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Overnight Open Thread (6-27-2016)

Quote of the Day I 

Interviewed by Kyle and Jackie O on the KIIS Radio Network on Wednesday, the Opposition Leader was asked whether he'd ever been inside a strip club.
"I have," he began, confidently enough, before going to water altogether.
" ... once or twice, way back in the day, uni days.
"I left once I realised what it was."

-- Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten explaining that he was shocked, shocked to find naked women dancing in establishments targeted at gentlemen

Quote of the Day II

Today, you can see Wynton Marsalis playing mid-60s-era cool jazz in freeze-dried form at Lincoln Center. Or as Mick Jagger quipped when he inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame in 1989, "Jean Cocteau said that Americans are funny people: first you shock them, then they put you in a museum." As with rock and roll and old media's Newseum, which John Podhoretz accurately dubbed "The News Mausoleum," once a genre builds a museum for itself, it's effectively over as a creative form.

-- Ed Driscoll explaining why jazz qua jazz is dead

Why The Brexit Polls Were So Off

Cameron and the Remain campaign made a final mistake. At one point, Cameron's pollster tweeted that virtually every intelligent person thought leaving the EU a stupid idea. After the horrible murder of the Labour MP Jo Cox, "Stronger In" became "Kinder In." The implication was that people concerned about immigration or just not happy being governed from Brussels were narrow-minded, xenophobic, or worse.

When you try to delegitimize somebody's vote, you don't change his mind, only his willingness to talk about it. The effect was to understate Leave in the polls. Of the nine final polls, seven showed Remain in the lead, with Remain's pollster showing a ten-point lead. The same effect was present in exit polls commissioned by hedge funds, which led to Brexit campaigners prematurely conceding the result of the referendum and to markets confidently pricing in a Remain win. There was a spiral of silence at work which deceived the Remain camp about where it stood and the campaign it should have fought.

Why the Bookies Got It So Wrong Over Brexit

Some big money bets were made on Remain while lots of smaller bets were made on Leave. And bookies set the odds to divide the money evenly so they're guaranteed a profit off of the vigorish. (h/t to Christopher Taylor)

So if most of the cash went on Remain, as it did, bookies would have to follow the money and make Remain the favourites.

Which meant that what Mr Shaddick called "The supposed helpful side effect of these markets, their potential to help understand the probabilities of the various outcomes," was just that - a side effect, and the not main aim of the odds set.

Ahead of voters going to the polls, all the bookies warned that favourites sometimes lose.  (They might be more likely to win, but their victory could not be guaranteed.)

And the bookies all agreed that while three-quarters of the £40 million eventually gambled on the referendum was placed on Remain, when it came to counting individual flutters, bets on Leave far outnumbered punts on staying in the EU.

Was the #Brexit Do-Over Petition the Greatest Internet Troll Ever?`

Russia is Severely Harassing US Diplomats All Over Europe

From sending agents to private social events to following their children around to breaking into their apartments and rearranging furniture and killing their pets.

Why? Because Putin has Obama's number: He's a pussy. And therefore the US under his leadership is also a pussy.

David Frum on Why Britain Left

If any one person drove the United Kingdom out of the European Union, it was Angela Merkel, and her impulsive solo decision in the summer of 2015 to throw open Germany-and then all Europe-to 1.1 million Middle Eastern and North African migrants, with uncountable millions more to come. Merkel's catastrophically negative example is one that perhaps should be avoided by U.S. politicians who seek to avert Trump-style populism in the United States. Instead, the politician who most directly opposes Donald Trump-presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton-is doubling down on Merkelism.

Hillary Clinton's first reaction to the Supreme Court decision on executive amnesty looks at the issue exclusively and entirely from the point of view of the migrants themselves: "Today's heartbreaking #SCOTUS immigration ruling could tear apart 5 million families facing deportation. We must do better." That U.S. citizens might have different interests-and that it is the interests of citizens that deserve the highest attention of officials elected by those citizens-went unsaid and apparently unconsidered.

About Losing Those Vaunted EU Trade Deals

That overlooked a basic point: The U.K. doesn't currently have a trade deal with the U.S., despite being its largest foreign investor. Moreover, no deal seems forthcoming: The negotiations between the U.S. and the EU over the trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership are going slowly, and the Brits involved in the talks are in despair.

Deals negotiated through the EU always move at the pace dictated by the most reluctant country. Italy has threatened to derail a trade deal with Australia over a spat about exports of canned tomatoes; a trade deal with Canada was held up after a row about Romanian visas. Brexit wasn't a call for a Little England. It was an attempt to escape from a Little Europe.

Note that neither Norway or Switzerland are part of the EU yet they seem to have had no problems making trade deals with other countries and even with the EU itself.

Even Al Qaeda Fears the SJWs: Al Qaeda Urges Lone Wolves to Target Whites, to Avoid 'Hate Crime' Label

Zoe Quinn and Horde of SJWs Enraged at Nintendo Over 'Paper Mario' Mushroom Pun

It requires pathological levels of narcissism to perceive this minor throw-away in-game joke as a personal attack.

Federal Judge Rules No-Fly List Process Is Unconstitutional

And this is based on the No-Fly List itself. Now imagine depriving someone of their second amendment rights based on it.

ID Federal Prosecutor Threatens Prosecution for 'Spreading False Information' or Making 'Inflammatory Statements' on the Case of the 5 Year Old Girl Who Was Raped

What If The Cold War Never Really Ended?

And just went domestic.

Democrats, LGBT Activists Conspire to Drive Religious Colleges Out of California

Kelly McGillis' Scary Home Invasion Experience

When I put my key in the front door it was unlocked. I thought it was strange but I made up the story that maybe I had left it unlocked just as I had left the bathroom light on. Upon entering the house I notice a pair of girls pink sandals and a black larger pair. I thought that maybe one of daughter was here because one of them has a key. Called out hello several times. I was trying to get rid of the stuff in my hand to better assess what was going on when a stranger, a woman, came barreling down the hallway and began yelling at me. I asked her who she is and why she was in my house and she said 'you know why you've been stalking me in Twitter.' Not true. At that moment I got worried that there may be someone else in the house with house with her. We have quite a few guns and lots of ammo and that's when I started to panic. Thinking that if they have one of them I could be shot. I ran out the front door and called 911. She ran out after me and began punching and scratching my trying to grab the phone out of my hand. I began screaming as loud as I could hoping someone somewhere might hear me.


Frisky: Why Do Adult Men Still Play Video Games? Here's Our Theory

How about because....they enjoy them. Which apparently is a sin in itself to feminists.

Geneva Soon to Have Idiocracy-Style 'Starbucks'

The Yahoo AoSHQ group - it's got electrolytes and shit.

And the whole twitter thang.

Tonight's post brought to you by okay wait let me get a pen and some paper so I can diagram this out:


Notice: Posted under authority of AceCorp LLC. No returns on lace-wigs or AoSHQ mugs unless clearly defective and in unused condition.

Posted by: Maetenloch at 09:39 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 A-loha!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 09:40 PM (EzgxV)

2 threeth?

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:44 PM (wYnyS)

3 Maybe our diplomats shd grow a pair?

Posted by: Mustapha Kunt at June 27, 2016 09:44 PM (iQIUe)

4 twooth then!

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:44 PM (wYnyS)

5 top five

Posted by: iforgot at June 27, 2016 09:44 PM (5o5ek)

6 Hi Horde!

Posted by: Infidel at June 27, 2016 09:47 PM (ml68g)

7 Others have been informed!

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:47 PM (wYnyS)

8 Interviewed by Kyle and Jackie O on the KIIS Radio Network on Wednesday, the Opposition Leader was asked whether he'd ever been inside a strip club.
"I have," he began, confidently enough, before going to water altogether.
" ... once or twice, way back in the day, uni days.
"I left once I realised what it was."
-- Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten explaining that he was shocked, shocked to find naked women dancing in an establishment targeted at gentlemen

This motherfucker is a liar, or a fag. You choose.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 09:48 PM (oKE6c)

9 Woot woot ONT early ONT

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 09:48 PM (voOPb)

10 When you try to delegitimize somebody's vote, you don't change his mind, only his willingness to talk about it.

I wonder if this has any application anywhere else?

Posted by: blaster at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (2Ocf1)

11 3 Maybe our diplomats shd grow a pair?
Posted by: Mustapha Kunt at June 27, 2016 09:44 PM (iQIUe)

They won't. And we won't. And this story will last for a couple days at best, and then everybody will forget about it, and nothing will happen.

Because nothing matters anymore.

Posted by: AD at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (XHWYb)

12 When you try to delegitimize somebody's vote, you don't change his mind, only his willingness to talk about it.

Yes. Absolutely. But is there enough secret demand for Trump to account for Clinton's lead?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (Zu3d9)

13 What If The Cold War Never Really Ended?

And just went domestic.

There was always a significant part of the Cold War that was fought at home.

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 09:50 PM (7qAYi)

14 Posted by: blaster at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (2Ocf1)

Would you please toss me a bone and just once let me be first with an idea?

Fvck all of you asshole Morons.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:51 PM (Zu3d9)

15 Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 09:48 PM (oKE6c)

I left once I realized that no matter what, I wouldn't get to bang the incredible hottie gyrating in my lap.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:52 PM (Zu3d9)

16 @14 I know the really cogent analysis comes from "Charlie Brown's Dildo."

Posted by: blaster at June 27, 2016 09:52 PM (2Ocf1)

17 The Russian pooped on your rug? That rug tied the whole room together!

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 09:52 PM (7qAYi)

18 Because nothing matters anymore.
Posted by: AD at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (XHWYb)

At least in Narcos when the cartel killed a DEA cat, the DEA went and killed several sicarios.

Posted by: Mustapha Kunt at June 27, 2016 09:52 PM (iQIUe)

19 Th last math problem is awesome,

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 09:53 PM (voOPb)

20 I'm realty glad that the ID Federal prosecutor, no doubt heartily approved by Mitch "GOPe scumbag" McConnell's Senate, and certainly funded by Paul "our hands were tied" Ryan's budget, is looking out for the feelings of the perpetrators of the little incident of multicultural misunderstanding.

I did notice no one in Obama's government apparatus seems to be too concerned about the brutally raped 5 year old girl even though she can logically be expected to have nightmares for the remainder of her life!

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:53 PM (wYnyS)

Putin has Obama's number: He's a pussy.

Putin knows he has no advantage over China, Israel, Iran, etc. just for having all of Hillary's emails.

They all know that they all have her emails.

She knows it, too.

So what's the game gonna be? China, Iran, and Russia sit down and divvy up America like Churchill drawing up the modern Middle East on the back of a cocktail napkin?

Posted by: iforgot at June 27, 2016 09:53 PM (5o5ek)

22 The U.K. doesn't currently have a trade deal with the U.S., despite being its largest foreign investor.

If only there were an opportunity for us...

Posted by: The GOPe at June 27, 2016 09:54 PM (9mTYi)

23 I left once I realized that no matter what, I wouldn't get to bang the incredible hottie gyrating in my lap.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:52 PM (Zu3d9)

Pay to play?

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:54 PM (wYnyS)

Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten explaining that he was shocked, shocked to find naked women dancing in an establishment targeted at gentlemen

Bill? Oi, g'day Mate!


Posted by: A Bent Over Australian Stripper

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 09:54 PM (kdS6q)

25 12
When you try to delegitimize somebody's vote, you don't change his mind, only his willingness to talk about it.

Yes. Absolutely. But is there enough secret demand for Trump to account for Clinton's lead?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (Zu3d9)

I can personally attest to a firm "fuck the elites" vote that isn't showing up on any polls.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 09:54 PM (EzgxV)

26 I would have been first, but instead I read the content.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 27, 2016 09:55 PM (VdICR)

27 Posted by: The GOPe

This is not the hill...

Posted by: Oedipus at June 27, 2016 09:55 PM (CXLVd)

28 >>>This motherfucker is a liar, or a fag. You choose.

Maybe he's both, it happens

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 09:55 PM (voOPb)

is there enough secret demand for Trump to account for Clinton's lead?
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (Zu3d9)

What did the polls say about Brexit in the final week?

Posted by: iforgot at June 27, 2016 09:55 PM (5o5ek)

30 What If The Cold War Never Really Ended?

And just went domestic.

There was always a significant part of the Cold War that was fought at home.

Posted by: josephistan

Now it's almost entirely at home.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 27, 2016 09:56 PM (hVdx9)

31 Posted by: The GOPe

This is not the hill...

Posted by: Oedipus at June 27, 2016 09:55 PM (CXLVd)

I thought the GOP conundrum was "What's a hill?"

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:57 PM (wYnyS)

How 19 British exchange students became heroes of the Orlando massacre by helping the wounded during routine ride-along with cops - but university wants to keep rescue effort SECRET

God Bless 'em.

Posted by: Mustapha Kunt at June 27, 2016 09:57 PM (iQIUe)

33 Why The Brexit Polls Were So Off

So, are you faggot "Brexit" pieces of shit or would you rather not have your name turned over to the IRS?

Posted by: The Euro-MFM at June 27, 2016 09:57 PM (9mTYi)

Posted by: The GOPe

This is not the hill...

Posted by: Oedipus at June 27, 2016 09:55 PM (CXLVd)

I thought the GOP conundrum was "What's a hill?"

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:57 PM (wYnyS)

You never never call....


Posted by: The Hill To Die On at June 27, 2016 09:58 PM (LuZz8)

35 Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten explaining that he was shocked, shocked to find naked women dancing in an establishment targeted at gentlemen

Those poor girls were forced to strip thanks to the global economic desperation wrought by Brexit.

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 09:58 PM (7qAYi)

And this is based on the No-Fly List itself. Now imagine depriving someone of their second amendment rights based on it.

Glad to.

Posted by: The Supreme Court That Just Did That Today for Guns and the Domestic Violence List

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 09:58 PM (kdS6q)

>>>>I thought the GOP conundrum was "What's a hill?"

Or what's a fight?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 09:59 PM (voOPb)

38 Pay to play?

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 09:54 PM (wYnyS)

Upscale club. I figured it would be a grand to bang her.

1. I don't pay for sex. Fapping is fine.

2. For a grand, I could have bought a plane ticket and visited my GF.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:59 PM (Zu3d9)

39 I do not get how Eugene Volokh gets to be so smart and accomplished, when I'd still card him for buying beer. At least it isn't as bad as his former picture, where he looked -- at most -- fourteen.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 09:59 PM (EzgxV)

Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten explaining
that he was shocked, shocked to find naked women dancing in an
establishment targeted at gentlemen

Those poor girls were forced to strip thanks to the global economic desperation wrought by Brexit.

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 09:58 PM (7qAYi)

Don't forget the heartbreaking oppression of Trump's Magic Scalp Weasel.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 09:59 PM (LuZz8)

41 Cool an early ONT.

Thanks, Maet.

Posted by: thathalfrican - be water my friend at June 27, 2016 09:59 PM (R5HRU)

42 Kelly McGillis' story points out some very glaring security lapses she (and anyone else in the same situation) needs to heed.

First, why in the hell does she not have an alarm system? Get a home alarm system and use it every time you leave the house or are home for extended periods of time. If she had armed an alarm, she would have known either before she arrived home that someone had entered her home, or at least she would have been alerted as she began to enter the home.

Second, if she has "lots of guns and ammunition, those need to be secured where a frickin burglar can't simply find them under the bed or in a drawer. She should be carrying one on her person. There are hundreds of options today in home safes that give you immediate access to your firearm and no access to those who shouldn't have it, especially children.

Third, once she became aware there was an intruder, she should have immediately left the area in any means possible. Get in her car, run to a neighbor, etc. Don't stand in the driveway like a total idiot , trying to dial your phone while the perp comes running out to kick your ass or worse.

McGillis is very lucky she isn't dead. I also have to wonder exactly how the intruders entered her home. Door unlocked? Windows open?

I've read other stories in which she is quoted as saying she wants a carry permit. That is fine, except she also needs a lot of situational awareness training in addition to the firearm training requirement. She did just about everything wrong, but fortunately lived to tell about it.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2016 10:00 PM (PiuBB)

Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten explaining that he was shocked, shocked to find naked women dancing in an establishment targeted at gentlemen

"Oi, Sheila! You might want to trim the old koala."

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:01 PM (kdS6q)

44 There is no Clinton lead.

It is a fiction.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2016 10:01 PM (MQEz6)

45 Evenin' everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 27, 2016 10:01 PM (T/cxb)

46 Glad to.
Posted by: The Supreme Court That Just Did That Today for Guns and the Domestic Violence List
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 09:58 PM (kdS6q)

Not the same at all. You have to have been convicted of domestic violence in order to lose your firearm rights. Not that I agree with this but at least there is a criminal prosecution and due process involved.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:02 PM (pAlYe)

47 >>>1. I don't pay for sex.

And you claim you're married.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:02 PM (voOPb)

48 Hooooooorde!!!!

It's been an insane, awful kinda last week or so. But I have vodka, I have a good cigar, and I have wifi on my back porch.

How fare you people?

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:02 PM (7PB/U)

49 Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2016 10:00 PM (PiuBB)

She's good at other stuff.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2016 10:02 PM (MQEz6)

50 1. I don't pay for sex.

And you claim you're married.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:02 PM (voOPb)

The most expensive sex you'll ever have...

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 10:03 PM (wYnyS)

51 Obama: AIDS Transmitted by H8

In a statement about the 35th anniversary of the first case of what would become known as AIDS being documented by the Center for Disease Control, Obama claimed that the spread of AIDS is caused by H8rz.

Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:03 PM (vBeA5)

52 Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2016 10:00 PM (PiuBB)


Exactly right.

Hopefully she fixes those problems and gets a nice HandK .40 for her carry weapon.

She's a tall woman, and not slender anymore, so she should be able to handle a full-sized handgun.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 10:04 PM (Zu3d9)

53 >>>The most expensive sex you'll ever have...

$1,000 is cheaper than a house or so I've heard

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:05 PM (voOPb)

54 A question was posed on the last thread - Who has the most Super Bowl rings as a backup quarterback? The answer is: Earl Morrall who was second string for the 1970 Baltimore Colts that won Super Bowl V and the 1972 and 1973 Miami Dolphins who won Super Bowls VII and VIII.

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 10:05 PM (7qAYi)

55 The most expensive sex you'll Never have...
Posted by: Hrothgar


Posted by: Oedipus at June 27, 2016 10:06 PM (CXLVd)

56 Tomorrow Mrs. E and I will avail ourselves of our GOD-Given 2nd Amendment rights and take a trip to the range with 4 (for her anyway) unfired firearms, and a few others. We have a buttload of ammo, and time to burn. We will be shooting .22LR, 9MM, .45 LC, 7.62X39, .45 ACP, .410GA, 12GA, and 5.56. Then we will slide into Whataburger. Texas is indeed tops!

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2016 10:07 PM (zLDYs)

Frisky: Why Do Adult Men Still Play Video Games? Here's Our Theory
by Liz Magee

Because unfortunately they have a girlfriend that looks like this?

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:07 PM (kdS6q)

Just watched the Game of Thrones season finale, and I've decided that this episode's theme is "Season 6 Payroll Purge".

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 10:07 PM (LuZz8)

59 The most expensive sex you'll Never have...
Posted by: Hrothgar


Posted by: Oedipus at June 27, 2016 10:06 PM (CXLVd)

Been married a while, have you?

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 10:07 PM (wYnyS)

60 Doing well BC, thanks for asking. Glad you booze & a stogie

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:08 PM (voOPb)

There is no Clinton lead.

It is a fiction.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2016 10:01 PM (MQEz6)

Not fiction. Hillary has a built-in 3 to 5 point lead based on the media. Can Trump overcome it? Possibly, but doubtful.

Posted by: cm9000 at June 27, 2016 10:08 PM (2TUVm)

62 Muslim outreach is best conducted in fractions of an inch.

Posted by: And The Lord Gaveth .45 Ways To Leave Your Allah at June 27, 2016 10:08 PM (Yq8TA)

63 There was always a significant part of the Cold War that was fought at home.

Posted by: josephistan

Now it's almost entirely at home.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 27, 2016 09:56 PM (hVdx9)

And one of these days it's gonna get hot, real quick.

That's why they want our guns.

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 10:09 PM (heN73)

64 >>>The Russian pooped on your rug? That rug tied the whole room together!

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 09:52 PM (7qAYi)<<<

Maybe he thought he was infiltrating the EPA?

Posted by: what a crappy time to be alive at June 27, 2016 10:09 PM (H9MG5)

65 60 Doing well BC, thanks for asking. Glad you booze & a stogie
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:08 PM (voOPb)

Average booze and a good cigar. It's the Moron way.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:09 PM (7PB/U)

66 25
I can personally attest to a firm "fuck the elites" vote that isn't showing up on any polls.
Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 09:54 PM (EzgxV)


Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (sdi6R)

67 Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2016 10:07 PM (zLDYs)

Ah....45LC. I have always wanted one for home defense. No reason other than a very large, very heavy, relatively slow bullet makes a certain amount of sense for suburban homes.

And also because it has a really cool name.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (Zu3d9)

68 Yes. Absolutely. But is there enough secret demand for Trump to account for Clinton's lead?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (Zu3d9)


Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (vBeA5)

I'm looking forward to about 9 hours on the road tomorrow. Going to El Paso for work for a few days.

Okay, it's more like dreading.....

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (LuZz8)

70 Posted by: cm9000 at June 27, 2016 10:08 PM (2TUVm)

And I fear another 2 to 3 % in voter fraud already baked in. I'd sure like to see the checks to Diebold from the Clinton Foundation!

I for one welcome my new Democrat overlords!

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (wYnyS)

71 >>Average booze and a good cigar. It's the Moron way.

Well, it is Monday night afterall

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (voOPb)

72 No.

Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (vBeA5)


And now I will adjourn before I piss off our host.

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (Zu3d9)

73 There is an undercurrent in my home state of Pennsylvania this election year. Clinton will undoubtedly carry the Philly area but people are angry. Even the die hard union people are angry. Pittsburgh might go red this time around. Trump could win PA. I'm amazed at how many people hate Hillary Clinton.

It makes me smile.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (M+tdH)

Not the same at all. You have to have been convicted of domestic violence in order to lose your firearm rights. Not that I agree with this but at least there is a criminal prosecution and due process involved.
Posted by: Maetenloch

Don't be so sure about that. Much of the toodoo about the domestic violence restrictions floating around post-Orlando was that prosecution and conviction of a crime may not be required. Simple accusation, such as in a restraining order, would be sufficient.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (kdS6q)

75 >>>Russia is Severely Harassing US Diplomats All Over Europe

From sending agents to private social events to following their children around to breaking into their apartments and rearranging furniture and killing their pets.<<<

Lucky bastards. I mean...........

Posted by: zombie Amb. Stevens, if he were still alive after his "harassment" at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (H9MG5)

76 Clockmed is returning to the US.

Make of that what you will.

Posted by: Thrawn at June 27, 2016 10:12 PM (wQWv4)

77 Don't be so sure about that. Much of the toodoo about the domestic violence restrictions floating around post-Orlando was that prosecution and conviction of a crime may not be required. Simple accusation, such as in a restraining order, would be sufficient.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (kdS6q)

Floating around or actual law?

And even a restraining order has more due process than the no-fly list.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (pAlYe)

78 Average booze and a good cigar. It's the Moron way.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:09 PM (7PB/U)

Good an ya'!

I'm finding considerable solace in cheap booze and cheap cigars these days!

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (wYnyS)

79 68
Yes. Absolutely. But is there enough secret demand for Trump to account for Clinton's lead?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (Zu3d9)


Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (vBeA5)

$5 that, if it's Trump v. Clinton, it's Trump. 'Cause Trump v. Clinton will bring out the surly.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (EzgxV)

80 I still cannot believe that there is a better than 50pct chance that this criminal cunt bitch is gonna be the next POTUS.

Son of a bitch!!!

Posted by: Kreplach at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (MFW6C)

81 Well, it is Monday night afterall
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (voOPb)

It's been a helluva few days.

I'm on my 4th drink. And I consider that restraining myself.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (7PB/U)

82 Nite CBD

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:14 PM (voOPb)

83 Man, I could really go for a starbuck's, you know?

Posted by: otho at June 27, 2016 10:15 PM (EWg9n)

84 And even a restraining order has more due process than the no-fly list.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (pAlYe)

I take it you still think the written "law" matters in the waning days of the Obama regime?

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 10:15 PM (wYnyS)

85 77 Don't be so sure about that. Much of the toodoo about the domestic violence restrictions floating around post-Orlando was that prosecution and conviction of a crime may not be required. Simple accusation, such as in a restraining order, would be sufficient.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (kdS6q)

Floating around or actual law?

And even a restraining order has more due process than the no-fly list.
Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (pAlYe)

Grand jury. Ham sammich. Indictment some assembly required

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:16 PM (voOPb)

86 The most expensive sex you'll ever never have...



Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:16 PM (YLidQ)

87 >>>>1. I don't pay for sex.

So, you don't ever have sex?

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2016 10:16 PM (jApmJ)

Simple accusation, such as in a restraining order, would be sufficient.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:11 PM (kdS6q)

Yup. A TRO generally means you have to sell or transfer your guns almost immediately. And it's almost impossible to appeal. You can get them back later, after the TRO is lifted, but it's an easy way for evil miscreants to temporarily strip you of your 2A rights.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 10:16 PM (LuZz8)

89 84 And even a restraining order has more due process than the no-fly list.
Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (pAlYe)

I take it you still think the written "law" matters in the waning days of the Obama regime?
Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 10:15 PM (wYnyS)

Yes. Because a lot of people still get convicted based on the whole 'written law' thing.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:17 PM (pAlYe)

And even a restraining order has more due process than the no-fly list.
Posted by: Maetenloch

Arguable. Similar level of punishment by accusation rather than trial.

As for the actually/current laws, would vary by state and locality. Viz:

Lawmakers in Connecticut have just passed legislation that will allow for law enforcement to confiscate guns from individuals who are accused of domestic abuse.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:17 PM (kdS6q)

91 >>It's been a helluva few days.

Sorry to hear that Mr. Cochran

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:18 PM (voOPb)

92 I stopped playing video games when I moved out of my house when I was 18.

Working three jobs didn't leave much time to do anything else besides eat a quick dinner and then hit the rack.

Posted by: Kreplach at June 27, 2016 10:18 PM (MFW6C)

93 Blow up on the bus in Qus.
You don't need to discuss much.
Just drop of the key, Mufti.
And set that timer for 50.

Posted by: And The Lord Gaveth .45 Ways To Leave Your Allah at June 27, 2016 10:18 PM (Yq8TA)

94 Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2016 10:16 PM (jApmJ)

Always seemed to me it was pay me now or pay me later, but the pay term was always there!

Posted by: Hrothgar at June 27, 2016 10:18 PM (wYnyS)

95 BTW, Hat -- I wore (and am wearing) my Atomic Testing Museum shirt today.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:19 PM (EzgxV)

96 CBD @ 10:10 45LC is way cool.
SampersandW Governor, Mr.s E's bedside friend shoots .45LC, .410 GA, and .45ACP(moon clips). And Crimson Trace laser, too. I always call in when getting home late. Always.

