aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Morning Thread (7-23-2015)The best part of Trump vs. the GOP establishment is that we're screwed no matter who wins. So we've got that going for us. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 06:30 AM (VPLuQ) 2
DAY 989 474 to go (547 to Inauguration Day 2017) Muzzies, Marxists, Maoists, Mau-Maus, MFM's, Moochelle, Mao-suits, McCain's, McConnell's, Mahdi megatons, machiavellian Mississippi mudslingers, McAuliffe's, Maduro's, MIRV's, Mexifornians, mewling mattress myth manufacturers, marriage maimers, menacing Mozillan 'mo's, Myrmidons, Mugwumps, Monrovian microbes, mutants, malcontents, malthusians, maniacs, malignant medical mandates, martial law, miscreants, microaggressors, minions, maladjusted masochistic multiculturalists, momzers, mamalukes, mooks, mopes, mariuoli, meeskeits, maricons, marauders, malodorous militants, menstruating mons veneri, malfunctioning Moron microsites and miscellaneous meshugas notwithstanding. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:31 AM (St6BJ) 3
Over/under on if the Naval Officer in Tennessee is brought up on charges for having a personal firearm on Federal property?
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 06:31 AM (VPLuQ) 4
I disagree, Andy. I think if Trump wins (BIG if), we'll have to wait and see what happens. I certainly believe that if the GOP-e or the Dems win, we will most certainly lose the nation. With the latter, with speed and much pain. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:32 AM (St6BJ) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:33 AM (St6BJ) 6
I'm not convinced that Trump is really a conservative. I think he's all about what's best for Trump.
Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 06:34 AM (kBiy2) 7
I wonder how Trump would respond to the question "Do you believe Black lives Matter?"
Live.... on BET. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 06:34 AM (VPLuQ) 8
Did anyone listen to Levin last night? This "De-Growth Movement" is frightening and it's happening. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:34 AM (St6BJ) 9
But if we get Jeb, all will be well. //////
Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at July 23, 2015 06:35 AM (HSAmh) 10
Early! Well mtr tunnel cost me
Posted by: Sick of ExPat Patrioting at July 23, 2015 06:35 AM (SvJut) 11
Good Morning Morons. Today is Thursday, July 23, 2015. On this day in 1929 the Fascist government in Italy banned the use of foreign words. Sound familiar?
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:36 AM (GpgJl) 12
Sucks to be overseas, but not as much as being home.
Posted by: Sick of ExPat Patrioting at July 23, 2015 06:37 AM (SvJut) 13
The head of the FBI says that ISIS is a bigger threat than Al Qaeda. You think? Most of Al Qaeda has moved in with ISIS. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:37 AM (GpgJl) 14
TX is withholding birth certificates from illegals children born in TX and the illegals are suing. This Fox articles says it pits Texas' strict ID laws against the 14th amendment. That is simply not true. There has never been a ruling by the courts for children born of illegals. The most cited case for this is Won Kim Ark and he was the son of LEGAL immigrants. The people who cite the 14th amendment are missing an important part of that amendment; the subject to the jurisdiction thereof part. But I am sure the supremes can find a way to shit on that too. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:37 AM (GpgJl) 15
Lady Boy Graham showboats destroying his cell phone after Trump outed it on TV. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:37 AM (GpgJl) Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:37 AM (GpgJl) 17
Seattle is finding the hard way that there are drawbacks to caving to the Union demand for $15/hour minimum wage. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:38 AM (GpgJl) 18
Larry Ira Estrin, 62, of Los Angeles was arrested on suspicion of possessing a loaded weapon and was being held on $35,000 bail.
Estrin didn't appear to have any criminal intent, police Cmdr. Andrew Smith said. The loaded firearm was in a locked box in the vehicle, police said. More fallout from CA's stupid gun laws. He was found at a checkpoint at a Biden event. This guy is a photographer and probably a liberal who supports Democrats and gun control. I hope he likes his shit sandwich. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:38 AM (GpgJl) 19
A police officer was shot in Hayward, CA and police have arrested Mark Estrada, a gang member from Oakland. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:38 AM (GpgJl) 20
Seattle is not content with just a $15/hour min wage. Now they want Sharia compliant mortgages and loans. Soon there will be nothing but FSA and muzzies in Seattle and they will be bankrupt and begging for more federal money. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:38 AM (GpgJl) 21
The Charleston church shooter has been indicated on 33 federal counts. He has already been indicted in SC for 9 counts of murder, which meets the requirements for the SC death penalty. The FBI is stretching the federal law again. They are not supposed to be moving in on State hate crimes unless the State is not taking action. But what does this corrupt administration care. This can get them some more TV time and they can stir the shit pot some more.
Here is the part of actual hate crime code that is applicable: I](b) Certification Requirement. (1) In general. No prosecution of any offense described in this subsection may be undertaken by the United States, except under the certification in writing of the Attorney General, or a designee, that (A) the State does not have jurisdiction; (B) the State has requested that the Federal Government assume jurisdiction; (C) the verdict or sentence obtained pursuant to State charges left demonstratively unvindicated the Federal interest in eradicating bias-motivated violence; or (D) a prosecution by the United States is in the public interest and necessary to secure substantial justice. I am suppose that they are using item (D) which was not in the original act that was passed. IIRC the act stated the State was not taking adequate action so a code writer used that to make (D) and "added necessary to secure substantial justice". SC will prosecute this guy for 9 counts of murder and this crime does not meet the certification requirements. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:39 AM (GpgJl) Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:39 AM (GpgJl) 23
Trump throwing out more red meat for conservatives. He tells Anderson Cooper that people don't trust you or the media. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:39 AM (GpgJl) 24
Putin is jerking Obama's chain again as two Russian "Bear Bomber" buzz 40 miles off the CA coast. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:39 AM (GpgJl) Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:39 AM (GpgJl) 26
The slain soldiers at the Chattanooga muzzie shooting saved a lot of lives while sacrificing their own says unidentified official; "it could have been a lot worse". Now that is some true heroes. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:40 AM (GpgJl) 27
The pope has lost a lot of love from conservatives says new Gallop poll. (Link to Politico). Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:40 AM (GpgJl) 28
Obama is spitting on that Federal Judge in TX again with a new "pen and phone" change to allow even more amnesty. When are Republicans going to pull the Constitution out of the Goddess of Justice's vomit on the floor and impeach this SOB? Ans: Never. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:40 AM (GpgJl) 29
Meanwhile the Venezuela communist government is nationalizing farmers' produce. Standby for mass starvation. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:40 AM (GpgJl) 30
New documents supplied under a freedom of information demand from Judicial Watch show that the IRS used donor lists to target conservative organizations for audits at the demand of Democrat Max Baucus. He should go to jail along with Learner. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:41 AM (GpgJl) 31
And speaking of corrupt Democrats they want Lynch to lynch the whistle blowers who videoed PP selling baby parts. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:41 AM (GpgJl) 32
Irony; a research ship sent to the Artic to study the effects of AGW on ice had to be halted because too much ice. But you will never see this in the MFM. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:41 AM (GpgJl) 33
FBI gives the details of the shooting in Chattanooga. They say the police killed the muzzie. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:41 AM (GpgJl) 34
Residents of NYC standby to lose your fast food joints. Cuomo's Union oriented panel has recommended that fast food joints raise the min wage to $15/hr first in NYC then the rest of the State. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (GpgJl) 35
Scankles says MI is a fine example of coordination between government and business. Obviously her feeble mind doesn't remember Detroit. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (GpgJl) 36
Remember what I said twice about Scankles polls and the Dems pulling her? Well it is starting now. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (GpgJl) 37
Walker is good. I speak from my WI experience. Before he was gov, he did his own support calls. That impressed me. He operates to a solid plan, executes it and does what he says he will do. We had 4 years of constant elections to kick the O crooks to the curb. It ain't over yet.
He is a good man. Posted by: Sick of ExPat Patrioting at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (SvJut) 38
the AFL-CIO tells border patrol agents that they can not give a border tour to Trump. Sounds like political actions to me. Why isn't the IRS targeting them? Never mind. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (GpgJl) 39
6 I'm not convinced that Trump is really a conservative. I think he's all about what's best for Trump.
------- Let's say you are correct, how is that different than any other candidate? They are all egotists. The only difference with Trump is that the MSM constantly points it out about him. Stop being influenced by the MSM. They are not only about what's best for the MSM. But also what's best for the democrats. Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (zW5rQ) 40
On this day in 1929 the Fascist government in Italy banned the use of foreign words. Sound familiar? Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:36 AM
Not at all, Vic. Arabic, Farsi and Spanish will be the official languages of Choom Boy's America. Unlike the late and unlamented Benito, the Mocha Messiah is all about Glorious Diversity. Especially if it drops the hammer on middle-class white Americans. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (rCmeG) 41
Top RNCe political strategist goes to liberal website Politico to smear Trump. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (GpgJl) 42
Hold the horses! States can not be forced to comply with "The Deal" because Obama has no enacting regulations and he will not get them from this congress; maybe. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:43 AM (GpgJl) 43
The last thing the GOP wants is to win by promising to undo the damage.
Posted by: Doomed at July 23, 2015 06:43 AM (bGLSw) 44
Moonbeam says we who find AGW a fraud are Troglodytes. Well moonbeam, I find that you are an insane communist scam artist who should be in jail. Ran out of time so lopping it off here. Now to get some quick eats so I can take my morning drugs. BBL Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:43 AM (GpgJl) 45
34 Residents of NYC standby to lose your fast food joints. Cuomo's Union oriented panel has recommended that fast food joints raise the min wage to $15/hr first in NYC then the rest of the State. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (GpgJl) I don't eat at them, but the real people who will suffer are the working poor since a) this the food that most can afford b) these are the places where many are employed The results will be an astronomical rise in food costs as well as fewer jobs for them. But, whitey and capitalism. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:44 AM (St6BJ) 46
37 Posted by: Sick of ExPat Patrioting at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM (SvJut)
I'd be very happy with Walker as the candidate or in the presidency. He is quietly and steadily keeping pace. He and Cruz are my picks as of this moment. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:45 AM (St6BJ) 47
"Cuomo's Union oriented panel has recommended that fast food joints raise the min wage to $15/hr first in NYC then the rest of the State. "
Faster....faster. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 06:47 AM (VPLuQ) 48
Lived in NY State for 19 years. Trump is a prick and a scammer. But he is on his own scammed money, not some big bucks company that has well out lived its founder and prime objective for existance.
Why do we allow our contrivances to out live us? Thomas Jefferson said the country should pay off its debt within a generation. Same should hold for a man's company. Posted by: Sick of ExPat Patrioting at July 23, 2015 06:49 AM (SvJut) 49
Raising it in NYC will be bad enough, but the cost of living in the rest of the state is significantly lower, so the effects of $15/hr will be disastrous outside of Hymietown. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:49 AM (St6BJ) 50
Seven shot, including three young teens playing, no fatalities in B'more last night.
To correct for population difference, Chicago needs more then 28 to still hold first place. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 06:49 AM (VPLuQ) 51
Let's say you are correct, how is that different
than any other candidate? They are all egotists. The only difference with Trump is that the MSM constantly points it out about him. Stop being influenced by the MSM. They are not only about what's best for the MSM. But also what's best for the democrats. Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 06:42 AM Herein lies the problem for Our Republican Betters and their rumpswabs in the so-called "conservative" media: Trump differs from the majority of wannabe Preezys only in that he can self-finance his campaign. Yeah, he's more of an obnoxious loudmouth and shows that he hasn't brought Learned Political Experts into his campaign (but I repeat myself), but he's still a hack politico at heart. The major difference is: he tells the truth, and isn't shy about it. That makes him a mortal danger to the clubby little game of politics so beloved of the yammering pundits who inhabit the bloggy world. Guess I always have to add that I don't want to vote for him. But if the campaign plays out as expected (Establishment Democrat vs. Establishment GOPer), I'm going to have to. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 06:50 AM (rCmeG) 52
We were screwed long before this moment. In fact, this moment is an extract from a trend that began with the ratification of the Constitution. Don't get me wrong, the Federalists were well intended but when you give a central government access to the powers required of tyranny (lawmaking, law enforcing, law interpreting) with only words on parchment to prevent their coordinated use (checks and balances), you are asking for trouble. Remember the time, back in tha' day, when the Adams administration enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts to suppress the dissent of the Jeffersonian Republicans? That entire drama proved Federalist #10 to be wrong and revealed the Constitution to be weak in the area of protecting natural rights. Certainly there were good times but one would think that some substantial amount of time would have passed before the Constitution began revealing signs of wear.
Posted by: AlFromBayShore at July 23, 2015 06:51 AM (H7qBA) 53
I dont think Bertie was a nazi sympathizer. Plus, when we were kids we did the sieg heil bit too. We thought it was silly. It was done mockingly. Hell, even Donald Duck did it. It's ridiculous to publish these photos of the queen.
If you want embarrassment, there is a photo of her mother dressed as Stalin for a costume party. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 06:51 AM (iQIUe) 54
3 Over/under on if the Naval Officer in Tennessee is brought up on charges for having a personal firearm on Federal property?
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 06:31 AM (VPLuQ) He'll be lucky to get off with a court martial and bad conduct discharge. He interfered with 0bama's plans. That is not allowed. (To any outraged by this: if you disarm soldiers, knowing that there are adherents to the Religion of Peace out there who want to shoot them and/or cut their heads off, that means you want the soldiers to die. Let me be perfectly clear about this.) (SWIDT?) Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 06:52 AM (ueOgE) 55
I dont believe a shark can destroy a space ship.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 06:54 AM (iQIUe) 56
Train ride over, later guys.
Posted by: Sick of ExPat Patrioting at July 23, 2015 06:55 AM (SvJut) 57
53 I dont think Bertie was a nazi sympathizer. Plus, when we were kids we did the sieg heil bit too. We thought it was silly. It was done mockingly. Hell, even Donald Duck did it. It's ridiculous to publish these photos of the queen.
If you want embarrassment, there is a photo of her mother dressed as Stalin for a costume party. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 06:51 AM (iQIUe) When my dad was a kid, he had a couple of stray cats as pets and named them Hitler and Mussolini. Even after the war, after marrying a Shoah survivor, he stuck his foot in his mouth at a family event once and said that we had it tough here in the States with food and gas rationing. Bless my mom and her family for their patience. Years later, when he visited Auschwitz with my mom, she told me that he was sobbing so uncontrollably she was scared he was going to have a heart attack. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:56 AM (St6BJ) 58
There is still whiskey in the jar.
Posted by: Humongous Ears at July 23, 2015 06:56 AM (7wyDO) 59
58 There is still whiskey in the jar.
Posted by: Humongous Ears at July 23, 2015 06:56 AM (7wyDO) John has a long mustache. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:57 AM (St6BJ) 60
>> On this day in 1929 the Fascist government in Italy banned the use of foreign words. Sound familiar?
French purity of language laws. Instituted around the 1990s iirc. We have the opposite problem here; the KC mayor bragged the other day that 62 languages are spoken at KC schools. Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 06:59 AM (NxJKv) 61
I'm back. On the Naval Officer who shot back at the muzzie terrorist; I thought both of those military guys with their own guns were killed?
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:59 AM (GpgJl) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:00 AM (St6BJ) 63
I disagree with the part where you say that we lose no matter who wins.
Now sure, I understand your being upset that the R held Congress is standing idly by or are completely ineffective at handling the Planned Parenthood CEO's and VA corruption or the DEA's warrantless raiding of citizens private medical records. I understand your frustration that the feckless establishment has gleefully ignored all of that BUT when you talk about Trump and that being a loser. How do you really know. The way I see it, in politics, the establishment is a proven, time tested failure that advances the progressive agenda at every turn whereas, and I know this is surreal. The Northeastern liberal guy who is running as a Republican is out there doing what many if not most of us have been doing for years now and blasting everyone involved. Hell, don't try to figure it out. Just enjoy it. Posted by: Drider at July 23, 2015 07:00 AM (6Xbsz) 64
>> On this day in 1929 the Fascist government in Italy banned the use of foreign words. Sound familiar? French purity of language laws. Instituted around the 1990s iirc. We have the opposite problem here; the KC mayor bragged the other day that 62 languages are spoken at KC schools. Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 06:59 AM (NxJKv) You are forgetting all the speech codes in colleges and in most work-places. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:00 AM (GpgJl) 65
I suppose a "best case" for Trump is that he's a radical centrist. But after what we've had for the last 6.5 years, my good God, that would be a relief. He (probably) won't be out to screw us, at least.
I don't expect the next President to do anything about Obamacare or crunchy abortions or SSM. SCROTUS has boned us with those, and they'll act to protect their babies. I believe, folks, that SoCons (and I'm one, more or less) are an endangered species. The up-and-coming brand is conservatarians, and we can do a lot worse than that Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:05 AM (ueOgE) 66
"I thought both of those military guys with their own guns were killed?"
I saw reports that the CO of the Support Facility where the second attack took place was armed as well. He did not die. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 07:05 AM (VPLuQ) 67
Liz was 6 years old in those photos.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 07:05 AM (iQIUe) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:05 AM (St6BJ) 69
52 Posted by: AlFromBayShore at July 23, 2015 06:51 AM (H7qBA)
All the historians consider Adams to be one of the greatest founding fathers. I never have. He set about destroying the Constitution as soon as it was ratified after the Federalist lost the electon to the Jeffersonians. Marbury vs Madison was a created mess by Adams and Marshall during the "midnight judicial nominations. It was intended to transfer more power to the supreme court and thus the federal government so that they could be the fox guarding the hen house. Adams had always believed in and argued for a big and powerful federal government Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:07 AM (GpgJl) 70
64 60
>> We have the opposite problem here; the KC mayor bragged the other day that 62 languages are spoken at KC schools. >You are forgetting all the speech codes in colleges and in most work-places. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:00 AM (GpgJl) Is English still even *allowed* in public schools, colleges, and most workplaces? Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:08 AM (ueOgE) 71
Yesterday on the Hannity radio show, Santoren (sp) made many good points. He was wondering about our senate and house majority's, and how worthless they are. I am not a Santorem fan, but I was impressed. He blasted the repubs on everything from the confirmation of The Eric Holder replacement to approving of the Obama S.C. appointees. He said defunding P.P. should be easy but they will make it hard. It would only have been better had he said "Boehner and McConnel". He didn't, but it was a good rant anyway.
Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 07:12 AM (zW5rQ) 72
70 Is English still even *allowed* in public schools, colleges, and most workplaces?
Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:08 AM (ueOgE) For the time being. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:12 AM (GpgJl) 73
The Disability Trust Fund going bust is a huge fucking deal. It does signal the collapse of the enchilada. Either we raise taxes, print more money or both. If not, then bennies will be slashed. Greece is here. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:12 AM (St6BJ) 74
62 >> I will have a Le hamburger this le weekend.
You mean Royale with cheese, dontcha JJ? 64 >> You are forgetting all the speech codes in colleges and in most work-places. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:00 AM (GpgJl) I don't see how 'foreign words' relates to speech codes; hell, we are banning regular words as offensive, not new ones. You know, hateful words like He and She. Husband and Wife. Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:13 AM (NxJKv) 75
71 Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 07:12 AM (zW5rQ)
Santorum is a decent guy. He's also sharp on many issues. He'd make a good president. But he ain't gonna make it. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:14 AM (St6BJ) 76
There is still whiskey in the jar.
Posted by: Humongous Ears John has a long mustache. Posted by: J.J. Sefton The tits are calm. The day is young. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 07:14 AM (X88sA) 77
One more post update
Ramirez on PP The Daily Deals The SF looks like it may be good today for a change Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:16 AM (GpgJl) 78
All the historians consider Adams to be one of the greatest founding fathers. I never have. He set about destroying the Constitution as soon as it was ratified after the Federalist lost the electon to the Jeffersonians.
