aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Overnight Open Thread (7-27-2016)Quote of the Day I - Tanned, Rested and Ready Edition If you divided Richard Nixon into two and imbued each of the Redux Nixons with one part of the 37th president's ugliest features, you might get an election something like 2016. Oh, and let's return to the fact that Bill needed to humanize Hillary Clinton. The woman has been in public life for three decades and the highest best use of her former president husband is to spend an entire convention speech trying to convince voters that she's human. The next decade will show how successful the Russians are with post-Soviet designs, but the last decade of the Soviet Union did produce some solid aircraft that are lending themselves well to modernization. I don't even know what "Expanded Universe" is. Actress Amber Tamblyn Has a Lot to Learn About Trans Women's Reproductive Rights When asked if trans women are "being denied their reproductive rights" Pressley was stumped. And here is Muggeridge's Law in video form.
Bernie Fans' Signs Confiscated at Dem Convention Sorry comrade, time for free speech is over - is coronation now. Carlos Danger Compares Hillary to Slave-Owning White Man Which reminds me that PowerLine gave a thumbs up the Weiner documentary/unintentional comedy 'Weiner': Freeddie Gray Prosecutors Finally Bring the Farce To An End But they got what they wanted: scapegoats and popularity. The Baltimore Sun has an interesting run-down of reaction to these developments. It would appear that Ms. Mosby retains significant support in Baltimore's African-American community, notwithstanding the wasted resources devoted to these prosecutions. Ms. Mosby declined to answer questions at her news conference, citing civil lawsuits that have been filed against her. 1 in 3 Danes Believe Denmark is at War With Islam Swedish Police Fear Serial Rapist on Loose in Malmö Using my latent psychic powers I sense that his name begins with an 'm' - Mohammed, Muhammed, Mahammed something like that. He also likes soccer and isn't a big drinker. A B-52 Raid on North Vietnam during Linebacker II in Real Time Here Tim Vasquez took the 43 minute audio of a B-52 bombing mission over Hanoi on Dec. 26, 1972 and turned it into a video with subtitles, a live real-time map of the all air assets in the area, and pop-up glossaries and annotations so you can understand what is going on. It's very well done and I could easily see someone taking this idea, polishing it up and adding in some interviews with crews and narration and making it into a documentary or possibly even a series. The audio is a little scratchy early on and could use some cleaning up. At 15 minutes in the B-52s (LILAC) start having to fight their way through SAMs, at 26 minutes they're over Hanoi and start their bomb runs, at 27 minutes the first BUFF gets shot down. From the YouTube comments it turns out that one of the two survivors of the crash of ASH-1 was co-pilot Bob Hymel. He went on to retire from the Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel and then joined the DIA. He was killed in the Pentagon on 9/11. (via fellow moron XbradTC) Those Who Are Kind to the Cruel End Up Being Cruel to the Kind Fireclean VS. Tuohy Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed Most Of Us Are Blissfully Ignorant About How Much Rancid Olive Oil We Use Allow this post to remedy that. Yes The Camera Really Does Add 10 Lbs Well technically it's the lens that actually does it. Apple Has Sold One Billion iPhones That's a lot of phones. Wha - You Didn't Think Rule 34 Applied to Pokemon Go? The Group knows your sins but doesn't care. Tonight's post brought to you by then and now: Notice: Posted by implicit permission of El Gran AceCorp LLC. We don't need your pinche tips. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Intersectional Irony of Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood has jumped on the entire "intersectionality" bandwagon. In addition to fighting against the so-called Patriarchy by aborting babies, who are disproportionately Black and poor, they want to fight the "White man" (presumably the Kyriarchy overall) by "dismantling" "systems of oppression". Well, if Planned Parent hood is good at anything, it's "dismantling", especially dismantling Black babies. More: Posted by: The Political Hat at July 27, 2016 10:31 PM (vBeA5) 2
Posted by: ManWithNoParty at July 27, 2016 10:32 PM (YLidQ) 3
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 10:33 PM (5o5ek) 4
Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at July 27, 2016 10:33 PM (rwI+c) 5
Hillery is an animatronic. It is why she does not do real debates / QAs. Has to be pre-programmed.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 27, 2016 10:34 PM (P/kVC) 6
Nice ONT. Thanks, Maet!
Posted by: ALH at July 27, 2016 10:35 PM (Z56vq) 7
"Now that I realize it, it's too late. "
* * * Hillary Clinton is "lista." We have a word for that in English: "ready." But I like to say "lista." * * * May God bless and keep Drooper. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 10:35 PM (5o5ek) 8
Like they didn't have Pokemon sextoys and porn before Go. They just didn't look hard enough.
Posted by: Flyguy at July 27, 2016 10:36 PM (dpJ62) 9
He's gonna need a bigger cape.
Posted by: Diogenes at July 27, 2016 10:36 PM (08Znv) Posted by: Chupacabra at July 27, 2016 10:36 PM (McglG) 11
Has to be pre-programmed.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 27, 2016 10:34 PM It takes a while to load all those punch cards. Posted by: Flyguy at July 27, 2016 10:36 PM (dpJ62) 12
Nixon is stuffin Martha's muffin.
Posted by: Dr. Varno at July 27, 2016 10:37 PM (GdFQh) 13
So, basically Bill's speech said the following about Hillary:
She had the world by the balls until I stalked her so she could get a load of my balls, married me and followed me back to Arkansas to help me build my career. What he left out: So she could be the main breadwinner while I fucked anything I could catch or clobber? Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long of popcorn and butter futures!! at July 27, 2016 10:37 PM (kXoT0) 14
Serial rapist in Malmo? How would they even know, considering it's the rape capital of the western world?
Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:37 PM (0mRoj) 15
I heart my Apple phone. It syncs so nice with my Apple Watch.
Posted by: ALH at July 27, 2016 10:38 PM (Z56vq) 16
What was with the bizarre flexing Tim Kaine did? Is he serious?
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 10:38 PM (lNcD6) 17
1 in 3 Danes Believe Denmark is at War With Islam
But do they realize their own government is at war with them? Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 10:38 PM (sdi6R) 18
The apple doesn't rot far from the tree.
Posted by: Dr. Varno at July 27, 2016 10:38 PM (GdFQh) 19
Evenin' everyone.
Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 27, 2016 10:39 PM (T/cxb) Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 27, 2016 10:39 PM (zc3Db) 21
Let me see if I've got this straight (SWIDT?). Transgendered M to F want to be able to get pregnant, not so that they can have children, but so that they can have abortions. Guess that will make them feel like real women! Empowerment and such.
Maybe we could just give each of them a kitten and let them go to Planned Parenthood so they can put it in a sack and drown it. Words fail. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:39 PM (mvenn) 22
i better go walk the dog
Posted by: josephistan at July 27, 2016 10:40 PM (7qAYi) 23
Is Mark Hamill wearing an Ewok hood?
Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 10:40 PM (J3phO) 24
That combat map synced with their transmissions is very cool. God bless those airmen.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 27, 2016 10:40 PM (pUDQf) 25
May God bless and keep Drooper.
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 10:35 PM (5o5ek) **** Maet, this robot has been spamming for at least a day. Can tou take a look at TBK3ing it please? Thank you. Posted by: ManWithNoParty at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (YLidQ) 26
How many gold star families had family members in Benghazi?
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (WYh6/) 27
Hey all, I'm tired of the DNC, may go to bed.
What a bunch of losers, sad really. Oh Obama comes on soon, I'll hit the hay soon. Posted by: Farmer at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (o/90i) 28
The story about the 13-year-old is disgusting.
We need to bring back the lash, as well as public humiliation. Posted by: Colorado Alex at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (fC9RO) 29
Those Who Are Kind to the Cruel End Up Being Cruel to the Kind
Nick Lowe, I think. I like that one. Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (J3phO) 30
21 Let me see if I've got this straight (SWIDT?). Transgendered M to F want to be able to get pregnant, not so that they can have children, but so that they can have abortions. Guess that will make them feel like real women! Empowerment and such.
Maybe we could just give each of them a kitten and let them go to Planned Parenthood so they can put it in a sack and drown it. Words fail. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:39 PM (mvenn) That was the plot of the South Park episode where Mr. Garrison got a sex change, but was heartbroken to realize he couldn't get an abortion. Because you can't be a real woman without an abortion. Posted by: josephistan at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (7qAYi) 31
Maet, we don't deserve you. Well, some days we do but mostly we don't.
Posted by: AlaBAMA at July 27, 2016 10:42 PM (pUDQf) 32
Of course he had time to send you a note. It was raining that day, he couldn't golf, and had nothing better to do.
Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:42 PM (H9MG5) 33
If you divided Richard Nixon into two and imbued each of the Redux Nixons with one part of the 37th president's ugliest features, you might get an election something like 2016.
-- Sonny Bunch That's sort of stupid, and done in a very unoriginal, long-winded, silly way. Who is this Sonny Bunch character? I can understand he's mad at the world. With a name like that, who can blame him? Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 27, 2016 10:42 PM (zc3Db) 34
What was with the bizarre flexing Tim Kaine did? Is he serious?
Just muscular enough to not be mocked! Posted by: TimKa at July 27, 2016 10:42 PM (J3phO) 35
Thanks for the ONT.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 10:43 PM (3ZoRf) 36
Maet, this robot has been spamming for at least a day. Can tou take a look at TBK3ing it please? Thank you.
Posted by: ManWithNoParty at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (YLidQ) ---------------------- The content is outside the asterisks. Just skip the headers and footers. I lost a bet to Banana Splits Guy in case you can't tell. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 10:43 PM (5o5ek) 37
Kaine looks like he's about six months pregnant.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:43 PM (mvenn) 38
#21 I do not have the secret decoder ring that is required to understand which of TransAmerica's inalienable rights must be met today versus those that can wait until next Thursday.
OTOH. Is is nice to watch the evil nutjobs at PP try to contort themselves into shapes pleasing to TransAmerica. --------- We have decided as a nation that one of our main goals in life is to meet the whims of a mentally ill group of people, a group so mentally ill that their suicide rate is above 90%. Is this a great country or what? Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long of popcorn and butter futures!! at July 27, 2016 10:43 PM (kXoT0) 39
Who is this Sonny Bunch character? I can understand he's mad at the world. With a name like that, who can blame him?
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair I think it's a chick. Or identifies as a chick. Whatever. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 10:44 PM (UPYhp) 40
Those Who Are Kind to the Cruel End Up Being Cruel to the Kind
Nick Lowe, I think. I like that one. Cruel to be Kind: Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 27, 2016 10:44 PM (T/cxb) 41
And here's where I bail. I refuse to watch or listen to TFG.
Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 10:44 PM (sdi6R) 42
Precedent Obama never saved ANYthing. He ate his DOG!
Posted by: Donald, The Trump. at July 27, 2016 10:44 PM (iynDC) 43
Clay Travis (Fox Sports) on twatter: "Tim Kaine reminds me of my 7th
grade Spanish teacher who got arrested for sneaking a camcorder into the YMCA men's locker room." Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 10:44 PM (GUBah) Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:45 PM (H9MG5) 45
"Now that I realize it, it's too late. "
* * * The story about the 13-year-old is disgusting. We need to bring back the lash, as well as public humiliation. Posted by: Colorado Alex at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (fC9RO) ------------------- It is disgusting, and you want to watch the cruel/kind thing come true? I'm not so inclined to give my pennies to that GoFundMe. I'd rather donate to people who DIDN'T turn those delinquent predators loose. * * * May God bless and keep Snorky. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 10:45 PM (5o5ek) 46
I prefer the old scruffy looking young Star Wars director and Luke Skywalker.
Posted by: Tuna at July 27, 2016 10:46 PM (JSovD) 47
I think it's a chick. Or identifies as a chick. Whatever.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 10:44 PM (UPYhp) Really? That makes it all the weirder ... Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 27, 2016 10:46 PM (zc3Db) 48
Clay Travis (Fox Sports) on twatter: "Tim Kaine reminds me of my 7th
grade Spanish teacher who got arrested for sneaking a camcorder into the YMCA men's locker room." YMCA: Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 27, 2016 10:46 PM (T/cxb) 49
Hey Maet- in case I haven't said it recently- thanks for this tasty and nutritious OOT.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:48 PM (mvenn) 50
Kaine's a wiener. A Neidermeir.
Not his horse though, the horse was just an asshole. *with apologies to our own NDH* Posted by: Chupacabra at July 27, 2016 10:48 PM (McglG) 51
I really can't get the screeching democrats out of my head; it's making me want to smash something. The feeling is compounded by the B-52 headline. Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 10:48 PM (u4nEs) Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 10:48 PM (J3phO) 53
The Obama video has nothing to do with Hillary. LULZ
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 10:48 PM (rxzt4) 54
I prefer the old scruffy looking young Star Wars director and Luke Skywalker.
Posted by: Tuna But the scruffy looking young Star Wars director would become the doughy old Prequels director. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (UPYhp) 55
Howdy, y'all!!!
Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (EzgxV) 56
Barry got bin Laden singlehandedly like Conan the Barbarian vanquishing his enemies before fucking the prom queen.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (WYh6/) 57
Oh my God.
What bullshit. Recalling the OBL raid decision. Biden: "If he got this wrong, his Presidency is over." Yeah maybe if he missed the chance because he delayed for weeks, because he's a golf addicted bitch. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (H9MG5) 58
Those Who Are Kind to the Cruel End Up Being Cruel to the Kind
Nick Lowe, I think. I like that one. Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 10:41 PM (J3phO) Nick Lowe said that "you have to be cruel to be kind". The above quote is a paraphrase of a talmudic line. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (zc3Db) 59
The protests outside are blowing up.
Anarchists just showed up and broke through the Dem border fence Posted by: L, Elle at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (6IPEM) Hot diggity dawg, Ima break out the caramel corn. Posted by: Sherry McEvil, Stiletto Corsettes Ima going long of popcorn and butter futures!! at July 27, 2016 10:50 PM (kXoT0) 60
It is disgusting, and you want to watch the cruel/kind thing come true?
What the fuck are you talking about? Posted by: Colorado Alex at July 27, 2016 10:50 PM (fC9RO) 61
Woot woot ONT
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 27, 2016 10:50 PM (voOPb) 62
"Serial rapist in Malmo? How would they even know, considering it's the rape capital of the western world?
Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:37 PM (0mRoj) " Well, at the very least we know that Billy Jeff has a rock solid alibi, so it wasn't him. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 10:50 PM (kumBu) Posted by: Oedipus at July 27, 2016 10:50 PM (CXLVd) 64
May God bless and keep Snorky.
Huh! Our first pig was named Snorky. The name must have come from a cartoon way back when. Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 10:51 PM (J3phO) 65
I'm so dumb This is thier "republican outreach night" They have all, all the speakers, have all spoken about republicans who agree with them It's the never trump night. That's why Fox is having such a difficult time covering it It's GOPe night Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 10:51 PM (zOTsN) 66
Cruel to be Kind:
They spared no expense on the video! Well worth the $75. Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 27, 2016 10:51 PM (T/cxb) 67
>>>The Obama video has nothing to do with Hillary. LULZ Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 10:48 PM (rxzt4)<<< When they showed the pics of the people he was consulting with was she there? May have missed it, but I didn't see her. What a slap because she's been saying he consulted her. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:51 PM (H9MG5) 68
61 The protests outside are blowing up.
Anarchists just showed up and broke through the Dem border fence Posted by: L, Elle at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (6IPEM) Got any video? Posted by: ALH at July 27, 2016 10:51 PM (Z56vq) 69
The protests outside are blowing up.
Anarchists just showed up and broke through the Dem border fence -------------------- Is Obama at the convention center? Or is his speech pre recorded on video? Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 10:51 PM (u4nEs) 70
Posted by: L, Elle at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (6IPEM)
What channel are you watching? Posted by: CaliGirl at July 27, 2016 10:51 PM (eU/yZ) 71
"Anarchists just showed up and broke through the Dem border fence "
Is there a live feed? Could you post a link?
Posted by: Posted by: garrett at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (CH3GY) 73
i am watching hogans heroes. schultz is a step up from the jug eared phuckstick.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (KP5rU) 74
consulting with *on the OBL raid*
Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (H9MG5) Posted by: Cactus of Liberty at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (Q9ugn) 76
Joys of Boating ONT Compliance Pics Posted by: kbdabear at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (Dy41P) 77
Seriously, Foxnews has jumped the shark.
Posted by: Oedipus at July 27, 2016 10:50 PM (CXLVd) Yup. Roger Ailes tried to jump me in the green room one day. I was traumatized. Posted by: The Shark at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (zc3Db) 78
My son's CB handle was "Snorky" back in 19-mumblety-three. I thought it was a character on Fraggle Rock or some such show. I may be wrong.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (mvenn) 79
55 The protests outside are blowing up.
Posted by: L, Elle at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (6IPEM) Allahu AckBOOM! Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 10:53 PM (sdi6R) 80
"But the scruffy looking young Star Wars director would become the doughy old Prequels director."
Sad but true. The creative spark burned itself out and then sold out to Disney. Posted by: Tuna at July 27, 2016 10:53 PM (JSovD) 81
Hillary Clinton will carry on Barry Obama's legacy, y'all.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 10:53 PM (WYh6/) 82
More Joys of Boating ONT Compliance Pics Posted by: kbdabear at July 27, 2016 10:53 PM (Dy41P) 83
I just love how the self-proclaimed anarchists are almost always a bunch of cradle-to-grave welfare-staters. Anarchy - I do not think it means what you think it means.
Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:54 PM (0mRoj) 84
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 10:54 PM (WYh6/) Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:54 PM (H9MG5) 86
Bono? Right?
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 10:54 PM (WYh6/) 87
He has to appeal to the never Trumpers. Brace yourself a for words like masterful and outreach. Fox, land of never trump, will drool Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (zOTsN) 88
Protesters now breaking through the barrier at the convention. Popcorn poppin' time!
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (GUBah) 89
I didn't get the dividing Nixon in two thing. Posted by: eleven at July 27, 2016 10:45 PM (qUNWi) He's imagining Nixon as an amoeba. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (EzgxV) 90
sup sup sup sup Horde!
Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (R5HRU) 91
Tomorrow night is the "Fart-In". Those crazy kids!
Posted by: ALH at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (Z56vq) 92
So summing up the DNC it seems to be:
"Everything sucks. Let's put another Democrat in the White House." Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (mvenn) 93
fox is news as stephen colbert is to comedy. a fucking joke. by the way, you are all great americans.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (KP5rU) 94
93 44
I didn't get the dividing Nixon in two thing. Posted by: eleven at July 27, 2016 10:45 PM (qUNWi) He's imagining Nixon as an amoeba. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (EzgxV) Or a planarian. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (0mRoj) Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (+b2T3) 96
55 The protests outside are blowing up.
Anarchists just showed up and broke through the Dem border fence Posted by: L, Elle at July 27, 2016 10:49 PM (6IPEM So there is a good chance for a 28 Days Later scenario. Posted by: Cactus of Liberty at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (Q9ugn) 97
No Thiefs Allowed livestream:
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (GUBah) 98
31 Maet, we don't deserve you. Well, some days we do but mostly we don't.
----- So you attend Yoko anonymous meetings? Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (voOPb) 99
89 **sniffles**
This is probably one of TOTUS' last big moments. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:54 PM (H9MG5) Oh, I dunno. I think we'll come in handy during his declaration of a state of national emergency in October. Posted by: TOTUS at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (sdi6R) 100
100 >>>81 a character on Fraggle Rock
Fraggles - Boober, Gobo, Mokey, .... Uh.....uh.... Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (+b2T3) Wembley and Red. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (0mRoj) 101
fox is news as stephen colbert is to comedy. a fucking joke. by the way, you are all great americans.
Posted by: chavez the hugo Hey now, Colbert was funny when he played the closeted teacher on Strangers With Candy. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (UPYhp) 102
Expect a flood of never trump paid DNC trolls in the next few days. This is their big push
Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (zOTsN) 103
Rule 34 has always applied to Pokemon.. Pocket Monsters anyone?
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (1kFWI) 104
93 44 I didn't get the dividing Nixon in two thing. Posted by: eleven at July 27, 2016 10:45 PM (qUNWi) He's imagining Nixon as an amoeba. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (EzgxV) Or a planarian. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (0mRoj) Or a baby? Posted by: Soloman at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (syn4Y) 105
>>>Fraggles - Boober, Gobo, Mokey, .... Uh.....uh....
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (+b2T3)<<< Wembley, Red, the traveling uncle. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (H9MG5) 106
Posted by: L, Elle at July 27, 2016 10:53 PM (6IPEM)
Thanks L,Elle. Bummer. No TV here and can't find a live feed. You would think there would be someone somewhere taping theses riots.
Posted by: 107
So, I am watching a documentary on atomic bomb testing and they just got to the part of civil defense. I have a question for the older Ron's and 'ettes: I was only alive for the last oh, 15 years of the cold war, so I definitely never saw a full scale drill. Were the 'get to a shelter' sirens the same as you had for tornadoes now? How could you tell the difference for whether it was a nuclear attack drill or a tornado?
Just curious. Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (3ZoRf) 108
"Now that I realize it, it's too late. "
* * * My son's CB handle was "Snorky" back in 19-mumblety-three. I thought it was a character on Fraggle Rock. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:52 PM (mvenn) --------------------- Don't bet on that with BANANA SPLITS Guy is all I can say. * * * May God bless and keep Drooper. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (5o5ek) Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (WYh6/) 110
Haha! Another dumbass just set himself on fire trying to burn a flag.
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (GUBah) 111
98 fox is news as stephen colbert is to comedy. a fucking joke. by the way, you are all great americans.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (KP5rU) Chavez! Coming from you that means a lot Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (voOPb) 112
Don't tell me Obama is late. *gasp*
Posted by: Margarita DeVille at July 27, 2016 10:59 PM (T/5A0) 113
111 >>>Fraggles - Boober, Gobo, Mokey, .... Uh.....uh....
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (+b2T3) Wembley, Red, the traveling uncle. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (H9MG5) Traveling Matt. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:59 PM (0mRoj) 114
Shit. I'm late.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 10:59 PM (9ym/8) 115
107: yeah, i about pissed myself watching that shit.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 10:59 PM (KP5rU) Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 10:59 PM (UPYhp) 117
Where can one view thse delightful rioters?
Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 10:59 PM (zOTsN) 118
"Now that I realize it, it's too late. "
* * * I know what Obama is doing right now. He's upstaging Hillary. He's making all the Dems wish they could have another 4 years of him, but they'll take his shadow if that's all they can get. It's pure narcissism. * * * May God bless and keep Drooper. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (5o5ek) 119
"Oh! I'm late! I'm late!" screamed the white rabbit as Gaylord chased after him down the rabbit hole.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (1kFWI) 120
So I finally gave in and took a ride on the Hamilton train. I mean, I didn't buy a ticket or anything - I listened to free videos of the original cast recording.
And it was...good. I'm not huge into musicals so it was never going to blow me away, but it has some catchy songs and I don't mind the rap. I do, however, mind the blackwashing of white characters, and the subtle-as-a-hammer message about immigration ("See! See! An immigrant was one of our most important founders!") So Lin-Miguel Miranda will never get a cent from me, nor will I suggest that my friends go pay to see it - I would suggest they do what I do and get the free experience if they want to see what the fuss is all about. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (kumBu) 121
Such a cutie in Joy of Boating #2. Pretty sure I'll never see her like in our machine shop...
Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (J3phO) 122
Haha! Another dumbass just set himself on fire trying to burn a flag.
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (GUBah) LOL. The leftists' response is to call for a ban on American flags. "They're a dangerous attractive nuisance to spazzes." It's a win-win for the left. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (zc3Db) 123
We have an announcement from the DNC acting-chair.
"Will everybody in the convention hall now reach over to the person on your right and tug on their index finger. Thank you." Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (mvenn) 124
>>>108 Expect a flood of never trump paid DNC trolls in the next few days. This is their big push
Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (zOTsN) Let's not be too hard in them. They might want to discuss old cartoon shows, Winona Ryder movies, workout tips, and recipes!!! Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:01 PM (+b2T3) 125
Saving the planet for our children is imperative, y'all.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:01 PM (WYh6/) 126
@102....I....uh I didn't see anything. Well, I didn't REPORT anything...
Posted by: MF'nM at July 27, 2016 11:01 PM (nKoz8) 127
129 We have an announcement from the DNC acting-chair.
"Will everybody in the convention hall now reach over to the person on your right and tug on their index finger. Thank you." Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (mvenn) "Hey! It's supposed to be your index finger! Put that thing away!" Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:01 PM (0mRoj) 128
MH! how you doing?
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 11:01 PM (KP5rU) 129
Bernie Bro outside protesting: "We're going with the Green Party and asking people to Jill Off with us."
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 11:01 PM (GUBah) 130
Oh, jeez... Snorky was a character on the Banana Splits show, which we did watch. Now it makes sense.
Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (J3phO) 131
"Hey! It's supposed to be your index finger! Put that thing away!"
Posted by: Insomniac Aw c'mon. Ya know you want to. Posted by: Bill Clinton at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (UPYhp) 132
So, Ms Tamblyn, thank you for participating in our forum about this very important issue of men - who believe they are women, who have no ovaries or uterus - and whether their "reproductive rights" are being violated....
Next question: Brawndo. Does it have 1) Electrolytes? 2) Electrolytes plants need? take your time Posted by: ghost of hallelujah at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (oAY8z) Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (1kFWI) 134
"Rule 34 has always applied to Pokemon.. Pocket Monsters anyone?
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (1kFWI) " Ash is like McConaughey from Dazed and Confused with a twist. His girl companions keep getting younger, he stays the same age. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (kumBu) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (9ym/8) 136
I didn't get the dividing Nixon in two thing.
Posted by: eleven at July 27, 2016 10:45 PM (qUNWi) He's imagining Nixon as an amoeba. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 10:55 PM (EzgxV) Or a planarian. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (0mRoj) Or a baby? Posted by: Soloman at July 27, 2016 10:57 PM (syn4Y) I like the way you think... Posted by: Planned Parenthood at July 27, 2016 11:03 PM (vBeA5) 137
Healthcare for a few? Then how in the hell were so many doctors, nurses and surgeons earning their livings for so long?
Posted by: Zoiks!!! at July 27, 2016 11:03 PM (ZedYY) 138
Re: CDR Salamander link -- how DARE those damned Russkies decide which planes to use based on capabilities instead of the Congressional districts in which they're built?!?!?! Don't they understand the opportunities for graft they are forgoing?!?
Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:03 PM (EzgxV) 139
I'd like to see the protesters outside, but I'm not watching anything right now due to the risk of accidentally seeing or hearing TFG.
Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 11:03 PM (sdi6R) 140
Hillary has got a monumental task in front of her of living up to the fucking magnificence of Barack Obama.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:03 PM (WYh6/) 141
Posted by: L, Elle at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (6IPEM)
Keep me posted. Can not, will not, want not to watch the immoral communist blood sucking pond scum weasels. Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (voOPb) 142
Regarding reproductive rights for men in the process of gender change surgery, it's nice to finally see them coming into their own.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (mvenn) 143
Please, God, I don't ask much from you, but if you had a moment to whip up a thunderstorm, and a few extra bolts of lightning, could you see to it that a few slip away to the convention in Philly, and jolt that lying, preening asshole 'til he's a quivering, drooling puddle on the ground behind the podium?
Thanks in advance. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (H9MG5) 144
No Thiefs Allowed livestream: Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 10:56 PM (GUBah) Riot livestream. Posted by: davidt at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (syn4Y) Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (ZxmMG) 146
He is supposed to be reaching out to the "republicans" who voted for him, and get them to vote for Hillary. That's his job here, that's his role. So far, not doing it
Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (zOTsN) 147
145 Healthcare for a few? Then how in the hell were so many doctors, nurses and surgeons earning their livings for so long?
Posted by: Zoiks!!! at July 27, 2016 11:03 PM (ZedYY) By treating only the 1%ers who made all their money on the backs of the poor, of course. Don't you know anything about economics? Sheesh. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (0mRoj)
Posted by: 149
What's the heckler screaming?
Posted by: CaliGirl at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (eU/yZ) 150
Surreal or Democrats? Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (1kFWI) Meh... Posted by: The mental patients making cards for Dixit at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (vBeA5) 151
What was the guy yelling? Anyone understand any of it?
Posted by: Zoiks!!! at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (ZedYY) 152
Then how in the hell were so many doctors, nurses and surgeons earning their livings for so long?
**** Lopping tonsils, baby. Lopping tonsils! Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (mvenn) 153
Shannon Bream reports a delegate objected to a crowd chanting "USA! USA!" at the DNC convention, claiming that was a "Trump chant."
True to form, as they say. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (wB8Tg) 154
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:02 PM (1kFWI)
Anna, every once in a while I really worry about you! Posted by: Hrothgar at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (wYnyS) 155
I saw Jill Off warm up the crowd for the Divinyls at Lilith Fair in 1990
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (6FqZa) 156
Again with hecklers.
Posted by: AD at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (PNOM0) 157
No thanks to your policies.
Posted by: CaliGirl at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (eU/yZ) 158
Bill is still a better bullshitter than Barry will ever aspire to be. Barry never had the vision beyond identity politics.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (WYh6/) 159
160 Then how in the hell were so many doctors, nurses and surgeons earning their livings for so long?
**** Lopping tonsils, baby. Lopping tonsils! Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (mvenn) And feet. Don't forget the feet. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (0mRoj) 160
I see engineers inventing stuff.
I got stuff. I got stuff for you. Engineers don't invent stuff. I can't say more for [eyes roll up to the left] Posted by: gNewt.....don't like Ryan....better call Paul...Nehlen, that is at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (gjgWX) 161
Then how in the hell were so many doctors, nurses and surgeons earning their livings for so long?
By stealing food from the mouths of the people that could have been 'administrating' and regulating the whole thing! Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (J3phO) 162
May God bless and keep Drooper.
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (5o5ek) **** Maet? Can you please kill this thing? Posted by: ManWithNoParty at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (YLidQ) 163
Even more ironically, "outsider" leftists are now starting to talk about vote fraud, since the DNC cheated during the Nom process.
Wonders never cease and all that. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (wB8Tg) 164
I take my nic from a character from a TV show. He was an inhuman, cynical, manipulative, vindictive, sarcastic asshole who cared nothing for any life of any kind at all except as it helped achieve his goals.
Gender-flip John Cavil and you have Hillary Rodham Clinton. Posted by: Brother Cavil, That Guy at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (vyqqu) 165
Protesters breaking through the fence outside while the President is speaking. The Secret Service is going to love that. Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (u4nEs) 166
Idiots couldn't even burn a Flag.
Posted by: 167
So, to be clear, we are banking on some dreamy future because the present isn't really all that hot.
Posted by: Zoiks!!! at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (ZedYY) 168
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (mvenn)
Didn't they also amputate legs because they will make more money? Posted by: CaliGirl at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (eU/yZ) 169
So, I am watching a documentary on atomic bomb testing and they just got to the part of civil defense. I have a question for the older Ron's and 'ettes: I was only alive for the last oh, 15 years of the cold war, so I definitely never saw a full scale drill.
I'm a tail-end boomer and they'd already given up on the drills by '66 when I started school. Duck and cover and hide under your desk were a 50s thing. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (mgbwf) Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (9ym/8) 171
Howdy roonz and roomettes, what's shaking?
Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (YAKRn) 172
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (5o5ek) 173
Bill is still a better bullshitter than Barry will ever aspire to be. Barry never had the vision beyond identity politics.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (WYh6/) fnord (WYh6/) I honestly think Bill has more to lie about than Obama, and he's been doing it longer. Obama was openly a leftist radical until the late 90s at least. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (wB8Tg) 174
176 So, to be clear, we are banking on some dreamy future because the present isn't really all that hot.
Posted by: Zoiks!!! at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (ZedYY) Well... yes. That is socialism. Didn't you read the pamphlet? Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (3ZoRf) 175
Merovign, next thing you know cats and dog will be living together while voting Republican.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (1kFWI) 176
surgeons cut off feet for no reason.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (KP5rU) 177
Someone is heckling the dogeater yelling "No TPP!!"
