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Claim: Fox News Is Done With "The Rubio Thing"

I'll believe it when I don't see it, but it's too delicious not to slap a headline on and call it a post.

In his role as the donor class's darling, Marco Rubio has enjoyed support from the Republicans' media arm, Fox News. Throughout the primary, Fox provided Rubio with friendly interviews and key bookings, including the first prime-time response to Barack Obama's Oval Office address on ISIS. Many of the network's top pundits, including Stephen Hayes and Charles Krauthammer, have been enthusiastic boosters. Bill Sammon, Fox's Washington managing editor, is the father of Rubio's communications director, Brooke Sammon.

But this alliance now seems to be over. According to three Fox sources, Fox chief Roger Ailes has told people he's lost confidence in Rubio's ability to win. "We're finished with Rubio," Ailes recently told a Fox host. "We can't do the Rubio thing anymore."

I have no idea if any of that is true. Pretty much everything is lies now. Used to be it was only 30% lies. Now it's like 85% lies.

But, whatever, sounds like something I should Hit My Great Big Blog Retweet Button on.

I guess I'm intrigued enough by this Thousand Layer Cake of Wonderfulness that I might just watch Megyn "Rubes4Ever" Kelly tonight to see if she can force herself to utter the words "Ted Cruz" outside of the context of weighing how Cruz might complicate Rubio's bid for the presidency.

Thanks to New Guy.

Unrelated but Big: The DOJ grants immunity to Hillary's server guy, which therefore strips him of the right to plead the Fifth when questioned about potentially criminal acts.

Now, the DOJ can be playing games here, obviously. But this is how you get people to flip on the higher-ups in a criminal enterprise -- you give immunity to the guy selling crack on the corner to get testimony about his supplier.

The Justice Department has granted immunity to the former State Department staffer who worked on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private email server, a sign the FBI investigation into possible criminal wrongdoing is progressing.

A senior U.S. law enforcement official said the FBI had secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano who worked on Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009.

Thanks to @comradearthur, JJ Sefton.

Posted by: Ace at 08:39 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 it insists upon itself.

Posted by: musical jolly chimp at March 02, 2016 08:41 PM (WTSFk)

2 Trump 2016.

Posted by: the littl shyning man at March 02, 2016 08:41 PM (U6f54)

3 Squat cobbler scene from Better Call Saul:

Posted by: DangerGirl and her 1.21 gigawatt Sanity Prod at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (+eR2D)

4 5th!

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (Vy81P)

5 Dondi delenda est.

Posted by: Spartan Fan at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (eZG4P)

6 "We can't do the Rubio thing anymore."

So, no qualms about admitting it was a thing they were doing?


Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (1xUj/)

7 But, whatever, sounds like something I should Hit My Great Big Blog Retweet Button on

*hits F5*

I have no idea *hits F5* what you could possibly *hits F5* mean, ace.

*hits F5*

Posted by: alexthechick - Love and despair bitches at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (IrByp)

8 That's what I'm drinking BTW

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (Vy81P)

9 They have to see reality at some point, better sooner. Cruz lacks agency at this point, he can stay in and Trump wins the winner take all races by a few points or get out and watch him tromp Rubio. The establishment has to give up on winning and pick who their next choice is. I'm just afraid it will be Clinton, Bloomberg or a brokered convention and try Romney again.

Posted by: John Morris at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (sCRhB)

10 "But, whatever, sounds like something I should Hit My Great Big Blog Retweet Button on."

I thought you had given up Twitter!

Maybe they have a patch for that.

Posted by: Meremortal at March 02, 2016 08:42 PM (3myMJ)

11 Could it be they are done w Rubio because of Mitt waiting in the wings?

Posted by: rebbl at March 02, 2016 08:43 PM (ZzuqH)

12 So they thought "The Rubio Thing" was large, and it turned out to be small?

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 08:43 PM (iMxBJ)

13 Dondi should have asked Shep and Geraldo for copies of pics of Ailes with Hairy Reed on vacay with a Cub Scout den.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 08:44 PM (FsuaD)



Posted by: Walter Crushchurch at March 02, 2016 08:44 PM (2RnOO)

15 Trump Steaks...

No, you can't buy 'em anymore.

What did I have for dinner? Taco Bell.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 08:45 PM (e7T6D)

16 Don't all y'all think Romney will activate the gag reflex in most R's?

Posted by: Meremortal at March 02, 2016 08:45 PM (3myMJ)

17 isn't it something, though, that fox news is admitting to being a propaganda organization?

....That the people who are paid for their opinions are actually taking orders "from the top"?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:45 PM (AkOaV)

18 I have no idea *hits F5* what you could possibly *hits F5* mean, ace.

I often visualize the Horde as a bunch of experimental rats that have F5 wired to the dopamine part of the brain, or the part that makes the sex juice, and we just keep hitting...

Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 02, 2016 08:45 PM (1xUj/)

19 I mean, 5 years ago, you would have been called a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist for suggesting that the "opinion makers" were told what their opinion was, and read from scripts like Hollywood actors.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:46 PM (AkOaV)

20 Romney is activating a gag reflex just thinking they might do it.

Posted by: John Morris at March 02, 2016 08:46 PM (sCRhB)

How dare they abandon their most glorious Field Marshall.

Posted by: Dondi Amin, Conqueror of the Trump Empire in Minnesota in General and Minnesota in Particular at March 02, 2016 08:46 PM (SiyyF)



since they cant push the "rubio thing" anymore

what are they going to push

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:46 PM (zOTsN)

23 16 Don't all y'all think Romney will activate the gag reflex in most R's?
Posted by: Meremortal at March 02, 2016 08:45 PM (3myMJ)


Posted by: rebbl at March 02, 2016 08:46 PM (ZzuqH)

24 Aww.

I hope when they ask Cruz on, Cruz makes Shep dress up like the Gimp from Pulp Fiction first.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 08:47 PM (6FqZa)

25 I take it this means they are taking a second look as Kasich?

/yes they are the stupid party establishment

Posted by: BlueFalcon in Boston at March 02, 2016 08:47 PM (r6ujM)

26 I often visualize the Horde as a bunch of experimental rats that have F5 wired to the dopamine part of the brain, or the part that makes the sex juice, and we just keep hitting...
Posted by: Bandersnatch at March 02, 2016 08:45 PM (1xUj/)

I tell people about the lube and I tell them. . . .

Posted by: alexthechick - Love and despair bitches at March 02, 2016 08:47 PM (IrByp)

27 I tell people about the lube and I tell them. . . .
Posted by: alexthechick - Love and despair bitches at March 02, 2016 08:47 PM (IrByp)


Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:47 PM (AkOaV)

28 Who cannot look upon Rubio and not see a foreskin held back by a very, very tight tie?

Me neither.


Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at March 02, 2016 08:47 PM (1zS3A)

29 Posted by: An Poc ar Buile at March 02, 2016 08:47 PM (1zS3A)

also, Ew.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (AkOaV)


can they send Shep to Syria to cover ISIS?

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (zOTsN)

31 I said last week, when Megyn was so warm to Cruz during the townhall and then again, on Friday, when Hannity gave his full hour to Cruz, that either a new edict had been issued, or an old one withdrawn. It was as if FNC staff were suddenly allowed free reign.

Now, to the issue at hand, WTF is a "news" organization doing humping for any individual candidate?!

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (8PbKi)

32 The Rubio/Fox "media arm" comment is just like when the "media" report on ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Politico, HuffPost, Slate, NYT, Wapo, et al are the "Democrat's media arm...." Right?......Just like that.

Posted by: Scotch Cobbler at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (g9d8D)

Hot News.
DOJ grants immunity to Hillary's server guy.

Posted by: ArthurK at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (h53OH)

34 Ailes didn't dig the kinky boots.

Posted by: Zombie Jay Sebring at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (FXW24)

35 He got fired by his TV station.

Posted by: DaveA at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (DL2i+)

36 I guess I'm intrigued enough by this Thousand Layer Cake of Wonderfulness that I might just watch Megyn "Rubes4Ever" Kelly tonight to see if she can force herself to utter the words "Ted Cruz" tonight.


Did you watch her townhall last week? She was very receptive to Cruz.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 08:49 PM (8PbKi)

37 LO freakin' L!

Posted by: 8starsnorth at March 02, 2016 08:49 PM (ppmNn)

38 Karl Rove spreading junk about the Latino vote.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 08:49 PM (ow8Ca)

39 I take it this means they are taking a second look as Kasich?

/yes they are the stupid party establishment

Posted by: BlueFalcon in Boston

Fat, smug, and rested, amigos~!

Posted by: Mike Huckabee at March 02, 2016 08:49 PM (A/3fN)

40 IOW, Fox is admitting to pushing a candidate.

I think they're realizing that they're doing a lot of things that leave them sitting there, exposed. Every crappy debate, every spin and lie they have to push, sours them with their audience.

I think they're thinking that they've damaged the brand this election season.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 08:49 PM (oVJmc)

41 FTR, no mention of Boobio yet on O'Reilley except for Rove.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (ow8Ca)




Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (zLP1L)

43 Hot News.
DOJ grants immunity to Hillary's server guy.
Posted by: ArthurK at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (h53OH)


what kind of immunity?

the tits are not calm the tits are not calm

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (zOTsN)

44 So, what will a degree from Trump U get you nowadays?

*dodges rocks and bottles*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (FsuaD)

45 Yea, this isn't exactly news that Fox News isn't really news. They are the voice of the Republican Party. They permit conservatives some air time because, unlike the rest, Rupert is in the making money business and figures that so long as he throws a bone to us we really don't have anyplace to go so he gets a whole tranch of viewers basically for free.

Posted by: John Morris at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (sCRhB)




But, of course.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (8PbKi)

47 ... not that I'd ever call you out Wickett ...

... but really, second look at a spot in my bunker ?

Posted by: Irony at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (qmMG2)

48 "Fox will provide cover. O'Reilly will rant about pinheads who don't like Mexicans, and Megyn can be relied upon to bleach her hair and distract the morons with tits."

"My Fuhrer... Fox..."

"Fox is pulling their support. They say they're done with the 'Rubio thing'".

*Shaky glasses remove*

"These people will stay. Frum, Rove, Ryan and Graham."

*shuffle out*

*door closes*

Posted by: Vanya Secundus, Hitler Parodies at March 02, 2016 08:51 PM (v+nYp)


what kind of immunity

this is flaming skull material

this is yyuuugggeeee


guess Obama is going to do what Bernie couldn't

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:51 PM (zOTsN)

50 It's seemed that his boosters at FOX started souring on him as soon as he started mocking Trump, before Super Tuesday

Posted by: TedCruzLegThrill at March 02, 2016 08:51 PM (VekM5)

51 Rove sputtering that Trump didn't drive the increased voter turnout by himself.

Yeah . Those crazy fkrs braved the elements to punch a chad for Rubio.


Hey Rove ! Architect a bag of dicks you schlumpy scrote!

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 08:52 PM (UmCLB)



Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (zLP1L)

Has he been invited to take a walk in the park yet?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 08:52 PM (WVsWD)

53 immunity is potentially good, guys.

he can't plead the fifth now -- he is immunized from any criminal act he committed. Therefore, his answers do not subject him to criminal penalty.

UNLESS he perjures himself, obviously.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 08:52 PM (dciA+)

54 I'd love some immunity from the FUCKING TSA when I travel next week.

Is that too damned much to ask? I mean, I didn't refuse to rescue an ambassador from Benghazi or anything.



*smiles at NSA*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 08:52 PM (FsuaD)

55 I just queefed.

Posted by: Hillary! at March 02, 2016 08:53 PM (ow8Ca)

56 Heh heh. I can't believe I'm such a racist! I went to Taco Bell on Texas Independence day! Geeze. I shoulda hit the Gyro place instead. Oh well.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 08:53 PM (e7T6D)

57 I think both Rubio and Cruz should have waited to run as freshman senators. That would have left Bush, Kaisch, Jindal , Walker , Perry , Carson and Trump. I think Perry and Walker would have remained in the race and think the Trump dynamic would have turned out different. Chaos theory. Who knows what would have happened.

Posted by: Joe Hallenbeck at March 02, 2016 08:53 PM (MNgU2)

Who does the server guy fear more, the Federal Government, or the Clinton Crime Family?

Posted by: Walter Crushchurch at March 02, 2016 08:53 PM (2RnOO)

59 >>>"These people will stay. Frum, Rove, Ryan and Graham."

you guys keep mixing frum into this mix. Frum is strongly in favor of controlliing immigration AND ALSO is annoyed by the Rubio boosterism, and people's refusal to even give a look to Cruz.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 08:53 PM (dciA+)

60 *smiles at NSA*

Lovely new teddie, Mrs. D'oh.

Mind leaning forward a little?

Posted by: Bill from NSA (Bob's on break) at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (1xUj/)

61 "I'd love some immunity from the FUCKING TSA when I travel next week.

That's easy. Wear a burhka and carry a koran. They won't bother you.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (WVsWD)

62 i know that's hard to process (it was for me too) but it's true.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (dciA+)

63 Rest assured server guy will still plead the Fifth.

Because he kinda sorta likes breathing and stuff.

Posted by: blaster at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (2Ocf1)

64 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (zLP1L)

Cheryl Mills just went on vacation to a country without an extradition agreement. Huma is hot on her heels.

Posted by: no good deed at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (GgxVX)



"Just when I thought I was out (taking the night off) they pull me back in again!!"

Posted by: not really ace at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (Vy81P)

66 I think the Internet has directly and indirectly ramped up the everything is lies factor from 30% to 85%.

Also people are less good now.

Posted by: eleven at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (qUNWi)

67 Wait. Seriously? They gave the guy immunity?

The screeching made me think it was a joke.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 08:54 PM (8PbKi)

68 immunity is potentially good, guys.

Yeah, it means he spills or goes to the clink.

I don't care if this minor functionary walks, the concern is the people at the top.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 08:55 PM (oVJmc)

69 I don't think it was his insults at Trump that soured them, after all they give Trump plenty of air. No, I think it was the fact Rubio was losing so bad he felt desperate enough to resort to insults. Viewers were growing tired of FNC being so in the tank for what everyone else could plainly see was a loser. Remember that famous General Patton line about Americans hating losers?

Posted by: John Morris at March 02, 2016 08:55 PM (sCRhB)

70 It's seemed that his boosters at FOX started souring on him as soon as he started mocking Trump, before Super Tuesday
Posted by: TedCruzLegThrill

The programmers guaranteed that the new jokes app with my latex OS update would kill.
"Trump's mama so fat, when she sits around the Taj Mahal she sits AROUND the Taj Mahal."

Posted by: Dondi Amin, Conqueror of the Trump Empire in Minnesota in General and Minnesota in Particular at March 02, 2016 08:55 PM (SiyyF)

71 Loretta Lynchmob is working out swimmingly, isn't she? No, she's not a puppet of ValJar and Barry At All.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 08:55 PM (FsuaD)

72 63 Rest assured server guy will still plead the Fifth.

No such thing, with immunity.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 08:55 PM (iMxBJ)

73 "latest OS update" not latex.
That went to a weird place.

Posted by: Dondi Amin, Conqueror of the Trump Empire in Minnesota in General and Minnesota in Particular at March 02, 2016 08:56 PM (SiyyF)


read the article

he got the immunity and he is cooperating

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:56 PM (zOTsN)

75 Hot News.
DOJ grants immunity to Hillary's server guy.

Huma. Did you hear what happened?




Posted by: Hillary at March 02, 2016 08:56 PM (12kBq)

76 Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 08:53 PM (dciA+)

Spur of the moment; just chucked in any name I could think of. Withdraw Frum, replace with Tom Friedman

Posted by: Vanya Secundus, Hitler Parodies at March 02, 2016 08:57 PM (v+nYp)

77 My pleasure, Ace. Discovered the site a month ago and read it daily now. I need humor to get through the news these days.

Posted by: Roger Ailes at March 02, 2016 08:57 PM (Pm+du)


I want alcohol. And titty cream. And contentment.

But mostly alcohol. The titty cream would be Ok too.

Posted by: Jam Free at March 02, 2016 08:57 PM (qul7b)

79 Hey Ace, what does that make for, 5 straight posts bashing Rubio? You're like the Bill Russell Celtics of Rubio bashing

Posted by: JerseyJerk at March 02, 2016 08:57 PM (Xgt6t)

80 Therefore, his answers do not subject him to criminal penalty.

Therefore you are correct about the "criminal penalties". Howsoever there are other penalties. Other penalties.

amirite Lenny?

*cracks knuckles*

Posted by: Bruno and lenny from Da Clinton Foundation at March 02, 2016 08:57 PM (UmCLB)

81 Immunity means the process is going forward, but it's not worth it to speculate further unless you're Dick Morris, in which case - go for it

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 08:57 PM (6FqZa)

82 Ever since that one line in Trump's victory speech, I've thought of Rubio as "The Little Senator."

I remember debates where they'd have something for the short guys to stand on, to make them all the same height (SNL got a good joke out of that one when Jon Lovitz played Dukakis). Not in these. The variation is substantial.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (iMxBJ)

83 he got the immunity and he is cooperating

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:56 PM (zOTsN)

I hope like hell he throws the Beast under the bus.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (FsuaD)

84 Nice tribute to George Kennedy by BOR.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (ow8Ca)

85 I wouldn't say people are less good now.

Posted by: Hannibal Lecter at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (mPQ7K)


it means he spills and what he spills cannot be used against him

if he pled the 5th and they didnt not seek and get immunity for him the investigation would die

the fact that he got immunity means the invesigtion is still on going, he is cooperating and it has not been sent to a Grand Jury


Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (zOTsN)

87 Rest assured server guy will still plead the Fifth.

No such thing, with immunity.

Who was it that was forced to give testimony AND was prosecuted? Was that Ollie North? There was some exquisitely choreographed ballet as I remember it.

It went well beyond tap dancing.

Posted by: Walter Crushchurch at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (2RnOO)



Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (zLP1L)

Could mean anything, really.

In the real world, it would mean they want him to testify against Hillary.

In DC world, they might just grant everyone involved immunity so that they could testify against some dedicated fall guy no one has heard of.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (AkOaV)

89 read the article

he got the immunity and he is cooperating


All I saw was the ALL CAPS comment and thought it was a joke. I just tried the link and it's bad.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (8PbKi)

90 I want alcohol. And titty cream. And contentment.

But mostly alcohol. The titty cream would be Ok too.
Posted by: Jam Free

If the titty cream worked, wouldn't it give you huge hands too?

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (SiyyF)

91 I know Barack, we have to wait to release the Biden/Patrick 2016 bumper stickers until after Hillary is indicted, but I want you and Valerie to see that I'm ready for duty

Posted by: Joe Biden at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (12kBq)

92 I'd be content with that gross chest lump ad going away.

Posted by: eleven at March 02, 2016 08:59 PM (qUNWi)

93 the fact that he got immunity means the invesigtion is still on going, he is cooperating and it has not been sent to a Grand Jury

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (zOTsN)

why hasnt a grand jury been convened already? They've had the evidence against Hillary! for months now.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:59 PM (AkOaV)

94 I fear Megyn is going for the Rachel Maddow look.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 08:59 PM (FsuaD)

95 All I saw was the ALL CAPS comment and thought it was a joke. I just tried the link and it's bad.
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (8PbKi)

take the spaces (%20 in html talk) out.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:59 PM (AkOaV)

96 Hillary will bring the guy's brother to the courtroom.

Posted by: eman at March 02, 2016 08:59 PM (k9xrn)

I've seen all good people turn their heads each day so satisfied I'm on my way

Posted by: El Marko at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (FkBIv)

98 Here's the good link

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (8PbKi)

99 Get your immunity here folks.

Limited supply. Don't be left out and get indicted.

Have some juicy Hillary tidbits? Come on down to Trader Joe DOJ and we'll put you in a brand new immunity jacket and witness protection program.

Plus we're taking anonymous tips of how and when an who did what and where

call 1-800-whobitchthisis

or 1-800-shesgoingdown

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (Xo1Rt)

100 Test.

Posted by: ScoggDog at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (qmMG2)

101 84 Nice tribute to George Kennedy by BOR.

He was a good 'un. We're running out of character actors who look distinctive, but not like pretty boys.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (iMxBJ)

102 Or now that he is immune it was all his idea and Hillary had no knowledge.

Posted by: steevy at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (B48dK)

103 >>>
Who was it that was forced to give testimony AND was prosecuted? Was that Ollie North? There was some exquisitely choreographed ballet as I remember it.

there are two types of immunity: Use immunity and the other one. Transaction immunity, I think.

Use immunity means that while you can still be prosecuted, prosecutors cannot USE your testimony against you, nor any evidence collected thanks to having your testimony.

It's a weaker form of immunity.

Transaction immunity means you can't be prosecuted for the specific crimes they list in the immunity agreement. You're totally immune under all circumstances. So you can't plead the fifth.

North had only use immunity. they prosecuted him, they say, based on evidence gotten elsewhere, or for somethign else (like obstruction of justice or whatever).

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (dciA+)

104 Jeez you must really hate Ted Cruz.

How is Ted going to get people to eventually vote for him with thuggishness and gloating?

Hopefully you get a President Cruz but you are using the same tactics that you loathed in Palin supporters.

Oh well.

Posted by: Chris Christie Feats of Strength at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (mcm0N)

105 OT but shit like this makes me want to vote Trump.

(Link in sig)

Posted by: Lauren at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (92Dmd)

106 Of course they gave immunity to whitey! Now the "system" can go after two African-American womenz who were Hillary's close aides and shit.

No, not scissoring

Posted by: Black Lives Matter at March 02, 2016 09:01 PM (e7T6D)

107 Oh, and if anyone cares, the Rockets are playing tonight again. At least, the people wearing the suits are out on the court. Maybe if the NBA went to a brokered convention the Rockets might stand a chance

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 09:01 PM (6FqZa)

108 why hasnt a grand jury been convened already? They've had the evidence against Hillary! for months now.

The evidence and witnesses are probably being presented to the GJ but I think she means that the indictment has not been presented yet. Which is pretty standard.

Posted by: Bruno and lenny from Da Clinton Foundation at March 02, 2016 09:01 PM (UmCLB)

109 They're not investigating Hillary, just her server

Posted by: George Stephanopoulos at March 02, 2016 09:01 PM (12kBq)

110 Now, the DOJ can be playing games here, obviously.

And under no circumstances should anyone believe they aren't.

This is under Obama's guidance. This is bullshit and will remain bullshit until he fucking leaves office.

MF'ing Period.

Posted by: Mike Huckabee at March 02, 2016 09:01 PM (A/3fN)

111 If the titty cream worked, wouldn't it give you huge hands too?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (SiyyF)


Hands are mammary glands now? So many new possibilities....

Posted by: Tim in GA at March 02, 2016 09:01 PM (RWjrX)

112 We'll soon learn the guy's dog was killed. Throat slit due to "natural causes."

Don't fuck with the Clinton's unless you have bank to protect yourself.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:01 PM (FsuaD)

113 >>>
it means he spills and what he spills cannot be used against him

if he pled the 5th and they didnt not seek and get immunity for him the investigation would die

did he get that one (use immunity) or the full immunity, transaction immunity?

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (dciA+)

114 Megyn's going for the Strong Woman look.

Which is kinda lesbo and scruffy.

Fiorina had that look and so do some other female execs.

Can't be looking feminine/pretty and bitch slap your CFO.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (Xo1Rt)

115 Immunity for her pawn means Hill is more likely to be indicted, not less.

Posted by: San Franpsycho at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (EZebt)

116 104 Jeez you must really hate Ted Cruz.
How is Ted going to get people to eventually vote for him with thuggishness and gloating?


Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (iMxBJ)

117 I fear Megyn is going for the Rachel Maddow look.


I think she's beautiful with the short do although tonight it isn't styled the best I've seen.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (8PbKi)


read the article linked to the tweet

they are trying to prove criminal knowledge on the part of Hillary and her coven

remember they did not go to the OPSEC training and they didnt sign the required OPSEC paperwork

which makes it hard to prove the "knowingly" part of the offense

they are using him to unravel all the emails and find out who ordered him and why to see if they can prove consciousness if guilt, which they need lacking the paperwork

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (zOTsN)

119 Hello ace. Would you be interested in taking a look at this new cool car and telling us which brand you thin it is?

Posted by: Totally not a commercial at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (z/Ubi)

120 OK, g'nite. See y'all whenever.

Posted by: DangerGirl and her 1.21 gigawatt Sanity Prod at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (+eR2D)

121 Oh FFS Lauren.

"But vote GOP down ballot for Congress or else that's a vote for Hillary."

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (6FqZa)

122 He was a good 'un. We're running out of character actors who look distinctive, but not like pretty boys.
Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (iMxBJ)

--Not just a good actor, but the story of him adopting his granddaughter (whose parents were drug addicts) was touching.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (ow8Ca)

123 SOON

Posted by: Joey "Choo-choo" Biden at March 02, 2016 09:03 PM (vBeA5)

124 This computer guy must have had a hell of a spider hole. Would have thought he would have taken a midnight stroll thru Fort Marcy Park by now

Posted by: Vince Foster at March 02, 2016 09:03 PM (12kBq)

125 Is there one of those long words like triskadekaphobia, except it means "fear that Ace is actually a lawyer?" That immunity elaboration was just a bit too good.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:03 PM (iMxBJ)

126 Alternate headline: Fox news, after bleeding ratings for months, decides money is better than boy toy for Megyn Kelly.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:03 PM (pUDQf)

127 >>>Or now that he is immune it was all his idea and Hillary had no knowledge.

he could claim that, and i'm sure it's been suggested to him he should claim that... but if he does, there is no immunity. if you can prove he lied, immunity's out the window, and you can charge for the original crime plus perjury and obstruction.

Now... I'm sure hillary could dangle jobs and pardons....

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:03 PM (dciA+)

128 If the titty cream worked, wouldn't it give you huge hands too?
Posted by: Prince Ludwig the #Problematic at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (SiyyF)

You know who could use some of that? Donald Trump!

Posted by: Mario Romo at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (7qAYi)

129 @105

I'm not a fan of Ryan. He's showing he's a piece of work. And I remember being so excited when the rooftop-dog-killer picked him as his VP. I was so innocent back then.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (e7T6D)

130 Or now that he is immune it was all his idea and Hillary had no knowledge.

He put SecState onto a private server without her permission? And got it done with no protest from anyone?

He'd get sent up for perjury, no one would believe that.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (oVJmc)

131 / ged offa me youse!

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (UmCLB)

132 >>>Is there one of those long words like triskadekaphobia, except it means "fear that Ace is actually a lawyer?" That immunity elaboration was just a bit too good.

you can get this much from Law & Order

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (dciA+)

133 the fact that he got immunity means the invesigtion is still on going, he is cooperating and it has not been sent to a Grand Jury

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 08:58 PM (zOTsN)

Dear Mr. Server Guy,

Hillary Clinton is world famous, fabulously wealthy and protected by political connections. She has armies of lawyers and a public relations apparatus more loyal than Kim Jong Un's.

You, on the other hand, are not. You are a dude who nobody's ever heard of, and unlikely to defend, with extremely finite resources. We can, should we wish, cause your colon to resemble Fallujah after a hurricane. Should we wish.

We invite you to carefully consider your options.

Love and kisses,


Posted by: Vanya Secundus at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (v+nYp)

134 Ace is a lawyer.

Posted by: steevy at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (B48dK)

135 124
This computer guy must have had a hell of a spider hole. Would have
thought he would have taken a midnight stroll thru Fort Marcy Park by

Posted by: Vince Foster at March 02, 2016 09:03 PM (12kBq)


Posted by: Ron Brown at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (FsuaD)

136 I wonder if Hillary!'s minge will turn against her like Oprah's did on South Park.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 09:04 PM (ow8Ca)

137 did he get that one (use immunity) or the full immunity, transaction immunity?

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (dciA+)

the article did not say what flavor immunity he got, and it could be the super duper journalists didnt know there are different kinds

but if I were advising him I would demand full immunity not just use immunity

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:05 PM (zOTsN)


*** unavailable for comment ***

Posted by: Ambassador Stevens at March 02, 2016 09:05 PM (12kBq)

139 If the titty cream worked, wouldn't it give you huge hands too?

Why doesn't BenGay make your hands get hot?

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 09:05 PM (oVJmc)

140 So, are we sure MUMR isn't the magic underwear guy?

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 02, 2016 09:05 PM (I62V5)

141 Who knew the job of it administration was so darn dangerous! - Guy at Hillary's IT Admin's funeral.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:05 PM (pUDQf)



Employee then confesses to doing it all on his own and Hillery new nothing about her e-mail being on a 'real' private server - she just thought she got a cutesie e-mail address.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 09:05 PM (T78UI)

143 113 >>>
it means he spills and what he spills cannot be used against him

if he pled the 5th and they didnt not seek and get immunity for him the investigation would die

did he get that one (use immunity) or the full immunity, transaction immunity?

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (dciA+)

So is Biden cracking his knuckles, and getting ready to swoop in and save the Democrats by volunteering to run? For the DOJ to do this, The White House had to loose the hounds to go after Hillary. They obviously think she is vulnerable, and it's apparent that Bernie just isn't doing it in the primaries. So either they want Bernie to win, or Obama is doing this for Biden as a thank you for making him look smart for 8 years.

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 09:05 PM (7q2ch)

144 Looks like it's Viagra time

Posted by: Bill from Chappaqua at March 02, 2016 09:06 PM (12kBq)

145 Why the actual fcuk is Me Again quoting Erick Fkn Erickson?

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:06 PM (UmCLB)

146 Now I'm getting the titty cream ad.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:06 PM (FsuaD)

147 I wonder if Hillary!'s minge will turn against her like Oprah's did on South Park.

"Oprah threatens to eat us!!"

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 09:06 PM (ntObR)

148 Obama setting up Joey B. for his big entrance.

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 09:06 PM (ntObR)

149 Let me try something....

*penis enlargement ads*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:06 PM (FsuaD)

150 >>Oh, and if anyone cares, the Rockets are playing tonight again.

I've had to pretend to care about college basketball this year. That's more than enough for me.

Posted by: Y-not (@moxiemom) at March 02, 2016 09:07 PM (t5zYU)

151 Remember..... yoga routines.

nothing to see here.. please move along

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:07 PM (e7T6D)

152 Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:02 PM (dciA+)

Here's my question:

Why do they need him at all?

They KNOW Hillary purposely skirted public records laws, AND they know she transferred classified data over a non-classified network (whether it was her server or gmail or the email, makes no difference).

So why do they need the nerd at all?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:07 PM (AkOaV)

153 erick erickson with a bucket on his head
erick erickson with a bucket on his head
erick erickson with a bucket on his head

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:08 PM (UmCLB)

Ace went to law school on a Rebel Alliance diversity scholarship. Made a big dent in the school's "furry extraterrestrial" diversity category.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at March 02, 2016 09:08 PM (o98Jz)

155 That theater in Detroit actually looks pretty.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 09:08 PM (HIlpB)

156 Ace is an upper east side trophy wife who doesn't like those charity gigs.

So with time on her hands and money she's created this conservative outlet (with just a soupcon of liberalism and libertarianism) that confuses and confounds her 'friends' at their parties.

Or he's some crazy hobo with computer access from Red Hook.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:08 PM (Xo1Rt)

157 Triskadekaphobia means fear of the Triskelions.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 02, 2016 09:08 PM (FkBIv)

158 OT but shit like this makes me want to vote Trump.

(Link in sig)


But wait! He's now supposed to be throwing down to stop Obama's immigration plans.

BTW, have I mentioned that this is Ryan positioning himself for a brokered convention?

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:08 PM (8PbKi)

159 look at it this way

Hillary and the coven purposefully avoided the OPSE training and forms so they can claim ignorance and try and evade criminal prosecution

but IT guy?

he is totally fucked. He took the training. He set up the system. He likely signed the requisite forms which would prove intent. He is so fucked, and he is the one that had direct communications with whoever ordered him to set up the illegal system

this is a big deal

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:08 PM (zOTsN)

160 153 So why do they need the nerd at all?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:07 PM (AkOaV)

For his testimony at the televised trial. In October.


Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (iMxBJ)

161 Howdy folks.

Posted by: ScoggDog at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (qmMG2)

162 yoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pantsyoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pantsyoga pants yoga pants yoga pantsyoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pantsyoga pants yoga pants yoga pants

yoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
yoga pants yoga pants yoga pantsyoga pants yoga pants yoga pants

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (UmCLB)

163 Although this does make the media look willfully incompetent* in not pressing Sanders about Clinton's perfidy.

*I mean more usual. Or just to those who are paying attention. Which means only a 1 out of every 300k voters.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (A/3fN)

164 Biden v. Trump debate: first one to get so angry he moons the camera, loses

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (6FqZa)

165 >>>Here's my question:

Why do they need him at all?

They KNOW Hillary purposely skirted public records laws, AND they know she transferred classified data over a non-classified network (whether it was her server or gmail or the email, makes no difference).

So why do they need the nerd at all?


people said above: To prove Hillary's state of mind, her intent.

she's claiming this all just sort of happened. It's useful to have a live witness to say: "She ordered this specifically to defeat FOIA records searches. And yes, she understood that classified emails would be coming across her unsecure system."


now... what do you think happened to those?

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (dciA+)

166 It will be amazing and wondrous to see the Clinton Machine crashing down in real time.

*fingers and toes crossed*

Be a shame if it gave Billy Jeff a stroke. Fully aware, unable to talk or feel. Anything.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (FsuaD)

167 157 500 quatloos for the little one.

Posted by: steevy at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (B48dK)


Meagain jumps from Erick Erickson quotes to interviewing Rubio.

He looks like death warmed over.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (UmCLB)

169 >>>157 Triskadekaphobia means fear of the Triskelions.

I don't fear them. One of them has huge upward-curving silver bosoms.

Posted by: Captain Kirk, Teaching Aliens What "Love" Is One Orgasm at a Time at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (dciA+)

170 Note to FBI: If Mr. Pagliano says he wants to take a bath, don't let him. Trust me.

Posted by: Frankie Pentangeli at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (LAe3v)

171 Megyn does look sort of done with Rubio.

Posted by: TedCruzLegThrill at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (VekM5)

172 hey KNOW Hillary purposely skirted public records laws, AND they know she transferred classified data over a non-classified network (whether it was her server or gmail or the email, makes no difference).

So why do they need the nerd at all?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes

'they cannot PROOVE she knew since she intentionally skipped the training and never signed the requisire forms proving such knowledge, neith she nor any of her coven

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (zOTsN)

173 yoga pants yoga pants yoga pantsyoga pants yoga pants yoga pants
Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (UmCLB)

--Great, now we're going to suffer through Hillary! wearing Lulu Lemon.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 09:11 PM (HIlpB)

174 I hope the guy also asked for protection-he will need it.

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 09:11 PM (7q2ch)

175 It's weird, alright. Someone accidentally released the Halon fire suppression system while he was in there. Unfortunately, the door was jammed with a screwdriver or he might of escaped. Unfortunate accident, just like Vince foster.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:11 PM (pUDQf)

176 Increase the amount of money that whistleblowers receive if they have ____ (insert correct legal world here if necessary) evidence of criminal wrongdoing and are willing to testify. I bet for a few million bucks even these loyal public sector union twats in the ATF, IRS, DOJ, VA (it's disgusting that that list could be a lot longer than it is) will be willing to rat out their comrade fellow travelers for criminal behavior.

Posted by: Crump/Truz at March 02, 2016 09:11 PM (8EJen)

177 he could claim that, and i'm sure it's been suggested to him he should claim that... but if he does, there is no immunity. if you can prove he lied, immunity's out the window, and you can charge for the original crime plus perjury and obstruction.

Now... I'm sure hillary could dangle jobs and pardons....

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:03 PM (dciA+)

dude, HE broke no laws though.

There is nothing illegal about setting up an email server (assuming they paid the $5000 or so for the genuine microsoft licensing and CALs).

I don't understand why he's being offered any deal at all unless
a) he's promising to testify against Hillary... which, he has no incentive to do.
b) they're planning on making some nobody a scapegoat for the whole thing in some totally unrealistic scenario in which Hillary was entirely unaware of the world around here.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:11 PM (AkOaV)

178 Remember, Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who was a big Hillary supporter in the past.

Also... the Saudi's have a financial stake in it as well.

So really, setting up Rubio might have simply been their way of giving Hillary a weak opponent.

Posted by: shibumi who is awaiting SMOD at March 02, 2016 09:11 PM (7FH+T)

179 174 I see an aspirin overdose in his future.

Posted by: steevy at March 02, 2016 09:11 PM (B48dK)

180 Ace, perhaps you went to bed before my recounting of the Bye-Bye Birdie story.

Apparently, Roger Ailes is reprising the role of Shirley Winters. He might just be the only one at FoxNews that doesn't want to fvck Megyn Kelly.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo, we have no country at March 02, 2016 09:12 PM (1ijHg)


Mario says Trump has a "real problem moving forward".

Mario confesses swapping emails with Mittiot.

This is awesome.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:12 PM (UmCLB)

182 'they cannot PROOVE she knew since she intentionally skipped the training and never signed the requisire forms proving such knowledge, neith she nor any of her coven
Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (zOTsN)

As I understand it, intent is not required when it comes to these classified-document laws. All they need to prove is that she was negligent in handling classified info, which... duh.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:12 PM (AkOaV)

183 177 a) he's promising to testify against Hillary... which, he has no incentive to do.

He does now. You think he didn't sign some sort of agreement to get that immunity?

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:12 PM (iMxBJ)

184 If you asked me, id say that they are going to switch Col Sanders again. Come on Adam Corolla.

Posted by: Tinfoilbaby at March 02, 2016 09:12 PM (I62V5)

185 He looks like death warmed over.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:10 PM (UmCLB)

Rubio and Megyn, in a week:

Posted by: Vanya Secundus at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (v+nYp)

186 well, I'm watching the the Kelly show right now and who do they have on...

Marco F'ing Rubio.

I guess she didn't get the memo.

Posted by: Shoey at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (vA94g)

187 >>>dude, HE broke no laws though.

There is nothing illegal about setting up an email server (assuming they paid the $5000 or so for the genuine microsoft licensing and CALs).

conspiracy to break other laws is illegal. you can get a conspiracy rap when you agree to take part in the breaking of most laws.

plus, his own computer records went missing... that seems to me to be highly convenient. like obstruction of justice convenient.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (dciA+)

188 Megyn does look sort of done with Rubio.


During the same townhall, last week, when she was so warm to Cruz, it was apparent that she had also turned a corner with Rubio.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (8PbKi)

189 153 So why do they need the nerd at all?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:07 PM (AkOaV)

The FBI/DOJ don't like to prosecute unless they have a 95%+ chance of a guilty verdict.

Posted by: Bill from Chappaqua at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (12kBq)

190 It is perfectly normal for the staff of totally innocent people to be granted immunity by the Department of Justice.

This sort of thing happens all of the time in Washington. In fact, when it happens like this all of the time, it usually means the boss of the now immunized staffer is actually super-innocent.

Posted by: Weasel at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (e3bId)

191 149 Let me try something....

*penis enlargement ads*
Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:06 PM (FsuaD)

Or as I call it, Porn.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (pUDQf)

192 The next Colonel Sanders? They'll go full SJW.

Either Lena Dunham or Amy Schumer.

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (ntObR)

193 Don't forget, Obama refused to give up his Blueberry when he became POTUS. He has exchanged e-mails with the Beast.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (FsuaD)

194 Tub girl?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:14 PM (Xo1Rt)

195 Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:09 PM (dciA+)

They were on the IRs backup server? Who knows?

But from what I understand, when it comes to laws regarding classified information, intent is irrelevant.

Now I'm not a lawyer (yet), but I am an IT nerd, and I don't see what the "stick" was for this guy. Setting up a server is not illegal, why would he had any pressure to turn "states witness"?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:14 PM (AkOaV)

196 I like the boob cream ad. It gives me hope.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:14 PM (2GjZZ)

197 Cruz next up on Megyn.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 09:14 PM (HIlpB)

198 hm, no one liked my Captain Kirk Gamesters of Triskelion joke.

that's because you're all a bunch of losers, low-energy. Bad people!

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:14 PM (dciA+)

199 Okay, Megyn about to report on this.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:15 PM (FsuaD)

200 ... kicks ironic sock to the curb.

Posted by: ScoggDog at March 02, 2016 09:15 PM (qmMG2)

201 Megyn noted that they have just removed the fourth lectern from the stage.

You know what this means? It means that Rubio is going to be at an outside lectern, opposite of Kasich.

Tee hee.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:15 PM (8PbKi)


this is pretty big and pretty bad for her

why would DOJ grant immunity now?

this will not sweep this under the rug

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:15 PM (zOTsN)

203 plus, his own computer records went missing... that seems to me to be highly convenient. like obstruction of justice convenient.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (dciA+)

yeah, so does everyone in governments. Ask Lois Lerner.

I don't know -- I don't see this as good news. I see this as "we're going to prosecute some nobody IT guy for setting up this server behind Hillarys back -- she had no idea it happened because shes a clueless old drunk grandma."

...I don't know. I guess we'll see.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:16 PM (AkOaV)

204 Now I'm not a lawyer (yet), but I am an IT nerd, and I don't see what the "stick" was for this guy. Setting up a server is not illegal, why would he had any pressure to turn "states witness"?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:14 PM (AkOaV)

Maybe he did something they DO have dirt on him for, either wit regards to the server or something else?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 09:16 PM (iHjB5)

205 I see four lecterns.

Posted by: Jean Luc Picard at March 02, 2016 09:16 PM (FkBIv)

206 As I understand it, intent is not required when it comes to these classified-document laws. All they need to prove is that she was negligent in handling classified info, which... duh.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:12 PM (AkOaV)

My first job in the Marine Corps was basic security guard. I was stationed at the Naval Headquarters building for all of Europe, which was in London, across the street from the embassy.

One of our jobs was to patrol the building at night and check all the offices, doors, trashcans, etc. There was a LOT of classified stuff in that building. If we found your office unlocked, or your classified folders in the trash, it didn't matter that you Didn't Mean To Do It-- You're still getting the sandpaper dildo from Uncle Sam.

Posted by: Vanya Secundus at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (v+nYp)

207 But from what I understand, when it comes to laws regarding classified information, intent is irrelevant.

Now I'm not a lawyer (yet), but I am an IT nerd, and I don't see what the "stick" was for this guy. Setting up a server is not illegal, why would he had any pressure to turn "states witness"?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:14 PM (AkOaV)

intent is not irrelevant. There is "negligent" and "knowlingly" and "knowingly" is a CRIME

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (zOTsN)

208 19 I mean, 5 years ago, you would have been called a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist for suggesting that the "opinion makers" were told what their opinion was, and read from scripts like Hollywood actors.
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 08:46 PM (AkOaV)

Even that moderate of all moderate Republican Presidents Eisenhower, when giving a convention speech for Goldwater, complained about the "East Coast" Media as he termed it. We now call it the "Mainstream Media" but they've been controlled as subsidiaries of large corporations for a few decades. It's just now that the civic intelligence of the American population has gone down that the opinion creators don't think it's as necessary to hide the fact that the role they play in shaping and controlling public opinion far outweighs their most similar ideological representation among the population as a whole.

Posted by: Crump/Truz at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (8EJen)

209 Captain Kirk. Nice guy, bit of a paunch. Wears a wig, not like me. I'm all man. Wears tight black pants -- No bulge!

Posted by: Donald Trump, Enemy of Kirk at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (dciA+)

210 This makes me think that they're not focused on the classified data on the off-domain email thing, and that they're more focused on the FOIA- avoiding behavior.

And they will get this nerd to testify against some other nameless nerd, and Hillary! will not be implicated at all.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (AkOaV)

211 "...Bryan Pagliano who worked on Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009."

Bryan better not go to Fort Macy Park, or near any railroad tracks. Just sayin....

Posted by: Zombie President Polk and General Taylor at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (MVoQU)

212 154
Ace went to law school on a Rebel Alliance diversity scholarship. Made a big dent in the school's "furry extraterrestrial" diversity category.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur

In one of the Rogue Squadron books, Wedge (Squadron Leader, and the guy that did both Death Star Runs for you noobs) wears a black suit, but puts an Ewok in his lap, then went and kicked some imperial butt.

The imps thought it was real and were terrified by it!

I imagine Ace as Wedge The Ewok from time to time lol.. (so now I can add to the end of that story with law school)

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (Vy81P)

213 Can we get an AOSHQ pool going on how long until this guy commits suicide now that he has immunity?

Posted by: major major major major at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (ZNgWo)

214 she had no idea it happened because shes a clueless old drunk grandma.

Who's running for president.

Posted by: I'm using the chicken to measure it at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (BO/km)

215 remember they did not go to the OPSEC training and they didnt sign the required OPSEC paperwork

which makes it hard to prove the "knowingly" part of the offense

Huh, to me, that makes it glaringly obvious it was knowingly done. Just find out how many other people had to sign the documents and do the training vs. those who didn't. Wow, looky here, it's only Hillary's minions. Viola, intent.

Posted by: no good deed at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (GgxVX)

216 >>>
intent is not irrelevant. There is "negligent" and "knowlingly" and "knowingly" is a CRIME

intent is not relevant to one crime, the mishandling of classified information charge.

for other crimes it almost certainly is. I don't know what law would cover "deliberately avoiding the government records act requirements," but that would definitely involve intent.

Posted by: Donald Trump, Enemy of Kirk at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (dciA+)

217 intent is not irrelevant. There is "negligent" and "knowlingly" and "knowingly" is a CRIME
Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (zOTsN)

I'm not a lawyer, as I said, but as I understand it, when it comes to classified data, intent is irrelevant. Just being negligent with the data is a felony.

Unless they're trying to prove treason, intent does not matter.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (AkOaV)

218 Off! Foul sock!

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (MVoQU)

219 Immunity would come after a proffer (a document listing what you would testify to if you had such an agreement).

Prosecutors wouldn't agree to bad evidence, and deviating from the proffer would likely result in charges for perjury. A good prosecutor wouldn't extend immunity without knowing what he'd get in return.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (oVJmc)

220 It's a bidding war. Hillary is being black mailed (heh) by Obama and ValJar.

Every time she balks at the increased bid, they up the ante through the FBI.

Obama's trying to get Hillary's Foundation to pay for his Hawaiian get away bungalow/bunker.

He's almost there. Tax free and on an exclusive island in the pacific. Who could ask for more for an evil villain's retirement home?

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (Xo1Rt)

221 IT Dude needs to move to West Virginia.

They did some really cool shit today with laws and stuff.

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (ptqRm)

222 Nothing is going to happen to her. Stop chasing windmills, morons!

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (iQIUe)

223 One of our jobs was to patrol the building at night and check all the offices, doors, trashcans, etc. There was a LOT of classified stuff in that building. If we found your office unlocked, or your classified folders in the trash, it didn't matter that you Didn't Mean To Do It-- You're still getting the sandpaper dildo from Uncle Sam.

