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PAX Weekend. I guess [Zakn]

If you are reading a Gaming thread, I'm guessing that you know what PAX is, so I'm not going to go into it in depth.

For probably the past fiveish years, I've been wanting to make it out to one of these. Not as much anymore. Maybe 10 years ago I could see standing in a line for two hours to check something coming out in a year, but Man, I just don't have time for that. More and More I think that supporting your local con or cons is the way to go. Less travel involved. I just never think of the local one until I see that it happened on the News.

I have gone to Eve Vegas the last few years, but more and more I don't actually go to any of the Panels. The first year I went to as many panels I could. Like I would download the schedule and see what I could make. Even setting an alarm to wake up (lol!). Now it's meet up with a bunch of friends that have been going to this thing for years too, and we kind of just hit Vegas up. Eve Vegas is just kind of the landscaping or the excuse for everyone to go. Hell next year I might just get a ticket to the Party because 3 hours of open bar with a bunch of nerds is fucking funny.

This makes me wonder about going to Fanfest. Now Iceland is cool as fuck. So I might try to make a return just to go see that place again. It's soo expensive though. I think I spent like 4 grand total on that week including travel and lodging (Food and Drink are incredibly expensive. Spending $50 on dinner was the norm and that was without a bar tab). That just doesn't make sense to me

On to some videos and other shit.

I really liked this TEDx Video. I'm never one to equate Physical Effort with Video Gaming. Like ever. But say in Gaming, You will lose fights. You will make mistakes. You will make poor Decisions. How you move forward after them is up to you.

I wish I could show this to every prospective Fleet Commander (FC) in Eve. You will take losses. You will be humiliated. Keep at it. Keep getting better. Take any and all advice from your fellow FCs (I tried FCing like twice, it went poorly) This is the most complex thing that exists in gaming imo. I was playing enough Eve to really start seeing the "field" well, and even then it was hard as fuck.

Lol Daras. The Cap Channel in Mumble is still named for it's "honor". RIP

PS the fight he's talking about where he lost his title was this one. He spent two weeks in Vegas with Nasal Trumpets in. I spend like 4 days a year in Vegas and imagining having to go through that is a fucking nightmare.

Man that fight was in 2007. We are getting Old.

What's interesting going forward in this with the New Sov changes is that a Coalition can go down and fight and burn an entire region down regardless of Super and Cap support. Regardless if you actually live in your Sov or not. The goals of the Providence Campaign were largely accomplished. Even the Allies within the CFC/Imperium Performed well. I wish I could link killmails, but that's on the CCPlease list. The bar for Fighting Sov Warfare is low now. I can see how and why say Black Legion are leaving a Region. In the current meta there is no way to fuck around with people that stage out of what is called NPC space. You can't incap their stuff or give them any defensive timers. All you get are a ton of timers you have to defend by ships that are inexpensive and hard as fuck to catch (Nullified Interceptors need to go away or not be able to Entose. At least when a T3 Cruiser was Cloaky Nully if you managed to catch and kill the thing not only was it expensive, but there was skill point loss. Not so with "Trollceptors")

Now Zakn, you terrible person, what about people that aren't in a coalition? Does this mean they can actually take Sov Null space without Supers? My answer is probably. Will you be able to hold it? Jury is out on that. I'm watching "Russian" Space. Ultimately if you want to live in Sov Nullsec its because you want to build and sell/have Supers. If people start seeing lots of CSAA's they will probably be coat hangered or ransomed. Apologies for the triggers. Plus it appears that the Imperium/CFC is the only Coalition that is really left anymore. How does that change going forward? I don't know. Eve is a Sandbox and the people that play Eve are rule nerds.

I keep getting lots of cheers for the Eve Content in the Comments Section. Still not sure how to take that. I think you fucking nerds are the vocal minority. There's a whole subreddit devoted to that shit.

Guild Wars 2 is now Free to Play

Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows Trailer

I really liked Shovel Knight. The music was great and the platforming was quite challenging and tight. I still haven't beat it. I should get back on that.

