No history, no vote.

I will NOT be voting for anyone that any of the punditocracy recommends, no media picks, no big money endorsements. MY vote, MY choice.

Of course that's contingent on whether we STILL have elections after this one....

Posted by: Kat at August 09, 2016 04:06 PM (1HseL)

642 Wick Rillson's spoiler candidate, the bald Mormon who worked for the CIA _and_ Goldman Sachs, gives off a massive gaydar ping to boot.

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (noWW6)

Barry: You don't say. Maybe I should invite him to the White House for the weekend just to...uhhh..wish him good luck in his campaign

Posted by: TheQuietMan at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (493sH)

643 "631
Is it just me or are the #NeverTrumpers bragging about their plans like Bond villains?
Posted by: Star Tripper at August 09, 2016 02:55 PM (o4lhE)

They're monologuing all right.
Posted by: The stalest echo chamber in the world at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM "

I'm the only Bond villain around here.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (Uy8SG)

644 Ah the Moral Conservatives are back telling us how superior they are for bashing trump. Pointless

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (zp+j1)

645 A conservative is really going to abstain from voting for Trump over the stupid Khan incident?

Doubt it would be JUST the "Khan incident", probably more like the last straw.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (uAvJJ)

646 Late to the thread, but holy crap.

Went to the link, and Glenn Beck and his minions are involved, no surprise.



Posted by: Jane D'oh at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (1ZOkK)

647 Kahn is the Sandy Flook of this go-round.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (vP09u)

648 I'm a lifelong Republican who will do everything I can to destroy what remains of the GOP should Hillary be elected.

I would also urge good men like Jeff Sessions to become Independents or part of a new pro-nationalism party. They should immediately disassociate themselves from the execrable elitist vermin of the Republican establishment.

Oh, and fuck George W. Bush. He's a tongue-tied globalist imbecile who is more responsible than anyone for the collapse of the GOP.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (DDM7c)

649 Come on Donald. Help me help you. We cant' do this if you're a blithering idiot. And yes, I get it that 2nd Amendment comments will be blown out of proportion in relation to the actual brain fart that occurred. But he just can't stop.
Posted by: duke at August 09, 2016 03:59 PM (EQNFN)

What did he do now?

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:08 PM (hvf9s)

650 On unforced errors...

Trump just said that if Hillary gets in there will be nothing to do about keeping her from picking judges...although maybe there was something "2nd Amendment folks" could do about it.

Now, it's a joke, I know it's a joke, I'm NeverTrump and I get it's a joke, people should lighten up and the oppressive PC culture is killing us.


All that effort on the economic speech yesterday? The Hillary campaign error of having the shooter's dad behind her? That's gone. This whole week will now be about that statement, about the propriety of it, about Trump defending it, walking it back, saying something else, about MSM folks wagging their fingers. And more damage in the polls.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at August 09, 2016 04:08 PM (CGjum)

651 Remember - when they controlled the whole
government, they grew it just like Dems, all the while claiming that
there was nothing to cut.

Posted by: FaCubeItches at August 09, 2016 04:03 PM (rznWS)

Actually there isn't very much to cut, unless it's the military. The vast majority of government spending is on entitlements, medicare, medicaid, and social security. That's all considered non-discretionary, and as such can't be touched, until reality makes the cuts for us.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:08 PM (3bdqw)

652 A conservative is really going to abstain from voting for Trump over the stupid Khan incident?

Doubt it would be JUST the "Khan incident", probably more like the last straw.
Posted by: chem R.R. jeff

More like "most recent incident" that everyone else has moved on from.

Sorry, but I think putting the Orlando shooter's Dad in the VIP box behind Hillary is more offensive to my sensibilities.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:08 PM (bb6Hh)

653 You're so principled.

It says so much about the Trump faction that "principled" is now considered an insult.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (O7MnT)

only when "principles" are used as a facade for opportunism and cowardice

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (c6/9Q)

654 The last straw?

So says the FAB supporter

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (zp+j1)


carly wants to run the RNC next - does that mean anything? or are we too far gone? or was this covered already?

Posted by: chelsea danger at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (t8Ihb)

656 What did he do now?

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:08 PM (hvf9s)

See #638

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (uAvJJ)

657 CAN I ASK THIS ONE MORE TIME, because no one seems to know:

Who has Masterbrain Rick Wilson worked for in the past? What arch-conservative did he get into office? Who is he working for now? What's this guy's CV?

Because if no one's openly paying him right now, I suspect it would be Clinton Cash.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (vP09u)

658 "Trump didn't pick the fight, Khan did by going on stage at the DNC and calling out Trump"

It was within the scope of Trump's options to decline to directly respond.

Contempt of engagement, as a "smart military blog" might put it.

I suggested something like this:

"We had a bereaved parent speak at our convention, too. Who lost her son in Benghazi. Democrats attacked her with incredible viciousness. One guy said she should be beaten to death. Just horrific stuff. I believe that any parent in such a situation deserves to have what they have to say heard out in respectful silence. I extend that same privilege to the Khan family. I don't intend to comment further on this subject."

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (noWW6)

659 This isn't a circular firing squad. It's more like ... an elliptical firing squad. But the axial ratio isn't far off of 1:1.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at August 09, 2016 04:10 PM (SRKgf)

660 And your point?

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:04 PM (zp+j1)

The point is that yes, the primaries are over and V the K's preferred candidates lost; that yes, the convention is over and Trump is the candidate; however this does not prevent V the K from continuing yelling like Captain Stillman that everything is everybody else's fault, three months before the actual election.

It is an interesting exercise in preemptive blame and hysterics.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 04:10 PM (hLRSq)

661 No, no, no Ace. You are wrong. Hillary is a moderate and I'm sure will work with Republicans to nominate centrist justices. You're just using right wing scare tactics.

Posted by: #neverskankles at August 09, 2016 04:10 PM (Cu/XA)

662 Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 04:05 PM (Uy8SG)

It really did not matter how Trump responded...

If he had responded EXACTLY as you stated... he would have been accused by the Press of PULLING A GUN ON A MOSLEM GOLD STAR FAMILY!

If you look hard enough... you can always be outraged by anything someone does...

If you have an Ex Wife, you will know EXACTLY of what I speak...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 04:11 PM (qf6WZ)

663 Sorry, but I think putting the Orlando shooter's Dad in the VIP box behind Hillary is more offensive to my sensibilities.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:08 PM (bb6Hh)


Admiral Ackbar says THAT is a trap.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 04:11 PM (8XRCm)

664 "We had a bereaved parent speak at our convention,
too. Who lost her son in Benghazi. Democrats attacked her with
incredible viciousness. One guy said she should be beaten to death. Just
horrific stuff. I believe that any parent in such a situation deserves
to have what they have to say heard out in respectful silence. I extend
that same privilege to the Khan family. I don't intend to comment
further on this subject."

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (noWW6)

Yup there's about 2 dozen better ways to respond to what Khan said.
But no, Trump had to say "but but but I've made sacrifices toooo!!!!!!!"

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:11 PM (uAvJJ)


carly wants to run the RNC next - does that mean anything? or are we too far gone? or was this covered already?

Posted by: chelsea danger at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (t8Ihb)

she wants to outsource it to China

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (c6/9Q)

666 Not saying Trump can't win/doesn't have shy voters, but you guys saying the polls are biased remember 2012 right

Posted by: Talk at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (f9K6H)

667 Gee, that sounds a lot like Sharron Angle "Second Amendment Solutions" territory there.

Yeah I think Cruz would have been more disciplined than to say crap like that.
Progressives need to know the consequences of their choices, as do those who facilitate them.

In no uncertain terms.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (3Liv/)

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at August 09, 2016 04:08 PM (CGjum)


I keep wondering what that 2nd amendment is for. I know what gun prohibition in China is for.

Posted by: The stalest echo chamber in the world at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (pC96u)

669 Yeah this whole election is about kahn...and before it was about eminent domain

Some people are laughable

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (zp+j1)

670 On #638 ...

Please, Hillary, throw Donald into that briar patch.

Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (JBggj)

671 fuck George W. Bush. He's a tongue-tied globalist imbecile who is more responsible than anyone for the collapse of the GOP.


Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (O7MnT)

672 Ass holes like the WSJ writer are making it harder and harder for me to not vote for Trump.

I mean, I can't stand the guy, but I'm finding that, as the old joke goes, "I'm on the wrong side of the room."

The joke:
Drunk goes into bar looking for fight. Declares that "all you sumbitches on ths side of the room are MutherF'ers and all you sumbitches on that side are cock suckers.
One guy jumps up and says, "Oops, I'm on the wrong side of the room."

Posted by: TSgt Ciz at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (CRQ5V)

673 Progressives need to know the consequences of their choices, as do those who facilitate them.

In no uncertain terms.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (3Liv/)

No one is going to win an election on a "shoot the judges" platform.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (uAvJJ)

674 Doubt it would be JUST the "Khan incident", probably more like the last straw.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:07 PM (uAvJJ)

Riiiiiiight. You were THIS close to supporting the Donald. Until he said something or other about some muzzie lawyer.

Because if there's anyone in this country who needs to be defended from the evil Trumpster, it's dual loyalty muzzie lawyers who are pushing for unrestricted immigration from muzzie lands.

How DARE he!

Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (TOk1P)

It really did not matter how Trump responded...

And if he had not responded he would be accused of ignoring a gold star family because they were muslim

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (lKyWE)

676 Done for the Day Ace is.

Posted by: Yoda at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (CH3GY)

677 So many new nics, so much concern ....

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (gUoN4)

678 The Mormon's could be a part of the new protected class, polygamy, it's what's for dinner.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (6Ll1u)

679 Remember the speculation back in 2012 that a large number of evangelicals or other Christians might not vote for Romney due to anti-Mormon prejudice? Suppose that had turned out to be true, and true in large enough numbers to demonstrably swing the election to Obama. A lot of Republicans would have been mad about it, but not that mad, and not panicked about the party no longer being a viable coalition. But abandoning Trump invokes a special kind of frothing rage from Republicans. I assume most of us here generally agree that Ace is brilliant, as I certainly do. But can anyone imagine him offering up and sticking to such a one note, emotionally driven defense of any other candidate besides Trump? Like, for one he actually liked?

Suppose the Republican candidate had been Jeb, and Bush family/political dynasty skeptics, anti-neocon Republicans, and Republican-leaning independents abandoned the party in similarly large numbers. We would get it, right? We'd recognize what we were doing wrong, rather than making excuses for it, and work to fix it, right? So why, especially after (in someone like Ace's case) wonderfully and assertively articulating the case for Trump's abject unacceptability during the primaries, does it make sense to then say "Well, everyone else has to agree that, in this current context, that awful stuff needs to be viewed in the same context as I view it, properly ranking it below other awful things that we should unanimously agree is more awful, even though awfulness and especially so the assessment of future potential of that awfulness to bloom into further awfulness, is highly subjective"?

Posted by: reform highlander at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (jCH/T)

680 Yup there's about 2 dozen better ways to respond to what Khan said.
But no, Trump had to say "but but but I've made sacrifices toooo!!!!!!!"
Posted by: chem R.R. jeff

And McCain was stupid to say we should stay in Iraq for a 100 years and Romney was stupid to say 47% of Americans are basically worthless, etc.

Gaffes happen, I've never thought it was worth empowering the Left to make a point that people who are up and working 16 hours a day in campaign mode can sometimes say dumb things.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:14 PM (bb6Hh)

681 Phony fuckin bastard

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:14 PM (zp+j1)

682 Went to the link, and Glenn Beck and his minions are involved, no surprise

Thanks for confirming my suspicion.
Nobody hurt Ted Cruz worse than Glenn Beck.

There's a part of American culture that sees separation of church and state as inherently correct. Glenn Beck ruined Ted Cruz for that group.

Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 09, 2016 04:15 PM (ZnIt3)

683 666 Not saying Trump can't win/doesn't have shy voters, but you guys saying the polls are biased remember 2012 right
Posted by: Talk at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (f9K6H)

We have three months to go.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 04:15 PM (DDM7c)

684 "No one is going to win an election on a "shoot the judges" platform."

The only person running on that platform is in your head.

Posted by: Robert Crawford at August 09, 2016 04:15 PM (BiqZX)

685 Remember the speculation back in 2012 that a large number of evangelicals or other Christians might not vote for Romney due to anti-Mormon prejudice? Suppose that had turned out to be true, and true


I actually believe it was true as I ran into this sentiment several times for why people disliked and sometimes didn;t vote for Romney.

Because he was a Mormon.

It's a stupid sentiment, but I saw it

So yea, I honestly think had Romney been a generic Christian he would have made it a closer race.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:15 PM (bb6Hh)

686 Hillary has the Taliban loving father of a terrorist who murdered a night club full of people in her VIP section and the only thing the anti-Trump people can talk about is how butt hurt they are that they will be losing money from the pig trough they suck at all day in DC and uniparty think tanks.

Meh. Traitors all.

