aceofspadeshq at gee CBD: cbd at Buck: buck.throckmorton at joe mannix: mannix2024 at MisHum: petmorons at gee J.J. Sefton: sefton at | Fundamental Concepts - Normal [Weirddave]This past week I finally got a chance to see the Disney movie Frozen. I liked it. It was cute. The plot was standard Disney fare. The music was catchy. Too catchy, to be honest, I've had the title song as an ear worm since Wednesday, I just can't seem to..........let it go. Yeeeeeyahhhhh! Kidding aside, I said the plot was standard Disney fare, and it was. Anna, who has been cloistered her whole life, finally gets a chance to mingle with people at her sister's coronation. She immediately falls madly in love with Prince Hans, and then spends the rest of the movie actually falling in love with Kristoff the ice man. Just for fun, do a little Googling and you'll find that disparaging this plot as evil is a cottage industry. The usual offenderati and victim class are out in force, decrying “What does this teach little girls?” and how awful it is that Frozen “Reinforces archaic stereotypes” and how it's a tragedy that Anna must “depend on a man” (which she actually didn't, Kristoff's role in this movie is pretty much “taxi” ) and all kind of other garbage. Disney makes a movie where the two central characters are strong, independent women and the males are all relegated to supporting roles, and this is just another example of how the patriarchy works to keep women oppressed. Right. It's not just Disney. Everything in popular media and culture that even mentions traditional behavior is constantly under attack by these clowns and losers. The Political Hat's Twitter feed (@Thepoliticalhat) is a wonderful place to see this insanity on display. Not because Hat is a SJW or anything (The Social Justice Hat?) but because he makes it his mission to expose this stuff to daylight by retweeting or linking the madness. I remember one that he retweeted, and I'm paraphrasing here because I don't have the exact tweet handy, “We wouldn't have had to come up with the term cis-normative if y'all hadn't have insisted on calling yourselves normal. You're welcome”, or words to that effect. Well, guess what, Sunny Jim? I am normal. And you are not. “Normal” is a word that has a specific definition. normal [nawr-muh l] :The reason that Frozen resonates with little girls is because 90% of them want to grow up and find a boy to love who will love them. They want to settle down and raise a family and have a normal life. 90% of little boys out there identify with Simba; they just can't wait to be king and anticipate having to fight and defeat Scar to do it. That's just the reality of life, and we have to stop being afraid to say so. For a moment, let's think of society as a wooden house, and people as the 2 X 4s that that house is built of. The truck from Home Depot drops off a bunk of 2 X 4s, and you set to work sorting them. Most of the boards are straight and true, these you put in one pile. Some of them, however, are not going to be straight or true. They'll be twisted, or curved or short: abnormal in some fashion. These you put in a second, smaller pile. Here's the $64000 question: From which pile are you going to select a board to be used as a template for your house design, the larger pile or the smaller one? If you chose the smaller pile, I don't really want to go into your house when you're done building. It'll likely fall on me. None of this means that the boards in the second pile are not useful. Some can be trimmed to fit in certain spaces, some will fit perfectly in spots that don't need a straight and true standard 2 X 4. It just means that you don't design the house around the boards that aren't normal. Now, let's take this concept back to human society. If someone is gay, they are not normal. If someone is transgendered, they are not normal. If someone is poly-amorous, they are not normal. If someone believes that they are dragon kin, they are not normal. And so on. You know what? ****drum roll**** So what? Who really cares? There has never been another society in the history of the world that is as accommodating of people who are abnormal as 21st Century Western Civilization. You're gay? Fabulous. Transgender? Sounds like fodder for a movie of the week. Poly-amorous? Just don't do it in the street and frighten the livestock. And so on. Our society is perfectly happy to allow just about any predilection, kink or fetish to be practiced by any individual as long as it isn't harming other people. The problem is that that wasn't good enough. There is a small but incredibility noisy faction of abnormal people for whom acceptance and toleration wasn't enough. For these people that fact that they were abnormal, for whatever reason, became not a quirk but a malignant hate. They know that they are not normal, but instead of accepting that they were different and moving on, they feel compelled to attack what is normal and try to destroy it. And this is where the problem starts. Because they are a twisted board, they think the entire house should be designed to be built of twisted boards. If every board were twisted, this would be a great idea, but since 90% of the boards are straight, the resulting house will not be structurally sound. It will collapse. We have to reign this in or we're finished. To do that we need to do several things: #1 Realize what a tiny minority of people are making all of the noise. Our society is so interconnected and mass marketed today that a tiny, tiny number of people can assume a presence all outsized to their true proportions. Hundreds of ethics complaints were filed to ruin Sarah Palin, almost all of them came from just one person. If all you judge by is popular mass media, you'd think that these SJW types are a majority. In fact they are not, they are a very, very, very, very vocal minority attempting to drown out the voices of the majority by sheer will. This is perhaps the greatest lesson of Gamergate and the recent Reddit scandal. #2 Reject the “I'm offended” gambit. This is one of their strongest weapons. Since we live in a pluralistic society, we are trained from birth to be sensitive to the feelings and opinions of others. This is necessary for a pluralistic society to function. Abnormal people have seized upon this reluctance to willingly offend and weaponized it. “That's offensive to me!” reflexively puts a lot of people on the defensive. Oh! I certainly didn't mean to offend, better apologize. Do that, and you've lost. This is extremely effective with the older generation, raised in a politer time. We have to reject the idea that because someone claims to be offended that that validates their position. I get offended all the time, but because I'm a white male I'm expected to swallow it. My being offended is offensive to these prigs who will then attempt to beat me into submission with it. Don't let them. If someone claims that your normal behavior or beliefs offends them, the correct response is "Too bad". #3 Finally we need to reassert the benefits of what's normal. Generally speaking, things are normal because they work to the benefit of the maximum amount of people. We should seek to make accommodations to those who are abnormal, but not at the expense of what's working for the vast majority of the rest of us. That's my beef with gay marriage. Gay people said “It's not right that straights can get married and acquire a bunch of advantages that we don't have because we're gay”. Thoughtful people looked at the situation, agreed, and sought ways to accommodate the needs of gay people through civil unions and the like. Activists said “Forget it, we demand you change what works for most of the population to suit us”, and when people weren't generally willing to do that, they went to the courts to force their POV. Now “marriage” doesn't mean “marriage”, and if trends continue with every other group demanding that “marriage” be changed to accommodate their tiny fetish, where does that leave us? Today, you meet someone who says “I'm married”, you know what that means. In the future if “I'm married” that you have to enquirer if that means to a woman or to a clown, a transvestite and a troop of gibbons, does the word have any meaning anymore? And if the word loses meaning, is the majority of society, the normal people, better off, or worse off? I think the later. Finally, a note. It is important that you understand that I am not using the term “abnormal” as a pejorative. I'm using it in a statistical manner. There is no value judgment attached. If 80% of people get married, and 20% do not (I have no idea the actual percentages), than marriage is normal and being single is abnormal. That isn't to say that being single is bad, it just isn't the norm. And that's ok. I personally like liver quite a bit. Brussel sprouts too. Liver and brussel sprouts would be a fantastic meal, a real treat. I'm pretty abnormal in thinking that. Comments(Jump to bottom of comments)1
Testing: am I still banned?
Posted by: small town girl at July 18, 2015 11:04 AM (SCvwT) 2
Small - no.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:05 AM (9mTYi) Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:05 AM (oKE6c) 4
Used to be in America you could glue hair on your ass and call yourself a dog.
Now in America, everyone else is MANDATED to pretend that you are a dog and worship your incredible dogginess. Posted by: some random meathead at July 18, 2015 11:06 AM (p7ckx) 5
Fantastic metaphor. I'm stealing it.
Posted by: kari at July 18, 2015 11:06 AM (IW94k) 6
Whoo hoo!!!!!!
Posted by: small town girl at July 18, 2015 11:06 AM (SCvwT) 7
H8r!!!!11!!!! ( and this is the depth of liberal thinking)
Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 18, 2015 11:07 AM (DiZBp) 8
I've been in the wilderness for days. It's been awful being on the outside looking in!
Posted by: small town girl at July 18, 2015 11:08 AM (SCvwT) Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:08 AM (oKE6c) Posted by: SJW at July 18, 2015 11:09 AM (9mTYi) 11
Thanks for putting that damn song in my head. I can't seem to let it go.
Posted by: Timon at July 18, 2015 11:10 AM (ZDJwC) 12
Thanks for putting that damn song in my head. I can't seem to let it go.
Posted by: Timon at July 18, 2015 11:10 AM (ZDJwC) Hakuna Matata man. Posted by: Weirddave at July 18, 2015 11:12 AM (WvS3w) 13
Hard to believe there's so much hate out there concerning "Frozen". I have girls and I thought the message that some guys (Hans) are not all they pretend to be, and stick with the solid guy! (Christolphe) was great. Also .living in Wyoming we relate to Elsa. She comes to visit every winter.
Posted by: small town girl at July 18, 2015 11:13 AM (SCvwT) 14
Now in America, everyone else is MANDATED to pretend that you are a dog and worship your incredible dogginess.
Posted by: some random meathead ---------------------------- I again quote Theodore Dalrymple “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” The emphasis is mine. That fact should be pointed out to those who mumble PC junk. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:15 AM (9mTYi) 15
There are again numbers in the text. Is this becoming a math blog?
Posted by: Weasel at July 18, 2015 11:16 AM (e3bId) 16
It's almost as if somebody figured out you could band together all the abby normals and win political power or something.
Almost. Posted by: BurtTC at July 18, 2015 11:16 AM (Dj0WE) 17
If someone claims that your normal behavior or beliefs offends them, the correct response is "Too bad".
________________________ May I say "suck it up, buttercup!" instead, because I just like saying that so much more. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 18, 2015 11:16 AM (kGrdk) 18
Jay Guevara: Firewood?