Hit me up on my Twitter thingy

I'm always down to publish your stuff. Write it up and pitch me. Inspector Cussword shot this over to me. You can do the same: aoshqgaming at gmail


Many of the commentators in prior game posts have expressed frustration and confusion about a lot of the terms used. Discussions about games often veer into the heavy underbrush of jargon and that can mask a lot of interesting information.

Also, I've noticed that the focus of these posts tend to be centered around consoles and single player games and rarely touch on the world of PC gaming as a whole. Therefore, I'm going to try my best to introduce a slate of low-cost to free games available on PC with a discussion about their genres and perhaps some history.

First off: I will be recommending Steam as a source from time to time. There are a few who do not like Steam's laid-back DRM - others just have relied on somewhat exaggerated negative reviews of older versions of Steam having issues with some PC builds and/or software.

I've been using Steam (download HERE) since 2003, nearly a year before Half LIfe 2 was released on it. It is robust, free, and has the largest available game catalog for purchase and electronic delivery. It has been bulletproof for my purchases and on my various installations. Any bugs I have encountered have been minor. Steam is a great source of free games and allows groups to organize to play games together - so I will be recommending it primarily for downloads.

The genre I will discuss today is MMO's. MMO is taken from "MMORPG" or "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game", a genre that started with online games called MUD's or "Multi-User Dungeon". These games were wholly- or partially scripted text adventures/chat channels which quickly added side-functionality to keep track of people's statistics, levels, gear, health, and inventory. Today's MMO's range from turn-based strategy games to first-person shooters, to traditional RPGs and strange mixtures of several kinds.

I find them fascinating on several levels - primarily that this is a brand new industry. It has only been around since 1997 or so and no one knows really how to do it right. That's why there are so many failures and weird combos available - it's like the early days of flight when people would strap 18 wings on a bicycle and light a rocket. It might just work.

While the definitive "First MMORPG" is a matter of some argument in the nerd community, the ones that made a lasting impact in the greater market are pretty well known.

Ultima Online (free dl and 14 day trial HERE) was the first "successful" mass-market MMORPG, released in 1997. It was presented as an isometric, 2D sprite-based game -the 3d client wasn't released until 2001 and sucked mightily. The game was known for open PVP (Player Versus Player) combat alongside PVE (Player Versus Environment) until the release of Trammel (an expansion "world" introduced which allowed players to forego non-consensual PVP).

Everquest was the second big mass market success in MMOs. Introduced in 1999, it had a 3d client and presented structure (quests) to the players.

Both of these MMO's are still running. They are the prototypical examples of the primary classes in MMORPGs - themepark (Everquest) and sandbox (Ultima Online).

Themepark MMO's are primarily quest-based. The experience is directed and typically characters are of specific classes such as fighters, mages, clerics, etc. These are progressed by "levels" and the power and abilities increase in set increments. Gear (armor, weapons, etc) is hugely important in these games as it is the way to greatly enhance power and is also the main reward for questing and killing special monsters in "raids"- specific dungeons/areas that cater to large groupings of players.

Sandbox MMO's are reactive. They rely on structure such as land, resources, travel time, etc and expect the players to populate the world and create interactions and "content". Generally they allow the construction of structures/houses/factories.  The conflicts over resources, over land, and in retribution for past attacks fuels the confict today. People make a character to go mine and increase their mining skill, then their smelting skill, etc. UO was a skil-point based system of character progression. One could increase skills by practice and in so doing, make a unique character with specific skills. Someone using magic and polearms and able to tame monkeys is a valid character template, though not the best. Gear is merely functional and is rarely a large factor in power differences. Compared to a class-based progression, skill based is much more free-form. It is also alot harder to balance.

Since UO started with unrestricted PVP, sandboxes are often assumed to require non-consensual PVP. Conversely, themepark games also have servers with non-consensual PVP enabled in certain areas and some servers with no PVP allowed except for duels or "flagged" PVP matches.