Posted by: Fuq the media at August 09, 2016 04:15 PM (7yBgE)

687 683 666 Not saying Trump can't win/doesn't have shy voters, but you guys saying the polls are biased remember 2012 right
Posted by: Talk at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (f9K6H)

We have three months to go.
Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 04:15 PM (DDM7c)


Well it's more like 2 months. Early voting starts in mid- October in many states, including Ohio.

Posted by: #neverskankles at August 09, 2016 04:16 PM (Cu/XA)

688 You missed the fact that Trump is the Media's stalking horse for Hillary.

Posted by: goozer at August 09, 2016 04:16 PM (bOuUd)

689 2020 will be a Dem blowout if HRC wins this year.

Because massive amnesty.

Posted by: UGH at August 09, 2016 04:16 PM (TwnkX)

690 Dafuq cares about Khan? He's shit. His son was not a hero.

Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 04:16 PM (0o/oP)

691 Not saying Trump can't win/doesn't have shy voters, but you guys saying the polls are biased remember 2012 right
Posted by: Talk at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (f9K6H)

Most of us have doubts about the polls, but more important than that and more to the point, we are NOT about to give up because of the polls.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (zp+j1)

Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:13 PM (TOk1P)

I'm not referring to myself. I am not voting for Trump in any case.
I am describing the possible reaction of others who are turned off by what they see as the last straw of Trump insulting a Gold Star family because he couldn't be the bigger man in the fight.
It doesn't matter that it was a setup or who Khan worked for or what he does. Trump responded terribly to an obvious ambush and he did it in a way that starkly revealed his thin skin.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (uAvJJ)

693 wow

many self-righteous

so concern

Much soros

Posted by: Doge at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (kapIh)

694 If you think a GOPe Congress would block another amnesty attempt in 17 with HRC as preezy, you are out of your mind.

Posted by: UGH at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (TwnkX)

695 His son was not a hero.


Yes, he was.

His Dad might be a taqqiya tossing MB sympathizer.

But junior is a hero.

Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (8XRCm)

696 No one is going to win an election on a "shoot the judges" platform.
You think a warning about second amendment solutions is about judges?

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (3Liv/)

697 Kahn is the new eminent domain

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (zp+j1)

698 The only person running on that platform is in your head.

Posted by: Robert Crawford at August 09, 2016 04:15 PM (BiqZX)

Read Methos' comment again.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (uAvJJ)

699 Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (uAvJJ)

Concern..... noted...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (qf6WZ)

700 LOL. Well she is trans so... Genetically lady and still one, no treatments yet.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:04 PM (hvf9s)

That has got to be enormously difficult for you and your family. Maybe it's just a phase?
There's a video on youtube by a comedian named Carey Callahan about de-transitioning. She did counseling, took artificial testosterone etc. but realized that she was not ever going to be the male Abercrombie model that she envisioned in her mind's eye post-transition. Just small, babyfaced, wide in the hips, soft all over and would not "pass" as a born male. That made her realize that her unrest really wasn't about being born the wrong sex, but rather other psychological conflicts that she misclassified due in large part to first being part of an somewhat exclusive LGBT social circle.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (WzlF7)

701 Trump responded terribly to an obvious ambush and he did it in a way that starkly revealed his thin skin.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (uAvJJ)


Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (TOk1P)

702 It says so much about the Trump faction that "principled" is now considered an insult.

Posted by: V the K at August 09, 2016 04:01 PM (O7MnT)

only when "principles" are used as a facade for opportunism and cowardice

Posted by: runner at August 09, 2016 04:09 PM (c6/9Q)

"Conservative" and "principled" have ceased to mean what they are supposed to mean, and have become words that are the refuge of scoundrels. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, and former speaker John Boehner would all be the first to tell you that they're principled conservatives.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (HalrA)

703 696
No one is going to win an election on a "shoot the judges" platform.
You think a warning about second amendment solutions is about judges?

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (3Liv/)

Trump was specifically referring to liberal judges that Hillary would appoint.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (uAvJJ)

704 People, people! I do not often agree with Hugh Hewitt, but on this we do agree: Trump is the Republican nominee. The other option is Hillary. Suck it up, put on your big boy pants and get behind Trump. At the very least, vote for Trump and convince as many like-minded others to do the same. No candidate is perfect, this one certainly is not, but if you cannot vote FOR Trump then, for all that is holy, vote AGAINST Hillary!

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (tbKrr)

705 Not saying Trump can't win/doesn't have shy voters, but you guys saying the polls are biased remember 2012 right
Posted by: Talk

Why not also bring up the 2014 elections? or Brexit?

Why is the only time the sanctity of polls is brought up, its the Obama example?

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (bb6Hh)

706 17 If the #NeverTrumpers get Hillary elected...

no republican, anywhere, for anyoffice will ever again get elected. Not even for garbage collector.
Posted by: Norm Alliee at August 09, 2016 02:39 PM (mLV8D)

Correct and the fascist Libs will brutally take vengeance on anyone even expressing a conservative opinion. It will be the dark days for conservatism.

Posted by: Goomba at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (cjdxs)

707 Is #410 a troll! I'm not buying Trump can't win Bulls--t!

Posted by: AnnaS at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (U2rG9)

708 Hillary looks like another seizure/short circuit will send her to a nursing home, so I have no idea what these next 90 days will bring us.

Posted by: IC at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (a0IVu)

709 Nonsense.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (TOk1P)

Uhh, yeah he did, just review the blog comments for the past several days of commenter after commenter bemoaning how Trump blew it.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (uAvJJ)

710 "fuck George W. Bush. He's a tongue-tied globalist imbecile who is more responsible than anyone for the collapse of the GOP."

Yeah, when the NY Slimes was trumpeting the other day about the "FIFTY SENIOR REPUBLICAN FOREIGN POLICY SPECIALISTS WHO SAY DONALD TRUMP IS UNFIT FOR THE PRESIDENCY" -- fifty people who turned out to be superannuated Bush administration hacks -- my response was, "Wait, what? Do they actually think this will make us _less_ likely to vote for Trump?"

Trump could do worse than to announce that he will never hire anyone for his administration who worked for either of the Bushes. Their legacy is one of catastrophe. Trump should distance himself from it, while tying Hillary to them (the Jeb! medal award, the Iraq and Afghan war votes, et cetera).

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (noWW6)

711 694 If you think a GOPe Congress would block another amnesty attempt in 17 with HRC as preezy, you are out of your mind.

Posted by: UGH at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (TwnkX)


Yep. Amnesty barely was killed last time around. After Trump loses and the MSM is non-stop "America rejected the politics of hate", the GOPe will be tripping over itself to prove how much it loves illegals. Look for a bill that passes with 350+ votes in the hour and 70+ in the senate.

Posted by: #neverskankles at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (Cu/XA)

712 Imagine how George S. Patton would be regarded in today's stupid politically correct culture. People would shit themselves to death over things he said before giving the slightest thought to his accomplishments.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (DDM7c)

713 And fuck Rick Wilson and those supporting this abortion of a campaign to derail Trump, and the horse they came in on.



Okay, not the horse. The horse has more sense than all of them put together.

Posted by: Legally Sufficient at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (tbKrr)

714 "It really did not matter how Trump responded...

If he had responded EXACTLY as you stated... he would have been accused by the Press of PULLING A GUN ON A MOSLEM GOLD STAR FAMILY!

If you look hard enough... you can always be outraged by anything someone does...

If you have an Ex Wife, you will know EXACTLY of what I speak...
Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 04:11 PM (qf6WZ)"

well... maybe you are right about my example, but as others have pointed out he had the option to not respond.

Posted by: Dr. Shatterhand at August 09, 2016 04:20 PM (Uy8SG)

715 Will Trump even deign to notice the buzzing of these flies? or will blog posts be the peak of their usefulness?

Posted by: DaveA at August 09, 2016 04:20 PM (8J/Te)

Obama's and Clinton's hasty retreat from Iraq and complete diplomatic disengagement from the regionis a bigger slap in the face to gold star families than anything Trump has done.It made their loved one sacrifice in vain

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 09, 2016 04:20 PM (lKyWE)

717 Yo!

Posted by: Yo! at August 09, 2016 04:20 PM (GwIKd)

718 Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (uAvJJ)

Your concern is:

[X] Noted
[ ] Not Noted

In the future your comments will be ignored because all you are here for is to pick fights. And internet fights are pointless, more so than reality fights.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 04:20 PM (hLRSq)

719 Ace,

I've voted GOP since 1992. But this Brent Stephens fuckhead thinks that if she screws me (a very weak supporter of Trump, but a supporter nonetheless) I'll come back, well then she's a stupid fuckhead.

Yeah, I know that's not all that cerebral. But why should I waste brain power on this Brent chick?

Posted by: Jimbo at August 09, 2016 04:20 PM (rj1Wg)

720 Trump was specifically referring to liberal judges that Hillary would appoint.
Posted by: chem R.R. jeff

Or maybe saying they simply wouldn;t comply with gun laws if they tried to round them up?

Just like what happened in Connecticut and New York.

I guess civil disobedience is only a great thing if it serves Leftist causes.

Posted by: Maritime at August 09, 2016 04:21 PM (bb6Hh)

721 Amnesty barely was killed last time around.

By... House Republicans, right?

Would these be the same House Republicans who supposedly "gave Obama everything he wanted"?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:21 PM (uAvJJ)

722 Face it folks, this is a real life Kobayashi Maru test. And you can't reprogram the scenario.

All these schemes to find a way out reminds me of watching worms wiggling in a bait can.

Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at August 09, 2016 04:21 PM (FtrY1)

723 "Read Methos' comment again."

Methos is running for president?

Posted by: Robert Crawford at August 09, 2016 04:21 PM (BiqZX)

724 #692

'Gold Star Family'.....for all we know their dead son didn't get the chance to frag his fellow soldiers, he was killed too quick. I have all of zero fucking sympathy for Muslim parents who support Sharia and further Muslim immigration. For all we know the plan was for the son to be trained by the US military and then train more Muslim terrorists.

But you go ahead, support Hillary and support bringing in 100's of thousands more culturally backward Muslims.

Posted by: Jack at August 09, 2016 04:21 PM (XhzTz)

725 Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:06 PM (uAvJJ)

Sounds like he is telling the truth...joke or not. If Hillary tries to impose Australian style gun control via executive order and the judiciary it will have the same impact Dred Scott had on the country. Thus a "horrible day"...

Posted by: William Eaton at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (KhJh8)

726 Oh, Sweet Meteor of Deliverance.

Where are you?

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (xeeHA)

727 Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (TOk1P)
Uhh, yeah he did, just review the blog comments for the past several days of commenter after commenter bemoaning how Trump blew it.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:19 PM (uAvJJ)


Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (TOk1P)

728 A flounce was once a flounce

A kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (zp+j1)

729 You think a warning about second amendment solutions is about judges?

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (3Liv/)

It's not about what he meant to say but didn't, it's about how people predisposed to give him no benefit of the doubt will use his actual words.

Posted by: El Skippito Friskito at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (CGjum)

730 Yup there's about 2 dozen better ways to respond to what Khan said.
But no, Trump had to say "but but but I've made sacrifices toooo!!!!!!!"

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:11 PM (uAvJJ)

Alright Nancy, compose that statement for Trump, and if we can't pick it apart and use it against you, then you win. This is what people like you don't understand. They were always going to do this, even to Cruz, but you're so deluded that you imagine that if you hold your mouth just the right way that you can avoid their attacks. So go ahead and show us how it's done. Make that statement that you think Trump should have made.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (3bdqw)

731 So according to GOPE you win by loosing?

And they wonder about all the hate.....

Posted by: Yo! at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (GwIKd)

732 "3) This entire episode is nothing but Exhibit A in how to know the media is spinning furiously for Hillary and against Trump.

Posted by: deadrody"

And folks said over and over and over that this was going to happen and that Trump couldn't possibly handle it. And. yet. here. we. are.

Posted by: Brian_AL at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (WxaK+)

733 But junior is a hero.
Posted by: fixerupper at August 09, 2016 04:17 PM (8XRCm)

No those were his thugs. He was intelligence, running thugs. The car was parked and nobody looked at it because it was his thugs and they were authorized.

Khan didn't vet properly and took outrageous risks. Eyewitness survivors additionally say there was no warning to get on the ground or any of that.

You can believe the narrative they feed you at a political convention if you want but you'd be a fool to do it

Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (0o/oP)

734 624 Damn, -- Pixy just ate a massive comment from me.

I give up!
Posted by: zombie at August 09, 2016 04:03 PM (jBuUi)

Nom nom nom

Posted by: The Pixy Hamster Platoon at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (7lVbc)

735 And bloggers like Allahpundit that Ace links to behave just like Stephens. Call it butt hurt, call it envy, I call it betrayal.

Posted by: Guido911 at August 09, 2016 04:23 PM (Q0d1T)

736 What does Thad Cochran think about this?

Posted by: Yo! at August 09, 2016 04:23 PM (GwIKd)

737 Well I'd rather watch these elite wussies lining up to kiss Trump's ring after he wins; but if he doesn't payback is a bitch, and I'm ready to do my part in 2020.