Posted by: Eromero at June 27, 2016 10:19 PM (zLDYs)

97 No.
Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (vBeA5)


Your hatred bordering on obsession is well known and acknowledged. It is my fondest wish that you are very unhappy one day this November.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:20 PM (YLidQ)

98 The Cold War has always been a civil war within the West. The Left takes up many tools, only to discard them when they break or wear out. The Communists were one such tool, the Muslims are another. Labor unions were one of their tools, but they've tossed that one on the discard heap. The fight goes on -- the endless fight dating back to 1789, if not before. The war of self-appointed elites against the people who refuse to bow down to them.

Posted by: Trimegistus at June 27, 2016 10:20 PM (/ozpN)

99 >> pay me now or pay me later

Best to negotiate your best deal going in...or, at least before going in.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2016 10:20 PM (jApmJ)

100 "I'm amazed at how many people hate Hillary Clinton. "

Not nearly enough.

Posted by: navybrat at June 27, 2016 10:21 PM (mrxD3)

101 Ah....45LC. I have always wanted one for home
defense. No reason other than a very large, very heavy, relatively slow
bullet makes a certain amount of sense for suburban homes.

And also because it has a really cool name.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (Zu3d9)

Even better, you can get a new-built Spencer in that caliber for about $1500.

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 10:22 PM (ry34m)

102 I'm siding with the AR-15.

Posted by: Cold Anger at June 27, 2016 10:22 PM (hNICT)

103 Arguable. Similar level of punishment by accusation rather than trial.
As for the actually/current laws, would vary by state and locality. Viz:
Lawmakers in Connecticut have just passed legislation that will allow for law enforcement to confiscate guns from individuals who are accused of domestic abuse.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:17 PM (kdS6q)

Yes but there are some fundamental differences:

1. A temporary restraining order is still temporary. Whereas as a conviction for domestic violence involves a permanent loss of firearms rights.

2. Both a TRO and a criminal trial for DV involve a court hearing with due process. The no-fly list does not.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:22 PM (pAlYe)

104 101
"I'm amazed at how many people hate Hillary Clinton. "

Not nearly enough.

Posted by: navybrat at June 27, 2016 10:21 PM (mrxD3)

Pretty much everybody who knows more than what the MSM is telling them.....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:23 PM (EzgxV)

105 Sorry to hear that Mr. Cochran
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:18 PM (voOPb)

Thanks man.

Most stressful was yesterday morning. I work for my church on Sundays as a volunteer in the tech booth, have for years. I'm also a deacon there.

One of the other deacons, also the head of security for the associated school, comes to me right at the start of the service.

"You armed?" "Yeah, every sunday." "Good. Watch me. You may be needed." "Why? What's up?" "Not sure yet. Just be ready."

There was a "disturbance" in one of the adult Sunday School classes. A refugee from syria (we have a lot of refugees in the neighborhood and we reach out to them) blew up in class. The teacher, for some unknown stupid fucking reason, made comments about "radical muslims" in class. This dude blew his stack. Stormed out.

They did some quick research and found out he has a history of mental/emotional issues. So we have a muslim refugee that we had been reaching out to who is now highly pissed off about a "radical muslim" comment.

Once service got started, all doors were locked other than the main lobby entrance. Several of us on high alert. He never showed, but it was a stressful service. And obv, the danger hasn't passed.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:24 PM (7PB/U)

106 John Fund is a epic douchehat.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:24 PM (M+tdH)

107 So Geneva is about to get the first Starsucks.

I'll have mine with extra cream.

Posted by: GnuBreed at June 27, 2016 10:24 PM (gyKtp)

108 scankles for years? i guess no news til i'm dead then. fuckin media.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 27, 2016 10:25 PM (ucDmr)

Clockmed is returning to the US.

Make of that what you will.
Posted by: Thrawn

It's about time.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 10:25 PM (IqV8l)

110 Alles ist ordenen!

Posted by: Angela Merkel, Ost Oberkommando at June 27, 2016 10:25 PM (+1T7c)

111 How about because....they enjoy them. Which apparently is a sin in itself to feminists.

Pretty much. Feminists have all but eliminated every possible male space, so now they have to try to shame them out of their hobbies too.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:25 PM (0mRoj)

112 Pretty much everybody who knows more than what the MSM is telling them.....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:23 PM (EzgxV)

The more you know about Hillary, the more you hate her. The woman is objectively horrible.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party, TEXIT! at June 27, 2016 10:26 PM (J+mig)

113 There was a "disturbance" in one of the adult Sunday School classes. A refugee from syria (we have a lot of refugees in the neighborhood and we reach out to them) blew up in class. The teacher, for some unknown stupid fucking reason, made comments about "radical muslims" in class. This dude blew his stack. Stormed out.

They did some quick research and found out he has a history of mental/emotional issues. So we have a muslim refugee that we had been reaching out to who is now highly pissed off about a "radical muslim" comment.

Once service got started, all doors were locked other than the main lobby entrance. Several of us on high alert. He never showed, but it was a stressful service. And obv, the danger hasn't passed.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:24 PM (7PB/U)


Just a mention of Radical Islam and there is a blow up? Are you fucking kidding me?

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:26 PM (YLidQ)

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:24 PM (7PB/U)

Holy shit

Posted by: thathalfrican - keeping people on their toes like they hate sittin' at June 27, 2016 10:26 PM (R5HRU)

1. A temporary restraining order is still temporary. Whereas as a conviction for domestic violence involves a permanent loss of firearms rights.

2. Both a TRO and a criminal trial for DV involve a court hearing with due process. The no-fly list does not.
Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:22 PM (pAlYe)

Temporary yes, although some TROs/DVROs are issued ex parte without any initial process for the accused.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (0mRoj)

116 "Pretty much everybody who knows more than what the MSM is telling them....."

Like I said, not nearly enough.

Posted by: navybrat at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (mrxD3)

117 No.

Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (vBeA5)


Your hatred bordering on obsession is well known and acknowledged.
It is my fondest wish that you are very unhappy one day this November.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:20 PM (YLidQ)

Nov 8?

Posted by: cm9000 at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (2TUVm)

118 Read the article with the no fly list ruling.

Apparently, the ACLU was representing ME muslims. No, it doesn't say that, but if you read what not being able to fly internationally(judge calls it a right, which is ridiculous, it's not a right. How the hell does she think ME arabs got around the world before the invention of the airplane?) has burdened the plaintiffs with, it indicates one cannot go overseas for religious rituals(Mecca), etc.

I say...let them fly home and don't let them come back. That way everyone is happy.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (PiuBB)

119 Just a mention of Radical Islam and there is a blow up? Are you fucking kidding me?
Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:26 PM (YLidQ)

I don't know the full story of what was said. This particular member is not one of my favorites. Older gentleman. Long time member of church. Brother of former pastor. Who in the actual hell knows what he said.

No, that shouldn't cause some freakout. But who the hell knows what he said and frankly, why the hell was that something that even came up in a class?

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (7PB/U)

120 Pretty much everybody who knows more than what the MSM is telling them.....

Posted by: cthulhu

I know nuthink!

Posted by: Sgt Schulz, low information German at June 27, 2016 10:29 PM (+1T7c)

121 I've been carrying a pad of post it notes and a pen. When people try to talk about any subject that I don't want to waste my time on, I write them the concern meme concerned checked and hand it to them.

Posted by: Cold Anger at June 27, 2016 10:29 PM (hNICT)

122 My mom , a stalwart conservative of 83 years, will never vote for a woman president. She loathes Hillary Clinton with an intensity that blows me away.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:29 PM (M+tdH)

123 I say...let them fly home and don't let them come back. That way everyone is happy.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (PiuBB)

Yeah. A no Re Entry List would be just fine.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at June 27, 2016 10:29 PM (WVsWD)

124 Huh. David Frum got something right. Blind squirrel, pumpkin, yadda yadda.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:30 PM (0mRoj)

125 Holy shit
Posted by: thathalfrican - keeping people on their toes like they hate sittin' at June 27, 2016 10:26 PM (R5HRU)


It was a long service. As I expect the next few weeks to be. Overhaul, cleaning, and a trip to the range this week. My firearm will be fully operational. Just in case. God willing I'll never need it.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:30 PM (7PB/U)

126 110 Alles ist ordenen!
Posted by: Angela Merkel, Ost Oberkommando at June 27, 2016 10:25 PM (+1T7c)

All will be well once you get Turkey into the EU, ja, Mutti Merkel?

Posted by: Thrawn at June 27, 2016 10:30 PM (wQWv4)

127 Just a mention of Radical Islam and there is a blow up? Are you fucking kidding me?

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:26 PM (YLidQ)

Fixing that trigger, will be a job for Achmed the Clock Boy!

Allahrm Clock, Akbar!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 10:31 PM (v5iqM)

128 122
My mom , a stalwart conservative of 83 years, will never vote for a
woman president. She loathes Hillary Clinton with an intensity that
blows me away.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:29 PM (M+tdH)

I would vote for Dame Thatcher in a heartbeat if she were one of the available choices for POTUS this year.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:31 PM (EzgxV)

129 "don't you want a woman president?" sure bitch, let us know when one runs. otherwise, stfu and go away.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 27, 2016 10:31 PM (ucDmr)

130 All I ever wanted to do was just to play.

Posted by: Wynton at June 27, 2016 10:31 PM (KtxUt)

131 Seriously, I wonder what new skills Clockmed learned while in that Mecca of diversity and tolerance known as Qatar?

Perhaps he's learned how to build better "clocks"?

Posted by: Thrawn at June 27, 2016 10:31 PM (wQWv4)

132 I would vote for Dame Thatcher in a heartbeat if she were one of the available choices for POTUS this year.
Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:31 PM (EzgxV)

Yup. Ain't about the genitalia. I would've voted for Fiorina in the general if given the opportunity.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:32 PM (7PB/U)

133 The war of self-appointed elites masters against the people who refuse to bow down to them.
Posted by: Trimegistus at June 27, 2016 10:20 PM (/ozpN)

Fixed for accuracy

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 10:32 PM (ry34m)

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 10:32 PM (ry34m)

some TROs/DVROs are issued ex parte without any initial process for the accused.
Posted by: Insomniac

And any restrictions on gun ownership would depend on the precise wording of the law and court interpretation there of. Is it "ON" a list or "HAS BEEN" on a list? Could end up with a lifetime ban from the latter.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:32 PM (kdS6q)

136 oops Mastery isn't all it is cracked up to b

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 10:33 PM (ry34m)

137 Something seems a little off on that Kelly M story. I mean, in the article she claims to have been assaulted before a couple of times. But in the newest event, as you point out, she was very lax with her personal security. Not adding up.

Posted by: Last at June 27, 2016 10:33 PM (8HiDF)

138 No, that shouldn't cause some freakout. But who the hell knows what he said and frankly, why the hell was that something that even came up in a class?
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (7PB/U)


I agree about the class thing, but the larger point is that absolutely no criticism of Radical Islam can occur without them losing their shit. None.

This is how PC has and will continue to kill many more people. Christians are more than fair game. Their ideas are off limits. Fuck that.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:33 PM (YLidQ)

139 "The teacher, for some unknown stupid fucking reason, made comments about "radical muslims" in class. This dude blew his stack. Stormed out. "

So what is permitted to be said in your Sunday school and what is verboten?

I take exception to your categorization that the teacher's comments were made for some "unknown stupid fucking reason".

You can either welcome Syrian refugees and help them to assimilate, or you can be terrified of them, watch your language and actions, and be their slaves.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (PiuBB)

140 $5 that, if it's Trump v. Clinton, it's Trump. 'Cause Trump v. Clinton will bring out the surly.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:13 PM (EzgxV)

My money's on the 7th seal being broken...

Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (vBeA5)

141 >>don't you want a woman president?


Women belong in the kitchen.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (jApmJ)

142 The war of self-appointed elites masters against the people who refuse to bow down to them.
Posted by: Trimegistus at June 27, 2016 10:20 PM (/ozpN)

Fixed for accuracy

(try this again)

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (ry34m)

143 Hopes & prayers BC
You & the congregation stay safe

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (voOPb)

144 Le sigh. Margaret Thatcher, now there was a woman with brass ones but she never came off as a nagging harpy like Clinton.

Gawd I miss leaders like her.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:35 PM (M+tdH)

145 You are a tease, Kindletot.

I'll have you, yet!

Posted by: Barrel at June 27, 2016 10:35 PM (jApmJ)

146 My mom , a stalwart conservative of 83 years, will
never vote for a woman president. She loathes Hillary Clinton with an
intensity that blows me away.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:29 PM (M+tdH)

Your mom sounds like mine, a misogynistic old white woman hatin' on the historic first woman president.

Posted by: cm9000 at June 27, 2016 10:35 PM (2TUVm)

147 And any restrictions on gun ownership would depend on the precise wording of the law and court interpretation there of. Is it "ON" a list or "HAS BEEN" on a list? Could end up with a lifetime ban from the latter.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:32 PM (kdS6q)

Even just being 'ON' a list as a condition could effectively be permanent since there's no formal process for getting off of the list. Nor can you know ahead of time whether you're even on the list.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:36 PM (pAlYe)

148 And any restrictions on gun ownership would depend on the precise wording of the law and court interpretation there of. Is it "ON" a list or "HAS BEEN" on a list? Could end up with a lifetime ban from the latter.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at June 27, 2016 10:32 PM (kdS6q)

Exactly. Depending on how it's worded, getting hit with an ex parte DVRO, even later found to be based on bullshit and vacated accordingly, could be used to deprive you of your 2nd Amendment rights.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:36 PM (0mRoj)

149 @42
Second, if she has "lots of guns and ammunition, those need to be secured where a frickin burglar can't simply find them under the bed or in a drawer. She should be carrying one on her person. There are hundreds of options today in home safes that give you immediate access to your firearm and no access to those who shouldn't have it, especially children.

She lives in California.

Need I say more?

Based on that, the fact that she has guns at all is noteworthy.

Posted by: junior at June 27, 2016 10:36 PM (c0k8m)

150 141 >>don't you want a woman president?


Women belong in the kitchen.
Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (jApmJ)

Making sammiches.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:37 PM (0mRoj)

151 So we have a muslim refugee that we had been reaching out to who is now highly pissed off about a "radical muslim" comment.

Well BCoch ...looks like y'all went out looking for trouble, knowingly or not, and finally found it.

Good luck I reckon.

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2016 10:37 PM (fiGNd)

152 >>Women belong in the kitchen.


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:37 PM (voOPb)

153 She lives in California.
Need I say more?
Based on that, the fact that she has guns at all is noteworthy.
Posted by: junior at June 27, 2016 10:36 PM (c0k8m)

I believe this incident happened in NC. And she's now in the process of getting a NC CCW.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:38 PM (pAlYe)

154 Laura Ingraham making the point that Hillary is a perpetrator of domestic violence against Bill, per the accounts of Secret Service agents.

Isn't 'the nuclear button' a bit more deadly than a mere firearm? Applying her own standards, shouldn't Hillary be disqualified from being near 'the nuclear button' because of her propensity to domestic violence?

Posted by: Scalia's Ghost at June 27, 2016 10:38 PM (JPARi)

155 Your mom sounds like mine, a misogynistic old white woman hatin' on the historic first woman president.

Posted by: cm9000 at June 27, 2016 10:35 PM (2TUVm)


My family is from Hell Beasts home town of Park Ridge, IL. They are reflexive Dems. That is just the lever they have always pulled. Sadly, were Mom still here, she would have pulled the faithful lever.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:38 PM (YLidQ)

156 You wanna know who is even more obnoxious than Hilldog? Elizabeth Warren, that's who. She is a really nasty piece of work. I mean *really* ugly with the sarcasm and the "attack dog" schtick. I can't stomach her.

Posted by: LA ette, formerly of TX, lakeside lurker at June 27, 2016 10:38 PM (x+Ze9)

157 Most recent Ipsos/Reuters Poll

Clinton 44%
Trump 34%

23% are MIA

Posted by: Burnt Toast at June 27, 2016 10:39 PM (P/kVC)

158 If the Hildebeest does win, we're gonna have to change the name of the Official Residence, to the...

Whitewashed House

No, not sanitized. Not "wiped with a cloth".

Whitewashed. Courtesy of the MSM Official Paint Crew of the DNC.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 10:39 PM (v5iqM)

159 115
1. A temporary restraining order is still temporary. Whereas as a conviction for domestic violence involves a permanent loss of firearms rights.

2. Both a TRO and a criminal trial for DV involve a court hearing with due process. The no-fly list does not.
Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:22 PM (pAlYe)

Temporary yes, although some TROs/DVROs are issued ex parte without any initial process for the accused.
Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (0mRoj

Family Courts are administrative courts, the Constitution does not apply in Family Court. It is suppose to, but it does not and no lawyer will waste their time defending your to rights unless you have close to a million to pay them.

That Supreme Court ruling today is going to fuck up countless people (men) who got a divorce or dated a woman.

The feminist lobby had their fingerprints all over that decision.

Posted by: Cold Anger at June 27, 2016 10:40 PM (hNICT)

160 No.
Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:10 PM (vBeA5)


Your hatred bordering on obsession is well known and acknowledged. It is my fondest wish that you are very unhappy one day this November.
Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:20 PM (YLidQ)

How is believing that Hillary has a lead and that Trump will likely not be able to overcome that, as things stand now, "hatred bordering on obsession".

I would love for Hillary to fail spectactularly on Election Night.

I'm sorry if I don't have the blind faith that you do. May I suggest you lock up your sharp objects on Election Nigtht?

Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:41 PM (vBeA5)

161 I agree about the class thing, but the larger point is that absolutely no criticism of Radical Islam can occur without them losing their shit. None.

100% agreed.

So what is permitted to be said in your Sunday school and what is verboten?

I take exception to your categorization that the teacher's comments were made for some "unknown stupid fucking reason".

You can either welcome Syrian refugees and help them to assimilate, or you can be terrified of them, watch your language and actions, and be their slaves.

Posted by: Jen the original at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (PiuBB)

It's not about radical islam. It's about topics that are appropriate in a sunday school class. I would have the same opinion on a variety of subjects. Especially in a class where many visitors/new members are sent.

A sunday school class isn't the right venue for a discussion on this type of thing. It isn't about avoiding offending Muslims. I don't give a damn about offending people.

It's not marking certain subjects being marked "verboten" because they might offend muslims or anyone else. It's about what is the purpose of a sunday school class. The purpose is to instruct and depend a relationship with both God and your fellow members. This teacher is an idiot. I've had run ins with him before. He screwed up. That doesn't mean the reaction by the refugee is excused at all. He showed up and present a threat to the safety of my church, my brothers and sisters, I'd have shot his ass and not felt a second's guilt over it.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:41 PM (7PB/U)

162 Tinkering with the 2nd amendment will not go over well in the Keystone state. We take our gun rights very seriously.

Hell, with all the crime in my little burg, section 8, heroin users and dealers, I'm always armed anymore.

Just fuck with me or my family one time because that's all you opportunity.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:41 PM (M+tdH)

163 Even just being 'ON' a list as a condition could effectively be permanent since there's no formal process for getting off of the list. Nor can you know ahead of time whether you're even on the list.
Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:36 PM (pAlYe)


This is my biggest issue with those who argue for an expedited way to get "off the list". Why not mandate due process before you can be placed on it?

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:41 PM (YLidQ)

164 "I left once I realised what it was."

Shades of Billy Jeff (several of whose former paramours have described him as a pothead) being found out during the '92 campaign on rumors of student marijuana smoking, and panicking, and immediately blurting out that "I didn't inhale".

Silly me. And here all this time I had figured that inhalation was an important, nay, _crucial_ element of smoking weed, and that absent this step of the process, one could not be said to have smoked the stuff at all.

It was around this time that I began to cotton on to Clinton's instinct to invariably lie in a pinch. And what that implied about his prior history. Really, by the early 1990s, who would have honestly cared all that much if he had come clean on the spot to burning a few doobs?

So this was a guy who had, by implication, been up to no good for a long damned time, and who had developed the protective reflex of dishonesty and misdirection to where it functioned with eyeblink speed and automaticity.

Posted by: SHARKTOPUS at June 27, 2016 10:42 PM (noWW6)

165 156 You wanna know who is even more obnoxious than Hilldog? Elizabeth Warren, that's who. She is a really nasty piece of work. I mean *really* ugly with the sarcasm and the "attack dog" schtick. I can't stomach her.
Posted by: LA ette, formerly of TX, lakeside lurker at June 27, 2016 10:38 PM (x+Ze9)

She's a hardcore leftist, but at least she's not a criminal and a sociopath (that I know of). I actually think she would have a better chance of winning than Hillary.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 10:42 PM (sdi6R)

166 Hillary gets elected she'll have a list for everyone.

Posted by: Patina Awry Newt at June 27, 2016 10:42 PM (KtxUt)

167 144
Le sigh. Margaret Thatcher, now there was a woman with brass ones but she never came off as a nagging harpy like Clinton.

Gawd I miss leaders like her.

Posted by: mpfs at June 27, 2016 10:35 PM (M+tdH)

There is a tradition, "Question Time", where the Prime Minister sits down on the floor of Parliament and all the MPs get to try to make a fool of her by asking questions. See if you can find some on Youtube....she'd answer the question, take names, and kick their asses into next week. I think that's actually where her "socialists always run out of other people's money" quote came from, as a response to some dumbass question about "poor John Smith, who's suffering in Essex, wants to know why there aren't socialist programs to help him.....don't you feel sorry for Mr. Smith?"

She was absolutely brilliant and had her head screwed on right so she never bought into the bullshit. It wasn't just a question of attitude, she had what it took.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:43 PM (EzgxV)

168 Hillary gets elected she'll have a list for everyone.

I'm actually gonna be offended if I'm not already on a list somewhere.

If y'all excuse me, I need a refill.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:43 PM (7PB/U)

169 SCIENCE! ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at June 27, 2016 10:43 PM (BciDm)

170 I believe this incident happened in NC. And she's now in the process of getting a NC CCW.
Posted by: Maetenloch

CHL, in NC.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 10:43 PM (J3phO)

171 166
Hillary gets elected she'll have a list for everyone.

Posted by: Patina Awry Newt at June 27, 2016 10:42 PM (KtxUt)

And of course, plenty of "adult fun camps". Your voluntary attendance is mandatory.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2016 10:43 PM (J+mig)

172 More SCIENCE! ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at June 27, 2016 10:45 PM (BciDm)

173 Speaking of screaming shrews.... Fauxcahontas.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 10:45 PM (J3phO)

174 >>>don't you want a woman president?


Women belong in the kitchen.

Posted by: garrett at June 27, 2016 10:34 PM (jApmJ)

Making sammiches.
Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:37 PM (0mRoj)<<<

Well... don't be too hasty...

**whispering**... Hill's been in there a lot lately, and I think she's trying to kill me for the sympathy vote.

Posted by: the emaciated, looks to be on death's door B.J. Clinton at June 27, 2016 10:45 PM (H9MG5)

175 Can't weep too much over "Diplomats" from the State Department getting "bullied" by Russia.

Yeah, that *is* fucking creepy and threatening.

You are the personification of a sovereign world power in a foreign state, no?

That's what you signed up for!

Oh, you thought that it would all be Davos and "champagne and caviar dreams" like Robin Leach promised in the 80's for a government salary?

They killed your dog? Just to fuck with you?

DON'T fucking WHINE about it.

Take it as a data point and react accordingly.

(Sorry, this MAY mean pulling your kids out of the Swiss boarding school that Kim Jung Il attended.)

Posted by: Deety at June 27, 2016 10:46 PM (xPWMR)

176 Even More SCIENCE! ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at June 27, 2016 10:46 PM (BciDm)

177 Hillary gets elected she'll have a list for everyone.

Sorry ma'am, I lost your Honey-do guidelines to be the best subject I can be. Must have been a hard drive crash that lost it in the mail

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 10:46 PM (ewfUZ)

178 All aboard.

Posted by: Patina Awry Newt at June 27, 2016 10:47 PM (KtxUt)

179 >>>And of course, plenty of "adult fun camps". Your voluntary attendance is man

It's already happening, DoJ is sending their attorneys to reeducation classes

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 10:47 PM (voOPb)

180 This is my biggest issue with those who argue for an expedited way to get "off the list". Why not mandate due process before you can be placed on it?
Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:41 PM (YLidQ)

Exactly. That's why I've come around to the belief that there simply is no way to prevent people on the no-fly list from buying guns without either violating their constitutional rights or having to bring the no-fly list into the criminal court process with the usual burdens of proof which means that effectively almost no one can be put on it.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 10:47 PM (pAlYe)

181 "You wanna know who is even more obnoxious than Hilldog? Elizabeth Warren, that's who. She is a really nasty piece of work."

Princess Running Joke is a better and smoother liar than Hillary is.

I recall an NPR interview in which Warren said with utmost earnestness and sincerity that small girls in public elementary school don't get an education of the caliber which she received at their age, because "we're not investing in our children any longer".

Of course, the reality is that we now spend about _four times as much money_ per K-12 student, corrected for inflation, relative to what we spent back when Lieawatha was at that age. But man, can she deliver the line. Had me halfway convinced.

Posted by: torquewrench at June 27, 2016 10:47 PM (noWW6)

182 So Russian agents are fucking with our diplomats and TFG is doing nothing about it. What. A. Pussy.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:48 PM (0mRoj)

183 165 156 You wanna know who is even more obnoxious than Hilldog? Elizabeth Warren, that's who. She is a really nasty piece of work. I mean *really* ugly with the sarcasm and the "attack dog" schtick. I can't stomach her.
Posted by: LA ette, formerly of TX, lakeside lurker at June 27, 2016 10:38 PM (x+Ze9)

She's a hardcore leftist, but at least she's not a criminal and a sociopath (that I know of). I actually think she would have a better chance of winning than Hillary.
Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 10:42 PM (sdi6R)

Well, she is a stone cold liar and manipulator. That "Indian" bullshite got her a leg up at Harvard that she exploited. Some other more deserving minority lost out on a position because of her.....That doesn't say much for her phony liberal bona fides.

Posted by: LA ette, formerly of TX, lakeside lurker at June 27, 2016 10:48 PM (V1vcC)

184 It's already happening, DoJ is sending their attorneys to reeducation classes

You know ... "the camps" don't worry me much. Lot's of things do nowadays, but not "the camps".

Way I see it ... anybody that actually sees the inside of one had it coming. Get my drift ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2016 10:48 PM (fiGNd)

185 How is believing that Hillary has a lead and that Trump will likely not be able to overcome that, as things stand now, "hatred bordering on obsession".

I would love for Hillary to fail spectactularly on Election Night.

I'm sorry if I don't have the blind faith that you do. May I suggest you lock up your sharp objects on Election Nigtht?
Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:41 PM (vBeA5)


So what are you doing in Nevada to ensure our nominee wins? Are you volunteering 15-20 hours a week to help Trump's campaign? Are you going to rallies when he is there? Are you making calls on his behalf?

My guess is no, because you would rather mope and bitch about him than get in the game.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 10:48 PM (YLidQ)

186 She's a hardcore leftist, but at least she's not a criminal and a sociopath.

In a rational world, she would pay a price, perhaps a legal price for her minority status claim. She isn't bright enough or driven enough to be a sociopath, but she is made of the same stuff, just less of it.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 10:49 PM (J3phO)

187 Have I mentioned this cigar is most excellent?

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:49 PM (7PB/U)

188 187 Have I mentioned this cigar is most excellent?
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:49 PM (7PB/U)

Feels pretty good, doesn't it?

