aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Morning Thread (9-29-2015)Welcome, those of you who survived the super blood moon celestial body alignment thingy. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Good Morning Morons. Today is Tuesday, September 29, 2015. On this day in 1966 the Chevrolet Camaro was introduced to compete with the Ford Mustang which was released in 1964 and ˝.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:28 AM (t2KH5) 2
Taliban insurgents launched a massive assault on the northern city of Kunduz Monday, seizing a courthouse, a hospital and other government buildings, and freeing hundreds of inmates from a prison, despite a series of battles with government forces.
So it's back to "insurgents" now. The news media has lost the term terrorist. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:29 AM (t2KH5) 3
Fox proclaims a new low in science for idiots who want to use RICO to prosecute people who know AGW is a fraud. AGW has never been based on real science. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:29 AM (t2KH5) 4
The district attorney of one New York county is prohibiting prosecutors from owning a handgun, a rule some law experts claim is unconstitutional.
No bias there eh Fox. It is no "claim", it and all gun control laws are blatantly unconstitutional. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:29 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:29 AM (t2KH5) 6
*itch McConnel chickens out again and allows Senate Democrats to control the Senate despite them being in the minority. It is far past time for him to go. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:30 AM (t2KH5) 7
A federal judge threw out four bribery counts in U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez's corruption case on Monday but rejected claims by Menendez and a co-defendant that prosecutors presented false testimony to grand jurors and misused a law that's central to the case.
Corruption, it's what's for breakfast.. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:30 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:30 AM (t2KH5) 9
Obama will "pen and ink" his illegal global warming and Syria policies while thumbing his nose at congress who will do nothing to stop him. The 2014 election may as well have not occurred. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:30 AM (t2KH5) 10
Yes, Scankles broke the law with her handling of classified information. Will she be prosecuted? Not a chance in hell. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:31 AM (t2KH5) 11
PP hired paid protestors to throw condoms at Carly. She should sue because Republicans in congress will not even cut their funding. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:31 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:31 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:31 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:32 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:32 AM (t2KH5) 16
NBC has blocked distribution of the Scankles video from Meet The Press because she flip-flopped continuously. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:32 AM (t2KH5) 17
Ted Cruz say Republican leadership is leading attacks on the conservative base. No shit. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:32 AM (t2KH5) 18
Obama says "gay rights" are more important than religious freedom. This despite the fact that there is no "first amendment" for gay rights. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:33 AM (t2KH5) 19
Got any good news? Man bites dog? Mailman disowns Son? Anything? Company sues for CEO for anything?
Bones, please throw them. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Old and unimproved. at September 29, 2015 06:33 AM (dOD0J) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:33 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:33 AM (t2KH5) 22
More on the CA "water shortage" which is actually caused by the greens who run the State. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:34 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:34 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:34 AM (t2KH5) 25
Talk about news to angry up the Blood.
Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Old and unimproved. at September 29, 2015 06:36 AM (dOD0J) 26
DAY 1,057 406 to go (479 to Inauguration Day 2017) Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, Mao-suits, McCain's, McConnell's, Mahdi megatons, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, mewling mattress myth manufacturers, marriage maimers, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Myrmidons, Mugwumps, Monrovian microbes, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microaggressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:41 AM (St6BJ) 27
Royal pain in the ass week. We're having the windows and a/c units replaced on our floor. I can handle it fine but the kitties will be freaked. I'll be here for two days and put them in the bathroom, but we all have to vacate tomorrow and decamp to wifey's office or friend's place and they HATE to travel. Oh well. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:43 AM (St6BJ) 28
So the punditry that said Boehner wasn't going anywhere is insisting we won't win a shutdown over planned parenthood.
I think we would. A shutdown would force people to see the videos and talk about them. That's not something to their advantage. I suspect the poll numbers against Planned Parenthood would move, and I think that Democrats would go weak-kneed. The fact is, we don't know what Obama does when challenged, because he never has been. If Planned Parenthood is unpopular and the shutdown is because Democrats insist it receive funding, I can see that going badly for them. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at September 29, 2015 06:44 AM (WlG0e) Posted by: @votermom at September 29, 2015 06:45 AM (cbfNE) 30
So, evidently Debbie Wasserman-Scheisskopf's rabbi ripped in to her and her fellow sellout Jews during a Yom Kippur sermon at her temple - with her in attendance. It's like Alan Dershowitz. Bravo for the principled stand, but you'll still vote for the Democrats blindly and reflexively as if that was the only thing they ever did that was wrong. Sheesh. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:46 AM (St6BJ) 31
These fake shutdowns have all been caused by Democrats but the MFM blamed Republicans for it. However, the public was able to see through that and it has NEVER cost the Republicans a single election, yet the RNCe is still terrified of getting blamed. Or so they say.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:47 AM (t2KH5) 32
So, evidently Debbie Wasserman-Scheisskopf's rabbi ripped in to her and her fellow sellout Jews during a Yom Kippur sermon at her temple - with her in attendance.
I wish my religious leader would tell Democrats to fuck off, but he wants good press. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at September 29, 2015 06:47 AM (WlG0e) 33
20 Jebbie the Hutt's money men are warning him over his lagging campaign. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:33 AM (t2KH5) What's to warn? Is Jeb going to get a personality/brain transplant and act like the second coming of Reagan/Coolidge/Patton? Then again, keep shoveling money to him so that when he does sink, it can't go to your plan B candidate - Fiorina? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:48 AM (St6BJ) 34
Ted Cruz's shutdown was such a disaster for the GOP. I mean, we got blown out in 2014 midterms. Oh, wait a second . . . Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:49 AM (St6BJ) 35
32 I wish my religious leader would tell Democrats to fuck off, but he wants good press.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at September 29, 2015 06:47 AM (WlG0e) And to keep his tax-exempt status, no doubt. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:50 AM (St6BJ) 36
31 These fake shutdowns have all been caused by Democrats but the MFM blamed Republicans for it. However, the public was able to see through that and it has NEVER cost the Republicans a single election, yet the RNCe is still terrified of getting blamed. Or so they say.
There were links floating around that showed that McConnell has voted to protect Planned Parenthood his whole career. We do know Planned Parenthood spends money on outreach efforts to Republicans. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at September 29, 2015 06:50 AM (WlG0e) Posted by: Gem at September 29, 2015 06:52 AM (c+gwp) 38
So, boxing is required at West Point. Now a woman, SJW, wants it to be stopped cause you know some one might get hurt.
They are soldiers idiot. Warming NY Slime link Posted by: Nip Sip at September 29, 2015 06:52 AM (jJRIy) 39
I am beginning to think that the Republicans irrational fear of shutdowns is a smoke screen to hide the fact that they really want the same big government shit as the Democrats.
Why else would they even talk about RINO McCarthy as a replacement for Boner? Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:52 AM (t2KH5) 40
So, evidently Debbie Wasserman-Scheisskopf's rabbi ripped in to her and her fellow sellout Jews during a Yom Kippur sermon at her temple - with her in attendance. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:46 AM (St6BJ) Nelson laugh. Posted by: Gem at September 29, 2015 06:55 AM (c+gwp) 41
These fake shutdowns have all been caused by Democrats but the MFM blamed Republicans for it. However, the public was able to see through that and it has NEVER cost the Republicans a single election, yet the RNCe is still terrified of getting blamed. Or so they say.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:47 AM (t2KH5) The MFM is already prepping the battlespace; twice now, I've heard my local news radio (which gets its feed from ABC) proclaim that a "majority" of Americans would blame the GOP for a shutdown. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 06:57 AM (zF6Iw) 42
There were links floating around that showed that McConnell has voted to protect Planned Parenthood his whole career. We do know Planned Parenthood spends money on outreach efforts to Republicans.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at September 29, 2015 06:50 AM (WlG0e) That old bastard has been in government since the Ford administration, IIRC. He was never a conservative and was firmly in the anti-Reagan camp. Worse than useless; he's actually harmful as we have all come to realize a long while ago. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:57 AM (St6BJ) 43
40 Nelson laugh.
Posted by: Gem at September 29, 2015 06:55 AM (c+gwp) Well, yes. And she needed to be public excoriated. But when the next election rolls around, 99.99% of the congregants present will vote for (D) all down the line. A sad, hard and bitter reality to swallow. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:59 AM (St6BJ) 44
>>>>NBC has blocked distribution of the Scankles video from Meet The Press because she flip-flopped continuously.