Posted by: Ram A Lam A Ding Dong at August 09, 2016 04:23 PM (Sda6L)

738 700 LOL. Well she is trans so... Genetically lady and still one, no treatments yet.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:04 PM (hvf9s)

That has got to be enormously difficult for you and your family. Maybe it's just a phase?
There's a video on youtube by a comedian named Carey Callahan about de-transitioning. She did counseling, took artificial testosterone etc. but realized that she was not ever going to be the male Abercrombie model that she envisioned in her mind's eye post-transition. Just small, babyfaced, wide in the hips, soft all over and would not "pass" as a born male. That made her realize that her unrest really wasn't about being born the wrong sex, but rather other psychological conflicts that she misclassified due in large part to first being part of an somewhat exclusive LGBT social circle.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (WzlF7)

If more "trans" people realized that they were NEVER going to look like the 'character' that they cast themselves as in their head, there'd be a lot less of them.

Posted by: Hikaru at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (9TK8E)

739 If Trump loses it will be Donald Trump and demographics to blame.

Romney won the largest share of white voters since Reagan and still got crushed. No Republican candidate can win a presidential election unless they can peel off white females, blacks, and Latinos.

Trump is polling terribly with those demographics, behind McCain and Romney.

Millennials just past Boomers as the largest living generation.

Trump is polling behind Gary Johnson and Jill Stein with voters under 30.

Point fingers all you like but Trump is the problem. He's trailing in Georgia right now for God's sake, is that because the NeverTrump DC establishment isn't turning out for him?

Posted by: Baron Von Ottomatic at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (fn3+8)

740 I have said this many times: parties can survive terrible candidates. They cannot survive schisms.

It is interesting to see the JEBs and Kristols are delivering the schism.

I am not sure who will fund their phoney baloney jobs from here on out. I don't think Soros will reward their treachery. Maybe the Koch Brothers can have a former Republican bloviator full employment plan.

Posted by: blaster at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (tewYv)

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has
Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 04:20 PM

Wait, *I'm* the one picking fights? I did not bring up Khan or Trump's response to it. It was just last week that people around here were bemoaning Trump's terrible response to Khan's comments. And now, the narrative has shifted, I suppose, to "pfft Trump didn't do anything wrong"....
Do you want a pro-Trump echo chamber? Because I can recommend about a dozen other conservative sites which have banned anyone speaking critically about Trump, maybe you would be more comfortable there...

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (uAvJJ)

742 "it's about how people predisposed to give him no benefit of the doubt will use his actual words."

Why do we give those people so much attention?

Posted by: Robert Crawford at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (BiqZX)

743 731 So according to GOPE you win by loosing?

And they wonder about all the hate.....

Posted by: Yo! at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (GwIKd)

1. Piss off your voters...
2. ????
3. Profit!

Posted by: Underpants GOP Stratageryists at August 09, 2016 04:25 PM (qf6WZ)

744 "Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous. "

trolling guidelines say to use no more than two of the Trump hate buzzwords per trolling post. I'm reporting you to Soros Foundation for being too obvious. Three such violations and you are fired.

Posted by: illiniwek at August 09, 2016 04:25 PM (l6e0e)

745 One or two bad polls and some of the people here are ready to outfit Air Force One with an Acorn Chair Lift.

Posted by: jwest at August 09, 2016 04:25 PM (Zs4uk)

746 Thank you, Ace. Couldn't have said it better myself(aside from including a few more F-bombs). Here's what I don't get about the NeverTrumpers who've basically segued into an AlwaysHillary movement(and publicly, to boot). What happens not if but when Hillary is inaugurated and is a clusterf-ck of a President?

We all know what she plans to do once in office. First is replacing Scalia(assuming Garland doesn't get confirmed in the lame duck session). There's your 5-4 liberal SCOTUS. If Kennedy retires or keels over, it's 6-3. Plus Ruth Buzzi will absolutely step down which gets her replaced with a younger justice.

Then we have the continued support by Hillary of Obamacare until it implodes and we get single payer. Plus a massive tax hike to pay for all of her proposed spending. Which BTW includes "free" public college and daycare. And of course there's amnesty and a continued open borders policy. Oh, and that 5-4 or 6-3 liberal SCOTUS will strike down all voter ID laws nationwide, so good luck winning elections in the future. Then they'll set their sights on the 2nd amendment. And I haven't even gotten to foreign policy.

And that's just what we can expect. Who the hell knows what surprises she has in store for us? Obama managed to exceed even my most cynical expectations in his 8 years. So after all of this, what exactly is the GOP establishment gonna say to its base when they helped engineer her Presidency? Elect us to help us stop the Hillary agenda? Fat chance when they not only endorsed her but never fought Obama the entire time he was in office. We told ya so? That'll really motivate disenchanted Republicans to turn out.

This is what I don't understand. What is the long-term plan after Trump leaves the scene? It's as if these self-serving morons haven't bothered to project ahead a year from now.

Posted by: Adam at August 09, 2016 04:25 PM (m0Jrn)

747 I think ace wrote something like this - but all the "opinion makers" who are busy shivving Trump - that's Trump's fault, not that of the opinion makers?

Posted by: blaster at August 09, 2016 04:25 PM (tewYv)

748 The GOPe doesn't even WANT to win. In fact, their dream scenario is what they have right now. They don't have the White House so they can't be held responsible for the disaster we face in the economy and in foreign policy. They have the House and Senate so they can do some low key blackmail of Obama for some of the crony capitalism flowing out of Washington. But while they have the Senate and the House, they haven't got super-majorities so they can claim they haven't got the power to stop Obama. Not responsible for anything that goes wrong, can't really stop Obama and they don't have to fix anything, just point out the problems. Life is easy for those assholes and who cares that Obama has added 10 Trillion dollars of debt, EVEN though they controlled the House for 6 years!

Obama 2008. A worse president than Carter.
Clinton 2016. A bigger crook than Nixon.
Another historic first!

Posted by: JB1000 at August 09, 2016 04:26 PM (16OL0)

749 But junior is a hero.
How do you figure?

It is widely known that MS-13 and similar gangs get in our military for training they can later use privately, and jihadis aren't far behind on that count. There's no reason to believe junior wasn't the latter.

He didn't singlehandedly slay a dozen of the nation's enemies. He didn't throw himself on a grenade to save his company. He happened to be in place to get blown up by a bomb. That's due sympathy, if we could be sure of his motives for being in the military in the first place, but it isn't heroic.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:26 PM (3Liv/)

750 I'm a charter member of the Every Man For Themselves Party and have been since 2012. I'd asked you to join my Party but my platform doesn't allow it.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at August 09, 2016 04:26 PM (0q4vG)

751 "Wait, *I'm* the one picking fights?"

Yes. It's what you do, and you do it well. It is pointless and you know it, and yet that is what you do. I don't get it, but that is it.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 04:26 PM (hLRSq)

752 It's times like these I wish we picked our President's name out of a hat.

A giant hat. The biggest, yuuugest hat. Ever.


Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 04:26 PM (xeeHA)

753 Uh, around what number of comments does the blog get weird? Asking for a friend[/] because I honestly don't recall, and I'm a wee bit PANICKING SUPER NERVOUS a slight tad.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (u0s1P)

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:22 PM (3bdqw)

The one I quoted, for starters. Hell, just go back to the blog for the past two weeks and do a search for Khan, I am sure you will find plenty of terrific potential responses. Of course the media will try to spin and twist everything that a Republican does into some sort of nefarious statement. But with Trump, no twisting or spinning is required, he offers it to the media gift-wrapped on a gold platter. That's the problem.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (uAvJJ)

755 "Trump is a vulgar grifter, Ace, and his lack of concern of for institutions and their norms is singularly dangerous. "

When I first read that, I LOL'd. La, that was funny.

Trump is Trump. He sells steaks, champagne, and golf weekends. Hillary sells out her country.

Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (JBggj)

756 Honestly I get why people hate Trump, He's not my pick, but at some point isn't there just an acceptance of the fact that this election isn't really about the president, it's about the media, and corruption, and that people are sick and tired of the lies. I was nevertrump in the primaries because I felt there were better people, but here we are... I'm not okay with Hillary being CIC of our brave military men and women. I think it will be a miracle if he wins, but I'm praying God gives us another chance to get things right, maybe, just maybe, we'll have a better choice in 4 years. IDK. Either way I'm stocking up on wine.

Posted by: spypeach at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (nyYhO)

757 "If we lose 2016, I have no dog in the 2020 fight, except payback."

This. A million and one fucking times this. Once the left has the court that's it, game over. As Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager have pointed out, every single issue has a theoretical path to the Supreme Court.

And the young Jacobins on Hillary's Court are just itching to get their hands on a really meaty Second Amendment case now that Scalia is permanently playing the harp. Her first term Hillary will have Scalia's and most likely Ginsburg's vacancy to fill. Which means a lockstep 5-4 liberal majority. And I do mean lockstep. On the big cases the only real question for liberal court watchers is "Which one of the Republican nominees can we flip?"

The more I think about it, the decisions that most affected the United States in the latter half of the 20th Century were Ross Perot deciding to run in 1992 and Antonin Scalia smoking all those cigarettes and eating all that red meat.

Posted by: Lamont Cranston at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (Rtyzj)

758 Oh, hi Barrel.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (u0s1P)

759 I'm going to check my portfolio.

Posted by: gNewt..panhandlers never seem to not have their hands out at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (j8uQ3)

760 Yes. It's what you do, and you do it well. It is
pointless and you know it, and yet that is what you do. I don't get it,
but that is it.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has
Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 04:26 PM

Did *I* bring up Khan's name in this discussion? Yes or no?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (uAvJJ)

761 "If he had managed that for the last year, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (3Liv/) "

True, but remember, from Day 1, the GOPe was actively hamstringing Cruz. They thought Trump was a cute little sideshow. Then Trump kept winning and winning. Instead of supporting Cruz, the 2nd most popular candidate and the only other person actually winning multiple states, they went all-in on Jeb and then Kasich.

Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (kumBu)

762 Trump was specifically referring to liberal judges that Hillary would appoint.
He was referring to the rulings they're certain to make, but the death of a judge doesn't cause all his opinions to vanish. Certainly Sharon Angle, who you also referenced, wasn't talking about judge plinking.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (3Liv/)

763 @754 - Let's hear it. Quote the attack Trump made on Khan.

Posted by: blaster at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (tewYv)

764 758 Oh, hi Barrel.

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (u0s1P)


You should have played it off as the blog going weird about this number of comments.

Now you must face, well, you'll see....

Posted by: blaster at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (tewYv)

765 When I first read that, I LOL'd. La, that was funny.

Trump is Trump. He sells steaks, champagne, and golf weekends. Hillary sells out her country.

Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (JBggj)

Good grief, the man eats taco bowl salads on Cinco demayo!

Taco bowls! The man has NO respect for America's institutions. NO RESPECT!!!

Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (TOk1P)

766 @600: "Please tell me you're kidding. Claiming Benedict Arnold is the victim of
bad press is an incredible, verifiably falsestatement, and then going
further by inexplicably claiming Bill Buckley and conservatives who
admire him are somehow less honorable is the rails, even

Riiiiight. Because Arnold wasn't a dedicated commander for years. Was he a paragon of virtue? No. But Washington was reluctant to censure him, even after being ordered to do so.

As for Buckley, he and his ilk are pretty much the Ozymandii of the Right. They get some points for turning back the Rockefeller wing, but they turned out to be equally ineffective in stopping the Progressive/statist advance (and have done quite a bit of collaboration with it, too). And they've done little but continually double-down on their failures over the last 20 years.

Posted by: Zombie Joey Ramone at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (rznWS)

767 writer are making it harder and harder for me to not vote for Trump.

I mean, I can't stand the guy, but I'm finding that, as the old joke goes, "I'm on the wrong side of the room."

The joke:
Drunk goes into bar looking for fight. Declares that "all you sumbitches on ths side of the room are MutherF'ers and all you sumbitches on that side are cock suckers.
One guy jumps up and says, "Oops, I'm on the wrong side of the room."
Posted by: TSgt Ciz at August 09, 2016 04:12 PM (CRQ5V)

C'mon in, the water's fine! and I am not the barrel.

Posted by: Bernette at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (S6rOh)

768 I liked this blog better without chem jeff or his latest incarceration.


Posted by: free range 'sorta' conservative but not 'true' conservative at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (ZnIt3)

769 "Imagine how George S. Patton would be regarded in today's stupid
politically correct culture. People would shit themselves to death over
things he said before giving the slightest thought to his

Patton was never a presidential aspirant.

MacArthur, who was, often blurted out controversial stuff which was regarded with considerable dismay by the establishment and the press. Old Mac's big mouth gave them ample ammunition with which to dismiss him as unsuitable Presidential timber.

STAY. ON. MESSAGE. This shit isn't hard. It's not brain surgery.

