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Why Is Marco Rubio Working With Democrats To Weaken Due Process On College Campuses?

Marco Rubio regularly is attacked for his leadership on the Gang of 8 amnesty bill. But that doesn't mean there aren't others where is legislative instincts are troubling.

For example, when Democrats like Claire McCaskil and Kirsten Gillibrand went looking for a Republican co-sponsor for their bill to further erode the due process rights of college students charged with sexual assault, they found wiling partners in...Marco Rubio and Kelly Ayotte.

With key Republicans along for the ride, McCaskill and Gillibrand produced a bill designed to advance the administration’s agenda. Its language presumes the guilt of all students accused of sexual assault by repeatedly calling accusers who have not yet substantiated their claims “victims,” without the critical qualifier “alleged.” CASA would also order colleges to provide a “confidential advisor” for these “victims,” with no comparable help for the accused. And it would require universities to publish data on the outcomes of their campus sexual-assault cases (which only Yale does now), apparently in the hope that doing so will invite Title IX complaints against any college that finds an insufficient number of accused students guilty.

Further, McCaskill has said that CASA, by making adjudication processes uniform for all institutions, is designed to help “remove the underpinning of . . . lawsuits” by accused students who say they were railroaded. No wonder McCaskill believes that “victims” might see themselves as “better off doing the Title IX process” than going through the criminal-justice system.

The Washington Examiner’s Ashe Schow asked each sponsoring senator’s office how CASA would ensure due process for accused students. An Ayotte spokesperson declined to answer Schow’s questions, justifying the senator’s co-sponsorship by repeating the canard that one in five college women is sexually assaulted. A Rubio spokesperson replied, “This bill does not address this issue.” When asked whether college officials or law enforcement would have the most authority to investigate allegations, the spokesperson responded: “The victim will have the most authority.” This reflected (at best) an astonishing misunderstanding both of the need for impartial adjudication of such serious charges and of the fact that at the investigative stage there is no “victim”; there are an accuser and an accused.

Emphasis mine.

That quote from Rubio's spokesperson is incredible. It's the kind of thing you expect to hear from Hillary Clinton or Rubio's new legislative partner Kirsten "I Believe Mattress Girl" Gillibrand.

Read the whole article. It's not just about Rubio but the cowardice of almost every Republican in Congress to stand up to the Obama administration's efforts to strip college students, mostly men, of basic legal protections. It's especially worth reading the exchange between Lamar Alexander (who believe it or not is on the right side of this) with a haughty Obama appointee who thinks she has the power railroad accused students.

And before Rubio supporters claim this is just a political hit, note who the co-authors of the story are and that it appears in the Rubio friendly National Review.

The authors of this article are not partisan critics. One of us is an independent, the other a Democrat who twice voted for Obama and donated to his presidential campaign. But when the president and his party go rogue, it is the duty of the loyal opposition to blow the whistle and fight back.

I'm not sure if he's the independent or the Democrat but one of the two is KC Johnson, the professor who was instrumental in exposing the Duke rape hoax.

I'm not holding my breath waiting for other candidates, like Ted Cruz who speaks so often and eloquently about the Constitution, to stand up to the proponents of star chamber show trials. It doesn't speak well for them but if they do they will no doubt be tarred as "supporting rapists" and engaging in "a war on women". Maybe even by Rubio himself. Let's not deny that it doesn't speak well for any of them if they refuse to take a stand. Personally though, I'll take my chances with candidates that have shown hostility and contempt for Obama's worldview over those who have repeatedly worked with those in Congress who wish to codify it.

Posted by: DrewM. at 09:25 AM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Firsties

Posted by: Rocket J. Squirrel at January 04, 2016 09:27 AM (HhSOK)

2 Cuz he's a jerk?

Posted by: HH at January 04, 2016 09:27 AM (DrCtv)

3 You could have shortened that to is Marco Rubio working with Democrats and the answer would have yes.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:29 AM (t2KH5)

4 Rubio is a f&cking disaster. Not only is he totally unsuited to the WH, he should not be within miles of government. At all.

Get a real job, punk.

Posted by: Dark Helmet at January 04, 2016 09:30 AM (yvwr7)

5 Why are university administrations prosecuting alleged crimes? Don't we have a legal system for that with judges and juries and attorneys?

Posted by: A.Smythers, A Celt at January 04, 2016 09:30 AM (Rho3Y)

6 Is Kelly Ayotte the one with big tits?

Posted by: steevy at January 04, 2016 09:31 AM (8HTq1)

7 fap fap fap

Posted by: Faux News All Star Panel of Conservative Experts at January 04, 2016 09:31 AM (yvwr7)

8 Every time I look at Rubio, I come back to the same inescapable question.

"VIA, what the fcuk were you thinking?"

Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at January 04, 2016 09:31 AM (ptqRm)

9 At my kindest, I can think of Rubio as a squish. He's really a puppet. There's a Rubio commercial touting him as "the only Republican candidate who's actually taken steps to repeal obamacare." It's pretty disgusting.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at January 04, 2016 09:32 AM (xuouz)

10 Rape allegations on college campuses should be handled the same way as all other rape allegations. All of these should be turned over to the local police. The federal government, including congress has no constitutional authority in meddling in local crime. This includes RINO Rubio and any other asshole in congress who believes the Constitution is toilet paper to wipe their ass with.

That is if Obama has even one piece of left that he hasn't used yet in the WH toilet.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:33 AM (t2KH5)

11 It's disgusting because he's bragging about being the loudest of the ineffectual sponging thespians known as congressional republicans.

Posted by: Ghost of kari at January 04, 2016 09:33 AM (xuouz)

12 Cuz he's the turd in the punchbowl.

Posted by: GnuBreed at January 04, 2016 09:35 AM (gyKtp)

13 Immigration, Libya, trust, due-process rights, surveillance state... turns out Rubio is a huge disaster on an endless number of issues. Cant wait for the next Rubiobot to tell me that single-issue voters are ruining the Republican Party.

Posted by: The Nayden Broad at January 04, 2016 09:36 AM (rFimG)

14 i won't vote rubio.......

Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at January 04, 2016 09:36 AM (0O7c5)

15 Screwbio. Worse by the day.

And fk that sellout Ayotte too.

There *is* one candidate I can think of who could take this on and damn the torpedoes.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at January 04, 2016 09:37 AM (HMt16)

16 As the next Senate Majority Leader, I don't appreciate your talking about my sock this way.

Knock it off, or I may really hit the fan. You've been warned.

Posted by: Charles Schumer at January 04, 2016 09:38 AM (nSW/N)

17 #4 Get a real job, punk.

In the real world, you have to show up for work. Screwbio would never make it out here in the real world.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat? at January 04, 2016 09:38 AM (HMt16)

18 Marco has the face of a fourteen year old boy, the voice of a twelve year old girl, and the ears of a ninety year old man. Not presidential!

Posted by: The Donald at January 04, 2016 09:39 AM (nFdGS)

19 Not only should rape allegations be turned over to local police, but there is already a law on the books that REQUIRES them to do this. It is called misprision of a felony.

Misprisionoffelony was
an offense under the common law of England and was classified as a misdemeanor. It consisted of failing to report knowledge of a felony to
the appropriate authorities. Exceptions were made for close family
members of the felon.

These laws are on the books in every State in the union and also codified under federal law 18USC4.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:40 AM (t2KH5)

20 18 Marco has the face of a fourteen year old boy, the voice of a twelve year old girl,

I'm listening...