. . .I can't find any evidence where they have done that previously. I have to wonder if they think that it will be used as a weapon against her in both the Primary and General and they want to try to prevent anyone from using it by doing the copyright thingy. Or is this something that team Hillary forced them to do after they saw the final pathetic product? Whatever the deal that video is included under the fair use parts of copyright laws because it is considered a political piece. She has made so many conflicting statements in emailgate that you can use her own words in contradicting herself for a whole bunch of 30-60 minute attack ads. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at September 29, 2015 06:59 AM (iONHu) 45
38 So, boxing is required at West Point. Now a woman, SJW, wants it to be stopped cause you know some one might get hurt.
They are soldiers idiot. Warming NY Slime link Posted by: Nip Sip at September 29, 2015 06:52 AM (jJRIy) Well, in war, sometimes people actually get hurt. So let's do away with the army! And war! Win! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:01 AM (St6BJ) 46
Sept 29-30, 1941, the Germans shot to death approx 35, 000 Jews in Babi Yar. I cant imagine that level of hatred... Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at September 29, 2015 07:02 AM (iQIUe) 47
44 Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at September 29, 2015 06:59 AM (iONHu)
As they said in the article, they did not do that for any of the Republican candidates they had on, only Scankles. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 07:03 AM (t2KH5) 48
So yesterday my wife and I heard the story about our new sister-in-law putting her loaded gun through TSA by mistake back in January.
Welcome to the family, idiot. Posted by: VBJonny at September 29, 2015 07:06 AM (NX9H4) 49
Sept 29-30, 1941, the Germans shot to death approx 35, 000 Jews in Babi Yar. I cant imagine that level of hatred... Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at September 29, 2015 07:02 AM (iQIUe) Yeah, we couldn't either. Posted by: Zombie Ukrainians. at September 29, 2015 07:06 AM (jJRIy) Posted by: rdbrewer at September 29, 2015 07:06 AM (Iyg03) Posted by: rdbrewer at September 29, 2015 07:07 AM (Iyg03) 52
100 weird objects in space. 49 and 50 next to each other cracked me up. 90 was oddly poignant. Posted by: Fox Mulder at September 29, 2015 07:08 AM (vn2q2) 53
Reading the WSJ so you don't have to, initial impressions: a more complete report on the Water on Mars! show does invoke the name of the Muslim grad student, so, this is about ClockBoy, not AGW -- and, the research is not new, but only a "fine-tuning" of 2011 data. Dog meet pony.
And, the MacArthur Genius grants are out. Top one is to a guy recycling human waste as fertilizer in Africa, which I'm not against, but, careful how you handle that, probably a problem in rural Africa; and, I am not making this up, an innovative puppeteer. So now you have to call off all those jokes about useless degrees in Puppet Studies. Don't you? Rhetorical: which Genius handles more shit? Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:09 AM (xq1UY) 54
Obama says "gay rights" are more important than religious freedom. This despite the fact that there is no "first amendment" for gay rights.
_______________________ That's so ludicrous. There is a reason that religious freedom is in the FIRST amendment; it was of paramount importance to the Founders and colonists, many of whom came here to escape religious persecution. Obama's an historically illiterate fool. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 29, 2015 07:09 AM (a31sM) 55
Violent night in Chicago: 5 dead 9 shot including a 11 month and 2 year old!
Nothing ever in the national news about this nightly carnage...If this was all done by a white cop, the community would go crazy and riot... Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 07:10 AM (Espnc) 56
I'm wondering what will happen to the Kurds when Russia and Iran divi up Syria and Iraq?
Posted by: Ben Had at September 29, 2015 07:10 AM (XNmJj) 57
Yesterday was a good day. The house was finally sold. The mister got a job (we're a two income household again, yay!) And I found out the sh-thole where I used to work lost two big contracts.
It was a good day. Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2015 07:12 AM (O7MnT) 58
MacArthur grants? All liberal horse shit. MacArthur was a conservative insurance salesman, backed Goldwater. He is rolling over in his grave right now.
Posted by: Nip Sip at September 29, 2015 07:12 AM (jJRIy) 59
54 Obama says "gay rights" are more important than religious freedom. This despite the fact that there is no "first amendment" for gay rights.
_______________________ That's so ludicrous. There is a reason that religious freedom is in the FIRST amendment; it was of paramount importance to the Founders and colonists, many of whom came here to escape religious persecution. Obama's an historically illiterate fool. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 29, 2015 07:09 AM (a31sM) Expect this to be the mainstream Republican position in two years. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at September 29, 2015 07:12 AM (WlG0e) 60
Sometimes a compromise can actually work. Just have everybody at West Point play football, instead of boxing. You can't get hurt playing Army football.
There ya go, Chief. I served you one up. AF-Navy, Oct 3. Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:13 AM (xq1UY) 61
Sept 29-30, 1941, the Germans shot to death approx 35, 000 Jews in Babi Yar. I cant imagine that level of hatred... Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at September 29, 2015 07:02 AM (iQIUe) I've got a couple of relatives left who can tell you all about it. And by the way, Babi Yar is still part of a public park in Kiev and it's like no big deal to the locals. "Mass grave with Yids? Meh. Break out the barbecue, guys!" Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:14 AM (St6BJ) 62
So, evidently Debbie Wasserman-Scheisskopf's rabbi ripped in to her and her fellow sellout Jews during a Yom Kippur sermon at her temple - with her in attendance.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 06:46 AM (St6BJ) That's nice to hear. I went to a Bat Mitzvah a couple of weeks ago and, after a really nice service and a wonderful performance by the Bat Mitzvah, the asshole rabbi started talking about the barky's Iran treaty (and how we have to accept that it passed, though the prick was clearly pleased) and the poor, widdle "Syrian refugees" who we need to bring over. I put up with the dickhead's iran bullshit because it was my cousin's bat mitzvah but once he started on that syrian crap I got up and very noisily made my way out. The asswipe went on for another 45 mintues about that shit, so I heard. I was hoping to see him at the reception and set him straight about a few things but the coward didn't make it. It was a real shame for him to take advantage of a full house for the bat mitzvah to preach politics (which he has no business doing, in the first place) from the dais. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 07:15 AM (zc3Db) 63
Nip, my point exactly, but note, this is "literally" not horse-shit. It's the other kind.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:15 AM (xq1UY) 64
The founders would not have mentioned gays in public at all. It was a forbidden subject for polite company. In fact, gays were not mentioned in public comments when I was growing up in the 50s and 60s.
Now it is all you ever hear about. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 07:16 AM (t2KH5) 65
Amazing garbage trucks already on the street. Clearly the boys have plays this afternoon.
Posted by: Nip Sip at September 29, 2015 07:16 AM (jJRIy) 66
Hmm. Jason Chavetz is backing Trey Gowdy for Speaker. That could be interesting.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:17 AM (OGm46) 67
Ha Ha. Seriously, how do liberals get control of a conservative man's foundation and use his money for shit he would oppose? Also, see Ford Foundation. Posted by: Nip Sip at September 29, 2015 07:19 AM (jJRIy) 68
the moon had blood coming out of everywhere
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 29, 2015 07:19 AM (0O7c5) 69
66 Hmm. Jason Chavetz is backing Trey Gowdy for Speaker. That could be interesting.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:17 AM (OGm46) I have my doubts about both of those guys. Hell, I'd like to see Gohmert. Someone actually floated the idea of Scott Walker (Levin?). Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:20 AM (St6BJ) 70
Yesterday was a good day. The house was finally sold. The mister got a job (we're a two income household again, yay!) And I found out the sh-thole where I used to work lost two big contracts.
V the K is a girl? Will wonders never cease? Also: congratulations! Posted by: Grey Fox at September 29, 2015 07:21 AM (bZ7mE) 71
've got a couple of relatives left who can tell you all about it.
And by the way, Babi Yar is still part of a public park in Kiev and it's like no big deal to the locals. "Mass grave with Yids? Meh. Break out the barbecue, guys!" Been reading the book "Ostland" by David Thomas. Fiction, but about the mass killing of Jews in Russia. Its story about a young SS officer who was in on the mass shooting of Jews. Was ordered to do it, what do you believe, did he have a choice? Not really, as he was a police officer from Germany who became a SS officer because of his job..conflicting emotions in this book on who to believe. Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 07:21 AM (Espnc) 72
All I know is that I have completed one of the three "S's" this morning to my great satisfaction, the showering and shaving will follow.
