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Overnight Open Thread (7-2-2015) – Pre-Third of July Edition

Quote of the Day

The Prince and the two children were standing with their heads hung down, their cheeks flushed, their eyes half closed; the strength all gone from them; the enchantment almost complete. But Puddleglum, desperately gathering all his strength, walked over to the fire. Then he did a very brave thing. He knew it wouldn't hurt him quite as much as it would hurt a human; for his feet (which were bare) were webbed and hard and coldblooded like a duck's. But he knew it would hurt him badly enough; and so it did. With his bare foot he stamped on the fire, grinding a large part of it into ashes on the flat hearth.

..."One word, Ma'am," he said, coming back from the fire; limping, because of the pain. "One word. All you've been saying is quite right, I shouldn't wonder. I'm a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won't deny any of what you said. But there's one more thing to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that's a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We're just babies making up a game, if you're right. But four babies playing a game can make a play-world which licks your real world hollow. That's why I'm going to stand by the play world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we're leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that's a small loss if the world's as dull a place as you say."

-- Puddleglum in The Silver Chair

Isaiah's Job (and Yours) This Fourth of July

Depressed and despondent over the political course of the country? Bewildered that the LIVs can be so ignorant and unconcerned about what's going on in Obama's government?

So why even bother trying to change people's minds at this point. Well let Albert Jay Nock's classic essay, "Isaiah's Job", explain what your real purpose is.

This essay was first published in the Atlantic in 1936 near the height of FDR's New Deal and it still applies today. Except that now the Remnant also have the internet.

The prophet's career began at the end of King Uzziah's reign, say about 740 B.C. This reign was uncommonly long, almost half a century, and apparently prosperous. It was one of those prosperous reigns, however - like the reign of Marcus Aurelius at Rome, or the administration of Eubulus at Athens, or of Mr. Coolidge at Washington - where at the end the prosperity suddenly peters out and things go by the board with a resounding crash.

In the year of Uzziah's death, the Lord commissioned the prophet to go out and warn the people of the wrath to come. "Tell them what a worthless lot they are." He said, "Tell them what is wrong, and why and what is going to happen unless they have a change of heart and straighten up. Don't mince matters. Make it clear that they are positively down to their last chance. Give it to them good and strong and keep on giving it to them. I suppose perhaps I ought to tell you," He added, "that it won't do any good. The official class and their intelligentsia will turn up their noses at you and the masses will not even listen. They will all keep on in their own ways until they carry everything down to destruction, and you will probably be lucky if you get out with your life."

Isaiah had been very willing to take on the job - in fact, he had asked for it - but the prospect put a new face on the situation. It raised the obvious question: Why, if all that were so - if the enterprise were to be a failure from the start - was there any sense in starting it? "Ah," the Lord said, "you do not get the point. There is a Remnant there that you know nothing about. They are obscure, unorganized, inarticulate, each one rubbing along as best he can. They need to be encouraged and braced up because when everything has gone completely to the dogs, they are the ones who will come back and build up a new society; and meanwhile, your preaching will reassure them and keep them hanging on. Your job is to take care of the Remnant, so be off now and set about it."
What chiefly makes it so, I think, is that in any given society the Remnant are always so largely an unknown quantity. You do not know, and will never know, more than two things about them. You can be sure of those - dead sure, as our phrase is - but you will never be able to make even a respectable guess at anything else. You do not know, and will never know, who the Remnant are, nor what they are doing or will do. Two things you do know, and no more: First, that they exist; second, that they will find you.

Read the rest here.

[This is a repeat from two years ago but I think it's even more apropos now than ever]

Sultan Knish: No Truce With the Left

The left does not care about social justice. It cares about power.

That is why no truce is possible with the left. Not on social issues. Not on any issues.

The left is a drunk in a bar trying to pick a fight with you. Trying to convince him that you didn't disrespect him, put something in his beer to make him dizzy or make his feet so heavy won't work. There's no 'agree to disagree' possible here. He's picking a fight with you because he wants a fight.

The left does not care about Bruce Jenner. It does not care about gay rights, equal pay, police brutality or even slavery. Its activists 'care' about those things a great deal right now, but they could easily be persuaded tomorrow to be outraged by telephone poles, shredded wheat or people in green sweaters.

...The left will destroy the things you care about, because you care about them. It will destroy them because that gives them power over you. It will destroy them because these things stand in the way of its power. It will destroy them because a good deal of its militant activists need things to destroy and if they can't attack you, they'll turn on the left in a frenzy of ideologically incestuous purges.

Their end goal? Passivity and compliance on your part.

The constant shifts create their own version of future shock. They leave people baffled and uncertain. Society no longer seems to resemble what they knew, even though the real society of men and women has not really changed much, only the media's presentation of it has. But a beaten down mass of ordinary people now imagines that the country is filled with gay men and trannies. They accept that what they thought was common sense no longer applies and that it's someone else's country now.

And that is the prize that the left dearly wants. Surrender.

Instapundit adds:

I recommend operant conditioning instead. Complaining and crusading is what they do, but even a flatworm is smart enough to turn away from pain. Make it painful for them to mess with things that you consider important, and they'll likely turn their attentions elsewhere.

Jonah Goldberg: You Can't Compromise with the Culture Warriors

Everyone Hates the Confederate Battle Flag Now Right?

Actually despite the recent demonization campaign against it opinions haven't shifted much at all since the year 2000. The hullabaloo has been mostly elite activists bullying other elites and lecturing the hoi polloi.

The poll shows that 57% of Americans see the flag more as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism, about the same as in 2000 when 59% said they viewed it as a symbol of pride. Opinions of the flag are sharply divided by race, and among whites, views are split by education.

Among African-Americans, 72% see the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism, just 25% of whites agree. In the South, the racial divide is even broader. While 75% of Southern whites describe the flag as a symbol of pride and 18% call it a symbol of racism, those figures are almost exactly reversed among Southern African-Americans, with just 11% seeing it as a sign of pride and 75% viewing it as a symbol of racism.

The Real Bumper Sticker Beneath 'Coexist'


My Dear Wormwood, On the Matter of 'Bigots and 'Debate . . '

The patient must always be reminded that he is on the side of progress when he begins to experience any shame or doubt.

Mark Steyn on Going With the Flow and the Boy Scout-ification of the Right

Which folks are happy to be contrarian and swim against the tide? Gays, obviously, and the hard left, which is one reason things tend to go their way. But also Muslims. Look at that woman in the ice-cream van at the top of the page. That's a British "ice-cream lady" of the 21st century. At a certain level, it's ridiculous serving 99s and raspberry ripples in a burqa. But at another, far more important level, it's not in the least bit ridiculous: it's telling you that these guys mean it - and they've figured out that you don't.

That ice-cream lady knows she's a minority now, and part of a larger minority tomorrow, and then one day a majority.


The Number of Stories Buzzfeed Has Published About George Takei's Racist Rant So Far: 0

In Defense of the F-35:

Dogfighting and the F-35

XBradTC on that F-35 vs. F-16 dogfight

Two articles pushing back on the view that the F-35 is a POS.

There are a great number of valid reasons to criticize the F-35 program, from its very inception envisioning one jet operating as a vertical jump jet, a carrier jet, and a conventional runway jet. The costs associated with the avionics and computer programming have been astonishing.  The deliberate spread of subcontracts across every possible Congressional district as a defense against cancellation is another issue worthy of debate.

But taking one small canned scenario, one intended not to see if the F-35 could out fight the F-16, but rather explore the flight envelope, and proclaiming that it invalidates the entire development program, is the type of sensationalistic clickbait reporting that does little to inform the public on the actual state of the program.

The Race-Crime Data The Department of Justice Doesn't Want You To See

Why Madonna is the New Pat Boone (and this isn't a knock on Pat Boone)

"You can only be avant-garde for so long, before you become garde."

The Humiliation of Benjamin Franklin That Lead to a Revolution

As the relationship between England and its North American colonies deteriorated, Massachusetts contacted the venerable Benjamin Franklin, who was living in England, to petition the Crown. He had after all prevailed in 1757 in a dispute Pennsylvania had with the Crown, and Franklin lobbied successfully for the repeal of the dreaded Stamp Act of 1765.

On January 29, 1774, Franklin appeared before the Privy Council, advisors to the king, which humiliated him.

That may have cost Britain her colonies, for Dr. Franklin went into that meeting an Englishman who was loyal to the crown. But he emerged from that meeting with the realization that he was an American. His decision to declare independence came a full two years before the formal declaration by the Continental Congress, which he edited.

...At the end of the harangue, Franklin declined to speak in his defense. That night, he returned to his lodgings at 7 Craven Street, London, feeling all of his 68 years. He removed his clothes and vowed not to wear the outfit again until he could degrade the British government. And he would, when he wore the same suit to the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

First, Franklin had to return home to America in 1775 to help her declare her independence and sovereignty.


Thomas Paine and 'Common Sense'

In London in September 1774, mathematician George Lewis Scott of the Royal Society and Commissioner of the Excise introduced Dr. Benjamin Franklin to a 37-year-old rabble-rouser named Thomas Paine, whose political hectoring had put him at odds with the Crown and cost him his employment as an excise officer. After hearing Paine out, Franklin suggested he move to America.

It was like handing Michael Jordan his first basketball.

Armed with a letter of recommendation from Franklin, Paine headed to America -- and nearly died on the way. The ship suffered an outbreak of typhoid fever -- the result of contaminated water. As fate would have it, Franklin's physician greeted Paine upon his arrival and after six weeks of recovery, Paine was off to pursue his destiny: Guiding the American Revolution. He would within a year of his arrival pen the most popular and most important title in American history, "Common Sense," a pamphlet that sold out 100,000 copies in its first month in a nation of 2 million free men and women.

Happy (Belated) 85th Birthday to Thomas Sowell


Remembering a Man Who Acted

Sir Nicholas Winton, who organised the rescue of 669 children destined for Nazi concentration camps, has died aged 106.

Sir Nicholas, then a stockbroker, arranged for trains to carry Jewish children out of occupied Prague.

...Sir Nicholas brought the children to Britain, battling bureaucracy at both ends, saving them from almost certain death, and then kept quiet about his exploits for a half-century.

He organised a total of eight trains from Prague, with some other forms of transport also set up from Vienna.

As a side note to the article my aunt is one of the Pedro Pan children rescued from Cuba. She didn't see her mother again for 5 years and her father for 10 years. Today she and her mother and extended family live happy, successful lives in Florida, South Carolina, and Georgia.

The USS Essex, Cannibalism, and Globalization in the South Pacific

10 Things Only Lamborghini Owners Will Understand

7. You avoid large urban areas

The Lamborghini Aventador is currently the widest production vehicle in the world right now. Including it's mirrors, the car is around 7.4-feet in width. That's a lot of car. While driving a Lambo in the city is fun if you're an attention seeker, everything else about the experience is miserable. Most Lambos have small rear-windows, they're only a few inches off the ground, you'll never hit the second gear in a city, and again, these cars are just absolutely massive. Driving them in small street filled with potholes in a city is a nightmare. There's an episode of Top Gear where the hosts examine how supercars perform in dense urban areas, and without getting into that much detail, it's a headache (parking garages? good luck with that).


Things Cut in Half


Yahoo group. That is all.

Come on be a smartie and join the yahoo group party! For the children. Why do you hate children?

And my lo-fi Twitter spew.

Tonight's post brought to you by TCB and KBO:


Notice: Posted by the free humans of AceCorp LLC. Please send your tips, intrigue, and business proposals to Note that the mannequins are for display only. The happy-fun ball revolution will not be televised. Light ONT fuse and move away quickly.

Posted by: Maetenloch at 10:21 PM


(Jump to bottom of comments)

1 Finally in early.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:23 PM (kivUY)

2 And, yeah, like I'm going to read all of that!

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:25 PM (kivUY)

3 I referenced 'The Hunger Games' when discussing the GOP candidates. Ironic considering how many are currently on food stamps. Did the media notice? Nope. LOL!

Posted by: NPD POTUS at July 02, 2015 10:25 PM (gwG9s)

4 Hmm, am I 2nd?

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 10:25 PM (o/90i)

5 You'll always be Number Two for us, Farmer.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM (kivUY)

6 University of Wisconsin Embraces Macro-Stupidity Over Microaggressions

The University of California published a list of wrongspeak and throughcrime in the form of "microagressions" to be avoided. Now the University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) decided to embrace the macro-stupidity of "microagressions."


Posted by: The Political Hat at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM (7YlUk)

7 g'evenin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM (KCxzN)

8 Nice read about Benjamin Franklin.

I don't think the left fully realizes the power of individuals to get really pissed off and change events in some way they could never expect or prevent.

And there are so many pissed off people.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM (AC0lD)

9 Man, that's two threads I think I killed today.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 02, 2015 10:28 PM (AC0lD)

10 Evening morons, how fares the horde?

Night 6/6. Feeling full honey badger is imminent, but can't let it show.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at July 02, 2015 10:28 PM (b2cFu)

11 *taunts happy fun ball*

Posted by: Buzzion at July 02, 2015 10:29 PM (zt+N6)

12 I wouldn't like being at a council of privys either.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 02, 2015 10:30 PM (W5DcG)

13 Ola....

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 10:30 PM (VXYfi)

14 Nicely done Maet.

The Remnants- I hope my grandchildren are among them.

Posted by: Muldoon, a solid man at July 02, 2015 10:31 PM (mvenn)

15 This is a repeat from two years ago but I think it's even more apropos now than ever

So you're in full Ace-mode as well.

Their end goal? Passivity and compliance on your part.

I'm enfatuated with the term 'capitulation.'

They want you to capitulate.

Happy (Belated) 85th Birthday to Thomas Sowell

And many, many, many happy more for the Republic's sake.

10 Things Only Lamborghini Owners Will Understand
7. You avoid large urban areas

Where Moo goes, he has a demolition crew proceed at a regal pace.

Things Cut in Half

Never found this kind of thing fascination. Vandalism and not as instructive as one might imagine.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 10:31 PM (fYgrm)

16 "I wouldn't like being at a council of privys either. "

Doesn't sound pleasant at all.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 10:32 PM (VXYfi)

I'm enfatuated with the term 'capitulation.'

They want you to capitulate.


Capitulate or we decapitate!

Posted by: non-Islamic ISIS at July 02, 2015 10:33 PM (cbfNE)

18 OK, I read the post finally.

Outstanding Maet, TY.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 10:33 PM (o/90i)

19 Hamilton 38 Winnipeg 13 at the half.

I think my TV was weeping. It didn't stop until I changed the channel.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 10:34 PM (z0HrT)

20 With regards to Mike Flynn, here is a really good interview with him on you tube.

After you watch it you will come away thinking, I not only want that guy in Washington, I need that guy in Washington.

We need that guy in Washington. Stat!!!

Posted by: Kreplach at July 02, 2015 10:34 PM (WVvzl)

21 When was the last time an American fighter jet was in a dogfight with an enemy jet?

Are we still building planes for the Red Barron era?

Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at July 02, 2015 10:35 PM (UpGcq)

22 Another great job, Meaty. Thanks.

While the "things cut in half" site features many things not actually cut in half, it's still very cool.

Who wants a pre-weekend shot of bourbon?

Posted by: Chi at July 02, 2015 10:35 PM (LbjC3)

23 Excellent ONT tonight Maet - above the usual excellence!

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 02, 2015 10:36 PM (AC0lD)

24 I'm glad I read the Sultan Knish column. It was spot on. I hope Ace read/reads it too.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:37 PM (kivUY)

25 "Hamilton 38 Winnipeg 13 at the half. "

I'm glad you said that. Just switched over. Looks like the Jags are playing the Rams.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 10:37 PM (VXYfi)

26 g'night, 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at July 02, 2015 10:38 PM (KCxzN)

27 Glad to see 'Born Fighting' author Jim Webb announce. He'll shake things up.

Posted by: Real Truth to Power at July 02, 2015 10:39 PM (gwG9s)

28 I think my TV was weeping. It didn't stop until I changed the channel.
My TV did the same thing when NY blew the home-plate call in the Jays-Boston game.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:39 PM (kivUY)

29 "When was the last time an American fighter jet was in a dogfight with an enemy jet?"

Seems like GW1. An F-18 downing a MiG-23 if memory serves.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 10:40 PM (VXYfi)

30 You'll always be Number Two for us, Farmer.
Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM

And thanks so much Andy. I'd rather be 2 behind the scenes than #1.

Always appreciate your posts buddy.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 10:40 PM (o/90i)

31 Everything was looking great until the bottom fell out!

Posted by: TBD at July 02, 2015 10:41 PM (i1mtX)

32 Stupid Sir Winston. He could have just tweeted #BringBackOurJews.

Posted by: fly gal at July 02, 2015 10:41 PM (pDXil)

33 Glad to see 'Born Fighting' author Jim Webb announce. He'll shake things up.
Posted by: Real Truth to Power

Rather, he will head-butt things with that enormous melon of his mounted on a red-faced balloon of a face.


Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 10:41 PM (fYgrm)

34 Regarding the Confederate battle flag, it brings to mind something James Taranto pointed out a few years ago: If the SJWs would just leave those kind of racist connotations alone, they fade away organically. For example, how many people under age 35 would associate watermelons with (bad) jokes about Blacks if it weren't for SJWs constantly reminding us of that association? That goes double for the flag. When I was a naive 8 year-old watching The Dukes of Hazzard I had no idea about the CSA and slavery.

But it's the nature of SJWs to keep picking at scabs rather than let wounds heal.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 10:41 PM (z0HrT)

Jonah Goldberg: You Can't Compromise with the Culture Warriors

Oh, after a decade of a insisting we need a "truce on social issues" and years of beating on socons, now -- after the game is lost -- Team GOP wants to fight?

Get bent.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 02, 2015 10:42 PM (kdS6q)

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:42 PM (kivUY)

37 They fought like hell, for hell to reign over them, under the pretense of UTOPIA. Having achieved success they shudder and quake in fear, such is the way of fools and damn fools that get their way.
Their fate, RICHLY DESERVED, desolation too.

Posted by: ron n. at July 02, 2015 10:42 PM (YVQn/)


Webb 2016: Bugs! Bugs Under My Skinnnnnnnnn!

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 02, 2015 10:43 PM (kdS6q)

39 Magnificent overnight thread. Thank you.

Posted by: rrpjr at July 02, 2015 10:44 PM (s/yC1)

The ONT is like Narnia.

A myth that is real.

Posted by: eleven at July 02, 2015 10:44 PM (MDgS8)

41 There's something similar to that at Instapundit, Laurie David's Cervix, about how now the libertarians and socons can make peace and fight the Dems now that that silly gay marriage thing has been solved forever now!!!1!1!! Probably posted at around 6:30.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:44 PM (kivUY)

42 Puddleglum is my favorite character from the Narnia books, and actor who played him in the BBC TV adaptation from the 1980s, Tom Baker, did an absolutely outstanding job with the role.

Posted by: OregonMuse at July 02, 2015 10:45 PM (u07AL)

43 The University of California published a list of wrongspeak and throughcrime in the form of "microagressions" to be avoided. Now the University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) decided to embrace the macro-stupidity of "microagressions."
Posted by: The Political Hat at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM

That's interesting. I'll have to forward

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 10:45 PM (o/90i)

44 The University of California published a list of wrongspeak and throughcrime in the form of "microagressions" to be avoided. Now the University of Wisconsin (Stevens Point) decided to embrace the macro-stupidity of "microagressions."
Posted by: The Political Hat at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM

That's interesting. I'll have to forward

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 10:45 PM (o/90i)

45 Wow, what an amazing ONT! Tons of high-quality content.

What is the "L" in that awesome COMPLY bumper sticker from? The rest seem clear.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:46 PM (qyomX)

46 Webb 2016
The more you know, the more my forehead grows!

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 10:46 PM (fYgrm)

47 When was the last time you even saw two DOGS have a dogfight?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 02, 2015 10:46 PM (W5DcG)

48 Why did I click back to that atrocity in Winnipeg? The Ti-Cats scored a-freaking-gain.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 10:47 PM (z0HrT)

49 ...Sir Nicholas brought the children to Britain, battling bureaucracy at both ends, saving them from almost certain death, and then kept quiet about his exploits for a half-century.

