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Thread below the Gardening Thread: Toilet Edition [KT]

Serving your Late Saturday Morning Open Thread Needs


From May: "Two baby opossums that were rescued from a toilet in a Pacific Beach home earlier this month are recovering well. . ."

I am not a big possum fan, but I kinda feel for those little critters this week. Do you ever wish that someone would rescue us?

Sometimes I do. But I know that a superhero is unlikely to appear. And if one did, I might be scared of the rescuer, too. I think we're going to have to find our own way out.

This week, it just felt right to tackle the topic of toilets. In contrast to the toilet-worthy news, one of my more satisfying activities early in the week was smashing up an old toilet with a sledgehammer. Kind of a dirty job, but it felt good, somehow.

Normally, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about toilets. Guess I have some catching up to do.

Things you might not know about toilets

Planning some traveling? What to expect in bathrooms around the world. In Bali, you might get a hole in the ground. But a friend got a bidet spray attachment on her toilet when she returned from Thailand, where it was hard to find a refrigerator in private homes. That's about the fanciest thing I have personally seen on a toilet in a private home in the USA. A lot of people seem to think that toilet design sort of went backward here with governmental restrictions on water usage.

A spray attachment is much less sophisticated than an electronic bidet seat. The most popular type was pioneered in Japan. From the NYT:

In Japan, the proliferation of electronic bidet seats is tracked by the government as one of the basic measures of national prosperity. About 76 percent of households have a washlet (Toto's brand is often used as the generic name). Manufacturers say the devices are used widely in other parts of Asia, too, as well as in the Middle East and, increasingly, in Europe, where they've disrupted the market for old-school, toilet-adjacent bidets.

For you history buffs, The Toilet Guru explains how Hitler's toilet ended up in an auto repair shop in New Jersey. Churchill had to use a chamber pot when Nazi air raids threatened. The site linked above includes more information than you probably need about toilets, But it's kind of fun.

Political Calculations offers a description of the toilet snorkel. If you worry more about hotel fires than about sewer gases . . .

You can also compare toilet paper holders from around the world. Japan seems to be winning the design race in this field, too.

How did I miss World Toilet Day at PBS last November? Don't know about solar toilets. But at least we know they care at PBS. And that's what is important, until the next round of government impositions on toilet design:

toilet belgium.jpg

Home Improvement Corner

Mr. Bar-the-Door has replaced two toilets this month. One was for his cousin, who got a call from "the authorities" in Porterville, California. They apparently sort of ordered him to replace his toilet. They could tell from his water meter readings that he probably had a toilet that ran all the time. Yep. Whole thing had to be replaced. Seems a little "Big Brother-ish" to me. Even though wells ran dry in East Porterville last year. Wonder if the authorities would allow people to get electronic bidet seats there, as recommended in the New York Times? They use extra water.

Have you ever had an adventure with toilet installation, repair or replacement? My advice from the peanut gallery would be to have someone who knows what they are doing help you the first time you try doing a toilet replacement. Or hire a pro.

Do you have or have you considered getting an innovative toilet?

Posted by: Open Blogger at 11:06 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 And I read the contents

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:09 AM (Yo9Lf)

2 I'll get the others

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:10 AM (Yo9Lf)

3 Hi, Skip.

Posted by: KT at July 09, 2016 11:10 AM (qahv/)


In one of my travels out in China I had to use a hole in the ground. More than once. It was gross to me, but it was my only option.

It wasn't so much the squatting, but the mess around the hole. And no toilet paper, as it was basically "outside."

Would have been cleaner for me to find a tree.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 09, 2016 11:11 AM (qCMvj)

5 Freakin' thunderstorm came out of nowhere over here. I was beginning to wonder if there were tornadoes about given the amount of wind, but not seeing anything on the news. The power's out but, thanks to the magic of battery backup units, I can still get to the Interwebz.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at July 09, 2016 11:14 AM (jV8Mq)

6 Yes, some toilets in Taiwan were simply a hole in a tiled floor. There were also really miserly with the TP, which was individual squares you had to take out one at a time from the dispenser, and in some cases, put in a nearby trashcan after use (bad plumbing?). Ick.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 09, 2016 11:14 AM (NOIQH)

7 Always heard the Japanese were a bit of toilet nuts.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:15 AM (Yo9Lf)

8 Squat toilets are still around in south east Asia: not comfortable to use but it does have you in the optimal position for your system to do its thing and you get a good squat workout at the same time.

Posted by: IC at July 09, 2016 11:15 AM (KTFfX)

9 German toilets

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 09, 2016 11:16 AM (ptqRm)

10 Parents went to Mexico on a church mission, you could flush the toilets but any paper had to be put in bags and taken out to burn barrels.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:17 AM (Yo9Lf)

11 When we were stationed in Italy, our home had a bidet sitting next to the conventional toilet.

We kept spare toilet paper rolls in it.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 09, 2016 11:17 AM (ptqRm)

12 In Italy they had footpads over a hole in lots of places as late as the 90s.

Posted by: blaster at July 09, 2016 11:17 AM (2Ocf1)


I don't like using other's bidet's because I don't know how clean they are, but I like one for myself.

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 09, 2016 11:19 AM (qCMvj)

14 Oh boy. I promise not to sully this thread with talk of mice or grilled cheese sandwiches. Looks like there's enough . . . stuff here already.

My son showed me an article the other day about a new school built in China, I believe, that looks exactly like a toilet. Even has a swimming pool on the top of the round part. They couldn't figure this out beforehand?

Posted by: bluebell at July 09, 2016 11:19 AM (805dc)

15 I've had to use holes in the ground in Paris. There is the hole, and a plastic thing around it where you stand. I dont understand how drunks dont step in the hole and get stuck. They are gross.

Eh, cd be worse. Roman public toilets you were given a stick with a sponge on it. There is a hole below the toilet and you stick the stick in to wipe your ass.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 11:19 AM (iQIUe)

16 Smells like Moron Spirit in here.

Posted by: eleven at July 09, 2016 11:20 AM (qUNWi)

17 >>Squat toilets are still around in south east Asia: not comfortable to use but it does have you in the optimal position for your system to do its thing and you get a good squat workout at the same time.

Thus the Squatty Potty.

My dad was the original Mr. Handyman. He hated paying someone else to do something and he was convinced he could do it better anyway.

Replace a few toilets over the years. Not to hard but not my favorite job.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 11:21 AM (/tuJf)

18 Good, a Toilet Thread. I've been thinking we needed one of these for a while now.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:21 AM (9ym/8)

19 Sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes you're a possum in a toilet.

Posted by: eleven at July 09, 2016 11:21 AM (qUNWi)

20 Cute little turd.

Posted by: irright at July 09, 2016 11:22 AM (XfEYT)

21 I remember in England mostly in pubs or public restrooms the toilets had the water tank 5 feet above the bowls.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:22 AM (Yo9Lf)

22 I was in Prague in the early 90s. You were given 2 4" x 3" pieces of newspaper. If you were unlucky, you got the magazine type paper which just smeared shit around. So, it became mandatory to carry packs of kleenex.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 11:22 AM (iQIUe)

23 Fun fact: The world's tallest building, Dubai's Burj Khalifa, is connected to a municipal wastewater treatment system. So...the sewage is trucked out daily.

Posted by: Lizzy at July 09, 2016 11:23 AM (NOIQH)

24 "In Italy they had footpads over a hole in lots of places as late as the 90s."

The Bar on the waterfront next to the NATO pier in Gaeta, Italy known simply as "Vic's American Bar", or Vic's, to the locals had a squat and dump.

Many a young Sailor has met their match in that particular restroom.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 09, 2016 11:24 AM (ptqRm)

25 I love the open air trough toilets of China. Like, right in the middle of a department store floor! We care enough to lay tile on the floor and trough but not enough to erect a few flimsy walls around it.

And always, always bring your own t.p.

Most of us learned to hold it in until we passed a five-star hotel (equivalent to a 3-star). Cocktails and flush terlits!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 11:25 AM (jR7Wy)

26 "Good, a Toilet Thread. I've been thinking we needed one of these for a while now."


A Gun Thread....well, there's only so much one can talk about before we run out of topics.

But a good toile thread?
We can talk about different shit for hours.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 09, 2016 11:26 AM (ptqRm)

27 I'm guessing Moo Moo's was the solid gold model on public display -- while he used it, peasants!

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 11:27 AM (jR7Wy)

28 Best inventions ever....anesthesia and flush toilets.

Isn't the possum a kissing cousin to a kangaroo?

Posted by: Hairyback Guy at July 09, 2016 11:27 AM (ej1L0)

29 I'm going to skip this thread.

Posted by: @votermom at July 09, 2016 11:28 AM (7lVbc)

30 Don't hold it in, Votermom! Bad for the constitution.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 11:28 AM (jR7Wy)

31 >>I love the open air trough toilets of China. Like, right in the middle of a department store floor! We care enough to lay tile on the floor and trough but not enough to erect a few flimsy walls around it.

There's an old bar in Newport that has since been turned into a private club (to get around the liquor license laws) that has been around for many years. It was originally populated mainly by commercial sailors/fisherman and women were not allowed.

The wall opposite the bar had a trough so the guys could pretty much spin around from the bar and take a leak. Saved a lot of unnecessary walking.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 11:29 AM (/tuJf)

32 During the Gulf War, we basically had a draw designated as the shitter, you just found a decent area and dug ya a little hole. Luxury was having the cardboard sleeve from a case of MREs, setting it on end over your hole, and getting to sit on it as a field-expedient seat. Newer cases of MREs come in a more square box, with no sleeve around them.

Posted by: Oedipus at July 09, 2016 11:29 AM (CXLVd)

Have you ever had an adventure with toilet installation, repair or replacement?
Posted by: Open Blogger

Well, this one time.....

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 09, 2016 11:29 AM (kdS6q)

34 How far or close do you suppose we are to the day when a house could contain it's own sewage treatment facility?

Or is that just Sci-Fi?

The ISS must be able to do it.

Posted by: eleven at July 09, 2016 11:30 AM (qUNWi)

35 Nobody's rescuing America from the toilet I put her in!

Posted by: SCOAMF at July 09, 2016 11:30 AM (H9MG5)

36 >>How far or close do you suppose we are to the day when a house could contain it's own sewage treatment facility?

Mine does today.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 11:31 AM (/tuJf)

37 Huh. I thought at first the thread would be about opossums or rescued animals. Then it started swirling.

I see someone has already mentioned squatty potty.

Now we just need a repeat of that recent comment about the origin of when the excrement interfaces with the oscillator. (SHTF for the vocabulary-impaired.)

Posted by: mindful webworker - flushed with excitement at July 09, 2016 11:32 AM (gRZfJ)

38 I've decided I'm moron enough for this place and where better to start than a thread on toilets? Howdy!

Posted by: Tiny Montgomery at July 09, 2016 11:32 AM (OWN7p)

39 Good morning everybody.

I'll be stopping by to visit all day!

Posted by: Average Joe at July 09, 2016 11:33 AM (ur6JU)

40 Mine does today.

To the point where you don't need any city water?

Posted by: eleven at July 09, 2016 11:33 AM (qUNWi)

41 "Saved a lot of unnecessary walking."

Well, when getting your serious beer on there's no need to go wasting extra calories. Take it easy, don't exert yourself.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:34 AM (9ym/8)

42 I've seen the Hang Fung terlit.

Even *I* think it's over the top.

Hey, if The Donald is elected will he toots up the White house with lots of gilt and Eye-talian marble? Mink toilet seat covers?

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 11:34 AM (jR7Wy)

43 'm going to skip pass this thread.
Posted by: @votermom at July 09, 2016 11:28 AMFIFY. :-)

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 09, 2016 11:34 AM (OF/aZ)

44 Hope you brought your own TP, Tiny. Pretty scare in here.

Posted by: eleven at July 09, 2016 11:35 AM (qUNWi)

45 When you are replacing the wax ring, the hardest thing is when it is cold, the wax won't stick to the porcelain.
When I first tried to replace the ring once in early March, the third time the ring fell out while I was positioning it, I was ready to throw the whole thing out and just use the hole in the lino.

I figured out to take a thick smear of wax from the old wax ring on your finger and smear it at least three places on the groove where the new ring is to stick. This gives the new ring something to stick to for as long as it takes to get the whole shebang onto the sewer mounting. It keeps it from falling out while emplacing it.

This, by the way, was neglected in the 100 manly things list, along with making and using a David's sling, and proper use of a machete.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 09, 2016 11:35 AM (ry34m)

46 I'm going to Skip this thread.

Posted by: @votermom at July 09, 2016 11:28 AM

What did I do to deserve this?

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:36 AM (Yo9Lf)

47 >>To the point where you don't need any city water?

Yep. I live on an island with a very high water table. Also, this part of the island is not served by the town water or sewer so we are on our own.

We all have our own wells and these multi-chamber septic systems that treat the waste and turn into into gray water which is then pumped into a leeching field.

My pooper is off the grid!

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 11:36 AM (/tuJf)

48 "To the point where you don't need any city water?"

Watch a show like "Buying Alaska." A lot of those nice houses up there have composting toilets. No water connected. Just empty a container ever so often.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:37 AM (9ym/8)

49 Hmm, so not in 2016. Exactly when do you barbarians invent the three seashells?

Posted by: time-traveling Lt. Lenina Huxley at July 09, 2016 11:38 AM (4iW5O)

50 Sea stories always start with "There I was ... ", or "No sh*t, ..."

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 09, 2016 11:38 AM (OF/aZ)

51 >>>Hey, if The Donald is elected will he toots up the
White house with lots of gilt and Eye-talian marble? Mink toilet seat

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 11:34 AM (jR7Wy)<<<

I mean, come on, let's not be ridiculous. Mink's are for my head, not the head, okay?

Posted by: D. Trump at July 09, 2016 11:39 AM (H9MG5)

52 "What did I do to deserve this?"

Maybe you pissed somebody off?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:40 AM (9ym/8)

53 And I read the contents
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:09 AM

So you have your MDR of fibre for the day?

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 09, 2016 11:40 AM (OF/aZ)

54 Finally! A thread I can post this story.

In the late 50s my parents were stationed at Wheelus AFB in Tripoli, Libya. One day we were out and about and I had to go to the bathroom. I don't remember this, I was about 3. My dad says that when we entered a restroom I stopped and stared at the empty stalls. No partitians, no toilets, just holes in the floor.

He said I said; So they even steal the pottys?

My parents thought I probably heard those who came to our home and said; The arabs will steal anything.

Posted by: JackS at July 09, 2016 11:40 AM (hgwL9)

55 "My pooper is off the grid!"

Now, ladies and germs, that's freedom.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:41 AM (9ym/8)

56 Have you ever had an adventure with toilet installation, repair or replacement? My advice from the peanut gallery would be to have someone who knows what they are doing help you the first time you try doing a toilet replacement. Or hire a pro.

I had a customer at work once show me his checkbook and say, "This is my toolbox."

Yeah. Same here.

I unclogged my kitchen sink this week with a plunger. That is about the extent of my ability.

Posted by: rickl at July 09, 2016 11:41 AM (sdi6R)

57 How far or close do you suppose we are to the day when a house could contain it's own sewage treatment facility?

Or is that just Sci-Fi?

The ISS must be able to do it.
Posted by: eleven at July 09, 2016 11:30 AM (qUNWi)

Part of it is the health and building inspectors. They have a list of what is acceptable and what is not.

I friend of the family has a composting toilet that works fine for him, but he says that he was only allowed to get one style and one manufacturer, the others were not allowed.
He had to do composting since he was in the country and didn't have appropriate area for a leach field for a septic system.

