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Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Misanthropic Humanitarian]

Z Ipeed app cover.jpg

It is hard to believe that it is Easter weekend already. The weekend will be full of jelly beans, colored eggs and Easter ham. Some of you might be gifting or receiving Easter Lilies. Lilies pose a serious health threat to cats. Just a leave or two consumed by your cat can cause kidney damage.

Do you have a cat in your household? Please use EXTREME caution when bringing in flowers, bouquets, and new plants into your cat-friendly household. Easter lilies are extremely poisonous to cats, and just 1-2 leaves (or even the pollen) can kill a cat! Even small ingestions can result in severe kidney failure.

Signs of poisoning develop in 6-12 hours of exposure. These signs are but not limited to vomiting, lethargy & dehydration. Getting your cat to the vet promptly is impetrative. Although there is no known antidote for lily poisoning there are actions which can be performed by your vet to save your cat.

Just the other day our youngest barkuum cleaner cleaned up several grapes that accidentally fell to the floor. It was another call to our vet. Fortunately we didn't have to make a trip. We were told to watch him. He didn't eat that many, is young and weighs 60#. Had he been a smaller dog we would have been traveling to the vet. As with lilies to cats so are grapes and raisins to dogs. Grapes and raisins may cause acute kidney failure.

Also a danger to our pets this weekend are the chocolate candies. Chocolate can be toxic to both cats and dogs. Cats are unable to taste sweetness so they are not as prone to eat chocolate as compared to dogs.

You may want to keep this site bookmarked for future pet health issues.

Some good news and funny pet antics

  • Once in a while our politicians do the right thing

  • People sure are generous

  • Cute

  • Cats in trouble

    And here they are, Moron pets

    z cat navy brat Dextar.jpg
    This is Navy Brat's brat cat named Dextar. Devious little guy planning some mischief.

    Z Lauren dog.jpg

    Regular 'ette Lauren submitted this picture of her dog. Not only does she have several children to take care of. This dog appears to be a big baby as well.

    Z Bailey 13 nic IC.jpg

    This is Bailey, a 13 year old cat owned by IC. Silly Morons, of course the cat was named after the booze.

    z luka dog jeannine klemm Satrose.jpg

    An unidentified 'Ette had submitted photos of her 2 dogs. She really wanted to see her white German Shepherd Luka achieve it's 15 minutes of fame.

    z dog An Poc at Buile Friskers.jpg

    Meet Friskers. This exceptional guard dog is owned by An Poc at Buile. I'm not sure I would want to cross it's path. It appears that the kitchen is off limits.

    z tim in va max.jpg

    Tim in VA has a dog named Max. Here Max is getting ready for a costume party as a Jurassic Park creature. The experiment worked.

    Z  Max Dr Coop.jpg

    We have a submission from FU52. His dog Max is a Basenji. Its a regal looking dog. Basenjis don't really bark. They tend to "yodel" instead of barking.

    z Tone Staple Pets 2.jpg

    This photo was submitted by an unidentified Moron. Wish we had your name to thank you. Not sure how you got the 3 Stooges Sophie (dog), Mr. Perfect (orange cat) & Bunnie (brown cat) to pose. Nice job.

    Thank you for stopping in and checking out the Pet Thread. If you care to submit photos, tips, etc. please forward them to petmorons at gee mail dot com. Please include your nic name, pet's name and any other information you wish to share.

    As always we appreciate your patience. We are trying to get as many pet photos posted as possible.

    ***If you wish to discuss politics, there are a couple of good threads downstairs to do that in.****

    Posted by: Open Blogger at 01:39 PM


    (Jump to bottom of comments)

    1 I don't have a pet, but just jumped in to say I LOVE the cartoon! And then I got to looking at all the adorable pets, and, oh my. How sweet.

    Happy Easter, everyone!

    Posted by: bluebell at March 26, 2016 01:41 PM (2WwbN)

    2 Is it just me or do all the dogs have unique facial expressions, and the cats have the look of annoyed superiority?

    Posted by: shadowofashade at March 26, 2016 01:42 PM (owQDO)

    3 I thought dogs had to eat a LOT of chocolate for it to be toxic, much more than just a piece or two.

    Posted by: Insomniac at March 26, 2016 01:43 PM (0mRoj)

    4 I think I saw a pussy cat a watchin over me

    Posted by: Skip at March 26, 2016 01:43 PM (fizMZ)

    5 Cats as far as I know have no interest in chocolate, I've had pieces in my hand and my cats pay no more interest than as if it was a rock.

    Posted by: Skip at March 26, 2016 01:45 PM (fizMZ)

    6 3 I thought dogs had to eat a LOT of chocolate for it to be toxic, much more than just a piece or two.
    Posted by: Insomniac at March 26, 2016 01:43 PM (0mRo

    It varies on the size of dog and the strength of chocolate. I once had a Brittany Spaniel who ate 3 boxes of chocolate covered cherries at Xmas time. What a f*cking mess. Not to mention a sick dog for 5 days. She lived to be a crazy 15 year old dog.

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 01:46 PM (voOPb)

    7 Insomniac, I believe with chocolate it depends on the darkness (white chocolate they could eat a bunch and weight of the dog) Plenty of small dogs have died from eating a serving size bar of dark chocolate.

    Love the dog and cats picture. Ole will lay with the cat sometimes but he looks embarrassed if he sees the camera is going to record the act, and former dogs had similar expressions.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 01:51 PM (3kUGE)

    8 White Germ' is a beauty.

    Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 26, 2016 01:51 PM (9ym/8)

    9 Sophie, Mr. Perfect, and Bunnie are mine. That was supposed to be Sophie's bed. Sophie is extremely suspicious of anything new so she would not use it and continued to use a pile of old towels for nesting. This means the kittehs took over the bed but eventually, Sophie managed to shove the towels underr the bed so that meant she had to nest on it.

    You will note that Sophie was not afraid of the dear, departed Mr. Perfect but she is not touching Bunnie who is glaring at her. This explains the appeasing grin on Sophie's lovely face. She is an awesome dog, Mr. Perfect was, of course, PERFECT, and Bunnie is evil.

    Posted by: Tonestaple at March 26, 2016 01:51 PM (LJYIn)

    10 Dextar looks like the kind of cat who was sitting in a Bond villain's lap and thought, why am I working for this guy when I could be my own boss?

    And now he has his own lair beneath Diamond Head.

    Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 26, 2016 01:52 PM (jR7Wy)

    11 Only worthwhile thread on this blog all week. Sad.

    Posted by: buzzion at March 26, 2016 01:53 PM (zt+N6)

    12 I goofed the lines ( I hadn't heard it in awhile ) it goes

    I thought I saw a pussy cat a watching over me,
    I did I saw a pussy cat as plain as it could be

    From Mark Steyn's Night the of Terror

    Posted by: Skip at March 26, 2016 01:53 PM (fizMZ)

    13 Good pet thread! Nice pet thread!

    Because there aren't enough cat videos on the web...

    The Fur Flies - starring Jack the Cat
    With just a shake of the head
    Video webwork, slightly less than 1 minute. Might need a serious-size screen to really see the "action."

    Jack spent his early years traveling in a semi. Eventually he settled down with his beloved gal, the webworker's daughter. He spent his last years at the webworker ranchero. A big, mellow cat who got along with everyone, although sometimes he appointed himself the policeman to keep other cats from misbehaving. When he finally faded from the world, he was in the arms of his beloved gal.

    Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 26, 2016 01:54 PM (7imgO)

    14 Our chocolate lab has been gone two years now. When we move again, I'll probably break down and get another. He was great dog.

    Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2016 01:54 PM (GgxVX)

    15 Luka is a beauty and Friskers looks like a bundle of fun.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 01:54 PM (3kUGE)

    16 "Only worthwhile thread on this blog all week. Sad."

    You missed the others?

    Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 26, 2016 01:54 PM (9ym/8)

    17 Tim in Va's Max is too funny, or I mean he looks so serious to the part.

    Posted by: Skip at March 26, 2016 01:56 PM (fizMZ)

    18 3, Insomniac, it depends on the kind of chocolate. I will guess from experience that milk chocolate is much less toxic than dark. My first dog, the completely misnamed Stormy, once got a big (4" x 8" or so) Hershey bar out of my purse and gobbled it right down. I sat up all night watching her and searching for info on dogs and chocolate, and she was fine. I did learn that, had it been dark chocolate, she would have been dead.

    So play it very safe, like me now, and lock up your chocolate.

    Posted by: Tonestaple at March 26, 2016 01:57 PM (LJYIn)

    19 Just thought I would let the Horde know that I taught my "pet" a new trick. When he wants me to go outside at night for the last time before bed, he has to show me the leash and collar before I know he's serious about me getting up when I am comfortably resting in my bed.

    After all, who could reasonably expect me to respond to mere verbal queues?

    Posted by: Conor T. Hrothgar at March 26, 2016 01:57 PM (wYnyS)

    20 Posted by: Tonestaple at March 26, 2016 01:51 PM (LJYIn

    Thank you for stopping in and taking credit for the photo. Wonderful photo. I know how hard it is to get 3 pets to be on the "same page" so to speak.

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 01:58 PM (voOPb)

    21 The mastiff with Swimmers Syndrome...amazing! And so cute!

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 01:58 PM (9n14Y)

    22 Max the Basenji is quite a handsome doggie. Ive never heard of that breed. The dogs all look so happy. The cats look like they mean business.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 01:58 PM (2x3L+)

    23 As Jesus said: "consider the lilies, and keep little Fluffy far from them"

    Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 26, 2016 01:58 PM (6FqZa)

    24 Good to know you are still able to learn new tricks, Hrothgar.

    Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2016 01:59 PM (GgxVX)

    25 Max is a good lookin' dog. Basenjis are a hoot. Even when they leap over a fence or climb up into a tree. I had one that would sort the various shapes of kibble into separate piles and then eat them in order according to her favorites.

    Posted by: Furious George at March 26, 2016 02:00 PM (3GAnN)

    26 Dexter is a rescued feral cat. Surly little bugger, but lovable.
    He won't tolerate being picked up and petted, but if I am in a room, that is where he will be, in his own little space. He loves being around me, even if he doesn't like being petted.
    He is absolute murder for any kind of rodent intruder and will dispatch them with prejudice quickly.
    My wife picked him out. He has 1/2 of a cat moustache.