Posted by: Nip Sip at September 29, 2015 07:21 AM (jJRIy) 73
Hmm. Jason Chavetz is backing Trey Gowdy for Speaker. That could be interesting.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:17 AM (OGm46) Why not? Gowdy isn't busy nailing any of the myriad criminals and traitors who parade in front of him just about every day. He could use something else to occupy his time and then we don't have to hear him claiming that he's going to get to the bottom of any of the many crimes committed by this administration ... which all end end up being put aside after a little kabuki investigation by Gowdy.. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 07:22 AM (zc3Db) 74
Question for Jindel: Since you have no chance of being nominated for President, what good does it do you to "run for" President?
Posted by: BurtTC at September 29, 2015 07:22 AM (Dj0WE) 75
62 Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 07:15 AM (zc3Db)
This past weekend, Jeff Zucker was at my summer camp reunion. Man was I so tempted. Eh, what good would it do. Should've handed him my demo tape and snuck on the air as the next Jon Stewart and then changed into Mark Levin!!!! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:22 AM (St6BJ) 76
the moon had blood coming out of everywhere
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 29, 2015 07:19 AM (0O7c5) I'm only half paying attention to the news... does that mean there might be life on the moon? Posted by: BurtTC at September 29, 2015 07:24 AM (Dj0WE) 77
71 Was ordered to do it, what do you believe, did he have a choice?
Not really, as he was a police officer from Germany who became a SS officer because of his job..conflicting emotions in this book on who to believe. Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 07:21 AM (Espnc) Daniel Jonah Goldhagen's book "Hitler's Willing Executioners" explodes the "I was only following orders/I had no choice" myth. Hence, the title. Of the estimated 6 million Jews murdered, 1.5 million were shot. One quarter (or more) of the total. They either did it willingly or were indifferent to it. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:25 AM (St6BJ) 78
I need a break from all this misery.
On this date, silent star Norma Shearer married MGM head of production Irving Thalberg. Which is an excuse for me to link this, my favorite picture of her: Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 07:26 AM (zF6Iw) 79
76 the moon had blood coming out of everywhere
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 29, 2015 07:19 AM (0O7c5) I'm only half paying attention to the news... does that mean there might be life on the moon? Posted by: BurtTC at September 29, 2015 07:24 AM (Dj0WE) Moon tampons! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:26 AM (St6BJ) 80
A track from the Pope's new album. Pope Francis: Wake Up! Go! Go! Forward! enjoy your day Posted by: artisanal 'ette at September 29, 2015 07:27 AM (qCMvj) 81
Out sick today. That means I get to read Ace of Spades as it is being posted! Oh, and *BLAARGH*
Also, @78: Those gams! Posted by: Stingyhat at September 29, 2015 07:27 AM (fsTl5) 82
House Conservatives need to put someone up against McCarthy. Not even challenging the GOPe succession sends the wrong message.
Posted by: Bystander at September 29, 2015 07:27 AM (M0wRt) 83
Moar signs of the Obamaconamy, Whole Foods to lay off 1500 people. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:32 AM (t2KH5) No matter how much news like this is out there the MFM keeps bleating that the economy has never been better. It's an absolute mess and getting worse, but we can't say that because it must be racist to say the economy is shitty under Prezzy Choom Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 29, 2015 07:27 AM (DiZBp) 84
>>Why not? Gowdy isn't busy nailing any of the myriad criminals and traitors who parade in front of him just about every day. He could use something else to occupy his time and then we don't have to hear him claiming that he's going to get to the bottom of any of the many crimes committed by this administration ... which all end end up being put aside after a little kabuki investigation by Gowdy..
Are you seriously saying that Gowdy and his team haven't been driving the investigation of Hillary's email which is producing new developments on an almost daily basis? What more would you like to see him do, indict her, arrest her? I think you will find that he doesn't have that authority, that rests with Obama's Justice Department. I get and share the frustration people have with DC but I do not understand the constant need to blame Republicans on every issue when the blame lies with Obama and the left. Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:28 AM (OGm46) 85
74 Question for Jindel: Since you have no chance of being nominated for President, what good does it do you to "run for" President?
Posted by: BurtTC at September 29, 2015 07:22 AM (Dj0WE) They'd never ask it. Better way to phrase it would be, "if after the first few primaries your polling numbers do not rise, at what point do you tell yourself it's time to get out." ALSO - "If Trump does gain the nomination, will you wholeheartedly endorse his candidacy?" The humina, humina, humina's will be flying. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:28 AM (St6BJ) 86
I'm only half paying attention to the news... does that mean there might be life on the moon?
Posted by: BurtTC at September 29, 2015 07:24 AM (Dj0WE) __________________ Just means the moon gets bitchy and snarly once a month. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 29, 2015 07:29 AM (a31sM) Posted by: Soothie at September 29, 2015 07:29 AM (H9gvv) 88
Obama says "gay rights" are more important than
religious freedom. This despite the fact that there is no "first amendment" for gay rights. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:33 AM (t2KH5) Any day now he's going to come flitting out of the closet Posted by: TheQuietMan at September 29, 2015 07:29 AM (DiZBp) 89
I did a little research on Trey Gowdy. Seems okay.
Gohmert is okay. So the gop establishment and the media will make sure we get neither. I had never heard of McCarthy before this week, now the MSM is 24/7 talking about him as if it's 'settled science'. You wanna be that way, gop? Two words, Donald Trump. Posted by: se pa moron at September 29, 2015 07:29 AM (sI4OA) 90
Any day now he's going to come flitting out of the closet
______________ Bathhouse Barry? Never. He doesn't flit. He twirls and spins. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 29, 2015 07:31 AM (a31sM) 91
I had never heard of McCarthy before this week, now the MSM is 24/7 talking about him as if it's 'settled science'.
___________________ McCarthy is one of Boehner's lieutenants, which is why the MSM want him. It will be like Boehner never left. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 29, 2015 07:32 AM (a31sM) 92
does that mean there might be life on the moon?
All experience hath shewn, it's when the bleeding stops that you have something to really think about... Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:33 AM (xq1UY) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:33 AM (St6BJ) 94
Baltimore's massive new Amazon warehouse mostly run by robots. It's an ongoing thing with business. In 10 years fast food will say the same thing.
Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 07:34 AM (Espnc) 95
poor michael sam...."hind sight" is 20/20
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 29, 2015 07:34 AM (0O7c5) 96
When Eric Cantor was booted out - first time for someone in his leadership position - the GOP-e went on the warpath. Fuck them, in particular. The left has only succeeded post 2010 because the GOP-e wants what they want. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:35 AM (St6BJ) 97
94 Baltimore's massive new Amazon warehouse mostly run by robots. It's an ongoing thing with business. In 10 years fast food will say the same thing.
Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 07:34 AM (Espnc) What good is "Fight for $15!" when you have no job at all? But, corporations are evil!!!! Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:36 AM (St6BJ) 98
Part of the reason why we have awful leadership in the House is that House conservatives accept it meekly and do not challenge or compete. They need a Ted Cruz figure. Someone to publicly call out GOPe leadership.
Posted by: Bystander at September 29, 2015 07:37 AM (7v00c) 99
I get and share the frustration people have with DC but I do not understand the constant need to blame Republicans on every issue when the blame lies with Obama and the left.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:28 AM (OGm46) Barky wouldn't be able to commit his constant stream of crimes if someone would actually try to stop him. You think that Trey gowdy has done ANYTHING? Okay. I am totally dissatisfied with Gowdy and Issa and the whole bullshit kabuki that goes on in the House. Barky has committed more CLEARLY impeachable acts and crimes against the nation than you can shake a stick at (over 80 since he's slimed into office) and, yet, neither he nor any fo the criminal retards in his junta have been made to even answer for any of them, let alone be held in serious contempt or actually attempted to be prosecuted (as by special counsel, etc.). Nope. Not a one. Not a single one. Not even the mere mention of any of these pieces of shit being impeached. There is no excuse for that. None. And it infuriates me. I hold those responsible who are the only ones who have the power and responsibility to stop a tyrant in the Executive and his minions. Yes, Barky and his junta are the criminals. The Vichy GOP and their toadies are the collaborators. Those who have done nothing to stop Barky bear full responsibility for their criminal inaction. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 07:38 AM (zc3Db) 100
An attempt at another bank bailout is what will take them all down (including Obama).
Posted by: just saying at September 29, 2015 07:40 AM (jN+3o) 101
98 Part of the reason why we have awful leadership in the House is that House conservatives accept it meekly and do not challenge or compete. They need a Ted Cruz figure. Someone to publicly call out GOPe leadership.