So, you're saying, throw another faggot on the fire? [self-denunciation function employed] Posted by: mindful webworker - it was the amygdala talking at July 18, 2015 11:17 AM (0DVOr) 19
Oh, and I have happily never seen the Frozen movie. It is owned in my household, but the worst I have ever gotten of it is those insipid songs.
It just sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me, and when my kids have it on, I go elsewhere in the house. Problem solved. Posted by: BurtTC at July 18, 2015 11:17 AM (Dj0WE) 20
i haven't seen frozen yet..i reluctantly saw Malificent .... LOVED IT....
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 18, 2015 11:17 AM (0O7c5) 21
Except. Today if you get a bundle from HD, most of the 2x4s are going to be warped and twisted as shit. And your nephew who is staying with you to help you on your farm is not going to know anything about measuring, cutting or nailing. He's not going to know anything. And you are going to say to yourself, "what the hell happened to my family?" When you were little they taught you to do useful stuff and those same family somehow just 180ed and let the next generation do nothing. Nothing at all.
I don't think that rant actually lined up with the fundamental concepts but I needed to get it out. Posted by: traye at July 18, 2015 11:17 AM (QWCCv) 22
i'm glad you brought this up because i just came up with a solution this morning.
lysistrata. men will not have sex with women unless: 1) they submit to a blood test to confirm they are biologically female. 2) detailed and onerous contracts. the WOMEN will stop all this nonsense post haste. and maybe it's only women who can stop the madness. Posted by: steinmetz at July 18, 2015 11:18 AM (CrYC8) 23
Realize what a tiny minority of people are making all of the noise"
It's always been that way. Only difference is that today, the noisemakers impact public policy, which is it's own devil that now intrudes on every level of life... Posted by: anon a mouse at July 18, 2015 11:19 AM (C9pBZ) 24
Today if you get a bundle from HD, most of the 2x4s are going to be warped and twisted as shit"
^this. Times 10,000 Posted by: anon a mouse at July 18, 2015 11:20 AM (C9pBZ) 25
People need to realize that social media only has the power you give it. Everyone lives in fear of some rampaging online loser mob descending on their facebook or Twitter, but all you do is unplug for three days and then carry on. Haters gonna hate; losers gonna lose.
Posted by: Zoomie at July 18, 2015 11:20 AM (3l9k4) 26
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:15 AM (9mTYi) That is an outstanding quote. Posted by: rickl at July 18, 2015 11:21 AM (sdi6R) 27
"I'm sorry you're offended"
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 11:22 AM (XAFOu) 28
I don't believe it is wrong of me to not enable someone's delusions. I
am polite, but I don't think it's necessary to be more than that. I cannot buy into the woman trapped in a man's body thing unless there is some underlying genetic cause. Otherwise, it is gender dysphoria, a mental illness. Apparently, doctors have decided it is easier to change the body than it is to repair the mind, but I don't believe they are doing the people they mutilate any real favors in doing so and they aren't doing society any favor by trying to normalize aberrant behavior. Posted by: huerfano at July 18, 2015 11:22 AM (bynk/) 29
Normal vs abnormal? If you find yourself, in any given population, to be several standard deviations from the statistical mean, you are, by definition, abnormal. We used to just know this shit intuitively. In so many ways I believe this country is ripe for the picking.
Posted by: zek at July 18, 2015 11:23 AM (LGXGf) 30
a lot of women are like muslims. they may not advocate terror and sharia but, hey, maybe they'll gain some advantage. similarly, most women may find all that radicalism crap but, hey, let it roll, there might be a gain down the line.
Posted by: steinmetz at July 18, 2015 11:23 AM (CrYC8) 31
I submit we must get over our reluctance to hurt people...
Somehow in the last couple of Leave it to Beaver Generations, we were trained NOT to say anything because we might hurt someone's feelings. This became so ingrained that the weak now use it to bully the strong. They are rude and mean... yet we try to remain civil.... which cedes to them the public space. Posted by: BB Wolf at July 18, 2015 11:24 AM (qh617) Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 18, 2015 11:25 AM (W5DcG) Posted by: Howard Dean at July 18, 2015 11:25 AM (6qR/9) 34
Wow, nice take , but I would rather be in a gunfight with Mussie crazies than have the left make me a Target...
They have so many weapons beside Social Media.. IRS, EPA, HOA, SBI, DHS, f*****g A on and on A Guerrilla Division from our own bloated skin sack full of S%T bureaucracy.. Posted by: Norway Nonstop at July 18, 2015 11:26 AM (/WmRg) 35
Ummm, it's spelled YEEEEEARGHHH!!! Posted by: Howard Dean at July 18, 2015 11:25 AM (6qR/9) I've used that as my incoming e-mail notification sound since 2004. Never. Gets. Old. Posted by: rickl at July 18, 2015 11:27 AM (sdi6R) 36
That is an outstanding quote.
Posted by: rickl ------------------- Print a copy, cut it down, fold, keep in wallet. I do. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:27 AM (9mTYi) 37
"Oh! I certainly didn't mean to offend, better apologize. Do that, and you've lost."
I've been saying this until I'm blue in the face. Latest example: Poor Peter Berg. He wanted to be courageous, like the men he makes movies about. But he just couldn't pull it off. Posted by: rrpjr at July 18, 2015 11:27 AM (s/yC1) 38
This is probably off-topic, but to quote:
repeatedly sermonizing to fix people as a way of 'uplifting' them becomes little more than nagging, and any insight it may add gets crowded out. In the same way, repeatedly invoking 'check your privilege' tends to destroy its usefulness leaving increased irritation and disharmony. Posted by: Kindltot at July 18, 2015 11:28 AM (3pRHP) 39
When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity."
______________________ This is why I refuse to refer to Bruce Jenner as "Caitlyn" or as "she." Bruce Jenner is a man, and always will be a man (assuming there are no huge leaps forward in medical science in the next 20 years or so), and so I will refer to him as such. It is also why I refuse to stop referring to illegal aliens as illegal aliens. They are not "immigrants" -- because immigrants are foreigners who come here through a legal process of immigration. (Which is also, BTW, why saying "illegal immigrant" makes no sense, as it is a contradiction in terms). I will not drop the "illegal" part because it offends someone's feelings for me to call their behavior what it is. And BTW "No human being is illegal!" is a stupid, illogical, non-sequitur. No one is claiming the person is illegal; we're saying their behavior (of entering and/or remaining in the U.S. without legal authorization) is illegal, because it is. I will not be complicit in the fascists' attempts to dictate the terms of reality. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 18, 2015 11:28 AM (kGrdk) 40
30 a lot of women are like muslims. they may not advocate terror and sharia but, hey, maybe they'll gain some advantage. similarly, most women may find all that radicalism crap but, hey, let it roll, there might be a gain down the line.
Posted by: steinmetz at July 18, 2015 11:23 AM (CrYC This. Posted by: Gem at July 18, 2015 11:29 AM (c+gwp) 41
I am meh on Frozen for different reasons. Disney decided to reinvent Hans Christian Anderson's The Snow Queen and generated this story.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 11:29 AM (ScdsY) 42
Weirddave: ...If someone claims that your normal behavior or beliefs offends them, the correct response is "Too bad". ...
TrivialPursuer: May I say "suck it up, buttercup!" instead, because I just like saying that so much more. I was thinking I'd save this for the Book Thread tomorrow, but it seems relevant here. Replace "micro-trauma" with "micro-aggressions." [quote] When you exercise fairly hard, you stress your muscles. You drain them of energy stores, and you actually injure them slightly. The stress of exercise is good, because it tears you down to build you back up a little stronger. You wear out little bits that need to be replaced after each use, requiring lots of fine tuning and minor repairs. This type of injury is called adaptive micro-trauma, and its critical to your growth and health. ... [endquote] (Pointed out to me by Milady, from Younger Next Year for Women by Chris Crowly and Henry S Lodge, MD) I presume the parallel requires no explication. "Microaggressions" should make you stronger. Healthy thinking is to develop resilience. The regressives argue for perpetual butthurtedness instead. Posted by: mindful webworker - but what do I know? at July 18, 2015 11:29 AM (0DVOr) Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 11:30 AM (ScdsY) 44
Tschuss mein komerads, got to chip away the icicles in the Barrel.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 11:30 AM (ScdsY) 45
I will not be complicit in the fascists' attempts to dictate the terms of reality. Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 18, 2015 11:28 AM (kGrdk) Same reason I refuse to use the red state/blue state terminology. Posted by: rickl at July 18, 2015 11:30 AM (sdi6R) 46
Wah! All my comment's carefully-crafted italics, overrun by the italicans landslide. I din't dooit.
Posted by: mindful webworker - but what do I know? at July 18, 2015 11:31 AM (0DVOr) 47
Well, it appears that deviation is now standard.
Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at July 18, 2015 11:32 AM (NeFrd) 48
>>>Liver and brussel sprouts would be a fantastic meal
FETAL LIVER AND CAITLYN JENNER'S SPROUTS. Mmm... Posted by: Deborah Nucatollah Khamenei at July 18, 2015 11:33 AM (6qR/9) 49
They are rude and mean... yet we try to remain civil.... which cedes to them the public space.
Posted by: BB Wolf ----------------- That is probably the heart of our problems. Conservatives, by nature, are live and let live, polite, non-vociferous people. It's pretty easy to take advantage of us. That is one reason that Trump has, for better or worse, gained some traction. Whatever his motives, he simply says what he thinks, or at least it seems that way. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:33 AM (9mTYi) 50
Another insightful and thoughtful post, thanks.