    Posted by: navybrat at March 26, 2016 02:00 PM (8QGte)

    27 Tim in VA
    Your dog is adorable. The costume made me laugh.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:01 PM (egOGm)

    28 We had a cat, named Max, who was pure evil. To this day, I swear he spent the majority of his time plotting to kill us in our sleep. Also had a doggeh, a tricolor Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ein who we loved to pieces. Both died of old age (they were 16 and 14, respectively) within a few months of each other. Doggeh died on Easter Sunday two years ago. Worst Easter, ever. I miss the hell out of that dog.

    We resisted the call (and child begging) for new pets until about two weeks ago when I purchased two gerbils for my kids. I home school them, so it's actually partially a science thing since I have assigned them to observe and report, etc, on the gerbils and how to care for them, their behavior, and so on. The kids named the gerbils Spot and Brownie, because one has white patches in his fur that kind of look like spots and the other one is all brown. Yes, the kids are masters of the obvious.


    I've never owned rodents before and ranked them only slightly above reptiles on my own personal pet desirability scale. I have to say I really like these little guys. Not only are they adorable, they're surprisingly curious and friendly, are much smarter than I expected considering they're basically overgrown desert mice, and they've both got their own little personalities, if you will. Brownie loves the everloving shit out of the wheel. Spends most of his time awake split between running the wheel and chasing Spot around their little habitat. Brownie is also the brave one. Comes right to you. Spot, on the other hand, is slightly more skittish, although he will come to us now and he's actually had more out-of-cage time- although that's mostly due to Brownie being so caught up in running the wheel that he misses his opportunity to chill with us. But Spot is, I think, the more clever of the two. We will give them one of those interlocking chew toy puzzles and while Brownie just starts going to town on chewing a section, Spot on the other hand will have the entire puzzle dismantled, pulling each piece out one at a time, in short order.

    They're brothers from the same litter, so they were already bonded when we brought them home with us. They sleep with one draped over the other. It's so stinking cute. I will try to remember to take some pictures this week and send them in so we can get some rodentia pics in the mix with the kittehs and doggehs.

    Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at March 26, 2016 02:02 PM (KkVB6)

    29 >>>>> I had one that would sort the various shapes of kibble into separate piles and then eat them in order according to her favorites.
    Posted by: Furious George at March 26, 2016 02:00 PM
    The dog had OCD? That's too funny!

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:02 PM (2x3L+)

    30 After all these years I still find it amazing that each and every pet is a unique "person" onto itself. Thanks you guys for sharing your stories.

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 02:02 PM (voOPb)

    31 Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2016 01:59 PM (GgxVX)

    Pretty soon, Conor T will have this place will running like a well-oiled machine!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at March 26, 2016 02:03 PM (wYnyS)

    32 If I had the time I'd like a couple of labs.

    wiggly-waggy types.

    with work and the kids I don't have time for any hounds.....

    Posted by: jake at March 26, 2016 02:04 PM (FbIkx)

    33 9 My dog doesn't usually get "territorial ", but when my daughter brought her chihuahua over at Christmas, everything that poor little thing sat on was immediately Cheyenne's, even stuff she took no interest in before or since. She didn't get rough, she just shoved the chihuahua off and plopped down herself.

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:04 PM (9n14Y)

    34 I got my little guy a big chew bone yesterday. He's had chew toys & such before, but this thing turned him into a degenerate bone junkie. He wouldn't chew it, just grab it & guard it, snarling at anyone & anything, including his tail that came within 5 feet of him. I grabbed it away from him when he jumped down from the couch to attack the cat. Maybe I'll cut into smaller pieces for him. I never saw anything like it.

    Posted by: Josephistan at March 26, 2016 02:05 PM (7qAYi)

    35 It seems weird that some cats won't let you pick them up or pet them. I guess that's not uncommon based on comments on these threads.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:05 PM (2x3L+)

    36 I'm in the doghouse. Does that count?

    Posted by: USA at March 26, 2016 02:06 PM (tfM+W)

    37 Does anyone have a K-9 Fun Zone in their town? I think this might be a franchise, or the owner here is an absolute genius, because it's just a metal building like an enclosed off-leash park and you schedule half hour or hour sessions where your dog can play and play and play. There's agility equipment available but you can just throw the ball and play tug and get slobbered on. This is Sophie's idea of Disneyland.

    Posted by: Tonestaple at March 26, 2016 02:06 PM (LJYIn)

    38 Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at March 26, 2016 02:02 PM (KkVB6)

    We had a lot of animals, over time, when I was growing up but never had birds. A little over a year ago we were given a cockatiel and I was shocked at how much personality (and expression! Who knew a critter with a beak could smile?) he has.

    Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 26, 2016 02:06 PM (GDulk)

    39 navybrat,
    dextar looks like he is plotting something.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:08 PM (egOGm)

    40 Before I forget, thanks to MisHum & L, Elle for their efforts. In these times most all of us can use an interlude of fun against the backdrop of (spit) politics!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at March 26, 2016 02:08 PM (wYnyS)

    41 Mandy P., do you have one of those exercise balls you put the lil' ratlet in and let them wander around the house? We got one for my daughter's hamster years ago...too funny!!!

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:09 PM (9n14Y)

    42 "It seems weird that some cats won't let you pick them up or pet them."

    Dexter is the first cat like that I have ever owned.
    He is affectionate, he rubs up against my legs and he will come and sit next to me while we watch tv, but no picking up, or else, a hiss or even a bite will follow.
    So, affection, but on his terms, not ours.

    Posted by: navybrat at March 26, 2016 02:09 PM (8QGte)

    43 Nice looking group this week!

    Posted by: Weasel at March 26, 2016 02:09 PM (uqVY0)

    44 Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:05 PM (2x3L+)

    Our Yu-Yu Kitten is *not* a fan of being picked up even though she's quite friendly. After a year and a half she's becoming resigned to it though. Eevee on the other hand is unsure why anyone thinks he should have to walk somewhere when he has perfectly good humans to carry him.

    Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 26, 2016 02:10 PM (GDulk)

    45 Thanks for the photos. Gave me a few smiles.

    Posted by: Anna Puma at March 26, 2016 02:11 PM (2s5VM)

    46 You're welcome to everyone who has said thank you or complimented this post. MisHum does all the heavy lifting, but we both enjoy doing this. It barely feels like work when we get to read the comments here.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:11 PM (2x3L+)

    47 Posted by: Josephistan at March 26, 2016 02:05 PM (7qAYi)
    My cats would do the same thing with toys when they were kittens. They would growl if you tried to take their toy out of their mouth.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:11 PM (egOGm)

    48 I have to say Sophie looks so sweet.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:12 PM (egOGm)

    49 We had a lot of pets growing up too, Polliwog. My brothers had a Ball python that somehow managed to get the lid off of its cage and slip out into the house. We couldn't find the dang thing for two months. One day, my brother reached into the top of his closet for something and "found" it. He screamed like a girl. Kind of embarrassing for a 16 year old. My mother and I heard him and her reaction was classic. She shrugged and said, "Well, I guess he finally found the snake." I have never laughed so hard since.

    Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2016 02:13 PM (GgxVX)

    50 I had one little kitty, an adorable part-angora tabby, who craved affection but was very skittish around strangers. She was a rescue and was apparently dumped into a humane society drop box wrapped up in duct tape. *grrrrr* She had an "approved petting zone" about an inch wide along her spine; any deviation resulted in hissy fits and biting. It took years for her to really relax around people, but she positively melted under tender ministrations. Just a sweet, sweet kitty.

    Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 26, 2016 02:13 PM (jR7Wy)

    51 I had a dog named Sophie, a sheltie mix, who ate an entire 12 oz. bag of chocolate chips as a puppy. She couldn't sit still for 24 hours, barfing and crapping all over the place, pure liquid chocolate but poo-smelling. NOT my favorite experience, nor hers I think. She, at least, never went near chocolate again, but we were pretty sure she was done for. Turned out to be just a bad experience with no harm done. She WAS a little crazy after that, but I think that may have just been the way she was born.

    Posted by: tcn in AK at March 26, 2016 02:13 PM (+YMhA)

    52 L, Elle...did anyone ever come up with any info on benefits of different dog foods? I've been studying hard, and if anybody's interested I might could put together what I have for a future thread.

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:14 PM (9n14Y)

    53 The dog had OCD? That's too funny!
    Posted by: L, Elle

    From what I've heard from other Basenji owners, they tend toward OCD and hoarding behavior. It's amusing to watch.

    Posted by: Furious George at March 26, 2016 02:15 PM (3GAnN)

    54 Tonestaple, Sophie looks like such a sweetheart. I want one of those K9 Fun Zone places for Juno, dammit!! She would love a place like that. I mostly let her run my property for fun. She either is on patrol duty and all serious and cases the joint or she just runs. I love watching her run. She is so fast and for a giant breed (Great Dane), she is amazingly agile.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:15 PM (2x3L+)

    55 My two cats are sisters but are as different as two can be . Cinnamon my football buddy would sit on my lap all day, Sugar her sister I only found once when I was asleep.

    Posted by: Skip at March 26, 2016 02:15 PM (fizMZ)

    56 "Cats are unable to taste sweetness so they are not as prone to eat chocolate as compared to dogs.".....

    Bullshit flag.....The wife and I have a Manx cat that can taste sugar.....and loves it. You put two glasses of ice tea down in front of sweetened and one not...he will be on the sweetened one in a friggin second. You can place them across the room from each other and he will go straight to the sweetened one...he will hunt down that sweet tea that you are carrying from room to room...on the hope you will leave it unattended. He wont even get close to unsweetened iced tea, but sweetened tea is worse than catnip.

    Suffice to say we no longer drink sweet ice tea....