I agree. He seemed like a bitter elitist. That he passed the Alien and Sedition acts shows he never really cared much for liberty. I think the initial Articles were probably the better system. Shay's Rebellion spooked all the elite and they came up with the Pig's Breakfast we all live in now so they could have a standing army. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:16 AM (XtiOl) 79
Following up on SoCons and conservatarians, they need each other quite badly, so should be able to form a natural coalition. SoCons need legal protection in order to continue to exist (see the Oregon bakery, and every conservative Christian church that doesn't want SSM in their sanctuary) and conservatarians need SoCon votes.
Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:17 AM (ueOgE) 80
74 I don't see how 'foreign words' relates to speech
codes; hell, we are banning regular words as offensive, not new ones. You know, hateful words like He and She. Husband and Wife. Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:13 AM (NxJKv) The point was Mussolini was banning "words", in his case they were "foreign" but it was still banning types of speech. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:17 AM (GpgJl) 81
Last week SCOAMF announced that SSI was stable and secure. He did that knowing full well that the trustees would report just the opposite. He is a lying motherfucking shit-weasel. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:18 AM (St6BJ) 82
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:07 AM (GpgJl)
The Judiciary Act was a huge travesty that revealed both the failure of Madison's argument in Federalist #10 (that factional control was not likely), and that the Federalists failed to give a scintilla of thought to the notion that a federal judiciary could be politicized. The Anti-Federalists warned of judicial tyranny. Damn you Publius! In all fairness though, Madison's break with Hamilton is his "come to Jesus moment" so ALL his props can't be revoked. Posted by: AlFromBayShore at July 23, 2015 07:18 AM (H7qBA) 83
Now the SJWs want the cops and the press to investigate what a person identifies as before they go public. They found a man murdered in a dress in a park. The big mouths say it was TG and it is insulting and will discourage people with info from coming forward. The guy was a prostitute. I'm sure the murder was either he wasnt up front about having a dick or more likely it was over drugs. The SJWs say that he was a prostitute was only made public to shame the victim. smh
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 07:18 AM (iQIUe) 84
The Disability Trust Fund going bust is a huge fucking deal. It does signal the collapse of the enchilada. Either we raise taxes, print more money or both. If not, then bennies will be slashed.
We'll print money. The bureaucracy will start their triage of who is acceptable and who isn't. It will be 1000x more effective than viagra for them. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:19 AM (XtiOl) 85
73 >> The Disability Trust Fund going bust is a huge fucking deal. It does
signal the collapse of the enchilada. Either we raise taxes, print more money or both. You forgot option #3, JJ -- They will raid regular SS funds, as that is the most painless option. Kick that can down the road, that's their real specialty; well okay, they're damn good at wetting their beaks too. It doesn't matter that this will hasten the bankruptcy of the SS Trust Fund, which is already going bust anyhow by 2025. Medicare is due to puke by 2019. And a good time was had by all. Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:20 AM (NxJKv) 86
The point was Mussolini was banning "words", in his case they were "foreign" but it was still banning types of speech.
KC schools would be in deep shit with 62 different foreign languages. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 07:21 AM (X88sA) 87
the KC mayor bragged the other day that 62 languages are spoken at KC schools.
Piker. Indianapolis got 67 languages in just one school. The school where the TB broke out, but you're not allowed to wonder if there's a correlation. Posted by: HR trinken trinken trinken at July 23, 2015 07:21 AM (rHXGG) 88
Who are these better "serious" candidates everyone keeps talking about?
There is only one person acting like he wants to be President and he was on FIRE on CNN. Trump devastated McCain and Obama and indicted the GOP for its malfeasance. Call Trump a clown or a blow hard all you want. What I just saw was incredible. Anderson trying to defend McCain brought up all of these wonderful bills that he either sponsored or helped passed and Trump just rattled off statistics on how they all failed and how most of these bills were done to take the heat off of Obama and that the problem is no one has been fired for their incompetence. He just blasted McCain and Obama and the GOP effectively in two seconds. I understand that people don't like the agent but you can't always pick the agent. I like and appreciate what Trumps doing. Posted by: Kreplach at July 23, 2015 07:22 AM (PaAcR) 89
78 I think the initial Articles were probably the
better system. Shay's Rebellion spooked all the elite and they came up with the Pig's Breakfast we all live in now so they could have a standing army. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:16 AM (XtiOl) The Article of Confederation had a lot of problems. The original Constitution was great except for one thing. The people who wrote it thought the judicial leg was the weakest leg so they did not give a lot of guidance in that part. They also assumed Presidents would honestly adhere to their oath of office, That was a huge mistake. This is why I want an Art V convention with one of the primary actions being to return the judicial part to what was intended by taking it away from the federal government entirely and giving the appointment power to the States. And by strictly defining its powers and limitations. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:22 AM (GpgJl) 90
I couldn't believe the crap POTUS was spewing on my show. Of course I let him get away with it. Plus, he grabbed my ass.
Posted by: Jon Stewart at July 23, 2015 07:22 AM (gwG9s) 91
All this stupid is about to suddenly stop and be replaced with gnashing of teeth. Regularly happens in booster clubs and city councils all across America. Out of other people's money and having lost the respect of the capable. Then everyone who can will move south because the weather is warmer and suits their clothes (rags). A fence will be built on the borders to keep people from migrating out and will be named for John McCain. The fence will be known as "The Big Ass Hole".
Posted by: theTruth at July 23, 2015 07:23 AM (I0sxh) 92
Local artist to host a body art show were you can get naked and get painted. The show benefits a youth mentorship program. " It's hip, it's young, it's fresh" says the host.
Posted by: freaked at July 23, 2015 07:23 AM (BO/km) 93
@71, 75
Santorum does seem like a nice guy, but he screwed himself by supporting Specter in PA, then got othered by the right-to-life case (Schiavo). He doesn't have a prayer in the general, it would be a landslide loss of Reagan-Mondale proportions. Probably wants a cabinet post or something. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:24 AM (ueOgE) 94
@38 the AFL-CIO tell border patrol agents that they can not give a border tour to Trump.-Vic
Look at a map of Washington D.C. Across the road from the White House is the huge headquarters of the AFL-CIO. Look to the left and up the next street from them.La RAZA's U.S. offices. See what we are up against? Washington is no place for the average U.S. citizen. It's full of lobbyists with deep pockets and political influence. They matter. We don't. Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at July 23, 2015 07:24 AM (HSAmh) 95
Using a different language for politically incorrect speech isn't a bad idea. Maybe we could use Latin.
All the SJWs who only speak English wouldn't understand it and the juiceboxer journalists wouldn't have the patience to translate. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:24 AM (XtiOl) 96
The Disability Trust Fund going bust is a huge fucking deal. It does signal the collapse of the enchilada. Either we raise taxes, print more money or both. If not, then bennies will be slashed. We'll print money. The bureaucracy will start their triage of who is acceptable and who isn't. It will be 1000x more effective than viagra for them. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:19 AM (XtiOl) What they NEED to do, and won't, is provide auditing to eliminate the fraud and abuse. I have seen some articles that said over 50% of SSDI was fraud and abuse. That is what is bankrupting the system. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:25 AM (GpgJl) 97
Vic, the gubmint isn't really banning words; it's the SJWs trying to shame certain words. Not the same thing imho.
Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:25 AM (NxJKv) Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 07:25 AM (X88sA) 99
Flashback to 2014: Mitch McConnell promises to break Obama and force him to enact Republican agenda. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:25 AM (O7MnT) 100
Chicago: 0 deaths 6 shot
Baltimore: 0 deaths 7 shot Baltimore wins again, come on Chicago get with it, your losing. Black Lives Matter. Interesting: Fundraiser for officers charged in Freddie Gray's death will feature performance in Blackface....NAACP is livid...they say this is salt in the wound. Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 07:26 AM (lyhiY) 101
Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:24 AM (ueOgE)
I will say I think Santorum's plan for health care was the best. He wanted to restructure bankruptcy laws for people facing health crisis that couldn't afford them. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:26 AM (XtiOl) Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:27 AM (NxJKv) 103
Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:20 AM (NxJKv)
That fact that you use the Don Fanucci expression "wet my beak" from "Godfather 2" makes my day. Grazie. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:28 AM (St6BJ) 104
Following up on SoCons and conservatarians, they
need each other quite badly, so should be able to form a natural coalition. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:17 AM The "conservative" side of the political picture is as full of SJWs, power-grabbers and elitists as any Democrat group. We tolerate them because issues.... To form a coalition requires compromise, and Our Betters in both parties believe "compromise" means "you do what I want, and we can work together." Otherwise, any coalition falls apart in short order. It's just human nature at work, I guess. In the main, politicians and political junkies differ only in what they want people to see as their "beliefs." When it comes down to running the machine, they are alarmingly alike. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:29 AM (rCmeG) 105
Vic, the gubmint isn't really banning words; it's the SJWs trying to shame certain words. Not the same thing imho. Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:25 AM (NxJKv) Nay nay, colleges and local schools ARE part of the government. So says the supremes when ruling for the liberals. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:29 AM (GpgJl) 106
62 languages spoken at KC schools: (Breitbar) I assume the Ebonics is number 1 in KC Schools Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 07:30 AM (lyhiY) 107
Interesting anecdote from a Levin caller. She said because of the welfare reform of the 90's, the momzers circumvented that problem by going on disability insurance. Hence, broke. Would've gone broke anyway, but not so quickly. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:30 AM (St6BJ) 108
Walker at the top of the ticket, Rubio as VP and we might sweep.
Posted by: Jeffrey Carter (@pointsnfigures) at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM (LnE5F) 109
Just got an update from Weather Underground which I use a lot. They will be taking part of TWC's slot on weeknights. The owners of TWC have screwed up WU and they are probably using this to further screw it up with the AGW scam BS. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM (GpgJl) 110
Trumpbots would serve the conservative movement better by getting behind a real conservative like Ted Cruz instead of an assclown like Trump.
Posted by: DRayRaven at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM (9YRwm) 111
108 Walker at the top of the ticket, Rubio as VP and we might sweep.
Posted by: Jeffrey Carter (@pointsnfigures) at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM (LnE5F) Fuck Rubio. No way. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM (St6BJ) 112
A very good friend of mine is on disability. He could work but doesn't and manages to live on $1600 a month. I think the best thing that could happen to him is that he would have to go back to work. The most disabled part of him is his motivation.
Posted by: freaked at July 23, 2015 07:36 AM (BO/km) 113
Interesting anecdote from a Levin caller. She said because of the welfare reform of the 90's, the momzers circumvented that problem by going on disability insurance. Hence, broke. Would've gone broke anyway, but not so quickly. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:30 AM (St6BJ) I have been saying that for years. The "end welfare as we know it" simply moved it to the kids which the parents then use. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:36 AM (GpgJl) 114
105 >> Nay nay, colleges and local schools ARE part of the government. So says the supremes when ruling for the liberals.
Vic, you do have a point there. Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:36 AM (NxJKv) 115
Fuck Rubio. No way.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM Aaaaaand JJ demolishes High-Minded Political Calculation in four words! Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:38 AM (rCmeG) 116
Well, this is interesting. EU Files Antitrust Charges Against Six U.S. Film Studios Studios include Disney, Sony Pictures, Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Bros. BRUSSELS---Europe's antitrust regulator has filed formal charges against six major U.S. film studios and U.K. pay-TV broadcaster Sky UK Ltd., warning that contracts agreed on by the companies that restrict access to Sky's services outside Britain may violate EU laws. The six studios are Disney, NBCUniversal, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Bros. Entertainment. The charges come amid a broader push by the EU to smash down barriers to a single market for digital services in the region. Regulators are focusing in particular on eliminating so-called geo-blocking, where firms block access to films or other online content outside a particular licensed territory. The European Commission, the bloc's top antitrust authority, said Thursday that contracts agreed between Sky and the six studios may have prevented Sky from offering its U.K. and Irish pay-TV services to EU consumers elsewhere. wsj Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 07:38 AM (qCMvj) 117
Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 07:25 AM (X88sA)
That's Bruce Jenner. I refuse to use the name that is part of his mental problem. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 07:38 AM (nRvEn) 118
Putin is jerking Obama's chain again as two Russian "Bear Bomber" buzz 40 miles off the CA coast.
I am trying to think of a west coast city I would miss if those bombers strayed a little more eastward. Maybe Anchorage? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:39 AM (O7MnT) 119
RINO Rubie can ESAD. And Walker just shifted his amnesty from aboveboard to under the table. Its hard to walk back a political position you have had for years.
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:39 AM (GpgJl) 120
Putin is jerking Obama's chain again as two Russian "Bear Bomber" buzz 40 miles off the CA coast.
I mean, let's face it, a nuke strike on LA, SFO, or Oakland would probably kill more Mexicans than Americans. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:40 AM (O7MnT) 121
Walker at the top of the ticket, Rubio as VP and we might sweep.
Posted by: Jeffrey Carter (@pointsnfigures) at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM (LnE5F) I want Rubio no where near the presidency. Walker and Jindal are the only ones I am looking at because they are governors and have shown some spine. Both though are squishes on immigration. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 07:40 AM (nRvEn) 122
Trump will not get the Republican nomination. The GopE will try to rep him out. If he runs as an Independent the election will go to the Dem candidate. I can't help thinking that either Hillary or Jeb has promised him something (money, trade deals?) to run as an Independent. I agree with some of the things he ha saids but I don't put a lot of trust in someone who claims to be a Christian and yet says "I have never asked God for forgiveness" and "I go to church ti get my little wine and cracker." Does that mean I want a theocracy?Absoutely not? Does it mean that a person's faith is a huge motivating factor in my vote? But someone who has no humility because they're richer than (they think) God is and yet claims Christianity is not my idea of a good leader. Obama claimed to be a Christian too and he's a narcissistic. Marxist blowhard and enabler of radical Islam.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 07:40 AM (OSs/l) 123
118 I am trying to think of a west coast city I would miss if those bombers strayed a little more eastward. Maybe Anchorage?
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:39 AM (O7MnT) Don't forget that, like our B-52, those Bears carry cruise missiles with a long range. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:41 AM (GpgJl) 124
>>RINO Rubie can ESAD. And Walker just shifted his amnesty from aboveboard to under the table. Its hard to walk back a political position you have had for years.
The problem is, if Amnesty is the hill you want to die in, it means you've eliminated the entire Republican field. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:41 AM (O7MnT) 125
I just want a nominee that will make the heads of everyone in the RNC explode.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:42 AM (XtiOl) 126
How will Seattle handle an application from a Ghey couple to live in the Sharia complaint housing?
Posted by: Jean at July 23, 2015 07:42 AM (ztOda) 127
meant "The GopE will try to keep him out."
Meant "No, someone's religion is not a huge motivating factor in my vote." Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 07:42 AM (OSs/l) 128
115 Aaaaaand JJ demolishes High-Minded Political Calculation in four words!
Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:38 AM (rCmeG) Brevity is the soul of wit. Or, in my case, twit. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:43 AM (St6BJ) 129
Walker at the top of the ticket, Rubio as VP and we might sweep.
Posted by: Jeffrey Carter (@pointsnfigures) at July 23, 2015 07:35 AM (LnE5F) I want Rubio no where near the presidency. Walker and Jindal are the only ones I am looking at because they are governors and have shown some spine. Both though are squishes on immigration. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 07:40 AM (nRvEn) I saw someone yesterday suggest Walker/Fiorina. This is a really good combo, although, like for most VP's it would eliminate her from ever running for potus. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 07:43 AM (qCMvj) 130
Plus, he grabbed my ass.
Posted by: Jon Stewart at July 23, 2015 07:22 AM (gwG9s) And you liked it. Posted by: RickZ at July 23, 2015 07:43 AM (HEtQ3) Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 07:43 AM (iQIUe) 132
What's a "momzer"?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 07:43 AM (OSs/l) 133
124 The problem is, if Amnesty is the hill you want to die in, it means you've eliminated the entire Republican field.
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:41 AM (O7MnT) Amnesty is just one of his problems. I don't remember the other few that were brought to light months ago and I haven't started documenting research yet. And Cruz does not support amnesty although I have almost written him off too due to supporting the trade bill AND "The Deal". Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:44 AM (GpgJl) 134
132 What's a "momzer"?
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 07:43 AM (OSs/l) Bastard, in Yiddish. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:44 AM (St6BJ) 135
I just want a nominee that will make the heads of everyone in the RNC explode.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:42 AM That would be Teh Donald, Bevel. But wait, there's more! As an added bonus, Trump will cause all the heads at Tepid Air and NRO to explode, too! Damned if that doesn't sound like win-win.... Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:45 AM (rCmeG) 136
Call me crazy, but I think that the Queen of Enguhland was NOT a Nazi.
I read it in a book, maybe. Posted by: revolting peasant at July 23, 2015 07:45 AM (7rrIX) 137
>>Cruz does not support amnesty although I have almost written him off too due to supporting the trade bill AND "The Deal".
I have heard the Anti-Cruzers say he supports big increases in the number of H1-B visas, is that correct? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:46 AM (O7MnT) 138
124 The problem is, if Amnesty is the hill you want to die in, it means you've eliminated the entire Republican field.
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:41 AM (O7MnT) If we can't agree that fighting against being colonized is a hill worthy of dying upon, we're dead already. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:46 AM (ueOgE) 139
136 I read it in a book, maybe.
Posted by: revolting peasant at July 23, 2015 07:45 AM (7rrIX) There's your problem right there. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:47 AM (St6BJ) 140
And BTW, amnesty SHOULD be a hill to die on because any more amnesty will destroy this country as well as what is left of the Republican Party.
It will result in a permanent communist/democrat win at all the elections and turn the US in to a South American 3rd world shit hole rife with disease, corruption, and tyranny. Wait, are we already there now? Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:48 AM (GpgJl) 141
Re: Disability
About two weeks ago, I received a form to self-report whether I still remain disabled, whether my doctor discussed whether I could go back to work, etc. I wondered what that was all about. Now I know. Posted by: RickZ at July 23, 2015 07:48 AM (HEtQ3) 142
The problem is, if Amnesty is the hill you want to die in, it means you've eliminated the entire Republican field.
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:41 AM (O7MnT) I think most people understand that we probably will at some point give a significant number of the illegals some sort of amnesty. But, we don't want to hear that as part of the immediate plan. What we want is a simple, build the wall, stop the flood of illegals, get rid of the serious lawbreakers (felons, DUI, drug possession), and start enforcing employment fines. Then after a few years of that, we'll talk about those still here. Also, we don't want to hear about replacing the illegals with a flood of legal immigration. We really need a couple decade moratorium. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 07:48 AM (nRvEn) 143
Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:45 AM (rCmeG)
Politics has become about spitefully ruining the plans of the people who betrayed us to sit at the trough for their turn. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:49 AM (XtiOl) 144
I have heard the Anti-Cruzers say he supports big increases in the number of H1-B visas, is that correct?
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:46 AM Seems to me -- and someone should check before taking this as 100% correct -- that Cruz has, shall we say, "tailored" his message when Which doesn't matter. His record as a Senator disqualifies him from any consideration, IMO. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:49 AM (rCmeG) 145
137 I have heard the Anti-Cruzers say he supports big increases in the number of H1-B visas, is that correct?
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:46 AM (O7MnT) I don't recall seeing that, but that is not amnesty. It is something else known as "crony corruption". Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 07:49 AM (GpgJl) 146
High-five, Vic Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:49 AM (ueOgE) 147
I just want a nominee that will make the heads of everyone in the RNC explode.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:42 AM (XtiOl) The GOPe will block this from happening somehow. Fox is sort of instigating this by not allowing some in the debates. Sure there had to be a cutoff, but polling is ridiculous. Whoever has the most money, hence, the most presence in media and the most sound bites will up their poll numbers. This is a sham. Polling is BS to begin with. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 07:49 AM (qCMvj) 148
The wsj has an article on how Iran can game the delay on inspections far beyond the "24 day max" that has been voxsplained to us as the actual "immediate and unfettered access" to inspections by TFG and Kerry.