There are types that go from worm composting to high end digesters.
But I think ISS just puts the crap in a container to jettison and it burns up on re-entry.
Piss is different, they do reprocess that.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 09, 2016 11:42 AM (ry34m)

58 What did I do to deserve this?
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:36 AM (Yo9Lf) Do you happen to put ketchup on your hotdogs?

Posted by: DJ Jazzy Mel at July 09, 2016 11:42 AM (22uju)

59 JackS that is too funny

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:43 AM (Yo9Lf)

60 So, according to information slowly seeping out, Philandro Castile was to "broken taillight" as Trayvon Martin was to "Skittles and iced tea for his brother."

I have been reading claims that he was stopped and approached because he closely matched the description of an armed robbery suspect, not because of a broken tail light. I can imagine how things could have gone sideways if that were the case. Kinda like the old Purple Drank angle regarding young Trayvon Martin.

If true, yet another god damned lie travels the globe before the truth gets out of bed. Shocking, eh?

How can the Ministry of Divisive Misinformation be realistically countered? Maybe Trump can help. Maybe he can make a difference. Maybe not. I sure hope so. I am been sick of it for years now. And there really isn't anything I can't do about any of it except to vote against politicians who exploit the tactic at every and all opportunities.

I've got another opportunity this year. Yay me!

One more time: A lie travels the globe before the truth gets out of bed. That quote originated in the 19th century, due to observation. How much more effective is it in 2016?


Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch at July 09, 2016 11:43 AM (ZedYY)

61 My daughter has a collection of 'toilet' - and I'm using that term generously here - photos from her missions trips to various places.

Many of these I would hesitate to stand and piss into. Knowing that she has actually used each of these....

Posted by: PMRich at July 09, 2016 11:43 AM (w5Qj0)

62 I made the mistake of clicking on the Pokemon link in the sidebar. I will feel dumber for the rest of the weekend because of it.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at July 09, 2016 11:44 AM (jV8Mq)

63 anyone ever wear away the ceramic finish in a toilet bowl from regular use?

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 11:46 AM (7XWyA)

64 "I unclogged my kitchen sink this week with a plunger. That is about the extent of my ability."

I can fumble-fcuk around with PVC and sorta get something working. Ain't no plumber for sure.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:47 AM (9ym/8)

65 Sometimes I do. But I know that a superhero is unlikely to appear. And
if one did, I might be scared of the rescuer, too. I think we're going
to have to find our own way out.

If there's going to be a hero appearing, it's going to have to be from amongst our number. By that I mean the rank and file folks, not just us forum warriors (though hey, we already have the colorful pseudonyms so we're ahead of the game!)

Posted by: Brother Cavil, That Guy at July 09, 2016 11:47 AM (vyqqu)

66 Do you ever wish that someone would rescue us?

Y&T, "Rescue Me": (sfw)

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 09, 2016 11:48 AM (T/cxb)

67 61
My daughter has a collection of 'toilet' - and I'm using that term
generously here - photos from her missions trips to various places.

Many of these I would hesitate to stand and piss into. Knowing that she has actually used each of these....

Posted by: PMRich at July 09, 2016 11:43 AM (w5Qj0)

i've always had issues with using public facilities.......i sometimes dream of searching for a clean restroom.......when my kids were little....and potty was a nightmare for me to have to take them into a restaurant bathroom.....i'd pray the open spacious handicapped stall was open so i wasn't in such cramped quarters with the little ones......oh man...i'm getting anxious just thinking about what your daughter had to do......

Posted by: phoenixgirl you must fight for independence EVERYDAY at July 09, 2016 11:49 AM (0O7c5)

68 Back in the old days, the head in a submarine, which were fairly complicated to operate, could be set so the next occupant (who remained seated during the flush operation) got a pressure squirt of cold sea water, instead of the flush he was expecting.

Jocularly known as "submariner's bidet" or "diver's douche".

First time I was on one for a cruise as a Mid, when asked what I wanted to see first, and armed with the above information, said the head, so I could be prepared when the time came. Despite the quizzical look, we went.

Urinal had one twist valve. Open, water flows, Close, water stops. Look that said, 'ok, we done here?'. Nope. Want to see the 'thunder mug'. Assured it works the same. Still want to see. Ok.

Escorting officer steps over, bangs door of stall open, which bangs Captain in knees, who is perusing Miss July's centerfold.

Fortunately, I didn't ask if this could constitute my official call on him.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 09, 2016 11:49 AM (OF/aZ)

69 60
How can the Ministry of Divisive Misinformation be realistically countered?
Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch at July 09, 2016 11:43 AM (ZedYY)

The MSM is actively trying to instigate a race war. There's no other way to say it.

Either they are doing it cynically because riots and bloodshed boost their ratings, or they are really that stupid. It's probably a combination of the two.

Posted by: rickl at July 09, 2016 11:49 AM (sdi6R)

70 Someone did come to save us. Jesus of Nazareth. He died two thousand years ago and rose again from the grave and now awaits those who are willing to believe in him and follow him.

Just sayin'

Posted by: Mark Andrew Edwards at July 09, 2016 11:50 AM (hR1Jj)

71 "anyone ever wear away the ceramic finish in a toilet bowl from regular use?"


The bowl itself?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:50 AM (9ym/8)

72 Replace a toilet ? Not here at House of Eez !

Every part of a standard toilet is available at your local big-box home store, and the porcelain lasts forever.

I have rebuilt three toilets in the past year, here and at the rural place; all are old-school full-flush models and I have zero desire to buy new ones.

Just my $0.02 .... opinions here at House of Eez guaranteed to be worth what they cost !

Posted by: sock_rat_eez_going_Galt at July 09, 2016 11:50 AM (3X3ZR)

73 Great, now they're stalking my house.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 11:50 AM (x4YoJ)

74 Are some toilets louder than others when flushed? are sound ratings a thing? Like bath fan sones?

Posted by: A dude in MI at July 09, 2016 11:51 AM (0LQ4f)


Gardening Thread?

Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 09, 2016 11:51 AM (qCMvj)

76 The bowl itself?
technically, the throat portion of it...

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 11:52 AM (7XWyA)

77 "Escorting officer steps over, bangs door of stall open, which bangs Captain in knees, who is perusing Miss July's centerfold."

I'm sure he was just reading the articles. Being a Captain and all.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:52 AM (9ym/8)

78 Parents went to Mexico on a church mission, you could flush the toilets but any paper had to be put in bags and taken out to burn barrels.

"Flaming poo barrel" does describe Mexican politics pretty well from Salinas to our day.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 11:52 AM (x4YoJ)

79 True story:
My 22-year-old son spent the July 4th weekend with his girlfriend 's family in far southwestern Kansas (Dorothy Gale and Auntie Em country). Several of them decided to stuff some "artillery shell" fireworks up into the s-pipe of an old toilet and blow it up. It came down in about a hundred pieces... except for the bowl itself, which remained intact.

Oh yeah, and besides blowing up an old toilet, they harvested the last of the wheat, had a big picnic with the "neighbors" (the nearest ones live a mile away), shot prairie dogs (which are a pest out there), and killed a rattlesnake (backed the truck over it to trap it under a wheel and immobilize it, then took off their belts and whipped its head with their belt buckles to kill it).

And here I'd thought we were redneck in CENTRAL Kansas.

Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 11:53 AM (oEKJ/)

80 >>>The MSM is actively trying to instigate a race war. There's no other way to say it.

One would have thought Vester Flanagan would have cured them of that.

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 11:55 AM (Kh7vK)

81 They apparently sort of ordered him to replace his toilet. They could tell from his water meter readings that he probably had a toilet that ran all the time. Yep. Whole thing had to be replaced.

If the porcelain isn't cracked you shouldn't have to replace an entire toilet. I've rebuilt the toilets in this hovel at least twice using kits from Home Despot. Takes about 30 minutes, tops.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 09, 2016 11:55 AM (T/cxb)

82 "Are some toilets louder than others when flushed? are sound ratings a thing?"

At my old office building they installed low flow terlits and water-less urinals a few years ago. Very surprising. What they lacked in water flow they made up in pressure. Not sure how that worked but the darn things were loud when flushed.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 11:55 AM (9ym/8)

83 Philandro's carry permit is also so far just the word of the woman in the car with him; you know, one of the fambly members that have cashed in for about a quarter of a million bux on GoFundMe, so far.

Plus, the pistol was in his lap; you can see it in the videos.

So: cop pulls over car containing driver closely matching armed robbery suspect in the same area as the robbery; suspect has gun in lap; suspect reaches for gun; suspect gets shot.

This is a big surprise to some people?

As for toilets, I'm finding this one I'm swirling down very crowded, what with everybody else in the US in here with me.

Posted by: Sort-of-Mad Max at July 09, 2016 11:55 AM (XdbLA)

All this lefty terrorism in South America during the 60s and especially the 70s was inspired by Che. What an ahole!

I happened across some newspapers on line from early 1976 or pre-coup Argentina. All reported that a coup was imminent, opposition leaders were begging the violence to stop to prevent the coup. The plans of the coup were also leaked and the MSM reported that the generals planned to bring back the death penalty and have military - not civilian trials. Yet, the leftards persisted. What dd they think was going to happen? I have to believe that the left wanted it to happen bc they believed the country wd hit rock bottom and then they could take over. Well it did hit rock bottom but only after most of them were killed.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 11:55 AM (iQIUe)

85 Longest lines when I was in the Soviet Union?

To buy t.p.

Socialist paradise.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 09, 2016 11:57 AM (EZebt)

86 Whoever designed the low water use flush should be exiled to some third world craphole. I hate those things.
That said my personal best for a blockage is the 21st floor.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 09, 2016 11:57 AM (DyqiE)

87 A while back I was tying to trap the raccoons that were crapping in my pool and caught a couple of possums. The were pretty pissed, very aggressive. The raccoon was pretty docile.

Posted by: Javems at July 09, 2016 11:58 AM (yOqwj)

88 85 Longest lines when I was in the Soviet Union?

To buy t.p.

Socialist paradise.
Posted by: San Franpsycho at July 09, 2016 11:57 AM (EZebt)
At least there was tp to buy. My experience in eastern bloc countries after the wall fell was there was nothing to buy. I had money to burn and very little to spin it on.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 11:58 AM (iQIUe)

89 We're just two lost souls circling the toilet bowl
Year ahfta year.
Whirling into the same dark pit
That's full of sh****t
From human rears.
Wish you were here.

Posted by: David Gilmour's poussum at July 09, 2016 12:00 PM (Kh7vK)

90 "A while back I was tying to trap the raccoons that were crapping in my pool and caught a couple of possums. The were pretty pissed,"

Raccoons are bad but possums are the worst. Nasty and nasty attitude.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:01 PM (9ym/8)

91 This is the thread below the gardening thread.

Does that make it the fertilizer thread?

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 12:01 PM (Kh7vK)

92 82

I remember working at a remodel of a church and they had the pressure assisted kind. I swear you could have flushed a shoe down that thing

Posted by: A dude in MI at July 09, 2016 12:01 PM (0LQ4f)

93 Most beautiful toilet I've ever used was in Sinop Turkey. They used three different kinds of marble for the walls floor and fixtures. Beautiful craftsmanship.

It still had a horrible stench but beautiful none-the-less.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 09, 2016 12:02 PM (DyqiE)

94 "That said my personal best for a blockage is the 21st floor."

*21st floor......sorta grins*

That's nothing to be proud of, Russ.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:02 PM (9ym/8)

95 Yes but the 21-story poop was yuge and glorious, the classiest dump that building had ever seen.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:05 PM (x4YoJ)

96 Ricardo,
I don't know. I was kinda pleased. But it probably says more about what I was eating then than it does about office building plumbing.

Posted by: Diogenes at July 09, 2016 12:05 PM (DyqiE)

97 anyone ever wear away the ceramic finish in a toilet bowl from regular use?

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 11:46 AM (7XWyA)

If you leave urine unflushed, like the OMYGODDROUGHT people want, you can erode and stain the ceramic.
The only real wear I've seen on a toilet itself is from a welding shop where the welders used Scotch-brite pads to clean the porcelain.

(Welders are . . . like trying to use a plasma cutter to open beer bottles.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 09, 2016 12:05 PM (ry34m)

98 Toilet thread? Hmmmm.

Though lucky to have sampled the global variety in versions of the place "where the tsar goes by foot" (the Russian expression), it's not something I want to recall in detail.

Let's just do a worst/best.

Worst. Actually about a 10-way tie, all in the USSR/former USSR (I do not recall any 3rd World toilet ever matching the Repulsion Index Number of these places, interestingly).

Best. Hmmm. The bathroom in the suite at Claridge's in London comes to mind, though partly thanks to the heated towel racks (ahhhh). And then there's the "outhouse" perched on the side of the mountain near 11,000 feet above Aspen, at one of the 10th Mtn Div huts - throne faces outward, walls that way are all glass, you have a spectacular view of the 14er peaks of the Frying Pan Wilderness range, as I recall.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 12:05 PM (QDnY+)

99 Old toilets and Tannerite.

Blow'd shit up, it did.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 09, 2016 12:06 PM (v5iqM)

100 I was on a tanker once, moored at the mouth of the Congo river, right where Zaire (at the time) meets Angola. It was the storage vessel for offshore oilfields there.

First time I used the head when we were loaded, and low in the water, the rolling of the ship sent a gush of water up the drain, past the stuck open flapper. Got a salt water enema. You soon learned the head crab walk while doing your business.

Posted by: Javems at July 09, 2016 12:07 PM (yOqwj)

101 Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 09, 2016 11:49 AM (OF/aZ)

I was on a nuc sub in the 70s. The heads drained into santitary tanks, I think we had four. When they got near full they were blown to the sea using air pressure. When blown the only thing between you and the pressurized tank was the toilet ball valve. Sometimes, about 2 or 3 times a patrol, someone would not notice the sign on the head door stating the tank was being blow to sea. They would open the ball valve to flush only to get a face full of the tanks contents.

At the end of a patrol they would recieve the 'Golden Flapper Award.'

Posted by: JackS at July 09, 2016 12:10 PM (hgwL9)

102 The worse movie I saw was Trainspotting. You know why.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 12:10 PM (iQIUe)

103 "Old toilets and Tannerite.

Blow'd shit up, it did. "

Ah, the tannerite. Glorious stuff. Ever see the YouTube video of the guys "hunting" pigs with it?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:11 PM (9ym/8)

104 They had the high tank kind in Israel (western wall site) when we were there 20 years ago. Very little water in the bowl, but flushed very well. Makes sense for the area to use as little extra water as possible.

We could flush tp in the hotel in Ulan Bator, but not anywhere else. They must empty the trash frequently though because it was suprisingly non-smelly.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 09, 2016 12:11 PM (GDulk)

105 It seems like some people live in a toilet:

Rick Santorum Is Trump's Natural Running Mate: Ramesh Ponnuru

Posted by: Average Joe at July 09, 2016 12:11 PM (ur6JU)

106 A great way to tie in the threads would be to showcase toilet bowls as flower pots.

Yes I have seen these, usually on lawns that have bathtub Mary shrines.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 12:12 PM (jR7Wy)

107 My city had a program to get people to replace the old water wasting toilets, you had to bring your old toilet into them and they would give you a new low water use toilet. I have installed the new ones for friends and family before, I still have my old toilet that works perfectly. Why would I want a new one that has to be double flushed?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at July 09, 2016 12:12 PM (6Ll1u)

108 The worse movie I saw was Trainspotting. You know why.

Given Scotland nowadays, that's now known as "the bath scene"

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:13 PM (x4YoJ)

109 I have a new toilet, for installation when the bathroom tile if finished, sitting in the bedroom. I use it to hold my suitcase in the meantime.