PVP is a big sore spot in the MMO world. Since a lot of Themeparks are based on gear, the games carry that over and allow people with more time (children, the mentally deranged, and the unemployed) to get more powerful by acquiring gear. They then "grief" or "seal club" lower-level players since it is a guaranteed kill (and the griefers are mentally deficient or bored as hell).


That takes me to today. I figured I'd suggest some cheap to free MMO's for you all to try out.

World of Warcraft is the king of the MMORPG world with just over 5 million paying subscribers (down from 12 million at the peak).

It is a themepark MMO above all others, with huge amounts of content, quests, and tons of support sites. It still costs $14.95 a month, though you can play for free up to level 20 (out of 100).

There is a Moron guild on the Rexxar server, Alliance side. It has been less than busy lately, but since the first 20 levels are free, I recommend downloading World of Warcraft from their site
HERE and trying it out. Take the time to read the quest text. Listen to the voice overs. And enjoy the music score, one of the best in the business.

Verant Interactive was the original company behind Everquest - it was bought by Sony and just recently purchased by a bunch of Russian Legitimate Businessmen. It is now known as Daybreak Games (as you no pay den daybreak yore legs) (just kidding)(sorta). They have several FTP (Free To Play) titles out - Everquest, Everquest II, DC Universe Online, and Planetside II.

Planetside II is what is known as a MMOFPS, or Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter.

You have guns., aircraft, tanks, and motorcycles. There are 3 sides. You shoot dudes, tanks, and dudes in aircraft. The starter guns are NOT underpowered - you don't have to pay for anything if you don't want to. Three sides so there are always fights over several continents. You can download this from Steam or from

Another interesting non-fantasy game is DC Universe Online. It allows you to make your own superhero/villain in the DC comic universe (Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, etc) and fight in a quest-based world. Pretty fun, lots of action, basically is a beat-em up game with combos and finishers. I think one of my characters hits people with a roadsign occasionally. Again, free to play and free to download from Steam or from their website.

If you have kids, you may want to try out TROVE, by Trion Worlds.

They have a launcher for their games called Glyph, so once you install one game it allows you to dl others. (It is also available from Steam, best to run it as a shortcut). It is a block-based adventure game that is suited for families. Allows building, questing, raiding, and has a lot of content. Free to play also.

And finally from Trion, there is DEFIANCE, another MMO shooter. Following trailer is slightly NSFW:

This is primarily PVE and is loosely based on the TV series on Syfy. Guns, Rockets, ATV's, Shooting, Grenades, Explosions, Aliens, and Murder. It is my go-to game for mindless sniping of random mutants. And it's free to play. Again, available on their Glyph launcher or from Steam.

If I can get the time, next week I'll line up MMO Lobby games like War Thunder and World of tanks; or I might go into current and upcoming new games.

Zakn back to close

And as a tribute to @Grummz Your Cosplayer Chick of the week. Firiona Vie of Everquest. That is some Agressive Navel! No PAX FOR YOU!


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 And I'm off to work. Be back in a while

Posted by: Zakn at August 30, 2015 02:13 PM (d2pTe)

I really like...her..ah....spear?

Posted by: GBruno at August 30, 2015 02:13 PM (u49WF)

3 Thanks for the opportunity, Zakn. I'll get the next one done earlier.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at August 30, 2015 02:19 PM (z5Hds)

4 People make a character to go mine and increase their mining skill, then their smelting skill, etc.

At least until your mining character is murdered by some annoying little shit who stumbles upon you as you're peacefully hacking away at a rock face with a pickaxe. I quit UO long, long ago as I grew weary of getting burned to a crisp the moment after leaving the safety of a town (this was pre-Trammel). I did enjoy the PVE, exploration, crafting, and atmosphere very much. Oh, how I wish Ultima IX had used the original UO engine.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at August 30, 2015 02:24 PM (EHU9F)

5 So I picked up a new video card this weekend. Should be arriving Monday or Tues I figure. And with it I get a free digital key for Metal Gear Solide 5: The Phantom Pain. Never been interested in the Metal Gear games. And don't really intend to start now. So I just happen to have this game key...