Posted by: Noted Pederast Hairy Reid at January 04, 2016 09:40 AM (HMt16)

BREAKING: Stabbing attack in Jerusalem. 2 Israelis wounded. Palestinian terrorist has been neutralized.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 09:40 AM (iQIUe)

22 It's not as if I am going to give up or shut up, but is anyone else incredibly tired of playing King Canute against the tide of authoritarianism and fascism that keeps washing further and further up the shores of this nation and this world? Wave after wave after wave after wave after wave... God almighty it makes one want to bash their head against the wall until blissful, brain damaged retardation sets in.

Posted by: Vukdawg at January 04, 2016 09:41 AM (5Ym7Z)

23 One advantage of never having sons, let alone white sons is that they wont have to face this campus bullshit.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 04, 2016 09:41 AM (voOPb)

24 The Uniparty, hard at work against Enemies of the People.
Once they get this stuff working properly, expect these New, Enlightened rules of jurisprudence to be applied to other areas of life, AGW deniers for instance.
You can probably think of others.

Posted by: sock_rat_eez at January 04, 2016 09:41 AM (H1SMJ)

25 Why is Rubio working with the democrats


John McCain made a career out of it; Maverick John McCain who can reach across the aisle and work with the democrats to get things done.

Posted by: A.Smythers, A Celt at January 04, 2016 09:42 AM (Rho3Y)

26 Hey...

Hey, Lindsey...

Hey, Lindseeeeeeeeey. It's me, Jeb!

You know. Jeb from the debates. MY Daddy was President. And...and my brother was President.

And... it's my turn to be President!

Owwwww! Lindsey!!!

That hurts. Don't punch my arm...that hurts...

Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, Lindsey. I'm a big stupid, dumbhead.


But...but...yeah...yeah....I have a smelly butt too.

But, Lindseeeeeeeey. That Donald Trump is a real meany to me.

I...I...mean...I mean he's mean to me and...stuff.


Can you help me, Lindsey?

Can you help me with Donald Trump?


Not a purple nurple! Not a purple purple! Not a purple purple!


*rubs chest*

Golly, Lindsey.....

Will you help me, Lindsey? Cuz you're so strong and big....and.....and manly...and tough...and...

...and my Daddy will pay you some money and you'll get a good job...

Owwww! I mean, sure you're a Senator, Lindsey. That's a good job! That's a real good job!

But, after know, maybe a job on FOX News!

You will! Oh, you will!!

*skips around*

Thank you, Lindsey! Thank you!

That mean Donald Trump better watch out cuz you're so strong, Lindsey! And tough...and manly...and...


Not a pink belly!!! Not a pink belly!!! Not a pink belly!!!



Posted by: Jeb! at January 04, 2016 09:42 AM (KUa85)

27 Wait what? According to Drew all the rest are just as bad because they haven't said anything........ yet?

Now that we have cleared up the revolutionaries the rest of you will be killed for being insufficiently enthusiastic about the original purge.

Posted by: brainpimp at January 04, 2016 09:42 AM (492G/)

28 Rubio, having trashed his own reputation with his Gang Of 8 and NSA bullshit, now seeks to destroy student reputations as well.

Right now, my fondest hope for Marco is that he finds himself on the outside looking in. He's out of the Senate for sure, out of the Preezy, and out of work.

Maybe he can grow an orange skin, bulk up and stalk around shouting "It's Lobbyin' Time!"

Posted by: GnuBreed at January 04, 2016 09:43 AM (gyKtp)

29 Rape allegations on college campuses should be handled the same way as all other rape allegations. All of these should be turned over to the local police.

Absolutely correct. As the Catholic Church has proven conclusively, letting any institution handle from the 'inside' criminal acts is senseless.

Posted by: free range jihadist at January 04, 2016 09:43 AM (fbovC)

30 There are some communities on the Nets that openly advocate that men secretly record any sexual encounter they have, in case she decides to come unglued and drop rape charges on you later.

Of course you could always keep you pants zipped, too, but...

Posted by: Secundus at January 04, 2016 09:45 AM (3bLhw)

Good morning. More proof he lied to get elected from the get go.
On another note, my auto tranny in my car may have blown...again.
2nd time in not even 4 years. A pox on Acura's house.

Posted by: Tilikum Killer Whale at January 04, 2016 09:46 AM (m3iiU)

32 BTW, it's this kind of bullshit that's going to lose Ayotte her Senate seat in November. Say hello to Maggie Hassan (D-NH) instead. And no, I won't shed a tear when Ayotte is kicked to the curb, even though it means losing a seat in the Senate. Having her there is basically like having a weak-ass Democrat anyway.

Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at January 04, 2016 09:46 AM (4df7R)

33 Sounds expensive.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at January 04, 2016 09:46 AM (t5zYU)

34 Willowed comment that is appropriate here as well:

Posted by: Brave Sir Robin at January 04, 2016 08:53 AM (5buP

This is why I can't forgive the DOPe. By refusing to do. their. job and put the brakes on a runaway Executive branch, they have emboldened this administration to a point that shooting will almost *have* to start. Much of the coming damage and sorrow will be the direct outcome of their cowardice.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at January 04, 2016 09:48 AM (GDulk)

Dondi, the Donkeys' Rump Swabber.

Good luck with that, sir.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 04, 2016 09:48 AM (BK3ZS)

36 33
Sounds expensive.

Posted by: Y-not on the phone at January 04, 2016 09:46 AM (t5zYU)

Y-Not is your garden prematurely blooming with all the past warm weather over Christmas? My camellias are in full bloom now and we have days of 20F weather forecast starting tomorrow.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:48 AM (t2KH5)

Decades ago when these church sex scandals started popping up, I cd not understand why people expected the church to do anything. You go to the cops and if they dont do anything you go to the rectory with a Louisville Slugger.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 09:49 AM (iQIUe)

38 37 You wanna see me hold a musket above my head again? Well do ya punk?

Go ahead. Make my day.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat! at January 04, 2016 09:49 AM (HMt16)

39 "He's out of the Senate for sure, out of the Preezy, and out of work."

Well, he's got that boat. So he can run fishing tours and regale tourists with old tales of his bartending father.

Or he can run illegal immigrants in from Cuba.

Posted by: Emmett Milbarge at January 04, 2016 09:50 AM (nFdGS)

40 How is this legal?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 04, 2016 09:50 AM (LUgeY)

41 You know, I think I'm moving from "I could hold my nose and vote for Rubio if I had to" all the way over to "No fucking way".

Posted by: Official Credit Card Of The GOPe at January 04, 2016 09:51 AM (TxJGV)

CA was suppose to have all these storms this week. It sprinkled this morning. They always talk about the 97-98 El Nino. But I was doing a lot of driving and tho there was rain, it was not excessive. Now 82-83 El Nino was heavy rain all the effin time.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 09:51 AM (iQIUe)

43 " ... but is anyone else incredibly tired of playing King Canute against the tide ..."

Dude. Totes been on it since June 3rd, 2008. You may remember:

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to

Posted by: HRH Barack I at January 04, 2016 09:51 AM (nSW/N)

44 In my FB over the weekend... the answer to college rape and any other violent encounters is here!!!

*I thought it was a parody/satire

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 09:51 AM (fWAjv)

45 40
How is this legal?

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 04, 2016 09:50 AM (LUgeY)

It's not see #19

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:51 AM (t2KH5)

46 Rubio certainly seems pander-y in a helluva lot of issues. He's so scared of the Repubs are RAYCISS! and Teh War on WIMMINS! memes that he's willing to sell out on two important issues awfully fast.