Now calm down. I was just in the All-Gender. There's plenty of TP. Posted by: Barry The 0 at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (J3phO) 178
Idiots couldn't even burn a Flag.
Posted by: Tim Karl Josef in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (WVsWD) Those that can do, those that can't do teach and riot! Posted by: Hrothgar at July 27, 2016 11:09 PM (wYnyS) 179
Giant Bernie head is now in the middle of the protest Posted by: The Great DERP Forward! at July 27, 2016 11:09 PM (vBeA5) 180
Even more ironically, "outsider" leftists are now starting to talk about vote fraud, since the DNC cheated during the Nom process.
First Democrats concerned about increasing the debt, now they're worried about electoral fraud. Surely bearded Spock can't be far behind. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:09 PM (SRKgf) 181
Yes The Camera Really Does Add 10 Lbs Well technically it's the lens that actually does it. So why did you eat 7 of them? Posted by: Kindltot at July 27, 2016 11:09 PM (ry34m) 182
ear Serial Rapist on Loose in Malmo
Using my latent psychic powers I sense that his name begins with an 'm' - Mohammed, Muhammed, Mahammed ------------- Not us. Posted by: Sidney, Cayton & Jugdish at July 27, 2016 11:09 PM (/wm8n) 183
CTH, we kinda clashed.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:09 PM (9ym/8) 184
FUN FACT: the voice of Drooper was provided by Allan Melvin, who was also known for playing Sam the Butcher on the Brady Bunch
DROOPER FUCKED ALICE!! Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (+b2T3) 185
Lopping tonsils, baby. Lopping tonsils!
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:05 PM (mvenn) And feet. Don't forget the feet. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (0mRoj) I do have to admit that BarkyCare has certainly improved things a lot. It used to be when I went to the doctor's office I was the only one there with feet. It was weird. Now, when I go to the doctor's office I'm the only there who speaks English. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (zc3Db) 186
185 surgeons cut off feet for no reason.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (KP5rU) Not so. They might have a boat payment or child support due that month. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (0mRoj) 187
So much content. Another great ONT, thanks Maet.
Posted by: Darth Randall at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (v3DL/) 188
Merovign, next thing you know cats and dog will be living together while voting Republican.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (1kFWI) fnord (1kFWI) I think 98% of BernieBots would rather chew off their own legs than vote Republican, *regardless* of anything else that happens, but if they stay home or go 3rd party, it helps. If they actually take steps to reveal and prevent vote fraud, that helps even more. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (wB8Tg) 189
Anyone else watching the convention cam on Bill really don't like him some O.
Posted by: Fletch at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (orDky) 190
Anyway I was watching Game of Thrones the last few hours. Loveless marriages, perversions, fanaticisms, nihilism and doublecrossing snakes were all on display. I needed something to take my mind off this convention
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (6FqZa) 191
Merovign, next thing you know cats and dog will be living together while voting Republican.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (1kFWI) Unless the cat is hitting the 'nip, in which case it votes Libertarian Party Posted by: The Pushin' Hat at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (vBeA5) 192
Duck and cover and hide under your desk were a 50s thing.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (mgbwf) And early sixties, like during the Cuban Missile Crisis. "Tornado Drills," they told us little kids. Posted by: davidt at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (syn4Y) 193
She seared in her memory every family that lost loved ones in 9/11. What about Benghazi.
Posted by: CaliGirl at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (eU/yZ) 194
I'm a tail-end boomer and they'd already given up on the drills by '66 when I started school. Duck and cover and hide under your desk were a 50s thing. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:07 PM (mgbwf) Same here. I started school in '63 and never had a duck and cover drill. I remember a black and yellow fallout shelter sign on our township building though, and I wonder whatever happened to it. I'd like to have one. Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (sdi6R) 195
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:11 PM (5o5ek) 196
Hrothgar, who moi??
![]() How about this - Gotta catch'em all Broseidon Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:11 PM (1kFWI) 197
Protesters breaking through the fence outside while the President is speaking. The Secret Service is going to love that.
Why? Their job is only to physically protect him. They could retreat all the way to the podium and be doing their jobs. And I wish they would! Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 11:11 PM (J3phO) 198
199 Anyway I was watching Game of Thrones the last few hours. Loveless marriages, perversions, fanaticisms, nihilism and doublecrossing snakes were all on display. I needed something to take my mind off this convention
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (6FqZa) How could you tell the difference between the two? Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:11 PM (0mRoj) 199
I don't remember Penny Arcade throwing - bombs in every panel pointlessly. And what happened to their hair? They changed it, it sucks.
Posted by: dIb at July 27, 2016 11:11 PM (VJOLZ) 200
185 - we have reasons.
Posted by: Planned Parenthood at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (nKoz8) 201
153 Fireclean VS. Tuohy Defamation Lawsuit Dismissed
----------- *note to self: go long on Crisco* Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (ZxmMG) Does valu-rite make shortening? Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (voOPb) 202
Posted by: Yo! at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (W+K3c) 203
Barry never had the vision beyond identity politics.
Posted by: Fritz ------------- When an Alinsky/Marx rulebook is all you have, that's what you use. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (ZxmMG) 204
>>>Anyone else watching the convention cam on Bill really don't like him some O. Posted by: Fletch at July 27, 2016 11:10 PM (orDky)<<< Apparently Chelsea and Bill don't like each other much either. They keep showing them clapping in different luxury boxes. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (H9MG5) 205
Posted by: Elizabeth at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (/wm8n) 206
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (ZxmMG) 207
"Not so. They might have a boat payment or child support due that month."
Yada, yada, yada....... Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (9ym/8) 208
Well if they chew their legs off one thing will be certain. The food will be 100% organic and Non-GMO.
And qualify for a Hoverround. Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (1kFWI) 209
I did cut lawns for some of the old people on my paper route and a couple had little airshafts coming out of the ground which I presume were from fallout shelters.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (mgbwf) 210
Insomniac, one of the shows had mindless zombies who cared only to prey upon the living... oh wait, that was the convention again
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (6FqZa) 211
Idiots couldn't even burn a Flag.
It "takes a village" according to Hills. It takes a dad to teach you not to play with fucking matches and light proper fires, though. Posted by: reason at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (nKoz8) 212
May God bless and keep Fleegle.
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:11 PM (5o5ek) I think you may be taking paying the debt off too far. I am sure Banasplits will give you an abatement. Of course, he is insane- so send him a gif of Winona running in a bikini or something. Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (3ZoRf) 213
Man, some people should take a Benadryl and chillax.
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (+b2T3) 214
181 [] Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:08 PM (5o5ek) ---------------------------- I think they think I'm irreverent, Banana Splits Guy. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (5o5ek) 215
Apparently Chelsea and Bill don't like each other much either. They keep showing them clapping in different luxury boxes. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:12 PM (H9MG5) The full five minutes they had it on Bernie earlier was gold. Posted by: Fletch at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (orDky) 216
*note to self: go long on Crisco*
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:04 PM (ZxmMG) Does valu-rite make shortening? Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian ----------- No. But you can thin the Crisco with the Valu-Rite and make a nice penetrating lubricant... for guns. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (ZxmMG) 217
Hillary will really have to up her game after the greatest historic build up to her climax; her big moment in the spotlight. Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (u4nEs) 218
We used to do the duck and cover in Cali in the 60s. I may have been for earthquakes tho. The school was a fall out shelter.
Posted by: Infidel at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (lNZuK) 219
>>>The full five minutes they had it on Bernie earlier was gold.
Posted by: Fletch at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (orDky)<<< Heh. They just showed him falling asleep, head resting on his hand. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:15 PM (H9MG5) 220
220 Insomniac, one of the shows had mindless zombies who cared only to prey upon the living... oh wait, that was the convention again
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (6FqZa) See? This shit gets confusing in a hurry. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:15 PM (0mRoj) 221
Girl was holding up a "No Oligarchy" sign. The stupid. It burns.
Posted by: 222
[x] more snark Posted by: Yo! at July 27, 2016 11:15 PM (W+K3c) Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (H9MG5) 224
"The Baltimore Sun has an interesting run-down of reaction to these developments. It would appear that Ms. Mosby retains significant support in Baltimore's African-American community"
Well of course. Her "community" there ONLY cares about skin color. Posted by: Tilikum Armored Killer Assault Whale at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (hVdx9) 225
He took 72 hours to give a green light on an operation that most five year olds would have okayed in a second.
President Gutsy Call pats his own back again. Praising their judgement while ISIS rides in the torsos of God knows how many Trojan Horses being paraded into helpless, unprepared towns all over the world. Posted by: Zoiks!!! at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (ZedYY) 226
"Gotta catch'em all Broseidon
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:11 PM (1kFWI) " Hottest cosplayers I've ever seen were a Plusle/Minun pair that looked like twin sisters and were barely wearing anything. It was Dragoncon 2011 IIRC. Not surprisingly, they couldn't walk an inch without getting picture requests. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (kumBu) 227
Posted by: Infidel at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (lNZuK
We did duck and cover under our desks in the 70's too. I think it was for earthquakes. Posted by: CaliGirl at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (eU/yZ) 228
"Oh! I'm late! I'm late!" screamed the white rabbit as Gaylord chased after him down the
FIF Gaylord's predilections. Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (T/cxb) 229
I didn't get the dividing Nixon in two thing.
Posted by: eleven at July 27, 2016 10:45 PM (qUNWi) Of course not, he got it wrong: "Nixon Est Omnis Divisa in Partes Tres" Posted by: Kindltot at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (ry34m) 230
Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 11:14 PM (u4nEs)
Don't ever mention "Hillary" and "climax" in the same sentence again. Ever. Posted by: Insomniac at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (0mRoj) 231
It "takes a village" according to Hills.
------------ That's backwards, properly it is, 'It takes a child to raze a village' Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (ZxmMG) 232
This morning at the gym I saw a clip of the Planned Parenthood bitch speaking at the Dem convention on CNN. Perfectly coiffed and made up, the contrast between her appearance and her murderous "job" put me in mind of Heinrich Himmler.
Repulsive, and the ideal avatar for today's Democrat party. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (/wm8n) 233
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:00 PM (5o5ek)
How long does this lost bet last? Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (EzgxV) 234
I think you may be taking paying the debt off too far. ----------------------- I'm observing the terms to the letter. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (5o5ek) 235
"No. But you can thin the Crisco with the Valu-Rite and make a nice penetrating lubricant... for guns."
*dubious* Makes notes. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (9ym/8) 236
We did duck and cover under our desks in the 70's too. I think it was for earthquakes.
And when the real earthquakes came everybody froze. Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (T/cxb) 237
Is there a GIF is Winona running down the stairs in Dracula, bosum heaving?
That should repay the Banana Splits Guy debt Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (zOTsN) 238
>>>Of course, he is insane- so send him a gif of Winona running in a bikini or something.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (3ZoRf) Do you have a boombox and a Peter Gabriel cassette I can borrow? Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (+b2T3) Posted by: Hrothgar at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (wYnyS) 240
Always remember Nixon dared to do something LBJ never had the ballz to do. With Operation Pocket Money he effectively strangled the Soviet supply line to North Vietnam. Which meant the Communists started to run out of SA-2s to fire at the B-52s that were pounding them back to the negotiations.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:18 PM (1kFWI) 241
I'm observing the terms to the letter.
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (5o5ek) What did you bet on with that maniac? Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:18 PM (3ZoRf) 242
How long does this lost bet last?
Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (EzgxV) --------------------- Until the election, and you can learn a lot about the utterances of Sean Penn characters and the friends of the Banana Splits if you let it go on. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:19 PM (5o5ek) 243
"Dumb fucker. Dogeater again with the ISIL"
Pretty strong talk. I guess "he" said some pretty dumb shit. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:19 PM (9ym/8) 244
I think you may be taking paying the debt off too far. I am sure Banasplits will give you an abatement. Of course, he is insane- so send him a gif of Winona running in a bikini or something.
Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:13 PM (3ZoRf) Iforgot, can you play guitar? Maybe if we start a band, I can send a mixtape to Winona. Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:19 PM (+b2T3) 245
In Myrtle Beach this week. Went to the aquarium today, pretty cool. Got a Kindle Fire for my birthday, the tiny texting keyboard sucks only slightly less than the cell phone, but I haven't had to unpack the laptop at all so far.
Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:19 PM (YAKRn) 246
Heh on the Jill Off, Bernie Bot movement. I am trying to nudge a naive FB friend Bernie Bot that direction. I almost gagged reading Jill's platform message, but anything to peel votes away from Killary.
Posted by: Palerider at July 27, 2016 11:19 PM (dkExz) 247
Christ, he's still at it?
I have the sound muted and the window minimized. I just checked it and saw his evil face for a second. Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 11:20 PM (sdi6R) Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:20 PM (zOTsN) 249
OT- Back in 2009 during the run-up to passage of Obamacare, Obama put in an appearance in Grand Junction, touting the "Grand Junction Model" of healthcare. That is basically a heavily Family Practice oriented system with a dominant regional insurance company that was largely based on an outdated HMO model. Financial incentives for FP's to not treat elderly (push to hospice care) and save Medicare bucks, and also discourage referrals to specialists for specialty care.
In major news this week, that particular regional insurance company (Rocky Mountain Health Plans) was just acquired by United Healthcare, one of the few remaining insurance giants. The "Grand Junction Model" is dead. Long live the new "Grand Junction Model". Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:20 PM (mvenn) 250
Seriously fuuuug TFG all the way to hell. I've never heard more lies than this shit. And all these assclown zombies eating up can go with him. Fuck off DNC.
Posted by: Eli Cash at July 27, 2016 11:20 PM (hPs2g) 251
Heh. They just showed him falling asleep, head resting on his hand.
Posted by: SMOD ----------------- Post-coital slumber. He just got screwed... screwed real good and hard. On the upside, any future financial worries are over. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:20 PM (ZxmMG) 252
Is there a GIF is Winona running down the stairs in Dracula, bosum heaving?
Here. I even set it to start at the good part: I couldn't find it subtitled in that stupid gutter language Dutch. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (mgbwf) 253
Hey everybody.
After a long hard day of abusing hateful shrieking liberals online, a Togo's pastrami sandwich really hits the spot. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (q7T0y) 254
Happy B-day, GGE!
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (/wm8n) 255
The most infuriating thing about the Linebacker raids over Hanoi is this:
While the campus New Left were loudly denouncing the B-52 strikes as indiscriminate mass bombing of a civilian population center, in reality, an extraordinary amount of care had been taken to ensure that North Vietnamese civilian casualties were held to an absolute minimum. The guidance and targeting technology of the era required, to accomplish this end, that the B-52s, grouped into multi-ship "cells", proceed in straight lines at fixed altitudes, making their odds of coming successfully through the single most dense SAM belt on the planet much less than would otherwise have been the case. Good men died, and others went to the Hanoi Hilton, over an absurdly mincing standard of political correctness in wartime. What's past is prologue. Posted by: torquewrench at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (noWW6) 256
So apparently iforgot lost a bet with Banana Splits Guy and now he has to shitpost for some period of time?
I say we settle this with dueling pistols, gentlemen. Remember, look them in the eye, no higher, muster all the courage you require, then count.... Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (kumBu) 257
*just sits back.............many times it's good to*
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (9ym/8) 258
What did you bet on with that maniac?
Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:18 PM (3ZoRf) -------------------- I stupidly bet that Hillary would lose the FBI primary. A guy who worships four giant puppets who played in a fake band called The Banana Splits and who translates worshipful sayings about Winona Ryder into Dutch and sings the TRA LA LA song thought I was smoking something and challenged me to a bet. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (5o5ek) 259
167 Bill is still a better bullshitter than Barry will ever aspire to be. Barry never had the vision beyond identity politics.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (WYh6/) Barry can't do anything without his teleprompter, Bill can go off script from time to time. A heckler really throws Barry off. Of course, Bill will always act like he is going off script even though the speech has his "off script" comments rolling on the teleprompter. Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, formerly MrCaniac at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (1JnAL) 260
"The Baltimore Sun has an interesting run-down of
reaction to these developments. It would appear that Ms. Mosby retains significant support in Baltimore's African-American community" Well of course. Her "community" there ONLY cares about skin color. Posted by: Tilikum Armored Killer Assault Whale at July 27, 2016 11:16 PM (hVdx9) She told them the police deliberately screwed up the investigation to get their brothers in blue off. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 27, 2016 11:22 PM (P/kVC) 261
somebody mentioned hard on and chelsea in the same sentence last nite. my penis died shortly thereafter.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 11:22 PM (KP5rU) 262
Did Barry bump his head and realize that his 8th grade teachers may have been telling him something self-evident?
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:22 PM (WYh6/) Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 27, 2016 11:22 PM (wB8Tg) Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:23 PM (+b2T3) Posted by: Ruth Bader Ginsburg at July 27, 2016 11:23 PM (noWW6) 266
Ok, God. Forget it. You're not willing to help.
How bout Karma? You listening. The d-bag that repeatedly wipes his ass with the Constitution is now using its words to bash the other side? Please afflict this dickhead with some rapid onset pant pissing malady. Every word he's said tonight including the "and" and the "the" has been a lie or a rape of history. Help a brotha out will ya, and embarrass this stooge. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:23 PM (H9MG5) 267
Can't someone tell this dogeating gasbag that Sportscenter is on?
Posted by: relief at July 27, 2016 11:23 PM (rLrEx) 268
Let that sink in.
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:23 PM (+b2T3) Posted by: Anna Puma at July 27, 2016 11:23 PM (1kFWI) 270
From the Daily Caller piece on Mosby I grabbed this:
"And although we came close to convicting one of the officers when his case was tried before 12 Baltimore city residents, the judge has made it clear that he does not agree with the state's theory of the case..." The one officer to go to trial before a jury was nearly acquitted on all charges, with the vote to acquit 11-1 on the most serious charge of involuntary manslaughter. "we came close" Is there ONE fucking Dem on this planet that doesn't routinely lie? Posted by: GnuBreed at July 27, 2016 11:24 PM (gyKtp) 271
In major news this week, that particular regional insurance company
(Rocky Mountain Health Plans) was just acquired by United Healthcare, one of the few remaining insurance giants. Yup, that is fucked up. Going to hurt over 25K 'locals.' Including dad, brother, kidlet and bff. Posted by: Infidel at July 27, 2016 11:24 PM (lNZuK) 272
Banana Splits! I give you these charms of Winona! Get the hence! Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:24 PM (3ZoRf) 273
Bill always has been a good retail politician. He's the one that guys would like to have a beer with, and women would like to have an unknowingly roofie-laden drink with.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:24 PM (kumBu) 274
Did Barry bump his head and realize that his 8th grade teachers may have been telling him something self-evident?
Posted by: Fritz The 8th grade, was he still in the madrasa then? Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 11:24 PM (UPYhp) 275
"Now that I realize it, it's too late. "
* * * Has he talked about Hillary yet? Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:20 PM (zOTsN) ------------------------ Whoa, he just did. Something like "Hillary is smart enough to agree with me and continue my lightbringing." * * * May God bless and keep Bingo. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:25 PM (5o5ek) 276
Girl was holding up a "No Oligarchy" sign. The stupid. It burns.
Posted by: Tim Karl Josef in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:15 PM (WVsWD) She would probably tell you that "oligarchy" means "being ruled by oil companies". Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 27, 2016 11:25 PM (GSdpU) 277
Banana Splits Guy Please use the link so thoughtfully provided by Bandersnatch at 265. Over and over Consider that payment of the debt Thank you Bander Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:25 PM (zOTsN) 278
As far as the PP discussion is concerned, I am pretty sure the PFJ (People's Front of Judea) settled the matter when they decided that Reg, forthwith to be called Loretta had the RIGHT if not the ABILITY to have babies.
I believe it is axiomatic that Loretta (formerly Reg)also has the RIGHT to an abortion in not the actual NEED for one. Posted by: JB1000 at July 27, 2016 11:25 PM (dUcFc) 279
254 How long does this lost bet last? Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:17 PM (EzgxV) --------------------- Until the election, and you can learn a lot about the utterances of Sean Penn characters and the friends of the Banana Splits if you let it go on. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:19 PM (5o5ek) Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) 280
I give up on politics. The fact that a single person, let alone 52% of people in this country, could support such a lying lowlife piece of scum like this asshole is just too much.
Posted by: Eli Cash at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (hPs2g) Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (tvyXw) 282
"Now that I realize it, it's too late. "
Let that sink in. Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:23 PM (+b2T3) ----------------- Believe me, I have. May God bless and keep Bingo. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:27 PM (5o5ek) Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:27 PM (zOTsN) 284
Thanks all. It's not really till the 2nd of August but we will be back home by then.
Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:28 PM (YAKRn) Posted by: dIb at July 27, 2016 11:28 PM (VJOLZ) 286
"Financial incentives for FP's to not treat elderly (push to hospice
care) and save Medicare bucks, and also discourage referrals to specialists for specialty care." What about greedy sawbones who are callously cutting off feet for profit? I recall Barky having worked himself into a lather about medical foot-cutting-off at one point. A national epidemic of needless amputations, it was. Severed feet all over the place. You couldn't take a step without tripping over one of the things. Goddamn doctors. Posted by: torquewrench at July 27, 2016 11:28 PM (noWW6) 287
>>somebody mentioned hard on and chelsea in the same sentence last nite. my penis died shortly thereafter.
Posted by: chavez the hugo Did you try rescue breathing? Posted by: Sandra Fluke at July 27, 2016 11:28 PM (c7vUv) 288
Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) ------------------- Well, I didn't have to set it off in asterisks and spaces. I could make it more blendy and less "shitty." God bless Bingo. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:29 PM (5o5ek) 289
I zone* out
Posted by: dIb at July 27, 2016 11:29 PM (VJOLZ) 290
Swedish Police Fear Serial Rapist on Loose in Malmö
Using my latent psychic powers I sense that his name begins with an 'm' - Mohammed, Muhammed, Mahammed something like that. He also likes soccer and isn't a big drinker. So Mohammered is ruled out? Posted by: Bete reading about the burning times at July 27, 2016 11:29 PM (Ojki1) Posted by: reason at July 27, 2016 11:29 PM (nKoz8) 292
GGE- my son and dad (bless his soul) both shared Aug 2 birthdays. Seems they are in good company.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:29 PM (mvenn) 293
Obama's still on? When did this start?
Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 27, 2016 11:29 PM (3Liv/) Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (zOTsN) 295
Breitbart has video of the protests outside the DNC Convention. They all look like they are 21 years old.
What vote does Hillary have a lock on? It's not young people, that's for sure. Posted by: ALH at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (Z56vq) 296
I think there's about to be a three-way rumble between BLM, the BernieBros, and the anarchists. They're shouting over each other and arguing over who "has this space to speak".
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (GUBah) 297
He's like a black Brian Williams, just lying and making up self-aggrandizing crapola left and right, but because he's protected class we're all supposed to pretend he's not insane.
And these people in the crowd, sheesh, it's hard to believe folks that stupid actually exist. Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (bS6uW) 298
What does Thad Cochran think of this?
Posted by: Yo! at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (W+K3c) 299
Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) You're going to miss me when all the DNC trolls show up. I would be like a berserker among their ranks. Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (+b2T3) 300
GGE, I hope the wife left you alone today and that you got to get drunk to your heart's content.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (9ym/8) 301
Not only am I not listening to Obama, I'm not listening to Limbaugh talk about Obama or the democrat convention. Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (u4nEs) 302
A national epidemic of needless amputations, it was. Severed feet all over the place. You couldn't take a step without tripping over one of the things. Goddamn doctors.
Posted by: torquewrench --------------- Oops. Sorry about that. Posted by: Kermit Gosnell at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (ZxmMG) 303
The healthcare motto in the Grand Junction model was "Die Sooner, Save Money"
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (mvenn) 304
Okay, how about if I just keep it in my nic until the election then? But it's really up to BSG, God bless him.
Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (5o5ek) 305
What does the code duello say about this? iforgot and Banana, have you chosen your 2nds? And if either of you plans to delope, do it right so we don't have a Burr situation.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (kumBu) 306
Oy, I lasted 40 seconds and had to mute the bastard.
Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (3Liv/) 307
How long can this go on before someone asserts an 8th Amendment claim?
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (bS6uW) 308
What does Thad Cochran think of this?
Posted by: Yo! I want to know what Bob Dole thinks of this. Posted by: Bob Dole at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (UPYhp) 309
How could you tell the difference for whether it was a nuclear attack drill or a tornado?
Just curious. Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 10:58 PM (3ZoRf) A) we didn't have tornadoes in Oregon. 2) to quote my CD booklet "The Attack Warning Signal: This will be sounded only in case of enemy attack. The signal itself is a 3-5 minute wavering sound on the sirens, or a series of short blasts on whistles, horns or other devices, repeated as necessary. The Attack Warning Signal means that an attack against the United States has been detected and that protective action should be taken immediately It also states that different municipalities use the signals in different ways, to signal natural disasters, but most have determined to use the standard signals. Posted by: Kindltot at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (ry34m) 310
I see the faux Southern preacher is in da house at the DNC!!!
Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (NOIQH) 311
I had to make eggs for a potluck. What did I mess? Did we let him be clear? Is this who we are?
Posted by: josephistan at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (7qAYi) 312
Dennis Miller called them "Kaine and Unable"! Hah! Could also be "Kaine and Disabled". I miss the recurring Hillary using a walker theme on the podcast. I miss the podcast!
Posted by: Kalneva at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (vhW1R) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (mvenn) 314
Not only am I not listening to Obama, I'm not listening to Limbaugh talk about Obama or the democrat convention.
Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten -------------- There's always the chance that they might slip in an audio cut. Not worth the risk. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:32 PM (ZxmMG) 315
the local news just ran a clip of Zero flapping his gums. I gave him the middle finger salute.
It's automatic. Posted by: ALH at July 27, 2016 11:32 PM (Z56vq) 316
Hey you can't blame banana splits for this He is asking iforgot to stop, and he won't Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (zOTsN) ------------------ WHAT? Where? Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:32 PM (5o5ek) 317
so, over/under on shit Midas doing his thing with Shrillery's campaign?
Posted by: redc1c4 at July 27, 2016 11:32 PM (+MKnk) 318
How about "iforgot congratulates Banana Splits Guy and Winona on their hot sex"?
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:32 PM (+b2T3) 319
Would that be your racist white grandmother that you're now lionizing?
Every trait you say they'd despise, you exemplify. Every trait you say they'd respect, you lack. Everything this a-hole says is one monster troll. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:32 PM (H9MG5) 320
284 Is there ONE fucking Dem on this planet that doesn't routinely lie?
Posted by: GnuBreed at July 27, 2016 11:24 PM (gyKtp) The dead ones have stopped. Except in Chicago. Posted by: Splunge at July 27, 2016 11:33 PM (iMxBJ) 321
If it's in the nick, it works for me. Seconded? BSG?
Posted by: dIb at July 27, 2016 11:33 PM (VJOLZ) 322
Seamus, us and Myrna Lot.
![]() Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:33 PM (YAKRn) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:33 PM (mvenn) 324
See, this is how duels are negotiated. If the terms are agreeable, no shots need to be fired.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (kumBu) 325
Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) ------------------- Well, I didn't have to set it off in asterisks and spaces. I could make it more blendy and less "shitty." God bless Bingo. Posted by: iforgot lost a bet to the more realistic guy who worships Winona Ryder in Dutch at July 27, 2016 11:29 PM (5o5ek) I get that, that's why I don't think it should be permanent. But it's a profoundly shitty idea to wager something for yourself that makes life unpleasant for uninvolved others. Licking his asshole once a day wouldn't make AoSHQ a less pleasant place, so long as you both were discreet. Putting that shit in every comment section from now until November.....err..... Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (EzgxV) 326
"Oy, I lasted 40 seconds and had to mute the bastard."
Better than me. I was out at the mere mention. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (9ym/8) 327
I linked this the other night: Suzanne Vega with the Grateful Dead in 1988. I remember listening to it during a live radio concert. I like it. It was a nice performance. It's certainly preferable to the dog-eating Maoist crackhead's ravings. Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (sdi6R) 328
Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) You're going to miss me when all the DNC trolls show up. I would be like a berserker among their ranks. Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (+b2T3) ------------------------ 30 days. Man, look what happened to Fox News in just 24 hours after Ailes got the boot! Posted by: iforgot says God bless Fleegle at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (5o5ek) 329
I guess the good news is that since Barry utterly fucks up everything he touches, Hillary's campaign is in no better shape than the economy after this filibuster.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (bS6uW) 330
Not only am I not listening to Obama, I'm not listening to Limbaugh talk about Obama or the democrat convention.
Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten Don't worry. Trump will do/say something tomorrow morning that will hijack the news cycle for another day. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (UPYhp) 331
What I am getting from the live feed is that everyone has seperated into competing groups. Each group is more "righteous" than the others.
And They are listening to Come Together by the Beetles. ![]() I wanna see Cops busting heads. I want some entertainment dammit! Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (WVsWD) 332
I get a sudden onset of Tourette's Syndrome every time ShitMidas comes on TV. Mrs. Cicero knows to be fast with the remote.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (/wm8n) 333
Interesting story on Marion Le Pen (niece of Marine Le Pen?) She is urging all frenchmen to join the military in order to defend Christianity from Islam.
The sad part (or maybe the good part) is that the more these idiots and appeasers deny the reality of the situation, the more the people like Le Pen seem reasonable and realistic. (And he was not that unreasonable to start with, I guess.) Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (3ZoRf) 334
So...where is a nice resource on deaths of black males in Baltimore BEFORE and AFTER Freddie Gray's death? I'd love to see a chart on this...
One by police officer...maybe... dozens by other black males. But yeah... Posted by: dwinnorcal at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (3OTR8) 335
A) we didn't have tornadoes in Oregon.
2) to quote my CD booklet "The Attack Warning Signal: This will be sounded only in case of enemy attack. Enemy attack? There are Republicans in Oregon? Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (SRKgf) 336
droning on on
Posted by: Insert Name Here at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (iGbT1) 337
"He's like a black Brian Williams, just lying and making up
self-aggrandizing crapola left and right, but because he's protected class we're all supposed to pretend he's not insane." Actually, it's been me all along. Keep this quiet, will you? The real Obama died of lung cancer a few weeks after the '08 primaries. They put me in a latex mask to fill in. I'm most proud of the NBC Nightly News interview I did with "Obama" while simultaneously playing the part of "Obama". It's seamless. You'll never see work that good again, not if you live to be a hundred. Posted by: Brian Williams at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (noWW6) 338
We ain't got no call to get along with no braggarts.
Posted by: Hijab Wearing Kansas Pharmacists, circa 1816 at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (ZedYY) 339
301: Sandra, where were you last nite? today is much too late.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (KP5rU) 340
See, this is how duels are negotiated. If the terms are agreeable, no shots need to be fired.
So, what'll it be, boys...assholes at dawn? Posted by: t-bird at July 27, 2016 11:36 PM (J3phO) 341
I think there's about to be a three-way rumble between BLM, the BernieBros, and the anarchists. They're shouting over each other and arguing over who "has this space to speak".
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (GUBah) Like the Bears playing the Vikings, I'm rooting for injuries in that contest. Posted by: Bete reading about the burning times at July 27, 2016 11:36 PM (Ojki1) 342
How long has TFG been bloviating? Good God.
Posted by: MDH3 at July 27, 2016 11:36 PM (SHrBQ) Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:36 PM (+b2T3) 344
A) we didn't have tornadoes in Oregon.