I cried when I read the obit yesterday. The children, being loaded onto trains to be saved while their parents were condemned....... God give us such immeasurable strength.

Posted by: pookysgirl can walk (a few yards) at July 02, 2015 10:47 PM (FyoM4)

50 oK continue...

forward it on to my Dad who lives in Stevens Point.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 10:47 PM (o/90i)

51 What is the name of the Yahoo Group Party?

Posted by: ALH at July 02, 2015 10:47 PM (btTLZ)

52 I love this song:

Can't figure out how to buy it, though. Very tempted to just rip it off youtube...

Posted by: Grey Fox at July 02, 2015 10:47 PM (a42f0)

53 Good evening everyone! Now I gotta go read the content. BRB.

Posted by: CrotchetyOldJarhead at July 02, 2015 10:47 PM (2dhyU)

54 The last decent display of football in Winnipeg was when the chicks were playing in the World Cup there.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 10:48 PM (z0HrT)

55 *Hic!* Fourth of July is a BFD!!!!

Posted by: Joe Biden at July 02, 2015 10:48 PM (gwG9s)

56 Thomas Sowell is 85? Really don't want to lose that guy. When he goes, he will be missed as much as Milton Friedman, maybe even more, which is an amazing achievement. Talk about a life well-lived.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:48 PM (qyomX)

57 What is the "L" in that awesome COMPLY bumper sticker from?

Isn't that "lambda"?

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 02, 2015 10:49 PM (W5DcG)

58 Buggering

"You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."

Posted by: Grampa Jimbo at July 02, 2015 10:49 PM (baR5c)

59 WEBB 2016
This purple veined monster isn't going to vote for itself!

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 10:49 PM (fYgrm)


>>>Note that the mannequins are for display only.

*drops mannequin*

Sorry, Maet. I'll get the Clorox.

Posted by: DC in River City at July 02, 2015 10:50 PM (e+1S5)

61 Splunge, I think the 'l' in "Comply" is a stylized lambda (the homos).

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 10:50 PM (z0HrT)

62 That's no ice-cream lady. I know a Jawa when I see one.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:50 PM (qyomX)

63 When was the last time you even saw two DOGS have a dogfight?>>>

For me it was the 1980s nobody lets their children or their dogs wander unleashed anymore.

Posted by: Robinson at July 02, 2015 10:50 PM (1SHv1)

64 I was just reading Admiral Paul Gillchrist's book on the F-14 Tomcat. One appendix at the end talks about the Hornet. How when they were trying to get it to the Fleet how short legged the plane was on range. They knew it needed another ton of fuel, but to cram it in as an enlarged hump behind the canopy was going to cost more money and the SecNav said no, he had had enough going to the mat for the Hornet already with Congress and saying it was good enough.

Then he talks of the Super Bugs. To cram another 3,800lbs of fuel lead to the whole plane growing. Bigger fuselage. Bigger wing. Stronger undercarriage. And more powerful engines. And the R+D costs for all this grew from $3 billion to over $8 billion. Which meant the Super Bug was going through Navy money like Ebola in the bloodstream and something had to give, what was chopped was remanufacturing any more F-14A/Bs to D standard. No more new build Ds. And Tomcat 21 would not proceed past a model and a full scale cockpit mock-up.

That is the thing when designing a plane, trade-offs must be made. Both on the drawing board and when it comes to DC. With the JSF and its multitude of missions - from acting like the 'self-escorting' F/A-18 to being the A-10 or acting like a Harrier; end up with a plane with so many trade-offs it can do nothing well.

One of the non-technical trade-off problems arises from Washington, how many of a plane will be bought each year. 48/year will mean a cheaper airplane, assuming there is money in the budget for 48/year. There are so many knock-off effects if that magical 48/year is not met. Easier to run off 48 of some widget, and cheaper because might get a bulk discount and R+D costs are spread over more widgets. But cut that to 24/year and now R+D costs can't be spread out so much and Acme won't offer a bulk discount. And production line is not running as efficiently. So price rises per plane. Congress acts shocked. And then its only 18/year and price rises again. It can become a death spiral, just look what such a scenario did to the B-2.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 10:50 PM (QU7W6)

65 I don't think the left fully realizes the power of individuals to get really pissed off and change events in some way they could never expect or prevent.
Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 02, 2015 10:26 PM (AC0lD)

I don't think I do either, because I have yet to see it or even to feel like we're close to it. We just keep taking body blows.

Posted by: rrpjr at July 02, 2015 10:51 PM (s/yC1)

66 How Britain can go from Churchill and Thatcher to the muzzie cockinhalers they are now is just an instruction manual for us.

Posted by: Ben Had at July 02, 2015 10:51 PM (sSgU3)

67 57 What is the "L" in that awesome COMPLY bumper sticker from?

Isn't that "lambda"?

Apparently it is, with two votes for that. But what does that mean? Never heard of it except in connection with Greek letters and math.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:51 PM (qyomX)

68 Uh Oh.... What's a Lynyrd Skynyrd fan to do???

Posted by: Jim D. at July 02, 2015 10:51 PM (3XgVe)

69 Hi Morons

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 10:52 PM (NInnT)

70 I'm only going to say this once.

Posted by: mediocre websurfer - this at July 02, 2015 10:53 PM (ACs58)

71 I was way off. That last jet-vs-jet kill of GW1 was F-15C vs. Su-22.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 10:53 PM (VXYfi)

72 Isn't that "lambda"?

Apparently it is, with two votes for that. But what does that mean? Never heard of it except in connection with Greek letters and math.

Look up lambda legal.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 02, 2015 10:54 PM (W5DcG)

73 Heh, one time 25 years agop the 'rents and I were walking around Dupont Circle. For some reason (naivete?) my stepmom wanted to pop into the Lambda Rising bookstore there. My dad noticed how closely I tailed her the whole time we were inside. At one point my dad leaned in between us and whispered, "Damn, I feel like I could get AIDS just looking at this stuff."

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 10:54 PM (z0HrT)

74 Watching 'Girls' all weekend! Suggest you do the same!

Posted by: Brian Williams at July 02, 2015 10:54 PM (gwG9s)

75 What is the "L" in that awesome COMPLY bumper sticker from? The rest seem clear.
At first I thought it was just an "L" in script type because the designer couldn't think of any lib-left crap being imposed with an L-like symbol but now that I think on it, it looks like the "L" used to indicate "litre" so maybe it's a shot at forced metrification?

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:54 PM (kivUY)

76 Chi, better to have a gun and not need it. Then to need a gun and not have it.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 10:54 PM (QU7W6)

77 Lambda is the gaystapo legal wing.

Posted by: Chi at July 02, 2015 10:54 PM (LbjC3)

78 "Hi Morons"

Not at the cabin?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 10:55 PM (VXYfi)

79 "You can only be avant-garde for so long, before you become garde."


I continually am baffled when I get an occasional inadvertent exposure to the popular infotainment media, and hear the latest instance of a pop tart stripping to her knickers or kissing another such tart as "daring" or "risque", as though the year were 1955.

It's 2015. And DAMN NEAR EVERYBODY is doing these purportedly "daring" and "risque" things, all the time. What it is is determinedly and boringly routine. Expected. Ordinary. Trite.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 02, 2015 10:55 PM (noWW6)

80 66 How Britain can go from Churchill and Thatcher to the muzzie cockinhalers they are now is just an instruction manual for us.

Churchill was a reaction to Chamberlain, and the failure of the appeasement policy. Thatcher was a reaction to the failure of the "unions first" policy. I'd say we're about due for our own reaction.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:55 PM (qyomX)

81 Holy crap. That is a week's worth of links.

Posted by: rickl at July 02, 2015 10:56 PM (sdi6R)

82 Chi, better to have a gun and not need it. Then to need a gun and not have it.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 10:54 PM (QU7W6)

And an unloaded gun is basically an expensive paperweight!

Posted by: Hrothgar at July 02, 2015 10:57 PM (ftVQq)

83 Oh, Bertram is most certainly correct in #72.
Great! The homos destroy 500 years of English-language poetry and pop culture in appropriating the word "gay" and now they're defacing math too!

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:58 PM (kivUY)

84 79 It's 2015. And DAMN NEAR EVERYBODY is doing these purportedly "daring" and "risque" things, all the time. What it is is determinedly and boringly routine. Expected. Ordinary. Trite.

You, sir, are an abomination. You are directly threatening our cushy grants lifestyle by explaining what we are up to. We know how to respond to this sort of thing. Expect a picture of yourself, constructed out of elephant dung. It will win awards, and sell for millions of dollars. You cannot defeat, the power of effete.

Posted by: The Arts Community at July 02, 2015 10:58 PM (qyomX)

Whoa, massive ONT. And good too!

Posted by: Guy Mohawk at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM (ODxAs)

86 Lambda. The Forbidden Dance!

Posted by: Joe!! at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM (z0HrT)

87 And an unloaded gun is basically an expensive paperweight!

I thought it was a boat anchor.

Posted by: ALH at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM (btTLZ)

88 I wouldn't like being at a council of privys either.

When you play THAT game of thrones, you flush or you die.

Posted by: Brother Cavil, by the Pale Moon light at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM (m9V0o)

89 Can we gin up some support from management to let irongrampa write up an Independence Day post?

If he would care to, obviously.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM (BVDFs)

90 78 "Hi Morons"

Not at the cabin?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 10:55 PM (VXYfi)

Tomorrow morning.

You at the Kill Rancho.

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM (NInnT)

91 And let me add another one:

Good article about the SpaceX launch failure last Sunday and its implications. It's pretty upbeat, which is more or less how I feel about it.

Posted by: rickl at July 02, 2015 11:00 PM (sdi6R)

Wikipedia's entry on the Confederate States of America includes pictures of the Confederate Flag and Battle Flag. Wikipedia needs to be shut down for its hate crime.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 02, 2015 11:01 PM (DiZBp)

93 And thanks, Maet, as always, for doing what you do.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:01 PM (BVDFs)

94 I thought it was a boat anchor.

Posted by: ALH at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM (btTLZ)

Only in the case of unexpected and tragic boating accidents.

Posted by: Hrothgar at July 02, 2015 11:01 PM (ftVQq)

95 Churchill was a reaction to Chamberlain, and the failure of the appeasement policy. Thatcher was a reaction to the failure of the "unions first" policy. I'd say we're about due for our own reaction.
Posted by: Splunge

Both were elections were moved by votes from an electorate that was informed by then near-history and a more distant one. A history that included a greater emphasis on independence from the state.

Those folks died. Hence, now.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:01 PM (fYgrm)

96 I saw a guy with a swastika tattoo today. I briefly considered backing into him, but thought better of it since I haven't quite crossed into the realm of vigilante justice. He was also wearing a super douche-y hat and was with a cracked out girlfriend. I wonder what you're thinking when you go all in and get the swastika tattoo. "Oh, I'm edgy!"

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:02 PM (MYCIw)

Y'all must understand that the pendulum hasn't traveled through it's full arc yet.

Things are going to get MUCH worse in the next year.

But the ONE thing you mustn't do is quit on your country.

Posted by: irongrampa at July 02, 2015 11:02 PM (jeCnD)

98 "You at the Kill Rancho."

Tomorrow or Saturday. Got tomorrow off but may still have to go the office. Waiting to see.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:02 PM (VXYfi)

99 Here is a post I did back in 2006 on what the US flag meant to POWs at the Hanoi Hilton.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 11:02 PM (QU7W6)

100 88 I wouldn't like being at a council of privys either.

When you play THAT game of thrones, you flush or you die.

And the "Red Wedding" episode is a hellbroth of grossness and colon cancer.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 11:02 PM (qyomX)

101 Can we gin up some support from management to let irongrampa write up an Independence Day post?
If he would care to, obviously.
Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 10:59 PM

Sounds like a good idea to me.

*waves to Tammy, MisHum et all*

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:03 PM (o/90i)

102 And an unloaded gun is basically an expensive paperweight!

Cheaper than Dirt is so fast that I'm looking at a big pile of 10mm and don't have the thing that goes up to put them in yet.

Posted by: SpongeBobSaget at July 02, 2015 11:03 PM (zauWW)

103 What a coincidence, Maet; I'm watching, right now, Dr. Who "Victory of the Daleks", where Winston says that very phrase.

Posted by: Jeff Weimer at July 02, 2015 11:03 PM (Edob3)

104 96 I wonder what you're thinking when you go all in and get the swastika tattoo. "Oh, I'm edgy!"

"I am resigning from society, and planning my lifetime career in prison."

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 11:03 PM (qyomX)

105 One thing about the Falcon 9: That first stage is one tough mother. It kept flying straight and true for a good 7-8 seconds after the second stage began to disintegrate above it.

Posted by: rickl at July 02, 2015 11:04 PM (sdi6R)

I just did a search for the Confederate Flag on Google, Yahoo and Bing. They all showed images of the flag. Google, Yahoo and Bing should be shut down for their hate crimes.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at July 02, 2015 11:04 PM (DiZBp)

107 We welcome to Investors Group Field tonight distinguished members of the U.S. Republican Party, who today listened to a motivational speech by our head coach.

Posted by: Winnipeg Blue Bombers at July 02, 2015 11:04 PM (1+ETW)

108 Hey Farmer!!!

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:04 PM (BVDFs)

109 Lauren, sounds like they should just tattoo a big L, for Loser, on their forehead.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 11:05 PM (QU7W6)

110 Where can I get a COFIST bumper sticker? Barry's limo needs one bad!

Posted by: Reggie's Creamy Guac Recipe at July 02, 2015 11:06 PM (gwG9s)

111 Churchill was a reaction to Chamberlain, and the failure of the appeasement policy. Thatcher was a reaction to the failure of the "unions first" policy. I'd say we're about due for our own reaction.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:55 PM (qyomX)


Posted by: The Revolutionary Hat at July 02, 2015 11:06 PM (7YlUk)

112 >>Tomorrow or Saturday. Got tomorrow off but may still have to go the office. Waiting to see.
Here's hoping tomorrow and not Saturday

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:06 PM (fIzos)

113 By coincidence...

or great thinks like a mind, or something...

In the city the other day, Milady and I were stuck behind a car with the co-ex-ist sticker. We came up with two variants. Of course, later I could only remember one.


I'm not happy with the R and the C, suggestions welcome for v2.

Then I found the COMPLY - it's plainly a compelling theme!

Posted by: mindful webworker - return of the at July 02, 2015 11:06 PM (ACs58)

114 Hey Tammy, MisHum, Chi, and everybody else.

I LOVE the things cut in half...might have to peep out Caveman Circus more often.

Currently re-reading The Fall of the House of Usher. Read it in English Lit sometime last year, had to write a short essay on it.

Still a creepy fucking story.

Poe was the man.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 02, 2015 11:06 PM (kmtse)

115 Or would that be a lambda for 'loser', Anna?

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:07 PM (kivUY)

116 95 Both were elections were moved by votes from an electorate that was informed by then near-history and a more distant one. A history that included a greater emphasis on independence from the state.

Those folks died. Hence, now

This is very interesting analysis, but Churchill ascended through the Parliamentary process, not via election. I don't think the good people are gone. They are just a lot quieter than the rest.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 11:07 PM (qyomX)

117 Sulu couldn't pass an English fluency test.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:07 PM (efHYM)

118 Hiya Farmer

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:07 PM (fIzos)

119 Apparently it is, with two votes for that. But what does that mean? Never heard of it except in connection with Greek letters and math.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:51 PM (qyomX)

Gay symbol that predates the rainbow flag (I think). Here's where I first heard of it, years ago:

Notice that's from '84.

Posted by: Country Singer at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (nL0sw)

120 Hello there SMFH

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (fIzos)

121 89 Can we gin up some support from management to let irongrampa write up an Independence Day post?

If he would care to, obviously.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor

I'm FAR from management, but I'm more than willing to twist his arm a little bit. I think it's a great idea...
He gives me more hope than bourbon does...

Posted by: Chi at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (LbjC3)

122 Hey there, SMFH!

Thor loves Poe, too. I think Poe and the Hobbit/Ring Trilogy are the only things he's ever read that weren't required for a class.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (BVDFs)

123 Hey there, SMFH!

Thor loves Poe, too. I think Poe and the Hobbit/Ring Trilogy are the only things he's ever read that weren't required for a class.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (BVDFs)

124 *Looks in*

*Waves to everyone*

*Shakes head over the Blue Bombers*


Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (kbKcn)

125 "Here's hoping tomorrow and not Saturday"

Enjoy the cabin time. Ya'll gonna fish, hunt, cook out?

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:09 PM (VXYfi)

126 He gives me more hope than bourbon does...
Posted by: Chi at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (LbjC3)


Tha's why we need him to do it.

Ace and all the cobs will rawk the hell out of patriotic USA USA USA posts, but irongrampa will bring something to the table that we all need desperately to hear.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:10 PM (BVDFs)

127 Hey, turgid Americans!! Seems kinda weird to me that we still don't have the meteors but what do I know, all day I thought it was Friday and I'm not even employed. So cray.

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:10 PM (EgOr3)

128 *Shakes head over the Blue Bombers*

Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (kbKcn)

--Good thing you're not a Bombers fan, else I'd ask WD to keep a suicide watch on you.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (nb8KI)

129 rickl, did you see the Smarter Every Day on the space launch failures?

Posted by: mindful webworker - firewhoopks! at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (ACs58)

130 "*Shakes head over the Blue Bombers* "

I'm actually watching it, Vendy.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (VXYfi)

131 Hey Tammy.

We just had this thing on the local news now. Some guy up the road in Oregon, IL has a black lawn jockey in his yard.

He's had it there for 40 yrs and is now getting grief about it. Gotta love Obama's healing America BS.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (o/90i)

132 Tammy,

When I saw Ace's idea for a book discussion, I dug through my boxes of

Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (kmtse)

133 Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM (kbKcn

Hey it's vacation girl

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:12 PM (fIzos)

134 Brohm is in for the Bombers. I remember when he was at Louisville.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:12 PM (PMwVR)

how now the libertarians and socons can make peace and fight the Dems now that that silly gay marriage thing has been solved forever now!!!1!1!!
Posted by: andycanuck

By Philip Klein, who was a big Trucer his ownself:

If they think now that their side of the GOP won on social issues, the Right will fall into line on -- I guess the import/export bank and god knows what else, they're sadly mistaken.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at July 02, 2015 11:12 PM (kdS6q)

136 Somebody said gay marriage was a slippery slope.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:12 PM (efHYM)

137 Not for nothing is CS Lewis honored in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey along with Shakespeare and Chaucer.

Posted by: jmel at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (cfFqn)

138 Great ONT, Maet; Thanks.. Puddleglum is also my favorite character from Narnia and I lked the essay on Isaiah too

"Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn;"

Isaiah 51:1

Posted by: FenelonSpoke at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (OSs/l)

139 Why not have Vic write a July 4 post, since he was in Philadelphia during the signing?

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (PMwVR)

140 Um, Logprof, I own a cartoon circa 1990 of Chris Walby holding the Grey Cup and saying, "Alright, I got my shot glass back!"

Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (kbKcn)

141 We just had this thing on the local news now. Some guy up the road in Oregon, IL has a black lawn jockey in his yard.

He's had it there for 40 yrs and is now getting grief about it. Gotta love Obama's healing America BS.
Posted by: Farmer

He should be getting grief. I'm the only one allowed to have a (half) black lawn jockey.

Posted by: Valerie Jarrett at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (tgnRB)

142 omg, all the cool peeps are here! mwah to all. there was a "thing" at the pub for a really bad but much loved bar wench today and, well, naturally, i had more than is wise. home now and putting more kindling on that fire. so, of course, where else would i be?