I'll still crawl over broken glass to vote for him vs Bernie or Hillary but damn.

Posted by: Geoffrey Berrycone at January 04, 2016 09:51 AM (29pV4)

47 There is something really bizarre about this laser focus on the prosecution of rapes on college campuses, as opposed to every other kind.

Leave it to the police. Colleges shouldn't' be in this business, because they are obviously terrible at it.

Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 09:52 AM (lIU4e)

48 We're marching backwards to 1984.

Posted by: the littl shyning man at January 04, 2016 09:53 AM (U6f54)

49 Posted by: Official Credit Card Of The GOPe at January 04, 2016 09:51 AM (TxJGV)

Same here. He was a "Maaaybeee?" already and now he's at "Not in this lifetime".

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at January 04, 2016 09:54 AM (GDulk)

50 And all this because the Democraps made up another myth just like the ozone hole and AGW, campus rape.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:54 AM (t2KH5)

51 Are we sure that Marco isn't a bastard son of the Bush family? It would explain a lot of peculiarities these last few months.

Posted by: Fritz at January 04, 2016 09:55 AM (UzPAd)

52 30 There are some communities on the Nets that openly advocate that men secretly record any sexual encounter they have, in case she decides to come unglued and drop rape charges on you later.

Won't help. Remember that recent case where the college guy passes out from drinking, the girl he was partying with gave him a knob job while he was passed out, things went south later on, and he was the one who ended up being expelled for rape, not the girl.

Best keep it zipped up. It's the only way to be sure.

Posted by: OregonMuse at January 04, 2016 09:55 AM (OBp0J)

53 It's not see #19

That's what I thought.

Now how do we go about removing elected officials who are trying to deny the rule of law?

And also, why isn't there anyone in a really high court saying that what they want to do is unconstitutional, and therefore illegal as hell.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 04, 2016 09:55 AM (LUgeY)

54 A pox on Acura's house.
Posted by: Tilikum Killer Whale at January 04, 2016 09:46 AM (m3iiU

Sorry to hear that. So much for the rice burners being a better product.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 04, 2016 09:55 AM (voOPb)

55 ...and people want to complain about Trump's past liberal stances?

I'd be more worried about Rubio's current ones...

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at January 04, 2016 09:55 AM (9krrF)

@MoneerElfwick, the latest reincarnation of the "Wrong Skin" guy is pretty funny on the Oregon happenings.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 09:56 AM (iQIUe)

57 And also, why isn't there anyone in a really high court saying that what they want to do is unconstitutional, and therefore illegal as hell.

Because they're looking for ways to justify it. At least that's the impression I get in the Roberts era.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at January 04, 2016 09:56 AM (9krrF)

58 Actually, the culture/MSM is really loading up on the man hate, esp. the white man hate.

On last night's Simpsons-

the show involved Lisa going into a computer programming class-

all of the humor, and I mean all of the humor was directed at the female teacher's denigration and overt sexism-

first, against the young, white, boy nerds who she called "Donkey Dongles" throughout as well as other insults and finally, banished from the class

and second-

against that universal representative of white manhood "The Comic Book Guy".


To get just how joyously anti-boy and anti-male in general this was-

You would, literally, have to have a Simpsons where the teachers came into a class and started talking about the inferiority of all the n****rs in class and then call a kid up front with obvious approval just cuz she was white.

And make everyone on the show think this was awesome.

The point is- this is a huge (though artificial) wave that will be crashing through our lives and our children's lives over the next year to 4-8 years depending if Hillary! gets elected.

Rubio, who has no grounding philosophy or morals, is good at picking up what Our Betters want-

and running with it.

That's what makes him the GOPe's last best hope.

And why, he should absolutely not be Prez.

Posted by: naturalfake at January 04, 2016 09:57 AM (KUa85)

59 Same here. He was a "Maaaybeee?" already and now he's at "Not in this lifetime".
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at January 04, 2016 09:54 AM (GDulk)

I had that feeling when talking politics with an out of state cousin who came up to visit this past summer. Walker was still strong so was Perry. But as they drop out like flies, no way in hell i vote for Rubio. No f*cking way

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 04, 2016 09:57 AM (voOPb)

60 4 Rubio is a f&cking disaster. Not only is he totally unsuited to the WH, he should not be within miles of government. At all.

Get a real job, punk.
Posted by: Dark Helmet

This could be said of anyone of those warriors for middle class sitting around thinking of different "do-something's" all day long while laughing

Posted by: Harbinger of Doom at January 04, 2016 09:57 AM (lLSWX)

College: home of diversity and rape, but mostly raps.

Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM) at January 04, 2016 09:57 AM (BK3ZS)

62 Vic, of course, sums up what ought to be: Rape allegations on college campuses should be handled the same way as all other rape allegations. All of these should be turned over to the local police.

What if we made, say, campus murder a different matter than "regular" murder?

As to the headline question, and why they are doing this at all, if we follow the money, where does it lead?

Posted by: mindful webworker - off-campus at January 04, 2016 09:58 AM (FDy65)


I'll still crawl over broken glass to vote for him vs Bernie or Hillary but damn.

I think a lot of them are counting on that, thinking if they get the nom they're a shoe in. That's the way Romney thought too, didn't quite work out.

It's one of the reasons I'm a Cruz backer, I don't think he'd believe he could just.....Cruz to the presidency. He'll fight all the way.

Posted by: Weirddave at January 04, 2016 09:58 AM (hOfX7)

64 All of this Rape on campus and don't report it to the Police is a narrative in search of statistics to back it up. There is no rape epidemic on Campus. The Fed is trying to exert more and more control over Colleges via Federal $$$ and they want this to be an issue. They want the schools to handle it because there are no legal standards or due process that way. If they can make this an issue they can exert even more control over Post Secondary Education than they do now. Soon the Fed will own all of the public schools and have complete 100$ total control over every aspect of Education.

Posted by: The Great White Soctsman at January 04, 2016 09:58 AM (iONHu)

65 >>>How is this legal?Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 04, 2016 09:50 AM (LUgeY)<<<

It's a tax!

Posted by: Chief Justass Roberts at January 04, 2016 09:59 AM (H9MG5)

66 US News and World Report actually debunked this college rape BS back in 2012 when it was first getting off the ground (pushed by the Obamanites and the Democrat party). The came up with that 1 in 5 number through fraudulently defining sexual assault and doing a "survey". Others have debunked this BS as well.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:59 AM (t2KH5)

67 On another note, my auto tranny in my car may have blown...again.

Eddie Murphy knows your pain.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at January 04, 2016 09:59 AM (9krrF)

68 Rape allegations on college campuses should be handled the same way as all other rape allegations. All of these should be turned over to the local police. The federal government, including congress has no constitutional authority in meddling in local crime. This includes RINO Rubio and any other asshole in congress who believes the Constitution is toilet paper to wipe their ass with.
That is if Obama has even one piece of left that he hasn't used yet in the WH toilet.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 09:33 AM (t2KH5)

I suspect schools don't want that to happen because then they have no control over campus crime statistics, which in turn would affect their precious US News ranking.

Posted by: Mainah at January 04, 2016 10:01 AM (659DL)

69 Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 09:56 AM (iQIUe)

Was wondering where he'd gotten off to. Figured the Godfrey account was banned by Twitter because that's what Twitter does. No warning, no explanations, you're banned. They let you back on of course, after you sign an agreement to "not do that again" except they never tell you what "that" *was* (although I'm sure Elfwick is no stranger to the ban dance).