Posted by: Vanya Secundus at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (v+nYp)

sure but all those people went through OPSEC training and signed the requisite forms indicating such knowledge and being advised of the penalty for violating OPSEC

Hillary and the coven skipped the training and never signed the forms

they need him to provide that element of the offense, that they knew and did it anyway

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (zOTsN)

224 Dennis Miller twitted that the only thing Romney can do to hurt Trump would be to endorse him.

Love it.

Posted by: navybrat at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (8QGte)

225 213
Can we get an AOSHQ pool going on how long until this guy commits suicide now that he has immunity?

Posted by: major major major major at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (ZNgWo)

Suicide by slit throat and wrists and hanging. But mostly hanging.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (FsuaD)

226 I've heard there is friction between Ailes and Murdoch, since Murdoch is more liberal. So Fox may continue to support c3bio.

Posted by: angela urkel at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (GOYpy)

227 Used to be it was only 30% lies. Now it's like 85% lies.

I was working in Yemen when they unified North Yemen and South Yemen. In the first parliamentary elections after unity, the local rag (Yemen Times) did interviews with the political party leaders. Most memorable was the interview the leader of Islamic Neighborhood (aka Islamic Brotherhood). He stated that it was foregone that the elections would be rigged. Would it be possible, he asked, if they only rigged 80% of the elections this time? Give some semblance of democracy that the world could appreciated?

Posted by: LCMS Rulz! at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (O4NI/)

228 Erick fkn Erickson * spit *

ace brings more content in a sentence than that overhyped, self promoting douche has in his pitiful 'career'.

Hey Megynn !

I 'hate Trump'. Put me on tv. Did I tell you I have a radio show?

EE is the Kenny Bania of conservative media.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (UmCLB)

229 for other crimes it almost certainly is. I don't know what law would cover "deliberately avoiding the government records act requirements," but that would definitely involve intent.

Posted by: Donald Trump, Enemy of Kirk at March 02, 2016 09:18 PM (dciA+)

...which would mean THAT is what they are focusing on. A ho-hum "everyone does it" misdemeanor-type crime of which Hillary could say "shit, i had no idea. I'm a dumbass. Maybe John Smith in IT knew though!!!"

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (AkOaV)

230 I'm gonna guess, they already have statements by Huma and Wills?, that this kid can implicate. Don't they usually have all their ducks lined up and then kneecap ya with shit they already have?

I'll play. What are the odds that the FBI is actually going to act, in accordance with the a law and ask for charges on this whole stinking pile? And really.. the number of people that "knew" of this situation and didn't tell anyone.. under the rules of the secret shit... they'd be going to jail too. But they won't.

But I'm fairly certain... this wasn't only at State. They all knew about it from day one... and abetted it. Knowingly conspired to subvert the secrecy of the U.S. and endanger the confidential communications thereof. No?

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (e7T6D)

231 Trump is winning big b/c of the "cares about me" demographic. Hes the only person who makes a pitch to that vast group. They dont see him act the idiot or crank b/c they dont watch the primaries. They know Trump is a successful businessman, he doesn't take crap from
others, "make America great again", and prioritizes the common man in
his shtick. And he's doing something Republicans haven't even been
trying to do since Reagan, and is why leftism has been on the rise.
Because even though they're condescending elitists, at least they
attempt to peddle their bullshit to hispanics, blacks, lower
income, et al. and through popular culture.

Rubio is so Acela, he has 4G wireless for his real-time module updates

Cruz could cut big into Trump's numbers, because that's who his message should appeal and benefit the most, but seems to think if he just mentions "end the IRS" and "Jesus" 47 more times today, he'll win.

Posted by: A.G. at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (DnQNa)

232 Brian Pagliano: Dead Man Walking

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (FsuaD)

233 ok Cruz cool

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (UmCLB)

234 203
plus, his own computer records went missing... that seems to me to be
highly convenient. like obstruction of justice convenient.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:13 PM (dciA+)

yeah, so does everyone in governments. Ask Lois Lerner.

You just don't understand government ways. Didn't you ever see the openers for Mission Impossible? It's standard practice.

Posted by: pep at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (LAe3v)

235 >>>I'm not a lawyer, as I said, but as I understand it, when it comes to classified data, intent is irrelevant. Just being negligent with the data is a felony.

as said above, that's just one crime of a possible dirty dozen of crimes violated here, including delberate destruction of government-owned records.

(If that's a crime -- I assume it is.)

Posted by: Donald Trump, Enemy of Kirk at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (dciA+)

236 Ted looks more real and approachable when he's tired.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (UmCLB)

237 I go for a drive for a while and all of sudden there are sparks of integrity from the DOJ? If that is correlative, I would be willing to drive to Alaska for an indictment.

I'll drive from Lisbon to Petropavlosk for a Lerner indictment and abolition of the IRS.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (iHjB5)

238 i saw Pagliano and thought of Octo-Paganini for whatever reason

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (Cq0oW)

239 Cruz talking about the server with Megyn.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (HIlpB)

240 Prosecutors wouldn't agree to bad evidence, and deviating from the proffer would likely result in charges for perjury. A good prosecutor wouldn't extend immunity without knowing what he'd get in return.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel

there are lawyers in the fed who do nothing but these kinds of cases. I am sure they know exactly what ot look for and demand

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (zOTsN)

241 Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (Vy81P)

ah, the x-wing series.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (AkOaV)

242 Wraith Squadron and their hijinks!

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (AkOaV)

Nothing is going to happen to her. Stop chasing windmills, morons!
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang!

She will happen to us.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (FkBIv)

244 >>>
...which would mean THAT is what they are focusing on. A ho-hum "everyone does it" misdemeanor-type crime of which Hillary could say "shit, i had no idea. I'm a dumbass. Maybe John Smith in IT knew though!!!"

could be. they could be looking to charge her with a more minor thing as a compromise, to avoid charging her with the more serious thing.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (dciA+)

245 A senior U.S. law enforcement official said the FBI had secured the cooperation of Bryan Pagliano who worked on Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign before setting up the server in her New York home in 2009.


I bet he now wishes he'd just kept to ice skating competitions.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (8PbKi)

246 In one of the Rogue Squadron books, Wedge (Squadron Leader, and the guy that did both Death Star Runs for you noobs) wears a black suit, but puts an Ewok in his lap, then went and kicked some imperial butt.

The imps thought it was real and were terrified by it!

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:17 PM (Vy81P)

I was thinking of that same story! Can't wait to re-read the Rogue Squadron series.

Posted by: Josephistan at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (7qAYi)

247 Suicide by slit throat and wrists and hanging. But mostly hanging.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (FsuaD)

Shot himself in the back of the head. Four times.

Posted by: Vanya Secundus at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (v+nYp)

248 184 If you asked me, id say that they are going to switch Col Sanders again. Come on Adam Corolla.
Posted by: Tinfoilbaby

They did. They went from Daryl Hammond to Norm McDonald and now to Jim Gaffigan.

Or do you mean change from HIM too??

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:21 PM (Vy81P)

249 Watch out for the flying monkeys, Brian!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (FsuaD)

250 Marco, I am your mother.

Posted by: Ready For Darth Hillary!!11!! at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (Dwehj)

251 I think the chick in the Gamesters of Triskelion episode went on to do porn.

Posted by: steevy at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (B48dK)

252 I am not up on the Classified email process. Would it have been possible to forward from the secure server to the unsecured on?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (WVsWD)

253 As I have written many times before, all that Clinton foundation millions will be under Barack Hussein Obama's control, for Hillary to get the Presidential Pardon she so does not deserve.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo, we have no country at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (1ijHg)

254 Who do you got as Biden's running mate?

Lizzie Warren
Deval Patrick
Corey Booker
Valerie Jarrett

Make a guess

Posted by: Debbie Wasserman Shultz at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (12kBq)

255 Posted by: Donald Trump, Enemy of Kirk at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (dciA+)

alright, I'm not going to argue with the boss.

I just see this as a "bad sign."

Because if THAT'S what theyre focused on -- nothing will come of this.

They should be focused on classified info going over an unclassified network. Which is felonious and does not require intent.

Not some bullshit "purposely avoiding FOIA" petty misdemeanor stuff that can be written off as "staffing issues".

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (AkOaV)

256 intent is not relevant to one crime, the mishandling of classified information charge.


Posted by: no good deed at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (GgxVX)

257 >>>I think the chick in the Gamesters of Triskelion episode went on to do porn.


And why am I only hearing about this now...?

(runs to imdb)

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (dciA+)

258 Sure seems like someone could make their career by prosecuting a presidential candidate during an election. Any takers?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (pUDQf)

259 Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:19 PM (FsuaD)

Two shots to the back of the head in a locked room and no gun.

Yep. It's suicide alright.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (Xo1Rt)

260 252 I am not up on the Classified email process. Would it have been possible to forward from the secure server to the unsecured on?
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (WVsWD)


Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (AkOaV)



Posted by: J.J. Sefton at March 02, 2016 08:50 PM (zLP1L)

He better hire his own round the clock bodyguards.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (45oDG)

262 >>Has he been invited to take a walk in the park yet?
Posted by: Tim in Illinois.

No, but he has been offered a free vacation to Croatia. Special flight on an USAF 737 named "Spirit of Ron Brown"

Posted by: Aviator at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (c7vUv)

263 Boitano, not Pagliano.

But who knows? Have you ever seen them at the same place, at the same time?

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo, we have no country at March 02, 2016 09:24 PM (1ijHg)

264 Ewoks watching alien porn.

Posted by: logprof at March 02, 2016 09:24 PM (HIlpB)

265 Wraith Squadron and their hijinks!
Posted by: Harry Paratestes

Ah yeah, that was it. Allison not Stackpole's writing (met him at a con many years ago. great guy, really into WWII stuff, and it shows)

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:24 PM (Vy81P)

266 Make a guess
Posted by: Debbie Wasserman Shultz at March 02, 2016 09:22 PM (12kBq)


Julian Castro

Posted by: Tim in GA at March 02, 2016 09:24 PM (RWjrX)

267 hillary paid him 5k of her own money

Posted by: Feh at March 02, 2016 09:24 PM (Uk9e2)

268 Ah yeah, that was it. Allison not Stackpole's writing (met him at a con many years ago. great guy, really into WWII stuff, and it shows)
Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:24 PM (Vy81P)

In other words, a TOTAL nerd?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:25 PM (AkOaV)

269 Cruz needs to stay in this tired mode. Cadence is still off.

Megyn just went full Shep with 2016 Campaign Deck !

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:25 PM (UmCLB)

270 The IT dude's due for a one-car accident.

Posted by: Josephistan at March 02, 2016 09:25 PM (7qAYi)

271 Angelique Pettyjohn's brief career in soft-core porn:

In the early 1980s, she appeared as a stripper in Las Vegas, Nevada but soon abandoned her avocation as an ecdysiast and softcore star for hardcore porn. Titillation (1982), Stalag 69 (1982) and Body Talk (1982) featured Pettyjohn, billed as either "Angel St. John", "Heaven St. John", or under her old moniker, "Angelique".

The burgeoning Star Trek cult, bolstered by the series of movies released by Paramount beginning in 1979, allowed Pettyjohn to quickly ditch her hardcore career. She began working Star Trek conventions to earn her keep, selling posters of herself, in and out of her sexy outfit from "The Gamesters of Triskelion".

via imdb.

oh well.

Damn Nerds! She would have done hard-core if you had LIVES!

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:25 PM (dciA+)

272 He better hire his own round the clock bodyguards.
Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (45oDG)

Why does this feel like we will hear about the results from this in a Sherlock episode where he is going over his "Unsolved" cases?

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 09:25 PM (iHjB5)

273 Dunno. Really looks like she can't stand Cruz.

Posted by: TedCruzLegThrill at March 02, 2016 09:25 PM (VekM5)

274 no.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:23 PM (AkOaV)


Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 09:26 PM (WVsWD)

275 oh wait she did do hardcore.


well, I guess this is what the internet was made for then, what?

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:26 PM (dciA+)

276 DO OVER!

All the kids shuffle back to their starting positions, and Marco picks up his whistle again...

Posted by: Little league coach at March 02, 2016 09:26 PM (O4NI/)

277 >>>dude, HE broke no laws though.
There is nothing illegal about setting up an email server (assuming they paid the $5000 or so for the genuine microsoft licensing and CALs).

I'm assuming the guy who set up the email server did some work maintaining it and supporting it.

And who knows what else he might know?

Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at March 02, 2016 09:26 PM (uURQL)

278 Ah yeah, that was it. Allison not Stackpole's writing (met him at a con many years ago. great guy, really into WWII stuff, and it shows)
Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:24 PM (Vy81P)

It's a shame Aaron Allston died so young.

Posted by: Josephistan at March 02, 2016 09:26 PM (7qAYi)

279 I saw your post and flipped over to Megyn. She was just closing her opening segment and taking about how Mitt Romney is "beloved by Republicans". I about choked! Guess they are switching over to pimping Mittens. Goody. I don't think that will do much for their sagging ratings.

Posted by: Just wondering at March 02, 2016 09:26 PM (JvilL)

280 I'm assuming the guy who set up the email server did some work maintaining it and supporting it.

And who knows what else he might know?
Posted by: ReactionaryMonster browsing Bravely at March 02, 2016 09:26 PM (uURQL)

But "knowing" is not illegal.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:27 PM (AkOaV)

281 You know this is all really interesting to speculate about , but in the real world... 30 to 40% of the country is ok with this and most of the media and most of the DOJ, and 4 Supreme Court Justices. So....

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:27 PM (e7T6D)

282 "Stalag 69"

Posted by: Vanya Secundus at March 02, 2016 09:27 PM (v+nYp)

283 Angelique Pettyjohn hit hard times, cancer, needed money, and died.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 09:27 PM (oVJmc)

284 First they get you locked into a timeline and storyline.

Then they go check it out and if they find 'discrepancies' they'll come back and ask you if you're SURE that's what happened.

And then slowly let you realize that they know you were lying so then you try to explain that away somehow but it's too late because lying to a Federal Agent is a felony as it's considered obstructing an investigation.

Just ask Martha Stewart or Scooter Libby. (or a bunch of others doing time for telling lies to the cops.)

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:27 PM (Xo1Rt)

285 Would it have been possible to forward from the secure server to the unsecured on?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016

not without beaking the law

I dont think the FOIA thing is a throw away. I am just as interested in the interplay between the State Dept and the Clinton Foundation

good old fashioned pay for play.

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:27 PM (zOTsN)

286 OT but keeping with the theme..over at Hot Air here was a statement from a dem strategist worried that come general election, trump might bear Hillary like a tied billy goat. The mental image I had was so darn funny..

Posted by: IC at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (zK6nG)

287 hillary paid him 5k of her own money


fkn Geek Squadder ripped her off

Posted by: Bigby's Knuckle Sandwich at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (Cq0oW)

288 "ecdysiast"

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:25 PM (dciA+)

I had no idea what this was, so I looked it up:
a striptease performer.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (iHjB5)

289 Hey J.J., I love to hear the stories of your mother. I like to think our mothers would be friends. My mom would be 103 on Feb. 2. But she went home to our Lord twenty years ago.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo, we have no country at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (1ijHg)

290 But this alliance now seems to be over. According to three Fox sources, Fox chief Roger Ailes has told people he's lost confidence in Rubio's ability to win. "We're finished with Rubio," Ailes recently told a Fox host. "We can't do the Rubio thing anymore."

So Ailes wants Fox News to push this or that candidate, over and above reporting the news. So all the left wing critics are correct, then, when they accuse Fox of full-time partisan hackery. I can't think of anything worse Ailes could possibly say that would more damaging to the brand.

Posted by: OregonMuse at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (vmzNL)

291 i would like the next podcast to be done in rich little style impersanations.

i need a good laugh.

Posted by: concrete girl at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (0KgAM)

292 Hey Brian, would youse like to go shoe shopping with me? You look like you could use a pair of concrete galoshes.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (GOYpy)

293 Next question. Is there any level of clearance that even the POTUS is not allowed to see?

That anyone knows of?

(Infowars conspiracy stuff. I'll tell ya, it's a drug.)

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (WVsWD)

294 33
Hot News.
DOJ grants immunity to Hillary's server guy.
Posted by: ArthurK at March 02, 2016 08:48 PM (h53OH

He's a dead man walking.

Posted by: Hanoverfist at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (avboE)

295 >>>But "knowing" is not illegal.

dude, buying gloves is illegal when you know the intent is to use the gloves in a bank robbery.

if there is a crime you know about, and you agree to participate, even in committing an action (like buying gloves) which is itself not illegal, you're guilty of conspiracy.

plus, there may be a trail of misleading answers and evidence withheld that could support perjury/obstruction charges.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:29 PM (dciA+)

296 I'll drive from Lisbon to Petropavlosk for a Lerner indictment and abolition of the IRS.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 09:20 PM (iHjB5)

I doubt that it would be anything so easy.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 02, 2016 09:29 PM (q2o38)

297 No one escapes Stalag 69!

Posted by: Colonel Klink at March 02, 2016 09:29 PM (FkBIv)

298 In OKC, former CEO of Chesapeak Energy, ( Fracking) who just was indicted, died of enthusiasm for Rubio and driving his Tahoe into a highway embankment at high speed with no seatbelt on... but mostly err... nevermind.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:30 PM (e7T6D)

299 Immunity is a big deal. Pagliano's lawyer must have made a proffer already and the feds bought it, which means whatever information he has was worth letting him off the hook. Somebody higher up is now on the hook. I wouldn't want to be Mills, Sullivan, or Abedin, because they're the ones who are now expected to take one for the team. If that wall crumbles, Her Nibs is next for the hook.

Posted by: Mongoose at March 02, 2016 09:30 PM (pni7x)

300 It's a shame Aaron Allston died so young.
Posted by: Josephistan

Awww damn, didn't know that.

And I meant I met Stackpole ages ago, and yes he was pretty nerdy as far as WWII goes at least lol. people would come up and i'd give them time to talk and get an autograph, but then we'd turn to talking warbirds etc till another one came up.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:30 PM (Vy81P)

301 297
No one escapes Stalag 69!

That will be one of the Happy Fun Camps when the Hildebeast is elected.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:31 PM (FsuaD)

302 this is pretty big and pretty bad for her

why would DOJ grant immunity now?

this will not sweep this under the rug

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:15 PM (zOTsN)

MFM: If we don't report it, it doesn't exist. So it doesn't exist

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:31 PM (45oDG)

303 It's hard to get excited about this. Maybe Trump will keep it in the news and beat Hilary over the head with it in interviews.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:31 PM (2GjZZ)

304 >>>Immunity is a big deal. Pagliano's lawyer must have made a proffer already and the feds bought it, which means whatever information he has was worth letting him off the hook.

unless it's a put-up job, arranged on both sides to be false and thus not damaging to Clinton.

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:31 PM (dciA+)

305 Next question. Is there any level of clearance that even the POTUS is not allowed to see?

That anyone knows of?

(Infowars conspiracy stuff. I'll tell ya, it's a drug.)
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (WVsWD)


I would have to believe anything "Eyes only" not listing the President would qualify.

Posted by: Tim in GA at March 02, 2016 09:31 PM (RWjrX)

306 What I am getting at is that could shillary have set up the private server to forward any email communication from king putt to her server via the official one.

If so, king putt's ass is covered.

Revenge time.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 09:31 PM (WVsWD)

307 Harry read the link in the tweet

theya re clooking at the transmission of classified

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:31 PM (zOTsN)

308 Fox News was pushing Rubio?
Quelle suprise!

Posted by: Rene Renault, Prefect of Police in Casablanca at March 02, 2016 09:32 PM (1ijHg)

309 "I think the chick in the Gamesters of Triskelion episode went on to do porn."

I have a vague recollection that Grace Lee Whitney, yes, Yeoman Janice Rand herself, hit a post-Trek personal low point and ended up turning tricks to pay the bills.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 09:32 PM (noWW6)

310 And I meant I met Stackpole ages ago, and yes he was pretty nerdy as far as WWII goes at least lol. people would come up and i'd give them time to talk and get an autograph, but then we'd turn to talking warbirds etc till another one came up.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:30 PM (Vy81P)

Cool. Only SW author I've met was Timothy Zahn. Got him to sign about a dozen books.

Posted by: Josephistan at March 02, 2016 09:32 PM (7qAYi)

311 Round up the usual suspects.

Posted by: Rene Renault, Prefect of Police in Casablanca at March 02, 2016 09:32 PM (1ijHg)

312 Dennis Miller twitted that the only thing Romney can do to hurt Trump would be to endorse him.

Damn. Mitt's gonna need a skin graft for that burn.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 09:33 PM (6FqZa)

313 293 Next question. Is there any level of clearance that even the POTUS is not allowed to see?

Oh I hope so. That is where they keep the information that will allow us to rebuild civilization, next year.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:33 PM (iMxBJ)

314 "227 Used to be it was only 30% lies. Now it's like 85% lies."

If you don't believe that sheer stupidity is also involved, then I got a bridge from Gaza to the West Bank I'd like to sell you.

Posted by: Matt Yglesias at March 02, 2016 09:33 PM (GOYpy)

315 And I meant I met Stackpole ages ago, and yes he was pretty nerdy as far as WWII goes at least lol. people would come up and i'd give them time to talk and get an autograph, but then we'd turn to talking warbirds etc till another one came up.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:30 PM (Vy81P)

I actually exchanged emails with him once. I sent him an email (this was back in '99 or 2000) thanking him for his books. He sent back a formish like letter first. I was fine with that. Then he sent me another email saying that he was sorry he had sent me a form letter when I had complimented him on his work.

Seemed like a stand-up guy.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 09:33 PM (iHjB5)

316 g'early evenin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at March 02, 2016 09:33 PM (KCxzN)

317 Squat cobbler sounds like a dessert.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 09:34 PM (rwI+c)

318 Brian will probably meet an untimely death at a dog park. Playing with his corgi, Frisky, when suddenly a large, fierce, black dog comes out of nowhere and rips his throat out.

Hillary is seen in the background, briefly, dressed in a black, hooded robe. She cackles and disappears in a "poof" of black smoke.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:34 PM (FsuaD)

319 Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:29 PM (dciA+)

Hillary says, "hey nerd -- will you set up an email server for me?"

Nerd says, "sure, boss."

He has no idea what her plan is. I don't see how they prove anything against HIM, especially since he used the Lois Lerner back up system for his emails.

I would imagine his lawyer gave him a big jar of SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP and good luck proving he knew anything.

But again, I'm not a lawyer, so I could be way off-base here.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:34 PM (AkOaV)

320 258
Sure seems like someone could make their career by prosecuting a presidential candidate during an election. Any takers?

I bet there are tons of career prosecutors/ wannabe future politicians who would kill to hang Hilary's scalp on their belt.

But they don't get to make the call about whether or not the prosecute here.

Posted by: looking closely at March 02, 2016 09:34 PM (hoiM7)

321 Good Lord, Thank you that Jane D'oh is back.

I can tolerate 100 trolls for one voice of reason.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 02, 2016 09:34 PM (1ijHg)

322 Gotta love this Popehat quote: "When DoJ gives someone immunity in an investigation involving my client I generally ask for a large increase in the fee deposit."

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:35 PM (iMxBJ)

323 Fox News Is Done With "The Rubio Thing"

I'm guessing Megyn's been shopping her resume around which is why the new hair style.

Trump knocked Fox on it's azz.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:35 PM (Xo1Rt)

I have a vague recollection that Grace Lee Whitney, yes, Yeoman Janice Rand herself, hit a post-Trek personal low point and ended up turning tricks to pay the bills.
Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 09:32 PM (noWW6)

Go on...

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:35 PM (pUDQf)

325 Grump!

I quoted you today.

" Cruz is the one ".