    Posted by: Budahmon at March 26, 2016 02:16 PM (vcSri)

    57 Puppy logic. Of our first poodles one was white and the other a dark brown. Before we fenced in the yard so they could play and do their business we put up a chicken wire enclosure so they could frolic off the leash. One night we went to bring them in and couldn't find Duncan, the brown one. Thought he got out somehow and started to panic. We're going around, holding his brother, and calling for him. Nothing. Finally went back to the enclosure with a flashlight and there he was, sitting facing us and obviously waiting for one of us to pick him up. He never did bark much and that night he was silent. He blended into the dark perfectly. As I leaned in to get him he gave a puppy look that clearly said "Well, I've been here all along. About time you got here." He had heard us and could see us as we ran around like idiots, so why bark or anything. Like I said: puppy logic.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 02:17 PM (FvdPb)

    58 @52 Posted by: antisocialist

    I would really be interested to read what you come up with regarding different dog foods.

    Posted by: Furious George at March 26, 2016 02:18 PM (3GAnN)

    59 58 Turns out it's not as easy as grabbing a bag of Dog Chow anymore

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:19 PM (9n14Y)

    60 An interesting cat tale:

    My son bought a Bengal kitten and was telling us how wild it was bouncing around his house, My wife, who was quite ill at the time, said she wanted to see it and asked them to bring the cat over. I was sure this would not go well, to say the least.

    The son and his family brought over the cat in a cat carrier, and we went into the sun room and closed it off to ensure that the cat could not get loose and rampage through the house. We opened the carrier expecting the worse, but the cat went right over to my wife, she picked it up, put it in her lap, and it turned around once and went to sleep in her lap for the duration of the visit.

    My kids still think of their Mom as the "Cat Whisperer".

    Posted by: Hrothgar at March 26, 2016 02:19 PM (wYnyS)

    61 antisocialist, please send us links or write up something concise to our email. We have had others bring up the topic of food so there is interest in the subject. We try not to bog down the post with lengthy movie review content so links are great or a brief paragraph or two. We are committed to using everything anyone sends us. Just give us time. Thanks!

    petmorons at the gee male dot com thingy

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:20 PM (2x3L+)

    62 It seems weird that some cats won't let you pick them up or pet them. I guess that's not uncommon based on comments on these threads.

    We have four ferals in our house. They all have distinct limits on touching. One of them is extremely affectionate in the kitchen and living room, but when he is in the basement he turns wild again.

    Posted by: fluffy at March 26, 2016 02:20 PM (2hcmo)

    63 Sophie is a very sweet, very funny, very goofy girlie. We have so many little customs. She gets to jump on me three times when I come home from work, with big slobbery kisses every time. She'd rather eat cheese than walk and knows "cheese" better than almost any other word. And she'd really rather ride in the car than walk.

    When we ride in the car, if we stop at a light, she pulls her head back inside, and sticks it over the front seat. I am required to raise my hand, she touches it with her nose, and then she gets a bit of lamb lung. She likes the touch command so much that she will do it to total strangers and then look at me for a treat.

    Posted by: Tonestaple at March 26, 2016 02:20 PM (LJYIn)

    64 61 Can do!

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:21 PM (9n14Y)

    65 One Christmas Eve I forgot to put up the bowls of M&M's and Hershey's Kisses out of our dog's reach. He was a small poodle mix and ate all of it, wrappers and all. Christmas morning the living room was covered with vomit and wrappers. The dog was fine and chipper, even though he had a chocolate eating orgy. I never made that mistake again.

    Posted by: washrivergal at March 26, 2016 02:21 PM (CFc5L)

    66 antisocialist,
    I feed my cats only wet food now. My bigger cat kept getting UTI's. The Bengal cat people made me feel like a bad person for not feeding them a raw diet.
    I found out that cats don't have a strong thirst drive. Cheap dry food can contribute to the urinary tract problems.
    My cats haven't drank any water since I took away the dry food. I was shocked.
    I add water to the wet food, and they get chicken, beef or turkey too.
    Ava has not had a UTI since I changed her food to an all wet diet.
    They have water dishes but they just play in the water now.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:21 PM (egOGm)

    67 Posted by: Furious George at March 26, 2016 02:18 PM (3GAnN)

    Same here!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at March 26, 2016 02:22 PM (wYnyS)

    68 63 My Cheyenne will do anything for "a cheese". That's how we got her to go in her kennel at first.

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:23 PM (9n14Y)

    69 I have always owned cats and dogs.
    Dogs more or less have the same character types, but cats are very diverse in terms of personalities. Just my $.02 worth.
    I presently have no dog, the last one died a few years back, he was a great dog, basic black mutt, about 40 pounds.
    Even the cats miss him.

    Posted by: navybrat at March 26, 2016 02:23 PM (8QGte)

    70 The singular of leaves is leaf. Not leave.

    Posted by: Because I have nothing better to do at March 26, 2016 02:24 PM (mpRiR)

    71 Posted by: Hrothgar at March 26, 2016 02:19 PM (wYnyS)
    Your wife must be a cat whisperer, bengals are not lap cats at all.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:24 PM (egOGm)

    72 Just finished reading an interesting book by a trainer and supplier of MWD's (Military Working Dogs) for the Navy SEALS, a former Navy SEAL himself, entitled "Trident K9 Warriors: My Tale from the Training Ground to the Battlefield with Elite Navy SEAL Canines."

    After reading this, I wouldn't want to be on any military patrol without one of these dogs and his handler.

    The breed they primarily use is the Belgian Malinois -- which is still pretty rare in the U.S. -- owing to their high energy, aggressive bite-work, and tremendous sense of smell.

    Some images here:

    Posted by: ShainS at March 26, 2016 02:25 PM (a6Ff7)

    73 no good deed: "Well, I guess he finally found the snake."

    Have to ask... After two months... dead or alive?

    Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 26, 2016 02:25 PM (7imgO)

    74 66 I had a cat who spent more time at the vet being treated for UTIs than at home. Had to cut the dry food out completely. Our two Pekingese were in much canned cat food!

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:26 PM (9n14Y)

    75 dead or alive?

    Quite alive. They can go a long time without food or water.

    Posted by: no good deed at March 26, 2016 02:27 PM (GgxVX)

    76 That basenji really is a beautiful dog.
    How big is he? Hoe big do they get?
    It's hard to tell - but if those are regular paver bricks, he doesn't look too big...

    Posted by: Chi at March 26, 2016 02:28 PM (2SERm)

    77 75
    I also give the cat cranberry every day. It's a soft gel. The other cat won't eat it, but the one with the UTI problems does.

    Did your cat drink water after you changed her diet?

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:30 PM (egOGm)

    78 bengals are not lap cats at all

    My part bengal mix is a shoulder cat. Likes to leap up from a table or counter.

    Posted by: fluffy at March 26, 2016 02:30 PM (2hcmo)

    79 Thanks for the reco, ShainS. I copied yoirnfomment and saved it on my Must Read list.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:31 PM (2x3L+)

    80 My Sandy (dog) ate a 3/4 pound bag of M and M's when she was about 3 yo. Weighed about 25. We saw no ill effects.

    Lucky I guess.

    Posted by: Golfman at March 26, 2016 02:31 PM (48QDY)


    Jack the Cat

    Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 26, 2016 02:32 PM (iQIUe)

    82 77 Not much, mostly he played in it but our other cat drank like a fish. I guess to wash down the lizards and mice he caught.

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:32 PM (9n14Y)

    83 Regarding cat urinary problems (common), the wife had an idea some years ago.
    She got one of these small motorized pet fountains. It dribbles water out of a spout and recycles it.
    Cats like running water and when presented with a choice between running water and a bowl, will always choose the running water.
    And so they drink more of it.
    End of urinary problems.

    Posted by: navybrat at March 26, 2016 02:33 PM (8QGte)

    84 Once you get on a first name basis with the vet and he say's "why'd you let that dumb little shit do that"

    Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 26, 2016 02:33 PM (9ym/8)

    85 . It barely feels like work when we get to read the comments here.
    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 02:11 PM (2x3L+)

    This isn't work, it's an act of love

    antisocialist, please pass along your food info and we will consider it. We don't want to get into "Brand wars" so to speak, such as my Purina beats your Science Diet. But, there are a number of formulas out there that we can discuss such as chicken vs. beef, etc.

    drop us an email at petmorons at the g mail thingy

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 02:33 PM (voOPb)

    86 My dog, Kelly, is a Brittany who I got when she was 1 year old from a couple who both got Alzheimer's and couldn't keep her. They treated her like a lap dog although she is bred to track and hunt in the bush and to flush game for the hunter. She is now about 11 years old and she has eaten 2 T-bones drenched in marinade, a pound of chocolate and it's wrapper, a few pounds of cornbread left out to get stale for dressing, bananas, grapes, pecan pie, ice cream, beer, the occasional cat vomit, her own vomit, BBQ rib bones, raw brisket left out on the counter awaiting the smoker and God only knows what else out in our property over the years.

    She never got sick, never went to the vet and seemed to enjoy everything.

    Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 26, 2016 02:35 PM (ej1L0)

    87 85 no, no "brand wars", just the different formulas like grain free, holistic, etc. I never gave it much thought until my lab's hair fell out and I had to change her food.

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:37 PM (9n14Y)

    88 She never got sick, never went to the vet and seemed to enjoy everything.
    Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 26, 2016 02:35 PM (ej1L0)

    Lucy, our Brittany Spaniel, was a counter surfer and could open an Igloo Cooler, we lost several steaks and plates of burgers over the years. She had other personality disorders as well. Never, ever, never will I own another Brit.

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 02:38 PM (voOPb)

    89 Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 26, 2016 02:35 PM (ej1L0)

    That's funny.

    Posted by: washrivergal at March 26, 2016 02:40 PM (CFc5L)

    90 I had one that would sort the various shapes of kibble into separate piles and then eat them in order according to her favorites.

    Posted by: Furious George at March 26, 2016 02:00 PM
    Does anyone remember "Recipe" dog food? I'm going back to the 70's. It was the dog food that Lassie ate. Hearty meat stew with peas 'n carrots. Our dog would wolf that canned food down and leave the peas 'n carrots. I was impressed.

    Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 02:40 PM (Dhht7)

    91 91 Mine would grab a mouthful of Purina One and spit put all the crunchy bits on the floor.

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:42 PM (9n14Y)

    92 Bruce With a Wang!: Jack the Cat

    Um, yeah, I just mentioned that at #13 with link to it on my website. Some reason you posted the YouToob link?

    Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 26, 2016 02:42 PM (7imgO)

    93 They aren't 'petable' so fish don't get mentioned much. But I had a cobalt blue beta fish for years beyond the usual life span. Achilles (I had been reading 'The Iliad') had a personality. And while I couldn't pet him, he did learn to take a piece of food from my fingers. He was gorgeous and sometimes pretty is its own reason.

    I've had tropical fish off and on since I was a kid. At some point I would like to have a small set up, maybe for White Cloud Minnows or fancy guppies, and breed them for fun.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 02:46 PM (FvdPb)

    94 I'd forgotten all about Recipe dog food.

    My ex-wife had a pointer that loved, loved, loved beer. One time she was marinating a roast in beer, and left the house for a little while. When she got back, she saw that the dog had knocked the container over. The roast was on the kitchen floor with a few tentative teeth marks on it, but all the beer licked up.

    Posted by: Furious George at March 26, 2016 02:47 PM (3GAnN)

    95 Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 02:46 PM (FvdPb)

    Chuthlu breeds chichalids (sp?), freshwater tropicals at least, and got Chemjeff started in that.

    Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 26, 2016 02:48 PM (GDulk)

    96 Hairyback, that is funny! Your Brittany sounds like our old cocker spaniel. Hubby gave her to me as a wedding present, and that dog was the spawn of satan. She could get on counters and open cabinets, then open containers to get food. She would also find important things like W-2 forms on our desk, get them, and come into whatever room we were in and wait until we noticed her. Then run like hell. She gave us a lot of laughs until she died, ten years later.

    But no more cocker spaniels for me. We have moved to big dogs, like Newfoundlands. It's hard for them to jump on the counter.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 02:49 PM (7q2ch)

    97 Ava has not had a UTI since I changed her food to an all wet diet.
    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 02:21 PM (egOGm)

    We had the same problem here w/ Butterscotch. The vet said there's some mineral in the dry food, I forget what, that cuases crystals to form in their bladder if they are so prone.

    And of course we can't get away w/ any old cheap food for the dogs either. The older one when she was young kept get yeast infections in her ears. Vet said she was allergic to grain, we switched to grain free pricey stuff and that did the trick.

    Posted by: Farmer at March 26, 2016 02:49 PM (3hlFs)

    98 We had been feeding Eucanuba to our Shepherd/Husky, but it became harder to get so we switched to Science Diet. Our vet thought it really didn't make a lot of difference so long as you choose a mainstream product. She also said that although there are general guidlines to follow about what to feed your dog and what not to give them, they're are all different and you soon learn what they respond to best - just like people.

    All I know for sure is that as long as we give our Shepherd the same food most of the time, and an egg and piece of meat now and then, maybe a hobo or two, she's fine, but if we switch food, that's when we have 'issues'.

    Posted by: Last at March 26, 2016 02:51 PM (8HiDF)

    99 The pup taking over our bed and snuggling with the baby's sound machine is named Waylon. He has earned his outlaw name by ripping apart 5 dog beds so far. Now he sleeps on a blanket in the laundry room, while hopefully not becoming lonesome on'ry and mean.

    Posted by: Lauren at March 26, 2016 02:51 PM (kq8V8)

    100 The summer after my freshman college year I worked for a dude string that did a lot of steak supper rides. the manager had a medium sized dog that got to come and that dog would only accept steak scraps that were free of steak sauce. He knew he could afford to be picky.

    Ole was a pound puppy and I think a street dog before. He was a bit food aggressive when we got him. He gets fed free choice dry dog food and is not aggressive now but will bolt stuff to make sure he gets it all. I had to stop buying him any kind of rawhide chews because he would chew enough to soften them and then swallow big pieces and puke it up later.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 02:51 PM (3kUGE)

    101 93 White Cloud Minnows are pretty cool...just don't do what I did with my tank of Mollies. They don't do anything but make more fish...

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:52 PM (9n14Y)

    102 I had fish (freshwater and tropical) growing up and loved all the undersea drama. Cichlids (which include angel fish and oscars) always exuded sass and attitude and were a little bitey.

    Posted by: All Hail Eris, Literate Savage at March 26, 2016 02:52 PM (jR7Wy)

    103 Um, yeah, I just mentioned that at #13 with link to it on my website. Some reason you posted the YouToob link?
    Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 26, 2016 02:42 PM (7___O)

    There is no link in your post and your name links to a website with no video. Sorry for making the effort to look it up and post it. What the fuck was I thinking?? Wont happen again.

    Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 26, 2016 02:54 PM (iQIUe)

    104 Oh. When I watch my son's dogs when he is out of town, the lab always does a mine sweep on the kitchen counters when I am in another room. I can hear him on his hind legs going across the floor. I leave nothing out and have to put the trash bin on top of the refrigerator.

    Posted by: washrivergal at March 26, 2016 02:54 PM (CFc5L)

    105 98 It's so hard to find fresh hobo meat these days, though...

    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:54 PM (9n14Y)

    106 Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:52 PM (9n14Y)

    Lol, that's what Chemjeff found out a couple of years ago too. It sounds like Mollies are the bunnies of the fish world.

    Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 26, 2016 02:55 PM (GDulk)

    107 Oops. I did not make clear that the dude strings dog from 3 decades ago is such a contrast to our goofy Ole dog we've had for about 10 years now.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 02:55 PM (3kUGE)

    108 So, I identify as dog person. Hated cats. Then Dog #2 develops Cushing's disease. Blind, vomiting, shitting in house. Wanted to put her down but vet shamed us into treating it.

    Then feral cat starts showing up at house and wife was feeding it in the garage. Dog could sniff the cat food and would eat it when I took her outside.

    Well after several months of blind dog and cat becoming friends, the cat got to move into the house. I swear to goodness that dog lived another 2 years because of that cat.

    Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 02:55 PM (Dhht7)

    109 We've had a couple of vets tell us not to give rawhide chews to dogs, because of the softening/swelling issue. One vet said he had to operate on a lab that had something like 30 rawhides blocking its stomach. A pricey surgery, too.

    Our dogs are on Prescription Science diet because of tummy upset, but we fed them Nutro Ultra before-it was pretty good, and they liked it. So did the cat. He actually prefers dog food to cat food.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 02:58 PM (7q2ch)

    110 Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 02:55 PM (Dhht7)

    Sweet story.

    Posted by: washrivergal at March 26, 2016 02:58 PM (CFc5L)

    111 95 ... Polliwog, Thanks for the heads up about Cthulu (I never spell that correctly). I'm not ready to start any time soon but hope to try it at some point. When I do, I'll put the subject to him.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 02:58 PM (FvdPb)

    112 Bruce With a Wang! There is no link in your post and your name links to a website with no video. Sorry for making the effort to look it up and post it. What the fuck was I thinking?? Wont happen again.

    Gee-Wow. Don't know what I said to touch a nerve by asking, BwwW! but sorry you took it the way you did. Unless your hurt is just joking put-on w/o a /jk tag.

    Hadn't realized that the link didn't get included. Thanks for pointing that out.

    Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 26, 2016 02:59 PM (7imgO)

    113 The most faithful friend you will ever have.

    Posted by: Eromero at March 26, 2016 03:01 PM (zLDYs)

    114 Well of course a dog needs the iPeed app. How else is he going to check his Pee-mail?

    Nice looking group of dogs today!

    Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at March 26, 2016 03:04 PM (NeFrd)

    115 Come to think of it I think I'll sign Buckley up for Pee-Harmony

    Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at March 26, 2016 03:04 PM (NeFrd)

    116 Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 02:58 PM (7q2ch)

    Mid-kid had her corgi to the ER Vet 2 years ago because rawhide got stuck in her throat. Our dogs get filled bones. They are about $4.00 with tax. Keeps them busy and no downside such as rawhide

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:05 PM (voOPb)

    117 Lol Seamus

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:07 PM (voOPb)

    118 115 Come to think of it I think I'll sign Buckley up for Pee-Harmony

    Posted by: Seamus Muldoon at March 26, 2016 03:04 PM
    Be sure to warn Buckley to choose wisely. A lot of those dogs work there and are fake profiles.

    Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 03:10 PM (Dhht7)

    119 We never bred any of our poodles. While pure bred and AKC registered they weren't show quality, about which we cared nothing, and the pups would have been hard to sell. That's what we told ourselves.

    The REAL reason is we could never have parted with ANY of the litters. Ever. No one on the planet would have been good enough to care for OUR puppies properly. We would have been hip deep in poodles.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 03:10 PM (FvdPb)

    120 Mis Hum-that's awful. I love the filled bones, but the shepherd steals them from the Newf and the Lab, and hordes them under her bed. The lab doesn't care so much, but the Newf stomps around looking for his, knowing the Shepherd took it, but not figuring out where she put it. Hilarity ensues.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 03:11 PM (7q2ch)

    121 My dog really likes those Himalayan dog chews.

    Unfortunately he's a super chewer so he gobbles them up pretty quickly and they're $$$.

    Posted by: Lauren at March 26, 2016 03:12 PM (kq8V8)

    122 Thanks to all for the caution about breeding mollies. (Love the bunny comparison.) Given the limited amount of space we have for aquariums, I would likely have to go with smaller species.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 03:13 PM (FvdPb)

    123 Riever (aptly named) ate a 2 pound gold foil wrapped chocolate Easter Bunny. No ill effects other than gold foil in her crap for a week. That dog was not only a counter surfer; she could open child-proofed cabinets, take a jar of peanut butter out and unscrew the lid to eat it. If she'd had opposable thumbs, I'm convinced that she would have "borrowed" my car and wallet and driven to Burger King.

    Posted by: That SOB Van Owen at March 26, 2016 03:13 PM (kB5Fx)

    124 Lauren,
    What is your dogs name? Doesn't look like he/she lives a life of leisure at all.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 03:13 PM (egOGm)

    125 Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 26, 2016 02:59 PM (7___O)

    You were fkn rude and now you are too stupid to admit it. I'm done with you.

    Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 26, 2016 03:14 PM (iQIUe)

    126 Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 03:10 PM (FvdPb)

    We had one liter of setters. There were 12. We kept 2, one for showing purpose. One had health issues that my wife just couldn't part with. When they are 8 weeks old and pissing & shitting everywhere it wasn't too hard to see them go. Although we did do checks on the people

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:14 PM (voOPb)

    127 Cali girl, his name is Waylon.

    And yes, he definitely has a hard knock life

    Posted by: Lauren at March 26, 2016 03:15 PM (kq8V8)

    128 I think our Shepherd is a little lite in the hooves, so we signed her up for Grrrrindr.

    Posted by: Last at March 26, 2016 03:16 PM (8HiDF)

    129 Grapes, raisins, lilies bad for pets, I never knew. Huh. Good info.

    Posted by: yakimaal at March 26, 2016 03:16 PM (oVV35)

    130 You were fkn rude and now you are too stupid to admit it. I'm done with you.
    Posted by: Bruce With a Wang!
    Time for me & Tucker to go back outside.

    The pet thread, Bruce? Really?

    Posted by: Chi at March 26, 2016 03:16 PM (2SERm)

    131 My brother in law and his ex wife had a pair of Shih Tzu's that the planned to breed. The first puppy came and they couldn't sell her. My in laws took her.

    Then the marriage ended and the ex wife took the dogs. They didn't have any children so only the puppy remains as evidence from that marriage. Shes a good girl though.

    Posted by: Lauren at March 26, 2016 03:18 PM (kq8V8)

    132 Lauren hate to see the conditions your kids live in


    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:19 PM (voOPb)

    133 As olddog mentioned, you have to be on guard for sites like Pee Harmony. Sure, the dogs are fetching, but I've heard from other users that most of them are total bitches.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 03:19 PM (2x3L+)

    134 All cute pics, as usual. Thanks, thanks, thanks!!

    Who knew Tim in VA painted his toe nails!

    Posted by: Joanne at March 26, 2016 03:19 PM (hgBpU)

    Spastic Lab as a young miss liked to counter surf.

    I broke her of it by placing a bit of cheese in a mouse trap that I had softened up the spring tension considerably on, and leaving on the counter, near the edge.

    Took one instance and she will NOT go near a counter top 6 years later.

    That works on kitchen garbage cruisers too.

    Posted by: irongrampa at March 26, 2016 03:20 PM (P/8aq)

    136 BwaW: You were fkn rude and now you are too stupid to admit it. I'm done with you.

    Well, I'd ask why you thought my asking was rude, but if you're done with me, no point to it. Maybe someone else can tell me, if anyone sees it? I don't.

    After all, the basic answer to my question, "Is there some reason you posted the YouToob link" was, simply, yes, a good reason, and I thank you again for pointing it out, and again I'm sorry for how you took my asking, and took my reply after that. No offense taken or meant on my part.

    Posted by: mindful webworker - 20 Years on the Web at March 26, 2016 03:21 PM (7imgO)

    137 I am frantic about the whole Easter lily thing....I had heard it was all lilies, and I have lilies all over. I mean, hundreds. And now we have all the kittehs.

    They were tiny kittens last summer and made it through just fine, but I am worried sick.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:22 PM (q1FtT)

    138 Posted by: Last at March 26, 2016 03:16 PM (8HiDF)
    that was funny.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 03:22 PM (egOGm)

    139 Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 03:19 PM

    That was funny. You owe me a keyboard.

    Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 03:22 PM (Dhht7)

    140 Max looks very regal. I am not familiar with this breed.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 03:23 PM (egOGm)

    141 41 Mandy P., do you have one of those exercise balls you put the lil' ratlet in and let them wander around the house? We got one for my daughter's hamster years ago...too funny!!!
    Posted by: antisocialist at March 26, 2016 02:09 PM (9n14Y)

    We do, but neither one seems to like it. I think it's being enclosed. Their habitat is a metal cage, so it's pretty open, and they're not used to being trapped in plastic. They do like to crawl around in your lap when we handle them outside if the cage. I've considered getting one of those little "playpen" type things they sell for small animals to chill outside their homes.

    Posted by: Mandy P. (Not Patinkin), lurking lurker who lurks at March 26, 2016 03:24 PM (KkVB6)

    142 Good tip IG.
    The Brit was untrainable even a pro said so

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:24 PM (voOPb)

    143 So, cat just dropped dead bird at back door. This was apparently after he brought it to garage door where there are a lot of feathers floating around.

    He's quite proud of himself. I was grateful it was dead so I gave him some salmon leftover from last nite.

    Last "gift" he brought to door was a not-dead flying squirrel that got into house. Much hilarity ensued.

    Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 03:25 PM (Dhht7)

    144 Saw this at UK Daily Mail. Cute story about a 17 year-old girl who couldn't get good photos of dogs playing so she put a GoPro camera on her dog. Amazing, funny pictures, smart girl.

    Posted by: Joanne at March 26, 2016 03:25 PM (hgBpU)

    145 Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:22 PM (q1FtT)

    From my investigation & what a gardening/cat owner friend told me lilies are just bad news for cats. So be careful

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:27 PM (voOPb)

    146 "gift" he brought to door was a not-dead flying squirrel that got into house. Much hilarity ensued.

    Oh my!

    Posted by: Lauren at March 26, 2016 03:27 PM (kq8V8)

    147 Plus daylilies, which aren't even lilies. I'd estimate I have an acre of them scattered in beds throughout our property.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:29 PM (q1FtT)

    148 I used to be big into salt water aquariums. Still have a 175 gallon setup, but it's crated in the basement. I had a snowflake moray eel that I used to hand feed. Found him on the floor once and figured he was dead. Went to get a bag to put him in and when I touched him he started writhing. I picked him up and put him back in the water. Had him for 13 years.

    Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 26, 2016 03:30 PM (kTF2Z)

    149 Tammy, I don't want to say don't worry and be proved wrong but even so I will venture that kitties that get to go outside and eat whatever grass, cat mint etc they find will be less likely to chew on the lilies than an indoor cat that sees a new plant to be investigated. If cats were prone to eat lilies outside the feral populations would be thin wherever lilies grow.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 03:32 PM (3kUGE)

    150 149
    I agree with pale rider. If they have grass to eat I don't think they will eat the lilies.

    Posted by: CaliGirl at March 26, 2016 03:33 PM (egOGm)

    151 PaleRider, mine are all outdoor kitties, basically very tame barn cats, although a few do come in with us at night. I hope you're right!

    The thing is, I doubt I could ever pull all of them out there are just too dang many, especially the daylilies, my God.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:36 PM (q1FtT)

    Posted by: Joanne at March 26, 2016 03:25 PM (hgBpU)


    Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at March 26, 2016 03:38 PM (Nwg0u)

    153 I think day lilies are less toxic than asiatic lilies

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:38 PM (voOPb)

    154 Had a cocker spaniel that once ate a bunch of Reese's minis. She was OK, but was shitting tinsel for a week. She also ate an entire jar of Vaseline. The results were...suboptimal.

    Posted by: Duke Lowell at March 26, 2016 03:39 PM (kTF2Z)

    155 Are dayliles and tiger lilies the same thing? My mom had Tiger Lilies and we had indoor/outdoor cats growing up and never had one poisoned.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 03:40 PM (3kUGE)

    156 Hopefully they won't eat the plants themselves, but how the hell am I going to keep them from avoiding the pollen?!!

    They have to be doing so somewhat, because again, last year they were just wee kittens (one litter born May 14, one June 4) when all the lilies were blooming.

    Their mothers and grandmother are a bit older, but they showed up in November, so they would have missed the bloom period.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:40 PM (q1FtT)

    157 They are differnt PR

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:41 PM (voOPb)

    158 Last week I asked about how my mom can get her dog to stop being afraid of her. He's started barking and growling at her.

    One thing I found out is that she lets him lead on walks. Seems that might be a contributing factor, that it makes him think he's higher on the pack hiearchy than she is?

    Suggestions for correcting the barking? I've been telling him no, but wondering if there's something else I should also do.

    Posted by: ReactionaryMonster Bravely supporting kittens at March 26, 2016 03:41 PM (1D4Ef)

    159 Tiger lilies are not the same as daylilies, unless it's a colloquial thing that varies by region. Tiger lilies look more like Asiatic/Orientals.

    I don't have many Asiatics because they lack fragrance, but I have a gazillion Orientals. Stargazers are Orientals.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:43 PM (q1FtT)

    160 You have to say ssssssssstttttttttt to it.

    Posted by: Cesar Milan at March 26, 2016 03:44 PM (kTF2Z)

    161 >>Had a cocker spaniel that once ate a bunch of Reese's minis. She was OK, but was shitting tinsel for a week. She also ate an entire jar of Vaseline. The results were...suboptimal.
    Posted by: Duke Lowell

    Had a lab that actually was eating tinsel off the Christmas tree. We didn't notice till we saw the tinsel in the yard and saw the upset dog running about the yard trying to get rid of the strands of tinsel hanging out of her butt like a pompom.

    Posted by: Aviator at March 26, 2016 03:46 PM (c7vUv)

    162 Misanthropic and L'elle, Thanks again for the pet thread.
    Hope your back continues to heal well. Sounds like you are doing a lot more walking than I am.

    BTW, when it comes to large litters. I worked for a place that sold farm animal feed to small concerns and supplies to breeding kennels. One of the kennels bred Saint Bernards and two of their females had litters a day apart. That was a total of about 27 pups. I got there on the second day and the noise that horde of pups made was unbelievable. But it was also like drowning in cuteness. (I was very popular with their biggest male, who was huge even for a Saint, since I was the only person around big enough for him to rough house with. We both had fun.)

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 03:46 PM (FvdPb)

    163 I've had tropical fish off and on since I was a kid. At some point I would like to have a small set up, maybe for White Cloud Minnows or fancy guppies, and breed them for fun.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 02:46 PM (FvdPb)

    Be careful! I have been keeping tropical fish continuously since I was 5. First aquarium was a gift from my grandparents on my fifth birthday, in fact. There was a time in my early 20's where I was down to a single 1 gallon goldfish bowl with some White Clouds, and then I looked down one day and discovered that they had laid eggs and there were babies hiding in the plants. Now, several decades later, I'm up to 20 tanks in a dedicated fish room. And thinking about sneaking one back into the main house, oddly enough for White Clouds once again, because the fish room temperature is a little too warm and they won't breed in there.