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (noWW6)

770 Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (uAvJJ)

Goodbye, and good luck. All that fighting wears a man down after a time.

Posted by: *Mikey NTH - Know Your Place! The Outrage Outlet has Official DNC Oppression Hierarchy Cards! at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (hLRSq)

771 Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:27 PM (uAvJJ)

You could have composed such a statement in the time it took you to say 'no' using the most words possible.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (3bdqw)

772 Does anyone really think SCOTUS will even GLANCE at previous decisions once they've got their 7-2 supermajority?

They won't even pretend anymore when they overturn Heller et al.

And really, why would they? This is now a base democracy. The singularly worst form of government available.

Posted by: Moron Pundit at August 09, 2016 04:31 PM (xeeHA)

773 Flog the kahn

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:32 PM (zp+j1)

774 Did *I* bring up Khan's name in this discussion? Yes or no?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (uAvJJ)


Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:32 PM (TOk1P)

775 Now you must face, well, you'll see....

Posted by: blaster at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (tewYv)

Oh, I know the Barrel. I have been acquainted with the Barrel many, many times. I'm not afraid. (Partially 'cos I'm too dumb.)

Posted by: Lance McCormick at August 09, 2016 04:32 PM (u0s1P)

776 Oh, I know the Barrel. I have been acquainted with the Barrel many, many times.

I am starting to think you aren't coming here for the posting, are you....

Posted by: blaster at August 09, 2016 04:32 PM (tewYv)

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (3Liv/)

Look, I don't know how to put it more directly.
Trump appeared to joke about shooting judges as a last resort. You seem to support such an idea, in a nonjoking way.
Presidential candidates shouldn't joke about shooting judges. It's wrong, and it won't win him any votes either.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:32 PM (uAvJJ)

778 "The more I think about it, the decisions that most affected the United
States in the latter half of the 20th Century were Ross Perot deciding
to run in 1992 and Antonin Scalia smoking all those cigarettes and
eating all that red meat."

-- 1965, a foolish immigration "reform"
-- 1980, Reagan foolishly picks Bush
-- 1986, Reagan foolishly signs another immigration "reform"

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:33 PM (noWW6)

779 774
Did *I* bring up Khan's name in this discussion? Yes or no?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (uAvJJ)


Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:32 PM (TOk1P)

I did not initiate the discussion about Khan.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:33 PM (uAvJJ)

Im old enough to remember when democrats had no problem attacking the gold star families of Vietnam

Posted by: Flawless Male Logic at August 09, 2016 04:33 PM (lKyWE)

781 Methos is running for president?
Obama won twice, so it's not like there are any standards for the job.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:33 PM (3Liv/)

Point fingers all you like but Trump is the
problem. He's trailing in Georgia right now for God's sake, is that
because the NeverTrump DC establishment isn't turning out for him?

Posted by: Baron Von Ottomatic at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (fn3+

It's because the demographic change is nearly complete. The state has elected a new people.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (3bdqw)

Patton was never a presidential aspirant.

MacArthur, who was, often blurted out controversial stuff which was regarded with considerable dismay by the establishment and the press. Old Mac's big mouth gave them ample ammunition with which to dismiss him as unsuitable Presidential timber.

STAY. ON. MESSAGE. This shit isn't hard. It's not brain surgery.

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (noWW6)

Actually, he was retiring and about to go back the US... he WAS testing the waters for a Presidential run.

Some say that is why he was killed...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (qf6WZ)

784 And why are you trying to make this discussion about *me*, anyway? That is just a distraction.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (uAvJJ)

785 Because I can recommend about a dozen other conservative sites which have banned anyone speaking critically about Trump, maybe you would be more comfortable there...
Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (uAvJJ)


Jesus Christ. Have you considered going back to those sites? Or are you happy jumping up and down here shouting

"Look at me! Damnit!! LOOK. AT. ME!!!"

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (MMBJm)

786 Anyone equating Trump saying 2nd Amendment folks might just have something to say about SC justice appointments is being histrionic and disingenuous. To me it sounds like he was saying the pro-2A lobby might be able to persuade their senators to block an anti-gun SC appointment which just might actually be the case. Why the rush to interpret his statement in the absolute worst possible light?

Posted by: Motorhead at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (TEjaM)

787 I did not initiate the discussion about Khan.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:33 PM (uAvJJ)

You really have no idea how humans are supposed to behave, do you.

Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (TOk1P)

788 Look at the pot calling the kettle black


Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (zp+j1)


Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 04:02 PM (qf6WZ)

Yeah, I don't believe that he couldn't still win, but right now I think that's dependent on a just in time, incredibly lucky week of news (possibly one pre-planned by a foreign government or, if I've massively underrated his competence, Reince) running up to the election. I don't have much faith in his advertising, though. I keep getting the same robocall of a pre-recorded message from Trump himself, and even in the pre-recorded message, which is only 1 minute long, the man can't finish a sentence without changing topics multiple times and bringing up news topics without explaining context (saying stuff like "Look at Lybia! Look at Syria!" and not explaining what that's supposed to mean to a low info voter).

Trump's campaign is completely at the mercy of the news cycle, and the media probably isn't gonna start reforming itself to prevent pro-Democrat bias between now and November. Personally, while I do have my doubts about this, I tend to think long term Trump is a bigger threat to conservatism than Hillary (I even kind of suspect killing the Reince/McConnell Republican party dead here and now would be best, long term, for conservatism, even if it means waiting over a decade for a new conservative party to be viable), so I'm not really worried by it. I just hate that support for this guy is being made a litmus test for the legitimacy of your conservative bona fides.

Posted by: reform highlander at August 09, 2016 04:35 PM (jCH/T)

790 >>>The smart play was to keep their fingerprints off Trump's loss so they couldn't be blamed.

Please. You and the rest of the Stabbed-In-The-Back Brigade settled on your narrative a long, loooong time ago.

>>>Um, except for the part where you actively agitated for Hillary Clinton, and even put up a pawn of a candidate to try to throw a crucial state to Hillary Clinton.

Dude if fucking UTAH is a "crucial state", this election is over. Besides why are you so hysterical? #NeverTrumpers are, as you constantly told everyone, just a small clique of journalists and Twitter celebrities and you're gonna flip New York and California with a tide of poor whites. Chill out.

>>>You guys, having admitted you shivved the rest of the party in the back in order to scramble into a leadership position after the electoral debacle you admit you engineered --

>>>why the fuck wouldn't the rest of us return the favor?

1) You are the one who engineered this by cheerleading the unelectable Trump, who is now 7 points behind in GEORGIA, in the primary (and no it doesn't matter that your real plan was to use Trump as a stalking horse for Ted Cruz and it blew up in your face). If you want to keep acting like a child and blame everyone who told you that was a terrible idea, whatever.

2) We are not stabbing you in the back, we are stabbing you in the front. We have never pretended to be on Trump's side for one second.

If you'd take a break from your histrionics you'd notice THE ESTABLISHMENT -- Reince, Paul Ryan, the Donor Class (tm) -- is all lining up behind Mr. Trump. You are the one who spent the last year shrieking that the GOP must be destroyed and now you demand that conservatives line up behind Team GOP. You are a child who got exactly what he wanted and is still throwing a tantrum because all the candy gave him a tummyache.

Posted by: Paul at August 09, 2016 04:35 PM (9qDRl)

791 >>Im old enough to remember when democrats had no problem attacking the gold star families of Vietnam

I'm old enough to remember when they did it about Benghazi gold star families.

Posted by: JackStraw at August 09, 2016 04:35 PM (/tuJf)

792 "Presidential candidates shouldn't joke about shooting judges."

Well, the other way that incredibly stupid comment by Trump could be parsed is as having a "Second Amendment supporter" go Lee Harvey Oswald on President Hillary Clinton.

Which is also something that should not be joked about. Ever. Especially not by a guy who is himself standing for the office.

Now we get to have the next couple of news cycles be about UNSTABLE DONALD TRUMP again. Oh joy. Yay team.

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:35 PM (noWW6)

793 "If we lose the 2016 election I have no dog in the 2020 fight, except payback". The best summary of why it is so important to vote not Hillary. Unless one wants an authoritarian fascist government, where the best the likes of us could hope for is menial status, after being reeducated, of course.

Posted by: tubal at August 09, 2016 04:35 PM (d6TTt)

794 It's an entire orchestra of one-note guitars around here.

Posted by: Mr. Peebles at August 09, 2016 04:35 PM (vP09u)

795 I've been grossly disappointed in Trump over the past month, he seems not to realize that there are certain people and certain issues that are beneath where a Presidential candidate should be, and by speaking on those people and those issues he lowers himself to their level.

That said, he's not a felon, and the other candidate (bought-and-paid-for FBI director aside) is.

Posted by: JEM at August 09, 2016 04:36 PM (o+SC1)

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (3bdqw)

I don't get it. Go to almost any Ace thread from last week and you will find other commenters offering much better responses to Khan's comments than what Trump said. And when *I* point this out, suddenly, it's all "nuh-uh, Trump did just fine, you shut your mouth!!!!"
This is getting absurd.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:37 PM (uAvJJ)

797 Posted by: blaster at August 09, 2016 04:28 PM (tewYv)

There are two statements by Trump that have been cited that have been used for a basis to expand the criticism to other points. I will paraphrase. First his statement comparing his sacrifices to the sacrifice of a son and second his statement to Stephenopuss, that he wanted to hear from Mrs Khan but maybe she's not allowed to talk.

Crude and unnecessary but no big deal to me except that any one could see it was a trap .

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at August 09, 2016 04:37 PM (0q4vG)

798 Has the baby Trump punted out of the Coliseum gotten out of the ER yet?

Posted by: NPR news listener at August 09, 2016 04:38 PM (Mxs5H)

799 STAY. ON. MESSAGE. This shit isn't hard. It's not brain surgery.

Posted by: torquewrench at August 09, 2016 04:30 PM (noWW6)
No human being possesses the capacity to be univocally "on message" for the duration of a Presidential Campaign, let alone to do so while being perceived as a natural, authentic and appealing candidate. It just can't be done. One side has its "gaffes" buried, spun and insta-purged by the media, the other has them made its platform.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:38 PM (WzlF7)

800 Posted by: BurtTC at August 09, 2016 04:34 PM (TOk1P)
Whatever man. I give up. You are going to blame me for "picking fights" even when I don't start them?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:39 PM (uAvJJ)

801 Chem Jeff et al , which candidate(s) were you FOR?

I would like to know so I can nit pick their mortal asses and help throw the election to the Socialist Coruptocrats.....all of which comes AFTER the legal , fair, nominating process has been completed and a Party nominee has been selected by the VOTERS...

Your whining is belongs in a therapy session some where.

I guess you get your help here. Free.

Vote Hillary. And stop the juvenile fault finding which, at this point--ie after the nominee has been selected-- serves NO adult purpose.

Posted by: malignantly aggrieved and economically useless at August 09, 2016 04:39 PM (AV4JD)

802 Video: Hillary Clinton Ignores Reporters Questions About Orlando Terrorists Father Attending Her Rally

Because shes Hillary Clinton, thats why.

Weasel Zippers

THIS is how you attack The FAB, but some people here are ONLY interested in attacking Trump

Posted by: Nevergiveup at August 09, 2016 04:39 PM (zp+j1)

803 It's an entire orchestra of one-note guitars around here.


Insert Mojo Nixon's Story of One Chord here

Posted by: Bigbys Olive Fingers at August 09, 2016 04:39 PM (0o/oP)

804 Point fingers all you like but Trump is the problem. He's trailing in Georgia right now for God's sake, is that because the NeverTrump DC establishment isn't turning out for him?
Posted by: Baron Von Ottomatic at August 09, 2016 04:24 PM (fn3+


Well kind of. Clinton is getting 90%+ of the Dem vote. Trump is getting 75% (maybe) of the GOP vote. You do the math as to whether or not the DC establishment is hurting or helping.

Posted by: #neverskankles at August 09, 2016 04:39 PM (Cu/XA)

805 Assuming that a lot of the Hillary vote in Utah is people who usually vote GOP but won't vote for Trump in particular because of his character or whatever, isn't it actually more likely the independent candidate takes votes away from Hillary? Basically he pulls those votes back from her column into the independent column and Trump could see a net gain not a loss.

Posted by: Cjw at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (Mw7bJ)

806 Nood Hillary

Posted by: Buzzsaw at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (Mxs5H)

807 Presidential candidates shouldn't joke about shooting judges."

Seems like you are reading a lot into what he said, are you projecting?

People need to quit having a freaking stroke, sheesh.

Posted by: spypeach at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (nyYhO)

808 Trump said. And when *I* point this out, suddenly, it's all "nuh-uh, Trump did just fine, you shut your mouth!!!!"
This is getting absurd.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:37 PM (uAvJJ)

Trump is not a silver tongued devil, but it doesn't matter if he was, since the media would still try to spin his every statement. That's not Trump's fault, and it is a reality even Cruz would have to deal with. The fact you can't make a statement that would be controversy free just proves the point.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (3bdqw)

809 I promise to F right back all those persons trying to undermine the legitimate primary winner because they are such whiny pu$$ies.