Link to the wsj article is in my nic; to break the wsj firewall copy that link to your browser's search bar and do a google search. Click the first result and you can read the whole thing. We done been lied to again. Update -- Well crap. Pixy won't let me link the wsj in my nic. Here is the link with a space added before the word article: articles/iran-inspections-in-24-days-not-even-close-1437521911 Posted by: GnuBreed at July 23, 2015 07:50 AM (NxJKv) 149
New documents supplied under a freedom of information demand from Judicial Watch show that the IRS used donor lists to target conservative organizations for audits at the demand of Democrat Max Baucus. He should go to jail along with Learner.
Wait - I thought nothing happened at the IRS? That is what the President said. Posted by: blaster at July 23, 2015 07:50 AM (2Ocf1) 150
If we can't agree that fighting against being colonized is a hill worthy of dying upon, we're dead already.
My point was that every GOP candidate supports some form of Amnesty (Amnesty defined as letting illegal immigrants stay in the US and take American jobs with lip service to border security). Not all of them are as enthusiastic about it as Graham or Bush, but there are no border hawks running. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:50 AM (O7MnT) Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 07:51 AM (X88sA) 152
All this "hill to die on" stuff this morning reminds me of Patton's great saying about making some other bastard die for his country. Many issues are actually hills that Democrats would die on, but that would require an actual Opposition Party.
And g'morning everyone ! Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 23, 2015 07:52 AM (go6ud) 153
The GOPe will block this from happening somehow.
And the blocking may split the party. I hope they say Trump can't debate. It'll piss off voters and keeping the top guy out is indefensible. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:52 AM (XtiOl) 154
Build the wall, with moats with sharktopi. Guest worker permits for those here. Fix birthright citizenship laws so the children of those here illegally are not citizens. And never, ever, ever, under any circumstances, do illegals gain the vote. If they don't like this, fly them home. And somebody, please kill H1B visas so our kids can have jobs. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:53 AM (ueOgE) 155
Politics has become about spitefully ruining the plans of the people who betrayed us to sit at the trough for their turn.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:49 AM Ya gotta start somewhere.... Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:53 AM (rCmeG) 156
Is English still even *allowed* in public schools, colleges, and most workplaces?
Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 07:08 AM (ueOgE) Only if they aren't offensive or trigger words which is about half of the language now Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 23, 2015 07:54 AM (DiZBp) 157
Ted Cruz in immigration (from his website:
In 2013. Sen. Cruz proposed amendments to the Gang of 8 bill that would strengthen border security, expand green card opportunities, increase high-skilled H1B visas, prevent illegal aliens from receiving welfare benefits, and enforce the rule of law. Cruz is still my second or third choice, but I'm realistic that he's no Jeff Sessions. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:55 AM (O7MnT) 158
It's funny: we made fun of Link Chafee Posted by: Soothsayer at July 23, 2015 07:56 AM (fvMOw) 159
g'mornin', 'rons
Posted by: AltonJackson at July 23, 2015 07:56 AM (ZQfW9) 160
I mean, let's face it, a nuke strike on LA, SFO, or Oakland would probably kill more Mexicans than Americans. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:40 AM (O7MnT) Now that there is funny. Posted by: rickl at July 23, 2015 07:56 AM (sdi6R) 161
153 I hope they say Trump can't debate. It'll piss off voters and keeping the top guy out is indefensible.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:52 AM (XtiOl) Agreed. The first step to defeating the leftists is to defeat the Potemkin Party known as the GOP. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:56 AM (St6BJ) 162
Posted by: Soothsayer at July 23, 2015 07:56 AM want us to start measuring everything in Trumps? Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 07:57 AM (rCmeG) 163
157 Cruz is still my second or third choice, but I'm realistic that he's no Jeff Sessions.
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 07:55 AM (O7MnT) Solution: Draft Jeff Sessions. That said, why did he cast his vote for the phony Iran sell-out??? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 07:57 AM (St6BJ) 164
I never heard of King George VI being a Nazi sympathiezer, now Elizabeth's uncle, King Edward was apparently well known as a sympathizer, which was why the government was relieved when he stepped down to marry a divorced American. They then quickly shuttled him off to the Carribean, far, far away from the war effort. Apparently Hitler had beenplanningon Edward surrendering to him and being kept in place as a puppet. Posted by: nnptcgrad at July 23, 2015 07:58 AM (Mxs5H) 165
good times, good times
Mexicans cant afford to live in SF. Hell, even the Mission District is being bought up and the homes being sold for 7 million.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 07:58 AM (iQIUe) 167
Potemkin Party, I like that a lot !
Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 23, 2015 07:58 AM (go6ud) 168
Lots of red on red on Twitter
Lots of people I like attacking other people I like because of trump And the attackers all seem to think the GOP is viable. None of them are chastising GOP for failing to understand trumps message about illegal immigration. They seem very wedded to ideas of intellectual superiority and a conservative caste system. So. Fuck them Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 07:59 AM (zOTsN) 169 want us to start measuring everything in Trumps?
How many MegaTrumps was Lindsey Graham smashing the cell phone he was getting only positive feedback on? Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 07:59 AM (XtiOl) 170
Interesting story:
If upstate NY McD's have to raise pay to $15, a franchiser said he will have to close the small McD's in small towns because they just don't have the volume to make it worth it. The McD employees would be the highest paid workers in town outside of some profession people. McD corp keeps raising his product costs, and prices are limited to a range of $. Maybe McD's in larger cities or along interstates can absorb the costs but not the small town fast food places. Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 07:59 AM (lyhiY) 171
Haven't heard from Allen West in a while.
ALLEN WEST EXPLODES OVER IRAN DEAL, OBLITERATES OBAMA IN FIERY TIMES SQUARE SPEECH Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:00 AM (qCMvj) 172 want us to start measuring everything in Trumps?
Trumpboats are way yuuuger than Marcoboats. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:00 AM (X88sA) 173
I thought Cruz skipped the vote on the Iran deal. That's not optimal but it's better than voting for it.
Posted by: Chico Escuela at July 23, 2015 08:01 AM (a7Dd7) 174
It's not just GOP establishment. Conservative pundits who like to think they are thought leaders are offended that a large number of conservatives have rejected their lead.
And instead of focusing on why that is, they are busy scolding, screaming, and engaging in intellectual posturing Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:01 AM (zOTsN) 175
One is good, but America needs more hot 22 year newscasters from Marine families who want to publicly condemn TFG's leadership skills.
Thank you Tomi Lahren, and may we see you appear frequently in the sidebar. Even when you aren't making excellent sense about the Goofball on the Golf Course Presidency. Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 08:01 AM (TxJGV) 176
I love Trump's red meat rhetoric, but his actions to date have been contributing to left wing democrats and supporting democrat policies.
Actions speak louder than words. Of course it looks like the RNCe and their candidates also support left wing democrat policies. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:02 AM (GpgJl) Posted by: 144 at July 23, 2015 08:02 AM (U27bU) 178
Perry's a dope. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:03 AM (qCMvj) 179
Mexicans cant afford to live in SF. Hell, even the Mission District is being bought up and the homes being sold for 7 million.
When 30-40 people share a one bedroom apartment or detached garage, housing becomes much more affordable Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:03 AM (O7MnT) 180
171 Haven't heard from Allen West in a while.
ALLEN WEST EXPLODES OVER IRAN DEAL, OBLITERATES OBAMA IN FIERY TIMES SQUARE SPEECH Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:00 AM (qCMvj) I could vote for Colonel West in a heartbeat. Walker/West? Cruz/West? West/ ? How about it, horde? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:03 AM (St6BJ) 181
Rick Perry does exactly what Democrats do...
He takes something Trump says about illegals and conflates it to include all Mexican-Americans and Hispanics as a whole. So if Trump or anyone else is against illegal aliens coming over the border, they automatically hate all Hispanics everywhere. What a piece of shit Perry is. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 08:04 AM (P/xrJ) 182
I thought Cruz skipped the vote on the Iran deal. That's not optimal but it's better than voting for it. Posted by: Chico Escuela at July 23, 2015 08:01 AM (a7Dd7) That was one of the most important votes of this session of Congress. A skip on that is VERY bad. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:04 AM (GpgJl) 183
If Ted voted yes then alas, It's down to Jindal or Walker
Posted by: Chico Escuela at July 23, 2015 08:04 AM (a7Dd7) Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:05 AM (zOTsN) 185
I thought Cruz skipped the vote on the Iran deal. That's not optimal but it's better than voting for it. Posted by: Chico Escuela at July 23, 2015 08:01 AM Even if it turns out to be a lost cause, I want "my" presidential candidate to be one who stands up for what he believes in, even if the rest of the inbred greedheads around him are giving Choom Boy and his Iranian buddies a tongue-bath. Cruz "misses" strategic votes. If he was president, would you want him to "miss" strategic decisions because optics? Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 08:05 AM (rCmeG) 186
173 I thought Cruz skipped the vote on the Iran deal. That's not optimal but it's better than voting for it.
IMO it's worse. McConnell wanted a unified Senate vote so he could get a story about how the Senate was bringing Obama to heel. Cruz wants to be able to claim he didn't vote for the bill, but didn't want to antagonize the majority leader. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:05 AM (XtiOl) 187
170 Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 07:59 AM (lyhiY)
Upthread: 49 Raising it in NYC will be bad enough, but the cost of living in the rest of the state is significantly lower, so the effects of $15/hr will be disastrous outside of Hymietown. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:06 AM (St6BJ) 188
so...they are likely going to close Gitmo.... I missed this somehow, have missed it here? Posted by: ziiiiiggggyyyyeeeeee at July 23, 2015 08:06 AM (AsMdZ) 189
mumble mernin mmbl
Posted by: Bigby's ASL at July 23, 2015 08:07 AM (3ZtZW) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:07 AM (St6BJ) Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:07 AM (zOTsN) 192
Perry is going to be left out of the first debate which will effectively doom his campaign. His "heartless" comment is the equivalent of Jeb!s "love" comment. He's been dead to me since then.
Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 08:08 AM (nRvEn) 193
I agree Vic. It was a letdown that he skipped it. Voting yes is (CENSORS SELF)... disqualifying.
Posted by: Chico Escuela at July 23, 2015 08:08 AM (a7Dd7) 194
Obliterates? Ummm...
Posted by: Muldoon at July 23, 2015 08:08 AM (NeFrd) 195
It's repulsive to see conservatives use the same tactics on trump, and with more vigor, than they do with Obama
Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:09 AM (zOTsN) 196
There is no need to fear. Embrace a socially equal future, with the sort of civilization that other advanced nations enjoy. One strong leader has worked for this for decades, and is not beholden to Wall Street shills or shady Zionist banksters. The progressive lion of the Senate stands ready and the time is now.
SANDERS IN 2016!!!!! Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT at July 23, 2015 08:09 AM (Tegl7) 197
Trump did - sadly aided by the tragic murder of Kate Steinle - shift the framing of the debate to where it should be. I like that a lot. And for now, having someone loud enough (crassness notwithstanding) to throw the red meat around is what he's good at and needed. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:09 AM (St6BJ) 198
Or you can go to Ted Cruz senate website where he says this.. expand green card opportunities, increase high-skilled h1b visas So Cruz wants to do a sort of bait and switch. He simply want to expand the pathways in which illegals can get here. The only acceptable immigration reform is severely cut back on legal immigration, eliminate to the fullest extent possible illegal immigration, make it impossible to operate in this country illegally, severely cut back on H1b visas, etc. On this there can be no compromise. Posted by: Kreplach at July 23, 2015 08:10 AM (PaAcR) 199
196 SANDERS IN 2016!!!!!
Posted by: Mary Cloggenstein from Brattleboro, VT at July 23, 2015 08:09 AM (Tegl7) She's not black. Rejected. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:10 AM (St6BJ) 200
7 I wonder how Trump would respond to the question "Do you believe Black lives Matter?"
Live.... on BET. "I'll answer that question as soon as you tell me whose lives don't matter." Posted by: Trump at July 23, 2015 08:10 AM (53CCM) 201
What other candidate is addressing illegal immigration. At all. They treat it like the third rail
Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:10 AM (zOTsN) 202
>>If Ted voted yes then alas, It's down to Jindal or Walker
Rand Paul I can support without reservation. Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, I have reservations but could still support. Maybe Fiorina is in this group. Below that, we're in DIABLO Country: Jeb, Rubio, Kasich. Maybe Santorum, who will always have a place in my heart as long as he drive Dan Savage BFC. But this is the level where I stay home and drink on Election Day. Below that, we're in dear-god-hell-no-kill-me-now territory; Graham, Huckabee, Pataki I can't take Carson or Trump seriously. Sorry. Who am I forgetting? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:12 AM (O7MnT) 203
>>> The major difference is: he tells the truth, and isn't shy about it.
Other major, major difference: Not bought and paid for. Posted by: Bigby's ASL at July 23, 2015 08:12 AM (3ZtZW) 204
"Cruz wants to be able to claim he didn't vote for the bill, but didn't want to antagonize the majority leader."
Now, that's just chicken-shit and I voted for him. Antagonize, criticize, demonize McConnell. I don't know what Cruz is doing but if padding the way after a failed POTUS run is on his mind right now then he's useless. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 23, 2015 08:12 AM (hHKN5) Posted by: Soothsayer at July 23, 2015 08:13 AM (fvMOw) 206
If not for trump, would illegal immigration be the number one issue now No No it wouldn't. Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:07 AM (zOTsN) Illegal immigration and amnesty has been one of my top three make or break issues long before Trump ever hit the field. And as far as the RNCe is concerned it is not their number 1 issue either. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:13 AM (GpgJl) Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:14 AM (zOTsN) 208
I can't take Carson or Trump seriously. Sorry.
Carson is easily the smartest one of the bunch. He's a neurosurgeon as opposed to a dumbass who knew people and got elected. Carson's not a politician. That's a plus to me. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:14 AM (XtiOl) 209
The results will be an astronomical rise in food costs as well as fewer jobs for them.
But, whitey and capitalism. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:44 AM (St6BJ) I would imagine it would also seriously hurt the non- fast food, reasonably priced small restaurants (if any remain in NYC). Of course, the high end places frequented by the deBlasios and leftist celebs - they'll be OK. Posted by: Donna &&&&&& V. (do not upgrade me, I will become Chinese or bad) at July 23, 2015 08:14 AM (+XMAD) 210
>>What other candidate is addressing illegal immigration. At all. They treat it like the third rail
All of them, and they all have the same focus-group tested, completely anodyne and meaningless answer: "We must secure our borders first, and then deal compassionately with the undocumented immigrants who already live here." Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:14 AM (O7MnT) 211
What other candidate is addressing illegal immigration. At all. They treat it like the third rail
Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:10 AM (zOTsN) The GOPe thinks they will antagonize the Hispanic vote. Instead, I think most of the Hispanics who would likely vote for the GOP would actually like to get control of the border and stop the flood of legal and illegal immigration. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 08:14 AM (nRvEn) 212
Wow Pataki sounds intelligent. But in the famous words of Barbara Stanwyk, "the most important thing is sincerity. And when you can fake that, you've got it made." Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (St6BJ) 213
It's repulsive to see conservatives use the same tactics on trump, and with more vigor, than they do with Obama Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:09 AM (zOTsN) I hope you are not including me in that because I always go as far as I can hitting Obama without getting banned by Ace. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (GpgJl) 214
If Trump weren't hammering everyone else on illegal immigration, 99% of his supporters around here would evaporate.
He is pro-abortion, pro-immigration (and amnesty), pro-Kelo, anti-gun, pro-government-run healthcare, etc. He is a Democrat who says one thing you agree with (I agree also by the way), and suddenly he is the second coming of Ronald Reagan. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (Zu3d9) Posted by: Soothsayer at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (fvMOw) 216
The best part of Trump vs. the GOP establishment is that we're screwed no matter who wins.
But if Trump destroys the GOPe, we only have one dickish lout to contend with. Posted by: Snoodling World Champion 1997 at July 23, 2015 08:16 AM (Q819Q) 217
Call me crazy, but I think that the Queen of Enguhland was NOT a Nazi.
It was also in 1933. A lot of people didn't have any idea of where Hitler would wind up going then. Even his on-record anti-Semitism wasn't that far from a lot of people's opinion back then, probably even in some of the Royal Family. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 23, 2015 08:16 AM (oVJmc) 218
He is a Democrat who says one thing you agree with (I agree also by the way), and suddenly he is the second coming of Ronald Reagan.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (Zu3d9) Trump is not the general to lead us, he's the bomb to obliterate our enemies. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:16 AM (XtiOl) 219
207 Rand Paul is open borders. Part of the libertarian thing.
Never Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:14 AM (zOTsN) Luap the Lesser sucks. On Levin last night he dissembled and parsed his words so much on Iran and our foreign policy it was embarrassing. NO WAY. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:17 AM (St6BJ) 220
"I'll answer that question as soon as you tell me whose lives don't matter."
And yes, I could see Trump answering exactly that way. The message is good, but being carried in a deeply flawed vessel. Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 08:17 AM (VPLuQ) 221
I view trump as a clown, entertaining yes, but not serious. On the other hand, when your choices are a pack of backstabbing liars, a gang ofsocialists who want you dead, and a clown, the clowntheleast offensive.
Posted by: nnptcgrad at July 23, 2015 08:18 AM (Mxs5H) 222
Vic of course not
But it is amazing to see conservatives attack conservatives whose number one concern is illegal immigration with the same language Obama uses to attack conservative Racist, nativists, bitter clingers Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:18 AM (zOTsN) 223
The Glen Burnie venue on Wednesday abruptly canceled a planned fundraiser for the six police officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray after the scheduled entertainment of a former Baltimore police officer singing in blackface, drew sharp criticism......
Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 08:18 AM (lyhiY) 224
I dont think Bertie was a nazi sympathizer. Plus, when we were kids we did the sieg heil bit too.
- When I was in the second grade, a friend and I drew swastikas on the hands of many of our classmates. We didn't know shit about it, only that the swastika was the symbol of the villains in the movies we loved. The teacher strongly suggested we stop. Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 23, 2015 08:19 AM (IqoPt) 225
214 Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (Zu3d9)
CBD - I think, at least from my perspective, is Trump appeals not for the prospect of his being a candidate, but for the fact that he is sticking it to the MFM, the left and the GOP. Whether he's lying or sincere or being a crass jackass, he is touching a raw nerve. For that alone, I support the guy. As an actual candidate, not so much. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:19 AM (St6BJ) 226
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:02 AM (GpgJl)
Vic, what if the reason Trumps seems ambiguous occasionally is because he is actually trying to also pick up disgusted democrat voters? After all, the democrat party of today is equal to the Republican Party of today. Neither party reflects their roots or their constituency. Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 08:19 AM (zW5rQ) 227
Some good news folks
FenelonSpouse thinks they may have a PT job (better than nothing anyway). They just have to pass a drug test (so unless they were secretly toking before the test I think it will be o.k. ;^) pass a physical and get a background check (They're not a pedophile and actually had a background check before, but I think it needs to be repeated) Unless not liking Obama is a now a bar to employment that should be o.k. too. Anyway, thanks for your prayers and please keep them up. It's much appreciated Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 08:19 AM (OSs/l) 228
huge Huger HUGEST Posted by: Soothsayer at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (fvMOw) Where'd those Hs come from? Posted by: The Donald at July 23, 2015 08:20 AM (yxw0r) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:20 AM (St6BJ) 230
I think it's less that people want Trump as president than they want Trump bringing chaos to the corrupt party system.