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (EgOr3)

143 That's no ice-cream lady. I know a Jawa when I see one.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:50 PM (qyomX)

Would you buy an ice cream from a Jawa, or from burqua-twat? I wouldn't. Ice cream is a discretionary purchase, and I would simply avoid dealing with either form of invader. Actually, her bagging up like that makes the decision simple. I don't have to ask myself, "Is that Asian person Sikh, Hindu, or Christian (and therefore OK to buy from), or a moderate muslim (sorta OK, but...), or a full-on jihadi enabler?" The bag makes it crystal clear.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (Wt2du)

144 Some of his books have the words of C.S. Lewis in red.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:14 PM (efHYM)

145 I continually am baffled when I get an occasional
inadvertent exposure to the popular infotainment media, and hear the
latest instance of a pop tart stripping to her knickers or kissing
another such tart as "daring" or "risque", as though the year were 1955.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 02, 2015 10:55 PM (noWW6)

This video was on Family Channel up here in Canada - basically Disney Channel.

I was channel flipping - caught the video just at the moment the very busty young woman was in the shower and briefly wondered if she was a stripper. Then I realized this was on Family Channel.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 02, 2015 11:14 PM (AC0lD)

146 RK, we must be masochists. In my case, I'm also sadistic toward my TV.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:14 PM (PMwVR)

147 Churchill was a reaction to Chamberlain, and the failure of the appeasement policy. Thatcher was a reaction to the failure of the "unions first" policy. I'd say we're about due for our own reaction.

Posted by: Splunge at July 02, 2015 10:55 PM (qyomX)

When is the last time Republicans rolled back a Democratic social policy or a major government program?

I can think of exactly one in recent memory (and even that memory's fading): Welfare reform.

There's simply no track record to make me optimistic here.

Posted by: AD at July 02, 2015 11:14 PM (yBmlR)

148 "Brohm is in for the Bombers. I remember when he was at Louisville."

Brohm must the younger brother or cousin of Jeff. I remember when Jeff Brohm was a L'vile QB and NFL back-up.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:14 PM (VXYfi)

149 Was he with Clovis Man?

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:15 PM (efHYM)

150 Why not have Vic write a July 4 post, since he was in Philadelphia during the signing?

He played a mean fife, he did.

Posted by: Zombie Tom Jefferson at July 02, 2015 11:15 PM (Dwehj)

151 Oh, those bakers who were fined 135k for not baking the gay cake? Yeah, they've been placed under a gag order.

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:15 PM (MYCIw)

152 Enjoy the cabin time. Ya'll gonna fish, hunt, cook out?
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:09 PM (VXYfi

A little yard work and a lot of 4 wheeling

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:16 PM (fIzos)

153 Time for the old folk. Won't be around for the 4th, we have a family get together to attend.

Sort of poignant, a couple members aren't going to be attending another and I want to say goodbye.

Remember once again, y'all are Americans, so the heads are held high--ESPECIALLY this weekend.

So please say thanks to the Founding fathers who enabled this most exceptional nation and it's exceptional people.

Goodnite, good people. Stay safe.

Posted by: irongrampa at July 02, 2015 11:16 PM (jeCnD)

154 RK, we must be masochists. In my case, I'm also sadistic toward my TV.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:14 PM (PMwVR)
I would advise you NOT to hurl an empty beer bottle through it, as it gets expensive (although supremely satisfying). Don't ask me how I know . . .

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:16 PM (EgOr3)

155 'sup, honkies!

Posted by: George Takei at July 02, 2015 11:16 PM (oVJmc)

156 Yankee Mayday.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (efHYM)

157 One of the Korean victims of Japan's sex slavery past, age 89, was in Washington today protesting.

These feminists are so incredibly stupid. Dumb bitches.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (AC0lD)

158 "Your Agonizer Mr. Sulu."

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (QU7W6)

159 "RK, we must be masochists. In my case, I'm also sadistic toward my TV."

I dunno. I just like football. Any kind. But, I thought only one person could be in motion on offense but I see like three on a each snap moving around. Looks like a track meet.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (VXYfi)

160 140 Um, Logprof, I own a cartoon circa 1990 of Chris Walby holding the Grey Cup and saying, "Alright, I got my shot glass back!"
Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (kbKcn)

--Oh good, you're alive. Well, weirder things have happened in the CFL than a team coming back from as big a deficit as Winnipeg's. Maybe Brohm is the spark.

I thought you were a Stamps or Eskies fan?

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (PMwVR)

161 Was he wearing yellow face?

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (efHYM)

162 Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (o/90i)

I've never seen a lawn jockey! Have heard of them, but wasn't sure why a black jockey was an issue.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (BVDFs)

163 Peaches! Mwah, lady!

How are you?

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:18 PM (BVDFs)

164 Valerie Jarrett at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM

It's 'way too early for settling on Best of Thread, but... in the running.

laughed loudly

Posted by: mindful webworker - and now I denounces m'se'f at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (ACs58)


Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (+OXwX)

166 Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:08 PM


We need to meet up sometime this summer. Ya think?

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (o/90i)

167 Somebody said gay marriage was a slippery slope.
K-Y does that.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (kivUY)

168 "A little yard work and a lot of 4 wheeling"

Understand. Live it up. Have a beer or two while you're at it.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (VXYfi)

169 Oh, those bakers who were fined 135k for not baking the gay cake? Yeah, they've been placed under a gag order.

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:15 PM (MYCIw)

Nothing to see here, move along peasants!

What do you think of representative government?

It would be nice to have!

Posted by: Hrothgar at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (ftVQq)

170 Former Esks season ticket holder but have a soft spot for the Bombers.

I will forgive you for mentioning the Stamps.

Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:20 PM (kbKcn)

171 140 Um, Logprof, I own a cartoon circa 1990 of Chris Walby holding the Grey Cup and saying, "Alright, I got my shot glass back!"

Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:13 PM (kbKcn)

My friend worked for the CFL. Had to babysit the cup one time and had family pictures taken with it.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 02, 2015 11:20 PM (AC0lD)

172 I dunno. I just like football. Any kind. But, I thought only one person could be in motion on offense but I see like three on a each snap moving around. Looks like a track meet.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (VXYfi)

--Not only multiple in motion like the NFL, but they can (unlike the NFL) move toward the line of scrimmage at the snap.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:20 PM (z0HrT)

173 > better to have a gun and not need it. Then to need a gun and not have it.

1) When seconds count, the Police are only minutes away.

A) Why carry a gun? Because a policeman is too heavy.

a) Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

Posted by: selecitve boat accidents happen at July 02, 2015 11:20 PM (fYTSv)

174 Gag order? Freedom of Speech?

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:20 PM (efHYM)

175 Lord, lord, ITC, aka National Treasure, is here! And Tammy, too (shmooshes). <3

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (EgOr3)

176 "To cram another 3,800lbs of fuel lead to the whole plane growing. Bigger
fuselage. Bigger wing. Stronger undercarriage. And more powerful

With the end result being that the additional fuel didn't translate into the expected increment of range over the base model.

Engineering 101. You can never change only one thing.

I am left with a renewed appreciation of the A-4, the F-16, the original Lear Jet, and similar airframe designs. Simplify and add lightness. You never have to later on maintain, repair, upgrade, or otherwise accommodate things which you left out of the original design.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (noWW6)

177 Goodnite, good people. Stay safe.
Posted by: irongrampa at July 02, 2015 11

Thanks IG
You too good Sir

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (fIzos)

178 I've never seen a lawn jockey! Have heard of them, but wasn't sure why a black jockey was an issue.
Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (BVDFs)


I saw them in the 70s in Suburban Chicago. Not many, but they were around.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (cygkw)

179 #142 Photos of you at home "happy" or it isn't happening, Peaches. You know the rules.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (kivUY)

180 Ah, 1990. Winnipeg has by far the longest Grey Cup drought. Frustrating as hell.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (z0HrT)

181 "Freedom of Speech?"


Posted by: "Liberals" at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (MYCIw)

182 167 Somebody said gay marriage was a slippery slope.
K-Y does that.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (kivUY)


And bending over.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (zS+qK)

183 This is very interesting analysis, but Churchill ascended through the Parliamentary process, not via election. I don't think the good people are gone. They are just a lot quieter than the rest.
Posted by: Splunge

Parliamentary systems are still based on popular elections. Churchill was bounced because of the poor showing by the Conservatives in July of '45, a scant 2 months after Germany formally surrendered. 2 months to bounce a gdamn hero? Crap.

Sure, the party found another majority in '51 and he handed over the reigns 6 months later, but that's +5 years of missed leadership by one of the most formidable conservatives since the Am Rev.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (fYgrm)

184 Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:15 PM (MYCIw)

I fear for the country your children are inheriting.

How are you feeling tonight? Still having contractions?

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (BVDFs)

185 So Ace keeps throwing it out there, but I can't believe nobody's bit yet. At what point do we throw in the towel and form our own country? How do we do it? What are the logistical steps for making that happen, and do any of us really have the balls to sign on to be the founders of America 2.0? Whatever those answers are, it's clear to me that there we're way past reconciliation with liberal America.

Posted by: Ironman at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (idBjv)

186 Gag order? Freedom of Speech?

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:20 PM (efHYM)

Freedom of speech means what I say it does, and I may change my mind in the morning!

Posted by: Black Robed Ruler at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (ftVQq)

187 Understand. Live it up. Have a beer or two while you're at it.
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:19 PM (VXYfi)

What's up at the ranch?
I will have a cold one or two

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:23 PM (fIzos)

188 I've never seen a lawn jockey! Have heard of them, but wasn't sure why a black jockey was an issue.
Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM

No idea, but it's RACIST today. Go figure.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:23 PM (o/90i)

At what point do we throw in the towel and form our own country?

Posted by: Ironman at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (idBjv)

We'll always have Peruvia.

Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (+OXwX)

190 Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at July 02, 2015 11:21 PM (cygkw)

So what is the deal? What are they for?

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (BVDFs)

Posted by: Ironman at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (idBjv)

yo, bro, you need a beer? I agree but, dang, I'm thinkin' if you could type all that you might be a little behind the curve.

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (EgOr3)

192 Peaches, not only am I keeping dry tonight, but I can't afford to hurt my TV right now.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (z0HrT)

193 Looking forward to going to work on Monday. We got a new toy today and I can't wait to set it up and get it running.

It is one of these

Posted by: Robinson at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (1SHv1)

194 Here's the Orwellian bullshit:

"The cease and desist came about after Aaron and Melissa Klein participated in an interview with Family Research Council's Tony Perkins. During the interview, Aaron said among other things, "This fight is not over. We will continue to stand strong."

Lawyers for plaintiffs, Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer, argued that in making this statement, the Kleins violated an Oregon law banning people from acting on behalf of a place of public accommodation (in this case, the place would be the Kleins' former bakery) to communicate anything to the effect that the place of public accommodation would discriminate"

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:25 PM (MYCIw)

195 Miss Tammy I see you are here..... Thanks for the chigger advice. Seem to have got a new batch that kept me up all night so this morning I did an under the breast (bra line) treatment with heat from my blowdryer. So far so good.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:25 PM (zS+qK)

196 The only lawn jockey I've ever seen is the one on the mayor's lawn in Animal House.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Indestructible at July 02, 2015 11:25 PM (tgnRB)

197 Evenin' everyone.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 02, 2015 11:26 PM (UVfht)

198 Chegroes?

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:26 PM (efHYM)

199 Maet, you've done an uncanny job of addressing my state of mind.

Thank you.

Posted by: Mindy at July 02, 2015 11:26 PM (BkhqT)

200 If I don't leave now, I'll miss the other end of the ONT which serves for a morning thread nowadays.

So... Good Night, Gracies... wait!

Let's say it together, now folks...

I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America...

(take it... hint: Republic)

Posted by: mindful webworker - not as young as I was yesterday at July 02, 2015 11:26 PM (ACs58)

201 "How are you feeling tonight? Still having contractions?"

Yep. I was doing pretty well throughout the day, but they've picked up again this evening. That seems to be the general pattern though. Knowing my luck my water will break on the 4th of July in the middle of stand still firework traffic.

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (MYCIw)

202 Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:25 PM (MYCIw)

Just when you think things can't get more fucked up in this day and age.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (BVDFs)

203 So what is the deal? What are they for?

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (BVDFs)

Back in the time of horse transportation "dignified" people didn't have a hitching post in front of their house. So they had lawn jockeys, which are statues holding a ring that the rider would tie their horse to, like one would use for a hitching post or rail.

Just run an image search. Most of the really old ones look like Al Jolson.

Posted by: Country Singer at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (nL0sw)

204 He's had it there for 40 yrs and is now getting grief about it. Gotta love Obama's healing America BS.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (o/90i)

he should provide it with a small TelePrompter, and call it a shrine to obama.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (Wt2du)

205 I pledge allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America...

And to the Republic
For which it stands...

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (UVfht)

206 "What's up at the ranch?
I will have a cold one or two"

Not sure. The weekend is still formulating.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (VXYfi)

207 Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (MYCIw)

Oh, honey, I feel so bad for you!

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:28 PM (BVDFs)

208 So what is the deal? What are they for?
Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (BVDFs)


They are a decoration only, not any kind of statement. They could just as easily been Irish, Italian or Slavic in their depiction. In fact, many more that I have seen were.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at July 02, 2015 11:29 PM (1eYr7)

209 I didn't know lawn jockeys were for tying up horses.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:29 PM (efHYM)

210 A gag order, eh?

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:29 PM (kivUY)

211 Ricardo . . . man of mystery. :-)

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:29 PM (EgOr3)

212 "When is the last time Republicans rolled back a Democratic social policy or a major government program? I can think of exactly one in recent memory (and even that memory's fading): Welfare reform. There's simply no track record to make me optimistic here."

I was going to say, repeal of the horrid 55 MPH speed limit.

And then remembered, aw crap, that wasn't a Democratic policy. That was Tricky Dick Nixon. And while repeal was pushed by Republicans, it was not repealed under a Republican president.

Worth remembering that the country went through another (mercifully brief) GOP presidency after Nixon left, and then the country later had a *twelve year straight run* of Republicans in the White House, including the two back to back terms of Reagan, and still, not a damn thing was done in that dozen years about that ridiculous federal diktat.

When the double nickel went away, it was Billy Jeff Disbarred who signed the bill. Speaks volumes.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 02, 2015 11:29 PM (noWW6)

198 Chegroes?


Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:26 PM (efHYM)

Not sure but that sounded kinda racist to my drunk ears.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:30 PM (zS+qK)

214 "Yep. I was doing pretty well throughout the day, but they've picked up again this evening."

Lauren, people been worried about you. I know you can't worry about all that, but good to hear.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:30 PM (VXYfi)

215 211 Ricardo . . . man of mystery. :-)
Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:29

Man of formulating

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:30 PM (fIzos)

216 Well the A-4 is a special bird. It started out as simple as possible because Heinemann wanted to see if he could buck the bigger/better/heavier/costly trend that saw the creation of the A3D Skywarrior, aka the Whale. The Navy was skeptical but gave him permission to try. And 60 years later there are still Skyhawks flying.

Still over its life the A-4 did grow without sacrificing the basic airframe. A4D-5 saw an elongated nose added to house avionics. The A-4F added the hump with more avionics that became a Skyhawk trademark. A-4M added a more powerful engine and different canopy. Singapore and New Zealand re-engineered their Skyhawks to accept the F-404 engine and the F-16 radar respectively. And Argentina flies an A-4M with the F-16 radar.

The same can not be said for the YF-17/F/A-18A/F-18L/F-18E which only share the original Cobra outline but nothing else.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 11:31 PM (QU7W6)

217 Nice to see Milt Steagall again.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:31 PM (z0HrT)

218 Most of the really old ones look like Al Jolson.
Posted by: Country Singer at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM (nL0sw)

One of those caricature things with buggy eyes and big lips?

I can see why that'd upset people for sure, but it's a free fucking country.

Well, it used to be, anyway.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:32 PM (BVDFs)

219 The thing that changes everything hasn't happened yet.

Posted by: eman at July 02, 2015 11:32 PM (MQEz6)

220 Here's the list of "damages" suffered by the poor widdle lesbian crybabies.

"In order to reach the total amount, $135,000, Rachel and Laurel submitted a long list of alleged physical, emotional and mental damages they claim to have experienced as a result of the Kleins' unlawful conduct.

Examples of symptoms included "acute loss of confidence,"" doubt," "excessive sleep," "felt mentally raped, dirty and shameful," "high blood pressure," "impaired digestion," "loss of appetite," "migraine headaches," "pale and sick at home after work," "resumption of smoking habit," "shock" "stunned," "surprise," "uncertainty," "weight gain" and "worry."

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:32 PM (MYCIw)

221 Be well Morons.

The pups will get us up early tomorrow. Our 4th events include some doggie event the wife thinks we need to attend tomorrow morn.

You all rock and thanks for keeping me amused.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:32 PM (o/90i)

222 Evening, Horde! Bourbon to start the weekend? Hell yes!


Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 02, 2015 11:32 PM (RzZOc)

223 So Ace keeps throwing it out there, but I can't believe nobody's bit yet. At what point do we throw in the towel and form our own country? How do we do it? What are the logistical steps for making that happen, and do any of us really have the balls to sign on to be the founders of America 2.0? Whatever those answers are, it's clear to me that there we're way past reconciliation with liberal America.
Posted by: Ironman

Well, since it's the ONT and fanciful isn't automatically excluded here:


Not just a losing real estate proposition.

FWIW from wiki:
"Condominium (international law)
In international law, a condominium a political territory (state or border area) in or over which two or more sovereign powers formally agree to share equally dominium (in the sense of sovereignty) and exercise their rights jointly, without dividing it up into 'national' zones."

Theoretical, blah, blah, rare occurrence, blah, blah, small locales, blah, blah...

It's possible to conceive of a divided US with multiple countries under such a rubric.

Complicated, sure. Sounds ridiculous, yep. Seemingly impossible to sell to the bulk of the US electorate, i guess.

However, our virtual presence forums, local telecommuting, the international economy that we live in does speak to some expanded ideas, IMHO.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:33 PM (fYgrm)

224 My "main squeeze" says Jim Webb wrote a really good book about the Scottish contingents in the Civil War. All I remember about him is his refusing to shake hands with George Bush! Classless in my mind!

Posted by: AnnaS at July 02, 2015 11:33 PM (P+I7L)

225 One of those caricature things with buggy eyes and big lips?

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:32 PM (BVDFs)


Posted by: Country Singer at July 02, 2015 11:33 PM (nL0sw)

226 Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:25 PM (zS+qK)

Oh good! Even a little relief is a blessing.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:33 PM (BVDFs)

227 Well Lauren, I do hope nothing that dramatic happens on the Fourth of July. That would be way too much fireworks.

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 11:34 PM (QU7W6)

228 Best of luck to you Lauren.... I remember my last child. Went into labor at 1130 in the morning and was too scared to tell my husband because he was napping over his lunch hour. Sat in misery until he woke up.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:34 PM (zS+qK)

229 oh, hey, did any of you guys see the fuckin' awesome pics today of the crow that hitched a free ride on the back of a bald eagle? so cool!!! if y'all didn't see it, I will find it and put a link. ah, fuck, lemme do it now while my dang fingers still work:

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:34 PM (EgOr3)

230 thak you Maet for a stellar ONT

Posted by: chemjeff at July 02, 2015 11:34 PM (2XMpf)

231 " 211 Ricardo . . . man of mystery. :-) "

Heh. Snort.

I'm pretty boring. The people around me fark things up.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:34 PM (VXYfi)

232 Knowing my luck my water will break on the 4th of July in the middle of stand still firework traffic.
Posted by: Lauren


Then again there could be an app for that; H2Ober.

*(ok, that was uncalled for. Apologies.)

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:35 PM (fYgrm)

233 129 rickl, did you see the Smarter Every Day on the space launch failures?
Posted by: mindful webworker - firewhoopks! at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (ACs5

Very nice! Thanks!

There's going to be another attempt to launch a Russian Progress cargo ship at 12:55 am EDT.