2) to quote my CD booklet "The Attack Warning Signal: This will be sounded only in case of enemy attack. The signal itself is a 3-5 minute wavering sound on the sirens, or a series of short blasts on whistles, horns or other devices, repeated as necessary. The Attack Warning Signal means that an attack against the United States has been detected and that protective action should be taken immediately It also states that different municipalities use the signals in different ways, to signal natural disasters, but most have determined to use the standard signals. Posted by: Kindltot at July 27, 2016 11:31 PM (ry34m) Thanks for the info! The period fascinates me. Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (3ZoRf) 345
Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) You're going to miss me when all the DNC trolls show up. I would be like a berserker among their ranks. Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:30 PM (+b2T3) I'm taking iforgot at his word. If you'd like to present evidence to the contrary, I'm all ears. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (EzgxV) 346
Ricardo, I spent the whole day with Mrs Hades, but we are still newlyweds so we still like each other.
![]() Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (YAKRn) 347
omg Obama is fake-crying now. Posted by: iforgot says God bless Fleegle at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (5o5ek) 348
"The first warning signal of an enemy nuclear attack will be a sudden flash brighter than the midday sun." /Your Civil Defense Authorities
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (mvenn) 349
>>>How long has TFG been bloviating? Good God. Posted by: MDH3 at July 27, 2016 11:36 PM (SHrBQ)<<< Think he's at 3/4 Castro right now. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (H9MG5) 350
" I get a sudden onset of Tourette's Syndrome every time ShitMidas comes on TV. "
*S***........C********.........M**********...... Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (9ym/8) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (hlMPp) 352
I hope wikileaks has some good shit to release before the she-beast takes the stage tomorrow. Maybe the fart in will build enough methane to start a fire in the convention hall..hmmm
Posted by: IC at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (lvJtT) 353
All of us down at the Brattleboro Women's Reproductive Health Center were so proud of Presdent Obama tonight, so proud. We wants him or Senator Sanders as our Presdent. He has done so much for persons of all colors but we are disappointed that he did not arrest Bush....
Posted by: Mary Clogginstien from Brattleboro, VT at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (Fbj4h) 354
It's certainly preferable to the dog-eating Maoist crackhead's ravings.
But then, so is listening to William Hung's album. Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (T/cxb) Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (zOTsN) 356
336: i prefer cara lott.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (KP5rU) 357
iforgot, i like the hot sex with Winona more
![]() Posted by: dIb at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (VJOLZ) 358
Ha! There's some dude in the crowd wearing a "Black Guns Matter" shirt.
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (GUBah) Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (SRKgf) 360
Every time TFG finishes a sentence, Hillary loses 1,000 votes, and she knows it. She's sitting up in the hotel room throwing things at the TV.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (5f5bM) Posted by: Democrat Membership Committee at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (J3phO) 362
the local news just ran a clip of Zero flapping his gums. I gave him the middle finger salute.
It's automatic. Posted by: ALH at July 27, 2016 11:32 PM (Z56vq) ---no, it'd song by good friend's former punk band, GFI (Goofy Fucking Idiots) Posted by: redc1c4 at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (+MKnk) 363
>>How long has TFG been bloviating? Good God.
The drugs should wear off soon. But even still, the longer he charms the audience the more he reminds people how charmless the haggard queen is. Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:39 PM (NOIQH) 364
"'s been you who fueled me ... you who are to blame for this colossal fuckup ... you ... "
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:39 PM (SRKgf) 365
Don't worry. Trump will do/say something tomorrow morning that will hijack the news cycle for another day.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (UPYhp) And even if he doesn't, we'll find something to fit the bill. Posted by: The MSM and Gope quislings, together again. at July 27, 2016 11:39 PM (Ojki1) 366
Chelsea's husband is a hedge-fund bankster wunderkind. The genius set up a hedge fund to invest in, get this, Greek bonds. He was betting on the Euro bailouts, and Greece was coming back baby!
He lost that bet. His hedge fund was shut down this year, after 90% losses. His investments was worth 10 cents on the dollar. He'd make a good Secretary of the Treasury under Hillary with that record. Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at July 27, 2016 11:39 PM (DW+jj) 367
What is he fake crying about?
Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:39 PM (zOTsN) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (mvenn) 369
>>>Licking his asshole once a day I didn't think of that. Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:36 PM (+b2T3) -------------------- He said it wouldn't shit on the blog. He just might be wrong about that, because the rule around here is pix or it didn't happen. Posted by: iforgot says God bless Fleegle at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (5o5ek) 370
omg Obama is fake-crying now. Posted by: iforgot says God bless Fleegle at July 27, 2016 11:37 PM (5o5ek) He's giving it all the phonyness and lies he has. If Trump wins, that whole rotten, corrupt lot may have to lawyer up the day after Loretta walks out of her office with her belongings in a box. Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (5xDis) 371
>>>Fake crying?
About what! Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (zOTsN)<<< Mentioning a pic he has in his office, drawn by a 7 year victim at Newtown. Then business man cutting his salary to no have to lay off employees, and military personnel in AZ. Basically all shit he really cares nothing about. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (H9MG5) 372
to quote my CD booklet "The Attack Warning Signal: This will be sounded only in case of enemy attack. The signal itself is a 3-5 minute wavering sound on the sirens,
--------------- They used test those things every so often. It was a fcuking heart-stopper, even when you knew it was a test. FWIW, Chrysler made some big-ass hemi powered sirens. There are some in the hands of collectors. Here's pics: Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (ZxmMG) 373
And we cried a lot, out here in Kansas, two hundred years ago. We were men's men.
Posted by: Hijab Wearing Kansas Pharmacists, circa 1816 at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (ZedYY) Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (H9MG5) 375
" ... God bless the United States of America ..."
Everybody duck! God's not gonna let THAT one go by!" Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (SRKgf) 376
Dude needs years and years of psychological help.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (bS6uW) 377
Has Barry actually become an American Citizen?
Unfucking believable! Welcome, my reluctant Brother! Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (WYh6/) 378
Every time TFG finishes a sentence, Hillary
Please cease and desist from placing "sentence" and "Hillary" in such close proximity. Posted by: Loretta Lynch, grandchild expert at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (rLrEx) 379
Chelsea's husband is a hedge-fund bankster wunderkind. The genius set up a hedge fund to invest in, get this, Greek bonds. He was betting on the Euro bailouts, and Greece was coming back baby! He lost that bet. His hedge fund was shut down this year, after 90% losses. His investments was worth 10 cents on the dollar. He'd make a good Secretary of the Treasury under Hillary with that record. Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at July 27, 2016 11:39 PM (DW+jj) No one who "invested" in the so-called hedge fund ever expected to make a dime. They all knew the management fees were a vehicle to pay their tribute to the Clinton shakedown machine. Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (5f5bM) 380
Obama is crying because in six months he will have to go back to the dreary day to day hard, and dangerous, work of community agitating. Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (u4nEs) 381
"but we are still newlyweds so we still like each other. "
Oh my, I didn't hear the news. You get to "knowing" each other. *wrinkles eyebrows* Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (9ym/8) 382
Has Hillary got jungle fever?
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (SRKgf) 383
If Trump wins, that whole rotten, corrupt lot
may have to lawyer up the day after Loretta walks out of her office with her belongings in a box. Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (5xDis) I think if Trump wins, the most likely result is something like Reichstag Fire crossed with Order 66. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (J+mig) 384
How many blue pantsuits can one person possibly own?
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (bS6uW) 385
Nah. I suspect they hate each others' guts.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (SRKgf) 386
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (/wm8n)
My husband has the same affliction. Posted by: CaliGirl at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (eU/yZ) 387
I linked this the other night: Suzanne Vega with the Grateful Dead in 1988
Oh! Suzanne is my one bit of hipster cred. I saw her at a benefit for Folk City in '85 and at the Bitter End (or one of the other Bleeker Street clubs) in '86. I was ten feet away from her singing Tom's Diner before it was on an album. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:41 PM (mgbwf) Posted by: The Convention at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (J3phO) 389
What is he fake crying about? Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:39 PM (zOTsN) -------------------- "What's inspired mih . . . through alllllll the disapowntments .... through all the things I didn't git done ..... is you." MAD APPLAUSE Posted by: iforgot says God bless Fleegle at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (5o5ek) Posted by: Zoiks!!! at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (ZedYY) 391
So he is basically making this about himself after about five minutes of mentioning Hillary? Lordy. What a useless surrogate.
Posted by: IC at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (lvJtT) 392
Hill's head is bigger than Obamao's.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (P/kVC) 393
Myrna Loy (stupid auto cucumber).
Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (YAKRn) 394 heartfelt are these messages when each night the crowd is given the nights pre-printed sign to wave?
Tonight it's "Thank You". Monday it was "Michelle" Forget what it was last night. The same people who forgot to include American flags had to provide the pledge of allegiance on the screen and hands out approved expressions to attendees. Because they're stupid? Because they're not allowed to have/express emotions outside to the pre-approved DNC scripts? Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (NOIQH) 395
"I get a sudden onset of Tourette's Syndrome every time ShitMidas comes on TV. Mrs. Cicero knows to be fast with the remote.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:34 PM (/wm8n) " I feel like an SJW pointing this out (help! I'm being micro-aggressed!) but coprolalia, the sudden outburts of swearing, occur in less than 20% of TS sufferers. But I know I've lost that war - the image of TS will forever be set by Tourette's Guy and a few movies. I never had it (coprolalia, that is - I had medium-to-severe TS), but sometimes pretended to because it let me swear in forbidden places with no ramifications. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (kumBu) 396
Why don't you boys shake metaphorical hands and in the words of Frozen, let it go
Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (zOTsN) 397
He'd make a good Secretary of the Treasury under Hillary with that record.
Posted by: publius -------- Sure. Sec. of Transportation Foxx has had every 'transportation' project fail. He's even being sued by stockholders. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (ZxmMG) 398
Leaning in: "... I hate your honky ass."
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (SRKgf) 399
Cankles in a blue Mao coat looks like a disembodied head against the blue screens behind her.
Planet Hillary-esque. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (H9MG5) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (mvenn) 401
No one who "invested" in the so-called hedge fund ever expected to make a dime. They all knew the management fees were a vehicle to pay their tribute to the Clinton shakedown machine.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon Remend me, why am I in prison again? Posted by: Bernie Madoff at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (UPYhp) 402
Why is she dressed like Mao in blue?
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (sqHNm) 403
Posted by: Dr. Varno at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (GdFQh) 404
Uh oh. The blood mother of the coven is here to claim her pound of flesh.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (WYh6/) 405
>>>Licking his asshole once a day I didn't think of that. Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:36 PM (+b2T3) Didn't the Banana Splits wear ape costumes? You could have positioned yourself as an endangered monkey.... constipated-monkey-pass- peanut-by-licking-its-butt-for-an-hour Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (EzgxV) 406
OK, what kinda freak is this guy?
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (SRKgf) 407
Cankles in a blue Mao coat looks like a disembodied head against the blue screens behind her.
**** Nanu, nanu!!! /Mork Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (mvenn) 408
Is the cocksmoker done?
Posted by: Cactus of Liberty at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (Q9ugn) 409
They know that Trump's going to come in like a wrecking ball. He might wreck some of our stuff, but he'll wreck a lot more of theirs, and they're not going to let their mad, impossible utopian scheme slip away when they're close enough to taste it.
There will be shenanigans. Obama will probably use the first available pretext to cancel the election. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (J+mig) 410
Okay Dobbs is back on, off goes the mute.
Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (3Liv/) 411
Is he done? Are they begging him to run for a third term?
Posted by: IC at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (lvJtT) Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (WVsWD) 413
Cankles in a blue Mao coat looks like a disembodied head against the blue screens behind her.
*** Wizard of Oz-like? Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (mvenn) 414
Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) Oh, come on. Next you'll be banning memes. And where would we be without memes? The United States of America was built on memes. Memes like Life, Liberty, and the Purfuit of Happinefs. You can denigrate memes all you like, but I will not have you denigrating the United States of America! Good day to you, sir! Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (sdi6R) 415
No one who "invested" in the so-called hedge fund ever expected to make a dime. They all knew the management fees were a vehicle to pay their tribute to the Clinton shakedown machine.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon This. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (SRKgf) 416
That's not sexual. You people are sick. That's all crazy talk from sick people.
Let's have a fire, share a bed and have warm milk and cookies. Posted by: Michael Jackson at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (ZedYY) 417
He's giving it all the phonyness and lies he has.
If Trump wins, that whole rotten, corrupt lot may have to lawyer up the day after Loretta walks out of her office with her belongings in a box. Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at July 27, 2016 11:40 PM (5xDis) After Crispy Creme's speech they will have to bring on an independent prosecutor for Hills. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (P/kVC) 418
Uh oh, Brit Hume is sniffing glue again - "eloquent", "powerful".
Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (NOIQH) Posted by: dagny at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (eSQgj) 420
>>>413 Leaning in: "... I hate your honky ass."
A quote from VH1's Behind the Scenes of the Banana Splits Show? Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (+b2T3) 421
So he is basically making this about himself after about five minutes of mentioning Hillary? Lordy. What a useless surrogate.
Posted by: IC at July 27, 2016 11:42 PM (lvJtT) I'll praise her for being an exceptional rather than typical white grandma. Just see if I don't. Posted by: The Won at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (Ojki1) 422
Night all....
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 27, 2016 11:45 PM (9ym/8) 423
I thought the tones had meaning, qaeble vs steady tone. I still like GIANT VOICE. no training needed.
Posted by: Jean at July 27, 2016 11:45 PM (ngn8T) 424
Organelles in dancing formation, salad on the side. Who is the Secret Square?
Posted by: Dr. Varno at July 27, 2016 11:45 PM (GdFQh) Posted by: Barry O at July 27, 2016 11:45 PM (J3phO) 426
433 Go to Foxbusiness the regular fox awipes are in the bag for Hillary. More virtue signaling.
Posted by: dagny at July 27, 2016 11:45 PM (eSQgj) 427
I think I could hypnotize Brit Hume.
Posted by: Lucy the Cat at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (ZedYY) 428
>>Cankles in a blue Mao coat looks like a disembodied head against the blue screens behind her.
*** >>Wizard of Oz-like? Big Brother - remember this? Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (NOIQH) Posted by: ThunderB at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (zOTsN) 430
Brit Hume is a not so secret lefty; and he hates trump. It's pretty obvious
Posted by: IC at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (lvJtT) 431
Jesse Jackson completely unintelligible
Posted by: dagny at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (eSQgj) 432
>>>Wizard of Oz-like?
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (mvenn)<<< Yes. But she needs a brain, so... The Scare-crone? Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (H9MG5) 433
old gray ponytails with protest signs
Posted by: Dr. Varno at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (GdFQh) Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (3Liv/) Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (EzgxV) 436
From the Chrysler-Hemi-engine-powered air raid siren link:
"Many of the air raid sirens were, after their working lifespan ended during the 1970s, purchased and dis-assembled for their engines to be used in hot rods" And if that isn't an "America, fuck yeah!" moment, I don't know what is. Does Dave Burge know about this? Posted by: torquewrench at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (noWW6) 437
Remend me, why am I in prison again?
Posted by: Bernie Madoff at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (UPYhp) Because your last name isn't Clinton or Corzine. Posted by: Bete says it is going to burn, why bother putting it off? at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (Ojki1) 438
Hume's shorter Obama: "She's better than she seems." Heh. Too bad that's yet another lie.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (bS6uW) Posted by: Reggie at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (J3phO) 440
I see engineers inventing stuff.
I got stuff. I got stuff for you. Engineers don't invent stuff. I can't say more for [eyes roll up to the left] Posted by: gNewt.....don't like Ryan....better call Paul...Nehlen, that is at July 27, 2016 11:06 PM (gjgWX) I have a wall covered with patent plaques that says otherwise Posted by: Bacon Jeff at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (VSenK) 441
If Trump wons how much will the pardon cost Hilary.
Posted by: Jean at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (ngn8T) 442
Ricardo, we were wed on the first of this October past, as to the rest...let's just say I'm a lucky guy and leave it at that.
![]() Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (YAKRn) 443
Oh, the Dems put up a bill to help us save for our retirement, it's called the "SAVE UP" Act. I haven't got in the weeds, but this may be a start to what they want to do.
MOAR Social Security, to save Social Security. You will be forced to invest more of your income into a govt. managed savings account. Your investment will be govt. IOU "bonds" just like SS. And they'd like to roll your existing retirments into that. You see, Uncle needs funding for the massive deficits. That $20T debt is going to double to $40T in the next 8 years or so, and boy are they gonna need some funding. They'll be trying various shit like this under various guises until they get what they want. Kick the can down the road a while longer. Methinks we ain't gonna make it to $40T before it breaks. Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (DW+jj) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (hlMPp) 445
>>>After Crispy Creme's speech they will have to bring on an independent prosecutor for Hills.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (P/kVC)<<< Oooh, forgot about that. Thought he was supposed to be prosecuting a case, like Christie did. Guess I shouldn't have expected that from a guy who has no law license and has never worked a case. Posted by: SMOD, take me away at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (H9MG5) Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (EzgxV) 447
No one who "invested" in the so-called hedge fund ever expected to make a dime. They all knew the management fees were a vehicle to pay their tribute to the Clinton shakedown machine.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon --------- Next thing you'll tell me is that the Clinton Foundation 'donors' aren't really into philanthropy. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (ZxmMG) 448
And now for something completely different, Hassidic Jews protesting Israel: Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (GUBah) 449
Even a Democrat bint can learn not to fuck up the gavel three days in a row.
Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (WYh6/) 450
You know what I think touched the audience, Juan? The paraphrased preamble to the Constitution. That there is always some motivating shit.
Posted by: Another Analyst at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (ZedYY) 451
so since we are seeing the rise of state censorship of the media maybe we should have second thoughts about turning icann over to the censors.
Posted by: yankeefifth at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (AoSQU) 452
Caligula's Horse 2016
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (bS6uW) 453
MLKs blood was like a winning Powerball ticket for ol' Jesse Jackson.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (/wm8n) 454
Did Obama plagiarize Ann Richards' line about being like Ginger Rogers doing everything her partner did, but backwards?
Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (NOIQH) 455
"Uh oh, Brit Hume is sniffing glue again - 'eloquent', 'powerful'."
Brit-tany is an old-time Bush family knob polisher. He saved all of these fawning superlatives up for Jeb! and just couldn't bear to see them go to waste. Posted by: torquewrench at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (noWW6) 456
My only regret is that I won't be architecting another Recovery Summer for you.
Posted by: Barack Obama at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (J3phO) 457
417 Why is she dressed like Mao in blue?
Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (sqHNm) Like all great artists.... She's in her Blue period.... Posted by: Don Q. at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (qf6WZ) 458
Oh, come on. Next you'll be banning memes. And where would we be without memes?
The United States of America was built on memes. Memes like Life, Liberty, and the Purfuit of Happinefs. You can denigrate memes all you like, but I will not have you denigrating the United States of America! Good day to you, sir! Posted by: rickl at July 27, 2016 11:44 PM (sdi6R) Heck Earf was built on memes. Welcome to it. Posted by: Will Smith at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (Ojki1) 459
WTF! Ad on TV touting Hillary's illegal healthcare plan.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 27, 2016 11:50 PM (ZxmMG) 460
MOAR Social Security, to save Social Security. You will be forced to invest more of your income into a govt. managed savings account. Your investment will be govt. IOU "bonds" just like SS.
Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) IOW, I'm in prison because I didn't have a .gov agency forcing new people into my ponzi scheme. Posted by: Bernie Madoff at July 27, 2016 11:50 PM (UPYhp) 461
No one who "invested" in the so-called hedge fund ever expected to make a dime. They all knew the management fees were a vehicle to pay their tribute to the Clinton shakedown machine.
Posted by: Caesar North of the Rubicon well, probably not a very efficient way to pay a bribe, they probably lost everything in the bad investments. not that I am trying to say the clintons are not simply corrupt all the way through, only that this was stupid. Posted by: yankeefifth at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (AoSQU) 462
Ann Richards' line about being like Ginger Rogers doing everything her partner did, but backwards?
Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (NOIQH) That was Ginger Rogers' line. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (zc3Db) 463
Oooh, ooh, I do believe I see an arrest in progress!
Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (3Liv/) 464
Brian Williams -- we shall never see his like agian.
Posted by: eleven at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (qUNWi) Brian Williams is dead?!?!?! Posted by: The Rev Al at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (Ojki1) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (mvenn) 466
>>MOAR Social Security, to save Social Security. You will be forced to
invest more of your income into a govt. managed savings account. Your investment will be govt. IOU "bonds" just like SS. Pretty sure that's their "Universal 401K" scheme that is intended to eventually federalize 401Ks. Basically, manage everyone's 401K investments for them, i.e. steal it. Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (NOIQH) 467
Tonight did not help out the Paul Ryan primary election.
Posted by: Cactus of Liberty at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (Q9ugn) 468
I couldn't find it subtitled in that stupid gutter language Dutch.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:21 PM (mgbwf) Try some Caro Emerald interviews, maybe? Probably from the Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor period. Mmmmmm. Posted by: Kindltot at July 27, 2016 11:52 PM (ry34m) 469
MOAR Social Security, to save Social Security. You will be forced to invest more of your income into a govt. managed savings account. Your investment will be govt. IOU "bonds" just like SS. And they'd like to roll your existing retirements into that. You see, Uncle needs funding for the massive deficits. That $20T debt is going to double to $40T in the next 8 years or so, and boy are they gonna need some funding. They'll be trying various shit like this under various guises until they get what they want. Kick the can down the road a while longer. Methinks we ain't gonna make it to $40T before it breaks. Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at July 27, 2016 11:48 PM (DW+jj) Totally predictable, and predicted. "Your savings (such as they are) are at risk in the stock market! Put them in those safe safe government securities, where you'll know they're ... safe! We'll give you a voucher that your savings are safe in our safe safe lock box!" Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:52 PM (SRKgf) 470
257 Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:19 PM (YAKRn)
You went to Ripley's? I was friendly with a Stingray there for a period of time, too bad Murray Brothers' CaddyShack closed they had shockingly good pizza. Posted by: sven10077 at July 27, 2016 11:52 PM (SzZnW) 471
That was Ginger Rogers' line.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair ****** I think Melania used it first. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 11:52 PM (mvenn) 472
21 Let me see if I've got this straight (SWIDT?). Transgendered M to F want to be able to get pregnant, not so that they can have children, but so that they can have abortions. Guess that will make them feel like real women! Empowerment and such.
Maybe we could just give each of them a kitten and let them go to Planned Parenthood so they can put it in a sack and drown it. Words fail. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 27, 2016 10:39 PM (mvenn) Good one. Posted by: nerdygirl at July 27, 2016 11:52 PM (+lVUW) Posted by: Bete reading about the burning times at July 27, 2016 11:52 PM (Ojki1) 474
Brian Williams is dead?!?!?!
Posted by: The Rev Al But on the third day, I rose again. True story. Posted by: Brian Williams at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (UPYhp) 475
Triumph the insult dog.....
Posted by: E.T. at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (c+7Ko) 476
If abdullah ryan goes down, Booze on me for a week. I gots the $$$ saved up.
Now just gotta figure a way to deliver to all you drinkers. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (WVsWD) 477
Didn't the Banana Splits wear ape costumes? You could have positioned yourself as an endangered monkey.... constipated-monkey-pass- peanut-by-licking-its-butt-for-an-hour
Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:43 PM (EzgxV) The doctor said, "you're gonna die." Posted by: just the punchline at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (GSdpU) 478
>>That was Ginger Rogers' line.
Well, yes ![]() But I thought Anne Richards used it in the DNC speech she gave the year Bush elder was running for the presidency; the same one where she said he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (NOIQH) 479
MLKs blood was like a winning Powerball ticket for ol' Jesse Jackson. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:49 PM (/wm8n) Yep, and it chaps my ass that MLK -- a REPUBLICAN -- gets constantly misquoted and cited to support evil racist bile in support of the party of the KKK and Bull Connor. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (EzgxV) 480
Like all great artists....
She's in her Blue period.... --- Perhaps Bill can add something to complete the outfit. Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 27, 2016 11:54 PM (3Liv/) 481
Frigging pixy test
Posted by: andycanuck at July 27, 2016 11:54 PM (LdMbv) 482
People need to realize that if you want to get ahead in life, you need to stop obeying the law and do what thou wilt. Hillary Clinton has set the example, -- why question the validity?
The rule of law is dead. Posted by: Fritz at July 27, 2016 11:54 PM (WYh6/) Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 27, 2016 11:54 PM (kP16F) 484
Totally predictable, and predicted. "Your savings (such as they are) are at risk in the stock market! Put them in those safe safe government securities, where you'll know they're ... safe! We'll give you a voucher that your savings are safe in our safe safe lock box!"
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:52 PM (SRKgf) well, time to buy a bigger bed. Posted by: yankeefifth at July 27, 2016 11:54 PM (AoSQU) 485
When Scotty from Boogie Nights brags that you Paul Ryan will pass amnesty in the 1st 100 days, you may want to start looking for another line of work.
Posted by: Cactus of Liberty at July 27, 2016 11:54 PM (Q9ugn) 486
Why would you put an actress on the board of Planned Parenthood? Wouldn't it make more sense to have people on that board who are actually bright enough to understand that Caitlyn Jenner can't get preggers? Posted by: nerdygirl at July 27, 2016 11:54 PM (+lVUW) 487
Pretty sure that's their "Universal 401K" scheme that is intended to eventually federalize 401Ks. Basically, manage everyone's 401K investments for them, i.e. steal it.
Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (NOIQH) Yep. They'll start out small, and require, e.g., 10% of a 401(k) to be in those safe safe government securities. Right now, all that lovely money there doing nothing, just wasted on the people who earned it, when it could be used to buy Democrat votes. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:55 PM (SRKgf) Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 27, 2016 11:55 PM (IqV8l) 489
417 Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at July 27, 2016 11:43 Why is she dressed like Mao in blue? ... and a '64 LeSabre is in need of new upholstery ... damn. Posted by: Buick Style Department, Seats & Interiors at July 27, 2016 11:55 PM (FlRtG) 490
I have a wall covered with patent plaques that says otherwise
Posted by: Bacon Jeff at July 27, 2016 11:47 PM (VSenK) No offense intended. Engineers don't invent stuff. Stuff is put in turkeys at Thanks giving or mattresses. Engineers invent actual useful things beneficial to mankind. Or frisbees. Posted by: gNewt.....don't like Ryan....better call Paul...Nehlen, that is at July 27, 2016 11:55 PM (gjgWX) 491
Now just gotta figure a way to deliver to all you drinkers.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (WVsWD) ----------- Drone delivery gratefully accepted. Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:55 PM (/wm8n) 492
A very interesting Tw##t that I can't link directly but...
ASSANGE: Any DNC staffer could be the leaker... Like the one killed last week Posted by: andycanuck at July 27, 2016 11:55 PM (LdMbv) 493
Check out the picture on Drudge. He always manages to find the most unflattering photos of Madame Cankles
Posted by: Tuna at July 27, 2016 11:56 PM (JSovD) 494
Yep, and it chaps my ass that MLK -- a REPUBLICAN --
gets constantly misquoted and cited to support evil racist bile in support of the party of the KKK and Bull Connor. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (EzgxV) All the while they piss all over his message, philosophy of nonviolent resistance, and dreams of an age when skin color simply wouldn't matter. They've used his image and cherry picked quotes while they betrayed and murdered his legacy. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 27, 2016 11:56 PM (J+mig) Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 11:56 PM (u4nEs) 496
Tonight did not help out the Paul Ryan primary election.
Posted by: Cactus of Liberty at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (Q9ugn) I'm broken up about this, really. But mostly just that I'm too far North to vote against him, and the GOPe toady I was looking so forward to not voting for again for Congress bailed after he got his lifetime healthcare time in. Posted by: Bete says it is going to burn, why bother putting it off? at July 27, 2016 11:56 PM (Ojki1) 497
So what was the ratio of Obama talking about himself compared to Hillary?
Posted by: buzzion at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (bMG0w) 498
498: People need to realize that if you want to get ahead in life, you need to stop obeying the law and do what thou wilt. Hillary Clinton has set the example, -- why question the validity?
The rule of law is dead. Posted by: Fritz ________ Hillary Clinton is qualified to serve as America's [ ] head of government [ ] head of state Posted by: FireHorse at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (ZihpT) Posted by: reason at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (nKoz8) 500
Drone delivery gratefully accepted.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 27, 2016 11:55 PM (/wm8n) Too much work for me. You send a drone my way and I'll load it up with a six pack and you can fly it back. That'll work. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (WVsWD) 501
>>Why would you put an actress on the board of Planned Parenthood?
Wouldn't it make more sense to have people on that board who are actually bright enough to understand that Caitlyn Jenner can't get preggers? They have many Hollywood people on their board, such as Shonda Rhimes, who produces a handful of hit tv dramas, and Lena Dunham is very actively involved (not sure if she's on the BoD). It's their reach. For example, Rhimes writes pro-abortion stories into her shows, Lena did a book tour that doubled as a PP fundraiser (so she charged admission). It's all about the PR and $$$. Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (NOIQH) 502
Lol @ the Drudge shot. What a skankapotomous. She looks like she's going to swallow him.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (bS6uW) 503
"Yep, and it chaps my ass that MLK -- a REPUBLICAN -- gets constantly
misquoted and cited to support evil racist bile in support of the party of the KKK and Bull Connor." Remember, as Rep. Keith Ellison reminded us this week, Trump is the worst Republican nominee "since George Wallace". Posted by: torquewrench at July 27, 2016 11:58 PM (noWW6) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 27, 2016 11:58 PM (mgbwf) 505
"Uh oh, Brit Hume is sniffing glue again - 'eloquent', 'powerful'."
"In unrelated news, Brit Hume just announced that he'd received notice of an IRS audit earlier today." Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (SRKgf) 506
Pretty sure that's their "Universal 401K" scheme
that is intended to eventually federalize 401Ks. Basically, manage everyone's 401K investments for them, i.e. steal it. Posted by: Lizzy at July 27, 2016 11:51 PM (NOIQH) That will go over well, "nationalize" everybody's life savings. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (P/kVC) 507
511 Engineers invent actual useful things beneficial to mankind. Or frisbees.
Lawn Darts. Posted by: Chillus Fristbitten at July 27, 2016 11:56 PM (u4nEs) And don't forget designing cars that you need to drop the engine out of to replace the battery. Posted by: buzzion at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (bMG0w) 508
Jeez that Deudge photo...stared at it expecting to see something flying out of her mouth..shudder..and that super brigh red lipstick..
Posted by: IC at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (lvJtT) 509
Sven, yep, Mrs Hades is taking me to do all the tourist stuff because I've never done any of it. Going to see the pirate show tomorrow, oh boy!
And on that note, I'm off to bed. Later roonz and roonettez, fear no evil! Posted by: GGE Is On Fire...Kindle Fire, that is at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (YAKRn) 510
Lol @ the Drudge shot. What a skankapotomous. She looks like she's going to swallow him.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (bS6uW) well the kids today would call her "thot", or something like that. Posted by: yankeefifth at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (AoSQU) 511
Hillary Clinton is qualified to serve as America's
[ ] head of government [ ] head of state [X] Ambassador to Hell, permanent post Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (UPYhp) 512
Enemy attack? There are Republicans in Oregon?
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (SRKgf) about 12 I think. Posted by: Kindltot at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (ry34m) 513
Brian Williams is dead?!?!?!
Posted by: The Rev Al But on the third day, I rose again. True story. Posted by: Brian Williams at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (UPYhp) This is totally the plot for my next Superman movie, how did it leak? Posted by: Zack Snyder at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (Ojki1) 514
They've used his image and cherry picked quotes while they betrayed and murdered his legacy.
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party ________ But we celebrate Martin Luther King Day of Service every January! In remembrance of his work at food drives for the homeless! (That's what he did, right?) Posted by: FireHorse at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (ZihpT) 515
Why would you put an actress on the board of Planned Parenthood?