Posted by: Bystander at September 29, 2015 07:37 AM (7v00c) There aren't enough conservatives to effectively challenge them. Too many turned into Renee Ellmers after 2010 and 2014. I hope that they will cause a stink anyway. I think the public is none-too-pleased. If it made no difference, Boehner would not have left. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:40 AM (St6BJ) 102
84 I get and share the frustration people have with DC but I do not understand the constant need to blame Republicans on every issue when the blame lies with Obama.
I'm not on Team GOPe, so there is no need to pull punches about GOPe complicity. Posted by: Bystander at September 29, 2015 07:41 AM (7v00c) Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 29, 2015 07:41 AM (ij7E3) 104
99 Barky wouldn't be able to commit his constant stream of crimes if someone would actually try to stop him.
Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 07:38 AM (zc3Db) T-H-I-S. And throw in the 5-6 stooges on the kangaroo court and voila. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:42 AM (St6BJ) 105
Robots and installing systems will be booming in the next 10 years. If your into computers and starting out, Technical colleges are where its at. The poorly educated will fall by the way side. The free stuff will be the future for many!
Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 07:42 AM (Espnc) 106
I see Donald Trumps success to date as a 'protest vote' against the gop establishment. So if the gop establishment wants to install another Boner as the speaker they're not going to put out the Trump fire, but fan the flames.
Jeb Bush hardest hit. Posted by: se pa moron at September 29, 2015 07:43 AM (sI4OA) 107
Raul Castro at UN, not sounding too lovey-dovey. It's official, and you heard it here first: Obama's not going to "close" Guantanamo, he's going to give it to Cuba.
It will be the finest prison in a nation of prisons. "Under new management." Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:43 AM (xq1UY) 108
I am working on piece for Ricochet; who are the most batsh-t crazy Democrats?
Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2015 07:45 AM (O7MnT) 109
>>Barky wouldn't be able to commit his constant stream of crimes if someone would actually try to stop him. You think that Trey gowdy has done ANYTHING? Okay. I am totally dissatisfied with Gowdy and Issa and the whole bullshit kabuki that goes on in the House
Neither Gowdy nor Issa have the power to bring Articles of Impeachment. That power rested with Boehner. And yes, I do think both of them did a good job exposing the illegal acts of the left despite the lies, stonewalling and hiding of information by the left and the compliance of the msm. And Gowdy is far from done with Hillary and largely due to his investigation she has gone from inevitable to trailing Bernie frigging Sanders. I don't believe impeachment would have gone anywhere and more than likely would have done for Obama what it did for Bubba, give him a boost. You think there are the votes in the Senate to take down Obama? Please. They can't even get the votes to defund PP. Removing Obama would require a bi-partisan Senate the likes of which we haven't seen since the Watergate days. It was only when Republicans turned on Nixon that he was toast. That was never going to happen to Obama with Reid and his cronies in the Senate. Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:45 AM (OGm46) 110
OK, time to finish the last two "S's" BBL
Posted by: Nip Sip at September 29, 2015 07:45 AM (jJRIy) 111
105 Robots and installing systems will be booming in the next 10 years. If your into computers and starting out, Technical colleges are where its at. The poorly educated will fall by the way side. The free stuff will be the future for many!Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 07:42 AM
The factory of the future will contain one man and one dog. The mans job will be to open cans to feed the dog, the dogs job Is to keep the man from touching anything. Posted by: se pa moron at September 29, 2015 07:46 AM (sI4OA) Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2015 07:47 AM (g6yUI) 113
"Baltimore's massive new Amazon warehouse mostly run by robots. It's an ongoing thing with business. In 10 years fast food will say the same thing."
Can't layoff robots. That's what brought the last automation craze to a halt. Making people work to eat is God's design. Bad things happen when that is "compassionate conservative". All these Sociopath RINOs and Democrats need a third shift job feeding blanks into a widget machine. Put a camera on them and broadcast on the internet as a cautionary tale. Posted by: just saying at September 29, 2015 07:48 AM (jN+3o) 114
What more would you like to see him do, indict her, arrest her? I think you will find that he doesn't have that authority, that rests with Obama's Justice Department.
He has the authority to subpoena her, does he not? If so, then do it. Drag Scankles in front of his committee Every. Single. Day. When she's finished one day's testimony, tell her, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Clinton, but your answers do not satisfy this committee. You will appear before us tomorrow at the same time." And you keep on doing this until the scankled bitch either cracks or erupts in a shrieking fit. If she were a Repub and Gowdy a Dem, you think Gowdy wouldn't be hauling her ass in front of him 24 / 7? I get and share the frustration people have with DC but I do not understand the constant need to blame Republicans on every issue when the blame lies with Obama and the left. I blame Republicans because the bastards will not fight. Fuck 'statesmanship' and fuck 'comity.' The Democrat party is an obvious, open treasonous organization, but the dog-eating crackhead still waggles his pen and phone in the GOPe's face and gets away with crimes that a Nixon would have been hanged for. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 07:49 AM (zF6Iw) 115
I am beginning to think that the Republicans irrational fear of
shutdowns is a smoke screen to hide the fact that they really want the same big government shit as the Democrats. -- This. There really is no other conclusion to be drawn from their abject uselessness. Posted by: Lady in Black.....sigh at September 29, 2015 07:50 AM (pVkEV) 116
Raul Castro at UN, not sounding too lovey-dovey. It's official, and you heard it here first: Obama's not going to "close" Guantanamo, he's going to give it to Cuba. It will be the finest prison in a nation of prisons. "Under new management." Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:43 AM (xq1UY) GITMO was deeded to the US under a treaty. Obama can not legally give it up. Of course, as long as we have jellyfish in Congress he can do anything he wants, whether it is legal or not. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 07:51 AM (t2KH5) 117
'Lectro this and 'lectro-that, the best childhood training for a career in automation remains the train set.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:51 AM (xq1UY) 118
I am working on piece for Ricochet; who are the most batsh-t crazy Democrats?
Nice thing about online publications is they'll never run out of ink. Posted by: Fox Mulder at September 29, 2015 07:52 AM (vn2q2) 119
I blame Republicans because the bastards will not fight. Fuck 'statesmanship' and fuck 'comity.' The Democrat party is an obvious, open treasonous organization, but the dog-eating crackhead still waggles his pen and phone in the GOPe's face and gets away with crimes that a Nixon would have been hanged for.
THIS times a million. FIGHT or go the fvck home. Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2015 07:52 AM (g6yUI) 120
Wasn't McCarthy the one who delivered Boehner's "Sucks To Be You" notices to the conservatives that Boehner decided should be punished by taking away committee chairs and such?
I vaguely recall seeing interviews with McCarthy. Impression I have is he probably leans left a lot and he was kind of shit weasel smarmy. Posted by: Usedtocould at September 29, 2015 07:53 AM (pz+6x) 121
I don't believe impeachment would have gone anywhere and more than likely would have done for Obama what it did for Bubba, give him a boost.
By that thinking, the GOP should never oppose Obama, because doing so might give him a boost. You don't hold back on articles of impeachment because you're afraid of the MFM. You issue them because it is your duty to the Constitution. Otherwise, just admit that there will always be a reason (Black! Woman! Gay!) a lawless Dem must be allowed their malfesance. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 07:55 AM (zF6Iw) 122
I posted a link a few months ago to a site that explained how Republicans in congress could in fact charge members of the Obama team with criminal contempt AND haul their ass into court w/o going through the DOJ.
But they will never do it. They are not interested in fighting and that is the shitty GOP leadership. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 07:55 AM (t2KH5) 123
I am working on piece for Ricochet; who are the most batsh-t crazy Democrats?
Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2015 07:45 AM Can't give you a better answer than rickb's, but suggest you add Rinse Prius, Marco Rubio, Bitch McConnell and Cheeto-boy Boner to the list. Posted by: MrScribbler at September 29, 2015 07:55 AM (1GuiX) 124
"The factory of the future will contain one man and one dog. The mans job will be to open cans to feed the dog, the dogs job Is to keep the man from touching anything. "
You've never worked in an automated factory. The man's job will be finding and replacing defective parts. Changing the application code to work with the new parts which are an upgrade from the old parts. Feeding bean counters their expected numbers instead of the true numbers. Keeping the wet-behind-the-ears from hurting production. Humans were designed by God. Robots/automation is designed by humans. God is a master chemist. Humans are tinkerers with a hard on. Posted by: just saying at September 29, 2015 07:55 AM (jN+3o) 125
g'mornin', 'rons
Posted by: AltonJackson at September 29, 2015 07:57 AM (ZQfW9) 126
109>> I agree with you that there is no way the Affurmatif Axshun Preznit would ever be impeached.