If this one doesn't work, the ISS astronauts are going to have to try pulling up their supplies by rope.

Posted by: rickl at July 02, 2015 11:35 PM (sdi6R)

234 220 Here's the list of "damages" suffered by the poor widdle lesbian crybabies

It's called life. Those things happen to me and I'm not even a lesbian or a Subaru owner

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:35 PM (fIzos)

235 "Lauren, people been worried about you. "

Thanks, horde. I was just busy dealing with in-law drama and taking the puppy to the vet. I swear, puppies have more vet visits in the first few months than babies! I'll check in more to let you guys know I'm still alive though. And now I've got 90s grunge in my head. IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII'm still aliiiiiive" *throat punches eddie vedder*

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:36 PM (MYCIw)

236 Watch out for the sharks.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:36 PM (efHYM)

237 > I've never seen a lawn jockey! Have heard of them, but wasn't sure why a black jockey was an issue.

The one I walked by every day going to school 'way back in the 50's was cast iron, with a ring held high in the right hand. Grinning, clothes painted in white with contrasting garish racing colors, jockey hat, exaggerated features of a blackfaced picaninny.

Apparently there are other styles, but in the 1800's they started as a novelty for a guest to tie their riding horse to.

Posted by: old fart wot knows at July 02, 2015 11:36 PM (Y4P1V)

238 weft, The Sudan was an Anglo-Egyptian condominium, and The New Hebrides/Vanuata was Anglo-French. Doubt it would work in post-colonial times.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:36 PM (z0HrT)

239 Good grief, the Hamilton scrubs are kicking the Bomber's ass.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:37 PM (z0HrT)

240 I'm out. Good night, all!

Posted by: Vendette at July 02, 2015 11:37 PM (kbKcn)

241 Place livened up.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:37 PM (VXYfi)

242 If this one doesn't work, the ISS astronauts are going to have to try pulling up their supplies by rope.

Looks like a job for Mr. Sulu.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 02, 2015 11:37 PM (W5DcG)

243 lol Lauren. Well you could have oh I don't know Laura Brannigan singing about losing her self control as ear worm...

Posted by: Anna Puma at July 02, 2015 11:38 PM (QU7W6)

244 Having Binged lawn jockeys, I wouldn't have one in my yard, but again, free country.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:38 PM (BVDFs)

245 Space travel isn't real.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:38 PM (efHYM)

246 Do good, Lauren. I know you will but you're on the prayer list starting now. You will have an awesome beebo and that beebo will be so lucky in his/her parentage. {{{{{}}}}}

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:38 PM (EgOr3)

247 189
At what point do we throw in the towel and form our own country?

Posted by: Ironman at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (idBjv)

We'll always have Peruvia.
Posted by: IllTemperedCur at July 02, 2015 11:24 PM (+OXwX)

Well, we'll always have the "undiscovered country" in a Shakespearean SMOD sort of way.

Posted by: AD at July 02, 2015 11:39 PM (yBmlR)

248 221 Be well Morons.

The pups will get us up early tomorrow. Our 4th events include some doggie event the wife thinks we need to attend tomorrow morn.

You all rock and thanks for keeping me amused.

Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:32 PM (o/90i)


That's their job isn't it? To make sure we are up and at em and not wasting daylight?
A few weeks ago it got into the 90's here and my hairy dog couldn't take the heat. I decided those 2 days to get up at 5 and walk her for 3 miles just to make sure in case I couldn't do after work. She remembered that and now every morning about 450 she is in my face. AND expects the same at 6 when I get home from work. I have never slept so well in my life.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:39 PM (zS+qK)

249 The Internet isn't real.

Posted by: eman at July 02, 2015 11:39 PM (MQEz6)

250 Thanks, Peaches!

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:40 PM (MYCIw)

251 'Night, Vendette!

Bleach the Bombers from your brain.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:40 PM (z0HrT)

252 Knowing my luck my water will break on the 4th of July in the middle of stand still firework traffic.

Posted by: Lauren>>>

If you catch video of the fireworks and it all turns out OK that will be a hell of a story for the kid to tell about it's birth.

Posted by: Robinson at July 02, 2015 11:40 PM (1SHv1)

253 The ISS is in the back of a jet. That is why zero gravity comes and goes every few minutes.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:40 PM (efHYM)

254 " The Internet isn't real."

I am sending waves to your mind. None of this happened.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:41 PM (VXYfi)

255 Place livened up.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:37 PM (VXYfi)
you're welcome

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:41 PM (EgOr3)

256 If he's born on the 4th Lauren you should name him Sparky.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:41 PM (zS+qK)

257 Space travel isn't real.

I would disagree with that statement, were I alive.

Posted by: Zombie Neil Armstrong at July 02, 2015 11:41 PM (UVfht)

258 GPS is ground based.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:42 PM (efHYM)

259 Hasta, Vendy.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:42 PM (VXYfi)

260 oh, hey, did any of you guys see the fuckin' awesome pics today of the crow that hitched a free ride on the back of a bald eagle? so cool!!! if y'all didn't see it, I will find it and put a link. ah, fuck, lemme do it now while my dang fingers still work:

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:34 PM (EgOr3)

Damn, Peaches, that picture is sort of metaphorical, isn't it?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2015 11:42 PM (Wt2du)

261 Via con Dios, Vendette!!

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:42 PM (EgOr3)

262 Isn't it "co-dominium"?

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:42 PM (kivUY)

263 AND expects the same at 6 when I get home from work. I have never slept so well in my life.
Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:39 PM

Yep, been there, done that. GL w/ the critters Molly.

Now I'm really off to bed. Be well all.


Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (o/90i)

264 Damn, Peaches, that picture is sort of metaphorical, isn't it?

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2015 11:42 PM (Wt2du)

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (EgOr3)

265 So what is the deal? What are they for?

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor

Used to be for hitching a horse. I haven't seen one since the '70s. There used to be three or four in my childhood neighborhood. Never a problem with anyone.

I think it was always more of a kitch thing, really.

Posted by: Chi at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (LbjC3)

266 "you're welcome

Thank you.

*Does a dozen bows*

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (VXYfi)

267 Posted by: old fart wot knows at July 02, 2015 11:36 PM (Y4P1V)

I can see why folks are bothered by the black ones that are so exaggerated.

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (BVDFs)

268 Painted my lawn jockey to look like Tyrion Lannister. No complaints from neighbors or activist groups. Yet.

Posted by: Norman Roxwell at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (gwG9s)

269 256 If he's born on the 4th Lauren you should name him Sparky.

Forgot my sarac tag but highly doubt it was needed.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (zS+qK)

270 "256 If he's born on the 4th Lauren you should name him Sparky."

Haha, well it would be appropriate. My last baby was born on election day 2012. Of course, that ended up being quite depressing, but at least I had a sweet baby and lots of pain meds to keep me from feeling the pain.

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (MYCIw)

271 Doubt it would work in post-colonial times.
Posted by: logprof

I'm just spitting out a less violent possibility and yep, history does have it's way with things, but...

We're in much different times; taxes, votes, jurisprudence all have been modified by the info-age.

I'm not necessarily a techno-zealot; i don't think human nature has changed, nor do I think that human affairs can be rearranged overnight free of Murphy's law.

But, civil wars = bad. That's it. And plenty of techno-finger-crossing alternatives strike me as worth discussing at least..

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:44 PM (fYgrm)

272 Look at the interviews with the Astronauts. We didn't need countermeasures for the Van Allen Radiation belts because they hadn't been discovered yet. And before Isaac Newton everyone could fly.

Posted by: Boss Moss at July 02, 2015 11:44 PM (efHYM)

273 GPS is ground based.>>>

There are some angle of reception problems for that to be true.

Posted by: Robinson at July 02, 2015 11:44 PM (1SHv1)

274 " Isn't it "co-dominium"?"

No, no, no. It's condom-minium.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:45 PM (VXYfi)

275 Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:43 PM (MYCIw)

Tell me you didn't name the little bugger BA-Rock

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:45 PM (fIzos)

276 I've seen lawn jockeys in Toronto in the past, although without the stereotyped black face; and some painted as white men.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:45 PM (kivUY)

277 Isn't it "co-dominium"?
Posted by: andycanuck

Wiki sez that's a book series, you sci-fi nerd!

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:46 PM (fYgrm)

278 and some painted as white men.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:45 PM (kivUY)
buncha fuckin' racist a-holes up there in canuckistan, what?

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:46 PM (EgOr3)

279 Sorry, but I'm distracted - didn't mean to be so late with responses.

And Lauren - I saw your posts. Prayers have been going out from Va.

Posted by: Chi at July 02, 2015 11:46 PM (LbjC3)

280 "A few weeks ago it got into the 90's here and my hairy dog couldn't take the heat."

I came across a guy shoveling ice cubes into a Camelbak at a trail head during some heavy summer heat a few years ago.

He explained that he had a fat furry mutt who loved to tag along but ended up hyperthermic and dehydrated by the time they hit the turnaround. Lugging water didn't work. It was too hot to be palatable after a long slog.

So, by the time they hit the top, the ice had turned into pleasantly cool water to get Fido back in shape for the descent.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 02, 2015 11:46 PM (noWW6)

281 "
Tell me you didn't name the little bugger BA-Rock "

Hahaha. Oh no. It was a little girl and we named her after my late grandmother. Although I did miss out on the chance to say "mmm mmm mmmm Barrack Hussian ______" for the rest of our lives.

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:47 PM (MYCIw)

282 I'd think a minimal condom wouldn't be too useful!

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:47 PM (kivUY)

283 hey, Chi!!!! were I so equipped (and I am so not) I would totes motorboat you.

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:47 PM (EgOr3)

284 Tell me you didn't name the little bugger BA-Rock

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:45 PM (fIzos)


Or ME-ssiah.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:47 PM (zS+qK)

285 "Tell me you didn't name the little bugger BA-Rock"

What about J-Rock?

Posted by: Ricky, from the trailer park at July 02, 2015 11:47 PM (VXYfi)

286 Puddleglum.

yep. that's our country.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid at July 02, 2015 11:48 PM (AxDuC)

287 Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:44 PM (fYgrm)

--Now that I think of it, I believe Andorra is technically a Spanish-French condominium. As my old childhood Reader's Digest almanac put it, it is proof of the biblical expression that to have two masters is to have none.

That said, we obviously want substantially more than just a little bishopric tucked away in the Pyrenees, so not sure what would work.

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:48 PM (z0HrT)

288 buncha fuckin' racist a-holes up there in canuckistan, what?
Probably representing Scots. No one would leave their horse in an Irishman's or Frenchman's care, you'd never get it back, and the Ukrainians were mainly moved out West.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:49 PM (kivUY)

289 Thanks, Chi. Very much appreciated.

Posted by: Lauren at July 02, 2015 11:50 PM (MYCIw)

290 Actually, the Lawn Jockey was a way marker for the Underground Railroad, of Harriett Tubman fame.

Details, here:

Interestingly, the MLK statue in San Antonio has Dr. King in very nearly the same pose.

Doesn't appear that they really thought that one through, does it?

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 02, 2015 11:50 PM (RzZOc)

291 Evening horde.

Laid to rest a friend in Arlington National today. Kept thinking as we were following the caisson and looking at the stones that 'I'm sorry, you gave everything and we let it go.' Then I saw that pretty much everyone in the cemetery had stopped and either had their hand on their heart, was saluting, or just standing in silence out of the way.

America isn't done yet. We just need to push the fuck back against this bullshit.

*and the damn piper had the allergies start to kick in a bit.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 02, 2015 11:50 PM (XAFOu)

292 How about a lawn jockey painted green with little antennae on it's head? Martian jockey.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 02, 2015 11:50 PM (W5DcG)

293 "Hahaha. Oh no. It was a little girl and we named her after my late grandmother."

Congrats, Lauren. That's awesome.

Posted by: Ricky, from the trailer park at July 02, 2015 11:50 PM (VXYfi)

294 What about J-Rock?

Posted by: Ricky, from the trailer park at July 02, 2015 11:47 PM (VXYfi)

Just don't name that little ma' MC Flurry, 'cause my little ma' has that name.

Posted by: J-ROC at July 02, 2015 11:51 PM (LVS93)

295 Should have driven down to see family earlier tonight. Instead I'm going to be leaving so very early in the morning.

Love the bit about Isaiah. What do you say to the Remnant, though? They're getting along by keeping their heads down. Or at least dunked in Val-U-Rite.

Think we'll be at war by September. Sure would uncomplicate my apartment search.

Good night Horde!

Posted by: kari at July 02, 2015 11:51 PM (IW94k)

296 That said, we obviously want substantially more than just a little bishopric tucked away in the Pyrenees, so not sure what would work.
Posted by: logprof

Yes, yes, yes, details. I'm an Idea Ambassador. Can't you tell by my plaid suit and slick lumberjack look?

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 02, 2015 11:51 PM (fYgrm)

297 Any of you Morons a relatively certified Electrician or, at least proficient with Main Panel/Sub Panel installation in a residence? I have a grounding question that is bugging me. Thanks, you Retards.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 02, 2015 11:51 PM (CFcIt)

298 Ginger Thursday ONT Compliance Pics

Posted by: kbdabear at July 02, 2015 11:51 PM (GrXXa)

299 Does that mean there's a Tubman statue somewhere that looks like Mao?

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:51 PM (kivUY)

300 Interestingly, the MLK statue in San Antonio has Dr. King in very nearly the same pose.

Doesn't appear that they really thought that one through, does it?
Posted by: Jim

Still better than the one in DC that makes him look like Chairman Mao.

Posted by: Prince Ludwig the Indestructible at July 02, 2015 11:51 PM (tgnRB)

301 Posted by: torquewrench at July 02, 2015 11:46 PM (noWW6)


The things we do for pets. I have no doubt that my neighbors think I am the crazy woman who they never see unless it's out pounding the pavement with my dog. It was so hot one of those days I did my afternoon walk alone for the first time in ages. My neighbor actually called and asked if I was ok. Her words" I didn' know if you were alright in the head, was worried that you were out thinking you had your dog but forgot to take her. Are you sure you are ok?"

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:52 PM (zS+qK)

302 Lamborghini -- you can hear the parts falling off it in the garage. You'd better better off blowing that cash on a plane.

Posted by: Jean at July 02, 2015 11:53 PM (ztOda)

303 293 "Hahaha. Oh no. It was a little girl and we named her after my late grandmother."

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 02, 2015 11:54 PM (fIzos)

304 No one would leave their horse in an Irishman's or
Frenchman's care, you'd never get it back, and the Ukrainians were
mainly moved out West.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:49 PM (kivUY)
I'm sorry, darlin' . . . I'm just way out on the edge and, well, it kinda makes sense to check in here when that happens. xoxo

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:54 PM (EgOr3)

305 My random thoughts:

1. Starting a new country:

Quit it. It's not going to happen.

2. Republicans changing anything significantly post 2016:

No proof of concept.

3. What we need to:

The left is entrenched now at an institutional level in government, academia, and a lot of large corporations. Generalizing, even if you're not a liberal in those places, it's reached the point where there is not of a benefit from aiding the right--but there's certainly a penalty. So, support for the left has become knee-jerk.

We need to make it easier for our guys to avoid that pressure and tougher for those places to have knee-jerk support for the left.

We could do this by demanding the people we elect spend the bulk of their time outside of D.C.

Romney had a good idea in reining in government agencies and employees in general--which might sound like green-eyeshade stuff, but, when you get to minions like Lois Lerner, can have a lot of influence.

This is where I think we need to focus our attention, though, if we want to accomplish anything else.

Posted by: AD at July 02, 2015 11:54 PM (yBmlR)

306 291 Evening horde.

Laid to rest a friend in Arlington National today. Kept thinking as we were following the caisson and looking at the stones that 'I'm sorry, you gave everything and we let it go.' Then I saw that pretty much everyone in the cemetery had stopped and either had their hand on their heart, was saluting, or just standing in silence out of the way.

America isn't done yet. We just need to push the fuck back against this bullshit.

*and the damn piper had the allergies start to kick in a bit.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 02, 2015 11:50 PM (XAFOu)


Thank You for that.... Sad but encouraging.

Posted by: Molly k. at July 02, 2015 11:54 PM (zS+qK)

307 Mia Hamm still looks good.

Posted by: J-ROC at July 02, 2015 11:55 PM (z0HrT)

308 If no one else answers, I will say you can't have too much ground wire.

Posted by: Jean at July 02, 2015 11:55 PM (ztOda)

309 was worried that you were out thinking you had your dog but forgot to take her. Are you sure you are ok?
LOL. Hilarious, Molly.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:55 PM (kivUY)

310 My first kid was born by scheduled C section. My second was delivered over (a brutal for the wife) a number of hours that started at 3 in the morning. As we walked into the hospital the Love Boat was on one of the tvs in a waiting type room near the entrance. I started singing the song the wife laughed and peed/leaked whatever herself. Still a funny and heartfelt story within that small circle of us that went through it.

Posted by: Robinson at July 02, 2015 11:56 PM (1SHv1)

311 /J to the R-O-C sock

Posted by: logprof at July 02, 2015 11:56 PM (z0HrT)

312 I fear for the country your children are inheriting.

How are you feeling tonight? Still having contractions?

Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (BVDFs)

Not too long ago, two friends of mine were talking to a Cuban refugee, a businessman who had escaped from Castro, and in the midst of his story one of my friends turned to the other and said, "We don't know how lucky we are." And the Cuban stopped and said, "How lucky you are? I had someplace to escape to." And in that sentence he told us the entire story. If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.

Posted by: Ronald Reagan at July 02, 2015 11:56 PM (7YlUk)

313 I'm sure several people have pointed out by now that some of those cutaway items are mislabeled.

Anyhow..., having fussed with the internals of a Monroe mechanical calculator, I can assure you that it was an astounding collection of cogs, springs, levers, motors, bellcranks, etc., all engineered for the closest, most compact package possible. I was astonished that any of them *ever* worked. It was boggling.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 02, 2015 11:57 PM (9mTYi)

314 And don't forget to drink some water, Peaches, to fight off the dehydration tomorrow. We want you perky on Friday, after all.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 11:57 PM (kivUY)

315 Today's lawn-jockeys are hitched to the donkey.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid at July 02, 2015 11:57 PM (AxDuC)

308 If no one else answers, I will say you can't have too much ground wire.
Posted by: Jean at July 02, 2015 11:55 PM (ztOda)

The electrons gotta go somewhere.

Posted by: eman at July 02, 2015 11:58 PM (MQEz6)

317 Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 02, 2015 11:50 PM (XAFOu)

I am so sorry for your loss, RWC, but I am hopeful that your hopefulness is not misplaced. I am tanned, rested and ready (with a metric shit-ton of ammo), and not usually this inebriated.

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:58 PM (EgOr3)

318 Shit, get away, J-Rock!

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:58 PM (VXYfi)

319 About the Lambo. I had a chance to drive a Miura for a while. It was ghastly. On a smooth, open, high speed road, sure, fun for a while, but as a regular driver in ordinary circumstances, it was intolerable.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 02, 2015 11:59 PM (9mTYi)

320 308 If no one else answers, I will say you can't have too much ground wire.
Posted by: Jean at July 02, 2015 11:55 PM (ztOda)

Agreed, definitely. I know that in a Sub Panel, the ground leads and the neutral leads must be separated on completely separate busses where in the Main Panel, they can be bonded on the same buss.

I was wondering if I was required to ground the ground buss to an outside grounding rod. I probably should anyway, but pain in the ass.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 02, 2015 11:59 PM (CFcIt)

321 318 Shit, get away, J-Rock!
Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 02, 2015 11:58 PM (VXYfi)

I ain't about killin' I'm about chillin'.


Posted by: J to the R-O-C at July 03, 2015 12:01 AM (z0HrT)

322 So Ace keeps throwing it out there, but I can't believe nobody's bit yet. At what point do we throw in the towel and form our own country? How do we do it? What are the logistical steps for making that happen, and do any of us really have the balls to sign on to be the founders of America 2.0? Whatever those answers are, it's clear to me that there we're way past reconciliation with liberal America.