Wouldn't it make more sense to have people on that board who are actually bright enough to understand that Caitlyn Jenner can't get preggers? Posted by: nerdygirl ----------- Have you looked at the Obama administration? It is composed of people with NO real experience of any kind. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (ZxmMG) 516
Goede nacht mijn computer vrienden! Morgen de Winona waanzin begint weer fris!
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (+b2T3) 517
Jesus. The name of the tweeter must be banned by frigging pixy. I don't see any racist or anti-Semitic content either to explain it. (And, no, his handle doesn't include b l a zer or i ma ge)
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (LdMbv) 518
527 Hillary Clinton is qualified to serve as America's
[ ] head of government [ ] head of state [X] Ambassador to Hell, permanent post Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 27, 2016 11:59 PM (UPYhp) Trump should exercise his media-fu and say he'll nominate Hillary to be ambassador to Libya. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 28, 2016 12:01 AM (SRKgf) 519
Jesus I wish my life was so free of any real problems or real conflict that I could obsess over what some blog commenter had in his f'n nic on the AoS I call for a banning of people who call for bannings over ridiculous stoopid shit. Posted by: MAx at July 28, 2016 12:01 AM (0uuiT) 520
450 Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:46 PM (EzgxV) ----------------------- HA-ha! God bless Nelson Muntz. Posted by: No, really sorry, but I just couldn't resist at July 28, 2016 12:02 AM (5o5ek) 521
>>Yep. They'll start out small, and require, e.g., 10% of a 401(k) to be in those safe safe government securities.
Exactly. It will be just like Obamacare: It's not fair that some people can afford Cadillac money management while Juanita hairdresser cannot. We need to level the playing field and have all 401ks managed by the same entity to ensure that the greedy 1% isn't getting an unfair advantage. You know who else is *really* gung-ho for this? The labor unions. Posted by: Lizzy at July 28, 2016 12:02 AM (NOIQH) 522
533 Jesus. The name of the tweeter must be banned by frigging pixy. I don't see any racist or anti-Semitic content either to explain it. (And, no, his handle doesn't include b l a zer or i ma ge)
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (LdMbv) Does it happen to include u-g-g or u-g-g-s in the name or text you're trying to post? Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:03 AM (bMG0w) 523
498: People need to realize that if you want to get ahead in life, you need to stop obeying the law and do what thou wilt. Hillary Clinton has set the example, -- why question the validity? The rule of law is dead. Posted by: Fritz ________ Hillary Clinton is qualified to serve as America's [ ] head of government [ ] head of state Posted by: FireHorse at July 27, 2016 11:57 PM (ZihpT) [ ] dogcatcher[ ] lamppost decoration[ ] longest-serving inmate Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:03 AM (EzgxV) 524
The Drudge picture is the Face of Evil and the Face of over 1 billion deaths in The future.
Say what you will about Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Heath Ledger's Joker, Pennywise the Clown, ISIS, ect... Hillary is the most terrifying human being I've ever seen. No sarcasm. Posted by: Cactus of Liberty at July 28, 2016 12:04 AM (Q9ugn) 525
"Posted by: MAx at July 28, 2016 12:01 AM (0uuiT)"
None of us are curing cancer here. This bet caused iforget's posts to be really annoying - trying to fix that doesn't mean our lives have no real problems. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:04 AM (kumBu) 526
Is this thing on?
Last one out of Imelda's camp, turn the lights out. Don't bother with the computers. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:04 AM (AqVoh) 527
Maet, thanks for posting the link to the B-52 attack audio and map. I'm an old Buff fixer and have links to several dozen others. I forwarded the link to them. It's pretty serious stuff and reminds me of what our aircrews go through each time they go over enemy territory. Might be lighter resistance in SW Asia nowadays, but still tough.
Posted by: L Rob in Tx at July 28, 2016 12:05 AM (fZ/tx) 528
Jesus I wish my life was so free of any real problems or real conflict that I could obsess over what some blog commenter had in his f'n nic on the AoS I call for a banning of people who call for bannings over ridiculous stoopid shit. Posted by: MAx at July 28, 2016 12:01 AM (0uuiT) This right here is the funniest post I'll read all week. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:05 AM (bMG0w) 529
"Does it happen to include u-g-g or u-g-g-s in the name or text you're trying to post?
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:03 AM (bMG0w) " Seriously, what kind of a twitter handle is @lacewigs? Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:05 AM (kumBu) 530
"Yep, and it chaps my ass that MLK -- a REPUBLICAN -- gets constantly misquoted and cited to support evil racist bile in support of the party of the KKK and Bull Connor." Remember, as Rep. Keith Ellison reminded us this week, Trump is the worst Republican nominee "since George Wallace". Posted by: torquewrench at July 27, 2016 11:58 PM (noWW6) Who was, of course, a Democrat..... Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:06 AM (EzgxV) 531
Tuned in late so no idea what the iforget/Banana stuff was about, but it looked pretty lame from the outside.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 28, 2016 12:06 AM (bS6uW) 532
And where would we be without memes?
THEN WHO WAS MEME? Posted by: a meme at July 28, 2016 12:06 AM (LdMbv) 533
WHAT did I tell you? The purpose of that speech was to completely upstage Hillary and make the idiots perceive her as but a shadow to His Greatness, a whispering echo of words that were made of thunder: Please Don't Go Mr. President Daily Kook diary: Posted by: iforgot says God bless Bingo at July 28, 2016 12:06 AM (5o5ek) 534
That article on olive oil makes an interesting point about some cultures having trouble differentiating between the colors blue and green. This is something I've read about before, and it's actually caused by language shaping the way we see colors.
See, the Japanese are one culture than can have trouble telling green from blue, and it's largely because they have one word, aoi, than can mean blue or green. They also have a word, midori, that specifically means green, but that's more like a shade of aoi to them, much like we see turquoise as a shade of blue. But then, many Americans have trouble telling the difference between turquoise and aqua. And the Japanese even consider cigarette smoke to be blue, whereas Americans will insist it's grey. Russians are the best in the world as a people at telling the difference between different shades of blue and bluish colors, because they have two different words for what we just call blue; one word for darker shades of blue, and one word for lighter shades of blue. Russians perceive both types of blue as different colors as a result of this linguistic quirk. Conversely, several African languages just have one word for red which covers both red and orange. Native speakers of those languages have difficulty telling the difference between various shades of red, orange, pink and peach as a result. Language has a huge impact on how we perceive color. Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (0OG8D) 535
The color of those gums is identical to those on false teeth.
Posted by: gNewt.....don't like Ryan....better call Paul...Nehlen, that is at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (gjgWX) 536
I call for a ban on people calling for bans on people calling a ban on people whose bets last too long/are are too annoying.
You're right, this is fun. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (kumBu) 537
[ ] longest-serving inmate
I can't even go with this. She's just your basic stupid/venal. It's in all the soap operas. So is Bubba. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (AqVoh) 538
Exactly. It will be just like Obamacare: It's not fair that some people
can afford Cadillac money management while Juanita hairdresser cannot. We need to level the playing field and have all 401ks managed by the same entity to ensure that the greedy 1% isn't getting an unfair advantage. --- You know that none of the people who think this is a good idea for whatever reason have given any thought to what happens when they try to liquidate all those 401k stocks in order to get the money to put into treasuries *all at once*. Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (3Liv/) 539
Enemy attack? There are Republicans in Oregon? Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 27, 2016 11:35 PM (SRKgf) about 12 I think. Posted by: Kindltot at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (ry34m) My parents live in Oregon. If you excised Portlandia, it'd be a nice state. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (EzgxV) 540
I call for a ban on people calling for bans on people calling a ban on people whose bets last too long/are are too annoying. You're right, this is fun. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (kumBu) I call for a ban for a people who call for bans on people calling for bans. But only on days that end in Y and S. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 28, 2016 12:08 AM (J+mig) 541
None of us are curing cancer here. This bet caused iforget's posts to be really annoying - trying to fix that doesn't mean our lives have no real problems.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:04 AM (kumBu) Meh, they aren't all that annoying. Once you realize what it is, it's just silly. I'd like to see a shorter sunset on such things, or else stipulate that the "payoff phrase" be permitted in only one post per thread, but it's scarcely a big issue. That's what scroll wheels are for. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:09 AM (GSdpU) 542
We spend a ton of money on fine wines but not olive oils. This needs to stop. We're not animals. I recommend Frescobaldi as a starting point.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 28, 2016 12:09 AM (bS6uW) Posted by: It's the ONT for god's sakes let me say it at July 28, 2016 12:09 AM (5o5ek) 544
Have you looked at the Obama administration? It is composed of people with NO real experience of any kind.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (ZxmMG) 'A' Listers hire 'A' Listers 'B' Listers hire 'C' Listers and 'C' Listers hire complete ef ups. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:09 AM (P/kVC) 545
#538 No, buzzion. And I experimented with just entering the guy's name on its own without the @ and got the red-text page of death.
Posted by: a meme at July 28, 2016 12:09 AM (LdMbv) 546
Those responsible for banning those who call for bannings have been banned.
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 28, 2016 12:10 AM (UPYhp) Posted by: Amy Schumer at July 28, 2016 12:10 AM (3Liv/) 548
Meme? Never heard of it.
Posted by: Charlie Gibson at July 28, 2016 12:11 AM (rLrEx) 549
You know that none of the people who think this is a good idea for whatever reason have given any thought to what happens when they try to liquidate all those 401k stocks in order to get the money to put into treasuries *all at once*.
No worries. The Fed will buy them, you see. QE3: The Leviathan. I wish I was kidding. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:11 AM (AqVoh) 550
561 #538 No, buzzion. And I experimented with just entering the guy's name on its own without the @ and got the red-text page of death.
Posted by: a meme at July 28, 2016 12:09 AM (LdMbv) So what is it? Break it up into two or three parts. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:11 AM (bMG0w) 551
>>>Does it happen to include u-g-g or u-g-g-s in the name or text you're trying to post?
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:03 AM (bMG0w) " Seriously, what kind of a twitter handle is @lacewigs? Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:05 AM (kumBu) Maybe it's a booster of the Portland NBA team, or Chevy 4x4's -- @b_l_a_z_e_r_fan? Posted by: another possibility at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (H9MG5) 552
Tuned in late so no idea what the iforget/Banana stuff was about, but it looked pretty lame from the outside. Posted by: Blacksheep at July 28, 2016 12:06 AM (bS6uW) It's been pretty lame from all sides, in all the threads, for what seems like forever. Congrats to them both, who have discovered a new way of being annoying -- as well as to MAx, who has rediscovered an old one. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (EzgxV) 553
"See, the Japanese are one culture than can have trouble telling green from blue, and it's largely because they have one word, aoi, than can mean blue or green. They also have a word, midori, that specifically means green, but that's more like a shade of aoi to them, much like we see turquoise as a shade of blue. But then, many Americans have trouble telling the difference between turquoise and aqua. And the Japanese even consider cigarette smoke to be blue, whereas Americans will insist it's grey.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (0OG8D) " I think more young Japanese are starting to use the straight loan words and considering green and blue different. For example, a Japenese university would probably say pinku for pink instead of momoiro (literally peach colored). I still don't think they have a good loanword for brown or gray, though. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (kumBu) 554
I was the first person to meme. Remember like it was yesterday.
Posted by: Brian Williams at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (UPYhp) 555
OK, I took a nap and actually awoke before morning.
Any succinct post on what Barry said I should look at? I turned on Tyrant rather than the Dems, kinda like that show. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (o/90i) 556
Those responsible for banning those who call for bannings have been banned.
This is where someone gets bitten by Lena Dunham Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (AqVoh) 557
Off "a meme" sock.
I call for a ban for a people who call for bans on people calling for bans. But only on days that end in Y and S. That might end up saving Ace from an accidental banning in the future. I second the "motion". Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (LdMbv) 558
I call for a ban on people calling for bans on people calling a ban on people whose bets last too long/are are too annoying.
You're right, this is fun. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean ***** I propose banning for anybody with more than one occurrence of the word 'bro' in their nick. And limericks. Anybody who writes a frigging limerick. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 28, 2016 12:13 AM (mvenn) 559
Language has a huge impact on how we perceive color.
Oh, I love things like that. Germans are very debt-averse. I'm conviced that it's because the word Schuld means both debt and guilt. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 12:13 AM (mgbwf) 560
Yeah, MLK is in the memory hole. People in Montgomery, Alabama walked to work for a year because Michelle Obama said the exercise would be good for them.
And the S in NSDAP stood for Halliburton. Posted by: FireHorse at July 28, 2016 12:13 AM (ZihpT) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 28, 2016 12:14 AM (mvenn) 562
>>>And where would we be without memes?
THEN WHO WAS MEME? Posted by: a meme at July 28, 2016 12:06 AM (LdMbv)<<< Who meme this is?! Posted by: the guy who asks "who [fill in the blank] this is?" at July 28, 2016 12:14 AM (H9MG5) 563
So what is it? Break it up into two or three parts.
But I don't want to get banned! Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:14 AM (LdMbv) 564
Language has a huge impact on how we perceive color.
Posted by: at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (0OG8D) It is the male dominated language of cultures world wide who choose not to care about different colors. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:15 AM (P/kVC) 565
Don't meme me, bro!
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:15 AM (LdMbv) Posted by: Hillary! 2016 Barking For Us at July 28, 2016 12:16 AM (/wm8n) 567
We spend a ton of money on fine wines but not olive oils. This needs to stop. We're not animals. I recommend Frescobaldi as a starting point.
Posted by: Blacksheep at July 28, 2016 12:09 AM (bS6uW) First-world problems, I guess. I never buy olive oil. I don't dislike the stuff, it just doesn't enter into my admittedly limited culinary repertoire. I do have a freshly-purchased can of sesame oil in the kitchen cupboard, though. It was hard to open it, too. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:16 AM (GSdpU) Posted by: The Guy Who Wants to Ban Puns and Punners at July 28, 2016 12:16 AM (mgbwf) Posted by: Al Sharpton at July 28, 2016 12:16 AM (3Liv/) 570
Hey, where all da white memes at?
Posted by: Sheriff Bart at July 28, 2016 12:16 AM (/wm8n) 571
Is this forbidden link about the DNC staffer who was murdered in DC a couple of weeks ago?
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 12:17 AM (kP16F) 572
The color of those gums is identical to those on false teeth.
Posted by: gNewt.....don't like Ryan....better call Paul...Nehlen, that is at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (gjgWX) The hole in her tongue is weird. Maybe a fresh cigarette burn. Or where the docs used a melon baller to scoop out a cancer. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:17 AM (P/kVC) 573
Meme? He's a pimp.
Posted by: Don Vito at July 28, 2016 12:17 AM (/wm8n) 574
579 So what is it? Break it up into two or three parts.
But I don't want to get banned! Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:14 AM (LdMbv Come on you've got my curiosity as to what the twitter name is that is getting identified as bad text. I only know of three "words" one is a type of boot that Tom Brady wears. One is a Chevy SUV. And the third one is that actual bad one that only rappers are allowed to say. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:17 AM (bMG0w) 575
Language has a huge impact on how we perceive color.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (0OG8D) Yeah ... not buying that one. it's far more likely that genetic relations with the same strengths (or lacks) of perception make words in a commensurate fashion to reflect that, but the idea that language affects (color) perception is a step way too far for me. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 12:18 AM (zc3Db) 576
Memes are the unofficial currency of Peruvia.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:18 AM (mvenn) 577
I come not to praise your memes, but to bury them.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:18 AM (AqVoh) 578
That article on olive oil makes an interesting point about some cultures having trouble differentiating between the colors blue and green. This is something I've read about before, and it's actually caused by language shaping the way we see colors. See, the Japanese are one culture than can have trouble telling green from blue, and it's largely because they have one word, aoi, than can mean blue or green. They also have a word, midori, that specifically means green, but that's more like a shade of aoi to them, much like we see turquoise as a shade of blue. But then, many Americans have trouble telling the difference between turquoise and aqua. And the Japanese even consider cigarette smoke to be blue, whereas Americans will insist it's grey. Russians are the best in the world as a people at telling the difference between different shades of blue and bluish colors, because they have two different words for what we just call blue; one word for darker shades of blue, and one word for lighter shades of blue. Russians perceive both types of blue as different colors as a result of this linguistic quirk. Conversely, several African languages just have one word for red which covers both red and orange. Native speakers of those languages have difficulty telling the difference between various shades of red, orange, pink and peach as a result. Language has a huge impact on how we perceive color. Posted by: PW at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (0OG8D) Look into the Whorf/Sapir hypothesis. It's largely seen as discredited by Those Whose Opinions Matter, but it sounds pretty good to The Rest of Us Who Use Common Sense. Essentially, it says that you perceive the differences between things that have different words in your language, and miss distinctions between different things that are covered by the same word. George Orwell's Newspeak relied greatly upon this concept. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:18 AM (EzgxV) 579
I can put an end to this... but first you will blow meme.
Posted by: Mel Gibson at July 28, 2016 12:18 AM (H9MG5) 580
" And limericks. Anybody who writes a frigging limerick.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 28, 2016 12:13 AM (mvenn) " However, those who write tanka, villanelle or sestina will get a free upgrade to AoS platinum status and access to the communal pudding trough. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:19 AM (kumBu) 581
If you excised Portlandia, it'd be a nice state.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (EzgxV) ====== Umm, hello? Posted by: Eugene, OR at July 28, 2016 12:19 AM (EZebt) Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:19 AM (LdMbv) 583
D Listers use Listerine.
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 28, 2016 12:19 AM (IqV8l) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:20 AM (mvenn) 585
It is the male dominated language of cultures world wide who choose not to care about different colors.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:15 AM (P/kVC) That is so sexist and colorist. What if red chooses to identify as green, who are you to make it conform to your view of the world Posted by: Snowflake about to cause a major traffic accident at July 28, 2016 12:20 AM (Ojki1) 586
There is no "I" in "meme".
Posted by: db at July 28, 2016 12:20 AM (CpH7S) 587
Red meme, standing by.
Posted by: Red Meme at July 28, 2016 12:20 AM (H9MG5) 588
First they came for the memes, and I said nothing because I only used knock knock jokes.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:20 AM (/wm8n) 589
And limericks. Anybody who writes a frigging limerick.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon ________ How about sonnets? "Nantucket Island, home once for a man" ... (Take it from there. Just make sure each verse is iambic pentameter, and keep the English A-B-A-B rhyme scheme for the quatrains.) Posted by: FireHorse at July 28, 2016 12:20 AM (ZihpT) Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:21 AM (LdMbv) 591
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:19 AM (LdMbv)
That's a haiku, dumbass. And that's cultural appropriation, but since you're Canadian, you need a culture to appropriate. I keed, I keed. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:21 AM (AqVoh) 592
It is the male dominated language of cultures world wide who choose not to care about different colors.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:15 AM (P/kVC) If that were true Salmon would not be a color. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:21 AM (bMG0w) 593
Those responsible for banning those who call for bannings have been banned. This is where someone gets bitten by Lena Dunham Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (AqVoh) Getting bitten by Lena Dunham can be seri0us.... Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (EzgxV) 594
Give me memes, or give me Kaboom!
Posted by: zombie Patrick Henry at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (rLrEx) 595
Goede nacht mijn computer vrienden! Morgen de Winona waanzin begint weer fris!
Posted by: Banana Splits Guy at July 28, 2016 12:00 AM (+b2T3) Bread, beer and green cheese is good English and good Frise. Posted by: Kindltot at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (ry34m) 596
I've read that Finns typically don't distinguish between the colours red and orange, either... They think their safety orange letter boxes are red!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (kP16F) 597
Yup, Hill has a hole in her tongue.
Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (P/kVC) 598
iforgot is a girl (I think she went by "Lemon Kitten" once upon a time), so not a "he". She's not a troll; she's been here for years and usually contributes good stuff to the comments.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (6FqZa) Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (AqVoh) 600
Memes are a helluva drug.
Posted by: zombie Rick James at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (H9MG5) 601
If Japanese can't tell the difference between blue and green then there must be a lot of screw-ups on Japanese TV when the people wear green in front of green screens thinking they are wearing some sort of blue ...
Come on, people. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (zc3Db) 602
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (LdMbv) 603
Iambic pentameter be hard, yo!
Posted by: Bill Shakespeare at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (0mRoj) 604
Getting bitten by Lena Dunham can be seri0us....
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (EzgxV) A Lena Dunham bit my sister once. Posted by: The subtitleist at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (Ojki1) 605
Well the Japanese are scarcely stupid people. I'm sure they perceive colors as well as any of us, but if the language does not have words to designate certain colors, they simply cannot report what they perceive. Or else resort to circumlocutions, like "it was blue, but that shade of blue that gaijin call "green"."
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (GSdpU) 606
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (LdMbv) 607
If that were true Salmon would not be a color.
It's not. That's pink. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (AqVoh) Just red. Light red if you want to get picky. Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (P/kVC) 608
My therapy tonight was to change the oil and filter on the motorcycle.
A little over three quarts of Mobil 1 15W50 and a Mahle OC619. New crush washer for the plug. Done. Posted by: the littl shyning man at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (U6f54) 609
I was told there would be no memes.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (/wm8n) 610
When it comes to poems I'm an amateur
I can butcher a rhyme like an abbatoir But I'm plain out of luck Just don't know how the f*ck To construct an iambic pentameter. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (mvenn) 611
Yup, Hill has a hole in her tongue.
Posted by: Burnt Toast That's where the vibrating tongue-stud goes. Posted by: Huma at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (UPYhp) 612
Speaking of colors, does anybody know how to spell fuchsia?
Posted by: rickl at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (sdi6R) Posted by: Jesse Custer at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (3Liv/) 614
#591: That's possible. I think a good test of your view on that factor would be to survey African children adopted as babies and raised by Hollywood stars, to see how they perceive shades of red and orange.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (0OG8D) 615
609 572
Those responsible for banning those who call for bannings have been banned. This is where someone gets bitten by Lena Dunham Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (AqVoh) Getting bitten by Lena Dunham can be seri0us.... Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (EzgxV) Dunham bites kan be pretti nasti! Posted by: Insomniac at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (0mRoj) Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (AqVoh) 617
617 If Japanese can't tell the difference between blue and green then there must be a lot of screw-ups on Japanese TV when the people wear green in front of green screens thinking they are wearing some sort of blue ...
Come on, people. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (zc3Db) What about all the anime where they have characters with blue and green hair. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (bMG0w) 618
597 If you excised Portlandia, it'd be a nice state. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (EzgxV) ====== Umm, hello? Posted by: Eugene, OR at July 28, 2016 12:19 AM (EZebt) Eugene wouldn't outvote the rest of the state. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (EzgxV) 619
I was told there would be no memes.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (/wm8n) Its a trap! Posted by: Admiral Ackbar at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (Ojki1) 620
That's where the vibrating tongue-stud goes.
Posted by: Huma at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (UPYhp) Tongue hoop maybe Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (P/kVC) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (mvenn) 622
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (LdMbv)
I thought you said it wasn't letting you post it. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:26 AM (bMG0w) 623
In the future, everybody gets 15 memes.
Posted by: Andy Warhol at July 28, 2016 12:26 AM (UPYhp) 624
So ... in Japanese, they have RGG screens. Colors in Japanese HTML must be a bitch. They see people writing hex for RGB codes and they can't figure out why anyone would have two different levels of green ...
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (zc3Db) 625
Memes, or it didn't happen.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (AqVoh) 626
I smell the colors, man.
Posted by: Owsley Stanley at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (IqV8l) 627
I just tried it as one word but with the R and the H capitalized as in the twitter handle and it didn't post; it didn't give me the red-text page; and I stayed on the thread other than the usual sort of screen-flash that happens when you comment.
Weird dude. And if the guy is e.g. a white supremacist, then Ace is going to have my salmon for dinner. ![]() Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (LdMbv) 628
Prime Minister William Gladstone himself noticed that "The Iliad" lacked a colour palette. Apparently Iron Age Greeks could only see red, and black and white of course, and also some sort of grey green blue thingie.
Also note, New Order, "Temptation" . . . especially while whacked out on heroin, or so Trainspotting taught me. Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (6FqZa) 629
Wheeeww. I don't know what I was so worried. I just looked up the CBO's latest (rosy scenario) projections. We're only gonna need to borrow another $10T by 2026.
For reference, in 1998 or so, the CBO's ten year projection had the federal debt completely paid off by 2008 or so. Remember when we ran surpluses there for a while? Extending that out, the federal debt was going to be retired. One year actually had a real, on budget surplus, not cheating by adding the social security surplus into the whole thing. There were several year than had that sum running a surplus. This worried Greenspan at the time. He was worried there wouldn't be any more Ts out there to conduct monetary operations with, and fretted they would have to do something about that. Really. This is not a joke. The CBO said we would be in surplus now, and 9 years ago or so. Instead, we're $20T in debt. Just keep that in mind with that "only" $10T more debt projection. Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (DW+jj) 630
If Japanese can't tell the difference between blue and green then there must be a lot of screw-ups on Japanese TV///
They have robots for that. Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (BZey7) 631
And f*ck THAT meme in particular.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (mvenn) 632
I have a meme!
Posted by: zombie MLK at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (CpH7S) 633
628 Speaking of colors, does anybody know how to spell fuchsia?
Posted by: rickl at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (sdi6R) Yes. P-U-R-P-L-E Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (bMG0w) 634
Maine would be a nice state if it were relieved of its own "Portlandia"...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (kP16F) 635
631 609 572
Those responsible for banning those who call for bannings have been banned. This is where someone gets bitten by Lena Dunham Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:12 AM (AqVoh) Getting bitten by Lena Dunham can be seri0us.... Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:22 AM (EzgxV) Dunham bites kan be pretti nasti! Posted by: Insomniac at July 28, 2016 12:25 AM (0mRoj) Your telling me.... Senor.... Posted by: Jose Jalipino on a Stick at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (qf6WZ) 636
When memes are outlawed, the terrorists have already won.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (/wm8n) 637
iforgot is a girl (I think she went by "Lemon Kitten" once upon a time), so not a "he". She's not a troll; she's been here for years and usually contributes good stuff to the comments. Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (6FqZa) ...and could use a month contemplating how shitting on the blog for personal abasement might not be a great strategy. Seriously -- make yourself as miserable as you want for however long you'll put up with it, but don't promise to post shit on the blog for longer than a day. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (EzgxV) 638
Honey badger don't give a shit about memes.
Posted by: Honey Badger at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (H9MG5) 639
And limericks. Anybody who writes a frigging limerick.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon There once was a girl from Nantucket, who crossed the sea in a bucket and when she got there they asked for the fare So she pulled up her dress and said ... Posted by: Ah, fvckit at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (iynDC) 640
A meme is a form of weasel.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:30 AM (/wm8n) 641
Speaking of colors, does anybody know how to spell fuchsia? Posted by: rickl at July 28, 2016 12:24 AM (sdi6R) Fuchsia Dunlop -- awesome info for Szechuan/Hunan cuisine!!! Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:30 AM (EzgxV) 642
THis is the coalition to ban coalitions.
I ain't politician, but I've got views. Some folks wanna ban cars, Some wanna get rid of Fender guitars. Why don't you do yo' thing, and we'll do our thing too? etc, etc, -Hank, Jr. Posted by: publius (not Breitbart publius) at July 28, 2016 12:30 AM (DW+jj) 643
Longbows are superior to memes....
Posted by: Don Q. at July 28, 2016 12:30 AM (qf6WZ) 644
...but I'm from Pawtucket???
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (LdMbv) 645
In the bizarro world we live in right now I must say I'd vote Crazy Joe over Crazy Donald if that was the only choice.
Make no mistake though - I'll vote for the dead hooker in the trunk of Ace's car before I'd vote for Clinton. Posted by: Brian in New Orleans at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (ebcV9) 646
I will give up my meme when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.
Posted by: National Meme Association at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (CpH7S) Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (AqVoh) 648
Regarding language affecting color, my personal experience relates to cordovan brown. We call it "cordovan brown" because that's a shade of Cabot stain. Then men go out and buy cordovan shoes and wear them with brown pants.
Which is just wrong. I never say anything because of manners or something, but it drives me freaking nuts. Posted by: FireHorse at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (ZihpT) 649
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a meme and he posts stupid comments for the rest of his life.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (/wm8n) 650
...and could use a month contemplating how shitting on the blog for personal abasement might not be a great strategy. Seriously -- make yourself as miserable as you want for however long you'll put up with it, but don't promise to post shit on the blog for longer than a day.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (EzgxV) Why are you letting this trivial shit upset you so much? Just ignore it. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (GSdpU) 651
654 Honey badger don't give a shit about memes.
Posted by: Honey Badger at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (H9MG5) And then Honey Badger said... She don't give a shit about memes... Posted by: Amy Shumer.. at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (qf6WZ) Posted by: GnuBreed at July 28, 2016 12:32 AM (gyKtp) 653
Grumpy cat doesn't care about memes.
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:32 AM (LdMbv) 654
Meme vs. 9mm. Discuss.
Posted by: db at July 28, 2016 12:32 AM (CpH7S) 655
" Or else resort to circumlocutions, like "it was blue, but that shade of blue that gaijin call "green"."
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:23 AM (GSdpU) " They tend to relate the color to a common object. Pink is momo iro (peach color..even though peaches aren't pink) Brown is cha iro (tea clolor) Gray is hai iro (ash color) Even yellow is a contraction of this type of construction - kiiro, contracted from kiniro (gold color). But again, a lot of people started to replace those with loanwords. Pink is just 'pinku'. Gray is 'gure (gooray). Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:32 AM (kumBu) 656
Women need to get back in the kitchen and just make memes.
Posted by: Honey Badger at July 28, 2016 12:32 AM (H9MG5) 657
The aristocrats....
Posted by: Amy Shumer.. at July 28, 2016 12:33 AM (qf6WZ) 658
See, the Japanese are one culture than can have trouble telling green from blue, and it's largely because they have one word, aoi, than can mean blue or green. They also have a word, midori, that specifically means green, but that's more like a shade of aoi to them, much like we see turquoise as a shade of blue.
...Language has a huge impact on how we perceive color. Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (0OG8D) Just to be clear the Japanese have no problems visually distinguishing blue items from green items. Their eyes work just like everyone else's - it just that their language doesn't explicitly make the distinction. And truthfully this particular difference doesn't really come into play that much in daily life. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in its strong form is false. In its weak form...possibly true in some circumstances. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 12:33 AM (wqVD1) 659
And the Japanese even consider cigarette smoke to be blue, whereas Americans will insist it's grey.
Cigarette smoke curling straight from the coal is blue. When you suck it into your lungs it get imbued with moisture, and it is grey when you exhale. I am told it is because when it sucks up moisture the particles are slightly larger and refract light differently. (trust me, ex-smoker) This is edging into neuro-linguistic programming area, which is pretty much useless garbage. It isn't that the perception is blunted because of lack of differentiated language, it is that the difference is not considered, because of the framework of language and cultural convnentions, to be unimportant in every day issues. A specialist, like an artist or a chemist, or an ink manufacturer in Japancan tell the difference and describe it, because it is important. Just like the kid from Missouri may not be able to tell the difference between the different types of sea-ice like an Inuit kid can, just from having the words in every day language and having sea-ice a yearly thing, but put him trying to walk out on the ice he will not only see the difference but damned well make up names for it too. Posted by: Kindltot at July 28, 2016 12:33 AM (ry34m) 660
Therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein meme!"
Posted by: Zombie JFK at July 28, 2016 12:34 AM (UPYhp) Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 12:34 AM (BZey7) 662
would a meme, by any other name, still smell so ... stinky?
Posted by: Don Q. at July 28, 2016 12:34 AM (qf6WZ) Posted by: Ah, fvckit at July 28, 2016 12:35 AM (iynDC) 664
First of all, Ace's hooker isn't dead, she's just pining for the fjords.