Posted by: Guido911 at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (Q0d1T)

810 Any candidate will misstep.... but the media really created and ran with a narrative on this one...

Posted by: Don Q. at August 09, 2016 03:58 PM (qf6WZ)

Yeah, but Trump falls for it every time. You know as well as I do that he'll be asked a million times about some supposedly controversial thing he said and he readily answers every time. After a basic explanation he needs to stop.

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz did this very well. Yeah, yeah, I know they didn't win anything but it's a good tactic nonetheless.

Posted by: Joanne at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (hgBpU)

811 Was that bar in New Mexico, Bernette?

Posted by: Boulder terlit hobo at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (iuyR8)

812 No human being possesses the capacity to be univocally "on message" for the duration of a Presidential Campaign, let alone to do so while being perceived as a natural, authentic and appealing candidate. It just can't be done. One side has its "gaffes" buried, spun and insta-purged by the media, the other has them made its platform.
Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:38 PM (WzlF7)

This. Even when the candidate stays on message, we get the 47% remark, which wasn't supposed to be public, and Sarah Palin saying she can see Russia from her house, which she never actually said.

Posted by: joe, living dangerously at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (KUaJL)

813 "No human being possesses the capacity to be univocally "on message" for
the duration of a Presidential Campaign, let alone to do so while being
perceived as a natural, authentic and appealing candidate. It just can't
be done. One side has its "gaffes" buried, spun and insta-purged by the
media, the other has them made its platform."


Posted by: Zombie Ronald Reagan at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (fn3+8)

814 798 Has the baby Trump punted out of the Coliseum gotten out of the ER yet?
Posted by: NPR news listener at August 09, 2016 04:38 PM (Mxs5H)


I think he's sharing a room with Michelle Fields in the ICU.

Posted by: #neverskankles at August 09, 2016 04:41 PM (Cu/XA)

815 Traitors gotta traitor.

Posted by: Eromero at August 09, 2016 04:41 PM (zLDYs)

816 797 There are two statements by Trump that have been cited that have been used for a basis to expand the criticism to other points. I will paraphrase. First his statement comparing his sacrifices to the sacrifice of a son and second his statement to Stephenopuss, that he wanted to hear from Mrs Khan but maybe she's not allowed to talk.

Crude and unnecessary but no big deal to me except that any one could see it was a trap .
Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at August 09, 2016 04:37 PM (0q4vG)


Dude. He was straight up asked, nay, accused of not having sacrificed anything BY Mr. Khan.

He answered the question. You don't like the answer ? Too fucking bad. You don't get to bitch that Trump's answer, because you don't like it, somehow makes it crude and unnecessary for him to have even answered it.

Ever seen someone move the goalposts in one statement ? Good job, you did.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 04:41 PM (fRgyI)

817 Trump appeared to joke about shooting judges as a last resort. You seem to support such an idea, in a nonjoking way.
I don't know how you come to that conclusion. I just explained to you why the strategy you propose would be ineffective. I don't see how that goes into your head and comes out as 'Methos supports my idea for targeting judges'.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at August 09, 2016 04:41 PM (3Liv/)

818 Patton was murdered by the Illuminati.

Posted by: Everybody Knows That at August 09, 2016 04:42 PM (QM5S2)

819 and second his statement to Stephenopuss, that he wanted to hear from Mrs Khan but maybe she's not allowed to talk.

Because she is nothing but property according to sharia law.

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at August 09, 2016 04:43 PM (SCvwT)

820 Sock off

Posted by: olddog in mo at August 09, 2016 04:44 PM (hZ6Bf)

821 Ace, I loved this line of yours the other day:

we-had-to-rebuild-the-village-to-destroy-it nation-building super-hawk neocon foreign policy

Posted by: Captain Oblivous at August 09, 2016 04:44 PM (VQ+9Y)

822 Everybody is talking about Trump. Trump this. Trump that.

Trump should have said this. Trump should have said that.

No one likes Hillary. She takes money from America's enemies. She puts America's secrets on an usecured email server in her bathroom closet. Hillary lies to the parents of young men who were killed in the line of duty while protecting their fellow Americans. Hillary wants working American to suffer through another four years of the weakest economic recovery since WWII.

Trump wants to cut taxes, repeal Obamacare, and make America Great Again.

Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 04:45 PM (JBggj)

823 Ahem!

Posted by: Zombie Ronald Reagan at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (fn3+
______________________________ "My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."- Living Presidential Re-Elect Candidate Ronald Reagan, August 11, 1984

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:45 PM (WzlF7)

824 Nood.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at August 09, 2016 04:45 PM (bN6TL)

825 Latest Reuters Poll - you know the poll that everyone was saying proves the race is really close......yeah about that.

Clinton now leads by 7.

Posted by: #neverskankles at August 09, 2016 04:46 PM (Cu/XA)

826 I really fail to understand how the hell all the so-called conservatives here that aren't UNEQUIVOCALLY opposed to Hillary and, at worst, sitting by quietly in an if-you-don't-have-something-good-to-say-just-STFU manner are confused about the media.

They are liberal, progressive Democrats. EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. In the tank for every Democrat. EVERY.SINGLE.ONE. Now, moreso than ever, and brazen about it to your face.

And you're letting them. The Khan affair is a complete manufactured nothing. Sure, if Donald Trump and his campaign was a savvy political entity - thereby not being what people voted for in the first place - they probably would have avoided the whole affair. Alas, that is NOT who Trump is, so let it go, already. Coulda, woulda, shoulda, doesn't matter. That's in the past.

Instead of setting the record straight at every single opportunity, you're busy debating about what Trump shoulda or coulda done. What an abject failure.

The single most vile, pernicious entity in the body politic in this country is the media. There is no second place even in sight when the media crosses that finish line. There is one reaction to media propaganda masked as news - to point it out and lay out the case for why it is utter bullshit. We need to take the fangs out of the media, but you're too busy helping them sharpen the fangs instead.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 04:47 PM (fRgyI)

Latest Reuters Poll - you know the poll that everyone was saying proves the race is really close......yeah about that.

Clinton now leads by 7.>>>

Well pack up the tent the circus is over.

Posted by: Buzzsaw at August 09, 2016 04:48 PM (Mxs5H)

828 "I've consistently argued that the only hope for a conservative restoration is a blowout Hillary Clinton victory, held in check by a Republican majority in Congress."

Ah. Well, There's a cagey plan. A massive landslide for The Beast, with all of the same voters simultaneously pulling the 'R' lever for Senate/House seats.

Yup, brilliant. Or at least it might sound brilliant while sitting around with fellow journalist swells having after-work drinks.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 09, 2016 04:48 PM (9mTYi)

829 Ace, you keep trying to convince NeverTrumpers like me that Hillary is, somehow, worse. I disagree. I think they're both equally rotten (in different ways), but Trump carries the added baggage of denaturing what little actual conservatism was left in the GOP. As far as I'm concerned, a vote for Trump is a vote for "just fuck it - nothing matters anymore." I'm not willing to go there.

Posted by: Cameron at August 09, 2016 04:48 PM (6aVBb)

830 >>> That has got to be enormously difficult for you and your family. Maybe it's just a phase?
Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:18 PM (WzlF7)

It has been at times. She is bipolar, I'm sure that has an influence on it. We were super close growing up, there was a rift for a bit when she came out and then when she left the church. The gay community in the 90s taught that if your family was not 100% on board with your choices, screw them, find a new tribe. So she did. I will never forgive the gay culture for that, it caused needless pain. But we reconciled and compromised on things and are BFFs now.

She says she's always felt she was male inside, even when we were little. She was girlier than me as a kid but she said she did it to blend in better, always felt like she was doing female drag. She has groups of friends that are trans that embrace both of their genders, the biological and the emotional, don't fele pressure to transition, I think that has helped her to be pretty happy in her current skin. Her style is a cool blend of masculine and feminine.

I will check out Carey Callahan!

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:49 PM (hvf9s)

831 I'm not willing to go there.
Posted by: Cameron

Okay. Where are you willing to go?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 09, 2016 04:50 PM (9mTYi)

832 Yeah, but Trump falls for it every time. You know
as well as I do that he'll be asked a million times about some
supposedly controversial thing he said and he readily answers every
time. After a basic explanation he needs to stop.

Rand Paul and Ted Cruz did this very well. Yeah, yeah, I know they didn't win anything but it's a good tactic nonetheless.

Posted by: Joanne at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (hgBpU)
It's great to see that you've gotten on the Trump train Joanne. All this constructive criticism is wonderful, and very, very sincere. I'm sure you're going to be a big help to the Trump campaign from now on.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:51 PM (3bdqw)

833 Welp, I see this has turned into another useless fighting/defending Trumpfest.

Posted by: Joanne at August 09, 2016 04:51 PM (hgBpU)

834 I don't know. It's almost like saying that the best thing that can happen to a country is to detonate nuclear weapons over a couple of its major cities. Farcical on its face, but it worked out pretty well for Japan.

Posted by: FireHorse at August 09, 2016 04:51 PM (KO3dR)

835 Trump wants to cut taxes, repeal Obamacare, and make America Great Again.
Posted by: mrp at August 09, 2016 04:45 PM (JBggj)



Here's the thing. Even if all that is a lie. Even if Trump is only saying it half-heartedly, you know what ? I know one participant in this campaign that sure as FUCK not interested in any of those things, and is, in fact, going to work every day to empower liberal, progressive jagoffs to work tirelessly to make America mediocre, expand Obamacare, and raise taxes to give to the lazy and oppressed in their own minds. In four years as President, if Donald Trump wakes up on JUST ONE and decides to work towards making America better, helping dismantle Obamacare, appoint a semi-conservative appearing justice to SCOTUS, or even stem the tide of the advancement of the federal behemoth - that is one day that is 100% better than you're going to get under President Hillary Clinton.

It's really that simple.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 04:52 PM (fRgyI)

836 748 The GOPe doesn't even WANT to win. In fact, their dream scenario is what they have right now. They don't have the White House so they can't be held responsible for the disaster we face in the economy and in foreign policy. They have the House and Senate so they can do some low key blackmail of Obama for some of the crony capitalism flowing out of Washington. But while they have the Senate and the House, they haven't got super-majorities so they can claim they haven't got the power to stop Obama. Not responsible for anything that goes wrong, can't really stop Obama and they don't have to fix anything, just point out the problems. Life is easy for those assholes and who cares that Obama has added 10 Trillion dollars of debt, EVEN though they controlled the House for 6 years!

Obama 2008. A worse president than Carter.
Clinton 2016. A bigger crook than Nixon.
Another historic first!
Posted by: JB1000 at August 09, 2016 04:26 PM (16OL0)


Posted by: Bernette at August 09, 2016 04:52 PM (S6rOh)

837 825 Latest Reuters Poll - you know the poll that everyone was saying proves the race is really close......yeah about that.

Clinton now leads by 7.
Posted by: #neverskankles at August 09, 2016 04:46 PM (Cu/XA)

So 4 of those percentage points that Hillary has would have to switch to Trump for him to lead?

With three months, three debates, and who knows how many Wikileaks to go? Inconceivable.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 04:52 PM (DDM7c)

838 >>> That said, he's not a felon, and the other candidate (bought-and-paid-for FBI director aside) is.
Posted by: JEM at August 09, 2016 04:36 PM (o+SC1)

And murderess, though that adds to the "felon" part.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:53 PM (hvf9s)

Ace, you keep trying to convince NeverTrumpers like me that Hillary is,
somehow, worse. I disagree. I think they're both equally rotten (in
different ways), but Trump carries the added baggage of denaturing what
little actual conservatism was left in the GOP. As far as I'm concerned,
a vote for Trump is a vote for "just fuck it - nothing matters
anymore." I'm not willing to go there.

Posted by: Cameron at August 09, 2016 04:48 PM (6aVBb)
So, you're preserving your purity. For what? No one really admires the too-picky spinster virgin.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 04:55 PM (WzlF7)

840 831 I'm not willing to go there.
Posted by: Cameron

Okay. Where are you willing to go?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at August 09, 2016 04:50 PM (9mTYi)

Political oblivion apparently. The GOP is DEAD if Trump doesn't win. "Muh Principles" will have virtually no hope of being realized.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 04:55 PM (DDM7c)

841 833
Welp, I see this has turned into another useless fighting/defending Trumpfest.

Posted by: Joanne at August 09, 2016 04:51 PM (hgBpU)

If you don't want to be called a slut then don't have sex with the whole football team at once. You're here to criticize Trump, and now you attempt to frame it as constructive. You're here because you want to fight, so don't whine when you get the fight that you want.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:55 PM (3bdqw)

842 Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:40 PM (3bdqw)

So you see no difference between the media spinning a Romney statement about "binders full of women" into some sort of misogynistic slur, and Trump outright trying to compare his sacrifices with starting a business to the ultimate sacrifice of dying for one's country? Really? They're all the same?