Posted by: Ironman at July 02, 2015 11:22 PM (idBjv)

It won't be by secession, or peaceful leaving of any state. At best we could zerg rush Guam or something and then try to vote for independence.

Can't really trust any country to let us in and not expect us to assimilate (aside from Europe who would prefer we assimilate along with them to Sharia).

Best bet would be to get enough conservatives together that we can buy a chunk from some other debt ridden country and officially get our independence recognized.

Only other option is Terra Nullius... which pretty much leaves Bar Tawil and a slice of Antartica.

Outside of some Delos D. Harriman type of character helping us found floating cities on Venus, that's pretty much our options.

Posted by: The Political Hat at July 03, 2015 12:01 AM (7YlUk)

323 The most shocking cutaway I have ever seen, was hanging from the ceiling in a bar in Atlanta. A BSA Rocket 3, with engine and trans cut in half for the world to see. I couldn't even drink there, it made me ill to bear witness to the desecration.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:01 AM (9mTYi)

324 283 hey, Chi!!!! were I so equipped (and I am so not) I would totes motorboat you.

Posted by: Peaches

Hi, Miss Peaches.
This being only an "R" rated smart military blog, I can't say what I'm thinking or doing right now...

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 12:02 AM (LbjC3)

325 Well, I'm going to try to sleep to see if that kills the contractions. Thanks for all the prayers, everyone. When this little stink bug finally is born I will be sure to guilt trip her with this forevvvvver.

Posted by: Lauren at July 03, 2015 12:02 AM (MYCIw)

326 Guam gonna tip over. We need a bigger place.

Posted by: Cicero Kaboom! Kid at July 03, 2015 12:02 AM (AxDuC)

327 That's what moms are for, Lauren.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 03, 2015 12:03 AM (kivUY)

328 If no one else answers, I will say you can't have too much ground wire.
Posted by: Jean

No loops!

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:04 AM (9mTYi)

329 322 TPH

Nice RAH ref :-)

Posted by: speedster1 on the iPad at July 03, 2015 12:04 AM (1brdf)

330 I was wondering if I was required to ground the ground buss to an outside grounding rod. I probably should anyway, but pain in the ass.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC

I have a sub-panel in my kitchen and one in the attic, one is grounded independently; the other not. Best I can give yeah. I would ground it if the sub-panel is going to be carrying a real load.

Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:04 AM (ztOda)

331 "I ain't about killin' I'm about chillin'.


You get back to your effin' trailer, J Roc. I don't want to hear nothing else about tonight.

Posted by: Julian at July 03, 2015 12:05 AM (VXYfi)

332 Sleep well, Lauren.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:05 AM (9mTYi)

333 322
Outside of some Delos D. Harriman type of character helping us found floating cities on Venus, that's pretty much our options.
Posted by: The Political Hat at July 03, 2015 12:01 AM (7YlUk)

Elon Musk is working on that, only his objective is Mars.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:06 AM (sdi6R)

334 319 About the Lambo. I had a chance to drive a Miura for a while. It was ghastly. On a smooth, open, high speed road, sure, fun for a while, but as a regular driver in ordinary circumstances, it was intolerable.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 02, 2015 11:59 PM

You're a peon. You need a chauffeur like I have.
Posted by Mr. Moo Moo The Cow Pie

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 03, 2015 12:06 AM (fIzos)

335 Probably end up bein' your favorite, Lauren. God bless, babygirl. :-)

Posted by: Peaches at July 03, 2015 12:06 AM (EgOr3)

336 I was wondering if I was required to ground the ground buss to an outside grounding rod. I probably should anyway, but pain in the ass.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 02, 2015 11:59 PM (CFcIt)

To begin with: I know just enough to be dangerous.

At your main panel, ground and neutral are bussed together because they are the same where the pole drop enters the panel; but once differentiated, they have to stay that way at all downstream points. Because neutral is the return leg of the circuit, and ground is a "safety" ground, which should normally never carry any current. GFCI outlets could not work if ground and neutral were the same at sub-panel.

In any case, you have to check your local codes. Sometimes local codes and common-sense have only a fleeting acquaintance. Also, if you sub-panel gets its own outside ground stake, you might want (or be required to) bond that ground stake to any others with the proper type of bonding wire.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 12:07 AM (Wt2du)

337 Night, Lauren.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 03, 2015 12:07 AM (VXYfi)

338 21 When was the last time an American fighter jet was in a dogfight with an enemy jet?

Are we still building planes for the Red Barron era?
Posted by: Chi-Town Jerry at July 02, 2015 10:35 PM (UpGcq)

When the radar missiles miss (and they will) because the Chicoms are jamming and when the IR missiles miss (and they will) because their software has been #hacked! you'll find yourself at gun range in a heartbeat. Then you'll wish you hadn't transitioned out of F-16s to the Dawg.

The other thing of note is the configurations are not specified. My understanding that a clean F-35 at half fuel has about the same wing loading as a Viper with bags and stores.

We've seen this movie before with the Phantom, and it ends with the Air Force getting an air superiority fighter, dammit.

Posted by: Hurricane LaFawnduh at July 03, 2015 12:07 AM (laMCB)

339 Saved a couple of the linkies for later reading.

Now off to listen to a podcast and then bedtime.

Posted by: logprof at July 03, 2015 12:08 AM (z0HrT)

340 I was wondering if I was required to ground the ground buss to an outside grounding rod. I probably should anyway, but pain in the ass.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 02, 2015 11:59 PM (CFcIt)

Always a good idea. In fact, once when I was out of town on biz, my now Ex heard from some of her Mommy's Morning Out friends that this was absolutely essential.

So, when I got home, I found out we had paid $600 for a guy to drive in a 6' ground spike and run wires 8' from the box ground buss to said spike through a pre-existing hole in the garage wall.

20 minutes of my time plus about $30 in parts would have sufficed.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at July 03, 2015 12:08 AM (cygkw)

341 "To begin with: I know just enough to be dangerous."


Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 03, 2015 12:08 AM (VXYfi)

342 Elon Musk is working on that, only his objective is Mars.
Posted by: rickl

Except Musk is quite happy to be a rent-seeking tech-baron.

He's not on 'our side' or anyone's side for that matter.

He's on 'his side.'

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 03, 2015 12:08 AM (fYgrm)

343 If no one else answers, I will say you can't have too much ground wire.

I can't stop thinking how awesome that would be on a t-shirt, Jean. Probably some mental defect on my part . . .

Posted by: Peaches at July 03, 2015 12:08 AM (EgOr3)

344 I have a sub-panel in my kitchen and one in the attic, one is grounded
independently; the other not. Best I can give yeah. I would ground it
if the sub-panel is going to be carrying a real load.>>>

If you have an electrical panel that isn't grounded get it looked at. If its ground just runs to the ground on the other probably OK but all panels need a ground.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:09 AM (1SHv1)

345 Hey everybody.

At Twitter, Paul Begala says George Takei owes Justice Thomas an apology. Wow.

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 03, 2015 12:10 AM (ntObR)

346 "The other thing of note is the configurations are not specified. My understanding that a clean F-35 at half fuel has about the same wing loading as a Viper with bags and stores. "

Oh, let's not go there tonight.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 03, 2015 12:10 AM (VXYfi)

347 297 Any of you Morons a relatively certified Electrician or, at least proficient with Main Panel/Sub Panel installation in a residence? I have a grounding question that is bugging me. Thanks, you Retards.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake

Not licensed, but I should be able help ya.
Especially if it's residential.
I might even remember Nat'l Electric Codes...

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 12:10 AM (LbjC3)

348 What has Peaches been drinking?

Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:11 AM (ztOda)

349 While we're waiting for the live coverage to begin, here is the rollout of Progress M-28M from yesterday.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:11 AM (sdi6R)

To begin with: I know just enough to be dangerous

AOP, do they call you Curly?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 03, 2015 12:11 AM (fIzos)

351 "And, yeah, like I'm going to read all of that!
Posted by: andycanuck at July 02, 2015 10:25 PM (kivUY)"

If only ONT started before bedtime. sigh

Posted by: Ralph at July 03, 2015 12:11 AM (nAJ3K)

352 It's become so easy for liberals to do the wrong thing, and then act like it's the right thing. It's incomprehensible really. Why can't they just live their lives? Are they that miserable?

As one brilliant moron wrote:
My give-a-$h!t meter is reading two picofcuks what anyone else thinks.

What the h3!! does some twink care what I think or do, as long as it doesn't affect them? I just don't get it. Thankfully, I'm on the back nine of life.

Posted by: hadoop at July 03, 2015 12:11 AM (2X7pN)

353 Outside of some Delos D. Harriman type of character helping us found floating cities on Venus, that's pretty much our options.
Posted by: The Political Hat at July 03, 2015 12:01 AM (7YlUk)

Elon Musk is working on that, only his objective is Mars.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:06 AM (sdi6R)

About 50 miles up (IIRC) in the Venusian atmosphere, the environment is mostly Earthlike (temperature, gravity, &c.) and normal air is a lifting gas. And you have the clouds above to shielf from radiation.

Best bet for earliest long-term off-world colony.

Posted by: The Cytherean Hat at July 03, 2015 12:12 AM (7YlUk)

354 I am so sorry for your loss, RWC, but I am hopeful that your hopefulness is not misplaced. I am tanned, rested and ready (with a metric shit-ton of ammo), and not usually this inebriated.

Posted by: Peaches at July 02, 2015 11:58 PM (EgOr3)

Let me clarify. He was 67. It wasn't sudden and actually a blessing that G*d took him home. But thank you regardless. I hope it's not misplaced either. I don't think it is. They tighten the screws and more fall through. If I'm wrong then I really don't want to be around when their utopia comes about.

*goes to watch YouTube puppy vids. *


*pouring drinks for the horde*

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 03, 2015 12:12 AM (XAFOu)

355 "To begin with: I know just enough to be dangerous."

That sounds like Peaches tonight.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 03, 2015 12:12 AM (kivUY)

356 OK, so Ground and Neutral in the Sub Panel both go back to the Main Panel buss on separate wires.

Jarhead brain housing group was not comprehending that.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 03, 2015 12:12 AM (CFcIt)

357 Hey everybody.

At Twitter, Paul Begala says George Takei owes Justice Thomas an apology. Wow.
Posted by: qdpsteve


Begala is just getting rational in his dotage.
Or he hasn't received the fax with the talking points yet.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 03, 2015 12:12 AM (fYgrm)

358 Oh great. Are we to go filibustering all over Central America? Peruvia writ large? This new country thing needs to be thunk over a bit.
Wait, wasn't the great filibusterer named Walker?

Posted by: Man from Wazzustan at July 03, 2015 12:13 AM (uPxUo)

359 Robinson - I meant independent bus ground. The attic one has ground tied back into the cable headed home to main box.

Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:13 AM (ztOda)

360 AOP, do they call you Curly?

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 03, 2015 12:11 AM (fIzos)

Heh. No, and I still have all my hair. And fingers. I did give myself a good zap with a GM HEI ignition a few months ago, though. Woke me right up, it did.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 12:14 AM (Wt2du)

361 Sorry, RWC, missed the loss.

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 03, 2015 12:14 AM (VXYfi)

362 "When the radar missiles miss (and they will) because the Chicoms are
jamming and when the IR missiles miss (and they will) because their
software has been #hacked! you'll find yourself at gun range in a

Go back to the original Sidewinder IR seeker head.

All-analog electronics.

Not readily hackable.

Ridiculously reliable.

Dirt cheap.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 03, 2015 12:15 AM (noWW6)

363 I note on Twitter while reading Jim Treacher's page that alot of [idiots] are agreeing with Sulu Takei and not just white assholes but black ones too. See? Togetherness in their hate!

Posted by: andycanuck at July 03, 2015 12:15 AM (kivUY)

364 At Twitter, Paul Begala says George Takei owes Justice Thomas an apology. Wow.

He must have calculated that it would negatively effect Hillary.

Posted by: Bertram Cabot Jr. at July 03, 2015 12:15 AM (W5DcG)

365 OK, so Ground and Neutral in the Sub Panel both go back to the Main Panel buss on separate wires.

Jarhead brain housing group was not comprehending that.
Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 03, 2015 12:12 AM (CFcIt)

Usually, yes.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at July 03, 2015 12:16 AM (1eYr7)

366 Puddleglum doesn't talk much but the few long sections when he does are very excellent. There's a book out called The Narnian which proposes that CS Lewis lays out his whole worldview and philosophy in the Narnia books, in story form. The more I read them as an adult, the more I can see it.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at July 03, 2015 12:16 AM (39g3+)

367 I ran across a very insightful quote yesterday, I'm afraid it may well apply to us, and I am damned certain that it applies to the mellenials:

"Was Du Erebt von Deinen Vaetern hast, erwirb es, um es zu besitzen" - Goethe

"What you have inherited from your forefathers you must earn before possessing."

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:16 AM (9mTYi)

368 What has Peaches been drinking?

Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:11 AM (ztOda)
cowboy koolaid but kind of a lot of it . . . ain't now way I could ever turn pro but when the going gets weird, I'm there.

Posted by: Peaches at July 03, 2015 12:16 AM (EgOr3)

369 About 50 miles up (IIRC) in the Venusian atmosphere, the environment is mostly Earthlike (temperature, gravity, &c.) and normal air is a lifting gas. And you have the clouds above to shielf from radiation.

and too small for the Empire to notice

Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:17 AM (ztOda)

370 Posted by: andycanuck at July 03, 2015 12:12 AM (kivUY)

Heh..... Yeah, I got an answer on a HI forum. I've hit myself 110/120V. It just tickles, but 220/240V?

Fug that.

Sometimes, I feel like that Electrician's Mate on Down Periscope.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 03, 2015 12:17 AM (CFcIt)

371 He must have calculated that it would negatively effect Hillary.

Pathetic as that is, that's exactly what I was thinking. Begala is the slimiest kind of political hack.

Posted by: hadoop at July 03, 2015 12:17 AM (2X7pN)

372 George Takei loves to tell us of the historic evils of Republicans

Takei was born in 1936 and was interned with his family as a child. He forgets which socialist president from which socialist party put him there

Posted by: kbdabear at July 03, 2015 12:17 AM (GrXXa)

373 and not just white assholes but black ones too. See? Togetherness in their hate!
Posted by: andycanuck

It's almost as if the Left is comprised of those that lust after power with no boundaries...

*(hairy chin stroke)*

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 03, 2015 12:18 AM (fYgrm)

374 Manana......

Posted by: Ricardo Kill at July 03, 2015 12:18 AM (VXYfi)

375 Peaches is in the house?!!!!!! Muah!!!!

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at July 03, 2015 12:19 AM (Vm8WO)

376 Wait, wasn't the great filibusterer named Walker?

Posted by: Man from Wazzustan at July 03, 2015 12:13 AM (uPxUo)

Yeah, Walker filibustered in both Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and I think he got his kicked both times.

But I understand Belize is actively seeking settlers from North America. Reportedly, $50,000 will buy you a Belizan passport. Now, as to the terms of settlement, I don't know. But if you can acquire Belizan citizenship, and vote there, a really substantial cohort of settlers could probably sway the results of elections there.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 12:19 AM (Wt2du)

377 Hasta Ricardo...

Posted by: eleven at July 03, 2015 12:19 AM (MDgS8)

378 I did give myself a good zap with a GM HEI ignition a few months ago, though. Woke me right up, it did.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

The automotive guys have pushed up the voltage/current of modern secondaries to the point just shy of lethal.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:19 AM (9mTYi)

379 That can't be, weft cut-loop. I'm sure I would have read about that in the NYT were that the case.

Posted by: andycanuck at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (kivUY)

380 Go back to the original Sidewinder IR seeker head.

All-analog electronics.

Not readily hackable.

Ridiculously reliable.

Dirt cheap.

Posted by: torquewrench at July
All prerequisites for our betters


Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (fIzos)

381 Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:04 AM (ztOda)

Thanks, jean. From what I gather, either is acceptable and since the Sub I am installing is right next to the Main Panel.........

Go easy, Moron!

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (CFcIt)

382 RWC,

Thoughts & Prayers

Posted by: The Political Hat at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (7YlUk)

383 Puddleglum, as a hero.

I haven't thought about that passage of text in... what... forty years?

Thank you, Ace of Spades. It brought tears to my eyes. I'll of course be reading the Narnia books to my son.

Posted by: Occasional Reader at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (9kyfK)

384 Night RK

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (9mTYi)

385 One of the mysterys of electrical wiring I've always had a problem understanding. Neutral is ground but I need to have a separate Ground Ground.

I guess it's like I don't get the difference between rape and rape rape our betters like Whoppi understand..

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (1SHv1)

386 bebes!!!! mega-shmooshes!!!

Posted by: Peaches at July 03, 2015 12:20 AM (EgOr3)

387 At Twitter, Paul Begala says George Takei owes Justice Thomas an apology. Wow.

Posted by: qdpsteve

No, Forehead Begala hasn't suddenly found his balls. He's probably looking at party data that says that blacks are NOT pleased by Sulu's comments even if they were directed at one designated as "inauthentic" by rich white progressives

Posted by: kbdabear at July 03, 2015 12:21 AM (GrXXa)

388 I've been favoriting and retweeting all day at Twitter. Conservatives are kicking ass and taking names today.

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 03, 2015 12:21 AM (ntObR)

389 But I understand Belize is actively seeking settlers from North America. Reportedly, $50,000 will buy you a Belizan passport. Now, as to the terms of settlement, I don't know. But if you can acquire Belizan citizenship, and vote there, a really substantial cohort of settlers could probably sway the results of elections there.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 12:19 AM (Wt2du)

Time to filibuster Belize...

Posted by: The Political Hat at July 03, 2015 12:21 AM (7YlUk)

390 Robinson, neutral is ground, except in emergencies, then ground is ground.

Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:22 AM (ztOda)

391 That can't be, weft cut-loop. I'm sure I would have read about that in the NYT were that the case.
Posted by: andycanuck

Well, son, their hairy chin strokes are a bit different ... *(awkward pause)

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 03, 2015 12:22 AM (fYgrm)

369 About 50 miles up (IIRC) in the Venusian atmosphere, the environment is mostly Earthlike (temperature, gravity, &c.) and normal air is a lifting gas. And you have the clouds above to shielf from radiation.

and too small for the Empire to notice
Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:17 AM (ztOda)

Staying in a thin layer of the atmosphere sounds like fun.

Posted by: eman at July 03, 2015 12:22 AM (MQEz6)

393 How you holding up? I'm dry tonight. That bastid DC talked me into drinking. 2 lousy Manhattans and i was toasted. Just about fell when I got up to to go bed. I missed my workout and slept in until 10 this morning. Its all his fault!

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at July 03, 2015 12:22 AM (Vm8WO)

394 Do not work on live circuits. Even 120V can kill if circumstances exist to allow around 100 milliamps and up to flow through the body.

Posted by: derit at July 03, 2015 12:22 AM (jT+gh)

395 Go back to the original Sidewinder IR seeker head.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 03, 2015 12:15 AM (noWW6)

Can't do it. No cosmic, off-boresight, orgasm-inducing shoot the enemy behind your 3-9 line capability. The rationale that the Dawg is a dog but the avionics are really super-duper and will make up for it goes away.

Posted by: Hurricane LaFawnduh at July 03, 2015 12:23 AM (laMCB)

396 Good night Morons
Happy Independence Day

See you Sunday
Be well

Posted by: Misanthropic Humanitarian, at July 03, 2015 12:24 AM (fIzos)

397 I'm out for the night. Y'all take care.

Posted by: Country Singer at July 03, 2015 12:24 AM (nL0sw)

398 378 I did give myself a good zap with a GM HEI ignition a few months ago, though. Woke me right up, it did.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon

Like a jackass as a wee pre-Jarhead, I did the same pulling the coil wire off a running '67 Mustang.