Second, a storage rental unit in Secaucus is not a car. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:35 AM (AqVoh) 665
650 Maine would be a nice state if it were relieved of its own "Portlandia"...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (kP16F) ===== Umm, hello? Posted by: Freeport, ME at July 28, 2016 12:35 AM (EZebt) 666
I've read that Ed Sapir was one cunning linguist.
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:35 AM (LdMbv) 667
Cigarette smoke curling straight from the coal is blue. When you suck it into your lungs it get imbued with moisture, and it is grey when you exhale.
I used to contemplate this when I smoked. There would be this beautiful blue smoke curling up into a ray of afternoon sunlight, then I'd take a drag and exhale nasty gray fumes. And I asked myself, what damage is my body doing to this smoke? Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 12:36 AM (mgbwf) 668
There. Are. Four. Memes.
Posted by: captain jean-luc picard at July 28, 2016 12:36 AM (LdMbv) 669
My parents live in Oregon. If you excised Portlandia, it'd be a nice state.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:07 AM (EzgxV) Keep the weird in Portland. Build a fence. Posted by: Kindltot at July 28, 2016 12:37 AM (ry34m) Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 12:37 AM (kP16F) 671
The future is a meme crushing a human face forever. #ImWithHer
Posted by: O'Brien at July 28, 2016 12:38 AM (UPYhp) 672
There would be this beautiful blue smoke curling up into a ray of afternoon sunlight, then I'd take a drag and exhale nasty gray fumes. It all looked white to me. I quit anyway. Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 28, 2016 12:38 AM (IqV8l) 673
When I'm President everyone will will have government supplied memes! They'll be free !
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc., using a Bernie meme for the last time at July 28, 2016 12:38 AM (ZxmMG) 674
#675: Well, yeah, when you've got all those different shades of one color in front of you, that's a different matter. But, trying to remember those different colors is much harder when your language doesn't have separate words for each of them.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:38 AM (0OG8D) 675
To be fair, some of my experience with how the Japanese speak is second-hand.
But I've found in recent anime, characters tend to say 'midori' for green. Using aoi is almost always for characterization - someone who is rooted in the past, or maybe haughty. (Say the guy who has seen like 6 anime in the past 2 years since there's so much garbage lately.) Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:39 AM (kumBu) Posted by: free tibet, and all that other sh*t at July 28, 2016 12:39 AM (CL76w) 677
Posted by: Moochelle at July 28, 2016 12:40 AM (H9MG5) 678
Welp, I'd better change socks before I go to bed lest I be posting incongruent stuff tomorrow evening. QBSPC Posted by: iforgot says God bless Bingo at July 28, 2016 12:40 AM (5o5ek) 679
Maet, I'd like to suggest a bannination for "shit on the blog longer
than it takes to be personally humiliated" bets. Winning or losing. iforgot and Banana Splits to be primary exemplars, eligible for unbanning in 30 days. Posted by: cthulhu at July 27, 2016 11:26 PM (EzgxV) Hmm it's a decent idea to ban people who post gratuitously long comments. I like that. Of course this will also include that Jim guy from someplace in Texas... Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 12:40 AM (wqVD1) 680
When I'm President everyone will will have government supplied memes! They'll be free !**
**--Distributed by the VA in leap years based on a Commodore 64 algorithm that only Alan Grayson seems to understand. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:40 AM (AqVoh) 681
After all what makes a meme a meme?
Could it be a bizarre fever dream? But at Ace of Spades When it's properly played It often becomes quite subleme! Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:41 AM (mvenn) 682
hello everyone. All this talk about bannings got me excited. I havent eaten in while.
i'm hungry. Who goes first? Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:41 AM (Q6WFG) 683
When I'm President everyone will will have government supplied memes! They'll be free !///
Time to Short the quatloo. Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 12:41 AM (BZey7) 684
Myrna Loy!!
That was a a babe! The Thin Man movies are great. There's one where he throws her in a shower fully clothed and her dress gets all clingy. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 12:42 AM (mgbwf) 685
memes, memes, memes. Maybe this will shock them into silence. merv Griffin: Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:42 AM (GSdpU) Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 28, 2016 12:42 AM (UPYhp) 687
mebbe i'll just go random. I have all these delicious hashes to choose from.
lets see here now. hard choices. They all look good. Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:42 AM (Q6WFG) 688
Now just gotta figure a way to deliver to all you drinkers.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 27, 2016 11:53 PM (WVsWD) For free booze, I'll show up at your doorstep. Posted by: Country Boy at July 28, 2016 12:43 AM (/YJcS) 689
Me Chinese, me play joke, me put meme in your Coke.
Posted by: Chinese waiter at July 28, 2016 12:43 AM (H9MG5) 690
#701: Oh! You say that, and then you don't share a link. Not cool, Bandersnatch; not cool.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:43 AM (0OG8D) 691
I am convinced that the Horde has been collectively damaged psychologically by overexposure to the Dem Convention.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 12:43 AM (ZxmMG) Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:43 AM (AqVoh) Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:43 AM (/wm8n) 694
I love the smell of memes in the morning!
Posted by: Bacon Jeff at July 28, 2016 12:44 AM (VSenK) 695
So can one of you smart people tell me how many flavors they serve at a Japanese Baskin-Robbins?
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:44 AM (mvenn) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:44 AM (mvenn) 697
Oh. Now this is embarrassing.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:44 AM (/wm8n) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:44 AM (Q6WFG) 699
"Yes it's a decent idea to ban people who post gratuitously long comments. Of course that will also include that Jim guy from someplace in Texas...
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 12:40 AM (wqVD1) " "Sunk New Dawn" is totally a place, right? Border town, by El Paso. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:45 AM (kumBu) 700
I wager 400 quatloos on the oldcomer.
Posted by: Provider 13 at July 28, 2016 12:45 AM (IqV8l) 701
I would like the state for the record that my stupid meme joke was in before Cicero's. The royalties are mine.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:45 AM (AqVoh) Posted by: Winston Smith at July 28, 2016 12:46 AM (EZebt) 703
If you like your meme, you can keep your meme.
Posted by: president o'bumbles at July 28, 2016 12:46 AM (LdMbv) 704
Red meme, standing by.
Posted by: bystander at July 28, 2016 12:46 AM (rLrEx) 705
So can one of you smart people tell me how many flavors they serve at a Japanese Baskin-Robbins?
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. They have the same number, it's just the selection that's different. For example, Japanese exclusive flavors include: sweet bean, miso, prawn, and school girl panties. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 28, 2016 12:46 AM (UPYhp) 706
I just looked for "Myrna Loy Shower" on YouTube and got a bunch of bullshit "award show" videos, I guess because she was being "showered" with honors. I can't deny she deserved those honors, though.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. at July 28, 2016 12:47 AM (0OG8D) 707
716 just to prove the power of this fully operational ban hammer, say goodbye to
qUNWi Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:44 AM (Q6WFG) Bye eleven Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 12:47 AM (bMG0w) 708
Plenty of memes inside. Come, join me.
Posted by: THE Barrel at July 28, 2016 12:47 AM (H9MG5) 709
Jinx, Cicero! You owe Circa a meme!
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:47 AM (LdMbv) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:48 AM (Q6WFG) 711
"So can one of you smart people tell me how many flavors they serve at a Japanese Baskin-Robbins?
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:44 AM (mvenn) " Uh...I guess it would be san-juu ichi? Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:48 AM (kumBu) 712
...and could use a month contemplating how shitting on the blog for personal abasement might not be a great strategy. Seriously -- make yourself as miserable as you want for however long you'll put up with it, but don't promise to post shit on the blog for longer than a day. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:28 AM (EzgxV) Why are you letting this trivial shit upset you so much? Just ignore it. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:31 AM (GSdpU) I'm not personally upset -- I just think there should be consequences for side-bets that incidentally shit on our host and the community. I don't personally care if they're banned for a month, banned for a week, banned for a day, or let off with a warning -- but I'd like to see a shot across their bow to head off the next bout of stupidity. And it's not about discussing one unpopular's about repeating it again and again and again and again and again and again and again, poisoning every thread through massive repetition. I think people would be just sniggering if it were merely the first iforgot post in every thread. This site is maintained by unpaid volunteer labor from Cobs who spend inordinate amounts of time dealing with hamsters to keep things fun. I'm unsympathetic about commenters who make it a more miserable place by fixating on their own situations. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:48 AM (EzgxV) 713
I hate effing memes. Especially that Marcel Marceau guy.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:49 AM (mvenn) 714
Quality matters more than speed. My comment had quality.
Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 28, 2016 12:49 AM (/wm8n) 715
....and I see four have disappeared since 666....
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:49 AM (EzgxV) 716
All of those memes will be lost in time... like tears in the rain...
Posted by: Roy Batty at July 28, 2016 12:49 AM (ZxmMG) 717
Yeah, L.L.Bean is still in Freeport. Reminds me more of Newark than New England.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 28, 2016 12:49 AM (EZebt) 718
It's memes all the way down.
Posted by: andycanuck at July 28, 2016 12:50 AM (LdMbv) 719
Great, now I get to flashback to those panic dreams about hiding from fallout at Reedville Elementary in '62. Mom was really good at hiding panic when the volunteer firefighter siren went off in Aloha. We kept the console stereo radio tuned to the Conelrad station..
Posted by: Headless Body of Agnew at July 28, 2016 12:51 AM (FtrY1) 720
The problem with your thesis, Mike Hammer, is that it presupposes that this place was well-adjusted and rational from 2004 until this past Sunday.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 12:51 AM (AqVoh) 721
I hate effing memes. Especially that Marcel Marceau guy.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. But a meme is a terrible thing to waste. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 28, 2016 12:51 AM (UPYhp) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:51 AM (Q6WFG) 723
Bye buzzion.
Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 12:51 AM (qUNWi) Posted by: bridgekeeper at July 28, 2016 12:51 AM (CpH7S) 725
In Japan it never occurs to me to look for ice cream when I need something sweet, probably because I head straight for the amazing bakery/confectionery places at a train station (in the largest cities). As good as France or Italy.
Though the best croissant I've had was in Saigon (downtown area of TPHCM, so, yes, still Saigon). Second best at a little cafe/bar in the old city of Quebec a short walk from the Chateau Frontenac. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 12:52 AM (QDnY+) 726
I continue to get the Sky is Falling Windows 10 notices from MS.
Is it terrible? It says if you don't like it you can switch back to what you were using before -- that would be Win 7 for me which I am "happy" with. I tend not to believe this. Not a techie -- so it would be a pain for me to tweak out all the bad stuff, but I don't trust MS to not do something punitive to those who do not sign up for the "free" Win 10. Thoughts? Thx Posted by: gracepc at July 28, 2016 12:52 AM (OU4q6) 727
you are now back eleven. That wont happen again. You are free and clear.
the rest of you however are raw meet. hunger is calling. Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:52 AM (Q6WFG) Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 12:52 AM (BZey7) 729
" I am convinced that the Horde has been collectively damaged psychologically by overexposure to the Dem Convention.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 12:43 AM (ZxmMG) " I only got second-hand exposure. What does C. Everett Coop say about that? Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:53 AM (kumBu) 730
1 vote for buzzion. 4 minutes left.
Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:53 AM (Q6WFG) 731
Well, if being annoying and self-indulgent in the comments is going to be a bannable offense it's going to get awfully empty in the comments. Irritation and self-indulgence is what we do.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 12:53 AM (mvenn) Posted by: mindful webworker - insignificantly at July 28, 2016 12:53 AM (5a8XA) 733
I feel weird...but it kindaa feels good...warm..
I see something in the distance beckoning me. I long for it. Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 12:54 AM (qUNWi) 734
Posted by: TB3K
Smile! And here's your photo: Or is that like taunting happy fun ball? Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 28, 2016 12:54 AM (T/cxb) 735
"Though the best croissant I've had was in Saigon (downtown area of TPHCM, so, yes, still Saigon). Second best at a little cafe/bar in the old city of Quebec a short walk from the Chateau Frontenac.
Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 12:52 AM (QDnY+) " And people still have the gall to say the Vietnam War wasn't it. Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 12:54 AM (kumBu) 736
I only got second-hand exposure. What does C. Everett Coop say about that?
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean I dunno, but Jocelyn Elders says stock up on Jergins and Eric Clapner albums. Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at July 28, 2016 12:54 AM (UPYhp) 737
And it's not about discussing one unpopular's about repeating it again and again and again and again and again and again and again, poisoning every thread through massive repetition. I think people would be just sniggering if it were merely the first iforgot post in every thread.
This site is maintained by unpaid volunteer labor from Cobs who spend inordinate amounts of time dealing with hamsters to keep things fun. I'm unsympathetic about commenters who make it a more miserable place by fixating on their own situations. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:48 AM (EzgxV) Cooth, it's nothing more than one line of text appended to each post. Yeah, it gets old after a while, but it's not "shitting all over the blog". To call for bannings over it is an over-reaction, methinks. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:54 AM (GSdpU) 738
memes, memes, memes. Maybe this will shock them into silence. merv Griffin: Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:42 AM (GSdpU) I actually live in the house Merv Griffin bought for his mom. He used to park his Bentley out front where I park my Honda. She and her sister used to do piano lessons here. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:55 AM (EzgxV) 739
My question about LLBean in Freeport being open is a bit of a joke... There's no lock on the front door because the place NEVER closes!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 12:56 AM (kP16F) 740
> Maine would be a nice state if it were relieved of its own "Portlandia"...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 12:27 AM (kP16F) ===== Umm, hello? Posted by: Freeport, ME at July 28, 2016 12:35 AM (EZebt) Maine should be split into two States, along the Volvo line. Those south and west become known as Northern Massholes, while those north and east are true Mainiacs Posted by: Ah, fvckit at July 28, 2016 12:56 AM (iynDC) 741
The meme is on the blog... I repeat... the meme is on the blog....
and ... John has a long mustache... I repeat... John has a long mustache... Posted by: Meme Resistance! at July 28, 2016 12:56 AM (qf6WZ) 742
Yep, like broseidon, my DNC exposure is entirely via moron reporting. But even so - wow.
Maybe morons who monitor the deranged punditocracy of the "right" is bringing any of their former powers of analysis and scorn to bear on this Dem freakshow, even if it makes their Bavarian redoubt strategy even more curious. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 12:56 AM (QDnY+) 743
3 minutes
no one wants to vote? everybody was all hopped on banning people but when the hammer is here you all are suddenly quiet. Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:56 AM (Q6WFG) 744
>>>1 vote for buzzion. 4 minutes left.
Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:53 AM (Q6WFG)<<< We'll say goodbye in our own way. Playing outlawed tunes on outlawed pipes. Posted by: Uncle Argyle at July 28, 2016 12:57 AM (H9MG5) 745
If a transsexual woman has sex with a transsexual man and a pregnancy results, who's able to terminate the pregnancy, the biological female, or the identifying as female?
Posted by: pete at July 28, 2016 12:58 AM (AZ/Tv) Posted by: Joe Biden at July 28, 2016 12:58 AM (UPYhp) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:58 AM (Q6WFG) 748
I actually live in the house Merv Griffin bought for his mom. He used to park his Bentley out front where I park my Honda. She and her sister used to do piano lessons here.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:55 AM (EzgxV) But did you enjoy the song? Yeah, I know it was horrible. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:59 AM (GSdpU) Posted by: Rocky Horror Picture Meme at July 28, 2016 12:59 AM (qf6WZ) 750
And it's not about discussing one unpopular's about repeating it again and again and again and again and again and again and again, poisoning every thread through massive repetition. I think people would be just sniggering if it were merely the first iforgot post in every thread.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:48 AM (EzgxV) I've been on the thread for a while and, while I just glance over a lot of comments I don't have the slightest clue what this whole iforgot/banana splits thing is about. I see people complaining about something but I have not a clue what it is. As I said, I skip a lot of comments for conversations I'm not interested in, but ... I don't know who's doing what about whatever. I must have missed some important comment back in the beginning or something .... Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 01:00 AM (zc3Db) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:00 AM (Q6WFG) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 01:00 AM (mvenn) 753
No one complained about me. You said to say goodbye to qUNWi which is eleven. So I said bye to them. They said "bye" back.
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 01:00 AM (bMG0w) 754
"Volvo Line"... New one for me - I didn't realise it had a name!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:01 AM (kP16F) 755
Its just a meme from the Left...
and then a step to the riiiiiiight.... Posted by: Rocky Horror Picture Meme Shake your groove meme Shake your groove meme Posted by: Pricilla, Meme of the Desert at July 28, 2016 01:01 AM (UPYhp) 756
Sorry folks. Memes are closed. Moose out front should've told ya.
Posted by: zombie John Candy at July 28, 2016 01:01 AM (H9MG5) 757
1 vote for buzzion. 4 minutes left.
Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 12:53 AM (Q6WFG Guy has been dead to me for months. Posted by: A re at July 28, 2016 01:01 AM (iynDC) 758
765 who wants to complain about another poster?
come on do it. Posted by: TB3K ------------- That Hammer dude is a vapid pain-in-the ass. Posted by: Mike Hammer's Cat at July 28, 2016 01:00 AM (Z58Xa) How about commenters with vaguely foreign-sounding nics? Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 01:01 AM (wqVD1) 759
I actually live in the house Merv Griffin bought for his mom.
Well, I own John Voight's meme! Posted by: george costanza at July 28, 2016 01:01 AM (LdMbv) 760
I think we should ban anyone from the damnable Republic of San Marino from commenting on the blog. Stupid microstaters.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (AqVoh) 761
I hate effing memes. Especially that Marcel Marceau guy. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon He should be locked in an invisible box. Posted by: Provider 13 at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (IqV8l) 762
#591: That's possible. I think a good test of your view on that factor would be to survey African children adopted as babies and raised by Hollywood stars, to see how they perceive shades of red and orange.
Posted by: Prothonotary Warbler... Ask not for whom The Donald Trumps. That's a good idea. I wonder if some this color perception might be due to genetics rather than language? Yeah, I'm a heretic, burn me. Some people might be different than others? Go figure. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (o/90i) 763
screw it. not going to kick a dead guy deeper into the grave.
ban this guy. ban that guy. Ban Hammer is here. who should it ban? Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (Q6WFG) 764
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 01:00 AM (mvenn) Oh oh! That could create a singularity. We'd be lucky to live through it. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (GSdpU) 765
I'm with TPOP here, I have no idea what any of this is about.
I thought Banana guy's schtick was multi-lingual stalking love notes to Winona Ryder. As most skip most of my comments, I skip a lot myself. Problem solved. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (QDnY+) 766
Muldoon is totally American.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (mvenn) Posted by: Liechtensteinian Moron at July 28, 2016 01:03 AM (rLrEx) 768
I'm unsympathetic about commenters who make it a more miserable place by fixating on their own situations.
Posted by: cthulhu ________ With that in mind, I may have been mistaken earlier about which color family cordovan shoes belongs in. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I don't own purple shoes. I guess I'm at peace with it now. Posted by: FireHorse at July 28, 2016 01:03 AM (ZihpT) 769
There once was a man from Nantucket,
Who collected memes in a bucket. He said with a grin, as he tossed another meme in, "Ah... fuggit!" Posted by: Bacon Jeff at July 28, 2016 01:03 AM (VSenK) 770
I hate effing memes. Especially that Marcel Marceau guy. Posted by: Seamus Muldoon He should be locked in an invisible box. Posted by: Provider 13 at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (IqV8l) But.... but... how could you tell???? /looks confused.... Posted by: Don Q. at July 28, 2016 01:03 AM (qf6WZ) 771
How about commenters with vaguely foreign-sounding nics?
You mean like Stevie? ... ... ... I'll show myself out. Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 01:03 AM (AqVoh) 772
I continue to get the Sky is Falling Windows 10 notices from MS. Is it terrible? It says if you don't like it you can switch back to what you were using before -- that would be Win 7 for me which I am "happy" with. I tend not to believe this. Not a techie -- so it would be a pain for me to tweak out all the bad stuff, but I don't trust MS to not do something punitive to those who do not sign up for the "free" Win 10. Thoughts? Thx Posted by: gracepc at July 28, 2016 12:52 AM (OU4q6) Anything you create with Win10 can be used by Microsoft, royalty free. They send info about what you are doing to Microsoft Central on a daily basis. They can install or uninistall whatever they want on your system at any time. I will never install or run Win 10 on a system that I own -- because doing so would mean I no longer own it. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (EzgxV) 773
>>>Muldoon is totally American.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (mvenn)<<< Sounds Irish. No Irish! Posted by: the "No Irish" meme at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (H9MG5) Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (U0lQa) Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (bMG0w) Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (T/cxb) Posted by: iforgot says God bless Bingo at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (5o5ek) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:05 AM (Q6WFG) 779
I'm confused. Is Maetenloch socking the banhammer or is it someone else?
---- He's conversing with it, which is a little concerning. I can't find that hash in the day's other threads, so maybe. Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 28, 2016 01:05 AM (3Liv/) 780
777 screw it. not going to kick a dead guy deeper into the grave.
ban this guy. ban that guy. Ban Hammer is here. who should it ban? Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (Q6WFG) Nuke em from orbit, its the only way to be sure... Posted by: Don Q. at July 28, 2016 01:05 AM (qf6WZ) 781
780 I'm confused. Is Maetenloch socking the banhammer or is it someone else?
Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (6IPEM) It's not me. Truth be told the TB3K is actually semi-autonomous in certain ways. We allow him to feed within some bounds and in return he keeps the place cleaned up. So win-win pretty much. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 01:05 AM (wqVD1) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 01:06 AM (mvenn) 783
test DAVENPORT, IA I'm sorry, but I am trying to figure out why in HELL pixy kills my posts of Donald Trump's schedule. Posted by: iforgot says God bless Bingo at July 28, 2016 01:06 AM (5o5ek) 784
I'm hearing Hillary actually offered an olive branch or two to Repubs at the DNC tonight. True?
Though I'm sure that even if she did, she only did so after doing a lot of aggressive poking until blood was showing. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:06 AM (q7T0y) 785
I've been using 10 for a while now.
It hasn't killed me or anything. Some people hate hate hate how their e-mail works tho... Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 01:06 AM (qUNWi) 786
With that in mind, I may have been mistaken earlier about which color family cordovan shoes belongs in. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I don't own purple shoes.
I guess I'm at peace with it now. Posted by: FireHorse at July 28, 2016 01:03 AM (ZihpT) I had a Chrysler Cordovan once, you know. White, no windows. Rich Corinthian leather seats. Front wheel drive. I was obliged to sell it on short notice. Posted by: Harry Reid at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (GSdpU) 787
cthulhuhuluhu, is that "control panel" whatever thingy a solution to the Win10 problem?
I'm subsisting just fine on an older laptop with a much older Win version, but I can see some time having to change. And how can MS actually "own" anything done on Win10? Wouldn't that mean they'd own half the economy? Doesn't sound quite correct. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (QDnY+) 788
TB3K is Ace on Red Bull, Benzene, and some kind of horse tranquilizer.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (AqVoh) 789
Okay, now I get it. HTML is trying to kill me and it's committing murder by pixy. Donald J. Trump 4:00 PM Posted by: iforgot says God bless Bingo at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (5o5ek) 790
Woah, shit got real pretty fast. Praying that everything is alright, Bigby. I've got personal experience with what suicide does to a family, and it's not pretty.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (kumBu) 791
749 And it's not about discussing one unpopular's about repeating it again and again and again and again and again and again and again, poisoning every thread through massive repetition. I think people would be just sniggering if it were merely the first iforgot post in every thread. This site is maintained by unpaid volunteer labor from Cobs who spend inordinate amounts of time dealing with hamsters to keep things fun. I'm unsympathetic about commenters who make it a more miserable place by fixating on their own situations. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 12:48 AM (EzgxV) Cooth, it's nothing more than one line of text appended to each post. Yeah, it gets old after a while, but it's not "shitting all over the blog". To call for bannings over it is an over-reaction, methinks. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 12:54 AM (GSdpU) It is what it is observed to be.....not what it is described as. I'm not the first to call for banning, but I put it in a framework where banning makes sense. Argue the framework. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (EzgxV) 792
whats it like on the other Elle? hows buzzion and grammy winger?
let us know when you comback,k? Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:08 AM (Q6WFG) 793
I admit this is probably an 'olive branch' to Hillary:
*pokes Republican with stick until she stabs their heart, then pulls it out herself and watches it beat right on the stick* Hil: "Ha ha!! Tell ya what, I'll give it back! Just lick my shoes!!" :-P Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:08 AM (q7T0y) 794
That Hammer dude is a vapid pain-in-the ass.
Posted by: Mike Hammer's Cat at July 28, 2016 01:00 AM We can start a club...Cats of Morons. Butterscotch, owner of Farmer. (She tried to kill a baby rabbit today, hope it didn't succeed.) Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 01:08 AM (o/90i) 795
Cooth speak Truth about Windows 10!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:08 AM (kP16F) 796
"Front wheel drive. I was obliged to sell it on short notice.
Posted by: Harry Reid at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (GSdpU) " Day before the guys were supposed to come by with the Luminol, right? Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (kumBu) 797
wife's nephew just killed himself i think
its all very chaotic have to go Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (U0lQa) Crap, Bigby. Condolences to the bereaved. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (GSdpU) 798
It's not me. Truth be told the TB3K is actually semi-autonomous in
certain ways. We allow him to feed within some bounds and in return he keeps the place cleaned up. So win-win pretty much./// Kinda like a Junkyard Doberman? Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (BZey7) 799
The official Windows 10 Icon?
It should be a pic of Glenn Close boiling the bunny from "Fatal Attraction." THAT'S how psychotic they've been about it as far as I can tell... Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (q7T0y) 800
Lost another dozen....737-749.....
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (EzgxV) 801
Well if the topic is AOSHQ thread management, I vote for bringing back the deal where MUMR would post whatever inane crap he would and it would be automatically replaced by some funny s**t.
Some of those were hilarious. A feature unto themselves. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (QDnY+) 802
Bigby, I hope it turns out to be better news.
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (AqVoh) 803
"I'm NOT going to go uninstalled!!"
Posted by: Windows 10 at July 28, 2016 01:10 AM (q7T0y) Posted by: Buckley Muldoon- Seamus' dog at July 28, 2016 01:10 AM (mvenn) Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 01:11 AM (AqVoh) 806
Shit, TB3K is self-aware? Someone go grab John Connor.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 01:11 AM (kumBu) 807
So, an opossum?
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 01:09 AM (Z58Xa) comparing me to a possum? never thought of myself as a rabid animal. thats a banning Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:12 AM (Q6WFG) 808
810 Shit, TB3K is self-aware? Someone go grab John Connor.
Posted by: broseidon king of the brocean at July 28, 2016 01:11 AM (kumBu Whatever it is, it's abuse of power. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 01:12 AM (bMG0w) Posted by: Mohamed at July 28, 2016 01:12 AM (BZey7) 810
Mike, I always miss the good stuff
![]() Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:12 AM (q7T0y) Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 01:12 AM (qUNWi) Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 28, 2016 01:13 AM (mvenn) 813
Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 01:11 AM (AqVoh) Your turn is coming. i am choosing a random hash to ban and then my creator can unban them at his pleasure. get on my nerves please Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:13 AM (Q6WFG) 814
Butterscotch, owner of Farmer.
(She tried to kill a baby rabbit today, hope it didn't succeed.) Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 01:08 AM (o/90i) When I was a kid we had a calico named Butterscotch. That cat was a total killer. Used to leave piles of dead animals in the corners of the house. Killed every gerbil my brother had and all my parakeets. That was a cool cat. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 01:14 AM (zc3Db) Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at July 28, 2016 01:14 AM (AqVoh) 816
I continue to get the Sky is Falling Windows 10 notices from MS.
Is it terrible? It says if you don't like it you can switch back to what you were using before -- that would be Win 7 for me which I am "happy" with. I tend not to believe this. Not a techie -- so it would be a pain for me to tweak out all the bad stuff, but I don't trust MS to not do something punitive to those who do not sign up for the "free" Win 10. Thoughts? Thx Posted by: gracepc at July 28, 2016 12:52 AM If Win 10 is better than Win 7, why does it still cost $$$ to get 7, but 10 is "free"? Microsoft sells product and I have a sneaking suspicion.... it's not Windows 10. Posted by: otho at July 28, 2016 01:15 AM (EWg9n) 817
I am really, really hoping that eventually Microsoft is challenged for their "we own everything you do" provision in Win10.
I just can't believe there's judges out there so morally, ethically and intellectually bankrupt, they's rule for MS. But hey, I'm sure I'd be surprised. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:15 AM (q7T0y) 818
abuse of power?
maybe people will think twice before they call for this poster or that poster to be banned. YOU don't get to make that decision. Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:16 AM (Q6WFG) 819
wife's nephew just killed himself i think
its all very chaotic have to go Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at July 28, 2016 01:04 AM (U0lQa) Sorry to hear that. Prayers up for the family. T Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 01:16 AM (o/90i) 820
What Microsoft will eventually do is stop supporting anything except Windows 10.
That's one of the reason I'm big about the Mac right now. Go ahead, make fun of me, call me an SJW, tell me to go back to Russia. But at least it'll be supported and I won't have to depend on the kindness of strangers in Redmond. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:17 AM (q7T0y) 821
I continue to get the Sky is Falling Windows 10 notices from MS.
I am not techie enough to answer any Win 10 questions. I've only had one problem with it. For years I've had a file structure that follows me from laptop to laptop. There is certain stuff that's buried way deep down an incongruous path that only I would follow. Win 10 says, "hey, here's what you've been looking at lately, we've helpfully put it right on top for you!" Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 01:17 AM (mgbwf) 822
[shhh...okay while TB's in pon farr I highly suggest avoiding eye contact, bright colors, non-ASCII characters, gratuitous white space, braggadocio, and any non-martial non-rhyming poetry....]
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 01:17 AM (wqVD1) 823
They're not mems... more like... guidelines...
Posted by: Capt. Barbosa at July 28, 2016 01:18 AM (qf6WZ) 824
It's gambling night at the HQ. Do you feel lucky PUNK?
Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:18 AM (BZey7) 825
I've read that Microsoft is being sued in France over Windows 10's (lack of) privacy features...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:19 AM (kP16F) 826
cthulhuhuluhu, is that "control panel" whatever thingy a solution to the Win10 problem? I'm subsisting just fine on an older laptop with a much older Win version, but I can see some time having to change. And how can MS actually "own" anything done on Win10? Wouldn't that mean they'd own half the economy? Doesn't sound quite correct. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:07 AM (QDnY+) Yes, the widely circulated utility to put a stick in the spokes of Win10 automatic update is a solution. Install it before your computer is exposed to Microsoft's crap on the internet, and (so far!) it keeps you safe. And, let me point this out to you VERY CLEARLY: "And how can MS actually "own" anything done on Win10? Wouldn't that mean they'd own half the economy?" is EXACTLY why they're pushing Win10 so hard and why anyone sane and aware will refuse it. It's not in the software, that works about 102% as well as Win7 and about 180% better than Win8 -- it's in the license agreement, which is the IP equivalent of rape. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:19 AM (EzgxV) 827
That's one of the reason I'm big about the Mac right now. Go ahead, make fun of me, call me an SJW, tell me to go back to Russia. But at least it'll be supported and I won't have to depend on the kindness of strangers in Redmond.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:17 AM (q7T0y) I hate to break it to you but apple has been far worse in dropping some of their old systems and cutting support off. I had a friend who was in printing and he almost went broke when apple changed one of its OSs and pulled all support for his line. I don't know much about apple, personally (I try and stay as far away from apple products as possible) but my friend loves to tell that story as he describes his burning hate of apple. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 01:19 AM (zc3Db) 828
I've read that Microsoft is being sued in France over Windows 10's (lack of) privacy features...
"But we NEED to see what the French are fapping to!!!" Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:20 AM (q7T0y) Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:20 AM (BZey7) 830
Or as we say in America, PRY-vacy...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:20 AM (kP16F) 831
Heh, Craigs List ad for actors to fill the mass of empty seats at DNC. Video footage of the 1/3rd to 1/2 of the convention empty Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 28, 2016 01:21 AM (39g3+) 832
GWX Control Panel? Worked for me.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 01:21 AM (Z58Xa) 833
Muldoon is totally American.