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:35 PM (UmCLB)

326 Is there any level of clearance that even the POTUS is not allowed to see?

Constitutionally, I could envision a clearance that was only for members of congress, and another clearance that was only for Supreme Court Justices.

Since we're supposed to have three branches of government and shit.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 09:35 PM (6FqZa)

327 Aetius451AD



Hes pretty much my fave SW author, but since I met Micheal and he wrote more books, I kinda lean to him lol..

I got I-Jedi and Rogue Squad signed.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:35 PM (Vy81P)

Cool. Only SW author I've met was Timothy Zahn. Got him to sign about a dozen books.
Posted by: Josephistan at March 02, 2016 09:32 PM (7qAYi)

I'll admit, I'm mildly jealous.

I lost the 3rd book in the first Thrawn series, and am too non-Nerdy now to buy it again.

But I've re-read the first 2 a few times. :-D

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:36 PM (AkOaV)

329 There will be a camera watching waterfowl. Some poor naturalist will lose his life,

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 02, 2016 09:36 PM (1ijHg)

330 The risk, or scam, is the grant the IT immunity and then have him confess that it was all his doing. Hillary knew nothing.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 09:36 PM (rwI+c)

331 Now, will Fox News end its banning of the word, "amnesty"? Who can say.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at March 02, 2016 09:36 PM (jV8Mq)

332 "I can't think of anything worse Ailes could possibly say that would more damaging to the brand."

How about having one of the brand's prime time marquee names lose custody of his kids due to domestic violence issues? On top of his previous very expensive sexual harassment allegations?

Wondering which one of the lower-tier Fox names is going to be hastily promoted to fill the seat of Falafel O'Blowhard. Please, gawd, not Hairaldo.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 09:36 PM (noWW6)

333 Jeez you must really hate Ted Cruz.

How is Ted going to get people to eventually vote for him with thuggishness and gloating?

Hopefully you get a President Cruz but you are using the same tactics that you loathed in Palin supporters.

Oh well.

Posted by: Chris Christie Feats of Strength at March 02, 2016 09:00 PM (mcm0N)


Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (NPofj)

I've notice that Hilldabeast has been wearing very bulky, padded tops. Looks like something you'd wear when training guard dogs. Maybe it's her hobby

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (45oDG)

335 >> Hillary is seen in the background, briefly, dressed in a
>> black, hooded robe. She cackles and disappears in a "poof"
>> of black smoke.

You forgot the cloud of hairpins.

Posted by: JEM at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (o+SC1)

336 Kennedy, Hillary's number 2, is in this up to his eyeballs. He's also directly connected with the Ben Gazzi abandonment, but he's been so far protected fiercely and absolutely.

He's dirty as they come and I have no doubt he is as complicit cause he's a true believer.... and State has been shown to be a thicket of ideologues and sycophants who are all too willing to bend to make their dreamy ideas come true

and undermine GOP administrations.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (e7T6D)

337 Then there is Andrea in That Outfit from the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" But an image search suggests that the episode captured her One Perfect Looks Moment, like, as Mario Puzo once put it, "an exactly ripe fruit."

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (iMxBJ)

338 I quoted you today.

" Cruz is the one ".

He is the Kwisatz Haderach!

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (rwI+c)

339 #319

He has no idea what her plan is. I don't see how they prove anything
against HIM, especially since he used the Lois Lerner back up system for
his emails.


Who knows what they have on this guy. They may have him for facilitating illegal transfer or classified material. Perhaps they have him for something totally unrelated (eg growing weed in his basement).

Maybe they have nothing on him, but just as a prerequisite for his cooperation, he wanted a grant of total immunity, "just in case".

Posted by: looking closely at March 02, 2016 09:38 PM (hoiM7)

Wondering which one of the lower-tier Fox names is going to be hastily promoted to fill the seat of Falafel O'Blowhard. Please, gawd, not Hairaldo.

Melissa Hairbrain-Perry?

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 09:38 PM (oVJmc)

341 thunderb, which tweet?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:38 PM (AkOaV)

342 327 Aetius451AD



Hes pretty much my fave SW author, but since I met Micheal and he wrote more books, I kinda lean to him lol..

I got I-Jedi and Rogue Squad signed.
Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:35 PM (Vy81P)

I liked a few of his fantasy works:
Once a Hero
His superhero book "In Hero Years... I'm Dead", was also pretty good.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 09:38 PM (iHjB5)

343 Wondering which one of the lower-tier Fox names is going to be hastily promoted to fill the seat of Falafel O'Blowhard. Please, gawd, not Hairaldo.
Posted by: torquewrench

Gutfeld has been sufficiently towing the GOPe line since he left Red-Eye, so he may be eyeing that spot.

Certainly not Weepy Shep

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:38 PM (Vy81P)

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (NPofj)

Uh yeah, wat? Someone hasn't been paying attention.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:39 PM (pUDQf)

345 The risk, or scam, is the grant the IT immunity and then have him confess that it was all his doing. Hillary knew nothing.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 09:36 PM (rwI+c)

Psst, buddy, do you want to meet me in Ft Marcy Park at midnight, or are we clear on what happens next?

Posted by: Hrothgar at March 02, 2016 09:39 PM (wYnyS)

346 Then there is Andrea in That Outfit from the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"


My fantasy life just took a dark and exciting new twist.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:39 PM (UmCLB)

347 All I have to say is that I would love to see a group wrestling match between Megyn Kelly, Dana Perino and Katrina Pierson.

Holly molly them's some pretty women.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (ILoaF)

348 redbanzai, You appear to be a troll.

Simply, did you not read about Sen. Lindsey Graham's statement?

Cruz will be embraced as the anti-Trump.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (1ijHg)

349 Oh, right - I went to a book signing for Terry Brooks. I forgot he did the novelization of Episode I.

Posted by: Josephistan at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (7qAYi)

350 >>> The risk, or scam, is the grant the IT immunity and then have him confess that it was all his doing. Hillary knew nothing.

i'd at least want to see this claimed confession. it seems preposterous, so at least it would have political value, proving the corruption.

An IT guy claiming he set up an illegal server -- for his own purposes!

Posted by: ace at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (dciA+)

351 >>>> The risk, or scam, is the grant the IT immunity and then have him confess that it was all his doing. Hillary knew nothing.
Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02,
This is what I expect too. I have become so cynical and jaded.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (2GjZZ)

352 yeah, Gutfeld's been a disappointment to me.

He's sounding like Jonah Goldberg.

I always thought Greg was cool and antiestablishment.

I guess he finally found his price.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (Xo1Rt)

353 Melissa Hairbrain-Perry?

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 09:38 PM (oVJmc)

That kind of career advancement sure worked for Juan Williams.

Posted by: Hrothgar at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (wYnyS)

354 335 >> Hillary is seen in the background, briefly, dressed in a black, hooded robe. She cackles and disappears in a "poof" of black smoke.

You forgot the cloud of hairpins.

Posted by: JEM at March 02, 2016 09:37 PM (o+SC1)

I LOLed. Thanks for that.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (jV8Mq)

355 Oh, right - I went to a book signing for Terry Brooks. I forgot he did the novelization of Episode I.
Posted by: Josephistan

*waves hand* There WAS no Episode I

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (Vy81P)

356 she paid pagliano with her own money

she instructed that other guy to "send insecure"

she's a felon

Posted by: Feh at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (Uk9e2)

357 hey, has anyone seen redmindbluestate lately? Or know his email?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (AkOaV)

358 Well, I was feeling much better

Posted by: Hillary's floundering campaign at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (12kBq)

359 If he set up a server that was anything but the requisite high level of security needed for her level he needs immunity against being prosecuted. No matter who gave the order, he had to knowingly skirt his job responsibilities and own signatures on his training to make this happen.

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (ylAck)

360 Eventually.

Vice Kwisatz Haderach for starters?

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (UmCLB)

361 And Hillary Clinton will never be indicted - NEVER!

So I think it's safe to say we can, at this time, dispense with this bit of fantasia.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (ILoaF)

362 er, was NO Episode I

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (Vy81P)

363 290'
So Ailes wants Fox News to push this or that candidate, over and above reporting the news. So all the left wing critics are correct, then, when they accuse Fox of full-time partisan hackery. I can't think of anything worse Ailes could possibly say that would more damaging to the brand.
Posted by: OregonMuse at March 02, 2016 09:28 PM (vmzNL)

I have no idea if this is true or not, but I saw a comment on another blog saying that Fox is going to start pushing Romney as The Man Who Can Unite The GOP.

If true, that will be the death knell for both Fox and the GOP.

Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (sdi6R)

364 Hillary is seen in the background, briefly, dressed
in a black, hooded robe. She cackles and disappears in a "poof" of black
Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:34 PM (FsuaD)

Hillary doesn't do wetwork. Like Ernst Stavro Blofled, she has minions who do that for her while she sits in her wheel chair and absently strokes the head of Billy Jeff who mumbles vacantly, crouching submissively at her side.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (q2o38)

365 I have a vague recollection that Grace Lee Whitney, yes, Yeoman Janice Rand herself, hit a post-Trek personal low point and ended up turning tricks to pay the bills.
Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 09:32 PM (noWW6)

Whitney did indeed go through some rough times after her stint on TOS, but I don't think she ever was reduced to prostitution.

Posted by: OregonMuse at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (vmzNL)

366 Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (ylAck)

server was set up before she was SOS, and how would he know she was going to use that as her only email?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (AkOaV)

367 Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (1ijHg)

He's been quite level headed in his support of Cruz. Hardly a troll at all.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (pUDQf)

368 "Hillary says, 'hey nerd -- will you set up an email server for me?' Nerd says, 'sure, boss.' He has no idea what her plan is."

Let's remind ourselves that the Congress circa 1973 had no earthly idea that Richard Nixon had a private Oval Office taping system set up, until low-level flunky Alex Butterfield panicked and blurted it out under questioning.

Then, of course, a whole bunch of new questions began to be asked about what exactly was on those previously unknown tapes.

Go after little fish aggressively. They lead to big catches.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (noWW6)

369 Only the little people go to jail.

And conservatives.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger and All That at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (Xo1Rt)

370 Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study

Sounds like they need an community organizer.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (45oDG)

371 she's a felon

Posted by: Feh at March 02, 2016 09:40 PM (Uk9e2)

This right here. The "The IT guy did it all!" thing is a lot harder to sell when you've got emails saying things like "Strip out the headers and send it unsecure"

Posted by: Vanya Secundus at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (v+nYp)

372 I have no idea if this is true or not, but I saw a comment on another blog saying that Fox is going to start pushing Romney as The Man Who Can Unite The GOP.

Next up: Mitch.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (oVJmc)

373 Is this Obama shaking down the Clintons for a pardon? What's the price, $1B?

Posted by: davidt at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (8aOqE)

374 Someone who really believed all these non-victories for Rubio were the victories they were sold as is going to start to get really pissed, if this is true.

Posted by: Dave S. at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (mhkbv)

375 Well, if we are talking ST Gals, lets not forget VERY HOT, but also MOSTLY RESPONSIBLE for TFG...

Jeri Ryan

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (Vy81P)

376 The risk, or scam, is the grant the IT immunity and then have him confess that it was all his doing. Hillary knew nothing.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 09:36 PM (rwI+c)

That dog won't hunt when they already have emails of her telling staff to strip documents of their top secret marking before emailing them... the guy wouldn't be immune for perjury charges.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (NPofj)

377 If true, that will be the death knell for both Fox and the GOP.
Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (sdi6R)

::looks up from banging nails in a coffin::

Fox? Oh yeah, totally fucked.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (AkOaV)

378 Seriously, I don't understand what is happening anymore. Ace is right about the lying ratio and it makes understanding, being a participant or caring impossible.

I care (for now) but big government truly makes the person smaller -----Dennis Prager

Posted by: Seems legit at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (xEZkG)

379 server was set up before she was SOS, and how would he know she was going to use that as her only email?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (AkOaV)

he set it up during the campaign, and then she hired him to work IT at State. he maintained the system

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (zOTsN)

380 "Gutfeld has been sufficiently towing the GOPe line since he left Red-Eye, so he may be eyeing that spot."
-Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:38 PM (Vy81P)

Has he? Or haven't you watched his show? I'm going to cut this down at its sprout. He's on Sunday nights at ten.

If you think he's an "establishment shill", you're doing this "Fact Thing" all wrong.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (OQ9R7)

381 Brian, you're knowledgeable about Windows, right?

Well. I got a Blue Screen I'd like to give you as a token of appreciation for all you've done for me.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (GOYpy)

382 350
>>> The risk, or scam, is the grant the IT immunity and then
have him confess that it was all his doing. Hillary knew nothing.

Don't think that would work.

Either Hilary mishandled classified material or she didn't. "I didn't know I was mishandling it" not only isn't a defense, its an admission of negligence and guilt.

Posted by: looking closely at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (hoiM7)

383 to above, I've always meant to check out Stackpoles Fantasy stuff some day. Just forgot.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (Vy81P)

384 And Hillary Clinton will never be indicted - NEVER!

So I think it's safe to say we can, at this time, dispense with this bit of fantasia.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (ILoaF)

Even if she went to prison, 40% of the country would still vote for her

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (45oDG)

385 >>>> How about having one of the brand's prime time marquee names lose custody of his kids due to domestic violence issues? On top of his previous very expensive sexual harassment allegations?
Wait, wut? Is this for reelz? BOR lost custody of his kids and beat his wife up? I thought he was still married. Not that surprised. He has always seemed unhinged and generally an asshole.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:44 PM (2GjZZ)

386 Rupert Murdoch says the GOPee would be crazy not to back Trump.
Ailes says Fox is done with Mario.
Things that make you say hmmm.

The Hildebeast link is a twitter page that apparently doesn't exist.

Posted by: Hank at March 02, 2016 09:44 PM (xVYeR)

387 Harry, I thought the server was set up during the Obama Inaguration Administration in Nov-Dec 08 and it was a modified version of what Bill already had set up for Skype chats to pedo island?

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:44 PM (e7T6D)

388 Does the grant of immunity include immunity from charges for lying to the FBI/DOJ regarding what Hillary was doing?

Posted by: Spartacus at March 02, 2016 09:45 PM (Y8P5w)

389 Yeah, Gutfield on The Five today was nausea inducing. What ever happened to the funny guy from Red Eye?

Posted by: IC at March 02, 2016 09:45 PM (zK6nG)

390 Can the DOJ time it so that Obama can't pardon her?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:45 PM (pUDQf)

391 Eventually.

Vice Kwisatz Haderach for starters?

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (UmCLB)

Nope... there is no vice-"the one"

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 09:45 PM (NPofj)

392 361 And Hillary Clinton will never be indicted - NEVER!
So I think it's safe to say we can, at this time, dispense with this bit of fantasia.
Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM (ILoaF)

Probably you're right. Looks like there would be some pissed-off people in the FBI then, though. They might have some fun things to leak.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 09:45 PM (iMxBJ)

393 Mr. Pagliano had better stay out of Fort Marcy Park.

Posted by: Insomniac at March 02, 2016 09:45 PM (0mRoj)

394 OMG! Someone just tweeted out comment 166 from the Cruz post.

I'm dying.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:46 PM (8PbKi)

395 Is this Obama shaking down the Clintons for a pardon? What's the price, $1B?

Posted by: davidt at March 02, 2016 09:42 PM (8aOqE)

Slick promised Barry a hot young piece of ass. Wait till Barry finds out he meant a girl

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:46 PM (45oDG)


remember he set up the server, but her aides all used it and used it to transmit classified after stripping off the markings

read the article attached in the tweet, at the very end

the State department is nit being fulsome. They are advising whether the informaitonin the emails is classified NOW, but they will NOT advise as to whether it was classified when SENT

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:46 PM (zOTsN)

397 I think a lot of the Gutfeld hate is because he's not a Trumpbot.

He's no sell-out to the GOPe.

Jeeze, people.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:47 PM (FsuaD)

398 Bryan, if someone offers you a ride to Fort Marcy Park at 2:00 am run like hell.

Posted by: Buffalbob at March 02, 2016 09:47 PM (8nL8o)

399 If you think he's an "establishment shill", you're doing this "Fact Thing" all wrong.
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T)

I couldn't stand his show after trying to like it for a month to 6weeks, so I haven't seen it.

But maybe you haven't seen The Five where he was all in on the "Cruz Lies!!" etc?? Cause thats what I was going with, and other things he was doing there before that.

Hes mostly on level with me, but he certainly changed recently and at the least isn't objecting to the BS spewed.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:47 PM (Vy81P)

400 Nope... there is no vice-"the one"

Posted by: redbanzai

You remind me a great deal of another great man and brilliant thinker . He said something very similar.

" If you're not first. you're last."

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:47 PM (UmCLB)

401 Obama had to know about the server from the start, just let the bomb tick, tick...

Posted by: davidt at March 02, 2016 09:47 PM (8aOqE)

402 "I think a lot of the Gutfeld hate is because he's not a Trumpbot.
He's no sell-out to the GOPe.
Jeeze, people.
-Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:47 PM (FsuaD)

Thank you, Ma'am.

*doffs cap*

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 09:48 PM (OQ9R7)

403 >>she paid pagliano with her own money

There is no such thing as "her own money" with Hillary. Every dime she has she extorted or stole from someone.

Posted by: Aviator at March 02, 2016 09:48 PM (c7vUv)

404 he set it up during the campaign, and then she hired him to work IT at State. he maintained the system
Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (zOTsN)

so, he pushed out some critical updates to her private email server -- which for all he knew was for her... you know, private emails. Which, unfortunately, is not illegal.

387 Harry, I thought the server was set up during the Obama Inaguration Administration in Nov-Dec 08 and it was a modified version of what Bill already had set up for Skype chats to pedo island?
Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:44 PM (e7T6D)

I think it predates Obama admin.

As for Skype for Business -- something else I've pointed out -- Hillary and co IMed people with accounts as far as we know.

Which means State Department IT people federated her domain. Which means this "conspiracy" runs much deeper than one guy.

But still -- dont see how any of that is illegal, per se, unless there is something in writing saying, "Dear, Miss Rodham-C, here is your new server to help you smuggle classified information. love, the nerds."

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:48 PM (AkOaV)

405 Trumpbot is not endearing. Just sayin'

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:48 PM (e7T6D)

406 >>> hey, has anyone seen redmindbluestate lately? Or know his email?
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:41 PM
Harry, I have seen him on the blog this last week. He may have sent in a pet pic, but I can't give out his contact info without his explicit permission. Sorry, I hope you understand that.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:48 PM (2GjZZ)

407 hildebeast will skate through this slicker than katarina witt.

Posted by: chavez the hugo at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (ucDmr)

408 I'm no Trumpbot, and I'm not alone according to the above.

He's just NOT the same.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (Vy81P)

409 "Whitney did indeed go through some rough times after her stint on TOS, but I don't think she ever was reduced to prostitution."

I can't decide which is worse: having to sell one's body on the cheap to skeezy strangers, or a Shatner spoken-word album.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (noWW6)



Posted by: Nothing To See Here Headlines, Inc. at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (1CroS)

411 no takers on the RedMindBlueState contact info?

Not a big deal, I guess, but if any of you regular morons see him, can you tell him I was looking?

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (AkOaV)


Posted by: Sporktapus at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (FkBIv)

413 Well, if we are talking ST Gals, lets not forget VERY HOT, but also MOSTLY RESPONSIBLE for TFG...

Jeri Ryan

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (Vy81P)

From what I remember it was Barry's campaign via the Chicago Tribune demanding the divorce records be released. Then she got involved. No one heard of Barry before that and Jack Ryan probably could have won. Barry had a history of sleazy campaign tactics to get rid of his opponents.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (45oDG)

414 -Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:47 PM (Vy81P)

Disagreeing and "Establishment Shill" are worlds apart.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (OQ9R7)

415 405
Trumpbot is not endearing. Just sayin'

Posted by: Yip

Embrace it , Yip.

This too shall pass.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (UmCLB)

416 Jonah Goldberg has made some serious mistakes during his career - failing to stand up for Derb was a total fail - but his animus against Trump is honest. Goldberg is a libertarian and distrusts all forms of state-driven "Progress", even if it comes from the pretended Right (as it sometimes has).

I don't see there's even a debate over whether Trump promises fascism (as Goldberg defined the term, before Obama was even a thing). Trump does promise fascism. The question before the country is whether it's time we had another of those Bismarck fans, another Theodore Roosevelt.

Perhaps we do need a classical tyrant here. I'm open to the argument: Peisistratos did pretty well by Athens, after all. But Trump isn't Peisistratos.

Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (6FqZa)

417 405
Trumpbot is not endearing. Just sayin'

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:48 PM (e7T6D)

Sorry. I call my son a "Trumpbot" and he has no problem with it. *kicks son in ass*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:50 PM (FsuaD)

418 Trumpbot is not endearing. Just sayin'


I think it should go without saying, every.time. that "Trumpkin" and "Trumpbot" does not apply to all Trump supporters, only to those who insist on being jackasses about it.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 09:50 PM (8PbKi)

419 Harry, I have seen him on the blog this last week. He may have sent in a pet pic, but I can't give out his contact info without his explicit permission. Sorry, I hope you understand that.
Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:48 PM (2GjZZ)

Okay, understood.

It's not an emergency or anything, just trying to get in touch with him about something. If you could let him know I've been trying to talk to him to ask him a favor, I'd appreciate it. (I think he'll have an inkling what the favor is)

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:50 PM (AkOaV)


My apologies to redbanzai.

I am guilty of scanning the comments and failing to read the details.

welcome. and you too alabama.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 02, 2016 09:50 PM (1ijHg)

421 he worked on her campaign in 2008

he set up the server in her home in NY in 2009, when she was already Sec State

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:51 PM (zOTsN)

422 Ok, SW, but besides the Cruz Lies thing, he was NOT objecting and when I was hoping he would he would sometimes join in.

Been like this at least 6 mo or so..

So, if not a GOPe shill, then at least knows his marching orders from his network.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:51 PM (Vy81P)

423 If he was hired as a Fed IT guy at State, he had to go through a shit load of training and signed a lot of acknowledgements that all security protocols would be maintained. He can't claim ignorance. 10 years at minimum in the pokey thus immunity.

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 09:52 PM (ylAck)

424 Bryan? Who the hell names their kid spelled that way? Look kid, dying ain't much of a living.

Posted by: Josey Wales at March 02, 2016 09:52 PM (JO9+V)

425 Slick promised Barry a hot young piece of ass. Wait till Barry finds out he meant a girl
Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:46 PM (45oDG)

Har de har har. The trouble is, TFG isn't motivated by his balls. The reason for this is that he doesn't have any.

Slick, on the other hand...

All Obama would have to do is set The Priapic One up with a blond hottie with big hooters and he'd travel the entire country doing whatever he'd ask him to do.

Posted by: OregonMuse at March 02, 2016 09:52 PM (vmzNL)

426 I don't think immunity will matter. He wasn't moving classified docs. He just setup the server. He'll say, I don't know about any crimes committed. It's a dead end. Need subordinate of hillary not the IT guy.

Posted by: Draki at March 02, 2016 09:52 PM (lNK80)

427 >>>> It's not an emergency or anything, just trying to get in touch with him about something. If you could let him know I've been trying to talk to him to ask him a favor, I'd appreciate it. (I think he'll have an inkling what the favor is)
Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:50 PM
Sure thing. I am certain that everyone else here who bumps into him will pass that on as well. No problem

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:53 PM (2GjZZ)

428 421 he worked on her campaign in 2008

he set up the server in her home in NY in 2009, when she was already Sec State
Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:51 PM (zOTsN)

So he must have been an appointee to the State Department, rather than a career Commo guy. A career would never have set something like that up, because he would have known that it would be compromising security. If he was an outsider, and didn't do the OPSEC course, then he has "plausible deniability". Which may be why Hilary had him do it, rather than go through Commo channels.