1) understanding that small numbers are making the most noise and that we are in a cultural war for our country, should make us more willing to make noise ourselves. I would prefer to ignore the stupidity around me, but increasingly feel that I should speak up more often. I feel totally inadequate for the challenge, and do appreciate the words of these Fundamental Concepts posts. Posted by: MountainTurtle at July 18, 2015 11:33 AM (hipNa) 51
25 People need to realize that social media only has the power you give it. Everyone lives in fear of some rampaging online loser mob descending on their facebook or Twitter, but all you do is unplug
Posted by: Zoomie at July 18, 2015 11:20 AM (3l9k4) FIFY. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:33 AM (oKE6c) 52
Is that what is meant my standard deviation?
Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 18, 2015 11:34 AM (W5DcG) Posted by: Kanye West-Jenner at July 18, 2015 11:35 AM (6qR/9) Posted by: Bumper sticker at July 18, 2015 11:35 AM (9mTYi) 55
I'm a 49 year old single guy gamer and author. I'm not normal; most guys my age have a sweetheart or wife and kids. Most guys don't write novels and gaming materials. Most guys don't have role playing games as a hobby. I don't own a cellphone, most people have one. I don't drink alcohol, most people do.
I'm abnormal. That's how life is; if you're not like 51% of the population or more... you're not normal. Deal with it. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:35 AM (39g3+) 56
27 "I'm sorry you're offended"
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 11:22 AM (XAFOu) I think we need to go further: "Good. I'm glad you're offended. Because I'm offended by what you say and do." And still further: go out of our way to give offense to the Perpetually Offended. Beat them down with gratuitously offensive commentary. If you think about it, that's what they're doing to us. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:36 AM (oKE6c) 57
This needs printed up and air dropped on every city in the country. Shear Brilliance.
Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 18, 2015 11:37 AM (QEIT+) 58
That is one reason that Trump has, for better or worse, gained some traction.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:33 AM (9mTYi) Now he's talking about Christian refugees and why we're taking in so many Muslims but neglecting the persecuted Christians in the middle east. Why hasn't another Republican mentioned this? Another play for the silent majority? Trump interests me not just for his guts but his active mind, his imagination. Posted by: rrpjr at July 18, 2015 11:38 AM (s/yC1) 59
I feel totally inadequate for the challenge, and do ...
Posted by: MountainTurtle ------------------- Most people are in the same boat. That's why society is rapidly decaying. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:38 AM (9mTYi) 60
The problem is the "abnormal" people in this case are mentally ill.
We could help many of them, but the most insane among them are now driving the culture, and in fact drawing more and more of the "normals" into insanity. The more benefits, either explicit or not that we give the LGBFIDKF* cohort, the more we will get, and the worse society will function. *Lesbian, gay, female impersonators, dragon kin and furry Posted by: 18-1 at July 18, 2015 11:38 AM (5LOno) 61
*Today if you get a bundle from HD, most of the 2x4s are going to be
warped and twisted as shit. * And like a good citizen, while digging for the precious few decent ones , you move all the warped, twisted ones aside hoping that HD employee will place them in a bin for the warped and twisted ones. Return to store the next day and the warped and twisteds are again mixed into the pile. Posted by: some random meathead at July 18, 2015 11:38 AM (p7ckx) 62
I haven't seen Titanic yet. Is it any good?
Posted by: Diogenes at July 18, 2015 11:39 AM (Z9g7j) Posted by: Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars(TM) at July 18, 2015 11:40 AM (VLTL9) 64
I tried watching Frozen. I got about 20 minutes in and not only did the plot not make sense, it was boring. Maybe if I were a little girl but I doubt it. How on earth did they keep little kids' attention long enough to get into the actual story?
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:40 AM (39g3+) 65
30 a lot of women are like muslims. they may not advocate terror and
sharia but, hey, maybe they'll gain some advantage. similarly, most women may find all that radicalism crap but, hey, let it roll, there might be a gain down the line. Posted by: steinmetz at July 18, 2015 11:23 AM (CrYC Sadly, I think that that's true. Evidence was that feminists back in the day howled (hard to believe, I know) that women were paid less per month by an annuity than men, because they live longer (same sum, over longer period). It was unfair! But men paying more for auto insurance was totally fair; they have more accidents, silly. So ... gender was a valid segmentation variable for actuaries when it suited women, but not if it didn't. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:41 AM (oKE6c) 66
I haven't seen Titanic yet. Is it any good?
Posted by: Diogenes ------------------- Epic scene when DiCaprio is reclaimed by Mother Nature. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:41 AM (9mTYi) Posted by: zombie Roger Ebert at July 18, 2015 11:41 AM (njKyW) Posted by: Reggie Love Hewitt at July 18, 2015 11:42 AM (6qR/9) 69
Epic scene when DiCaprio is reclaimed by Mother Nature.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. And, of course, Brian Dennehy as the iceberg. Posted by: pep at July 18, 2015 11:42 AM (LAe3v) 70
And still further: go out of our way to give offense to the Perpetually Offended. Beat them down with gratuitously offensive commentary. If you think about it, that's what they're doing to us.
Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:36 AM (oKE6c) Indeed. We need to go out of our way not to cater to the freaks' delusions. Be rude, be blunt, be truthful. "I'll call Bruce Jenner a woman when he gets a uterus, gets knocked up, and drops a calf. Not before." Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 11:42 AM (fNpC1) 71
I haven't seen Titanic yet. Is it any good?
If you suspend any disbelief, ignore history, and just watch for the spectacle, probably. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (39g3+) 72
rickl: Same reason I refuse to use the red state/blue state terminology.
Couldn't resist the hook for this Oct/2013 webwork: Blue - choose Okay, maybe I shoulda said "Didn't" instead of "Couldn't." Posted by: mindful webworker - true blue at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (0DVOr) 73
Oh, and perhaps more to the point, the left as a whole doesn't give a crap about any of this.
They've given the reins of society to the sexually insane because it weakens society and makes it more easy to "fundamentally transform". Baring some change in the arc of our society, it will NOT end up like a rave in the Castro district, but some combination of 1984 and Brave New World... Posted by: 18-1 at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (5LOno) 74
That is one reason that Trump has, for better or worse, gained some traction. Whatever his motives, he simply says what he thinks, or at least it seems that way. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:33 AM (9mTYi) "Chilling the most" linked a Conservative Treehouse post in the morning thread. I read it, and followed a link to another one. It spells out rather depressingly how the GOPe intends to game the primaries: Posted by: rickl at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (sdi6R) 75
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. -------- Rephrased.. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (9mTYi) 76
As defined by everything from the Bible to pretty every non-Christian culture as well for about 6000 years or more:
Heterosexual sex - normal Homosexual sex - abnormal (if not always stigmatized) Male leadership - normal Staying the same gender you were born - normal Preserving your culture and borders - smart Flooding your country with huge numbers of unassimilable aliens - stupid Affirming the right to self-defence - what free people do Disarming the populace - what tyrants do Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (TRDE0) 77
The problem is the "abnormal" people in this case are mentally ill.
And we have the Supreme Court's 1975 decision (O'Connor v. Donaldson) to thank for the fact that lunatics are running around loose instead of being in institutions, where they belong. Hence, most notably, the mass shooting incidents. But the Supremes are nice and safe, fortunately. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (oKE6c) 78
Speaking of abnormal , I've got a gunboner for that new Ruger rifle in the sidebar.
I ask that you all help mainstream my weird fetish(rare medical condition) by showing understanding, compassion, and small unmarked bills to buy this rifle . Awkward davies , tears running down his face , asks , will you help this rifle find a loving home ? Posted by: awkward davies at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (Jws+u) 79
Not only are they normalizing the abnormal, they are demonizing the normal, traditional. So it's not about inclusion, it's about inversion of social norms. You can no longer be an out and proud man (manly man), Christian, mother, etc.
* * * Weirddave, if you really want to see a movie that satisfies the feminists, rent "Malificient." It's so anti-male it's unsettling. Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (NOIQH) 80
This needs printed up and air dropped on every city in the country. Shear Brilliance.
Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 18, 2015 11:37 AM (QEIT+) A hair salon? Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 11:43 AM (fNpC1) 81
I presume the parallel requires no explication. "Microaggressions" should make you stronger. Healthy thinking is to develop resilience. The regressives argue for perpetual butthurtedness instead.
Posted by: mindful webworker - but what do I know? at July 18, 2015 11:29 AM (0DVOr) **** I think of it as building up your emotional immune system. If you are constantly shielded at an early age you don't build up the right psychologic immunity to deal with a world that ultimately doesn't care about you. Posted by: Muldoon, a solid two-by-four at July 18, 2015 11:44 AM (fU38A) 82
>>"I personally like liver quite a bit. Brussel sprouts too. Liver and brussel sprouts would be a fantastic meal, a real treat."
Now I know why they call him "Weird Dave". Posted by: I. Dindoo Nuffin at July 18, 2015 11:44 AM (5fSr7) 83
rickl: Same reason I refuse to use the red state/blue state terminology.
------- I use it, but the other way 'round: the "blue" states are in fact "Red," and I refer to them as such. I'm trying to do to "red/blue" what the Reds did to "liberal/conservative," viz., make the terms essentially meaningless. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:46 AM (oKE6c) 84
Christopher Taylor, people like you or me who march to different drummers but don't run around dressed in costume getting into people's faces are the old school almost Victorian abnormal, we keep the freak hidden from Mundanes.
The current generation, aka the otherkin, want to be coddled and praised for their behavior. Now that is true abnormality. And hey managed to write/rewrite my way through 1.5 short stories and added about 600 words this morning. Now getting ready to go attend a little conference on how to market one's book. Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 11:46 AM (ScdsY) Posted by: JohnnyBoy at July 18, 2015 11:46 AM (KG0mU) 86
I embrace my abnormality.