I don't think Trump has a chance to win, but there is the possibility of bringing upheaval to the Boner/McConnell Party, and I have no problem with that. Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 23, 2015 08:20 AM (oVJmc) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:21 AM (3uRmy) 232
222 Vic of course not
But it is amazing to see conservatives attack conservatives whose number one concern is illegal immigration with the same language Obama uses to attack conservative Racist, nativists, bitter clingers Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:18 AM (zOTsN) Yesterday a GOP apologist said I was racist and a homophobe for being angry that Haley took down the Confederate Flag and Pence gutted RFRA in Indiana. They are just SJWs at this point. They just want low taxes and slave labor to pick their lettuce. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:21 AM (XtiOl) 233
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:19 AM (St6BJ)
I agree. And I am enjoying his skewering of pretty much everything in establishment media and politics. But as a you said....not so much. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:22 AM (Zu3d9) 234
CBD I haven't called him the second coming of Reagan.
They can talk all they want about abortion. None of them will do anything about it. Or obamacare. Which current candidate, do you really believe, will get rid of obamacare. The answer is zero Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:22 AM (zOTsN) 235
Bertie may have been one of the many who thought that Hitler would re-institute the monarchy. Wilhelm thoughts this as well.
Also, on paper it looked like Hitler and his ilk were miracle workers. He turned around a horrible situation. Of course the dark side of that was overwhelmingly bad upon anything more than a cursory glance. Posted by: nick in south bend at July 23, 2015 08:22 AM (4EoGo) 236
210 "We must secure our borders first, and then deal compassionately with the undocumented immigrants who already live here."
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:14 AM (O7MnT) They use the term "pathway to citizenship" which is dog-whistle for amnesty. And don't forget, every amnesty bill we have passed since 1965 promised to close the border. Not a single damn one has. I do not buy that one ever. And I still maintain the fence is a red herring. It will never be built because it would cost more than one trillion dollars. We MUST take away the incentives for the illegals to come here. When that happens they will quit coming. And that includes taking away the BS baby birth interpretation. But TX is challenging that now. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:22 AM (GpgJl) 237
sadly aided by the tragic murder of Kate Steinle
- Didja see Josh Earnest's comment the other day? We can end sanctuary cities just as soon as congress votes for comprehensive immigration reform. Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 23, 2015 08:23 AM (FevLs) 238
Carson's not a politician. That's a plus to me.
He's against the 2nd Amendment. He's dead to me. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:23 AM (X88sA) 239
I dont think there is any comparison whatsoever between a boorish clown like Mr. Trump and the serious people of the so-called "establishment".
Jeb Bush has an excellent record as governor of Florida that everybody can examine. All we can examine of Mr. Trump are his bankruptcies and his bigmouthed media appearances. But that seems to be enough for some people. Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 08:23 AM (IROR1) 240
The irony, it burns:
- GOPe can't do messaging - Trump does messaging - GOPe "We are uncomfortable with Trumps messaging." - Trump moves up in the polls - GOPe "We must destroy Trump." (future) - Trump fails - GOPe can't do messaging - GOPe loses to woman with a walker. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 08:24 AM (nRvEn) 241
Not bought and paid for.
Posted by: Bigby's ASL at July 23, 2015 08:12 AM (3ZtZW) Of course he is; Donald Trump is looking out for his own interests. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:25 AM (Zu3d9) 242
Good to hear, Fenelon. But wow...a background check, drug test and physical for a part-time gig?
Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at July 23, 2015 08:25 AM (yxw0r) Posted by: Bigby's ASL at July 23, 2015 08:26 AM (3ZtZW) 244
226 Vic, what if the reason Trumps seems ambiguous
occasionally is because he is actually trying to also pick up disgusted democrat voters? After all, the democrat party of today is equal to the Republican Party of today. Neither party reflects their roots or their constituency. Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 08:19 AM (zW5rQ) I don't think so. He has supported Democrats long before he considered running for office. He is not a Republican, much less a conservative. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:26 AM (GpgJl) 245
He's against the 2nd Amendment.
He's dead to me. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:23 AM (X88sA) That may be a slight overstatement of his position. He's arguably better than our last presidential candidate. Gun rights is the one issue I'm not worried about. The NRA has that pretty well in control and the Supremes have gone our way on that. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:26 AM (XtiOl) 246
CBD - I think, at least from my perspective, is Trump appeals not for the prospect of his being a candidate, but for the fact that he is sticking it to the MFM, the left and the GOP.
Whether he's lying or sincere or being a crass jackass, he is touching a raw nerve. For that alone, I support the guy. As an actual candidate, not so much. THIS! A million time this! Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:27 AM (X88sA) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:27 AM (St6BJ) 248
I'm ready for an overhaul of our immigration laws. It's long past time to get rid of chain migration and birthright citizenship. And anyone immigrating to the US receives no benefits for at least five years. If they fall on hard times, we'll give them a plane ticket home.
Just yesterday I was at the grocery store and the family in front of me was speaking Spanish and paying with an EBT card. How does that happen? (Okay - I know how it happens. I mean, morally how does that happen? How do politicians and government bureaucrats think it's compassionate to give the money that hardworking Americans pay in taxes to people who have no business being here? And how do they think the country can survive when we encourage the immigration of takers and not makers?) Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 08:27 AM (kBiy2) Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:27 AM (zOTsN) 250
>>They use the term "pathway to citizenship" which is dog-whistle for amnesty.
Some don't openly endorse full citizenship, but the endgame is the same. But "secure the border" is lip service. There should be a border fence where it's practical, sensors and patrols where it isn't. There should be universal e-verify, and there should be massive crippling fines for hiring illegals. Immigrants working here should have to pay a special tax to support the border security and e-verify systems. There should be better controls on people who come here on Visas and don't leave, and by all means, there should be deportations of criminal and radical aliens. The only kind of Amnesty should be Exit Amnesty; if you leave the country voluntarily you won't be fined or prosecuted. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:27 AM (O7MnT) 251
Of course he is; Donald Trump is looking out for his own interests.
Name one politician that doesn't. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:28 AM (X88sA) 252
I think Ben Carson has been "evolving" on the 2nd Amendment since his blunderous statement last year. Then again, evolution that fast is known as mutation. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:28 AM (St6BJ) 253
I still highly recommend you watch Allen West's speech. We need someone like that running against all of DC. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:28 AM (qCMvj) 254
Didja see Josh Earnest's comment the other day? We can end sanctuary cities just as soon as congress votes for comprehensive immigration reform.
Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 23, 2015 08:23 AM (FevLs He got that from the head of ICE. Fuckers should be in jail. Sick of these lawless bastards and c*nts. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (3uRmy) 255
Posted by: Bob's House of Flannel Shirts and Wallet Chains at July 23, 2015 08:25 AM (yxw0r)
It's as a school bus driver. Thats why all the checking. Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (OSs/l) 256
They all run on self interest
All of them The issue is who's self interest is most allied with the American people Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (zOTsN) 257
Where did you see the article about the mcdonalds franchisee? It was in a local weekly newspaper I get from downstate. (Catskills) it's not online yet anyway. Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (lyhiY) 258
The more people trash Trump the more I like him. He's getting to you and the squish candidate you are backing isn't he? I'd send him a few bucks but sh*t, he don't need it.
Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (HSAmh) 259
>>> Of course he is; Donald Trump is looking out for his own interests.
So? You don't? Head to head, Trump v. Hillary - who's the greedier, more willing to sell everyone out? IMHO, Trump *may* do so if the money was hyuuuge enough while Hillary would do it for thrills. Posted by: Bigby's ASL at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (3ZtZW) Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (Zu3d9) 261
256 They all run on self interest
All of them The issue is who's self interest is most allied with the American people Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (zOTsN) The one that supports "enlightened self-interest" is my guy/gal. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:29 AM (St6BJ) 262
I still highly recommend you watch Allen West's speech. We need someone like that running against all of DC. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:28 AM (qCMvj) Seconded. Great speech. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:30 AM (3uRmy) 263
Good morning, all!
Um, I'm sure someone's mentioned this already, but can someone correct the sidebar? Queen Elizabeth's father was not Edward VIII; her father was George VI (of "The King's Speech" fame). Edward VIII was the gadabout who abdicated the throne to marry that American divorcee. He was QEII's uncle. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at July 23, 2015 08:30 AM (4df7R) 264
>>> It was in a local weekly newspaper I get from downstate. (Catskills) it's not online yet anyway.
Thanks. Posted by: Bigby's ASL at July 23, 2015 08:30 AM (3ZtZW) 265
245 Gun rights is the one issue I'm not worried about.
The NRA has that pretty well in control and the Supremes have gone our way on that. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:26 AM (XtiOl) Never give up ANY right in the Constitution, especially the second. And the NRA is not doing so well against Obama's illegal anti-second actions. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:30 AM (GpgJl) 266
Congratulations Fenelon!
Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 08:30 AM (TxJGV) Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:30 AM (X88sA) 268
As for Trump - He's not a true conservative and he doesn't have the character, humility, or temperment to be President, but like others, I love that he's speaking out for all of us who have been ignored and taken for granted by the GOPe.
Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 08:31 AM (kBiy2) 269
from Ace's twitter: IT'S SURREAL, AND IT'S SPECTACULAR: The Taiwanese Animators cover the Gawker implosion as only they can -- in mindblowing fashion: hehe Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:31 AM (qCMvj) 270
Rand Paul -- Some good ideas but still the fruit of Ron, so pass.
Santorum -- Was a good senator. Would be a complete disaster as a presidential candidate. Pass. Fiorina -- has a vagina and no other qualifications. Pass. George Pataki -- Snort snort chortle. Pass. Whatsisname from Arkansas -- Needs no explanation. Pass. Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 08:31 AM (RD7QR) 271
@214 CharlieBrown'sDildo
"He is pro-abortion, pro-immigration (and amnesty), pro-Kelo, anti-gun, pro-government-run healthcare, etc." Other words, your current run of mill east coast Republican. I hope he is plowing the field / carrying water for Walker or Cruz - -either willingly or unwillingly. Posted by: Buckeye Abroad at July 23, 2015 08:31 AM (7bDEv) 272
Just started watching Sharknado 3. Looks like they really classed it up. Helps to have money and I guess the success of 1 & 2 helped.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 08:31 AM (iQIUe) 273
@214 He is a Democrat who says one thing you agree with (I agree also by the way), and suddenly he is the second coming of Ronald Reagan.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:15 AM (Zu3d9) I don't think of him as Reaganesque. I support him because he has focused on the single most important issue. And, he fights. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 08:31 AM (ueOgE) 274
The Disability Trust Fund going bust is a huge fucking deal. It does signal the collapse of the enchilada. Either we raise taxes, print more money or both. If not, then bennies will be slashed.
Greece is here. ____________________ Bennies should be slashed -- to 0 -- for a lot of current disability recipients, given that they're not actually disabled. If the government audited the disability rolls and kicked off the millions of frauds and slackers currently sucking up dollars, there would be a lot more $$ left for the legitimately disabled. Unfortunately, the government will never do that. They could also reform the ludicrous SSI (Supplemental Security Income) program, which is also rife with fraud and abuse. For example, why is the government paying SSI benefits to drug addicts? Taxpayers shouldn't be subsidizing a voluntary condition, and we also shouldn't be incentivizing drug addicts to remain drug addicts (if you stop being an addict, you lose your monthly government check -- guess which choice most addicts are going to make?) Of course, they'll never do that either. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 08:32 AM (kGrdk) 275
248 Just yesterday I was at the grocery store and the
family in front of me was speaking Spanish and paying with an EBT card. How does that happen? (Okay - I know how it happens. I mean, morally how does that happen? How do politicians and government bureaucrats think it's compassionate to give the money that hardworking Americans pay in taxes to people who have no business being here? And how do they think the country can survive when we encourage the immigration of takers and not makers?) Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 08:27 AM (kBiy2) You can not get an EBT card in SC if you are an illegal. And anybody that can not speak English has a very high probability of being an illegal. Emigration law says they must speak English to become a citizen. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:33 AM (GpgJl) 276
Jeb Bush has an excellent record as governor of Florida that everybody can examine.
Opposed off-shore drilling because the environmental left opposed it. Supports full-on Amnesty because illegal immigration is "an act of love." Supports Common Core. And he is a member of a family with two presidential administrations under their belts both of which vastly expanded the power of the Federal Government because they believe, at their core, that Government Knows Best. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:33 AM (O7MnT) 277
I predict that before November '16 a lot of people on the right will eat their words regarding Jeb Bush.
And it would be insanity not to: Hillary Clinton must be kept out of the White House. Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 08:33 AM (IROR1) 278
Never give up ANY right in the Constitution, especially the second. And the NRA is not doing so well against Obama's illegal anti-second actions.
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:30 AM (GpgJl) Who said I was giving anything up? Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:33 AM (XtiOl) 279
"The more people trash Trump the more I like him. He's getting to you and the squish candidate you are backing isn't he?"
Umm, no, not at all. Believe it or not, it's possible to approve of Trump's stance on illegal immigration and still think he's a clown who should never be President. Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 08:34 AM (kBiy2) 280
Perry -- A good man but flawed in many ways. Pass, reluctantly.
Jindal -- Interesting, smart guy. Probably can't break out but wish he could. Cruz -- Also interesting, also smart, but not enough experienced; half a senate term is not enough. Kasich -- A good governor; also disappointing in many ways. Pass. Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 08:34 AM (RD7QR) Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:34 AM (qCMvj) 282
Thank God for Trump
Posted by: gonzotx at July 23, 2015 08:34 AM (eV1YV) 283
Barack Obama is a SCOAMT.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:34 AM (kff5f) 284
Trump is not "getting to me". He says some things I agree with. The only difference between the way I felt about Trump before this PR gimmick and now is that now he is now actually saying some things about policy. I always thought he was a narcissistic blowhard.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 08:35 AM (OSs/l) Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:35 AM (kff5f) 286
I'm tempted to make up some Trump '16 bumper stickers with the slogan: "Burn. Scatter. Salt." on them.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:35 AM (kff5f) 287
My profile SIL was complaining that all of the benefits advisers for unemployment in NYC do not speak English well, all ESL. Why is that? Because the vast majority of applicants are ESL Illegals are getting welfare. Legal smeagle Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:35 AM (zOTsN) 288
"You can not get an EBT card in SC if you are an illegal."
But you can get an EBT card on behalf of your anchor babies. That's how it works. I see it all the time. Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (kBiy2) Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (iQIUe) 290
If they built 80-90% of the wall and manned it, and then said the rest really wasn't practical, then I would be okay. But there is no way it would cost a trillion dollars.
The way to end illegal employment. Anyone who turns in a business hiring illegals gets a reward of say $10K per illegal caught. This is paid by the fines on the employer. If an illegal does the reporting, they get the money and a five year legal residency card. If they are good during that time they can be on a path to citizenship. For visa overstays, implement a bounty system and make people who are coming on a visa purchase insurance against their overstaying. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (nRvEn) 291
And my "squish" will continue to be Walker whom I think does the temperament and skills to be President. I will never find a perfect candidate.
Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (OSs/l) 292
I know a guy who refuses to go on disability. He's had both kidneys fail, got a transplant, had testicular cancer and an operation and radiation treatment for that, his knees are going out, and he refuses to be beholden to the government.
Then there's prople who go on it for "depression" Posted by: nnptcgrad at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (wgON7) 293
Didja see Josh Earnest's comment the other day? We can end sanctuary cities just as soon as congress votes for comprehensive immigration reform.
If they won't enforce current immigration law, how can they be entrusted to enforce any future immigration law? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (O7MnT) 294
Proggie SIL. Spell nazi ipad
Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:37 AM (zOTsN) 295
278 Who said I was giving anything up?
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:33 AM (XtiOl) A vote for a candidate who does not support the second entirely is giving it up, Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (GpgJl) 296
Miss Lindsey -- Oh fer fuck's sake.
Trump -- Sorry, no. Rubio -- Charismatic, but violates my rule preferring executive experience and/or a full term in the Senate. Pass. That leaves... Walker -- Got executive experience, confronted the left and didn't blink, shows backbone when it counts. Wish he had a degree but that can be worked around. He's my guy now. (Who did I forget?) Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (RD7QR) 297
Hillary Clinton must be kept out of the White House.
So we can put the guy who gave her a Liberty Medal and praised her record of public service into the White House. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (O7MnT) 298
No candidate has asked me for an endorsement.
Posted by: Bill Cosby PhD at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (gwG9s) 299
A vote for a candidate who does not support the second entirely is giving it up,
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (GpgJl) So we gave up the 2nd amendment when we voted for Mitt? Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:39 AM (XtiOl) 300
Walker/Fiorina for 2016!
Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 08:39 AM (kBiy2) 301
Oh, right, Jeb. I blocked him. Yeah, no Jeb.
Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 08:39 AM (RD7QR) Posted by: Karl Rove at July 23, 2015 08:39 AM (Zu3d9) 303
Vic My profile SIL was complaining that all of the benefits advisers for unemployment in NYC do not speak English well, all ESL. Why is that? Because the vast majority of applicants are ESL Illegals are getting welfare. Legal smeagle Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:35 AM (zOTsN) What is ESL, not familiar with that one? Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:39 AM (GpgJl) 304
If they won't enforce current immigration law, how can they be entrusted to enforce any future immigration law?
That's the whole point. "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" is code for "Amnesty now and forever." Not quite complete "open borders" because we'd retain the right to kick specific people out (not that it would happen very much), but pretty darn close. Any time someone starts talking about "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" or says that "securing the border isn't enough," that should be a red flag that they're an amnista. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:40 AM (kff5f) Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:40 AM (zOTsN) 306
Oh. My. G-d. You MUST hear Allen West's speech. If he's not running, I hope to G-d someone picks him as a running mate. If you want to know what a leader sounds like, take 7 minutes out of your time and get happy. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:41 AM (St6BJ) 307
So we can put the guy who gave her a Liberty Medal and praised her record of public service into the White House.
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (O7MnT) ____ Criticism is always more credible when it comes from a source that isnt known for knee-jerk opposition. Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 08:41 AM (IROR1) 308
We're not "screwed" is Trump wins. If the only thing he accomplishes as potus is building that damn wall, he'll have accomplished more than any of the current candidates and Obama combined. Sheesh. Be happy. We actually have a happy warrior on our side and he's, get this, winning! I don't remember what that was like since I was a baby when Reagan won. Nearly all those who have won in my time have been big on promises and short on delivering.
So, did you all know what a putz Perry made of himself today? In one speech there was so many goofs I couldn't address them all last night. First, he demonized McCarthy, a big no-no to me. Then, he called Joseph "have you no decency" Welch a "senator" when he was no such thing since he was a lawyer. Then he screwed up the history of the "have you no decency" because Welch actually did have a lawyer working in his firm who was indeed a Commie. Breitbart has this BRILLIANT article on the subject here: Then, Perry said that Trump demonized "citizens" when we all know Trump was referencing illegals -- so either Perry didn't pay attention to the speech or he's actually thinks illegals ARE "citizens". And, of course, calling Trump "cancer" which is truly unforgivable and shows Perry doesn't have a heart for cancer victims to punch them in the face like this. I've said before, but it's politically stupid of Perry to side with the Establishment here. The E will never like him, they think he's stupid. His only hope was grassroots and he's attacking the one man the grassroots love. I can't believe I ever liked Perry. Posted by: Aslan's Girl at July 23, 2015 08:41 AM (xetep) 309
304 Yep.
Posted by: steevy at July 23, 2015 08:41 AM (sPO3u) 310
What is ESL, not familiar with that one?