Posted by: buzzion at August 30, 2015 02:25 PM (zt+N6)

6 I also picked up Hands of Fate (plus expansion) this morning at the tail end of a sale on Steam for half price. I really, really dig it. The initial campaign is pretty short, but I can see there's definitely some replay-ability baked in.

Posted by: antisocial justice beatnik at August 30, 2015 02:27 PM (EHU9F)

7 ATC is feisty and all but raptors are terrible house pets

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at August 30, 2015 02:31 PM (39g3+)

8 There is a Moron guild on the Rexxar server, Alliance side.

There is also an HQ Horde guild on Hellscream which is a little more active because Son likes to play Horde toons. Middlest Kidlet has also joined recently, so that gives 3 potential players if someone wants to do a guild run somewhere.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at August 30, 2015 02:40 PM (GDulk)

9 I was in Provi with SMA..good content and fun times. Im good with FozzieSov.
Never got to use my Drake though (yeahyeah I know) cause I was too busy entosising with ceptors. Keep up the EVE posts...

Posted by: Strelnikov Antipov at August 30, 2015 02:41 PM (jDcTk)

10 I mainly lurk, but wanted to drop in and mention that I enjoy the gaming roundups.

Posted by: There are some who call me ... Tim at August 30, 2015 02:42 PM (9HlEp)

11 I think doing a series of "clarification of terms" posts is a good idea Zakn. I've been computer gaming for over 20 years, but only with a small number of games so I don't recognize a lot of the terms myself.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at August 30, 2015 02:46 PM (GDulk)

12 The fact that the only interesting thing that happened in EVE over the last half year was a few hundred people causing some minor havoc in a region then leaving it a few days later is pretty much the death knell for the game.

The direction of the recent changes has been entirely uninspiring and the major powers have predictably responded by doing nothing risky, nothing notable. They build up their wealth and supercapital fleets and then use that safety to build more wealth and more supers. Because they don't have any content they occasionally harass smaller and less established groups like Provi and Brave, drive more players out of the game, and then claim victory.

Barring another Asakai or B-R the game will be dead in a year.

Posted by: Sjg at August 30, 2015 02:52 PM (gDSJf)

13 That tuna disposal pic from the earlier thread is killing my hate.

Posted by: eleven at August 30, 2015 02:55 PM (MDgS8)

14 That chick in the blue thing is giving me.... thoughts.

Posted by: eleven at August 30, 2015 02:56 PM (MDgS8)

15 Better than Asteroids?

Posted by: Boss Moss at August 30, 2015 03:03 PM (DsveK)

16 I really like...her..ah....spear?

That's the legendary Staff of Silicone-Enhanced Pulchritude. Wagner and stuff, you know.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at August 30, 2015 03:06 PM (oZr5y)

17 I get a free digital key for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.
Never been interested in the Metal Gear games. And don't really intend
to start now. So I just happen to have this game key. \\

What do you want for it?

Posted by: Saar at August 30, 2015 03:13 PM (d33qi)

18 I have to admit I watch Twitch more than any game playing...kind of relaxing to watch others work to play the games, while I just watch....

Posted by: Colin at August 30, 2015 03:26 PM (eoM8x)

19 Alliance Tourney finals are going on. I didn't include it because I wasn't sure if it was going to be over when I published

Posted by: Zakn at August 30, 2015 03:33 PM (N6437)

20 Ah, you run through a list of MMORPG's worth checking out and don't mention Star Wars: The Old Republic? It's free-to-play and lets you be a Jedi slashing stuff with a light saber. Or you can be Storm Trooper with a big ass cannon. Or, you can play a Boba Fett type character that wields dual pistols.

Posted by: HeftyJo at August 30, 2015 03:41 PM (BA+/Q)

21 Or you can be Storm Trooper with a big ass cannon.

I'd hate to see how you load it.

Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at August 30, 2015 03:46 PM (oVJmc)

22 Why'd you have to link to giantbomb. I guess it's better than the verge or kotaku but that's not saying much

Posted by: h0mi at August 30, 2015 03:46 PM (/WYy5)

23 17 I get a free digital key for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain.
Never been interested in the Metal Gear games. And don't really intend
to start now. So I just happen to have this game key. \\

What do you want for it?
Posted by: Saar at August 30, 2015 03:13 PM (d33qi)

Wait. Don't be buying poop from a dead guy unless you want dead poop.