Woke me right up, it did.

To say the least.

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 03, 2015 12:24 AM (CFcIt)

Staying in a thin layer of atmosphere sounds like fun.

If you're a Super-villain.

That sounds lair-tastic.

Posted by: eleven at July 03, 2015 12:24 AM (MDgS8)

400 Do not work on live circuits. Even 120V can kill if circumstances exist to allow around 100 milliamps and up to flow through the body.
Posted by: derit

Less than 120V will do the job, probably 50-60 volts would do it in the right circumstances.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:26 AM (9mTYi)

401 Staying in a thin layer of the atmosphere sounds like fun.
Posted by: eman

Giant, multi-celled balloons?
Some big lifting body just surfing at 200 knots forever?
Suspended from an orbiting counter-weight?

Posted by: Jean at July 03, 2015 12:26 AM (ztOda)

402 "But I understand Belize is actively seeking settlers from North America. Reportedly, $50,000 will buy you a Belizan passport."

I have a fair number of world traveller acquaintances who go to sketchy places I would never go myself (cough _important responsibilities_ cough).

A couple of them have been to Belize City.

None of them want to go back.

Posted by: torquewrench at July 03, 2015 12:26 AM (noWW6)

403 Hello, 'rons and 'ettes!

Hope your day has been good. As for me, I arrived home to find one of my living room windows broken... and a bag of apples underneath it. It looks like an attempted break-in, but nothing is missing. Of course, no one in the neighborhood saw a thing.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 12:27 AM (rJUlF)

404 According to BuzzFeed, Marc Lamont Hill and Roland Martin also called out Takei at Twitter. Hmmm.

Posted by: qdpsteve at July 03, 2015 12:27 AM (ntObR)

405 Voltage hurts Amperage Kills.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:27 AM (1SHv1)

406 Survey: How many of us awesome neighborly folk are looking forward to hearing the symphony of neighborhood doggies yelp for help on the Fourth?

For hours.

Starting tomorrow/tonight.

Incessantly. Without end. Arfarfarfarfarfarfarf..

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 03, 2015 12:28 AM (fYgrm)

407 One of the mysterys of electrical wiring I've always had a problem understanding. Neutral is ground but I need to have a separate Ground Ground.

NEC terminology:
Ungrounded conductor = Hot
Grounded conductor = Neutral
Grounding conductor = Ground (aka equipment grounding)

Posted by: derit at July 03, 2015 12:28 AM (jT+gh)

408 "How you holding up? I'm dry tonight. That bastid DC talked me into drinking. 2 lousy Manhattans and i was toasted."

Um, did you ever take the champagne out of the freezer?

Posted by: torquewrench at July 03, 2015 12:28 AM (noWW6)

409 As a kid, I regularly conducted experiments with a Model T coil. I still have it. It was a great toy/learning tool. My sister may have suffered a little, but hey...

I also learned that my dad was intolerant of surprise shocks.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:29 AM (9mTYi)

410 Voltage hurts Amperage Kills.
Posted by: Robinson
The former leads to the latter.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:30 AM (9mTYi)

411 Volts don't kill you. The average tazer is 50,000 volts, btw.

Amps kill you. And it doesn't take much.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 12:31 AM (LbjC3)

412 Thank you all and everyone have a great Fourth. I have to be moral support for my neighbor pulling drums off of his Harley Trike, 1953 axle or, some shit.

His next door neighbor just happened to have the right puller for it so, I will be motivating him by polishing off the better part of an 18-pack and telling him which tools to use or running back to my house for what he doesn't have.

It's hell out here on the Lake.

Be well!

Posted by: 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake in the rain at July 03, 2015 12:33 AM (CFcIt)

413 I'm shocked to see all this electrician talk.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 03, 2015 12:33 AM (UVfht)

414 408 Um, did you ever take the champagne out of the freezer?
Posted by: torquewrench at July 03, 2015 12:28 AM

I put it in the fridge, in the back. its usually colder there.

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at July 03, 2015 12:33 AM (Vm8WO)

415 NASA TV is live now.

The Tsenki feed isn't working for me, but that could be on my end. It's worth watching if you can.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:34 AM (sdi6R)

416 If anyone has pulled the plug wire on a motor when it was running. Hurts like hell cause mega volts, still alive cause really low amps.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:34 AM (1SHv1)

417 I'm shocked to see all this electrician talk.
Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 03, 2015 12:33 AM (UVfht)

It's sparked quite the discussion.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 12:36 AM (rJUlF)

418 It's sparked quite the discussion.>>>

Oddly well grounded though.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:37 AM (1SHv1)

419 Do not work on live circuits. Even 120V can kill if circumstances exist to allow around 100 milliamps and up to flow through the body.

Working on "hot" circuits is required to get even the most basic certification.
Hell, I had to do it at 16 when I was in VoTech. To this day, I do it all the time.

Electrical work is one of those things that demands a healthy respect. If you don't know what you're doing, use your "phone a friend" option.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 12:37 AM (LbjC3)

420 It's sparked quite the discussion.

I don't detect a lot of resistance to it.

Posted by: Uncle Busyhands at July 03, 2015 12:38 AM (Dwehj)

421 "Best bet would be to get enough conservatives together that we can buy a chunk from some other debt ridden country and officially get our independence recognized."

WE in the USA are the debt ridden country. More likely we will have to spin off some real estate before it's over.

Posted by: Thor's feather duster at July 03, 2015 12:38 AM (JgC5a)

422 When I was young, at parties we would play a game, where a cord with stripped ends was plugged into a wall outlet, then an open circle was formed of as many participants as willing, all holding hands. The two end participants would each grasp one of the two conductors

People would then begin to drop out one by one, and the circle would reform. 'Winners' were those who stayed in the longest. There may have been alcohol at these parties.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:38 AM (9mTYi)

423 There are lawn jockeys in front of Barry's high school. Occidental College too.

Posted by: Typical White Grandmother at July 03, 2015 12:39 AM (gwG9s)

424 I've never seen a lawn jockey! Have heard of them, but wasn't sure why a black jockey was an issue.
Posted by: Tammy al-Thor at July 02, 2015 11:17 PM (BVDFs)

We saw one in Tyler, Texas about 5 years ago. It was in a fairly decent neighborhood, too. We were shocked. Before that, I hadn't seen one since I was a kid in the sixties.

Google for images. They're pretty offensive.

Posted by: Michael the Hobbit at July 03, 2015 12:39 AM (0RdKg)

425 Staying in a thin layer of the atmosphere sounds like fun.

Posted by: eman at July 03, 2015 12:22 AM (MQEz6)

The proposals I have seen are colonies (or arcologies?) constructed like giant balloons, inflated with regular old air. Because the atmosphere of Venus is near-pure CO2, it's much denser than air at any given pressure, so a balloon filled with air will be buoyant, like a helium-filled balloon here on Earth. Make the balloon big enough, and sturdy enough, and there would be enough buoyancy to also support a layer of dirt in the bottom for farming, plus animals, people, and homes.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 12:40 AM (bUcRA)

426 The Progressive approach to victory, summed up poetically:

"Here lies a toppled god-
His fall was not a small one.
We did but build his pedestal,
A narrow and a tall one."

Posted by: Tleilaxu Epigram at July 03, 2015 12:40 AM (7YlUk)

427 I don't detect a lot of resistance to it.
Posted by: Uncle

Resistance is futile.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:41 AM (9mTYi)

428 Evening horde

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 12:41 AM (R5HRU)

429 Hammer

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 12:41 AM (on01m)

430 Resistance is futile.
Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:41 AM (9mTYi)

It's true. Let's meditate on that.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 12:44 AM (rJUlF)

431 Resistance is habit-forming

Posted by: Kindltot at July 03, 2015 12:45 AM (3pRHP)

432 TR

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:45 AM (9mTYi)

433 Resistance is E/I

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:46 AM (9mTYi)

434 When I was young, at parties we would play a game, where a cord with stripped ends was plugged into a wall outlet,>>>

Did you ever see one of those hot dog cookers that worked on the same principle?

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:46 AM (1SHv1)

435 We saw one in Tyler, Texas about 5 years ago. It was in a fairly decent neighborhood, too. We were shocked. Before that, I hadn't seen one since I was a kid in the sixties.

Google for images. They're pretty offensive.

Posted by: Michael the Hobbit at July 03, 2015 12:39 AM (0RdKg)

Read Jim's post at 290. And the links he provided. There's more to them than meets the eye. Much more.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 12:47 AM (bUcRA)

436 Oh shit I almost forgot, I don't know how many people here are familiar with Bill Whittle of PJ Media fame - I personally think he's brilliant - he put up a new Afterburner and it's damn near 13 minutes of Democrat/Leftist DESTRUCTION.

Now this being the horde, yall probably know almost all the shit he talks about, some I did, some I didn't and some frankly, I forgot.

Either way send this shit to ALL your lefty friends and watch them twist themselves in knots trying to explain away history:

IMHO it is absolutely required viewing.

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 12:47 AM (R5HRU)

437 Going to bed.

Night horde.

Posted by: RWC - Team BOHICA at July 03, 2015 12:48 AM (XAFOu)

438 Less than 10 minutes to go. The NASA announcer just mentioned that this is the same launch pad that Yuri Gagarin used in 1961.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:48 AM (sdi6R)

439 I recommend operant conditioning instead. Complaining and crusading is
what they do, but even a flatworm is smart enough to turn away from
pain. Make it painful for them to mess with things that you consider
important, and they'll likely turn their attentions elsewhere.

I will not admit to stabbing anyone as a Freshman in high school, but I will admit that a certain type of student left me strictly alone for most of the end of my secondary school career.

Posted by: \ at July 03, 2015 12:48 AM (3pRHP)

440 All this talk of tasers.
Posh. I found a new S&W Model 19-3 today.

You know when they last made this model .357?


And I bought it.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 12:48 AM (on01m)

441 the problem with notions of extra-terrestrial concepts is the basic fact that humans aren't built for space.

Losing heart-mass might be just as funny as the extra radiation that we think we can shield against in a LEO.

Humans aren't built for space. No long term human colony will ever persist.

Good thing few if any neuro-network research pans out.

Posted by: weft cut-loop at July 03, 2015 12:49 AM (fYgrm)

442 Working on "hot" circuits is required to get even the most basic certification.

A professional at times must work on energized circuits, with the proper equipment etc., but someone untrained and inexperienced should never do so.

Posted by: derit at July 03, 2015 12:49 AM (jT+gh)

443 98ZJUSMC Staring at the Lake

Modern codes require a separate busses for neutral & ground. They are no longer tied together.
Ground must be (literally) grounded with TWO ground rods, withinin 6 feet of each other.

Sub panels must be grounded again with their own ground rods.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 12:49 AM (LbjC3)

444 Did you ever see one of those hot dog cookers that worked on the same principle?
Posted by: Robinson

It was a standard Cub Scout level project to make one.
Drive two plain steel nails through a bit of board, about 5" apart, solder wires to the heads on the underside. Impale dog, plug in. COOL!

It also taught an object lesson.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:49 AM (9mTYi)

445 Well, nearly new, anyway.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 12:49 AM (on01m)

446 Way to get the electrical puns rolling there blanco.

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at July 03, 2015 12:51 AM (Vm8WO)

447 T-5 minutes.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:51 AM (sdi6R)

448 Did you ever see one of those hot dog cookers that worked on the same principle?

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:46 AM (1SHv1)

See one? I made one, when I was about 12. I used regular steel nails for the probes, and they left a metallic taste in the franks. Also, the ends of the franks, immediately around the probes, did not cook. The current field was evidently from probe tip, to probe tip. But the part that did cook, cooked fast.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 12:51 AM (bUcRA)

449 436

Thanks for the link. Whittle is teh Awesome. He's the Presidential candidate we need.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 12:51 AM (rJUlF)

450 Way to get the electrical puns rolling there blanco.

Figured the thread could use a jolt.

Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 03, 2015 12:51 AM (UVfht)

451 51
What is the name of the Yahoo Group Party?

Interesting question which has been asked on rare occasions with no answer I've ever seen.

What's the point of linking to the YG at the end of so many ONTs if only to be greeted by a closed door?

Posted by: orangeblossom at July 03, 2015 12:52 AM (p+skW)

452 And I bought it.

Posted by: Tobacco Road

Gluttony is one of the seven deadlies.
Just saying....

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:52 AM (9mTYi)

453 Ohm my goodness. I hate puns.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 12:53 AM (LbjC3)

454 YW Captain.

Also a happy belated to Tom Sowell.

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 12:53 AM (R5HRU)

455 Resistance is futile.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:41 AM (9mTYi)

It's true. Let's meditate on that.

I thought you said "medicate" . . . oops, too late now.

Posted by: Peaches at July 03, 2015 12:54 AM (EgOr3)

456 Gluttony is one of the seven deadlies.
Just saying....

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc
So is envy.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 12:54 AM (on01m)

457 Posted by: Mike Hammer,>>>

I was going to call bullshit on the group 120volt hand holding since it should have been above the let go limit. But maybe you used to hang out with a lot of bad conductors.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:54 AM (1SHv1)

458 T-2 minutes.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:54 AM (sdi6R)


Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 12:54 AM (on01m)

460 I'm shocked to see all this electrician talk.
Posted by: Blanco Basura at July 03, 2015 12:33 AM (UVfht)

It's sparked quite the discussion.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 12:36 AM (rJUlF)


Posted by: Misaka Mikoto at July 03, 2015 12:55 AM (7YlUk)

461 TR!!!!! {big-ass kinda sorta drunken grin}

Posted by: Peaches at July 03, 2015 12:55 AM (EgOr3)

462 What's the point of linking to the YG at the end of so many ONTs if only to be greeted by a closed door?
Posted by: orangeblossom

There are currently armed guards at the YG. But that is a recent thing. If you were to email Maet with a request to join, I believe it would be arranged.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:55 AM (9mTYi)

463 451 What's the point of linking to the YG at the end of so many ONTs if only to be greeted by a closed door?
Posted by: orangeblossom at July 03, 2015 12:52 AM

Joining has required moderator approval from the group's inception.

Posted by: bebe's boobs destroy at July 03, 2015 12:56 AM (Vm8WO)

464 And we're off.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:56 AM (sdi6R)

465 Lift off time is fluorescent

Posted by: derit at July 03, 2015 12:56 AM (jT+gh)

466 Hey, halfrican. Good to "see" ya.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 12:57 AM (LbjC3)

467 TR!!!!! {big-ass kinda sorta drunken grin}
Posted by: Peaches
I get that sister. I have the subtly snaggle toothed grin if I open up wide enough. I had three teeth taken out in January and when they told me how much it would cost to replace them with implants I spent the money on a 4x4 truck.


Fork it.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 12:58 AM (on01m)

468 Tobacco Rd. The "dash 3" version of the "19", was that a pinned and recessed model?

I know that the "dash 3" of the Model 29 wasn't. They quit doing those extra steps (and the hand polishing n' fine blueing), that went with 'em, at the "dash 2" time period.

Regardless, there's no MIM in your '19. Very well done!

Oh, and if you need, I can see it safely secured at the bottom of Galveston Bay. It's only one canoe ride away from safety, forever.

Damn canoe!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 03, 2015 12:59 AM (RzZOc)

469 At SpaceX we use lawn jockeys as test pilots. We find them so offensive we blow them up.

Posted by: Elon Musk at July 03, 2015 12:59 AM (gwG9s)

470 They keep referring to "structural stability". I guess that's a thing now with rockets.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 12:59 AM (sdi6R)

471 Howdy, y'all! Anybody left?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:00 AM (EzgxV)

472 My man Chi! You gotta check the link my dude.

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 01:00 AM (R5HRU)

473 I had three teeth taken out in January and when they
told me how much it would cost to replace them with implants I spent
the money on a 4x4 truck.


Fork it.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 12:58 AM (on01m)
Yup, that. Plus, for free, you get to listen to Levon singin' the night they drove ol' dixie down on youtube and mourn him again. leastways, that's how i'm spendin' the rest of my turgidity this night, which, frankly, aint' much. oops

Posted by: Peaches at July 03, 2015 01:01 AM (EgOr3)

474 Tobacco Rd. The "dash 3" version of the "19", was that a pinned and recessed model?

I know that the "dash 3" of the Model 29 wasn't. They quit doing those extra steps (and the hand polishing n' fine blueing), that went with 'em, at the "dash 2" time period.

Regardless, there's no MIM in your '19. Very well done!

Oh, and if you need, I can see it safely secured at the bottom of Galveston Bay. It's only one canoe ride away from safety, forever.

Damn canoe!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim

Pre-lock, pinned barrel and recessed cylinders. As good as a Model 19 K frame .357 gets.

Sat in someone's sock drawer for about 48 years.


Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 01:02 AM (on01m)

475 I was going to call bullshit on the group 120volt hand holding since it should have been above the let go limit. But maybe you used to hang out with a lot of bad conductors.
Posted by: Robinson

I get the pun..., but, of course, the voltage across each body would be roughly equal, so 6 people is only 20 volts across each. Not enough to feel. Bear in mind also that the 120V is RMS, so the peak voltage is higher by a factor of 1.414.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 01:02 AM (9mTYi)

476 That Albert Jay Nock essay on Isaiah/the Remnant is a classic, a true masterpiece.

Posted by: Margarita DeVille at July 03, 2015 01:03 AM (cN9Sk)

477 Puddleglum doesn't talk much but the few long sections when he does are very excellent.

I would quibble with this a bit. I think Puddleglum was given quite a lot to say, and the good part is, everything he said was rock-solid straight, right, and showed unwavering faith in Aslan. Lots of doubt and fears about his own self, sometimes humorously so, but not toward Aslan, or sticking it through to the end.

Posted by: OregonMuse at July 03, 2015 01:04 AM (u07AL)

478 Coming up on third stage separation. That's where the last Progress mission went wrong.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 01:04 AM (sdi6R)

479 Antenna and solar array deploy! Looks good.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 01:06 AM (sdi6R)

480 471

Still here, FWIW. Took a nap earlier and now I can't sleep.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 01:07 AM (rJUlF)

481 'sup, Whitebread.

That's racist you know.

And I'm okay with it, because... diversity.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 01:09 AM (on01m)

482 Nous sommes tous Puddleglum.

Posted by: Occasional Reader at July 03, 2015 01:10 AM (9kyfK)

483 Make magazine had an article online about making thermite, with an experiment that involved rusting a trailer hitch and coating another one with aluminum foil, banging them together and making intense sparks from the thermite reaction.

Did anyone else have the sudden realization that this could be a substitute for priming compound for ammunition, if suitably re-engineered?

Posted by: Kindltot at July 03, 2015 01:10 AM (3pRHP)

484 480 471

Still here, FWIW. Took a nap earlier and now I can't sleep.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 01:07 AM (rJUlF)

Still hangin' with the hot mamas and being cheerful?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:10 AM (EzgxV)

485 Still here, FWIW. Took a nap earlier and now I can't sleep.>>>

I love the idea of taking a nap but the not sleeping at night takes away from doing it regularly.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 01:10 AM (1SHv1)

486 I was going to call bullshit on the group 120volt hand holding since it should have been above the let go limit. But maybe you used to hang out with a lot of bad conductors.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 12:54 AM (1SHv1)

In 1746, Abbe Nollet, a French clergyman who was also a physicist, gathered 200 monks in a circle a mile in circumference, each monk holding onto a piece of iron wire held by the nest monk in the chain, and then discharged static electricity from a battery of Leyden jars into the loop of monks. He observed that they all jumped at the same time, proving that the electric current propagated almost instantaneously.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 01:11 AM (bUcRA)

487 That's racist you know.

And I'm okay with it, because... diversity.

Posted by: Tobacco

We have duly noted the fact that this 'Peaches' fellow is listening to counterrevolutionary music, and the presence of this 'Whitebread' fellow.