But the GOP hasn't even TRIED to stymie him or the democrats in their relentless efforts to 'change' America. The GOP is the epitome of failure and ineffective politics. The entire GOPe needs to go, or the GOP itself needs to go. Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at September 29, 2015 07:57 AM (ij7E3) 127
>>He has the authority to subpoena her, does he not?
She is appearing October 22nd. He's a career prosecutor, he has been interviewing all her underlings for months building her up for a possible perjury charge if she doesn't sing the right song. This is how prosecutors work, you don't go for the honcho out of the gate. Just because the msm isn't highlighting it doesn't mean it isn't happening. >>I blame Republicans because the bastards will not fight. Fuck 'statesmanship' and fuck 'comity.' The Democrat party is an obvious, open treasonous organization, but the dog-eating crackhead still waggles his pen and phone in the GOPe's face and gets away with crimes that a Nixon would have been hanged for. Fight how? What exactly should they do? Fight like Trump? What exactly has he accomplished other than promoting Trump? If Hillary is not the nominee which is looking more likely every day it wasn't because of the Blood Moon. It was because of this constant email drip drip drip which is largely due to Gowdy's investigation. That's a fight with a real result that benefits us all not just Gowdy. The msm hated Nixon. They covered Watergate for years as if it was the end of times. The msm ball washes Obama daily and hides his obvious failures like Obamacare, his foreign policy, the economy, unemployment, everything. And they paint Republicans and anyone who challenges the left as crazy, out of touch idiots and war mongers. And it has worked whether we like it or not. There is about zero popular support for impeaching Obama and without that it would never happen. Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:57 AM (OGm46) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at September 29, 2015 07:57 AM (hEfqK) 129
I don't believe impeachment would have gone anywhere and more than likely would have done for Obama what it did for Bubba, give him a boost.
Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 07:45 AM (OGm46) Clinton didn't get a boost from the impeachment. He became a pariah. Al Gore didn'e even want to be seen with him on the campaign trail. Bill Clinton essentially disappeared from the public stage for at least 5 years. he was a joke to everyone, including the lunatic dems. Further, the "terrible" results of that impeachment were that in a few short years the GOP won both houses of Congress and the Presidency, for the first time ever. Yeah .... that impeachment had terrible consequences for the GOP. Look, Jack. We have had no attempt to rein in Barky or hold him or any of his junta responisble for anything. And they have run totally wild and just keep getting worse. That is what happens when there isn't even a threat of impeachment or prosecution or contempt. That is what happens when the leader elected by these turds in the House goes out of his way to help Barky do everything that pops into the Indonesian America-hater's pea-brain. This is what happens when people won't even address impeachment because they think there won't be a conviction in the Senate. Who cares if the Senate convicts? When an Executive or his people commit crimes they are to be impeached. That is the right thing to do. Not to be worried that they won't ultimately be convicted, but that the process is engaged for the criminals in the White House. All it takes is a little bit of integrity ... which none but a few in the House have shown all these years. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 07:58 AM (zc3Db) 130
"...suggest you add Rinse Prius, Marco Rubio, Bitch McConnell and Cheeto-boy Boner to the list."
I agree. They are (insert favorite derogation) Democrats. They sure as heck aren't the Republicans they pretend to be. Posted by: just saying at September 29, 2015 07:58 AM (jN+3o) 131
107 Raul Castro at UN, not sounding too lovey-dovey. It's official, and you heard it here first: Obama's not going to "close" Guantanamo, he's going to give it to Cuba.
It will be the finest prison in a nation of prisons. "Under new management." Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 07:43 AM (xq1UY) The muzzie terrorists will be freed and the dissidents shoved in in their place. Much as I loathed JFK, he must be turning in his grave. This is murder. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 07:58 AM (St6BJ) 132
127 She is appearing October 22nd. He's a career prosecutor, he has been
interviewing all her underlings for months building her up for a possible perjury charge if she doesn't sing the right song. -------------------------------------- Issa already had evidence of perjury from her when she testified at his committee. He did nothing with it. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 07:59 AM (t2KH5) 133
"...Clinton didn't get a boost from the impeachment."
John Glenn did. :-) Clinton knew how to fight. Posted by: just saying at September 29, 2015 07:59 AM (jN+3o) 134
118 I am working on piece for Ricochet; who are the most batsh-t crazy Democrats?
Nice thing about online publications is they'll never run out of ink. Posted by: Fox Mulder at September 29, 2015 07:52 AM (vn2q2) We're working on that. Posted by: The UN and the FCC at September 29, 2015 08:00 AM (St6BJ) 135
More on the CA "water shortage" which is actually caused by the greens who run the State. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:34 AM (t2KH5) That's because they should be using has electrolytes and stuff. Posted by: Zombie Harvey Milk at September 29, 2015 08:00 AM (D0NZx) 136
These fake shutdowns have all been caused by Democrats but the MFM blamed Republicans for it. However, the public was able to see through that and it has NEVER cost the Republicans a single election, yet the RNCe is still terrified of getting blamed. Or so they say.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 06:47 AM (t2KH5) Vic, you are essentially correct here. I've been watching this happen for 30+ years now and the story is always the same. Congress sends a spending bill to the President that he doesn't like, and he refuses to sign it, and the government (a part of it anyway) shuts down. Sometimes the president is a Repub, sometimes a Dem. Sometimes the Congress is controlled by Repubs, sometimes by Dems. But with the Joseph Goebbels Memorial Ministry of Propaganda and wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, aka the MFM, the story is ALWAYS the same. If the prez is a Repub and the congress is controlled by the Dims, it is ALL the fault of the prez. If the prez is a Dim and the congress controlled by the Repubs, it is ALL the fault of Congress. Every. Time. This is why I dropped all my daily and weekly newspaper and magazine subscriptions and stopped watching the alphabet networks a quarter century ago. They simply cannot be trusted to report the news factually, if they ever could. It's all lefty agitprop, all the time. And yet another reason why the Republic is doomed. Posted by: The Oort Cloud - Source of all SMODs at September 29, 2015 08:01 AM (AYY6Y) 137
134 Castro suggest Puerto Rico should be free of America?
Hey be my guest... Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2015 07:59 AM (gf8BH) One of the maintenance guys in my building is Puerto Rican and he HATES Castro. And Obama. Funny, all the workers here are conservative and all the residents are batshit leftoids. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at September 29, 2015 08:01 AM (St6BJ) 138
When my son Jason was three years old, our church was meeting temporarily on Sunday mornings in a local school until we could move into a new building. To keep our folding chairs from being mistaken for those belonging to the school, we painted the word JESUS across the back of each of the chairs
One day, as we were eating at a local restaurant, Jason proudly announced that he could replied "chair". "How, Jason?"I asked. "J-E-S-U-S. " he replied Pastor Grace Lawrence-quoted in "More Holy Humor" Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:02 AM (cgZPg) 139
Issa already had evidence of perjury from her when she testified at his committee. He did nothing with it.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 07:59 AM (t2KH5) The maids were cleaning his office and threw the papers out by mistake. Happens. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 08:03 AM (zc3Db) 140
She is appearing October 22nd. He's a career prosecutor, he has been interviewing all her underlings for months building her up for a possible perjury charge if she doesn't sing the right song.
I have a hundred bucks in my pocket that says she will: A.) find an excuse not to appear before Gowdy; B.) if she appears, she will lie like a champ; C.) Gowdy will do jack shit about it. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 08:04 AM (zF6Iw) 141
yep .... Gowdey =Issa .... both usless
Posted by: E.T. at September 29, 2015 08:06 AM (yq4gk) 142
Puerto Rico is "this Close" ( see how close my fingers are?) from declaring bankruptcy...go ahead and go it on your own...Be my guest Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2015 08:05 AM (gf8BH) Obama will bail them out. In fact, that is already going on. The US taxpayer MUST finance their socialism. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 08:06 AM (t2KH5) 143
I have a hundred bucks in my pocket that says she will:
A.) find an excuse not to appear before Gowdy; B.) if she appears, she will lie like a champ; C.) Gowdy will do jack shit about it. Sucker bet. Not taking it. Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2015 08:06 AM (v9gSJ) 144
Morning, horde.