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:39 AM (GpgJl) English (as a) Second Language. Means non-native English speakers, technically. It is often used as a euphemism for people who don't speak English at all. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:41 AM (kff5f) 311
Ignore catpiss
Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:42 AM (zOTsN) 312
Mixed opinion but I chuckled at this:
Cooper: In 2008 you said that Hilary could be a good negotiator with Iran. Trump: Well maybe she could be but I don't think so. Posted by: BourbonChicken at July 23, 2015 08:42 AM (+4uXG) 313
Crude but funny but so is the original video.
Anaconda Fart Remix: Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (iQIUe) Would love to see a video also of Kim K. and Kanye W. Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 08:42 AM (lyhiY) 314
Sen. Cruz and Rep. Salmon Introduce "Kate's Law," the Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act BILL WOULD ESTABLISH FIVE-YEAR MINIMUM FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS WHO HAVE REENTERED THE COUNTRY AFTER HAVING BEEN REMOVED no mention of Bill O'Reilly who introduced this kinda odd, but maybe not In the very least, Cruz will have O'Reilly's support. At least in this case. Strategic. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:42 AM (qCMvj) 315
The way I see it, a Trump win is a giant question mark for America. An Establishment Republican or Democrat (I repeat myself) win is definite failure.
We really don't have anything to lose by backing Trump that we won't already lose if one of those other jackholes wins, and the way the media has gone all-out to make it clear that Trump's not one of theirs is a good sign. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 08:43 AM (J+mig) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:43 AM (St6BJ) 317
A vote for a candidate who does not support the second entirely is giving it up,
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (GpgJl) Agreed. There will always be regulation creep, as the left tries to legislate in their typical underhanded way. We need an executive who is constantly pushing back, and the only ones who I think would do that are Cruz, and possibly Perry. Posted by: Karl Rove at July 23, 2015 08:43 AM (Zu3d9) 318
Huh? Minimum for what? Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:43 AM (kff5f) 319
Out, damned whore sock!
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:44 AM (Zu3d9) 320
Ive always liked Allen West. A lot. Tom Cotton, Allen West, Jeff Sessions. I like these guys. A lot. Posted by: Soothsayer at July 23, 2015 08:44 AM (fvMOw) Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 08:44 AM (St6BJ) 322
Criticism is always more credible when it comes from a source that isnt known for knee-jerk opposition.
Do you deny that Jeb Bush gave Hillary a medal and praised her outstanding public service? Shall I provide you with a link? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:44 AM (O7MnT) 323
"You can not get an EBT card in SC if you are an illegal." But you can get an EBT card on behalf of your anchor babies. That's how it works. I see it all the time. Posted by: biancaneve at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (kBiy2) I think that is a separate program. I see little stickers at the grocery store all over saying which food items are eligible for the children's program. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:45 AM (GpgJl) 324
"You can not get an EBT card in SC if you are an illegal."
Because no one who was here illegally would commit identity fraud to appear *not* illegal. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:45 AM (kff5f) Posted by: Soothsayer at July 23, 2015 08:45 AM (fvMOw) 326
Do you deny that Jeb Bush gave Hillary a medal and praised her outstanding public service?
Shall I provide you with a link? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:44 AM (O7MnT) ____ I was talking about Governor Bush credibility, not yours. Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 08:46 AM (IROR1) 327
A vote for a candidate who does not support the second entirely is giving it up,
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:38 AM (GpgJl) So we gave up the 2nd amendment when we voted for Mitt? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ They already have the progressive change teed up and ready to go on the 2nd amendment and sorry to say it is gong the way of government entities needing warrants to pry into citizen's private matters and as much as it pains me to say this. It is happening under a republican held Congress but then again they got so wrapped up in giving Obama extra powers via the super secret trade deal that they probably just don't have time to deal with the basic things like rights of privacy and the like. Posted by: Drider at July 23, 2015 08:46 AM (DNFK1) 328
325 This.Not going to happen though.
Posted by: steevy at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (sPO3u) Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (zOTsN) 330
Lady Boy Graham showboats destroying his cell phone after Trump outed it on TV.
Yep, saw it on last nights "Red-Eye". At the end Lady Linsey throws it...He throws better than Obama. Posted by: Paladin at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (ycm4Q) 331
Twitchy is having fun with Santa Barbara's announced intention to finally reopen a mothballed sea water desalination plant. Only took until they couldn't water their lawns before all the lefty "rape of the oceans!" bullshit went by the wayside.
Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (TxJGV) 332
I watched most Anderson Cooper's Trump interview just now... wow. I loved how Trump said we need "tone" and that it's Jeb's "tone" that is awful -- for being too laid-back. Amen. I want a WARRIOR. I want a FIGHTER. Mealy-mouthed nonsense from JebHillary is not what the doctor ordered.
Posted by: Aslan's Girl at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (xetep) 333
If they built 80-90% of the wall and manned it, and then said the rest really wasn't practical, then I would be okay. But there is no way it would cost a trillion dollars. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 08:36 AM (nRvEn) That is based on what it cost Israel to build their 19 mile long wall. Ours would have to be 2000 miles long. Add in corruption and union costs to that and it will get even higher. $1T is low balling. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (GpgJl) 334
286 I'm tempted to make up some Trump '16 bumper stickers with the slogan: "Burn. Scatter. Salt." on them.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:35 AM (kff5f) Rather see it on an AoS T-shirt (I know, I know). On the front: the AoS jolly roger with "AoSHQ" underneath, and o the back: a flaming skull with "Burn. Scatter. Salt." underneath. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 08:48 AM (nqiq9) 335
All the right kind of people hate Trump. That's a plus.
Posted by: Case, Mors Semper Tyrannis at July 23, 2015 08:48 AM (rnH8X) 336
325 This.Not going to happen though.
Posted by: steevy at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (sPO3u) Which is why most of us are very skeptical of any new immigration laws. Passing a new law is not going to make people start obeying the old ones. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:48 AM (kff5f) 337
326 Do you deny that Jeb Bush gave Hillary a medal and praised her outstanding public service?
Shall I provide you with a link? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:44 AM (O7MnT) ____ I was talking about Governor Bush credibility, not yours. Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 08:46 AM (IROR1) Begonia is a troll or is mainlining bath salts. Or both; I guess that's not mutually exclusive. Either way, just ignore it. Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (RD7QR) 338
Couldn't believe the bit of good news today regarding the anti-Iran rally in NYC. I really thought it would turn out to be a pro-Iran rally, lol. Cheered me up some.
Posted by: Aslan's Girl at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (xetep) 339
Rather see it on an AoS T-shirt (I know, I know). On the front: the AoS jolly roger with "AoSHQ" underneath, and o the back: a flaming skull with "Burn. Scatter. Salt." underneath.
Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 08:48 AM (nqiq9) Hmmm... that's an idea. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (kff5f) 340
So we gave up the 2nd amendment when we voted for Mitt?
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:39 AM (XtiOl) Partially. He didn't fully support it, but it would be a stretch to say he was a gun grabber. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (GpgJl) 341
"Yep, saw it on last nights "Red-Eye". At the end Lady Linsey throws it...He throws better than Obama."
That's strange. Didn't he say he was mostly getting calls of "support" on it after the Trump outing? What an odd way to show gratitude. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (hHKN5) 342
338 Couldn't believe the bit of good news today regarding the anti-Iran rally in NYC. I really thought it would turn out to be a pro-Iran rally, lol. Cheered me up some.
Won't hear much about it though, will you? Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (XtiOl) 343
Vic, that's WIC (Women Infant Children). I believe it is open to all. It has a strict list of stuff you can buy. All basics. It could use a few tweaks - but I'm essentially OK with it. Would prefer it to be an open program -- ie. a local church could fund WIC debit cards that could only be used at stores for stuff that was program eligible.
Posted by: Jean at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (ztOda) Posted by: Bill Clinton, watching from the shadows at July 23, 2015 08:50 AM (vd4oB) 345
Partially. He didn't fully support it, but it would be a stretch to say he was a gun grabber.
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (GpgJl) His record is worse than Carson's. FID cards in MA used to never expire, until Mitt. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 08:50 AM (XtiOl) 346
Coffee. Hopefully puts me in a better mood. 'cause right now fu*k it all and the camel they rode in on. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (fWAjv) 347
336 Yep.
Posted by: steevy at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (sPO3u) 348
Seattle is finding the hard way that there are drawbacks to caving to the Union demand for $15/hour minimum wage. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 06:38 AM (GpgJl) I linked this yesterday. So mind bending. Again, a tweet by Ace that links to the delusional libs faced with a min wage increase. They want to be exempted, because... (Ace) TheUltraYachtLife retweeted Arthur Kimes @ComradeArthur Arthur Kimes retweeted Asantha Cooray Read This Thread. which links to this read it, keep reading it. it's a revelation this is how it was started, then he was shredded: Asantha Cooray UC needs to create an exception for student researchers or we'll have issues staffing labs with student researcher Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (qCMvj) 349
310 Means non-native English speakers, technically.
It is often used as a euphemism for people who don't speak English at all. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:41 AM (kff5f) Thanks. Never heard that one before. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (GpgJl) 350
Begonia, do you deny that the last two Bush Presidencies both advanced the progressive agenda in the following ways.
- Enacted the largest tax increase (at that point) in history (Bush 41) - Enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act (Bush 41) - Originated the Gun Free Zone policy on American Military Bases (Bush 41) - Passed the Sarbanes-Oxley financial regulations act (Bush 43) - Passed the Prescription Drug Entitlement (Bush 43) - Passed No Child Left Behind, tripled the Department of Education budget (Bush 43) - Attempted to pass Amnesty twice (Bush 43) - Passed McCain-Feingold (Bush 43) If one can criticize Rand Paul for being no different than his father, how does that criticism not fall on Bush III as well? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (O7MnT) Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (kff5f) 352
But congrats (hopefully) to FenelonSpouse.
And prayers for if Spouse gets it. Not sure I could handle the kids these days. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (fWAjv) 353
I just finished with Vic's news links...
I cannot believe the ruinous tone of virtually everything. People on the right - conservatives - still imagine there is a way to turn this country around. I think that is delusion. I'm sorry. It isn't as if this shit just started. It started with FDR. Got a big kicker with LBJ. These may be the last giant steps, but they are also the nails in the coffin. We, even though we didn't admit it, were already pretty much a Euro-socialist country before Obama even took office. Government was already the major employer and the entitlement state had already touched nearly half of the population before Obama was even elected. All of this happy horseshit about taking this country back to the vision of the founders is just that. Not going to happen. Greatest country on earth? Objectively, not even in the top ten. We need to resign ourselves to an illusion of liberty. That's all it is now. We might be able to claw a little back from here, but there is now fucking way in hell that the liberty the forefathers sought for us will ever be ours again. Fairness. Not liberty. That's what we need to learn to enjoy. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (BZAd3) 354
Yep, saw it on last nights "Red-Eye". At the end Lady Linsey throws it...He throws better than Obama.
Posted by: Paladin at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (ycm4Q) he throws better than the scoamf......amazing Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (0O7c5) 355
Rather see it on an AoS T-shirt (I know, I know). On the front: the AoS jolly roger with "AoSHQ" underneath, and o the back: a flaming skull with "Burn. Scatter. Salt." underneath.
#twoweeks Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (X88sA) 356
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (kff5f)
I strive to be Lucy in a Susan world. Posted by: Aslan's Girl at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (xetep) 357
Today's NY Post cover, featuring Anthony Weiner's new job. "Working Stiff". Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (JtwS4) 358
Richard Simmons probably throws better than Obama.
Posted by: steevy at July 23, 2015 08:54 AM (sPO3u) 359
"Add in corruption and union costs to that and it will get even higher. $1T is low balling. "
Heh. Reminds of the new Cowboys stadium a few years ago. Some NY/NJ construction company got the contract to work on it. Giancolli & Sons or some such. Definitely not locals. Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 23, 2015 08:54 AM (hHKN5) 360
Begonia is a troll or is mainlining bath salts. Or both; I guess that's not mutually exclusive. Either way, just ignore it.
It is impossible to imagine someone being a Jeb fanboy who isn't being paid. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:54 AM (O7MnT) 361
Coffee. Hopefully puts me in a better mood. 'cause right now fu*k it all and the camel they rode in on. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (fWAjv) I had one of my migraines yesterday, and this morning, and I finally killed it a couple hours ago. So, I'm euphoric this morning. It's amazing how, after suffering, how much you love life. (I know it was only a headache, as opposed to something worse, but I literally feel like I'm going to die with these.) Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:55 AM (qCMvj) 362
Begonia is a troll or is mainlining bath salts. Or both; I guess that's not mutually exclusive. Either way, just ignore it.
Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 08:49 AM (RD7QR) ____ How on earth am I a troll? I havent been vicious and always polite in my postings. Or is it because of my choice of candidate? If you havent noticed: the RCP poll average has Jeb Bush polling in 2nd place. He is supported by a substantial number of Republicans. Are all of these people trolls in your eyes? Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 08:55 AM (IROR1) 363
Didja see Josh Earnest's comment the other day? We can end sanctuary cities just as soon as congress votes for comprehensive immigration reform.
If they won't enforce current immigration law, how can they be entrusted to enforce any future immigration law? __________________ Because the kind of future immigration law they're insisting we pass is a law that allows for open borders and amnesty for all existing illegal aliens. They're saying they'll end sanctuary cities only if we pass a law that makes sanctuary cities unnecessary -- because the whole country will then be one big sanctuary nation. IOW, do it their way, or they'll continue breaking existing laws and doing it their way anyway. That's why you can't compromise with these people. They never keep their end of the bargain (see, e.g., the 1986 Reagan amnesty, which traded amnesty for secure borders. The Dims got their amnesty, but we never got secure borders). When the Dims don't get the laws they want, they just ignore the laws they get. They do whatever they want, regardless. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 08:55 AM (kGrdk) 364
Yes, WIC is the children's program I was talking about. It is separate from SNAP/EBT.
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:56 AM (GpgJl) 365
"The more people trash Trump the more I like him. He's getting to you and the squish candidate you are backing isn't he?
Parts of the show he's putting on have been fun to watch, but this is a guy who said "I identify more as Democrat (2004), donated to Hillary, called himself very pro-choice in 1999, and had supported single-payer. If that's not a squish candidate, what is? I guess squish might not be a completely accurate term. How about aggressive fake? Posted by: AD at July 23, 2015 08:57 AM (yBmlR) 366
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (GpgJl)
Israel's wall is a very different proposition. They are not comparable. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:57 AM (Zu3d9) 367
It's amazing how, after suffering, how much you love life.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:55 AM (qCMvj) Oh shut the hell up. *kidding kidding kidding But I hear ya. It's not helping that my front tooth is hanging on by a damn thread. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:57 AM (fWAjv) 368
Buy a large nutritious pizza with EBT! at 7-11!
Don't forget the slurpee! Throw in some Doritos while your at it. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:59 AM (fWAjv) 369
UC needs to create an exception for student researchers or we'll have issues staffing labs with student researcher
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (qCMvj) Ha, universities were the big proponents of bringing in foreign students to lower PhD student wages. Let them suffer. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 09:00 AM (nRvEn) 370
As I've said from the beginning, we need to define the term "amnesty".
There is no question that regardless of what happens with immigration, the 12 to 30 million illegals here are not going to be deported. Only fools believe this. The fight will be between granting permanent residency or citizenship. Democrats will naturally want to give everyone citizenship for their votes. Republicans will go with permanent residency, immediate deportation of criminals, strict limits on any welfare and charging back the country of origin for medical costs. It's not rocket science. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 09:00 AM (P/xrJ) 371
@277 Begonia
"And it would be insanity not to: Hillary Clinton must be kept out of the White House." The false choice conundrum. Didn't we see that with McCain's run in 08'? Question to you: What leftist policies did GWB roll back when he had the GOP controlled House and Senate during his presidency? Posted by: Buckeye Abroad at July 23, 2015 09:00 AM (7bDEv) 372
When the Dims don't get the laws they want, they just ignore the laws they get. They do whatever they want, regardless.
Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 08:55 AM Recent history -- starting, say, in the late '80s -- suggests to me that blaming all the awful stuff on Democrats in, to put it in a polite way, silly. Choom Boy and his co-conspirators couldn't have gotten half of their schemes into action without the eager help of the GOPe crew in Congress and the fairness-minded "conservatives" in the media. When I hear someone singling one political party out for blame, I think "jeeez, Rip Van Winkle is waking up." Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 09:00 AM (rCmeG) 373
If one can criticize Rand Paul for being no different than his father, how does that criticism not fall on Bush III as well?
Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (O7MnT) _____ But I do think that Rand Paul is different from Ron Paul. And I also that Bush 41 was different from Bush 43. On the issue of taxes for example. And Jeb Bush would also lead differently than his father or his brother. Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 09:01 AM (IROR1) 374
266 Israel's wall is a very different proposition. They are not comparable.
Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 08:57 AM (Zu3d9) Well since we don't have a wall it would be hard to compare them. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:01 AM (GpgJl) 375
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 08:59 AM (fWAjv)
Actually, if you're really poor (virtually no one in the US is), a pizza is not a bad choice for nutrition. Carbs, usually some protein and vegetable matter (sometimes a lot of both), and dairy all baked into a convenient package. That said, if you're buying your lunch at 7-11, you don't need to be on EBT. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:01 AM (kff5f) 376
Aslan's Girl, with you 100% on that.
Quickest way anyone can lose me is to parrot the marxist line on McCarthy, which has become "conventional wisdom". If history teaches us anything it should be that McCarthy had no freakin idea how many commies there were, and indeed, that the wildest statements of Birchers fell short of the truth. Posted by: sock_rat_eez at July 23, 2015 09:02 AM (go6ud) 377
BREAKING: 2 Teens Arrested After Allegedly Stabbing 5 People to Death in Oklahoma
According to reports, officers responded for an unknown reason to a residence in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma around 11:30pm last night. When officers arrived at the scene they found five people who had been stabbed to death and one critically wounded child. The two teens attempted to flee the scene when officers arrived. They were detained a short distance away. Officers did find one unharmed child at the residence. Police say the two detained teens are related to all of the victims. Ok, time to watch some puppy vids. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:02 AM (fWAjv) 378
338 Couldn't believe the bit of good news today regarding the anti-Iran rally in NYC. I really thought it would turn out to be a pro-Iran rally, lol. Cheered me up some.
--I couldn't sleep last night , and when I went on the net and saw that story at Weasel Zipper, I was so happy until I saw H/T Onion. Luckily I realized I was half asleep and reread it and realized it sai H/T Orion! Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 09:02 AM (zW5rQ) 379
"You can not get an EBT card in SC if you are an illegal."
____________________________ And you're not legally eligible to receive federal food stamps if you're an illegal alien, and yet the Obama administration admits that it knowingly pays out billions of dollars worth of food stamps every year to illegal aliens. It also spends millions of our tax dollars advertising, in Mexico and in Spanish, that illegal aliens can receive U.S. food stamps (even though they're not legally eligible for them). Laws are only as good as the people in charge of enforcing the laws. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 09:02 AM (kGrdk) 380
The Hill has Teh Donald musing about a third party run and speaking pretty well of Hilldogger. Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 09:03 AM (TxJGV) 381
But I hear ya. It's not helping that my front tooth is hanging on by a damn thread. Obligatory: Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:03 AM (JtwS4) 382
That said, if you're buying your lunch at 7-11, you don't need to be on EBT.