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at July 09, 2016 12:13 PM (8pU1e)

110 A great way to tie in the threads would be to showcase toilet bowls as flower pots.

Seen those in every western state I've been in except Wyoming. They're probably there as well, I just didn't see any.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 09, 2016 12:14 PM (T/cxb)

111 In Israel, public restrooms are trenches in the floor. Ladies just straddle the trench..
the missus likes to think she's a DIY type. She decided to replace a toilet seal. Three weeks later we had paint bubbling in the kitchen ceiling, squishy carpet in the bedroom, and the water damage fan of death drying things out... Don't get me started on when she replaced the garbage disposal...

Posted by: macleod at July 09, 2016 12:14 PM (Qf5bp)

112 Rick Santorum Is Trump's Natural Running Mate: Ramesh Ponnuru

Yeah, Trump's going to take advice from the guys who (illegally) devoted a whole issue to talking him down (unsuccessfully). I'll believe it when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:14 PM (x4YoJ)

113 That's OK Jinx, I have a pedestal sink in my living room waiting for the bathroom remodel/new floor. It's been there 3 years.

No, I'm not married, why do you ask?

Posted by: Kindltot at July 09, 2016 12:15 PM (ry34m)

114 I've been to Wyoming. You don't see ANYTHING in Wyoming. If the Nothing from Neverending Story comes to America, that's where it'll start

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:15 PM (x4YoJ)

115 Aw, gee, I didn't mean it.

Posted by: Seymour Krelboyne at July 09, 2016 12:16 PM (Kh7vK)

116 I've been to Wyoming. You don't see ANYTHING in Wyoming. If the Nothing from Neverending Story comes to America, that's where it'll start

All I can say is when I was there I saw some Grand Tetons.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 09, 2016 12:16 PM (T/cxb)

117 Posted by: macleod at July 09, 2016 12:14 PM (Qf5bp)

Where in Israel? All the, admittedly limited, places we went had modern facilities 20 years ago.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 09, 2016 12:16 PM (GDulk)

118 Javems - ah, Cabinda. Where Cuban troops guarded a Soviet-aligned regime's oil production zone, operated by and selling to western corporations, against attack from US-backed insurgents.

A very rare case where reality trumped cheesy Cold War fiction.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 12:16 PM (QDnY+)

119 That's OK Jinx, I have a pedestal sink in my living room waiting for the bathroom remodel/new floor. It's been there 3 years.

At least your shame is private - hidden from prying eyes. My '12 Ram is rolling around with a big strip of primer gray under the rear window, above the edge of the bed. Been that way for a month.

Posted by: ScoggDog at July 09, 2016 12:16 PM (fiGNd)

120 No, I'm not married, why do you ask?
Posted by: Kindltot

Then you must have one of those 351 Cleveland coffee tables in the living room too!

Posted by: Jinx the Cat at July 09, 2016 12:17 PM (8pU1e)

121 Is this the urinal thread?

Posted by: Marcel Duchamp at July 09, 2016 12:18 PM (Kh7vK)

Oh yeah, and besides blowing up an old toilet, they harvested the last of the wheat, had a big picnic with the "neighbors" (the nearest ones live a mile away), shot prairie dogs (which are a pest out there), and killed a rattlesnake (backed the truck over it to trap it under a wheel and immobilize it, then took off their belts and whipped its head with their belt buckles to kill it).

And here I'd thought we were redneck in CENTRAL Kansas.
Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 11:53 AM (oEKJ/)
I'd love to see a Norman Rockwell triptych of a toilet being blown up in a wheat field, a prairie dog hunt, and a snake stroppin', with the words "The Three Freedoms" underneath.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 12:19 PM (jR7Wy)

123 Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:15 PM (x4YoJ)

The "So much nothing, so neatly fenced" state. Apparently all that nothing is very photo worthy to Japanese visitors while giving some city people severe agrophobia.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 09, 2016 12:19 PM (GDulk)

124 "No, I'm not married, why do you ask?"

Ain't no hurry. Whenever you feel like it. It's not like the world is going to end if you don't get it done.


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:19 PM (9ym/8)

125 Head below the Gardening Thread

Combined with gardening thread, the Compost Thread?

Posted by: mindful webworker - flushed with excitement at July 09, 2016 12:19 PM (gRZfJ)

126 I rebuilt my house after flooding from Hurricane Ike. Took me about 18 months, but got it all done, at last.

Now, I get to fix some longer term damage from the same flooding.

Gotta tear out both the front and back porches, and rebuild them from scratch. Salt water and non-galvanized (and not up to code) nails have a limited lifespan, and these have reached their limits.

At least now I'll get to build them with better materials, design and far, far better workmanship.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 09, 2016 12:20 PM (v5iqM)

127 I just know when I drove the Cheyenne - Laramie route I ran low on gas and had to turn back to fill up my tank. Running out of gas in rural Wyoming gives new meaning to the word "boned"

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:20 PM (x4YoJ)

128 The new toilets, I call them the "flush twice" toilets.
Maybe 3 times if you have a real growler.

Posted by: navybrat at July 09, 2016 12:21 PM (w7KSn)

Okay, srsly.

If Trump becomes president, will we get regular-flow toilets back?

Posted by: iforgot at July 09, 2016 12:23 PM (5o5ek)

130 >>I've been to Wyoming. You don't see ANYTHING in Wyoming.

3 Abandoned Single Wide Trailers for every person.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:24 PM (ggrt+)

131 Plumbers I run into hate the new low flush toilets

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:25 PM (Yo9Lf)

132 "Running out of gas in rural Wyoming gives new meaning to the word "boned""

Couple of jerry cans in the back...?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:25 PM (9ym/8)

133 If you leave urine unflushed, like the OMYGODDROUGHT people want, you can erode and stain the ceramic.
only real wear I've seen on a toilet itself is from a welding shop
where the welders used Scotch-brite pads to clean the porcelain.
nope: but i've managed to eat away the porcelain finish on two different toilets in the past few years.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 12:26 PM (7XWyA)

134 Somebody up top alluded to it, and yesterday JackStraw helpfully informed a thread that Conservative Treehouse has a very interesting examination of the MN shooting case.

Based on a quick review of that analysis, with its video and stills and factoids ..... looks verrrry much like the incident involved a police stop of an armed robbery suspect, who was still armed. Security camera stills from the robbed store sure look like the deceased.

So, "driving while black" becomes "driving while black, and looking exactly like the suspect in a recent local armed robbery, and being armed". A slightly different matter.

None of which addresses the specifics of the shoot, which may very well turn out to be "bad" as in an over-reaction by the officer. But the known circumstances clearly shift this into that awful gray world of a rightly nervous cop dealing with an armed and possibly dangerous guy fitting the description of a perp.

And there's other intriguing stuff involving Newport cigarettes and GoFundMe activity.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 12:27 PM (QDnY+)

135 >>i've managed to eat away the porcelain finish on two different toilets in the past few years.

You are using too much Tobasco.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:27 PM (ggrt+)

136 "nope: but i've managed to eat away the porcelain finish on two different toilets in the past few years. "

Maybe you need a Ferguson. Dad loved his Fergusons.

Posted by: Al Bundy at July 09, 2016 12:28 PM (9ym/8)

137 Squatty Potty had the best commercial ever.

Posted by: Brian Blessed at July 09, 2016 12:28 PM (VdICR)

138 nope: but i've managed to eat away the porcelain finish on two different toilets in the past few years.

Ever considered eating a vegetable ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at July 09, 2016 12:29 PM (fiGNd)

Running out of gas in rural Wyoming gives new meaning to the word "boned"
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:20 PM (x4YoJ)

Try springing a leak somewhere under your hood that causes all the coolant to gush out the bottom of your car in Balmorhea, Texas.

Surrender to circumstances immediately; do not bother trying to find a rental car, a mechanic, or an airport. When the guy from Sheffield Tow arrives 2 hours and 45 minutes later, tell him which city you'd like to go to -- El Paso, Austin, Denver, whatever -- and kick back for a long, friendly drive. Sell your car to him and bank the memory.

Posted by: iforgot at July 09, 2016 12:30 PM (5o5ek)

140 And Obama stammering and yammering from Poland.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:30 PM (ggrt+)

141 Can people be banned for using insulting anagrams?

Posted by: T. S. Eliot at July 09, 2016 12:31 PM (Kh7vK)

142 He's overseas, so he'll want to shit all over us. Again.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:32 PM (ggrt+)

143 7 Always heard the Japanese were a bit of toilet nuts.
Posted by: Skip
Toto toilets. Look them up. Some models are more expensive than a decent used car.

Posted by: Chi at July 09, 2016 12:32 PM (qlcTY)

144 I see that the Green Party is wooing Feelz da Bern. Don't let the dream die, Bernie. Go John Paul Jones. You have not yet begun to fight!

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Racist for Dinosaurs at July 09, 2016 12:33 PM (Nwg0u)

145 'That's not who we are' - 1

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:34 PM (ggrt+)

146 Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.

It's your justice sytem a hole

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:34 PM (Yo9Lf)

147 I've been to Wyoming. You don't see ANYTHING in Wyoming.

You can see the antelope play.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Racist for Dinosaurs at July 09, 2016 12:34 PM (Nwg0u)

148 If Trump becomes president, will we get regular-flow toilets back?


Posted by: Brother Cavil, That Guy at July 09, 2016 12:34 PM (vyqqu)

149 >>Always heard the Japanese were a bit of toilet nuts.

Toto . Like having a Nanny.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:35 PM (ggrt+)

150 Heh. I still have the potty training seat acquired by my parents for my older sister and I. Made from wood, of course.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 12:35 PM (9mTYi)

151 He just cited Ferguson as a success story.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:35 PM (ggrt+)

152 "Try springing a leak somewhere under your hood that causes all the coolant to gush out the bottom of your car in Balmorhea, Texas."

At least you could take a dip in the natural pool while you wait on the tow truck.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:35 PM (9ym/8)

153 Redc1c4, you may want to buy an higher end toilet with a better finish, or maybe just be glad you are naturally resistant to UTIs

One of the things I want to see is if is possible to do plasma deposition of ceramic to refinish old bathtubs. Maybe electrobeam sintering would work better.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 09, 2016 12:36 PM (ry34m)

154 BTW - This is at a NATO Summit.


You can't spell it with Obama.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:37 PM (ggrt+)

You know what saved tons / gallons of water here? Lo-flush toilets.

I keed. Where at one time I only had to flush once now I have to flush twice.

Great job, enviro-weenies!

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 09, 2016 12:37 PM (fOgSR)

156 You can see the antelope play.

I think they had gathered around to laugh at me on my journey back

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:37 PM (x4YoJ)

157 144 I see that the Green Party is wooing Feelz da Bern. Don't let the dream die, Bernie. Go John Paul Jones. You have not yet begun to fight!
the burn and jill stein should team up in an indy ticket as an alternative to hellary for the lefties..and the children.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 12:37 PM (Ffw22)

158 >>You know what saved tons / gallons of water

It's a closed system. You can't waste water.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:38 PM (ggrt+)

Possums, never one of Nature's cutest critters, do not age well. Kind of like Shrillary.

They age fast, too.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at July 09, 2016 12:38 PM (fOgSR)

160 Speaking of mockery, Hillary is teabagging Comey today for telling the truth in front of Congress after not indicting her. She says he was "speculating".

The woman has no shame.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:39 PM (x4YoJ)

161 The media poses and interesting moral conundrum.

If M maliciously tells B that P has wronged B, how much responsibility does B bear for discovering the truth of the matter? How much guilt does B bear if P is in fact innocent, but B tries to get revenge based on M's lies? At the very least, P has the right to use whatever means is necessary to defend himself, regardless of what B believes. P's innocence is the most important fact in determining who is right in any confrontation.

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 12:39 PM (Kh7vK)

162 Normal kids pee in the snow and spell their name. Rhomboid etched his in concrete

Posted by: A dude in MI at July 09, 2016 12:39 PM (0LQ4f)

Oh dear god. He's at a NATO summit making a speech about BLM and telling a completely discredited story?

Posted by: iforgot at July 09, 2016 12:39 PM (5o5ek)

164 Yuimetal, I was told there would be no Venn diagrams in this blog.

Posted by: Kindltot at July 09, 2016 12:40 PM (ry34m)

165 Possums have their place in nature, of course. They do the jobs that other critters don't won't to do. Kind of the garbage men of nature. Sad that we look down upon them as ugly creatures, as they just go about shyly doing their job.

My sympathy for them has increased since I found that their lifespans are incredibly short, only about two years.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 12:40 PM (9mTYi)

166 Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.

That's terrible!

Assuming the people who are treated poorly aren't conservatives, I mean.

Posted by: space-reptile John Koskinen at July 09, 2016 12:41 PM (4iW5O)

167 don't won't to do.

'want', dammit.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 12:41 PM (9mTYi)

168 "She says he was "speculating".

If "speculating" means holding back and parsing words under threat and for political reason then, yes, she was right.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:41 PM (9ym/8)

169 No idea why rhomboid was named. ..supposed to be redc1c4

Posted by: A dude in MI at July 09, 2016 12:41 PM (0LQ4f)

170 Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.


Posted by: hillary! at July 09, 2016 12:41 PM (x4YoJ)

171 Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.

Presumably he means Hillary, right?


Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 12:42 PM (9mTYi)


cecile richards thinks this is about people of color and their reproductive rights......she tweeted she thinks more people of color should have abortions.........where is the outrage in the community? planned parenthood wants people of color to have LESS children......the right isn't making this comes from the head of planned parenthood's own words.......#WAKEUP

Posted by: phoenixgirl you must fight for independence EVERYDAY at July 09, 2016 12:43 PM (0O7c5)

173 "Possums have their place in nature, of course. They do the jobs that other critters don't won't to do. "

Oh, they do. Kinda like buzzards. They eat things that no other animal will. Shit. Rot.

But I really don't want them around me, so. Kinda like armadillos.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:43 PM (9ym/8)

Speaking of mockery, Hillary is teabagging Comey today for telling the truth in front of Congress after not indicting her. She says he was "speculating".

The woman has no shame.
Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:39 PM (x4YoJ)

In keeping with the theme of the thread, I hope Comey feels used and discarded. I hope he feels like Hillary wiped her ass on him and flushed.

Posted by: iforgot at July 09, 2016 12:43 PM (5o5ek)

175 garrett, thanks for taking one for the team.

Don't think I could force myself to listen to his outrageous, inappropriate crap.

So cold-blooded ambushes of police, and convicted felons attacking police when pulled over or probably reaching for their guns, are examples of an imperfect justice system?

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 12:45 PM (QDnY+)

176 Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.

I'm just stirring the cauldron and turning up the heat a little.

Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 12:45 PM (Tyii7)

177 Looks like a pooh-ssum.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 09, 2016 12:45 PM (mvenn)

178 Deploying forces to fight criminals who prey immigrants.

Got to keep those immigrants safe and flowing north.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:45 PM (Yo9Lf)

179 But I really don't want them around me, so. Kinda like armadillos.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill

Which is kind of weird. I mean almost everyone feels that way, but I'm not sure why. They are probably one of the least threatening mammals on the planet... okay, except for the Sloths.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 12:46 PM (9mTYi)

180 Ah, Barry repeating the musings of Frank Marshall Davis from NATO. What a POS.

Posted by: Infidel at July 09, 2016 12:46 PM (9jI1O)

181 Oh - those possums? As cute as they are, they wouldn't have been rescued around here.
The min-pin is a lot faster than I am, and apparently a little faster than an opossum. I think he has a tree in the backyard that he puts little notches for his kills.

I did learn here not long ago that they cannot carry rabies. Body temp too low, I think.

Posted by: Chi at July 09, 2016 12:47 PM (qlcTY)

182 wut?

Obama says it's difficult to untangle the motives of the Dallas shooter. But he's damn sure that racist cops just want to kill black people.