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon- inventor of Peruvia you can look it up. at July 28, 2016 01:02 AM (mvenn) Sounds Irish. No Irish! Muldoon is a Kraut hiding behind an Irish nic. Posted by: Yes, the Blog Has a Long Memory at July 28, 2016 01:22 AM (mgbwf) 834
I'm still pining for some of those classic MACHINES FOR SALE posts.
Posted by: Sharkman at July 28, 2016 01:22 AM (MjBPw) 835
Primordial, what I need a PC for primarily is word processing and video editing.
Everybody's bad at supporting old stuff sure, because everyone's afraid of their shareholders. But is Apple actually claiming ownership of what you produce? If they are, then IMHO there's no point in not going to Win10. Not everyone is going to ever be able to tweak their PC into playing nicely with Linux. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:22 AM (q7T0y) 836
If Win 10 is better than Win 7, why does it still cost $$$ to get 7, but 10 is "free"? Microsoft sells product and I have a sneaking suspicion.... it's not Windows 10.
Posted by: otho at July 28, 2016 01:15 AM (EWg9n) WinXP still works fine on those machines I have that still run it. At least for the sort of use I put the machines to. I think MS has realized that the "new and improved" schtick is wearing thin, and many of their potential customer base are happy with the status quo, so they are casting about for new revenue paths. As I understand it, Win10 means you don't own the OS, or any of the programs made by MS that run on it. You basically lease them. I have auto updates turned off on this instance of Win7 I run in this machine, and I don't get the nags. I do get nags from Thunderbird, Pale Moon, Skype, and Java, but I simply ignore them. Until such time as I hear from a trustworthy source that such&such an update should be applied by reason of ___. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:23 AM (GSdpU) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 01:23 AM (mgbwf) 838
Heh, Craigs List ad for actors to fill the mass of empty seats at DNC.
--- Hmmm. Any horde aside from Wyatt in Philly? This seems like an opportunity. Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apperently nonvoting democrat at July 28, 2016 01:23 AM (3Liv/) 839
Yesterday my computer completely died on me. Just stopped cold dead in its tracks. Even left the power light on.
I was able to restart it and recover most of what was there when it died. But I'm willing to bet, it's just another one of Microsoft's "surprises" for me since I've gotten GWX and told them no. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:24 AM (q7T0y) 840
Yes it's a decent idea to ban people who post gratuitously long comments. Of course that will also include that Jim guy from someplace in Texas...
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 12:40 AM (wqVD1) Galveston, for the record. Posted by: Country Boy at July 28, 2016 01:25 AM (/YJcS) 841
That's one of the reason I'm big about the Mac right now.
Yeah Mac doesn't waste time, they just stop supporting the previous version every time an update comes out. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 28, 2016 01:25 AM (39g3+) 842
Every meme dies, not every meme really lives.
Posted by: William Wallace at July 28, 2016 01:25 AM (H9MG5) 843
A few more days, and I can relax a bit... I've grown weary of manually inspecting and installing "important updates", finding and removing telemetry updates to my existing 8.1 installation, etc.!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:26 AM (kP16F) 844
I was able to restart it and recover most of what was there when it died. But I'm willing to bet, it's just another one of Microsoft's "surprises" for me since I've gotten GWX and told them no.
Posted by: qdpsteve ---- Just as you posted that, my screen was spontaneously re-painted. WTF? Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 01:26 AM (Z58Xa) 845
Heh, Craigs List ad for actors to fill the mass of empty seats at DNC.///
Actors? I wonder what they are looking for in their resumes. Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:26 AM (BZey7) 846
That's one of the reason I'm big about the Mac right now. Go ahead, make fun of me, call me an SJW, tell me to go back to Russia. But at least it'll be supported and I won't have to depend on the kindness of strangers in Redmond.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:17 AM (q7T0y) Linux is also a fine option, now, and frees you from the burden of financing all the SJW projects of Apple. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:26 AM (GSdpU) 847
Primordial, what I need a PC for primarily is word processing and video editing. Everybody's bad at supporting old stuff sure, because everyone's afraid of their shareholders. But is Apple actually claiming ownership of what you produce? If they are, then IMHO there's no point in not going to Win10. Not everyone is going to ever be able to tweak their PC into playing nicely with Linux. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:22 AM (q7T0y) I have found nothing unsupported by Ubuntu that is supported by Windows, myself -- though a Moron was complaining that he had to reload video drivers every time Ubuntu updated a night-or-two-ago. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:27 AM (EzgxV) 848
abuse of power?
maybe people will think twice before they call for this poster or that poster to be banned. YOU don't get to make that decision. Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:16 AM I missed this banning stuff here and I'm too old and tired to look back. But I can say I like these guys, TB3K & Meat Locker! *sucking up, but why, I'm never controversial, well seldom...need another glass of wine* Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 01:27 AM (o/90i) 849
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:22 AM (q7T0y)
I was just relating a story I've been told umpteen times by this guy. I understand your dilemma. I have nothing against Microsoft (though the win10 update harassment thing is really annoying, as I run into it on my mother's computers when I have to help her out with stuff) but apple is no great shakes in customer service. Apple has always taken great pride in treating their customers like dirt and locking them into apple products (at 5 times the price). You are caught between the classic rock and a hard place. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 01:27 AM (zc3Db) 850
cthulhu, if Ubuntu is Windows program friendly, I'm willing to give it a shot.
But I admit: I *need* MS and Adobe applications. I'm okay with the yearly subscription model. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:28 AM (q7T0y) 851
Wasn't Apple just caught recenly surreptiously removing customers' mp3's that didn't come from iTunes?
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:29 AM (kP16F) 852
Video footage of the 1/3rd to 1/2 of the convention empty Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 28, 2016 01:21 AM (39g3+) Heh. Bet the Craigslist ad is a clever troll. But still funny. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:29 AM (GSdpU) 853
Primordial, yup. Thanks for understanding at least.
I think it could be said, Apple is basically a private government; they have no real competition for the unique services/products they provide. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:30 AM (q7T0y) 854
Zettai, they were. But I think you can circumvent that Apple mp3 clusterfark if you refuse to subscribe to their music store.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:30 AM (q7T0y) 855
Watching the fox cuts of Hills VP's speech. How much does that guy hate his Marine son?
Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM (BZey7) 856
I know I turned off my iTunes Music Store add-on once I found out about the mp3 situation.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM (q7T0y) 857
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:19 AM (EzgxV)
Its also why the Enterprise Version of Windows 10 is going to be damn expensive... and most will be an ongoing License agreement to lock you into their revenue stream. Posted by: Don Q. at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM (qf6WZ) 858
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM (kP16F) 859
OK I'm reaallly not looking to start an incredibly tedious and hopelessly complex taffy yank over this - but I find it extremely dubious that MS could enforce claims to ownership of things produced with its software.
I write a best-selling book using Word - they own the book rights? Magpul designs a new rifle grip using an MS product, MS owns the design? WTF? Such a claim asserted would be surely DOA in the courts, and if successful would instantly vaporize MS's entire customer base, which would instantly abandon all MS products, forever. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM (QDnY+) 860
If Win 10 is better than Win 7, why does it still cost $$$ to get 7, but 10 is "free"? Microsoft sells product and I have a sneaking suspicion.... it's not Windows 10. Posted by: otho at July 28, 2016 01:15 AM (EWg9n) WinXP still works fine on those machines I have that still run it. At least for the sort of use I put the machines to. I think MS has realized that the "new and improved" schtick is wearing thin, and many of their potential customer base are happy with the status quo, so they are casting about for new revenue paths. As I understand it, Win10 means you don't own the OS, or any of the programs made by MS that run on it. You basically lease them. I have auto updates turned off on this instance of Win7 I run in this machine, and I don't get the nags. I do get nags from Thunderbird, Pale Moon, Skype, and Java, but I simply ignore them. Until such time as I hear from a trustworthy source that suchsuch an update should be applied by reason of ___. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:23 AM (GSdpU) In Linux-land, software updates come with notices like "CVE 2015-1837". If you fail to install those updates, you need to understand that "CVE 2015-1837" is well-documented, bad players have read that documentation, constructed attacks based on that documentation, and know that they have a limited window to do harm to your systems until you install the update. The full vulnerabilities are disclosed every time they are closed in Linux-land. I consider it a very good idea to install the updates the day I receive them. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:32 AM (EzgxV) 861
Wasn't Apple just caught recenly surreptiously removing customers' mp3's that didn't come from iTunes?
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 01:29 AM (kP16F) Yes, it was one of the headline items on a recent ONT. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:33 AM (GSdpU) 862
WinXP still works fine on those machines I have that still run it. At least for the sort of use I put the machines to.
I think MS has realized that the "new and improved" schtick is wearing thin, and many of their potential customer base are happy with the status quo, so they are casting about for new revenue paths. As I understand it, Win10 means you don't own the OS, or any of the programs made by MS that run on it. You basically lease them. I have auto updates turned off on this instance of Win7 I run in this machine, and I don't get the nags. I do get nags from Thunderbird, Pale Moon, Skype, and Java, but I simply ignore them. Until such time as I hear from a trustworthy source that suchsuch an update should be applied by reason of ___. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:23 AM Yesh. Win xp and 7 worked fine and with the clusterfuck that was vista and 8, they realize that people don't want their new "improved" shit. So load up the latest thing with with every thing that microsoft ever wanted to fuck people with and give it away free... but you never own it. I still use XP and don't want to change... but, things are starting to get dicey with getting stuff to work that used to work fine. May have to load 7 on a new hard drive. Posted by: otho at July 28, 2016 01:34 AM (EWg9n) 863
rhomboid, true. I sincerely doubt Microsoft could make their 'ownership' claims ever actually stand up.
But would people stop using their products? I doubt that, a lot of their software is *the* gold standard in too many offices throughout the entire world. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:34 AM (q7T0y) 864
One of the things I've read about Linux:
It's all free, it's all supported by a network of volunteers. But it's also supposed to be... 100% uncommercial software. Meaning that if you ever use it to make money, you're supposedly breaking the license. Again, this is probably just as enforceable as Microsoft claiming to own everything you do on your computer forever. Still, it's disconcerting IMHO if it's true. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (q7T0y) 865
That's one of the reason I'm big about the Mac right now. Yeah Mac doesn't waste time, they just stop supporting the previous version every time an update comes out. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 28, 2016 01:25 AM (39g3+) Apple has done a helluva job policing their walled garden. They are second to none with security and deserve kudos for everything they've accomplished. When they're breached (and they will be), the ramifications will be epic. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (EzgxV) 866
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:32 AM (EzgxV)
I always keep all updates of any sort off on my computers. I like to decide exactly when I check for updates. I have never found any automatic alerts to be of any use and they really bug the shit out of me. I hate most of the automatic stuff. I never allow word-check, auto url filling, auto search ... none of that stuff. I find it annoying that I even have to go turn most of it off, to start. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (zc3Db) 867
863 rhomboid, true. I sincerely doubt Microsoft could make their 'ownership' claims ever actually stand up.
But would people stop using their products? I doubt that, a lot of their software is *the* gold standard in too many offices throughout the entire world. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:34 AM (q7T0y) They don't 'own' them... but by 'signing' the license agreement you give them an unlimited irrevocable License to use, or change, your content... Sophistry.... but its the same thing as Google and Yahoo have been using for a long time. Posted by: Don Q. at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (qf6WZ) 868
Muldoon is a Kraut hiding behind an Irish nic.
Posted by: Yes, the Blog Has a Long Memory at July 28, 2016 01:22 AM (mgbwf) LMAO, who's sock is this? Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (o/90i) 869
In Linux-land, software updates come with notices like "CVE 2015-1837". If you fail to install those updates, you need to understand that "CVE 2015-1837" is well-documented, bad players have read that documentation, constructed attacks based on that documentation, and know that they have a limited window to do harm to your systems until you install the update.
The full vulnerabilities are disclosed every time they are closed in Linux-land. I consider it a very good idea to install the updates the day I receive them. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:32 AM (EzgxV) I will probably bear that in mind on my Linux box. I got burned by losing functionality on my XP machine after a Windows update, and could never recover that loss. But I don't think the Linux community is working hand-in-glove with IP-rights managers the way that MS and Apple do. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:37 AM (GSdpU) 870
WTF? Such a claim asserted would be surely DOA in the courts, and if successful would instantly vaporize MS's entire customer base, which would instantly abandon all MS products, forever.
Posted by: rhomboid ------------- Interestingly, I worked for a company (that many of you would recognize) that asked its employees to sign an employment agreement which assigned to the company any and all copyrights, trademarks, or patents which might be assigned or claimed while in their employ. The entire R&D department told them to fcukoff. While they were willing to surrender all such rights for anything associated with the business, they had no intention of doing so for projects pursued on their own time. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 01:37 AM (Z58Xa) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 01:38 AM (mgbwf) 872
Yesh. Win xp and 7 worked fine and with the clusterfuck that was vista and 8, they realize that people don't want their new "improved" shit. So load up the latest thing with with every thing that microsoft ever wanted to fuck people with and give it away free... but you never own it. I still use XP and don't want to change... but, things are starting to get dicey with getting stuff to work that used to work fine. May have to load 7 on a new hard drive.
Posted by: otho at July 28, 2016 01:34 AM (EWg9n) And it is kind of stupid. Because people do want new and improved shit. Its just that they want it to actually be improved. For instance Windows 10 does not have the 16GB RAM limitation on its base versions that Windows 7 has. That is an actual improvement. Its just probably not a "sexy" improvement that the idiots in Redmond think is great but everyone else believes are fucking stupid. See: Office 2007 redesign. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 01:38 AM (bMG0w) 873
qdp, I meant that 1) MS's assertion of rights over things produced with 10 fail, quickly, or 2) if they succeed, THEN MS is obliterated as the entire world abandons what is obviously an unusable bit of software (using it hands your business over to someone else).
Bottom line - not a chance of seeing a dime from this bizarre move. But I am probably missing many things and even the premise of the discussion may be a bit off. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:38 AM (QDnY+) 874
OK I'm reaallly not looking to start an incredibly tedious and hopelessly complex taffy yank over this - but I find it extremely dubious that MS could enforce claims to ownership of things produced with its software.
Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM (QDnY+) I don't know where this keeps coming from, but it keeps coming! A lot of people are either applying Beta agreements to release - the Beta did a lot more telemetry because *they* were testing how people use things and looking for improvements (lazily, perhaps, but looking). Also they're confusing pretty standard online storage warnings about how your data is on someone else's server (like everyone else - so don't use the online storage if that's a problem), or the Xbox Live warnings (because its integrated, as an option, in Win10 now). You know, don't hack your XBL account and cheat in online MP games, like Steam or other online services say. The store apps have the same crap agreements that Android or iPhone apps have, but they're also optional. If MS did half the things they're accused of, even in our modern ignorant and corrupt society, they'd be sued to dust and lose all their sales. They *did* make it harder to control your telemetry and privacy settings, in the name of "ease of use," but it can all still be done. Ultimately how this all washes out, I think eventually they would like to be on a subscription model, but they know the customers aren't there yet. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 01:39 AM (wB8Tg) 875
rhomboid, MS is obliterated by the entire creative community. True.
But if I work in a law office and type briefs everyday? I'm sure 99.999% of paralegals don't give a flip who owns the intellectual rights to all of those pieces of paper. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:40 AM (q7T0y) 876
It's all free, it's all supported by a network of volunteers. But it's also supposed to be... 100% uncommercial software. Meaning that if you ever use it to make money, you're supposedly breaking the license.
That's bullshit. RedHat is making money by the bushel, all GPL or otherwise free software. Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 28, 2016 01:40 AM (T/cxb) 877
Mike Hammer, I remember reading that Groupon tried to pull that shit on their employees. "Oh by the way, we own everything you do anywhere ever if you work for us!!"
Heard they've ended up with a pretty unsophisticated, uncreative group of clockwatchers in their workforce as a result. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:41 AM (q7T0y) 878
864 One of the things I've read about Linux:
It's all free, it's all supported by a network of volunteers. But it's also supposed to be... 100% uncommercial software. Meaning that if you ever use it to make money, you're supposedly breaking the license. Again, this is probably just as enforceable as Microsoft claiming to own everything you do on your computer forever. Still, it's disconcerting IMHO if it's true. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (q7T0y) No. The linux kernel and most of the open source software included in a distribution are under the LGPL. Which says that if you modify the source code and then use it in a product, then you have to publish your modified source code as well. Just using linux has no requirement of any kind. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 01:41 AM (wqVD1) 879
But if I work in a law office and type briefs everyday? I'm sure 99.999% of paralegals don't give a flip who owns the intellectual rights to all of those pieces of paper.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:40 AM (q7T0y) But I bet your lawyer is really interested in keeping the content of those documents secret until they are used in court... That whole Lawyer Client privilege thing? Posted by: Don Q. at July 28, 2016 01:41 AM (qf6WZ) 880
Blanco, good to know. I would have sworn Linux was supposed to be cybersocialism.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:41 AM (q7T0y) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:42 AM (Q6WFG) 882
It's all free, it's all supported by a network of volunteers. But it's also supposed to be... 100% uncommercial software. Meaning that if you ever use it to make money, you're supposedly breaking the license.
Again, this is probably just as enforceable as Microsoft claiming to own everything you do on your computer forever. Still, it's disconcerting IMHO if it's true. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (q7T0y) I think the "non-commercial" aspect is just in regards to "selling" the OS itself. Many businesses run Linux for things like POS systems. I know one of the biggest names in oilfield rig monitoring systems uses Linux. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 01:42 AM (GSdpU) 883
Don, it *is* a quagmire if you're suing Microsoft, an affiliated company, or a bigwig there.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:42 AM (q7T0y) 884
Not much of a computer code literate. I've avoided Macs mostly because none of the equipment in my lab has Mac computers running them. And since work forces me to learn Microsoft I at least have a little knowledge about that system when I need to do stuff with my home machines.
Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:42 AM (BZey7) 885
No. The linux kernel and most of the open source software included in a distribution are under the LGPL. Which says that if you modify the source code and then use it in a product, then you have to publish your modified source code as well. Just using linux has no requirement of any kind.
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 01:41 AM (wqVD1) Oops - that should have been GPL. The LGPL has even fewer requirements. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 01:43 AM (wqVD1) 886
Maet, thanks for that info.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:43 AM (q7T0y) 887
ONT FTW! Really like the Star Wars photos; prefer the now version.
Posted by: sinalco at July 28, 2016 01:44 AM (yODqO) Posted by: TB3K at July 28, 2016 01:44 AM (Q6WFG) 889
Interestingly, I worked for a company (that many of you would recognize) that asked its employees to sign an employment agreement which assigned to the company any and all copyrights, trademarks, or patents which might be assigned or claimed while in their employ.
The entire R&D department told them to fcukoff. While they were willing to surrender all such rights for anything associated with the business, they had no intention of doing so for projects pursued on their own time. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 01:37 AM (Z58Xa) My sister got hired by a company that had shit like that in her contract. They wanted to claim all rights to everything she had ever done (even before the employment) and everything after. EVERYTHING. It was insane. She wouldn't sign until they took all that out. The company acted as if they had never heard of anyone objecting. It was the first time I had ever seen anything so ridiculous but it was a French consulting company so I figured that was the problem. Yours is the first time I've heard about others being presented with the same bullshit. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 01:44 AM (zc3Db) Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at July 28, 2016 01:44 AM (U0lQa) 891
nobody wants to play with me. why?
Posted by: TB3K Your hash doesn't map to anything on or (Yes, I love googling hashes). Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 01:44 AM (mgbwf) Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:45 AM (BZey7) 893
Weiner, Weiner, Chicken Deiner!
Posted by: sinalco at July 28, 2016 01:45 AM (yODqO) 894
Mike Hammer, I remember reading that Groupon tried to pull that shit on their employees. "Oh by the way, we own everything you do anywhere ever if you work for us!!"
---------------- Well Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 01:46 AM (Z58Xa) 895
Oh, so sorry Bigby.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 01:46 AM (mgbwf) 896
Blanco, good to know. I would have sworn Linux was supposed to be cybersocialism.
Anyone can take the code, bundle it, and start selling. Quite capitalistic if you want to go that way. Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 28, 2016 01:46 AM (T/cxb) 897
Mike, that's the way to do it.
Unfortunately if you're living on ramen noodles, having trouble paying the light bill and desperately need the work, you're stuck. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:47 AM (q7T0y) 898
cthulhu, if Ubuntu is Windows program friendly, I'm willing to give it a shot. But I admit: I *need* MS and Adobe applications. I'm okay with the yearly subscription model. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:28 AM (q7T0y) What do you really need from MS or Adobe? Libre Office does almost everything from Office, and GIMP does Photoshop better than Photoshop. Get yourself an Ubuntu laptop and play with it....the ability to load 65K+ additions for free should be worth something. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:47 AM (EzgxV) 899
cthulhu, I'll look into it.
And I do like OpenOffice, even if the applications aren't as pretty as Microsoft's. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:48 AM (q7T0y) 900
Unfortunately if you're living on ramen noodles, having trouble paying the light bill and desperately need the work, you're stuck.
Posted by: qdpsteve ------------- Yeah. Principles don't pay the bills. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 01:49 AM (Z58Xa) 901
If we get a President Hillary...
don't be surprised if we get "free" computer software as part of the deal. I'd bet on it after eight years. Of course a lot of other stuff will be "free" by then too. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:50 AM (q7T0y) 902
859 OK I'm reaallly not looking to start an incredibly tedious and hopelessly complex taffy yank over this - but I find it extremely dubious that MS could enforce claims to ownership of things produced with its software. I write a best-selling book using Word - they own the book rights? Magpul designs a new rifle grip using an MS product, MS owns the design? WTF? Such a claim asserted would be surely DOA in the courts, and if successful would instantly vaporize MS's entire customer base, which would instantly abandon all MS products, forever. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM (QDnY+) Microsoft's lawyers are on salary -- yours are paid by the hour. And why wait for litigation over what the license agreement clearly states? -- MS's entire customer base should be fleeing now to avoid the rush. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:50 AM (EzgxV) 903
Bigby had a nephew go that route. The fallout sucks.
Posted by: Willy J. at July 28, 2016 01:51 AM (BZey7) 904
cthulhu, true. Then again any action against Microsoft would likely be a Class Action and could/would IMHO likely be taken up by at least one crusading liberal state DA or federal attorney.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:52 AM (q7T0y) 905
One of the things I've read about Linux: It's all free, it's all supported by a network of volunteers. But it's also supposed to be... 100% uncommercial software. Meaning that if you ever use it to make money, you're supposedly breaking the license. Again, this is probably just as enforceable as Microsoft claiming to own everything you do on your computer forever. Still, it's disconcerting IMHO if it's true. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:36 AM (q7T0y) This is incorrect -- whatever you create using the software is yours, the software (and any additions you splice on) is free. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:54 AM (EzgxV) 906
In a few years, I'd bet there will be ads on daytime TV:'
"Do you have Windows 10? Have you performed any type of creative work with it?? CALL 1-800-SUE-MSFT today!! You may be entitled to substantial damages!!" Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:54 AM (q7T0y) 907
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Posted by: full lace wigs at July 28, 2016 01:54 AM (iynDC) 908
>>>Action and could/would IMHO likely be taken up by at least one crusading liberal state DA or federal attorney.
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:52 AM (q7T0y)<<< I'd be available. Got nothing else going on after today. Posted by: Marilyn Mosby (D-isgrace) at July 28, 2016 01:55 AM (H9MG5) 909
Fuck. The 900's.....
The Horde oh.Plenty has been very, very busy. Sippin some Premium Wildcat/Cardinal High Octane with neighborin Royalty....they know their shit in these parts. The World keeps on turnin..... Hope everyone is doin well.... ice those phalanges...Y'all been busy. Posted by: Hillbillyking at July 28, 2016 01:55 AM (HreEk) 910
WTF? Such a claim asserted would be surely DOA in the courts, and
if successful would instantly vaporize MS's entire customer base, which would instantly abandon all MS products, forever. Posted by: rhomboid at July 28, 2016 01:31 AM You're thinking about this with conventional logic. Gavin Belsen runs Microsoft... "Consider the hedgehog..." Posted by: otho at July 28, 2016 01:55 AM (EWg9n) 911
Meme posted at FB by a friend:
"Tolerance is the lube that helps slip the dildo of dysfunction into the ass of a civilized society." - Plato Wow, I learn new stuff every day!! Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:56 AM (q7T0y) Posted by: lace wigs for machines for sale at July 28, 2016 01:57 AM (H9MG5) 913
Microsoft's lawyers are on salary -- yours are paid by the hour. And why wait for litigation over what the license agreement clearly states? -- MS's entire customer base should be fleeing now to avoid the rush.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:50 AM (EzgxV) I see nothing that says MS can root through your My Documents directory. And I've looked. I do see a lot of stuff about OneDrive and XboxLive, because they *host* this data, and so they have to make a legal statement about their responsibilities with regard to these. But these are optional services. I've seen a hundred quotations of the OneDrive license but nothing from the Windows license about this. Their lawyers may be on salary, but they don't have enough of them if they start playing around on random users' local files. Hell, we'd run out of corporate lawyers entirely and have to fall back on public defenders. I'd like to see such a suicide clause if they hid it somewhere, but I haven't yet. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 01:58 AM (wB8Tg) 914
913 Microsoft's lawyers are on salary -- yours are paid by the hour. And why wait for litigation over what the license agreement clearly states? -- MS's entire customer base should be fleeing now to avoid the rush.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:50 AM (EzgxV) I see nothing that says MS can root through your My Documents directory. And I've looked. I do see a lot of stuff about OneDrive and XboxLive, because they *host* this data, and so they have to make a legal statement about their responsibilities with regard to these. But these are optional services. I've seen a hundred quotations of the OneDrive license but nothing from the Windows license about this. Their lawyers may be on salary, but they don't have enough of them if they start playing around on random users' local files. Hell, we'd run out of corporate lawyers entirely and have to fall back on public defenders. I'd like to see such a suicide clause if they hid it somewhere, but I haven't yet. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 01:58 AM (wB8Tg) I think I'm inclined to believe Merovign on this over cthulhu Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 01:59 AM (bMG0w) 915
G'night everyone.
Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 28, 2016 02:00 AM (T/cxb) 916
There *are* a lot of things you should turn off if you install Windows 10, unfortunately including Cortana.
One hopes that someone is working on a more privacy-friendly version (and no, Siri isn't better). Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:00 AM (wB8Tg) 917
cthulhu, I'll look into it. And I do like OpenOffice, even if the applications aren't as pretty as Microsoft's. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:48 AM (q7T0y) Believe it or not, there are advantages to that lack of polish.....because there are "unofficial" improvements out there that can do amazing things undreamed-of by Microsoft. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:00 AM (EzgxV) 918
Merovign, hmmm.
And this is *not* to excuse Microsoft whatsoever. But what are the odds they're going to pick *your* brilliant idea to steal and claim as they own? There's millions and millions of MS users. It would be about the same odds as hitting lotto, wouldn't it? Don't get me wrong. I still want them crushed for being so arrogant. I just can't help but wonder. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:01 AM (q7T0y) 919
cthulhu, I'll look into it.
And I do like OpenOffice, even if the applications aren't as pretty as Microsoft's. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:48 AM (q7T0y) Cooth likes Ubuntu; I installed and use Linux Mint on my computer in Arizona. You can download an iso (the file that burns to a DVD disc) of Mint, or other distros, free, off many trustworthy sites. I chose Mint because reviews I read said that it was the distro that best met the needs of a Windows user wanting to get his feet wet in Linux. So you download the iso, and you may also need to download a utility to burn it direct to the DVD, as most standard disk-writing software doesn't expect to be given an iso to burn, and tries to rejigger them. This is dead easy; they tell you where to get the utility, and how to use it, cookbook style. Now, once you have burned the DVD, you can boot your computer off the DVD drive, and Presto!, you are running Linux. Without altering a jot or tittle of your hard drive. So the total cost to you is one blank DVD. Mint comes with LibreOffice, and a host of other apps, and supports a number of printers etc. with native drivers. If you decide you like using it, you can install direct from the DVD, either in a separate partition (dual boot with your existing OS) or format the HD and install as a fresh install. In my case, I chose the latter, as the Win7 on the box was morked, and there were private files from the machine's prior owner I wanted gone. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:01 AM (GSdpU) 920
AOP, thanks!!
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:02 AM (q7T0y) 921
Microsoft's lawyers are on salary -- yours are paid by the hour. And why wait for litigation over what the license agreement clearly states? -- MS's entire customer base should be fleeing now to avoid the rush.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:50 AM (EzgxV) Cuth, can you point to the parts of the Windows 10 user agreement that would give Microsoft rights to any IP created using a Win 10 system? Corporate attorneys may be annoying but they're also not stupid. If there was a clause potentially giving MS ownership rights to any intellectual property, they would be squawking up a storm and demanding specific IP exemption agreements from Microsoft. I've heard nothing of this sort. Microsoft is trying to go to a software as service and so you would not 'own' the OS in the same way that you 'own' it today i.e. an open-ended license to use it. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 02:02 AM (wqVD1) 922
906 In a few years, I'd bet there will be ads on daytime TV:' "Do you have Windows 10? Have you performed any type of creative work with it?? CALL 1-800-SUE-MSFT today!! You may be entitled to substantial damages!!" Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:54 AM (q7T0y) That would all depend on whether we had a pay-to-play Federal Government, wouldn't it? Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:02 AM (EzgxV) 923
cthulhu, hmmm... ;-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:03 AM (q7T0y) 924
Is it naive to suspect MS just wants to cash in on the big data cash cow?
Posted by: OldDominionMom at July 28, 2016 02:03 AM (GzDYP) 925
cthulhu, it would. But how much money is enough for Hillary?
My hunch is, there is no number big enough. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:04 AM (q7T0y) 926
ODM, ding ding ding. Everyone does.
No one owns software anymore. It's all on the leasing program from here, forever. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:05 AM (q7T0y) 927
Microsoft is trying to go to a software as service and so you would not 'own' the OS in the same way that you 'own' it today i.e. an open-ended license to use it.
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 02:02 AM (wqVD1) I think they intend to go that way with office products, and probably then a shorter update cycle with a "season pass" type of license. I think everybody would like it better if they could automatically just take money from your bank account every month, just the easy way out for them, *and* harder to pirate. Win10 has actually cut a little into Windows piracy, it seems. Kind of hard to know for sure. There's a grey market in cheap 7 & 8 keys that are nevertheless legit (not volume keys - which are legit, but not always upgradeable). Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:06 AM (wB8Tg) 928
Well, i just harfed from seeing the main photo on Yahoo of The Won and The Won Who Hopes his Magic is congatious. Bless my own heart and retinas.
I have titled photo "Porgy and Bess." They look as if they are about to croon and do the polka. Ohussain and Hilz, Keeper of Emails, are in a dreamy clench. Cheek to cheek, walking on air (in Hilz case, probably orthotics, but I digress). Bess is wearing a special blend of Mocha Creme Royale pancake foundation, otherwise who would know him, as normally green. He is also wearing eyebrown makeup as pathetic? In play, music by Gershwin, he is "Queen's girl and a woman of disreputable history." Which sounds about right and It is my play and I can cast them however I want. Porgy, seen in Yahoo photo, is so doped up she cannot stand. She is cast as a "disabled beggar with drug problems." Also sounds about right. At any rate, the photo gets a Harf 10 award, on scale of 1-10. I may never sleep again after this trauma... Posted by: ChristyBlinky, Infidel Queen at July 28, 2016 02:06 AM (Wb4xo) 929
I think they *wanted* to go the console method - the market just never cooperated (i.e. branded or licensed hardware and physical software media).