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 09:53 PM (7q2ch)

429 421
he worked on her campaign in 2008

he set up the server in her home in NY in 2009, when she was already Sec State

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:51 PM (zOTsN)

WTF does it take to be indicted now? Hell, I get a full gyno exam by the TSA EVERY SINGLE TIME I FLY. Can't wait for next Friday.

Jeebus, I hate this government. And fuck you, NSA goons.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:53 PM (FsuaD)

430 L,elle -- if you see him around. No need to bother him about anything, didn't mean to put an obligation on you.

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:53 PM (AkOaV)

431 Sure thing. I am certain that everyone else here who bumps into him will pass that on as well. No problem
Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 09:53 PM (2GjZZ)

Thanks much!

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:54 PM (AkOaV)

432 "Goldberg is a libertarian and distrusts all forms of state-driven 'Progress'"

I recall Goldbrick having been quite the cheerleader for George W. Bush's repeated ridiculous attempts to turn Kabul into Kokomo, and Anbar into Ann Arbor.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 09:54 PM (noWW6)


he deleted his computer files from the time he worked for Clinton

on Dec 11, 2015 the FBI seized his computers and said they had recovered the deleted files

they know EXACTLY who directed him and why

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:54 PM (zOTsN)

So, if not a GOPe shill, then at least knows his marching orders from his network.

Posted by: JarvisW

FOX is still processing who will replace Rubio as their golden boy.

I expect a primetime interview of Jim Gilmore by Meggynn any day now.

Posted by: Mortimer at March 02, 2016 09:54 PM (UmCLB)

435 Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:54 PM (zOTsN)

If he was a real nerd, he'd know how to get rid of any evidence.

Just sayin'.


Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:55 PM (AkOaV)

436 he deleted his computer files from the time he worked for Clinton

on Dec 11, 2015 the FBI seized his computers and said they had recovered the deleted files

This is why you use a drill press to "delete" your files.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 09:55 PM (rwI+c)

437 Jane D'oh... I typed it with a smile. You have cred with me and I'm not offended- offended... though you did say you tried to change your sons mind on Trump. I'm glad he's home and safe.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:55 PM (e7T6D)

438 I'll ask again because I'm truly curious. Can't the DOJ time this so the mom jeans prick can't pardon the bitch of beghazi?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 09:56 PM (pUDQf)

439 Hillary could perform a late term abortion on her own grandchild because Princess Chelsea changed her mind about wanting a second child, and do it on live TV, and she'd still be cheered by her slobbering, loony fans.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:56 PM (FsuaD)

440 The State Department said that while it has located a backup for emails Pagliano sent after Clinton left State, officials cannot find the file for the backup covering work he did while she was still there.

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:56 PM (zOTsN)

441 440 The State Department said that while it has located a backup for emails Pagliano sent after Clinton left State, officials cannot find the file for the backup covering work he did while she was still there.
Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:56 PM (zOTsN)

Maybe they should ask the legally blind guy to look. He did a great job with the Lerner emails.


Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 09:57 PM (AkOaV)

442 I am very, very fond (in a platonic way!) of Jonah Goldberg. But I cannot discount the animus he must have when Trump said "He cannot afford a pair of pants."

I saw a picture of Trump sticking out his chin juxtaposed with a picture of Mussolini, jutting out his chin.

I had been thinking that Trump could be the next Mussolini.

Now I think that I have been brainwashed to think that.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 02, 2016 09:57 PM (1ijHg)

443 ..."Perhaps we do need a classical tyrant here. I'm open to the argument: Peisistratos did pretty well by Athens, after all. But Trump isn't Peisistratos."
-Posted by: boulder terlit hobo at March 02, 2016 09:49 PM (6FqZa)

Our local A.M. radio, (1100 WTAM), blowtorch has a guy who thinks like that. Mike Trivosonno, (afternoons, 3-7), thinks that the Mafia should be called-in to "fix" mosques and such.


I'm going to go ahead and disagree.

...but only slightly.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 09:57 PM (OQ9R7)

444 437
Jane D'oh... I typed it with a smile. You have cred with me and I'm not
offended- offended... though you did say you tried to change your sons
mind on Trump. I'm glad he's home and safe.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 09:55 PM (e7T6D)

Here's a hug, hon. {{{{{hug}}}}}

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:58 PM (FsuaD)

445 if she can force herself to utter the words "Ted Cruz"

"A remarkable and totally unexpected development today... the conservative base seems to be trending in favor of Ted Cruz. This move comes as a total surprise."

Posted by: M. Kelly at March 02, 2016 09:58 PM (9mTYi)

446 Hannity is starting now. The big question: Will he do the show with or without Trumps dick in his mouth. Tune in to see you great Americans!!!

Posted by: Timon at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (KSonr)

447 ave been an appointee to the State Department, rather than a career Commo guy. A career would never have set something like that up, because he would have known that it would be compromising security. If he was an outsider, and didn't do the OPSEC course, then he has "plausible deniability". Which may be why Hilary had him do it, rather than go through Commo channels.

Posted by: Moki

And if she/they didn't tell him what it was for?

For all we know she told him,"Hey, set up a server for the Clintoon Foundation. Here's a list of email accounts."

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (A/3fN)

448 ..."So, if not a GOPe shill, then at least knows his marching orders from his network."
-Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:51 PM (Vy81P)

Sunday nights at 10:00. That is all I have to say about that.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (OQ9R7)

449 Greg Gutfeld
February 25 at 8:42pm ·
go back to rubio/trump. it's the only fight that matters right now. its the clearest battle, and most important contrast.

Greg Gutfeld
February 25 at 8:57pm ·
i guess rubio doesn't merit inclusion in this. CNN.

Ok, you got me..

AND, he's STILL the most like me on that network, I'm just sick of it all, and only watch Red-Eye for Andy etc.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (Vy81P)

450 State is only advising as to whether the emails are classified NOW

NOT when they were transmitted

State did NOT send over any past files from when he was working for Hillary, nor did they require he back up any such materials

the FBI did take his computers and they did recover the deleted files

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (zOTsN)

451 Ace is correct about use and transactional immunity, however in my day, DOJ had a very firm policy about never granting transactional immunity. The defense attorneys always asked for it and the AUSAs always refused. Use immunity they could get if the proffer was good enough and we needed the testimony. I don't recall a single case in 30 years when we officially (on paper) gave someone transactional immunity. Unofficially, we weren't going to prosecute that transaction/act, but officially we still had the option.

Posted by: Mongoose at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (pni7x)

452 439 Hillary could perform a late term abortion on her own grandchild because Princess Chelsea changed her mind about wanting a second child, and do it on live TV, and she'd still be cheered by her slobbering, loony fans.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 09:56 PM (FsuaD)

They are stuck between a socialist loony and a criminal. How do you choose?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:00 PM (pUDQf)

453 "Trumpbot"

At least it wasn't Trumptoid. Trumphumper, Trumpaluhmpa, Trumptard, etc, etc, etc,

Trumpbot is so close to being a human being.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 10:00 PM (WVsWD)

454 Immunity? What, you mean like a polio vaccine?

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 02, 2016 10:00 PM (GgxVX)

455 Even if she went to prison, 40% of the country would still vote for her

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 09:43 PM (45oDG)

She wouldn't be the first person to run from federal prison. Eugene Debs ran as a socialist in 1920 from the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary and got 3.4% of the vote.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:00 PM (NPofj)

456 ThunderB @ 433 - thanks I didn't know all of that.

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 10:01 PM (ylAck)

457 I saw a picture of Trump sticking out his chin juxtaposed with a picture of Mussolini, jutting out his chin.

I'll tell you who has a great Mussolini chin: Obozo.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:01 PM (Nwg0u)

458 >>"We can't do the Rubio thing anymore."

How about you cover the news instead of being a kingmaker?

Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:02 PM (NOIQH)

459 If he was hired as a Fed IT guy at State, he had to
go through a shit load of training and signed a lot of acknowledgements
that all security protocols would be maintained. He can't claim
ignorance. 10 years at minimum in the pokey thus immunity.

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 09:52 PM (ylAck)

He may have ran a little yellow CAT6 cable from the SCIF to Hillery's personal laptop.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:02 PM (T78UI)

460 ..."AND, he's STILL the most like me on that network, I'm just sick of it all, and only watch Red-Eye for Andy etc."
-Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (Vy81P)

That's okay, amigo! I can dig it, Sir!

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:03 PM (OQ9R7)

461 I'll tell you who has a great Mussolini chin: Obozo.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:01 PM (Nwg0u)

it does make for a great target when he does that

Posted by: Reggie Love at March 02, 2016 10:03 PM (12kBq)

IT guys knowledge

if he didnt know what she was using it for, then why did he try and delete all his files from the period he worked for her

and why did he plead the fifth

remember the had to get the material OFF the classified computer in foggy bottom in the first place, and would have had to made physical copies and removed them to do so

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:03 PM (zOTsN)

463 Prison is a good place to write a book, Hillary

Posted by: Zombie Adolf H at March 02, 2016 10:03 PM (8aOqE)

464 lol speaking of Trumps chin, Bloom County did this sun's on it (kinda).. He's not a fan, I'm guessing.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:04 PM (Vy81P)

465 @447 The FBI has him by the shortest of hairs for attempting to delete his computer hard drive during an investigation. I'd bet dollars to donuts, he'd been served with something prior to doing that semi-annual hard-drive clean-up. So as a peon, he'd get 5 years easy and they'd probably tack extra stuff on for more, so .... he can't win. They recovered his hard drive.

They ask him questions about stuff and compare his answers to what they know. They ask him to implicate others... others they've already talked to. He's in a world of hurt and unfortunately he's expendable. I've seen this kinda drama in movies.... I swear.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 10:04 PM (e7T6D)

466 >>they know EXACTLY who directed him and why

Excellent news.

Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:05 PM (NOIQH)

467 Johnah Goldberg is a member in good standing of the "concerned conservative commentariate industrial complex" he churns out his "CON-servative" tomes and racks up the duckets and flashes his mug talking on cable news show all the while knifing real conservatives like Derbyshire and Steyn in the back.

"For the record, I find my colleague John Derbyshire's piece
fundamentally indefensible and offensive. I wish he hadn't written it."

Johnah Goldberg is a clown and poseur.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 10:05 PM (ILoaF)

468 I just received a blegmail from Rubio wherein he says he's going to reveal at the debate, once and for all, the con artist that Trump is.

Trump was caught off guard last time and that won't happen again.

Trump is either going to eat Rubio alive tomorrow night or, worse, he'll let him ramble on then dismiss him as being "cute".

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 10:06 PM (8PbKi)

469 remember the had to get the material OFF the classified computer in foggy bottom in the first place, and would have had to made physical copies and removed them to do so
Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:03 PM (zOTsN)

well, if he did that, then yeah he's fucked.

Sounds like Mrs Weiner and Miss Mills did the wet work though

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 10:06 PM (AkOaV)

470 If Hillary! is indicted, and ever sees the inside of a prison cell (lol) she'll be pardoned so quickly by Preezy Choom it will be like it never happened.

Except for her not winning the presidency (fingers crossed).

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:06 PM (FsuaD)

471 Oh, and hug back at cha Jane'D. 'ppreciate cha.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 10:07 PM (e7T6D)

Sounds like Mrs Weiner and Miss Mills did the wet work though

Posted by: Harry Paratestes at March 02, 2016 10:06 PM (AkOaV)

And guess who'll go down for their queen?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:07 PM (FsuaD)

473 470 If Hillary! is indicted, and ever sees the inside of a prison cell (lol) she'll be pardoned so quickly by Preezy Choom it will be like it never happened.

You think he'd do that for her? Narcissists aren't good at forgiving stuff like running against them. Guessing he still kind of hates her.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 10:08 PM (iMxBJ)

And if she/they didn't tell him what it was for?

For all we know she told him,"Hey, set up a server for the Clintoon Foundation. Here's a list of email accounts."

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (A/3fN)

For the SecState to ask for a private server may not be unheard of, but if she asked a State Commo guy to set it up, he/she would be cautious about moving ahead-their career is on the line either way-but as yet, she can't send them to jail, and violating security protocols can. Which is why this Pagliani NOT being a career commo guy makes sense.

We used to have OPSEC drilled into us from the moment we joined. And a commenter upthread (I think) mentioned being a Marine who checked for improperly secured classified material. That happens at embassies, consulates, and at the Department. Marines and Department of Security officers go through offices looking for unsecured classified material. If you screwed up and left something out, or didn't properly lock a safe, you were in for pain. Especially if it was a second or third offense. That would get you unpaid vacation time, and a lack of promotion.

So yeah, if he was truly State, he wouldn't risk his job like that, unless he was either an idiot, or promised something big.

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:08 PM (7q2ch)

475 REMINDER: Hamas endorsed Bambi in 2008 and 2012.

Did he ever once have to answer a direct question about it?

When Axelrod (spokesman) was asked in 2008 about it, part of his answer was that the campaign was "flattered".

Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2016 10:08 PM (JwLCI)

476 So all indicators point to mitt simply calling for decorum in the race, right? What is this buffoon doing? Why does he think any one cares what his opinion of the 2016 race is?

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:09 PM (pUDQf)

477 We report AND we de decide too, BITCHES.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:09 PM (0LHZx)

478 Look, the IT guy was Hillary's campaign IT who set up her home server the day before her confirmation hearing, and upon her confirmation, she hired him to work for her at State. This is how the Clinton's get loyalty - their people work for them, not State, the foundation, her Senate staff, etc..

Maybe they can crack him because he hasn't been employed by the Clintons for 20+ years like most of her closest aides...

Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:10 PM (NOIQH)

And guess who'll go down for their queen?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:07 PM (FsuaD)

There are some really gross connotations with that sentence.
Mind bleach needed.

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:10 PM (7q2ch)

480 >>>> Trump is either going to eat Rubio alive tomorrow night or, worse, he'll let him ramble on then dismiss him as being "cute".
Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse
Idk. Trump is so lazy. I doubt he will come in prepared with an actual retort ready. Cruz is going to be the one who puts Rubio away. Trump will mostly just point out that Mario has only one win and is behind in polls in his home state. Cruz has to take Rubio out to get a shot at winning Florida.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 10:10 PM (2GjZZ)

481 that's why "it's GOOD to be the KING!"

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:10 PM (Vy81P)

482 From sidebar link NYT piece:
"There is no bigger orange these days than Donald Trump."

yeah, sure, but it is getting little moldy on the top.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2016 10:10 PM (LWu6U)

483 I saw my first Hillary sticker on a car today. It was a Scion XB which is a weird place for a Hillary sticker. But these are strange days.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:11 PM (0LHZx)

484 Heh. Cornel West is going to be on Hannity tonight.

*makes a note in 'TV Appearances by Loathsome People File'*

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:11 PM (9mTYi)

485 You think he'd do that for her? Narcissists aren't
good at forgiving stuff like running against them. Guessing he still
kind of hates her.

Posted by: Splunge at March 02, 2016 10:08 PM (iMxBJ)

I'd be willing to bet that with Barry's formerly insecure Blackberry (that the SS wanted him to give up and he refused) and all the e-mails he and the Beast exchanged, he'd open himself up to a slew of crap himself.

I'd love to see them both in orange jumpsuits, but the chance of it happening to his Commie ass is never.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:11 PM (FsuaD)

486 @475

And here's the thing.


It's a wholly made up bullshit non-story.

Every four fucking years the media brings out David Duke to hang around the neck of the GOP candidate.

Hell they asked McCain about Duke in 2008.

This is boilerplate MSM/Donk agitprop bullshit.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 10:12 PM (ILoaF)

487 The timing of this has been a couple of years in the making. This news comes out the day after Hillary's big Super Tuesday win. Valerie and Barry have been setting this up. The Dems WILL have an open convention, Biden is the placeholder for a VP of their choosing. Just like the gypsy woman said

Posted by: Bebe Rebozo at March 02, 2016 10:12 PM (12kBq)

488 Could it be the investigation is being dragged out just enough to ruin her chances at the White House, but convict just a bit too late to get a pardon from Obama?

Who would and/or could do that?

Posted by: davidt at March 02, 2016 10:12 PM (8aOqE)

489 475 REMINDER: Hamas endorsed Bambi in 2008 and 2012.

Did he ever once have to answer a direct question about it?

When Axelrod (spokesman) was asked in 2008 about it, part of his answer was that the campaign was "flattered".
Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2016 10:08 PM (JwLCI)

THIS is why we are so much at cross purposes with the left. We literally have completely different views on reality. To most of us, Hamas is pretty much the same as ISIS (I always use ISIS as what all of the terrorist views want to be when they get grown up.) The difference is only by a matter of degree, not of kind.

For them, they see Hamas as some sort of homegrown freedom fighters. *sigh* And watch, I am sure within a couple of months or years, we will be hearing about how ISIS is not that bad.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 10:12 PM (iHjB5)

490 What's going on with the Hillary criminal investigation is a Big Fucking Deal. If it ends with a NothingBurger, its still a Big Fucking Deal.

I've made this a thing I follow in detail.

So I wish people who post here who have no knowledge or experience of criminal law or procedure would STFU and not give ignorant and misleading opinions about such. You're worse than spam. Seriously, STFU.

I'm a lawyer but recognize that I'm not a criminal lawyer. e.g., FBI types may have insights that I don't have. Real insight welcome. That's why I post about this in the detail that I know.

Comments that "She'll never be indicted" don't add. If you've got real questions or insight go at it. Collectively we're smarter than any one of us, myself included. But if you don't have anything to add SHUT UP, you're noise.

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:13 PM (rs5De)

491 Johnah Goldberg is a clown and poseur.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 10:05 PM (ILoaF)


He didn't used to be. Something happened to him circa 2006.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:13 PM (0LHZx)

492 The New Yorker just tweeted out a bullshit guilt by association piece on Scalia: A "what does it tell you" about Scalia kind of thing.

Naturally, they are too fucking cowardly to spit out what they are trying to say.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 10:13 PM (8PbKi)

493 I'm curious to see if Trump keep to his theme of acting presidential and pivoting to the general election tomorrow. Ignoring Rubio, keeping his cool and laying out his case for being the best candidate to hammer Hillary like a piñata in November.

Posted by: IC at March 02, 2016 10:14 PM (zK6nG)

494 Give immunity to everyone and get the truth!

Posted by: SFGoth at March 02, 2016 10:14 PM (dZ756)

495 Could it be the investigation is being dragged out just enough to ruin her chances at the White House..


Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:14 PM (9mTYi)

496 Thinner!

Posted by: the gypsy woman at March 02, 2016 10:15 PM (rwI+c)

497 So I wish people who post here who have no knowledge or experience of
criminal law or procedure would STFU and not give ignorant and
misleading opinions about such. You're worse than spam. Seriously,

Well, thank you for that. I didn't realize the HQ was here for lawyers only.

I guess the rest of us unwashed plebes should go elsewhere.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:15 PM (FsuaD)

498 there is a politico article that I have now lost when he pled the fifth last August I think that spells out the timeline somewhat

he was a campaign volunteer for her in 2008

then when she became Sec State in 2009 she hired him to assist her at State

she paid him privately and off the books to set up the home brew server. he never reported that additional income

Huma and Mills also used the server as did some guy named Jacobs who is going to be her NSA cheif if she is elected

it does look like Huma and Mills did the wet wotk to get the hard copies off the classified systems at Foggy Bottom

when quiried State said they didnt have any of his work emails from when Clinton was at State Looks like someone deleted all those emails

the FBI seized his computers and recovered the deleted emails

in addition I think he is the one that sent the server to storage for Hillary

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:16 PM (zOTsN)

499 Lizard!

Posted by: the gypsy dude at March 02, 2016 10:16 PM (8aOqE)

500 About 3% here suggested Hillary will have Bryan killed. She may have his brother brought over from Italy and have Axelrod suggest to Bryan that he take a hot bath with a razor.

Posted by: scorecard at March 02, 2016 10:16 PM (CRXed)

501 a sign the FBI investigation into possible criminal wrongdoing is progressing.

Nah, we just wanted to let him skate.

Posted by: Your FBI at March 02, 2016 10:17 PM (w/iDp)

502 I'd be willing to bet that with Barry's formerly
insecure Blackberry (that the SS wanted him to give up and he refused)
and all the e-mails he and the Beast exchanged, he'd open himself up to a
slew of crap himself.

I'd love to see them both in orange jumpsuits, but the chance of it happening to his Commie ass is never.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:11 PM (FsuaD)

Kind of odd that Bammy and his Sec of State never exchanged e-mails...

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:17 PM (T78UI)

503 Don't forget, someone walked the TS traffic from JWICS to her machine. No one, and I mean NO-ONE accessed a JWICS terminal that didn't know the rules about security.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:17 PM (xInes)

504 Whoops Goldberg has killed more blacks in the last forty years than the KKK.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:17 PM (Nwg0u)

505 Justice Department to Hillary's IT guy: "We'll grant you immunity, provided you lie your ass off about how awesome everything is with Hillary's server. We need quotes and we need cover. Do it and you'll never have to worry about jail ever. Oh, and I bet we can find you some money, too."

I have no faith in justice on this earth.

Posted by: BeckoningChasm at March 02, 2016 10:17 PM (AroJD)

506 But if you don't have anything to add SHUT UP, you're noise.
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:13 PM (rs5De)


Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at March 02, 2016 10:18 PM (iQIUe)

507 I'm just sick of it all, and only watch Red-Eye for Andy etc.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 09:59 PM (Vy81P)

All I can read anymore is headlines and Hillarymail news. I'm really into the email thing, but everything else I just want to jump under the covers and not come out until the winner is announced in November -- at which point I might want to jump back under the covers.

Posted by: iforgot at March 02, 2016 10:18 PM (5o5ek)

508 Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 10:12 PM (ILoaF)

I know... I know. They are intent on making sure most of America believes that he or any R has the endorsement of the KKK.

Meanwhile they erect statues of Bobby Byrd... and their current candidate is "in awe of" Margaret 'kill all the negroes' Sanger. And they cheer the deaths of mostly minority babies. Truly upside-down land.

Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2016 10:18 PM (JwLCI)

509 While Obama may hate the Clintons, his re-election campaign was given a huge boost by Bill at the DNC. That speech lit a fire under Democrats. And there's no fucking way Obama is going to let the DOJ arrest Hillary. He may not campaign for her or lend support, but he's not taking her down either.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:18 PM (0LHZx)

510 Ignoramus - are you the decider here on what posters can and can't post? Trying to make a point by telling the horde to STFU isn't a good strategy.

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 10:18 PM (ylAck)

511 The chances are the no-one wants to act on Hillary's indictment, and everyone is looking for reasons to ignore it.
It probably runs the gamut from "too much trouble to file the papers" to "I'll go down too"

It's probably not a conspiracy, just no-one with the responsibility feels it is their best interest to act. The sad thing is that it would be good for the country and the rule of law, but that is apparently not considered as being important.

Anyways, that's my 15 seconds of gloom.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 02, 2016 10:19 PM (q2o38)

512 I guess the rest of us unwashed plebes should go elsewhere.

Posted by: Jane

I saw Unwashed Plebes open for Hazing, West Point, 1971

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:19 PM (9mTYi)

513 How sad that it comes out now that Chris Stevens wanted to get out.

And the CIA warned that the ambassador's compound wouldn't stand up to an attack and they should move to the CIA compound.

But, what difference, at this point, does it make?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:20 PM (FsuaD)

514 Kind of odd that Bammy and his Sec of State never exchanged e-mails...

Oh, but they did.