Posted by: Monica Lewinsky at June 27, 2016 10:50 PM (0mRoj)

189 Feels pretty good, doesn't it?
Posted by: Monica Lewinsky at June 27, 2016 10:50 PM (0mRoj)

Damn near orgasmic

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:51 PM (7PB/U)

"poor John Smith, who's suffering in Essex, wants to know why there aren't socialist programs to help him.....don't you feel sorry for Mr. Smith?"

And what about that hairy headed gent who ran amok in Kent?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 10:51 PM (IqV8l)

191 Yes. Absolutely. But is there enough secret demand for Trump to account for Clinton's lead?

Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo -- Am Yisrael Chai at June 27, 2016 09:49 PM (Zu3d9)

magic 8-ball says "look to his tv show popularity for an answer".

Posted by: cicero Kaboom! kid at June 27, 2016 10:52 PM (R1Yfk)

192 181
"You wanna know who is even more obnoxious than Hilldog? Elizabeth Warren, that's who. She is a really nasty piece of work."

Princess Running Joke is a better and smoother liar than Hillary is.

recall an NPR interview in which Warren said with utmost earnestness
and sincerity that small girls in public elementary school don't get an
education of the caliber which she received at their age, because "we're
not investing in our children any longer".

Of course, the
reality is that we now spend about _four times as much money_ per K-12
student, corrected for inflation, relative to what we spent back when
Lieawatha was at that age. But man, can she deliver the line. Had me
halfway convinced.

Posted by: torquewrench at June 27, 2016 10:47 PM (noWW6)

When I went to school at the University of Casual Sun-Bathing, there were three teaching faculty per administrator -- there are now more administrators than teaching faculty. In addition, when I went to school there was probably 5x as much education as there was indoctrination....I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio were reversed today.

It ain't the resources being committed, it's what they're being used for.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:52 PM (EzgxV)

193 "She was absolutely brilliant and had her head screwed on right so she never bought into the bullshit."

Except for anthropogenic global warming.

That said, Thatcher had strategic political reasons to push AGW. Not least because it was a public relations club with which to belabor her great nemesis Arthur Scargill of the coal miners' union. She was also trying to build up the nuclear power department of UK plc to where it might one day compete in export markets with the French.

And, this was long before the whole vast and sorry catalogue of scientific misconduct and outright error associated with AGW had come to light.

Posted by: torquewrench at June 27, 2016 10:53 PM (noWW6)

194 >>>122 My mom , a stalwart conservative of 83 years...loathes Hillary Clinton with an intensity that blows me away.

i have a new hero

Posted by: concrete girl at June 27, 2016 10:53 PM (ceWrl)

195 Seriously, I wonder what new skills Clockmed learned while in that Mecca of diversity and tolerance known as Qatar?

Perhaps he's learned how to build better "clocks"?

Posted by: Thrawn

Or how to suck the chrome off a trailer hitch...

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 27, 2016 10:53 PM (hVdx9)

196 Damn near orgasmic

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:51 PM (7PB/U)

You a gymnast, or what?


Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 10:54 PM (v5iqM)

197 So today I had my first sailing lesson. A few weeks back I bought a 27' Hunter sailboat ( Jim Sunk New Dawn says I got a great deal ), and I figure I ought to know whether to go down the bay pointy end first or blunt end first.

Even though we just went back and forth across the mouth of the Susquehanna River all day, it was a lot of fun.

Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 10:54 PM (N8hFs)

198 Perhaps he's learned how to build better "clocks"?

Nah, no Radio Shacks in Qatar.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 10:54 PM (J3phO)

199 I don't know the full story of what was said. This particular member is not one of my favorites. Older gentleman. Long time member of church. Brother of former pastor. Who in the actual hell knows what he said.

No, that shouldn't cause some freakout. But who the hell knows what he said and frankly, why the hell was that something that even came up in a class?

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:28 PM (7PB/U)

Obviously I don't know the context of the statement, but why wouldn't/couldn't it be brought up in a class, Bible study, or whatever?

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 10:55 PM (heN73)

200 She's a hardcore leftist, but at least she's not a criminal and a sociopath (that I know of).

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 10:42 PM (sdi6R)

Actually, pretty much by definition people who tell grandiose lies about themselves for validation and horrific, insulting lies about others to strip them of credibility are sociopaths.

Not sure about the criminal part.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at June 27, 2016 10:55 PM (wB8Tg)

201 184
You know ... "the camps" don't worry me much. Lot's of things do nowadays, but not "the camps".

Way I see it ... anybody that actually sees the inside of one had it coming. Get my drift ?
Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2016 10:48 PM (fiGNd)

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?. . . The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If. . . if. . . We didn't love freedom enough. And even more -- we had no awareness of the real situation. . . We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."

~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 10:55 PM (sdi6R)

202 Weirddave - Hold it. Your first sailboat is a 27 footer?

Gadzooks, man.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 10:56 PM (J3phO)

~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 10:55 PM (sdi6R)

Our rulers fear this, which is why they want us disarmed.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:56 PM (0mRoj)

204 190

"poor John Smith, who's suffering in Essex, wants to know why
there aren't socialist programs to help him.....don't you feel sorry for
Mr. Smith?"

And what about that hairy headed gent who ran amok in Kent?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 10:51 PM (IqV8l)

I've actually eaten at Lee Ho Fook's, just because of the lyric. Best thing that ever happened for them. (Much prefer Bar Shu.)

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:57 PM (EzgxV)

205 202 Weirddave - Hold it. Your first sailboat is a 27 footer?

Gadzooks, man.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 10:56 PM (J3phO)

My first sailboat was a 1/2 footer. Made of plastic and floated in the tub.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:57 PM (0mRoj)

206 Obviously I don't know the context of the statement, but why wouldn't/couldn't it be brought up in a class, Bible study, or whatever?
Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 10:55 PM (heN73)

Same here. I don't know the context. But I do know the person who made the comment and my opinion of him is fairly low.

I view it like this, in a class which purpose, IMO, is to instruct and deepen relationships, with God and each other, how does another religion figure into it? It doesn't to me. It's not about avoiding offense, it's about what's an appropriate topic in said class.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (7PB/U)

207 Nah, no Radio Shacks in Qatar.

Posted by: Mike Hammer

Not many Radio Shacks anywhere. They went bankrupt.

Posted by: Bossy Conservative...pondering the future at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (+1T7c)

208 Second week of sailing comes the open water piracy lessons. Third, land attacks. Bring a spare poofy shirt.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (ewfUZ)

209 Way I see it ... anybody that actually sees the inside of one had it coming. Get my drift ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2016 10:48 PM (fiGNd)

But this time, there will be no "outside the camps."

Everything will be in the camps. The camps will be virtual and universal.

And then, in a generation or two, they will be *internal*, the following generations will carry the camps with them, and they won't even need guards, just fear.

Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (wB8Tg)

210 "That's why I've come around to the belief that there simply is no way to prevent people on the no-fly list from buying guns without either violating their constitutional rights or having to bring the no-fly list into the criminal court process with the usual burdens of proof which means that effectively almost no one can be put on it."

I'm doubting the UTILITY of a "No Fly List" at all.

100,587 people? 40% are admittedly "wrongly included"?

Okay, so what does the HSA do about the "suspicious" 60,000 + names?


Posted by: Deety at June 27, 2016 10:59 PM (xPWMR)

211 208 Second week of sailing comes the open water piracy lessons. Third, land attacks. Bring a spare poofy shirt.
Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (ewfUZ)

Also, cutlass and a brace of pistols. Yarrrr!

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:59 PM (0mRoj)

212 Defeatism is the cowards way out. See France 1939. Real American patriots may soon be facing a similar choice.

Posted by: cm9000 at June 27, 2016 10:59 PM (2TUVm)

So today I had my first sailing lesson. A few weeks back I bought a 27'
Hunter sailboat ( Jim Sunk New Dawn says I got a great deal ), and I
figure I ought to know whether to go down the bay pointy end first or
blunt end first.

Even though we just went back and forth across the mouth of the Susquehanna River all day, it was a lot of fun.

Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 10:54 PM (N8hFs)

That size of a boat is a whole lotta fun -- it can be run by one person, but can hold a party.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:00 PM (EzgxV)

214 Not many Radio Shacks anywhere. They went bankrupt.
Posted by: Bossy Conservative

Yeah, still here and yon, however.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 11:00 PM (J3phO)

215 203
Our rulers fear this, which is why they want us disarmed.
Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:56 PM (0mRoj)

I think a good way to talk to anti-gun people would be to say, "What is it that the government would like to do, can't do now, but could if we were disarmed? Just something to ponder."

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:01 PM (sdi6R)

216 35 Australian opposition leader Bill Shorten explaining that he was shocked, shocked to find naked women dancing in an establishment targeted at gentlemen

Those poor girls were forced to strip thanks to the global economic desperation wrought by Brexit.

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 09:58 PM (7qAYi)

I thought it was global warming. "Phew! Boy, is it hot! I think I'll strip off in front of these guys just to cool off."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:01 PM (oKE6c)

217 I view it like this, in a class which purpose, IMO, is to instruct and deepen relationships, with God and each other, how does another religion figure into it? It doesn't to me. It's not about avoiding offense, it's about what's an appropriate topic in said class.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (7PB/U)


I understand the context you are working within. I am working within a different one. One that is outraged that the mere mention of Radical Islam can set a guy off to the point that you are that worried. Isn't that the bigger issue here?

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:02 PM (YLidQ)

218 The IDEA of Radio Shack was good.

The execution was .....

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:02 PM (qUNWi)

219 Weirddave.... congrats on the relaunch and maiden voyage!

Did you opt for the ASA or USSA sailing course? Either is great, and you can work your way up to certifications that'll let you charter large sailboats in the Caribbean and such, without having to hire a captain.

Get good at working the boat around the docks, with wind, currents and all working against you, and learn to do it all, solo, too.

A great deal of your standing as a skipper, will come from how little damage you can do to your own boat, the docks, and the boats of others.

Being actually "under sail", is comparatively easy. Until, that is, you're under sail in adverse conditions, at night or in the fog, and navigating by dead-reckoning.

But in the meanwhile, enjoy sailing on bluebird days, and get good at the basics, at least, well enough to be safe for a day's sail with family aboard.

And yes, you did get one hell of a good deal on that boat, in that condition, for that price. I've not seen anything near as nice for within $4k of it, since.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 11:03 PM (v5iqM)

220 >>>Second week of sailing comes the open water piracy lessons. Third, land attacks. Bring a spare poofy shirt.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (ewfUZ)

Also, cutlass and a brace of pistols. Yarrrr!
Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 10:59 PM (0mRoj)<<<

Priorities, guys. He has to get a Barrel first.

Posted by: THE Barrel at June 27, 2016 11:03 PM (H9MG5)

221 I'm still amazed Brexit won.

Fuck it. Who knows what's possible.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:03 PM (qUNWi)

222 So today I had my first sailing lesson. A few weeks back I bought a 27' Hunter sailboat ( Jim Sunk New Dawn says I got a great deal ), and I figure I ought to know whether to go down the bay pointy end first or blunt end first.

Sounds like you heard about those tugboats at the new Panama Canal.

Posted by: Patina Awry Newt at June 27, 2016 11:03 PM (KtxUt)

223 208 Second week of sailing comes the open water piracy lessons. Third, land attacks. Bring a spare poofy shirt.
Posted by: derit

Third week:

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 11:04 PM (J3phO)

224 the camps. i hope they use trains, the gentle swaying back and forth, eating gruel if we are lucky, and shitting on each other on the stack trains sounds like a great way to go out. way to go dumbfucks.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 27, 2016 11:05 PM (ucDmr)

225 201

You know ... "the camps" don't worry me much. Lot's of things do nowadays, but not "the camps".

Way I see it ... anybody that actually sees the inside of one had it coming. Get my drift ?

Posted by: ScoggDog at June 27, 2016 10:48 PM (fiGNd)

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things
have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to
make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and
had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass
arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of
the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling
with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on
the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had
boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people
with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?. . . The
Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and
transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed
machine would have ground to a halt! If. . . if. . . We didn't love
freedom enough. And even more -- we had no awareness of the real
situation. . . We purely and simply deserved everything that happened

~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 10:55 PM (sdi6R)

^^^This. Read it again and again and again, until you get it. If the global elites can sneak it in, we're all going there -- but if we see it coming and react appropriately, they don't stand a chance.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:05 PM (EzgxV)

226 Did you know JFK Jr. sailed by totally on instruments?

He banged his flight instructor to skip that section.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:06 PM (ewfUZ)

227 You buncha damn landlubbers.

All those pirate jokes, and not one mention of Rum, Sodomy and the Lash?

It's like I hardly knew ye!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 11:06 PM (v5iqM)

228 the camps. i hope they use trains, the gentle swaying back and forth, eating gruel if we are lucky, and shitting on each other on the stack trains sounds like a great way to go out. way to go dumbfucks

I just got here. Is this apropos of something?

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:06 PM (qUNWi)

229 224 the camps. i hope they use trains, the gentle swaying back and forth, eating gruel if we are lucky, and shitting on each other on the stack trains sounds like a great way to go out. way to go dumbfucks.
Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 27, 2016 11:05 PM (ucDmr)

Why do you think I'm so bullish on High Speed Rail?

Posted by: Joe Biden at June 27, 2016 11:06 PM (sdi6R)

230 A-loha!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 09:40 PM (EzgxV)

A Hayha! Oh shit...

Posted by: A Bunch of Dead Russians at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (GSdpU)

231 221
I'm still amazed Brexit won.

Fuck it. Who knows what's possible.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:03 PM (qUNWi)

Same here, but the totalitarian megalomaniacs aren't taking it laying down. The remaining EU is trying to slam the door shut and dissolve national sovereignty for its remaining members.

I couldn't possibly tell you what's going to happen at this point, but we're definitely living in interesting times now, in the Chinese sense.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (J+mig)

232 I understand the context you are working within. I am working within a different one. One that is outraged that the mere mention of Radical Islam can set a guy off to the point that you are that worried. Isn't that the bigger issue here?

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:02 PM (YLidQ)

Oh I agree. The mere mention setting one off is bullshit. This guy also apparently has a history of issues.

My point is merely that the teacher was commenting on things that weren't germane to the class he was supposed to be teaching and that resulted in danger to the congregation.

No winners here.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (7PB/U)

233 77 Currently law in CA. and about to be intensified... probably

Posted by: MAx at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (0uuiT)

234 208
Second week of sailing comes the open water piracy lessons. Third, land attacks. Bring a spare poofy shirt.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (ewfUZ)

....and extra grapeshot. One can never have too much grapeshot.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (EzgxV)

235 I didn't really have any problems with the 22' boat we were training on, and I fully intend to go out with some friends who are more experienced until Gingy takes the class and learns what to do.

I used to sail little boats 20 years ago, so it's not all new to me.

Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (N8hFs)

236 218 The IDEA of Radio Shack was good.

The execution was .....
Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:02 PM (qUNWi)

Radio Shack was a success for a long time, but the market changed & it couldn't keep up.

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (7qAYi)

237 LAST !!

Posted by: Jake at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (3+mKg)

238 The IDEA of Radio Shack was good.

The execution was .....///

Back in the day when electronics could be repaired with parts it was useful. Always poorly staffed but useful.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (wfv0g)

239 227 You buncha damn landlubbers.

All those pirate jokes, and not one mention of Rum, Sodomy and the Lash?

It's like I hardly knew ye!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 11:06 PM (v5iqM)

a) Those are the traditions of the Royal Navy.
b) Since weirddave was boating with his family, I assumed those were off the table.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 11:08 PM (0mRoj)

240 234 208
Second week of sailing comes the open water piracy lessons. Third, land attacks. Bring a spare poofy shirt.

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (ewfUZ)

....and extra grapeshot. One can never have too much grapeshot.
Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (EzgxV)

Chainshot for ripping sails and splitting masts.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 11:09 PM (0mRoj)

241 226. Did you know JFK Jr. sailed by totally on instruments?
John Denver skipped gauge reading instructions

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 11:09 PM (voOPb)

242 I'm still amazed Brexit won.

Fuck it. Who knows what's possible.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:03 PM (qUNWi)

Winning was one thing. Actually getting it done will be something different. I'm still a little skeptical on the eventual outcome.

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 11:09 PM (heN73)

243 236 218 The IDEA of Radio Shack was good.
The execution was .....
Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:02 PM (qUNWi)

Radio Shack was a success for a long time, but the market changed it couldn't keep up.
Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (7qAYi)

Radio Shack had a good run for several decades but beginning in the 90s they fell behind the times and never found a niche where they could compete.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 11:10 PM (pAlYe)

244 Did you know JFK Jr. sailed by totally on instruments?

IIRC, he wasn't instrument-rated. It's that he was stupid enough to take seriously that Star Wars crap about going with The Force, never realizing it was a cinematic trope for the cognitively disenfranchised.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:11 PM (oKE6c)

245 I used to sail little boats 20 years ago, so it's not all new to me.
Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (N8hFs)


I just put a 29' Stink Potter in the water 3 weeks ago. Being out is food for the soul. Enjoy!

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:11 PM (YLidQ)

246 Solzhenitsyn doesn't ring a bell with the LIVs. Did you hear the latest news about Lady GaGa?

Posted by: cm9000 at June 27, 2016 11:11 PM (2TUVm)

247 Radio Shack had a good run for several decades but beginning in the 90s they fell behind the times and never found a niche where they could compete.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 11:10 PM (pAlYe)

See the stand alone film processing stores. See Kodak. See a whole lot of businesses.

You can either adapt and survive or you can't. Capitalism says that those that can't survive, shouldn't.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 11:12 PM (7PB/U)

248 235
I didn't really have any problems with the 22' boat we were training on,
and I fully intend to go out with some friends who are more experienced
until Gingy takes the class and learns what to do.

I used to sail little boats 20 years ago, so it's not all new to me.

Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (N8hFs)

Sailing, when it's (wind --> ; boat --> is easy. When it's (wind --> ; boat <--) is hard.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:12 PM (EzgxV)

Did you know JFK Jr. sailed by totally on instruments?

I'm visualizing Leslie Nielsen playing the saxophone.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 11:12 PM (IqV8l)

250 236
Radio Shack was a success for a long time, but the market changed & it couldn't keep up.
Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (7qAYi)

In its heyday, there were lots of electronics hobbyists who built stuff, and needed tubes, transistors, capacitors, and whatnot. Magazines like Popular Science and Scientific American always had plans for do-it-yourself projects. That doesn't seem to be as popular today.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:13 PM (sdi6R)

251 237 LAST !!

Hi jake, your reporting on the gang rape is finally making it to

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 11:13 PM (voOPb)

252 IIRC, he wasn't instrument-rated. It's that he was stupid enough to take seriously that Star Wars crap about going with The Force, never realizing it was a cinematic trope for the cognitively disenfranchised.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:11 PM (oKE6c)


Yep. Typical arrogance. He had a broken leg and flew way beyond his capability and training.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:13 PM (YLidQ)

When I went to school at the University of Casual
Sun-Bathing, there were three teaching faculty per administrator --
there are now more administrators than teaching faculty. In addition,
when I went to school there was probably 5x as much education as there
was indoctrination....I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio were reversed

It ain't the resources being committed, it's what they're being used for.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:52 PM (EzgxV)

Hey, did you ever see that creepy bearded homeless guy that hung out at Storke Plaza in the mid 90s wearing a sweatshirt that said "Masturbate and be free!".

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 11:14 PM (LuZz8)

254 b) Since weirddave was boating with his family, I assumed those were off the table.
Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at June 27, 2016 11:08 PM (0mRoj)

Well, Gingy is a redhead. I'm sure she'd be willing to give Dave what he needs.

Posted by: Colorado Alex at June 27, 2016 11:14 PM (fC9RO)

255 And Sears shambles on year after year. I have a theory it's bankrolled a-la Night Shift--a bordello after hours. Think about it. All the stores are in seedy neighborhoods already...

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:14 PM (ewfUZ)

See the stand alone film processing stores. See Kodak. See a whole lot of businesses.

You can either adapt and survive or you can't. Capitalism says that those that can't survive, shouldn't.
Posted by: BCochran1981

Even Circuit City couldn't make it although they seemed to be a Best Buy clone. Maybe that's why they couldn't make it. Wonder how much time Best Buy has?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 11:15 PM (IqV8l)

257 Alright Horde, I'm out. The realtor comes tomorrow with the photographer and then I guess we're officially on the market.


Let's hope it goes quickly and well. See you folks later.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 11:15 PM (7PB/U)

258 I used to drive totally on instruments but I was a really bad at sailing just couldn't keep a vessel afloat.

Posted by: Teddy Kenedy at June 27, 2016 11:16 PM (wfv0g)

259 Isn't it a little early to be taunting happy fun ball?

Just curious.

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 11:16 PM (heN73)

260 Even Circuit City couldn't make it although they seemed to be a Best Buy clone. Maybe that's why they couldn't make it. Wonder how much time Best Buy has?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 11:15 PM (IqV8l)

But they had such a winning idea with their disposable DVD system!

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 11:17 PM (7qAYi)

261 And Sears shambles on year after year. I have a
theory it's bankrolled a-la Night Shift--a bordello after hours. Think
about it. All the stores are in seedy neighborhoods already...

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:14 PM (ewfUZ)

Sears should have been on top of the internet marketing age with its roots in mail order any fricken thing you could imagine...

Posted by: Burnt Toast at June 27, 2016 11:17 PM (P/kVC)

262 Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 10:54 PM (N8hF

Congrats on the boat WD!

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 11:18 PM (voOPb)

263 And Sears shambles on year after year. I have a theory it's bankrolled a-la Night Shift--a bordello after hours. Think about it. All the stores are in seedy neighborhoods already...

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:14 PM (ewfUZ)

And Kmart.

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 11:19 PM (heN73)

264 A gorilla shooting an alligator with an AR15 is cool; the rest of the info is irrelevant.

Posted by: gm at June 27, 2016 11:19 PM (nqlHB)

265 253

When I went to school at the University of Casual

Sun-Bathing, there were three teaching faculty per administrator --

there are now more administrators than teaching faculty. In addition,

when I went to school there was probably 5x as much education as there

was indoctrination....I wouldn't be surprised if the ratio were reversed


It ain't the resources being committed, it's what they're being used for.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 10:52 PM (EzgxV)

Hey, did you ever see that creepy
bearded homeless guy that hung out at Storke Plaza in the mid 90s
wearing a sweatshirt that said "Masturbate and be free!".

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 11:14 PM (LuZz

I graduated in ', no....

But if you're familiar with Storke Plaza....the elevator to the carillon could be opened with a key from any '60s VW.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:20 PM (EzgxV)

266 Hey everybody.

See the stand alone film processing stores. See Kodak. See a whole lot of businesses.

Remember the Fotomat drive-up booths?

I still remember Johnny Carson had a million and one jokes about them, they all pretty much went "where do those people go to the bathroom??"

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (q7T0y)

267 Even after reading the 'Paper Mario' article I still don't get it.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (rwI+c)

268 264 A gorilla shooting an alligator with an AR15 is cool; the rest of the info is irrelevant.

Posted by: gm at June 27, 2016 11:19 PM (nqlHB)

Toon Wars...

Yes... Magilla Gorilla shot Wally Gator... it was ugly...

Posted by: Don Quixote... at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (qf6WZ)

269 Sailing, when it's (wind --> ; boat --> is easy. When it's (wind --> ; boat
Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:12 PM

Sailing with the right kind of people, when it's (wind --> ; boat --> is classy. With the wrong sort, when it's (wind --> ; boat <--) is tacky.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (OF/aZ)

270 Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 11:15 PM (7PB/U)

Good luck didn't know you were selling too bad you're in FL and not AZ

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (voOPb)

271 Looks like MUMR is in the house.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (sdi6R)

272 263
And Sears shambles on year after year. I have a theory it's bankrolled
a-la Night Shift--a bordello after hours. Think about it. All the stores
are in seedy neighborhoods already...

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:14 PM (ewfUZ)

And Kmart.

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 11:19 PM (heN73)

You do know that KMart bought Sears and renamed themselves Sears, right?

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:22 PM (EzgxV)

262 Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 10:54 PM (N8hF

Congrats on the boat WD!
Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 11:18 PM (voOPb)

Weirddave sold his boat?

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2016 11:22 PM (MQEz6)

274 ...and extra grapeshot. One can never have too much grapeshot.

A salty talking parrot ...

Posted by: Adriane the Rapscallion Critic ... at June 27, 2016 11:22 PM (AoK0a)

275 Yep. Typical arrogance. He had a broken leg and flew way beyond his capability and training.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:13 PM (YLidQ)

I hadn't known about a broken leg, but it takes a special kind of stupid to fly toward the sunset to find a small island in a very big ocean in the dark without complete familiarity with instrument flying.Shortly after that happened an airline pilot told me that flying at night is terrifying, until one develops total familiarity and confidence in flying by instruments. He said airline pilots call flying over the ocean at night "flying in the inkwell."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (oKE6c)

276 Sears was the original Amazon. They were unstoppable for quite a while.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (q7T0y)

277 Yar, thar be drolldrums ahead!

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (ewfUZ)

278 i know and have been acquainted with many women hildebeast's age and older. none of them dress or act like a walking colostomy bag. what is with the mao lookalike deal? can't she come up with her own look? damn, that bitch has no class at all. this country is populated by idjits.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (ucDmr)

Yes... Magilla Gorilla shot Wally Gator... it was ugly...

Hardy Har Har just laughed.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (IqV8l)

280 The Kevin Smith Meme is easy: the gorilla saved the child.

It never ceases to amaze me how the left really buys into the idea of us as racists. The child is innocent. It is always actions that matter. This is how logically you can be both pro life and pro death penalty.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 27, 2016 11:24 PM (3ZoRf)

281 Today is my 35th wedding anniversary, though we opted to celebrate it tomorrow as the restaurant that Mrs928 wants to go to is closed on Mondays. And good thing too because something blew up at work at 3:30 and I just got home 15 minutes ago.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at June 27, 2016 11:24 PM (rwI+c)

282 What would be cool is if gorillas had AR-15's and started shooting monkeys.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:24 PM (qUNWi)

283 Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 11:15 PM (7PB/U)

Good luck didn't know you were selling too bad you're in FL and not AZ

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (voOPb)

Here in a DFW suburb a pastor friend and his wife put their house up for sale one morning a couple weeks ago.

By that evening they had 6 offers, all over asking price. I giggled a little when said pastor friend decided to counter the best deal higher to see what would happen. Damned if the buyer didn't take it. Buyer was a real estate agent even.

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 11:25 PM (heN73)

284 I hadn't known about a broken leg, but it takes a special kind of stupid to fly toward the sunset to find a small island in a very big ocean in the dark without complete familiarity with instrument flying.Shortly after that happened an airline pilot told me that flying at night is terrifying, until one develops total familiarity and confidence in flying by instruments. He said airline pilots call flying over the ocean at night "flying in the inkwell."
Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (oKE6c)

And I thought that he was only VFR rated anyway. But decided to take off even though conditions were at best borderline VFR and were deterioriating.

Posted by: Maetenloch at June 27, 2016 11:25 PM (pAlYe)

285 In a statement about the 35th anniversary of the first case of what would become known as AIDS being documented by the Center for Disease Control, Obama claimed that the spread of AIDS is caused by H8rz.