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:01 AM (kff5f) Another sign is if you're paying cash for your grape flavored Swisher Sweets. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:04 AM (fWAjv) 383
The fight will be between granting permanent residency or citizenship.
I'm fine with them continuing to live in the shadows with no legal status. They can self-deport or enjoy no benefits of our government. When they step over the line and commit violent crime, they can be deported immediately. But I've said this over and over- legal permanent residency *IS* a "path to citizenship." There is no fight between the two. You can delude yourself into believing there is, but there is not. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:04 AM (kff5f) 384
Oh lord, a Bush troll. Is there no end to our suffering? There is literally no disagreement between Hillary and Jebbie on any single issue, so go away to some Democrat site with all your foolish Bush talk.
Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 09:05 AM (TxJGV) 385
Two ISIS commanders got a bit of poetic justice last week when their convoy triggered a roadside bomb.
The twist? The bomb was originally planted by ISIS fighters in order to target Peshmerga fighters in the area. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:05 AM (fWAjv) 386
You want to see the GOP congress finally defy the President, oppose him at every turn, override vetoes?
Elect Trump. Posted by: Tyrone Shoelaces at July 23, 2015 09:06 AM (h/dV9) 387
355 Rather see it on an AoS T-shirt (I know, I know). On the front: the AoS jolly roger with "AoSHQ" underneath, and o the back: a flaming skull with "Burn. Scatter. Salt." underneath.
#twoweeks Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 08:53 AM (X88sA) Cut, jib, newsletter on the sleeve? Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 09:06 AM (St6BJ) 388
Ah Seattle, where they sue bakers for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding and try to make home loans Sharia compliant. I guess you really shouldn't mix coffee and heroin.
Posted by: no good deed at July 23, 2015 09:06 AM (GgxVX) 389
380 The Hill has Teh Donald musing about a third party run and speaking pretty well of Hilldogger. Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 09:03 AM (TxJGV) And that's what I have a hunch this is going to come down to, which is why I'm not just sitting back and enjoying the show. If he's concerned mainly about his celebrity and pissed a bunch of people on the other side of aisle off, he fixes that by either 1. endorsing the Democrat or 2. running as a third party. If he was actually on the right, number 2 might be interesting. He isn't. Posted by: AD at July 23, 2015 09:06 AM (yBmlR) 390
Cut, jib, newsletter on the sleeve?
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 09:06 AM (St6BJ) "Beware the Barrel." Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:07 AM (kff5f) 391
Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:03 AM (JtwS4)
LOL. How was CPS not called and dad not in jail??? Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:07 AM (fWAjv) 392
The results will be an astronomical rise in food costs as well as fewer jobs for them.
But, whitey and capitalism. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:44 AM (St6BJ) Also, the chains with the big legal, tax and technical compliance support from the corporate office are pretty much the only ones that can negotiate the regulatory burden in NYC and other places. A mom and pop diner that merely cooks well isn't getting started there without serious backing. Posted by: Kindltot at July 23, 2015 09:07 AM (3pRHP) 393
Americans fleeing cities in record numbers: If this is true, I would be watching for laws and regulations soon that make moving out of a city harder. Collective living is kind of necessary under a collectivist society... Comrades. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:07 AM (BZAd3) 394
i need a bank that isn't anti gun and isn't pro parting babies
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 23, 2015 09:08 AM (0O7c5) Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 09:08 AM (lyhiY) 396
Teenagers! Posted by: J Jonah Jameson at July 23, 2015 09:08 AM (fvMOw) 397
i need a bank that isn't anti gun and isn't pro parting babies
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 23, 2015 09:08 AM (0O7c5) Good luck with that. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:09 AM (BZAd3) 398
i need a bank that isn't anti gun and isn't pro parting babies
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 23, 2015 09:08 AM (0O7c5) Find a local credit union, or a State-chartered (will usually have the word "State" in the name) bank. Much more likely to reflect local values than the big nationals. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:09 AM (kff5f) 399
"But I've said this over and over- legal permanent residency *IS* a "path to citizenship." There is no fight between the two. You can delude yourself into believing there is, but there is not."
That's why it's important for conservatives to get behind crafting the law that would grant the residency. It would need a strong section on how anyone who accepts permanent residency will need to go back to their home country before applying for citizenship, going to the back of the line. Also, there would be language that allows immediate deportation for any permanent resident who registers or votes in any U.S. election. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 09:09 AM (P/xrJ) 400
I say if walls don't work, we remove all the fences and walls from Washington DC.
Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 09:09 AM (XtiOl) 401
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:01 AM (GpgJl)
I'll use small words. Comparing the current Israeli wall to a proposed American wall is an inaccurate comparison because the purpose of the Israeli wall is different than the purpose of the American wall, and the design and technology would be different. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 09:09 AM (Zu3d9) 402
If this is true, I would be watching for laws and regulations soon that make moving out of a city harder.
---- Have you seen the new Obama regs on destroying the suburbs? If you move out of the city, the Feds will bring the city to you. Posted by: Tyrone Shoelaces at July 23, 2015 09:10 AM (h/dV9) 403
Lady Boy Graham showboats destroying his cell phone after Trump outed it on TV.
Yep, saw it on last nights "Red-Eye". At the end Lady Linsey throws it...He throws better than Obama. Posted by: Paladin at July 23, 2015 08:47 AM (ycm4Q) must be a new thing Rand beat him to it with the Tax Code Rand actually looks like a man, too He's got that going for him. Lindsey, little girl. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:10 AM (qCMvj) 404
401 Comparing the current Israeli wall to a proposed
American wall is an inaccurate comparison because the purpose of the Israeli wall is different than the purpose of the American wall, and the design and technology would be different. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 09:09 AM (Zu3d9) I have seen no proposed designs for the American Wall. So what is the difference you speak of? Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:10 AM (GpgJl) Posted by: dude guy at July 23, 2015 09:11 AM (QCc6B) 406
"It's just human nature at work, I guess. In the main, politicians and political junkies differ only in what they want people to see as their "beliefs." When it comes down to running the machine, they are alarmingly alike."
Amen, brother. Posted by: Jack O'Spades at July 23, 2015 09:11 AM (xQZ/Y) 407
Teenagers! Posted by: J Jonah Jameson at July 23, 2015 09:08 AM (fvMOw) Can't kill them, can't stick them in a closet until age 20. Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (RD7QR) 408
Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 09:00 AM (rCmeG)
____________________ Oh, it's not just the Dims' fault, not by any stretch of the imagination. They're just the lead offenders. The Republicans share plenty of blame. They've known for years about sanctuary cities, and they've done absolutely nothing to stop it. They know Obama's executive amnesties are unconstitutional power grabs, and yet they refuse to even attempt to impeach him (or to defund his amnesties, or to do anything else to stop him). Instead, they hold pointless (and endless) hearings, none of which ever accomplish anything but to give some camera-hungry politician an opportunity to grandstand. Kabuki theater, indeed, as our kind host has often pointed out. The corruption and rot is deep and extensive, and it affects both sides of the aisle. The Democrats are the most brazen in their lawlessness and contempt for citizens, but the Republicans are nearly as bad. They all suck, and they all need to go if we are to have any hope of regaining our liberty. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (kGrdk) 409
If the wall doesn't work we hold the Mexicans responsible and make them do it again. After all, Donald says they're going to build it. And if the contractor does a terrible job, you make them redo it until its right.
Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (TxJGV) 410
Another thing that I would be watching for soon, is Obama coming to the rescue of the dictator in Venezuela.
For humanitarian reasons... naturally. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (BZAd3) 411
Also, there would be language that allows immediate deportation for any permanent resident who registers or votes in any U.S. election.
Posted by: jwest Hi Im jwest, and anyone who believes that deportation will occur is an idiot. Hi! I'm jwest, and we need yet another law mandating deportations. Whay are you looking at me like I'm an idiot? Posted by: Blue Hen at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (Spluw) 412
Rand beat him to it with the Tax Code Rand actually looks like a man, too He's got that going for him. Lindsey, little girl. Yeah. Lindsey might have looked cute if he hadn't done it one day after Rand's chainsaw, woodchipper, fire thing on the tax code. Which also has an actual message as opposed to "the Donald was mean to me". Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:13 AM (JtwS4) 413
And Jeb Bush would also lead differently than his father or his brother.
I doubt that. Here is why. The Bushes believe, at their core, that they are part of the Chosen Nobility, and that it is their Duty to rule over the peasant class. They see everyone who didn't grow up with their Ivy League privilege as their inferiors; not in a necessarily contemptuous way, but in a condescending way. We can't be trusted to know what's best for us, and we need Enlightened Government to Show Us the Way. It's why the Bushes are pro-Amnesty. American peasants? Mexican peasants? What's the difference? No one in the Bush Class is going to lose out on a job or an educational opportunity to an illegal immigrant. Jeb Bush doesn't have the first clue what life is like for an average, middle-class American. He also shares with progressive Democrats that middle class, average Americans are too dumb to be trusted with their own decisions and kind of racist. He is quite like Hillary, in that regard. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:13 AM (O7MnT) 414
Two ISIS commanders got a bit of poetic justice last week when their convoy triggered a roadside bomb.
The twist? The bomb was originally planted by ISIS fighters in order to target Peshmerga fighters in the area. "Where dogma is run over by karma". (SWIDT?) Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:13 AM (X88sA) 415
410 Another thing that I would be watching for soon, is Obama coming to the rescue of the dictator in Venezuela.
For humanitarian reasons... naturally. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (BZAd3) If the regime is cynical enough it actually becomes a business model; see North Korea in any given drought year. Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 09:13 AM (RD7QR) 416
You guys have to read the new Onion Trump article, it's fucking amazing. Brighten your morning!!!
Posted by: Prescient11 at July 23, 2015 09:14 AM (IXLyX) 417
MY feeling is that the Bushes "at their core" are NE transplants to the South.
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:14 AM (GpgJl) 418
Posted by: Tyrone Shoelaces at July 23, 2015 09:06 AM (h/dV9)
And Trump would instantly publish all their cell numbers- just like he did with Ms.Lindsay! Posted by: Chilling the most at July 23, 2015 09:15 AM (zW5rQ) 419
That's why it's important for conservatives to get behind crafting the law that would grant the residency
No. It's why it's important for conservatives to oppose it absolutely. I know I'm arguing with a wall here- you're going to believe what you want to believe, and damn the evidence, but let me lay it out for you. A f*cking tyrant in a black robe "discovered" that the 14th Amendment meant that anyone who was born in the US was automatically a US Citizen- first time that I can find in Human history that such a thing was posited. Later, another f*cking tyrant in a black robe "discovered" that the 14th Amendment and "dignity" meant that the States had to endorse same-sex unions. If you have any permanent legal status for those currently here illegally, it'll take La Raza and the ACLU about 2 days to draw up the paperwork for a federal suit saying that making them pay taxes and *not* be citizens is a violation of the 14th Amendment. It'll take until the following October (at the latest) for SCOTUS to agree with them. Poof. The law (written in plain language) that says they can be here legally but not be citizens is re-written by the judicial branch, and all of those people are now brand-new Democrat voters. F*ck that. Any form of legal status *IS* Amnesty. It *IS* a "path to citizenship." No. No legal status, period. We may lack the political will to remove the illegals currently in the country, but that does not mean we have to further reward them. And rough 66% of the country (last poll I saw) was with me on that. They may not support round-ups and forced deportations, but they definitely oppose any form of legal status. That is a winning issue for Conservatives. Of course, I don't make the mistake of believing Republican = Conservative anymore. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:15 AM (kff5f) 420
....and Hector is here.
Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 09:15 AM (TxJGV) 421
Or is it because of my choice of candidate? If you havent noticed: the RCP poll average has Jeb Bush polling in 2nd place. He is supported by a substantial number of Republicans. Are all of these people trolls in your eyes?
Posted by: Begonia at July 23, 2015 08:55 AM (IROR1) Not trolls. Incestual money launderers, maybe. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:15 AM (qCMvj) 422
Auma Obama welcomed CNN's Brooke Baldwin exclusively into the family
home of the President's ancestral village -- even introducing her to their shared 93-year-old step-grandmother, Mama Sarah. Obama is going home! Posted by: Colin at July 23, 2015 09:16 AM (lyhiY) 423
Walls don't work.
However a mix of M18A1 Claymore's, S-Mines, and UA 571-C Auto-Turrets might do the trick. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:16 AM (fWAjv) 424
>>MY feeling is that the Bushes "at their core" are NE transplants to the South.
At their core, the Bushes are Progressives, but I guess that's the same thing. They don't believe in de-biggening Government. They think they can make it "work better." Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:16 AM (O7MnT) 425
Hi Im jwest, and anyone who believes that deportation will occur is an idiot.
Hi! I'm jwest, and we need yet another law mandating deportations. Whay are you looking at me like I'm an idiot? Posted by: Blue Hen at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (Spluw) We're all waiting to read your solutions to the problem. Fill the blog with your brilliance. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 09:16 AM (P/xrJ) 426
I posted this on Twitter yesterday, so I'll just repost it here: my choices for President in 2016. These are subject to change as there's more than a frigging year between now and the election, but whatever.
WILL GLADLY VOTE FOR: Cruz, Carly, Jindal WILL GRUDGINGLY VOTE FOR: Walker (though I waffle between "Gladly" and "Grudgingly" with him), Perry, Rubio, Paul, Carson, Trump WILL NOT VOTE FOR: Jeb, Graham, Kasich, Pataki, Huckabee, Santorum Yes I include Trump. No I don't support him. Yes if he runs third party and it's between him, Jeb and Hillary/Democrat, I'm voting for Trump. No I'm not sorry. Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at July 23, 2015 09:17 AM (4df7R) 427
UC needs to create an exception for student researchers or we'll have issues staffing labs with student researcher
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 08:52 AM (qCMvj) Ha, universities were the big proponents of bringing in foreign students to lower PhD student wages. Let them suffer. Posted by: WOPR at July 23, 2015 09:00 AM (nRvEn) Aye. I was mesmerized by that thread. How many people put him in his place. The guy sounded like he "never thought of it like that." That is what is so dangerous about the left. They really are clueless of Cause and Effect. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:17 AM (qCMvj) 428
If you have any permanent legal status for those currently here illegally, it'll take La Raza and the ACLU about 2 days to draw up the paperwork for a federal suit saying that making them pay taxes and *not* be citizens is a violation of the 14th Amendment. It'll take until the following October (at the latest) for SCOTUS to agree with them. This. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:18 AM (O7MnT) 429
419 A f*cking tyrant in a black robe "discovered" that the 14th Amendment
meant that anyone who was born in the US was automatically a US Citizen- first time that I can find in Human history that such a thing was posited. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:15 AM (kff5f) Not true, the only case for citizenship is Won Kim Ark who was the son of a LEGAL immigrant. There has been no court case for children of illegals and citizenship. I suspect that is why TX is doing the "birth certificate thing" that I linked above. They want to get the case to the Supremes. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:18 AM (GpgJl) 430
385 Two ISIS commanders got a bit of poetic justice last week when their convoy triggered a roadside bomb.
The twist? The bomb was originally planted by ISIS fighters in order to target Peshmerga fighters in the area. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:05 AM (fWAjv) Awesome. Not arming and supporting the Peshmerga (Kurds) is just one more entry on a long list of national embarrassments. Kurds fight and fight well, and it would keep Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syria, and ISIS occupied. Now, some Kurds are joining ISIS, hoping to form a Kurdish state in Syria and expand its territory into the other countries. This is NOT a good development. Great summary at BB: Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (nqiq9) 431
If that's not a squish candidate, what is?
I guess squish might not be a completely accurate term. How about aggressive fake? there is an old American political term: Dough Face. originally used for a northern politician with southern sympathies, or, "...weak men who, without any firm moral commitment to their cause other than political expediency, could prove at some critical point in the future to be unreliable." it is a term that came out of the wrangling over the Missouri compromise. But, squishes, cheats, liars, the politically expedient, and rags flapping in the political wind. Posted by: Kindltot at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (3pRHP) 432
Yes if he runs third party and it's between him, Jeb and Hillary/Democrat, I'm voting for Trump. You will invite me to watch the bonfire of the Joker's stolen money, right? Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (JtwS4) 433
My feeling on Trump is this;
He feeds that same kind of emotion that Christie fed until he put the moves on Obama. Whatever he professes to be, he ain't that. But just saying what he says stokes some visceral fire. He's not a conservative. He probably isn't even a Republican. By his past actions, he could easily be a Democrat. But right now, he's slaking the anger of a lot of people on the right. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (BZAd3) 434
Rand beat him to it with the Tax Code
Rand actually looks like a man, too He's got that going for him. Lindsey, little girl. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:10 AM (qCMvj) crap....i thought it said "rand beat him with the tax code".....i'd pay to see that Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 23, 2015 09:20 AM (0O7c5) 435
403 Lindsey, little girl.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:10 AM (qCMvj) Krispy/Lindsay. Fat Man and Little Girl '16 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 09:20 AM (St6BJ) 436
Looking at the hideous freak show that we've become, I'm convinced now that there's only one answer:
Let it fucking burn. Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at July 23, 2015 09:20 AM (YFw5T) 437
Let it fucking burn.
Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at July 23, 2015 09:20 AM (YFw5T) *ahem* Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:21 AM (kff5f) 438
No, we're not all waiting for anything.
You castigated people stating that deportations are not realistic. And then you proceed to wax philosophic about....deportation. Hector does better. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 23, 2015 09:21 AM (Spluw) 439
If the wall doesn't work we hold the Mexicans responsible and make them do it again. After all, Donald says they're going to build it. And if the contractor does a terrible job, you make them redo it until its right.
Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 09:12 AM (TxJGV) Of course not, that would be disgusting. Here's what I propose. Forget the wall. We go down to Mexico. Find the people who enforce their immigration rules (because they're obviously more serious about the matter). Pay them double their wages--which would probably still be much cheaper than we pay our guys. And hire them to come up here (we grant those guys automatic citizenship). Posted by: AD at July 23, 2015 09:22 AM (yBmlR) 440
Now, some Kurds are joining ISIS, hoping to form a Kurdish state in Syria and expand its territory into the other countries. This is NOT a good development.
Great summary at BB: Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (nqiq9) Damn. Didn't know that some were joining up. Great job Team Barky. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:22 AM (fWAjv) 441
436 Looking at the hideous freak show that we've become, I'm convinced now that there's only one answer:
Let it fucking burn. Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at July 23, 2015 09:20 AM (YFw5T) "Welcome to the party, Pal." Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 09:22 AM (nqiq9) 442
430 Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (nqiq9)
SCOAMF's backing of the mullahs in the summer of '09 (to say nothing of his backing of Morsi in Egypt) says it all. Traitorous, dangerous, delusional. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 09:22 AM (St6BJ) 443
433 My feeling on Trump is this;
He feeds that same kind of emotion that Christie fed until he put the moves on Obama. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (BZAd3) Great, now I have an image of Da Big Guy putting on a Barry White album and pouring some Boone's Farm into two glasses while Obama lounges on the couch. Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 09:23 AM (RD7QR) 444
Traitorous, dangerous, delusional.
Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 09:22 AM (St6BJ) This. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:23 AM (BZAd3) Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 09:23 AM (XtiOl) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:24 AM (fWAjv) 447
Posted by: MWR, Proud Tea(rrorist) Party Assault Hobbit & Vaginassassin, aka Beth at July 23, 2015 09:17 AM (4df7R)
Pretty much where I am. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:24 AM (qCMvj) 448
AllenG's slippery slope concerns are very legitimate, but I still believe a law could be written in such a way as to prevent the path to citizenship for current illegals.