Damnit, I pulled a muscle or something when I was in the shower this morning and now I have pain between my shoulder blades. Not terrific pain, not bad enough to go the doctor, but nagging discomfort that becomes worse whenever I take a deep breath. It's annoying. I hope it goes away so. Posted by: Donna&&&&V. (brandisher of ampersands) at September 29, 2015 08:08 AM (P8951) 145
PR will declare first but what will be the first state?Illinois?
Posted by: steevy at September 29, 2015 08:08 AM (sPO3u) 146
150 That was a vigorous shower,what exactly were you doing in there?
![]() Posted by: steevy at September 29, 2015 08:09 AM (sPO3u) 147
The only way Gowdy will get the goods on Scankles is if he can turn one of her minions by charging them with criminal contempt (felony). And I suspect they would rather go to jail than wind up in a park dead.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 08:09 AM (t2KH5) 148
In a sermon at First United Methodist Church, the Rev.. P Thomas Wacherhauser observed, "Have you noticed the problems created for ministers by the large bulletin boards out in front of a church? The sermon title is placed just above the name of the preacher of the day. A year ago the sign read, "Who killed Jesus? Dr Alfred T. Ramsey." Not long ago the sign read, "Nothing to Wear, Rev Marsha M Wooley." This morning the sign reads: "The perfect Christian, Rev. P Thomas Wacherhauser."
From MHH Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:09 AM (cgZPg) 149
Damnit, I pulled a muscle or something when I was in the shower this morning
Posted by: Donna PICS!! Posted by: rickb223 at September 29, 2015 08:10 AM (v9gSJ) 150
jack Straw,
The IRS was used as a political attack dog during a Presidential election. The IRS colluded with Barky and the dems and made their operation part of the DNC and the Oval Office's political campaign. That was YEARS ago and the proof has been out for quite some time. When confronted by House committees the IRS responded with the laughable bullshit that hard drives had just crashed all over the place. Intellectually offensive lies of the worst sort. And what happened to all the IRS people and those who were running things in the IRS and the administration? I could go on and on and on with shit like this. It's been going on for years. And nothing has been done. Not by Issa. Not by Gowdy. Not by anyone. It's just a mockery, at this point, and a dangerous one, at that. Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at September 29, 2015 08:10 AM (zc3Db) 151
>>>> those of you who survived the super blood moon celestial body alignment thingy
Hah! You only think you did. Daoloth, The Render of the Veils, is slowly but inexorably eating away at the fabric of space and time as we speak! Posted by: Bigby's Atomic Elbow at September 29, 2015 08:10 AM (3ZtZW) 152
how about them #GIANTS? staying alive!
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at September 29, 2015 08:10 AM (0O7c5) 153
152 Which is exactly why they wont.Though they may play the "colonial occupation caused this" card and try to get us to pay anyway.Obama would go for it.
Posted by: steevy at September 29, 2015 08:11 AM (sPO3u) 154
When I was a teen, I used to pull a muscle in the shower practically every day.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 29, 2015 08:11 AM (oVJmc) 155
PR has already effectively hit bankruptcy when they defaulted on a scheduled payment and could not even pay the interest on the debt.
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 08:11 AM (t2KH5) Posted by: BackwardsBoy at September 29, 2015 08:11 AM (LUgeY) 157
162 That's not a muscle!
Posted by: steevy at September 29, 2015 08:12 AM (sPO3u) 158
Posted by: Donna&&&&V. (brandisher of ampersands) at September 29, 2015 08:08 AM (P8951)
Sorry, Donna; Hope you feel better soon. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:12 AM (cgZPg) 159
>>> there is no "first amendment" for gay rights
"Congress shall make no laws concerning What You Put In There" Posted by: Bigby's Atomic Elbow at September 29, 2015 08:12 AM (3ZtZW) 160
agreed that the Assad Syria is evil but I fail to see a down side of Assad and Russia wiping out ISIS ...
Posted by: E.T. at September 29, 2015 08:13 AM (yq4gk) Posted by: Donna&&&&V. (brandisher of ampersands) at September 29, 2015 08:14 AM (P8951) 162
>>By that thinking, the GOP should never oppose Obama, because doing so might give him a boost.
I didn't say you can't oppose him. I said impeaching him would not have worked. Those are two separate issues. I don't anyone would say that Republicans have done a good job opposing Obama. >>Clinton didn't get a boost from the impeachment. He became a pariah. Al Gore didn'e even want to be seen with him on the campaign trail. Bill Clinton essentially disappeared from the public stage for at least 5 years. he was a joke to everyone, including the lunatic dems. Bull and shit. Clinton left office with huge favorable opinion rankings and he remains the most popular figure in the Dem party after Obama. Gore made an enormous mistake hitting Clinton and running against him at times. And he lost. Not exactly an endorsement of your strategy. >>Further, the "terrible" results of that impeachment were that in a few short years the GOP won both houses of Congress and the Presidency, for the first time ever. Yeah .... that impeachment had terrible consequences for the GOP. These two things have nothing to do with each other. >>Look, Jack. We have had no attempt to rein in Barky or hold him or any of his junta responisble for anything. And they have run totally wild and just keep getting worse. That is what happens when there isn't even a threat of impeachment or prosecution or contempt. As I said, I don't think anyone would say the Republicans have done a good job reining in Obama. Frankly, he has outplayed them at just about every turn. Presidents and the executive branch have enormous power and even Chimpy McHaliburton was able to roll the left for 8 years getting a lot of what he wanted despite their constant howls of executive overreach and the Imperial Presidency. Surely you remember that, the left and the msm said it daily. But I differ from you as to why this has happened and the proper remedy. In my lifetime, we have never had such a corrupt bureaucracy mixed with a corrupt executive branch. Holder was absolutely lawless and as chief law enforcement officer he had enormous power. If he was a Republican he would have been hounded from office years ago. But a black leftwing darling, not a chance. His obviously racist and corrupt actions were never covered (black panthers, etc.) or even praised (Zimmerman, Ferguson, etc.). It is only lately, and it appears with the compliance of the Obama administration, that a crack is appearing in the stonewall of the left. Hillary is being hung out to dry and yes, it is the investigations of Gowdy, Issa and the Republicans in the House that have been driving a lot of this stuff into the open. It's frustrating, it's slow but given the corruption of the left and the corruption of our media I think this is the most effective way of fighting them. There should have been a select committee years ago but that is on Boehner not the guys doing the investigating. Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 08:15 AM (OGm46) 163
168 He got all his conservative cred from yelling at some teachers one time.He has always been just another fat semi Democrat.
Posted by: steevy at September 29, 2015 08:16 AM (sPO3u) 164
Reading from Mark 1:9 one recent morning, Rev. Steven Becker, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Theresa, NY, transposed a couple of words and it came out, "At that time Jesus came up from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by Jordan in the John."
MHH Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:17 AM (cgZPg) 165
Donald Trump's Hair said he'd rescind NAFTA.
I have a sneaking feeling he wants me to support him. No other candidate has even mentioned that abortion of a treaty and the damage it's done to millions of people like me. I'm beginning to like this guy, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up for anyone, given my track record the past few elections. I should probably throw my support behind the Dim candidate just to make sure they lose. Posted by: BackwardsBoy at September 29, 2015 08:18 AM (LUgeY) Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at September 29, 2015 08:18 AM (gW5Vg) 167
Obama has a plan to defeat ISIS with HBO. I assume it involves raising their rates sky high. Posted by: The Great White Snark at September 29, 2015 08:19 AM (ee9LE) 168
And for those of us who didn't survive the blood moon alignment thingy? You just gonna leave us out of your welcome?
I see how you are. Nope. Too late. I'm offended now. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at September 29, 2015 08:22 AM (BZAd3) 169
>>>Look, Jack. We have had no attempt to rein in Barky or hold him or any
of his junta responisble for anything. And they have run totally wild and just keep getting worse. That is what happens when there isn't even a threat of impeachment or prosecution or contempt. . . .Obama was impeachment proof the day he got sworn in, period. If people here can't figure out that and understand why, you are being politically naive. Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at September 29, 2015 08:22 AM (iONHu) 170
I said several months ago that the smart play for the GOP would be to get resignations from Boney and Bitch well before the election. It looks like that's what's going to happen.
Of course, this won't change anything. Boney and Bitch will be replaced by people just as shitty as they are. The GOP is an organization dominated by filthy traitorous criminal cocksuckers. That's not going to change. Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at September 29, 2015 08:23 AM (u5gzz) 171
PR will declare first but what will be the first state?Illinois?