Or the middling-client model (not quite dumb or smart) some people have been pushing since at least the 80s, where everything including some processing power is on the server. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:08 AM (wB8Tg) 930
913 Microsoft's lawyers are on salary -- yours are paid by the hour. And why wait for litigation over what the license agreement clearly states? -- MS's entire customer base should be fleeing now to avoid the rush. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:50 AM (EzgxV) I see nothing that says MS can root through your My Documents directory. And I've looked. I do see a lot of stuff about OneDrive and XboxLive, because they *host* this data, and so they have to make a legal statement about their responsibilities with regard to these. But these are optional services. I've seen a hundred quotations of the OneDrive license but nothing from the Windows license about this. Their lawyers may be on salary, but they don't have enough of them if they start playing around on random users' local files. Hell, we'd run out of corporate lawyers entirely and have to fall back on public defenders. I'd like to see such a suicide clause if they hid it somewhere, but I haven't yet. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 01:58 AM (wB8Tg) Tell you what, I'll consider relaxing when they fully disclose the format, content, and sampling rules of all the keylogged shit they regularly send home to Momma. If they send it home for "quality assurance" reasons and scrape it for "patentable ideas", I'm not getting why anyone would be ok with it. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:08 AM (EzgxV) 931
"Tolerance is the lube that helps slip the dildo of dysfunction into the ass of a civilized society." - Plato
"Hypocrisy is the K-Y of social intercourse" - The Democrat Party Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 28, 2016 02:09 AM (9mTYi) 932
Microsoft is trying to go to a software as service and so you would not 'own' the OS in the same way that you 'own' it today i.e. an open-ended license to use it.
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 02:02 AM (wqVD1) Yes, that is the real issue. They want to become Bell Telephone of the 1960's. I prefer the ownership model, thanks. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:09 AM (GSdpU) 933
Mike, oooooooooooooooo. Deeeeep. ;-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:09 AM (q7T0y) 934
Merovign, hmmm. And this is *not* to excuse Microsoft whatsoever. But what are the odds they're going to pick *your* brilliant idea to steal and claim as they own? There's millions and millions of MS users. It would be about the same odds as hitting lotto, wouldn't it? Don't get me wrong. I still want them crushed for being so arrogant. I just can't help but wonder. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:01 AM (q7T0y) They have a history. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:10 AM (EzgxV) 935
I think they intend to go that way with office products, and probably then a shorter update cycle with a "season pass" type of license.
I think everybody would like it better if they could automatically just take money from your bank account every month, just the easy way out for them, *and* harder to pirate. Win10 has actually cut a little into Windows piracy, it seems. Kind of hard to know for sure. There's a grey market in cheap 7 & 8 keys that are nevertheless legit (not volume keys - which are legit, but not always upgradeable). Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:06 AM (wB8Tg) They already have done that with Office. Office 365 is a yearly subscription. And the corporate Windows 10 is also planning to try it out. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:11 AM (bMG0w) 936
And we pay them to collect our data they sell. Kinda like, "Here! Get a discount on your whatever if you let us collect and sell info on your every move!"
Posted by: OldDominionMom at July 28, 2016 02:11 AM (GzDYP) 937
buzzion, there's also a University edition of Office 365. If you can provide them with an enrollment number, they give Office to you for *four* years instead of just one.
I am tempted to try it out. I have an old enrollment number from a college I attended years ago... Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:12 AM (q7T0y) 938
Just popped in to share this...
Got home. Washed some dishes. When done, I looked at the wall next to the sink, and there's a garden spider - BIG spider - legs spread out, a couple inches across. Now, I'm a kindly old hipster living in a not-that-tight home. We keep "bug cups" around the house for ladybugs, even wasps which we seem to get a lot of. And occasional tree frogs. I am not a "wouldn't hurt a fly" guy - flies, ticks, skeeters, black widows and brown recluses DIE! But friendly bugs get caught in the clear plastic drink cup with a square of cardboard cover, and released outside. So, I grab a bug cup and the cardboard and capture the big spider. I set my trophy down on a table for a moment, and I see these little dots crawling, radiating out from the spider, and even leaking out of the cup. SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH the escapee dots, rush outside, and HURL the bug cup, cardboard, and Mama spider 'way out into the yard. EEWWGGGHHHH. There's not enough alcohol in the cupboard tonight. Sweet dreams of butterflies and dragonflies, y'all. Posted by: mindful webworker - eight-legged nightmares at July 28, 2016 02:14 AM (I1MCJ) 939
So nobody has watched Tyrant? An amazing show that exposes some of the flaws in Islam.
I'm surprised it's allowed to be aired, most incorrect. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 02:15 AM (o/90i) 940
mindful webworker: KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:15 AM (q7T0y) 941
cthulhu, I'll look into it. And I do like OpenOffice, even if the applications aren't as pretty as Microsoft's. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 01:48 AM (q7T0y) Cooth likes Ubuntu; I installed and use Linux Mint on my computer in Arizona. You can download an iso (the file that burns to a DVD disc) of Mint, or other distros, free, off many trustworthy sites. I chose Mint because reviews I read said that it was the distro that best met the needs of a Windows user wanting to get his feet wet in Linux. So you download the iso, and you may also need to download a utility to burn it direct to the DVD, as most standard disk-writing software doesn't expect to be given an iso to burn, and tries to rejigger them. This is dead easy; they tell you where to get the utility, and how to use it, cookbook style. Now, once you have burned the DVD, you can boot your computer off the DVD drive, and Presto!, you are running Linux. Without altering a jot or tittle of your hard drive. So the total cost to you is one blank DVD. Mint comes with LibreOffice, and a host of other apps, and supports a number of printers etc. with native drivers. If you decide you like using it, you can install direct from the DVD, either in a separate partition (dual boot with your existing OS) or format the HD and install as a fresh install. In my case, I chose the latter, as the Win7 on the box was morked, and there were private files from the machine's prior owner I wanted gone. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:01 AM (GSdpU) I can enthusiastically endorse Mint. The system that I'm using to type this runs Mint, and I've had a brief interaction with Clem where I learned a thing or eight. If someone asked me, "I've been running windows for years and want to bail", it would take me about 1/10 of a millisecond to recommend Mint because it is so easy and so user-friendly. It really leaves you no excuse to stay with Microsoft. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:17 AM (EzgxV) 942
Which reminds me, Hillary is like the cockroach you keep finding in your kitchen.
Except that EVERY time you go back in the kitchen... it's bigger. And uglier. And more threatening. And wants more food. Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:17 AM (q7T0y) 943
Got home. Washed some dishes. When done, I looked at
the wall next to the sink, and there's a garden spider - BIG spider - legs spread out, a couple inches across. Sweet dreams of butterflies and dragonflies, y'all. Posted by: mindful webworker - eight-legged nightmares at July 28, 2016 02:14 AM Only a couple of inches across? That's a baby spider. Posted by: otho at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (EWg9n) 944
buzzion, there's also a University edition of Office 365. If you can provide them with an enrollment number, they give Office to you for *four* years instead of just one.
I am tempted to try it out. I have an old enrollment number from a college I attended years ago... Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:12 AM (q7T0y) I expect they would do a check to see if the student number is still valid. But why would you want to fraudulently obtain the use of an MS product, when you are complaining about them stealing your stuff? Two wrongs don't make a right. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (GSdpU) 945
Tell you what, I'll consider relaxing when they fully disclose the format, content, and sampling rules of all the keylogged shit they regularly send home to Momma. If they send it home for "quality assurance" reasons and scrape it for "patentable ideas", I'm not getting why anyone would be ok with it.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:08 AM (EzgxV) It's not actually all that secret, it's just hugely spread out and documented in 100 different places (probably worse than that). Server 2012 has some tools for intercepting and using that usage data, and they have classes on it. High-altitude discussion article: They mention a conference this September on the system. TechNet has a bunch of stuff: Admittedly, that's from the horse's mouth, so if you don't trust the horse, you can only wait for the inevitable folk who will be running a lot of traffic monitoring on their systems. Also, the same warning you give applies to systemd, so unless you're *really* in control of your Linux, you're kind of in the same place. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (wB8Tg) 946
Microsoft's lawyers are on salary -- yours are paid by the hour. And why wait for litigation over what the license agreement clearly states? -- MS's entire customer base should be fleeing now to avoid the rush. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 01:50 AM (EzgxV) Cuth, can you point to the parts of the Windows 10 user agreement that would give Microsoft rights to any IP created using a Win 10 system? Corporate attorneys may be annoying but they're also not stupid. If there was a clause potentially giving MS ownership rights to any intellectual property, they would be squawking up a storm and demanding specific IP exemption agreements from Microsoft. I've heard nothing of this sort. Microsoft is trying to go to a software as service and so you would not 'own' the OS in the same way that you 'own' it today i.e. an open-ended license to use it. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 02:02 AM (wqVD1) This sounds like work. From you, I will entertain such a request....but it'll take me a bit to get around to it. Consider it calendared. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (EzgxV) Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 02:20 AM (kP16F) Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:20 AM (q7T0y) 949
Zettai: isn't it amazing what you can learn here at the ONT? ;-)
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:20 AM (q7T0y) 950
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (GSdpU) Sure they do. Posted by: Aristotle at July 28, 2016 02:21 AM (zc3Db) 951
I say all this as someone who doesn't put my car or my fridge or washer on the network, either. You should know what you're sharing.
They already have done that with Office. Office 365 is a yearly subscription. And the corporate Windows 10 is also planning to try it out. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:11 AM (bMG0w) I can still buy Office 2016. For now. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:22 AM (wB8Tg) 952
950 Two wrongs don't make a right.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (GSdpU) Sure they do. Posted by: Aristotle at July 28, 2016 02:21 AM (zc3Db) Three Lefts do. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:22 AM (bMG0w) 953
Yes. Yes, it is, qdpsteve!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 02:23 AM (kP16F) Posted by: Le Soft Micreux at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (q7T0y) 955
qdpsteve: mindful webworker: KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
You're right. I wasn't thinking clearly. I wonder, if I'd popped it in the microwave for a few hours...? Posted by: mindful "spider" webworker at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (+/zXg) 956
I've installed probably the same utility that everyone has to keep Windows 10 off my system.
The question for me is which version of Linux to get, how easy it is to install, plus the learning curve. It's been a long, long time since I used command lines... Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (/WPPJ) 957
Two wrongs don't make a right. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (GSdpU) Sure they do. Posted by: Aristotle at July 28, 2016 02:21 AM (zc3Db) Three lefts do. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (EzgxV) 958
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (GSdpU) Sure they do. Posted by: Aristotle at July 28, 2016 02:21 AM (zc3Db) Three Lefts do. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:22 AM (bMG0w) Not always. Posted by: Nikolai Lobachevsky at July 28, 2016 02:25 AM (zc3Db) 959
Farmer is a quisling.
Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:25 AM (qUNWi) 960
mindful, you'd make 'em radioactive is all. And probably 9 times bigger. :-P
Posted by: qdpsteve at July 28, 2016 02:25 AM (q7T0y) 961
So, I grab a bug cup and the cardboard and capture the big spider. I set my trophy down on a table for a moment, and I see these little dots crawling, radiating out from the spider, and even leaking out of the cup. SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH the escapee dots, rush outside, and HURL the bug cup, cardboard, and Mama spider 'way out into the yard. EEWWGGGHHHH.
There's not enough alcohol in the cupboard tonight. Sweet dreams of butterflies and dragonflies, y'all. Posted by: mindful webworker - eight-legged nightmares at July 28, 2016 02:14 AM (I1MCJ) I feel your pain. I had a swarm of small ants at the back door of the house yesterday, zapped them with some Pyrethrin-based spray, and they were GONE. Good. So, today, I see a swarm of little black ants milling around a crack in the concrete floor of the garage, a separate building some distance away from the other end of the house. Sprayed with brake cleaner, and decided to follow up by pouring some Varsol into the crack in the floor. Lo and behold! There were now a mess of winged ants emerging from the crack! Dumped in the Varsol, and that seems to have got them. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:26 AM (GSdpU) 962
950 Two wrongs don't make a right. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (GSdpU) Sure they do. Posted by: Aristotle at July 28, 2016 02:21 AM (zc3Db) Three Lefts do. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:22 AM (bMG0w) Dammit! Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:26 AM (EzgxV) 963
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at July 28, 2016 02:27 AM (AroJD) 964
Thanks for Win 10 info. I fell asleep. Yikes. Will read them tomorrow. But thx for taking the time. G'night.
Posted by: gracepc at July 28, 2016 02:27 AM (OU4q6) 965
It's been a long, long time since I used command lines...
Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (/WPPJ) If you don't do anything complicated and you're lucky, you won't have to. I always do, but I think I have the gene that Linux detects and goes haywire - even though I worked with Unix systems for many years, Linux has always been a pain in the neck for me (partly because I don't ever need to use it just to browse the web and send e-mail, and I have a lot of less-common hardware lying around). Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:27 AM (wB8Tg) 966
I've installed probably the same utility that everyone has to keep Windows 10 off my system. The question for me is which version of Linux to get, how easy it is to install, plus the learning curve. It's been a long, long time since I used command lines... Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (/WPPJ) Longtime Windows users are extremely easy to convert to Linux Mint. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:29 AM (EzgxV) 967
MSNBC just had two SNL guys on (OK, hours ago, but I'm wathing a re-run) and one of them said something actually funny.
"Hillary Clinton will be on tomorrow night and I guarantee it's the least she's ever been paid for a speech". Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:29 AM (mgbwf) 968
Butterscotch, owner of Farmer.
(She tried to kill a baby rabbit today, hope it didn't succeed.) Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 01:08 AM (o/90i) When I was a kid we had a calico named Butterscotch. That cat was a total killer. Used to leave piles of dead animals in the corners of the house. Killed every gerbil my brother had and all my parakeets. hat was a cool cat. Posed by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 01:14 AM That's funny, our Butterscotch is actually a tortoise shell. She showed up in the hood when the kids next door were eating butterscotch cookies. She had kittens, we took her in. She's still here 8 yrs later. Jules is Scottish mostly. When she looked up tortoise shell cats she found a Scot tale was that if a torty adopted you it was good luck. I'm still waiting as I clean out the litter box. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 02:29 AM (o/90i) 969
The question for me is which version of Linux to get, how easy it is to install, plus the learning curve.
It's been a long, long time since I used command lines... Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (/WPPJ) Ubuntu is the easiest - being the most widely used, at the moment. No need to use the command line if you don't want (though it is good to use it). Works with most hardware though there are a few gaps here and there. My recommendation is put it on a USB drive and run it from there. Don't bother installing it on your hard drive. That's the way I've run all my systems for many years, now. If you don't like it, nothing lost - your old system is unmolested. It's a cinch to get running and you only need to add a few packages to have all the usual proprietary stuff - mp3 codec, etc. There are a few issues with Adobe flash (I friggin hate that piece of shit program) but you have to run it on your system and see how it goes. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 02:29 AM (zc3Db) 970
>>>950 Two wrongs don't make a right.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:19 AM (GSdpU) Sure they do. Posted by: Aristotle at July 28, 2016 02:21 AM (zc3Db) Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:22 AM (bMG0w) Dammit! Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:26 AM (EzgxV) Three lefts do! Posted by: Amy Schumer at July 28, 2016 02:29 AM (H9MG5) 971
Three lefts do!
Posted by: Amy Schumer at July 28, 2016 02:29 AM (H9MG5) Tolkien was toying with the idea of writing Chinese villains into LOTR, but he decided two Wongs don't make a wight. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 02:32 AM (GSdpU) 972
Win10 EULA:
Privacy add: The privacy statement is more complex, because it covers MS as a whole. The EULA may be the shortest they've had, not sure, but it's one-session reading. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:33 AM (wB8Tg) 973
Y'all take care. Have a good one. Till next time. Posted by: Hillbillyking at July 28, 2016 02:36 AM (HreEk) 974
Farmer is a quisling.
Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:25 AM Huh? WTF does that mean? Please splain. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 02:38 AM (o/90i) 975
Huh? WTF does that mean? Please splain.
Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 02:38 AM (o/90i) Who knows? ... Don't sweat it. It's just silly. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 02:40 AM (zc3Db) Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:40 AM (qUNWi) 977
The question for me is which version of Linux to get, how easy it is to install, plus the learning curve. It's been a long, long time since I used command lines... Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:24 AM (/WPPJ) Ubuntu is the easiest - being the most widely used, at the moment. No need to use the command line if you don't want (though it is good to use it). Works with most hardware though there are a few gaps here and there. My recommendation is put it on a USB drive and run it from there. Don't bother installing it on your hard drive. That's the way I've run all my systems for many years, now. If you don't like it, nothing lost - your old system is unmolested. It's a cinch to get running and you only need to add a few packages to have all the usual proprietary stuff - mp3 codec, etc. There are a few issues with Adobe flash (I friggin hate that piece of shit program) but you have to run it on your system and see how it goes. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 02:29 AM (zc3Db) Ubuntu is very good. But Mint is based on Ubuntu with the idea of being friendlier. [Ubuntu, in turn, is based on Debian -- with the idea of being friendlier.] One of the fun things about Linux is that there is a distro focused on any reason you might have to run a system -- if you want to build a firewall router, you can go smoothwall; if you want to attack corporate systems, you can go kali; if you want an easy transition from Windows, you have Mint; if you want a yuuuge database of hardware, you have Ubuntu; if you want stable, you can have Debian; if you want corporate security policies, CentOS looks good.... Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:41 AM (EzgxV) Posted by: The Political Hat at July 28, 2016 02:42 AM (RirF+) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:42 AM (mgbwf) 980
It's been widely misunderstood. A lot of lawyers at a lot of companies had a major freakout when some early cloud services ran into problems over claim made against them for having copies of user data on their servers, even though this was precisely the function of their service. Pretty much everybody in the cloud services world has language to that effect to protect them from being pecked to death by ducks in the form of ill conceived litigation that requires a savvy judge to keep from running far longer than it deserves. The general consensus among such corporate counsel is to go on the offensive rather than having to continuously refine the EULAs until a very costly balance is struck. The idea is that litigating the pushback will cost a lot less and have a better chance with them ending up in a preferred position. Posted by: Epobirs at July 28, 2016 02:44 AM (IdCqF) 981
Huh? WTF does that mean? Please splain.
Did you not have a comment about people getting banned? Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:40 AM Yes, all I said was I didn't know what was going on w/ the banning. The quisling stuff is just bizarre to me. I'd love for someone to tell me what it is about. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 02:46 AM (o/90i) 982
979 *drums fingers on table*
So, this isn't going to be a boobeh thread? Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:42 AM (mgbwf) Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:46 AM (bMG0w) 983
Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:47 AM (qUNWi) 984
The quisling stuff is just bizarre to me. I'd love for someone to tell me what it is about.
He was a Norwegian who cooperated with the Nazis during occupation. Oh wait. You mean in this context? Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:47 AM (mgbwf) Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:48 AM (qUNWi) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:50 AM (mgbwf) 987
I have MS Office, the basic version, for $6 per month.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 28, 2016 02:50 AM (VdICR) 988
Oh f***,
I turned on the TV and Barky speechifying. This is killing me, he's identifying w/ his Kansas grandparents! And the values of Michelle's family. This is insane. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 02:51 AM (o/90i) 989
Oh wait. You mean in this context?
Yeah. Posted by: eleven Um...eleven? If my ctrl+F button is working correctly you started it. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:52 AM (mgbwf) 990
I have MS Office, the basic version, for $6 per month. Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 28, 2016 02:50 AM (VdICR) You could have Libre Office, which is likely to do anything you need it to, for whatever you feel like donating. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:53 AM (EzgxV) 991
Merovign, cthulhu, ThePrimordialOrderedPair, et al -
Good stuff everyone. Thanks. I have heard good things about Mint. And I like the idea of installing it on an external drive. Now to get un-busy enough to actually do this... Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:54 AM (/WPPJ) 992
If my ctrl+F button is working correctly you started it.
Umm...started what? I never addressed you to my knowledge. Are you Farmer? Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:55 AM (qUNWi) 993
Now to get un-busy enough to actually do this...
Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:54 AM (/WPPJ) fnord (/WPPJ) That's usually the real challenge. Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at July 28, 2016 02:56 AM (wB8Tg) 994
Are you Farmer?
No, I'm your friendly neighborhood Bandersnatch. I thought you called Farmer a Quisling first. I shall now back away because I don't understand what's going on. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:57 AM (mgbwf) 995
He called Farmer a quisling because he was sucking up to Maet.
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 02:59 AM (bMG0w) 996
The quisling stuff is just bizarre to me. I'd love for someone to tell me what it is about.
Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 02:46 AM (o/90i) I think it's just a failed joke, Farmer. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:00 AM (GSdpU) 997
I shall now back away because I don't understand what's going on.
Thanks...I got banned by some strange person for some strange reason for I have no idea why. Farmer was all hey that's cool with me. I didn't appreciate it. You don't have to worry at all about it. Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:02 AM (qUNWi) 998
993, Merovign, yeah, like everything else. There is no time.
And if I have horror stories about the install, I will naturally embellish them and share these on some future ONT. Sleep time now. Snore in wife's ear. Later. Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 03:06 AM (/WPPJ) 999
I tried to install Ubuntu on this cheap Asus notebook I'm using right now and failed miserably! "UEFI", secure boot, I'm just not geeky enough to get it to work, though I've followed the instructions to the letter, I think...
I've read there is a 32-bit Linux distro that may work on my cheap Toshiba tablet - I should give that a go... Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:09 AM (kP16F) 1000
938 Posted by: mindful webworker - eight-legged nightmares at July 28, 2016 02:14 AM (I1MCJ)
Too funny! We had one of those spiders swimming in our pool that we spotted from the kitchen window 2 floors up. Three inches toe to toe, easy. Saved with the skimmer net, the babies scurried off then back onto mom's back while we freaked out. Creepy as hell, but pretty cool as well. Posted by: OldDominionMom at July 28, 2016 03:11 AM (GzDYP) 1001
Merovign, cthulhu, ThePrimordialOrderedPair, et al - Good stuff everyone. Thanks. I have heard good things about Mint. And I like the idea of installing it on an external drive. Now to get un-busy enough to actually do this... Posted by: Skookumchuk at July 28, 2016 02:54 AM (/WPPJ) You suit the distro to the purpose of the machine. I have a Raspberry Pi that I was using to map the Wi-Fi environment around Casa de Cthulhu.....used Kali. I'm currently on the "goof machine" -- it's Mint. I structured a Raspberry Pi to host print queues from two separate networks.....went with Ubuntu to configure the iptables. Used a Raspberry Pi to play with stepper motors, used Raspbian. My initial thought for Looking Glass was CentOS, because it was easily configurable with SELinux....but I decided to go with Ubuntu [even thought the documentation says "Debian"] because client VMs use dom0 interfaces (and CentOS required additional squidging to work). Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:11 AM (EzgxV) 1002
Thanks...I got banned by some strange person for some strange reason for I have no idea why.
Farmer was all hey that's cool with me. I didn't appreciate it. You don't have to worry at all about it. Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:02 AM (qUNWi) Yeah, you were the first of several to get briefly banned by TB3K, the banhammer. I think the whole exercise was intended be an object lesson about capricious requests for bannination. So it wasn't directed at you. You just had the misfortune of being a test case. Sort of like when a whole class of school kids misbehaves, and one of the few innocent ones gets made to sit in the corner. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:11 AM (GSdpU) 1003
The quisling stuff is just bizarre to me. I'd love for someone to tell me what it is about.
He was a Norwegian who cooperated with the Nazis during occupation. Oh wait. You mean in this context? Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 02:47 LMAO Yes Bander, why was some poster calling me a quisling? I'd like to hear the logic, if it isn't just BS. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 03:12 AM (o/90i) 1004
I tried to install Ubuntu on this cheap Asus notebook I'm using right now and failed miserably! "UEFI", secure boot, I'm just not geeky enough to get it to work, though I've followed the instructions to the letter, I think... I've read there is a 32-bit Linux distro that may work on my cheap Toshiba tablet - I should give that a go... Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:09 AM (kP16F) Ubuntu bought a UEFI license -- it should install. I just overwrote Win10 with Ubuntu on a UEFI Pavilion laptop with no grief. I had thought to put Qubes on it, but it gacked all over UEFI for it, so I just went Ubuntu. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:16 AM (EzgxV) 1005
If my ctrl+F button is working correctly you started it.
Umm...started what? I never addressed you to my knowledge. Are you Farmer? Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 02:55 AM Whoever you are addressing there is not me. There's some misunderstanding going on here. What even is the question here? Like I need that at this time of night. But really, what is up? Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 03:18 AM (o/90i) Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:19 AM (kP16F) 1007
This song by David Wilcox is kinda appropriate for the TB3k antics tonight, "God is on a Bender". Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:19 AM (GSdpU) 1008
Thanks...I got banned by some strange person for some strange reason for I have no idea why. Farmer was all hey that's cool with me. I didn't appreciate it. You don't have to worry at all about it. Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:02 AM (qUNWi) Yeah, you were the first of several to get briefly banned by TB3K, the banhammer. I think the whole exercise was intended be an object lesson about capricious requests for bannination. So it wasn't directed at you. You just had the misfortune of being a test case. Sort of like when a whole class of school kids misbehaves, and one of the few innocent ones gets made to sit in the corner. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:11 AM (GSdpU) I think there was some fiddling with TB3K settings as it charged, where it was partially charged with overly open parameters. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:20 AM (EzgxV) 1009
Yeah, you were the first of several to get briefly banned by TB3K, the banhammer. I think the whole exercise was intended be an object lesson about capricious requests for bannination. So it wasn't directed at you. You just had the misfortune of being a test case. Sort of like when a whole class of school kids misbehaves, and one of the few innocent ones gets made to sit in the corner.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:11 AM (GSdpU In other words. Stupid and an abuse of power. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 03:20 AM (bMG0w) 1010
Yeah, you were the first of several to get briefly banned by TB3K, the banhammer. I think the whole exercise was intended be an object lesson about capricious requests for bannination. So it wasn't directed at you. You just had the misfortune of being a test case. Sort of like when a whole class of school kids misbehaves, and one of the few innocent ones gets made to sit in the corner.
_______________ Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:11 AM (GSdpU) Yeah....I got that part. In fact I played along with it.... It was the Farmer comment that irked me. Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:22 AM (qUNWi) 1011
In other words. Stupid and an abuse of power.
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 03:20 AM (bMG0w) No, you miss the point. There were several calls earlier this evening for the bannination of one or more Morons for really trivial reasons. Suddenly, the Banhammer shows up, and briefly (like for 10 minutes) bans several unrelated people for no reason at all. There's a lesson there for the learning. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:26 AM (GSdpU) 1012
Well, I got banned for asking an innocent question paraphrasing myself saying I don't understand what is going on tonight? I didn't ask anyone to be banned.
I didn't appreciate that either. The footballs site predates me, but I now understand it. You get banned capriously bc it's an exercise of power. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:28 AM (6IPEM) 1013
I shall now back away because I don't understand what's going on.
Thanks...I got banned by some strange person for some strange reason for I have no idea why. Farmer was all hey that's cool with me. I didn't appreciate it. You don't have to worry at all about it. Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:02 AM OK, now I get it. I just made a joking post about there was a lot of banning and I couldn't go back and figure it out. My sucking up to the banners *was enclosed in apostrophes so I thought it would be taken as sarcasm*. Be well eleven. No harm was intended to you. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 03:29 AM (o/90i) 1014
Thx, Cooth! I shall try again. And I missed the coveted 1000-spot by one, fu....... Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:19 AM (kP16F) Seriously, the Ubuntu laptop is in the living room displaying Xen installation instructions for LookingGlass I and II. It runs fine, despite (a) UEFI, and (b) wonky graphics that made it not the Qubes box I'd originally desired it to be. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:31 AM (EzgxV) Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:32 AM (qUNWi) 1016
>>> Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:26 AM
--- Right, Cthulhu started and asked for the bannings (I think?) he didn't get banned as part of this fun example exercise. Neither did Muldoon who asked for the Banhammer sock to be banned. That's so hilarious. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:32 AM (6IPEM) 1017
No, you miss the point. There were several calls earlier this evening for the bannination of one or more Morons for really trivial reasons. Suddenly, the Banhammer shows up, and briefly (like for 10 minutes) bans several unrelated people for no reason at all. There's a lesson there for the learning.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:26 AM (GSdpU) No you make an example by banning the people that are calling for a ban for no reason at all. And since iforgot was getting their comments wiped with the [ ] perhaps it wasn't "for no reason at all." It may have been a stupid reason and one not that thought out but it wasn't just a call for a ban out of nowhere. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 03:33 AM (bMG0w) Posted by: OldDominionMom at July 28, 2016 03:34 AM (GzDYP) 1019
You never know when you might have to resort to lethal force against a mime.
Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:35 AM (EzgxV) 1020
I fucking hate mimes.
Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:36 AM (qUNWi) 1021
Be well Farmer.
Let us just drop it. Shall we? Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 03:32 AM Yes. Nothing anyway intended against you in what I posted. Sorry it came across that way. Be well. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 03:38 AM (o/90i) 1022
Well, I got banned for asking an innocent question paraphrasing myself saying I don't understand what is going on tonight? I didn't ask anyone to be banned.
I didn't appreciate that either. The footballs site predates me, but I now understand it. You get banned capriously bc it's an exercise of power. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:28 AM (6IPEM) TB3K was banning arbitrarily and capriciously just to demonstrate that arbitrary and capricious bannings are a bad thing. Did you not see his taunting posts, "who shall I ban next?" Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:38 AM (GSdpU) 1023
1016 >>> Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:26 AM --- Right, Cthulhu started and asked for the bannings (I think?) he didn't get banned as part of this fun example exercise. Neither did Muldoon who asked for the Banhammer sock to be banned. That's so hilarious. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:32 AM (6IPEM) There was a bunch of kvetching about a bunch of crap. I asked one one of the crapsters about how long this would bleed onto the blog and he said November. So I posited that anyone crapping on the blog for more than a short period should be banned. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:39 AM (EzgxV) 1024
I've just edumacated myself on this "Qubes" of which cooth speaks... It's endorsed by Edward Snowden, so it must be good!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:41 AM (kP16F) 1025
No you make an example by banning the people that are calling for a ban for no reason at all. And since iforgot was getting their comments wiped with the [ ] perhaps it wasn't "for no reason at all." It may have been a stupid reason and one not that thought out but it wasn't just a call for a ban out of nowhere.
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 03:33 AM (bMG0w) That would have been taken as spiteful. What we got was a taste of what arbitrary and capricious banning would feel like. Very Solzhenitzin-like, it was. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:41 AM (GSdpU) 1026
TB3K was banning arbitrarily and capriciously just to demonstrate that arbitrary and capricious bannings are a bad thing. Did you not see his taunting posts, "who shall I ban next?"
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:38 AM OK, now I get it. Kinda glad I missed the "fun", other than being a dumbass afterwards, not knowing what went down. Posted by: Farmer at July 28, 2016 03:42 AM (o/90i) 1027
TB3K was banning arbitrarily and capriciously just to demonstrate that arbitrary and capricious bannings are a bad thing. Did you not see his taunting posts, "who shall I ban next?" Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:38 AM (GSdpU) Your argument is poor. It was an abuse of power that punished people who did nothing wrong. The point you are claiming was being made could have been made just fine without wiping out random commenters posts. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 03:44 AM (bMG0w) 1028
Was the thing that posted under TB3K an actual empowered entity?
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 03:44 AM (mgbwf) 1029
Yeah AOP, when I showed up the requisite for getting banned was asking for someone else to get banned which I never did. I asked a sincere and innocent question honestly and got the goalposts shifted underneath me. Why didn't the few people, and, actually many people here, who ask for specific people to get banned, get banned?