We are going to need a bigger toilet to flush this turd.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 12:47 PM (/tuJf)

Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.

I'm just stirring the cauldron and turning up the heat a little.
Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 12:45 PM (Tyii7)

So far the water feels quite pleasant.

Posted by: Low Information Frog at July 09, 2016 12:47 PM (5o5ek)

184 Speaking of mockery, Hillary is teabagging Comey today for telling the truth in front of Congress after not indicting her. She says he was "speculating".

The woman has no shame.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:39 PM (x4YoJ)

She's just following the Barky strategy - beat your useful idiots into the ground right after they defend your indefensible actions. It's worked wonders for Barky so Shrillary figured she'd give it a whirl.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 12:48 PM (zc3Db)

185 Wasn't Al Bundys' toilet a Ferguson? How fitting.

Posted by: Corona at July 09, 2016 12:48 PM (ragzU)

186 Wrong answer, Barack :

He was motivated by you and your ilk.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:48 PM (ggrt+)

187 As my dear pappy used to say, "an Amerika divided is and Amerika conquered"!

Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 12:48 PM (Tyii7)

188 I always kind of thought that an armadillo looked like a possum with a suit of armor. Like on his way to a Renaissance Fair or some such.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 09, 2016 12:49 PM (mvenn)

189 i can't even type. fml

Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 12:49 PM (Tyii7)

190 Of course, I don't know if possums even hold Renaissance Fairs or not, so I'm just speculating.

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 09, 2016 12:49 PM (mvenn)

191 That's not Wet Possum you are smelling.

Posted by: Michele Obama's Landing Strip at July 09, 2016 12:50 PM (ggrt+)

192 Then again, he remains stumped by the motivation behind all these terrorist attacks we've been experiencing. For people who never stop telling us how smart they are, liberals sure do seem clueless about a lot of things.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 12:50 PM (/tuJf)

193 I find possums kind of cute, with their beady little eyes, rat tail, and needle teeth.

We used to have one roost in our wood pile and it would come out to eat from the dog's bowl on the front porch, hissing at anyone who came near it. Drove the dog crazy. The possum would just munch the kibble while the dog barked at it through the screen door.

Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at July 09, 2016 12:50 PM (jR7Wy)

194 My dog cornered a possum once and it had a nasty disposition at that point.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 12:50 PM (Ffw22)

195 Jeebus, since all the meters are broken, that "justice system treating people differently" thing, in light of the FBI director's malfeasance, won't get a chance to max out the Irony Detector.

Even 7 years + into it, the outrageous slander and disgraceful behavior of these low-IQ grifters and racists and Beltway mediocrities is unbearable.

And nothing is done or said in response. Of course by the useless and contemptible GOP regulars, but even by the wacky and unconventional outsider. It remains unbelievable.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 12:50 PM (QDnY+)

196 Barack's Intelligence really shines when he speaks extemperaneously.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:51 PM (ggrt+)

Deploying forces to fight criminals who prey immigrants.

Got to keep those immigrants safe and flowing north.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:45 PM (Yo9Lf)

On this side of the world, the biggest predators of immigrants is other immigrants, whether it's Arabs who keep slaves, Chinese who work their restaurant employees to death, or coyotes south of the border.

Posted by: iforgot at July 09, 2016 12:51 PM (5o5ek)

198 i can't even type. fml
Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony

The choom'll do that to ya.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at July 09, 2016 12:51 PM (x4YoJ)

199 Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.



New Black Panthers?



any of us

Tea Party?

I'll say they treat people differently.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 12:52 PM (oKE6c)

200 My sympathy for them has increased since I found that their lifespans are incredibly short, only about two years.

Posted by: Mike Hammer


Yeah, but that's got to be like what, 57 or so in dog years?

Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at July 09, 2016 12:52 PM (mvenn)

201 "They are probably one of the least threatening mammals on the planet..."

They carry a lot of disease. And they are Hell to get rid of if the get in your attic/shed/basement. Giant rat on steroids. They fight, they bite. Get aggressive. Have one nested in and it's a Holy Bitch to get them out.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:53 PM (9ym/8)

202 In keeping with the theme of the thread, I hope Comey feels used and discarded. I hope he feels like Hillary wiped her ass on him and flushed.

Posted by: iforgot at July 09, 2016 12:43 PM (5o5ek)

Like Roberts and Gen. Betrayus... they must have something on him...

Because he can reopen the investigation at any time....

and in fact is being given multiple referals from Congress...

Posted by: Don Q. at July 09, 2016 12:53 PM (qf6WZ)

203 Deploying forces to fight criminals who prey immigrants.

How about fighting the criminals who prey on American citizens? Or as I prefer to call those criminals, "Democrats."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 12:53 PM (oKE6c)


Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:54 PM (Yo9Lf)

205 He's about to lie about the Mn shooting...

there it is.

Claims the gun in the car was legal a second after saying 'We don't know what happened.'.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:54 PM (ggrt+)

206 I was born a poor autocucumber.

Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 12:54 PM (Tyii7)

207 BTH good point about Comey.

The country really has become a totally implausible dystopian/apocalypse novel.

Institutional pillars of the system have just collapsed, one after the other. No standards, no responsibility, no intelligence - in the FBI, in the courts, in the political opposition, the military brass, of course in the media and wider culture (and electorate).

To steal a good one from another website's commenter, many of us are feeling "battered intelligent person syndrome".

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 12:55 PM (QDnY+)

I've got to go. This is killing me. Later, morons.

Posted by: iforgot at July 09, 2016 12:55 PM (5o5ek)

209 Like Roberts and Gen. Betrayus... they must have something on him...

Posted by: Don Q. at July 09, 2016 12:53 PM (qf6WZ)

Benedict Roberts wasn't blackmailed and neither was Petraeus or Comey. They are all just despicable, low-life scumbags. That's just what they are.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 12:55 PM (zc3Db)

210 He just said if we don't talk about guns we will never solve the problem yet he is baffled why people want him to admit that it is Islamic terrorism.

Truly a rare intellect.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 12:55 PM (/tuJf)

211 My favorite toilet stoppage was on my aircraft carrier when the heads spilled poopage and the turds gently washed from one bulkhead to the other.

There was trouble with the holding tank pumps too. Being a snipe is fun.

Posted by: torabora at July 09, 2016 12:56 PM (5eGOn)

212 They carry a lot of disease. And they are Hell to
get rid of if the get in your attic/shed/basement. Giant rat on
steroids. They fight, they bite. Get aggressive. Have one nested in
and it's a Holy Bitch to get them out.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:53 PM (9ym/

Do they have four legs or two? Because that characterization sounds familiar.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 12:56 PM (oKE6c)

213 We can absorb a few Terrorist attacks, but not a few justified shootings of black criminals.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:56 PM (ggrt+)

214 They carry a lot of disease. And they are Hell to get rid of if the get in your attic/shed/basement. Giant rat on steroids. They fight, they bite. Get aggressive. Have one nested in and it's a Holy Bitch to get them out.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill
I've had three come in the house through the doggy door.
Luckily, they were not not coming in under their own power. They were offered to me as "gifts" I guess?

Posted by: Chi at July 09, 2016 12:57 PM (qlcTY)

215 "Do they have four legs or two? Because that characterization sounds familiar."

I see your point there.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (9ym/8)

216 Benedict Roberts wasn't blackmailed and neither was Petraeus or Comey. They are all just despicable, low-life scumbags. That's just what they are.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 12:55 PM (zc3Db)

Basic law of averages says there MUST be at least ONE honest and honorable Man in Government... somewhere...

For them all to roll over.... something else must be going on....

Or like Diogenes.... am I finding that it truly is that bad?

Posted by: Don Quixote, looking for an impossible dream? at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (qf6WZ)

217 The thing very disturbing was the woman doing a video commentary while the guy was dieing. If someone is know is shot I know I'm not whipping out the phone like I'm a photographer in a war zone and do running commentary.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (Yo9Lf)

218 >>My favorite toilet stoppage

visiting an ex-girlfriend in NYC. Took a piss, while talking to her through an open bathroom door - mind you. Flushed.
Everything that was flushed in her building for the past week proceeded to bubble up through the bowl.

I quickly bid her 'Good Luck with that', and went record shopping.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (ggrt+)

219 does anyone know if the Minn. Guy had a legal carry permit or not?

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (O2RFr)

220 Garrett, jeebus.

Yeah I know 7 years of this now, but IMAGINE Dubya mis-stating the facts, laying out incendiary outrageous crap, or improperly inserting himself into *anything* like this, even once. You wouldn't be able to find the weather or box scores in the "news", the all-encompassing hysteria and outrage would be so massive.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (QDnY+)

221 This is my intermittent thread fast day.

Not an opossum fan. Vicious little buggers, and alien looking.

Posted by: MTF at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (/m8T6)

222 Claims the gun in the car was legal a second after saying 'We don't know what happened.'.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:54 PM (ggrt+)

"We don't know what happened, so I'm free to just make shit up, confident that by the time you find out what happened, it'll be old news and I'll be blowing smoke up your ass about something else. Probably another gangbanger earnest law-abiding citizen who got his life turned around by police."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:00 PM (oKE6c)

223 >>Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (Yo9Lf)

Conservative Treehouse has a good summary of what is actually known.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:00 PM (ggrt+)

224 Once several years ago in my apartment, the wax seal started to leak. I was so lazy I cleaned up the water after each flush, until maggots started to fester. Then I changed the seal myself.

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 01:00 PM (Kh7vK)

225 Yeah, but that's got to be like what, 57 or so in dog years?
Posted by: Seamus Muldoon

*scratches head*
*does fuzzy math*
*gives up*

Uh, yes.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 01:00 PM (9mTYi)

226 Worst toilet I've ever seen was actually in this country .... a little diner west of Maxwell street market .... it had clogged sometime during the night and people just kept on using it anyway.

Added my contribution practically standing up, leaning back a little for aim .... plenty of toilet paper, though.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez_going_Galt at July 09, 2016 01:01 PM (3X3ZR)

227 Barack Obama lying about Violent Crime Statistics...

the Truth is an elusive thing.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:01 PM (ggrt+)

228 "They were offered to me as "gifts" I guess?"

Good doggies.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 01:01 PM (9ym/8)

229 219 does anyone know if the Minn. Guy had a legal carry permit or not?
Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (O2RFr)

Read at CT that the Sheriff overseeing permit issuance in that county never issued one to him or saw an application.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:01 PM (Ffw22)

230 223 haven't been there in awhile, I'll go see.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 01:02 PM (Yo9Lf)

231 What the hell is wrong with Lynch, telling protestors not "to become discouraged" by the slaughter of police officers.

The progressives just blasted right through "corrupt" to full on incoherent.

Posted by: MTF at July 09, 2016 01:02 PM (/m8T6)

232 217 The thing very disturbing was the woman doing a video commentary while the guy was dyIf someone is know is shot I know I'm not whipping out the phone like I'm a photographer in a war zone and do running commentary.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (Yo9Lf)

Exactly. Inference? People getting shot was old hat for her. Most people would probably be too shocked to do much of anything.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:02 PM (oKE6c)

233 #DivisivenessMatters

Posted by: Jen Psocki at July 09, 2016 01:03 PM (Tyii7)

234 There was a 2-3 year old kid in the backseat, too.

She didn't seem concerned about her child, that's for sure.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:03 PM (ggrt+)

235 219 does anyone know if the Minn. Guy had a legal carry permit or not?
Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (O2RFr)

If he does, that scares even me. He's spent so much time in mental hospitals that he is an expert now on mental health, and he's on full time anti-depressants, so I cannot imagine his family wants him anywhere near a gun.

Posted by: MTF at July 09, 2016 01:04 PM (/m8T6)

236 I keep flirting with the idea of ordering a Canadian toilet off the internet. Have any of the Morons done that?

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie!, with purchase of commenter of equal or greater value at July 09, 2016 01:04 PM (rwI+c)

237 >>The thing very disturbing was the woman doing a video commentary while the guy was dieing. If someone is know is shot I know I'm not whipping out the phone like I'm a photographer in a war zone and do running commentary.

There is a sickening trend with the family members of some of these shooting victims. Almost immediately they try to start making money off the dead. In this case, there are already at least 3 GoFundMe accounts that have raised around $225,000.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 01:04 PM (/tuJf)

238 "More importantly, Mr. President - How does this affect your perception of you?"

Posted by: Aisha the Reporter at July 09, 2016 01:04 PM (ggrt+)

239 What the hell is wrong with Lynch, telling protestors not "to become discouraged" by the slaughter of police officers.

Wut?? That doesn't even make sense. Why should the "protestors" become discouraged by the slaughter of police officers? They were probably thrilled.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:04 PM (oKE6c)

240 This f'ing false narrative needs blow up in TFG's face.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:05 PM (Ffw22)

241 Not the time/place to engage in that particular taffy yank, but none of these collapses (Roberts, Comey) require any "blackmail" or other exotic explanations that are obsessively clung to by so many without any evidence.

Jeebus, people, the character and intellect of these disastrous figures explain everything. Stop with the delusional optimism - that only blackmail or some other InfoWars crap explains the derailment of our system. These disastrous failures really *do* fail because they lack the character and intellect and responsibility to do their jobs. It's not blackmail, and it's not 4,375-dimensional chess (though that may be a ridiculous internal rationalization in some cases).

It is what it looks like.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 01:05 PM (QDnY+)

242 >>there are already at least 3 GoFundMe accounts that have raised around $225,000.

GoFundMe takes EBT?

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:05 PM (ggrt+)

243 >>garrett at July 09, 2016 01:03 PM (ggrt+

Did you pay extra for that hash?

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 01:06 PM (/tuJf)

244 The possum's survival strategy is to be so wretched nothing wants to eat it.

Posted by: the guy that moves pianos for a living at July 09, 2016 01:06 PM (tEDMc)

245 There is a sickening trend with the family members
of some of these shooting victims. Almost immediately they try to start
making money off the dead. In this case, there are already at least 3
GoFundMe accounts that have raised around $225,000.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 01:04 PM (/tuJf)

Getting a family member shot is apparently considered kinda like hitting the super EBT lottery.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:06 PM (oKE6c)

246 Basic law of averages says there MUST be at least ONE honest and honorable Man in Government... somewhere...

For them all to roll over.... something else must be going on....

Or like Diogenes.... am I finding that it truly is that bad?

Posted by: Don Quixote, looking for an impossible dream? at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (qf6WZ)

It truly is that bad - worse, even.

Petraeus was a dipshit from the start. His great strategy in Iraq was nothing more than renting some arabs for a while. Everyone knows that arabs are always available for rent - with the proviso that, like the French, they will eventually turn around and stab you in the back without any notice or reason. Petraeus was a big supporter of the concept of fighting with both hands tied behind our backs and prosecuting American soldiers for acting as if they were actually at war.

Comey was a Barky pick, so you knew what he was all about from the start.

Benedict Roberts ... he's just an obnoxious idiot who isn't qualified to sit on any bench other than a park bench.

The honest and honorable people were either passed over, fired, or resigned during Barky's reign. Some might have had some hope in the beginning but after they saw that the Vichy GOP were not going to support them in any way, they either left or went to ground in their lower positions.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:07 PM (zc3Db)

247 217 The thing very disturbing was the woman doing a video commentary while the guy was dyIf someone is know is shot I know I'm not whipping out the phone like I'm a photographer in a war zone and do running commentary.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (Yo9Lf)
Agree. I'd have been yelling for a medic and administering first aid.

This whole thing reeks.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:07 PM (Ffw22)

248 I like to think that Maet has a completely different list titled : Awesome Garrett Hashes.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:08 PM (ggrt+)

249 GoFundMe takes EBT?

Posted by: garrett

Many parts of it are edible.