Posted by: steevy at September 29, 2015 08:08 AM (sPO3u) We are very close to it. When we go do it will be hard. There one minute gone the next. Already sent a letter to Gub'nor Abbot of Texas to just go ahead and Annex most of this state. Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Old and unimproved. at September 29, 2015 08:23 AM (dOD0J) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:23 AM (cgZPg) 173
Russia now has a significant force in the region, and there's nothing that's going to get them to remove it, even once they prop up their ally Assad.
Weren't we, a few years back, talking about backing the 'rebels' against Assad? I think it was the same people (particularly McCain and Graham) who are now wanting us to go in anti-ISIS (in effect, propping up Assad). Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 29, 2015 08:24 AM (oVJmc) 174
Didja see that Hillary! hired Stephen Spielberg to make her appead likeable? Sure, he can make a believable dinosaur but the no.magician.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at September 29, 2015 08:24 AM (ee9LE) 175
>>>5 Scankles has found her fall guy for Benghazi.
She's found the fall guy for the coverup. But the actual f*ckup that lead to the 4 deaths is still hers. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at September 29, 2015 08:25 AM (1Zmfg) 176
"Welcome, those of you who survived the super blood moon celestial body alignment thingy."
What about the Buzzion among us who didn't? You're not a necroist, are you? Posted by: Concerned SWJ at September 29, 2015 08:25 AM (sOhww) 177
Morning Horde.
We manage to piss anyone off yet? Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at September 29, 2015 08:18 AM (gW5Vg) I can't decide whether I'm so much pissed off as I am just garden-variety unhappy. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 08:26 AM (zF6Iw) 178
179 We manage to piss anyone off yet? Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at September 29, 2015 08:18 AM (gW5Vg) Working on it
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2015 08:19 AM (gf8BH) Since you are a dentist, I believe you have an unfair advantage over the rest of us. Posted by: DJ Jazzy Mel at September 29, 2015 08:26 AM (22uju) Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:26 AM (cgZPg) Posted by: Mortimer at September 29, 2015 08:26 AM (0dcbp) 181
I can't decide whether I'm so much pissed off as I am just garden-variety unhappy.
Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 08:26 AM (zF6Iw) From puberty to death, there is a simple formula for men's happiness: "I want a beer and I want to see a woman nekkid" Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at September 29, 2015 08:27 AM (gW5Vg) 182
I think Boehner deserves a big thank you from all of us for holding the official debt below $19,000,000,000,000.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at September 29, 2015 08:27 AM (ee9LE) 183
Didja see that Hillary! hired Stephen Spielberg to make her appead
likeable? Sure, he can make a believable dinosaur but the no.magician. 'Believing in dinosaurs' is exactly the job Hilly needs done. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 29, 2015 08:28 AM (oVJmc) 184
172 ... so who would you want in control of Syria?
Assad who Israel held in check because, lets face it, he does not want to die... or ISIS who can care less about life ( theirs or anyones )...if they are allowed to establish themselves with an airforce and/or advanced weapons there will be some serious shit going down in Israel. Posted by: E.T. at September 29, 2015 08:29 AM (yq4gk) 185
I've been thinking about the whole 'victimhood' cloud we've been living under and I think I found the silver lining.
All of these 'victims' when the real victimization comes (and you know it's coming) they are going to be the first real victims. It's that old, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you," concept. Does anybody think that these people are going to be prepared for anything even marginally resembling an existential threat? Yeah. Me neither. Train. Practice. Study. Be prepared. Winter is coming. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at September 29, 2015 08:29 AM (BZAd3) 186
Obama was impeachment proof the day he got sworn in, period. If people here can't figure out that and understand why, you are being politically naive.
Posted by: The Great White Scotsman at September 29, 2015 08:22 AM (iONHu) I do understand. I know that if he wasn't half-black, he'd long since have been kicked out. But what I'm saying is that by not even trying to hold him accountable - remember the famous saying, 'impeachment is off the table?" - the door is now open for any number of excuses as to why any particular darling of the left cannot be held accountable for their crimes: Hillary was impeachment proof the day she got sworn in, period. Caitlyn Jenner was impeachment proof the day it got sworn in, period. And so on. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at September 29, 2015 08:30 AM (zF6Iw) 187
Posted by: The Great White Snark at September 29, 2015 08:24 AM (ee9LE)
Yep, and here's the article on trying to make Hillary likable which was in the NY Post-"Saving Private Rodham" It's amusing in a sad kind of way for those that haven't seen it: Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:31 AM (cgZPg) 188
Drudge links to an article by Trump on his tax plan that appeared behind the paywall at the WSJ. Maybe someone can get back there, take a look, and tell us what is interesting about it....
Posted by: Emily at September 29, 2015 08:31 AM (7Rn+/) 189
When is this site going to take Trump's policies and his willingness to run the ball toward a goal line that defeats the criminal Republicans and Democrats who have been running things. The Dems are very clear about wanting to demean and/or destroy American leadership and economy -- redistribute! The Republicans have been viciously destroying any Republican who puts forward any serious opposition to Dems, GOPe, CofC, and WallStreet.
Icahn has put forward stats that the average American earns $50,000 per year; the CEO $47 million. What does that tell you about who is benefiting most from this criminal enterprise we call government. I hope AceofSpades will stop trying to demean Trump every time they say something "NICE". Sort of like FoxNews. I also wish that morons and moronettes would read ConservativeTreehouse for some serious investigative reporting on the combined Dem-Rep(GOPe) criminal enterprise, especially the plan for Jeb! to be the nominee -- just like McCain and Romney before him. (And if Jeb does not win, Hillary -- or any other Dem today -- is just fine because she lets the Repub criminals continue with business as usual.) It's time to stop the criminal enterprise. No one else is defining it besides Trump. First comes a border or no country to save, then a tax plan that will enable this economy to grow. Posted by: pyromancer76 at September 29, 2015 08:31 AM (sPfLU) 190
It's beginning to look like the Arab Spring (or our misperceptions of it, perhaps including its very existence) could turn out to be the worst thing to ever happen to Arabs. And, Spring.
Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 08:33 AM (xq1UY) 191
WAWA and Sheetz free coffee any size, for those living in parts of the East!
Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 08:33 AM (Espnc) 192
Concern duly noted.
Posted by: BCochran1981 - Credible Hulk at September 29, 2015 08:34 AM (gW5Vg) 193
So China landed their carrier (such that it is) in Syria and offloaded a bunch of Chinese soldiers to... whatever they are going to do in coordination with the Russians (which I'm absolutely convinced is totally benign and represents no threat at all).
Obama and Kerry putting on their clown noses now to explain how this is totally benign and represents no threat at all and is all just 'part of the strategy'. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at September 29, 2015 08:34 AM (BZAd3) Posted by: Fritz at September 29, 2015 08:34 AM (UzPAd) 195
I don't know that I'm going to be prepared for anything resembling an existential threat, and I have the "correct" politics, I don't have the money to be a prepper on a large scale so I can't really celebrate the possibility of others being unprepared, because an existential threat of great magnitude will hit us all.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:34 AM (cgZPg) 196
'Arab Spring' was an astroturf operation by all the bad actors on the world stage to bring us to the point we are.
Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 29, 2015 08:35 AM (oVJmc) 197
201 Drudge links to an article by Trump on his tax plan that appeared behind the paywall at the WSJ. Maybe someone can get back there, take a look, and tell us what is interesting about it....
If you want to get behind a paywall, just google the article you're looking for and click the linky google provides, this should work i think, if not, google away.... Posted by: All Teh Meh at September 29, 2015 08:35 AM (VviqM) 198
I don't see how any newcomer in politics could screw this country up any worse than it is now. Obama is a terrible President. This country has taken great strides backwards with him in office. With each day we have taken another step to becoming a third world shithole. I'm sick of him and his demo-commie party. I'm sick of the GOPe and their do nothing attitude. I'm sick of the MotherFu*kingMedia with their lies and down right propaganda. G-d, have mercy.
Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at September 29, 2015 08:35 AM (HSAmh) 199
Spielberg's problem with his likeability project is that the casting is all wrong.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at September 29, 2015 08:37 AM (ee9LE) 200
>>Hillary was impeachment proof the day she got sworn in, period.