Posted by: Hillary Clinton at March 02, 2016 10:20 PM (GgxVX)

515 >> I didn't realize the HQ was here for lawyers only.

OK, i took off my pants, I started drinking handles of value right, i eat road kill,....
but no fucking way I'm gonna go to law school to be a moron in good standing.

Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2016 10:20 PM (LWu6U)

516 Unwashed Plebes was also the name of the followers of the Grateful Dead.

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:20 PM (Vy81P)

517 Eh, off with the treasonous, duplicitous sock.

Posted by: no good deed at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (GgxVX)

518 Don't forget, someone walked the TS traffic from JWICS to her machine. No one, and I mean NO-ONE accessed a JWICS terminal that didn't know the rules about security.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:17 PM (xInes)


that person goes to the Big House fo sho

Now, if they give that person immunity, Shit Just Got Real cause they mean to kill the Queen

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (zOTsN)

519 They must have the pancake slathered on Hills for public appearances.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (9mTYi)

520 510 Ignoramus - are you the decider here on what posters can and can't post? Trying to make a point by telling the horde to STFU isn't a good strategy.
Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 10:18 PM (ylAck)

Nothing shuts the horde up except pudding, value-rite and hobo stories.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (pUDQf)

521 On the bright side, and apropos of nothing, tomorrow is my b'day and the weather seems agreeable with burning much powder at the long range. I'm taking our new young junior minister with me, who told me he has never shot anything. I've loaded up the RPK drums for him. It should be an eye opener for him.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (rwI+c)

522 REMINDER: Hamas endorsed Bambi in 2008 and 2012.

Did he ever once have to answer a direct question about it?

When Axelrod (spokesman) was asked in 2008 about it, part of his answer was that the campaign was "flattered".

Posted by: Mega at March 02, 2016 10:08 PM (JwLCI)

For real (I ain't diving into that internet dumpster again), most of the aryan nation types supported Obama too because they foolishly believed he would implement racial socialist policies that would be flipped the day after he was out of office... and they traditionally vote democrat.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (T78UI)

523 Wait. Wut?

The FBI got the emails the Hildebeast deleted from his computer?

Posted by: Hank at March 02, 2016 10:22 PM (xVYeR)

I read "unwashed plebes" as "unwashed pubes"

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:22 PM (zOTsN)

525 Get the IT guy.

Use him to move up the chain. Huma. Mills.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 10:22 PM (oVJmc)

526 Ignoramus

I think you choose your nic wisely.

People are here to vent, to give their opinion, to chat. It's Ace's house, not yours. You don't have the right to tell people to shut up in his house. If you don't like it, perhaps you should find another blog.

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:22 PM (7q2ch)

527 Hi!
All I can read anymore is headlines and Hillarymail news. I'm really into the email thing, but everything else I just want to jump under the covers and not come out until the winner is announced in November -- at which point I might want to jump back under the covers.
Posted by: iforgot at March 02, 2016 10:18 PM (5o5ek)


I often envy the LIVs. I wish I were one of them. Just live life blissfully ignorant of the shit around you. It would be a lot easier.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:22 PM (0LHZx)

OK, i took off my pants, I started drinking handles of value right, i eat road kill,....
but no fucking way I'm gonna go to law school to be a moron in good standing.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2016 10:20 PM


Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:22 PM (pUDQf)

529 This guy who pled the Fifth did so for a reason, and he's not part of Hillary's Inner Circle. Just setting up this system with knowledge of how it woud be used is a criminal offense so the guy had to plead the Fifth in front of the Growdy Commission.

Given immunity, what will he give up? Someone directed him to set up the server -- Huma? Hillary? because he had to access Chappagua. What did he see in ongoing maintenance? At a minimum it refutes Hllary's saying that she had no intent.

And that's for openers

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:23 PM (rs5De)

530 They must have the pancake slathered on Hills for public appearances.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (9mTYi)

Pancake? about bondo?

Posted by: BignJames at March 02, 2016 10:23 PM (HtUkt)

531 but no fucking way I'm gonna go to law school to be a moron in good standing.
Posted by: Gentlemen

there is some shit i will not eat

Posted by: ee cummins at March 02, 2016 10:23 PM (9mTYi)

532 I didn't realize the HQ was here for lawyers only.

Ahhh, AmishDude, we barely knew he.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:23 PM (Nwg0u)

533 And here's the thing.


It's a wholly made up bullshit non-story.

Every four fucking years the media brings out David Duke to hang around the neck of the GOP candidate.

Hell they asked McCain about Duke in 2008.

This is boilerplate MSM/Donk agitprop bullshit.
Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 10:12 PM (ILoaF)

Was having breakfast with a pastor friend this morning, and he asked me how I could support Trump when he's a racist.

I asked how is he a racist, and the FIRST THING he brought up was Duke.

Honestly, I'm not sure he believed me when I corrected him. I think he's kinda been brainwashed by that hotheaded Latina he's married to, but that's a story for another day.

Posted by: Blano at March 02, 2016 10:23 PM (heN73)

534 Happy Birthday Grump928!!

Have a great day at the range!!

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:24 PM (7q2ch)


HIs attorneys most likely did a 'proffer' meeting with
DOJ attorneys and
got the guy a 'Stay out of jail card' .
The guy will likely do his best 'remembering' by doing some prodigious dumping on Huma and Cheryl Mills...who can then decide how many years they can endure separated from all things they hold dear...or not.
The 'or not' option should keep the Rodham heavy in the for some noticeably erratic behavior from Mrs.Clinton in the days ahead. .

Posted by: Lower Class person whose opinions need to be guided at March 02, 2016 10:25 PM (3ZttN)

536 Dear Ignoramus:

You said it so eloquently...
Seriously, STFU.

Posted by: antisocialist at March 02, 2016 10:25 PM (cDs+4)

537 534
Happy Birthday Grump928!!

Have a great day at the range!!

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:24 PM (7q2ch)

What Moki said!

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:25 PM (FsuaD)

538 Cornel West is going to be on Hannity tonight.

Why doesn't that guy get his tooth fixed?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at March 02, 2016 10:25 PM (FkBIv)

539 I often envy the LIVs. I wish I were one of them. Just live life blissfully ignorant of the shit around you. It would be a lot easier.
Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo

You would have to watch American Idol and Dancing With the Stars a lot. It's not all moonlight and roses.

Posted by: ee cummins at March 02, 2016 10:25 PM (9mTYi)

540 521 On the bright side, and apropos of nothing, tomorrow is my b'day and the weather seems agreeable with burning much powder at the long range. I'm taking our new young junior minister with me, who told me he has never shot anything. I've loaded up the RPK drums for him. It should be an eye opener for him.
Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (rwI+c)

That's quite an initiation for a newbie. Save a drum for yourself!! Happy birthday!

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:25 PM (pUDQf)

541 I'm curious to see if Trump keep to his theme of
acting presidential and pivoting to the general election tomorrow.
Ignoring Rubio, keeping his cool and laying out his case for being the
best candidate to hammer Hillary like a pinata in November.

Posted by: IC at March 02, 2016 10:14 PM (zK6nG)

Not likely - sure he got to where he is by going simian in closed door business meetings.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:25 PM (T78UI)

542 You all are grossly over-reading the immunity granted. It's immunity that forces him to testify because, with out it, they can't compel him to answer any questions. But it's not the type of immunity where someone gets to walk from a crime that they committed. He only gets assurance that the government cannot use any information gained from the interview against him, directly or indirectly. It doesn't mean he's looking to help the government. It's standard operating procedure in a government investigation when you need to find out what a witness knows where there is some risk for the witness. The government wouldn't grant it to the target, but no one thought this guy was the target.

This doesn't mean that an indictment is near. It does mean that this isn't a "security inquiry," or whatever that BS is, which the FBI doesn't do, but we already knew that. It tells you a little bit about where they are in the investigation, but not much else.

Posted by: Martian Wonder at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (hxoxN)

543 Why doesn't that guy get his tooth fixed?

Racism. Duh.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (oVJmc)

544 Lots of buffers in the Family.

Posted by: Chi Chi at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (8aOqE)

545 Nothing shuts the horde up except pudding, value-rite and hobo stories.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:21 PM (pUDQf)

And boobehs. Nice, big, round boobehs.

For the guys anyways. Or maybe a few of the girls too, who know.

Posted by: Blano at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (heN73)

546 Hannity is still slobbering on The Donald's knob. Good job Sean!!

Posted by: Timon at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (KSonr)

547 Thank you, Moki. Somehow I'm going to work that Homer Simpson's quote into our conversation, him being a minister and all: 'When I held that gun in my hand, I felt a surge of power... like God must feel when he's holding a gun. '

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (rwI+c)

548 Second part of her server. Deleting files does not delete them. Only using a wipe program to overwrite those sectors of the hard drive three times does that. If this wasn't done, bet yo ass the FBI has every mail sent/received.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (xInes)

549 OK, i took off my pants, I started drinking handles of value right, i eat road kill,....
but no fucking way I'm gonna go to law school to be a moron in good standing.
Posted by: Gentlemen, this is democracy manifest at March 02, 2016 10:20 PM

I thought all that stuff was part of the entrance exam for law school...

Posted by: antisocialist at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (cDs+4)

550 ...You're worse than spam...

Fried spam is delicious.

Free advice is worth its price.

Lighten up. In 100 years we will be laughing at this. Children playing in mud puddles. (full of dog poo)

Posted by: scorecard at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (CRXed)

551 I need to go to bed. Woke up at 4:00 a.m., tried to fall asleep again. Finally did at 5:30 as husband was getting up. And tried and failed to go back to sleep briefly.

Getting old sucks ass when it comes to getting quality sleep.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (FsuaD)

552 While Obama may hate the Clintons, his re-election campaign was given a
huge boost by Bill at the DNC. That speech lit a fire under Democrats.

"Gratitude is the least strongly felt human emotion." - Niccolo Machiavelli

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (oKE6c)

553 491 Johnah Goldberg is a clown and poseur.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 10:05 PM (ILoaF)


He didn't used to be. Something happened to him circa 2006.
Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:13 PM (0LHZx)

Maybe a little later. "Liberal Fascism" is a terrific book, which was published in early 2008.

It's obvious that it was intended to forestall a Hillary presidency. There is a whole chapter of quotes by her, but Obama was only mentioned a couple of times in the entire book. That must have been when Hillary seemed to be the inevitable Dem nominee.

Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (sdi6R)

554 This guy who pled the Fifth did so for a reason, and he's not part of Hillary's Inner Circle. Just setting up this system with knowledge of how it woud be used is a criminal offense so the guy had to plead the Fifth in front of the Growdy Commission.

Given immunity, what will he give up? Someone directed him to set up the server -- Huma? Hillary? because he had to access Chappagua. What did he see in ongoing maintenance? At a minimum it refutes Hllary's saying that she had no intent.

And that's for openers
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:23 PM (rs5De)

1. never forget the Oliver North percedent in the Iran Contra mess. Entirely possible the it guy gets up there and says it was all me.

2. hillary and her cronies are correctly described as a cabal. no reason to assume the it guy is not in the cabal and or terrified of winding up alone in fort marcy park.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (vb33c)

555 Thanks all.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (rwI+c)

556 >>Huma and Mills also used the server as did some guy named Jacobs who is going to be her NSA cheif if she is elected

Catherine Herridge reported a few weeks ago that the FBI was interviewing the sources of those higher-than-top secret docs to identify not only the extent to which the info was cut/copied and pasted into emails to Hillary (i.e. compare originals to email text), but whether or not Hillary had compromised analysts in our intelligence agencies. Hillary may have essentially gotten people to spy on their own agencies by sharing info with her/her people that none of them were authorized to be "read in" on (or whatever the proper terminology is).

Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (NOIQH)

557 "I guess the rest of us unwashed plebes should go elsewhere. "

I'll stay put. I like noise.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (vhNJH)

558 I've been force-fed lawyer TV shows and movies and cop shows and movies since I was old enough to pay attention. I think after 40+ years of indoctrination I have a pretty good idea how the whole enchilada works. So it's kinda outta line now to try and restrict speculation on the interweb to professionals. Heh.

oh, and there's no rules in the HQ.... 'cept be neighborly as you call someone else out.

No, I took my pants off a couple hours ago and started drinking gin. What? No, I'm not an IT guy either. heh. I did have a secret clearance for over 20 years and a career with the Government, so there's that.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (e7T6D)

559 Hannity is still slobbering on The Donald's knob. Good job Sean!!

Posted by: Timon at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (KSonr)

You sound....turned on.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (oVJmc)

560 Is this the kind of immunity they gave to Ollie North?

Got him to testify, but then failed in their attempt to prosecute him.

Posted by: Hank at March 02, 2016 10:29 PM (xVYeR)

561 I often envy the LIVs. I wish I were one of them. Just live life blissfully ignorant of the shit around you. It would be a lot easier.

Living is easy with eyes closed misunderstanding all you see.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:29 PM (Nwg0u)

562 Why doesn't that guy get his tooth fixed?
Posted by: Bertram

Which reminds me, dropping a couple of items off at the thrift store today, I looked through the books there (dammit! I know better...) and found a copy of Thomas Sowell's 'Black Rednecks and White Liberals'. Has anyone read it?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:29 PM (9mTYi)

563 When the State dept told Sen Grassley they couldnt find any emails from the IT guy during the time he worked for Clinton, that they had been erased,the FBI seized the government computer system he used. This was reported by Politico on Dec 11, 2015

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:29 PM (zOTsN)

564 >>Hannity is still slobbering on The Donald's knob.

You're a great American Sean.

Posted by: The Donald at March 02, 2016 10:29 PM (c7vUv)

565 491 Johnah Goldberg is a clown and poseur.

Posted by: Kreplach at March 02, 2016 10:05 PM (ILoaF)

it is really weird how the spotlight has the power to change people.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:29 PM (vb33c)

566 "How sad that it comes out now that Chris Stevens wanted to get out."

That's Chris Stevens, of whom Hillary purports to have been a "close friend".

Not a sufficiently close friend for Stevens to have had her private e-mail address or her personal telephone number, mind you, but a "close friend" nevertheless.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (noWW6)

567 there's no fucking way Obama is going to let the DOJ arrest Hillary.

Oh, the stories she would tell!

Posted by: t-bird at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (w/iDp)

568 Grump928 -

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
You are a moron
Happy birthday to youuuuhoooo!

Have fun at the range

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (ylAck)

My apologies to redbanzai.

I am guilty of scanning the comments and failing to read the details.

welcome. and you too alabama.

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at March 02, 2016 09:50 PM (1ijHg)

No need to apologize and I have been here for years (long enough that everyone should know I am a CHICK damnit -- I am glaring at you, Bama ).

I still don't know what was up with that comment I wrote wat? to.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (NPofj)

570 500 comments and no "Dip-lo-matic Immunity" jokes?

Posted by: what the hell is going on around here!? at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (AoL85)

571 1. never forget the Oliver North percedent in the Iran Contra mess. Entirely possible the it guy gets up there and says it was all me.

2. hillary and her cronies are correctly described as a cabal. no reason to assume the it guy is not in the cabal and or terrified of winding up alone in fort marcy park.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (vb33c)

No amount of immunity will help this guy if Screech decides to have him fitted for a nice pair of cement shoes. I'm sure he knows that, and is therefore shitting his drawers as we speak.

Posted by: antisocialist at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (cDs+4)

572 On the bright side, and apropos of nothing, tomorrow is my b'day and the weather seems agreeable with burning much powder at the long range. I'm taking our new young junior minister with me, who told me he has never shot anything. I've loaded up the RPK drums for him. It should be an eye opener for him.

Happy Birthday! Have fun and be safe.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (8PbKi)

573 Why doesn't that guy get his tooth fixed?

Racism. Duh.

Yeah, his tooth is white.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:31 PM (Nwg0u)

574 heir own agencies by sharing info with her/her people that none of them were authorized to be "read in" on (or whatever the proper terminology is).
Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (NOIQH)

that is called "need to know". its not enough to have the prperclearance, you have to have a "need to know"

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:31 PM (zOTsN)


Did you see the pic of the baby hippo? SO CUTE ;D

Posted by: LIVn la vida loco at March 02, 2016 10:31 PM (v9gSJ)

576 547-that's awesome!!

My husband's and my first date was shooting M-16's in the Kuwaiti desert after the first Gulf War. That is the way to win a woman!

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (7q2ch)

577 And boobehs. Nice, big, round boobehs.

For the guys anyways. Or maybe a few of the girls too, who know.

Posted by: Blano at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (heN73)

Wasn't it CAC who would say life begins with the letter G?

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (JO9+V)

578 564 >>Hannity is still slobbering on The Donald's knob.

You're a great American Sean.
Posted by: The Donald at March 02, 2016 10:29 PM (c7vUv)

Well, I guess that is one way to get Hannity to stop with that voice.

Posted by: Aetius451AD at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (iHjB5)

579 The park is too transparent. My guess is hit and run by a Rascal scooter.

Coroner: "Yes, the tire impressions match a Rascal scooter. But the cause of death was the repeated impact of some object that left circular markings about 1.5 inches in diameter. These impacts seem to to be grouped in a roughly rectangular pattern. We are attempting to identify what could cause such markings."

Posted by: Man from Wazzustan at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (FtrY1)

580 Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (NPofj)

I didn't know you were a chick either. I only recently found that out about NDH as well.

Posted by: Blano at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (heN73)

581 Fried spam is delicious.

It's awesome!!

Lighten up. In 100 years we will be laughing at this. Children playing in mud puddles. (full of dog poo)
Posted by: scorecard at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (CRXed)

Heh ................. no.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (zYV5P)

582 I often envy the LIVs. I wish I were one of them. Just live life
blissfully ignorant of the shit around you. It would be a lot easier.

I call it "relaxed at impact."

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (oKE6c)

583 "Have a great day at the range!!"


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (vhNJH)

584 Grump928 -

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

You are a moron

Happy birthday to youuuuhoooo!

Have fun at the range

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (ylAck)

OR my family's birthday song:

You're older than you've ever been
And now you're even older
And now you're even older
And now you're even older,
You're older than you've ever been
And now you're even older
And now you're older still

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:33 PM (NPofj)

585 "Gratitude is the least strongly felt human emotion." - Niccolo Machiavelli

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (oKE6c)

I don't know if I can go with that. But gratitude is very Western. There are many cultures in which gratitude doesn't even exist in any real way. Gratitude is more of a free will, individualistic sort of thing.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 02, 2016 10:33 PM (zc3Db)

No need to apologize and I have been here for years (long enough that everyone should know I am a CHICK damnit -- I am glaring at you, Bama ).

I still don't know what was up with that comment I wrote wat? to.
Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:30 PM (NPofj)

How yoooo dooooin? Lol

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (pUDQf)

587 Mills also used the server as did some guy named Jacobs who is going to be her NSA cheif if she is elected

Catherine Herridge reported a few weeks ago that the FBI was interviewing the sources of those higher-than-top secret docs to identify not only the extent to which the info was cut/copied and pasted into emails to Hillary (i.e. compare originals to email text), but whether or not Hillary had compromised analysts in our intelligence agencies. Hillary may have essentially gotten people to spy on their own agencies by sharing info with her/her people that none of them were authorized to be "read in" on (or whatever the proper terminology is).
Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:28 PM (NOIQH)

seriously, everyone who knew of hillary's email server is guilty. by everyone I mean from obama down.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (vb33c)

588 My husband's and my first date was shooting M-16's
in the Kuwaiti desert after the first Gulf War. That is the way to win a
Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (7q2ch)

I will remember that should I ever be in the Kuwaiti desert with an M-16

Posted by: Kindltot at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (q2o38)

589 Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (rs5De)

590 Second part of her server. Deleting files does not delete them. Only using a wipe program to overwrite those sectors of the hard drive three times does that. If this wasn't done, bet yo ass the FBI has every mail sent/received.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:26 PM (xInes)

the FBI has HER server, and HIS government computer system he used while in her employ

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (zOTsN)

My husband's and my first date was shooting
M-16's in the Kuwaiti desert after the first Gulf War. That is the way
to win a woman!

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (7q2ch)

Do you have a daughter my son can marry some day? He'll be getting his degree in two more years and already is talking with peeps about job offersn criminal justice/gubmint work. He'll be an amazing husband and dad.

*looks around for embarrassed son*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:35 PM (FsuaD)

"Maybe a little later. "Liberal Fascism" is a terrific book, which was published in early 2008. "

Around that time I was at a big book store, maybe a BnN or something and asked the obvious lib if they had that, since it wasn't in the Political section, they went off and looked and said they'd have to order it.

So I asked for South Park Republicans, and he just said "never heard of it" and walked off..

Lol, I was sincerely going to buy them then! I wasn't trying to troll lol!

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:35 PM (Vy81P)

593 The Trumpster released his Health Care plan tonight. I gotta say: I'm no expert, but it looks great.

Posted by: MTF at March 02, 2016 10:35 PM (TxJGV)

594 Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.

Posted by: Ignoramus


Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:36 PM (zOTsN)

595 585 "Gratitude is the least strongly felt human emotion." - Niccolo Machiavelli
Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:27 PM (oKE6c)

I don't know if I can go with that.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 02, 2016 10:33 PM (zc3Db)

Take it up with Nick, but what human emotion is less strongly felt? The shorter version of Nick's thesis is that people will fuck people they like long before they fuck people they fear.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:36 PM (oKE6c)

596 The park is too transparent. My guess is hit and run by a Rascal scooter.

Coroner: "Yes, the tire impressions match a Rascal scooter. But the cause of death was the repeated impact of some object that left circular markings about 1.5 inches in diameter. These impacts seem to to be grouped in a roughly rectangular pattern. We are attempting to identify what could cause such markings."

Posted by: Man from Wazzustan at March 02, 2016 10:32 PM (FtrY1)

very obvious hurrycane impressions around his skull

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:36 PM (vb33c)

597 Happy Birthday Grump928!!
Have a great day at the range!!
Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:24 PM

Second ended here.


Posted by: Farmer at March 02, 2016 10:37 PM (o/90i)

598 Ignoramus, pull up a chair and stay. But remember rule #1. Don't be a dick. Every thing else is fair game.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:37 PM (xInes)

599 "On drug prices, Trump departs from standard Republican policy by calling for lowering barriers to cheaper imported pharmaceuticals."

I wonder if he is talking a re-importation or just Mexican Viagra kind of stuff.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:37 PM (rwI+c)

600 "I will remember that should I ever be in the Kuwaiti desert with an M-16"

And what are the chances you'll ever be in the Kuwaiti desert with an M-16?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:37 PM (vhNJH)

601 Have a fabulous birthday tomorrow, Grump928!!

Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:37 PM (NOIQH)

602 Jarvis et al: I live near a still-decently-stocked B&N in Long Beach. I have to give them credit, they seem to usually have a good selection of both lefty and righty political books in stock.

I guess it's similar to ACLU chapters, in that a lot depends on the character of the people running the place.

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (ntObR)

603 So, I guess a walker would leave obvious marks on a body? That, and a garrotte?

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (FsuaD)

604 OR my family's birthday song: OLDER!


I post that for all my friends B-days lol.

Too bad they're hard left, their first show was for the PPK or Sandinistas or whoever, but they have some really good songs!

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (Vy81P)

605 MTF, you just can't comment on a health plan on here , unless of course you use healthcare or your a surgeon or a lawyer.

Did they have healthcare in Rockridge? No!

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (e7T6D)

594 In Iggy's defense if I heard a bunch of people giving undeniably erroneous advice about something I was an expert in I might get a little frustrated too
*Tell me again how to fix a car*

Posted by: MAx at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (LAliD)

607 My husband's and my first date was shooting M-16's in the Kuwaiti desert after the first Gulf War. That is the way to win a woman!