Stuff Euel Gibbons might say if he was on foodstamps.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative...pondering the future at July 09, 2016 01:08 PM (Cz05v)

250 >>Getting a family member shot is apparently considered kinda like hitting the super EBT lottery.

It sure as hell doesn't help when the governor says that the shooting would not have happened if it was a white person. Minnesota is going to be cutting a big check.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 01:09 PM (/tuJf)

251 The Europeans must be fucking loving this.

let's talk about Me and not You.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:09 PM (ggrt+)

252 >> Minnesota is going to be cutting a big check.

Further setting back the budget for much needed Bridge Repairs.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:10 PM (ggrt+)

253 GoFundMe takes EBT?


"Dayum, the EBT card is already maxed out. Jamal, go mouth off to that cop, and try to grab his gun. No, wait, let me my phone first. OK, we're rolling, go for it. Oh boy, we're gonna get paid!"

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:10 PM (oKE6c)

254 Eat shit, Fredo.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 01:10 PM (Fmupd)

255 Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 12:40 PM

I've heard 18 months. But maybe they get hit by cars more in California.

I remember one possum lover admittng that the animals were operating on about a quarter deck, brain-wise.

High birth rate necessary to make up for high death rate.

Posted by: KT at July 09, 2016 01:10 PM (qahv/)

256 250 >>Getting a family member shot is apparently considered kinda like hitting the super EBT lottery

Yep they've already got 200 + thousand dollars on gofundme..... Not to mention the multi millions they will get from Obama....

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 01:11 PM (O2RFr)

257 Thanks again to JackStraw for pointing to CT, which does have an excellent analysis - devastating, really.

The whole thing, in almost every detail, stinks (as in, not any info that would lead us to think it was a bad shoot, so far - nothing).

And the MN case has the crowning glory of the governor outrageously and stupidly inserting himself into the case, making absurd and incendiary (and possibly judicially significant) public statements.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (QDnY+)

258 What the hell is wrong with Lynch, telling protestors not "to become discouraged" by the slaughter of police officers.

Back in the day, that used to be known as incitement. Sigh.

Posted by: Ed Meese's Sock at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (Tyii7)

259 By the way the Cop who shot Philwatever was Hispanic...

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (O2RFr)

260 217 The thing very disturbing was the woman doing a video commentary while the guy was dieing. If someone is know is shot I know I'm not whipping out the phone like I'm a photographer in a war zone and do running commentary.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (Yo9Lf)

Me either, but the with the smartphone/facebook/tumblr/instagram generation, who knows what is normal any more?

Posted by: rickl at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (sdi6R)

261 Benedict Roberts wasn't blackmailed and neither was Petraeus or Comey. They are all just despicable, low-life scumbags. That's just what they are.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair

How do we know this? The large number of betrayals from supposed conservatives has been the most puzzling and aggravating thing for the past 7 years. A lot of the crap from this administration would not have been able to float to the top, were it not for enablers like Roberts.

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (Kh7vK)

262 >>Yep they've already got 200 + thousand dollars on gofundme

Taxable Income.

Who wants to start a pool on how long it takes her to get kicked off of WIC?

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:13 PM (ggrt+)

263 It won't be from Obama, the Justice dept will make sure the locality will pay up for a wrongful death.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 01:13 PM (Yo9Lf)

264 It sure as hell doesn't help when the governor says
that the shooting would not have happened if it was a white person.
Minnesota is going to be cutting a big check.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 01:09 PM (/tuJf)

I say again: Minnesota, Land of Retards Lakes. The most liberal people I know/have known here in CA came from MN, and everybody I've ever met from there is retarded.
I'm sure there are Minnesota Morons here, and God love ya, but I don't know how you stand it. It's bad enough here in CA, which used to be conservative until relatively recently, and still is outside the major hellholes cities.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:13 PM (oKE6c)

265 Obama now selling open borders to the NATO members.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:15 PM (ggrt+)

266 263 It won't be from Obama, the Justice dept will make sure the locality will pay up for a wrongful death.

Who paid the Church victims? I heard they got over a million dollars each and it sounded like it came from the Feds...

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 01:15 PM (O2RFr)

267 How do we know this? The large number of betrayals
from supposed conservatives has been the most puzzling and aggravating
thing for the past 7 years. A lot of the crap from this administration
would not have been able to float to the top, were it not for enablers
like Roberts.

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (Kh7vK)

I call it "Earl Warren syndrome." Someone who starts out looking like a sane, intelligent conservative, and then in office turns into a raving left-wing lunatic. See, e.g., Paul Ryan for a recent example.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:15 PM (oKE6c)

268 Immigration has by far been a net to the economy

Are we sure he's not smoking weed still?

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 01:15 PM (Yo9Lf)

269 A new word for me: Factious.

Posted by: Howie Feltersnatch at July 09, 2016 01:16 PM (ZedYY)

270 @246 Okay, I see. Selective breeding by O.

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 01:17 PM (Kh7vK)

271 High birth rate necessary to make up for high death rate.

Posted by: KT at July 09, 2016 01:10 PM (qahv/)

So basically the strategy adopted by the Kennedys, and also widely employed in our more "vibrant" communities?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:17 PM (oKE6c)

272 "Immigration has by far been a net to the economy"

Over what period, numb nuts? Over the history of the country, sure. More recently is problematic.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:18 PM (oKE6c)

273 Man, I just learned more about Hitler's toilet than I ever thought I'd want to know. But that was pretty interesting.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at July 09, 2016 01:18 PM (WlGX+)

274 267Someone who starts out looking like a sane, intelligent conservative, and then in office turns into a raving left-wing lunatic. See, e.g., Paul Ryan for a recent example.

Maybe conservative should do something like that, infiltrate dark blue areas, run as a progtard, then after getting into office-incrementally push for conservative policies.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:18 PM (Ffw22)

275 The rule of law has gone the way of the dodo bird.

Posted by: Ed Meese's Sock at July 09, 2016 01:19 PM (Tyii7)

GoFundMe takes EBT?
Posted by: garrett

Most of the money is likely from liberals who have been scammed into self-hatred.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 01:19 PM (9mTYi)

277 260 217 The thing very disturbing was the woman doing a video commentary while the guy was dieing. If someone is know is shot I know I'm not whipping out the phone like I'm a photographer in a war zone and do running commentary.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 12:58 PM (Yo9Lf)

Me either, but the with the smartphone/facebook/tumblr/instagram generation, who knows what is normal any more?

Posted by: rickl at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (sdi6R)

True. I'm faintly surprised - and relieved - the guy wasn't snapping selfies as he was checking out.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:19 PM (oKE6c)

278 Most of the money is likely from liberals who have been scammed into self-hatred.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 01:19 PM (9mTYi)

They don't have to hate themselves. They can leave that to everybody else.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:20 PM (oKE6c)

279 >>Over what period, numb nuts? Over the history of the country, sure. More recently is problematic.

This is one of his most maddening traits. He makes these enormous straw men arguments where he says things like immigration has been a net plus for the US and anyone who disagrees is crazy.

He does a form of this on almost every single topic.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 01:20 PM (/tuJf)

280 Okay, I see. Selective breeding by O.

I'm pulling out all of the stops here in the home stretch.

Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 01:21 PM (Tyii7)

281 "It is what it looks like.
Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 01:05 PM"


Not seeing the mass resignations over the miscarriage of justice.

Oaths, ideals, the Constitution do not make the payments on the Midlife Crisis Vette or the 96-incher in the Man Cave.

Even possums have better morals than most of Our Betters.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez_going_Galt at July 09, 2016 01:21 PM (3X3ZR)

282 More freedom of information requests than ever before.

Anyone see a joint in his hand and blowing smoke when camera pans away?

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 01:22 PM (Yo9Lf)

283 One trick pony, as they say.

But, with an ignorant and generate clientele, utterly dependent on the largesse of the state, quite effective.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at July 09, 2016 01:22 PM (wTWRs)

284 >>He does a form of this on almost every single topic.

It's the ol' Shuck and Jive play.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:23 PM (ggrt+)

285 Go fuck your self, Fredo.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 01:23 PM (Fmupd)

286 In football terms, you might call what I am doing making and end run for the goal line.

Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 01:25 PM (Tyii7)

287 He just ref'd McArthur and The Emperor meeting, again...

you can't teach stupid.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:25 PM (ggrt+)

288 261
How do we know this? The large number of betrayals from supposed conservatives has been the most puzzling and aggravating thing for the past 7 years. A lot of the crap from this administration would not have been able to float to the top, were it not for enablers like Roberts.
Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (Kh7vK)

As I keep saying over and over again, what's stopping the authorities from planting kiddie porn on their targets' computers?

Then it becomes a question of, "Either play ball with us or go to PMITA prison. Your choice."

Posted by: rickl at July 09, 2016 01:25 PM (sdi6R)

289 in case anyone's following the sub thread, it's my GI tract that's eating the porcelain (appropriately enough) not the UT.

wonder what it's doing to my insides at the same time?

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 01:26 PM (7XWyA)

290 does anyone know if the Minn. Guy had a legal carry permit or not?

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (O2RFr)

It's really hard to know what the story with this, is. I saw a tweet allegedly from the sheriff, there, that says the guy never applied for a carry permit. I saw a Minnesota article that stated, outright, that he had one (without any proof or explanation - perhaps just taking the chick's word). The guy might have had relatives in another state and applied for one there, claiming he lived there. Who knows?

But the claim that he was reaching for his permit should make it all pretty easy - was there a concealed carry permit among his things or not? I saw the cell phone video which seems to show a gun by his leg in the driver's seat.

There is no reason why the carry permit question has not been answered fully - at least with respect to whether he actually had one on hand - though it is clearly known.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:26 PM (zc3Db)

291 MacArthur.

Needs more coffee.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:26 PM (ggrt+)

292 219 does anyone know if the Minn. Guy had a legal carry permit or not?
Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 12:59 PM (O2RFr)
They contacted the sheriff in the area where he resided and he said no. Doesnt mean he couldnt have had a CCW issued fro another jurisdiction. However, I think running the name thru the computer database would show if he had a CCW at all, regardless of the issuing jurisdiction and no one has confirmed that he does.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:26 PM (iQIUe)

293 TFG just doubled down on ISIS and al Queda not being 'existential threat(s)'.

He likes that term. Makes him feel smart.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:29 PM (ggrt+)

294 I love when he says "we have more work to do". As if he does any work.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 01:30 PM (/tuJf)

295 "Thank You Poland" -

*Drops Mic*

Posted by: Barackhenaten I at July 09, 2016 01:30 PM (ggrt+)

296 A permit is only legal in the state in which it is isssed.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:31 PM (iQIUe)

297 Then it becomes a question of, "Either play ball with us or go to PMITA prison. Your choice."
Posted by: rickl at July 09, 2016 01:25 PM (sdi6R)


It's called "Fun Camp".

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 01:31 PM (Fmupd)

298 However, I think running the name thru the computer database would show if he had a CCW at all, regardless of the issuing jurisdiction and no one has confirmed that he does.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:26 PM (iQIUe)

And it's not as if his name would be confused with anyone else's. It's not like trying to see if John Smith had a permit.

But, as I wrote above, either there was a permit among his things in the car or not.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:32 PM (zc3Db)

299 There is no reason why the carry permit question has not been answered fully - at least with respect to whether he actually had one on hand - though it is clearly known.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:26 PM (zc3Db)

There is a reason. He doesnt have one and they are lying.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:33 PM (iQIUe)

300 >>But, as I wrote above, either there was a permit among his things in the car or not.

If he had a carry permit, in Mn., the gun would be registered too, right?

It has a serial number. What is its history? Did he purchase it legally. Where? When?

These answers would take about 10 minutes to answer.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:34 PM (ggrt+)

301 A permit is only legal in the state in which it is isssed.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:31 PM (iQIUe)

There is some reciprocity. Most states, I believe, require residents to have in-state permits (in addition to out-of-state ones they might have) but you can go get a Florida permit, for instance, no matter what state you live in and use it in states that have reciprocity with Florida (except, perhaps, your home state if they require to have an in-state permit as a resident).

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:34 PM (zc3Db)

302 Shouldn't be that hard to find if someone has a carry permit.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:35 PM (Ffw22)

303 There is a reason. He doesnt have one and they are lying.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:33 PM (iQIUe)


Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:36 PM (Ffw22)

304 I saw a Minnesota article that stated, outright, that he had one
(without any proof or explanation - perhaps just taking the chick's

I wouldn't take the chick's word for whether the sun rose in the east this morning.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:36 PM (oKE6c)

305 There is a reason. He doesnt have one and they are lying.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:33 PM (iQIUe)

But why wouldn't the police just say that - or, at least, say that there was no permit among his things? It seems that that would take a ton of air out of the while issue.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:37 PM (zc3Db)

306 >>But why wouldn't the police just say that - or, at least, say that there was no permit among his things? It seems that that would take a ton of air out of the while issue.

Perhaps because DOJ was called in?

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:38 PM (ggrt+)

300 >>But, as I wrote above, either there was a permit among his things in the car or not.

If he had a carry permit, in Mn., the gun would be registered too, right?

It has a serial number. What is its history? Did he purchase it legally. Where? When?

These answers would take about 10 minutes to answer.
Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:34 PM (ggrt+)


The silence concerning this should speak for itself.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 01:39 PM (Fmupd)

308 Perhaps because DOJ was called in?

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:38 PM (ggrt+)

Perhaps. But that didn't seem to stop the sheriff from tweeting (assuming that was an official tweet).

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:39 PM (zc3Db)

309 But why wouldn't the police just say that - or, at least, say that there was no permit among his things? It seems that that would take a ton of air out of the while issue.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:37 PM (zc3Db)

The same reason comey covered for hillary? Dem gov in MN needs to help push the blm narrative?

Dunno. I'm cynical as hell about all this.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:39 PM (Ffw22)

310 306 >>But why wouldn't the police just say that - or, at least, say that there was no permit among his things? It seems that that would take a ton of air out of the while issue.

If the "truth" had come out earlier in Ferguson it would have been much better... Same here... Who am I kidding they'd riot and dispute it anyway...

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 01:40 PM (O2RFr)

311 289 in case anyone's following the sub thread, it's my GI tract that's eating the porcelain (appropriately enough) not the UT.

wonder what it's doing to my insides at the same time?
Posted by: redc1c4
I wonder if you can get your insides re-coated? Like those companies that come out to re-glaze your tub or sink...

Posted by: Chi at July 09, 2016 01:41 PM (qlcTY)

312 >>If the "truth" had come out earlier in Ferguson it would have been much better... Same here... Who am I kidding they'd riot and dispute it anyway...

Not for me.

Posted by: The Narrative at July 09, 2016 01:41 PM (ggrt+)

313 I'm not so sure the dead guy is the guy in the robbery photos for the simple fact that the guy in the photos has no sideburns. The photos were taken 7/2 and the deceased photo 7/6.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:41 PM (iQIUe)

314 Many businesses in Fergurson went belly up. Housing prices dropped and no one wants to live there. So, yeah, Fergurson really got a raw deal. At one time it had been a nice community.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:43 PM (iQIUe)

315 300 >>But, as I wrote above, either there was a permit among his things in the car or not.

I take it if he had a permit he'd be required to carry it with him?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:43 PM (oKE6c)

316 Will be interesting to see thestats coming out of the major urban disaster areas this weekend. What happened in Dallas will merely increase the Ferguson effect. And they're welcome to their no-go zones. They deserve them.

Posted by: Yuimetal at July 09, 2016 01:44 PM (Kh7vK)

317 >> I'm not so sure the dead guy is the guy in the robbery photos for the simple fact that the guy in the photos has no sideburns. The photos were taken 7/2 and the deceased photo 7/6.