One is a cynical attempt to twist the story, the other is just repeating what the candidate says which does all the damage by itself, no twisting needed.

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:55 PM (uAvJJ)

843 " The GOP is DEAD if Trump doesn't win."

The GOP is DEAD if Trump DOES win. He's going to wreck it, just like he'll wreck the presidency.

The only difference is that a different group of people will have voted for what wrecked everything.

Whichever way wins, we all lose.

Posted by: TKYC at August 09, 2016 04:57 PM (ST+OH)

844 It's great to see that you've gotten on the Trump
train Joanne. All this constructive criticism is wonderful, and very,
very sincere. I'm sure you're going to be a big help to the Trump
campaign from now on.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 04:51 PM (3bdqw)

Why are you expecting this blog to be just another right-leaning pro-Trump shill outpost?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:57 PM (uAvJJ)

845 I'm concerned that there are over 800 comments and I missed my chance to be concerned earlier.

Posted by: Afroman at August 09, 2016 05:00 PM (7B6Bk)

846 So you see no difference between the media spinning a Romney statement
about "binders full of women" into some sort of misogynistic slur, and
Trump outright trying to compare his sacrifices with starting a business
to the ultimate sacrifice of dying for one's country? Really? They're
all the same?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:55 PM (uAvJJ)
Exactly because I live in something called the real world. I've exited all the ideological bullshit, and now I'm only interested in what works, not having academic arguments about what is intellectually right, in an echo chamber of the only 100 in the world who give a shit.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 05:00 PM (3bdqw)

847 843 " The GOP is DEAD if Trump doesn't win."

The GOP is DEAD if Trump DOES win. He's going to wreck it, just like he'll wreck the presidency.

The only difference is that a different group of people will have voted for what wrecked everything.

Whichever way wins, we all lose.
Posted by: TKYC at August 09, 2016 04:57 PM (ST+OH)

How exactly do you figure it to be dead if he wins? What previous part of the current day effete GOP does he threaten exactly?

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 05:00 PM (DDM7c)

848 . The gay community in the 90s taught that if your
family was not 100% on board with your choices, screw them, find a new
tribe. So she did. I will never forgive the gay culture for that, it
caused needless pain. But we reconciled and compromised on things and
are BFFs now.

I will check out Carey Callahan!

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 04:49 PM (hvf9s)
______________________Yeah, that's another part of what she was saying. How maniacally policing pronouns and misgendering becomes so much of the focus of life, rather than living it.
Good luck to you and your family.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 05:00 PM (WzlF7)

849 savvy, savvier, savvies, navvy, navvies

Posted by: Spellcheck at August 09, 2016 05:00 PM (HKBpI)

850 [[831 I'm not willing to go there.
Posted by: Cameron

Okay. Where are you willing to go?]]
Hey - I voted for McClintock in the California recall. I'll happily write in my own protest choice this time since I see no normative difference between Trump and Hillary when it comes to the overall outcome on the nation. That is, I believe a vote for Hillary is no different than a vote for Trump, and vice versa. How low can I go? I could write in Kinko the Clown and still not go as low as Clinton and Trump supporters already have trying to convince me that their respective shit sandwiches won't be all that bad once I get used to the taste. Bah. Humbug. [grumbles and stomps off the court]

Posted by: Cameron at August 09, 2016 05:01 PM (6aVBb)

851 Why are you expecting this blog to be just another right-leaning pro-Trump shill outpost?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:57 PM (uAvJJ)

It doesn't have to be, but if you think you're and Joanne's false concern is going to be taken as legit, then you're insane. You're here to bash Trump, you're here to fight, so don't complain when you get that which you want.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 05:03 PM (3bdqw)

852 Posted by: Afroman at August 09, 2016 05:00 PM (7B6Bk)

That is concerning. I'm concerned that you won't step up your game. These concerns just won't go away.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at August 09, 2016 05:04 PM (WVsWD)

853 "Hey - I voted for McClintock in the California recall."

In other words, your vote is essentially immaterial to the outcome because you live in California. Fair enough, continue LARPing.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 05:04 PM (WzlF7)

854 Ace, the situation is not such a black-and-white situation as you paint it. The lesson to learn from the Trump debacle is that conservatives do not have a majority. That doesn't mean we surrender...but it also doesn't mean we stand in the streets yelling about a conspiracy!

Imagine asking "conservatives" 4 years ago if they would vote for someone who is liberal on social issues (along with no discernible religious faith), has long supported universal health care, and does not have a clear position on restraining the budget. "No! I won't for such an establishmentarian!" one would have yelled. It is contrary to everything "conservatives" have claimed for the last 8 years. In terms of the necessity of building a Big Wall and keeping out Muslims, "conservatives" as bad as liberals in refusing to listen to dissent. To dissent is to be ... Establishment.

There is no such thing as policy disagreement anymore. The danger is how much space politics occupies in our nation. No such thing as local representation of voters' values anymore, but rather being bent to 1 of 2 ideologies that will, in some fashion, "Make America Great, Again."

I have -0- belief that Trump will do good for the Supreme Court, plus he will further degrade the one party that does give refuge to conservative values. I'm not voting for Trump because he gives me no reason to, and many reasons not to.

You think the Establishment doesn't want Trump? And yet he's the nominee. Power structures will ALWAYS exist and Trump can temporarily reorder it (as did Obama, btw), but I care about where the country is headed. Under Trump or Clinton, it is nowhere good.

Posted by: Crispian at August 09, 2016 05:04 PM (wbYF0)

855 For some unexplained reason the Nevertrump crew have this clairvoyant ability that enables them to declare without hesitation that Trump's pledge about SCOTUS appointments simply won't be kept. His position on the 2nd Amendment is equally bogus. They know this you see. Don't ask them how they know this, they simply do.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 05:05 PM (DDM7c)

856 Posted by: Crispian at August 09, 2016 05:04 PM (wbYF0)


Still a type 1 though.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at August 09, 2016 05:06 PM (WVsWD)

857 Any of you Homos make fun of my Libertarian Card, I'll kill you.

Lighten Light one up, Francis.


Posted by: andycanuck at August 09, 2016 05:09 PM (LdMbv)

858 For some unexplained reason the Nevertrump crew have
this clairvoyant ability that enables them to declare without
hesitation that Trump's pledge about SCOTUS appointments simply won't be
kept. His position on the 2nd Amendment is equally bogus. They know
this you see. Don't ask them how they know this, they simply do.

Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 05:05 PM (DDM7c)

At this point I give no fucks whether he actually believes what he says, just that he will do what he says he will do. If he's elected by blue collar white gun owner former Democrats and they form a large part of his base, he'll be motivated to preserve gun rights. So on and so forth.

Posted by: Alec Leamas at August 09, 2016 05:10 PM (WzlF7)

859 Posted by: Reggie1971 at August 09, 2016 05:05 PM (DDM7c)

You can only judge him by his past actions. What do you see that leads you to believe anything he says?

Posted by: Baron Von Ottomatic at August 09, 2016 05:11 PM (fn3+8)

860 Read Ghost Fleet by August Cole and P. W. Singer. Just sayin'.

Posted by: setnaffa at August 09, 2016 05:15 PM (jl6Ly)

861 I came in my house for more water. I live in Massachusetts & I'm not voting for either one. I'm staying & not voting for GOP nominee for first time in my life.

There's never any challengers down ballot in this, one of the Bluest States in the U. S.

Oh, I wanted to add I have Gadsden Flag out front since last summer. I take it in for winter.

Posted by: Carol at August 09, 2016 05:17 PM (sj3Ax)

862 No doubt the Dems are laughing their asses off at us. They should. We are morons. They don't give a sh*t how corrupt or bad Hillary is....she's the Dem nominee and they are ALL on the stump for her. They don't give a damn, they just want to WIN. Trump is Trump. He is not a politician. He hasn't played the game. He's not my first choice. I am so pissed that any R, or any conservative choose to NOT vote or worse vote for Hillary. For me, it's the Supreme Court Supreme Court, Supreme Court. Nothing else matters. This country can be fundamentally changed. Besides, Trump will get bored after a couple of years and Pence will take over.

Posted by: dixiegal88 at August 09, 2016 05:17 PM (n9Dq9)

863 What if - bear with me here -

What if the Establishment is playing the anti-Establishment sentiment for all it's worth? You know, a feint, or reverse psychology? That by telling people to never vote for Trump, they're deliberately prompting people to vote for Trump?

Posted by: FireHorse at August 09, 2016 05:19 PM (KO3dR)

864 >>> No doubt the Dems are laughing their asses off at us. They should.

It's a mix of laughter and trepidation. They think they have it in the bag but you never know, you just never know...

It will be our turn to laugh when Kanye or some other celeb idiot runs as a dem and actually does well with LIVs. Who looks presidential now, lol.

Posted by: LizLem at August 09, 2016 05:23 PM (hvf9s)

865 829 Ace, you keep trying to convince NeverTrumpers like me that Hillary is, somehow, worse. I disagree. I think they're both equally rotten (in different ways), but Trump carries the added baggage of denaturing what little actual conservatism was left in the GOP. As far as I'm concerned, a vote for Trump is a vote for "just fuck it - nothing matters anymore." I'm not willing to go there.
Posted by: Cameron at August 09, 2016 04:48 PM (6aVBb)


Baby talk. Try re-thinking it this way - the "GOP" as a political entity is finished, at least in it's current form. The MAJORITY of primary voters (at least, by the time it mattered, it was the majority) told the party to get fucked by voting for Trump. If Trump wins, that party becomes his and ceases to be whatever it is you think it is now (but isn't at all). If Trump loses, you'll never get that majority to vote for any GOP candidate again. Ever. And, as Ace points out, by the time 2020 rolls around, it ain't gonna matter.

Now, here's a corollary that a few people have approvingly suggested: Trump wins, but is held in check by the GOP establishment. Ah, in this scenario, the "GOP brand" survives. The funny thing is, you all seem to confuse some nebulous "conservativism" with the GOP. The establishment of the GOP is not interested in conservatism. They're interested in perpetuating their time at the government teat, extending the ExIm Bank, ethanol subsidies and shit like that. Just think of this corollary and Trump loses 2.0. If you think the GOPe is hated now, wait until Trump wins and the Republican congress turns on him.

I'm calling it now. The Constitution Party. Liberty and equality before the law, Post-GOP.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 05:25 PM (fRgyI)

866 If we're going balls deep with Hillary, there's no incentive for me to vote for any republican in the house or the senate.

Posted by: nckate at August 09, 2016 05:27 PM (QvwhC)

867 This guy is under the mistaken impression that there are enough morons that buy into their party switch.
I for one am glad that they are designating themselves as conservatives. It gives me a small target to sidestep when the opportunity present's itself.

Posted by: Drider at August 09, 2016 05:28 PM (6Xbsz)

868 "If we lose 2016, I have no dog in the 2020 fight, except payback."

Payback in the form of our own narcissistic god-king tyrant is all we have going in 2016. How's that working?

If conservatives are counting on Trump for anything conservative, including supreme court picks, they're completely delusional.

Posted by: DinsdalePiranha at August 09, 2016 05:32 PM (KtMQY)

869 "I came in my house for more water. I live in Massachusetts & I'm not voting for either one. I'm staying & not voting for GOP nominee for first time in my life.

There's never any challengers down ballot in this, one of the Bluest States in the U. S.

Oh, I wanted to add I have Gadsden Flag out front since last summer. I take it in for winter."

You would be surprised at how many family members (on my wife's side) who live in Mass are going to vote for Trump.
This is the first time in your life that your vote may actually count for something more than just the same old election and your sitting home.

Well you know what. Honestly it's all good. I plan on voting against the zealot, Cruz types in the future so I can see some give and take down the road.

Posted by: Drider at August 09, 2016 05:36 PM (6Xbsz)

870 842 So you see no difference between the media spinning a Romney statement about "binders full of women" into some sort of misogynistic slur, and Trump outright trying to compare his sacrifices with starting a business to the ultimate sacrifice of dying for one's country? Really? They're all the same?

Posted by: chem R.R. jeff at August 09, 2016 04:55 PM (uAvJJ)


You're shitting me, right ? You see, this is the kind of stupid I'm tired of. If, without the benefit of having been publically called out, during a calm, non-confrontational interview, a journalist (let's assume a decent one, like Tapper, but better), for some reason asked Trump, "Donald, if you had to give an example of something in your life, in your career, that you would consider comparable to the sacrifice of dying for your country, what would it be?"

And he gave the same crappy answer, then maybe - MAYBE - I'd buy this argument that the bit about Romney and binders of women was different, but that's not how it happened. Basically, it was, "Donald, Mr. Khan's son gave his life for his country and he says you haven't sacrificed at all, what sacrifices have you made - GO" in response to be called out by Khan.

If you don't see that as equally "gotcha journalism" as the "binders of women" crap, you're a fool. Yeah, Trump's answer was less than perfect. Honestly, what do you think the right answer is ? I'm about 99% sure you'd come up with the kind of BS a politician would say.