Posted by: Moki

Our first date was during desert storm at Incirlik AB eating hot dogs and watching the Patriot Missile Batteries move

like rail cars on end

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (zOTsN)

608 Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.

Posted by: Ignoramus

Posted by: ThunderB at March 02, 2016 10:36 PM (zOTsN)

This. Seriously.
Our bark is generally worse than our bite.

Posted by: antisocialist at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (cDs+4)

609 593 The Trumpster released his Health Care plan tonight. I gotta say: I'm no expert, but it looks great.

Posted by: MTF at March 02, 2016 10:35 PM (TxJGV)


It's basically everything the right has been saying for years. Which is weird given Trump is a super secret communist and stuff.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:38 PM (0LHZx)

610 Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (rs5De)

Just breathe. Remember that injured dignity is like showing fear to the pack.

Posted by: Kindltot at March 02, 2016 10:39 PM (q2o38)

611 Have to say, the thought that hotair people are wandering over here makes me smile. kind of like some looking for a tgifridays alternative and wandering into the mos eisley cantina / chalmun's.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:39 PM (vb33c)

And what are the chances you'll ever be in the Kuwaiti desert with an M-16?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:37 PM (vhNJH)

I call that Thursday fun day.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:39 PM (pUDQf)

Do you have a daughter my son can marry some day? He'll be getting his degree in two more years and already is talking with peeps about job offersn criminal justice/gubmint work. He'll be an amazing husband and dad.

*looks around for embarrassed son*

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:35 PM (FsuaD)

As a matter of fact , I do!!! She's a sophomore in chemistry and microbiology, and is hoping for a job with DARPA after college. She's red headed, blue eyed, and makes a damn fine pie. But she's red headed.

As a baby, she had a thing for Marines. We went to the Parade practice at Iwo Jima, and she found some poor Corporal, and grabbed his legs and wouldn't let him go.

I pray that she keeps up that attitude. (Hubby's a former Marine, so I also hope it's genetic.)

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:39 PM (7q2ch)

614 Picture Hillary! doing this in an orange jump suit...

Posted by: davidt at March 02, 2016 10:39 PM (8aOqE)

615 Here are the details on:
High treason <----------Hillary

Posted by: Lizzy at March 02, 2016 10:39 PM (NOIQH)

616 598I vote stay

Posted by: MAx at March 02, 2016 10:40 PM (LAliD)

617 Our bark is generally worse than our bite.

It's because most of us are Family Men... ;-)

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 10:40 PM (ntObR)

618 Heh. West likes Sanders, not Hillary.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:40 PM (9mTYi)

619 I guess it's similar to ACLU chapters, in that a lot depends on the character of the people running the place.
Posted by: qdpsteve

Yeah, you'd think a large commercial chain would be interested in, ya know, COMMERCE?? lol

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:40 PM (Vy81P)

620 Heh... I liked the idea of being able to pass down your HSA's.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 10:40 PM (e7T6D)

621 I'd rather the rest of the world pay American prices for drugs. It's a travesty that we have to pay for all the R&D because even western countries will violate our patent laws when it comes to drugs.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:40 PM (rwI+c)

622 Drug importation is very popular with the unwashed masses. This is one of those things Ace had a post on a while back....can't remember the exact phrase but it was things you really believe in, but are willing to give up if it means advancing other bigger items. Let drugs get imported in exchange for repeal of Obamacare and allowing insurance sold across state lines? Fuck yeah.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 10:40 PM (0LHZx)

623 I compared the cost in our company per employee, including deductible, between 2008 and 2015 today. Up by 225%. Through a recession.

Posted by: MTF at March 02, 2016 10:41 PM (TxJGV)


Posted by: MTF

Please use from now on.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 10:41 PM (A/3fN)

625 Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.

Posted by: Ignoramus

There isn't one.

But if you insist try LGF

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 02, 2016 10:41 PM (voOPb)

626 Heh... I liked the idea of being able to pass down your HSA's.
Posted by: Yip

We have $8.50 left in ours.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:41 PM (9mTYi)

627 Posted by: Ignoramus

Why don't you staaaaaaayyayayay, just a little bit longer?

Posted by: Count de Monet at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (JO9+V)

628 BCBS pays $10,781.00 a month for my drug, TRICARE pay about the same.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (xInes)

629 "Seriously happy to move on."

Just realize that they're are a lot of people here for a variety of reasons. It's not all serious or political all the time and many, many different conversations are going on in every thread.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (vhNJH)

630 >>>> Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM
No need to leave. There are better and more polite ways to make your point is all. There are a lot of lawyers here who you would be surprised are bc they don't make a point of mentioning it all the time. You should apologize and stick around. A lot of us have erred and crossed a line and been corrected including myself, It just a takes a little humility to realize when you have and apologize for it. If not, Legal Insurrection is probably a good blog for you on the Hilary issue.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (2GjZZ)

631 Take it up with Nick,

I've got him on the Ouila board, right now. He can't spell for shit.

but what human emotion is less strongly felt? The shorter version of Nick's thesis is that people will fuck people they like long before they fuck people they fear.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:36 PM (oKE6c)

Sure. But "like" is a bit different than gratitude and there are lots of other emotions to consider. Although, as I said, many Westerners don't even seem to comprehend that there are cultures in which the concept of gratitude is almost nonexistent (such as among arabs and muslims). "Goodwill" is often as ephemeral and silly a notion in cross-cultural interactions as it is on the balance sheets of corporations.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (zc3Db)

632 Shatner had to know that this looked too much like a dildo.

Posted by: Darrell at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (iAiSy)

633 589 Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (rs5De)


One of my other favorite sites is, but that only works if you're a space geek.

Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (sdi6R)

634 You can stay, just remember to support our preferred candidate...

Jim Gilmore

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:43 PM (Vy81P)

635 How yoooo dooooin? Lol

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (pUDQf)

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:43 PM (NPofj)

636 As a matter of fact , I do!!! She's a sophomore in
chemistry and microbiology, and is hoping for a job with DARPA after
college. She's red headed, blue eyed, and makes a damn fine pie. But
she's red headed.

As a baby, she had a thing for Marines. We went to the Parade
practice at Iwo Jima, and she found some poor Corporal, and grabbed his
legs and wouldn't let him go.

I pray that she keeps up that attitude. (Hubby's a former Marine, so I also hope it's genetic.)

Posted by: Moki at March 02, 2016 10:39 PM (7q2ch)

Son is hoping to go into counter intelligence. Has met with "appropriate" people.

He's brown-haired and brown-eyed and the sweetest, funniest young man ever. And quite handsome, to boot.

And now I'd better STFU before this gets back to him.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:43 PM (FsuaD)

637 "On drug prices, Trump departs from standard Republican policy by
calling for lowering barriers to cheaper imported pharmaceuticals."

Which raises an interesting question. Our pharmaceuticals are expensive because other countries basically free-ride on us, i.e., we pay the freight for RD, and they just pay the marginal cost of production. (Analogous to theater goers paying the cost of producing a movie, pirates merely paying the cost of copying DVDs.)

If we lower the barriers, in the short term, we clobber American pharma. OTOH, American pharma is looking to bail from the US (see, e.g., Pfizer merging with Allergan and moving its legal HQ to Ireland to tell the IRS to pound sand.)

In the longer term, equilibration of prices between here and other countries could force the other countries to pay more, or else pharma will disappear as being unprofitable. Right now their health services generally constitute a monopsony, so they tell pharma what they'll pay - usually on a cost-plus basis - take it or leave it.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:44 PM (oKE6c)

638 593 The Trumpster released his Health Care plan tonight. I gotta say: I'm no expert, but it looks great.

Posted by: MTF at March 02, 2016 10:35 PM (TxJGV)

The problem with Trump is he hasn't read it and doesn't believe it so he can't explain it on the stump. Just like all of his "positions". The guy is a fraud.

Posted by: Timon at March 02, 2016 10:44 PM (n+Zqo)

639 Alabama finally removed the last dry county law from our books on Tuesday. We also agreed to sell booze on Sundays in a few counties.

Sextoys, however, remain illegal implements of the lower levels of hell.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:44 PM (pUDQf)

640 You know who likes Mexican Viagra? Bob Dolé.

Posted by: Bob Dolé at March 02, 2016 10:44 PM (7qAYi)

641 recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.
Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (rs5De)

yeesh, how but hurt were you and by what that you are asking if you should stay or go?

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:45 PM (vb33c)

642 The Trumpster released his Health Care plan tonight. I gotta say: I'm no expert, but it looks great.

I'd like to see some medical malpractice reform as well.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:45 PM (Nwg0u)

643 But if you insist try LGF

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 02, 2016 10:41 PM (voOPb)

That's just mean.

Posted by: BignJames at March 02, 2016 10:45 PM (HtUkt)

644 No first-tier techie would TOUCH the jobs Hillary was asking for. she used mom and pop computer shops and this former campaign volunteer, all second-tier techies at best.

I'm so immersed in the email saga that I can't . . . . well, I can't read 24/7 but I want to, there's just too much, too much commentary and speculation, which I'm gobbling up as I can.

Posted by: iforgot at March 02, 2016 10:45 PM (5o5ek)

645 Does te Donald's released plan include his beloved individual mandate and universal gubmint paid insurance or is he now advocating that people "die on the sidewalks"?

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:46 PM (NPofj)

646 Can Donald explain "his" plan?

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:46 PM (OQ9R7)

647 "But gratitude is very Western. There are many cultures in which gratitude doesn't even exist in any real way."

The San Bernardino jihadi terror shooter.

His co-workers threw a nice party on his behalf. Then he coldly murdered them because they were _kuffar_.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 10:46 PM (noWW6)

648 You just know Trumps GREAT mansion has a GREAT library full of GREAT classic works of literature, philosophy, politics and science.

All with uncracked spines.

Posted by: richard mcenroe at March 02, 2016 10:47 PM (Kucy5)

649 The guy is a fraud.
Posted by: Timon

Unlike the leadership of the GOPe, right?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 10:47 PM (A/3fN)

650 Sure. But "like" is a bit different than gratitude
and there are lots of other emotions to consider.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at March 02, 2016 10:42 PM (zc3Db)

The point was that someone doing you a solid in the past doesn't necessarily count for much now, if the crunch really hits. Someone who could help you in the future, or could seriously hurt you in the present, takes precedence in most people's calculus. One of the innumerable reasons to be misanthropic.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:47 PM (oKE6c)

651 Ignoramous - stay with the horde. We are a good group and there is no better site.

Posted by: cheri at March 02, 2016 10:47 PM (ylAck)

652 Dammit. Still have the same problem I asked for help with a few weeks ago. Got answered, seemed to work momentarily but not really. Cannot load AoSHQ with my home internet. Have to use hotspot at home and no problems at work. I don't get it. I cleared cache, used typed-in, etc. Nothing works but once in a great while it will work. Like 3% of the time. I can't see any pattern.

Posted by: Kalneva at March 02, 2016 10:48 PM (V+9dL)

653 625 Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.

Posted by: Ignoramus

There isn't one.

But if you insist try LGF

You'll love the tankers on the horizon.

Posted by: Josephistan at March 02, 2016 10:48 PM (7qAYi)

654 Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (rs5De)

Seriously, you'd probably like Legal Insurrection. Too bad Verum Serum is defunct.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 02, 2016 10:48 PM (EVl8U)

I just hope that Bryan Pagliano's family won't be getting a fish wrapped in a article of his clothing.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at March 02, 2016 10:48 PM (45oDG)

656 >>That's just mean.

Well of course it was

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 02, 2016 10:48 PM (voOPb)

657 Stay, Ignoramous. Please.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:48 PM (FsuaD)

658 And what are the chances you'll ever be in the Kuwaiti desert with an M-16?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:37 PM (vhNJH)

Hence the use of the subjunctive (See, that BA in languages came in useful!)

. . . Would you accept "on a public range with a rolling block"?

Posted by: Kindltot at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (q2o38)

659 How come Vincente Fox has such a thick accent? Is he Dutch?

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (9mTYi)

660 635 How yoooo dooooin? Lol

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (pUDQf)

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:43 PM (NPofj)

Lol. One day you'll have to regale us with how red banzai became your nom de guerre. I saw banzai and saw Mr myagi. Sorry.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (pUDQf)

Can you recommend a better site or two for me to blog on. Seriously happy to move on.
Posted by: Ignoramus

No need to leave.
Posted by: L, Elle

Hmmm... actually, don't think this one is going to work out.

Maybe best to just blame it on the summer night -- and the tequila -- and delete the phone number.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (kdS6q)

662 "can he EXPLAIN?"

Exactly, hes great at spewing stuff out, but unlike what Ace said about Carson, Trump doesn't even seem to CARE about any of the things hes about to say next.

So, he MIGHT read it, but will any of it reach his lips whenever questioned about it offhand?

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (Vy81P)

663 Late bulletin:

The far frozen marches of Wisconsin have fallen to Marcus Rubeii!

Caveat Emptor!

Posted by: Man from Wazzustan at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (FtrY1)

664 652 Dammit. Still have the same problem I asked for help with a few weeks ago. Got answered, seemed to work momentarily but not really. Cannot load AoSHQ with my home internet. Have to use hotspot at home and no problems at work. I don't get it. I cleared cache, used typed-in, etc. Nothing works but once in a great while it will work. Like 3% of the time. I can't see any pattern.
Posted by: Kalneva at March 02, 2016 10:48 PM (V+9dL)

Prolly a DNS issue.

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (xInes)

665 Alabama finally removed the last dry county law from our books on Tuesday.

I think that's not quite true. We may no longer have dry counties without a "wet" city in them but I think there are still dry counties here. For instance: Morgan County is dry but the city of Decatur is wet. It's a weird thing.

The ABC board has this map:

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (rwI+c)

666 >>> Can Donald explain "his" plan?
Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:46
I think it's #winning!!!! He'll figure out his next plan after he is done with the winning plan.

Hey, slap.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (2GjZZ)

667 if someone here thought there was a better place to comment they would go there.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:49 PM (vb33c)

668 I am way late to the party. But if Cruz is somehow able to pull out victory - a big if obviously - part of it (almost all) will have been earned through sheer grit and having to overcome so many powerful forces against him. Rubio did not benefit from friendly Fox News. He might have been a better candidate had he been seriously challenged the past year.

Posted by: SH at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (Zf0v9)

669 But if you insist try LGF

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at March 02, 2016 10:41 PM (voOPb)

Good choice.
I also hear that Hot Air is taking applications.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (T78UI)

670 Ignoramus, if you were a criminal lawyer, you would know that granting immunity here is not that big of a deal. This isn't transactional immunity, where he walks from whatever he might have done. This is "use" immunity, and it just allows him to talk to the government without incriminating himself. Now, he could always tell the agents to take a walk, but if he's still on Team Clinton, and he probably is, his lawyer is telling him that there is no real benefit to doing that because he could be compelled to appear before a grand jury, and a member of Team Clinton has no interest in being the cause of this case going to a grand jury right now. So a member of Team Clinton will likely agree to speak with the FBI provided that the person receives use immunity, which the government will readily provide to someone like this guy.

The government needs to talk to this guy to due its diligence. They can't talk to this guy without giving him "use" immunity because he has stated his intent to take the Fifth. So what this really means is that the government is now going to talk to server boy. And given the nature of the investigation, that's a no-brainer.

Posted by: Martian Wonder at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (hxoxN)

671 Rubio cancelled events in Louisiana and Kentucky for the next few days. Link in nik per a Freeper post refering to a WKYT post

Posted by: Baldy at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (1SCTq)

672 I would love for Trump, in his inaugural address to say he has a 180 day plan for tort reform, sunset provision rules for regulations not passed by Congress and is taking bids for charter aircraft to relocate anyone who wishes to return to their home country prior to the 1st Annual Illegal Alien roundup and chili cookoff in September.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (e7T6D)

673 637
Which raises an interesting question. Our pharmaceuticals are expensive because other countries basically free-ride on us, i.e., we pay the freight for RD, and they just pay the marginal cost of production. (Analogous to theater goers paying the cost of producing a movie, pirates merely paying the cost of copying DVDs.)

If we lower the barriers, in the short term, we clobber American pharma. OTOH, American pharma is looking to bail from the US (see, e.g., Pfizer merging with Allergan and moving its legal HQ to Ireland to tell the IRS to pound sand.)

In the longer term, equilibration of prices between here and other countries could force the other countries to pay more, or else pharma will disappear as being unprofitable. Right now their health services generally constitute a monopsony, so they tell pharma what they'll pay - usually on a cost-plus basis - take it or leave it.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:44 PM (oKE6c)

And the pharma companies make up for it by charging Americans exorbitantly higher prices for the same drugs, which people don't see because of third-party insurance. Karl Denninger has been hammering on this point for ages.

Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (sdi6R)

674 Sword canes are still illegal in Alabama.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (rwI+c)

675 If Mittens wants to give advice and counsel tomorrow I suggest he advise and counsel Cruz and Cubio on a good concession speech.....they will need it Soon.

Posted by: concealedkerry or submitt at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (kHv/o)

676 "The Trumpster released his Health Care plan tonight."

He released a VA reform plan a few weeks ago. It's sensible stuff. If it happens.

I hope I can be forgiven for doubting that Trump has even read these various long-winded, highly detailed "plans" that are being released on his behalf, or that he will live up to them if he has done so.

Did he read the business plan for Trump University? Trump Steaks? The Trump Shuttle? The U.S. Football League?

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (noWW6)

677 Howdy, L,Elle.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (OQ9R7)

678 652 Dammit.

Download and install the EPIC browser from their site. It's Chrome, with all the bullshit taken out. No trackers, no ads.

Posted by: Darrell at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (iAiSy)

679 Ignoramous - stay with the horde. We are a good group and there is no better site.

It's just that we were raised by wolves and aren't house broken.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (Nwg0u)

680 Dammit. So tired, want to go to sleep, lie down, wide awake.


Husband sleeping like a baby on Ambien, which I can't take because AWFULNESS.


Going to take a second melatonin. Wish me luck.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (FsuaD)

681 Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 10:34 PM (rs5De)

Also, no need to go. I didn't mean that!

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (EVl8U)


Under MY health care plan you ALL will receive FREE health care.

Many clinics will be conveniently located near the thorium mines and happy fun camps, ensuring ALL of you will be good enough to eat, er, I mean good enough to slave, er, I mean good enough to pay taxes!

You're welcome!

Posted by: HilFelon McRugmunch at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (v9gSJ)

683 Hey, has anyone seen MissTammy's hot sil with the racy pics and naughty stories?

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (vb33c)

684 599 "On drug prices, Trump departs from standard Republican policy by calling for lowering barriers to cheaper imported pharmaceuticals."

I wonder if he is talking a re-importation or just Mexican Viagra kind of stuff.

I do this shit for.a living and I can tell you that the pedigree of foreign drugs is shit. If all of these other countries would require the same manufacturing standards and the same approval requirements the drugs would cost the same. The imported stuff is garbage. Don't believe the MFM bullshit.

Posted by: Timon at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (n+Zqo)

685 If you go there will be trouble. An' if you stay it will be double.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:52 PM (rwI+c)

686 Yeah, we have Wet countys but dry citys/areas here in Tx.

I can go 5 mi for Ok's 3.2 beer, OR, I can drive about 30 mi for REAL BEER!!

Sometimes I just get more 3.2 and then remember to drink faster.. Eh..

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:52 PM (Vy81P)

687 Darrell, is Epic better or more stable than say, Blue Moon?

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 10:52 PM (e7T6D)

688 >>>Whoops Goldberg has killed more blacks in the last forty years than the KKK.<<<

Yeah, but does it count when she does it with her own vagina? These are tough, though questions...

Posted by: Fritz at March 02, 2016 10:53 PM (37OkS)

689 674 Sword canes are still illegal in Alabama.
Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (rwI+c)

What a weird, wonderful state we live in. Lol

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:53 PM (pUDQf)

690 1st Annual Illegal Alien roundup and chili cookoff in September.

"Wasn't that a hand I saw coming out of that pot?..."



Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (ntObR)

691 Can Donald explain "his" plan?

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:46 PM (OQ9R7)

Can Cruz explain 'natural law'?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (T78UI)

692 ..."Going to take a second melatonin. Wish me luck."
-Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (FsuaD)

Best wishes and Godspeed, darlin'.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (OQ9R7)

693 This isn't transactional immunity, where he walks from whatever he might have done. This is "use" immunity...
Posted by: Martian Wonder

Which article has named the specific version of immunity?

The WaPo article doesn't.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (A/3fN)

694 "On drug prices, Trump departs from standard Republican policy by

calling for lowering barriers to cheaper imported pharmaceuticals."

raises an interesting question. Our pharmaceuticals are expensive
because other countries basically free-ride on us, i.e., we pay the
freight for RD, and they just pay the marginal cost of production.
(Analogous to theater goers paying the cost of producing a movie,
pirates merely paying the cost of copying DVDs.)

If we lower
the barriers, in the short term, we clobber American pharma. OTOH,
American pharma is looking to bail from the US (see, e.g., Pfizer
merging with Allergan and moving its legal HQ to Ireland to tell the IRS
to pound sand.)

In the longer term, equilibration of prices
between here and other countries could force the other countries to pay
more, or else pharma will disappear as being unprofitable. Right now
their health services generally constitute a monopsony, so they tell
pharma what they'll pay - usually on a cost-plus basis - take it or
leave it.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:44 PM (oKE6c)

The effects of that idea would be A) drug companies limiting the availability of top tier, newly released drugs to other countries from which they could be re-imported, B) drug companies declining to invest in as many new, potentially lifesaving drugs, C) drug companies that are currently incentivised to stay in the US by strong protection against re-importation moving to other countries where production costs would be lower or D) drug companies going out of business altogether.

Likely a combination of A, B, C and D would happen.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (NPofj)

695 What part of Roll Tide you hail from?

Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (xInes)

696 The states Rubio is canceling events in, ref'd in my prev post, are states with voting on Saturday.

Posted by: Baldy at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (1SCTq)

697 "Can Cruz explain 'natural law'?"
-Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (T78UI)

Can you explain "Originalist"?

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (OQ9R7)

698 Every four fucking years the media brings out David Duke to hang around the neck of the GOP candidate.

Hell they asked McCain about Duke in 2008.

This is boilerplate MSM/Donk agitprop bullshit.

Righty twitter is still pushing that shit tonight, it really has been amazing to see how comfortable they are coopting the tactics of the left.

Posted by: All Teh Meh at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (yos+4)

699 FNC and this election ---> Idiocracy.

But the Dhims, just read:
Black Babies used for Gator Bait in Fl.

Idiocracy in tandem.

Posted by: Ralph at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (5J1TA)

700 And the pharma companies make up for it by
charging Americans exorbitantly higher prices for the same drugs, which
people don't see because of third-party insurance. Karl Denninger has
been hammering on this point for ages.

Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (sdi6R)

That's it exactly. Pharma typically has around five years of patent exclusivity to recoup all of the sunk RD costs of not only that drug, but of all the other drugs that got washed out before gaining regulatory approval. And all those costs get paid by sick Americans (and their insurers), so that sick Europeans and Japanese might have cheap drugs.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (oKE6c)

701 Epic is stable. No history, so you have to load your favorites into their special tab. I've been running it for a month with zero problems.

Posted by: Darrell at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (iAiSy)

702 "Sword canes are still illegal in Alabama."

Why should they be illegal?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (vhNJH)

703 So far ettes are a much kinder lot than the Morons based on the comments directed toward Ignoramus. I am actually surprised.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (2GjZZ)

704 Can Cruz explain 'natural law'?

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (T78UI)

Can you not be a birther?