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at January 04, 2016 10:02 AM (GDulk)

70 I suspect schools don't want that to happen because then they have no control over campus crime statistics, which in turn would affect their precious US News ranking.

Also, because the details of the actual statistics would be...inconvenient, to say the least.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at January 04, 2016 10:02 AM (9krrF)

71 Fundamental question:

Why is (alleged) sexual assault different when it (allegedly) occurs on a college campus?

As currently practiced by the federal government, Title IX itself is a gross violation of the 14th amendment.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 04, 2016 10:02 AM (659DL)

72 naturalfake: On last night's Simpsons...

A) Wow, is that trash still running? I mean, it died as a funny show over a decade ago.

2) Not to get personal, but... why would you anyone watch it?

#) Hope Matt Groening is enjoying his residuals.

Posted by: mindful webworker - comic book guy's cousin at January 04, 2016 10:03 AM (FDy65)

73 68 I suspect schools don't want that to happen because
then they have no control over campus crime statistics, which in turn
would affect their precious US News ranking.

Posted by: Mainah at January 04, 2016 10:01 AM (659DL)

It doesn't matter what they "want" to do. It is still a violation of State and Federal law to NOT turn it over.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:03 AM (t2KH5)

74 Also, because the details of the actual statistics would be...inconvenient, to say the least.

Iowahawk said it best: "As I understand it, colleges are hotbeds of rape and racism that everyone should attend."

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 04, 2016 10:04 AM (659DL)

75 The answer is male-only colleges.

And heterosexual males only.

Liberals have created this argument where the only answer is heterosexual male-only colleges.

Any objections?

Then you're part of the rape culture.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 04, 2016 10:04 AM (wo3jg)

76 71 As currently practiced by the federal government, Title IX itself is a gross violation of the 14th amendment.

Posted by: Circa (Insert Year Here) at January 04, 2016 10:02 AM (659DL)

If we had an opposition Party Title IX would have never passed and if it had it would have been repealed by now.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:05 AM (t2KH5)

77 Having her there is basically like having a weak-ass Democrat anyway.
Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at January 04, 2016 09:46 AM (4df7R)

No hope of primaring her?

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (P5mpr)

78 This is an absolute deal breaker for me on Rubio. Let us count the ways.

1. This is an utter denial and destruction of the concept of due process. Due process is one of the linchpins of jurisprudence. The blithe and airy handwaving away of that notion is beyond troubling. It's indicative of a mindset in which fundamental principles are to be tossed in the rubbish for momentary gain. It gives credence to the notion that there are no such things as fundamental principles in the first place.

2. It's an acquiescence to utterly improper administrative rule making. This is an attempt to codify what was in the Dear Colleague letter as well as the various and sundry notices regarding interpretation.

3. It's the acceptance of an absolutely insane view of personal responsibility and agency on the part of "women" and I use the scare quotes purposefully. This is beyond the Victorian notion of the wronged virgin. This is the acceptance of the world view in which a woman is incapable of making her own decisions and bearing her own consequences. This is giving legislative imprimatur to the concept that a woman's consent is ephemeral and meaningless and can never truly be obtained. This is placing into law the notion that men are vicious beasts who are all rapists.

4. It is codifying the Dworkin/MacKinnon view of sexuality in which all heterosexual sex is rape and women are incapable of consent.

5. It is additional evidence that Rubio is far too willing to work with Democrats to advance the Democrat agenda.

There is no way to spin this that I find anything other than pathetic incoherence. If Rubio not only will not defend the notion of due process but instead actively works to subvert it, then I cannot in good conscience support him.

Posted by: alexthechick - Here SMOD SMOD SMOD at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (mf5HN)

79 A question for the lawyers here: If a man in college is accused of rape or some other crime, what should he do?

Posted by: eman at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (MQEz6)

80 I'll still crawl over broken glass to vote for him vs Bernie or Hillary but damn.


Nah. Not here.

Posted by: Bigby's Dike-Plugging Finger at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (3ZtZW)

81 77 No hope of primaring her?

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (P5mpr)

Doesn't matter, NH has been a blue State for a long long time.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (t2KH5)

82 Since Monty won't do his damn job anymore and say it, I will have to: China's economy is melting, and they're desperately manipulating their currency downward hoping American consumers will bail them out (Ha! Fat chance.), Russian oil revenues are only a third of what the government forecast even a year ago and desperation will soon set in, Brazil is collapsing (again), and America is unemployed.

Doom is coming.

Posted by: Official Credit Card Of The GOPe at January 04, 2016 10:07 AM (TxJGV)

83 30 There are some communities on the Nets that openly advocate that men secretly record any sexual encounter they have, in case she decides to come unglued and drop rape charges on you later.

God that's creepy. And should probably be illegal. (may be, depending on the state?)

I still think they've almost fetishized college campus rapes. If they cared about rape itself, they would be looking elsewhere.

Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 10:07 AM (lIU4e)

84 The left pulls the same sh*t costantly.
Stake out the most militant, unreasonable, in-your-face position ostensibly on behalf of some victim group.

Then if anyone dares voice reason, e.g. perhaps black churches are not "burning" at a resurgant KKK, maybe "1 in 4 college students are raped" is a lie, perhaps we should not foist "transgenderism" on toddlers, etc

Then you are "anti black" "anti woman" "anti gay" etc.

Wedge, wedge, wedge. Its all they know.

I think the best way to deal with those issues is not to concede a scrap of respectability once the loony ideas start coming.

That only leads to legitimization of the extremists (BLM, OWS etc etc ) and they only get bolder, and more effective at "wedging' any opposition to an extreme agenda, so to speak.

And Rubio can go f himself with a multicultural two-headed dildo.

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:08 AM (k8tEg)

85 79 A question for the lawyers here: If a man in college is accused of rape or some other crime, what should he do?

Contact a real lawyer. And hope against hope you can make a slander or defamation case.

Posted by: Official Credit Card Of The GOPe at January 04, 2016 10:08 AM (TxJGV)

86 Gang of 8

Adults playing cops and robbers

Posted by: Harbinger of Doom at January 04, 2016 10:10 AM (lLSWX)

87 Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake ... separated at birth?

Posted by: mindful webworker - compare and contrast at January 04, 2016 10:10 AM (FDy65)

88 This is awful. Just terrible. Double not-good. When I'm president I will fix this. I will put top men on the job. Top men. You'll love it. It will be yuuge.

Posted by: TRUMP! at January 04, 2016 10:11 AM (uZNvH)

89 If I am not mistaken I remember one of these cases where a judge threw out the college persecution of a male who had been accused of rape. I think I linked to it a few months ago. This may be what caused the femi-nazis and their enablers in both parties to go for a federal law.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:11 AM (t2KH5)

90 The "law" currently is whatever they can "get away with" before people get mad enough to hang them. And I don't mean thrown out of a job or jail time, I mean public execution.

Posted by: Why are those men building a gallows, Mommy? at January 04, 2016 10:11 AM (AxTzt)

91 Going to get to the point where it will be "you haven't been raped??... ALLLLLL the cool kids have been raped!"

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 10:12 AM (fWAjv)

92 Gillibrand is also looking to create the same biased evidentiary standards in the military. If you are the guy and you had sex, you are guilty of rape.

If you are the Commander, Gillibrand wants you to discipline the male based on the accusations of the female.