    Posted by: HTL at March 26, 2016 03:47 PM (MMjUj)

    164 One thing I found out is that she lets him lead on walks

    As an experiment (when I was still in college, living in Casa Mom And Dad) I let the dog decide where she wanted to go walkies.

    She wandered around and then led me to the alley where there was a lot of yummy smelling garbage.

    Nope. Didn't do *that* again.

    Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 26, 2016 03:48 PM (6FqZa)

    165 Last "gift" he brought to door was a not-dead flying squirrel that got into house. Much hilarity ensued.
    Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 03:25 PM (Dhht7)

    Yup Old Dog...."gifts" that cats give.

    Does anyone know why they do this? Someone told me that the cat thinks your a bad hunter since you never kill things and bring it to them so they are trying to help you out?

    Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 26, 2016 03:49 PM (ej1L0)

    166 What's the age of the dog?

    Barking? Try a spray bottle with Listerine in it and spray the dog in mouth.

    Pinch collar when taking the dog for a walk. Dog should never lead.

    Growling at its master? Not good. There could be a health problem.
    Might want to consider a trip to vet or to a training class

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:49 PM (voOPb)

    167 159
    Tiger lilies are not the same as daylilies, unless it's a colloquial
    thing that varies by region. Tiger lilies look more like

    I don't have many Asiatics because they lack fragrance, but I have a gazillion Orientals. Stargazers are Orientals.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:43 PM (q1FtT)

    you might laugh at me, but bcause i have this one friend who i just LOVE, who is allergic to most any bulb plant at all, i have no bulbs.
    I used to at the old farm, where i had no outdoor cats, but now even tho she doesnt visit much i have nothing that might make my friend sick. Turns out it was good for the cats. How funny is that?
    My barn cat, LuLu has an awful abscess healing on her face from a terrible fight. I think its made her feel so bad she will finally let me put her in a big dog carrier and take her to the vet. On one hand i feel awful for her but on the other shes the very best kitty e ver but has had so many kittens i am ashamed of how many i have had to foist on rescues, so this may be one of those blessings in disguise, like my friend's severe allergies, that have saved me from poisoning my cats.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 03:49 PM (cfswg)

    Most bar soap, if ingested, will give a dog the runs for a couple days. Nothing more.

    Guess how I know that.

    Posted by: irongrampa at March 26, 2016 03:50 PM (P/8aq)

    169 Reactionary, my dog trainer had me carrying a squirt bottle with me on walks and pretty much at all times. Any unwanted behavior, barking, jumping up, or pulling on the leash and she would get squirted in the face. Set it on stream not spray.

    She is so quiet now. The only time she barks is if she hears a noise outside and thinks someone is at my house and is in protective guard dog mode. All I have to do when she starts acting up is pick up the bottle and point it at her without spraying it now. She looks away sheepishly and immediately stops.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 03:50 PM (2x3L+)

    170 Reactionary I rather hate to be one of those people but it sounds like your mom needs an expert dog behaviorist/trainer to come in and asses the situation. Dogs will bark or growl from fear so its not just a simple dominance issue but the dog is not accepting her as the pack leader that will keep it safe, more seems to view her as a potential threat.

    The situation needs fixed and fixed correctly pretty quickly because the next fear behavior after barking and growling is biting.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 03:50 PM (3kUGE)

    171 Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 03:36 PM (q1FtT)

    Daylilies are edible for humans, which I realize doesn't guarantee edibility for pets, while Asiatic lilies are toxic so they are definitely different types of plants.

    Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 26, 2016 03:51 PM (GDulk)

    172 JTB

    Thanks. No walking today because of the rain

    27 puppies. Holy crap!

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:52 PM (voOPb)

    173 Was talking with my 85 yo MIL about what she fed her pets growing up on the farm. She said they never bought pet food. The few times there were scraps leftover they may have gotten some of those if it didn't go into a pot of soup or casserole the next day.

    Posted by: olddog in mo at March 26, 2016 03:52 PM (Dhht7)

    174 Oh, and that dog I mentioned *loved* chocolate. Didn't get sick from the dark chocolate, so much, but was lactose-intolerant so had some tummy issues with the milk chocolate. Didn't need a vet for any of it though.

    We kept chocolate from the dog because we wanted to eat some of it ourselves :^P

    Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 26, 2016 03:53 PM (6FqZa)

    175 Also what MisHum said Reactionary. She kept nipping at me and breath mint right in her mouth stopped that immediately. If she even saw me start to pick it up, she would run away and hid in her pen where I'd lock her up and give her a time out

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 03:53 PM (2x3L+)

    176 168
    Most bar soap, if ingested, will give a dog the runs for a couple days. Nothing more.

    Guess how I know that.
    Posted by: irongrampa

    Because your dog climbed in the tub and ate a bar? We've gone to liquid soap

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:54 PM (voOPb)

    Does anyone know why they do this? Someone told
    me that the cat thinks your a bad hunter since you never kill things and
    bring it to them so they are trying to help you out?

    Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 26, 2016 03:49 PM (ej1L0)

    Im convinced its done out of love. I had an enormous black cat who used to bring me rabbits. My new next door neighbor who is Liberian African laughed his ass off and said "Now THATS a cat worth keeping!" He was too. Nudie was gentle and beautiful as a only a small panther could be. I was in shock when he was poisoned by the psychopath who loves around the corner (who was poisoning all the outdoor cats in the neighborhood and bragged of it.)

    Only Lulu remains. She stays in the horse barn, lives in the tackroom and brings me lizards and rats, in trade for the wet food that i give her. Fair's fair, she thinks, i guess...

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 03:54 PM (cfswg)

    178 Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 26, 2016 03:49 PM (ej1L0)

    That's what the documentary on cats that I watched said. They said not-dead-yet critters means the cat likes you but thinks you're a particularly incompetent kitten who needs training on how to hunt while half-mice means they've given up on teaching you how to hunt and are just trying to keep you from starving .

    Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at March 26, 2016 03:56 PM (GDulk)

    179 Ugh, Gushka. Did you call the cops? I bet the boys in prison would love to make the acquaintance of some a$sh#le who's there for poisoning others' pets.

    Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 26, 2016 03:56 PM (6FqZa)

    180 I had a setter who went from a loving guy to growling at me. Turned out he had anaplasmosis a tick borne disease.

    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:57 PM (voOPb)

    181 167 - Gushka, "My barn cat, LuLu has an awful abscess healing on her face from a terrible fight."

    Are you sure it's from the fight? We thought the same except the vet after testing says it's allergies. So our cat is now on Atopica and a probiotic. What we thought was an abscess is now gone.

    Posted by: Skookumchuk at March 26, 2016 03:58 PM (/WPPJ)

    182 What's the age of the dog?

    Barking? Try a spray bottle with Listerine in it and spray the dog in mouth.

    Pinch collar when taking the dog for a walk. Dog should never lead.

    Growling at its master? Not good. There could be a health problem.
    Might want to consider a trip to vet or to a training class
    Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 26, 2016 03:49 PM (voOPb)

    Puppy, 8 months or so. It's my mom's dog cause she wanted him, but he's rather attached to me, actually.

    I like the spray bottle idea, and I'll have to spend some time coaching my mom on how to walk him when I'm not doing it.

    Posted by: ReactionaryMonster Bravely supporting kittens at March 26, 2016 03:59 PM (1D4Ef)

    183 175-be very careful with breathe mints or gum-if they contain xylotol or artificial sweeteners, those can be lethal to dogs as well.

    Gushka, when we lived in Jordan, one of the Arabs who lived in the area left poisoned bread out for our dogs. The old chocolate lab ate it, and it almost killed her then, and she succumbed to complications nine months later. I do not understand people who think that poisoning animals is okay. And our beasts were never off leash, or roaming. They put this stuff in our yard.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 04:00 PM (7q2ch)

    184 The spray bottle is a good corrective aid and if the RM dog was a barking in the car or barking at other dogs people on walks I would say just go with that. But last we got the dog is scared of mother because of being chased and yelled at for piddling in house and now dog is barking and growling at its owner.

    Which is why I say get in an expert who can observe things in person and diagnose what is going on and how to solve or if the dog needs rehomed before the situation escalates to panic biting.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 04:01 PM (3kUGE)

    185 Ugh, poisoning animals, especially for your neighbor's pets ...

    Posted by: ReactionaryMonster Bravely supporting kittens at March 26, 2016 04:02 PM (1D4Ef)

    186 "They put this stuff in our yard."

    *types* *deletes*

    Posted by: Lauren at March 26, 2016 04:03 PM (kq8V8)

    187 Thanks Gush and Polliwog!...and Gush there is a spot in hell for that cat poisoning bastard in your area.

    Wonder how he'd like it....heartless bastard.

    Posted by: Hairyback Guy at March 26, 2016 04:04 PM (ej1L0)

    188 179
    Ugh, Gushka. Did you call the cops? I bet the boys in prison would love to make the acquaintance of some a$sh#le who's there for poisoning others' pets.

    Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 26, 2016 03:56 PM (6FqZa)

    Animal control would do NOTHING. So i contacted a friend in a different line of LE who could look at the Address and see if there were any outstanding warrants on him. Turns out he didnt have a permit for the leg traps he was using in his yard and the trouble has slowed down but for a while there none of us out in this semi rural town had barn cats we could keep alive except for the very shyest ones. Im glad the friend took it more seriously than our local animal welfare people did. But his business is real psychos and he keeps in mind those like to practice on the neighborhood wildlife first. But i lost Nudie, his brother, and another cat who were some of the best small pets of my life. To save the rest i brought them in, and i now have six house cats who do shifts in the main house as "kitty timeshare." Thats been... interesting. But Momma Lu i could not catch, she just hangs out in the Tackroom, being shy to everyone but me and Grimmy, catching rodents and generally being everything you would want in a barn cat, except FIXED. but knowing all about traps saved her damn life so i dont complain.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 04:04 PM (cfswg)

    189 Muslims have been getting to be real pro at dumping their garbage into our yards.

    Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 26, 2016 04:04 PM (6FqZa)

    "They put this stuff in our yard."

    *types* *deletes*

    Posted by: Lauren at March 26, 2016 04:03 PM (kq8V

    I'll type it for you and me Lauren... there is a special place in hell for people who deliberately harm pets and children.

    Posted by: redbanzai at March 26, 2016 04:06 PM (NPofj)

    191 ... dog is barking and growling at its owner.