Posted by: The Political Hat at June 27, 2016 10:03 PM (vBeA5)

Well, in point of fact, it's actually spread by fags having promiscuous sex. If my old crony Eric were here, he'd tell you himself, but the AIDS got him bad, and killed him in the late 1980's. He was an early adopter, and more than likely had played hide-the-weinie with Patient Zero himself. He was to-and-fro to europe, north africa, and the middle east all the time, and probably was on more than one flight with Patient Zero, who was an airline steward. Eric also hung out with Rainer Warner Fassbinder, and that whole gay scene, too.

Eric was a cool guy, really into cars, and motorcycle, and stuff like that. Women loved him. He looked like the dude on the ZigZag cigarette paper package. Really. All his straight friends knew he was gay, but he generally kept his gay life separate from his relationships with straight folks. Up until the final months, when he openly settled down with a sad-looking French guy named Patrick.

But Eric knew damned well how he got the AIDS, and he wouldn't bullshit you about it. RIP, dude.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 27, 2016 11:25 PM (GSdpU)

286 Ar15s that shot monkeys. And the monkeys shot bees out of their mouths.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at June 27, 2016 11:25 PM (rwI+c)

287 Grump928(C) says Free Soothie!

May you have many more happy years together !!!

Posted by: Adriane the Rapscallion Critic ... at June 27, 2016 11:26 PM (AoK0a)

288 Fry's Electronics is filling the Radio Shack role, and doing so with no small success.

100k sq. ft. stores, with a mind boggling array of selections within each category, which goes far beyond the miniscule scope of the Radio Shack business model.

Just the section of Fry's for the flat-screen TV's would fit two average Radio Shack stores in 'em.

Plus, Fry's has a full line of home applinances, from toasters (shaddup, you pervs), to washing machines, fridge/freezers, etc.

For the 'lectronic geeks, they've got an extensive range of actual diodes, resistors and all the other nerdtronics, as well as about every kind of internal you need to build or repair a computer, as well as the actual cases, cabinets, fans and all the other stuff for 'em, too.

And a repair bench, about which I know nothing of the quality of service, knowledge of staff, etc.

But, they're huge stores, usually well trafficked, and I've yet to ever see zero number of people waiting in the checkout line.

It's not that Radio Shack wasn't/isn't necessary any more. But they stayed small vision in a large vision world.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 11:26 PM (v5iqM)

289 Congrats Grumpy.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:26 PM (qUNWi)

Radio Shack was a success for a long time, but the market changed it couldn't keep up.

Posted by: josephistan at June 27, 2016 11:07 PM (7qAYi)

In its heyday, there were lots of electronics hobbyists who built
stuff, and needed tubes, transistors, capacitors, and whatnot.
Magazines like Popular Science and Scientific American always had plans
for do-it-yourself projects. That doesn't seem to be as popular today.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:13 PM (sdi6R)

A big part of the decline of RS was the internet. You could order literally any production electronics part from Mouser, Newark or DigiKey online, or paw throught the old obsolete crap in the RS parts drawers for something that MIGHT work, if you really knew your circuitry. I think that RS spent a lot of money stocking parts for kits and such that were kind of cliche'd electronics projects.

Saw the same sort of thing with a couple of SoCal electronics parts suppliers that depended upon ITT and DeVry student projects for sales. Lots of obsolete crap and no effort to change. Especially when they bought loads of stuff that you'd have to do massive cross-referencing research to even decide what transistor might work or not (Fry's still had this kind of inventory).

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 11:26 PM (LuZz8)

275 Yep. Typical arrogance. He had a broken leg and flew way beyond his capability and training.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:13 PM (YLidQ)
I hadn't known about a broken leg, but it takes a special kind of stupid to fly toward the sunset to find a small island in a very big ocean in the dark without complete familiarity with instrument flying.Shortly after that happened an airline pilot told me that flying at night is terrifying, until one develops total familiarity and confidence in flying by instruments. He said airline pilots call flying over the ocean at night "flying in the inkwell."
Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (oKE6c)

Lots of zeroes on the check the Kennedy family wrote to the family of the wife.

John-John killed to women with his reckless behavior.

Posted by: eman at June 27, 2016 11:26 PM (MQEz6)

292 A salty talking parrot ...

Be careful that parrot could become a witness.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (wfv0g)

293 You do know that KMart bought Sears and renamed themselves Sears, right?

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:22 PM (EzgxV)

I did not.

Posted by: Blano at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (heN73)

294 275
I hadn't known about a broken leg, but it takes a special kind of stupid to fly toward the sunset to find a small island in a very big ocean in the dark without complete familiarity with instrument flying.Shortly after that happened an airline pilot told me that flying at night is terrifying, until one develops total familiarity and confidence in flying by instruments. He said airline pilots call flying over the ocean at night "flying in the inkwell."
Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (oKE6c)

I understand that it's very easy to get disoriented and think you're flying straight and level when you're actually in a slow turn and losing altitude.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (sdi6R)

295 269
Sailing, when it's (wind --> ; boat --> is easy. When it's (wind --> ; boat
Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:12 PM

Sailing with the right kind of people, when it's (wind --> ; boat
--> is classy. With the wrong sort, when it's (wind --> ; boat
<--) is tacky.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (OF/aZ)

Little sailboats, on the water;Little sailboats going ticky-tacky --Little sailboats, on the water,And they all move just the same.

There's a zig one, and a zag one,And a helmsman hit by a boom one --And they're all going ticky-tacky,And they all move just the same...

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (EzgxV)

296 Shortly after that happened an airline pilot told me that flying at night is terrifying, until one develops total familiarity and confidence in flying by instruments. He said airline pilots call flying over the ocean at night "flying in the inkwell."
Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (oKE6c)


I'm a private pilot who is instrument rated for 14 years. No way I would have made that run.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (YLidQ)

297 282 What would be cool is if gorillas had AR-15's and started shooting monkeys.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:24 PM (qUNWi)

Uhhh... not really....

Posted by: Dr. Zaius at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (qf6WZ)

298 Hah....but if gorillas had guns they would shoot bananas.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:28 PM (qUNWi)

299 VFR flying in IFR is way bad.

and then you get killed

Posted by: Jake at June 27, 2016 11:28 PM (3+mKg)

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:23 PM (oKE6c)


I'm a private pilot who is instrument rated for 14 years. No way I would have made that run.
Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (YLidQ)

You mean your last name wasn't going to get you out of a jam?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at June 27, 2016 11:28 PM (voOPb)

301 gorillas with AR's..... I think they make movies about that kind of stull

Posted by: Jake at June 27, 2016 11:28 PM (3+mKg)

302 Make of that what you will.

Posted by: Thrawn at June 27, 2016 10:12 PM (wQWv4)

Maybe he got word that muslim kids can get away with raping 5 year-old girls in Idaho. Timing is sure suspicious.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 27, 2016 11:30 PM (GSdpU)

303 boat --> is easy. When it's (wind --> ; boat

Running with the wind is easy. It's more fun to put the rail in the water when you're close hauled.

Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:30 PM (N8hFs)

304 Obama is a pansy, not a pussy. He Wishes he had a pussy, but he can't.

Oh, and women before sodomites; thanks.

Posted by: Beverly at June 27, 2016 11:30 PM (JS4vE)

305 Damn.

Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:30 PM (N8hFs)

306 Lots of zeroes on the check the Kennedy family wrote to the family of the wife.

John-John killed to women with his reckless behavior.

The story I read was wiffy wifey kept promising to be at the airport and not showing up until it was dark so she & sis could do more shopping.

I was not there, so ultimately, I don't really know ...

Posted by: Adriane the Rapscallion Critic ... at June 27, 2016 11:31 PM (AoK0a)

Fry's Electronics is filling the Radio Shack role, and doing so with no small success.

Yeah, but Radio Shacks were everywhere including very small towns.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 11:31 PM (IqV8l)

308 For the 'lectronic geeks, they've got an extensive range of actual diodes, resistors and all the other nerdtronics, as well as about every kind of internal you need to build or repair a computer, as well as the actual cases, cabinets, fans and all the other stuff for 'em, too.

And I still end up having to order stuff online because Fry's don't carry what I'm looking for.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 27, 2016 11:31 PM (T/cxb)

309 Ryan Cooper, writing in "The Week" and giving his opinion that the Dems fucked up with their sit-in. His take is they did it over a very bad bill.

Here is one clip from his piece.

"It is morally hideous for Democrats to use a structurally bigoted instrument aimed directly at America's most besieged minority for symbolic grandstanding."

Most besieged minority. What a fucking crock.

Who exactly is besieging these Muslims? His claim is based on the numbers he lays out that some 650,000 Muslims are on the terror watch list, many of them with no ties to terrorism.

Posted by: the littl shyning man at June 27, 2016 11:32 PM (U6f54)

310 There are many in the ID power structure that seem to think that the story about Syrians being wrong makes the story better.

Sending African moslems to Twin Falls ID is a purposeful power play and an in your face move

Posted by: Jake at June 27, 2016 11:32 PM (3+mKg)

311 Re-calibrating?

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:32 PM (qUNWi)

312 288
Fry's Electronics is filling the Radio Shack role, and doing so with no small success.

100k sq. ft. stores, with a mind boggling array of selections within
each category, which goes far beyond the miniscule scope of the Radio
Shack business model.

Just the section of Fry's for the flat-screen TV's would fit two average Radio Shack stores in 'em.

Plus, Fry's has a full line of home applinances, from toasters (shaddup, you pervs), to washing machines, fridge/freezers, etc.

For the 'lectronic geeks, they've got an extensive range of actual
diodes, resistors and all the other nerdtronics, as well as about every
kind of internal you need to build or repair a computer, as well as the
actual cases, cabinets, fans and all the other stuff for 'em, too.

And a repair bench, about which I know nothing of the quality of service, knowledge of staff, etc.

But, they're huge stores, usually well trafficked, and I've yet to ever see zero number of people waiting in the checkout line.

It's not that Radio Shack wasn't/isn't necessary any more. But they stayed small vision in a large vision world.


Sunk New Dawn

Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 11:26 PM (v5iqM)

In Silicon Valley, where they got their start (I used to go to the first one), their cavernous stores are nearly deserted.

The Frys family got their start in groceries....then, one of them noticed that selling semiconductors was very similar to selling heads of lettuce -- in that you had to constantly comb through them to find the ones getting old or going bad, and shove 'em back on suppliers or dump 'em as appropriate.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:32 PM (EzgxV)

313 I've never seen a Fry's. I don't think there are any near me.

Radio Shacks were everywhere back in the day.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:33 PM (sdi6R)

314 267 Even after reading the 'Paper Mario' article I still don't get it.
Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (rwI+c)

Basically Zoe Quinn banged at least 5 guys in her life (some of them game developers and journalists, which started the Gamergate controversy in part); whenever she sees references to 5 males, it triggers her and it must be that the reference was put in there specifically to smite her. It's akin to when a loose person hears the word "whore" and immediately assumes that it was said about *them*.

Posted by: Thrawn at June 27, 2016 11:33 PM (wQWv4)

315 And I still end up having to order stuff online because Fry's don't carry what I'm looking for.

ix-nay on the time machine components!!!!

Posted by: Adriane the Technological Critic ... at June 27, 2016 11:33 PM (AoK0a)

316 John-John killed to women with his reckless behavior.

Posted by: eman


Ha! Topped you uncle Ted!

Posted by: John-John at June 27, 2016 11:33 PM (hVdx9)

317 I understand that it's very easy to get disoriented
and think you're flying straight and level when you're actually in a
slow turn and losing altitude.

Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (sdi6R)

Yep, he mentioned that. A one degree error in course or angle of attack (is that what it's called?) and over some distance you're FAR AWAY from where you think you are, or the altitude you're think you're at. He said that pilots are taught to ignore their intuition, and repose all trust in their instruments alone.He guessed that JFK Jr. and his band of merry dumb shits were probably perfectly calm until they were a hundred feet or so from the ocean.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:34 PM (oKE6c)

You do know that KMart bought Sears and renamed themselves Sears, right?
Posted by: cthulhu

I did not.
Posted by: Blano

Every KMart around here is still a KMart.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 11:34 PM (IqV8l)

319 295

Sailing, when it's (wind --> ; boat --> is easy. When it's (wind --> ; boat
Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:12 PM

Sailing with the right kind of people, when it's (wind --> ; boat

--> is classy. With the wrong sort, when it's (wind --> ; boat

<--) is tacky.

Posted by: Duncanthrax at June 27, 2016 11:21 PM (OF/aZ)

sailboats, on the water;Little sailboats going ticky-tacky --Little
sailboats, on the water,And they all move just the same.

There's a
zig one, and a zag one,And a helmsman hit by a boom one --And they're
all going ticky-tacky,And they all move just the same...

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:27 PM (EzgxV)

Yeah, let's not talk about what Pixy did to my formatting....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:34 PM (EzgxV)

320 ix-nay on the time machine components!!!!

No, Fry's has those.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 27, 2016 11:35 PM (T/cxb)

321 After going out to eat last night in a hip/trendy area of Austin and people watching I have come to the conclusion that we are doomed. I know Austin is weird and leftist, yada, yada after living here for 16 years. My friend and I concluded that Austin is turning into California and not in a good way. All the guys walking around were beta males. Most were sporting beards and more than a few man buns. WTF??? And their clothes, uhg, skinny pants are not a good trend for men. They all looked like F'ing submissive wusses. I mean these guys looked like the type that would cry and be traumatized from shooting a gun. I guess I'm sheltered living on the edge of the city where's it's more conservative.

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 27, 2016 11:35 PM (xVgrA)

322 If Sears goes under where will I take my craftsman tools for the lifetime guarantee?

Posted by: Willy J. at June 27, 2016 11:37 PM (wfv0g)

323 ...Hillary Clinton-is doubling down on Merkelism.


And that's why women can't lead a nation. They want to mommy the whole world.

Exception to the rule, of course: The Iron Lady... who is dead.

Posted by: RKae at June 27, 2016 11:37 PM (sgF59)

324 Posted by: rickl at June 27, 2016 11:33 PM (sdi6R)
I've never even heard of Fry's. Frye boots yes, electric store no.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:37 PM (egOGm)

325 There was a "disturbance" in one of the adult Sunday School classes. A refugee from syria (we have a lot of refugees in the neighborhood and we reach out to them) blew up in class. The teacher, for some unknown stupid fucking reason, made comments about "radical muslims" in class. This dude blew his stack. Stormed out.

They did some quick research and found out he has a history of mental/emotional issues. So we have a muslim refugee that we had been reaching out to who is now highly pissed off about a "radical muslim" comment.

Once service got started, all doors were locked other than the main lobby entrance. Several of us on high alert. He never showed, but it was a stressful service. And obv, the danger hasn't passed.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:24 PM (7PB/U)

If the Syrian guy actually is "Jesus-curious", to coin a phrase, why would he blow up at the mention of "radical muslims"? Presumably it's hatred and fear of those self-same radical muslims that propelled him to a Christian Church to hear the word of God. So I don't think it's "stupid" for the adult Sunday-School teacher to make a passing remark about radical muslims.

My take on it: the Syrian was not a prospective convert, but a would-be jihadi casing the joint.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 27, 2016 11:38 PM (GSdpU)

326 Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 27, 2016 11:35 PM (xVgrA
I hate the man bun.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:38 PM (egOGm)

For the 'lectronic geeks, they've got an
extensive range of actual diodes, resistors and all the other
nerdtronics, as well as about every kind of internal you need to build
or repair a computer, as well as the actual cases, cabinets, fans and
all the other stuff for 'em, too.

And I still end up having to order stuff online because Fry's don't carry what I'm looking for.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 27, 2016 11:31 PM (T/cxb)

Word. Everything at Fry's is NTE, and you have to do a bunch of online crossreferencing to find out what will work in your application, especially for transistors, FETs, MOSFETs etc. Because practically no one uses NTE transistors in production equipment. As much as I love browsing at Fry's, I don't even bother buying parts there for the most part.

When we need parts for work, I usually just order from Mouser. They're just a few miles away in Mansfield, so it's overnight delivery.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 11:38 PM (LuZz8)

328 I've never even heard of Fry's. Frye boots yes, electric store no.
Posted by: CaliGirl

Largish retailers of stuff.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 11:38 PM (J3phO)

329 Holy cow. Personal airbags\


Posted by: John-John at June 27, 2016 11:39 PM (hVdx9)

330 #39

I've known him since the late 80's and he looked like that then, but younger if you can believe it.

There was an occasion when a bunch of us were at a restaurant following a LASFS meeting. He'd already been and gone when we found were coming up short on the collective check, which cast suspicion on the party who wasn't present to attest to how much they'd contributed. By coincidence, the restaurant had an entree called Chicken Eugene. This became an in-joke among those wondering if he'd shorted the check on the rest of us. I doubt he would have done so intentionally but still...

Posted by: Epobirs at June 27, 2016 11:40 PM (IdCqF)

331 Maybe our diplomats shd grow a pair?

Ain't gonna happen. Foggy Bottom has no hair on its ass.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Racist for Dinosaurs at June 27, 2016 11:40 PM (Nwg0u)

332 Fry's is a shambling mess of a company. It will implode eventually.

But, yes, it is impressive how long they've managed to shamble and shimmy under 3,000,000,000 SKUs. (most of which have fallen behind the shelving never to be seen again.)

Standard warning: don't buy RAM there.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at June 27, 2016 11:40 PM (p2X2f)

333 Yep, he mentioned that. A one degree error in course or angle of attack (is that what it's called?) and over some distance you're FAR AWAY from where you think you are, or the altitude you're think you're at. He said that pilots are taught to ignore their intuition, and repose all trust in their instruments alone.He guessed that JFK Jr. and his band of merry dumb shits were probably perfectly calm until they were a hundred feet or so from the ocean.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:34 PM (oKE6c)


Angle of attack refers to wing lift, among other things. The less of it you have, the more speed you need to run air over the control surfaces in order to avoid a stall.

IMO, John John got over his head, got scared and slowed down to the point that he tip stalled. One wing dips and it falls out of the sky. No air over control surfaces.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:40 PM (YLidQ)

334 CaliGirl, you've never heard of Fry's?!?

There's one right off the 91 freeway in Anaheim, and another right off the 405 in Fountain Valley (in fact that's the one that Lindsey Lohan dropped into a few years ago, I've been there numerous times).

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:40 PM (q7T0y)

335 After going out to eat last night in a hip/trendy area of Austin and people watching I have come to the conclusion that we are doomed. I know Austin is weird and leftist, yada, yada after living here for 16 years. My friend and I concluded that Austin is turning into California and not in a good way. All the guys walking around were beta males. Most were sporting beards and more than a few man buns. WTF??? And their clothes, uhg, skinny pants are not a good trend for men. They all looked like F'ing submissive wusses. I mean these guys looked like the type that would cry and be traumatized from shooting a gun. I guess I'm sheltered living on the edge of the city where's it's more conservative.
Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 27, 2016 11:35 PM (xVgrA)

That sucks. Death to man-buns and skinny jeans.

*Goes to hug shotgun and pistols*

Posted by: Colorado Alex at June 27, 2016 11:41 PM (fC9RO)

336 If Sears goes under where will I take my craftsman tools for the lifetime guarantee?

Posted by: Willy J

Does Home Depot still take them?
I did read Sears may sell off the Craftsman line.

Posted by: John-John at June 27, 2016 11:41 PM (hVdx9)

337 Yep, Mouser all the way. And Tube Depot. Because I like antiquated shit.

Posted by: Chupacabra at June 27, 2016 11:41 PM (McglG)

338 322
If Sears goes under where will I take my craftsman tools for the lifetime guarantee?

Posted by: Willy J. at June 27, 2016 11:37 PM (wfv0g)

For screwdrivers, it's already dead. When I was 15, I did a college group tour of Europe -- "if this is Tuesday, it must be Belgium." One of the young men on the tour was the lead Craftsman guy for SoCal. One night, he was bitching about how Southern California Edison (power company) were using up his BFSs because they'd toss them at high-voltage power lines from Hoover Dam to make sure they were inactivated before working on them, then return bags of the melted stumps.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:41 PM (EzgxV)

339 Exception to the rule, of course: The Iron Lady... who is dead.

Golda Mier, Indira Ghandi ...

Posted by: Adriane the Technological Critic ... at June 27, 2016 11:41 PM (AoK0a)

340 326 Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 27, 2016 11:35 PM (xVgrA
I hate the man bun.
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:38 PM (egOGm)

I saw a guy with one at the gym, and laughed at loud, making no attempt to hide my amusement. It looked like a giant bird had crapped on his head.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:42 PM (oKE6c)

341 Good evening, all.
Just a drive-by for now - don't tell me that dogs don't smile.
They do, and it's really cool.

Posted by: Assless Chaps at June 27, 2016 11:42 PM (ApeEc)

342 For the most part Craftsman has been offshored crap for a good decade now.

So good riddance.

Posted by: Chupacabra at June 27, 2016 11:43 PM (McglG)

343 326 Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 27, 2016 11:35 PM (xVgrA
I hate the man bun.
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:38 PM (egOGm)

Ok, having heard the term several times, I finally searched online for exactly what people are talking about.

... are they trying to go for like a warrior top knot style and failing miserably?

I dunno, I settled on the #5 on top, #2 on the sides with the clippers around 10 years ago and have seen no reason to change since. Simple, fast.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 27, 2016 11:43 PM (3ZoRf)

344 Damn you and your sock rules, Pixy!

Posted by: Chi at June 27, 2016 11:44 PM (ApeEc)

345 Yep, Mouser all the way. And Tube Depot. Because I like antiquated shit.

Dude. Got a Grundig console awaiting attention downstairs. First job, swap out the selenium rectifier, then see if it works.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 27, 2016 11:45 PM (T/cxb)

346 ... are they trying to go for like a warrior top knot style and failing miserably?

No, I think they're going for the "giant bird crapped on my head" style, and succeeding admirably.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at June 27, 2016 11:45 PM (oKE6c)

347 ace hardware handles craftsman now, good fucking luck.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at June 27, 2016 11:45 PM (ucDmr)

348 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:40 PM (q7T0y)
No I've never heard of it. If we go to La to shop we go to the grove, Beverly center, the street the Ivy is on. I think it's Robertson. 3rd street promenade. We are shopping for clothes, shoes, makeup etc. and a nice lunch.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:46 PM (egOGm)

349 JFKjr learned to fly in a Argos, Indiana.

Posted by: cicero Kaboom! kid at June 27, 2016 11:46 PM (R1Yfk)

350 You'd think that Man Buns and Skinny Jeans would be mutually exclusive?

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 11:46 PM (v5iqM)

351 did the canckles really read 'sigh' from a prompter?

Posted by: Jake at June 27, 2016 11:47 PM (3+mKg)

352 Does Home Depot still take them?///

Never heard they would take them. Not worried about the guarantee. Though I do have a couple worn out ratchet handles I need parts kits for.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 27, 2016 11:47 PM (wfv0g)

353 MWNP, flying is next, after I get sailing down. I had someone I trust tell me to learn to fly in gliders, 'cuz then I'd know how to FLY. Get a good amount of time in gliders and then transition to powered flight. What do you think?

Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:47 PM (N8hFs)

354 HARRISBURG -- Somewhere in the bowels of the state attorney general's office nearly $1.8 million of seized money sat in storage for nearly two years as questions swirled about how it was confiscated.

The Morning Call could find no incident reports of the June 24, 2014, seizure. No search warrants. No arrest affidavits. Not until the state attorney general's office filed a forfeiture petition for the money in Cumberland County Court on June 16, did its existence become public.

According to the petition, the federal Drug Enforcement Administration used the seizure to indict a Florida man in November on charges he ran a $10 million, cross-country marijuana ring.

For 10 months, state officials had refused to discuss the seizure with The Morning Call and denied public records requests for information about it. Federal authorities were equally silent. A federal judge sealed part of the Florida man's court file from public view.

Posted by: Barney Stinson at June 27, 2016 11:48 PM (e8kgV)

355 Well to all who have downloaded Golden Isis, all 337 of you, thank you and I do hope it will be an enjoyable read.

Still got one day of free download.

*puts out tin cup for the sequel*

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2016 11:48 PM (y5tDv)

356 Sears should have been on top of the internet marketing age with its roots in mail order any fricken thing you could imagine...
Posted by: Burnt Toast

Sears should have been Amazon.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 11:48 PM (J3phO)

357 CaliGirl, ah, you're downtown LA-centric. :-)

Yeah, I'm a lot closer to the OC.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:49 PM (q7T0y)

358 I like how it never occurs to Shrillery that when illegal aliens are deported, they can take their babies to Mexico with them. Instead she wails that families are ripped apart.

Posted by: Darth Randall at June 27, 2016 11:49 PM (6n332)

359 I was wondering if I should chase down the Snap-On distributor and find out if he would sell the traded in tools at a discount.

A lot of the younger mechanics I've talked to like to trade up in tools and keep paying their installments. I wondered what Snap-On does with the trade-ins.

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 11:49 PM (ry34m)

360 For 10 months, state officials had refused to discuss the seizure with The Morning Call and denied public records requests for information about it. Federal authorities were equally silent. A federal judge sealed part of the Florida man's court file from public view.
Posted by: Barney Stinson at June 27, 2016 11:48 PM (e8kgV)

Is this just a judge covering for the DEA or does it smell like something other than marijuana to anyone else?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 27, 2016 11:49 PM (3ZoRf)

361 For the most part Craftsman has been offshored crap for a good decade now.

So good riddance.

Posted by: Chupacabra

The hand tools are no longer made in America?

Posted by: John-John at June 27, 2016 11:49 PM (hVdx9)

362 A federal judge sealed part of the Florida man's court file from public view.

Okay... who do we know that lives in Florida?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 11:50 PM (J3phO)

363 For all the sciency science! geeks out there...

"New Paper Claims EM Drive Works, Produces Light As Exhaust"

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:50 PM (q7T0y)

364 Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 27, 2016 11:43 PM (3ZoRf)
I think you should stick with that. It sounds much more manly.

I don't know what they are going for but it looks ridiculous. I wonder when they go to the barber or whoever cuts their hair if they put it in a bun for them. Like they blow dry and flatiron or curl my hair when they are done cutting it.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:50 PM (egOGm)

365 Sears should have been Amazon.

And the railroads should have been the airlines.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:50 PM (qUNWi)

366 Off sock

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 27, 2016 11:51 PM (hVdx9)

367 Sears should have been Amazon.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 11:48 PM (J3phO)

Barnes and Nobles tried to be Amazon but they couldn't seem to break out of their concept of that they should be doing.
I don't think they saw the business model being anything more than "Pixels replace printed pages".

So they became the next B. Dalton instead

Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (ry34m)

368 Sears is a great example of a bunch of old, and old-school retail people, who would rather pound the table insisting their ancient model still works, rather than ever admit that some people far younger than them, might have good ideas about adapting and innovating.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (q7T0y)

369 I actually think the beard thing is mostly laziness and WTF, have you seen the price of razors lately?!?!?!?
The man bun is again laziness and WTF?? You want how much for a haircut?!?!?
But mainly sheer laziness.

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (xVgrA)

370 Does Home Depot still take them?///

Never heard they would take them. Not worried about the guarantee. Though I do have a couple worn out ratchet handles I need parts kits for.

Posted by: Willy J
Back in the late 90's they were saying bring in your Craftsman hand tools to Home depot and they would give you theirs to replace them.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (hVdx9)

371 Sears should have been Amazon.

And the railroads should have been the airlines.///

We should have seen the pervert market.