Anything less contributes to the military's culture of rape, she says.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 04, 2016 10:12 AM (wo3jg)

93 Same shit, different year.

Posted by: Grump928(c) says Free Soothie! with purchase of commentor of equal or greater value at January 04, 2016 10:13 AM (evdj2)

94 And Rubio can go f himself with a multicultural two-headed dildo.

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:08 AM (k8tEg)

I saw Multicultural Two-Headed Dildo open for Crucifix Butt Plug at Folsom Street in 02.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 10:14 AM (fWAjv)

95 Since Monty won't do his damn job anymore and say it, I will have to: China's economy is melting, and they're desperately manipulating their currency downward hoping American consumers will bail them out (Ha! Fat chance.), Russian oil revenues are only a third of what the government forecast even a year ago and desperation will soon set in, Brazil is collapsing (again), and America is unemployed.


This is the future where everybody stands around until the money runs out, hands in pockets, then shrugs.

Posted by: Bigby's Dike-Plugging Finger at January 04, 2016 10:14 AM (3ZtZW)

96 It doesn't matter what they "want" to do. It is still a violation of State and Federal law to NOT turn it over.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:03 AM (t2KH5)

I'm not defending them at all. Just offering a guess why they don't.

Posted by: Mainah at January 04, 2016 10:14 AM (659DL)

97 No shills yet?

Pay dispute?


Still working those notes into a clean narrative?

Posted by: eman at January 04, 2016 10:15 AM (MQEz6)

98 5, 10, 19, etc., your mistake is in thinking that this has anything to do with "rape" as that term has been defined in western law for a millenia or so.

What's at issue on college campuses and with this legislation is precisely NOT rape which is why prosecutors won't touch these cases.

The aim here, and what Donnie Rubio endorses, is defining bad sex, and regretted sex, as "rape" and making the accusation itself all the evidence that is required for there to be a conviction.

Fundamental transformation is what we were promised. Fundamental transformation is what has been delivered.

Posted by: Joe at January 04, 2016 10:15 AM (sN81R)

99 81 77 No hope of primaring her?

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (P5mpr)

Doesn't matter, NH has been a blue State for a long long time.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (t2KH5)

Ain't the question.

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at January 04, 2016 10:16 AM (P5mpr)

100 96 I'm not defending them at all. Just offering a guess why they don't.

Posted by: Mainah at January 04, 2016 10:14 AM (659DL)

I didn't think you were defending them, just staring that even if they want to they can't. Unless you have law enforcement in both the federal and State levels that will look the other way.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:17 AM (t2KH5)

101 Gillibrand gleefully playing the OWS-style election stalking horse, version 2.0 for Shrillary.

Promises of Cabinetry doubtless made.

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:17 AM (k8tEg)

83 30 There are some communities on the Nets that openly advocate that men secretly record any sexual encounter they have, in case she decides to come unglued and drop rape charges on you later.

God that's creepy. And should probably be illegal. (may be, depending on the state?)

I still think they've almost fetishized college campus rapes. If they cared about rape itself, they would be looking elsewhere.

Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 10:07 AM (lIU4e)

Pretty sure it IS illegal to video your sex encounters without informed consent in most states. And it's likely to be considered a sex crime, complete with lifetime labeling as a sex offender.

So either way, you're fucked.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at January 04, 2016 10:17 AM (j4wsR)

103 If Rubio not only will not defend the notion of due process but instead actively works to subvert it, then I cannot in good conscience support him.
Posted by: alexthechick - Here SMOD SMOD SMOD at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (mf5HN)

Rubio has never been 'my guy' although a lot people I know (women) seem to like him. But I have major issues with this.

Of course, what I keep going back to (if it comes down to the general) is that Hillary would be worse. So.

Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 10:19 AM (lIU4e)

104 98
5, 10, 19, etc., your mistake is in thinking that this has anything to
do with "rape" as that term has been defined in western law for a
millenia or so.

What's at issue on college campuses and with this legislation is
precisely NOT rape which is why prosecutors won't touch these cases.

The aim here, and what Donnie Rubio endorses, is defining bad sex,
and regretted sex, as "rape" and making the accusation itself all the
evidence that is required for there to be a conviction.

Fundamental transformation is what we were promised. Fundamental transformation is what has been delivered.

Posted by: Joe at January 04, 2016 10:15 AM (sN81R)

Read that link at #66 it is even worse then that. Even an attempted kiss is being used as sexual assault which the MFM automatically calls rape.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:19 AM (t2KH5)

105 . . . but the cowardice of almost every Republican in Congress to stand up to the Obama administration's (fill in the blank). . .


A line that can be used for every problem this country faces.

Posted by: Adirondack Patriot at January 04, 2016 10:19 AM (wo3jg)

106 Senator Cruz should invite Bill Clinton to address the Senate on the Campus Rape Crisis.

Posted by: eman at January 04, 2016 10:20 AM (MQEz6)

107 >>>>>Since Monty won't do his damn job anymore and say it, I will have to:
China's economy is melting, and they're desperately manipulating their
currency downward hoping American consumers will bail them out (Ha! Fat
chance.), Russian oil revenues are only a third of what the government
forecast even a year ago and desperation will soon set in, Brazil is
collapsing (again), and America is unemployed.

Doom is coming.
.The market is melting because of the news from China. Plus the report came out on US manufacturing which is also contracting. Going to be a stellar year for the eventual Republican nominee.

Posted by: The Great White Soctsman at January 04, 2016 10:20 AM (iONHu)

Contact a real lawyer. And hope against hope you can make a slander or defamation case.


O hey

You remember how college was once a place for children of the rich? We're coming up on that again fairly rapidly.

Posted by: Bigby's Dike-Plugging Finger at January 04, 2016 10:20 AM (3ZtZW)

109 Doesn't matter, NH has been a blue State for a long long time.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (t2KH5)

Ain't the question.

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at January 04, 2016 10:16 AM (P5mpr)

Sure does matter, there is no hope of a decent Republican being elected there and more likely a wild eyed Democrat.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:20 AM (t2KH5)

110 I'm sure that "violence against women" as "common sense" grounds to preclude gun ownership for life will be made a major theme in 2016.

You're not in favor of pistol whipping women are you?

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:21 AM (k8tEg)

111 Ain't the question.

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at January 04, 2016 10:16 AM (P5mpr)

Sure does matter, there is no hope of a decent Republican being elected there and more likely a wild eyed Democrat.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:20 AM (t2KH5)

Didn't say it didn't matter; I said it wasn't the question. It still isn't.

Posted by: First-Rate Political Hack at January 04, 2016 10:22 AM (P5mpr)

112 @106
You must write the Cruz campaign immediately.

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:22 AM (k8tEg)

113 I'm sure that "violence against women" as "common sense" grounds to preclude gun ownership for life will be made a major theme in 2016.

And there is no particular reason why violence against women should be worse than violence against men.

Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 10:22 AM (lIU4e)

114 So, the person who first pegged Rubio as a Republican Obama had it right.

The point with all of these extra-legal maneuvers is to create a world in which the "evil straight white male" can be neutralized without a stand up court fight. The greatest desire of the SJW mob is to have a world in which the SWM is akin to blacks in segregation era America or Jews in Nazi Germany. By making these rules administrative rather actual law, it hopes to thwart the ability of courts or legislatures to protect and affirm the rights of SWM through normal, legal means.

Posted by: Commissar M at January 04, 2016 10:23 AM (Xx2PC)

115 113
I'm sure that "violence against women" as "common sense" grounds to
preclude gun ownership for life will be made a major theme in 2016.

And there is no particular reason why violence against women should be worse than violence against men.

Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 10:22 AM (lIU4e)

And there is already a law on the books for that Democrap Lautenberg succeeded in getting into an amendment. It is unconstitutional as hell but there yu go.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:24 AM (t2KH5)


103 If Rubio not only will not defend the notion of due process but instead actively works to subvert it, then I cannot in good conscience support him.
Posted by: alexthechick - Here SMOD SMOD SMOD at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (mf5HN)

Rubio has never been 'my guy' although a lot people I know (women) seem to like him. But I have major issues with this.

Of course, what I keep going back to (if it comes down to the general) is that Hillary would be worse. So.
Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 10:19 AM (lIU4e)

The gope needs you to believe voting gope protects you from Hillary and other scary things that go bump in the night.

Hillary would not be worse than Rubio.

They both push towards the same goal.

The difference is only how hard they push.

Posted by: eman at January 04, 2016 10:24 AM (MQEz6)

117 Knowing what we know about the Hispanic demographic, why is it any surprise to find that an Hispanic Senator is more aligned with Democrat/Leftist/Progressives than Conservatives?

And it should give anyone pause for thought about one other Hispanic Senator who's been a bit more cagey about their true political philosophy yet votes in ways that reveal they are not conservative either.

If Immigration isn't brought to a halt, you can expect more of this in the future. In fact that's the reason why it's not being brought to a halt right now.

Posted by: Bitter Clinger 1.0 and All That at January 04, 2016 10:25 AM (Xo1Rt)

118 Heyyy baby... I'll pistil whip ya with my stamen.

Posted by: Doo Bee at January 04, 2016 10:26 AM (AxTzt)

119 If one considers the bleatings of Democrat politicians to be in service of their masters, who are the leftists grabbing power wherever they can, on college campuses, union leadership, and now board room leadership, media, entertainment industrial complex, etc, what the politicians look more like are those who jump to somebody else's orders.

Then look at Ruby Oh! Too stupid to even know his orders are coming from the other side. When they complete their power grab, he'll STILL be on the outside, looking in.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 04, 2016 10:27 AM (Dj0WE)

120 I'm expecting a campaign poster depicting a drunk, wife-beater clad, hairy-backed man waving a pistol, captioned "Vote Republican then make me a sammich bitch!"

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:27 AM (k8tEg)

121 I'd think that, were I falsely accused of rape on a kollidge campus, the first words out of my mouth would be, "Where is the police report?"

If there isn't one, then a whole shitstorm of legal problems would follow for the kollidge, the administration and the accuser.

I sorta like the idea of owning a kollidge.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at January 04, 2016 10:27 AM (LUgeY)

122 Doesn't matter, NH has been a blue State for a long long time.


Not really. It had been reliably republican for many years, partly because there just wasn't any money to be made as a pol in NH, so less opps for graft. There may be a kind of spoiling going on with the influx of dedicated Libertarians there.

Posted by: Bigby's Dike-Plugging Finger at January 04, 2016 10:28 AM (3ZtZW)

123 Did some research on the KY GOP caucus since this change. Is it really like advertisements right before you vote? Sounds like you have to walk your way through a commercial just to make it to the ballot box.
Oh and the date changed to March 5. Dem primary still in late May

Posted by: FCF at January 04, 2016 10:29 AM (kejii)

124 Screw these college campuses. Once we let in all of the refugees and give them free education, Sharia will be the order of the day and the raping of exposed meat will be at the top of the list.

Posted by: Fritz at January 04, 2016 10:30 AM (UzPAd)

125 University: where your daughters become victims and your sons have their lives destroyed.
Why have they not been driven into bankruptcy?

Posted by: Northernlurker at January 04, 2016 10:30 AM (4rzL1)

126 Pretty sure it IS illegal to video your sex encounters without informed consent in most states. And it's likely to be considered a sex crime, complete with lifetime labeling as a sex offender.


So switch to inviting a live witness to the act?

Posted by: Bigby's Dike-Plugging Finger at January 04, 2016 10:30 AM (3ZtZW)

127 Rubio is a 100% RINO no matter how the asshole campaigns


Posted by: Nevergiveup at January 04, 2016 10:30 AM (gf8BH)

128 If Rubio not only will not defend the notion of due process but instead actively works to subvert it, then I cannot in good conscience support him.
Posted by: alexthechick - Here SMOD SMOD SMOD at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (mf5HN)

Rubio has never been 'my guy' although a lot people I know (women) seem to like him. But I have major issues with this.

Of course, what I keep going back to (if it comes down to the general) is that Hillary would be worse. So.
Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 10:19 AM (lIU4e)

I mean absolutely no disrespect toward women when I say Ruby Oh!'s appeal to women would strike me as almost entirely due to his good looks.

We act like these things don't matter, but of course they do. Everywhere, in all ways, good looks matter.

Why should Ruby Oh! be ahead of Jeb! except that he's better looking.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 04, 2016 10:31 AM (Dj0WE)

129 120 I'm expecting a campaign poster depicting a drunk
(Hillary!), wife-beater (Alan Grayson) clad, hairy-backed (Barney Fwank) man waving a pistol (Leland Yess), captioned "Vote Republican then make me a sammich bitch! (Bill Clinton triangulating)"

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:27 AM (k8tEg)


Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 10:31 AM (fWAjv)

130 Of course, what I keep going back to (if it comes down to the general) is that Hillary would be worse.

I am no longer convinced of this proposition, and in any event have long since ceased to consider this a legitimate argument.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, down with Eph 6:12-13 at January 04, 2016 10:32 AM (9krrF)

131 Was wondering where he'd gotten off to. Figured the Godfrey account was banned by Twitter because that's what Twitter does. No warning, no explanations, you're banned. They let you back on of course, after you sign an agreement to "not do that again" except they never tell you what "that" *was* (although I'm sure Elfwick is no stranger to the ban dance).
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at January 04, 2016 10:02 AM (GDulk)

He closed his account on his own and directed people to another one, something leatherlips. He said he was tiring of the godfrey schtick. He's also a student so I think real life caught up with him.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 10:32 AM (iQIUe)

132 Leland Yee

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 10:33 AM (fWAjv)

133 That is, he needed a break.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 10:33 AM (iQIUe)

Slipping and a-sliding
All along the waterfall
With you, my mattress girl,
You, my mattress girl.

Posted by: Man Vorrison at January 04, 2016 10:34 AM (FkBIv)

135 Something awful happens in the minds of those that manage to get elected to Washington....they lose the sense of who they represent and become like the 'cool kids' on the high school campus seeking approval from their 'peers'...aka other congress critters. Any 'differences' are contrived with pre-staked out voting results designed to keep the congress critter re-elected and the agenda advanced...and none of the agenda is good for Main Street.

Posted by: torabora at January 04, 2016 10:34 AM (SmyzW)

136 University: where your daughters become victims and your sons have their lives destroyed.
Why have they not been driven into bankruptcy?
Posted by: Northernlurker at January 04, 2016 10:30 AM (4rzL1)

Because it's not about taking money OUT of the university system, it's about completely changing who has all the power WITHIN the university system.

Posted by: BurtTC at January 04, 2016 10:34 AM (Dj0WE)

137 Rape prosecutions need reform though. Why should a woman's sexual history be admissible at all? A woman I know was raped and the prosecutor wanted to make a plea deal, and bullied the victim into accepting it by telling her (graphically) how she would have to explain publically (on the stand) practically every damn encounter she'd ever had.

For the life of me I do not understand why that is relevant. The facts of the alleged rape matter, and that's all that matters. Her life and proclivities shouldn't matter one whit, IMO.