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (NPofj)

705 What part of Roll Tide you hail from?
Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (xInes)

Hopefully not the War Eagle part!

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 02, 2016 10:56 PM (EVl8U)

706 Duh. Natural Law is law that's made with fresh-milled granola...

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 10:56 PM (ntObR)

707 Obama's DOJ will do precisely nothing and the FBI won't "revolt" because their "salaries depend on them not".

I'm sure the republicrat congress creatures will continue to "investigate" though.

Posted by: Sandy at March 02, 2016 10:57 PM (tbyTp)

708 Going to take a second melatonin. Wish me luck.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (FsuaD)

Can you take benadryl?

Posted by: BignJames at March 02, 2016 10:57 PM (HtUkt)

Can Cruz explain 'natural law'?
Posted by: Burnt Toast

No. But he can explain how you score a "Rouge" in Canadian Football.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 02, 2016 10:57 PM (kdS6q)

710 Duh. Natural Law is law that's made with fresh-milled granola...


Is there gluten in that?!

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (8PbKi)

711 biggest unintended victim of rubio's campaign, gowdy.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (vb33c)

712 703 So far ettes are a much kinder lot than the Morons based on the comments directed toward Ignoramus. I am actually surprised.
Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (2GjZZ)

So the plan works. Curves to bring them in the box car. Then the robbin happens.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (pUDQf)

713 The effects of that idea would be A) drug companies
limiting the availability of top tier, newly released drugs to other
countries from which they could be re-imported, B) drug companies
declining to invest in as many new, potentially lifesaving drugs, C)
drug companies that are currently incentivised to stay in the US by
strong protection against re-importation moving to other countries where
production costs would be lower or D) drug companies going out of
business altogether.

Likely a combination of A, B, C and D would happen.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (NPofj)

My guess: the likelihood is that some pharma would adopt B), and survive (albeit as a shadow of their current selves), while the remainder would adopt D).
Who would pour money into wildcatting wells when oil was cheap?

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (oKE6c)

714 "What a weird, wonderful state we live in. Lol"

I worked in Alabama for a year one time. Actually based in Atlanta but traveled GA, AL, MS, LA all over.

Always like Alabama the best. Pretty place and especially the northern part.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (vhNJH)

715 "No. But he can explain how you score a "Rouge" in Canadian Football."
-Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 02, 2016 10:57 PM (kdS6q)

-To the 55-Yard Line------>

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (OQ9R7)

716 No. But he can explain how you score a "Rouge" in Canadian Football.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix

Oooh, just had an idea, maybe he can convert his delegates to Canadian, he might be in the lead then!

Whats the exchange rate?

(Luv Cruz btw)

Posted by: JarvisW at March 02, 2016 10:59 PM (Vy81P)

717 So far ettes are a much kinder lot than the Morons based on the comments directed toward Ignoramus. I am actually surprised.


Note, I haven't commented.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 10:59 PM (8PbKi)

718 So far ettes are a much kinder lot than the Morons based on the comments directed toward Ignoramus. I am actually surprised.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (2GjZZ)

The ettes have been through the locals like an old Sears Catalog in a Texas outhouse.

Posted by: Dan Rather at March 02, 2016 10:59 PM (3myMJ)

719 Going to take a second melatonin. Wish me luck.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at March 02, 2016 10:51 PM (FsuaD)

Can you take benadryl?

Posted by: BignJames at March 02, 2016 10:57 PM (HtUkt)

Forget that, can you take Irish whiskey?

Posted by: StrawMan at March 02, 2016 10:59 PM (lidp8)

720 I just hope Trump gets rid of those lines.

I hate those lines.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 10:59 PM (oVJmc)

721 "biggest unintended victim of rubio's campaign, gowdy."
-Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (vb33c)

No shit. Dude takes a bigger hit than ever.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:59 PM (OQ9R7)

722 The proposals include requirin price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure.


YES! Health care has to be the only industry in America where you as the consumer have no idea what the price is until a month later when you get a bill.

Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 11:00 PM (0LHZx)

723 So far ettes are a much kinder lot than the Morons based on the comments directed toward Ignoramus. I am actually surprised.
Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (2GjZZ)

typical guy girl thing, guys say gtfo and or stfu while th egirls say stay, then ignore him and slice him with 1000 cuts.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 11:00 PM (vb33c)

724 Oh noes!! There was just a massive earthquake in DC that completely swallowed the entire DOJ building!!

And at the same time, a volcano erupted, spewing fiery lava all over the Clinton investigation incriminating docs. Welp, I guess she's free and clear once again...

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 11:00 PM (ntObR)

725 Why should they be illegal?

You got me. We have some interesting weapon laws. For instance, if you carry a concealed weapon without a permit, it's against the law, but it is an affirmative defense if you get caught to claim that you had been threatened, so you needed it.

Posted by: Grump928(C) says Free Soothie! at March 02, 2016 11:00 PM (rwI+c)

726 what this really means is that the government is now
going to talk to server boy. And given the nature of the
investigation, that's a no-brainer.

Posted by: Martian Wonder at March 02, 2016 10:50 PM (hxoxN)

That still seems huge to me. The government sitting down with server boy.

Posted by: iforgot at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM (5o5ek)

727 705 What part of Roll Tide you hail from?
Posted by: CSMBigBird at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (xInes)

Hopefully not the War Eagle part!
Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at March 02, 2016 10:56 PM (EVl8U)

Reminded me that our poor NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP FOOTBALL TEAM was forced to play nice with the JEF yet again. Damn the timing. Roll Tide!

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM (pUDQf)

728 I'll admit, I missed the whole thing where Ignoramus got shit on and I've been paying close attention... well... pretty close. Asking somewheres else to go.. I kinda thought he/she/Caytlin was joking.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM (e7T6D)

729 You could lower the price of a lot of drugs by tort reform, and cutting the red tape in the FDA approval process, couldn't you?

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM (oVJmc)

730 "I do this shit for.a living and I can tell you that the pedigree of foreign drugs is shit."

I've held in my hands meds imported from Canada which a bit of label reading revealed to have been originally been manufactured Stateside.

But, yeah, there is a bunch of stuff out there being manufactured under very shady conditions. I have seen obviously faked pharmaceuticals many a time. Ridiculous Chinglish typos in the fine print, that sort of thing.

Fortunately, the only imported drug on which I am reliant is Spaten Optimator.

Posted by: torquewrench at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM (noWW6)

So far ettes are a much kinder lot than the Morons based on the comments directed toward Ignoramus. I am actually surprised.
Posted by: L, Elle

Girl SOP. Always want to let in the stray cat or give a lift to that guy who "seems nice".

Tends not to work out well.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM (kdS6q)

732 Ignoramus... Use Moo Moo as an example. Dude gets hit by pitches Left and Right. Stands-in and takes it.

Get back in the batter's box and hit everything that's sent at you; else, take your base like a Man.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 11:02 PM (OQ9R7)

733 >>>> 708 Going to take a second melatonin. Wish me luck.
Posted by: Jane D'oh at M
I made a breakthrough discovery regarding sleep. I started using earplugs and wearing one of those black eye masks to bed. I sleep so much better now. The slightest sound or light prevents me from sleeping. The last couple nights I have slept great. This morning, I woke up, I actually slept in and slept well. I woke up at 6 or so like normal and forgot that I was wearing the eye mask and thought it was the middle of the night bc it was so dark and went back to sleep.

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 11:02 PM (2GjZZ)

734 Can you explain "Originalist"?

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (OQ9R7)

Well Slashweasel, 'natural law' has nothing to do with 'originalist', or man-made law, but you might now that if you were born before 1970.Confusing having that word 'law' in there, makes every attorney think the are certified bone fided experts.

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 11:02 PM (T78UI)

735 701 Epic is stable. No history, so you have to load your favorites into their special tab. I've been running it for a month with zero problems.
Posted by: Darrell at March 02, 2016 10:55 PM (iAiSy)

I've been using Epic since that whole Mozilla kerfuffle, whenever that was, a year or so ago. I have to enter my name and e-mail to comment here every time I start the browser, but it retains them as long as the browser is running. Those are minor nuisances, so it's not as "convenient" as other browsers, but other than that I like it fine.

Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 11:02 PM (sdi6R)

736 "No. But he can explain how you score a "Rouge" in Canadian Football. "

No, but even if he could no one else would understand it, so.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 11:02 PM (vhNJH)

737 Pic of Server Boy:

Posted by: qdpsteve at March 02, 2016 11:03 PM (ntObR)

738 Quick question from a new guy. WTF is up with anybody giving a good gosh dayuum about what Lindsey Graham says about anything at all outside of the state os SC?

Posted by: Shaveswithaoccamsrazor at March 02, 2016 11:03 PM (6I0RI)

739 Good grief, I don't watch TV but just saw a photo of Megyn Kelly on the net. She looks like she's gone...alternate lifestyle if you get my drift.

Posted by: Dan Rather at March 02, 2016 11:03 PM (3myMJ)

740 So far ettes are a much kinder lot than the Morons based on the comments directed toward Ignoramus. I am actually surprised.


Note, I haven't commented.

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 10:59 PM (8PbKi)

Silence is the kindest I can be also.

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 11:04 PM (NPofj)

Always like Alabama the best. Pretty place and especially the northern part.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at March 02, 2016 10:58 PM (vhNJH)

Muscle Shoals has them Swampers. I can understand.

Little known fact. Rolling Stones wrote Wild Horses in the bathroom of a recording studio in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

Posted by: AlaBAMA at March 02, 2016 11:05 PM (pUDQf)

742 722
YES! Health care has to be the only industry in America where you as the consumer have no idea what the price is until a month later when you get a bill.
Posted by: Monsieur Moo Moo at March 02, 2016 11:00 PM (0LHZx)

Exactly. There are laws against auto repairmen doing stuff like that.

Posted by: rickl at March 02, 2016 11:05 PM (sdi6R)

743 off Rather sock

Posted by: Meremortal at March 02, 2016 11:05 PM (3myMJ)

744 "She looks like she's gone...alternate lifestyle if you get my drift."

Taking that YUUUUGGGGEEEE chin of hers to the BDSM scene?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. SSDD at March 02, 2016 11:05 PM (WVsWD)

745 >>>> Girl SOP. Always want to let in the stray cat or give a lift to that guy who "seems nice".
Tends not to work out well.
Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM
That guy has posted here for a while and he doesn't seem all that nice based on that single post. It's just a single post
so . . . .

Posted by: L, Elle at March 02, 2016 11:06 PM (2GjZZ)

746 off Rather sock
Posted by: Meremortal at March 02, 2016 11:05 PM (3myMJ)

yeah, that was a great sock.

Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 11:06 PM (vb33c)

747 temp ont up

Posted by: Niedermeyer's Dead Horse at March 02, 2016 11:06 PM (8PbKi)

748 -Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 11:02 PM (T78UI)

Being an ignorant "Birther" with no knowledge of spelling, punctuation, nor grammar disqualifies any responses that I might have had for you.

-End of Transmission.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 11:06 PM (OQ9R7)

749 Quick question from a new guy. WTF is up with anybody giving a good gosh dayuum about what Lindsey Graham says about anything at all outside of the state os SC?
Posted by: Shaveswithaoccamsrazor

Senators have just a wee bit more power than a state legislator, right. And by a wee bit more, I mean a metric fuckton.

He's an establishment prick that's all to happy to sell out the conservative base and the welfare of the US at the drop of a hat. So concern we much.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 11:07 PM (A/3fN)

750 Posted by: Shaveswithaoccamsrazor at March 02, 2016 11:03 PM (6I0RI)

We (in SC) don't much care what he has to say either....sob has to hire somebody to call his dog.

Posted by: BignJames at March 02, 2016 11:07 PM (HtUkt)

751 Posted by: yankeefifth at March 02, 2016 11:06 PM (vb33c)

Thanks, I tried to be fake but accurate.

Posted by: Meremortal at March 02, 2016 11:07 PM (3myMJ)

752 So you drug guys in the know.... you're telling me, the Nexium generic I buy in Mexico for $6 per 360 tabs may not really be legit? Cause, I buy it every year when I go down there, and it seems to work great with my occasional reflux so I stopped buying the expensive prescription.

Mabye it's psychological... but does work for me. Also, since they changed the law, there is NO benefit to buying liquor in Mexico and walking it in. No.. They've ruined that.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 11:08 PM (e7T6D)

753 Yo yo yo yo yo..... Thought I would drop in and say Cello

Posted by: Truck Monkey at March 02, 2016 11:09 PM (zv81W)

754 Ace and for other that care this late,
Oliver North was required to testify before Congress along with John Poindexter and both were given use immunity for their testimony about the Iran Contra affair. North's convictions were reversed by the DC Circuit as the trial judge did not give the defense a full hearing to determine whether the Independent Counsel used any part of the testimony to develop their case.United States of America v. Oliver L. North, Appellant, 910 F.2d 843 (D.C. Cir. 1990)

Posted by: whig at March 02, 2016 11:09 PM (mlyQI)

755 Being an ignorant "Birther" with no knowledge of
spelling, punctuation, nor grammar disqualifies any responses that I
might have had for you.

-End of Transmission.

Posted by: Slapweasel, (Cold1) (T) at March 02, 2016 11:06 PM (OQ9R7)

Thank you for clearly demonstrating what natural law is.

CalTech or MIT?

I'm thinking MIT. The grammar nazi thing...

Posted by: Burnt Toast at March 02, 2016 11:11 PM (T78UI)

756 whig, unless you are an attorney, you really shouldn't express a legal opinion on here./s

I did watch Better Call Saul last night and like where they're a going.

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 11:11 PM (e7T6D)

757 And, oh, yeah, a Senator joking about the murder of a sitting Senator out of personal pique, that pretty much means Graham's unfit to assume airs of responsibility or maturity.

He is a foul, foul excuse for a leader in any sense of the word.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 11:11 PM (A/3fN)

758 On his show today, Glenn Beck was trying to advise Rubio to jump in with Cruz as his VP pick so together they could win Florida. A move like that would hurt Cruz and insure he loses in the Florida primary.

Posted by: Stay out da bushes at March 02, 2016 11:11 PM (th7n/)

759 739 Good grief, I don't watch TV but just saw a photo of Megyn Kelly on the net. She looks like she's gone...alternate lifestyle if you get my drift.
Posted by: Dan Rather at March 02, 2016 11:03 PM (3myMJ)


Yeah, with that hairdo she's clearly into S & M. Plus I hear she's a cutter.

Posted by: Stay out da bushes at March 02, 2016 11:13 PM (th7n/)

760 Temp ONT placeholder is up btw

Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 11:13 PM (e7T6D)

761 693 This isn't transactional immunity, where he walks from whatever he might have done. This is "use" immunity...
Posted by: Martian Wonder

Which article has named the specific version of immunity?

The WaPo article doesn't.
Posted by: weft cut-loop at March 02, 2016 10:54 PM (A/3fN)

Sorry, I don't need the WaPo to tell me that, I just know and will leave it at that. That's how investigations work at this stage. They aren't handing out transactional immunity to anyone right now because they don't know enough to hand that out. Those thinking this is a Law and Order episode where this guy has been granted immunity so that he can "roll" on HRC are off base. That's not how use immunity works.

Posted by: Martian Wonder at March 02, 2016 11:14 PM (hxoxN)

762 729 You could lower the price of a lot of drugs by tort reform, and cutting the red tape in the FDA approval process, couldn't you?
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at March 02, 2016 11:01 PM (oVJmc)

To some extent, but not all that much, actually. From discovery research to approved product typically takes about 10 years. At the beginning, you just have to pay a dozen or two smelly socks chemists/biologists (cheap!), but by the end you have to pay any number of physicians, lawyers, statisticians, etc. (expensive!) for the clinical trials, which become exponentially more expensive going from phase I to phase II to phase III.

Part of that expense is FDA red tape, but most of it is just that we want to have reason to believe we won't be killing Granny by giving her this shit.

Back in the day, the process was cheap because the ailments were straightforward, e.g., treating bacterial infections. Two week course of therapy, the patient is either a) cured or b) not cured. Quick, cheap, unambiguous.

Nowadays, we're treating degenerative diseases of old age (e.g., blood cholesterol with statins to prevent atherosclerosis). This is rather like generating earthquake preventatives.

"Hey, we pumped this shit into the ground, and there haven't been any earthquakes!"

"So what? Maybe there wouldn't have been any earthquakes anyway."

The only way to prove efficacy is to wait 500 years, during which time presumably there should have been an earthquake.

Same thing with, e.g, cardiac drugs. How many people in a target population of 100,000 typically have a heart attack in a given year? Maybe a dozen or so? (Guessing.) So if you administer the drug, ane only 10/100,000 have heart attacks, does the drug work, or was that just chance?

Upshot: you need to have a shitload of patients to achieve sufficient statistical power to make a determination. And you have to pay all the treating physicians in the trial (and maybe all the patients too) to find out. Could be 10,000 of them. That's where the money goes.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 11:15 PM (oKE6c)

763 Re. Brian P immunity. Over at Legal Ins. commenter suggests that a promise of a pardon for Hils could be made in return for dropping out of the race and pledging delegates to Joe and Liz, "and down goes Trump".

Posted by: gracepc at March 02, 2016 11:16 PM (OU4q6)

764 752 So you drug guys in the know.... you're telling me, the Nexium generic I buy in Mexico for $6 per 360 tabs may not really be legit? Cause, I buy it every year when I go down there, and it seems to work great with my occasional reflux so I stopped buying the expensive prescription.
Mabye it's psychological... but does work for me. Also, since they changed the law, there is NO benefit to buying liquor in Mexico and walking it in. No.. They've ruined that.
Posted by: Yip at March 02, 2016 11:08 PM (e7T6D)

It's like buying weed. Could be weed, could be oregano. Depends on the dealer, the time, the phase of the moon.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 11:18 PM (oKE6c)

765 .

Posted by: Tim in GA at March 02, 2016 11:19 PM (YLidQ)

Posted by: Fallen Roman Emprie bitches at March 02, 2016 11:20 PM (e7T6D)

767 Senators have just a wee bit more power than a state legislator, right. And by a wee bit more, I mean a metric fuckton.

You know, not to be difficult, but it's not clear to me that a Senator really has all that much power. What can he do off his own bat? He can propose legislation. He can propose hearings. That's it. And to get either of those to see the light of day, he needs the agreement of a majority of other Senators.

So all in all, it's not obvious to me that a Senator actually has much power.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 11:22 PM (oKE6c)

768 WTF is up with anybody giving a good gosh dayuum about what Lindsey Graham says about anything at all outside of the state os SC?

Not because of his integrity, intelligence, and wisdom but as a litmus test. When Mz. Lindsey suggested the other day that it's time to rally behind Cruz, it signaled a sea change in GOPe fears and expectations.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 11:22 PM (Nwg0u)

769 765 .
Posted by: Tim in GA at March 02, 2016 11:19 PM (YLidQ)
Posted by: Fallen Roman Emprie bitches at March 02, 2016 11:20 PM (e7T6D)

Phew. Thank you.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 11:25 PM (oKE6c)

770 whig, unless you are an attorney, you really shouldn't express a legal opinion on here./s

That's incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial.

- Perry Mason, Esq.

Posted by: The Great White Snark at March 02, 2016 11:26 PM (Nwg0u)

771 Part of that expense is FDA red tape, but most of it
is just that we want to have reason to believe we won't be killing
Granny by giving her this shit.

Back in the day, the process was
cheap because the ailments were straightforward, e.g., treating
bacterial infections. Two week course of therapy, the patient is either
a) cured or b) not cured. Quick, cheap, unambiguous.

we're treating degenerative diseases of old age (e.g., blood cholesterol
with statins to prevent atherosclerosis). This is rather like
generating earthquake preventatives.

"Hey, we pumped this shit into the ground, and there haven't been any earthquakes!"

"So what? Maybe there wouldn't have been any earthquakes anyway."

The only way to prove efficacy is to wait 500 years, during which time presumably there should have been an earthquake.

thing with, e.g, cardiac drugs. How many people in a target population
of 100,000 typically have a heart attack in a given year? Maybe a dozen
or so? (Guessing.) So if you administer the drug, ane only 10/100,000
have heart attacks, does the drug work, or was that just chance?

you need to have a shitload of patients to achieve sufficient
statistical power to make a determination. And you have to pay all the
treating physicians in the trial (and maybe all the patients too) to
find out. Could be 10,000 of them. That's where the money goes.

Posted by: Jay Guevara at March 02, 2016 11:15 PM (oKE6c)

Actually Jay, the FDA used to only require proof that a new drug was safe. In 1962, the FDA also started requiring proof of substantial efficacy. This mover effectively doubled the time it took to get drugs to market. This not only increased costs substantially but also, according to Sam Peltzman's studies, cost lives (because more people likely died waiting for effective drugs to be available than would have died from taking drugs that were safe but not ultimately effective on their particular illness.)

Posted by: redbanzai at March 02, 2016 11:32 PM (NPofj)

772 "Ignoramus, if you were a criminal lawyer, you would know that granting immunity here is not that big of a deal."
Martian Wonder told me something I didn't know. Detail above. Point is that the stories on the news right now about this Palladino guy don't mean much of anything. *Do I have that right Martian Wonder?" Except that they do because they're driving the news cycle, and when this happens its often deliberate.

ie. story makes it seem like the Hillary onion is being peeled back when it doesn't mean anything at all.

See what can happen here when we put our collective Horde minds to it. I'm now more informed on this point than anyone following general media, thanks to Martian Media

Maybe its because of the heightened interest in the election, but this site has become nearly useless because of the number of comments.

The signal to noise ratio has gone down. I'm not talking about purely personal comment which I know are part of this site,

My complaint above was that people shouldn't just vent on news items where they have nothing to add but a vent Else, this site becomes 10,000 people yelling out a window. If that's what you all want I'll move on. There's not enough time in the day

Posted by: Ignoramus at March 02, 2016 11:52 PM (rs5De)

773 Where does Cruz stand on declassifying the 28 pages of the 9/11 report? I'm ready for the truth, wherever it leads.

Posted by: Sandy at March 03, 2016 02:54 AM (tbyTp)

774 Nobody on that team will ever flip on anyone else on the team, ever. DOJ might be posturing but it doesn't matter

These are the people who will do 18 months at Danbury rather than turn on their friends.

Posted by: Big Giant Head at March 03, 2016 04:42 AM (ior8p)

775 Oh, let's make this a movie of the week. Currently, Clinton is reaching out to shady foreign government types to open up an off shore account in Pagliano's name to make it appear that he was on their payroll...and she's an innocent dupe.

Posted by: OrsonSnow at March 03, 2016 10:30 AM (3+1eg)

776 Wow, i think I'm done with the whole Fox News thing. They are NOT supposed to be picking candidates. And it's really cute how they pretend they're not pushing Trump.

Posted by: rexbatt at March 03, 2016 10:46 AM (W+2sw)

777 What's all this shit about Moving Forward...dontcha know the MOON WALK is BACK.......and Pant Suits are half off at Chapaqua Maceys..minor skidmarks

Posted by: saf at March 03, 2016 11:20 AM (qKiBT)

778 Pagliano needs to think seriously about Vince Foster ... every day ... every minute. ask for witness protection

Posted by: Waldo Trout at March 03, 2016 11:51 AM (M1MpJ)

779 Has anyone any knowledge on what Pagliano proffered? Did he even proffer anything at all before the DOJ gave him immunity?

Posted by: JeffreyL at March 03, 2016 01:32 PM (mXv3y)

780 If I'm reading this correctly, you are saying that the IT guy for hillary is a crack dealer? That seems like a big deal.

Posted by: Guy Who Thinks Things are Worse than Hitler at March 04, 2016 03:19 PM (DbX+i)

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