The fact of the matter is, Mr. Khan did not "sacrifice" anything - his son did. His son died for his country, a HUGE sacrifice, but then he joined the military and was sent into combat. I'm not even sure why a single person on earth would even think to ask what Donald Trump had "sacrificed" in any way remotely comparable to the sacrifice Humayun Khan made. The question is farcical on it's face. Frankly, the intellectual conservative's answer is to say the question is stupid, pointless, and irrelevant.

But then, here we are arguing over whether or not the media is a bunch of evil douchebags or not. Or, I guess, just the degree to which they are.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 05:37 PM (fRgyI)

871 "Payback in the form of our own narcissistic god-king tyrant is all we have going in 2016. How's that working?

If conservatives are counting on Trump for anything conservative, including supreme court picks, they're completely delusional."

So switch party's like the rest of the conservatives.

Posted by: Drider at August 09, 2016 05:38 PM (6Xbsz)

872 866 If we're going balls deep with Hillary, there's no incentive for me to vote for any republican in the house or the senate.
Posted by: nckate at August 09, 2016 05:27 PM (QvwhC)


I'm with ya on that. One vote. Trump. That's it. If he wins, maybe there's something to salvage from the "GOP". If he loses, it's gone.

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 05:39 PM (fRgyI)

873 "I'm with ya on that. One vote. Trump. That's it. If he wins, maybe there's something to salvage from the "GOP". If he loses, it's gone."

No doubt about it.

Posted by: Drider at August 09, 2016 05:41 PM (6Xbsz)

874 "People, people! I do not often agree with Hugh Hewitt, but on this we do agree: Trump is the Republican nominee. The other option is Hillary. Suck it up, put on your big boy pants and get behind Trump. At the very least, vote for Trump and convince as many like-minded others to do the same. No candidate is perfect, this one certainly is not, but if you cannot vote FOR Trump then, for all that is holy, vote AGAINST Hillary!"

LOOK. If it comes to November and Johnson/Weld is at 4-6% AND Trump is at ~48%+ in my liberal state, I may have to make a tough call.

But for now: GET THEM ON THAT DEBATE STAGE! Why is this a problem?

Posted by: Michael at August 09, 2016 05:42 PM (tUNKV)

875 If you don't see that as equally "gotcha journalism"
as the "binders of women" crap, you're a fool. Yeah,

Posted by: deadrody at August 09, 2016 05:37 PM (fRgyI)

Chemjeff and Joanne are nevertrumps that are here today playing the part of concern trolls. You may know all this already, but if not then you do now. Also, they will claim victim status because everybody is picking a fight with them, while they're here helping the Trump campaign with constructive criticism, and it's completely innocent and you shouldn't attack them for being helpful.

Posted by: DFCtomm at August 09, 2016 05:42 PM (3bdqw)

876 Do you think the Establishment GOP even KNOWS that it's the double-agent arm of the Democratic Party? That they're in league with crooked socialists? I suppose they're the same brand of crooked, and don't really care about socialism or not.

Posted by: Optimizer at August 09, 2016 05:56 PM (jPHi7)

877 Uh, Trump was probably smart to bring in the specter of a "Second Amendment solution". Because if Lady MacBeth wins this thing and the screws tighten down, a bunch of people with skills and tools are going to figure all bets are off. First excuse they get, first Waco or Ruby Ridge, anyone not under a Presidential Detail level of security better ponder a career change.

Better to settle this thing at the ballot box honestly. No 128%-0% precints in Philly and the usual bullshit. But the Left will get cute the way they always do, and bad things are fucking inevitable at that point.

Posted by: Colonel Kurtz at August 09, 2016 06:15 PM (7a6fv)

878 Okay, so Trump's landslide defeat will have had nothing to do with Trump. It'll be because the foreign affairs guy at the WSJ single-handedly took down his campaign.

Actually, yes, I do want Trump to lose by as much as possible, for the exact same reasons Stephens said. Not because I want Hillary as POTUS. If I did, I would have supported Trump in the primaries and not Rubio then Kasich then Cruz or frigging anyone but Trump. But it's obvious now Hillary's victory is assured. Whether this guy I didn't hear about 'til now runs or not, Trump's losing.

So yeah. Isn't it clear that the actual establishment, as defined by party officials and such, supports Trump? I'm part of the "Establishment", apparently, even though I'm a 21 year old college grad, but Reince Priebus and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity aren't.

Just own up to your bad mistake. If you supported Trump in the primary, you're the blame for Hillary.

Posted by: DOBSON at August 09, 2016 06:16 PM (BXcJU)

879 I haven't sworn not to vote for Trump, but it's unlikely. I will say, however, that the perpetual outrage machine is getting on my nerves BIG TIME. I'd say I'm anti-anti-Trump. The guy makes jokes sometimes, and sometimes they're off color. OK? That's his appeal. That's the one thing I like about him--there's some levity in his talks.

Anyway, I'd say that another way to couch Stephens' argument is that Trump needs to lose convincingly in order to purge the party base of the desire to elect someone who is a GIANT MIDDLE FINGER to coastal elites and who is unappealing to wide swaths of the rest of the country. I don't think that they're actively trying to help Hillary. Generally, all the people Ace names in his article loathe Hillary, and say so often.

I know that Republicans slamming Trump forever and ever hurts Trump's chances, but I don't think criticism of a deeply flawed candidate means you support the other deeply flawed candidate. Arguing otherwise is a logic fail.

Posted by: gts109 at August 09, 2016 06:19 PM (Deogo)

880 held in check by a Republican majority in Congress.

Like Barack has been held in check!!! God save us from the self-deluded!!!

Posted by: Locke Common at August 09, 2016 06:29 PM (Mruaf)

881 The Trump kids should demand that Ivan McMiller should exit the race or pledge for one of them to run 3rd party every presidential year for as long as we're still holding elections.

Posted by: crrr6 (hotair refugee) at August 09, 2016 06:32 PM (MR1wI)

882 I'm really digging this whole Mormon/Jew/Evangelical alliance. It's got the potential to drag the Republican party out of its ethnic ghetto.

Posted by: bjk at August 09, 2016 06:49 PM (x2rNW)

883 I think the nomination of Trump was suppose to be payback. As always it seems like the establishment isn't getting the message and is just digging in. Don't think they'll ever learn they must always rule

Posted by: Dan at August 09, 2016 06:59 PM (0wQwx)

884 No pity for the GOP for self inflicted wounds

Posted by: him at August 09, 2016 08:25 PM (Oodlb)

885 Ace has the exact right idea. If Trump loses, I won't vote for an establishment GOP candidate ever again.

I'll vote for third party candidates. But never one of the neocon establishment scum. Never.

Posted by: WARPIG at August 09, 2016 08:25 PM (KL5Ns)

886 "If we lose 2016, I have no dog in the 2020 fight, except payback."

This is how a lot of us are feeling right now in 2016*, but we keep getting told nothing's more important than keeping Hillary out of the office**. Does AnyoneButHillaryCuzWeCouldntPossiblyLetThatCrookHoldOffice stop applying after 2016? Or is that a false threat and the Republican Party is just gonna be held together by a bunch of whipped out on the fly, aggressive, high pressure sales pitches from here into perpetuity?

*I'm not terribly interested in voting for anyone in 2020 who did
anything to lubricate Trump's ascendance even grudgingly, and that goes for Paul Ryan
and Bobby Jindal as much as it does for Mike Huckabee and Chris
Christie. It's pretty much down to Cruz, Sasse, or Romney that I'd vote
for if they ran in 2020.

**I'm still open to this pitch, I'm just not won over enough to take the time out of my work schedule to make it to a polling place on the quality of the current crop of arguments (Which seem to be almost entirely composed of "Fuck you, GOPe traitor! We're owed this!" Post RNC there's been a few of the far more compelling "C'moooon, I know it sucks, but we're all eating this shit heap together" arguments sprinkled in, but even those are underwhelming).

Posted by: reform highlander at August 09, 2016 08:34 PM (xf3KI)

887 If you think about Trump, the most important thing he did was pull evangelicals away from the neocon wing. I remember those debates where Santorum and Bachmann were competing to see who could pack more "Israel"'s into two minutes. Pro-Israel was really a stand-in for US nationalism. But now that Trump is real American nationalism, I suspect neocons like Stephens realize they've lost evangelicals, and if they've lost evangelicals, what's left? They've got no voters. The support in the US for Israel was always narrow and superficial and based on the historical accident of evangelical theology. With evangelicals siding with Trump, I wonder if neocons like Stephens realize they've got no constituency. No voters. They may all follow the Kagans and go over to the Dems permanently. I look forward to the Kristol/Stephens/Podhoretz editorial about Republican "anti-semitism" and "bigotry" and "virulent strains" etc etc.

Posted by: bjk at August 09, 2016 08:40 PM (x2rNW)

888 I mean, Podhoretz is already going there. He might as well be wearing a "I'm with her" sticker.

Posted by: bjk at August 09, 2016 08:42 PM (x2rNW)

Agree with Ace on this one. Never any support if they continue to actively try to elect Hillary. Not a Trumpster here, but it's #NeverHillary for me.

One thing these "betters" don't seem to consider is impeachment. Trump does something even remotely considered a high crime/misdemeanor he's voted out by all the Dems and majority of Repubs. There would be no Dem votes against Hillary no matter what.

Of course, that could be a bad thing since they'd probably be trying to impeach him on day 1.

Posted by: AWatcher at August 09, 2016 09:16 PM (mPUhy)

890 Yeah, fuck that mfer in particular. We. Must keep the Muslim brotherhood gang out of office, period...Hillary is brain damaged, Huma is her handler, and Kaine is most assuredly on the payroll of some seriously rich-ass powerful Muslims in NoVa, who do tend to congregate in that area, who wish to pull some strings and have an army on our soil! This is what is at stake.

Posted by: Twostellas at August 09, 2016 09:33 PM (eLvFT)

891 A word, not about Donald Trump himself, for I shall hold my tung until after the election, but about the pre-emptive blaming by those who are passionate about seeing Trump defeat Hillary...

Here's Stephens admitting The Plan, which is hardly necessary anyway, as it was always pretty obvious:

This is the reason I've consistently argued that the only hope for a conservative restoration is a blowout Hillary Clinton victory, held in check by a Republican majority in Congress. If Mr. Trump loses the election narrowly, the stab-in-the-back thesis will have a patina of credibility that he might have won had it not been for the opposition of people like me. But a McGovern-style defeat makes that argument impossible to sustain except among the most cretinous. We can count on Mr. Hannity for that.

Ace, you are leaving out the context that they believe that Trump will lose anyway. They are, in their view, trying to both give a reason for those who despise Trump to come out and vote down-ticket, and to position themselves to correct the damage they believe that Trump has done.

One question:

You guys, having admitted you shivved the rest of the party in the back in order to scramble into a leadership position after the electoral debacle you admit you engineered --

why the fuck wouldn't the rest of us return the favor?

I will never again support the WSJ/Establishment/Rick Wilson/Brent Stephens wing of the GOP. Ever.

Why the hell would I help you assholes into the power positions you crave after you've admitted to tanking an election to "teach a lesson" to the rest of us?

You actually conspire with the enemy -- the Democrat Party, the socialists -- to give them the Supreme Court (all liberal justices older than 50 will retire under Hillary so she can pack the court with 40 year old liberals, and the conservatives except for Roberts and Alito are old) just to increase your own position vis-a-vis the base, and you're even brazen and stupid enough to admit this, and you think, what?

We line up to reward you for your betrayal?

Are you fucking insane?

We get it Ace, you hate the establishment.

But if Trump fails, why not blame the candidate himself?

Do you really believe that such a powerful and broad conspiracy exists?

Yes, there are plenty of RINOs who sell out. But there are also those who realize that the Gramscian march has it's wind at its back and the best one can do is slow it and deal the rare reversal.,

Ace, it seems that you've come to the same conclusion as #NeverTrumpers: That Donald Trump will lose.

The #NeverTrumpers blamed Trump. For some, this grand conspiracy of #NeverTrumpers is the preemptive scapegoat. For others, particularly those who supported Trump in the primaries, they would rather have an excuse to eviscerate the establishment than to defeat Hillary, which makes the cry of telling #NeverTrumpers to eat their s**t sandwich a bit ironic at best.

Ace, your anger is misdirected. There is no grand conspiracy to blame. They have no real power beyond their own little satrapies.

Posted by: The Political Hat at August 09, 2016 09:55 PM (vBeA5)

892 Ace how do I donate? Oh yea these guys will all be done because the payback will be coming. How sad we eat our own we are to stupid to survive.

Posted by: Brett at August 09, 2016 10:15 PM (LFZsr)

893 ChemJeff what do you propose? Supporting Hillary and her SCOTUS picks, her single payer health and tax increases? What the hell are you people thinking?