I take pride in the fact that I could steal a tank, operate it, and fix it. Do I expect other women to do so? No. Then again, I don't expect most men to be able to do so either. Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 11:46 AM (kmtse) 87
a lot of women are like muslims. they may not advocate terror and
sharia but, hey, maybe they'll gain some advantage. similarly, *** The left offers (mostly single) women free shit. And for women that only focus on immediate gain, that is a pretty good offer. How do you make the case in a very fallen American society that stealing from others is morally wrong? Posted by: 18-1 at July 18, 2015 11:46 AM (5LOno) 88
...And using psychotropic medications in young children is analogous to the overuse of antibiotics, blunts the emotional immune system responses.
Posted by: Muldoon, a solid two-by-four at July 18, 2015 11:47 AM (fU38A) 89
I'm abnormal. That's how life is; if you're not like 51% of the population or more... you're not normal. Deal with it.
CT , the difference is that you don't force others through lawfare to accept your choices as normal, and things that are unreal as being real, in order to assuage desperate near-psychotic levels of insecurity. Posted by: some random meathead at July 18, 2015 11:47 AM (p7ckx) 90
These agony-mongers are desperately unhappy people. We win every time we experience the thousand little pleasures of just being alive.
And remember: "Frozen" has made a bundle of money and entertained millions of people. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Freak Flag Flyin' at July 18, 2015 11:48 AM (jR7Wy) 91
The left offers (mostly single) women free shit. And for women that only focus on immediate gain, that is a pretty good offer.
So they're taken care of by Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 11:48 AM (oKE6c) 92
62 I haven't seen Titanic yet. Is it any good?
Posted by: Diogenes at July 18, 2015 11:39 AM (Z9g7j) I loved it, but then again I thought the ship was the real star of the movie. Kate Winslet was rather easy on the eyes, too. As for the storyline, I would have preferred a straight-up remake of "A Night to Remember" with a big budget and state-of-the-art special effects, but you can't have everything. Posted by: rickl at July 18, 2015 11:48 AM (sdi6R) 93
Now getting ready to go attend a little conference on how to market one's book.
If you learn anything useful, please share in book thread tomorrow. I take pride in the fact that I could steal a tank, operate it, and fix it. I'm not sure I'd even know how to sit in a tank. At 6'3, 200 lbs most military gear isn't really built for me. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:48 AM (39g3+) 94
It spells out rather depressingly how the GOPe intends to game the primaries:
*** Ace has talked before about trying to organize to oust DIABLOs, I think part of that has to be a list of Republican candidates that we collectively will not vote for. Go ahead GOPe, but da JEB on the ballot. I didn't vote for Romney and I'm not going to vote for him. Posted by: 18-1 at July 18, 2015 11:49 AM (5LOno) 95
"How do you make the case in a very fallen American society that stealing from others is morally wrong?"
That's the problem for all these libertarian types who didn't want to be bound by moral strictures and who wanted to be free to do their own thing - once that moral framework is gone, you *can't* make an argument that *anything* is morally wrong, no matter how obvious it ought to be. At that point, you can only make the argument of the swordpoint or the 175-grain chunk of lead. Posted by: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus at July 18, 2015 11:49 AM (TRDE0) 96
I think the analogy to a physical workout is helpful. I would much rather workout than have a social interaction. Thinking of a social interaction as an exercise in which I will be using muscles I don't normally use makes me realize 1) start small and 2) take time to recover.
Posted by: MountainTurtle at July 18, 2015 11:50 AM (hipNa) 97
As for the storyline, I would have preferred a straight-up remake of "A Night to Remember" with a big budget and state-of-the-art special effects, but you can't have everything.
--------------- It was a better film, I think. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:50 AM (9mTYi) Posted by: the gang at Cheers at July 18, 2015 11:50 AM (t2xH3) 99
I agree with all the above, although if you are an executive at a major corporation, a professional, anyone who works for the government, an entertainer, a sports figure or an artist, expressing any of the above will have you branded by social media and eventually MSM as a homophobic-Nazi-worst-person-ever.
Posted by: USA on waterskis at July 18, 2015 11:51 AM (Pxz7k) 100
I think grrlll power in movies is getting really old. Isn't love important too?
Posted by: pj at July 18, 2015 11:51 AM (cHuNI) 101
So they're taken care of by a husband or father Big Brother. Huge improvement.
___ So like daddy was like, honey you can't fuck guys in my house. And like, you have to get a job in stuff. Well, fuck YOU daddy, Bam is giving me an apartment and free birth control and I'll fuck all the bikers I want. And jobs are like for suckers! All I have to do is get knocked up once and I'm like set! NANANANANANA! I'm a grown woman daddy! You can't tell me what to do! Posted by: Your Average Female LIV at July 18, 2015 11:52 AM (5LOno) 102
a lot of women are like muslims. they may not advocate terror and sharia but, hey, maybe they'll gain some advantage.
Let's be fair. Nearly every group is like this. I'm opposed to abortion and want it stopped. I think killing abortion doctors and blowing up clinics is wrong and sinful but I'm not going to howl about it as much as shooting marines and blowing up recruitment centers. We tend to be more lenient toward "our group" or people who seem to be similar in mindset. That's human nature. Who here hasn't in a dark, angry moment in the middle of the night harbored dread thoughts of vengeance and violence against the more ghastly of political enemies? We don't really want to see that abortion ghoul have awful things happen to her but if she did, it wouldn't rank very high on our sympathy scale. Its why I don't get so upset at Muslims who aren't as vocal and angry at Islamic evil as I wish they were. I get it; they think its bad, but kind of sympathize as well at some level. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:53 AM (39g3+) 103
Actually Lizzy I found Malificent to be a better story than Frozen. Probably because Malificent was never really evil, just a metaphor for a woman badly and cruelly hurt. And she realizes how evil her curse is as the movie goes along and she tries to right her wrongdoing. Though the ending was almost as sappy and faux as what was tacked on to The Postman.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 11:53 AM (ScdsY) 104
Say, by the way,
Not because Hat is a SJW or anything (The Social Justice Hat?) but because he makes it his mission to expose this stuff to daylight by retweeting or linking the madness. I remember one that he retweeted... ...where did I get the impression that the Hat was female? From Hat, I thought; I remember being surprised to find that out, a while back. Did I find out wrong? Not that there's anything wrong with tHat.... And we're all gender-fluid inside the gray boxes. Posted by: mindful webworker - identifying as pixelated at July 18, 2015 11:53 AM (0DVOr) 105
If you get mostly straight and true from Home Depot, play the lotto. Now.
Posted by: typo dynamofo at July 18, 2015 11:53 AM (i7JE3) 106
I haven't seen Titanic yet. Is it any good?
Posted by: Diogenes I haven't seen it but one of my brothers said, With all that wood on board (referring to the acting) it's a wonder the damn thing could sink Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 18, 2015 11:53 AM (DiZBp) 107
Gimme a break AOP, I'm day-drinking...
Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 18, 2015 11:54 AM (QEIT+) 108
Heh, a reverse Lysestrata!
What's sad is this is is unofficially happening - men deciding it's more fun to hang out w/other guys, play video games and pursue other hobbies because modern young women are...difficult. Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 11:54 AM (NOIQH) Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:54 AM (39g3+) Posted by: All Hail Eris, Freak Flag Flyin' at July 18, 2015 11:54 AM (jR7Wy) 111
Gimme a break AOP, I'm day-drinking...
Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 18, 2015 11:54 AM (QEIT+) That's Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 11:55 AM (fNpC1) 112
I can buy the argument that "normal" and "just" and "desirable" are subjective. But if that's so, how are things resolved? How is the tolerable defined?
It seems to me that the founders built a system to handle this: Federalism and limited government at the top. Let communities be communities and decide freely what they want. Let's have a competition of governments. Posted by: Grump928(C) is no fun at all at July 18, 2015 11:56 AM (rwI+c) Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 11:56 AM (kmtse) Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 11:56 AM (kmtse) Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 11:56 AM (kmtse) 116
men deciding it's more fun to hang out w/other guys, play video games and pursue other hobbies because modern young women are...difficult.
I have about 20 close buddies, who I've known all my life. Of them 3 are married, two are shacked up and one divorced. That's it. Now we live in Oregon where the women are... particularly problematic, let's say... but its not exactly unusual these days. Women are just too much trouble, too screwed up, and not worth the hassle. I'm sorry, 'ettes, I don't mean to impugn the whole gender. There are good women out there. They're all married and the guys that managed to find a good one aren't giving them away. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:56 AM (39g3+) 117
Remember the hate mob just won't stop with your Twitter account Facebook etc, they will find out where you work and harass it until you are fired. Look at the older Woman who got in a fight at that pool party, who supposedly said go back to your section 8 housing, which is now racist for some reason. They thought she worked at Chase Bank and wanted her fired, kept calling the bank.
Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 18, 2015 11:57 AM (c4yY7) 118
Strange and disturbing footnote for the movie version of A Night to Remember. Some of the footage used in that movie was filmed during WWII when Goebbels tried to use the sinking of the Titanic as a propaganda film on why the British system was so bad.
Sick footnotes for the Nazi movie. First director was arrested by the Gestapo for voicing anti-Nazi sentiment and killed himself in prison. The cruise liner that was used as the Titanic's stand-in at the end of the war was loaded with thousands of concentration camp prisoners and was sunk during an Allied air raid. Anyone who tried to swim ashore was then shot by the Germans. Miraculously some still managed to live. Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 11:57 AM (ScdsY) 119
modern young women are...difficult.
*** It is amazing how most of them thrive on drama, and will intentionally create it if there isn't some external source...which based on their bad choices is common... Posted by: 18-1 at July 18, 2015 11:57 AM (5LOno) Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 11:57 AM (kmtse) 121
I think grrlll power in movies is getting really old. Isn't love important too?
------------ Love Wins! Posted by: Rainbow Flag at July 18, 2015 11:58 AM (9mTYi) 122
Now he's talking about Christian refugees and why we're taking in so many Muslims but neglecting the persecuted Christians in the middle east. Why hasn't another Republican mentioned this? Another play for the silent majority? Trump interests me not just for his guts but his active mind, his imagination.