Posted by: Bob, at NSA at July 03, 2015 01:12 AM (9mTYi)

488 He observed that they all jumped at the same time, proving that the electric current propagated almost instantaneously.
Posted by: Alberta

See? same experiment I conducted with my Model T coil, my sister and dad. You'd think that they would have approved of my scientific curiosity, but noooooo.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 01:14 AM (9mTYi)

489 ACLU Uses Tracking Software To Monitor Capitol Hill Staffers

Posted by: The Political Hat at July 03, 2015 01:14 AM (7YlUk)

490 Did anyone else have the sudden realization that this could be a
substitute for priming compound for ammunition, if suitably

In WWII the melted guns/cannons with Thermite. The brass in a cartridge isn't going to hold up to those temps well.

Posted by: Robinson at July 03, 2015 01:15 AM (1SHv1)

491 Evening everybody,

If you've never seen the 60 minutes story on youtube about Sir Nicholas Winton, it's a must see. What he did under the nose of the Nazis was amazing.

Posted by: Blano at July 03, 2015 01:15 AM (heN73)

492 Wow.

Watching NBCSportsnetwork's "Nascar Classics" tonight, and they just did the starting lineup for the 2001 Firecracker 400, and 36 of the 43 drivers are no longer racing in the "Cup" series.

And it would have been 35 if you counted Michael Waltrip's couple of starts this season.

Posted by: Ashley Judd's Puffy Scamper, aka MrCaniac at July 03, 2015 01:16 AM (Z7G74)

493 Did anyone else have the sudden realization that this could be a
substitute for priming compound for ammunition, if suitably

One of the products of the reaction is elemental iron. Cleaning the bore would be a cast-iron bitch, as it were.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 01:18 AM (9mTYi)

494 This whole Confederate Flag nonsense is being put forward by petty dicks!

Posted by: Richard Petty at July 03, 2015 01:19 AM (gwG9s)


Hello nightshades.

I feel ESPECIALLY stupid tonight so, you should feel good about yourselves! ;D

Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 03, 2015 01:20 AM (1LhSy)

496 Night all.

Posted by: ManWithNoParty, unperson from Free Market Jesus Paradise at July 03, 2015 01:20 AM (2z4UX)

497 Night MWNP

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 01:21 AM (9mTYi)

498 Yup, I'm out too.
*waves Bonnie Blue flag*

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 01:22 AM (9mTYi)

499 Hey AOP, Wachoo smokin' up there?

Posted by: Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants at July 03, 2015 01:17 AM (uDhu+)

Trees. Lots and lots of trees. Smoke was bad here for a day or two, but winds have carried it away again. Visibility was down to about 2.5 miles 2 days ago. And you could smell it.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 01:24 AM (bUcRA)

500 494.

If they ever develop a ceramic barrel liner......

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 03, 2015 01:26 AM (RzZOc)

501 Still hangin' with the hot mamas and being cheerful?
Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:10 AM (EzgxV)

Cheerful, yes! Hot mamas...not so much. The one I thought I had a connection with kept breaking dates at the last minute. Three strikes...she's out.

About the "racist" comment toward my screen name... "Captain Whitebread" began as an insult in my school days. The jocks and the cool kids thought it was funny because I didn't spend my weekends getting wasted. The Captain part was a dig at my being a comic geek (which was reviled back in the 80s). So when I started getting online, I decided to use it as my screen name, because they thought it was an insult, but I never really saw it that way.

That's more than you wanted to know, I'm sure.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 01:26 AM (rJUlF)

Tobacco R., Model 19? Don't tell me it's a snub. My "grail" gun. Or, well, used to be. Have its 4-inch brother, a Model 66 - but not P ampersand R (66-2).

Late last year happened upon a stainless Colt King Cobra 2-inch for sale at my indoor range. Under-priced (consignment sale). Bobbed hammer, handling marks. The price seemedlow, so didresearch, and sure enough it was being given away. Let it sit there for 3 weeks, finally bought it. Two trips to Colt for refinishing and return to mechanical spec, new hammer from Numrich .... and the thing is worth more than my car (even without the CA premium).

Decided to put its factor rubber grips away for safe-keeping, and the Hogue exotic wood (pau ferro) grips I got (seconds, on Amazon) were not machined properly. But a happy ending, I ended up learning Hogue's main facility is nearby, their wood guy found all these grips had the flaw, altered one, and I swapped today.

So, still envious of your Model 19 (if it's a snub) - but ..... telling myself this King Cobra will do. Until a M 19 snub comes along ...

Posted by: rhomboid at July 03, 2015 01:29 AM (QDnY+)

503 When I was young, at parties we would play a game, where a cord with stripped ends was plugged into a wall outlet, then an open circle was formed of as many participants as willing, all holding hands. The two end participants would each grasp one of the two conductors
People would then begin to drop out one by one, and the circle would reform. 'Winners' were those who stayed in the longest. There may have been alcohol at these parties.

Posted by: Mike Hammer, etc., etc. at July 03, 2015 12:38 AM

You do know you are lucky to have lived this long, MH?

Yes, I woke up and am back. Had to follow the lawn jockey discussion. I provoked. LOL

I guess maybe they are offensive. I saw some growing up. But I never took it to be anything other than a representation of the past, and I'm living in the north. I do understand how some could be offended, my point was too many today are too often offended.

Posted by: Farmer at July 03, 2015 01:30 AM (o/90i)

504 That's more than you wanted to know, I'm sure.
Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print)

I was just busting your chops, brother.

Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 01:34 AM (on01m)

505 rhomboid.

I. Hate. You.

(damn great find and good job of the refinements!)

....... you lousy, low down, scum sucking, futhermucking bunafasitch!


Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 03, 2015 01:34 AM (RzZOc)

506 My half-brother lives on Penn. Ave.

Posted by: Lawn Jockey Soetoro at July 03, 2015 01:36 AM (gwG9s)

507 I was just busting your chops, brother.
Posted by: Tobacco Road at July 03, 2015 01:34 AM (on01m)

No worries, man. I'm just in a more verbose mode than usual tonight.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 01:36 AM (rJUlF)

508 Howdy, y'all! Anybody left?
Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:00 AM

A few, I just woke up after a short nap. Usually once I'm down I'm gone for the night.

Your problems on the net solved? Sounds like a nightmare.

Posted by: Farmer at July 03, 2015 01:37 AM (o/90i)

509 Well, time for me to call it a night. Spent a bunch of hours in the sun today, and that always makes me sleepy.

Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 03, 2015 01:38 AM (bUcRA)

510 Did y'all know that bitches be crazy?

It's pretty cool when they fess up to it, though.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 01:38 AM (LbjC3)

511 I was comtemplating a lawn jockey featuring jar Jar Binks. With an arrow through his head.

Posted by: OG Celtic-American at July 03, 2015 01:39 AM (1LhSy)

512 Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 01:38 AM (LbjC3)

Life lesson right there.

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 01:42 AM (R5HRU)

513 Still here, FWIW. Took a nap earlier and now I can't sleep.
Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 01:07 AM

Glad to see you here and in good fittle. Same thing here, can't sleep now.

Maybe another glass of wine will do the trick...

Posted by: Farmer at July 03, 2015 01:43 AM (o/90i)

Jim, I think this one justifies hating me. I rarely chance upon good deals.

One cool thing - another kudo to the internet - I posted some questions on the Colt forum, and ended up emailing directly with the head of their custom shop, who is a member there. Ended up having some of the work and shipping basically for free thanks to the personal contact.

If it helps you hate me less, I paid much closer to market price for a Colt Magnum Carry a few years ago.Barely shot - another salesman in that store had sold it to the original owner (deceased, this was part of an estate sale), and even shot it at the range with him, but was certain it was barely ever used after that. Looks new aside from carbon fouling.

Posted by: rhomboid at July 03, 2015 01:45 AM (QDnY+)

515 514

All out of wine here. The only non-water beverage in the house is Diet Mt. Dew. Not what I need to help relax.

Posted by: Captain Whitebread (Face For Radio, Voice For Print) at July 03, 2015 01:45 AM (rJUlF)

516 Halfrican,
I'm almost 50.
I'm not supposed to be learning (or re-learning) these lessons.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 01:47 AM (LbjC3)

517 That's racist you know.
And I'm okay with it, because... diversity.
Posted by: Tobacco
We have duly noted the fact that this 'Peaches' fellow is listening to counterrevolutionary music, and the presence of this 'Whitebread' fellow.
Posted by: Bob, at NSA at July 03, 2015 01:12 AM

Bob at NSA,
Could you politely f*ck off and take a look at bigger threats to our country like the obvious felon Hillary Clinton?

TY for stopping by.

Posted by: Farmer at July 03, 2015 01:48 AM (o/90i)

518 I doubt the Venusian atmoshere maies it feasible to stay in the safe zone.

Built habitats in Space.

Shield them from radiation and rotate them to mimic gravity.

Cylinders 200 miles long and 50 miles wide should easily hold millions of people.

Posted by: eman at July 03, 2015 01:50 AM (MQEz6)

519 So, just to overshare (as usual), I am extremely proud of myself for what I accomplished today.

During the 80s and 90s, I was very involved in computers -- which is why I moved to Silicon Valley. The big first date (not just having lunch, but an all-day thing) with the fiancee was visiting the West Coast Computer Faire. I was doing computer consulting and could troubleshoot Novell networks. Things were exploding, and I read prodigiously.....and I never threw that shit away.

So, as of today, 14 file boxes of my old computer magazines have been donated to the Internet Archive -- where they will be scanned in and made available to all, despite all their publishers having gone out of business.

I also got to visit one of their facilities, where their servers pack 1.3 petabytes into what looked like 8 rack units, and they had something like 30 full 8' racks in there and were building more -- and this facility was only capturing broadcast video.

Most people are probably only familiar with the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, which captures historical versions of webpages.....but they're much, much bigger.

.....and now they're my 14 boxes of computer magazines bigger still.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:50 AM (EzgxV)

520 511 Did y'all know that bitches be crazy?

It's pretty cool when they fess up to it, though.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 01:38 AM (LbjC3)

Chi! How ya doin'?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:51 AM (EzgxV)

521 509 Howdy, y'all! Anybody left?
Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:00 AM

A few, I just woke up after a short nap. Usually once I'm down I'm gone for the night.

Your problems on the net solved? Sounds like a nightmare.

Posted by: Farmer at July 03, 2015 01:37 AM (o/90i)

Every day, I'm a little safer -- tomorrow I'll be safer, still. I solved a big problem yesterday to the point where I'm actually happy with it, which allows me to now concentrate more on the six-or-seven other problems.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:54 AM (EzgxV)

522 He's had it there for 40 yrs and is now getting grief about it. Gotta love Obama's healing America BS.
Posted by: Farmer at July 02, 2015 11:11 PM (o/90i)
he should provide it with a small TelePrompter, and call it a shrine to obama.
Posted by: Alberta Oil Peon at July 02, 2015 11:27 PM

LMAO, thanks AOP. That's why I love the Horde. Be well.

Posted by: Farmer at July 03, 2015 01:55 AM (o/90i)

523 Rhomboid.

Aside from a basic level of Mornic envy of your Colts, I ....well...... fcuk you, dammit!


Seriously though, those are wonderful acquisitions. Even though I'm a dyed in the wool S&W wheelgun insaniac, I'd give a nut to get a mint, later version of the Colt Detective Special, with the shrouded ejector rod and factory oversized grips.

And likewise, a mint 4" Diamondback. Mini-Python, on the Police Positive Frame, but in .38 Special. Rare beyond words, in .22 LR.

The .22 Diamondback? Nuterectormy. No quibbles. Just gimme the gun, now![I/], dammit.

Yeah, I'm a gun whore. Sue me.

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 03, 2015 01:56 AM (RzZOc)

524 Doing a late-night fly-by to announce that we have a venue confirmed for the Colorado Morondezvous on July 11th. We were having trouble finding a place that would allow our group to clog up their tables on a Saturday night, but WestminsterDogShow is a master negotiator and got us set up.

The information is posted at the AoS Yahoo group and the Morondezvous Yahoo group.

Posted by: Mindy at July 03, 2015 01:57 AM (BkhqT)

525 Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 01:47 AM (LbjC3)

That's what I'm here for homeboy. The young'uns perspective!

Well at least the 30 year olds version.....

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 01:58 AM (R5HRU)

526 1. Closing tags save the day (night)

2. Hasta la nite nite, Horde!

Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX

Posted by: Jim at July 03, 2015 02:00 AM (RzZOc)

527 Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:50 AM (EzgxV)

I know it wasn't the point of the post, but I'm impressed.

For the last couple of weeks when I've been late on the ONT, occasionally you've mentioned some of what you've been doing after the attacks. This helps to explain where all of your drive and knowledge came from.

I hope you resolve everything soon. You may have even found some positives that came out of this horrible situation.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 03, 2015 02:02 AM (AC0lD)

528 >>>All out of wine here. The only non-water beverage in the house is Diet Mt. Dew. Not what I need to help relax.

And this, kiddos, is why we say logistics is everything.

CW, you need a bourbon?

Posted by: DC in River City at July 03, 2015 02:06 AM (e+1S5)

529 Did y'all know that bitches be crazy?
It's pretty cool when they fess up to it, though.
Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 01:38 AM

All I'll say is I've been married for 34 years, together for almost 40 years. And I tend to agree. We've had many, many tumults over those years.

Good luck to you. Best wishes from here.

Posted by: Farmer at July 03, 2015 02:10 AM (o/90i)

530 528 Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 01:50 AM (EzgxV)

I know it wasn't the point of the post, but I'm impressed.

For the last couple of weeks when I've been late on the ONT, occasionally you've mentioned some of what you've been doing after the attacks. This helps to explain where all of your drive and knowledge came from.

I hope you resolve everything soon. You may have even found some positives that came out of this horrible situation.

Posted by: Stateless Infidel at July 03, 2015 02:02 AM (AC0lD)

Why, thank you! *curtsies* And, yes, my ability to recognize analyze, and respond to the attack in a semi-timely fashion was very much baked-in to these 30-year-old memories -- and I draw on that knowledge as I figure out how to rebuild. But it's going to take a while, and even when I'm rebuilt and operating again, I'll have to live with certain protocols for the rest of time.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 02:16 AM (EzgxV)

531 I'll ask this question again. If you never say goodbye do you need to say hello?

And this question.

If you never say goodnight do you need to say good morning?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 02:26 AM (91eZY)

532 This grinning shit is making my face muscles hurt.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 02:26 AM (kmtse)

533 So ... Seattle schools are offering to put IUDs in 6th grade girls without parental consent - hell without even informing the parents, at all.

If the left thinks that 11 year old girls are able to consent to IUDs and thus, are encouraging said 11 year olds to have sex - unprotected sex, at that - then why would anyone think that those same nihilist leftists would have any problem with the 11 year old girls marrying the same guys these leftists are fixing them up to go to bed with right now? Yes ... yes .. these leftists abhor the idea of marriage, in general ... so, there's that, but if a state is already figuring that 11 year old girls can consent to being fitted to prepare for unprotected sex with ... who knows ... then that state has no argument left in much of any "child consent" debates.

In a sane society these people in the Seattle school district (and all involved in this lunatic program) would be rounded up and locked away, where they belong. But, I wouldn't hold my breath on any of them even getting suspended with pay.

Leftists hate their parents and they do everything in their power to harm any parent unlucky enough to run into them - or to have their children run into them.

I know that this stuff has already been known for abortions for young girls but this is just another side of the leftist push to destroy everything they see. "Accessory to statutory rape" (or whatever the relevant charge is) seems like an open and shut case, here. But ... again ... I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

Posted by: ThePrimordialOrderedPair at July 03, 2015 02:27 AM (MYSVz)

534 Anyone here play The Witcher 3? Just an incredible game.

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 02:27 AM (R5HRU)

535 534 This grinning shit is making my face muscles hurt.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 02:26 AM (kmtse)

Did I miss something?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 02:28 AM (EzgxV)

536 Oh...


Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 02:30 AM (kmtse)

537 538 Oh...


Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 02:30 AM (kmtse)

I take one little excursion to get a win/win on my magazine issue, and everything's different when I get back.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 02:36 AM (EzgxV)

538 Hey SMFH got a question for you if you don't mind.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 02:37 AM (GoyxN)

539 Hey thatfalfrican!

So what do you think about comparing ethnicity to bumping uglies?

I don't know about you, but my skin color. ethnicity, race, etc isn't a choice. I can't wake up and decide, "You know what? I think I'll be white male today."
You can, however, make the decision if you're going to suck dick, much carpet, or bump uglies--whether they're the same or not.

I can assure you, there are many black churches here in Texas, as well as Hispanic, that is all, "Oh HELL NAW!"

The shit that went down in Houston when the mayor there tried that shit had me lmao. The black churches there were, "Say again?"

Is there enough popcorn in the world to sustain the horde?

The #blacklivesmatter VS the Rainbow Weenies (fuck calling them Warriors) in Chicago had me giggling like a Japanese schoolgirl.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 02:43 AM (kmtse)

540 Hey Tim!


Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 02:43 AM (kmtse)

541 540 Hey SMFH got a question for you if you don't mind.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois

Be careful, Tim. That one will chew you up and spit you out!

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 02:45 AM (LbjC3)

542 543 540 Hey SMFH got a question for you if you don't mind.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois

Be careful, Tim. That one will chew you up and spit you out!

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 02:45 AM (LbjC3)

Speaking of "chew you up" -- how's da dawg? You now know that I've spent more time sorting dusty magazines than finding him another rat.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 02:47 AM (EzgxV)

543 First off, if my Wife was not sitting right next to me I would do a search on " giggling Japanese schoolgirls."


My question was if maybe a few years back you may of hung out in a Veterans Forum. Also a Gal but she alternated her user name from SMFH to a couple of different versions but always with the acronym SMFH.

Just wondering if that was you.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 02:49 AM (GoyxN)

544 Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 02:43 AM (kmtse)

All that shit has me pissed the fuck off. Just imagining you're X race, Y gender? FOH.

Plus the gay movement clamping on to what blacks went through? An even bigger FOH I give that. It should be offensive and insulting to every single common sensed American. Which I grant is in short order.

Either way I don't let people get away with that shit. Or I just go silly on the bit - "I feel as if I'm a lollipop ladies. Who wants the first lick?"

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 02:50 AM (R5HRU)

545 I take one little excursion to get a win/win on my magazine issue, and everything's different when I get back.

Posted by: cthulhu

you're bragging about your collection of Hustler?

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 02:52 AM (LbjC3)

546 Just for fun with out trolls -- does this describe you? news/2015-07-02/government -trolls-are-using -psychology-based-influence -techniques-youtube- facebook-a

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 02:57 AM (EzgxV)

547 "Be careful, Tim. That one will chew you up and spit you out!"

LoL Not looking for love on the net. Will be 50 tomorrow. I am married and we have seven wonderful little Brats.

Polygamy doesn't sound good to me.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 02:58 AM (91eZY)

548 Tomorrow - as in when you wake up?
Or on the fourth?

Happy Birthday, Moron.

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 03:01 AM (LbjC3)


Polygamy 2 or 3 mothers-in-law doesn't sound good to me.

At Hot Air, there's a post about some fool in Montana who has applied for such a ... situation.

He looks like a young "Luke" from GH.

Let's see how this plays out.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:04 AM (FlRtG)

550 547 I take one little excursion to get a win/win on my magazine issue, and everything's different when I get back.

Posted by: cthulhu

you're bragging about your collection of Hustler?

Posted by: Chi at July 03, 2015 02:52 AM (LbjC3)

Dude.....they took UNIX Review, and I'll get a tax deduction for it. Once I get the Hustlers separated from the issues of "Lesbian Delight" and "Soul-Hungry Ginger Babes", they will also get donated. But I've got to do something before they can get donated and scanned because several of the pages are stuck together.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:06 AM (EzgxV)

551 Or on the fourth?


Gotta celebrate at least one B'day tomorrow.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:08 AM (91eZY)

552 Polygamy 2 or 3 mothers-in-law doesn't sound good to me.

At Hot Air, there's a post about some fool in Montana who has applied for such a ... situation.