From the video I saw, it'd be a lot easier to get a positive ID on the gun.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:44 PM (ggrt+)

318 I'm not so sure the dead guy is the guy in the robbery photos for the simple fact that the guy in the photos has no sideburns. The photos were taken 7/2 and the deceased photo 7/6.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:41 PM (iQIUe)

I have my doubts, too. But the resemblance (at a distance) is close enough to make the stop perfectly reasonable and legal, if that is what actually happened and the audio recordings are real. Again, hard to tell.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:45 PM (zc3Db)

These answers would take about 10 minutes to answer.
Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 01:34 PM (ggrt+)

Sort of like where the hell is Mrs. Mateen questions the MSM refuses to ask our government.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:47 PM (iQIUe)

320 The MSM could be asking these questions but they are worthless.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:48 PM (iQIUe)

321 The Policeman who shot Philwhatshisname was Hispanic...

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 01:48 PM (O2RFr)

322 Possums make chickens look smart.

Their mothers are braver than anything though. I've seen a possum mother stand off a couple big dogs going after her babies.

And she was successful.

Those claws and pointy teeth will hurt.

They're worse than squirrels crossing a road though. They'll get halfway and then turn around and try to make it back.

It's why you see so many possumpancakes on the side of the road in the south.

They smell too. And are ugly as sin.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 09, 2016 01:49 PM (ECJ+C)

323 >> The Policeman who shot Philwhatshisname was a White Hispanic...

Posted by: The Narrative at July 09, 2016 01:49 PM (ggrt+)

324 Yeah, and they won't take a unbroken toilet at the land fill. All sorts of talk about biohazard an stuff.

So you have to break it up and sneak it out in the regular garbage. Or so I've heard.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 09, 2016 01:50 PM (ECJ+C)

325 313 I'm not so sure the dead guy is the guy in the robbery photos for the simple fact that the guy in the photos has no sideburns. The photos were taken 7/2 and the deceased photo 7/6.

Thought the same. There's a resemblance, similar hair style, but facial hair appears different.

Audio from the cop, he says he was making a stop because the individual had a resemblance to the robbery suspect.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 01:50 PM (Ffw22)

326 315 300 >>But, as I wrote above, either there was a permit among his things in the car or not.

I take it if he had a permit he'd be required to carry it with him?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:43 PM (oKE6c)


The authorities involved are not going to divulge any info that might change the narrative in this election year.

They are hardcore dem/leftists. The only truth we'll hear is when bits of facts are leaked here and there.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 01:50 PM (Fmupd)

327 314 Many businesses in Fergurson went belly up. Housing prices dropped and no one wants to live there. So, yeah, Fergurson really got a raw deal. At one time it had been a nice community.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:43 PM (iQIUe)

All totally predictable. Instant ghettoization.

Now look at the knock-on effect. Someone who lives in an area that starts trending black is going to want to get out, not necessarily out of racism, but because once the proportion of the underclass becomes high enough to sustain a riot, all it takes is a traffic stop going bad on a hot night, and poof! House prices plummet as whites and businesses flee, the new residents are at least equally riot-prone, and your neighborhood is on the ineluctable course to becoming a ghetto.

And it doesn't take all that many prospective rioters to make that happen. It just has to be enough that the cops - who are intended to deal with criminals on a onesy-twosy basis - have trouble containing the shitheads. A few hundred of the latter will do nicely.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:51 PM (oKE6c)

328 Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Racist for Dinosaurs at July 09, 2016 01:54 PM (Nwg0u)

329 And if you look like a criminal with a BOLO out then expect you will get pulled over.

The simple fact that everyone wants to hide from is that since Blacks commit a disparate amount of crime, they're going to be involved with the police more often.

The cops will be looking for Black men as perpetrators and as suspicious subjects.

It's just a fact of our human brain drawing logical conclusions from the facts that we know through our daily experience.

Cops interact with Blacks more than Whites vis. crime. As criminals and as victims. Everyone forgets about the victims. Who are mostly black and poor and who get shot and cut up and their stuff stolen.

So what's a cop to do? Can't treat Blacks nicely because they will try to fight you no matter what. Can't be mean to them cause then you're the oppressor.

Far as I'm concerned they've brought most of this on themselves.

Just as Christians didn't do much of anything to deserve being killed by Muslims, most Blacks don't do anything to deserve being disrespected by the cops.

The blame is on the criminal and we're never going to get rid of those. Not in a million years will the bad people stop being born.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 09, 2016 01:57 PM (ECJ+C)

330 Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:51 PM (oKE6c)

Tell me about it. I grew up in Chicago. Every time I look at the heyjackass map, I want to cry. Once good neighborhoods are are now hell holes.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:57 PM (iQIUe)

331 330 Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 01:51 PM (oKE6c)
Tell me about it. I grew up in Chicago. Every time I look at the heyjackass map, I want to cry. Once good neighborhoods are are now hell holes.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:57 PM (iQIUe)

I was explaining this to the young Guevaras, in this context and in the context of an announcement that your company is going to undergo "restructuring." In either case, GET OUT NOW!! You want to be the first out, not the last. When things go to shit, it's foolish to stick around and hope everything will return to normal. Ask me how I know.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:01 PM (oKE6c)

332 And as to the CCL guy that got killed. The cop told him to stop but he kept reaching for his wallet.

People do this sort of stuff when they're scared they lose rational control of themselves and panic and keep moving or talking or anything to make the panic go away.

If he'd stopped reaching for his wallet, may be the cop wouldn't have shot him.

If it weren't for lawyers, maybe the cops could be honest with people and say "we've got an alert out for someone who looks like you and they say he's a dangerous guy so be cool and we'll both get through this."

But because of lawyers and lawsuits, the cops can't be honest about why they've stopped someone. So they have to make up a story and keep the citizen in the dark.

Lawyers are to blame for most all that's wrong in society.

Of course people are to blame for hiring lawyers to get rulings that are ridiculous but benefit that one situation.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 09, 2016 02:01 PM (ECJ+C)

333 Not to worry, privileged oppressors!

HUD will be furthering affirmative access to the burbs and the burghs to which your evil asses fled.

Yeah, not only will you keep paying for anarchy, it will be your new neighbor.

You're welcome.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at July 09, 2016 02:02 PM (4muz5)

334 Philando had 55 arrests... Mostly driving related.. He was convicted of most of them. He had no violent arrests.....He had two drug arrests he plea bargained down....With this would they give You a CC license?

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 02:02 PM (O2RFr)

335 >>He had two drug arrests he plea bargained down....With this would they give You a CC license?

Odds are, no.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 02:04 PM (ggrt+)

336 Who amongst us doesn't have a few dozen past arrests?

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 02:05 PM (ggrt+)

337 >>And as to the CCL guy that got killed. The cop told him to stop but he kept reaching for his wallet.

I'm not sure he was going for his wallet. The only information we have on that comes from his girlfriend and she is not the most unbiased person in this situation. His gun is sitting right on his leg so I want to hear what the officer has to say.

Here's a question. The girlfriend's daughter was in the car when they were pulled over. However, she was out of the car before the shooting. Why?

If this was just a normal traffic stop for a broken taillight why was the kid taken out of the car?

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 02:06 PM (/tuJf)

338 And if you look like a criminal with a BOLO out then expect you will get pulled over.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 09, 2016 01:57 PM (ECJ+C)

Even if white. I was driving on the Colorado high plateau, my husband was in the passenger seat telling the kids about the Yellowstone Caldera (with appropriate hand motions) when a cop going the other direction whips his car around and pulls us over. I got a warning for going 7 miles over (cops there don't usually do that unless you're going *a lot* faster). It seemed strange. Got to our destination and there was a news report about a bank robbery. White guy, dark hair, artist's sketch did indeed look sort of like John (who was so white he made paper look dark).

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 09, 2016 02:07 PM (GDulk)

339 Tell me about it. I grew up in Chicago. Every time I look at the heyjackass map, I want to cry. Once good neighborhoods are are now hell holes.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 01:57 PM (iQIUe)


It's not just Chicago. It's everywhere. My small rural hometown used to be a clean, vibrant rural community. Now it has turned rather trashy and rundown. I've noticed a lot of Mehicans that live there now. I wonder if there's a correlation.

(Used to be four very good small restaurants there too. Now there's only two. Both Mehican.)

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 02:08 PM (Fmupd)

340 >>>And if you look like a criminal with a BOLO out then expect you will get pulled over.

>>>Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 09, 2016 01:57 PM (ECJ+C)

Even if white.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 09, 2016 02:07 PM (GDulk)

Yep. And even if the suspect isn't really white but the BOLO is, as with the Beltway snipers, when Chief Moose insisted that the snipers were white and white guys in vans were being pulled over while the real snipers were allowed free, unrestricted travel ...

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 02:09 PM (zc3Db)

341 >>And if you look like a criminal with a BOLO out then expect you will get pulled over.

Or, if you are a long haired white dude driving an old VW Bus on the State Roads of any state in America.

I got pulled over so god damned much, it was just plain funny.

"Well, I know you didn't stop me for speeding - Officer."

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 02:11 PM (ggrt+)

342 @155:
You know what saved tons / gallons of water here? Lo-flush toilets.

I keed. Where at one time I only had to flush once now I have to flush twice.

Great job, enviro-weenies!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And how 'bout the new energy/water -conserving washing machines? (HA!) There's been a few times where I ended up accidentally filling the dang thing twice because I made the mistake of trying to get just a little more water into a load that the automatic sensor had misjudged (I.e., most of the clothes weren't even moistened), and the machine then DRAINED the whole thing and refilled it all over again. AAUGH! Yeah, but those weenies are all about saving water.... Idiots.

Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 02:12 PM (oEKJ/)

Black Lives Matter protesters block roads in London.


Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 02:12 PM (iQIUe)

344 "Who amongst us doesn't have a few dozen past arrests?"

I've gotten a ticket a few times. That street cred'?

Just call me "T-Bone."

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 02:12 PM (9ym/8)

345 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 02:09 PM (zc3Db)

Whenever I see something about chief Moose I still have to remind myself that Moose is actually the guy's name and not just a, completely appropriate, commentary on his handling of the situation.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at July 09, 2016 02:13 PM (GDulk)

346 I got stopped once here in Texas when I had a pistol on the car.

Speeding. As soon as the officer walked up, with my hands on the steering wheel, I informed him of the location of the weapon (it was in the console beside me.)

Out of the car, slowly, and, once I was restrained, he retrieved weapon, ID, and proof of insurance.

Satisfied, after running a few checks, that all was well, he asked me if he could put the pistol in the trunk. Of course.

Pops the trunk, puts it down by the spare, closes it up again. Uncuffs me. Puts the keys on top of the hood and tells me not to go for them until he's back in his vehicle.

Got a warning for excessive speed. And that was that.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at July 09, 2016 02:13 PM (4muz5)

347 Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at July 09, 2016 02:01 PM (ECJ+C)

In college I was once stopped by five (literally) cop cars who suddenly appeared on all sides of me, screeched to a halt, and ordered me out of the car. A bit shaken, I complied. I agreed to their request to search the car, while I stood on the sidewalk. They asked me to unlock the passenger side door, which I did, and then, stupidly, I punched the glove compartment button (because sometimes I locked it). It dropped open, and I turned around to find myself looking down the muzzle of a .38.

Now REALLY shaken, I watched as they searched the trunk. I kept some flares there (yeah it was a long time ago) wrapped up in a blanket so they wouldn't roll around. The cop doing the searching put his hand on the blanket, felt something round, and with some alarm yanked the blanket back. The flares rolled out, and the cops all laughed. "I thought it was a gun barrel!" the searcher said.

By now they were relaxing. Long story short, it turned out that 20 minutes earlier someone of my age, height, and weight, driving the same make, model, and color of car, and coming from the same direction, had shot and killed a cop in a parking lot by pulling a pistol out of his glove compartment. The only detail that didn't fit was the license plate (how hard would it be to switch license plates?).

The amazing thing was that they let me go. (I wouldn't have; so many coincidences.) A real tribute to their professionalism that they realized that they didn't have a murderer here, they had a shit-scared college punk. Truly amazing that they trusted their ability to read people to that extent.

As for me, I went home and had to burn my underpants. But I was in one piece because I fully and respectfully complied with all of their orders and requests. White privilege? No. Common sense.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:13 PM (oKE6c)

348 >>The amazing thing was that they let me go.

If that had happened in Alabama you would have had to get Joe Pesci to defend you.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 02:17 PM (/tuJf)

349 "If Trump becomes president"

When Trump is elected people will be inspired. That is what GOPe and the Dems are afraid of. Trump will do almost nothing. Suddenly groups will try and front run "what Trump would do". Trump will put his stamp on what works and disavow what doesn't.

The NWO is now talking about direct Monetization of public-works-projects. AKA infrastructure projects. Create funds in a bank account (data-base) and spend them on roads (cronies) and hospitals (campaign donors). That is because negative interest rates turn out to be deflationary and the establishment is desperate for inflation.

Posted by: Ok at July 09, 2016 02:18 PM (CRXed)

350 If that had happened in Alabama you would have had to get Joe Pesci to defend you.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 02:17 PM (/tuJf)

A little more to the story. They caught the guy and in jail that night HE was murdered by his cell mate.Coulda been me, perfectly well.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:19 PM (oKE6c)

351 "If that had happened in Alabama you would have had to get Joe Pesci to defend you."

It's a quick, simple, in-and-out procedure. What are you worried about?

Posted by: Vinny Gambini at July 09, 2016 02:20 PM (9ym/8)

352 I had a delightful incident this morning. Stepped out of the shower, grabbed freshly laundered towel, and out crawled a spider.

I grabbed about 12 feet of toilet paper and threw the f*cker in the toilet and flushed. Twice. Just to be sure.

I'm still skeeved out.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at July 09, 2016 02:20 PM (1ZOkK)

353 But why wouldn't the police just say that - or, at least, say that there was no permit among his things? It seems that that would take a ton of air out of the while issue.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 09, 2016 01:37 PM (zc3Db)

Because no one has asked them.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 02:21 PM (iQIUe)

354 >> and out crawled a spider.

I grabbed about 12 feet of toilet paper and threw the f*cker in the toilet and flushed. Twice. Just to be sure.


Posted by: Sheryl Crow at July 09, 2016 02:22 PM (ggrt+)

355 352 I had a delightful incident this morning. Stepped out of the shower, grabbed freshly laundered towel, and out crawled a spider.
I grabbed about 12 feet of toilet paper and threw the f*cker in the toilet and flushed. Twice. Just to be sure.
I'm still skeeved out.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at July 09, 2016 02:20 PM (1ZOkK)

Groggily: "Uhhhh, wha' happened? I was nice and snug in a towel, and the next thing I know ..."

Posted by: The Spider at July 09, 2016 02:22 PM (oKE6c)

356 Because no one has asked them.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 02:21 PM (iQIUe)
And the media wonder why they are held in such low regard.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:23 PM (oKE6c)

357 Did it look anything like this?

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 02:24 PM (/tuJf)

358 "rock bottom but only after most of them were killed"

Death cults are common when people don't have children and grandchildren.

Posted by: Ok at July 09, 2016 02:25 PM (CRXed)

359 Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:13 PM (oKE6c)


I remember when in grade school, most of us were in 4H and 4H had a gun safety and marksmanship requirement (yes, you read that correctly). Once a month, all of us would bring .22 rifles to school where we would store them in the coat closet until school let out and all of us would go to the local armory and practice shooting.

That was when this nation was free.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 02:26 PM (Fmupd)

360 @176:
Barak on live, worries our justice sytem treats people differently.