    Based on who he likes, I'm going to have to say I'm more the owner. Not sure if that makes a difference.

    The barking/growling is not constant, he does it some times.

    Posted by: ReactionaryMonster Bravely supporting kittens at March 26, 2016 04:06 PM (1D4Ef)

    192 Moki, ((HUGS))

    types, deletes.

    How a culture or person treats animals and weaker people they come across says a lot about them.

    I'll stop there since this is the enjoyable pet thread.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 04:07 PM (3kUGE)

    193 Moki is right. That was a typo. I meant breath spray and you have to look at the ingredients. That should also be a last resort if the water bottle doesn't work. The water bottle has corrected all my the puppy behavior except for the nipping. I only had to do that twice before she quit.

    The growling is a huge concern though. Get your mom a bunch of water bottles and leave one in every room so she has access to them quickly. I just started carrying one around everywhere with me. If you wait too long to spray it bc you're running to go find one and then spray the dog, it's useless. Dogs live in the moment and learn by association. As soon as she does the unwanted behavior, you have to spray the water immediately.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 04:08 PM (2x3L+)

    194 Love the go-pro doggeh point of view.

    Posted by: Infidel at March 26, 2016 04:09 PM (+kSxm)

    195 @ 177

    Poisoned your cat?? And boasted about it?

    That would have brought an up close and personal dialogue about the matter. He could have used the recovery time to ponder the wisdom of that move.

    Posted by: irongrampa at March 26, 2016 04:10 PM (P/8aq)

    Are you sure it's from the fight? We thought
    the same except the vet after testing says it's allergies. So our cat
    is now on Atopica and a probiotic. What we thought was an abscess is
    now gone.

    Posted by: Skookumchuk at March 26, 2016 03:58 PM (/WPPJ)

    we saw the fight, she was protecting a nest of kittens from a skunk, and she got bit damn good. I felt awful when her face swelled up and now the infection's draining. I had to get the kittens to a friend to hand raise and now shes looking like she might let me put her in the box, take her to the vet and get fixed, to boot!

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 04:10 PM (cfswg)

    197 There's some bastard of a whore mother fucking asshole in Springfield MO that's going around killing cats.

    Gushie, hugs to Lulu from Me, Thor, Miss Kitty, Marmie, Biscuit, Butterbean, Tater Tot, Doodlebug, Posey, Poppet and Bo Peep! (Who used to be Beauregard Jackson Edward Lee, til she went in with her brothers to be neutered and we found out I am a dolt)

    Posted by: HTL at March 26, 2016 03:47 PM (MMjUj)

    Oh, can we see a pic??

    I'd love to see all y'alls tanks, btw!

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 04:11 PM (q1FtT)

    I'll type it for you and me Lauren... there is a special place in hell for people who deliberately harm pets and children.
    Posted by: redbanzai at March 26, 2016 04:06 PM (NPofj)


    Thanks PaleRider. What gets me is we had these two dogs in Saudi, and they were hugely popular-families would see us walking and stop and ask if their kids could pet the "giant" dogs. (If they only knew...these labs would have been dwarfed by Emerson, our newf) We taught those kids how to pet a dog, how to be gentle, and they loved the dog kisses they would get.

    I'm going to blame the Pali's in the neighborhood. They targeted a lot of embassy folk's pets.

    Good thing is, when I go to the Gate, all those babies are going to be waiting for me, along with all of my loved ones. I firmly believe it.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 04:12 PM (7q2ch)

    199 163 ... HTL, I appreciate the caution but was serious when I said there isn't much space. Maybe enough for a 20 gallon tank or two. Mrs. JTB is way too good a shot to risk bringing in more. :-)

    But I'm glad White Clouds might be appropriate to try when the time comes.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 04:12 PM (FvdPb)

    200 I understand why people don't like cats, and I do truly understand how maddening it is when other people's cats wander in and crap in your yard and flower beds and how gross it is when you uncover that, especially with your bare hands and all the other stuff that goes on with cats.

    But the cat doesn't know any better. Poison the owner if you must.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 04:15 PM (q1FtT)

    201 196, Gushka - yeah, scary stuff. We had to protect ours from a juvenile raccoon on our deck. Then a screaming match with what was probably the same raccoon at 3AM, luckily on the other side of a locked patio glass door.

    Posted by: Skookumchuk at March 26, 2016 04:15 PM (/WPPJ)

    202 RM, well pets will pick their people. *my* first dog when I was a kid picked my Dad as her human. He steered me to getting a bird dog puppy and she was all about the human that actually took her out hunting. But she would hang with me and it was ok.

    I'd just hate for your mom to get bitten. The dog in front on leash might be just letting it be boss or it may be evading closer contact with her. I can't say from just a few sentences I've read.

    I would say you should ask around locally and find a beginner obedience class they could take together if bringing someone is is not an option, so that a pro can observe the body language and whatnot and make the best suggestions for them, since this is a shared dog situation and you want their relationship to be neutral and safe even if you are the dogs human.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 04:17 PM (3kUGE)

    That would have brought an up close and
    personal dialogue about the matter. He could have used the recovery time
    to ponder the wisdom of that move.

    Posted by: irongrampa at March 26, 2016 04:10 PM (P/8aq)

    i made sure that LEOs visited and tossed his house and property. when they found the leg traps (think like tiny bear trap devices) I am sure they were not gentle with him. Thats cruelty of the worst kind. I am pretty sure he probably fell and hit his head at least once. Might have been some drugs there too though all i heard about were the traps.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 04:17 PM (cfswg)

    204 moki, of all the horrible things!

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 04:18 PM (q1FtT)

    205 going around killing cats.

    Many years ago when my daughters were just kids, someone was poisoning cats in my father-in-law's neighborhood. Heost one. One of my daughters, who often stayed there, told someone that he had "had a cat killed". The cops were called but it soon became evident he had nothing to do with it.

    Posted by: Anonosaurus Wrecks at March 26, 2016 04:19 PM (Nwg0u)

    206 Our most unusual "pet" is a 25 plus year old piranha. Bought in a local Walmart, the store thought they were selling a similar fish called a Silver Dollar. He is still alive, and about 2 foot long. We feed him dry food, and for a treat, dump in a dozen feeder goldfish. He is called "The Big Guy", for obvious reasons.

    Posted by: jasonj at March 26, 2016 04:20 PM (udv4C)

    207 I have some issues with islamists, particularly Palestinians, after living amongst them. That was particularly hard to forgive.

    And that lab was harmless, unless you were a small, yappy dog, rodent or piece of food left on the counter.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 04:21 PM (7q2ch)

    208 Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 04:04 PM (cfswg)

    Leg traps, my God in Heaven, I may have to quit reading this thread.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 04:22 PM (q1FtT)

    209 Nice to have friends Gushka. Hope that crap stops.

    Posted by: Infidel at March 26, 2016 04:22 PM (+kSxm)

    210 The Iranians are the worst, they torture dogs bc they believe them to be unclean. It is considered an act of defience to own a dog and the dog is in serious danger at all times from the sicko culture that encourages animal abuse

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 04:23 PM (2x3L+)

    211 Posted by: jasonj at March 26, 2016 04:20 PM (udv4C)

    I say, that is one unusual pet. How do you manage cleaning the tank without losing your fingers?

    Posted by: washrivergal at March 26, 2016 04:23 PM (CFc5L)

    212 >>I say, that is one unusual pet. How do you manage cleaning the tank without losing your fingers?
    Posted by: washrivergal

    You can always hire a day worker at the Home Depot parking lot for that kind of work that Americans won't do.

    Posted by: Aviator at March 26, 2016 04:26 PM (c7vUv)

    213 If anyone is still here, stupid question probably, I have a coi pond which pretty shallow maybe 2 feet of water. I haven't stocked it with fish bc it freezes over at times during the winter. Can the fish survive that?

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 04:26 PM (2x3L+)

    214 Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 04:17 PM (3kUGE)

    That makes sense, appreciate the thoughts and advice.

    Posted by: ReactionaryMonster Bravely supporting kittens at March 26, 2016 04:27 PM (1D4Ef)

    Good thing is, when I go to the Gate, all those
    babies are going to be waiting for me, along with all of my loved ones. I
    firmly believe it.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 04:12 PM (7q2ch)

    I do too.

    i get teased that if this is true, i will be greeted by a fog of cats, a pack of dogs, and a vast herd of horses --both humble and princely-- from my rescue work, and breeding. I have had stories of what has happened to the very fine horses i bred and sold for princely prices and its broken my heart I am breeding only now to replace the stock i personally ride. I had a stallion get cut and end up getting sold by a dealer, passed around, crippled and then end up as a school horse at a girls camp where when i told the shipper where he was she went and bought him herself when my client's deal fell though. I think hes still there in Maine as a pasture ornament if he hasnt been euthanized yet. His sister was supposed to be mine forever by was sold in my divorce. (divorce dispersals are hard on horses) She has since been sold again and is in a hoarding situation, I can only pray for her and hope one day i will see her again and she can forgive me for how badly wrong her life went.

    animal welfare doesn't do shit for horses until they are dead or ruined beyond repair. It drives me crazy.

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 04:28 PM (cfswg)

    216 213 I wonder if it would help to install a pump that kept the water circulating.

    Posted by: Weasel at March 26, 2016 04:31 PM (uqVY0)

    217 216
    213 I wonder if it would help to install a pump that kept the water circulating.

    Posted by: Weasel at March 26, 2016 04:31 PM (uqVY0)

    I know theres heater for horses water tanks, maybe the same thing can be done for Koi ponds?

    Posted by: Gushka can haz kittys what plays fetch! at March 26, 2016 04:32 PM (cfswg)

    218 213 ... L'Elle, My neighbor kept koi in a similar pond year round. Even when it froze over the fish survived. I assume that level of cold slows their metabolism by a huge amount.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 04:33 PM (FvdPb)

    219 Duh, thanks Weasel. It shouldn't be too difficult to put in a pump. I should have thought of that. It has nice lights surrounding it but came with no fish, just water.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 04:33 PM (2x3L+)

    We have a feral cat that my younger daughter rescued a couple of years ago--had him neuteredvet checked. My wife fell in love with the idiot so naturally we HAD to have him.