Hillary is proving to be less of a darling of the left and equally important the msm than Obama. Obama was manifestly unqualified to be president and the msm not only refused to vet him, they protected and promoted him in a way I've never seen done for a politician. They continue to do it despite his obvious failures. He is the living embodiment of Amhed the clock boy, a complete fraud that the msm has turned into some sort of hero/martyr and it is still largely taken as fact. The NYT is the rag leading the drip, drip of Hillary's email lies. They have never done anything remotely like that to Obama. Her own party doesn't seem to like here all that much. I think the rules are different for her. Posted by: JackStraw at September 29, 2015 08:38 AM (OGm46) 201
I hope AceofSpades will stop trying to demean Trump every time they say something "NICE". Sort of like FoxNews.
What???? And give up supporting of the PERFECT. CONSERVATIVE. FANTASY. CANDIDATE. who will be declaring their candidacy ANY. MINUTE. NOW??? Poppycock. Pish and nonsense. Posted by: Mortimer at September 29, 2015 08:38 AM (0dcbp) 202
Posted by: All Teh Meh at September 29, 2015 08:35 AM (VviqM)
Looks like that doesn't work, just click the first link from here Posted by: All Teh Meh at September 29, 2015 08:38 AM (VviqM) 203
215 He is not letting us off that easy.
Posted by: steevy at September 29, 2015 08:40 AM (sPO3u) 204
A police officer shot and killed an unarmed teen sparking outcry from Black Lives Matter & causing the NAACP to demand the release of surveillance video. They got what they wished for. Oopsie. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at September 29, 2015 08:41 AM (fWAjv) 205
Posted by: Nevergiveup at September 29, 2015 08:39 AM (gf8BH)
Have the councilors been called in yet to help those traumatized by the sight of the Stars and Bars? Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Old and unimproved. at September 29, 2015 08:41 AM (dOD0J) 206
A relative just returning from Gatlinburg, TN says all the CBF's prices in the stores have increased because of the demand. All is not lost!
Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 08:42 AM (Espnc) 207
What the hell is a "gay right?" An structural component of the imaginary "gay marriage" construct. see also 'CO2' and 'AGW' Posted by: Mortimer at September 29, 2015 08:42 AM (0dcbp) 208
>>>PP hired paid protestors to throw condoms at Carly.
Wut? Wouldn't condoms cut into their profit margins? Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at September 29, 2015 08:42 AM (1Zmfg) 209
A police officer shot and killed an unarmed teen sparking outcry from
Black Lives Matter causing the NAACP to demand the release of surveillance video. They got what they wished for. Oopsie. Meanwhile, Violent night in Chicago: 5 dead 9 shot including a 11 month and 2 year old! Posted by: Colin at September 29, 2015 08:43 AM (Espnc) 210
While Obama is "impeachment proof", especially when we have traitor Republicans like Mr Scottish Law from PA, his minions are not bullet proof. One is already gone after she was charged with criminal contempt. Holder refused to prosecute (which is also illegal BTW) and now he is gone.
These Republican committees should be bringing criminal contempt charges right and left, including one for Scankles for perjury. But the leadership is holding them back because "optics". Which is what you say when you have no balls. Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 08:43 AM (t2KH5) 211
Welcome, those of you who survived the super blood moon celestial body alignment thingy.
Fortunately, my Three Wolf Moon T-shirt protected me against all effects from the Terrible Super Blood Moon I'm assuming the rest of you moron are now shambling zombies- who are driven to post at the HQ much like the zombies in Romero's Dawn of the Dead went to the shopping mall out of habit. Posted by: naturalfake at September 29, 2015 08:44 AM (KUa85) 212
Sorry, Donna; Hope you feel better soon.
There's FS again, spoiling everybody's fun. The human head is a ridiculous engineering proposition. Its placement requires all sorts of specialized musculature and skeletal legerdemain. It has its advantages, but the trade-offs are expensive. Add to that the weight of toned muscular arms and a killer rack, and it's almost more than you can expect of a back. And of course it's the brainiest, strongest and best-endowed who must suffer the worst. And when it's at that worst, what do we advise? "Hold your head up." Ah, the human condition. The pain of beauty. Men, at least, have their heaviest important weight rather flexibly suspended from the body's strongest weight-bearing structure. Even at that, it pulls on their brain. Posted by: Stringer Davis at September 29, 2015 08:44 AM (xq1UY) 213
I cant imagine that level of hatred...
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! --- I've been having ISIS type fantasies for some time now, about what I'd like to do to ISIS. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at September 29, 2015 08:45 AM (1Zmfg) 214
They got what they wished for. Oopsie. Most of these cop shootings come down to one thing: blinding stupidity on the part of the suspect. And that case is a sterling example. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at September 29, 2015 08:47 AM (oVJmc) 215
I can't really celebrate the possibility of others being unprepared, because an existential threat of great magnitude will hit us all.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at September 29, 2015 08:34 AM (cgZPg) The comment was moderately tongue in cheek, obviously. One does what one can. You're right of course. All the training in the world will not stop the bullet with your name on it. But another hard truth is that some will have next to no chance if (and I hope that it never does) the darkness falls. Right now, it sure seems to me that we are putting out the welcome mat for the darkness. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at September 29, 2015 08:50 AM (BZAd3) 216
Posted by: Vic-we have no party at September 29, 2015 08:52 AM (t2KH5) 217
"Icahn has put forward stats that the average American earns $50,000 per year; the CEO $47 million."
Where do these figures come from? I'm a CEO. A number of my friends are CEOs. We don't make 47 million a year. Apparently, the CEO figure is representative of a small group chosen to provide a breathtaking figure to emphasis income disparity for some communist reason. Posted by: jwest at September 29, 2015 08:53 AM (Zs4uk) 218
'Captain Quinn picked him up and threw him,' Martland said. 'I [proceeded to] body slam him multiple times.'
Martland continued: 'I kicked him once in his ribcage after one of the body slams. I put my foot on his neck and yelled at him after one body slam, but did not kick or punch him in the face. I continued to body slam him and throw him for 50 meters until he was outside the camp.' Quinn said, 'I physically threw him through our front gate and off our camp.' And then he proceeds to get discharge by this pussified administration. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at September 29, 2015 08:54 AM (fWAjv) 219
Didja see that Hillary! hired Stephen Spielberg to make her appead likeable? Sure, he can make a believable dinosaur but the no.magician.
_______________________________ What was funny about that article was Hillary saying she didn't need Spielberg because people already pay $250k to hear one of her speeches! LOL. Like they're paying that kind of cash to hear the tired old lefty platitudes that comprise Hillary's speeches, or to bask in the glow of her magical presence. Most of the schools, charities, etc., that pay Hillary's exorbitant speaking fees can't even fill enough seats to recover half the money -- and yet they pay the money anyway. And we all know why they do it: they're paying that kind of cash because they're making a down-payment on the next favor they're going to come seeking from the government Hillary influences/controls. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at September 29, 2015 08:55 AM (a31sM) 220
>>>What the hell is a "gay right?"
Redefining words like "marriage" in self serving ways is not a right. Forcing people to run their businesses in ways that violate their conscience is not a right. So sick of these perverse idiots. Posted by: Caitlyn Jenner at September 29, 2015 09:01 AM (1Zmfg) 221
203..... from Drudge "ISIS Planning nuclear tsunami" ... would you rather have the bear in Syria ( it's not like they haven't been involved there for the last 40 years ) or ISIS...that seems to be the only options at the moment ...
Posted by: E.T. at September 29, 2015 09:05 AM (yq4gk) 222
And then he proceeds to get discharge by this pussified administration. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at September 29, 2015 08:54 AM (fWAjv) It won't happen of course, but it would be nice if the next president would remember this and hold the military (and civilian) people responsible for this outrage to account. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at September 29, 2015 09:09 AM (BZAd3) 223
would you rather have the bear in Syria ( it's not like they haven't been involved there for the last 40 years ) or ISIS...that seems to be the only options at the moment ...
Even if you don't agree with his politics, you have to admire how Vladimir Putin is the honey badger of international politics. Posted by: V the K at September 29, 2015 09:12 AM (O7MnT) 224
It won't happen of course, but it would be nice if the next president
would remember this and hold the military (and civilian) people responsible for this outrage to account. It could happen. During the "peace keeping" mission in Lebanon a Marine Capt. threatened an Israeli tanker who intended to drive through his position. He was on his way to court marshal for "causing an international incident" when Reagan intervened and saved his career. Posted by: typo dynamofo at September 29, 2015 09:54 AM (i7JE3) 225
Fk u
Posted by: I love Jewsus at September 29, 2015 10:19 PM (C0COO) Processing 0.04, elapsed 0.0525 seconds. |
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