I'm just stirring the cauldron and turning up the heat a little.
Posted by: Prez'nit Harmony at July 09, 2016 12:45 PM (Tyii7)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Anyone besides me got a bad feeling about Obama going to Dallas next week? Anyone but me wondering if the real powers behind the throne, for whom Obama is just a useful tool, might have set up the Thursday night massacre and are ready to take their inciting-a-civil-war plans (see Weather Underground's Prairie Fire manifesto) to the next phase? Pray that I'm wrong, just another paranoid conspiracy nutcase.

Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 02:27 PM (oEKJ/)

361 357
Did it look anything like this?

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 02:24 PM (/tuJf)

*flamethrows entire thread*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at July 09, 2016 02:28 PM (1ZOkK)

362 Y-not links an opinion piece from the lefty mouthpiece Fiscal Times (sidebar) but mysteriously calls it a "side by side analysis" of Trump and Clinton medical insurance plans.

Color me surprised.

Posted by: MTF at July 09, 2016 02:29 PM (/m8T6)

363 Just saw on Instapundit Obama rambling on about how "Very hard to untangle" Dallas shooter's motive. Amazing.

How many incidents have we seen where the shooter literally screams the purpose and yet everyone on the Dem side mumbles about incomprehensibility?

1) Ft Hood Shooter

2) Orlando (or this was really just an example of straight up lying about his motives.)

3) Now Dallas.

Seems like a cunning demagogue could make hay with this.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 09, 2016 02:29 PM (3ZoRf)

364 I remember when in grade school, most of us were in
4H and 4H had a gun safety and marksmanship requirement (yes, you read
that correctly). Once a month, all of us would bring .22 rifles to
school where we would store them in the coat closet until school let out
and all of us would go to the local armory and practice shooting.

That was when this nation was free.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 02:26 PM (Fmupd)

Yep. It was like Switzerland is now. The train station in Zuerich was chock-a-block with guys packing serious military heat (finally, the liberals could have seen so no shit assault weapons) as they went for their annual training. One of them told me they kept their hardware in a closet at home. No problem.

Now ... what is the difference between Switzerland and the US, you ask? Well, for one thing, they don't have EBT. Or SNAP. Or gangs.

I could go on, but you get the point.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:30 PM (oKE6c)

365 I remember when in grade school, most of us were in 4H and 4H had a gun safety and marksmanship requirement (yes, you read that correctly). Once a month, all of us would bring .22 rifles to school where we would store them in the coat closet until school let out and all of us would go to the local armory and practice shooting.

That was when this nation was free.
Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 02:26 PM (Fmupd)

That is a good program.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 09, 2016 02:31 PM (3ZoRf)

366 Home of the Tenn lottery winners:

They were 1 of the 3 winning tickets for the 1.5 billion jackpot.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 02:31 PM (iQIUe)

The Robinson's of Munford,Tn who won 1/3 of the Billion dollar Powerball bought a home in Tipton County,TN It was 6.2 million and sits on 320 acres with a private pond.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 02:32 PM (iQIUe)

368 Bang. Lawyer for cop who shot Phil... confirms that he pulled him over in response to the BOLO and that the officer told Phil not to move because there was a gun in the car.

Phil moved.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 02:32 PM (/tuJf)

369 362 Y-not links an opinion piece from the lefty mouthpiece Fiscal Times (sidebar) but mysteriously calls it a "side by side analysis" of Trump and Clinton medical insurance plans.

Color me surprised.

Posted by: MTF at July 09, 2016 02:29 PM (/m8T6)

Who cares about that? The country faces an existential and philosophical crisis - who the hell are we, who really is an American, what does it mean to be an American, what is important to us, and how are we going to live?

Issues such as who pays for birth control pills can wait.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:33 PM (oKE6c)

370 Is this thread safe and clean and fresh smelling now?

Posted by: @votermom at July 09, 2016 02:34 PM (7lVbc)

371 In fifth and sixth grade, I went to week-long 4H camps in Central Mass. Rode horses, shot .22 rifles, swam across the big lake for my something-or-other badge, had a great time. Hard to believe it was only a half-hour drive from Worcester, MA, invariably described as "run down" or "gritty" when it makes the news.

Posted by: Lincolntf at July 09, 2016 02:34 PM (2cS/G)

372 >>Phil moved.

That's two for flinching.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 02:36 PM (ggrt+)

373 366 Home of the Tenn lottery winners:

They were 1 of the 3 winning tickets for the 1.5 billion jackpot.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 02:31 PM (iQIUe)

The sad thing is, they will probably use the money wisely.

I remember a long time ago about a borderline homeless dude who won one of the big jackpots in Louisville. At the press conference he talked about buying a Bentley. I also seem to recall 5 years later he was filing for bankruptcy.

It is sad, but people are almost always the authors of their own destruction.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at July 09, 2016 02:36 PM (3ZoRf)

374 Votermom - I think so.

One of the ettes took a flamethrower to it a few minutes ago, so it's as clean as it's gonna get.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at July 09, 2016 02:37 PM (4muz5)

375 Yay flamethrower!!!

Posted by: @votermom at July 09, 2016 02:38 PM (7lVbc)

376 Who cares about that? The country faces an existential and philosophical crisis - who the hell are we, who really is an American, what does it mean to be an American, what is important to us, and how are we going to live?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:33 PM (oKE6c)


I've said a few times here that this nation is quite full of "citizens of the United States". The numbers of "Americans", though, are dwindling at an alarming rate.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 02:41 PM (Fmupd)

377 Votermom -

You say that, but it's apt to be a bit dangerous for us regular folks.

I mean, Jane just douses the whole place in fiery death whenever tarantulas, camel spiders, or those face-huggers from Aliens get mentioned.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at July 09, 2016 02:43 PM (4muz5)

378 I mean, Jane just douses the whole place in fiery death whenever tarantulas, camel spiders, or those face-huggers from Aliens get mentioned.

Yeah, but what was that thing?

I googled "monkey-faced scorpion" and got nothing.

Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 09, 2016 02:46 PM (1xUj/)

379 "The Robinson's of Munford,Tn who won 1/3 of the Billion dollar Powerball bought a home in Tipton County,TN It was 6.2 million and sits on 320 acres with a private pond."

Good for them.

Posted by: Vinny Gambini at July 09, 2016 02:48 PM (9ym/8)

380 That house is gorgeous. They have good taste.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at July 09, 2016 02:48 PM (1ZOkK)

381 His name is Roderic, and he's very sensitive about his looks....

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at July 09, 2016 02:49 PM (4muz5)

382 i live in a upscale part of Lost Angels, and, as the demographics of the young apartment dwellers in the area have changed since we moved into our house, so has the crime rate.

never used to see an LAPD chopper unless they were transiting the area: now the ghetto bird is a routine sight. hell, someone had a gun stuck in their face the other day, at lunchtime, a block away from the main drag. all the perp took was jewelry.

people stealing mail, car break ins, auto theft, catalytic converter theft, you name it, we have it now.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 02:50 PM (7XWyA)

Scuffles break out at Black Lives Matter protest in Brixton, London.

(Welcome to our world.)

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 02:51 PM (iQIUe)

384 >>Yeah, but what was that thing?

>>I googled "monkey-faced scorpion" and got nothing.

It's a hybrid. A cross between a Giant Weta, the biggest insect in the world weighing in at as much as 3 mice and a Predator.

Quite rare actually.

Posted by: JackStraw at July 09, 2016 02:51 PM (/tuJf)

385 and don't get me started on the willfully homeless and the psychos with rights who can't be put where they need to be.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 02:51 PM (7XWyA)

Scuffles break out at Black Lives Matter protest in Brixton, London.

I didn't know they existed outside of the USA.
Is there racism outside of the USA?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 09, 2016 02:52 PM (IqV8l)

387 Brixton was the site of some lovely rioting back in the 80s, I believe.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 02:53 PM (QDnY+)

388 Most of the money is likely from liberals who have been scammed into self-hatred.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 09, 2016 01:19 PM (9mTYi)

I wonder if a whole bunch of us made one-cent "donations", could we bust the system?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 09, 2016 02:54 PM (GSdpU)

389 Get away, Vinny!

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 02:54 PM (9ym/8)

390 @259:
By the way the Cop who shot Philwatever was Hispanic...

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 01:12 PM (O2RFr)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

By the way, what's the Hispanic community thinking about all this Black Lives Matter stuff anyway?

Oh, and Hispanics now outnumber African-Americans as a percentage of the population, 17% to 13%, and increasing rapidly.

Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 02:54 PM (oEKJ/)

391 ...The numbers of "Americans", though, are dwindling at an alarming rate...

Depends on where you are. Americans have been priced out of Sanctuary Cities. Americans have a hard time fighting back because they have jobs and stuff and people who depend on them.

Things are coming to a head. Likely to get resolved in favor of Americans for one reason.

Cops, Firemen, Mayors, DMV clerks, IRS agents,FBI Agents and all the rest won't get a pension and will not have a share of public wealth (ie most will become civilians) if it isn't resolved in favor of Americans. Self interest is a powerful motivator. The chips are starting to fall in a clear way. The world is likely to try to get it's wealth out of America starting Monday. Same way the Chinese and Japanese have been trying to move their wealth out of their countries. No place for wealth to hide anymore.

Posted by: Ok at July 09, 2016 02:56 PM (CRXed)

392 Read the commencement speech from Justice Thomas from this years' graduation at Hillsdale this am. It was quite inspiring.

Posted by: Infidel at July 09, 2016 02:56 PM (9jI1O)

393 Hate arachnids in general, but always thought the Heiki crab was insanely cool

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at July 09, 2016 02:58 PM (4muz5)

394 That really isnt a pond -- it's a lake. Hope it is well stocked.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 03:01 PM (iQIUe)

395 redc (and others), about 4 years ago I used to run into a young-ish LA Co. deputy sheriff who volunteered/visited at a place I help out. He has since gone on to the SWAT team there, I think.

Anyway, he talked about patrolling areas of LA the sheriffs cover where he and his colleagues were expecting full-on war to break out any day between black and Hispanic gangs (and others). He described it as a war zone one incident away from chaos.

Well, so far, nothing on that level. You probably know the case of the young black straight-arrow kid killed by an Hispanic gang member for administrative reasons (just out of prison, requirement to prove you're "clean") a few years back. (illegal, as well as gang member, I think)

Talk about a case that should have touched off a war, or, more modestly, at least a few, you know, rounds of thinking. T-Rump had the father at his Orange Co. rally a month ago - listening to his story was infuriating.

There's just no fissure, no leverage-able practical divide, in the Grievance Community (note: there is nobody to "leverage" one anyway, but that's a separate question).

Just varying degrees of racism, degradation, selfishness, and destructive instincts, all the way down.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 03:02 PM (QDnY+)

394 That really isnt a pond -- it's a lake. Hope it is well stocked.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 03:01 PM (iQIUe)


The fed land management office and EPA will be swooping in any day now to tell those people exactly how their land and lake will be used. They just think they're living on dream property.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 03:06 PM (Fmupd)

397 Anyway, he talked about patrolling areas of LA the sheriffs cover where he and his colleagues were expecting full-on war to break out any day between black and Hispanic gangs (and others). He described it as a war zone one incident away from chaos.
That happened in the early 90s in the Venice area. A black man and a hispanic woman fought over a crack pipe and one stabbed the other. This was enough for a 2 year war between the black and latino gangs. They had over 20 murders related to it.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 03:07 PM (iQIUe)

398 We had a Colombian high school student live with us for a year. We needed to explain to her that in Canada we flush our used toilet paper. (She was from a wealthy family.)
When we went to see her in Bogota we found out the plumbing system, even in wealthy homes, can't handle paper. The airport bathroom was revolting.

When I was in Africa I was able to keep my bowel movements to the hotel washroom.

Posted by: Northernlurker at July 09, 2016 03:08 PM (hJrjt)

399 362 Y-not links an opinion piece from the lefty mouthpiece Fiscal Times (sidebar) but mysteriously calls it a "side by side analysis" of Trump and Clinton medical insurance plans.

Color me surprised.
Posted by: MTF at July 09, 2016 02:29 PM (/m8T6)

If you have a link you'd like me to post, I'll put it in the sidebar. Given that HRC just caved to Sanders on Obamacare, there aren't a lot of analyses that are not behind a paywall. I certainly don't like Clinton's position.

Posted by: Y-not (@moxiemom) at July 09, 2016 03:10 PM (t5zYU)

Years ago, I asked to use the bathroom at a pizza joint. The owner said allowed me into a restroom and apologized for the conditions. He said he had employed some Mexican workmen and they dont flush their toilet paper. He had even put in a drum and they were throwing it in there.

You would think people wd readily adapt to flushing it since it is easy and so much cleaner. Maybe it's like tipping in foreign countries - you're not suppose to do it but it is a hard habit to break.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 03:13 PM (iQIUe)

401 When we went to see her in Bogota we found out the plumbing system, even in wealthy homes, can't handle paper. The airport bathroom was revolting.

When I was in Africa I was able to keep my bowel movements to the hotel washroom.

Posted by: Northernlurker at July 09, 2016 03:08 PM (hJrjt)

Apparently, the standard for waste lines in Mexico and points south is 2" pipe, instead of the 4" used in Canada and the USA. That is the root of the problem. Perhaps this has changed for new construction in some areas. My sister has a vacation home in Nicaragua, and it is a high-class place. But it is plumbed that way, and is on a septic system by reason of location, so the "basket" is needed. You get used to it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 09, 2016 03:13 PM (GSdpU)

402 There's just no fissure, no leverage-able
practical divide, in the Grievance Community (note: there is nobody to
"leverage" one anyway, but that's a separate question).

Just varying degrees of racism, degradation, selfishness, and destructive instincts, all the way down.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 09, 2016 03:02 PM (QDnY+)

Old story: thieves falling out over division of the spoils.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 03:14 PM (oKE6c)

403 Apparently, the standard for waste lines in Mexico
and points south is 2" pipe, instead of the 4" used in Canada and the
USA. That is the root of the problem. Perhaps this has changed for new
construction in some areas. My sister has a vacation home in Nicaragua,
and it is a high-class place. But it is plumbed that way, and is on a
septic system by reason of location, so the "basket" is needed. You get
used to it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 09, 2016 03:13 PM (GSdpU)

And Mexicans want to run this country?? A 2" pipe? They can't even do plumbing right.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 03:15 PM (oKE6c)

404 >> But it is plumbed that way, and is on a
septic system by reason of location, so the "basket" is needed. You get
used to it.

No. You don't.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 03:17 PM (ggrt+)

74 arrested during N.Y. Black Lives Matter protest, Rochester police say

Another peaceful protest?

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 09, 2016 03:18 PM (iQIUe)

406 404 >> But it is plumbed that way, and is on a
septic system by reason of location, so the "basket" is needed. You get
used to it.

No. You don't.
Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 03:17 PM (ggrt+)


When I go to Mehico for dive trips, I flush the fucking toilet paper. To hell with the basket.

Nasty, third-world shitholes.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 03:20 PM (Fmupd)

407 there are areas here in town where gangs have been driving the "others" out of their turf...

the next riot here is gonna be a doozy.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 03:21 PM (7XWyA)

408 moar on the Minnesota shooting: involved-shooting-investigation-uncovers-explosive-evidence/

teh narrative hardest hit...

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 03:24 PM (7XWyA)

409 And Mexicans want to run this country?? A 2" pipe? They can't even do plumbing right.
same reason they eat re-fried beans...

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 03:25 PM (7XWyA)

410 In many ways, that opossum in the shitter is the story of Barack Obama.

Posted by: Fritz at July 09, 2016 03:27 PM (oia+s)

411 "But it is plumbed that way, and is on a
septic system by reason of location, so the "basket" is needed. You get
used to it. "

I don't understand their "septic" systems. I'm on septic and TP ain't no thing. You have the bunker cleaned out every few years. Like $150.