Posted by: AnnaS at August 09, 2016 10:43 PM (P+I7L)

894 A lot of pro-Trump folks are arguing that Bush 2 was really the one who
destroyed the party. I don't totally disagree with that, except for the
finality of that word "destroyed". The neoconservatives pushed an agenda
that the party wasn't fully on board with, but they did this during a
time where they still had the clout to do so. Deserved or not, in the
wake of 9/11 the Bush administration had the good will and the trust of
the party to experiment with introducing that agenda. That was
ultimately disastrous, but by the time it was obvious it was disastrous,
the Democrats were in power and a change of course was off the table.
The Trump supporters are similarly trying to push an agenda that the
whole party isn't on board with, but they're doing it without first
establishing that pre-existing rapport with the rest of the coalition.

The Republican party course corrected a bit (in the eyes of the general
public if not in the eyes of much of its own party), enough to
win decisive victories in the House, Senate, state and local
legislatures, and governorships across the country over the Obama years.
We also looked poised to win the presidency in 2016, and Obama looked poised to leave office with low approval ratings (always nice for the opposition party) back when everyone
assumed another boring Repbulican with base-level boring competency would win the primary so long as he wasn't named "Bush". If polling is accurate, and
after the last decade of general elections we have no reason to think it isn't, Trump is
single-handedly un-doing those victories, at least for the duration of his campaign. Too early
for me to speculate as to that trend lasting beyond 2016,
but it does not bode well for the idea of Trumpism as the future of the
party (and probably for the party's future generally) that Trump is not
just getting eviscerated by Clinton with voters under 30, but polling
below Johnson and Stein in that demographic. We are wildly blowing our chance at appealing to new voters who don't hate Obama but have become increasingly disillusioned with him, increasingly weary of trusting social justice warriors, and don't really remember enough about the Bush administration to judge us for it (they'll still be shitty post-Millenial spoiled brats with no sense of the tremendous value of their civil inheritance as native born American citizens, but at least their love for Feeling that Bern is far shallower than their love for iPhones and Netflix and the countless other spoils of the free market when the two forces come in conflict with each other, not to mention that they are the American people we have to work with now). There's no telling if that only applies for Trump 2016, or if that distaste lingers for decades. Trump supporters can't fix this until they at least acknowledge that they broke it, regardless of whether or not it's a black mark on the conservative intellectual class that they were so fragile a part of the coalition.

The Bush administration at least built up a mutually agreeable relationship with Republican voters first, took the party on a few dates where there was no expectation to rush to move beyond hand-holding and spooning, or to start a sexual relationship before meeting our parents. The administration took it's time before asking politely (that part is important here) if they could try putting it in our butt, and we gave our consenting "okay, but this is a special treat for you, Mr. Big 9/11 Hero, don't make a regular habit out of it". Most Republican voters decided neo-conservatism wasn't for us, but we still have some memories of the Bush years we look back fondly on. Maybe we bought into their promises and excuses and dumb, empty charm more easily than we should have, but we can't change the past at this point, we can only learn to pass (as we just did in this year's primaries) on the next Bush that comes our way.

The Trump coalition, on the other hand, has the Republican party cornered in a crowded restaurant on the first date, screaming at the top of their lungs in front of everyone that you're being an uptight bitch for declining to follow them into the men's room because they really need a good blow right now after the shit they put up with at work today, and if you respected yourself you wouldn't be so full of sexual hang-ups like this, and don't act like you can do better cuz I saw that dopey Bush guy you were with before us, and you should be fucking grateful because if it weren't for us you'd be on a date with the Nantucket Gentleman Rape-Strangler right now (who, due to a corrupt local law enforcement, is sadly still at large). And all this while other diners stare, mouths agape with chewed food hanging off their lips, blushing with proxy embarrassment. And then later that night the Trump coalition goes home and posts an all caps rant on their PUA blog about what a cunt we all are because we didn't put out for them, and it's not like blow jobs are even a big deal if you're that much of buttoned down bitch, and she was fat and ugly anyway, and I only dated her cuz my friend wanted me to as favor and he totally owes me big now, plus she was really into Counter Strike and Naruto and it's really hard to find girls who like cool things so I thought I could let it slide for one stupid date that my friend wanted me to do, which I wouldn't even have done if my WoW clan didn't cancel tonight's raid last minute, because some dumb fag (who nobody likes and we only let play with us because we need somebody to play a healer) had to go pick up his retarded sister from her fucking dialysis.

Posted by: reform highlander at August 10, 2016 02:30 AM (xf3KI)

895 I was a Springsteen devotee since 1975. Haven't heard a note since 2004. I got an elephant's memory.

Posted by: East Bay Jay at August 10, 2016 02:40 AM (PvCxa)

896 If conservatives are counting on Trump for anything conservative, including supreme court picks, they're completely delusional."

So switch party's like the rest of the conservatives.

Posted by: Drider at August 09, 2016 05:38 PM (6Xbsz)

I think the gamble here is that Trump's Trumpian Retard Chic Post-Dada-ism Supreme Court, while not particularly conservative, is at least not anti-conservative. Which I suppose is a fine gamble if you have no worries (as some of us do) about Trump triggering an electoral cascade that we will be paying the consequences for well past his presidency, and may very well cost us the Senate, neutering our ability to get justices confirmed anyway.

Posted by: reform highlander at August 10, 2016 02:54 AM (xf3KI)

897 The Trump coalition, on the other hand, has the Republican party cornered in a crowded restaurant on the first date, screaming at the top of their lungs in front of everyone that you're being an uptight bitch for declining to follow them into the men's room because they really need a good blow right now after the shit they put up with at work today

Posted by: reform highlander at August 10, 2016 02:30 AM (xf3KI)


Not sure if you actually think this is witty, but I'll just let you down easy - it's not. It's stupid.

Support for Trump is not an "action", it is a REACTION to 16 years of nothing. You have some idea about the lost opportunities of the Bush years, but gloss completely over how badly the Republican part has used up every last nickel of it's political capital since then.

Trump supporters did not break anything. It was broken beyond repair already.

Posted by: deadrody at August 10, 2016 06:07 AM (W15tP)

898 Blah, Blah, Blah. Ace, you previously were vehemently against Trump and promising to never vote for him if he won the primary. Now you're all righteously indignant against any and all that hold the same attitude towards Trump that you did and accusing them of membership in the nefarious "establishment/Illuminati/trilateral commission." How about a little more introspection and less hypocrisy.

Trump is going to lose the election, not because of some establishment cabal, but because he can't stop saying and doing stupid shit in public for the whole world to see. You simply don't inspire people to see you as presidential when you regularly engage in social media meltdowns and Twitter vomits!

Posted by: Joel at August 10, 2016 06:13 AM (N5wlQ)

899 885 Ace has the exact right idea. If Trump loses, I won't vote for an establishment GOP candidate ever again.

I'll vote for third party candidates. But never one of the neocon establishment scum. Never.
Posted by: WARPIG at August 09, 2016 08:25 PM (KL5Ns


Yes. Read it again. Now extrapolate from there to every one of the millions of Trump supporters.

Anyone that lets any kind of "In 2020..." thought cross their mind is living in fantasy land. No Trump supporter, assuming he loses this year, is ever voting for a Republican again. Never. Not one. There IS no Republican party beyond 2016 on a national level.

You should also let that sink in for 2018 as well. Whatever majority may remain after the 2016 elections, forget the standard pickup of seats in the midterms. Not happening. Bloodbath that will likely hand Hillary all the majorities she can stand, possibly up to and including fillibuster proof in the Senate.

That's not intended to be some kind of "threat", either. I'm telling you I'm not voting for anothe "Republican" in my lifetime. And if you've scanned these comments, I'm hardly alone. If you think you can win elections without Trump supporters, you're delusional. We're not delusional. I'm well aware that whatever fractured third party that sprouts from this debacle is not likely to win a single election for dog catcher for 10 years. Don't care. Not voting for another Republican - EVAH

Posted by: deadrody at August 10, 2016 06:19 AM (W15tP)

900 "feelings of betrayal rising among the base"

You mean among people supporting Trump. That's only part of what used to be "the base." A fair fraction of the base would rather have a corrupt Hillary than a crazy and incompetent Trump, and worries that they will have no conservative platform from which to field conservative candidates if Trump wins and shifts the entire party left.

Posted by: Axe at August 10, 2016 07:18 AM (ibo5n)

901 "Not sure if you actually think this is witty, but I'll just let you down easy - it's not. It's stupid.

Next time I'll keep to inarticulate rambling about noisy babies, those always put the crowds in stitches.

"Support for Trump is not an "action", it is a REACTION to 16 years
of nothing. You have some idea about the lost opportunities of the Bush
years, but gloss completely over how badly the Republican part has used
up every last nickel of it's political capital since then.

Trump supporters did not break anything. It was broken beyond repair already.

Posted by: deadrody at August 10, 2016 06:07 AM (W15tP)"
All presidents are reactions (usually overreactions) to the previous guy. John Kerry was supposed to be the 'Nam vet who could run against the warmonger with nobody questioning his military bona fides, because his pacifism was forged in the fires of hell. But it turns out that a plurality of the American people still weren't all that into a cartoon-haired, play-doh faced, billionaire with a fortune gifted them by a dead patriarch, and so he lost.
How do you know it was broken? New tech, the internet especially, threw thousands of monkey wrenches into our previous political assumptions within a short period of time, and the consequences we have had to deal with so far to base future predictions off of has been losing the presidency for two concurrent terms (which I know is shockingly unprecedented if you're 16 years old and Republican), having to drop the anti-gay marriage issue because everyone on social media has at least 6 gay internet friends (meanwhile, polling shows that the public has slowly but surely gotten more supportive of the pro-life position and the pro-gun ownership position), and federal agencies, who back in the 90s gave us shit like the Elian Gonzalez raid, the Waco raid, and the Ruby Ridge raid, have gotten unprecedentedly unaccountable and overreaching in the Obama years, with all this targeted auditing they do (I know I'm soft-peddling this scandal for rhetorical effect, but Chicken Little hysteria from people with no sense of history deserves the pushback). Given that we're all agreed that the Republican party is dead, the most useful use of those Tea Party groups was as a manpower preoccupying time sync for the IRS anyway.Not saying the party isn't broken, just saying that, like your candidate and his prophet Scott Adams, you don't know near as much as you think you know. I don't know much either, but I know enough to wait and see how things shake out, and I know enough to not listen to End of Times preachers, like yourself. Maybe the political capital of the Republican party is spent for good (if we survive foisting Trump on the public, then we have way more than we ever thought we did), I won't be too sad to see them go myself, but Trump has no general election capital to bring to the table either. He starts with lower unfavorables than Bush ends on (and Bush, like Obama, has been benefiting in popular approval from being out of the news. People forget why they hated them, especially if they were 10 years old at the time he was elected).

Posted by: reform highlander at August 10, 2016 08:15 AM (xf3KI)

902 If we lose in 2016 I suspect 2020 won't matter.

After the revolution we'll be starting fresh anyway.

Posted by: Frank Tauss at August 10, 2016 08:54 AM (W71pZ)

903 Posted by: deadrody at August 10, 2016 06:19 AM (W15tP)

My primary argument this whole general election is doing what you and Ace say you're gonna do should be any voter's prerogative. No party ever deserved the unconditional support of any single voter. You should know though, some of us were already on or near this state of mind the second Trump started leading the primary fields. If the Republican party runs anyone who even grudgingly supported Trump in 2020, like Paul Ryan, I will happily not vote for them either. I'd also happily not vote for Jeb or Kasich either, even though they rejected Trump, just on their own personal merits. You're not the only ones in this headspace, willing to walk away at a cost to yourself. We all have to feel invested to want to be here, and if we don't, better to look after our selves than a country that doesn't want our input. Que sera, sera 2020.
If I had to bet on it, the percentage of Republicans who would abandon the party over this election on the pro-Trump side and anti-Trump side are too small that they can't be made up for with, oh, Mexican immigrants who are happy to see hardline Trump supporters defecting from the party. Sure, Trump still has at least over 40% of the party who actively prefer him (in theory) to other candidates, but I would bet defectors of either factions pale compared to those numbers. Most Americans follow politics once every 4 years at best. And we know from polling, most voters forget what they used to be mad about in the news pretty quickly.
Also, just to twist the knife a bit (sorry): who winds up with the shiny new anti-left coalition after the decade or 2 shake-up? If even Sweden can't purge their country of some form of right-wing opposition party, we surely can't. Buckley's pushing the John Birchers and angry nationalists to the dark fringes of conservatism wound up paying off pretty well for the Republican party the last go round, for almost half a century.

Posted by: reform highlander at August 10, 2016 09:29 AM (xf3KI)

904 Wow! Their plan is to screw over the base, then sit back and wait for them to come crawling back, and then they will lead us to glory? This display of ignorance (or is it hubris) about human nature makes the last 10-years suddenly make sense to me.

Posted by: JTwig at August 10, 2016 12:17 PM (KQPbe)

905 Hillary and revolt. The lesser evil.

Posted by: Chris_Balsz at August 10, 2016 02:54 PM (EioIi)

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