Posted by: rrpjr at July 18, 2015 11:38 AM (s/yC1) Yeah, and lots of African Catholics are being slaughtered by the muzzies as well. It's a shame there isn't some sort of, I don't know, recognized head of the Church who could speak out about that sort of thing, rather than collecting communist artifacts. Posted by: BurtTC at July 18, 2015 11:58 AM (Dj0WE) 123
Christians, vets, servicemembers.
No one gives a shit about these groups. Might as well suck it up. Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 11:59 AM (kmtse) 124
I think killing abortion doctors and blowing up clinics is wrong and sinful but I'm not going to howl about it as much as shooting marines and blowing up recruitment centers. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 11:53 AM (39g3+) (cough) MSM (cough) *types* *deletes* Posted by: rickl at July 18, 2015 11:59 AM (sdi6R) 125
>>Actually Lizzy I found Malificent to be a better story than Frozen.
Maybe because I have a son I was more/overly sensitive to the message, but it seemed to indicate that you should never trust men (because the will betray you or just plain let you down), and hey, you don't really need your mom either - maybe the best person to raise you is some detached, damagesd stranger (those 3 fairies who tried to raise the stolen princess were just idiots, amiright? And the birth mom got, what?, two whole scenes?). Just my gut reaction. Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 11:59 AM (NOIQH) 126
Remember, Shapiro was attacked because he was rude, i.e., he disagreed with this bullshit. Plus, he referred to Tur as sir. I am so sick of the left and their toadies controlling the our speech.
10 years ago I got called eveything under the son including a bigot and racist b/c I said I agreed with the USSC ruling that the BSA are a private organization and cd associate with whom they want. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:00 PM (iQIUe) 127
Anna Puma - Oryoku Maru?
Posted by: Rainbow Flag at July 18, 2015 12:00 PM (9mTYi) 128
[Ponders] A troop of gibbons? That's actually kind of...well, nevermind.
Posted by: joncelli, in a cynical mood at July 18, 2015 12:00 PM (ENczY) 129
Oops. Off with flag sock
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 12:00 PM (9mTYi) 130
I can buy the argument that "normal" and "just" and "desirable" are subjective. But if that's so, how are things resolved? How is the tolerable defined?
Its obvious to any rational person that these concepts are not subjective (except desirable in many cases) but yeah. Let's pretend they are. How do you decide that? What basis do you use to come to that call? And how do we trust it for the next call - that is, is that basis for the decision reliable, consistent, and solid? Or does it just change based on the whim of a small group of people? Is it ever changing in the name of "progress?" Because you cannot build a civilization on jello. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:00 PM (39g3+) 131
Because being employed makes it EVERYONE'S business, because there is no more private property or privacy. I think that the relationship between the citizen and government was changed most fundamentally, not through Obamacare, but when we let the concept of "anti discrimination" in the legal door. Laudable value, yes. But when the government was given license to discern our motives, and treat decisions by private employers as a public good, we got on a slippery slope that has led to the collectivization of motive, preferences in association, employment, contractual relations i.e. just about everything. Posted by: USA on waterskis at July 18, 2015 12:00 PM (Pxz7k) 132
This type of discussion always reminds me of "The Haunting of the Lingards", a short story by Jincey Willett. Husband and wife college professors, rationalists extraordinaire. Suddenly the wife thinks she sees a ghost and goes full Ghost Adventurer. Not only that, in order to validate her, she insists the husband believe in ghosts, too. He cannot. It destroys their perfect marriage, and my favorite line goes something like this: "I love you, but I will not burn the library of Alexandria for you."
Posted by: Gem at July 18, 2015 12:01 PM (c+gwp) 133
I don't know, recognized head of the Church who could speak out about that sort of thing, rather than collecting communist artifacts.
A Christian Pope at this point wouldn't be just talking about the endless attacks on Christianity...he would be using the Church's riches to make sure Christians in countries where they are being attacked were well armed. Posted by: 18-1 at July 18, 2015 12:01 PM (5LOno) 134
"Norrrrrmmmmmmmmm!" - Good
Norman Bates- Bad Greg Norman- Was good, went bad Norman Vincent Peale- Good thoughts Norman Lear- Bad sitcoms Norman, OK-, I guess. Normandy invasions- Good result with high price Norma, Italy- Good (it's a long story) Abby Normal- Bad brain in a jar Norman Rockwell- Good Americana Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at July 18, 2015 12:01 PM (NeFrd) 135
Yikes! The kittehs and Puppehs of SoCal are shaking in thier little furry boots. We have thunder. Not real real loud thunder but enough of it to scare them. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:01 PM (iQIUe) 136
Today, my nephew is going to do something that certainly reinforces archaic stereotypes - he's going to get married. To a woman. In church.
And I get to read one of the most un-PC, oppressive, sexist, specie-ist parts of the Bible: Genesis 1: 26-28 Not only: God created man in his image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them" but: "Be fertile and multiply....Have dominion over the fish of the seas, the birds of the air and all the living things that move on the earth." Whew! That's enough to make a SJW curl into a fetal position and cry. Posted by: Donna &&&&&& V. (do not upgrade me, I will become Chinese or bad) at July 18, 2015 12:01 PM (+XMAD) 137
A troop of gibbons? That's actually kind of...well, nevermind.
Posted by: joncelli, in a cynical mood at July 18, 2015 12:00 PM (ENczY) If you gave a million gibbons a million typewriters, how long would it take before one of them wrote "Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire"? Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 12:02 PM (fNpC1) 138
Uh oh Big mother effin crack of thunder. Sorry little creatures. We havent experienced this in a decade.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:02 PM (iQIUe) 139
That is one reason that Trump has, for better or worse, gained some traction.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 11:33 AM (9mTYi) Now he's talking about Christian refugees and why we're taking in so many Muslims but neglecting the persecuted Christians in the middle east. Why hasn't another Republican mentioned this? Another play for the silent majority? Trump interests me not just for his guts but his active mind, his imagination. Posted by: rrpjr at July 18, 2015 11:38 AM (s/yC1) Grand Mufti Barry: High horse! Crusades! Jim Crow! Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 18, 2015 12:02 PM (DiZBp) 140
111 Gimme a break AOP, I'm day-drinking...
Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 18, 2015 11:54 AM (QEIT+) That's Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 11:55 AM (fNpC1) Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:02 PM (oKE6c) 141
10 years ago I got called eveything under the son including a bigot and racist b/c I said I agreed with the USSC ruling that the BSA are a private organization and cd associate with whom they want.
*** I knew there was something deeply wrong with society when the homosexual activist set started calling their opponents racists - and it was, and is, still common. But then again, see my earlier comment on insanity... Posted by: 18-1 at July 18, 2015 12:03 PM (5LOno) 142
138 Uh oh Big mother effin crack of thunder. Sorry little creatures. We havent experienced this in a decade.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:02 PM (iQIUe) Bruce, you in SoCal too? Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:03 PM (oKE6c) 143
***"Disney makes a movie where the two central characters are strong, independent women and the males are all relegated to supporting roles..."***
I might add that the males were portrayed as either psychopaths or losers. Pretty common trope these days, of which commercials are the worst offenders. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 18, 2015 12:03 PM (xSCb6) 144
I agree with all the above, although if you are an executive at a major corporation, a professional, anyone who works for the government, an entertainer, a sports figure or an artist, expressing any of the above will have you branded by social media and eventually MSM as a homophobic-Nazi-worst-person-ever.
Posted by: USA on waterskis at July 18, 2015 11:51 AM (Pxz7k) Ace tries to talk about this sometimes, but I'm not sure how clear the message really is. There are some of us who, because of our professions, are not allowed to publicly voice our opinions. We're just not. Speak up, and you forfeit your position. So what do you do? Good question. I spend most of my time trying to be as insidiously influential as I can FROM THE INSIDE, but it's a dangerous game to play. Posted by: BurtTC at July 18, 2015 12:03 PM (Dj0WE) 145
We could learn a lot from the gibbons and other primates : when they have a not normal , they make them leave the tribe . This does a wonderful job of removing troublemakers ' genes from the pool : F-up and you go dance with the cheetah . Humans once did the same thing . Time to return to " Burn the Witch "
Posted by: jay hoenemeyer at July 18, 2015 12:03 PM (uvj0z) 146
Now I'm scared.
I rather have a moderate rain that lasts for a day or two. Not this shoot your entire was shit. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (iQIUe) 147
Yikes! The kittehs and Puppehs of SoCal are shaking
in thier little furry boots. We have thunder. Not real real loud thunder but enough of it to scare them. Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:01 PM (iQIUe) Oops. Sorry. Just saw this. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (oKE6c) 148
The last wounded service member in the attack has died.
Oh, and I just saw a political cartoon that sums up the Iran nuke deal best. Basically its Uncle Sam saying "so we gave them 100 billion in ransom and didn't even get the hostages back?" I'm just amazed that the Obama Administration didn't even stop to think that maybe failing to free hostages and someone like Pastor Saeed would be really bad optics. Or at least, thought they were minimally bad. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (39g3+) 149
That's ok. Those of us with nothing left to lose are more than willing to speak up. Having no fucks whatsoever is kinda invigorating. Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (kmtse) 150
Disney bastards!...My head and balls have been frozen for so long now please get me the hell out of here!!!!!
By the way, I would avoid watching anything from my old company nowadays as it's all crap. And gay. But mostly crap. Posted by: Zombie Walt Disney at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (JG47A) 151
was = wad
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:05 PM (iQIUe) 152
I rather have a moderate rain that lasts for a day or two. Not this shoot your entire was shit.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (iQIUe) Rained over an inch here yesterday. Very blustery day, with a strong North wind, and cool, too, about 50 degrees. But it has dawned bright and sunny today. And we truly needed the rain here. Now my damn grass will prolly grow, and need to be mowed. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 12:07 PM (fNpC1) 153
Mike Hammer, nope. SS Cap Arcona. The Nazis loaded about 5,500 concentration camp survivors on the ship and the RAF sank her. More died aboard Cap Arcona than in the sinking of RMS Titanic.