What's the deal?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 03:27 PM (9ym/8)

412 "and don't get me started on the willfully homeless and the psychos with rights who can't be put where they need to be."

The problem isn't the people who don't want to live indoors. The problem is Kasich and his ilk who want to help them with other people's money. Kasich doesn't seem to want to recognize that his plans are a conflict of interest. Kasich would directly benefit from his public financed philanthropy.

I now several ways to minimize the homeless problem that doesn't involve public funds or any effort except to get do-good-er laws out of the way. The homeless straighten up when preached to. Psychos usually cross the line in those situations and can be dealt with by laws already in force. Drug abuse is hard to do when earnest people are trying to save your soul and watching you relentlessly. All of this would be voluntary on everyone's part even if emotionally painful to watch.

A way to stop ding-dong-ditch is to put up a sign that says "Jesus Loves You". I also think that sign would stop a Democrat politician from knocking on your door.

Posted by: Ok at July 09, 2016 03:28 PM (CRXed)

413 @347:
But I was in one piece because I fully and respectfully complied with all of their orders and requests. White privilege? No. Common sense.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 02:13 PM (oKE6c)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gonna play devil's advocate here. I don't like Black Lives Matter one damn bit, BUT if you're like me, you were raised with middle-class values, which included not only respect for law enforcement, but probably also an unspoken, maybe unconscious assumption that LEOs would listen to you and could be reasoned with. But sadly, LEO abuse of African-Americans is a relatively recent memory. Yes, things are better now -- heck, most major U.S. cities have had African-American police chiefs by now -- but there were real problems for about 400 years, and black people's visceral distrust of the law that was impressed during that experience is going to take some time to dispel. Unfortunately, Obama and his ilk are doing their level best to reverse every last bit of progress we'd made.

Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 03:28 PM (oEKJ/)

414 "same reason they eat re-fried beans... "

Re-fried beans are delicious.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 03:28 PM (9ym/8)

415 these days, if i'm going to a new restaurant, i check out the bathroom first: if there are trashcans in the toilet stall, so the staff can wipe like they do at home, i don't bother eating there.

i figure they will ignore all the food handling safety tips as "stupid gringo" ideas that they needn't follow.

hell, one place i went into, the flojo was wearing plastic gloves, as he had obviously been told to, but it looked like he'd been wearing it for the whole shift, if not the whole week. he thought it was funny.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 03:28 PM (7XWyA)

416 Re-fried beans are delicious.
never said they weren't... it's an old joke, but with the current blog climate, i don't really want to get banned for telling it.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 03:31 PM (7XWyA)

417 Most restaurants have employee only restrooms I've worked on. And with health codes faucets and dryers are hands free. But I'm sure not all.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 03:31 PM (Yo9Lf)

418 hell, one place i went into, the flojo was wearing plastic gloves, as he had obviously been told to, but it looked like he'd been wearing it for the whole shift, if not the whole week. he thought it was funny.
Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 03:28 PM (7XWyA)


*cook takes off glove and wiggles fingers at Redc1*

Look, seņor. No shit on my fingers.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 03:34 PM (Fmupd)

419 376---I've said a few times here that this nation is quite full of "citizens of the United States". The numbers of "Americans", though, are dwindling at an alarming rate.
Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 02:41 PM (Fmupd)
Hey, it's even worse than that.

Even "citizen" is a dirty word now. Didn't the Seattle city council decide that the proper word to use now is "resident?"
The word "citizen" is so exclusionary, xenophobic, bigoted, and of course raaaacist. "Resident" is so much more inclusive --- anyone who just happens to be here!

(And of course, "citizen" historically implies certain rights and responsibilities, both of which are irrelevant to mere "residents.")

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at July 09, 2016 03:35 PM (T/5A0)

420 "never said they weren't... it's an old joke, but with the current blog climate, i don't really want to get banned for telling it."

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 03:35 PM (9ym/8)

421 has story of a army major who used email to warn fellow soldiers of a impending threat in Afghanistan. He's being keel hauled compared to what Hillary did.

Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 03:36 PM (Yo9Lf)

422 Stepped out of the shower, grabbed freshly laundered towel, and out crawled a spider.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at July 09, 2016 02:20 PM (1ZOkK)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Shouldn't be a problem unless it's a brown recluse. I think the only other ones that can hurt you are black widows, and those are not likely to be in your house. But I have seen brown recluses crawl out from under a towel, and they're no joke. Good idea to check bedding, too, before crawling into bed if you're in a place where they're a problem -- a house that's unoccupied for long periods, say, or even a house you live in if you 've been seeing a lot of them around. Our house got invaded by brown recluses on the summer of 2000. Turned out they'd been breeding up in the roof. The previous owner, instead of replacing his wood shingles, had simply added a new layer of wood shingles on top of the old ones. That apparently is the closest thing to Brown Recluse Paradise that exists on this earth.

Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 03:43 PM (oEKJ/)

423 I got a Toto toilet when I had my bathroom remodeled, and it rocks. I really don't know how it flushes so well with so little water, but it is like a hammer flies when I pull the handle.

Posted by: todd at July 09, 2016 03:44 PM (VJuM/)

424 Class.
You can't spell it with Obama.
Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:37 PM

I'd like to buy a bowel, please.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at July 09, 2016 03:45 PM (OF/aZ)

425 Way OT-Anybody know anything about 40 year old floor buffers?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 03:49 PM (9ym/8)

426 Class.
You can't spell it with Obama.
Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 12:37 PM

No, but you can spell mambo with it.

Let's dance!

Posted by: Johnnie at July 09, 2016 03:50 PM (Fmupd)

427 425 Way OT-Anybody know anything about 40 year old floor buffers?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 09, 2016 03:49 PM (9ym/


Well, I'd say they were probably manufactured 40 years ago.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 03:53 PM (Fmupd)

428 Per FNC: Fredo IS going to Dallas next week.

Posted by: Soona at July 09, 2016 03:57 PM (Fmupd)

429 Gonna play devil's advocate here. I don't like Black
Lives Matter one damn bit, BUT if you're like me, you were raised with
middle-class values, which included not only respect for law
enforcement, but probably also an unspoken, maybe unconscious assumption
that LEOs would listen to you and could be reasoned with. But sadly,
LEO abuse of African-Americans is a relatively recent memory. Yes,
things are better now -- heck, most major U.S. cities have had
African-American police chiefs by now -- but there were real problems
for about 400 years, and black people's visceral distrust of the law
that was impressed during that experience is going to take some time to
dispel. Unfortunately, Obama and his ilk are doing their level best to
reverse every last bit of progress we'd made.

Posted by: Kathy from Kansas at July 09, 2016 03:28 PM (oEKJ/)

OK, but who suffers from the failure to put that aside? And how does one account for the astronomical black-on-black murder rate (or crime rate, generally)?

It's time for blacks to put on their big boy pants and stop siding with criminals just because they're black too. After all, who suffers most from black criminality?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 09, 2016 03:57 PM (oKE6c)

430 So Obama is whining about open carry in Texas, thankfully our ears have a pussy filter.

Posted by: Santa Anna was Obama's Daddy at July 09, 2016 04:42 PM (W2Rcw)

431 Anybody know anything about 40 year old floor buffers?
might be one i used @ Benning when i went through there...

what about them?

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 04:44 PM (7XWyA)

432 Jay, I have the white privilege thingy but was taught there are only three ways to respond to a cop - yes sir, no sir and sorry sir, I don't understand. Never create a problem you don't need.

Posted by: You can call me Mayor Daley at July 09, 2016 04:46 PM (W2Rcw)

433 According to Breitbart, It appears Obama's administration will use this incident to try and federalize law enforcement.

You have to be a complete globalist or a dunce to not understand what that really means. I think we are now sliding down that slippery slope fast...really fast. It proves my point that globalism for all its so called benefits in trade, etc. mean the loss of liberty at home.

Posted by: William Eaton at July 09, 2016 04:51 PM (KhJh8)

434 If you have blood pressure issues, I recommend against clicking on the current Drudge headline.

Obama is whining and bitching to his socialist buddies in Europe about how police are racists and the mouth breathing hillbillies keep insisting on a right to bear arms. I am tempted to fisk the article and call out all the lies, but it'd be TL/ DR.

Suffice to say, "To recognize that, you know, the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and discrimination didn't suddenly vanish with the passage of the civil rights act or voting rights act or the election of Barack Obama."

Why do all us racist, bitter clingers keep disappointing our President?

"When some white kid walks into a church and shoots a bunch of worshipers who invite him to worship with them, we don't assume that somehow he's making a political statement."

Yeah. We just send in the DOJ to allege "hate crimes" and ban Confederate flags.

Posted by: Damiano at July 09, 2016 04:55 PM (71OEY)

435 Are we talking about Drains? goody, goody!

I stopped at a State-controlled rest stop on the interstate, which had composting toilets. The whole bathroom smelled like swamp gas. I remarked on this after my (hasty) exit, and the rest stop clerk made a face and said, "The authorities made us install them, and they've always smelled bad. People complain about them all day."

This was on the Eastern Seaboard, in a well-watered area, so there was no Rational Reason to force this on everyone, but the Left needs no stinking rational reasons.

Posted by: Beverly at July 09, 2016 04:58 PM (5yujP)

436 >>> According to Breitbart, It appears Obama's administration will use this incident to try and federalize law enforcement.

Fuck it. We might as well take over the UK's spot, join the EU and adopt the Euro.

Then we can cancel the election, sign ourselves up to the Brussels- controlled bank, courts, police and military (hahahaha... EU military! That's funny!) and elect Obama to the the head of the EU so he can continue to rule us AND be closer to Interesting Italians!


Posted by: Damiano at July 09, 2016 05:02 PM (71OEY)

437 Posted by: Damiano at July 09, 2016 05:02 PM (71OEY)


Sad part is the Chamber of Commerce controlled wing of the GOP will be for it as well.

Posted by: William Eaton at July 09, 2016 05:13 PM (KhJh8)

438 I guess the guy did have a permit to carry a gun...

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 05:16 PM (O2RFr)

439 Obama is whining and bitching to his socialist buddies in Europe about how police are racists and the mouth breathing hillbillies keep insisting on a right to bear arms. I am tempted to fisk the article and call out all the lies, but it'd be TL/ DR.
Posted by: Damiano at July 09, 2016 04:55 PM (71OEY)

Can anyone remember the leader of a major country going to a conference of other leaders , and telling the other leaders what a POS country he is charge of?

Obama NEVER misses an opportunity when he is out of the country to trash us to other nations. Whether it is bowing, scraping, apologizing, or reviewing a ten point list of all the horrible things wrong with us, or what we have done to everyone else that is inexcusable, etc. , he makes sure when he is being filmed, or speaking, he does everything he can to downgrade us.

I can't remember Putin or a UK leader, the leader of France, or any of the ME kings/Prime Ministers coming here or to Europe and ripping on their country and countrymen as having every fault imaginable to other leaders.

It's appalling and if he had an opposition party, they would denounce the asshole publicly.

Posted by: Jen the original at July 09, 2016 05:16 PM (epIED)

440 I guess the guy did have a permit to carry a gun...
Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 05:16 PM (O2RFr)

From who? The sheriff's department for his locality said they never issued him one.

Posted by: Jen the original at July 09, 2016 05:17 PM (epIED)

441 440 I guess the guy did have a permit to carry a gun...
Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 05:16 PM (O2RFr)

I just read the statement from the officers lawyer at Conservative trreehouse. He also said The Officer did not know He had a permit...

Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 05:18 PM (O2RFr)

442 I just read the statement from the officers lawyer at Conservative trreehouse. He also said The Officer did not know He had a permit...
Posted by: donna at July 09, 2016 05:18 PM (O2RFr)

Conservative Treehouse's links to the AP are not working. All I see on the CT webpage is that his lawyer has said that the officer reacted to the gun, not to his race.

I"m not sure why this is being debated anyway. Regardless of having a permit, you still need to make sure you do not appear to be reaching for it when you get pulled over. This may indeed be a tragic fatal shooting that was a mistake on the part of the cop. The lesson from it to all is that you always do what the officer's tell you , making sure they understand you have a gun and you are not reaching for it.

But instead, we have a girlfriend who videotaped her dying boyfriend, posted it on facebook with the meme that he was shot because he was black . Whitey cops killing innocent black men.

Except the cop wasn't white. And the audio on the video has the officers yelling at the guy to put his hands up and not reach for his gun, which he ignored.

Posted by: Jen the original at July 09, 2016 05:31 PM (epIED)

443 Never create a problem you don't need.
this, in (pardon the expression) spades.

i got yacked at on FB the other day by some idiot who said that if he was stopped by a cop, he'd be demanding my rights, as opposed to my calm, totally (to me) rational response of moving slowly, and with permission during a traffic stop.

as someone who's had a police pistol stuck into my ear (they thought i was stealing a car, rather than repoing it with papers), i see no point in increasing my chances of getting shot by cop by being a dick about things.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 05:45 PM (7XWyA)

444 past criminal history and drug use usually equals no CCW license.

can't wait to see a trace of his gun, and the other idiot down in Baton Rouge.

moral of both stories: if a cop says don't move, don't move.

ESPECIALLY if you have a firearm on or near you, permit or not.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 05:54 PM (7XWyA)

445 BTW: federalization of all police?

TSA everywhere, and a huge rise in crime rates.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 05:56 PM (7XWyA)

446 BTW: federalization of all police?

TSA everywhere, and a huge rise in crime rates.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 05:56 PM (7XWyA)

Obamao thinks he'll get a third term.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at July 09, 2016 06:09 PM (P/kVC)

447 445 BTW: federalization of all police?

TSA everywhere, and a huge rise in crime rates.
Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 05:56 PM (7XWyA)

Sure is convenient for 0bama to keep having these "crisis" situations occur to help him advance his agenda.

Posted by: willy at July 09, 2016 06:19 PM (Ffw22)

448 Can we get another Open Thread?

I don't want to have to go and bag on the Chess nerds, but i will.

Posted by: garrett at July 09, 2016 06:36 PM (ggrt+)

449 9 German toilets
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 09, 2016 11:16 AM (ptqRm)

Lord, I've had horrible experiences with German toilets. Pooping on porcelain instead of into water leads to horrible, smelly experiences that require much cleaning afterwards.

Posted by: Michael the TEXIT Hobbit at July 09, 2016 06:40 PM (nvMvs)

450 10 Parents went to Mexico on a church mission, you could flush the toilets but any paper had to be put in bags and taken out to burn barrels.
Posted by: Skip at July 09, 2016 11:17 AM (Yo9Lf)

Trust me on this one: the habit doesn't magically go away when they cross the border. Metal trashcans with no lining? No problema! They just get poop all over the trashcans.


Posted by: Michael the TEXIT Hobbit at July 09, 2016 06:44 PM (nvMvs)

451 Trust me on this one: the habit doesn't magically go away when they cross the border
they don't listen, they don't learn, they don't care and they sure as fuck don't assimilate.

throw ALL illegals out, no matter where they're from.

Posted by: redc1c4 at July 09, 2016 08:10 PM (7XWyA)

452 No one commented on Jane's getting out of the shower? You all focused on the damn spider. Are you being overly PC? Am I the only red blooded American male in attendance here?

Posted by: CMU VET at July 09, 2016 08:41 PM (ejB0r)

453 The wife and I for decades of shower cleanup after the usual CIV confirmation have had to run the shower water until the hose water was warm enough for me to quickly rinse my kibbles & bits, and then (reducing the Hot and cold mix) I hand the sprayer to me lady and she excavates me millions. Thats a lot of water just to get started cleaning up for next round!

Posted by: Austin Powers at July 10, 2016 09:27 AM (aR8Ih)

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