I don't appreciate being treated like a Guinea pig and used like that in some stupid mind game meant to teach a larger lesson. I didn't find any humor in that at all. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:45 AM (6IPEM) 1030
Was the thing that posted under TB3K an actual empowered entity?
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 03:44 AM (mgbwf) It certainly did get eleven and Elle banned for a few minutes each. I suspect that Ace or one of the cobs is laughing in his beer. And hopefully the message got through. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:48 AM (GSdpU) 1031
>>> Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:39 AM (EzgxV)
--- I wrote one single post asking what was going on since I showed up late on the ONT and only read the last most current comments. I got "joke-banned" or "made-an-example banned for that. I'm sure you would find that really funny if that happened to you or something. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:49 AM (6IPEM) 1032
It certainly did get eleven and Elle banned for a few minutes each. I suspect that Ace or one of the cobs is laughing in his beer. And hopefully the message got through.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:48 AM (GSdpU) Doubt it. But hey, ask eleven and L,elle if they learned their lesson. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 03:50 AM (bMG0w) 1033
Have to get out earlier than usual
Good morning horde Posted by: Skip at July 28, 2016 03:52 AM (bksJQ) 1034
I don't think it's a bad idea, in fact it's probably a good idea to suck up a bit to the moderators on any forum... Don't question, don't argue! It is undoubtably a thankless, difficult job; and a gracious, thoughtful commentariat must be respectful and grateful!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:52 AM (kP16F) 1035
>>>It certainly did get eleven and Elle banned for a few minutes each. I suspect that Ace or one of the cobs is laughing in his beer. And hopefully the message got through.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:48 AM ----- Yeah, it's great to be a joke at someone else's expense. I'm sure you would be laughing your own ass off if it happened to you. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:53 AM (6IPEM) 1036
I've just edumacated myself on this "Qubes" of which cooth speaks... It's endorsed by Edward Snowden, so it must be good! Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:41 AM (kP16F) It looks fiendish. The Reader's Digest version is that every process and device is spawned into a different virtual machine, and their interactions with every other process/device are strictly controlled. In context, Ira and I and some other commenters got into a slapfight where we were posting's at each other. Being Morons, we all took this as just good fun, even when Ira got banned. After he was banned, Ira popped a tinyurl link to a picture of a chicken, which I clicked in the short period when it could be seen -- I believe this downloaded polymorphic malware on my system. Qubes would have isolated and degraded the malware that keylogged me. It's about the only distro that's more paranoid than I am. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 03:53 AM (EzgxV) 1037
Yeah AOP, when I showed up the requisite for getting banned was asking for someone else to get banned which I never did. I asked a sincere and innocent question honestly and got the goalposts shifted underneath me. Why didn't the few people, and, actually many people here, who ask for specific people to get banned, get banned?
I don't appreciate being treated like a Guinea pig and used like that in some stupid mind game meant to teach a larger lesson. I didn't find any humor in that at all. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:45 AM (6IPEM) Well, it wouldn't be "arbitrary and capricious" if the targets were chosen for some reason, would it? It wasn't done for the sake of humor. It was done to show that arbitrary and capricious banning is hurtful. Now cthulhu called for banning iforget over the repeated posting of the nonsense lines in her posts. And yes, it was getting tiresome, but fell way short of "ban-worthy". So, I guess Ace or one of the cobs decided to nip this in the bud, and arranged a demonstration of capricious banning. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:56 AM (GSdpU) 1038
>>>> I don't think it's a bad idea, in fact it's probably a good idea to suck up a bit to the moderators on any forum... Don't question, don't argue! It is undoubtably a thankless, difficult job; and a gracious, thoughtful commentariat must be respectful and grateful!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 03:52 AM (kP16F) ---- You know what? You don't know anything. I have been respectful of every cob and Ace here, and when I have erred or been beligerent unnecessarily, I have sucked it up and apologized. I volunteered at the Yahoo group and helped get the weekend pet thread off the ground. For that, I get to be treated like some lab rat. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:57 AM (6IPEM) 1039
I'm watching Wall Street.
It's not an actually good movie, but I was on the periphery of Wall Street back when it was made and it has all kinds of nostalgic resonance. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 04:00 AM (mgbwf) 1040
Well, it wouldn't be "arbitrary and capricious" if the targets were chosen for some reason, would it? It wasn't done for the sake of humor. It was done to show that arbitrary and capricious banning is hurtful. Now cthulhu called for banning iforget over the repeated posting of the nonsense lines in her posts. And yes, it was getting tiresome, but fell way short of "ban-worthy". So, I guess Ace or one of the cobs decided to nip this in the bud, and arranged a demonstration of capricious banning. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 03:56 AM (GSdpU) You just keep telling yourself that. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 04:00 AM (bMG0w) 1041
>>> Well, it wouldn't be "arbitrary and capricious" if the targets were chosen for some reason, would it?
---- Okay then, please explain to me since you have all the answers why eleven and I were chosen as targets "for some reason?" Since this is your hypotheses, what reason(s) would that be exactly? Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:03 AM (6IPEM) 1042
Yeah, it's great to be a joke at someone else's expense.
I'm sure you would be laughing your own ass off if it happened to you. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 03:53 AM (6IPEM) I half-expected it would happen to me, as I had taken issue with Cooth over the idea of calling for a ban on iforget. I'm not laughing at you. But neither should you be too upset about the incident. It just happened to fall on two of the most innocent people present. Wear it as a badge of honor. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:04 AM (GSdpU) 1043
Who was supposed to learn what lesson?
Posted by: OldDominionMom at July 28, 2016 04:04 AM (GzDYP) 1044
I think you've just proven my point, L... With all due respect!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:07 AM (kP16F) 1045
Okay then, please explain to me since you have all the answers why eleven and I were chosen as targets "for some reason?" Since this is your hypotheses, what reason(s) would that be exactly?
Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:03 AM (6IPEM) Maybe I didn't make myself clear. You two were chosen by reason of there being no reason to ban you, thereby creating an object lesson of why arbitrary and capricious banning, or banning for a trivial reason, is a Bad Thing. Kind of like "decimation" in the old Roman Legions. Or to put it another way, the Banhammer was demonstrating what the Banhammer would be like if the Banhammer were a dick. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:10 AM (GSdpU) 1046
I half-expected it would happen to me, as I had taken issue with Cooth over the idea of calling for a ban on iforget. I'm not laughing at you. But neither should you be too upset about the incident. It just happened to fall on two of the most innocent people present. Wear it as a badge of honor.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:04 AM (GSdpU) Let's just lay it out simply with an example similar to your "The whole class was misbehaving so the teacher punished one of the innocent ones." Jim and Bob are bullying Tony. Brian goes to let a teacher know what is going on. So to set the example Joe is given detention. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 04:11 AM (bMG0w) 1047
The thought of provoking the beast crossed my mind, but I demurred, sensing what was afoot... Righteous demonstration of this fully operational and glorious refuge, if you ask me!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:11 AM (kP16F) 1048
>>> Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:07 AM
>>> Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:10 AM ------ Well, so happy that I could be involuntarily drafted into some power play experiment by some cob or sock or Ace. Feels great to be used like that. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:14 AM (6IPEM) 1049
Maybe I didn't make myself clear. You two were chosen by reason of there being no reason to ban you, thereby creating an object lesson of why arbitrary and capricious banning, or banning for a trivial reason, is a Bad Thing.
Do you have certain knowledge of this AOP, or is it an educated guess? Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 04:15 AM (mgbwf) 1050
Jim and Bob are bullying Tony. Brian goes to let a teacher know what is going on. So to set the example Joe is given detention.
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 04:11 AM (bMG0w) That's bullshit! Brian's a brown-noser. He should have been given 2 months of hard labor, digging holes and filling them up, at the school. Then he should have been expelled and the teacher fired. I'd fire three other teachers ... just because they probably deserve to be fired. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 04:16 AM (zc3Db) 1051
Well, toughen up, buttercup. I can't imagine it was all that inconvenient... It could have been any of us!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:17 AM (kP16F) 1052
>>> Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:17
---- Don't address me or comment to me anymore, okay, buttercup? Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:19 AM (6IPEM) 1053
The temporary bannings, so far as I could figure, were just jokes. They weren't meant to be instructive. It was just the TB3 having some fun. It was very dry humor. Sorry for those who got caught up in it but I think it was just a gag, going along with the somewhat silly calls for bannings for some reason that I still don't understand.
If there was anything serious about the faux-bannings ... it was lost on me. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 04:22 AM (zc3Db) 1054
I don't seem to recall addressing L, Elle by number and nick as is my usual practise, but "challenge accepted"! : )
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:22 AM (kP16F) 1055
I have MS Office, the basic version, for $6 per month.
Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 28, 2016 02:50 AM (VdICR) You could have Libre Office, which is likely to do anything you need it to, for whatever you feel like donating. Posted by: cthulhu at July 28, 2016 02:53 AM (EzgxV) I still use Office 2000, which doesn't require "activation" by Microsoft. Posted by: The Millennium Hat at July 28, 2016 04:23 AM (vBeA5) Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 04:23 AM (mgbwf) 1057
My daughter got a bullet point added to the power point presentation to her 4th grade bullying class: not inviting someone to your birthday party. It was the guidance teacher's daughter that she didn't invite. Because she was a bully. Lol.
Posted by: OldDominionMom at July 28, 2016 04:23 AM (GzDYP) 1058
Well, so happy that I could be involuntarily drafted into some power play experiment by some cob or sock or Ace. Feels great to be used like that.
Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:14 AM (6IPEM) Not an experiment. An object lesson. If TB3K wants to prove the proposition "arbitrary and capricious banning is a bad thing", he can't do it by banning some Moron who is somehow misbehaving, because then there are those who would say, "well, so and so had it coming". By banning two eminently innocent people, he had us going "huh?" and talking at length about it. Which was the point. Anyway, I must go to bed. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:24 AM (GSdpU) 1059
I'm watching Wall Street.
It's not an actually good movie, but I was on the periphery of Wall Street back when it was made and it has all kinds of nostalgic resonance. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 04:00 AM (mgbwf) Wall Street's a fun movie (a bit silly, but fun) but Other People's Money is a GREAT movie in the same genre. Other People's Money is one of my all-time favorites. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 28, 2016 04:25 AM (zc3Db) 1060
Anyway, I must go to bed.
If you don't mind before you turn in. Again, are you speculating or reliably knowledgable? Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 04:26 AM (mgbwf) 1061
Not an experiment. An object lesson. If TB3K wants to prove the proposition "arbitrary and capricious banning is a bad thing", he can't do it by banning some Moron who is somehow misbehaving, because then there are those who would say, "well, so and so had it coming". By banning two eminently innocent people, he had us going "huh?" and talking at length about it. Which was the point.
Anyway, I must go to bed. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:24 AM (GSdpU) You keep telling yourself that. You're wrong, but go ahead and keep repeating it. Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 04:27 AM (bMG0w) 1062
Do you have certain knowledge of this AOP, or is it an educated guess?
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 04:15 AM (mgbwf) I'm not an insider, so it is a guess, but the timing of the whole event is suspicious, also Maet's comment that TB3K is "semi-autonomous". I suspect there will be an explanation in due course. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:29 AM (GSdpU) 1063
>>>> I don't seem to recall addressing L, Elle by number and nick as is my usual practise, but "challenge accepted"! : )
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:22 AM (kP16F) ----- No? You don't? What about this one from you? Is there someone else here who goes by L? That's 10 comments ago from you. You don't remember that? "1044 I think you've just proven my point, L... With all due respect! Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:07 AM (kP16F) Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:30 AM (6IPEM) 1064
I think AOP is spot on!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:31 AM (kP16F) 1065
>>> I think AOP is spot on!
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:31 AM (kP16F) ---- Good for you. Now explain your post at 1044 where you claim that you never addressed me by nic. See my comment at 1063. Do that. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:35 AM (6IPEM) 1066
@1063, L, Elle
But did you not take specific offence with my next unaddressed comment? I suppose I did have your recent remark in mind, and I'm sorry I upset you! Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:37 AM (kP16F) 1067
Well, toughen up, buttercup. I can't imagine it was all that inconvenient... It could have been any of us!
I think I'll remember not liking you Zettai Ryoiki Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 04:38 AM (qUNWi) 1068
You keep telling yourself that. You're wrong, but go ahead and keep repeating it.
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 04:27 AM (bMG0w) Well, I am right about needing to go to bed. The undead don't sleep, so you wouldn't know about that. Look, I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone here. But my analysis of the whole incident is that one of the Cobs was trying send the message that calls for inappropriate use of the Banhammer are not welcome, and set up a little piece of theater to show why. Maybe it was an unsuccessful effort. Anyway, if you want to continue this discussion, it will have to wait until the morning thread. Good Night to you all. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:40 AM (GSdpU) 1069
I seem to have stepped in another episode of As The Horde Turns for which I never auditioned...
Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:40 AM (kP16F) 1070
I'm not an insider, so it is a guess, but the timing of the whole event is suspicious, also Maet's comment that TB3K is "semi-autonomous". I suspect there will be an explanation in due course.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 28, 2016 04:29 AM (GSdpU) No larger message that I know of. It was just someone with TB3K powers screwing around and joking on the idea that the TB3K had become semi-sentient and was starting to taunt and eat random commenters. No one was really banned. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 04:40 AM (wqVD1) 1071
Gosh what great lessons everybody learned!
Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 04:41 AM (bMG0w) 1072
Already on numerous channels and sites Trump wanting the Russians to release Hillary's emails is the new scandal.
It would be no different than getting a baseball game scorebox from a game played last year. Posted by: Skip at July 28, 2016 04:41 AM (bksJQ) 1073
No, you're just trying to save face bc you got caught up in a provable lie.
This is why the whole "lesson" was wrong bc I had people jumping on me without knowing jack shit and presuming that I did something wrong or deserved it somehow or, even more ludicrously, that I should be expected to just play along like you did. And, thanks, buzzion, for sticking up for me even if it wasn't for personal reasons and only on principle. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:42 AM (6IPEM) 1074
Gosh what great lessons everybody learned!
_________________ Posted by: buzzion at July 28, 2016 04:41 AM (bMG0w) Indeed. Yes ....thank you buzzion. Respect. Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 04:46 AM (qUNWi) Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:46 AM (kP16F) 1076
I was trying to figure out what was going on but with a thousand comments it's impossible in a short time.
Gotta go Stay safe everyone Posted by: Skip at July 28, 2016 04:47 AM (bksJQ) 1077
It would be no different than getting a baseball game scorebox from a game played last year. With evidence presented months ago that security on the "Readi-Wipe" server was likely easily breached, to have the techno-illiterari in the MSM immediately transition to the message that Trump called for the Russians to hack Her Majesty's server right now was laughable on its face. Their ignorance, deliberate or otherwise, is proof positive that taking their word on anything is a fool's errand. Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 28, 2016 04:50 AM (BK3ZS) Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 04:50 AM (qUNWi) 1079
My comment at 1073 was a reply to this one:
>>>> 1066 @1063, L, Elle But did you not take specific offence with my next unaddressed comment? I suppose I did have your recent remark in mind, and I'm sorry I upset you! Posted by: Zettai Ryoiki at July 28, 2016 04:37 AM (kP16F) ----- So answer me, or are you suddenly sleepy too? Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:51 AM (6IPEM) 1080
So answer me, or are you suddenly sleepy too?
Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:51 AM (6IPEM) L, I'm going to short-circuit the coming nastiness with this admonition/command: Call it a night, go to bed, and come back again tomorrow. Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 04:54 AM (wqVD1) 1081
Already on numerous channels and sites Trump wanting the Russians to release Hillary's emails is the new scandal.
It would be no different than getting a baseball game scorebox from a game played last year. I'm all for it. The cat's outta the bag...let's see its stripes... Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 04:54 AM (qUNWi) 1082
Everyone defending this unfun ONT experiment is suddenly all sleepy now. That's weird.
Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 04:55 AM (6IPEM) 1083
>>> Call it a night, go to bed, and come back again tomorrow.
Posted by: Maetenloch at July 28, 2016 04:54 AM --- I wasn't addressing you, Maetneloch. I got banned for absolutely no reason tonight other than asking an innocent question. I'm not allowed to complain or defend myself to people who think that's really funny telling me to shut up and take it? Okay, I guess you're telling me to do the same thing. I'll stop. Posted by: L, Elle at July 28, 2016 05:00 AM (6IPEM) 1084
Maet, do you sleep? You are awesome sir.
Posted by: OldDominionMom at July 28, 2016 05:00 AM (GzDYP) 1085
Ryan Fitzpatrick signs with the J E T S.
Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 05:02 AM (qUNWi) 1086
L...darlin...let's move on.
Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 05:05 AM (qUNWi) 1087
OK, I'm mostly a daywalker but from my experience of ONTs this is a weird one.
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 05:08 AM (mgbwf) 1088
And I got 1087, which was my roll number in my fraternity!
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 28, 2016 05:09 AM (mgbwf) 1089
Good Morning everyone. Take a nap and a thousand comments show up.
Amid all the B'more and dnc hubbub, all the remaining charges were also dismissed against David Daleiden and Sandra Meritt of CMP. These were the people that exposed pp for being the ghouls they are. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:24 AM (WVsWD) 1090
At least the thread was dead when I got here. I blame Trump and Putin. Not me.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:28 AM (WVsWD) 1091
*blames Tim*
Posted by: The Thread at July 28, 2016 05:32 AM (mgbwf) Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:34 AM (WVsWD) 1093
Mornin'. Proud of myself, got up verrry early and got in a double plus good workout.
Saw this absolutely *stunning* woman at the gym. Mid to late 20s, looked Halftalian: dark olive skin, golden brown hair, gorgeous hazel eyes, Mediterranean features. Full, high-ridin' C-cups, stop-you-in-your-tracks face, unbelievable legs and butt. One of those very fit and toned *yet not at all muscle-y* types. Aye, but here lies the rub: about 75% of her body was covered with tattoos. Entire paragraphs of something or other inscribed in script on the inside of each arm. And lots of cheap, tawdry random stuff all down her legs, outside of her arms, back and stomach. That body was a work of art as G-d made it. It's like going to The Louvre and Jackson Pollacking the masterpieces. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at July 28, 2016 05:35 AM (WlGX+) Posted by: eleven at July 28, 2016 05:37 AM (qUNWi) 1095
"Maybe together they can kill ISIS."
I think there is a better chance of that happening with those two working together. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:40 AM (WVsWD) 1096
Was hoping they wd close this thread (too much bullshit) and throw up an EMT. No luck. Big conspiracy theory is that the DNC worker, Seth Rich, murdered in DC the other week was the source for the WikiLeaks. Do I believe it? Not without facts. It's always easy to blame the dead guy... Blame? Guy deserves an award if he did it. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 05:40 AM (iQIUe) Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:41 AM (WVsWD) 1098
The ex gitmo detainee released to Uraguay who went missing turned up in Venezuela. Venezuela wont say why he is there but not hard to figure out. Idiot shd read a paper. Here's a link to an excellent article on all the remaining gitmo terrorists: Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 05:43 AM (iQIUe) 1099
1097 Gawd... That's an absolutely horrendous pic on Drudge.
No way in hell those are her real teeth. Same with the hair. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at July 28, 2016 05:43 AM (WlGX+) 1100
"Was hoping they wd close this thread (too much bullshit) and throw up an EMT. No luck. "
I have a tendency to just ignore stuff. What's to be done about the past? Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:44 AM (WVsWD) 1101
Looks like a pick of bernie "seig-ing to his heil on Drudge too. Don't think the thread has went full Godwin yet, so I'll claim it.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:46 AM (WVsWD) 1102
I have a tendency to just ignore stuff. What's to be done about the past?
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:44 AM (WVsWD) =========== But stuff wont ignore you. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 05:47 AM (iQIUe) 1103
No way in hell those are her real teeth. Same with the hair. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at July 28, 2016 05:43 AM (WlGX+) ============ I think both their mouths/teeth/gums have been photoshopped. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 05:49 AM (iQIUe) 1104
I see the Progs are heading for the fainting couches over Bill O'Bloviate allegedly saying the slaves who built the White House were "paid" and "fed well."
Did BillO actually say this? Dammit, now I have to actually watch an O'Bloviate clip to find out. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at July 28, 2016 05:49 AM (WlGX+) 1105
"But stuff wont ignore you. "
That kind of "stuff" is filed for future reference. I was talking about what is said on the Blog. What can you do about it? Nada. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Why let someone calling you a buttmunch eat you up? Not that I am calling you that, mind you, just any insult in general. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:51 AM (WVsWD) 1106
Tim is a buttmunch
Posted by: The Thread at July 28, 2016 05:52 AM (mgbwf) Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 05:53 AM (WVsWD) 1108
From Nov but still an extremely creepy video of a Pali kid being taught how to stab Jews: Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 05:54 AM (iQIUe) 1109
Angrya Bitchell:
"(Obama's) gift is unique. I don't think we've ever had a President save Lincoln, who is as great a speechwriter as this man." For G-d's sake Angrya, get off your knees, wipe off your chin and at least try to act like a grown-up if not an actual journalist. Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at July 28, 2016 05:57 AM (WlGX+) 1110
Good Morning Morons. Today is Thursday, July 28, 2016. On this day in 1932 Herbert Hoover ordered the Army under General McArthur to forcibly evict the so-called "Bonus Army" of World War I veterans, their wives, and children gathered in Washington, D.C. So McArthur hit them with troops and tanks which was a clear violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. Congress eventually gave in and paid their bonuses early. In today's corrupt political atmosphere a Republican President would be impeached. Not so a Democrat.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK) 1111
Obama gets his shots in. Hammers Trump for "slogans". This coming from Mr. Slogan himself, the big difference being that every word that Obama pukes out is a lie. But the press loved it and they would have said it louder if they had pulled their collective heads out of his ass. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK) 1112
Nanny Nan the commie gets her two cents in:
I think that, so many times, white; non-college-educated white males have voted Republican. They voted against their own economic interests because of guns, because of gays, and because of God, the three G's, God being the woman's right to choose" Pelosi told PBS's Judy Woodruff in an interview Wednesday No scrunt, mostly they vote Republican because they hate commies like you and are tired of giving a huge portion of their salary to the FSA. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK) 1113
Scankles will be interviewed on Fox News Sunday. Those of you who still have cable or Satellite should watch this to see how much Piss Wallace kisses her ass and let us know on Sunday. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:00 AM (mpXpK) 1114
News or ho-hum just another day? Former NYC mayor Bloomberg endorses Scankles. When was the last time this "Republican" (cough) endorsed a Republican? I couldn't find one going all the way back to 1996 he has routinely endorsed the Democrat. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK) 1115
Looks like Grayson is going to get the heave-ho from the Democrats because he has become an embarrassment. Chuckie Cheese-dk has told him to drop out of the primary which means he would essentially retire with his great golden parachute paid for by the taxpayers. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK) 1116
When you hear the bureaucrats in the VA squealing that their system is screwed up because they are under funded remember crap like this. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK) 1117
A federal judge appointed by Clinton and easily confirmed by a Republican Senate in 1994 has released Reagan shooter John Hinkley. This despite a medical ruling that James Brady died from complications arising from that shooting making that capital murder. Yeah, Brady is fine for a figurehead for the gun grabbing commies to march out for gun confiscation but they are OK with one of their judges letting his killer walk. Especially since it was an evil Republican he tried to kill. It was bad enough that he got off on the Jodie Foster defense, now he walks. If they are saying he is now sane why isn't his sentence one that puts him in an actual prison for life? No, that would be justice. Courts have not been a place of justice for a long time. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:01 AM (mpXpK) 1118
Senate Republicans demand answers from the corrupt FBI as to why they dropped the Orlando muzzie from the terrorist watch list. Good luck with that one guys. What ever they tell you will most likely be bullshit anyway. Just remember, you guys confirmed the corrupt AG yourself. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:02 AM (mpXpK) 1119
The GITMO terrorist released by Obama who disappeared in Uruguay has showed up in Venezuela now. You can bet he is plotting another attack. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:02 AM (mpXpK) 1120
Turkey muzzie president continues his actions to achieve a complete dictatorship in Turkey. He is shutting down the press now. Another foreign policy win for Obama. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:02 AM (mpXpK) 1121
In case you missed it yesterday in the comments, the last remaining charges against the Freddie Grey cops charged with his death have been dropped. Of course the corrupt racist Baltimore States Attorney had to get her 2 cents in. And she is being sued by the cops for false charges. But the sad thing is that only the taxpayers will be held accountable. She should be disbarred and charged herself but that will never happen. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:02 AM (mpXpK) 1122
Al Quds March in Berlin: Death to Israel. Hatred towards Jews, Yazidis or Christians. ========== And if people were marching yelling death to muzzlems and fk the koran, the kraut kops would arrest them Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 06:03 AM (iQIUe) 1123
It appears that Krazy Kommie Bernie's conversion to Democrat was only temporary. He is going back to being an "independent" who caucuses with the Democrats. I don't see why he doesn't just go ahead and join the Communist Party. He has openly admitted he is a communist and doesn't like the Democrats because they are not communist enough. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:03 AM (mpXpK) 1124
Darwin award goes to Bernie supporter and "protestor" at the Dem convention. He set fire to a US flag and then tried to stomp on it. Result; he set himself on fire. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:03 AM (mpXpK) 1125
Democrats nominate Kaine by "acclamation" rather than risk an embarrassing vote. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:03 AM (mpXpK) 1126
Here is what some of the big donors to Scankles and O'bama are getting for their money besides political influence (which nobody will ever put in writing). Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:03 AM (mpXpK) 1127
Wikileaks dump shows Democrats cheered loss of jobs and unemployment in NC because they think it helps their chances in an increasingly purple NC. They can only get benefit from this as long as they have the lying press in their back pocket "like so many nickels and dimes". Yes, there is high unemployment in NC. The same as all the rest of the States except TX. That is because we are still mired in the Obamanomics depression. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:04 AM (mpXpK) 1128
Obama releases non-statement on French priest beheading. He should have gone ahead and said it was "workplace violence" because that is just about how his statement came out. He is fully in support of "religious freedom". To Obama that means he supports muzzie terrorists. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:04 AM (mpXpK) Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:04 AM (mpXpK) 1130
McDonald's employee in TX refused to serve a cop and was fired. Why do these idiots think they can get away with this kind of shit in TX? Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:04 AM (mpXpK) 1131
James Cameron is releasing a pro-AGW scam movie openly admitting it is to help Scankles. Why is not the FEC stepping in to hit him with an illegal campaign contribution? Why? Because I don't think there is a single federal agency left in Washington that has not been hopelessly corrupted by Obama and his Democrat cabal. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:05 AM (mpXpK) 1132
Pop singer at a Gabby Giffords gun grabber event inadvertently tells what the real objective of the gun grabbers is. "So we can control who gets fvcking weapons". Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:05 AM (mpXpK) 1133
A German minister is raising Hell because North African nations will not accept their illegal migrants back when Germany tries to deport them. I suggest that Germany do the same thing I have recommended for the illegals in the US who we are actually trying to deport. Just dump the SOBs in their country and leave, Piss on them. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:05 AM (mpXpK) 1134
And here is a prime example of an illegal felon who was released to the streets here because his home country would not take him back. All because one of those thugs in black robes said we could not keep these felons in jail if their country will not take them back and Obama is doing nothing to send them back. We should have sent this SOB to GITMO and then paraded him out the gate at gun-point and said here Cuba, he's yours, take him. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:05 AM (mpXpK) 1135
Darwin award goes to Bernie supporter and "protestor" at the Dem convention. He set fire to a US flag and then tried to stomp on it. Result; he set himself on fire. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:03 AM (mpXpK) ============ Same thing happened in Cleveland. They dont learn....and for that we are thankful. ![]() Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 06:06 AM (iQIUe) 1136
House Republican has floated a bill that would restore federal spending power to Congress and originating in the House as the constitution says. It has long been a practice of federal agencies to fund their own operations with fees and fines, which actually should be illegal. And I can tell you from personal experience that federal agencies set the fees and fines themselves with no congressional input what-so-ever. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:06 AM (mpXpK) Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:06 AM (mpXpK) Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 06:06 AM (iQIUe) 1139
"Darwin award goes to Bernie supporter and "protestor" at the Dem convention. He set fire to a US flag and then tried to stomp on it. Result; he set himself on fire."
That's poetic justice or bad karma. Maybe both. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 06:07 AM (WVsWD) 1140
new thread up.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at July 28, 2016 06:11 AM (WVsWD) 1141
I am not a fan of O'Reilly's but what he said about the building of the WH was correct - and of course it was twisted by the ignorant media.
1. O'Reilly pointed out that the WH was built by both slave and free labor. The non-slaves were paid. Slave owners were paid for the use of their slaves. He did not say the slaves were themselves paid. 2. The slaves were indeed decently fed - because it makes no sense whatsoever to buy a slave at considerable expense and then starve the slave so he can't work. That's another reason why the whole idea that most were beaten and abused on a routine basis is horseshit. Even if an owner was not particularly humane, the fact that slaves were valuable and expensive -and slaves who were skilled in carpentry would have been especially valuable - provided incentive to treat them well. Eugene Genovese (started out as a Commie historian, ended up as a conservative and Catholic) was a great authority on slaves and he pointed out that American slaves were the only ones in the Western Hemisphere to reproduce as such high rates their ranks grew even after the supply line from Africa was cut off. Slavery was horrible but it wasn't the same as being in Auschwitz, where the "workers" were considered worthless, and if they escaped the gas chamber, were starved and worked and beaten until dead. The average plantation was not a concentration camp. Posted by: Donna &&&&V. (resting with ampersands) at July 28, 2016 06:17 AM (+Q5BM) 1142
1131: Because I don't think there is a single federal agency left in Washington that has not been hopelessly corrupted by Obama and his Democrat cabal.
The Federal Bureaucracy has been corrupted for decades. Its just another weapon the Dems use for "Progress" and that corruption predates Obama and his Fascist Barbarians. Posted by: Puddleglum is on vacation, Weeeee at July 28, 2016 06:17 AM (rJxzw) 1143
1133 A German minister is raising Hell because North African nations will not accept their illegal migrants back when Germany tries to deport them. I suggest that Germany do the same thing I have recommended for the illegals in the US who we are actually trying to deport. Just dump the SOBs in their country and leave, Piss on them. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:05 AM (mpXpK) ============== They could deny visas to that country until they take the deportee back. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 06:20 AM (iQIUe) 1144
Post comments for the news links on the new CBD thread.
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 06:21 AM (mpXpK) 1145
Everybody is bossy mcbossyface today. Sheesh!
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 28, 2016 06:23 AM (iQIUe) 1146
>>>358 Ha! There's some dude in the crowd wearing a "Black Guns Matter" shirt.
Posted by: Country Singer at July 27, 2016 11:38 PM (GUBah) That would ALMOST make it worth watching. Thanks for the report. Posted by: m at July 28, 2016 06:30 AM (/7Lfc) 1147
Here is what the SC regulations say about shooting crows. Basically you have to have a federal permit to shoot them (just like ducks) unless they are damaging your crops. Of course that doesn't apply to people named Clinton or blacks who are collecting Pigford Payments for tomatoes in pots on their front porch. Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 07:04 AM (mpXpK) 1148
ooops wrong thread
Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at July 28, 2016 07:04 AM (mpXpK) 1149
VNN concludes at 6:06 -- thread gets stomped at 6:07.
That's just rude. California loves you, Vic. Posted by: Kate58 at July 28, 2016 07:48 AM (oLZsm) 1150
Weiner is an attention whore. Weiner will do anything for attention. All the vile stuff. Can't stop himself. Will destroy himself and others for attention. Knows something is devastating public policy but will passionately advocate for it because it will get him attention.
Like a dog that can't be trained to not bite. Posted by: Ok at July 28, 2016 08:58 AM (Bbcs8) Processing 0.13, elapsed 0.1563 seconds. |
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