He looks like a young "Luke" from GH.

Let's see how this plays out.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:04 AM (FlRtG)

It's not just polygamy, but any plural marriage.

For example, a "Line Marriage" as seen in Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", or a "Braid Marriage" where a man marries a woman, and then in time she marries a man who it time marries a woman. Or any number of varients.

That history has shown zero evidence that anything other than a man+woman combo (Kings' harems aside) works for society.

But hey, some some "social scientists" biad confirmation knows totes more than the collected wisdom of mankind...

Posted by: Stop Duo-Normative Oppression at July 03, 2015 03:08 AM (7YlUk)

553 one more drink and bed time

Posted by: thathalfrican at July 03, 2015 03:11 AM (R5HRU)

554 "Happy Birthday, Moron."

You called me a Moron. Thats about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:11 AM (91eZY)


Kings' harems ...

Those worked well, historically.

The sons of the Turkish Sultans, Persian Shahs and Mogul Emperors usually killed each other off. Frequently, this involved many other people.

This does not sound like a good plan.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:15 AM (FlRtG)

556 556 "Happy Birthday, Moron."

You called me a Moron. Thats about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:11 AM (91eZY)

Hey, that's right -- Happy Birthday, even if you could be some psychotic weirdo trying to screw up my life using another Moron's name in a moment of inattention.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:16 AM (EzgxV)

557 >>>Cylinders 200 miles long and 50 miles wide should easily hold millions of people.


The blog will never get popular enough to need a Barrel that big.

Posted by: Cicero (@cicero) at July 03, 2015 03:20 AM (oZr5y)

558 LoL.

Check my hash history. 91ezy is mine. Always has been.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:21 AM (91eZY)

559 common practice for dozens of years was to stash facts in my saved emails. I've been cutoff from them for well over a month, so I may very well sound stupid.

Did I ever have reason to believe that you spent time at gun ranges?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:22 AM (EzgxV)

Did I ever have reason to believe that you spent time at gun ranges?


Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:23 AM (FlRtG)

561 560 LoL.

Check my hash history. 91ezy is mine. Always has been.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:21 AM (91eZY)

That's why the sarc tag.

Wait, whut?......I appended a tag to that -- did we change fucking protocols again?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:24 AM (EzgxV)

562 I'm on a Satellite connection. Dish Net to be more exact. Whenever a branch blows across the dish it will break the signal. I get a new IP. I rotate usually between the same four hash marks.

You haven't learned that by now?

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:24 AM (91eZY)

563 Sorry, Tim, it appears the rules have changed again. There were outright "" in both @558 and @563. Glad you read the invisible /sarc for your @560.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:28 AM (EzgxV)

564 Night all.

Here is "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Fingered Death Punch:

Posted by: The Political Hat at July 03, 2015 03:31 AM (7YlUk)

565 562
Did I ever have reason to believe that you spent time at gun ranges?


Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:23 AM (FlRtG)

As of tonight, I find myself minimally competent in need of practice. I'm booked-up through Sunday, but would be interested in doing something next week. Any interest?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:31 AM (EzgxV)

566 565 Sorry, Tim, it appears the rules have changed again. There were outright "" in both @558 and @563. Glad you read the invisible /sarc for your @560.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:28 AM (EzgxV)

Wow. Double spacing it didn't protect it from vanishing.

Hi, Tim!!! *waves* Don't know what the rules are!!!!

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:33 AM (EzgxV)

567 Did we avoid the metaphorical fraggings tonight that were so abundant last night?

Heya cooth.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at July 03, 2015 03:34 AM (b2cFu)

568 When dealing with the unknown it is always wise to tread carefully.

The last time I did over react. My fault. That will not happen again.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:35 AM (91eZY)


Any interest?

Yes. Mondays and Wednesdays are bad for me for the next 5 weeks. There is a place very close to me ... I recommend some place else, as I prefer to remain anonymous. The place is nice, and I've looked at potential items there, but never bought or shot there, so I'm just a "looker" with nothing, as far as anyone there (who might recognize me) knows.

I assume you have proper safety glasses (clear is fine), hearing protection (electronic ones are nice), ammo, basic safety training and cleaning equipment.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:38 AM (FlRtG)

570 "Did we avoid the metaphorical fraggings tonight that were so abundant last night?

Glad I missed that one. Don't like to see the ONT crew fighting amongst themselves.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:38 AM (91eZY)

... also, I assume you have a satisfactory container.

I use a wheeled Harbor Freight tool bag, with a caliper and some electronic test leads and the (Harbor Freight) brand "Pittsburgh" discretely showing ... I'm moving tools, and they are tools that EVERYONE avoids.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:41 AM (FlRtG)

572 569 Did we avoid the metaphorical fraggings tonight that were so abundant last night?

Heya cooth.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at July 03, 2015 03:34 AM (b2cFu)

I'm not sure which batch of fraggings you might be referring to, being as there have been so many.

Today is 6/6 for you, if I'm not mistaken. I hope you gain some rest and peace -- you are taking a shit-ton of weight upon your shoulders for duty's sake lately and I'm very worried for you. 10 years from now, you'll be remembering Son-of-Crank's smile and playing with him, but what you've been filling your life with is Darwin contenders.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:45 AM (EzgxV)

573 570 When dealing with the unknown it is always wise to tread carefully.

The last time I did over react. My fault. That will not happen again.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 03:35 AM (91eZY)

I'm not sure what this means.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:48 AM (EzgxV)

574 571

Any interest?

Yes. Mondays and Wednesdays are bad for me for the next 5 weeks. There is a place very close to me ... I recommend some place else, as I prefer to remain anonymous. The place is nice, and I've looked at potential items there, but never bought or shot there, so I'm just a "looker" with nothing, as far as anyone there (who might recognize me) knows.

I assume you have proper safety glasses (clear is fine), hearing protection (electronic ones are nice), ammo, basic safety training and cleaning equipment.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 03:38 AM (FlRtG)

I own precisely nothing of any value beyond sentimental. The range I'm thinking of has appropriate eye and ear protection and devices for rent, ammunition for sale, and they do cleaning. The basic safety training (that I had pretty much previously received from the Horde already in somewhat abbreviated form ["keep your boogerhook off the bang-switch"]) was tonight.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 03:59 AM (EzgxV)

575 Aw Jeezus! 'Zardoz' is on AMC! I'm wearin' a red diaper for fucks sake!

Posted by: Zombie Sean Connery at July 03, 2015 04:03 AM (gwG9s)


Is the range you're thinking of in your city? That seems like a good choice.

The basic safety training ... needs to be a face-to-face session, and preferably prior to going to the range. Everything stays in the container at the range, except when right on the line, so training there is a bit difficult.

I have a tool bag full of items. Perhaps if you slide your mill back 18" ...

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 04:08 AM (FlRtG)

577 I have two nervous Kids sitting in a Ford F-150 that is stuck in the ditch at the end of my property. Pulling a trailer loaded with construction scrap. They can't get unstuck.

Looks like they were headed to where the old bridge was to do a dump job.

I'll wait until the Sheriff Deputies to get here before I decide what to do.

Boondocks. Dogs. Barking.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 04:10 AM (91eZY)

578 God, Family, Country. The burdens I shoulder are for family, making sure I can provide adequately for them--which I fear now more than ever since the IRS is all up in my sh*t. Mrs. Crank relayed they want me to borrow against my 401k to help pay down tax debt--so they can charge me early withdrawal fees, then tax me this year for the money, then confiscate what I have left for back taxes. The logic of this astounds me--more than 50% of it will be flushed down the IRS tax hole before I even get to use it, and my retirement fund will be f*cked, just so they can get a little more money a little faster.

So it's imperative that I maximize income, and pay more taxes this year, so I can pay off the taxes of yesteryear. It's a regular Red Queen scenario.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at July 03, 2015 04:14 AM (b2cFu)

579 580

Is the range you're thinking of in your city? That seems like a good choice.

The basic safety training ... needs to be a face-to-face session, and preferably prior to going to the range. Everything stays in the container at the range, except when right on the line, so training there is a bit difficult.

I have a tool bag full of items. Perhaps if you slide your mill back 18" ...

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 04:08 AM (FlRtG)

It was local, about four hours, class of four individuals, went to the range for the last bit. Instructor taught technique and then "why", I knew "why" and 2/3 of technique before taught. I got to deal with some mechanical problems (Step 1 -- render the device safe and secure....) and I'm feeling like today has had solid accomplishment. I just want to make sure that everything is cemented in with practice before I'm off to some distraction like internet security.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 04:16 AM (EzgxV)

580 582 God, Family, Country. The burdens I shoulder are for family, making sure I can provide adequately for them--which I fear now more than ever since the IRS is all up in my sh*t. Mrs. Crank relayed they want me to borrow against my 401k to help pay down tax debt--so they can charge me early withdrawal fees, then tax me this year for the money, then confiscate what I have left for back taxes. The logic of this astounds me--more than 50% of it will be flushed down the IRS tax hole before I even get to use it, and my retirement fund will be f*cked, just so they can get a little more money a little faster.

So it's imperative that I maximize income, and pay more taxes this year, so I can pay off the taxes of yesteryear. It's a regular Red Queen scenario.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at July 03, 2015 04:14 AM (b2cFu)

Never do this. Find someone competent and pay them to be on your side.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 04:18 AM (EzgxV)


It was local, about four hours, class of four individuals, went to the range for the last bit.

Excellent. I was not aware of this. Your mill need not be moved. What day do you prefer? I assume you like the range. If you no longer have my number, we can discuss the details at Table 9.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 04:20 AM (FlRtG)

582 At least we don't live in Liberia. 3rd Ebola case there in new outbreak.

Posted by: Baldy at July 03, 2015 04:21 AM (sEXjW)


Conservative Crank:

1. Mr. C is quite correct: Never do this. Find someone competent and pay them to be on your side.

2. I recall hearing a rumor not so many months ago that there were fraudsters trying to pass themselves off as IRS agents. Are you certain that the call was from real IRS agents? In either event, Find someone competent and pay them to be on your side.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 04:25 AM (FlRtG)

584 >>>At least we don't live in Liberia. 3rd Ebola case there in new outbreak.

Posted by: Baldy at July 03, 2015 04:21 AM (sEXjW)<<<

Don't worry, we'll bring them here.

Posted by: SCOAMF's CDC at July 03, 2015 04:26 AM (Ydaoe)

585 585

It was local, about four hours, class of four individuals, went to the range for the last bit.

Excellent. I was not aware of this. Your mill need not be moved. What day do you prefer? I assume you like the range. If you no longer have my number, we can discuss the details at Table 9.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 04:20 AM (FlRtG)

Nobody was aware of this, entirely by design. It's going to take me through Sunday to come up with next week's schedule -- but I'm looking to go through a couple of hundred rounds ASAP to cement the lessons I received with 50 rounds of rimfire spitting tonight. I have your number in my dumb phone and will likely call you Sunday night to coordinate schedules for the week.

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 04:35 AM (EzgxV)

586 That's good Advice Doctor C. Make sure it isn't fraudsters before you do anything else.

Then get you a good IRS lawyakker. Most of time they can save you money in the long run.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 04:36 AM (91eZY)

587 Tim, I could try digging back through this or other threads, or I could just ask -- are we good?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 04:40 AM (EzgxV)

588 Cuthulu.


There are no problems here.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 04:41 AM (91eZY)


A call on Sunday night sounds good.

I now need to shut down for the night.

Posted by: Arbalest at July 03, 2015 04:43 AM (FlRtG)

590 593 Cuthulu.


There are no problems here.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 04:41 AM (91eZY)

*fistbump* [One less thing to worry about.]

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 04:43 AM (EzgxV)

591 Deputies are here. If they are nor working for somebody that has dumped on my property before, I'll let em go with a warning.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 04:44 AM (91eZY)

592 596 Deputies are here. If they are nor working for somebody that has dumped on my property before, I'll let em go with a warning.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 04:44 AM (91eZY)

FMR. Can we provide an alibi that you were here?

Posted by: cthulhu at July 03, 2015 04:46 AM (EzgxV)

593 I can think up some alibis.

Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 04:47 AM (kmtse)

594 Cooth, we're the ones who called the IRS because we got the note that we owe 6 gazillion dollars in taxes (true) and we were at risk of having our stuff seized. The agent who Mrs. Crank spoke to (I was on my way to work, imagine that) told her that seizure was not a realistic possibility, but liens were, as well as the aforementioned 401 liquidation/borrowing.

As I understand it, borrowing against is not quite as horrific as withdrawing early, but definitely still to be avoided.

Posted by: Conservative Crank at July 03, 2015 04:52 AM (b2cFu)

595 Heya SMFH

Posted by: Conservative Crank at July 03, 2015 04:53 AM (b2cFu)

596 Hey Crank : )

Posted by: SMFH at it all at July 03, 2015 04:57 AM (kmtse)

597 WRT the article "in defense of" the F-35 allow me to say:

A more damning indictment is hard to find.

Does the author even read what he wrote? He uses the P-40 as an example of how - if you know how to play to your own planes strengths - you can win.

Seriously? Is that what the USA is looking to do, repeat the P-40? Hey, genius, consider the following:

We deployed the P-40 in 1939 or thereabouts, maybe 1940. By the time this POS took its first flight the Germans were already several revisions into the Bf109, and the Brits had both the Hurricane AND the Spitfire in production. And, yes, the Zero was already well into production too.

So, if you had the most developed aviation industry in the world, with the best technology in the world and the biggest budget in the world... why would you settle for developing the P-40? If that is what we are doing, and that's what this author does in fact say, how stupid are we?

Why not develop the modern day Spitfire or 109? Why settle for, charitably, a mediocre plane? And why *knowingly* do so?

You can say that the F-22 is the Spitfire in this analogy and the F-35 is the Hurricane, but that would be wrong. The Hurricane could go toe to toe with the 109 and sometimes win. It was inferior, definitely, but not grossly so. It was the 109's contemporary, if just.

The F35 cannot reliably defeat a plane developed over 30 years ago. Both the Viper and the Eagle can routinely defeat the F35 in a visual combat, much like the Spitfire, Hurricane, or 109 could routinely defeat the P40.

Why, again, would you knowingly invest in the P40?

Posted by: RobM1981 at July 03, 2015 04:58 AM (zurJC)

598 Well, I'm glad I got to watch the Progress launch mere minutes before I pitched face forward into my keyboard.

Here it is, for those who missed it:

This is only about two months since their failed launch attempt in late April. Say what you will about the Russkies; they are good at picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and getting back in the game.

It's a relief to know that the ISS astronauts won't have to resort to hauling up supplies with ropes and buckets, which might have been the case if this one had failed.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 05:04 AM (sdi6R)

599 >>>NBA basketball stars
Posted by: Here I Stand at July 03, 2015 05:02 AM (uDhu+)<<<


Posted by: Shawn Kemp at July 03, 2015 05:11 AM (Ydaoe)

600 "Why, again, would you knowingly invest in the P40?"

Buzz Wagner.

First American Ace of WW2 Flew a P-40.

The P-40 had superior diving speed. Superior low altitude speed and could a pounding that the Zero of Bf-109 could not.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 05:18 AM (RQ2Z6)

601 Good morning,
I woke up all wet from leaking ice bag @ 4:46.
Did I miss anything last night?

Posted by: Carol at July 03, 2015 05:18 AM (sj3Ax)

602 "Did I miss anything last night?"

Zombie Sean Connery made an appearance this morning. I didn't even know he was dead.

Posted by: Tim in Illinois. Proud owner of Luap Nor's Last Brain Cell at July 03, 2015 05:22 AM (RQ2Z6)

603 Hi SMFH & C. Crank, if you're still here?

Tim in Illinois,
Thank you & I'm pretty sure Sean Connery is still with us.

Posted by: Carol at July 03, 2015 05:26 AM (sj3Ax)

604 It seems like I'm the only one here. I could read comments but I'm going to read Ted Cruz book. I read first of page 1.

Posted by: Carol at July 03, 2015 05:36 AM (sj3Ax)

605 Hoo boy, P-40 wars. This will be great.

That aircraft's only failing was Allison's (General Motors) failure to deliver a workable two-stage supercharger. The remedy was a Packard.

There is a lesson in this.

FWIW without the Merlin, the Mustang was also "marginal" as a dogfighter, although a very good CAS plane, as was the P-40. I guess the big shocker was that the Thunderbolt, which was only s'posed to be a bomb truck, could jig.

North American Aviation was a virtual subsidiary of GM, and was beset with left-wing labor problems. One of the great "Pete Seeger" era jokes has to do with a NAA union officer, in the middle of calling for a strike to cut off supply to the British, being handed a note that Germany had just invaded Russia, and changing his speech mid-rant to exhort more work for the enemies of the Reich.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at July 03, 2015 05:42 AM (xq1UY)

606 So, Bubba Watson, who owns an official General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard is planning on desecrating it and completely ruining the value of it by painting over the flag.


Posted by: TickledPink at July 03, 2015 05:47 AM (adaac)

607 605
One of the great "Pete Seeger" era jokes has to do with a NAA union officer, in the middle of calling for a strike to cut off supply to the British, being handed a note that Germany had just invaded Russia, and changing his speech mid-rant to exhort more work for the enemies of the Reich.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at July 03, 2015 05:42 AM (xq1UY)

In Diana West's book, "American Betrayal", she said that the Lend-Lease program was sold to the American public as a way to help the British, but ended up sending vastly more supplies to the Soviets.

Posted by: rickl at July 03, 2015 05:49 AM (sdi6R)

608 -- Puddleglum in The Silver Chair

Aw, Maet. One sentence in and I realized I what was reading... this is why you are my favorite cob. This passage was actually very important to me this week, and not because of what a bad week it was politically, just personal stuff -- it was playing in my head. Thanks for posting it here. Hope you see my thanks later since I'm sure you are asleep by now. Blessings.

Posted by: Aslan's Girl at July 03, 2015 05:56 AM (xetep)

609 PS thank you, Maet, for "Isaiah's Job" as well; I'm not familiar with it, but from the little you excerpted, I like it already. We are the Remnant, I've known that since I was born-again at age 11. It's not easy being the Remnant tho, not easy at all.

Posted by: Aslan's Girl at July 03, 2015 06:00 AM (xetep)

610 I'm off to read my iBook by Cruz.I hope you have good days or nights.
I'd write Happy Independence Day, but it's tomorrow!

Posted by: Carol at July 03, 2015 06:01 AM (sj3Ax)

611 Sultan Knish is right on the money about how the left doesn't care about anything of these "causes" and Bruce Jenner is the perfect example: if they truly cared about the poor man, they'd want him to get psychiatric help. Abortion is another good example: they claim they care about women, well, abortion is the worst thing a woman can do **for herself**, nevermind the baby. It deeply hurts and most never get over it. So much for "caring" about women.

Posted by: Aslan's Girl at July 03, 2015 06:03 AM (xetep)

612 @607 I met a guy who took delivery of just-assembled Studebaker US6 trucks in Iran, where it was so hot that the cruiser in the port had pumps playing salt water over the turrets all day to keep the magazines from combusting, and drove them to their delivery point on the frozen lake outside Leningrad. Now that's lend-lease.

Russian pilots really liked the P-39. Gunwise, it was sort of the A-10 of the eastern front. Again, lack of Allison supercharger compromised its air-to-air role.

GM had a vast Fisher plant next door to Buffalo Stamping where they literally farted around to avoid having to produce the XP-75 contrarotator. As Brewster proved, there is nothing new about aircraft procurement scandals.

Posted by: Stringer Davis at July 03, 2015 06:05 AM (xq1UY)

613 g'mornin', 'rons

Posted by: AltonJackson at July 03, 2015 06:18 AM (KCxzN)

614 Daniel Greenfield (Sultan Knish) is one of the very best thinkers and writers working today. The essays on his blog are seriously good.

Posted by: Bigsmith at July 03, 2015 07:56 AM (m4vcY)

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