To do nothing invites the democrats to find other ways to hand over citizenship. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 09:24 AM (P/xrJ) 449
Now, some Kurds are joining ISIS, hoping to form a Kurdish state in Syria and expand its territory into the other countries. This is NOT a good development.
O_o That doesn't even make any sense. I mean, sure, the west has been a deplorable excuse for an ally, but ISIS is premised on the idea that the only legitimate government is the Caliphate (which they claim to be), and that all other governments must be destroyed. How do you join with those people "hoping to establish [your own] State?" Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:24 AM (kff5f) 450
Also, would it really be so bad to have Cankles inherit the wind of eight years of bad Obama policies? $20 Trillion in debt? An unsustainable fiscal model? A nuclear armed Iran? EPA-driven regulatory assault on the economy? A massively expanded welfare underclass? A simmering civil war between blacks and the police?
Unless you think a Republican president can somehow fix all that. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:25 AM (O7MnT) 451
Great, now I have an image of Da Big Guy putting on a Barry White album and pouring some Boone's Farm into two glasses while Obama lounges on the couch.
Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 09:23 AM (RD7QR) On the 50th floor. With the blinds open - being streamed live from a drone mounted camera on Entertainment Tonight. Posted by: Semper In Stercus at July 23, 2015 09:26 AM (BZAd3) 452
446 When Lindsey found out Trump gave out his number Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:24 AM (fWAjv) Shit. Lindsey probably envisioned many calls and ran to the nearest glory hole with his mouth open. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 09:26 AM (nqiq9) 453
Lindsey, little girl.
Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:10 AM (qCMvj) Krispy/Lindsay. Fat Man and Little Girl '16 Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 09:20 AM (St6BJ) I guess it's unfair to say little girl. Little girls can be quite tough, compared to Lindsey. I can't think of a better term. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:26 AM (qCMvj) 454
440 Now, some Kurds are joining ISIS, hoping to form a Kurdish state in Syria and expand its territory into the other countries. This is NOT a good development.
Great summary at BB: Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 09:19 AM (nqiq9) When we talked about "let it burn," we just meant the country, but, f'k it, let's make it the entire world. Posted by: AD at July 23, 2015 09:27 AM (yBmlR) 455
I still guess no one wants to ask Trump what he wants to do with the 'law abiding ' illegals that are here already. That would smash the momentum.
Posted by: Cruzinator at July 23, 2015 09:27 AM (N4pek) 456
Walls don't work.
However a mix of M18A1 Claymore's, S- Mines, and UA 571-C Auto-Turrets might do the trick. Rednecks. $5 an ear bounty. You supply your own kit and grub. Also goes to solving the unemployment issues. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:27 AM (X88sA) 457
Posted by: AD at July 23, 2015 09:22 AM (yBmlR)
--------------------------------------- We're all having fun with this, but the real solution is pretty straightforward: (1) eliminate the right of anyone who has not recently paid U.S. income taxes to receive any government benefit payments, and (2) bill the sending country for any of their nationals arrested in this country without proper entry papers. The sending country would clean up their act quickly on allowing people to cross the border illegally, and we wouldn't need a wall, and people would be less inclined to come here without having a job up in advance. Posted by: MTF at July 23, 2015 09:28 AM (TxJGV) 458
To do nothing invites the democrats to find other ways to hand over citizenship.
So we should make it *easier* for them "to hand over citizenship" because if we don't, they'll keep trying to hand over citizenship? In what world does that make sense. The majority (a really big one) opposes amnesty for illegal aliens. That is a winning issue. Running on "No amnesty for illegals, and securing the border" is a winning strategy - which is one of those things the Establishment claims grass-roots don't have. Running on "legal status for illegals" is *not* a winning strategy. A minority supports that. Yes, Democrats will continue to attempt to gain amnesty and citizenship for illegal aliens. It's like those new Geico commercials: it's what they do. The only winning strategy is *not* to say, "well, okay, how about we meet in the middle;" we've seen how that works. The winning strategy is to say "f*ck that. No." The Establishment's problem with that is that a) it's harder than capitulation and b) part of the minority that supports it includes many of their high-dollar donors. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:29 AM (kff5f) 459
Now, some Kurds are joining ISIS, hoping to form a Kurdish state in Syria and expand its territory into the other countries. This is NOT a good development.
O_o That doesn't even make any sense. I mean, sure, the west has been a deplorable excuse for an ally, but ISIS is premised on the idea that the only legitimate government is the Caliphate (which they claim to be), and that all other governments must be destroyed. How do you join with those people "hoping to establish [your own] State?" Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:24 AM (kff5f) My reaction too. It doesn't make sense. Maybe a coup of some sort. Infiltration. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:29 AM (qCMvj) 460
I still guess no one wants to ask Trump what he wants to do with the 'law abiding ' illegals that are here already. That would smash the momentum. Posted by: Cruzinator at July 23, 2015 09:27 AM (N4pek) The answer should be: "Ain't no such thing as a law-abiding illegal alien. They broke the law when they crossed the border, they ain't right with it until they re-cross it going the other way." Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:29 AM (HalrA) 461
Morning, Glories. Y'all sure gotsa lotsa fascinatin' stuff to say, and I read every word. Okay, many of the words. Okay, I looked at the pitchers....
An old shoulder injury flared back up yesterday. Could not find a comfortable position for sleep all night. Hurts to raise my arm up to type. So, since I'm limited, y'all rail on for me, hokay? You've been doing great so far. OW! artisanal 'ette: It's amazing how, after suffering, how much you love life. Looking forward to that. Posted by: mindful webworker - portrait in pain at July 23, 2015 09:29 AM (vZ0KM) 462
Re: QE2 Nazi salute. Big nothingburger. In the early 30s, Adolf was just an up-and-coming populist in those days, the Nazi salute was fashionable the world over. It was only later that it became reprehensible in the eyes of civilized people. And the Bellamy Salute in the US predates the Nazi salute by about 40 years. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 23, 2015 09:29 AM (VbHFl) 463
>>The fault that produced a 4.0-magnitude earthquake in Fremont early Tuesday morning is expected to produce a major earthquake "any day now" and Bay Area residents should be prepared, a U.S. Geological Survey scientist said.
They've been predicting a big one on the Hayward fault since I lived on top of it in the 80s. I hope they continue to be wrong. Posted by: Mama AJ at July 23, 2015 09:30 AM (61JYR) 464
I guess it's unfair to say little girl. Little girls can be quite tough, compared to Lindsey. I can't think of a better term. Sissy. It's old school. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:30 AM (JtwS4) 465
We go down to Mexico. Find the people who enforce their immigration rules (because they're obviously more serious about the matter). Pay them double their wages--which would probably still be much cheaper than we pay our guys. And hire them to come up here (we grant those guys automatic citizenship).
Never work. Once we grant them citizenship, they unionize and slow work. Now we can't fire them. They're union. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:30 AM (X88sA) 466
AllenG's slippery slope concerns are very legitimate, but I still believe a law could be written in such a way as to prevent the path to citizenship for current illegals.
=== I suppose you also still believe in the Easter bunny and Santa Claus? Because they have about as much foundation in reality at this point. Posted by: Brother Cavil at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (V1M8q) 467
I still guess no one wants to ask Trump what he wants to do with the 'law abiding ' illegals that are here already.
The same thing that the entire GOP field would do? Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (oVJmc) 468
Never work. Once we grant them citizenship, they unionize and slow work.
Now we can't fire them. They're union. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:30 AM (X88sA) First, ban public sector unions... Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (HalrA) 469
The results will be an astronomical rise in food costs as well as fewer jobs for them.
But, whitey and capitalism. Posted by: J.J. Sefton at July 23, 2015 06:44 AM (St6BJ) Joos, JJ don't forget. NYC is Hymie town! Posted by: Nip Sip at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (S0Cig) 470
artisanal 'ette: It's amazing how, after suffering, how much you love life.
Looking forward to that. Posted by: mindful webworker - portrait in pain at July 23, 2015 09:29 AM (vZ0KM) Ice/heat/ice/heat I suppose. Unless it's dislocated and needs to be adjusted... Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (qCMvj) 471
I suppose you also still believe in the Easter bunny and Santa Claus? Because they have about as much foundation in reality at this point.
Posted by: Brother Cavil at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (V1M8q) Hey! I know some very charming people who still believe in Santa Claus. To compare them to jwest is simply mean. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:32 AM (kff5f) 472
SCOAMF is a liar. Just sayin'.
Posted by: Joe Wilson at July 23, 2015 09:32 AM (TxJGV) 473
Mark Estrada, a gang member from Oakland. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason I really liked him in CHiPS. I guess he had to turn to gang life to supplement his social security payments. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our Republic at July 23, 2015 09:32 AM (/Ho8c) 474
First, ban public sector unions...
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (HalrA) So... assume a can opener? I'm all for banning public sector unions. I don't think we have the resources we would need for that fight. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:33 AM (kff5f) 475
We go down to Mexico. Find the people who enforce their immigration rules (because they're obviously more serious about the matter). Pay them double their wages--which would probably still be much cheaper than we pay our guys. And hire them to come up here (we grant those guys automatic citizenship).
Never work. Once we grant them citizenship, they unionize and slow work. Now we can't fire them. They're union. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:30 AM (X88sA) it would be Sons of Anarchy the cartels would find them and kill them as traitors cartels are all inside the US Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:33 AM (qCMvj) 476
Also, would it really be so bad to have Cankles inherit the wind of eight years of bad Obama policies?
When people start the "let them own it" jive, I tune out. In a very real sense, doing that rewards bad behavior, and certainly doesn't punish it at all. The way things are, with governmental agencies, courts and politicians all eager to kick the can down the road, letting a lackwit like Shrillery run things for a while would decrease any future chance of fixing the problems or at least putting Band-Aids on them. Yeah, it's fun Politics-as-a-Great-Game speculation and all, but by the same token why not let the friggin' Mad Mullahs "own" their nukes? Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 09:33 AM (rCmeG) 477
>>An old shoulder injury flared back up yesterday. Could not find a comfortable position for sleep all night. Hurts to raise my arm up to type.
Oh, yuck. I have the same thing happen to me every year or two. Hope you are icing and taking anti-inflamitories. And that you don't have to drive anywhere today. Posted by: Mama AJ at July 23, 2015 09:33 AM (61JYR) 478
GOVERNOR CHRISTIE: [Handing wine to PRESIDENT OBAMA] You'll never find another love like mine, Barack.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: [Sniffling] Oh Chris, embrace me like you did when you sold out your party and your country to obtain some federal aid that I was going to give you anyway! [The two embrace passionately] PRESIDENT OBAMA: Can't. Breathe. Posted by: joncelli, getting it out of his system at July 23, 2015 09:33 AM (RD7QR) 479
Good morning everyone
Posted by: chemjeff at July 23, 2015 09:34 AM (2ap0X) 480
You want a feel good moment this morning? Go watch the Carly Fiorina videos Instapundit posted. The one from CNN is priceless.
Posted by: Notsothoreau at July 23, 2015 09:34 AM (Lqy/e) 481
Time to get some sun and exercise. Find the positives in your day, all. The news will always drag you down if you let it. Posted by: artisanal 'ette at July 23, 2015 09:34 AM (qCMvj) 482
467 I still guess no one wants to ask Trump what he wants to do with the 'law abiding ' illegals that are here already.
The same thing that the entire GOP field would do? Posted by: Pappy O'Daniel at July 23, 2015 09:31 AM (oVJmc) Let's be fair - Ted Cruz might skip the vote. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 09:34 AM (XtiOl) 483
Votes don't count, but other things still do.
I just received a new Fobus holster--first Fobus product I've ever owned. Good quality, great design, lifetime guarantee, excellent value, and MADE IN ISRAEL. It felt good to buy that. Posted by: Cloyd Freud, Unemployed at July 23, 2015 09:35 AM (YFw5T) Posted by: Blue Hen at July 23, 2015 09:35 AM (Spluw) 485
I'm all for banning public sector unions. I don't think we have the resources we would need for that fight. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:33 AM (kff5f) First, make a Federal Right to Work law. No forced unionization in Federal jobs. You will probably need Article V to put this in place, since Congress would never dare to pass it.They will inevitably go on strike. Use the Reagan Precedent. Fire them all. Hire new workers. It's not like we have a shortage of low-skill labor...
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:35 AM (HalrA) 486
The way things are, with governmental agencies, courts and politicians all eager to kick the can down the road, letting a lackwit like Shrillery run things for a while would decrease any future chance of fixing the problems or at least putting Band-Aids on them.
And what if one believes it is simply too late; that the avalanche has started and it is too late for the pebbles to vote? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:35 AM (O7MnT) 487
Many legal immigrants understand the founding concepts of this country better than natural born citizens. They didn't move here for the socialism.
Anyone who thinks we'd be better off without them doesn't understand how terminally stupid this society is. Posted by: bernverdnardo at July 23, 2015 09:36 AM (H6AD/) 488
I just received a new Fobus holster--first Fobus product I've ever owned. Good quality, great design, lifetime guarantee, excellent value, and MADE IN ISRAEL.
My new Jericho was made in Israel also. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:36 AM (O7MnT) 489
It's old school. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:30 AM (JtwS4) Please report to Camp 107 for Vocabulary Modification Enhancement. A commentator for the Washington Nationals baseball team apologized on Wednesday for using the word 'sissy' during a June 5 televised broadcast of a Nationals game against the Arizona Diamondbacks in Phoenix. (in 2011) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:36 AM (fWAjv) 490
>>I'm all for banning public sector unions. I don't think we have the resources we would need for that fight.
Walker didn't get them banned but he put a big hurting on them in WI. I really think this is a key step in cutting back the leviathan in DC. At least Walker seems to get it. Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2015 09:37 AM (OGm46) 491
I just received a new Fobus holster--first Fobus
product I've ever owned. Good quality, great design, lifetime guarantee, excellent value, and MADE IN ISRAEL. My new Jericho was made in Israel also. Posted by: V the K I've liked the Fobus products I've owned. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our Republic at July 23, 2015 09:37 AM (/Ho8c) 492
487 Many legal immigrants understand the founding concepts of this country better than natural born citizens. They didn't move here for the socialism.
Funny, because all of my immigrant ancestors were socialists who just wanted work. I guess these new ones are supermen. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 09:37 AM (XtiOl) 493
Fire them all. Hire new workers.
=== I'm fine with just eliminating most of the positions, thanks. Posted by: Brother Cavil at July 23, 2015 09:37 AM (V1M8q) 494
India is building a large wall all around Bangladesh for the exact same reason Illegal immigration It is the largest border barrier in the wolf Much bigger than Texas Mexico border They have floods too It can be done Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (zOTsN) 495
I guess it's unfair to say little girl. Little girls can be quite tough, compared to Lindsey.
I can't think of a better term. Sissy. It's old school. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:30 AM (JtwS4) I point out, as I am wont to do, that James Buchanan and his "companion" William Rufus King (who had been Veep under Pierce, I think) were referred to at the time as Miss Nancy and Aunt Fancy. Seems to me Sissy Lindsey could be either a successor to those titles, or incorporated into them, somehow. Does he have a "suspected" boyfriend? I must admit I try to pay as little attention to the mincing fool as I can. Posted by: BurtTC at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (TOk1P) 496
I guess it's unfair to say little girl. Little girls can be quite tough, compared to Lindsey.
I can't think of a better term. Mincing, pucker-mouthed, light-loafered, pantywaisted, drama-queeny, card-carrying friend of Dorothy. Posted by: Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (zF6Iw) 497
How do you join with those people "hoping to establish [your own] State?"
Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:24 AM (kff5f) ISIS is very proficient at recruiting disaffected people, especially in that geographic area. It's not a large number of Kurds yet, just a trickle of their disaffected yutes. But sometimes trickles can turn into downpours and floods (as you know from living in TX). A group of determined and adequately-armed Kurds on one side or the other could easily turn the tide of battle in that region. If they're not getting voluntary help from "friends", I can understand a strategy of stealing help from "enemies". They are in survival mode - you do what you need to do. Posted by: 1bulwetweft at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (nqiq9) 498
43 The last thing the GOP wants is to win by promising to undo the damage.
------------------------ Thread Winner. Posted by: Super Creepy Eric Hoteham at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (oDCMR) 499
Also, would it really be so bad to have Cankles
inherit the wind of eight years of bad Obama policies? $20 Trillion in debt? An unsustainable fiscal model? A nuclear armed Iran? EPA-driven regulatory assault on the economy? A massively expanded welfare underclass? A simmering civil war between blacks and the police? Unless you think a Republican president can somehow fix all that. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:25 AM (O7MnT) Juan Peron, as his last political act got his second wife Isabelita, a sort of surrogate for the deceased Eva, elected president of Argentina, An Historic First! When faced with economic failure, debt, disorder, the corrupt regulatory state choking the economy, a massively expanded welfare underclass and a simmering tension threatening to re-erupt into Argentina's national sport, recursive coups, she was arrested in a coup by the military, and that kicked off the Junta and the Dirty War. So that is how it can get worse. Posted by: Kindltot at July 23, 2015 09:39 AM (3pRHP) 500
A f*cking tyrant in a black robe "discovered" that the 14th Amendment meant that anyone who was born in the US was automatically a US Citizen- first time that I can find in Human history that such a thing was posited.
____________________ Did you know that in Mexico, you don't become a citizen until you're age 18? Citizenship comes with responsibilities, and children are considered incapable of those responsibilities. That's why the Mexican constitution distinguishes between Mexican "nationals" and Mexican "citizens." If you are a child born to Mexican parents, you are a Mexican national, but you don't become a Mexican citizen until age 18. This distinction between nationals and citizens is common in Latin American countries. If you are a Mexican national born in the U.S. to Mexican parents, you are entitled to all the rights and privileges of Mexican nationality (e.g., the right to attend public schools in Mexico, etc.), and when you reach age 18, you can become a Mexican citizen by showing that your parents are Mexicans. You can also retain your U.S. citizenship. Lots of whining in the U.S. about how the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens don't have any other country but this one. That is just another lie to try and justify amnesty. The truth is that most of these kids would have the right to return to their own countries and live there as nationals (and later citizens); they just don't want to. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 09:39 AM (kGrdk) 501
And what if one believes it is simply too late; that the avalanche has started and it is too late for the pebbles to vote? Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:35 AM (O7MnT)
That may well be the case. But if it isn't, we're going to feel really stupid if we miss a chance, if we didn't do all and ought to either prevent it or divert it so all of that snow lands on the people that caused it. Engineers and petards, you know? Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:39 AM (HalrA) 502
Anyone who thinks we'd be better off without them doesn't understand how terminally stupid this society is.
Posted by: bernverdnardo at July 23, 2015 09:36 AM Haven't seen too many people complaining about legal immigrants. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 09:39 AM (rCmeG) 503
Does he have a "suspected" boyfriend? I must admit I try to pay as little attention to the mincing fool as I can.
Posted by: BurtTC at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (TOk1P) I want Trump to do a conference with Graham's ex-lovers. It would be hilarious. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 09:39 AM (XtiOl) 504
A commentator for the Washington Nationals baseball team apologized on Wednesday for using the word 'sissy' during a June 5 televised broadcast of a Nationals game against the Arizona Diamondbacks in Phoenix. Sigh. Not surprising. Posted by: Bandersnatch at July 23, 2015 09:40 AM (JtwS4) 505
And what if one believes it is simply too late; that the avalanche has started and it is too late for the pebbles to vote?