Posted by: Buggy whip dealer at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (wfv0g)

372 MWNP, flying is next, after I get sailing down. I had someone I trust tell me to learn to fly in gliders, 'cuz then I'd know how to FLY. Get a good amount of time in gliders and then transition to powered flight. What do you think?
Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:47 PM (N8hFs)


Yep, totally manual is the way to go. It will teach you to control the plane, but really learning with power is the way to go as you can power your way out of things in a way a glider can not without diving. Again, air over the control surfaces.

Gliders will get you familiar with a plane's reaction to your inputs in a gentle way. Powered flight is just the next level.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (YLidQ)

373 Those old consoles are cool; I've passed on a couple of really nice Blaupunkt's because I just didn't want to deal with the Teutonic hassles of one.

And I just don't have the space for it. Well, I choose not to make the space for it.

But pop a new turntable in and you have a perfectly serviceable unit. Especially if you add a bluetooth gegaw.

Posted by: Chupacabra at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (McglG)

374 Unless you are a samurai with katana and wazakashi tucked into a sash or John Belushi playing a samurai, man buns are totes out. Just like capes.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (y5tDv)

375 353
I had someone I trust tell me to learn to fly in gliders, 'cuz then I'd know how to FLY. Get a good amount of time in gliders and then transition to powered flight. What do you think?
Posted by: Weirddave at June 27, 2016 11:47 PM (N8hFs)

Worked for us.

Posted by: The Luftwaffe at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (sdi6R)

376 327

For the 'lectronic geeks, they've got an

extensive range of actual diodes, resistors and all the other

nerdtronics, as well as about every kind of internal you need to build

or repair a computer, as well as the actual cases, cabinets, fans and

all the other stuff for 'em, too.

And I still end up having to order stuff online because Fry's don't carry what I'm looking for.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 27, 2016 11:31 PM (T/cxb)

Word. Everything at Fry's is
NTE, and you have to do a bunch of online crossreferencing to find out
what will work in your application, especially for transistors, FETs,
MOSFETs etc. Because practically no one uses NTE transistors in
production equipment. As much as I love browsing at Fry's, I don't even
bother buying parts there for the most part.

When we need parts
for work, I usually just order from Mouser. They're just a few miles
away in Mansfield, so it's overnight delivery.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at June 27, 2016 11:38 PM (LuZz

Back in the 90s, I ran a small manufacturing company (I didn't own it, I sort of inherited running it). We previously had eighth-watt resistors in carbon-10%, carbon-5%, metal-film 5%, metal-film 2%, and metal film 1%, and differing case-sizes for each. I had the company standardize on Mouser metal-film 1% resistors, freed-up a BUNCH of room in the stockroom, and even lowered the per-unit cost 'cause we could buy in higher quantities.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (EzgxV)

377 Bjork being charming...

I could listen to Bjork for hours.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (qUNWi)

378 i've got to stop reading this stuff. it's so f'ing depressing.

let's see, it's 11:58 which means jessica fletcher just solved another murder mystery...

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (WTSFk)

379 Barnes & Noble is at least trying to do right by their customers and stay relevant; my hunch is they'll eventually become 100% online and give up their brick-and-mortar locations.

Not so Sears, they just can't stand the thought of giving up their ancient model of doing business. They'd rather go out of business. It's sad really.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (q7T0y)

380 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:49 PM (q7T0y)
That's farther for us to get to and we don't know where to shop except I know they have a huge mall in OC. fashion valley or something.
We also go to Topanga canyon. We don't go as often anymore. We can shop online now. Also Santa Barbara is much closer.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:55 PM (egOGm)

381 Barnes and Nobles tried to be Amazon but they couldn't seem to break out of their concept of that they should be doing.
I don't think they saw the business model being anything more than "Pixels replace printed pages".

So they became the next B. Dalton instead
Posted by: Kindltot at June 27, 2016 11:53 PM (ry34m)

B. Dalton. Have not thought of them in years. I remember when I was a kid bouncing between the Waldens and the B. Dalton while Mom and my Aunt shopped (in the mall, they were at complete opposite ends.)

Then I remember walking in Hawley-Cooke (It was a massive bookstore with two seperate outlets in Louisville) and it was not unlike walking in St Peter's Square for the first time.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 27, 2016 11:55 PM (3ZoRf)

382 Most of the Craftsman tools are Chinese now.

Posted by: Chupacabra at June 27, 2016 11:56 PM (McglG)

383 "President Obama made the decision..." not to respond in kind.

Because why? Because the narcissist is virtue-signaling.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at June 27, 2016 11:56 PM (EZebt)


I remember Craftsman Professional screwdrivers, identical in design to S-K's Cushion Grip series still in production by Western Forge

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (ewfUZ)

385 Just saw a Jim Gaffigan Show episode called "The Trial." Very funny attack on the SJWs and their perpetual outrage.

Posted by: PJ at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (cHuNI)

386 ... oh boy, it's another :murder, she wrote"! will jessica solve the mystery? we'll have to watch to find out...

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (WTSFk)

387 CaliGirl, Fashion Island? It's in Newport Beach, not far from UC Irvine. Opened 1967, and the worldwide HQ of the legendary Irvine Company is still there. (The company that pretty much developed all of Irvine and that area of OC since the late 1800s; it's frightening to think of how well they've done over the decades, and it's today all owned by *one* person, Donald Bren.)

The old joke among OC teens is that they call it "Fascist Island." Yeah yeah, so funny I forgot to laugh.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (q7T0y)

388 Alas, been that kind of a long day.

Hasta la nite nite, Horde!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (v5iqM)

389 Sears should have been Amazon.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 27, 2016 11:48 PM (J3phO)


And if my Aunt had balls, she would have been my Uncle.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 27, 2016 11:58 PM (YLidQ)

390 #288

David Pogue tells the story in his book 'Hackers.' The son of the grocery chain's founder wanted to get the then newish bar code systems into the stores along with the required back end infrastructure. He went to the usual suspect like NCR but they all produced quotes that were far too high. So he decided he'd roll his own and would get into the business of selling the materials to assure himself the best prices.

I visited the original store once, a few years before the first SoCal location in Manhatten Beach opened. It being open 24 hours made seem like the stuff of dreams. Back then I thought I might have some kind of Silicon Valley career but never really figured out what that would be.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 27, 2016 11:58 PM (IdCqF)

391 It looks like Fry's has 20 stores nationwide. More of an IKEA store model than anything pursued by Radio Shack.

Posted by: RioBravo at June 27, 2016 11:58 PM (NUqwG)

392 Sears is a great example of a bunch of old, and old-school retail people, who would rather pound the table insisting their ancient model still works, rather than ever admit that some people far younger than them, might have good ideas about adapting and innovating.

Posted by: qdpsteve

Yup. Lots of entrenched ways of thinking at the top. Aaaand the promotion of at least one person I knew of for diversity. She was utterly incompetent and went from store manager to area manager- because she was a woman. I knew the son of the number 3 or 4 guy for Sears back in the late 90's. They never seemed to think they'd lose their spot and that the gravy train would continue as it had. Then competition really cranked up and they responded poorly at best.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 27, 2016 11:59 PM (hVdx9)

393 Man buns are the Bushido Whey

Posted by: derit at June 27, 2016 11:59 PM (ewfUZ)

394 PJ, I saw the end of that Jim Gaffigan episode. It's fantastic, basically great satire.

Also a great portrayal of today's "court of public opinion."

Maybe it's just me, I get the strong impression Gaffigan is a cultural conservative, although obviously he's not about to blow his career admitting as such. I do believe he's a devout Catholic as well as a self-professed "clean comedian."

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:59 PM (q7T0y)

395 Posted by: Anna Puma at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (y5tDv)
Hear hear, you said that much better than I ever could.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:00 AM (egOGm)

396 391 It looks like Fry's has 20 stores nationwide. More of an IKEA store model than anything pursued by Radio Shack.
Posted by: RioBravo at June 27, 2016 11:58 PM (NUqwG)

Yeah, but it is still essentially Best Buy with slightly better staff and a much larger footprint and minutia as far as products go. I cannot see how that works- other than to be the best place to showroom for an Amazon purchase.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:00 AM (3ZoRf)

397 Anyway, back to the writing.

Posted by: Anna Puma at June 28, 2016 12:00 AM (y5tDv)

398 And if my Aunt had balls, she would have been my Uncle.///

This joke no longer works with all the "I identify as".

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:00 AM (wfv0g)

399 256
See the stand alone film processing stores. See Kodak. See a whole lot of businesses.

You can either adapt and survive or you can't. Capitalism says that those that can't survive, shouldn't.
Posted by: BCochran1981

Even Circuit City couldn't make it although they seemed to be a Best Buy clone. Maybe that's why they couldn't make it. Wonder how much time Best Buy has?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 27, 2016 11:15 PM (IqV8l)

Bad management.

Saw the same thing with Best Products back in the 80's.

For those who don't know it, Best Products was kind of like Amazon, except you went into the store, looked at the merchandise, put in your "order", and the product was brought out to you at the pickup location. Company had huge sales and was lauded as a visionary company throughout the 80's. While all of this was going on, a young MrPuffyScamper was working at a moving company to help put himself through college. Every Friday night, the moving company would go to Best Products' headquarters in Richmond to move offices. While we were there, one of the old black guys working for the moving company told us that he bet that Best would go out of business in a few years. We laughed, told him about all the write ups it got in all the business press as a visionary company. His reply, look at the stickers on this weeks move, look at the stickers on last weeks move, and look at the stickers on the move from 2 weeks ago, and what do you see? We looked at the stickers, and we moved GuyA from office A to office B two weeks prior. We moved the guy from office B to office C the past weekend, and that night, we were moving the same guy from office C back to office A. He said this place is a mess and guys are too busy worrying about their offices instead of business. 5 years later Best entered Bankruptcy, several years later filed bankruptcy again and was gone.

Circuit City was the same way except that they never got into computers like Best Buy got into, which is probably the only thing keeping Best Buy alive.

Posted by: Ashley Judds Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at June 28, 2016 12:01 AM (1JnAL)

400 me thinks that moslem women are just as radicals as the men

Posted by: Jake at June 28, 2016 12:01 AM (3+mKg)

401 I got my washer and dryer from Frys six years ago. They were hundreds, yes hundreds of dollars less then anywhere else they were carried.

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 28, 2016 12:01 AM (xVgrA)

402 379
Barnes Noble is at least trying to do right by their customers and
stay relevant; my hunch is they'll eventually become 100% online and
give up their brick-and-mortar locations.

Not so Sears, they just can't stand the thought of giving up their
ancient model of doing business. They'd rather go out of business. It's
sad really.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (q7T0y)

Sears is an REIT masquerading as a retailer. Their real estate portfolio is worth more than their enterprise value.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:01 AM (EzgxV)

403 382
Most of the Craftsman tools are Chinese now.

Posted by: Chupacabra at June 27, 2016 11:56 PM (McglG)

Most of the Craftsman tools were Chinese then -- they just hid it better.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:02 AM (EzgxV)

404 1990's pony tail < 2016 man bun

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:03 AM (MNgU2)

Then I remember walking in Hawley-Cooke (It was a massive bookstore with two seperate outlets in Louisville) and it was not unlike walking in St Peter's Square for the first time.
Posted by: Aetius451AD

I used to live a few miles from the Shelbyville Road Plaza

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 28, 2016 12:03 AM (IqV8l)

406 You can either adapt and survive or you can't. Capitalism says that those that can't survive, shouldn't.

Creative destruction.

Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks, Racist for Dinosaurs at June 28, 2016 12:03 AM (Nwg0u)

407 Sears is an REIT masquerading as a retailer. Their real estate portfolio is worth more than their enterprise value.
Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:01 AM (EzgxV)


Yep. This has kept them afloat for a long time.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 28, 2016 12:04 AM (YLidQ)

408 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (q7T0y
That's the one. I hear it's nice but we don't know our way around as well.
Of course those rich OC kids would call it that. I hear it has every store you can imagine. We like to shop in the non chain stores so we don't have the same outfits as everyone else.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:05 AM (egOGm)

For those who don't know it, Best Products was kind of like Amazon, except you went into the store, looked at the merchandise, put in your "order", and the product was brought out to you at the pickup location.

Sounds like Service Merchandise.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 28, 2016 12:05 AM (IqV8l)

410 The Best Buy stores in Houston always seem to be packed. At least on the weekends.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:05 AM (MNgU2)

411 cthulhu, except that I'd bet their RE portfolio is crumbling, just because they're *Sears* stores and practically abandoned most of the time.

The smart thing to do? Sell all but the top 10% of stores, invest the money in the retail operation. "We're going back to our roots at Sears Roebuck!!"

Will they do that? My hunch is they'll wait until malls themselves collapse as a viable marketing/distribution system (which unfortunately they appear to be a lot of places) then whine that they can't make any money selling their RE.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:06 AM (q7T0y)

412 Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:03 AM (MNgU2)
Rat tail from the eighties was bad too.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:06 AM (egOGm)

413 401
I got my washer and dryer from Frys six years ago. They were hundreds,
yes hundreds of dollars less then anywhere else they were carried.

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 28, 2016 12:01 AM (xVgrA)

I got my LG dishwasher from Frys a couple of weeks ago. They still have good buys, but the humongous stores are nearly empty. In San Jose, they took out 3/4 of the checkout registers because there weren't enough people to justify them.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:06 AM (EzgxV)

414 I used to live a few miles from the Shelbyville Road Plaza
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 28, 2016 12:03 AM (IqV8l)

Yeah that was the one I usually went to. It was really impressive especially after they did the remodel.

I did not even go over to the one on ...Bardstown rd(?) until really late in high school.

Then frickin Borders bought them. *Sigh*

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (3ZoRf)

415 They new trend seems to be warehouse sized liquor stores that carry any type/brand of alcohol, beer, and wine imaginable. Specs and now Total Wine and More.

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (xVgrA)

416 Oops, I mean invest in the ONLINE operation at Sears. Again, I can't type anymore dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (q7T0y)

417 Sounds like Service Merchandise.

Those jerkoffs broke a watch crystal and refused to do a damn thing about it. I'm glad they're gone. If you can't replace a watch bettery without breaking the watch, you don't deserve to be in business.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (T/cxb)

418 Most of the Craftsman tools are Chinese now.

Posted by: Chupacabra

M***** f*****. I do not have enough cuss words to express how much that pisses me off.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (hVdx9)

419 lindafell, don't forget BevMo, although I've noticed some BevMos are far bigger than others.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (q7T0y)

420 The Best Buy stores in Houston always seem to be packed. At least on the weekends.
Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:05 AM (MNgU2)


Sure they are. Unless you buying new service for a cell plan, be prepared to wait for a while. That hub in the center of the store is their profit fenter.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 28, 2016 12:08 AM (YLidQ)

421 The HillbillyEmperor,, still has and uses his 1985 Craftsman Lawn Tractor. Especially when he feels sentimental after a bit of shine.

30 fuckin years and literally thousands of hours of use and it still runs smooth. From back when shit was made to last.

Of course it doesn't hold a candle to his Daily Cuttin tools, a Hustler Super Z HD and a JD equipped with a Bush Hog finishing deck.

Granted, we maintain grounds that are measured in acres, so we need to have quality machines.

Also, a circa 1984 Craftsman Chainsaw. Still runs and cuts good. We've moved on to Stihl, but break out the antique when the mood strikes and it doesn't disappoint.

If only the concept of manufactured obsolescence hadn't been invented. The world would be a far better place.

Evenin Horde oh' Plenty.

Posted by: HillbillyKing at June 28, 2016 12:08 AM (5uOBr)

422 Geneva Soon to Have Idiocracy-Style 'Starbucks'

So you'll be able to order a Latte and a hand-job, then?

Posted by: OregonMuse at June 28, 2016 12:08 AM (XrN31)

423 One of the ladies at work had longish hair, and finally decided to shave the sides and leave a broad, mohawkish look that looks pretty sweet put up in French braids, and looks mostly normal when it is down.

She was mildly hurt when I didn't say anything, and I explained later that my first thought was "sweet, just like the singer from Bow-wow-wow"

(who? Yeah, the band that broke up the year you were born, girl)

Later, 'cause I knew she'd stand the teasing, I asked her if she was afraid that people would think it was a long mullet.

Posted by: Kindltot at June 28, 2016 12:09 AM (ry34m)

424 PJ -- thanks for the Gaffigan link.

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 12:09 AM (qUNWi)

425 CaliGirl, Fashion Island is a great mall... but definitely *upscale.* It has a Bloomingdales and a lot of independent fashionista shops that are no doubt being almost entirely bankrolled by the haughty chief designerette's superrich daddy. Sort of Rodeo Drive South. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (q7T0y)

426 I got my LG dishwasher from Frys a couple of weeks ago. They still have good buys, but the humongous stores are nearly empty. In San Jose, they took out 3/4 of the checkout registers because there weren't enough people to justify them.

I think that's a sign of how the overall economy is doing. Just about everyone is feeling the pinch.

Well, everyone that's not on the .gov teat, anyway.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (T/cxb)

427 Service that's a store I forgot about.

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (xVgrA)

428 Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:02 AM (EzgxV)
We use snap on tools and some craftsman in our shop. They both have lifetime warranties. I don't know what will happen when they go out of business.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (egOGm)

429 (((137 Something seems a little off on that Kelly M story. I mean, in the article she claims to have been assaulted before a couple of times. But in the newest event, as you point out, she was very lax with her personal security. Not adding up.)))

She's what you call a grade A certified flake. She used to show up at my tennis club for lessons. One of the things that should have made her very very cautious is that she was a victim of a rather vicious rape prior to her fame. I'm not sure she's all there upstairs. I always have trouble figuring out how someone gets married for a number of years...and then decides they are a lesbian. the best way to describe that I guess.

Posted by: Orson at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (Y5Ygq)

430 peace out

Posted by: Jake at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (3+mKg)

431 415 They new trend seems to be warehouse sized liquor stores that carry any type/brand of alcohol, beer, and wine imaginable. Specs and now Total Wine and More.
Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (xVgrA)

And God bless em.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:11 AM (3ZoRf)

432 Nobody remembers Fotomat?!? Can't believe it.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:12 AM (q7T0y)

433 Service that's a store I forgot about.

Satan's Merchandise is more like it.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:12 AM (T/cxb)

434 Liquor stores are recession proof. I'm surprised they aren't as common as Starbucks .

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:13 AM (MNgU2)

435 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (q7T0y)
Sounds like a nice place to window shop. We like looking in the fancy stores. Chanel, Gucci etc. I think the gap is exspensive. Maybe that's why we never went shopping there. Out of our budget.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:13 AM (egOGm)

436 Some Craftsman tools are made in China or Taiwan
"Beginning in 2010, hand tools manufactured for Craftsman by Apex Tool Group such as ratchets, sockets, and wrenches began being produced overseas (mainly in China although some are produced in Taiwan"

"while tools produced for Craftsman by Western Forge such as adjustable wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers and larger mechanic tool sets remain made in the United States."

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:13 AM (hVdx9)

437 433
Service that's a store I forgot about.

Satan's Merchandise is more like it.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:12 AM (T/cxb)

We always called them Scurvy Mercantile. They made an electronics store a lot more difficult than it needed to be.

Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at June 28, 2016 12:13 AM (J+mig)

438 Nobody remembers Fotomat?!? Can't believe it.

Pics or... Oh, right.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:13 AM (T/cxb)

439 "sweet, just like the singer from Bow-wow-wow"///

She didn't have the shirt with the extra tube between the boobs did she?

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:14 AM (wfv0g)

440 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:12 AM (q7T0y)
I remember those. Some of them were drive through.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:14 AM (egOGm)

Hair cuts?

Smoking! My father smoked two packs a day. I did the arithmetic.

When hair cuts went to $10 bucks, I gave it up. Then I spent all that money I had saved on hair cuts, and smoking, and drinking and bought computers. I could have bought a house, sooner, on what I spent on computers.

Now new cars cost what a house used to cost. So I'm living in my car.

Posted by: Hayzoos bin Rockman at June 28, 2016 12:14 AM (YqfKo)

442 I view it like this, in a class which purpose, IMO, is to instruct and deepen relationships, with God and each other, how does another religion figure into it? It doesn't to me. It's not about avoiding offense, it's about what's an appropriate topic in said class.

Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at June 27, 2016 10:58 PM (7PB/U)

You don't suppose somebody asked a question, maybe even Mr. Jesus-curious Muzzie? Maybe even a provocative question, intended to elicit exactly the response he got?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 12:14 AM (GSdpU)

443 Sears should have been Amazon.

And the railroads should have been the airlines.

Posted by: eleven at June 27, 2016 11:50 PM (qUNWi)

You can't wipe your ass with a webpage...

Posted by: Busy in the Outhouse at June 28, 2016 12:15 AM (vBeA5)

444 CaliGirl, yup, fun to see how the other half lives.

And their food court is good, I think they have a Fatburger there. There's a nice Italian gelato place too.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:15 AM (q7T0y)

445 379 Barnes & Noble is at least trying to do right by their customers and stay relevant; my hunch is they'll eventually become 100% online and give up their brick-and-mortar locations.

Not so Sears, they just can't stand the thought of giving up their ancient model of doing business. They'd rather go out of business. It's sad really.
Posted by: qdpsteve at June 27, 2016 11:54 PM (q7T0y)

At this point, Sears and JC Penney's are just real estate trusts that happen to sell some merchandise.

Last time I saw numbers, they were both worth the exact same thing as the real estate that they owned, and both usually own the physical buildings that their stores are located in, even as tenants in shopping centers.

Posted by: Ashley Judds Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at June 28, 2016 12:15 AM (1JnAL)

446 #396

If I need stuff on short notice I can go to either of two Fry's locations, get the stuff and be back in a couple hours. Amazon, not so much.

If it has a better price and it's early enough for will call, I can order stuff from Newegg and have it the same day. Same for Monoprice, though that is more of a haul but they're very will call friendly, having a nice store front style area attached to the main warehouse. Meritline is another I've used a few times.

To take best advantage of Fry's you need to sign up for their mailing list with the daily and weekly promos and the code that gets you the extra discount. It's kind of like the loyalty cards used by supermarkets but better aligned with smartphone use.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 12:16 AM (IdCqF)

447 time check

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 28, 2016 12:16 AM (WTSFk)

448 Posted by: Orson at June 28, 2016 12:10 AM (Y5Ygq)
Before she was famous she lived in my neck of the woods. The police had contact with her. She used to pass bad checks.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:16 AM (egOGm)

449 Liquor stores are recession proof. I'm surprised they aren't as common as Starbucks///

I have 5 now within 2 miles of my house. Total Wine is the newest one.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:17 AM (wfv0g)

450 I went into a Specs in Dallas that didn't have liquor, just rows and rows of wine. Not happy.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 28, 2016 12:17 AM (VdICR)

451 it appears the clock on the comments is off by about 4 minutes.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 28, 2016 12:17 AM (WTSFk)

452 411
cthulhu, except that I'd bet their RE portfolio is crumbling, just
because they're *Sears* stores and practically abandoned most of the

The smart thing to do? Sell all but the top 10% of stores, invest
the money in the retail operation. "We're going back to our roots at
Sears Roebuck!!"

Will they do that? My hunch is they'll wait until malls themselves
collapse as a viable marketing/distribution system (which unfortunately
they appear to be a lot of places) then whine that they can't make any
money selling their RE.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:06 AM (q7T0y)

The Sears at Wolfe and Stevens Creek, in Sunnyvale, is now 50% a fitness club. You can just imagine what that did to their tools department. But, yeah, you're right -- if they don't liquidate their real-estate holdings into the current real-estate bubble, they'll take a helluva hit when the bubble pops.

The one Craftsman bench tool I didn't get before everything disappeared was the planer/jointer. Actually had a granite deck....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:17 AM (EzgxV)

453 415 They new trend seems to be warehouse sized liquor stores that carry
any type/brand of alcohol, beer, and wine imaginable. Specs and now
Total Wine and More.

There's a Total Wine not half a mile from my house. Great store, awesome staff, amazing selection. I used to go there all the time. Until......

I found out the owners are huge Progs, dropping millions of dollars on anti-gun and other far left wing causes.

So now I go to a smaller, locally owned store, and if I can't get Mid-Winter Raspberry Pumpkin spiced Ale imported from Fredonia, well, I suspect I'll survive.

Posted by: Weirddave at June 28, 2016 12:17 AM (N8hFs)

454 or maybe 5 minutes

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 28, 2016 12:18 AM (WTSFk)

455 but who's counting, right?


Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 28, 2016 12:18 AM (WTSFk)

456 I have 5 now within 2 miles of my house. Total Wine is the newest one.
Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:17 AM (wfv0g)


Total Wine is a customer of mine. They are killing it, growing like a weed.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty at June 28, 2016 12:18 AM (YLidQ)

457 418
Most of the Craftsman tools are Chinese now.

Posted by: Chupacabra


M***** f*****. I do not have enough cuss words to express how much that pisses me off.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:07 AM (hVdx9)

Thing is, if Americans don't know how to set them up and operate them, why does it matter?

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:19 AM (EzgxV)

458 What gets me about Sears is that their prices were usually higher than just about everyone.
I never understood why I would see the same products at a smaller competitor for significantly less.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:19 AM (hVdx9)

459 385 Just saw a Jim Gaffigan Show episode called "The Trial." Very funny attack on the SJWs and their perpetual outrage.
Posted by: PJ at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (cHuNI)

Zachary Quinto (?) was hilarious. He...Was...Hilarious.

Posted by: Mustapha Kunt at June 28, 2016 12:19 AM (iQIUe)

460 cthulhu, yup, thanks.

There are still malls that are going strong, but I've read a lot of them are either just going away, being razed and turned into something else (new homes, parks, etc), or being turned into "community centers" that are a combination of retail, grocery/liquor, office space, government space, etc etc.

It ain't 1987 no more, that's fer sure. Now I gotta go listen to some Expose and Debbie Gibson to reminisce... ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:20 AM (q7T0y)

461 Electronic parts? Heh. All I have to do is meander down to the basement. If I don't have it, I don't need it.

Really, I've got to get rid of some of this stuff. Sadly, there are no nearby engineering schools which might produce buyers of electronic odds and ends.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:20 AM (J3phO)

462 Steve,
Speaking of old places, did you guys have an A and W root beer hamburger place?
The last one around here was in Paso Robles and on the way to and from the lake we would stop there.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:20 AM (egOGm)


Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at June 28, 2016 12:21 AM (IqV8l)

464 I never understood why I would see the same products at a smaller competitor for significantly less.
Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault

For 100 years, or so, that was not the case.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:21 AM (J3phO)

465 Okie dokie, won't be going to Total Wine anymore. I've only been once. Hear anything about Specs?

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 28, 2016 12:21 AM (xVgrA)

466 421 The HillbillyEmperor,, still has and uses his 1985 Craftsman Lawn Tractor. Especially when he feels sentimental after a bit of shine.

30 fuckin years and literally thousands of hours of use and it still runs smooth. From back when shit was made to last.

Of course it doesn't hold a candle to his Daily Cuttin tools, a Hustler Super Z HD and a JD equipped with a Bush Hog finishing deck.

Granted, we maintain grounds that are measured in acres, so we need to have quality machines.

Also, a circa 1984 Craftsman Chainsaw. Still runs and cuts good. We've moved on to Stihl, but break out the antique when the mood strikes and it doesn't disappoint.

If only the concept of manufactured obsolescence hadn't been invented. The world would be a far better place.