    He picked me, even though I'm not a cat lover at all. He and Elizabeth (the dog) are now best buds, a huge relief. Took about 3 mos before he would tolerate her, Liz wanted to be buddies right away.

    Quite affectionate for a feral, but stone dumb in a lot of respects. I frankly don't know how he survived until Lori ( daughter) coaxed him to accept her.

    But here we are--at this moment helping me type.

    Posted by: irongrampa at March 26, 2016 04:34 PM (P/8aq)

    221 God help the person that harmed an animal in my presence.

    Posted by: Weasel at March 26, 2016 04:34 PM (uqVY0)

    222 219 A plain ol' circulating pump might be more economical to run than actually heating the pond. Large circulating systems are used in marinas to keep water from freezing around boats.

    Posted by: Weasel at March 26, 2016 04:37 PM (uqVY0)

    223 221- I'm thinking God put you there as an instrument of His justice.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 04:38 PM (7q2ch)

    224 All of our cats are indoor cats.
    Keeps the vet bills way down.
    Outdoors we have raccoon and now, coyote.
    Lots of small pets go missing.

    Posted by: navybrat at March 26, 2016 04:43 PM (8QGte)

    225 Your average carp/goldfish will have no trouble over wintering if there's an area in the pond that's deep enough, and for the life of me I can't remember what the depth is. I wanna say 2 feet, but I just don't remember.

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 04:44 PM (q1FtT)

    226 If the pond is deep enough that it would not freeze to the bottom the koi would be OK if its clean enough. A pump might be good anyway though, An internet friend in MO who has a yard full of trees posted one spring that her Koi had died because she had not gotten the leaves cleaned up so the Koi didn't have enough O2 in the pond over the winter as the decaying leaves had upset the balance.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 04:45 PM (3kUGE)

    227 I can never get to this thread until much later, but I'm asking for some moron help. I am looking for a Scottish Deerhound puppy. This will be my last dog and when I lost my 17 and 14 year old miniature dachshunds I want to go back to the large breeds.

    Posted by: Ben Had at March 26, 2016 04:49 PM (k9iTk)

    228 It probably wouldn't cost a zillion dollars to keep a small decorative pond from freezing with a heater unless it gets really cold where you are. And a little crust of ice on top probably wouldn't be the end of the world, either.

    Posted by: Weasel at March 26, 2016 04:50 PM (uqVY0)

    229 155 Are dayliles and tiger lilies the same thing?

    No Tiger Lillies are Lilliums and are bulbs. Day Lillies are Hemerocallis and are rhizomes.

    Posted by: Budahmon at March 26, 2016 04:51 PM (vcSri)

    230 Thanks you guys. I guess it's koi, not coi, huh? Getting the pond cleaned up and set up properly and stocked can be my spring project

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 04:51 PM (2x3L+)

    231 L, Elle - if you haven't already, go to Amazon and search "Koi pond heaters" lots of heaters and circulating pumps!!

    Posted by: Weasel at March 26, 2016 04:54 PM (uqVY0)

    232 Ben Had, since it's nearly a dead thread, I will try to mention your request in next weeks post to see if this group can get you some leads.

    Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 04:55 PM (2x3L+)

    233 Thanks Budahmon. The link says plants in both categories can be toxic. Pollen would not have been in issue from one flower bed in ND winds and our cats never ate the Tiger Lilies which added nice summer color.

    Posted by: PaleRider at March 26, 2016 04:56 PM (3kUGE)

    234 Yay! My Bailey made the Pet thread. Thank you L'Elle and MH. And greetings from cold and rainy London..

    Posted by: IC at March 26, 2016 04:57 PM (VLFZi)

    235 Ben Had- if you are still around, you could start with Big Dogs Huge Paws, which is a giant breed rescue located in Colorado and Texas. Next, contact the AKC for a list of reputable breeders for the breed you are interested in-they have every breed imaginable.

    Good luck with a giant baby-they are wonderful.

    Posted by: Moki at March 26, 2016 04:58 PM (7q2ch)

    236 Lauren - if your still here. I give my dogs soup neck bones to chew on. They never have any dental issues. At seventeen Murphy had teeth like a one year old. They are cheap and effective.

    Posted by: Ben Had at March 26, 2016 04:58 PM (k9iTk)

    237 Lillies are from the family Lillium. There are two edible species of Lilliums...asparagus and Tiger Lillies. Tiger Lillies are extremely poisonous to cats.

    Posted by: Budahmon at March 26, 2016 05:00 PM (vcSri)

    238 L,Elle and Moki- I haunt big dogs and huge paws all the time but Deerhounds never come up. I have had four Irish Wolfhounds and love them but my end time wish is for a Deerhound. I can't have another dog that is going to outlive me. I have dog heaven here and I want to watch my dog be free to run and hunt.

    Posted by: Ben Had at March 26, 2016 05:05 PM (k9iTk)

    239 This was when I was a teenager to young adult the family had a German Shepherd, at the time we had a traveling butcher come to house and often would get large bones for him.
    I have a funny story of Brutis but save it for some other time.

    Posted by: Skip at March 26, 2016 05:15 PM (fizMZ)

    240 HTL, I appreciate the caution but was serious when I said there isn't much space. Maybe enough for a 20 gallon tank or two. Mrs. JTB is way too good a shot to risk bringing in more. :-)

    But I'm glad White Clouds might be appropriate to try when the time comes.

    Posted by: JTB at March 26, 2016 04:12 PM (FvdPb)

    Well, I mostly meant it as a joke. Not many people would go from a 1 gallon goldfish bowl back up to around 2500 gallons. I am probably unique in that regard.

    Oh, can we see a pic??

    Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 26, 2016 04:11 PM (q1FtT)

    I will try and take a couple of pictures of the fish room for next week. Before I moved all the tanks into one location I did take a short movie of the pacu tank, however, which you can find by searching the term "pacu zen youtube".

    Posted by: HTL at March 26, 2016 05:39 PM (MMjUj)

    241 Posted by: L, Elle at March 26, 2016 04:26 PM (2x3L+)

    So here's my two cents worth: Koi can survive pretty well, but one killer condition is if the pond freezes over entirely for for an extended period of time because it halts the Oxygen exchange with the water-air interface so the koi can suffocate.

    An air pump with airstone does two things for you, one is it oxygenates the water, and two, the air bubble turbulence tends to keep the immediate area from freezing over unless the temperature is unbelievably low. The problem with this approach is that many cheap (aquarium) air pumps do not perform well in low temperatures, so the delivered air volume falls of dramatically, so you need to monitor this.

    A circulating pump is another solution but in really cold locations the inlet and/or outlet can freeze.

    Amazon sells tank (horse trough) heaters and protective guard rings to prevent the heating element from touching the sides of your pond, The lowest wattage (1000W) should be more than enough and actually probably needs monitoring to ensure you don't overheat a small pond. These babies draw a lot of current so buy the heaviest extension cord you can find!

    I could go on but won't!

    Posted by: Hrothgar at March 26, 2016 05:57 PM (wYnyS)

    242 158, Reactionary Monster, if you are still here, here are a couple of ideas.

    First, the fastest way to indicate disapproval of bad doggie behavior is to turn your back on the dog the second it occurs. Doggies like to see our faces, and they read our expressions so turning one's back is a BIG message. If that causes doggie to stop barking or growling, instant reward "Good girl!!!!" and a treat.

    Second, is your mom making lots of eye contact with the dog? Dogs interpret eye contact as aggression, and maybe this dog is more sensitive than most. I can, for example, stare Sophie in the eye all day long and the worst that will happen is I will get a nose in my face and a big sloppy kiss. But let a stranger do that and she gets a little nervous. Let a dog do it, and it's a full-bore crisis and she wants the other dog dead.

    If your mom is staring her dog right in the eye, this could be making the dog nervous enough to bark and even growl.

    If neither of these ideas help, please see if you can find a member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants near her and get some professional help.

    Finally, if your mom is in the Puget Sound area or in the Houston area, I know of people who can help. Email me at Nickname atsymbol

    Posted by: Tonestaple at March 26, 2016 06:18 PM (LJYIn)

    243 It's late and I don't wish to start a war, but please don't punish your dogs. It accomplishes nothing. Dogs are dogs and cannot ever ever ever think like humans. Therefore it is incumbent on humans to learn to think like dogs and solve behavior problems by teaching the dog what is right.

    I have never ever jerked on Sophie's collar in my life and I never will. If she is walking in front of me, I remind her, with a command I taught her using treats and luring her into the correct position, that she should stop pulling. If she is looking like she is going to act out against a dog, I remind her, using a routine a trainer taught me, that other dogs are not going to hurt her and if she behaves, she will get treats and loves. Sometimes she acts out anyway - there's this one dog that she hates with a burning & fiery passion - and I may have to pull her away but I don't punish her because she thinks Spike is going to hurt her so she wants to scare him off. She does not do this because she is bad, and so there is no point to punishment. No spray bottles, nothing nasty-tasting, no jerking, no dominance. Teach a dog to be the dog you want him to be and you will both be happier.

    Posted by: Tonestaple at March 26, 2016 06:30 PM (LJYIn)

    244 76
    Max is 26 lbs.....he is rather high energy, he typically gets several walks/day....a tired Basenji is a good Basenji!

    Posted by: fu52 at March 26, 2016 06:58 PM (rBjqP)

    245 17 & 27: Thank you for the comments. Jurassic Max loved his costume. He really enjoys dressing up in the outfits his mamma buys him.

    Posted by: TimInVirginia at March 26, 2016 07:49 PM (bt5gI)

    246 Kind of way too late but thanks for keeping up the generally nicer place to be on weekends, the Pet Thread!

    (looks upstairs, thinks twice, thinks three times...)

    Posted by: Merovign, Dark Lord of the Sith at March 26, 2016 08:07 PM (wB8Tg)

    247 Most interesting creatures, however, Basenjis are not dogs, nor are they domesticated. Trust me, and learn from my fail....

    Posted by: LiveFromRussianHill at March 27, 2016 12:27 AM (knFcS)

    248 Max is quite sure he is the alpha!!

    Posted by: fu52 at March 27, 2016 10:16 AM (rBjqP)

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