Posted by: Official Credit Card Of The GOPe at January 04, 2016 10:34 AM (TxJGV)

138 I didn't think you were defending them, just staring that even if they want to they can't. Unless you have law enforcement in both the federal and State levels that will look the other way.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:17 AM (t2KH5)

Yeah. Judging from my time at a small liberal arts school, the local PD only got involved when they had to, otherwise it seemed like they'd rather not deal with the school. My on-campus job was working at the campus police (sorry, public safety office because "Police" is a microtrigger or something). Getting to see both sides was interesting.

Posted by: Mainah at January 04, 2016 10:34 AM (659DL)

139 47 There is something really bizarre about this laser focus on the prosecution of rapes on college campuses, as opposed to every other kind.

Leave it to the police. Colleges shouldn't' be in this business, because they are obviously terrible at it.
Posted by: Lea at January 04, 2016 09:52 AM (lIU4e)

The reason is that without the right to due process, jury trial, effective counsel, establishment of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, etc. it's a lot easier to utterly destroy a male accused of sexual assault or rape, which is the goal: destruction of men.

Posted by: Insomniac - Pale Horse/Death 2016 at January 04, 2016 10:35 AM (kpqmD)

140 Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 10:32 AM (iQIUe)

Glad to hear it was voluntary. I suspect that schtick took a lot of energy to keep up, and the constant hate would get wearing even for someone who enjoyed confrontation.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at January 04, 2016 10:36 AM (GDulk)

That only leads to legitimization of the
extremists (BLM, OWS etc etc ) and they only get bolder, and more
effective at "wedging' any opposition to an extreme agenda, so to

And Rubio can go f himself with a multicultural two-headed dildo.

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:08 AM (k8tEg)

is a failure of the first assumption that OWS and BLM are anything but
theatre, from planning, to bussing in 'protesters', feeding, on-site
direction and running interference from local pols and LE, this was pure
marxist street theatre.

What is going on is the wonderful
behaviour of create a crisis to not let go to waste - it goes back to the Czars and the Okhrana: gin up a crisis,
use it to ram through new regulations, justify continued action on this
success. Profit.

These are top-to-bottom, inside-out
orchestrated actions to give pretext for greater control in spite of
laws, tradition, and even common sense.

But, yes, Rubio can go play with a plastic cucumber for all I care.

Posted by: Kindltot at January 04, 2016 10:36 AM (q2o38)

142 If I fap, but really don't want to, is that rape?

Posted by: Soona at January 04, 2016 10:36 AM (Fmupd)

So switch to inviting a live witness to the act?
Perhaps unpopular kids could get notarized and thus get in on the action?

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at January 04, 2016 10:36 AM (kXzR8)

144 Marco Rubio...

aka John McCain v2.0

Posted by: John P. Squibob at January 04, 2016 10:36 AM (DQZLr)

145 I'm sure the number of nice, suburban kids who get pummeled by inner city "youths" in various campuses in Chicago, New Haven, etc far outnumber the number of nice, suburban college girls raped by nice suburban college guys.

Posted by: Keep playing with your device at January 04, 2016 10:36 AM (k8tEg)

146 naturalfake: On last night's Simpsons...

A) Wow, is that trash still running? I mean, it died as a funny show over a decade ago.

2) Not to get personal, but... why would you anyone watch it?

#) Hope Matt Groening is enjoying his residuals.

Posted by: mindful webworker - comic book guy's cousin at January 04, 2016 10:03 AM (FDy65)

Eh. To be honest, I rarely watch it anymore. Like SNL it never bring da funny.

But, it's was on after football.

So, I decided to give it a spin.

Then the dang thing started and really I could hardly believe what I was seeing-

just flat out mean spirited anti-boy/anti-male "humor" throughout.

I decided to see how far they'd go...let's just say they exceeded my expectations.

Honestly, the only equivalent to give you an idea of just how hateful it was-

would be a Simpsons half-hour filled with anti-Black, n****r humor- that was approved of by all the Simpson characters...even the Black ones.

Just weird.

Posted by: naturalfake at January 04, 2016 10:39 AM (KUa85)

Why you ask?
Best case scenario: Because he's a flaming idiot.
Worst case scenario: Because there is only one party in Ultra Rome.

Posted by: simplemind at January 04, 2016 10:40 AM (JTwsP)

148 Rubio is a poster child for dysfunction...his soft on immigration stance means by default he is soft on drug smuggling and hence okay with the status quo of USA losing the War on Drugs. Hence all those heroin OD's are fine with him...people that don't vote most likely.

Ryan goes right along by passing ANOTHER bloated budget with no money for a already approved border fence. More dead Americans....more illegal aliens draining the social service coffers. More illegals committing the crimes that Americans won't.

If Trump wins it will be because the incumbents have failed us on border security.

If Trump wins maybe we can get some of these pricks McConnell and Ryan for starters.

Posted by: torabora at January 04, 2016 10:40 AM (SmyzW)

149 If I fap, but really don't want to, is that rape?
Posted by: Soona

Ima gonna press charges

Posted by: Your left hand to make it seem like someone else at January 04, 2016 10:42 AM (89T5c)

150 For the life of me I do not understand why that is relevant. The facts of the alleged rape matter, and that's all that matters. Her life and proclivities shouldn't matter one whit, IMO.
Posted by: Official Credit Card Of The GOPe at January 04, 2016 10:34 AM (TxJGV)

Generally, it isn't. It is only relevant if the defendant is claiming the sex is consensual. And even then it would be limited to whether the victim/defendant had sex before.

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 10:43 AM (iQIUe)

151 Any more questions if there is only one party in DeeCee?

Posted by: Mr Aspirin Factory at January 04, 2016 10:44 AM (89T5c)

152 Newd Dump

Posted by: BunkerintheBurbs at January 04, 2016 10:44 AM (kXzR8)

153 Glad to hear it was voluntary. I suspect that schtick took a lot of energy to keep up, and the constant hate would get wearing even for someone who enjoyed confrontation.
Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at January 04, 2016 10:36 AM (GDulk)

Yep. He was bombarded with "attention."

Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at January 04, 2016 10:44 AM (iQIUe)

154 Rubio keeps showing poor judgement. Sad really.

Posted by: Iblis at January 04, 2016 10:46 AM (9221z)

155 One terror group killed nearly 11,000 people in 2015 - and it wasn't ISIS.

See H8ers!!! There are worse people out there than the islamic group ISIS.

In 2015, Boko Haram was killing more people than ever - potentially eclipsing the tally of its partner in terror.

Boko Haram. Boko Haram?

That's latin ain't it?!?

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 10:47 AM (fWAjv)

156 Posted by: alexthechick - Here SMOD SMOD SMOD at January 04, 2016 10:06 AM (mf5HN)

Yup, you said it all, AtC.

However, I think this does give Cruz, Trump, annnnd I guess that's it, a good campaign wedge-

The Restoration of Civil Rights to the American People-

the Dims (and now Rubio) are trying to destroy

Due Process

Free Speech

Gun rights

and i'm sure there are others.

Now where does the last best fattest hoe of the GOPe Christie stand on these things.

Posted by: naturalfake at January 04, 2016 10:47 AM (KUa85)

157 Vic: Even an attempted kiss is being used as sexual assault which the MFM automatically calls rape.

Heh... that reminds me.

When I was in college (1973), I was walking down the hall, and there on the hall phone (funny to think about hardwired house telephones now) was a cute girl I sort-of knew and liked. Impulsively, and quite uncharacteristically, I stopped and kissed her. And she kissed me back! It was sweet. She went back to her conversation, and I went on down the stairs....

Over a year later, she came to visit me in Oklahoma. Been together forty-plus years.