Evenin Horde oh' Plenty.
Posted by: HillbillyKing at June 28, 2016 12:08 AM (5uOBr)

My Craftsman riding mower went tits up after 6 years. 6 years of babying that motherf*cker. Maintaining that thing like you wouldnt believe. Titsfuckingup. However, father in law's that was bought 3 months prior is still cranking, and he doesn't do shit to it beside change the oil.

Posted by: Ashley Judds Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at June 28, 2016 12:21 AM (1JnAL)

467 My liquor store is depression proof.

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (qUNWi)

468 Tilikum, Sears still has a reputation for product quality and customer service that is... sporadically... rational.

I know the elders in my family (okay, my mom), if she thinks she can get something for a reasonable price there, will choose their model. She's also always loved Kenmore appliances, they do still seem to be made with quality and built to last.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (q7T0y)

469 Thing is, if Americans don't know how to set them up and operate them, why does it matter?

Posted by: cthulhu

I always knew they sold Chinese power tools and the super cheap hand tools that weren't marked Craftsman. It just pisses me off they are offshoring their tool building for what used to be a great line, an all American line. It felt good to be able to buy American.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (hVdx9)

470 Because there's not enough ventriloquist's dummies on this ONT, and this is, by far, the best I've ever seen:

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (OAefn)

471 What I remember about B. Dalton is that they had a shelf labeled "Books for Girls" and another shelf labeled "Books for Children."

I'm sad they went out of business. I would have enjoyed burning a few of them to the ground.

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (sgF59)

472 We have a big one, Liquor Barn, here in Lexington (they also have stores in Louisville.) The odd thing that while they have a huge selection, a lot of it is not alcohol. Being Kentucky they have a gigantic area dedicated to whiskey and bourbon, which is nice. But do I need an Olive Bar? They also sell things like amish pie filling and tortilla chips. Strange.

On the flip side, they also have alcohol samples as you walk in the door sometimes. The last one was tequila.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (3ZoRf)

473 Posted by: Weirddave at June 28, 2016 12:17 AM (N8hFs)
We have a BevMo about 30 miles from me next to Costco.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (egOGm)

474 CaliGirl, there was never an A&W Root Beer place in Lakewood or Long Beach that I know of. There was one in Buena Park, not sure if it's still around anymore though.

I think there's one, that's fairly new even, right next door to Morongo Casino in Cabazon. I know I've seen it.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:23 AM (q7T0y)

475 There are still malls that are going strong, but I've read a lot of them are either just going away, being razed and turned into something else (new homes, parks, etc), or being turned into "community centers" that are a combination of retail, grocery/liquor, office space, government space, etc etc.

Posted by: qdpsteve


Our mall is going pretty much Korean. I don't know what the fuck they're selling in there!

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:23 AM (sgF59)

476 I never understood why I would see the same products at a smaller competitor for significantly less.
Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault

For 100 years, or so, that was not the case.

Posted by: Mike Hammer

I worked there in the late 90's and saw they way they were going downhill while still thinking they were the king. It was sad.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:23 AM (hVdx9)

477 446

If I need stuff on short notice I can go to either of two
Fry's locations, get the stuff and be back in a couple hours. Amazon,
not so much.

If it has a better price and it's early enough for
will call, I can order stuff from Newegg and have it the same day. Same
for Monoprice, though that is more of a haul but they're very will call
friendly, having a nice store front style area attached to the main
warehouse. Meritline is another I've used a few times.

To take
best advantage of Fry's you need to sign up for their mailing list with
the daily and weekly promos and the code that gets you the extra
discount. It's kind of like the loyalty cards used by supermarkets but
better aligned with smartphone use.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 12:16 AM (IdCqF)

We just bought a dishwasher from Frys because neither Lowes nor Home Depot actually had local stock except in certain models. Neither did our first Frys, BTW, but they found one at Brokaw.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:24 AM (EzgxV)

478 Bow Wow Wow I want candy with the weird shirt with the tube between the boobs. MTV SFW.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:24 AM (wfv0g)

479 Newest group awarded protected minority status by the liberals: child rapists. As long as they're not WASPS.

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (+lVUW)


The achor stores are collapsing and threatening to pull down the malls in their wake.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (IdCqF)

481 Ho!

Posted by: Ho! at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (KIJKy)

482 So we had our 35th anniversary today. Wife wanted to go out to an Asian buffet. Ok, fine by me not my fave.

But we came home and she said I have a surprise, something you've talked about for yrs and I've never made.

She made me a Dutch Buttercake, it was awesome. Heart cloggling, but awesome.

Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (o/90i)

483 Oh and CaliGirl: the *worst* Motel 6 I and my family ever stayed in, was in Paso Robles. ;-)

The place was dusty and actually seemed haunted. I know that only a few years later, it was no longer part of the chain; it probably got torn down.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (q7T0y)

484 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:22 AM (q7T0y)
I could be wrong but I think Kenmore is made by whirlpool or GE. Or they were.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (egOGm)

485 Tilikum, Sears still has a reputation for product quality and customer service that is... sporadically... rational.

I know the elders in my family (okay, my mom), if she thinks she can get something for a reasonable price there, will choose their model. She's also always loved Kenmore appliances, they do still seem to be made with quality and built to last.

Posted by: qdpsteve

Guess what other product line they were seriously considering selling off? Yup. Kenmore.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (hVdx9)

486 RKae, something like that actually happened to a failed mall that was built in, of all places, depressed downtown Long Beach in the 1980s.

By 1994, *every* name-brand tenant was gone and it had become a haphazard brew of empty storefronts and "ethnic stores." I think the city actually took it over and was allowing some of the rock-bottom remainders to do business there for practically free.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:27 AM (q7T0y)

487 Why do so many adult women like to go shopping? Why do so many adult women like to watch idiotic vampire movies? Why do so many adult women waste hours having their hair colored ugly colors? Why do so many adult women wear ugly shoes? Oh, why can't women be more perfect (that is, more like my male friends)?

Posted by: Rob at June 28, 2016 12:27 AM (N/mS7)

488 401
I got my washer and dryer from Frys six years ago. They were hundreds,
yes hundreds of dollars less then anywhere else they were carried.

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT

Start making arrangements to replace them now. Planned obsolescence - those things were designed to last 5 or 6 years, TOPS .
I am not wishcasting, simply stating fact.

One or both will fail soon (probably the washer) and the part will be more expensive than a new washer...

Posted by: Chi at June 28, 2016 12:27 AM (ApeEc)

489 "But we came home and she said I have a surprise, something you've talked about for yrs"
Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (o/90i)

There are so many ways that could have gone. j/k

Is that like the butter kuschen things I sometimes see at the grocery store?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:28 AM (3ZoRf)

490 I'm sad they went out of business. I would have enjoyed burning a few of them to the ground.
Posted by: RKae

Heh. I am reminded of the Epitaph for a Politician

The politicians corpse was laid in rich repose
And while all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged
I wept
For I had longed to see him hanged

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:28 AM (J3phO)

491 CaliGirl, I can believe that.

And Tilikum, I can believe that too. I think Kenmore is one of the few internal Sears brands still worth something.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:28 AM (q7T0y)

492 Because they are women?

Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:28 AM (KIJKy)

493 Why do so many adult women like to go shopping? Why do so many adult women like to watch idiotic vampire movies? Why do so many adult women waste hours having their hair colored ugly colors? Why do so many adult women wear ugly shoes? Oh, why can't women be more perfect (that is, more like my male friends)?

Women are enigmatic.

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 12:29 AM (qUNWi)

494 #462

The one I saw the most in passing was in Ventura. Google Maps doesn't seem to know about it, so I suppose it's long gone. I cannot remember if we ever actually ate there.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 12:30 AM (IdCqF)

495 Women are enigmatic.
Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 12:29 AM (qUNWi)

But Damn, are they worth it.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:30 AM (3ZoRf)

496 490
This is a good quote.

Wait what?

Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:30 AM (KIJKy)

497 QDP - funny story about Motel 6.

Then-future ex-wife and I drove from Austin to Vegas back in '01. Had to stop, and could only find one of those, full up because of whatever. They had one room, and it was twice what we could afford.

Was about to leave and car-camp when I saw that the manager had a ring that told me we had mutual friends. In a loud voice, I say, 'that's kinda steep, especially for a traveling man. This poor widow's son will have to go somewhere else, I guess.'

Bam! Manager was there in a heartbeat. We slip the grip and exchange a few dozen words that puzzled everybody there but us, and had the room for nothing.

Only time that's ever come in handy.

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at June 28, 2016 12:31 AM (OAefn)

498 481 Ho!
Posted by: Ho! at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (KIJKy)

Thunder, thunder, thunder...thundercats, 'ho!!!!

Posted by: Thundercats at June 28, 2016 12:31 AM (wQWv4)

499 And Tilikum, I can believe that too. I think Kenmore is one of the few internal Sears brands still worth something.

Posted by: qdpsteve

It was in the news they were seriously considering selling Craftsman and Kenmore. Shocked me, really.
All the giants are dying or dead. Montgomery Wards? Gone. Sears/KMart- teetering on the edge. JCP? Stumbling along. Radio Shack? It really is almost a shack now.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:31 AM (hVdx9)

A guy wants a car, because it will get him the girl.

The girl want color, shoes, clothes, because it will get her the guy who has a car.


Posted by: Hayzoos bin Rockman at June 28, 2016 12:31 AM (YqfKo)

501 But Damn, are they worth it.


Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 12:31 AM (qUNWi)

502 Dude. Got a Grundig console awaiting attention downstairs. First job, swap out the selenium rectifier, then see if it works.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 27, 2016 11:45 PM (T/cxb)

Replace it with a silicon rectifier, like a 1N4007, and add a series resistor. 150 ohms, 2 watts, should work fine. Compensates for the lower forward resistance of the silicon vs selenium rectifier.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 12:32 AM (GSdpU)

503 The anchor stores are collapsing and threatening to pull down the malls in their wake.
Posted by: Epobirs

Yeah, the local Sears is pulling out. The major department store (Belk's) has sold out. The mall is doomed.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:32 AM (J3phO)

504 Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (o/90i)
Happy Anniversary!

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:32 AM (egOGm)

505 Oh, why can't women be more perfect (that is, more like my male friends)?///

If the guys weird you out you'll stop hanging around them. The weirder a woman goes and your still around tells them how deep the hook is set.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:32 AM (wfv0g)

506 Palpatine, cool. ;-)

I've been lucky with Motel 6, there's tons of horror stories out there on Trip Advisor and elsewhere but I personally never had a bad experience.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:32 AM (q7T0y)

507 The phrase 'radio shack' actually is uttered in Alfred Hitchcock's 1944 flick "Lifeboat." ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:33 AM (q7T0y)

508 Oh, why can't women be more perfect (that is, more like my male friends)?

You want her to belch the alphabet and fart like a dinosaur? You are strange.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (hVdx9)

509 Only time that's ever come in handy.
Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at June 28, 2016 12:31 AM (OAefn)

White privilege.

Or a zionist plot?

Mason cabal?

Rotarians? Are there still rotarians?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (3ZoRf)

510 J.P Sears is ultra-spritual

Posted by: Kindltot at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (ry34m)

511 Why? Because Putin has Obama's number: He's a pussy. And therefore the US under his leadership is also a pussy.

I don't even think Obama's embarrassed about being a pussy. That'd how far off the grid he is.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (sl+zA)

512 Steve,
I've never stayed in a hotel in Paso, we camped or stayed at friends condo's. I can't even picture a holiday inn there.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (egOGm)

513 So got trolled by a gay guy today at work. Ask you could get pron mags. Specifically gay pron mags. Was awkward. Keep in mind I work in a Hardware store. Shit phrasing, strike that last sentence.

Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (KIJKy)

514 Aetius -

Yep. Masons seem to rule the world, but all I can get is a one time free motel room. Maybe if I stuck with it.....

Posted by: Your Decidedly Devious Uncle Palpatine, Still Accepting Harem Applicants at June 28, 2016 12:35 AM (OAefn)

515 Replace it with a silicon rectifier, like a 1N4007, and add a series resistor. 150 ohms, 2 watts, should work fine. Compensates for the lower forward resistance of the silicon vs selenium rectifier.

Wirewound, composite, or something else?

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:35 AM (T/cxb)

516 CaliGirl, yup, I still remember it being a tiny town. A little run down and depressing too.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:35 AM (q7T0y)

517 The night-time temperatures generally fall off dramatically at around 6pm to their evening 60s lows, and looked to start doing so at around 5:00.....but got stuck. We're actually running the AC.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:36 AM (EzgxV)

518 A guy wants a car, because it will get him the girl.

The girl want color, shoes, clothes, because it will get her the guy who has a car.


Posted by: Hayzoos bin Rockman


My wife married me because I had a cool car. It got wrecked right after we got married. So the joke's on her!

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:36 AM (sgF59)

519 513 So got trolled by a gay guy today at work. Ask you could get pron mags. Specifically gay pron mags. Was awkward. Keep in mind I work in a Hardware store. Shit phrasing, strike that last sentence.
Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (KIJKy)

Wow, this comment is like Christmas. They should have sent a poet.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:36 AM (3ZoRf)

520 Posted by: Hayzoos bin Rockman at June 28, 2016 12:31 AM (YqfKo)
I didn't think guys care about what shoes a woman is wearing as long as she's attractive and not slobby.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:37 AM (egOGm)

521 I saw a promo for a motivational speaker, Les Brown , talking about his dead end job at Sears. I remember it because he made me laugh with one of his quips about this dead end job.

" they paid me just enough to keep me from quitting and I worked just hard enough to keep from being fired"

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:37 AM (MNgU2)

522 RK
What kind of car?

Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:37 AM (KIJKy)

523 Is someone letting some mason secrets out? Isn't that forbidden?

Posted by: lindafell de spair in TEXIT at June 28, 2016 12:37 AM (xVgrA)

524 #507

The context of the movie is the origin of the name. Ships have life spans measure in decades so long as they don't become economically useless due to technology shifts. Decades after the introduction of radio there were still plenty of ships in use that had a radio shack that was added to the original design. The name stuck long after ship came out of the yard with comm rooms as part of their design.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 12:38 AM (IdCqF)

525 Dude. Got a Grundig console awaiting attention downstairs. First job, swap out the selenium rectifier, then see if it works.

Posted by: Blanco Basura

Stand by to replace the caps.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:38 AM (jO7js)

526 Is someone letting some mason secrets out? Isn't that forbidden?

If he goes to far they'll send Fen after him.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:38 AM (T/cxb)

527 486 RKae, something like that actually happened to a failed mall that was built in, of all places, depressed downtown Long Beach in the 1980s.

By 1994, *every* name-brand tenant was gone and it had become a haphazard brew of empty storefronts and "ethnic stores." I think the city actually took it over and was allowing some of the rock-bottom remainders to do business there for practically free.
Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:27 AM (q7T0y)

The mall that was the "in place" here in the 70's and 80's has become like that, and the county wants them to do something with it that will generate sales tax. Right now about 1/3 of it is a "technical college".

It is owned by the Teamsters pension fund that has owned it for about 25 years. The best bet is that within a few years they are going to sell it once they have gotten all of the profitable rent out of it.

Posted by: Ashley Judds Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at June 28, 2016 12:39 AM (1JnAL)

528 RK
What kind of car?

Posted by: prophet


'62 Buick Skylark. Swell little machine with the small aluminium block; white interior - BEAUTIFUL condition!

Some idiot side-swiped me.

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:39 AM (sgF59)

529 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:35 AM (q7T0y)
It's gotten much better. There are wineries everywhere now.
The main fun is at nacimiento lake. We go to the mid state fair too. They usually have good concerts.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:39 AM (egOGm)

530 My wife married me because I had a cool car. It got wrecked right after we got married. So the joke's on her!///

Did you still have the job or a better one that bought that car? The joke may have been on you.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:40 AM (wfv0g)

531 Stand by to replace the caps.

I already do that with the 30 year old crap I buy off of ebay occasionally. Damn straight I'm going to do that with 50 year old tube rig.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:40 AM (T/cxb)

532 Did you still have the job or a better one that bought that car? The joke may have been on you.

Posted by: Willy J.


Nah! My job sucks! (Work-wise and pay-wise.) The little woman makes about 4 times my salary!

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:41 AM (sgF59)

533 I saw a promo for a motivational speaker, Les Brown , talking about his dead end job at Sears. I remember it because he made me laugh with one of his quips about this dead end job.

" they paid me just enough to keep me from quitting and I worked just hard enough to keep from being fired"

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck

They paid crap wages, but expected you to be loyal and treat working there like it was a mission. I remember an area manager giving my boss crap while I stood there because "his people" didn't go out and shop the competition to compare pricing.
Ummmm, you don't pay me enough for me to pay my bills AND go out and piss away gas for no real reason.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:41 AM (hVdx9)

534 From what I think I understand about women , the type of shoes a guy wears is almost as important as the type of car he drives

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:41 AM (MNgU2)

535 I've never even heard of Fry's. Frye boots yes, electric store no.
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:37 PM (egOGm)

They are a subsidiary of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. Thus on my boycott list.

Posted by: Blano at June 28, 2016 12:41 AM (KDTCE)

536 I didn't think guys care about what shoes a woman is wearing as long as she's attractive and not slobby.
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:37 AM (egOGm)

I think guys who are more leg guys pay more attention to the shoes. Most guys notice high heels, but only by inference from their effect on other things.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:42 AM (3ZoRf)

537 531
Stand by to replace the caps.

I already do that with the 30 year old crap I buy off of ebay
occasionally. Damn straight I'm going to do that with 50 year old tube

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:40 AM (T/cxb)

Then, again -- hand-soldering the caps is possible....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:42 AM (EzgxV)

538 519
Was it to homophobic or whatever? Just trying to be honest. But seriously porn mags, with the internet. It was obvious what was going on. I was just to polite to call out what was going on. I guess dude would have been attractive if I was gay/or wearing crocs...

Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:42 AM (KIJKy)

539 "But we came home and she said I have a surprise, something you've talked about for yrs"
Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (o/90i)

There are so many ways that could have gone. j/k
Is that like the butter kuschen things I sometimes see at the grocery store?
Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:28 AM

Oh, Marlon Brando and that movie comes to mind. My wife will be pissed you brought that up.

Actually hers was a vary buttery version of shortcake. What our Dutch neighbors made was a lot more butter and less flour.

Just to die for and clog your arteries.

Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:42 AM (o/90i)

540 Oh sorry it might be Mouser Warren owns, I forget at the moment. Too tired to care.

Posted by: Blano at June 28, 2016 12:43 AM (KDTCE)

541 Ashley, yikes. Maybe the Teamsters can turn it into a factory and outlet store for brass knuckles. :-P

"Got woik problems?? Come on down to da Teamsters!!"

Oh, and when I was typing consumer bankruptcy petitions, one person listed as a debt his, I kid you not, Teamsters Visa.

(1), I was worried he'd get a knock on the door late at night for claiming them on his petition, and (2), I imagined their sales slogan: "The Teamsters Visa! Honor it, or we'll break your knees."

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:43 AM (q7T0y)

Wirewound, composite, or something else?
Posted by: Blanco Basura

Whatever you can find. Might be easier to parallel a number of larger value resistors.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:43 AM (jO7js)

543 535
I've never even heard of Fry's. Frye boots yes, electric store no.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 27, 2016 11:37 PM (egOGm)

They are a subsidiary of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. Thus on my boycott list.

Posted by: Blano at June 28, 2016 12:41 AM (KDTCE)

The family sold out??? Knock me over with a feather.....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:43 AM (EzgxV)

544 Read the article on California legislating Christian colleges out by prohibiting requiring students to attend chapel,or profess faith. Christian curriculum would be a Christian college. Because a lesbian might be offended. LGBT could sue for offense at prayers or class discussion. It has cleared one chamber and is set to clear another

Posted by: Jen the original at June 28, 2016 12:43 AM (LwoxJ)

545 Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:41 AM (MNgU2)
My husband wears muddy ropers everyday. Maybe it depends on the girl. I don't live in a city though.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:44 AM (egOGm)

546 CaliGirl, that's good to hear about PR.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:44 AM (q7T0y)

547 Then, again -- hand-soldering the caps is possible....
Posted by: cthulhu

Without a microscope.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:44 AM (jO7js)

548 Then, again -- hand-soldering the caps is possible....
Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:42 AM (EzgxV)

My dad did that with a TV of mine once. Turned a $400 repair job into a $10 one. Nice to have an electrical engineer around.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at June 28, 2016 12:44 AM (3ZoRf)

549 Nah! My job sucks! (Work-wise and pay-wise.) The little woman makes about 4 times my salary!///

You picked a wife way better than I did.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:45 AM (wfv0g)

550 isp/Middle_Topics/G1%20Store% 20History?site=csfooter_D

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:45 AM (EzgxV)

551 The family sold out??? Knock me over with a feather.....

Posted by: cthulhu

That is my goal these days. Start a business. Make it successful. Sell it off! Buy an island. Import LEGAL age women...

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:45 AM (hVdx9)

552 You picked a wife way better than I did.

Posted by: Willy J.


I didn't just "marry up": I'm a Morlock who got an Eloi!

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:46 AM (sgF59)

553 I guess Houston is on the positive swing of the pendulum , because our malls continue to be packed also. Unfortunately what goes up will eventually go down.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at June 28, 2016 12:47 AM (MNgU2)

554 RK
I am not advocating violence by any means. But that is sweet ride. And you should beat the shit out of whoever did that damage. Just use rolls quarters and not brass knuckles

Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:47 AM (KIJKy)

555 Whatever you can find. Might be easier to parallel a number of larger value resistors.

That's probably what I'll end up doing with some composites.

Had a wirewound pop fuses before because it didn't belong where I put it, so that's my irrational reason for not liking them.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:47 AM (T/cxb)

556 I am out. My current non-retail employer frowns on me showing up late.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:48 AM (hVdx9)

557 Steve,
I meant motel 6 earlier. I don't know why I said holiday inn.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:48 AM (egOGm)

558 Back in the late 70s, the announcement in the LA Times that there was going to be a big indoor mall built in Thousand Oaks was cause for great excitement. This was The Oaks Mall, by name, because they feeling creative. It was built in a large open field that Steve Austin had to get across in a first season episode of 'The Six Million Dollar Man.' It was mined and his goal was a strange looking building on a hill overlooking the field. This was actually Thousand Oaks city hall back then.

It was a big deal back then because so many thing one might want to buy required going into the San Fernando Valley for Topanga Plaza and The Promenade a few blocks away. There was a Sears in TO but no place with higher end clothes like a Robinsons (later absorbed into Macy's) or Bullocks, in addition to all of the smaller places a big mall would offer. The Radio Shack in The Oaks was the first place I ever saw a TRS-80 and another store was the first place I ever laid eye on the doomed RCA SelectaVision and Pioneer's LaserDisc, well before VCRs had really become common in homes.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 12:48 AM (IdCqF)

559 Molock on Eloi is a pr0n thing.

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 12:48 AM (qUNWi)

560 RK
I am not advocating violence by any means. But that is sweet ride. And you should beat the shit out of whoever did that damage. Just use rolls quarters and not brass knuckles

Posted by: prophet


The guy who side-swiped me was trying to dodge a flying filing cabinet on the freeway! Some ass had it standing up in the back of an El Camino. Yeah. Real 3 Stooges stuff.

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:49 AM (sgF59)

561 459 385 Just saw a Jim Gaffigan Show episode called "The Trial." Very funny attack on the SJWs and their perpetual outrage.
Posted by: PJ at June 27, 2016 11:57 PM (cHuNI)

I had the impression that that was based on a real incident where he made some joke about women's putting so much effort into their fingernails, and the internet feminists were OUTRAGED!!

Posted by: nerdygirl at June 28, 2016 12:49 AM (+lVUW)

562 Then, again -- hand-soldering the caps is possible....
Posted by: cthulhu
Without a microscope.

Hence why I buy the old stuff.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:50 AM (T/cxb)

563 El Camino, yeah!

Posted by: Brad Pitt in that one movie at June 28, 2016 12:50 AM (KIJKy)

564 Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:42 AM (o/90i)
I looked at the cake recipe. It sounds yummy.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:50 AM (egOGm)

565 Joe, a lot depends on how affluent the neighborhood is, the quality (and fame) of the retailers, the mix of business, etc etc.

And of course, the neighborhood. I think the median price for a home in the neighborhood of Fashion Island is in the range of $1.5 million, possibly more. Plus there's a *ton* of premium office space right there surrounding the mall.

I think our mall here in Lakewood tends to continue to do well because not only do we have some *really* high-powered anchors, but also a lot of well-regarded restaurant chains.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:51 AM (q7T0y)

566 Goo, goo goo

Posted by: Moe at June 28, 2016 12:51 AM (KIJKy)

567 Posted by: Tilikum Killer Assault Whale at June 28, 2016 12:48 AM (hVdx9)
Have a goodnight. Sleep well.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:52 AM (egOGm)

568 CaliGirl, really??? Maybe that Motel 6 is still there. It has to have been upgraded by now though, if it is.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:52 AM (q7T0y)

569 So if I'm POTUS, I'm having preliminary talks with AU/NZ/UK about an Anglospheric trade deal and I'm informing the EU that if they want something similar they might get it...AFTER Brexit is concluded on terms acceptable to the UK.

But I ain't POTUS and unlikely I'll ever be.

Posted by: JEM at June 28, 2016 12:53 AM (o+SC1)

Then, again -- hand-soldering the caps is possible....

Posted by: cthulhu


Without a microscope.///

Maybe 80s or older through mount vs the tiny surface mounts that are standard now.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 12:54 AM (wfv0g)

571 Epobirs, oh yeah. That's how it was in the early 1970s in my neighborhood, when Cerritos Mall first opened up. Had a brand-new Sears, Broadway, Ohrbach's, Robinson's, and a Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor.

Also it had for a while, a VideoConcepts store. Ooo, heavy man. ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:54 AM (q7T0y)

572 Malls and movies.

There were two occasions when I was watching a movie and discovered it had scenes shot at the mall containing the theater. Terminator 2 was one. The other was Valley Girl, which had its opening scene in the food court adjacent to the theater. It was a kind of surreal company town moment each time.

A somewhat similar experience was for the original 'Dawn of the Dead.' That used a mall in Pittsburgh but the JC Penney's store had a nearly identical facade to the Penney's store across from the UA multiplex in The Oaks Mall. This was a very intense movie for much of the audience who'd never seen anything like it before. At one juncture I shouted, "They're coming for the UA!" The number of people who screamed in reply was very gratifying. That was the first time I saw a movie's audience diminish noticeably by the half-way point.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 12:54 AM (IdCqF)

573 Nice to know Oakland's got its priorities straight; it's good that Cali's electricity generation is going to be hindered a bit more after this.

Oakland, Calif., City Council votes to ban rail shipments of coal, citing health concerns - KTVU

Posted by: Thrawn at June 28, 2016 12:56 AM (wQWv4)

574 hey, dig this: ken berry of f-troop and mayberry rfd was an amateur dancer, joined the army and did some shows and won some contests and when his hitch was over his sergeant advised him to move to california and go into show business. his sergeant? leonard nimoy! (per imdb)

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 28, 2016 12:57 AM (WTSFk)

575 The most successful techs in our factory where always the ones with eagle eyes needed to spot the cold solder joints and splashes across SMT IC pins.

Posted by: derit at June 28, 2016 12:57 AM (ewfUZ)

576 >> That is my goal these days. Start a business. Make it
>> successful. Sell it off! Buy an island. Import LEGAL age
>> women...