=== /wonders what all that noise was just now Posted by: Brother Cavil at July 23, 2015 09:40 AM (V1M8q) 506
"Running on "legal status for illegals" is *not* a winning strategy. A minority supports that. "
We need to follow laws. If you don't give citizenship like the democrats want or give permanent residency like I want, you need some status that makes it possible to deal with these people without just ignoring the law. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 09:40 AM (P/xrJ) 507
>>Maryland Democratic lawmaker charged with indecent exposure in connection with dispute with ex-husband<<
It's not what you think. Posted by: Marcus T at July 23, 2015 09:40 AM (GGCsk) 508
Had a long phone call, so someone may have mentioned this already.
San Fransisco attempting to rescind its own Sanctuary City status? Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 09:42 AM (VPLuQ) 509
Also, would it really be so bad to have Cankles
inherit the wind of eight years of bad Obama policies? $20 Trillion in debt? An unsustainable fiscal model? A nuclear armed Iran? EPA-driven regulatory assault on the economy? A massively expanded welfare underclass? A simmering civil war between blacks and the police? Unless you think a Republican president can somehow fix all that. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:25 AM (O7MnT) Juan Peron, as his last political act got his second wife Isabelita, a sort of surrogate for the deceased Eva, elected president of Argentina, An Historic First! When faced with economic failure, debt, disorder, the corrupt regulatory state choking the economy, a massively expanded welfare underclass and a simmering tension threatening to re-erupt into Argentina's national sport, recursive coups, she was arrested in a coup by the military, and that kicked off the Junta and the Dirty War. So that is how it can get worse. Posted by: Kindltot at July 23, 2015 09:39 AM (3pRHP) The Kurds joining ISIS and our deal with Iran causing an arms in the Middle East... "Road Warrior." That's how it can get worse. Posted by: AD at July 23, 2015 09:43 AM (yBmlR) 510
Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (zOTsN)
Oh, I agree, I just think that Vic's extrapolation from Israel to the US wall is bullshit. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 09:43 AM (Zu3d9) 511
Many legal immigrants understand the founding concepts of this country better than natural born citizens. They didn't move here for the socialism. Anyone who thinks we'd be better off without them doesn't understand how terminally stupid this society is. Posted by: bernverdnardo at July 23, 2015 09:36 AM (H6AD/) I've seen exactly how terminally stupid this society's become. I worked retail in a crappy neighborhood for almost 10 years for lack of other opportunity, until I finally got dead sick of it and gambled my entire life savings on voting with my feet. My customers were largely drug addicts and welfare queens. I also saw these illegal immigrants you're talking about on a regular basis. They've got absolutely no desire to be Americans. They're still patriotic towards the 3rd-world crapholes they escaped from. I've seen who you're talking about, they don't match your assessment at all. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:43 AM (HalrA) 512
If you don't give citizenship like the democrats want or give permanent residency like I want, you need some status that makes it possible to deal with these people without just ignoring the law.
Perhaps if we stop our national effort to hunt for sandwich bags of marijuana we could hunt for uninvited guests. Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at July 23, 2015 09:44 AM (XtiOl) 513
artisanal 'ette: Ice/heat/ice/heat I suppose. Unless it's dislocated and needs to be adjusted...
Mama AJ: Hope you are icing and taking anti-inflamitories. And that you don't have to drive anywhere today. a) Wow, my comment didn't get willowed. b) 'Ettes make the bestest nurses!! (By "'ettes" I can include Milady, who is one even if she's never posted a comment here herself.) Posted by: mindful webworker - it's only pain... only pain... at July 23, 2015 09:44 AM (vZ0KM) 514
If you don't give citizenship like the democrats
want or give permanent residency like I want, you need some status that makes it possible to deal with these people without just ignoring the law. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 09:40 AM (P/xrJ) That status exists! It's called "deported". Look it up. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:45 AM (HalrA) 515
The Republican leadership wants some more TV time:
Secretary of State John Kerry and other top administration officials will face tough questions on the Iran deal at a Senate hearing Thursday, as lawmakers raise new concerns about alleged secret side deals struck with Tehran over its nuclear program. He fktoads; yopu allready gave him the store through a veritable unanimous vote. It's too damn late for rhetoric. And kiss my Southern ass. That goes for whoever wrote this story at Fox too. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:45 AM (GpgJl) 516
I also saw these illegal immigrants you're talking about on a regular basis. They've got absolutely no desire to be Americans. They're still patriotic towards the 3rd-world crapholes they escaped from.
=== Call them what they are: colonists. Posted by: Brother Cavil at July 23, 2015 09:46 AM (V1M8q) 517
Lots of whining in the U.S. about how the U.S.-born
children of illegal aliens don't have any other country but this one. That is just another lie to try and justify amnesty. The truth is that most of these kids would have the right to return to their own countries and live there as nationals (and later citizens); they just don't want to. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 09:39 AM IIRC, "new" (that is, people who apply and are accepted) Mexican citizens do not have certain rights given to the native-born citizens. Voting and property ownership are, I believe, restricted. Combine this with immigration policies that would cause SJWs to make weewee in their pants if enacted here, and it's clear Mexico is clever enough to demand more from Uncle Sugar than it extends to its own. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 09:46 AM (rCmeG) 518
Posted by: ThunderB at July 23, 2015 09:38 AM (zOTsN) Oh, I agree, I just think that Vic's extrapolation from Israel to the US wall is bullshit. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 09:43 AM (Zu3d9) I'll use small words: So far you have not explained why it is BS. Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:47 AM (GpgJl) 519
Call them what they are: colonists.
Posted by: Brother Cavil at July 23, 2015 09:46 AM (V1M8q) I've made that point before, good catch. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:48 AM (HalrA) 520
If you don't give citizenship like the democrats want or give permanent residency like I want, you need some status that makes it possible to deal with these people without just ignoring the law.
Do we catch every thief? Do we even try? Do we catch every murderer? Do we catch every blackmailer? Do we even try? No. We have limited resources, and we use them to the best of our judgement. We need no law granting amnesty for other crimes, and we need no law granting "legal status" to illegal aliens. It is not "ignoring the law" to admit that the political will does not exist for a mass round-up. Not any more so than it is "ignoring the law" not to go on massive gang round ups, or pour every law enforcement resource on solving the latest mugging. We do what we can with what we have. Indeed, leaving the law exactly as it stands is precisely the correct thing to do. It gives you options when someone illegal *does* come to your attention (officially) that you won't have (or won't have as readily) if you grant them any form of legal status. The issue is to enforce - the same way we enforce laws against speeding, theft, and even murder - current immigration law. We're not going to catch every illegal. We're not even going to try. But we're also not going just to give up on it. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:48 AM (kff5f) 521
>>He fktoads; yopu allready gave him the store through a veritable unanimous vote. It's too damn late for rhetoric. And kiss my Southern ass.
You're missing the point. Once Obama took the deal to the UN SC, which was his plan all along, the sanctions regime was over. >>Even in the past couple of weeks we have approved more than 2 billion of projects in Iran by European companies he said without naming any of the firms or providing further details on the deals Obama and the other members of the P5 +1 wanted to end the sanctions regime and thats exactly what they did. France, Germany and the EU Foreign Policy chief have already been or are on their way to Iran to do deals. Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2015 09:50 AM (OGm46) 522
423 Walls don't work.
However a mix of M18A1 Claymore's, S-Mines, and UA 571-C Auto-Turrets might do the trick. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 23, 2015 09:16 AM (fWAjv) I say we put on our AoS T-shirts (Jolly Roger on front, Flaming Skull with "Burn. Scatter. Salt." on the back), take off, and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. And I would scarf up one of those shirts so fast, it wouldn't be funny. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 09:50 AM (ueOgE) 523
We need to follow laws. If you don't give citizenship like the democrats want or give permanent residency like I want, you need some status that makes it possible to deal with these people without just ignoring the law. Posted by: jwest at July 23, 2015 09:40 AM (P/xrJ) They do have status: Lawbreaker. Illegal Alien. And there are laws on the books which mandate deportation. Laws that the Feds are NOT enforcing, by choice. Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 23, 2015 09:51 AM (VbHFl) Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:51 AM (O7MnT) 525
Morning fappers. Another day of Sartrean nausea. Whee.
Posted by: Insomniac at July 23, 2015 09:51 AM (2Ojst) 526
And I would scarf up one of those shirts so fast, it wouldn't be funny.
Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 09:50 AM (ueOgE) I would need at least 3. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:52 AM (kff5f) 527
Permanent residency does nothing but create a fictious 'second class citizen', which would give dems a new race card.
Is it galling that a group that happily pits people againt one another would be so two faced? Yes. But that accusation has already been made. You wanna fuck with them? Levy a surcharge/tax/fee whatever on renumerations loeaving the country. Say that you're taking a page from bernie's book on fatcats taking money out of the country. In the end, we aren't serious about stopping EBT and food stamp abuse.Arguing about status is bullshit that the left wants. All of the lawlessness, all of the caprious policies, and their answer is, 'pass yet another power grab labelled "comprehensive reform". The last time they did that, the lawlessness accelerated, and its defenders said that it proved the need for ANOTHER power grab. This wasn't even a topissue in 2008. This furor is manufactured. Posted by: Blue Hen at July 23, 2015 09:52 AM (Spluw) 528
Combine this with immigration policies that
would cause SJWs to make weewee in their pants if enacted here, and it's clear Mexico is clever enough to demand more from Uncle Sugar than it extends to its own. Posted by: MrScribbler at July 23, 2015 09:46 AM (rCmeG) They're using us as a dumping ground for people that their ruling classes don't want. Part of it's just opportunistically letting us deal with their felons, another part is getting rid of populations that the old Criollo class doesn't want to hang around with. There's a lot of institutional racism in Mexico, and it's a huge driver of what's going on with our border. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:52 AM (HalrA) 529
Secretary of State John Kerry and other top administration officials will face tough questions on the Iran deal at a Senate hearing...
Tough. Sure. Senator: Mister Secretary, have you fully recovered from your bicycling accident? Senator: Mister Secretary, can I have a ride on your yacht? Senator: Mister Secretary, how many fingers am I holding up...? Posted by: mindful webworker - marshmallows in velvet gloves at July 23, 2015 09:53 AM (vZ0KM) Posted by: John Boner in Assless Chaps at July 23, 2015 09:53 AM (YFw5T) 531
And I would scarf up one of those shirts so fast, it wouldn't be funny.
Posted by: Agent J I'd buy a handful. Especially if they had a pocket and came in a nice OD color. Posted by: Moderate Salami, mourning our Republic at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (/Ho8c) 532
And I would scarf up one of those shirts so fast, it wouldn't be funny. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 09:50 AM (ueOgE) I would need at least 3. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:52 AM (kff5f) *snort* #twoweeks Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (VbHFl) 533
I wonder what kind of lanterns we'll get on the art thread today.
Posted by: Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (ZtFr+) 534
I say we put on our AoS T-shirts (Jolly Roger on front, Flaming Skull with "Burn. Scatter. Salt." on the back), take off, and nuke the entire site from orbit.
It's the only way to be sure. And I would scarf up one of those shirts so fast, it wouldn't be funny. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 09:50 AM (ueOgE) Same here. I got a half-chub just reading the description. Posted by: Insomniac at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (2Ojst) 535
Many legal immigrants understand the founding concepts of this country
better than natural born citizens. They didn't move here for the socialism. __________________ LOL. Yes, that's why U.S. welfare rolls contain a disproportionately large number of immigrants -- both legal and illegal: because they hate socialism so very much. (And p.s., that's also why they support Democrats, and why the Democrats are so eager to import more of them). You're living in a fantasy world, TS. The vast majority of immigrants and illegal aliens are coming here to get "their" piece of American wealth. And they're just as happy to get it in the form of a welfare check or EBT card as through a job. They don't give a damn about liberty or limited government; they just want their "free" stuff. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (kGrdk) 536
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (VbHFl) Hey! Leave us with our fantasies. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (kff5f) 537
Indeed, leaving the law exactly as it stands is precisely the correct thing to do.
I disagree. I think there is room for updating immigration law in terms of ending chain migration, providing for vigorous employment enforcement (universal e-verify), special taxes for immigrants, and expedited deportation. Posted by: V the K at July 23, 2015 09:54 AM (O7MnT) 538
Morning fappers. Another day of Sartrean nausea. Whee. Posted by: Insomniac at July 23, 2015 09:51 AM (2Ojst) Ah yes, "Hell is other people", one of the truest statements in all of history. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:55 AM (HalrA) 539
Yes, I would be in favor of a 50% tax on all money going to countries in South and Central America. We could call it the John Roberts Memorial Tax. Maybe we could even raise that $1T needed to build the wall.
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:55 AM (GpgJl) 540
Roman pork-themed fresco above a shrine in a villa in Terzigno, near Naples: They got ham, bacon, and sausages. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 23, 2015 09:55 AM (iQIUe) 541
I disagree. I think there is room for updating immigration law in terms of ending chain migration, providing for vigorous employment enforcement (universal e-verify), special taxes for immigrants, and expedited deportation.
*snort* How about we agree to at least start enforcing current law first? Until that happens, it doesn't matter what laws we pass. Posted by: AllenG (DedicatedTenther) - Not dead yet at July 23, 2015 09:56 AM (kff5f) 542
Here's the mighty Carly Fiorina in action- video-carly-fiorina-schools-hillary-on-abortion- extremism-n2028595? utm_source=BreakingOnTownhallWidget_4&utm_medi um=story&utm_campaign=BreakingOnTownhall (remove extra spaces) The smarts of Cruz. The fight of Trump. Me likey. She needs to be somewhere on the ticket. Posted by: naturalfake at July 23, 2015 09:56 AM (KUa85) 543
Usually glance at DRUDGE and go - meh. But today -- kinda' like a freak show.
Posted by: gracepc at July 23, 2015 09:57 AM (DMQhB) 544
And I would scarf up one of those shirts so fast, it wouldn't be funny.
Posted by: Agent J I would need at least 3. Posted by: AllenG And just how many days are there in a week, hmmmmm? Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:58 AM (X88sA) 545
And just how many days are there in a week, hmmmmm?
Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:58 AM (X88sA) In Peruvia Imperial Standard Time? 12. Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (HalrA) 546
And just how many days are there in a week, hmmmmm?
Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:58 AM (X88sA) Far too many. Besides, what kind of a man throws his T-shirt in the wash after only one day of wear? Posted by: Insomniac at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (2Ojst) 547
Ben did say the dumps would be few and far between this week.
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (GpgJl) 548
IIRC, "new" (that is, people who apply and are accepted) Mexican citizens do not have certain rights given to the native-born citizens. Voting and property ownership are, I believe, restricted.
_________________________ Yes, Mexican law distinguishes between Mexican "nationals" and Mexican "citizens," and "naturalized" Mexicans. Mexican nationals are people who have a Mexican parent. Naturalized Mexicans are basically non-Mexicans (by birth) who want to live in Mexico. Naturalized Mexicans have far more limited rights than Mexican nationals or Mexican citizens. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (kGrdk) 549
Besides, what kind of a man throws his T-shirt in the wash after only one day of wear?
An American? Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (/kI1Q) 550
Yes, I would be in favor of a 50% tax on all money going to countries in South and Central America. We could call it the
Kate Steinle Memorial Tax. Let them fvcking remember why. Every. Time. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (X88sA) 551
Code Pink is in the house. This should be a gigantic freak show waste of time.
Posted by: JackStraw at July 23, 2015 10:01 AM (OGm46) 552
549 Besides, what kind of a man throws his T-shirt in the wash after only one day of wear?
An American? Posted by: HR braucht ein Bier at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (/kI1Q) *sigh* How far we have fallen. Posted by: Insomniac at July 23, 2015 10:02 AM (2Ojst) 553
550 Kate Steinle Memorial Tax.
Let them fvcking remember why. Every. Time. Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 10:00 AM (X88sA) My call for it to be called the John Roberts Tax was based on his vote to uphold the unconstitutional Obamacare law based on it being a "tax". Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 10:02 AM (GpgJl) 554
Le NOOD is served.
Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 10:03 AM (VPLuQ) 555
Art up
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 10:03 AM (GpgJl) 556
Besides, what kind of a man throws his T-shirt in the wash after only one day of wear?
______________________ Jerry Seinfeld used to throw away his suits rather than having them dry-cleaned. He would just buy new ones. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 23, 2015 10:03 AM (kGrdk) 557
Code Pink is in the house. This should be a gigantic freak show waste of time.
I LOCKED THE DOOR! Swearsies! Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 10:03 AM (X88sA) 558
My call for it to be called the John Roberts Tax was
based on his vote to uphold the unconstitutional Obamacare law based on it being a "tax". Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 10:02 AM (GpgJl) Let's make every law that Leftists will ever want to question again have some kind of modest tax included in it. Such as one penny per year from every State government. Valid as a tax! Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 10:04 AM (HalrA) 559
And just how many days are there in a week, hmmmmm? Posted by: rickb223 at July 23, 2015 09:58 AM (X88sA) Siete! And off to the new thread. Posted by: Agent J at July 23, 2015 10:05 AM (ueOgE) 560
Posted by: Cato the Rebel Without a Party at July 23, 2015 09:43 AM (HalrA) I've met latinos who are American born who are still loyal to Mexico over the USA. I used to work for one. He was a "the Southwest was stolen from my people, and we are going to take it all back!", type. Posted by: AZ Hi Desert (All my hate cannot be found) at July 23, 2015 10:05 AM (O9qtX) 561
Point re: sidebar article on Queen Elizabeth:
Edward (briefly the king and like most of the left, a fan of fascism pre-Holocaust) was her uncle. Albert (the one that stuttered and later became king) was her father. That is all. Posted by: Darren at July 23, 2015 10:07 AM (cKoDv) 562
Posted by: Vic - Republicans help Obama commit treason at July 23, 2015 09:47 AM (GpgJl)
#1 Your numbers are bullshit. Israel has built over 300 miles of barrier, not 19 miles. #2 Israel's requirements are for a military barrier. It is designed to prevent incursions of small units with vehicles as well as single terrorists. #3 Israel's technology requirements for the barrier are much more sophisticated than what we would require. Posted by: CharlieBrown'sDildo at July 23, 2015 10:10 AM (Zu3d9) 563
Ace of Spades - come for the asshattery, stick around for the uplifting cheer.
Posted by: sans_sheriff at July 23, 2015 10:11 AM (5reLy) 564
A question to folks who were getting redirected to App Store from the HQ for no apparent reason...what were you viewing the site on?
Posted by: Brother Cavil at July 23, 2015 10:12 AM (V1M8q) 565
"what were you viewing the site on?"
Zero incidents on MacBook with Safari. Pretty often on iPhone 6 with Safari Posted by: Village Idiot's Apprentice at July 23, 2015 10:15 AM (VPLuQ) 566
Unless of course, they destroy each other and their wreckage is site of a SKULL OF THRONES.
Posted by: southcentralpa at July 23, 2015 10:15 AM (7YZbv) 567
Andy, Ace, etc.,etc.,etc.,
I can make you all feel better about the Donald and his surge in the polls.... Trump! There, now don't you feel better? Posted by: Dogbert at July 23, 2015 10:41 AM (syjkF) 568
ANDY and ACE were extras in the Al Pacino movie CRUISING. Most people don't know that. Geezus this place is turning into a Tampon commercial... Posted by: NYDOLLS at July 23, 2015 11:37 AM (aHX05) 569
Well if we're screwed either way no reason to fight.... so goes the country =(
Posted by: mkn at July 23, 2015 12:23 PM (SXu8/) 570
...which is nice.
Posted by: Don at July 23, 2015 12:34 PM (x/usf) 571
"RIP to Lou Lenart.
G-dspeed and may your name be for a blessing." I'll second that - and third it and fourth it. RIP. Posted by: Kathy Kinsley at July 23, 2015 07:56 PM (P1Mfe) Processing 0.1, elapsed 0.1444 seconds. |
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