Footnote - in German Cap stands Cape. For example in WWI there was the Hamburg-South American liner Cap Trafalgar. Named after the decisive British sea battle in an attempt to draw paying English passengers to South America. Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 12:07 PM (ScdsY) 154
Hmm. The weather site shows partly sunny no rain. LOL
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:07 PM (iQIUe) 155
Donna - A bright spot indeed, a reminder that there is hope.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 12:08 PM (9mTYi) 156
***""Remember, Shapiro was attacked because he was rude, i.e., he disagreed with this bullshit. Plus, he referred to Tur as sir."***
That sad little incident is a preview of things to come. Shapiro was group-shamed for not accepting the warped reality of someone else. That's the more disturbing offense. Here was a much larger man than Shapiro engaging in actual physical bullying on TV, and yet his response was that little old Shapiro was engaging in Violence By Pronoun. And a disturbing number of people buy into that shit. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 18, 2015 12:08 PM (xSCb6) 157
It seems to me that the founders built a system to handle this:
Federalism and limited government at the top. Let communities be communities and decide freely what they want. Let's have a competition of governments. I totally agree. I am not trying to re-fight the Civil War ( again!) but this is when the idea of the power of the states came under attack. There are many historians who believe that the institution of slavery was unsustainable. It was immoral and inhuman and practiced in every civilized nation in the world up to that time. Lincoln, a politician and lawyer, did two things: He decided that the slave states had to much power in Congress and that needed changing. He decided that slavery was immoral and must be ended. If you believe that Lincoln was in fact taking a moral stance on slavery, then how are we NOT fighting another Civil War over, for example, abortion? I do not understand those who swear by Lincoln's "moral authority" but do not see the inhuman practice of baby butchery (which has been practiced by every civilized nation) as being worthy of Civil War. Freedom just might mean that your state might legalize things that the majority of my state deigns to be immoral and illegal. Our system used to permit us to agree to disagree. I believe that ended with the War Between the States. Posted by: some random meathead at July 18, 2015 12:08 PM (p7ckx) 158
I agree with all the above, although if you are an executive at a major corporation, a professional, anyone who works for the government, an entertainer, a sports figure or an artist, expressing any of the above will have you branded by social media and eventually MSM as a homophobic-Nazi-worst-person-ever.
This is my concern about selling books. Look at what the lunatic left did to Orson Scott Card for being sane about homosexual "marriage." I barely sell any books as it is without a lynch mob attacking me. Although at this point I could do with the publicity. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:08 PM (39g3+) 159
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (39g3+)
I'd wager the vast majority of Americans don't know that Iran is holding hostages. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:09 PM (XAFOu) 160
But when the government was given license to discern our motives, and treat decisions by private employers as a public good, we got on a slippery slope that has led to the collectivization of motive, preferences in association, employment, contractual relations i.e. just about everything.
Posted by: USA on waterskis at July 18, 2015 -------------- Added to my 'Keeper' file. Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 18, 2015 12:09 PM (9mTYi) 161
154 Hmm. The weather site shows partly sunny no rain. LOL
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:07 PM (iQIUe) That makes up for the times it says "rain will start in X minutes," when there's not a cloud in the sky, and the site should have said, "rain will start in a few years. Maybe." Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:09 PM (oKE6c) 162
Agreed! Plus, look at Jurassic World for a more recent example. It's doing business like gangbusters even though it reinforces the patriarchy!!111!
Seriously loved the scene where Chris Pratt is introducing the raptors to the kids. "This is Blue. Blue's the beta." "Who's the alpha?" "You're looking at him, kid." And women all over the theater ovulated. Posted by: Dr Alice at July 18, 2015 12:09 PM (DMpNS) Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:09 PM (kmtse) 164
And add to that the shrinking zone of privacy. God forbid a member of the Cultural Revolution quotes a private conversation to an outlet that connects with the social medial. Think Donald Sterling. Posted by: USA on waterskis at July 18, 2015 12:09 PM (Pxz7k) 165
I'm just amazed that the Obama Administration didn't even stop to think that maybe failing to free hostages and someone like Pastor Saeed would be really bad optics. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (39g3+) Optics? That reminds me. I need new glasses, so I can watch the Kardashians. Posted by: LIV at July 18, 2015 12:10 PM (sdi6R) 166
I swing between full on "damn the torpedos I'll post what I want" on social media and "I better be careful not to drive away potential customers." It probably looks schizophrenic.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:11 PM (39g3+) 167
115 By the way, Eris:
HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!! Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 11:56 AM (kmtse) --- Thanks Tank Girl! Everything is improved by inserting "fucking". I just baked myself a cake. Kinda self-congratulatory for something I didn't even have a hand in creating, but what the heck. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Freak Flag Flyin' at July 18, 2015 12:11 PM (jR7Wy) 168
Now he's talking about Christian refugees and why we're taking in so many Muslims but neglecting the persecuted Christians in the middle east. Why hasn't another Republican mentioned this?
Posted by: rrpjr at July 18, 2015 11:38 AM (s/yC1) _____________________ Probably for the same reason they don't mention the illegal invasion of our country at all -- they're afraid of alienating "hispanics" and getting the same type of "Bigot! Hater! Idiot!" treatment that Trump is currently getting from the media. Nobody else is talking about how Obama has been allowing millions of muslim immigrants to come to the U.S. as "refugees." People don't know that Obama can bring in a virtually unlimited number of these "refugees," or that giving them "refugee" status also makes them eligible for a full buffet of U.S. taxpayer-funded welfare programs. Meanwhile, thousands of Christians continue to be persecuted, denied basic rights, and subjected to all sorts of horrors (rape, kidnapping, murder, etc.) in places like Syria, Iraq, etc., but Obama does nothing for them. All part of his plan to "fundamentally transform" the U.S. Remember his much-hyped "Cairo speech" in which he claimed that the U.S. was one of the world's largest Muslim countries? It wasn't true when he said it -- but it is his aspiration . . . . Posted by: TrivialPursuer at July 18, 2015 12:11 PM (kGrdk) 169
***"Realize what a tiny minority of people are making all of the noise."***
This is misleading. The problem is not with the tiny minority, but with the rather large number of people who support them because it is either politically profitable or emotionally satisfying. And these numbers are probably a majority. We are simply an emotionally-driven society now. Posted by: Burn the Witch at July 18, 2015 12:12 PM (xSCb6) 170
So is All Hail Eris or the cake half-baked? Or is it all a lie?
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 12:12 PM (ScdsY) 171
Well, since I can only say it and not do it...heh.
Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:12 PM (kmtse) 172
Optics? That reminds me. I need new glasses, so I can watch the Kardashians.
Posted by: LIV at July 18, 2015 12:10 PM (sdi6R) Be sure to specify wide-angle lenses, so you can take in Kim's butt without craning your neck. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 12:12 PM (fNpC1) 173
I know, let's ban anonymous postings on the internet, because Hate Bullying and you didn't build the internets.
This way we can all express our rights responsibly. Posted by: USA on waterskis at July 18, 2015 12:13 PM (Pxz7k) 174
Optics? That reminds me. I need new glasses, so I can watch the Kardashians.
Except it is hurting them. That's why they are coming out with lame excuses and trying to explain why President Obama worked harder than he's ever worked in his life, and will not rest until the Hostages are free, but he just heard about them on the news, and nobody is more angry. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:13 PM (39g3+) Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at July 18, 2015 12:14 PM (NeFrd) 176
I'm just amazed that the Obama Administration didn't
even stop to think that maybe failing to free hostages and someone like Pastor Saeed would be really bad optics. Or at least, thought they were minimally bad. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:04 PM (39g3+) For the edification of the little Guevaras I did a little Q and A soliloquy that Major Garrett could/should have done with Obongo re the Iran deal as a follow-up to his asking Obongo if he were "content" with the agreement. The gist of it was: 1. If he wasn't "content," was he then "discontented" with the work of the State Department? 2. Did the State Department bring up the issue of the hostages? Y or N? 3. If "yes," then why did they let it drop? Did they not think it important enough? If "no," did they not think it was important enough even to bring up? 4. Given Obongo's strutting about "leaving no man behind," how does he decide which people to rescue, and which to leave to their fate? Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:15 PM (oKE6c) 177
The architectural miracle known as the flying buttress.
Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at July 18, 2015 12:15 PM (NeFrd) 178
A protest march in Albany became even more impassioned Thursday evening, after a driver tore through the demonstration, knocking a few people to the ground
. . Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:16 PM (XAFOu) 179
Happy birthday, Eris.
Your birthday, my nephew's wedding - it's a good day all around! I'm having a split of champagne to steady my nerves because I'm stupidly nervous about doing the reading, so here's a toast to you! Posted by: Donna &&&&&& V. (do not upgrade me, I will become Chinese or bad) at July 18, 2015 12:16 PM (+XMAD) 180
If there is a flying buttress, there is usually a glum looking gargoyle perched on it with mouth agape.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 12:16 PM (ScdsY) 181
How many points per demonstrator?
Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:16 PM (kmtse) Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:17 PM (oKE6c) 183
I'd wager the vast majority of Americans don't know that Iran is holding hostages.
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:09 PM (XAFOu) I guessing the vast majority of Americans don't know about Iran period. Probably couldn't even spell it if you spotted them the I R A Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 18, 2015 12:17 PM (DiZBp) 184
Once we recognize the universal right to broadband, we will have to give up the anarchy of profit-driven interests interfering with government delivery of needed Data Content to the underserved!
Posted by: USA on waterskis looking at the shark at July 18, 2015 12:17 PM (Pxz7k) 185
>>I'm just amazed that the Obama Administration didn't even stop to think that maybe failing to free hostages and someone like Pastor Saeed would be really bad optics.