If you intend to buy an island within the jurisdiction of a US state, make sure you understand the age-of-consent laws of that state.

Posted by: JEM at June 28, 2016 12:57 AM (o+SC1)

577 [looks like the clock is off around 6 minutes]

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at June 28, 2016 12:58 AM (WTSFk)

578 Speaking of malls, the cartels in Miami were always ripping each other off, kidnapping members of family, killing people. The fact that Miami is a relatively small place and they could not hide for long, didnt seem to occur to them. Like NYC people go to a finite number of places. In Miami the drug kingpins went to the same high end restaurants and most importantly, the one or two high end malls. They really loved those malls. Some body was always being sighted at one of the malls and assassinated. Or, a hit team would just go there and wait for somebody to show up and then try to kill them.

Posted by: Mustapha Kunt at June 28, 2016 12:58 AM (iQIUe)

579 when his hitch was over his sergeant advised him to move to california and go into show business. his sergeant? leonard nimoy!

Well, it was a logical move.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:58 AM (T/cxb)

580 565
Joe, a lot depends on how affluent the neighborhood is, the quality (and fame) of the retailers, the mix of business, etc etc.

And of course, the neighborhood. I think the median price for a home
in the neighborhood of Fashion Island is in the range of $1.5 million,
possibly more. Plus there's a *ton* of premium office space right there
surrounding the mall.

I think our mall here in Lakewood tends to continue to do well
because not only do we have some *really* high-powered anchors, but also
a lot of well-regarded restaurant chains.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:51 AM (q7T0y)

The fact that I can easily walk to a Gucci or Ferragamo store is just nuts.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:58 AM (EzgxV)

581 Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:25 AM (o/90i)
Happy Anniversary!
Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 12:32 AM

TY CG. We are just mellowing out as her sister has given us tickets to a concert in a few days, maybe Dan Folgelberg to meet them in near Chicago.

He's not my fave, but it should be fun.

Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 12:59 AM (o/90i)

582 I just watched that Gaffigan show. The premise reminds me of South Park.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 28, 2016 12:59 AM (VdICR)

583 cthulhu, oh yeah. Sounds like South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, they have some *insanely* high-end stores there too, supposedly in one particular area.

They even have a fast-food version of Lawry's there, called Lawry's Carvery, where you can get a prime rib sandwich for the super low price of just $19.99. :-P

My fave cajun place, Ritter's, isn't too far away. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:01 AM (q7T0y)

584 Hey. *I'm 70 and still play video games.

Especially the older ones that DON'T HAVE the approved mix of diversity and subtle SJW lecturing demanded by the left.

I do it because it's a time sink. Because when there's nothing to do it's boring and I don't want to be bored. It's not fun.

So I crank up one of the masterpieces of simplistic murder and mayhem from ID and pass some time in oblivion to the rest of the stupid world.

And although she's fairly subtle about it, the author of that piece can't help but inject some typical female teenage male criticism and some sneering because she doesn't understand and doesn't approve. And like Maet said mainly because those taking part in this innocent pastime aren't paying attention to HER then.

Excuse me, I have some pixels to kill.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at June 28, 2016 01:01 AM (ECJ+C)

585 Oh, why can't women be more perfect (that is, more like my male friends)?

Posted by: Rob at June 28, 2016 12:27 AM (N/mS7)

Because then they would be lesbians.

Posted by: Country Singer at June 28, 2016 01:02 AM (GUBah)

586 >> Oakland, Calif., City Council votes to ban rail shipments of
>> coal, citing health concerns - KTVU

Fifty kilowatts of virtue signaling.

How much coal has actually gone through Oakland in the past year? I'm guessing bubkes.

The only reason coal would go through Oakland would be for export, in which case they're only hurting themselves by forcing it to go elsewhere.

Damn, I could have a lot of fun with my pen and phone if I were President. There'd be a whole lot of California that wouldn't see a dime of Federal money.

Posted by: JEM at June 28, 2016 01:03 AM (o+SC1)

587 My old, long-used toploader washer died, and I figured. "Hey, so maybe I'll get one of those new energy-efficient front-loaders." So I got an LG Tromm front loader, it was a demo from a show home, little actual use, and had a full warranty. It never did work 100% right. Service guy came out and replaced a logic board, and it worked better for a while, but it became noisy, and one day just quit, with a drum full of water in it, save for the several gallons that had leaked out on the floor. The seal for the drum bearing had failed, and the lube washed out of the bearing, which then, unsurprisingly, piled up.

I went out and bought a used Whirlpool top-loader, which has worked flawlessly for a few years now. The LG, I took apart, and was amazed to see how chintzy-built it was. It had two huge ring-shaped counterweights in it, one made of cast iron, and one made of hollow plastic filled with...concrete.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:03 AM (GSdpU)

588 Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:52 AM
The motel 6 is still there I checked. It's right by the way to the lake. My brother lives there too I just don't pay attention to the hotels.
There is a nice outdoor concert venue there called Vina Robles. It's at a winery. We saw weezer there maybe 2 years ago. It's a nice venue.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 01:03 AM (egOGm)

589 CaliGirl, thanks for checking that, I thought it was long gone. :-) Maybe a new location.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:04 AM (q7T0y)

590 583
cthulhu, oh yeah. Sounds like South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, they have
some *insanely* high-end stores there too, supposedly in one particular

They even have a fast-food version of Lawry's there, called Lawry's
Carvery, where you can get a prime rib sandwich for the super low price
of just $19.99. :-P

My fave cajun place, Ritter's, isn't too far away. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:01 AM (q7T0y)

I manned the Lawry's Credit Union for a week at Lawry's California Center when my gf's aunt (who normally ran the place) was on vacation. Mostly just sat there and looked stupid -- y'know, keeping within my core competencies.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:04 AM (EzgxV)

591 cthulhu, sounds nice. :-)
Get any free meals out of the deal?

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:05 AM (q7T0y)

592 Some ass had it standing up in the back of an El Camino. Yeah. Real 3 Stooges stuff.
Posted by: RKae

Somewhere north of Atlanta one night, a guy passed me pulling a utility trailer with a sofa on it. A few seconds later I see this amazing sight of some dark object spinning around on the road in front of me. I was momentarily mesmerized. The sofa had slipped off of the trailer and landed on it's feet, which evidently had steel sliders.

So this dark shape was spewing sparks from it's feet as it skidded and spun down the highway at 75 mph. I managed to dodge it, but it was a weird, weird sight as I passed it.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:05 AM (jO7js)

593 Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:58 AM (EzgxV)
I love looking at that fancy stuff. The only place I can look at stuff like that is Saks in Santa Barbara.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 01:06 AM (egOGm)

594 CaliGirl, oh yeah: There's a Saks Fifth Avenue at South Coast Plaza too. :-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:06 AM (q7T0y)

595 Hey whats with these WP stories, they're behind a pay wall after the 3rd one in a month.

Posted by: tonynoboloney at June 28, 2016 01:06 AM (Yba/s)

596 587
My old, long-used toploader washer died, and I figured. "Hey, so maybe
I'll get one of those new energy-efficient front-loaders." So I got an
LG Tromm front loader, it was a demo from a show home, little actual
use, and had a full warranty. It never did work 100% right. Service guy
came out and replaced a logic board, and it worked better for a while,
but it became noisy, and one day just quit, with a drum full of water in
it, save for the several gallons that had leaked out on the floor. The
seal for the drum bearing had failed, and the lube washed out of the
bearing, which then, unsurprisingly, piled up.

I went out and bought a used Whirlpool top-loader, which has worked
flawlessly for a few years now. The LG, I took apart, and was amazed to
see how chintzy-built it was. It had two huge ring-shaped counterweights
in it, one made of cast iron, and one made of hollow plastic filled

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:03 AM (GSdpU)

My current plan is to keep my old Kenmore top-load clothes-washer and my old 1994 Honda running indefinitely, no matter the cost, because current models fail to meet that standard.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:07 AM (EzgxV)

597 cthulhu, wish I still had my 1985 Honda CRX. I loved that girl (snif)...

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:08 AM (q7T0y)

598 Movies and Malls IIRC they filmed Mall Rats at Southdale mall which was where mom took me as a kid.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 01:08 AM (wfv0g)

599 You all rock, thanks for being here.

Time for bed here, they want to make me work tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.


Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 01:10 AM (o/90i)

600 591
cthulhu, sounds nice. :-)

Get any free meals out of the deal?

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:05 AM (q7T0y)

Sadly, no -- it was more of a family favor for the gf's mom's sis than a real deal. It got me a W-2 for some nominal amount during summer break from college. I learned more from doing errands for the gf's dad's gf's real-estate deal.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:10 AM (EzgxV)

601 The phrase 'radio shack' actually is uttered in Alfred Hitchcock's 1944 flick "Lifeboat." ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:33 AM (q7T0y)

It was a generic term for a radio room for a generation before Hitch made that movie. An amateur radio operator's radio room is his "shack" be it a pup tent when he's operating portable in the boondocks, or whether it's a mahogany-paneled room in a Beverly Hills rambler.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:10 AM (GSdpU)

602 I've been playing through Far Cry 3 and 4, and every single female character has turned out to be evil before the end. Worse than Raymond Chandler.

The first game I've played where the character actors chew up the scenery pretty well. I know that Kevin Spacey was in Call of Duty, but this is the first that I noticed it.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 28, 2016 01:12 AM (VdICR)

603 So got trolled by a gay guy today at work. Ask you could get pron mags. Specifically gay pron mags. Was awkward. Keep in mind I work in a Hardware store. Shit phrasing, strike that last sentence.

Posted by: prophet at June 28, 2016 12:34 AM (KIJKy)

"You want some nipples, dude?"

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:12 AM (GSdpU)

604 CaliGirl, just scrolled quickly and saw one comment to qdp but not his that you responded to, but oddly enough the Hol. Inn Express in Atascadero has been, by far, the best run chain property I've ever used.

Sort of new, which helps, but whoever manages it knows how to hire (plus I am convinced there still is a "small town effect" in much of America, where the quality/mindset of young labor is vastly superior to most urban areas).

We've used it several times on trips to/through your beautiful part of the state.

Paso's got quite a few nice restaurants now (you surely know this better than I do). When we have time, I like to stop into that old-time candy store on the town plaza.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 28, 2016 01:14 AM (QDnY+)


"You want some nipples, dude?"

... perhaps a ballcock?

Posted by: Arbalest at June 28, 2016 01:14 AM (FlRtG)

606 "You want some nipples, dude?"///

Or a petcock?

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 01:15 AM (wfv0g)

607 Goodnight everyone, have a good evening.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 01:15 AM (egOGm)

608 Since it's now Tuesday (at least for me) I'm going to note that today is Mel Brooks' birthday.

And I'm out for the night. Y'all take care.

Posted by: Country Singer at June 28, 2016 01:15 AM (GUBah)

609 592
Some ass had it standing up in the back of an El Camino. Yeah. Real 3 Stooges stuff.

Posted by: RKae


Somewhere north of Atlanta one night, a guy passed me pulling a
utility trailer with a sofa on it. A few seconds later I see this
amazing sight of some dark object spinning around on the road in front
of me. I was momentarily mesmerized. The sofa had slipped off of the
trailer and landed on it's feet, which evidently had steel sliders.

So this dark shape was spewing sparks from it's feet as it skidded
and spun down the highway at 75 mph. I managed to dodge it, but it was a
weird, weird sight as I passed it.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:05 AM (jO7js)

One night, driving home from work, about '97, there was an asphalt-colored loveseat sitting in my lane on CA-85 near Blossom Hill. If I weren't always as twitchy and high-strung, that might have been real ugly instead of just flicking into another lane.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:15 AM (EzgxV)

610 Wirewound, composite, or something else?

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 12:35 AM (T/cxb)

I don't think it matters much. Wirewound would be a good choice, but the main role of that resistor is to limit the inrush current to the first filter cap when power is first turned on. There should be pretty much negligible voltage drop across that resistor during normal operation.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:17 AM (GSdpU)

611 593
Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 12:58 AM (EzgxV)

I love looking at that fancy stuff. The only place I can look at stuff like that is Saks in Santa Barbara.

Posted by: CaliGirl at June 28, 2016 01:06 AM (egOGm)

I've never been in the Ferragammo, Gucci, or Tesla stores in Satanic Row, despite being able to walk to them.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:17 AM (EzgxV)

612 CaliGirl is it true that fish from Lake Nascimento is a no-no (for eating)? Mercury content? As you probably know, the reason that area on the west side (of the 101) is known as Adelaida is because many of the miners who worked the mercury mines in the area were from Adelaide, Australia.

I'd heard that the lake water, or at least any fish (which concentrate heavy metals in their tissues) has a high natural mercury content, which makes sense.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 28, 2016 01:17 AM (QDnY+)

613 UK Labour shadow-cabinet defenestration up to 46 according to DailyUnderboob.

Cameron had a great line at PM Questions about the new Labour MP from the byelection that replaced the one killed a couple weeks back not turning off her cellphone as she might end up in the shadow cabinet.

Problem for Labour is that his election was a revolt of the Labour constituencies over the MPs anyway. If the Parliamentary party tries to sack him the MPs are going to have trouble with their electorates.

Corbyn would likely have done better with his constituency 'base' (outside Londonistan, anyway) if he'd come out for Leave, rather than remaining nominally loyal to the party and getting slagged as being lukewarm for Remain.

Posted by: JEM at June 28, 2016 01:20 AM (o+SC1)

614 612
CaliGirl is it true that fish from Lake Nascimento is a no-no (for
eating)? Mercury content? As you probably know, the reason that area
on the west side (of the 101) is known as Adelaida is because many of
the miners who worked the mercury mines in the area were from Adelaide,

I'd heard that the lake water, or at least any fish (which
concentrate heavy metals in their tissues) has a high natural mercury
content, which makes sense.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 28, 2016 01:17 AM (QDnY+)

Doesn't that make your hair shine, or something?

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:20 AM (EzgxV)

615 '62 Buick Skylark. Swell little machine with the small aluminium block; white interior - BEAUTIFUL condition!

Some idiot side-swiped me.

Posted by: RKae at June 28, 2016 12:39 AM (sgF59)

Those aluminum-block V8s were sweet-running motors. GM was nuts to have sold the rights to Rover/Leyland. Had they hung onto for another 8 years or so, they would have had a huge winner in the first gas crisis.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:21 AM (GSdpU)

616 541 Ashley, yikes. Maybe the Teamsters can turn it into a factory and outlet store for brass knuckles. :-P

"Got woik problems?? Come on down to da Teamsters!!"

Oh, and when I was typing consumer bankruptcy petitions, one person listed as a debt his, I kid you not, Teamsters Visa.

(1), I was worried he'd get a knock on the door late at night for claiming them on his petition, and (2), I imagined their sales slogan: "The Teamsters Visa! Honor it, or we'll break your knees."
Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 12:43 AM (q7T0y)

Teamsters MO is to buy up 20 year old "secondary malls", run them until they look ghetto, slap some paint on it, make it look decent before they sell it to some developer that comes in and basically redisgns the mall for its last 25 years of life.

Honestly wish they would have kept this one up here because THE mall in town is actually right next to the ghetto in town so Trayvon and Jamarcus see always shooting each other in the parking lots. Or getting into fights at IHOP.

Posted by: Ashley Judds Puffy Scamper at June 28, 2016 01:22 AM (1JnAL)

617 One night, driving home from work, about '97, there was an asphalt-colored loveseat sitting in my lane on CA-85 near Blossom Hill. If I weren't always as twitchy and high-strung, that might have been real ugly instead of just flicking into another lane.
Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:15 AM

Now that's just weird. Glad you are still amongst us.

Now get the heck out of CA!

Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 01:23 AM (o/90i)

618 G'night everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at June 28, 2016 01:24 AM (T/cxb)

619 Watching "Barbarians Rising" on History channel. A great quote from Robert Herjavec

"True power is not about dominating the weak, True power is inspiring strong to your will"

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 01:27 AM (wfv0g)

620 Ashley, yikes.

There's a story that sometime in the 1980s some gangs wanted to make Lakewood Mall their home turf. Thank God the city got wind of it and we have our own LA Sheriffs substation literally right across the street, so they countered by just packing the mall with patrols all day and all night long. It worked, the gangs got the message and to this day there doesn't seem to be much of a problem.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:28 AM (q7T0y)

621 Oops, missed CaliGirl with my comments and questions.

So, gun thread.

Stopped by a fun store today to have the spouse try a Beretta 84/85 on for size. As feared, the combo of strong recoil spring and small size made working the slide a problem (though she definitely wimps out on this sort of thing, unfortunately, which is also a factor).

She had no problem with the Glock 19 compact or the XD9 sub-compact. But I think it's going to be a Ruger SP-101 (3-inch) when the dust settles. She likes revolvers and their simplicity. Strictly for a bed-stand gun, so an SP-101 seems likely.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 28, 2016 01:28 AM (QDnY+)

622 617
One night, driving home from work, about '97, there was an
asphalt-colored loveseat sitting in my lane on CA-85 near Blossom Hill.
If I weren't always as twitchy and high-strung, that might have been
real ugly instead of just flicking into another lane.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:15 AM

Now that's just weird. Glad you are still amongst us.

Now get the heck out of CA!

Posted by: Farmer at June 28, 2016 01:23 AM (o/90i)

Working. On. It.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:29 AM (EzgxV)

623 Cerritos Mall, near me, just got a brand new, big two-story Dick's Sporting Goods, complete with a surprisingly large firearms section.

Which I was a little surprised to see, given this is California and all...

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:30 AM (q7T0y)

624 Then, again -- hand-soldering the caps is possible....
Posted by: cthulhu

Without a microscope.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 12:44 AM (jO7js)

When I do a re-cap job on a tube radio, I like to clip off the leads of the old cap, leaving about a quarter-inch stub, depending upon the local "lay of the land". Then I take the new cap, which usually has much more slender leads, trim the leads to length, and then form tight coils in the ends of its leads by winding them around the leads of the just-removed old cap. Then I can slip those little coils over the stub ends left in the chassis, apply solder, and make a very inconspicuous joint, without doing violence to tube sockets or fragile phenolic terminal strips.

And it basically satisfies the rule that a solder joint should be mechanically sound before solder is applied.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:30 AM (GSdpU)

625 Temp got unstuck, now cooler outside than in (despite running AC).

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:32 AM (EzgxV)

626 JEM, I confess I'm confusulated by your summary of party action in the UK in the rubble of Brexit.

Partly me, probably partly the nice St Francis cabernet ($13/bottle when you buy a six pack @ Von's!).

So - what's gonna happen with Labour? Or, with the "Conservatives"?

Posted by: rhomboid at June 28, 2016 01:33 AM (QDnY+)

627 Sillcock.

Those aluminum-block V8s were sweet-running motors. GM was nuts to have sold the rights to Rover/Leyland. Had they hung onto for another 8 years or so, they would have had a huge winner in the first gas crisis.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Was it used besides in the tc 2000? Don't recall. I think some were used as the basis for race engines.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:33 AM (jO7js)

628 623
Cerritos Mall, near me, just got a brand new, big two-story Dick's
Sporting Goods, complete with a surprisingly large firearms section.

Which I was a little surprised to see, given this is California and all...

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:30 AM (q7T0y)

Not to worry -- given half a jif, they'll stop selling firearms to anyone besides LEO or ammo to anyone. They've worked so hard to earn their reputation for reliability.....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:36 AM (EzgxV)

629 I've been happy with every Holiday Inn Express I've stayed at. They have some high requirements, which were too much for some franchisees and they dropped out. One one trip we were pleased with the HIE we'd stayed at in OR, on our way up to Sequim, WA, On the way back we planned to stay at another and and the GPS, which had somewhat outdated maps, said there was one in Redding, which is where we expected to be around dinner time.

When I got there, it wasn't a Holiday Inn Express. It was a Best Western. It wasn't awful but not up to HIE spec. When I asked the woman behind the check-in desk what happened, she asked me if I'd gotten there by GPS. Apparently I was far from the first to have obsolete map data send them to a non-existent HIE.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 01:38 AM (IdCqF)

630 qdp, there's one Dick's store in my area, have never ventured in. Surprised as well to hear they have a scary guns section.

But the real stalwart of chain sporting goods stores braving the firearms thing remains Big Five. Rifles only, and ammo there costs what it would in Japan, if Japan had ammo for sale retail - but still.

And Turner's Outdoor store (also a SoCal chain) really impresses me. For this place, in this time, they have a very impressive stock of scary guns. And real sales (where the prices really are below normal). They even used to have C and R (old milsurp) rifles fairly regularly.

One small measure of the firearms mania induced by idiotic and unconstitutional CA and federal talk/behavior is that the Turner's gun counters I have seen have take-a-number paper dispensers, like a busy deli or bakery. Always find that hilarious.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 28, 2016 01:39 AM (QDnY+)

631 My husband and I bought our wedding rings at Service Merchandise over 38 years ago. Mine cost $11. We had very little money. I love it still.

Posted by: Alana at June 28, 2016 01:42 AM (UYmGR)

632 Was it used besides in the tc 2000? Don't recall. I think some were used as the basis for race engines.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:33 AM (jO7js)

The Rover TC2000 had a big slant-four in it, IIRC. But the 3500, which in its first iteration, used the same body as the TC, used the "Roverized" BOP aluminum V8. That same engine got used in the very rare MGC V8 (not positive about the designation, there), the Triumph TR8, and countless Land Rovers and Range Rovers.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 01:42 AM (GSdpU)

633 rhomboid, oh yeah, I've always heard good things about Turner's.

They're openly unapologetic about it too. You walk in, you're going to see stuff on the walls, etc, that's very pro-American and pro-2A. Gotta love that.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:43 AM (q7T0y)

634 631
My husband and I bought our wedding rings at Service Merchandise over 38
years ago. Mine cost $11. We had very little money. I love it still.

Posted by: Alana at June 28, 2016 01:42 AM (UYmGR)

That is a very sweet memory. Thank you for sharing it.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:43 AM (EzgxV)

635 Alana, what happened to all the women like you?? ;-)

Here in SoCal it's a felony to propose to a woman with anything worth less than 10 grand. If she can still lift her hand after she's put the ring on, the guy's considered cheap.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:47 AM (q7T0y)

636 Epobirs, I think we've had good experiences with other Hol. Inn Expresses too, but the Atascadero one is different (and you might be able to use this info, given your geography).

One of the breakfast area staff recognized us, and struck up conversation easily, a year and two years after we first saw her there, on subsequent stays. Sort of unusual for a chain.

After each stay I've bothered to email corporate to praise the property, and received nice personal replies (and one give-away) in return.

Posted by: rhomboid at June 28, 2016 01:47 AM (QDnY+)

My husband and I bought our wedding rings at Service Merchandise over 38
years ago. Mine cost $11. We had very little money. I love it still.

The weakest marriages need the most expensive rings.

But expensive is dependent on going beyond ones means not the $ amount.

Posted by: Willy J. at June 28, 2016 01:48 AM (wfv0g)

638 620 Ashley, yikes.

There's a story that sometime in the 1980s some gangs wanted to make Lakewood Mall their home turf. Thank God the city got wind of it and we have our own LA Sheriffs substation literally right across the street, so they countered by just packing the mall with patrols all day and all night long. It worked, the gangs got the message and to this day there doesn't seem to be much of a problem.
Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:28 AM (q7T0y)

Wish the cops here would do that, but our city leaders are oh so progressive and can't allow that to happen.

Funny how our police chiefs only seem to last about 5 years.

Posted by: Ashley Judds Puffy Scamper at June 28, 2016 01:48 AM (1JnAL)

639 When I do a re-cap job on a tube radio, I like to clip off the leads of the old cap, leaving about a quarter-inch stub, depending upon the local "lay of the land". Then I take the new cap, which usually has much more slender leads, trim the leads to length, and then form tight coils in the ends of its leads by winding them around the leads of the just-removed old cap. Then I can slip those little coils over the stub ends left in the chassis, apply solder, and make a very inconspicuous joint, without doing violence to tube sockets or fragile phenolic terminal strips.

And it basically satisfies the rule that a solder joint should be mechanically sound before solder is applied.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

In another life, you were a small, middle-aged filipina women who were the soul of the factory.

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 01:51 AM (Doh4+)

640 That same engine got used in the very rare MGC V8 (not positive about the designation, there), the Triumph TR8, and countless Land Rovers and Range Rovers.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

I should look it up, but was the Triumph Stag powered by that engine?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:52 AM (jO7js)

641 Ashley, I consider Lakewood quite lucky. Most of our city council have always been Dems, but they concern themselves with things like raising the sales tax base in the city (by bringing in more business), keeping the town safe, the roads paved, etc etc. I guess it helps that we're small, so a city councilship here isn't considered a 'stepping stone' to anything. I've also NEVER heard of the town passing any political resolutions for or against anything, thank God.

We also have a *very* powerful City Manager, and have had one for decades named Howard Chambers, who is known for his pro-business stance. He's set the example and the city is far more prosperous today than when he first came in, back in the 1970s. That's helped a lot too, I think.

We've also always had a reputation for a good relationship with LA County Sheriffs, and even pioneered helicopter policing with the "Sky Knight" program in 1967 (when the state still had some money to share with municipalities).

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:53 AM (q7T0y)

642 I should look it up, but was the Triumph Stag powered by that engine?
Posted by: Mike Hammer

Nope. Just looked it up.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:54 AM (jO7js)

I'm out.
*motors into the darkness*

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:55 AM (jO7js)

644 Have you ever seen those people waving signs at an intersection?

I WAS one of those on Sunday!

I got an emergency e-mail Saturday evening from a company I hadn't worked with in over 5 years and 2 states ago, saying that they would pay $25 p/h for a 5 hour job.

Okay, I'll bite, what is the JOB?...

(I'm thinking it's going to be some sort of Home Depot or Lowes reset, that requires horking around 40-60 lb. shelves and product for a couple of hours, which *I DON'T DO!!!*)

Wave a 6' sign?


Okay, I'll bite!

Me: Don't you normally pay hobos about $8 bucks an hour and a hot-dog to wave signs?

Them: We really need you to show up, in appropriate clothing, and finish the day. (They also had 2 mandatory videos about ways that I could give myself heatstroke, being a jackass).

Me: How hard can it be??


It wasn't HARD once I *finally* found the correct Store of the same Chain within 1/128 th of a mile, who had the crappiest location who also had, THE SIGN.

Not shitting you, there were 3 locations "across the street from each-other.


I dunked and rocked and mostly tried to not let gusts of wind try to spin the arrow on the front of this monster sail of a sign point the right way.

Found shade early on and also turf to stand on rather than concrete for the full gig...

I didn't even have any good Adam Carola podcasts!

It's just... SUPER BORING!

I made up GAMES about walking/rocking the sign back and forth 300 yards, how many ants can I kill...

The sign was a huge, HEAVY 6'x 3' monster SAIL (with NO handles).

Eh, I don't recommend it.

It's just so... BORING!

I mean, I did it, full on and CORRECTLY...

Not me though, it seems.

Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 01:56 AM (xPWMR)

645 Reading the Horde's rememberances, I was initially puzzled about which obsolete store it belonged to, but there was a chain (BEST) that was wedded to an architecture firm (SITE) that was just so fun and are some samples:

Just to be clear, on the "Notch Building" in Sacramento, CA, the piece that you see opened was on rails -- and when it was closed for the night, it was a wall.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 01:57 AM (EzgxV)

646 Deety - Good for you. Honest labor, man. Honest labor.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:58 AM (jO7js)

647 Deety, I did one of those sign-waving jobs once. *One* day, eight hours, on a corner in Buena Park.

I was *never* more exhausted afterwards. I came home and collapsed on the couch.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 01:59 AM (q7T0y)

648 I woulda been first, but I stopped to read the content...

...after watching a movie and some other videos with Milady, and going through hundreds of news feed items stacked up over the past couple of days, and driving to the store, then over to son's house on an errand. And driving home, feeding the pets, doing some dishes, and reading more news feeds.

Otherwise, yeah, I coulda been first. 'Cept for that.

Posted by: mindful webworker - next! at June 28, 2016 02:00 AM (NuA1h)

649 You needed something to play audio files and a good audio book. Can really help make the time pass.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 02:02 AM (IdCqF)

650 I should look it up, but was the Triumph Stag powered by that engine?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at June 28, 2016 01:52 AM (jO7js)

Seems like it was tried, but not used in the Stag. Used Triumph's own 3-liter SOHC V8.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 02:03 AM (GSdpU)

651 Epobirs, I tried but it wasn't enough. I had a portable CD player and played Steely Dan's "Gaucho" over and over again, *all day long.* Must have heard it at least 14 times.

Ah geez.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 02:03 AM (q7T0y)

652 "Reading the Horde's rememberances, I was initially puzzled about which obsolete store it belonged to..."

It's probably Lace Wigs as far as obsolescence with a sharp eye for new markets.

There was a "Machines" poster from that era of the ONT who might have some insight...

Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 02:04 AM (xPWMR)

653 So - what's gonna happen with Labour? Or, with the "Conservatives"?
What happens with UKIP? On the one hand there's not much need for them, but on the other a majority of the population agrees with their reason for being, which is huge in a parliamentary system.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apparently nonvoting democrat at June 28, 2016 02:04 AM (3Liv/)

654 Another depressing Mark Dice on-the-street interviews:

4th of July Fails - Americans Don't Know Why We Celebrate Fourth of July!

The last gal is worth wading through the interviews with the ignoramusi, though.

Posted by: mindful webworker - next! at June 28, 2016 02:05 AM (NuA1h)

655 CaliGirl and others, just took a look at the Paso Robles Motel 6.

Nice, it's next to a poker room. Also seems much newer than what I/my family stayed in; maybe they tore down the old one and rebuilt it.

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 02:07 AM (q7T0y)

656 Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
PragerU (5:36)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is such an excellent person to address this.

Posted by: mindful webworker - man! at June 28, 2016 02:08 AM (NuA1h)

657 Okay, gonna call it a night all. Happy work week and thanks for the great chat!!

Posted by: qdpsteve at June 28, 2016 02:11 AM (q7T0y)

658 What happens with UKIP? On the one hand there's not much need for them, but on the other a majority of the population agrees with their reason for being, which is huge in a parliamentary system.

Posted by: Methos, AoSHQ commenter since 2006, now apparently nonvoting democrat at June 28, 2016 02:04 AM (3Liv/)

Yeah, UKIP is now a party without a raison d'etre. More or less, anyway. What I'd like to see happen is Boris Johnson take over as PM, upon Cameron's resignation. Then he could invite the (1, or 2?) sitting UKIP members to join the Conservative caucus. Nigel Farage, not having a seat, could either run for the seat vacated by Cameron, should he also give up his seat in the commons, or else perhaps he could be appointed to the House of Lords.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 02:13 AM (GSdpU)


Posted by: redc1c4 at June 28, 2016 02:19 AM (7XWyA)

660 Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women?
PragerU (5:36)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is such an excellent person to address this.

Posted by: mindful webworker - man! at June 28, 2016 02:08 AM (NuA1h)

Short answer: Intersectionalism

It's all about destroying Western Civilization. Feminism is spent, and Islam is the new hotness.

Posted by: The Intrasectional Hat at June 28, 2016 02:19 AM (vBeA5)


Posted by: redc1c4 at June 28, 2016 02:20 AM (7XWyA)

662 Nigel Farage, not having a seat, could either run for the seat vacated by Cameron, should he also give up his seat in the commons, or else perhaps he could be appointed to the House of Lords.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 02:13 AM (GSdpU)

They might do that to preclude him from ever sitting in the House of Commons.

Posted by: The Uncommon Hat at June 28, 2016 02:20 AM (vBeA5)

663 /Lake_Nacimiento_Watershed_Mercury_Sediment_Reduction.htm

Posted by: redc1c4 at June 28, 2016 02:21 AM (7XWyA)


Don't lick the icing...

Posted by: The Lysergic Hat at June 28, 2016 02:21 AM (vBeA5)

665 "Deety - Good for you. Honest labor, man. Honest labor."

Yeah, true enough and I did EARN it,"super active 360 degree constant movement!" mosquito bites and all...

I just fuckin' HATE standing around and watching the clock run out.



Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 02:24 AM (xPWMR)

666 #651

For music you need some variety. Back when one of the earliest MP3 players hit the market, the Diamond RIO, I was sent a review unit with a 64MB Smart Media card. (Flash memory format that died off a long, long time ago. Was used by Olympus and Fuji digital cameras in the 90s.) I chose Frank Zappa's Sheik Yerbouti as a test and immediately ran into problems. The whole album wouldn't fit at decent quality level, making it obvious that this wasn't all that much an improvement on what was already available. It was much smaller with far better battery life than personal cassette or disc players but the value wasn't quite there yet.

It's hard to remember now that a lot of people thought Apple was crazy to use the Toshiba 1.8" hard drives (originally targeted toward PCMCIA Type III slots on laptops) to make the iPod. The price was high but finally there was something that met all the other desires for size, battery life, and capacity. It turned out they made the right bet that there would be people willing to pay that much for such an item and sustain the product until the price came down.

I cannot just sit and listen to an audio book. The pace is far slower than my reading pace, so it drives me up the wall. BUT, if I'm doing something like driving or a task that only demands a subset of my attention, an audio book is a great thing to have. Even on cassette it helped me get though some otherwise tedious jobs that would have driven me crazy a lot sooner than they otherwise did.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 02:25 AM (IdCqF)

667 If anyone deserves a seat in the House of Lords, its Farage.

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 02:26 AM (Doh4+)

668 Is anyone having you tube problems?

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 02:26 AM (qUNWi)

669 I coulda been 666th, but I was busy brushing my teeth.

* does the fast-fade shuffle *

Posted by: mindful webworker - say onara pilgrims at June 28, 2016 02:27 AM (NuA1h)

670 I heard a rumor that the Ohio family killings were solved; but the internet says nothing?

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 02:29 AM (Doh4+)

671 Oh!
Whatever happened to that Disney chick who ALWAYS got 666?

Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 02:30 AM (xPWMR)

672 They might do that to preclude him from ever sitting in the House of Commons.

Posted by: The Uncommon Hat at June 28, 2016 02:20 AM (vBeA5)

I don't know if becoming a "term peer" precludes one from ever sitting in the Commons again. The Labour Party right morked things up wrt the House of Lords. There's fookin' muslim "lords" now.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 02:31 AM (GSdpU)

673 I heard a rumor that the Ohio family killings were solved; but the internet says nothing?

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 02:29 AM (Doh4+)

i read something yesterday to the effect that it was now proven to be the result of over-enthusiastic competition in the recreational pharmaceutical industry.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at June 28, 2016 02:33 AM (GSdpU)

Labour whips have been contacting MPs to advise them on their personal safety after today's pro Corbyn demonstration

Posted by: Mustapha Kunt at June 28, 2016 02:34 AM (iQIUe)

675 Mornin'.

Y'all seen this yet? You don't need to be pro-Trump to appreciate gorgeous babes wearin' the red white and blue. I'm-a be so disappointed if this doesn't make the Dump.



Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at June 28, 2016 02:40 AM (WlGX+)

676 "I cannot just sit and listen to an audio book. The pace is far slower than my reading pace, so it drives me up the wall. BUT, if I'm doing something like driving or a task that only demands a subset of my attention, an audio book is a great thing to have. Even on cassette it helped me get though some otherwise tedious jobs that would have driven me crazy a lot sooner than they otherwise did."


With the videos!

Knock it off!

I just "GET" more *reading* an essay, work order / scanning a diagram or 3 in 15 min, than I will EVAR get in the clever 27 min. video some asshole at Frito Lay produces.

Where does the shit belong?

Why isn't it there?

Let's fix it!

Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 02:42 AM (xPWMR)

677 Hadn't paid attention to the number for a long time, so I didn't notice. IIRC, Cthulhu would get it every night for a long time but I guess the thrill faded.

Perhaps if the pace keeps up we'll reach 999, the cry of the German virgin.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 02:43 AM (IdCqF)

678 Trump WON the Republican Primary!

Can we just shut the fuck up about him already?



Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 02:46 AM (xPWMR)

Hadn't paid attention to the number for a long time, so I didn't notice.
IIRC, Cthulhu would get it every night for a long time but I guess the
thrill faded.

Perhaps if the pace keeps up we'll reach 999, the cry of the German virgin.

Posted by: Epobirs at June 28, 2016 02:43 AM (IdCqF)

I'm trying to throttle it back a bit.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 02:47 AM (EzgxV)

Trump WON the Republican Primary!

Can we just shut the fuck up about him already?



Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 02:46 AM (xPWMR)

The MSM coverage of him is STUPID and BORING and USELESS. He's just a real estate guy....who happens to be playing the MSM like the total assholes and idiots they are. I'm not at all thrilled to be pro-Trump because of who he is or what he espouses.....but he is really pissing-off the right people.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 02:50 AM (EzgxV)

681 Trump WON the Republican Primary!

Can we just shut the fuck up about him already?



Posted by: Deety

But we're working on a Broadway production of NebbahTurnip...

How dare you defy you betters!

Once the 2nd act's chorus line kicks in you all will be sorry!!!!

Posted by: Kevin 'Auric' Williamson at June 28, 2016 02:52 AM (p2X2f)

682 Oakland has just banned coal shipments through the city.

Posted by: The Lysergic Hat at June 28, 2016 02:56 AM (vBeA5)

683 682
Oakland has just banned coal shipments through the city.

Posted by: The Lysergic Hat at June 28, 2016 02:56 AM (vBeA5)

I can't wait until San Jose bans asbestos and mercury -- Communications Hill is practically made of the former, and you can guess how common the latter is in the "Cinnabar Hills" region.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 03:01 AM (EzgxV)

684 If I had money, I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd go downtown & buy a mercury or two ...

Posted by: Adriane the Music Critic ... at June 28, 2016 03:03 AM (AoK0a)

685 Sorry, Metallica...
"Anywhere I roam.."


Posted by: Deety at June 28, 2016 03:04 AM (xPWMR)

686 How many coal shipments pass thru Oakland? Is this one of those feel good measures?

Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 03:05 AM (ZUUI1)

687 read something yesterday to the effect that it was now proven to be the result of over-enthusiastic competition in the recreational pharmaceutical industry.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Thats the base assumption, but cant find anything new.

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 03:06 AM (Doh4+)

688 Cooth -- yes Trump pisses off the right people.

As does Brexit. The two seem to go hand in hand.

The "elites" . Quotes are important.

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 03:06 AM (qUNWi)

689 Most coal goes by train, and that interstate commerce. Meaning localities don't get to say shit about it.

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 03:08 AM (Doh4+)

690 How many coal shipments pass thru Oakland? Is this one of those feel good measures?

Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 03:05 AM (ZUUI1)


Oakland is a major port facility and this effectivly blocks Utah coal from going to Asia.

This actually is a question of both interstate and international commerce.

Posted by: The Carbon Hat at June 28, 2016 03:11 AM (vBeA5)

691 688
Cooth -- yes Trump pisses off the right people.

As does Brexit. The two seem to go hand in hand.

The "elites" . Quotes are important.

Posted by: eleven at June 28, 2016 03:06 AM (qUNWi)

The existence of "elites" explains how a certain "conservative" Jeb! can lose to a maybe Democrat Trump. The "in-group" is so heartily despised that the bona-fides of an "out-group" candidate hardly matter.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 03:11 AM (EzgxV)

692 If I had money, I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd go downtown & buy a mercury or two ...

Posted by: Adriane the Music Critic ... at June 28, 2016 03:03 AM (AoK0a)

A little mood music:

Posted by: The Hg Hat at June 28, 2016 03:12 AM (vBeA5)

693 690
How many coal shipments pass thru Oakland? Is this one of those feel good measures?

Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 03:05 AM (ZUUI1)


Oakland is a major port facility and this effectivly blocks Utah coal from going to Asia.

This actually is a question of both interstate and international commerce.

Posted by: The Carbon Hat at June 28, 2016 03:11 AM (vBeA5)

And, as such, is not necessarily a slam-dunk with local measures.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 03:13 AM (EzgxV)

694 Thank you for the link, The Carbon Hat.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 03:16 AM (ZUUI1)

695 Thank you for the link, The Carbon Hat.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 03:16 AM (ZUUI1)

I'm thinking of sending each council member a lump of coal for Christmas...

Posted by: Ho Ho Ho at June 28, 2016 03:20 AM (vBeA5)

696 So the Oakland council just voted to make some lawyers some money.

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 03:20 AM (Doh4+)

697 Its interesting to watch Trump put the UK at the head of the queue for a free trade agreement.

Why are those foreigners better to trade with than Mexico or China?

Hmmmm. I wonder why.

Of course, Trump himself has deals in China and sells American products (real estate, our very sacred soil) to any Chinese guy with the money.

Posted by: sexypig at June 28, 2016 03:21 AM (dZQh7)

698 Trade deals with economies and societies with roughly equal circumstances are significantly different then deals with countries with dramatically lower costs and regulatory burdens.

Posted by: Jean at June 28, 2016 03:23 AM (Doh4+)

699 Of course, Trump himself has deals in China and sells American products (real estate, our very sacred soil) to any Chinese guy with the money.

Posted by: sexypig

We don't need money.

We just need oil....

Posted by: Kevin 'Auric' Williamson at June 28, 2016 03:26 AM (p2X2f)

700 The Hg Hat at June 28, 2016 03:12 AM (vBeA5)

Back at ya!

Posted by: Adriane the Music Critic ... at June 28, 2016 03:31 AM (AoK0a)

701 Night all.

A little Mercury based music:

A Night in the Arms of Venus Leads to a Lifetime on Mercury by Cherry Choke:

Posted by: The Political Hat at June 28, 2016 03:43 AM (vBeA5)

702 Heh.....I just bought a laptop with an OS that I consider worse than useless -- -- first choice OS is Qubes.

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 03:47 AM (EzgxV)

703 first choice OS is Qubes.

Posted by: cthulhu

*snort, spit*

Well, there's yer problem.

Posted by: Kevin 'Auric' Williamson at June 28, 2016 04:00 AM (p2X2f)

first choice OS is Qubes.

Posted by: cthulhu

*snort, spit*

Well, there's yer problem.

Posted by: Kevin 'Auric' Williamson at June 28, 2016 04:00 AM (p2X2f)

Have a reason for that? Get a phishing email, lose most recent emails; click a bad link, lose open links....everything runs in VMs and nothing cross-contaminates.....there can be no ransomware; there can be no continuing malware -- a VM gets totally crufty and is shut down with no residue. The model is very nice. If you have experience to show otherwise, do tell.....

Posted by: cthulhu at June 28, 2016 04:10 AM (EzgxV)

705 Crappie night, plumbing leak at 1am, cleaned it up but coldwater is off.
Hope everyone else is having a good morning.

Posted by: Skip at June 28, 2016 04:11 AM (d9qXV)

706 I was wondering if the Brexit was a good thing economics wise? I just watched a Jim Cramer Mad Money show. He says Brexit was the stupidest short sightest wrong headed financial and economic policy ever. Britain leaving the EU is idiotic according to Cramer.

Thank you Jim! I now know Brexit was the right result!

Cramer is the financial equivalent of Barack Obama. He is always, ALWAYS Wrong.

Posted by: rd at June 28, 2016 04:15 AM (v0YLX)

707 Some audio books you can listen to at a fast speed.

I have classes with a video lecture portion. I play them at 1.4x speed. Any slower bores me to death, and any faster might hurt my comprehension.

My podcasts I listen to at regular speed. It's a plus that it eats up an hour or two.

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 28, 2016 04:16 AM (VdICR)

708 But on the good side had a little rain yesterday evening and should have more today.

Posted by: Skip at June 28, 2016 04:20 AM (d9qXV)

709 Venture Brothers does Gustaf Holst's Mars:

Posted by: BourbonChicken at June 28, 2016 04:28 AM (VdICR)

710 A few min early this morning:

Good Morning Morons. Today is Tuesday, June 28, 2016. On this day in 1978 the Supreme Court, in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke bared race quota systems in college admissions. But they muddied the waters by saying "diversity" could be a factor in preferences. So what did all these liberal organizations do? All those race "quotas" turned magically into goals for diversity and nothing changed. And to date nothing has changed.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:43 AM (mpXpK)

711 Shocking new news release on Fox:

The claim that the fatal 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks were sparked by an anti-Muslim video was crafted in Washington by Obama administration appointees and reflected neither eyewitness nor real-time reports from the Americans under siege, according to the final report of the GOP-led Benghazi Select Committee.

Is there anyone out there who didn't already know this?

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:44 AM (mpXpK)

712 Another batch of Scankles' e-mails have been dumped. This continues her and corrupt Bubba's strategy of long term foot dragging.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:44 AM (mpXpK)

713 RINO Ryan says he would have voted for Brexit. Sure you would.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:44 AM (mpXpK)

714 Russian agents have been harassing US diplomats in Europe for a while now including crapping on their carpets at home. Why are we just now hearing about this?

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:45 AM (mpXpK)

715 Obama's corrupt EPA gave $200M to an NGO that recommends EPA regs who turned around and called for sweeping new regulations on ozone, First off, WTF do we have some super secret panel that controls new regulations? It is supposed to be the job of congress to issue laws and government agencies to act on those laws within the scope of the law for making the regulations. But with our current single party congress Obama can do anything he wants.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:45 AM (mpXpK)

716 MO Gov Jay Nixon (C) has vetoed a bill that would have expanded gun rights to citizens in MO. He claimed the bill would make MO more dangerous. He, like all gun grabbing Democrats is FOS.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:45 AM (mpXpK)

717 This ass-kissing article from NBC hints that Scankles is still considering Lyingwatha as a VP.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:45 AM (mpXpK)

718 Migrant agitators block ICE headquarters in Atlanta protesting "deportation" that hasn't been happening since Obama became Pharaoh.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:46 AM (mpXpK)

719 This year's Democrat Party platform calls for the government to prosecute AGW skeptics.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:46 AM (mpXpK)

720 And since all the data says the AGW issue is a scam, its initiator and leading crook says the data is not necessary to prove global warming.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:46 AM (mpXpK)

721 The SS is complaining that they are stretched to the limit covering the campaign. Well how about canceling coverage for all those lower level flunkies who are getting coverage simply as a DC status symbol.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:46 AM (mpXpK)

722 The new VRW conspiracy that is plaguing Scankles; the Internet.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:46 AM (mpXpK)

723 Jeff Sessions says Scankles' "refugee" admissions would cost $400B in the first term alone.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:47 AM (mpXpK)

724 NPR admits that a so-called "gun control mom" guest was actually a Democrat operative.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:47 AM (mpXpK)

725 Tancredo says Obama's removal of the part of the immigration oath that calls for new immigrants to defend America was because it would restrict the muzzie influx.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:47 AM (mpXpK)

726 CNN idiot says reporters are better educated and more comfortable with diversity that ordinary people. Translation: Reporters are liberal biased propaganda warriors and stupid.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:47 AM (mpXpK)

727 Ramirez - no update

That's it for today folks. Not much out there today.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:48 AM (mpXpK)

728 Thanks Vic.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 05:48 AM (ZUUI1)

729 Now off to rocking chair.

Posted by: Vic We Have No Party at June 28, 2016 05:52 AM (mpXpK)

730 God Morning Everyone.

1. Can't angry up the blood if you don't read em.

2. Creeper, You out there? How is everything.

3. Slap CB1 T Where you at bub? Bottles or cans and the answer better not be "yes" :O

4. That's all I got.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at June 28, 2016 05:56 AM (WVsWD)

731 Morning Tim.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 06:00 AM (ZUUI1)

732 Posted by: Hanoverfist at June 28, 2016 06:00 AM (ZUUI1)

Have to wish you a Good Morning too. I'm the Eternal Optimist.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at June 28, 2016 06:06 AM (WVsWD)

733 I tried marijuana once, till I realized what it was.

Posted by: BubbaClinton at June 28, 2016 06:34 AM (WlGX+)

734 Wow the Remain people are still in denial. Just watched a couple of interviews on TV and they are saying that the people who voted to leave will come to regret their vote and are having a big case of buyers remorse over their leave votes.

They still refuse to get it.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at June 28, 2016 06:34 AM (iONHu)

735 4-8 years of Skankles-Liawatha.

I can't even.

Trump better figure this general election stuff out soon.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at June 28, 2016 06:37 AM (WlGX+)

736 725 Tancredo says Obama's removal of the part of the immigration oath that calls for new immigrants to defend America was because it would restrict the muzzie influx.

Tancredo = Captain Obvious

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at June 28, 2016 06:38 AM (WlGX+)

737 The "elites" over in England want a do-over vote.

The reply should be: How would you like a pitchfork up your arse vote?

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at June 28, 2016 06:39 AM (SXa8W)

738 Woke up this morning in the middle of a nightmare.

The Euro Zone was imploding; everyone trying to get out, sparked a general panic and all of Europe's rich people fled the EU Zone for the United States as a two million man army of Islam began an armed invasion of the continent while insurgents in the cities started burning and looting.

Then I woke up.

Posted by: Erlic Maas-Haven at June 28, 2016 06:43 AM (jj9xd)

And then I found this on Breitbart :

Millions of CIA arms stolen and sold on the black market.

Posted by: Erlic Maas-Haven at June 28, 2016 06:56 AM (jj9xd)

740 So State Department couldn't make up their minds if the Military rescue party for the Benghazi mission should swear uniforms or not, so the rescue mission never left the ground.

This should finally sink Hillary. If it doesn't the Benghazi Committee just gave Trump enough ammo to last the entire campaign. I honestly don't know why they think stuff like this is not going to get out.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at June 28, 2016 06:57 AM (iONHu)

741 swear=wear.

Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at June 28, 2016 06:58 AM (iONHu)

742 The Syrian Civil War. All because the saudis want a pipeline through Syria to ship their oil cheaper than loading them on to tankers.

$$$ Gets want it wants most of the time.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. at June 28, 2016 07:00 AM (WVsWD)

743 What fresh hell awaits us this morning?

Posted by: Kreplach at June 28, 2016 07:02 AM (MFW6C)

744 I think Vlad the Impaler was vastly underrated.

Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at June 28, 2016 07:16 AM (SXa8W)

745 So, they are already trying to neuter the Brexit vote, and when they do, when they there, when they here, go skipping merrily on along the great golden-paved road of "we elites have good intentions and only we may choose the fate of society", it will be another proof that if one wishes to preserve democracy and one's say and one's birthrights, and an idea of nation-hood, only force of arms serves as the truly definitive answer.

Because they just aren't going to stop.

Posted by: Horatius at June 28, 2016 07:17 AM (ORlaL)

746 I'm fresh, exciting!

Posted by: Sidney Blumenthal at June 28, 2016 07:19 AM (BO/km)

747 Because they just aren't going to stop.
Posted by: Horatius at June 28, 2016 07:17 AM (ORlaL)

Bears repeating

Posted by: random lurker at June 28, 2016 07:19 AM (WF5ei)

748 g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at June 28, 2016 07:23 AM (ZQfW9)

749 Good morning all. Not so bright and too early here. Maybe today Hillary gets indicted?? Haha.

Posted by: IC at June 28, 2016 07:26 AM (KTFfX)

750 BREXIT continues to be a clown car circus act.

EU Commissioners are saying that since British voters voted to leave they should get out, right now, immediately, today, leave, and suffer the consequences and there will be consequences because the voters dared to vote against the EU..

While the guy who is the Prime Minister and wanted to remain won't do anything for four months. And the guy who led the movement to leave doesn't have the authority to invoke Rule 50.

Meanwhile other politicians are saying that the guy who wanted to leave is 'backsliding'; that the Torys really don't want to 'leave' the EU, they just wanted negotiating leverage to strike a better deal with Brussels and won't invoke Rule 50 when they take the office of Prime Minister in - - whenever it is they take the office, and there is another election scheduled for November.

Madness, everyone has gone mad. Everywhere you look; Trumph! BREXIT, refugees, madness.

Posted by: Erlic Maas-Haven at June 28, 2016 07:26 AM (jj9xd)

751 #745 Because they just aren't going to stop.

The Dirt People have proven time and again that they must not be permitted to vote. And the worst, the absolute worst thing about it are the "principled conservatives" who are pulling the same shit over here. The Elites, on both sides, are against us.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? - I speak of the Pompatous of Love at June 28, 2016 07:29 AM (WlGX+)

752 EU commissioners should hold firm many kick GB out. I sense a lot of butt hurt on their part and now it's all playground stuff.

Posted by: IC at June 28, 2016 07:30 AM (KTFfX)

753 When you try to delegitimize somebody's vote, you don't change his mind, only his willingness to talk about it.

Everyone has to fight back strenuously against this. Put your finger in the face of the name caller and raise your voice just enough that other people notice, then ask, 'How many more people have to die, at sporting events, in restaurants, in nightclubs, at a workplace event, before you wise up? Don't act all high and mighty around me. It doesn't work anymore.'

Put them back on their heels.

Posted by: Jiminy Cricket - let your conscience be your guide at June 28, 2016 07:30 AM (ZnIt3)

754 What th...? I know I'm up earlier than my recent usual, but, still the ONT? Maybe I forgot to renew my platinum membership?

Well, then, I get to say, thanks for the news & views, Vic!

Posted by: mindful webworker - return of the at June 28, 2016 07:37 AM (rCGpC)

755 Are the great masses of the poor an oppressed and victimized segment of society that must be lifted up and given a voice and provided with basic needs like a fair minimum wage and universal healthcare and education?

Or are they a senseless uneducated racist xenophobic horde of barbarians who need to be firmly ruled by the only hand capable of doing what's really best for them, the wealthy and well-educated elite?

The left must choose.

Posted by: Ghost of kari - certified sidebar at June 28, 2016 07:39 AM (wOKJp)

756 Dump!

Posted by: rickb223 TEXIT at June 28, 2016 07:40 AM (kWQPe)

757 Wow, I got my comment in with minutes to spare!

Posted by: mindful webworker - nearly willowed at June 28, 2016 07:42 AM (rCGpC)

758 716 MO Gov Jay Nixon (C) has vetoed a bill that would have expanded gun rights to citizens in MO. He claimed the bill would make MO more dangerous. He, like all gun grabbing Democrats is FOS.

The Right Reverend His Holiness Governor Jay Nixon just shit in his hat. The legislature already has the votes to override.

Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at June 28, 2016 07:45 AM (ZEzaq)

759 Kreplach (#80):
"I still cannot believe that there is a better than 50pct chance that this criminal cunt bitch is gonna be the next POTUS.

"Son of a bitch!!!"

That "Son of a" was completely uncalled for.

Posted by: Dr Weevil at June 28, 2016 04:36 PM (Ka6mx)

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