Buzzion. Glad to see you, or at least see your ghostly emissions.

And for those that don't know ... apparently Buzzing expired the other day ... last week some time ... so now you are inside the joke.

Posted by: Mephitis at August 30, 2015 03:49 PM (GLwVs)

24 "The goals of the Providence Campaign were largely accomplished. Even the Allies within the CFC/Imperium Performed well. "

I disagree.
Unless the bar is so low I can't get my big toe under it.

Posted by: Ian Galt at August 30, 2015 03:50 PM (dmepw)

25 SWTOR is my current fave, but it is really Free To Try due to the large number of restrictions on free players. I've been playing it a lot in the last couple of months and enjoying it. But my friend tried to do FTP and we ran into so many restrictions that I hesitate to put them in alongside Planetside II, DCUO, and Defiance.

I planned to discuss SWTOR separately as a discussion of a unique retention mechanics and compare it to RIFT and LOTRO in how their cash shops work. In short, SWTOR is worth the subscription once you try it for a couple of days - plus, if you use someone in the game as a referral, they get a free mount and you get a package of buffs and useful items.

The fact that SWTOR is doing a 12 times XP for class quests makes it a breeze to follow the story (where that game shines) and level up quickly - but the 12 times experience reward is only for subscribers. Same goes for using certain conveniences, gear, and so forth.

If anyone is subscribing who is a Moron, put in your referral link in the comments. And you guys trying it out, really look into getting a 60 day pass for 30 bucks from Walmart or Best Buy. It opens tons of things up permanently for you, gives you a couple hundred cartel coins each month for use in buying Inventory/Cargo slots or neato armor/etc; and if you use a Moron's referral code, you can get a package of helpful items when you use the time card.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at August 30, 2015 03:57 PM (z5Hds)

26 Has anyone given Skyforge a try?

Posted by: Methos at August 30, 2015 03:58 PM (ZbV+0)

27 Thanks for the gaming thread, always look forward to reading it after the book thread. Didn't really see any news from PAX, no new details of FO4 or Tomb Raider. The earlier game cons like E3 had more substance. It does sound like the next Mass Effect is planned for holiday 2016. Also like the return of the cos-chick.

Posted by: waelse1 at August 30, 2015 03:59 PM (oAK6v)

28 It was a nice surprise to see that video of Rich "Ace" Franklin in the Gaming thread. I actually met Rich once. I was in Vegas for a grappling tournament (submission grappling, no-gi, if that makes any sense to anyone, basically MMA without the kicks or punches) and while I was in the airport getting ready to fly back home, I saw him talking to someone off to the side. This was before he was a title holder, he had just beaten Ken Shamrock like a rented mule and could safely walk through the Vegas airport and only have the real die-hard fans like me recognize him

So I wandered over and started chatting with him when the other guy left. Rich was, and still is, a great guy, super-classy and funny as hell. The one thing I remember vividly is him taking a huge gulp from his slurpee and giving himself the biggest brain freeze I've ever seen, he was in total agony. I laughed and said "C'mon Rich, you're a tough guy, don't let that slurpee kick your ass!" After he stopped groaning and bending over in pain, he replied "That hurt worse than getting punched in the face, by far". I always made it a point to watch the UFC on pay-per-view when he was fighting, if only all famous people could be as laid-back and mellow as Rich...

Posted by: Pave Low John at August 30, 2015 04:42 PM (Q2Z7Q)

29 #26
Yeah, tried it in Beta. It began okay, but the repetitive nature of the design grated at me. Also, I didn't "get" the setting at all. A few of the opponents made a sort of sense - you know, robots gone wild in a high-tech high-magic world - but some were just random. Why watery fish women? Because reason. Why wandering globes of fire? Because reasons. Why are there ancient ruins that float in the air yet have no impact on our history? Because.