You would think, huh? I've had a paradigm shift on Obama - you just cannot expect him to act like a normal person, have normal reactions. Did he care about the optics of going to a Las Vegas fundraiser the morning after the 9/11 Benghazi attack? Did he care about the optics of going golfing less than 10 minutes after his statement re: just-beheaded US journalist? Did he care about the optics about trading 5 seriously bad Gitmo dudes for a deserter? And on and on. Obama doesn't care about other people. Really, not even those he pretends to , such as Trayvon. Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 12:17 PM (NOIQH) 186
Given Obongo's strutting about "leaving no man behind," how does he decide which people to rescue, and which to leave to their fate?
I think the 'rescue' of the treasonous Muslim Bergdahl answers this question quite completely. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:17 PM (39g3+) Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 18, 2015 12:19 PM (LImiJ) 188
>>Given Obongo's strutting about "leaving no man behind," how does he decide which people to rescue, and which to leave to their fate?
Recent report that the WH disrupted the negotiations for Bergdahl as well as other Americans that were in progress. They swooped in and got Bergdahl out, cut the other hostages out of the deal. Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 12:19 PM (NOIQH) 189
We could learn a lot from the gibbons and other
primates : when they have a not normal , they make them leave the tribe . This does a wonderful job of removing troublemakers ' genes from the pool : F-up and you go dance with the cheetah . Humans once did the same thing . Time to return to " Burn the Witch " Posted by: jay hoenemeyer at July 18, 2015 12:03 PM (uvj0z) But now we are expected to gladly carry Dr. Smith around with us on the Jupiter 2 because shoving him out of the airlock after yet another one of his stupid moves that gravely endangers the mission and the crew would be "cruel and inhuman." Also, Gilligan. Posted by: Count de Monet at July 18, 2015 12:19 PM (JO9+V) 190
If there is a flying buttress, there is usually a glum looking gargoyle perched on it with mouth agape.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 12:16 PM (ScdsY) Bruce Jenner would make a pretty good gargoyle. Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 18, 2015 12:19 PM (fNpC1) 191
Thanks Donna! You'll do fine, just take a deep breath and an even deeper draft of bubbly, and surf on the good wishes of the crowd.
And Anna, I am sweet and layered, but never baked. I have a clearance. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Freak Flag Flyin' at July 18, 2015 12:20 PM (jR7Wy) 192
If there is a flying buttress, there is usually a glum looking gargoyle perched on it with mouth agape.
**** 'Zactly! Q.E.D. Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at July 18, 2015 12:21 PM (NeFrd) 193
Fundamental transformation, baby. He is evil.
Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:21 PM (zgVAw) 194
The occupy thugs were throwing themselves in front of cars and pretending injuries. You could tell because the insisted on not going to the hospital or anyone calling 911. They didnt want to get stuck with the bill. They did file police reports though. But the cops and prosecutors are on to their bullshit.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:21 PM (iQIUe) 195
Once we recognize the universal right to broadband...
...that will necessarily and inevitably lead to us censoring, controlling, and regulating all internet content to match our political vision. Because if we're going to pay for it and provide it... well you get the picture. Just like health insurance justifies taking fat kids away from parents. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:21 PM (39g3+) Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at July 18, 2015 12:21 PM (NeFrd) 197
Happy Birthday, All Hail Eris!!
Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 12:23 PM (NOIQH) 198
"I'm just amazed that the Obama Administration didn't even stop to think that maybe failing to free hostages and someone like Pastor Saeed would be really bad optics."
Why would he care, really? He has the supreme Optics and Narrative Control Authority in the MSM. He can sic the government on the Little Sisters of the Poor and not worry about optics or blowback for God's sakes. Posted by: rrpjr at July 18, 2015 12:23 PM (s/yC1) 199
Jenner always looks like he is being goosed in his photos.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:24 PM (iQIUe) 200
hey AOP
Posted by: phoenixgirl, i was born a rebel at July 18, 2015 12:24 PM (0O7c5) 201
Botox will do that. Just look at Nancy Pelosi.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:24 PM (39g3+) 202
Jay Guevara-
Protesting a grocery store and senior living center being built on land owned by UC Berkeley. Story is at WZ. *i'd link it but iPad is acting shitty with copy/paste again. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:24 PM (XAFOu) 203
Catch everyone later. Have a great Saturday and smile when you think of the Soviet Justice Wankers having a sad because you are happy.
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 12:24 PM (ScdsY) 204
How sweet.
Empire State Building turns green for muslim holiday... Dhimmitude is alive and well. Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (kmtse) 205
Bruce Jenner would make a pretty good gargoyle.
If you kids don't go to sleep, Bruce Jenner is gonna come outta your closet and get you! Posted by: rickb223 at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (JP4JT) Posted by: Grump928(C) is no fun at all at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (rwI+c) Posted by: logprof at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (bLXqW) 208
Laters Anna.
Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (kmtse) 209
Salon continues its competition with Vox for stupidest article. of the year.
What Karl Marx got right about the illusion of Democracy in America! Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (39g3+) 210
On a lighter note, I had an eight lb pork shoulder in the freezer. I used 1/3 of it for pork green chili which is cooking now. My first try, the rest is in the crockpot for pulled pork. Should start smelling pretty good soon.
Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:26 PM (zgVAw) Posted by: Obama My Pretties at July 18, 2015 12:26 PM (Pxz7k) 212
Obama doesn't care about other people. Really, not even those he pretends to , such as Trayvon.
Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 12:17 PM (NOIQH) **** As he is a Sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, he is wholly incapable of caring about anyone or anything but Obama. Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at July 18, 2015 12:26 PM (cygkw) 213
186 Given Obongo's strutting about "leaving no man behind," how does he decide which people to rescue, and which to leave to their fate?
I think the 'rescue' of the treasonous Muslim Bergdahl answers this question quite completely. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:17 PM (39g3+) Absolutely. I'd just like the son of a bitch to try to talk his way out of THAT one, sans teleprompter. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:27 PM (oKE6c) 214
Isnt cooking meat like torture to dogs and cats? They smell it, it's wonderful. They are not sure why it smells so delicious. Certainly doesnt smell that way out of the can.
Posted by: Bruce With a Wang! at July 18, 2015 12:28 PM (iQIUe) 215
And don't forget the Marine that languished in the mexican prison for months on end.
Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:29 PM (zgVAw) Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:29 PM (XAFOu) 217
Inviting government in to arbitrate the interactions between private citizens is like having a Grizzly bear regulate a fishing contest.
Posted by: USA hey look at that shark down there! at July 18, 2015 12:29 PM (Pxz7k) 218
Well the money must have ran out, Bruce Jenner at the ESPYs finally fell off the Facebook "trending" part. That and the Twitter list are so transparently corrupt.
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:29 PM (39g3+) 219
Call me a torturer.
Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:30 PM (zgVAw) 220
Disney has had one female for the last 20 years - the strong, resourceful, independent, heroic type. I am bored to death with her, and she is hardly representative. Pfui.
Posted by: Actinide at July 18, 2015 12:30 PM (0mwvC) 221
The architectural miracle known as the flying buttress.
Posted by: Muldoon ------------- More specifically, bifurcated buttresses. Posted by: EE, posing as a CE at July 18, 2015 12:30 PM (9mTYi) 222
202 Jay Guevara-
Protesting a grocery store and senior living center being built on land owned by UC Berkeley. Story is at WZ. *i'd link it but iPad is acting shitty with copy/paste again. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:24 PM (XAFOu) Thanks, got it. I used to read WZ, but stopped because I was in danger of rage stroking (not at WZ's editorial stance, with which I agree, but at the items linked there). Anyone who runs over demonstrators in Berkeley is doing the human race a solid. Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:30 PM (oKE6c) 223
...the Soviet Justice Wankers...
Posted by: Anna Puma at July 18, 2015 12:24 PM (ScdsY) I like that. Thanks. Posted by: rrpjr at July 18, 2015 12:31 PM (s/yC1) 224
I loved Maleficent too. Not a decent male in the whole show. And you know what?
True loves kiss is given by the woman that kidnapped the little girl as an infant. Men just aren't needed anymore. Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at July 18, 2015 12:31 PM (1ijHg) 225
117 Remember the hate mob just won't stop with your Twitter account Facebook etc, they will find out where you work and harass it until you are fired.
Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 18, 2015 11:57 AM And this is why I don't say where I work, it's not on my bookeyface which is also set to only friends can see, & LinkedIn is going bye bye now that I'm working again. I don't get how the twatter works, and if I ever figure it out it'll be under this nic not my real name. Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at July 18, 2015 12:31 PM (Vm8WO) 226
And that last text screen grab from Marine Lance Cpl. Skip Wells' girlfriend is heartbreaking.
Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:31 PM (XAFOu) 227
Once we recognize the universal right to broadband...
What good is a free pho' without free broadband? Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:32 PM (oKE6c) 228
They smell it, it's wonderful. They are not sure why it smells so delicious.
----------- Thus your status as a god. Posted by: EE, posing as a CE at July 18, 2015 12:32 PM (9mTYi) 229
As he is a Sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, he is wholly incapable of caring about anyone or anything but Obama.
Correct. This is why I know he's neither Christian nor Muslim. Barack Hussein Obama has room for only one god in his life: the man in the selfie. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:32 PM (39g3+) 230
RWC. Funny, never thought about that. Shit, I got the pork on sale for $13. Should make quite a few meals. If there were any towelheads on the block, I would have to open all the windows. Maybe be neighborly and take them a taste.
Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:32 PM (zgVAw) 231
Heh heh heh he said buttress.
Posted by: joncelli, in a cynical mood at July 18, 2015 12:33 PM (ENczY) 232
Men just aren't needed anymore.
Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at July 18, 2015 12:31 PM (1ijHg) But we're still cool, right? Posted by: Turkey Basters Union at July 18, 2015 12:33 PM (oKE6c) Posted by: rickb223 at July 18, 2015 12:35 PM (JP4JT) Posted by: MountainTurtle at July 18, 2015 12:35 PM (hipNa) 235
"Farm in, Sprouts out, farm in, Sprouts out," the crowd chanted, declaring their opposition to a Sprouts grocery store on land owned by U.C. Berkeley. They have long lobbied for a community garden on the fenced-off plot.
Sprout's is great - inexpensive produce (a lot of it local), plus all that organic food and toiletries that Whole Foods sells for twice the price. Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 12:35 PM (NOIQH) 236
My FB isn't under my real name.
Set only to friends and family. No listing as far as work or school. Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:35 PM (kmtse) 237
220 Disney has had one female for the last 20 years - the strong, resourceful, independent, heroic type. I am bored to death with her, and she is hardly representative. Pfui.
Posted by: Actinide at July 18, 2015 12:30 PM (0mwvC) Ah, the fish without a bicycle. Where is that strong, resourceful, independent, heroic type when it comes to buying her own birth control? Posted by: Jay Guevara at July 18, 2015 12:36 PM (oKE6c) 238
Empire State Building turns green for muslim holiday... Dhimmitude is alive and well. Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (kmtse) Turning the White House green would be a little too obvious. Posted by: LIV at July 18, 2015 12:36 PM (sdi6R) 239
Off, ignorant sock.
Posted by: rickl at July 18, 2015 12:37 PM (sdi6R) 240
Men just aren't needed anymore.
With police to protect, construction workers to build, stores to provide, and thousands of gadgets to lift and haul, every single traditional role of men has been replaced in modern society. Want to stay warm in bed? Heating blankets. Want to get off? AAA batteries and Chinese manufacturing. Need money? Goverment is there. Want kids? Clinics. A woman doesn't need a man at all. For anything that they were traditionally considered valuable for. Which is why I say men need to step up our game. The traditional stuff is fine, and we need to be ready to step in when needed. But the real thing women need men for is leadership, responsibility, strength, honor, integrity, and to teach what we know. Men should be manly not in being rough and strong, but in character and worldview. Not the frat boy loser and not the rough brute. But the man who stands tall and strong when all around him falls to pieces. As Rudyard Kipling wrote in if. Its the true meaning of "gentleman" and "chivalry" that's needed. Not opening doors and pulling out chairs for ladies, although that's fine. Its a whole world view, a total package attitude about life, who you are, and what you must do. Step up when there's a problem, don't cringe, whine, and look for someone else - especially government - to solve it. Be the pillar that people can see and cling to. That's what it takes to be a man today. And every day, always, in the past. All modern culture has done is strip away the trappings and easy gestures of masculinity. They were all nothing but the outward expression of what should have been natural and reflexive from within. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:38 PM (39g3+) 241
There was a community garden here for about 2 seasons. Same commie bullshit. A few people work and the rest just reap the rewards. It is now abandon and an eye sore in the middle of town.
Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:39 PM (zgVAw) 242
I really like Despicable ME 2, the little girl wants a mommy. Would this movie be made today.
Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 18, 2015 12:39 PM (c4yY7) 243
"normal" is just a setting on a washing machine...
that being said, i am the only normal person any of you know. %-) Posted by: redc1c4 at July 18, 2015 12:39 PM (pZtrP) 244
209 Salon continues its competition with Vox for stupidest article. of the year.
What Karl Marx got right about the illusion of Democracy in America! Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:25 PM (39g3+) Actually, communism does work, and here's why: Posted by: Pox at July 18, 2015 12:40 PM (bLXqW) 245
There was a community garden here for about 2 seasons. Same commie bullshit. A few people work and the rest just reap the rewards. It is now abandon and an eye sore in the middle of town.
That's what happens with them all. The few who work realize they're putting out all the effort for a large group of freeloaders for little gain and give it up. Its the sad story of communism written small. Without that gun in your back, you stop doing all the work for the leeches and the lazy. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:41 PM (39g3+) 246
Great. There was a prisoner released in regards to Iran.
Mojtaba Atarodi, arrested in California for attempting to acquire equipment for Iran's military-nuclear programs, was released in April as part of back channel talks, Times of Israel told. Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 18, 2015 12:42 PM (XAFOu) Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 18, 2015 12:43 PM (LImiJ) 248
Thanks everyone.
Just tried to frost my cake (not a euphemism) and it collapsed into a dozen pieces. Tastes good though. Maybe I'll drop the remains on cars from the overpass. Posted by: All Hail Eris, Freak Flag Flyin' at July 18, 2015 12:44 PM (jR7Wy) 249
RWC- lovely. We don't have enough loose criminals. This will not end well.
I really hate that mother fucker squatting in the white house. And his beard too. Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:45 PM (zgVAw) 250
So if the USA gives billions of dollars to a terrorist sponsoring state... does that make the USA a terrrorist-sponsoring state?
Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:45 PM (39g3+) 251
Bravo! Thank you for saying so, Weird Dave!
Posted by: Adsila at July 18, 2015 12:45 PM (zNOKW) 252
241 There was a community garden here for about 2 seasons. Same commie bullshit. A few people work and the rest just reap the rewards. It is now abandon and an eye sore in the middle of town.
Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:39 PM (zgVAw) Never saw that coming. Posted by: The Twentieth Century Motor Company at July 18, 2015 12:46 PM (sdi6R) Posted by: Infidel at July 18, 2015 12:47 PM (zgVAw) 254
Nice thread.
Posted by: Arson Wells at July 18, 2015 12:47 PM (UnJ7w) 255
The architectural miracle known as the flying buttress.
Posted by: Muldoon ------------- More specifically, bifurcated buttresses. - In San Francisco they're called flaming buttresses. Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 18, 2015 12:48 PM (LImiJ) 256
>>Tastes good though. Maybe I'll drop the remains on cars from the overpass.
Drop 'em on a bowl of ice cream. Posted by: Lizzy at July 18, 2015 12:48 PM (NOIQH) 257
And this is why I don't say where I work, it's not on my bookeyface which is also set to only friends can see, & LinkedIn is going bye bye now that I'm working again. I don't get how the twatter works, and if I ever figure it out it'll be under this nic not my real name. Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at July 18, 2015 12:31 PM (Vm8WO) Twitter is good for breaking News and if you are watching tv alone you can discuss it with other people. I like it and you don't have to use yor real name. Posted by: Patrick from Ohio at July 18, 2015 12:48 PM (c4yY7) 258
I remember Rush talking about the campaign to get him dropped and off the air. He said that, IIRC, 80% of the complaints he was receiving was from a group of a dozen or less people. It's not how much power you possess rather how much your enemy thinks you have. Btw, Nice post Weirddave!
Posted by: Arson Wells at July 18, 2015 12:50 PM (UnJ7w) 259
Popehat on Twitter:
Today in 1969, Senator Edward Kennedy hosted a fun cook-out and party, had a few drinks, and met a lovely girl. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:52 PM (39g3+) 260
Anyone who runs over demonstrators in Berkeley is doing the human race a solid.
- #blacktiresmatter Posted by: The Great White Snark at July 18, 2015 12:53 PM (LImiJ) Posted by: Arson Wells at July 18, 2015 12:56 PM (UnJ7w) 262
Hillary forbids supporters from talking to press at recent appearance. Imagine how she'll treat America when elected. Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 18, 2015 12:58 PM (39g3+) 263
But the man who stands tall and strong when all around him falls to pieces. As Rudyard Kipling wrote in if. Its the true meaning of "gentleman" and "chivalry" that's needed
"To stand and be still, in the Birkinhead Drill, is a damned tough bullet to chew." Posted by: The Seals at July 18, 2015 01:04 PM (brIR5) 264
"Step up when there's a problem, don't cringe, whine, and look for someone else - especially government - to solve it. Be the pillar that people can see and cling to"
Great comment Christopher. Yes, men and women with this character are always needed. Leadership qualities really, and sadly many people in leadership positions do not have these qualities. Cue Ayn Rand. Posted by: MountainTurtle at July 18, 2015 01:05 PM (hipNa) 265
But now we are expected to gladly carry Dr. Smith around with us on the Jupiter 2 because shoving him out of the airlock after yet another one of his stupid moves that gravely endangers the mission and the crew would be "cruel and inhuman." Also, Gilligan.
Posted by: Count de Monet at July 18, 2015 12:19 PM (JO9+V) Not quite a fair comparison.... Gilligan was a sweet idjit usually bungling out of a desire to help and do good. Dr.Smith was pretty much a conniving selfish bastard. One you watch like a child. The other you relegate to Ceti Alpha V. Posted by: Gem at July 18, 2015 01:49 PM (N22aV) 266
Thanks for the shout out.
The tweet in question: Posted by: The Political Hat at July 18, 2015 01:54 PM (7YlUk) 267
66 I haven't seen Titanic yet. Is it any good?
Posted by: Diogenes Kate Winslet's glorius boobies were the real stars. The rest of the movie sucked. Posted by: Puddleglum at July 18, 2015 02:49 PM (N2SB3) 268
Kate Winslet's glorius boobies were the real stars. The rest of the movie sucked.
Frozen Leo drifting into the deep was the highlight of the film. Posted by: Grump928(C) is no fun at all at July 18, 2015 03:38 PM (rwI+c) 269
Several years ago, I started to refuse to use or accept the term "homophobia" and related versions. While I'm sure there is probably a small subset of people who actually have a "phobia" of such people, the vast majority simply don't agree with or accept it.
Posted by: Commissar M at July 18, 2015 08:55 PM (KSF9t) 270
For men, >98% are normal
For women, >99.8% are normal (and even then, most lesbians are simply heterosexual obese females that have failed to attract a man). Posted by: Aarradin at July 20, 2015 01:49 AM (E1dWk) Processing 0.05, elapsed 0.061 seconds. |
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