If it happened today... well, what would a couple of sexagenarians like us be doing in college today, anyway?

Posted by: mindful webworker - compare and contrast at January 04, 2016 10:47 AM (FDy65)

158 Posted by: Bitter Clinger 1.0 and All That at January 04, 2016 10:25 AM (Xo1Rt)

Why are you singling out the Hispanics? Almost the entire party is corrupt and they are mostly white.

It has nothing to do with ethnicity and everything to do to a lack of moral principles and conviction.

Fake Tea Partier Ayotte is white, isn't she?

Posted by: chique testing testing at January 04, 2016 10:50 AM (ZKlDy)

If Trump wins it will be because the incumbents have failed us on border security.

If Trump wins maybe we can get some of these pricks McConnell and Ryan for starters.
Posted by: torabora at January 04, 2016 10:40

Primaries don't mean much anymore. Ryan won a district held by Les Aspen-D(Remember him) Claimed he was conservative. Rubio ran as tea party candidate and won.

Washington DC corrupts. We are all DOOMED, just don't know when the shit will hit the fan.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 04, 2016 10:50 AM (voOPb)

160 So NH is a "reliable Republican State"

2012 = Obama
2008 = Obama
2004 = Kerry
2000 = Bush by 1.2%
1996 = Clinton
1992 = Clinton
1988 = Bush by 2.5%

So in the last 28 years it has gone Republican twice and only by a hair. Doesn't sound very reliably Republican to me.

Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:52 AM (t2KH5)

161 College rape is to rape as Bruce Jenner is to woman.

Posted by: An Observation at January 04, 2016 10:53 AM (Ir9EO)

162 58 Actually, the culture/MSM is really loading up on the man hate, esp. the white man hate.

Not just man hate. The very Leftist AV Club is panning the animated series Bordertown skewers both sides of the immigration issue equally. Can't have folks listening to BadThink, now, can we.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat! at January 04, 2016 10:53 AM (HMt16)

163 Honestly, why is dumb Rubio pushing this crap? How does this help him in the primaries?

Ayotte ordd herself as a lib long ago, but Rubio is still trying to claim he's this great conservative.

Posted by: chique testing testing at January 04, 2016 10:53 AM (ZKlDy)

164 Should be:
Ayotte outed herself as a lib long ago

Posted by: chique testing testing at January 04, 2016 10:54 AM (ZKlDy)

165 VERY interesting article up at Hot Gas re: Trump's surprising strength in New York state.

Worth a read.

Posted by: WhatWhatWhat! at January 04, 2016 10:54 AM (HMt16)

166 So in the last 28 years it has gone Republican twice and only by a hair. Doesn't sound very reliably Republican to me.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at January 04, 2016 10:52 AM (t2KH5

Of course not Vic, it should be called North Massachusetts

Such stellar Republicans from there include Kelly Ayotte and John Sununu. You know stellar republicans.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian at January 04, 2016 10:54 AM (voOPb)

One of us is an independent, the other a Democrat who twice voted for Obama and donated to his presidential campaign.

"We got our job through the National Review!"

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at January 04, 2016 10:55 AM (kdS6q)

168 Fake Tea Partier Ayotte is white, isn't she?

Posted by: chique testing testing at January 04, 2016 10:50 AM (ZKlDy)

Fluorescent Day-Glo White. (French Canadian)

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 10:59 AM (fWAjv)

169 And Irish

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA -@DMS1974 at January 04, 2016 11:00 AM (fWAjv)

170 32 BTW, it's this kind of bullshit that's going to lose Ayotte her Senate seat in November. Say hello to Maggie Hassan (D-NH)

Ayotte, Another POS that hitched up to the Tea Party band wagon, who then stabbed everyone in the back once elected. Also see Jeff Flake, Ryan Costello, Pat Toomey, and numerous other stinkin' scum.

Posted by: Drill_Thrawl at January 04, 2016 11:04 AM (JOG+K)

171 I don't get Rubio's appeal to anyone.

Pros (?):
1. Blatant pandering to an identity voting block to possibly secure a few votes Trump [who I strongly dislike and distrust] won't.
2. Will play nicely with the establishment.

1. Unprincipled, cajoling stance on immigration.
2. Only ever worked in politics; net tax consumer rather than tax payer. See also inexperienced.
3. Condescending and "too good" for the jobs he's had. (Will magically change and become hardworking and focused as CEO..?) See also Omnibus.
4. This crap.

What I can synthesize about his character from what I know:
-He cannot articulate clear, unwavering principles driving his decisionmaking process.
-He believes he is a special butterfly above responsibility, a mortal sin for leaders.
-More generally he does not believe all people are equal and to be treated equally under the law.
-Ultimately this suggests he does not believe in or support the rule of law in any meaningful way.

A Rubio WH is the nail in the coffin that sends conservatism into exile and kills the GOP as we know it. He'd be 25% better than Clinton, 10% better than Jeb!, but we'd be guaranteed cycle after cycle of loss when the world comes to view him as the best Republicans have to offer and he sucks.

Nope nope nope.

Damn you Republican party. It was the conservatives' to lose and you turned it into a disaster more than a year out.

Posted by: 0302 at January 04, 2016 11:35 AM (hDDgx)

172 Have any of you read the bill? There's nothing in this that limits due process. You guys are jumping the shark already and skipping straight to judgment over something that doesn't exist.

Posted by: Kaitian at January 04, 2016 11:44 AM (AJ+4+)

173 For a large portion of elected Republicans the most important thing is to work with Democrats to "get things done".

I actually thought that wasn't the case, but some stupid strategery going on instead. Then McConnell released that video and I now believe that down to their core the GOPe really, really believes that their purpose is to work with Democrats to enact mostly Democrat policies with the occasional bone being thrown to them to placate the hicks in flyover land.

Posted by: Make America Great Again at January 04, 2016 11:50 AM (LXJ1e)

174 This crap is the reason I strongly advised my son not to attend college.

Posted by: redbanzai at January 04, 2016 12:09 PM (OrI3J)

175 Have any of you read the bill? There's nothing in
this that limits due process. You guys are jumping the shark already
and skipping straight to judgment over something that doesn't exist.

Posted by: Kaitian at January 04, 2016 11:44 AM (AJ+4+)

If the bill is mandating advisors for accusers but not the accused, it limits due process. Just by its very language (victim instead of accuser) it weakens the due process notion that people are innocent until proven guilty.

Posted by: redbanzai at January 04, 2016 12:18 PM (OrI3J)

176 "Why Is Marco Rubio Working With Democrats To Weaken Due Process On College Campuses?"

Because, like the rest of the GOPe, he's more comfortable working with Democrats than opposing them.

Also, he really doesn't give a shit about you and your problems, Mr. & Mrs. Middle Class.

Posted by: Hurricane LaFawnduh at January 04, 2016 12:26 PM (laMCB)

177 78 This is an absolute deal breaker for me on Rubio. Let us count the ways.

Jesus Alex, that is an awesome response. Sploosh!

Posted by: Wyatt at January 04, 2016 12:31 PM (kFnmp)

178 Both Cruz and Paul worked with Gillibrand on her special-treatment for gurlz law removing sex harassment from military justice. The pander is strong.

Posted by: SocietyIs2Blame at January 04, 2016 01:58 PM (RtG9B)

179 Ugh. I was willing to get behind Rubio if he somehow managed to win the nomination, but this is a dealbreaker for me.

Posted by: Caiwyn at January 04, 2016 04:41 PM (qRZ5f)

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