Lore to me is important. If something makes no sense, it makes me pissy. It appeared that this civilization had collapsed into one city for hundreds of years, had turned into a space-faring civilization, and only 18 months prior have they decided to explore more than 40 miles from town. And magic. And godlets everywhere. And rats with swords because why the fuck not.

Posted by: Inspector Cussword at August 30, 2015 04:46 PM (z5Hds)

30 hmmmm
I think there was a rumor about another game besides metal gear solid 5



the name escapes me

Posted by: mad max at August 30, 2015 04:55 PM (LMBva)

31 anybody know where I can get a new car?

Posted by: mad max at August 30, 2015 04:57 PM (LMBva)

32 and some guzzeline

Posted by: mad max at August 30, 2015 04:58 PM (LMBva)

33 No mention of Life is Feudal?

Posted by: Tom Swartz at August 30, 2015 05:43 PM (43oin)

34 Really looking forward to the new expansions for both Warcraft and SWTOR, should be some fun stuff. Demon Hunters in WoW and a new faction in SWTOR (well, a third kicking the Empire and Republic around that you have to presumably deal with).

Posted by: acethepug at August 30, 2015 05:54 PM (WK825)

35 Final Fantasy XIV is doing quite well. Unfortunately, while Squenix offers a free trial, it looks like the base game still costs the original price. And that's after the release of the first expansion.

The developers introduced an amusing event for the twonyear anniversary (since the rerelease). You perform a series of tasks for a bard (who is the lead developer's in-game alter ego), and at the end he accidentally sends you to a room with all of the game's team leads. You can speak briefly with all of them, and they thank you for playing before sending you back.

Posted by: junior at August 30, 2015 06:05 PM (FRGa/)

36 Oh, Alliance WoW guild on Rexxar is called Val U Rite Pudding and Horde guild on Hellscream is called ValU Rite Pudding if anyone is interested in joining.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at August 30, 2015 06:05 PM (GDulk)

37 Small world. I used to play on Rexxar. I don't quite understand why otherwise upstanding Morons would choose to be Alliance scum, though...

Posted by: Blacklake at August 30, 2015 06:07 PM (b9GlI)

38 Posted by: Blacklake at August 30, 2015 06:07 PM (b9GlI)

Lol, in my case it's because I like exploring and wanted to get the whole story. First thing I did was create one toon of every race.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at August 30, 2015 06:09 PM (GDulk)

39 In EVE, I don't really care about coalitions and sov null and all that. If sov null suddenly vanished, except for the economic effects, I probably wouldn't notice all that much.

I kinda enjoy hearing about interesting stuff that happens there, but it's not important to me. The content I enjoy is mostly small-gang stuff.

Posted by: meh at August 30, 2015 06:31 PM (bxe9a)

40 I made the mistake of upgrading my AMD Catalyst to 15.7.1 because it nagged me and I had some spare killed my HDMI sound...I messed with it for a while and found out after some research that it is a known issue...I wound up doing the total un-install then installed from the CD that came with it.

So, if Catalyst asks to upgrade and you route your sound through HDMI, just say no.

Posted by: CanaDave at August 30, 2015 06:34 PM (ZJG0c)

41 "There's a whole subreddit devoted to that shit."

Do we look like we're in TEST?

As for the price of food and drink at Fanfest, the strong dollar made it a lot less painful this year. Only $6 for a beer downtown.

Posted by: Noizy at August 30, 2015 07:02 PM (lfvaY)

42 For multiplayer online games, there is a very low entry barrier for GTA V on the consoles. It's very limited in lobby size, but your skills/weapons/stats track across sessions and there is a ton of stuff to do. Either missions or just screwing around sandbox stuff. And the new color coding of players lets you know right away whether other people on your can be trusted or not.

Posted by: wooga at August 30, 2015 07:22 PM (66gs3)

43 Ok, I downloaded Planetside 2 and am going to try it out.

Posted by: Yip at August 30, 2015 07:40 PM (e7T6D)

44 Son and Eldest Kidlet are trying out Guildwars 2 since their DandD group has a couple people who already were playing. They're not sure how they feel about it yet.

Posted by: Polliwog the 'Ette at August 30, 2015 07:44 PM (GDulk)

45 here's my SWTOR code for noobs:

My friend from DDO and I go back and forth being subs or Premium. The main drawback to Prem is not being able to use the highest level gear, but you really don't need it if you can tolerate trying to get a PUG to do the hardest missions. You can also buy access to that gear through the game market, but its VERY expensive.

Also, if you buy something, get it account or server wide. It costs a bit more, but in the long run it pays for itself if you roll more than 2 toons.

They are about to introduce a new story line in Oct that's decades (or more) into the future (still FAR in the past from the films tho) and they haven't been too clear on what caries over from the old story, but they did say that all the secondary stats will be merged into one, so that kinda helps people when they get a good drop, but its for a smuggler instead of a Jedi, etc.

Also, if you hate forced PVP, there is really only one place that does that, and its only necessary to go there for one piece of a companion quest, and totally avoidable. (They give you a warning that you are about to be flagged)

After playing since Beta, I still find things to enjoy, and with 12xXP I decided to roll all the classes and even double classes to see what its like to be totally evil or good and see the story lines work out that way.

Posted by: JarvisW at August 30, 2015 08:10 PM (3+E+K)

46 Oh, and if you want to join my VERY small guild for 5xXP, you can email me at jarviswats at the hotmail thing.

Its just me and my friend, and Republic side, but we will be forming one for the empire side too soon.

And its on server Jedi Covenant (PVE) in case i don't reply before you roll.

You can't take the sky from me!! (oh wait, thats another franchise...)

Posted by: JarvisW at August 30, 2015 08:20 PM (3+E+K)

47 I'd recommend going to a PAX for a Saturday if you live within a comfortable daytrip.

No, the Disneyworld lines aren't worth it at all, and I've never stood in one. Nothing Bethesda or Ubisoft is pushing is worth expending 45-85 minutes of my life waiting to experience, when watching the preview when I get home offers the same experience. Maybe 15 years ago I would have done it when those AAA games you might stand in line to play were actually important and definitive of gaming - and also, I was younger and my time was worthless - but now there are dozens of interesting smaller booths to visit.

If you really want to slum, you can go to the indie booths and flat out talk to the developers/CEOs about their game in person with no wait - hell, even give them feedback which there's a fair chance they'll use.

The same goes for panels, which I got into at PAX East this year. Basically, you make a list of every single conference you want to go to, and if there's a huge line that will probably bump you from the room 20 minutes before, just skip it. It's not worth sacrificing your floor time to fight the unwashed hordes. You'll end up seeing a number of interesting panels.

The tabletop/board game studio/bazaar is worth the trip alone if you're into that. Hold on to your wallet. You can also talk to a number of mid-major board game designers with no wait. A friend of mine got to discuss his new game with the actual guy who designed the damned thing.

Posted by: Funkotron at August 30, 2015 08:24 PM (c7rW1)

48 Oh, and you can get a free app for a Security Key, which gives 100 game coins per month. Subs get 500, so thats a nice hunk of change fr free!

Once you spend ANY coins, you get moved from the lowest F2P to Premium status, which unlocks more things on the account.

Posted by: JarvisW at August 30, 2015 08:27 PM (3+E+K)

49 Good stuff Zakn. Yeah I think us Eve guys are a vocal minority. So is GW2 free even with the expansion coming out? I'd have expected the expansion to cost some money.

Posted by: Draki at August 30, 2015 08:34 PM (sCOy8)

50 The expansion will almost certainly require a purchase.

GW2 was a bit of a disappointment to me. I still hop on every now and again (no sub fees) but it's pretty infrequent. I did finish the expansion lead up storyline, though.

Posted by: junior at August 30, 2015 08:49 PM (FRGa/)

51 Kind of glad I didn't know about these guilds sooner, or I'd still be playing WoW :-P

Posted by: Nutsy the Buzzard at August 31, 2015 12:19 AM (+s5bL)

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